Contains JULY Nurturing Faith Lessons A conversation with Suzii Paynter 36

JUNE 2013

News journal celebrates

30 years | p 4 Why do have altar calls? | p 10

Immigration gets personal for evangelicals | p 34

™ BIBLE STUDIES for adults and youth 17 JULY lessons inside Kate Campbell’s musical inspiration June 2013 added to the 30-year celebration of Vol. 31, No. 6 Baptists Today.

John D. Pierce Executive Editor [email protected] Benjamin L. McDade Executive Vice President [email protected] Julie Steele Chief Operations Officer [email protected] Jackie B. Riley Managing Editor [email protected] Tony W. Cartledge Contributing Editor 4 [email protected] Bruce T. Gourley Online Editor [email protected] IN THE NEWS PERSPECTIVES David Cassady Pentagon debunks reports of How conservatives (and others) Church Resources Editor [email protected] anti-Christian policies 12 can win the marriage debate By John Pierce 9 Terri Byrd Contributing Writer Baptist historian Leon McBeth Vickie Frayne ‘inspired, impacted many’ 12 Getting health care right requires Art Director compassion, empathy and presence Jannie Lister Symposium considers By Gary Gunderson 16 Customer Service Manager ‘church in the digital age’ 13 [email protected] Kimberly L. Hovis Marketing Associate Young musician says [email protected] church organ is thriving 13 Lex Horton Nurturing Faith Resources Manager SBC’s Richard Land gets new job 14 [email protected] Walker Knight, Publisher Emeritus Cohabitation more common 14 Jack U. Harwell, Editor Emeritus BOARD OF DIRECTORS Church leaders tackle stigma of mental illness 15 Walter B. Shurden, Macon, Ga. (chairman) Robert Cates, Rome, Ga. (vice chair) Nannette Avery, Signal Mountain, Tenn. Kelly L. Belcher, Asheville, N.C. FEATURES MEDIA Donald L. Brewer, Gainesville, Ga. Huey Bridgman, The Villages, Fla. Jackie Robinson movie creates Mary Jane Cardwell, Waycross, Ga. A Higher Purpose: Young foot soldiers reflect needed discomfort, hope Jack Causey, Statesville, N.C. on civil rights experience Anthony D. Clevenger, Pensacola, Fla. 35 By John Pierce 42 Kenny Crump, Ruston, La. James M. Dunn, Winston-Salem, N.C. Holocaust Museum turns 20 Jack Glasgow, Zebulon, N.C. as survivors dwindle 41 Frank Granger, Athens, Ga. Quotation Remarks 8 Ben Gross, Chattanooga, Tenn. By Lauren Markoe Leslie D. Hill, Lexington, Ky. Editorial 9 Cynthia Holmes, St. Louis, Mo. Fisher Humphreys, Birmingham, Ala. Former ‘Jesus freak’ traces evolution Lighter Side 28 Michael M. Massar, Baton Rouge, La. of Christian rock 43 William T. Neal, Stone Mountain, Ga. Roger Paynter, Austin, By Don Lattin Baptists and the Civil War 29 Kathy B. Richardson, Rome, Ga. Lee Royal, Greensboro, N.C. Classifieds 30 Charles Schaible, Macon, Ga. Macon Sheppard, Clemson, S.C. In the Know 31 Charlotte Cook Smith, Winston-Salem, N.C. Leo Thorne, Valley Forge, Pa. Cover photo: By David Cassady Reblog 32, 33 Cathy Turner, Clemson, S.C. Drawing 300 persons to the First Baptist Church of Gainesville, Ga., on David Turner, Richmond, Va. April 25, a celebration of the 30-year history of Baptists Today focused on Tom Waller, Alpharetta, Ga. Vickie Willis, Murfreesboro, TN the news journal’s influence, evolution and hopeful future. An autonomous, national Cynthia Wise, Birmingham, Ala. Feature package begins on page 4 news journal since 1983 READERS SERVICES

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Baptists TodayBaptists Today Baptists TodayAll rights reserved. !"#$#% &' ()*+( ,)%%)(' Turning 30 News journal celebrates three decades of ‘enabling, recording and shaping a Baptist movement’

GAINESVILLE, Ga. — An April 25 dinner event at the First Baptist Church of Gainesville, Ga., recalled the begin- nings of an independent, national news journal in April 1983 and cel- ebrated its evolution and expanding roles over the past 30 years. irst named SBC Today, the news journal was founded by veteran communicator F Walker Knight who left a prestigious journalist role with the Southern Baptist Convention to launch the new publication. He found strong support within his congregation, Oakhurst Baptist Church in Decatur, Ga., and Anne Green (right) of Dahlonega, Ga., hosts from Baptist laypersons and ministers from a table of friends at the celebration dinner. many states concerned about the free flow of information during a time of upheaval in Knight and Harwell attended the celebration. “This book is a moving account of his denominational life. Nurturing Faith, Inc., the book and life from growing up in Kentucky, to serv- Under the second editor, Jack U. Harwell, church resources arm of Baptists Today, pre- ing in World War II, to charting a course in who had been forced into retirement from the miered Knight’s recently published memoirs, courageous journalism,” said current editor state Baptist newspaper in Georgia, the pub- From Zion to Atlanta, at the event. Knight has John Pierce in presenting the author’s copy to lication was renamed Baptists Today and given given the rights and all proceeds from the book the founding editor. “Walker is as honest in a redesign and wider appeal outside SBC life. to Baptists Today. this book as those of us who know him would expect him to be — as he deals with life’s chal- lenges including both the positive and negative influences of his father. You’ll want to read it.” Nashville-based singer-songwriter Kate Campbell, whose music ranges from familiar hymns she learned as the daughter of a Baptist preacher to her own calls for justice and hope, moved the gathered crowd of 300. Letters of tribute were read from Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal, a member of the Gainesville congregation, and former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, a longtime subscriber and supporter of Baptists Today. Board Chairman Walter Shurden pre- sented the author’s copy of a new book commemorating the news journal’s three decades of influence to Bruce Gourley, online editor for Baptists Today and executive director Founding editor Walker Knight greeted guests and signed copies of his memoirs, newly published of the Baptist History & Heritage Society. The by Nurturing Faith, at the 30-year celebration. Proceeds from the sales support Baptists Today. coffee-table book, sponsored by an estate gift

4 | Feature June 2013 Table sponsors and hosts: Alliance of Baptists Don Brewer Mary Jane Cardwell Bob and Martha Cates Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Georgia First Baptist Church, Athens, Ga. First Baptist Church, Gainesville, Ga. Jack and Barbara Glasgow Anne and Mark Green Michael and Tina Helms Fisher and Caroline Humphreys William Powell Tuck of Richmond, Va., participates in the book signing during a reception prior to the dinner celebration. He has two books published by Nurturing Faith, A Pastor Preaching and The Pulpit and Cynthia Wise Ministry of the Pastors of River Road Church, Baptist. Johns Creek Baptist Church, Alpharetta, Ga. “On behalf of the State of Georgia, it is a great Walker Knight pleasure to congratulate you on reaching this exceptional Bill and Judy Neal milestone … Our religious heritage is highly valued and helps Oakhurst Baptist Church, Decatur, Ga. Roger and Suzii Paynter to define our guiding principles as a people. I thank the writ- Kathy Brittain Richardson ers, editors, publishers and other stakeholders of Baptists Drayton and Mary Etta Sanders Today who have dedicated themselves to helping meet the Charles and Pat Schaible spiritual needs of so many of our citizens.” Macon and Boo Sheppard Roy and Charlotte Cook Smith —Letter from Nathan Deal, governor of Georgia and member Scott and Vickie Willis of First Baptist Church of Gainesville, Ga. from and dedicated to the memory of W. Reaves McCall of Hartsville, S.C., and titled Baptists Today at 30: Enabling, Recording and Shaping a Baptist Movement, was given to those in attendance. A video of the same title, produced by Ben McDade, executive vice president of Baptists Today, and Cliff Williams of Argyle Multimedia, was also premiered featuring a variety of readers and supporters speaking of the news journal’s impact. Calling for “regular and generous support for Baptists Today” as it moves into a bright future, Shurden noted that the new com- memorative book recounts “scores of Baptist laypeople [who] gave untold hours and dollars to keep this ministry vibrant.” “Here is a rule of thumb,” he added. “If you ever wonder where to give, give where “Young folks need something to grab onto to really grasp why they’ve chosen to be in a particular your friends have sacrificed and invested some denomination,” said Liz Isandoro of First Baptist Church of Gainesville, Ga., here attending the 30-year celebration, in a video tribute, “…and if Baptists Today can help them understand that, then I think it of their lives.” BT serves a very important purpose.”

June 2013 Feature | 5 “My wife Rosalynn and I Editor John Pierce presents the Judson-Rice Award to Virginia Connally as her friend and have been dedicated and fellow physician Drayton Sanders looks on. avid readers of Baptists Today since its earliest publication, and have shared this bless- ing with other members of our church congregation. Not only does this fine publica- tion keep us informed about events that are of interest and concern to all Baptists, but it provides inspirational news and articles of daily benefit to our lives. We are deeply grateful to those who Tribute to Virginia Connally have made Baptists Today Note: Baptists Today presented its annual Judson-Rice Award to 100-year-old physician and missions available to us, and look advocate Virginia Connally during the news journal’s 30-year celebration. These excerpts are from the tribute given by Executive Editor John Pierce. forward to many more years r. Virginia Connally is a person of deep missions near and far, and the causes of free- of sharing its Good News.” conviction and great compassion. She dom that mark the Baptist movement are well was one of only three women in her known. She established a chair and missions —Letter from President Jimmy Carter, D medical school class at LSU. Then she spent her center at her alma mater and purchased the a longtime supporter of Baptists Today internship and residency years in New Orleans, home next to hers to serve as a missionary where her compassion for the poor and suffer- residence. ing was strengthened by Catholic nuns. She has been a generous supporter of In 1940, Dr. Connally moved to Abilene, many good causes that she holds dear. She is Texas, where she had graduated from college an avid reader, a deep thinker, and a kind and at Hardin-Simmons, and opened her medi- caring person who is easy to love — and one cal practice specializing in eye, nose, ear and who makes others feel loved when around her. throat. She was the first female physician in On Dec. 4, 1912, a baby girl was born that part of Texas. in Temple, Texas, and given the good name As Virginia once told me, that was not Ada Virginia Hawkins. It was the beginning of a big deal to her. And the timing was great, a remarkable life that we celebrate a century because many of the male doctors were being later. shipped off to war. Dr. Connally, this award has been given One of my favorite Virginia Connally to some of the finest leaders within Baptist life. lines comes from her response to someone But none is more deserving than you. asking her: “Were there people back then who So on behalf of the Board of Directors of wouldn’t come see you because you were a Baptists Today, the Judson-Rice Society, and all woman?” who have gathered to celebrate the 30th birth- Virginia shrugged and responded: “How day of this publication, I present to you this would I know? I didn’t see them.” award, which reads: She continued that practice for 41 years. “Paying tribute to influential Baptist In addition, she traveled the world, befriending leaders Adoniram Judson, Ann Hasseltine missionaries and serving one good cause after Judson and , this annual award another. When her husband Ed died in 1975, is presented to Virginia Connally, M.D., in she assumed the presidency of Connally Oil recognition of providing great influence as a Co. while continuing as chief of staff at the Baptist leader while consistently demonstrat- local hospital. ing the highest Christian integrity.” Dr. Connally’s love of God, her church, Congratulations! BT

6 | Feature June 2013 Note: Adapted from comments by historian Walter B. Shurden, chairman of the board &' -).$/0 &. %"10(/2 of Baptists Today, at the 30-year celebration of the news journal Why I regularly, generously support Baptists Today In asking you to become a regular, gen- erous donor to Baptists Today, I want to engage in testimony, to tell you a few of the reasons why I give to Baptists Today.

FIRST: I give because of history. Baptists Today was the first child of the moder- ate Baptist movement. I still have the first issue in my files, dated April 1983. Thirty years ago, there were no other new moderate Baptist ministries. No Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. No Baptist Women in Ministry. No ABP. No new seminaries. I started giving to Baptists Today because it was the first of the moderate Baptist chil- dren. My giving became a habit. Chairman Walter Shurden presents the author’s copy of Baptists Today at 30: Enabling, Recording and Shap- ing a Baptist Movement to Bruce Gourley. The commemorative gift book, dedicated to the memory of W. SECOND: I give because it is unique. Reaves McCall, was given to those in attendance. It is the only independent, national Baptist news If you ever wonder where to give, give where SIXTH: I give primarily because of mission. journal in North America. The only one! your friends have sacrificed and invested some I consider Baptists Today to be a kind of Dr. Kirby Godsey has said often and pas- of their lives. “pastor” of moderate Baptists. A pastor is a sionately, “If something happened and Baptists generalist who does many things. Today went by the wayside, we would have to turn FOURTH: I give because Baptists Today Baptists Today campaigns for religious around and create it all over again.” He is right. knows how to handle a dollar. liberty, advocates for women in ministry, I give because Baptists Today is a unique I have never been caught up in spiritual pleads for a democratic priesthood and the ministry among Baptists. This uniqueness now ecstasy while reading a budget, but I know a role of the laity, lifts up historic Baptist involves the publication of Sunday school cur- good steward when I see one. Our Board of principles and a treasured Baptist heritage, riculum and books. Baptists Today has become Directors should be called a Board of Stewards. champions quality theological education, and a needed publishing enterprise, anchored in a I have sat in on conference calls of the promotes a broad understanding of news journal. budget committee, and have heard the voices of of Jesus Christ. good stewards using good words such as frugal- It teaches a holistic spirituality that THIRD: I give because it represents the ity and integrity. Baptists Today will not waste involves a warm heart, a critical mind and sacrificial ministry of some of my good your money. They know how to handle a dollar. a helping hand. Like a good pastor, Baptists friends in Baptist life. Today informs, interprets, inspires, confronts, It would take too long to call the roll. But Walker FIFTH: I give because of leadership. consoles, counsels, teaches and leads. Knight gave blood to get Baptists Today off the The staff at Baptists Today is nothing less than Subscriptions provide but a small percent- ground. Jack Harwell came over for fortification. stellar. I trust them. age of our budget. We rely on the gifts of those Scores of Baptist laypeople (that you will They work hard. They work smart. They who support this mission. So I urge you to read about in Baptists Today at 30) gave untold work with each other and with other moderate please become a regular, generous donor to the hours and dollars to keep this ministry vibrant. Baptist partners. You can trust them, too. “pastor” of moderate Baptists. BT Baptists Today at 30 Enabling, Recording and Shaping a Baptist Movement BY BRUCE T. GOURLEY A commemorative gift book $35 includes shipping Order online at or by phone at 877-752-5658.

