MLLt. KOSE WEN I WOK I H, Equestrienne, Featured at the New York Hippodrome Xtie Billboard

“Fabius Henrion” DON’T PATRONIZE ES”Mllf?|,UlODS, A mv ^- If the prices that you paid before we RUBBER ROODS,ROODS. made ELECTRIC PIANO MUSIC. were satisfactory. Remember we are forcing Piano Manufacturers to estab* MIFEMCIKIIYEI,riVk. ONLY lish fair prices; if you want to always FORCIRIIVILtUB.ILSAIB. perior in all respects to what you had •m NOISELESS to take and look pleased at, then give CARBONS us your business. ON A. C. PI.ANOS \V<> liavf tlip largpMl aaaortuipnt of Knife Board Write for Samples and our List of Klilvpa wvHl of tlie .MlHHlai>l|i|il Itlrer. Our I>rt<-f» an- alieolulfijr rix-k Ixittiim We alao FILM EXCHANGES. rarr.T a full lint- of Si reel men'a CixHla, Carnlral Ci OR * dozen or more. \ovp|tli-» and giaxla for F'alra. We are one of Less than a dozen, $1.50 each. lli>‘ olileat SIn-eliiien'a Hii|i|ilj hoiiaea In Ibe riiltixl SlatoH. We bare tlioiiHaiKlH of aatUfled .iKtoiiK-rH; ue ran aatUf.r «oii anil «aiil jour liiiKiiirHii. NO Sl'itST'ITl/'TINti uuIraK jou aaj UNITED STATES MUSIC CO HO. Orilera Hbl|itieit aaiue daj aa rerelred. ('ar Edward E. Cary Co nival Whi|Hi. Rs.lW) .ler groaa. Catalogue F'KEE LARGEST MAKERS IN THE WORLD 1030-36 N. Western Avenue, CHICAGO, U. S. A. COE. YONGE & CO . 69-61 Park Place. New York Write for Catalogue^ Ninth and Lucas Ave., ST. LOUIS, MO TART A CONE FACTOR CHEAP * FOR WHOLESALE 1909 MODELS FOR RETAIL STEEL FRAME AiMouncemenl Theatre Chain AUTOMATIC PARISIAN ICE- Absolutely Non-Breakable CREAM CONE OVENS Suitable for aiiiall (FSILMT DIF SYSTEM.) theatre amt iiiovlug Slides picture show* We carry these i-balra PENNY MACHINES In stock ami can ahip Imnieallately Original Designs ICE-CREAM PUSH-CARTS Sc-ond hand chaira alMi aealliig f rolling, of dtair use. Add. Catchy Titles no hiiiuiug hauda, no wa»te hatter; aavrt Ihl.t. It STEEL lime, laliur. money, fuel. ErKNITl UE CO., It makes that never drip, that artistic, H r a n d Itaidda. that fit to eat cone, the I'arlaian. far ahead Michigan. Ihiaton Aak your Film Exchanges of the tough lealhery kiml*. We build ma¬ Office 224 Cougreas chine* for lb. largest niaiiiifacturera. *1.. Itoeton. Maaa or write us for list You can't afford to overlook this gold iBino. Monadmu-k itldg., Write «juirk for circulars and prices cover¬ San Franclaco, I'al. N. V. Ofll.-.-, 1711 Fiilhm 81. ing the buaincss fully.

SLIDES, 35 CENTS EACH Lanier &Driesbach Mfg. Go. a ruLL NEW kiraC or pAt*d Dec. 25, '06; Feb. 26, *07. Others Pending. 315 John St., CINCINNATI, 0. POST CARDS THENEWATLAS AND PENNY ARCADE C. B. KLEINE SUPPLIES 662-664 6tli Ave., New York, N.Y. rr\ Jc*>4.n|>ti4»rt al pfisC Thr (troDSfxt trunk In Amprlra. an no wpaknf«M>*. Our ratalogup nuppl ill IpII jou nby. mpict


The Belber Trunk & Bag' Co. No. IMl N. Hanoook BL Theatrical Goods inent a e v 1 c e a. PHIIaADEXPHLA, . PA. Womteil Tighta ami Shirt*. $2 eaih; Write for circu ■HB I'.itton TlglitH ami Shirta. |1 racn; lam. MAfIJ I anta* l*uiii|>«, 2.V., with leather Shepard Mfg. Co., H|jl9 Holm, ,Vir.; all l^-alln-r I‘iiiii|mi. $I..Vi; 38 Eagle Bldg., Moving Picture Machines, I'Biiraa .ShiM-«. $1; with leather aolea. Salt Lake City, $I.Vl; all Ijeather Slew*, noft aolev Utah. Stereopticons, Slides, Accessories. IM |;i..Vi; KlaMlc SnpiM.rler*. $1; SatiP fs Trunk with oillar amt ruff*, apangied , .f and trtiiiiiieure ami aeiid CHAS. M. STEBBINS, W ’J .la.- ami eolor. |l..|■.«|| r.-.|iilred .m M :! all g.»M|* Belli <» Ii. Catalogue* 1028 MAIN STREET, - - KANSAS CITY, MO. V telling all alMiiit alMire gi«xla aent on JL^ACTRLSSo* ORATORJiTj ^ rei,lle*t. y? * Kam 0»m to 0MOO waaaiy Large Line of Edison Goods. Est. 1899. S. B. CALL, (44 Main Street. BpringSeld. Maaa ^ Tfce aoe. faaciaanna aed beaa earlaa prnfaaaioa la V Um world Our eompUle aad oompraliaatihla eoaraa C 1a ataeaMoa aad dramattc ar. by ouil wUI la a •korS ^ 1aaMpnparayoa toe thanacaor •fMakw’tptatforai Sae-1 eTMCfwfcaif BooklotS frm j I will m. . I.m V iekoal af BacaWon, 5tl eraad Opera Heaaa, t^eaga. ) THEATRICAL LUMBER— Will Im- a lilg one '•, e imh-vllle. New theatrea STILES. BATTENS. STRIPS HAILS. are o|H.|ilng ami Hi<-.» ,a « d .mand for |ie.i|il* SHOES. PROFILES, STAGE FLOORING. ETC. »lm hare m-w art*. «lr. (liiiv |l<7» I hare Alwaj* on hand for iirompt fch!|iiiient. Wrhe for ih-llvered prlrama*. I write only to order .Ml Sork gnaratiteera House Co. Office. Peoples GAMES THAT GET the MONEY or over anv elrenll BOB WATT. bramaUo Theatre Bxlg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Author. 906 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Pa. Great International Balloon ILae*;, I>oll ILieks, .SluKiting Galierien, Kish I’undH, Air Gun Galleries, Cantly W'liftels, I’in-l>oaril Tables, J.aiianese Bowling Tables, Water GIGARS-ORDER A THOUSAND Motors, lioard of Tr^e, B;ise Ball Rolling Board, Cheap (.’hewing Gum, $.‘>..'>0 for "Try Tm" at price* ranuing from RO.iiO. Slo.itli. l,(KXt pkgs 6 pieces to the package, h^.h separately wmpissl. \Ve make them st Film and Song Slides ior Sale *10..V>, $11..Vi. $12.(Kt. $12..VI and uii I'liH- |«t| Ilf Kllin, *2 hihI S |»pr foHil, warde. A«k for ilisi-oiint on ijiiiiutltie*. 1500 W Van Buren, Cbicago, Ill. A. J. SMITH. kAiit (ooiiolltloiii. ftiii M imI r. O. !».. •ulilfH't to SCHOMBERG CIGAR COMPANY o'«iirii!im(|4iii. ii|oriti nf pt|iro>«R o'hiirffo'P 139 W. Maryland Street, Indianapolii, Ind. Sli(|4*R. S t A nt'i. mitli iiiiifllr fot S05. Nrw Orleanm. L*. FOR SALE OPEN TIME Advertising Slides We WHiit Mimical Comedy Conii.anlca, Farm-, MeliKlrarnaa, lleiiertoire Stock and other •• Make im-r. haul* |iaj joiir reiil. Thr.-e alhh-* (■HiiieH to t lay Highland Park Theatre. Theatre .o ala 1 2<*i. So lent on liark lot. hut »lli.iNai three e<,lor«, 2."i word* eaih and ■llreetleiia for CIRCLING WAVE huildii.g: khoie rain or ftblnc; llticral lerma. ISIg tnmlne** We get our money In car fare*. making .voiir own at laime for Ihri-e eeiila i-aeh. Armitaxc A- (liiiiiii make. lAteat nimlel. Ma IhHik oiiiy BrHt clana trou|ie*. Write or wire. JACKSON BY, A LIGHT CO., Jackaon, Tano. for a d.llar hill N W. AMU8F.MENT 8YN- chine run two iiioijtli* laet ki hmui. Am M-lliiig j DICATE. St. Paiil, Minn_ whe«-l on aeixnint of going into other 'iukIih-h* Rin FOR ONE DOLLAR I. rhallenge handciifT myatery; 2.! Wheel booked lor thia aeaaon in Street Car Park OlVa amdlier inetlKMl. «lii.|il* apiiaratua; a, great narking eaae in city of 85,000. .tdilrcK* Boa P., Vu7 Schiller mjatery; 4. chalirnge eacaiie from any large eafe .,r vauli: r> challenge l.arrel eiM'aia-, Bldg., Chicago, Ill. «. laleal .acaiM- from barrel fliird with walei. inii Imked; 7, aiih.titiilh.n Irnnk iiiya'iery n a>le from any trunk i h, lloiidlnra fainona |>a|>i r hag .-aeaia.. h, challenge ewane fniin any WANTED MUSIC ARRANGKD I’faiio, hi and orcheBir* ordinary trunk; 1, niak*-. Del ihU art then'gel ihe money I! flat IromtHiii.. player wh.- ran do palnilna STORM. Kippodro-ne Theatre Bldg., Lezing on. romiilele Mx-n-ta and eff.x-l*. ezpllell inetriirtlon*. etc . for Hie almv. 12 eaf aie.a II lai ami paiM-r hanging Addrea* al om-e TARL Kentucky. no..v. MAGICIAN'S SUPPLY CO.. (16 Beaufait Aye., Detroit, Mich '»r.|. r WIMTH. aery. City Band. Mt. Carmel. III. PA>W»E)RiiPAvS SSS'SSrs lEgylf 1 a


ly - Ulunil wuulii have made a.-^ fast ■r''V fi- ji (' ^3^ time a.s his< wife and friend.>i. who lode r P 1 ft- —f.. _ - - in a Tullman all the way from Fitis- Kt^ ') ' •'^ burK. were it not for the fact that he c^—— was arrested in Omaha ;us a tramp. ' ~NHarry \V. Hlond. Kddie Burn.s, the former pugilist, and William and .'■3w aiB^ Karl Norrington. dry goods men. were ^ arguing one night two weeks ago over time made by travelers. Blond ans." Bloml’s wife Joined the party, setting out from Pittsburg with Kelly and the Norrington Brothers. Itlond had luck, and managed to make the brakebeams of the same train that took the party from Pittsburg. He

John Fox. Jr., the novelist, who was marrie«i recently to Fritzi Scheff. the prlma ■■^^7 When Harry McMillan went to Los Angeles to try to pany's houses without t>roper notili- ;''/.J u i • the rent accounts straight. fi f1 ^ ‘ ^ a thousand laughs since it was told. _ and finally the superintemlent. In his » McMillans arrival in Los Angeles had ■ ' X exasperiitlon. resolved uf>on stringent ^_w_ been announced in advance. Stories I / mi . measures He therefore posted the were pnntetl in the southern new following notice, w hich is heieby reproihiced verbatint -orthographv. syntax pers to the effect that he had to ’’get dem presents back" or take 1 '* Hoffman’s life. Kach day McMillan i f Notice to all emidoyes was repres.nted as increasing in v WWr ■,,. aney Person or Pmsons tlmt Mooves Into . wrath as he approached Los Angeles. ‘ be I’ut Gut Withottt nnney t'einmon.x and the general otdnion was that ^ Ham It 1 Must anil Will have some Sistom there would be blooilshed in sight if ...afiiii.. the rival lovers met. Ju't as the feeling was the Hoffman and his wife were s. ated at dinner in the dining room of the Hotel .Alexandria. Suddenlv the - wilnew,.,! ;it the . • I le rhi'atie, Butte, Mon- boy who calls the telegrams and cards came into the room and bawled ick S\monds. the king of monologue men. wa,- • Mr. Harry Mc.Millanl” choiee bits to a i row led hou^e, one of the lad> Hoffman .-tarted. shivered and looked afiprehensivelv around. Mrs. _ patrons was sei.-.ed with an uncontrol- Hoffman started and blushed. able lit of laughter, and It looked for Mr. Harry Mc.Millan!” came the call from another i>art of the room, a whib- like it would becitme eiuiiemic and there was another start and blush. ''.'*^1^' with 111* e'ience. . Quinn .\t a near table sat Harry Gillig and I.ew Hanchett. Gillig was ill, but realizing ttiat it wouid be impossible his old love lor a prank was strong within him. He saw a pile of plated ^ for Mr. Svtuond. o itroee*'d. and trays and silvercvl ware was on a .serving table just behind Hoffman. Sud¬ , knowing that the bulv hail a |»erfeet denly s’.if'ping a dolhtr to his waiter, he saiil; I light to laugh, having paid her ad- "1 11 give >on that if you’ll knock over those trays!” , , \ mission for that I'urpose. ijuickly sig- "Mr. Harry McMillan!" came the call again close to Hoffman's table. '/ nailed the stag*' iramiger for the pic- "Pang! Zanz! Jang!" ” line sheet and put on a film entitled Hoffman leaped clear off his seat. His wife nearly left her ch.air. The lem.v." and uult'iude I e- ored. Mr. S.v nmnds waiters rushed in to pick up the trays auii debris. Mrs. Hoffman slowiy on the luogram. and the ladv allowed an oppor- lomi'osed herself. Hoffman tried to cover his confusion liy going out to lUsement of the audience, who. being goodnatuied f'uy a newspaper. The startled cr«>W(l settled down tii a titter. The most innocent-looking man in till the place was Harry Gillig

f TMe Billboard MAY 15, 1909.

it that apiM'als most to Aiiiericana offers mith Mir\Y/ ’T’LIC* A 'TTT I~* ing more patriotic than this faiiimis c.innict. 1 w P. W 1 I 1 r*./A J fx r*. A half hour ais'iit here makes one's patriotism CONEY ISLAND OPENS trickle to the highest |s>liil. It Is a vivid life _ like |s>rtrayal of the stirring days when Iron clad and "chccsc Isix" liaraiigisl for suprcio acy. A fellow fwls like taking Ilia hat off _ I—«. a IT * MANY NEW FEATURES every time lie iwes the Stars and Mrliies. You VaUQeVllle llOUSC El llrie leave this show chuck full of sciitliiicut and ’ alraiglit acniss And Billlkcii's Temple. And the wise one gis's In. Sols'r fac<'s don't la'long ^ CIUl, hen.. There's a riot of fun. I'ucotiai'loiisly .vou do things that makes every one laugh—you ___ GREAT ATTRACTIONS IN EVERY PARK the heartiest—its a scream, every one isiutrlb utiug his share. "A lllllc nonaciis,- now and then”—and that's Just why you visit the tcni \)D|I| I Iryen IVlaV I onln pie. Ami then you circle about vistas of grci-ns ^ WJJCIl IVldy I CHin, I laying and blossoming hints. First this anil then that. i i* i /^i A Thousands Sp>ent to Make Dreamland, Luna Park and Steeplechase A hundml money teasing exiilhita iMiifnuit you J-Jlgh-V^laSS Attractions-Other and its all gissi value for the dollars you o ' New—Only a Few of Last Season’s Concessions Remain — tn- s|s'ud. Some will Jouriiev down to where "Jack" v i • lY * / Blniis the C. g. D. h-ro bolds forth. Its a iNCWS ID Ejnei vivid pr<>sclitatti'n of the sea disaster that si'iil tire Aspect of Surf Avenue Changed the young Iwro's names across every continent _ Fred Thompson bimsi.lf pnsluceil Tlio Sinking of the Kepiihllc and that very fact Is Its guarantee. From there you try to And Tlie The new theatre In Krle. Fa.. iM-ing built bi Ixwt vllrl ami Its a merry task—or |«isslbly Andrew F. Meschler, and which was in IllirrHil Cose}’! So say Wf all, hlfc kida ^ are gratitied with a jmp or two at "Teddy's a trip thlMUgb The Hiiiiiaii Laumiry—and every .\|>rll 1.. Imt was not then flulabed. will and litllc. And tliere will bi- about a half mil- ! Lions in Africa,” it's giaal a|>ort and iiuite safe. wrinkle of care Is simsitlntl out. Aiul then we on Monday evening May 10, with high rla«a tan lion to Join the morry-makiiiK- Nover In tbo And now we're only half way round the park have the Newlymmls. ami the Chutes and the devllle. liiator.t of Conoy Island has tliore lai-u ao much ami haven't seen even half at) far. The Great Virginia Bell, and the Bounding Bell Bony, a Mr. WeM-hler has leased the theatre to tli. |ir. (laration. wirli vxpenditun*. such novoltios Divide, a Bcenlc ride of exceptional beauty new riding devk'e full of nierrimeut ami the Colonial Knler|irlac's IVi.. of New York, which and 80 many itooil tliliifts to offer the r<‘creatlon drowa linmcnae crowds and Juat below la Mont circus acts and a liiimtrcil other things that will contliiiie to run high clasa vaudeville all ■oe-ker. Tile entire lenictb of Surf Avenue has Hlanc and X'enioe. two master aiuiiaement con- please. Such then arc the offerings one uijiy suiniuer. Tlie tlicaire seals l.iaai |ieu(ile, an.l iMM-n iialiited and rt-built, Stee|deoliase baa (tone ce|itions. A little further on la Willard's Beau¬ And at the parks. will (day pu|>iilBr piicea. The atage la one of under the eariienter'a hammer. Luna baa been tiful Melislla. and here's how it is described Gaston Akoiin. proprietor of lama Fark. Faris. ' tlie flnest et|ulp|ied in the c.muiry amt the ti|>ia-d In tona of paint and Dreamland la the by the conductor. "An attraction as unique has again oim-ihsI the Sea Beach Falace Skating drcvsiiig rismis arc complete, with steam heat <eolal events every Saturday will Is* a hattan follows rinae with tempting allun‘menl8. I swtH-t music, such as the heat, the light, air. featun*. friction and electricity. A musical sawmill In I'rolialdy no where in all the world haa any | Mr. 1., C. I.ewls. who for the past three STAGE EMPLOYES ELECT OF¬ one park undergone such complete changes as j full o|>eration, the girls with ca|>8 and aprons, .rears has be<‘ii running a photo studio on Surf llreanilanil and to Ceneral Manager Samuel Gum- | cutting up the musical blocks of wood; a garden .\venue. Coney Islaml. will ojs-n on .May l.Mb at FICERS. |iert*. Greater New York owes a sincere debt of i of lifelike flowers producing the swt'eteat tla* same stand. Mr. Is*wla' Ciuiey Island Ex¬ gratitude. Under his suia^rv'lsion lh<‘ old park ' strains of music; a grou|i of twenty monster press is known the world over. He alsn runs has la.en torn out and new concessions of all ' grandfather niisalon clocks are made to |>lay two stmlioa In Chicago, one at KK; Stale Sln-x'l Tb«* h«vt* Iiifitall4*«l a» of kinds gone In. Fn-derio Thianpson has lavished I autoiiiatically; thirty-hve heads, or gods of the and the other In Hillman's de|iartnient store. for tiM* 'rhoatrical 8tag«» Eut»loyra* I oloei. thousands of dollars in making Luna even more heathen Chimst' are idaytHl by pulling their There's fun for all. The Island bristles with at .Sau Francisco. « al.. f«e «he current term le-auttful than la'fore. Many new attractions ! pigtails; a musical airship in full flight is things new and varleil. New York ami that tleorge Saur. piX'Blib'Ut, L. H. Johns, vice pres Iiave las'll iiist.illist and if it's a gooil Jolly old I also another thriller, while the bones of a part of the world which summers here will flmi dent William G Kii-k, reciuxllng ai'cretary, H time any one wants this at'asoo Juat dtp over skeleton dance and play by means of the young more Jnteriaiiinicnt at the Islaml this year K. Wllllaiiis. fliianclal secretary; W. Newell towards Coni'V. ' ladies hammering on the ribs, shaking the skull than ever liefore. treasurer; George Kisich. sergeant al arms At a glance one Is bewildered to find such ' or the twisting of an arm.” Ita all true too. Boys get out the straw hats—Com-y Islaml Wagli.T, K'diert Wakenian and Tlieislorr Eibeo. cli'ingi's. Tliosc who Coneyed even during the ; Blake's llippotlronie Domestic Animal Circus I ojien. ex*s*iitlve ctHumlfli'c. Tlie union will at a future winter inoiitba and meeting elect a d^lr watclnsl workingmen gate to reiireseut it pulling and tugging at f al the lulernall'inal snow banks, can not | convention to Is- held conceive the energy, this year In Spring brains anil money thrown broadcast over the Island. Give Con¬ * NORTH ey better car servlis* WINNIPEG and there would la- no park In any land This Jolly bum-h PROGRESSING. so attractive. Turn- a a Just cl.sMslcbsMsl a wasouS. as4.u North Wluul(»-» lug Into Surf Avenue ‘jjC of thlrlv eight weeks which ui> to last fall from the roadway the * of tlilrly-elght weeks tlrst thing .vou notic,. withwlili Twoiw.i MerryXI e r r y •• Is the famous Itreain TraiiilwTraiiqw Co. IlwyTlwy are,arc, Ataiul the U-gliiiilua lanil Tower. Across \A/IXU X\A/fY Its top In a huge. 11 WITH TWO to|itop row. left to!<• right; of this year the Graml Inminaleil sign la rroovr Cor.Cora Mitchell.Mitchell, M.rgaMarga "Ilreamland." For MtRRY ret Mcliiinald,Mclniiiald, Mayme block away a new one miles in any dlris'tioii llie lights shine to TRAMPS, Epps.Eplis. IhwaDiwa McKcy,McKey, •» rapidly being pushed TRAMPS. i> .. ... II ahi-ad. Besides there guide the pleasnre- liottoni:Bottom: IbiroihyIhiroihy HowHow- In n m*w theatre IH-Ing Sis'ker. Along I he Bixl.anl. Jeuiietie Irwin ismstriicttsl which will street on isith sides - are new restaurants. amt Corn'UeCornne MrlbinMclkm •‘e’^oled to Ylddl.L riding d*'vte*.s. ,iop $»!•>». Thill thfatrp abl. They are a will have a large s,.at stands, photo gi.ller- bapi'.v liHrkj buoob. liiK rapacity aiul will liis and what iHits tiiat hap|>.v go lucky bunch. tM> niahtNl to raplil tease a nickel or so c*«»tiipl«*tl(>n. from .voiir iKicki t. - . The l«*»t fraliir** Itt Turning to the en¬ ^ •j* r(*ii(M*rtl(»li mllb tho»*- trance at Dreamlard S'- ‘'7- I m-w theatres Is tbs von And .Stiile.nbord’s. fart that they are lo the theatrical head- cattsi In a rapidly de •piarters. Larger and vebijdng reslileUllal tM'tter than ever and amt commercial section a merry gathering of of the city. ^ affords aninacinent for young and old. The I professioual psiple drop|Ms1 in during the oia'ning AIRDOMES. days. And now Dreamland, with Its uniformed i animals are exeejitlonally well trained, are In attendants and hriglit brass entranei- rails. And i large variety. The entire show is put on In a THEATRICAL BALL TEAM the ticket takers are not alone ornamented as : mo-tt elaborate scale. New airdome being built at Mount I Each year some one contrives something new this year Dreamland has a pay gate. Fifty Fleasaut, Iowa, by F. E. Cmfls'r. who is also I in a riding device. This year a novelty la pre¬ The mi'inlM-rs f>f the Folly of the CImia Com fe<'t alKive and one Is Itewllderisl. Dreamland of manager of the Electrical Theatre there, will |•all.r have recently orgaiilia'd a haaeball team vore la gone. Not a familiar spot. sented in The Bigamarole. Huge tubs fastened be oficned for the summer iu‘ason alsmt .May SO. to a circular track, revolve and dip in a moat Musical conied.v. yainlcvllle ami reiwrlolre shows and play inatcli gaiima with the local rlwha In Some eiuieessioiis. those that oaten-d liest to amusing way, a feature and a gladyly vvelcmie will b«' prcscntisl. til*, towns in which tlm allractem ap|s'ars. New IMildie di'niamls. still maintsin hut for the most one is that there is no Jar or bumping on the and attractive iiiilfornis have been purchased part. n*'w faces and m-w "harks" gpis't .vsslble to improve on this of ojM-n May 10. under the nianagemiut of Cbas. Tlie team Is under the direct!.« of Clint G tlngs an still thi-re and will continue to draw last ai'aaon, but improvements have been made M. Wilson. Mr. Wilson has open dstes for Fonl. who is a im-mlM-r of Folly of tbe Circus immense patninsge. Tlien Just alsivc is Omar extensive and ex|ienaive. There la no waning muairsl, vaudeville, and other attractions. The C.impany. Sami's iluinau Kiitterfly. one of the most lieau- in Creation's (lopularlty. It la one of the at¬ seating capacity of the airdome is I.immi; pofiu tlfiil and attractive creations ever ns-ti in any tractions that give full money value In every latlou of city, will Install a atisk spae».s In the [lark. It should i>rove a big wln- any ordinary park. There's the new hall rooiii. conqiany at Springfield, Mass., during the sum n.-r. As the name indicates, the show depicts with Its s|dendid orrbestra. the new free art mer. scenes and episodes, tiver Hckt.ObO was bridge Just over the lagism. the long promenade + sjH.nt In 11s production and over a Imndn'd p»sv- spanning the laxan end of the park, the con Tlie lliinter-llradford Flayers ofsimd their o|e [>artielpate In the is-rformanee. A Night ert hand, and the long tsiweriHl placea of rest. ■iimim-r stock sesson at Farsona' Tlmalre. Hart In Paris will i>rove a big s«'nsation. The Marine Dotting the whole are tlionaaiids of growing f<»rd. i'onn.. on May Ui. scenic railway with new features. prtNiiiaes to plants, millions of vari colored ligbta and here sHitdo 'ts tn-mendoiis |>atronage of last a»>aaon. you have a ideture of Dreamland, with but Til.' Thompson Ssoeiiie Ilailway Company are one thing lacking—a personal visit ami that la POLICY CHANGED. Hie huilde,-s. Tils eonipany j-ontrols m-arly css<.ntlal. all the rld-'S in Coney which enjoy nnnsnal favor Flllsiwing through a sea of biiinanity, Ita al The Apollo Tlieatr** at Wlim.llng. W Va., with the imlilic. A iisist taiininendalilc featiin* liiirtit a relief to get to Surf Avenue for Just managfsl by H. W. Ib«ers. wlilrli lias b.-en run of the rides is tliat tiny are esiHs-lally safe an Inch of room. Even here the rn>wds are ning biirlesipie since the lions,, was ois-neil on guardtsl against acelileiit In-slde jKiss..ssiiig many ,. Jaiiiniing along the stm-t. Tliere are a liiindnsl F..briiar.v l.*i. fd this year, has chsiig.'fl Its iiiil'jiie .and entertaining features. A new-comer ,, and one cxhiI. shady s|Kits for a lingering inoiiient IK.IIcy and atartiNl with riailtnuons vamlevllle this year is the Kli'ctric Farm. r and sandwieh — Luna Villa and moving pictiin's from 1 F. M. to II F. M . s<'himmel .\ full (ledg<‘d dairy, electrically |; for installer is a merry gathering place for the dally, exeept Siindav. The new |Mri|ev was In eontrolbal In everv wav is in oioratlon. Fn'iii fastidious. Thence on to Lima Fark. Every aiignrated May 3, The vamlevllle iiro'graiii will milking to Imtter making by s<'ienllfic inethrsls ^, tiling dar.xiing white, with a csixy tint of nsl. be cliaiigisi twice a week and the pictures dally. is shown to wondi'riiig thousands daily. Tlie Tie' liaik. as one enters iirewiits an exeep lt. I oiiis Sorelio's Ibs-ii Sea Divers ex fiir.ire of excitement, this year |>roiiilses to I S. Fotts. Mr. Allor lias twelve iM'ople In lilldtion I ast year Captain Sorcbo playsl to make It even more isqiiilar. There's a knack Ills company. eapacltv isTforinaneea every day and the ontlisik in riding the waves. It's fiiii. bully fun. and Is for bigger business this season. Hl« enter crowdisl from o|M.nlng to closing. And then tainment is not only liiglily selentme Imt we pause—at least tliosi* of ns wisi kisiw BLOOMINGTON (ILL.) PLAYHOUSE siipreiiH'ly IntiTesilng. Tliere las never los-n G|).|iiiiore Davis, the s|driled mangier of effiil DESTROYED. a snbniariii ■ exhibition that attracts sn miieli gent press matter. We pause Ims-siw we were attention. .knd then we happen on a te w- rid Iironilsed all manner of things from the pis-ss Tbe Grand Dimts Hoiisc. Ilbwnnlngtim. Ill . Ing device. Ilio Vale and Harvard Itoat Hare agent and slrang*. to say lie made gmsi. There's was burned to the ground. Hsfiirilay i.vcning. originated l,y Mangels. lYBeks are laid along a riot of fun iird color. Aa yon enter lln-rc's Msv t. at It F. M. The bnlbtlhg vsliicd st the ocean pier and a most eycitiiig ten cents th*' oaisl liattb’ between the Monll'.r ami kflii msi |a a total loss. Msnagi'r llvb-lrh bss nor'h can be found lore Tie- rifle cxistIs Mi-rrlmac And history, at least the part if '.'••lied a li-misirary oltlce at the t'astle Tlo'strc H<*rrtiirr \V(lILt Ni'. W WAY <5, 1909.

DAVENPORT LODGE NO. 99 AC STOCK COMPANY TIVE. THEATRICAL MECHANICAL Mi'IIiImth of Davoiiport l.fxlKo No. M aro worklnic ontliiialaallcalljr fur a|>|illratloiiH at pn-a- •■lit, aa then* la a prizo, in tlio fonii of a tiaml- aoiiK* Kolil T. .M. A. lockot, to Im kIzi-ii to the Is Organized for Toledo lirolhfr "wrltlnit up” the moat menihera iM-fon- ASSOCIATION DOINGS Mnjr 10. HtTretar.T fiiierilon J. Colvin aayH that nil iirofeaaionala had iH'tter jirepare for mem Ohio hemblp upon their arrival In llaveniHirt. A numlier of new meiniH'ra were Initiated at the laat meetlUK, held .May 2. A aorlal aea ORDER THAT HAS OUTGROWN ITS NAME alon waa itlven after the nieellni; im that date. i’lana are now helnx completed for holding Mary Servoss, for Several Seasons another heneflt before the aeaaon cloaea. Kro. Iterkell. owner of the Kllte Theatre, and Hro. Miinro, owner and the Family Theatre, have Intended at First Only For the Mutual Protection and Benefit of Stage leading Woman with David iMdh agn-ed to donate the iiae of their thea- trea on any dale dealreil. Itro. Miinro will o(ien hla aummer theatre on and Theatre Mechanics, It Has Broadened Out to Incorporate Higgins, will l)e al its Head |l<•eoratll>n I»ay. Mro. Tbompaini will act aa atage manager at thia hoiiae. Miaa Florence, Members of the Profession—News Notes, who la an honorary memlier of the halge, will l>e tri'aaurer.

\lar> ,Hervuaa, fur aeveral aeaaoca leading woman with Itavld Hlgglna, will atar In atock BENEFIT A SUCCESS. A great deal of mystery surrfninils the Iden¬ Knintford, Duncan and Hoffman, and pictures, for a waauu of ten wei ka at the Lyceum Tt>ea- tity of "BeBale llarrlaon,” a chorus girl, with courtesy of the Colorado Film Kzebange Co. To in-. Ti4edo, (I. Ttw company haa been organ- Norfolk (V’a.l Lodge No. 54, Theatrical Me¬ Williama' Imperials, who died at the Isolation the following managers credit Is due for the 4z.-d by Meaara. Kemble and Kela<‘y, and In chanical Aaaoclatlon’a first annual benefit per¬ limpital. In Toronto, Thursday, April 22. The talent: A. C. Carson, of the Orpheum; Daniel x-lieleH a nniiiU'r of well known rntnulx-ra of tba formance, was given to a large and select audi¬ girl had Joined the Williams* Show at Pater¬ MeOoy, of the Majestic: Peter .McCourt, of the l>rofesHliHi. Tbea«- are Kugene (trmunde, form¬ ence, at file Cranby Tlieatre. Wednesday after¬ son, N. J., three weeks prevlotm to the Toronto TnlKir; Mr. Watson, of the Crystal, and Eric erly with llertha Kallch; Frederick Julian, II. noon, April 21. The bill contaitHsl sixteen engagement, ami little was known of her past Querolli. of the Alcazar. Immediately after V Itowell, Fred A KufT, Je Nover and Danie Sisters and The Bal- erty man at the Star, where the company was jittende

UTICA LODGE GIVES BENEFIT. The twentieth anniversary of the inception of Baltimore Lislge. which was organized and incorporated March 21. 1888, was held on Sun¬ day. April 11, lIKhl. The meeting was well at¬ tended by the members of the lodge and a very •i»y evening, April ’JO. TNrenty vaudeville acta large delegation was present from New York, were on the program, and the entertainment pro headed by Past (iramt President W’illlam T. vldevl by the ftlca boya waa enjoyed by a large Butler and Past Orand Secretary Ben’j Forman. audience Needless to say, tbe affair waa a Philadelphia visitors were beadeil by Past Grand success from every stanolnt. Secretary Chas. J. Levering ami President Gus Among the numliers presenttsl were Overture, Gardner, of Plilladeliihia I.ovlge No. 3. Then- Majestic On.'btwtra. Hro. Arthur Youngbanz. were also members present from Wilmington leader; llultert DeV*-au. cartooolsit: lyoretta Hrmiklyn, Washington, Providence, Cumberland'. Faun, singing conn-dleune; Harvard Houston, St. I-SNiis and . tils Walking I^adder; Brothers I,e Past Grand President Wm. T. Butler in Waril. cbtracter artUts; Empire Coi stalled the following officers with Bro. Ben’j Karl and Emma Gath, comedy sketch Forman acting as grand marshal: Charles Rev I’ Moore. viR'aUst; Gtlday and Fo lol, president; M. J. Fitzgerald, past president; comisllaiia; Mr. FItzgIbbena. eccentric Jos. Dougherty, vice-president; Ilan’l A. Gar Chris I.,ane. mooologist: Rudolph am nier, financial secretary; J. David Cordle, rec ording secretary; Ijiwrence Is-Gourd, treasurer; one act sketch; Tbe Musical Forrests: Wm. E. Meyers, Jr., marshal; Edward Braden, Caa<-y. Jr., planolugue; Margaret I.,aV sergeant-at-arms, and Dr. Harry Boyd, pby Ing comedienne: Waller Wilson, of _ _, EDWINA sictan. Widow Company; Hadley and Hadley, In com It will always remain In the minds of the • dy skit: Kelly and Mahlroan. singing and dinc- RANSON, members as a memorable occasion as the preal tiig act: KIrliy Cahill, vocalist, and motion pic¬ dent now In office was the president when the tures. Bro Frol Waldron acted aa stage man lotige was first organized. • g.r. The anniversary waa celebrated In the evening The •ifflt'ers of the Inige who. with the various Knight by a banquet which was held at Lebmann’i Committees, worked hani fiw the success of the Hall. The hall was handsomely decorated with sITair. are. President Walter J. Stlefrater; and American and Canadian flags, and tbe tables vie- (ireahlent. Harry J. Curtis: past president, covered with vases of flowers and miniature ttam Gutatadt: recording secretary. J. E. Russ: Ranson colored lights. About .500 guests were present flnancitl secretary. Ford 8. Anderson; aaalatant including many from out of the city. A very flnanclal ae<-retarr. Albert H Pritchett: treas¬ delightful menu was served. urer. Lincoln Holroyd. |>hyslclin. I>r. Waller C. vtiliaoa; trusi>ca. Wm. E. Roberts. John Napier, Vaudeville. Nelson J. Mirick; Marshal. Charles Hungerford; DES MOINES LODGE BENEFIT A SUCCESS.

The testimonial bem'flt performance of the Dos .Moines Ixslge No. 101. hchl at the Empire Tlieatre, Sunday night. May 2, was a pronounced success. .\mong the acts on the bill wen* the Mlowlng: The Four Lorettos. Frank DeMoht, Allen. Maher and Colby, Gus Bnino, Rogers and Rolx-rs, riaiidlne Baxter, Selh Twins. Ames and Corbett. Chss. Wortham. Colbum ami Pierson, Frank CEDAR RAPIDS LODGE NO. 94. Jones. Sam Bartor and the Great Kolvlg and Company. The all-theatrleal orchestra, under th“ direction of Michael Abbottl. composed of Bov I Currell anil Arthur M. Thurstoo were seventeen pieces, furnished an excellent musical Inltlateit Into the mysteries of Cedar Rapids dlvertlsement to the bill. Iss'ge No P4. April 25. After the performance the many artists snd .\ E AvolaiMl la pulling hard who cuter to theatrical people to call the T. M. distinction of having the smallest T. M. A. in now a membership of 06. otfleers eleot*'-! were tor Ihe T M .4 home at l*enver. .4. physician In emergency caus«-s so that the Hie World. Prince NIcboll. weight. Ht povinds. as follows: A. Bergeda. president: r. T. Bacot. M's-k Sad A'l and Sheniian Kelly were Sunday latter may notify Ihe lodge s*“eretary, and the 27 Inches In height and .Hi .vears vif age. who la vlee-prealdent: John Kellner. ser attention. with Ferarl’a Carnival Company. He was made Boyle, aergeant-at-arms; Olfford De Glopper. 8al«ti:'tli. Mis-k la trying hanl to get hla wife an honorary member. jo'll and la certainly a gissl fellow. He la marshal: George F. W. Eckert and Oram Gas¬ v-'lng to give a Is-nefll iM-rfoniiance im May 24 BENEFIT DENVER LODGE T. M. A, ton were elected as tnjstees. T. M. A. NOTES. rhe Denver I.ovlge T. M. .4. held Its annual SHUBERTS GET ALBANY (N. Y.) lu-nertt In the Broadway. Thursvlay evening. E. MATT SMITH THEATRE. April 13, the Ilutle (Mont.) lovlKe .4prll ‘29. mid a goval rvuind sum waa raised !>v Ihe iverformance In aild Hie Broatiway Theatre, Twenty acta drawn The ngiilar aenami at Hannanua Bleeekv'r vuit and a fine program waa given The success STvondIng secretary of fre>n the Hir»s- Tamlevllle Iuhim-s of the city, all \lbniiy. N 4 , eksMst on May 8. wllh the of Hie affair was largely due to :he committee Newark, O.. laulge No and tliriH' s|H>cialHes liy mciiilMrs of the onler 'gngi'iionl oi' Frilrl Selieff I'roin May 10 to In charge evuniavsevl of K. G. I.emaater. E. H. 83, T. M. A., and ac kept a large auillenei> eiitertalmsl until long ilv I. the M.irtliioT Snow Sbs'k Coiiipanv will Shi'ffe- .4 W. Hamilton. Sara .4mhiirgh ami cording to hla state pait Hie ’’Wllehlng Hour.” 'e a rvjsTloIr*- of high riasa plava at |Mvi>nlar OTIo Gen.le, nient. Newark Is one of be Tlo- Girl of Ibe Golden Weal will he The annual honetlt performance for I’l ter MeCoiirt donalevi the Broadway for the tbe finest of the smaller .. bill. Ill Im‘ followed by The Man on the IN'ronlo lastg No. 11. T. M. .4 . will be .vee.islen .4 finer array of vaudeville talent has lodges In the Assocla I" Ilox nml olhiT au''i'es«-s On July I. the given at Ihe Princess Theatre. .4prll ;I0. Mem- seMoni been gaHiered tvvgether for any show tlon. The rooms oecu '•a I re will pass out of I In' uiaiiagi-iiiei-iit of Mr. is'i-s of the various Cvuiipaiilea In Toronto at the apiveired at tills i>erfornianee. II Jneoba Into Hial of Hie ShulMTfa who time have donated their servlev«s for the event. 'liss Onetta opem-vl the bill, followed by De plevl by No. 83 are elab¬ HI play their attrartlous lM-glnnlng wllh the Vov niid Beauiiiont. James NeiU and Eilythe orately equipped and a ill soaaiHv, iimler Hw dlreellon of Mr F. Bay Stroator, 111., Isovlge No. 5*". gave (Ti.ipinan, Jivseph Newman. The Sisters Gash. most hearty welcome la •msioek a very protttalde ami enjoyable entertain I i.ekvv-w Cllnlon Tlieatre. t’emi>any. Collins and Brown. The Three Lelgh- Ing bnilher. irllnr down town shout Noveiulwr I with The Gllplna, hypnotists. an

THE WEEK’S OFFERINOS. Great John Ganton Scores for Fawcett—Red Moon)On : H Slanforil. Taylor llolmea, George Behan George fawcett in The I Glia Kdw arda, an I othera. John Ganton. a <1rania by J. Hart ' The playlela will Ineliide Chaniitiig I'olluek'a ley Manm-ra. th«* Lyric Theatre. Not a Hit—Gillette to Retire—Operatic Stars HaveiVC one net coiuedy. All Inli'rliide, which will have RfJiert Mantell in King I>>ar. the Arag Ki‘d Moon, a musical comodv l»v UoU«*rt j Edward Ivpli'a Tl.e Litihoit Itetiel, Joseidi Her Oolf» and Kfmomond JoliDHon. the Mai«^MUc Tin a la-rC* inii'Ical playlet. The Ijind of Itelfl, and tre. ’■'he Order of the Bath, the miialc ball aeen. tain Wild West and Giants—-Broadway Notes. i from .kl WtMMl'a Nellie, the Beautiful Ch' RIC THEATRE—The ftr**af John <>Nntnn. a Molel. >\lth a raal of well known Bruadwa dramatlxation of Arthur J. Eihly’a novW, (ian j iil.i.vera and the friara' Krolle, a playlet feiind t«»n Ac Co., by J. Hartley Mannera. ed ii|a>ii mvihical M'eiiea at the munaalery, the OPERA STARS GONE. Tlie Mnalc Master and Wea Bigelow In A Grand THE CAST: A t.rand |.•rl,ra• cIiildK.iiae. .\rmy .Man. Tlu‘ Uticr win bate a caat of playrm mad* John Ganton Nearly all the operatic .stars have »•'•••» '««■!,ai>M ^Jeone Eawreett i ^ --- -— - — - — It ia also anncnt. And the warh- all proliahllity. preaeiit Charlotte Walker‘•‘J* aa a• j !l«*n. It will Im* atai:«Ml by Vlrti^r Ibrliert Allan Rorlau .. .Jack Wehatcr j ***” *"•' **'* * "ell-earned reat. They are Joy. star III a l>lay now Iwlng a|M-«lally written for Laurence Th lacey .!.!Ey a well-known author Mia* Walker's\>aiaer a j Amoiu: the Incidental featiiren will Browning ..Fivderick Burton 1 “* J'"** h»dleve It many are |M-tulant gns alest anec'** waa achlevi*! through her win Jolin Wilton ..'.Luclua Henderaon I'"’'* iloneat! If the voyage !*• the "Hello, |M*.ple" numla-r foan Havana a«>iiie and arllatle i«orlrayal of Agatha Warren In a daiu'ltig dlvertlseiiient hy Riak and Pr. Morton ." * W 11 Sadler •t^*'**aenwa **la ■aa* hlllowy aa the atndch betwo«‘n two David Itelawo'a Iwaiillfiil and lavish |iriMlurtion ■ rging hv Laildie Cliff, and a novel vauilevllle I>r. Shlelda .'it’li. ’FvAierlckFVr^^rlck Mlllerton "eawms' ladnti liaa ta'cn. It wiaild Is* a Jadot of The Manana of Virginia S^ecretarySecretary of the Golf Cluh...Cluh.U. It Hreeae 7 T" I^nan fog. Tnaihletrotinie uropiaddro|i|M>d ...-ntera In Mr. Belaaco’a forth lisrn hy The .McNanghtona. R‘*t. ('Imrlea Claverinir .Charloa Oav !.** niany an <»|>eratlc ne»*t thia coming production »»f th<* Herman fan'c. 'Hie NOTABLES ATTEND f'l-r'' .Jack Barnea w-mld h.- ahy ten thousand o,^.„ the Engllah rlglita of which he pur ^oH- rg .i„.aUe ^ 'J chas,*! immediately after It* premiere iH-rform- Vt the profosaionai matinee Kiven May Keating .Laurette Taylor r" T’* have chlriwd. krom Im- ,^^1,,^ pi,,.,. Theatre a few w.*-ka at the Hlp|»*lrom<- reia-nlly, there was with Mr., Jaek Wllt.m .Mlaa Jane IVvton ‘T’’'"/'',’ “Inkled miistachea the atory runs will Iw made hy Lr-o Diet out .hail.l, a larger numta-r of repreM-nlatives Mlaa Heator Ganton .Joaephlne Brow n f. ro*'.'LV'- •’•'‘■'T one aeemed to go trouhle richatein of the *tag.- than have la-en a**eiulile.l at an.v 8teno(frapher .!.'!!Malvina.Malvina ixmgfellowlaonfrfellow . **”"**^1^, with a prapplinK lw»ok and all aay Unh PROWLERS TO ENTERTAIN WILD WEST liki- enierlalnmen; ever given In New York Nurae .Cathr'rlne Hearn Ii ' Sreat. .Catherine Hearn |I t ariiaiv and hia vocal .hi...ahlpwnu'k—Tetrazxini'a --- AND GIANTS. .Vnioiig tin- nolahle* of the profession present Georg’e Fawcett saved the plav The "•‘‘•'ar amldtiona. Mary t'.anlen'a hero worahip. The Prowler.s, that univiue orRaniza-i w.r.- the f..ih.wing Miss Anna Held, Mit> Great Jrdin fianton by hla personal splendid sue ! •lammerateln at the Silent City, and the thill of newspaisr men. magazine wrltcra and Eleiior Uot»on. Miss Helen Ware. Miss Franco ' '•It.rc, M s* El*ie Jauls. .MIsa Ruth Mayellffe, cess. Tlie t*lay la built along baekneved lines--- Miss Mals*l Harrison. James T Powers. 4^1 and la devoid of anything that mnkea a are.r drums. — miiml llps-se, Usynnanl Hltchem k. George Ka« (Vtt. Mis* Kathryn KIvIder. Miss Marguerite M.UrSTIC THEATRE—The Bed Moon, a mu Clark. J E Ihsison. William Hvalge. Thomas aleal romedy; bravk and lyrics by Bob Cole; \\ Ise. Robert T Halia's. William Morris. Frvsl music by Roaomond Johnson. I ric de Ih'lh'VtIle. Ihiuglas Fairhaiik*. Rols-rt THE CAST; HillliPl. Charles Cherry, J*-fferson l*e Angt-lls ami the billowing companies: Tta- Beauty Sjsd Slim Brown .Boh Cole The F.vlr Kit.. The Barbehir. Sham. Giving ** .Roaomond Johnson Si me. The Happy Marriage, The Tblrvl liegp* 5!!1 DjI>"»on .Henry Grant M iinle .kilaiiis' Cimipany. The Easiest Way 2 Sam Luena The lions.- Next Ihsir. The Girl from Kectn Girl. art. The Indians on the great parade of Arigona Harry Kelly Joins The Follies of P.sZi are the m-ttlng and color acheme for the second into tjivriti has ohtalnevl nianageiiient of the act. wlillc the aeene of the last act la In the Irving Place Tj-ato* h<“«f parlor of Swamptown. The mnsleal num¬ John Cort 1* homeward Isainil bers hy Mr. Johnson are; On the Road to William Wiaal continues at the Briiadway a« Monterey. Rig Red Shawl. I Manf to la- an In¬ maiiagi-r. dian Oongt-ss. The Pathway of Love. My Lit¬ James J. Jeffries gives to F.ilPv|s-. via Ihv tle Indian Matd and Bleeding Moon. Mivrris route, f.vr ten wvmk* Th- Mivtor Girl, a new Shnls rt shiiw, eome* MANTELL IN LEAR. next fall. At the Academy, Monday nipht, Mr. Jan.'S K. Hacketl gives In vsiidevllle till* klantell's reappearance In King Ix-ar attracted Slimmer. another large audience. Nothing In the trage- Harry nephew of Col F. C'sly. had di m's repertoire carries so strong an ap|>eal as hi* leg broken at the Ganleii. hy Isliig thpmn his conception and rendition of this character. fpvni h'« liorwe One of the most dItBcnIt roles In the whole Is*a’i llafenian Hunter, agwl seveiitvmn. ha* Shakespearian cycle to portray. It affords splen - slgnis! a* Ingenue for the New Tliealre. did opportunity to display a wide range of emo- 1 ('has. Froliman has senirv*! the .kmerlcan tion. __ rights for The Arcadians. Mr. Mantell’s pv-rformance Is eharacterlied j K A P.'s IJ.'ilh Street has g"ne Into niotlon with the same finish that has marki'd hls prev- I managerial Internecine|ual>tiling. have given artists, have sohediihsl for their next Prowl. nlclnres Ions performances at the Academy. Miss Marie the dressdre** suits gossip morsel for a ban>juet.hamiuet. an evening of clever "stunts" that from ad Ada Itelinn leavesleave* for Enrol* next week Booth Russell as Oonrll. and MIsa Lillian Kings Add to this the Dippel GatflGatti Casazza friction, a vane* Inf.irmatlon shuiihl prove dlvertlmr In the *’She■"' will >iiniinerr at DriggI In CmntHTland. bury. Miss Edith Campbell and other memhera ! few siiiilhblessipilhbles fnanfrom the TeutvmlcTeutonic element and a extreme ■ |r e niv.riing in tlie Thv Wolf Dog. ,tw Engem- Walters, was of the company were effectively cast. few final flings hy overlookedoverlookcl genius with as-as on Fridav evening Mav 14 ihev will entertain rirTTriTTv Tn vctt-ov plrlng Ideas and the entire situation threadsthread* ia the New York iCiants'i aii>l iTilrag.* I>as,-hall Llllh-Lillie Fl*li laIs q'llelipihl now—Fred Thomiison ha* OILLEITE TO RETIRE. | pio,plot forf^r the realestrealcst farce comedy ever written, teams, ami Itay and 'tiielr"'giieststhilr guest* Vlllwill Inh turn f'luni.-aeheil the three hundred that will go to poaterlty a* gems of first water. Mr. Belasco’* firm Ivellef that the coming year hoya. Indian chief*, tlie hnselvall team* and the mark lit Tin M ‘n from Home Still he had the artlatr.v. the polae and the un¬ will he one of the most pros|a-rou* In the hla- cluh mcmla-r*. will gather In the arena of the Gisirge C Tyler, manager vlirerlur of Gleh derstanding ao nivcesaary in estimating sueeess tory of the theatre. tiiclilentally. It will be Garden, iind headeil hy the "Bill" hand, will bu A ('ompaiiy'a Ihealrlcal eiilerprl**" to It* full measure. The stage will mlas Gillette the busiest he haa ever eivntemivlafed. march ufv Bromlway to the Prowler heaflqiiartv*ra lM**n h* ard from, hla h'ller ta-arlng th* lavaf the actor—we will see more of Gillette the play- Franee* Starr will crvntlniie at the Belanco- at Keen's English Chiqi Hniise In West Tlilrlv mark .if M'l.lrhl. and <‘ni'lo»lng a page from the wrlclif. Stn.Tvesaiit In Eugene IValter'a vivid and grip. sixth street, wherv principal meiiilair* will Heraldvi In which the The past few year* have given Mr. Gillette ping play. Tlie Easiest Way, In which the gifted tie InItlatevIInIHatisI a* honoraryliouorary Prowler* Bozeniin maiiiigvr anil IVallcr H*cki"ll. i*> auHior with many triumph*, at tlm<*s almost approaching a Ih-Iasco artiste has aehiewsl the greatest sue BullBulger. Hii. Well kiivovii hnselvall writer, who I* 'he late .Marlon Crawfwril of 1 hi" While SI* vogue—there was a mellowness In hi* sentiment, ■ cess of her carvs'r. No definite date ha* lHs.ti one of tti.- "paws" of Hie orgariizaHoii, will tvT, lire plcliir’ In Hie auloiiinlille which I* a full riehues* In histrionic quality was rlja-n set for her summer chaving. altluHigh it I* ex- [irwpresidi. at Hie giiHiertng aa teinporary "Tom to e.irry Hn-ni ar.'os* Euro|Mv Mr, Tyler nien^ tng. New York and I^ondon acclaimed him and lasvted that Mr. BeIa*<-o will hls ymir.g Cat^at '* Hons tii-ver a word alsnit Hie "show hu«lne** now—he retires! star and hv r strong siipiairtlng evanpany to take AftvAfti-r r ihiIhv IniHiiHonInillivtion ceretniinli**ceremonlv* of theHie gueata.gueat*. which he I* am h an Im;sirlanl fai lor, 1*'" Why? a few week*' vacathm during the hot weather, and-1 theHie dliiner.dliini r. Hiethe remaining part of the night writes In Hu- true liolldav ’ *plrll "It I* verv Ill health Is given a* the cauae. and iin- entlng them again next sv-asvin at hls I'orty willII Is-Is* given over to a iiiimluniiintii r of ivtarHIiigwtartlliig new lieniiilfiil liere Spain lust *• "'** al douhtevlly fhl* 1* ao. Of course, a tvreak vtown fourth Sirev.t Thv.atre In the same pla.v. atiints,int*. w iiichlilch will even eclipseee||p«<. Hi«*Hie former one* wavs liave pictured It 'iiir *ln} here wilt may come to any one. Tliat la natural. I'lll aall for Eiirvqa. for a whichIich have l•.•lrIlliririie.l■.I f,.r Hie Prowler- HolrHeir repii ln*i Soiir dvv*. Hic-ir*. to Cadix iiiil illlirallar there vre some who venture an Ofdnion aa to Its lirh f. wv.ll eartievl holivlay Immvsilalv-ly after she tiitlonIon of IsIs-hig log "Hiethe GridirontJrldlron ChiliChill of New York Corihva. tin iiada and Mal.iga I the last rinse*. vnils hi r short spring tour of several of Hie more City." nnniid place we will sail for elHiiT lliiioa or Tlie question that bothers Broadway I* this; Imrsirtant Eastern elHv.s. returning to Anierica THE FRIARS’ FESTIVAL w.*!iViC.sirt Dill Gillette take to heart too seriously the the latter part of July. Early In Aiigu*t Mr. 4 Fr'ihtimn Un-* \N ililiim i **<1^ adverse erlHelsnis on Hie latest effort? Belasco will Inaugurate Ml** Bale*' vos-vmiiI >w.i . That’s the question. Those who know the Son In Till- 4'lgliHng IlufM-, Hnrllint drama of A. firiiKrfim contalnlnK m.iny novel "" biiisiriani part hi one of hi* mxi actor agree that hi* nervous ayatera isvlsea on New Via-k life which run for S.'i'i isTformance* and Inteie*Hiig fealiire* Is iii'ioiinci.i for Hie iirichicHo'is aensltlvenes*. and there are some who ts-Ileve In the Metriqiolls. having Issikisl s h.iig tour seco-id a’lniial f nival of the Erlar*. Hie pres. '* that this answers the question. Some time ago wiileh will take Miss Bale* as far We*t as Hie agents’ I hih. wtilcli lake* ;.l*ci. at Hie .Ni-w *'*■* Broadway flrsvked to see Gillette In a new play. coa«f. York •rii.aire, Frilay aftern.s.n. May II I WILLIAM MULDOON—ACTOR! HI* own adaptation from a noted French writer. 'iiie of the misil Interi-sHiig Item* on David Among Hi<.*e who will loiilrlliiite to Hie [s-r- New Y'ork bad tieen acenstomiul to Gillette, Ili-la«co’* schedule will !*■ Hie pn-si'ntitl'vu -f formanie iin- Dig* NeHicr«ole. Charlotte Walk- Y<‘.qrsYc.qfs IIKO,iiKii, Wiictiwin'ii .M.Met'iill'MiKh ('('ll! I'HIKh VXJIS"ih- the quiet, the dry humorist, the thoughtful. But Daxdd Warfield In a new play on which Ihe f;i i r, II li-n W ill- I .viini Burl. Eva I’aiigiiay, pla.vl ig Ihe Gla-Balor. the part In which H‘di what a suri'rlse and the critics didn’t hesitate niou* plav wrIght manager la now at work. No I ivn*"""*Ve*la Tilley. Alice l.loyd, : erl Dowiihig all isaspicnHv |ihived. a feature f.v say so .And even erltles some times manage hint as to Hu- plot of Hie new piece or Hie na l.llllan Blniivi li Blaiu In- Bing, Alice Fl*lii-r, | of H.c pro hicH.iii w a* Tin Flglitliig Halil. *« D to make themaelv-ea Intelligtide. The play had lure of the cliaracter .Mr. Warfield will Is- rall«*d vel'iM Wlltoii l.aika)!'. HoImtI Kdeson. waa realised hy William MuIiIiniii, Hic world * a run—the puhlie liked It, at least we thotighf uimn to |*irtray ha* aa yet lM*n given rsit. v\ IBIarii (oiirHi-igli. Jefferson lii.Angclls. Ed , rhsiiiplon .. Uomsn wrestler, who at lire* an. hut Hie erttle* didn't and now Gillette hut It Is *efe to assume that the new role will iiMirHl rn-tMiimi, lllirli ’ nounces hla retirement. tie a fitting siieeesnor to Anton von Barwtg In iisk. Bh’livrd Beiriefi, Fuller MeIIl«h. Henry iC.uiHniied on page |U i

I may 15, 1909. Xtie Billboard THE WEEK IN CHICAGO

CII.\N*e Maatera, a Chicago lawyer, la the .ill ill iiii» InaiKia llii* tlral lia-al |inir»i-ra' phy in My Boy Now Playing at Powers’—Other at Ruah Temple before the eiii of the a».asou. r . alri- HliiTi- Ik M". Tim Muriiliy In ■ play, Katherine Hell haa aucceialei Helen CiilllnaD i-tit 11 !iil .My li'i.i. in 'The t^olien Girl at the I.aSaUe. She comes I I. Ilini- art riiiiifily Im-Iiik pri-m-nti-il at tin- Notes of the Week. from the Little Nemo company.' I I'I k liaa Ih'I'Ii III I'liii-aKi* ri-ln araliiK ilurliiK Hurry Fii-hla will hv- auccet-iei In the Dutch pail Mii'k ami tin- |M-rfiiniiaiii r of .May ' I>art In H.alt>ath'a Napaueea liy Geo. lUlman, .1 »a' tlo' firit apiM'araiK'i- of 'lln- Inili-ia'iiilrnl while I.eatei Allen yv ill continue In the Jew Mra. Wui. Henry Dawaon.Maui K. Sinclair \r^1. iloui-r on am i-Ihk-' Tlila alia, la lln* In VAUDEVILLE AND MUSIC HALL GOSSIP. Kii. having slguei with Jake Sternai for an- la'iiral of Min r.innia Ili'alrW-i- Itrnnin-r as a Wm. Henry llawaon. Jr. .. .Morin Fuller Hill Cralili. a hlKKaKeniau. oth-r year. III! nrlKlit ami inin'li liiliTi'al li- Im Iiik <-y|ii<-nil .U. ('. Turner Moving picture shows continue to be l.ove In a Garden la the classy little musical Win. Henry Dawaon. Sr ... II lln- •(Tori of llial ni-ll known \i-w’ York ho .IMwari Kllla th.- attraction at both the Olympic and the . comedy chosen for the otiener at Theatre Hoyal. I•.•rce Hill . i>-ly w-HiiHM 'riii-ialoiia ifOWiT playi'il liy Min ...RIchari (iKien Hayiiiarket theatres and the iiidiKa.-ineni of a ; gt Hiverview Exisisitlon. Il.lh r.llliit . Miiiiiirliik. Ii an linl<'|a-nil<'nl yoniiK laily of . . . KlaleKIsle FerKUHonk erguaoD low price of ailmiasion la making an appeal! An eyc.-idional hih was given at the Liberty Kraiiklyn Itoyce . ,u> lllrlallona ami wIki ln•'lll■'llt ly liy Inno * result in the inalntcuance of this < Tli-utre last wt-ek. On the program were Hlllle Marlin Dniry . . nli.y |M>i|iia’ for Klrlinnl SoMi n. an artlat. .. vkllliam Beach sort of entertainment throughout the hot wea | Mulonev Salome Sisters, .k. J. Mahary. I.ewT* 'inpriHnlai'H lii'rn-lf In a iaa> that la tioflriil I'.imincior . Ike Ixiwentbal iher. ' riiompson— ' with...” his Royal Hawaiian - Quintette Hot. Klake . II a paraKrapli In oim of tin- ni‘wapa|ara ^'lUll Tei Walla . Irank At the .Majestic this week Is an aggrega i and Gordon Merryweather m: Il••r1••lf lima Imoln-il 'ITn-ialoala i|i*f|ih-a to Virginia Ilarued will oi>en the season of the .Illllua . H li Itlakemoro '*"** vaudeville talent which comiiares favor ! Virginia Ilarued will ojien the aeawin of the airy S-'lih ii .iiul a,'mla him a iioti- ti lllni; him J'-lin KImhall . t-^luani Fills ably with the ta-stta-at of the aeastm'a offerings in'in ' new stiK-kst- of a pl.t nn-iil iiiaili- on aomi- of hla w rirk oiaa isurniiaro retains a follow Ing and patronage of the best ; Ha. kett w ill be seen during the aummer In the • in tin- |a~«i'ii|iHi of n«i- hiimiri'il ilollara whirh At the Illinois Theatre The"hp Travel- variety lovers and in conseiiuenceconst-.pience It lais up : same company. . ',•• I ari-h ««ly li-a\i-a In a ilrawi-r of ■ tahly In ing Saleaiiian is daily adding to the salesaalva roeor.irecord *,*?to them(heiii*giaals to deliver -the ko^sIsgiaals of the kind inInIr ; rountessCountess OljcaOlga von Hatzfeldt has taken Mist Ilia itmlln. of that tday an.l Is .lolng the sort of business •'"‘'•'•iptiondis^*ription of which the superlative may wellwel ! Oisjrj^le ('aloe’s place in The lTIn<*e of lonlKht. .\ mn of management and public. 1 ar*‘ar.’ writing a musical comedy. McIntyre la whirh -he ho|H i t.i i.iit heraelf on the attractive of tbe pliy. n. I>. Ifiak«*ni<4r4* Jullun, the ,I7'-'^The only JatLea J. >»is *»at *7the American Music |: '‘'’i7ta.Vt‘““ i? i .““kasper. '■"chlcil’go'?imn.^an.l Al- lam- 11-rupieil 111 tier faiM'liil rltal'a. In the eol«*red hotel •‘help.** the comtdnation bell boy, Hall this week and as an attraction alone thli ;.•■.tllW hlle. ifler a-'llltlnk the Hole. 'rh*‘faloill “7 i berV Dwan have written a ,,la.v called Human waiter and |iorter. handles his part In a way ^hinin^ and much discussed li(cht of the pinri llm-.iien that Si Men la In |o\e with oni- of alter and ia.rter. handles bis part In way stiining and muon discussed light of the pugl , ’ ’ L" ,, .r...,.r of Llebler A Co.. In-r friemla. Inne .\yr. ami ahniptly leavint; Hist puts to shame many actora better knowi listlc world, is sufficient to pack the fo«my ! ,.7Trfa .icing^m^^^ .iieiii at In-r mothcr'a home ahe junipa hiirrteil wli.i are toying with the negro dialect, and puts Moriis bouse at every pierformance. Jeffries • liamerel Hie sia-ndthrift prince of 'y into an aiito amt aia-eila to the atuilhi Intent ---' The Nlt-rrv Widow, has saved his money and .11 r«a-'>»erliis lor note When ahe arrlvea at • laiiight a fruit farm of one hundred and slity s.|ilen'i unarlira. .kuatin .kyr. a pr'milnent FRANK J. McIntyre and elsie ferguson. ‘ acres in Riverside county, California. .ai'tielor ami ao calleil woman hater, la thi-r-- The Traveling Salesman, at the Illinois, was .?~l to atohl m-’etini: a woman takoa n-fiiB*- tie I naged bv Mr. Forb.-8. The st-enery was de- lun-l a ranvaa Inlemlini; to remain until Thne C jL - -igned bv Joseph A. riiysloc, and the elec- ' t.nk her ileparture. While niinaKitie In •’ ^ irlcal effects by Peter W. King. pie-t of lh<- note ahe orertiirna the ranvaa ami j._ Some one In the audience tli-d a diamond vp a to h« r aatoniaheil view. .k>r. who In -- I ring to one of the snowTialls used in the Snow • lanily reniinila tile ulrl that -be 1« rommittiui; -—I ^ rp; - ..ailing song in The Alaskan, at the Great 1 rrlmliial art liy o|H-nini; anotbrr'a mail, hut rU [ kJ Nortliern. and threw It back on the stage It ■- I\|i atiilati a In vain l.ater. when the loaa _ 1 _ I Vr^ - was garnered by Marie Vernon, wlio still holds .f the mom-i la maile known, .kyr. IM-Ilrvlni: r I ,# \\m\ -, , it. much to the dismay of Naomi I>»r. which la tlila w—ek la-lng pn-aent i liv the ShiiloTta at thi- Whitnev I'liera 11 • ufth • rtimi»iinv to play aroiin«l The engagement of Henry E. Dixey in Mary till* nt'll knomn ahllltv f»f th** m m Jane’s Pa has U-en Indetinltely extended. It -tiif. Th»‘ m«T<» fart that thin 1« a Shiit»rrt pro. W ^ was liille.1 for a four weeks’ stay origUally. tiorthm la snfflrirnt tfiiaraTit(*r that th«* Ptacr llD> lamls Gottscbalk. musical director of The :«f*f*o|nimrnta an* of thr In-vt arp) that thr atorv ‘I -M.-rrv Widow, wrote the mebaly of Snowball- f thr plaT will hr am|tfy rralfr**^! to th4* y\ ‘ l) iti ' 'thi- hlghlT successful numlier In Ihe Alas- • xtrnt of Ita er men. Tl**atrr In a plar rntitird. My H»t. which la favorably with the work even of McIntyre, who another knight of the paddeit mitts. Sam Ber- M„rt H Singer has gotten out an injunction ♦►•iTiff pnwliicr.l hr Wliliant .\ Hratly In aaao enis to have is-en built to Hm- part. ger. The playlet is callml At the Gymnasium, Mrs. Anna Sinton Taft, sister in 1 ■ »«tlon with liiMiia K Wirlia Tlir play la a humor of The Traveling Salesman hits home and furnishes opisirtunity in a small way for an ^ l-resblent Taft and Charles W. Murphy, r..npHlv of charactrr and nintraata from tlx* with the knights of the road and la broad ami admiring public to have a gjimiise at the man „r,-i,ietit of the Chicago National Club, of Rupert Hughi-a. who la f.ivnralilv known clean enixigbenougb to suit and please all. who is exia-t-teniis>seii of while merely iucideutal to the Jeffries i Salle Theatre. Ho’Stre hsa hotiaed ■ Siinilsv evening i-erform pre eiiiiiient among which is that piildic. is of general merit and iiiclud-'S Grace Frank WadlMl, tin German Alderman, was In English, was vlrtiiallv the premiere of iM.reiinlkl favorite. The .Merry Wnlow, which Hazard. Collins and Hart. Cauipla-ll and Bar- a IMlU)oartl caller. He la on the vaudeville M. B-.y for but a few ... of that at the Colmiial. Little !mt. Ed. lAtell. and Evelyn and l.iauie IV> F'aye. ' circuit. • -lev hsd lss*n ensrtial pia-vl-Hia to that flat*- »**•!» left unaaid reeardlnp thia beautiful NEIGHBORHOOD THEATRES. The Bush Temple Tlieatre ’’'^'Xi'’*Pl'ili*go Tlie atorv ai.iinds slrangi'l.v like an eplaisb- of «ho\\ aiMl It la quite sufficient to say three one act playlets written by tliicagu pe<>- • nt n('m«p8{w*r and whb'h Involved that the popularity of the ^>aIll The National Opera Company, with ^ Traitor to France, bv Hobart Chat- Mm* nam<’« uf a w«*|l kiMiiA n Am«*rlrHn heiiN***** evinc<**k n«% e\idence of waning in tin* public’ .Miss Ethel Balch as prima duiiua in The Mas- ij,.ld Tayl»r; D<>is'. !>y Joseph MeplrNl lnter«‘*t and ' «leTflo|M*d and hamlled with ell the art and -kill of an elhbnt eompany of plavtra aided '*' flu* dramatie roher«’iir> of fh»* aufln'r The pruduetbm of Mv Itov at I*i»weni* niarka In ad ■litloii to Iho Inauguration of the aummer “ea t Neville haa the leading of King INmIo. Miss Kent was formerly at that Inaia** the lM>glnnlng of Mr Mur liir.-d t’le public to a niU'ic play of tin- sort that Ikiwu Mobil, l.tiundu J. (nrter a drama of i '«'»• , .w *i. a namnAnv at the La- Hie stage at the Alhambra, with the stock company at tne iia aervleo aa a Itrady ^tar iiiakea you wish tht're w"re more iif the variety. SouthernSoutb.TU lifelife, Hio stage : The Iw.i Singer allow a iH-cuiiying reaiii-ellv.'ly Salle Theatre. rii*' I'atapaw. Hff**r a w«M k * performanee at Hi.- I a Salle and the I’riina-s Theatres an- a BURLESQUE. ‘'"mIss'tlraX Reals is suing A. W, Adamirk. O’ Stiid*'bak(*r. 4-IoBrd if** -i:i«.Mn. a.>urce of pleasure to th.- patnuia of this stylo a druggist, for $’J.-i.(kV0 damag.-s. she claims Mif* hold «»\er attraellopa t»f the woek are of i.f enli-rtalunient that iuanlf«-«ls no svniptii.v in a iiiusical priHluctiou for i roslvc sublimate, and that after ualng it * ^ ’olh'nt lui«ln«*aa At the Grand OtH*ra Hmia** .itln-r of The (ilrl or ’ITh- |•rlno^• of whirhwhich Ill'll1 la-ii Errol fiiriiislnal Hie Isa'k and the her voice, ttiirr M('1nt<»Hh and Will ln*mlng ar«* aroring Tonight an.l Siiig,-r has siir|>ass,sl even him- iiiusieiiiiisie at Hie Tna'H.leni. Broadway Gaiety Girls ' ^G(j v.V KingKliigsburv. manager of the Chlcag* '•1*11% in th*’fr rol»% In \ Gontleman from S.df III Hii- nllraellv eliess of Ylndr imalucHon. at ihethe Folly.Folly, Girls of the Moulin Rouge at the om-raOiw-ra H.Hise.ll.Hise. andi W B. Kirby, connected with Ml*. dv«||tpl nnd an* nM'e|% lng the homage of S.'\eral rliang-'s in Ihe oast of the two roiii|>aiiii-s Star and tiGarter, ami Hie Roll'.ckers at the management of Mary Jane’s Fa, are 71”* odlen<'4*a aati**faet(tr% to tli«* arlUta fn in the have taken (dare b-it the costumes an.l st-tHiiga Empire are the offerings made to the lovers nroseciiteil for violation of the Child Labor bw |M»fnt of appr«*elatlou anil of anftlelent ar.- ef Hie “orl Hir.I di-fy liiipn-v.-nient, Harry of burU-s.iueburU-Miue. l,y the state authorities. 'n* aa to raiia** Mnnac*r .\**kln to %%i*ar a Wli.-ii the Olympic Tlieatre rloa.-d last St.-no has su|>|>Iaiit.*<1 Tlghe In The G.ilden Girl HEARD ON THE RIALTO. •b'aaed atnlle. rii.l Miss liia.rgle Calm- has b-ft tin- role In the staff Miss Nellie Revel! with a \t the fldrago opera Houae. Mary Jane’a riie I’rliie- of Tonight wlileh is ii.«w l«-liig jaw ,,It is. rumoreil that the Donald Rob- silver mouiitisl parasol, as a token of their ap Have.I li.-i Miss HIga v..n llatzf.-ldt. Tb.'n- is ' l . . nrecia’.lon. Miss Revell l.aves shortly for De :*i la aun*ly proving a %%inm*r of aterllng \%orth rlaon t'la.n-rs have b<-.-n teiiderial the use of. pr<‘cia’.b>n. Miss ,’‘*'{^*-.7, ’.[jp state llfiiry F l»l\ey inon* than makea gianl the great still rife lb - rumor im-iiHoinal not buig ago to I"*-''’ a*n Sing.-r l'UlU-rlull.-rtoii Hall in Hie Art Institute ami that troit. where she will la gin boo. ting '•■•a noHrea Hint hav i-ti Ilia due and In Hi of Mi'htgan. , i - rob* t»f tit«* pliillHopbiml '•^g)%l*«‘nd hn* »**• iiL’l has Miiiphy as t.. the lease on the I. laT of plays by Eiiri^'eau authors. The season Mala-1 Harrison. Harry Connor. Lucille La ’»blUbi*d n rlmmctiT Ibil will live ou n pliiiu' Sail.' ’niealr.- S. tar Hn-re baa la-.-ii no mm '"'v *’> I"" will last thirty wis'ks. Verne Jameson L.-e Kinney, Laur.'I. (.has. Itb liN A'lofili*. Mifli* \ord*»tn>iu Rud Grvtcbru MriiiaHoii of a n'l H.-m.-iit, Hioiigli Mr. Singer G.a.rg'la>*'> Caine has left the cast of TTie Prince : Dlck-on.' Alfre.l Hickman. John GurMi.Hn nn* two of !h»» Aup|Mtrtiug compMtn niali-lains Hint h.- baa Hi.- oi>Hoii of reiilal for , anolh.'r I1\'- .nan Harry Asklii of tin- Gran.l of roiiigh'roiiig-hl and d.-partial with h.-r hiisbaml for Franklin Hurleigli will lie ‘ "‘7 •rtbv nil ib»» giHnl tlilug«» tlml mii.% b** ••aid (h,. Enrols-. It is said that Mr. Hn.lsoii di.l not Mens.' at the Garrick after the Mary Manner f ihfir work l>|a-in lloii'.- Is im'IiHono.l aa with the Miirphi Trift faelioii In Hn- i>>iilrovi-rs.v an.l lelisli IheHu- r.-alisui of Iho liiigoriiig kiss dollreri-d ing engag.-ment. 'IIK TIIAVFMNG SAIFSMW \ cumilv In c a hv Miss Caiiio in the last act. Miss Pearl Elaine RiN-rts Is but four feet. four mi«. b% Jfim<*« Forb***. mitbor of Tlo* Hi.'lr plana are sai.l I-' .'iiibra.a- g.-iiorally a Will. J. T.'biii. iiianag.-r of lb.* St. Charles, , six ineh.-s tall. f*'r all of h.-r tlire.-story name. I'niiipalgii in Hie theatrical fl.-bl of no mean < boru« l.iid% Mo.. C.'iiteiiiilal Ceb-bralbm was a caller at ' She claims to l>e the shortest player on the .Ilineiialons - ' J'"' FAST OF rHAUA%''rrus At Ihe Aiidll.'rliini ilarkn.'ss still prevails ami this ottle.- short lime ago. The celebration dt** llnlddlt Siir.ili McVlckor IIS ii'i ii.i anr'mii.’.’im-iit lias Ih-.-ii uia.b- aa t.v will la* In-I.l early In Hetob.-r b.'.'ii iContlniie.l on page -R1.) I'liller Hi.'lr suiiiim'r plans ! T I

Xl^e Billboard MAY 15, 1909. The VA UDE VILLE PROFESSION

NEW YORK VAUDEVILLE NOTES. Epoch Marked in Annals of the Motion Picture In¬ t'ellle Stock ('oniiiany, tmirinx the West. Wen It. Itsrton will also be lileutlBeti with etheart. The act is now plai -ig section of the city. Twenty-Fifth Street House, New York. the JelTiira time.

