Stewkley Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire Final Stage 1 Outputs

Presentations on 16 May 2016 15.45pm by Neil Dickens 19.00pm by Nick Booth Agenda

• Introduction

• Questionnaire results

• Whats coming next Analysis overview


Sectional Analysis – Section 1: General – Section 2: Education – Section 3: Environment – Section 4: Facilities Snapshot of as-it-is – Section 5: Development Its a baseline – Section 6: Information – Top reasons for being in Stewkley – Other comments

THANK YOU! Without the help of the villagers and volunteers, none of this would have happened: • 691 questionnaires distributed • 553 questionnaires collected and input • 1,419 residents represented • 82,397 individual data-items to analyse

The initial analysis is aimed to give us a baseline: • Statements and observations • Summary at village level • Directional guidance


From the 691 dwellings questioned, we have a completed 80% response rate, with 76% supported the preparation of a plan Overall number of Q32. Support for the responses: Neighbourhood Plan:

1 not very important 2 – 3% Responded 1 3 – neutral 5% Not Responded 3 5 – extremely important 138, 20% 16%

5 51%

4 25% 553, 80% Section 1: GENERAL (i) - Dwellings Stewkley is primarily made up of Owner-Occupied, Detached Houses, which are not specially adapted. Q1. TYPE OF PROPERTY [of respondents] Q2. OWNERSHIP

500 500 Building Type? 450 450 400 400 Social Housing block 350 350 300 terraced 300 Rented 250 250 semi-detached 200 200 Owner/Occupier 150 detatched 150

100 households of Number 100 Number of households households of Number 50 50 0 0 Bungalow House Flat / Working Other ApartmentFarmhouse 180 160 140 Adapted? 120 100 N 80 Commentary: There is a lack of Social Housing, 60 Y Flat/Apartments, or Accessible accommodation in Stewkley. 40 20 Number of households households of Number 0 Section 1: GENERAL (ii) – Bed/Car Most of Stewkleys buildings are 4 bedroomed houses, with an 72% occupancy. 13% of cars are parked on the road.

Q1 & Q6: Occupancy Q5. Vehicle Ownership

Number of Homes by Type and Size 250 300 Other Number of Homes by 250 Vehicle ownership 200 Working Farmhouse 200 Flat / Apartment 150 150 Bungalow 100 100 House

Number of households households of Number 50 50 0 0 1 2Number 3 4of Vehicles 5 6 7 8

Number of households households of Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Off-Road Occupancy of Homes by Size 933 Occupants 1000 130% On-road 141 120% 800 Bedrooms 110% 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Spaces (calc) 600 100% Commentary: Relatively very few 1 and 2 bedroom Occupancy (RHS) 400 90% dwellings, lower occupancy for larger houses. 80% There is not a significant car parking problem 200 Number of items Numberitems of 70% (although may be localised). 0 60% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bedrooms in the Homes Section 1: GENERAL (iii) - Tenure Overall, current households have lived in Stewkley for 11,674 years (averaging 21 ), and 64% expect to stay. Q3. TENURE Q4. EXPECTING TO STAY?

By tenure Overall 120 60

100 50 31%

80 40 Stewkley 5% 64% House Yes 60 30 No 40 20 Maybe Number of households households of Number

20 households Numberof 10

0 0 0 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 0 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 Years Years Commentary: People appear more likely to want to stay, the longer they͛ve been here Section 1: GENERAL (iv) - People

A generally older population, with 33% concentrated around retirement age. Resident groupings are dominated by families (42%), although the largest demographics (either side of retirement age) are child-free. Q6: Demographics… … and family groupings.

Age80 Families with dependents


Age56_65 Age12_18 4% 1% 6% 10% 2% 0% 0% Age46_55 Age6_11 0% 2% 11% 4% 0% 0% 0% Age36_45

Age26_35 Age0_5 1% 3% 8% 1% 0% 0% 0%

Age19_25 None 4% 2% 2% 6% 14% 15% 4% Age19_ Age26_ Age36_ Age46_ Age56_ Age66_ Age Age12_18 Children 25 35 45 55 65 80 80+ Age6_11 Adults RetiredElderly Age0_5 Percentage of respondents 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% Percentage of respondents The variation in age and make-up of families is larger than that of the largest population demographics.

