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International Cauncil far the C.H.1984/K:6 Exploration of the Sea Shellfish Committee




Canada ., •••• ••• •••• ••••••• ••• 1

Federal Repub1ic of Germany •••••••••••• 5 Nether1ands •••••••••••••••••.•.••.••••• 7

Norway ••.•••••••••.•.•••••••••••••••••• 9 Spain ••••••••.•••••••.•••••••.••••••••• 9

Uni ted Kingdom, England and Wales •••••• 10

United Kingdom, Scotland •.••••••••••••• 11 USA...... 12

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Beck, P. C., E. G. Dawe and J. Drew. 1983. Breakdown ror 1982 squid (Illex illecebrosus) catches in NAFO Subarea 3, and Division 2J and 4R, wiU;-­ 1ength and sex composition rrom Newfoundland inshore sampies and early season offshore samples. NAFO SCR Doc. 83/21, Sero No. N670. 15pp.

Chandler, R.A. 1983. Ocean quabaug survey, south shore of Nova Scotia, 1971­ 72, with observations on a preliminary survey of SCUBA and a commercial fishery. Can. MS Rep. Flsh. Aquat, Sel. 1726, iv + 28pp.

Coelho, M. L. and A. A. Rosenburg. 1983. Casual analysis of Some biologlcal data on ~ illecebrosus. NAFO SCR Doc. 83/VI/32.

Dawe, E. G., G. R. Lilly and H. J. Drew. 1983. Predatlon by short-finned squid (Illex illecebrosus) in Newfoundland inshore waters. NAFO SCR Doc. 83/74, ser:-No. N740. 16pp•

Hurley, G. V., P. O'Dense, R. K. O'Dor and E. G. Dawe. 1983. First marklng of squid (Illex illeeebrosus) statoliths with tetracycline and strontium • in captivi~NAFO SCR Doc. 83/31, Sero No. N684. 8pp. Naldu, K. S., F. M. Cabill and D. B. Lewis. 1983. Scallop survey in NAFO Division SPs (including Green, St Pierre and Burgeo Banks). CAFSAC Res Doc. 83/4, 27pp.

Naidu, K. S., F. M. Cabill and D. B. Lewis. 1981. Relative efficacy of two artlficial substrates in the eollection of sea scallop, Placopeeten magellanicus spat. J. World. Mar. Soe. 12(2), 165-171.

Naidu, K. S., D. B. Lewis and F. M. Cabill. 1983. St Pierre Bank: an offshore scallop buffer zone. CAFSAC Res. Doc. 83/16. 48pp.

Persons, D. G., E. G. Dawe, G. P. Ennis, K. S. Naidu and D. M. Taylor. 1983. Sampling of eommercial catches for invertebrates in Newfoundland. In W. G. Doubleday and D. Rlvard (ed.) Sampling commercial catches of marine fish and invertebrates. Can. Spec. Publ. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 66.

Rowell, T. W. 1983. The sampling of commercial catches of lnvertebrates and marine plants in the Scotia-Fundy Region. In Doubleday, .... G. and D. Rivard (ed.) Sampling commercial catches or-marine fish and invertebrates. Can. Spec. Publ. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 66.

Rowell, T..... and P. G. Budden. 1983. The 1982 fishery from Illex illecebrosus in SA 4 and biological characteristics of the stock. NAFo-scR Doc. 83/VI/40•

Rowell, T..... and D. R. Chaisson. 1983. Distribution and abundance of the ocean quabog (~ islandica) and Stimpson's surf clam (Splsula ~) resource on the Scotian Shelf. Can. Ind. Rep. Fl~t. Sc1. • 142, v + 75pp. - 2 -

Crustacea Aitken, D. E., S. L. Waddy, L. S. Uhazy and A. Campbell. 1983. A nemertean destructive to the eggs of the (Homarus americanus). Rapp. P.-V. Reun. Cons. Int. Explor. Mer ~, 13O-1~

Bernstein, B. B. and A. Campbell. 1983. Contribution to the development of methodology for sampling and tagging small juvenile (Homarus americanus). Can. MS Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 1741, 34pp. ----

Bowering, W. R., D. G. Parsans and G. R. Lilly. 1983. Predation on ( borealis) by halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) ~tic cod (Gadus morhua) off coastal Labrador. NAFO SCR Doc. 83/88, Sero No N75~6PP:---

Campbell, A. 1983. Growth of tagged lobsters (Homarus americanus) off Port Maitland, Nova Scotia, 1948-80. Can.~Rep. Fish. Aq

Campbell, A. 1983. Growth of tagged American lobsters (Homarus americanus), in the Bay of Fundy. Can. J. Flsh. Aquat. Sei. 40, 1667-167!>.

