
PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 134, Number 2, Pages 581–590 S 0002-9939(05)08219-5 Article electronically published on August 12, 2005



(Communicated by Jonathan M. Borwein)

Abstract. We examine the main topologies—weak, strong, and inductive— placed on the dual of a countably-normed and the σ-fields generated by these topologies. In particular, we prove that for certain countably-Hilbert spaces the strong and inductive topologies coincide and the σ-fields generated by the weak, strong, and inductive topologies are equivalent.

1. Introduction and objectives In this paper we study the weak, strong, and inductive topologies on the dual of a countably-normed space. We see that under certain conditions the strong and inductive topologies coincide (and are also equivalent with the Mackey , which is introduced later). We also examine and compare the σ-fields generated by these topologies to see that under reasonable conditions all the σ-fields are in fact equivalent. Although these results have been used implicitly or explicitly (see for instance [5]) in the literature, there appears to be no efficient or complete proof published or readily accessible without having to work through a vast literature. It is the purpose of this paper to present proofs of these results in a largely self-contained manner. For this reason we have included here proofs of various well-known results; these proofs also serve the function of setting up arguments and notation for our principal objectives.

2. Topological vector spaces In this section we review the basic notions of topological vector spaces and pro- vide proofs of a few useful results. 2.1. Topological preliminaries. Let E be a real . A vector topology τ on E is a topology such that addition E × E → E :(x, y) → x + y and scalar multiplication R × E → E :(t, x) → tx are continuous. If E is a complex vector spacewerequirethatC × E → E :(α, x) → αx be continuous. A is a vector space equipped with a vector topology. A local base of a vector topology τ is a family of open sets {Uα}α∈I containing 0 such that if W is any containing 0, then W contains some Uα.AsetW that contains an open set containing x is called a neighborhood of x.IfU is any

Received by the editors September 2, 2004. 2000 Subject Classification. Primary 57N17; Secondary 60H40.

c 2005 American Mathematical Society Reverts to public domain 28 years from publication 581

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open set and x any point in U,thenU − x is an open neighborhood of 0 and hence contains some Uα,andsoU itself contains a neighborhood x + Uα of x.Doingthis for each point x of U, we see that each open set is the union of translates of the local base sets Uα. If Ux denotes the set of all neighborhoods of a point x in a X, then Ux has the following properties:

1. x ∈ U for all U ∈Ux, 2. if U ∈Ux and V ∈Ux,thenU ∩ V ∈Ux, 3. if U ∈Ux and U ⊂ V ,thenV ∈Ux, 4. if U ∈Ux, then there is some V ∈Ux with U ∈Uy for all y ∈ V .(TakingV to be the of U is sufficient.)