An older (and aging) population, with a notable drop off in Section end post-school age residents. Section 2: EDUCATION Q7: Education Durham Uni ManchesterNottingham Uni UniUCL 0% 0% 0%Oxford Uni0% nursery Little Acorns U.T.C. Oxford0% Brookes Uni 2% Brambles 1% Largest single 2% London Uni 0% 0% 0% 0% East Leicester0% Uni Sheffield Uni Home Muckypups proportion of London Harper0% Adams Uni Thornton College 0% Cygnets Farm 0% Uni Edinburgh0% uni respondents 1% 6% 2% Sir Henry Floyd 0% 0% Furze Down attended 3% Shuttleworth 1% Stewkleys own College Royal Latin High Ash 0% 0% 0% Cygnets and St Uni Nur Michaels (36%), MK College 0% 1% Freemantle Sec followed by 4% Cedars Upper Pri St Michaels 0% 0% Aylesbury s three Cottesloe Pri/ 29% Overstone Berkhamsted 13% Sec 1% grammar schools 0% 0% Aylesbury High (18%), and the 6% Aylesbury St Paul's Catholic local Cottesloe Grammar 0% 8% secondary (13%). Aylesbury Swallowfield Lower Aylesbury College 0% 0% In line with 0% Linslade Leighton C of E Whitchurch Alfriston Middle Middle 1% demographics, 0% 0% 0% 0% there is more Akeley Wood Swanbourne House 2% secondary than A3% well-supported village pre-school / school. Disproportionately high grammar representation?. primary Section end attendance. Travel_coac Section 2: WORK h_bus Travel_mot 1% Travel_bike orbike 2% Most people are employed*, with a majority commuting2% and a large majority by car. Commute Travel_train 21% Don't Commute Q8: Employment 36% Student_FTE Travel_car 74% Volunteer 8% 4% 64%

Job_Full 30%

Home Business Home Worker Retired Non-home business 24% Stewkley Worker 19% Neither

39% Job_Part 49% 14%

Home_worker Self_emp 81% 16% 4% 12%

Percentage of respondents throughout

* N.B. ͚Unemployed͟ was not included as an option on the questionnaire. Section 2: WORK (ii)

Broadband would not markedly alter peoples work patterns, although they would be happy to support small businesses in Stewkley.

Q13: Superfast Broadband Q14: Support small business set up? influencing work choice?



N N 22% 0 DonKn t ow 0% Y Y

65% 73%

Section end Section 3: ENVIRONMENT (i)

USAGE: Half of Stewkleys inhabitants use its facilities, mainly weekly

Q15: 600 500 400 49% 300 Never 51% 200 Sometimes 100 Number of households households of Number 0 Rec Sports Nature Reserve Spinney Footpaths

160 Rec 140 Sports 120 Nature Reserve 100 Spinney 80 Footpaths 60 40 Number of individuals individuals of Number 20 0 Quarterly Bi-Monthly Monthly Weekly Twice-weekly Everyother Daily Twice-daily Section 3: ENVIRONMENT (ii)

VALUE: On the whole, people place a high value (4-5) on the environment, Q16: and feel very safe in Stewkley. 500

400 25% 300 High Unsafe Neutral 200 Low Safe 100 Number of households households of Number 0 75% By Day Recreation Sports Nature Spinney Footpaths Ground facilities Reserve By Night

Relative Weightings of Facilities by Value: 150 100 Recreation Ground 50 Sports facilities 0 1 2 3 4 5 Nature Reserve -50 Spinney

Relative Weighting Relative -100 Value 1-5 as scored. Footpaths -150

-200 Section end

Relatively speaking, the Spinney was marked lower than average, And the Rec and Footpaths were marked higher. Section 4: FACILITIES (i) - main Q20 The Shop and the Village Hall are the most frequented facilities, although all show some regular usage.

