Gil Kane, | 400 pages | 27 Oct 2015 | DC Comics | 9781401258191 | English | United States : A Celebration Of 75 Years

This anthology is divided into five sections or more prec Green Lantern: A Celebration of 75 Years is a compilation of some of the best representative Green Lantern stories over the years to commemorate the seventy-fifth anniversary debut of one of the most iconic comic characters This anthology is divided into five sections or more precisely comic era. It is very interesting to see the evolution of Green Lanterns throughout the years from his humble beginnings to being the powerful universal police around. As a whole, Green: A Celebration of 75 Years is a somewhat imbalanced book. Each section of the book is rather even in number of issues given, but the Silver Age of Comics, which has twice as many issues. In retrospect, it makes sense, because when one thinks of Green Lantern — it is generally that they think of. It does, however, give us a nice perception of the era in which these stories were produced — a reflection of the times. It is also unbalanced in representation. I wished the anthology was also fair in representing all six of the Green Lanterns that were mentioned in this anthology. It focuses mainly on Hal Jordan, which makes sense, given the reason above, but it would have been nice to see a well-balanced anthology. Story selection must have been rather difficult — Green Lanterns had starred and appeared over many titles and it is no easy feat to pick out the best or favorites from the masses. Furthermore, there were six people who took up the mantle of Green Lantern as of publication date and that just complicate matter even further. The thing is those measuring sticks are subjective and will never reach perfect consensus. Despite the difficulties, I think the editors picked a somewhat nice selection, would I swapped some stories out for others — sure I have my favorites, but it is difficult if not impossible to please everyone, since everyone is different. So overall, I was really happy of which stories were presented. All in all, I think Green Lantern: A Celebration of 75 Years is a wonderful selection of stories over the three-quarters of a century that the Green Lantern has been around. It is a good anthology for both the avid and subdued fan alike. However, for the newly initiated I would recommend a collection that is more substantial and cohesive as there are a lot of issues that started, ended, or was in the middle of a story arc. Jan 04, Francisco Paniagua rated it it was amazing. Covering the whole panorama of Earth's Green Lanterns from the Golden Age to the polemical New 52 Simon Baz , this book is an astonishing beautifully edited document, which collectors and fanboys will find hardly dispensable, filled with pages carefully reconstructed to their colorful glory, and printed in a high quality paper you'll enjoy to manipulate while reading. The 20 stories contained in this anthology will appeal not only the Emerald Crusader most ardent followers, but all t Covering the whole panorama of Earth's Green Lanterns from the Golden Age Alan Scott to the polemical New 52 Simon Baz , this book is an astonishing beautifully edited document, which collectors and fanboys will find hardly dispensable, filled with pages carefully reconstructed to their colorful glory, and printed in a high quality paper you'll enjoy to manipulate while reading. The 20 stories contained in this anthology will appeal not only the Emerald Crusader most ardent followers, but all those readers ranging from slightly interested in comic books as a genre to Americana scholars as well. Highly recommended. Oct 22, Audrey Hacker rated it liked it Shelves: comic , fiction. There were like Jul 11, Sarah rated it really liked it. Despite some of the older comics being a little slow to draw me in, I ended up really enjoying this collection. As always, it's fascinating to see the changes in the comics with storytelling, with artwork, etc. As I said, the older GL comics weren't nearly as interesting as the older comics I've read for , but that could just be personal preference. But, playing a part in that, I believe, is the fact th Despite some of the older comics being a little slow to draw me in, I ended up really enjoying this collection. But, playing a part in that, I believe, is the fact that the older comics tended to rely a bit too much on: "This is sci-fi, so random science, alien-y mumbo jumbo explains this weird thing. But, as the character and story topics matured, so did the grasp on that genre. I was also surprised by how often Green Lantern tackled some pretty serious social issues. The road trip mentioned in one of the interludes--and hinted at in a subsequent comic--seemed like a really unique and kind of inspired way of addressing the America both the good and the bad of that time period. I'm interested in finding