english books mostly liverpool’s east timor: fretilin for children coaching probable winner The Macau Book Carnival sessions Preliminary results from East 2017 officially kicked off last Timor’s parliamentary election Friday at IPM’s Multisport well show the Fretilin party has won Pavilion received the most votes P2 P4 P13

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WORLD BRIEFS UN Bribery scandal ap photo Diplomat says Ng gave

Philippines Congress on Saturday overwhelmingly approved the president’s him monthly payments appeal for martial P3 law in the south to be extended to the end of the year to help troops quell a two-month siege by Islamic State ap photo group-linked militants and stamp out similar extremist plots in the volatile region. More on p12

China The meteorological department of east China metropolis Shanghai recorded an air temperature of 40.9 degrees Celsius at around 2 p.m. Friday, the highest on record in the city in 145 years. A red alert for high temperatures was issued by the Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory on Friday.

Indonesia President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo says police should shoot drug traffickers who resist arrest because of a narcotics crisis facing the country. More on p13

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Dan Ott reacts before going all in at the World Series of Poker main event in . Scott Blumstein, a New Jersey man with a degree in accounting, is this year’s champion. Blumstein eliminated Ott on the 246th hand of the final table.

A train that heralds Rookie from New Jersey wins World China’s global P15 ambition Series of Poker, USD8.1 million 24.07.2017 mon

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Ho Chio Meng’s lawyer says he will Book Carnival’s English appeal Lawyer Oriana Pun has said her client offerings mostly for children Ho Chio Meng intends to file an appeal with the Court of Final Appeal. This month the same court sentenced the Julie Zhu former top prosecutor to 21 years in jail and imposed huge financial penalties. he Macau Book Carnival On the sidelines of an event this T2017 officially kicked off last weekend, Pun said that the inability to Friday at the Macau Polytechnic appeal constitutes a “technical problem Institute (IPM), with many En- that can be circumvented.” According glish-language children’s books to Pun, this “technical problem” is on offer. The event will run at minor when compared with the right IPM’s Multisport Pavilion until to appeal, which she said “constitutes a July 30. fundamental right.” Pun told TDM that Chan Im Wa, President of the the appeal will be filed soon. “We are Macau Literacy Promotion As- going to present our arguments and our sociation, told the Times that appeal to the Court of Final Appeal,” she this year’s carnival will have 70 Chan Im Wa The event is being held at IPM’s Multisport Pavilion said. tables, of which ten will sell En- glish-language books. and that the readership for this all depends on sales. “I think the percentage of En- subject comprises Portugue- “If the market maintains its Pace of inflation glish books probably goes up to English books se speakers who want to learn current enthusiasm towards one-seventh,” said Chan, who more about China. English books, then the carnival quickens noted that the selection of En- are mainly When asked whether the car- will uphold its current percenta- glish-language books on offer nival gives priority to English ge of English books,” she said. The Composite Consumer Price Index books rather than to Portuguese “There are also some English (CPI) in June 2017 rose by 1.06 percent still caters mainly to youth and for the youth children in efforts to meet the books, Chan said it was a marke- books from Singapore,” Chan year-on-year to 109.44, according to and children information released by the Statistics and market’s biggest demand. t-driven decision. continued, noting that they con- Census Service (DSEC). This increase “You can see that the English because their “It’s a matter of market choice,” sist mainly of magazine series. was even higher than the 0.95 percent books are mainly for the youth she said, further indicating that “These extracurricular books are year-on-year growth recorded in May and children because as their parents want the people of Macau can only edited [according] to Singapo- 2017. As in previous months, DSEC parents want them to learn En- learn Portuguese by taking the re’s course outline.” has attributed the increment to higher glish, parents want them to read them to learn initiative because the language “They are mainly science charges for outpatient services, eating [English books],” explained is not a compulsory subject in books,” said Chan, adding that out, rising tuition fees, vehicle prices Chan, adding that there are also English. most local schools. More mem- “all our [public] sources are put and parking meter rates. Contributing language learning books for peo- Chan Im Wa bers of the Macau public learn for the children.” to the increase were the price indexes ple who are currently studying English because it is a manda- The theme of this year’s book for the sectors of education and health, English as a second language. predict how readers would react tory subject. carnival is “Learn From the which increased by 7.46 percent and 5.15 “Portuguese books are targe- to a larger selection of Portugue- “Nowadays, parents give more Words of the Wise.” In total, the- percent, respectively, year-on-year. The ting those who are studying Por- se novels being brought to the and more importance to En- re are around 30,000 books on price index of food and non-alcoholic tuguese, naturally. […] There are fair. glish,” said Chan. offer in the exhibition, all sour- beverages - accounting for the largest some Macanese who also come Chan pointed out that there When talking about whether ced from publishers in main- share of household expenditure - went here looking for cookbooks,” are some Portuguese-langua- the carnival will offer more En- land China, Macau, Hong Kong, up by 1.77 percent. The price indexes Chan remarked. ge books talking about China’s glish-language books in a future Taiwan, the UK, the US and Sin- of communication and housing and Chan said she was unable to history and politics available edition, Chan emphasized that it gapore. fuels dropped by 5.82 percent and 0.96 percent, respectively. The average composite CPI for the second quarter of 2017 (109.18) increased by 0.94 percent year-on-year. Macau participates in SSM says flu situation is stable Hong Kong Book Fair

The director of the Health Bureau acau is repre- Wednesday at the Hong Sun Yat-sen’s birth. (SSM) Centre for Disease Control and Msented at the 2017 Kong Convention and The Macau Founda- Prevention, Lam Chong, said that the Hong Kong Book Fair. Exhibition Centre. The tion will also hold a influenza or ‘flu’ situation in Macau is According to a state- event is one of Asia’s ‘New Books Release stable. According to Lam, this is because ment issued by the Cul- largest book fairs, and Presentation’ today, fo- gh the schools’ efforts, the Taipei Book Fair for large numbers of residents have been tural Affairs Bureau attracted nearly 1.02 cusing on the “Associa- the “Palm-leaf manus- several years. vaccinated against the disease; of the (IC), more than 800 million visitors to its tion of Piety and Lon- cripts” of Buddhism To help mainland Chi- 95,000 people in Macau who have been local publications will 2016 edition. gevity Kong Tac-Lam” spread to the territory nese readers gain a dee- vaccinated, 70 percent received the vaccine in primary school. The percentage be presented at the cele- On July 19, the IC held from the series “Macau and were later listed on per understanding of of vaccinated residents rises to 90 percent brated book fair. a ‘New Books Release Wisdom Collection.” UNESCO’s “Memory Macau culture, the IC when the elderly population are included. The purpose of the Presentation,’ featuring Based in Macau, the of the World Regis- also collaborated with Many members of the elderly population Macau Pavilion at this “The Great Doctor – Sun Association of Piety ter” in 2016, together the Macau Foundation have received the vaccine while residing event is to introduce the Yat-sen and Family in and Longevity Kong with other Buddhist to participate in the in nursing homes. SSM previously region’s culture to Hong Macau” in conjunction Tac-Lam in Macau set heritage documents. 27th National Book Tra- stated that recent data recorded by its Kong and foreign rea- with a lecture at the fair. up the first female-on- Aside from the Hong ding Expo, which ran monitoring systems showed a significant ders. The book was laun- ly Buddhist schools Kong Book Fair, the IC from May 31 to June 3 increase in influenza infections compared The 28th Hong Kong ched last year to mark in Hong Kong, Macau and Macau Foundation in the city of Langfang, to the same period last year. Book Fair opened on the 150th anniversary of and Taiwan. Throu- have also participated in Hebei Province.

www.macaudailytimes.com.mo Director and Editor-in-Chief_Paulo Coutinho [email protected] A Macau Times Publications Ltd Publication Managing Editor_Paulo Barbosa [email protected] Contributing Editors_Eric Sautedé, Leanda Lee, Severo Portela Administrator and Chief Executive Officer + 4 Million page views Kowie Geldenhuys [email protected] Newsroom and Contributors_Albano Martins, Annabel Jackson, Daniel Beitler, Emilie Tran, Grace Yu, Secretary Juliana Cheang [email protected] PER MONTH Ivo Carneiro de Sousa, Jacky I.F. Cheong, Jenny Lao-Phillips, João Palla Martins, Joseph Cheung, Julie Zhu, Address Av. da Praia Grande, 599, Edif. Comercial Rodrigues, 12 Floor C, Juliet Risdon, Lynzy Valles, Renato Marques, Richard Whitfield, Rodrigo de Matos (cartoonist), Viviana Seguí MACAU SAR Telephones: +853 287 160 81/2 Fax: +853 287 160 84 Designers_Eva Bucho, Miguel Bandeira | Associate Contributors_JML Property, MdME Lawyers, PokerStars, Advertisement [email protected] Thank You! Ruan Du Toit Bester | News agencies_ Associated Press, Bloomberg, Financial Times, MacauHub, MacauNews, For subscription and general issues: [email protected] | Printed at Welfare Printing Ltd +11,000 like us on facebook.com/mdtimes Xinhua | Secretary_Yang Dongxiao [email protected] send newsworthy information and press releases to: [email protected] website: www.macaudailytimes.com.mo mon 24.07.2017

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suspended United Na- UN Bribery scandal tions diplomat’s testi- mony has provided a glimpse at the seedier sideA of international diplomacy as a Macau billionaire stands trial on Ambassador testifies Ng paid charges that he shared hundreds of thousands of dollars with am- bassadors he thought could help him up to USD50,000 monthly him realize his dream to build a permanent center in China to ser- ve less-advantaged countries. salaries as ambassadors. “No,” Lorenzo said. Francis Lorenzo, 50, stepped off Within months of meeting Ng He said at Ashe’s request, he the witness stand last week after in late 2009, Lorenzo testified, helped arrange a no-show job ap photo testifying against Ng Lap Seng for he agreed to supplement his that paid Ashe’s wife $2,500 over a week. $72,000 salary at the U.N. with monthly. He said Ashe asked Ng Ng, 69, has pleaded not guilty to $20,000 a month as president to fund a family trip to New Or- charges he paid bribes to Loren- of Ng’s new not-for-profit, South leans and to pay for construction zo and a former top U.N. official South News. of a basketball court at his home. to gain support to build a U.N. “Did you have any experience In 2014, Ashe asked Ng for a con- conference center in Macau. He in media or in news reporting?” tribution to help his presidency remains confined to a Manhat- Zolkind asked. and Ng sent $200,000, Lorenzo tan apartment on USD50 million said. bail. After Ashe solicited a $20,000 Lorenzo testified Ng paid him Within months contribution to fund a U.N. re- Francis Lorenzo leaves a Manhattan federal court last week up to $50,000 monthly to push of meeting ception, Lorenzo passed along the ambitious multibillion-dollar only $16,000 to Ashe. where Lorenzo planned to live. “I wasn’t familiar with the project along and funneled ano- Ng in late “Why did you keep the other The center was never built. term,” he said. ther $300,000 to former U.N. $4,000?” Zolkind asked. “I just Lorenzo, a U.S. citizen, said he In opening statements last General Assembly President John 2009, Lorenzo kept it for me,” Lorenzo said. dodged U.S. taxes by funneling month, Park portrayed Ng as a Ashe, who was charged in the case testified, Ng Lorenzo, who pleaded guil- the money through bank accoun- victim who was taken advantage before he died last year in an acci- ty to bribery charges and cou- ts in the names of his brother and of by pushy diplomats. dent at home. agreed to ld face up to 78 years in prison sister in the Dominican Republic, Park said his client never paid Over several days, Assistant U.S. without leniency, said Ng later where he lived until the mid- bribes, but did employ Lorenzo Attorney Douglas Zolkind elicited supplement began paying him an additional 1980s. and make contributions when from Lorenzo an unsavory depic- $30,000 a month to obtain offi- On cross examination, Ng’s they were requested. tion of the ease with which Loren- his USD72,000 cial U.N. approval of his plan to lawyer Tai Park asked Lorenzo Zolkind asked Lorenzo why he zo and Ashe accepted and some- salary at the build the Macau center. After it why he never referred to money did what Ng asked him to do. “I times solicited tens of thousands was approved, Ng bought a $3.2 from Ng as bribes in dozens of was getting paid. I was on salary,” of dollars to supplement modest United Nations million Manhattan apartment meetings with prosecutors. he answered. MDT/AP

