The Sou'wester Clnesday

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The Sou'wester Clnesday 'B TAPS THE SOU'WESTER CLNESDAY December 17, 1946 28th Year Southwestern At Memphis Fitzhugh Scholarship Faculty Members To Be Invited To Join Nears GRAY LADIES Student Fund Is Announced Campaign The Southwestern "S" Club, The Josephine Circle voted last Successful Close ORGANIZE HERE Directories composed of varsity lettermen will _lCl_0Sweek $8,000 scholar- to grant an service in Far- your Christmas ship to Southwestern in honor of hold a joint chapel Mrs. Jim Treadwell, chairman of Making out gason Field House tomorrow morn- Kennedy card list will be a lot easier if Mrs. Guston T. Fitzhugh, their Synods Hope To Reach the Gray Lady Corps at ing. All men who are eligible for Veterans Hospital, spoke to the Goal Before Christmas YWCA on Saturda, December 14. you have a 1946-47 Southwest- founder. It will be called "The membership will be invited to join YWCAon Saturday, December 14.ern Student Directory. The Josie Millsaps Fitzhugh Scholar- In addition four Latest reports of the South- One of the YWCA projects for tuent ire ry. he sip Fund," it was announced b the organization. booklet cost 15 cents and are ship. Fund," it was announced by members of the faculty and staff on sale at the Bursar's Mrs. Andrew 0. Holmes, daughter westernthe Campaignyear is revealthe formation hopes of a col- now who have made outstanding contri- that by Christmas the synod's lege Junior Gray Lady group. Office. of Mrs. Fitzhugh and 1946 presi- butions to Southwestern athletics quota of $1,000,000 will have been After a four hour course of in- dent of the circle. tapped for membership. exceeded, and that the campaign struction at Kennedy, those tak- The f expected to be made will be availableThuhwes byun isthex first of the made successfully closed. ing the course will be entitled to The "S" Club has just returned will have been by thefirst women onlythe year Mr. T. Walker Lewis, the Chair- wear the Gray Lady uniforms. Southw estern S ava wilable to the campus this fall after being man of the Campaign, has been They will not, however, wear the Trailer Vd will be chosen by the inactive for several years during the war. The present officers are assured by the pastors of numbers cap and veil. Those completing the school and approved by the circle. Billy Speros, president; Hays of churches that they will do their course will serve three hours a The Josephine Circle was or- of week. Clyde Mc- utmost during the last weeks Owen, vice-president; Mrs. Fitzhugh in 1914 This Corps is mainly for recrea- Veterans Manage To ganized by Leod, secretary-treasurer. the drive; and he has high hopes 0 and has grown to be one of the --- o- of our reaching the goal. tional purposes. The Junior Gray Be Self-Sufficient largest women's social welfare Louisiana is expected to be the Ladies will write letters for those in Memphis. Mrs. Fitz- first of the four synods to reach men unable to use their hands. By Bob Amis groups in Memphis. Fitz- Dean Johnson Meets Maj. R. W. Mill- its quota. It has raised all but They will read aloud to the men hugh's father, With College Heads $35,000 of its $257,000 quota. Ala- and play bridge with them. There are twenty-five veterans saps, was the founder of Millsaps who are thank- College in Jackson, Miss. bama is well on the way to its As exams begin January 24, the at this school today Dean A. Theodore Johnson at- having raised more than course will not begin until second ing their lucky stars, the govern- goal, tended last week the annual meet- three-fourths of its quota. semester. The instruction will be ment, and Southwestern for the hwestern Coed Thet variou presbyteris ae ao Southwestern Coed ing of the Southern Association of The various presbyteries are also given the first two days of the twenty-five tiny castles-on-wheels Colleges and Secondary Schools. eitothefulestexstent mester by the Red Cross fieldof that"Trailer go toCity" make out up on Southwestern's the northeast IS Entrant In Maid The meeting was held at the Hotel The Memphis Presbytery has al- director and various members Peabody, from Monday until Sat- ready raised its quota, and is mak- the hospital staff. The lectures corner of the campus. Supporting Of Cotton Contest urday. ing an effort to go beyond its ex- will cover hospital routine, atti- a wife, a child, and going to col- Tuesday, Dean Johnson attend- toward the patients, and any lege on $90 a month seemed at Southwestern will be represent- pectation tude an impossible task until th n the Maid of Cotton ed the meeting of the Administra- The first million dollar goal set other material necessary