March 5, 2021.

Dr. Melody Rose Chancellor Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) Nevada State College 1300 Nevada State Drive Henderson, NV 89002

Ref: Presidential Search, Nevada State College

Dear Dr. Rose,

This letter serves as an expression of interest in the Presidential position at Nevada State College (NSC). My work and accomplishments in higher education institutions have fully prepared me to take on the compelling challenge of leading an important academic institution like NSC. I will bring considerable experience to the role. I currently serve as Vice-President for Strategy and Innovation at Rockhurst University (RU). RU is a comprehensive university offering undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral educational programs to a diverse population in academic disciplines in business, communications, education, engineering, health care, humanities, performing and visual arts, , and mathematics. My portfolio as Vice-President includes direct responsibility and oversight of Strategic Planning, Institutional Effectiveness, Institutional Research, Accreditation and Assessment, Distance Education/eLearning, the Prosperity Center for Financial Opportunity, and the creation of a research infrastructure at the University, including expansion of academic-related grants. In addition, I Chair and lead the University’s Strategic Innovation Group, established to discuss current initiatives and critical issues facing the university community, and to promote a culture of innovation by making recommendations that will assist the institution in moving forward in an innovative and progressive manner.

Prior to this role, and relevant to the NSC Presidential search, I recently served as President and Chief Executive Officer for Saint Luke’s College of Health . As college president, I provided visionary, inspirational, and strategic leadership to the institution as evidenced a) by formulating and implementing plans for the educational, financial, and physical development of the College, resulting in optimization of institutional and organizational structures and in the creation of budget efficiencies and operations; b) by aligning institutional priorities to a revised organizational structure; c) by growing and diversifying the college’s academic offerings; d) by increasing the visibility of the institution through enhanced community presence, engagement and outreach efforts; e) by promoting recruitment and enrollment management practices that increased the college’s population to meet the needs of a new demographic of attending the institution; and f) by implementing a financial and fundraising strategy that significantly increased the institution’s financial stability and outlook.

Given my past experiences in administration, teaching, scholarship, and service at several institutions of higher education, I believe both my depth and breadth of experiences meet NSC’s presidential qualifications and can address the opportunities for leadership. My vita details my academic and administrative experience and the context of my work. However, by way of brief background, I have dedicated the last two decades to higher education as an academic and as an administrator. In addition to my current position of university Vice-President and my recent past role of President and Chief Executive Officer, I have served in leadership positions including Provost and Chief Academic Officer; Dean; National Program Director; Department Chair; Director; and faculty member at the associate professor level. All these positions have been in mission-driven institutions, including public, and private, research-intensive, and career-focused colleges and universities.

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I have carefully examined the NSC President Leadership Profile, including the desired professional and personal qualifications. Having served in academic institutions across several locations and in diverse roles, and very recently in a college president’s capacity, my experiences have allowed me to gain first-hand knowledge of the higher education landscape, its needs, and opportunities. As an advocate for increasing opportunity and for diversity, equity, and inclusion, I value mission-driven institutions, especially those committed to access, service, and opportunity. I actively support offering traditional and non-traditional students an opportunity to develop their potential for meaningful and productive lives and help them succeed both personally and professionally. Most importantly, diversity and inclusivity guide my actions in higher education, and I believe in values that support mutual respect and social responsibility. Today, these values have become increasingly important, as individuals from diverse cultures, from diverse backgrounds, and with different perspectives, will drive economic and social development in the region and beyond.

My interest in NSC is two-fold: first, the mission and scope of the institution, including the opportunities for the new president as outlined in the President Profile; and second, a personal interest. Professionally, I believe this is a unique leadership opportunity for an individual who is willing to take the challenge of continuing to build on the great successes that have already been achieved at NSC, and in doing so, ensure that NSC fully supports the work of the Chancellor in addressing the five goals as laid out in the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) Strategic Plan. Consequently, closing achievement gaps, increasing opportunity, and addressing workforce challenges among others, are actions that appeal to me as an educator and as an administrator, and tasks that I have recently led and would be ready to act on.

Second, and on a personal level, I humbly share that my life-long dream has been to lead a minority-serving institution. Furthermore, it would be an honor and privilege to lead an institution within a system that has identified as strategic goals, among others, the closing the achievement gap among underserved populations and increasing access to higher education. I want students to be able to see in their President, someone who comes from a minority background, who has traveled their road and who understands that everything’s possible though education. I am presenting my candidacy because I truly want to join NSC, make it my home and support the NSHE in making a societal change; one student and one family at a time.

I understand that NSC is seeking a candidate who has the following desired professional and personal qualifications.

An individual who has an earned , other .

Academically, I hold a double doctorate degree. I received my first doctoral degree in from Javeriana University, a research-intensive institution of higher education in Latin America. Subsequently, I completed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the University of Connecticut focused on education and research; and later earned a PhD in higher education administration from Saint Louis University, College of Education and Public Service. I am a graduate of the Institute for Educational Management at Harvard University, Graduate School of Education and more recently, completed the Executive Development Program at the University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business.

An individual who possesses a record of scholarship or professional experience in higher education; and has senior level administrative leadership experience in higher education.

I am a senior higher education administrator with significant executive experience in public and private higher education institutions, including fifteen years of senior leadership experience. I have served in positions of increased responsibility in baccalaureate, graduate, and professional schools. My roles have ranged from adjunct

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(ad hoc NSC PRESIDENT SEARCH COMMITTEE 04/28/21 & 04/29/21) Ref. NSC PSC-3a, Page 2 of 23 faculty to full time faculty, and in administrative positions ranging from Director, Assistant Dean, Dean, Provost and Chief Academic Officer, Vice-President, including serving as college President and Chief Executive Officer.

As a senior administrator, I am informed on all major issues that affect higher education – locally and nationally. Not only do I participate in forums where policy discussions take place, such as American Council on Education, Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), and Higher Learning Commission (HLC), but I remain active in accreditation and regulatory matters by serving as a reviewer for the MSCHE. This volunteer role, which I have kept for the last decade, allows me, among many other things, to be fully informed and gain an understanding of trends and best practices in education.