Conversely, if X is any set and a non-empty collection of subsets Ux is given for each x ∈ X, then when the conditions above are satisfied by the Ux,exactlyone topology can be defined on X in such a way to make Ux the set of neighborhoods of x for each x ∈ X. This topology consists of all V ⊂ X such that for each x ∈ V there is a U ∈Ux with U ⊂ V [6] . We are primarily concerned with locally convex spaces; a locally convex space is a topological vector space which has a local base consisting of convex sets. In a topological vector space there is the notion of bounded sets. A set D in a topological vector space is said to be bounded, if for every neighborhood U of 0 there is some λ>0 such that D ⊂ λU.If{Uα}α∈I is a local base, then it is easily seen that D is bounded if and only if to each Uα there corresponds λα > 0with D ⊂ λαUα [6]. AsetA in a vector space E is said to be absorbing if given any x ∈ E there is an η such that x ∈ λA for all |λ|≥η.ThesetA is balanced if, for all x ∈ A, λx ∈ A whenever |λ|≤1. Also, a set A in a vector space E is symmetric if −A = A. 2.2. Bases in topological vector spaces. Here we prove some general, but very useful, results about local bases for topological vector spaces [6]. Lemma 2.1. Every topological vector space E has a base of balanced neighborhoods. Proof. Let U be a neighborhood of 0 in E. Consider the function h : C × E → E given by h(λ, x)=λx.SinceE is a topological vector space, h is continuous at λ =0,x= 0. So there is a neighborhood V and >0withλx ∈ U for |λ|≤ and ∈ ⊂ | |≤ e ⊂ | |≥ x V . Hence λV U for λ . Therefore α V U for all α with α 1. Thus ⊂  ⊂ V U = |α|≥1 αU U.NowsinceV is a neighborhood of 0, so is V . Hence U  is a neighborhood of 0. If x ∈ U  and 0 < |λ|≤1, then for |α|≥1, we have ∈ α ∈ | |≤ ∈    x λ U.Soλx αU for λ 1. Hence λx U . Therefore U is balanced. Lemma 2.2. Let E be a vector space. Let B be a collection of subsets of E satis- fying: I. if U, V ∈B, then there exist W ∈Bwith W ⊂ U ∩ V , II. if U ∈ λ =0 ,thenλU ∈B, III. if U ∈B,thenU is balanced, convex, and absorbing. Then there is a topology making E a locally convex topological vector space with B the base of neighborhoods of 0. Proof. Let A be the set of all subsets of E that contain a set of B.Foreachx take x + A to be the set of neighborhoods of x. We need to see that properties 1-4 are satisfied from subsection 2.1.

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For property 1, we have to show x ∈ A for all A ∈ x + A. Note that since each U is absorbing, there exists a non-zero λ such that 0 ∈ λU.Butthen0∈ λ−1λU = U. So each U ∈Bcontains 0. Hence x ∈ A for all A ∈ x + A. For property 2, we have to show that if A, B ∈A,then(x+A)∩(x+B) ∈ x+A for each x ∈ E. Recall U ⊂ A and V ⊂ B for some U, V ∈B.SoU ∩V ⊂ A∩B.By the first hypothesis, there is a W ∈Bwith W ⊂ U ∩ V ⊂ A ∩ B.ThusA ∩ B ∈A and hence (x + A) ∩ (x + B) ∈ x + A for each x ∈ E. Next, property 3 is clear from the definition of A, since if A ∈Aand A ⊂ B, then B ∈A. Finally for property 4, we must show that if x + A ∈ x + A,thereisaV ∈ x + A with x + A ∈ y + A for all y ∈ V .IfA ∈Atake a U ∈Bwith U ⊂ A.Nowwe ∈ 1 ∈ 1 show that x + A is a neighborhood of each point y x + 2 U.Sincey x + 2 U we − ∈ 1 − 1 ⊂ 1 1 ⊂ 1 ⊂ have y x 2 U.Thusy x + 2 U 2 U + 2 U A. Hence y + 2 U x + A.Thus − ⊃ 1 − ∈A − ∈ A x y + A 2 U,sox y + A . Therefore y + x y + A = x + A y + . ∈B ∈ 1 ∈ 1 To prove continuity of addition, let U .Thenifx a + 2 U and y b + 2 U, we have x + y ∈ a + b + U. To see that scalar multiplication, λx, is continuous at x = a, λ = α, we should find δ1 and δ2 such that λx−αa ∈ U whenever |λ−α| <δ1 and x ∈ a + δ2U.SinceU is absorbing, there is a non-zero η with a ∈ ηU.Takeδ1 1 1 so that 0 <δ1 < and take δ2 so that 0 <δ2 < . Using the fact that U 2η 2(|α|+δ1) is balanced

λx − αa = λ(x − a)+(λ − α)a ∈ (|α| + δ1)δ2U + δ1ηU 1 1 ⊂ U + U ⊂ U. 2 2 Thus we are done. 