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Total Usage by facility:

Shop 535 530 Pubs / Bars (drinking) 525 520 Pubs / Chip Van (eating) 515 Pubs / Chip Pubs / Bars Shop Daily Weekly Fortnightly Monthly Occasionally Never Van (eating) (drinking)

530 Village Hall 520

St Michaels School 510 500

Church / Methodist Chapel 490 Rec Church / St Michaels Village Hall Pavilion Methodist School Rec Pavilion Chapel

Regularly Occasionally Rarely Never Section 4: FACILITIES (ii) – Books/Docs Q21 Total Usage by facility:

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Libraries Used

MK, 9.0%

Mobile Library Use Others, 24% LB, 42% Weekly Monthly Occasionally Never

Alt Library Use?

Y N Rec Doctors Use

Aylesbury, 38% Wing, 16% Y N

Doctors Used

Other, 12% LB, 12% Reasonably good use of Doctors surgery at Pavilion and little use of Mobile Library

Section end Wing, 76% Section 4: FACILITIES (iii) – Youth 1 Q26 Within the village, the Scouts and Guides are the most used youth facility (overall), followed by Sports. However, most (also) do things outside the village.








Village Only Village + Outside Outside Only Section end

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Section 4: FACILITIES (iii) – Youth 2 Q27 A huge variety of activities are followed by Stewkleys young people, in a wide range of locations.

Boxing Ampthill Yoga Young Activities Tring Locations Walking 0% Various Waddon 0 Birmingham0%Buckingham 0% Farmers Bowling Church 1% 1% Addington 1% Cadets Thame 1% Chase Woburn 0% 0% 2% Tennis 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% Aspley 1% 0% 0% Wing Sands Berkhamsted Sports2% Cinema Winslow Aston ClintonCanterbury Guise Squash YouthBabyAthleticsBadmintonZooBasketball 0Club Group 5% 0% 1% 2% Cricket4% Swanbourne Whipsnade 1% 0% 0%0% 1% 1%1%0%1%1% 1% 1% Climbing Stowe WavendonWendover Aylesbury 5% 1% Tilsworth0%1% Splash park 2% 1% Stoke 0% 12% Bletchley 1% Cycling 1% 6% Drama StewkleyHammond Soft 1% Bucks 4% 2% 0% PlaySoftball Dance 0% Swimming 1% 0% 6% Northampto 1% Socialising 19% 5% Coventry Fencing n Cublington 3%Skiing Fishing 0% 0% Drayton3% 1% 1% 0% Newton Skating Nat MK Parslow Shopping Football Longville Dunstable 1%Scouts/Guide Trust 17% 2% 1% 8% 1% London Eaton1% Bray s Gym Gaming Futsal 0% LB Science Rugby 1% Halton 1% Running1% 8% Golf 0% 0% 27% 0%1% 4% 0% Great 1% Mursley Little Music Horwood Nat Trust MartialIceHorse Skating Arts Riding HockeyNetball Hairdressers GymnasticsGliding 1% Horwood Hitchin Haddenham 0% 2% 4%1% 3% 3%2% 0% 2%0% 0% 0% 0%0% Section 4: FACILITIES (iii) – Youth 2a Q27 A huge variety of activities are followed by Stewkleys young people, in a wide range of locations.

Locations Buckingham Activities by type Whipsnade 3% Various 1% 2% Bedfordshire Music 0% Performing 2% 9% Organisations LB MK 4% 27% 24% Hertfordshire Social 0% 10% Aylesbury Baby/Toddler Oxfordshire Surrounding 13% 2% 1% Sport villages Mid Bucks 22% 73% 0% A41 Corridor 2% Dunstable North Bucks Out of Area 1% 2% 2%

Section end Section 4: FACILITIES - Buses Q18 / 19: Bus Transport usage and desire: 0 20 40 60 80

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% LB Aylesbury

Do you use? MK School buses N Y Wing Would you like to use? Actual Bletchley Winslow Wish LB Stn Buckingham More people would like to use a bus than Drayton Parslow currently do use buses, however, even that Horwood number is a minority of respondents. MK stn Perhaps, bus times presently do not serve Mursley commuters. Newton Longville Oxford Stewkley On the wish-list, the highest scores were given to local locations that are already Swanbourne Woburn served by Buses, indicating that any current Section end provision may not be at a suitable time.