An individual high integrity, who will strengthen the mission, enrich the student experience and who can place strong attention to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The individual must show evidence of a strong commitment to a beloved Minority Serving Institution with Hispanic Serving/AANAPISI Institution designations, along with a proven record in, and unwavering commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

I am a values and mission-driven individual who has consistently acted with honor and integrity. My personal values guide my actions, especially in my personal quest of transforming society through education. I have a deep commitment to serving the underserved and for providing access and opportunity to those who are less fortunate. Therefore, diversity, inclusion, and sensitivity to diverse cultures have always guided my actions. I have a passion for social integration and for working with first-generation and diverse student bodies. Coming from an underrepresented minority group, I have spent many years working with and assisting diverse, and economically disadvantaged students pursue and fulfill their academic dreams. I truly believe in developing initiatives that promote access to diverse student bodies, including those who are first-generation and underrepresented minority students. This commitment has been recognized, among others, by Univision-Kansas City for the ongoing support to Hispanic heritage and the Latino community; by the Universidad Piloto of Colombia for forging exchange programs for international student bodies; by the Suffolk County Executive, Office of Minority Affairs in New York, who presented me with the Hispanic Heritage Award and a Recognition for Special Service to the Community through Excellence in Education; and by being recognized as one the Top 25 Advocates for Latino Empowerment in Long Island, New York.

Four years ago, and true to this commitment, I conceptualized and implemented the Pathways Education Program, which has become a pillar and signature program that supports an intentional outreach model to transition diverse students to higher education. The program was Saint Luke’s College’s first formal step in creating a bridge to instill interest in and intentionally transition a diverse student body into the college. To date, Pathways has completed four, uninterrupted program cycles, where students can attend at no cost. In recognition of this effort, Saint Luke’s College received the 2018 Inspiring Programs in STEM Award from INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine. The Inspiring Programs in STEM Award honors colleges and universities that encourage and assist students from underrepresented groups to enter the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Furthermore, and understanding that the recruitment and retention of faculty from diverse backgrounds is critical to the success of an academic institution, I co-led the creation of the “Adjunct Academy”, a model designed to promote a pipeline of faculty prepared to provide instruction in face-to-face, clinical, and online settings. This program was fully executed at Saint Luke’s College and ion doing so, it is addressing in part, the institution’s need to identify and recruit instructors from diverse backgrounds into all areas of education. More recently, I was invited to be the keynote speaker for the 2020 University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA) Mid-Atlantic Region Conference, where I presented a model that fosters diverse and inclusive educational communities. The 5 B’s Model (Be Assertive; Be Intentional; Be Nimble; Be Inspirational and Transformational; Be Invitational) is testament to and shows an unwavering commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

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(ad hoc NSC PRESIDENT SEARCH COMMITTEE 04/28/21 & 04/29/21) Ref. NSC PSC-3a, Page 3 of 23 An individual who holds a record of success as a strategic leader and who will maintain a diverse, close-knit, inclusive, and welcoming community through transition and continued growth

I have a clear approach to strategy, strategic thinking, and change management. I have successfully led the creation and implementation of institutional strategic plans. I seek opportunities for transformation, understanding that creating and/or refining strategic initiatives is based on mission and potential impact. Operationally, I focus and base my strategic planning work on outcomes assessment, with an understanding that leading organizational change is multi-faceted, must be intentional, done with sensitivity and that it must lead to stabilizing, and/or differentiating the institution from others.

In my current role, the core of my work is focused on leading and managing transformation and innovation through the strategic planning process. I am working on transitioning the institution to a more dynamic strategic planning model. The intent of this shift is to allow the university to systematically track, monitor and document actions and outcomes related to the strategic plan; allow the institution to use findings for institutional renewal; and provide inclusive opportunities to all constituents in the process of generating new and innovative institutional strategies. This dynamic strategic planning model is allowing the University to reach beyond internal constituents; will support nimble decision-making when opportunities and challenges suddenly arise; and will provide the institution with a roadmap to facilitate progress. This is becoming increasingly important, as institutions reinvent themselves for post-pandemic operations.

An individual who can bring a record of balancing growth and aligning it with the necessary support systems for students, staff and faculty.

I have demonstrated experience in balancing growth in an academic institution. For example, in my prior role as college President, I proposed an inspirational vision of growth and prosperity. Respecting the institution’s history and past successes, I engaged internal and external communities of interests, including students, staff and faculty, and through discussion and interaction, established revised institutional priorities that allowed the institution to transition from a single-purpose to a comprehensive college, by focusing on the following key areas: a) strengthening existing and expanding the breadth and scope of academic offerings; b) enriching co-curricular programs; c) improving resources base; and d) increasing the institution’s profile. As part of this process, I reengaged the college constituents in the strategic planning process and refined the mission and vision statements of the institution, to ensure that the college reflected its capacity for diversification in its academic offerings and its focus on diversity and inclusivity. In addition, I reviewed and adjusted, fiscal, physical, technology and human resources to ensure they were realistic to support programs and initiatives; and prepared and presented an operational plan, which was distributed to Cabinet and management team members, to serve as a blueprint for implementation.

An effective fundraiser, capable of forging partnerships to enrich Nevada State’s giving culture.

When serving as college President, advancement and working directly with donors and the chief development officer, was a critical component of my work. I ensured that my advancement work was comprised by fundraising and friend raising. I took a three-pronged approach to my fundraising work. First, I established a fundraising and resource development measurable goal as part of my President’s work. Specific to resource development, a major goal was to actively participate in community outreach, fundraising and personal leadership activities. Second, I generated a Funding Priorities document that would drive our work. For example, I established the following financial priorities for our fundraising efforts: Academic Resources and Student Support Services; New Programs Initiatives; Virtual Simulation/Electronic Digital Curriculum and Education enhancements; Continuing and Extended Education; Research Enterprise; and Scholarship Program. Finally, in collaboration with the chief development officer, a fundraising and philanthropy plan was developed, which included the development of a draft five-year development program.

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(ad hoc NSC PRESIDENT SEARCH COMMITTEE 04/28/21 & 04/29/21) Ref. NSC PSC-3a, Page 4 of 23 I bring experience in cultivating and nurturing existing and promoting new relationships and alliances. I have strengthened academic program advisory boards; implemented program advisory councils; established partnerships and affiliation agreements with partner institutions; and created and sustained partnerships with academic, non-profit; and community-based organizations. Currently I am in the process of conceptualizing models that support a global and multicultural focus of the university which will enhance the student experience and instill in constituents, an appreciation for diversity to operate in a multicultural world.

