1 Chapter 2 Login Records, File I/O, and Performance

2 Concepts Covered

• Man pages and Texinfo pages • The file I/O API • Reading, creating, and writing files • File descriptors • Kernel buffering • Kernel versus user mode and the cost of system calls • Timing programs • The utmp file • Detecting and reporting errors in system calls • Memory mapped I/O • open, creat, close, read, write, lseek, perror, ctime, localtime, utmpname, getutent, setutent, endutent, malloc, calloc, mmap, munmap, memcpy • Filters and regular expressions

3 Commands are (Usually) Programs

• In UNIX, most commands are programs, almost always written in C. • Shell builtins (e.g., cd and exit) are not programs. • Some commands, such as pwd, are both shell builtins and programs. • By default the shell builtin pwd will be executed; or one can either type \pwd or /bin/pwd

4 Locating Command Binaries

• The most common locations:

/bin /usr/bin /usr/sbin: Administrative commands /usr/local/*: Packages installed after the OS installation /usr/local/bin: Commands that do not come with the UNIX distribution /usr/ucb: (ucb: University of California at Berkeley)

5 The Command

Displays info about who is currently using the system. Produces a listing such as: dsutton pts/1 Jul 23 20:22 ( ioannis pts/2 Jul 24 16:53 ( dplumer pts/3 Jul 26 11:34 ( rnoorzad pts/4 Jul 23 09:25 ( rnoorzad pts/5 Jul 23 09:25 ( sweiss pts/6 Jul 26 13:08 (

6 Researching Commands In UNIX

1. Read the relevant . 2. Follow the SEE ALSO links on the page. 3. Read the Texinfo page if the man page refers to it. 4. Search the manual. 5. Find and read the header (.h) files relevant to the command.

7 Reading Man Pages

• man page for a command have the DESCRIPTION, SEE ALSO, and FILES sections • DESCRIPTION gives the details of usage. • For example, man page for who says: who has an optional file name argument and its default is /var/run/utmp which has the info about current logins. The optional argument can be /var/log/wtmp • We can infer that /var/run/utmp contains info about who is currently logged in. • There is a section of the man pages for the description of system file formats so man wtmp will bring the man page for the wtmp file. • /var/log/wtmp and /var/run/utmp are system files and they are described on the section 5 of the manual. • There we can learn that /var/log/wtmp contains information about who has logged in previously

8 Man Pages and Headers

• All POSIX-compliant UNIX systems also contain man pages for all of the header files included by a function in the kernel's API. • For example

• $ man stdlib.h

will display the man page for the header file

9 Man Page Searching

• To search for all man pages that contain a particular keyword in their one-line summaries in the NAME Section, you can type

• $ man k keyword

• To this work; whatis database should have been built when the man pages were installed.

10 Man Page Searching

• $ man k utmp or • $ apropos utmp will list all man pages that contain the string utmp in their summaries.

• On some systems apropos allow multiple keyword and regular expression searches. • The -a option makes search in man pages whose page names and/or NAME sections contain all keywords provided, as in:

• $ apropos -a convert case toupper (3) - convert letter to upper or lower case FcToLower (3) - convert upper case ASCII to lower case tolower (3) - convert letter to upper or lower case towlower (3) - convert a wide character to lowercase towupper (3) - convert a wide character to uppercase XConvertCase (3) - convert keysyms

11 Man Page Searching: Examples

• $ apropos -ar convert '\' • toupper (3) - convert letter to upper or lower case • FcToLower (3) - convert upper case ASCII to lower case • tolower (3) - convert letter to upper or lower case

• $ apropos convert | grep '\' • FcToLower (3) - convert upper case ASCII to lower case • tolower (3) - convert letter to upper or lower case • toupper (3) - convert letter to upper or lower case • If the output list is still too long to be useful, you can lter it further with another instance of grep:

• $ apropos convert | grep '\' | grep '\' • FcToLower (3) - convert upper case ASCII to lower case

12 Texinfo

• The man page for a command may not have enough content, SEE ALSO section will have a message such as the following:

The full documentation for who is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and who programs are properly installed at your site, the command info coreutils 'who invocation' should give you access to the complete manual.

13 Texinfo: info command

• The info command brings Texinfo pages, an alternative to man pages. • To learn how to use the Texinfo viewer, type • info info • The information is stored in Texinfo as a tree-like structure. • An internal node represents a topic area, and its child nodes are specific to that topic. • The space bar will advance within the entire tree using BFS search. • Shortcuts are d (down) u (up) n (next) p (previous).