June 2013 Feature | 7 “It’s almost an embarrassment to be celebrating 150 years. But it’s also an affirmation of faith in Christ’s quotation return.”

—Lisa Beardsley-Hardy, director of education for the Seventh-day Adventists who emphasize the return of Christ (RNS) remarks

“I said, ‘We agree to disagree,’ and he “Not everything you write will last. said, ‘No, I’m right and you’re wrong.’” And you won’t know which ones do, because you’ll not be here. But you —Green Bay Packers safety LeRoy Butler, on a conversation with the pastor of a Wisconsin church hope that some of them will stick.” “Christian freedom means more that canceled his upcoming appearance over Butler’s —Hymn writer Kristyn Getty of Nashville (USA Today) than spiritual freedom from sin. It support of NBA player Jason Collins who came out means freedom from the necessities as gay (Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel) and priorities of the world. It “In the history of an institution, 25 years is not that long. Yet in all of means freedom to love, forgive and “As is often the case in American our lives gathered here today it is a work for reconciliation. And, lest history, immigrants become more significant stretch of time.” we forget, love is not a natural or committed to God and the church upon necessary thing; it is a choice.” arrival here as traditional faith provides —Beeson Divinity School Dean Timothy George, speaking at the anniversary celebration of —Adam English, associate professor of avenues of comfort and security in a the interdenominational theological school of religion at Campbell University, new world. The American religious Baptist-related Samford University in Buies Creek, N.C. (ABP) future will be made as Christians Birmingham, Ala. (ABP) engage these emerging cultures in meaningful, life-giving ways.” “One of the challenges in the past —Author and historian Diana Butler Bass (HuffPo) as a youth minister was whether the students remembered to bring [a Bible] “We God nerds hardly even to Bible study. With apps, they always “No matter how good the intentions acknowledge the realities of the church have their phones and they always have are by those thinking they are doing we’re talking about. Rather, we’re their Bibles.” the Lord’s work, violating one’s rights stuck on the old post-WWII community tramples the Constitution, deludes church model, which increasingly only —Youth leader and professor Kirk Brothers, noting the value of Bible apps but the challenge in knowing the meaning of the Gospel, and exists in our minds.” causes harm to both the afflicted and whether teens are reading scripture or doing something else on their phones (Jackson Sun) the agitator. Both the church and —Blogger Christian Piatt ( government are better off when left to their separate objectives.” “Across the ideological spectrum, “You can tell they’re living differently —Pastor Mitch Randall of NorthHaven Church Washington is filled with people at because of how they talk, act and in Norman, Okla., who as a Native American the height of political power who are respect each other compared to Jersey grew up in eastern Oklahoma and whose practicing their faith seriously and Shore or insert whatever crazy reality TV relatives suffered from state-sponsored religion profoundly, but largely out of public show here. It’s nice to see someone get (Report from the Capital) view … In coffee shops, vibrant local recognized for the right thing for congregations, congressional offices, a change.” and White House corridors — God is —Senior Alexander McMeen of Lipscomb University far more present in Washington than in Nashville, who let his beard grow out before most Americans realize.” attending a campus event featuring stars of the Duck —Joshua DuBois, former director of the Dynasty TV show that is highly popular among White House faith-based initiative (Newsweek) evangelicals (USA Today)

8 | Perspective June 2013 Editorial By John Pierce How conservatives (and others) can win the marriage debate

hile the news buzzes about the first commitment made in the presence of God. decide whether a same-sex couple in a decades- prominent professional athlete to That’s why it is called holy matrimony. long relationship that involves shared home W reveal he is gay and the Supreme Holy matters belong to communities of ownership and other exclusive commitments Court weighs two cases involving the legality faith, not the government. Only someone who to one another should have the same govern- of same-sex marriage, public opinion keeps completely misunderstands either the role of ment benefits that were granted to Britney moving quickly in but one direction. government or church or both would deny Spears during her 55 hours of marital bliss or Those who suggest a bias against social such a conclusion. the many serial brides and grooms who trade conservatives in such reports might consider So social conser- partners like cars. But don’t call any such polls taken by conservative groups such as vatives have a great government-issued license or contract some- LifeWay Research, tied to the Southern Baptist opportunity to take a thing that is elevated to and makes a mockery Convention. The evidence of a quick and sure strong stand for what of holy matrimony. societal shift is clear. is right — and have all Churches, synagogues, and other One may argue over a percentage point or kinds of folks shouting religious bodies are fully capable of determin- two but, undeniably, support for legal equality “Amen.” It is a position ing their own rules for marriage. Already the for same-sex couples has grown and is grow- deeply rooted in the heftiest book in many churches is not the pul- ing at an astonishing rate. Also revealing is Baptist tradition that pit Bible but the wedding policy manual. the demographic breakdown showing that the helped shape the American experience regard- Churches can choose to marry or not strongest opposition comes from the oldest ing religious liberty. marry according to their own interpretations citizens. So we know how that plays out over Simply demand that government get of scriptures and any other rules they wish to time. out of the marriage business — because holy set regarding age, gender, counseling require- Also of note, geographically and reli- matrimony belongs to the church (and other ments, cost, size of wedding party or tacky giously, the strongest opposition to gay religious communities), not justices of the tuxedos. marriage comes from evangelical Christians peace or any other government official. Bug Right now, there is an open door for in southern states. So all of this raises a very out, Big Brother! conservatives to stand up for holy matrimony important question: Then the discussion over benefits and — by insisting that such an important spiritual Do evangelicals and other social conser- rights for those couples entering into a secu- commitment between two persons in the pres- vatives want a solution or just another losing lar contractual agreement can play out in the ence of God and God’s people belongs to the battle that grants nothing but a sense of public arena and courts. It takes the whole church and not a secular government. martyrdom? question of “preserving traditional mar- It is a simple and sure solution for those I recommend an obvious solution. And riage” out of the public discussion. In fact, it who genuinely want a resolution rather than here it is. does more to protect “traditional marriage” continuing engagement in another losing Devoted Christians (as well as those of than anything resulting from courts, polls or battle in the public arena. other faith traditions) should readily acknowl- protests. Conservatives can win! edge their belief that marriage is a spiritual Let the justices consider, debate and Along with everyone else. BT

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June 2013 Perspective | 9 &' &01,/ 6#10./', Online Editor

Answers to Baptist questions from a historical Why? perspective QUESTION: Why do Baptists have altar calls at the end of worship services?

f you’ve ever stood at the end of a worship gospel preaching and then embarked upon a weeping were common. While some preachers service and endured eight stanzas of “Just As months-long, oftentimes years-long, private viewed such manifestations as the evidence of II Am,” chances are you are (or were at one spiritual journey toward a feeling of internal the Holy Spirit’s working, the task of convert- time) a Baptist. security. John Leland, one of the most promi- ing listeners to the gospel of Christ too often While not universal, most Baptist congre- nent Baptist preachers of the 18th century, was subsumed by bodily convolutions. gations are conditioned to expect an invitation wrote at length of his own struggle toward By 1805, in an attempt to measure lis- or altar call to accept Jesus following Sunday salvation. He also lived long enough to witness teners’ responses to gospel messages, many morning preaching. Yet historically, “Just As the birth of a new conversion paradigm: the preachers began employing an “invitation to I Am” (or some other hymn encouraging a altar call. the altar,” a nearby fenced area where persons stroll to the front of the church) has not always The story of “walking the aisle” to “accept under conviction could congregate and be signaled the spiritual decision time in Baptist Jesus” can be traced back to rural Kentucky implored to seek salvation. worship services. and at the turn of the 19th century. As the revivals later moved indoors, In fact, one strain of Baptists in the 17th Around 1800, a revival (the Second Great Presbyterian minister and revivalist Charles and 18th centuries often avoided trying to con- Awakening) began on America’s rural frontier, Finney is credited with moving the altar call vert individuals to Christian faith. Particular, lasting for some three decades and initially from open field to church house. Although or Calvinistic, Baptists were convinced that expressed in camp meetings held in the open a Calvinist, Finney came to believe that God, before the foundations of the world, had countryside. This revival era marked the Christ’s death made salvation possible for predetermined who would be admitted into ascendancy of Arminian theology and the all. Accordingly, he used the altar call as a heaven and who would be condemned to hell. weakening of Calvinism. persuasive tool, calling listeners to the “anx- In effect, Jesus died only for the elect — that Individual revival meetings would often ious seat” to receive Christ. Finney’s embrace is, particular persons. In the eyes of many continue for weeks or months, with frontier of emotional, persuasive preaching angered Calvinists, efforts to convince hell-bound families camping out and attending daily many Calvinists, who rejected the altar call as persons to follow Jesus were not only useless services. The camp meeting preachers were unscriptural and unholy. but also an affront to God’s sovereignty. Other usually Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian or Nonetheless, the altar call survived and Calvinists preached to all comers but tried to Disciples, and often several would be loudly became normative in much of Christendom. convince none of their salvation. vying, within earshot of one another, for the By the second half of the 19th century, “walk- Accounts of conversion experiences during attention of the crowds at a given moment. ing the aisle” was common in many Baptist those early decades did not include walk- Passion and excitement filled the air. churches, particularly those of Southern ing the church aisle. Whether Calvinistic or Yet the manner in which listeners often Baptist persuasion. The 20th century wit- Armininian (those who believed Jesus’ offer responded to the emotional revival preach- nessed the pinnacle of popularity of the altar of salvation was to all persons and could be ing in the earliest years of the awakening call in Baptist worship services, an indication received freely by individuals), persons con- was unusual. Shrieking, groaning, fainting, of the effectiveness of the preacher’s sermon verted to the Baptist faith typically heard swooning, running around, twitching and loud and evidence of a growing congregation. And although walking the aisle may not be quite as common a practice now as last century, “Just As I Am” is yet the most sung hymn in many Baptist churches. BT

—This series is provided in partnership with the Baptist History & Heritage Society. Bruce Gourley serves as executive director of the society and as online editor for Baptists Today.

10 | Perspective June 2013 NEW FROM Faith BOOKS

The compelling life story of a Sponsored by the Cooperative Baptist Realities and lessons from the courageous Baptist journalist Fellowship Missional Congregations women of the world (ebook only)

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Lee of the court-martial Christians.” hristian conservatives have grown U.S. Coast Guard warned of threats to faith In recent years the U.S. military has increasingly alarmed recently over within the military while speaking at National become a battleground in the culture wars as the Creports and rumors that the Pentagon is Day of Prayer observances on Capitol Hill. growing pluralism of the armed forces, along considering new policies aimed at discriminat- “I am not talking about proselytizing; I with increasing assertiveness of both Christian ing against Christians and disciplining or even am vehemently against that,” the admiral said and secular activists, have led the Pentagon to court-martialing those who share their faith. in remarks that drew a standing ovation. “I’m clarify and develop policies of neutrality. But the Department of Defense on May 2 talking about gently whispering the gospel.” Those policies often do not sit well with sought to debunk that speculation, saying that The current controversy seems to have some conservative Christians. while aggressive proselytizing is barred, evangeliza- originated with Fox News contributor Todd Then in early April it was reported that tion is still permitted and the rights of all believers Starnes, who wrote about a Pentagon meeting during a U.S. Army Reserve presentation, an — and non-believers — will be protected. on harassment and tolerance issues; among the outside contractor had included Catholics and “The U.S. Department of Defense has attendees was the head of the Military Religious evangelicals in a PowerPoint show listing pos- never and will never single out a particular Freedom Foundation, Mikey Weinstein. sible “extremists.” While the Army removed religious group for persecution or prosecu- Weinstein told after the offending slide, the incident was reported tion,” Pentagon spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Nate the April 23 meeting that proselytizing in the as another example of anti-Christian bias. Christensen said in a statement. “The military is akin to “spiritual rape,” among Just three weeks later, when some sol- Department makes reasonable accommo- other things. diers and chaplains complained that they were dations for all religions and celebrates the The Fox News report on Weinstein’s blocked from logging onto the website of religious diversity of our service members.” remarks also cited a statement from Christen- the Southern Baptist Convention, Christian Christensen added: “Service members sen, the Pentagon spokesman, who reiterated conservatives accused the military of targeting can share their faith (evangelize), but must not the preexisting policy against proselytizing. evangelicals for censorship. force unwanted, intrusive attempts to convert But the Starnes piece went on to claim that the Even after it turned out that the problem others of any faith or no faith to one’s beliefs policy also applied to evangelizing, or sharing lay with a glitch in the SBC’s own website, the (proselytization).” the gospel. In addition, the story highlighted Family Research Council and others still insisted The latest statement was aimed at refuting court martial as a possible penalty. the incident revealed a troubling pattern of widely circulated reports in conservative media Outlets like then amplified military antipathy to Christians — a charge that outlets that Christian soldiers could be court- the reports with stories such as “Pentagon May critics said was akin to crying wolf. BT martialed for sharing their faith. Court Martial Soldiers Who Share Christian Whether the pushback will be successful Faith.” The Washington-based Family —Adelle M. Banks contributed to this report. Baptist historian Leon McBeth ‘inspired many’ By Bob Allen yearlong sabbatical and was paid $18,000 for graduated from Wayland Baptist University, Associated his work, but after seeing the final version the where he later served as trustee. He earned agency’s board of trustees halted publication. his master of divinity and doctor of theology H. Leon McBeth, a Baptist historian and Some trustees reportedly believed the degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological scholar and the author of nine books, died book was biased against Seminary. April 29 at age 81. conservatives, and spe- His funeral was held May 4 at University The retired chair of the history depart- cifically too sympathetic Baptist Church in Fort Worth. He was recipi- ment at Southwestern Baptist Theological to the agency’s moderate ent of the 1989 W. O. Carver Distinguished Seminary received numerous awards for his president at the time, Service Award from the Baptist History and contributions to Baptist history, including a Lloyd Elder. Heritage Society. Festschrift, Turning Points in Baptist History, in The Sunday School “His life and work profoundly inspired which colleagues paid tribute to his life’s work. Board retained copyright, and impacted many of us,” said Bruce Gourley, His books included The Baptist Heritage: Four and the book was never the society’s executive director, in an email to Centuries of Baptist Witness, published in 1987. published. Leon McBeth members. BT In 1990, the Baptist Sunday School Media reports Board of the Southern Baptist Convention — labeled it censorship. McBeth stood by the Editor’s note: On the day of Dr. McBeth’s death, since renamed LifeWay Christian Resources manuscript, calling it “a balanced interpretive the Baptist History & Heritage Society released — contracted with him to write an interpre- history of the first 100 years of the Baptist its spring journal, A Festschrift in Honor of Harry tive history for the publishing house’s 100th Sunday School Board.” Leon McBeth. This issue is available for $15 by con- anniversary. McBeth wrote the book during a McBeth grew up in Plainview, Texas, and tacting [email protected] or 406-600-7433.

