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Our Catholic Faith-Models of Faith Series Blessed Patch

To earn this patch, learn about Blessed Mother Teresa. Complete one activity from each section. Although you may want to add this page to your Girl Scout or Camp Fire USA journal/scrapbook, you do not need to write out the answers. If you are working together as a group or troop, have discussions and/or group activities. If you are working individually, include your family. If you are an older girl or boy, learn about Blessed Mother Teresa and teach younger children. Once earned, Girl Scouts may place this patch on the back of the sash or vest. Once you have learned about Blessed Mother Teresa, your leader, advisor, or parent may order the patch for you by visiting the website, and clicking on the link to the NFCYM Online Store. Mother Teresa was born in Macedonia, in Eastern Europe, on August 26, 1910. When she was eighteen she left her home to join an order of Irish named the Sisters of Loreto. She took her vows just before her twenty-first birthday in 1931, and began teaching at St. Mary’s High School in Calcutta, India. Mother Teresa taught for seventeen years until one day, in 1948, she realized her true calling was to help the poorest of the poor and in 1950 she was granted permission to begin an order of her own called the Missionaries of Charity. Its primary task was to love and care for those people nobody else looked after. This group of religious women would go into the slums of Calcutta and minister to the poor, the hungry, the sick, and the orphans. It was through this kind of work that Mother Teresa became known as the “ of the Gutters.

For All Youth

 What else can you find out about Mother Teresa?

 Do you know how she became Blessed Mother Teresa?

 In 1965 the Missionaries of Charity became an International Religious Family. Find out in what other countries the Missionaries serve. What do they do?

Courtesy of NCCGSCF & NFCYM Name:______Date:______

 Mother Teresa’s work has been recognized and acclaimed throughout the world and she has received a number of awards and distinctions. What are some of these awards and what do they mean?

The Power of a Smile Mother Teresa spent much time praying and serving others, and always did so with a smile on her face. Smiling is good for the soul and the body; did you know it takes 43 muscles to frown and only 17 to smile? A smile is a great source of power. It can make everybody around you feel better, it can completely change a room, and it may even change lives. It is often said, “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.”

 What do you think about this?

 How have you seen your smile affect others?

A Woman of Action and Voice In addition to all the work Mother Teresa did with her hands in Calcutta, she is also known for being a very well-spoken woman around the world. She was able to verbalize her thoughts and faith in such a beautiful yet simple manner. One of the main reasons Mother Teresa did what she did was because she had a profound love for life and believed all people should have the opportunity to live their lives to the fullest. She acted as a voice for those who did not have one. Most of the time, the best way Blessed Mother Teresa would express herself was through prayer.

 With guidance of a grownup go to and research some of her preferred prayers.

 What are some of your favorite prayers?

 Words are a very powerful tool. How have words influenced you? How might your words influence others?

Courtesy of NCCGSCF & NFCYM Name:______Date:______

Saintly Service Blessed Mother Teresa aided the poorest of the poor in her country the best way she could. Preform a service project that benefits the poor.

 What are some ways you can help the poor in your neighborhood, city, or state?

 Get your troop or family together and brainstorm some ideas.

 Would you help the hungry, maybe by working at a soup kitchen?

 Would you help the homeless, maybe by doing a coat drive?

 Would you help the lonely, maybe by spending some time at a shelter or sitting with another boy/girl at school who always sits alone?

 Check out our website for more ideas!

Create Your Own Activity Mother Teresa realized that she wanted to begin a new order for her mission, for the mission of God, and therefore she went out and began the Missionaries of Charity. This model of faith recognized that she needed to think a little outside the box and start something innovative.

 So now it is your turn to start something new, something fresh; what are some activities you could do to share your knowledge of Mother Teresa with others?

 Would it be in your troop, your school, your parish, or maybe in your family?

Why Is It? The symbols on the Mother Teresa patch are her white sari and her welcoming smile.  Why do you think those symbols were chosen to represent Blessed Mother Teresa?