All the way from London comes the i ^ Collins and I.,aMos8. comedy knocK- announcement that B. A. Rolfe left for Port | VAUDEVILLE NOTES. Larl F lynn, the original boy in green, about eonald and Jimmy and | uusts. an* filling a twelve weeka' engagement City Quartette, Julian EltInge, Wynne and Lew¬ LeNolr’s Marionettes, after playing "M mylily Abiialiah.Abdallah. | on the Intrr-State Circuit, at the eompletloo of is, OlllTottI Troubadours, Will Rogers and James six months for George H. Welister aud six ♦4* which. July 3, they will o|ieo on their park and Harrlgan. months for Ed. Elsher. op«>ned a return engage e /-im fair time ♦ ment on tbe Webster Circuit at Edmonton. The three original brothers Of Ollle Alta., Cun.. May 3. Mr. IxiNolr has In pn-psra- Young and three bnuhers will leave the above Another Kellerman suit has been tion a new and novel transfonnatlon number, set at the flnish of tbeir Orpbeum contracts. Max Stevens, talkative Juggler, who Instituted. William Morris has applied for a has been apiiearlng In vaudeville for the past restraining order against her appearing in a few seasons. ha« algned for the coming ai-aann Keith or I'nited house between May 3 and Octo as spet-lal feature with the Speildcn Paige Com her 1. panv. ♦ GUY B. MILLS ♦ Frank Keenan, formerly of the Mr. Bt*n Fuller, of the Fuller Vaude¬ Da\1d Belasco companies, will present The Days In his well equliqssl ville Circuit In New Jletlami. la tonrlng tbe of '40 in Tauderllle, under tl,e direction of M, quarters at 177 W. United States with Wa wife They sail for 8. Bentbam, Madison Street. Chi¬ Ixindon from New York the last of May. ♦ cago. .Mr. Guy B. Mills, one of the new¬ Edward Clark has taken his Win¬ comers in tbe vaude¬ Luclh* Tilton, the comedienne, now ning Widows to the Morris Circuit and will also ville managers world. a|os-aring In vaudeville abroad, will return to produce two big acts for William Morris next Is busily engageil in .America, almiit Xonmiber i. Misa TUton Is season. furthering his well itooked Si.lld on the other aide until then. ♦ laid and active raiu- paigii fur handling on Offers for vaudeville have been a si-ale of magnitude Noble and Brookes are Just finishing made to Emma Janvier owing to the close of and ci-mpleteuesa the for'v •liree weeks of \\'«.atem Aaa tbe others to whom bit Norman Jeffries time and are Wow on the M reputsllnn of being \y 'Taylor Circuit for ten weeks able to deliver the Lucy Weston has decided to take g<“ked solid until September 12 ♦ It la rumored, too, that In one of Chi inoo Aaron Hoffman has written a ♦ cigo'a moat prosper¬ sketch, Antony and Cleopatra Upside Down, for I-Awrence and Dale, after a separa¬ Sbean and Warren. ous suburbs will ht another link in tbe MIIU chain of sliow honsi's. I'rewnt prognwa of this young factor in tion of over a year, have reunited said are ♦ tbe fleld imlicatea that slioiild his plans niiiterialize with the success that la now hla lot meeting with success playing New England Reggie De Veulie, with his dances, It will be not a long while iM-fore his iisine will carry with It aignlflcaDce of control anti time. importance. from the Queen of the Moulin Rouge is now ♦ a vandevilllan. Dorothy Owen is now on the Wil¬ ♦ liams Klehle time, playing Ihnaigh Texas and Oklahoma In a new act. "Tlie Girl »f the West Lee Harrison opens in vaudeville which he claims has never tieen presented with and will pn-aent In New York, about Beptember at Atlantic City, May 17 with Hammersteln’s a marionette show. In the new number twenty 1. a new Juggling novelty with thetbe dlahniosdiaboloa ♦ to follow. miniatun' drops will be carritsl. known as lb*- Four Connors Brothers. The Three Sensational Olivers open ♦ on the Pantagea' Circuit June 7. for twenty twa Percy Williams is due to leave the weeks Ixmls Pincus arranged the h*>klnga other aide for bis return to this country on Dollie LeGray, contralto soloist, has Harry E. McKee has been offered June 5. Joined bands with Master Harry Baernatein. the •^.1 «f the park at Portsmouth. (».. ♦ bov with the big voice. In a musical sketch cn- but owing to previous vaudeviiisvaudeville engagem'eniaengagements James and James, harmony whist- titled The Newsboy’s Luck, and will open at **"wss cfpm|iHI«Hl to decline tlie offer. McKee was lera, ojien on the Inti'rstate Circuit at Moot Vivian Ford, a find of Abe Ham- Marinette. Wla., on June 2i, with 28 wr-eka comedian at tbe Ulllbrook Casino, Portsmouth, gomery. Ala. June 7. for ten weeka mersteln. Is being offered to vaudeville by Jack booked with the Weatorn Vaudeville AaMH-iatlon »un'0ier. Levy. of Chicago. Misa I>*Gray baa been In Kaclnc d* ♦ ♦ for tbe past two years at the Bijou Theatre ,,,,,, , Will Delavoy o|H-ns at the White Binging lUuatrated songs. Jack Hawkins, Ix>u!se King and ’ city. New Orirana. I.a., after a five weeks’ vs The Alhambra Theatre closes on (has.nias. E. SIddona. presenting IiOTe'aliove’t Young ration on hla Penaaeola. Fit., farm, June 21 and will have no roof garden season this neii<.<| at the FalrliankaFalrltinka Theatre. Spring A year. , . ... T ,, flehl. (I,, h"'for f'«neyConey Holmes, having flnlalied six ^ . ■I* Miss Sydney Lucas, now with Jack w«.kaweika in iliellie Eastr.aat for Wm. Morris and Ed. GalOal The Five Sedgwirkn close their sea- Slnger'a Behman Show, will warn lie seen In lagher. pnn June in. and will then return to their home Joe Smiley is presenting a new act, vaudeville, having aigm-d with Lasky's Country ' ♦ In Galveston, Tei . for the summer. with a supporting company of three people. Club for the coming a«-ason. Misa Lucas la a » — ♦ stately brunette and baa been a |a>p<*'zr flgure In _ Azelle Mr'iyeMaye Fowler, ofOf Azelle, Maye * burlesque, having tss-n ffir two seasons with the FowlerKowjor arniand r«fmpBn:r,t'ompany, and Stella Luson,laiiaon. lat^late Dllla nnd Templeton, tn their new Morris Sharp has produced a new Bebmaii Show, and previously with Clark's of Me. Ilim and I (Nimpany,Company, have Joined hands act. The Ihdiltn'a D<-w, n|s-ii<'d on the I'nited act in which be is supported by live girls. Riinawaya. zud■.ti'l will"HI Is-ts- knownknomn as the EowlerFowler Slaters, "Some lime. May 10. at Pawtucket. It. I ♦ Girl." In a high class alngliig and dancing art. 4, Tempest, Sunshine and Company * HI Tom W’nrd, the merry minstrel. open at Keith’s, Philadelphia, May 17. Margie Austin, who was an obscure little chonia girl at Itie commencement of this A OimerGomer In Hair Is the title of the •""* ‘'■"•••d a thirty n»e wc-ha' engag.meni ♦ seMSon. has Is-i-n promoted and will Is* principal sketch•tcl, whichwlileh willWill is*ts* (uvsliicisltrtvs1iir.s1 by HowardMowanl Trues K"“*''< rn Clrrult. R. C. Herz will soon succeed Eddie MtMibrette with Hurtig A Seiroon'a Girls Frrsn d..|l and < 'impany at the Fifth Ave. Thr-atre. filippyland next Miiui Aiiatln ta a tn^ati- Oarvle in The Boy and the Girl. N>w York. In Th«* «k«*trti liaa alr*»adr Mantell's Marionette IIIpp<*drome has tlhil ymin;; wennan who la |KMwu*afW‘d of an ^x- trt**d nt. Jiiaf emicludnl eight weeka for l*Bul Goodroti in Violet Dale will be offered for ♦ the Middle West vaudeville booking by Bentham. I>avls Brothers, comedy Instrument- + ♦ aliata. refsrrt tiiat afti-r rioaing a atieceaafiil Joe Kennedy, the Bout hern roller Catherine Cameron and Company seaaon wllli the lll Henry MlnaireU they have skater, ofs-ncrl on I'lie DiiVrtea lime at Enaley Yorke and Adams are being placed trl*-d out a new act at tbe Hljrsi Theatre, Bay accepted time fr o a r <1 9 MUSIC AND THE STAGE

CHICAGO MUSIC NOTES. Much Activity in the Production of Songs that are Oh, You Candy Kid, sung In the new rxilingbam musical play. The Candy Shop, la published by Charles K. Harris. .\mong the musical numbers of The Designed to be Hits of the Summer Season—News ',1 riiMT are It’s Oulnic to l>e a Very Busy Liet’s Go Back to Baby D.ays is meet¬ , We Tell Him Just What to Do. The I’lr- of the Recent Issues and the Performers Who are ' i The Dresden China IMat*. I’m I..ook- ing with a success that Is decidedly pleasing to for a .SweetlM-art. It’a the DlMle Things that the K. B. Haviland Company. int In I.lfe. It all I>e|)eiida, 1 Hbould I.lke Using Them. Know the Iteason. Adam and Eve, Nursery mi.a and Whose I.Ittle (!lrl are You? They Chas. K. Harris has purchased the all piihllah.-d by M WItmark & Bona. Little Nemo music from the Cuban and Harris Are You Lonesome? and June, July W. .Stem auil Company. The lyrics are by I’ublishlng Company. Jteo'ph V. Herbert and the music by Reginald and August, by the lYiompson Music Co., were Will Bosslter’s big novelty singing lie Koven. The hammock love smig is apparent¬ featured at tlie Haymarket last we«-k. ly the most popular while other good numbers Pony Boy Is a new cow’boy song I 'Phe tllrl with the Angel Voice, la at Ham- are Creole Days. Pretty Punchinello. Prince of for which Jerome H. Remick and Company ex- rsteln’a. Tlie girl. IajIs I-ee, has a pbenom Borneo. Coo-ee, Boys will be Boys and the Cine¬ p<>ct big things. al voice and critics pri-dlct a brilliant future matograph. ♦ r her. Oscar Holmes, formerly connected Kramer and Carroll are using Tom Kelly, formerly with Cohan th the New Olympic Music Hall, la In charge Trembling Case, from the Chas. K. Harris cata- the act. handling ttu- electrical and drop ef- and Harris, is now with Shapiro. bstue. with great success. Love Me All the Time is a new suc¬ pts as well as the business part. cess of the Charles K. Harris publishing house. Words and music are by Joseph _E. Howard, the ANOTHER WALTER PULITZER chorus is as follows: PLAY-SONG. rrace Uobln.son. formerly of the Tell Taylor is at the American Thea¬ tre, Ban Erancisco. singing bis new one, entitled Love me, hone.v, won’t you love me all the time kiMiwn team of Roitlnsoo Bisters, Is now Rain or shine, all the time; Tliuse who remember Mr. Pulitzer’s haunting Uiig alone in a singing and dancing art. Chewing oely and You’re B. CASAO. ville theatre. ihe 'Flower My Heart. Adeline. It Is rumored that the burlesque wheel Is going to build a new house here, although He baa charge there are several large bouses that could be The I>oherty Sisters, a well-known of the professional used for burlesque, the Winter Garden, Dau- team of singers and dancers, have added In the department of M. phine and Shubert ’Theatres. These bouses are now showing vaudeville and moving pictures i; ..! old I nited Sisl.-s to their act. They are W i t m a r k and pn-pariug to use oHo-r publications of the and have leases running several years. Prob¬ ably some arrangement will be made with one Tb'impsoa Manic Co., Chicago. Sons, New York. of these bouses to run burlesque. A New Orleans symphony orchestra Is being organized In this city; It will be under the di¬ Coy d® Tricky claims she has two rection of Severin O. Frank, and will be com- nifty songs In That Dreamy Rag and What’s ;>>»sed of aiiont fifty of the best musicians. It the t’se of MiKHillght W’h.-n There’s No One is their intention to play classic music. This 'Round to Imve. Will Rosslter stands ready to organization will tour the country next winter, back her Claim. giving concerts. It is being supported by the best business men of the city. The two concerts given here by the Dresden Ktnch and Vyne are sinRinR What’s Symphony Orchestra were artistic successes, and the i'Se of Moonlight When "nicre’s No One appreciative audiences voteerlal Musical Trio, Maxine Wells. Kurtis and write to Ronsiter from Sheedy’a Theatre. West¬ pany for Naughty Eyes, Llia. Denver Town stnet. He la putting out a iM'w song hit I Bus*e and trained animals. Delavoye and Fritz erly. R I . that I Like the Way You Two^ and When Matilda Sings. The slides are made callevi IKvrnndo. RestrofT's .Metropolitan Concert Band and mov- Step, makes a fine number for them. in Florida and a New- York office is maintained ' Ing pictures. at 24 Stone street by J. G. Casanovas. 'The Little Detective is being presented by Kilith and Marie Btraub have found the New Lyric Stock Company at Blaney’s Lyric. , this week. Csmllle will be offered next week. Terry Sherman Is neKotlatlntr with a ballad much to Ibelr liking In Rosslter’a Twl- Man.sger Jules Blstas, of the Orpheum. an¬ M S Rrnthan. Ihe Eastern bklng agent for llgbt .\1. GoldflnKvr still remains as gen¬ vaudevlUe time lie exi«erla to pvit on a new eral manager of the Cohan and Harris Music nounces that West End Park will OfM-n May ft. novelty act In a short lime. Publishing Company, the firm retaining all Ita The attractions will be advanced vaudeville, NEW YORK MUSIC NOTES. publications written by George M. Cohan. The which will be book(>d by the Orpheum Circuit: professional department has been discontinued. Tease’s Military Rand and moving pictures will lAive Me All the Time, Nobody rotind out the bill. Many Impnwements are be. Knows. NiJmsIv Csres. lavve Me Just a Little Shapiro has purchased from the Co- Bit. and Fussing Time, piibllalicd by Chas. K. ban and llarrla Mualc Publishing Company the Be Mine To-day is a new ballad Harris are g<4ng Mg numlieni aiing In the Cohan and Harris Minstrels snnounced by the Trebuhs I^utdiahing Co. It la Including Rig Ittown Boo Loo Eves, IKvn't go In Inr EdwanI Laska. wbu was res|ion8tble for 1 Ihe Water. Daughter; Kmniallnc. The GIbeivn Would Like to Marry You. How Would You Doctor Howard D'Noll Is making a Coon. Kiss S'our Minstrel Boy Boisl-bye. Oh. Like to Spoivn with Me and other successes. hit singing. You Ain't Talking to Me. Gee! I’m You c.voo and Good, Mr. Ragtime. They Glad I'm single and Meet Me In Rowllme, also have Meet Me In the Rosetime. Rosie; The Whitewash Man. None of Them'a got Any¬ La! La! La! the famous hit of three thing ivn Me. I'm a member of the Midnight showa in New York and a Parisian crate Is pub- Cn w. Take Tonr Girl to the Ball Game. I.ove llshiHt by Loo Feist. It Is also published as a Smith and O’Dowcl. late of the late Dsvs, My Ganlen That Blooms for You. Nell song with French and English text under the I title Nemo Company have been entertaining Brinkley Girl. Song of Ihe Navy. When the title. If You .Alone Were Mine. ' iii.levllle audirncea with Oil! Miss Malinda, Girl volt Iswe Is Iswlng. Sivciety. They Always since the show d.SM-d Follow Me. Onler Weilding Bells for Two. Melville Gideon, the boy composer, has left Shapiro and aigned a contract for ex¬ rn Get You Yet. Little Girlie, by Isn’t That Flnough for You? is an clusive service with Remick. This firm baa alao Shermans. Eleanor and Terry, and piibllahew I love you When Your Heart Grows Weary, More than any girl I ever knew; I* SflloH wnng Nora Lo®, a now IVarle. -Alone and That's AVbat the Daisy Said, Ev’ry little star that shines above you. are publications announev'd by the Roth and song with a war story. Just piibllaheil TA'Ils me yovt’ro the ool.v one will do. Redding Company Tbnmpom Music Co., al the Btates re- Isn’t It enough to know I’m longing. "To comfivrt Toti wlion you are feeling bins And when 1 tell yoti honey. Felix Feist has returned from his I’m saving all my money. Wright anil Wright report success hivneymivon and Is more energetically piiahing the the ciwm ciimlc. I Didn't Ask. lie Didn’t Isn't Ihst enovigh five yovi? professional Intereata of Ixh> Feist than here- ' so I Ikin't Ki»>w, a Rosslter publication. toforv'. Ten thousand copies of the ntusic .loiD's used Jungle Moon, of The Beanlv S|>ot. the musical show recently Dear Hudson-Fulton Days, it Is an- victor Kremer Co calaiogne during opened In New York were sold during the first msino'd by WItmsrk. will l>e the official march I tile OI,vmplr Music llsll. week of Its ppslnctlivn. by Hm' puNlshvrs. Joseph for the Hudson Fulton celebration. A iLT o a r d may 15, 1909,

Amuse men t events . . . of the week News From Metro

Ringling Circus Surprises and Captures Philadelphia big money for the taking ,>f the ground oulsldc The Smart S,-l was at th,- BiJ,,u this week of the Isiar.lwklk for park piirtsiM-s. •At th,' A<-a,l-in.v. t’arr'- Th,,r,,ughbr,-,ls wa- Because of Its Magnitude and Quality—Welsh Bros.’ The Is-ni'llt given tiy Miss Blanche Bates, very well r,'«-,-|v ,-,l by a fair sl«,-,l ainlieiu-,- .kpril .’to, ut the Lyric Theatr,-. for a hs-al Fre,l Irwln'a MaJ,-slli-s. at th,- Gayely. la th,- hi>spit.-»l, was a financial siicci-ss Pn-sldeiit Is-st Uirli-sijiie ha,I at III,- Gayely this y,-ar Circus Opens in the Quaker City—Rapid Approach Taft had given a check for fifty dollars for a an,l il,-s,-rves all the applans,- |t ro-elvcj gallery ticket, and this check was aucthmisl Tin* Dn-|nesn,‘ this w,-,-k ,>17,-0, s,,|ip‘lhliig rrls was BALTIMORE, MO. son was the wife of Charles Siegrlst. of the formerly a tiright memlM-r of ,llff,-reul musical Important Cities—Mo¬ Barmim and B.illey Slsiws. and dieil after ii'mi-ily comp.'iiles. having apis-ariHl with Fran an Illness of nine da.vs from pneumonia. Queen els dVilson. Frank Daniels, and lati-li was nn This we,-k Is the Is-ginning ,,f the eml p, Mab has also rtveive,! word of the s«-ttlement iierstud.v for Miss I.nlu Glaser Mr Walraieii tin- tbealriral s, ason Th,- n|>| Monumental of her father’s estate in Belgium. an*l that It tion Pictures to Reap came to this city thn-i' years ago ami was fiir was th, first to ell's,' last we,k Th,- .\i-s>leiii< win Is* necessary for her to mak** a trip to a lime at the Graml l>|M-ra llous,-. H<- was will fall it,to IliH* this wi-ek. an,I F,,r,rs an,! Rrussids this summer. Queen Mab In private engag,sl by Mr. Hanimerstein f>'r the Phila tin- .Ainlltorlnni will also flush Iheir regular life Is the wife of Cas|M'r 11. Weis, and the <1, l|ihla ,>iw'ra House, and during this season s,'ason ip-xt w,-,'k. Ttu- IB,III,lav .Sir,'«-| wi|i Rich Harvest. pair will go to KurojH* this June. .\fter at¬ has made many frlemls. Ttie happy couple also flnish It* r,-giilar attractions tending to the estate, they will make a trip went on a short welding trip, anil will retiirn this wii'k. Th • G-vyely mil the Mirylainl bav, to the Midget City in Paris, where two hun to the litv this w>s-k. Mr. \Valrai,'n will s, v,-ral more wi-i'ks iMndie,! dr**d midgets, under the management of X. Is- at the Philadelphia Ois-ra Hou«,- all sum¬ May IB-hson furii.shes Biiiiis,'in,-nl for ,1, sing Gerson, are doing a good biisinesji, mer. lisiLlng after advanci' subscription sal.-s Wi'i'k at the .araileiiiy of Mn»l,- g.ssl h"Us,-s Tlie Wicomico Cimnty Pair will b<* held at PHILADELPHIA, PA. for next season. The entire si-ason haa Iwn-n n.- «t i>r.>tltal'le atet Srllsbury. Md.. .\ugust 17 2ii. and large pune-s Josh Daly taki-s time to run ov,-r from the un'bHihtisllv the npmt sii,-,-,n,sful Isith artlstl, will be given for the horse ra s.-,- h» numerous ally .ami flnanclally. th« re. friends her,'. He is liHiklng after the bs'klug .M.av'iiitllan Fosler’a lal,-st efi-'ri. The Whirl After a w<-ek of Ktorin and rain, wliiob failiM Thomas Hargreaves has been in thl« city ev |Hs>l was the attraction at Ford's The play to Unit husinesa murli at the tbeatrea. the for a niirntwr of tl'.e big laiiileillh- houses ery day lately, purchasing new projierty for ri'C'in'd a very cr,',lltahle Inti-rpr- talion m Ih,- flrat trc-k of May o|M-ni-d with a clear day ronlrol,'l. The English Graml i»|wra Company pr«-s,-nt- ' ■bon liualneaa waa in the xilnk of condition on hits had a very successful season at the Grand where It win bi' instalhsl In Dreamlaml for the Madam ButB'my during tin- w,-,-k at Ibe l.yrl, that da>. The event of the week la the ap- Dliera Hoiis**. Chester. Pa., and. as be will (learance of Rlnftlinic Itrothera' Showa at the summer. Tills exhlhlthm ois-nisl here in De Biisln'-ss was blit fair, although the c«m|>aii, send his sliows out e<|ulp|>ed In first-class style, cembi-r, an,I although no a,lv,-rllslng was ,lon * g-iv, PiiecInI's Work a masterful r''iidilloii .\,l capacii'iia lot at lOth and Hunting Park ave¬ he expects to do a lot of business this summer. It has drawn big crow .Is every ,Uy It was elaiile .\,,rwisvil. a Balt np>r,' girl. Inler|iret,-I nue. After one of tne longeat and b<‘at atreet Harry and Bailie Foster, now with the Welsh llie role of .Mailam Putlerdy and score,! a ,lls paradea ever given In thia city, the ahowa op¬ op,-n. Brothers’ Shows, will pn'seiit a new sketch The five trains of the Ringling Brothers’ tinct (M-rs.-nal triumph ened on Monday aftemiam to one of the beat in vaudeville next season, entitled The Toll show- made a retairil run from Br,'oklyn, May Til,* Pag,' Stin-k Company pn-sentinl Tie opening matineta a circiia haa ever had in Kieiier’s Daughter. 2 The.v arrlvinl here early Sun,lay morning IBhis., of a TIPHisand Camll -s as iis last wc-k > thIa city, and at night the big tenta were tilled. effort. Biiaim-ss was only fglr. Bualneaa alnce then haa ta-en enormoua, with Henry Hoafield. a well known musician, who about five hours ahead of the usual time f>>r a I irciis to make the run from that cty. The Msnsgt-r S« hsubergi-r has .-mother toj, noi,-h tiirn awaya two nlgbta ao far. and nearly the had been with Dumont’s Minstrels for a num¬ trains came in fiflen minutes apart, ami every¬ hill for this vve,'k. Bark to l„wa la a highly whole houae aold out for the reat of the week. ls-r of years, and who also played with nu sure ssfiil sketch, and Wilfreit Clarke ami Co. The abow la one of the atrong>>at ever given In merous other theatrical enterprises. dU-d In thing was on tbe lot and up before noon on thia city. Strong acta are too niiraerona to men¬ this city April 27. He was .IS years of age. Sunday. In What Will Hap|M-D Xext. was e big laugh The Farmers’ Fair will be held at Wllmlng Ben W,-lrh's Hebrew and Italian rharari, rita tion. but the Schumann horaea, the double aom- His funeral, which took place April .3<1. was thins; Fri-il Watson. Tlie M irrlsey Slaters. Ila eraaiilt of an automobile ami feata of atrength attendeil by a delegation from the Klks and ton. D-1.. .\ug. 31-Sept 3. this year, ami It l« walian Trio. The Five .\volos. Tin* Jiip.ter by The Saxon Itrothera fairly aet our p«‘ople the Philadelphia .Musical Association. ,'xpi*ct,sl that larger cpiwds than usual will I,.' attracted, as many big features will bi* en ItrotlM-rs and neivlng |drlnr,-s rvnip|i'te,l th*- wild. Newapaiier men are at a loaa for adjec- The Riverside. X. J.. Maennerchor gave a gage,! by the proJiK'tors. tiv<>a to praiae the allow, and there la a huig successful concert In Burlington. X. J.. May blll. I'orle Tom's Cshin busIm-ss si tb,- H-'llldsy line every day In the down-town ticket oIBce 3. which was largely attend<>d and was an ar The German Thealn'. of this ilty. Is Just Stfe, t during the w-e,-k esme cb>s«' to the ses waiting to buy aeata. Kingling Brotbera have tistlc success. completing a remarkably successful s,'ason son's record. comiiiered Philadelphia thia time, and any en- Edward Lutr. a vaudeville artist, who was In the early part of the season It was feare-l Thi Victoria. Blaney's sml laihin's show terprlae ever coming to thia city that beara the arrested 'n Camden. X. J.. for bigamy, was that the fii-r-e competition of Grand ttiM-rx a si gbt falling off In the t,iis ness dvirinc th,- name will tie aure of a hearty welcome and fini*,! only $100 and c*ond German .dmericans. ami much inl,-r,'st was Welah Brothers also opened a season of eight Fails an,t Follies iln-w g-ssl slx,sl aiidlen,s-s weeks in this city May .>, and succeeded in wife In a sketch entitled The Dis-elvlng Hus¬ arou»,-,l by th,-lr work. The stm k '--'mpany. packing tbi' tents at the first performance, and band. His first wife Is now trying to raise which has tM-,-n a|i|s-aring at this lions,- all to the Gaycty. have done excellent business ever since. They the amount of his fine so as to get him out of si-ason. has proiluced a niimte-r of m-w- plays Will, tie Kershaw. |,-s,ting woman of have a gooil, clean, clever little show, and al¬ Jail. ;,n,l ii'onntisl the ol,l ones In suis-rb style For the Page .st'Sk Compsiiy. will pljy though‘they have big ofiposltion this week in The Bridgeton Hippodrome Company have next season, a bigger an,l ts-tter fsimpan.v will r,,h's in a IBs-hestcr St sk e.inpany after tie the Kingltnga', the.v will t Theatre, May 3. and the production letic events will take place, and vaudeville -mateiir organlxations. have arrang,sl with mcr Ford’a will again hav,- the Lyman ll--w, score,! heavily. He haa written a numlier of win be addl'd. Charles Frohman for the u«e of one of his last pB-turi-s ami. with the lB,lllday an i Blaiwy • sca«,,n’s suc,-ess,-s for the week that they will also having Tainlevllle ami pictures, there wll. tuneful jingles for the musical comedy, and as Augustus Thomas. Shepherd of the I.ambs. he has a 1 Ig cast of farce comely favorites, play h< rc- In June. Im- pB-ntv of thia lino In th,- city. lame to this city last week and met the local the production had a snap that brought forth members of the I^arnb*. They arranged the The Pbila,Ielpbia (,|M-ratlc 8o,-l,-ty will pr„ Eh'ctric Park will cp,-o May 22 for the sniii hearty applause and speaks well for a long di tails for the big gambol to be held here May ilu,-e the latter part of May. a n,-w n|M-ra by nu-r s-asiMi. Tlie Park was very suc-essful la», nin. Clarence Harvey. John Kearney, Stella 2fi The entertainment will take place at ' John Liith,-r lamg aii,| Wasslll Ie*ps. It Is en se:,son Iimler the managi-meiit of Mav U-'wn Daley. Violet Colby and William Black all Hammersteln’s Philadel|ihia Opera House, and titled Hoshi San. and will tM* clv,-n an ,-lab who will again have charge Frank WlllUtn» made cig hits, and The Dancing Dolls were as a parade of the one hundred and fifty perform¬ orate mounting. Mr I/>ng. who Is a r<-«l,l,-nl win be n-ablent manager .k niiinlM'r of Im pleasing as they were when they first made ers taking part in the entertainment will tie of this city. Is the author of Madame Butt,-r pro,,-in nts have Iwen plsnnisl, and th,- park their apiH'arance In this city It Is a good given on that night, starting from the Penn¬ tl.v, and also of Kassa. lately given h,-r,' b\ will umloiiliteilly enjoy tin- larg, »t s, ason In It* summery show, and will no doubt do a land sylvania R. R. Station. After the p,*rform- Mrs. t/*sl|c Carti-r. B<»B W.\TT can-er office busim-ss until the weather gets too hot anee the people taking part will l»- given a James Young, of thia elty. will shortly a|i for Indoor amusements. supper and smoker. An auction sale of s<-ats IM'ar In a vaudeville sketeh. asslste,! by Cath K. H. Sothern oi>ened to a big business at and lioxes will soon take place, and It Is h'lpeil PITTSBURG, PA. erlne Calvert, a Baltlnnir,- girl Next year the I.vrlc In If I Were King, and will pro¬ that thf .-ecelpts of the Philadelphia show will Mr. I'lUiig will star In a new play written f-'t duce several Other plays during the week. ts* as large as that of Xew York or Chicago. him bv Ills wife. XIrs Rida J-,hns,in V-sing The sr.-nca will be laid In Maryland. Saturday. May 8, will occur the Joint apitear- Prank Howe. Jr., manager of the Garrick and Willie we were always iimler the lnm|M-ss|„, cnce of Mr. Sothern and Miss Marlowe, and the Walnut Street theatres. Is chairman of the that ten c-nt vainlevllle had atsuit r,'acli,',l Its Manxger Montague Jarobs, of tbe Monn entire house Is already s

rrest to the doors, and It Is a certainly contracts were canceled, and It will continue Barniim and Bailey's Big Show comes 21 Mr Jicdw will retain his shar,- In several bur that the iirobmgatlon of the engagement for at that lions,' Indefinitely. Carle’s Boy and 23. May 17. we will have Mlll,-r Bros.’ lot b-sflii, cMiipanh's Treasurer Ss,tiler will lesv. an Indefinite x>erlod Is the smartest stroke of Girl Co., which was to have opened at the Rsn,-h vi-ry a,Min for Atlantlr Clly. where he hs» business that has lK‘<‘n jiulled off hen* for r. Forrest May 10. will play Its time at the Gar¬ The Hlp|.ro.luctlon by the Orpheum Stock Oim- Rmgllng Br,'thers’ Circus will Im> In ti-w" I.yman 11. Howe, who met with such succ,-ss G,'re,-hter. who [ir,mils,‘s an vlvan*,- In acts pany at the Chestnut Stre«*t Theatre, ami all I here last summer with his travel pictures Is It Is nimori-d that Luna Park will r,s>|e-n Mav- 12 an'l 13, and tln-r,' Is ha|i|dness In It,' of the other houses did remarkably well. to picy a lengthy engagement at the ttarrlek this season land F.MAM lil, DAMFI Keith’s Th«“atre Is playing to the banner hr>us<*s Theatre, ojs-nliig In June. Tip Pal,St Stock Co. of Mllwauk,-,-. will of Its history with magnlfi<-ent bills of vau give a spigle |s-rforinsnre at tio- .\lvln \V,-,1 , owner of Hart's Theatre cut devlllo. lies,lay afti-riosm. May 0. of th,- tl,-rman v,-r OMAHA, NEB. I.<-w Graham was warmly welcomed by his lilt tbe regular jicrformance at his theatre May slon ,,f Die Gobl’Xe numerous friends In this city, he having re to give a ts-neflt fo St, Mary's H isidtal. lie K,-nfiyw,sMl Park ois-n,-,l s,-a-!:n Sumla.v M.iv sidl'd h<*re for a numls-r of years. He Is mighty deliver,d a b'ctiire on that night unear,',l there at the matin,-,- May .'i. Ing ti,,- summer. a,i,l Is fast g.-iling It Into The ll-ao' ,'f Ibe Rant-lio will niM-n highest terms of It. This was the inauguration of the tour of that shafo*, IB- haa not yi-t ,|,-rl,!,-d w h,-r,- ttu- Krug Park will not oi„-n Hits s,'ason unles musical organlxation und,*r th,- manag,-ment The Philadelphia Horse Show will he held te-rf-.rmxti,-, - will Is- given. Pr,,bahly at Th,- If Is I,-as,'I or a,,1,1 Tills will 1,'sve llmah- at St. Martin's Green, Wissahlckon, Philadel¬ of Howard P, w. Grsnd or the Alvin at He pr,a,-iil lliiic wltlnait an an,ua,-men phia. from Mav 31 to June 5, and the entrlea A <:eclsl,-n of the t’nlt,-d Stat,-s District An audience that fill'-,! tip- Xlvon and lauglie,! park show that It win be one of the most successful C,mrt of Xew Jers,-y. April 2I». will affect the const.-.r.tly gr,-et,-d William Collier In The pa Moving pB-liirca have proven a big sueve-* ever held here. The grounds are tielng Im¬ value of the piers ,-r,*c|ed at .\tlantlc City, X. trbd last iiIgM It was a t,-stlmonlal [s-r at th- Krug Theatre, and It la likely Ihe- proved. and as this Is the one fashionable event J. Local courts ha,l declar,-d that land out¬ formance f,.r Mr. Gi-orge Allis,,n. wlll conlltiiie iliirlng the ,-nllr,' summer of the spring season. It will draw immense side of the Isiardw-alk was only worth one dol At the Cirand the usual larg,- Ip,use gr,',-t,-d It <1. Grays,Ml, managi-r of the Palm Movln crowds during Its continuance. iar riore than the purchas,-rs ha,I paid for the op'-nlng le-rforinanie. an,I tip- bill was In Picture Theatre, la ,miI of the h,ispllal sn Casper H. Weis, who la meeting with success their rljiarlan rights. Inasmuch as stiictiirea keep'ng with past vaipb-vllle whlh- not fully n-covere,l from his sect,leu’ In his Midget Theatre, has five IiIIi|Hitians erected there were not In k,-eplng with the The Clansman, at the Alvin, was gr,-,*te,| Is shle to Is- aliout working for him this week. Qui*en Mab, the law. 'Tlila will effectually b|,Kk a,'veral |H-o(de by an overtl,,wlng an,I a|,pr,-,-lat Iv,- amth-nce. The Ri'd Mill, at the Boyd. S 3 pr«,ve,I smallest actress In the world, received news who have p.irchas,-d eroun,| and put iiii struct- and tt-, ,ni

In all big cities aside from New politan Centers York & Chicago

Building of Theatres in San Francisco Seems to be SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. al'o I*; 111 Saml/*r'a Miniatiir*. Nov«-lty Cir*iU*-. .Arcadia, in aoiig ami mimia. n-lalim lu-r pUaa II Ifi now iiio>4>rt>-i| tli(t the Sbu- In pii'*lia fator Frank F*«garly. la a big bit In Its Principal Occupation—Golden Gate City Partola 1htI» Ii«v«- l••ll»••l| 111*- nil,- on I’owoll Ma dirt Waak. ami Urigolatl'a .Aarial Ballat. nf«r Murkfi. ronioTl) lli*- i«ll« of tin* I'oltiiuhla lutroilualng a large niiiiiU-r of wbita dovaa, Tlii-alrf 111 jiriM'iit It.. In the rit.r). ronllu'jaa lo la- the novelty feature of the pro Fete to be Made World-wide Event, Outrivaling Th*‘ rail* for twoiilj joam at a ri-ntal cram. of iN-r nioiith. or a total of eare afloriio'ii. May 4. at tba yeara ago at the oia-nlng lil at Bant* g**it Circuit, w aa an added attraction. Iva Summer Stock in Prin¬ $I .VI Itonettc. Ill a wiTch turn, iialng a moving TORONTO, ONT. K A Klabor baa b-aaiMl tin- VIrlorla Tlioalrt* picture of her«<*If for an o|>ening. and a well- ami o|H-nial May 11, witb bla niiiaiial roiO’ traliuj dog. made up aa a pick., was well The Brineess had Brewster's Millions for a cipal Cities of tbe Coun¬ •oly iiHiipany I'oppylamI w aa tbo llrat otTor llkeil. (b'orge AA’ilaon. the minatrel, here just a year ago. was a big laugh getter; m*ver a return engagement, and the same drew large Inic Tho •‘iitlri- liona,-. Inablo ami out. baa patronage. b^on nowly palnloil. ami atiTylblnir looka rl^an dull Lionient when he was on. Mr. and .Airs. Lymau H. Howe's Travel Festival commenced try.—Producers Predict amt brlirbt. Ib-n K. Iiilloa !> foaturoil, aD>l Kohyna. In a dramatic sketch, rilleil The Couu- »<*1 f'lr tlu lb*fenae. was well acteil and re- a five weeks' engagement at the Royal Alex¬ In tbo rotupany an- Nelllo MiHiticonn-ry. Will andra to large attendance, and Judging by KInit. la>rolby Kayinoml. MlldriMl Mannlnj;. cr*lve.l curtain calls. Jack Burnett and Co., an¬ other t.dd**<' iiiinilM-r, did well with The Down¬ the reception it received. It will be a profit¬ Most Successful Season. rrank Hark. Trary Milmmiotl. ami a malr able season. apil frmalr rbonia of alatoi-n Klabrr bat Ibr fall of Mercury, a sort of Charley's Aunt sketch, ami caught many laughs. At Shea’s. The Hengler Sisters. Byron snd Utmoat ronflilon.i* In tbv aiir,.,.»a of tbr Ten Langdon, and Mack and Walker were leading lurr. ami bN many frii-mla bt-rr wlali b.m tbv Manager AA'. Z. Tiffany, of I’anlagea' Em¬ pire Theatre. ba*l an excellent bill this week. featu- s of a good hill. laat of lin k Th“ annual T. M. A. iJ.-nefit was a groat | Mlaa Myrili- KIvyn. tbo yoiini: Clilraico pi The N<*rriaea. singing, talking and musical is still, in chafge of the theatre. Next sea¬ act. o|a*n>-*citation«. was a pleasing numlier. Lib the Gayety. lolft at tbi CblraKo Syiiipbony I'onriTt at s four weeks’ engagement with his new play, j liey anil Tr.ayer. In a melange of music and fhe Kansas City Museum Oimpuny hax’e re¬ lircamlaml. laat Tbiira.|ay I'voiilni; Sin- tiao The Counsel for the Defense, and scored heav- | ■ horseplay, k* pt the attention of the audience. cently installed In Electric Park, which opens apimarml in two roiniTta at tbi- Uni-k Tliratn-. ily. Bitinneff. a violinist. Is a clever performer. May 33. an old fashioned “dime museum.” Hcrkrly. whi-ro aln- •■arm-il a plan- annant; tbo The MaJ-*stic Is drawing capacity business wrorlil fanioiia plaiilala wlio havr ap;K-aml at The Orpheus Comedy Four. Si-ott. Duffy. Healy with all the attractions of a museum and the ■ ml F*ird was an excellent number, ami kept with a girfsl olio of acts and pictures. The i tbr tanir tbratri'. Three Morrises are a big S(*nsatb>n this week, j side shows of the big tops, xvith all objection everylcsly In gisnl humor. The big bit was able features eliminated. Thia museum will San Kranriai o tri'k'* to raiar $150 iklO to The Lyric Is the name of the handsome, up ! made by Chr.'tlne Hill, assisted by tle(*rge be strictly “to laugh.’’ The otHcera of the niaki* i'artola IVtr a worbl'a ovont. raraib-a, to dat? playhouse whli-h will cater to the He- i AA'. .>tharp. B**ax F.sher and Leigh Tillman, company are: Leon A. Keller, treasurer of tbe »la>rt«. nii'ipnTaili a. otbihita amt iiyroti.cbnlra brew section of the city. The Sibert Stock an* plannial for tbr wiH*k Tbrrr will a in a one act trage 31. laith Inrliialrr. la tin- itatr The Fasliioii Plates at the Star did well. Fore>-t Park demonstrated Its managerial wis¬ agement continues to Improve. dom In an early opening. The crowds on the Ira fkinotta waa a Itlllboaril rialtor thia JOSEPH GIMSOX. wiok. .Shr la at tbe National thIa wta-k. moro I.lttb* Hip. heavily featured, kept the Wig opening day. May 3. xvere about the limit of than roaklnt i;i>o rapacity, did an Immense business on for the summer season. This week one or two xxhere in Forest. It has been styled “The Flx-e more will follow. The Century. Tlie Majestic I aorvirat hara alraidy laan aoneht for. and ha Its si“eond wi-ek. IWm Fulsno. the wonder Cent Limit Park.” Free vainleville in the and the .Au.litorium. with the AA’omlward Stock ' la now playing tha adjarant rltlaa. hi*rs.*. proved i goo,! big drawing card for the theatre is alone worth the price of admission. Mission district, and easily carried off the Company, fiiiisheil last week. The .Auditorium WILLIA.M W. SHELLEY. Bon T union, aftar an ab«<‘naa of two yaara. Theatre did not close, however, as May 9, The ; dr«.pi».i1 In to aay hallo, and glad tw ia lAirk honors for first place. This locality evidently lonfalns many horse lovers, who simply mar- I.<>ster Lonergau Stock Company commenced a to 'Frlaro Mr. Itllbm ojona at Klahar'a Tho- summer engagement. Some of the members of atr»' noTt wo.-k aa prlmlpal aomaitlan vebsl at the perfitrmance of this wonderful BUFFALO, N. Y. lionw- Ciofson and Joell offertsl a goo.l the cotnpany are Mary Frances B<>yee. leading Mara., Twin». J a‘ Wataon. Moiilar and Maul- sketch (first time s,-en heret calleil The Hold lady, formerly appearing with Francis Wilson lar. I'rrar. IMawortli ami l.Indon and Manual en Nugget, made up of character changes. In When Knights Were Bold; Hayden Stev¬ The summer stock 8*>asnn at the Star started Romaloo ami I'lunpany laava thia wook fop pafh**s and comedy, and made good. Three enson; Miss Lonise A’allentlne. Ingenue; Chas. i In well with the Bonstelle Company, and the I.tia Angob-a other acts made up the bill. The prospects AA'. Dingle. In Juvenile roles; William Baintree. i prospects look very favorable for a winning and Mark Fenton, an old-time actor. The first Hatty I'rnia. Walrh and Karl. Flora Brown¬ for this house, so far. are very encouraging. Tlie members of the company an* great play put on Is Prince Karl, this week. The ing and Kallar an.l l.oa fJi-orgoltya play tha Alburn A Ia*ahy's Crand Theatre. In spite of favorites, and the plays produced include some Woodward Stock Company was seen the last ; yn<-«-n Tlioatra. San l>lagri-iala to Kurojw*. whar»» ba la Stuart, AA'sIter Cluxton, Robert Deinster. Grace Thre.- nickelodeons on Fillmore street closed at the Boyd Tlieatre. with the exception of Mr. Na.ka.| a long a.-aaou. May Lamkin. Norma .Alitrhell and W. C. .'las the mivoth, and two new ones openeil. Stevenson and Miss A'allentinc. son. stage manager. both l.'rge and spacious. One Is In a “Class Carridl Johnaon. tSaorgo Tliatrhor, I/aw Sully, The Willis \A'oo-aa KIdrmIgo. Ilonay Boy Krana. Naal .Abal. ■A" building, and from tlu* opi-ning day has ITie Furies is a Gre«k play which AVllliam Barrymore as the closing attraction of the . twei'n .W*lng record business. Faversham and his company Intend to present Frod !• Uiixoll and i W Orr ara all unitor- season. . llnod to apiiaar at tha .Amariran Tlioatra. at Daly's Theatre in Nexv York early next sea Tbe Novelty Theatre, Stiv*kt*in. has dlscon- Mr.s Flske Is at the Shuliert Theatre. After i Alla Xailniora. aa Nora, in lba.-na Poll son. It will lie translated from the original ■ Cnueil vaudeville, which leaves the field in -Airs. Flske Lyman Howe's Travels will be In- I lloiiao. la a goo,l rard at tlu- Van Niaa Tha- Greek. Representatives of the Lee Lash Stu the l*..ntag<*s‘ rirnilf It Is reporfml that the stalli*-! at the Sbub<*rt for five w,*eks. Earl * atro tbia wo,k. and la drawing tha Iwat of dipli Chambers, of this city, evidently he- The Grand had capacity business last week, aurr<-aa..r to tho lata Mnia Mmljoaka aa an a stock hous,'. N-gins again with vaudeville Ilex-es in printers’ Ink. and hy svstemalic ad and longeil for mor** rxMim wherewith to acconi- next M.mday. Tills breaks the long Jump to vertlsing succiM.ile-l in placing the meehan Kngllah a|i>.|,king I'ollah arir<-aa. F.arb auc- miblate the crowds that wanteil to see Paul ! roaalTo night brought bar Im ri aaa«l attanilanra. l..nii-dy girl ahow adilivt ens. .Atlantic City Four and .Anne Crewe and Miss Flon'Ui'e Gear, a pleasing and capable paying public are finding that, like Barniim. aa a aorond pnrt to tho ahow Tlila llr«t wi-ak'a Company Succ'ss to Manager Hotchkiss; he actress, is ef The tlrand this week In Marry when he first st.-xrted his show with six ikt attandanra la rary onroiiraglng \I Jtdaon des,*rv»s It, Ing Mary, and bids fair to draw big business. formers and txvelve men In advance, that godl The Orpheum will cbvse the season .Mav 15. advertisomenis count in drawing business. Mr rniial liaro drat plao aa tha big hit. with John IN OAKLAND j King a ol..».- ai>.a>ni| for thi- and man. but all and w ill iH* generally regretteil. Martin "L*'h ; Cbanibors 1> confident that the coming park tha aingora niaka g.aal. aarh roaolring m-raral Last was an Ideal day, and Idora man, n*sldent manager, contemplates a trip seasx*ii will be a marker in more ways than I am-oroa for thi-lr ro«iM'rtl'a aonga Tbay ara Bark was crowded day and night. Fully to Califiirnla: later In the summer. J. L. Stle- one. Till Tavlor. Will naklaml. Mall Kaofo, Clin¬ no ikk' |>eop;i passed thrmigh the gates. The bel. assistant manager, is going to Europe or Blsn’ho Ring captlv.ited Buffalo Tlieatregoer** ton .Montgomary .iml Frank Flgonl. Tho aatting exe«*llinf pnbllelly given the park In San Fran to Ca'lfoniia: L. A. Keller, treasurer, will ' at Shea’s the past w»*ek as no vaiidevllllaii has of tho drat part la vory pralty and pb-aa|ng to elseo shows h|g results, as train after train, have a cxuui-sslon at Electric Park this sum¬ succeeded In doing for some time. They went Ilia ayo .Alaiiil Town la an art In lha mii- twenty minutes apart, brought vast crowds mer; Mr. McMahon, assistant treasurer, will wild over .'ler Yip 1 Addy I Aye, it being a alral ronimly (airtlou of tha program, a ron over all day. .All the eonei'sslens did capac¬ lx' in the city all summer; Joe Erb. publisher hlg hit of the bill. ■lonaod a.Tt of W. lar ami Flold' ahow. with ity Bat's Big Ban*! continues to N* an of the Orpheum program, will be associateil Due to lack of hookings, the Teck will b.* a nira girl rhorua and g.^nl roniaek and The Flying BIckett Family re- Sohlbirg, stage manager, will lie chief elec- -Alask and AA'Ig Club apia*ar. Ivlng bre.ikaway ladder act. opiinml on pyrot.b hnical displays put on there after July not having The FrolU-some Lambs play a date bia.kad to run f.-p al\to*-n wo.-ka or m.apa. Siindav. Flofi'nce Drake I.«*Roy. s.>prano solo¬ 4. anicng which will hi* the ree**nt earthiiu.xke during their week’s tour to some of the more with iM-raalonal rbangoa of prlnrlpal*. ist. charms the crowds, and Is a big favorite at Messinn: Frink .Allen, “props" at the Or favxxr**d cities. pheiim. win pr*ibably b<' si'en at Electric; Mr. If I Woro King with I’aiil Mr Alllaiar. now I'sin's Flrew..rk« will give i>erf.wmances at AA'xIter J. St.xr. a Buffalo tenor, xvho has loa.IInc man. Florom-o Oakb-y. mw b-mllng ihls park M iy 10 irt. as an extra attraction. Gros.«man. head usher, will b.' In the city, and last, but not least. J*"*,* Bergfeld. the spi*olaI taken part in local theatricals, has organi**-d woman, ami ib-orgi- (tam.iirna. a Im-al fav.irlta. Otis Skinner played the Alaeilonough Theatre officer. Is lut at Forest Park for the summer a stock comi any. and op«*ni*rll '311 ‘Jb. ap|M*iring In The Honor of the months. All of the staff have been coniu*ctt*il at Tonawaiida, X. Y'.. April 3t;. to grwsl bus: Aalonria Tlioalro. .A Taxaa Slimr follona nckt Family, to nicx* buskuess. Wook with the Or|>heum s/'veral years or mon*. and ness. He has a goisl re|H*rfoire company and Mrs Temple's Teb-gram held the boanls of fine scenic effects. He plays leading parts, i> FrisI Alaaa ami May Bob-y ablna In A Chi this fall will again see the same familiar facx's Yc Llts*rly Th**aln* during the witik. and was then'. a fine musician, and will be found on one of naa.. IliHioyi.iiN.n at tho I’rln. oaa Thaaira thia a surc«*ss the circuits next season. wa,-k. whara tbay ara big faaorltaa The Cowpuncher was at the Glllls last week .At th.' Br.iadway, .A Human Slave caught B. >1. Garfield, manager of Crystal Beach f..r •>bl llablalliarg. wblali baa Im-ou praaantaatlng ra bright, tuneful airs. eb*ver dialogue and siie- on the road, has cIos<*d his seasr*n ami return.**! •At the Oriiheiim. which has N'come more to this city, his home, for fhe slimmer, during paallj, la full atari night and Ilia niallm-aa (>o|>iil.xr ea*h week, are Elsie $'av. Miller ami I'lallles ara alao vary larg<- Tlila w.-.-k. w lilla all tha which he may Interest hims<*If with local AA'eston. Fred Kay's Blaycrs, .AvtMlann t}nar The Big Rex lew Company cb'soxl the s«>ason amus«*mcnls. The closing of his shoxx was at n«‘Wa.n.,Ta bav«. ap|«‘d bora bafora, lha ahow lettc. Tlie Sandwlnaa. S Miller Kent and Co.. for the Century Theatre. likewis,' the Rent* ' Norfolk. A a.. after having a season of all lha way throiigii |a goixn,*gan will ctxntlniie In the manage¬ pany. Is rx-ct.iving great crclif for' his tramp wanirla darning, wara wall llkail Margnrat J.s* Flynn, Manuel Romalne and Co., and two ment of the Century. monobigue. AVeary AVIllle's Troubles. It 'lofTalt ami C.*,. In Awak*- at tin* Sw llah. bald n-i la of uiiwlng pictures. .All the numtw'fs May 9. moving pictures rommeneed a sum- | abounds In funny saylng.-i. and his makeup Otar from laat waak. la aa |>opular aa atar: *.'or.*.l RCBK COHFN mer run at the Majestic. Tliomas Hiwlgeman 1 made a strong appx-al. 12 Xl^e Btllt>oar

ami n li<>ii ili>‘ CLEMY KRAUSZ. tliHH* will Kliaro till- wit-W. aims It will CO oil olio play Ih-- London liiR play wliutovor part is a man of spirit, but no dramatist. A revo week's iH-rfurtiiantVM an- to Is* divided Into two SO.-II.K bosi l.i portions—(al a rt-|M-rtorj- half, and rtanl of the s<-ason was the of the w<><‘k will he given up to these. In the tlons." cycle of Ibs«-n dramas, given at the I>-sslng w-cond half of the week new plays by modern With roKard to the Theatre. B<-glnning with the ('omeur plan is to combine the advantages of the that, aa Iho exis-iisos capital. Iwit the tr%-nil of the times Is to break 'long mu' and of ‘plays of Ideas’ which admit ' an- irroat. he will In- _ ,_ away fr.>m the Ib-ien tult and the myttlcal and -sult was that not tuie of the pisw-d that the program will be cootlned to the sidorably to avoid this. three {lerformances lan lie classed as a real Htaiiewliot sombre and austere class of produc¬ Kroliman seems eipially clear also what the artistic success. Im-csusi- a splenilid Faust was tion which has usually lie<>n associatetl with proiKsied innovation iiH-ans from the actor's at one oerfoi-mance palriKl with a medlocrs the ‘play of Ideas.' We shall welcome comedy, ! point of view. As he points out. "The actors Mephisto, and at another p<-rformaoce. vice farce, extravaganxa, fairy plays and musical I will have to work a preat deal harder—liut we Versa. The liest Work wa« *V-ne by Frlolrich plays, as well as serious drama and tragedy. It 1 all know what we are doing and fx-lleve there 1 am more than ideaseil to be able to tell you Kays»ler as Fau-t. an.l Ijicle lltM-fllch as Is bots-d that the new management will Ik- able I will be pecomi>ens*-s.” of the way that Rosie Stahl has come to Lou I Jn-lrlii-n to give the miait generous encouragement to I must sa.T that this scheme of Charles don and triumphed this week. I was pointing STRAUSS A PLAGIARIST t young drainattsts.” j Krotiman commends Itself to me far more than out in this column a week or two ago that there The Italian musician. Tebaldinl. has art On the other hand Charles Frohman's scheme, that of Mr. Trench. Apart from the fact of is no such thing existent as a prejudice against I thmisands of tongues and hundreils trf tongues rrat experience and .American plays and players In this town and agoing with his remarkable statement, the music with great exis-rlence and reeources seems to administrative abiiity and above all, a great that If th»y bring ’’the goods” srlth them they offer many more practical advantages. Ills : n putatliHi for success. It has the advantage of are sure of a welcome. I,ast Monday evening to Richard Strauss’ Salome, abowed a peculiar plan Is to convert tb«- Duke of York's Theatre ' starting with all Its materials for success ready tlie Vaudeville was packed when the curtain of ri-semblance to the op<-ra CassaiMlra. composed by Vittorio tlm-cchl. Ti-tialdinl publlahe-d. re¬ into the home of the Ke|M-rtoire Tlieatre. He Is i to hand. To a very large extent, at any rate. Tlie t'borus I,ady went up and 'he welcome that of the i.|iinlon that there are now In England a • It Is clean outside the experimental state. If. Ro«' StaM and her company received did them cently In the ’-Rlvlsta Muaicale Italians,” a Bufllciently large numlier of |H>o|ile who might for example. Mr. Trench should revive an old IK-oiid. N'atunlly there was a large sprinkling lengthy article. In which he attempts to show Ik- called the public who delight in the drama comedy, with which the pres<-nt generation an as an art. If they could get the dramatic fare acipiainted. to say the least there Is a chance IContinm-d on page fil’.i tt'ontlnueil on page .'•.‘I. they want less fllfully than Is the case at the presi-nt moment they would become more eager idaygiM-rs than they now are. The Itouma has solemnly votnl that the coun¬ "At the pres<-nt time,” he says, “the In- try Is so poor that any work, of any description, k dividual pla>gu<‘r having seen our play once or from any country of the world, could be prodneed B twin-. iH-f-iHiies dead to us for the remainder at In any theatre in any city of Russia, without f the run” Paris Week By Week the (layment of a solitary sou to the author of "('oniinerclally. this has at times glittering re¬ Paris Bureau The Billboard, 121 Rue Montmartre. that work And. as may be Imagined, the sults. but s|M-aking for mysi-lf 1 consider this a directors of French theatres and the French IHKir way of doing business if a tietter can be playmakers are up In arms against the action found. I want to inten-st the good playgoer, road smiles. Russian officials authors. As he says very tnily; "I'nder the were present at the confab and they promised 'long run system,’ thousands of iiounds are at a speeily change in the laws. The latest phase stuke with erery prtKluction. and so one lights of the situation has bowled over the theatrical shy of thi- unknown writer: but I shall be able THF:KE has been very alight activity during CRAWFORD TO OPEN RINKS. world of this c.Mintry and iKvih the aiitbora' to give biiii his chance free at a cisnparatlvely small exiK-nse.” tre .Antoine bad about the only opening of any completing arrangements for o[>enlng a skating government to extract rights of some sort or Ilie mctlioil of ninning the plays will be as cons<-*iuetice. Master Bob, a racing drama by rink in the fashionable Avenue, Victor Hugo, other from Russia, which la a national ally of follows; In the first fortnight two of them Henry de Brisay and Marcel Lauras, t>eing the the liii'lding for which he will erect at a cost I'rance. And. unb-ss this Is siico-ssfully accom w ill lie produciKl and will share the bill tie fabric. This piece is a spectacular meloilrama of Thirty Instructors In the art of pushed. It Is more than probable that no Rus Iww-n them—that is to say. they will be played of tin- In Old Kentucky variety, and Is bailed Sian players will Ik- iM-rmlttspear In four tlm<*s a we<-k: soon a thlnl play will lie skating will Ik- employed and lessons will Ik- MS a siit-t-ess by the Paris critics. free. There will lie both men and women teach Paris playbniisi-s. and so far as Russia Is coo As the story goes. Goldstramm and Durleu ers, cemed the laws of France will be changed so are Itookmakers. The latter being quite sue .Sal*l he to me: ”1 am confident that such a MYSIE DEVINE, c<-Ksful on the turf, and for tbe playmakers' rink as I will build here will make an Instant pnr|H>ses a clever sort of a fellow, withal, wins bit. England has gone ‘skating mad.' and I the love of Goldstramm's mistress. Goldstramm hoi>e for a readier resi>onse from the French gect to ojK-n soon In Paris, there ar*- and with his remaining fortune staked on this others in Bristol. Ch*-ster. Brighton Hull. Croy- horse, he goes to tbe track. GoliIstTamm bribes den. Plym'Hith. Bisirnemouth. Shefil.-ld, Lewis. tbe jockey to drug Master Bob. ami tbe animal Brailford. Birmingham. Srl. tint instead of the wife of Napoleon Ik- Ing iislu-r*-*! Into his pres<-nce. it Is his olil love, AUTHORS AND MANAGERS IN ARMS the l'i>unt<-HK Marie .Ange Waiewska. and the AGAINST RUSSIA. son of this love. The countess begs to Ik- al lowi-i| to remain at the prison with the fallen Rcicntly. In Berlin, a ciKigrcss of intema F;iii|K-ror. ami. tiiucli tempte*!, he wavers. His llonal ImiMirtance tk place, thi- delegates iM-liig own wife hail disappointed him and Instead, the leading idaywrlghts of F^ngland and Ihe this woman hail come from Russia with their rontlni-nt. F'rance taking Hie biggest iMirt In tlo- chilli. I’.ut. fearing to ciHiipromise himself In conferi-iicc. The otijeci was |rrlnc||iaH.v for tlie Hie eyes of the world. Napoleim sends her puriKMie of Inducing Russia to give la-ttcr li*-i-d back on the ves«el which brought her. sacrificing to till- rights of authors in the matter of trans his love and the deeire for companionship, to his iations *,f thi-ir pla.vs for th*- Russian stag*- amlotion. .At that time It requlri-d onl.v tiie omission of a iMigi or so and an occasliuial substitution of M.idanie Rejaiic ap(H-ars to great advantagi- matter to get i-ntirelv armind the filmsv <-o|iv as tlie countess an-l de .oax Is convincing as right law in Hi<- f'zar’s n-alm Now. Ho- fat'- In The Merry Widow. Nai** Icon in Hie ttri- nior*. l■OIM'|e--|y tliiin ever VAUDEVILLE THEATRES SHOW PRINTERS HOLD OF WEST TO COMBINE CONVENTION AT CINCY


Middleton and l ate, of St. Louis, Kohl and Castle, of Chicago, and Proposition to be Submitted lor Changing Name ol the Organization Anderson and Ziegler, of Cincinnati, also Parties to the Pr ^posed to Poster Printers’ Association—Clearing House lor Credit Ratings Agreement—Brief News. — Other Important Questions to be Considered.

A theatrical d.-al far n-achiti|C in Its c tiiria. Lafayette, Iml.; Kamlly, Clinton, la.; A* w** go to prpx". ■ of the directors at $IL’ll.d."7 aiMl the ass»-ts. $774.!I7. The total ■luencea iiesrs consuiiitiiatIon. or has so far pro¬ P.siiiily. .Moline, III.; Itijou, .Mlnnea|si.. pretaMlInjt .Mannerinx. .'Ir. Il.-ickett's wife, is uainisl as a Kivhends the consolidalloii of all the vaiidetllle \Vls . UlxNle ll|M-ra House. Kemmha. dVIs.; the annual convention which is to take place creilitor to the tune of $tio.iaai. Amonx the o'lses from (*1i)citinNll !•> San Irancisco, and Julian. Chicairo: Krankljn, Chlcaito; Lyric, Ilea Mav H) I_>. other cnslitors are William .Morris, Itavid N. from Vew ttrleatis to \Vltinl|et;. f.iii. 'nie .Moines. III.; Knie, Itmaha. Neb.; Klectrlc Park, 'Itw dins tors have ajrre«-d to siihniit to the an¬ Tailor, r>aniel Krohmiui. New York lllll|sistln|i me«'tln|t at which plans were llnally matunsl City, .Mo.; Mle Hour I’ark. Chlcois-e, nual convention, with reconimendation that the Co.. I'llxalM-th .Marbury. Victor .Mapes. New was held In t'hicaico. .May H. and owners of all Kji,.: Chester Park, Cincinnati, i).; White City, same In- adopt«sl. many <|"estions which are of Yiwk I-^ilison Co. and Wllininxton Trust Co. the theatrv'S to In* aPf*-cl*Hl wen- preS4-nt. liayton. <1.; M'hlte City. New Orleans, La.; radical lniiN»rt.ance to show printers ami sliow The cmifennce was lield In sts ami niaile known to the menilM-rs. The m-ces- Into one ctwiNU-atlon was practlcaly comidettsl SHUBERTS TO INVADE ST. PAUL slt.v of such system Is emidiasisasl by the fact Frank T. KIntzinx. manaxer of the Herald When the deal Is lltially worked ein)f Impos*^ upon b.v Siptaro ttiN-ra Coinpany. and of the musical tln-ty the controUlna corisa-atlon will |s>ss<-«s AND MINNEAPOLIS. IrresponsItiK- show promoters, one instance of comedy. The Kunaways, and Kd. W. Cook, sixty bla vaudeville hisisa-s an-l will contnd l<«s tM-inu that of a show |>roprletor who suc¬ business manaxer of the same attractions, are tha-strlcal pro|N.rty with a valm- of more than J. J. ShulM-rt. of the ShulM-rt syndicate, was cessfully vvfs-ktsi sevente.-n dllTerent printers. tiotli in Toledo. It., arrniixinx for a summer lt3.iNai.mai r-s-enily on the xrisiml in St. Paul, hsikinx over The adoption of a uniform contract, to coii- s»-ason at one of the Us-al theatres, and re- The nn-n who are swliuclnic the bl|C vanilevllle sli.s fiw a new tlwatre. Cnb-ss s

/-I T-1 A Ali I

r.^/in!5 ' ’ lORcm OLEP m tf fimmy ,mEri5j<



[ *• THE fBAlCom sldGOmE}- Vw.AIK TEDDY m AFRICA

(See paxe 4.1

Paul, will tic built at the northwest comer of Inx sulvsispient transfer of the same Is YANKEE DOODLE STOCK COM SI. peter and Fisirth streets, alonxside the new als-v recouimendisl, and a uniform ahlp- SI. I’siil Million Itollar ILdel. Tdie location N plnx label Is also iirxeil. All of these recom- PANY OPENS. admirable, from the standiMdiit of sln-et Car men-lallons will disibtless be adoptisl by the lrsn«|Na-tstlon from all parts of the city. It convention at Its si-sslon. .Attendance at the Is iMvsitively known that the protwrly IntendevI v-oiiveiillon will he larxer than anticIpatiMl, dele- The Yankee Pmalle Stiyk Company, one of John A. Himmelein's attractions. n|M-ned at Al for the Shnls-rt Theatre has Iss-n Issixht and xates ts'liix presi-nl fn»m a territory extending jH-n.a, Mich.. May ID for the summer season with |irovNI,in clo-~sl for payment, and that jdana from Boston to I'euver. are now Is-lnx pri-parvsl for Imiutsllale work. tile fid'owinx cast: (Jvsi. V. Halbla.v. manaxer: |h-nnlle sniHMiiieeiiienl will tw ottlelall.v made by l-'rd AA'Iiitm-y, agent, and Jack Horrisey. Ruth McCauley. HerlsTt Stout. .Mae Tipton. Roxers the ShiilM-rts" St. Paul axent next vv«a-k. PATHE FRERES TO REMAIN WITH llow-ard. Florence Cutler. Pick Simons. Neols lllan Tliealn'. will niaiiaxe M. P. P. COMPANY. the ShiilHTt Tbeatn-s in St. Paul and MInne- a|N«l|s He b-fl last wis-k for Oklahoma, as he PaHie Frerew. wliom it w-as reporteil would Intends to a|>end the early summer with the Ibt withdraw from tlie ranks of the Motion Picture HARSTN THREATENS SUIT. Kaerb M ild West Show. He exiH*cls to rv'turii Patents C.-mi'any. it Is now stated, will remain WM. MORRIS BOOKINGS. to SI Paul In .Auxust. an active memtw'r of the same. It Is reported that Harstn ami Company of Wm Mortis has taken over the iMavklnc for New S'ork. will sue the International Projecting le American Music Hall of S.-attle. Wash, JAMES K. HACKETT BANKRUPT. and Pttaluclnx Company of Chicaxo. for taking la Hat now Includes the followliig theatres John Trotter, of Corydon. Ind.. Is erecting the New York sxvncy aw-ay from tliem. Tha Id parks: lionilidon, Wlnnl|N*K Miles. Miiine a new airdonie theatre In that city, to Ih- .\ volunt-vyy |s-tltlon In bankruptcy was flleil summons, aceordinx to tin* mmor, has beeir •oils: Kniidre, (iraiid Forks. N. P.; Kiiiplre, o|H-iie,| In ti,e near future. A'audevllle and Mvy S. In tls* I’lilted States PIstrIct Cvsirt, by sv'rved on Mr. Str>ckmana. sv-cn-tary of the coo riNikston. Allnn ; Majestic. R.s-kfonl. Ill ; Vic moving plitun*s will Is' tlw> policy. James K. Harkett. Tlie Ilabllitb's are statevl cem. Tlie cv>mplaint has not yet lieen Hied. XJhie BilII>oar€l MAY 15. 1909.

Mr. Walkor.. the father, enter*. After iinieh !»>• hla relative*. Ilia father take* aim aoil perauaaloii from hla wife ami (‘r«HieliliiK iwhlinl It. I he 110*11, ii|mhi hear* riH>ni here ataHi the iiiouev la h»at at the card liij: hla M'rratii. h.iateu ov«'r to lii\eat l|{Hte. untl FILM NEWS taole. Kfoat la their Intrror when they dlacioer the UtK^ I* working at hla tleak. Mr. Walker llfeleaa form of little Jay l.'liiK on the tsnaimi. entera. lie apparently la \erv fomi of Ka^a. The illNtraetiil father la InetHiMtlahle In tila ter- Klale calla for her father ami. incidentally, rlhle urief ami UTmiiea hyaterieal and alo»wt ahow* her love for liana. After both ha\e none alnna of hla reamm. Finally, with the Tom entera, uppari'iitly umhT the liiiluence of ahl of aome men. they carry the child home to The Week’s Releases Show Vany Films Thai are Superior in lh|iior. He waiila to aak hla father ft>r noHiey hla liearthrokeii mother, who knew mdhlnic of liana, not wlahinn hla lM*io*factiH* to aee hi hla ha^liin left the luMia«‘. When the tiiothm- aon in thla condition, nlvea Lmn atmie money of leaa little form la laid <»n the ctHieh. the a«»r Subject Mailer and Photography—Competition Lengthening the hla own and puahea him out <»f the da ImildiiiK and is verv much surprised to see a llent is a raviiiK maniac, otdivlisis to all that lik'ht in the otlice aud a man's shadow on the lias Just traiispinsi. aud ia hiirrlisl away to a shade. lie slowly enters the liiilldlnK and sanll>>rimii. PASTIME THEATRE, MAYSVILLE, i O'* ‘"t ''■il l* .llKurrang^a. roveaUnc the ,,i,„neg to the ik.IU-;•e to send an ollhar. lie then .'ear has now Kone l>y and another little KV f“<‘t Uiat she is a neitress. The result causes ‘ ...r, ,i,« priK-iires■. a revidv.'r, turns on haliy lias e.Miie into the sorrowiiii; family, ami ^ ' * Kreat exelleiiieiit, and he la risiithl.r ejected hy the liKht and holds up the surpris'd rtM-r. the mother, tlilnkinx that its pres, nce may bare the waiters in atteuilanee. A (|Uiek move and he tears the mask from the a sisuhinj; etTeet iiikmi the mltiii .. owner Tom to evehange places with him. then he falls to reeogiiite them, nor dia-a he jiay the ami nianacor. Mr. Nolan Is one of the wide , slightest lieiai toi.. thein., newn..« lialiy.uaiir awake and Infliieiitial iiiovliiit nlctiire neonle 'VITAGRAPH.VITAGRAPH. forces him to phone to his father to come at ''•* *" * , a inniKiiiiai moviiiK .‘^7^ . i iH.lice wiKil.l lie there and 'lorn Klnally.Finally, we see the same joiingsler.'oiinifster six yearsyean of the cmintry and alwavs has the liest that . .-r./.v no . omi or «ise me ihuki wisiiu w i^rt aim lom i., i... «....i o„. moner uml eiHiil H..rvlee esn nroviile The m-w ^ IAI.Sh .\t CI S.\ TION.—The scene o|H'ns in wiMiId be aiTestisl as a thief. Tom dis-s as lati r. «In n In has Ktown to lie the exart dup- hiaisi' shimid lie a winin-r fnan tin, start. *** ill-kept room of a destitute actor, lieorge told. Kags puts on the mask and holds np lieate of little Jay, and the Bojsl I>eople. al- _i Ferguson. He is In'Uding oviu* the tnsl in which his hands wliile Tom stands liefore lilm indnt- 'va>s anxious to have th** invalid mu^e more ! hla yiHing daughter is lying ill as the inistman Ing the revolver at him. Mr. Walker enters. I'l their midst, try again to tiring him haek to CHICAGOOHICAQO FILMfilm ! enters with a lidler, which proven to in* from goi^ over to the sutipomHl roiitsT and ti*ars olT ^i*" simsea liy making him In'lleve that little Jay - , a theatrical agency giving him work at a canl his mask. Seeing Kags he drojis in his chair ** really among them again. Ttie oioi, rentiirr (Inilscmii, Co have moved I*»rty *hat evening. The old actor gets out his heartbroken. Kags In-gs forglven«,ss. lint the 'Clie grandfather, thenTore. goeB to the aaji to Isreer Iiiiartei>: In ilu. li lildinff dress suit, hrushm it carefully, and is alsmt to old man. thinking of all he did for the tioy. um. dr -isist in his hunting costume, and makes IteariMirn strei t Chleaco Tula ia the m-w In- »» *he doctor comis* in. cxamini^s his sick can not forgive him. Just then the police the |>atlent |iiit on bis hunting mitni also; be deiMiident exeliiinge wlileh lias reeeutlv entereil i flill‘1 h'oves a presiriptlon. After attend- ollieer enters liut Is told to go and that all ‘'i.-n hrlngs him home, when- everything about tile Clileagn Held Mr Maedonell has a number ■ to this aud bidding his daughter a fond fare- was a mistake. The otiieer understands and hou.s», wears the same asiH-et as on the fatal of Ideas (HImi the'lh(‘ lilmnim' iiiisinessbusiness that ought to iI Fergusonferkuson gia-sg.s-s to methe uimsehouse iiesignattaldesignati'd in exits. da.v s.mie six years Is-fore. The first thl^ bringhrlriK resultsn'HultH to IdsliU exchange.cxchanKc. HeHo was formerly ' f*"' letter, prt-sentsprt^ent* hishi* canl,card, isla usheredushereil in and Tom and hla father return home. Mr. Walker Invalid rt'cocnln** u|mkj entering the with Carl I.Heinnile and more n-cimtly with the ’ Intrmlneed to the guests. Dinner is announced relates bis expi'rlenee, hut Elsie refuses to b<, rismi Is Jay's large picture, and linmisilitely Cnited Slates Film Exchange. ’ «•! ectiuii. During this coat to go to Kags and find out for hersi-If. brings In the youngster dri»s«sl exactly like tvnjvir'ltjMOVING PICTUREr'lk^iurtc. NOTES.f'lU l C.o. l time, Ferguson, unnoticed, takt-s dlfTerent ar- We next see her in Kags* room, where she The shock is so great that it haa the I tides of food from the table, putting them in vainly liegs him to deny the aceiisatlon of her 'leslred n-sulls. and the cloud lifts from the S. S. Kange, formerly of Portland. Ore., has i bis |>ocket for the little slek girl at home. The fattier. Itnvkenbearted. she leaves. unfortunate man's memory, and be Is under purehased the IllJ».’'• l«s-onilng susplclmis that there la theatre. Tlie ItlJou has a sealing capacity of ; the last one to handle It. He stoutly denies any gives way to heart-rending sorrow. T<»m ran something strange in If all. be followt hia wife -of'- : knowledge of Its whereahouls and a search not stand thla any Imiger. He eonfeas<,a all and when she and her little son go to the cemetery ♦ which la made falls to reveal It. The ladies ‘ begs his father's forgiveness. Mr. Walker m visit Jay’s grave. T*liey are greatly sur Tlie CYyslalCYvsIal moving nlctiirepicture theatretheatre, at Fair- ; leave the room and after they have ' quickly go,,s to Kags. and thanking him t»T priseil when the hiisbaml and father comes upon tniHint,mount DidInd., was oim-ihnIoia-iaal MavMay 7 to large andl- B®"** ’lie men are requested to turn their (lockels what he did to save his gooil name, he brings them and. after reading the Inacrlption upon cnees ' Clias T Iluek la manager and Slkla *“**‘1^ out. This they all do until It comes Fer- him home into the arms of Elsie. Everything ’lu" lonihstone he Is ronvinred of the true slate Pemengton is the opi-rator Tlie Crystal s<-ats ' Buson’a turn and he refuses. Naturally he is sus- is forgiven and judging by the earn<‘stnlale. ' ' ’ ' on*! *he host rings for ollleers. When Tom's sorrow, it may lie expis'tiHl that he will to his fwlings. after which he starts for home ' ' X , they arrive the situation is explaineil and they la-gingin a la-tterbetter and moreiikh-c useful life. with bis little family, giving thankathanks to GodOmi ; proc*,ed to seareb the susiaa-t. In his lax'kets . fiH the preseniH* of the loving child to till the Tlie Mekebab'on at New Martinsville. W. ' they find nothing hut a few coins and the f(S.«l ^ „ place in bis affecIhHiate hiwrt left vacant by Va.. owikhI by tbHvrge Prli'at, which has lieen do. ■ tak-'D from the table for the little sick an is al». tlon ia passed demanding higher wages. Jolm f’cciving his prinnise that be will raise the llt- .Martin. sorlMol in a dime novel as the clerk hands him l» approached to sign the resolution, hnt he tie one, the mother peacefully |>asses awa.v. -' a message with Instmctiona to hurry. Coming refuses to do so. Ills wife Is in a terrible state of anxiety FollowingPolio,.!.,., luIs a. IIli't t ..fof i.ilate HI..,.,tiliiis. I,.hy Ileading iioo '*"* **”* •u‘'’<*'*ng‘T runs into a man A delegation of workingmen waits on the *ben he does not return, hut her fears are aoon mJ^ni I 1 ..1 J r « '"‘•Pladder, upsetting him. but eontiniies on gfo-'ral manager. He promises consideration alleviated, for she rerelves a n,»te from him manuraimaniifaetiirers till, rs nmlmid u.denlers. iiK rs. torfor earl}early nrelease: K .is< . his way reading. This headline holds him; •'With "f tbelr demand. After a while he sends the telling her that he Is railed out of town (« ESSANAY. a wild shriek Kliie Feather hit the dust.” In his following note to the leader: Imslness. When his former wife is laid away THE KACHEIiDK'S WIFE.—.\ young man who tnlnd’s eye. Dan secs a child in the foregriHiml aoeoiint of the general depression in bus- be finds himself In a very preeariisit poaltlon. I-1 s alwavs (ditained iiionev from Ills doting ' ‘'“•F An Indian with a Iness. we regret not to 1h> able to grant vinir be must live up to his priHnlsc and take ele Wili, wliicli to satisfy ills credit,H-s tlnds I between hia teeth Is creeping upon her. demand for higher wages. If hiisiness Improves bis little child home with him but It remains ■ s (lelds aeeiiiniilating so rapidly that In order ' bia feet and is atwHit to grali will be glad to eiHisider yinir nspiest. ■a mattermatler of nmjertnre how his wife will aelact gain the deslnsl aiiKHints. he writes his uncle I ‘’bihl. the boy hero enters at the rear, tires. "S. HDEMES. Gen. Mgr.” *benwhen she leamalearns the true state of alTalra. IDIl» —lirst. that lie is married; next that lie has a I •**'“ itidian falls dead. The workingmen dimldedecide to strike. TlieyTliev lar Bets the little one ready and returns to hithii rlilld and rtiiallv. that he must have inore nioney walks im. Imards a street car still read 'l"Wnlown their work, one after another. TheyThev ask wife,w'f'*- who"'ho la happy to see him again, hnt whenwhei for riothes for Iheiii liolh. ’"B- walks over the passengers’ feet. siH-lllmund -J^bti to j,dn them, but he ahsidiitelv refuses "be sees the rhild she la simiewhat perplexed The uncle, iH'ciHiiiiig siispieious writes his ! **• bis novel. Another line, "at that iiKHneiit •*> ‘1*’ "• have a wife and ehililren to rare Finally the man takes eiMirage and eimfesscs nephew that he will visit him ami his family. '®"''B Daredevil raised his tnisty rifle and tired” "tid I shall stick to my work.** Ail leave. "ml the wimian for the moment la horrlfled. Tlie niqiliew. on receipt of this letter. iMi-imies T"* landscape, a soldier standing iM-fore a When the general manager cinnes to the factory ""d will not entertain the Idea of taking the frantic, knowing that he must prodiic huge rock, sword in hand, prepared to sell he asks J.din almiit the wbereahiMits of the little (Hie to her heart. The little ime goes over nd ehild or his nude will cut him off iM-eause M*'*' dearly. Six Indians are creeping toward *"•! shakes John's hand heartily when he la •t'"' her Innocence kneels hefope the tearful of his dceelt. They start to rush forward when Young Inf-n-nied that ail went out on a strike except woman with a pleading look (Hi her little fare. He nislics into the street and asks the first •t“f'*d<‘'H aptmars, fires one shot and all fall him and a few others. and. trne to her motherly Inatinct. her heart be" woman►man helie meets to be hisills wifewlf, fin-.... a,. day. and , dead., Dan gets,,, off the car, steps. in front of. a l•lek,•ts of strikers .guard tlie.. factory to... ,...pre- '•“iiies, . softened and she rlas|Mi. the.... little orphan priHiiptly lias Ills face slap|Mi|. He trie’s this ' l**'*'*l’tg «utoniol,lle and is run over. A crowd '’‘•"t men from going to work. John, however, ber arms. The happy father Is overjoyed at several llines witli tlie same result until he I * forward expecting to find the mesaenger I" tiot to tie detained and goes to his work as *be turn of affairs and the good wife assiirra niis'ls a slavev scmldiing a stixip She consents lifeless, but he gets up and walks off, still U'.ual. saying: "Tills Is a fr,H* eiHintrv—vou " tn that the little rhild shall he carisl for at and after hiiving her a liiindsome gown ami !Another paragraph reads; “In another have the right to strike; I have the right’ to tlnsigh It Is her own. decking her out he gets her to his ipiarters after ! "“’tmt'‘'’tn''nt tit RIaok Fox was hurled over the dreadful l"'•‘•t•.lalmr" * many mishaps, just in time for tlie uncle's ar- Pf'*flplf‘‘ —the Roy Hero and an Indian are It is night time. SiHne strike svmpatbirers EDISON. rival. fighting ,m the edge of a precipice, the struggle fi'-cide to get even with Jolin and try to hloixhlon I.t’VATK’S IV iqiWEK .4 go.l natiired old Tlie- uncle,-..... surprised at her ...... antics at dinner, I ^f'llttg. . by, the, hero raising" the .-Indian -.aliove .bis "P bis, Insise. . Tlielr Intention..’tt- Isiwever,Is'Wever, h.i« iinele ia Indiieisl hv Ills two favorite nlis-ea tn demanda to see tlie child. Tlie nephew rushes to' I*,'"**' b"t’ll''B bim over the brink. Again b^tl frustrated, and on iH-ndisI knees John and 'l«lt an insane asyliiin. the janitor and. giving him some monev. tells, .‘’V’’ *’*“*^'* reallxed the fate In his wife thank G,m1 fin- their escape from harm. Tlie trio arrive during meal time I'nele him to get him a baby immediately and he will ^ * ."t’Bhty effort he hurst Is now siiisTlntendent at tlie work* while waiting tlie arrival of the miperlntendent" give him some more nioney. Tlie janitor rushes ** * *"*”''* “'b<* hero and the girl are iKHind to All the men have returned to work. A Ihiv cn wanders around and ineautlisialy enters an emp" out and after trying nnsiiecessfullr to steal i * Itidlans are dancing about and iireparing ’era the siiperintendcnt'a oltiee and hands'ji.hp ty room. two bailies, he at last spies a bahv’alone in a 1 "'"T* •“‘f'* breaka his bonds, selies the following note: As he I. sissit to rinne mit. a keeper passes rarrlagp. gralw the child and rushes to the : *?, •’’*1 '‘"Ing him as a club, knocks the Owing to your diligent work snd that of "nd thinking I’nele |« a iiinalle. trvlng to es nephew with it. I "ttier Indians down and escaiM-s. Dan finally ni -n. conditions have gn-atlv lin|irov,sl csim-. forces him Imck and locka him In the As he hursts into the rooms with the baby, I •’‘‘"‘‘bes the h'sisc where the message is to be «e therefore liave derided to advance all wages ''"’tn. who has a heavy veil over Ita face, the nephew’ reading. The man kicks him 1" P<'r rent. Y,si may employ all vonr former t’neic protests loit to deaf ears. Finally tie gralm the child and prisidlyprisidlv hands It to bishla !!"" '"1''** messenger sits on the be p bar non. coming excited and very mad. he makes a ter iinele.Iinele. ' , sidewalk to finish the lilood-rurdling story. Tlianking yisi for icing true to ns In time f'ble’•iliie raeketracket Keiqs-rsKciqcrs arrive amt iiniiertake to Tlie denouement is reselied when the uncle, of trfHililo. niiinfn. Slno«T»*1v .votir* «i»il«*t him. II#' th«"m nml th«‘T hnv^ • lifting the viJI, discovers s negro hahy. The ‘*S. llOKMKS.Ci-n Mffr llv#*]y rhnH#' ilironsh «»»vrrnl r#«m)n motlier of the clilld, a l.ig negress, enters In a Johnjonn ftfT onr#‘f*nrv nnfinonnritinfs* hi*hU fifillim llim norkrninorkrmn n arul i •Fnrlnir th#* . I'xrlti'iiHnit.-a. I1.'m.^Il ftwyiiwr run nrrtMwnrn>^ rn#th# rage, the child and puts all to flight. A GDEDEX EIE.—Kags, acarcely clad, sells thoftt 1* L'r#*if i#*tl#»n nil nr#rtifnl Inn itlc* «h«» hnvf Jn«t hnd lh#*lr (llnn#'r nn#1 who [i-xicrs at the street corner. IliiHiness was very .\n nll#*t''*fl'il la iU.r iiti.i r if.ii-i J'/lnnntlr •n<"f*###1n In MR. FEH*.—A yfHing man after dressing him- i hesitatingly to the lolning liands wi t, th. g.kJ.i-ss „f i IImtIv h..l I '"''1? ’he on the kis'mrs and locks them self in extraordinary l>ad taste, sallvs forth to ‘“I"."''.’ ''''‘'•■’f shelter Is given him for the money ing a wreath , „.I a pal,,. I.f ,c«c.' oCr t ci. ’"’.s ';>*’'••• ''-•".•”',7. hl.l,- Ichlnd a enrt.ln con,pier the fair sex ' wlileh he earns tlir.sigh selling pafcrs. More #*m!!« tin* flhii * ” Innntlrn hold « rfmniiltnthm or#»r I’nrl#. He first enters a ,iry gissls store, approaches than once he had tsen mlstreatisl fin- not aelllng d#'# ldc fhit lie Is Insam* and that he Is a ch»cki*n thpth# riblMin r r«‘r nml <*iMl#nvorn<*iMl«*avors to startntjirt a Ulr-lllr- ' * . pa|*or* **m! In* doo* not fir#* iny h«*tt»T arwl Imme.pati 1r f r#s'«*«*d to tmnsffirm him ln*o PATHE-FRERES. tatlon with nnb'svomnn. Is nf*v#*rHy roprl- day. A f»*w rii#»rs#ln of fmid nr# thrown nt one. A pillow fn~'nl«h«*s the nee«*sfiary featlo’rs mnndf'il by romdvlnff n slap in tho fa## aml 'ln , aft»*r which In* wrkn bln r4"ntlnf; pln#^* for III NTFIt’S — II 1« nt and motiHMes the s.f)ek«‘r cjcct#^! from the store. He then. In turn, enter* ^ ® of straw. tl# Jav « birthday. and flio Impfo In h**n"r of ||f« arrlrnl they decide to haie a a maniciirltifr parlor, telephone office a ladv I** hi* str<*#*t corner selltns: pa|»erR. yo'ioir*t#*r i« the r»*cli»l«*nt tnan.r prettv t#*x», fe.ost mMIi i*hlcV.*n as the main dl«h I’nclr to barlHT shop, bar r<»om and binch ro#»m and In * finely drens#*#! jrlrl erosslnjt " ndnlafnre rifle, which t« tie* i<'onliniied #m pape i each instance his fat#‘ is the same as that ex-1 ***** f'treet Just as a bicycle rider approaches at of hN IR*!#* heart. |fl« father iM- iiir |K*rlencfMl In the dry jrooils r.toie. ' ^ sjmmsI. Quick as lljthtnlnK Ilaffs throw* * jrreat si»fkrtsni*Mi. the younL'«ter |n.s«« .s. However, he apparently r»‘fuses to he sulxlued.sulxlued ***^^’^ Ifi**the little j:lrlj:Irl o#it of tin way of the hi- **ltnllar tast#*s. ami now feels tliat he |« In .tnd we next find him occupvlnp a tnix seat at while he hinis#lf is run down and ren r>^*^lfion to ai'foriipsinviny hNhi. ehhrselder, #inon tlielr huMthn-.t HALLBERG*S ECONOMIZER, a vaudeville show. A very attractive souhrette **•’*’♦*<* nnconschius. An ambulance is calhd for expedltp»n«. Muchuiich t#»to Ilfshfs dlsafipolritriieiitdlsafipolritment _ Is il.olnsr a sony and dance and after starting a Kaps Is brought to the h#»sf»ital. w'hlle the howev#*r. his #1a«tdy and jr-andf.afher n*nr* *Hit flirt Ulon w ith her. he sends a hompiet with hIs *'*^vHNt N arr#*sted. The little pirl follows hiintlfijr. le^vlntfl,iJ"lli..*^ll't'ri/'!-'i'.' the imp. ^ " ("^ tiiirliig till' pa.t few nionlliK a large nnnilM-r of Hnllt-rg Anl.miallr Elcetrie Ecnonilrer. card. HHiuestlns: that she met him after the 1^ tfi'* hospital and thanka him for savlrifr yV.*' **'***^ pr#miN** too llk..take himIn s<»rii^i’ otherM #1 iv kihow. The fath#*r. Investljcntlnir the life of '"II** ch#*#*r him up.lip 'Pio'nic imp.IlMli’ "ff. ll.,'vn' V^r* feels i' '"*'"''''.1 In tlie large moving pie r.h.t . '( II.. \ fi.-I. ,„r,. thr.nigtiiHit ll.e coimtrv. Among The actress, upon jroliijr to her dressinc rf»om - ***** youth #Iecid#*s to take care of him. He pay* N en irent#.*! tintustly. S4» .Ph hi..s t.» go anvliow an.l u,. . .. ■I;"t., Ml.' lalct M.calrc. wlm h,.ve cbn.lcl thi- .av f'bTinulates a plan to have Imt colored maid keep ciMird# who hauld-l»c , ^***’^*‘ trouble and now a new life hejcins for house, w ith his Httli. rifle #»ver liN sti..i||d«T. an folbw oe ^ I , bl. .hoildcT. at rtlchn.ond, Va : Four I'aw Tiirafre. at Phlla dude. an«l accordliijrlv place* h#T coat and hat R'*P^- fo|h»winjf* ""tie ‘'''''’f#»ld#*r ft»lks t'*to 'bethe linnllnghtinfinir ddpliln: I'lcliircl.nd Tticalre. at Reading. I'a. tipiui the nesrresa. coverlnjr her face with a heavy IHsIe. the little trlrl. ha* irrown up to a yoiinjj irroiinds. I'nK-tor'. Tticalre. at Ella mth. X J.. and veil. The v.Hing ninn uniting nt the King.. ,lo.,r , H.-r broth, r Ik a good Dh-nothing. The Kfortmi. ii areir«* now iM*nrnear n Nrire fM»nd. iti.inv f*llM*rs. The mnniifscttirf'rs of the *'lf*ll* nic.'ta tlie wench and together they enter a oaf.'. ' ”<* had gamliic.l and Iiwt and ncnla m.Hiey. He where Micy .arc vhm.tinglusdlnif wild«l|.| dmks. I.If He turj:** r#*fM»rt fiein* in r«*ce|pf of msny leftem Vfter or.leriiig a "nniiitiioiia repa-c. Mr. Flip "’‘•‘K niolli.r. I.ii:. having «iKnt all her anvlng.. ■l«y "'calK al.>ng i-ii the opp.Hiil comrmnflntr <»n th#* exe#*!hnt r«*«wilt« ol»f*ln»A »*mh*nvckrs to emhrjice his compmi'iMi. :**id In Just then Nlilml * >‘tniw wltluHit N*lntc «<• fnmi the IlHlIlN'rif K#'#»neiiiliu*r