2.3. Topologies generated by families of topologies. Let {τα}α∈I be a col- lection of vector topologies on a vector space E. It is natural and useful to consider the least upper bound topology τ, i.e. the coarsest topology containing all sets of α∈I τα. We present the following useful fact:

Fact 2.3. The least upper bound topology τ of a collection {τα}α∈I of vector topolo- { } gies is again a vector topology. If Wα,i i∈Iα is a local base for τα,thenalocalbase ∩···∩ for τ is obtained by taking all finite intersections of the form Wα1,i1 Wαn,in . (See [8], Example 9.2 (b).)

3. Countably-normed spaces We begin with the basic definition of a countably-normed space and a countably- Hilbert space. Definition 3.1. Let V be a topological vector space over C with topology given by a family of norms {|·|n; n =1, 2,...}.ThenV is a countably-normed space.The space V is called a countably-Hilbert space if each |·|n is an inner product and V is complete with respect to its topology.  n 1 | |2 2 Remark 3.2. By considering the new norms v n =( k=1 v k) we may and will assume that the family of norms {|·|n; n =1, 2,...} is increasing, i.e.

|v|1 ≤|v|2 ≤···≤|v|n ≤··· , ∀v ∈ V.

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If V is a countably-normed space, we denote the completion of V in the norm |·|n by Vn.ThenVn is by definition a . Also in light of Remark 3.2 we can assume that V ⊂···⊂Vn+1 ⊂ Vn ⊂···⊂V1.

Lemma 3.3. The inclusion map from Vn+1 into Vn is continuous.

Proof. Take an open neighborhood of 0 in Vn given by Bn(0,)={v ∈ Vn; |v|n <}. Let in+1,n : Vn+1 → Vn be the inclusion map. Now −1 { ∈ | | }⊃ | | ≤| | in+1,n(Bn(0,)) = v Vn+1; v n < Bn+1(0,)since v n v n+1.

Therefore in+1,n is continuous.  Proposition 3.4. Let V be a countably-normed space. Then V is complete if and ∞ only if V = Vn. n=1  ∞ { }∞ Proof. Suppose V = n=1 Vn and vk k=1 is Cauchy in V . By definition of the { }∞ (n) topology on V , vk k=1 is Cauchy in Vn for all n.SinceVn is complete, a v exist in Vn. Since the inclusion map in+1,n : Vn+1 → Vn is continuous and

V ⊂···⊂Vn+1 ⊂ Vn ⊂···⊂V1, (n) all the v are the same and belong to each Vn. Thus this common limit is in V = ∞ ∈ | − (n)| n=1 Vn. Let us call this element v V . Since for all m, limk→∞ vk v m =0, then we have that v = limk→∞ vk in V .ThusVis complete. ∈ ∞ Conversely, let V be complete and take v n=1 Vn.UsingthatV is dense in ∈ | − | 1 Vn,foreachn we can find vn V such that v vn n < n .Nowfork0 such that Bn() ⊂ B. ∩ ∩···∩ Proof. Let B = Bn1(1) Bn2(2) Bnk(k) be an element of the local base for V .Taken =max1≤j≤k nj and  =min1≤j≤k j .ObservethatBn() ⊂ B since for ∈ | | ≤| | ≤ ∈{ } ∈  v Bn()wehave v nj v n < j for any j 1, 2,...,k and so v B. 3.2. The dual. Let V be a countably-normed space associated with an increasing {|·| }∞ of norms n n=1.LetVn be the completion of V with respect to the  norm |·|n. We denote the of V by V .Let · , · denote the canonical bilinear pairing of V  and V .  Proposition 3.6. The dual of a countably-normed space V is given by V = ∞  n=1 Vn and we have the inclusions  ⊂···⊂  ⊂  ⊂···⊂  V1 Vn Vn+1 V .