Courtesy of NCCGSCF & NFCYM Name:______Date:______

Our Catholic Faith-Models of Faith Series St. Monica Patch

To earn this patch, learn about St. Monica. Complete one activity from each section. Although you may want to add this page to your Girl Scout or Camp Fire USA journal/scrapbook, you do not need to write out the answers. If you are working together as a group or troop, have discussions and/or group activities. If you are working individually, include your family. If you are an older girl or boy, learn about St. Monica and teach younger children. Once earned, Girl Scouts may place this patch on the back of the sash or vest. Once you have learned about St. Monica, your leader, advisor, or parent may order the patch for you by visiting the website, and clicking on the link to the NFCYM Online Store. Saint Monica was born around the year 333 in northern Africa in a country now known as Algeria. She is a wonderful example of a holy woman in the early church. When Saint Monica was young, her family arranged for her to marry a man she did not know. This man had a different faith than Monica. He was pagan and worshipped multiple gods. Although Monica’s marriage was difficult, she remained faithful to her beliefs. She was so faithful that her husband converted to Christianity before passing away. Saint Monica had three children. The most wellknown of her children is Saint Augustine. When Augustine was young, he led a life that was far from the faith and Monica worried about him greatly. Every day for seventeen years she prayed earnestly for the conversion of his heart. Her persistent prayers were answered. Saint Augustine was baptized a Catholic and eventually became a bishop and very important Catholic writer. People read and are inspired by Saint Augustine’s writing today. Saint Monica died in the year 387. She is known as the of married women and mothers.

Activities For All Youth Saint Monica is believed to have been born in Souk Ahras, Algeria. Look at a map and find Souk Ahras.

 Where is it in relation to your home? To ?

 What strikes you most about Saint Monica and her life?

Courtesy of NCCGSCF & NFCYM Name:______Date:______

 Saint Monica prayed for her son for 17 years. Imagine praying for someone for 17 years. What would it feel like?

 Would you continue to keep praying? Why or why not?

For Older Youth Saint Augustine talks about his mother in his book The Confessions. Find the book and read some of it.

 What does he say about his mother?

 Many difficult marriages in the United States have ended in divorce. What does Saint Monica’s example tell us about the importance of marriage?

 Learn more about the vocation of marriage as taught by the . The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has an entire website dedicated to it.

Be Creative Tell your family about Saint Monica. Find a creative way to tell her story.  Get your family or a group of friends to start praying for someone who is in need of prayer.

Saint Monica was very patient and persistent in her prayer. We too can be patient and persistent in our prayers even if it takes a long time.  Is there someone in your family who may have wandered from the faith? If so, pray for the conversion of heart for your family member and do not give up.

 You can ask Saint Monica to pray for patience and persistence for you.

Courtesy of NCCGSCF & NFCYM Name:______Date:______

Why Is It?

 Why is it that Saint Monica was so persistent in praying for the conversion of her husband and son to the Catholic faith?  What does this tell you about our faith?

Courtesy of NCCGSCF & NFCYM Name:______Date:______

Our Catholic Faith-Models of Faith Series St. Patch

To earn this patch, learn about St. Kateri Tekakwitha. Complete one activity from each section. Although you may want to add this page to your Girl Scout or Camp Fire USA journal/scrapbook, you do not need to write out the answers. If you are working together as a group or troop, have discussions and/or group activities. If you are working individually, include your family. If you are an older girl or boy, learn about St. Kateri Tekakwitha and teach younger children. Once earned, Girl Scouts may place this patch on the back of the sash or vest. Once you have learned about St. Kateri Tekakwitha, your leader, advisor, or parent may order the patch for you by visiting the website, and clicking on the link to the NFCYM Online Store. Tribal information says Saint Kateri Tekakwitha was the daughter of a Mohawk chief and an Algonquin mother. At age four, she lost her parents and brother to a smallpox epidemic. Her mother was a Christian and Kateri Tekakwitha wanted to become a Christian too. The smallpox left Kateri Tekakwitha almost blind and very frail. A friend, Anastasia, taught her about God, and she prayed that the “Blackrobes” would come and baptize her. At thirteen, Kateri Tekakwitha made a vow to God that she would never marry. She was finally baptized when she was nineteen. Kateri Tekakwitha’s life was difficult. She experienced cruelty by her tribe for her beliefs, and because of this, she was not permitted to practice her faith openly. She was given very difficult work to do for the tribe, but never complained and did what was needed. In 1677, Kateri Tekakwitha’s friends arranged an escape for her to Canada where she completed her studies of the faith and received her . She was now in a place where she was loved and wanted, and where she could serve God in peace. Kateri Tekakwitha did strenuous penance for the sins of her tribe and, in doing so, weakened herself. She died when only twenty-four years old. She is a great role model for young girls. Many miracles are attributed to Kateri Tekakwitha’s intercession.

