PROEJLEMS C>F HOMpWIVES I®ited by q^ir §THE mi ii | Fwinnial Tea G@wira C©mnlimes Digmfcy, C@mfoirft asndl Accordion P!@ate for Jfw@mil«8 ! Ih ' " !" i'.\ V. j Is the comment. She n the for- both for and for THE forma! tea pown, which con. "Worse yet!" rules of etiquette which gover every longing comfort THIS is an a*e when elaborate and embroidered Just above the hem of the " ^ ^ 3l dozen friends mal neglige: and spend the evening far from combines the dignity of a din- of inrbeauiy, expensive clothes are not only per- 8k»rt an°thflr It Is to be worn between th<5 hours all the worries and obligations which she .> ,aW". .. ^an

u want a of associations the birthplace of the novelist, hot vei garden h*s not . s time'to plan it now. It is f^L/roih. J\ome-. . ,. a . . . . *. There is big patch of Kentucky bli kind of garden which can he per- g^gg brought from the mountains thei in a single year.every garden There are ferns frotn the Catskills ai the having is the outgrowth of the Berkshires and the Adlrondacks ai line and the sooiier the Rockies, and some from the war . ._ .. u valleys or the Alps. to work the better. George Washington is represented bv be a garden devoted to American clump of daisies. The owner of the ga or it can include foreign plants den dug one up Just outside the gates Tour own opportunities for trav- Mouht Vernon. Unlike the grape vi; .a from France, the daisy liked its ne .d the good nature of your friends home from the first a^d on,y vigor£), termlne this point. If you want pulling' and pruning keep it with »m your friends who are traveling bounds. One of the most interestir not object to asking for it you things in the garden is a rose bush name f°r of a Ian your garden immediately be- ,the.ylfe President The rose, . . , .. single blossom, came from the Whi ey start forth on their summer jj0use grounds, a gift from the woma for whom it is named. The owner of tl is a certain garden of associa- garden put it in water. In a few daj anted with flowers and trees and Bhe was surprised to see that a litt by its owner and her friends in root was coming from the stem of tl irse of many years. It is now rose, which had been carelessly broke il, but when it began six or eight off. She carefully placed the rose In it was more than the vase filled with water, with sand arld go nothing . fiber at the ros of an old-fashioned garden with vegetable bottom. The e, ... after .1 =. wall on one side and an apple much care, took root and wias . on the other. planted in the garden. It is healthy at strong and is covered with blossoms ea< summer. ONE OF THE GREAT DESIGNERS HAS MADE A FEATLfRE OF THE IJI ^ I {JAPANESE SCARF IN BRIDLJANT COLORS THAT IS WORN CDOSE AROUND JH « Sin with, the owner of the garden *** NEW SPE1NG EECIPES 3'HB NECK IN THE BACK AND DROPS TO THE WAIST IN ] THE Atom *J a root of ivy brought from Ken- 6KETCH SHOWS ONE OF TVFHP RT.TTF ON WTTTr*T*»» AAkU X W iJ L/ XI qj course, every one could not ha^ire » i^RONT. r .sssssag; Jpl .- She called it Robsart. . umft-« I Amy gU