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m m the Check out the

» » controversy over the Take Back

the Night Rally. ViLLANOVAN SeePaaes Sand iO.

Vol. 69. No. 18 VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY. VILLANOVA, PA. April 15. 1994

Balloon Tuition Day held increases By KATHLEEN COONEY By MARY CLARE News Editor GARTLAND Staff Reporter Balloon Day was held Thurs- day, April 14, in Connelly Mall. The University Senate All the profits went to Children's approved the Administrative Safe House which assists children Budget Committee's planned revenue and from crack-addicted families, said expenditures for the 1994-1995 Linda Jaczynski, associate director school year at the Senate of Campus Ministry and Balloon meeting March 25. The budget will be reviewed Day moderator for the last 10 by Uni- years. versity President Rev. Edmund J. Dobbin, O.S.A. and the Raffle tickets and t-shirts were Board of Trustees for final approval. sold prior to the event. The raffle According to tickets were sold for 50 cents each the Senate Budget Committee report, the in Connelly Center and in the tuition increase for all dining halls. There were 44 prizes continuing full- time for the raffle, said Jaczynski. The students and all part-time students is 5 grand prize was two Continental percent. Room and board rates will increase within airline tickets. Other prizes included pizza from the undergraduate tuition. Dominos, 'Take Back the Night" rally was sponsored by numerous campus organizations in an effort theater tickets, The tuition increase was deter- restaurant and to address the Issue of sexual harassment. other gift mined by considering the follow- certificates. The Univer- PHOTO BY SHARON GRIFFIN ing factors: maintenance of the (Continued on page 2) quality of academic programs and support services, attention to inflation and fluctuations in the national economy and comparison Campus diversity discussed of rates at competitive institutions. The University's By STEVE McILVAINE because it is not among everyone's The group did concede that the Because of the impressive turn- tuition increase is considered to Assistant News Editor priorities. University is doing an excellent out, a follow-up meeting was held be in the middle After the group discussed their job on recruiting minority stu- March 29. At the follow-up meet- among peer schools. By The Senate JONATHAN KLICK feelings about the rally, two dents. The number of minority ing, students drafted a list of recommendation Staff Reporter for a athletic committees were formed to record students accepted this year is at preliminary demands concerning $30 fee will be added to the general a list of demands to be given to an all-time high, said Greason. the issues of campus diversity and fee included in members of the University students' tuition. The athletic fee will t Students who took admin- One of the problems that was rights. J part in the istration. These provide free access to all athletic rally for cultural demands con- acknowledged by the students The first part of the list of diversity March events cerned two distinct areas of was that the diversity issue is a demands and an intramural over- 23 met in the Center for stu- deals with the issue of Peace and haul. dent life: diversity on campus and -edged sword. Many stu- diversity. First, Included in the intramural Justice March 29 to discuss the the students student rights. dents demanded overhaul will be an improvement effectiveness of their actions. do not believe that this that the University in athletic facilities, an intramural University is welcoming establish a diversity Those who attended shared their a place requirement director and trainer and an aero- personal opinions about for minority students; therefore in all colleges of the University, the event. bics instructor. they do not advise as opposed to the current diversity The general consensus was that those students The only way to get to come here. (Continued on page 6) the rally was powerful in its (Continued on page 5) \ intentions, but somewhat weak in alumni to switch is to practice. One participant com- get students, who will plained that not many students Dobbin attends knew about the rally or about its he alumni, to care. Town IMeeting starting point because it was not David Greason, arts senator publicized well. "It ended up being By MELISSA LEE ment President," said Dobbin, cifically to the Student Bill of that some people just joined in and Assistant News Editor "and his policy was collaboration, Rights, Dobbin stated that 70-80 it became people walking in a not confrontation with the adm- percent of the rights called for are pack." The group handling diversity The fourth and final University nistration." This policy of collab- already accounted for in either the It was suggested that many discussed things such as student Town Meeting for the 1993-1994 oration has continued with later Student Handbook or Federal law, students do not agree with cultu- orientation, minority faculty per- academic year was held Tues. administrations, "and more has and used the example of the ral diversity on campus. To centages, minority student per- April 5 in the Radnor Room of been accomplished in the last Buckley Amendment concerning remedy this, the group decided centages, diversity classes, on- Connelly Center and featured three years for quality of life for student privacy. The University's that one of its priorities must be campus counseling and alumni University President Rev. students than in the last 20," said in-house lawyer, upon reviewing to make students realize that support. "The only way to get Edmund Dobbin, O.S.A. The Dobbin. the proposed bill, stated that it diversity is important by giving alumni to switch is to get stu- meetings are sponsored by the "I am impressed with the spirit would be "almost disastrous" to concrete reasons. It was also dents, who will be alumni, to Student Government Association of collaboration," Dobbin said. In have rights put in place twice, said pointed out that not everyone can care," said David Greason, arts (SGA). Commerce and Finance previous years luncheons were Dobbin. This could lead to possible be expected to join the cause senator. Senator Alan Kennedy recognized established so that Dobbin and legal problems, he added. the newly elected SGA senators members of the SGA could meet. "The problem with the Student that were present and then opened "They have never been gripe Bill of Rights is its magnitude," the floor to questions to Dobbin, sessions — they have always been said Dobbin. It would be more who stated, "I am here to listen productive," he added. effective to divide and conquer, to and respond to questions." Dobbin said, "I am not a micro- take on the ones with the most ,TTm, Students addressed their con- manager." His philosophy is to significance, he added. iJj^ ^ cerns about diversity and student hire the best people to get the job "There is no reasonable right rights to Dobbin. They specifically done, but added, "I know all that we couldn't discuss," Dobbin „ ^ • ^n^ questioned him on his reaction to important things about what said. With specific reference to a a list of demands that students they're doing." speakers policy necessary for the had presented to him prior to the "Students are the best commit- University, he stated that a com- meeting and asked about his plans tee members," Dobbin said, and mittee comprised of three students to act on these demands. Dobbin the student body at the University and other faculty and staff was stated that he was concerned is represented very well. instituted for this purpose. "I let

:. about the use of the word "Demands belong to the '60s the committee do the work and

"demands" and that he, too, was and early 70s," Dobbin said. "All then wait for the report. I have interested and concerned about you do is anger the administra- so much confidence in the com- ^-^ student rights. tion," he added, citing that many mittee that it's already on the Dobbin illustrated his feelings of the demands were unrealistic. agenda for the Board," he added. t on the issue by making several However, many of the demands of Another question posed by a references to previous SGA repre- the students can be implemented student dealt wit!) the issue of Umbda Chi Alpha fraternity sponsored the Diamond Challenge sentatives and their efforts to faster and more effectively with diversity and why a requirement •oftlMll tournament. Proceeds went to the American Red Cross improve student life at the Uni- procedures already in place, he is only in place in the College of Society. versity. "Three years ago, Mark said. Liberal Arts. Dobbin stated that PHOTO BY SHARON QfVFFIN O'Rourke was the In turning the ± Student Govern- discussion spe- (Continued on page 2) \

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Page 2 • THE VILLANOVAN • April 15, 1994 April 15, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 3 THIS WEEK Dobbin present at VU Town Meeting Editorial-type yearboolc responded by saying, "Not (Continued from page 1) cussed. "As long as groups do not dents, including AIDS Awareness every- Editorials 8 body is interested in everything." the deans in other colleges would exist to corroborate issues that Week, Hunger Awareness Week articles scrutinized S.cope ...13 like to implement diversity require- are at variance with the Catholic and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. After the formal meeting, Dob- * but that there is little time "When you bin stated, "I found the By JANE PAPACCIO third is given to Bonas. "I look for Features 15 ments values of the University," they are Dobbin then stated, meeting in students' schedules and that deemed permissible, said Dobbin. put too much on the plate, you're informative and useful, and found News Editor major concerns or misidentified Who knows, staffing would be a problem as He used Georgetown University not going to enjoy the meal." the suggestions constructive." He Recently, the University Publi- people," he said, well. works. "It is cations Board convened to discuss Upon reading who cares 19 But plans are "in the as an example, stating that a ^en asked what he thought added, important that they the articles pre- Villanova is liberal in the classical group became an informal one should be done to combat student [the students] see channels that two articles to be published in the viously mentioned, Bonas saw a Entertainment ...22 sense of education," he added. where "no one impeded free apathy, Dobbin said, "Apathy is are closer to them, depending on Belle Air Yearbook. Richard A. potential controversy because of A student asked Dobbin to speecn. not as rampant as it is said it is. the issue." He also encouraged Neville, vice president of Student an article that appeared in the Sports 30 Life, address another concern of the Another student asked Dobbin I never cease to be inspired by students to approach administra- called the meeting of the 1993 Belle Air Yearbook. Ust students, this one being the inclu- to offer ideas outlining how stu- what students are doing," and tors with their concerns, saying, Publications Board. The two year, the yearbook included an sion of students in the selection dents could collaborate and coop- went on to mention several stu- "I am convinced that they would articles in question were "editorial article on the election of Clinton and hiring of faculty members, erate with the administration on dent groups on campus. Stack also be very open." in nature," said Neville. In this as President. "It was an unfair case, "The EDITORIALS citing Haverford College as an the issue of diversity. He suggest- question is not free piece," Neville said. The article example. "I am willing to enter- ed that students "go through the press, it's what is an appropriate took an obviously one-sided tain idea," said Dobbin. "I vehicle for editorials," he stance, he It As Villanova women struggle the am SGA and student organizations added added. was at this not saying it's a good idea," he that already exist — Main Line One of the articles concerns the point that he began questioning to take back the night, several to utilize Beyond the added. then briefly spoke on North American Free whether or not students voice their displea- He what already exists. I am open for Trade yearbooks were Source: selection process of a vice the residents of Agreement (NAFTA) and appropriate places for sure with the brochures that the new suggestions and am writing for the Soweto was editorial Compiled by: NICOLE SHEA SHARON GRIFFIN president of academic affairs Home for the Aged. "Mark PHOTO BY written by Tony Borges. In it, pieces, he added. preceeded the march. Read all committees to come up with your ThOM who marctMd In the "Talw Back the Night" rally rights Applicants are interviewed to test creative suggestions." stamp on life. Give us your gift. had a diacuaaion of women'a Borges explored the possible ram- about it in this week's Opinion following the march. The their chemistry with others, to WASHINGTON Vote," said Nkosi. diacuaaion took place In Stanford Hall. ifications of NAFTA. The section, where you'll also find At this point. Rev. John P. The first other learn about policy issues impor- fully article, written by Jeremy to Ellen Goodman paying tribute Stack, O.S.A., dean of Students free post-apartheid elec- Tenen- We wanted gNe both The Clinton Administration t)aum, deals with to retiring Supreme Court tant to them, and to determine offered some ideas: work with the tion will be held April 26-28. the issue of free ¥iews, to announced April 11 plans to speech meet the needs Justice Harry their attitude toward quality SGA president to appoint commit- The voting campaign is said to on campus. Tenenbaum Blackmun. impose trade sanctions on input, Dobbin stated. tees, have students meet with be the costliest, most integrat- expounds numerous ideas and of fairness. Taiwan for refusing to end the Health care reform lecture concerns dealing The issue of suppression of particular administrators to voice ed civic endeavor ever attemp- with the limita- sale of rhinoceros horns and Richard A Neville, student groups that contrast with their concerns. He also pointed out ted in South Africa. tion of free speech on college tiger bones. These are the first vice presNient of Student Life the Catholic faith was also dis- some activities started by stu- The voter education drive campuses. U.S. sanctions deployed to addresses the Clinton plan The articles were costs approximately $30 mil- brought to protect the environment. Diana lion. Its main point is that a . - Neville's attention by Gary Bonas, At the Publications Board meet- E. McMeekin, head of the feel that greed and million people who have little vote is more than leadership By MELANIE FIORDALISI waste are the or associate director of Student ing, the members of the board and African Wildlife Foundation* sources of the current madequate health care coverage; choice. It is a symbol of passage Staff Reporter problems," Activities, who read them. "We the editorial staff of the yearbook said, "I am delighted that the Joel said. Its efforts will target the Balloon Day held to a higher phase to democracy have- [student activities] do not inti- attempted to reach a consensus U.S. has taken the lead in this "Greater suspicion nots,'* said. and national definition. "I'm The University's College of of political Joel mately oversee the yearbook," through discussion, Neville said. worldwide battle to the Nursing and social institutions, "There is controversy over the voting for the return of my presented a lecture titled which is Bonas said. Three sets of proofs There were a number of recom- (Continued from page 1) fraternities had booths for the rhinoceros and tiger before it 'Evolved especially directed at politicians, expectation that a national stand- country," said 77 year-old Jerry Health Care Reform," are received for proofreading mendations made at the meeting, is too late... It is as if the lawyers, sity Bookstore donated a $50 gift event. Buthelezi. the fifth in a series designed to clergy, doctors and other ard will be passed through the purposes, said Bonas. Of the three -~Neville said. The objective--j was-- to-« certificate, she added. other governor has issued a last- Positions of for Many campus organiza- present the issues and concerns leadership in society, states, with a rate established sets of proofs, one is given to the niake the articles more balanced minute stay of execution for Residents of the Don Quanella tions including the Student Pro- NEW YORK of health care and human values ^^^ created a call for public services, and no allowance for student yearbook staff, the second rather than simply remove them those magnificent creatures of School, the Divine Providence gramming Council (SPC) and the March 28. policy," said Joel. "The creation balanced billing by any provider," is read by the yearbook faculty from the yearbook all together, the edge of extinction." institution and Ronald MacDonald Black Cultural Society (BCS) set New York City's severe Dr. Lucille Joel, professor at ^^ extensive guidelines within said Joel. advisor, Joseph Kinney, and the (Continued on page 6) The sanctions include a ban House from 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. up Balloon Day. "I think it's a recession and the erosions of Rutgers University's College of American medical practice should on all wildlife product exports to enjoy the day. These people great day — a great way for people the city's welfare benefits has Nursing and immediate-past pres- heighten the public's awareness FEATURES to the U.S. amounting to were matched with students, to get involved," said Crawford. about prompted many poor families ident of the American Nurses ^^ treatment and procedures for Student escort service implemented $25 million annually in coral called buggers, who escorted them Balloon Day is a way for diverse to go elsewhere in search of Association said, "Health care ^"y K^^en circumstance," she This and mollusk shell jewelry her to the south campus escorts, escorts, an ad was run in the week in Features redis- around campus and acted as their organizations to "get to show and better opportunities. According reform is a painful, yet necessary added. By KATHLEEN COONEY Botwin cover intellectualism through companions for the day, said themselves on campus," she snake, lizard and crocodile skin to a recent census, the number topic "People are concerned about job said. Villanovan and in the Student that must be addressed by News Editor the Society products. Clinton announced, "Not only does it [the escort Government Association of St. Augustine. Jaczynski. added. of welfare applicants in New the American people and govern- changes because they fear losing service] create (SGA) Learn to take back the night Entertainment was provided by The three student coordinators "This is the first time any York City in the late 1980's ment officials. benefits. Furthermore, certain student jobs, but Review. Then an adver- We must appreciate A new student escort service country it makes the campus tisement in with the Villanova Feminist the Villanotes, Dance Ensemble, for Balloon Day were Barb Mullen, has acted on the inter- shrank in comparison to a the changes that have been proposals of the Clinton plan are safer," said was put the Villan- made has been implemented at the Coalition. Check out the "Nu" Student Musical Theatre, Haven- Gay Ly and Joanna Zanco. There national call for trade sanctions decade earlier. controversial since they do catch Botwin. The student escorts not ovan and posters were placed thus far. We must also address the University. to protect "We b^an it right on only walk students around men on campus and their ers, Spires, Chimes and Steppers were also 30 chairpersons endangered species, It has been argued that New tactics of the Clinton plan." everyone through the workplace," across cam- campus, Botwin said. target," said Andy Botwin, a future plans at Villanova. "Girl from 11 a.m.-l p.m. in Connelly involved, said Jaczynski. "I'm but if the illegal trade in rhinos York's City's once generous Joel said. pus, but they are also alert to the Interested students were first coordinator of the escort service. overall ask guy out?" — Person to Hall, said Jaczynski. Clowns were very proud of all the work the and tigers is not eliminated, welfare benefits were an attrac- Nearly 28 percent of small safety of the University. required to fill out an application, Training for the service was Person ponders this same also present to paint faces and sell students [have done]," she said. these species could be extinct tion for people from the South, businesses will close since they and then they were screened. The The CHnton-Gore plan originally planned to b^n around question. balloons, she added. "We startled] planning for this in in five years." Puerto Rico and elsewhere in are obligated to pay for employees' escorts are paid $5.25 an hour, he the middle of March; however, "it About 37 booths wegf set up the fall." the United States. "This is no wHI focus its lobbying on health insurance, as well as the said. came up faster than we anticipat- We began it [escort outside, said Regina Criwford, "Everything is geared toward longer true due to sinking coverage of their dependents. The escort service has been in the 80 million people ed," said Botwin. "We ended up ENTERTAINMENT chairperson of the booths commit- our two goals: to raise money for JOHANNESBURG, South funds," according to Dr. Instead, there should be greater service] right on target operation for about two weeks and starting the real thing." Africa little so far "it's been a fantastic tee. The booths mainly consisted the poor and to have fun," said Andrew A. Beveridge. "New who have or public assistance through the Andy Botwin, The student escort service is a coordinator of games and food, like nachos and Jaczynski. It not only has an York is no longer a welfare implementation of a universal success," Botwin said. Business Three seems to be a lucky inadequate health care student organization working in cotton candy. There was also a impact on the community, it On Saturday, April 9 voting magnet." Beveridge predicts plan that incorporates the utiliza- is expected to be slow the first number this week in Enter- conjunction with the department dunking booth, she added. All of draws us together for a worth- organizer Zweli Nkosi that this trend will continue coverage; its efforts will tion of public and private sector For instance, the escorts watch couple of weeks, but it has picked tainment with new album. of Public Safety where students the sororities and about seven while cause," she added. explained voting procedures to into the 1990s. resources," she added. for potholes, make sure that the up since the service began, said Trios and novel movie, "Three- target the have-nots. may be walked across campus, "If there is open enrollment lights are not on in cars in the Botwin. some." Other motion pictures Botwin said. If students want a Dr. Lucile Joel, professor available at anytime for the public, parking lots and look out for Initially, Botwin approached reviewed include "Major security escort across campus, University's people might feel more comforta- anything that looks out of place. Jeff Horton, director of Public League 2" and "Hudsucker at Rutgers Mege they can call extension 6980, an Safety, immediate-past ble with a managed health care If anything suspicious is observed. with the idea for the escort Proxy." The latest albums by of Nundng, and extension of Public Safety, he service. They discussed the president of dm plan. IPA's and networking plans Public Safety is notified imme- issue Morrisey, Yes and Motley Crue Vl LLANOVAN said. of providers, which include phy- diately. There was already a call throughout the year, said Botwin. are critiqued along with loc?i American Nurses Association The escorts are composed of ELIZABETH M. BARSZCZEWSKI & KATHRYN A. SZUMANSKI sicians, nurses, social workers, last week by an escort. "It's been pretty smooth," he group, Dynagroove. teams of two students each, said EDITORS IN CHIEF and nursing homes, could offer To attract students to be added. ALEXANDER W. SCOFIELD STEPHANIE D. MacDOUGALL Botwin. Ideally, each team should "The message to listen to the contracts with reduced rates for ASSOCIATE EDITOR be coed. However, at the MANAGING EDITOR . moment public has come through in recent people who use them exclusively, there are only 10 female escorts pDrts SECTION EDITORS years. Public opinion polls have The public is big on choice," she out of a little more than ^0 VQI held NEWS FEATURES ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS indicated that the American peo- said. participants. Generally, males Kathleen Cooney Tara Campitlello Eric Cheung Kelly are This week in sports, read Sean pie are dissatisfied with health "The Clinton-Gore plan will By Caldaroni, assistant director of Jane Papaccio more willing to act as escorts than MELISSA LEE how the basketball team Todd Leskanic in United States. Many focus its lobbying on the 80 Student Development and care the females, he said. Assistant News Editor Dr. charged its way through the ASSISTANT EDITORS John Kelley of OPIR and chair of Each escort team is equipped NIT and claimed the title. Steve Mcllvaine Marybeth Goeller Wayne Bremser, Jr. Joe Patterson policy implemented the VQI Steering Committee. New bookbag with a radio so that they can be Check out the features on Melissa Lee Roseanne Miller Elaine Paolini Mark Spoonauer The committees of the Villanova The goal of the committee is contacted by Public Safety when to right-handed Trevor Liz Weaver Tara Bruno Quality Improvement (VQI), the come up with several proposals to during lunch hours. Bookbags a student is in need of an escort. Pepkowski and Softball's Press Release University quality initiative pro- submit to the VQI Steering Com- should be stored under seats The teams are divided into three Bridget Baxter. Find out how Advisor: June W. Lytel-Murphy Assistant Advisor: Madeline T. Baxter gram, is currently working to mittee by the end of the semester director of and out of aisles. main areas, with one team work- the Photography Editors: Sharon Griffin and Jill DiBerardino F.Y.I. Coordinators: Jeffery Horton, come up with proposals that and to men's and women's Carrie Phillips rules will apply in hopefully have these ideas of Public The same ing in each area during a given lacrosse team are faring as Gwyn Warner the department would provide for the active in place for students regards to taking food out of shift. when they Personals/Classified: Megan Kempt that there has The three divisions are west their seasons get into full Art Editor: Sam Cagglula Safety, reports participation of students. return in August. "We're doing Doughery Hall. Staff will be campus, main campus and south as swing. Subscriptions: Marie Kennedy Billing: Jon Meyers been an increase in the theft Gary Bonas, chair of the Don't forget to get the of book- VQI much as we can in the next three Layout: Lauren Burke, Megan Kempt, Brooke Ferendsik Dougherty doing periodic checks campus. West campus includes Wolfman's angle on the recent of bookbags from Student Involvement Team said, weeks. bags as students are leaving the law We may not have all of the Hall past few years. school, St. Mary's Hall happenings in the sports' over the "We are looking for specific things problems resolved," Bonas said. Staff: Mike Beckerlch, Reggie Beehner, Eric Begg, Dana Bogacki, Barbara Cole, Kathleen Conway, Wayne Cressklll, Michel Davles, the dining hall. This is only and next year, the apartments, world. In the past three months of to get students involved in VQI." At a Melanie Fiorallsi, Gaflagher, meeting held Friday, April Tony Katie Gibbs, Maura Gibney, Christopher Gonnelli, Marybeth Goeller, Karen Goulart, Dave Greaves, thefts being done to control the waste Fedigan, Tolentine and Delurey 1994 alone, bookbag The committee is comprised of 8, 37 proposals were Andrew Gribbin, Mary Harvey, Jennifer Karkawsky, Shannon Kelly, Lowell Lancaster, Larry Lanza, Melissa Lee, Markley, Ed and loss of food and equipment. Halls. Main suggested as Jen have accounted for 45 percent campus includes all Marshall, Nicole Mayer, five undergraduates: Nicole Caras- a result of a brainstorming ses- Joe McCabe, Mark McCreary. Pete McDonough. Bryn McGovern, Ann McNeamy, Patrick Mailer, Gregory Students found with food or locations from Mendel Hall to of all thefts that have occurred tro, Alan Menzel, Maureen Meyer, Roseanne Miller, Kennedy, Melissa Lewis, sion. Some of the proposed ideas Ray Moore, Casey Morgan, Jen Mundy, Bryan Noel. Erin O'Rorke. Jonathan Passman, utensils in their bags will be duPont Pavilion. South cam), as on campus thus far. This can Jason Miller andJohn Wenzel. The for student involvement Justin Schrelber, FItz Schwartz. Christine Servedio, Heather Shankland. Eileen Snakard, Mark Spoonauer, Barbara Sullivan, Abby disciplinary consists of all in VQI students. subject to the same locations on the Thomas, Jon Tota,Patti Trenchak, Jennifer Trzaska, Michael be devastating for the two graduate students on the are allowing students Wojciak, Eric Warren. action outlined in the Student south side of Lancaster Avenue. to write for The majority of these thefts committee are Jen O'Brien and the Please remember to VQI Newsletter, offering VQI times when Handbook. "It's a very flexible thing," said Senior Reporters: Karen Campbell, Coleen Kenlrey, Carolyn Poppe, Chad Petrozza, Peter Shauger occur around exam Stacy Furst. training to student leaders take bookbags with you when Botwin. As of now, and texts, computer the escort notebooks, Faculty and staff on the com- organizations and allowing stu- The Vlllanovan Is published Fridays, 10 issues a semester. Circulation: 8,000. Subscriptions are available at $30 per year. For leaving Dougherty Hall. ' service is in the experimental discs calculators are essen- mittee are: advertising Infonnation contact the office 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays, 519-7207. and Dr. Sherry Bowen of dents to become more involved in (215) exam This new process will begin stage, he said. If the student tial tools for successful the Communication Arts depart- various VQI committees. "We The Vlllanovan reserves the right to refuse any ad Insertions due to questionable content and space limitations. The deadline to on Monday, April 11 and will escorts are not busy, relays may preparation. ment; Gary Elder of the University want to focus on four place advertising is 3 p.m. the Tuesday prior to publication. of the eventually be or five, protect person- continue until the end set up to cut down In an effort to Computing Information Service suggestions that will year. the on the length of have high The Vlllanovan is the newspaper of record tor Villanova University. of Stu- academic school By walking. For al property, the Office (UCIS); Chris Peters of the Office impact right away," said Bonas. Villanova fall of 1994, the Department of instance, if a student needs to get The writing, arttoles. lay-out. pk;tures and fonnat are the responsibility of the dent Life along with for Planning and Institutional "Once we involve the Editor and the Editorial Board and do not necessarily to have a to south students, will tempor- Public Safety hopes campus from St. Mary's, represent the view of the administration, faculty and students unless specifically stated. The University subscribes to the principle of Dining Services, Research (OPIR); Jerry Olsen of we'll be able to learn more. more permanent solution to the west campus escorts will walk The responsible treedom of expression for student students to take the our editors. arily allow Finance department; Cathy more you do, the more you learn," this problem. the student to the main campus bookbags into Dougherty Hall Kolongowski of UCIS; Karen added Bonas. escorts, who will then walk him/ .