For All Youth Have an adult help you find a book on Saint Kateri Tekakwitha where you can read more about her life. See if you can find the answers to the following:

 Where was Saint Kateri Tekakwitha born?

 What is the difference between the Mohawk and Algonquin Tribes?

Courtesy of NCCGSCF & NFCYM Name:______Date:______

 By what other name is Saint Kateri Tekakwitha known?

 What does Tekakwitha mean?

 What are Blackrobes?

Older Youth Find some books or a trustworthy website to do some research on Saint Kateri. Some good sites to begin with are,,, or www. Use these questions to guide your research:  What is Saint Kateri Tekakwitha’s clan?

 With whom did Saint Kateri Tekakwitha live after her parents died?

 Where was Saint Kateri Tekakwitha buried?

 Why did Saint Kateri Tekakwitha decide to make a vow of chastity?

First Native American Saint After Kateri Tekakwitha died, suddenly the ugly pock marks she had almost all her life were wiped away from her young face. We believe, as those at her beside did long ago, that God was showing us all how very special this young Native American woman was to him and to our world. Now Kateri Tekakwitha is our first Native American saint. Saint Kateri Tekakwitha served her tribe with hard work and later with penance and prayer. Saint Kateri Tekakwitha had a great devotion to the cross and Jesus crucified, and while walking in the woods, would often lash sticks together to form a cross for prayer.  What do you admire about Saint Kateri Tekakwitha?

Courtesy of NCCGSCF & NFCYM Name:______Date:______

 How can you be more like Saint Kateri Tekakwitha?

Saintly Service

 Choose a group that needs help and do a service project for them. Check out our website for ideas. www. catholicreligiousrecognitions. org.

Why Is It? Saint Kateri Tekakwitha is often pictured with a cross and a lily.  Why do you think those symbols are used to represent Saint Kateri Tekakwitha?

Courtesy of NCCGSCF & NFCYM Name:______Date:______

Our Catholic Faith-Models of Faith Series St. Juan Diego Patch

To earn this patch, learn about St. Juan Diego. Complete one activity from each section. Although you may want to add this page to your Girl Scout or Camp Fire USA journal/scrapbook, you do not need to write out the answers. If you are working together as a group or troop, have discussions and/or group activities. If you are working individually, include your family. If you are an older girl or boy, learn about St. Juan Diego and teach younger children. Once earned, Girl Scouts may place this patch on the back of the sash or vest. Once you have learned about St. Juan Diego, your leader, advisor, or parent may order the patch for you by visiting the website, and clicking on the link to the NFCYM Online Store. On December 9, 1531, Mary appeared to Saint Juan Diego, an Indian Christian, whom she sent to the bishop with the request to build a church in her honor on the hill where she appeared. The bishop asked Juan Diego for a sign to prove that the had appeared to him. Our Lady appeared to Juan Diego again on December 12 and promised that his uncle would be healed. She directed Juan Diego to gather a bouquet of roses that miraculously appeared on a bush nearby (roses did not bloom at this time of the year there) to present to the bishop. Juan Diego gathered the roses in his tilma (cloak). When he opened his tilma before the bishop, the roses fell to the floor, and the bishop was amazed to see the miraculous image of the Mother of God imprinted on the cloak. The image persuaded the bishop to believe what Juan Diego had told him, and the church was built. This “Guadalupe Event” had a significant impact on the spread of the Catholic faith within Mexico

For All

 How do we know about Saint Juan Diego?