14 Digging Deeper into the who Command

• The manual search on the utmp file outputs like:

[Topic] [Title] [Chapter] [Brief Description] endutent [getutent] (3) - access utmp file entries getutent (3) - access utmp file entries getutid [getutent] (3) - access utmp file entries getutline [getutent] (3) - access utmp file entries login (3) - write utmp and wtmp entries logout [login] (3) - write utmp and wtmp entries pututline [getutent] (3) - access utmp file entries sessreg (1x) - manage utmp/wtmp entries for non-init clients setutent [getutent] (3) - access utmp file entries utmp [utmp] (5) - login records utmpname [getutent] (3) - access utmp file entries utmpx.h [utmpx] (0p) - user accounting database definitions wtmp [utmp] (5) - login records

15 Man Page for utmp

• To display the specific chapter, type: $ man 5 utmp $ man S5 utmp • The beginning of the man page for utmp is displayed below (may change from distro to distro):

NAME utmp, wtmp - login records SYNOPSIS #include DESCRIPTION The utmp file allows one to discover information about who is currently using the system. There may be more users currently using the system, because not all programs use utmp logging. Warning: utmp must not be writable, because many system programs (foolishly) depend on its integrity. You risk faked system logfiles and modifications of system files if you leave utmp writable to any user. The file is a sequence of entries with the following structure declared in the include file (note that this is only one of several definitions around; details depend on the version of libc): (...)

16 Reading the Correct Header Files

• echo int main() {return 0;} > empty.c • gcc -v empty.c • The output produced by gcc: #include "..." search starts here: #include <...> search starts here: your_current_working_dir/include /usr/local/include /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-/4.4.5/include /usr/include End of search list

17 utmp.h (stripped down version)

/* The structure describing an entry in the database of struct utmp previous logins . */ { struct lastlog short int ut_type ; // Type of login . { pid_t ut_pid ; // Process ID of login process . __time_t ll_time ; char ut_line [ UT_LINESIZE ]; // Devicename . char ll_line [ UT_LINESIZE ]; char ut_id [4]; // Inittab ID. char ll_host [ UT_HOSTSIZE ]; char ut_user [ UT_NAMESIZE ]; // Username . }; char ut_host [ UT_HOSTSIZE ]; // Hostname for remote login . /* The structure describing the status of a terminated struct exit_status ut_exit ; /* Exit status of a process process . This type is used in ‘struct utmp’ below . */ marked as DEAD_PROCESS .*/ struct exit_status long int ut_session ; // Session ID , used for windowing . { struct timeval ut_tv ; // Time entry was made . short int e_termination ; /* Process termination status .*/ int32_t ut_addr_v6 [4]; // Internet address of remote host . short int e_exit ; /* Process exit status . */ char __unused [20]; // Reserved for future use. }; }; /* The structure describing an entry in the user accounting database . */

18 What Next?

• We see, who opens the utmp.h and reads the structures in sequence and displaying the appropriate data for each login.

• We will use this info as the basis for our own implementation of the command.

19 Writing who command

• The program that implements the who command has two key tasks:

• read the utmp structures from a file • display the information from a single utmp structure on the display device in a user friendly format.

20 Reading Structures From a File

• A binary file, e.g., utmp: • Consists of a sequence of structures • Cannot be read using the C I/O functions, such as get(), getc(), fgets(), and scanf(), nor the istream methods in C++.

• Suppose you do not know the methods of reading from a binary file. • You search man pages as:

• $ man k binary file | grep read

21 Reading Structures From a File (Contd.)

• Search result may give:

• fread(), in Section 3, is part of the C Standard I/O Library. • read(), in Section 2, is the prototype of a system call.

• Type:

$ man 2 read

NAME read - read from a file descriptor SYNOPSIS #include ssize_t read(int fildes, void *buf, size_t nbyte); DESCRIPTION …

22 The Difference Between and

• Functions fopen(), fread(), fwrite(), fclose(), etc. defined in operates on FILE pointers and are part of ANSI C I/O Library. They are C functions one can use on any OS. • Functions open(), read(), write(), and close() are UNIX system calls defined in • The defines misc. symbolic constants and types, and declares misc. functions. • These functions exist only in POSIX-compliant UNIX systems. • These system calls operate on file descriptors, not file streams. • The UNIX system calls operate on the kernel directly while ANSI C I/O Library calls are at a higher level.

23 The read() System Call

• The read() function has three arguments. The man page says that the read() function reads from a file associated with a file descriptor. A file descriptor is a small, non-negative integer. • The second parameter is a pointer to memory buffer. • The third parameter is the number of bytes to read. The return value is the number of bytes actually read, which can never be larger, but might be smaller, or is 1, if something went wrong.