that whole story arc and seeing exactly what the writers did with it. I'd heard about Hal Jordan going insane, and--after reading it--I vaguely remembered hearing about the whole "girlfriend in the fridge" controversy. But, since I'd never looked into GL that much, those points had kind of fallen into the back of my mind. But after reading some of these and seeing exactly how deeply psychological they became I mean, the Dark Knight is practically cheerful in comparison. I also found myself really impressed with the concept of GL over all. I liked how a person has to be worthy of the ring and its powers, and I also really enjoyed the whole emotional spectrum introduced in more recent years. The latter reminds of Hogwarts houses a little bit--but on a bigger scale--and, as a Potter nerd, that really intrigued me. I also really liked that so much of GL's powers are driven by will, meaning that, by definition, this superhero is grounded in intense psychology. That alone opens the door to a lot of meaningful character development and story lines. In short, I'm kind of kicking myself for not getting know Green Lantern sooner. May 05, Chris W rated it liked it. Although this has excellent art. Alan Scott's old tales are insanely boring, used to not have a ring and was lame because of it. GL used to be weak to yellow so embarrassing. Hal Jordan was racist literally calling his Asian sidekick "Pieface". John was originally put in just to say there's a Black Character in DC. is and was always a joke character. Despite the various angles shown in this collection, it's clear that GL really didn't get good until Geoff John's run and it's clear to see here. On top of that, Hal still remains fairly bland in my opinion and literally has the least interesting personality out of any of the incarnations outside of Alan Scott. If you're a Green Lantern fan and want to see a piece of his history you'll might this volume, or more likely appreciate how much better his modern take is. If you're not a fan of GL, this will not make you like the character s at all. As a teen, my comic-book finances only stretched as far as the Batman and Spider-Man comics I could pick up at the local second-hand bookshop. I was only familiar with the Green Lantern through the cartoons of the late 70s and early 80s. When I saw this hefty tome for sale I knew I had to read it. I'm sure hard-core Green Lantern fans may have replaced one or two of the slower stories with their own personal favourites, but I found this to be a great read for new fans of the chara As a teen, my comic-book finances only stretched as far as the Batman and Spider-Man comics I could pick up at the local second-hand bookshop. I'm sure hard-core Green Lantern fans may have replaced one or two of the slower stories with their own personal favourites, but I found this to be a great read for new fans of the character. Dec 30, SStefania rated it really liked it Shelves: comics , on-actual-paper. A very good choice of stories, maybe except for any Guy Gardner ones, but I'm biased for Guy and he was the only Lantern I knew beforehand. Even Ollie was kinda cool here. I still don't feel anything about Kyle, guess I'm too old for the hip youngsters. Dec 18, Marcus rated it it was amazing. A pretty good set of highlights from 75 years worth of green lanterns giving each prominent lantern some spotlight except and showcasing some of the more significant events in the history of the lantern corps. It was fun to review the art and writing style of each major era and should be a great addition to my bookshelf collection. Aug 17, Seanbob Kelly rated it it was amazing. Very interesting to see how the character has changed over the years. I love the GL. I also loved the civil rights era where it is pointed out that Green Lantern helps people with green skin and blue skin but has not done anything for people with black or brown skin. Very cool. I have so much respect for this character in the American drama. Stalwart hero whose collection could have been better Interesting how the Alan Scott lantern had the same oath written by Alfred bester as the lanterns. But Hal had the better costume. I also liked . Some of the stories contained within are great, a few are ho hum. Still worth reading. Jul 24, Andres Castro rated it it was amazing. Jun 17, Flavio rated it really liked it. A good selection of stories. Dec 28, Lisa rated it liked it. Usually, I prefer the book cover itself, rather than the dust jacket, but this time, the dust jacket won. The overly blank hardback juxtaposed with the full color dust jacket was a no-brainer. The hardback is white with the image from the cover of the July comic introducing green Lantern. Nice touch, but too much white. Overall, I would say this is more of an intro to Green Lantern and an ode to DC's character progression over the years, rather than a compendium or "best of" type