
WEEK 2 Scientific foundation of psychology Unit 3: Biological sciences

Nature: Stable and dynamic

1 2017-09-21

Charles Darwin 1809 –1882

Charles Darwin 1809 –1882

2 2017-09-21

Theory of Evolution

 As many more individuals of each species can possibly survive, there is a struggle for existence. If it varies in any manner profitable under varying conditions to survive, it will thus be naturally selected.  Selected variety will propagate its new and modified form.

Ecological adaptation and evolution

3 2017-09-21

Competition and the survival the fittest

Competitive advantage: Size

4 2017-09-21

Competitive advantage: Speed

Competitive advantage: Speed

5 2017-09-21

Competitive advantage: Power

Competitive advantage: Persistence

6 2017-09-21

Competitive advantage: Organization

Competitive advantage: Stealth

7 2017-09-21

Competitive advantage: Differentiation

Competitive advantage: Focus

8 2017-09-21

Teaming, shoaling, schooling


9 2017-09-21

Part II Environmental changes

Giant meteor

10 2017-09-21


Volcanic eruption

11 2017-09-21

Ice age: 18,000-15,000 BC


12 2017-09-21



13 2017-09-21



14 2017-09-21

Organization: External threat


15 2017-09-21

Clustering: Individual sacrifice


16 2017-09-21


But cannot fly…

Homo sapiens

17 2017-09-21

Part III Environmental changes

Ape family

18 2017-09-21

Our family tree

Hominoidea Superfamily

Hominidae Hylobatidae Family

Homininae Ponginae Subfamily

Hominini Gorillini Tribe

Homo Pan Gorilla Pongo Hylobates Genus

Our family tree

19 2017-09-21

Chimpanzee social organization

Dominant alpha male, social aggressive, violent, social hierarchy


Female dominated, egalitarian, nonviolent, matriarchal, sexually active sometimes to help prevent and resolve conflicts

20 2017-09-21

Bonobos and

Homo sapiens

Homo sapiens originated in the African savanna around 200,000 BP, inhabiting Eurasia and Oceania by 40,000 BP, and the Americas approximately 20,000 years ago.

21 2017-09-21

Homo sapiens

Significant morphological changes included: 1. : Walking upright. 2. The power and precision grip. 3. Reduced masticatory system. 4. Reduction of the canine tooth. 5. The descent of the larynx and hyoid bone, making speech possible. 6. Hidden


22 2017-09-21

Precision grip

Reduced masticatory system

23 2017-09-21

Descent of the larynx

Hidden ovulation

In heat Concealed ovulation