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Sports fortunate. Even with the re- duction from six balls to four in each over, by the late after- noon most had disappeared Cricket tournament proceeds onto the school’s roof. “We prepared 120 balls – ten- nis balls wrapped in tape – and we now have just 20 left,” said despite morning typhoon Nasim as a Vagabond batter hit another ball over the pitch’s barrier. “Now, I think most of Daniel Beitler them are on the school’s roof.” The Vagabonds, coached by ow many to win?” a Hong an ex-professional cricketer,

HKong cricketer called out. Beitler Daniel scored the last three runs in “Brother, you are dreaming,” what turned out to be a rela- came the reply from the Tai- tively close game, and secured pa Thunder batsman during a place for themselves in the the second semi-final match in final. After defeating Taipa yesterday’s single-day cricket Thunder, the Vagabonds ulti- tournament. mately lost to their fellow SAR Eight teams from Macau, inhabitants, the Green Eagles. Hong Kong and Guangdong “[Taipa Thunder] are a good Province convened at the team, and I thought they wou- grounds of Hou Kong Middle ld get to the final,” said Nepa- School - in spite of the mor- li-born coach Sher Lama, who ning’s typhoon - to compete for formerly played in the Hong the tournament’s title. Despite Kong national team and has the difficult conditions, each coached the city’s national wo- team’s camaraderie was on full men’s team. “But they had one display yesterday. over with a lot of wide bowls… Teams of mixed South Asian one over can change the whole players – hailing from In- game.” dia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri The next MCA event will be Lanka and Nepal – took turns held in December. According batting and bowling in minia- to Nasim, the event will feature ture-length cricket matches on a similar tournament and will a makeshift, waterlogged pitch. once again invite Hong Kong The Macau Pirates had been and Guangzhou teams to par- eliminated earlier in the first 57, the Vagabonds were con- T8 typhoon alert in the nei- as planned. ticipate. semi-final match against Hong fident that they could squeeze ghboring SAR, which normally “The teams from Hong Kong Nasim said that he hopes the Kong’s Green Eagles, leaving three more runs out of the last halts all ferry transportation. and Guangzhou wanted to play Macau cricket clubs that are all hopes of a Macau champion four balls. Meanwhile, the hardy Guang- no matter the weather [… and not currently affiliated with with Taipa Thunder, conside- Due to the typhoon and ac- dong teams made it to Macau were] prepared to wait no mat- MCA – such as the British and red the top team at the Macau companying heavy rains yes- yesterday morning with no is- ter how long it took,” he added. Australian teams – will also Cricket Association (MCA). terday morning, the tourna- sues, organizers reported. To accommodate all of the join the event in the future. He They were up against Hong ment started about two hours “The teams said that they scheduled matches, the num- is considering hosting a qua- Kong’s Vagabond Cricket Club, late. were willing to play in any ber of balls per over had been lifying round for the Macau a far more accomplished team Fortunately, the Hong Kong conditions,” MCA president reduced from six to four, but teams over the weekend befo- with a veteran cricketer among teams had traveled to Macau Adnan Nasim told the Times. there remained five overs per re the tournament, in order to their eight players. the previous night and thereby After the two-hour delay, the innings. cut their number from five to Standing against a score of avoided being held up by the tournament proceeded mostly This might also have proved three.

egendary players pic and community pre- Land coaches from sence in Macau. As the Liverpool Football Club Liverpool Football Club’s world’s greatest foo- (LFC) were in Macau tball family, it’s a great on Saturday to host the coaching sessions well received pleasure to be here to first ever ‘LFC Soccer deliver some great me- Clinic’. mories for the youth of More than 60 you- the best. Even though ding of the importance Macau.” ng football enthusias- it is a short encounter of teamwork.” According to the sta- ts met the LFC players today, I have learned Former LFC player tement, Sports Bureau and coaches at the Tai- a lot from the coaches Sami Hyypia also re- president Pun Weng pa Olympic Sports Cen- and the Legends which marked, “It’s great to Kun also attended the tre Stadium. makes me want to keep see MGM’s philanthro- event. LFC Academy coaches practicing my soccer led two hands-on ses- skills until I succeed.” sions for 64 local foo- Sarah Rogers, MGM’s tball players aged be- senior vice president liverpool wins tournament in hk tween six and 14 years of Strategy & Corpora- old, according to a press te Responsibility, said LIVERPOOL WON the a fantastic footballer. If he is release issued by MGM. MGM expressed hopes 2017 Premier League Asia able to play like tonight, in a The participants in- that the LFC sportsmen Trophy after beating Leicester very difficult moment of the cluded members of The would inspire young City 2-1 at the Hong Kong preseason after all the [train- Football Youth Aca- sports fans in the re- Stadium on Saturday night. ing] sessions, that shows his [huge] potential,” said Klopp. demy, youth recruited gion. Philippe Coutinho, subject of a 70-million GBP bid from “It’s really pleasing. We’ve by the Young Men’s “One of MGM’s major Robbie Fowler (front, left) and Sami Hyypia (front, right) led the this week, scored played two hard games in very Christian Association areas of focus within coaching sessions the winning goal in the 44th difficult circumstances against of Macau (YMCA) and the community is to minute of the tournament. very good opponents,” he add- children of MGM’s sta- shared inspirational statement that he is a support Macau’s you- Liverpool team manager ed. The Liverpool-Leicester ff. stories and tips with the ‘die-hard fan’ of LFC. th and today’s event is Jurgen Klopp told the press match attracted 39,498 foot- The group was also young footballers. “It is a dream come a great way for them that Coutinho is a key player ball enthusiasts. The team is greeted by former LFC Sou Nin Hang, a stu- true [for] me and if you to pursue their love for for the team. “He loves the now back in after players Robbie Fowler dent from The Football want to be the best, sports, a healthy lifes- club, he loves the city - he is their Far East tour. and Sami Hyypia, who Youth, expressed in the you must learn from tyle, and the understan-

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Report Macau certain rewards from Bei- jing. According to some analysts, its inclusion in the Belt and Road Initiative – entirely unnecessary in the context of Hong Kong’s Beijing parachuted group participation – was intended partly as a reward and partly as a means of further diversifying the into Macau during 1990s city’s economy. On the other hand, Beijing’s official representation in the uring the 1990s, MSAR, the Liaison Office, may Beijing handpicked still be eroding the city’s au- a group of about 40 tonomy at an alarming rate young graduates from through its participation in the Dacross China and placed them in activities of local associations important government roles in and political groups. One such Macau, according to a new report accusation was made – and later from Reuters. retracted – by current lawmaker Citing former officials familiar José Pereira Coutinho. with the process, Reuters clai- “I think Macau is losing that med that the young graduates autonomy quite fast. I think we rose through the ranks to beco- have lost two thirds of it in fif- me department heads and other teen years,” an unidentified civil important officials, all the while servant told Reuters. aligning the vision of the local “Now there is a tendency to im- government with that of Beijing. pose self censorship [in the me- According to Reuters, over a dia and academia] to not raise dozen former officials and civil Wong Sio Chak Ip Song Sang the attention of the liaison offi- servants were interviewed to cor- ce,” Bill Chou, a former professor roborate the claims. 2001, told Reuters. Macau adheres to the One Coun- Beijing. at the University of Macau, told The sleeper cell was compri- Among them is Commission try, Two Systems policy without Macau is regarded by the main- the news agency. Chou was fired sed of young mainland gradua- Against Corruption chief, André the need for Beijing to intervene land government as far more in 2014 for his political activities. tes who had undergone legal Cheong, public prosecutor ge- in affairs. obedient than its neighboring Another unnamed official cited training and learned proficient neral, Ip Son Sang, and Macau’s “The central government will SAR, Hong Kong. The loyalty, in by Reuters said that China was Portuguese. Secretary for Security, Wong Sio not meddle or intervene but they part, stems from the fact that al- upping its intervention in Macau “They were given positions Chak, who many believe may will of course want to understand most half of Macau’s population as a result of the event unfolding when they were still very young, run for the chief executive job in our policies and from what angle was born in mainland China. in Hong Kong. very leading positions,” José Sa- 2019. we are considering,” said Wong, Its obedience, lack of political “They want to make sure the les Marques, who was the terri- In a 2015 interview with the adding that there is daily com- activism and weakness in the same thing doesn’t happen in tory’s mayor between 1993 and news agency, Wong said that munication between Macau and pan-democrat camp has afforded Macau,” the official said.

Xinhua style guide ad stresses power over Taiwan, HK and Macau hina’s official news allowed, but “mainland Cagency Xinhua has and Hong Kong” is accep- recently published an up- table. date to its style guide that “Self-praising words and emphasizes China’s sove- references to Hong Kong reignty over Taiwan, Hong and Macau’s opposition Kong and Macau. should be cited cautious- The guide now has 38 ru- ly,” another rule stated, as les for referring to Taiwan quoted in a recent Quartz and 17 guidelines for re- article. ferring to Hong Kong and The new rules also state Macau. that Hong Kong’s pro-de- Xinhua is owned by the mocracy Umbrella Move- account, now we generally Chinese government and ment in 2014 should be don’t call it ‘Taiwan Pro- is one of its main propa- referred to as “illegal ‘Oc- vince,’ and we more often ganda tools. Other Chine- cupy Central’”, referring use ‘Taiwan Region’ or se media outlets take Xi- to the original name for ‘Taiwan.’” nhua as a point of referen- the planned civil disobe- The list of “‘don’ts’ re- ce, particularly during po- dience campaign. garding reportage on litically sensitive periods. The rules dictate that Taiwan” also bans the For Hong Kong and Ma- three principal organizers Chinese media from using cau, one rule bans the use of the Occupy movement the term “President (Vice of the term “separation of cannot be referred to as President) of the Republic powers” to describe the the “Occupy Central Trio,” of China.” Instead, media Special Administrative as they are widely known must now use “leader (de- Regions’ political systems, in Hong Kong. Xinhua’s puty leader) of the Taiwan which are, according to new rule is that their alter- authorities.” Xinhua, “dominated by native name should ins- In response to Xinhua’s the executive branch.” tead be “Occupy Central new rules, Taiwan’s de- Another rule states that Three Clowns.” partment of China-related the two regions cannot be Yet another rule states affairs issued a statement listed independently alon- that, “Taiwan is a pro- urging Beijing to “fully gside the name “China.” vince of China […] but report reality and respect For example, the term taking the feelings of our the fact that the Republic “China-Hong Kong” is not Taiwan compatriots into of China exists.” 24.07.2017 mon