1 MAY 15, 1909. X ti e Billboard 16

CINCINNATI, O. place. The hijildiiiK will cover a apace of .106 by 340 feet nnil will Im hiiilt of ateel, hriek ami Klaaa. It will lie built In thre.- ai-ctlona 'I'll)- |iHrk H.'NHiiii 111 ('liii'liiiiall wiiM foniiMlIy with reiiiovalile partllloiia ao that any aeetion luniiK»i'al*''l SiiiiiIh)’, wIh-ii ('lii-kli-r I'ark tlircw or all of It .-an be iia<-.l aa one blK ball. Work u|M-ii Ilk KKli-H 111 III)' iiiilill)'. May 'J wak liikiM-c- baa la-irnn on one aeetlim and It will bo eoin- »f Outdoor Amusements lliin ilay at rin-kli-r. ami iliirliiK llu- wi-i-k la pletial hr .May 15, tbe opeiilnic the White trrii'iiliiic Ih-Iwii'Ii llial i-vi-iit ami Ha ri-K»lar City'a anniin.-r a.-aaon ami tlila part will l>e o|i«-mIiiic. Ill)- ii.'irk lia lliliiK iiiaiti- ri-ail) for llu- Kala uih-uIuk. lo 0|a-n the rliik fr.-.- to patrona of White City wlilrli liMik |>Ihi'i‘. .\iim- of llu- kiiialla-r ili-lalla ami tlmn-hy ad.l to the (atpiilarlty of hla park. wbirli iiink)- a kiiiiiimr park Kiiri'i-ksriil liiivi- In the fall the .Motor Trailers’ Society will The Opening of Coney Island, New York, Always Marks the b)-)'!! i>\ l■^l<•l•k<'iil at I’ln-ali-r III m-aamia iiaat. iiiaki- llila biilldlnir an.l tbIa ineana that White City will tion—Chicago Parks Opening—Those Who are in Touch Pre¬ |a>|Milar n-aiirt uion* bi-aiitlfiil ami IiivIiIiik tban have aoni.'tliinB doiiiK all the year roun.l. b)-fin)-. Mr. lirown l> ft Sunday, April 17, for France Tim a|k-rlal fi-aliiri- al Clii-ali-r la Itiirkakln to get many ahowa at the International Kxpoal- dict Big Season for All. Ri'U'a WIM Wi-kl, an aKKr<'Katl<>n that liaa won tbm atarte.l in go- tim imait mi)-, by an Raster w.-ek of general opening, hut after formally inaugnrat.-d .May 8, with the opening by th- Chicago public that under such ctficient coaafiil lor llm lout abow, tujoyotl for many everybody had cleared all tbe week’s expenses of Forest I'ark. Uivervlew will open the fol¬ maiiiigoment, and with its up to-date equipment yoar*. on the fln>t day and had six more g.Mjd ones, lowing Wedm-eday and the White City May 15. Sans Soucl will easily and undoubtedly surpass Tbo SprIiiK K’-alival bi-lil at Norwiaal umli-r the place closed down to build new places and .May 22 la the date for the opening of Sana Its record of previous sncc-sses. tbe auaplooa of tlio lIlKblamI Ai-rio of KaKli-a get ready fftr the regtilar season. Solid and May 211 for Luna I'ark. Inaii May I to S waa a liiaKnittoont aurcoaa. I went to tbe Hippodrome, Monday night, to As Forest I'ark Is the first to open, the man¬ Tbi- lm-loiiii-in y of ilio woatlior llm llrat two see how .Stella .4layli.-w got akmg at her first agement thought it pro[M‘r to have something THE JOHN R. SMITH SHOWS. ilaya of tin- oi.-iil raiia)'ld IMurlua bail lomu ilotliroiioil amt lbi> aim .Minist.-r Wu Ting Fang, who was in Chicago, The John It. Smith Shows under the man¬ sunzs were ju^t simply elegant to me. but the l>nr»l tlinaixli Hm cbaota. tbo faoi-a of A. .M. made a quick run to the park in an auUanoblle agement of Mr. Jolin R. Smith, have been do¬ Rtigllshnian has an i-lea of hla own about tbe lion-iia ami Marry Aniiatroiit;. clialriiian ami in the morning, accompanied by other dlstln- ing a nice business for the last four weeks, •ctillnd’’ i>erson and will not accept a true aK-rolarv of llm l■ntorl■iuml•Ilt roiiiniltti-o. woro guislietl Chinamen In his suite. The Chinese of¬ playing several of the Western North Carolina rendering of negro songs with correct dialect. wroatim.l In aiiilloa. Tim attomlanoo for llm ficial was said to Im; eager to sample all the towns under the auspices of such organizations Mias Maylmw would be a hit in l.omlon but not laat fiair ilaya of llm carnival broko all n-oonla .llfferent varieties of heart bumping devices on as tic; National Guards, Daughters of the Con¬ In the provinces. She Is TOO artistic. for ('Im-liifiali alria-t falra. .\u olaliorato pyro the grounds. Me was the guest of honor at a federacy and the city fire departments. Mr. $’J W1I.LIA.M. tocbnical illaplay yclvou Wiolm ailay oionliiK w aa ban.|uet In the new grillroom. Smith Is carrying ten shows, two riding devices w'ltnoaai-il by iiioro tlian in.iaai |M*oplo. Tim Forest Park Is particularly proud of Its stee¬ and tvv.-nty-five privileges, all doing well. ah)iwa Won- fnriiikliiil by tbo Koliliiaou Auiiiw- ple chas.-. which consists of an undulating The ‘’It, big” have contracted for Charlotte. nmbt t'oiiipany. but lack of apaco romlora It ST. LOUIS, MO. track half a mile In extent traverse.! by llfe- N. C., for the big celebration commemorating Imiaiaalblo for iia to iiiontlou oach act imliviilual- —— • slzeil wooden hors.-*. Although the horses start the l;{4tli anniversary of the signing of the ly. Siilfii-o lo aay itiat novor b.-fori- In llm lila ~ . . neck and neck and are Impelled by the force of Meclilenburg Declaration of IndciM-ndence. and lory of tbo giiooii I'Hy, baa a aprInK fi-atival Tli.-^ big attraction In St. Ixuls, this week. Is gravity alone It Is sai.l that a skillful rider can among tli.- other features besides the John R. onJov,-«l moro lila-ral attoiulanro or approciatlon the l-aruum sn.l Ilail.-y Show, opejied j increase the momentum of his mount. ’This Is Smith Shows will be President Taft, the Ma¬ oil tbo part of 111,- aik-clatora. M.mday, and with made-tfsordt-r circus..' weather. int.nded to give a sporting interest to the ride. rine P.and, a trouiie of C. S. cavalry and the The parade was a gorg.-n. which has changed Its aan at llm 7oa. .Sniolay, wHti .Marco Voaaolla'a Guard. Italian lliml. A proirram of Im.iIi {aipular ami ami new-. It proved a pleasing s|M-ctacle. The name from park, to alTonl an adequate Idea of the extent of Its marvels, sa.vs the press One of the feature shows with Mr. Smith Is claaalc iiniaU- will la- provblod Ibo outin- wc-k. sImiw proiM-r Is most ex.->-ll.-nt an.l has receiv,-d the new “Teddy Boar and Billy Possum” show Tbo tlioatrlral k)-a»ai practically cbamil May iinstint.-.l praise fnau the press of the clt.v. agtnt. has a new grand court this year, with a,M)n in the center, surrounded by shows. which seems to be a winner. >* Tb.- (iraml. I.y ric. Walnut amt Olympic This has resulteil in rum-awa.v crowds each Sig. Gnllmelte and I'rof. Manvel are doing TImalr.a arc dark, ami tbo t'Mluiubla ami’ IW nizlit. It will prove the biggest we.-W In the Itlv.-rvlew will have this year a ‘‘scene.'igraph,’’ n-pi -M-ntlng the ert-ation of the world, the pro- the big f;-i-e acts, and America's Royal Italian plo'k will cl,wo May 15. It la anmainci-)! that history of Itarnum Shows In St. Louis, ami tli.-y Rand of Naples Is furnishing the concert music tbo Oraml. I.yrlc an.l ('olunibla will la> uaod diir desi-rve It all. <-i-ss h>‘ing Jammed Into a perbxl of considerably less than seven days. and will lead the firemen’s parade In Charlotte. Ini! llm auniiiD-r nioiilba for projimiiiiK movintr Most all th.- di>wntov»n theatres an- cIos.“d. The location furnisliod In Charlotte b.v the of¬ pictiiroa. Next Satnrda.v night will find but thr.-e ois-n AVhite City Is announcing as one of Its chief ficials for the free street fair and old-fashioned Tim Mlllor Mr,w.' HH Kancb |>la.v)a| Cincinnati ■ ml lli.-se oiilv fur on.- iui«-i- week, the earliest feat,ir.-« the Destniction of Messina, a spectacle mldwa.v is in the heart of the city on Fourth -MiHiilar and Tm-Mtay. A drtalloil n-jairt of tbo c.>mplele cli-iiig fi,r many years In St. lotiis. reijulrlng sevent.v-five pi-rsons for Its presenta¬ and Poplar streets, and is admitted the best The sumni.-r gardens will b.- running full blast tion. As tbe name indicates. It will present to abow la al'on on aiadhor paao of tbia Ikano. location in the city. Mr. Marry Italnfortb. manaK)*r of llm lirand by May l.l. with the exception of Melmar and the patrons a view of the earthquake which The Greater Charlotte Club, the iM-st boosting Thoalro. ami hla wife, loft for Now York City, Alannlon’s Parks. IMmar Carden's two thea- wrecked the Italian city. The center of the association a town ever had. Is making arrange¬ laat wook. Mr. Ilaliiforth, aa In aoaaona paat, fes will iM-gin May 2:1. ami Mannion’s Park park has be<-n transformed Into a terraced gar- ments to hav.? all the parades ami addresses la now <« hla kuuini,-r vacation. .Mr. John M. pbotograpiied hy one of the big moving picture ilavlln. who wa« In Cincinnati llm paat w«-,-ki film comp.-inies. r-cognizing this as an a.lvertla. manaaod llm CramI until tbo cloao of the aoa- Ing medium with great advantage. aon. Tbo a.lTaiico aalo for the (inalakr R,-cital to bo itlvou at fh,- I.yrlc Tlmaln-. Iiidlcatoa that a larao amlloncc will attend Mr. Opo,|sky'a FAIR NOTES. farewell^ apiioaraimo In hla home clt.v. FAIR LIST Tbo Coney laland atoamor, |•rlncoa’a. made a trip to leailaillle Siimlay. Kxcuralonlata. In A complete list of fair dates claimed so far this season, The Elks’ Spring Festival at Chat- fr.-at niiiiila-ra. acowiipanlod tbo mai;nlfl<-out tiinga. Tcnn., iM-ing lit-ld this w.-.-k (.May lu- atoanmr on Imr ilollchtfiil cnilim I5i oiM'm-d auspIcliHisly. .Among th.* attractions A no\.| f)-atiir,- of laat wi-ok'a ontertaliinmnt will be published in The Billboard for May 22. This will seciirt'd b.v General Maiiag.-r .A. F. Gorman wen- at the Cidiiiiibia Th.-atn- waa the Thnnulay mall Grotto of Mystics. Fairylaml, II.-incgabulM'Icr's n)*o ft»r lailloa .ml, 'ITila waa done on account constitute an assembling of the dates published from Museum. Kpsti-in's Plantation Show. Fairies In of th- le-rformam,- of Kva Kay. who haa at th-' Well. Astic Wild Girl. Stanley Robi-rt's miicli att.-nllon by li,-r atartllni; n-vola Snake Show. Gonnan .Animal Show. Iren’s tlon« -d |. i»t |•r,■a. nt and future. Tim o\ia-rl week to week in these columns during the past few Laiiles’ Minstrels. Maz.-l’s Glass Blowers and a niont omdiontly aim. .-a-ful ami nianair. ra number of oth.-rs. The festival is bt-ing hel.l In other clfloa nilclit w.-l| i-iiiiilato .Mr. Zlo»:l,r months. at the CliultaniMiga IlippiNlriMiie. by rivinc ttm lailii-a ■ cliaiic,- to bale an lnt,-r- \low with l-.ia. the ui.vat.-rioiia. with no niomla-r (Outikx.r Amus.-nients coiitlnu.-d on page 41.) of tlM- atried after tbe MoIIansee Gattlen in Ber¬ loiira. but III.- |a-rf.mtiiaitc,- th)-.v aav.- waa .-f It priMiiis.-s t.i Im- a great season for St. L.aiis, lin. am h a blah f th.- laat a.-a| (Ota ,-ver a,.,.i In Cin¬ Cr.-atiMe an.l his hand will play the tbieon eled so aa to accommodate 1..50O and such stars cinnati ai.|H-ar.-,l at ,1m IC..bIna.Hi -nm.atr.- laat Tb-atre. six |m rfomiances. commencing May 0 as Virginia Mam.'il. James K. Hackett. Amelia w .-k Captain the ..wm-r ami trainer ■n-l with g.Msl pros|i.-cts for profit. Ringham ami Wllt.m will appear at of thoa.. f.Hir w.-mlorfiil aniphlbiana. doaorv.-a nice Brothers' Circus is still playing the lots prices mtt exceeding 75 cents. Miss MarmsI ar.-nt criallt for the manm-r in which he haa in St. ImmiIs ami with gratifying success, ihie will open with Iris ami will remain for three |ralu.-il Ilia |mta Th,-lr la-rfortiiance. to aav the tent has s.-.-a capacity at alni.a>t every evening weeks. The Aerial Subway Is one of the new b-aai. |. n«anol..iia The Il.d,lnH.Mi Ttmatr.-’ on |s-rf,M-mance. ami this has pronipte.1 Its pro¬ thrillers at the park. tl'io-a t-i ,lraw crow.b d houaoa. notw itliatamllni; moters to r.-maln hen- until a lack In alteml- Lima Park will feature a lilg fire show, a lb- warm w.-atli.-r ams- shows its.-lf. wh.-n llicy will take to the human iMuk'tte wheel, a dog and monk.-y cir¬ Wni K C.oriiian. Eonoral nianait.-r of the road. The high-class p.'rf.M-inancc haa brought cus and the usual ntimlM-r of thrillers. The rau«l li.nipany. whl.-li |>layial an oiiKait)-nient sii,>|M>rl. pli.-noni.-iial for lot attractions. In this skating rink Is expeete.I to attract attention, a, th. Walnut Tboatn- last w.a-k. la a CIncIn city. as a number of experts have bt'en engaged for natlin Mo |a l.b-ntinoil with Meaara. I.|,-bb-r Th.- White City, at Prl.-st.-r'a Park. B.-lIevllIe. the st'ason. « ‘o Th.-re la no Imtter known niaiiaiti-r In America than ''Illlly.'' III.. )>|s'm-.l last w.a-k. an.l indtcati.Mis ptdnt of to a big si-aHon. Most all attractions w.-re on Appr.n>rlatelT in holiday Barb. .Sp,-ll hand. an.l. with races nin In conjunction with NEW THEATRE AT SANS SOUCI man a la-ara. accompanieil by their tralimr. Mra the other attractions, it sb.aiM have a profitable himllman. made a tour of the down town dia. PARK. Irlot Wialneailay. In a larce automobile The aniiiim-r. I'ls-kstader’s Mlnstn-ls will give two iM-r- Ha%* ***"” "‘’I'* "t CImator foniiaiic,-s. mattm-e ami night, at tlie C.-ntury Along with the expected announcement of Marrv IWwa. wellkm-wn pilot. Bubb-.l the nn-atre. .Siimlay. May 30. wisny new features to b.' seen this year at Ji’-o'.'*."" lewilavllle. Siindav. rhe Dniican an.l Martin Carnival C.miiMiny Sans Solid Park comes the verification of the rumor printed last w.'ek In Tlie Billboard that 1.1 ' '’I'l'llpa ploaae a.-nd hla ari- playing a gissl wc-k In S.Mith St. lemis. Hlm-rarr to The' tills we.-k, under the ausplees of l.x-al mer- the skiting rink at that amusement resort Is at th^ i>n«* ilajr laat clients to be remo-Iel.'d so as to comf.wtably seat large w. -. k when l•rim . -.. a Slla riaa llBreaa. an.l C. d. I N Fisk will take out a carnival amliences which are when the plans Ib-llBal tlK.-r i-llltaBial In a fl.TC,' alniB pan\ fr.mi St I.imis. shortly, to ts- known as are c.iniplet.-d an.l the theatre now under wa.v _.ii ..'J'*’’ Ibroiiiib a t,-m|a>rarv parllt'on tin- Gr,-al Western Kxposlltou Company. Is ready for the nnhllc. This ad.Iition to S.ans which ha.l Ih-,.|, or.-cto,l In a oaKo lo k.-,-p the Illam'liani ami F'-st.-r. tliarb-s AVllllams. and Solid entertainment la under the management two animala ■..|>ara,.-.l while ilmv w,-re Iwmom Diirolhy It.-iilon are St. I.oids issiple who have of Mr. H. R. Rice, a man well-known in the¬ OH. ladllB.-ronl. wore flnallv sci,n-il a c.miplete triumph on the smaller van- atrical drd.a, and who is engineering the in- trli.-n Into a. parale oai;ea bv the of .harp di-.llle circuits, this winter. They aiv iHsik.-d n.vvatlon. It Is propiised to play during the projla an.l a atnani of o.,|,| wat.-r until far Into the summer. summer dramatic companies headed from time I,ort Morphy, the man who alnsa to la-at the Jiilb- M.-rm-, In Salomy Jane. Is th.' annonnciMl to time by such eminent players as Amelia The special apiiointment of Mr. Will F h,,nd haa lH.,.n ..amr.-d f.«- a Iwm.lav i-nBaip- o|M'nliig attra.lli-n at Suburban Gar.b-n. Miss James K. Macketi. Wilton Lackaye Thomas, as assistant to the president of the c ..? , , 'r """'-•'"••nt laa-kluB manaB.-r ..f l.llliaii M's-rb-ln. prima ilonna. Is a sp.s-lal at- and others of like callb»-r and reputation: to Alaska-A'iikun-Pacific Kxposition, is mi-eting tra.-tliMi. The oiMtilng lilll at W.-sl F.nd M.-lglits change the bill every wivk and the star every with much favorable comment. Mr. Thomas ri.i-r r.-.or,, ~>m.- tim.- In Jiilv will Im> U'-B-rs Itr.s, In Washington, with Rice two or three wei'ks. Manager Rice has already p-«.s»'ssi'a a high degree of skill In ceremonial • "o-J till- laaoilat Ir.-aaiiri-r of |',-o ami t-> li.-a.I tbe cast. under wa.v h|s biill.ling oin'rations, and exiH'Ots matters. Iiaviiig N'en connected with some of Id -- Iboatre. will |«. ,-,.n„.-,-t..l with the l.aBm-n Mm.- K.-iiiiy l.lpxlii. tbe Vl.bllsh actn-ss. will to oi..-it till' theatre simultaneously with the the mixit important functions In high social an.l 'lurlnB the auiiini.-r zlve two |H-rf.>riiiaiM-.-s at tbe ithinple Tli.'atr.-. opening of the park, which will take plac' May political cir*-les. Me waa one of the managers IlKYAM. Mav .1 ami 7. playing Mlrele F.lfr.>s ami The ■J’J. M.‘ nniiounc's the first attraction will be of the inaugural ball at the second Induction I’ow.-r of L.oe. Pinero’s Iris, with Virginia Marn.'.l In the role of .Air. Cleveland Into the preshlency. ami has Ib-lniar Gard.-n .>|M-n.'.l Last Sunday, with Na- in wlili-h she has made .me of the greatest sue- play.-d a similar role at every inaugural ball MANCHESTER. ENGLAND. tlello’s Kami. Tl.e w.-alh.-r was anvthinc lint ra-ss, S .'f hi r career. This Is the eleventh year since that time. A.I.k*.! to these he has been g.ssl. y.'t a large cimw.I altemb-d. The Ganlen of Sans S uicl In Chicago park history, and this coiin.'cted with the department of ceremonies of 'be larg.-sl exhibition place has. this .vi-ar. put the gale a.Iiiilsslon at ten jbipiilar entiTprlse has siio<'i'ssiv,'l}- shown tbe nine exixKitions. among which w.>re two exp., sitlons at Paris, and with the fairs at St. Louis. SI-..** Oawfor.ra .'.'■Its. ami, like the MIglilamIs. will fiiul It haiipy faoiilty of each year Is-lng Ix-tter ami 'b.wii ami an lin pr. fllable. tnor.' .'ntert.ilning than the y.'ar prevhms. which BiifTalo. Charleston. Omaha. .Atlanta. Nashville m.ns.- t,„ii,||ng put up |,y tbe Calico Till- Dsmrosch Ms.v Festival In St. IsMils. May Is sa.vlng riit.-li, for It ib's.'rv.slly is call.'.! oti.* and Jamestown. Betw.'.-n exiMisitions. .Air Tliompsoii has beim a manag.-r of theatrical lii.tV,'- 'Tbe |>r.-«s bav,. b.M-n very I. was a i-oni|dele Siic.vss Til.' Colisouiii of the N'sl of our hot weather rcsivrts. Miles circuits, ami rec'ntly was g.-m-ral manager of nil bnll.llnB was an absolute wss none t.s. big for tbi' atli-mlam".-. K. Frh'd. the new manager, wh.i stt.'C'eds L. the G.'uhl System of Parks in the South. Prev- eZlT ' of tbo citr. whb-h lb- Wolf Mop|M-r win h.. th.- first star offer.'.! .A^ Wolf, who Is now dir.'cting the destinies of I.Mis to the Jamestown Kvix-sitlon he was in coiil.I 11..t extst witb.Mtt some tda.-.- to h.dd motor b» Dan S and D K Riiss,.]!. will give AA hltc City, has s.'cnr.'.l for th.* oix'ning mu- n-'os an.l like aTiIra Rlglit h.-re J. Calvin L.'slle .’art.'r first at Delmar Ganl.'n. May ’2.3. charge of the Chase Tliealre Cir<’nit. ami years sh-al f.'atnr*' a ii.'w Italian Ban.l. brought In by ago was manager for the Mav.-rly chain of tbca wm." V,'I*'”''' '» »"■' I'cBan the erection at ttn- D. h- Swain, writi's that he has dug up s.>me Mow.anl P.-w, who It Is said creat.*,! Creat.vre, 1 T. * biill.ling that will ho tbe r.'al IIm- t-iwns In th.' Sva|al Palace at It will b.' .--'nducti'd b.v Mareo A'.'ssalla, whos.* hanker of AA'asliiiigti'n, D. C. Mis mother Is a 41 iks) on the w.'ek of Vorll 'S~< nami- Is alroady fam-ms in I'liiladelphia and l-omloii an,) „(i| ,,I.M,i|.la tak.- a.end | WIM. J FARl.FY. daughter of J. It, Llppiiicott. the publisher. Atlantic City, ami from whom muoli la ex- I Mr. TlH'mas is well known In Kastern cities. 16 Xtie Billboard MAY 15. 1900.

are bound to supplant the character of ftlin.s described above. Our leading tilm inanufacturer.s are sendini; photoKi'aphers Into all parts of the world and the result is that the life and habils, the manners and customs of the antipodes, and of the remotest civilizations are belnR brouKht before the patrons and frequenters of motion picture theatres every day. The scheme is most commendable. It can not be praised too highly. It can hardly be said that the surfeit of pictures rehearsed In studios h)Ui already been felt. We give these film manufacturers credit for having anticipated this con¬ tingency. Along with the progress in the ciiolce of subjects comes also the im¬ provement in photography, development and projection. The machines for the taking and exhibiting of motion pictures are being improved almost from month to month, and the old Jumping. Ilickcrlng picture of a decade ago U W. H. DONALDSON, now unknown in the better class of theatres. Manacinc Editor. Showmen have averred In some Instances, where their opinions deserve PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT consideration becausf of their *“xperience. that the motion idcture is only a fad. 416 Elm StreeL Cincinnati, Ohio, U. 8. A. that its popularity will die. and that some other form of amusement will necessarily spring up to take its place. Their Judgment cun only be founded lour ntstADoe Telephone. Main 2769 Cable Addrees (registered) "Billyboy.** on precedent. There are no oracles in our day and age. Just at this time, however, the prospect for the future of the motion picture Industry is more NEW YORK, LONDON, ENGLAND. brilliant that It has ever been before. Huttv 1). Holland Bulldlnir, 1440 Broadwaj:. 179 Temiile ChanilH-m, E. C. Ti‘It‘|ilioiie Central I«.'k> Brj-snt. CHICAGO. PARIS, FRANCE. VOT tMl9 Sriilller Bldg., BKt lOlt Kaiidoliili Ht. 121 Bin- Montmartre. The theatrical season Is practically closed It has not been a season to TelephotM- Central olCtt. ' look back on benignly: rather to the contrary. In the production of play* MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA. I either of superior merit or unusual success, it has been far below the av- SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. I erage. Producing managers seem rather to have felt uncer- Uismi 3, 14:ni Fillmure St. Caledonian Blilg., Office 204, Post Office Place. i The Si'asoii tain and hesitating. It seemed to be the consensus of opinion ; III among them early in the year that the sea.son would be a bad Address all conununlca ions for the editorial or business departments to IU'tro8|H.x*t. one from the business standpoint, and production^ were put TDe Billboard F*ubllsblng Companv* out tentatively and with utmost precaution. ('onsequentl> the season has witnes.-^ed as few failures pro rata as there have been suc¬ Subscription, 64 a year; 6 months, 62; 3 months. 6I. Payable in advance. cesses. It can hardly be argued, however, that the saving through paucity No extra charge to foreign subecribera. of failures has been offset. In times of real pri>si>erlty producing managers ADVERTISTNO KATES—Twaoty oenU per Iine,aAate meMurement. WTiole pace, $140: half- like brokers in the commercial business, are more willing to speculate and pace.t7U: quaiter-pace |3K. to take long chances than In a season like the one Just clo.sed. Basing our Judgment upon past conditions we are most strongly Inclined THE BILLBOARD ii for lale on all traini and newt-ttandi thronchont the United States to believe that next sea.son will constitute one of the most active In the way and Canada, which are lupplied by the American Mewi Co., and itt branches When not on of theatricals that we have witnesseil for some time. It is hardly probabl* ■ale, pleate notify this office. that two bad seasons will be followed by a third of the same kind. If such Bemittancei ihould be made by poit-office or exprest money order, or reciitered letter a contingency develops It will be the llrst instance of this nature In the addreaaed or made payable to The Billiard Publiahinc Company. history of the theatrical business in America. sanguinity, then, be the The editor can not undertake to return unaolicited manuscript; correspondents should keep copy. j watchword. When it is necessary to wire us instructions and copy for advertisements, yreat savina in the matter of teleyraph tolls may be had by recourse to the Donaldson Cipher Code. Entered at Second-Class Mail Matter at Post-office, Cincinnati, O. By common consent the opening of the park .season in America has. for THE EXPIRATION OF EACH SUBSCRIPTION is indicatsi on the printed wrappei.. Kindly a number of years, been marked by the throwing open of the gates of the renew promptly, to avoid missing issues. several parks at Coney Island. X. Y. This sea.son's event is marked with ALL COMPLAINTS of non-receipt of The Billboard, or chances of address should be made ' more than the usual eclat. The parks have been renovated. direct to the publication offire, 416 Elm Street, Cincinnati. Ohio, where they will ror^lve prompt | Coney remodeled and practically reconstructed Concessions have been attention—and not to any branch office or agent. When notifying us of ohimgos of address, give Island changed, substituted and altered until the old resorts have taken old as well as new address. 0|H“nj>. on a new appearance and a new character. For many week* Mo adverisement measuring less than five lines accepted. wiirkmen have been busy tearing down and repairing, iiainting and decorating the buildings inside the enclosures that constitute Luna Park. NOTICE TO ADERTISERS.—The Billboard's advertising patrons will fieat!^ oblige by Dreamland, and Steeplechase. The character of Surf Avenue has been sending in the copy for their advertisements as early as convenient, instead of waiting until the changed in an equal degree, and during the warm days of the early spring last moment. All ads received early in the wtek will receive preference in position end display. j the hub-bub of many “barkers" has greeted the visitor to the Island. I..ast season was not a record breaker in point of business and return* The LONDON ERA Is on sale at The Billboard office, Cincinnati, Ohio. Price, ten cents per copy. The Billboard may be had in London at the office of The Era. I at Coney Island, but who control the destinies of this, the most famous I outdoor amusemen tcenter In all the world, seem to be of the commo* I opinion that the season of 1909 will be different. .Saturday, May 15. 1909.

Jupiter Pluvlu.s has not been kind to the circuses this year. Beautiful. ; That which has occurred to many observers of the trend of latter-day warm spring days have been followed by others when either snow or cold rain theatrical.s. as something tantamount to wisdom, is, it seems, about to occur was fulling, and winter clothes were more comfortable than tha spring garb Dramatic productions of recent ye.ars have been ,ln a chaotic state, with that had been donnvd too early. High winds have accom- . rcvuU'iico here and there a bright spot to distinguish the slumbering Of fires of genius, not yet gone out. In an effort to furnish I'lic t ircus panied the inclement weather, and many of the big show.s Itcihal*. American audiences with a touch of French and German and The have found their resources taxed for preventing blow-d»wn.s. atmosphere, our own playwrights have. In imitation, failed KleiiieiiiH. It Is to their credit that no blow-down has been reported so to make good. The continual cry of producing manager* far, notwith.standing the tents have been emptied on several has been for worthy plays and musical output, of a character to entertain our audiences. The result of it all has been that Instead of elevating the amuse¬ occaslons'to prevent panic and Injury from the falling of the canvas and ment business of the country, it has gotten itself into a plight when it might the pole*. well call for help. The help is really at hand, and in waiting. What mor* These conditions give occasion fsir the que.stlon as to whether It would natural than a return to earlier successes? there wefe which age can not dim. th*- memory of which ling<-r.s with former generations, and not be better for the big shows to wait and open a little later. Scientists which are Just as good In the pre.sent as In the past. Attempts have been to the contrary notwithstanding, our .seasons are moving forward and the made from time to time by authors, to write plays which might be called May day of our grandfathers and great grandfathers i* not the May day of the innovations. Too often they have found themselves face to face with timid present time. The first day of May, 1908, snow covered the ground in all the managers, who refused to risk aioney on the untried. It Is an evidence of returning i*nity. pre.saging much good, that real comedies, such as School states of the Central Middle West, and on the first day of May, 1909, snow fell for Scaodal, and oiicras. as Mascot and others are to be revived, and that in a considerable quantity, but melted without freezing on the ground. These the productions are meeting not only with the approval of the public but two instances are almost unprecedented in the history of thi* Central Middle as well with financial success. Too much can not be »:ild In encouragement Western states, and it is in these very states that the majority of our big shows and commendation of revivals. The minds of all will revert back to the sterling plays and ojierns of other days, so fertlW- In mnnifostatlnn* of .Tiake their openings, and fro mwhich they mark their courses eastward, south- real genius and merit. Justifying the prophecy that the production of s warsi and westward. AH of them have this season been overtaken by the cold great number of such must he .successes. Nothing could do more to re.stor* weather, and while salary lists remaia unvarying, receipts have at times the equilibrium of theatricals than a revival ail along the line. Wise pro¬ dropped so low as to make it a question whether or not the performance ducers had better turn attention to the plays which furnished entertainment would be given. for their fathers or grandfathers, perhaps, as a solution of their difficuitte* Our equinoxial storms have not been getting here at the equinox for the last few years. We are having them later—they are with us now—although I the season has reached the middle of May. VV’arm days there are when the j thermometer almost reaches the summer average, but the cold days more j Magistrate I>tily, of Winnipeg, Man., Gan., has given evidence of u broad- than offset these favorable conditions. | and liberality not often oliserved In individuals of his profession. In ren¬ The Barnum and Bailey Show and the Ringling Show, by opening in dering a decision, last week. Magistrate Daly said: “Biinday concerts In a .Madison Square Garden, or the Coliseum, as the case may be, have in past j the.atre are a good thing.” Then he proreeiled to years precluded the neoesiaty of missing performances on account of wet , Tlic >lagistral<', dlsinis- the case ngiilnst H. L. Barraclough, wh«» lots and inclement weather, but this season both of these show.s are on the | llie Ilaii(liiias|cr, and iiail i>*-en siinimonei] liefori’ him on a charge of road before the settled, warm weather has reached us, and the result surely ; Till" lairds Day .Alllains". Iin aktng the third's Day act, by giving band can not be the most encouraging in the world toward these ahows starting concerts In the Walker Theatre, on Sunday night en tour as early next year. . No charge for admi.sslon had bi’i-n mailc, the expi*nses of the concert heln^ defrayed liy the accruements of a rollecflon taken up when It was closed. The case WiU! Iirought about at the Instigation of the Lord's Day Alliance, which The field of the motion picture would seem to be unlimited and inex¬ no douiit, feels It.s defeat very de<*ply. I'.xpresslons iif condolence are In order haustible. Several years ago it was predicted that this form of amusement had reached the height of its popularity. But this was at a time when the motion picture theatres throughout the country num- ^tatiis and bered perhaps less than one-fifth of what they con- ] Justice Garr s decision In the case of Mayor .McGlellan versus the motion PniNIMX-ls of the stitute to-day. It is worthy of note, however, that picture theatre managers, charged with violating the New York Sunday or- Motion I’leture. the more prosperous and resourceful of motion pic¬ j dlnance. Is a reproach, not only to Mayor .Mac. liut to all other offi¬ ture manufacturers are departing from the old style cials in New York and elsewhere, who, from time to time constitute them- if .-en.satlonal and “heart Interest” film. It can not be controverted that I selves arbitrary censors of amusements. JuHtlce Grirr's decision is ns lugIcAi this is a step in advance. Subjects of an educational and edifying nature I as it is liberal. ^4 ^"l

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R •» 3^' fti f 4 i«. |iH t

WHEN IS SHOW A CIRCUS—NOT7 'llip next »top was at Coliirabua. anil It wax Special prices, proportionately as low, on larger tops. hniKiHKiltlo to K<‘t on the uaual allow lot on account of wet RrounilR. ami It was nocegsary ‘ Ask us our price on anything you want in canvas. The court of civil ap|M*als of the Slate of to cngiKc an uptown lot which was far too : Texas, on April US. afllrnied the casi* of tlie gniall, anil the nieiiaecrie was not crectml. The ' State of Texas and Travis t'.ountv vs. Wm. K. weather man evlilently pot remorse at the way Oody, known the wiirld over as ■•KiilTalo Hill,” he had beim treatlnp ua, and he pave us the CARNIE-GOUDIE MANUFACTURING CO. thereby bolding that thi* Hulfalo Hill Wild West best be had In his reiiertolre, and the day was Show is not a circus, and is only an exhibition simply Ideal for a clrcuH; It was not too hot ' gANSAS CITY, MO. and tbeix*fore dr- formances. ried tin* case to the Cmirt of Appeals, and bv Chief Justice Klsher's der-lslon, loses again. It The report that a baby elephant had arrlvial MURRAY TENT AND AWNING COMPANY Is a case of Col. Hill winning and Capt. Hill is a trifle premature, as this event Is not 1-7 MEBIDIAN STREET, (Tclepboae, Haymirke: 319.) CHICAGO. n.l.. losing looked for until the middle of .\ugiist. I’ercy (.'IrcUB, CamiTal, Black Tcnta and Banners. Jiidg l lsher’g decision and opinion In the ' {’•'llllps, the elephant trainer, has bivn toM Cali at our new location when In t'bicago, 1-7 Meridian Street. cas<* is a. gem ..sparkling with humor, and. is. I by tile management that $,'>itO atid a new suit Get our prices before parchaatng elaewbere. a briglit s|a>t In the pmaii. whoce i 30 TEtRS REruTtTION 8RCR 01 EVERT UNT ious way we have manag<*il to raise the sum i life has bci-n s|ient in amusing the public and , sufficient to procure a ticket upi>n the arrival I expects to live and die under a big top. is an of the circus in town, and we ft*el that in the i enthusiastic member of The White Rats, and absence of a legislative deflnitinn of that term. I likes nothing Ndter than to discourse about the GOSS’ SHOW We are as well e<|ulp|H*mpr<*heuib*il by the tenn 'circus.' I the performance under his able management is CANVAS HAND TENTS DURINO THE NEXT W DATS This aiT'tgance of knowledge u[s)n. _ this_ subjectsiiojeci j moving along with the smoothness and precision TO REDUCE STOCK. SPECIFY JUST WHAT is liy no means exclusive, for then* an* a numb^ of the works of a Seth Thomas clock, YOU WANT. of gentlemen wta> have testlfled in this case i Jack Bniwn. who is managing the uptown «ho liave assumed to know as much or more ' sliow and has the Aztecs as the attraction, is than we dan* claim. I have never heard the ' certainly getting the kale in large siZ(*il chunks. V / ILACK TENTS ciRCu: COLUNBUS TENT & AWNINC CO. Wild West Show called a circus, nor did I un- i and his frame up is the best I have ever seen, coLinuus, omo. derstand that I was witnessing such a pi*r- Tlianking you one and ail for your kind at- fonn.'itM'i*. Hut, however. If 1 have Is-en misli*d tentior. kindly reinenilH*r that I am going in in this matter I ciaild very |»ro|>i*rIy feel ag- , swimming with Hlg Gi*orge. the hip|K>potamus, FLAGS Waterproof Covers' grlevi-il. for if it was a cin*us. it was a very I Imnieill.itelv after the bign dive SEND FOR NEW ClTRlOb tND SECOND NRNO IIST poor one in omitting to exhibit all the featun*s ' that sbiMil t have bi*i*n exUlbiteil. TIsTe was an absence of tbe lady with tls* paucity of gar¬ H. AND W. AT INDIANAPOLIS. The J. C. GOSS CO.'V.'tTt" TENTS ments. the gentleman in spike tail coat wljh Show Tanta, Black TonU. Cnndy Taya whip in hand, tlie clown that tries to be funny The ilagi-nlicck Wallace Shnwa rc|»ort that the Merry-Oo-Round OoTora. ami often falls, tbe trick pig or hog usually business thus far this season has lH*<-n fifty per And eTorything in ounTua. Sand for ootolagu*- to Im* foiiml in the audlenn*, the trained ani¬ cent. lH-tt*'r tlian f*>r the same p«*rloon(icnt in Imlianap Fortable Grand Slands rac**s and many others, and last, but not least, oils he was very niiich elat<*d. With thre«* 109-11 South Main Struat, St. Laula, Ma. C-i o the genial artist who deligtits my soul In shows l)ilI*Nl there at cloa** range, and a world raiding Circus oidigingly taking tlic photographs of my country of opisvdtinn billing against him. Mr. Wallace's cousin.** as tliey apis-ar on the scene.” C^ira sh.iw had almost capacity liusincss in tbe after¬ ^ufKluttd In tli<* pres**nc<* of tts-se facts amt other con¬ noon am* tremembms business at night, fully siderations the-** was nothing left for the .rti™. —vi... . * thousaml more jieople b.lng admitted than SIDE SHOW P1INTIK6S court Imt t attirin the decision which was ae- | eniiltl find scats except on the grass, and this corilingly dime ‘‘ ' with had weather. SIEGMUND BOCK. The Tndiana|>oIia papers all praise*! the clev HAGENBECK-WALLACE SHOWS.'! er performsnee of the Ilagentieck-Wallace 62 BIm Ulnd Avt., CHICABO, ILL Shows, and the public applau*!***! It lib<*rally. The night show had not l>**en ninntng more than By JACK WARREN thirty minutes l»efore a cloudburst bit the CIRCUS A JUGGLING APPARATUS city ai.d the ciroiia tents were engulf**d In the t'lulM. Batons ami Novelileu. Stamp for The first two wi-cks of the cln-us season of; storm, but stood the t«-st remarkably well. catal.igue. EDW, VAN WYCH, CiuciHHatl, 0. HUN* has pass***! Into history, and “Governor”, Robt. Stlekn**y kept tbe |ierformance running Wallace has bi“<*n more than satisfi***] with the as last he could, and the thousands of patrons hiisiiiess. The weather for the first w**ek was seem«*d to enjoy the preilii-ament in which they execrable; it was raw and chilly, ami the found themselves so suddenly. About half OPERA HOUSE BILLPOSTERS weather man was not even satisfied to atop at'l of the acts had to b** call<*iiics ac*Tistonie<‘r1or paste, ami all yon ih*,**! to mix it Is *-old wal<*r iiiM-ra boiis**a using It all over the The iin-ss wherever we have stoppl'd have MAN. c.iiiitry BERNARDS PASTE DEPT., Rector been iinaiilnKais in tbeir iiraise of our great Bldg., Chicago, 111. animal acts and our magnitlceiit ring jierform Ih-ar Billboard: — Replying to yoiii* recent ances, and tlielr description of our hip|HMlri>mc letter asking me for an expression as to how BtiARS, SNAKES. rac*». where the ring masters stand at each I was enjoying retired life after my forty five end of tin* track ami lash the galloping boriw-s years of vari**erlenci*a. AAONKEYS with blacksuak**s into racing furlt*a. have t>,***n and to contribute aometbli.g along these lln<*s j flo foot B*ix FREAKS-^—MONSTER BOAS made into feature articles for tbeir Sunday for the many readers of The Rilltioard, I here¬ Flat Cara fur oale or editions. leas*. Stora ,VMI rara. Beiiair work PUTNAM'S WILD ANIMAL STORE. with submit tbe following: aollrlted. ATfON 00., 490 Waahington St., BUFFAI.0. H. T. Indianapolis, on Tliurstlay. April 2f>, the I am pleased to Inform my many friends and 8t. Lotiia, weather was frightful, and it rain***! intermit aequaintances tbit I luve pissasl my first year entlj all . tint the Inird was gooil to us. in retirement In unalloyed pleasure, and have Inasmuch as it stopin**! toward evening, and the bad no desire or longing for a return to tbe SHOW PAINTINGS tert was packed at night. Hiit at nine o'clow*sl tbe great isipiilarity of tbe Ilagi'nlM'i'k Wallac** Shows, for altbisigh two , CIRCUS TENTS ^fM>\KE:S other big l<*ntis| attractions had blllisl the Portable Lights town ami follow us, tin- t<*nts wi*rc ramtin*d ' TKXTS FXJIl IIK.VT. Cli'ilc** lot of Pyltaina, Pin<*a, Bulla, liroke In ami Janiniisl full, and tbe ''Goverin r” says 816 Fdist Toarl St., CIXCINNATI. (). FOR lismile. Miiiikcys. lIslMtoiMi, Blnls, etc. J. Hope 85 N, 9th St,, Philadelphia. Pa._ if op|H>sitioii lias tills efr<*cl on th<* Inisini-ss In* ALL PURPOSES hoiM*s it will k*s*p up ail siiuiiiicr. THE BEST SCENERY AND We showisl at Springtielil on Tueaalay, May FLINT'S PORCUPINES stand captivity bimI SHOW PAINTING at lowest price In the land. long shlpniciits. Sound, li<*althy, allractivi 4. ami it ralne*l all day, but even her** wb<*re High grade work only. Illustrated catalog to the Tht BolU ft Wtyer Cot vi*K<*iarlsiis, liiofrciisive, lncx|n*iiBlve. Fm*qiialc*st estimate on Job. ENKEBOLL ART 223 Miehlgan St., Chleage. wlmlow dlspla.Ts. LINWtNiD FLINT, Soul* g.>’Ml crowds were in attendance. , CO., 5806 North t7th St., Omaha. Nab., U. S. A. Wa'crffinl, Maine. I

may 15, 1909. Xtie Billboard

(hr iinHit tlmirulili- ri-nlili-iirr I'M-ntloiiii uii tlio Katca. car manngi-r; It. .M. Pi-lliia, agent; Wml Slilr. 1 rriit till! IHO iiiMM-r tlatii ■ml llt« Jim- Kilgl<-r, buaa lllliograplur; S. Slough, aa- with my family l» H"' >!>'>'< Hat. wlildi waa alalnnl: I'ciry ll’uiiki Killiiglou. cur |>orti-r: I,. •I.irinllv Iiiuclr to Milt our ri-<|iilr<'moiila, aiitl I II. SiH-llinan, iir-dtraiiu-r; W. II. llm, cltil) ■•xiiu aiol ■- Slua. Oacar Wlilley, J. I*. .Miller, C. T. Crif Ju8t finished—all Four Color Pictorial Lithograph. Also a complete assort¬ ,-l.>ua lot oil till ri-ar I liavi- a KaraKi* »llli « Hu, I'. J. Kclianlaii. Jaa. Cregg, C. .M. Ceiger, ment of Mammoth BULL DATES now in stock ready for shipment. Work >>li"l> ami iiuarti-ra for j.iiillor, amt I am Cua Ciiateraoii, Jack Carnea, I, It. I'atrhen. K. II..w hi'loK plana drawn for a twi-ho Hat Imlld Ilanfonl, Ceo. Slelnln-rg, W. J. Bair, T. More Write for Special Catalogue of CIRCUS PAPER. New Illustrated Catalogue uml A. T. Apiilegate. liik. ulili’li will bo ooitipli'loil wItliliiK tlio iioxt Four Color Pictorial Lithograph STOCK DRAMATIC PAPER now ready. r|,:htoi.|i mooli.a, HO llila will korp mo from The following performers have been K.illiut •'maty " for ... lo do. Write for prices on Special Block and Type Work, Heralds, dates. Tho lattor (lart of thia month I ahall iiiaki* engaged with the ( haa. Bartlm- Sliowa for the coining waw.ii: The Aerial Slonea, eaating act. iii.i iiimmil lour out l.i liroal It.iid, Kanaua, to ItowlamI Siai.-ra, der and aerohat; Wni. J. I'erry, nin.l ami ll.nala. ami I don't oaro to xontiiro ' t.alklng and aitiging clown; Cad. W. J. rdi-n'i 115-117-119-121 West 5th Street, KANSAS CITY, MO. (Ida • \|H'riom'o aKalii. and laat yoar I Hhli>|M-il troiilH- of trained poulea: Kd. lanig’a dog c|r- niy 111 ii'liino and l aiiio hark to Clilcago by eiia and II. W. Wingeat'a Military band, cun- Clilcagfy OllU-e and Salesrtjnm.s, New York Olfit-e and Salesrooma, l.-ain aiating of fimrt)-en miiaiclana. 41-U.5 Lrand 0|H‘ra House Bldg. 201-202 KiiiekerlKH-ker Tlieatre Bldg. I oji.wt lo havo a lino llmo In tho rountry thia yoar, aa tho I'liltod .Slati-a 'font and Awn Advertising Car No. 1, Miller Bros.' liiK I'o . of ChlcaKo. aro makliiK mo an outtlt 101 itaneb Wlhl Weat incimlea tbe following EDW. P. NEUMANN, JR., Preat. WALTER F. DRIVER, Vice-Prest. r..r oam|iliiir out, oiHiaiatliiK of tonta roiii|irtalnK |a'<,|)le; I". W. Harrell, manager; Bert 1-ay- all III.' adiaiitaKoa of a iiKalorii homo, living lien laiMM Idllpoater; with tlie fullowing aaaiat- JOHN C. McCAEFERT, Trews. EDW. R. LITZINOER, Secy. r.a>ui. dInliiK room. aloi-pliiK riauii, kitobon ami anla: Caul l.ariiimt, J. Jackaon. C. Smith. T. l. atli rm, and If thoro la aiiylhliiK In roal o[h-ii ilammiin. II. Bead. J. Itidtlnaon. B. BalK-.K-k, ■Ir Ilfo and atrirlly rural aurrmindliiKa thia will C. C. Siiiltb. II. IPiover. C. Bkalgett. A. illgb- la* •'ll ■■ Iloilo A Woyor, tho oiroua llicht mon, tower. II. Cblll|K,tt and K. I-ewlIleng. litlea,; an- iii.ikini: mo a oomploio IlghllnK. boatliiK ami W. WakeOeld. cook; C. Smith, paate-maker: J. oia.klni: plant iKaaolltioi, and thia with a party Ilandh-y, ai-cond cook; and A. Ciarkaon, aecr,-- of f..ur, ln<. idliiif a k no lark of giaal lama ldll|MMteT; Harry Newman; Jno. Kortiiau froah milk, tmtlor. ogga, otr.. ami I giioaa thia ■ ml 11. Hall. Iltbograpbera; Jaa. McComiick. moana aoiiio ploaauro, don't ItT I will omioavur paate-niaker; Horace peCruah. program.: J. ('. and Awning Co. to writo ymi ooraaluiially from tho "rural dia IturgeaH, H. B. Hall. I-. H. Kgan, C<-o. Heath. trli-t." and inrldontally aond yon aomo pirturoa W. Bhami, C. N'. Munaon, J. Schoonheck. C. of tho layout. Tho town of Croat Bond baa I. lndhnatera art- I.. A. Weildle. loll .Tou iii.-ro about thia and bow I ha|>|>onod to •kl. I’owell. Ct-o. Bnmaaloa. Chaa. Sfaver*. Chaa. HAYMARKET 444. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, Invoat In Kanaaa. ami why I havo aturk to thoao .Malln. John Carr, Howani Johnaon. M. .M. Wei¬ farma all thoao yoar» In my noil lollor. and ner. Chaa. Barker, H. Ueiroat. Shorty Haiigbn. Circus, Carnival and Black tents always on baud. Can ship on a wire. Write us about our (waialldy giio y.Mir r,'adora a.imo of my oarly J. Herrity, Jerry Benam, H. M. Kreetag. and Dramatic tents. OiixtK.i. Buy your moving picture tents from the house that builds them so oiiH-rlonroa In th.>ao day a. Including aomo oppo- Topay, the Mascot. allion with tbo now fanuHia Itingling Krolhora, that they meet with suecess. Our banner department has satisfied our customers. Send for who at tula llmo bail novor onco thought of Harry Clark, the well-known clown, stock list of tents and show paraphernalia. 30x70 Black Top, lined all through top and having a rimia, lot alonr to Im- tho amiiaomont left Tolclo. (>., A|>ril 24. with a dra.vload of monarrba of tho world CIIAS AMlItKSS. clotam paraphernalia, to Join tbe Robinson wall, $200.00. Shows, with which he will be blentllled aa NOTES FROM LO¬ principal clown for tbe coming aeaaoo. Clark waa aceompanlcl by Kloyd Williama ami a little Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker CAL NO. 10, I. A. of B. AND B. Kngllah cornelian. Harry tirey, wbo la making gs bia Oi>t aiipearanre In thia country. .Mlnnoapolla I.aral baa fumlaho,l ton men fur Q we: REINT_ ^ tho road thia aoaiam S,-crotary t'arl Miinaon and Tl,e Three Corellis left New York ■ Ilualnoaa Agont Wro. IXMiarborgor of tbo balgo, t'lty. April 24. at tbe conclusion the New have loft to Join tbo llagmlMCk-Wallaco Shown York engagi-ment of Ringling Bivat.’ Olrrua. to at r. ni. J.dn the Itamiim ami Kailey Show In Cbicag.y. T TENTS, SEATS and UGHTS J, Jidin Carr baa Jvdnod tbo Bamnm Sbow and at the CullM-um. Sidney liacgomoaa and It. K. I.lnwon,! havo FOR Id Jolmat (bo Klnclitig Shinr, aa bavo C'harloa Mnin ■n.| W. H llolmra. E,l I.M J.Mwai la atilt ahead of Koloya. Kd. la Fairs, Meetings, Celebrations, Conventions. known aa tho "M,h1IcIim‘ Man." K K. Croon ran Im- found at .\lton. III. ^ CIRCUS TENTS FOR SALE Crcl Kiloy. of Biwton, haa charge .if the UNIFORMS aonth route and Kiy Boniwoll of th- r»-nt.T. t>n For Bands, Military* tho inldwav muto ran Ih- fmiml • ly. aron" ^ BAKER & LOCKWOOD MEG. CO., Kansas City, Missonri. ? ll.ilm.-a and oo tbo north nwito. ' Itiiaty" Pav- ida-ai. Minstrel First Part. Tbo aoaaon f<» tho thoatroa l« coming to a rboo. \V J. Krirkaon. of tho m-wov Th.-atro, I Minstrel Parade, QQ Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker ^ goia ahead with the Collmar Show a. and llairv I K.lwaMa takoa rbargo of "l.ttllo Big laland 1 Ushers, Bell Boyt, Park Jxmoa li.-rbano. lirotlM-r to Bon waa .ddigato,! - Base Ball, Foot Ball, Now Open for Engagements ■ ling with Sam llidman at tlo- laat n-gnlar m. allng ZACII l.lCKKNSMKVF.U. Basket Ball, etc., etc- 8.a-rotary. SeWhraTALOO. Be Sure and Mention RIPPEL BROS.' SHOWS. AND Kind qf Uniform Wanted. Ttio oi.a-iitlvo ataff iif Ki|.|M-l Broa.’ I'nlt<-wa oonaiaia .-f Ciia Ulma'I. manager pub- llrlty <1o|M(-tinont J--hn Ulpp,-I. troaaun-r and Wistsm Unitorm Go.' HIS manager Chaa KI|>|m.|. aa.iatant manager and aiAS. CLANRST. CHICAGO •aim-Irian director, ami ItolM-rt KIpiw-l. manager BROOKEOWING TO A CHANGE IN HIS PLANSRAND •f |•r^vl|. goa THE 1909 TIm- foil.>w lug iM-rf-wim-ra have Iwa-n ,*ngagcd: ,'haa kl.h-rfor. I'r-.f Mi-t'nn,-. Silver, aorlallat; J••hllnv Pout. t'lawaon, ('baa Ih-Voro, Thomas Preston Brooke Hiawn ami Bra.wn. ImproYed Primo Circus Lights la organising his ftmons concert band and is .-ivailable for Parks. Chautaui|uas and Fairs, Ttio able ahow camtalna I'r.vf Frank Bnffner. devices. Photo (Jall«-ry. Palmistry, etc. Plenty of spa<-t- in front of stores on tlo- main thor- loaii C.imat.a k. Win Kon.loll, ami olhora. slnce tJlJmore—tbe only band that has drawn big crowds for continuous seasons of up to The mu-lclana are llonrv (tvorlon. I.oo ■J2 weeks In one place, and that, in the past 10 years, has played more suceessful. long-season Crhma It.,v McCarthv. J K Chtalck. Roy IVro DON’T INVEST engagements than any b.vnd In existence—the bandmaster that can deliver up-to-date, snappy rlah. John (Ju«ky. Jaaon Aldorwon and Kd. (Ivor music. Terms In keeping with the present conditions. -Yddress hi*** ONE CENT _BERT A. HALL, Manager. 260 Wabash Avenue. CHICAGO. Mlk*» Knr*»r** he eanr««mBn. m!th for your this acaaon'a llgbta Hi.wi*n. m««ti'r of pniftertli**. ami Jake Ilaltow. until you get circular Ulus <'hinth'llef man. tratlng the NEW PRIMO. The outfit will nwiaUt of twrnfr (lire waKf ItallnvNl Shows. H Turn night Into day. SPARKS'SHOWSSSBILLPOSTERS In w Intt/npiartera at IlHinmimtt, In*! w ill Creal attraction and great ad Jake the roRit the latter part of May. oiw'ninc vertNIng iiH-dlnin. Tho von- Ivost of tro:itmont anil aocommoilations. Routo: St. .\!bans, W. Va., May Jh nr near t'hlraffo. .\n entin* new tNinlpinent Kvery Iheatn- or other ahow aa t»e«*n aernreit f«*r the ah(»w an«t flie t»ro K ’^N aheuld have at leaat a cou|de of I'Jth; Madisvin, W. Va., LJth; Logan, W. Va;, 15th; Louisa, Kv., 17th. ‘tlntfkr Thomaa llarirrea^i*a. will have a nuiuNf K aa tlie-e- taiii|ka out dia.ra. __B.\SILlb A .Jill Af-Ilt.'V-TYMcHENRY. V •J nlr arta anti merilttrltwia featnr«*w with the ■ H Many 8KKN KVKRYWHKRE tr ■httwra Mr llararearea N at preaent at hU , pra.-ltral i<|>eratlon. J.ranit i>|a*ra llonae. In tnieater Pa . whirr he ' I'leaai- aak ua for catalogue and IImvaa Mne than It haa Iimwwn0rs6 UIIUsno Ironv mij lr lUIIIWlIumfis sCHAEMBS. 6I2-6I4^ Metropolitan Ave., Brooklyn. N.^y Y.m. • r atme mil before F. B. BADT & CO- ' iWeatarn Agenisl TllF. BILI.BD.XKB'S Bl SIXKSS DIRF.UTORY RIVES Pollowlnif \n tho rosfor of tho Mor- ' w 1504 Monadnook Blk., Chleafo, III. ’'in amt Halley AtlvertNIiiff Par No 1' Frank TIIF .XDDRF.SSF.S OF ALI. THE LEADERS. 20 Xfie Billboard MAY 15, 1909.

Gup C. Klingner, secretary of the i ROBBINS’ OPENING Cole Broa.*; Meadville, Pa.. 13; Erie U; Corry, CD^'nipluj^iHl I'rutwtlre AuMM-latlon haa alcn^Hl ' ir.; Oil City I*. a two }«*ara' pontraot with on«- of the bis CampiMll Bnai.'; Wichita. Kan.. PJ; Sallna 13; WANTED rircuwa. lie will not jful lasiple. Riaiuia aial taklnit llowani U lliilne, of Tormito. Canada, eat on lot Gia-n Payton, <1., May 31; rebeara aa IiIh aaalHtant and lioja'a to meet all old time liiK iVHtin unl.v waa the order until T.4.'i. when wav 'Jit; la-nox 31; Clearfl<‘ld 33. ala n wis-k earlier; I pay all after Joining; state frlenda aKaln In the near future. I Treaaiiivr Farrel rbanal the tirkrt waxou, Itlckey a Circle l> Wild W.-at lltlvervlew Ex tiirnli'K huiidrtda away. Jersey City la Mr. poaitloni Chlcaxo. Ma.v 13, Indef. all III Hral letter, make aalary right, ami dun'l Iiilarepreaeiit. .kdilreaa at oiitv, The executive staff of the Chas. Bar- Itobbina' home town, and the show wlntera 1 IK-Arniooil'a Greater SiHithern: Maryavllle. Tenn., tine .ShoWN for the waMm IlaKi la aa follou'a: I there. IU-I.3; lA-noir City 17 33. H. C. BATES, 508 Pontiac St., Dayton, 0. Cliaa. Kartlne, proprietor and manaxer; Janiea 1 SECOND DAT Klaiiiii Bnw.*; Mt. Waahinxton. Mo., 14; las-'a ftawHon, x**ii»*rnl axeiit: K«l. Kownian. advertia- i The snow fell with all the fury of a winter Siiniiull 1.3; Blue Sprlnx* 17; Buckner IS; Inx axent. with bllliaietera; II. W. Win bllxzard. charroal Hrea wen* llxhteil In the Grain Valley lit; Oak Grove 30; ttdeaaa 31. Xert, niualeal dlr*-<-tor. with a band of twelve aide show, dreasloxna.m and blx lop. The Gov¬ Ma.vview 33. pleeea; Chaa. Stone, etpieatiian dlivetor; \Vm. Flak'a. Ibale. R. It.: Wonewoc, Wla., 15. ernor ait In the froiit ihair with his winter isiat Fountain. Bobby, K. It.; .\laiiioaa. Colo.. 13. AxUe Stuard and (Jrm. Ilejman, In eharxe of turned up, and Mra. Frank .4. Itobbina aat at AT LIBERTY atablea. Gever Bioa.: It. It.: Gre.*nli*af, Kana., 13; Wa hla aide with a new apriiix basket hat and teivllle 13: Irvliix 14; Blue ICapIda 1.3; Rati Hand Balam-liig and Contorthinial Art with ap Guy Weadick and F'lorence I.dtDue, fiira, makliix a unique picture for the Jersey dolph 17; Manhattan IN; tllaburx 10; West well known In the eln-iia Held, will terniliiate City clreua da.v. paratiia; original work; will join arrohatlr morelanil 3li; ttiiaxa 31; Itiwaxllle 33. a aiKH-eaaful aeaaon of thlrt.v weeka In vaiule- i ironiH- Height. .3 ft.. 3 In; weight. 13N; agr Gotimar Broa.: .Momence. III.. 13; Tuacola 13; vllle with tlM-lr lariat art. Ma.v I'tl. Later on OPENING FESFORMANCE Slielbyvllle 14; Mt. Vernon 1.3; Ca|>e tjirar- 34. An aet that will make giasl. thej will oja n In a new weatem art. rarr.vlnx Popular coiuvrt b.v Profeaaor Naaaellaa twen¬ I dealt. .Mo.. 17; Poplar BliilT IN; Caui|>ladl 10; a|a.rlal w«-n.-ry and efTi.rta. whirh promlm-a to ' ty-four piece Itoyal Italian Band. HAL STEVENS. 81 Everett St., BANGOR, ME b*- a dlatlnrt novelty In Ita line. They will | Blyllievllle. Ark.. 30; Carutherav llle. Mo., 31; Ditplay No. 1. conlintie to uae a real Indian. Sikealeii 33. Grand S|m' tariilar toiirnameiit. prea<‘ntlnx ■ Gentry Brne. A. Ciiblilaon. ! Oitplay No t burx 14; .Martinavllle 1.3. Bde OLD. tell.vide ljnii_ and lady sharp aluaitera, iqa-iied in Ft. Smith, Diiplay No. 4. 2il; Cuba 31; Belleville 33. ! HAMIL-SHAMIL-SMITH CO.. Buftalo, N Ark., to a big biialnesa, Saturday, April 34. Ketrow's. Wm., II lutl.; IVndh’ton i Lieut, llulblird la allowing in Ft. Smith for a RInx No. 1—America'a sreateat rider, Mlaa Hia-itui. Kins N"- 'J—Miaa Hart. Gn the Hip- 1.3-1,3. week, and then will lake to the road, where he Lucky Bin's: lent. Neb., 13; Julian 13; Brock will play one ntghtera. laalrome Track—A Irouia* of funny cluwua, pre- ai'iititix Teildy'a return from .Vfrica. 14; Talmago 13. WANTED Liigar. Great. Jiw. Lugsr. mcr.: W. Man The Fred Locke Show will open at Diiplay No. 6, PaiicMatbiirg. (».. Ma.v N. Ward Itichardaon cheater. O.. 13; la'wlaburg 13; W. Alexandria Light man who untiorstands Uolte A baa been tranafern-d from the ticket wagon to Clown aons. by .kmerlca'a m'eateat lady 14; Camilen 13. Weyer System. Address the advance aa g.-neral agent. Harry Given will clown, Mlaa .May Koater. Miller Bros.’ lui Ranch Wild West: Payton. O., b* contracting agent. The Payne Family, auil Diiplay No. 6. 13; Columbus 13; Newark 14; Wheeling. W. GENTRY BROS.. Clan-nce Halllday and Slater, are the lateat Va.. 13; Pittsburg. Pa.. 17-lN; McKm-aiwrt lb: added attractiolia. Itinx No. 1—Slack wire walkinx by Ray Mon‘-ssen 30; McKih-* Ibaka 31; Youngstown, Ibe. Itinx No. 3—.4n lald and Intereatlug tight »>.. 23. fireensbiirg, Ind., May ^14; Martinsville 16. In order to strengthen the opening wire a«t b.e .Mlaa Beaale Markwell. Norris A Rowe’s: tPwalla. Wash., 13; Coeur IndianalHlIis, Meek of 17 perfortnance of the Biitfaln Bill-Pawnee Bill Diiplay No. 7. d’Alene, Ida.. 13; S|Hikane. Wash., 14 13. Combined Showa at Madison S'luan* Garden, Itlng No. 1—Hurdle act, by Frtsl Ixiwrle. R.ibbina’, Frank A.; imsining. N. Y.. 13: Mt. MEKKV-GO-ROUXDSi New York City, April ‘37, a frontier day riding Klaoo 13; White Plains 14: Mt. Vernon 13. contest was held. John Ray, a notiol cowlaiy Ring No. 3—Hurdle act, by Jaa. Lowrle. We hate a Merr.> New R'Mdiells 17: Port Ctu'ster IS; Stamf'Ctl, Uo-Round like rut— of the 1(11 Riinch, waa the atar la-rformer of the Diiplay No. 8. Conn., lb. withaaaotlBeenglBe. occasion. Fmir exivllent contortion aits. Ring No. 1 Kingling Bri».’: Baltlmivre 13 13; M'llmington. organ. 20 leTses. 2 Jerome Abbey, foot Juggler, rnd his —luman. stage—The Mlacco Slatera. Ring lb‘L, 14; Atlantic City. N. J.. 15: Camden rbsriols top sad 17; Trenton IN; New Bninswick lb; Jersey SI esrvil —used rBly wife, Mra. Kalelle Abbey, have lasm re engageil | No. 3—Kay IK-e. a f>-w Bionlhsaad bII City 30; Newark 31; lamg Branch 33. with the Briindage and Fialier Shows for the Display No. 9. B- wijr painted for season l!Ui!i, with their two attractions. King Rlpi>el Brew.’: Frankfort. Iml.. 14 13: Mlchlgjn- t'-e low prU-e i>l Getirge, Idg snake, and Pongo, giant gorilla. Rflig No. 1—Puke, a high school horse, pre- town 17; Kirkland IS; Kempton 30; Russia gVo UO. Can s' ip at aenteii hy ita trainer. La Belle Clark. Ring No. vllle 31: Forest 33. once r.M I El) Albert (Tex.) Bernard, the half-breed 3—.Meii.vge act by Mlaa Graham. Many clown Roltinson’s, John: rhrichsvllle, O., 12; Bellaire HTA7»:S ►F.KRY Indian, former fancy lariat thrower anriai>ali. Ohio. ahot. who a«'Ven years ago quit the profession i ls‘r a lively one. Sun Bros.: Riishrtlle, Ind.. 13; Cynthlana, Ky., _GkokuB MaHmI'a. He M.tnager to go Into the private detective biiaiiieaa, has Diiplay No. 10. 1.3: Connersville, Ind., 17. decided to n*-etiter the Held. S«-lIs Kioto: Colfax. Cal.. 13; (Irovllle 13; Chico Ring No. 1—The Morrey Brothers in feat 14: Keelding 15; Montague 16. Owing to an acolilent. Ira L. Mil¬ posturing. King No. 3—The Gregory Trotiiw. Sparks’; Lester. M'. Va.. 13: Oak Hill 14 lard, one of the Mnaeiilar Millarda. la unable the greatest family of acrobats in tbe world. Lady Clarionet to work. Earl Millaril. the other memlier of Starrett’s. Hi»ward S.; Brooklyn, S-’33. Display No, 11. the team, has Jolnen In all. Wllllamatown 19; Wehbervllle 20; FowlervIIle Gene R. Milton, of the Buffalo Bill 21; Howell 22. AT LIBERTY and Pawnw Bill Show, calb-d at the New York Display No. 18. ; Wbalemann’s Big .American: Glenwoial Springs. ; tin Soinc; double PlsDo. Addrene oBlce last we'-k and Informed ua that he will Ring No. 1—Champion principal bareback Colo., 12; RIHe 13; Grand Junction 14; Castle travel with the show this season In the aide somersault equestrian act, by T. Hocum. Ring Gale. flah. I.' LADY MUSICIAN, car* The Billboard. Ciu'ti. 0. show department. No. 3—Cnrlvalled b.areback riding act, with Welsh IlroH.': Pblla.. lU-33. Washburn’s. I^-on. J. W. Br-wnlee, mgr. S'tam- FOR SALE Large Columbia B. C. Phonograph G^^orgo nnd Althea O’Doie, Joined the i rTGr«t’'"<',r Vltmuer** bv‘'^ RaVfon Yankev Showa. at Pea M.duea. la.. ! ’ another, bj J. Kalton. fitrd. Conn., 11-13; So. Norwalk 13 14. and Brass lltirii, almost new', f:{3; McPball Baby April 3b. Display No. IS. Grand Piam>, camt $tk'ai, fur ^{.30, iumsI a year; LATE CARNIVAL ROUTES. one lalisou Ex. M. P. Machine, 8-s3; chidee of Jos. Shero’ is with the John Sparks Ring No. 1—Kitai Hatsume'a Trempe of Im .No. It or 7 Ueiiilngton tviH'wrlter. *43; folUiwlng Blaiw. doing hla acroliatic clown mivelly. 0x1- iwrial Japanese-. Ring No. 3—Charles Greg¬ parts lalison. M. P. Machine: -J No. 3 long dla ilde. ory, barrel crossing act. Puvia A Campbell SlH>wa. tV. H. Pavla, mgr.: (Jranby. Mo.. 10 13; Sarenvie 17-22. laiua- I,-IIS, I balance wlieel, shaft, cam and largi Display No. 14. Miller Bros.’ Showa: Waurlka, Okla.. 10 1.3. lievel gear aasa-u.libsl; ‘3 gatea, rublwr rollers and RINGLING BROTHERS’ PARADE. Ring No. 1—Flying rings, by May Allen. Smith. John R.. Shows: la-xington. N. C.. 10 film te:isbin springs; 2 alar wheels and shafts Stage—Flying tings, by .May Gregory. King 13; Charlotte 17 23. ami Intermitteot spns-ket asM-mbbsl; 1 shaft, No. 2—Flying riuga, by Florence Foster. Westeott’a I'nlted Shows. M. B. Westcott. cam. ami large le-vel gear assemble,!. WN. F. NIEL. CretccBt Theatre, Chattanooga, Tann. The parade of the Ringling Brothers’ Show Ditplay No. 16. mgr. Salllsaw. Pkla., 10-15. this year la one of the biggest that haa ever A tight wire act that excels In beauty, by been put lait by any ahow. It la full of aenaa- FOR SALE Power No. 5 Cameragraph. rheo the Famous Farrel Family. tlonal fi-atiires. The tableau wagons are bril- ; slat, fire magaxlm-s, uacl four nioniba. 8106 llantl,v painteel and til off with gold: the Display No. 17. 30tli Ceiitur.v Graphoi>h-ap to tbe Moon, the most thrilling Releatu-d W,Hln<-silay. May 12: gas outfit. act In the world, hy Pare pevil Herr. ••PAZA DID IT." C. J. MURPHY, Box 171, Msadrilla. Pa 4 Outriders. 4 Zi-hraa to Chariot. About 7.30 fqc fair groumls, mu-w-iima, etc. I*rlc,‘ 83iy Tibls-ta. as- |MT flHit. cash; welglil 2-3 to .’iO issimls. Expivss alsHil 6 Horse Tablesu. Chariots. aiatant legal adjuster; John Keenan, reservisi |s'r |~siiid. Si'iid 33c for photo. Fred Ed 4-Horse Tableau. 2 Fiair Horse Racing seat ticket seller; James Jordan, reserved seat ward! A Broa., 909 Paciftc Are., Tacoma. Waah. 6 Hors« Tabbau. Chariots. ticket wller; William Gregory, equestrian dl- t Honme Tand, m, drlr- 6 Horse Tableau. r*-< lor; Giia Fairbanks, tweiity-fonr- hour agent; Fort’tRNIVALH. general AGENT WANTED For M. L ea h> la.Iy. 4-H'irse Tableau, Frill Markell, privilege ear manager: Paul ORGANS Merry (to-Ron no a, curk A Sous Ralirnail Sliowa; omw tliat la 8 tpoel Chlstnou, boss eanvasman; John Groves, Skating Kinks; callable of routing and (suiiractlng for a ten' ■m. drlv- 0 Horse Rand Chariot, rn by man. IsiHS hostler; John Higgins, boas chandelier ami Moving Pic-, car aliow; also one gmsi lewal Conlrartlni with Clown Band. man; Alliert Chamts-rs. master of transporta lure Theairea_ ' Agent, and tlir,-e BIII|Miatera. Must tie solier Tabb- ati. 3 Ml. H. H. Hall, manager of the aide show; J. made to order for 6 Horw Ofe-n Pen. .3u Mounti-d Male Rid Gordon ami R. Brown, ticket aelb-r-; Charb-a all inatrumenta. 6 Home 0|i» n I>**n. era. Lowrle, door tender; Marie pe Vere, awonl Carousel For Sale 6 Horne OlM-n Pen. 8 Horse Tableau. swallower; H. H. Hall and wife, in llbialons; 4 Hon*#* OlMT. p, n. 8 Horse TsMi sii. Mrs. P.nivvn, anake ebarmer; Prof. Riisha. hand .'L3 animals, 2 rharlola, 6(4 boraepower. Meta 6 Horne 0|K-n Pen. r> Horse Tableau eiiff king: Edward Marks. Punch and Jiid> : A.BERNI. A Welsa kerb-le. Will buy. rent, b-sse - ^ Bartlm’s. Chaa.; St. Marys, O.. I.%. WANTED AGENTS—To meet iKniltry men or parinerelilp Atblress Bor.M( TOP, car,' Th' IIUIlMtanl It la reported from Altoona. Pa., where An- Bartine’a (has.; St. Ma^a. (b. 1.5: Spencer- and f.trmers, big pay; a<-nd yoiir name on card ale Oakley lately appeared, giving exhibitions vllle I,; tllilo City 18; tan Mert 19; (»rover to day and wi- will s»-tid y,Hi riill parllciiUrs of th- blgg,-st mom-v maker lodar. Tlila la aome of markmanslilp. that a Plttelinrg svndlcxte i m ,s. it^WANTED’S^A will put h»-r otit In 1910 at the bead vif a new I Clark a, M. L.: B«*llevUle, Tex., 12; 15 allla 13. thing new. Poultry Remedy Co., Doak A, 114 N. Second St., Springfield, III. llonu- Week AllracOons ami Coiireaalona a< wild west and hlpiKslroine. Kimenlierg 14; Alvin 15. Palm-svllle, Ohio. Aildreas tMs-relary may 15, 1909. X ti e Billboard

CbiintrcII A Srhuyler (Lyric) ITnlontown, Pa.. Dclzaro*. Tfcc Great (Bijou) Quincy, III.; (Fam- 10 12: (Panillyi Brad<-k IS l.'i: (Liberty) lly) Lafayette. Iml., 17 22. K. Liberty 1719; (National) Steul>envllle, <)., Dotaon Ilo'vanl (Trent) Trenton, N. J.; (Proc- lif) 22. tor's) Newark 17-22. riinliiirbatn A MarUm (Bennett’a) Ottawa, Can.; Darnnaly (Olympic) Brooklyn; (Murray 11111, (Temple, Detroit. 17 22. N. V. C.. 17 22. ('rolliia. Dick. A Co. (Grand) Indlaiiapolla; (Ma- Davla. Jcwephlne (Poll’a) Wllkea-Barre, Pa.; Jeatlo, ChlcaKo 17 22. (Poll'a, New Haven. Conn., 17-22. Clermont. J^an (Colonial) N. V. C.; (Orpbeum) Drew. I»well B. (Bijou) Bay City, Mirb.; (Bl- Brfaikiyn 17-22. joii, Saginaw 17 22. Carr Trio (Majeatlc) Houaton, Tex.; (Majea- [ Duninore. Kveleen (Orpbeurai Rockford, III.; tic) Galveaton 17 22. (Majeatlc) Kalamazoo, Mich., 17 22. Co Mont • (Park) I Ivlnoaton 17 “O Tba Billboard forwards mail to all profssaioaalt free of chares. Members of the profession p,"';. oi,,.,-, ,M*le*tlc» Crawfordavllle Ind • DeViir Chae * I rllian F»te* i Ponne.nt invited while on tbs roaa, U hava thair mail addraased in cars of Tha Billboard, and it , fp' n iV rni«n V-Ue *« ^ '* * * ’ ’ ,, ,11.. k ?* will be forwarded promptly. : _ •'«rand i 1 nion (Ity 1, 22. ()., 10 12- (Theatorinm) Ashtabula 1.3-15. Hell Hop Comedy Four (Cooper) Mt. -Vernon, Curran A Mlltrm (Orphenm) .McKeesfmrt, Pa., Dunedin Troiiiie (Keith's) Cleveland; (Mary O.. 10 12: (Family) Marion 1.3 15; (Bijou, 10 12: (Crystal) Braddo,k 13 1.5. land, Baltimore. Md.. 17 2'2. Corbett. Jas. J. (Orphenm) Bnmklyn; (Orph- Dugan. Tom J. (Novelty) Vallet',. Cal. Talegrama inquiring for routed not lairaln 17-19; (Klyria) Klyria 20-'22. eiim. Bo-ton 17-2*2. Dunlisr's Goat Circus (.Males* c) St. Paul; given in these columns will be ignored j y i Cfwtello A La Croix (.Mcji-stlc) South Bend, (Bijou) Superior, WIs.. 17 22. unless answers ars prepaid. , uij,„, Comedy Trio (Crystal) Anderson. Ind.; Ind.; (Bijou) Albion, Mich., 17-19; (Prln- Dale. Dainty Dottle (Temple) Providence, B. Routes that come in too late for (Gaiety) IndianapolisIs " 17‘o17 ‘22. ”1 ces.) Marshall 20 *22. I. , 17 22. . . .TV- .. . foie. Fred O. (Cnbiiie, Philadelphia, Diipreez. Bob (Orphenm) Sidney, O.; (Orpbeum) classification, can be found on another Bowen Bros. (Pantaaes')s ) Portland,I ortland. Ore.; (Pan(Pan- Clare's. Rex, Animal Actors (C.irpbeum) OH Tiffin 17 2-2. page, under “Additional Routes.” laae*') San Franciscoaco 17I7‘22. '22. City, Pa. DeVoy A Dayton Sisters (Temple, Alton, Ill.; ^ Beauvais, Marldor A Co..0. (UtMjf(RiM,f Oar(i«*o)Garden) Savin*Savtn ,, n « i. * t /%« < .st . s* (Majestic) Ev.tnsvllle, Ind.. 17-22. nab. Ga.; (Duval) Jacktonville.Jflf*kaf>nrni4> Fla.,ria 17 22.^ \ sSarah LoiiIa«» lw*nvf*r. nrL fPol niili P. . * Monn (VaiHlf^Tillf^» TuUa, Okla. Iilerickx Bros. (Orpheum) Denver 10 22. Jy"*-. , Christy A Wlllla (Shea's, Toronto. Davis. Edwards, A Co. (Proctor's) Newark, N. PERFORMERS’ DATES. "“LPr"."-, “rtotnl'^rv.^'^’ ‘'‘• J. , 17-22. ; Browntiis A Krilar (Majestic)Majestic) iVnverDenver 13 22. \fiiinus„oii« Cliire. Raymond (.Star) Seattle. Diinlsp. .Adeline (Ortiheiim) I.*>s Angeles 10-22. (When no dste is given. May 10-15 (Mile.,(j'v MinneaiioMs.•MlnneaiKrtls. Carlisle's ' Ad Dog* A Ponies' (S AC) Loa i D**<*n®o Bros. A Friday (Her Mah-sty) Wal-all, : '4 a Ua. .. . S\ * ' TIImKrsMBlmhoammnoa. TheXKain# (MiJ^tlc)iMa}«^tic>d Vf a iaam*f a» k iiaiiaa.Dalla*.Ihallaa Tex.;Tei.;'Taw s (M«Je*(Majea-/ Vff a Iaa ■. ’ ‘.x,..aao Eng.. 17-22: (Empire! .Nottingham 2129; II to bo supplied.; Jl nonatonHoiiaton \1 Tl. ^ , Aojreloa. i .... . * • .. ew I y L aw a w. Wk rr>«ne-nnlay Co. (Ornhf^nmi Canton, O. (Empire) Edinburg. Scot., 31-June 6; (Em¬ Aileimsiin's. Jiw.. Musical Knsenible (Empire) Oordon A B**>th (Majestic) Denver. Clatop. Carlo* (Siiri*rlse) Wa«h., D. C. pire) Glasgow 7-12. I*dcc*tcr S'liiare, Lotutoii, Kiig.. March 15- Ball A Marshall Oirandl Huntington, Iiid. ' out. Laddie (Orpheum) St. Paul. OeFaye Sisters .(Forest Park Highland.) St. Msv 20; (Palal* d'Elei Bniss.-ls, Belgium. Bamca. Fn-eman, A Ora Lee (O. O. II.) Union- CollIn* A Brown (Or|>he,im) Kansas City. I»nls 16-22. •2'2Jutie 5 „ J *; , Cbwes, Thri-e I Auditorium) Cincinnati. Dunbars. Four Casting (Orpheum) Salt Lake An‘ler*<’n A Davrn|Nirt (Royal) North Ray, ;. *^*’“* * **’1.*'?. * Montgomery, Ala. : Casevs. Three (O. H.l Rock Spring*. Wyo. City. 17 22. (int. Bros. Bryne^*«^^***^ Eighthight BellsBell* Co. (Colonial) Nor- Clifford, Dave B. (Crystal Alrdome)Alrdome', SedaSedalla, ' f'"'’'’**'' (HI|,pobla. Cha*. I .Alhaiiihra) Milwaukee folk. Va.> a. i \i„ ’ ' ’ ! "22. .Au>.t:ii. Marry C., (Orphenm) Savannah, Oa. ' (UiysIhiys In Blue (Shea’s) Buffalo. j Chrlstianl.ChrUrianl. Fritz (Gem) Washington C. H.. O. | '’2''’ 'r’'*'’"'"- * MUwiula. ,\lc\«c.lcr A S.,itt tEmpire, Glasgow. S'-ot.. Barry. Rdwina. \Vm. RIchanIs A Co. (Poll'a)(Poll’s) Christy, BauwenaBauwen. A Christy (Alamo, Blrmlng-Blrm Uent. 17 22. lEmpIre, Liver;**,I. Eng.. 24 29; (Col Springfleld,Springfield, Ma*s.Mass. ham. Ala. DeCoi-et A Rego (Pantages*) Victoria, B. C., Iseiitui I/iuiiion 31 June 5, (Em;,Ire) Blr Buchanan A ItiiKsell (Empire) San Francisco.. Craigs. Three Fl.vlng (,gh’B) Phlla. Can. mlnahsm 7 12. Baader I>aVelle Trio (Orphenm) Portland, Ore. j C< dy A Paulette (Keith's) Bargor, Me. Dan A Delhi (Combine) Arn.-lbeiim)(Or|>beiim) Miiim-aiiolls.Miiineafiolls. Curtis. Ssmuel J., A Co. (Benett’s) MontrealMontreal;! I^T*^'***™; “j,’**', i**n'l''‘hni) Xenia, O. (Majestic, John«,»«Ti I7'2‘2. I’.rambrns.I’-rambrns. .Musical t.MaJ<‘ttlcit.MaJ<'ttlci Waterloo, la. (Proi’tor’s, Newark. N. J., 17 22. ; Galvlu (.Ainlonie, I nIon. S. C. .klilHitt. .\ilhiir tOrpheiini, Canton, O.; (Or- Brant A Sivllle (Keith's, Philadelphia. Carter A Waters (Majestic) Johnstown, Pa.;! * O Brlen (Family) Hagerstown. Md. I>hcunii 7.*i,c*vlIIe 17‘22. Bellowa, Ti ni|>le A Aller (Majestic) Hot i (Poli’s, Wilkes-Barre 17-22. DeLiissan. Mme. Zelle (Orpheum, Oakland, Cal., AllsnOc City F«-ur: I.OS Angeles; San DIegu Springs, Ark. Clipper C^meily Quartet (Forest Park High j p,,y- (orphenm) Kansas City. Bra,hard. Mile.. A Co. (Orphenm) Orrvllle, O. Arskl * ’Tri III** (Kngll^l IndlanaiMilla; (Rob- Denton A MrKensle VGayety) Indianapolis. Clay. George (Grand) Oil City, Pa.; (Dream- t)l!?sch^A^'Ri^sseIl'*?B"jou) ^De^^^^

ItKbb ford. Me. . (O. 11., Watervllle 17 22. - - - _ - _ _^^ D’Aro’g >f;irlnnf»tteH: rirmtnshaixi. Eng., 17- .Amer.c**, liaiirers. SIz (Pt'*'l: Folton 31-Jnno 5. Y : (I’ns-tor's, Newark, N. J.. 17-22 Anicll, Frsnkivn. A Co. (Malestlr) Dimver; This blank is available for route data in case you have ^’pST’(To'^^^i,,g’*‘pier‘l’'AnsmiV’c^^^^ (Grand, Coligado S|,rlngs 17 22. Adelaide A Dancers ((lr|>heiiin) Butte; (Or no route cards. Cards w,Il be mailed upon application. p,„. p„„ idieuin) Si»ikane 17 22 .\nder«on. Rlct.snl iM-rv Ainlersoni; IcmiI* i Ark.: (I’ark) Ft. Smith 16 22. vllle; (Malestlr) Milwaukee 17 22. Dunn A Jermain (Idle Hour, Atlanta. Ga. -Arnond. Grace (For-mt Park Highland* i 81. ! Demonio A Belie (Oriibeum) I’tica, N. Y. I-eiila; (Fontaine Ferry Park) l**il*vllle 16 I Day, Carita. A Dancers (Bijou, Wlnnliieg. NameNafTIP i Can.; (Bijou) Duluth. Minn.. 17-22. Apl“-ll. Charlotte (Orpbeum) Salt Ijike City, I DeVelde A Zelda (National) SteulM-nvlIle, O. M 22 ! Drew, Dorothy (Orpheum) Portland, Ore. A!'• llassan B« n. Arabs (Luna Villa) Coney , Duncan. -A. O. (C-wik’s, Rochester, N. 3'. Ulard. N. Y.. '26 May 29 Davis. Hal. 3A'. (Idlewlld) Chase City, Va. A.Her. Flo (Orpheum I San Francisco. R 22. __ , . : DelTolll* A Valora (Orphenm, Spokane. Wash. .Mfre'*a. Great (Bijou) (Hihkiwb. WIs. Week Theatre or Park CltV State ' nevene a .Shunz (Caslno, Montreal 10 15. .krm-trong A Clark (Orpheum) Minneapolis. ^ ; De Renzo A La Due (Grand) Syracuse, N. T. \l,ln. Peier 11. iMajestic) Cincinnati. Dilks, James (BIJcu) .Atlanta. Ga. .Andcr*ona. F<*ir (Grand) Savannah. Oa. I , Dover A .Adams: Marlentte, WIs. .\ng'iO..Saxou Trb> (Amuse) Aniberat, O. I! Dnff A Walsh (Wigwam) Sin Francisco. .A:m.' .\IIalre Trio (Hathaway's) Brockton. ' Du Ibds, Great. A Co. (Hub) B,H,fon. \Ia«a I Dumitresou-Vemotte Troupe (Unique, Mtnneap- Aii-llr. A Sweet (Bell) Eugene, Ore. krnol.l A Rickey (Broadway, Ixraln. O. j ■ Dugan A Paige (I.yrie) Chariton, la., 10-12; Api'lel.y, E. J. (National) Riwh,-a*er, N. 3*. (Scenic, Connell Blnffa 1.3-15. Davfc* Bros. (Bijou) Calumet. Mich. Aluu!'t A Clayton (Family) Detndt. Mich. ' - --- —-: Davenport. Alice. A Co. (Majestic) Denver. Allen, Freilerlck. A Co. (Orpbeum) San Fran cisco 9 '22. Dunn A Glazier (Majestic) Chicago. 1 I Downard A Downard (Majestic) Islington, Ky.: Alicarn. ('has., Troaipe (Keith'si Rtwton. (Avenue) Louisville 16-22. Al|>l,a Trouiw (BibMl) Jackahla. I Blamt,h*n A Ilehr (Lubln's) Philadelphia. Il^artford, Conn.; (Poll'a) Sjiringfield, Mass., , Eveleen. Dave (Orpheum) Seattle; (Or;,heum) .Amvtls. F<*,r (Or|>he„mi Oaklatnl. Cal. ! Bertln.i A Brockway (National) Rochester, N. i 17-22. Spokane 17-22. A«hner Sisters (Vaudeville) Belleville. III. j V : (Academy) Buffalo 17-22. .Collins A Hart (.American) Chicago 10-22. Edwards'. Gus. School Bovs A Girls (Orph- Addison A l.lvlngstuo (Electric Park) Galnea- ' Beyer. Ben A Bro. (Keith's) Boston. Colonial Septette: Hull. Eng.. 17 22; Wal ,.„m) Atlanta. Ga.; (Keith’s, Cleveland 17 rille. Tex. ' Barry A Hennessey (Star, Monessen. Pa. sail 24 29; Bradford Sl-June 5. 2*2. A.ldlson. May E. iMarlowe) Jarkaon, MIcli.; i Bstniid'a Dogs A Monkeys (Plaza Music Hall) i • arre A Carre: Canton, O.; (Hippodrome) To- | Klite Musical Fotir (Grand) Tacoma; (Grand, iMab,st|c, Evansville, Ind,. 17 22 ronto. Can.. 17-22 Portland. Ore.. 17 22. ACsnils A Fisk (Imna) Port Arthur. Ont., i Beeson. Lulu. Trio (Orphenm, San Franclaco. , Chase A Carma (Orphenm, Pensacola. Fla Edwards. Gus. Kountry Kid*, Dave Harowitz. Cra : (Tliestorium, Ft. William 17 22. 17‘22. College Four Quartette (Columbia l Kuoxville, mgr. (Ori>heum) Minneapolis. Amdnia A Burke ,3'heum) (Lycsuim, Mt'adviile 13 15; (Star) New K,‘n- ,llle. Tenn. Bertram. B iN-rt IL. A Co. (Pantagea') S;>o I’ortland, Ore. sliigton 17 19; (Casino) Washington 2») 22. Berrlsn. .ateve (Gillette, Findlay, 1). i kane; (Pantages) Seattle 16‘22. Covnmiag* A Collins (.Academy) Buffalo, N. Y., ; Evans A Lloyd (Ori*heum) Denver. Bii'lnlrk. Sine (Barrlson, Waukegan. III. Hergetv, 3'alerle (Keith's) Biim) EvsTMtvtll* In.t • « H-. 0-... 10 -12; w.'(Family) Lancaster 13 1.5. Bi-rllni'r Ver* tOridieiini) Potto 15 22. Belmont. Jay: Marinette, WIs. Ch"ppe11e, Marie (Orphiuim) Evansville, Ind. E*r>e. .Al.. & Bro. (Folly) Oklahoma City, (Lyric) Chattanooga. Tenn.. 17 22. Barnes. T Boj, A D,.«ii ('rsw fiuil (Temple, BoranI A Nevaro (MaJ*‘*tlc) Milwaukee. Okla.; (Ma.b-stlc) Lincoln, Neb.. 17 22. Detroit. IKellh'si Ck-veland 17 22. Ilogert. Jav: Marinette. WIs. Bu.kl.v John .Empire, Calgary. Alta., fan.(Orphenm) Reading. Pa. (|>lre) Fslmonton 17 22 Braun. I’liyllis (Dn-amland) MassHbm. O. Brown A ll.slg.-s (V.rletlc^r Terre Haute. Ind.; I * ‘'‘''•V: N>«*rk. O.. il.trln liRtnUlf* IH 1710-12; lOrptM'umI Man^flelil, 13 15. B .ni.n (S. bill, r, Cl,Ic’sgo;'(Grand) Cleveland ' II"'*'''’- .?• ' ' J7 -yo ■ » . . . * Bn-g -rs. Heine A Ethel (.Amuse 1) Romlhmise, Case.T A Let lair (Miles) Minneapolis. Claire. Ina (Miles) Minneapolis. pbenm) Spokane 17-22. B' 'iidoin Go.. Gn-al (Family, IlsrlM-rton. (*. HI.. 19 12: (Fairyland) Whitehall 13 1.5. Ex-erhart A Hayton (Palace) Shreve;*>rt. La.; 'l-rlnee**, .Milan,a* 17 22 Braatk. Selma (Or|>heuni) Sioux City. la.; («>r ; Cullen. James H. (Orpbeum) Sl.nix City. la. (Theatorinm, Pine Bluff. Ark.. 16 2'J. ,, imeiiin) Mlnnea|*uls In 22 Clark. Mr. A Mrs. Harry (Ort>heami Sioux ' EUswierth.Ellsworth. Eugene.Enge A Edna Earlle Llndon 11:,rues, xur M Jamlse Iteming. A Co (Bl Rrown, Marx Ann (West End Park) New Or (Queen’s) San Diego. Cal. Minn.; (Cnlqiiel Minneapolis leans Cowpi-r. Will (New Koblnsonl nncinuatl. ' vhreii.taU*Br». (Pantages') SiM.kane 16 22. 17 2-.’. I)**«,.tt. Mortimer (Empire) Grand Kiwks. N. D. Caron A Farnum (Columbia) Clncinnalt. Va«,, xielri)Melville (Hathaway's) New Berd. I\l|ih*i Erie, Pa., 17 22. fhlp. Sam. A Mary Marble (Columbia) Clncln Bucks, Fimr ,MaJ«'Stlc, Toronto. i Mass. " t roiio.,. H.rl.rl. Helen Ib.wntng, A Co. (Star, natl. Boilers. The (Electric) Knld. Okla., 10 12: F.ekho A Gordon (Majestic) Ann .Arbor. Mloh. (Gr*iidl Vaimuivcr. B. C., Can , CTiefalo A Capretta (Majestic) Topeka. Kan. (Highland) Guthrie 13 1.5. Rnnor. John (Family, Fitzgerald. Ga.. 10 22. Brtxton A Brlxton (Family) Wlndts-r. Ps. Cartwright A Aldrich (Virginian) Petersburg. Boi, A I'lii (-„. (Temple, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Ebb'n (3'ale) .Anthony, Kan., 3 5; (Pioneer) Byrne Goleon IMtyers (IVIniar Garden, Okla¬ 3'a. Wellington 6-8. 'BI)"Ui Lansing. Mb-h., 17 22. Co<',>er, Ja«. A I.ucia (Empire) Pittsfield. Mas*. homa nty, Okla.; (Cycle Park) Dallas, Tex., F'ori-e. Fr»‘derlrk. A Mildre.1 Williams (W,m- Btiller. 1-0,1, (Keith's) Boston, (Shea's) Bilf Davenp-irt. Pearle (Royal) North Bay. Ont. 17 22. derlae.d Park) Wichita. Kan. nan«N\ Wm. H. (Miij«*8tlci St<»\tx Fall*. S. O. in.i B'll.lslr Br.s (Proctor'a, Albany. N. Y.; I ^ ‘I'r.Htor's ,5th Ave ) N 3' C 17 22' ' Casteno, Edwtr,! (American) San Fraaclaco. Diinhars. Dancing (Happy Hour) San Antonio. (Or|)heum') Oakland. Cal.; (Or ' ;ry Mr. A Mr. Jhnmi; (Pna-tor’a 12.5jh SI.) I ■*„ ‘‘' 'ri, ' I pheum) lx)S .Angeles 17 22. ^ V. c.; iPriMlor'a 5Rlh HI ) N Y 0 f"''lti. B*y (BHoii) IVeatur. 111. DHia A Templeton (Keith's) Pawtucket, R. I.; ,*. Vi" (Grand) Unlontown. Pa., 10 12; 17 22 V'r.*. i. ' (F-siryUml) Greeuaburg. Ind. (Keith's) Provblence 17 22. (Casinol Connellsvllle 13 15. '■ », ra Wallers A Cronker (Main SI ) Peoria Conroy, la* Maire A Co. (Aihambral N. 3’ C.: I IVMiabl. Peter. A Meta Carson (Orpheum) Oak- Faust Bros. (Washington) Spokane; (Star) S.* III. (3'i-mido) Ft. Wayne'ind *17 22 ' (Or|>henm) Bns'klyn IT 22, land. Cal.: (Orphenm! lew .Angeles 16 29. ■ attia 17-22. It h.'ii,... Tyrlln* UMranli 'I'hluVlrlphU; (M«- (MsJrMirl Uttle Rtirk, Ark.; ; *^*®^**‘^'» ! Frrem.nn. Munrlrt*. & Co. (Cwk» Rochestt'r. ^ • lUlh Turr.vtnwn. N. Y.. 17 22. 1 MnWflcI FI. Worth. TVt., 17 22. I U *iit»ro8» IaO« Angilow 1*-... y ; (Keith’i»> Clev^liind 17 22. i’"Mlit«*n A i^ulnn Kooxvlllo, Tt*sn.: ChllfVni A 0hH«1or» !*«.;' l>upl11o, Eamofft (Rtchmond) RirhmA>Dd, ' Frinansa. ’IVlxle (MaVatloi Chlctno. '”l)4Hn AtlanU. (la., IT 22. (Star) WlUonabun 17’22. Va.; (Vaml^Ttlle) Nrwport N>wa 17 22. | Flotch.T, Chaa. Ia^'4»nard Buffalo 17- '‘*11 I * •'"■•eft (Krilh'a) Ibvton; (Sh»«*a) ('ampNll. Al ((Iramli llunttnutOQ. Ind., 10 12; | IVWolf. Franrt^ A GIbaon (Wa1k4»r) Chnm | 22. ibifftio 17 22. (Gnml) IVrti IS 15. paljrn. 111., 10-ifi; (Varl«*tlr8) Canton 1315. ' (ContfnufNj on i^age 24.)

I 22 Xlie Billboard MAY 15, 1909.