24 The open() and close() System Calls

To read from a binary file, a process must

• open the file for reading • read the bytes, and • close the file.

25 The open() System Call

• According to manpage of open():

#include #include #include int open(const char *path, int oflag, /* mode_t mode */...);

• The value of oflag is one of the following constants dened in : • O_RDONLY open for reading only • O_WRONLY open for writing only • O_RDWR open for reading and writing

26 A First Attempt at Writing who

#include void show_info (struct utmp utbufp) { #include printf("%-8.8s ", utbufp->ut_name); //the logname printf(" "); #include printf("%-8.8s ", utbufp->ut_line); //the tty #include printf(" "); printf("%10ld ", utbufp->ut_time); //login time int main ( ) { printf(" "); int fd ; printf("(%s ) " , utbufp->ut_host); //the host printf("\n" ); //newline struct utmp current_record; } int reclen = sizeof(struct utmp);

fd = open(UTMP_FILE, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { perror(UTMP_FILE); exit(1); }

while (read(fd, ¤t_record, reclen) == reclen) show_info( ¤t_record);

close(fd); return 0; }

27 A First Attempt at Writing who

• $ who1

system b 952601411 () 952601423 () LOGIN console 952601566 () acotton ttyp3 964319088 ( ttypc 964319645 ()

28 A First Attempt at Writing who: Problems

• There are records in the output that do not correspond to user logins • Login times are in some strange format

29 A Second Attempt at Writing who

• The file /usr/include/utmp.h contains denitions of integer constants used for the ut_type member. They are:

#define EMPTY 0 #define RUN_LVL 1 #define BOOT_TIME 2 #define OLD_TIME 3 #define NEW_TIME 4 #define INIT_PROCESS 5 /* Process spawned by "init" */ #define LOGIN_PROCESS 6 /* A "" process waiting for login */ #define USER_PROCESS 7 /* A user process */ #define DEAD_PROCESS 8

30 A Second Attempt at Writing who

show_info(struct utmp *utbufp) { if ( utbufp->ut_type != USER_PROCESS ) return; ...

} void show_time(long timeval) { // displays time in a format fit for human consumption // uses ctime to build a string then picks parts out of it // Note: %12.12s prints a string 12 chars wide and LIMITS // it to 12 chars. char timestr = ctime (&timeval); // string looks like " Sat Sep 3 16:43:29 EDT 2011"

// print 12 chars starting at char 4 printf("%12.12s ", timestr + 4);


31 A Third Attempt at Writing who

• First two versions of who read the data from the utmp file using the read() system call, reading one utmp struct at a time. • An alternative method of accessing the data in the file is to take advantage of a data abstraction layer that the API makes available. • When we did the man page search for man pages related to the utmp file, we ignored the functions found on the page named getutent:

• endutent [getutent] (3) - access utmp file entries • getutent (3) - access utmp file entries • getutid [getutent] (3) - access utmp file entries • getutline [getutent] (3) - access utmp file entries • pututline [getutent] (3) - access utmp file entries • setutent [getutent] (3) - access utmp file entries • utmpname [getutent] (3) - access utmp file entries

32 A Third Attempt at Writing who

There is a simple way of reading the records in a utmp file:

1. Use utmpname() to select the file be accessed by the other functions. 2. Call setutent() to rewind the file pointer to the beginning of the file. 3. Repeatedly call getutent() to get the next utmp record from the file. If no record in file, NULL pointer returns. 4. Call endutent() when finished.

33 A Third Attempt at Writing who

#include #include #include

#define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { struct utmp utbuf, utbufp; int utmpfd;

if ((argc > 1) && (strcmp(argv[1], "wtmp") == 0)) utmpname(_PATH_WTMP) ; else utmpname(_PATH_UTMP) ;


while (getutent_r(&utbuf, &utbufp) == 0) //getutent_r() is thread safe version of getutent() show_info(&utbuf);

endutent(); return 0; }

34 Summary of who

• Man pages and header files can be used to learn about a command to implement. • The utmp interface may not be the same on every UNIX system. There are GNU, non-POSIX, thread-safe version of the interface, and POSIX-compliant utmpx interface. • A truly portable solution includes test macros to conditionally compile the code depending on the target system.

35 Using a File in Read/Write Mode

• open() system call's second parameter is access mode flags: O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, and O_RDWR. • O_RDWR opens file in read/write mode. • The file is opened with the current position pointer pointing to the start of the file. • The current position pointer is a member of the open file structure created by the kernel when a file is opened. • It points to the position of the next byte to read/write in the file.