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China’s diesel, Kushner adds USD10m gasoline exports in ‘omitted’ assets to surge to ease disclosure form domestic glut hina’s diesel a notable toll on con- ared Kushner, Cand gasoline ex- sumption of traditio- President Donald ports surged in the nal fuels this year,” Trump’s son-in- first half of the year as Lin Jiaxin, an analyst law and senior b erg b loom a domestic supply glut with ICIS China, said Jadviser, filed an amended and slowing demand before the data were financial disclosure that growth prompted re- released. “With new included 77 items - worth finers to sell more fuel refining units coming at least USD10 million - abroad. online in the second “inadvertently omitted” Diesel shipmen- half of the year, refi- from a filing the White ts jumped almost 21 ners will have to ship House released in March, percent in the first six even more overseas.” including one that will re- months compared to Average gasoline de- quire his recusal. the same period a year mand in China, the The updated filing, whi- ago, averaging about world’s biggest ener- ch reflected the Kushner 328,500 barrels a day, gy user, will grow by family’s sprawling real according to Bloom- 95,000 barrels a day estate holdings, detailed berg calculations ba- this year, “dramati- additions made “during sed on data posted cally” below gains of the ordinary review pro- Sunday on the website 230,000-290,000 bar- cess” with the federal of the General Admi- rels a day during the Office of Government nistration of Customs. prior two years, the Pa- Ethics, according to a Gasoline exports rose ris-based International copy of the document. 8.1 percent, averaging Energy Agency said in The disclosure was revi- nearly 222,000 bar- a report this month. sed 39 times since it was rels a day. The use of shared initially filed on March China’s state-run bikes in big cities may 9. Kushner received an fuel makers have sent replace 1.27 million 18-day extension for the more fuel overseas to metric tons of gasoli- initial submission, the draw down stockpi- ne demand this year document shows. les that have swollen while natural gas cars At the same time, Ivanka thanks to a refining have already displaced Trump, the president’s capacity glut and hi- 22 million tons of fuel daughter and Kushner’s gher production from used in transportation wife, submitted her own independent refiners, in 2016, according to financial disclosure form known generally as Guo Yifan, an analyst to the federal Office of teapots. Meanwhile, at Shanghai-based Si- Government Ethics. Both the nation’s gasoline nolink Securities. were released by a White and diesel demand The nation’s gasoline House official late Friday. closed, and were worth at related revenue, and a early January that Kush- growth has been exports totaled 4.81 Between them, the couple least $10 million. $787,500 advance from ner would officially join slowed by alternative million tons in the disclosed assets worth at Among the newly dis- Penguin Random House Trump’s administration, transportation such first half of the year, least $269 million, the closed assets were an art for her 2017 book, “Wo- his lawyers were ready as shared bicycles, as with 770,000 tons forms show. The ethics collection valued at more men Who Work.” with a plan to divest from well as gas-fed vehi- shipped in June, yes- agency hasn’t yet appro- than $5 million, and Qua- Trump, 35, earned more various assets, including cles and electric cars, terday’s data showed. ved Ivanka Trump’s fi- dro Partners, a real estate than $5 million from her the New York Observer according to ICIS Chi- Diesel shipments to- ling. investment platform that business trust, which newspaper and Thrive na, a Shanghai-based taled 7.97 million tons “Jared and Ivanka have does business in New she valued at more than Capital, a venture capi- commodity resear- between January and followed each of the re- York under the name of $50 million, with under- tal firm founded by his cher. June, with exports at quired steps in their tran- Cadre. The disclosure no- lying assets that include brother Joshua Kushner. “Alternative trans- 1.31 million tons last sition from private citi- tes that Kushner, who has her trademarks and her MDT/Bloomberg portation has taken month. Bloomberg zens to federal officials,” a broad-ranging portfolio jewelry and fashion lines. said Jamie Gorelick, an of responsibilities at the She also disclosed 10 as- attorney with Wilmer White House, will recuse sets underlying a real es- ad Cutler Pickering Hale & himself from “particular tate company, including Dorr LLP who represents matters in the broker- interests in future hotels Kushner. dealer, real estate, and and golf courses in New It’s not unusual for new online financial services York, and a licensing deal executive-branch appoin- sectors to the extent they for a hotel in India. She tees to need to amend would have a direct and valued those assets be- their initial financial predictable effect” on tween $5 million and $25 disclosures to the OGE. the firm. The form also million. Gorelick said that dis- shows that Kushner has Kushner’s 89-page dis- cussions with the agency, divested 116 assets, and closure reveals dozens of which approves appoin- is in the process of selling multimillion-dollar asse- tees’ disclosures and four more. ts, reported in ranges of their plans for handling Ivanka Trump disclosed value. The form doesn’t potential conflicts of in- income of at least $13.5 begin to capture the full terest, “are proceeding in million for 2016 and the value of the Kushner fa- the ordinary course” with first months of 2017 be- mily holdings, which are regard to Ivanka Trump’s fore she joined the White tied to $5.2 billion of as- filing. House. That included sa- sets and $2.9 billion of Some of the assets Kush- lary and severance from debt, according to data ner, 36, omitted in the the Trump Organization firm Real Capital Analy- earlier filling were held by of $2.5 million, another tics. entities he previously dis- $2.4 million in hotel- When news broke in 24.07.2017 mon

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Matthew Brown

he mother of an American Tcollege student arrested in Detained student’s mother: central China following an al- tercation with a taxi driver five weeks earlier said police are Zhengzhou police want ‘ransom’ demanding the equivalent of a USD7,400 “ransom” for his re- lease. Detention Center. He reported Jennifer McLean has not been no physical or mental health allowed to see or communicate concerns, officials said. ap photo with her 25-year-old son, Gu- “Fine is a bit of an overstate- thrie, since his last week arrest ment. He is enduring,” Jennifer on charges of intentional injury McLean said. to the taxi driver, she said Thur- Montana’s U.S. senators, De- sday in an email to The Associa- mocrat Jon Tester and Repu- ted Press. blican Steve Daines, called for During a June 10 fare dispute Guthrie McLean’s quick release in the city of Zhengzhou, Guthrie and said they were pressing the McLean pushed the driver to the matter with U.S. Ambassador ground because the driver was Terry Branstad in Beijing. roughing up his mother, who is Daines said he also spoke hearing impaired, according to with China’s ambassador to family friend Tom Mitchell, the the U.S., Cui Tiankai, who ple- Beijing bureau chief for The Fi- dged to relay the concerns over nancial Times, and U.S. officials. McLean’s fate to the communist It’s unclear why McLean, 25, nation’s leadership. a senior majoring in East Asian “This was a young man who studies at the University of stepped in to protect his deaf This undated photo provided by Jennifer McLean shows her son, University of Montana student Guthrie McLean, on the Great Montana, was not arrested until mother,” Daines said. “I realize Wall of China weeks later. The Zhengzhou mu- we are subject to the laws of Chi- nicipal public security bureau, na [as U.S. citizens abroad] and cial confirmed the basic details Police arrived at the residence and worked for the past year in when contacted by The AP, said will respect their government, of the case and said the agency yesterday, took Guthrie away the Department of Modern and it does not take inquiries about but we want to make sure there was monitoring the situation, and demanded he pay 100,000 Classical Languages and Litera- individual cases. is justice here.” but declined further comment. yuan ($14,800) in compensation tures, said his boss, Olivia White. Jennifer McLean told The AP Tester said in a statement that Jennifer McLean has been tea- for knee injuries sustained by He largely grew up in China af- her son’s actions were justified he was in close contact with ching in Zhengzhou, where Gu- the driver or else he would have ter living in Missoula as a you- because the taxi driver was hur- members of McLean’s family thrie visited her this summer. to spend three years in prison, ng child while his mother was ting her. and Chinese officials to make The altercation occurred after Mitchell and Jennifer McLean studying at the university, said “He would not have ceased sure he’s kept safe. The police a cab driver refused to give her said. White. had my son not intervened,” she in China have seven days from 30 yuan (about $5) in change The price has since dropped to “He’s very kind, gentle,” White said. the time of his arrest to file char- upon returning to her residen- 50,000 yuan ($7,400), Jennifer said. “His mom is all he has and Offices from the U.S. Consu- ges, Tester’s office said, based ce, Mitchell said. After the driver McLean said. I do think he defended her. He’s late in the provincial capital on information provided by the “started to rough up Jennifer,” Guthrie McLean has been at not denying that he did it. He’s of Wuhan spoke with McLean U.S. Embassy. Guthrie came out and pushed the University of Montana in denying the extent of what ha- Thursday at the Zhenghou #3 A U.S. State Department offi- the man to the ground, he said. Missoula for about two years ppened.” AP

Chelsea apologizes Louis Vuitton opens e-commerce for Kenedy’s offensive store as sales rebound Instagram messages Robert Williams

ouis Vuitton has b erg b loom helsea apologized Llaunched an e-com- to China yesterday for merce service in China,

C ap photo social media comments by seeking to capitalize on Brazilian player Kenedy a rebound in the world’s which it accepted “caused largest luxury-goods great offense and hurt the market, where online feelings” of the country sales have been domi- during the Premier Lea- nated by local Internet gue champions’ pre-season giants. tour. The site will let custo- strong gains this year. growth and Chinese The 21-year-old Kenedy mers buy Louis Vuitton Louis Vuitton began consumers have lined has been “strongly repri- leather goods, shoes, selling online in France up outside Louis Vui- manded and disciplined” for accessories, watches, in 2005 and has expan- tton stores around the the Instagram posts, Chel- Arsenal’s Mohamed El Neny (left) tackles Chelsea’s Kenedy during jewelry, luggage and ded to 11 countries, after world to buy the French sea said. The since-deleted the second half of their friendly football match in Beijing perfume, the LVMH- the Chinese site went brand’s suitcases and messages featured a profa- owned brand said in a live Thursday. leather goods, online nity relating to China and a “Kenedy’s actions were a tball Club has the utmost statement Friday. The E-commerce in China luxury sales in China message mocking a security mistake that he will learn respect and admiration site will cover 12 cities, has been dominated by have been slower to de- guard he photographed. greatly from. His behavior for China and loves our Chi- including Beijing and local operators such as velop as brands seek to “Even though he quickly does not represent the en- nese fans,” Chelsea said. “It Shanghai, with others to Alibaba Group Holding maintain exclusivity. deleted the messages and tire team and does not align is because of this that the be added later. Ltd. and JD.com Inc. Now competition is hea- apologized, and the club with the club’s high expecta- negative impact we have China is driving a re- Louis Vuitton said cus- ting up, with JD.com in also apologized via our Chi- tions and strict requiremen- seen over the last two days bound in luxury sales tomers will be able to June buying a USD397 nese social media channels, ts of its young players.” has left us shocked and sa- after a multi-year down- use Alibaba’s Alipay and million stake in - the damage had already The messages were posted ddened. Once again, we sin- turn prompted by a cra- Tencent Holdings Ltd.’s based online fashion re- been done,” the London ahead of Chelsea’s 3-0 vic- cerely apologize for the hurt ckdown on corruption, WeChat online payment tailer Farfetch and Gucci club said. “Chelsea Football tory over Arsenal in Beijing caused to our Chinese fans with LVMH, Hermes mechanisms on its site. launching its own Chine- Club once again solemnly on Saturday. as well as to the Chinese International, Kering While China has fueled se e-commerce site this and sincerely apologizes. “Everyone at Chelsea Foo- people.” AP SA and others reporting the fashion industry’s month. Bloomberg mon 24.07.2017