12 | Information June 2013 Symposium considers the ‘church in the digital age’

By Ken Camp and who admit their own faults and doubts. Associated Baptist Press While digital-based communities gen-

erally develop around what people have in Photo from ocial media may link people across common, Schultze said churches can model the globe, while at the same time seg- intergenerational life together with people Young musician Smenting them generationally, one of who have varied perspectives and come from American’s foremost scholars on technology all walks of life. “Make room in our hearts and and the church told an April 29 gather- minds for those who are different,” he advised. says church organ ing at Baylor University’s George W. Truett Also, in a digital age of almost-omni- Theological Seminary. present mobile devices, he said people need is thriving “It’s increasingly easy to communicate Sabbath rest and a respite from incessant across geographic space and increasingly messaging. By Jeff Brumley difficult to communicate across genera- A responder to Schultze’s address, Chris Associated Baptist Press tions,” Quentin Schultze, chair of the DeVos Seay, pastor of Ecclesia in Houston, an emer- Communication Center at Calvin College, gent church that incorporates ancient liturgy OUSTON — South Main Baptist said at the symposium titled “iFaith? The and modern media into worship, said nearly Church organist Daryl Robinson Church in the Digital Age.” any technology can be an effective tool, but no His tearing it up in the music world, As a result, he said, those people con- church should become enthralled by it. winning awards and dazzling venues both versant with newer technologies are often “If it’s about being cool or uncool, the sacred and secular. segregated from the wisdom of the ages. line for cool keeps moving,” he quipped. “Daryl brings freshness and excite- Ironically, he noted, congregations that A key question churches should ask is ment to the hymn singing” and “is equally adopt projection technology in sanctuaries whether any technological tool enhances or strong accompanying ensembles of all over the objections of older members believ- inhibits its ability to touch lives. “A potential sizes,” said Stephen Bedford, interim music ing it will attract younger worshippers often pitfall is the belief you can relate to people director at the Houston church. discover they miss the mark. without having to touch them,” Seay said. Robinson’s age, 29, also challenges the “After a while, the older members most While technology can create distance, common assumption in church music that appreciate the user-friendly technology, and it also can draw people closer, he noted. For the church organ is extinct. He said many the youth see it as cheesy,” he said. example, his church shows video from mission church members still appreciate what the Schultze said practically everyone feels projects around the world that the congrega- organ brings to worship. over-messaged, and that communication over- tion helps support. Video can help members “I really do think (the organ) is on load can create a “cultural ADD” and shallow who may never travel abroad feel more closely the upswing for traditional worship, and I understanding of other people. “Biblical connected to global ministries and the people think there will be a great reenergizing for friendship requires time and proximity, even whose lives are touched by them. the organ and organists,” he said. in a digital age,” he said. Seay said technology should serve a pur- That comment jibes with consistent He said easy access to alternative pose, not call attention to itself. “When you and recent statements by experts across viewpoints via digital media contribute to use technology well, it becomes invisible,” the sacred music realm that the organ, “intellectual skepticism and cultural agnosti- Seay said. after plateauing for a couple of decades, cism,” because when media present multiple Doug Henry, professor in the Great Texts is on the upswing. Many congregations versions of “truth,” people tend to withhold program at Baylor University, echoed that are refurbishing, upgrading or adding the judgment on propositional claims and trust theme. He suggested that as churches evaluate instruments to their sanctuaries. more in feelings and personal experience. the use of any type of technology in worship, Robinson said it’s happening just in In light of that context, Schultze urged they should ask whether it serves as an icon time for a new generation of musicians church leaders to focus on four timeless prac- that draws attention to the divine or a spec- who are drawn to the organ. tices: listening, authenticity, hospitality and tacle that draws attention to itself. Robinson, South Main’s organist and leisure. The program was co-sponsored by artist-in-residence, is among those capital- “Listening means attending to reality,” Baylor’s Center for Ministry Effectiveness and izing on the trend. He took two top prizes he said. “It is the ground for all good, loving Educational Leadership and the Kyle Lake in the 2012 American Guild of Organists’ communication.” Center for Effective Preaching. BT National Young Artists Competition and is Schultze said in a digital culture where recognized for innovations in programming many assume artificial personas and con- —Ken Camp is managing editor of the and artistic skill. BT centrate on creating an image, young people Baptist Standard. Baylor University’s Terry particularly are attracted to adults who are real Goodrich contributed to this report.

June 2013 Information | 13 SBC’s Richard Land gets new job By David Gibson has for years been the point man — and often Religion News Service lightning rod — on public policy issues for the Southern Baptist Convention. ichard Land, the evangelical culture Apologetics is a method of arguing on warrior who was set to leave his job behalf of in order to evangelize Rwith the Southern Baptists after a series and to defend the faith, and it is often marked of controversies, will step down early to take by the sort of polemical style that Land per- over as head of a seminary in fected during nearly a quarter century as that focuses on defending faith in the modern head of the SBC’s Ethics & Religious Liberty world. Commission. “Over the years, it Yet if Land’s willingness to mix it up in has become increasingly the public square contributed to his renown, it clear to me that the way also helped lead to his downfall: A year ago he you spell evangelism, dis- made controversial comments about race and cipleship, missions, and the shooting case that resulted Christian education in in a reprimand from the SBC and the loss of the 21st century is ‘apolo- his radio talk show. Land was also found to getics,’” Land, 66, said have lifted passages, without attribution, from in an April 11 statement Richard Land another source for his radio commentaries. confirming reports that Following those controversies, Land he would become head of Southern Evangelical announced last summer that he would retire as Seminary in Charlotte, N.C., in July. head of the ERLC in October 2013 when he “My goal is to join with the SES fam- would have marked 25 years in that post. ily to produce an ever-increasing number of But he has now opted to take the SES job, graduates who will be the green berets and which will start on July 1 — and it will still paratroopers of God’s army, and who will be provide him a chance to fight in the culture used by him to win tremendous victories for wars that he has described as “a titanic spiritual Christ and his kingdom,” added Land, who struggle for our nation’s soul.” BT Cohabitation more common (RNS) — Unmarried couples who live together Hispanics, the percentage increased 57 percent; are staying together longer than in the past for whites, 43 percent; for blacks, 39 percent. — and more of them are having children, according to new federal data that details just cohabitation, up from 20 months in 2002 and how cohabitation is transforming families 13 months in 1995. across the U.S. - For almost half of women ages 15-44, their nant and gave birth in the first year of a first “first union” was cohabitation rather than mar- premarital cohabitation. riage, says the report from the National Center for Health Statistics. of women had transitioned to marriage; 32 “Instead of marriage, people are moving percent remained living together; 27 percent into cohabitation as a first union,” said demog- had broken up. rapher Casey Copen, the report’s lead author. “It’s kind of a ubiquitous phenomenon now.” “The has long had the short- Among the findings: est cohabiting relationships of any wealthy nation and now these relationships are lengthen- - ing,” said sociologist Andrew Cherlin of Johns ited with their male partner, up from 43 Hopkins University in Baltimore. percent in 2002 and 34 percent in 1995. Sociologist Sarah Hayford of Arizona State University in Tempe, who studies cohab- from 30 percent in 2002 and 39 percent in iting relationships, said they are complicated. 1995. The percentage of women who cohab- (indent) “It seems like cohabiting unions are ited as a first union increased for all races and playing different roles for different people,” ethnic groups, except Asian women. Among she said. BT

14 | Information June 2013 &' &#& %7+/$)2), USA Today ‘Stop hiding’ Church leaders tackle the stigma of mental illness

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (RNS) — Frank body. Sometimes what is in our heads needs medicine.” Page, former president of the David McKnight, a physician, leads the Southern Baptist Convention, was Celebrate Recovery support group at Belle Aire Baptist Church in Murfreesboro, Tenn. getting ready to work in the yard in The group, which is about 10 years old, draws the fall of 2009 when the phone rang. between 35 and 60 people to the church on His daughter was on the line. Tuesday nights. The program is part of a national move- “Daddy, I love you,” she said. “Tell Mama ment, first started at Warren’s Saddleback and the girls I love them, too.” Church. Some members are dealing with Then she was gone. addiction, while others have depression or Melissa Page Strange, 32, took her own life other mental illness. Some had been told faith just after hanging up the phone with her dad. could solve their problems, said McKnight — Frank Page, president of the SBC Executive but it’s not that easy. “I do not want you to imagine what that Committee, with his daughter Melissa Page is like,” he said. Strange, 32, who took her own life in 2009. “We would never tell someone who is For years, Page did not share the pain- Photo courtesy Frank Page nearsighted that it’s because they don’t have ful details of Melissa’s death, fearing some enough faith,” he said. “We do that with Christians might speak ill of her if they knew. Methodist Church in Birmingham, Mich., people who deal with depression.” Mental illness and suicide were taboo topics in the early 1990s when his 27-year-old son, McKnight helped start Celebrate for many churches, seen as a kind of spiritual Bill, took his own life. A few weeks after the Recovery at his church because of a personal failure. funeral, Ritter talked about his son’s struggles meltdown about 10 years ago. At first he was But that may be starting to change. in a sermon. resistant, thinking his troubles weren’t as bad Page and several other Baptist leaders Sharing his story made it easier for other as those of people dealing with drug addiction are more intently addressing mental illness, people in the church to talk about how mental or other issues. prompted by the Newtown, Conn., school illness had affected their own families, he said. Then the light bulb came on, he said, and shooting. The issue gained more urgency after “You can’t heal what you can’t name,” he said. he realized that he, too, had struggles and it the April suicide of Matthew Warren, the Ed Stetzer, president of Nashville-based was OK to admit to them. McKnight said that 27-year-old son of pastor Rick Warren. LifeWay Research, wants to see more churches growing up in church he’d learned to keep up Page, now president of the convention’s discuss mental illness openly. A longtime appearances, even when life was difficult. Nashville-based Executive Committee, is tell- friend of Warren’s and Page’s, he knew of “Too often in churches there is this belief ing his daughter’s story in a forthcoming book Matthew Warren’s struggles with depression, that you have to be perfect — that you have to called Melissa. which resisted treatment. keep a smile on your face when your world is He hopes the book will help other families In a blog post after learning of Matthew’s falling apart,” he said. who are grieving from suicide. He also hopes suicide, Stetzer wrote about how mental illness David Thomas, director of men’s and boys’ to take away some of the stigma and shame has affected his own family. Several of his rela- counseling for Daystar Counseling Ministries in that surrounds mental illness. tives have taken their lives, as did a parishioner Nashville, hopes churches will discuss the issue “There is a sense that everything you have in a church that he served as a young pastor. in church services as well as support groups. He tried has failed,” he said. “We need to stop hiding mental illness,” said many churches have started talking about Bill Ritter, author of Take the Dimness Stetzer said. finances in recent years because of the economic of My Soul Away: Healing after a Loved One’s Stetzer said some evangelical Christians downturn. Thomas thinks churches need to do Suicide, said people affected by mental illness think that if they pray enough or become more the same for mental illness. often steer clear of church. Some feel ashamed, spiritual, then their mental illness will go away. “We have very defined resources for families and others are just overwhelmed. But they don’t look at other health issues the that are struggling financially,” he said. “We don’t “For as much as we talk about the church same way. have defined resources for families who are strug- as the place you turn when life is falling apart, “People who become a Christian and have gling emotionally — and we need them.” BT the reality is that people often stay away from a broken leg will still have a broken leg,” he church when life is falling apart,” he said. said. “We tend to think that Jesus fixes what is —Bob Smietana writes for USA Today Ritter was pastor of First United in our heads and medicine fixes what is in our and The Tennessean.

June 2013 Information | 15 Editor’s note: This article in the series “Transitions: Helping churches and church leaders in changing times” is provided by the Center for Congregational Health ( based in Winston-Salem, N.C.

Getting health care right requires compassionate relationships

By Gary Gunderson

A century ago Baptists in Alabama, The real miracles of the 21st century are neighborhoods, but b) only in large scale part- how many conditions that were only recently nership with faith and neighborhood groups Florida, New Orleans and other fatal can be prevented, or at least managed already there and c) investing money pro- places were inspired by their sense of over many years of life. The combination of actively rather than reactively. pharmaceuticals (not surgeons), extraordinary Who would know how to do all that? mission and appreciation of modern advances in imaging and detection of early That’s the upside-down part of what is going science to start hospitals. In North conditions are being extended by the rapidly on. developing reach of connectional technology Inspired by Memphis, I came to Wake Carolina, Baptists not only raised the for monitoring of those conditions. Forest last July in hopes of adapting CHN to first money, but even volunteered to Tests that once needed a hospital now can this very different reality. In effect, we hoped be done by a monitoring device on a bracelet to put Memphis sauce on Carolina pig. sew sheets for the beds for what is connected to an iPhone. We were stumped about how to move now an 850-bed academic medical But that will not bring in Winston-Salem, with its very peculiar and health without personal twisty racial history. As we pondered, a miracle center in Winston-Salem. relationship and the happened, turning us upside down. miracle of compassion, In a meeting considering “outsourcing” he idea was that the hospital would empathy and presence. (firing) 267 janitors and housekeepers, we express the same healing hopes for the The real promise realized that many of them lived in exactly the Tpeople God so loved. is weaving the whole neighborhoods where much of our “charity Medical science is now capable of things tapestry in a partner- care” is focused. We decided to see if we could that could not be imagined those few decades ship that includes the save as much money on providing better, more ago, and medical institutions such as Wake high-end interventions of hospitals with all timely, and thus cheaper care to those streets Forest Baptist Medical Center have grown to the intermediate levels of care, including those and thus save more money than by replacing dwarf their birth mother in financial scale. impossible to buy but possible to nurture our employees with cheaper strangers. That is But while miracles do occur on an hourly basis through congregations. what is happening with the design emerging for patients arriving by helicopter, the dream That dream is exactly what has come through a partnership with the “environmental of healthy neighborhoods remains painfully visible in Memphis through the 500 (and workers” and chaplains, social workers, case distant. still growing) covenant partners of the managers and clergy on the ground. In Winston-Salem, literally in the shadow Congregational Health Network. Hard data Upside down is right side up, smart of the huge hospital, neighborhoods experience indicates that patients from those congrega- enough for even the toughest streets. Those rates of infant mortality and premature death tions cost less and have way better outcomes streets are the way they are because of decades from chronic conditions such as diabetes and than match-controlled patients. of wickedly complex dynamics that demand even hunger. The challenge is not miracles of In a time of enormously expensive change, blending all of the intelligence and diligence to technology, but the fundamental miracle of that has inspired many faith-based hospitals to be found. And they can be found right where compassionate relationship with the people create their own partnerships, including ours they’ve been all along; right where God has God so loved in the first place. based at Wake Forest Baptist Health called planted them, us, together. If the problem arrives by helicopter, you FaithHealthNC. Every community is different, That’s what we’re made for. For God so need a trauma center (and we have a great as is every church (as is every church commit- loved the neighborhoods that God has made us one!). But if the problem is a neighborhood, tee), so there is enormous variation in exactly for this purpose. And in moving toward our pur- you need another kind of miracle entirely, one how this works on the ground. pose, we find our life, too. Of course we do. BT that looks more like a congregation. A recent White House conference con- This turns the whole orientation of health vened the Health Systems Learning Group —Gary Gunderson is vice president of institutions inside out. But don’t miss the that reported success demands a) moving faith and health ministries at Wake Forest point: It is science driving the reversal. toward the “socially complex” patients in their Medical Center in Winston-Salem, N.C.