Campbell, A., S. E. Bellis, G. E. Fawkes and C. lIastey. 1983. Computer programs for analysis of lobster (llomarus amerieanus) movements from tag-recapture data. Can. MS Rep. ~quat. Sei. 1705, 22pp. • Campbell, A.·and M. D. Eagles. 1983. Size at maturity and feeundity of rock , , from the Bay of Fundy and southwestem Nova Scotia. ~ Bull. ~, 357-362.

Campbell, A. and R. K. Mohn. 1983. Definition of Ameriean lobster stocks for the Canadian Maritimes by analysis of fishery-landing trends. ~ Amer. Fish. Soe. 112, 744-7!>9.

Campbell, A. and D. G. Robinson. 1983. Reproductive potential of three (Homarus americanus) stocks in the Canadian Maritimes. Can. J. Fish. Aqua~ ~, 19!>8-1967.

Davidson, K. 1983. Stock delineation and larval of the snow erab, opilio. Masters Thesis, University of Guelph, Ontario, 124pp. -----

EIner, R. W., C. A. Gass and A. Campbell. 1983. Mating behaviour of the Jonah erab, ~ boreaHs Stimpson (Deeapoda, Brachyura). Crustaceana 45.

Einer, R. W. and D. A. Robiehaud. 1983. Status of the snow erab resourCe off the Atlantie coast of Cape Breton Island, 1982. Can. Atl. Fish. Sei. Adv. Comm. Res. Doc. 83/5, 27pp.

Einer, R. W. and D. A. Robiehaud. 1983. Observations on the effieacy of the minimum legal size for Atlantie snow , Chionoeeetes opilio. Can. Atl. Fish. Sei. Adv. Comm. Res. Doc. 83/63, 17pp.

Ennis, G. P. 1983. Annual variations in standing stock in a Newfoundland population of lobsters. N. Am. J. Fish. Mngt ~,26-33. - 3 -

Ennis, G. P., and P. W. Col1ins. 1983. A computer program to assess egg production per recruit in a lobster (Homarus americanus) population. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 1198, iv + 15pp.

Ennis, G. P. 1983. Observations on the behaviour and activity of lobsters, Homarus americanus, in nature. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish.Aquat. Sei. 116~, v + 26pp.

Ennis, G. P. 1983. The effects of wind direction on the abundance and distribution of decapod 1arvae in a Newfoundland near-shore area. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 1138, iv + 19 p.

Ennis, G. P. 1983. Variation in annual growth in two Newfoundland lobster (Homarus amerlcanus) populations in relation to temperature conditions. I~.1983/K:24, 11pp.

Graharn, D. E., A. Carnpbel1 and R. W. EIner. 1983. The distribution and relative abundance of Jonah and rock crabs in the Bay of Fundy, based on by-eatch records from the lobster fishery. Can. AU. Fish. Sei. Adv. Comm. Res. Doc. 83/62, 7pp•

Harnet, S. L. and R. W. EIner. 1983. Field investigation into the direct and indirect effects of ocean dumping on lobster ecology &nd habitat. In: • Report on ocean dumping research end deve10pment - Atlantic Region,-­ 1981/82 (proceedings of a workshop held at St Andrews Biological Station, January 18, 1983). Env. Can. Survei11ence Rep. EPS/5/AR/83/9, 18 pp.

Miller, R. J. 1983. Considerations for conducting field experiments with baited traps. Fisheries ~, 14-17.

Mohn, R. K. and M. L. Etter. 1983. Scotia-Fundy shrimp stock status - 1982. Can. Atl. Fish. Sei. Adv. Comm. Res. Doc. 83/36.