BA.I-.XIIVIO re; elyer Skating Rink News A Rink Skate at Last! This skate has 50 per rent. Icvss With the Advent of Hot Weather the Skating Rink Business in parts than any other skate on the America Confines Itself Almost Exclusively to Parks and Summer market. The skate witliout a rivet. Resorts—New York Amateur Championship Decided—Brief News of the Week. Baltimore Skate Mfg. Co., BALTIMORE, MARYLAND

ROLLER SKATING SEASON IN AL¬ sumiinT season. He will install all new skates BANY, N. Y. ami reib><‘)>rate the biiibliiig. The o|n-uing oc- ^ For more than half a cen- cum May l.T. I Itr. SbiM-iH-y, proprietor of the .\udilorium j SKATING RINK NOTES. ' _ w W Onr lyog catalogues are Skating Kink, Is more tliHii pleaseil with bis I rruily for distribution. Send paMt Heaaoii. hating akattsl over INt.Otgl [Nsiple I ^ for a copy. XVhrn willing, stale whether the past winter, which is over more than At the Chelsea Kink, Lding Branch, | you arc interrstcrl in Icc or Roller Skatea the previoim aearsm and uixler Mr. W. L. Bail. | N. J.. Satiinlay ulght. May I, Jesse Mason, of i dorf'a manageiiK-iit, the Auditorium baa lM*come Newark, ilefeated Fred Flake, of IsHig Branch, ^ SAMUfl wwsiaw SMTf MFE. CT . the most popular amuw-ment resort In the city in a two mile match rac<>. and at the same time | Waacitiia. Mui .tt. t.k. of Albany, haring catemd only to the very iM'at iiinile a new trnek reeoni for that rink, which ' THE BEST ICE AND ROLLER SKATES M-Hcaaittfaiai,at«i(*4a. liaaauHK.LC..iaaMa. famillea. Mr. II. A. Simnioiia waa the aiiecial Is tweiily live Ia|)s to the mile. The time waa | attraction all laat week and more than pleaa:.'i2 1 .%. Tile (irevious reeoni was hebl by Jack the big crowila, which liicrcaMMl ulght after WiHsIward. made last siirllig in 7:1. The riiik night iliirlng hia visit. Ilia cn Goldie Burke, McCormack. SwoUM-y. .\n | The Chicago Skates Are Reliable The Gaiety Tliealre, managed by .Mm. Agm^a tliotiy and .Mason as well, on pn-rious occasions. Barry, gave, aa a a|H>(-ial attraction, a fancy Th ■ racisi arc very |H>|iuIar at this rliik. and a rolb-r akatiiig conti-at laat Wednesday night, af giKHi .sttemlaiie)- is on hand at every race meet. ! They won first place in the ter tin- regular |H-rformanee. and there were live comiM-tltors. Fred Lawrence won the content, The past few weeks, numerous west- : Marathon Races of C'hica^jo, easily. ern rink managers and stweral skate mamifae. ' lur-.Ts have piiss)-il thnaigli New York on their / I way to lh«‘ )dd eiaintry to baik over tlw skating New York and Kansas City. AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP DE- ' ll"Id. Mr. L. M. Bichardson. of Chicago, and i CIDED. Mr. .Mfrcd I’nlnter. late of th»* Rlvervlew Rink. I . Mll'.vaukis-. an- among the last to sail for Fug- Tile one mile race for the amxteur champion jI land and tho eimtinent. CHICAGO ROLLER SKATE CO.. ■lilp of New York, the trial heata of which wen* 1 Mr. NV. A. Parsons has just opened 285E.MadlsoaSt..Cbicago. 111. --^ held on Tbumilay night, April 2h, waa dm-idctl jI a Mg skating riiik In Kerliii. Geniiany. Mr. Saturday night. May 1, at the .MetroiioHtau | I'arsons* rink Is known aa the .tmericau Roller Roller Kink, Broadway and Fifty-accond atrwt. Skaling Rink Co. New York. Notwithstanding the inclement weather, a large crowd waa on hand to witneaa the event. After holding back until the last ipiartcr of SPEEDIEST and BEST for PROFESSIONAL or AMATEURS. a mile, and allowing the otiicra to a<>t the pac, . W. Iloxaey, of the Metro|a>Hlaa Skating Club. Jumped to the front, and oin'IdhI up a big gap, croasliig the line a winner by over thirty yanla. Uniwartl E. 8. L. (X)., 12» W. 38th St.. W. Y. ; J. Heacock, of the Clermont Skating Club. On |jlt<‘al Mislel lalMsl aeCHid. with Ilia cliib-matc, W. Burke, CONCESSION TENTS Ball Bearing I third. Doxaey’a time for the race waa 3”20 2-5. B.XLLYHOOS—WE KHOW HOW. and aave yon Rink Skates, monev. Write for prieea. TUCKEKDUCK Club Skates. NEW RECORD ESTABLISHED. & RUBBER CO., Ft. Smith. Ark._, Polo Skates In winning the two mile roller skating cliam. crWANTEDxa I I’sovl anti fntlor«“tl by ppocd t*. ml fo.' plon-diip of New York n-ceiitly at the Metro- Man to play heavies. Olhi-m write. Miisiclaiia. | skattT> ovt-rj-whi-n*. .\lso fin- Catslogue poHtau Roller Rink, Broadway and Fifty-wNNHid Jennings Dramatic Co., Aahdown, Ark., May 16 stns't. New York. W. Itoxsi-y. of tlie Metro- {‘‘•t. nuKtt ruiiipiftc skate for to 22. I M. C. |M>Htan Skating (Tub, fe)iabHsli«Mt a m-w ama individual use With extra teiir reminl of t);:i4 for the aeveiitet'n-lap track. J. ll<'ac:e Is)x\\o«h1, fibre or aluiiu- HENLEY ; om- other show. Well breattsl, doing giHsl biisl- tin- start, and a»'t tip a fast pace. Itoxsey num wheels. Richmond. Ind. atayml In the n-ar until a mile ami a half had , ness. Bear inspection. Price reasonable for lieeii coviTtsI, when wTIli a great burst of s|aM-iI, early s.ile. Address “J. A.,” care Billboard. he passelled to aell; If yer of Inatni- al

LAWFUL SLOT MACHINES. AgeutH are iiiak- ilig (Id |M-r tlH.v ii|MTatiiiK oiir iiiarhilies. Also :{iMi o'lier l"gitin:Hte and gaiiiiog iiiaeliiues at t'argalns. Write for I'articiilars. SI.OAN MFC. W A N X E D CO.. North Ninth st.. I*hiladel|ibia. I'a. Repertoire people in all lines for summer se;ison; week stands. Steady WANTED TO BUY—.Merry-go romid. Ofanidete, in giHs' condition. Must le- rloaii for rash. State ail In fi-st letter. 315 Mill Street, work for the right people. Harry Marlin, Clara Geaorge and others win*. Niagara IVfllltarv Band CircleTille, Ohio. For ParkH. Klaka, raTlIlons, Shows, ate. Large CHiS. k. CUNNINGHAM, People’s Theatre, Leavenworth, Kansas. new Catalog "C.” Free. ICT’FOR SALE'va NIA6ABA MUSICAL nrSTBUMEVT MFO. 00. (.Vi.CMi S|>indle. new; will take l.'t.'oOO. 1014 North Tonawanda, N. T. Tin: itiLi.ito.xitirs <'i,.\ssirii:i> itrsi.M'.ss iMUKtxoitY «;ivi;s S. ISth St., New Cattle, Ind. TiiK .\i>inrr..ssi;s oi' nii; ij:.\i>i:ks. WURLITZER AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SELF-PLAYING MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR EVERY PURPOSE. The Pianino—The Tonophone—The Mandolin Quartette—The Violin Piano—The Mandolin Sextette—The 65-Note Player Plano— The 88-Note Player Piano—Pinned Cylinder Band Organs—Paper Roll Military Band Organs—The PianOrchestra. GREATEST LINE ON EARTH. SEND FOR COMPLETE CATALOGUE. THE RUDOLPH WURLITZER COMPANY, NEW YORK: 25-27 W. 32nd, bet. Broadway and Sth Ave. - CINCINNATI; 117-121 E. Fourth. - CHICAGO: 266-268 Wabash. Professional Roller Skaters — ASSOCIATION —. Organized to rive BTeater prominenco to bona fide Profeziional Skatera—thoio wbo ha*e a flniihed act to offer to Manacert leekinr Exhibition Skatera—and to promota imkc Out* fS.M); twii, Boiler Bkatinc in reneral. ir<'<-, fr.*..*><•. Y>>ur own Addreaa SECT EARLE REYNOLDS, 1440 Broadway, N. Y. City, care The Billboard. amt. or traili- mark on limlcad of SAYSO If III It without fxlra All the Stars of the Skating World Ti rimt. half caah, lial- ARE MEMBERS OF THE ORGANIZATION. II II. I 1 iIh- wIi.'Io In a forl.r- FRED ROMALO PROF. A. P. DEMERS The mao who oo bin b^ad on ball- Kndoreed by ALL the LKADI>G RINK MAN- iM'arlbie iNiiler akatea. down au IH-ft. In* A. Cuta FiKore Kli(bt oo bla bead. e\er pla>ed their rinka. The artiat H HU playa Tbe act that brtnira tbouaauda to roller return enteaireiuentM cx^ntinually. Kink Man- rlnki. Addr»*aa PAUL L. DUPREE, 1440 aKert who want an alaioiutel) h Kh-cia>w attrac¬ Broadway, New York, Billboard. tion. write at on<*e for (»p«*n time. AddreM 519, ColumbuM Avenue, Boston, Matw. FOR SALE CHEAP BIO DOUBLE ATTRACTION THE FAMOUS Peanut Machines RECKLESS RECKLAW n.'i Scooixl liand Meal rcanut Macblnca, good TAYLOR TWIN SISTERS comlitiuii, $4..'ill; Ideal I’eauut .Machlnea, Ecroutrir Sonealinnal ryollat. FANCY AND TRICK SKATORLAL never been uucrated. Just as they were received S«M* Mv Original Race. from the factory, at $i>.."0. These machlnea are WANTED FANNIE LEIGHT, ARTISTS pnariuiteml by the manufacturer, (juiug on tba That Heal SkatliiK i.irl. Attraction fully Addreaa Tbe Billboard, 1440 Broadway, load, reason for aelliiiK. A bit; snap. riine rtr»t elan* hill|>os|era, aa waeou men. who Kiiaralitcoil. Aililreaa KEI'KLAW A ('O., New Y'ork City. can lake l are of a route in Itrat class sha|s'. care of lillllMiard, 144U Hruadway, N.Y.C. Dn nilVTnil *T2 west Main Street. Marrbsl IiO’li pieferrisl. .\lu-l Is- siilnT, reliable U.UAllUn, JACKSON. MICH. and prnelical nieii. T< sueb ineii, I will Kive THE LAWLER CHILDREN stesdr I'inidoynienl. I.nsbers and kirkers need md write. M. Brcalaurr, Minnrapolia, Minn. EXPERT SKATORIAL ARTISTS ll GREATEST JUVENILE GIRL SKATERS. Waltz, Two-Step, Jig and Cake Walk, Daa- Ij The inoal beautiful little ladiea before tbe ciiig. Stilt and Toe Skating, Lillian Ser¬ m 1 American |•ublic tmlay, in an unauri>aaaed. pentine Dance. Add. JUHN W. LAWLER, U|> to-date, Hniahed act. I’rotegea of Earle 620 Carrollton Ave., New Orleans, La. Iteynolda; tbat'a all. Aiblress .M. E. WIL¬ WANTED SON. 101 W. 52ud Street, New York City. BERTHA DOUD MACK Serpentine Lady Dancer JOHN F. DAVIDSON Original Anna Held Dancing Girl on Roll- or tbe Famous Itavtdaon Family of Skatera. era. aeaaon 1906-lWt7. Now playing rinks. For ballet at Coney Islantl. Also lady capable In bla wonilerftil exhibition of Trick and Home address. 73 State St., Seneca Falls, of d'-iiii: hand act and fatii-y swiniiuini:. Acrobatic Skating High and Broad Jump¬ New York. A big hit. Don’t miss It. CAPT LOUIS SORCHO, Dreamland, Coney Is¬ ing and Si>ecil Skating: also marvelous ex land. New York. hlbltloD lit Stilt Skating. A sensation art Superior Attraction— —Refined Act from start to bniab. Addreaa Tbe BIU- GOLD MEDAL taiard, 1440 Broadway, New York City. MISS JESSIE DARLING FAMILY ORCHESTRA PEERLESS SKATING AKTIST Miniature Kaiirnada for Parks, Summer Resorta. etc. Miss MAY DeMANCOURT Exhibition includes Famous Cake Walk. THE GREATEST HONEY MAKERS AND At Liberty, June 15lh. i Addreaa 21 Federal St., Frovldence, R. I., SKATORIAL DANCING QUEtN BEST ATTRACTION IN THE WORLD. N# iTu. VIohi.. I-liilc. Alto and riamo. Our or Tbe Billboard, 1440 Broadway, N. Y. C. tc|>, rioirc: .\lto ^doa, I’liite and I’lrodo wdo. GRACEFUL A FANCY TRICK SKATEK Park complete without them, earning 21,500 la or I’ii-i-do ilin-t«: singing Intr'sliim-il In the Au up-to-date attraction. Permanent ad¬ six days. With proper care will laat 26 yeara. mU’Ular 0: --h. |>nblli'BlU na; ala4> s’aiidard over dress. MISS .MAY IteMANCOCRT, 506 San Send for catalogue. lure ami*. SIrlel atl<-litlou li ' III |iark In .V 1 romlltluu or no sale. Will Kace against any man lo tbe Rink. Ad¬ »4-ll With bast- or a<-|iarate. Can Ire at-en run- dreaa 3247 E. iVitb St.. Cleveland. O. H. A. SIMMONS nil.g la.n't write imb-oa v.iu nn-an business, Just returned from foreign tour, .Absolutely Flickerleas and Fire-proof. Ona tddre.. CHAS. HOOFNAGlE. 1521 5th Are., some immediate open time. Intro<^ PROF. CHAS. L. FRANKS glance at ibis machiue will convince the pro¬ Altoona Pa. new Novelties, new Costumes, ever] fessional e.xhibifor of its vast sui'eriorlty over And BABY LILLIAN. Aged 9. up-to-date; printing, photos, electros, anything vet priHliiceil in the moving picture America's Celebrated Roller Skatera. dress 73 Broad St.. New York. Tile act that (days return engagements machine line. Price. $170. .Asbestos Portable WANTED conliiiually. ‘•Enough said:’’ .Addn-ss (moving picturei Ibsitb, Fort Wayne Compeus- Pit-.! class Vaudeville and Novelty acta. CH.AS. 1.. FR.ANKJ*. care of Baltimore DARE DEVIL LEWECK arc. Electric Economizer, $*>0 to $t’iO. Circu¬ Skate .Mfg. Co., Baltimore, Md. lars free; also lists of suiiplics ami many bar¬ al~' pi ii-e gisni sister team aiol cbi'nis COMEDY SKATER Malt- btw.-st. We par all exiM-n—'s after gains in macbincs, lilms, etc. We buy motion picture machines and films. Ing Pi r route or Sunny South Floating Featuring marvelous and death-defying tre. East LiTerpool. Ohio. EDWARD W. BASSETT backward leap over table and chairs. Opea for rinks. Addrea ALFRED PAINTER, HARBAGH&C0.,809FilbertSi.,Philadelphia,Pa. America's Greatest Figure Ice Skater. Bivervlew Blok, Milwaukee. Skating on real ice on the stage. Now Fireworks Display Conpany Wanted Idaylng tbe Keith A Proctor Circuit. Add. > \liibll a high grade exhibition of fireworks Billboard. 1440 Broadway. New York City. CHAS. G. KILPATRICK ng ttiir Fair, Canitval ami Railway Celelira- llrst w.s-k In intots-r. Rest paving cIit THE GILMANS THE FAMOUS KILPATRICK WANTED l.\a« Write me a pr.A..* GEORGE Cyclist and Skater Extraordinary, in won Premiere Skatorlal Artists, presenting all derful exhibitions of one-legged skating that la new In Roller Skating. For o|>en and bicycling. Managers Rinks and Vanda- dates and terms, address HABBY GIL¬ rille write or wire for open lime quick. WANTED, COMPANIES For large, ro-Huy alr- MAN. care Casino Roller Rink, Houston, 907 Schiller Bldg., Billboard, Chicago, III. AmACTIONS Texet. ID heart of Aiiiarillo'a business district, Shows, Knife Racks. Cane Racks and all kinds a itark prt>|tt>s|tioni; si-al liu lve bumlreil. DAINTY GLADYS LAMB of concessions for the Grand District Meeting of l-’.issi iMMiple. real show town, cenlei EARLE REYNOLDS THE JUVENILE WONDER and Carnival, given by Clifty Falls Camp, No. le |iriM|ie.i>us panhanille. IJlM-ral istrcent. g'Msi rei>. and iiiiisb-al csinnsly com|>aulea. AND NELLIE DONEGAN In Artistic and Graceful Fancy and Trick 5761, .Mislern Wtsslmeii, at .Madison, Indiana, to hear fn tii gttml lersatile vamte Skating, presenting many new, original PREMIER SKATERS AND DANCERS. July 5. 0, 7, 8, !t. and 10. Would also like and feature acts. Ntitbliig t.s. gisHl. Plaj feats. Address RICHARDbON SKATE CO., to hear from gissl carnival comiiauy. .Adilress ar prlei-s tl|M'n In two weeks. Write oi PLAYING UNITED BOOKING TIME. 5U1 Wells Street. Chicago, Ill. at otii-e Do not inisri |ires,-nt your show GEO. A. DITTGEN, Pres’t MADISON. IND. WANTED AT ONCE Plano Play, doiii,),. lllni-triiti il Must Is* HolH-r at The Wonderful Duple: first letter. Addre FOR SALiF atre. Mnuinouth, WHY? PENNY 'ARCADE t Mildevllle sketf-h to clei,‘r piHiple on gissl terms. Suitable for tlridieuin. Sketches writ Ilis-aiise It bakes two cones over one fire, thereby cutting the .411 equipiied in Imst park in N. Y. Slate. Trial '•II f'.r all elrriilts. Want buslts-ss partner fuel (i«t in half, stove cost In half, and dr space in half. It giv"U. inti machines. If you want the liest for new- "Menlth and lb anty" bs-tnre. Big has adjustable haiiilles. (ndishiHl faces and in every re8|>ect Is a thing In this line, come along. .411 I ask is in..ii,-v M. Lillian Davidson, Anriingame, Kant. finisbed bakiT. Note this ami dot II down. We ixisitlvely giiar- price of machines. Reason for selling, have aiilts- II to be the fastest and cheaimst cone baker to operate. other business and can't attend. J. A. Seery, The n-adman's friend; as m>w he will have to carry only half 1188 Broadway, Albany, N. 'Y. the cone baggage he has had to carry heretofore. RememiH-r, one Du|>le\ is D. Take Notice—We have patents iwmling. DUPLEX ICE CREAM CONE M< CHINE CO., Miniature Railroad with four cars. Elgin make. E. W. BILZ, 116 E. Pearl Street. Cincinnati. Ohio. 204 No. 16tb St., Omaha, Nebr.

e 4'heap. Cost, $'2 1-'>4I Pd. In caw f.’si deiMisll. "WALLAR," HIGHEST GRADE GROWN. BRADSHAW CO. GEO. C. TILYOU’S 286 Greenwich St. fOB bale J,| I* Hall Game and Olympia park, Box $5. Stt. A. Shaws Wanted—Wanted Shows ar.oflga. Tenn. STEEPLECHASE ISLAND No home talent. Big Street Fair. June 14th to 19th inclusive. Write for particulars to F. J. Horrell, Secy. Hose Co., Kittanning, Pa., Indy Ft.nlorl for Well fcognlai'd BRIDGEPORT, CONN. Box 85. • Start lo pack up at once. I'i \.5t over ILNI Address F. RAVEN. •WRrottBt,, Mitii Wiao. FOR SALE t'ash; to highest hiibb-r. 1 I'ower’a Heaiitlfiilly slliiatinl In l/ong Island Sound, ten minutes by sirt'et cars from center of city. New No. 5 Moving Picture Machine, brand new; 2 ^NTED Mgx,, bildgc, coaling $7(>.ia)4), connecting Island witli malnlami. mlcte. Privileges of all klnUs 7.'M' ft. rix'ls, also gas and electric lighting I <'"ni,sllans, to let. Splendid cliaiice for new amnsciiicnt doTlc's. Anything gvxxl will pay well. A seven day out.U and white serm-n. Final offer first letter. • organ wc-k lark. Siimlay baseball. Itxcnrslons from all parts of the state Tbe only resort here. Itridge- C. E. DAFFIN, Marianna. Fla. ” t: JOHNSON. IHirt Is a large niamifactiirlng city with a iM>pnIatlnn of I'JS.Oikt ami growing rapidly. T^e amount j>abl out In wages each w,x'k Is ahont $354>.04H». Within a radius of 2.4 miles of Bridg4‘|M>rt there $300.00 will buy a fine knife rack and nov Is a |>opnlatlon of 4ia).(iiii>. all nn»>oli>4 ANTED I'ln-ap. Smmml hand Show Car, or SlmpHvhase Islaml. CAPT. PAUL BOYTON, Mgr. ght, funiisht'd for the si-ason In gomi park, can In- nsnl for 5:vnngellsllc work. Ad- wning May 15th. Write quick. GEO. W. HEV w. P. jay. Abilana, T.iaa TIIK nUYKllS’ DIRKCTX)RY Tloarcl MAY 15, 1909

Howard's Ponies A Doga (Shea'ap HulTalo; Kentiiiky Kosi-bmis (Orpheum) Mt. Vernon. N. . la-Koy A la-Koy (National) Dayton. O. ROUTES (Shea's) Toronto 17-22. X'.: (Getty Siiuari ) X'onkers 17'22. I.eiiiuils A Martin (Lnhlu'a I'alai-e) Fhlla. Ilamllna, Tl)e (Orplieiiml Seattle; (Or|iheum) Ken)i<-d.\s, 'The (Sparta) Sparta, WN.; (.A»e LaValls. riie iFalace) Cork. Ire., 17 rj, (CoiitlDiK-d from page 21.) Fortlaml, Ore., 16 22. niiei l.oiilsxllle 16 22. (Gritiil) Ohll)atn, Eng., 24 '29; (nipiMsIromet Hannon. Diggs A Hums (Majestic) Cislar Kap¬ Kane, I,i-o!iard (Earl) Pueblo, Col.; (Empire) Darllngli-n 31 June A; (Alcazar de Rta) Far FESFOBMEBS. ida, la.; tHijoiil Duhui|iie 17 22. Colorailo Springs 17 '22. Is, Fraiii-e, June 7 July 111. Holman. H.irry (OIym|da) Lynn, Maaa.; (Sis-n Kennisiy A Feltl-r (Or|ihi-uuil Mansfl.-ld, O., I.nki-n's, Harry. Lions (Majeatle) To|M-ka Ksti FrnlH'I fc Kiii;i< (Orpboum) Omaha; (.Majheumi .Salt Ijike City (Kor<-»t I'arli lllglilanda) St. I.a»tii( IT 22. (Majeatle) South Hend. Ind., 17 22. Kirk. H. Arthur iHlj<’ni Iji Crosse. Wls.; (Ma j las-kwiHsI A Hrysiai lOrphi-iim) .Salt Lake C|ii Floni’r, l)l|i«*r) Can. (Majestic) St. Fsnl, .Minn.. 17'22. ^ la-nnot), Hcrls-rl Hi-rt (Majeatle) Dallas. Ti x Mt Vornon 17 1!); (Family) Marlon 20 22. Hillman. Geo., A Napams-a (Galetyi Smitb Chi Km-hl-r On-ratlc Trio (.Amerleaiii N. Y. ('.;- (Msjistlci Hiiukton 17 22. Fiin in a ItoardliiK Ilouao (Colonial) N. Y. C.; eago. Ill (Lincoln S-iuare) N. X'. ('.. 17 2'2. Ijllln i. .Mile. (Orpheum) Slsikalie; (Or|ihi'Uiii > ) |•ro<•tor'l^) Newark, N. J., 17 22. Harris Hma.. Thns) (Savoy) Syracuse. N. Y. Kramo Hros. (L.vrlc) Cliattaiiisiga. Tenn.; (HI .Si-atth- 16 22. For)une llroa. (Crvatal) Denter 17 22. Hawl-lna. King A Siddona (Valentine) Toleilo, .joii) .Atlanta, Ga.. 17 '2'2. Lancaster. Tom (San Carlos) Key West. FU rrolliinuliam & IK-nham (Flertric) Nowata, O. Kelly A .Aslitiy; PlynnHith. Eng.. 31 June .A. Larrivis- A Iss- (Lynch) XA'isaiMM-ket, R I okla H i.vden, Virginia (Kex) E. St. Louis, III. Knight Hros. A Sawtelle (t)r|iheun)i Oakland, | la-na. I.tlv (Columbia) Cineinn'atl. FIkIot. Harry, & Ilro.; Aabury I’ark, N. J,, H.ilden A Harron: Fadueah. Ky. Cal.. 9-'2'2. le-alle Eihlle (Aker's) Halifax. N. .S., Csd 10 22. Hawkins. J.ick (Temple) Alton. III. Karn-11, Magician (Hijou) Flliit. Mich. La)nhlolt)-s. The: Marshall. Mich. Fiiller’a Fr“d 11., Jnvenlle Minatrelcttp (l)au- Is)l)s«. A Sti-rllng (O. 11.) Olean. N. Y. Hill>era, Tims* (Wonderland) New|M>rt News. Kashima A Otto (Frlia* Hill Favllloui Cliicin Idiln) New Orleana. Is-ster. Gn-at (Colonial) N. X'. C., 17 22 Va. nati. Fbtelier & l.a Fierro (Gay) llnatlnps. Neb. Ijiwn-uce A .Arnsman (Hlp|MNlromel l,exlngti'i. Hermian. Willard, A Co. (Kuliy) Meniphls, KarioFos, Juggling (Hijou) Warren. Fa. I Fr'ir.o Trio (Majestic) Dea Moinea, la, Tenn. Ky., 17 2-2 Frey Trio (Orplieiinii Tampa, Fla. Hillman A Kola*rta (I.yrlo Shernia'i. Tex. Kniglit, Harlan, A Co. (Foil's) New Haven, | la-fi-vers. Thisie (Mystic) Flttshurg. Kan . (M> Fergiiaon, Mr. it Mra. Murray (Falacn*) llazle Hardman. Joe A. (Majestic) I't. Worth, Tex. Conn., 17 22. jestic Alrdoni)-) Nowata, okla.. Iff 22. ton. Fa. H itges A Darrell (Majestic) Ft. Worth. Tex.; Kyle. Ingram. A Co.: Elyria. O . 16 12: (Eh-c ! I-Orm-) Jatni-a (.Maji-atic Alnlomei llenrieii. Follelt. l,onnle (Howard) lloaton. (Majestlcl Dallas 17'2*2. trie) Norwalk 13 LA. . Tex. Fox Si Warren (Fark) Henderaon. Ky. Hill A Whitaker (Empire) Manchester. Eng., Kramer Hruno Trio (Fantagi-s') Saeramento. | Is-llingwell. Nat. A Co. (Hijou) Deeatur IP Frederiek A Klrkwocal (.Vreade) Minot, N. !>.; 17 22: (Em|iire) Llverpiad 24 2!): (Empire) Cal.; (Fantages'i San Fram Isco 17 2'2. (Gaiety) Sprlngfii-hl 17'2*2. (Fijoiii l.aCroase, Wla., 17 22. Shetlleld .Ml-June (Emiilre) Hull 7-12. Kaufman Hros. i Keith's) Hoston; (PriH-tor'a Is-lghs. 'i'lie (Lyric) Chlckaaha, Okla. Fox & Warnm (Kb'otrlc) Gall.xtln. Tenn. .Ath Ave.) N. Y. C., 17 22 j Harrison. Ia*e: .ktlantlc City, 17 '22. Livingston. David, A Co. (National) Stem, n Fong* re A Ibiieraon (Grand) Naalivllle, Tenn.; Kitz. .Alls-rt A Frisix lOrpheuiii) Hilihing, i Ha.vward Conxsl.v Co. (Majestic) Little Kock, .Minn.: (Hijoni CIiMpn-t 17 2*2 \ villi-, O. (l..'•rl^| ClialtaiK’oga 17 22. l.aMaze Fr-si.. Tlirei- (American) N. X'. C .\rk.; (Majestic) Ft. Worth. Tex., 17'2*2. Kis-Ie.v Hnai. (CiM>k's) Kis-hcsier. N. Y. Frtoidl. Fred. A Co. (Ulaney'a) FittaliiirK, I’a.; Love Waltz (ShulM-rt) I'tlca. N. X'. Hamlin A Lyle (Casino) Elkina. W. Va.; Kol)li-r A .Ada)ns (Falats-i M--mi)hls. Tenn. | ()). 11.) Warren, ()., 17 22. (Oii'ion) Clarkslinrg 17-22. Issinard A l.onlvi )Chi-«ter I’ark) Cincinnatt Fnniaa, Two (Majeallci Fittsbnrg. Fa. Kolllns A Kllfton (Hijou) Hlsmarck. N. D. l.anilM-rt. Mauit (Mib-s) Minneapolis. Hanaone (Orpheum) Litna, O.; (Family) Mar¬ Kauffman A Sawtelle )0. Il l Sagl:iaw, Mlih. Fiddler A Shelton (Victoria) N. Y. C. lon 17 22. Is-iio's. Don. X'oungsters (Majestic) Denver Forda. Fan)'M)a (Airdoox') Shawixf. Okla. Ixis-ley A Parks (O H.) Gr-s-nvllle. O. Mc.Anallan. Jis- (Palace) Xlaixm. Ga. Ha.ves, Frisl: Littleton. N. H. Kratons. The (Em|>lrei Manelu-ster. Eng.. 17 Fniton. Artlior (Frlneeaai Fc-orla. Ill. Hathaway's Indian Tableaux (.\abury Fark) McComiell Sisti-rs (.Alhambra) Mllwaiiki-r Fred'-rlek. Helena (Oriihenm) Kan-caa City. *22: (Emt'irel Hrailford *24 2:1: (Empire) Ihill j .\hlii:ry Fark, N. J. 31-June .A. ' Mi'Donihl A Carlvle (.Arcaile) XA'allaee, Ms Fielding A Carina (I.yrlc) Hot Siirlnga. Ark. Hall, W, L. A Follies (Comedy) Hrooklyn. Maiivro (Hljoili Merlillan, Miss. Franklyn Kida (('olonlal) FeteralitirR, Va.; Kelgley, Gri-at: Chic.xgo l()-2*2. ! Howard A Howard (Keith's) Hiaiton. Kram-r A Elliott (Star) Milwauki-e Martlnettle A Sylvi-ster (Empire) laimlon. Eng (Kdlaonla) Dnriiai)). N. C.. 17 22. Hasty, Charles (Sun) Springfield. O. May :< 29; (Marlgny) Faria, France, June t Fiddler A Shelton (Hammerstelii'a) N. Y. C. Kramer'A CarrdI (Hijoui Iowa City, la., 10 Ilaxard. Grace (American) Chicago, 12: (Family) .Muscatine L'l-I.A. ! Julv 10. Graham A Hetit (Tlvcdl) Sytlney, Anatralia, lliifford A (Miain: Huntington. W. Va. KItabanzal Jaiw (Orplw-uni) Minneapolis. i Maxim's Mialels (White City) Chicago. .Ian. no May 20. Hughes Musical Trio (Columbia) St. Louis. Keatons. Three (Sliulicrt) I'tlca. N. X*. Mlllmin Trio (N. X'. Hlp|sslrjnie) N Y. C Go-giry, Frank L., Tnaiiie (Kmiiliao: la-ita-a Hvma k, Mr. (Chase's) Washington, D. C. King, Mazie, A Dancers (Columbia) Cincinnati. Motogirl (Hansa) Hamburg, Ger.. Mar 13) ter Si|i)are, latndon. Fng.. May 2 20. Ill-sale, At. (Star) San Antonio. Tex. Kelly A Klo (Savoy) Ih-aver Falls, Fa., D) 12; Ml Fhi-e A Hill (Temple) IVtrult; (Ctti 1'wlua A Clay Smith (Or|ihi'Utn Gillingwater, Clande, A Co. )Or|)l)ei)m( Seat Harris. Dixie, A Franci-s (Vaudeville) Browns. Lee, Jamt-s F. (I'nli|uei Los .Angi-li-s. LeGray. Dollle (Hljiait Kaelne. Wi«. San Francisix); (Oriiheum) Oakland 1(129 til-; (Orid)!-))!))) Fortland. Ore., 1(122. vllle. Fa.; (Star) Wilkenaburg 17-'22. Maziiz A Mazatt (Oriiheum) Butte; (Orpheum Gray A Vnn Lien (IIliip'Hlnxne) Hnntington, Harris A Hilliard (Ne.*nah) Neenah. Wls. la-wls A Chapin (White City I .Atlanta. Ga I»ralne. Oscar (K)i)|)ire) l.i-lis-ster Spiare, I S|Hikaue 17 22. W. Va.; (Frlneeaai ('laihia-ton. (>., 17 22. . Howell A Webster (Oridieum) Evansville, Ind. Gilroy. Hr.yni-a A Montgomery (Majestic) Kal- Havnes. Al. (Crystal) Ib-nver. lamdon, Eng.. .Ai>ril 19-May 29. .Murray. Ellzab<-tb M. (Orpheum) Butte; (Or la-Nolr's Marionettes (Lyo-nnii Calgary. .Alta.. | pheiini) SiHikane 16*22. an)a7.ia>. MIeli.; (liljon) Hattie Cri-i-k 17 22. llol-v A lae (Shubert) I'tlca. N. Y. Can.: (Hijou) le-thbridg-- 17*22 I Mantell's Marionette HIpiMMlixime (Xlilisi Min Grltbtl) Thelma (^o. (Aeadimy of Miiale) Ho)>'kins A Vogt (Catneraphone( Chicago: (Al- LaForts, .Aerial (Park) Fhlla.; ll'alacet Ha-| nea|Mills, (Hijou) .Atierde»-n, S. D., 17 '2'2. ciiHr'eaton. S (’.; (Illjoni Atlanta, Ga., 17- (-axar) Chicago 17-19: (Frlnceaa) Peoria '2()-'22. zieton 17 22. | MIleh, Misses (Orpheum) St. Paul; (Columbia Ita. Chilli Mentaliat (Palace) llarriaonlmrg. Leo. Arthur (Savoy) Syraense. N X'.: (Hap|>y| St. Isiuls 17 22. Gardli-era. Four: (Minton, la.. 10 12; Moline, Va.: (The Hlpp) Hluefield. W. Va.. 17 22. Hour) Elmira 17 22. III.. i;i l.'i. Italian Trio (.Alhambra) N. Y. C Ma«s.-y A Kramer (Lyrlo I'rliana. O.. 10 I*.' Goldamith A Ilopia- (Orplieiimp Otnaha; (Orph ' Lucas, Mr. A Mrs. Ed. (Fantag)-*') Fortland. (Hanning's) Rellefontalne 13-lA: (Orpheum Ingrams, Two: .Ames, la. I Ore. enmi Minnenpolia 1(122. Irving, Alden. A Co.: Haverhill, Maas Bucyrus 17-22. Gnv'a. Artlinr 1... Novelty Minstrels (Orpheum) ' Linton. Tom. A Ills Jungle Girls (Granil Fain Irwin. Jack (Lvrlo Terre Haute, Ind. llv) Fargo. N. D ; (Hijotn ,Sui>erior, Wls., Muehiners. The (Orpheum) Virginia. Minn.. Id Manatteld. O.. 10 12: (Orpheum) Newark l.M- loleen Sisters (Maji-wtlc) Montgomery, Ala., li I 17 22. 12; (Hijou) Eveleth 13-lA; (Orpheum) Hll> t.'i: (National) StenlM-nTllie 17-19; (Llla-rty) I Lon le A Tilly i(inih>-nmi .si. Paul; (Orph)-uml bing 17 19; (Ibiric) Chisholm 20 *22. Fittahnrg. Fa.. -20 22. Ivv A Ivy (Star) lannette. Fa.. 10-12: (Varlet.v) McLaughlin. Bob (XA'Igwani) Martinsville, Ind . Goyt Trio (I.yrlc I Terre Haute, Ind.; (Lake¬ Allegheny 13 1'-: (Majestic) Pittsburg 1. 19: I Minneai>olls 17 2*2. I I.eClair. Harry iGran

  • mery. .Via.; Jewell's Manikins (Haymarket) Chicago; (Ma i land. lire., 17 22. ' Laurie. L.) Petite IMaj)-stlci ILaiston. T--X.: San Franelmxi 17 22. (Majeatle) Hirn)i'igha(n 17 22. lestic) Milwaukee 17 22...... Mlnstn-I Four iX'Ictorla) Baltimore, Md., Ha (Irimtha. Myrtle (Hroadway) Middletown. O.. Julian A Dyer (Oridienm) Koekford. Ill.. I (Ma.b-sllc) Galveston 17 2*2. i la-CIalrs. Two (L.vrlc) AA'atertow ii. N. X'.; lOr- zieton. Fz. 17 22. to 12: (Flillliliai lUehmond. Ind.. l.M l.l. (Walker) Chamiiaign 17 '22. .Morz. Silent. A .XIallnl (Crystal) ('blcago; (Co Gardner A Kevere (West Kn-1 Fark) New Or Jack A CIsIre (Ci>oiM-ri Mt. \ ernon. ().. 10 ! iiheimti Oswego 17*22. I l.i-onanl. <'lis«. F. (Palace) Hazleton. Fa.; liimblai Cnicag - 17 22. leans 9 2;i. 12: (Family) Marlon 13-1.*.. Gri“-nw*onar]|. fins (Maj)'Stlri Montg*-m)-r.v, Ala.; Getioaro. ami Ilia Venetian (iondoliera’ Band •lohnson A Kew (Orpheum) Findlay. (» . 10-12; MAKE \JT (Froi-tor’a 12."ith St.i N. Y. C.; (Frootor’a (On.lieu))!) Sidney 13 LA: (Family) Marlon I (.Maji-stlc) Hirmingham 17 22. ! Lal)«-lli-s. Four Fantastic iFamllv) Lafayette, r.Mh St.) N. Y. C., 17 22. 17 19' (.C aii«‘r) Mt. Vernon '20 22. Ind : (Ma.l*-silc) Evansvilb- 17*22 ABSOLUTELY OUABAHTEED Glose. Augusta (Shea'al Itiitfalo; (Shea's) To Jani.s A James (Omhenni) Cainbridge. ().; I la Mothe. NIekelson A La Mothe i Majestic) ronto 17 22. (Family) Marlon 17'22. SELL POFULAB SHEET MUSIC—Big pn'flis Montgono-ry, .Ala-.; (Maji-stici Hirmingham Glepidower A Manion (Illjon) Winnipeg. Can.; Jerome A Hunter (Wonder) S< ranton. la.; to agents—enormotis ilemand. Send '2Ac for ; 17 22 (HIJoii) Hnlntli, Minn., 17 22. (Forepaugh's) Fhlla.. 17 22. thri-e i-otnph-te rn|iles and full Inatructlona Vie I.awreiDs- A Dale (Austin A Slone's) Hoston; GossaP's. Hohliy (Star) Carhondale. Fa. Johnson. Hilly. A Co._ (Star) Monde. Ind.; tor A. Kerjiann. i319 Michigan Ats.. Chicago Ganiner. I'.itdie (Orpheii)tii I’tlea. N. Y. (Crs'stal) .Anderson 17-2‘2. ^ (Scenic) Ml-lm St., (lilcago. III. Johns.>n. Carrol (Froi-tor's) Troy, N x.: I al) San .Antonio 17 22. Grimth, Gertrude. A Co. (Scenic) Chelaea, ' la-1-. Sing Fong (Lyceum) Meadvllle, Fa.; (Or- Maas.; (Sc-enie) Waltham 17-22. (Keith's) Fortlaml. Me.. 17 22. Have been c-ifin»-llehls, Tenn. Garrlty Slaters (Cheater Fark) Cincinnati. F. B. Motelay. aell (heap. 2 Mllla' Units Julii^A Marion (O. H.) Sydney Mines. N 8., I La Mothe Trio (Ala.iestici Alontgoroery, Ala.; BaTenna. 0. 1 Callle IJfter, S K-».-i) Guille, Chevalier Alliert (Cheater Park) Cin¬ (Majestic) Hirmingham 17 '22 cinnati. Can- field X'and-iaeopea, 3 Roaen Jeffries, Jas. J. (American) Chicago. I la-volos. The (AIrdoniei Hlloxl. Miss. field Candy X’endera. 7 Mo Grantlev, Helen. A Co. (Orpheum) Mlnneapolla. I LaA'een-Crosk A Co. IOrph)'umi Kansas ('Ity. to(Mxi|iea. Make me a price Gladstone. I.otta (Orpheum) Minneapolis. Jordan. Frank. A Co.: Lynn. Mass. Johnsons. Musical (Hlpiiodrome) Huntington. la-onl A la-oni (Alrdnme) laailslana. Mo. No reasonable offer rwruai-d Hewlettea. The (Emiilrel Springfleld. HI. W. Va.: (Empire) Irooton. O.. 17 22. I I ipman A la-wls (HIjiai) Hrain) rd. Minn Hnrwiioil. W. O. (Jewel) Paris, Tex. Johnson Sisters ((). H.) Pittsfield. Mass ; (O I Luigi Ftcaro I'rouia- (Lyric) N)'wark. N. J WANTED To place a Merry go round In pirn* Hvatt. L.-irrv H. (Lyric) Greenwood, S. C. H.) Glens Falls. N. T . 17 22. I las-. FItzhugh. A Co. (N)-w Sun) Sprlng(l)-|)L Hearn A Untd-r (Cryatal) Denver; (Crystal) giNsI park or auiiinter ri-aort. Addreaa Baynor Johnson. Great (Crystal) Denver. 1 ”• Fuehlo 17 22. ; Li-om- A Dale (.Alajestici Galv)-ston. Tex. A Knapp, Stony Brook, L. L, M. Y. HaakclI. lemey (Orpheum) Salt Lake City; Ki-lly A I>ewls (White City I'ark) New Or IaiMoln)-s, Musical (Majestic) Des Moines. la. (Oridpenm) Denver 16-22. laiFi-tIte K-viie. ('has. Ia>ventierg's (Poll's) OEO. W. RIPLEY'S OLD-TIME MIV8TREI.B KeriT"^A Mass, y (Hyde a Wyle) I»nK H.-ach, Hitss. Calvin (Oriiheural Mansfield. O.. 10 12; I Wilkes Barre, Fa. WANTS Musical Team. Novelty and bpeclalty (Orphi-um) Newark IM 15; (National) Steii Till. I Lym- A Beil (AIrdome) Henrietta, Tex Acta. Comet and Tuba to diaibb* R. A (i., Alto Kelly. Walter C. (Palace) I,ondon. Eng.. May henville 17 19; (Llta-rtv) Flttabiirg, Pa.. 20- j Lang A May (Maj)-stie) Fhlla. Tromisme. Baas Drum to diuihle atage, (-anvis. 24 July 17 t /* I latncaster. Viola (Orpheum) Netaark. O want Scenery for atage IOt‘2U, FIrat-Part Uni Kenton. Dorothy (Deutsches) Munich, (»er.. Howard. S.. A Co. (New Sun) Springfield. ().; , lastlne. Harrv (Elite) AA'Innloeg. Can. forma and Mlnatrel Stuff. HOMER. N. Y. (Star) Munele, Ind., 17 22. la-rlno DoI|)b A Susie (Maj)-atlc) Ti)|M-ka, Kidder. Hert A Dorothy (Lyric) Joiilln. Mo. Holland Wel-b Co. (Hippodrome) I'tlea. N. Kan. WANTED—Good vandoTlIla, tingles and donhloa King. G)S.. B. (CD-seent) NashTlIle. Tenn V.; (Lvrlc) Hlnghamton 17-22. I la-ague A Ill-Id (Family! Cli-ve|and. (). half to three weeka' time. State lowest first Hugo. Great (Majestic) Little Kia-k. Ark.; (Ma¬ Kratons The (Palace) Ixtndon, Eng., April 1 j I,ewls A Lake (I'tahna) Ogden, I'tab. letter OLS HOLLANDEK, Mgr., Doaudi Thes jestic) Ft. Worth, Tex., 17-22. June 1. tro. Amarills, Tezaa WHY ARE YOU WHAT YOU ARE ? A Successful Man Deals Only with a Successful House. If you have succeeded in business, it ;is because “you Our Films are all TAGGED with **Success.” are what you are.” Likewise if you have failed. May we not address them to you ? A Man’s Success or Failure is in His Makeup. PITTSBURG CALCIUM UGHT AND FILM COMPANY, QUALITY is the keynote of success in the Moving Pic¬ Pittsburg, Pa. Des Moines, la. Rochester, N. Y. ture business, and without it you will not succeed. Omaha, Neb. Cincinnati, 0. Wilkes-Bane, Pa. MAY 15, 1909.

    McKay * (’•ntwcll W«»h., I». C.; Pelad. Kranl A Annie (Itamama Park) (irand M'olrnlah N. Y. C., 1122. Kapida, Mia-h. Marlowe. I’liiiikelt it Co. iHiart .NVw Kenaltix- Clillllpa. Haiiiiiel I*. (Crlterlam) Atlantir City. toii, I’a.; (OrphtMini I /aneavllle, O.. 17‘JJ. Caatta, Ernie A MIhlreal (Temple) Grand Kapida, Maariit. Ker Twina (Crina-anaa) Y'aiungalaawn, (>. Malir, Aicnr* (itr|ilifiiiiu .MItiueapolla; (k‘at Km-luatcr, N. Y. Chllllpa. Ylaandane (O. H.l Cadlllar. Mich., 10 Murtlork. Alice, A Co. IMaJeallc) lllniilturliam, 12; (O. H.) Traverae City 13 15; (O. H.) Ala.. (M<;Jeallrl l.ltlle Uu<'k, Ark., 17 TJ. Ann Arlaar 17 22. Curren & McCue Attractions MItclietl. Cora laiwCin. A Co. (Ilrplieiini I I.liiia. Caalaaff Siata-r« (OrpUelllnl Allentaawn, Ca.; (lien- <1.: (Cryaiali Aiiilcraoii, Inal., 17 1.’?. ah-r-aaii'a) Coney laland, liraaaaklyu, N. Y., Manila Vta. Marry 11. (Ceiiil MaiiHiniralicla. Ca., 17 '22. h I?; (Sian Charleraal 1.1 l.’i; iStari .McKa-ra Claaliittla, The (Kelth'a) Chlla. KaM'ka Cl I!*; (Sian Carnegie IMi oo Cniliaii, Caroline (Chllliiaai KIrhinaaoat. Ind. Two more good shows that do not conflict, Can use Ma-I(ailile, r.lllla- iSlari Cliaricrail. Ca., 10 12: Caawell, Kdalie (Caalmaa Waaliiiiglaan. Ca. (Starl .Maiiiaiugaliela Cl ITi; ll.yrlcl CiilontaiwD (Jaiao-r A (Jiiaint (Crina-eaa) (.'olumbua, O.; merr>'-go round. Concessions come on. Will furnish 17 111; (I'aiiill)) llraalalock 20 22. a.Hlalneyi Sidney 17 22. top and front for first-class show that caters to ladies Melville, Ja'an (Ca|iColl Ciena Kalla. Y.; (Jiila-k, Mr. (Ba-iinett'ai Ottawa, Can.; (Cuok'al (Cailaimlila I Ctla a 17 211. Raa-hanala-r. .\. Y' . Id'2'2. and gentlemen. Will buy tent .30.x60. Look these over Markin A Wllaon (CrpliaMiniI Newark. <>., 10 Itola-r'a. Hxya-a A Rolmrla (Majeatlc) Chicago; 12; t.llri>ha-iiin I Manaflelal 13 1.%. iMaja-xtIr) Mllwanka-e 17-22 —Opens Arnold, Pa., May 22 29; Monaca, Pa., 3l-June Maaa'agnla. Two (Majeatirl llouataiii. Tex.; Ih-laa-rta A Filltaaii (Orpheaimi Evanaville, Ind.; lMa]a-atlri Calreatain 17 22. (l.yrlri Chattanaaa>ga. Tenn., 17-22. 5; New Kensington, 7-12; Appola, 14-19; Ford City and Morriaoia A Carrott (llljoul r|iK|iict, Minn.; Ra a-ai A I'.arl (Orpha-nmi Cambridge, O.; (Or other good ones to follow. Just a few good old Home (lilJaMM lia-nilaljl 17 22. pha-umi Dad.xw^ra* 17 ■2'2. MaCa-rn Tnaipe (Mlna-r'a Hth Are.) N. C.; Riitla-alge A Claka-rlng I Family, Cleveland, 0.; Weeks booked later on. Our train will move every (I.iina Carki Waalilnglam, 1). C.. Cl 20. iBra'aalwayi I.aaraln 17 22. Maa-k llaiya. Tham* (Orpbcuml Clttalaiirg, Kan.; Uli'h Dipa (Cr.vatalt Cueblaa. Caal.; (Cryatall Sunday. SI. Jaaaa ph. Maa., 17 ‘2*2. Nantain 17 22. MrVrlirh. Johnny. A (Vi'.lege CIrla I1II>m|) Hat ItiiaaM-ll, N ak A I.lala (Maja«tle( I.afayette, tie Crea-k, Mich; iHIjaiui Jarkaam 17 22. Inal.; (Templet Ft. Wayne 17'22. REFERENCE—FIRST NATIONAL BANK, FORD CITY, PA. Mounta. Mr. A Mra Clark; Coffeyrille. Kan. Trlaa (Kelth'a a Ba.alitn 10 22. Mao'h International Trio (Hadli Oaklanal, Cal. Itaaaaalri-B. The (Lyric) Altaan. 111.; (BlJaaU) De¬ Marcai Twina iIxm Anga-Ia'al Ix># Angela-a. catur 17 22. [Ad(]ress all communications to Rnatu-M A Clinra-h (MaJa-atl.O Milwaukee; (Bi- Malla-ae. Krank. A Co. (l.yrln rnlaiotown. Ca. A Yaating IA a-Baleni.v 1 Charla-almi. 8. C. Jaaui I.analng. Mlrh., Id 22. Kanatam, Cuxey; CnlTa»vvlIle, Kan.; Bartlea- MaHinIre. Tula Itlrplieiitna Uorkfairal. 111. CURREN & McCUE, - - FORD CITY, PA. Murphy A Vk'aaliliiirn I.AInlainiei I^nilalana, Mo vllle. Okla., Id2'2. Renarala, Thr**e tCaalumbla) Cincinnati; (Ra- McNIaii A Cenrailal (Cailumblal CIna'Innatl. maant Carki Graital Kaplala. Mirb., 17‘22. McCaarmaek, Frank, A Co. (Driiheumi l.oa An- Roxarala. Tha* (Kimllyi Braxll, lud.; (Grand) gelea. Mylle A Orth (Starl Munrie, Inal. llamlltaa'i. O.. 17-22. Rttgira, Radit., A l-oailaa- Markint'aah (Orithenn^t Mllniara. The. A Ratiy June (Roaei Cnrt Town .Ytlanta, Ga.; (Duvall Jarkaaanville, Fla., 17 a.-nal. Waali. Manoln Kanilly. KIre (Valentinea Tailaolo, O.; IDwinnlTa. The (BlJou) Atlanta, Ga.; (Grand) ; (Kairhankai S|irlngna-lil 17 22. .Aiignata 17 22. Maaira-e, Mala‘l Valenta'ene (Cramli Naahvllle. Rlva l.arxrn Trtaipr (Graml) Chlla.; (Criterion) j THE CHRONOPHONE Tenn Allantlr City 17 2'2. Morton Jewell Troutie (Kelth'al Chllaalelpfala. R-iwlvy. Sam , Bijou I Superior, Wla.; (Majea- 17 22. tlci St Caul. Minn.. 17 22. McKi*ea. Tlira'e (lllp|Malrnnie) I>>xlngton, Ky.; Uoyal Hawaiian (Jiilntette (l’nl<)ne) Dea iKenturkyi Caaliicah 17 22. Shdnra, la.; (Majmticl Sionx Kalla, 3. D., | P Morria A Caly (Colonlali Ceterahurg, Va. 17 22. M'-Cala-. Uiith (Oriiheuinl Xenia, t). Kn«x<-II. Bljon IHlppodrome) Palxlry. Scot., ^ I Mark. Harry (Metraatadltanl Clrclerllle. O.; I tllrphaninil Xenia 17 22. lleynoTda A Donegan (Colonial) N. Y'. C. Maurer. Krana-ea. A Co. (Star) Chit ago; (For Birr A FMmer (Driibrumi Kauaaa City. c eat Carki Chicago 17 22. Kxnf, Claude (Hlp|e»lromei I'tlea. N. Y. McKlaalrk A Shaalm-y: St. Johna. Newfoand Itomalne, Julia. A Co. (Grand) Juliet. III. i. lanal. Can.. 10 13. Kliiglinx. Adolph (14th St.) N. Y. C. I < T Manga'an Troupe (illppoalronie) N. Y'. C., 10 Iha.f. Jack A Clan‘ (Grand) Ylontgomery. Ala. 211. Keiiacbling. Myaterloiia. A Co. I Carki Chlla. U Mark. Robt. (Orpheuini Seattle; (Or|>heain) U'amey Slatera (Grpbeumi Reading. Pa. I Spaakane 17 22. Kianoa. Four (Ch.xa«-'Bi Waah., D. C. I R Mark. Wllhur (Shea'al Toranitn. RIrbardaona, The (East End Park I Memphla, | Mann A Fr nka (YVaahIngtonI S|aokaoe; (Star) Tenn. ! Seattle 17 22. Rnaaell, Tenie: Crovldenee. E Miller, laouia E.. A Co. (RIJoti) Atlanta, Ga. Hex Come.Iv Clrctia (Empire) Plttafleld. Maaa. : Manalya, Tlie (Rlaney'a) Baltimore; (Hlaney'a) Roliinaon, Bloaaom (Lyric) Terre Haute. Ind. : S Waah . I). C . 17 22 Klchanla A Grover (Grand) Portland. Gre. Milam A Ihi Hola (Hljou) Penaarola, Fla. Ilohleon. Bobby A Hazel iBIJoni -Aiiatln. Minn. Mark, .kndrew (Shea'al BulTalo. R.»a Siat.-ra. Three (Criterion) Savannah. Ga. , Mann. Hilly (Bljonl Qninry, 111. Kimhofort A May (Grand) Snapenalon Bridge, MrConnell A SlmiMHin (Shea'ai Toninto. N. Y. MrNanghtain Hroa. (Kelth'al Chlla. Reinfleld'a. Slg.. Lady Mlnatrela (Rex) Eaat Melrllle A lliggina (Kelth'a) Crorldence. St. Loula. HI. Mark. John (Oaliaon) Fall Rlrer. Maaa. Rllter A Koaler; Swindon. Eng., 24 2!>; Ilfor.1 ■ GAUMONT CO., gff?: MrFarlanil A Murray (I.yrirl Terre llante, Ind. 31-Jnne 5; (Pavilion) Glaagow, Soot.. 7-12; | Mortimer, l.llllan (Orpha-um) Oakland, Cal. Oldham. Eng., 14-19. Morgan, Garry, A Six GIrla (Cantagana'i .Saatra- Rialto Quartet (Bljoui Saginaw. Mich.; IBI-' ma-rto. Cal. J.Mtl Flint 17 22. , . 1 Merrlhew A Raney Anherllle. S. C. Raymond A Harper ll.yrlcl Aurora. Ind.;' Mangela. John W. |RI)ou) Analenmn. Inal. -^STREETMEN!!- (Star) Montp«dler 17 22. Mark. Tom (Hllawi) El Renai, Okla. Ready. Geo. lOrpheiimi S<-attle; ,Orphenmi ' Meara. The Bngier (Colonlali Waah., !>. C. Spokane 17 22. Mltrhell A Grant (Caaino) RnrIIngton. Vt. Roae. Emilia (lllppodromel N. Y. C.. 10 29. I Mortam. Jama*a J. (Yflleal Mlnneapolla. Ryan A White (Grand) Cittaburg. Ca.;. MrWattera A 'Tynoo (Mlla^l Mlnneapolla. (Kelth'a) Columbna. O., 17 '22. .Morrell. Frank (Crortor'al Newark. N. J. Rorkwiy A Conway (Orpheam) Seattle; (Or- , Malnaral Slatera (Dlarotamll Connell RlnfTa, la. plietim) Cortland. Or**.. l7-‘22. _ ,. Mrlkmnlal A linntingtaao (Ortdwiim) Ih-nrer. R.dfe'a, B. A., Six Little GIrN A A Ti-ddy , MaS^ne A Grant iRaayal) San Antamlo. Tex. Bear (Haymarket) Chicago. Mark A Maima (Columbia I Clnelnnatl Rolfe'a B. A., John McY'elgh and College i Mariam. Ixmlae (Family) Portamamth. O. GIrla' (Bljooi Battle Creek. Mich. NetT, John. A Carrie Star (Majeattri Montgom OUR CATALOGUE Rolfe'a. B. A., Y'e Colonial S*'ptette; Hull. For IIHW Is BOW ready. Y’our name on a postal brings one free. (Jet busy. ery. Ala.; (Majeatirl Birmingham 17 22. Eng.. 17 22; Walaall 24'20; Bradford 31 NIrhada A Smith (Hljaaii) Birmingham, Ala.; June 5. LEVIN BROS., TERRE HAUTE, IND, Naahrllle. Ta-nn.. 17 22. Rolfe'a. B. A.. Ten Dark KnIghta; Mlddlebopo, ■ EstabliahBd 1886. Cor. 6th and Cherry Nawn. Mr. A Mra. Tom (Orpbenm) Salt I.ake Eng.. 17 22; Glaagow. S«'ot.. 24 '29; Manchea I City. 10 22. ter. Eng.. 31 June 5. ; AMERICA'S foremost STREETMEN’S HOUSE. Nelaon Na^, A Co.: KIttannIng, Pa. Rolfe'a. B. A., Fiin In a Boamllng Honao (Colo NIemeyer. Jaie (Majamtlri I.lttle Ravk, Ark.; nial) N. Y. C.; (Crocoma) Newark. N. J-. tMah'atlri Ft Worth. Tex., 17 22. Norrlaea. The |Pantaga>a) Oaklanal. Cal. RaVnbow Slatera (Bljon) Calumet, Mich. For Bay City, Mich., Home Comingy Nellaon'a Aerial Ballet (Or|iha-om) llarriahurg. Redwav, Torn C. (Caaino) Montreal. Ca. Itoaaire A I»or*>to (Orpheumi I>enver. Band and Firemen's Tournament Nihlai a. Via taw. Talking Blrals (l»nda>n) Shame K.>ba<>n A Wll*<*n. Blddefonl. Md. WANTED- allt.b. Eng.. 17'22; iColllnal lallngton 24 29; Itvan A I*ong1aa (Mualc Halli Webafer, Maaa. : (Enipirei Mlitallehaaraiugh 7 12. Bobvna Mr. A Mra. |Wlgw.ain) San Franclaco. July 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Free acts. Concessions of all kinds. This will be the biggest Naarmana. Fire Joggling (Orphenmi San Fran Bar. J J (O. Hi Menaaha. Wla. event in Michigan for 1909. $10,000 raised to entertain the crowds. CHAS elaa-i . 0 '22. Re.t Fagle Family iCalac**) lamdon. Eng.. May Newell A N'lhlo (lludaoni I'nlon Hill. N J 3 SO* ROSF.XUERY, Chairman of Events; THOS. K. HARDING, Pres Na'rton A Riiaaell (Wigwam) San Franrlaro. Rovoe! Ray I*. (Orpheumi IVnver. Novelty Hanrlng Fmir (Oriihenml Spatkane. Roe-pa Happy Bill lOmihiuel Buffalo. N Y., Nelaon. Frank. Co. (i)r|>Wum) Sioux City, la. BEST COLLEGE CaXT IK SOUTH—15.000 POPULATION. WANTED AT ONCE FOR A (Star) Gem-va 17-2'A tinlaw, aiua. Trio tCroelor'a Mh Are.) N. Y'. K**ed. Wm. D.: Ft. Smith. Ark.; Eureka C.; (Crm-tam'B) Newark. N. J.. 17 22 S|*rlng» 17 22. Crana. (lyrlri Danville. Ill . (Majeatir) H».llT A Bn an (Lyric) Grove (Ity. la. Wonderland Park, Charlottesville, Va. Citlar Raplila. la., 17 22. Iland'a. Prof Wm.. IV>ga (Lyric) Marcellne. A C«'nny Arcade b>r Main Entrance Building. Have m-ver bad one In city or pa-'k. .( Itorothr Mae (Tha'atorlumI GalveataHi. mint for live party; ala** (^Ircle Swing. Ocean Wave, and any and all kinds of an)i)s*'m--).<) Te».; tllappy Hour) .Han Antonio 17 22. R.-a'vea. n.*e (Ole Bnlll Knoxville, T**nn. tlevloea. S<*as»n i>pens June lat. A modern park with the following attractions; Billiar*: '*nii Altha>r|>e Co. aSavannaht Savannah, (la K.-nah.xw. Bert (Bijou) Marinette. Wla. and Cool Parlors. Box Ball and Bowling .Alleys. Merry-go-round. 3'aiidevllle lYieatre. Mix¬ a)'Neill Trio I Montank) Caaaalr. N J. nice. Jolly Fanny (On’beum) Sloxix (Tty. la i ing Picture Show. Jai'aneae Ball -Jamt-a, etc. Wanted, a good vandevllle pianist. Write at ''"Iry A Kanilall (Family) llageratown, Mai. Knlniou.!. Julia. A Co. (Cryatall IVnver. once to J. J. LETERMAN, Gen. Mgr. (illvera. Thri*e (Ma)a*atlri IVIraalt. shrewaliirv Slater* (r«**>ple‘al; Beaumant. i a* Donnell. Jark. A Ylarle (lower J.Atrdamie) lola. Kan Slni|>*M*n A Malhewa (Royal) Memphla. Tenn. | •M.ampla Mlnatnda- Marlamtte. Wla Smith Jo Colter (Family) Pottavllle. Pa. <>rphi iia C.MnaMly Four (Canlag<>a'i Cortland, Sp**iir.'r. Iliigli (Colonial) Blomuington. Ill. CLYFFESIDE PARK, Ashland, Ky. Ore. Stewart. C**m***lT (Orph«*nm) Cambrhlge. O. G'llearn. W J.. A Co. (Shiihert) nira. N Y, Siita-ra. Kmlle (.American) San Franclaco. A C! Eli?ctric Merry-Go-Round, Circling Wave, Photograph I aaillne (Orpln-nmi Bmoklvn C>'22 Sh.».*ta. Whialling Billy (Majeaticl Montgom-] » * N jK iJ Gallery, Human Laundry, or any other concession. ’’Jo"' (niertrlrl Frealerlrk. Okla . 10 erv. Ala.: (MaJ*allc) Birmingham 7 12. 12. iCrlnaN^) Anadarko 13 1,% SiitclKTc Troupe (Kelth'a) Boaton; (Kelth’a) E. V. McGrath. Manager. '"•fr'lf' Ilypnadlat (CoH'al llartforal. Conn Cortland. Me.. 17 '22. I alare GIrla, Eight (Orphoaiml l>enver Staff.wd. Frank. A Marie Stone (Coll ai Wor I (piarlet (Star) Chla-ago; (Famllv) <-ext* r, Maaa.; (Coll'a) llartfixpl. Conn.. 17- Da«en|M>rt. la.. 17 22 Colrlera, Th-. IMaJa'atIr) FI. Worth. Tex . (Ma S,*,tK*'Icka. Five (Grand) .Asheville. N. C.; Jeaile, Dallaa t7 22. (Grand Grc**nvllle. S. A'., 17 22. Ci-tehlng Brtaa. (Varlellea) Ta>rre llante. Imt . Slexena. Kdaln. A C«. (Coll'a) llartforil. C**otl.; (BIJoao Dea-atur, HI.. 17 '22 (K*llh'ai Chlla., 17 22. * •'lUton A (Orph^iinit {Or Want to Lease Gar for 20 Weeks (Cootlnued **11 page S3.) Want a car to carry at leaat 80 people; one move a week; must atand lnap**ctlon on all roads; ' ".o*. ^ (Bnaadwayi Mlaldletown. O.. in 12; (Chllllita) HIrhmamd. Ind , 1.3 1.3; Show opens at La l>oase, Wtsconatn, June 7. Address —: SOLO EVEBTWKEBE ^ (Star) Munrie 17 22. THE HERBERT A. KLINE SHOWS. Box 6S. CHICAGO. ILL. Caillp, l,,ir|ln (Vailalevlllei Coinnihua. O.; Tkr«TEIN'« MAKB UF ’ll""*'* Imnraaler 17 1«. (Vamla’vlllr) THE BlLIiBO.\Kl)’S Cl-ASSIFTED BUSINESS DIRECTOKY’ GIVES Waahington O. II.. 20 yj I atlena. Three (Prlnrea«i Clerelaml ABSOLUTELT GUABANTXED. THE ADDRF^ES OF ALIi THE LEADERS. 26 X ti e Billboard MAY 15, 1909.

    CLASSIFIED CORRESPONDENCE Town* undor twenty thousand given representation only every alternate week. If Information sought for Is not In this Issue, see the Issue of May 8 or May

    The I{llllK>ard wants a representative In every city not alrea. «rue tor | arii mars to Corresiiondents’ IS’partnient.

    ; moving pictures wia>k ‘J. WUlWAM (Sam liar-| Kose’a .Vnlnials. Ileaiivals Marador and Oo., (IREAT NORrilERN (F. (’. Elvert*. mgr.) The .Maskali. liflh wvek...... o'e,.. .,«• I.- iris, mgr.) Kve Wescott. Delinore and Oneida, moving pietores and songs. MONTGOMERY. MAJl-gsTIC iW ■ K. Cimth, Carivle's Dogs. Jis‘ I'ivnii. .'tahara and moving .\itARTHI rill RU M. RORINSOS.UOlllNStiS. LA SVI.I.E iMort H. Singer, mgr.) Th* mgr.) Vaudeville and moving pictures wi-.-k of o paNTACKS KMDIKK (\V. /. IJohlen (Jlrl. fisirleeiith wi-ek. May .‘1. DH'KETT SDKl.NOS t'.VSlNO. Ois-ns VllTany. mgr.) Vaudeville and pictures week H. IDAHO. .MeVICKEK S ((Jeo. C. Warren, mgr.) Tha May 10 with vaudeville. STAR (Zick Alirams. mgr.) Vaudeville and |dc BOISE._THE IMNNEV (W. .\ Mendenhall. .S.ns of SiS'lely. tlflh week. BOISE.—THE FINNEY (W. A Mendenhall, RI'SH I'EMDl.E (Saiii D (lerson. mgr.) Th* ARIZONA 1 tlRAM) (Allmrn A Is-ahy. 0mgr.),^,^ , Darkj,,rk week of May ;!. (iRDHEtOltlMIEt \l (1 A.A- SMiig.v.ii'ass. 1 um-s., \audeville and idetun-s wei-k .{. Howard inerM Vaii.levllle and nioilmr ivlclures Stolen Story. Howard, mgr.') Vaudeville and moiiiig ivlclures. MARLOWE (Vlnia-nt 11. (Joretii. mgr., Th* GLOBE.-DIIEAMI.A.M) (John I.. Alexander.; OAKLAND.-.MAt DONt)n;il (('. IV Hall .V^^%THE Tl UNKURNER (C. K Van Anker, mgr.) Joll) mgr.) Miners' fuiou May 1; Roller skating ' mgr.) ('omhinatloii we. k Yel.IRERTY (Frank ' ^ Maseot. races and carnival week of May g; Call of the (Jrahani. mgr.) Alal.ama week 3. ORI'IIEI'M I rliigle .st.s k (o. in.l. null, l). COLFMRCS (Wels-r Rns*.. nigra.) Vaude West 15 Ki; High .Scliisd Drama 'dS; Commence (Hih.. Elsy. mgr.) vaudeville w.a-k ILLINOIS, \ille. nieoi Davs >7 ow luis (Kdwanl R. Keith. - li. REI.I. ((Jus. ('idin. mgr.) Rriudamour. Mine. DEODLF.'S (Jas. Dilgrim. mgr.) la Marrlag* mg,! ) D^Wol? ("^ildre.. ‘S-'rk’e Wilson. Mr. and CHICAGO. (;RAND ..I'1;R.V H(»l S ’. (Hairy u Failure- ami Mann moving idclures and songs week of ' Mr'*- Roliyns and moving idctiircs wi-ek IV Asklii. mgr.) .\ (.enllenian from Mis'i'si|ipl. N.ATION.VL (Evlwlii Clifford, mgr.) Orau A ril' ■> 1 ■ DeWolf Children and NHss Alvord 1 H'HRA DARK (R. D. .Miller, mgr.) Datrlck third week (s.inmeming May lo. stark, or lawe Relninl a Throne. (da 1 :»,! ('himner and WllU. WesV's ' l‘a-1. I'i-kett Family. I.aNole Rim.. C Vaii.le EMDIRE. The Rollick, rs. week of lawls .•>. Slone and Co In Ilie Dollar j,,Hip.’ Tva Donelte.Ih.nelte.* Helen NellsonN and ville. DIXON.—STAR V.AI DEVILLE (Wm. 0. Murk Wfi k uf .Ma> !U UH.VNK Mo- nwv..|,v,. i,ictiir«‘K w. Isalvel Driadall. DRINv'ESS (Mori 11. Sing«’r. mgr. i The s.vuthern and Wisslruff and moving picturea Driiiee «vf To-Night, foiirleenlh wvek. wv-.-k of May 3. and .Mueller. Errae. .Manuel Romiiiue aud Co.. . j ,„y., ire Joe Watson week of May .1. EMI IRE («• J- , ,nd Doretta. McDonald and Huntington. .Max h'ulki rsoii, mgr.) Elite Duo. 1 wo Johnsons, lhe;yj,j.g singing .''olb-'is and (J.-irlelle RimIIici-* Morrisons. Ariiieiita Rnm.. Syiiia and Syiiio, Al. ^ y,,j. CR'.'.STAL. .\I Haynes .lulin Franks, moving |detures ami songs week of (•„ Car.b :i City Irl.., .Mnslca' May 3. W.AEKI-.R (J. Harry l'b*|Kvr, mgr.) Srmlilards, The (Ircat J-vhiiK4vi) anvl (lll-w'rl Ccin Crawfonl anil Crawfoi-d, Miss Ressie .Nielson, | f.,jy d,,,, „f May S. MA.IFSTIC (Diinbl ' Mile. Martella, M. .Adisi, Walti-r Rerliu, Edward . M^'oy, mgr.) Doti Eeno's Yoiiii-.'s!*-r*, Alice Edouardo. Jose|ih Manle.v and moving picturea Davenport and Co,, Elmer Teidey, I'svoth dor- week of .May 3. FISHER’S (Smith A Warren. ; ,h,n Trio. Sarah Cokswell and Coin's IKigs week mgrs.) Fisher'a Slix-k Co. in i'lie Devil’s drotto. : „f m»v «. i Ethel Jones. .Moiis. J. W. Valle. Alls-rta Eane CRIPPLE CREEK.—IDEAL (A. Jtcohson. i and muvltig pictures week of May 3. CXllJCE mgr.) Vaudeville, moving plottires and llliis- Moving Picture (Heutx A /.Mile. mgrs.I Fiib|ue .Musical Stock tratisl songs wis-k of May 3. ST.AR (Taylor A ; A’o. In Dick's Troiildcs; J. 1’. Wild’s Travel- Ford, mgrs.) Moving pictures, songs and vaude Ogiies. Miss Francis Hoyle and moving pictures ' ville week of Mav 3. week of .May 3. ClNKlMJRADH (E. A. Rrowiie. GREELEY.—(IREEEEY ODERA HOFSE (W. ' Theatres and mgr.) Mario David. Malud Miller. I^eouora Craft. F. Stc|diens. nigr.) .A Message from Mars April Malsd Hoyt. Dawes and moving picturea week o,[. ii.M-kstader's Minstrels May Irt. of May 3. R1-3J.AE (C. .M. Rockhoveii. mgr.) .... i Opera Houses. Warren Ellsworth. Sisters Detlte, dreat 1 nw-. CONNECTICUT. i lers. James Hciherlugtou aud moving piciu’-es ' H A R T F 0 R D.—D.AR.SONS’ (H, C. Darsons | This cut shows oo* of our wis'k of May 3. D.Al E ILAY.-.. mgr. I The Rivals .April 20; Fred Niblo 21; designs oaeit In th* Dolqu* Theatre. 7tb and A aves.. SAN FRANCIStJO.—van NKS.S (dotllob. i d.dden Riitterlly ’33 31: Fred Nlldo 2S: Chauneey | N. Y. City. W* mak* Marx A Co., mgrs.) .Madam Nazlmova week , oleott May 1. H.ARTFORD (C. E. Cisvk. mgr.) other (Myually attractlv* May 3. A.MKRR’AN (Als* S. Cohn, mgr.) . Stis’k Flayers In The Wife week of 10: Tlie designs from our a|>*clal Wilkersoii’s Minstrels and .Musical Comedy Co. ! Drisoner of /.enda week of 20. DOEI’S (d. S. decoratlT* material wivk 3. V.AI.EM lA (W. H. Hoff, mgr.) Stock Hansconih. mgr.) Ressie Wynn. Emmett DiVoy for Ihealrea. We have

    i.ARItR K tW. E. (.reenahaum. mgr.) Ren | MERIDEN.—FOLDS (W. Slack, mgr.) Vaude .reels Flayers **,"'• I vllle. niovltig pictures and Illustrated srngs lustra week .L (HRlhllAN M 1EN( E HALL j ^ Virginian 7 (W. L. dris-nahantn. mgr.) Rurton Holmes NEW BRITAIN.—KEENEY’S Travelognes week 3. ORI'HEFM (John Mor- THE COMPENSARC N.ATION.AL (Sid draiiiuan. mgr.) May - J. ■For Alternating Current Only) Ward’s Divsilen Didls, V. L. drauvllle. Meek WATERBURY.—FOLDS Internath.iiHi Trio. Norton and’ Russell. Manning mgr.) The Virginian April .30; Impi-rial Dlctnres and Dixon. Tun Diigau. Marie Nellson and May 2; Imperial drand Opera Co. 3, Ired Nildo For controlling moving picture machine arc lamps, .'r,■> and 12. J.ACQFF.SJACQrF.S ODER.A HOI SE (D. I --I McNamara, mgr.) Cbsdng week of vaudeville iv/A rarviu ivi c TT c eomnienctng .April 2(1, with Charmlon. Tlio Me- IVA OUriiNt I I t. Naughtons. Mr. and Mr*. Emmett, The Varalty Does Not Break the Circuit Four and otliers. Week of Ma.v 3. drand open I liig of Doll's Slock Co. In Held Ry the Enemy. Q t O in passing from one adjustment to A, ' DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. . - WASHINGTON.—COLC MR LA (Fred d. Rer \ \ jj another. The lamp can’t flicker or ger. mgr.) Colnmlda Dlavers In The Three of I I’s week of 8. NEW N.ATION.AL (Wm. H. I I j j go out— no cause for it. After the _ , Rapley. mgr.) .Ahorn Oiiera Co. In Rotdn Hoo,I , week of 3; same company In TTie S«Tenade I 11 switch blade is pushed over to the “•C * week of 11 RELASCO (L. Stoddard Taylor.; _ . / .g ■ ^ mgr.) Lnlu (Haser In Mile. Mischief we<-k of 3; II I I first contact it closes the circuit and ■ ' . - , ^ » 1 English Oiwrs Comoanv in Msdam Riitterflv .*,3 -ejf • week of 11. .ACADEMY OF MFSIC (John W. I I II starts the lamp. You can’t open • ■ Lyons, mgr.) For Jler Children's Sake week of . • * A \inj 3; dranstsrk week of 11. CH ASE'S (II. f • ^ , W. DeWItt. mgr. I Vaudeville. d.AYETA' (Wm. : the circuit or cut off the current S. Clark, mgr.) Re«e HIM English Folly Co. g , week of 3; Fads and Follies wts-k of 11. NEAV from the lamp except by pulling the I.VCEFM (Eugene Keenan, mgr.) Star Show. ■ dirls week of 3: Smart Set week of 11. C.AR ! switch all the way back. NIV.AI.. Col. Ferarl’s Carnival Co.. au«plc<.s F. i ' O. Eagles. May .3 17 I’NDER CANVAS—Ring 1 No tedious delays, no worrying I ling Rrc*.' CIrens Mav 10-11. ' ' J. C. n.ARH.AM.AN. the audience, no bother, no heat, GEORGIA. no extravagant, wasteful light bills . *« SAVANNAH.—ORDHECM. A1 Ling Foo. Rlllv Sheets. Lea and Mildred, diis I.eonard. if you use a , , , LsMoth Trio, mov'ng picture* and songs week ' , of Mav 3. savannah THE.ATRE Mi(«le % * * Festival .April ‘37 the Dre«den Philharmonic Or- , ^ • I chestra. CRn'ERION. Dfcl Slater*. Hoffman . Compensarc. • a land Tsikerfon and Henrv .Angell w-c-k of May • S'* Bb *.-.!T "j*- *a I 3. dllAND. Fete and Mamie S<-.Tmour. 13iomas Get a complete description free in • • 99.* * - . land Hsmilton. Rilly Thomi»on. moving picture* * I and song* w-eek of May 3. NEW SAVANNAH ; our Booklet 15018. Ask for it. (W. R. Secakind. mgr. I Moore and Young I I Dilke* and other* w-eek of May 3. AIR1K)ME. I (Frank & Hnlx-rt Randv. mgra.) Opened May This la ly« Donnette and her dog as the col- : .3 with Scott I>>«Ile and hi* Minstrel Afald*. Cliff wnatH-rwoman iind her canine plckannlny. i Dean anri To.. Three llate*. FORT WAYNE ElECIRIC WORKS. Mlsa rVmnette haa l»een liooked coverinif and Adeline. J. X. Tonahlln. Kvlran Taaad and DKPARTMKNT C. .^(""h^mdnlll ccln«^utlye win-k* .nd never mov^g^ ^I"x’;'''^^4''”„H'';7.:d’!vllVe ml»«ed a wrforraance. At present she la a big Barbour, mgr.) Opened May 3 with yandevHle FORT WAYNE. INDIANA. noi«e over^the SAC Circuit and neyer fall* , and musical comedy, bill Including I.oiil** Chap ro (rrlnrr.o(ue tl^. bacon pelle. L«in and Adeline. Mu.Ic.l Darlings. De- MAY 15, 1909. Xfie Dlllboard 27

    ELGIN. KI. Hclla ( ro|i|M.r, vocalUt; .Mra. KIcliard Kindt, inirr. i May U, Cliaa. it. Hanford in A Mac Caacy, lii-Wolf and Willard Francla. Karl, Wlntcr'a Talc; ti. The Ui-d .Mill; II, Paul Hil- Flynn. orlitinal Itoy In (irccii; Sebaar Wliiodcr more In Tlie Iloya of Coin|>any It; Hi 17, Tbe Trio. Iilcyellata; lion Carney, pianoloKuc; Jolin Itiue Moua«‘. TIIK liitA.VIi ML S. Ackerman, 0. T. Crawford Film Exchange Co. Juatia Klliel itoinaln Co. In For Hie lliMior of niicr.i .May .'I. Harmonic Concert; !l; I’edro Iltjen tbe IteKlmeiil; Katbicen Itiamey, aoubrette; Sim > Abend; .’i. Cboral Cnion; U. 'I'be .Mikado; Week mou« Itononior I'riMiiie. Knropean act ami motion of Hi. .Miaa Itac Itoaenateln ami tbe Trl-|Ma>itl dPKKA HOL'SE (J. THREE OFFICES: INDIANAPOLIS. —KXCLLSH'S (A F. Miller, F'rank Jeraey. mgr. I .Marrying .Mary .Ma.v 6. mgr.i A Hrokeii Idol, with dtla Harlln, April | HAKRICK (deo. Wohlweud. mgr.I DeWolf, ST. LOUIS. MO.. 1401-5 Locust Street. 'J7. HK.YNH iSbafer Ziegler, mgr.i Fidna Aug. i Kraucia and dllnton, Alburtua and APua. Cbaa. F'ellce Morrla and Co., Kmiuraa Jai)a. Umely I May, F'rank Riacera, Millard Itrotbera, Camille , LOUISVILLE. KY.. 421 Fourth Avenue. Ha»kell. .S< b.i4-nwerke, Violet King, F'leld'a ' Peraonl, Kale Tuell. Clliiper (quartet, dllmore Na|>aneea and Tbe Aiiallna wi-ek of Aiirll 'Jd. ] «»•> I.aiTour and Garrlckacoiw week of 26- NEW ORLEANS. 314 Carondclet Street. MAJF2augU ! May- 1; aeaaon cloaed. ' St*o. mgr.i The Kocedla Stock Co. will have Burlewiiueni, with Roger Imboff, week of April I«»*aeaalon of the bouae for an Indetinite [leriod. 2111. which will cloae the aeaa.m. la Jolly Fanny 1 F;. Hennlnga. mgr.i liri-a4len Pbllharnionlc Or i RK'c; F'rank Xelaim ami Co.. Selma Braatz; I cheatra Mav Hi : James H, Cullen; Mr. and Mra. Harry Clark; BLOOMINGTON.—HARRIS CRAMi (R H. »nd C<*rliett; Orpheum Orchestra and Kin-| WANTED FOR THE BIG ONE Harria. mgr.i Polly of the ('Irciia .Yiir. '21, closed ,week of Ma.v P the regular season at the hmiae: moving (deture I W ATERLOO. —.SY NIlIC.YTFl (.\. J. Buab.v. i All kinds of shows and concessions for the biggest that ever ha|>[iened in this section of tbe pollcv lnatltu(.sl Mav I. VACHFl'I'TK i E. E. I '“B'" ' P»Hy Pellx May 4; A StublsH-n Cinderella country. Merchants Big May F'estival and Horsetraders week to he held In Hickson, Tenn., Ylay McF'erren. mgr.i Vaudeville w.-, k of May 3. ' ^: Sherman Stock ('o. 17'22. WATEKIAMI lA. Wd.MiKRI.A.Mi (W A Br «M-nden mgr.i ■* H.;cby. mgr.i The Red Mill April 2P. .MA- 24 to 20 Inclusive. 6 big days and nights, and jilenty of money in sight. Nothing been here for d|>ene.l May 3. AIRIldMF. iFarls, Hill and <•'*• Tally, mgr.i The (lagnorz. Hardie 2 years and |ieo|de are show hungry. Backed and boosted by the merchants. Billed for 50 miles Howe, nigra. I 0|M'na w ith auiiimer reiH-rtolre. i *'***Bdon. Harr.v Blair, etc., week of .Yprll 2i5, around, and rales on all 30.(l0(i jieople to draw from and big railroad pay day. No bands etc., June 1. 1 house closed Ma.v 1 for season. C.NDER CAN- BRAZIL.—SOCRWINK (Win H l>.,Titt. I ' AS—Parker Carnival Co. during May. ]um|i8 too big for this one. Biggest that ever was for confetti and novelties. Fine big lot, ^4 mgr.i Moving piclures and songs week of May I KANSAS bliK-k from main street. We furnish band, lights, lot free acts and license. Everybody works S FAMILY (F'rank Holland, mgr i Don and! __ ‘_ that comes. All 10c stores go. You know what Horsetraders week means in Tenn. Will send Hazel Harlelgh. Mvrtle (IrllTIth. S«-vmour Sla i '*^1CHITA.—NEYY CR.YYYFORD (E. L. Mart- contracts by return mall. Address all mail to lera. ( astellat and Hall. Ixwilse Labiioth. West : and Ib-ntoo. .\nthonr and Iionnelly plcturea i V**«r ^^ ^***^*®^ *' XF.W Al DITORIl M iJ. and songs wc-k of April '2(1 Keyes and Walsh 1'>*t'>ck Co. In Quo Vadia Andy Rankin. Two F'oxes. Flthel Barre and Co., i of 26-May 2. (IRPHFTI .M (E. (5. Olson., GUS LADELLy Manager Box 18, Dickson, Tenn Wire Collier’s Hotel V.^id..,4n.T^.’'k*^’.T\‘i'.\"V'’ * IMpb”and Susie VJe7ino“."Lutz Bro, . Karl Hum- Yambillb w..k of Ma.i l.i. YIlTORI V (Flwr , niel and motion pictures. WO.NHERL.VNH CHL- I I’. S.—Big chance for Merry-go-round, they eat It up. All shows 25%. (Concessions, $10.UU. A Kb-.-, mgrs.i \ amb-vllle wef*y IT Ware, tssindlng Jm-ke.vs. Pricella (local tal STRKirr FAIR, Great f*arker Amusement Co. j end 10: Summer vaudeville season oin-ns 10, ; we<*k of May 10. auspices Bourhou County Fair Twenty-fourth Annual Entertainment THE.YTOHH'M (Warner S<-hmblt. mgr.i Y'aude Ass(Miatl«>n. Tllle and featnn- (llins, STAB (Barley A Jones I LEA VXNWORTH.—PEOPLE'S (M. J. Cun mgrs. I Viindevllle and moving pictures. FFTKN nlngbam. mgr.i Gertrm^' Ewing Stock Co.. In- OCTOBER 16-31st, 1909 t"ws" BM'K v'y^Vf'y'^ PA.STIME (j. E. McDonald, ^nigr. I Vaude nlgr. M^vw^II BrVio.' Vimem'^RanV hI^sH ■ (SIXTEEN DAYS) and baseball game extra attraetbma 2. F'AIU Pabl admissions. 19(,8 . $145,200.00 GROI NHS. Cn4lerftoini; e\t«‘nH|Te ImproTements KENTUCKY. pr» j Rraf<»rT to New Cantlc Fair \ng. 10 Total receipts, 19(iS . 261,788.41 ASHLAND.—MAJFXTIC (Hiek Martin, mgr.i 8HELBYVILLE.—CITY OPFKA HOCS>: iH i Vaudeville. ('LIFF'ESIHE PAKK. Opem-d May F'lUST-CLASS A'rTKAt'TlONS WANTED. Friila.r. mgr.i Wayni* Miih|c«1 Comelr Co. May i H) with vaudeville in the Casino; band concerts E. J. KIEST, President._SYDNEY SMITH, Secretary, a great varietv of Hires and vaiidevlll- , imiu.Mvr attractions. .\ i THE RIVER—C.xde.v SLIDE TROMBONE 0. & 0. AT LIBERTY .A-1 musician desires position with reliable theatre, concert, circus or musical comedy company, B. or 0, All letters answered. Address Hlgh-^ IOWA vautlevllle. M.VC.M’I.KY’S. Seasou clostnl. MA¬ CEDAR RAPIDS. GREENE'S OPERA SONIC Cl(-»>ll. IRVING H. WEEKS. HOI SE (W S Celller bus niipr I Kattv Wllv MAYFIELD. I NIQI'K sT. L. McNutt, mcr. i _^amberlain, S. D. Would Like to Contract To furnish the followin}^ acts—Menaj^e Horse, Cake Walkin*? Mule and LOUISIANA. NEW' ORLEANS.—WHITE (ITY (YV H a Hurdle Mule, or would accept a position of handlin*^ hnjke stock, or A PERFECT SODA FOUNTAIN. I.atdi. mgr.i Ib-nrl F'reiieh. Im|mrial Musical j Trliv, Maxlii,' Wells. Kurils and Buss,'. While breaking stock. Address W. K. M.WO, Lancaster, Mo. an,t Br,s'.x‘. Lbin*'l Seolt. Restivrff's Metropivlltau Afli-r iiiaiK (.-ars' r.xistant err.,r(. the (',>ii I t'lXi, erl Band, lb' Lav,a' and F'rllz and moving •miiers (Ns)ler Co haie |•r,^bl•>•,| wb-it Ih.-v term ! |•:••Hll>■s week of to G RF N FTW A III HALL ,T a iM-rbel s,sia r.Mint.-iln frioii a snnltai^v and - Gruaewabl. mgr.i F'enlinand Hiinklev's Concert,-Hi -ioii.1|s.l(ii, H 1,1,1, while In no way Ma.v s BLANI'Y'S LYRIC,J V. McSt.'a. mgr.i an bnllatboi of any oilnr roniilal,, (having or Ni'w l.vrlc Sl W.'vnt.s Dramatic ami Vamlcvillc artist, for siiuinicr Stin-k. at Olyiuiila I'ark, ('li;iitamr>ga. V* '***■' «’*»''"P ... f.»nntHln MO ,W F'. Wivsl, mcr I F'ram'Klyn Wallace ami •nil of !n»*r!t ninl c««ii\riil«Mi<'«« of 1'i'i.n. -Also I'cv't'!,' aiKl band that can jday and act for our big Dru,untie ,'o.. umlcr can¬ I moving |>leti,r<-s n,x-k I'f !l F'.VIK GROI NHS Rn> fiMihtnIn nmt fn'in flu* «nnltar\ vas. Toll wna, you do in firs, lottor, as wo upon lh<' first vvoi'k in .Hmo. Ptsiplo in all I iN. (I Jis-kev Cbih. mgrs i Full,',! Anelent lnf1filt4‘U Ri}|H rii»r |.» nmnv very iiHirh hlfti.-r prlc.Ml xmU fiHintalnA.. I dnler of l>r(*11 mill mNo iMie that IIm* t*(»n«uin«'r« iNiolcr WORLH ,J. .Vtdmit. mgr., Vaudeville, lllns will I'lay thoatros this wiiitor. Ad.lross W, W. SMITH. Mgr., Decatur, Alaba’na. I '• b ,\i origin ,t,"I a nnlipie l,|,.s In Ibeir |ir,.ii lrate,l s,x,gs and moving plrtnHs wimk of >1 •••Mb,,, |„ maintain tbelr baintalns In is-rfect SHI ItFiRT ,,bbs. mgr.i O, T, ('raw ('«>iMlith»ii for flYi' >«»arM at an exiM'ii**** of t'O foril's Mixing Pie,,,r,'s. lllns,rail'd Mxigs ami I" r veiir IIm ,in„,.r I'C H,,- Hxintain 'I'lils Is vinb'VlIIe vv.ek of !• NAlhlLFrON iM How C«rlsl„lv S V,TV liberal ia|s-r. who we idelurea wi'ek of 1> ORPHF;rM (J, BIstes. Ilf.III.pre alwava allv,* (o s,„*b op|Mir(nnltl,'S as i,rr,.r<',| bv II,,. I'lxisxnicrs l',sib-r ('•> tContliiui'il on pag,' 3(1.1 ON THE BEACH At ST. JOSEPH, MICH. Ns IIko absiibilelv gnaranl,-,- Ibe f-l and a larg,' ib-inaml .-xniHtg onr reaib-rs ^lr Ibla fmintaln ABSOLUTELY OUABANTEED. I TIIK ni"VERS* I>IRI-:CTOKY Tt'.IXS YOU WHO .4VD WHERE. 28 e B MAY IB, 190*. 10 Pennsylvania Railway New Indian Amusement Park, POSTAL CARS { WILLIAMSPORT, PA.