I have a proven track record of working in teams and of fostering collaboration and integration in the quest of a greater good. For example, expanding the presence and visibility of the college in the community through the creation of sustainable partnerships was a major focus of my role as president. To accomplish this task, Enhancing the Visibility of the Institution was added as a strategic initiative with the college’s strategic plan. As a result, successful partnerships were created in different realms. Examples include the creation of partnerships with a) Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Greater Kansas City, to enhance educational opportunities for students in the region; b) Big Brothers Big Sisters, to offer educational opportunities to adult constituents, including parents; c) Swope Health Services, to explore staff training; d) Full Employment Council, to offer training and services to help job seekers find a career and effective hiring solutions for businesses and individuals; e) Rose Brooks, to address the need for information, training, and making support services available to students as it relates to domestic violence; f) Veteran’s Administration, for the academic purposes of enhanced patient care, education, and research; and g) Kansas City Professional Development Council, to offer professional development opportunities for its faculty and staff.

On a personal level, I currently sit on the Board of Directors of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Kansas City and on the Board of Trustees of Cristo Rey Kansas City. Very recently, I was appointed to the Kansas City’s Traded Sector Driving Committee, charged with reviewing industry data to determine the region’s industry strengths. The committee will monitor economic disruptions and select an industry where the region has existing strength, and which could be used to recover post-pandemic.

An individual with a strong, demonstrated commitment to shared governance and support of faculty, students, and staff.

In my roles of President and as Provost, I have fully supported shared governance and I ensure that there is an active participation of faculty and staff in the process of policy development, strategic planning, and decision- making. This has ensured that the institution can achieve its mission and goals. I am also aware of the distinction that faculty governance is not a substitute for the roles of the College’s management, nor is it a parallel structure to the formal organization, but rather is the recognition that faculty makes valuable contributions to the governance process and should have a respected voice.

Coming from an academic background, I am committed to providing a supportive environment that enables students to complete their programs while enriching their educational and personal experiences throughout their educational life cycle. I am individual who deeply understands assessment of student learning and have led the creation, implementation, and monitoring of institutional and academic effectiveness plans. I have led the development of retention initiatives, with corresponding performance measures; clarified roles and responsibilities of faculty, administration, and staff to ensure student success; and have guided efforts to effectively identify resources for the implementation of a robust student support model to enhance retention, completion, and graduation. I actively participate in student events, academic forums, and student life, and have added an added value to the student’s life cycle by promoting cultural and social interactions.

A visible leader and one who has a successful record of addressing stakeholder needs through collaboration and inclusive communication.

I possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills. I am bilingual, fluent in both English and Spanish, and work effectively with senior leadership and a broad range of internal and external constituents, especially

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(ad hoc NSC PRESIDENT SEARCH COMMITTEE 04/28/21 & 04/29/21) Ref. NSC PSC-3a, Page 5 of 23 leadership of broad organizational systems, college trustees, faculty, staff, students, and community partners. I believe in two main core concepts: inclusive leadership and teambuilding; and ownership and accountability. I ask for and obtain the contributions of all stakeholders in the institution; value input; and assess its applicability. I treat everyone as a valuable contributor and give all a voice. I make internal constituents fully responsible for their contributions but most importantly, grant them the credit due. Very importantly, I value collaboration, engagement, and retention of the core administrative team. This approach has allowed me to truly understand the strategic balance required for an institution of higher education to produce successful outcomes. I am respectful of and support governance structures for all decision-making processes. I am well able to discern the practical and realistic and have a strong ability to read groups and communities well. Trust and mutual respect are the elements I foster to allow for increased communication and collaboration.

A creative, innovative, data-driven, and inspiring and accessible leader.

As a former college president and as a current Vice-President for Strategy and Innovation, I understand the need to be creative and innovative, especially as institutions address challenges and opportunities. For example, I have significant and practical experiences in executing enrollment management models and in increasing enrollments in an academic institution. As college President, I focused my efforts in increasing the organization’s marketing footprint and visibility to its communities of interest. I led an initiative of rebranding the institution, led the revision of the institution’s vision, brand promise and visual representations, exemplifying the importance of diversity and inclusion within the institution’s culture. In executing this initiative, I promoted the creation of strategies that increased student enrollment across all academic programs and diversified the demographic of students the college served. This was based on implementing actions that were data and evidence-based; setting enrollment goals that were realistic, yet ambitious; realigned staffing to meet pre-established goals; tracked enrollment metrics and trends on a weekly basis; ensured that admissions and marketing worked as a team; and most importantly, created a culture where student recruitment, enrollment and retention was a responsibility of the entire institution, and not only of one unit.

In addition, and consistent with these needs, I have experience in creating and implementing programs that enhance academic institutions’ impact. I have personally led the creation and implementation of multiple academic programs. I use a market driven approach to identify and assign priority to new and existing degree programs, focusing on options with high potential opportunity positions, consumer interest and available market share. Using this approach, I have promoted transformative education for learners and have developed innovative program options that enhance financial sustainability, success, and graduation.

A dynamic individual who has a record of being both business-savvy and experienced in external affairs.

Ensuring financial stability, becoming self-sufficient, developing structural and operational models to support financial sustainability, diversifying revenue sources, and increasing resources base to ensure long-term financial growth, have been a major focus in my senior leadership roles. For example, as college President, I established models to budget, project, forecast and track financial metrics. As a result, the institution I led showed steady financial growth since 2016 when I began my tenure, and the models implemented yielded demonstrable financial results in the form of year-over-year increased year-end net income and cash balances, as well as growth of endowment, scholarship, and foundation funds.

I am cognizant of the trend in higher education of institutions becoming tuition-dependent, and have a strong track record of fiscal management, operating under strict financial measures. I understand the complexities of increasing financial and community resources; and recognize the importance of increasing federal and private funding. To this end, I have a successful track record of establishing mechanisms that ensure financial stability and of securing extramural funds. In addition, I have active participation with external agencies, foundations, and businesses; all which promote institutional growth and prosperity.