collection. If that's what you seek, skip this highlight reel; if you're just looking for anything relating to Green Lantern, this is worth your time. Not having read all of them over the years, I can't say for sure, but this was certainly a representative selection, giving a new reader an intro to Green Lantern and an experienced fan a glance back over the years, with many "I remember that" moments. Each section has an introduction, each of which is well worth the read before delving into the comics therein. Jun 01, Camilo Guerra rated it liked it Shelves: comic. Jan 31, Kevin Smythe rated it really liked it Shelves: comics. A nice trip through GL history. It hits many important or interesting moments. Far from comprehensive and not really a "best of", but a fun collection for GL fans or someone just wanting to get a favor for the characters. Nov 15, VL rated it it was amazing Shelves: graphic-novels , owned-books. Matthew rated it it was ok Jun 19, Charles rated it really liked it Nov 02, Adam rated it really liked it Feb 19, Christopher Bond rated it it was amazing Oct 04, Ryan rated it it was amazing Mar 07, KorruptJustice rated it it was ok Mar 04, Andres Halden rated it it was amazing May 04, Jon rated it it was amazing May 10, Craig Hynes rated it really liked it Dec 20, Malika Lim rated it it was amazing Jan 28, Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. NOOK Book. Home 1 Books 2. Add to Wishlist. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Members save with free shipping everyday! See details. Overview In and in , for three-quarters of a century, the hero known as Green Lantern has protected not just Earth, but the entire universe. And, of course, read the rise, fall and redemption of the greatest Green Lantern of them all, Hal Jordan. Product Details About the Author. About the Author. Geoff Johns is an award-winning writer and one of the most popular contemporary comic book writers today. He is also known for transforming Green Lantern into one of the most critically and commercially successful franchises in comics. Johns has written for various other media, including episodes of , Arrow, and Adult Swim's Robot Chicken , for which he was nominated along with his co-writers for an Emmy. Agents, and many others. In the late s and early s, he was the artist tapped to relaunch both Green Lantern and The , and, during the '60s, he was responsible for the first mass-market comic books, including the magazine His Name is Savage and the illustrated paperback novel Blackmark. Show More. Green Lantern: A Celebration of 75 Years by Geoff Johns, , Hardcover | Barnes & Noble®

Product Details About the Author. About the Author. Geoff Johns is an award-winning writer and one of the most popular contemporary comic book writers today. He is also known for transforming Green Lantern into one of the most critically and commercially successful franchises in comics. Johns has written for various other media, including episodes of Smallville, Arrow, and Adult Swim's Robot Chicken , for which he was nominated along with his co-writers for an Emmy. Agents, and many others. In the late s and early s, he was the artist tapped to relaunch both Green Lantern and The Atom, and, during the '60s, he was responsible for the first mass-market comic books, including the magazine His Name is Savage and the illustrated paperback novel Blackmark. Show More. Related Searches. Blackest Night: Green Lantern. View Product. In response he simply cracks, killing other Lanterns and, eventually, most of the Guardians themselves. Those dark times leads to a new, brighter era. With art filled with the sunlight of the desert and the darkness of the sky, we once again feel the wonder of the future. He has also published several short stories in the pulp fiction genre for Pro-Se Press. Enter your keywords. Green Lantern: A Celebration of 75 Years. Author s :. Release Date:. October 19, Buy on Amazon. Reviewed by:. Mark Squirek. Sometimes it pays to be 2 because the first Green Lantern, Alan Scott, has never enjoyed the same level of […]. Heck, Earth alone has at least six people wearing power rings. Still, for many comic book […]. Hal Jordan is the greatest Green Lantern of them all and this bust was designed by superstar artist Jim Lee. This Hal Jordan bust is a limited edition […]. Dressed in shiny green and black with white gloves , the GL of Sector has everything he needs to make sure no evil escapes his sight, including a […]. It will instantly turn you into the DC comics hero. This wearable fleece blanket with sleeves will keep you warm even on the coldest […]. GL was […]. Home About Contact Follow. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address is optional. Related Articles Books. Green Arrow: A Celebration of 75 Years (Collected) | DC Database | Fandom

Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Members save with free shipping everyday! See details. Overview In brightest day and in blackest night, for three- quarters of a century, the hero known as Green Lantern has protected not just Earth, but the entire universe. And, of course, read the rise, fall and redemption of the greatest Green Lantern of them all, Hal Jordan. Product Details About the Author. About the Author. Geoff Johns is an award-winning writer and one of the most popular contemporary comic book writers today. He is also known for transforming Green Lantern into one of the most critically and commercially successful franchises in comics. Johns has written for various other media, including episodes of Smallville, Arrow, and Adult Swim's Robot Chicken , for which he was nominated along with his co-writers for an Emmy. Agents, and many others. In the late s and early s, he was the artist tapped to relaunch both Green Lantern and The Atom, and, during the '60s, he was responsible for the first mass-market comic books, including the magazine His Name is Savage and the illustrated paperback novel Blackmark. Show More. Related Searches. Blackest Night: Green Lantern. View Product. Strap in and hang on as one of DC's icons returns to the forefront in He, his artists, and his writers all have strong backgrounds in science fiction and the pulps. This makes a big difference in the new GL origin story. Like the times in which he first appears, Jordan is bold, brash, and completely sure of himself. Green Lantern is a hit out of the gate. Soon writer and Gil Kane come on board and, in the next few years, the comic hits a series of highly imaginative science-fiction based peaks. Broome creates concepts and characters which will continue to inspire others for decades to come. In just a few issues we meet The Guardians of the Galaxy, the small blue men from the planet OA who lead and power an intergalactic police force known as the . In Green Lantern 7 August we meet his greatest villain, Sinestro. In time Broome would reveal that Sinestro was indeed infected with the virus of power. Also reprinted in this anthology. The issue is also a prime showcase for the athleticism and power that artist Kane brought to Green Lantern. The spirit of the late sixties seemed to open the eyes of America to the reality of life in this great country. Teamed with a new, politically aware Green Arrow, GL starts to see that his country may be falling apart from the inside. In the eighties and into the early nineties, Hal Jordan, once the greatest of the Lanterns, sees his home town of destroyed before his eyes. In response he simply cracks, killing other Lanterns and, eventually, most of the Guardians themselves. Those dark times leads to a new, brighter era. With art filled with the sunlight of the desert and the darkness of the sky, we once again feel the wonder of the future. He has also published several short stories in the pulp fiction genre for Pro-Se Press. Enter your keywords.

Green Lantern: A Celebration of 75 Years Review - The Blog of Oa

Show More. Related Searches. Blackest Night: Green Lantern. View Product. Strap in and hang on as one of DC's icons returns to the forefront in Strap in and hang on as one of DC's icons returns to the forefront in a series by red-hot writer Geoff Johns! Secret Origin Part 4! But what dark secret has uncovered about the impending Blackest Night? And what revelation will forever change the relationship between Hal and ? Blackest Night is here as the dead Once dead, twelve heroes and villains have been resurrected by a white light expelled deep The issue is also a prime showcase for the athleticism and power that artist Kane brought to Green Lantern. The spirit of the late sixties seemed to open the eyes of America to the reality of life in this great country. Teamed with a new, politically aware Green Arrow, GL starts to see that his country may be falling apart from the inside. In the eighties and into the early nineties, Hal Jordan, once the greatest of the Lanterns, sees his home town of Coast City destroyed before his eyes. In response he simply cracks, killing other Lanterns and, eventually, most of the Guardians themselves. Those dark times leads to a new, brighter era. With art filled with the sunlight of the desert and the darkness of the sky, we once again feel the wonder of the future. He has also published several short stories in the pulp fiction genre for Pro-Se Press. Enter your keywords. Green Lantern: A Celebration of 75 Years. Author s :. Release Date:. GL was […]. Home About Contact Follow. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address is optional. Related Articles Books. November 3, Hazel Chua Books , Style 0. July 20, Marty Shaw Style 0. November 8, Marty Shaw Design 0. August 3, James Kelly Style 0. April 8, Marty Shaw Toys 0. June 16, Marty Shaw Design 0. May 17, Marty Shaw Style 0. May 26, Marty Shaw Design 0. selbermachen-882.pdf