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⊃  ∈   Proof. ( )Takev Vn.Thenv is continuous on Vn with topology coming from  the norm |·|n .Thusv is continuous on V ,sinceV ⊂ Vn and the norm |·|n is one of the norms generating the topology on V .    (⊂)Takev ∈ V .ThesetNv (1) = {v ∈ V ; | v ,v | < 1 } is open in V since  v is continuous on V . By Proposition 3.5 we have Bn() ⊂ Nv (1) for some n and  some >0. Thus for all v ∈ V with |v|n <we have that | v ,v | < 1. Since V is ∈ | | ≤ |  | ≤  ∈  dense in Vn,ifv Vn and v n ,then v ,v 1. Hence v Vn.  ⊂  ⊂ The fact that Vn Vn+1 follows from Vn+1 Vn and the fact that the inclusion maps in+1,n : Vn+1 → Vn are continuous (see Lemma 3.3). 

4. Topologies on the dual space We now briefly introduce four of the most common topologies placed on the dual of a countably-normed space. We examine the weak, strong, inductive, and Mackey topologies. 4.1. . The weak topology is the simplest topology placed on the dual of a countably-normed space. It is defined as follows. Definition 4.1. The weak topology on the dual V  of a topological vector space V is the coarsest vector topology on V  such that the ·,v is continuous for any v ∈ V . Remark 4.2. Just as we have defined the weak topology on V , we can define an analogous topology on V . This topology has as its local base sets of the form      ∈ |  | ≤ ≤ N(v1,v2,...,vk; )= v V ; vj ,v <,1 j k . This topology is referred to as the weak topology on V . As with any vector topology, we are interested in a useful local base. Proposition 4.3. The weak topology on V  has a local base of neighborhoods given by sets of the form    N(v1,v2,...,vk; )={v ∈ V ; | v ,vj | <,1 ≤ j ≤ k} . Proof. In order for ·,v to be continuous for all v ∈ V we need ·,v to be contin- uous at 0. Or equivalently, we require that N(v; )beopenforeach>0. Hence for each v ∈ V we form the topology τv on V given by the local base {N(v; )}>0. The weak topology is the least upper bound topology for the family {τv}v∈V (see subsection 2.3). Thus a local base for the weak topology is given by sets of the form

N(v1,v2,...,vk; )=N(v1; ) ∩ N(v2; ) ∩···∩N(vk; ) ,

where v1,v2,...,vk ∈ V .  Now suppose V is a countably-normed space with notation as in Section 3.   →   Proposition 4.4. The inclusion map in : Vn V is continuous when V is given  theweaktopologyandVn has the dual–norm topology. Proof. Consider the weak base neighborhood N(v; ), where v ∈ V .Observethat −1 {  ∈  |  | } ∈ ⊂ in (N(v; )) = v Vn; v ,v < .Sincev V Vn we have that the func- ·  ⊂  tional ,v is continuous on Vn. (Since Vn is a Banach space, Vn Vn .) Thus {  ∈  |  | }   v Vn; v ,v < is open in Vn.

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4.2. Strong topology. Using the notion of bounded sets in a countably-normed space V we can define the strong topology on V . Definition 4.5. The strong topology on the dual V  of a topological vector space V is defined to be the topology with a local base given by sets of the form   N(D; )= v ∈ V ;sup| v,v | < , v∈D where D is any bounded subset of V and >0.

Taking D to be a finite set such as {v1,v2,...,vk}, it is clear that the strong topology is finer than the weak topology.   →   Proposition 4.6. The inclusion map in : Vn V is continuous when V is given  the strong topology and Vn has the dual–norm topology. {  ∈  |  | } Proof. Consider the neighborhood N(D; )= v V ;supv∈D v ,v < ,where −1 {  ∈  |  | } D is bounded in V and >0. Now in (N(D; )) = v Vn;supv∈D v ,v < . | | ∞  −1 Since D is bounded we have supv∈D v n = M< .Takev0 in in (N(D; ))   −  | |  c0 { ∈ and let c0 =supv∈D v0,v <. Consider the open set B(v0, M+1 )= v    −  − − | − |  co }  c0 ⊂ 1 Vn; v v0 −n < M+1 . We assert that B(v0, M+1 ) in (N(D; )).   −   − ∈  c0 | − |  c0 Take v B(v0, ). Then v v0 −n < . This gives us the following: M+1  M+1   −  −  v  c0 sup  v v0,  < . v∈D,v=0 |v|n M +1 |  −  | − | | ≤ ∈ Thus supv∈D v v0,v < c0,since v n M when v D.Fromthiswesee |  |  ∈ −1  that supv∈D v ,v <. Therefore v in (N(D; )).