16 | Perspective June 2013 The Bible Lessons that anchor the Nurturing Faith Bible Studies are written by Tony Cartledge in a scholarly, yet applicable, style from the wide range of Christian scriptures. A graduate of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div) and Duke University (Ph.D.), and with years of experience as a pastor, writer, ™ and professor at Campbell University, he provides deep insight for Christian living without “dumbing down” the BIBLE STUDIES richness of the biblical texts for honest learners.

Teaching resources at

For adults and youth HOW TO USE THESE BIBLE STUDIES July lessons in this issue 1. Order a copy of Baptists Today news journal for EACH MEMBER of the class. The Bible Lessons are found only here. Psalm 30 — Mourning into Dancing 2. Teachers can go to to access all JULY 7, 2013 of the free resources needed for presentation. Simply click on “Adult” or “Youth.” Teaching the Lessons Reviewing the Basics After reading The Bible Lessons by Tony Cartledge starting on page 18, teachers can access Colossians 1:1-14 – Triple Strength helpful teaching resources (at no charge) at JULY 14, 2013 These include:

* Tony’s video overviews Colossians 1:15-29 – The Hope of Glory * Adult teaching plans by Rick Jordan JULY 21, 2013 * Y outh teaching plans by Jeremy Colliver * Tony’s “Digging Deeper” notes and Colossians 2:6-19 – Stuck on Jesus ”The Hardest Question” JULY 28, 2013 * L inks to commentaries, multimedia resources and more How to Order Youth Lessons are on pages 22–23. The Bible Lessons in Baptists Today are copyrighted and not to be photocopied. Adult teaching plans by Rick Jordan of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina * Orders may be placed at or are available at 1-877-752-5658.

* The price is just $18 each for groups of 25 or more — for a full year — with no additional costs. Thanks, sponsors! * All online teaching resources are available at no These Bible studies for adults and youth are sponsored through generous charge and may be printed and used by teachers of gifts from the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (Bo Prosser, Coordinator of the Nurturing Faith Bible Studies. Congregational Life) and from the Eula Mae and John Baugh Foundation. Thank you!

© Nurturing Faith Bible Studies are copyrighted by Baptists Today. DO NOT PHOTOCOPY. Order at: | 17 Psalm 30

with Tony W. Cartledge

July 7, 2013 Mourning into Dancing

ave you ever felt “down in the dumps”? How about really Hdown, so far down that you felt in danger of dying … so down that you could almost smell the fresh earth of your grave? That’s not a good feeling, but imag- ine the rejoicing if you came close to death but later made a full recovery. That’s the situation reflected in today’s text: The psalmist had been convinced that the jaws of death were snapping at his heels, but cried to God Psalm 30:11a — for help and fully believed God had lifted “You have turned my him back into the land of the living. mourning into dancing.” He also believed he’d learned an important lesson in the process. Yahweh has “lifted me out of the the second line of the verse repeats I will praise God … depths” (NRSV). The word behind the thought of the first, but in different (vv. 1-3) “lifted me out” is elsewhere used for words. A more literal version would be drawing water from a well (Exod. 2:16, “you kept me alive among those going Psalm 30, like Pss. 40, 92, 116 and 138, 19; Prov. 20:5). down the pit” (v. 3b). “The pit” is a is an individual song of thanksgiving to As God had drawn him up from the common euphemism for the grave or God. Like many other psalms, it begins doorway to death, the psalmist wanted for Sheol. with a superscription that provides a to lift God up with words of praise. Because of Yahweh’s healing, the supposed setting for the psalm’s origin, The life situation he recalls seems psalmist was saved not only from death but the superscriptions were almost to involve an illness or injury, for he but also from the ridicule of his enemies, certainly added by later editors and any declares in v. 2 that he had called to he said. Had he been wounded by people historical accuracy is suspect. Yahweh for help, and “you healed me.” who tried to kill him? Were there politi- The psalmist had known both ups His condition had been so grave that it cal or economic rivals who wanted his and downs in life, and wrote during led to grave-oriented thoughts. position or his money? Or did he have in an “up” period, celebrating what he “You brought me up from the mind a situation like that of Job, when believed to be divine deliverance. In the grave” (NRSV) translates “you brought even friends become enemies because first line he employs clever wordplay, my life up from Sheol” (v. 3a). The they assume that one’s suffering is due to promising to uplift the God who has ancient Hebrews had no notion of sin and therefore deserved? lifted him up. heaven or hell as many modern believ- The word translated as “extol” ers do; they believed that all who died You should praise God … (NRSV) or “exalt” in most other versions went to a mysterious underground place (vv. 4-5) literally means “I will make you high.” called Sheol (Hades in Greek), where Having summarized his experience, the And why does the psalmist want the dead carried on a sort of shadowy psalmist calls on others to join him in to elevate God? Because he believes existence. Although the dead did not praising God, utilizing the key words suffer, neither did they remember or “sing praises” and “give thanks” (v. 4; Additional background information rejoice; it was not a fate that people they will be repeated in v. 12). online where you see the “Digging desired. Note the parallelism typical of Deeper” icon In typical Hebrew poetic form, Hebrew poetry: Singing praises to the

18 | © Nurturing Faith Bible Studies are copyrighted by Baptists Today. DO NOT PHOTOCOPY. Order at: Resources to teach adult and youth classes LORD and giving thanks to God’s holy The psalmist’s plea implies that he name are two ways of saying the same are available at had confessed his prior sins of pride and thing, slightly nuanced. The word trans- self-congratulation, and dared to seek lated as “name” (zeker) really means God’s grace because he had repented “remembrance.” God’s way of teaching him a lesson. He and sought to begin anew. The psalmist had spoken of enemies had known success in life, and believed God’s response is described in waiting to rejoice in his death in v. 1. he had become too self-assured: “As memorable words: “You have turned Now he calls upon the faithful to join him for me, I said in my prosperity, ‘I shall my mourning into dancing” (v. 11a). in praising God for his deliverance. never be moved’” (v. 6). The penitent’s clothing of sackcloth was In v. 5 we find a beloved phrase that The writer recognized that Yahweh exchanged for robes of joy, with the may reflect a less-than-accurate render- had blessed him, making him like a strong result that “my soul may praise you and ing of the author’s meaning. “For his mountain (v. 7a). But the psalmist had not be silent” (v. 12a). anger is but for a moment, but his favor become overconfident. While everything The psalm closes with words that echo earlier verses. The verbs “praise” is for a lifetime” (NRSV) is an appeal- was going well, he assumed the good and “give thanks” hark back to v. 4, ing thought, but the word translated as times would continue. He boastfully said, where both are also used, providing “moment” could also mean “repose” “I shall not be moved!” a nice frame to the main body of the and in some circumstances may carry And then everything moved. psalm that includes a call to praise and a the thought of death (Mitchell Dahood, Illness struck, and suddenly his situ- testimony of thanksgiving. Psalms I, The Anchor Bible, Vol. 16 ation had changed radically. Life can be Of greater interest, perhaps, is the [Doubleday, 1995], 182). like that. The psalmist believed that his repetition of the word “forever.” The Thus, the intended sense may be smug self-assurance had offended God, psalmist had confessed earlier that in “For in his anger is death, but in his who withdrew divine favor: “You hid his overwhelming pride he had once favor is life.” This is in keeping with your face, I was dismayed.” said “I shall never be moved – forever” the basic theology of the psalmist, as in The metaphor of God’s face (a literal translation of v. 6b). Having much of the Old Testament: the belief bestowing favor is a common biblical learned his lesson through sickness and that rebellion against God would lead to expression, as in the famous Aaronic deliverance, he now promises to praise cursing and death, while faithful obedi- blessing, which includes a wish that ence would bring blessing and life (see God – forever. “the Lord make his face to shine upon Modern readers, with the added Deut. 30:15-20). you …” light of the New Testament, no longer When interpreted as the result of Without God’s favor, disaster need to think that every illness or mis- God’s anger, suffering could lead one struck. The psalmist offers no details fortune is a sign of God’s anger sent to repentance and renewed health. Thus, of his illness, but it was enough to to punish us or guide us back to the while the weeping associated with suf- leave him distressed and convinced that straight and narrow. We don’t have to fering might last through the night, joy death was near. Fortunately, however, interpret trouble as the hard hand of an might yet be known in the morning. the psalmist believed that the situation angry God. In this sense, night and day should could be reversed. If God’s favor could That does not mean we cannot ben- be understood metaphorically. The dark be withdrawn, it could be restored. efit from the psalm, however. Whatever of night represents God’s anger that So, he cried out and “made sup- the cause of sickness or other trials, leads to suffering, while repentance plication” to God (v. 8, compare Ps. they may serve the important purpose of leads to salvation or deliverance, seen 28:1-2, 142:1), hoping for healing. helping us to refocus our lives and put as the dawn of a new day (Peter Craigie, At first the writer tried bargaining our trust in God. Psalms 1-50, Word Biblical Commen- with God – appealing to God’s desire When life is good and we find our- tary, Vol. 19 [Word Books, 1983]). for praise by offering the logical argu- selves prosperous and healthy, it’s easy ment that the dead do not praise God. to forget the one who has blessed us and … and this is why What good would it do for God to con- to take full credit for our own success. (vv. 6-12) sign him to the grave? Could he praise When adversity comes, however – espe- Having declared his purpose of prais- God or testify to God’s faithfulness if cially when we sense that the future ing God for saving him from death and he’d been reduced to dust (v. 9)? is no longer in our hands – are we not having called on the faithful to join Ultimately, though, the psalmist more likely to turn our hearts toward him in praise, the psalmist gives a more knew that logic was not enough. He God? detailed testimony of his experience in must entreat God’s mercy alone, plead- And if we find healing or renewed vv. 6-12. ing for Yahweh to “be gracious” and to prosperity, as the psalmist did, will we Now we find clear evidence that the “be my helper” (v. 10), or as we might remember to praise God for the bless- author believed his sickness had been say, “Lord have mercy: help me!” ings we have received? BT

LESSON FOR JULY 7, 2013 | 19 Colossians 1:1-14

with Tony W. Cartledge

July 14, 2013 Triple Strength

s Jesus enough for you? I don’t mean that in the sense of whether you’d be Iperfectly fine to live in the desert with no one to talk to but Jesus, or some other extreme separation from all but faith in Christ. But, when you think about things such as salvation, spirituality, a guideline for living, a sense of ultimate meaning for life – is Jesus enough for you? Can you sing along with the old hymn, “I am satisfied with Jesus”? That’s not always the case in our world. We live in a very pluralistic soci- ety in which we are exposed to multiple Colossians 1:10 — religious traditions and people are more “…so that you may lead lives worthy of the Lord, fully likely than ever to develop their own pleasing to him, as you bear fruit in every good work sense of spirituality from a smorgasbord and as you grow in the knowledge of God.” of ingredients. Hence the rising num- ber of people who consider themselves Faith, love and hope Although Paul had not visited Colos- “spiritual but not religious.” (vv. 1-8) sae, he had learned much about the When Paul wrote to the church at church from his friend and colleague Colossae, he had many things to say, Paul typically opened his letters in a Epaphras, a native of the area who had but mainly he wanted them to under- standard form that began with a greeting also evangelized the neighboring towns stand that “Jesus is enough.” and prayer. In the greeting (vv. 1-2), Paul of Laodicea and Hieropolis. So far as we know, Paul had never identified himself as the author, noted that Epaphras, probably working under been to Colossae, and when he wrote Timothy was with him, and addressed his Paul’s supervision, had been the pri- this letter to the church, he was confined words to the “saints,” the faithful brothers mary evangelist and church planter in to a prison cell, probably in Rome. and sisters of Colossae. Colossae: Paul said they had learned the But he had heard. Paul considered all Christ-followers truth of the gospel from Epaphras, “our He had heard that the Christians to be saints, not because he thought they beloved fellow servant” who “is a faith- in Colossae and their neighbors in were morally perfect, but in the sense ful minister of Christ on your behalf” Laodicea were being confronted with that they were God’s set-apart people. (v. 7). Epaphras appears to have been a syncretistic form of the faith that As such, he offered the believers in a fellow-prisoner with Paul, too (Col. included Jesus but demanded more. Colossae a heartfelt wish for “grace and 4:12, Philemon 23), so Paul would have Paul wrote to oppose this competing peace” that comes from God. been well aware of both victories and form of the gospel and to insist on this In the Greek text, vv. 3-8 are con- challenges facing the church. belief: Jesus is all you need. structed as one long and complicated Enquiring minds want to know: We’ll be studying texts from the sentence, but most translations break it What did Paul find to be thankful for book of Colossians – and Paul’s insis- into two or three sentences for greater among the Colossians? Faith, for one tence on the sole supremacy of Christ clarity. thing. And love. And hope (vv. 3-5a). – for the next four weeks. In his extended greetings to the churches, Paul typically offered thanks for These three characteristics served as Additional background information particular attributes or qualities known to important touchstones for Paul, as true online where you see the “Digging be present in the church fellowship, fol- marks of true believers. Deeper” icon lowed by a prayer for the people. The three virtues are interrelated:

