CAPTAIN’S LOG #37 Making Progress TABLE OF CONTENTS Things are happening, and more and more is getting done. We got three new products out HISTORY for , although the fight The Magnificent Panzers by Randy O. Green ...... 2 with the die cutter over the third one delayed other Hit & Run by Joe Gallagher ...... 13 products about three weeks and pushed the next Snapshot: Warp Before Smarba ...... 17 Federation Commander product into the fall. Snapshot: A Pirate’s Life for Me ...... 18 , the girl that brought us to Class History: The WYN Navy by Steven P. Petrick ...... 19 the dance, is getting the new X1R this summer and the new Y2 Early Years II this fall. COMMUNICATIONS We have made a successful effort to make Communications Center ...... 24 sure that we do not allow more unfinished projects After Action Reports; Command the Future ...... 25 to pile on top of previous unfinished projects. Input Guide: An End to Jargon ...... 27 Further, we have reduced the backlog of unfin- Starline 2400 Miniatures: New Ships ...... 28 ished projects, unprocessed reports, unreviewed Ten Questions ...... 29 submissions, and unanswered questions by half. Star Fleet Awards ...... 30 Mail we cannot answer quickly doesn’t get lost. Proposals Board ...... 31 The future is bring as we look forward to a To Ask the Question: Why? ...... 32 series of new product launches, including Klin- gon Armada, Silent Star Fleet, and the Victory FEDERATION COMMANDER Communique ...... 33 by Any Means campaign book. Federation Commander by Email ...... 34 CAPTAIN’S LOG STAFF Command Notes ...... 35 Publisher ...... Stephen V. Cole, PE Federation Commander On-Line ...... 35 Managing Editor ...... Steven P. Petrick Borders of Madness: Fighters in Federation Commander ...... 36 Business Manager ...... Leanna M. Cole Project Z, Part 1: Converting SFB Ships for Federation Commander ..... 37 Customer Service Director ...... Michael Sparks Battleship Star Castle by Commodore Patrick J Doyle ...... 38 Graphics Director ...... Matt Cooper The Photon Dodge by Commodore Patrick J Doyle ...... 39 Proofreading ...... Jean Sexton Five New Scenarios for Federation Commander ...... 40 Star Fleet Staff………John D. Berg, Chuck New Ships for Federation Commander ...... 111 Strong, Jeff Laikind, Gary Plana, Scott SFB SCENARIOS Moellmer, Mike Filsinger, Nick Blank, Mike SL264 The Magnificent Panzers by Randy O. Green ...... 44 West, John Sickels, Scott Tenhoff, Paul SL265 The Battle of Iridima VII by Jeremy Gray...... 45 Franz, Jonathan Thompson, Frank Brooks. SL266 Home-Wrecking by Ken Burnside ...... 47 Security Staff ...... Ramses, Isis SL267 Snake Attack by Scott Tenhoff...... 49 Cover Art ...... Adam Turner SL268 Strengths & Weaknesses by Richard Sherman ...... 50 Interior Art...... See page 83. SL269 The Cost of Division by John Sickels ...... 52 PUBLISHER’S INFORMATION SFB DATABASE Captain’s Log #37 was created and pub- Monster Special Rules: SM9 Death Probe ...... 54 lished by , Inc., P.O. Box Brothers of the Anarchist XVII: Federation Vs. ...... 57 8759, Amarillo, TX 79114. Contact ADB, Inc. to Ask Admiral Growler by Mike Filsinger ...... 58 order spare parts (or to obtain a list), replace- Update: Omega Gunboats for the PF Campaign ...... 62 ment of defective or missing parts, or anything New Rule S8.7: Buying Ground Troops ...... 64 relating to Star Fleet products. Include a stamped self-addressed envelope. Captain’s Log #37 is SFB TACTICS copyright © 2008 Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc.; Victory at Five Nations by Kevin Block-Schwenk...... 66 all rights are reserved under the Pan-American, Tactical Primers: Omega PFs by Scott Moellmer ...... 69 International, and Berne Copyright Conventions. Term Papers...... 71 All rules questions and submissions of new STAR FLEET VENUES material should be sent to ADB, Inc., Post Office Star Fleet Battle Force: More Battleships ...... 72 Box 8759, Amarillo, TX 79114. Include a stamped : Tactical Assault ...... 72 self-addressed envelope if you wish a reply. Un- Playing SFB By E-mail by Frank Brooks...... 73 solicited submissions are accepted only under Star Fleet Warlord: Update by Paul Franz ...... 74 the standard terms found in SFB Advanced Mis- Galactic Conquest: A Tale of Two Rivals by John D. Berg ...... 75 sions and become the property of ADB, Inc. on Prime Directive: Planetary Survey by John Sickels ...... 76 receipt; but authors are compensated if the item Command: Campaign Game by Scott Karen ...... 78 is published. Others should inquire by letter. Star Fleet Battles On-Line by Paul Franz ...... 78 No materials based on, for use with, or in- corporating elements of any Star Fleet Universe FEDERATION & EMPIRE products may be published without permission Project Update ...... 79 of ADB, Inc. Rules & Rulings by Nick Blank & Mike Curtis ...... 79 Elements of the Star Fleet Universe New Ships: Ship Information Table ...... 83 are the property of Rules Update: Enhanced Small Scale Combat by Chuck Strong ...... 84 Paramount Pictures Corporation Tactical Notes...... 86 Scenario 6FP: The Fifth Power by Daniel Knipfer ...... 92 and are used with their permission. SHIPYARD Shipyard Report; New Ships for SFB & FC ...... 96

CAPTAIN’S LOG #37 — Date of Publication 23 June 2008 Page 1