WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS Rustam Abdul Rauf, DOI: 10.37394/23207.2021.18.66 Muhammad Dwi Saputra, Effendy, Muhardi

The Role of Women Farmers in Lowland Rice Production in of Central

RUSTAM ABDUL RAUF1*, MUHAMMAD DWI SAPUTRA1, EFFENDY1, MUHARDI2 1 Department of Agriculture Economics, Agriculture Faculty of Tadulako University, , 2 Department of Agroecotechnology, Agriculture Faculty of Tadulako University, Palu, INDONESIA * Corresponding Author Email: [email protected]

Abstract: - Women farmers could contribute to reducing poverty in rural areas; for example, empowering women farmers could improve their ability to produce lowland rice. This study aimed to analyze the socioeconomic factors that affected the role of women farmers in the production of lowland rice; also, to analyze the effect and the role of women farmers on lowland rice yields. Data collection included a questionnaire and involved 168 respondents, who were taken by the census. Data analysis used multiple and logit regression of Cobb-Douglas models. The results showed that education and farming income had a positive and significant effect on the role of women farmers in lowland rice production. The yield of lowland rice was affected by land area, urea fertilizer, SP-36 fertilizer, labor, and the role of women farmers.

Key-Words: - women farmers, education, farming income, lowland rice production

Received: January 9, 2021. Revised: March 30, 2021. Accepted: April 5, 2021. Published: April 9, 2021.

1 Introduction agricultural success was consistently carried out by The main source of income of people in rural areas of both men and women. Agricultural development Indonesia is still dependent on the agricultural sector, could not be realized without the active role of suggesting that most of the household economy farmers and their families—especially women depended on the same sector [1]. One of the farmers [4]. agricultural commodities expected to be able to According to the International Cooperative positively increase the farmers' household economy Alliance [5], Worldbank [6] and Valdivia [7], in rural areas was lowland rice—a commodity working in a collective system could have the considered to be the most ably managed by farmers potential to empower women in open markets in a because apart from being a staple food, it is also a way that they could not reach as individual strategic commodity of high economic value [2]. producers. As a result, women could contribute a lot Even nationally, this commodity was expected to to households and reduce poverty in rural areas [8]. realize the government's desire to be self-sufficient in The empowerment of women could increase their rice—as happened once in 1984. ability to access and get benefits as stakeholders [9]. There are several factors that could create self- Several studies [10-13] have shown that women can sufficiency through rice production; in particular, be important actors in production and development of labor resources, consisting of both men and women. the product. In Parigi Moutong Regency, women The role of women in this sector is significant. In effectively took part in managing lowland rice lowland rice farming, the division of work between farming; in addition, they were responsible for men and women is very clearly seen: men do the household caregiver tasks. ‘muscle’ work while women focus on activities that This study aims to analyze the socioeconomic requiring accuracy and neatness—or, those which factors that affect the role of women farmers in take a lot of time [3]. lowland rice production. It also analyzes the effect of The phenomenon of women in the agricultural input and the role of women farmers on rice yields. sector is, for the community, nothing new. History The results of this study could provide shows that the origin of agriculture began with the recommendations on strategies to increase lowland division of work between men and women; the men rice production. did the work of hunting and gathering while women’s work centered around the home and caregiving. The more developed the community, the more

E-ISSN: 2224-2899 671 Volume 18, 2021 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS Rustam Abdul Rauf, DOI: 10.37394/23207.2021.18.66 Muhammad Dwi Saputra, Effendy, Muhardi