forprop- first to be to for the city of Memphis, whiched this year in the Maid of Cotton tive Deans, which was devoted for theand citycorrect of Memphiser execution of the they found out about the trailers. contest by Sally Lundy. A native discussion of stimulating creative was reached earlier in the year, duties to be required of the Junior Some ofthem just wouldn't havezoni, Mississippi, Sally en- of Belzoni, Mississippi, Sally en- activity for undergraduates in the along with another million from dut aies.erqieoh uirbeen able to come here, others would have had to find apartments, tered Southwestern this fall, and fields of writing, music, and art. contributions in the rest of Ten- Gray Ladiest teachers' and others pledged Tri-Delta. She satisfies The teacher shortage, nessee, in Alabama, and in Mis- in Dependability is most important if thatwere possible, problems associated the school to thrs typwhe ofsiwork.Only those would have had to live with their fully the qualifications for en- salaries, and sissippi, will enable girls who are sincrely interested trance, which include: age between with the return of veterans to the claim a $500,000 conditional gift and able to give their time regular- families here in town. 18 and 25; born in a cotton grow- colleges were also discussed. of the General Education Board ly each week are asked to join the Some of you would probably give 18ng state; born in cottona grow-ried. Tuesday night, here at South- of New York City. up before moving out to "those ing state; and never married. Dean Johnson attended a o Vinton Cole, the new social serv- little things," but if you feel that The contest closes December 20, western, FACULTY MEMBERS ice chairman, will be in charge way you should first pay the and the finals will be held in Mem- meeting of the Committee on im- C"trailer folks" a visit. You might phis in January. provement of instruction of the ELECTEDpointed Tat thePOSTS Cabinet meeting De- find it surprising how well they The Maid of Cotton will fly to Southern University Conference. cember 13. She fills the place va- get along, and how well they real- Paris and the French Reviera in Also attending were Dean Clement of Randolph-Macon, chair- MacQueen, Baker, Named cated by Barbara Bowden. ly like it out there. The atmos- the spring, and will display her French Fred- B Academy Science c phere is even more congenial than cotton wardrobe in the fashion man of the committee, Dean By Academy of Science that of a dormitory. It has to be, salons of Paris and Cannes. Upon erick Smith of SMU, Dean Max- the United States, well Smith of Chattanooga, and Dr. M. L. MacQueen, Head of Local Sigma Nu's because the spirit of cooperation her return to coast to coast Miss Lucas, president of Sweet- Department, and El is prevalent in nearly everything she will resume her the Mathematics briar. Dr. C. L. Baker, Head of the Bi- ElectNew Officers they do. tour. ology Department, journeyed to Bob Baldwin, Student Manager rent to Nashville on November 29, to at- At a recent meeting, the active Each family pays their tend a meeting of the Tennessee members of Epsilon Sigma chap- Bob Baldwin, the student manag- Shopp ing I' a single trailer "h Goswick Academy of Science. ter of Sigma Nu fraternity elect- er. Rent is $18 for While there, Dr. MacQueen was ed new officers. Retiring officers and $22 for the double type which By Tom Goswick families with chil- elected Mathematics Editor of the are Ben Arnold, Commander; Rich- is occupied by before you know When we think of Christmas, of the Tennessee Academy ard Wood, Lt.-Commander; Con- dren. Bob pays all the bills, elec- 'Twas the night Journal what enters our minds? Why good of Science, and Dr. Baker was ley Hemmen, Secretary; Tom Mil- tricity, water, kerosene, etc., and when the you-know- ole Sandy Claws, natch. Along with elected Director of the Reelfoot ler, Treasurer. New officers are: uses what money is left for the And all through hairles Joe comes the idea of gifts. Lake Biological Station and Chair- Bill Speros, Commander improvement of the grounds. where To get these things, one must shop. man of the Zoological Section and Conley Hemmen, Lt.-Commander Out of a total number of fifty It's kinda senseless to write an ar- also Reppresentative to the Triple Richard Wood, Secretary trailers, twenty-five are occupied; Ah, this is the season that I ticle on shopping, but for some in- D's Council. Due to this election Kirby Baker, Treasurer ten of them are double or expandi- have anticipated since Sept. 21. sane reason, I thought you good Dr. Baker will be required to spend Bob Norman, Chaplain ble trailers.
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