4.3. Inductive limit topology. Suppose {(Wn, |·|n); n ≥ 1} is a sequence of normed spaces with Wn continuously included in Wn+1 for all n. Form the space ∞ W = n=1 Wn and endow W with the finest locally convex vector topology such that for each n the inclusion map in : Wn → W is continuous. The existence of such a topology is shown in Theorem 4.7. This topology is called the inductive limit topology on W ,andW is said to be the inductive limit of the sequence {(Wn, |·|n); n ≥ 1}. 4.4. Local base. It will be useful to work with a local base for the inductive limit topology. Theorem 4.7. Suppose W is the inductive limit of the sequence of normed spaces {(Wn, |·|n); n ≥ 1}. A local base for W is given by the set B of all balanced convex −1 subsets U of W such that in (U) is a neighborhood of 0 in Wn for all n. Proof. We first apply Lemma 2.2 to see the set B is in fact a local base for W .Take U, V ∈B, then clearly U ∩ V ∈B.NowifU ∈B, then it is easy to see that αU ∈B  ∈B −1 for α = 0. Finally we show U is absorbing. Note that in (U) is absorbing in −1 Wn (since Wn is a normed space and in (U)isopeninWn). Thus U absorbs all ⊂ ∞ points of Wn = in(Wn) W .SinceW = n=1 Wn, U absorbs W .Thuswesee that B is a base of neighborhoods for a locally convex vector topology on W . It is fairly straightforward to see that B gives us the finest locally convex vector topology making all the in : Wn → W continuous: Let τ be a locally convex vector topology on W making all the in continuous. Take a convex neighborhood (of 0) U in τ. By Lemma 2.1 we can assume U is balanced. Since each in is continuous, −1 ∈B  we have that in (U) is a neighborhood in Wn.ThusU .

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Corollary 4.8. Suppose W is the inductive limit of the sequence of normed spaces { |·| ≥ } (Wn, n);n 1 . A local base for W is given by the balanced convex hulls of sets ∞ { ∈ | | } of the form n=1 in(Bn(n)) (where Bn(n)= x Wn; x n <n ). ∞ Proof. Let U be the balanced convex hull of the set n=1 in(Bn(n)) in W .Then ⊂ −1 −1 Bn(n) in (U). So in (U) is a neighborhood of 0 in Wn. By Theorem 4.7 such a U is a neighborhood in W . −1 Now if U is any balanced convex neighborhood of 0 in W ,thenin (U)containsa neighborhood Bn(n). Hence in(Bn(n)) ⊂ U.SinceU is convex and balanced, the ∞ balanced convex hull of n=1 in(Bn(n)) is contained in U. Thus the sets described form a local base for W .  Let V be a countably-normed space. Then V , the dual of V , can be regarded as {  |·| ≥ } the inductive limit of the sequence of normed spaces (Vn, −n); n 1 . (Recall  ∞  that we have V = n=1 Vn.) In light of Proposition 4.6 and Proposition 4.4 we see that the inductive limit topology on V  is finer than the strong and weak (4.1) topology on V . 4.5. . In order to talk about the Mackey topology we need the following notion. Definition 4.9. Let D be a non-empty set of bounded subsets of a topological vector space E with dual E. The topology of uniform convergence on the sets of D is the topology with subbasis neighborhoods of 0 given by {  ∈  |  | } N(D; )= v E ;supv∈D v ,v < , where D ∈Dand >0. This is also referred to as the topology of D–convergence on E. From the definition we see that a local base neighborhood for the topology of D–convergence on a vector space E with dual E looks like