2 Literature Review [20, 21]. Gender injustice occurs because of belief 2.1 Concept of Gender and justification that is implanted throughout human The term gender was first introduced in America in civilization in various forms. This injustice is mostly the 1960s as a result of the radical, conservative, experienced by women, but also affects men. Gender secular, and religious struggles to voice women’s injustice manifests due to gender discrimination, existence, which thus gave birth to gender awareness including (1) Marginalization: a process, attitude, [14]. Gender is a personality characteristic, as people social behavior, or state policy that results in are influenced by their gender roles and grouped into marginalization/impoverishment of women or men; four classifications, namely: masculine, feminine, (2) Subordination: a belief that one gender is androgynous, and unclassified [15]. Gender is considered more important than the other, so one therefore a characteristic of the socially determined gender feels their voice is not heard, and even tends roles and responsibilities assigned to women and men to be exploited; (3) Stereotype View: labeling, which [16]. The concept results from social construction, is often negative towards one particular gender; (4) which is constantly changing and can be transferred Violence: an attack on a person's physical or and exchanged according to time, place, and local psychological mental integrity, including non- culture from one gender to another. The concept of physical acts such as sexual harassment, threats, and gender also includes the characteristics or traits of coercion that are emotionally and mentally men and women that individual families and/or disturbing, as well as physical attacks such as rape, societies create in accordance to their culture and beatings, and torture; and (5) Multiple Burden: the religious interpretations [17]. For example, in role and responsibility of a person in carrying out general, cooking, caring for children, and washing various types of daily activities. are mentioned only as women's work. This view is a social creation, resulting from a certain culture, even 2.2 Gender equality though the work can also be exchanged with or Gender has many implications in human life, but completed by men. However, this view may differ most influentially, it becomes the foundation of from one culture to another. These characteristics or interpersonal inequality [22]. Equality for everyone traits distinguish men and women, which is known as has different meanings, but universal equality refers gender differentiation. This distinction often results to the right of every individual to think freely, find in men and women having different social roles. Each meaning, and determine their own choices and goals role is learned and changes over time and place. in life. There are several theories that explain gender Social roles, or gender roles, affect the pattern of equality and justice [23-25], namely: nurture theory, power relations between women and men, which are nature theory, and the balance of the two theories, often referred to as gender relations [18]. known as equilibrium theory. Biological differences are believed to affect Nurture theory states that the differences between instinctive roles. The class struggle between men and men and women are formed through socio-cultural women has never achieved satisfactory results construction, resulting in different roles and tasks. because humans need partnership and cooperation These differences cause women to be left behind and structurally and functionally. Both women and men neglect their roles and contributions within their have different natures according to their respective family and community, as well as their national and functions [19], and labor is consequently divided in state life. Indeed, social construction places women social and family life. The husband and wife must and men in different classes. Men are identified with agree on who is the head of the family and who does the bourgeoisie, while women are proletarians. In the the housework to achieve their goals. A family is a process of development, many women are aware of social unit that provides different roles, and the the weaknesses of nurture theory, and thus turn to the husband and wife thus complement and help each nature theory. The nurture approach arguably does other. Indeed, the family’s role is increasingly not create peace and harmony in family and important in modern society, especially for caring for community life. and educating children. Harmony in life can only be Nature theory claims that the distinction between achieved if there is a harmonious division of roles and men and women is natural, so it must be accepted. tasks between women and men, and this division Biological differences provide indications and starts early through education and childcare. implications that the two genders have different roles Gender injustice and discrimination are and duties. Some roles and tasks that can be conditions of inequality, resulting from the social exchanged, but others cannot, because they are structure system that victimizes both women and men naturally different.

E-ISSN: 2224-2899 672 Volume 18, 2021 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS Rustam Abdul Rauf, DOI: 10.37394/23207.2021.18.66 Muhammad Dwi Saputra, Effendy, Muhardi

In addition to these two theories, equilibrium having to be something other than themselves, theory offers a compromise that emphasizes the because there is a fundamental line that is too difficult concept of partnership and harmony in the for both of them to cross. relationship between women and men. This view It is ironic to consider that equality will only be does not cause conflict between women and men, achieved if men and women obtain the same roles and because they must work together in partnership and activities, because this involves attracting women to harmony within the family, society, nation, and state. a place where they must be willing to bear the heavy Gender is a socio-cultural variable in which a set burdens men usually bare [29]. There are two main of assumptions determine how men and women gendered characters, namely feminine and masculine behave [26]. A portion of the burden (biological individuals. These two characters contain physical strength) cannot be used as an indicator of characteristics that become individual traits, and equality, even though women have the right to forcing women with feminine characteristics to enter choose tough work. Gender equality therefore cannot the masculine sphere is tantamount to exploiting be defined narrowly, but men should not be able to them. This is not equality, which instead involves become women, and women should not be able to opening the widest possible opportunity so that both become men, because equality does not shape the genders are given the choice to work and access their individual into an artificial figure. rights and obligations according to their optimal The culture of today’s society is created by men, roles, without being discriminated against. and men are often the decision-makers [26]. The It is undeniable that there are differences in men history of differentiation between men and women and women’s characteristics, but these cannot occurs through socialization, socio-cultural measure whether someone is good or bad at a job or construction, religion, and even through state power. activity. Each gender’s uniqueness is not an indicator Through a long process, gender gradually appears to to judge which characteristics are better, nor which arise from God's nature or an irreversible biological gender is better at work. Instead, feminine and requirement [27]. The gendered labor division places masculine individuals are a complementary whole, women in the domestic sector, caring for children and and good arises as a result of the balance between the serving their husbands. Meanwhile, men are placed two [30]. Optimization of gender roles will be in the public sector to earn a living for the family. realized when a person is judged on their This trend is then internalized continuously from competence, rather than through gender stereotypes. generation to generation. Consequently, these social A woman does a job not because of her gender, but expectations impact opportunities for women to because she is a competent human being. Ultimately, participate in activities outside their traditional to achieve equality, we should not place the same sphere [24]. Of course, participating in the public burden on men and women, but present open sphere does not necessarily give women a share of opportunities. Equality is not equalizing men and the same workload, but rather provides them with the women but equalizing the positions available to same opportunities to do what they want in terms of them. This means that a job should not be valued education, careers, or politics. Any woman's based on the level of difficulty or the material profession should therefore be respected, whether she obtained, because the roles of both women and men is a housewife or a working woman. People should have the same value and complement each other. The not make a one-sided assessment of the choices women’s role in the domestic sector is equal to men's, women make, or determine which figure is the ideal and when women want to engage in the public sector, woman. Instead, opportunities should be provided they should not be prevented, because women also and individual choices should be respected. need to actualize themselves, regardless of their Gender equality is not providing men and women feminine or masculine characteristics. with the exact same rights and obligations without any exceptions. Instead, it refers to optimizing the 3 Materials and Methods role function in these rights and obligations 3.1 Location of Study and Number of Samples according to each gender, without closing the The study was conducted in Parigi Moutong Regency possibility of a role exchange. Indeed, the concept of from September to December 2019. The location gender is not absolute, so many negotiations can be determination was done purposively with the undertaken to achieve the right roles [28]. Women consideration that the study location had a number of and men differ, but they have an equal position, and women farmers who participated in the lowland rice no one is higher or lower, because their relationship farming. The number of lowland rice farming is complementary to each another. Each gender can involved women farmers of 168 respondents, so the play an optimal role in their own sphere without