Parsons, D. G., E. G. Oawe, G. P. Ennis, K. S. Naidu end D. M. Taylor. 1983. Sarnpling of commercial catches for invertebrates in Newfoundland. In W. G. Doub1eday and D. Rivard (ed) Sampling commercial catches of marine fish and invertebrates. Can. Spec. Pub1. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 66.

Parsons, O. G., P. J. Ve1tch end G. E. Tucker. 1983. The Canadian fishery for shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in Division OA, 1982. NAFO SCR Doc. 83/2, Sero No N640, ~

Parsons, D. G. 1983. Assessment methodology for Northwest Atlantic shrimp stocks. CAFSAC Res. Doc. 83/13. 18pp.

Parsons, O. G. 1983. Observations on the abundance end distribution of predators of shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in the Cartwrignt end Hopedale Channels. CAFSAC Res. Doe. 83/12. 15pp•

Parsons, O. G., G. E. Tucker and P. J. Veitch. 1983. Status of the northern shrimp (Pendalus borealis) resources in the Hopedale end Cartwright Channels (Div. 2M end 2J) considering decreasing fishing effort in recent • years. CAFSAC Res. Ooe. 83/10. 27pp. Parsons, D. G., P. J. Veitch and G. E. Tueker. 1983. Distribution, abundance end some biologica1 charaeteristics of the striped pink shrimp () in the eastern Hudson Strait end Ungava Bay. CAFSAC Res:-i5öC: 83/11. 28pp. - 4 -

Pezzack. D. S. 1983. Distribution of lobsters in the midshore and offshore regions of SW Nova Scotia during October 1983. July 1981. and October 1981 trap surveys. Can. Atl. Fish. Sei. Comm. Res. Doe. 83/67.

Pezzack. D. S. and D. R. Duggan. 1983. The Canadian offshore lobster (~ americanus) fishery - 1971-1983. ICES C.M.1983/K:34.

Pringle, J. D. and R. E. Duggan. 1983. A remote sensing technique for quantifying lobster fishing effort. Csn. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 1217. v + 16pp.

Pringle. J. D., D. G. Robinson, G. P. Ennis and p. Dube. 1983. An overview of the management of the lobster fishery in Atlantie Canada. Csn. MS Rep. Fish. Aquat, Sei. 1701. vii + 103pp.

Stasko. A. B. and D. J. Gordon. 1983. Distribution and abundsnce of lobster 1arvae off southwestern Nova Scotia 1977-78. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sei. 1175, 23pp.

Taylor, D. M., W. R. Squires and P. G. O'Keefe. 1983. An alternate methodo1ogy for estimating snow erab (Chionoecetes opilio) populations in eommercislly fished areas. CAFSAC Res. Doc. 83/1. 10pp. Taylor. D. M. 1982. Arecent deve10pment in tagging studies on snow erab. • Chionoecetes opilio in Newfoundland - retention of tags through ecdysis. In: The Proceedings of the International Symposium on the genus Chionoecetes. Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposia Series, University of Alaska, Alaska Sea Grant Rep. 82-10, 405-417.

Taylor, D. M., snd P. G. O'Keefe. 1983. Assessment of snow erab (Chionoecetes opilio) stocks in Newfoundland in 1980. CAFSAC Res. Doe. 83/3. 40pp.


Miller, R. J. and A. G. Colodey. 1983. Widespread mass mortalities of the green sea urchin in Nova Seotia. Mar. Biol. 11, 263-267.

Moore, D. S. and R. J. Miller. 1983. Recovery of macroalgae following widespread sea urchin mortality with a description of the nearshore hard-bottom habitat on the Atlantie eoast of Nova Seotia. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish Aquat, Sei. 1230, viii + 94pp. - 5 -

FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY Mollusca Borchardt, T. 1983. lnfluence of food quantity on the kinetics of cadmium uptake and loss via food and seawater in Mytilus edulis. ~ Biology ~ (1), 67-76.

Fischer, H. 1983. Shell weight as an independent variable in relation to cadmium content of molluscs. Marine Ecology g. 59-75.

