Student Study Outline Chapter 37: Music

I. Chapter 37: Piano Music a. Piano: emerged as a powerfully expressive musical instrument i. 19th century– great age of piano music ii. Leading composers were pianists- Schumann, Chopin, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Mendelssohn, Hensel, Brahms iii. Modern piano– product of the Industrial Revolution 1. Standardization of the three foot pedals a. Damper/sustaining pedal b. Soft pedal (una corda) c. Sostenuto 2. Versatile instrument 3. Important means of spreading new music a. Music published for all levels b. Making Connections: The Age of the Virtuoso i. Virtuoso– fit with the spirit of the Romantic period c. Frédéric Chopin (1810–1849) i. Polish composer of piano music ii. Born outside Warsaw iii. Studied in Warsaw and played concerts in Austria and Germany iv. Settled in Paris in 1831 1. Spent most of his career in Paris 2. 1848– toured England and Scotland during political revolution 3. Withdrew from public concert pianist life because of frail health 4. Taught piano to French aristocrats v. Suffered from tuberculosis– died at age 39 vi. Making Connections: A Double Portrait by Delacroix 1. Eugène Delacroix (1798–1863) a. Paintings featured bold uses of color b. 1838– work on a double portrait of Chopin and his lover, the Baroness Aurore Dudevant (George Sand) vii. Works 1. Focused almost exclusively on music for solo piano 2. Short, intimate piano pieces a. Waltz (French, valse) b. Polonaise c. Mazurka d. Etudes d. Chopin’s Nocturnes and Preludes i. Nocturnes ii. Chopin, Nocturne in E-flat Major for Piano, Op. 9, No. 2 (1831) Listening Map 41 1. One of Chopin’s most famous works iii. Chopin, Prelude in D minor for Piano, Op. 28, No. 4 (1839) Listening Map 42 1. Last of 24 preludes released in 1839 a. One prelude for each of the 12 major and 12 minor keys 2. Why to Listen a. Stretto e. (1811–1886) i. Born in Hungary ii. Showed skill at the piano at an early age, and was performing and composing before his teen years iii. 1822– moved to Vienna iv. 1827– settled in Paris v. 1831– saw a concert given by Paganini vi. 1838–1848– played many concerts 1. Gained cult-like following 2. “Lisztomania”– coined by 3. Making Connections: Lisztomania a. Described as the first rock star in music history vii. 1848– settled in Weimar as the court conductor 1. f. Liszt, Petrarch Sonnet No. 104 (1858) Listening Map 43 i. 1840s– love sonnets of medieval Italian poetry g. Fanny Hensel (1805–1847) i. Compositions 1. Gem like songs and short character pieces for the piano 2. Substantial piano sonatas, chamber music, cantatas for chorus and orchestra, overture for orchestra 3. Over 400 compositions ii. Hensel, Il Saltarello Romano (The Roman Saltarello) in A minor, Op. 6, No. 4 Listening Map 44 1. Saltarello