Pa9» 4 • THE VILLANOVAN • April IS. 1994 April IS. 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 5

Earth Day events Order of Omega inducts new members SAE colony receives outline plan for Press Release Rosiecki, Kevin Teevan, Debby Wiley. improvement of the environment Order of Omega, the National Order of Omega selects indi- Greek Honor Society, would viduals on the basis of scholar- national charter like to announce the induction ship, chapter involvement and By JANE PAPACCIO donation to VEG which, in turn, start. We need cooperation News Editor of its new members on Sunday, leadership, Greek involvement, By KATHLEEN COONEY Then "we're installed as a full will fund our effort to increase between the students and the April 17, at a reception in the service to the university, and News Editor fraternity," said Rosiecki. environmental awareness on cam- administration to continue to President's Lounge of Connelly service to the community. The installation ceremony will The University's annual obser- pus," she added. Local stores, improve our recycling efforts," Center. The 18 new members Each member must be a junior The fraternity Sigma Alpha be held Saturday afternoon vance of Earth Day will take place such as the Nature Company, the she added. are as follows: Andy Botwin, or senior and maintain a G.P.A. Epsilon (SAE) will become an Rosiecki said. During the cerem- April 23. Earth Day is sponsored Body Shop, Eastern Mountain The week that precedes Earth Patrick Cooney, Doug Guller, above the all-Greek average. official fraternity on campus April ony, the brothers will learn the by the Villanova Environmental Sports and Self-Help Crafts of the Day, April 18-22, is Peace and Jennifer Lally, Matt Noone, The induction ceremony was 16. SAE began in the spring of official ritual, the handshake and Group (VEG) and the Student world will also be on campus. Justice Week. This year's Peace Michele Monetti, Suellen Poll, performed by President, Judy 1990 and currently is recognized other privileges of the fraternity. Programming Council (SPC). All student organizations were and Justice Week focuses on the Jenee Runkle, Donna Timoch- Robinson; Vice-President, Dan on campus as a colony, said Mike After the ceremony, a banquet Activities geared toward all invited to set up booths or tables. importance of the environment. ko, Brian Collie, Mara Gal- Heth; Secretary, Christine Rosiecki, fraternity president. will be held, he said. About 10 to members of the University are Numerous sororities and fraterni- Students enrolled in the Peace and lagher, Tracy Hemmer, Alison Pesce; and Treasurer, Terry When a new fraternity begins 12 national officers will attend the planned for the day, said Christine ties will set up booths offering Justice course "Caring for the Lynch, Michael Mascarina, Thompson. The next induc- a chapter on campus, it starts as banquet to officially present the Merklinger, public relations coor- environmental information. Earth," led by the Rev. Ray Isabelle Perrault, Michael tions will be held in the fall. an interest group, said Rosiecki. fraternity with their new charter. dinator of VEG. "This year we Amnesty International will host Jackson, O.S.A., of the Peace and As an interest group, it must Then, the brothers will give the hope to have more people attend a petition campaign. VEG will Justice department, will be pres- petition the national fraternity to officers gifts, he added. Earth Day because we have have a tie-dye T-shirt booth. enting their environmental pro- become a recognized fraternity. In The present members of the worked together with numerous Congresswoman Marjory jects throughout the week in the meantime, interest builds SAE executive board include: student organizations," she Margolies-Mezvinsky will come to Connelly Center. Collymore stresses until the University recognizes Rosiecki, president; John Shalaida, added. campus to speak briefly about Campus Ministry will sponsor the group as a colony, he said. vice president; Jeff Carr, treasur- Many student bands have Earth Day and student involve- a singing group called "He Shall hosted General Candidates Day April 9. SAE became a colony Feb. 22, er; Chris Luciani, recorder; and The Blue Key Society and Office of Admissions decided to perform at the Earth ment. Kevin O'Donnell, director Be Peace" as an Earth Day follow- ' ' PHOTO BY SHARON GRIFFIN multiculturalism 1992. A colony functions as a David Berger, warden. Day events, Merklinger said. of Facilities Management, will up event at the Grotto April 24 national fraternity. For instance, "We don't know exactly what "Egg, the Maryjanes, Crown of address the issue of on-campus at 2 p.m. By STEVE McILVAINE Statement, the University Stra- SAE does not know the official we're going to learn, but we hope Thorns, Steve Lanziolotta and recycling. "He will talk about "We at VEG hope that Earth Assistant News Editor tegic Plan and the 1991 Report of fraternity handshake; they use a it will be beneficial to us," said Sunday River will be performing," what is being done and what Day increases environmental Chilean poet visits campus the Presidential Task Force on colony handshake, he added. The Rosiecki. "We've thoroughly pre- she added. needs to be done," Merklinger awareness and inspires people The issue of diversity on cam- to Cultural Diversity," said national fraternity frequently pared for it. It's a combination of Vendors, such as those often said. take action, not just at Villanova, pus has generated increased con- By JANE PAPACCIO island of Chiloe, which is off He read four poems at the Collymore. checks up on the colony until it four years of very hard work. found in Connelly Center, will set "A lot of recycling is being done but in their own communities. We cern this year as is evident by the News Editor the coast of Chile. Due to its reading including, "La vida," feels the colony is ready to become After all of our effort, we'll be up booths or tables to "either sell that students are unaware of. We hope that all members of the institution of a Council on Cultu- The primary objectives of the remote geographic location, the "Partida," "Cauquil" and an official chapter. At this time, thankful to be rewarded with a or give away items," Merklinger do a lot of recycling that no one Villanova community come out to ral Diversity, said Dr. Edward L. Multicultural Affairs Office, as population of Chiloe embraces "Atardecer en Changuitad." every chapter of SAE votes to give charter from Sigma Alpha Epsil- said. "The point is not what knows about. We have a long way participate, not just members of Collymore, executive director outlined by the Blue Book, "is. . The Department of Modem a strong mythological heritage. His literary work has been the new fraternity its charter. on," he added. they're selling; they're making a to go, but we have made a good VEG," Merklinger said. Office of Multicultural Affairs. to assist and support the Univer- Languages of Swarthmore Col- Therefore, Mansilla 's poetry is published in numerous anthol- "The Council, consisting of sity in achieving its mission that lege and the University recent- full of mythological and histor- ogies and magazines both in faculty, administration, staff and strongly reflects the common ly sponsored a poetry reading ical allusions. Furthermore, Chile and throughout the students, is divided into two values of a community of people Jazz Festival features by Sergio Mansilla. The poetry Mansilla incorporates many world. In 1986, he published parts: a steering council and true to the Augustinian spirit." recital was held March 28 in themes of nature and the lands- his first book of poems titled, Khodner discusses Russian politics individual committees," said Collymore cites the significance Tolentine 215 and was organ- cape of Chiloe into his poetry. Noche de Aguas. Khodnev spoke at the Univer- feeling was, where is [the] militia? Collymore. of addressing the cultural diver- variety of talent, music ized by the University Spanish By KATHLEEN CONWAY sity last Thursday about the Where is [the] army? [People were According to the published sity issue. As this nation is Club. Staff Reporter changing politics in Russia at a asked] to go into the streets and Structure and Purpose of the Coun- entering the 21st century, it is By KATHLEEN COONEY day, April 16, which is the last Mansilla is currently a pro- lecture entitled "Changes in Rus- oppose the Communists," he said. cil, the intent is to "study diver- making great strides fessor of Spanish at small Professor seeks Russia has undergone many towards News Editor day of the festival. First, there will a sian Politics — A View from the "[Later] I visited Moscow. I saw sity, recommend and assist. . . the becoming a more diverse nation; be a college competition much like university in Osorno, Chile. He drastic changes in the past 10 Provinces," Khodnev 's lecture the White House. . .it was terrible, University in achieving its stra- likewise, the University must also The Villanova Jazz Festival is the high school competition held attended the Universidad Aus- years. These changes began with was given specifically from a point it was blackened, without glasses tegic goal of a diverse community. make strides in becoming more taking place Wednesday, April 13 Friday. A notable collie which is tral de Chile and studied liter- the presidency of Mikhail Gorba- office . public of view different from someone in in the window[s]. .it was like The responsibilities of the Council diverse, he said. The institution to Saturday, April 16 in Connelly playing is Georgetown University, ature and philosophy. He chev in 1985, and have continued the political center of Russian after a war. ..it was terrible. ..I and its committees are to "review, of this Council and other events Center, said Bill Sellerberg, a Jazz said Sellerberg. Then there will attended the University of By JOE PATTERSON happen," Sheehan said. "I don't through the first part of this politics. still supported [Yeltsin]. I still design and recommend procedures such as the rally for diversity and committee member. be a clinic given by Jimmy Amadie Washington, Seattle for his Staff Reporter want to just go over there to play decade, as the new Russian state voted for him. This is real Russia's related to the achievement of the diversity day are definite steps in The festival consists of a variety called "Jazz Improvization — How post graduate work. According the same games where a lot is said evolves. The citizens of Russia experienced turmoil choice." goals outlined in the Mission the right direction, he added. of Jazz acts ranging from high to Play It." The last event in the to a press release distributed Colleen Sheehan, a tenured and nothing is done. I'm doing this haye and The months between October of school bands to Ellis Marsalis, a Jazz Festival will be a concert by by the Department of Modern member of the faculty and because I'm part of the emerging upheaval as the leadership of 1992 and December of 1993 wit- well known jazz singer. "We're the Ellis Marsalis Trio at 7:30 Languages, "He got his start member of the University com- generation of the new Republican Russia transferred from Mikhail nessed the dissolution the as a poet with Gorbachev to Boris Yeltsin, and U.S.S.R. On October 3, 1993, the trying to bring jazz to the Villa- p.m., he said. the Aumen group munity, is running for a Pennsyl- leadership on^he move to reinvig- Guest speaker discusses HIV/ AIDS nova community," said A main goal of the Jazz Festival in Castro, Chiloe." His works vania state office. orate the party," she added. the U.S.S.R. dissolved into the Russian White House, which Sellerberg. is for cultural and musical edu- were first published in 1986 in "We need committed citizens Sheehan has been campaigning several separate states. Perhaps houses the Parliament and other By JONATHAN KLICK sexual females are part of the builds an immunity to it, DDI and Music activities put together a cation, said Sellerberg, although, a bilingual anthology titled, with common sense solutions in over the past several months. The no one felt these changes more officials, was attacked. The mil- Staff Reporter third wave of the AIDS epidemic." DDC are subsequently used. student committee which is not many people usually come to "Poets of Chile." The anthol- positions of leadership," Sheehan hard work and tiresome hours can than those people living outside itary ignored orders to protect the The College of Nursing and the The first two waves consisted of "These are imperfect drugs," said responsible for booking the main watch. "We're providing a service ogy consisted of works of 20 said. be unpleasant, she said. However, of the political center, who were government officials; rather they Women's Studies department co- homosexual/bisexual males and Sneath. The effects of the drugs acts for Friday and Saturday, and for these people whose main focus Chilean poets. Sheehan is running as a Repub- she points to the positive aspects very dependent on the Communist joined the people in opposition to sponsored a lecture entitled "Wo- heterosexual males, she said. differ according to the patient. for organizing the competitions, is to have a place to play," he said, Mansilla is from the small lican and hopes to win the party's of campaigning, such as "talking subsidies, but who also wanted the government, Khodnev said. men and HIV" March 23 in the Sneath outlined the four stages "With this disease, we have a Sellerberg, said. nomination in the upcoming prim- with the voters and finding out democracy. One such person is "For me it was terrible to watch St. Augustine Center for the of crisis for women with HTV: double problem. If you stop the The festival began Wednesday aries. The make-up of the state that they're not apathetic, that Alexander Khodnev, a resident of TV on that evening of October Liberal Arts. The lecture was witnessing the illness and death virus, you must some how repair with a mini concert given by the g;ovemment may change drama- they really do care. They very the Russian city of Yaroslavl, and 3... suddenly they switched off given by registered nurse Ann of a partner; testing positive for the immune system," she said. University of Arts Jazz Combo tically with the 1994 elections, she much want something to be done. a professor of history. TV not only in Moscow but in the McCloud Sneath, of the Hahne- HIV; telling family and friends; For more information about Biology department • from Philadelphia at 8 p.m. Then said. Not only is it possible that They want somebody who is Alexander S. Khodnev is a whole [of] Russia. Only one station mann University Hospital. and beginning medication. "Start- AIDS and HIV, contact the follow- Thursday three events were held, the governorship will go to a committed and who has the visiting professor who is originally transmitted news. . .It was the St. Sneath, who completed her ing medication is a point of crisis ing information and counseling starting with a lunchtime mini Republican, but the Republican energy and who Will make things from the city of Yaroslavl, Russia. Petersburg station... My first master's degree at Villanova Uni- because it forces women to admit services: HIV Telephone Consul- concert featuring Jazmine Wil- addresses criticism party is just one seat away from happen." versity, described the medical, that they are sick," she added. tation Service — (800) 933-3413, liams and Calico, said Sellerberg. controlling both the House and With the primaries less than social, legal and psychological Concerning the legal implica- the U.S. Public Health Service — Next, the Africana Studies By KATHLEEN COONEY brought to the attention of the Senate, she added. four weeks away, Sheehan and aspects of the HIV virus as they tions of HFV, Sneath said that (800) 342-AIDS and the Hahne- Department sponsored a lecture News Editor chair rather than to the student's Sheehan is running on a plat- her volunteers will intensify their Students' demands pertain to women. "Four women federal law classifies people who mann University Public Health in conjunction with the Jazz teacher so that the student's voice form of crime control combined campaigning, she said. She is for contract the is the first drug used to and Preventive If all of every one man AZT Medicine Program Festival. It was held at 4:30 p.m. can be heard, he added. with lower taxes and spending. constantly looking for more volun- page 1) the whole Villanova com- (Continued from that Sneath. Hetero- - 557-2101. Students and faculty alike have the students with a problem HIV virus," said combat the virus. After the body (215) in the St. Augustine Center for the "What's happening in Harrisburg teers, especially with the May 10 requirement only in the College of munity, including neighboring been concerned about the experi- confront their individual teachers, Liberal Arts. The lecture was is that they're giving us more of election nearing, she added. Arts and Sciences. towns, be informed that Univer- ments that are conducted in the then each teacher may think it is all things entitled "Historical Approaches to those rather than less," "With all sincerity, I not only Secondly, the students have sity media, such as WXVU, the biology labs. "I know that that has an isolated case; whereas if the Jazz," and the speaker was Har- she said. "These things aren't as need, but I am deeply grateful, for asked that the administration ViUanovan, Belle Air Yearbook not been a major issue," said Dr. chair hears all complaints, he may complicated the rison Ridley. The last event on as bureaucrats all the help of the Villanova increase the percentage of full and bookstore magazines, are Russell Gardener, a biology pro- be better able to recognize a and career politicians Thursday night was a concert make them students and community in this time minority faculty members to subject to censorship by Univer- fessor. "Those kinds of issues pattern. out to be." given by the Villanova University race. We need another 20 or 30 equal the percentage of minorities sity policy. have not been brought up to us. There are only three experi- Another major concern of Shee- Jazz Band, he said. volunteers to be really active," in the United States. In addition, In terms of disciplinary action, We try to be very careful about ments done by using animals in han is the status of the Pennsyl- A high school jazz band compe- Sheehan said. For those that are the students demand that the the students ask that only those tition is being held that," added Dr. Aaron Bauer, the biology labs. The first two vania school system. She points interested involved, the Friday, April in getting percentage of minority students people present at any given inci- from a.m. to p.m., in biology professor. involve mice, where students to the state's national ranking of Sheehan headquarters 15, 9 6 campaign be increased to equal the current dent are held responsible. Finally, A few years ago, the biology study the rate of oxygen consump- 46th in S.A.T. scores. "What 954-7190 Connelly Center and Dougherty we can be reached at either minority percentage in the United the students demand that Univer- Hall. high schools from the department held a meeting to tion. "There's no harm done to the want more of is improved educa- or 964-7195. Ten States by 1999. sity representatives, such as draft a statement of participation animals," said Gardener. The last tional standards and they're giv- Sheehan taught at the has The students also demand that Resident Assistants (RA) and and conduct in labs. "Most stu- is a frog 1^ experiment where ing us less, so it's backwards," University since 1986. Her hus- a minimum of $400,000 be allocat- department of Public Safety offic- We're trying to bring dents have seen it," said Gardener. students examine the contractions Sheehan said. band, Jack Doody, has taught ed to presidential scholarships for ers, state their reasons for enter- There is an attendance require- of a frog's leg in response to a Sheehan is a nationally since 1969 and is the director of jazz to tlie VUanova under-represented students. ing a residence hall room before ment in the labs, he said. If a stimulus. In this case, the animals renowned political author, lectur- the core humanities and core Furthermore, the students ask doing so. Along the same lines, community. student misses a lab for any must be sacrificed to take tissue er and policy consultant. She has curriculum departments. He is that money which is unused by once entering a room, the RA or reason, biology professor Dr. Eric samples. provided her expertise for organ- also serving as an advisor fcN* MSelwtars, the presidential scholarships for officer cannot address any prob- Larson assigns a zoo project The animals for the experi- izations such as the United States Sheehan's campaign. under-represented students be lem other than the one identified coniniittse rather than giving the student from several a ments are bought Department of Health and Human "We need to return common permitted. reallocated to the budgets of the before entrance was zero. "This is more a reflection of different certified, reputable Services, the National Endow- sense to the Pennsylvania govern- multicultural organizations. When the committees convened, northeast portion of the country attendance," added Gardener. vendors, said Gardener. For ment for the Humanities and the ment," Sheehan said. "[PeopleJ students then focused their the group decided that the from Massachusetts to Pennsyl- "Biology is the study of life," instance, there are places like rat Rose Institute of The State and Local are frustrated because of the presented to attentions to the issue of students' demands should be vania are competing, said Seller- said Gardener. "We try to make farms which sell the animals for Government. Sheehan feels she is career politicians and the rights. students ask that the the Rev. Edmund Dobbin, O.S.A., berg. There will be small awards them aware at the beginning" so that purpose, he added. the most qualified of the The candi- entrenched bureaucrats who are president; the Rev. Student Bill of Rights be recog- university for the winners. Then Bill Zaccag- that students may drop the class "We do take this very seriously. dates. Furthermore, is 38- she a not doing what is good for the of nized official University John P. Stack, O.S.A., dean ni and the University of Arts Jazz if they disagree with the policy. We're teaching about life and year-old woman running as an against people." She hopes to have a Dr. Helen Lafferty, policy. In addition, the students students and Band will hold a clinic at 6 p.m., If a student does have a problem animals are an essential compo- three men in their fifties who she chance to take her "common they be able to university vice president, at the and at 7:30 p.m. there will be a with a lab, he or she is urged to nent," said Gardener. "That's one sees as "part of the entrenched sense" approach to Harrisburg demand that April 5. Copies will their ideas in forums, Town Meeting concert entitled "Philadelphia see the biology chair during the of our strengths that is not all political establishment." and to honestly represent the express publications and be sent to the members of the "Tato Back fhm Night" march«rs process through the Quad. PHOTO BY SHARON GRIFFIN Night," he added. first day of classes to discuss other theory. It's a much better way to "I'm the only one with the ideas needs and the concerns of the discussions, of the topic. University Senate, Board of Trus- Three events will occur Satur- options, he said. Problems are educate." and energy to make things citizens of Pennsylvania. classes, regardless of Student Life. The students also demanded tees and the Office Page 6 • THE VILLANOVAN • April IS, 1994 April IS, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 7 Studies show that college students are losing sleep

* * is i\

College Press Service five or six hours on the average," to (cut off) your sleep and end up ed on humans shows that we can On the average, Americans fall COMING SOON: PARROT HEAD EVENT said Michael Vitiello, associate sleep-deprived." b^ awake as long as eight and a asleep seven minutes after getting Sleep. It's a biological necessity. director of the University of Additionally, those who suffer half to nine days without any into bed. Fully-rested people fall But how many of us consider it Washington Sleep and Aging from mid-afternoon drowsiness reports of physical illnesses," asleep after 10 to 15 minutes in as important as breathing or Research Program. can blame their body's circadian Landis said. bed. eating? Every night, millions of sleep-deprived APRIL 1982 Stanford University It 1964 Amer- Some individuals 26TH! A rhythms. has been documented But a well-known Americans the pillow a little study found that when placed in that around 3 p.m. a drop in body ican Cancer Society study did find fall into a pattern of relying on later than they would have liked, a dark, quiet room, college stu- temperature triggers a feeling of that the amount of sleep an caffeine to wake them up in the iL.I&.i^taiCiJMi only to wake up to the piercing dents fell asleep faster on the sleepiness, resulting in the notor- individual receives can affect mornings and sleeping pills or IN sounds of their alarm clocks for average than other adults. This ious mid-afternoon nap. mortality. Subjects who habitual- alcohol to ensure a sound sleep at THE CORNER GRILLE!! another tiresome day. has led researchers to the There are less six hours, or night. many definite differences ly slept than TliS. College students are infamous conclusion that most colleges are between losing sleep for a few more than 10 hours, were more The i for skimping on sleep and then chronically sleep-deprived. nights and habitual sleep loss. likely to live shorter lives, said snoozing through classes. Not "When I teach an 8:30 intro Even one night of shortened Landis. unlike many Italian other students, class that's obvious because on sleep can impair mental functions. Signs of sleep deprivation are Yearbook Bryan Marenstein, a University of any given day, if I have 200 In laboratory tests, sleep-depriVed all too common in a society that t! y ^>j y y; (Continued page y Washington sophomore, says he students there, I may have one or individuals were unable to add up devalues the importance of sleep. from 1) Kitchen usually makes it to bed between two with their heads down, col- simple columns of numbers or hit Those who are sleep-deprived "We wanted to give both views OPEN 3 and 4 a.m., averaging six or less lapsed," Vitiello said. certain buttons in a select pattern. suffer from obvious symptoms to meet the needs of fairness," he DAY HOP OPEN hours of sleep per night. Since Edison's invention of the "Their performance deterio- such as fatigue and a general said. "The board is very effective," "Earlier in the quarter, I got a lightbulb, a 24-hour society has rates, reaction times slow and feeling of daytime sleepiness. he added. 8:00AM to 8:00PM - MON. toTHURS. OPEN lot of sleep in the library — on arisen where individuals can stay accuracy diminishes," explained They often can be spotted in a The article concerning free 11 :00AM to 8:00PM the couches, the chairs, the up through all hours of the night. Carol Landis, University of series of "microsleeps," or mini- speech will be printed as is. On MON. to FRL ground, anywhere I can find a But nature may be partially to Washington assistant professor of ature episodes of sleep resulting the same page, there will be a 8:00AM to 2:00PM - FRIDAY 11:00AM to 2:00PM - MON. to FRI. place to lie down," Marenstein blame for the chronic sleep dep- physiological nursing. in drooping eyelids and continual University statement on the same said. "I got so much sleep at night rivation of millions of Americans. Although individuals can some- head nodding. subject, Bonas said. "We wanted Wildcard and Cash Only Accepted 4:30PM to - Meal Plan Equivalency that I was really tired during the Our bodies' biological clock, or times override the immediate Another sign of sleep depriva- someone from the administration 6:30PM MON. to FRI. day." circadian rhythfti, is set to a 25- adverse effects of a shortened tion is falling asleep within five to give their opinion to be printed, Wildcard and Cash Accepted Most sleep research experts hour schedule — one hour longer night's sleep, Landis does not minutes after crawling into bed. however, no one offered to write Featuring Meal Plan Equivalency agree that young adults need an than the solar day. recommend all-nighters before the "Some people think that if it," said Kerri Mullen, Belle Aire Wildcard and Cash Accepted average of seven to nine hours of "What that means is it is easier day of a final. they're out as soon as their head editor-in-chief. The two students Featuring sleep per night. FRESH MUFFINS . . . & BAGELS for people to stay up later But Researchers have not been able hits the pillow . . . that they're a present on the Publications Board, "But for whatever the reasons, the problem is that you still have to connect sleep deprivation direct- good sleeper, but it actually may Alan Kennedy, Student Govern- Featuring maybe a combination between to get up at a fixed time the next ly to any physical illness in mean that they have a sleep ment Association (SGA) Senator, PHILLY CHEESESTEAKS CHEESEBURGER academic, social and work day," Vitiello said. "So almost by humans. disorder or they are chronically and Tara Malloy, SGA secretary, demands, IN PARADISE students end up getting definition it's very easy for you "The longest research conduct- sleep-deprived," Landis .<;;»iH did not want to write the Univer- Cooked to Order DELI MADE SANDWICHES sity opinion either, Mullen said. "I didn't think I could write an VEGETABLE PIZZA DAILY PASTA & GARLIC BREAD BEER BATTERED effective editorial on something I didn't particularly believe in," CHICKEN FINGERS Congratulations to the newest members of Kennedv said. COLD DELI SANDWICHES FRESH SALADS SUPREME Omicron Delta NUTRITIOUS SALADS CHICKEN PARMESAN SANDWICH Kappa Leadership Honor Society The question is not free NACHOS press, it's wliat is an SOFT PRETZELS FRESH MADE PIZZA SOPHOMORES: MAJOR appropriate weliicle for FROZEN HOMETOWN editorials, SOFT-SERVE FROZEN YOGURT SOFT-SERVE FROZEN YOGURT YOGURT

NICOLE BILLMAN International Business Camphill, PA Richanl A. Neville, E.J. CATERSON Biology Berwyn, PA vice presideiit of Student Life L HILLARY FIELD Finance Redwood Shores, CA DOUGHERTY, DONAHUE & ST. MARY'S CASH/WILDCARD PRICES: JESSICA MONDAY-FRIDAY HAAS Nursing Nesconset, NY SATURDAY SUNDAY DINING HALL BREAKFAST.. $4 50 BREAKFAST •• 7:30-»:00A.M. BREAKFAST 8:00-9:OOA.M. BRUNCH 10:45-1 Therefore, the statement which :00P.M. LUNCHEON $5 00 MARIE KENNEDY Accounting Marlton, NJ LUNCH 11:00A.M. •1:30P.M. LUNCH 11:30A.M. -1:00P.M. DINNER 4:30P.M. •6:00P.M. was issued by the Rev. Lawrence DINNER 4:30P.M.-e:30P.M. DINNER 4:30P.M.-6:00P.M. BRUNCH $5.00 MENU DINNER STACY KENNEDY Finance Richboro, PA Gallen, O.S.A., vice president of ** Dougherty has an extended breakfast untH 10:00AM. $8.00 JENNIFER LEHMAN Honors Comprehensive Academic Affairs, when workers from Planned Parenthood were Science Fairfax, VA denied permission to lecture on SUNDAY 4/17/94 MONDAY 4/18/94 TUESDAY 4/19/94 WEDNESDAY 4/20/94 THURSDAY 4/21/94 FRIDAY 4/22/94 SATURDAY 4/23/94 KAREN MELLIAR-SMITH Nursing Emmaus, PA campus last semester will be BRUNCH Assorted Cereals Assorted Cereals Assorted Cereals Assorted Cereals Assorted Cereals Assorted Cereals B (Every Meal) printed on the same page as (Every MeaO (Every MeaO (Every MeaO (Every Meal) (Every MeaO MICHAEL R O^BRIEN Liberal Arts Manteno, IL Assorted Cereals Tenenbaum's article. "It was a (Every MeaQ 8cramt>led Eggs/ R Scrambled Eggs/ Saamt)led Eggs/ Scramt>led Eggs/ Scrambled Eggs/ Cheese Omem Scrambled Eggs/ SNEHA PATEL Management Saddlebrook NJ compromise," Mullen said. "It CheeeeOmelel Cheese Omelet Cheese Omelet Cheese Omelet ScrambledEog/ Cheese Omelet went fairly smoothly, and at least E Cheese Omewt Philadelphia Scrapple Grilled DEBRA M. PELLETIER Mechanical Engineering Springfield, VA Crisp Bacon Sausage Unk Canadian Bacon HamSUce Breakfast Grill the article [written by Tenenba- Crisp Bacon Waffles vv/Maple Syrup Texas French Toast ELIZABETH PIETANZA Philosophy San Diego, A Bacon Omelet EggNova Sandwk:h CA um] was not completely removed," w/Maple Syrup Pancakes w/Maple Syrup Belgian Waffles w/Maple Syrup Pancakee w/Maple Syrup Self-Serve Waffles ROSEMARIE Bonas added. Self-Serve Waffles Self-Serve Waffles ROTUNDA Honors English Upper Saddle River, NJ K Self-Serve Waffles Self-Serve Waffles Self-Serve Waffles Wafflae Assorted Fruits & Juices Mullen said, "We [the editorial Seit-Serve Assorted FruKs & Jutoee NEASA THORNTON English (Every MeaO Assorted Fruits & Juices Assorted Fruits & Juk»s Pottstown, PA Assorted Fruits A Jutoes Assorted Fruits A Juices board of the feel F (Every MeaO (Every MeaO (Every Meal) yearbook] that Cottaoe Fried Potatoes (Every MeaO (Every Meal) Peanut Butter & Jelly it [of was more the content the (Every MeaO Peanut Butter & Jelly Peanut Butler & Jelly Peanut Butter & Jelly A Assorted FruMs Juk:es Peanut Butter A Jelly & (Every MeaQ (Every Meal) (Every Meal) Peanut Butter A Jelly article] than the fact that it was (EvwyMeaO (Every Meal) Breakfast Breads (Every Meal) an editorial" which caused it to S Breakfast Breads Breakfast Breads Breakfast Breads JUNIORS: PewHJl Butter & Jelly Assorted Doughnuts Breakfast Bread* Breakfast Breads come under such scrutiny by the (Every MeaO Assorted Doughnuts T Assorted Doughnuts Assorted Doughnuts administration. The NAFTA arti- Assorted Doughnuts Assorted Doughnuts DAVID M. BERGER English Mt. Lakes, NJ Breakfast Breads a Rolls cle, which also editorial in was Soup Du Soup Du Jour Soup Du Jour Jou PETER Political Bagels-English Muffins Soup Du Jour Soup Du Jour CALLEO Science Old Westbury, NY nature, was not changed in any L Soup Du Jour way; MeattMdl Sandwk:h Turkey Nuggets Italian Hoagie Chicken Patty had the issue been that the Fried Fish on a Star CHRISTIE CONNOLLY Honors English Pennington, NJ BBO or Honey/Mustard Sauce on Sesame Seed Roll RoH Chicken Pamiesan Sandwk:h w/Tartar Sauce articles were editorials, both U SPECIALTY BARS Vegetarian Stir-Fry Veggie Bagel MARIA CUOCOLO Biology Wilmington, Cheeee TortelHni Vegetarian Reuben DE would have been changed, she Cheese RavkM FrerKh Friee Tuna Salad Egg Salad said. The article concerning the N DINING HAa MENU ITEMS Turkey Salad Chk:ken Salad SUSAN FALLON Political Science East Falmouth, MA Tuna Salad Beef or Chicken Macaroni A Cheese Beef or Chicken issue of free speech on campus Steak Sandwich Beef or Chicken Beef or Chteken LISA DOUGHERTY TEXMEX Steak Sandwich FLOOD Psychology Pickering, ONT Canada C Steak Sandwwh Steak Sandwteh Beef or Chicken offers "a student's opinion against Hamburgers/Frankfurters Hamtxjrgers/Frankfurters Steak Sandwk:h ALAN GREGORY KENNEDY International Business ST. MARTS PICNIC Hamtxirgera/Frankfurters West Nyack, NY the administration," Mullen said. H Haml>urgera/Frankfurtsrs Hamburgers/Frankfurters Veggie Burgers Hamburgers/Frarikfurters Veggie Burger* SEAN KILKENNY History Holbrook, NY DONAHUE PASTA Vsggie Burgers Veggie Burgers Veggie Burgers E DeH Bar-Salad Bar Veggie Burgers Deli Bar-Salad Bar AMY KAY LAM Electrical Engineering Plymouth, MN DeN Bar-Salad Bar DeN Bar-Salad Bar Deli Bar-Salad Bar Assorted Pudding a JeOo Deli Bar-Salad Bar O Assorted Pudding & Jelto Assorted Pudding A JeOo DANIELLE LESKO Finance Assorted Pudding A JeNo Assorted Pudding A Jetto Hazelton, PA Tuition DINNER Assorted Pudding A JeHo Fresh FmN-Cookiee Fresh Frult-Cookiss Fresh Fruit-Cookies KEVIN R McGUIRE Political Science Scranton, N Freeh Fnilt-Cookies Freeh FnjIt-Cookies PA (Continued from page 3) Soup Du Jour Freeh Fnjit-Cookies SEAN MORRIS International Business Horseheads, NY The primary reason for the Fried Chk:ken Breast increase was the rise in inflation. BealLoMeIn END OF Open-Faced Turtcey JANE PAPACCIO Spanish/Education Bayonne, NJ SEMESTER Sandwk:h Friday NIte Pizza BBO Baby Back Ribs Spinach Ouk:he CELEBRATiONI w/Qravy "As the tuition increases, the Cheeee OuesadMas D Chesdar Rice Casserole White Pizza w/BrooooH ISABELLE PERRAULT Psychology Hand Cwved Filet Mignon Baked Beans Rochester, MN quality of student life improves," Vegetarian Chow Main SpecMtyBar SpecMtyBar Specialty Bar CoNossai Gulf Shrimp said Patrick president Specialty Cheeee Pizza Fettudni Alfredo JASON THOMAS PHILLIPS English Brigantine, NJ Kennedy, I Bar BNes PoMoee of Red Fluffy Rk» Vegelat)le Puff the Student Government Baked Potato Breaded Shrimp Whole SUELLEN L. POLL Poli. Science/Sociology Velvet Sauce Whipped Potatoes Kernel WhMs Com Howell, NJ w/Tartar/Cocktail Sauce Association. Blend VegetaUee Ctfllomia Siloed Canots Crinkle ANDREW Civil N Sugar Srtap Peas Cut Potatoes Steamed Zucchini RANLEY Engineering Newton, NJ The improvements in academic CU Green Beans Scaloped Potatoee Whole Kernel Conn Fresh Baby Aspsragus CHARLES J. and student life all contribute to Stsamed Broccoli Carribeen Blend Vegetablee Autumn Blend Vegetablee REIMER Mechanical Engineering Chester Springs, PA N Fresh Vegetable Medley Whole Kernel Com Summer Blend Vegetables tuition such as the increase, Crisp Dinner Rols rWn nOm Aaeorted Breeds KATHRYN ANNE SZUMANSKI History/Poli. TwMsd Dinner Rol French Rols Science Philadelphia, PA addition of West Campus, the on- Soft Dinner RoNs Aaeorted Breads * E StfadBar Salad Bw Sated Bv SatadBw SaladBar CHRISTINE M. WILKENS Nursing Middletown, NJ campus telephone system and the SatadBar Salad Bar DanartBulM Wildcat shuttle. Dessert BulM DeesertBufM Dessert Btxlet DEB WILEY English Vienna, VA R DeesMtBufM Dessert Birflsl The Senate Budget Committee felt that when considering all sources of income and necessary MENU tUaiECr TO CHANQI expenditures this was an approp- riate and competitive increase. U: April 15, 1994 e THE VILLANOVAN • Page 9 m$ ViLLANOVAN So mucn Tor Sensi'l'iv^^^y COMMENTARY 201 Dougherty Hall, Vlllanova Unh/eralty, Vlllanova, Pa. 19085 VillonoVa

