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Second Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues 12-23 May 2003 New York

May 20 2003 15:00 speaker nr. 39 4(d) : Human rights human rights violations against the people of West Melanesia and the Right to Self-determination of the people of Melanesia

Statement of Menase Wonggor Kaisiepo Ms. member of Kobe Oser

Dear Mr. Chairman,

Members of the Permanent Forum, Distinguised Representatives, thank you for the formal invitation extended to the Kobe Oser organization representing the people in exile of West Papua Melanesia to participate in this Session on human rights.

My name is Wonggor Kaisiepo, I am a student International Law and member of the Kobe Oser organization.

Kobe Oser which means Unity, was founded in 1960 by Papua- students staying in the at that time currently has its office in The Netherlands.

My Grandfather, the late Marcus Wonggor Kaisiepo Ms., is the President in Exile of the Melanesia. He died in May 2000 in The Netherlands in exile. I would like to take the opportunity to take you back to the year 1962. A historical year which dominated the future and development of the West Papua people ever since. A New York Agreement which contained the future rights of the West Papua people was about to be signed. UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES

On august 15 1962 In this building, the Headquarters of the United Nations, two parties came together. The Netherlands represented by Mr. Van Royen, who were governing and developing the territory of Dutch from 1945 on and the Republic of , represented by Mr. Soebandrio.

In this New York Agreement, signed August 15 1962 both parties agreed on transferring the Territory of West New Guinea from the Netherlands to Indonesia on May 1st 1963. With an interim- transition period between '62 and '63 led by United Nations Temporary Administration (UNTEA} troops.

Also in this New York Agreement both parties agreed on a seven years ruling period by Indonesia of the West New Guinea territory, which would be concluded with an for the people of West Papua in 1969.

According to the New York agreement, the right of Self- Determination was guaranteed by the • people of West Papua Melanesia. Free elections named " The Act of Free Choice" would been made possible in 1969 using the international standard of " ONE MAN ONE VOTE" . However instead of this, the Indonesian Army hand-picked 1025 men. While using an internal Indonesian system of MUSJAWARAH, which meant deliberating till people reach an unanimous point of view on a matter, these hand-picked men chose unanimously for integration with Indonesia.

The UN-observer at the time mr. Fernando Ortisz Sanz from Peru wrote a critical report on the matter and even now while he is in retirement Mr. Ortisz Sanz admitted that the Act of free choice of 1969 had been an act of fraude. Also several retired Dutch and US diplomats at this present day admitted this Act of Free choice was in fact an ACT OF NO CHOICE.

However on 19 December 1969, in despite of this shamfull procedure. Resolution 2504 was adopted by the UN which led to the Territory of West Papua to be incorporated by the Republic of Indonesia immediately. UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES PAGE 3

Ever since 1963 serious human rights violations by the Indonesian security forces BRIMOB, KOPASSUS and TNI, have been daily horror for the West Papuan people. Right now in camps near the border with more than 10.000 of refugees form West Papua are " voting with their feet" against Indonesian rule hoping that violence will end and waiting to return safe to their homes. Since Indonesian colonial rule began in 1963 more than 100.000 Papuans have been killed or disappeared.

West Papua is home to the world's largest gold and copper mine in Timika, a huge natural gas field in Tangguh, and forestry resources generating about USS 100 million annually to the central government of Indonesia. Though the province is endowed with vast natural resource wealth, the 2001 United Nations Development Index ranked West Papua as Indonesia's second poorest province. These facts added with the reports of the International Crisis Group in Brussels and reports of Amnesty International on 40 years of Human rights violations can only lead to the one conclusion, that Indonesia does a poor job in running the country of West Papua Melanesia.

Untill this very day the period of 1962 to 1969 has a black mark in United Nations history regarding the treatment of the people of West Papua Melanesia and it's sympathizing nations in the Pacific. Because even in 1947 with the signing of the Canberra agreement between Pacific states, including the territory of West Papua, and France, the Netherlands, Germany, and Australia development of the region was harvested and West Papua as a nation has been recognized.

We are fully confident that the present generation of UN- representatives and delegates will set straight errors made in the past, and we therefore urge a proper and justified revision and implementation of the New York Agreement.

And above all a ONE MAN ONE VOTE referendum under supervision of the United Nations Temorary Administration.

I thank You, Mr. Chairman for the opportunity given.