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(ad hoc NSC PRESIDENT SEARCH COMMITTEE 04/28/21 & 04/29/21) Ref. NSC PSC-3a, Page 6 of 23 Critically important for the role of President, especially in today’s higher education environment, is the ability to strategically manage a crisis such as the one presented with the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as being able to lead the institution during a time of uncertainty as it seeks stability and long-term sustainability. I have been responsible for activating and leading Crisis Management Teams, with representatives from institutional staff, academic leadership, and university administrators; for adapting policies to meet emerging challenges; for creating and defining procedures that have supported changes and adjustments in policy directions; for communicating new and adjusted protocols to faculty, staff, and students; and for implementing practices that have supported the continuity and integrity of the institution’s academic, financial, and operational decisions.

In closing, my passion is true to the mission of NSC. These are unprecedented times and I believe that our nation needs more institutions like NSC; now more than ever. With the changing landscape in higher education, there is a greater obligation to serve those who may not otherwise be served, and we must be committed to prepare students for successful professional lives. I believe my background and experience aligns with the needs of NSC. I am a passionate, innovative thinker who speaks, believes, and supports education, and I have the confidence needed to succeed in the role. I look forward to the opportunity of formally presenting my candidacy and how I may serve the institution.

Respectfully submitted,

Hubert Benitez, DDS, PhD

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Hubert Benitez, DDS, PhD


Executive Development Program University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Institute for Educational Management Harvard University Graduate School of Education Cambridge, Massachusetts

Doctor of Philosophy Higher Education Administration Saint Louis University College of Education and Public Service Saint Louis, Missouri

Postdoctoral Fellowship Education and Research University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine Farmington, Connecticut

Doctor of Dental Sciences Pontificia Universidad Javeriana School of Dentistry Bogota, Colombia


Recognition for Support to Hispanic Heritage Univision Kansas City October 2016

Recognition for Forging International and Interdisciplinary Exchange Programs Universidad Piloto of Colombia April 2014

Hispanic Heritage Award Recipient Office of the New York State Senator Lee Zeldin October 2013

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Recognition for Special Service to the Community through Excellence in Education Peruvian-American Chamber of Commerce July 2013

Honoree for Contributions to Suffolk County Suffolk County Executive; Office of Minority Affairs; and Colombian American Chamber of Commerce July 2013

Top 25 Advocates for Latino Empowerment The Hispanic Network May 2013

Induction into Alpha Epsilon Lambda Saint Louis University- Chi Chapter January 2013

Recognition into America’s Top Research Council of America: 2010, 2011 and 2012

Excellence in Teaching Award Faculty of Dentistry: 2009

Induction into the Golden Key International Honor Society Saint Louis University: 2008

Certificate of Recognition University of Connecticut Health Center: 2005-2006


Rockhurst University 2020 - Current

Independent, nonprofit, Jesuit Catholic university with diverse undergraduate and graduate programs including business, communication, education, engineering, health care, humanities, performing and visual arts, science, and mathematics. The University offers bachelor and master’s degrees, as well as a doctorate degree programs, served through its College of Arts and Sciences, College of Business, Influence, and Information Analysis, and the Saint Luke’s College of Nursing and Health Sciences.

Vice-President Strategy and Innovation

• Responsible for Strategic Planning, Institutional Effectiveness, Institutional Research, Accreditation and Assessment, Distance Education/eLearning, Grants, and the Prosperity Center for Financial Opportunity. • Member of the President’s Cabinet responsible for developing, guiding, implementing, and overseeing all strategic planning domains at the University, including the implementation of University strategic initiatives and priorities as identified and approved by the Board of Trustees.

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• Responsible for Chairing and leading the University Strategic Innovation Group, established as a forum to discuss current initiatives and critical issues facing the university community, to share information related to university operations, and most importantly, to promote a culture of innovation by making recommendations that will assist the institution in meeting its strategic objectives and in moving forward in an innovative and progressive manner. • Responsible for Charing the University Strategic Plan Committee, charged with systematically coordinating, monitoring, documenting, and communicating activities associated with university’s current and published strategic plan. • Responsible for advising the President on academic, financial, and operational initiatives. • Upon request from the University President, serve as a University representative to the state and national level, and to regional and national professional associations.

Saint Luke’s College of Health Sciences 2016 - 2020

Independent institution of higher education located in Kansas City, MO, affiliated with Saint Luke’s Hospital and regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). The College offers undergraduate and graduate degrees and post-graduate certificates in nursing and in allied health disciplines.

President and Chief Executive Officer

• Served as the administrative arm of the Board of Directors, responsible and accountable for the daily operations of the College. • Formulated and recommended policies, programs and plans for the educational, financial, and physical development of the College, resulting in optimization of institutional/organizational structures and in the creation of budget efficiencies and operations. • Created and guided the College’s vision to support the implementation of the College's planning processes, resulting in the conceptualization and implementation of a revised Strategic Plan. • Led the College efforts in accreditation and regulatory matters, resulting in institutional and programmatic reaffirmation of accreditation of the College and its programs. • Directed the financial affairs of the institution, including budget preparation and oversight, resulting in a systematic and continuous year-over-year increase in net income. • Created and implemented a model to increase access of non-traditional, diverse and underrepresented minority students to higher education, including the conceptualization and implementation of the Pathways to Health and Science Education Program • Provided leadership in obtaining financial support from philanthropic sources, resulting in an increase of the College’ endowment and scholarship support. • Served as the chief spokesperson for the College and ex officio Director of the College Board. • Led the successful negotiation, merger, and transition plan of the College into Rockhurst University, making it the Saint Luke’s College of Health Sciences @ Rockhurst University.

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Briarcliffe College 2010-2015

Student-centered institution of higher education regionally accredited institution by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), with campus locations in Bethpage and Patchogue, New York, and with academic offerings in liberal arts and sciences, business, accounting, legal, paralegal and criminal justice studies, graphic design, information technology, dental hygiene, allied health, healthcare administration, health informatics and nursing.