Elizabeth BartzczewtM and Kkthryn A. SzumanaU Editors in Chlaf Branded Blackmun bows out of Supreme Court Alaxandw^ W. ScofMd Editor By Associate . ELLEN GOODMAN religious training, one's attitudes it is right today. It's a step that into an attempt to make abortion labeled "Harry Blackmun, the Stsplianie MacDougaii toward life and family, and their had to be taken as we go down unavailable. The controversy that author of the The news stories abortion decision" Managing Editor all described values, and the moral standards the road toward the full emanci- Blackmun described eloquently in — and a man of justice. him the same way: "Justice Harry one establishes and seeks to pation of women." Page 8 Blackmun, his opening words continues and April 15, 1994 the author of the observe, are all likely to influence Today, pro-choice people worry so does the longing in the country abortion decision." The byline on and color one's thinking and less about the Supreme Court to move on. one decision followed him through conclusions about abortion." overturning Roe v. Wade and Soon, attention will his turn to his years on the bench. Now it When these words were first more about the statehouses under- successor. But those of us who Ellen follows him into retirement. Goodman is a syndicated published, back-alley abortion mining it. The pro-life attempt to Take back the night remember the bad old days owe columnist whose column appears It's the byline that brought wasn't just an expression and the make abortion illegal has turned a lot to the man named, tagged. weekly in the Villanovan. protesters to the courthouse. It's coat hanger wasn't just a symbol the name that brought hate letters on a political button. They were falls to give, take ^^^t^'" "'."'^'^T to the mailbox. It's the name that real. So were the women. Ouft bred a score of malicious nick- Unlike others on the Supreme Once again students marched throughout campus ^KCVC ^^ names: , butcher. Hitler, Pontius Court, Justice Blackmun never singing folk songs and Ustening to provocative speeches v^_ Pilate. <\^'^ narrowed his range of vision to LETTERS dehvered by concerned Villanovans. Students carried Surely, there are labels this see only abstract principles. gentle, careful justice would have "We're dealing with people," he signs and banners expressing their concern over yet • . W ?tj preferred. He liked to call himself liked to say. One of them was a another issue affecting the University community and "Old Number Three," a humble Texas woman known as Jane Roe. society as a whole. reminder of the fact that he was In 1973, Blackmun was among Inquirer misrepresents 'Novans This time, the subject was sexual violence against chosen by Richard Nixon after the seven justices who voted to women. two other nominees were rejected overturn the law in 48 states. He To the Editor: view. When asked about diversity vant circumstances, to become by the we did, Approximately 200 students participated in the "Take Senate. He wanted to be was just one in a solid majority as the article said, state attractive to those in search of known "as a good worker in the who determined that diversity was a low priority greater diversity. These Lives" rally that a woman's Sean Kane and I are writing to circum- Back the Night — Take Back Our held vineyard for who held his own and fundamental right of privacy was express our dismay over what was us, but our statements to the stances are things like the fact 7. of rally \ Thursday, April Participants the gathered at contributed effect that generally to the "broad enough to encompass a printed in the Philadelphia Inquir- we fully respect diver- that Villanova is a prohibitively sity Bartley Circle and marched throughout campus, ending tl advancement of the law." He saw woman's decision whether or not er's recent article "Villanova were completely ommitted. expensive school; thus many who himself Sean and I both their procession in the basement of Stanford Hall where as someone who rejected to terminate her pregnancy." students march for diversity" in attempted to could bring us diversity must look labels — left, right — make it clear that had various speakers shared their stories and personal or center But over the next years. Justice the March 24 edition. That will we no elsewhere due to financial circum- in favor of justice. Blackmun, problem whatsoever with the stances. Also, experiences concerning rape, violence against women and \ the author, became be the last time that we trust a Villanova is a But from the march or efforts to diversify day the Minnesota Justice Blackmun, the defender. reporter to get it right for a long, Roman Catholic university, and the establishment of a future women's center on campus. Villanova, yet son of a grocer reluctantly agreed Through the 1980s the pro-choice long time. We could hardly believe no attempt was while some students don't mind intent of this is / \ The march commendable and the to write the decision of a lifetime, majority slipped to a margin of our eyes when we read through the religious affiliation, many issues raised warrant a great deal of attention which, h he became "Justice Blackmun, the three, two, and then one. When the article that Thursday morn- What was printed [in others do not wish to study in author of the abortion decision." someone such an atmosphere. unfortunately, they do not receive on Villanova's campus. wrote asking if he would ing. What we had discussed with tlw Inquirer/ aMei up Further, as "We all pick up tags," he said retire an overwhelmingly However, the manner in which the event was promoted once so a Republican president the reporter the day before and un-diverse later and philosophically. "I'll could appoint someone more con- what got printed was to us teHing 'Mayans place, Villanova isn't exactly a raises important and serious questions. NOT the carry this one to my grave." servative, he responded: "Dear ' same thing. magnet for persons in search of Although the pamphlet distributed to publicize the wlw want diversitf to This pivotal opinion that heaped Mr. So-and-So: No. Sincerely, What was printed added up to diversity. All of this, and the event listed a series of significant demands, vital to the so much emotion — so much Harry A. Blackmun." us telling 'Novans who want talce a liilce if tliey don't reality that tuition will not gratitude and so much vitriol — As a new court nibbled and then diversity decrease would seem, to us, to give survival of all women, one of the demands inappropriately to take a hike if they nice it liere. This is at his doorstep was conceived chewed away at little hope for meaningful change generalized the conduct of all Villanovan males. The the right to don't like it here. This is neither with caution and compromise. abortion, he warned again and what we said nor what we meant. neither what we said at Villanova. We understand that statement demanded that, "Each man on this campus LETTERS Though this theory isn't Justice again, "I fear . perfect, Hugo Black had for the future. . the Things were more than just a nor but this stop his violent behavior toward all women." Is it fair what we meant once told Blackmun never to signs are evident and a chill wind little bit out of context; either the was what we were trying to say. - display in Our personally to make such a blanket statement, condemning all men agony his decision, blows." But as pro-choice activists reporter, Regina Medina (with made to include such remarks. It felt pessimism :r\H Blackmun was for the violent acts perpetrated by a few? Pamphlets broke with this' cool worried about his Yiftalth and age, whom we have already expressibd was this surgical selection of represented in the article as generalize about males legal tradition in an opening that Blackmun held on our hostility. We are sorry that this Also, the conduct of certain Villanovans who blared tenaciously discontent personally), missed statements that caused a complete rings true today: into his 80s and the 1990s until the gist of things or just used us misrepresentation of what we happened. the song "Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw?" out "We forthwith acknowledge the tide turned. for controversy's sake rather than actually were saying, and Sean and I would like to apol- the Editor: to raise awareness of an issue I need to voice my opposition hence the of their Stanford Hall raises To that to windows dorm rooms our awareness of the sensitive and This modest, conservative for what we really had to say. made us both seem like a couple ogise to Pat Kennedy, Dave Grea- is not recognized nearly enough, this one line that I feel is unfairly emotional nature of father son, serious questions as well. the abortion of three daughters also We both consider what was of neanderthals. If it was not for Sneha Patel and all of Villa- I just received a pamphlet for This flyer does contain many condemning. controversy, of the vigorous oppos- grew in his own understanding of printed as inflammatory the fact that this is very serious nova for the mishandled Inquirer Although the march may have achieved its desired "Take Back the Night" under my great ideas and exposes a lot of and a ing views, even among physicians, what abortion meant. The right offensive not only to article. We sincerely hope that goals of increasing awareness concerning sexual violence door that in many ways gladdened disturbing facts that need to be Stephen Ruppert our fellow matter we would have to label the and of the deep and seemingly to abortion wasn't just a matter Villanovans but also to ourselves. degree to which our statements this short explanation will be against women, it is clear that the consciousness of certain me and yet also made my angry. reacted to. Still, I also feel that 1995 absolute convictions that the of privacy, not just the business Sean and I witnessed the depar- were taken out of context as accepted. On the one hand I know as a male Villanovans has not been lifted. And where a new subject inspires. of doctors and patients, but a ture and return of the march from comical. that I am ignorant toward many understanding root, only insensitivity "One's philosophy, one's expe- matter of liberty. and to the Phil Eastman should have taken issues surrounding the violence Oreo. After the march What we were trying to get riences, one's exposure to the raw On Thursday he said, "I think ended, we were Sean Kane remains. done toward women, and this Greeks strive to end racism approached by the across was our doubt that Villa- edges of human existence, one's it was right in 1973, and I think reporter and agreed to an inter- nova will able, given all rele- 1995 pamphlet helped me to become Hopefully, with their guidance, be To the Editor: Smells like the wrong Icon more aware of the horrendous we will develop a program for the statistics that surround this Villanova Greek community in Much attention has been direct- issue. I also felt But condemned the fall. ed towards a racially Many college students around the country mourned because of my gender after reading insensitive incident that occurred recently on of Nirvana's lead singer Kurt Cobain, whose this flyer. This stems from one the suicide bus en demand that the pamphlet puts a route to a Greek social ON CAMPUS What do you think the Seattle home a week ago. about media body was discovered in his function. I Isabelle Perrault forth: "Each man on this campus would like to thank Kerry McDuffie for bringing this Panhellenic Council The media was quick to eulogize Cobain, and tributes stop his violent behavior toward matter to the attention of President attention given all women." This demand seems the mt^ Skazon ^zlf/in to Kurt Cobain's death? came in the form of MTV's weekend-long updates and Villanova community. to presuppose that every, man on showing of "Nirvana Unplugged," as well as front-page David Stahl this campus is automatically Interfraternity articles in newspapers, such as the Philadelphia Inquirer. guilty of inflicting violence upon Even though the social event was sponsored by a Greek organ- Council Many of these tributes dubbed Cobain as one of the every woman on this campus. ization, that does not mean the foremost symbols of our generation. Since I am a man, this seems to put me automatically in this occurrence was in any way sup- Let us hope that members of our age group have ported by the Greek community. category. I feel like I am being consider Nirvana's higher aspirations than those who tried and convicted because of a This problem is a campus-wide disturbed bandleader to be the main icon of Generation chromosome and stereotypes. I concern and the Panhellenic Coun- "^ cil and Interfraternity Council X. Cobain the artist was thoroughly worthy of the feel this is unfair. Letters 't «M». would like to express our under- meteoric success he found, but Cobain the person was n*^ I assume that the writers of this standing of the gravity and impor- v>^ struggled with heroin a severely depressed individual who demand did not mean to include tance of this racial issue. We do ^' addiction and eschewed his celebrity status, finally and condemn all men on this not condone or accept this kind Policy HM»H t: choosing to end his problems by committing suicide. campus, but that is what this of behavior and hope that any demand seems to imply. If I have members of Greek organizations Cobain 's widow Courtney Love read from a note that misunderstood their message involved in the incident realize the her deceased husband left: "The worst crime I can think then I urge the writers of this implication of their actions. of would be to put people off by faking [excitement] and pamphlet to be more careful with The Villanovan will print "Let- pretending as if I was having 100 percent fun." Ironically, their wording in the future. Sororities and fraternities live ters to the Editor" received in its charade. "Of what I've heard from the Cobain never seemed to be putting forth any such by standards that include unity office in 201 Dougherty Hall it's a terrible tragedy "The only thing I care about was prior •T think " While I feel the statement in the radio, they've done a good job His music articulated the general angst so commonly and acceptance of all. We promote to the weekly deadline. Tuesday at when anybody dies, but he was his last hit: 'the pavement.' pamphlet is unfair I also realize openness in downplaying the suicide angle associated with today's young adults, but Cobain our organizations and 2 p.m. All letters must be signed selfish because he was obviously and turned it it is in many ways stupid for me hope that the many good and a family Gino Tinari around to give the apparently saw suicide as the only solution. things include address, phone number really talented and he had to gripe about this one small Greeks do in their message to those contemplating involvement on and social security number. All and little baby who will never Junior Cobain's inability to face his problems should not injustice in the face of all the suicide that society doesn't look campus, including philanthropic letters must be typed and double know her father." Engineering hardships that women do have to at him as a glamorous be allowed to represent the way in which we deal with endeavors, Blue Key, Special spaced. The Villanovan reserves hero." go through because of their the omnipresent dilemmas of today. As we leave the Olympics, Student Government, the right to edit all letters. Letters Julie Sedlock gender. So I want to praise the Veronica Rodriguez Villanova campus, the real world awaits our ability to athletics, etc. give a better indi- may be sent by mail to the Vil- Senior Department of Women's Studies, cation of what we stand for. lanovan, Villanova University, Nursing Senior accept its challenges. It is our obligation to show the world College Democrats and the Stu- We are currently in the process Villanova, Pa. 19085. Nursing these challenges better than the that we can endure dent Government Association for of meeting with experienced putting out a pamphlet that helps signature figure that the media assigned us last week. faculty to deal with this situation. 1

P9Q9 10 • THE VILLANOVAN • April IS, 1994 April 15, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Pay 1 99 Student says, "Playing with your foot! ain't rude. Villanova fining Services By PETER SHAUGER before they board the plane. That been feeding us all these years, wouldn't have noticed^ her tremble bug was a stowaway that no one They could have stashed some She had us fooled all these You know how your mother PeterShauge^ is a senior English major thought to look for. extra green beans old not and spmach m years. Good Mom. Why ^^^ ^^^'^ ^^ ^^^-^^ used to tell you not to play with ^^„ ^^^ ^^^^ Since then, I've been playing those of tuna sandwiches, or they surprise your Mom at the end u,fiat's in Connelly Center's macaroni your food? Well, she had a reason. with my food. Since then, I've could've easily spit into your this semester and tell her you're and cheese, or the Boston Clam But the reason most of us grew found a bug in one of my own macaroni and cheese. You fixing dinner for a change. Watch Chowder. up believing was that it was Invites you to Snjoy salads, a weevil in an old box of impolite and disgusting to play Rice Krispies, and this past Tues- with food. your Mashed potato day, I found a nice, long (approx- mountains exploding with gravy imately four inches) strand of LETTERS lava was unacceptable, as was blonde hair in a slice of pizza that separating everything that you came from a certain food estab- didn't like out of Mom's casserole lishment located on a certain surprise. "Just eat it," she said. corner of a certain campus. 'Take back the night' fliers If notice. slogan you'll Mom's Needless to say (did you ever sounds suspiciously similar to notice that if you left off an "s" Nike's. in that word, the phrase becomes She had a reason, all right, but 'needles to say') I didn't continue go against mission statement not the one that she made you eating my pizza. I sort of lost my ^y believe. She had a deeper, darker appetite, but not because there Student Bill of Rights is signed more. While as a past president "End Semester Celebration reason. A reason that if ever dinner was hair in food. of my My mind was To the Editor: by Father Dobbin with the pro- of Villanovans for Life I vocally discovered, you might never trust too trying busy to calculate the vision that accompanied the doc- dear old Mom, or anybody's dear amount of human hair that I may DSA, during the aftermath of ument as it was originally submit- [l]t is important tliat tlie old Mom, again. have eaten over a lifetime that the "Planned Parenthood controv- ted in the 1970s. The provision And I'm not criticizing my wasn't Student BiH of Kglits is my own. ersy," was not the first group to that had been approved by the mom's or anybody's mom's cook- I've heard a statistic once that bring the Student Bill of Rights University Senate mandated that signed by Fattier Dobbin ing, but the reason she told you said we consume about 100 human to the attention of the University the Student Bill of Rights be ^pnl20,1994 not to play with your food was hairs every year. in recent with the profrision that That means I've history, as the ViUa- adopted as the policy of the Uni- because you might find something chowed on almost 2135 human novan reported March 1 1. In Nov. versity insofar as it is consistent accompanied the in the food that didn't exactly hairs so far. If I weren't so careful, 1992 I brought the 1%7 AAUP with the Mission Statement of belong in the food. Something that it last Tuesday's hair may have Student Bill of Rights to the Villanova. document as was didn't even belong in your armpit. - been 2136. attention of key faculty, admini- This 4:30 ^.M 6:80 'P.M. provision is necessary to or^inaily Being the rebellious child that submitted in When you think about it, strators and members of the stop the activities of groups such I was, I wanted to know what was though, the 1970s. hair isn't the worst thing Student Government on behalf of as VFC (Villanova Feminist Coa- so bad about playing with my you could swallow. brother Villanovans My for Life. lition) which recently distributed gave my support to students and food. I did it for years: at home, found a band-aid in an ice cream I bring this • matter to the atten- to all students on campus pam- faculty who felt it was wrong that in public. Wherever there was sundae in a restaurant whose phlets listing under a section Planned Parenthood spokesper- food, you better believe I was advertisements have those two Villanowa, as entitled "Remember These" the sons not be allowed a forum on playing with it. a 's, wacky old ladies, and the one lady St Mary Dougherty and ^onahuejialls telephone number of a local campus, I do think it is wrong for After 16 or years, it about 17 always thinks the place is called university witli a Planned Parenthood. It is bad the University to fund a student got a little boring. And I was just "Lenny's." Catlioiic mission enough that the University does group that advocates abortion about to quit when I made a creepy But he didn't have to pay for not boycott companies that donate rights or advertises Planned Par- discovery. I was in high school and that meal. Chris still statement, sliouU had to pay funds to Planned Parenthood, the enthood. A provision ensuring the was on a plane from Pittsburgh for his plane ticket, and I got my definitely nation's largest abortion provider. Catholic character of the Univer- to San Diego. friend sat not fund The who pizza for free anyway. I guess they Villanova, as a university with a sity must inform the interpreta- next to me was playing with his were just introducing a groups to distritn/te tlie featuring new Catholic mission statement, tion of the Student Bill of Rights salad. Me, thinking I was all topping: mushrooms and hair. teleplione numlwr of should definitely not fund groups or else the acronym VFC can soon superior because I had grown Actually, I shouldn't be com- to distribute the telephone number come to stand for "Villanovans for tired of playing with my food, told plaining. That little strand of Planned Parentliood. hair of Planned Parenthood. Choice." him, "Chris, you know you're not could have given me that extra Without ^n addendum, the •« ;•; supposed to play with your food." nudge of protein for busy day. tjon of my the University again, Student Bill of Rights will allow Jennifer Schuler Biit as I was saying this, I took I remember kind of fizzing because out. it is important that the groups such as VFC to do this and 1994 Jiand-Carved J^ilet closer look at his I Mignon a salad. spied That hair could have been the fix a creepy little bug crawling on a I needed. leaf of lettuce. Chris screamed, But this is why I think Moms Apology after I issued and gave him a sedative, everywhere said that. Notice that for job fair jam the waitress got him another your dads rarely said not to play To all members of the Univer- sure to keep things going Colossal GulfShrimp salad. with your food. Most dads rarely March 30 and invite you to share sity community: smoothly. The thing I had a hard time cooked when I was growing up. any comments or suggestions The Teacher Job Fair was not grasping was how that bug got in They were playing with the food with me. On March 30, a Teacher Job publicized in advance because it there. Those airplane meals are just as much as we were. Think Fair was held in duPont Pavilion. was not an open event. Teacher sealed tightly and seriously nuked of what our mothers could have Nancy J. Dudak Scrumptious This event was candidates from Pastries and Cakes coordinated by the Villanova were Director sent career planning offices of 26 local personal letters informing Career Planning & Placement colleges and universities. It was them of the program. Public a cooperative effort to provide Safety and Facilities Management Philly mayor accused employment opportunities for the were kept informed throughout Mentzer education majors of the participat- the lengthy planning process. Due ing institutions. The success of to the absence of advance infor- mation the program exceeded all expec- to the entire campus Award of sexual comments tations; however with its success community, everyone was caught Each year, the University came many problems. I am writing by surprise with the activity to apologize for the inconveniences surrounding the job fair. sponsors the Mentzer Memor- I ial Award, which is intended By ALICIA ROMEO know well. put upon the University commun- have spoken with students, 1 employers, to honor one student who, from The mayor said, "I am not ity on that day. Students could not faculty and facilities When does find places to park, they personnel and will documented sources, seems to sexual joking lose its perfect. I am not a saint. People were late pass along Good JCuck on your comments have contributed most to Mnals! humor? A female writer for Phi- are wise enough to understand for class and traffic was delayed and recommendations to the planning expanding opportunities for ladelphia Magazine claimed that what I am. I've been called a frat on Lancaster Avenue. Public committee for future programs. the underprivileged. Mayor Ed Rendell repeatedly boy. I'm not going to work to Safety and Facilities Management Again, I apolo- gize for Students are invited to nom- made inappropriate sexual com- change things in my personality." personnel faced continual pres- the inconveniences of ments to her during an interview. Rendell telephoned DePaulo inate those of their fellow students they know to The comments ranged from ask- after the story ran in a Philadel- whom f ing for sexual favors to talking phia have volunteered time and Congratulations newspaper to apologize for Cobain unable to to^ll Graduating Seniors! about the woman's underwear. anything that might have cope energy on a regular basis to such efforts as social programs, Rendell replied to the allegations offended her. He claimed that hospital volunteer programs, in a news conference at City Hall DePaulo said she was not with unwanted orphanage programs and the a few weeks ago. The mayor did offended. The mayor said she fame not deny that he made these engaged in like. the bawdy joking as To the Editor: him that suicide was simply the The purpose of the Mentzer statements to writer Lisa DePau- well. "She gave as good as she Again, in the long line of fame- personification of all that is lo. He said, "I feel stupid," for got," he said. Rendell Award is to give recognition to Jiave a Great Summer! believed he struck superperformers, mainstream? another He succeeded in that assuming the comments made does not need to defend anything individual whose generos- dies by his own hand. Is the world proving that superstars needed were off the record. He said he he said to DePaulo. ity is matched by anonymity. a difficult place for such success not sell out to big business to voice considers many reporters to be his An editor from Philadelphia Nominations must be confined stories? Or, does success ultimate- their talent. Why then, did he to it is friends, but they still have a job Magazine was overheard Villanova students, and saying ly lead to the downfall of eventually sell out human- to life? He stood requested particu- to do. DePaulo appeared upset after that some iXh, the kind? Was Nirvana's Kurt Cobain fast at the face of record company lars about the individual be M day with the mayor. She told so proud, .vS so unique, so — alter- opposition; why then, did he not The Rendell she was not offended given so that documentation of >i^ comments ranged native — that the ultimate sac- face life with such strength? memi»en because she their efforts can be obtained. did not want to rifice was to die rather No. Not from aslcing for than to sell again. candidates are sexual jeopardize any future interviews, No interviews of out? Was life among the human Yes! conducted. As to tangible bene- tHt NAflOf^l ASSOO^IOM Of COUHU \/y0^ / favors to talking said a source. A UHn^fMurr KX30 WMca about race too mainstream for him? Was Again, like those before him, •L^ DePaulo was unavailable fits, the award exists in the for he so misunderstood that exist- supreme fame raped them the woman's underwear. comment. of their form of a cash stipend, and ence in a bland, colorless world talent. And Success had become the individual and University what has Ed Rendell gave no significant ultimate reason to live? thrust into a state of plaques. Rendell claimed that he often learned from this uncomfortable mounted memorial Or, was he but a mundane and surreality were image jokes with reporters dominates can be made to to ease the situation? "I'm not sure I'll travel hypocritical Nominations character in this play — even when it was not pressure of his job. He would not with her again." wanted! either Dr. James Murphy or Dr. called life? Had all that he strove exchange "salty" and "earthy" Alicia Romeo is a senior majoring Patrick Nolan of the English for become nothing but cheap G.A. jokes with anybody he did not in English. Canuso department. talk? Might it have occurred to 1995

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Page 12 • THE VILLANOVAN • April 15, 1994 April 15, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • P»gt 13 A COLLEGE OF LBERAL ARTS & SCIENCES

FRESHMEN ARTS STUDENTS FEATURES IMPORTANT Don't take a backseat, take > back the night. Find out about the role all Some of you have not pre-registered for your core science course next fall. As an arts student in we play in ensuring the respect and dignity of all people. the new core curriculum, you are required to complete the two-semester science sequence prior to the end of your sophomore year. Therefore, you must register for science courses here in the fall. See your academic advisor to replace one of your pre-registered courses with a science course. Hitch a ride out west and into the controversy You may instead fulfill your science requirements here at Villanova over the summer. See your of gender stereotypes with 'Thelma and Louise.'' academic advisor to register for sununer classes. You may take a two-semester science sequence at another four-year degree-granting institution over the summer 1994. To do so, you must have your application approved in the Office of the Dean, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences.

"Nu" men on campus: Learn more about the You must exercise one of these options before the end of the semester. Since freshmen will always recolonization of Sigma Nu. have priority in registering in science courses for the sophomore year, you will not be able to On Thursday, April 7 at 8 p.m., Villanova improve your chances to enroll in the science of your choice by delaying your registration until students marched to "take back the night." your lottery status improves.