th Anniversary

macau’s leading newspaper 中國 CHINA 11

Goal of AI leadership ap photo by 2030 announced Joe McDonald, Beijing its technology developers and Manufacturers also are ins- shields them from competition talling robots and other auto- hina’s government in violation of its free-trade mation to cope with rising labor has announced a goal commitments. costs and improve efficiency. of becoming a global Already, Chinese companies Thursday’s statement gives no leader in artificial inte- including Tencent Ltd., Bai- details of financial commitmen- Clligence in just over a decade, du Inc. and Alibaba Group are ts or legal changes. But previous putting political muscle behind spending heavily to develop initiatives to develop Chinese growing investment by Chinese artificial intelligence for consu- capabilities in solar power and companies in developing self- mer finance, e-commerce, self- other technologies have inclu- driving cars and other advances. driving cars and other applica- ded research grants and regu- Communist leaders see AI as tions. lations to encourage sales and key to making China an “eco- exports. nomic power,” said a Cabinet “By 2030, our country will statement on Thursday. It calls China has reach a world leading level in for developing skills and resear- artificial intelligence theory, te- ch and educational resources to had mixed chnology and application and achieve “major breakthroughs” become a principal world center by 2025 and make China a wor- success with for artificial intelligence innova- ld leader by 2030. previous tion,” the statement said. Chinese students work on the Ares, a humanoid bipedal robot designed by them Artificial intelligence is one of That will help to make Chi- with funding from a Shanghai investment company the emerging fields along with strategic plans na “in the forefront of innova- renewable energy, robotics and tive countries and an economic Beijing might block access to with previous strategic plans to electric cars where communist to develop power,” it said. promising industries to support develop technology industries leaders hope to take an early technology The announcement follows a its fledgling suppliers. The Chi- including renewable energy and lead and help transform Chi- sweeping plan issued in 2015, nese industry minister defen- electric cars. na from a nation of factory industries dubbed “Made in China 2025,” ded the plan in March, saying Beijing announced plans in workers and farmers into a te- that calls for this country to all competitors would be treated 2009 to become a leader in elec- chnology pioneer. including supply its own high-tech com- equally. He rejected complaints tric cars with annual sales of 5 They have issued a series of ponents and materials in 10 that foreign companies might million by 2020. With the help of development plans over the renewable industries from information be required to hand over tech- generous subsidies, China pas- past decade, some of which energy and technology and aerospace to nology in exchange for market sed the United States last year as have prompted complaints pharmaceuticals. access. the biggest market, but sales to- Beijing improperly subsidizes electric cars That prompted complaints China has had mixed success taled just over 300,000. AP

UN rights chief says Liu Xia Beijing would consider sending troops for must be allowed to move freely Djibouti-Eritrea he U.N. human ri- that she is able to leave if ghts chief said last she wants to.” Elias Meseret 2010 cease-fire deal.

T ap photo week he intends to keep China’s Foreign Minis- China hopes the Djibou- pressuring China to allow try said in a statement hina would consider ti-Eritrea border issue will the wife of the late Nobel responding to Liu’s death Csending peacekeeping be “solved amicably,” Kuang Peace Prize laureate Liu and calls for Liu Xia to troops to a disputed Djibou- said. Xiaobo to move freely move freely that foreign ti-Eritrea border region after China is relatively new to and leave the country if countries “are in no po- Qatar pulled out its troops peacekeeping but already she wants to go elsewhe- sition to make improper last month, China’s top diplo- is the biggest contributor of re. remarks” over the han- mat to the African Union said peacekeepers among the five Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein dling of Liu’s case, which Friday, as the Asian giant’s permanent members of the told a group of reporters Beijing sees as a domestic military role overseas grows. U.N. Security Council, with that he intends to meet affair. China also would consider more than 2,500 deployed on with Chinese officials Zeid responded to Chi- stepping in to mediate the dis- U.N. missions as of the end of when he returns to Ge- na’s claim that it’s a do- pute between the East African June. neva to stress the appeal mestic issue and the U.N. nations if asked, Kuang Wei- There currently is no U.N. he made after Liu died of and foreign countries are lin told The Associated Press. mission in Djibouti or Eritrea. liver cancer on July 27 for interfering saying the This month, China dispat- Djibouti is already home to the lifting of restrictions U.N. General Assembly ched members of its army to the United States’ only per- on Liu Xia’s movements. made very clear during Djibouti to man its first over- manent military base in Afri- “We’re now focused on ged China to lift all res- to subvert government the apartheid era in Sou- seas military base. The move ca, Camp Lemonnier, while his wife and ensuring that trictions on Liu Xia’s mo- power after he published th Africa that criticism is key to the wide-ranging France, Britain, Japan and she has — or trying to en- vements. a manifesto calling for does not amount to inter- expansion of China’s armed other nations also maintain a sure that she has — free- An accomplished poet political reform. But her vening in another coun- forces in step with the coun- military presence in the small dom of movement and if and artist, Liu Xia was current whereabouts are try’s affairs. try’s growing economic and but strategically located Horn she wants to leave Chi- never charged but has unknown and her Bei- “So I’ve invited the Chi- political footprint. of Africa nation. na she should be able to been kept guarded and jing apartment remains nese, I’ve invited all of Qatar withdrew 450 pea- China’s base in Djibouti leave China,” the U.N. largely isolated for more tightly guarded. them to claim it, to pre- cekeeping troops from the “will only have logistical pur- high commissioner for than seven years in the Zeid said “the claim sent a legal argument in contested Dumeriah moun- poses, not defense capabili- human rights said. apartment she once sha- was there was never any defense of that position,” tain area in June while caught ties,” Kuang said. China has The United States, the red with her husband. real restriction, but the the human rights chief up in its own diplomatic clash said the logistics center will European Union, and She was with Liu when feeling was that she was said. “We hold up a mir- with other Arab nations. It support anti-piracy, U.N. pea- numerous other foreign he died while serving being restricted, and so ror basically — you’re had mediated the territorial cekeeping and humanitarian governments and righ- an 11-year sentence on we want to use this mo- committing the abuse, dispute and its peacekeepers relief missions in Africa and ts groups have also ur- charges of incitement ment to assure ourselves not us.” AP had been deployed after a western Asia. AP 24.07.2017 mon

12 ASIA-PACIFIC 亞太版 www.macaudailytimes.com.mo

Kaweewit Kaewjinda, Bangkok Thailand Cyprus and Thailand. He used what he claimed was a he neighbors had their sus- web design company, EBX Tech- Tpicions. The young Canadian nologies, as a front, the indictment accused of masterminding the ‘Darknet’ suspect’s flashy said. world’s leading “darknet” inter- But his life in the Bangkok subur- net marketplace lived a seemingly bs appeared stable, neighbors said. quiet life for more than a year with One neighbor, who asked not to his Thai girlfriend in a middle- cars raised eyebrows be named because the case invol- class neighborhood on the outskir- ves crime, said Cazes rarely left the ts of Bangkok. house before noon. She said she But the flashy cars he drove stood than that it’s mostly quiet, nothing got her first good look at him one out. There was the nearly USD1 flashy or anything.” day when he was outside, trying to million, metallic gray Lamborghi- ap photo Nothing except those expensive photograph a monitor lizard that ni. There was the Porsche, and cars, which were completely out of had crawled out of a deserted field then the Mini Cooper for his girl- place in the neighborhood where nearby. friend. All in an area where people homes cost less than $120,000. “We smiled at each other, that’s drive pickup trucks and children “Why does he have a Lamborghi- it,” she said. tool around on plastic tricycles. ni? Why does he have a Porsche or Darknet websites have thrived The neighbors thought 25-year- Mini Cooper?” Hassanupong said. since the 2011 appearance of the old Alexandre Cazes worked in “There are recent news reports Silk Road bazaar, which was taken the hotel business. But according about people laundering money down two years later. Merchants to the U.S. Justice Department, he and that sort of thing. But like I and buyers keep their identities was the mastermind of AlphaBay, said, I thought he was in the hotel secret by using encrypted commu- an internet marketplace that tra- business.” nications and anonymity-provi- ded in illegal drugs, firearms and Soon enough, talk in the nei- ding tools such as the Tor browser. counterfeit goods. One of properties of AlphaBay founder Alexandre Cazes is seen in Bangkok ghborhood was that Cazes was The darknet itself is only accessible By the time authorities closed in ready to improve his standard of through such specialized apps. on July 5, Cazes had amassed a In a private Facebook message to move forward. And if what the living. Cazes’ own carelessness appa- USD23 million fortune as the site’s to The Associated Press, Gauthier FBI says is completely true, well, At the time of his arrest, he was rently tripped him up — not the creator and administrator, court wrote: “Alexandre was always a that’s not the Alexandre Cazes that building a palatial home about 20 underlying security technology Al- documents show. good boy without any kind of trou- we knew. But we would love him minutes away in a far more upsca- phaBay used. Last week, U.S. Justice Depart- ble in his past. He was peaceful still, and forgive him.” le area. The price tag? More than According to the indictment, he ment officials gave details of the and anti-drugs. We always thou- Interviews with Cazes’ neighbors $1.1 million. accidentally broadcast his perso- global police operation that brou- ght his wealth came from invest- paint a picture of a young man According to court documents, nal Hotmail address in welcome ght down Cazes, who authorities ments in cryptocurrency, not from who displayed flashes of ostenta- he also owned a luxury villa on the messages sent to new users. And say hanged himself in his Thai jail a ‘Darkmarket [sic].’” tion but otherwise seemed unas- edge of a cliff in the holiday desti- when he was tracked down and cell a week after his arrest, and She was apparently referring to suming. nation of Phuket and a $400,000 arrested in Thailand, Cazes was lo- dealt a serious blow to illicit inter- “darknet.” She continued: “He “He was with his girlfriend,” said villa in Antigua. gged into the AlphaBay website as net commerce. was raised in a good home by good a neighbor, Hassanupong Poo- Much of Cazes’ fortune was its administrator, allowing inves- Cazes’ stepmother Kathy Gau- parents, but now we are exhaus- trakulchote. “Around New Year’s in digital currencies, the court tigators access to passwords and thier expressed surprise at the alle- ted and simply want to accept the or Christmas I saw some of his documents show. He bought other information, it says. gations, saying “we do not unders- situation. Last week my spouse friends come over and they wou- real estate and luxury cars, in- Cazes also used the same perso- tand how he could have been the spoke to the media about who Ale- ld have a little party. There were cluding the $900,000 Lambor- nal email address — “pimp_alex- person described by the FBI, that’s xandre really was, and our opinion Thai people, some of them were ghini, and pursued “economic [email protected] — on a PayPal just not his personality!” hasn’t changed. Now we just want his girlfriend’s relatives [...] Other citizenship” in Liechtenstein, account. AP