    I*»|>ulatlon to ilraw fmm ovor liXi.Ota*. ( M«jr -7, ItaV Tho 41BI, aiiiuwiupnl |>ark within a railliia of Wt nilliw. Stiv4*t earn run Into tli»* park. liolnit rrrrtwll I>lp FOR SALE Ibf Dip ('oaalor, fjtt.taat ( arona*!. Ukallnir Itliik. l>aiu liiK |•a^lll<•n. lt..» Hall aial Mhl|u« Callory, Uofroahnivut aiut l<••«laurant |tnll.llii|.'4. Dark ll»ln.-.l »HU tlionaaiMta of riortrir llfhta. WANTKD, Miniatiiro Hallway. Kerrta Win-. I. th. aii Ware, Clrele KbIiik. Itlillnc da The most modern equipment that has ever been put vic'a of all kliiila, any new and novel abowa. What hare you K"t •" offer? INDIAN AMUSE¬ out of service by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Not MENT CO., Williamaport, Pa. condemned railroad equipment, but sold in order to make room for the steel cars that are required by the Govern¬

    ment, which specifies that all cars transporting mail matter Managers—Her«*s the Real Money Qetter Last aeasun the box ball concession at Luna Dark took in fJUO via (he New York tunnel into New York City, which opens I a week and yet a box ball alley costa less tnan an urilinary bowlinir alley—less th.m the receipts for one week. Keeeipta in June, must be steel cars. all profit except for rent players set pIna with a lever, ao you dun t need a pin boy. One man to codec! tlie money can These cars are the latest pattern built by the Pennsyl¬ easily manatee ten ulteys. Crowds leo wild with enthusiasm over this leame Women as well as men and children play — they never tire the more they play me more they want to vania Railroad Co., are 60 ft. 7 in. long, inside measurement, keep on playinie Once yon make a customer he is always a steady patron and often cuines out especially to |>lay tins fas- six steel wheeled trucks, vestibuled ends; will pass any and' cinatinie ie,,me Write for mir illustrated booklet cxplaiauur the NKW EASY DAYMEN P DLA.N. Address, all passenger inspections for fast train service; pinched gas AMERICAN BOX HALL CJ.. Id Van Buren BL. Indianapalit. InA. lights; cats are in perfect order, most of them have only seen several years’ service; are suitable for scenery, advance or show sleeping cars. These cars cost to build $9,000 each, ROLL TICKETS not including the regulation postal interior fittings, and will :--- i'T • YOUR OWN SRECIAL. TICKET be sold at very reasonable prices for cash. Can be seen at 1 ^ • 5.000— $1.25 25,000— $ 5.50 ONB ■ . 10,000— 2 50 50,000- 10 00 Jersey City and Lakeview, N. J. Address WE LEAD THEM^ebTall ALL • 20.000— 4.00 100,000- 14.00 G. W. LILLIE, General Manager, - y Afcuritely oumkcred.All coUn. Qiick TheBi^ Ticket- Full inch and a Quarter—Get the Samples—Gash with ordei Care Buffalo Bill’s Wild West and Pawnee Bill’s Far East, I'nfrenV bat T VfrVflQ Duplicate Number* on tbe Boll lor Prises. Drawlnna. Elle. ^UUiUA AUkk fiwAbiN 5.000-S2M 20.0M-MM SEND FOB SAMFIXM 27 East Twenty-Second Street, - - NEW YORK CITY. NATIONAL TICKET Concessions Wanted NEW TROUT PAM 1909—This Season'will be Bigger^Than Ever—1909 ELGIN, ILL. Brighton Beach Boardwalk Big Encampment Illinois National Guard—Entire NEAR PARKWAY BATHS, CONEY ISlJtND. N. Y. EXDRE.'tS TRAINS IXRBCT FRtlM N. Y Month of JULY. WANTED—CONCESSIONAIRES AND EXHIBITORS Pl<-nty of ground for Wild West Show or Cirrus. Stores for Vauderllle Shows or any new WK WA.NT IIIOIIRBAnE ILLUSION SHOWS, SMALL JOHNSTOWN FLOOD. BIQ ELI devices. DIndo Gallery, Palmistry, etc Plenty of sjuire In fnait of stores on the main Ihor WHEEL, CAKOI'SEL. Will place tbe above In our New Dark the entire aeaaon. State all ougbfare for demonstrating and exhibiting. Tbe main and only walk between Cowey Island and Brighton Beach. On groniMis daily. SesMin starts June 1.5—to September 10. In Unit letter. DARK ODENS MAY 2»tb. Address LEONARD PAPULA, SSO Oraena Avaaaa. BROOKLYN. M. T._ ELGIN DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Sherwin Building. f^obody Knows Where John WANTED Freaks and Free Attractions Brown Went Johnny J. Jones Wants Hy the writer of “I’reacher and the Bear.” “Brother Noah Gave Out Cberka for Rain.” and other big hits Tills is the tx-st coou song we have ever publiabed. Funniest alidea ever Curiosities: Midgets or Fat People, or anything f

    I have the w-'eks of June 0|ien. also Angnst 16 and 23. I would like to hear from strong AHEAD OF COL. ROOSEVELT TO Mtialoal Comeilies that can change nightly fur two-week stands. Will book strong Vandevlll*. Minstrel at Dramatic Companies of 15 or more peoide. with gofid paper, that are perfectly organia^. The Beggar Drluce turned them away at the oiienlng May 3. at 25 and 5bc prices. A CDip* A 12 beautiful (colored) Stereopti- Manhattan Theatre Company now playing to cai>aelty. Best show town and Onest Alrdome In Teoneasee. Address CAPT. W. D. AMENT, Jackson, Tenn. P. 8.—Little Rock and Hot Hprlnga AF IVlvA con Slides, with descriptive matter time to follow^_■ WM. EVANS A CO. lit COURT STREET. LOS ANOELEl. CAL Freaks Wanted—Anything that is Alive _Homs of tha famoai “Kolorad-Kuiout” Slldet. I have ten of tbe txwt Parks In tbe United States; can give you 25 wix-ka at first stand, 15 W. S. CLEVELAND’S PRUDENTIAL VAUDEVILLE EXCHANGE more to follow. South; pay a higher salary to freaks than any man In the huslnesa. This Is not a tent show outfit, but a bigb-olaas exhibition of freaks In blgh-elaai parka fne high class ■"'***^*LDrLAEVlVT‘»DSp«DW*iMU« " * people. Can use two more fat girls. 3 more mldgvts, 2 more girls to work In pit with snak<-a; PARKS, FAIWS, CELKBUATIONS, T M KA T WK 8 K T C. use five good sober door talkers, (ttber freiiks write quirk: tell me all In first letter, sMary. photo, etc. CLARK AMUSEMENT CO., 6404 Jeffarson 8t., BALTIMORE. MD. TUK lil'YKRM’ iJiKFXrrOltY TKIJ^f YOU WHO ANI> WlIKKK

    1 I 29 may 1909. X ti e Billboard $10 and $15 ■ daily profit ^ Printing Calling and Busi¬ ness Cards, Tickets, Programs and Post Cards. No expe¬ rience necessary.

    New York uuiOlMAi. automatic card FRIMTIN O PRESS. THE ORLY GENUINE. We now offer for Imniefliate ohlirment HXi of the latest model 1909 Automatic Card Printing I'resaea for $1'J5 each. f. o. h. Chicafto. TbU pr-sa is no well known as a blK and succeaaful money maker that we bellere it Ik unneceHsary to go Into detail In this advertisement. For SIUO cash we will ship complete traveling outfit, regular price, $2ri0. Outfit consists of full asauriment of type, strongly built trunk, type cabinet and all necessary supplies and tools. Hippodrome .Machine and supplies fit nicely into the tnink, total weight, SHO |K>unds. permitting It to be carried baggage from town to town. When these lUU presses are sold there will be no lU'We at this price. If interested, write at once. First come, first serv«>d. Schnadij^ Sales Agency Crilly Bldt^a, Chlcaj^o

    One Week, commencing Monday, May 17th — FREE--STREET CARNIVAL-FREE

    Two Riders. Man and Woman, with stock. The Great Col. Francis Ferari Exposition Shows Two Clowns who can do Acrobatics. Have been engaged for our Carnival. SEASON ENGAGEMENT -AM BOOKING ALL KINDS CIRCUS ACTS.- FOR SALE-ALL KINDS OF CONCESSIONS ”^'cE ' ^yP®y Camp, Indian Village, Riding Camel, ^FOR I Ferris Wheel; can use Midway Attractions. 1,500 members working hard for the success of our Carni¬ Addittt, Will N. STEVEIt. Mgr. GrMnwoo^ Car4tn Aiiiuttinant Co., Portland, Me. val. All factories and shops working full time. 10,000 visit¬ ors expected. Surrounding territory billed like a circus for 100 miles. Address EDWARD KRAUSE, Chairman Foresters* Carnival Committee. ONE of the many designs we carry in Four lady high school and race riders to stock, and we can make you any de¬ ride side or astride. Wire or write sign, color or size you wish for WE ARE THE ORIGIN ATORS AND MANU¬ FACTURERS of the Famous Baked Tinsel Pennants. WE are the RUDOLPH BROS that have been so famous on the road and in the CARNIVAL Business for the past 12 years and appreciate what an order means

    To orrupy ■ larg. building .1 ■ 'TVny Tnirk” illrrrlly on Bnrf .^vrniio. Toih-y Island, on a —HENCE OUR SER VICE. We carry afull (•••li of |■r^wntafF. Th. building Is In ahaolulrly thr lioal lorallon on Iho Island, botwwn line of Novelties, Whips, Confetti, Dusters, ■ •rraiuland and l.una Park. It la In gmsi oiuxlitloo and will hr pri>,iar<-d by us. Tbit Is an rxvilrnt monry making rbanrr, Invultlng no risk, .kddrosa Balloons, and prices that are RIGHT. RUDOLPH BROS, Bi^ Money Made! 520 S. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Ag.nti' IM.OO to 1100.00 WMkly, talking nnnwaaaary. Our TVuat B<'hrm. Envrl<.p<>s do th« ' 'rk M.dl al tight to .rwylHuly, tWud fiw aampir ptrkago, UU', and whol«>.nl. privi-* The Highgrade Post Card Co., 475 Broadway, N. Y. City HAYWOOD COUNTY FAIR WayncsviUc. N. C., October 5. 6. 7 and 8,1909. \V.ANTED:—Good clean shows for Midway. Large attendance. ROSE WENTWORTH’S Reasonable prices for Privileges. ORIGINAL CART ACT Address, JAMES E. CARR A WAY, Secretary, IT YOU 30 X ti e Billboard MAY 15, 1909.

    CORRESPONDENCE. quiat'a Symphotiy Orcheatra. Creo, Frank Ba- b'ctun*r, .April 29; The Lion ami the .Alouse 30; <■<•11 and So., Billy AA'Indom. A’irginia Grant. X'ankiH* IbaHlIe Bo.v May 1; se.ason at Hariing Norm in Br.iiina and the Kiiinetoseope week of ' ton closes (ruiitium-il from piiKo 27.) I May 3. I’RI.NCE.SS THEATRE (Frank C. ' NEBRASKA. /Special Values I’rlest. mgt.t Xing las* Esthon and Co., Four mifr.l CIimomI. \\ ):.ST I:M» (J. lUstoK. inKr. t Beiiningtoiis. Vadelles. Tlie Great Hellar ami , OMAHA. BdXD IIII..ATRE (E .1 Moiiig To«i>‘u'ii Milltnry Haml. ail\hiio..,! vaiiih-villo ami Co.. Fred AA'hite. .Art Perry and the Cameo ' hau, mgr.i I'he R.-d Mill 2 3, John Dr,'» 7 8. niovliit; locliiD'K of !». TI I.ANK (T. C. graph of Xl.iy 3. XIILES THEATRE (1. Edwin A. Relkln's V.-w X ..rk All St ir Vld.lMi Camplo'll. iimr. I Cloao,!. WINTKU C.kUDK.V Co., with Mine. K, uii.\ Ll-,ziii In IDr Past in Old Violins C. S:s*era. mgr.t Grats* llaxzard. t’olllus and (J. IVanv A: S IJ. l*ear<*o Ac Sons, nikra. I Fram ls Xlortlmer Bassett, and the XllU'seoiie j I'HI'.ATRE (!'. L. .L*liiis.,u. mgr.i Burwissl V ceedingly low( prices Thiough thli r*-an'i'a Moviii;; |•i<'turl•a, llliistrati-il aoiina ami week .if Ma.v Sydney Drew ami Co., Jatnea . tstiM'k Co. in Bill,* Jeans 2 end wis-k (IRPII «-au(l<‘villo «rii,'. mgr.i lli-hin m^r. I Vamicylllo hikI moving iilctiiroa «i.i k of violins ever sohl In Amerit-a. Thousands of satis- Aland I.amlH'rt. DeXA'.tnm* Brothers, Cas<*y ami! Fretli-rlck. .At the Seiiml of lln- Gong, .S,'Moui's 1*. (ill.XNK (J. I’faroo A: Soiia, iiiKra.) Vaililo L**Clalr and the Xlileseop,* week of Xlay Id. ' X'elius, .Ag", s XIahr. John l\,'ller. rin- Xliss,-s tied patrons. You are Invited lo send lor 60-Day Tlllo. lllii>trat<-ns. Surazall and Razall | mgr.) Bell,' l!.,sa Sln. mgr.i Sh,,r,* .A,res M.a> .18. 26. XVIIN IIKUI.A NII (L. 11. ('Iiacliiio. mgr. i the Kimsirome wask of Xlay 9. GEXI FAXIILY ! ACADEMY (IF .MUSIC (Frank E ID ti-i-rson. Roving pirturca and vaudovillo week of .April ’ THE.ATRE (.A. J. Kavauaugh, mgr.) XX’m. , mgr.i A'au,b-\ ill*- an,I ni-olng pictures. BdN Ihxitrlek. The Kenmslys, Nixon and XIoran. I TON (E lwanl C.nliig.iii. mgr.i A .au,l,-( die an,I MAINE. Irene Stanfleld and the Geniograph wts*k of moving i>ictur,'s. UNDER ('.ANA.AS Rlngllug Xlay 3 ISIS THE.ATRE (L E. Lund, mgr.) ! POETLANB.—JKKKKKSd.N. K.IIiumI vaudo Br,>lli*rs' Ciniis M iv 2o »lll«- and moving picinri-a comiiriao the bill for ' Camersithone Attraction of O’Conners and Car- ! TRENTON.—TAYLOR dPLRA HdUSE (.M,mt lisb*. films of Xlephisto and the XIaiden. Paper i tbo HuniiiKT i«-aaon, romnioncing week of XIay II. 1 gomer.v Xltaies. mgr.i A'ainlei ill,- an,I inotloii plr Cis-kadoislles. and Xlrs. Jones Entertains the ; Tbe following waa tin* ofaming program: Kni- turea for the summer. THEN I' Clo»>*d .Alay 1 Temi«*rance la-ague, illustrattsi songs, etc. mett and .Xlr.Noil, Kclao and la-igbton, Kd. Ea- for the summer. STATE .sTREET. Vamlevllle XIILO THE.ATRE (Jno. F. Gamer, mgr.i XIo | l**ea and Falward J. (•Iboln. ilay H-.'i; Stewart and motion pictures. AA'IIII'E CI'I'Y lAA'Illlam tlon pictures and illustrat(sl songs. SCENIC ; Kolliua. Tile Canned Siatera. The Sylveatera. j Einersmi. mgr.) d|H*na Xla.i 2’i. UNDER (’.AN- THE.ATRE (J B. Schnilt, mgr.i Xlovlng pic ! Van lloir and IMaard .1. (Milam OS. C(IS VAS Rlngllug Bros.. XI a.\ l.s, THE INTER tures and Illustrated songs. XX’ONDERL.AND fJIlE.S.S. Kiake and .XlrDoniaigli. Tbe Allairtya, ST.ATE E.AIR (XI R Margeruui, mgr.) Sept. ELECTRIC XIUSEUXI (L. E. Lund, mgr.i II ; R.atera and Kvana and I’hll Herman "l.a ' 27 (K-t. 2. lustrated songs ami motion plctun*s. CRITE ' Jeaa. Kmeraim and Van Horn. Nate (irlttln. Flake NEW YORK. KION THEATRE (J. B. Schnilt. mgr.t Mov¬ and XlellomaigU and Uobert Gria-ne 6-8. . ing pictures and lllustrat(*d songs. XI.AJESTIC NEW' YORK CITY.—.ACADEMY OF XIUSIC KEITH'S Till' Keith Stia'k Cianpaiiy In The THE.ATRE (.Arnold & Johnsi-n. mgrs.i Illus- ' (Gtiniore A T.iuipkins. mgrs. i RMs-rt Xiautcll Kiaid to X'eaterday wimk of Xlay :{. Uttl.LAW.AY . (rated songs and motion pictures. XOX’EI.TX' clos*bmayer, mgr. I Xlay Koliaou In The Rejuvena .ASTdK I AA'ag,'nhalK A K,'m|s*r. mgrs i Win. ^*.:*.-. :v ^ tion of Aunt XIary wia'k of Xlay 3. FORD’S ' ST. PAUL —XIETROPOLIT.AN O P E R A | Hialge in Tbe Xian fr,>m Home Isgau his thir GR.AND OI'KK.A HOl'.SE (Cliaa. E. Ford, mgr.t j HOUSE (L. N. Seott. mgr.i XIoving pictures of | ty-elghth w»*ek Xlay lo, Tbe \Vlilrl|KHil wia'k of Xlay 3: I.ouia Jamea in Burns Johnson prize fight Xlay ’2 .5 Henr.v ] BEL.ASCd (David B.-lasco. mgr.i Going Soun- of success ill the Moving Picture Peer Gynt wia k of Xlay 1(». THE LYRIC (Ber i Miller presents The Family, with .A. Henry. iM-gan Its fifth we,k Xlay 10. nard rirlch, mgr.» Engliab 0|a*ra Co. In Xfadain X'. Dopnellv. Xliss I'lorenis* Fishi-r and Xliss ; BlJdC t.A. C. Campliell. mgr i .A G,‘iitleman by oblainiiiK (ilin service Butterlly wia-k of Xlay 3. AITHTORH’XI (Jean XIals-1 Bert’. Xlay 6 8; A Stubborn Cinderella, from Xlisslssljipl In-gaa Its thirty third wa-.-k Kenian, mgr. I I’age Slia-k Co. In A Houae of return engagement. 9 12; The Right of Wa.y. May 10. from us. Wo supply (hkhI film at a ThiMiaand Candles wia'k of Xlay 3: Rose Xlel- with Guv Standing ami Tlosslore Relw'rts. 13- ; RRdADAA'AX". AA’tlliam Fa>,*rsham clos,.d a vllle In Sis Ho|ikina wia-k of l(t. MAKYIJASD ' 16 ORPHEUXI (XV. H I’erong'. mgr.t Helen week’s engagement in The World ami His'XA'lf,- the Kitrlit price. (F. C. .Sehanherger. mgr.) Back to Iowa, The Grantlev. in dramatic sketch. Never. Never Xlay 8. Hawaiian Trio, Wiifnal Clarke and Co., Ib-n Land; tiiek Croliiis and his Company. pres<'nt i C.ASINO iS'am S. A L(“e ShiilM-rt. Inc., mgrs. i Welch, XVataon ami Xlorrlaey Sisters, Five .Avo- Ing Shorty, a brief rac** track Incident; tillle ' James T. Poui-rs Is-gau his fimrteeutb week loa, Jnidter Brotln-ra and moving picturea week . X'oung and Brothers, hisip rollers; Gray and in Havana Xla.t lO. GEO. K. SPOOR CO.dnc.) of Xlay 3. HOLIDAY STREEF tW. F. Rife, Graham. Tin* Xlusical Bell Boy and the Xlill Cdl.dNI.AL (Percy G. AX'llliams. mgr.: A'auil, mgr. I I'ncle Timi'a Cabin week of May .3; ’ tary XIald; Jarrow. the droll trickster; .Arm¬ vllb- Vanilevllle and moving pictures wia>k of 1((. ; strong .ind Clark, the song writers. In Finding CRITERION iCbas. Fisdiman. mgr.i Elsie VKTttRIA (I’earee A Scheck, nigrs.) William a Partner; Bert and Isvttle Walton, songs and Janis In The Fair Co-Ed Is-gan her third week Josh Daly’s Xlinatn>la. Billy Quirk. LeXfaIre dances, and the KInodrome. week of 2il. XLA- at this house Xla.v 10 "Renters of Film” and Horton, Congo and Lia>, Allen ami Dalton, i JESTIC (D. Jack Bendy, mgr.i Tom Linton Ii.AI.X'’S (Sam S. A I.e.* Shnls-rt. Inc., mgrs.) Willie Lacy. Burke Davenisirt. Dixie Serenadera !I .ind Jungle Girls. Cowlviy Quartette. James and ] Tlie Climax began Ifs thlr,I we.-k Xlay lo. 62 N. Clark SI., CHICAGO, ILL. and moving picturea wimk of Xlay 3. BL.AXEY’S Prior. Johnny Fields. Jr.. I.ola Xlllton and Co.. | DEWEY (Wm. 11. Fox .Amusement Co., mgrs.I (O. XI. Ballaiif. mgr. I C.M'katoo Circus. Green Ie*o White and the Camisigraph week of 3. . XIoving pictures. Brothers. ClirTord and Hall Lillian Kelley and .CR.AND (Then. L. Hays, mgr.i Continuous i KXIPIRE tChas. Frohnian. mgr,, Xlaiid,* .A,l- moving Idetiirea week of Xlay 3. G.AX’ET'i’ (AX’. vaudeville and moving pictures changed dally: | ams commenc-il the twenty first w,.ek of h,-r $54.00 «« L. Balliiiif. mgr.) Fads and Follies week of The Four Gardners: The Brahams. abadow- ; engagement In What Every XVmnan Km-ws Xlay Xlay 3; Bower.v Itiirlesipiera week of 10. LF- ' grajihs: Jia*ephlne XIacIntyre. singing come- ' 10. The Record of th* BIN'S (E. C. Earle, mgr. i X'audeville and niov dienne; Bennington Brothers. Roman rings and i FOURTEENTH STREET (J W.»!. y R.w. n Ing picturea week of Xlav 3. hand balamers; Beatrice lasvnard. character, quest, mgr.i XIoving pirtiin-s ami vainb-vllb*. EXIANFEL DANIEL songs i.nd eh ingi*s. wt*ek of the 2d. STAR (T. 1 G.AIETY (Cohan A Harris an,I Klaw A Er- CAMERI-SCOPE C. XIcCr(*«-d.v. mgr.t Sam T. Jack’s Burlesquers langer. mgrs. i The IDsis,- .Next D.s.r Is-gan its And We can prov. MASSACHUSETTS. week of 2. Commencing .Sunday, Xlay 8. con fifth week .May 10. It. Aiiynue can WORCESTER. I’OLF.S NEW THEATRE (J. tinimus vaudeville and nmving |>lctures. SEI.BX’ G.ARDEN (('laxton AX’llstach. aigr.: C1,~.',I. C. Crlddle. mgr. I Win. H. XIacart and Etliv- ; RDI.I.ER RINK (Henry .A. Kenmsly, mgr.i GARRICK ((’has. Erohman. mgr , AA'lIIlain ''•kc. >1111' Ilradfo.d. I’ealsoii. liol.lie and Ia»*. A. 6. Roller skating. N>wllng and Millards. GEXI. 6 fllilsldal hiitlon Collier in The Xian from .AIcxlco i>|n'n«sl .May pls.tngraphs a mio Dnmian. Cits Onlaw Trio, Chaa. Dellaven and lontlnuous vaudeville and moving pictures. 10. ulc. Price ,.f cam Jank Sydnev. The Watermelon Trust. Gordon H P. XVINTERHAI.TER. ! GdTH.AXI. Moving pictures and vtii.b-vlll,-. Eldrid and Co. week of Xlay 3. XVORCESTEK era with AUSTIN_GEXI FAXIILY (XV. J. XIahnke. i GR.AND dPER.A HdU.SE (J. 11. Springer, KUppIlea f.,r mak (J. R. Sheean. mgr. i Burke, Touhey and Co.. mgr.i Donald Kcd>ertson .April 30: Xlovlng pic-I mgri. The Thief closisl Xlay 8; Roliert E.lesun Ing .bai picture, Emily Nlre. Xlarr and Evans, Sand Donaldson tures Xlay lo. BIJdU (John D. Willson, mgr. i i 0|s-n,'d In. (enough lo pay for ami moving idetures week of 3. X’audeville and moving pictures week of .Xlay 3 GR.AND STREET (.Al. H. AA’msIs. mgr.i AA'hv tile coluplele out Girls Go closed Xlay »>, Tlie Price of fit. i MICHIGAN. BRAINEBD —PARK (iPERA IKiUSE (Frank j G. Hall, mgr.i Girls Xlay 5: Biirns-Johnson | Honor op,-ned pi, —ttS.OO— DETROIT.—TEXII’I.E (J. H. Xliaire. mgr.t Fight Pictures 10. BIJdU (.Al. Cowles, mgr.i HACKirrr Ij. K. Hack. ■It. mgr I Grace Extra hultnuM. f) Nance (I'Neill, ThiHiias J. Ryan RichUeld Co.. XIaD,*!! and Corble.v .April 26.Xlay 2: Gladstone I George. In .A XA'oman's Way, l...gan h.-r twelftli |M-r buiMlre,!; extra RellT Brothers. Diimslln Trou|K*, World and : Children 3-9; also moving pictures and songs. w,*ek Xla.v 10. frames. IL.'si (nr Kingston, Xlurra.v Sisto. Little Sunshine. Kee- PRESTON.—TIBBETTS THE.ATRE (Cnsh HER.ALD SQT .ARE lIL-irr.v XI, llv.xms. mgr.i gr,,ss It,. |u,le|s*D lev I’.ros. and the M.Mireoa<-o|w> wirnk of 3 9. DE Tlbls'tts. mgr. i Fatty Felix Xlay 12. Jefferson lie .Ang.-lis. In Th*- Ili-aiity S|m.| .began deni aii.l make TRdIT (tl’ER.A HOFSE (Harry I’arent, mgr.) hia fifth wci-k Ma.v In. iimm-y f,,r your A Broken Idol .’l-S; Grand (lia-ra Co. 10 Indef. MAINE. HIPPdDRdXIE iShiilM-rt A .Ani|,'r-'»*i. mgrs i wlf. Write t.Hlay LX't’EI XI (.A. Warner, mgr.t Vaugban Glaser .8|iortlng Days, The lam.l of BlriN. Th- Battle RUMFORD.—CHENEY (D. D Leach, mgr.i , W. 8. Mountford and Co. in When KnighthiNNi Was In Flower Ris-kwell’s Sunny South. I In the Skies ts-gan tin ir thirtv-fourth w,-,-k I'ki Xlal,l,-n lane. 2-S; same ismipany In 'I'he Itevil !i-15. WHIT¬ Xlay 111. New York. .N Y NEY (Charlie .Altman, mgr. t Shadows of a MISSOURI. ' HUDSON (Henry B. Harris, mgr., Th.- riilnl Great City S; Texas Jack 9 l.'i. .AVENUE I8gr<-e M-gan Its flftis-nth w,s-k M.iv |u iltrew & CamplH'lI. nigra, t Williams’ Ideals 2 8; KANSAS CITY. —WILLIS XX’ddD (W.*.slw,,r r HURTIG A SEAMON’S MISIC HALL (Sam Avenue Girls tl 15. GAYETY (J. Ward, mgr.) A- Burgess, mgr.i Xlay 3-5. John Drew in Js-k Hiirtig. nigr. I Tlie Dainty Dm lo-s. , |,.s,.,| s ORGANS Cat Reilly's Big Show 2 8. XI.VJESTIC (XIr. Straw; Xlav 6 9, Three XA’eeks: Xlay II 12, Tlie ; Billy W Watson ami the Girls from Ha|>|,vlanth .s'lREE'I' f,-w me.lium size re (detun-a. FAXIILY AND .MOVING CIt'TI'RE lowing. Lyman Howe’s moving pictures. A'aiiilevllh- an,I moving filctiir,- |Ht>red snek 9. Florence Gear In Xlarrvlng Xlarv; we.-k we,-k May In. ed Bts IJlAA pRlI F BENTON HARBOR.—BELL dCERA HOUSE Me XI • NU F A C (J. .A. Simon, mgr.t Xlay L.a Corte Stock Co. 16. Harry Bresford In XVho’s Xly Frienil. (IR LINCOLN .xqCARE Thl« .. I. ,|ark lUKK. KPpAIKand .A|irll ’2(1 and wta-k. BIJOU (Harve.v .Arlington, PHEUXI (Xlartln lychman. res, mgr.i XA’e..k LIBLRTX (Klaw- A Erlang,-r. mgrs , R-di1 Th**r*’ Waw. tn'ijjin hia A LI kl xHHDFUh May lo JACKSON.—ATHENAEUM (H. J. CoMer Tanm-n. Selma Braatz. Tsiida, Snyder an-l (1AN8 State youz Biickli-.v. The Th'r*-e BohiMiiians. Fr'*t>e| and IsVUir (Sol ManlM'ltiH r. iiiirr i T>m* wants full,. Eslsl, mgr.t Franklin Stor'k Co. 18 2!l: The Broken llshe.| !>«; Idol .’pi; Ben Hiir Xlay l(t 13. BIJOU (Frank R. Ruge and the Kimsirome. etc. .AI'DITdKII'M John ampman. mgr.t Otto Feltchel Quintet, CoIIard, (d. D. WiNMlward, mgr.i XX'eek Xlay 2. la«l Iif^rKI’M #J^4in U' Uiifii'M*), riijrr • KI»‘ari.»r JOIIANNFS H. GEBIIAKDT (Xi . the Juggler; Flor.nce Wilson. J. J. and Mvra we«-k of the XX'oisIward St,s*k Ciunpany In U‘»hM»n. In Th#» h iwn ••f n To inorrow. iH'iraii h»T w#*<’k Mav in 3(124 I.swii'nce St , Dowling au4| moving pictures me*.k of April '20. Xlerel.y XIary .Ann; wi*.'k 9. I>*ster Lom-rgan Stoany. .ALA Muy In. IIM VAUDEVILLE 2 5; Burns John-sin tight pletim-s 0 8; Tim Right JE.SI'IC (This,. IDsleeman. mgr.i L-st wis.k MANn.\TT.\N <\V J (Jan**, nijcr » M>nlnir of Way 9 12; A Stiibla.rn Cinderella 1315. Bl- , of s4-ason. Rentz Snntlev Co. FdRREST P.ARK and lOU (tCER.A Hoi SE (Tins,. L. Hays, mgr.) (Jim P. Anderson, mgr.i Fr*s' vaudeville, dan' I X A Xllle. Xlals'l and Her Trained .Animals. Freil- •' 'I-'’'”’-" -((r . 'ng. rides. conis.«..lons. etc., al«o The .lolly I h<* iHm* h«’i:ari it« -«’<’(»rid k at thia II-YEAR CHIID.—MENTALI8T. eric and Elsie and Viola 3 5; Xllle. XIabel and F*illles PsTlIlon. AVAL XV SHEI.I.EY \|jiv 111 Sonia Open Tima Her T^alneil .Animals, Tin* Brahanis, J'Siephlne NfK I ItOHOl.lS I, Wafer" ni^r * XIacipt.vre. Edna Randall and moti<,n picturea ST. LOUIS. -GARRICK (Dan S FIshell. (’.imliig N,,rlh. I’lar,-,! mgr.i Xlrs. Fiske. In Salvation NeR. w*s.k of Sp'Ntner. 'n Th** ^»lr! fmtn T* xiim. <*|imfd s S<.uthern Big Dins. A 4 7. DEWI’Y THE.ATRE (.Archie Xliller, mgr.t !|nni‘Vfn»"»r»er" in Si'Ott Trio, Lew Diamond. Irene Edwanla. Rena Xlay 3; How-'s Pictures week of 9 I.MPERLAI. ^ gri-at auc4***aa. No ’ lm(MU'l MIVKirs HOWritV ti: wuur „,*r . Hat Hammond and the Itewa-yacoia. week of Xlav 2. (D. E. Russell, mgr.i Beulah Poynter Stock Co •-d pheii,>m.” .Inst a | lain cbnes this week with Lena Rivers. CdLt'MBI.A %\h't«- and h1« t;irl« f |f»«.,.d *«, 'I h,. Hull* American girl, whose UNIQUE THE.ATRE (Jack Elliott, mgr.t Lin rfi«»na nTM'fied Ht (!..<*«■ .Sharp, mgr.i This week’s bill Incbnles w„rk Is cotirlncliig slid niys XIaggle Cline. Bison City Quartet. Kiidiira Japs Ml RR.AV HILL (J H-rlert Ma-k mgr i tlfyliig. Ri'niie,l n,,velly Trovolo. Fran'-es Xlaur**r ami Co . Grace Cum Alardi Gras B, siitl.-s c|,e.,..| s, ip..,, k,.,, t] D'Slnre set. B,>x ,,ltl,-<, win nmn Sh«»vv m TED SPARKS’ VAUDEVILLE. mings and Co.. I.aiira Buckley. Charles Is.dcgar iM-r. Novel iin-llnsls Can and motbm plctur<*s. STANDARD (la-o R*-|c|ieii NEW AMSTERDAM (Klaw ^ I'rlHiig, r Is- had ii„w al imMlerats JUy salary. Elah,,rale alaga Ted. Sparks’ A’aiidevllle Circuit, covering Xlla. tiach, mgr I Broadway Gaiety Girls weik of w.a^k mJv's I's fiHirlh ami last Xlav 2: Frivolities of I!gi8 wo-.k of XLiv 9 lu.lling ami cisi,-rs nexed wc'ki.v and si'Teral alnlomea an* getting 4»|»en<*(| Hi DR. R. H. RINALDO. In shape to play this circuit’s attractbms. Re wi*ek of 9 ItiRl^T PARK HIGHLANDS Ml Mir MAI.fg tWm \f.»rrl IN DOUBT! ASK ITA. porta from all a|s»ts on the cln-ult are that (J'rfin D Tipis-ts. mgr.i This week’s bill In \ atiderlllc. mgr I business Is m Till* Ainbime Circuit ofsTate,! h.v the Ted lolst WILL J. FARLEY ■ptT^iTEfN'^ ITB American Film Exchange Sparks Company la also in a nourishing condi¬ KIRKSVILLE. H.ARRINGTdV 'niEATRK •30 Mnlnny 8lrn«t. BMOOKLYN, N. Y tion. (Herlw-rl S .Swam-y. mgr.i Elle-rt Hiibbar*!. ABSOLUTELY OUARANTEED anid'tid“rriil«l"'' boiWhl. VI AY 15, 1909. Xtie Billboard 31

    SAVOY (Kraiik M< iiilfr.) <)Ik« Ni lliir iilnga, .Alarvi'lona Kil. mill the Kinetiraroia* week loiiiiiii'iiiwl InT llilril silk III till' Wrllliik Ilf May 3. liii till* Wrtll M:i)' Hi. TROY KAMI'S dPKKA IHH SK (H T. «. I'l \ \ i:S A N r I Hill III Hi limrii, iiiicr. 1 rmiii-i-i. riiomiiHon, mgr. I Faiial Ajirll l!i; The AA'rIt r.irr In I'ln' Hii»l'’»< "u), ln•Killl In-r m-iili lug on the AA’all 22: The Virginian 21: Perk'a I. , util wnk MnV Hi H.ail Hoy May I. PKiKTdK S KHiy dravea, llllltH AVKMK (Kraiik Kii’iii-y, iii|{r. I mgr. I Anileraon mnl dolriea. II H Ie*aler, \ i .111' anil iiiinliiic lili liiri-», PlanlialiMl ami liiiiihaiii, .Siilrlifre TnniiH', J. A. Vli'I'iiKIA (ll■l■Mr ll.iiiiiiiir»li-lii. iiMcr.) Klernin an I Co., lb rtina ainl Hroi kway ami \ Mlllll-I llll* pliinrea week of It». .Alarle Teniie-rt, AYorhl \\ M.l..Xt'K'S IIV IliiriiliHiii. iiisr. I lli-iirli'Mii ■mil Klnk'ton, Jn|ilter Hrotlnra ami othera rri»niiiii lii Kaii ►l•'<■'llll «i-i k In Sliuiii M i) wii'k of ’M I" U'nCA—TIIK SIllHKKT (Fr«l J. Iterger. \Vi:iti;U’.‘' iJini- M. Wi Im r, Iiisr I riif CIrl iiigr.t Clrruinatantial Kvhlenre. Lea ami Chap- MR. EXHIBITOR frniii Uirliir’ii Ih|<»ii Hu IlfH’inlli sii-k May HI, man, Paul LaCrolz. Angnata (iloae, Conroy, la* \vi:sr i;.Ml IJ K. ('inikiuni. insr. I I'liNrli-a Maire arnl Co.. PlynnMith (ynartet. Smith ami I'liiTT.i. Ill 'llll* llai'liiliir, I'lii-i-il K, i; II Snlli Cainphi'Il ami Kellharnpe week of .Alay 3. The i*rii ii|i* Ill'll HI Love AA'altZ. with Kap|M-ler anil .Alaple. AA’. J. A iiltK V II.I.K iKriink Ci'mli'ii, iiij{r. I Tin- d'llearu ami Co., AA'ialhriaik ami AA’eatlinsik, Your contract for film service placed with us, in¬ Kri'ln'iiinii* l.miitm I'limi'il h, riii'li' Sain'ii Iti'lli'ii llnrtou ami l.a'i rlrka, Heaale Valilan* I r.iuiie. sures you an “A-l” film service each week. Not iiiii-ni'il HI Ilia-y and la'e. Thru* Arona and Keltharojie. ri.AN I'H’ IJ.MIIIKN (\V. Kri iiii'r » Smi*. riHitplele the rlimlng bill of the aeaaori week of {'ood film for one week and then “JUNK” for the uicm I Vmiili'*nil'. Id. .Stiak will he Inatlluted May 17. dltPIIK riiMr.HY I Mux lIliiTinlorf, liiicr i .Mm Ink I'l'" r Al iKord .S. .Anderaon, mgr. i Kelly and .Alihl- balance of term of contract. Our system and fa¬ luri'ii »nil vaiiili'vllli*. iiiati. Ilayea and AVilta,*, .Alnalral .Sluipaoiia. Ann I .NH)I K iK. I.. AVi'll, inkr-) Mmiiik ||||•Hlrl■ll • iolille. moving plrturea ami aoiiga wnk of cilities enable us to give each customer special at¬ mil \ Miiili'vllli'. Al ly 3. HIPPdHKd.MK (P. F. Claiiry. riigr. i tention. If you want a better service you should Ill KKU'S .MrSKI'.M (J. II. AiiiIm»i«i. iiikr.) ■ larria Hrothera, llarmisi Trio, moving ph turea Kri'Hk* anil ciirliM almiK wllli vninli-iilli-. and Himga wek of Ma) 3. .MAJi-^rH' (N. C. write today. f.AlIl (K. K. haoiili'la, uikr. I Aliirliik plrliirra Mtrirk. mgr. I Hattie AA'IIllama In The Marriage tiiil I iiiiili'i nil' of a Star April 27: T M A. P.eneflt 211 CO- IllJiir IiKK.AM iriiinn Si|iiare| Mmluk |ilc l.r.AIHI.A .Ail'SIC ILALL (Sam dutatadt. mgr. i 0. T. Crawford Film Exchange Co., tiir.'a Biiil lllimlrali'il hiiiiB», The Shamnaka. Lillian Ferrla. Alice Hortley. IIIJul liUHAM l~lil Sln-i'ti Muviuc |ilr Loretta Kanb, Joe Logan and (H-orge snow and (Licensee of the Motion Picture Patents Co.) tun'« Tom AA'i at week of .Alay 3; The ShampS'ka, Lit 421 FOURTH AVENUE, LOUISVILLE, KY. ItIJlir HllKA.M l.'iStli Ktri'iit) Muvlnk l*lc- Han Ferrla, .Allre Hortly, Catherine Carlton, E turi « ami Cora Cherry week olf Id. CTIC.A P.ALM II.Xitl.KM lll'KU.A IHil Si; .Mm Ink tilrtiin-a d.AKHKN (11} man K KiSilnaon. mgr', i .Alae an.l a'liik" llarlford. .Alae Hinkley. Jean Hlaniond. Kva K.AMII.Y. Muvlns |ilrluri'a ami viuiIi-vIIIp. Mi'Ki'iinon. Lucille Clayttm and .Alae Hiickley ALBANY IIAHMAM S lll.KKCKKU IIAI.I. week of 12 ill It Jai'iilm nikr. I .Min-lral ,Vi>aorlat|i>n NORTH CAROLINA. V.'.lival nt. -Ml ri'ly .Mary .Aim ll. Krilil Srlii-tt V M'lrtlnii'r .Suns StiM'k Co •wk of 10. RALEIGH. ( ITY PAKK. Ote-na May 17 MOTtoif picfuRETACHIHES ^ I’lliii'riilt’S TIIKATKK. Mosanl Cratiani. with vamlevllle and moving tilctnrea. liner I KilM.inls Haim ami Cu., Frank .Morn-ll. NORTH DAKOTA. I'ltrkililHiii MiCii.v Trill. I.llllan Tyrt*. Tin* Jan ni'll'i- I'niKiiil, Tiitii llati'iiiiin ami inntlnn jilr FARGO.—FA Itdd dPKK.A HdtSE (C. P AA’alker. mgr. i (ilrla .Alay 4; The .Alerry AA'idow tiin. Mi'i'k :t KMI’IUK THKATUK IJ. II. (IMPORTANT) 7: The Kighi of AA'ay S; Jolly Tramp 10; K.chard KIiihI-a iiiur. I ilarry llr.vaiit'ii i:\trarak«nza C'l "il_>s. CrarkiT Jaika ‘J!' May 1; lia.v .Maa Carle 14; Lillian Kuaaell In AVildfire IS; Tbe Toaatmaater 21: Henry Ludlower 24; Th** din iliii'r.i'li r** ;>.'•: Carl** li.i N klit 0II.VIirTY TIITATIti; iMr**. .Acn**a Itarr.v. initr. i Colo gerbreail Man 2S. dll.AMt (.Smith A Fowler, VAUDEVILLE ACTS, TAKE NOTICE nlal Hi'lli'ii LT, J**; AValwin’a Itiirlnaijiii'ra Jl* mgra. I K'lyal Hawailaua. Frederick and Kirk w*»«l. Till* /ularda, Harry Hahn. Ib-lla .Alax n.'.k ‘*f -1; \Va**hlnirt*io S*M'li*ty lli'llna s#*i*k of well, moving plctun-a and song* week of .Apr.l The International Theatre and Lumberg’s New Vaudeville M.iy I MAJKSTIC TIIKATKK iKnill Imli'hia, •2rt. Burr i Mmiiik lili'Hiri'a si-i-k .1. CKlMTOIl S House, at NIAGARA FALLS, NEW YORK, are ANM X ii;ii> ilravi-a, nikr.i Mnvlnk iili*f'dri*a OHIO. an*l lllii»tru!i'il a‘ng** «i*,'k of It both playing VAUDEVILLE for the summer. If you CLEVELAND.—OPKKA HdC.SE (A. F. \VM. II HASKKU.. Hartz. mgr. 1 Louiti Mann In The Man AA'bo are in this vicinity and have any time open, pfease write. BROOKLYN. TKI.I.KIfS HIHIAHWAY (I>*o Stieal .still week of 3: -A Broken Idol week of C T.'.lHr, nikr. I ilraii* Van Slmlilif'>ril In Tho Id. CdlSrNl.AL (F. Ray Comstock, mgr.I Mll- t;'*MiD Itiitliiilv »*'i'k of tjiiii'n of tin* Mmi drvil H'diand In Havld Cojiiierfleld week of 3: 1l*i It' ai:* Hi-i'k of HI liltAMi Ol'KItA iioCSK aanie cumpanv in The School for .Scandal week Only First-Class Acts Wanted ti;.'. W S.iniiiiia. tiikr.l Tlio .Alairn Ciran*! Op- of Id. KKITH'S PRdSPKCr (H. A. Hanlela. vra Ciiiiiiiany. M.AJKSTIC ' \V C. Krnlloy, mgr. I .Alice Lloyd. Rice and ITevoat. Kdmiind Address HARRIS LUMBERG, Lessee and Manager International Thea¬ tnkr I Till' II *ni*.viuiai!ii'ra wii'k of 3; Sliort* Stanley and Co.. Chaaaino. Reed Hroa.. Kva tre; also Proprietor Lumberg’s Vaudeville, Niagara Falls, New York. A r*'« w.'.'k of 10 oltCIlKCM i Frank Kllholz. Taylor and Co., Dooley and Salea. Zeno. Jor¬ nitr I cla-a iainlrvllli*. (lltKKM’OlNT dan and Zeno week of 3. GR.AND (J. F .Allchel. I Iti'n*'illi't lllatt. lairr. I Stork. Kill.LY (II. mgr. 1 J J. .Alorriaoo. Hiiehn. Reckleaa Rie-klaw, Kiirirniaii mcr. i Thi* Konturklana wi i-k of The I.angdona. Hean and Haioiltun an.l Cooper 3- I'.a M SjaMinor sia'k of Hi. KMCIKK ((•t*o. week of .3. .M.AJFLSTIC (J. H. Michel, mgr. I M'M.'in*iii>-. nikr. I Tin* Hri'amlaml lliirli-aiiurrs Frill T. Beneillct. Laypo and Benjamin. Francia BILLY BOY, 111 CVYTiiNS i('iir*«* ra.ilon. mgr. i Tin* Cnrar and Cnvaa an*l Sam Uohlman week of 3. E.AI- CiTl.n StiH'k Co In rinr Sow Minlairr wi*rk PIRE (deo. Chenet. mgr. I Trooadero Burleaq If' HI. THK KCI.TllN iWIUlam Tr mlairn. era week of 3: Night (Ivvia week of Id. ST.AR tiier 1 llicli rlaaa \amlrvilli*. ST.Vll (Jnlin (Drew an.l Campbell, mgra.I The .Avenue Glrla THE KIDNAPPED CHILD l ii'ijnra. nikr I Sam .S. rlhnrr’a Itlg Show wm-k w.i'k of 3: Tiger Llll.*a week of 10. .AMKRI CAN (AA'. H Hlnea. mgr.I Picturea and vaude¬ "f .'t il.AYI-TTY (Jami*a ('lark. mgr.I Thi* CIIORL’S c. "Ill* n CriHik Co. win k of Sam Srrllinrr'a ville we,k of .3. ROY.AL (L. Cohn, mgr.) Pic- C'lB Sh..w viM'k of 111 ol.YMIMC tMrk Nor- tup*a ami vaudeville week of 3. PRINCK.SS I want to go homo to my mamma, oh won't you please take me away! I n. nikr I rin' Iti'hman Show wi*,'k of 3. STK (Prorlor K, Si-a*. mgr. I A'amlevllle and pic I want my dear daddy to hoar me when 1 kneel down to pray. CI.KCil Asr, Park iCiai. C. Tllyou. mgr. > X*>w lura w.*ek of .3. HlJOf DRKAM (I.. H I know that they both will be grieving. They heard not his, ideading cry. o?N*n at Coii.y l«linil. HltKAMI.AMi IS. AV Si'ott. nigr.l Motion picturea week of 3. I'm so lonely alone, won't you phase lake mt honie nnmii.-rlr. nikr. i iii>i*na Satiinlay. May 1.1. dl.OHE (J. H. Mlch,*l. mgr. 1 Moving plctur**a AVhere they call me their sweet Billy Boy. I CNA PACK iFroil .McCIrllan. mgr. I <>p<*na Week of .3. K.AMII.Y (P. F. Helm. mgr.I Pic¬ Slidea direct frvim "Rose, the Slhle .Alan." '20(19 E. 4lh St., Cleveland. '»i|iiriliy, Alay l.l (IKil. 11. H.AKK.S. turea and vaudeville week of 3 F. W. HE.ACn. If you can't scent a real child song hit in this, there's something wrong with your professional BUFFALO.—.STAR (Hr. Prirr C. Cornell, smeller. Prof, copies to profs, only, with stamp and late program, 'till we’re acquainted. tiikr. 1 ItonatrlU* Stork Co. In noihra May 3 S; CANTON.—GRAND OPFRA IHM'SE (Charlea Haiikhtrra of Mrn Hi-l.'i. I.YItH' iJ*>hn l.aiigh Harwin. mgr.. C.inton Slngera' CliiJi In The Ml THE BEE-KEY MUSIC CO., 2535 Lorain Avenue, CLEITELAND, OHIO. lln. mgr l Sia l|i>|>klna May 3 ItiMaliel Mor- k' Alav 4 .1; Kdith T.vHaferro In P.dlv of r •.on In Faiiai 10 l.l. TKi'K (The Sliutn-rta. lea. i the ('Irciia 14 ORIMIECM (C. D. Hamilton, Maak an*l AVIg Club May 3; ilark balanre of mgr. 1 F'.iir M H'lna. Janet Harrlngti.n .1*1.1 ai'i'k SIIK.VS. Crrll l.ran anil Florenm* llol Marian M iriell. Downey an*l AA'llIard. AA'lIllani' bnaik. ilni'v Ib-ane anil t'o., AVIlly Pantzer '.'111 Gordon, si.lnoy Jerome and Co., an.l niov Company. Hagwrll Slalrra, MrConmll anO Slmp- Hir i>i. tnr. s w.-.-k "f Mav 3. a*!!. Il'a y anil Chrlaly ami AA'IIlia. The Cnr IRONTON. —KAIPIRE THE.ATRK (C. M ARE .MAKING MILLIONS OF REEL TICKETS FOR Hu'itiT nigr.l AA'hi'.'llng and AA'h.'elo.k. oome.1v r*>n S •ter* an*l movliDt plrliirra ni*ek of May MOVING PICTURE THEATRES THAT DEMAND 3 AC.AHKAIA" (K. J. AVllbiir. mgr i Ihinn anil l,i. yi'I «la; ThPi' Al. Ki'es. fun makers: Fm •'! Haly. I.alloanl an*! Ityrraon. How mm anil Dniuill Kngli'h 'inger; Spanl.ling an.l Diiiei*. ACCURACY AND PROMPT SERVICE. OUR PLANT Iti'avra. AVillla anil le'«'la. Jranettr AYanl. miii.-ly iki'ich: lllnstrate.1 aonga an.l motion f I.mky ami Van. lli'nin*ll Slatrra, Harrington flcttir.a (! for repaira wia-k of l.o CN IS THE LARGEST IN NEW ENGLAND AND THE ami moving iilcHin-a werk of 3, C.AKHKN HIIR ('.ANA'.AS -Frank J. Hatch C.vrnival Sh.wva iChaa K AVhllr, mgr. I IliSile'a Knli'kerborkrra vv.ek Miy 1 s AT THK KIA'KR Km.raon'a MOST COMPLETE FOR THIS WORK. . . . May 3v. Triwailrroa 10 13.. l.AFAYKTTK (C ■'loatlec I'vla.'.' 'Jd; Cisdey and Thom AA'^xd-r 'I Hagg mgr. I lln* Tlgrr IJlira Id 1.1 I.1M.I A'ay 3; lalan.l Qms'n Ewuralo-i 4 F’RIN JdllN S KHTIAKH.SON. CFSS RINK (Alllion AA'eilee. mgr. i Dane ng. TRIMOUNT PRESS 117 Federal St. national rink tAValt.-r M. Philllp'. mgr.. KAVID CUMMINGS. Pm UO^tOIV ROCHESTEB l.YCF.I M iM K AV..Ifr. mgr . R'dier akatliig and d.ane ng. rin* It'iiiinl I'p «i'.*k .1; Mivrala of .M.irriia Id. LIMA. -THK K.ACROT (Lou Ciiniilnchani. Prlin S.'tii'fr In The Prinia Honna 13; .Arthur mgr ’■ AA'i-ek of 3. Parfello Stock Co., w ith .Alice rinui ami AA’Illrlte F.erahaw, aiip|>ortinl by a Kiuniilv. THK OKPHECM (AA'llI G AVHIUnia .ij.Hbli* rompany. o|H*n for a 1111111111 ai»a*»on of riigr. I AA'«*ek of 3. Sidney Toleilo. contortionlal; al'i'k prialiirllona 17 CddK dPKIt.A lldPSK I awrenoe and .Arnaman. cvnieily team: Bob Doa I'V J AVigcIm. mgr. I lliiaale AVvnne, Paulin mon.t 3'rlo. alngera and danoera: Groaaman Trio bi'ltl anil Pliuio. (Iiiirge AVhItIng anil Clark mu'leal act: Kilty Kay and Co.. In Tho Quts'n SEND FOR OUR COMPLETE CATALOGUE Si«t. r« K'lilli* la'onaril amt ('o . (IrHT Itarnoa of the Prairie: motion picturea. AA'eek of Id. ol type. Block and LItlio Printing for Fairs, Carnivals, Cirens, Wi>d West, Mlnstrkiv ainl Crasforil. Ilalb'ii anO Fiillrr, Yamaniot** C.ira Lawton MiH'hell and Co.. AA'IIllama and DramaNc, Roportolro, Hollar Skating, Baseball, etc. Stock Lithos and Posters of ovary Hroa ami 111. Inna wmk of .1 C*»UINT1I1AN Gonb'n. Clayton and Drew, Seamivn Trio and 'C AV Coli maii. mgr. I A1. Ui*ovi*a' Heaiity othera. HOYKRS I’.ARK (Standard .Amuae. Co., I llna of tba amusonant businass. Piays with completa line of paper. Write as. Show sr.'k of 3. AVilik of 10, Manager Cole nigra 1 Opening M.iv 1.1 Ilian Inaiigiiratea a a«*aaon of araililevlllr anil GREkT WESTERN PRINTING CO. NFW PHILADELPHIA — CNION OPERA t liking iilrtnrea at |«>pular prlm a: bill Hoi SK (.A. A H'lwera. nigr.l KIka' ALnatrv'la SHOW POINTERS. LITMOGMAPHEWS, ENGMAVERS._ST. LOUIS. MO, l*\ Corelli ami Co , lllnalonlata N.ATIdN Al, Aorll 27 2s P.IJor (J. L. Herron, mgr I A'au 'li«rr» lInrtiK. nitrr i Kn«Mh. 'b-vllb* and moving t'letnri*a CNDER ('.ANA'AS '"ll llaiiilHoii. Calnea anil Hro«n. Healrlee loin R'lbl'iaon Ten He Showa Mav 11. Tl'S I anilM'r, l.illiaii Itavnaril. Shorir Kilwania ami CORA PARK Opina Mw '22 I'll (urea si . k of 3 H.AKKU (Mr Kaufman, NILES -VKUHKCK (J Slaffonl. mgr.I Mov "igr 1 Charlea Mlller'a Plavera Hi Tbe K ^•ll'rll At Liberty-Willard Herrmann & Co. liig plelurea and vauilevllle week of May Id *r sook „f .*1 ('MAS AV VKl.SdN HIJOP (AA'in Ivona nigr.l Moving picturea and AUBURN HI ItTIS AriUTdltlCM Fanwell vaudevllli* wnk of Mav 10. FNDKR CANVAS FOR COMING TENTING SEASON birf.irmam.' of (be ltolM*r Stork C.Hiipany Alav Howard Dantivn CIreua Mav 1. In M<*th« Tlir «*iigiiiroin«*nt TOLEDO. 3'HE EMPIRE'(Hiirtlg A Seanion AA'e do the following act*. I ady and gent. All work claae For concert an*! annex. Magic, « la for tni'iilt wiaka (IIIANH Nllaon *. mgra I l.aat week of aeaaon; ('baa. Howard and Mlml reading. Hre act. spiritualism. Punch \ Judy and genuine Hypnotism, and our Feature I imiliiiio. Hiillerniea. Mile dllve. Hoiilln an.l 33ie GIrla from the Moulin Riwige. ITIK .AR Illusi.m. The Hlmhsi Broom Mystery. Ijist season with Buffalo Bill Show. .Address Ruby Theatra, Mamphii, Tennetaee. '*ll-*.n Allaa Hlani'lie Halnl. A(« an.l Itav ('.AUK (AA'llI (' Hetlla. mgr I A big bill of i.,',",' ."'d'Hiig ami Ah Sl.l week of May 3 vauilevllle. THE 1 At'KI'M (Ed Kelaey. mgr.I M l KStting up 'JlUh Century I make. One who understands I.ambert englna ' A| .,|„„ pli'lmea ami v anilerllle Alav 3 s. ovoa ShariM* and Sharis*. I.Mile Caaa THE uiachlno. | and electric generator. ' iMilghl for a Hav s I.*! HUdC (i!eo AV ('RoAA'N (Chaa Naaaer. mgr I A'amlevllle and ' State experience amt very lowest salary. IViard and rmmi vourself. No boose fighters, mashers , "“d I llllila llawtiiorne ami niming pir plelurea SYDNEY AVIRE. : or dliHirganizcra want.>d. Addr,*sa LEW HOFFMAN, 4S8 Wabasha 8t., 8t. Paul. Minn. *3 s. HT.AK (P. Sanipaon. mgr.I ■'I iing pleinrea ami vamlevllle May 3S OKLAHOMA. ONFONTA. IlNKdNTA TlIF.ATItE (ll M CHICKASHA. I NUKK ('ANYAS — Miller ""ham mgr ) A Knight for a Hay May 14; Hroth*'ra' KH Raneh AVIl.l AVeaf Show April ' 'll "f 111.* Cirnia 27. 23: i'.vmidM*ll Hrolheia' Circua 27; The Great I Parker Showa «eek of '211 RAI.AMANCA TIS'K TIIF.ATKK (Salamanca PAWHUSKA. J.ACK.SON'S AIRDOMF (Al "IF THE MOON HAD A SWEETHEART” II •'•• * nigra I Traak ami Alonlg.MiierT, bert JaekaiMi. mgr. I 0|>i*na May 10 with Moaeley Is the new waits song by AL B. Watkins. Prof, copies now resdv. We have others as good at III. ‘ ’‘""y Harry. Al.nm ami Phil : this O.T.* amt a m-w one every month. Published by PORTSMOUTH MUSIC PUB. CO., Ports- I danliier. AVeat ami Snnahine, The AA’In (Ciuitluueil on page .34 I I mouth. Ohio. i

    X li e Billboard MAY 15, 1908.

    COONEY HOLMES AND THE CA¬ A CORRECTION. SINO VAUDEVILLE AGENCY. FOR SALE WAIMTED - In the l**ne of The KiUhoanl dntmt M«t 1, I Btnrtin* Maj 10, Cooney liolmec. of the Caalno 0H'ler the heailiiiK (*f "Aeadeiiiy of MiikIc. i>an- i HI IlundreilIliiii<1rera:Kolli>r«: alaoaleo Ih)."W pair Klchanl-Klehard- For Hightower's Big Summer Theatre, Vandarllla HckAIiik Aseney, will ilo the booklac ellle. Va..” It waa erroneounly atatcl that the "o««‘aaon*a Steel Holler Skatea. alae ItH or will exe» f<»r tha (lolnuihiia Theatre, comer Ittth atreet Boater Brown Company hail rlo-ed Ita aeaaon chance for larger alae A|i|>ly W, W, Eobarts. WARREN, ARK. and Wahaab avenue, Cblcaco. The place will at that houae April 22. The Item ahiaild have earn Eaat Lake Skating Bink. Birmingkaja. Ala. rntnl ntnrt*r«. lie nianaceil hy Will Marahall, who haa lai'n read that the aeaaon at the Academy of .Mualc SWi’trli T«*iiiitN. SUti^ TraniM, fmiit aiicceaaful In iiianaKiuK the theatre for Mr. But- cloaeil April 22. The Academy ia managt'd by •*r. f«Mir pl«'«v Oroh«*»iraa mnil Hlack tertlelil, of JackwHi, Mich. Vamlerille and mov- J. T. Arnold. FIFTEENTH ANNUAL RtUNION OF Kart* roiiif«Miiu f«»r •t4»rk cNim Inc picturea will be the attractlona. The Caaino HTlit*. Writ# (»r wiry DE. WM. HIGH Company, of Ih-trolt, have. In addition to the TOWKR. WarrvB. Ark. theatre named, the Majeatle, Detroit; EncHab Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Lucas. Old Soldiers and Settlers (>|a'ra iloiiae, Indlaua|>idla, Ind.; Victoria, Day- ton, ().; Kalrbaiika, Springfield, U.; Southern, Held In the park at Davla litv, la., Anguat Cidiimitua, (».; Valentine, Toledo, O.; (irand, 24. 2.1. 2«t and 27. Itnai. 0. G. GRIMES. Secy. FOR SALE Cincinnati, D.; Euclid Ave. 0|M‘ra Ilouae, Cleve¬ land. ()., and the Itoblnaon, of Cincinnati, O, TO LET .At a siicrifice—Half interest in » REIS CIRCUIT LEASE OIL CITY Song Slide Maoufaeturiig Company THEATRE. ^ (Sround I’rivUegea and Conceaalona at Cryatal Lake Park. Du ahore of la-aulifiil lake. Beal ||) SHUtlieril CitV. $400. AdllFeSS paying aummer reaorl In Couiieellent. Merry go Tile Oil City Theatre, Oil City, Pa., haa Iwen round to iH* run hy ebvtrUlIy on la-reenlage. HAHIUS, eatC Of 1 IlC nlllllOHrtl leam-d by M. Uela and on May I, loicanie a part Hatea lower than anv other. .kildreaa W. J. of the ijela Cin-ult. Tile former manager, E, BOWLER. Rockville. A. F. D.. Coi n. : 8. Kraaler, will devote hla entire time to aaalat- Ing hla partner, E. C. McCullough. In liaikliig FOR SALE—.4 Kratl A Co. Orcheairioo. an GEORGE J. CRAWLEY after their vaudeville theatre In Oil City, Hie giHHl aa new ; has haaa drum, anare drum, vlo- | D A ixi SSAOYPB Orpheiim. .Mioiara. Brenot and Meagher, who were aaaoclatial with Mr. Kraaler In the theatre lin. haaa triini|M>ta, aymlnda and piano; coat BAND IVIASTER laat aeaaon. did not care to continue In the I $I..Vkt; aultable for akaling rliik. dan.-e hall. , wire me your address, quick. E. BAUVEIS bnalneaa and o|h'iienny aresde, etc. Will aell at liargaln price. I TER. Cherokss Ed's Wild Wsst, who accepted tiieir terma for a long time leaae. Address or call H. C. PIERCE, M7 Msdison r. S. Hill, of SyraciiHii, N. Y., a reiireaentatlve St., Brooklyn. N. Y._ Kentntky. of Mr. Kela. waa in Oil City laat W€*ek and I cloHi'd the deal. I IVAI^TFn TO RIIV WAMTfcO QUICK WANTED TOIM BUYDUX K..r Bowdlah St.wk Co.. Man f,s- leada and BIJOU THEATRE, DUNKIRK, N. Y. , Soup Swln);i«. SIhiw OmiMHt. TtMoti. Chairs, nmn ft^r hosTh**. Alau Plaoo PlaTar. Tb***# FttliUnj: Chnlm. Howtiiu; Alloj* ihuy, blnp or cou | «l<*uhllnir baud pivforrrd, Sfata all flrat iFttrr Adv4*rtUlnk' \Va»:<>u ibuT or PAL* W** pay all. Addrviui. A. M. B0WDI8H. Mar Manager J. A. Dridien. of the Bljiai Theatre, | ISADES AMUSEMENT PARK. Paliaad^a. N. J. | BeWedera Opara Houaa. BrookvUU, Pa. Dunkirk, N. Y., Iiaa rennaleled hla theatre In up-to-date atyle. lie haa ri-cently InatalltHl a large gallery, providing many exita for the aafety of tlie andienci- In caa«‘ of fin-. Manager Drolien haa alao inatalled ai>veral hundred new o|a-ra chaira on the griaind fliair: repaintial the Interior and exterior of the lionae. and haa de vlaisl other improVementa for the comfort of patrona and |N-rfonnera. TIm* Kiirna Trio ia GOING TO GIVE YOU A CHANCE a Idg feature at the Inaiae. IF you are not already getting; our unbeatable Film HAD NARROW ESCAPE, * Service you should lose no time in making connec¬ tions. We have the Mme. Antlomite la-Brnn. of the ladtrun Op¬ BfcST FILMS FOR RENT era Cimiiiany, eacajail death by a narniw mar¬ J gin. at the ColiHilal Theatre, laat Ttiiiailay night. We have none but thoroughly competent people in Mme. Ijeltrnn w.aa alandlng near tlie front of j the atage and waa in the midat of one of her ' charee of ever^-one of our twelve departments, each ■onga when a fifty-piaind galvanizcl Iron cylin- i department seiiarate and distinct, but working in per¬ der fell fnaii the flli*a. So clone to her did j fect unison, always alert to serve the best business the mlaalve fall that tin- apanglea on the train of her gown wen' ernatieil. Mme. lieRrun dia- 8CEMES FROM DICKEKS. interests of our (latrons. We have a thorough played a great deal of ciairage in continuing her Thla act aa work**it In vaudeville cootlnuoualy umg wlthmit faltering. for .even years. Tour»>d (Ireat Itritsin. South RECORD AND BOOKING SYSTEM. Africa: now touring America. 0|>en time for MISS MYRTLE BUNCE. That is why our business is growing so fast. Itt In line next w-aaon—Ketiniary, March. April. Address NEW STOCK COMPANY. csre of Tb«* IlllltKMinl. Mnnsger of our Song With US now. Writ# US lo day. Ws hsndlt all Maktt of Alex Pantagea aayt of our act: Slide Dopnrtment. machines and supplies. llyde'a Tlieatr<> Party la the attractive title Seattle, Wash. of the organlzatbm whlili L. ('tinninghani x,, w'hom it May Concern: will present In the Middle Went next aeaaon. This la to state that .Mr. and Mrs. R. H. STANDARD FILM EXCHANGE, Jack Wartiiirton. the i«>pular nmtedlan. will be Lucas hwve playetl my entire circuit aa hesd- Licensee* Motivn Picture Patents Company. featnred sml the company will prt'sent acenic ; iiQ,.rs with their act. Sct*nea Fnan Dickens, and prtaIncMona of the la'at royalty playa have given the beat aatlafactioa of any dra- 79 Dearborn Street. Unity Building,.CHICAGO. I Smith haa la>en ael<>oted aa th^ btialm-sa manager ntatlc arliata that ever pla.vcl my circuit, or ttf the company and the aeaaon w-hich bt'gina on guy other circuit In the Northwest, bsirlng Anguat Ifl, haa hta'n completely booktul. I Your* truly. ALEX PAXTAGF.S RESIGNS. I PATENT BUTTONS Capt. A. W. Lewis, Director of Conces- fI8£W*RKf .0.., A v^E.po.i.i.„ ' HARKTAT T. at special prices Capt. A. W. I/ewia, dir*>ctor of conceaalnna ■TV von.Ten A ^ for the Alaska Yukon-Pacific Exposition, haa j n c a M ... ^ tenderetl hla reaignation to enter Into private j ALL FIRST-CLASS GOODS—NO JUNK. sP htiaineaa. The eonceaalonairea presented him | wCtt _ with a beautiful g

    f the I-oa Angeh-a Theatre, Ixis Angeles, Csl.. Li *- n Kf O A A 1K1 St the same time bidding farewell^ the t^at- ! W LO 1 LKIN DAKCsAIIN HOUSE. rical professionofeaaton. In which he ha*has been actlvel.vactively j: FIREWORKS—SendtireWOEKS—Send your orders now, so as to \aj a u m ist ^ * engag.-n. Complete awsta.awt*. (240 Wholesale Notlons, Jewelry, Cutlery, Watches. Novelties, eto. a (wenty-acreiy-acre ranch at Artesla.Arteala. a suburb of j p<.„p..„ )> |t.«oSl.ffJ up ChineseChlncae FirecrackersFirecracker* (2080 pc*.| 9^9 lUlaHiMnn ^trssAt II I I.o* Angide*.tides, where he will*lde. i Xj.j2 up. You could not duplicate quantitiesquantitie* &3SX IVIqOISOn OirCOT, -_- ^ - dilCAGO, ll»L^ at stoix-*Ktoix-* for five time*times the monev. FLAGS. , JAMES YOUNG IN VAUDEVILLE. ij4NTErxs. balloons and torpf.does at ES YOUNGJ^VAUDEVILLE.- !, low price*. ’•Kat-a-log" for the asking. Your WANTED VAUDEVILLE ACTS Jame* Young, of Brown of Harvard fame, ! !r***Tr*'?J *’J*^’* *!' *■ 3' ®*P^- made hi*'i.'mhIi Initial vandevlllo appearance at the H.,R., 66 WeatWest Broadway, New York City. Hg« 1 11 T aTL i • 1 r 1- Grand Opera Ilotine. Pittsburg. Pa., week of . May .1. Mr. YoungYming' I*Is 'ap|^arlng^?nappearing in aa''^»dle^' colleg,- i SONG SLIDES. SONG FILM, TRAVELOGUE iVllCl* W 6S L A HGSL LlTlOStl farce calledailed Wh.-nWIs-n I»ve la Young, hy Rida , SLIDES. SONG RECORDS. ANNOUNCEMENT W Johiinon Young, the author of Brown of Har- ' SLIDES. TRAVELOGUE RECORDS. ETC. Low- Booking OSco, kite 418 NsTsrre Building, S W. Cor. 6th A Chostaut Sts., ST. LOUIS. MO vard. Mr. Young I*la supported by Catherine I eatoat ratearates coniistentconsistent with beatbest aervice.service. WRITE Twenty weeks’ time now ts-liig tssikeil. VimteTlIle Acts. Dperatora, Hlngers. Plano Players Calvert and Rotwrt Strati**. ' TO-DAY. please write. We also IkmA Dramatic ami Musical Comedies for Alrdome# and Park- AIRD0ME8 AND PARKS, Writs, Phono or Wire, N. B.—Wo uoe Et|Ultablo Controcto. ROBER STOCK COMPANY MAKES LEN SPENCER’S LYCEUM, 44 West 28th Street. New York City.

    V week*’ engagementat the Bnrtls Audi- ' Beechwood Park, West Philade'phia, Pa. "<“«• monagement. T. rmintis Market Jri toJ T u nrol^hU i Street Elevated R. R.; Z', minute* from heart fhst the'^EIir** C^mpSny^^^^^^^^^^ l^atJ^l For Sale or Lease cium-. N. Y.. during the summer weason. , o s » > p^RK OO. ’Two ’Theatre*—one in Bellalre, (thin, the other. Martin* Ferry, Ohio—each seating 800; only theatre In the towns, !«,<**» |*>piilatlon: thriving mill li.wiis; will M'II very cbesp. SHUBERTS REPRESENTED IN TA- ■ fob SALE-Electric Pianos in first class condl GEORGE SHAFER, Wheeling. W. Va. COMA. Nickel Slot Machine* “Mills” make, J. J. Shiibert. of the Shiibert*. was In Tacoma, of modern otyles. Also Electric Ranj'Hi. Ad Wash., laat week, making arrangements for , , , .... * .j securing a theatre there. Cntll a new theatre dreaa J. A. WHEATLEY, 17-19 B. Sd St., Keo- I* built the Star or Savoy Theatre will be | ^ used. Mr. Henry MeRae will raansge the Ta- j coma Interests for the 8htilH*rt*. o, wariTTWVB viiti. ..h v'.iii. QUEEN CITY ENGRAVING GO. 600 SLOT MACHINES. Mills and Callle makes, money *nd check psying; machines bought, sold W. H. BARNES TO MANAGE AIR- and ezchanged: wrde for Hat. S. H. Depart¬ CINCINNATI, OHIO. DOME. ment,mont, 822 Heed Building, Pbiludelphia,Pbilsdelphia, Pa. IH’SS EAIMill SAYS: “I am Ihkl.-d to death with p.aii card* ami shell *•*« give you ae order for Ihr.-e rxilor lelierliead. I shall r.-coinineiid you to my many frlenda and feel itoeltive W n. Ben-, nf Slei. Oltx. I,., th- nwn- I WANTED-.Singer*WABTED -rtln.— thatih«t can-n ting. For UlnaIlia, you will give tliem the quality dealn-d” Not bad ' " " mt n.ia ana reel ,*wiii of the famons Princes* ’Trixie, educated horse, j trated work. Eight to fifteen weeka’ time.time which wa* killed In a railroad wreck recently. ' THE BIJOU, Fonntaln Square, Cincinaati. O. ^ . has accepted the position of manager of the new 1 Auditorium at 8lonx City. ' WANTED QUICK -Wire Walker ’Trisipc;’Trmipe; any 8 —- I act for small wagon show. I>o two or three mm m. B B ueikJQICM CriNRIPn PIINFRAL I turn*.tiima. FGR 8.\LK—Trained DogaDogs and IViv.-s,Ibiv.-a, ^ ^ HEINRICH CONHItP FUNtKAI.. | or exchange for Magic fi,„.Film. pW.PROF. HARRY *-» —B M A YA/ 9 __ # »v I 8KITH. Gratt, Pa* ’ Fun^^ral <*erf«Doni(*a ov^r thi^ mnaliw of ilrln- smith. or.t.. Pa._ ' ancl xeaHut Waaon rich Conrled. whj^ death , WANTED—Man to play Plano and sing lUus t —* u. . .. - Anstrla. will *^ **^',*” ^*‘*^ 1 ftrated™t'’‘a. In all ibr Dcwaitaiirra, IIm* clay after tbia fatiini.a little iiiau bail eiilertaliic' Merr>’-go-Hound, Ferris Wheel, Italian Band of 10 pieces, the aoralbil iiilil|;eta ean yet In aalary for a wia-k. lie ean’t alny or ilanee, but be ean buy yoremnieiit lanela, Imlbl iMiiiM-a aiel make Big Acts for Free Attractions, Boss Canvasnian and Advance Men. Will nioiiey. It la not lila inanayeineiit that ilrawa the piaijile, It'a blinaelf. Me la lb- (IM Y KKAI. MIIHIKT. Tlie public knowa It. furnish tents and fronts for first-class shows, such as animal Show, Dog aa well aa all bly ainnwineiil inanaKera.. It the lainiinK la-aaou lurna out aa well na the way tblnya baik at the |ireaent time, he and Pony Circus and other shows of merit. Will place one or two good will then retire fnmi public life ao aa to Kire tbe •■ In next week'. em- niiiniealiona alimibl be aerate. All you mssl la a a.-! uf inirrura ami a |>lace In (Athletic Baseball Park) wbi'b to run tbe ibuw. Most any klinl cf a bnibilnit will do, or, you can use a tent. Itiinninit eximosei of licbt. ticket Coverinij an entire city block in the heart of Philadel¬ a.-ller and ticket taker. Tbe show la always rea.Iy for business and can tie profitably u|>- ereu at times when there are not phia. OPENS SATURDAY, MAY 29. The largest Open Air eiH.uirb peu|ile in slybt to make It worth while

    Original “Horic shoe” Dyllyn, sung by him at Adelphi Theatre, San Francisco, 1878, for two consecutive years. Still McDaniel called for on all visits to ’Frisco. Only one Dyllyn in those days —in California from 1873 to 1881. See how many have stolen in now; even at that, they can’t steal in now. ATLANTIC CITY BAND 25-All Americans-25 Something Unusual in tha City of Brooklyn, New York Now booking July, August and September for Parks, Fairs, A Free Street Fair and Expositions, etc. Park and Fair Managers in West, Middle- West, South and Southwest, submit open time, terms, etc. Carnival Time all filled until Julv 3rd, after that, open. Address. F. W. LEE, Mgr., 501 S. 11th St, Richmond, Ind

    NEW YORK CITY. Want. tbre« morv Show., ConoeMtiuikg uf nil kind*. Kurrls Wheel Oiierator. Open. June 8; ten wM-k. Hdtd. IJkp to b.-ar from BannenH at WllniinHon. O., May -4. au.plee. of Cuiiimerclal flub; lunie aeasun follows. Including' the K. of I*.a’ Afro-American Exposltluti, farnival aud famp at Columbus. O.. July 12 to 24. (itMHi Billing, strong Free .Acts. Baml and our own Lieht Plant. W.ANT a few more Shows. i*rlvlleit.>8. Coneesalong and Ferris Wheel: also, strong Kr.'c Act. OILLESPIE A ANDERSON, Operatora, 58 East Rice St., COLUMBUS. OHIO.

    tOADflAN'.S YALE-HARVARD BOAT RACE r^ip^ Tbe new pleaaure ride. Oceupiea tbe whole of Iron Pier In Dreamland. Coney Island. Tl>e very lateat. Illustrated circular fr»'e. W. F. MANGELS CO.. Caroascll Works, Coney Island, N. Y.