20 | © Nurturing Faith Bible Studies are copyrighted by Baptists Today. DO NOT PHOTOCOPY. Order at: Resources to teach adult and youth classes our faith in Christ inspires us to love patience” (v. 11b), yet encouraged his one another, while both faith and hope are available at readers to give thanks and find joy even are grounded in “the hope laid up for amid their struggles, remembering their you in heaven.” One cannot claim to hope of an eternal inheritance “in the have true faith in Christ and not also vocabulary may have been shaped in light” (v. 12). have love for God’s people. part by the false teachers who claimed Light and darkness are timeless When Paul writes of hope, it is not to offer a fullness of truth that went contrasts, often used for artistic effect. just a subjective attitude he has in mind. beyond Jesus and came through secret Rembrandt was famous for his por- It is also the very substance of our hope, knowledge. traits, which typically featured dark the assurance of an eternity guaranteed Paul’s concern is not that the Colos- backgrounds and the masterful use of by God. It is not only the act of hoping, sians have encyclopedic knowledge or light used to draw attention to faces. but also the object that is hoped for. philosophical acumen or tactical bril- Some contemporary dramas, such as The Colossians’ hope – and cor- liance. He wants for them the ability to HBO’s Game of Thrones, illustrate dark responding faith and love – had come discern God’s will; to understand what themes through dark scenes in which to them through the preaching of “the God is about and how we can fit into it’s hard to make out what’s happening word of truth, the gospel” that gave rise God’s plan of redemption for all people. and viewers find themselves wishing for to the fruit of new believers and new Paul leaves no doubt that the pur- more light. behaviors (vv. 5b-6). In Paul’s mind, pose of the wisdom and understanding Paul drew on this metaphor in fruit and growth – both numerical and he prays for is “so that you may lead reminding his readers of the supremacy spiritual – demonstrated the authentic lives worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing and full efficacy of Christ, who “has nature of the Colossians’ faith. to him, as you bear fruit in every good rescued us from the power of darkness When used here, “the gospel” work and as you grow in the knowledge and transferred us into the kingdom (literally, “the good news”) describes of God” (v. 10). of his beloved Son, in whom we have truthful teaching and preaching about Understanding God’s will and redemption, the forgiveness of sins” Jesus Christ. The four “gospels” we doing God’s work are interrelated, (vv. 13-14). know from the New Testament had not each one reinforcing and deepening the For Paul, people had two options yet been written or distributed. Paul’s other. The more we understand God’s when confronted with the gospel: They own letters were the first of the writ- desires, the more we want to live in could continue living in darkness or fol- ings that would later become the New ways that please God. The more we low Christ into the light. Paul’s readers Testament. Thus, it was most important live out our calling, the more deeply we believed in demonic powers that were to have a trustworthy preacher who had understand our call. characterized by darkness and held an accurate understanding of the gospel. sinful people in their sway. This was the kind of evangelist they had Strength, patience Notice Paul’s emphasis on the known in Epaphras, who had reported and redemption effective work of Christ, a primary to Paul the depth of their Spirit-inspired (vv. 11-14) theme in Colossians. The verbs behind love (vv. 7-8). If knowing and doing God’s will came “has rescued” and “transferred” are in easily, Paul’s letters might never have the aorist tense, indicating completed Knowledge, wisdom and been written. The truth is, follow- action. The word for “have” is an understanding ing God’s way is hard. Culture works active verb, suggesting a present state. (vv. 9-10) against it, as do peer pressure and eco- Because of what Christ has already When you pray, do you include both nomic pressure. Doing the right thing or done, we now have redemption from sin thanksgiving and intercession? Paul did. the loving thing doesn’t always pay off and the hope of an eternal inheritance. After praising God for the fervent faith, with either financial success or societal Nothing else is needed. love and hope found among the Colos- acceptance. When Jesus called us to So we return to the question with sians, Paul prayed that God would bless lives of self-sacrifice, he never prom- which we began this lesson: Is Jesus them with the knowledge of God’s will ised it would be an easy road. enough? Do we have confidence that “in all spiritual wisdom and understand- For this reason, Paul prays that the the love and power of God in Christ is ing” (v. 9). Colossian believers would “be made sufficient to release us from the cap- Paul uses three different words that strong with all the strength that comes tivity of sin, transfer us from worldly relate to comprehension, and one could from his glorious power” (v. 11a). The darkness to the kingdom of light, and parse slight differences in meaning, repetition sounds awkward, but shows give us the strength and wisdom we but they all support the same idea: Paul the depth of Paul’s emphatic concern. need to grow with patience and joy? wanted his readers to be “filled with He knew the believers would need Paul did. He would certainly hope the knowledge of God’s will.” Paul’s strength to “endure everything with that we will, too. BT

LESSON FOR JULY 14, 2013 | 21 Youth lessons are made possible through the generous support of the Eula Mae and YouJuly 7 - July 28, 2013 th John Baugh Foundation. Just Dance JULY 7

Psalm 30 feeling that he has just overcome death; that Think About It: his cries to God have been heard and he has When we fail, we often put the blame some- angnam Style. Harlem Shake. Cat been rescued. where other than ourselves. When we succeed, Daddy. Walk It Out. Rockaway. As you Psalm 30 is a psalm of individual thanks- we like to take the credit. In both of these situ- read over each of these, the song starts giving. The writer is thankful for the healing G ations, how often do you turn to God? playing in your head and you start seeing God has bestowed on him — the healing that the YouTube video of the dance in the back yanked him from the doorstep of death. And of your mind. Dancing is just something we because it was God who healed him, the do — some of us better than others, but we writer is also saved from the taunts of his Make a Choice: all dance. The psalmist knew this as well: “You enemies. The psalmist is so overwhelmed, he Where do you put your hope when you feel have turned my mourning into dancing.” can’t keep his joy to himself and he encour- utterly lost and there is nowhere else to turn? The dancing the psalmist is referring to ages others to join in the celebration with Do you continue to rely on yourself or those isn’t the type you do at the prom or some him. around you, or do you finally turn to God? other school dance, though. The psalmist is As we read Psalm 30, we are reminded of referring to the type of dancing you do when where to put our hope. We know that sickness something amazing happens and you just or other troubles are not signs from God and can’t help but move — you know, those little that we don’t have to deal with them alone. Pray: dances that if someone caught them on video, Our hope rests in God. God, we praise your name for being with us you would be mortified. The psalmist has the when things are going well and also when things are tough.

Enough JULY 14 Colossians 1:1-14 doesn’t refer to them as perfect, but as set Think About It: apart for God. This is a reminder to the people Living for God is not always easy. We need hat three things would you that they are different than everyone else constant reminders of who we follow. Who want to have if you were going around them. Paul reminds them to continue are some of the people that help you live for to be stranded on a deserted to be faithful, to show love and have hope “W Christ? island for the rest of your life?” because, while these actions and qualities In some fashion we’ve all played this may be different than what the Colossians mental game before. It is really getting at two hear as important from others, they are the things: 1) What is important, and 2) what is things that produce fruitful lives. Make a Choice: enough? Where did the Colossians learn how We can fill our lives with all sorts of things. As Paul begins his letter to the to be faithful, to show love and have hope? How do you choose what goes into your Colossians, he is reminding them what is It seems obvious to us, but the people of schedule and what stays out? How do you important and what is enough: Jesus Christ. Colossae had information coming from all know when enough is enough? In our society we are constantly bombarded over the place. Paul reminds them that their with the newest and brightest and best. knowledge comes from the good news of Perhaps we also need to be reminded of what Jesus Christ. He wants them to be so full of is important and what is enough. the knowledge of God that there isn’t room Pray: Paul’s letter starts in his usual way: for anything else in their lives. Paul wants God, we pray that we would recognize that with a greeting and a prayer. Even though he their lives to be a pouring out of the good you are enough in our lives. You are all we mentions the people of Colossae as saints, he news of Jesus. need. You are our enough.

22 | Youth David Cassady and Jeremy Colliver

Describing Jesus JULY 21

Colossians 1:15-29 can experience life with God. Paul writes that Think About It: Jesus is also “in” (not apart from) creation. He “The more you know, the more you grow” alladega Nights includes a funny scene claims that God does not merely put creation became a popular slogan used by NBC. Paul where the characters discuss the ways into order but sustains it through Jesus. would agree with this sentiment in that the Tpeople talk about Jesus. As Ricky starts Paul then describes Jesus as “the head more we know about Jesus, the more we grow to pray, he is interrupted by others around of the church.” If Jesus is the sustainer of the into a life with him. How do you grow in your the table who share the way they like to universe, he must also be the one to control life with Christ? visualize Jesus. Baby Jesus, Jesus in a tuxedo the church, for the church is God’s agent on t-shirt, ninja Jesus and “Jesus as an eagle” earth. Paul wants the Colossians to know that are some of the images named. In his letter Jesus is enough for them. Jesus is to be their Make a Choice: to the Colossians, Paul also describes Jesus head, to provide them with guidance, to bring We can choose to follow after Jesus or to with some fairly vivid images. them back through forgiveness when the make our own path. How do you follow Jesus Paul begins by describing Jesus as being guidance is ignored. Jesus is all they need. in your life? in creation as “the visible image of God.” God Paul is not only telling others about is somewhat mysterious in the Old Testament Jesus but also encouraging them to continue (remember that no one could look upon God), to grow in their relationship with Jesus. but in Jesus we not only look at God but also Pray: God, may Jesus be enough for us. May we see Jesus as your face and follow him in all that we do.

Walking JULY 28

Colossians 2:6-19 somewhere, and those roots are in Jesus. As Think About It: they walk by faith, they are to remember to We learn about things that will help us grow e don’t often take a journey by trust in Christ. There will be dangers along in our faith, but they will not be our salvation. walking. We might jump in a car the path that tempt them into trouble. They are merely things that help us return Wfor a road trip or catch a flight for Paul mentions some of the things that our focus to Christ. What helps you focus on a vacation or even take the subway around tempt the Colossians, and we might replace Christ? town, but we don’t often walk for long dis- those with our own temptations as we read. tances. When we do have to walk, we often When the temptations come, Paul reminds see it as a burden or a waste of time. the readers that all they need is Jesus; he is Make a Choice: When Paul wrote to the Colossians, enough. Through their walking they will con- We can chase after a lot of things in our lives walking was the primary way people traveled tinue to grow in faith. Others will tell them that give us meaning and purpose. How do and probably why he used the metaphor of things they will have to do, but Paul reminds you know which things lead you to Christ or walking to show how we should live out our them their growth comes through a life in away from Christ? faith. Christ — not because of what they do but by Paul begins this section of his letter being connected with Jesus. by encouraging the Colossians to walk in Paul reminds the Colossians that Jesus Christ. He reminds them that as they walk in is enough and that walking with Jesus brings Pray: their life with Christ, they have to be rooted true and lasting growth. God, may we walk with you wherever we go, and may we remember that you choose to walk alongside us.

Youth | 23 Colossians 1:15-29

with Tony W. Cartledge

The Hope of Glory July 21, 2013

hat is your favorite image of Jesus? Do you like to think Wof him as a young carpenter with a hammer in his hand, as a popu- lar teacher with a smile on his face, as the suffering savior with a cross on his back? Or, do you prefer to imagine the exalted Christ in a glorified body, sitting on a heavenly throne? I suspect that most of us prefer to envision the itinerant Jesus in peasant garb, but Paul was more likely to speak Colossians 1:27 — of the heavenly Christ, the preeminent “God chose to make known how great among the Lord who has existed from the begin- Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, ning and will rule until the end. which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” When writing to the Colossians, Paul was particularly emphatic about born of Mary and walked the hills of any subordination to God is clear magnifying Jesus as the exalted Christ, Galilee and who loved every person he from v. 16, which attests “for in him because other teachers in the area held a met is – amazingly – a visible image all things in heaven and on earth were lower view of Jesus, insisting that other of the invisible God. The great and created” (v. 16a). Though the confes- heavenly powers should also be incor- mysterious God revealed in the Old sion does not use Trinitarian language, porated into worship. Testament – the God whom no one Paul would surely affirm there was Christ over creation could look upon and live – that God never a time when God did not exist as (vv. 15-17) took on a human face in Jesus Christ Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and that all and so became visible. creation owes its existence to the full In vv. 15-20, Paul launches into a wide- Other belief systems popular in Godhead. ranging description of Christ’s divine the ancient world taught that a primary Paul wanted to emphasize that any activity from beginning to end, a lyrical god created (or gave birth to) a second other spiritual reality owed its existence passage that many scholars consider generation of gods, who were then to God in Christ. First century peoples to be an early hymn or confession that responsible for actually creating the commonly believed in a variety of Paul quoted as a reminder of what the world and humankind. The hymn’s ref- unseen powers, thought of as varying Colossians had been taught. erence to Christ as “the firstborn of all ranks of angels or demons. Royal terms The section begins with the affir- creation” might seem to suggest Christ such as “principalities,” “powers” or mation that Jesus “is the image of was God’s first creation, who then took even “thrones” were used to designate the invisible God, the firstborn of all responsibility for creating everything the invisible beings thought to inhabit creation” (v. 15). God is typically imag- else. the atmosphere, engage in “spiritual ined as an unseen reality beyond human Paul would not have seen things in warfare” and influence life on earth. vision, but in the person of Christ, Paul this way, however. The term “firstborn” This is why Paul goes on to affirm says, we see God. could mean either first in time or first that every aspect of creation comes The man named Jesus who was in rank. With firstborn sons, the two through Christ, including “things vis- went together, but in this text the word ible and invisible, whether thrones or Additional background information clearly indicates a rank of preeminence. dominions or rulers or powers – all online where you see the “Digging Jesus had authority over all creation. things have been created through him Deeper” icon That “firstborn” does not indicate and for him” (v. 16b).

