U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, ULTRA CLOROX BLEACH FORMULA G, 09/14/2000
us ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY OffICE OF PEsnCIDES PROGRAMS REGISTRAnON DMSION (15·767, WASHINGTON. DC 20460 NAME Of PES"ICIDE PRODUCT tlOTICE OF PESTICIDE: ~ HG'ST •• Y'OH o .-E"I£GIST"ATION Ultra Clorox Bleach Formula G (Under 'he Feder.l/nsecticide. Fun"dde, .nd Rodenric;#:le Act, I$. _"1ended) NAME AND ADDRESS OF REGISTAAHT (Includ. ZIP cod_) lThe Clorox Company c/oPS&RC P. O. Box 493 Pleasanton, Ca 94566-0803 L -1 NOTE: Chances in labelinc formula difrerine; in substance from thlt .ec:ept~d in connection. with this reCislt.lioft must be submitted to .nd accepted by the Recdlt.tion Division prior to use of the labe,! in commerce. In any correspondence on this product alwl,.. refer to tbe .bove U.S. EPA recistraUon number. OIl tbe basis of itdormation. fumisbed by the reeisUlnt, the above named pesticide is hereby Recistered/Rerecistered UDder 1.( tbe Federal Insecticide, Funcicide. and Rodenticide Act. A copy of tbe I.helin, accepted in, connection with this ReCistration.!Rerecistration is returned herewith. RecilttatioD. is in DO way to be construed as an indorsement or apJr0val d this product by this AleDC,.. In. order to proteet health aDd. the environment, the Administrator, OD his motion, may at any time suspend (II' cancel the recistraUoa or a pest .. Ie ide in accordance with the Act. The accepteoee of any name in connection with-the r~&istntioa or. product under this: Act is not tQ...be. constrped a,s livin,. tile reJ.istran~ a ri&ht ,to eselos ive use C!r the na me or to ,its use if it has been covered b7 others.
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