Provost and Chief Academic Officer

• Responsible for the operational management of the academic organizational structure and academic oversight of all College campuses. • Conceptualized, implemented, and oversaw institutional effectiveness processes and procedures, including the College’s Institutional Effectiveness and Student Learning Assessment Plans. • Directed academic affairs, academic support services, liberal arts and science studies, library, and online education units. • Led efforts in curriculum development and curriculum management at the associate and baccalaureate level in liberal arts and sciences, business administration, criminal justice, paralegal and legal studies, graphic design, and health sciences, to include healthcare administration, dental hygiene, allied health, health informatics and nursing. • Responsible for recruitment, retention, and evaluation of over 200 full-time and part-time faculty and administrative staff. • Prepared and oversaw all institutional and programmatic accreditation and distance education proposals to local, State, regional accreditation and discipline-specific agencies. • Led the preparation and submission of all reports to the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) and served as the Accreditation Liaison Officer with the MSCHE. • Conceptualized and integrated research and service-learning initiatives into the College academic programs. • In consultation with the President, Vice President for Finance and Academic Deans, was responsible for determining budgetary priorities and developing and monitoring an annual academic budget of $8.5-1$10.0 M.

Dean, Health Sciences Chair, Healthcare Administration

• Developed the College’s healthcare initiatives, programs, policies, and procedures. • Created the foundation of a coordinated health sciences structure within the College. • Oversaw the process of conceptualization, preparation, and presentation of health-related programmatic applications for accreditation and registration. • Assisted the Provost in the preparation and administration of the budget for health-related programs. • Monitored the progress of health programs in meeting the College’s strategic plan. • Oversaw faculty recruitment and hiring and monitored faculty development. • Provided weekly, monthly and end of year reporting for all health programs and metrics. • Oversaw the day-to-day operation of the Healthcare Administration Program.

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Missouri College 2007 – 2010

Four-year accredited institution offering diploma, specialized associate and bachelor’s degree level programs in the healthcare and business, with a focus on dental, healthcare, massage therapy and management fields.

National Program Director and Chair, Dental Hygiene

• Led the accreditation and implementation processes of the dental hygiene education program. • Oversaw faculty recruitment and hiring, and monitoring faculty development. • Conceptualized and implemented community and academic partnerships with major colleges, universities and institutions. • Developed joint Missouri College and Saint Louis University program offerings. • Oversaw academic and clinical processes and procedures. • Monitored weekly, monthly and end of year reporting for the dental hygiene program metrics.

Adjunct Faculty

• Instruction in the dental assisting education program. • Identified and referred at-risk students to specific academic support services. • Worked with Program Chair and other appropriate groups on retention activities. • Assisting Director of Education in program evaluation and planning.

University of Manitoba, College of Dentistry 2007 – 2011

Multi-faceted professional school, located at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg (), offering a four-year dental degree, a two-year dental hygiene diploma, five graduate programs, and significant research programs.

Director, Continuing Dental Education Course Director, Dental Practice Management

• Conceptualized, implemented and expanded the Faculty of Dentistry portfolio of continuing education programs. • Promoted the creation of the Faculty’s community alliances. • Created and implemented a streamlined dental practice management program for the Faculty of Dentistry. • Led the creation of the Faculty’s Corporate Alliances, Corporate and Community Advisory Council (CCAC). • Implemented and executed international programming with international partners. • Worked with the University’s External Relations Department in fundraising efforts for the Faculty of Dentistry. • Chair of the Continuing Education Committee. • Served on the Faculty’s Admissions Committee and Dean’s Advisory Board. • Served on the University of Manitoba’s International Activities Council.

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Saint Louis University, Doisy College of Health Sciences (DCHS) 2007

DCHS is an integral part of Saint Louis University (SLU) Medical Center, home to SLU's schools of Medicine, Public Health and SLU University Hospital. DCHS offers programs at the baccalaureate, master's, doctoral, and professional levels in the departments of Clinical Laboratory Science, Health Informatics and Information Management, Medical Imaging & Radiation Therapeutics, Nutrition & Dietetics, Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Physician Assistant Education.

Recruitment Specialist Extramural Funding Support

• Promoted a redesign of the Doisy College of Health Sciences Recruitment Plan. • Promoted and expanded the College’s recruitment efforts. • Prepared and submitted the College’s grant proposals for extramural funding. • Served as Co-Chair, Doisy College of Health Sciences Recruitment Committee; Member, Doisy College of Health Sciences Diversity Committee; Member, Dean’s Coordinating Council. • Served as a member, Pre-Health Admissions Committee, Saint Louis University Office of Pre- professional Health Studies.


• Generated a College proposal to the US Department of Education, Fund for Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE)

University of Connecticut (UConn) Health Center 2002 - 2006

Integrated academic medical center home to the School of Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, John Dempsey Hospital, UConn Medical Group, UConn Health Partners, University Dentists and research enterprises. Offers degree programs in medicine (M.D.), dental medicine (D.M.D.), and biomedical sciences (Ph.D.); master's degree programs in public health and dental science (M.P.H, M.D.S.); postdoctoral fellowships; residency programs, and combined degree programs including M.D./Ph.D., D.M.D./Ph.D., Dental Clinical /Ph.D., and M.D./M.P.H.

Assistant Dean and Associate Director Department of Health Career Opportunity Programs, Schools of Medicine and Dental Medicine

• Directed and managed activities pertaining to recruitment of diverse and underrepresented backgrounds to Schools of Medicine and Dental Medicine. • Coordinated and evaluated educational, community outreach and college preparedness programs for K-12 and Pre-college and College students. • Created and sustained community campus partnerships. • Responsible for overseeing the bridge to the future science mentoring program. • Co-directed the University of Connecticut BRIDGES Network; Connecticut Collegiate Awareness and Preparation Program; High School Mini Medical/ Program; College Enrichment Program; Summer Research Fellowship Program; Post-Baccalaureate Program and Health Careers Discovery Program.

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• Researched and submitted grant proposals to enhance diversity in higher education. • Academic advisement of pre-college and college students. • Developed pedagogies for student and adult learning and strategies for long-term success, developing and revising academic course curricula, and planning diversity training initiatives. • Staff and financial management of grant-funded projects. • Served as member, Admissions Committee, Graduate School, Schools of Medicine and Dental Medicine.

Assistant Professor Department of Community Medicine and HealthCare, School of Medicine

• Academic advisement of professional and undergraduate students. • Member, Admissions Committee, Master of Public Health (MPH) Program; and • Developed and directed academic course on Medical Spanish.