 How would have you reacted if the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to you?

 Whom would you have told?

Courtesy of NCCGSCF & NFCYM Name:______Date:______

 Share what you learn with someone else.

For Older Youth

 “The Guadalupe Event” meant the beginning of evangelization in the Americas. What is difference between evangelization and the New Evangelization; how does this occur in your community?

 Learn about multicultural ministry occurring in your diocese. Research if there are any celebrations for Our Lady of Guadalupe.

 Read Matthew 15:21-28, John 4:5-42, Acts 10:1-35, Acts 15:21-28, and Galatians 2:11- 16. What was Juan Diego like? Why did God look upon him?

 Share what you learn with someone else.

Title Needed

 Juan walked fifteen miles to attend Mass every day. Participate in Mass one day this week in addition to Sunday Mass.

 Take a long walk outside and notice the miracles of God’s love during that walk.

 Attend a Mass that celebrates a different culture from yours or that is in a different language.

 Participate in an activity around the New Evangelization.

Courtesy of NCCGSCF & NFCYM Name:______Date:______

Activity Suggestions

 Learn more about Saint Juan Diego and create your own activity.

Why Is It? Saint Juan Diego is frequently pictured with roses and eagles.  Why do you think these symbols were chosen to represent him?

Courtesy of NCCGSCF & NFCYM Name:______Date:______

Our Catholic Faith-Models of Faith Series St. John XXIII Patch

To earn this patch, learn about St. John XXIII. Complete one activity from each section. Although you may want to add this page to your Girl Scout or Camp Fire USA journal/scrapbook, you do not need to write out the answers. If you are working together as a group or troop, have discussions and/or group activities. If you are working individually, include your family. If you are an older girl or boy, learn about St. John XXIII and teach younger children. Once earned, Girl Scouts may place this patch on the back of the sash or vest. Once you have learned about St. John XXIII, your leader, advisor, or parent may order the patch for you by visiting the website, and clicking on the link to the NFCYM Online Store. John XXIII was born Angelo Roncalli, November 25, 1881, to a poor farming family in . With special support from his family and parish, Angelo became a priest. Fr. Angelo was called to work as a teacher in a seminary, a school where men study to become priests. He was ordained Bishop Roncalli in 1925 and served in several countries as a special representative for the church. During World War II, Bishop Roncalli used his influence in foreign countries to help many people travel to safety and escape persecution. He was named a cardinal—one of the special leaders of the church— in 1953, and thought he would live out his service to God as a teacher. In 1958, however, at the age of 77, he was elected pope, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, and chose the name John XXIII. Many amazing changes in everyday life took place during Pope John XXIII’s lifetime, such as the use of automobiles and airplanes for travel, and radio, movies, and television for communication. He called for the Second Vatican Council in 1962, which brought church leaders together from all over the world to discuss how the church could continue Jesus’ command to spread the Gospel, even as the world continued to see big changes. Pope John XXIII passed away in 1963 while the Council (called Vatican II) was still underway. Honored for his deep love for all people and for his generous, humble heart, Pope John Paul II declared him “Blessed” Pope John XXIII in 2000. A Man of Peace Pope John XXIII wrote two special letters, called encyclicals, On the same day in 2014 Pope John XXIII & Pope John Paul II were declared by I.

For All  What else can you find out about Pope John XXIII?

Courtesy of NCCGSCF & NFCYM Name:______Date:______

 The pope is also known as the Bishop of Rome and the successor to St. Peter, one of the apostles of Jesus. Read Matthew 16:13-20 to learn about how Jesus made St. Peter “the Rock” for building the church.

 What were some world events that were taking place in the years that Pope John XXIII was Bishop of Rome?

 Talk to an adult who knows about the changes that were put in place after Vatican II and learn about some of these changes.