E-ISSN: 2224-2899 673 Volume 18, 2021 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS Rustam Abdul Rauf, DOI: 10.37394/23207.2021.18.66 Muhammad Dwi Saputra, Effendy, Muhardi determination of the number of samples was done by 3.3 Empirical Model the census. The logit model was used to analyze the role of women farmers of lowland rice. The logit model 3.2 Analytical Framework in this study is as follows: The role of women farmers in the production of D = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + β4X4 + µ (8) lowland rice was a discrete choice model, so the D = role of women farmers (1 = active and 0 = model used to analyze the role of women farmers is otherwise), β = intercept, β -β = coefficient of logistic or logit regression. The role of the women 0 1 4 the independent variables, X – X = independent farmers is a dummy variable, equal to 1 if active and 1 4 0 if otherwise. This model has been used in many variables, µ = error term. studies [31-35] to estimate the adoption of The independent variables are defined as agricultural technology. follows: The logit model generally can be written as X1 = age of women farmers follows: X2 = education of women farmers 1 X3 = number of dependents of women farmers (1) i YEP X¦1 i     X  1  0 ii X4 = farming income of lowland rice of women farmers if Di = β0 + βi Xi then: Multiple Linear Regression with the Cobb- 1  Di Douglas production function model was used to Pi  D  D   i 11   i analyze the effect of input and the role of women (2) farmers on lowland rice yield with the following Where Pi is the probability for the role of active model: women farmers, then the non-active one is (1-Pi) and Q = αo+ α1W1 + α W2 + α3W3 + α4W4 + α5D + ε Xi is the independent variable that affects it. Equation 2 (2) represents the logistics distribution function, (9) where: Q = lowland rice yield, α0 = intercept, α1-α4 = 1 coefficient of the independent variables, W1 – Pi )1(  (3) W4 = independent variables, ε = error term. The Di 1  independent variables are defined as follows: Further: W1 = land area, W2 = urea, W3 = SP-36, W4 = P Di i 1  Di labor.    (4) Di 1 Pi 1  If equation (4) is in natural logarithms: 4 Results and Discussion 4.1 The Location Descriptive and Study  P  Variables Ln i  D X   (5) 1 P  i 0 ii Parigi Moutong Regency has an area of 6,231.85 Ha  i  and a coastline of ± 472 Km. The geographical Where Di is the observed response to the role of location of the Parigi Moutong Regency is 0.75º NL women farmers in lowland rice production. β is the - 1º SL and 120º - 121.5º EL. Parigi Moutong parameter and µ is the error term. Regency is at an altitude of 0 - 2900 m above sea Multiple regression with the Cobb-Douglas level. The shape of the land surface in the Parigi production function model was used to analyze the Moutong Regency varies from the plains to the effect of input and the role of women farmers on mountains with the following distribution [36]: lowland rice yield, with the following model: Flat (0 - 8) % = 146,134 Ha, 훼1 훼2 훼푖 휀 푄 = 훼0푊1 . 푊2 … 푊푖 푒 (6) Wavy (8 - 15) % = 60,443 Ha, The completion of the function (6) was done by Steep (15 - 45) % = 142,186 Ha, and natural logarithm (ln) so that equation (6) becomes. Very steep (> 45) % = 1.97 Ha. Q= 훼0 + 훼1푊1 + 훼2푊2 + ⋯ + 훼푖푊푖 + 휀 (7) The description of the study variables is reported Where Q is the dependent variable, W is the in Table 1. independent variable, α is the parameter estimated by Table 1. The description of the study variables the ordinary least squares (OLS) method and ε is the Variabl Std. Units Mean error term. e deviation Active = 1, otherwise = D 0 0.32 0.47