Gerdes, D. 1983. The Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Part l. Feeding behaviour of larvae and adults. Part H. Oxygen consumption of larvae and adults, Aquaculture (31), 195-219. 221-231.

Heil, K.P. & D. Eichelberg. 1983. Untersuchungen zum Harnsäuremetabolismus von Littorina littorea (Gastropoda). HelgoI. Meeresunters. ~ (4), 465-472.

Meixner, R. 1983. Aussicht auf natUrlichen Nachwuchs fUr die Muschelkulturen. lnfn. Fischw. ~ (2), 84-85.

Meixner. R. 1983. Heißer Sommer 1983 bewirkte Herzmuschelmast. lnfn. Fischw. 30 (4), 203.

Meixner, R. 1983. Das importierte Schlickgrad Spartina townsendii als Substrat CUr Miesmuscheln ~ytilus edulis. Arch. FischWiss. 11 (3). 151-159.

Meixner. R. 1983. Overcrowding in cockles, Cardlum edule, and its effects a case study. lCES CM 1983/K:11, 5pp.

Nell, J.A•• M.E. Skeel & P. Dunkley. 1983. Uptake of some dissolved organic nutrients by the Sydney rock oyster Saccostrea commercialis. ~. Biology 74 (2), 313-318.

Neudecker. T. 1983. Austernsortiermaschine erleichtert Setzlingsaufzucht. lnfn. Fischw. 30 (2). 79-84.

Neuboff, H.-G. 1983. Synergistic physiological effects of low eopper and various oxygen concentrations on Macoma balthica. Marine 6iology ZZ (1), 39-48.

Sprung, M. 1983. Reproduetion and fecundity of the mussei Mytilus edulis at Helgoland (North Seal. Helgoi. Meeresunters. ~ (3). 243-2~5.

Crustacea Anger, K., N. Laasch. C. PUsche1 & F. Sehorn. 1983. Changes in biomass and chemical composition of spider crab (Hyas araneus) larvae reared • in the laboratory. Marine Ecology g (1), 91-101. Anger. K. 1983. Moult cycle and morphogenesis in Hyas araneus larvae (, Majidae), reared in the laboratory. Helgoi. Meeresunters. 36 (3). 285-302. - 6 -

Berghahn, R. 1983. Untersuchungen an Plattfischen und Nordseegarnelen () im Eulitoral des Wattenmeeres nach dem Obergang zum Bodenieben. Helgol. Meeresunters. ~ (2), 163-181.

Boone, R.J. & M. Manthey. 1983. The anatomical distribution of fluoride within various body segments and organs of Antarctic (Euphausla superba Dana). Arch. FlschWiss. 34 (1), 81-85.

Christians, O. & M. Leinemann. 1983. Die Eiwei3autolyse im Muskelfleisch von gefriergelagertem antarktischem Krill (Euphausia superba Dana) in Abhängigkeit von der Lagertemperatur nach 12-monatiger Lagerung. Areh. FischWiss. 34 (1), 97-102.

Christians, O. & M. Leinemann. 1983. Rohproteingehalt in abzetrifugierten Körpersäften in Abh~gigkeit von der Vorlagerzeit des Rohkrill. Infn. ~. ~ (1), 52-54.

Christians, O. & M. Leinemann. 1983. Ober die Fluoridwanderung aus den Schalen in das Muskelfleisch bei gefriergelagertem antarktischem Krill (Euphausla sup~rba Dana) in Abhängigkeit von der Lagertemperatur und • -zeit. Arch. FischWiss. ~ (1), 87-95.

Fricke, H. & W. Schreiber. 1983. Gehalte an Triglyceriden, Phosphatidylcholin und -ethanolamin in antarktischem Krill. Naturwiss.~, 308-309.

Jothy, A.A., E. Huschenbeth & U. Harms. 1983. Dn the detection of heavy metals, organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in fish and shellfish from the coastal waters of Peninsular Malaysia. Arch. FischWiss. ~ (3), 161-206.

Hempel, I. & G. Hempel. 1982. Distribution of euphausiid 1arvae in the southern Weddel1 Sea. Meeresforschung 29 (4), 253-266.