24 | © Nurturing Faith Bible Studies are copyrighted by Baptists Today. DO NOT PHOTOCOPY. Order at: Resources to teach adult and youth classes Paul did not claim to have special Vol. 44 [Word Books, 1982], 69). are available at knowledge of these presumed powers, In other words, “Continuance … nor does he expressly affirm their exis- is the test of the reality of their faith” tence. But he does insist that anything (p. 72). Or, as Baptists have been wont created owes its existence to Christ, and to put it, “Once saved, always saved – is thus subordinate to him: “He himself if really saved.” is before all things, and in him all things 20). Whatever is fragmented or frac- The remainder of today’s text hold together” (v. 17). tured in the universe, Christ has the builds on Paul’s description of Christ In these words Paul declares that power to make whole. as supreme, as he describes himself as Christ is not only the original creator a servant of Christ who gladly suffered but also the continual sustainer of the Christ as the redeemer for Christ as a way of “completing what (vv. 21-29) universe. On those days when we may is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the feel that our world is falling apart, it is The concept of Christ as reconciler sake of his body, that is, the church” helpful to recall Paul’s affirmation that carries over into vv. 21-22, but with a (v. 24 – see “The Hardest Question” Christ holds all things together. The twist. Christ is fully able to present us online for more on this). same powerful Christ who constrains forgiven and blameless before God – Paul saw his unique contribution as protons in the nucleus of an atom can so long as we trust him alone to do so. being one who was commissioned by hold broken hearts together and give us Baptists who affirm the “eternal God to reveal a hidden mystery – that hope to face another day. security of the believer” may struggle mystery being that God’s grace had with v. 23, which implies that one could been poured out on Gentiles as well as Christ over the church turn back from faith and no longer qual- (vv. 18-20) Jews (vv. 25-27). Most of the believers ify as blameless before God. Believers in Colossae were probably Gentiles, The second stanza of Paul’s poetic con- can only remain without reproach, Paul and because of this good news, they too fession again uses the term “firstborn,” told the Colossians, “provided that you could embrace Christ, and with his but clearly in support of the affirmation continue securely established and stead- presence experience “the hope of glory” “He is the head of the body, the church” fast in the faith, without shifting from in full measure. (v. 18a). Paul’s contemporaries did not the hope promised by the gospel that Paul’s goal was not only evange- understand the brain as we do, but they you heard, which has been proclaimed lism but also discipleship. He wanted knew the head controls the body. If to every creature under heaven” all people to know Christ, but also to the church can be described as a body, (v. 23a). grow in wisdom and faithfulness so then Christ is clearly its head: The same Paul’s warning concerns the false that he could “present everyone mature Christ who rules the universe gives doctrine spreading through the area, in Christ” (v. 28). In v. 22, Paul had special attention to believers as “the teaching that Jesus was not sufficient, spoken of Christ as presenting believ- body of Christ.” but that believers must also observe var- ers holy and blameless at the judgment. Christ is the head of the church ious ascetic practices and acknowledge Now he speaks of himself and his com- because he is the founder of the church, other spiritual powers. Paul saw this as panions as presenting the believers they “the beginning, the firstborn from the an abandonment of the faith. dead, so that he might come to have first If Christians expect Christ to advo- had taught to Christ, and wanting to be place in everything” (v. 18b). cate for them in the final judgment, they proud of them. With v. 19, the confession shifts must put their whole trust in Christ and If anyone has ever been driven, it from firstborn to fullness as Paul pro- not be lured away from the gospel they was Paul. From the day he found Christ claims Christ as the one in whom “all have heard and believed. on the road to Damascus, he was driven the fullness of God was pleased to Paul is confident, however, that to bring people into the kingdom and to dwell” (v. 19). False teachers might this will be the case. Peter T. O’Brien teach them to become genuine, effective claim that Jesus was only a partial paraphrases the Greek construction disciples. “For this I toil and struggle,” manifestation of God, but Paul was this way: “At any rate if you stand firm he said, “with all the energy that he emphatic in his insistence that Jesus in the faith – and I am sure that you powerfully inspires within me” (v. 29). Christ is fully God and fully sufficient will …” Paul’s words express both For what do we toil and struggle? for us. assurance and warning, and remaining Not all of us are called to follow Paul’s Believers have no need to concern faithful is the test. “If it is true that the single-minded devotion to evangelism themselves with other spiritual beings, saints will persevere to the end, then it and church planting, but every believer whether real or imagined, for God in is equally true that the saints must per- is called to live out our own unique Christ has reconciled all things to him- severe to the end” (O’Brien, Colossians, calling – even if it requires toil and self through his death on the cross (v. Philemon, Word Biblical Commentary, struggle. BT

LESSON FOR JULY 21, 2013 | 25 Colossians 2:6-19

with Tony W. Cartledge

July 28, 2013 Stuck on Jesus

ave you ever noticed how many popular songs include the word H“walk”? Fats Domino sang “I’m Walkin’,” and pledged his love with “I Walk the Line.” We’re familiar with inspirational songs such as “Walk On” and “You’ll Never Walk Alone,” both covered by a number of artists. While songs such as Roger Miller’s “Walkin’ in the Sunshine” and James Taylor’s “Walkin’ Man” focus on actual ambulation, many songs use walking as Colossians 2:6 – a metaphor for living. “As you therefore have received This concept isn’t new: Enoch was Christ Jesus the Lord, continue said to have “walked with God” so to live your lives in him” closely that he bypassed death and went straight to God (Gen. 5:24). Yahweh translate “live your lives,” because architecture, and “established” from the called Abraham to “walk before me” that’s what Paul had in mind, but the arena of law. Christians whose faith is (Gen. 17:1). The prophet Micah chal- root meaning of the word is “to walk” rooted in Christ are challenged to the lenged his readers to “walk humbly or “to walk about.” continual task of building a strong and with your God” (Mic. 6:8). In today’s Earlier, Paul had encouraged the mature faith that will stand up in the text, Paul also used the image of walk- same people to “walk worthy of the judgment. ing as a metaphor for the way we live Lord” (1:10). To “walk in Christ” is before God. Trusting in Christ to live in daily fellowship with Christ, (vv. 8-15) Walking in Christ seeking to follow God’s will. It is to (vv. 6-7) strive to be the people we are called to In the next several verses, Paul had be and to do the work we are called to more to say about the danger he saw In the first chapter of Colossians, Paul do. confronting the church. Apparently urged believers to trust that Christ was Paul used an interesting combina- there were some who claimed to have fully God and fully sufficient to recon- tion of metaphors, as the activity of esoteric knowledge or wisdom that went cile sinners with God. He warned them walking suggested in v. 6 is juxtaposed beyond the gospel proclamation of sal- against false teachers who claimed with being “rooted and built up in him vation through Christ alone. Jesus was not enough, but he only and established in the faith” in v. 7. With a touch of irony, Paul – who hinted at what their teachings might be. Fortunately, the foundational faith was in prison – warned his readers In today’s text we get a clearer that establishes us in Christ is portable not to be taken captive by those who idea of what the Colossian believers – and we are to take it wherever we go. peddled false “philosophy” and “vain had to confront, but Paul first pleaded In this context, Paul had in mind the deceit” (v. 8a). They claimed to possess with believers to continue to “walk in rooted anchor of faith that Christ alone deeper wisdom needed for believers him” (v. 6). The NRSV and NET both is fully sufficient for our salvation and to move forward, but Paul called it an for our worship. empty fraud. Additional background information Paul’s metaphors offered images One aspect of the teaching seems online where you see the “Digging for everyone. “Rooted” comes from the to have involved the honoring or wor- Deeper” icon world of agriculture, “built up” from ship of angelic beings, referred to as

26 | © Nurturing Faith Bible Studies are copyrighted by Baptists Today. DO NOT PHOTOCOPY. Order at: Resources to teach adult and youth classes “elemental spirits of the universe” (v. of observing festivals, new moons, or 8b). In v. 18, Paul spoke specifically are available at sabbaths” (v. 16) are the sorts of things of “the worship of angels,” which may that teachers who expected the believers be another way of describing the false to be Jewish as well as Christian would teachers’ focus on “elemental spirits.” (v. 11), buried with Jesus in baptism teach. Whatever these teachings or spirits and raised again – through faith in the We are familiar with the Jew- were, Paul said, they were “not accord- power of God – to join Christ in a resur- ish dietary laws of “keeping kosher.” ing to Christ.” rection life (v. 12). Ancient Jews also observed several fes- Before going on, Paul asserted Nothing else was (or is) needed. tivals each year, along with observances again that Christ is all that believers Though once dead in the “uncircum- to mark each new moon and strict need. “In him the whole fullness of cision of your flesh,” Paul insisted, regulations regarding the Sabbath (these deity dwells bodily,” Paul said (v. 9), a referring to their old way of life, “God appear together in 1 Chr. 23:31). Today clear reference to the incarnation of God made you alive together with him, when observant Jews continue to observe as Jesus. This verse, a foundation stone he forgave us all our trespasses” (v. 13). the Sabbath and some festivals, though of our doctrine of the Trinity, reminds When God forgives sins, they are new moons have become a very minor us that to know Christ is to know God. forgiven. All legal matters are settled observance. We don’t need to go through ethereal and charges are dropped. Using a Outward rituals such as those men- intermediaries to reach God. powerful metaphor, Paul said the case tioned above, as well as the ascetic As the fullness of God is in Christ, against us because of our sin is no more, practices implied in v. 18, may have so believers who know Christ “have because Christ has nailed it to the cross once served a purpose but were no lon- come to fullness in him, who is the (v. 14). The “record that stood against ger needed, Paul said. They are “only a head of every ruler and authority” us” translates a technical term for a cer- shadow of what is to come” (v. 17). In (v. 10). The terms “ruler and authority,” tificate of indebtedness. In Christ, our vv. 21-23, Paul again referred to rules translated as “principality and power” debts are paid. We are free. such as “Do not handle, do not taste, in the KJV, could refer to earthly rulers, By eliminating all debts against do not touch” as not only temporary or they could be used to describe the those who sought forgiveness, Christ but also “simply human commands and supposed ranks of heavenly powers to had made any other spiritual entity that teachings” that give the appearance of which the false teachers claimed Chris- might want a piece of the action totally wisdom or piety but “are of no value in tians should also be subject. irrelevant, thus “triumphing over them” checking self-indulgence.” Paul insisted that Christ is the head (v. 15). Paul’s language is probably It is possible to be as indulgent or of every ruler and authority, just as he drawn from a tradition in which military proud of one’s piety, rule keeping or had earlier spoken of Christ as head of leaders, returning from conquest, would humility as it is to be self-indulgent the church (1:18). Paul’s ambiguous parade vanquished foes through the in other ways. We’ve heard of people language suggests that he has in mind streets of their home city. Christ’s vic- who are “humble and proud of it.” Paul every power in heaven or on earth. If tory over death had demonstrated that wanted his readers to be truly humble, Christ has supremacy over every “ruler any other supposed spiritual power had recognizing that their peace with God and authority,” and believers can relate no further claim over humankind. had not come through their own efforts directly to Christ, then they have no but through Christ alone. business giving heed to any other spiri- Growing in Christ Modern believers are rarely tual powers, whether real or imagined. (vv. 16-19) tempted to observe Jewish festivals It is likely that the false teachers A brief summary: Thus far Paul has or worship angels in order to be fully practiced an esoteric form of Juda- shown that the primary problem with right with God. We may be taught the ism that incorporated an emphasis on the false teachers is that they did not importance of spiritual disciplines such angels into the traditional practices accept Christ as fully sufficient to rec- as tithing, prayer or even occasional of the Hebrew faith, as we will see in oncile humankind with God, and he has fasting as habits that can promote spiri- vv. 16-18. The Christians in Colossae declared in turn that Jesus’ incarnation, tual formation, but we recognize that would have been primarily Gentiles, crucifixion, resurrection and exaltation such disciplines are not required for however, so the males would not have proved him to be everything believers salvation. been circumcised. It is likely that those could need. Rather, like the Colossians, we Paul opposed would have insisted that Having established this central acknowledge that Christ, the head of Christian men go under the knife. point, Paul went on to address what the body, is the ultimate source of both Paul, however, would have none of appear to be specific teachings of peace with God and progress in our it. Those who trust themselves to Christ those who claimed that Jesus was not walk as the body “grows with a growth are spiritually circumcised, he wrote enough. “Matters of food and drink or that is from God” (v. 19).

LESSON FOR JULY 28, 2013 | 27 The Lighter Side By Brett Younger Insightful questions preachers neglect to ask

very once in a while a first-semester semi- nary student not yet adroit in the dance what would they hear? Eof theological education will, with an embarrassing lack of sophistication, ask, say that no one will care about? “Dr. Preaching Professor, can you give us a list of simple steps to a sermon?” is a dying art? My eyes drop, my spirit shrinks, and my soul shrivels a little as I explain: “No, my young the announcements made earlier in the service? green pupil, we don’t put together a sermon like a bookshelf from Ikea. Monet did not have a week guess exactly what you are going to say? paint-by-number for Water Lilies. Rodin did not - follow a set of directions to sculpt The Thinker. ing sermon? Jesus didn’t construct the Sermon on the Mount from a kit. You are here to become a homiletical spouse regret coming? artist and not an electrical engineer.” By this point in my speech the budding wish you had not? scholar is considering transferring to a Hebrew class, so I compromise: “Future preaching lumi- had to mime the whole thing? nary, instead of thinking of steps to a sermon, - why don’t you try thinking of questions that (pick someone other than Jesus because that’s ing this sermon, what kind of hat would it be? might lead to a sermon? Here are inquiries cheating)? that your listeners will be glad you thought to sermons were longer? explore.” story be set in Cracker Barrel or Starbucks? - gregation almost threw him off a cliff. Is this - mentioned in your sermon? a possibility for you? bar moustaches? its absence would make writing your sermon offended? (In the Gospels it snows at Christmas and is easier? 90 degrees for the next 30 years.) Mumford and Sons, Lady Gaga or Kanye West? the story that isn’t there but would be if the story that’s not a sheep or a Pharisee? writer thought more like you do? it be McDonald’s, Five Guys or Wendy’s? how big a box of Crayolas would you need? about this text that would make the writer of easily connected to your sermon — the scripture scream? Atlanta Braves, San Diego Padres, Los Angeles Angels or Los Angeles Dodgers? would embarrass your mother? Modern Family would Jon Stewart, Antonin Scalia or your sister? feel most at home in your story? sermon? too boring to mention? professor proud? On NPR? Can you spend more time on that part? your sermon skillfully avoid? praying for guidance or forgiveness? grader? sermon? BT Available as a digital download (ebook) or in print at preach on this text (ask this question only in —Brett Younger is associate professor of preaching desperation and only on Saturday night)? at Mercer University’s McAfee School of Theology.