EDUCATORS FOR 'Backbeat'captures the vitality of the Beatles genre. Q ALL THEIR HARD WORK AND ENTHUSIASM AXQ ShARON HEpiiq AO MichEllE MAlchER 2 Take a friend^ better yet take two^ see HThreesome^ this weekend ^ XQ ShANNoiN KeUy & KrIstIn SNainIey AAA HeatIher BEqq & MARcy MicEk Hi Ar BrooIce DonaW, Donna Tiiviochko, StepNanIe Beatty & NjcoIe ShEA Q revives 2 Student Musical Theatre the brilliance of KKT Jenna BRAdy & Jill MiciAk classic Broadway on April 15-17. riBO KERRy Ann ShEEhy/ Kate CNejU Igj ARTWORK BY LARRY ELMORE & Teresa CuRlsy The Second Generation brings Margaret Weis JUNJOR PANhEUENJC CoUNCJt and Tracy Hickman back to the Dragonlance Saga. aBIBIBIBIBlBIBiaiBIBIBigiaaaiaBIBIBIBIBIglBIBI^^ 65 7 Q

Pag« 14 • THE VILLANOVAN • April IS, 1994 April IS, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page IS FEATURES

'Nova students "Take Bacic ttie NighT in rally Series, "The Social Vortex." The 1991 DJs By Exam prep and Summer KRISTIN BERNARDYN said of those assembled to Participation in those movie, directed by Ridley Scott and written support class dis- "Each on this Student Government Staff Reporter man campus Association the rally. However, not all stu- cussions led to his interest in the April 1 by Academy Award winner Callie Khouri, [must] stop his violent behavior President Patrick Kennedy to test-taking wanted dents on campus were harmoniz- rally. However, he did feel some- will have four screenings in the Connelly toward all is voice his plea for "I women," one such action against wish I didn't have to be here. ing with the spirit of the Center Cinema: Saturday, April 16 at 7 night. statement that provoked rape. "Try to 89.1 FM is looking for FM DJs I some understand how workshop WXVU wish I didn't have to protest "Some of you are here Open Reading at p.m.; Sunday, April 17 at 3:30 p.m. and because you negative student responses; women feel interested in getting on the airwaves this rape." These but walking along this were the opening agree and some because you dis- 7 p.m.; and Monday, April 18 at 7 p.m. the tone of the rally itself was not path, and think about them as true/false, mystified by summer. No prior experience necessary, words of Ann you Borders Troubled by Gavaghan, member agree, but the important thing is Tickets are $2.50 for students and $3.50 playing negative and not belligerent walk past this scene tonight," multiple choice, exasperated by essay just enthusiasm for new music. of Villanova Feminist that for general admission. Coalition we got people to talk about Scheduhng for summer shifts begins this toward men. urged Kennedy. "This call box Campus writers open reading exams? Dr. Reilly will offer an exam prep (VFC), who was the first speaker rape," said at Borders Set against the panoramic Gavaghan. "This sits landscapes of week, so sign up now on the WXVU bulletin In her speech Gavaghan cleared here, hopefully never to be Book Shop, Rosemont Square, Friday, and test-taking workshop this Tuesday, at Bartley Circle during the "Take campus is a relatively safe the American Southwest, Thelma and place, up some misconceptions people used," he said to the crowd. "We April 19, from 3 p.m.-3:50 p.m. in the board on second floor of Dougherty Hall. Back The Night" April 15, at 7:30 p.m. Open microphone, Louise tracks two rally and march but what about after college? By women on the lam. Yet For more information contact Karen at 519- might have had about the nature shall call it the rape trail no especially for students. Counseling Center, 106 Corr Hall. The Thursday, April 7 at 8 p.m. taking Sign up bc^ns at it also provides a cinematic The back the night we are journey into 3771. of the event. "This march is not longer." 7 p.m. Come read your poetry and fiction workshop is free and no sign-up is march was sponsored by VFC and reaffirming what feminism the social consciousness of changing roles stands to condemn all The destination for co-sponsored men. Not all men the march or listen to others read. Admission is free. necessary. by the department of for — that all people should be of American women. This, in turn, has are rapists; not all women are was a forum held in the basement Special guest: Clay Reynolds, visiting Women's Studies, College Demo- treated with respect and dignity." provoked controversy as to whether the victims," she said. of Stanford Hall. Dr. Mary M. writer at Villanova, will start off the crats and Student Government Although it was a mixed film provides a strong dose of feminist gath- The protesters sang motiva- Schweitzer, associate professor of evening! Students teaching Cheerleading Association (SGA). ering, most of the fervor or deals a blow to the women's marchers were tional folk songs as they marched history, led the forum discussion Attendance grew to approxi- women. One male movement. However, opposing sides do participant, from Bartley Circle through cam- with facts concerning rape and students: A Tryouts mately 100 people by the time junior Bill Sellerberg, had "mixed Broadway Review agree that Thelma and Louise is "movie pus. The path took them past advice to men and women about dynamite. Gavaghan stood on Bartley's feelings" about being there. After . .detonated by award-calibre Connelly Center, in front of the rape situations. Cheerleading tryouts at duPont Pavilion discussion about steps to address the crowd and having taken an eco-feminism what put off by the The Office of Music Activities and performances from Geena Davis and Susan aggressive chapel and across Lancaster Rape is sexual intercourse with — organizational meeting and practices reaifirm the principles behind class, Sellerberg was more inter- tone of the Sarandon." "demands" in the Avenue until they paused at the a person: by forcible Villanova Student Musical Theatre are 19-22; also April 25-27 from compulsion, Homophobia April 6 p.m. taking back the night. ested in learning about "the information flyer that announced pleased to present "A Tribute to Broad- The Monday evening screening will be beginning of what is commonly by threat of forcible compulsion, to 8 p.m. to cheer at all football and "We are not a group of passive feminist advocacy of a basic the march and provided rape way," VSMT's first annual Broadway introduced by the Series' founder/director, referred to as the "rape trail." who is unconscious or incapable There will be a student forum in Hartley basketball games. All guys and girls victims; we are active people," she respect for all of humanity." statistics. Review featuring songs from Les Miser- Joan D. Lynch. Dr. Lynch will also lead This was a significant place for (Continued on page 1 116 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. addressing the welcome. Check it out! 7) ables, a discussion following the film entitled Phantom, Miss Saigon, Secret issue of homophobia. The night will, Garden, Grease, and more. Performances ''Thelma and Louise — Feminist or feature a panel of students as well as an will be Friday night Antifeminist?" (4/15) at 8 p.m. and open discussion about homophobia. Saturday and Sunday Matinees (4/16 and For more information, call 519-4750. Extended library 4/17) at 2 p.m. All performances will be Thelma and Louise- in the St. Mary's auditorium. Tickets are hours on sale in the Connelly Center and will Volleyball be available at the door. Ticket prices are Nursing Attention all night owls: Falvey Library raises questions $4 for students, and $6 for adults. For more will remain open for extra study hours information call 519-7217. 1 Game April during exam week. From April 28-May 5 Student nursing vs. faculty/staff volley- the library will remain open until 3 a.m. By MELLISSA CARBONE effects ot patnarchai society. The April 19 at 4:30 p.m. in St. Mary's However, all public service areas, including ball game Staff Reporter film is imbued with breath- gym. Sponsored by SNAP and nursing circulation, periodicals, IMS, and the Sullivan Unplugged taking scenery of the wild west. April 1 senate. Dinner will be provided. Precon- reserve room, will close at midnight. Is "Thelma and Louise" a male The many wisecracks found vention information meeting will also be Enjoy an afternoon of music stripped to nightmare o! en^asculating wo- throughout and the use of comic held at this time. Hunger Clean-up its bare essentials. "Sullivan Re-plugged" man run amok? Is it a parable of exaggeration make "Thelma and will feature bands jamming to the sounds female bonding? Is it women Louise" highly entertaining. of acoustic guitar, harmonica, and percus- breaking their chains and liberat- The story line fills the formula Hunger Clean-up is a national event that Volunteer Ireland sion. Kick back in the East Lounge, or in ing themselves? According to of the typical Western-action introduces volunteers to issues of hunger flick front of Connelly Center (weather permit- Attention all Villanova critics Toni Kamins and Cynthia but with one twist, the and homelessness, as well as raises money Volunteers of the Campus two ting) for an afternoon full of music on Ministry Lucia these are just three of the outlaws wandering across for local worksites and the National Office will sponsor a Habitat for Amer- Sunday, April 17, from 1 p.fh.-5 p.m. For commuting host of questions raised by the ica with the promise of Student Campaign Against Hunger and Humanity service trip to West Belfast, adventure information see, in Sullivan Hall: Len — provocative film "Thelma and and hedonistic fun Homelessness. The time commitment Ireland from May 14-May 29. Limited to are female. Room 30; Tom — Room 45. students and off- members of the classes of '96 Louise." This "casting decision" has needed is three to five hours April 16. 1995, and '97. Preparation "Thelma and Louise" won an sparked much debate. The ques- Sponsor sheets and specifics are available meetings are fully required campus residents! Academy Award for Best Original tion of established gender roles in Campus Ministry and the Center for Wednesday, April 6, 7:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Screenplay but what was most swirls in the center of this con- Peace and Justice, or calling (information meeting) in St. Rita's Chapel; by Michael Students assemble for a forum in Attention all commuting students and Monday, April astonishing was the public's troversy. The film itself is rather the tMsement of Stanford Hail to "take back the night.' at 519-3294, Georgeanna at 519-2071 or 25, 7:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.; off-campus residents! The Association of Friday, response to this Western 70s style ambiguous and therefore is wide Huyn at 526-9439. 8-24 May 13, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. April 1 Commuting Students is sponsoring a "buddy" movie. "Thelma and open to personal interpretation as General Meeting April 19 from 4:45 p.m.- Louise" ignited widespread and demonstrated by various 6 p.m. in the North Lounge of Dougherty heated debate over gender roles commentators. Dance Ensemble Hall. All commuters are and the power structure of female "Nu" fralernily encouraged to Seniors According to critic Pat Dowell, recoionizes Peace and Justice attend the meeting — an ideal opportunity and male relationships. "Rather than heroines for women, The Villanova Dance Ensemble will be to integrate commuters into campus life. Have you decided what you will be doing In this highly controversial Thelma and Louise have made presenting its Annual Spring Concert Week See you there! once you graduate from Villanova? Consid- film, two of Hollywood's finest their most indelible mark as Saturday, April hold important offices within 16 at 7:30 p.m. The show er the possibility of "giving back" a year actresses take to the open road. cautionary figures for men." This By ANNIE BLOCK the Sophomore Nick Bidic is Sigma features different dance the Environment next week! fraternity, all of them are devoted Nu's styles such as: Focus on of service by volunteering and sharing your Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis is apparent in a cartoon that Staff Reporter new commander whose jazz, tap, modern, will demonstrations performed to the bond of brotherhood. major and lyrical, and are There be gifts with the poor of the United States pack-up their T-bird convertible appeared in The New Yorker The goals for the fraternity arranged by both professional and information provided about several brothers pride themselves on include choreo- or overseas. There are literally thousands and head towards the wild frontier wherein two men complain to a Some of you may not have heard organization and for each graphers of strong leadership and Villanova students. The pressing environmental issues. Outside of in hope of escaping the suffocating yet, but there is a and excellent brother to know his job and his volunteer placements available. For (Continued on page 1 7) "Nu" fraternity performance will be held in Connelly Center, students wil be illustrat- organization. responsibility. Jake Nevin more information, see Barbara Haenn in on campus. It is the Sigma Nu Bidic also feels that Field House and ticket prices are $3 for ing the effects of pollution, overpopulation April 26 the fraternity and they are recognition from Villanova Uni- Campus Ministry Office, St. Rita's stronger students and $5 for adults. and energy consumption on the environ- versity and Hall. An appointment calendar is right than ever. Sigma Nu has been on from the community ment by taking surveys and distributing Villanova's is important. Bidic chose to join outside of her office door. campus since 1969, if^ I VlUllf the Villanova VlliH information. Also, V.E.G., but since the start of this spring Sigma Nu because he wanted will selling green Barr lectures Environmental Group, be semester the fraternity has under- ttie pfinc^ki of change; he wanted to be able to N.R.O.T.C. Top Gun ribbons to support Earth Day from Wed- gone some major changes. make a difference. The Society of St. Augustine will present nesday through Friday inside of Connelly. Sigma Nu went Nils So far, the recolonized Sigma a lecture by Dr. Stephen Barr from the through a pro- S^mo no Run Saturday, the campus will celebrate Earth cess called Nu has been moving full-steam Bartol Research Institute of the University recolonization which a.m.-4:30 p.m. outside of Day from 11 entails tearing down the organi- h^nto^i o fralomily ahead, placing third in Lambda of Delaware on the origins of science in During the morning of April ,^6, the Hall. conclude the week, Chi Dougherty To zation and rebuilding it Alpha's Softball tournament, religion. The lecture will take place at 7:30 from the N.R.O.T.C. Unit is having its not o olub laiidl it is second Campus Ministry will host the singing ground up. The recolonizing was participating in Balloon Day, annual p.m. April 26 in Tolentine 215. Everyone Top Gun Run. This is a five mile group He Shall Be Peace in the Grotto at directed by Mike K. having one of the largest rushes is invited to attend. McKenzie, for not boys. run in the Villanova/Radnor are^. A 2 p.m. Sunday. All are encouraged to men this semester, assistant executive director of and making organ portion of the proceeds will aid the victims participate in this educational and fun- donation Sigma Nu Fraternity Inc., from cards for the Kidney of the Mississippi flooding. Registration filled week. Foundation. Since the recoloniza- South Dakota. Senior Sylvio Lelli, public rela- forms casn be picked up in Connelly Center tion, the brothers met several Towards the end of the fall tions officer for Sigma Nu at at the candy counter. times a week to ensure the organ- semester Sigma Nu's national Villanova, is a newly recruited chapter realized ization they desire for their fra- Misc. that the Villanova brother. Lelli is impressed with ternity. The brothers chapter needed some work; there the maturity and adult philosophy are also were some busy preparing for Greek Week AP"'19 financial problems and of the fraternity. He feels that enthusiasm was low. and for their formal in late April. April 16-18 Camp Can-Do Letters of Sigma Nu is very different from recruitment The brothers of were sent to a select other fraternities because of its Sigma Nu few fraternity call Would you be interested in volunteering male Villanova undergradu- approach to creating bond of themselves the "Nu ates. The letter Men In Town." The Art of John at Camp Can-Do for one week in August? stated the prin- brotherhood. Many fraternities They are aiming ciple of Sigma Nu: no hazing, to set new standards of excellence Thelma and Louise This is a special opportunity to serve as a believe hazing creates and enhan- at Villanova. Moore a counselor at a wonderful overnight camp fraternity not a club and it is for ces the bond of brotherhood; They will live with men not boys. honor, respect and to close Villanova for children who have been diagnosed with however, Sigma Nu believes haz- integrity. They Before spring state that they have The Department of Art and Art History cancer, which is sponsored by the American rush began, ing can be detrimental to the bond. built a foun- McKenzie conducted interviews dation of unique strength series will have a guest speaker. Dr. Therese Cancer Society. We are also looking for Sigma Nu creates their strong and of the then-current members. character, a foundation Dolan, professor of art history at Temple counselors for these children's siblings to The bond by setting goals together and which chapter was then instills quality Arguably the most controversial buddy University, present the topic "Site-seeing: be held Saturday, June 4 through Tuesday, reduced from achieving these goals together. through leadership about 30 members to three, roles, discipline and picture to emerge from Hollywood, Thelma the Art oif John Moore (Contemporary June 7. Please see Michael Gaynor at the put- The Sigma Nu Fraternity has education ting the other 27 members without hazing. Sigma and Louise is the final offering in Villa- American Realism)" on Tuesday, April 19 Admission Office in Austin Hall or call 519- on a military background. It originat- Nu claims alumni that positive nova's current Cultural Film & Lecture at 10 a.m. in IMS 3 — Falvey. 6807. status. ed in the period after the Civil beliefs create positive April 17 at people. 'Thelma and Louise' can be eeen April 16 at 7 p.m., Currently, Sigma Nu consists of War, founded by three cadets from in the Connelly Cinema. 45 new brothers. 3:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. and April 18 at 7 p.m. Many of them the Virginia Military Institute. .

Page 16 THE VILLANOVAN • April IS, 1994 April 15, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 17 FEATURES FEATURES

V confidence, strengttien leadersliip Society committed to promoting inteiiectuaiism on campus Retreats build By CLAUDIA organization was needed to these areas, many activities are versity of Budapest, to speak on a Bible study for personal appli- PASQUANTONIO "create a haven for students who currently available and new plans modernity in Eastern Europe. The cation to life. Sometimes this is By KRISTIN BERNARDYN Another benefit of the retreat everyone so quickly and in a fun Staff Reporter are disturbed by political correct- are constantly tailored to meet the group has heard many speakers conducted by a priest at Villanova. Staff Reporter workshops is goal orientation; the environment that soon you feel at ness. Political correctness is sen- needs of the group. such as Oliver North, Dr. Walter Tiffany Christensen who partic- leaders set goals for their groups ease. Even the free time is part sational and pitches to the emo- To address the political stir- Williams and David Horowitz at ipates in this aspect of the society What typically comes to mind at the retreats and then work to of the experience — not just the The Society of St. Augustine is tions of students, thereby rings in the members, roundtable other universities. Most recently explains, "This Bible study pro- when we hear the word "retreat" achieve those goals throughout program. It's definitely worth a dynamic group committed to destroying the goal of education discussion nights are held on the group attended Christina vides a different experience than is a directed religious gathering of the year. The program educates what you get out of it." promoting inteiiectuaiism on cam- which is objective truth." Senior campus. National issue discus- Hoff-Sommers' lecture criticizing that of a religious studies class people who want to withdraw them on the aspects of leadership, Vice President of the Interfra- pus. Through many different David Cook said that the society sions are facilitated in an access- the new turn in feminist dogma because it provides an opportunity from the bustle of everyday life communication and getting tasks temity Council (IFC) Mark Reck mediums the Society attempts to is "the only organization on ible and comfortable atmosphere. on campuses and its betrayal of to search for the true meaning of to reflect on their spiritual lives done. went on his retreat after elections exercise and apply higher thinking campus which is truly committed The society sponsored Thomas the movement's original goals. the Scriptures with people of through prayer and meditation. in January with other members of outside of the classroom. In the to reason, logic and objectivity in Molnar, department chair of phi- To address the spiritual needs faith." Dr. John Haas, John Car- However, a retreat also means any IFC and with leaders of the vision of St. Augustine, the society its principles and actions." losophy and theology at the Uni- of the members, the society offers (Continued on page withdrawal or refuge to a place Panhellenic Council. Reck also assumes education's goal to be the 18) In the tradition of the Greek of privacy and safety, and is a believes that one of the advantages pursuit of truth using reason and It encribNMi you to ideal, the society desires to pro- valuable tool that has been used of the retreat is the strengthened critical thinking as viable tools. mote well rounded individualism. in education and in industry for tniit ill youiioV leadership skills that results from Students rally in protest of rape The society began as a group It provides an atmosphere in the workshops. "It enables you to years. For many years it has also of students who were concerned which the members can streng- (Continued at Villa- and iMt conlidofrt trust in yourself and feel confident from page 15) morally defined as rape and has sound, but the most important been a popular medium that education was losing its then their abilities and commit- of consent. Not having a person's nova through which students learn in your competence to make deci- its after effects. thing is support for the victim," commitment to the search for ments to the political arena, their ofyoi«r sions," said Reck. "After a day of consent includes, but is not limited The severity of the consequen- Beissel said. aDout themselves, others and truth. Alumnus Mark Whittman, spiritual journey, inteiiectuaiism to impaired judgment their roles as leaders. 'ice breakers' we got down to under the ces of rape varies from person to Presently, the resources which also known as "the founding and their friendships. To fully cMHV^Nhmooto business and set our goals." In influence of alcohol. This is a person, since everyone experien- "a rape victim on-or off-campus can Getting away from the campus father," explains that a student extend the potential for growth in potentially dangerous situation ces things atmosphere with all the distrac- this way the retreat is a driving differently. Common use include: the department of for a to let tions and burdens of the semester force behind the year's activities woman down her guard reactions, once the woman realizes Public Safety, the dean of Stu- next leadership turnover in, since social occasions are often what has happened to her, are dents Office, the infirmiry, Bryn is what Director of Student Devel- until the The 1994 Steering Committee Is one of many student organizations and their retreat goals. places where a woman feels safe shame, guilt, depression, inability Mawr Hospital Emergency Room, opment Randall Farmer finds to enjoy the iMneflts of retreats. Movie portrays desirable about using the retreat among friends. Contrary to the to concentrate, feeling of dirtiness, Campus Ministry/Hall Ministry, "stranger in as a setting for student leadership Gary H. Bonas, Jr., Greek affairs a dark alley" myth, lack of interest in dating or denial Corr Counseling Center and Wom- programs. "We highly value the advisor, offers himself as a however, more than 40 percent of of the experience as an internal en Organized Against Rape, an off- all rapists know or are "friends" experiences and dynamics that resource to develop retreats and Aiptia Ptii Omega lielpsottiers relationships psychological defense. campus community agency spe- result from taking student leaders conduct exercises, particularly for of their victims. Following Schweitzer's com- cializing in providing for the needs on retreats. I've never heard a the Interfratemity Council (IFC) (Continued from page 15) that Thelma and Louise are not Schweitzer warned that "the ments there was a workshop of sexual assault victims. attitude that a drunk woman is period in which people arrived Villanova's policy sexual student say it was a total loss or and the Panhellenic Council exec- bartender, "We thought we were strong or invincible, but foolish on giving the he originally joined Alpha Phi ren's eyes when them fair play still persists." advice into a waste of time," said Farmer. utive boards. "Students learn By MEG SCIBONA going out with Laverne and Shir- and vulnerable. According to Fred Her groups to discuss topics such assault "seems like a good policy it would be the only Reporter Omega as a resume builder, but gifts because to men was "don't do something as social on paper," still Newly elected boards of such more about themselves and lead- Staff ley, but it turned out to be Thelma Bruning, "Their choices are self- how to handle sex at but rape happens gifts they received this ership and are able to make better has since found that it has pro- to an intoxicated woman that you occasions and how to start a rape and goes largely unreported on student groups as Special Olym- and Louise." defeating . . . They are victims of fall, Phi Omega, a vided him with "a forum to work Christmas." if , she pics, Association of Commuting decisions," Bonas said. This Alpha Other critics maintain that their own poor judgement and know wouldn't want she crisis center on campus. campus, Beissel said. service fraternity, was estab- for the charitable organizations The fraternity also sponsored a were sober." She continued to Students (ACS) and the Student In order to feel comfortable with co-ed Thelma and Louise manage to failure of vision." Kelly Beissel, a member of VFC, The University's comparative campus. It was originally [he] feel[s] are most important." blood drive with the Alpha Tau Programming Council (SPC) take making quick decisions a leader lished on transcend the boundaries of con- The movie does nothing but emphasize a woman's right to participated in the discus- statistics show that five rapes fraternity in February. introduced at Villanova in 1965, Sophomore Tracey Eisenhart Omega refuse sex at any point "even if have been their retreats at the shore the needs self-confidence, said Sue ventional society and step into the highlight the impotence of women sion of how to start a rape crisis reported from 1991 to ribbons dur- eventually disbanded when added, "We all have a voice in APO also sold AIDS it means interrupting something 1993. weekend after Labor Day and use Kinloch, vice president of the but wild frontier. They are drawn into who try to find "fulfillment and center on campus. In a gender/ and enthusiasm decisions regarding service ing AIDS Awareness Week. she at first consented to. the peaceful environment to go Panhellenic Council and member membership the Western badlands by an exis- deliverance by behaving more You body class she took, students This figure may be misleading, declined. This year, the interest projects." Members plan to b^n volunteer- never person sex," through team development exer- of Pi Beta Phi sorority. The tential force that calls them to swinishly and outrageously than owe another talked about a survey of students perhaps giving the impression sparked again — and a group APO has accomplished many ing at the Philadelphia Children's Schweitzer forcefully added. cises. Because the emphasis is on activities used on the retreats was carve out their own identities the most swinish and outrageous in this campus which indicated that only five rapes have been members founded this fra- goals in a short time. They have Hospital where they will help relaxation and team work, the build confidence in one's problem of 23 instead of being bound by sexist men," said Andrew Stephen. Communication between men that only a very small percentage committed. "I personally know ternity for the second time on raised money to buy presents for babies bom with AIDS. and women, friends and couples number of participants includes solving abilities by providing an stereotypes. People subscribing to "Thelma and Louise" can be of students would seek one of the three people who were raped and After building the foundation, all campus. They meet every Tues- children at the Norristown Salva- is critical if we as a community didn't report it," said Beissel. She only group leaders, usually rang- accepting atmosphere. "You do this line of reasoning believe that seen April 16, at 7 p.m., April 17, University's services if raped. Cafe. The tion Army, a transitional site for new member recruitment b^;an. ing from 10 to 20 students. "These things together and learn to relax day at 9 p.m. in Bartley are ever going to impact the added that many of these viola- the two women in this film choose at 3:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. and April establishment of rape diligently women who have left their hus- Current members held three man- The a interactive team building exer- and trust each other. By the end members have worked problem of rape on campus and tions go unreported because their own fate rather than accept 18 at 7 p.m. in the Connelly crisis center is in establishing their bands with their children. The datory meetings in March. Those on campus a cises and workshops help the of the weekend everyone, even the all year, both patriarchal elsewhere, said Schweitzer. "As^ "there is such a stigma attached the fate the culture Cinema. The Monday showing project that Beissel expects to be chapter and in implementing fraternity then visited the site, who attended all of the meetings the students in primary leadership quietest people, feel relaxed and had bestowed upon them. These will be followed by a lecture given community, you set rules and to rape." underway by next fall. It would community service projects. Their handing out toys and playing with were invited to join as pledges. you enforce them." woman University's positions get acquainted with comfortable," said Kinloch, who commentators feel that Thelma by Dr. Joan Lynch. The lecture is A The policy on the fra- probably be run with the Corr somewhat uneasy about hard work has paid off and new the kids. Freshman Hannah Bur- Members explained that should communicate her reasons sexual assault states that any each person's value and role since was and Louise overcome the stifling entitled, "Thelma and Louise — Counseling initiated in March. fitt commented, "The greatest ternity is not selective in that they Center, ideally with they will have to work together knowing only two of the 10 people members were for saying "no" and a man should member of the Villanova commun- gender roles society has created. Feminist or Antifeminist?" trained student volunteers, a retreat. "I apprehen- Junior TJ. Greco admitted that reward was the look in the child- accept them. ity who is charged with sexual as a unit throughout the year," on her was (Continued on page 19) Leo Braudy maintains that Thel- Admission to each screening is get to It is important to talk a lot about "hotline" and 24-hour accessibil- assault said Farmer. sive at first, but you know ma and Louise are "not gun-toting $2.50 for students with I.D. and can be persecuted under the party scenario because that is ity. She stressed that the Pennsylvania heroes turning into legends, but $3.50 for all others. Tickets are the confi- Crimes Code a situation which is most likely dentiality hand-holding heroines of thwarted available only at the door 15 issue is paramount for and disciplined by Villanova Uni- misconstrued as energy turning into myth of blood, minutes prior to show time. For a "mistake" or women who have been raped. versity. Disciplinary action can "sex with the wrong person," result in escaping the frame that confined more information, call 519-4750 "Women should go to a hospital suspension or explusion when actuallv it is legallv ftnd to make sure they are from the Universitv. WS, WHO CARES them." on weekdays between 9 a.m. and physicallv Reasons to Yet another interpretation holds 5 p.m. Re^imld M>iig Island ATTENTION STUDENTS! About Your Future? INTERESTED IN MEETING Congratulations SOMEONE FROM ANOTHER fiRADS OF. 1 SCHOOL, STATE, 994 Whatever happened to those 100 days to graduation parties ^ OR RIGHT HERE? . . . LCB problem ... If I keep getting rejection letters, can . . . find out what's hot in other places, call I get more beers . . . Dry Cleaning — $7 Billion industry 1-900-486-3300 ext. 9255 . . . Honest Dad, V\\ find a job after graduation ... Do I must be 18 years/only $2.99 per minute procall CO. (602) 954-7420 really look good in a McD's hat . . . Why can't I go to college