Postdoctoral Assistant Director and Director for Educational Programs and Special Projects School of Dental Medicine (Center for Research and Education in Technology Evaluation- CRETE)

• Assisted in the conceptualization and implementation of CRETE’s blueprint for development and strategic plans. • Served as co-investigator for research grants submitted to the National Institutes for Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), National Institutes of Health (NIH). • Assisted in the design and implementation of programs that integrated industry and business with academia and education: CRETE’s Industry Associates Member Program and Product Testing Program. • Assisted in the development of CRETE’s educational and research curricula for pre and postdoctoral students. • Designed and implemented educational and research protocols. • Implemented and coordinated the Dental Student Entrepreneurial Externship Program and student participation the Clinical Study of New Technologies. • Managed the Center’s educational programs and overseeing the program’s evaluation measures. • Designed the Access to Oral Care Program with Hispanic community and healthcare centers. • Teaching and instruction in elective course in Biodontics.

University of Missouri Healthcare (Hospital and Clinics) 2000 - 2001

Comprehensive health care network in the State of Missouri, with six hospitals and clinics, staffed by University Physicians, offering primary, secondary and tertiary health care services.

Residency Programs Assistant

• Responsible for procedure and protocol development for internal review process of Residency and Fellowship Programs at University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics. • Developed institutional policies and procedures for training Programs. • Created educational material for Residency Programs in web-based format.

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University Hospital “Evaristo Garcia” 1990 - 1995

Decentralized public entity linked to the Department by the Departmental Health Secretariat of the Valle del Cauca; member of the General System of Social Security in Health; offering primary, secondary and tertiary health care services; and supporting the educational mission of the Universidad del Valle (Colombia).

Major’s and State Governor’s Office Representative at the Board of Directors

• Responsible for the design, budgeting, evaluation, and approval of Hospital-School of Medicine projects. • Served as liaison between hospital administration and Major’s, Governor’s, and Ministry of Health offices for project approval. • Served as the Public Relations liaison of the Municipality- Governor/State and Board of Directors. • Facilitated communication processes between Hospital-School of Medicine and Public Health organizations.


Title: "Just in Time": Expanding Access and Narrowing the College Readiness Gap for Underrepresented Students Role: Co-Investigator Aims: To increase gateway course completion, persistence, retention and graduation of underrepresented minority students; and to increase the diversity of students entering, pursuing and completing health-related programs. Funding agency: Menorah Foundation

Title: Improving and Sustaining Positive Outcomes for Nursing Education Programs Role: Principal Investigator Aims: To conceptualize and implement initiatives and activities that will enhance students’ retention, graduation, and board pass rates. Funding agency: Saint Luke’s Foundation

Title: The Adjunct Academy Role: Co-Investigator Aims: To promote a true pipeline of faculty prepared to provide instruction in face-to-face, clinical, and online settings, addressing in part need to identify and recruit instructors from diverse backgrounds into all areas of nursing education. Funding agency: Missouri State Board of Nursing

Title: Oral Health Awareness and Education in Pregnancy Role: Co-Investigator P.I.: Diane Petersen, MD Aims: To measure the impact of educational materials on increased awareness of oral health and its impact on pregnancy and overall health Funding agency: Saint Louis University, Division of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Women’s Health and Missouri College, Dental Hygiene Program

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Title: An Interprofessional Perspective of Community-Based Service Learning: Outcome Assessment of the Externship by Various Stakeholders Role: Co-Investigator P.I.: Dieter Schonwetter, PhD Aims: Identifying critical key elements in an externship assessment tool, to evaluate the effectiveness of the experience for dental and dental hygiene students Funding agency: Canadian Centre for Higher Education, Research and Development

Title: “Project Outreach”: A Peer-Mentoring program to Increase Awareness on the Health Professions Role: Principal Investigator P.I.: Hubert Benitez, DDS Aims: To increase college awareness and preparation to a cohort of middle and high schools students in the Greater Hartford Area Funding agency: NIH Export Center for Eliminating Health Disparities Among Latinos (CEHDL)

Title: Health Careers Opportunity Program Role: Co-Director P.I.: Marja Hurley, MD Aims: To increase the recruitment and retention of disadvantaged and underrepresented students in the Schools of Medicine and Dental Medicine of the University of Connecticut Health Center. Funding agency: Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources And Services Administration - D18HP02891

Title: Bridges to Baccalaureate Program Role: Co-Investigator – Co-Director P.I.: Marja Hurley, MD Aims: To assist underrepresented minority students transition from a 2-year to a baccalaureate degree at the University of Connecticut, Storrs Funding agency: National Institutes of Health - 5 R25 GM71937-02

Title: Connecticut Collegiate Awareness and Preparation Program Role: Co-Investigator – Co-Director P.I.: Marja Hurley, MD Aims: To increase college awareness and preparation to a cohort of middle and high school students in the Greater Hartford Area Funding agency: Connecticut Department of Higher Education – CAP302

Title: Health Professions Partnership Initiative (HPPI) Expansion at the UConn Health Center; Development of the Health Professions Academy at Weaver High School Role: Co-Director P.I.: Marja Hurley, MD Aims: To provide educational support for HPPI pipeline programs sponsored by the University of Connecticut Health Center which serves Hartford students interested in pursuing careers in the health professions Funding agency: Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company

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Title: Promoting Translational Dental Research Academic Careers Role: Co-Principal Investigator P.I.: Edward Rossomando, DDS, PhD Aims: To develop a curriculum designed to a) infuse in undergraduate dental students an appreciation of science and the results of scientific research, and b) to provide students with an appreciation for research so they may be more likely to pursue academic careers, advanced degrees and research training. Funding Agency: National Institutes of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) – National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Title: Investigating the Acoustic and Vibration Behavior of the Solara Titanium Handpiece Role: Co- Investigator P.I.: Edward Rossomando, DDS, PhD Aims: To measure the acoustical and vibrational performance of the handpiece leading to a strategy for noise reduction and redesign. Funding Agency: DentalEZ Incorporated

Title: A Feasibility Study of New Technology on Access to Oral Health Care Role: Co-Principal Investigator P.I.: Edward Rossomando, DDS, PhD Aims: To test the hypothesis that an educational campaign designed to raise public awareness of the life threatening on oral cancer together with the message that oral cancer screening is available at a local dental clinic will result in visits to dentists by those members of the public who do not regularly seek access to dental services Funding agency: American Dental Trade Association Foundation (ADTA)