28 | Perspective June 2013 In their own words &' &01,/ 6#10./', Online Editor


oping to gain a military advantage and 150 years ago and the South, to restore this God- foment unrest in the United States, ! abhorred system to its former position. HConfederate Gen. Robert E. Lee leads It may be months, and even years, his army from Virginia into the North for a sec- June 1863 before it entirely expires. There may yet ond time. While Lee’s forces invade Maryland be severe struggles and mighty death- and then Pennsylvania, the Union Army scram- down the rebellion, and hail with joy throes, but die it must and die it will; bles to respond. the proclamation of emancipation, and may God hasten the happy day. At the same time, U.S. Gen. Ulysses S. believing that when we as a nation Grant is deep in southern territory, besieging shall “keep the fast which God hath In the midst of the rhetoric and battles, Vicksburg, Miss. Control of the western theatre chosen” “that our light shall break forth the Confederacy and the Union struggle for the of war rests upon taking the river city. As weeks as the morning, and our health shall loyalties of citizens in the Border States. Mary pass and supplies in the city run low, many spring forth speedily” Bristow, member of the Sardis Baptist Church trapped Confederate soldiers and citizens alike We recognize human slavery now, in Union, Kentucky, and a Confederate sympa- fall victim to hunger, despair, disease and death. as we have heretofore done, to be the thizer, writes in her journal: Meanwhile, Baptists in annual gatherings cause of the war and its kindred evils, South and North offer support for their respec- and we reiterate our convictions that O, what an awful situation our once tive nations and armies. there can be no peace and prosperity in happy country is in. War, dreadful, dev- Virginia Baptists reaffirm the Confederacy the nation until it is destroyed. astating war, with all its horrors is all as God’s chosen nation and African slavery as We feel that the hope of our coun- around us… The invaders seem disposed God’s will for blacks: try in the suppression of treason in the to subjugate and destroy all who dare revolted States, and in our midst, lies oppose their bigotry and fanaticism. … we are daily more convinced of the not merely in military successes or in righteousness of our cause, and have military orders, but in the incorrupt- Meanwhile, former slave and abolitionist abiding faith, through His favor, of ible virtue and the profound devotion Harriet Tubman guides Union soldiers on raids ultimate, and we trust not distant deliv- of the people to the principles of the in the upper reaches of South Carolina’s coastal erance from our ruthless enemy. We are glorious gospel of the blessed God. rivers. The campaign results in the freeing of contending not only for political liberty, some 750 slaves who are transported to the First but for rights of conscience, assailed by Free Will Baptists in the North express their Baptist Church of nearby Union-controlled fanaticism in the name of religion… ardent desire for the “everlasting overthrow of Beaufort before being resettled as freepersons. … those [Northern Christians] the accursed institution of American slavery”: More Union raids into the countryside follow, who claim to be the followers of the meek further loosening the grip of slave owners in the and lowly Jesus – ministers of the recon- The system of slavery in this land has region. ciliation – heralds of the gospel of peace, received its death-blow. The wound The month of June thus closes with each have sown the seeds of the whirlwind can never be healed. This is generally nation’s army standing on enemy ground. which is devastating the land. It is now admitted on all sides. No compromise Apprehension is high North and South as the many years since our Northern brethren, will ever be made between the North war over slavery hangs in the balance. BT in their fierce hostility to the institu- tion of domestic slavery, deaf alike to The story of a unique academic the voice of reason and the authority of Scripture, to the pleadings of patriotism New Release! center whose graduates now and the claims of Christian charity, by serve in 60+ countries their fiery and intolerant fanaticism An Experiment in Christian Internationalism: furrowed deep and broad the line of A History of the European Baptist Theological Seminary separation – thrusting us from their communion as unworthy to labor with By Carol Woodfin them in the fields of Christian benevo- lence and gospel enterprise… $45.00 (U.S.) / $62.50 (INT) Price includes shipping In the North, Illinois Baptists condemn Orders: Credit card, slavery: Check/money order: Baptist History & Heritage Society, 151 Broadleaf Dr., Macon, GA 31210 We cordially support the [Lincoln] Bulk discount info: [email protected] / 406-600-7433 administration in their efforts to put

June 2013 Feature | 29 Part-time Director of Youth Ministry: and with children (birth-grade 5), their parents, Classifieds Randolph Memorial Baptist Church, Madison and other adults in the church and community Heights, Va., affiliated with the Baptist General who work with children. Conway’s First Baptist Association of Virginia and the Cooperative Church is located adjacent to Myrtle Beach, S.C., Pastor: Crosscreek Baptist Church is now wel- Baptist Fellowship, seeks a creative and caring and shares enduring partnerships with other coming résumés for pastor. The church is a warm team player to plan, coordinate and develop our churches and ministries in sharing Christ’s love Christian community of believers who study the youth ministry. A 4-year degree from an accred- along the Grand Strand and far beyond. Submit Bible and worship together in Shelby County, ited college/university is preferred. Experience résumés and/or inquiries to bob@firstbaptist- just south of Birmingham, Ala. The church family working with youth is required. Submit résumés or Search Team, First Baptist Church, of about 150 active members is racially diverse to Pastor, Randolph Memorial Baptist Church, 603 Elm St., Conway, SC, 29526. and theologically moderate to progressive, sup- P.O. Box 70, Madison Heights, VA 24572 or to [email protected]. porting the mission efforts of the Cooperative Minister of Children: Greenwood Forest Baptist Fellowship and the Alabama CBF. Several Baptist Church (CBF), an inclusive community church members and participants are engaged Pastor for Youth and Children: Vienna Baptist of faith seeks a permanent half-time minister of in mission service efforts in the community Church (VBC) of Vienna, Va., is seeking a full-time children to lead our children’s ministry programs surrounding the church building as well as in pastor for youth and children. The pastor will and provide spiritual formation for our children. areas such as Mexico, Haiti, Slovakia, and the work in partnership with the youth and children’s In addition, this person will serve alongside our Mississippi Delta. The church’s search committee ministry team (YCMT) to build upon existing talented staff as a part of a vibrant ministry team. is seeking résumés from pastoral candidates who ministries and introduce innovative, meaningful, To apply, submit cover letter and résumé with would lead the church in facilitating creative and engaging activities. Responsibilities include references to [email protected] or Chil- liturgical worship services, pastor the church leading regular youth meetings, participating dren’s Minister Search Committee, Greenwood body, encourage transformational ministry ef- in Sunday Bible study with youth and children, Forest Baptist Church, 110 SE Maynard Rd., Cary, forts, and recognize the value of self-care. The attending our week-long children’s summer camp NC 27511. pastor’s salary will be commensurate with his or and youth weekend at VBC’s Lost River Retreat her experience and education. Send information Center in West Virginia, and managing the admin- requests or résumés to Pastor Search Commit- istrative tasks of the youth and children’s ministry. Business Administrator: Providence Baptist tee, 600 Crosscreek Trail, Pelham, AL 35124 or to Candidates should be ready to build relationships Church, a 1,500-member CBF congregation in [email protected]. with youth and children through home visits, Charlotte, N.C., is seeking a business adminis- attending school or sports events, and commu- trator. This person is responsible for managing human resources, finance/stewardship, facility/ Pastor: Zion Baptist Church in Shelby, N.C., nity activities. Required qualifications include a security, technology and food service, function- ( is seeking a pastor. We mature and active faith in Jesus Christ, experience ing as the chief operations and financial officer. A are a moderate congregation dually aligned with with youth and children’s ministry, and a bach- bachelor’s degree is required, a master’s and/or the SBC and CBF. We seek a candidate with a elor’s degree. Seminary degree or coursework NACBA certification is preferred, and theological minimum of 5 years pastoral experience and who is preferred. VBC provides a warm and welcom- education is viewed as an asset. The job descrip- is a graduate of an accredited seminary or divinity ing environment that is inclusive and culturally tion and additional information about the church school. We desire someone who is a servant leader diverse. We are affiliated with the American are posted at Interested and an inspiring preacher and has strong interper- Baptist Churches, the Alliance of Baptists and the candidates should send a résumé by June 14 to sonal skills. Send résumé by July 15 to jlail@yahoo. . Find out more about our [email protected] or Search com or Pastor Search Committee, Zion Baptist church at To apply or obtain a more Committee, Providence Baptist Church, 4921 Church, 525 W. Zion Church Rd., Shelby, NC 28150. detailed job description, contact our search team at [email protected]. Randolph Rd., Charlotte, NC 28211-4002.

Pastor: First Baptist Church in Corbin, Ky., affili- ated with CBF and Kentucky Baptist Fellowship, Minister with Children and Families: Cen- Minister of Music is seeking a full-time pastor. FBC is a traditional, tral Baptist Church of Bearden, Knoxville, Tenn., progressive church with a community focus. The is seeking a minister with children and families. First Baptist Church, Plano, Texas church has a proud 118-year history in Corbin The position is full time, salaried with benefits. and is ecumenical in its approach in reaching The ideal candidate will be called by God for this *Lead a comprehensive music program the communities of southeastern Kentucky. specific area of ministry, hold a bachelor’s degree and worship ministry Located in historic downtown Corbin, the church in education and a seminary degree (or equiva- is within minutes of I-75. The congregation of lent) with a focus on Christian education with Information: approximately 400 members welcomes diversity children, and have at least 3 years experience and inclusiveness while celebrating many gifts with children in a church setting. Central Baptist among its members for service and ministry. Bearden is a midtown, CBF/SBC congregation Applications: Candidates should submit résumés to the pastor of 2,900 resident members. Average weekly [email protected] search committee at [email protected]. Sunday school attendance is 1,100, which in- cludes 100 children in grades 1-6. Position profile, personal and professional profile (application), Pastor: Valdese First Baptist Church in western Let the Gather ’Round curriculum help and recommendation form are available under North Carolina is seeking a gifted teacher to your church come together around the Employment at Submit ques- become our new pastor and lead a full-time staff Bible! Gather ’Round: Hearing and tions to Dr. Chuck Chance, chair of the search of 2 pastoral and 3 administrative members. Our Sharing God’s Good News is the Bible committee at [email protected]. mission activities extend from local to interna- story-based curriculum that connects church tional. We average 150 attendance in Sunday and home. Gather ’Round nurtures children, school and 225 in our blended worship service. Minister to Children: First Baptist Church, youth, and parents in becoming thoughtful Our church is aligned with CBF and SBC. We Conway, S.C., is seeking a full-time minister Christians — followers of Jesus who explore provide space and support for a local Hispanic to children who will be the team leader for the their faith and put it into action. Find sample congregation and a 5-star child development children’s ministry and have primary respon- sessions, Bible outlines and more at gather- center. For more information, see ValdeseFirst- sibility for developing and implementing a Order a free preview pack now! Submit résumés by July 31. complete and balanced age-graded ministry to

30 | Information June 2013 Reader’s Response Baptists Today has received gifts: DITOR: Thanks to Bruce Gourley it at night to produce copy for PeaceWork and IN MEMORY OF … for the “Thirty Moments” piece in other BPFNA-related print products. ARDELLE CLEMONS the April issue (page 10) of Baptists Also related to this history: Walker and E From James and Carolyn Strange Today, as well as for the ongoing “In their Nell Knight were part of a regular group of own words” series about Baptists during the volunteers who met weekly to support the HORACE A. HAMM Civil War. work of SEEDS magazine (which also was From Mrs. Horace A. Hamm One small factual correction to the housed for many years at Oakhurst), whose former piece, re: the founding of the Baptist first full-sized magazine-style publication ALEX F. HAMMOND Peace Fellowship of North America. The came out in early 1979. From Bess Hammond newsletter for which the new organization I left the SEEDS staff in 1984 to become assumed responsibility was titled PeaceWork, the first director of the BPFNA. JOHN JEFFERS a publication of the (American) Baptist Peace All told, it was quite an amazing pub- From Charlotte Ward Fellowship, which began, as you noted, lishing mini-empire birthed in the Oakhurst in 1940 under the name Baptist Pacifist nest, whose Civil Rights era reformation ROGER JORDAN Fellowship. is documented in Walker’s book, Struggle From Parke and Margaret Deans Baptist Peacemaker was a tabloid journal for Integrity. Reading that book as a Baylor WALLACE MCGILL first dated December 1980 and produced by freshman is one of the things that prompted an all-volunteer group of Southern Seminary me to give up my football scholarship to pur- From Mary Jayne and Bill Allen students, assisted by three professors (Glen sue a calling whose future shape was at the ROYCE C. WILLIAMS Stassen, Glenn Hinson and Timothy George) time a complete mystery. From Pat Williams and local Southern Baptist pastor Carman The mystery has yet to be exhausted. BT Sharp. Ken Sehested, Asheville, N.C. IN HONOR OF … The journal continued to be produced in HARDY CLEMONS Louisville following the 1984 founding of the From James and Carolyn Strange BPFNA, until 1989 when the BPFNA office took over responsibility for its production. Children’s VIRGINIA CONNALLY By the way, the BPFNA office was origi- From Elaine Bleakney nally in an unused Sunday school room at sermons Oakhurst Baptist [in Decatur, Ga.], just down JACK U. HARWELL the hall from where Walker Knight set up BY KELLY BELCHER From Barbara Haig Baptists Today in another unused room. This was back in the day before desktop publishing. JACK U. HARWELL Walker purchased an old Compugraphic ... at From Florence Robinson photoelectronic typesetter, and he let me use

John William Grisham will retire June 30 for the Atlanta-based Cooperative Baptist In the Know as associate minister for American Baptist Fellowship June 17. He comes from the Churches of the Great Rivers Region, based Baptist Joint Committee for Religious in Springfield, Ill. Liberty. Bob Cole of Mars Hill, N.C., received the I. Ruth Martin Award for Christian Service Brian Henderson is pastor of the First Jerrod H. Hugenot is associate executive from Mars Hill College. Baptist Church of Denver, Colo. He previ- minister for the American Baptist Churches ously served Calvary Baptist Church in of New York State. Héctor M. González was honored for 40 Denver. years of service at the annual meeting of Richard “Little Richard” Wayne Penniman Iglesias Bautistas de Puerto Rico in March. Kendra Holt from Hurst, Texas, and was honored with a Doctor of Humanities He was the first Hispanic president of Venantie Uwishyaka from Rwanda, students from Mercer University. The musical pio- American Baptist Churches USA (1994-95), at Hardin-Simmons University, were named neer is a native of Macon, Ga. and has held several positions in ABC life. 2013 Young Maston Scholars during the T.B. Maston Lectures in Christian Ethics Leo Smith died April 28 in Alvin, Texas, at Lynn Green was elected general secretary of the hosted by Logsdon Seminary. age 75. He was the president and executive Baptist Union of Great Britain, coming from director of Texas Baptist Men before retiring the Southern Counties Baptist Association Jeff Huett becomes associate coordina- in 2011 BT where she serves as regional minister. tor of communications and advancement