wounded army officer, 1st Philippines Lt. Kent Fagyan, told how troops smashed concrete ap photo walls of houses and buildin- Congress extends martial gs with sledgehammers to advance slowly toward mi- law in south amid siege litant positions away from sniper fire. Troops dealt with booby traps and had Jim Gomez, Manila rections in other southern extension was too long and to wrest back control of Ma- cities and that martial law that the rest of the country rawi communities room by he Philippine Con- has helped troops stop at- may eventually be placed room, he said, adding that Tgress on Saturday tacks, including bombings, under martial rule. the militants had powerful Lawmakers gather for a special joint session on the possible overwhelmingly approved elsewhere. Left-wing activists oppo- machine guns, drones and extension of martial law the president’s appeal for “There was an order for sed to Duterte’s declaration “seemingly unlimited am- martial law in the south them to do their own version rallied outside Congress. munition.” ter that the leadership of dged they underestimated to be extended to the end of Marawi in other areas, but Some unfurled protest pos- “Inside, you can’t eat on the Marawi siege “largely the combat strength of the of the year to help troops we were able to stop this be- ters in the plenary hall but time, you can’t sleep becau- remains intact despite the militants and their prepa- quell a two-month siege cause of martial law,” Ano were forced out by security se you’ll be awakened by considerable decline in the rations, including the stock- by Islamic State group- told the legislators. officers. explosions here and there number of rebels fighting in piling of assault firearms in linked militants and stamp Defense Secretary Delfin Sen. Risa Hontiveros re- starting in the morning up the main battle area.” Other Marawi. Troops long used out similar extremist plots Lorenzana played down called how civil liberties to evening for almost 24 radical armed bands “are to fighting insurgents in the in the volatile region. concerns of military abuses, were curtailed and Con- hours,” Fagyan said. ready to reinforce Isnilon jungles have struggled to House of Representatives saying no major human ri- gress was padlocked when The siege on Marawi star- Hapilon’s group or launch rout the gunmen from Ma- Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez ghts violations have been dictator Ferdinand Marcos ted when more than 600 diversionary attacks and si- rawi’s dense urban sprawl. announced that senators reported since Duterte de- imposed martial law in the heavily armed fighters, wa- milar uprisings elsewhere,” The crisis has sparked and House members voted clared martial law to deal Philippines in 1972. Mar- ving Islamic State group- he said, referring to the lea- alarm that the Islamic Sta- 261-18 in favor of granting with the Marawi violence, cos was ousted in a “people style black flags, stormed der of the attackers. te group may be gaining a President Rodrigo Duter- the worst crisis in his year- power” revolt in 1986. into the city, occupying bui- Intelligence reports that foothold in Southeast Asia te’s request in a special joint long presidency. Since the Marawi fighting ldings, houses and mosques Hapilon sent funds and through allied local mili- session. The 60-day martial Some opponents argued broke out on May 23, at and taking hostages. Several ordered allied militants to tants, as it faces major se- law was to expire late Satur- that government forces least 428 militants, 105 sol- foreign fighters, including launch attacks in key cities tbacks in Syria and Iraq. day. could deal with the attack diers and policemen, and 20 Indonesians and a Ma- across the south have been The United States and Aus- The military chief of staff, in lakeside Marawi, a cen- 45 civilians have been kil- laysian financier known as validated, Duterte said. tralia have deployed sur- Gen. Eduardo Ano, war- ter of Islamic faith in the led. Half a million residents Mahmud bin Ahmad, joi- The attackers’ lasting veillance planes to Marawi, ned during the session that southern third of the largely have been displaced, accor- ned the insurrection, Duter- power and large arsenal of and China has provided aside from the uprising in Roman Catholic nation, wi- ding to the military. te said in a letter to Congress weapons have surprised weapons for Filipino troops, Marawi, extremist groups thout resorting to martial During the daylong spe- this past week. Duterte and his top securi- including those fighting in have plotted similar insur- law. Others worried that the cial session of Congress, a Duterte wrote in his let- ty officials, who acknowle- the besieged city. AP mon 24.07.2017

th Anniversary

macau’s leading newspaper 亞太版 ASIA-PACIFIC 13

East Timor Indonesia ap photo Joko: Shoot drug Vote results show traffickers who Fretilin winning resist arrest ndonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo Isays police should shoot drug traffickers who resist arrest because of a narcotics crisis facing the country. largest share Presidential spokesman Johan Budi said yesterday that Jokowi made the comments at a recent meeting of an Indonesian political party. Raimundos Oki, Dili tion with CNRT, its secretary-gene- “We have to take firm action. If drug dealers who ral, Mari Alkatiri, said to loud applau- operate in Indonesia fight back when arrested, offi- reliminary results se and chants of “Viva Fretilin.” cers can shoot them, because we are in a narcotics from East Timor’s parlia- The vote Saturday was East Ti- emergency position now,” Jokowi said, according to mentary election show the mor’s first parliamentary election his spokesman. Fretilin party has won the without U.N. supervision since pea- An electoral worker shows a ballot paper as Local media reported last week that police shot Pmost votes while its partner in the na- cekeepers left in 2012. votes are counted during the parliamentary dead a Taiwanese man for resisting arrest during a tional unity government has suffered The former Portuguese colony voted election in Dili seizure of 1 ton of crystal methamphetamine, Indo- a slump in support. overwhelmingly for independence in nesia’s largest-ever seizure of the drug. With more than 90 percent of votes 1999 after 24 years of brutal Indone- seas for work. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte launched counted yesterday, the National Con- sian occupation. Indonesia’s military Nearly two dozen parties contested an anti-drug crusade last year in which thousands gress for Timorese Reconstruction and pro-Indonesian militias respon- the election, in which they must win of alleged drug dealers and users have been killed, party of independence hero Xanana ded to the independence referendum more than 4 percent of the vote to get often in circumstances akin to lawless summary exe- Gusmao, or CNRT, had won 28 per- with scorched earth attacks that de- seats in parliament. Results will be cutions. The crackdown has been condemned by ri- cent, down from 36.7 percent in 2012, vastated the East Timorese half of the official once certified by the country’s ghts groups and governments around the world. when it was the top-polling party. island of Timor. Court of Appeal, likely next week. Indonesia has tough anti-drug laws and traffickers Fretilin, or Revolutionary Front for In recent years, leaders have focu- The drop in support for CNRT indi- can receive the death penalty. Four people, one In- an Independent East Timor, was at sed on big-ticket infrastructure pro- cates frustration with slow economic donesian and three Nigerians, were executed by fi- 30 percent, little changed from the jects to develop the economy, funding progress and concerns about govern- ring squad last year, and dozens are on death row for previous election. The Popular Li- them from a dwindling fund of for- ment corruption. trafficking. beration Party, a new political force mer oil riches, but progress is slow. In the first few years after the inde- Budi said Jokowi’s comment is not a shoot to kill led by former President Taur Matan Today, the country of 1.3 million pendence, Fretilin, whose paramili- order and police actions should be measured and in Ruak, and the Democratic Party had people still faces poverty, with many tary arm had waged guerrilla warfare accordance with the law. each scooped up about 10 percent of lacking clean water and sanitation. against Indonesia’s occupation, was It’s a message to all Indonesians to show the com- the votes. Unemployment is high and young popular enough to form a govern- mitment of the government to fighting narcotics, he Fretilin is open to forming a coali- people are increasingly going over- ment alone. AP said. AP

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Israel installs new security cameras amidst dispute over Jerusalem holy site

Aron Heller, Jerusalem Islamic institutions in Jerusalem, ter them,” Lieberman told the of which he is a part, said they YNet news site, before lambasting srael installed new security “affirm the categorical rejection ap photo Abbas for not condemning the sta- Icameras yesterday at the en- of the electronic gates and all the bbing attack. “We need to unders- trance to a sensitive Jerusalem measures of occupation.” tand that he is not a partner. He is holy site, as officials began indi- Disputes over the shrine, revered not looking for peace.” cating it was considering “alter- by Muslims and Jews, have set off The assailant said in a pre-attack natives” to the metal detectors at major rounds of Israeli-Palesti- Facebook post that he expected to the contested shrine that set off nian confrontations in the past. be killed in the attack and his fa- a weekend of violence and raised On Friday, several thousand Pa- ther said he was motivated by the tensions in the region. lestinians clashed with Israeli se- violence at the Jerusalem shrine, Israel set up the new security curity forces in the West Bank and which in a rare move was brie- measures last week after Arab in Jerusalem after noon prayers fly shut down last week after the gunmen opened fire from the shri- — the centerpiece of the Muslim shooting attack. ne, killing two Israeli policemen. It religious week. Three Palestinians The site is administered by Mus- said they were a necessary mea- were killed and several dozen Israeli border police officers stand guard near newly installed cameras at the lim authorities under the auspices sure to prevent more attacks and wounded after protesters burned entrance to the Al Aqsa Mosque compound of Jordan but Israel maintains se- were deployed routinely at holy si- tires and threw stones and fire- curity control of the compound. tes around the world. But Muslims crackers. Israeli troops responded heard the screams, rushed to the mitting anti-Israeli incitement in Anticipating a demolition, local alleged Israel was trying to expand with live rounds, rubber bullets home and opened fire, wounding the public Palestinian discourse residents in the village of Kobar its control at the Muslim-adminis- and tear gas. the attacker. TV footage showed and vowed to act against it. The said the family emptied its home of tered site and have launched mass the floor tiles drenched in blood, Palestinians reject the allegations, valuables Saturday. Later, clashes prayer protests. and officials called it a “massacre.” saying Israel’s 50-year-old occu- erupted as residents burned tires Three Palestinians were killed Three “This has nothing to do with me- pation of lands sought for a Pales- and hurled rocks at Israeli troops in street clashes Friday in some of tal detectors. There is no justifica- tinian state is at the root of wides- who had searched the home. The the worst street violence in years, Palestinians tion for murdering a grandfather pread Palestinian anger and helps military said about 50 people at- and later a Palestinian stabbed to at a party to celebrate the birth of drive violence. tacked troops who fired back with death three members of an Israeli were killed in his new grandson,” said Oded Re- Israel has yet to comment on the rubber bullets and tear gas. family. street clashes vivi, the chief foreign envoy of the new cameras and whether they Low-level clashes took place Maj. Gen. Yoav Mordechai, who Yesha settlers’ council. offered a chance to restore calm. elsewhere throughout the day. heads the Israeli defense body for Friday in some Prime Minister Benjamin Ne- A top adviser to Palestinian Presi- In one, a Palestinian died under Palestinian civilian affairs, said Is- tanyahu denounced the attack as dent Mahmoud Abbas said he was questionable circumstances. Wit- rael was open to alternatives to of the worst “an act of terror, carried out by a holding consultations with various nesses said the 23-year-old tried lower the tensions. beast who was incited with unfa- countries, including Jordan, Saudi to hurl a metal pipe filled with “The only thing we want is to street violence thomable hatred.” Arabia, Egypt and Morocco, about homemade explosives at Israe- ensure no one can enter with wea- in years At his weekly Cabinet meeting, the crisis. li soldiers but it exploded in his pons again and carry out another Netanyahu vowed the killer’s Abbas announced Friday he hand. Ramallah Hospital director attack,” he said. “We’re willing to Late Friday night, a 20-year-old home would be demolished swiftly would “freeze” ties with Israel “on Ahmad Betawi said the man died examine alternatives to the metal Palestinian identified as Omar in retribution and those who inci- all levels” until the new security of shrapnel wounds but could not detectors as long as the solution of al-Abed jumped over the fence of ted and glorified his act would be measures Israel imposed at the define what kind without an au- alternative ensures the prevention the Halamish settlement near Ra- dealt with. Jerusalem site were removed. topsy. of the next attack.” mallah and entered a home, sur- “Since the beginning of the even- Halting security coordination Israel fortified its troops in the However, the top Muslim cleric prising a family that was celebra- ts I’ve conducted a series of mee- with Israel would have far-rea- West Bank and placed forces on of Jerusalem, Mohammed Hus- ting a new grandchild during their tings and evaluations with the all ching repercussions and could high alert after the attack. The Is- sein, told the Voice of Palestine traditional Sabbath dinner. He the security officials, including sharply raise tensions. raeli military said it carried out a he demands a complete return to stabbed to death Yosef Salomon, those on the ground. We receive But Israeli Defense Minister wave of overnight arrests of 29 procedures that were in place be- 70, and his adult children, 46-year updates on the ground from them Avigdor Lieberman says the se- people, including several mem- fore the initial attack at the shrine, -old Chaya and 35-year-old Elad, and recommendations on how to curity ties are more beneficial to bers of the Islamic Hamas militant known to Muslims as the Noble while his daughter-in-law escaped act and we decide accordingly,” he the Palestinians anyway, and whi- group. Sanctuary and to Jews as the Tem- to a separate room to shelter her said. le Israel can live without them the Gaza’s Hamas rulers praised the ple Mount. young children. Israel has repeatedly accused Palestinians would suffer. attack, but stopped short of taking In a statement yesterday, the A neighbor, an off-duty soldier, the Palestinian Authority of per- “We are not going to chase af- responsibility for it. AP Baby Charlie protesters to rally as hospital reports threats