Manthey, M. & W. Schreiber. 1983. Senkung des F1uoridgehaltes im Krill durch Behandlung mit Säuren. Infn. Fischw. ~ (2), 102-106.

Siebers, D., A. Winkler, K. Leweck & A. Madian. 1983. Regulation of sodium in the shore crab Carcinus maenas, adapted to environments of constant and changing salinities. Helgoi. Meeresunters. 36 (3), 303-312.

Siegel, V. 1983. Investigations on krill (Ephausla superba) in the southern Weddell Sea. Meeresforschung 29 (4), 244-252.

Siegel, V. 1983. Population structure of Euphausia superba in the eastern part of the Bransfield Strait. In: On the biology of krill, Euphausla superba. Proc. Seminar and Report of the Krill Exology Group, Bremer­ haven, 12-16 May 1983. Ber. Polarforsch. (Sonderh. 4), 227-238.

Storch, V. & K. Anger. 1983. Influence of starvation and feeding on the hepatopancreas of larval Hyas araneus (Decapoda, Majidae). Helgoi. Meeresunters. ~ (1), 67-75.

Tiews, K. 1983. By-catch in the shrimp (Crangon crangon) fishery of the Federa1 Republic of Germany in 1980. Annls. Bioi., Copenh. ~, 233-234 (1980). - 7 - i • I

Tlews. K. 1983. On the changes of flsh and crustacean st.ocks on the German North Ses cosst during the years 1954-1981 and the hypothetical role of pollution as a csusative fact.or. ICES CM 1983/E:16, 18pp.

Tiews, K. 1983. Starke Veränderungen der Fisch- und Krebstierbestände im deutschen Wattenmeer im Zeitraum von 1954-1981. In!n. Fischw. ~, 144-146. u. Fischerblatt ~ (12), 321-324.

Tiews, K. 1983. Uber die Veränderungen im Auftret.en von Fischen und Krebsen im Beifang der deutschen Garnelenfischerei während der Jahre 1954-1981 ­ Ein Beitrag zue Okologie des deutschen Wattenmeeres und zum biologischen Monitoring von Okosystemen im Meer. Arch. FischWiss. 34 (Beih. 1), 1-156. --

Watermann. B. & V. Dethlefsen. 1983. Schwarzflecken der Garnelen - Umwelt­ • problem. Krankheit oder Verletzung? In!n. Fischw. ~ (2), 24-29• THE NETHERLANDS ----Iolollusca Dijkema, R. 1983. Voorkomens en bestanden van schelpdieren, vangst en maricu1tuur. Voedselwinning uit zee, 82p. Special edition Visserij 1983,36-43, 49-59.

Drinkwaard, A.C. 1983. Vissers in de Delta: Schelpdieren. Acht.er dijken en dammen - Zeeland en de Deltawerken, l43p. (ISBN 90 290 9783 3) Meu1enhoff Informatief BV, Amsterdam, 1983: 60-66.

Drinkwaard, A.C. 1983. Experiences with mussei cultivation in the Netherlands. Quart.erly Newslett.er E.N.S. 32, 60-76; ~,56-67.

Drinkwaard, A.C. 1983. Annual report 1982 "Schelpdieronderzoek". Visserij 36 (4), 269-274 en 286-287 (English summary).

Misdorp, R., L.H.Iol. Kohsiek, F.H.I.M. Steijaert and R. Dijkema. 1983. Environment.a1 consequences of a 1arge sca1e coastal engineering project on aspects of mussei cu1tivation in the Eastern Scheldt.. Proceedings of the Symposium on Integration of Ecological Aspects in Coastal Engin­ eering Projects. Rotterdam, 6-10 June 1983. Wat. Sei. Tech. ~, 95-105.

Kat, M. 1983. Diarrhetic mussei poisoning in the Nether1ands related to the dinoflsgel1at.e Dinophysis acuminata. Antonie ven Leeuwenhoek ~ (1983). 417-427.

Kay, M. 1983. Dinophysis acomunats blooms in the Dutch coasta1 area re1ated • to diarrhetic musse1 poisoning in the Dutch Wadden Sea. ~ 68, 81-84.