Title: Workshop Course to Promote and Develop Dental Technology Role: Co- Principal Investigator P.I.: Edward Rossomando, DDS, PhD Aims: To complement NIDCR’s efforts to implement the Panel’s specific recommendation concerning the development of competency in research management, entrepreneurship and the technology transfer process. Funding agency: R-25 NIDCR grant number DE014686


Grupo Clinico Odontologico (Clinical Dental Group) 1987 - 1999 Founder/ Dental Director • Full-time private dental practice with emphasis in Operative Dentistry, , TMJD, and Oral Surgery • Project Director for private and public health dental contracts • Design, elaboration, negotiation and supervision of managed care contracts for provision of dental services

Congress of the Republic of Colombia Social Service Fund 1988 - 1998 Associate • Clinical practice in Oral Surgery, Prosthodontics, and TMJD

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Social Security Institute of Colombia 1996 - 1997 Associate Dentist • Private Dental Practice with emphasis in Prosthodontics, TMJD, and Oral Surgery • Responsible for conducting the epidemiological analysis of Oral health risk factors and diseases for general population, through Level I Managed Care contract

Family Compensation Fund “ACOPI” 1992 - 1995 Associate Dentist • Clinical dental practice with emphasis in Operative Dentistry, Prosthodontics, and Oral Surgery

Colombian Fleet of Merchant Ships 1990 - 1995 Associate Dentist • Clinical dental practice with emphasis in Operative Dentistry, Prosthodontics, and Oral Surgery • Responsible for the managerial design of private contract for dental practice

Family Compensation Fund “ACOPI” 1986 - 1986 Associate Dentist • Clinical dental practice with emphasis in Operative Dentistry


Benitez, Hubert; Fostering a Diverse and Inclusive Educational Community; Keynote Presenter for the 2020 UPCEA Mid-Atlantic Region Conference: Virtually Together; October 2020.

Benitez, Hubert; Deviating from Convention; Scholars’ Press; OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG, Saarbrucken, Germany, 2014; ISBN-13: 978-3-639-71148-6; ISBN-10:3639711483.

Benitez, Hubert; DeVito, Jennifer; Kirschner, Carl; Andoscia, Rachel; “Engaging Non-Traditional Students By Integrating Service Learning Into The Formal Curriculum”; Association of Proprietary Colleges (APC); Lake George, NY; June, 2012

Benitez, Hubert; Genua, Kathy; “Mandatory Attendance Policy: A Proposed Solution to a Common Problem among College Students”; Association of Proprietary Colleges; Lake George, NY; June 2012

Benitez, Hubert (Panelist); “Men’s Conference: Men Paving Paths for Young Men”; Long Island Latino Teachers Association; Suffolk Community College; November 2011.

Benitez, Hubert; McGillick, Janis; Gallagher, Susan E; Morgan, Trina; “Dr Teeth Project: An Interprofessional, Multidisciplinary Education Model to Enhance Knowledge, Sensitivity and Ability to Care for Special Needs Populations”; American Dental Education Association (ADEA); San Diego, California; March 2011. Benitez, Hubert (Panelist); “Men’s Conference: Men Paving Paths for Young Men”; Long Island Latino Teachers Association; Suffolk Community College; November 2010.

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Benitez, Hubert; Royeen, Charlotte; “Practical Spanish For Allied Health Students: A Pilot Journey”; Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions (ASHAP) Annual Conference; October 2010.

Benitez, Hubert. “Increasing Access to Oral Care to Vulnerable Populations: The Role of the Dentist and Hygienist as Educators”; Dentistry 2010; Palace Grounds; Bangalore, India, July 2010

Benitez, Hubert; Cholakis, Ernest; American Dental Education Association (ADEA); Annual Session & Exhibition; “Minimizing Trial and Error - Maximizing Positive Outcomes: Presenting a Four-Year Dental Practice Management Education Model”; March 2010

Benitez, Hubert. “Can Technology Drive Your Practice to Success? An Academic Perspective”. Dentistry 2009; Nihans Convention Center, Bangalore, India, August 9, 2010.

Shah, Paresh; Warketin Randall; Benitez, Hubert; Dentistry 2009 Pre-conference Workshops on Aesthetic Dentistry and Implantology; Indian Dentists Research and Review Continuing Dental Education (IDRRCDE); August 2-7, 2009, Bagalore, India

Benitez, Hubert; Mazurat, Nina; 2009 Teaching Conference Workshop; “Infection Control: Exploring Gaps, Current Trends and Best Practices for Dental Education”; Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry, Canadian Dental Association; May 2009.

Kolson, Tracy; Shaffer, Geoof; Schönwetter, Dieter; Brothwell, Douglas; MacDonald, Laura; Benitez, Hubert; Pesun, Igor. Preliminary Perspective of Dental and Dental Hygiene Externship Programs: Initial Framing of Key Student Externship Experiences American Dental Education Association (ADEA) Annual Session & Exhibition; March 2009

Benitez, Hubert; Royeen, Charlotte; American Dental Education Association (ADEA); 85th Annual Session & Exhibition; Symposium and Idea Sessions: “Addressing the Need for Interprofessional Education (IPE): Presenting a Working Model for Dental Education”; March 2008

Benitez, Hubert; Fowler, Gerard A; “Conceptualization and Implementation of the Center for International Higher Education at Saint Louis University”. Poster presentation at the 13th Annual Graduate Student Association Research Symposium, Saint Louis University, March 2007.

* Rossomando, Edward F, Benitez, Hubert, Peterson, Douglas E., Lalla, Rajesh; “Promoting Access to Oral Health through an Oral Cancer Campaign”. Poster presentation at the 2006 annual IADR session, Brisbane, Australia

* Rossomando, Edward F, Benitez, Hubert, Janicki, Bernard W; “Teaching Product Development to Enhance Problem Solving in Clinical Dentistry”. Poster presentation at the 2006 annual ADEA session

* Rossomando, Edward F.; Benitez, Hubert; Janicki, Bernard W. American Dental Education Association- Poster Presentation: “Teaching Product Development to Enhance Problem Solving in Clinical Dentistry”; Orlando, FL, March 2005

* Rossomando, Edward F; Benitez, Hubert; New Products and Technologies For Dental Practice; University of Buffalo, School of Dental Medicine; September 23, 2005

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* Rossomando, Edward F; Janicki, Bernard; Eichmiller, Frederick; Green, Ralph; Hart, Julia; Datlof, Barry; Benitez, Hubert; Workshop Course to Promote and Develop dental Technology; Marquette University, March 21, 2005