Gregory Katz, London where legal proceedings Mary MacLeod said the and discomforted” on the will resume Monday with London police have been grounds of the renowned rotesters who want new medical evidence ex- contacted because of nu- hospital in London. ap photo Pcritically ill Bri- pected. merous threats received by Charlie’s parents have lost tish baby Charlie Gard Charlie has a rare gene- the hospital’s employees in all previous court cases, to receive an experimen- tic condition and suffers the case. including one before the tal medical treatment from brain damage. His “Staff have received abuse European Court of Human are planning a rally and parents are fighting to get both in the street and onli- Rights, which were desig- prayer vigil yesterday, him more medical care but ne,” she said. “Thousands ned to force the hospital to while hospital officials Great Ormond Street Hos- of abusive messages have let them bring their son to say emotions are running pital officials say the expe- been sent to doctors and the United States for an ex- This is an undated photo of sick baby Charlie Gard provided by his family so high in the heart- rimental treatment won’t nurses whose life’s work perimental treatment. breaking case they have work and will just cause is to care for sick children. The loss in the European Charlie’s fate, and the hos- has treated similar cases. received death threats. the 11-month-old more Many of these messages court, following an earlier pital asked for a new court The doctor’s testimony is Activists supporting suffering. They argue that are menacing, including defeat in Britain’s Supreme hearing because of what expected to figure heavily Gard’s parents were ex- his life support should be death threats.” Court, seemed final. But the family claimed was new in Monday’s court procee- pected to gather early to- turned off and he should MacLeod said families both Pope Francis and U.S. medical evidence. dings, as are the results day [Macau time] outside receive palliative care. visiting other ill children President Donald Trump Charlie has been exami- of Charlie’s recent brain the High Court in London Hospital chairwoman have also been “harassed expressed an interest in ned by a U.S. doctor who scans. AP mon 24.07.2017

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New Jersey man with a degree in accounting is this year’s World Series of Poker champion. Rookie from New Jersey wins AScott Blumstein won the series’ marquee no-limit Texas Hold ‘em main event yesterday in Las Vegas surrounded by dozens of World Series of Poker, USD8.1m supporters including relatives and college friends. He is now more honestly, and to have to go back of supporters who cheered and than USD8.1 million richer after and battle pretty deep again, I gasped — depending on the hand eliminating Pennsylvania’s Daniel wasn’t looking forward to it,” said — throughout the night. Some in ap photo Ott on the 246th hand of the final Blumstein, who fell to his knees Team Blumstein sported T-shirts table, more than 60 hands with near his supporters after the two that wondered “Is this real” and just the two of them with bricks of hearts was revealed. others that declared “I don’t like of bills and a gold bracelet separa- Blumstein, Ott and seven other folding.” ting them. players reached the final table Ott said overall he was satisfied “I’m really happy about how after having bested more than with how he performed and the I played tonight,” said Blums- 7,200 participants. Unlike the result. tein, who’s 25. “... This is just past several years, the final nine “At the end the chips didn’t go one poker tournament. It takes players didn’t have to wait until my way,” Ott told PokerNews. variance and luck and playing November to take their spots at com after the event. “The cards your best, and all those things the final table. Each of them was didn’t go my way. But I got second came together, and I’m happy to guaranteed at least $1 million. place in the third largest Main be the winner.” The famed tournament marked Event ever. I can’t complain about Blumstein’s final hand of an ace the end of this year’s series, in whi- that.” of hearts and a two of diamonds ch dozens of tournaments drew Blumstein, a graduate of Temple ended up being stronger than 120,995 entrants from around University, is a regular on New that of Ott, who went all in with the world, shattering attendance Jersey online pokersites but had Scott Blumstein poses for photographers after winning the World Series of Poker main event an ace of diamonds and an eight records. The men who made the never cashed in the World Series of diamonds. The community final table represented the United of Poker. His total live winnin- naments, though. Blumstein said nament ended, he credited his cards were a jack of spades, a six States, Argentina, France and Bri- gs stood at more than $300,000 money is not what motivates many hours on the online felt for of spades, a five of hearts, a seven tain. Earlier, on Saturday night, before Sunday. Besides his mul- him to play, but his payout will helping him win the main event. of hearts and a two of hearts. It Frenchman Benjamin Pollak was timillion-dollar payout, he also allow him to do “whatever” he “The best way to get better at was the last card that prompted eliminated in third place. took home a bracelet made from wants to do whether that is play anything is through repetition and Blumstein’s supporters to erupt. Ott, of Altoona, Pennsylvania, white and yellow gold, diamonds more poker, go into business or practice,” he said. “When you play “I’m really happy with the result, earned $4.7 million. Neither he and rubies. return to school. online in New Jersey, it’s hard for really happy with the deuce be- nor Blumstein, of Brigantine, New The millions of dollars Blumstein The champion’s home state is any live pro to see even close to cause I was playing good, but I’m Jersey, had previously played at earned probably won’t go toward one of three states where onli- the amount of hands I’ve probably pretty tired of poker at this point the main event. Both had dozens buy-ins at high-roller poker tour- ne poker is legal. After the tour- seen in the last two years.” AP

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what’s ON ... TV canal macau this day in history Constellation - Works by Nicolas Delaroche 13:00 TDM News (Repeated) Time: 10am-9pm 13:30 News (RTPi) Delayed Broadcast Until: October 8, 2017 14:50 RTPi Live Venue: Tap Seac Gallery 16:30 Revenge Sr.4 Admission: Free 17:50 Now Generation (Repeated) Enquiries: (853) 2836 6866 18:40 Non-Daily Portuguese News (Repeated) 19:40 Soap Opera Looking Through the Fog - José Dores Solo 20:30 Main News, Financial & Weather Report Exhibition 21:00 TDM Sport ime T : 11am-10pm 22:10 Now Generation Until: August 21, 2017 23:00 TDM News Venue: IFT Cafe, Anim’Arte Nam Van 23:30 Miscellaneous Admission: Free 00:05 Main News, Financial & Weather Report (Repeated) Enquiries: (853) 2856 1252 00:40 RTPi Live Commemorative Exhibitions of the 150th Anniversary of Sun Yat-sen’s Birth Time: 10am-6pm (Closed on Tuesdays, open on public holidays) Venue: No. 80, Rua das Estalagens Admission: Free Enquiries: (853) 8399 6699 cinema ixon must hand over cineteatro 1974 N ‘ Watergate tapes’ Treasure of Sacred Art of St. Joseph’s 20- 26 Jul Seminary The United States Supreme Court has ordered Pre- PriPara The Movie sident Nixon to surrender tape recordings of White Time: 10am-5pm (Closed on Wednesdays, open on room 1 House conversations about the Watergate affair. public holidays) 2:00, 5:00pm Giving the judgement to a packed and hushed cour- Director: Okubo Is Male troom, Chief Justice Warren E. Burger said the court Venue: St. Joseph’s Seminary and Church, Rua do Starring: rejected Mr Nixon’s claims of executive privilege. Seminario Language: Cantonese (Chinese) Duration: 58min Instead, he said they “must yield to the demonstra- Admission: Free ted, specific need for evidence in a pending criminal Enquiries: (853) 2835 7911 DEspicable Me 3 trial”. The president said he was “disappointed” by room 1 the decision, but would comply with the ruling. 10:00pm The White House has already released edited trans- Former Home of Revolutionary Leader Ye Director: Eric Guillon, Kyle Balda, Pierre Coffin cripts of the tapes, which cover 64 conversations Ting Starring: Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Trey Parker made between June 1972 and April of this year. Time: 10am-6pm (Closed on Wednesdays, open on Language: Cantonese But President Nixon has until now refused to com- Duration: 90min ply with a court order awarded to Leon Jaworski, the public holidays) special prosecutor in the Watergate investigation, re- Venue: 76, Rua Almirante Costa Cabral MEOW quiring him to produce the tapes themselves. room 1 Admission: Free Mr Jaworski alleges the tapes implicate the presi- 6:00pm dent himself in covering up a break-in at the Water- nquiries E : (853) 8399 6699 room 3 gate hotel headquarters of the Democratic National 10:00pm Committee during the election campaign in 1972. Director: Benny Chan he andarin s ouse The burglars were caught rifling through confiden- T M ’ H Starring: Louis Koo, Mary Ma, Jessica Liu, Andy Huang Time: tial papers and bugging the office of President Ni- 10am-6pm (Closed on Wednesdays) Language: Cantonese (Chinese & English) xon’s political opponents. Duration: 109min Venue: No. 10, Travessa de António da Silva The tapes will now be available for use as evidence Admission: Free Spider-man: Homecoming in the trial of some of the president’s closest aides, due to take place in September. Enquiries: (853) 2896 8820 room 1 9:45pm It is likely to take several weeks to produce trans- Director: Jon Watts cripts of the tapes, so they will not be available in Starring: Tom Holland, Michael Keaton, Robert Downey Jr. time to be used during the House of Representatives’ Language: English Judiciary Committee debate on impeachment, which Offbeat Duration: 133min began this evening. However, the timing of the Supreme Court decision war of the planet of the apes just hours before the debate began, as well as the Beijing says no to room 2 fact that all eight judges voted unanimously, is likely over past bad behavior 2:15, 4:45, 7:15, 9:45pm to have a strong influence on the impeachment pro- ‘ ’ Director: Matt Reeves cess. Starring: Woody Herrelson, Sara Canning, Judy Greeer If the committee decides to recommend impeaching China’s capital says it won’t be inviting Justin Bieber Language: English (Chinese) the president, the matter goes to the full House for to perform in the country because of his past “bad Duration: 140min debate. behavior,” although it did concede that the Canadian If the House agrees, President Nixon could face an singer has talent. Cars 3 impeachment trial before the Senate - the first such In response to a question from a purported fan on room 3 trial in over a century. its web page, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00pm said it was acting in the interest of imposing standards Director: Brian Fee Courtesy BBC News Starring: Owen Wilson, Cristela Alonzo, Chris Cooper and order and “cleaning up” the domestic performan- Language: Cantonese ce market. Duration: 102min It said Bieber’s “bad behavior,” including in his priva- te life abroad and while in China to perform, had cau- In context sed “public dissatisfaction.” It did not provide details. Macau Tower When the tapes were finally released, more than 18 minutes of a crucial Bieber performed in Beijing, Shanghai and the eas- meeting were found to be missing. 6 - 26 Jul tern city of Dalian in 2013. The official explanation was that the president’s secretary had accidentally “Justin Bieber is a young foreign singer who is talen- erased it by pressing the wrong foot-pedal while answering the phone. ted at singing but also controversial,” the bureau said. On 27 July, the House Judiciary Committee voted to recommend that the “Therefore, it’s not appropriate to bring in artists who president be impeached and removed from office. show bad behavior,” it said. “However, in the process But before the House debate on his impeachment could begin, President of growing up and improving his words and deeds, he Nixon resigned. can truly develop into a singer who is beloved of the Richard Nixon’s successor, Gerald Ford, formally pardoned him just two months after coming into power, saving him from possible prosecution. masses,” it added. But the five Watergate burglars and two co-plotters, former White House Bieber, 23, has had numerous run-ins with police staff member G. Gordon Liddy and Howard Hunt, were jailed. around the world. During his 2013 visit to China he In total 40 government officials were either indicted or jailed. drew criticism when pictures showed him being carried Spider-man: Homecoming Nixon eventually re-established himself as a respected statesman. He died up the Great Wall of China by a pair of bodyguards. 2:15, 4:45, 7,15, 9:30pm in 1994. Bieber’s “Purpose World Tour” wraps up in Asia in Director: Jon Watts In June 2005, former FBI deputy head Mark Felt was revealed to be the September with performances in Tokyo, the semiauto- Starring: Tom Holland, Michael Keaton, Robert Downey Jr. anonymous source “Deep Throat”, who helped Washington Post reporters nomous Chinese territory of Hong Kong, the Philippi- Language: English Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein uncover the Watergate affair. nes, Singapore and Indonesia. Duration: 133min mon 24.07.2017

macau’s leading newspaper 資訊/娛樂 INFOTAINMENT 17

YOUR STARS The Born Loser by Chip Sansom Aries Taurus

Mar. 21-Apr. 19 April 20-May 20 It’s going to be a fun-filled time Nobody likes shopping as much as for you as of right now. The stars you do - that’s a proven fact. You’ve are making you just a bit more probably been trying to go easy sociable, and a lot more willing in that department ever since the to try something new, at least shopping extravaganza you enjoyed once. last month.