Kat, M. 1983. "Rode" oesters in het Grevelingenmeer. ("Red" oysters in the Lake Grevelingen). Visserij Nieuws ~ (46/47), 13. - 8 -

Domestic Reports SO 81-01 Dijkema, R. en J. Bol. 1983. Grootte, verspreiding en samenstelling van het oesterbestand in de Grevelingen in 1981 en 1982.

SO 83-02 Phernambucq-van Iwaarden, A.J.W., M.T.T. de Leeuw-Vereecken en A.M.P.E. Verras. 1983. Waterkwa1iteitsonderzoek op de Yerseke Bank en in de guel bij het buitendljkse bedrijfsterrein "Oe Molenpolder" te Yerseke. I. Resultaten mei-december 1980.

SO 83-02 Idem. 11. Resultaten januari-december 1981.

SO 83-03 Idem. 111. Resultaten januari-december 1982.

RWS-DDMI 83.14. Augustus 1983. Steijaert. F.H.I.M. 1983. Het funktioneren van de mosselpercelen in de Oosterschelde. Eerste voortgangsrapport (First progress report). RWS-DDMI 83.21. December 1983. Steijaert. F.H.I.M. 1983. De mosselverwater­ • plaatsen op de Yerseke Bank. Een analyse van het funktioneren v~~ de mosselverwaterplaatsen in de huldige situatie en de situatie na het gereedkomen van de stormvloedkering in de Oosterscheldemonding.

Crustacea Boddeke, R. 1983. The 1ife cycle of the brown shrimp and the Dutch shrimp fisheries. Proceedings of the 14th Shellfish conference 17-18 May 1983. The Shellfish Association of Great Britain.

Boddeke, R. 1983. The coastal zone of Holland, a new Waddensea. ICES CM 1983/K:21.

8oddeke, R. 1983. Het Hollandse kustgebied, een nieuwe Waddensee. Visserij 36, 91-99.

Boddeke, R. 1983. Hoeveel garnalen zijn er deze herfst te vangen? Visserij­ nieuws~ (29), 22.

Boddeke, R. 1983. De garnalenvangst in oktober. Vlsserijnieuws ~ (30/31), 33.

Boddeke, R. 1983. Sterke wijting jaark1as 1983 decimeert garnalen stand in de Duitse Bocht. Visserijnieuws ~ (38), 15. - 9 -


Mo11usca Wiborg, Kr. Fr. & I.M. Beck. 1983. The squid Todarodes sagittatus (Lamarck); distribution in northern waters, August 1982-June 1983. ICES CM 19831 K:7, 15pp.

Crustacea Teigsmark, G. & P. ~ynes. 1983. Results of a stratified bottom trawl survey for (Pandalus borealis) in the Spitsbergen area in July 1982. ICES CM 1983/K:17, llpp.

Teigsmark, G. & P. ~nes. 1983. Norwegian investigations on the deep sea shrimp (Panda1us borea1is) in the Barents Sea in Apri1-May 1983 and in the Spitsbergen area in Ju1y 1983. ICES CM 1983/K:46, 18pp.


Crustacea , Sarda, F. 1983. Determinacion de los estados de intermuda de (L.), mediante 1a observacion de los p1eopodos. ~ Pesq. ~ (1), 95-112.

Sarda, F. 1983. EI proceso de regeneracion de las que1as en 1a ciga1a, Nephrops norvegicus (L.). Invest. Pesq. 47 (1), 113-123.

• - 10 -


England and Wales ----Mollusca Dare, P.J., D.B. Edwards & G. Davies. 1983. Experimental collection and handling of spat musseis (Mytilus edulis L.I on ropes for Intertldal cultivatlon. Fish. Res. Tech. Rep., MAFF Direct. Fish. Res., Lowestoft, (741, 23pp.

Dare, P.J., G. Davies & D.B. Edwards. 1983. Predatlon on juvenile Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg) and musseis (Mytilus edulis L.) by shore crabs (Carcinus maenas (L.II. Fish. Res. Tech. Rep., MAFF Direct. Fish. Res., Lowestoft, (731, ISpp.