36 OS Logout Records

The logout process has to do the following:

1. Open the utmp file for reading and writing 2. Read the utmp file until it finds the record for the terminal from which the logout took place. 3. Modify a copy of the utmp record in the process's memory, and replace the utmp record in the file with the modified one. 4. Close the utmp file.

37 Using lseek to Move the File Pointer

• The lseek() system call changes the current position pointer in an open file.

#include #include off_t lseek(int fd, off_t dist, int base)

• fd is the file descriptor returned by open(). The distance (in bytes), dist, is used to move the current position pointer. If dist is positive, it moves forward; if it is negative, it moves backwards. The value of base flag determines the starting position of the current position pointer from which it is to be moved:

1. SEEK_SET dist is forwards relative to the start of the file, 2. SEEK_CUR dist, is relative to the current position pointer and may be positive or negative 3. SEEK_END dist, is relative to the end of the file and may be positive or negative.

38 Another Use of lseek()

• One other use of lseek() is determining an open file's size:

size_t filesize = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);

39 Performance and Efficiency : The cp Command

• The simplest usage is to make a copy of a single file:

• $ cp source_file target_file

• The cp command has to create a file if it does not exist and open it for writing, or overwrite if it exists. • To overwrite a file, it is first truncated, i.e., its length is set to 0, and then the new data is written to the empty file.

40 Creating/Truncating Files: creat() System Call

• The creat() opens a file for writing, if it exists, setting its length to 0, or if it does not exist, to create it. Man page for the open() system call shows the usage:

#include #include #include int open(const char *pathname, int flags); int open(const char *pathname, int flags, mode_t mode); int creat(const char *path, mode_t mode);

fd = creat("prototype", 0751)

41 Writing to Files: The write() System Call

• Used for writing sequences of bytes to the file specied by a given file descriptor:

#include ssize_t write(int fildes, const void *buf, size_t nbyte);

42 A First Attempt at cp

• The structure of the cp command is:

1. open the source file for reading 2. open the copy file for writing 3. while a read of data from the source file to a buffer is not an empty read 4. write the data from the buffer to the copy file 5. close the source file 6. close the copy file

43 A First Attempt at cp

#include if ((source_fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY)) == -1) #include die("Cannot open ", argv[1]); #include if ((target_fd = creat(argv[2], COPYMODE)) == -1) die("Cannot creat ", argv[2]); #define BUFFERSIZE 4096 #define COPYMODE 0644 // copy from source to target while ((n_chars = read(source_fd, buf, BUFFERSIZE)) > 0){ void die(char string1, char string2) { if (n_chars != write(target_fd, buf, n_chars)) fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s ", string1); die("Write error to ", argv[2]); perror(string2); } exit(1); } if (-1 == n_chars) die("Read error from ", argv[1]); int main(int argc, char argv []) { int source_fd, target_fd, n_chars; // close both files char buf[BUFFERSIZE]; if (close(source_fd) == -1 || close(targe t_fd) == -1) die("Error closing files", ""); if(argc != 3){ fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s source destination\n", return 0; argv); } exit(1); }


• The buffer declared an array of BUFFERSIZE chars. • The die() encapsulates error handling logic and calls the perror(). • Every call to API functions checked for a possible error. • The code works correctly. • But does it run fast? How long will it take to copy a very large (>100MB) file?

45 Timing Programs

• The time command measures the amount of time (and other resources) that a command uses. • The simplest form is:

• $ time -p command • The '-p' option displays the traditional POSIX output, which consists of three values: 1. Overall elapsed clock time, real 2. User mode elapsed clock time, user 3. Kernel mode (System) elapsed clock time, sys

46 Buffering and its Impact on Performance (cp)

Buffer Size (Bytes) Real (sec.) User (sec.) Sys (sec.) 2 50,19 3,11 28,27 4 33,27 1,59 13,09 8 24,28 0,76 6,08 16 22,56 0,39 3,08 32 20,53 0,21 1,57 64 21,66 0,10 0,78 128 20,12 0,04 0,43 256 18,27 0,02 0,24 512 19,70 0,00 0,15 1024 18,86 0,00 0,09

47 System Call Overhead

• When a user process makes a call to the kernel for some kind of service, the user process stops executing instructions in its own user space and starts executing instructions that are physically located in kernel space.

• Prior to making the call, the process executes the user program in a non-privileged mode, also known as user mode, and this phase of the process is called the user phase.