Section 5: DEVELOPMENT (i) - What Starter homes and 3/4 bed houses were the preferred types of development – Exec was not supported. Q28: If development goes ahead, what Q30: Would you support extending type of buildings do you think Stewkley the building line? needs?

Flat Exec 5% 4%

3-4 detatched Y N Starter 16% 28% Building_line

3-4 semi 21% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Retirement 15% Bungalow 11%

N.B: 10% of all the answers to Q28 were ͞NONE͟ Section 5: DEVELOPMENT (i) - Needs

Starter homes and Retirement homes were the most requested type of house by need overall, but Starter homes and 3/4 bed homes were more of an urgent need. What people think should be built (dots) vs Q29: What type of housing do you think what they think they will need (solid) you will need in the next 5 / 10 / 20 years?

140 1 140 5 140 120 1 120 10 120 100 1 20 80 8000 100 100 TOTAL 60 6000 80 80 40 4000 60 60 20 2000 0 0 40 40 Number of respondents respondents of Number 20 20

0 0 More people think they will need bungalows, starter and Exec homes than think those types should be built. Fewer people think they will need 3/4 bed Semis than think that type should be built. Section end Taller lines show the total of each type needed, irrespective of timelines.

Section 6: INFORMATION The Grapevine is the most used and most prioritised source of information. More people value noticeboards than the website. Facebook is the most important Other resource. Q31: Where do you get info from… … and in what priority?

600 600

500 500 Priority 3 400 400 Priority 2

300 300 Priority 1

200 200

100 100 Number of respondents respondents of Number 0 0

AVDC 7% 15% Businesses 14% 7% Church Clubs and Societies 7% Local Paper Section end 7% Meetings 29% O th e r In fo 14% Posters by type: Postman Top Reasons for being in Stewkley

Via Other Comments….


Via Wrap-up

Summary: Your help so far has given us a glimpse into: 1,920 bedrooms 1,074 vehicles 553 households

• This shows Stewkley as it is TODAY • The Village Plan is looking at the FUTURE – YOUR future, OUR future.

Section end WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? Research – Nine Working Groups. Amenities, Conservation & Heritage, Elderly & Disabled, Nursery & Primary Education, Planning Landscaping Housing & Environment, Roads & Infrastructure, Sport & Recreation, Stewkley Businesses. 35 volunteers researching, consulting & preparing recommendations by 30th August 2016 CONSULTATION. July opportunity for one to one consultation Liaison with adjoining Parish Councils. DRAFT NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN The aim is to submit the Draft Plan to Stewkley Parish Council by 30th November. THEREAFTER AVDC, Natural & many more see the Plan. STEWKLEY REFERENDUM MID 2017 At least 51% of those voting support Plan. blank

Section 4: FACILITIES (ii) – Books/Docs Total Usage by facility: Q21 Libraries Used Bletchley 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Aylesbury 5% 9% Book Club Tring Wing School 0% Mobile Library Use 1% 17% Buckingham 4% 3% Weekly Monthly Occasionally Never Internet Public 3% Alt Library Use? 1% MK Open 9% 1% Y N University Rec Doctors Use 1% London 2% LB Y N 44%

LutonBuckingha Newport Doctors Used Whitchur Aylesbury0% m Pagnell ch 0% 1%0% Tring 4% Linslade 0% Libraries have a relatively low BletchleyLondon 0% 2% 0% LB usage, but people go further for Woburn 12% 0% a book than their doctor. WinslowWing - 5% Surgery 1% Wing Section end Wing - 73% Ashcroft 2% Section 4: FACILITIES - Buses Q18 / 19: Bus Transport usage and desire: 0 20 40 60 80 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% LB MK Do you use? Aylesbury N Y Wing

Would you like to use? Bletchley Wish Winslow Actual LB Stn Buckingham Drayton Parslow More people would like to use a bus than Horwood currently do use buses, however, even that MK stn number is a minority of respondents. Mursley Perhaps, bus times presently do not serve Newton Longville Oxford commuters. School buses Stewkley On the wish-list, the highest scores were Stoke Hammond Swanbourne given to local locations that are already Woburn

served by Buses, indicating that any current Section end provision may not be at a suitable time.