Gemini Cancer

May 21-Jun. 21 Jun. 22-Jul. 22 You’re going to be extremely Find yourself someone you’ve both emotional today, and this might confided in and been a confidante knock you for a loop. This isn’t to in the past, sit them down and what you’re usually known for. In ask them to listen. Just listen. You’re fact, you’re far better at expressing usually the very soul of sympathy ideas to others than feelings. and understanding. SUDOKU Weather Leo Virgo Min Max Condition Jul. 23-Aug. 22 Aug. 23-Sept. 22 China What a decision! Do you hang out You’ll have the first hint of what’s Easy Easy+ with the usual suspects, the friends coming up today, but don’t worry who’ve been tried-and-true for about it. The worst that could Beijing 24 28 thundershower/overcast years now, or follow your curiosity happen may be that certain higher- Harbin cloudy and spend some time with a whole ups have had their eye on you, and 19 27 new crew? because you’ve done so darned well. Tianjin 25 29 moderate rain/drizzle Urumqi 32 clear Libra Scorpio 21 Xi’an 27 40 clear/cloudy Sep.23-Oct. 22 Oct. 23 - Nov. 21 Lhasa 13 24 drizzle/shower Ready for yet another day of passion, You’ll need some time off from the Chengdu 23 32 shower tender whispers and loving glances? world to prepare for all the time you’ll Sure it’s tedious, but you do have be spending taking care of them, so Chongqing 28 38 clear/cloudy your reputation to think of, so you’ll you’d better take it now. Of course, Kunming 16 24 moderate rain/shower probably do your best and bear up there’s a very sensual energy working under the pressure just fine. hard to get you involved with someone. Nanjing 29 39 clear Shanghai 30 40 cloudy/clear Sagittarius Capricorn Wuhan 28 38 clear Medium Hard Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Hangzhou 28 41 clear Along the way, you won’t be afraid Oh, you’re due for a great, big Taipei 28 35 drizzle/cloudy to speak your mind to anyone who spending spree. No, that’s not your Guangzhou thundershower suggests that you should be less usual style, and you’re not known 24 33 reckless, regardless of whether for being an impulse shopper, Hong Kong 27 31 heavy rain/drizzle they’re offended or shocked by either, but for right now, that could what you say. change.

Aquarius Pisces world

Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Feb.19-Mar. 20 Moscow 13 24 cloudy It’s going to be quite a day for There’s no one more trustworthy 13 20 overcast/moderate rain you - a delightful one. The fun than you, and no one more starts immediately! Get started compassionate - that’s a proven fact. 14 23 moderate rain/drizzle on planning that big celebration But little does the rest of the world London 12 17 drizzle that’s been in the back of your know how passionate you can be. So mind for weeks. be cautious. Don’t step on any toes. New York 21 30 cloudy/moderate rain

Crosswords Across: 1- Weaponry; 5- Alabama city; 10- Turner of “Peyton Place”; 14- Marine Useful telephone numbers mammal, secure something; 15- Experiment; 16- Very much; 17- Longfellow’s bell town; 18- Cheri of “Saturday Night Live”; 19- Roman censor; 20- Raising of a number to a power; 23- Squeeze; 24- Heavy metric weight; 25- Consented; 28- Epic poetry; Emergency calls 999 Taxi 28 939 939 / 2828 3283 30- Mutual fund fee; 31- Brief novel; 36- Off-road wheels, for short; 37- Milky; 39- Norma ___; 40- Eddy; 42- resident; 43- Breaks bread; 44- Resembling twigs; Fire department 28 572 222 Water Supply – Report 2822 0088 46- Pertaining to bees; 49- Connection; 51- Rebellion; 56- Nonsense; 57- Spoils, with “on”; 58- Algonquian language; 60- Waiting for the Robert ___; 61- Combined; PJ (Open line) 993 Telephone – Report 1000 62- Sack starter; 63- Fast jets, for short; 64- Hawaiian state birds; 65- Abominable Snowman; PJ (Picket) 28 557 775 Electricity – Report 28 339 922

Down: 1- Cool ___ cucumber; 2- Nerve network; 3- German economist and socialist; PSP 28 573 333 Macau Daily Times 28 716 081 4- Slid; 5- High; 6- Some Art Deco works; 7- Property claims; 8- Trading center; 9- Et ____ (and other men); 10- Milk sugar; 11- Customs 28 559 944 Actor Delon; 12- ___ your life!; 13- Make Friday’s solution up; 21- Prospector’s find; 22- Ring-shaped S. J. Hospital 28 313 731 island; 25- There oughta be ___!; 26- Roman Empire invader; 27- Sitarist Shankar; 28- First name in stunts; 29- Shade of green; Crossword puzzles provided by BestCrosswords.com Kiang Wu Hospital 28 371 333 31- Sgts., e.g.; 32- Siouan speaker; 33- Math course; 34- Strong taste; 35- Start Commission Against of a counting rhyme; 37- Grassy plain; 38- Fitting; 41- Attains; 42- Hard to please; 44- Corruption (CCAC) 28326 300 Tantalizes; 45- Intelligence; 46- Pays to play; 47- Swimming holes; 48- Map feature; 49- IACM 28 387 333 Grand ___ National Park; 50- “Goodnight” girl; 52- Sleipnir’s rider; 53- Corn bread; 54- Tourism 28 333 000 Writer Sarah ___ Jewett; 55- Tidy, without fault; 59- Prefix with center; Airport 59 888 88

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‘Artistic swimming’ Britain’s Daley beats Chinese off big tower

Paul Newberry and Ciaran Fahey, Budapest ap photo ap photo

he Chinese divers were mar- Tvelous. Tom Daley was even better. Banishing the memory of his Rio disappointment, the British diver captured his first individual me- dal at the world championships since 2009 with a thrilling victory over reigning Olympic champion Chen Aisen on Saturday. Chen, diving just ahead of Daley, put the pressure on in the final medals Saturday, including its ei- at the championships, did not en- round with a brilliant reverse 2½ ghth diving title. ter a team. somersaults with 2½ twists, ba- Thomas Daley Li Zheng and Wang Han fi- But Russia took the gold in the rely making a ripple as he sliced nished first in the mixed 3-me- final synchro competition — its through the water to receive four nds and finished with 590.95 making the final, to come back ter synchro with 323.70 points. seventh in nine events at worlds perfect 10s from the judges and points. Chen was next at 585.25, now and win a silver and a gold Daley teamed with Grace Reid to — when Aleksandr Maltsev and nothing lower than a 9.5. while his teammate Yang Jian se- all in one day is just, you know, I take the runner-up spot (308.04), Mikhaela Kalancha won the mi- But Daley, facing away from ttled for the bronze at 565.15. can’t quite believe it,” he said. while the bronze went to Jennifer xed duet free routine, a relatively the pool, launched himself off Daley was one of the platform Chen threw down a towel in dis- Abel and Francois Imbeau-Dulac new, non-Olympic event. the tower for an equally dazzling favorites at the Rio Olympics and gust when he realized Daley had of Canada (297.72). Italy’s Giorgio Minisini and Ma- back 3½ somersault pike. He re- led after the preliminaries. But he pulled out the victory. China again dominated the di- riangela Perrupato claimed the leased his legs, spotted the water stunningly failed to advance to “When I saw my points after ving competition, finishing with silver ahead of Bill May and Ka- and maneuvered his body into a the final when he finished last out my last dive, I thought, ‘I did it, 15 medals overall — three times as nako Kitao Spendlove, who clai- perpendicular position for scores of 18 divers in the semifinals, with I’ve got first place, I’m the world many as runner-up Russia — but med their second bronze of the that matched Chen, including a score that was nearly 170 points champion,’” Chen said. “And then came up short of its 10 gold me- event for the United States. four 10s. worse that the prelims. when Tom got exactly the same dals in Kazan two years ago. The sport known for its hair gel, “Seeing Chen do his dive — I saw For good measure, Daley also points as me, I thought, ‘Well, it’s The Chinese also took a syn- glittering uniforms and over-the- him in the water and thought, ‘Oh captured a silver in the mixed a bit disappointing, but we all did chronized swimming gold in the top pageantry will have a new yeah, so that’s how you want to 3-meter synchronized on the final our best.’ What I have to do now women’s team free. Ukraine se- moniker going forward. World play. I’m here to play too,’” Daley day of diving. is improve myself even more and ttled for silver and Japan claimed governing body FINA voted to said. “Considering everything that maybe get first place next time.” the bronze. Russia, which has change its name to artistic swim- The winner led after all six rou- happened in Rio last year, not China did earn two more gold won six synchro swimming golds ming. AP ad mon 24.07.2017

macau’s leading newspaper 體育 SPORTS 19

So when the wind started to blow in the technical and twisting ap photo final kilometers of Stage 14, the Team Sky train hit the front. Aru, on the other hand, was nowhere to be seen, trapped at the back of the pack. The Astana leader didn’t come back before the peloton split and cracked in a short and steep climb to the finish, relinquishing the yellow jersey to Froome. “It’s a beautiful surprise today,” said Froome, who took an 18-se- cond lead over Aru. “Everyone is fighting for every second they can get. The time I made up today could be very vital.”

STAGE 15: A MISSED OPPORTUNITY FOR FROOME’S RIVALS Froome had another mechanical problem at the foot of the Col de Peyra Taillade as the peloton rode to Le Puy-en-Velay in the Massif Central. He broke a back-wheel spoke and had to stop on the side of the road to take a wheel off his teammate Michal Kwiatkowski. Riding at the front with an ad- vantage of about one minute, Bardet, Aru and Rigoberto Uran lacked ambition. They could have Tour de France winner Britain’s Chris Froome (right) reshuffled all the cards in the ba- ttle for the yellow jersey, but they Cycling | Tour de France failed to join forces to try and go clear. With the help of his teammates, Froome eventually caught them. “It was a stressful moment,” Froome wins No. 4 with marginal Froome said. “I thought I might not get back to the front.”