N(D1; 1) ∩ N(D2; 2) ∩···∩N(Dk; k) ,

where Dj ∈Dand j > 0 for all 1 ≤ j ≤ k. Wenowstatethefollowingtheorem without proof: Theorem 4.10 (Mackey-Arens). Suppose that under a locally convex vector topol- ogy τ, E is a Hausdorff space. Then E has dual E under τ if and only if τ is a topology of uniform convergence on a set of balanced convex weakly–compact subsets of E. For a proof of this result see Section 21.4 in [4]. Using this theorem we can define the Mackey topology as follows: Definition 4.11. Let E be a topological vector space with dual E.TheMackey topology on E is the topology of uniform convergence on all balanced convex weakly– compact subsets of E. Remark 4.12. From this discussion we see that the Mackey topology on E has a local base given by { ∈ |  | } N(C; )= v E ;supv∈C v ,v < , where >0andC is a balanced convex weakly–compact set in E.

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4.6. Comparing the topologies on V . Let us make the following notational convention throughout this section: Notation. Let V be a countably-normed space with dual V .Theweaktopol- ogy, strong topology, inductive limit topology, and Mackey topology on V  will be denoted by τw, τs, τi,andτm, respectively. Proposition 4.13. Let V be a countably-normed space with dual V . Then the  strong topology τs is finer than the Mackey topology τm on V .

Proof. The topology τs is by definition the topology of uniform convergence on all bounded sets in V . Note that every weakly in V is bounded, and every weakly–compact set in V is weakly bounded. Thus τm ⊂ τs.  Lemma 4.14. Let V be a countably-normed space with dual V .ThenV  is Haus- dorff in the weak topology tw, and hence in the strong, Mackey, and inductive limit topologies.   Proof. Take v ∈ V . We must find a neighborhood of 0 in τw that does not contain    v .Take v∈ V such that | v ,v | =0.Let | v ,v | = λ = 0. Consider the set λ  ∈  |  | λ   N v; 2 = v V ; v ,v < 2 . This set cannot contain v . Lemma 4.15. Let V be a countably-Hilbert space with dual V . Then the dual of V  is V when V  is given the weak, strong, Mackey, or inductive limit topology. Proof. Consider v ∈ V and the corresponding linear functionalv ˆ on V  given by v,ˆ v = v,v ,wherev ∈ V .Observethat v,ˆ · is continuous since {v ∈ V ; | v,v | <} is open in the weak topology (and hence the strong, Mackey, and inductive limit topologies). Also note that ifu ˆ =ˆv,then v,v = v,u for all v ∈ V .Sov = u and by the Hahn-Banach Theorem the correspondence v → vˆ is injective. We now show that the correspondence v → vˆ is surjective as a map of V into    the dual of V with respect to any of the four topologies. Take v ∈ V ,the     ∞  dual of V .Thenv is continuous on V .SinceV = n=1 Vn,wehavethat  ∈    →  v Vn for all n. (Here we have used that in : Vn V is continuous in all four topologies by Proposition 4.4, Proposition 4.6, Proposition 4.13, and the definition  of the inductive limit topology.) But Vn = Vn since Vn is a Hilbert space. Thus  v canbeconsideredasanelementof Vn for all n.SinceV is complete, we have ∞  ∈ → that n=1 Vn = V by Proposition 3.4. Thus v V andwehavethatv vˆ is surjective.  Theorem 4.16. Let V be a countably-Hilbert space with dual V . Then the induc-  tive, strong, and Mackey topologies on V are equivalent (i.e. τs = τi = τm). Proof. By Lemma 4.14 and Lemma 4.15 we have that V  is Hausdorff and has dual  V under the topologies τs, τi,andτm. Thus we can apply Theorem 4.10 to V .(In   the theorem we are taking V as E and V as E .) This gives us that τi and τs are topologies of uniform convergence on a set of balanced convex weakly–compact subsets of V . However, the Mackey topology, τm, is the finest such topology. Thus τs ⊂ τm and τi ⊂ τm. However, by Proposition 4.13 we have τm ⊂ τs. Thus τs = τm. Likewise, we have τi ⊂ τm = τs, and, by Proposition 4.6 and  the definition of the inductive limit topology on V ,wehaveτs ⊂ τi (see (4.1)). Therefore τs = τm = τi. 