* Rossomando, Edward F; Janicki, Bernard; Eichmiller, Frederick; Green, Ralph; Hart, Julia; Datlof, Barry; Benitez, Hubert; Workshop Course to Promote and Develop dental Technology; University of Pennsylvania, November 20, 2004

* Rossomando, Edward F; Janicki, Bernard; Eichmiller, Frederick; Green, Ralph; Hart, Julia; Datlof, Barry; Benitez, Hubert; Workshop Course to Promote and Develop dental Technology; New York University, November 19, 2004

* Rossomando, Edward F; Janicki, Bernard; Eichmiller, Frederick; Green, Ralph; Hart, Julia; Datlof, Barry; Benitez, Hubert; Workshop Course to Promote and Develop dental Technology; Harvard University, November 17, 2004

* Rossomando Edward F; Benitez, Hubert; Biodontics: Integrating Biotechnology with Clinical Practice; Marquette University, School of Dentistry; September 23, 2004

* Rossomando Edward F; Benitez, Hubert; Biodontics and Translational Research: Integrating Biotechnology with Clinical Practice; West Virginia University, School of Dentistry; September 16, 2004

* Rossomando Edward F; Benitez, Hubert; Biodontics and Translational Research: Integrating Biotechnology with Clinical Practice; University of Detroit Mercy, School of Dentistry; May 20, 2004

* Rossomando Edward F; Benitez, Hubert; Biodontics and Translational Research: Integrating Biotechnology with Clinical Practice; University of Michigan, School of Dentistry; May 19, 2004

* Rossomando Edward F; Benitez, Hubert; Biodontics and Translational Research: Integrating Biotechnology with Clinical Practice; University of Illinois at Chicago, School of Dentistry; April 21, 2004

* Rossomando Edward F; Benitez, Hubert; Biodontics and Translational Research: Integrating Biotechnology with Clinical Practice; University of Florida, School of Dentistry; April 1, 2004

* Rossomando Edward F; Benitez, Hubert; Biodontics: Integrating Molecular and Biotechnology with Clinical Dentistry; NOVA Southeastern University, School of Dentistry; March 30, 2004 • Marquette University, March 21, 2005 • University of New York at Buffalo, September 23, 2005

Benitez, Hubert, Rossomando, Edward F., “Biodontics: A new Post-doctoral Dental Education Alternative for Oral Health Professionals in Colombia and Latin America” Journal of the Colombian Dental Federation, Vol. 60, No. 200, Apr-Sep. 2001

*: Supported by a research grant

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• Board of Directors, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Kansas City – Appointed 2017-current. • Board of Trustees, Cristo Rey Kansas City – Appointed 2020 – current.


• KC Rising, Traded Sector Driving Committee – 2020-Current. • Rockhurst University Strategic Innovation Group (SIG) – 2020-Current • Rockhurst University Planning and Budgeting Committee (UPBC) – 2020 – current. • Rockhurst University Strategic Plan Committee (SPC) – 2020-current. • Rockhurst University Grants Committee – 2020-current. • Middle States Commission on Higher Education – Appointed as PRR and Team Lead/Chair and Reviewer, 2012- current. • Indian Dentist Research and Review peer reviewed journal - Appointed Chair for the Public Health and Community Dentistry Board, 2010 - current. • Academic Program Consultant, Profexx Dental Academy, Dubai, UAE – Appointed 2015-current. • Saint Luke’s Health System Research Committee – 2016-2020. • Saint Luke’s Health System Education Committee - 2016-2020. • Middle States Commission on Higher Education- Accreditation Liaison Officer for Briarcliffe College, 2011-2015. • Briarcliffe College Academic Representative to the Long Island Regional Advisory Council on Higher Education (LIRACHE) –2013- 2015. • Dissertation Committee, Doctoral Program, Dr. Laverne Gillespie. Lindenwood University –2013. • Member, Community Relations Board, St. Joseph’s Hospital –2012; 2014. • Saint Louis University – Preprofessional Health Studies Admissions Committee – Initial appointment 2007; Reappointed 2010. • University of Manitoba Faculty of Dentistry Dean’s Advisory Board – 2009. • Hispanic Dental Association; Governance Committee – 2008. • University of Manitoba, International Activities Council - 2008. • American Dental Education Association (ADEA): National Minority Affairs Advisory Committee – Appointed for a period from 2005-2008. • National Academic Advising Association – NACADA, Member Steering Committee, Multicultural Affairs Commission. • UCHC/HCOP Representative to the Connecticut Association of Education Opportunity Programs (CAEOP) Committee: 2005-2006. • Affiliate and Grant reviewer, Center for Eliminating Health Disparities Among Latinos (CEHDL), 2006. • Member Rowe Scholars Steering Committee at the University of Connecticut Health Center: 2005- 2006. • Member Kellogg Award Program Committee at the University of Connecticut Health Center: 2005- 2006. • International Association for Dental Research – Mentor, English Language Assistance Program, 2004- 2005. • Vice-President, Latin American Student Association (LASA), University of Missouri, 1999-2001.

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• Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration (2018-current) • American Association of Presidents of Independent Colleges and Universities (2016-current) • American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (2013-Current) • American College Personnel Association – ACPA (2013-Current) • Golden Key International Honor Society (2008 – Current) • American Dental Education Association (ADEA): Member Curriculum Development; Allied Health and Minority Affairs Sections (2003 – Current) • American Dental Association (2006; 2009- Current) • Hispanic Dental Association – Member Governance Committee (2007 – Current) • Greater Saint Louis Dental Society (2009 – 2011) • Canadian Dental Association (2007 – 2011) • Manitoba Dental Association (2007 – 2010) • National Dental Association (2005) • National Academic Advising Association – NACADA • National Hispanic Environmental Council (NHEC) • National Society for Hispanic Professionals • Colombian Dental Federation


Manitoba Dental Association – Academic Affiliate License # 070-509-081 General Dentistry license 2008-2011

Manitoba Health Dental Surgeon: Dr. ID # 5090 Registered with Manitoba Health as Dental Surgeon 2008 - 2011

Colombian Ministry of Health – License # 9208 Licensed to practice Dentistry in all jurisdictions of the Country of Colombia 1985-Current

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