    D. LACHMAM. W'. L. WINSLOW. NV ANTHD—For Lachnian Co. Attraction.s. l.achman Co. Hippodrome Get the Big Money Shows. l.achman Co. (ircatcr Shows. Obl Fashlon«>d. t>m<-Ktng Clreua amt Coiwvsslons of all kinds. Opens .Ailiugtun, N. J.. May 24. KtiHTleneed Cnntrarlliia Ag.-nl. Merry tjo Bound and Kerris \Vhe,l for Ihe s,>as«n. .Also, several one w,H'k. 2tk>.tW tMH>ple will be there. St'usatlonal .Aerial .Acts, Bablwlu's Airship, the Aero¬ AllrarU,»na. I'latfurni SIh,ws aial t'um-esulons of every ,b*serlpllon. Will a«4l High Striker aisl planes, Dart and Arrow, fly every day. Big money to be made, cime aud get It. W.ANT a few MiHitliig tlallery sirlualve for Ihe (irealer Shows. WANTED \ few uion> Mualrlsns to augment more small eoneeoslonw Black To|> Moving Dlctim-s. with swell front. Oani<>s of all klmls. ami Band, p^tlrularly Alio, fornet, Tnunlione ami Tuba. Writo or wire to a large Kefis'shment iVpt ami Hainan I.anmiry. Write to IMPERIAL CIRCUS AND EXPOSI¬ D. LAChMAN, wsek of May 10 Oainatville, Tstaa; week of May 17, Ardmore. Okla. TION OF WONDERS. Oooko A Kunkoly, Room 416. 1269 Broadway. NEW YOBK CITY. Xtie Billboard MAY 15, 19(M.

    iniiatrati^d aonsa w«H-k of May 10. ('.KAMI Klow.r wwk of M.iy I. I.OIS TMI'.ATKK lAU-\. T.ismi. sketch; llrothera HeWyniie. acrobat.; CORRESPONDENCE. (Verbwk & Karroll, nii;rs.) Sparry and Kay. I'antaKoa, iiicr. > l*rfltv woi-k ‘-‘.'i. olt Illlly CIIITord. moiodoKiie; Maude l.aiuls-rt. eo comedy aketch; Karteklo Ilrolhera. JiiKclera; IMIKI M lllKATKK (Carl Keller, iiikt > Ad medleniie: James Casey and MaiCkle l.eClalie. ((■ontlniit*d fmm 31.) Zell and (Jarry. Idack-face akeU-b; moving pie- vance:r. 1 The \V»df .Vprll 2(1: Jiidtte Ken May I. The Vincent .Vtiiiisement Co. will oix-n i l.ludaey, hadiire. 27. THE llll'P (Kert Kavler. CIILS'I'M T ST. OPKUA. May .*t, Altraham- at the Academy of Music for an entire sum mitr.l Krusada and Job. Harry Cheese. mo\lii|c tuiii n|M*i i i'**. May lo. »ianio. mer aiMson of Keith's vaiidex'llle. Kesiilent picturea wwk of May 3. I NI>EK C.\.S\.VS — ftAIlKIFK. May 10. TIu* Ih»y aihl lln* tWrI Maiiatfer Hearn has the folloulntt bill: Tlie Gentry Knm.' Hoc and I'ony Show .May 2. for two %\o«*ks. Musical Stips. xylophone artists; Moritan and HOROANTOWN.—SWISH EKS THEATKE niF^TNl r. May .‘1, The Lottfrj' of !^»ve; (•heater. In sketch; .krnioml Melnottc. vis-allst; (H. Christy, mitr. i The WitihliiK Hour .\|iril May 10. Tli«* IronmaMit^r Miss Kuth I.yon. vocalist; The .Adele I'lirvia. ' 20; The Three T«ius 2s; Vam'.eville 20 Max 1; LVltir. May ;i. K. H. Sotlmrii; May 10, (•nrl .\ltlKir|w Co.. In a dancini; act. and mo Vaudeville week of May I.illll ill Mile. MUrhief. Hon pictures. The pric«> of admission will l>e ' \A/1eysAkiClKl MaV* vV 'sinie ^i tentell centscents. \I1I.'STII'XIAESTIC I(J. I IE. Crsx-Gray. n.ernicr. i Th.un W I OVi (J fXI OI M. s»Tii»v»i \f..e a M.rri.i f Me ■ *'* Haiiiilton, iia|M'r maiiiluilators; Harry FOND DU LAC.—HENKY IlOYI.E (C. It. Hi

    Kexer and Itrother and Donovan and .Arnold. W<-cse. Ileeeher and Maye. Tlie S|Mdlman Com Wilson, in When Did .\ew York Was i>uteh .May TKO'’.\DEK(i. May 3. Washington Siwlety (dy Co. and on 11. Gesterticld. IllJtiC. Eddie .Adair and his Girls, .Alln>rtl Girls. . 1*. L. l>INKEKS.SOH.\'. and 1‘aresl. I.oxell It. Drew. I'he Millards. Jaa. Itl.IOC. .May .3. Miner's Merry lliirlesnuers; Chase and movln); pictures week of 3. May tu. The Merry .Maidens. COLUMBIA.-COLCM III A THEATRE (F. I.. L ECTRICUG IlDCSK. |•ED|•I.E.■S. STANDARD. PARK, l.llt- '»‘'vliiB pictures week of 3. TUB GRAND “•‘ck of May 3. hT ERTA'. ACIHTDRICM. I.UIIIN'S I’.AI-.AI'E. : 'C’arl Davenisirt. mirr.l .Allen and Thorns. Elsie STEVENS POINT (iRVND OPERA HOESE MIltc.ET ItlJOU. CNKJCK. FOREP.ACGH'S. '"an Nally. Miss MerctRth. Rm- Reeves. Gilden (W. L. Ilroiison. myr. i The I.xman Twins lu MADE CHEAP .Movliu: pictures and vaudeville. Sisters. Claus and Radcliffe. moving pictures The Y.iiik«s' Drummers .May 1; summer v.inde I NDER C.ANV.AS—Ringling Rrothers' Shows sonps w

    HALLBERG Spot Lichts and 4.000 C. P. Flam- inf Arc Lamps are the best. WRITE NOW. «J. H. HALLBERG, 30 Greenwich Avenue, NEW YORK. Clansnian; week of May Id East Lyiine. Ill BRISTOL.—IIARMELING OPERA HOI'SE ConIpan7''*d‘AVaV (.VaJk'l"!!^^^ JOC THE ATRE (R. M. Gullok A Co mgrs.i y, H^own, mgr. I Prof. Hristol’s Pony iw,v GirU mTv 3 V Al R.-iU.' AA .-ek of Msy .1. Tlie Smart Set; we.'k of May 1 .show and four other acts .Ha'll the aummer lO-l'i S’TAR (Harrv" H H.slit.-s * ii..rr 1 Id. m.iving plclnr.'s. GAYETY (J. 11. Rn.wne. ; vamlevllle season Mav 17. F^hlon PUvers Alax XS YKIC fN U/HlilTCn OUTDOOR nigr.l Fr. d Irwin's MaU'Slles «.s>k of May 3- 1 NASHVILLE.—BI.TOIT (Geo. Illekman. mgr.l mgri SilsJrt Stoc'-k Vo Iml.-f AIAJFS-TK' c .All star Featur.' week of Id. .AC.ADE.AIY (Har- , IlHn I LU'^AnRACTIONS rv AA’IIllams. mgr.) Tlu' Tliorixnghlir.'.ls w.'ek 1 MoxaM Park lain.lef.'ld. mgr.l M.iving pletnres May 14. Clirisly. IVainty June Rolierts and Co.. Felsman Roll.-rUoll.-r skatingskating. JOSEPH GIMSON. COLUMBIA OPER.A HOI'SE tSamnel ('ran- an.l .Arthur. Di'an AA’lu'i'ler, Hill and Green and ZANESVILLE. OHIO for.l, mgr.l Moving pictures May 3 17. ARM , moving pictures week of 3. MONTREAL. — HIS M.AJE.STY'S iH. (J Brooks, mgr. i .An Englishman's Hume we.-k DRY RINK lE, ('. Shannon, mgr.l K'dler skat i MEMPHIS.—I.Y'CECM. Royal Opera Co., in c x, x.-m ... “ \\ hat liavc you to offtT our Great ing and r.!.-.-. | Fl.«-.«lora of May .3. JEFKER.SOX. Mrs. x,..'',i, tC- -MrM'lIcn. mgr.i Th. CORY —I.IIIRARY (Harry AV Parker, mgr.) rcniple’s Telegram xvexk of May .3. RIJOC. .'??'* veek of .AUy 3. FRAN CARNIVAL. JULY 12 TO 17 Atcri'lv Marv .Ann .Aoril 27; Itm-ton Idi'al Opi-ra Cr.'ati«rc and hit Band May 3-4. J,,*'. Aiimming. Co. May 3. CNDER CANVAS-Colc Rrothers' TEXAS 1 i.lMVrp^ In ‘".-‘"r-* V*"“" THE ROYAL THEATRE OirciiH Mftv ir» i I tAMo. Ma> 3. riUNrhsh iH. C. Kfcertoii, mgr. i U HUN'TINGDON — HCNT INGDON OPERA CLARKSVILLE.—STREirT F.AIR. Brown’s J,"?.. •’j* Gsietv- Co. we. k of May .3 228 Superior Avn., N.iX.. CIn.tliad, 0. U SE IF G, Earl.-, nigr.l Vandcvilli'. moving Ciilted Shoxva. A. H. Brown, mgr.; week of '*• RENNEn'> pi.-tiires•lures amiSlot illiistrsleililliistrsl.Hl songssoiiirs w.s'kw.-.-lt of MayMav 3.3 -'lay.May .1.3. ..x..,v-.x. McA ean. .. mgr.lx- ..xAau.levllle w.-ck~ of. Mix THE GRAND IJ S. xv.'II Stewart, inggr.l The i HEARNE —OPERA HOI'SE (Horten A Gode. 3- AASINO lA. N. Sharp, nigr.l A aiid.-vHle SELL AT SIGHT. PNEUMATIC Wileliliig H.sir Aiirll lid: vaudeville, moving mgrs.i Moving pl jWr Ji NOVELTY MEN travelinf from JOHNSTOWN.—CAAIRRIA THE.VTRE (H. ' HILLSBORO.—MAJESTIC AIRDOME (Os. »•><•*' '•■-C 12 1.A. X. W. SHANNON. placo to place. TAKE NOTICE. j'. SluT.r. mgr.l Hons.' .1-irk xv.'.-k of April Rratclu-r. mgr.l The Thr.'e Cans. The Rnrlianks. FREDERICTON.—CITY OPERA HOI SE ij. AVe xvant sgetils aiul )'j ran itiak<- 4 a ■ >iilli Comedy r-.iir. Ed. Harrington and others j May 1. LONDON (iPER.A HoC.SE. AViii Fax.-r^hain a.TlalllP a xxe.-k •-a-'lly. Sami-le l-v mail w. .-k of \orll '2*1 SAN ANTONIO.—GRAND OPERA HOCSE -April 24; It's Nev.-r T-o Eat.- to Meml 27; fllfiKF ■-■■'C A.ldrx-.s WITBECK 8PE- OIL CITY.—ORPIH'.CAI I Frast.-r A McCul (Sid H. AVeis. mgr.) Nat C. G.sslwln and I>lna Rsmbl.-s in For.-lgn Lamls .Id Ala.v 1. CIALTIE8 CO.. ST Eagle Bldg., I.Migh. nigrs 1 Sophia Ev.-r.-tt and Company. In I Gooilrlch April 2122: Emma Bunting and Co.. “T.ST. THOMAS.—GRAND falsifal 2<1. E.AIPIRE cH.c|I. .Amb-rxon..\nd.-rx.>n. mgr. i AVan aii Dlvorcons, wex-k of May 2. ROYAL Hi'. J. '•cvllle and niovUig pietiir-s. ROLLER KINK , .Moore, mgr.) La Toy Bros.. Alice Roldnson. iS. Ja:m-s. mgr. i T»-n tosirs* grind. .April 23. ORGA.NS1^9 New Music OWNS LARGEST GALLERY. I "'alter Misirx-. .A. Halverson. Itiiliehu and Al- won by W. .All Intos'h. PARK THEA1RE (Av' JOHN MVUIO A tOI. 171 Psit low. H. V. ger week of Ma.v '2. HAI'PY HOCR (Miinsell IH-vlne, nigr.i 0|s'i,s May 21 Hros., niRrN.l MIm Montpomery, W. K. Uiy. PETERBOROUGH.—GRAND OPER.A HOI'SE FOR SALE Aloxtiig Picture luiKIt. No. 2 I iildii One of tlie -niecessfiil lessis's of Brighton , Ml*, Fr.ankte Kane and I.S-0 Kanter we*-k of (J.. J. Turner, mgrmgr.l i Parsifal A|ayMay K;K- I.,«-ainI.orain Reacli Is U-onard Pailiila. who for the past live i m,v 2^e. I'jJ. -'•■J l-«rain maeliliie. 1 s.piare piatsi. 1 Vlelor talking iiia niiisemcnt Company'a vamlevIMe and niuxlng vears has lea-.-d the Rrlglitoii R.-aeli Boardwalk i A/PRMDKITVERMONT. uletiireT \l.v i^ r !-T.v'-iox-*."^ nioxlng x-hliie. with iki; also 1 ('4*«r lit* has lini»r*»v»Ni th** thr***' larpi^t ‘ Faraifal May 14 AMOS L. AVOOD, Dreamland Theatra, Blan- buildings and will run tlie lee Crx-ani Parlor. WHITE RIVER JUNCTION —THEATRE (A. “»'kliig match week of A|rrll 24 rheiter, Ohio. Shilling Galli-ry. Billiard and Slinffli' Board ; AI. Hall, nigr.l Slnuiglieart .'lay 1; Ma'f Sew WINNIPEG.—AA.ALKER (C. P, Walker, mgr ) Parlor liinis.-ir. His slua.liug gall.-rv and bll- Husband 4. Thexslore Rids-rta and Guy Standing In 'llie WILL SELL CHEAP Oiix- Ant. Ei*s’trlc Slus-t liiid r.«.m are the larg.-st at Brighton. 11 WOODSTOCK.—.AllWOODSTOCK.—.AH SIC IIAI.L (A. R.B. Mor Right of AVay week of .May 2. WINNIPEG ing Galli-ry, 1 H*-rM'hell .Spillman Baliy Game. j gan, mgr.) .Ala’a New Husband May 4. (Drew A C'anipiM-ll. mgra.) Amelia Bingham In 2 Sjiarks Rahy Games. 1 Hlmlii Spirit AViller. I ' WASHINGTON. It!" l"^chJ■*a wex-k of May 2. GRAM* I Eli-etric Push Button R*-ll .. AVrIie AIRSHIP COMPANY FORMS. (Drew A Camidu-ll. nigrs. i Ten Nlghla In a F. J, McKenna, St. Elmo Hotol, Freeland, Pa. SEATTLE.—.AIOORE THEATRE (Harry Barrxsmi wex-k of .May 2. IKtMIMON (Drew A 1'lu- New A'ork Airsliip Co., of ss !si Cyprus Cort. mgr.) Lillian Russ.-ll In AA'lldtlri- week (..'ampixell, mgra.) Arthur McW'attera'and Grace FOR RENT xt.iaai ft. niiii. .3 sx-la song aliib-s. m iiue, X'-W A'ork. has tlie lumor of annxHineIngannxHineing | '•LI; Norman Haekett in Classmatea wex-k May $12 w.. willlilt belie tiiriii-d isit from (liethe s(einstem to gerbn-.sdg*rbre.-xd .Alan week ot 23; Itlax-k Patti's Mu “t BOLD EVERYWHERE ns-l. N*-W ALsb l II gas oiiinis. $:tii; Eo»,-s|iurpos,-s ATRE (Riissx-llIRiissx-ll A Drew, nigrs.nigrs.i i ITic"nic Regem-r JL—fiU* $'.«; $t'sai over land living wagon, f liai; tsld song - atlon wx-x-kwxH-k of 23; AA'lu-n Knighthood AVaa In ^ O-* sillies, .V. Will box passion Play, otlii-r Hliii, maelilni-a. H. DAVIS, Watortown, Wia. BOWERrar^xs/rrrx^x/frex __ ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. ■ I Air .s. Bower, formerly of KiiickertuKkcr av- eiiu'-. Brooklyn, N. A',, has niovxsl to more spa- A POINTED QUESTION! eiisis -tuarters at 117 Harman strx-et. where he i <-.*n take Ixx-ttx-r can- xxf bis many friends than i h<-retofixre. Mr. Bower's Magic Wand has j Is the Best Too Good for You ? pnivx-n the m-xm-y maker of money makers and gaim-d man.v patrons frxmi summer resorts, j it ““ - narks an

    Messrs. Cagney Bros.. 74 Broxidway, New York, who for the past twenty two years have t«v-n manufacturing annisx-nicnt dx-vices, tiaxc in thi'lr latest sensation. I'nelo Sam. a de¬ vice wliich cmnnix-nds Itself to ail managers from the standpxxint of a monx-.v maker. Other devices which the.v have prodiixs'd and through xxe x.soers. i„„iiiier (orrlers and Txmil.b-ra at lowi-at prlx-rt. wlilrh they have attainx-d the high regard of file trade are the aerial elrch' swing, miniature railroad and miniature autodrome. ' COLUMBIA MF6. CO., Oept. 8, 1159 Harrison St., CNICABO, ILL. ROUTES


    An orj>h«n T>oy Is ailopfivl hj > rich man whose Utile (laiiithter he savtHl. He has t’eenine the eoiifl- lie lilrN A ■I'l-ihlv Hear (.\iiierlesni -Hi. (leiitlal clerk of his benefactor, whose ; iT' -iiplei lir-iiid Itaphls, Mieh . 17 'J'J. son Is a black sheep- To save the . Kill) A \* I'liii Hir.iiidi Mools'-aii'-rj. ilirandi .\iiitnsls. N)k's) R.s h.-sler. N Y . 17 efactor’s danghter. \ confession, a Siiraial A Itaaall (.M:ih-«llei I>i » Momi-s. la. resolution and all rods well. Slninis. Wlllaril. A I'o. iiirandi S)raiii«-. X. WiMsIs. F-altle. Silvas. I I’riM lot'« .".111 .\\ei N V r Wayne A l-'r.-y (.Vlrdoiiiei Kdwar.Nville. III. Seyinitiir Slslers iMujesIlel I’arls. Ill Wheelock. Whia-llnit I Vau.|.-vllb-) l iilon I'ity, S<-ntell llros llleiiek'si t'liii Iniiall Ind. RELEASED MAY 13. Siiiltli. Mr A Mrs J .Murray il'rislali .\t Weaillrk A l.a Inie (l.yriei Jamestown. N. Y'. lanit. ISv. Waitiier, I’aiil (M.ijesiiei Craw for.lsville, Ind. Salisbury, Marie it’asilei llbB>inint.'liin. 111. Walton, Ib rt A laillie (Majestici M Iwankee. SInipaon. ("lerldali iiirpheiiiii i SjHikaiie: (or Wenfvorlli. V.-sta A TeiMy iWittwanii San |•llel|lll| .S4-allle Id 22. Fraiielwo. Equipped with Improved Fire Maga¬ THE RIGHT Sunny South. Mstlc> To- Tsriti.n A Tarlton (Crystal .k'rd.unei Sedal'a. p.ka. Kxn. M...; (.Klrbsnei Joplin 17 22 W.-stbrook A "Vsthrook (Shubert) I'tloa, X. T»u.Ia. Il.irr* (Orph.-iimi Omaha. (Ori.lieiim i Younger Hr.-s. (Orphenmi fTiatlanooga. Tenn.; St Paul lit 22 (Cr.-*ced. XashvUle 17 22. Th.irrto. Claii.le (Mab-stlri Hlrmlngham. .kla.; Young. Ollle. A Thn-o Hr<.s. (Orpbeum) Om- ( I.lttle K.ek. Ark IT'22 lh;f. Tlllb-y. Vc»la (.kthambrai \ Y C . 10 2'2 Y-sing. Lena (Stan Charlotte. X. C. Turner. Ueri (I.IIIIani In-ir.dl. Minn 7.end:i Co. (Wh te Cityi .'tianta, Ga. Tel.-graph F-.iir (Sunt Sprmgll.-l.l. d Zauellos. The 11’r.s'H.r's .'.Ih .\ve.) X. Y. C.: Read list of e.xclu- T.-kars. Great (Cr»s( N<4>l.-s« die. Ind (Pr.s-tor's 12.''ith St.i X. Y. C.. 17 22. The (Jnart. ttr (Tr«-nl( Tr.‘iit..n. \ J Z.-nitbs. Mu-leal (Stan Youngstown. O.. 10 12; T-.I.slo. Sydney (Stan Mttn.'b-. In.l. I ll I'l.odr.Ki.e I Sharon. Pa., 1.1 I-’.. sive points printed T.-in|e-st A .Sunslilne (K.-llh’si lldla. Zal Z.anis. The (.Star) Sturgis. Mich. Th.sna* A Hamllt..n ((Iran.l. (’..Itimbia, S. C below and mark this Tb.snps'.n. Hillv ( Vtnus.-( Hlrmlngham. .Ma. Taib'c. Mae (Mat.-Hr. I.lttle It-s k. Ark : —in those points you (Mr Jostle I Ft. Wi.nti. T.-v . 17'22 Skating Rink Attractions, 1 Iton. I.nclle (I'ala.s-i (’..rk. Ir.' . 17 22: find the reason why t ‘ 'SB A P tStiilium Rink»: Montr»*al. (Crandi Ol.lhain. Fug. 21 20: ( 1 iK nki MMItn-ls Ont . 17 11>; Harllngtoo :>1 Jtui.- ..Vb-axar In- Ftet the man with one | . Paris, Franc- 7 12 T"-ni|>.-st. Fl..r.-nx.‘ (((r|.b.-tim. Harrisburg, Pa 1 lior. Musi, si ( Hlrmlngham. .\la. Tip[.ol A Kliment: Marlnetl* . Wl- MINSTREL T..IS. Mtislral ( \udll..riUiii i Y-.rk. I's Is Sure of Making $10 to $30 Clear a Day IVs-kstader's. U'w. C'iia«. P Wil--.n. r.'i. -.f the World Hatn-ers (Keith's. Phlla Everylnnly buys (iOOP Ice cream cones. The Standard la the best baker made; It turns Tru.-*.la|.. Hi.w anl (('..Itttnb'• ■ St Ia.ul« IVnver. !• I.': Govlc.v IP. out the tiest coum—the crisp, tasty, delicious ones that bring customers back. T'xss CiKii.sly Four HlrTnln..;liam. .\la. Ib-Um- Hros.'- I’lilaskl, X. Y . 12; Make big money this summer. All you need Is elbow room and a Standard Uaker. T.-ksra, Cis-at (Crvstalt Frsnkf.s-t. Iml. • i:>; S:)ck-t Harb-ir II: Cai-- Vincent But t>e caretui: You can't make big money without the one best baker. T.sbiy. ('..lint (N -w ll.4>lns..n( Clnetnnati. Field's. .'I. -. Soldier's H rice in fuel aud discomfort in one s*-ason; diM-s not reijuire an ex[M-nsive IH ( iMs.-ntHU-l, la . 17 22 stove; e

    (K-d ooiie \ .-.Is .Y (Julnfar..w ((.hilM'i H.-llalr.-, () . (Co- toller. Worth doutde its (irioe of $s ,-gi each. Itinil.Ks 17 '2'2 MISCELLANEOUS TF.KMS—Cash with order, or oiie-balf easli, balance C. O. P. Wire, write or (dioiie. Viill.-y Forge ('..(((.-.H F'.ttr .Fatnlly. M Hon. Instant shl(imeiit. Pt : (Family I Shan(..kin 17 22 Ol'lt Gl'.'HAXTEE—Your money back, if after 30 days’ lest, this is not proven to be Van A Vering11eld. .Ma-s.. to •22. Varib-lb's. Tlie iHlh.ui M.ison *'■(.' la ; .'Imoml's. Jethro. Bible show and Moving Pic iCii|.|ii..i T.uiiah. Wls . 17'2'2 lures (under ean>asi Hams*'ur. X. C.. 1(4-1.i: Van (:.>fre A Colrely U.M-kville. In.l HllNls>ro 17 22 V Tilon P.•try A Wilbur (F..tintaln Inm MU .'dams. James. Vaude'IHe Show. No 1 "el- wraiikee divi. X. C.. 10-1.3; Suffolk. Va.. 17 '22 \ an linen (F..nlaln.. F.-rry Park 1 I..'iils»llle (THE ms < Cop In. Prof. Karl. Hyiinotlst, (\>lvln. ■AnSECTOKT Viols Otto. A llr.> (’..Iiimb.s. S (' mgr.' Buffalo lo 1.*. Vsn. Hilla iilrpli.nini S.-sItle; ((*l^>b.•llm) P..rt Cady. Hypnotist: Pseisda, la.. 10 L'l. I FILM.C Isn.l. Or.- . 17 '22 Cottfn I'lossom Floating I'healn'. H. K. Steiner, Vsgrsnts, Thr.-r iK.'lC.i'si Phils SERVICE E mgr.; Marietta. (».. ll. Parkersburg. W. Va.. I SUPPLY C \ I, l..r|ii.-, M(tll.\ A Tw.. Z.dars iMap-stb . 1(1; Mlddb lKWt. P . 17 SI..(IS Falls. S H Ikerlngs. The. H.vpnotlsts. Henry .'. Hanneman. k'.ui S.-rly Slaters Massllh.n. O mgr : Is-vtngloii, Ky,. 1(> I.'; Danville 17'2'2 "ervers K Vivians, Two iHIJ.mii Orange. N J . iHiJoiO Kiiierson Floating Palacs': Xewburg. Ind.. 12: llayonn.. 17 ■22 Mt. ' ermxi 13; Cnlonlown. Ky.. 14; Shawms' \ siiiil.l. (Jn-sl iHIJisO Ksnkak.n., Ill town. III . 1.'); Cas.-yvlUe. Ky., 17; Golconda. Vsl.lsri- lu-ssle. Tr.stts- (Shiib.-rtl Cltrs. X V Ill . 19; I’ailucah. Ky , '20 24. WaR..n.r (.l.•nIl iMsI.atb-i T..|.ika. Kan Flint. Mr and Mrs llerluTt I... 11 L. Flint Wash..; Hros Osklan.l. Ky. mgr.: Flkhart. Ind.. to t.'i; Mu-kegon, Mich Wir.len, W I., A C.> iTIiallsi Clilesc". Worth A in'liiiar il.yriei I' T. iin : Gritmii'nodc Co,. W H Klfs'. mgr.' Grwns lHI].'iO .VHsnIs. (is , 17 '22 Iiorti, X, C . lo I.'* WHIIsnis A (loribm (Or|.lieiini) l.liits. O . ily Gil|dn Hypnotic Comedy Co, J. K. McOlllls c.iimi Ciiii'lnnsll 10 22 mgr,: Hislford. Ind.. 10 1.'. W.-bb. rmitu (Or|.h.'iimi S.-stll..: (Ori.lieiiinl Heli'lng H ind. Fdii-’ati'd H.»r«i-, F’ulti'ii A Peters Sp..ka(i.- 1(1 '22 mgr-. t'billleolhe. () . 10 l."». Wlitiely A H’.ll (Ki-.-ney'si N..« Hrllsln. (' nn ; How,**s Pictures: irrie. Pa.. 12; .'slilautl 14. (K.--,iey'si Hr.s.klin 17 22 HumtdirU-s Hr<*s ' 'miiseinent Co : .'\alon. Te\ , Whltmsii. Frank iOr|ibeiiiio Sis.ksne. (()r I. 'i. .'iiluirn Is; MayiH-arl 1!>. t.lii.uini S.-stllo 17 22 Ileisola's I’eintde of Palmistry: Pscvola. I.i . Carnl\al lViv(do In all branches. Can use Plantation Peoide who can double In brass; also Wblltb-, W F (Orphi'iiinl Mlnnea|iage .3S.1 W.smI, Mill (Ch.isi.'sl Wash . I> C ; (Pro.'tor's RENOVATE AND CLEAN YOUR FILMS r.lli Wo 1 S. V (’ . 17 '22 W.Msi Hr.M (Poll'sI Si-i anion. Pa ; (P.dl'al SOLD EVERYWHERE Lightning Film CLEANER and RESTORER Wllk. sHarre 17 ■22 PIIIT causes .socr of rain storms. Will cost you shout 2,3c (wr reel to renovate your own Blms, 'Vllson. .M 'Slarl Hartford CUT, In.l , I'VIg Write for (iric.'S and I'artlculars. Sample H.'I F' I’lN'r sent on reeel|d of .’’Hlc. DIXIE FILM EX¬ W.iiui Marti isvtUe 17'22 CHANGE. 4th and Mulberry St.. OWENSBORO. KY. Open PAY AND NIGHT. We rent yog W.-st, A| II (ilale(y) linllana|M>lta ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. rt «haiig»'s of film. $12.3(1 jH'r wm'k. dur Motto: "NO KOY.'LTY OX Vdl’K MACIIIXK.” 36 X li e Billboard MAY 15. 1909.

    •Joat i)at of Oollof* Mcliada, Kddla Otto, Tba Ctgaratta Hantell, Budolpb Tbompaoo, Dana •Wells, Otto Uo. Mclirruiult, Joa Pteiid. •bargaot. K. P. Tbom|nM)D, J. W. Wells, Raymond METROPOLITAN CARNIVAL CO. Saida. K klcAlM-a, L. Painter, Alfred •Kaaaauian, W. A. I.Montana Joe) Stuck Co. SalBO, Uao. McPailalHl, W. N. •Palmer, Tbomia •hater, lleury TbomiHMiu, Claude L. WcIIm. James We open our wventh si-ason at Portage, Wla.. Kau>ni, Jcibn MrKIUcuy, K. B. Park, Hogan, Alrablp Haulmer, Tb« J. Co. 1 hoiuaa. W. P. ••Walla, Otto May 31. for one week under the auspices of Sauplala, KTaak kicKuary, M. J. t>>. Sawyer. Harry CUulon T bomaa, Cbaa. Wello. Doc C. M. the Elks’ State Convention. We then play the KaiM>, HoImtI K. MrPadileii. K. Parker Ciinlral Mud Ha a ton, Angalo, Trio Tbomoa, Jobn T. Wente, Elwood following towns: .Manitowoc, Wausau. Merril, Kaur, KraiM'la kJiCiarvry, Itcrtla el Mlnatrvln KcbUitdt. C. W. Thoma, Juggling Weat, 8. C. Rhinelander, Iron River, Ironwooil, .Mich.; Ash¬ Saro^or, kuuilck MaHlrraur, J. H. Parkern, Tba Hcbrlber, Dare TiM-rnion, Geo. Weat Trio land. Wis.; Minins', Lancaster, Plattevllle, Karp, StaaU; klcCalir, Oaba j Parooiu, Jubn L. biult, A. U. Tom Thumb Wadding Weaterman, Oeo. W. Prarle Du (iilen, etc. We play only in Wla- Kartulla. Harry McCoriuick, Jaa. C, Paaeal, Ano Id Hcott, A. W. Company Weeoott, M. B. eonsin and Minm-sota. We have almont our en Kaat. WUUa Mclirury, C. W. Pattvraoii, K'lwin Scott, Krueat •Tlbbltn. Jobn Westcott, S. C. tire season Ixmkevl. We can place one or two Kaiaol. H. klrllcury, L. Paul'a, Prof., plaa ••Hcott, R. A. Tiller, (iarance Wbi-cler, Jack giHsl shows with nlee fronts and also a Ferrla *Kati. Krurat klclDluata, Marralatu CIreuB Heutt at Umokin Tippa, H. H. W bi-eler. Jack Wlieel. Will give one a giMnl propositiim. Can Kaufmaa Kaailly klclntiaih, W'. U. Peeao. W. D. Hcott, Kboriy Tobin, Maurice Wheeler, Bert also place some concessions. Ko gambling. We 'Kfalllalhur, Jli McKoaiar, Karl Peuuliigtou, l(i,y Hcott, J. M. T.ald, Wm. Wbeltena, The have 3(t(» feet of 10 ft. new side wall for ata- Kabbla, Wa. Mrkloiiry, Dare Darll Peirce, Alburtua •Hcott. Ed. H. lodd. J. W. White, Frevl B. diiini or bipiMHlrome; also several tents that are Ki-lKli-y, Will Mrklabun, P. P. Pelrone, P. A. Heatoaat Vetidiog Co. Tralnor, (Jeo. White-('iow, Cbaa. not working; would like to get something new KvIlvflMtr. Jamaa •MrManiiua. J. D. Perry. K. H •Helgfrlvd. Carl Trlbley. U. P. •White, H. K. and novel in the line of shows as this is good ••Kallrr. Juba klHicr, J. Mika I Perrya, Muaieal Svvby, Gvh). Trimble. B. T. ••Whltfleid. John eiHintry and shows get the money. Would also *Krlloy, Waltar ■ UcMurrla. D. C. I •Pete Rraa Mann. W. P. I Powent, Ed Sberi.lan. Teddy •Vaaux, Clyde Wtlla A Banown Knaba, (iaorya Mann. Kilty ITvitou, G. Hb« ruiaii, Harry B. X'Inning Amuae. Co. Wilmarib, Elmer E. etc. J. E. CHAMBERS. man MaoblOK Twlna Prealoo. Hilly HUermao, L«e Vino, Wm. Wilmartb, Fred KLalianahaa, Prof Maoola PamllT Price, Ran Sherry. Joa. V. •Voltlee. Frank H. •Wilson, Ei’die 820 White Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. Huy •Marabla, T. H. Price. W. E., or Billy •Sbickler, JubiuMD A Voltler. F. H. •Wilson. Frank H. Kol^t. IlaiTy Marrunta, (iraat I'rlliirvaM-, i;. II. Hbbida. .Meater Hubert Vontrello and Nina W’lloon, Tuch K'J.lar A Ailaoia Marina, William ••ITlgga S. HeUafer WaiMell. Doc Wilson, Xlualcal Kublar A Ailama .Marrloiin. J. W. I Puley. Frank Hhlelda. Harry Wade. R. T. Wilson, I.. O. Kiiblmaa. Joa klartin, Mr. Patay ! Pblllyoa. Cbaa. Hbiiieya. Muaical Wagner. Lloyd Wilson, Harry (Kid Koba, R’ldolpb Marllmi A Kuaalla i t^ueeu and ( reaernt HIbley. Waller hi. •Walnwrtght, Eoao Wilson, L. O. Wanted Koln, Jullaa Markbam, Prank I Sbowa •Sibley, W. K. Wale*. Harry W. Wil»in. Roes KiPi»tBky. Prad k| Marmn, Oro. Qiiellln. Clinton feledenbcrg. U. V. WalrB. Harry H. Wilsons. .Mrslcal Hustling concepsion ptMjple on snlary Ktilara. Prank Marahalla. Tba Quintard. C. A. HleSert, Felix J. Walker. Goldie Wilson. J. Earnest and percentage. Can place one gtxxl game Kraoiar, I.. W. MarahtU. 0. P. •Kviboo (Elepbant Hilverlakia. Tbe Wall. -Adsar A. •Wilson. Allen Korallo. kiarraloaa Martla. A. J. Boy I Hilrers A Sllrerk •Wallace. Joe Wingate. Robt. and platform show at one of the best parks Karkaodall. Arthar Martin, F. E. Rafael. Dara Hllreracbmidl. Cbxa. Wallrap, J. L. Winn. Jack L. in the country. Address quick. l. Wolcott. Cbaa. •La Kaaatta. Oraat Marriott. Arthur Itarrlck, T. bittlg. Geo. Wampler. W. Wolfe. R. K. la Payittat. Two Mary. Whittta Rawaon, 8. 8. •Skuvgxxrd Concert Wanl, J. W. Wolfseate, Jas. UMarr A Uao Maonn Family Raymond, C. H. (>►. Ward. Bobla A Bala Wbnderland Amuse. la Marr, Prank May. Nrwln-rn •Raymimd. M B Slagle, Jack Wabl. Harry Co. ONE GREAT BIO SCREAM 1^ U<«B. Bd. Matw,II. rbomat H. Rea. John Slater A Einch Wanl. Frederick Wood, G. T. !-• kl<»tra. Mark Vaimall. Tom J. •Heed, Leall* Smejkal. Klenba and Ward. W. D. Woods A Riwlston Fred H. Fuller’s Big Minstreliette Co. ••Ia Paari. Harry •Maiw. II. K E. Reevl. F. 8. King Ward. Chaa. Woodward, Clarence Raarh. Dan Mayara. Tba Reevea. J-«c Smith. Joe Warner, W. O. Wodlyard, Tom We put uo tbe whide show, minstrel first part, Smith A Walton Warren. W. H. ••La Balia. Rickard Mayar. Jack Raarea, Eddla Woolcott. Mark singles, doubles and quartette. Pretty girls, Smith. I,eon C. Warren. Chaa. H. La Saila, Oraat Marsa A Mayna Kelliel. Tbeo. W'ooleott. Cbaa. funny comedians, giMsl singers and dancers. For l^aBalla, Smith, W. P. ••Warptn, Maryeloiu Maara. I>ad W. Reilly. Floyd •Wovdeott, Mark Ofuin time address JAS. B. KELLY (onr agent) Smith. Collin F. Cbaa. Ia Vbilaa. Harry •Maara. ( Kelnrr, Prof. T. H W ren, Leroy Smith, E. A. Warring, the Magi- “Who Does Icings," Dauphin Theatre Bldg., latunna. Walter ••MalrlUa, Howard Rambert. Jobn Wren, EiK>ch G. ••laZclla. lYnf J. I* Malrlllr, Howard Ilemar, H. II. Smith. Will A. eiaa New Oileant, La. Smith, Elmar P. Waabbum, (Tbas. W. Yale, Cha*. 11. l^l*'•w. Lorala M •Marcar, ItoN-rt J. •Remodall. J. A Young, Jobn W. •JA L^r. Manard. E C. KcDi.rd. Win Smith. Sam Waatell. L. FOR SALE!—Traveling Doll Rack and Cane Smith. Dirk Yoneger, Bob •Lo Paaab Oraat Maradith. Robt. H. Rciilx Rnw. •Watson, Fred B. Zajle. John E. Board, in goiMl park with privilege and rent Uralla A lAaalla Millar. (Tiaa. Reno. Fred Smith, riaretic* Watson. J. Herbert paid for sv'ason. Kargain. llT.'v. See Geo. Smith. Will Z. Zanfrella. Tbe ^rkay A Wllaoa Millar, Henry P. R -do, Eart Millar. Maiirica Barnard. A. D. Snider. T. W. cago. write us for an estimate on your hauling Soanca. Jana Weadick A I.a Dvie ••Zellen. Jake Mtllnar, Quaan A Rd. ••Kayiuilda. Harry E Wvaver. J. .A. KICHAKI) GUTHMANX TRANSFER CO.. Soithall. I>aiik Zera. Edward Baat»*'^**“‘ ***'* Mlltoo, OnT C. Rvynolda. Ed. A Weayer, Wm. 225 Dearlnirn Street, Chicago, III Soutbwaetern Cam Zeraldas. The ^aa. Arthar MItrkall. Harry tad Reyindda. T Weber, Wm. Co. Zen a. Emesi l^iur. Kart Katharyna Raynolda, Laka Weber. Mr. A Mrn. Zimmerman. Max LEARN TO MAKE Raised Letter Signi! I paid Laac. Rad Mltcball, W J Rboadea. Jack S|>ahn, I.calle Ed. A. $.'> for instnictiima. Had them printed In book Sparka. E>. U r. I Roberta. . Itnmr CaMn l^allo, Jaiaaa Moaa. Tom Rotwrta. Doc. C. Stewart. Jack ;a««lay. R.Aact •Mnallar. Ona Roberta. A. P. Sllfano. (ienianta De I-aalar. Tlia Business Relations with ••'tnnacn, Hal A Mi Ri bartann. P. M Still. Prank l^raak. Prad rbm Stlllano. W. W. •lATlaa, Abo Robertwon. R. E. Miirihr. I E Roblnoon, Nat C. Steadman, F. (Awack. Dara Darll Mnrtana. Malba R.wlgrni. W. P. Staaoilahl. Sam lawla, Prancla Myi r%. J It S (wwtt. A. Rocky Mountain Hank •Staama. XIr. THE UNITED BOOKING OFFICES Ma«'«n. Piwk Stataon. Harry Iwnnard A Taal Murphy. Rarncy J I Rocky Mountain Am. Co. Stavanaon. W. F. l^iar. Rickard Mnrray. K ' Rogara. E. D. Sto.'gman, Jake l^rara. Bd Mornar. J D Stock ton, (}eo I^wla, 7>nay Morrla4>n. M M Roc. r*. Krancia RoCi'n., Wllaon StoibUrvl. J. T. LIbbay A iVayar \aibT, Capt Stone*. ‘The Aerial Vay.l, Dan K R.vgcra Bt.oi. Rogara. Ed. Storvlard. Jack IJatoA. riyda L Naur, Cbaa Stout. Viator Llpoiin A N H..I1Ii «. C..N.. W Luna Park«Charter Oak Grove National Amuoamatit Street. Ja*. E I.UlMTirar. Rdward R.>mll«. II. K Co Ria ner. Jaa. J. Streeter, Wm S. Ixiard. Wiwlay p Naal. Bhoala An. flo Stringer. .A. M. tawtrall. yvad Ralph HARTFORD, CONN. No.1. Carl E ••It.wa, Wm. (Black smart. J. D. I/ombard. Praatna Nalaan Team Stucart. T. WILL OPEN MAY »th, under the new management of the CONNECTICUT FAIR ASSOCIA¬ IwiDhard J o I face coina<1lanl Nevada, lord Btiiak. Jana L. TION. l'>n«. Rlllary ' Riwntbal. Henry NorwiMMl E .\ i R.Mcnthal. Joa Splllvan. T O Mck NIc. Harry V I H.wk.vir Capt. P S'liIIlran. B H. l-unb. P. O. Sumincra. NIak l-aok. Doe Naiitioi. Eratik R. R'vaa. Wm. WANTED AT ONCE N. IT M. t„.rt T. Biimmarn, (iaiida R. lavdiaan. Paaya K.aoi. Dara Nrvliia. «! W Sutton. Haryey A few miwe Conci-ssions. Big money for an np-to-date Merry-Go-Ronnd, EH Wheel, Human l^rratna, FrM i lliwaman. Morria Nowi«,rl Hal Rmanicycr. Hally Swain .% fbitman ••I^iratta TwIm I.aundry, Kaxxle l>azxle, etc. Park C'.vacoaaionalrv'a have prefeivnce during the big Connecticut NIaa. Inaac R.vwan. Prank Sui'cncy, Rob ••I,or»ttaa Thra* Sc Nb-hola, Cal W D. Fair, SepteiuNr « 11. day and night. Write quick. l-or.'lfaa. Poor Ror. Cbaa K Swinnay, Cbaa. N. Mchol.. lew lamia. Kina Royec. Hart J Swrlahar, Ira WALTER J. SNYDER, Manager, 25-26 Hartford Trust Building. Niton, N O. Riwlar. Maatar Joa .Avlow. H Wm A Ratal Nolon. John J, Rn. II A Ttwaall •Srlroatar. H. H. •Nvr. R P. Riicg, Pbolarlck Tallvot. Rniph tmthar. Panf lAyd •Nra. n H. R.iak J. W Tv1b.vtt. Tim K •Unathar. Prof. Uoy O’ltar. Wm k"wr. Barrla Riiaacll. Jack Talbott Ed. •O'lVonnall. ('. O. Riiawall. Ed. T-m, Harry .A. I'ral. Prank O'Kaefa. Arthur Rnaa.dl. F. O •Tanaka, Henry ‘l.iicallaa" O’Neill, Otiat. Riiaaall Noraltr (lo Tanner IVg A Pony laiadtka i^rof Otcai Illlrar, Hilly J, Hnlharf-»r.l. Rlh Lnaa, Ran Show ••Oliver, perry I Ryan. Kalnb Tata. rnM I yatifn (\MnadT Po AnENTION!!! «»lM“‘rman. Wm. Bt Brown. Al Tavl.vr, Robt. ••Urdaii A Ruttar Oraal. Harry B1 Julian M Temple Amnac Co REFRESHMENT MEN—FAIR WORKERS—We lncreash Terry, p.vh galliui. Absolutely pere. No Ice or tiwla tv'qulr.'d. Ingreilients can be purchased at any Mallrlda. W II Oakara, Harry •Samivaon L. T.aalcr. Wm MH'onka. Jolay Rni Oatradn Prad S'amiwoa Dr H ThanniPC. Thoniaa griicery. This formula and others only .W. Bit caiDall. B w Oatnian .% Swain ••Sa'oVra. II E Thabna Rrvav MrOitcbanA. tJ. T C Owiir, Prank K. •Sanforil Dor Alat T Tboniaa. K. R BLENDER and ROWE, 2431 O'Fallon Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. Doi. OH. Cbaa W. ' Sangv>r, II. Thompoon. P. R 38 X e Billboard MAY 15, 1909.

    L. Lachman lliplHsIrome Shows: Gaiuesvill Tex. Naliello A His Hand (Delmar Gardens): SI. rt 17 22. Ne-Fs Carl, Hand and tirehestia (under can MISCELLANEOUS. National .Vmusement Co.: Hreckenrldge. Mo. viis) Maryville, Teiiii., 10 15. Gsterling Amusement Co., tieo. F. Gsterllng, National Gia-ra Co., Matt Sheeley, mgr.; t hi Streetmen I.arko & .Vdams' Ciaintry Circus: biirliam, X. cago, ;{.15. m);r.: Durham. N. C. Ws are headquartera for cheap Jswsiry, Watch C.. 10 1.'.; lIlKh IVlnt 17 L*-.*. Uslairn Grand Gia-ra Co.: Detndl, May 10 I’arker, C. W., Shows, 11. S. Tyler, ingr.: Huker i-a. Cutlery Kazota, 0|iera Glaaaea, etc. Little Uusslaii I'riiK-e, I'raiik K. Klltz, iiiKr.: City, Ore. Indef. Powers, James T.: See Havana. WaKliiiiKtoii, I>. C., :{ ;5; Italtimore 17-L’!i. Parker, Great. Shows. Cou T. Kennedy, gen. Prince of To Night. Mort H Singer, mgr., Chi LaniliricKt-r'a Wild Auimal Zoo: Coliimlius. (»., mgr.: Ft. S<‘ott. Kans; Lawrence 17-22. ;{ eago. Feb. S, Indef. Novelties for Carnivals I.'». Patterson. Great, Sliows, Jas. Patterson, mgr.: Prlin-*vs .Mu'leal Ceiiiedy Co : .San Franelsim, L.viidoii'H Vaudeville Co.: Maxwell, la., lii-l.",; Texarkana, Tex Mareh I. lnd«-f. liayard 17 'S2. Penn Ainus-ment Co.: Scranton. Pa.; Wilkes- Merr> Mai-s Comedy Co. (.kinlomet: Carax'oiilil, Pritiia lloiiiia, with Fiilzl Si-lielT, Chas. Ddling and Street Fairs Harre 17 22. ham, mgr.: I'lica, N. \ .. 12. Ris lieslei .\rk.. May Id, Itidef. Robinson, Famous, Shows: .Middletown, t).; Lon AVbIpa. Gaa and YA'bUtle Ballouns, Blowuuta, i;:; tiswego 14; Ithaca 15; Sv-axU' eud«. .MeCalM-'a, Wni.. tieorula TrouliadiMira: Calea- don 17-22. Slap|H-ra. Cttofetll Duatera, Jap Canes, HhsU Queen of the Moulin Rouge. Thos. W. Ryb-y. vllle. Wis.. l:* i:i: Trem|>ealeau H Id. Royal .\niusement Co., H. 11. Tip|is, mgr.: .41- Purses, Rltilsiii, Badge Noveltlts, Rubber Ralls, Mascot. Edticatial Horse, II. S. .Mairulre. mirr.: mgr.: Hnsiklyn. 10 15. ton. III. Royal Arlilb-ry P.and. Inc.. Jos lN-\ Ho. gen. Glasa Novelties, Bead .Nreklaeea and Bsad (l.yrict: CliattaiKsara, Teiiii., lo-l.'i; titijoiii Smith Greater Show-s: Pulaski, Va.; Hluelleld, mgr. (Young's Gia-an Pier); .Vtlanlic City. Chains. .\tlanta. (in., 17 TJ. W. Va., 17-'22. Mysterious guis-ii Z<-iiora, Clarence .Vu'kiiiK.'. Indef. St. I.a)uis Amusement Co.: Paris, Teun. Reslorff’s Metroisdltaii Concert Hand: New Gr l>us. mur.: <;r»-enville. S. C., lo l.'i. Sutton Williams Shows: Collinsville, III.; Kd CANES leans. May 3. Indef XorwiMsIs. The, Crank Hurst, iiinr.: Slmix K.-cIls, w-ardsvllle 17-22. Mill, Chas. Dillingham, mgr.; Quincy. We handle I. Els-natein A Co. Cane Rack Csnss I*., lO-l.'i; AlHTtleen 17-‘J:J. Smith. John R.. Shows: Statesville, N. C.; HI.. 1-2. Pries In St. Lraila aame aa In New YTurk. Cat- New York Minstrela (Under Canvas): Cilnian. Charlotte 17 22. SehelT. FrIlzl. Si-e The Prlnia Denna. I abatiie free. l><-|HiaU re<|ulred oo all C. O. D. HI.. I.V Suntlowerower Amusement Co..Co. C. E. Hoyd. mgr.: ( sporting Days. Shuta-rt & Ande rson. mgrs.: , ordlTB. lt.aymi nd, the flreat, Maiiri<-e F. Kaymond, Marshallirshall, Tex.; Texarkana 17-22. j j^- y Sept. 5 .May 'JO. ni(rr.: Cais. Town, So. Africa. June J. indef. Von Erickson & Lisles Southern Shows, L, A. , stulilavrii cVnderelia. Princess AAmuse Co. Ila|i|>. .Mr. and MrFs., .\ugustus Ka|)|>. niKr,: Lit- Von Kricksen. mgr.: Crll 12. I Brownville 15; Patten 17; IsIaiMl Falls Is. Teeta' Show. Lillian Te«‘la, mgr.; W<‘st I’oint, Indef. ' Fort Kent 19: Ashland 20; Presque Isle 21. For Seuvonirs and Prizes. Va., 1.3; lycater .Manor 15. .Atairn Grand t)|M‘ra Co.: -Newark, X. J.. .\prll ; Tlirvs' "I^ina. Jos. M. Gaitea, mgr.: Phlla., Tcald. Wni., Vaudeville Show (under canvas): 20. indef. I At>r. 5-May 15. Keldaville. X, C.. 10 15. Alsirn Comic G|K-ra Co. Washington, D. C.. : \ an Stuildtford, Grace; See The Golilen Butter ThomiwiHi Kntertalnera. F. H. Thompson, mgr.: May 3. indef. fly. Directions for Japanese Ball Game Hcelown. Wla., 13 15; North Andover ir>-l!t. •Aborn Grand (»i>era Co.: Detndl, .May 10. in I Van Dyne Ota-ra Co., Chaa. Van Dyne, mgr.: Walden. Magician, S. Worden, mgr.: 1‘alatka. def. Gloversvllle. N. Y’., Feb. 22. In4tef. and Catalogue on Fla., Indef. .Alaskan. Tin. Wnt. Cullen, n Chicago, Vessella'a. Marco, Band, Howaitl Pew, mgr.: April II, indef. IZ) Cincinnati, 9-21. application. .Armstrong Musical Comedv Co, San Diego, Wllla', John, Musical Comedy Co.; Maovin. Ga., Jal.. Indef. 10-15. m BURLESQUE. Beaut.v S|tot, with Jeffersvui Ib-.Angelis. Sant Y'anki»e IHimlle Boy: Kansas City. 10 15. S. A Is'e Shulvert, Inc., tiigrs.: X. Y C.. (When no date is given, May 10-15 .April 10, indef. yt Mogi, Momonoi & Co. is to be supplied.) Boston Ideal DiK*ra Co.. F. i). Burgess, mgr.; Sprlnglleld. Mo., May b, Indef. DRAMATIC. 11 Barclay Street, Americans. Teddy Siinonds. mgr.: Wash. D. C. Boy and the Girl, Carle A Marks, mgrs.: Phil¬ .\venue tflrls. Issy Gnsla, mgr.: Deindt. adelphia. May 10 22. .Aacker Jacks. Harry Le<«il, mgr.; Hnatklyn. Mlsaoiila. Mont.. 21; Anaconda 22. Lyiin. Mass., Msy 3. In8ition for Empire Sliow, Geo. F. lamnard. mgr.; Cincin¬ Beggar Priiicv* Gis-ra Co.. Jack Glines, mgr.: Ariztina. D.ivid J. Raniage. mgr nati. Richmood. l’;irk in (entrul Ohio. Open May Little Rm k. Ark., 10‘29. Va . 10 15; Norfolk 17'22. Follies of (In Day. Harney- Gerard, mgr.; N. Brciken Idol (B. C. Whitney's); Dick Harlan, .Applegate, Hugo, Stock Co.; Plalnvlcw,. Tei , 2yth. Wanterl o|)ening aiul 4th of Julv Y. C. mgr.: Cleveland, b-15. 10 12. Fashion Plates, ('has. Falkc, mgr.: Hnffalo. attraetions. Address, COL. IE ROT B. HUNT, Babes In Toyland: Cleveland. 10-15. Barrymore. Ethel: Set* Ijidv Fretb-rbk. Frivolities of Ibis, Dessain-r A Dixon, nigra.; Carle. Richard: Se<‘ Mar.v's l.snib. Bachvlor. Sam S. A Lee Shubert, Die., mgrs.: Manager, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. St. leaiis. Candy Shop. Chas. Dlllingliam. mgr.: .V. A'. Chicago, .May 10 29. Fails and Follies, Chas. H Arnold. mgr : C.. April 20. Indef. Baker Sits k Co.. Geti. L. Baker, mgr.: Port Wash.. D. C. Cole A- Jtdinson, .A. L. AA'iIbnr. mgr.: N. Y. land. (Ire., Sept. rt. Indef. Golden CriMik Extravagiiiza t o.. Jacobs .V Jer- C.. May .3, Indef. Balilw'ln Melville Stock Co.; Nashville. Tt-nn.. inoii, ingis.: Pbiladel|diia. Curtis Miisbal Comedy Co.. .Allen Curtis, mgr.; May lO-Jiine 19. Girls of the Moulin Rouge. E. Dick Rider, Goldflidd. Nev.. .April 2fl-May 22. Barrie Stork Co.. Edwin Barrie, mgr .s.m ingr.: Chicaga. Coiiwsy's Band. Patrick Conway, mgr.: Oak¬ At Liberty .Antr nlo. Tex., April 25 June 5. Jersi-.v Llli.-s. J. Frolisin. ingr : Chicago. land,. Cal.,. _May^ .3_ June 5 . Belasrsi A Stone Stivok Co., Belascxv a Sttme, lO-pieoe .Vmeriean Hand. I’lenty of good MardI tJras Heaiitles, .\ndv Lewis, mgr.: Prila College Girl Co., J. E. Jackson, mgr Oklahoma mgrs.: Los Angeles. Indef. Merry .Mildens. Clia ' City.... Okla.,... 9-15:- (Cycle_ . _Parti Dallas.. Tex Daniels, mgr.: Phila. Beverly of Graiistark, IK-lamater A N-.itIs. music and an* troojHTs. Write at once. NIglit Owls, Ciias. Robinson's, Leiiis Epstein 10 22. mgn.; Chicago. May 9, Intlcf. mgr.; Cleveland. Cre.itore and Hla Band. E*l. F. Ciizman. mgr.; .Must have tickets for nine. I.KON l..\ Bislic;>'K Pl.iyers. 11. W. BisLo|i. mgr Oak Reeves'. Al.. Heatily Show, AI. R.vves, SI. laiuia, 9-13; (White Citvi Chicago. 15. : mgr. land. Cal., ioricf. Toronto. Indef. i FH.\X('1S, I'niun City, Iml. Bine Mtmse, Sam S. A la-e Sbiilart. Inc., mgr*.: Keiilz Sanlle.v, Alw la-avitt. mgr.: St. Lonia. Cameron Oi>era Co.. C. H. Kerr, mgr.; Fort, N. Y. C.. Nov. ;10. Indef. Riwe Sydell's Lmidon Hellos, W. S. Camp- Worth. l'oaltinn Orcheatra: Quincy, ' II. Indef. WANTED FOR Bunting. Emma. Co., Sblney H. Wela, mgr. !Dar Show Girls. John T. Baker, mgr : Phlla. Mich.. 12: Sturgis 13; Vicksburg 14; Kala¬ San .Antonio, Tex.. .Ai>ril 2rt. In4b‘f. Pris'aderiie, Chas. H. Waldriui, mgr.: HtifTalo. mazoo 1.5 10; Ann Arbor 17; Cedar Springs Cooley-Thom Floating Theatre Biirbcpk Sl-vk Co., Oliver Morom-o, mgr.; !>»• Tiger Lilies. Chis. E. Taylor, mgr.; Cleveland. 10; Cassopolls 20; Marcellua 21; Kalamazisi , 22 23. I Angelea. Indef. Stp>nE f(»r It. A (>. M«‘a I'ncle Sam's Ib-lles. Robl. .Mills, mgr.; .N. Y. Glsser. Lulu: See Mile. Mischief. 1 Biirwoml Stock Co: Omaha, .Aug 29. Imb-f. MHi mUh Oth«‘r niUMlciati* Biiali T4-nii>le Sl4vck C<>., Edwin Thanbonaer, writ**. AiiiCdiitai. Kv., 11; Htiilfiff Hun. Ilkl.. 1*. Vanity Fair, Harry Hill, mgr.: Boston 'laiety Oi>cra Co.: Galesburg. III.. Indef. mgr ' (■ldcag4>. Aug. 29 May 15. liMl., 13; i'arrulltou, Ky., 14. Washlngtiai Society Girls, Lew Watson, mgr.: Girl from Ysnia, Alfred E. Aarons, mgr.: Phil Hriaiklyn. id>‘Ipliia. Msy 3, Indef. I Bti'wn. Kirk. J. T. Macanley, mgr.; St John. Golden Girl. Mort H. Singer, mgr.: Chicago. : N. n.. ('.an., 3 15; Halifax. X S . 17 29. Vanki-e Diaslle Girls, Sol Myers, mgr.; Ro»- ton. Feb. 15. Indef. B4>i‘ton rom<-4l.v Co.. 11. Prlc*- W4-bt>.-r. mgr : Girl Questbm. Askin-SInger Co., Inc., mers.:! (Y-okahlre, Quc.. Can., 10-15; C4>ate4-4Hik 17 Btirlingtfm. la.. 12; Cetlar Rapids 13: Iowa Long Branct), N. J. City 14: Davenport 15; Moline, HI., 10; aea Brew'st4-r'a Mlllbina. Conan A Harrl mgro. Piildle r4ioreaabnia In Alerry Go.R4,und building. son ends. N'owark. O., 12; Zaneavllle 13 Wln-ellng, Ib-ean Avenue, f4,r rent. p4aital a4>«Tenlra, etc MIDWAY COMPANIES. Gr-gg's Iiniterlal Rand: Ixviilsvllle, Ky.. May W. Va., 14; Y'onngBt4)wn. o.. 15. A iH-w ii|ilo4lale .HIi4B,lliig Gallery for aale 2. Indef. Ib-ii Hnr, Klaw A Erlangcr. nigra.: Jackaon, 4>r rint. Apply A. T. WtKlLI.EY, 174 B'way (When no date is given, May 10-15 Gear. F3orenee. Julea Murry, mgr.; Kansas Mich.. 10 12; Ann Arlair 13 15 is to be supplied.) City, Mo., b 15. Blue M'lnae. S'lm S. A L<-44 Shula-rt, Inc., Gobb-n Butterfly, with Grace A'an Stiiddlford, mgra.; IxMilaville 10 15. FOR SALE-BLACK TENT Chas. B'-adley. mgr.: Boston. 10-22. .klabama Carnival Co., Ed. Tyler, mgr.: Helena. Barrie Gr iham Slock Co.: Paw hiiaka, Okla., 2lx<',l> •■itMlIdel Sinn. Stake lu-ata fur 2iMl. Sin Ark. Gingertiread Man. Nixon A Zimmerman, mgrs.; 17 22. Sisiksne. 13 15. BKIHM PUB. CO., Erie. Pa. Harkoot. K. G., .Amusement Co. Charlotte, X. B‘-n:ictt M4>nlt<>n Co., G,“>. K. l(4,hinrt, la .1*5 17; C4-dar Rap- Itslian Grand f)|>era Co. (Ivan Ahraham'sl, Butler Shows, B. B. Butler, mgr.: Kane. Pa lla 18. \V \\TKI» ririkl rlMim artlutn In glniui; F. M Xorcross. mgr,: Phila.. 3 15; Scran 15 2-2. C4illi4.r, Wm.: S"4- Tlie Man fr.iin Ab-vlc,,. ytiiifiK iiinii ttmt tinii tiad ra|M'rl*'tir«* In making ton 17 1^' Beading 10 20: Harrishurg 2122. Brutnerage's Show : Columbus. Kans. Cr4a4inin. Ib-niletta: S4-e SliHni MiintI TAitli glaMM aIkiw. N<»n«* But wiImt Ti'ds. Elsie: S4 e The Fair Co Ed. ChamlH-rs A Wmslyard's: Jasis-r. .Ala Cam|*N-ll Sl4ak Cf,., J. M Cani|ilM'I|, mgr.: t<*llnbl4‘ aiMt k'(‘ntl*‘iiianl>* n*M*«l nnniAt'r Knight for a Day (B. C. Whittn-y'si. J Gil Faribault, Minn., Imb-f. Barkman'i 0U»a Blovikcra, Middletown. Ohio. Coffree Aninsement Co.. Capt. C. H.'Colfree. Christ, mgr.: Amsterdam, X. 5’., 12; Kings mgr.: Stamps. .Ark. Ion 15. Caltin*#-! Sl4K’k ('4,.. J4>lin T. C4>nncra, mgr .H« Ciavmojiolitan. Great. .Shows; Lebanon. Teiin. Ml<1nig:it Sons, with I-ew Fit bis. SliiiteTt A Chicago. III., In4bf. Danville's Greater Texas Sliows; Marshall. Tex. Fli-lils. mgrs.: X. Y. C.. .»Ia.v 10. indef. Cal«|i:iw-. Tlie: Chicago, III.. May 2. Indef Davis A Campla-ll's riiiteil .Siiows: Carl Junction Ctairna L84ly, with R4e~- Staid. Ib-iiry B liar WANTED AT ONCE Murray A Msek. Dllie Mack, mgr.; l^m An- Mo. gel4.s. .Aiirll 18 July 10 ria. rngr.: I»n4|4>n., Aiirll lb. Inil4-f. Fi>r R4>g, ra aiul Clark Wag4,n SIkiw. A f4 w Edwards Bros.' ikIkiws Hartfia-d Clt.v. Ind.; M4'ri.v Clit4S4., It. AV. Eras4-r. ingr.; Hlgblanil, flllinax. Tlie, Jiie. Wala-r. mgr.: N*. Y*. C., imiri- Inal- a<-i Ini ami grinilul acia: liiiial iln .Marion 17-22. Wis.. 12: Mineral Point 13; BlancbardrIII* Ai>ti'. 12. In4|4-f. t»4, iH- niori- ai-la. N'„ tli-ki-ta. Ibmlc' .At Egyptian Carnival Co.: (,'urlyle. HI.; .Salem 17- 14; Ibslgcvllle 1.5. College Ht4Kk C4,.. Cliaa B Marvin, mgr - ( Id laiitii, Ka.i., Ma.v 15 Biirib-ii 17, Camlirblgi- 18; Gri-miiii Ib. .\|,,||i». ‘2n. Matiiif-e Girl, Frank Ib-Alley. mgr.: Ardmore, rag). .Ang. 31 .May 22. Ferarl'a, Col.. Francis. Exposition Shows: Wash., Dkla.. !I14: Sainiliia 15-22. Coinndila Sl4a-k C,,.. Frank G. I>ing, mgr.: Co 1). C.; Baltimore 17 2*.). Alerry Wi4l4,w'. Henry W. Sayage. mgr.; Chi liiii.tila. S. C.. May 17. In4|4 f. FOR SALE—ARCADE tjardner Greater Shows. .A. H. tJardiier. mgr.: cago. Ai>r. 25. inib-f. Conn4-Ba A Edwarda Strek *'4,.: Bay4>nn44, N. J., Fir-I 4laaa all or iiart Ibaal aa m-w- Eli>e .Monaca. Pa.; Greenville 17 22. M4-rr.v WiC'ev. Henry AV. Savage, mgr.: Wlnn'- N'4,v. 'Al. Imb-f. I'l'- al-,4|i, ,1,' \A 111 aai-rllli-4' Bni lOf. La Giaalell .Shows, C. M. GihmIi-II. mgr.: Lawrence pi-g. Can., Ill 12: Billings. .Mrint., 10; Helena Salle. III. ville. III. 20; Biif4. 21 22. Graybill .Amusement Co.. J. Victor Graybill, Mar.v's Lamb, with Itichard Carle, Carle A mgr.: Hackensack. N. J.. s ib. Marks, riigrs : P.iilliigs, Mimt.. 12; F’argo. Hatch, J. Frank, Shows; Cliillicuthe, o.; Clarks¬ N. D., 14: tJrand Forks 15; Winnipeg, Can., burg, W. Va., 17 '22. 17 lb: Dnliith, Minn., 21 '22. Indiana .Amusement Co.; Wlckllffe, Ky.; Mound Ma's Now Husband (F.asterni, Harry Sciifl Frum thccinar house. All prudes iind brands from $10.00 jM*r 1,000 oii City. HI.. 17 22. C41., proj.s.; Geo. 134 tcher, mgr,; Marshneld, Jones'. Johnny J.. Exposition Shows: R

    I'oliMiilila I'layrrii, Mi-laiTtil I it llcrKrr, insra.: liiiaim llramatir C«., Kurt Im-wm. mgr.: Kuk- W.oliliiKloii. I>. I'., .\la) .’I, liiili'f. ai'll. .N. It., 10 1.5; Kenmare 17 22 Fair of Co-intry Ki-ls. C. Jay Smith, mgr.: r.Mik Stwtu i'in.Ii, mgr Jiiinia, leaila; S---’ Feer liynt Amherst, Wls., 12; lola 13; Shawano 14; Xew I»1|.I('U 15: Appleton 10 llarlforil. r.inii., Ki-li ir. suy ir. J-ff. raon FHy- ra, A. It. Morrlaon, mgr ; Mem <'atlMTtiii*, S(ri'.v, Chaa. Frohroan \iitc Indef. mgr.: Itenier, 10 15. mgr.: Houston, Ttx.. Iter. 20, imlef. We are Headquarters for rr«‘foi'tit SiiM'k yrt'ciifHiliit. Hri»oki>n. .N' K.'llli a Sl-ak Co.: Fortlaml. .Me.. In.I.f U-M—lla SltK'k Co.; Sioux City. la.. ln .Majr 5* Ind^f. Keyea Slat, r- SI-M-k Co., V. A. Varmy, mgr ’ Rosa. Relle, Stork Co.: Xorfolk. Xeb., 13 13. riiiiiiiilftK« Sit'k To . Italfili K. riiiiiiiiiiiKN. liiKr. fuinl-erlan-l. .M*gans|K>rt 17''22. ('uiiiiiiliiir'*» ('oiiHMilaiia: M«)ntr*al. May 3. to Clileigo. F-'h. 21. Imlef Raggfsl R--hln, w'lth Chaiinrey Glcott, Auguatua NOVELTIES Flloi. mgr.: Roston, 3 1.5. ih'f. K.yalone Itramallc Co., .Mag A. Aniolil, mgr Tarl W . SfiK'k <%>., ila K. Mo}i#«r. Aiigiiata. .4le., 10 21: Gar.lin.-r 22 Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary, with May Rob¬ (or iiiKT * IrotiHtxMl. Mlrh.. lU lo; WixmIIiiiII li T2. K. -aaler, Hat 111, .Mat U. Wllner, mgr : Hart son. L. S Sire, mgr : Roston, Mass., 10 22. Roun.l I'p, with .Madyn Arbuokle, Klaw A Er- t'liihr *riirair«* To.. K L. (’iilh-r. luitr. Ilur- foril. Conn., 12; Worc-ati-r. .Maaa., i::' Frov- mail. Okla.. to l.*i; Uli«‘a 17 If'i lileiii'e. II. I, 14 l.'i, Isiig.-r. mgra.: Syracuse. X. Y'.. 10 15 Carnivals and Street Fairs <'h'».itt‘ hraniatlr To., Marry riioatr. in^rr le-wla A Higgina Sto< k Co.: .Newark. .N J Right of Way, with Guy Standing A Themlore Rortrta. Klaw- A Erlanger, mgrs.: .Minne- Aletlo. Ml., to ITi; WiknIIiiiII 17 T* April 20, lnl|l•f. Japanese Toy Cloth Parasols. Merry Widow lalHh'r ('o.. Mlriiti K. (*haa«‘. inicr.: Nru aiK-Ils. 0 12; St. Faul 13 15. letla Theatre stork Co.: .S-all|e. Aug It Imlef Straw Hats, Tinsel Pennants and College Flags. toil la , lit May 1.'. le-nergm, Cealer, Stork Co.; Kanaaa City Sto-k Co., Frank W. Richardson, Call a, Canes. Confetti, Dusters, Balloons, Rub It llirrla. iimr ; N. Y. Iti I.'. UotMTts. Flnren-e. John Cort, mgr.: San Fran- I.yreum Stm k Co., K-l. KeUev, mgr. Toledo I'is.'.i. Inritf. ber Balls, S-iuawkers, Sea Shell Beads, Meehan I'liMi-r Sltii k Co.. Wallaro II. C^lM•■r iiikr.' <1. April 27, June l-t. Russell. I.illian; See Wildfire. leal Toys and all kinds of novelties. 1909 cats MaroHi. lucl.. Ill May 15; rii|iM. <) . |7 June I.jreum Theatre St—k C-.. I>,uia Fhllll|«. log now ready. III mgr : Kr-».klyn. Aug lo. In-l-f. Skinner, tills: S.-e Tbt* ilom-r of the Family., tJuy, A Tlie-xlore ICoberts. See Th.- Carr-.II C.-iii-'-ly Co . Ion Carroll, u-ttr J.ick I.ynn Stork Co., Geo. It. .Mjrkay. mgr.: I.ynn. a.'iil-iiri:. W Va , l1-11111. ti.jrr Ji>f L. t rlr Stot'k Co., W. W. Wllllg. mgr,: Minne fi'r—'ii Cll}. Mo . 17 ITJ. aimlla. S-pt. 21. In-lef. S«lman Flayers. Jos. Selman, mgr.: Ottawa, NADEL & SHIMMEL tint., April 19. In-lef. lUx '.v, ll^•Ilr,^ k' S«e Mary Jan-- k I*.i 1.. Tri-' St-M'k Co., J. V. Mi’Stea. mgr.. Xew |ir-« !>-liii S”-> Ja-k Slrivt. (trleana. Aug. 23. ln*Ief Snsm. with Henrietta Croamjn. Maurice Camp- Dauii of a To .Morrow wIlli KI--nnor Itola-mi. I.yrir St-M'k Co.: F-rtlan-l. tire. In-lef b-'ll. mgr.: X. Y. C., .March 15, liidef. 45 Fultoi Street, New York CIti'r \ Co. nigra .N Y C., Jan 2~> Sherman Stwk Co.: Waterloo, la., April 20, I y.'eum C-m.-ly Co.. No. 1. AI. S. Kvana. mgr.: Ind-f. III .- r .Mara'iallvllle, Ga.. 10 15, SPECIAL NOTICE TO THOSE THAT AHE IN- |t< I.aak C-i . Moiiti> Tlionipami. <;:'rl.*.y. Jes ie. Stock Co.; Spokane, Aug. 10, TERESTED IN THE TINTYPE BUSINESS. M-n an-l the Monim (.4i, Henry It. Harris, indef. int.r llr-a kton. Maaa . .Vnr.l 12. In-lef. mgr : Kei-oaha. Wla.. 12; I.aForte. Inil., 13; Iir-'ainlen-l .Slk Co l.incoln. N>-l> . .\|)ril 5. Sins of S-M-lely, Rrooks A Dingwall, mgrs.: YVhat you liave liow'aglar. .4tlrh., 14; S-,utli Il-'ii-l. Iml., li been looking for luii -r Chicago. i;|., .April 14. Imlef. Ilj-nton Hart-or Mich.. HI; Ft. Wayne. Iml.] Is a good dry Itoiigli-rty .S|o> . Jim It.'iigliorl.i. mgr.: Snow. Mortimer. Stock Co.: Albany. X. Y.. 17: .M-.r-nrl, .Mlrh.. IS; Comeaut, (t.. lit; plate which Is '>'lifl**M. W|a . il 12. Wall-all I't ! ». O-b May 10. Imlef. ■ ♦ Canti>n 20; Warren 21; Youngstown 2'2. guaranteed to be k. ~ti 17 22 1.1. -ti nn-l the .Mouse (Ci. Henrv It. Harris Stone Hill Stock Co.. Frank Grave, mgr.: Pe¬ oria. Hi.. April 5, indef. the best in the |>.-tiior*-t Coiii*--l,i C-» , llt-lil. ltfiii'»r>-at. mgr.’ mgi : Itult-1«. Fa.. 12: Siinl-ury 13; Wllllams- market: W'lll keep l. aiirena. s C. in l.'i. i;r->->ni llle 17 22 Streeter-Rryan Stra-k Co.: El Paso, Tex.. Apr. iM-rt 14; .Niagara Fall*. .N, Y.. 15; lyM-kis-rt 19. indef. In any climate. la.Igc. Sanfor.l' It* llevllle. Kan. 12; ('.incor 17 llatarla IS; Warsaw III; WellsVlIle 20; Plates work with Sis Hopkins, with Rose Melville, J. R. Stlr- .l:a 1.3 tiwego 21. Waverly 22. any developer in IM-a.-n. It**l-*rl S-*e Tin- Call *.f lln* N'orfli Iji-ly Fre-lerirk. with Eth.'I Karrvm-,re. Chas Ilnjh^ mgr.; Baltimore. 10-15; Wash., D. C., the market. 4Ve Kaal--1 \\ ai . w.tli Frani'ca .Slarr. |iail*l llelaa Fr.-hinan. mgr.: li-ntha. Xeb.,’lll2; Kan are the larg-'st mgr .N. V. C., Jan. la. In-lef aas City. Mo.. 1315. Shea. Tlios. K. (Repertoire), Coban A Harris, manufacturers of mgrs.: Toronto. 3-15. i;ill*> Sl.a-L C-i Ilai*>ii|M>rl. la . In*l->f. I.ln-ll-'y. Is-ra. Myatlr. Co.. Han .41man. mgr.: the Wonder Ferro¬ Kini-Ire .-ti-M k Cl-. Kin|-lr-- Theatre c.. tngra le w -s. IM'I., Ill 15; Mllf-.r.l 17 22 SaIvHti->n Nell, with Mrs. Fiske, Harrison Grey type Machine. risk-', mgt.; Kansas City, Mo., 10-15. liallaa. Ti \ . Man'll 22. In-l- f Mann. I/.iils. S.-e The Man Who Si-mmI Still. Don’t be fooled. Knifilri* Stia'k C-».. .\ A Si-iti mgr l*r-*v Mannering. Mary: S-'C That Miss Gower. Southern. E. H. I Rep,.rfoirei. Sam S. A Lee 4Ve are the only I- l- iii-e. .\i-rll -J-;. In-l- f Mas-in. John: S-m Tli" Witching Hour Shubert. Inc., mgrs.: X. Y. C.. 10-15; Bos¬ original maniifac' l'ngl.«b St-a k C-» , .krtliiir S Krii>n>l. mgr ■ 4I-*H ilie, It-is-*; S-s’ Sis H'*pk ns. ton, 17 22. turera of the Milwaukee M. Inil--f Mrl^an Struk Co.. F. C. Mrlean. mgr.' South SlKtre Aer--s. Miller A Rhelnstrom, mgrs.: sleeve machine in Kwinc <;-'rlniil-'. C-- . Wm. N Smith. Uia It-'t-I. In-I . Jan ’I, In-lef. Rrf-oklyn. 10-l,i. the market. This mgr l.i aii'iiworili Kan . 2 1.'- Ml Ua-'. H*'nry. St-s'k Co.; Tacoma. In-lef. Sully. Daniel: Col.. 12; Victor 13; Col- Is our »th year’s K'i’rlll St.ak C'.Te .-st's'k Co. Chas. It. Marvin, mgr.: per 1(X). Rut toll -In. Nell . iii't 14, In-lef. Chicago. .4ug 31. In-lef. Traveling Sal-'sman iBt. Henry B. Harris, mgr.: pM'ston. April 19, Indef. Platt'S to fit any Franklin Sl-a'k Co. K J. I,a-a*'rn'. mgr : Mart Jane's Fa. with Henry E. Hitey. Henry button machine in • tall III-., Te\ . 3 15 W,' mgr Chicago. Aug. 12. ln-1ef. Tpous-lsle Itr'W.’ Stock Co.: Cellar Rapids, la., in-lef. the market, OOcts. per 100. S5.00 required with Faii-t ilC'>«ata-| Morriaon'ai«> lit 1.5 'Illl-r. Chas. St.M'k C--.: Rorli.-stcr. X. Y.. order, balance C. O. D. YY’rite to-dav for cir F>-re|.augli St.ak C.- In-llanaia.I... S-'Ot. 7 April 20, lii.b'f TeuiiM»st an-I Sunshine (Eastern). W. F. Mann, cnlar. THE NEW TOJIK FERROTYPE CO., Mat 1.*. M -rrU Thurston St-s k Co : Ray City. Mich., prop ; E-iwin Pereival. mgr.: Dversburg. 144 Delancey Street, New York. Famlli. Th- ll-tiry Miller, mgr ilrami Itan -nl-f Tenn.. 12: Fulton. Ky.. 13; Mayfield 14; Clln 1.1> Ml. h . 10 12 M ' "te Cr.'t',. Clark'' A Salisbury, mgra.; Res ton 15. tiei.rgi'. liraia' S *' W-'tii.iii'a Wai »■ iii-T. Midi . 12; lsh|M'niing 13: C.ilumrt 14. Temp-'st Itramallc Co.. J, L. Tempest, mgr.; Ij—lwln. ^ t .s.a Th*' Maat-r llaii-l M-stw-'n. F-.-rnanl. Si-M-k Co.. Fr-sl K. I.snham. DeRuyter. X. Y., 10-15; Phoi-nlx 17 22 A FINE FLASH C.agnon l^.ll-a'k St-a k Co . llert C Hagiion. mgr .4t>!'l.'l(>n. W|s , <1 1.5. Taylor Stock Co.. H. W. Taylor, mgr.; B-'.l To I.inwood Flint. N. YVaterford. Me.. mgr Ft Worth. T-'\ . A|.rll iml. f M-eu'lt St-M'k C-I. : I’awhiiska. ttkla., HI 15. bank. X. J., 10-15: Lancaster. Pa., 17-22. The porcupines me i-ar-ln-'r A \'in-a'nt Stia'k C-- ' ll'iii-'—lal**. I*a., Montana -S'lttb-r'i'. Harry H. Car-'.i, prop.: Turm-r. Clara. Co.. Ira W. Jackson, mgr.: I>an- so lame they crawl Mat I In-lef H";- H.a*II-'>. nigr.; Exanaba. Mich.. 12 castt r. Pa., 10 15. Into my arms and if • o-nll-man fn-m M i-aiaali-i-l -Ka-tern-. Itrady Man Who Si-snI St-Il. with l/aiils Mann. Wm. Thur'ton. Howard. Magician, Dudley McAil-'W. business keeps 11 p. A ilriaiinr. iiigr» N Y C . S.'i-I ’211 In- .4 F.raily mgr.. Fittsbitrg. I’a.. H-15. mgr.: X. Y". C., 10-15. shall sing. "Every- -Vf Man fn-ni M.'Vl.-o. with Wm. C-dll-'r. Chas. That 'lisa Gower, w'lth Mary Mannering. Sam bixl.v works hut <>entl« man fn*m \ll-a|->'.|iiil t W- '.t-'r--. Itra-ly Fr'-'inisn. mgr N Y C. 10 15. S. A Lev' Shub-rt. Inc., mgrs.: Chicago. Davey.” My 14x21 ft. A lir -iiier. mgr« Chlrago. .ki-rll 2."-. In- M-'t-r Han-I. with Nat Go-slwin' San Kran- 10-22. red and yellow tent .1- f rl»-'.». l-i 22 Texas Jack: Detroit, Mich.. 10-15. with iMirciiplues pit¬ iJIrl fn-m lt-e|or «. A II W aal*, nigr X Y Mirkl- Harier St-sk Co. Myrkl-'llar'Icr .4m. Tayli.r. .Alhert Co.. Oscar Xlx. mgr.; Mc.Vles- ted in middle, makes C F-h 1. lll-lef C". mgrs St Johns, X. F . Can.. 20 May ter. Okla., 10 15 a fine flash. -;ia-. r St.-'k Co . \ .iiigban tlla— r mgr Ite TrI City Stock Co.: Davenport. la.. 10-15. Respt.. C. H. Davey. tr.St April 4 liMl.f Miirpha. Tim, in My R.-y Chicago. 10 15. Vab'neia St-vck Co.: San Francisco, Sept. 12. .521 Franklin St.. SI. i;-ing .s..m.. Sam S A la-e Sl-iila-rt. Inc. Ma*lis"n. Gb-rl.a. .St-wk Co. (.4i. Fr-sl Ih-.Vr Imlef. I-ouis. Mo. ingra \ \ c . April 12 Imlef tii.-’wl. mgr . .kllpena. 4lir|j.. lO 15. Vin D.vke A Eaton Stock Co.; Milwaukee. Mar. i-rand Stork C«. New Harm. C-mn . Jan 25. Ma-lls-Hi. G-irla. Stork Co. IRi. I>e*wi RIark. 1. tnd-'f. Ini|-*f nigr .4ppI.'lon. Wls . 10 15 Villair. Alin. Co.; Rib Lake. Wis.. 12; Thorp •iran l St-a k Co. N-trrlat-w n. Fa .'f. M inhattan Tl-'atr- Co Jark-s-n. T-'nn . 10- 13: Stanle.v 14: Glenw-v-xl 15: Xew Rich Carnival Workers’ Gazette lir-at John liantoti Sam S A lea- Sliiil-ert. ■J-t m-Hid 17; Men.mionie 1>; Fairchild 19; Tonah Workera of Picnict, Fairs, Parks, and Camiyalt. In nigra N 5 C , May 3 In-lef Mlil- r. V - t-rii*. Co . W Miller, mgr Roonea- 21; Mansion 2'2. Greatest Dope to get the .Aloney that’s ever illlToril. \.|-il|>a. Co : .Mai|Ui>keta. la., lie 15 mIIc Va . -.115 V<'rn->n Stock Co., R. R. Vernon, mgr : At¬ been offered. Send for copy of our Carnival ilralii -I-'. I- r-llnanil. Stork C- Chrl. In llle. Ml II--.1 lai'k Fon-I -In Wls . 15 lanta. lla., 10 15; Augusta 17-29. Workers’ Oazette. It puts you wise to the II 111 1.5 N. III. rsob'. iMga S's' Th-' Writing on the M hat Every W- man Knows, with Maude .Ad¬ Money Oetters. (Jircui People and Juice Art¬ ilramtark iF-aternl. .4 (5 IS'lamalerr mgr Wai; ams. Chss. Frohman. mgr.; X. Y'. C., IVc. ists. sit up and take notice—-40 New Ways and C.ii nl. \ II 12; lai-mla Ft. Na-hvllle North Rros ' St-M-k Co. f.4lnlom r mgr Natli-.-iva, Mmr.. .klla I Rep-'rtolrel. Sam S W-iIfe Stock Co.; Wichita. Kan.. Indef. 31S Ramge Building, Omaha, Neb. Wa«l .11 C . Ill 15 A Is-e ShnlM-rt, Inc., mgra.’ S«'attlr 10- Woman’s 44 ay, with Grace George, 44'm. A. i-raiiatark iW-'-l-'mi. .\ li |t< lamal-r. mgr.; Rr:'li. mgr.: X. Y’. C.. Feb. 1(1. imlef. Chli ago It I.*, til's»tt. Chaun--'.a S-s- Raggtsl R'*hln. 44'ot: iJri'it'a Clatira lien i-r-wt, mgr S-'attle, B- Oiir Own St-a-'k C.> . W. E. Rice, mgr.: Ft. Omalia. Xeb. May 16. In-lef. one Columbia Graphophone, $79; one P->wer Wayne. 1n-l.. Mar-h 21. In-lrf 44’ritlng On the 4\’all. with Olga Xethers-'-le, Cameragraph. as good as new, at a bargain, M'«lge. Wm .s,a> The Man fr>>m ll-sne Fahst’a German St.ark Mllwauk*'e. S.-pt. 44'. A. Pag-', mgr.; X. Y’. C.. .April '26. In- will buy Yellowstone Park, Colo., or Hawaiian II- rm-n. Selma. Sl.-k Co, Ilart.m A Wlawell. 21. Indef. W-xsl. It-w-'thy Stoi'k Co., Mock Sa-l .411. nigr.: slides. J. S44’ART, Ft. Scott, Kansas. mgia .s-attl-. April 11, It.hf Fsigr. MalM-l. Slo»'k Co, M RItrhIr. mgr.: 41a«.'n CHv. la.. 10-15: Ce t'o.. (Jreal, Jark Il-'.a-'.T, mgr : Jarkaonvllle. Fia.. F-'h. aa, Ir-lef. Whirlpo-d. The. 44'agenha1s A Kevniicr. mgrs.: Chi-'-go, In-lef Fantac-’s' Fl.iyrrs Sratlle. .4ng ». In-lrf. Allantle City. N. J . 10 12 II ghian-l Sl-a'k C-t.. 4 It Klaiia. mgr I’ltia Fa.aton’a Iss* .4arnu.’ Stork Co . Corae Payton. Wllsi>n. .41. H.. in 44'hen 01-1 Xew Y'ork Was Bear Cubs h-irg. April m. In-lef mgr .4ug. 10. In-lrf Dutch. Sl.lney R. EPis. mgr.; Buffalo. 10- 15. lliniai.l H-lart. In A F-a-l Th-re Waa Fre-l pis>p|e's Shark C-a . t'has R Marvin, mgr.: Little lieauties. Healthy and O. K., $89.00 pr. -ri- Ih.Hnp—o. mgr N Y C Mar-'h 2». Chicago. Ill . Aug 24. In-lrf AA’al-Inia'i. E-luarvl. C. R. Reno, mgr.: Pine Aloxican (O-n'lot). large, perfect sik'cI Ii-I.'f P.'ru.'hl Sto.'k Co : Jarks-ana lllr. Fla.. .4prll Pisi'"-. N Y., 12: Mlllerton 13. men. climated, $18.99. Flint paya Ex. on this llillm-na l.leal St-M-k Co. F F Hillman. 11. In-lef 4V t-'lilng H-uir. with John Mas-ui. Sam S. A lot. where cash com-'S with order. LINWOOD FLINT, No. WaterforJ, Maine. mgi MrFlieraon. Kan . In-l-'f P-rurhl tla pr. ne Slo-'k Co - Tampa. Fla , In Ib'«' ShiiN'rt. Inc., mgrs.; Phila.. Pa.. II'Mo'i St-M'k Co In-llauap-IN. .4|>r.| 111. In -lef Wil-ltire. with Lillian Russell. Rr-wks, AGENTS. SALESMEN. MAIL ORDER PEOPLE P-'ICa Stork Co Sprlngfl-'l-l. Maaa, Mar 10. mgr.’ Riitte. 14 15; Farg.v. N. D. IS. and those wh-i desire to Improve their financial II .lla 1-1. Mihlnsl. Co F-lw C White, mgr iml-'f 44’xrflel.l. I)..\i,l (R-'ix'rtoir-'l. David It-''O. coii-lilion sh.mld Join THE .AIL’Tl’AL .AGENTS’ • l- v-lan l. Ai-rll ’Jit June 5 P. H's .St-M'k Co ' Wat-'rhurv. C-ann May 3. nigr . p..iv'f,in. Mass.. 19May 15. LE.4GFE. It will put .von in touch with the II .-ll-gawoith Twina Co, M .4 lirewer. mgr ' In.I.f 44 as She lo Hl.-inie. Jeil C.srlt-'ii, mgr.: Cher- II- .0011. V \| .vprii .-v |n.i,.f r.vvale. Kan.. 17 .3l). lat-'st .and most prol'.table propositions iti th" P.-anter. R.-iilah. Stork ('.a . Iliirton Xlxon. laii-1. The League desirt's 19,Dial new iii-'iiiliers. mgr ’ St Isuils. Mo , Ma-.h 22. In-lrf. 44’hltecar. 44’, .4.. Clay T. A’an.-e. mgr.: Rro-ik ll'>iiii Sl-M k Co Hiit-'htn«on. Kan . ,4prll 2tl. lyn 19 15 Xo membership fee. Send HV for mailing ex in-P f Pri-'i-le, m>lla, C-' ’ R-ils-' t'ltv. 1-Ia.. Jiilv Jt, ix>ns« s and y-ui will Ih' enr-ille-i as full tl-xlgixl 44’arn.'r C-'me.l.v C-v.. Ren R. 44’srn-'r. mgr.: ’I'Ji*' Ni'M l-.a-r Cohan A llarrl*. mgra X In h f nien-tx'r. Y'OF 4VIT.L REt’KIAE meiiibersht|i )’r>Hl.'ri.'ksbiirg. Ir.. 19 12: Elnia 13 15. ' C . April 12 In-l- f P-'l-Ts' P.s'rlcsa Pl.aarrs Cenimrr-'a'. Try.. 10- certificate entitling you to ail lienefiis, N-i oilier 12 44*.v->m!ng Girl, 44'ni. Wamsh*'r. mgr.: S*. L-wiis dues. ass<'ss:uents or fe«'S. Y’OF 44’II.L RE llari.'i Stia k Co , J s llai.l'h'. mgr Chi 4llrli.. 12. -ag.i, nil.-, Part-''io St-'-k C-a . H J Is'lainl. mgr : C-wh CEIVE one copy of "THE ROGSTER MAG A 44 illiams. l.*iflie, Chas. E. Rlanev. mgr ’ -M't"'-. O . H> 15 ZINE,” whlcli will keep .vou ix>st-al 011 all r-.-n St.a k Co Waa|ilngt »n. Iii-I . l-t Phila.. 1-1 15. I-.'irt-'llo St'S'k Co. iCrnIrall, W .4 Part-'U-a. that is new- and worth knowing in Hie agi-nev 4Vhi|. sl,b'Strauss c-' : Pitlsfi-.M. Mass., 10 15; mgr l.iina. O , 3 15 an-l mail onler fi-I-l. YOU 4VI1.I, RECEIVE Hall. Ii.-n c , In K- p- rtoir-' \kn>n it lo 15. (H-'iis F 'lls, N Y., 17’22 p.'ila t'f th-' t'lr»'iis, with E-lith, 5 iH'r ci'nt discount certlflc'ites I'- iia.Viiii’iit -if Man.II. 1,1 17 22 4 ale Sl-x'k i'.».. 4|onli' Thoniiisiin. mgr.: Xew F-'ih I- Tli->nip»"ii, mgr San-liiskr. tt.. nierchsiidise purchas.xl fr-ini w li-li'' bouses ll-'W-r-l. I orln J., st.ak Co J H |t..l>l-in«. R-xIf-ir-l. .4Isss.. April 19, Imlef. FJ, Man'th'l.l i:!: Canton 14, Akron 15. belonging to the League. Tht« is w.irtli nil ny mgr Kai liii-. \\ la., in 22 Yai'.ki'e D-x .11.' St.ack Co., Gixi. 4’. Haliday. -l-iIlHrs. YOU AVII.l, RECEIVE II - Agent’s II.',.,r of the Faiiiilt. with ini'. Sklnn- r. Chaa Folia ,.f th.’ I'lrniH. Fre-I Rd-h-'lt. mgr.: l.a Sal!-'. II! 12. Ml.hlgan City. ln-l. I.!; nigr.: .Altx'iia, Mich., 19 15; Cholxt.vgan, 17- friend, pp'viiig thst agents n-'-sl no license fur I - lin-an. mgr Sl.a Uloii. Cal . 12 Sa- ra si'llliig. 44’orth ’2,5c. Reci'ive ai'v mix' infornia m-'ii-o |:i Mar.iatllle It II. nion Harl'or, Ml-'h . 14: Goshen. In-I . 15; Hami.-on'l HI. Iloaa agiae, Ml-'h.. 17;>orte. lion of new' money-making iiro;iositioiis. I'ree ViM’* ^"fnan. Jul-'a Miirr.t. mgr lliilli'. inforination -'ii any siibj-'ct perlaiiiing to agi'ncy ln-l . IS. Elkhart Hi; F.rii '20; Wabash 'Jt: Sent to anyone Hu *t!>igl<"i 22 POCKET work. THE MUTl!AL AGENTS LEAGUE has H-twar-l. Ilia-e. Co. i:... M ,;ni,. mgr , enrtoaing 4 eta N"'ii ereat'xl for your bem'fii aii-t you shoul.l F-lfs StiMk Co; Wilk.-s Rarr,'. Fa.. May 3. in stamps. Cat- , ..a. la V 22 in-l-'f Join. S-'n-l your iitli-' -lini-' an-l reix'ivi' everv TRICK alorue includ thing nionllonml ab-ive. THE MUTUAL AGEN’TS "11-n Hail, t Sl-M k c., i 4lnl'-ni-'i Ft S,,.||. Fost. Gii.a llal-s. In Th-- Itrl-lge. Ilarrls-.n Grey I'aii 17 III id. Free. Free MAGIC CO.. Dept. 2. 270 LEAGUE. 86 Plymouth Place, Dept. E.. Ciii- riske. mgr ' I'r-'vl-len-s'. R. I.. 10 15 4Af. 39th St.. N«w York. caro. III. 40 MAY IS, 1900.