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April IS, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Pay 19 18 • THE VILLANOVAN • April 15. 1994 Pag« FEATURES FEATURES Veterans guide today's youth To ask or not to ask, that is tlie question during occurring to you can be cut Freedom Summer of 1964, the SNCC. "But images of violence up stereos, killing bugs and asking or give you any more peace of down By College Press Service by paying just a massive voter registration drive and despair obscure the hard women out. With the sexual mind. considerably a little in rural, black Mississippi that work of young people struggling revolution came numerous Sometimes, you've just got to more attention to the state of one's Thirty years ago, the summer took place in defiance of publicly undergarments and the careful to reclaim their communities. We changes and the gender roles act. Don't analyze, just do it. of ennui America was shattered sanctioned discrimination. The must recognize the hard work of which previously could use of an over the counter had been so What's the worst that by the murders of three civil decongestant. young men were among 1,000 young people — and provide the steadfastly adhered to were not happen? O.K., I admit, there are rights workers in Mississippi. college students organized by the resources to tackle the bottom line is this: If they need quite so clear cut. Now, women few things that spring to mind. The you a This year, a foundation named for Student Non-Violent Coordinating seemingly insurmountable prob- are in the workforce doing their During the course of "making want to ask someone out, do it. one of those young men has joined Committee (SNCC) to join regis- lems facing them." own hunting and gathering, you could sudden- If he says "no," then it's his loss. your big move," with other groups in a national tration lO fate efforts already begun by The groups involved said it was PERSON PERSON Or maybe, as would have it, designing complex electrical ly discover that the back of your effort to recapture that youthful black residents. important to look back in order equipment and, yes, asking men tucked in your pantyhose, the two of you are just not meant skirt is activism with Freedom Summer During the summer, 15,000 to move forward. "Freedom to be together. If he says "yes," out. Regardless of revolutions thus providing yoiir scope and his '94. African Americans filled out voter Summer '94 provides an impor- (sexual or otherwise), I still think leering buddies with a rather then go out and have a good time. This summer young people will registration cards, and 80,000 tant opportunity for this genera- men should be the ones in a bountiful view of your posterior. If you don't quite click, that's O.K. By ELIZABETH prove to be a much more difficult work with civil rights veterans at people joined the Mississippi tion of youth activists to revisit too. And who knows, the guy in relationship to kill the bugs. There is, of course, the ever BARSZCZEWSKI situation), you may know very three national conferences to Freedom Democratic Party. But the strategies of Mississippi in When put in the position of popular and all too frequent question may not turn out to be Editor-in-Chief well. Unless you can be absolutely identify social problems facing the effort was marred by 1964," said Lisa Sullivan of the possibly asking a guy out, many scenario. The time your boyfriend, but he might just certain that the latest object of "bobger" their generation and what they bloodshed. Eighty people were Black Student Leadership Net- out to be your best friend. of women take the opportunity to arrives for you to pop the big turn Just the other night a few my your affections (or carnal desires) can do to solve them. Three beaten, 1,000 were arrested and work. "This experience is inval- Or, if you're very lucky, think long and hard atx)ut the question, as it were, when you you friends and I were having a heated will accept your invitation to national conferences are planned four died, including Chaney, uable to help us determine the situation, weigh all the possible notice the potential love of your may find yourself dating a very discussion about the act of asking embark on what could be an to articulate a "national youth Schwerner and Goodman. best way to jump-start a social consequences of their impending life staring at your nose. You sweet guy who makes you laugh, men out. After much wringing of exhilerating/possibly gut- agenda," to form a network of "Our country today faces prob- movement in the 1990s capable of actions and play out various frantically run home, only to find sings stupid songs to you when hands and gnashing of teeth we wrenching experience, there can youth activists and to launch a lems as dramatic as racism and completing the unfinished busi- scenarios in their heads. As a an excess of snot has surrepti- you're sad, rubs your neck and came to the reaHzation that I'm be a lot of anxiety associated with national TV and radio public oppression of Mississippi in the ness of the civil rights treasured friend of mine once said, deposited itself at the doesn't demand that you return fairly certain has been common making the first move. tiously service campaign, produced by the 1960s," said U.S. Rep. John Good- movement." not so long ago, "Liz, don't think lower corner of your left nostril. the favor and, if your very, very, knowledge to the vast majority of In the past, the trauma associat- Andrew Goodman Foundation in man, D-Ga., former chairman of so much. You think too much and lucky, even kills bugs. th6 male population: It is never ed with asking someone out While these situations do occur, collaboration with Rock the Vote. you always screw yourself easy to ask someone out. seemed to be a rite reserved up." the probability of them actually The Andrew Goodman Founda- There's a lot to be said for my There's a big risk involved in strictly for the males of the tion is working with the Black friend's advice. Sometimes you putting yourself on the line and species. These were "simpler Student Leadership Network, the can sit and think and analyze taking the first step in approach- times," when the tasks associated United States Student Associa- things to death, but in the end it ing someone whom you may not with being a man consisted mainly WHO KNOWS, tion, the Student Environmental doesn't make things any clearer know well, at all, or (in what may of hunting and gathering, hooking Action Coalition, Youth Action, Rock the Vote and other grass- WHO CARES roots organizations to help youths 'Nova Society pursues trutti work on issues such as peace, (Continued from page 1 7i justice and opportunity. "TAKE BACK THE NIGHT". . .how 'bout we take back the dinal Krol Chair of Moral Theol- promote its religious principles on together students who wanted "Andy and the thousands of STEREOS of your Stanford Hall NEANDERTHALS. . .why don't spirit of lectured on the authority of private property." In the something more out of education in civil ogy, . like there'd young people involved the we get drunk and. . .take back your MANHOOD. .not intellectual discourse the the Catholic Church at Villanova true than cynicism, criticism and rights movement believed in acti- be MUCH to take anyway. . .ouchie-wawa. . .that's almost as invited different organiza- last year. The group attended the group stories of oppression. They want vism as a way of life," said PAINFUL as those tuition hikes. . .and seeing your face plastered Catholic Campaign for America's tions on campus to give them an to go beyond all of that to a higher Goodman's mother, Carolyn Good- ALL OVER the VILLANOFUN (sorry Priestie Boys). . .and losing opportunity to explain their views standard." She hopes that "the Town Meeting at St. Joseph's .it man. "Young people today are just BADLY in the LXA Diamond Challenge. . .that's all right. . WAS in full. society will continue to create University last month. as dedicated to righting social ills. for a good cause. . .and LOTS of teams lost. . .but not our HOOPS To promote intellectualism on Future activities of this semes- friendships that draw out the Their experience and vision must team. . .hey Vandy , NIT THIS you Elvis-like Nashville freaks. . .that the Society of St. Aug- ter include speaker Stephen Barr creative, spiritual and intellectual campus, win was HUGE to all of you disbelieving tiny be at the heart of the debate about ustine, in addition to its round- addressing science's foundation aspects of its members, the future of their generation and ELVISES. . .unfortunately, the KING will not be GYRATING table discussion nights, hosts in religion. The society plans to The Society of St. Augustine the country." at the Jazz Festival this weekend. . .maybe next time. . .time and forums. The society hosted a attend William Rennet's lecture at meets every Wednesday in the + Chaney and LOTS of luck is what Public Safety needs to start up that ESCORT Goodman, James forum last semester on freedom Swarthmore this semester. This Comer Grille at 7 p.m. for dinner, Michael Schwerner were killed SERVICE. . .tell us...and be HONEST. . .would you rather be of speech and freedom of religion summer the group will publish in The club always welcomes new escorted by some BURLY public safety man across our CRIME- in light of the Planned Parenthood an academic journal and read a members, INFESTED campus. . .or have him hunt through your BOOK- incident. Jen Doherty, vice pres- compiled list of books for BAGS. . .filled to the rim with stolen utensils and an assortment ident, was concerned that "the discussion. ~ of various other Pit GOODIES. . .but even if walking shoulder to coverage of the issue questioned Former president Thora Forizs shoulder with some middle-aged rent-a-cop is the most ACTION Villanova's fundamental rij?J)t to feels that the society "brought you'll be getting this weekend. . .Who Knows, Who Cares. .

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April IS, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 23

Page 22 • THE VILLANOVAN • April 15, 1994 ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENT MoHey carries match past endeavors Crue on without VInce Neil Yes CD cannot By ANDREW GRIBBIN This new blood is like a small fire Motley Crue you know and love. Staff Reporter want enhance ("I Am Waiting"). He that, if the wind is just right, has This CD will not be one of the By CAROLYN POPPE music. Rabin's articulate, forceful Me Up" would not have achieved wanna love, I wanna give/ 1 to see what Yes is (or the ability to become a raging all time greats in the rock and roll guitar work drives some of the intensity without Squier's to And another way to live. allows us Senior Reporter such an is starting to be Rick Wakeman's a trend these force, but as is apparent with this world but it does have some high direction, gives us the best of this is not) without It tunes in one but And- deep bass blowing through "Walls" days to get rid mastery. of the old singer CD it could just as easily be points. They start out with a bang erson's strange melodies and theatres-in-the-round. But the current Yes incarnation — strong synthesized who helped bring success to the extinguished if care is not taken. guitar styling in "Power To The Music," an its creation in 1968, Yes haunting vocals try to pull the two extreme tones can not achieve Rabin vocals and Squier also tends to take a back band and Since to hire a new frontman anthem that does the job of getting in his direction. the kind with Anderson just there in spirit. has been one of the most music back own that same drama with seat. His strength seems muffled with a whole new sound in order is "I you interested enough to give influential greatly While their work is collaborative, of to have in Another noteworthy track and most mutat- album Rabin seems on the album perhaps by the new, to stay alive. Motley Crue will not Waiting." A love song in a them a second chance. The next ing bands in rock. Yes are still the listener feels a bit left behind mind. Am closer-to-pop tendency of Yes. let this wagon pass by while their two tracks are of the same order trying as the two sides struggle to find mostly of revolu- truer sense, its slower, warmer VmRI^P' ^f^Wt^ ^^fWRV mW^ww Wtw^^ to discover themselves Talk speaks Here Squier leaves Yes fans yearn- ex-singer, Vince Neil, shoots to by soft electric and also contain their hopes for with their latest and 16th album, a middle ground for Yes. tion; of opening up and getting to tone is enhanced ing for the kind of power his bass solo stardom. The new Crue CD a single in "Hooligan's Holiday." Talk. the album it all. album's guitar — something sounding Oil# III ttl0 llll IblM Rabin produces new the heart of The gave us during the Fragile and is a rebirth for a band that was That strain Then Crue falters when they The new album comes from the and seems to influence its content first release, 'The Calling," almost Hawaiian. Close to the Edge years. beginning to sound dry and super- ttii^ try performing ballad. throughout throws a nice imagery ^IMMAi Ir lock a They '80s version of the group, which most. In fact, his guitar work reflects some of Rabin's past ficial. This self-titled that Yes will CD is 60 begin to r^ain momentum around includes Trevor Rabin on guitars, dominates much of Talk. Rabin writing. He personalizes the strug- between its sentiment: "I wanna The truth remains minutes of Crue recovering, slow- "Poison Apples" by building a native be inside your heart." never be what it was. Perhaps keyboards and vocals, Chris evokes emotion by moving from gle in South Africa, his ly but surely, from their Dr. not try new sound with a hint of the old Squier on bass guitar, Tony Kaye soft, lyrical tones to sudden, home, and elsewhere as he calls Rabin shines instrumentally on Rabin and the boys should Feelgood flop. Crue. The ultimate song on the sharp, piercing, guitar action. strong harmo- the album and Anderson provides to do the name justice by reaching on organ, Alan White on drums sometimes us to The Vince Neil is gone, replaced by album is "Smoke The Sky," a fast and Jon Anderson on vocals. Yes rock on many songs. He some- nies enchant, as do the stripped, Yes fans with his familiar, per- back for the progressive greatness John Corabi as the new head man paced ditty that earns John Corabi had suffered a major division in ti(nes experiments with Memphis- twangy sound of Rabin's guitar. haps longed-for vocals. But the Yes achieved in the '70s. Perhaps with a voice that is fairly decent, musicians tend to lay low. in letting go of that past, the band If you are an old Crue fan, be respect. It then dies down to exit the '80s among its players that style guitar on this album and at But Anderson's vocal style adds other although fairly commonplace. on organ keeps his work may find that there is undisco- wary because this does not touch with another rather lame ballad resulted in a legal dispute over the other times strives for the fullest little to the strength the song Kaye This Philadelphia boy brings with the exception of a few vered territory and even a future their first two albums: Too Fast called "Driftaway." Overall, this band's name. The more progres- possible harmonies. His distinc- wants to achieve. simple, with his vocals backup guitars which deserves B-. occasional melodies that for Yes. For Love and Shout At The Devil. CD a Give this show- sive, symhonic-rock sound of tive style and own experimenta- The concludirig track, "Endless runs and enable Mick Mars, the C rue's often, ing an open minded chance and "classic Yes" remained with the tion make Talk feel more like a Dream," also hits on the theme Every so however, during head axe man, to show his stuff. who knows, you might like it. earlier Yes players who began to Rabin solo effort (1989's Can't of change. With a 15-minute title this CD there is a sensation of the write and perform under the name Look Away) than any sort of a Yes track in three parts, the song Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman collaboration (1991 's Union). shoots for an intensity similar to and Howe. The younger Yes, But a more familiar Yes sound the past orchestrated construction however, which gave us 1983's can be found on Talk in the form of Yes songs. The track consists 'Ttireesome' depicts bizarre lust triangle 90125 and 1987's Big Generator, of Squier and Anderson. Their of an instrumental, a slow, per- kept the name and tried to put sounds contrast drastically. sistent second movement and a blue, throws together an album without the Squier's original bass tone — a dramatically overdone finale. Yes By ELAINE PAOLONI herself at Eddie. The amount of humor to it also. Per- standard Yes names, like Jon combination of sharp striking and tries too hard to reach importance Assistant Entertainment Editor only problem is that Eddie is haps as college students at 'Nova, Anderson and Steve Howe. full contact with a string — with such arrangements. confused about his own sexuality. we can find some realistic connec- Five years later, ultimately always provides a noticeably big Some more modest tracks on true movie of the '90s, "Three- It takes him a while to admit to tion to this movie in the last five having called upon the vocals and sound. Anderson, on the other the album, however, do reach Asome" portrays how bizarre Alex and Stuart that he is "sex- minutes. Here, Eddie wraps things ually writings of Jon Anderson, Yes hand, with his super-high-pitched importance. Yes extends the our society has become. The show ambivalent." From that up with a summary of their senior finally gives us their own project voice and piercing falsetto, takes theme of Talk by often writing on begins quite innocently with the point on, Alex is in relentless year, graduation and how their pursuit of Eddie, — Talk. But a masterpiece it is his tone in the opposite direction. the revolutionary power of love. introduction of three collie stu- Eddie starts to lives turned out in the end. He eye Stuart not. Rabin and Anderson share Such a voice once gave songs like On "Walls," striking harmonies dents, Eddie Gosh Charles), Stuart and Stuart is hot for reminisces about his college days the writing of the album, but the "Heart of the Sunrise" their and a powerful chorus provide an Alex (Lara Alex. They promise to keep things and comes to the conclusion that '7^ >*>^^ (Stephen Baldwin) and Yes division comes out in the necessary drama. Union's "Lift honest feeling as Rabin sings, "I Flynn Boyle), who end up living strictly platonic. Of course, prom- although they were somewhat ises broken. in the same dorm suite. This all are made to be warped, he would not change seems "to be relatively normal, The remainder of the movie them for the world. He compares covers the fluctuations nevertheless, there is a slight of emo- it to a vacation: even though you tions between the three. At times Tim Robbins climbs the corporate ladder hitch. Alex is a woman. Apparent- get aggravated and complain their relationship is ly, her identity was taken as that stable and when you make a wrong turn and while or she watches Barnes taught, basically in the same way happy. At other times, there are get lost, it always seems to be that he then blund- when they come they only last for he of SI man's in the office of housing. By PATRICK FARRELL kids"!), and when secrets are a few act like a child lost in an adult's that Frank Capra would tell a She tries to explain her problem kept between certain part of the trip you remember eringly sets himself on fire, Mus- a second. Still there Staff Reporter in the world, as he tries to pretend he story. The movie is not playing to officials, but, due to bureaucrat- members of the group which best. burger figures he has found his people who always live cause absolute distress. future and are always in their is really in control of the company, in all of the area's theaters, but ic dealings, she figures it would One major Is it worth the money? Waiting "shmoe." event is As the story takes its course, there it is worth making a trip to see be easiest to remain in her current does take place that is the until the video stores have it Archer (Jennifer Jason moment in time ("The past Amy turning point of the movie. future is where are also underlying morals being it. suite. No one seems to be overly After available is not too bad of an idea. "Hudsucker Proxy," pro- Leigh) is the quick-mouthed, despair, while the The excited about this arrangement at this, Eddie states thar "it was It also would not be too advisable However, Charles (Eddie) duced by the Coen brothers Pulitzer Prize winning reporter your happiness lies."). Josh ing title. It is a definite conver- never really the same ever again." to also seems to be a subplot first. Of course, feelings change. go see this with a date, due to does give a well-rounded perfor- sation piece, if (creators of "Raising Arizona"), is who is a strange cross between There so you are in "Threesome" definitely piques potentially embarrassing scenes, mance. movie does not a kindhearted satire on corporate of good vs. evil in this movie, Within a couple of days, the fun The stray desperate need of a dialogue, go Lois Lane and Betty Davis. She the imagination in the clock Alex, completely out of the and has a good The acting is mediocre in general, too far from its sexually insinuat- America, set in the late 1950s. It passes herself off as a sweet girl between the wise man begins. see "Threesome." follows the story of Norville from Munci, so that she can get tower and the equally wise janitor Barnes (Tim Robbins), a goofy the scoop on Hudsucker's new who could be a symbol for death. tower is college graduate from Munci, president. She forces herself on The keeper of the clock advice to those who Indiana. He stumbles his way Barnes in a diner scene where willing to give Dynagroove eleclrifies local audiences not to from the mail room of Hudsucker Archer whips up phony tears, need it, but otherwise tries characters Industries to the president's office, elbows him to get his attention intervene and lets the take their own cause. The janitor to solve life's obstacles. The street thanks to a money grubbing and then precedes to tell a story either stumble or crawl back on groove music with big low end." Bob Jordan skillfully articulates plays an antipodean role by keep- By DOTSIE COWDEN level lyrics support its theme and scheme hatched by Sidney Mus- of how her father has lumbago. stage to continue the show. His gyrating voice slithers this his guitar playing with brilliance quiet and scraping the name and ANDREW COLLANDER focus on aspects of life which burger (Paul Newman), a gruff, Barnes buys her story and, out of ing Erik's philosophy of his own sound through the microphone and perfection, off of a door window whenever Staff R^rters remain near and dear to the cigar chomping Hudsucker board- compassion, gives her a job as his style is. syncopated, funky, igniting the captivated audience. (Continued on page 24) fired. members' hearts: girls, liquor and room big shot. Musburger is secretary since she is from Munci. someone is movie is a funny highly energetic, funky girls, parties and girls. It may looking for a "proxy," whose There is a continual theme of Overall, the The and undeniably danceable incompetence will scare the other "time" running throughout the tale of a gawky and naive young contain too much superiiciality starts out band, Dynagroove, has been jolt- for some people, but philosophies stockholders into selling their picture, from the cheery, see all, man from Indiana who in a big man's ing the Philadelphia scene for of life are not this band's idea of shares, so that he can then own know all, clock tower maintenance as a small man through luck (if more than three years with elec- entertainment. "There ain't no all of the corporate stock. man, to the motto of Hudsucker world and then, call it that), moves from trifying performances. This pop- groove if the butt don't move," He knows he has to look no Industries "The Future is Now." you can of corpora- ular hip hop rock band was started compiles Dynagroove's lyrical further when Barnes shows him It leaves the viewer with the idea the basement a huge in 1988 by Erik Horvitz, better philosophy. his idea of what will later become that most people do not get many tion to the top floor in a matter known to his friends as E. Rocker the hula hoop ("You know ... for important moments in time, but of hours. The viewer will laugh Its stage repertoire exemplifies or Smokin' E. Horvitz. A graduate this exactly. The guys in the band of Drexel University and now a keep their sound in sync by resident of Bryn Mawr, Horvitz steering clear of monotonous Ballads mar Peck started Dynagroove with the trendy tunes and keeping with the initial interest of playing at fra- art of hip hop music. The lyrics musician By REGGIE BEEHNER overflowing with a sticky, satisf- Peck may be the first ternity parties and local bars. and beat produce an amazingly ying goodness. This is music that credited to causing an entire has been through Staff Reporter The band productive friction which a Angels to pull sparks a fire under your soul and platoon of Hell's many member changes in the past diverse audience seems to appre- side of the road makes you want to unbutton your their bikes to the years. It has now reached the ciate and celebrate by jumping out The decade of the love ballad collar to let the elements play to smell the flowers. ultimate combination which has of their seats and shakin' their against your breast. this is Basically, the chord progres- came swiftly and powerfully. And Tv'- really come together over the last booties. overused, Yes, the eighties were a time of all in the flrst song alone. sions are boring and three years consisting of Horvitz The conglomeration of talents of the most redefining the deflnition of torn riding alongside some on the guitar and lead vocal, Bob and personalities scramble togeth- lyrics since love, lost love and just good 'ol' trite and cliche packed Jordan lead guitarist, Mike Beason er to produce a nonduplicable His fashioned midnight lovin'.' The The choid the last Michael Bolton saga. drummer, John E. Lee bass player action-packed performance. Dyna- tender, time is right for someone to bring beefcaked, scarred but and Rich Robinson saxophonist. groove is like a multi-liquored Roth-on-love-potion- it all back, a servant for the people Piogwisioiii «# David Lee The group has a vibe which drink with a mean bite. It comes was so to speak, and Danny Peck has number-nine stereotype strikes the audience like lighten- on strong, but wears well. The l>oiliig so courageously shouldered the and 0¥»r stomped out ages ago. Apparently ing. This captivating sound romping duo of Erik and Bob carry did not burden. this is one dinosaur that machine has really started to get buffoonery to its heights with liMd. was a very Danny Peck is quite possibly realize that extinction things rolling with the release of alcoholic acrobatic tricks. It is a the perfect biological cross- strong hint. its new CD, Dump Hop Jam. The one way ticket to booze or lose. derivative as product between the lost sons of Danny Peck's newest release, With titles as band draws quite a crowd when Bob straddles Erik's shoulders and Hallmark and a car full of Danny Peck, is an extensive col- "Lover," "Stolen Kisses" they play at clubs. turns in and they take an attempt PHOTO COURTESY OF CORNERSTONE lection You," this Osmonds. This acoustic one man of heart-driven ballads "The Beauty Within The band's hypnotic rhythm is to finish a bottle of Jack Daniels. chance Dynagroove's new CD Dump Hop Jmn It a hip hop rock showcase of hedonism. show could, if every pancake ever that quite possibly could bring album stands a fighting versed with explicit lyrics that Depending on how much Jack Tight Pants made from the dawn of time was spring a little early this year (and for the "People In propose a relaxed theory of how Daniels they consume, the two stacked from here to the moon, totally eliminate winter as a Don't Stay Lonely For Long provide enough sap to keep them season altogether). Lyrically, Mr. Award." >MhMMMM«a«ifc*i««««aM««L«Mift4MliulMMMil •4*-^

PBg9 24 • THE • VILLANOVAN April 15, 1994 April IS, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 25 ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENT Alternative artists imitate ttie Beatles i\ 'Vauxhall' reveals confident "supergroup" features Morrissey By MAURA GIBNEY the talents said Starr. Staff Reporter of alternative rock stars Dave Although the members of this Grohl of Nirvana on drums, Mike "supergroup" By came from different Music from the Motion Picture CHRISTOPHER Morrissey experienced a diffi- be famous than righteous or holy, v Mills of R.E.M. on bass and bands and had never worked GONNELU cult 1993, which saw the deaths any day." This lust for fame was years backing vocals, Sonic Youth's together, they Reporter Thirty ago, a new group meshed extremely Staff of three close friends: his manager, harbored in a number of Smiths called the Thurston Moore on guitar and well. BackBeat Beatles arrived in The fact that they had never Nigel Thomas, video director, Tim songs. Now Morrissey sings "The America and Don Flemming from Gumball played completely changed on together did not hinder the Broad and guitarist and producer More You Ignore Me" with laugh- the face of rock music guitar and vocals. The Afghan production of on this Backbeat in any of Youp Arsenal, Mick Ronson. If ter and sarcasm, knowing that he score. Many people either Whig's handles John way; actually, it seems these days that when do not proved beneficial. It any Morrissey release should has been virtually shunned by the realize or forget that the Lennon's vocals on nine tracks Their recording you mention Morrissey 's name, Fab Four contained the express depression, it should be British press he is still "a central (as they came to be while Dave Pirner of Soul Asylum fresh energy the — you receive a response which known) did album needed Vauxhall. Yet, this release is much part of your mind's landscape not always dress in sings Paul McCartney's parts an energy usually includes a chuckle and a conservative on which could capture the more heartfelt than past releases whether you care or do not." suits and sport bowl cuts. three tracks. sounds of the sleazy question about his sexual orien- During nightclub and shows that he is finally Comprehending the nature of his their formative years in In addition to creating this circuit in Hamburg tation. Who cares. The fact Hamburg, where the coming to terms with himself. success, "The More You Ignore Germany, the Beatles were fantastic line-up. Was asked roots of the Beatles were planted. remains that while these individ- punk VauxhalliiTids Morrissey respond- Me" is a sarcastic plea for accept- before punk was recognized as a former Beatle, Ringo Starr, for Even the recording of Backbeat uals contemplate his sexual pref- ing to the incessant attacks ance, "Take the easy way and let musical advice about the album. erence, Morrissey genre in its own right. Although was similar to the early recording has released regarding his obsession with fame mem." They wore leather jackets, Starr was not a member of the sessions of the Beatles. two solid albums during the past Was made and his perennial dissatisfaction The sound of Vauxhall is band over- greased their hair back ^ during the Hamburg period, sure it was recorded live three years beginning with 1992*s and pos- with with himself. whelmingly subdued due to the sessed a raw, cutting he was part of the Hamburg scene relatively few Your Arsenal diti^ continuing with edge sound overdubs and other On the opening track of the CD, simplistic guitar melodies under- which could not at the time. "They were raw, forms of production his current release Vauxhall be found in any magic. Often and "Now My Heart Is Full," Morris- scored by an array of both plush other up and coming amphetamine and beer-driven. he rejected the studio I. group during product, in sey places his past grievances and haunting backing vocals. this time. They were an early version of a favor of the rough takes. Explain- Vauxhall and / is a vast depar- behind him and recognizes that it Indicative of this sound is the To commemorate punk band. What they lacked in ing this rather ture from Your Arsenal. this 30th "primitive" 27 minutes and contains 12 covers Roll Music," "Please Mr. Post- The is not worth exposing his heart vindictive "Why Don't You Find anniversary, Virgin technique they made up for in method of creating latters, while more explosive Records set a record, he of and Chuck Berry tunes man" and "Good Golly Miss and and trying to explain himself. Out For Yourself." The In this song, many times. I don't have any skin, you try to break out to capture the vitality enthusiasm and tremendous states, "There open^ is reolete with my spirit, it won't of this was not a lot of with a unique, punk twist. This Molly," Backbeat reminds the catchv song is the first indication that he Morrissey "paints a more vulgar but that's just the way it goes." period with the energy. So do not get a bunch of attention paid refrains like "You're the one for work because there's nothing left Backbeat sound- to detail. We were novel twist is sure to keep the listener that there is still such a is personally satisfied when he picture" of a society of leeches and The closing song on the album, to break, track. To accomplish studio guys and go in and try to going more for me, fatty." Morrissey's latest ^ anymore." this formid- the feeling and the listener jumping with its upbeat thing as good classic rock *n' roll sings, "I was tired again, I tried false sympathizers than he does "Speedway," not only renounces challenging able task, do Beatlemania. Get some young energy effort is The nature of Mor- producer Don Was and to capture the sound and fresh energy. Featuring in a world where basic production much more compact, again and now my heart is full on the Smith's lackluster 1987 the credibility of his critics, but rissey's Vauxhall constructed a line-up he guys who play with a lot of energy moment." subtle and personally revealing. and I enables later many universal favorites like magic can make even a barking and I just can't explain so I won't Strangeways, Here We release works to enhance the credibility him to answer his critics while dubbed as the "supergroup." This and go for the spirit of the thing," Backbeat runs for a little over During the past three years, "Twist and Shout," "Rock 'N' dog sound like success. even try to." Morrissey is scathing in his Come. of himself. "Speedway" is a hard- presenting how he feels and not Morrissey has had some sobering Morrissey explains his insatia- "Don't rake attack when he sings, driving, contemplative song con- what he wants. Vauxhall uncovers experiences which cause him to ble desire for fame in the song up my mistakes, I know exactly sumed by a maelstrom of guitar a confident Morrissey. sing with cynicism rather The album than "The More You Ignore Me, The what they are. And what do you provided by Boz Boorer and Alain features a Morrissey who partially the free-flowing, patented Morris- Closer I Get." HOROSCOPES With the Smiths, do? Well . . . you just sit there. Dynagroove I've Whyte. Morrissey takes the offen- shatters the image of the eternally By WAYNE BREMSER, JR. offensive sey croon. Morrissev once sang, "I'd rather been coverage of poor Kurt Cobain's suicide on MTV makes you stabbed in the back so many. sive when he sings, "and when disenchanted. Assistant Entertainment Editor swear off television. Forever. (Continued from page 23)