E-ISSN: 2224-2899 674 Volume 18, 2021 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS Rustam Abdul Rauf, DOI: 10.37394/23207.2021.18.66 Muhammad Dwi Saputra, Effendy, Muhardi

Q ton/farm 5.25 3.91 4.2.2 The Testing of Regression Coefficient The logit model was used to analyze the factors X1 Number of years 43.45 9.15 affecting the role of women farmers in lowland rice X2 Likert scale 1.66 0.88 production. The results are presented in Table 3. X3 number of people 2.93 1.25 Table 3. Parameters estimation of the logit model

X IDR/farm regarding the role of women farmers 4 2,464,285.71 1,180,743.77 Variable B S.E. Wald Df Sig. Exp(B) W1 ha/farm 1.04 0.70 X1 0.050 0.043 1.338 1 0.247 1.051 W2 kg/farm 267.86 110.55 X2 0.901 0.465 3.760 1 0.052* 2.462 W3 kg/farm 202.68 94.59 X3 0.012 0.273 0.002 1 0.965 1.012 W4 man-days/farm 123.18 52.39 X 0.000 0.000 7.885 1 0.005*** 1.000 The role of the women in lowland rice production 4 was less than 50%, meaning that most women Constant -7.053 2.739 6.632 1 0.010** 0.001 farmers were less active in helping their husbands in Note: *** significant at 1% level (p < 0,01) the specific study area. Denkyirah et al [37] and ** significant at 5% level (p < 0,05) Effendy et al [35] state that men had greater access to * significant at 10% level (p < 0,10) farming. The number of lowland rice yields in the Table 3 shows how the education and income of study area averaged 5,250 kg/farm of harvest dry lowland rice farming affected the production by grain, causing farmers' income to remain low at women farmers. Education had a positive and 2,464,285 IDR / farm per six months. The average significant effect on the role of women farmers. Exp age of a women farmers was 43 years; essentially, a (B) value of 2.462, indicates that higher-educated still-productive age with more energy [38]. The level women farmers would do activities in lowland rice of education shows that most women farmers had production 2.462 times greater than those with less only basic education, affecting the number of farmers education, meaning that more educated women able to adopt technology [39, 40]. The number of farmers would tend to help their husbands in dependents in the farmers' family was three persons producing lowland rice. The results are in accordance on average—this low number requires families to with the findings of Caleb and Ramatu [40] and seek labor outside the family. Farmers' average land Effendy et al [35] which state that education would area of 1 ha could affect lowland rice production (still affect farmers in making changes in farming. Farmers low). The use of fertilizer in production would also who were more highly educated had the motivation affect the production of lowland rice, as well as its to increase their farming production. income: the higher the production, the higher the The income of lowland rice farming had a positive income from lowland rice farming by assuming other and significant effect on the role of women farmers factors were constant [41]. in lowland rice production. Exp (B) value of 1.00, indicates that women farmers who had a higher 4.2 Factors Affecting Women Farmers lowland rice farming income would do activities one 4.2.1 Model Valuation time greater than those with lower income. This The logit model valuation can be seen from the SPSS means that the income of lowland rice farming would processed results in Table 2. increase the possibility of carrying out women Table 2. Valuation of logit model farmers’ activities in the production of lowland rice. Critical High incomes could help farmers to buy inputs [42, Description Value value 43] so that activities in production increased. Omnibus test 0.00 < 0.05 4.3 Factors that Affected Production Hosmer and Lemeshow Test (Chi-square) 0.13 > 0.05 Factors the affected lowland rice production were Nagelkerke R Square 0.41 analyzed using multiple linear regression of the The SPSS results show the probability value of the Cobb-Douglas production function model as Omnibus test 0.001 < 0.05, indicating a better presented in Table 4. regression model. The probability value of Hosmer Table 4. Estimation of study parameter and Lemeshow Test of 0.13 > 0.05 means accept H0. Variable Coefficients Std. error Significant This indicates that the logit model is suitable for Intercept 1.267 further analysis, with a model accuracy of 41% at α W1 0.695*** 0.053 0.000