    (’harloa G. Kilpatrick, the well-known per- i former, waa a caller at the Cbicarn otBce ef The Week in New York Tile r.lllioanl re<-entljr. The executlTe ataff for Rrooka & UliiKwall In ' (CoDtlnned from pacr 8.) Portable Gas-Making Outfit the prtHliictlon of The 8lna of Ske, aetinK manaRer; Lawrence etit la the proprietor of the moat famous health! Maraton,'alaRe m'anaKer; William Evllle, aaalat reaorl In Kaatern I nltwl States. At this re- ant atage iiianaKer; ('liarlea CooRan. master 1*^111011 ifXVfifeU xieDerSllOr sort I realili*nt Risisevelt, Se<*retary of State carpi*nler; W. Meilinty, aaalatant car|H*Dter; J O Root, and many other famous AmericaDS. hare E. Keller, proiMTiy master; Al. Ilawkes, elec- sojoiirntd In quest of health. Muldoon was a | tricir.n.Iclr.ii. and Mrs. Sadie Kelly, nardrolienardrola- mla I What Motion Tlcture Exhibitor has not at timen wished piTfect reproduction of the well-known flRtire In I tress>ss j that he had a reliable and lueX|M>nalve means for prisluelnR the Oelehratisl picture of Jerome. ; Alice .SullivanSullivan came to the rescue of The ] (as that would render him lnde|s-iident of the electric It will la- in a eimtunie somewhat similar to Alaskanlaakan lestlast wwkwe<-k byl.y takInR the place of . companleat TravelinR Exhibitors estieclally have that that .Muld.M manner without on either aide by IhistIn Karnum and Wll Rher. treasurer, and L. I. Montaeiie. advance the use of heat or excessive pressure and without the liam Psmoni Amone tiu. mill ko .....h __• I ...... __ ...... Ham Pamiim. Am/mR the citliens will be such aRent aecesslty of any know'ledga of chemistry on the jiart of well known actors'as Lackaye, Hilliard. Court Mr. Tim Mun>h.v has Joined the ranks of Wm. „,mrstnr lelRh. Joe .Miron. Itavid Relas<-o, Arthur Ry- A. Rrady's list of stars. The others on the 1 ' ton. Cyril Rcdt and others. All of this wfll list are'Miss Grace GeorRe. Miss Phis-he Ha I The OxyRen Is produced by the reaction ts-twi-en water td“ to Kupiiort the oration. whlound of which S-sllum Peroxide Is the prlncRial llvered by OeWolf Hopper. followliiR the Rnitus Mr. Imitls Mann. Mr. Wright Uirlmer. Mr. inRredlent. This comisiuod In Its most roni|>art and con '"’Si, Jstncs (fSell Thomas A. Wls«-. Mr. Frank Worthing. Mr. (miFot form la known as Oxone. though the Generator will Sk - "ml*"* nuallBed to Cyril Scott. Mr. Do-.tglas Fairbanks. Mr. Rurr equally well with another form of the cutu|H>uud know who predict that Hop|u*r s Ant>m.v will McIntosh and Mr. Renjamin Chapin. ^ , iiistiihu he a s<-nsatlon. He has the voice, the figure. will Rl the ke«»n apprei'iatloQ, In- «iri*r to further the Intereata for the (Jar- Retort*, rubber half*, waah b«»tlle*. pumi** and cjrHiKler* tont and nu^anlnK that protnlae fttr the ora- rick T!ii‘«tre on th<* line* of publicity. Mr. entirely »hly hear more from him In connec- Ether Saturator aulltan cat

    its encsgement Iwre on Satunlay evening, and { Immi-dlati-ly sfti-r the last t>erfcirmanee a force j of workmen will take charge of the theatre and Edison Films commence the task of altering the stage so All Edison films are Approved by the New York Board ol under the term- of the elrcul.r may «.-n,re the ?h"! ts-st B,-ats In the theatre at no a1... pla.v* tlist rwiulred unusually heavy scenic llter.Vures of al^^ countries and ^-rlmls. fn.In | ,'^hc ■Iterations alsmt to Si'pment Msy 11. 11X0 Shipment. Mar IS. KMW. the cUssie. which will constitute ime-thlrd of . T^e r?gg?ng^”b>ft LUNATICS IN POWEB A SOMNAMBULISTIC HERO. Its priMluctlons. to the new ami mmlern dramas V" llf, *'1 .lTl!wln'!i''fhe’'hlch Com.-ly...... Itraniatlc. ?:^;rU.'''‘"Th:''fl^"«.Lm"wn -"-V ‘O '1.11.-.,^ from" view, the Xo H44.. Cle. Ven^ App l.gth t^.^ ft Vo. IHVU Code. Venturooa. App. l.«.h. «... ft

    Slilpiiieiit, May 14. 1!M>0 Shipment, May 31. IWV. long run a.v-tera. but Interchangeably. ! ,'"■‘^1'^ I .he iril^^t THE PONY*’0*" EXPRESS. THE SANDMAN. , . I glrdi-rs. which forim-rly sup|>orteS|MM- ally adapte.1 to an au.lltorlum of frisii the right to the left side of tlie stage. ,,7““ f** C Xi.i. I eih •>■•1 ft lti< will he glv,.n by the Metro|K.lltan 0|s-ra Accurate m. asiirem.-nts of The Candv Shop Xa *M.1S *',-le.‘ Veiitiinaior.»o -Ipp.App. I,gth.Uth. 3:15„,5 ft.ft Xo. ft4«>I. lisle, Venulelus. App. IdTth. 300 ft I |s>rtiinlty to wltm-ss once each of the visit Michigan av-iiiie within the near ffutiira. ] New York Offlee: 10 Fifth Avenue. Chicago Ofico: 00 Wabash Avanaa twelve dramatic ppxliictioiiK. or each of the - with the stage r>‘m,slele>ratlc prisluctlona. to Is- glv.-n during to play all the attractions, as well Ediaon Worki, Victoria Road. Willeaden. London. H. W’., EnglanA Mie first season. Roth dramatic and ofs-ratlc , as the largest ppslueti,ms ,*f the extravaganza SELLING AGENTS I VATERS. 41 E. 21ft St., Now York. |s‘rformano<-s may Is- Inclmbsl In the same 1 .„rt at the Stmh-baker. Chle.-tgo s home of the I GEORGE BRECK, 70 Turk St., San Francisco, CoL siihserlpthsi hy siiliscrihliig for a eonibiiiation eoiiiic ois-ra •>f s<-rl*-s listed. * DEALERS IN ALL PRINaPAL CITIES. Hramatlc l‘erfonnances—Orchestra, entire, ___ PROFESSIONAL STEREOPTICOM. flS TO tl» f3; Raloony, fismt (first six rows*. $3; Ral- i A. etyli ne. Caleliim or Eh-elrlc Rumer. ■'Siy. miilille (next file rowsi, Ralcony, __ ^ p,‘sr llast three r-iwst. ill; Recond Raleonv, I C ,1 30300 REELS OF FILMS FOR RENT 'roiit (first fi iir row si. Second Ralcony. | I W IWt ■JoWBTTI I I'f-^' At Reasonable Rates. "ois-toT- r rfr"!.’ . . a- and trick APPARATUS FlLIVl1 BA-RGAINS I UMlnmy, fn»nt *lx $.%; HabH>ny, YOST A COMPANY, 900 Filbert SUeet '_r»■ ^ I miildle (next ive rowsi. $4; Raic-siy, rear (EetablUhed 1870). Philadelifcia j JUR.J—g»». —mU *1'47.1 Rivals .I ». ■last three row-i. $:(; .S«-cond RaIeonJ^ front AA' New. Enlarged. Illuatrated CataloRun. nufiKy R 1 iH"'3.1- Chance Shot . 7. (flr-t four mwsi. I'J; H,-cnvr> wac-xr._ RIe ('atslrsnie V'r^ • -:WANTED FOR BCARBORO BEACH;- I Rig Catakitiie l>«-e. L. HCTZ. 302 East 23rd Strnst. Nnw York Oty. An A-1 Clown with trained male; one com j petent to hire, train and dlit-ct three local aanlatanta, frame up and pnt on weekl.* The Week in Chicago | changes. Season engagement to capable party Send full particulars, exwrience. aala^, etc Ferris Wheel Wanted (Continued from |Mige 7.) | Reference r*H|ulred. TORONTO PARK 00.. Toronto. Canau. Lina Aharhanell, the Merry Widow star, will ■ THE J. GEORGE LOOS SHOWS. -ail for Kiir|s*ra conii«ny. at tin- Marlowe Theatre, la a 4. PARKER, Prop. Tkoatorinm, •alTOSton, Tax. t protege of Milton At- m, one of the directors of the Abort. OisTa Company. ^neeas Theatra, Hoaaton. Tax. Mr. and Mrs. Gei-rge .Mllson (Gertrude Riv¬ ers I have retlr,-,! from the Thanhoiiser Company, TKUNIxS—We havi- a fine line of second hand Baltimore, IVfd. at the Rush Temple. iK-glDiiing an engagement trunk', prlfi-s ranging fn«n 8.1 to $in: all In Oprns WAKTED -Viiif1«*vll1r Art* f»f rvi'ry <1«*«rrl|vt|(*n, Rtork RurW*|U* Id St. Paul on May 30. j A t condition. RICHARH Gl THMANX TRAXS I ( hont* 0!r!*, Sln^lr I.aiIIsmi nnd Hi*tf*r Tram*; Udod aaiarIrB; (VmrrMloaa ' FKR C(t., 2‘2.1 in-artKMTi St.. Chlesgo, III. of *11 kind* wanti'^L Afliinmi CHARLES ORAMLICH. RotarilU P, 0., MBryUnd.

    SCALE OF SUMMER PRICES 2 REELS WEEKLY $ 5 00 INDEPENDENT 3 “ “ - 7.00 6 “ “ 11.00 12 “ 20.00 Acme Film Exchange \Vc want your business. We will live up to all promises. 605 Smithfield St, Lamed Building, Write us today for lists and further information. All M, 1*. supplies PITTSBURG, PA. S YRACUSE, N. Y. 20 per cent cheafjer than other Write your wants. MAY 15, 19M.

    The United Amu.sement Company la tii.ikliiK itrciit |>r«-|iarBtl<>n« fur th»-lr 0|M-iilnic at Outdoor Amusements Arnlirlftic**, Pa., Slajr 2*. whir** tlM- 1h uii,-- l arlineiil. Hiiillli'a ItiK Vaiiil*-vlll*- Khuvi-, Italiy SPECIAL LOOK HERE!! AI**\«ii<|it. JaiiK-a. tin- fat l»uy, will ut**‘» tlitlr We are the low royal amusement company M‘4M*n with tli«* I'nilfil Auiuafiufiit (.'oiuiiaiiy at This $12.75 Cooler is] eat price Whole Aiiilirl'lKi*. I'a.. May T2. Male Jewelry and OPENS. Novelty House in One of the largest royal python.s ever GIVEN FREE America. I'lie k'auioiia lliiyal Aiiiiia* iiieiit t'uiupaiiy. uii- lani|.*|M*rallon of aaiiie. ail *n tZi ia*r Plaiitallun. l-e Pri-w'a Snake Kxhilill|i*n. lint- The Ultlle Russian Prince, exhiblt- da.v aellins VaCI’UM lllll /j " CbMago, IR Hamlet It Raynold ler'a' Mlnatrela. Kaliy Aluia. the fat girl: ItiK with Ki-rarl'a Panilval t'uiupaii.v. vlalti**] TIO.N SIGNS Sample 50c < h ^ I - Watches; also Hamilton best sell¬ ITie ih'pipiia. Jiihnaaiii and Jeiiklna' Palace uf III** |iri*alili*nt at ll»* Whit** lluiia** laat wi***k, ing Razor, M>«tery. Ilaiiilllun'a Puo-iipine and Alllgatur itiirlns III** K**rari ('laiipaiiy'a eiiKas**ni**iit In JL farm. Wliikleniyer'a Merr) go round and Win. WaallillKllHI. ^ TOOAy GORDON & MORRISON iuillngiia' Kerrla Wheel. Wni. Hlumhart haa the riaik biHiae ami the hoya are well taken care Paul's Carnival Company will open WtM)|, HANPI.K PofiV Wholesale Jewelers, jf liv the s-lley Wllllatu. the M**aaua May 17, tiairiiiK olilu. IViiiiivIvania, TO PARKK. $4 itk-r Htimn. Hamplel' o. Knif»* Khnrp* 199-tOl E. Xaditon St., Chicago, HL Ttda la the third time fur the Kuyal In thla ami W.*at Vlrsliila. 11. II Mll*a liaa Ih*.*ii a*?- enem $4 p**r jcr m Haniplt* lOc* ALREUT L. ALLK>. beautiful little tuwn ami the name uf Imth ahuw ••iir,**! aa ailvam-e n*pr«*n**ntatlTr. li** K« urth . FUtw urteh. Pa_ and uiaiiag'-r l« a hw In their STREETMEN, CARNIVAL AND g*a-a from Hunker lllll to Alton ami then north twelfth w****k with th**lr own alniw uii*l**r oan- Wanted Loop Rider fur the c«pl"*r country. »aa. km*«n aa the t'laiiilry (rirciia. They ar«* without outfit. Addrtnis BICYCLE, Billboard FAIR FOLLOWERS! playliiic the Carullnaa at pr»*a**nf. office, Chicago, HI. TRI-8TATE CIRCUIT MEETING. (lUs I.,aDell la managing the Mer- FOR BALE TENTS -Made by Murray; n*pt a I'hanta’ Iilj{ Ma.v h'lmtlval ami Ilia-**** Trailura' patch uti them, line dtixiPl tent, no aide walla. TbepEEPOSCOPE The Tri Stale Pair Clmilt ImOiI a mra-tlng In IVlelirathsi to b** ht^il at IM<'k**uu. T**iin.. May Ji $dil: line 4<»\fi*-e(ier looks al the pictures and Retblebeni. Nasaretb. Allentown. Wllkea itarre whole ahuw for iiarka or camlvala. $*kl; one WashlnBton Park, Bayonm*, N. J., after looking • nd I.aDr*ater. Pa.; Treiitun ami Mount Holly. complete ahow. m-w. 20x."i0-t*-nt, two hig paint- E will u|>en May 2."(.*. nn*l* r the manag*-meot S. J and Preilerick. ami llageralown. Md., and Inga. f2iai; e(a-n .May 17. under the niauaginH'nt uf otlierwlse pain T*-ii*eaa** White Pity would l*e iiiialer hla 5, 6, 7, and 8 incluaive. Adilresa P. F. MCI* MAU Sc CO.. 808 State St., Chicago, Ill. other meeting of the circuit will ta* held In exclii-lxe man: g*'ni<*nt. IMiring tl'e iisat thr**e GETT, Secy., Valley Pity. N. I* Phllailelphia on May 2S. when ths stake cr<*nta acavin* Mr. Wagener haa ap|H*int*aI a nianag**r •nd puraet will he aniMHinceil. to lk after hla lnter*-at. btit thla iieaaun he haa Get the New Electro Scope FOR SAL E—Razzle Dxxzle Swing in good to take full charg** |e-r***Hially The Greatest monev-maker. A ;a>atal will bring DAVENPORT RIVER CARNIVAL & Th*' Ballou Park Oa-wino. owned by condltiuD. Now atur**d in .St. Ixiula. Big money full partlculara. C. C. JOHNSON, 4480 CotUgc EXPOSITION. the Itanvllle Electric ami P*>wer Po.. will te- getter. 0. W., 895 Osgood. Chicago, Ill. Grove Ave., Chicago, Ill, u|M-iied <* Ma.v 17. an*ler the nianagem**nt of .krriwgeinenfa for the a«a'iHul annual lllver Mr* E It Sl*.*pi»*rd. Mr Jas F Jacks** will Pariilxil and Rx|Ba*lt|un lota* tM*lnd B«*deII. luwt. are prx'cr<'a.|ng raphlly. The directora of iwn'dcal dliwfur Thla h*oog« pany b.*vc chatnl a r<*lrart with the Pnitral Portable Human Roulette Wheel Co ralra |l<*aklnc Aae^a-lallun P**ipany to fumlali Woodland I'ark, at A.ahland. Pa., them with attracthma during the hig week. The managi**! hy Scliuylkl'l Kallwar P«>,. G*a.. H. Factory: SOUTH HAVEN, MICH. l»fc haa been B.*t aa the w**ek uf .\ngiia| Ifl tu Gcrta-r. pr**al*lent. will •.'hi>rtlv p* ra IHaiae. Giranix Hie. Pa., TTila carnival promlM-a to eclli>ia* anything which haa Jiiaf cIoa,al a v**rx aiicceaaful aeaaon. that haa been held In Paveniairt hef*«e. The will la* the manager <»f attractliwia awmmlttee In charge baa alr**ad.v bk<*oop. Ruhe mininwr r**a«rt. i.ja-na pa a<*aa<*n. May ;t*t. Many Shlcl.W* hicycllat; Hera Troup** of Jugglers, and new attracthuia have taa>n ailibal tMa a**aartn .knwaig fli<*tn l« the new xaivicville hn«ia*> N‘ing * iaa*t*al hv E II Su*‘rken. m*xv ni.xnager of the \lt*ha Th**atr** NO ADMISSION FEE AT CONNEC Jos. B. Howard, of ('hicago, an- TICUT STATE FAIR. niai*e-i'> th It he haa acc**pf*a1 a lawlflon with th*'*-«t l*nrk Fair Gnaimla .\aa,a*|ztl<* Thla •' i'l ntak** Mr Il**wa-4‘a a|xth year uf aanwla- flon with Paul P. llowa*. Eb'otr'.r P.ark. Waterloo. Iowa, will .>u.**, fi*r ll>e a,..aa,*n May W* with inaiqi’ m-xx Im pr>** enu nta.

    WANTS Comet. Violin, other Mnsiciana; gf the Portable Human Roulette Wheel. Play y*air parks and reaorta In ■Irnnk Salary ahi»dut**lv aurc with *7.".'*''00 the summer aii*l then take it t*t and play the State ami County Fairs and big Carnivals In SOUTHERN ELECTRICAL EXPOSI In rca»Txe fuml. W. A. FILER. Sterling. Kan., the fall. Write or wire fur price ami des<*rlption of Wheel. Aihlresa all letters and telegrams. TION. 18; Oeneseo, 17; Clallin. 18: Hoiaingten. 19; La PORTABLE HUMAN ROULETTE WHEEL COMPANY, SOUTH HAVEN, MICH. Croaae, 80. Per. Add., Whittemore. Iowa. S**cretarles of Carnivals. County and State Fair*—Demand from the company that fumlahrs The Sontbem Electrical ami Imliiatrlal Expo y*4ir attrarti*>ns that th*>y play this big laugh ami money maker this fall. Address this com- lit.** hxa }u*t cl.Wi*l Ita galea at I*oularllh*, panv and we will p'Jt y*Hi In line for the concessi**. Nr . on# of fJw* nrreffinfnl *T*‘r ex|M*rlenc«d. The att(*n*1anf**' was iw,.r WANTED fcutde omlltg fcaii all i.arta of the Jltl.v ami fw-m In.llana Mr A T Me C&ndT Bntcker* and PriTiler« People for Siit» is*nald. the wu-retary. la ,*o ,.f th.* moat genial Him# * Show# FninlkTUlKv. Inil.. M,y FREE FREE in. •.ti-ntlfi.* men coiin** with fairs In th** ' nlte.1 Sfate. Ho In aa a prtnlcr'a ITi: ronrH'TM^ HIr. Ind . May 17 D. H. Gillitpia. Do you want to save money on your supplies? If so, write to- evil. we*'| Int** the ne«apr,|a.r hllaln**aa. an*1 '* iiV***^'r1a.*n to gr**at pr*aiiln*Mi*s* |n th** dav for our 48 advance page of our forthcoming catalog. It’s alllv he repr**wnta Tattooing Ootllt, $3.00 FRKE. EDWIN E. BROWN. 1516 S. Broadway. St. The atlvance pages quote lowest prices in staple goods, such CARNIVAL NOTES, Louis. Mo. a.s balloons, canes, whips, flags and decorations, notions, rubber PHOTOS Pahlm*la. $2 50 |*cr lOX*. Flrwt-claaa balls. Intse balls, fishing tackle, carnival and street fair goods, etc. The Weaicoll I’niteil Shows, mnn- y. .1 t.v M R Wcatcuii. plax***! t** rxc.*Ilciil work S**iito or have aittliig CHAS. Western agents for Eisenstein t!t Co.’s Canes and Allen’s Par¬ al .\«hd»xxn Ark. ta*.l w .-.•k Tlic MAYO, 8115 Pitkin Ava., Brooklyn. N. Y. ing Knives. il'aiiT h*>ld« the ltl•tlurl|..n ■•f m*l having h*at • k »lncc Ita iqa-nlllg AllgU.I 1. P.H*s Tlip W A N T E D—Leading Man, Leading Woman. WHITESON COMPANY X f.'lh'Wa M R W**alci.|f niaiiag'T; S*uhr*'ll» t\>ni**.llan, ll**axy Man. auuuii*-r Manufactururs. Jobbers. Importers. . i ' *rcaaiir*r. Frmat Dxmruu. st.a k \d*lr*"» S* hooley Sc Ceaana. Mgra., Is¬ I I **^'i •'■'*1'*'^ Wllltama. inxiiag< r |>rtx lli'gca land Park. Defiance, O. 240 East Madison Street, (Yellow Front) CHICAGO I imxl. and lauih* llravcH In ailxauc g In*' ahowa with tin* cuiiipaiix ar** il|lx**r b lral"***| animal al.uw ,i w Mm.n LOOK I ICXIR/k! LOOK! SLOT MACHINES AT SLAUGHTER PRICES - ' galh'ry. c.-.u-gc Miilz. M*'rrv \V|.h>w !t will |iav x*.u to a**nd fur mv INt of 125 ms VISITED! WA.IM 1 ED! I an.l Dxmr**ii ol<| pianlatlun; I'lilm*. (hat I am rl.<**lag i>nt. an*l whh-h miial 'I Irl'xtuan. xamh-vlll*. ah..** H Fr.m h "••rl l of I’ltlwt h.inl lln»« . mrrrv N* mi>xi*,l qiih'kix. K.'nu'miM r. Ilic«c marhin*"* For CASH fix HINE’S CARNIVAL CO. ^ ’ ‘1 Mr# jgi# \f Pn*H\miin. <)n6*«‘n ctko .ir** 11*1 luiik. Iml III g.>**1 xxurkliig orihT ami Eerrla Wh»**'l on jicrcenfage. ‘Jtl mdid xx«*<>ka. Ria'k***! in Mlnn«>aofa. North and S.>nth Dakota; oa • liai«' .lil'**i h.n*' a Sli.«>liiig tlallcrv xml Ihnv the atr*H'l« Write or xx Ire •jiilck. We *>|a May 25. Address CASH Sc HINE'S COMBINED Klci'trii Plxii****. Iii'arlx lu'xx. Will pax **arfxr*' SHOWS. 438 Wabasha St., St. Paul. Minn. I" hiixir. uf *uic ilur.'ii tir iiiur**. CHAS. W. KLAO. 48 Wall at.. Trentcn. N. J. KILPATRICK'S NEW DEVICE. PLATFORM MFN Th*. Six Icggixl I*u1I.mii,»i The New Chicago Straight Pin Set Spindle rnk*' *1*1 I'alnlliig. 515. Txx*> n* a*l*xl Giant, After y<>ara of exiH'rlmentliig. xve are the only firm to pnaluce <* ft high. $2* Ihxll n-h x’lilhl. y;**! l.ixl th*' gr**atest iqiindle ever liiv**nt‘x1, gnaraiifeexi to work perfect. fnx- WM NELSON fi Van Nordrn St.. North Sl»e. 22x22 liu'hea; coiiiea In haudaume cas**; price. fi,"ai.(lO. Re Cambridge, Mass. uieii:la*r xx,* ar** alill m'lllng the txvtat***! xxlre set Splmlle; price, S'JXMIO. Tile Wurld'a Fair Striker, the Evans R*x> Hlx'f Drop WANTED A I M.'.IUIn** r.-oule l.l, Sh*'l*'li T*'ain. Irl«li an*l Diiti'h G*>m***llaiia, Nuv *x>iiii>let*‘, xxllh l.tkH* Harris ('h*H'ks. Vrlce. $150.tkl. C'h«H'k Gup. **llx .\*-l. «I*'. Mn»t i lixiig.* f*>r luie xxix-k yi.tai iM*r laitlle. DU*** of all klmls. W** make and 8**11 mure of rii ket* If r*x|iilr<**l. FRANK T. HALL, Edina, th*'**** gxaala than all oth*'ra ccniMmxI, S*'ml for Ert-e Catalogiia. Missouri. Addreaa H. C. EVANS Sc CO.. 185 Clark Street, Chicago. HL 42 Xtie Billboard MAY 15, 1909.

    THE BEST MONEY-GEnER Film News In The Movina Picture Line. (CXmtlnund from page 14.) ' ORIGINAL COPYRIGHTED be tbe cbkken. Kre Uu-y can execute their flOver 7T> per cent, of the finest theatres In the Unlte«l States design, tbe ulecea arrive on the acene In aearch , aand Cana,la are rurnislH-erformance. write for our low rental ngly ho|M-leaa defense. terma for the Summers Britt Fight Pictures now. Jack, who has lieen out after Buffalo, at¬ tracted by the amind of firing, attempts to ride CHICAGO FILM EXCHANGE. to JIm'a aasiatance—Imt in turn la pursued by Mossier B. Bldg., • Chicago, DI. tbe Indians, wounik-d, and only by a ruae. ea- ctiss. Hiding to the aidtiement be reaches Haxel’s MORE RCLIABLL THAN ELLCTRIC. cabin In time to warn her—and sinks uncon- BRIGHTER THAN CALCIUM. sctoua at her fei-t. Hand rids his car, and tberebr niissea an important engagement. not in any combination or any trust. Send us your AMO SLIDES. While sadly pondering »m the “pin's” perversity, • bicycle Uisiets ami worries him. NO MANTLE NO KEROSENE Well, he gets bis car, Imt finds be has lost orders now. We ship same day. No delay. We sell bis |HM ket-bk, and unable to pay his fare, la NO GASOLINE NO ETHER. thrown off. In r.H>ple right and k-ft—la arri*steor rule that will not work lioth I * '6 FR ANKLI N ST. CHICAGO. wavs”—and then throws the "blamtsl pin” •waj. THIS CHAIR IN STOCK CiR ship 500 Daily. t s Guaranteei)

    Quotations by ratom mall. Thirty ntbor atylaa from ntir In flO; not al way« tba rbra|M>at, bat alnaya tha b<'st. Wa SI) our ordora Immcdlataly. Write for our Proposition E. H. STAFFORD MFO. CO. On a Special Money Getting Stock of BIOGRAIMI, GAU- A.k for Catalog SOS. MOXT and URBAN-ECLIPSE FILMS. Released prior CHICAGO, : ! i t ILLIHOII to our being licensed by the Motion Picture Patents Co. Exhibitors! C. a. HIXE FILIVI CO. Write to my Chicago Office Can give you any kind of service you desire. We are PRICE big buyers of Licensed Films and deliver the goods from If you want to learn some¬ 30O«3GS IVfonadnock Block, • CHICAGO, Id . thing about the moving picture business which I can’t tell here. Mark your envelope “Billboard Spec¬ ial.”

    CARL LAEMMLE, Praat. THE LAEMMLE FILM SERVICE, 196-198 Lake Street, Chicago. BIOORAFH. AND STILL \ liMlY’S SIH»K.—The itlory In n toiK'hlnif Opera n.| l••IU of III'* V'lmiK wlilowil inotlH'r of GAINING . . ililroii wlio I" forc'd hy cxin-iii'* |ioviTly Chairs ,, r| ... of loT I'liil'Ircii. n l•lll•y Kirl. It bis b'*en further improved with Top Notch I o liiK It 111 i< l•:l■‘l«'l oil III*' iloor »>I<•|>H of H . ,lili.\ Iciiikcr. llcfon* Icnxiiii; tin* Imliy Hu* 20 NEW FEATURES AND in quality. Mlolll'*r Itlkl'H on** of IlH litll'* hllo«‘H to Bottom Notch !■ . i. ii« n ll|t•lll«•lllo. l^•lllrIlln|{ to lid- i IicitI'-hh in price. . .. .|i,' m scixi*arli-il into NEW lonck IN TWO sigms. Special li iilly. She aim rliileli' H the little Hlwa* which MODELS STYLES styles for Moving Pictore Ill'll'1' l••ll* tl"‘ woiiiaii’K a»'l alory. 'I'he Kiaal The King and the Prince of Motion Picture Theatres. I.rlt »1 liiki'a III'* lM>y aa wll iia hla alat'-r’a Machines 'l. Mi'iiiiwMIe the liiiliy haa li'-'-n f'aiii'l hy Immediate ri a I'.iiik-r aii'l hla wife, ami they 'leehle I'l Will tie ready for delivery by April 10th, at shipment. Kit. I'l II. Klfti'en years • lapHe ami we H.mI the prices from alrl itrcwii III' *" lillaaf'il Iknorams* of h'-r IMPERIAL iriylii of c'Mirae IiiihkIiiIiik Hh' lianker iiml $150.00 up. IiIk wif'- h'T I'arenla. whll'* the leiy haa ({'me SEATING CO. tlif 'iich hla coll''irlBl<' CMirai* precaratory to 1349 S. State Bt. II .|r iirih rs. Om- afterii'atn while walkliiK In The Motiograph is truly a Wonderful Machine Chicagty, Ill. the park tie- l.oy'a attention la atiracte'l hy a Chicago, Boston, New York and 'Frisco ninawav. amt leapliiK to the roa'lway he «u-lz'*a approved. the hri'lle of thi' wlhl fraclhma lionte amt lirliiica It to a alaml still Aa»lstlii({ the yoiin({ U'ly LICENSED. ■ icriiiiaiil of the vlilcle I'l a tailcali. eac'irla San Francisco, Jan. 19, '00. her to tier hoiii'*. A atroiiK frien'lstil|> Im-IW's-ii (he two yaiiii; iwople ri|a na lal'*r InI'i love ami eipreat to you bow highly praised (he ts'j 'l» tss-n Hlriiecllnic la-tw-'s-n ttie all Im¬ the MDTItKiKAI'II la by the many users here. I^^HB portant 'im*ati«ms na to hla fndin*, wiK‘ltH*r It I have noticed that every one of the purchasers !»• n-IlKlima or s«sMilar. Ilia love for the Klrl the higgeat "Itooater" we could get. Is so stroiiir. ao purs', that Ih* 'leti-rmliwa to THF.ATIIE .SERVICE CO. Old Settlers* Association and CowbC'.vs' Reunion aalii tti'- prleafa cmss-nl t'l hla marryiiiK In Note—Tb(*re are many hundreds "boosters" ^^B at A. The coming sira.s*a to Ills onlinatlon into the prh-ath'MsI. giving Asbestos Portable Moving their fiituis* Uvea up to tla* honor ami glory of the IHvine Master whose guiding hand At Liberty ahowed the h''tter way. PiaURE BOOTHS FOUR-PIECE ORCHESTRA—riiino. violin, cor¬ net and flute for summer resort or hotel. A-1 THE FRENCH HCEI,.—Mons I.a*"n Martinet musicians; concert and dance music. Jno. 0, enters a salon in company with M'los. (isstun 3randin. Onawa. Iowa. Tortonl. whom lie Introduces to .Mons. Alphoo'W de Stgnol'-K. .\lphonse 'irilerw le gareno tiring a muD'l of c'vktalla. and he puts an olive In ASBESTOS CURTAINS each. Tills Tortonl ohJ<*cts to, hiit Alpltonse In¬ sists—••(Uii: out!” T'Ctool then with the WANTED rtiumti sti'l foreflnger extracts the olive from the C'sktall. ami hurls It -ytm. hurls It In the SEND FOR BOOKLET fir* "f .4l|>lionw>. Consternation! TTie mem- Lady Trick Cyclists twra stand aghast until Alplueise ivtallates In Stea'Iv work: everrthlng furntahed. Write W. like manm r. Amsuunent! nie fend U on; C. W. Trainer F. HEUMAH. Elgin. III. honor most he satlslhsl: a duel Is Inevitable, and siss'iilatton kis>n. as .klphonw- is In the tiantsm rlass. while Tortonl Is a replica of the Eiffel Tow'.r. On (he flelil of honor, beshle the Manufacturing Co. FOR SALE rutn« "f the oil! Conclergerle, tlwy m(s*t. A I Optlgraph No. 3V4 M. P. Machine; 1 Roll of coriw of traimsl nurw-s. ilociors ami umlertskcrs Interior View, 80 PEARL ST., • BOSTON MASS. Films; 4 set Song Slides. C'lSt $170 and will meisure the ront'stants for tbi-lr primiw^tlv* sell for Km. Si-nd $.">. balance C. O. I>., sub¬ receptsrl'-s Muskets are flrwt (wdectest. hut on* ject to examination. F. E. HAWKINS, Box T7, of tlum accld'*nfly illsrharges and throws the Akron, 0. psrtT Into hvsterics. ao they are discanhst. Rapiers are finally r'*aort*d to ami a nusit fu clous conihat Is pn-clpitate'l. which w-ouht have rrsulieil fatally for Tori'>nl bad he not had a tin WE HAVE ABSORBED THE tray cone-, led Iwneath hia vest as a shiel'I. and Man and Wife, First-clase Single and Sister to tls- duel flnlshi's to the entire satisfaction Team. Change every night; week stands under of everyt«sly Imt the umWrtakera. canvas; to make go's! here, make salary low; KLEINE OPTICAL CO. of MISSOURI pav own an'l leave vnir "bo'ize apia*tlte" at And have taken over the entire atock and good will of the Klelne Optical Co., of Mlaeonri. home. HOUSTON FBiANKLIN SHOW, Amaril- and have retained all their employes to aselat ut in caring for your wanta. Thia gives lo, Texas. ns the benefit of a large stock of Biograph. Ganmont and other independent Film Issued prior to the IJcensed Afnceraent. It gives os the advantage of being able to anpply onr customers with pictures that do not conflict with their competitor.

    Send for Information on onr "SPECIAL GUARANTEED SERVICE" Department, which WANTED ronslsta of a Circuit of One New Feature Reel Dally, and Programs furnished one week In advance. Cook and reliable man to run privileges on car; percentage; gissl for $J> to $3.'> per week. King ST. LOUIS Phonoscope and Sc Tucker Show, Bramwell. W. Va. '» JOPLIN Talking Pictures rented at $36 per Licensee Motion Picture Patents Co. MILWAUKEE week.

    JAP BALL GAME. MERRT-GO-BOUND, and a few (nore goorl'*mi! No Vt come. S<-nd your letterheads ami photos; have hrvtl', ver Bgalost 'lefeelly Gets The Dough ! them 'lisplayed. BlIIlMiard ami flipper on tile. Hnndri'ds ran prove this. It will pay yiai to W A N T E D—Circus and Vaudeville People 'I'dtig two or mon* turns; limit. $10. I pay all. ViASCOPE MANUFACTURING CO '>l"'rate and demonstrate the No fares M strangers. Als'i Muxiciana. J. ■"om 6. lit E. Randolph Bt. Chicago. FRANK LEWIS. Otterbein. Ind.

    *t>ow Men Take Notice!—4 W A N T E D—Two Good Billpoaters with ex- Our fannon takes. 'levelo|»* and tlnlshes Photo lu'rienoe f'lr the Sun l!r'>s.’ Shows. A'ldrese llutt.xi ill .'io s'-eoti'ls. ready to wear. No ex- PETE SUN. Havlin Hotel. tMncinnatl. Ohio ("■rl'III''* r'*'|uirisl, fan Is* set up in 'JO S'-wmls. r'*a*l.i (o oiH-rati*. hig money mak(*r at Fairs, W A N T E D—Merry-go-round. Ferrit Wheel, coNrr.ssioNs farntvals. PU-nIe*. an'l all other felehratlons. Swings anil foiH*'*ssioii.s of all kiinls. .Vihlresa fimnil'*!'* outflt, whli'h tm'lml''s the m'C''ssary W. C. Brainard. Mgr. Piconia Park, Greenport, suppll'*s fi>r making 3'Hi fliiish'*'! photos. $*J5. S'lil u|«m naeipt of $.'. Italaiii'e f. O. D. John Allen. Decatur. III. flRfn..VR FREE. HELEN MAY BUTLER WANTS LADIES. Tuba and Solo Clarinet. Address 903 Bell street, COUNTRY CIRCUS, week stands, wanta R, 120 Fe> rotye Bldg., Congress Exact repnxlnctlon of Photo Beatrice, Neb. *'(» 'l"ll'g ai' srd Lsflin Sts.. CHICAGO ILL. Hutton ami Frame. " Work witli *f tralm-'1 (mhiIi BOX BALL ALLEYS —New nml aerood- Irsi: "I" II JiiiK Tin: Hii,i,no.\in>‘s 4'I..\ssifii:i> uisixkss oiuF.tTDUY tiiVES liaml; rash or payments. fI.EV1!I..\ND BOX : .\i>i>in:ssFs 4»f tiik i,f,.\i> H.VLIi fO.. 861 Huron Road. Cleveland. Ohio. Xtie Billboard MAY 1^ 1S0».

    SELIO. ,n|)e baa arranitetl a clone view of thia areat' hunt. John drives the ataae Into the woiMla. At the A view of tiM* interior with one of the tddeat l'ol"t of a revidver be c«m|>elB tbe two men Get New Independent Filins from tlie] Inbaldtanta drlnklna a native heveraae to the i l>«»'«'niten<, one a dlanifled Knaliah touriat. and aiico-aa <.f the trip. We are next Riven a other a very comical Hebrew drummer, to (limpae of the d«*|iarture for the ranch. The "^t ••**“ ••f*' from the ataae and carry it into roads then la-cvMne impao'llde for the horm-a and wood*. The third iWKwnKer. tbe ytiunc they are *4‘nt hack. The leader of the |>arty 'la'iFhler of the Knallahman. la cuin|>eile«l to Ko mounts an eleiihant. the rest of the buntera are •"*‘k Into tin- ataae. Exchange That Imports Its Own on f<*»t. provided with aim umitn-liaa and palm J'din la im)W ahlnnipanle<| hy a retinue bearliia Hie ••'•hiiiaii. who are ataaar llelin'W la ex- de|)en(l upon ^ettin^ 11 fNI)I\ IDUAl* SKKV ICK, brand new films that iiortray tbe hitest and nukst attractive sub¬ jects—tbe bi^j money-makers, l-'ai t is you can only Ik' dead sure of not exbibitiuu the same lilms other exhibitors in your ItK’ality

    ... ..,.uu a juiiiiii; rw-K ilireciiy III .fipi- 1,1,,, show when you deal with such an excbaiiKe.

    hl •la^aia I ” 111110. Tllkltli? fl kIIoH fmOl I tlO SrUll, Ul* INHirH a^d a^^Ti' re^n ta V. n.r Ijfe* 1 •"•"•'• r f^mi same into the safe l.wk aial that does. This accounts for our lx'in{i able to furuisb abijib-ehLss orev and iinwlttimrlv walk!!* lITt ” i*./**11* expl iafe off to bury It. e.xclusive iude|M‘udeut iJervice, THF KIND .NO (Vl'IIFU l'L\- for that pnn..-e. and a m*anlfl« n*t* 1 ildlarTo^lm*’" •" CII.A.NOF FL ILNLSllFS. We do not deiiend u|m)Ii any importing Tw ricl; "" i TW Kiel c,:nnV;' thr?mKh the hnaluw. «-lxe* concern for our lilms. We have discovered that an imiividnal Rut oiir nartv came t.. Arrle. t.. Jo""’* K'*". ""•! Is'lntlna It at John. c>«i|ada th."";.iiZy‘‘::^te;*Tma'i;im*’“i;- service such as we fnrnisb’isim|H»ssible to obtain from tbe e.xcbanj'p 'he ‘in: : luTore a me ^-i^t 1 .a'a l"' one Kina of llenafa xi..n..iie J . 1 '•*** to steal the safe. The alrl, that does deijcnd .solely upon im|H)rters for its films. I'licy furnish tru« ker<*f Ida^ame leaiia our hunter'to a^'alid ‘ouched liy the lin-aaaae ami John’* r»‘ia nt*uce, wXr.^ his e^n te romiLi «• ^ * B''ea him money to ao home, and lets him .••- tbe same films to other e.xcbauKes which may have customers in .Menellk ,H. the kina's track, (iur hun?^ ” ‘ cowls.ys dash up to her your kvality. oPlT TiLTe ' il-eWr‘‘n ,““‘1 « f*** oiovInR train and iwd to drink .r,'- Jiimi.liiB on same.^ tlur next acew allows J.diu'a Fxbibitors Rettiu}’ films tbroiigb ns have tbe largest variety of .TU.'LJ *" .■ ruotlmr on a sick Is-d. J.din enter*. With a indejiendent subjects to .select from that is now bcinjj olTercd, lie- sides yon pay no middle man’s profit. Instead of addin;: the midille-man’s profit on to tbe cost of onrsen ice we have put it into onr lilms and raised the (piality of our goods, which is tbe reiison bln hmln. HDd th** wl»b of jronra ban lMH‘n • ____ _ ;”'L'!;H-e'*;nd"M,ta the tn"!h.v''«n a’',s?le‘7nd PROMINENT M. P. ENTERTAINERS. Our New Independent Filins ire the Finest in the World. carry It triumphantly to cam|i. An exiwrt taxidermist is called In and tills once lordly A press diapatch from Waslilnaton. f). C.. This fact von will readilv realize when among them are such beast who has ronmtsl Hm' African Junalea as a I •*'"f Alfonso Zeliiya. the |•r^•aldent of monarch, mam yield* all that Is laatina of his I N'lcaraaua’a only son. and hi* lovely yonna subjects as ARtlLLERT MANOEUVRES IN THE MOUNTAINS-800 fiet in Itngih. majestic lieaiitv, to adorn the floor of a I/ma I American wife, a descendant of the Isa's of Vlr- laland den. Tlie hunters prepare to r«*e obtained THK TKMFTATIHN OF JOHN GUAY. -Our l''''', i''7 hero. John Cray, is si-en leavlna bis old mother "'::*‘;';:k 7 wTnVor ^ tbrongb ns. It will pay yon to get more information aliont OUK and BtartiiiR off to make a fortune In the aolhu Gray drifts Into a Johnnies admire her from afar. Her hna- Western dance hull and aambliua saloon. He I t,.,™!. heir of tiie S.sith American Republic, I Chicago Film Exchange, a^-a otlier men win. and slakes bis entire haa who |* a thorn In the State Department’s side, of nnaaets in an eicltlna aambliua sci-ne. A takes hi* place at the piano; he Is the orch.'stra I 51-50 Jackson Blvd., CHICAGO. turn of the canl aweeim away the hard earned rolled Into one. He plays well and reel* off I Tab* Nntice We hav* recently op«n«d another branch in th*F«ciflc Bulldinfi, Mvlna* of w'e«‘ka of toll. John Ro*-* liravely with isiual brllllancv. martial music, claaaica or back to work, ashamed of bis folly and deter- rxa time. I lalAV nuliVVi Franciaco. where we carry the same big variety of New mim-d never to aanihle aauln. His comiianlon | _ ___- ■ Indeoendent Film* that we carry In ell our offices in the following citioe: briua* him a teli*aram from tlie old family doc- j rAAVl ir'UT Mry\/IKir* DIOTllDPQ tor at home telllna him that hla aa«l mother Is ! UAYLIUMT IVlUVINb KIAsTUKb.S. I SALT LAKE CITY, DENVER, OMAHA, WASHINGTON, ATUNTA, NASHVILLE. veiry nick, pi'rbups dylna. and kciia calllna for c n . . .w t ... him. John triea to borrow money fmni his com- ‘_Rcaaer, nianaaer of the L.vrlc panion, who is dead broke, then tnida»‘* off to Theatre, Tania<|na, I a., claims to be ow of the the town of R‘d Doa. He trie* to ls>mnv money ®tst of movina picture Mhlhlto^ to adopt fpan the aambliua house keeper, who spurns me.ins for iipslucina dayliaht mo\Ina pictures, iilii, so that all seats in tbe bouse are plainly visilile a' staae coach cornea up. Seated 00 front, P*’™'*" picture* belna CURTAIIMYLIIME with the driver, la the armed messenaer of the ahown clear and briaht. Till* is one of the first Well*. Farao Kxpresa Co., auaixllna a small at'c'.-easful attempts to prcluce picture* umler Will Improve Your RIcture lOO Rercent. 8a/« fxill of DKmojr. Jolin fib'sdii with the wn«il8r oonnltlonw, drtver» and hIiowh him the tHoftram. »(tai;e ' - ■ ■ --—- — _ - .\ $.3.00 carton will cover i.Vi B<|iiaiv feet. It anentiiat,** simI hrtchtrn* vonr picture. WK driver will not help him. In .leapair John' e. . w*. SHH’ I'Rll.MITI.Y. I’RKI’ARKll ft RT AI NS. RKADY TO HA.NG. AND lU’II.D SHENKRY plai'es the miirxle of his revolver at hi* fort*- ■ FLATBUSH, BROOKLYN, MER* T«1 YOl'R ORIIKH. Write us f>ir ••silniat.'s. ami If your rxchanar flora not carry Cl’BTAINY head, detemilnisi to end his life. B. fore he ' CHANTS’ ASSOCIATION, , LINE, tril us. can pull the triaaer, he see*. In a vision, his _ V’’**'-. Haina from her bcil. and •p},,, above ..raanixation I* makina areat pP“- CURTAINYLINE CURTAIN CO.. 401-403 Ashland Block. Chicago. Ill pleadlna with him to come hark to her. Deepl.v paratlons to hold a fr.s' stP'et fair and eamlval moMsI, John puts hla revolver awa.v. nn tlie *tn*ets and vacant lot* tn Flatloish. He aees the Welle Farao's safe, ami make* Brocdi’.vn. N. Y.. one week, bealnnlna May 31. a de*p«*rate psiolTe. Ho will ad some of the Tlie many amiwment feature* and the Issik- money from that safe and ffi' back to his Ira "f show* and c(hiccssI

    100,000 Roll Tickets with your own name and address $9.00 100,000 Admission Tickets, 5c or lOc 7.00 may 15, 1909.

    FOLDING CHAIRS i-THE AUTOMATIC THEATRE CHAIi-i- — Caed by Keith, Proctor A PoU u’e ran eave you money on the beat line -if In all tbeir best theatre*. TIm t .ldliig Cbalra made. We make nine different ^ I only chair for tbe amall tbeatra • lylea of fbalra. and ablp direct from our fac¬ M I and for general eeating. It la tory to you. If you are In need of cbalra, do H I spring back, self-folding, pedea- not buy until you aee our catalogue and pricea. I » tal-bullt, life-saver, space savar .'i|M.clal t'balra for Moving Picture Hbowa. Send .WARD LEONA ^ and money saver—aa It will for t'alalogiie to day Free. ly*—^ seat 25 per cent more people OFFICE EQUIPMEMT BUREAU. than the old style seat. It la 1711 First National Bank Building, Chiongo, 111. Ifl the oijly sanitary theatre chair X In tbe market. Be up-to-date II and send for our circular A. WRITE TO-DAT. I!! Great Handcuff Trick THE HARDESTY MFG. CO., CANAL DOVER, 0. How !• II rtiiiieY Oflwllvwi and H«*cr».t H«*rTlc*- luro bavr l»‘<‘D diiiur OAKB llOVELTT 00., Dapt. tl SIMPLE Othkoah. Wia. PERFECT SINGER BROS.’ New Book of Specialties. It's larger than ever, and contains more valu¬ INDEPENDENT RENTERS able InfonnatloD to Premium Houses, {Novelty WRIGHT FILNf SERVICE Dealers, Streetmen, Knife Board Men, Yankee Notion Workers, Mall Order Men and Jewelara, SERVED **WRIGHT*’ etc., than any other catalogue Issued. Every¬ thing new In real novelties. Carnival Goods, Our new acMrens —Itooms .‘109 and 310 Jewelry, Watebea, Silverware, Cutlery, Optical Relianro IluildinK, .'W Union Se>fe«alunal catalog. Small cata BANK OF "B D” TYPE GEORGE PATUREL, log of standard tricks free. k. THE 10,000 MOTH-PROOF 41 ind 43 Warren Street, NEW YORK. The Largest and Oldest Dealer and Importer of BUNTING FLAGS FOR THEATRES GAS, WHISTLING AND ADVERTISING Used at tbe Inauguration of Prealdent Taft, vrere tbe only decoratlone that aurvlred tbe terrIBc BALLOONS ■torm of wind, rain and aleet, abowtng tbeir Lodges, Halls, Nickelodeons, Etc. aopeiiocity over all other kinda of flaga and Also Novelties lor Streetmen. decoratlona. AMERICAN FLAG KFG. CO., _ We receive every week from our Eaatoe. Pa. xJF factory, Balloona of all kinds and Used wherever it is desired to control ffr sizes that we guarantee of superior Mhh, ...MB quality to any offered on tbe mar-

    light. Approved by the Under¬ We aim caution our cuatomera "MirorV itae” Products and tbe trade to beware of Inferior goods and false numbers offered at Proloelors and Film Haklnf Maohlnory. writers. Many thousands in service. I cheap prices. (BERNARD SCHREIDER, '%^5JAr?iTF Price List on Application. Whips—Souvenir Whips THE TIPP NOVELTY CO. STREETMEN TippecAnoc City, Miami County, Ohio. We are headquarters for all the latest nov¬ elties. Send for our catalogue on Confetti, Canes, Knives. Carnival Goods, Rubber Attractions Wanted Balls, Rubber and Gas Balloons. For tbe Uldcuminer Cnmlvnl, Joly 2. S; Weal Teiea Felr Aug. 24 to 28. Py>r prIHIegee ad- Canes dreaa JESSE CANNON, Secy., Abilene. Texu. We are exclusive agents for Cincinnati and vicinity for I. Eisenstein & Co. Prices in CIGARS—Order a Thousand Cincinnati same as in New York. •Try ’Bm” at price* ranging from tlO.OO. 110.50. 111.00. $11.50. $12.00, $12.50 and up THE GOLDSMITH TOY IMPORTING CO., wards. Ask for discount on qusntltles. 122 E. Fourth 8t.. Cincinnati, O. SCHOMBERO CIGAR COMFANT. "8 D*’ TYPE “B D"TYPE 1$9 W. Maryland Street, Indlanapolla. Ind. SI85 MADE IN ONE DAY. ^ Invisible Fortune Writers. The "Now A —Terentum. Pa.. Pop. 20,- The smallest and least expensive theatre dimmers in the world. d*. 'WAND." Tat. a|g>lie.l for. A band- ^ Jwl e S SZjRR drawing Ihhi. 50.000, 5c kerchief, stick or water may be passed car fare. Fnurtb Annual Free Street Pair, 6 * through "Wand" while working to daya. 6 nigbta. June 21-26. IQlgl. Plean, moral The greatest number of steps — skate shoe contacts—direct show It Is empty. abows. giasl fronts and money gettera. Perria "Magic Wand" outfit, from $6 up. Wheel. Merry go-round and other riding rte- drive. Used in New York Hippodrome, Luna Park, Coney "Gi^y Queen" outfits, $17 and $80. vlcea, one S,'UaatloDal Free Act, Will feature Invisible papers at $8 and $8 per animal abow. Ponfeltl and l.uncb for aale, and 1,000. all other conceaaloua laien. (lanibllDg devlcea, Island and all other “biggest installations;” in Belasco’s Stuy- Almost nothing to carry. No experi¬ sare atamiM Addreaa J. Fred Keller, care Sum¬ ence required. Tlie beat paying proi>o- mit Rote Co., Tarentum. Pa. vesant Theatre, New York, and all other “best installations” aitlon for the amount Invested. For circulars and sample papers, address S Large Llet of New Profe* where refinement of control is demanded. aional and Amateur Plays Vaudeville Sketabee, Stag* Monologuet, Mlnatrel Materia' — JoSm Mwaleial Pleeea. Reettn Vswa. INalegwee, Mak«,.waWae4aeto»4''nMake-np U«wla,eM> I'Wtnlegwetalegeefyv rvv* FOR 2 WIRE 110 VOLT CIRCUITS . S. DENISON, Pub., Dnpt. 10a OlMO«BO Rensselaer Park NUMBER OF 16 C. P. LIGHTS DIMENSIONS CmiCAOO MANUSCRIPT company CONTROLLED TROY, N. Y. .COM PLAYS-SALE Can nae first-class Miniature Railroad outfit on 34 LA SALLt ST i LI a percentage basis. Wanted, Freaks for Plat 2 to 4 6^x5J^x3 in. deep $ 2 60 form abows. must be A-1. Send photo. Can 8 to 12 x7 x3 in. also use a few new amusement devices. Rens¬ F» O F» CORN selaer Park draws from a population of 500,000 HIGHEST GRADE GROWN. 16 to 20 x9 x3 in. BRADSHAW CO. and la the leading amusement park In Ita Oreanwlch 8t.. Naw York. 25 to 30 xll x3 in. rlcinity. Address W. R. Swartz, Manager. 40 to 60 xl4 x3 in. 7 76 BARGAINS IN ARCADE MACHINES SLOT MACHINES 2 Mills Bag Punchers, $18; 1 Cleveland Medal He manufacture I.egal, Premium and IJitle 60 to 100 x24 x4 in. 14 00 Stamper, $35; 2 Callles Auto-Mutoscopes, $10; 1 ■lltnt: buy, sell ami repair all other kinda. Top Lifter. $14; 1 Olympic Puncher, $14; A J. Fiaher A Oo.. PIttaburg, Pa. x24 x9 in. I Mascot Grip and Blow, $16; 1 Water Blower, 100 to 200 31 00 $5: I Lift and Grip. $8; Dmiglass P.wt Card. $5; FUTURE AGENTS. LOOEI -nromld.w. 26c: al I Wisard Fortune. $2.50; 100 doz. Arcade Vlewt, biiniena. .tm.; p|||nw Iom, SSc; crayooa, 40c, 200 to 300 x24 x9 in. 46 00 45o a s.>t; all machines In flrst-class condition. I's.iela, noc: new aheet inctures; new amall alaeC GEO. W. RIPLEY. Homer, N. Y. p-riTilts and framea. Write today. ltKHI.18 ♦ AKT ASitiH'IATIIlN'. I»ept 16, Chicago. III. FILMS FOR SALE—'2.% Rc-ls. 900 to 1.000 feet, in perfect condition and titled. $15.00 per reel; K'K sale 2 moiiiitetl double eiiglnea for merry send for Hat. MAYER SILVBR.MAX, 322 Fnlton iimU. V organs. Ill b. p gasoline engine, Blilg., Pittsburg. Pa. Tent, OOvOO. with two ' li p illri.el motor, 2'.‘ll volts, flue condition. 20 ft. middle pieces, all complete. $150.00. " '■ .Arrade slid Park siHi|i|les D. E. WARD LEONARD ELECTRIC CO., Carey Ava., Wilkea Barre. Pa. Send SO cts. for big profeealonal 16 SWAYNE STREET. BRONXVILLE, N. Y. catalog, tricks. Illusions, (Wlll- " ANTED To buy for cash. thriM. Nickel In mann’s mannfactnrel. BAM¬ ' llsn>s. -t l'.l«*elrlc Plamm, also Klectrlc BERG MAGIC and NOVELTY l> - sn.| t-allle lirlp Testers. J F IIF.H | MAGIC CO., 119S Broadway, New York. " ^ 11.11 Pa Ave., N. W , Wasbliigton. I» P I 46 I'fie Blllt>oarcl MAY 15, 1909.


    NOTICE.—Only luch datei a« have lot le#n CRISPETTES pablitbed in thii list before oppenr under the Some UM-rs Ilf our niacblucs have been rlrarlnc general headinir “FAIRS.” Back number! con¬ yi.tSNi a iiionlh ami more for years In tlie large parks. taining previou! initalmenti can aiwayi be ob¬ Till- MINI, iiiai-liliie la the original—the iiloueer. tained by addrettinr the publiehert, if they It liaa every ailvantage over eliea|i. make ablft Imlta are not to be had Irom newidealert. tioiia. It will do two to teu timea the work of other Under the caption. “Correction! and Change!. ' uiaclilnea. It will make tlie rrlatdeat am! lieal eating error! will be emendated and chan,re! indicated. giaala at a lower coat than Inferior giHals made with Tnoae who wiah to collect uopie! rf the Fair elieaii maehlnea. tlur machlm-a clear tboiiaands of complete li!t are adrierd to preserve the:r etp- dollars 111 plares where Imitations ilo not make si .ea of The Billboard t nm week to week. Com¬ IM'IIIWK. plete copies of the litt may also he had by We prove Its giaalnesa by many letters from live send'nK tweety-five cents to The Billboard Tub. men all over the country. l-el us aeml you their Co., 416 Elm St., Cincinnati. 0. re|Hirta. It will do you giaid show you how to luaks more money than you ever dreamed was iioaalhls to make not of |mi|i cvirii. The making of the goods CONNECTICUT la unlckly learm-d by lnes|>erlenc«l men. I.yme—I.yii.e fiiauge Fair. Sept. 22. J. W. UememiM-r, we are the real originators, and Stark, w'cv. have the only machine that will make a salable niece ILLINOIS LONG'S ROTARY POPPER .r K.aala I'l I’.iao—W(Halford CcMinly Fair. Sc|)t. 13 17 II. J. Tciilmyer. ai-cy. 173 High Street. Springfield. Ohio Falrt.nry—l.lrlnitaton County Fait. Sc|it. 6-10. W. Z. LONG CO fJ. It. Cordon, aecy. Frei.port —Steidieiisoii County Fair. .4ug. 31 Sept 3. .Ia>. Iteriier. a(*cy. Oalens—4o liavleaa County Agrlctiltiiral Foci ety Sofit. 21 24 (S. r. Itliah. wa-y. Hardin —Calhoun Coui ty Fair. Oct. 27 21>. P.-rt Anxell. secy. We are overstocked and make the following low prices on JoneKtH>ro--rnlon County Fair. Sept. U i7. J. I*. II. Itrown. aecy. STOCK TICKETS : Jonlln-Itock Island County Fair. Si'id. 7 9. LIQUID F J. Whlti'side, siH'y. la'wlstotvn—Fulton County Fair. Sept. S-IO. 25)000 or more, 6 cts. per 1,000, Creaa V. Oroat. aecy. Martinsville—Clark County Fair. Sept. 14- 1*! II. fiaaaway. wry. CASH WITH ORDER. McNnId,—Putnam County Fair. Sept. 21 24. F.dwin O. Gunn, aecy. Printed on good stock, well perforated and accurately num¬ oiney—Ituhland County Fair. Sept. 7-10. Jaa. P. Wilson, aecy. bered. As good as special tickets and will save vou money. Princeton — Piireau County Fair. Sept. 7 10. Cluia. L. TrliuMe. aecy. Sav lir(H>k—McLean County Fair. Aug. 24 27. Our prices on special tickets are correspondingly low. H. Van Grundy, aecy. Vienna —John«on County Fair. S(>pt. 2S Oct. 2. Let us quote you. C. F. Tliomaa. aecy. Wenona—Marshall County Fair. Sept. I.% 17. THE DOIMALDSON LITHO. CO. .Alfred Judd. S(>cy. Wheaton—PuP.nce County Fair. .Aug. 23 2S IMEWRORT. KENTUCKY This Machine Frank S Gorton, aecy. Wvonilnc—Stark County Fair. Aug. 30Sept. 3. John W Smith, aecy. THE CUTLERY KING’S 1909 CATALOG IOWA Is now- rendv am' it la yniira fnr the aaklng. Cnntalns money.roakrra In Earns $5 a Day .Arlon—Crawford County Fair. Sept. 21.23. A. .A. Conr.nd, aet-y. CUTLERY FOR KNIFE RACK MEN IN any (fiuxl location this machine Elkader—Flkader Fair and Track Aean. Scp». will earn $,'>.00 a day or more. En¬ IR 17. W. W. Pavldaon. aecy. CANES FOR CANE RACK MEN ««• FalrOidd—Jefferson County Fair. Oct. 6-7. C. tirely automatic, rey W. BIMBLICH, 206 East Beaton — Maaaachiiaetta Horticultural .A««n 5th Stteel. New York City. 'ATANTED X aii,', % hi,* «et( SIim-I. (MHiple with Sept 17 19 apd 0( t. 19 24. Wm. P. RIcli B|H-claitie>. i.Aiiuie Ihwh,-i. Nelli,. Kayiiioud. May l.aH*.<>ii. lotli*. Uegarl. H*-leii I'hvIm, write.( Cnmmington—Hllla'de Fair. Sept 2k 29 <" H \ n \ 0*Lcary. Mgr. Prop. F. H. Wilmarth. Kgr. of produotioca: Capt. F. Burr. RlngvIIIe. Maaa. w TIkT TfcTy and Paoli, Bus. Mgr. Grand 'Theatie. Gulfport, FVaniIngham—Mlddleacy South Fair .Sept. ‘i1 Miaa. 22. Geo. C. RIadea, South Framingham LiUIm/S r/SKIIl, SId & Halsled Sts., Chicago. Ill Ma^a. IlallfaT—Plymouth Connty F'lr Sept. 1510 OPENS MAY 29. SEASON 1909. •T. Herbert I>eonard, Brldg-w ater. Maaa, 1, Hlngham—Hlngliam Fair. Sejit. 2S 29. Wm D’DRBANO’S BAND, 60 Picked Soloist! en^aR'd for the season. CONCESSION' H. Thomas, aecy, AIRES- Have room for a few more rides and shows. Ixvwell—Mtddleaex North Fair. Sept. 10 II .An.lrew LIdell, aecy, Telephone 1640 Yards. SOUATNIRS MldUefleld—Highland Fair. S<-pt. 8 9. J. T Bryan, aecy. 70 Pane Catalogu* • ivferl—Oxford Fair Sept. 2 3. J, E. Par ling. aecy. hERee., l■,-slHH1y—Essex Connty Fair. Sept. 21 23. J M. Oanforth. Lynnfleld. Ms«s. WILKES-BARRE FAIR ■^fiencer—Spencer Farmers and Mechanica' Assn Sept. 23 24, Geo fl Ramer secy. Dates Augutt 30 and 31, Sepfember 1, 2 and 3. I'xhrldge—BIsekstone Valley Fair. Sept. 21 22. Dr. .M. R. Sharfie. se^y. RACING DAY AND NIGHI Novelties for Fain ud 'Vest I’labiiry—Mirtlia'i Vln-yard Fair Ang SOSept. r. F. A. lAX.k, West Tlsbury ROBERT IRELAND,SEC SECOND NATIONAL WILKES-BARRE. PA Maaa. BANK BUILOINa. Others Imitate or MINNESOTA New ITlm—Brown Craintj Agriniltiiral Soeletj Sept. 13 L’>. A F. Burmelaler. aery. GO TO THE BIG SEATTLE FAIR MISSISSIPPI Raldwyn I.*— Prentlaa Fair. 8iiic J. I.arrb. wH-y. I’T IM^difil*-. Sa'ImI |illot<*P HImI U'at «||InI> t|«it|»a«- |M'b4l\ l••Hltl4l Nthl jtiol , Or<<-nylMe—Della Fair <*ct. 11 16. I . I' •lA iM'dl \V«' I »*' ujilforiiiiHt l»nri«l nihI fir«*lM*pirii OOI.DBEIIO 4 HEDOER, Ptopa., M C. Cnokaten, Smith, secy. Mfr., Olympic Theatre, 601 Pike Street, Seattle, Waoh. MAY 15, 1909.

    MISSOUBI r.iiiii«’t< t. 1. HIGH PITCHERS AND CONCESSIONAIRES, A. \V. Itas<-|,T. a»»t. wry. Mi-nnan—t. If you want to make money you must handle the right 14 17 I>Mlla Lanikiti, wrj . I.inn —Itro<.i(ii..|.| Cfainty Fair. Aiik- 17 2Iol|.Ii Wiirlittrr Co.. Cliiriniiati and CliiraK' .N' lrrmann yulKiry Co.. Kansas City. .Mo. .ytiirriraii Tirkrt Co.. Tolrdo. <>. orters. Wholesalers. SLOT MACHINE SUBSTITUTE. Carter Ire^a. I'ealxaly. Ma.'-. CUha (*o., 1*CJ Main Andf'rwm. Ind. .N itloiikl Tirk'-t Co.. Sliamokln. I'a. -SQUARE DEAL TO ALL ' SLOT MACHINE SUPPLIES. I’ioneer Tirkrt (V,.. 722 Kiaiadway. N. Y. C. GRANADA Itanil. MrNally i Co.. lO*’, .NdaniH «t.. ChlcaKo. ?E CATALOGUE Kihllilt Su|>|ily Co . :i.V» I>«-arlK>m at., ChlraKo. 1[er« I’rlutine Co., litlli and Harney eta., umaba. Xe». SNAKES. Standard lloll Tickrta. isl I’rarl »t.. .V. Y. C. ladison Street, CHICAGO Artn.tronK Siiakr Co San Antonio. Trx. Sun I’rlntlnK Co.. (Ino.i. I’rovldrnor. It. I. \Veldlek. Ft Smltli. Ark. TIGHTS. FEDORA SU'Kinan A Well. 7*' Wooatrr at.. X. Y City. TOY BALLOONS. Faiiltlrva Kiitdx-r Co.. .Aahland. O. Shry.a-k T.alil Co . S24 X. Stb at.. St. Uuila. .Mo. SlnKrr Broa.. s‘2 Bowery. Xew York City. Wratern BarKain Hotiae. 272 K. Madiaon. Cb'Ko. TRANSFER. It Cntlimann Tran.afer Co.. 22.'> Itrarliom at.. Chlr.-.KO. Ill \ The hiG Eli Wheel __TRUNKS._ BrllxT~Trunk A Bap Co.. 17,2 Columbia are.. •' <*' ‘•I'.V > Pliiladrlpbia. I*a. 14th. IftOS. ^ . Iwircl Ml*I N w V amt B. B A B. Tnink Co.. 447 Wood at.. I’ittaburp l-nlent article ever prtKiucrd for I’arka. I’lcnlc mtiat have seata and tables. There la none made *• niom* / ^«*1liiiq ‘'UhuI** _T_U R N_^ST l_L E S._ t'ber Tk In. oak. XotbinK breakable about them, ople. .Maile In dilTerent sixes. Write for circular BepiftennK) and~Coin Controlled Tumitilea. (Hll I akvliiu TON SEAT & TABLE MFC. CO.. Warren. 0. H. V Bripht. Strawn Bldp.. Cleveland. O. Eli Rbidge Co ESSISC^Boxl43 B Rinhxiui>c ill “ ^ UNIFORMS. I>e.Moulin Broa. A Co.. ItttO S. 4tb at.. Green vtlle. 111. I. . Raucbut. I."i20 X. 4th at.. Philadelpbia. Pa. Wc Supply th« U. S. Western Cniform Co . 214 Clark at., t.'bicago. Covernmant. Novelty Slide Ex . S71 Srd a VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES. •y. Sto S thia keaton. Onrlargv PlttsluirK. Pa. Wm. Morris. 144<> Broadway. Xew York City. Pacific Coast Amuwment Co.. American Bank new 104.pa4fe Hand lo- le'lp poll sroix" Co. 41 E. Randolph. Chicago. Bldp.. Seattle. Wash. atroment ratali>g .Sent Prtidential Vaudeville Exchange. 14"2 Broadway, KKtE. Wnte Co-day. I SOUVENIRS. H C W...1 A Co . 112 Fifth ave.. Chicago. Xew York City. nf nmirN wiRurni co. W. P. Ready Vandeville Exclianpe. Crescent .ai C.4*lt SA C4nc«nnaU:»e. SPANGLES. Tbeatr*- Bldp . Xashvllle. Tenn araaaah a««. catMawia. IMllM Rros 47 W. Ird st.. Xew York City. Ted Sp.-irka Tlieatrlcal Exchanpe. Century Bldp.. Kansas City. Mo. .SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES. Gu< Sun. Orpheaim Theatre Bldp.. Springfield. O - For full Low-pneed. VENDING MACHINES. — dexcriptlon. s-nd for catalopue. Nfiper Bros V2 Bowery. New York City. Crystal Vendinp Machine Co.. Columbus. O. SKEE-BALL ALLEY CO.. Philadelphia, Pa. f.BASEBALL STAGE HARDWARE. WATCHES. f. R Clancy. 247 Saltna st . Syracuse. X. cJ UNIFORMS X. Share Co., 22t' Madison st.. Chicago. ID. Made up Rii^ht at Right Prices STAGE LIGHTING APPLIANCES. Slnper Bros.. S2 Bowery. Xew Y'ork City. Got out ON TIME. Order from Mfra '•a Menehen Electric Co . Sfio W. .V»th st.. Xew WHIPS. York City and save money. Free Catalus F W Hadley Whip Co . Westfield. Mass and Samples. ITAGE PROPERTIES AND ACCES¬ WILD ANIMAL DEALERS. WESTERN UNIFORM CO., Leadiai SORIES. * rnifurm Mira. 216 Clark St.. CNICAM Putnam's pet and Wild .Nnimal Store. 4!Mi f 'J Usvltf Co. .H2 W 4.'lrd st.. X Y. City. Washincton st.. Buffalo. X Y. STANDARD CONE BAKERS. WIRE WORKERS' SUPPLIES. Seating capacity fiOfi. Can play rain or shine. tat'Isnl Mfp A Supply Co. Drawer O.. Me Bennett Jewelrv Co.. 104,1 .N. Kith st.. Phil.a- I :rant iNipulatinu. lO.lkiO. Stape 21 ft. opening. delphia. Pa. V too big for us to handle. Would like to rent Kearb. Georpe .N.. 109 Friendship st.. ProvI Arcade. A.idress IRIS AIRDOME. Box 802. dene-. R. I. T. O Mott. 411 I»earl>om st.. Chicapo. 111.

    STREET MEN'S SUPPLIES. For Fair Prairie Dogs 'ar. Yonge A Co., 9 Ixicas ave . IawiIs rSJVVtliUf M DsvN Soap Cn.. 12 I'nlon Pr. Place, Which we purchas,-,! of yen came In gooi*«*riitlng thr •H'lfr'liiw IVTic^.%. EltY!4l«inith Tot Impt C** . 12*.! E. FtHirth A-No. i VIOLINIST. If wBDt t4T El EV ate M.\NK1 If )oq wbd' gr rinclnnati b accllniatisl iipiite an Iti-mt Perfecllv healthv to n.sla •‘•■'p e ■>»■» {h** Youna Pc'pl. . ^7 ,;r, ,, j; animals at low cost FLINT'S PRAIRIE DOG n*l'l** »D'i f **t4|.|** mfirv lw» vur** 'o« have i \ *'1*-. FARM. Noith Waterford, Maine. FLUTE and PICCOLO. nKCl.IXG W t\K i..r the «.»..« nf 19* Be first J x..r,v. 1,..1 Work %iMir «>wn t«*rritor> with th** m*»» priM't ^ *7. ^Vtm’ v w KxfXTiencpti in Ojx'ni, Vatulovillp, Corr- sail l,*.a-t etis.n«lie Hi'lina lieen-c In use 0|sTsa.' Y ^ Miller. 144 I ark B'Oi . \.'w York City, to sss.din<' Fnaine lliah class nnisic l<) a hlKbx-lasxewman Mfg Co. si,! ate., t'leveland. oert, etc. No tmvflinp. .\(ltiress ct lind#‘r ,,resn or plan,! M rue for ratal,tane wittHto Stipplv t'o . 270 M' Hith st.. X. Y*. CItv. prhs-and li.t nf t.-il,,, mials AR\IITtt44 8 tll'IXX .\ P.itiiml. 41 YVarn n st., X, ti York CItv. FOR RENT HpnnaMll. Frie tv N. w Ynrk ‘Rich ' the Airship Man. Glrar,l. Kan. Telivery. BALTIMORE, MD.

    LYRIC THEATRE Here we go. Meredith and Ylal colm, ffve and three years old. Our »nply Hciick's (>i>er» House Co. Office. Peoples papas make the Ott Circle Swing Theatre B dg.. Cincinnati, i hio Something new. nothing like it. ifi ■ ■ III,- richest hox of cln- datcs In np|>ear ft. long. Xo toy. bnl a real live I'lklil ,-dors 4*iids,ss,sl In g,*M. Merry-go-round. Can't tip over, can't bn'ak. can’t wear out. Adjust |s r liiiiii|r,-,l al- - idlnT 1 Ih-- . at 821 lai able for different weight. Revere and ais I'll iM-r hiindri'd Gum Ms' ix'i Ihle wats fuj- ^lies. Either or lK>tb I pa, kagi's .s, ml for S|>«s-lal Catalog’), Iniils I.ik’’ M.s!>- ir,-;. - , ’U, 'm,'if. riders can Tvr-.fW or either can stop Jum- 11 17 C O Russ,11. si'cy. the other. .\ttracts more attention OHIO than all other similar devices In a I'.’rl Ri'io'eri IlsrM'si .luhlli'C .\ssn. .4ng. __ nark Write for ful! information 111'! F J SoDilerman. sts-y. OTT CIRCLE SWING 00.. El Paso. Illinois.'r Bis,-hall ami M.-rchanfs' Carnival. Ma.i 11 June .1 W D Xothaiker. siH-y. l.iimlon Men-hants' Spring F''stlval. May 17 IHI stale st.. CHICAGO. ILL 2'2 M B. Golilen NEW ARRIVALS PENNSYLVANIA Fi'ol C'ly Sln-et Fair June 2’> July .1. Cur- reii .V Mii'iie. mgr. 500 Monkeys and Baboons York Farmt ’-s' Ml,l Summer Festival. .4ug fi 7 F C. ElchelN-rg, r. mgr. Monster Snakes, 10 to 20 feet; Ostriches, Birds of all kinds WEST VIRGINIA in great varieties. double face electric Bidler Rink aign. ’2.' Rlihwoisl Eagh's' Carnival. Jum> 21. P. J Mei'arli. ris-y f,si( l>,'m'li,'s: III,-har,Ison skates amt sun E. C. VAHLE, Importer, 31^ Market St., Philadelphia, Penn. WISCONSIN •Irl.s Frank L. Pleton. T7 E. Slat 8t., Portage I'lk'-’ StO'et Fair May .11 June fi Chlragn. Ill. Cha« (‘iils’rne.i. WH-y. IF YOV SF.E IT IX THF BIl.LBOAKIY, TELL THEM SO.


    NOTICE.—Only lucb date* a« hare lot la»n CRISPETTES pahliahed in thia list bafor* appaar under the Some users of our uiachlnea have been clearlna raoeral headinc “FAIBS.'* Back numbers con- Il.tas) a month and more for years In the large parks tauuinr prCTious inatalmenta can always be ob¬ The UtMi niarhlue Is the origlual—the pioneer. tained by addressinr the publishers, if they It has every advantage over cheap, make shift Imlta are not to be had trom newsdealers. tkms. It will do two to ten times the work of other Under the caption. "Corrections and Chanfes. ' machines. It will make the crispiest ami Ih-sI eating errcrs will be emendated and chaoices indicated. giNNls at a lower coat than Inferior goods made with Inosa who wish to collect wpies cf the Fair cheap uiachlnea. Our machines clear thousands of complete list are advised to preserve the.r ctp- (Vdlars In places where Imitations not make ti .es of The Billboard t urn week io week. Com¬ |K-mte«. plete copies of the li>t may also he had by We prove Its goodm-ae hy many letters from llva send-nr tweety-flve cents to The Billboard Fub. men all over the country. us s<-mi you their Co., 416 Elm Bt.. Cincinnati. 0. re|Nirts. It will do you good- show you bow to luaka mure money than you ever dreamed was iioaslbla to make out of |Mip corn. The making of the goods CONNECTICUT Is ijiiirkly learui-d hy li>ei|ierlence«l men. I.jrme—I.yii.e Orange Kslr. Sept. 22. J. W Kememtier. we are the real originators, and Stark. w'CT. have the only machine that will make a aalahle piece ILLINOIS LONG'S ROTARY POPPER •r g.ssls El —Vt.sklfnrd Cisinty fair. Sept. 13 17 11. J. Tcgfni.vcr. secy. W. Z. LONG CO FslrUiry—l.lvincston County Fait. Sept. 610. 173 High Street. Springfield. Ohio O. It. Oerdon. si'cy. Freeport—Stephen-'iii County Fair. Aug. 31 Sept 3. Ja-. Kcnier. secy. Oalena—Jo l>sv|t>«« County .Agrlcnlf-iral So.-i ety S«'pt. 21 24 O. C. Bllsh. secy, llsrdin—C.«lhoiin Cout ty Fair. Oct. 27 20. Jt-rt .\n«ell. secy. We are overstocked and make the following low prices on Jonesteiro—I’nlon County Fair. S<*pt. 14 17. J. I> R. Brown, secy. STOCK TICKETS : Joel n—Bock Nlaml County Fair. Sept. 7 9. LIQUID F J. Whiteside, -ieoy. Lewistown—Fult'in County Fair. Sept. 6-10. 25,000 or more, 6 cts. per 1,000, rr<'»« V. Orost. wcy. Msrtinivllle—Clark County Fair. Sept. 14- 1*1 II. Gssaway. srey. CASH WITH ORDER. McNibli—Putnam County Fair S<'pt. 21 24. Edwin O. Gum. secy. Printed on good stock, well perforated and accurately num¬ oiney—Ruhland County Fair. Sept. 7-10. Jas P. Wilson, secy. firioceton — Ttiiresu County Fair. Sept. 710. bered. As good as special tickets and will save vou money. Ch:is. L. Trituble. secy. Savlirook—Mcl.esn County Fair. Aug, 24 27. Our prices on special tickets are correspondingly low. n. Van Grnndv. secy. Vienna —Johnson County Fair. Sept. 2S Oct. 2. Let us quote you. C. r. Tliomss. secy. Wenons—Marshall County Fair. Sept. 1." 17. THE DOINJALDSON LITHO. CO. ■Alfred Judd. secy. Wheaton—PnP.age County Fair. -Aug. 23 2S NEWPORT, KENTUCKY This Machine Frank S Gorton, secy, Wvomlnc—Stark County Fst. Aiig. .30-Sept. 3. John W Smith, secy /?=^THE CUTLERY KING'S 1909 CATALOG Elarns $5 a Day IOWA 1/ t« DOW tpaily am' It Is your* for the asking. CoDtalos luonvy-roakers In Arlon—Crawford County Fair. Sept. 21 23. A. A. Conrad, secy. 11 'CUTLERY FOR KNIFE RACK MEN IN any good loc'ation this machine Flksdcr—Flkader Fair and Track Assn. Sept. will earn $5.00 a day or more. En¬ I. A 17 W. W. Davidson secy. ? _ CANES FOR CANE RACK MEN says Fairfield—Jefferson County Fair. Oct. 6-7. C. tirely automatic, requires no atten¬ II. Gage. Scey. JEWELRY for Fair Workers Ss tion except to replace the bottle when Iudit>eiM|enee—Buchanan County Fair. S<-nt 7 l'>. P. G. Freeman, sec.v. If yon want orders fliled -tbe hevt. IIm- ^ empty, and Ice once a day. Indianoli—Warren County Fair. S-pt. SH J'S- MeCoy. seey. chea|iest. tip- quickest, vvud th. m to V It's something brand new and takes Malvern—Mills County Fair. Aug. 3-6. 1. J. Swain, seey. like wildfire. The famous Marlon—Marion lnf"r-State Fair. Race Meet HARRY L. WEISBAUM ' Ing will be held July 5-6; Fair. Sept. 14-17. 256-?62 E Madison t..S 9th Floor Nunttr Bldg., s, e. cor. Madison it Marfcot Sts., CNICA80, ILL J. B. Travis, sih-t. New Sharon—New Sharon DIatrict Fair. Sept 14 17. C. F Momyer. secy. Newton—Jasper County Fair. Aug. 13-16. J H. Grihlan. seey. BIG MONEY Rock R.apids—T.von County Fair. Aug. 31-Sept. 3. .A. S. Wold. seey. IN Ol'R W'nters.-t—Madison County Fair. Sept. 14 16. Get onr .>riee« on wiap and toilet arfirle*. TlieT will intervut yon. Out adrerfUlng principle of perfect cork insulation "■ •eey. assorted paekages with valiiaUb pn-niltiins have therfiash and value that get the money. F-ent-sly u-es them. MAKE GREAT .SOL'AFMUS FoR SHOWS. fARNIVALS. FTC. KENTUCKY. and pure liloi k tin coil applied at last Mom-y g. tters P-i <'anTa--e rsnissi Are ibiing as well? |f not. st-n-l postal to.lay, G. M. Wilson, seey. T.'e w;u teaeh you how. E. M. DAVIS SOAP CO.. 38 Unioa Park Court. Chicago.^, able. automatic vi-nding machine. Redfoni—Trimble County Fair. Oct. 1-2. 1.. B. MeCaln. fs-ey Vends ice-cold water, lemonade, or¬ Ellrahethtown—Tlardln County Fair. Aug. 24 angeade. root beer or any drink. Op- 26. T. S. Gardner, seey. Fern Creek—Jefferson County Fair. Sep*. 14. erati's with pennies and works every E. B. Berry, seey. minute of the day. ilet a few of these Hartford—Ohio Coiinty Fair. Sept. S-11. R E. I>ee SImmerman. seey, machines ti> work for you. Make the Lawreneeburg—Lawreneeburg Fair. Aug. 17 2b. A. R. Mc.Afee. seer. ei.i| us }our name i.ow. today. .Adiln-ss MAU A CO., 3C2 State St., Chicago, Dl. and the new I'SKKIT soda fountains. •Ang. lb-12. R. G. Woods, seey. I^et us show you how you can go into Sh4-lbyvllle—Shelby County Fair. Ang. 24-27 T. R AA'ebber. «eey, business for yourself on small capital NASSArHUBETTS and earn big money. .Ameshnry—Ameshtiry anil Ssllsbnry Fair. Sept 2S .3b. M. H, Sands, lu-ey. CONSUMERS COOLER COMPANY Rartistahle—Bsms<’X Sonth Fair .Sept. '21 Misk. 22. Geo. C. Blades, South Framingham LUl>l/\ rS2d & Halsle* Sts., Chicago. Ill Mass. flallf.sT—Plymouth Connty F-lr Sept. I.I-IO OPENS MAY 29. SEASON 1909. J. Herbert I>-onard. Bridgewater, Mass. HInghsm—HIngham Fair. S«-pf. 2S-29. Wm D’DRBANO’S BAND. 60 Picked Soloists engi^rd for the season. CONCESSION* H. Thomaa. seey. AIRES—Have room for a few more rides and shows. Igtwell—Midllesex North Fair. Sept. 10 11 .Andrew LIdell. se«-y. Telephone 1640 Yards. SOUVENIRS’ Mlddh-fleld—Highland Fair. Sept. 8-9. J. T 70 Page Catalogna Bryan, seey. • tvforl—Oxford Fair Sept. 2 3. J. E. Par ling. aeey. .FREE., Ih-stwslv—Essex Connty Fair. Sept. 21-23. J M. Danforth. Lynnfleld. Mass. WILKES-BARRE FAIR k. West Tlshury I AMR SECOND NATIONAL ExposiliMi Mass. LMnU, dc.\g., bank BUILOINa. WILKES-BARRE, PA Outers Imitate or MINNESOTA .New Clm—Rmwn Count, Agrienitiiral Soelety Sept. 13-15. A. F. P.nrmelsler. aeey. GO TO THE BIG SEATTLE FAIR MISSISSIPPI Baldwyn—I.“e Prentiss Fair. Sept. 14 17. W. L. McElroy. seey. \Vantecl--For The Olympic Theatre Corinth—.Ali-orn Coiinl, Fair. Oct. 212.' AA’, VjiikU'SHI* Miifl hiirl«’M|ii«* amf hiirl<‘iM)ii»* |M*«*|ilr*. mImi rlH»ni« ffIrU. J. Lamh. wev. f< r y'lTMl h4‘iMl pliotoa aiKl fw’«t •Mlars ii’ttit*’*! ainl Jumi Gns-nvlll.—Di-lta Fair. Oct. 1116. I. P W ** I'M' fianrl ari

    ilnllr S|irlnic» -North MlHiil«iti|ii)l Fair. 0<-l, II l.'i. I' II. fiinl, «■<•}. NatrhfS—.MI«F.lHfiila llalM-ratock. aery. I,e*'‘a Snniniit—Jarkn County Fair. Sept. If you want to make money you must handle the right 14 17. l>Niia I.atnkln, aecy. I.Inn—Itrookflelil County Fair. .kiiR. 17 ‘Jd. I,. kind of stuff—attractive and hypnotizing, good values at \V Itiininicll. wi-y. K- - • • Auk. Ji. K. the riffK^ 4 qjjIy reliable JRE CO.

    orters. Wholesalers. GRANADA -SQUARE DEAL TO ALL ?E CATALOGUE —AND— ladlson Street, CHICAGO FEDORA Greatest attraction for Parks and Fair. Undisputed Champion High Cable Walk ers of the World. Permanent address, Granada Villa, Akron, O., Eastern address 207 8th Ave., care Cohn’s, New York City

    tj ^ v The Big Eli Wheel

    fof <*Acr;/ (l.'i / I 14th. 1904. li/irtl .MCi N u r and •nient article ever pruduceO for Parks. Picnic must have seal, and tables. There Is none niailr *• ninnc;/firllmfi .‘'KuhIs liber H in. oak. Notbint; breakable about tbem. ople. Made in different siies. Write for circular u , A Hiinmnc (;ci (nn-1 autlou ION SEAT Sc TABLE MEG. CO., Warren. 0. Jilji.i. EuRfiroGEfocaBSB ^ RiXHMlOr'lt ILL ~

    Wc Supply the U. S. Covernment. PricesCutinHalf this season. OnrUrae newlD4.paRe Band In¬ strument catalos; Sent' FREE. Write to-day. I TW ntMini wiRuins co. i C. 4tn St. Ctnclnnatl: ar. I SraSaah AM.ChIcasa.IH. I

    — d 'scriiilion. send for catalogue. BASEBALL ., SKEE-BALL ALLEY CO.. Philadelphia, Pa. UNIFORMS Made up Rif^ht at Right Prices ED AT Got out ON TIME. Order from Mlrs aud save money. Free Catalog and Samples. WESTERN UNIFORM CO., I^eadini Voifonn Mlrs. 216 Clark St.. CHICAGO rant, Oklahoma. Scatina capacity 600. Can |>lay rain or shine, urant |M.pulatlnD. 10,000. Statre J.'. ft. opening. V too big for us to handle. Would like to rent Arcade. Addri^s IRIS AIRDOME. Box 802. X E D at Companies and independent at- sociationCarnival, Houston,Te.xas i. Would like to hear from circus :e-Presideni. HOUSTON, TEXAS.

    FORTUNES MADE IN A SINGLE SEAION mttnii Ihf* “OiiN'Iin,HR Wavo*** .4niuaeineat Devit'** A No. I VIOLINIST, V/' yon wsntIt ELEVari.EVAl TKMANKIMh If you wani #1** OI«l filAii. the Younac FLUTE and PICCOLO. hii|*l*vhuppy and .411 the m«>try be Rure >ou have f “(Tlit'LlNG \4 AVr* for the of 19^ He ttmt Ut «<«rk i'i>ur uwn territory with the niont rrnotira Experienced in Ojiera, \ audeville, Con¬ • nd leant eti*en«ive Hidina l>evire in une (l|•erllA«' bv aanoline rnaine lliah rlan* mtinic bjr m hiah-clne cert, etc. No traveling, .\ddress, cylinder oraan or pUno Write for o«tal«Taue witi prit^ and li

    Here we go. Meredith and Mai eolni, ffve and three years old. Our papaa make the Ott Circle Swing CANDY Svimethlng new. nothing like It. 16 We hnve the rlrh<*at bi»T of chtH'idMtea In «|>i»ear ft. long. No toy. but a real live Klaht eiiiiM»a'J7 |H‘r hiiiidred; aNo. other I lb« . at able for different weight. Revere $jo INI aihl EHi |i»-r iiiiiidred timii S.V jh*! Ible seats f^ bulles. iTlther or both invlls l.ak.' —.'(tat.' Hr.-m.'ii - rournam.'nf.“" hundred itaekaaea. Send ft»r SiHM'lal t'atab»sue riders can 'pr.ifPI or either can atoi' and l*rh'e Uat Juiit* I.’ 17. C tV Kn«s.'II. s»*cy. the other. Attracts more attention OHIO than all other similar devices In a Fort H.-coverv - Harvest JubIb'C .kssn. -kug. park , Write for full Information Btmh tt t:i. F. j. Sondennan. secy. Ageota wanted everywhere. OTT CIRCLE SWING 00.. El Paso, Illinois. I KatahlinlMMl yeara.i'Rst 'r -nas.>t>all an.l M.'rchants’ Carnival. May .71 June S. iV I>. N.ithackrr. a.'cy. I,onil.m —M.'ri'hanf.' Spring F.-stlval. May 17- 181 Stale SI.. CHICAGO, ILL. J2. M. 11. (’ NEW ARRIVALS PENNSYLVANIA F.. TELL THEM SO. 48 MAY 15, 1900. Visit THE BONTOCK IGGORROTES! — Dreamland, Coney Island — WILL PLAY BIG PARKS AND FAIRS THIS FALL Sea Beach Palace L. C. LEWIS SKATING RINK | Ph^to Postal

    M Zitoun, Mgr. ■ StudioS Open May 15th ■ _-^ SURF AVENUE Surf Avenue, Coney Island CONEY ISLAND

    Visit ^ OMARI More SAMIS Popular I Than Human Butterfly Ever! (“La Mariposa Humana”) j


    Full line of Magazines and I Theatrical Papers | LUNA PARK TOBACCOS & CIGARS

    Surf Avenue { Coney Island Bet. Strattons & Sea Side WalJ CONEY ISLAND 1 Visit the attractions nf ^ — BLAKE & WILLARD


    1m The Show that has never OPEN been Successfully Imitated Rigamarole ALL YEAR Dreamland ROUND Park 1 Seaside Walk, CONEY ISLAND ‘ Bet. Surf Ave. and Bowery, CONEY ISLAND.