A Man of Peace Pope John XXIII wrote two special letters, called encyclicals, which include the important ideas of what is now known as Catholic social teaching. The encyclicals are known by their Latin titles, Mater et Magistra (“Mother and Teacher”) and Pacem in Terris (“Peace on Earth”).

 Pope John XXIII talked about how he thought of the Catholic Church as “Mother and Teacher” in his encyclical Mater et Magistra. In what ways do you think the church is like a mother? In what ways do you think the church is like a teacher?

 Find a list of the ideas, called “themes,” of Catholic social teaching. Learn about one of these themes and teach others about it by drawing a picture, writing a song, story, or poem, or in some other special way.

The Power of Joy

 Pope John XXIII was especially known for his playful sense of humor, his joy in everyday life, and his message about God’s love for all people.

 Think about three things that bring you joy and happiness. Talk to some adults in your family or at your school, club, or troop, about the things that have brought them joy in their lives. Were you surprised at what they said?

Courtesy of NCCGSCF & NFCYM Name:______Date:______

Create Your Own Activity Pope John XXIII inspired many people, both Catholic and non-Catholic, with his message of peace and hope for the whole world. He promoted peace in his speeches and his writings, and he also met with people in all walks of life, from world leaders to factory workers and farmers. Consider this sentence from his famous message: “Concern yourself not with what you have tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.”  What are some activities you could do, both on your own and with others, that would promote peace and hope in your troop, school, or community? For example, you might consider acts of kindness toward others, making a special time to pray for peace, or creating something that will make others think about peace and hope. Then tell at least one other person about what you chose to do and what happened when you completed the activity.

Why Is It? and bishops wear Zucchettos and a pectoral cross.  What do these symbolize?

Courtesy of NCCGSCF & NFCYM Name:______Date:______

Our Catholic Faith-Models of Faith Series St. Gianna Molla Patch

To earn this patch, learn about St. Gianna Molla. Complete one activity from each section. Although you may want to add this page to your Girl Scout or Camp Fire USA journal/scrapbook, you do not need to write out the answers. If you are working together as a group or troop, have discussions and/or group activities. If you are working individually, include your family. If you are an older girl or boy, learn about St. Gianna Molla and teach younger children. Once earned, Girl Scouts may place this patch on the back of the sash or vest. Once you have learned about St. Gianna Molla, your leader, advisor, or parent may order the patch for you by visiting the website, and clicking on the link to the NFCYM Online Store. Saint Gianna Beretta Molla (October 4, 1922 – April 28, 1962) was an Italian pediatrician, a working mom, professional woman, and a loving wife who is best known for refusing both an and a hysterectomy (surgery to remove her reproductive organs) when she was pregnant with her fourth child, despite knowing that continuing with the pregnancy could result in her death. Gianna specialized in obstetrics/gynecology and pediatrics; therefore she gave special attention to mothers, babies, the elderly, and the poor. She gave generous service to , a group of lay Catholics in Italy that sought to encourage a Catholic influence on society. She was canonized as a saint on May 16, 2004 by Pope John Paul II. Saint Gianna’s feast day is April 28. She is a patron saint of mothers, physicians, and preborn child

For All The church recognizes saints and those deemed “blessed,” not to give them bragging rights in heaven, but to offer us models of holiness for our earthly pilgrimage.

 How does Saint Gianna help us with our earthly pilgrimage?

 Saint Gianna is the patron saint of what special intentions?

 Saint Gianna was a member of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society.

 Learn about the Saint Vincent de Paul Society.

Courtesy of NCCGSCF & NFCYM Name:______Date:______

Older Girls

 Saint Gianna gave generous service to Catholic Action. Learn about Catholic Action (also known as Catholic Social Action), especially during her lifetime in Italy.

 What current issues does Catholic Social Action address?

 Saint Gianna was a working mom, professional woman, and a loving wife. Her vocation was marriage and cooperation with God in “forming a truly Christian family.” Have a conversation with your mother or grandmother about how she balances her responsibilities.

 Learn more about the vocation of marriage as taught by the Catholic Church. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has an entire website dedicated to it.

Social Action  Learn about two Catholic Social Action issues. Share what you learn with someone else.