5%. W2 0.317*** 0.045 0.000

W3 0.386*** 0.050 0.000

E-ISSN: 2224-2899 675 Volume 18, 2021 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS Rustam Abdul Rauf, DOI: 10.37394/23207.2021.18.66 Muhammad Dwi Saputra, Effendy, Muhardi

W4 0.075* 0.044 0.092 D 0.529*** 0.053 0.000 5 Conclusion Adjusted R Square 0.906 The role of women farmers in the production of Note: *** significant at 1% level (p < 0,01) lowland rice was affected by their education and ** significant at 5% level (p < 0,05) farming income, with the effect on income being the * significant at 10% level (p < 0,10) most dominant. Land area, urea fertilizer, SP-36 Table 4 shows that land area, urea fertilizer, fertilizer, labor, and the role of women farmers had a SP-36 fertilizer, labor force, and the role of women positive and significant effect on the lowland rice farmers had a significant effect on the lowland rice yield, but land area in conjunction with women yield. The land area had a positive and significant farmers was greater. It was expected that farming effect on the lowland rice yield at α 1%, indicating households would optimize the use of women that the addition of land areas could significantly laborers as well as increasing resources through increase lowland rice production. This finding shows extension and training. that land area had a very important role in rice farming self-sufficiency. This result was supported Acknowledgments by findings from Effendy [41], Effendy [44], and Zen The authors would like to thank the [45] that land area had a role in increasing Kemenristekdikti for providing support for this agricultural production. Besides the land area, urea research. and SP-36 fertilizers also had a positive and significant effect on the lowland rice yield at α 1%. References: This shows that the use of fertilizer still played a role [1] Effendy, Changes of technical efficiency and in increasing the lowland rice yield in the study area. total factor productivity of cocoa farming in This result was supported by the findings of Li et al Indonesia, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural [46] and Effendy [44] that fertilizer could increase Science, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2018, pp. 566–573. agricultural production. Fertilizers could increase [2] M. Antara, Effendy, Allocation optimization nutrients in the soil that are much needed by lowland of farmersʼ resources to achieve maximum rice plants. income in Parigi Moutong Regency, Asian J. Labor had a positive and significant effect on Sci. Res., Vol. 11, 2018, pp. 267-275. the lowland rice yield at α 10%. This shows the [3] Sudarta, Peran Wanita Dalam Pembangunan addition of labor could increase the lowland rice Dalam Berwawasan Jender. yield. This result was supported by the findings of Li, Http://Ejournal.Unud.Ac.Id/Abstrak/Peranwani et al [46], Effendy [41], and Effendy et al [47] that ta.Pdf, 2010. labor could increase agricultural production. [4] K.M.S. Sukesi, Hubungan Kerja Dan Dinamika Sufficient and skilled labor could complete the work Hubungan Gender Dalam Sistem Pengusahaan in the production of lowland rice effectively and Tebu Rakyat. Lembaga Penerbitan Fakultas efficiently, such as fertilizing, controlling pests and Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya. Malang, 2002. diseases, and post-harvest. [5] International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) The role of women farmers had a positive Asia and Pacific, Resource guide for advanced and significant effect on the lowland rice yield at α training of cooperatives on entre- preneurship 1%. The women farmers had the second-highest role development of women and gender equality. after land area in affecting the production of lowland Brus- sels: ICA, 2015. rice, demonstrating the contribution of women [6] Worldbank, World development report 2012. farmers played an important role in increasing the Gender equality and development. Washington, lowland rice yield involving nurseries, dispelling bird DC.: Worldbank, 2012. attacks, and post-harvest work. This result was [7] C. Valdivia, Gender, livestock assets, resource supported by the findings of Laven and Pyburn [10], management, and food security: Lessons from White [11], Wijers [12], and Effendy et al [13]; the SR-CRSP, Agriculture and Human Values, overall, women farmers play an important role in Vol. 18, 2001, pp. 27–39. agricultural production. Increasing human resources [8] E. Lecoutere, The impact of agricultural co- (women farmers) could be done by giving them operatives on wom- en’s empowerment: innovation [48-50]. Evidence from Uganda, Journal of Coop- erative Organization and Management, Vol. 5, 2017, pp. 14–27.

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E-ISSN: 2224-2899 677 Volume 18, 2021 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS Rustam Abdul Rauf, DOI: 10.37394/23207.2021.18.66 Muhammad Dwi Saputra, Effendy, Muhardi

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