STAGE 20: TOO STRONG gains, great teammates IN MARSEILLE Although he failed to win the Samuel Petrequin bters by taking time on all of his would be a “monster stage.” It in the final few hundred meters, final time trial, ending the Tour rivals in the streets of the Ger- took 12 riders out of the race, in- Froome was only able to follow empty-handed in terms of stage n many ways, winning a man city. cluding Froome’s top lieutenant the Astana team leader for a few wins, Froome sealed his fourth fourth Tour de France title In bad weather conditions and Geraint Thomas and top rival bike lengths before he got dro- Tour victory in the streets of Mar- was all about making the on slippery roads, he managed Richie Porte. But the Team Sky pped. He ended up crossing the seille. most of marginal gains for to put 35 seconds into Richie leader came out of it unscathed line in seventh place, 22 seconds After controlling the race during IChris Froome. Porte that day, with Nairo Quin- after answering all of his rivals’ behind stage winner Bardet. Aru two hard days in the Alps, Froome Not as dominant as he used to tana one second further back. attacks. seized the lead from Froome by finished third in the 22.5-kilome- be in the mountains, the Kenyan- Other top contenders including Froome also had to deal with six seconds. ter stage and increased his overall born British rider was unable to Fabio Aru, Romain Bardet and a problem on his bike gears that lead. deliver a lethal blow to his rivals. Rigoberto Uran lost even more forced him to change machines. STAGE 14: Better than all of his main rivals He had to fight until the very time. Aru tried to take advantage of the TACTICS IN RODEZ in the race against the clock, he end to seal his fourth win in five “If you’d told me at the be- situation and launched an attack. Lance Armstrong once said that gained time on all of them and years at cycling’s biggest race. ginning of today that this was But the Italian rider and others one does not need to be a “rocket almost caught Bardet in the final The gap between Froome and what the GC would look like after top contenders then slowed the scientist” to know it’s crucial to meters. his rivals narrowed, but his today’s stage, I would have defi- pace to let him make his way ride at the front of the pack on “Every year,” Froome said. teammates at Sky remained the nitely accepted that and been ha- back. roads open to cross winds. “Winning the Tour is getting more best and played a decisive role in ppy to take that,” said Froome. “I want to say ‘thank you’ to the Chris Froome knows it perfectly. difficult.”AP helping their leader defend his other riders for not attacking,” title during a three-week race of STAGE 5: IN YELLOW Froome said. “They waited until attrition. DESPITE ARU’S THREAT I had changed bikes. That’s spor-

Froome’s winning margin in Italian national champion ting and pleasing to see.” ap photo this Tour, 54 seconds ahead of Fabio Aru won at the Planche After seven ascents that toge- Rigoberto Uran, was narrower des Belles Filles ski station but ther amounted to 4,600 meters than Froome’s previous wins in Froome stayed cool and took (15,000 feet) of climbing, Froo- 2013, 2015, and 2016. It’s the the yellow jersey from teammate me even consolidated his overall first Tour he has won by less Geraint Thomas. lead by securing a 4-second bo- than one minute. On a very hot day, Aru impres- nus with a third-place finish in Here is a look at the defining sed the field with a terrific accele- the stage. moments of the Team Sky lea- ration in the steep climb leading der’s ride across France: to the finish. Froome crossed the STAGE 12: A BAD DAY line 20 seconds behind the Ita- IN THE PYRENEES STAGE 1: A STRONG lian and showed no sign of panic In his previous victories at the START IN DUESSELDORF afterwards. Tour de France, Froome had Froome arrived in Germany “It’s still very open, we’ve got a always taken advantage of the for the Tour’s Grand Depart wi- lot of racing ahead of us,” Froo- first mountain-top finish to make thout a win this year, and with me said. a big difference. serious questions about his But near the end of the brutal form. STAGE 9: SURVIVING climb to Peyragudes, Froome Over 14 kilometers, the defen- THE MONSTER STAGE cracked. ding champion silenced his dou- Froome had predicted Stage 9 When Aru launched his attack Chris Froome, wearing the overall leader’s yellow jersey, holds son Kellan THE Hong Kong lowers storm Station Air quality BUZZ signal to standby Roadside 20-40 Good The Hong Kong Observatory lowered its warning cancel all warning signals after winds weaken fur- to standby signal No. 1 from the third-highest war- ther. High ning issued yesterday as Cyclone Roke weakened Cyclone Roke was centered about 130 kilometers Density 20-40 after entering the inland area of China’s southern west-northwest of Hong Kong and is forecast to Residental Guangdong province. move west or west-northwest at about 20 kilome- Good Some ferry services resumed operations. Ca- ters per hour, according to the latest update. Area opinion thay Pacific Airways Ltd. and Hong Kong Express When typhoon Haima made landfall in China last Airways Ltd. earlier said flight operations remai- October after brushing past Hong Kong, the city’s Ambient 20-40 ned normal, while MTR Corp. said trains and buses stock exchange was forced to cancel trading for the Good source: d smg source: Views on China were running as usual. The agency said it would day, while authorities shut schools. Junheng Li, Bloomberg WORLD BRIEFS China’s overextended consumers Princes William, Harry adding even more debt remember their final ap photo Macau has long been regarded as a barometer of China’s economic activities. This makes sense as long as much of China’s economy continues to be driven by construction and manufacturing. call with Diana That’s because few “internet bosses” frequent ca- sinos to entertain business associates. It’s the coal Gregory Katz, London Israel-Palestine bosses, steel bosses and real estate bosses who Palestinian President

ap photo Mahmoud Abbas has readily throw down large sums of money in the VIP t was a typical phone call rooms with their guests to lubricate business deals. confirmed that his decision Keep in mind that Macau is not - and likely will ne- Ibetween two boys and their to freeze ties with Israel, ver be - Las Vegas. Macau is a place dominated by mother, who was on vacation as a protest against well-heeled gamblers, not those looking for USD5 in France. It was brief — the Israeli policies at a major slot machines. boys wanted to get back to Jerusalem holy site, also In that sense, investors and economists are ri- playing with their cousins, includes a suspension of ght to trumpet this week’s gross domestic product security coordination. report that showed China’s economy expanded a not spend time on the phone More on p14 stronger-than-forecast 6.9pct in the second quar- chatting. ter. Gaming revenue in Macau’s fabled VIP rooms The brevity of that 1997 call has bounced back from a long period of negative haunts Prince William and Turkey’s president This photo shows the princess and Prince Harry on holiday, and features waded into the diplomatic growth between mid-2014 and the end of 2016. Prince Harry to this day — for in the new ITV documentary ‘Diana, Our Mother: Her Life and Legacy’ In the second quarter, gaming revenue from VIP crisis gripping Qatar and players rose the most in three years, jumping 38 their mother, Princess Diana, four other Arab nations percent from a year earlier. That’s almost 27 per- would die in a car crash that Legacy” is airing today on veals the privileged life they yesterday, traveling to Saudi centage points more than the growth in the non- night. British TV. Excerpts from the led as children. One day, Dia- Arabia at the start of a three- VIP, or mass customer, segment. This acceleration “Harry and I were in a des- film, and new family photo- na surprised him by having country Gulf tour aimed at sends a strong signal that China’s old economy is perate rush to say goodbye, graphs, were released yester- three of the world’s top mo- helping break the impasse. not only back, but it’s booming. Although officials have managed to steer Chi- you know ‘see you later’... day. dels waiting for him when he na’s economy into a soft landing, the question is, If I’d known now obviously The show is one of a series got home from school. Germany-Poland at what cost? The reported GDP data for the first what was going to happen I of tributes to Diana expected “She organized when I Germany’s justice minister half of 2017 suggests that the three longtime en- wouldn’t have been so blase as the 20th anniversary of came home from school to is welcoming possible European Union sanctions gines of growth - construction, manufacturing and about it and everything else,” her death on August 31, 1997, have Cindy Crawford, Chris- exports - remained key supports, buying the Chi- against Poland because of nese government time to enact structural reforms. William says in a new docu- approaches. ty Turlington and Naomi that country’s controversial Domestic consumption driven by the middle class, mentary. “But that phone call It is only in the last year Campbell waiting at the top judicial reforms. Proposed however, was stagnant, and leverage is high, whi- sticks in my mind, quite hea- that William and Harry have of the stairs. I was probably by the populist ruling party, ch is why many, including the leadership in Beijing, vily.” spoken openly in public a 12- or 13-year-old boy who the law gives the justice are worried about the structural challenges facing Harry tells the filmmakers about their feelings about the had posters of them on his minister and the president China. During a two-day closed-door conference the power to appoint and on financial regulation last week, China’s leader- the final chat is something sudden loss of their mother. wall,” William said. “I went ship sent a strong message to the market that de- he will regret until the end of William — second-in-line for bright red and didn’t know assess Supreme Court leveraging and strengthening regulatory oversight his days. “Looking back on it the British throne after his quite what to say. And sort judges. were the themes for the financial sector in the next now, it’s incredibly hard. I’ll father Prince Charles — was of fumbled and I think pretty five years. Immediately after, coincidentally, the have to sort of deal with that only 15 at the time. Harry was much fell down the stairs on government cut off some funding for Dalian Wanda Group’s overseas acquisitions because of concern for the rest of my life,” Harry only 12. the way up.” ap photo that the company is too highly levered. said. “Not knowing that was The documentary chroni- William says he frequently The housing market may hold the key to where the last time I was going to cles Diana’s charitable works, tells his children — Prince China’s economy is headed. Other than housing, speak to my mum. How di- including her historic outrea- George, 4, and Princess Char- there are few investment options available to most fferently that conversation ch to AIDS victims and her lotte, 2 — about Diana so she Chinese citizens, which helps explain why home prices keep rising, despite the government’s effor- would have panned out if I’d campaign to ban land mines. can be a presence in her gran- ts to contain the speculative frenzy. It can be said had even the slightest inkling William and Harry also dchildren’s lives. Italy Scarce rain and that home buyers have developed a sort of psy- her life was going to be taken stress their mother’s fun-lo- “She’d be a lovely grandmo- chronically leaky aqueducts chological resilience to more restrictive policies, that night.” ving side, which they say the ther. She’d absolutely love have combined this summer even viewing them as “buy signals.” Because it’s The ITV documentary “Dia- public generally didn’t see. it, she’d love the children to to hurt farmers in much of Italy and put Romans at risk becoming more difficult to buy and sell in the more na, Our Mother: Her Life and tightly regulated markets, speculative buyers are William tells a story that re- bits,” he said. AP for drastic water rationing moving into the smaller cities surrounding the large as soon as this week. Sky cities. TG24 TV meteorologists According to the National Bureau of Statistics, The noted yesterday that Italy new home sales jumped 13pct in the first half had experienced one of its from a year earlier, driven by a 27pct increase in Ke Qing/Xinhua via AP driest springs in some 60 lower-tier cities. Since there is no evidence of any decisive moment significant net increase in the population of those years. lower-tier cities, most of the increase in purcha- ses likely came from speculative investors in lar- US Eight people were found ger cities nearby. A simple yet effective analysis dead in a tractor-trailer that measures affordability by median household loaded with at least 30 income divided by mortgage expenses and ren- others outside a Walmart tal yield reveals a striking fact. Most homes are store in Texas’ stifling being bought in China not as residences by the summer heat in what police working middle class, but by speculative investors. are calling a horrific human People’s Bank of China data suggests the average trafficking case. The driver household is more indebted than ever. The data show that consumer loan growth is up 24pct from was arrested. a year earlier at the same time that net savings deposits are down 5 percent. Venezuela The Auto sales are suffering as a result of rising hou- Mercosur trade bloc sehold debt. Dealerships in China will say that is asking Venezuelan higher monthly mortgage payments have made President Nicolas Maduro consumers less willing to buy or upgrade their to suspend his plan to cars - the second-biggest item for consumer dis- rewrite the troubled nation’s cretionary spending, Car sales are up just 1pct this constitution. In a statement, year, the slowest since 2009. Even the less cyclical they are also offered to high-end segment - German luxury cars, for exam- help in any talks between ple - has started to see growth decelerate. As Wall Street economists get busy revising Venezuela’s government A massive explosion hit a food shop in eastern China during the breakfast rush Friday, killing two people and injuring and the opposition aimed upward China’s growth outlook in the second half, 55, 12 of them seriously, officials said. Video from a security camera located down the street from the shop in the investors would be well-advised to exercise cau- at solving the country’s eastern resort city of Hangzhou showed the blast flinging dust and debris across a major road traversed by cars, tion. political and economic buses, bicycles and scooters. crisis.