Crustacea Bannister, R.C.A., J.T. Addison, S.R.J. Loveweil & A.E. Howard. 1983. Results of arecent minimum size assessment for the fisheries for lobster, Ilomarus gammarus (L.), in England and Wales. ICES CM 1983/K:4, 4pp. • Bennett, D.B. & S.R.J. Loveweil. 1983. Lobster (L) tagging trials in England. Fish. Res. Tech. Rep., MAFF Direct Fish. Res. Lowestoft (711, 7pp.

Bennett, D.B. 1983. Irish Sea Nephrops biometries, with particular reference to tails. ICES CM 1983/K:I0.

Brander, K. 1983. Application of a multispecies steady state yield model to the cod and Nephrops stocks in the lrish Sea. ICES CM 1983/K:9.

Howard, A.E. & R.S. Nunny. 1983. Effects of near-bed current speeds on the distribution and behavlour of the lobster (Homarus gammarus) (L.». J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol. 12, 1-16.

Howard, A.E., 1983. The behaviour of hatchery reared juvenile lobsters (Homarus gammarus), released and observed by divers. ICES CM 1983/K:3, Spp.

Nichols, J.H., D.B. Bennett, D.J. Symonds & R. Crainger. 1983. Estimation of the stock size of adult Nephrops from larvae surveys in the western Irish Sea in 1982. ICES~/K:6, 7pp.

Symonds, D.J. & J.M. Elson. 1983. The food of selected fish species on Nephrops grounds in the western lrish Sea. ICES CM 1983/K:8, 6pp. - 11 -

Scotland ----Mollusca Birkbeck, T.H. & J.G. McHenery. 1982. Degradation of bacteria by Mytilus ~. Mal". Biol. E, 7-15. Fraser, D.l. 1983. Observations on the settlement of pectinid spat off the west coast of Scotland in 1982. ICES CM 1983/K:40, 5pp.

Howell, T.R.W. 1983. A eomparison of the effieieneies of two types of Scottish commercial seallop dredge. ICES CM 1983/K:38, 3pp.

McHenery, J.G., J.A. Allen & T.H. Blrkbeek. 1983. Effect of tidal sub­ mersion on lysozyme aetivity in Mytllus edul1s and Tellina tenuis. Mal". Biol. 75, 57-61.

Mason, J. 1983. The 4th peetinid workshop, Aberdeen, May 1983. ICES CM 1983 /K:37, 20pp.

Mason, J. 1983. Scallop end queen fisheries in the British Isles. Farnham, • Fishing News Books Ltd, 144pp. Mason, J., R.G.J. Shelton, J. Drinkwater & F.G. Iloward. 1983. Shellfish resourees in the Inner !Iebrides. Proc. Roy. Soe. Edlnb. 83B, 599-610.

Crustacea Bailey, N. & C.J. Chapman. 1983. A eomparison of density, length composition and growth of two Nephrops populations off the west coast of Seotland. ICES CM 1983/K:42, 9pp.

Kinnear, J.A.M. 1983. The effect of trap immersion time on the eatch of the lobster Homarus gammarus (L.) in two Seottish fisheries. lCES CM 1983/ K:43, 7pp.

Howard, F.G. 1983. The United Kingdom Fishery for the deep water shrimp Pandalus borealis in the . Scott. Fish. Res. Rep. No. 30, 16pp.

!Ioward, F.G. & W.B. Hall. 1983. Some observation on the biometries of Nephrops norvegicus (L.) in Seottish waters. lCES CM 1983/K:36, 4pp.

Howard, F.G., J. Balley & A.M. Shanks. 1983. lnvestigations into the eodend mesh seleetivity of shrimp trawls. lCES CM 1983/K:35, 5pp.

Smith, V.J., L.J. Hillman & A.C. Wardlaw. 1983. Crustaeean shel1 disease: a preliminary epidemiologieal and baeteriologieal survey. In: 3rd lnt. Colloq. lnvertebr. Pathol., Brlghton, U.K., 6-10 September 1982 • (C.C. Payne & H.D. Burgess eds.). - 12 -

~ Appeldoorn. R.S. 1983. Variation in the growth rate of Mya arenaria and its relationship to the environment as analyzed througn principa1 components analysis and the parameter of the von Bertalanffy equation. Fish. Rull. (U.S.). 75-84.

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