 Perform a service project. You could collect winter coats for needy children, or organize a baby shower for a local shelter or home for pregnant women, collecting baby blankets and clothing. Or you could visit the elderly in your community on a regular basis. Provide service to your local food bank; assist with collecting and sorting contributions. Organize and provide babysitting while parents attend Mass or other meetings in your parish.

Why Is It?  That Saint Gianna Molla is pictured on the patch holding a child?

Create Your Own Activity  Learn more about Saint Gianna Beretta Molla and create your own activity.

Courtesy of NCCGSCF & NFCYM Name:______Date:______

Our Catholic Faith-Models of Faith Series St. Anne Patch

To earn this patch, learn about St. Anne. Complete one activity from each section. Although you may want to add this page to your Girl Scout or Camp Fire USA journal/scrapbook, you do not need to write out the answers. If you are working together as a group or troop, have discussions and/or group activities. If you are working individually, include your family. If you are an older girl or boy, learn about St. Anne and teach younger children. Once earned, Girl Scouts may place this patch on the back of the sash or vest. Once you have learned about St. Anne, your leader, advisor, or parent may order the patch for you by visiting the website, and clicking on the link to the NFCYM Online Store. Catholic tradition says Saint Joachim and Saint Anne were the parents of the Virgin Mary and the grandparents of Jesus. They are not specifically mentioned in the Bible, but there are a number of legends and traditions about Mary’s parents. While there might not be any history books that tell us about Mary’s mother and father, we know they cared for and nurtured her, and taught her about God. Mary was prepared to be the mother of Jesus because her mother, Saint Anne, was a good role model and taught her what it means to trust in God. Section #1 For All Youth: Younger Girls Have an adult help you find a book on saints where you can read more about Saint Anne. See if you can find the answers to the following:  How do we know about Saint Anne?

 Why should we honor Saint Anne?

 Saint Anne is the patron saint of what special intentions?

 Is there a church in your diocese whose patron saint is Saint Anne?

Courtesy of NCCGSCF & NFCYM Name:______Date:______

Older Girls  Find some books or a trustworthy website to do some research on Saint Anne. and are good places to start. - Use these questions to guide your research:  How do we know about Saint Anne?

 Why should we honor Saint Anne?

 Saint Anne is the patron saint of what special intentions?

 Learn about a church dedicated to Saint Anne and try to find a photo of the church.

Praying with St. Anne Just like we can ask our friends and family to pray for us, we can also ask the saints to pray for special intentions. There are many prayers and novenas to Saint Anne. Younger Girls: Find a prayer to Saint Anne—or make one up— and say it every day for a week. Older Girls: Make a novena (a prayer for nine days for a specific intention) to Saint Anne. You can find a sample at

Saint in the Making Saints do not just “happen” by accident. We are all saints in the making and we have many mentors and role models that serve as saintly examples. Choose someone that you know who inspires you, someone you admire. Find out more about them. For example, you could interview them. Here are some sample questions:  Ask them to tell you about their childhood or someone a special time in their life;

 Ask about a time they felt close to God;

 Tell them why you admire them and ask for suggestions how you can be like them.

Courtesy of NCCGSCF & NFCYM Name:______Date:______

 What else could you ask them?

 Share with others why you think this person is a “Saint in the making”?

Why Is It? The symbols on the Saint Anne patch are a green shawl and a book.  Why do you think those symbols were chosen to represent Saint Anne?

Special Grandmothers Saint Anne was a very special grandmother and mother. There are women in our lives who are special too.  Choose a special grandmother (or mother) figure and do something nice for her to let her know how special she is to you.

Create Your Own Activity Feast Days are days the church sets aside to honor a certain Saint or Saints. The feast day of Saint Joachim and Saint Anne is July 26.  What could you do to celebrate the Feast Day of Saint Anne and Saint Joachim? Or, create your own activity about Saint Anne.

Saintly Service  Perform a service project that benefits the elderly. Check out our website for ideas.

Courtesy of NCCGSCF & NFCYM