Aquarius: Get the new Morrissey album. Drink maniacal playing, though. apple juice. Drive Sagittarius: He You really want to finish a paper you have half done. out to a nearby park and eagerly await the spring all while musing definitely penetrates his audience But you know that it was not meant to be. of lost love and sophomoric angst. Go to TLA video and with stage frolics and a jammin' 2' rent "Tokyo Decadence." 'iViaJor League mimics style. Playing live is a motivation- al force, said Jordan. He loves the Pisces: Go to the library. Sit in front of the computer terminals. excitement of looking out into the Scorpio: It is impossible to create anything original. Think of non-academic things to research. Try to find out Robert Pay somebody audience and seeing people mouth else to do it. Have them fabricate a diary and some sketches the on napkins originai film DeNiro's date of birth, whether Madonna has blue cotton sheets, the lyrics of the songs. Being on that you can claim as your own. whether Jay Leno has a soul and whether John Tesh or Michael Bolton stage is like "going to Great By KAREN video stores, is the Anti-Christ. Adventure every Friday and Sat- GOULART "League" became a ence this time around is that the Reporter urday night," added Jordan. Staff sort of cult classic. Rented and characters are a lot less likeable, Libra: Dream. garden is growing some purple flowers, there is The quoted its John E, Lee's display of fun by fans times innumer- the jokes do not come as fast and a thick dew on the grass and a pulsing light filtering through the is able, it more than Taurus: Go to the Philadelphia Zoo. Stare at the strong caged beasts fun for all. This energized dancer made up for its they certainly are not as funny. branches of the trees. Wake. Your sexuality will never be the same. was a reason why they slouchy performance at the pacing around, while listening to the Breeders' "Pod" on your thinks he is Gumby. His legs are There box Everybody's favorite derelict/ did not make an "It's a Wond- office. So what could be better Walkman. straddled on distant bi-level, cock- pitcher Rick "Wild Thing" erful Life 2" or "Return than another in eyed sound speakers while playing to Casab- day the sun with Vaughn has traded in his Harley Capricorn: Dream. A small French woman is pounding on your front lanca" — and it is quite simple, 's answer to the bass guitar. His gutsy acro- for a limo and replaced his "wild" Gemini: Unload all door. You go down, tired and confused, the promo discs you've accumulated for quick to see what the trouble is. really — you do not mess with the the "Bad News Bears?" batics send an electrical surge ways with more refined-dull- cash at Plastic Fantastic. Then GET OUT! The pain and misery of She is yelling at you about your lame answering machine message 2" classics. Okay, okay, so "Major For starters, "Major League behavior in order to enhance his in French. through one's body. their prices will rob you of your humanity. Go to Repo or Dollars League" did not win the Caged behind the an Oscar for makes mistake of thinking image and speed up his social for Discs with this and any money drums is an you can muster from mom. Best Picture and Charlie Sheen is that the audience intensely motivated individual did not climb. who still playing second rate roles in remember the original — a fact Aries: U2. You beats the drums fiercely wonder what your life would be like never to hear mediocre movies, but for fans of that makes itself Cancer: You rush to the bathroom and vomit as sit producing evident as it tries Hayes (Omar Epps), you in Central U2 again. But a reverberant sound. before your tears of joy dry. Sting comes on the radio. America's favorite pastime and to pass off the same exact Bar and Grille while James Taylor gets played on the stereo. Wipe The fluidity of his jam gets storyline the wise cracking base stealer, has fans of truly good comedy, the including some of the same jokes your face and get back on your haute horse. channeled to the audience and turned his attention toward mak- original "League" is one of the as the first flick. The onlv differ- gives them a sure beat to dance (Continued on page 28) best flicks since "Gone With the to. Richy-Rich Robinson mellows Leo: Borders. Contemplate graduation and the loss of your identity Wind." out to the saxophone in his classic in the thick cream of broccoli soup of corporate life. Drink their burnt "Demolition IVian" Released to theaters in 1989, style. He gives the band a distin- students tasting capuccino and pour through sing Cormac McCarthy's "All the Pretty "Major League" was given a Horses" and guished, yet jazzy, finished look: some Euro-trash magazines. lukewarm reception by audiences. like the BBS rims on a Z71. on video However, soon after it hit the The rhythmic guitars, melodic, Broadway Virgo: Never has the image manipulation, the bad taste, the spectacle hypnotic base line, light-hearted faves generation and the false emotions seemed so obvious. Watching the By JON TOTA mamine within the first half- lyrics and a mix of minds signifies Staff Reporter hour. Rating: C- one motley looking crew. Pure By PATTI TRENCHAK show. Also the newly elected Demolition Man — Sylves- entertainment in every aspect of Three's Staff Reporter president of the Student Musical the company Trios is on Manhattan Murder Mys- ter Stallone, Wesley Snipes word what Dynagroove is. Theater, Tilley believes that the ^* Kurt Cobain's death tery — Woody Allen, Diane Take two big action stars, Dynagroove is injected with The Student Musical Theater performance will become an annu- By MIKE BECKERICH musical world, woven together by extreme mellowness and peaks in Keaton, Alan Alda, Angel- give them funky costumes and talent, heart and hard work. presents its first annual Broad- al event, allowing students to ica Staff Reporter my bass as the connecting frantic uncertainty. Brickell sings: Huston cool guns, add a couple of The newly released CD features way Review tonight at 8 p.m. in perform what they want. If they disheartens thread," explained Wasserman in "And sometimes when the waves "Manhattan Murder Mys- expensive explosions and three favorites, St. Mary's Auditorium. Additional want to star in their own musical you "Wild Chic,'* are tery," Wasserman has finally his liner notes. mellow and all crashed out/ By ELAINE PAOLONI world of alternative music. played with handheld have got the basic formula for "Resurrection" and "Funky Rob showings will be held on Satur- they can, he added. camera completed his unique musical Wasserman's latest touring You and hear that lonely dog Assistant Entertainment Editor MTV had their own tribute to dizziness and an over- "Demolition Man." Maybe Bone." Villanova Chemistry stu- day, April 16 and Sunday, April Publicity Director Matt Bookler, trilogy of acoustic and electric partner, Bobby Weir (Grateful howling out./Howl out for your Cobain and Nirvana all wee- whelmingly insignificant plot, someone should have suggested dent, as well as talented musician, 17 at 2 p.m. a sophomore Psychology major, master/Howl all night is a bass oriented recordings. The Dead), got his pal, Jerry Garcia, long/And man kend long as updates on the selection best left for spending a little more money Rob Rizzo, helped to write The dedication and hard work credits Music Activities as the who struck our and - maybe he'll longtime musical adventure that began in involved in the project. Along with hear you/And carry generation with his sound situation and what really hap- fans of the quirkish on script development and a engineer the song "Funky Bone" of an extremely talented group of "driving force" behind the produc- A the release of Solo and you home." Woody 1983 with Garcia and Weir are Neil Young, and style, a man who began the pened were given periodically. Allen. The on-screen little less on the exaggerated which has become one of Dyna- people enlivens St. Mary's little tion. Lending out equipment as charisma continued with the Grammy win- Edie Brickell, Bruce Hornsby, Seattle scene, a man who There are many questions between Allen and sp)ecial effects. groove's hits. Rizzo says working "Easy Answers," done by Bob theater with a moving tribute to well as assistance. Music Activ- Keaton is ning Duets in 1988, has been Branford Marsalis, Elvis Costello, undoubtedly created an indel- still remaining. What will reminiscient of the The acting delivered by Stal- with the band was "a rewarding Weir and Neil Young along with Broadway musicals. The perfor- ities enabled this talented group glorious "Annie Hall," lone pieced together with the arrival Chris Whitley and Les Claypool mance, ible mark on the American happen to Nirvana is one of yet a and Snipes was nothing experience because it gave me the Wasserman, is a sinister-sounding representing 12 different of individuals to produce a diverse constant feeling of the long awaited third album, (Primus). youth of the '90s, Kurt Cobain them. We can guess that of disassocia- more than generic big-budget opportunity to collaborate with fire-in-the-belly tune. Weir's tough musicals with 20 acts in all, selection of Broadway hits that tion with the Trios. Hornsby and Marsalis team may he gone, but he will never Cobain took his own life plot detracts from action quality that has often such creative individuals." attitude is exemplified in his gruff features the special performance will leave the audience any possible enjoyment. Trios, released by MCA/GRP, is with Wasserman on the jazzy of be forgotten. Only weeks after because things just were not . worked in the past. But devoid The CD has been sent to over voice. Wasserman recalls in his medleys from "Phantom of the spellbound. a star-studded collection of 13 "White-Wheeled Limousine." The an incident in Rome, where fun anymore. What else could The weak plot revolves of a plot, coherent dialogue and 100 radio stations within a 200 notes, "Bobby recorded his lead Opera," directed by senior Kara Impressed by the recent growth very unique and very different piano, horns and electric upright Cobain overdosed on a combi- he possibly have accomplished around the suspicious death of a somewhat intriguing story- mile radius of Philadelphia. Cor- vocal around midnight. Neil and Kaczynski and "Les Miserables," of student activities, Tara Travia, tracks. It is a project like no other bass mesh wonderfully with nation of painkillers and cham- professionally? Through the an old lady and the attempts line, this movie was doomed nerstone Management [the band's I wouldn't let him do it over again directed by freshman Anne a sophomore member of the mus- with songs ranging from the pop- Bruce Hornsby's incredibly pure pagne, the 27 year-old singer of information revealed on MTV, to solve the "murder mystery." from the start. "Demolition management team] has received as we both felt that he had Chretien. ical theater, states, "It's amazing ish "Fantasy Is Reality/Bells of voice. This Hornsby original Nirvana was found dead in his it seems as if he felt that he However, this movie is really Man IS merely excellent captured the true spirit of a that we could pull together such a senseless raves from the stations Camie and Several other Broadway had reached Madness," featuring debuted live at the Grateful E^d's preacher in musi- home overlooking Puget the top of the all about the failing marriage battle between villain and saying that the songs are getting his late night a good production in such a short Brian Wilson (BeachBoys), to the annual New Year's Eve concert. cals are included with selected Sound. ladder with no more rungs to of Allen and Keaton and their lawman set in the played and receiving positive delivery." time." unrealisti- blues classic songs from "Miss Saigon," climb. A sad Generation outside cally very dirty Delta "Zillionaire" is a great song. "City On Friday, April 8, 1994, X love interests, Alda and peaceful future. If feedback from the listening The Student Musical Theater you are done by In a recent Relix of Angels," "Li'l Shop of looks on at the "Dustin' Off the Bass," This Edie Brickell/Jerry Garcia/ interview, Horrors," news broadcasts worldwide loss of an icon Houston. It looking for the typical audience. has created a breathtaking tribute action Dixon, to the Wasserman said of the "Pippin," "Alladin," "Godspell," of their age. He represented movie the great Willie Wasserman collaboration is a CD's to mourned the death of Cobain. is a somewhat enjoyable film, that punches, kicks, CDs are also being sold at Broadway. The show is defi- "Gypsy One/ quality tune. recording, "Trios is just three "Annie." "Secret many people in our youth shots beautifully arranged Jerry's wailing gui- Garden," nitely Right here in Philadelphia, we provided that you are a sea- and explosives without various record stores and at all worth a visit to St. Mary's contempor- people a track if "Chess" and culture and will be any Two," performed by tar and Edie's dynamic voice and sometimes "Jesus Christ Super- could all hear the voice of the remembered soned Woody Allen fan. Other- of the usual complications shows. They will be on sale April this weekend to see the perfor- Harmovittz and it sounds like it's Star." in our minds as the forerunner of an ary cellists. Matt guide this song through an emo- 20, because WDRE announcer as her voice wise, the constant movement intricate plot, then "Demo- 16, at the 23 East Cabaret in mance of a talented group of tional roller coaster ride. This we're playing 20 parts, but it's quivered of a movement that impacted lition Man" Joan Jeanrenaud. T>roduction individuals as the over the loss of such of the realistic camera will may be right for Ardmore where the band is sure Coordinator Rob Student Mus- is its own original psychedelic story of a still the same three people. No side America significantly. you. **Each trio dog nam^ » illey, ical an important figure in the send you searching for Dra- Rating: D- to, yet again, rock the house. The . a sophomore computer Theater presents "Broadway song and inhabiu iu own unique Zillionaire dives into a state of people alk>wed." science show b^ns at 11 p.m. major, organized the Review." (1