    For A Cold Glass of Ernest Langolis

    MILK CONTRACTOR STOP AT AND PARK BUILDER The ELEaRlC FARM Dreamland, Coney Island. Dreamland, Coney Island. I

    Stubenbord’s Geo. Heppe Cafe and Restaurant The Only I Candy Performers' Meat Rendezvous Market in the Shore Dinner A Specialty World Entrance to Dreamland Dreamland, Coney Island. CONEY ISLAND

    ALL THE BEST. SCENIC RAILROAD RIDES AT CONEY ISLAND Were Made By ^he L. A. Thompson Scenic Ry. Co., new^oric'city. MAY 15, 1909.

    Sinper Itros., 82 Bowery. Sew York City. | Alamo Film Ex.. 4tCi Main st., Hallas, Tex.; KNIVES. I'. S. Flap Co.. 331 IxK-k st.. Cincinnati. O. San .Miloiilo, Tex. .Viiiericaii Film Serv., Stviirlly Blilp., Chicapo. led.llH-rp Jewelry Co., Ill W tlth st., Kansas DIRECTORY Wc'storn Barpaln House. 272 MadiscMi. Chicapo. j City, M.. .\tiierlcan Film Exch., Wahash BUlp., PlttslMirp CARBONS. I Film Exch., ftiu Halsey st., Brooklyn. Sinper Bros.. Si Bowery. New York City. Of Agents, Hotels, Music Publishers .Vmericait Film Seri ice. I.NS N. Main. Memphis. Harry I.. Weisl>aiiin. ili E. Msilison, Chicapo. IMw. E Cary Co., 5!i Park Pliice, X. Y. City. : .N. Sliiire Co., ’i'itt Madison at., Chicapo. |||. and Dealers in Theatrical, Circus .\in. Vitaprai>h Co., lilt Nassau st., X. Y. City CARBONS AND EXHAUSTERS. SliryiH k Tisid Co.. Sit X. SIh at., St. lemis, Mo. and Park Supplies, Alphabetically Anti Trust Film Co.. 77 S. Clark st.. Chicapo. J. H. ilalllHTp. 3<> Greenwich ave., X’. Y. City. Chicapo niiu Exch., fit* E. ltanh. Chicapo. Arranged. . Omaha; Iieiiver; Washlnpton. 1>. C.; Salt LAUGHING GALLERY MIRRORS. CAROUSELS. I I.ake City: lamisville; Xashvllle. J. M Naiipliton Co., Hotel Mayer Bldp., Pe Advertisement! not exieedinc one line in G. A. Deulwl, 3fs»l Germantown Ave., Phila. | Cincinnati Film Exch., itt W. .Nth at., Cln'tl. orla. 111. tenfth will be published, properly classified, in Cnwfird. O T., Film Exch., 1401 5 Isoilst at., LECTURER. this directory at the late of (10 for one year CARS (R. R.) ' SI. l.ouis. Mo W. S. Bush. l.’iS N. Coiieatopa st.. Phlla . Pa (SS iss'iea), provided they are of an acceptable Circus and Theatrical. H. ll.ivis, Watertown. tVls. nature. Price includes one year's subscription < .\rms Palace Horse Car Co., Munadnock Bldp., | nixie Film Exchinpe. 0«ensls>n'. Ky. LIGHTS. to The Billbotrd. Adveitisers who use in ex¬ Chicapo. III. Eastern Film Exchanpe, Wahash Teriiilnal Beacons. Torihes for Cirius and Tent Shows cess of (50 worth of spec e annually are enti¬ lliiks IsM-oiiiotlve & Car Works, '277 liearborn | Bldp . Plttshurp. Pa llolte A Weyer, '2*23 ii.‘> MIchipau at., Chicapo tled to one line free of chaise for each fifty st.. Chicapo. 111. i Edison Mfp. Co.. 1<> oth ave., Xciv York City. r. S Tent A .\wn. t'o., 17 .'si 8. IS-s|daimni. dollars. This director is revised and corrected Mt. Vernon Cat Mfp. Co.. Mt. Vernon, 111. i and tiranpe. N. J Clilcapo. HI. weekly, chanses in firm names and addresses The Venli'e Trans. Co., itrd Xatl. Bank Bldp., i Ptiin'i-a Film Ext'h., .’117 Everett Bldp . .Vkron. t> Windhorst A Co., lut N. lith st., SI. l.oiila. beinc recorded as soon as they are received. MAGIC LANTERNS. ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. Stereoptuons. Etc. Sing.-r Hri«.. si IPiwcry. .\cw Y irk City. .\tner. Vllapra|di Co., lilt Nassau at., X. Y, C. N. Sliiire t'c... i'ili MadiKiin st.. Cliicafto. HI. Chicapo Slereo|>ticou Co., M oth ave., Chicapo ADVERTISING STICKERS. GIoIm- Film S»‘rvlc«‘, 7h iH-arlsirn at., Chicapo St Uuils Sticker C<>.. MCi I'inc. St. I.oiii*. Mo. MFRS. MECHANICAL AMUSEMENT AERIAL ADVERTISERS. DEVICES. Silas J. I'linyiie. fill .Mi'l,can eve.. Clilfit(!<>. 111. .Vmerican .Vmiiscment Co., I.iidluw, Ky. .tiiicrlc.iu Box Ball Co., liilo Van Biiren at., AERONAUTS. Indiana|s lie. Iiid. Ilcliiioul Si.sicrs HmIIihmi Co.. Iti.c. Wks., 72 Broadway, X. Y. C. VHhs llonilhy lie Voml.s. lto\ TiiiV Otsc-iio. Mich. Clucinnatl Nov. Co., iikt W I5lh. Cincinnati. Chiildmek Wheid Siiinp Co.. P. tt. Ihix 1241, AMERICAN TAILORS. I Horncll. N V MeiiHitc Hro^ . HWi Hay >1 . Tonnito. Cails.. IliiihlaiKl ami liorclicstcr aves., W. F. Manpels Co.. Coney Island, X. Y Cincinnati, li. .4 J Siiilth, I.'asi W Van Biiren at. Chicapo. Stuck Novelty Co., lith and Kace Sts.. Ciuti., H>loi;ieal .Krena. Ilenver. Col. MILITARY GOODS FROM GOVERN¬ W. (Idell la'ani. San .tnlonlo. Tex. MENT AUCTION. l.ouis Kuhe. its Craiid st.. New York City. Francis Bannermau, oul Broadway. .N Y. C. Weiif. .V Mackensen. Yardley. I'a. ARCHITECTS. MOVING PICTURE CURTAIN MFRS. For Summer Amusement Parks and Theatres. : Curtalnyliiie Curtain Co., tm Ashland Bio. k. John H. Stem, sis Sinpi^r Bl.lp.. New* Y’ork Citv ‘ Chicapo. ||1 ARC LIGHTS. ' • - MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. Flanilnp Arc l.iplit Co.. .’Mi Greenwich ave.. New i Actoprai'h Co.. 5W I'nlon 8q. New York City. Y'ork City. ! Troy, X. Y. J. H. llalltHTp. .’Hi Greenwich ave.. X. Y. Cit.v. | tmerlcan Vitapraph Co.. 11*1 Nassau. X.Y’.C .Vmerican Film S.-rT., 8«‘curlly Bldp., Chicapo. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. ! .4m< rican Film hen ice, I.'»h X Main, Xlcmphls. Botanical Is-eoratlnp Co., .’till Fifth ave.. Clil’po. | .Vntl Trust Film Co., 77 8. Clark st., Chicapo Ihs-orative I’lanl Co., stto Bowery, X. Y'. C. ; Chicapo Film lixch.. Fill K. Itauilolph. Chicapo, Uiuaha; l*enver: Washiupton. Ik C., Salt ASBESTOS CURTAINS AND PIC- ; I.jke City; ia*uisvillc, Nashville. TURE BOOTHS. Cincinnati Film Kxch.. 214 W 5th. Cincinnati. C. W Trainer, stt Pearl st.. Poston, Mass. Crawford, ti. T. Film Kxch., 14**1 5 IsKUiat at., .81. I. K. 2;l*l st.i X Y C. MIZERS. Kdlson Mfp. Co.. 1«» 3th aie.. .New York City, and tiraupe. .N. J. J II. HhIIIhm'i;. ‘s'* nv«*.. N. Y. C. ' Glotw* Film Service. 78 I><-artsirn st.. Chicapo ' AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRU- ‘ llarlwch A Co., MR* Filbert st., I*hllad*'l|>hla. MENTS. I,, nets. ;«*i K. ’2:td st.. New York City. C. J. Hite A Co., ittk* .Vlonadnock BIk.. Chirspu I.von A Hi-aly. 'itk'i Wahash ave.. Chicapo, III. I I C. B. Klelne. tkli tlth ave., .New York City. Niapara .Musical Inst. Co.. N. Tonawauda, X.Y'.i ■ laiemmie FYlm Service. Hal Ijke, Chh-apo. Itu lolph Wnrlitxer Co.. Ci'icinnali and Chicapo. I « Kvanavllle, lixl.i Memphis. T<-nn.; liniaha. I’ .S. .Music Co.. lUCtu N Western ave.. Chicapo.' Xeb., Salt l.akr City; Mlniieaiadls. Xllun.. BALLOONS. 1‘ortlaiMl. Ore.; Montreal, Qih-., Can.; Winnl is-p, Man., Can. Nassala Bros., ’i’io Commercial. Boston. Mass. ' I.ake Shore Film A Supply Co.. 314 Su|wrlor X. W. Balloon Co., s.s Waliash ave.. Chicapo, HI. j l>es .VIoluea, la.; IBabealer, .N. Y . I.liwoln itiKhdiih \4’urlltxer Co., Cincinnati and Chicapo. Xeb.; Cincinnati, I*. BADGES. BUTTONS, ETC. ! Bittshiirp Cnt Hate Film Kxclianpe, .10 U-wls Block. Blttaburp. Ba Bastian Bros.. It BUM. l.'dl Nassau. N. Y C. KlM-rhard Schneider. lUO K 12th st . X Y C BANNERS. S.*lip Bolyseo|»e Co., 4.*i K. Kamlolph, Chicapo. ^ SiHillM-rn Film Kx.. 243 Main at.. Norfolk. Vs I’. .8. Tent A .4ivn. Co.. 47 53 Ih‘s|daines, .4|M>>r. *H>o. K., *42 N. (lark st.. Chicapo. 111. Chicapo 111 Stidddns. Chaa. X., 11*28 Vlaln. Kanaaa City. 4lo BILLPOSTERS’ SUPPLIES. Stainlard Film Kxch.. 78 Ih-artau-n at.. tTilcspo South. Filin Kxch.. 14*1 W. 3tb. Cincinnati, t* Chas. Bernard. IHKI Hector Bldp.. Chicapo. III. I’. S. Film Kxchanpe. 132 l..ake at.. Chlcap" BOOKING AGENTS. Y'laacofie Mfp. I'o.. 112 K Usnilolph. Chlrapo .4tlas B>s>k. Circuit, 14oi Broadway, N. Y. C. I MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. W. .8. Clevilaiid, 33.3 Knickerbocker Thealr M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. i;K*2 Bdway, X. Y". iJ MUSICAL GLASSES. BUNTING & FLAG DECORATORS.^ I. Braiineiss, 484 FIsIhiish Brtsikiyn. X Y E. M Kinft'hliT. San Francist4 NOVELTIES. CALCIUM LIGHT. | Cis-. Y’onpe A Co.. IMifi l.uras ave.. St. IsmI*. M*> Ox Hydropen Gas Manufacturers. a M * 728 South at.. Blilladeli.hla. Ba Clucinnatl Caliiiim I.ipUt C*>.. Bt.8 4tli st., Clii’t| Goldaiiillh lov Inipt Co . 122 K 4lh. Clneliinall Krker Bros., ikft Olive M.. .St. lemis. Mo. 1.1 II. 1 • flordon A Morrison. 188’2**1 K Madlaon. Chlrapo lndiaiiu|H.|is ('alcinm I.iptit Co., 110 S. Capitol^ ' FACE POWDER. tloldlM-rp Jewelry Co.. Ill YV. *1*11 at.. Kaiiss* ave.. ludianaiHilis. Iiid. stein Cosmetic Co., l.’i;*2 B’dwsv, X. Y’. C INDIAN COSTUMES AND RELICS. < liy. Mo. , Bltt.slmrp Cal. I.lpht A Film Co.. Bittshnre-. Ba. ! W H Barton. Gordmi. Nel, es Moiues. la.; Ituchvster, X. Y’., l.iiicHdn, FEATHER FLOWERS. T. . Kr«tz. Kvansvillo, In<1 FELT PENNANTS. erers and Dealera In.) Sliry.a-i l.ald Co.. 824 X SIh at . St lamia. Mo CAMERASCOPES. Holiday Xrtinp Co.. 122 K. Ith st.. ■ For Stspr Use. Aiiierlran Si'allnp Co. IS* Waliasli ave . * lilcape f S. Flap Co., 3’!l I/0<-k at.. CIncinuall. *». Cincinnati. O. N Shore < o.. 2'2II si.. Chleapo. Ill A. 11 Andn wa Co,, 174 YVahaah ave . Chlcap .Naaaala Bro-.. i^i:! Ccmmerclal. Boston. Mass. FILMS. Shry.Mk I’lald Co, *21 N. *v|li at . SI laoiia. Mol Carnic Gimdle Vlfp. Co.. ;M*7 |s-laware at.. Ka» Xewnian Mfp. (’<*.. *>41 WiKsIland ave., Cleve¬ Sii.per Bros. Si Bowery, New York <’ll). * Manufatturers. Dealers in au.d Rental Bureaus. aaa City, Mo. land. <>. Western Baipain Hmiw, 272 |; Vladlaoii, Cli’po. ] Ilanbo'lv Vlfp Co, Chicapo, III S. Si'biM'U A Sou. .'it* .Viin st.. X. City. , Vcnie Film Kxcli., tkCi Siiillliflelil, Bittshiirp. Bs. | Hoyal Metal Mfp IN... IS2I Is srlau-n. Chlcap** X. Sliuix Co.. 22<* Madisi*ii st.. Chicapo. III. j Actopraph Co., .3*1 Hiihm S<1., X. V. C.; Troy, JUGGLERS' GOODS. K H Hlafford Vlfp *N... CiTicspo. Ill Shryock Todd Co, 824 X. SIh st.. St. lemis. YIo. | X. Y. I Kdw V anWyi k. Hkk'i Biillen ave.. Clio liiiiatl, O. |I SI* cl Fiirnlliire «N>.. ilraiid Itspida. Mich ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS. Sun Trnt A Awn. Co., ft Beale, San Franclaco. A .'II lloiiil Ml . Ni*w York (,'lfjr. Tlioiiia..ii A Vanillveer, SKI I’earl at., Cincinnati, ROLL TICKETS Ji>liNiiii<-K S. tii-liliarilt, .■KCJi l.uMri'iii'c iit.,'I'lill r. S. Tent A Aivn. Co., 47-5.3 S. Deaplalnea. CARRIED IN STOCK IN (.'lilraKO, 111. ltll<-l|>lllll. I’n 5 Si lOt Sr admit ONE l.>i>ii A ll•'Ml.v. '.’o.'i WiiliaNli nvi' . ('lilraKo. III. J .1111 A S.Hi. I7h r*rk It.iw, N. V. THEATRICAL COSTUMES. CORRECTLY NUMBERED Mnifarn Miialial lii>lriiiiii>iit »'i>., N'lM-lh Tim* Till- M m. B.-rk A Sofia Co., 10-12 (Jartleld Place. NEATLY DESIGNED hhiiiIn. N. V I'Inclnniitl. (I N..rlli Mimlrnl liialriiiii).iil Worka. 4*r Co., Lumber and S**w«rd 111.. CiiiiHT <'«>., Mar.vlaiiil at . Iliifralo. N. Y. htx.. rhira^'o. HI. .Mffc'. I’o.. Il.'.n llarrlaiHi at.. ('lilraKo. THEATRICAL PROPERTIES. PAPIER MACHE. Sli'Kinan .V M’l-il. 7S M'ooater at.. X. Y. Clt.v. t'lriilial l'a|ili-r .Marti.- Wi.rka. I.'tl,'. W Watrr >t MilMiilikn-. Wla. THEATRICAL PARADE BANNERS. Chair and Table Cover* for Vaudeville Artiits. PATENTS SECURED, Ci-o. I,aiiter«-r 104 Maillaon at., CTilcaco. Ill. Kiaii' U ilkliiH Cl... ;ii't y *t.. WaablOKton It C. TICKET CHOPPERS. PERFORATED MUSIC. H. V. Bright. Strawn Itlilir . Clevelanil. •). For Electric Pianoa. TIGKET PRINTERS. I -- Mii^li- f'li . |li.'IO N \\ i-at.-m arc., i'hlcaito. Ai-kermaiin (Jiilitle.v Co.. Kanaas City. .Mo. PHOTO. BUTTON MACHINES. .4tii>-ri. .kiii.-r Mliiiiti- 1*111-10. I'o \v I2th t'hlraito Carti-r preaa. P.-hImmIv. .Maaa. i lil. iKi. l.rr..H|«; ('ll. F.-rri.l.iia. HMf.. ClilraKo. N itliifihl Tlcki-t Co.. Shaniokln. Pa. W *< Mi-iiiitr.inl ion .Malil.-ii l.anr. N. Y ('. Pioneer Ticket (V).. 722 Broadway. X. Y. C. Band. McNally A Co.. 100 .\dani-> at.. Chlcajto. ■Ta'^fnn PHOTO POST CARD MACHINES. 1ti-e* Prlntlns Co.. Bllli and Harney ata.. Omaha. WITH ORDER •■|>a.iilark" S|M.rlaltT t'o.. Iiail st Aiiin- air Xell SI la.iila. .Ml. Standard Boll Tlcketa. IHl Pearl st.. X. Y. C. |V FOR 1004)00 PIANOS. Siin Printlni: Co., ilnc.i. providence. B. 1. ■ SPECIAL OR U'elihm. M'llllanis A l/lck. Ft. Smith. Ark. W STOCK-nCRETS l'->ti|llll'll- I'lail.i ('ll., ('iilllliiliiia. II TIGHTS. r r. iii. r.. A fi> . Mm ral at . I'lillailrlpbla. Specially^^^B .Siejrinan A M'ell. 7S M'ooater at.. X. Y. City. PLAYS AND MSS. PrintedTickets Dealer! in. Autbori. Arenta and Broker*. TOY BALLOONS. Hill. Malt. *M*; M'alniil at. I‘lillailrl|ibla. I*a. Faiiltlesa ItiiblHT Co.. .Vshland. O. ♦12 foR 100.000^ I'ail.l ll.'lavri. .Still 1...ant Turatrr, \. Y C Shryia-k Tiald Co.. s21 N. Sth at.. St. Ixmla, Mo liti'k .V Klllif.-ralil. SInser Bros.. S2 Bowery, New York City. WRITE FOR SAMPIES M M'estern BarEain House. 272 E. Madison. Cli’KO. BEFORE ORDERING lOVIOENCE.ltL POP CORN. lilriilH-ritrr l‘ii|«-i>rn fo . Is.'. S.-n.r*. llufTalo. X.

    Itii'.. kh.-lni llr.r- a Ki'katrln. llarrlaon ao-1 I•.■,.r'a ata . rhirai;... POPCORN MACHINES. BAND M / 1.1.Hi:. ITJ lIlKh at.. SprlngOrlil, tl. PORCUPINES. I.i-ii.-. Klliit North M'alrrforil. Me POST CARDS FOR SLOT MA- ORGANS CHINES. Kuppl.r r.) .-us iMartr.iTi. ('hlraRo. Ill Send for our New Big Catalog of PRESS CLIPPINGS. Iliirr. II. a l‘r. aa ('lip. Iliirraii. 4.'. I^afayette St.. MechsuiicalPianos Circus Organ* Standa.

    Ack. rmann gulgley I.ltho Co , Kanaaa City. Mo AlV n Sh-« Print. Bailroad are.. Beverly 'la«a Antefirnn Sh-'W Print Co . Mllwankee VYl* |a.ii*l.*..-1. I.ltho. Co Xewia rt. Kv. tj-vit M' Prig Co . r.1.1 F.lm at.. St Ixmla. Mo • ..lie Show Printing Co. 22.'.7 .Mlaalon at.. San Franola<-o. Cal llenii.'knn A Co., sth near Main Cincinnati. O Irafe-la \*l.ntlne Co. 2S.'. 13lh at.. San Fran c:- e. Cal PRINTERS. Of Theatrical Letter Headi, Contract* and Pro¬ gram*. t^iir, h Printing t o , 4n: Kim at.. Cincinnati. O. Il»-nn.-g.iu A t'f- . sth near Main. ('Inclnnatl, O. PRINTING PRESSES. Ml!, n. .t Prtg Preaa t . PM ('r.llv blk . Ch g. I/H Orchestrions ROLL TICKETS. Nickel-in-the*Slot I-ik-r. B.froti Co., sth A Svcam-»re, Cincinnati. Nati-mal Ticket Co . Shan-okfn. Pa ... Ticket Co 722 llroadwai. X V City mMajestic Pianos, Pianettes,&c siin Printing Co tine i. Prov|.|ence. R I. Suitable for Tent Showa; Side Shows, Arcade* ROSECAKE MOLDS. Nickel Theatres, Cafes, Roller Skating Rlnki and all Amusement Places. Send for cattUog ■4 I Iflet*. 127 Michigan »t . o It’s full of Information, and our piicea are th* ROUGE. lowest in America on Musical Instrumeota or 'I Sl. Ill Cnametic ('• . I?xi2 ICw ay. N' V. C. high grade and uniiaestioned durability. ••SAYSO" CONE BAKERS. LYON O HEALY ■' T lil.ti. 127 Michigan at.. Tnicilo. I> Prairie Dogs 44 Adame Street, Chk SCENIC PAINTERS. M'hich wo purchavxl of yc-u came In good con And Dealer* in Scenery, Etc, dition and have prnvi-*rk. 'Iliey are a great curiosity iu this I.nk. I..11 Art Co .'altC. X 27lh. Omaha. Xeb part of the country, and It would be hard to find small aniii.als that would take their place In the lii ' "li"''* ^ ■ SteiilM-n favor of the piavple. O. M. CCSTER. Mgr.. ll -aarl Tntfle. .'erj iT,h at . Milwaukee. M'la. Barlier* Park. B*liow* Falls. Vt. J-hn llerfnrili 21H.1 Il..m. -t.. Cincinnati, o. >*■■11- S,-.iilc Sliidl... .■(.■fil Sfr»iii..r.. -.t.. Colum M’o'll ii^c you just as well. ,411 animals accllmatfsl iqiiilo an It.-ml Perfectly healthy animals at low cost FLINT’S FKAIHIE DOG Y'oiir StK-clal Ticket. i>rlnled both side*, and FARM. Naith Waterford, Maine. every roll giiarantt-ed:

    50.000 . 16.60 100.000 . 10.00 500.000 . 35.00

    FOR RENT Reduced rates to large buyers. Strli- Ticket* and oouiMin bks. Cash with order. LYRIC THEATRE ALWAYS *pply Houck's Opera House CV). Office, Peoples Theatre H'dg.. Cincinnati, t hio THE . . .

    SIDE SHOW SUPPLIES. Three River*. Michigan. Sept. 7, 8. 9 and 10. STREETMEN, N.-P-ii s CiigHHell Pl.acr. Xortli Cam M.xt- M'.vXTFI* Fr-'e altraclions. F'or privileges and coiKs-sslons. address 1*. P. M.XJOU; for free SIGNS. altraotions, a-ldts-ss fl .\BK I’OTTKB. The tv-st ATTENTION ! ! l.I.eiri. Sign c.i , i.'ai Atlanllc ave.. Fair In Sonthnestern Miehigan. .Ml coms-ssion- Large Folding Parasols with Per. file C|l>. N .1 er» made money last year. ant i.rlntfsl to your ord.-r Big ■ trie sign I .. Ctt |; Van Buren Cbleago. money. Send for deserititlve mat¬ '• Sh-.i- CIS Sitininit .St Toleib- t* ter to R. 6. Huntinghouse Cotillion ' ' ' l"2 Franklin at . Cbleago. 111. The Theatrical Lawyei Wks., 513-515 Larrabee at.. Chicago. SKATES. ' ■ 111 B-4ler Bliik Snpi-lv Co , Kaii.luskv. t). EDWARD J. ADER Thirty-Eighth Annual Big Ill r- Skat.- Mfg. t o |laltluior<-. Md. 108 LaSalle St.. Chicago, III. ' A B-rr.v Si.rliignel.l. .Mass B..ll. r Skate Co . 2V. F MadUon st.. Practice In all stale and 1'. .s. Court: CONSULTATION FREE.

    MOVING PICTURE FILM FOR SALE; fine ovui PORTLAND, IND., August 30, 31, Sept. 1, dition. SIO to J'Jft a ns-1 Over Its* nvls to 2, 3, 1909. The Jay County Fair has led Worei-a M-leet from. F. SCHAEFER. 1610 N. Second St., Philadelphia, Fa. for thirty-eight years. -

    I I I . . tfae St. Jatnei rcceDtly with the followlac cant; .Iral. with which Shatyyeaie waa so cloaely as- dir; that few American play a find iranalalloit *.s-iat.-d and where wr many of bla caolrmp.s- In tbe Russian; still, there are a few which do. lAIUllQU ijCllCr f,.l(.n.-l Smith .Ut>or*e Alttxander ariea an- hurlevl. It iw Ibla church also that an.l then, there la the principle at slake. I ... !•> . Ailiulral Grloe .William Kanvn tl-e HarvanI Chapel waa erected by tbe alumni ContlDut-a from rag.- Id.. W.III...1. .Vivian IG-ynold. of Harvard lu the oaemory of their f.niu.ler, OSCAH HAMMERSTEIN HERE. Ui>l» rt Tarvor .Kvelyn Beerbohm vvti.ea- baptism t.sdt place within Its walls Tbe u|M-ra slngera helougliig tu the Hammer •t .ViiK-rirani ;n th*- audit nee who bad come to JauicH KaleigL .Erncat Theaeiger atelu fop-ea lu New York are Juat reluming i.'t•t r and encourage their ciHintrywoman, but Henn Steele .Reginald Owen fr.mi their season on the other side "Whv^e's ih'- KngliaU element wanwa« jll^tJ^I^t aa enrhualaatlc. .Martin . .Henry Kitta Hauimv-rsteluT" one artist ask.-d, "He ought to •Vt time* they loitketl (tuzz.eil when aomeune tvlla Karadav .Irene Vanbrugh Im- c. HU lug over s.svn " made uae of aome phraae or i>lece of *Iang that Madge U.» kingham .I.ydla Blllbiooke Paris Letter "Huh." was the reply, "you singer* are al new to them, but never for one inntant IMitlN Karatlay .Altbea Kranclea Haniiiierslelu's been here three .laya, already." lid they loae buhl on the play and at tbe end Km lyn Trencbard .IhMOthy Green iCuiitiuiKsI fr.iiu page 11! . Which was |H-rfev-tly tme. 1 saw blui several of each act and at tbe final fall of tbe cnrtaln day* ago at (be Marluelll Agency here, busy tl! f.TT tat. wllti Russia, of roursi-, the hig tbe rntbu«la*m of Itolh Americana and Kngilab iH-ft rippling humor la tbe keynote and even aa cuul.l In-. Imiklug toward the uext season. waa unbounded And the preaa noticea next day the tune of tbia comedy and although it la winner atlll. He la u.'g.dlatlng with several new artlata. the w.-re ju»t a* entbu*ia»llc. ^ Miaa Stahl aeema to rather lii the Barrie vein I dotiSt very much Baul Hervleu. president of the Society of iiaiues of w h.HU I will pr.dMhIy Is- lu a pualtl'Hi Authors and CumiKiser*. told me: t|>|M-al t<. tlH- ordinary' Kngllahman in a way whether that |K>pular idavrigbt could have done to sniiiHiuce avsHi that I rvm. mb.r few American actreaaea doing it aa well. CoPmel Smith la the mythical lover "When 1 beard of tbe action of tbe Houma, and in thin w.ek ahe baa become one of the mvenl.-tl by Celia Karadav to enable ber to I could scarcely bv-lieve my ears. It was all VAUDEVILLIAMB IM EUROPE. fav.adtea of tbe town. She heraelf la more than g,.t down off the ahelf of old maldlam.” She to contrary to the sense of tbe recent meeting "So gud So got IJtst a wi-ek. which you .lelighled with the warmth of ber reception, In Kerlln. Tbe action there was taken undvr i> the eldest of three dvugbtera, the aecond of know Is a big sum fur a vaudeville performer niid her company, who aeem extraordinarily de- wboiii ia already married and the youngeat Juat tbe eyes of the otltcial .lel.-gales Russia, over here." vonat to hi'r. are Ju*i aa pleased. Barring accl- engageil—or. rather, provlaloually engaged, for who sanctioned every move made. But I am Vine hears this remark freayuently lo Europe ■h-nt- 1 think The Chom* l.ady will fill the her atern parent haa made hi* eonaent coodl- not without hope, for 1 iK-lleve a remevly will lo Baris It is only too common. For l-'raoce Vauilevlile for tbe rest of tbia season. tional ii|>oo ber lover. Travera, win- soon l>e found, and It la hard to conceive that ran not offer much tu the vaudeville performer, But in this respect I am sorry to be unable ning the Lumley parliamentary election. Ce41a our allies will iM-mitt rohls-ry with gov¬ eltln-r tyi the way of .lai.-» or salary. Barts Is to *ay the aame for The fievll, produced at the has already, by universal consent of the family ernmental aanctloD, and s.uue action must s.sxi France, au lu s|s-ak, aud wheu BarU la dune Adelphl last Saturday. The present adaptation circle, b«'en put upon a niche, a* the conven- Im* taken to set aside the itouma's decision." with an act. Marseilles will pruhahly take It on i« ti> Heury Hamilton and one can only say tlonal angel In tbe bousebe ' whose unfailing kind- .Mbert Carre, president of the .\ss.s-iallun of fur two weeks: l.yvMis one; llunleaux. one. thai In hi* efforts to turn out an actable play neSH and a<'lf'aacriflc« everybody takes for Hirectors, waa vehement In bis denunilal lki of he ha* utterly failed. The play from beginning granted. But arriving home one evening ahe and after that there Isn't very much doing. In tbe sctlon of the Russian governmeul. He de (iermany, the situation Is .(Ulte a deal belter, TO end 1* vulgar In the last degree and 1 hope has an inspiration. She announces ber engage- clar»-d that Ler.-lofore, ovit of alnKit one hundred and Austria offers some little rncoursgemeut, 11 will le a long time before we lee another nient to Colonel Smith, who has Juat sailed with dramatic writers, ninety five sulwlsted on profits but vHherwlse. Eurvqs- Is a had .-gg fur the av- -Iich proliictionIiroliictioo on the I.oadonI.nndon atage.stage. What In- the Somaliland Field Force. Her plan la to ma.Ie from translations nia.le from the French. erigc V amlevllllst or variety isrrformer. a* •er,■^t w a* to be fmind in the particularly dla tm him off before he returna to emharaa her by G.-riiixn and English. Th.- other fiv.-. wh.> ac¬ they ap-. of c.sirse, calleil here agreeable tory written 'round a particularly a notice in tbe otiituary columns of the news tually created dramatic literature, never lost (•ettifogging ^li-pbiatopheles was merely that of pa[H-ra. Strangely enough, tbe mythical lover lo In Baris, there la but iHu- real vaudeville sight of tbe Intematiisial c.>|>yrlght laws and bouse, as the term Is uuder*| In tbe l'iilte.1 < rhormigbl) commonplace and aonlld Intrigue tb.- background invests Celia with a new cbnriu profited thereby. Ge.u-ges lic-omte. pre*lden! ■«»mtnctew flutter around her any move with the theatrical managers an.l time t 1 time come up for dlacusaloo In tbe dl- like moths 'psind a caudle. Then she judges III Eiiglsn.l At all ..tiler Hw-atre*. ellmliial dramatists, to Induce tbe Minister of F-.relgu .*rce .’ourt* itf the scanty audience present, that the projier moment for an obituary notice- lug o|s-ra bimI .Irainallr house*, revues lake the Affairs In tVance t.i s.-.-k to l.rlng iInhiI a iH-tter thosi- who w.ri- not shorkevl sjient most of the has come. But there ba|i|>ens to have been a place of P-giilar vaudeville, such, for Instaocr. ron.litioD of affairs 'IniH V awning b<-avilr in a state if the most real Col. Smith in Somaliland, and a letter, as .Hie at tbe Folles llerg.-re. the Eldorado. Just at pres»-nt the visit .>f Russian artists ■ Hii|ili'fi* iHvreili'm. whirli. to koep up apiM-aranc^s, she had been Mnvilln Rouge. Eur..|s-ao. lilympls. aiut so on for a month of Russian .qvra at the Theatre forrvM to write to bim. baa been delivered to .kt Ib.-se places there are a numtier of vaude- Cbatelet. Is ts'lng .llscuss.-d. and. In fart, tbe vllle acts Inserl.-d here and there. Imt the w. mbleyl'ark .m-of ll.e finest site* available »l-c gentleman. He iww appean on the scene dates have already Isen a 1111 .hinee.I. S.> great 1* whole thing Is belli l.nretber by a . borua, which near Kondci for .an amusc-ment Bark is to be 1* J ' of lu th.- Interest taken in the Houma's action that enters fre.pienlly an.l s*-l*l* In caricaturing -...^ •;•>■>} In May as a park and amuiwi^nt . ^eant to "pull her leg" a little, but. it is thovight that It will serlou»ly iff.-ct the IMTSoiis pr.Hiilnrut In tbe imldlr eye *r the mo¬ engagement. ;;L7"tbelV"' res‘rrrer;now"*":tKl‘‘Tnni^^^ ment. .kt 'lbe rlP|iies. one likewise sees genu right off." Much amusing business follows be- The Ijiw of .Nations *leps In now and then, inelv clever vaudeville turns. Init here. In place 'idc shows of a high order are being institutevl. twwn tbe two at croaa purpo*i'* until tbe happy preventing hap|H-nings that would lie contrary of the cli.mis and revue work, there are regu¬ V higti cla** roller *kating rink is being laid denouement, when they fall Into each other's to its principles. This law is tbe watch-d..g of lar cirrus features clowns an.1 all lown and ampt< lining and refresliment accom- arms. "Bobble's" chancre In the election has. the rights of nxtlons. and it strikes me that 'nialation ha* Iso-n prttvlded. A novel feature But. a* 1 have said, a vaudeville |s-rfurmer however, begun to look very blue, but Col. right here Is a jdace wh.-n- thi* c-sl.- *h-sil'l will b<‘ the Institution of a standing camp of ran .-xis-v-t s* a sup- a salary considerably I. . .Jo... u ,0-11.0 ^ Smith saves the situation with a brilliant coup. make Itself plainly fi-lt. If an .Vmericau lu' Is-I.iw what he -* caysihle of earning In the xrrsnges a runaway marriage iM-tween B.i Russia ovvneil a factory, ami the Russian gov¬ l'nit<-d .HlRte*. What Is the reas.Hi? Tbe an •f gnwnd wUh a B * »*>PP'y bie and his sweetheart two days liefore the elec. ernment willfully ili-stroye.1 It or c.MiIlsiateil It. - given fre,- of charge to the territorial regl , ‘ , swer Is .-.isv Tliere Is Bh*.diitely no .-.diealoo tion. and. of csturse, Bobbie heads the poll for lieeaiise the owner t.. Im- a forelgnei, wtiatev.r ts-lwei-u the b-Hise* where vaudeville iiieiit*. Another feature of Interest Is that a "tbe British publicnubile is permanently and tn- the Cnlted state* wniiUI mighty .juickly *e. Is offrr.*l. In the States and In England there 'lie (light of jeroidanes. b> which special bcMia- , to It that Russia g.svl ev.-ry --.-nt of the are "chain*" .w "circuit* " One tss.ktug con Gts.rge Alexander played the name part with '.iig vcconTinoilatlon Is being located. Wembley liwa to It* eltlien. .\ suhje<’t of Great Britain' rern will furnish the attractliHis for a circuit. his accustomed virility and Irene Vaiibnigh's Bark Is situated In lovely country about ten would likewise In- lu-otectcl hv bis g-.v.-rir. an.l a is-rfiMUier might Is- thus t-nahle.t to his,k acting as Celia wouhl have made any play a mile* from the heart of i.oiidon and with the ment: .h- a cltlien of France, or a subject <.f *.dld with .Hie *.guatiire aim.sit. This makes success. The other parts bad been carefully ••\rerdb*nal railway facilities for reaching It. the Kai*.-r. ..r of .klphonso Her.-, then, vv.- |HR.*lbIe a regular uiaxlmiim salary (nH- week indirl.lualized and tbe comedy went with a ter¬ 'here should be a *ucceasful season before It. have the »|M-ctacl.- of the Russian g.ivernment* In France, there I* P-ally l.ul iHie agency .lotnc rific swing from start to finish. - a.-tiiallv r.ddting the eltlx.-ii* of all nth.-r na ♦ 4* a heav y business, sud Its manager . .Htfl.levt to tion*. |H-rmilting the stealing of valuabl.-* Th.- me that outs.lie of Baris the tPHilde -.f t*s>klng Tl.e ColiscMim has lieen giving a great show Ttiere have Iteeii great doings at the Sb.vkes uati.Hi* of tbi- wtirld .Might to cinl.lm- an.l cm acts wa* niiH-e annoyance than it was worth Chi* vv.-ek, F'r on.- thing, Ruth St. Denla. js-are celebration at Stratford on-Avon this ‘ pel Russia lo .l.> the right thing, .kn's* and That m.wt of b‘« linsui*' w.,* the .vle~e dancing < aii*e.l 'UCli a *.'Bsatlon at the vven-k. The fliwst of English Shakespearian act play is Just as much hi* pr.iM-rly a* v' I'nlti*! States and England tiermany taking ■*.'ila la*t .vear. I* :it>|earing. and G.sirge All. or* were all there to pay homage to their master, of ch.-ese is a grocer'*, .knd he .sight ■ ■ -.wn' the liiHi's *hap .hi tli.- ('..iitlii.-nt S-nne day. ■-vltii 111* cn'mpanv. is also prv*«.nting a nvmedy an.l n-iuvseiitatlves from almost every country , It. an.l t«. protecte.1 In his .iv.ner*hl|. in .-v.-rv |s-rha|>*. k..m.- Fr.-uch .kno-rl. sii. with a knowl >ct rall.'.l ■ Bspa's l*av v»ff. , This time George in the world were there to acknowledge the[ covintry on tbe globe * not a but a* "Tlge." the Insi-parable com- vv.u-ld's ilehl to the gn-at poet. Few who hearil plge of wi.rklna cuodiil.Hi* in Isvih .kmerira and ..snl.m of that Buster Br.wii. whose exploits it will forget the graceful and eloquent speech1 .ks the is against the autb.vrs in theV Ibis country, will organlz.- uto a circuit vaude vre ni«t a* famous here as on your side of the of Whitelaw Reid, the American Ambassador• t'nlte.l Stans, as vv.-ll as lli.we ..f other .-..tin vllle houses In Franci- *n.1 IsMik arts around It* svat.r Til.. is-rfiM-mance of Ruth St. Dv'nls Is and the same may be said of the fine tribute> ' tries, they might take a hand. It Is true, theyr entire length Then It will be seen that sal ■artlcularlv r.'frv*Iilng after the various forms paid by FVvrbes RolH-rtson at Southwark Cathe- might think the game was not worth tbe ran arles. Instead of deisudlng this week upon tbe 'f fr.-ak Uucing t.i which we sre becoming '.nur.-d Sh.‘ ha* m.-aning method and knowl- In her first nnuib,’r she gives the famovis Indian tempi.- .lance In which she en- ^ i,- SELL WITH ONE HAND—MAhE CHANGE WITH THE OTHER ■l.'.vviir* t.> >.\;ir-'* hv si.l of symbolic action S I .11.1 ni'isi. . th.- fact that the gratification of . I / I ’ll., five si n*.-' I.ruig* no satlsfacthm but on tbe I / JA I '.n'rary --mis in -lespalr and -larkness I i I

    Ih.' .-|■l..» t.. M.iud .\IUn in the Br.vv- I \ li^^ I luces Is -tlil .'Bii'ing US aniusemeut lierv* In I \ * 1 M town and at the sam.- time making the Job of A I M her pi*-** agent almost as insecure. The latest W .levelrq.ment is that although she is not allowed t-> ap|>-ar In Manchester, she will he seen at w I g fw S.slfor.l. Now in matter* i>t art. refinement and JL/1 1 1 I ^ Book Strip Tickets *11 thing* classic. Manchester l.svks down on , _ _ •**lfor.l a* existent although they are prac- “TME “OIMC-IHAriO” TIO^CET " -"v .>n,- .‘snuiiinlty. .k ditch called V JL £ a h,- Irwell. 1* ilie iMWindary line between them, AS FAST AS HARD TICKETS NUMBERING -.lit were It n.vt f.,r the fact that till* is of SAFER THAN ROLL TICKETS PERFORATING ncl.vlly state.1 t.i t.e the dividing line no one ^ STOCK .Hild'ever kn.'w vv!i.-r.- Manchester left off and ■ JKtfi s ■ CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST SIZE *«lf<«-.l l»gsn. Til.- Victoria Theatr.-. where I \ V- Y \ I PERFECT Mi*s .\llan 1* to ap|H-ar Is ten minutes' tram I ^ -L -sj A \ I WRITE FOR SAMFLCS AND RRICCR 'Ll- from th. center of Manchester, so the I Wl \ I -ituatl.m i* thus rstber like that of adjoining I 1 I 'Tate* w her*- -sic 1* probihition and the other I \ I s not. an.l if voii want to get Intoxicated you I A I WELDON, WILLIAMS & LICK lust CPIS* the horiler. Saturally half Man a X /• /, 1 ~ I -li.-ster 1* hcseiglng the box-.dhee and Maud .kl ~ 9 fl J ^ E MINNEAPOUS. mauager w.-ar* a 'mile worth going a MIMN. FORT SMITH. ARK. sig way t-i s.-e

    1 saw John I'alvin Brown, die profirietor »t Ih- Whit.- t'lty, Manchester, a* he was passing “A Worldwide Circulation” •hpsirh l.- n-l-Hi -hi his way to Nancy this week. THE LONDON It-- te-ems 1)11:1.- p-cov.-p-.l n..vv fp.m his reo-nt Entablished 1837. M1n--«« and fPMU what Ih* tells me lie anticipates V grest *. '-e-n for the White City this year. Bar an.l sway the largest amusenient center In i;p-at I'.ritain it ha* n.vw .-*tahlisbe(l Itself as The gp-at r-'.-rt ..f the town Itself and tbe out- MUSIC HALL ;.ving .li'trl't int.i the bargain Gp-at pre- la tba recognised organ of Vaudeville Artists througbonl tbe world. Americana vtalllng In Isoiido* ti.-n* sr.- now -m fur the o)venlng early will find a fiiemlly welpime at 14 lelceater Btreet. W C. NEW YORK OFFIBEB. I» W Twenty in M:iy an.l every Inillcatiun jH>int* to an ex- EnRland’* Leading Dramatic and Mu¬ tr iiicly »ucce«*fiii o a-sHi. It is exj-ect.-d that fourth Street; Trleiibone 1772. Madison Bquare. rh.- gp-*t "Fip- Show" will take the North of sical Journal. Recognized standard K.nglsn.l by -torm. At Nancy. Mr. Bp.wn Is the .k Si'.'iil.’ Kht-il.llstinii'iit, ea) shle ..f U Ing <*.nslriirl.'d Into I-HiceV'ionaiP- -.f tin- amusement side an.l authority. Most elaborate news serv he fells me that lu- ha* prepared some gp-at ices, covering all departments of the lef' for the delectation of tbe French ptihllc. A- IVIotiori Picture Studio H-- hopes to fix matters .-vt Nancy and th.-n g.-t Kuropt-an amusement profe.ssions hack In time to *»•.• that all g-ws w.-ll for th.- •jinixThi ft. with ll.t’tHi s.iiiare f.-.-l ..-liar f..r .lark pm.iiis. el.- I *,*1 t.y Ih.- F.ll*.'n I'o l.'t ■vpenlng at Manch.*T.-r Rest avlvertising metlium for all Ku- the "Batsifal" Itliii. (I.P*.'. ft.) an.l .ilhers. I'b|ibI.I.- artists If .h-sln-.l. .-v. n ra.-lllly f..r (Milut lug harkings. Blot of groiiiHl S <-lly lols HIrectly .i|>|s.slle el.-valisl R It stations fp.iii the 4* rope Tin: I:K.\ RlTIJ>l\ssllilllttes of this E. J, BRITTAIN, Smith l.y -k E. \V Ma'-.n was |ir

    III*/ iiKl n*-«t Itr StranB^-ra. Tlie author found bia theme for the Grace Hazzard. with her act. Five Feet of tli<- Horitraui iiiaaiKcr, may l#r mt^r- drama in tbe Auatrlan lawa coocemink tbe Comic Opera. Is the head line number at the 'iH-ral. »iil lia«f a inailuium. alatlcMiarj bgnr*. Berlin Letter rikhta to cltlxenabip. wbicb affect tbe lower -Miles Theatre thia week. Collins and Hart, riM- t,frfi#rtii*T'a datfa Mill r<4l lnt>-r<-at b>-rr Id tbla |i<,pular forni ‘ft to an Auatrlan villake. where it la planned to •rferaa. Strauaa tiliuM lf deeiarea be bad taken pliony Orch. stra. compoaed of twenty-five local iDiiw-ui>‘bt. )ual aa aurt-l; aa It liaa lioof It In dflie out all “atra'kera.” meanink tbooe who musicians, each a ►killed soloist, la tbe ape- no notice of tlie matter aod did nl af»,DB numbers on the bill. Including Creo. A’li' riian aiMl KriKll*l> B< t* bxw at Ihv to vacate bla pn-mlaea and la unable to find matter. It la recalled that tineeebl. wb'** opera The Idol’* Eye. a one-act drama. i» the head t.iull*' I'alatr arr Willl Arbra Trio, iiiuairal turo, *aiHlri waa kl'en wltb kreat aueceaa at line number at tbe Princess. The Four Ben aD Marab lirriibardt. bt-forr tbr d<-atb of klazier la unable to find lodkluka f',r bia fam- (•reaeaied tbe latter after tbe perf'irmance of farewell concert at tbe Metropolitan Opera «ar,0 ilv. eviction is ordered and while tbe belonkinka Sabmie aa a tok,.n of hi* deep admfratlim. tbe House. Snuday afternoon. May 2. The Band tbc l‘b ‘'f Jraouc (t'Arr. Sarl«^'«', fruui biui. an lmp>mal- xeiidarmea. the Mayor's arm attack* rme of the o|e ra *erv Intefeatlbk «n-au zeiidannea aod la killed. hi* iwcheafra noticeil the ie-,fre f|l,lte ,,ften In bad. ta oiak*- tbr |>la> f'lr Urf 'flila will b« 'jo*- of The drama ehowa tbe unmiatakable irmptom* III* handa. All Tbe*e tbinir* ar*- «tuJte ea*lly and Chrrlotte Parry. Is this week's headliner at b^r f'CtbciKiiliiK bruluctloiia of bavink been written under tbe influence of mtiirally etplained. but the Italian paje-f* bare the Orpbeiiin Theatre. Laddie Cliff, the Eng¬ th- roralera Verlit-achool. but It acored a de¬ taken them up and try to create tbe Imprea- lish music ball favorite. Is a close second. Mab‘>o l.•'•''aut ba Tbe The 8i?otf Trio, a IIS's! organization, are worttij of tbi- fani>- of b<-r naiuv i'orto-Kirli* of the «eTeraI character* by the splendid en- tb'eikbt that a Kihard Straue* ab>*ld lay headliner* -it the Dewey Tlieatre for the flrgt la ibaoc a |>la> In arrar. wltb brr aa tba rrs- -emble of the r>eut*che Voika Theatre. handa tip,,n the lotellertual pr,»tiertT of an ab- week of Slimmer vaudeville. tral ' banw-tcr ll•■DrJ^ Itatalllr la dulni; aDotb*r, aiaiilely uokn-iwn Italian,.’ i* too ab- Tommy. Take .Me Out to Forest Park, is the Id pf'iM- wbirb Mill Im- ac-an orit araaoo at the *iird t , deaerae further ■'D>.deration Tliat tbe title of a new and pt.pulir aong composed by Atb-Di'a- aod K‘rfM-rt d» Fl••ra and CMlllaaet ar» MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. Italian preaa could aerl<*»lf take up this fbor- ■Mr. ThfKna.a Sigiirdsain. a young local musi¬ fi( “4t a blair wltb tbr aacuc brroina. Kur- oukhly cblldlab affair 1* kreatly to le* re- cian. to be sung at the opening of Forest Park. fiwt ba» wrlltcD aootlwr. ao tbc brroltia of rretted.” William inHitrick Is tbe feature of the bill tb*" al>bc |•r••«•••t Mill aurrix b»- rt-uirtoberrd In The I i-.*e rrf tbe rek'ilar winter ami aprink St The Gem Family Theatre. BEETHOVEM A FHEHCH DBAMA fbearrical season baa occurred, and tbe many rran<>' The Cameraphone .Attraction at the Isis The i-mployea of the ofiera hou*e« are preparlnk ♦ Ihne Faocboi*. an auUior in I'an*. who ao itre for the w|H^I I. Alaloo f'W Iba fr* sninroer vacations, or have already left far bad ntd become ktecau to anyone but bla Carlisle. The I«ls al«o has several Interesting tlnia la-.Ilk f’’T two |M-rf< rman'-ra aba to Join tbe circuae*. carnival companie* and oolj .mtnediate circle, auddetily kilned fame tbroukb film*, a new [s>pular «ong. and eontinue* to tent *la,w* of other -r.rt*. The park* are friit,-*! t'aaitll*' hi- drama, plcturlnk the l.fe and airrowt of draw well. hurrylnk chinge* and improvement* frit the ♦ Ileetboien. tbe kreate«t .-.f all tbe kreat moal- The Unique Theatre is undergoing renovation ,\ai -T;a' tba *.* to la- baard from tba Kua ■'omink aeaariD. May 22 will mark the open- I I ill* The work, written in -plendid rerwe. waa and redecorating. Large electric light* are a ab >|a-rallr artlata wboa aocacaffiaat liacina ink of Fireai Park and the Twin City Wonder¬ bri*klit o*it at the tplei* and acorvd an Instan- being snpplled. RODERIC STE. FI.EURE May at tba Cbatalat ara Iran la Tarrlbla. tatieoii* hit. It would be wr«*k. bowerer. to land Perk. Tbe Minnetpoll* Park Board ba* T*;.- I’rlDo- la»r Kuaalan and l>f.'dmlla. l/f ('a- la.i tbla aucceaa at the feet of tbe dramatic taken charke of all city park*, makink a rad- nib* d'Arjiida t’lao|Mtra. I.aa Hylpbldaa I>a taiwer ift the jva-t. the Ih-etboten by Fraocbolf cal chance In the manakcment of I.ake Har Faat.b and idbar pb-aa* Tba art ala will In la ratber a aucceuaion of t*illiant atake pic- rtec Park and .Minnehaba Park, tbe former MONTREAL, CAN. rluda Falla l.ltrlDDa. I.yd a l.ipknraka. Kllaa- tiirea, a(i|eodid'y acted. ao*l Ibe keneral Intereat havink hitherto been maoaked by J. H. Esch- t*lb |•atrank•• Fad..r Cballapln. Itimltti Smir In Beatijoven miulc. which )ii*t now exl«tt In man. and tbe latter by Harry Green. Look- The Rums-Johnson fight pictures at Hla .Ma¬ fellow Z-*Iokicai and Botanical Garden*, at D<>tf Alaaandaf I>a\id>*tf. Haalla Itamaaff. Vlad I'arl*. f‘*Dd in tbe new drama aatlirfactloo jesty’s drew- well among those who have aport- Imlr Kaal.*ak> amt Kaaila Cbarnoaff M nnebiha Falls, will remain under tbe man- ink blood in their vein*. esjM^ially tbe sterner + GERM AM THEATRE IM AMTWERP acement of K. F Jone*. who baa made *ev- sex. Malta Koa,'Dtbal. after a protraatad ata^naa ’n»e Flemi*b Hientre in -Vnfwerp. Nether • ral a-ldltion* and kiven the park a thorookh The Francals bad a good bill In Sherlock from (‘alia baa klrab bla Brat cmaart at tba landi. recently Cnlabed with booda fnrniabed by overhanline Vxmleville will prevail at all Holmes and well presented by the Cummings Kail d-a A(r.rultur«-a Ha ivtuma to tba I'nltad the city, hat no far not hroukbt In a penny. theatre* and part* Stock Company, to g'ssl husinee*. State* tha latter part of Ma.« He war loud In To chiinkc tbla onwelcome rtate of affalra. It The Itewey Theatre will follow tbe lead of The Princess had In Gay Xew York Bnr- Ida pralM- -..f American audieoraa and br llkaa liaa been decli|e>wad if forty aoncarl* will bekin at I'e'th birthday of Iffland. the kreat German 2G the *tronc-at stock company ever seen here, Kallmef and Brown, do turns that are worthy of notice. I'hlladWpbla Norambar 111 trakcdlan. and will off. r a line of the newest plays. The Casino had a good vaudeville bill with + di— Widow, a i-oe act playlet by the Ger- J. H. Esebman. who for the pa*t five years the usual good huaines* Jan Kiiebllli ta> kl'en a eeriea of three ra i: an dramatlat t.udwik Fnlda. waa a few daya ha* had the exclusive soft drink. Ice-cream clta.* her,- He made a traiueoiloua Imprewloo The Cameraphone ha* adiled moving pictures s2u kiven at tbe Vienna Burk Tbeatre and re- and eatable* privilece* at Lake Harriet Park, and songs to an already gi-od bill of talhing f i'*d by tbe amlience with hl*ae». has leaseil the privilekea of all lunche* and loiiimn. a play In four acta by <,ii>taTa pictures. Herr Rainer S:mona. director of the Vienna «oft drink* at F'lceat Park for tbe comlnk *ca- fliilcbea and Francola ila \ii.i. baa Ipaeta prea. The electric house* have only done a fair 'olk*oper." hit n-a kned. Hi* aucceaaort are *oo. Mr. Ett'faman baa always been Identified duf^al at tbe l^■^le Saint Martin It i* a ro bn«ine*«. a* weather condition* were anything M-’•iricb Gottlnkor. for yeara director of tbe with hikh'Cla** amusement parks ami Is full.v mantle p|,ee and deal* with aM|,|.nti>e; er to reat Ihrlln reipoit* a new Amer.can -uccea*. Gua C'^d house* The Jobnson-Bum* flikbt pic¬ for a while at her rllla. ' Harmoola " Hera i-v K« d,er » ■danc,-li-eretta.'' The I'pper Ten ture* Mill be produced at the Metropolitan J. H. RHODES’ SUCCESS. tba hr,-, re* of tS>e Mediterranean reach b* r and Tbix’-aod. civ.-c at tbe M,-tropole with Madk** from Thursday to i^aturday of thi* week. br M:.» wbea alw la aebiiliiled to coma to l.. — .nk ami Fred Wrk«t ;n tbe leadlnk rdea. The Bijou Open Hou-e ba* atarted It* sea- The second season of J. H. Rhode*’ manage¬ far • *ti< . ci-a-t* to l»- kCeatlT rafre«li.*> «<-ored a veritable triumph Tbe action, what *oo of *umm*r viudevllle. ebankink the vau¬ ment of the Empire Theatre. .Albany. X. for liftl, theee 1* of It 1* laid in N’*w York. Tbe deville act* Sindvy* and Thumday*. and the the Columbia Amusement Company, ended May •nil'll- danc.-* a'jd r ~riime* are way ataive film* dally. The theatre Is enJoy;nk a nice A. This season has seep a succession of crowded critici'ir. T.'.i 'Uitiiiit-r vau(le\illi‘ i>oIic.v \aa> bu'in-**. The headliner for the entire week houses, testifying to Mr. Rlvsles’ able manage¬ VIEMKA ITEMS loauk'irateu at the Maji-atic Tteatra. l“iTih .Vin :* Mile. Mabel and Her Trained Animals. ment and personal popnlarity. t>oj. \ J .\prll Tlia Ma)ea*lr la manafed Tbi- |a iit-i-be* Tbeatri Vienna recentlv put M ** Fdna Chamberlain Ran-iall. a local so¬ -At tbe clone of the season Mr. Rhodes will by M Shr.nDon ■ Ui .-n e\tt>-mely *triTk drama by R'jdoif Hawel. prano. will sink the llln-trated sonk*. make a six weeks’ trip to Europe. This is Not An Iceless Fountain

    But it will produce a colder drink with the same amount of ice than any of the so-called iceless fountains because of the perfec¬ tion of insulation and compact, economical design. USEEIT Soda Fountains are absolutely guaranteed to give better satisfaction than any other fountain on the market, and are sold upon the direct understanding that if you are not satisfied after thirty days' actual use of the fountain, we hjill refund your money. If you are in the market for a fountain your loss will be more than ours If you do not buy a USEEIT. The capacity of this fountain is as great as if it cost you $5,000. You can serve just as much and just as cold as any fountain on the market, regardless of price. USEEIT Fountains not imitations of any other fountains. We originated this type and our fountains are covered by broad basic patents. A New Fountain Each Year for $5.00. We will keep our fountains in perfect repair for five years at $5.00 per year. You may have your fountain eacn year practically as good as new and our charge to you will be only $5.00 a year. This should interest you. It does not take a fortune to buy a USEEIT Fountain. IVice, complete, $100.00.

    Write for Catalogue. We have an exceptionally interesting proposition to jobbers and dealers. Write for our up-to-date selling plan ORIEL BROS. CO., SOHtlitrii Aftsts, MoRtiemtry, All. MICHIGAN DRUG CO., Ottroit aid Sagiiaw, Agants for Michigan. Consumers Cooler Company, 3601-03 Butler Street, Chicago. MAY 15, 1909. Six Flying Banvards' -: WORLD’S GREATKST AKltlAL At^ :- Address BERT BANVARD, Manager, care The Billboard, New York City. Touring Europe all Winter. For Parks, address National Park Managers' Association, John C. Jacket, Booking Mgr.; for Pairs, address Miss Zue Mc- Clary, both 1402 Broadway, New York City, Knickerbocker Theatre Bldg.

    BIG OPEN AIR ATTRACTIOX Flying CAROUSELS Aarial K«tnn> snd Ozitinf Act T. W. OREENLEAf, MOR., tl4 M. Srd 8t, Quincy, Dl. Merr}'*<><>-lt<>uii(ls, Riding (•ullcries. i Mead—WERIMTZ—Mamie Razzic l)azzlt‘s. Striking Machines, j I>oll Racks for I’urks. Picni«*s, Fairs Aerial Gymnasts of Quality and CamivaLs., .VinustMiicnt Out litters. For Parks, address JOHN C. JACKEL, National Park Managers Assn., 1402 Broad¬ HERSCHELL-SPILLMAN CO., way, Knickerbocker Theatre Building, New York. For Fairs, MISS ZUE McCLARY Bwwney StrMt, same address. Permanent address, MEAD WERNTZ, 4200 Broadway, Cleveland, Ohio. NORTH TOX.\W.\Xl>A, X. Y., V. S. A. 5c. SHOW ‘Tine Clarkes’ 2xS HALJ TONE .7»c Sx4 HAU-TOME .(1.00 SOUVENIRS THE SHOOTING ACT WITHOUT AN EQUAL Sixt-ial /.inVrh,'T>«*’k'uw ItH gersfor season 1909 1910 \V<’ have the only act of this kind that Bate Street. KNOXVILLE, TENN. Juimneiu- TurtIcH. ’*111'bihiir’ Knis".’. ; forfcits cntiic salary if we make one fake shot Faiiry Uptunicil HhUh, rhihm .. l.tPU JananeacFancy coluicii Thnilircciiit. ciaNs ivn imt liohicrK. gnwK .|M>r groHH. l.Oti.»<• I, Addrcss, CMC Billboard or Quiacy, 111. lloriw SbiH* MirnifH, ikt groas . l.-Vi j A GIGANTIC *Sr Rkcletnu Acnilialx. int groxx . l..’iO "mr "WF A ATTRACTION! THE HAMLINS THE ■lOaCST, MOST FASCINATINO AMS THiTHE iREATIREAT CALVERTcALVrtT The Medley Man and Maid in Brown. VERSATILE SEN* The Ureateat High Wlra ex- I SATIONAL EX* pert the world haa ever | HISITION. Cwn“‘VorT'i:rk."“dd*r;«known. For Parka, addreaa Ii Playiufi Orpheum Circuit. National I‘arkPark Managera’ I Aa8(K'latlnn.AaatK'latlon, John C. Jackel, I — .m. •rigiMsl mmS Booking Mgr.; for Falra, •g*rtll«g rMiB addreaa Miaa Zue McClary, ! Ui»t both 1402 Broadway, New i 4m* ■•X •ttoaapi Tork City. Knickerbocker i Building. Permanent ad¬ For pvticiiiAn M IMSgli FOOD SHOW MANAGERS thla faiMaa. rooggS dreaa, Rocheater, New Tork. broAkJcg, srowA- drawlng, tFoatoo*' l»r(»*«Br« ■aarggg SHOOTlNcCALlEP'^^-SSli Please send us the dates of your Food Show, with names and addresses of committee in UONU LfCARE r''Novelty' BallRacks charge Will reimburse you for the data. iiMtntmt BitkMia. ft. Send for our Circulars DIAMOND NOVELTY CO. .SCMfNtCTADY. N. Y. The Beverage and Foid Pub. Co. Books C# The kind th.Tt•Urt* serves4>A«*«'Aa allott rkiiv>v\/X«MMpurposes. 416 Eim Street, CINCINNATI, O. Designed and complleti exiiresaly for WANTED the PUDKF.SSION, .MANAOKU. PER- For Ihxle. Kiak'a ijn-at Comhined Railroad Showx. FOK.MKIt. AtlF.XT, F.TC Mualciana. go ' Irfornniiion, etc. Complete for the Season l;‘0a-1910. Contains data to r SEATTLE, wash. YORK CITY. July. 1910. I \A/II I lA/DITr vnil A ClfCTPU FRED LINCOLN, Gen. Mgr. CHRIS. 0. BROWN, Mgr. I WILL WHIIL TUU A 5Ktltn BRANCH BOOKING OFFICES. The Billboard ' 67 So. Clark St., Third and MadiaonMad ixon StaSta., . I 1117 and 11151185 .(arket St. HALBRAN, 813 N. Clinton St., Olean. N, Y. i Chicnfo,Chicago, III. Senttle,Seattle, Waih.W»»h. I American TheaThe* rare Blt.^.. IIM Slr,-,t. . 4 l\( IWATl, O. San Franci.fariM»rii St., ronwr Kaiiilolph. t'blcav^i, ^ IN VAUDEVILLE Cha"e^n®7Teai»."^7«.H'1n^.re"^M^^^ HEADQUARTERS FOR CANE AND KNIFE RACK MEN

    “nTpuci’n; ';!!;:;:,e.‘"’'Cauy 'pia.vx'’'a„“^ K i NASELLA BROS.. _223 CommerclalCommercial St., Boston,Botlon, Mats.,Mast., U. S. A. The Musical Sensation of the Cantury Ptaya. Anythiiir wantiM, *\Ve l>*t iia do your liuslnesH. S«‘inl atamii for rata : ^ A L A M P H A M e..,vs. ■.■■.■.■n-.vs. CtomerCorner’s s iJrangeadeOrangeade AND MIS-- ■1 ^ •“‘‘‘’*’*‘*‘5’** author of playx will accept a j„In thejj,p oriKiHaloriginal and hext.beef. liemareBeware «'«;• aiilMtitiitex.«iiff«lltiitee. A'KMXi profllnroflt on<»ii eerye\ery ixnihd.iMiubd. Guaranteed(Jiiiirante4*d iiiuleriimbT •:RKD HU.SSAR HAINDi- limited numlK-r of «-..n!ractx f,,r Sketchex. playx. the U. S. Government l*urePure F‘ka for ()i>era or Miixlcal Ll"**'!*',,. ' i'arkx,UarkM. F'Mlrh,Falrx, F^ntertalnnieiitK.Fntertainnienta. etceto One<»ne |khiihIixmnd nink«*Hmake. 40411 CfillotH*:galh.nx; prleenrlee S4*ndSend III|ii fcnlxcent, fjirfur A cxrnlvxl of xololxlx. r-.ioliliiltig In A HU cure The Billbourm xan:pleeamjile galUtnirallon Write for prh-exi>ric'eii In lartc^'rlarger qtMutltleN.(pMijtltP-x. I'HKTHE CORNER CO.*CO,, Orpt.Dept, F., 303808 Mary*Mary, MA.N Olt<; W I xcliixlv,* loniixgcincnt. CIIAH \V M.IStiN. :fi |..w‘ll M.. Hmhc.lcr N. T land Street.Street, Buffalo, New York. i _ ' HALFTONES AND LETTERHEADS — Fine “ ' HAVE YOU BEEN THE BOY "oNDERI deeply etched c<)p|M-r halftoiH-x our xix-clalty; i VAUDEVILLE ACTS WANTED AT ALL TIMES.

    ph^axlug'^ *AlHxt'' Can'lx "\vindow Semi In your k rexixiuxlhle houK.-x. anoand •«•#*'<-e allftwallow trNn«|Kfrtatlonlranx|xirtatlon iiim|iijtcd hlti^ of llie tilkh wlra, oo rhrin**:I’hone: 1117 Omrr.(toiirt. liU ‘4 liu'ti wire rdi and tWi fcot fr<»m the kniiiiid. duintr t*2 daring f«*ata li will |>aj all FOR SALE—1 lOO'kt^y Hi* Kllint Cylliidi^r Hand Y1F 1 II 1 SF 1 *11 3 j iiiatmgnra ’U^^^^^^ Wanted at all Times,Times^ Good Vaudeville Acts I taiitiliig. l a. o 7**^/.^'*°* ^ra^r; .KX» Oie-ra ^1, Jumt*. Iiewrlh. your act fnllv and xtate *tie lowea xalary for aanie In (Irxf letter Chain, - Polo Cages and net. all nr any part AIwi have wiiiie gwid alrdomea tiir louxleal eooo-dlex and rep. ix-< pany. Managera In the Soiilh PHOTOS FROM LIFE to beat offer. THE AlTDITORIFM CO.. Ymiiiga give me a trial. I nee all of them before vou get iheiu. etc.; IIKI xtiixl' I'holox him! Ino large oiiea. 81 town. Ohio, care 1,,-ather Sh. KNOXVILLE THEATRICAL EXCHANO . Poit Boi 801. Knoivllla. Tann. I not. S. RECKNAGEL, Nachf., Munloh, Oa? many. PARKS, CONCESSIONAIRES, FAIRS, CARNIVAL, PRIVILEGE PEOPLE ! Id” “Novelty Ball Throwing Game" Ha* er*Tyb«>

    especially for

    Amusement Parks JOURNAL 3000 of these Chairs and 10,000 ORANGEADE BAR feet of Settees furnished to ^ LEMONADE RESTAURANT AM) ItASKIiAIJ. NOVEiyntS. SODA WATER LUNCH STAND Write f..r pri.-c ll>l WM. W’URFFLEIN, Mgr.. White City, Chicago. ROOT BEER COFFEE HOUSl 109 N. ^cond St., Philadelphia. Pa., XT. 8. A. If rou want chairs quickly at lowest prices, write NEAR BEER TEA GARDEN -- 0 MINA. :- to the manufacturers making most of the chairs. ^ ^ POP STAND 11 Firet St.. New York. Mfr. I’yllmler |•laln> tlrgana, Ask for Catalog TIO. Anything in the way of a Beverage or Food •Ingle erlh'ti end alth Msu offered as s privilege at a Fair, Park or Ex- dolln cttarhiiieiit. flsie>. with ne¬ iuu«lr The Beverage and Food Pub. Co.f st P. 0. Box 54, Cincinnati, Olil* HELPING HAND B. B. & B THEATRICAL The Educated Horse AS GOOD OR^^^ In iierfurniliig hl« many different trick* he BETTER F0r|^^ PRINTING display* sliiH-.t biiiiian iDtelllgeoce. For vaiidr- vllfe ;'ark. arnl fair* Addn-s* FULTON A PETERS. No 11 York Block, Watertown, N. Y.

    L.OOK BmK LETTER-HEADS ENVELOPES at the price. CIRCULARS The great!«l fair in Snuthem Ohio. Merry go CONTRACTS LOW PRICES round, tireaii Wave. *bou* of all kind*. I.unch Sitod If vim want a iirlrilege of anv kind CARDS GOOD WORK •ddres* M D. SULLIVAN. Secy., Chillicotha, TICKETS QUICK SERVICE POST-CARDS THEATRICAL LAWYER, PRESS NOTICES M UK K r.AltOLI) UOSK. STICKERS I*« Mattaa Street NEW YORK. He-lweil rale* to the profefBloB.

    PRTCIJTC SECURED OR FEE RFTURN rniLnia ED ,, ,y,, To Insure prompt attention, avoid delay and eatahlllty. Illustrated Guide Ihxik and li«t of Hniiec»-sed Bt., 6unl. Acts: Novelty Acts preferred. In first < be»|. If laK. n fit CHAS. N. MONAHAN. letter state length of act; describe 91 Ade-n* St.. Haverhill. Mass. fully, lowest salary, etc. Only box- rOB 8ALE riTit* WlkHrl twlthoiit eiiclne*!. If Billboard and Bulletin Advertising Situation oflice attractions wanted. you urt- tiii’i k V** R*'t If flip iLViiini no }»" W • £ A /* 70 W. Ccrydon 8t., BruH- W. P. READY'S VAUDEVILLE EXCHANSt IN THE MAY NUMBER OF erescdnt Theatre BelldIng, NASNVILLI, TEN i. Becand hand Hrrarhrll Spillman Men g".! Of l.-r fur -al,- chi'a|>. I(ea«iii goliu: ,,11 ,,f Im.iii' .. Klpil n a».M i. * "■•’•i""' H. W, Mitchell, •pring* N Y, AT LIBERTY! VAVDEVII LE HOUSE FOR__ SALE WrI tonii of I- PitM> . I <)«n two 'ftr** ft>r s«'II fitr II.uhi You don t get all the advertising news unless you read Signs of the Times. ' »**• Sd'iitM only 0119* in Expert repair man and thoroughly experienced eVL YtTN, OibtoBbert. Obi*. Subaciiption PUBLICATION OFFICE. Sample Copies on all makes of machines. Reference*—Yea. Cincinnati, Ohio. 10 cents. Fan furnish ni.achlne If necessary. Address 0. 'OR SALE Edison IMclure Msriilne fi»r still 11.00 per v-ar R. KRAMER. 205 Columbia Way, Butler, Pa. •ne Flrsl »li«' take , oilPl MRS. GRACE M LITTLE. Beniiaii. ohli WANTED '‘■anted M, ■try go i>>oiid. ruiinina »llh Fourth of July attractions on percentage basia. ••oinplcii- Addn'ss d. Donnelly, POWER'S CAMERAGRAPH No. 5 A. A. lAMS. Secy. Committee, B. P. 0. £., House, Alton, III. Wellston, Ohio. ••?,K\V YORK .\I»rROVF.n F.gUlPMKNT, NOTICE 'l.'rry go roiii),l and other coiic-s lYic one bt'nl bw In .M. P. Machines. tor the llrrat l>an>llle t'o|or.>d II- Kr Aug. IS. tu. JO. tis«. Onc-third size Silsb.v Fire Engine In working Nicholas Power Company, *\kw i condition: 3 tW4vwh<-«'l hose carts, capacity of 54X1 ft. of 2tj Inch hos.' each; 1 set of Hal* bMAnoN WANTED Would like to kiauv harness hangers. Address Miia ROSE MORI- ARTY, Clerk Board of Public Safety, Elyria, Ohio.

    WANTED Agenta. I>.gltlmate aubstitute for Slot Ma¬ chine*; patented; sells on sight for $1. Par¬ ticulars. GISHA CO.. Anderson, Ind.

    I I MAY 15, 1909. THE BILLBOARD MAY IS, 1909.

    Motion Picture Patents Company

    80 Fifth Avenue, New York City

    American Mutoscope & Biograph Co. Edison Manufacturing Co. Essanay Film Manufacturing Co. Every new licensed film has the Kalem Company approval of the Censorship George Kleine Board, representing the follow¬ ing licensed manufacturers: Lubin Manufacturing Company Pathe Freres Selig Polyscope Company Vitagraph Company of America

    “Mora/, Educational and Cleanly Amusing.''

    The Highest Type of Film Production of the World.

    I IVrrjr. Mr«. E. II. Sterling, Kitty Bow, Paul Cboate, Harry | Dale. Ed. GleiiHeld. Gisi. I Pfter*. Mrs. Cbu. Young, Pearl liowera, W. n. Claana, U. D. Dalv, Ed S. Glenny, D. O. Pterrv, lrm> /eiiora, Q'.een Powen, Jack Clark Rotit. J. Daiiirou. Kirnlest Giddle, Riiba Price, Maul Beal Stevena, Dora Itowen, Johnnie nark, Frank K. Danker ft Calitwell Goldin. M. I’liuceiM Nina SI I a lib, Marie Ro.rd, Harry Clark. Harry Morice ••Darling. I’nif. IMw. UMsImde, Jas. ■Itaiiiia. Ai.iia Strayor, Mary Boyd, Al. Clark, Prof. Al. Dsruahy. J- A. UeeHope Turner, Maud ; Bradshaw, Harry ('IliH>, Harry Davis. J. Wsrveq GranlM-rry ft l.a Mon to f.>rward, unleaa the neceaaary amount of Rice, Katheryn Ij'ixllke, Mra. M. B. ' Braun, Charles •Coburn. J. Dsvis. Jas. D. Grant. Dare-Devil poatage la paid. At the right hand aide of 1-lchmond. Grace Cre. Gladya I Bray, Harry Coghlan. Harlan Dswaon. F. H. Grayhorae, tleurga name joo wtl) find the amount required. Mtlpley,•Itlidey, i»iiI>ni Von /.l••tM‘r, Raroneaa I Brennan, Ed. Cole. A. J. Day, Doc Gieat Weatem ikowv Ritchie, Adele *Van. Winnie I Breton. Harry Cole, Freil Q. • •De>toa. I.ewU Great Busch Shows Roach. Sadie M. ••GreenwJian, P. R. Roberalnn. Mra. D. R. Victoria, Anna Pearl *BnH>ka, Walter Jnl Colaton, Jim I>elaiie.v, Jss. E. Gundy, Chaa. F, *Mall In New York OIBce. I Roka, Emory ('ollea. Jack Ik-iiKmlre, tieo. Guthrie. E. R Rolley, Mlaa Jean •Warden. Florence j Brown. J. Albert Colllna A La Bella ••Deuioreatlo, Jus Haartye, ('baa. ft. MrWXirTI transients are re Kona, Anna •W’are, Helen I Brown. Shortle Colllna A I.aMnM Denison. I. ••Hagen, Cbarlsa Nil I QI’KSTKD, when fX)N I •Rooney, Mattie Wayland. Mm. Eva Brown, W. H. Colllna. R. H. I'IsiiioimI I'III Haggerty. Jaa. *^^**^*^* VENIENT. TO HAVE Roala, Alma Wheeler, Mra. Nellie I Brown, Harry •Colllna A Jewell Dlaiiioinl, Harry Hale ft Harty THEIR MAIL SENT IN CAKE OF THE BILL Rnee. Hay W’hlte. Alice W. I Brown Family Cfdlliia, Jack Wade Hall. K. K. BOARD’S PCBLICATION OFFICES AT CIN ■ Roaey, Marie Elmore Wlllete. l/dia •Brown, J. L. Colllna, K, T. Dickenson, Rube •Hall. Jack CINNATI, RATHER THAN TO 'ras BRANCH I Kounda’ I.adlea’ Band Willlama, .Mra. Rose Brown. John, Am. C. Colllna. H. D. DIckerstdn’s Rand llallwrla Kras. OrJ'ICES. I RiiaHell, Annie Wllllama, Zenobta •Brown. Wm. H. Colllailne, John Dina. Manurd Hamlin. Richard Riiaaell, Grace M. Wlllman, Mlaa Dixie I Brown A ('ronin Colton. Jaa K. Didiblns, Wm. E. Hamilton, eland LADIES’ LIST. I Riiaaell. Dorothy W. \VII»4in. M. Grace Browne. Frank S. Coiona, l*rof. B mHlson, K. G. Hanley, lavtrenra ' St. Clair. Dolly Wllaon, Mm. B. J. Browning A Jonea Ciunte. Joe iwiheriy, Imn. May WIna. the American •Bruce, Charley Coniair, Knal jionaldson, Kobt. P. Harklnsun. Chaa. Gray, Marlon •’Adelaide” I Saliiia, Mile. Girl Bnimhack. K. A. Comadly Trio Donatello. I’etro ft Harleas. H. R. Alexander. I»Uhw ••Gre4>nabalgb, Mm. ••Sharp. Mra. Minnie WInaon, Mm. 8. L. Bryiell. Lew Cona«>r. Ellaworth Rosie Harrell, Paul Alfertta. le^ma J. II. Silja, Mra. SIgrad WiMeman, Mlaa Bea Brydon, D. A. Cook, C. C. IKinnette, Leon W. Hanby, Mm. Lela ••Harrtt. Henry B. Allen. Maud Small, .Madame ale Buckley, John ••Ck. Joe, A Broa. Dorin ft I-oRay Hart. Chaa. Avakian. Adeline Ilaiiaoo, Lottie Smith. Mm. Clarence Woehler, Hand BuPlell, H. D. Cook. Bob Istrau. Mailln Hartwella. Tba Bailey. Mra. Mollla Har'sog. Frances •Smith, Gertrude Wmdeott. Mra. Annie Burke. Rdwin Cia>|H*r, Clari'nce H. Dorn. Freiterlck Ilarriaon, Hapn Banta. Ooldla Havey, Laura •Se P.lillar, Hr. and Mm. Dunbar, Chaa. B. J. W. Hayaer. Stamp Blair, Marie Durham, Jay •llayco (Uandml Blake. Ella' lamlae Hogan. Mrs. H. I Imrlvage. C. J. King) •Blood. Adele k> Hollenberger. Edna I Peranna desiring ts avstl themselves of The Billboard’s facilities for forwarding mall Hayden. J. ••, I.lrxle ••Hoogert. Beesle 0. i matter to membem of t^ amuaement pmfraalon, are requested to bear la mind that the K: Revs. The Bowera. Mra. K. •lloiightou. Jennie I beadqnartem for this gratnitoua dlatrlbntlon of mall are at the CINCINNATI oIBces. Ealwani*. Nuttvn Hayden. WllUam Hayes. F. W. Bixndea. Prlnceaa Howard. Dorothy where all aueb matter aboiild be addressed, nnleaa It la known that It will be more Earl. Albert Haym, CTarenea Brandon. Helen Hoyt, Natela convenient for addressees to receive It through the New York or Chicago bureaus. Earle. Gmham Hayea, Then. B. Braialt. Gev.rgia Hnford. Mra. Maggie ] Eastwood. Clarenca In Cincinnati a corps of experienced clerks la employed for the aole pnr.atae of •Head. Harry T. Bray, Mra. Harry Hull, Mra. Florence Kck. Edd> reconling the whereabonta of transients and handling the mall addressed to tbeni In care Hefter, I/eooard • Brown. Minnie •Hnnt, Ethel Ecroyd. Richard H. of The Billboard. Ilelael. Red Cagle, Udlle E. Hunter, Mabel Ldwanla Ere«l R. •Cain Slaters Irwin. Mra. Frank The poatofllce adjnnct of the New York and Chicago bureaus of The Billboard la •Eller. W. A HelKin. John Campbell. Myrtle •Jewell, Anna maintained only for the accommodation of those who can procure qnicker service by having Elliott. John Hugh Ilencliey, Billy llenderaoit ft Srhnbart Carle, Mm. Mabelle Johnson, MItllda mall sent to the branch offlcea, where they can call for It In person, or from which It may Ellis Fre.1 F Carletou. Mm. Annlt ajordan. Ethel be remalled to them with greater deaiMtcb than from the publication offices at Cincinnati. Elmendorf. W. C. •Henry. Amey T. •Jordan Slatera No attempt la made to handle mall addressed to the branch offices wltbont apeclOc Ellon. C. F Henry, R C. Henry. J. B. Carljla, Oladya Kale, Mytrle iMtrnctlons while thousands of pieces of mall matter pass through the (Cincinnati Elvira ft Alfreds Emmert. Geo. E. I lent gen, Iii>uls Carroll. Oracle Keller. Karoll | offices every week and are remalled to addressees from information at band without the Kennedy. May delay of holding and advertising these names In this Hat. Faust, Bi r. Herbert. James Carroll. Belle Eir.meraon, Electric Herbert. CUB ••Carretta (Midget) King, Mm. Roaa In addressing mall to Individuals In care of The Billboard, kindly Indicate wbst Emmemoo. Billy Hewitt, Frvd Caraon, Lillian Klni^ey, May company (If any) each Is Identified with or In what line of the bnslneaa he la engaged. •I>Uoo. Ira Hickey. J. S. Caraon. Cora Young Klelmet. Anna •Knapp. Belle Eallck. A. N. HIcka. P. M. bl.aal , •dvertlsed in this list Is being held at the Cincinnati offices unless otherwise Hicks. John T. Carter, Mra. O. E. Krueger 8li-*- m 1 •Estev, Chaa. Indicated by the rbaractem • (New Y’ork), •• (Chicago). Hill ft BlddeU Citon, Mm. Carrie ••Kruger, Ada i •Fairy, Chaa. Hill. W. H. Cecil, Edith Iji Due. Florence Evans. Doc I,ee ••Fablo. Don Hilton. D. ’Tow Chalaaan M. V Is- MIlly. May McDonald. Gladys I,eVere. Jack 4c Hsisry. Fred Runyan, N. P. 4c Wells. Billy K Elesher. Frank Ibu.aer. W. I.. ^ DeVeiv. Marie MeGee. Mm. Anna l.aHcena, Eulalie 4c Riis. Jolly 2c Wheaton, Anna 2c ••Fields. Wm H Howard. E. A. De VIer. Mm. Ethel McNutt Slatem Lirenzo. Chick 6c m>\^>e«e Jennie 'MePheraon. Mm. Shah. Manek, 14c. Wofring. Guy 2c Florenee. O B. •Howard. James t/nrell. Kid Ic Ynnng, J. 2r D’Vorak.'Adelaide k Shoemaker. J. 11. 2c Florlds, George A Wilson linllv eHarth# •Mack. Aipbft Morgan, Mrs. Rose Sn-Hh. Chris M. 14? Young, John N. 4c noyd. D N flower, Joe. •D.llwrg Camille •Mack, Bertha Doud II. 2c Spalding A Defall .V noyd. Jreel ••nnhhell. Raymond Nagle, Dan B Ic .spur, Orville 2c Daneiihower. Rosa ■ Flynn. EsrI Ilndsno. Msrtlii Maitland, Mabel Foley. John lIuFord. Nick Dar’'ng Jerale Maitland. Vita. C. I.. Eetver. 4dsm llnghes ft Maagom Danm-r.’ Mm K. H. Malcolm. Emma Fogel. James llnlatl. Robt. ••Ibvld. Oerlte Manning. Hare. Burns, Will Fonds. l»ell A Home. Cain ft Hoey GENTLEMEN’S LIST. Ciiiiltere. ('lareoce Ponds Davis. Mm. Geo. C. J"';* Burton ft Wolf Cote. Herman •Hurley, Tbon. Dfvls. Mae •.Marshall. Mm. Leon Ford. tWsr McN'sIry •Bailey. Frank F. Burton, Rnasell ••Courey, John Hurlev. Jack. Dare Abe. II. Fisintaln S«i Am Co. Devil IKilssle, I.ncy ^ Ball ft Marshall Bartons, The Covington ft Wlihur Roae Marrln, Anna Ackley, George Fonntsln Bobby Huirhlson ft lamby Rnaby, J. M. Crawford. Gny L. m)s«r Mra. Wm. Matthews. Mrs. La* Adair, Eddie Baldwin. Walter 8. Fowler. I,emnel Bnttona. L. ■ HnDrsn. Frits •Adams, Frits •Baldwin. T. H. Cregar. W. P. Fowler. Ilsrry Donglai. Blanche „ ,, Ranvard. dtas. Byrne, Chat. T. Crescent Gardena Am. Hwalaea. MUe Dren. Mm. Grace Marie I,aBeIle Adams. Selby Fox. Roy E. ••Barringer, Chaa. Co. Hvatt, Ben O. •Dnla. Alice Marileld. Leona Adams. JImnile Cahn. Gnv Frsncisco, I’rof. C. de Barlow, E. B. Hvde. Prof Brir •Adams, John Calkins. h'Shb J •CVlmlnga ft Gore hVanclaro. Ralph •Earl. Vlrgima .i Bartholomew, Chat. lllingsworlh. II. •Earl. Zella ••Mayts-lle. I.uouie Adams, Frits Csll. A. R. •CrItchBeld. Clyde Frank. Artiona Adams. Kirk ••Bartholdl’a Birds Callahsn. L. W. Crocker, E, H. Ills. Frsnk •Earl. Ix>U I.iea ••May. Bes. Mm. Ada n Bilvrk’s Seal* • iates. Charley lotinann. A. R Morphy. Mm. H. Arthur. .% L ng Caab, Burleigh DeBarr, Harry Frsnccs. I^le ^ rii Blrk. Jaek Gay, Matt Joluisan. Joseph ••Murray, Ellzatreth Arn. Fred Caaey, E. D. IteKreko. Chaa. Francla. Mamie * Birmingham, W. II. Casino ft Co. De Lore, Jos. (Doc.) tlear. W. M Johnson, (leo. C Mystery Girt Atlas, Am. Co. lobnatone n D Franklyn. Mm. Mar Atwood. D. M. Caasldy. Harvey A DeGrmand ft Fuller Gennaro'a Band _.p. NIeholsN’iehols IV-thIVth •Blapelt Mnalc Co. Gerann. pitif Johnstone, Hal Nlea. Anna V. •Aostin Broa. Rilling. J. II. Caafel. PanI IsStefano. Fri«. Mabel N'es. DeVoare, Chaa. H •George. Turtle Jelly. George Nurent, Mm. Winnie '■ Austin ft Sweet RIackalier. Arthur •Chamhem. 81 Gardner. Gladys Nurent. Mm Wlr DeVems ft Co.. Thel¬ fever. Bert tones. G II O’lVII, Birdie Avery. Drew Rlean. Harry ••ChamlM-rlaln ft Sler Gaskin. Mm. Florine O’Dell, Birdie j ling ma Glff.wd. Fred Jonrs, Simon Odell, Grace Ba Ba, I*rof. All Bogga. Henry Gllden Slaters Odell, Grace fTiamplon, Jack ••De Vere ft De G'tfofd. E O Jonea, Dor Gllden. Myrtle Odell, Mind Bacon. E. R. Roggla, Perry H. looes. Jno. P fT»le I ••niaodler, Jos. O. Vere Glltiert. Thomas OHmors Bistem Ogden, Mm. UrxieIJrxIe Radrecco, Joe Rolce. Jack Chapman, J. 11. Dallly, John Gill. Ibr Jorgensen, Geo. K •Godfrey. Darothy Owens. Mm WandWanda •Rady, Wm. Bonner, Cherte GDI A Aker Borden. Ed. Cbappelle, Pat Dallas. Jack Jordan. M’llmot C. Goebel. Lima PardnePardne, Violet Betley, L. R. Gllllngwaler, J W Boswell. Nat R. Chester. Harry •Dallett. M Jnvlne’a NcnpoHlaa Getdatone. Mm. Grace Parr. Lulu Bailey. Allan W. liman. Harry Botbwell ft Brown Chlrari. Onmwth Dalton. Carl M S ’Tmiibadnnm Geld. I.Anra Panll, Pauline Baird ft Dnnn laserork. Fneter Bliley. Ijiwrenee P. ••Bowen Bron. Chlqnet, L. V. Dalton, Ismta Judge. Pain •Oolffie. Anna H. Payton Blatem Gtavea. E D lodge, l/mrfa MAY 15, 1909. T li e Billboard 37