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5. Borel field In this section our aim is to discuss the σ-fields on V  generated by the three topologies (strong, weak, and inductive). We will see that under certain conditions all the three σ-fields coincide. The standing assumption throughout this section is that V is a countably-Hilbert space with a countable dense subset Qo.Fromthe definition of the topology on V it follows that Qo is also dense as a subset of Vn.   1 On each V ⊂ V define the sets Fn for all k as n   k  1  ∈  |  v | 1 Fn = v Vn ;sup v , < , k v∈Q |v|n k

where Q = Qo −{0}.  Recall that the local base for the dual–norm topology on Vn is given by the sets    N ()={v ∈ V ; |v |− <}, n −n n  1 1 where >0. Observe that in Vn we have F n k = Nn k for all k, because Q is { 1 }∞  dense in Vn. Moreover, the collection Fn k k=1 forms a local base in Vn.   Since each Vn is a separable Hilbert space, so is its dual Vn.LetQn be a countable dense subset in V . n {  1 |  ∈  ≤ ∞} Proposition 5.1. The collection x + Fn k x Qn , 1 k< is a basis  for the topology of Vn. ⊂   Proof. Consider an open set U Vn andanelementv in U.Sothereisak such  1 ⊂  ∈  |  − | 1 that v + Fn k U.Take x Qn such that x v −n < 2 k .  1  1  1 Observe that x + Fn ⊂ v + Fn :Takeanyw ∈ Fn , and we have  2k  k  2k      v      v  sup x − v + w ,  ≤|x − v |−n +sup w ,  v∈Q |v|n v∈Q |v|n 1 1 1 < + = . 2k 2k k  −  1 ⊂ 1  1 ⊂  1 Thisgivesusthat x v +Fn 2k Fn k or equivalently x +Fn 2k v +Fn k .  ∈  1 |  − | 1 Also v x + Fn 2k since x v −n < 2 k .  ∈  1 ⊂  1 ⊂ In summary we have that v x + Fn 2k v + Fn k U. Therefore the {  1 |  ∈  ≤ ∞}   collection x + Fn k x Qn , 1 k< is a basis for Vn  Lemma 5.2. Let σ(τw) be the Borel σ-field on V induced by the weak topology. 1 Then Fn( ) is in σ(τw) for all positive integers k and n. k 1 {  ∈  | | 1 } {  ∈  | | 1 } Proof. Observe Fn k = v V− n; v −n <k = v V ; v −n < k .Notethat 1 1 v v Fn can be expressed as Fn = ∈ ∈  N | | ; r ,whereN | | ; r = k k r S v Qn v n v n    v 1 1 {v ∈ V ; | v ,v | < }r and S = {r ∈ Q ;0

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∈ −1  Proof. Let U τ.Then Un = in (U)isopeninVn. By Proposition 5.1 Un can be  1   expressed as Un = ∈ x + Fn( ), where x ∈ Q and T is countable. Then l T nl kl nl n  ∞  ∞ ∞ ∞         1 U = U ∩ V  = U ∩ V  = U ∩ V  = U = x + F . n n n nl n kl n=1 n=1 n=1 n=1 l∈T

Thus U can be expressed as a countable union of sets in σ(τw). Hence U is in σ(τw). Therefore σ(τw)=σ(τ).  Since in is continuous with respect to τi and τs and also both τi and τs are finer than τw, we see that the σ-fields generated by the inductive, strong, and weak topologies on V  are equivalent.  The σ-field on V  generated by the weak, strong, or inductive topology may be referred to as the Borel field on V . Acknowledgments The author thanks professor Ambar Sengupta for his help and guidance in the research and revisions of this paper. References

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Department of Mathematics, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803 E-mail address: [email protected]

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