Page 26 THE VILLANOVAN • April 15, 1994

April 15, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 27 ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENT 'Marvin's Room' handles death with humor Special to the Villanovan then simply dead," he states Harriet Power, director of Vil- matter-of-factly. Of more lasting lanova's production, describes The Brand impression and perhaps the rea- New Heavies "Marvin's Room" as a study in the final offering in its 1993- son for McPherson's AS unsentimen- contrasts. The play is both 94 season, Villanova "inten- Theatre tal good-humor in the face of has sely funny" and has the "capacity AHEAD scheduled THIS the area premiere illness, was his grandmother's fuses to make us feel I, of as deeply as we many Scott McPherson's genres "Marvin's lengthy battle with cancer might at the loss of someone we Room." Opening on April 13, this throughout McPherson's love." For Power, McPherson's recent Off-Broadway hit will be childhood. n. play is a WEEK... celebration of generosity, music. The directed by Harriet Power. Like Heavies' style also artist include projects with Roger Marvin's, the bedridden clarity and acceptance By COLEEN KENIREY Included in the as well as, represents the back-to-basics, live Waters, run will be two woman's room Senior Madonna, Al Jarreau, became a focal like all good comedies, a Reporter AIDS benefits in honor recogni- approach currently being revived George Clinton of playw- point for family togetherness. and Tone Loc. tion of frailty. "We are going to because right McPherson, who died of "The they do not use sampling Andrew Levy (bass), Jan Kin- only TV in the house stood screw up," she AIDS on Nov. explains, "but or drum machines. The band's caid CHESTNUT CABARET 7, 1992, shortly at the foot of her bed," McPherson (drums/keyboards) and Sim "Marvin's Room" lets us see the range of influences 38th and Chestnut after "Marvin's Room" opened in half-seriously spans three Bartholomew (guitar), the original streets explains. "If you bigger picture; it lets us bump decades, and its sound has Philadelphia, Pa. New York to rave reviews. The wanted to been core of The Heavies, have been watch 'Ed Sullivan,' as against infinity. "Marvin's first of the two benefits Room" sampled by a wide variety of performing together 382-1202 will be I did, you also had to since 1985. watch celebrates the range of fumbling, musicians April held on Thursday, April 14, for including Arrested Together they provide slick and 15 — Missing Persons' Dale Bozzio grandmother, commercials and fearful, funny the Delaware and profound adjust- Development and Father MC. driving April 19 - USA Talent Contest County AIDS Net- morphine injections coming grooves that simmer at ments we all make in the attempt April work. The second is scheduled for The band's history is as unique beneath Davenport's soulful voice. 20 — Ozric Tentacles regular intervals. It was a situa- to fathom our lives, our motives as its sound April 21 - the following Thursday, April 21. tion and is characterized Kincaid has said that on Brother Dick Dale that, to a child, seemed and our mortality." Proceeds for this by several impressive collabora- Sister he wanted his keyboards performance neither odd nor morbid." Illness to Directing her first production at benefit ActionAIDS of and tions. The idea for The Heavies' be "in slot with the bass, drums CONNELLY CENTER CINEMA death, along with his mother's Villanova Theatre Philadelphia. after having second album erupted from a and guitar — the way James Connelly Center unbegrudging, even joyful, self- directed Hailed by professionally for a performance at New York's S.O.B. Brown Villanova, Pa. the New York Times sacrifice and generosity, puts songs together," became number of years including produc- nightclub. 645-7250 as "one of the funniest plays of for The musicians pro- instead of competing with the McPherson, everyday parts of tions this season the year as at Venture/ .^ vided back-up music for a rap duel other April 15 - The Fugitive well as one of the life. That joy, learned musical elements. Since by McPher- Temple Theatres, the Philadel- wisest and most moving," "Mar- between Third Bass's MC Serch Brother Sister was self-produced, son at such an early age, unders- phia vin's Drama Guild and Chelten- and Q-Tip from J.C. DOBBS Room" is a celebration of the cores every A Tribe Called Kincaid's vision transferred to word in "Marvin's ham Center for the power of Arts, Power Quest. That experience launched disc without Third and South streets unconditional love and Room" and makes McPherson's tampering. The has assembled a cast of profes- their Philadelphia, generosity. Focusing on Bessie, a second album. Heavy Rhyme result is smooth and polished. Pa. play, written, unfortunately, so sional actors and graduate and Experience: Vol. 925-4053 40-year-old newly-diagnosed i, which featured "Just Have a Good Time" is near the end of his short life, a undergraduate students from The video for their song "Dream vocals April leukemia victim who has by a different rap artist on short on lyrics but long on beat. 16 — The Silos w/ Buzz Zeimer spent profound lesson, not in how to die, Villanova's Theatre program. on Dreamer" was a recent "Buzz each track. April 17 — the last 20 years caring for her Black Sheep and The The combination of dance Seaweed but how to live. Playing Clip" on aunt and Bessie and her MTV. They are rising Pharcyde were two of the notable rhythms and April 22 — Kenn Kweder & The Rolling Blackouts father, this unlikely new Villanova's production R&B vocals is some- of "Mar- estranged sister Lee are area fast with a genre-crossing sound acts comedy deals with issues of that performed on Heavy what similar to the Stereo MCs' death vin's Room" marks the first time actors Sally Mercer and Angie that makes listeners want to Rhyme Experience. and dying — issues usually far sound, but there is less of a hip- KHYBER PASS PUB McPherson's comedy will have Radosh, dance. removed from respectively. Both are Singer N'Dea Davenport, who hop flavor with 56 South Second St. the comic sphere. been performed in The Heavies. the Philadel- members of Actors' Equity Asso- They are The Brand New Hea- In the appropriate hands, though, joined The Heavies in 1991, has "Dream on Dreamer" and "Mind Philadelphia, Pa. phia area, although since it first ciation; Radosh is also an Acting vies, whose sound synthesizes the a musical past as 440-9683 it becomes clear that humor is one interesting as Trips" reveal the band's tendency premiered at the Goodman Thea- Scholar in soul, of Villanova's Graduate funk and dance genres of the band's. Raised on jazz, gospel toward April 15 — The Low Road, Spike the best ways to deal with tre in funk, with only subtle The Dog w/ Lars Din Chicago in 1990, the play Program in Theatre. music with playful terminal Lee's sons. jazz touches and R&B, the singer's influences references to hip-hop. April 16 — Friggs, Mae Pang w/ Gas illness; that, in fact, it has enjoyed Money universal acclaim. Hank and Charlie, will added for balance. This is be played cross- (Aretha Franklin and Chaka Khan The Heavies April 19 — Imbrolio, Voodoo Heaven w/ Pet transforming — in life as well Described after also work in the Hair the initial produc- by Villanova continental band (the original as in theatre. undergraduates among the eclectic group) shine reggae vein with "People Givin' April 20 - T.B.C. tion by the as "a Andy Davoli members and Jim Daniello, are British and the through in her vocal style, espe- Love." They offer April 21 — Wool, Don Caballero Janitor McPherson's unusual sensitiv- beautifully written, a Marley-esque w/ Joe deeply mov- both of whom recently current singer is from ity is completed Atlanta) is cially on "Brother Sister" message with borne not only from the ing new play" and "Hand in hand we'll and by the Sun- roles in this part of the fusion necessity to season's "West Side Betsy Ryan. movement "People Giving Love." Daven- save the land." Well, they are THE SPECTRUM cope with his own Times as "life-affirming 8 p.m. Wednesdays through Satur- not and Story." gaining prominence in '90s pop port's Broad and impending illness, but from Designers for the production days vocal credits as back-up exactly poets. Pattison Place a downright funny," "Marvin's Other and 2 p.m. on Sundays. childhood roles include Aunt Ruth include Villanova Philadelphia, Pa. surrounded by and Room" first Theatre veteran Prices for the two AIDS garnered Chicago's and Marvin, played by benefits 336-3600 accustomed to dying. As Mimi designers Wesley Maloney-Truitt on he says Joseph Jefferson Award for Best April 14 and April 21 are $15 Smith and Villanova faculty for April 29 — Rush w/ Candlebox in the playwright's notes which sets, Chryss Hionis for cos- for all seats; for New Play. The following year, the member Joseph other performan- accompanied Thompson, Dr. tumes and Jerold R. r*\ May 13 — Bryan Adams an early production play won McPherson the Forsyth for ces, tickets range from $12 to $15 Whiting Wally and his brother Bob, played June 19-20 - Phil Collins of "Marvin's Room," his father Writer's lights. with discounts for senior Award and, after its New by Villanova Theatre Department citizens, died in a car accident students, when York production, the Drama Desk Chairperson and groups. For more McPherson Peter M. Donohue Including the Further THEATRE OF THE LIVING ARTS was a baby, too two Thursday information i New Krynn young tales Award and tickets, and the Outer Critics and Acting Scholar David contact to register the Olive, AIDS benefits, "Marvin's 334 South St. gravity of the Circle Award for Best Room" the Villanova Theatre Box Office New Off- and the Retirement Home Direc- Philadelphia, Pa. situation. "He was alive — and will run from April 13 to 17 and Monday through Broadway Play. tor, Saturday from 1 played by graduate student to 922-1011 20 24. Performances begin at p.m. to 5 p.m. at 519-7474. of Dragonlance excite April 15 — Laurie Anderson April 16 —John Martyn w/ Huffamoose movement. Legends abound ot a dangerous trek to meet this son April 20 — Leo Kottke w/ Joseph Parsons past heroics and villainy that have and to somehow persuade him not By ERIC CHEUNG April 23 — Kirstin Hersh w/ Pooka uplifted or tainted the to side with the forces Entertainment Editor lands. of darkness. April 28 - The Samples Still, they are now a bit more Within this May 3 — Poidog Pondering multifaceted con- advanced in their years and what text, Margaret Weis and Tracy ALTERNATIVE SCENES would once have seemed like a TOWER THEATER Hickman wrote the first six books heroic quest THE ARTS in their youth is now 69th Ludlow BANK Works by Bach, Schumann "Drawing of the series focusing on charac- & streets 545-0590 Albums & Print VILLANOVA a fool's mission for post-middle and Shostakovich THEATRE 4/17 ters such Upper Darby, Pa. Portfolios: Early Collectors In as Tanis Half-Elven (the aged men who 4/15-4/24 519-7474 Senior should know 352-0313 4/28, 4/30 recital by Cheryle leader grappling with his own Philadelphia" 4/13-4/17, 4/20-4/24 better. University of the Arts — "Marriage Oshman inner turmoil April 15 — Andreas Vollenweider of Figaro" at and gaining wisdom As with the original Student Productions Scott McPherson's "Marvin's six books, April Haverford's Centennial as a result), Caramon Majere 21 — Richard Thompson Band Hall AMERICAN MUSIC Room" ROSEMONT COLLEGE (a Weis and Hickman's realistic seemingly slow-witted warrior THEATER FESTIVAL 527-0200 portrayal of people is what gives DANCE AFFILIATES THE whose blind love TROCADERO BRANDYWINE 567-0670 4/18 for his evil twin Dragonlance a slight edge over 829-9800 PHILADELPHIA 1003-05 Arch St. RIVER MUSEUM 4/15-4/24 brother, Raistlin, emotionally other fantasy 4/28-4/30 CHAMBER MUSIC 31st Spring Festival of series. Heroes in 388-8337 scars him while simultaneously Philadelphia, Pa. "Floyd Collins" at Delancey SOCIETY Original Plays Dragonlance are just normal peo- Pennsylvania Dance Theatre, 4/15-5/1 maturing him) and Laurana 923-7625' Place (the ple who age like anyone else and Philadanco II 569-8587 4/20 Andrew Wyeth Gallery beautiful elven maiden and daugh- April 15 — Luna w/ Low "Diary who make mistakes like anyone 4/18 of a City Priest" April 18 — Anthrax w/ Fight featuring "The Helga BARNES & NOBLE ter of an elven king whose childish else. ART INSTITUTE OF 520-0355 Ridge Ensemble performing writer Fr. John McNamee April 24 — Modern Rock-Fest Pictures" love for Tanis gives way to her One particular scene depicts the works by Mozart and discusses his books PHILADELPHIA 4/15-5/22 4/15 own refined nobility when she May 1 — Brand New Heavies w/ Jamiroquai Beethoven two climbing down the face of a 246-3302 Multi-musician Tom Holland leads "Mystery and Romance: The the forces of good against the mountainside. In their prime it 4/15-4/29 4/22 4/19 ATWATER KENT 23 EAST CABARET Art of Joseph Clement Coll" minions of evil). would hardly have required any Philadelphia's Soprano Barbara Hendricks MUSEUM Interior Design 4/16 William Allen Zulker Ten years after the creation 23 E. Lancaster Ave. and 922-3031 of effort. Yet after years as an Council exhibit discusses his book pianist Staffan Scheja Ardmore, Pa. Young Friends Cleanup of the "John Dragonlance, Weis and Hickman innkeeper and a diplomat. Caram- performing works by 4/16 896-6420 Brandywine Wanamaker; King of The Dragonlance fantasy series have returned with a hardback Schubert "William on and Tanis, respectively, find THE PAINTED BRIDE Merchants" and Strauss Penn's Philadelphia: details April 15 — Oyster Band Jerry a world known as Krynn (the first ever for the series) which themselves out of breathe easily w/ Wetkins 925-9914 4/28 A Walking Tour for THE Families" which has for the past 300 years sets the tone for April 16 — Dynagroove PHILADELPHIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY new adventures and not nearly as nimble as they 4/15-5/28 Vermeer Quartet performing 4/20 April 20 — Voice of Reason ORCHESTRA OF been faced with periods of cultural in this world. The Second Gener- once were. PENNSYLVANMl works by Mozart and "Historical Northeast April "Language/Text and 893-1939 Dvorak clashes and all-out wars. Much ation is comprised of five 21 — Commander City w/ Rock Jets 732-6201 novellas, When they finally reach the Imagery" exhibition 4/29 Philadelphia: Stories and 4/23 4/15-7/23 like our own world, Krynn is a three of which were previously young 4/16 Mezzo-soprano Mitsuko Memories" man, the insanity of their Children's Concert: "Get Shirai place where harmony and peace printed in earlier Dragonlance The "Crossroads: Center City mission is clear since the son is Jazz all-star Joe Lovano and pianist Hartmut Holl 4/23 Picture?" exist superficially, yet underneath paperbacks. These stories take as 4/19 Philadelphia" exhibit performing works "Philadelphia adamant about his desire to 4/24 by and the the exterior facades of nations lies place 20 years after the end of the align with evil as they are with MOVIE Schubert THEATERS Philadelphia and Schumann American Civil War: Community Arts Chamber Music Concert at A the seeds of mistrust, fear and war described in Legends and ACADEMY OF FINE Walking good. The climax is a spiritual one Network the Tour" It is also Academy of Music ultimately intolerance. Chronicles trilogies (the first six and a 4/22-4/24 ARTS personal one as the secrets AMC BRYN MAWR TWIN THEATER Ballroom SWARTHMORE a world far more complex in featuring works by 972-7642 COLLEGE mythical books the series). Though other about the young man's mother 824 Lancaster Ave. "Filename: FUTURFAX" Weber, Bartok PHILADELPHIA (as the 42 books in the saga can authors have certainly and Schumann 4/15-4/17 done jus- and father (both of whom were Bryn Mawr, Pa. performance by Rachel 328-8533 SINGERS appearances "I Tell attest to) than initial tice to the saga, it is these two companions 525-2662 Rosenthal My Heart: The Art of 4/15 751-9494 of Tanis and Caram- PHILADELPHIA Horace Pippin" suggest. who really have made the world on) are revealed. Senior recital by 4/15 MUSEUM OF ART Jeannie Park Elves, dwarves, kender (a race come alive through their invigo- ERIC 4/15-4/24 performing More importantly the island TWIN ARDMORE THE CURTIS INSTITUTE 684-7860 her own works as William Bolcom's "The of thieves), humans, mino- rating "Nannette natural writing. where the son resides holds 34 W. Lancaster Ave. Clark/Scott well as pieces a new OF MUSIC 4/15-6/12 by Handel and Mask" taurs and draconians (dragon- The first of the two new stories Rothstein: Recent Work" Brahms army of darkness preparing once Ardmore, Pa. 893-5252 "Matisse's, men) inhabit the lands causing in Second Generation, The Dance: The 4/15-4/20 "Kitiara's more to make war upon the lands 642-2000 Student recitals: 4/15-4/17 between their Son" Barnes Foundation Mural" PHILADELPHIA AREA conflict within and talks about the plight of of Krynn "Masterworks of American "Coalitions which are trying to 4/17 4/15-7/31 Across Queer is an obscure surrogate mother, Art: 1750-1950" REPERTORY THEATRE races. Sorcery Sara Dunsten, maintain a fragile peace. ERIC KING & Violinist Differences" Weis and QUEEN 6 Choong-Jin Chang "Museum Studies 2: subject guarded by the three trying to convince her adopted Richard 4/22-5/27 567-0670 son Hickman's purpose is Valley Forge Shopping graduation 4/17 clear in Center recital Long" 4/15-5/1 orders of magic while faith (there to turn from the evil path he has "Frank Furness and Cultural writing the story: it whets the Route 202, King of Prussia, Pa. 4/20 4/24-6/19 Swarthmore College Jazz observe the chosen. Moliere's "The Imaginary are 21 gods who Caramon and Tanis have appetite 265-2776/337-1777 Reformation" Ensemble of readers who want to world) is a slowly redeveloping agreed to help her by undertaking Invalid" (Continued on page 28) Page 28 • THE VILLANOVAN • April 15, 1994 ENTERTAINMENT PERSONALS AND CLASSIFIEDS Afghan Whigs fiawiessly perform iive fI'! By MARK McCREARY and makes ly. the most of what they What is great about them is Help Wanted Help Wanted For Rent Miscellaneous Staff Reporter Personals have to offer. Sounding impres- that they love to do little diver- sively pristine live, they carry sions while in the middle of a jam; Spaniali tutor needed for 5-year okl t)oy Pwt time |ob at tfw Qodel Teach the Part-time themselves in a manner that anything from and girt. Summer months. Naove speaker. balnraitting needed in exchange June la too eaily to go to tfw beach but Llaa Duck, Th« Af«v,o« uTu- 1 J .1. covering the Princeton Review — duck, GOOSE!! Thought that SAT course to area H.S. for room and kitohen in our Its a great One day a week. 5-6 p.m. $20/hour. Call Dr. use St David»' time to teke those two classes woukj make you laugh. «»o^s the audience to simply Supremes, Snoop Doggy Dogg students. 7-14 hrB./\Nk., nights and weekends. home. have We definite^ need nJ^rff£^ t'^\^^^1^'\^o HoNis at 51 9-7972 or 667-2029. We 3 chikken ages 3.4. and 7. you need to get your graduatton schedule to *" ^''^"^o" Pay starts at have more blow off wortc and watch TV" AP"i8' enjoy the show. $14/hr. Bright dynamk: people Please call us at 992-9504. back After telling the (obviously as a joke) and Prince on track. Summer sesston 1: 6/1-8/29. nights ^nL^ T wanted. StoHar SAT scores a before the year is over. Let's go for MUST. Car Get a summer '^^"^ «"n near f^ inrliiH;;^ c«;«o«lI Vlli con- whenwnen seemed most to study again, forkpHrnr"n^.'f;f.n^^^^^^^nvpr fh^ 664-3544. Louis. Kelly's. 2 floors. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, kitohen. AVALON - FEMALE ROOMMATES FOR renoember that it wqrks better <='""«' by saying. "I want to.see appropriate. After sharing the living when you stey awake and keep your head iDfZZ^t^as the '^tfT"? Bal>valtter room, eto. Private parking, liig yard, SUMMER RENTAL. 29th Street Walk to opening act. The Whigs, Wanted lor channing 7 year oW off the book! Love, some asses patto. $1275+ utilities. Call 527-1871 or 525- Steph shaking out there." Sub-Pop label with Nirvana, Dulli • peraon giri. Please call beach. Walkable to/from Jack's & the infamous in their to work at your)g 964-1557. hometown of 2585. Availabto June 1. Princeton. May 1 5-Labor Day. Call Gretchen made a short speech about the men's8 Aa womeiwomen's ctolhing store. Full & part loss 688-6220. Congrats to all the of Cincinnati, Ohio for terrific time poeitkxis availat)le. members EAE on getting live Experience preferred Summer t»abysltter of Kurt Cobain. wanted for two giris 6 their national charter this weekend! Is performances, Call Harris at Qraphteally Speaking Sports. proved their & 8. weekday and weekend nights, walking For Rent: 3 bedroom houss. 1 t>ath. washer/ Shucking Com playing at Installation? The band made an effort to Ardmore. PA. 649-9265. Job Hunting? Love, reputation. distance from campus, call 525-1424. dryer. 3/4 acre yard. Ctose to shopping and This revoluttonary new book Buri(e cover all of their material while transportatton. 10-15 minutes from campus. will show you how to get emptoyers to call The Afghan you and give Whigs is a band $1 100/month plus utilities. Call 543-3268. you the job you want Money- Zeta focusing on their latest release. Modela Wanted — Female models needed. 8"n»««' Emptoyment - Earn to Phis ... hey beautifuts! Have an that M*!J!? back guarantee. $14.95+ S/H. Order by began on Sub-Pop records No experierice necessary. Must t)e 16-^. Call $8,000+ in 2 mos. awesonte time tonight! XOXO!! This included benefits. Male/Female. calling 1-800-889-3000. "You My Flower" (215)645-5555. No For Rent — 4 bedroom. 2 bath large house and has made the transition to experience necessary. Call (206) ^^545- from -, "Turn On 4155extA5278. « / with deck and screened porch on 1 .2 acres The Hey Flower and the OI'Ladlee . . . Where major label Elektra with their last thvyccRiy wooded lot. Students okay. $1 800/month. Call Club avaliaIHe for private parties. Throw I Water," "Kiss the Floor," "Con- Elementary eductlon/chlld psychology your do even begin? Thank you oh so much for 647-2118. end of the year LP. The band fraternity/sorority/club everything. I was quite reeks of non- major. Full time nanny position Chikjren 2 Earn caah stuffing envek)pes at home. All proud to be honored gregation" and "Rebirth of the function at Ulanas Multi-level Dance C/lub off w/your presence on Tuesday. I pretentiousness 1twnis«fwiMi & 4 years. Elegant C.C. Phila. home. Live- materials provkJecT Send sASE to Mktwest hope y'all and Midwest South Street Call 922-4152. Cool" know how much I from Congregation; and in or out Uo housekeeping. Summer week- Mailers, P.O. Box 395. Olathe. KS 66051. Student Registered Apartment — Big yard, LOVE U! heart. It is a band that can rock "Come See About from ends at beach. Must drive ar>d swim. Please private pari(ing in a nice residential neigh- as well iiiaiiiiwtticit Me" as I be soulful, and they send resume to: Barbara Eberiein. 1809 borhood and available June 1 . 2 bedrooms, Partner wanted for GatM — had an awesome time on do Uptown AA Cruiae h. travel employment gukle. social/ballroom dance. Saturday Avondale. Especialy elec- living Cyprus St, Philadelphia. PA 19103. room, kitchen, bath, 2 balconies, very No experience needed. — Thanx . . . and what is that yellow one? so with perfection. The best Earn big $$$ & travel the worid free! (Ca- Good pay. 552-81 1 3. trifying spacious. utilities. It were "Gentleman," ribt)ean. Europe, Hawaii, Asia!) Huny! Busy $650 plus Call 527-1871 says it's a lobster. Under no circumstances advice to the uninitiated is to get Spring/ or 525-2585. will I name it Lot>bie Lobster. Love, Therese "Rebirth of the Cool" and "Be Fortune 500 financial company in the Summer seasons approaching. Gua- Gentlemen, their latest ranteed success! Call (91 929-4398 ext 1 6. release. It diKtoiiee fp Valley Forge area is hiring full and part time 9) Sweet," immediately sending the Sigma is the type of music that is listener customer marketing representatives to 3 iMdroom house avallabte tor the summer Autos For Sale Gamma Alpha ... the closing of crowd into a frenzy another chapter. It has during and contact and set appointments for agents to Uune 1 St through Aug. 20th 1 994) across from been real — and friendly and does not fit Cruiae Ships Hiring — Earn up to $2,000+/ the meet with senior citizens who have already Bryn Mawr Hospital. you've made me proud! Just remember, your after the performance. nfKMTth on Cruise Ships or Land-Tour com- Washer & dryer included. "college radio" in their constituents never let you down! label that they got indicated interest products. $7.25/ panies. Call Karen at 519-2093 if interested. 1980 BMW 3201, Unique Rallye set-up - XO Madame If you get a chance to see Summer & lull-time employment Sec. ^•OmWii the hour, flexible mom./even shift, casual day Euro-look grill, custom sport suspension, in earlier years. available. No exp. necessary. For info. Call Afghan everyday, commisskxi plan, benefits. Call spoilers, tinted windows, Whigs play, it will not be (206) 634-0468 ext. C5278. mag wheels, Blau- Lead I singer Greg Dulli and Americas Best Careers at 337-4343 Roeemont Radnor Houae Condoa — 2 punkt. Definitely Demi — promise to call if I'm ever going in Philadelphia. The band joked (610) not your fattier's bummer. from bedroom deluxe, AC, carpeting. Excel- to be coming home at 4 a.m. again. '1 think three cohorts took the stage during weekdays 9 am. to noon to W/W Engine very good, body good condition, 1 1 4K. at I'm about abstaining from the City of schedule ^n appointn)ent Wanted — Men's varsity soccer team lent condition. $745+ utilities. Available $3,250, 08(5. Call 851-0300, Gary. suffering from the female equivalency of 8:15 p.m. and played non-stop immediately. ..." Hmmm. How many Brotherly manager for Fall '94. Contact Sullivan Walk to campus. Vk miles to more weeks of those Love, but they gave no bizarre banging until they left the stage a little at X 7266. Blue Route. Contact (718) 854-8214. sounds through the wall? No insight nriovies! as to more 1 don't I why. Still, if the Wanted - Alive and Skilled — Pemnanent Ultimate shore car — 1979 Fiat Spyder think can take it. — past 9:30 p.m. They were neither CRYPTO— Your LYRICS roomie, tomp. to who may opportunity arises, do check them and temporary, and perm, posittons convertible. 80K Fun-in-the-Sun miles. Runs no tonger be classified too Have fun in the sunt Students needed to Very private efficiency apartment Nk:e size, as "affection sten/ed. long or too short, rather they The band available now! Experienced or entry level great body ok; with additional investment opened with "Debo- out. Until then, get into their Each letter in the Cryptogram standa for another. Each puizle featurea paint the Main Lkxi. Ho experience necessary. large windows, new kitchen, washer/dryer, gave such a great individuals needed to fill excellent positions sexier than new Miata at fraction of cost; performance nair," Call Derek 1 -800-343-0303. walk in closet, very nice neighborhood, the first single from Gen- the lyrlca to a popular aong followed by artlat and aong title. in kx;al firms both large and small. Word at $350+ $1 ,750, Call 851 -0300, music...._ It has„. „a ,^,feel that,„„, is truly,.„,^ OBO. Gary. Dillon-Woman — "I swear I'm not making „ utilities. Call 527-1871 or 525-2585. that it was just right. The band Processors. Various level secretaries. Re- this tlemen, and up." You know what I really got the audience genuine and fresh and is person- need? A is ceptionists & clerks. Our counsellors have Fragrance Man" completely comfortable on stage launched into Child Care — I Need responsible person to encounter! Would that be the ride immediate- ified in a live new posittons coming in daily and can get setting. drive my 6 year old to Shipley School each Sexy Italian looidng for summer fling. Fiat asking too much? — Love ya. The Goddess BP'F SAHBO PJ I^rge Apartments Available — 4 to FYY WJQ'UY your career on the right track fast. Excellent 6 morning at 8 a.m. and pici; him up at 3 p.m. Spyder convertible (1 979) available for shore WannatM benefits, flexible hours (part full time) bedrooms. Fraternities and sororities wel- & and We live within walking distance of the fun and more. 80K easy miles, garaged, well incentives. Never a fee. Call 337-4343 for come. Call Jim at 352-7995. University. Please call 5»)-0240. cared for. $1 ,750, OBO. Call 851-0300, Gary. Hey Calm In the Storm — When are you PEY Christina or Laura immediately to schedule UYHFJO PEHP KJR going to have waaaay too big of a smile on revisited an appointment America's Best Careers Start your Houae for Rent — Bryn Mawr. Call 643- face? Hmmm? Only one more to go: Here! Seaahore Nanny Wanted — Avaton. New 3982. and you know what that nwans. Only one Jersey. (Continuedfrom page 27^ rana's GHRY Room & board provided. Very good more week of the only child, Gilthas, is caught in the middle of a possible H KBUA ^SUBOZY Personals Taurus. pay. Memorial Day-Labor Day. Call (21 5) 983- know more about future events in showered with love but so shel- interracial war between Child CARE — Experienced; 10 hrs./week. «j3^ I • two great Frances — You've become as scarce as a Dragonlance and it returns to the tered from the Flexible hours, $6.75/hr.. Possible summer Katie Girl — It may not be easy, but it's always world that he is elven nations because of the (PEY GJFP certain squin-el's tail. Miss you! Liz CYHQPBNQA job for 25 hrs./week. Own transportation a Miscellaneous an adventure. Where's that chocolate lives of the original heroes to see miserable. The pair Mature, energetic can face the intolerance of their rulers. Much plus. Call 642-1294. non smoMng student Zeppelin? You are just too smoothe, walking with car to care tor 2 school age chiklren Attention All — how they are faring in the after- Queen of Darkness herself and yet like "Kitiara's Son," about eight feet ahead of me on Tuesday Menudo Fans Sevie "Sacrifice" in the summer in Merion 2 to 3 KBUA BO PEY days a week. night. Thanks for being such a great sister Menudi (from the original group, ak.a. Robbie) math of their triumphs. have no idea IJUAR) EUROPE this summer? Fly — only $169! how to deal with one is an emotionally uplifting tale Child Care Needed — Regular eariy Sat- References required. Call 668-4992 is available for autographs. Call X8204. — give your 'boyfriend " a big royal CAUFORNIA - $129 ea. way! CARIBBEAN/ blue V • urday evenings for delightfufS yr. okl and 3 evenings. Tanis has his own story to child in his rebellious hug from me. Love ya, the smiling adolescence. that again sets up the possibilities Answer to last issue's 'Nova Crypto-Lyrics: Mexican r/t Chatterbox. yr. old. Short drive from campus. Contact Coast — $189 AIRTECH 1-800- share in "The Sacrifice." This "Sacrifice" is not only about for future tales in the series. 642-9360. 575-TECH. Hey Meionhead! YA WANNA SEE A MAGIC tCate — "I'm really happy for you." tale starts out with an interesting TRICK? I bet your mother would. Tanis and Laurana's sacrifice, the Second Generation makes a ONCE THERE WAS A BOY WHO question, can two heroes whose kind of sacrifice any parent must wonderful 10 year anniversary GOT INTO AN ACCIDENTAND courage and conviction saved the make when letting a child choose present for the saga that has COULDN'T COME TO SCHOOL world before, automatically serve his path in life. It is also about continued to experience growth f— CRASH TEST DUMMIES as good parents? The answer is Gilthas' own sacrifices he must and popularity (over 12 million (MMM.. .) _^ a resounding no. Tanis and Lau- make in order to grow as he is copies have been sold). Extra Extra bin Bernsen) likewise becomes the 'League 2' owner. Both players who were FREE integral FOOD to the team's success last 5 season now have fewer lines than 2 those annoying fans in center field (Continued from page 25) led by a less than amusing Randy 7 ing cheesy action films in the off Quaid. season. This results in 3 his injur- For all of their errors, the ing his ankle causing him to be Indians do not score a total loss. 6 where he was at the beginning of The film does have its "laugh out "CURRENT last season — lying on his stomach JAPANESE loud" moments. With Bob WEEKNIGHTS ARE in the dirt, three inches from Uecker's witty, sarcastic play by 6 second base. play, the antics of some of the new POLITICS In order to AND make room for new players and the avid Indian fans players — a bumbling farm-boy in the theater, you forget for a catcher and a martial arts expert while AFTER 5 p.m. FOREIGN that this could be one of POLICY': — veteran catcher Jake baseball's saddest disappoint- Taylor (Tom Berenger) has been ments since the Bill Bucknef moved to a coaching position. incident in game six of the '86 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Third baseman Roger Dorn (Cor- . 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30 • THE VILLANOVAN • April 15. 1994 April IS. 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 31 Hat'l League Men's track wins two in Wliami Lacrosse Penn Relays draw near (Continued from page 31) (Continuedfrom page 34) 4. the 1500 meter run, was rested do not want to jeopardize any ot ran," said Coach Stem. j3. The Padres could have the By Mcllwain, Christiani, Nason and during the relay. MARK SPOONAUER Louie's Chuck Silvester ' are vastly under- future successes." Today Villanova prepares, along The Rockies distinction of being the worst excites Assistant Sports Editor Silvester combined for a 3:17.04 ran the lead-off leg of the As a result 4x800 estimated this season clue mostly in the clocking, of the redshirt, with LaSalle and St. Joseph's, for team league. After unload- good enough for a fifth in 1:54.5, putting the team in first Quintana of big name players. Still, has two years of outdoor the to a lack ing the likes of Fred McGriff , Gary By BROOKE After winning place finish overall in the race. place. Mcllwain Penn Relays by competing in FERENCSIK two events at the track ran his first Reynoso (12-11, eligibility remaining, and a triangular meet at with Armando Sheffield, Tony Fernandez and Staff Reporter Miami Invitational the weekend "Our men performed very well collegiate 800 meter in 1:53.9 on LaSalle one year each in 4.00 ERA), David Nied, Kent and cross country and University. The meet origi- Kevin McReynolds over the years, of April 2, the University's men's with great honor," said Head the second leg and handed off was indoor track. with Bottenfield and Mike Harkey, the Coach nally scheduled for tommorow all the Padres have left is youth There are four weeks left in the track and field team competed Mary Stern. "It was fun the Cats in third place. Although at On a very windy day staff may not be as bad as some and a small payroll. to once again at the Sea Kevin Villanova, but a lack of facilities They did, semester and perhaps we're all last weekend at the Sea Ray see strength in the Ray Relays Christiani ran an identical t^iis past weekend, the for the shot put and discus, along expect. however, retain right-hander thinking about upcoming finals Relays in Knoxville, Tennessee in 400 and 1500 meters, and things 4x800 split on the third leg, 'Nova meter relay team minus with other complications, Rookie Darren Holmes has a big Andy Benes (15-15, 3.78 ERA), and the boisterous summer that preparation for the Penn Relays are right on target for the Penn slipped to fifth place and would moved Ken Nason provided 'Nova with the meet league breaking ball and should who should anchor the staff. lies ahead. However, at the end of the month. Relays at the end of April." stay there, despite Mike elsewhere. there is its highest Going's finish of the meet. start the season as the closer. The infield is filled with career something more electric on cam- At the University of Miami efforts to catch the leaders on the Nason, who finished "We're like the Globetrotters," 12th the minor leaguers or no-name play- pus. That electricity is being Invitational, 'Nova's first victory It was first lap of his 1:54.7 anchor leg. said Coach fun to once again night before in the fastest heat of Stem, "we never get The infield is anchored by generated by the came in the 400 meter "I was happy with ers. Archi Cianfrocco, formerly an Villanova wom- run. Fresh- how they to run a home meet." Andres Galarraga, a .370 hitter see strength in Expo farmhand, will get the call en's lacrosse team whose season man J.R. Mcllwain 's surge in the tlie 400 who hit 22 homers, knocked in 98 at third. Rookie Dave Staton, a is now in full swing. With an final 50 meters of the race helped and 1500 meters, runs, and crossed the plate 71 and minor league superstar with tre- opening game nail-biter against him come from five places back times. Charlie Hayes hit .305 last tilings are right mendous power, will be given the Bucknell in which the Cats won to capture first place with a on year despite his perennial defen- chance at first. Ricky Gutierrez 13-12, it seems the tone was set personal best time of 47.18. Mcll- target for the sive problems and should return Penn (.251 in 133 games) was the for the entire season. 'Nova has wain 's time bettered his previous at third. Walt Weiss was acquired Relays at the everyday shortstop last season been involved in countless down personal best of 47.7, ran just one end of from Florida and will provide a and should be again. to the wire battles since splitting week before at the Florida Relays. April. decent bat and steady glove at comes back to San Diego from the eight games they have played Finishing sixth with a 47.64 lap short. Head Coach Marty Cincinnati and will play second. resulting in a 4-4 record for was Chuck Silvester. Stern The Villanova Women's lacrosse team has battled their way to a 4- Big hitting Dante Bichette Perennial all-star Tony Gv^rynn Villanova. 4 record. In the 1500 meter race. Wildcats returns On March took the top two Noticeably absent from the "summer sessions to play right field after returns in right field. In '93, 24, the Wildcats took places. Ken Following a stirring victory was in rare form graODing two lineup was junior Louie Quintana hitting .310 and slamming 21 Gwynn turned in another stellar on Hofstra and were overpowered Nason, who led the field through GRADIMTE aad 11-7 against Georgetown, Villanova goals in the game. Harvey and of who, as of April 5, was redshirted UNDERGRADIMJE COURSES homers last year. HowardJohnson year, hitting .358 in 489 at bats. by an count. Shannon O'Neil most the race, pulled away in continued for the 1994 will play left had two goals its winning ways with Beth Sullivan also tacked on goals the final 400 meters to win outdoor track season. DAT aad EVENING CLASSES despite a sub-par Power hitter Phil Plantier (34 and an assist off with season five a heart-stopping triumph against for 'Nova capping off a brilliant a time of 3:48.29. "This decision was made with in New York a year ago. HRs, 100 RBIs) should start in left. shots to power 'Nova's Teammate Mike Ellis Burks was offense. A goal and Drexel March 31. The Cats were offensive performance. Going was the only runner Nason Louie's career in mind," said BUSINESS COMPUTER SCIENCE acquired from In center, Derrick Bell (.262, 21 two assists clicking on offense early and it Lehigh the next test for did not leave Coach Stern. "He is one of the top Chicago (A.L.), where he hit .275 HRs, 72 RBIs) is the leading were contributed by Heidi Connor. was behind; he moved didn't stop young milers ENGINEERING NATURAL SCIENCE with 17 homers and 74 RBIs. candiH»fe. Rachel Mack racked up a pair of as they outscored Villanova and proved too much for away from the opposition with in the country and Drexel 14-12. a future goals off of five shots and Kate O'Neil continued to the Cats to handle, winning 13- Nason over the last lap to take Olympian. The philo- MATHEMATICS SOCIAL SCIENCES sophy Schalk and Sharon Flanagan out do herself; she smacked nylon 5, snapping 'Nova's two game second place honors in 3:49.38. of my program has always been smacked net once each. Tighter six times and added an assist. winning streak. O'Neil scored With a time of 1:54.03, Kevin to ensure that our runners COUNSELING have EDUCAHON checking and swarming defense three times and had an assist, and Christiani provided a fourth place successful careers after they Cats Schalk sized up four goals in a Sharon graduate from Villanova, THE ARTS HUMANTTIES improving were the keys to the Hofstra win. Flanagan and Katie finishing effort in the 800 meter and we fantabulous outing, and Mack Culver added one goal By ERIC BEGG 'Nova goalie Chris McNeff faced each. and 'Nova's 4x400 relay team of (Continued on page sdj NURSING LANGUAGES teams battled into extra innings Reporter a barrage of shots and stopped Staff before UConn was finally able to fourteen. Brett Clancy got a piece SESSION I SESSION n push two runs across the plate in of the action and stopped eight If you're not a fan of roller- the top of the tenth. coasters, then shots in the outing. BOILT to traveJ.v toWe4MUi«rJaM29 you are not going After holding the Huskies to one »'^^'^yL^ loves | With the Hofstra loss, Villanova of to like the rest of this article. After run in nine innings, Sabunas and loads p&^^;^^^tJ^ T'^J EVENING SESSIONS weeks of lost is last three out of four and waiting for the field to Martin were touched for two runs We4Ms4iV Jaa« 1 dry, Villanova then played against Big East rival 's soft ball team in the top of tenth, giving the toNoMborAiigutl finally got a chance Georgetown March 24. The Wild- to play in late Huskies a 3-1 lead. In the bottom March. The cats toppled the Hoyas in a squeak- young Cat squad of the tenth, Villanova had the promptly er, 10-9. Individual kudos for the ran off a ve^ impressive meat of their order up, including CONTINUOUS KEClSTRAnON Cats go to six-game winning streak, Shannon O'Neil who which Carrie Dunn, whose in until the day before each session begins. scored four goals and an assist in RECISTEI NOWl saw them outscore their oppo- the fifth inning tied the game at her nents 39-8. This best performance of the sea- For Summer Bulletin, write: SUMMER streak, though, one. Despite having their SESStONS OFFICE Or, If top son. you prefer, call: was immediately She has accumulated 28 followed by a hitters at the plate, the Cats were points and the season is only An Equri OpporturWty (MMfMy six-game losing streak, including at { { C6I0)S19"4343 only able to muster three long flies four its half way point. Schalk also straight to Big East oppo- to center field. glittered in the outing nents. These streaks left scoring 'Nova In the opening loss, UConn three goals off of six shots. with an 11-10 record at the Mack end pitching did not allow the Cats a of beat the Hoya goaltender twice off Easter Break. hit after Dunn's home run in the of five shots AND YOUR WHEELS ARE SOMETHING SPECIAL, TOO. The Wildcats looked and Kate Harvey to end fifth inning. Husky starter Sue their added a goal and an assist. 'Nova VILLANOVA slide in their first matchup Chanasyk, who held the Wildcat UNIVERSITY played a much better defensive last week against Holy Family. ( nine to one hit in \ >A i her first start '^j l'\ game against Georgetown and Tbcffc^ a Ford or Mercury Just Like YouI Junior Michele Martin, who has against them, did not allow one were much more cohesive pitched effectively in the second on and Mour Fbfd or Lincoln-Mercury Dealer Has a Graduation Piesent in the second game of the double- offense. Netminder McNeff starters spot this season, started header. In fact, if Chanasyk had stopped 12 shots to Help Make it Your Own**.^ the first of and Clancy game the twin bill and not beaned Ciconte in the fourth rejected five Hoya.shots. • Cash • did not allow a run in five innings $400 Back or a Special Finance Rate* inning, she would have pitched a as the Cats won decisively 7-1. perfect game. Martin, in fact, has not allowed When a no-hitter is thrown Rersonally speaking, what you drive says a lot about Plus, Ford Credit con offer qualified applicants pre- a single earned run to cross the against you, it who are. not can be difficult to you So why say you're one of the most exciting, approved credit up to $18,000 or tfie MSRP whichever is plate in over 30 innings this find anything Moiniion positive to say fun-loving, even sensible people going? In other lower, which could mean no down payment on finance season. Sophomore Tina Sabunas about the game. This no-hitter is words, why not say it with a sporty new Ford or Mercury? purchases. You may also defer purchase payments for started and won the other end of Night St no different. If the game is ana- Club Sports Bar the doubleheader, 4-2, as the Cats 120 days in most states (excluding Michigan, New Jersey, lyzed, though, the pitching perfor- Now's the perfect time to make a personal ended their losing streak Pennsylvania, and Washington, DC). and mance of Sabunas and the Cats improved TONIGHT statement— because the 1994 Ford & Mercury College to 13-10. Leading the defense, although overshadowed Graduate Purchase FYogram** gives your way on the offensive end against you choice of So take time out to see your Ford or Lincoln-Mercury Gret Psyched f by the no-hitter, are both big LOVE SEED Holy Family were sophomores $400 cosh bock or a special finonce rate* when dealer today and ask about the College Graduate pluses in the Cats drive for Kim Bullock and you Ford Andrea Ciconte, improvement. buy a new or Mercury. Or lease your vehicle Purchase Program. (It's a terrific way to show the world and freshman _ MAMA JUMP Bridget Baxter. and get $400 cash back! just how smart you really Greek Sabunas, who has pitched well are!) Week This trio tore up The Family's all season, gave up only one run Plus The Lost Boys pitching staff by going 10 for 23 in the contest. In fact, the Cats 'Special Finance rote alternative and Ford Credit "^ in the doubleheader with seven programs not available on leoses. have been shutout four times this •*To be eligible, you must groduote with a bachelor's or graduate degree, or be enrolled in groduote school, between i 1994! RBIs. Their performance was not 1/1/94 and 9/30/94 This program is season when Sabunas has pitched, SATURDAY addition to all other national customer incentives; except for other Ford private offers, including the Young Buyer Program a complete surprise, You must purchose or leose your though, as new vehicle between 1/1/94 and including three straight times 9/30/95. Some customer and vehicle restrictions apply, so see your dealer for details. these three have paced the Villan- during the recent six game slide. THE NERDS ova attack all season long. The Cats defense also deserves "I am more confident this year mention as well. There have been than I was last year," said Kim times this season when errors THURS. APRIL 21 Bullock, referring to last season Oo when have taken them out of games, and she hit .169 with 4 RBIs in A.D. it is a good sign when the young SOLUTION 35 games. "I don't really know Cat's squad does not let why I the have improved, but I think frustration of being no-hit affect Alpha that going to Florida Phi for spring FRI., APRIL 22 their fielding, which could have traming helped me a lot." made this game look worse than After their sweep of Holy Fam- STRANGE AS it did. ily, 'Nova looked forward to Sat- urday "Its funny, but I don't and its matchup against the ANGELS remember it being a no-hitter," University of Connecticut. The Cats said senior Sheri Howarth. "We were hoping to avenge the back didn't do anything to give the to back shutouts that UConn SAT., APRIL 23 game to them. Tina pitched really handed them back in March. well, and our defense was great Unfortunately for 'Nova, they SLIPPERY & the were throughout the game. I am not too not able to figure out the worried about it because I think Huskies pitching as they were SKIRTCHASERS that we are really gelling swept 3-1 and 1-0. as a Despite team, and any experience we the losses, the late Mtemoon might be lacking by our youth is 625 W. Lancaster Ave., Wayne, PA doubleheader did offer the fans an made up by our talent. The whole exciting day. In the (215)688-2900 first game team is looking forward to playing of the set, the two UConn again in the tournament." "

Page 32 • THE ViLLANOVAN • April 15, 1994 April 15, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 33 Crew excels coast-to-coast 'Ho¥a loses three Wolfman's Views from the Cheap Seats By DEBBIE BURTON (Continuedfrom page 33) by Josh Tyler gave the Panthers By JONATHAN Special to the Villanovan PASSMAN respect it deserved, and those guarantee 3-1 when it comes to arm dictated that Pat and the University of Pitts- lightweight fielder Jason Conti, Miller and a lead. The homer was followed Staff Reporter would dent Government President four rowed in the speeches about your perceived "trouble. wild by consecutive singles become Opening Eve in Kennedy actually wants the ticket This past weekend, Villano- burgh in their wake. Gold San Diego Crew Classic Crawley, coupled with three by Conti Cincinna- in lack of respect took away from the I could mention that Marge Pittsburgh three and Miller. Crawley walked For a ti, where the new season is always plan being instituted next year. If va crew showed that hard work medals also went to Villanova's California, taking first place pitches gave and change, I have nothing accolades the team deserved. opened. novice runs. Shantz then proceeded Gonzalez singled home two mteresting to say. Schott decided that it you haven't heard, Kennedy and dedication really pay off by lightweight men's and over Fordham, Radcliffe, West- more more There are no I could talk about Michael didn't winning gold medals on both women's fours. The competi- ern to smash his second homer of the runs. Pitt led after four, 5-1. controversies in sports mean diddly-squat, and wants a biweekly lottery for Washington and the Uni- this week; Jordan, the most famous Bir- The Cats picked no saved the bunting and the celebra- basketball tickets next year. The the East and West Coasts. At tion consisted of Drexel, the versity of San Diego. day, this time a two-run shot, and up one run in interesting anecdotes to pass minghan Baron. But I'm sick and tions Pitt had a the fifth and sixth innings along. for Monday, the real opening tickets would be free because the LaSalle Invitational last Merchant Marine Academy, Come out and support the by the end of two to tired of everybody with a pulse day. Saturday, Lehigh, the University of team comfortable 9-0 lead. cut the lead to 5-3. Pitt, however, I could talk about everybody would pay an "athletic the varsity women's Del- this Saturday at the Villanova's analyzing Michael Jordan's regained control of the NIT I could wonder why Steve fee" as part of their tuition. The lightweight eight took first aware and Johns Hopkins. Drexel Invitational on Phila- 'Nova's offense remained silent game with Championship, how Ron dreams. Howe has a job, offered little help. a five spot in the bottom Wilson elevated while doesn't winners? People who use ATRA. place leaving LaSalle, Bucknell On Sunday, the women's delphia's Schuylkill River. and the of the his game once I could taunt Philadelphia Fly- have a Panthers continued to roll up sixth. Shantz capped the again to spark place in the hall of fame. The losers? Season ticket holders The rally Villanova's great ers fans. Five straight years of not I could the runs, scoring two in the third, with a three-run shot. second half wonder if Darryl Straw- and diehard fans who run the risk comeback while Law- making the playoffs. The Flyers berry is three fifth, in the sixth 'Nova would not recover son was in an idiot. "Uh, I think I of losing out in the lottery to "fair- in the four from foul trouble. Kerry are the only non-expansion team Kittles have a drug problem. Yeah, yeah, weather fans." Kennedy insists and two in the eighth. All told, their disastrous six innings of holding Vanderbilt's Billy to not make the postseason in the that's McCaffrey why I was missing." I think the new plan is needed. Everybody Pitt wound up with 20 runs on play and the game ended with the to five, count 'em, five 1990s. I know the answer. 16 hits. Of course, four Villanova Panthers winning, 10-3. Shaffer points, only the second I hav