48 System Call Overhead

• During the system call, the process executes system code with the privileges accorded the kernel, and is said to be in supervisor or kernel mode; this is called the kernel phase of the process.

• When the call terminates, this kernel phase terminates and the user phase resumes. This is a form of context-switch.

49 System Call Overhead

• The kernel needs to execute in kernel mode because it has to have access to all hardware instructions. • In contrast, user processes must be prevented from executing special instructions.

50 System Call Overhead

• Therefore, when the system call is made, the machine must change mode twice, at the start and at the end of the call.

• It must also change the CPU state, because when the kernel runs, it has a different address space, different sets of resources, and so on.

• All of this changing means that a system call adds overhead to the running time of the program.

51 System Buffering

• When a user process issues a read request from a disk, the kernel transfers the data from the disk to a buffer in kernel memory, and when all of the data transferred, it copies the buffer into the user process's address space. • This copying of data from kernel memory to user memory takes additional time. The symmetric situation occurs on writes: the kernel copies the data from the user address space into kernel memory, and from there transfers it to disk.

52 System Buffering

• The buffering scheme makes as if read/write operations read/write directly from/to the device and operations take place immediately. • In fact, the kernel hides details from the user.

53 Memory Mapped I/O: mmap(), munmap(), memcpy()

• A process can request that a file be mapped to a set of virtual memory addresses. • Read/writes to those addresses are, in effect, reads/writes to the file. • mmap() maps an entire input file to a region of memory. • munmap() undoes a mapping. • memcpy() does single memory to memory copy.

54 Memory Mapped I/O: mmap(), munmap(), memcpy()

#include #include void *mmap(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset); int munmap(void *addr, size_t length); void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n);

55 Memory Mapped I/O: mmap(), munmap(), memcpy()

• The first argument, addr is the starting address for the new mapping. If addr is NULL, kernel chooses the address. It is best to always use NULL as the first argument (portability). • The second argument, length is the length in bytes of the mapping. • The third argument describes the memory protection of the mapping. The possible values are:

1. PROT_EXEC Pages may be executed. 2. PROT_READ Pages may be read. 3. PROT_WRITE Pages may be written. 4. PROT_NONE Pages may not be accessed.

• The address of the new mapping is returned as the result of the call.

56 Memory Mapped I/O: mmap(), munmap(), memcpy()

• The fourth argument determines whether updates to the mapping are visible to other processes mapping the same region, and whether updates are carried through to the underlying file. The following flags are available:

• MAP_SHARED Share this mapping. The file may not actually be updated until msync() or munmap() is called. • MAP_PRIVATE Create a private copy-on-write mapping. It is unspecified whether changes made to the file after the mmap() call are visible in the mapped region.

• Because we want to do I/O we need to set the flag to MAP_SHARED, otherwise no changes will appear in the output file.

57 Second Attempt at cp

#include if ((out_fd = open (argv[2], O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, COPYMODE)) == -1) #include die( "Cannot create", argv[2]); #include #include // get the sizeof the source file by seeking to the end of it: #include if ((filesize = lseek(in_fd, 0, SEEK_END)) == -1) #include die( "Could not seek to end of file ", argv[1]); #include #include "../utilities/die.h" lseek(out_fd, filesize -1, SEEK_SET);

#define COPYMODE 0666 //So we write the NULL byte and filesize is now set to filesize write(out_fd, &nullbyte, 1); int main(int argc, char argv[]) { int in_fd, out_fd; //Time to set up the memory maps size_t filesize; if ((source_addr = mmap(NULL, filesize, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, in_fd, 0)) == (void*)-1) char nullbyte; die("Error mapping file ", argv[1]); void source_addr; if ((dest_addr = mmap(NULL, filesize, PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, out_fd, 0)) == (void*)-1) void dest_addr; die("Error mapping file ", argv[2]);

if (argc != 3) { //copy the input to output by doing a memcpy fprintf(stderr, "usage : %s source destination \n", argv ); memcpy(dest_addr, source_addr, filesize); exit(1); } munmap(source_addr, filesize); //unmap the files munmap(dest_addr, filesize); if ((in_fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY)) == -1) die("Cannot open ", argv[1]); close(in_fd); //close the files close(out_fd); return 0; }

58 Returning to who

• Previous implementations of who read one utmp record at a time. • Each read requires a system call, although a single utmp record is quite small and there are many of them; which is inefficient. • who can benefit increasing the buffer size, just as the cp command. • Modify who so that it reads several utmp records at a time and stores them in an internal array

59 Thanks…