I Page 34 • THE VILLANOVAN • April IS. 1994 April 15, 1994 • THE VILLANOVAN • Page 35

,i 1994 Predictions Freslimen diamond stars sliine ••••••••

second. Baxter sparkles in first year By TODD LESKANIC well (.320, 20 HRs, 88 RBIs) is a Darren Daulton returns to han- Sports Editor constant. Andujar Cedeno is a By KATE SZUMANSKI gives dle me an advantage. I focus on beats It out. She is an awesome the catching duties. Despite steady glove and an improved bat Editor-in-chief the ball when hitting and try to player both offensively and defen- struggling against left-handed at shortstop. EASTERN DIVISION Ken Caminiti keep high on pitches." sively is pitchmg, the and extremely consistent. 1. 32-year-old managed remains at third despite a rocky If any truth remains in the old Baxter's speed and base- She is a tremendous asset to the to hit .257 with 24 homers and 105 showing toward An outfield of Moises Alou, the end of last adage, "you can tell a lot from a running skills have translated team and never gets frazzled as ^ RBIs. season. Marquis Grissom and Larry first impression," then first year into an impressive 15 stolen bases a freshman." 4. » Walker anchor this youthful club. Softball sensation Bridget Baxter in 15 attempts in 27 games played. The Mets should suffer through 2. Grissom and Walker, both Gold has revealed more in a few short Baxter currently is sporting an another long season in '94. Dwight If the Reds stay injury-free, we Baxter has received an immense Glovers, combined with Alou for months than most players do in impressive .411 on-base percen- Gooden, after a 12-15 record last may see a Red October come fall. amount of playing time as a first- 266 RBIs last year. The three also four years. tage with 22 runs scored. season, proves to be the best on The pitching staff is anchored by year player and is confident in her stole a collective 99 bases. As the recipient of Big East the staff. Pete Smith was acquired Jose Rijo, who led the league with ability to perform. "As a first-year , USA Today's Minor Player of the Week honors for the from Atlanta, where he went 4- 228 a year ago and player, I definitely feel pressure League Player of the Year, hit 28 week of March 22-29, second 8 with a 4.37 ERA. Frank Semin- posted a 2.48 ERA. John Smiley to play well. Every position on the homers and drove in 119 runs in and baseman Baxter has contributed ara, a Padre reject with a - Tom Browning are both She is an awesome team is up for grabs. You have to the minors last season. He may returning to the Softball team's recent arsenal, should fill the third from injuries and are work hard to get a position and get the nod at first base. The loss successes. With a batting average player both offensiwely spot. The other two spots are up expected to take the second and to play anywhere. You have to of Delino Deshields gives Mike of .519 in 52 at bats, Baxter had for grabs. third spots in the rotation. Tim and defenshrely and is prove you can play to the coaches Lansing (3 HR, 45 RBI, 23 SB) the 27 hits with eight RBIs, 10 stolen John Franco, still recovering Pugh (10-15, 5.26 ERA) is the top even though they recruited you," starting nod at second. Wil Cor- bases on 10 attempts and from elbow surgery, should choice for the fourth slot. Erik scored extremelf consistent said Baxter. dero hit 10 dingers and drove Hanson (11-12, 3.47 20 runs during the week of March anchor the bullpen. Mike Maddux ERA) was Senior Sheri Howarth home 58 runs last year and should 22-29. She also broke the team's x^ (3-8, 3.60 ERA), Pete Walker and acquired from Seattle to fill in at Baxter has proven she can play retain his shortstop job. Sean previous hitting streak record, Tom Wegmann will get a look the fifth spot. and then some. Her excellent Berry's offense should get him the getting at least one hit in 15 early in the season. Rob Dibble was disappointing FILE PHOTO offensive record coupled with a start at third. Last season. Berry last year, blowing nine of 28 save consecutive games. .920 and seven hit 14 homers and drove in 49 runs Jeff Kent, at second base, is the Cincinnati's Jose Rijo opportunities. Still, he continues returns to lead the Reds in the pitching Speed, consistency and the Softball veteran Sheri L. How- errors committed only certainty in make Baxter a while posting a .261 batting the New York department. Last season Rijo posted a sparkling arth, to throw the ball nearly one- 2.48 ERA and struck ability to get on base are key to senior centerfielder said, huge asset to the team and one infield. Kent out average. wound up last year 228 batters. Baxter's offensive "Bridget bats hundred miles an hour and can game. "My left-handed, but of the reasons why it is so com- The Montreal hurlers are with a .270 batting average, led by be expected to return to form as speed definitely leads to my hit- doesn't have a regular hitting petitive in the Big East conference lefties slamming 21 homes and bringing Jeff Fassero (12-5, 2.29 a closer. Rookies Jerry Spradlin ting. As a lead-off batter, my speed style; she hits the hard bunt and this year. ERA), home 80 RBIs. Joe Orsulak or the rotation. Cormier tends to be ago. Mark Portugal (18-4, 2.77 Kirk Rueter (8-0, 2.73 ERA), and Johnny Ruffin should also see rookie should get the inconsistent, but is still very ERA) was acquired from Houston Baxter prefers to play at home, Chris Nabholz (9-8, 4.09 ERA) and considerable time out of the start at first. Bobby Bonilla, capable of winning at least 10 in the off-season. Lefties Trevor citing 'Nova's grass infield as a Dennis Boucher (3-1, 1.91 ERA). bullpen. probably the starting third base- games. Wilson, Bryan Hickerson and definite advantage over the dirt Righthander Ken Hill figures to Kevin Mitchell, an injury-prone Courtside with Coach In the pen, will be the staff ace. man, could be moved here as well. Mike Perez be right-hander Solomon Torres infields at other schools where power hitter, will play left field. (Continued from page 36) Luis Rivera, acquired from Bos- a closer after the late season should battle it out for the last freshmen. "I think Kerry, John, bunts tend to stick. She is content Out of the pen, John Wetteland, Last season Mitchell hit .341 in have." Eric who became one of the premier ton, should play short. departure of Lee Smith. Rob two spots. and Ron played well all year. with the coaching staff and just 93 games. Center fielder This NIT Championship victory I think PHOTO COURTESY OF BRIDGET BAXTER closers last year, will be called on Jeromy Burnitz, a lefty who Murphy, a durable lefty, and closed out 48 games the two freshmen were believes she is receiving the Bobby Kelly hit .319 in just 78 ranks very high in the history of to close out games. smacked 13 homers last year, is Omar Olivares will probably wind for 'Frisco and kept his ERA to really the difference in terms of proper guidance and direction Second baseman Bridget Baxter has wasted no time in contributing games as the injury bug hit him Villanova basketball and should 2. Atlanta expected to play. Ryan Thompson, up in setup roles. 2.16. The acquisition of Rich getting us over the hump in the needed to improve her game. to the successes of the women's softball team. As recipient of Big Braves as well. Right fielder Reggie for a long time. a skilled The Cardinals find last two months East Player of the Could it be four times in a row? defensive outfielder, will themselves Monteleone from the Yankees winning 14 out Week honors for the week of March 22-29, Baxter Sanders checked in at .274 "It wasn't the but think by in NCAAs of also the averaged an impressive .519 with 10 stolen bases in 10 attempts. A pitching staff of Greg Maddux, probably see action in center the enviable position of having should add some quality depth to 17. The difference was these Baxter commented on season's end, but was a defensive about it," said Lappas. "Is despite his weakness at the plate. four regular . Bernard the bullpen. two kids stepping it up." chemistry of the team, saying Tom Glavine, John Smoltz, and liability. it probably in the top 10 moments "the personalities the are Steve Avery says yes. However, Kevin McReynolds returns to the Gilkey (.305, 16 HR, 70 RBIs) will In the outfield, Barry Bonds (46 Wildcat Hoops is ahead of sche- on team Barry Larkin (.315 in 100 games) in Villanova Basketball history? dule after for 'Nova with the departure of Ron Gant Big Apple to fill in in left field. probably claim the leadoff spot. HRs, 123 RBIs) returns for another the 1993-94 campaign great and make playing was in the midst of an outstanding Certainly it wasn't No. 1 because Pepicowsici Brian Jordan, who was injured year in left. Center fielder Darren and that could easily lead to a a lot of fun." exceis and Otis Nixon, the Braves face 5. Florida Marlins year before a sprained thumb kept we won the [NCAA] Champion- preseason top-20 two open outfield spots. Dave The upcoming campaign should most of last season, combines Lewis was robbed of a Gold Glove ranking. How- him out of action. First baseman ship in '85 and it wasn't No. 2 Less than favorable and drier field conditions are a speed and power all ever, 'Nova has already proved weather By KATE SZUMANSKI Justice, and his MVP like be one in which the Marlins feel and can play last season as he did not make an Hal Morris was also slowed by because we've been to three Final conditions have not been friendly welcomed sign of spring and three outfield that predictions do not tell Editor-in-chief numbers, remains in right field. the pains of expansion. Charlie positions. Ray Lank- error in 136 games. Willie McGee always injuries, but to hit Fours; I it's to surely will managed .317. but have to say in the the true fate of members of the women's soft- improve the rotation's Left and center are up for grabs Hough will be back to ford, who was also slowed by continues to play the right field a team. anchor the , an acquisition from top ten safely. When you have a ball team. strength and endurance. injuries, is expected "I think there's a chance for all For the most part, the respon- with the main competitors being pitching staff. Lefty Chris Ham- to hang on in spot after another .300 year. Seattle, will get the start at tradition like we have, it's pretty those things," sibilities of a first-year collegiate Although wet field conditions Deion mond returns 11-12 center field. Mark Whiten (25 With Will Clark gone, the admitted Lappas. Sanders, Tony Tarasco and after an year. second. Rookies Willie high stuff." Greene and "I think people respect ball player are engraved in stone: have thwarted 'Nova's hitting Ryan Klesko. Tarasco hit .330 at Righty Ryan Bowen showed HRs, 99 RBIs) wound up being the Giants will look to Todd Benzinger what we Tim Costo, both minor league The somewhat premature, but have coming back and look, listen and learn. Assuming efforts and ability to score runs, Richmond last year while Klesko flashes of greatness last Cardinals' top outfielder last to start the season at first base. what we season as standouts, will compete for the certainly well deserved, exposure Pepkowski does not have coming in. You can't the roles of the observer and the seem too hit 22 homers and had 74 RBIs, did right-hander Pat Rapp. season. However, rookie J.R. Phillips will worry third base job. and publicity comes from one about We lia¥e tlie test team consummate bench warmer, most bothered by the less than favor- (.342, 16 HR) push him. Robby Thompson (.312, expectations: you have to go also at Richmond. All-Star Bryan Harvey returns Oliver imperative aspect Joe should handle the to this game; out and do the best you can and in tlie rookies receive minimal playing able conditions. Evidently as In the infield, Fred McGriff after posting 45 saves and a returns after an all-star year at 19 HRs) is an outstanding bat and Big East catching duties. Last season, he winning. comfortable batting as he is pitch- first. work hard. I think our guys are time and are expected to learn the remains at first. Mark Lemke miniscule 1.45 ERA. Matt TurAer is a steady bat glove at second base. Shortstop caught in 139 games for Cincin- "I think all of the recognition conference and liawe ing, Pepkowski has four hits to focused and I think our guys are ropes from inside the dugout and turned in a solid season, hitting and Richie Lewis will provide and a suspect glove at second. Royce Clayton hit .282 and has nati is good for the kids. I think they his credit, and posted a respectable .240 determined to be as good tlie the practice field. six RBIs, three runs .252 with seven homers and 49 some help out of the bullpen. Todd Zeile is a defensive liability great range up the middle. Matt as they best chance to win batting average while throwing deserve it," said Lappas. "As I've scored and one homerun. at third, can be." Unless, of course, you are fresh- RBIs. Jeff Blauser, a .300 hitter, but a strong bat will keep Williams (.294, 38 HRs, 110 RBIs) is expected to out 30 percent of base stealers. told them all, everything comes the Big East man pitching sensation Trevor "I love hitting in the DH role him in the lineup. The "Wizard," is The euphoric celebration that will play short. Terry Pendleton begin in right field. a Gold Glove winner at third. the season 3. with winning. When you win and am very pleased I have the Ozzie Smith, will play followed the NIT Championship Championship. Pepkowski. continued to roll last season with Carr, a speedy leadoff at short. Catcher Kirt Manwaring is also Chuck The Cubs could easily challenge that's when recognition comes. This right-handed hurler from opportunity to bat," said Despite his advancing age. Smith a Gold Glove victory over Vanderbilt will be 17 homers and a .282 batting batter, and Jeff Conine should fill winner who hit .275 in the Central Division if they get People don't care what you score Freshman Bridget Baxter Perkasie, PA, has wasted no time Pepkowski. still managed a .288 average and in 130 games. something that Coach Lappas and average. out the other outfield positions. or how many rebounds you get any kind of pitching. Mike Mor- his staff will not let in contributing to the successes Pepkowski praises the recruit- Rookie 46 steals. his team Javier Lopez, a standout Dave Magadan returns to Flor- 2. unless win. all ing gan, Jose Guzman and Willie you When you win forget about any time soon. of the men's baseball team. Sport- and coaching staffs at 'Nova. at Richmond, will get the start 5. ida and will have the third base The Dodger pitching staff is those things get magnified." Although college Banks should fill the top three led "I think it's important that ing an impressive 3.11 ERA and many coaches Here is still another they behind the dish. job to himself. Rookie Kurt Abbot team in by Pedro 14- performances that "The weather has been frus- slots in the rotation. Frank Cas- Astacio, who had a The juniors never forget the feeling 29 strikeouts in five starting are criticized for overusing their In the bullpen, closing search of the almighty of what duties will get the nod at short and the pitcher. 9 record and Jonathan Haynes and Ron Wilson trating and has hindered our young hurlers' arms, tillo will be the fourth starter if a 3.57 ERA. Tom it was like to sit on appearances with a win/loss Pepkowski Zane is those rims," should go to left-hander Gregg steady Brett Barberie will play at Smith the staff ace. That performances; we are all itching he is able to regain his outstanding Candiotti, Orel Hershiser and and sophomore sensations Kerry said Lappas. "Hopefully record of 3-1, Pepkowski has does not believe his arm nor Olson, acquired as free in itself should say that will a agent second. Orestes Destrade hit 20 something Ramon Kittles and Eric Eberz brought to to get outside and use the field." . The number five man Martinez all had losing be some motivation because now proven himself to be an invaluable from Baltimore. Mike Stanton and round-trippers a year ago and will about the staff. Lefty Steve Cooke With warmer will probably be Steve records but respectable ERAs. the floor was consistent all year temperatures in the asset to Trachsel, had an they've seen what hard work can the team. Despite his should handle left- return at first. outstanding rookie season forecast, it looks as if the who had an outstanding year at Kevin Gross won 13 games last long. Perhaps the real spark in do." Wildcats youth and inekperience, Pepkows- // we come together, we handed relief duties. CENTRAL DIVISION last year and could easily grab a will be leaving the AAA last season. season and should get the five this team was the tremendous comforts of ki has appeared in more innings 3. 1. spot. Randy Tomlin is a lefty The Villanovan Sports staff wishes duPont and venturing can make it to the (53 saves, 3.11 spot. play of freshmen Jason Lawson outdoors. (37.2) than any other Wildcat Sorry Philly fans, but the depar- Pitching is the key word around capable of winning 10 to 12 games. to thank Head Coach Steve Lappas for ERA) will return as the closer. Todd Worrell, if healthy, has and Alvin Williams. pitcher, demonstrating his effec- playoffs. ture of basically Houston taking the time out of his demanding these days. Doug Drabek 6-1 If healthy, Alejandro Pena would proven "I thought it was obvious that Baxter paints an optimistic Jose Bautista went with a 2.22 he can be an effective schedule to discuss the tiveness along with his resilience seals your fate. Curt Schilling and progress and Trevor both have the in relief make a fine closer. Bias Minor was closer. CJott, they got better and better as time portrait of the team's chances of Pepkowski ERA last season and Jim Kip Gross and condition of the men 's Wildcat Basket- and stamina. managed 16 wins, but had a capability to win 20 games. Pete overused at winning a Big East championship. should remain as a setup man. the end of last season Roger McDowell are all back after went on," said Lappas about his ball team during the spring semester. Although the pressure of being bloated 4.02 ERA. Danny Jackson Harnisch led the league with four and could see "The team's chances are excellent returns to play a considerable better than average years in *93. relied on so frequently may seem continued to 'Nova's coaches fit this criticism. be steady with 12 shutouts en route to a 16-9 record amount of time as a setuo man. this year. Although we've lost a right field after a 30-30 season. Rookie Darren Dreifort may also overwhelming, Pepkowski keeps "A pitcher should voice his wins. Tommy Greene, who will and an ERA under 3.00. few to Daryl Kile Orlando Merced (.313, 26 dou- get a games weaker teams, we his cool. "Being I Glenallen Hill and chance. Twenty-one year old a freshman, limitations to his coaches and emerge as a staff ace, won 16. Ben emerged as a steady four man, bles) has emerged as a star in the have the best team in the Big East definitely feel the should share duties in left. Karl Chan Ho Park throws the ball one- pressure to play pace himself," said Pepkowski. Rivera contributed 13 wins, des- amassing 15 wins and a 3.51 ERA. Pirate outfield. conference and have the best "Tuffy" Rhodes will play center Andy Van Slyke hundred miles per hour. well. You just have to take it in pite a 5.02 ERA. Allowing your arm to recover Mitch Williams brings his returns in center field and should chance to win the Big East cham- stride and go out there and get the field and leadoff. The absence of Darryl Straw- after pitching is Doug Jones will take the place pionship. important to unpredictability to the Astros for hit in the third spot. Al Martin berry will Although UConn is job done. We have a good staff and In the infield, Mark Grace force the Dodgers to use regaining its strength. The coach- of Williams '94 playing well, Mitch as the closer. the campaign. Candidates for hit .281 with 18 homers two we have a better lots of guys can step up and do continued his excellence last and youngsters Raul Mondesi and ing staff here is aware of the Dave West (6-4, 2.92 ERA) and setup roles include should start the season in team." the job." season with a .325 average and 39 left. Henry Rodriguez. Cory Snyder problems associated with overus- Larry Andersen (3-2, 2.92 ERA) and Al Osuna. In the infield, doubles. Ryne Sandberg played in Jay Bell had a should fit in somewhere after Pepkowski's pitching repertoire ing their pitchers." both will see time as setup men. Jesse Barfield signed on with breakthrough season and Baxter attended Binghamton consists of four pitches: the fast only 117 games but still managed won the hitting .266 with 11 homers. Brett Although Pepkowski has only Despite the pitching question the Astros and could earn a Gold Glove. Third High School in upstate New York ball, curve ball, slider and change- a .309 batting average. Jose Vis- baseman Jeff Butler will return as a lead off pitched and served as the DH thus marks, the Philly bats should be starting role because of a strong King batted .295 and where she played second base and up. He considers his slider and caino (.287, 54 RBIs) has made knocked in man once again. far, he may eventually be used in back in full force this season. spring. Steve Finley (.266, 8 HR, 98 runs. At second, Carlos pitched. Upon graduating from fast ball his best pitches and relies Shawon Duston a mere figment Garcia Delino DeShields (.295. 43 the outfield as well. "I don't want Lenny Dykstra scored 143 runs at 48 RBIs) returns in center field, (.269, 12 HRs, 47 high school, she had an opportun- on his slider for of the past. Steve Buechele hit RBIs) has the steals) was acquired from Mont- the out. to limit myself." the leadoff spot while batting a but could be moved to right to let capability to be a big time ity to attend either UMass, Man- Clocked at an impressive 88 .272 with 15 dingers and should major real and will play second. Eric "The Big East conference is a sparkling .305. Milt Thompson rookie Mouton step in. Last leaguer. Brian hattan or Villanova. James return to play third. Hunter shold get Karros returns at first and will m.p.h., Pepkowski throws the ball very competitive conference and and Jim Eisenreich should fill the season, Mouton was the MVP of a chance at first. hard. Nature, Rick Wilkins will handle the be expected to supply the same Mother however, we have a good chance of doing other two spots. the while Catcher Don "Even though the schools are not catching duties. Last year, in just Slaught hit .300 power he did last season (23 has been kind to the men's well this year," said an optimistic John Kruk will return at first posting 16 HRs and 92 RBIs. Luis last season and is comparable softball wise, I chose baseball team and unfavorable 136 games, Wilkins hit .303 with very durable. homers). Jose Offerman hit .269 Pepkowski. "Pitt is hot, averaging by the beginning of April. Ricky Gonzalez had a convincing year in Villanova because I felt comforta- weather conditions 30 homers and 73 RBIs. and stole 30 bases but is a terrible have ham- nine runs more than their oppo- Jordan, a steady backup, will take which he hit .300 and could still ble here and liked the pered the efforts of the pitching 4. St. Louis Cardinals WESTERN DIVISION defensive player. Tim Wallach nents in each of their games. If over until then. Kevin Stocker has fill the right field slot. Like environment." staff. the tubs, the Cardinals 1. should start the year at third. we come together, we can make a chance to prove he was not a anchors the infield will be searching for pitching The Bay Bridge "Because of the cold weather, in Boys have it all (.318, 35 HRs) it to the play-offs. Unfortunately, fluke at short. Dave Hollins put from his second base and leadoff 1994. Bob Tewksburg this season: Baxter is currently enrolled in I haven't been able to throw as (17-10, 3.83 pitching, hitting, and returns from a sensational rookie we haven't seen much of the field PMOTO BY JILL 0«ERARD(NO up impressive numbers at third. spots. Biggio had more homers ERA) is the ace. Rheal the Braves the college of arts and hard as I would like," said Cormier, out of their division. season in '93 to handle the sciences this year." Mariano Duncan and Mickey last season than any leadoff hitter Allen Watson and Head Coach Steve Lappas has already brought Villanova • Cham- and plans on pursuing a degree Pepkowski. Tom Urbani, and Billy Swift are catching. Pepkowski is a local hailing pionship in only his second season. Morandini should split time at with 21. First baseman Jeff Bag- three lefties, will vie for spots in both 20 game winners in communication arts. Recent warmer temperatures of a year (Continued on page 30) (Continued on page 33)

9 I PK9 36 • THE VILLANOVAN • April 15. 1994 SPORTS

f. Cats win NIT Championship, 80-73 ViUanova raWes back from 15-point deficit, lieat Vamlerlun in final

By ALEX SCOFIELD pointer. Following a steal from Associate Editor freshman Alvin Williams, Haynes hit a three-pointer and the Cats After watching the Villanova were suddenly up 73-70. Stifling Wildcats overcome the long odds cruchtime defense conserved this so many times this season, it was lead until the game's waning not entirely unrealistic to believe seconds. that they could overcome a 15- A three-pointer by Vanderbilt point halftime deficit in the NIT sophomore Frank Seckar brought championship game against the Commodores within three, 76- Vanderbilt. 73, with :14.9 left on the clock. "I've seen them do all kinds of Seckar had been lofting treys with things," said Head Coach Steve pinpoint accuracy all night, fin- Lappas. "I've seen them. . . come ishing with 30 points by shooting back from 11 with 1:30 to go. For 8-of-12 from behind the arc. But us, 17 [points down] in the first once again, prime-time play by the half; that's funny!" Wildcats nullified Seckar's long- Sure enough, the Cats had the distance display. Sophomore Eric last laugh in the second half, Eberz, who drained two free \ outscoring the Commodores 54-32 throw shots, buried any remain- for the 80-73 win at Madison ing hope of a Vanderbilt Square Garden March 30. NIT All- comeback. Tournament player Kerry Kittles "It's hard to be prouder of a held Vandy's go-to player Billy bunch of guys than I am today," McCaffrey to a comical five points, said Lappas. "It's my first major while scoring 16 of his 18 points title as a head coach. We won the i in the second half. But every regular season when I was at PHOTO BY JILL DiBERARDINO player that took the floor for 'Nova Manhattan, but this is the NIT, 5»ophomore Kerry Kittles sparked ViUanova's pitched in second half comeback, scoring 16 of his 18 points and all the Cats can and this is a very special moment aner intermission. Kittles and teammate Johnathan Haynes were selected to the All-NIT Team. now afford to chuckle at the pre- for me personally, and for these season prognosticators who vastly kids." mission, it seemed as though the underestimated this team NBA range with the shot clock the season 13-3 in their final 16 that The players celebrated in style situation was only going to grow finished the season at 20-12. running out. 'Nova had climbed games, and do not graduate any after the final buzzer, trimming worse for the Cats. Freshman "There within one point of the Commo- scholarship wasn't a person... in down the net amid the pande- Jason Lawson hung rim on an players. For a moment this country dores, 57-56. A Kittles jump from after the game, Haynes' who thought we monium created by the Villanova alley-oop feed from Kittles that thoughts could be any the top of the key put the Wildcats were already good this year," said students, who had surged onto the made the 41-30, on the other Tour- score but he on Lappas. "I think it top 58-57, and Vandy had lost nament in 1995. proved some- fabled Garden floor. Williams proceeded to draw his third and thing for these kids too much momentum to ever build about what triumphantly sat atop the basket fourth fouls in rapid succession it takes to be good." as up another substantial lead. "I think it will help us next he cut the nylon and 'Nova fans and had to sit for most of the rest year, What it took was a stellar all- hammed it up for the ESPN having the poise, having the of the game. The Wildcats were As winners of the 1994 NIT, around team effort after looking cameras. experience of playing a tourna- forced to dig in their heels without Villanova became the 15th school entirely outclassed ment, and knowing what it takes during the The Cats would never have their main inside threat. ever to win both an NCAA Cham- to get the game's first 20 minutes. Rising to arrived at this scene if they had to championship and "We've played [without Law- pionship and an NIT title. More the task were Kittles and fellow repeated their woeful effort of the win it," said Haynes. son] a lot this year, so that's not importantly, Lappas (now 28-31 All-NIT selection at Jonathan first half. 'Nova's perimeter a first," said Lappas. "They don't Villanova) has brought hope to But for the most part, this was Haynes, who led 'Nova with 19 defense was nonexistent, and get phased, these guys. That's one this program that has been with- not a time to think about points and five the assists. As the Vandy took advantage of the thing they've taught me. They're out it for years. This season was future. The pandemonium on the Wildcats continued to dwarf Van- opportunity, shooting 6-for-lO a lot calmer than I am." the first time 'Nova won 20 games floor was celebrating the dy's lead, these two present came up time from treyland, and overall field- Midway through the second — since 1988, when the Cats reached • a young team that came of age and time again with crucial shots. goal shooting of 51.5 percent. half, 'Nova began to match Van- the Sweet 16 round of the far earlier than anybody predict^. With the two Tourney finalists Offensively, 'Nova was faring no derbilt's feats from treyland, NCAA's. playing Madison Square Garden security neck-and-neck late in the better; none of the Wildcats scored going 18-7 on an run. As the could not contain the elation of the game. Kittles and Haynes elevated any more than six points in the scoring margin grew smaller, the By now, anyone associated with Villanova fans and players whose the surging Wildcats decisively first period. Vanderbilt's lead Cats and their many fans at the Villanova basketball has learned long-dormant program was resur- over Vanderbilt. Trailing 70-67, reached 17 points before heading Garden seemed to get increasingly how erroneous preseason predic- rected during the 1993-94 season. 'Nova tied the game with 4:08 to the locker rooms with a 41-26 charged up. Haynes and Williams tions can be, but the Wildcats will The future for 'Nova basketball remaining in the game whenKit- lead. connected for back-to-back threes, not be ignored when next year's could not possibly look any tles hit a straightaway three- For several minutes after inter- and Kittles nailed a third from forecasts are made. They finished brighter.

Courtside witli Coacli Lappas f"- By SEAN KELLY There are even a number of teams ing, well this isn't the NCAA's. Sports Editor out there that downplay the event. They were playing in a champion- No matter what the mentality of ship game with championship The state of New York con- the tournament is, however, Vil- intensity no matter what, and you tinues to be very hospitable to need to perform in order to win Villanova Head Basketball Coach the game." Steve Lappas who won his third Even if Coach Lappas' pep talk championship in the Big Apple in the locker room had not uplifted two weeks ago. It almost turned the soft play of the youthful out to be a very disappointing day Wildcat squad, it is not as if for the 'Nova coach after his team Villanova had anything to prove performed miserably during the by winning the NIT Tourney. first half of the NIT Tournament. "I don't know if we had any- Fortunately, Lappas stirred up a thing to prove," said Lappas. "I halftime speech that ESPN ana- think we proved it all year long. lyst Bill Rafferty said was worth Us not making the NCAA ... we bottling. didn't need to do that to disprove "I just told them that we hadn't what everybody thought about us. played the first half like men like We had already disproved the fact we were all year," said Lappas. that we were not a tenth place "We played like a young team team and that we were pretty playing soft; we weren't playing good." aggressively defensively. I think Certainly playing in the NIT if we're going to lose the game, Championship game was not a let's lose because we miss shots test to see if the Cats could win not because we're not playing the big game either. aggressively. "I don't look at it like that," "I think that was the difference insisted Lappas. "I look iat it more in the second half," admitted as here was an opportunity where Lappas. "We came out PHOTO BY JILL OtBERAROm*n Alvin William. that the school will alwaysalw;iv« ViCovavrnZL.! went.!. ud'tTVoT.II^'Tv^'? ^ *^* •^^""^ ^^ Tournament is meaningless. game, nobody's ^^'^^ "«^«^ ^*i"*"'°«ver sitting there say- (Continued on " ^^^y "«<« looked back. page 35) M