June 2013 Information | 31 Reblog Don’t let Eric Barger Selections from recent blogs at rock your church

By John Pierce by fleeing! the naïve idea that they can be the church for The problem, of course, is that those all people. who import such trouble don’t flee soon Such lack of a clearly stated identity Experienced ministers know how enough. and mission invites cocksure persons with the scenario goes. A relatively new Barger fits the typical profile of such little or no stock in the church to launch aggressive, religious know-it-alls. He lived a a personal agenda to be carried out at the member who has jumped into con- hellish life of drugs and self-absorption for congregation’s expense. And it is always done gregational life wants to share some which he has found divine forgiveness — but with an abundance of self-righteousness and loves to post photos and detailed descrip- in the name of correcting the errant ways of “concerns” he has about the church. tions of such glorified experiences including the church. t the appointed time, the pastor dis- his drug use and sexual exploits. Congregations must find loving but covers this is really a test — with an While faithful Christians were building clear ways of saying: “This is who we are. Aagenda. Questions that did not origi- congregations and carrying out their daily You are welcome here to worship and to nate with the questioner start to flow. mission, and committed ministers were share in this community of faith. You don’t Questions like: “Do you believe in even have to agree with us. We don’t all see a literal hell, yes or no?” “Is that a Brian everything in the same way either. But if you McLaren book on your shelf?” are uncomfortable with our church’s identity “Why did you quote Nouwen and and mission, don’t come in here and try to Merton last Sunday without telling the change us to be like you. We can recommend church they are dangerous?” “Have you churches in the area that suit you much attended a conference at which Leonard better.” Sweet or Richard Foster spoke?” Sadly, many congregations have had “The word ‘missional’ was in the church such disruptive experiences that can be newsletter this week; don’t you check for traced to an outside preacher, teacher, things like that?” “Are you aware that in the toiling in theological education and doing author, agitator. Often the damage remains young adults class last Sunday, the teacher real-life ministry, Barger was abusing his long after the “blessed subtraction” (a term talked about social justice instead of the mind and body. But following his dramatic I learned from the late Brantley Seymour of gospel?” conversion — presto! — he became an Roswell, Ga., in 1978) has fled. “Why don’t you preach against evolu- expert on all things Christian. So any preemptive measures — such as tion?” “Are you aware of Rick Warren’s To borrow a great line from Fred clarifying the church’s identity and enlist- universalist leanings?” Craddock, he acts like he’s walked around ing leadership that appreciates the common Recently a long-term, effective pastor God and taken pictures. Now he is eager to good over personal agendas — should be told me that his North Carolina congre- use whatever wild accusations he can find taken. gation experienced two years of turmoil to push his bizarre ideas of biblical truth on Barger’s call to “spiritual warfare” is resulting from this kind of encounter. And everyone else. So be warned. much more warfare than spiritual. It has all the whole disruptive action was carried out My pastor friend said once the trouble- of the marks of strident fundamentalism that by a foot soldier (and other recruits) of Eric maker and his recruits finally left, the church takes pride in leaving carnage in its path. Barger of “Take a Stand! Ministries” who is found some benefits from the experience It has nothing to do with Jesus except a on a mission to straighten out all churches that distracted them from a full focus on gross misuse of his name. he deems errant. ministry. Primarily, the congregation now Being gullible to those who poorly mask Barger, based in Rowlett, Texas, has a clearer identity, he said, one forged in their hostilities and political agendas in reli- proudly claims that his “ministry” exists to response to the accusations and threats they gious language can make suckers out of the “see the church changed.” encountered. church. He instructs his followers to look for When I serve interim pastorates, “Fundamentalism can rise up at any- the signs of “emergent” influence or liberal- urging the church to clarify and commu- time,” my friend said. And he thanked me ism in churches and to “conduct spiritual nicate its identity is my foremost task after that his congregational leaders have a better warfare” — by asking these kinds of ques- preaching and consulting with leadership. understanding of who they are and how to tions, confronting leadership, warning other Congregations sometimes are hesitant to identify and counter such assaults through members of the dangers, and if all else fails, clarify values, identity and mission due to reading Baptists Today. BT

32 | Perspective June 2013 Churches or other volunteer groups interested that week came when I saw that the Agora Getting involved in hosting an event, or individuals wishing to Scholarship fund, which supports emerging donate to the charitable cause, can find infor- businesses in developing countries, had agreed By Tony W. Cartledge mation on the Stop Hunger Now website. to sponsor Xochitl Palacios and her young On the following Tuesday, I wasn’t doing business called Deli Maya. t is one thing to talk or write about ideas volunteer work, but had a chance to get my Starting from a room in her home, or projects, but quite another to do them. feet wet through a baptism practicum at Xochitl (pronounced “so-cheel”) is building a IOn a recent Saturday, instead of reporting Campbell University Divinity School. As healthy snack business, drying and packaging on a mission project, I had a chance to par- part of the “Life and Work of the Minister” local fruit and some vegetables native to El ticipate with Woodhaven Baptist Church in course, we talk about the significance of Salvador. Apex, N.C., as it observed a day of Operation baptism and the Baptist Xochitl is related Inasmuch. The popular missions effort emphasis on baptism by to friends of mine from that was pioneered more than a decade ago immersion — then go Washington, D.C., and a by David Crocker and Snyder Memorial practice in the school’s couple of years ago helped Baptist Church in Fayetteville, N.C., is now natatorium. host a church group that had nationwide. The first time I come to visit. She gave all of My son Samuel and I joined 40-50 other baptized someone — in us samples of her fare, and volunteers in packing meal kits for distribution an outdoor baptistry and most of us bought additional through schools in developing countries where with no previous experi- items to bring home. hunger is a serious issue. Working through ence — the candidate To continue my involve- an organization called Stop Hunger Now, we was a man considerably ment, I considered it an packed 13,000 meal kits, each containing a cup larger than me. I had honor to contribute to the of soy flour and and a cup of rice, along with no training at all, so we Agora Scholarship fund to dehydrated vegetables, seasonings, and vitamins. were lucky that both of help expand Xochitl’s busi- Adding water and then boiling makes for us made it out without ness and provide jobs for a nutritious meal that’s actually tasty. Seriously. any untoward events. more people in El Salvador. We sampled some for lunch afterward. Campbell Divinity students, however, Opportunities for involvement abound. Volunteers working through the Raleigh- get tips on technique and then hands-on They are all around — and something about based organization have packaged more than experience. us feels a bit more alive when we get past talk- 94 million meals, and the number rises daily. A third opportunity for involvement ing and get involved. BT

June 2013 Perspective | 33 &' )(/../ 7. &)29%, Religion News Service

to know them and you get to know their lives and their families and their kids and so stereo- types go away,” said Wallis, author of the new A face & a name book, On God’s Side: What Religion Forgets and Politics Hasn’t Learned About Serving the Immigration reform becomes personal for evangelicals Common Good. “And you understand who they are and that changes you.” or Southern Baptist Pastor David Uth, “One Sunday there’s a service, we had 80, Evangelical leaders are hoping to use new- immigration reform became a priority 100 people,” he recalled. “And the following found support to galvanize Congress. Scores F after a family in his Orlando, Fla., mega- Sunday there would be nobody.” of pastors are meeting with legislators in their church faced deportation. “I can’t pretend that everything is going to home districts and in Washington, urging them Bishop Ricardo McClin says it was time be OK because of faith,” said McClin, now a to take the “I Was a Stranger” challenge and to speak up when members of a Church of God pastor in Kissimmee, Fla. “Faith has to be put study related Bible verses for 40 days. congregation he oversaw stopped worshipping in to work.” In April, Rep. Randy Hultgren, R-Ill., Jacksonville, Fla., because they feared detention. Samuel Rodriguez, a longtime advocate for met with evangelical leaders at an Aurora, Ill., As Congress hammers out new immigra- immigration reform, said personal experiences church. His spokesman, Josh Wessell, said tion policy, religious leaders — and especially are what have driven many non-Hispanic clergy Huntgren, who attends an evangelical church, evangelicals — say personal encounters with the “off the fence.” committed to personally read the several weeks current system have prompted them to advocate “This is now a Christian issue,” said of Scripture and took extra bookmarks to share for reform. Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic with members of his congressional Bible study “We’ve sensed in our church this growing Christian Leadership Conference. “It’s not a group in Washington. understanding that immigration has a face,” political issue. It became a Road to Damascus Wessell said the congressman’s primary said Uth, pastor of First Baptist Orlando. “It has moment.” focus has been border security but he is in an a name. It has a story.” In January a broad network of churches “information-gathering phase.” A recent poll shows white evangelicals are — including , historically “He’s seeking input from folks, particularly less supportive (at 56 percent) than other reli- black, Orthodox, Catholic and evangelical and leaders in the faith community, on how to suc- gious groups of allowing immigrants living in Pentecostal leaders — issued a statement calling cessfully balance federal immigration policy with the U.S. illegally to become citizens. But leaders on Congress and the president to improve the his faith and biblical principles,” Wessell said. say there’s been a sea change in the last couple of laws. Beyond the biblical focus, some evangelical years as they hear about church members being “Each day in our congregations and leaders are addressing immigration reform for detained or deported and the effects of those communities, we bear witness to the effects strategic reasons. measures on their families. of a system that continues the separation of While some predominantly white evangeli- The Evangelical Immigration Table has families and the exploitation, abuse, and deaths cal congregations may not have any immigrants mounted a six-figure campaign that includes of migrants,” declared Christian Churches in their pews, denominational leaders are Christian radio ads, distribution of more than Together in the USA. aware that immigrants are contributing to the 100,000 bookmarks urging congregants and Jim Wallis, the evangelical founder of growth of their churches, said Matthew Soerens, members of Congress to read Bible passages the anti-poverty group Sojourners, said some U.S. church training specialist for World about “welcoming the stranger.” Christians have seen a passage from the Gospel of Relief, a founding member of the Evangelical McClin, a former district supervisor for Matthew in a new light. It includes the verse that Immigration Table. the Tennessee-based Church of God, said a pre- reads: “I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” “If you’re in a denominational office, you dominantly immigrant church in Jacksonville He said a “biblical conversion” is occurring, know that,” he said, “and you don’t want to shut down after going through ups and downs along with a relational one. see the part of your church that is growing in attendance by fearful worshippers. “When you worship with people, you get deported.” BT

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34 | Information June 2013 &' 9+7 .)-$#2, Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly A Higher Purpose Young foot soldiers reflect on civil rights experiences

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — In May 1963, “They just started hanging around ... and it “Bull” Connor was anxious to restore order. swelled.” He instructed his forces to bring out the fire thousands of Birmingham school chil- As King considered a retreat from hoses and the police dogs. Some of the most dren faced police dogs, fire hoses and Birmingham, Branch said, “the people run- shocking confrontations happened in Kelly ning the children’s workshops said ... ‘(We’ve) Ingram Park, where officials turned the water possible arrest to demonstrate against got plenty of foot soldiers.’” But the idea hoses against the marching children. of putting children on the front lines was “The water came out with such tre- segregation. Fifty years later, those controversial. mendous pressure, and it’s a very painful who were part of what became known “Dr. King was severely criticized for experience,” McKinstry said. “I got knocked allowing the children to be involved, but down, and then we found ourselves crouching as the “Children’s March” say they the children insisted themselves,” said Virgil together and trying to find something to hold don’t want their story to be forgotten. Wood, a longtime King onto.” associate. The police also used dogs to try to con- e were doing this not just for Carolyn McKinstry trol the crowd gathering in the park. News ourselves but for some higher was 14 when she learned reporters captured images of young people “Wpurpose,” said one of the young about plans for young being attacked by the German shepherds. The marchers, Freeman Hrabowski III. “It focused people to march. She marching, and the arrests, went on for several on civil rights for all Americans.” didn’t tell her parents days. Energized by the children, adults soon Hrabowski is now president of the because she knew they joined in. University of Maryland, Baltimore County. He wouldn’t let her go. Hrabowski said he was held in crowded was 12 when he marched in Birmingham and “It was such an Hrabowski conditions with children even younger than was arrested for parading without a permit. He excitement in the air,” she he was. At one point, they were allowed a visit and hundreds of other children were held in said. “I knew I wanted to from their parents and King. custody for five days before being released. be part of it.” “He said, ‘What you do this day will have Experts say the children’s crusade helped McKinstry said an impact on children who’ve not been born,’” galvanize the civil rights struggle at a time before they could march, Hrabowski said. “Our parents were crying, and when efforts were flagging. the young people were we were crying, and we knew the statement “That was really the tipping point in a trained about the impor- was profound, but we didn’t fully understand.” tipping year,” Pulitzer Prize-winning author tance of nonviolence. Americans were transfixed by the news Taylor Branch, who has written a series of “We were told reports and pictures coming out of Birmingham, books about the civil rights movement, told what to expect when McKinstry and the movement turned a corner. Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly. we marched, if we did “When they saw those children suffering Martin Luther King Jr. arrived in encounter the police. They might hit you, they ... millions of people said, ‘I need to do some- Birmingham in January 1963 to support local might spit on you, they will have dogs and thing about this,’” said Hrabowski. efforts to end segregation through nonviolent billy clubs but the only appropriate response Concerned about the image of their city, protests. The campaign did not live up to his ever is no response, or a prayerful response,” white leaders negotiated a plan to start ending expectations. she said. “Faith was very much a part of what segregation. And on June 11, citing the events “He prepared for three months and we were doing.” in Birmingham, President John F. Kennedy started the demonstrations in April,” said On May 2, students left their classrooms announced his intention to introduce new Branch.”They fizzled quickly; nothing went midday and gathered in Sixteenth Street federal civil rights legislation. according to plan.” Baptist Church. They came out marching “It led me to believe, especially after the As King struggled to convince adults to and singing, row after row, some as young as laws were changed,” said McKinstry, “that march and get arrested, civil rights leaders 6 years old. Nearly a thousand students had there were many things that were worth fight- including James Bevel and Dorothy Cotton signed up to march, and more than 600 were ing for.” BT were holding special meetings for Birmingham taken into custody on that day. elementary and high school students. As hundreds more children showed —Editor’s note: This story is distributed by “We knew that they were curious about up to demonstrate and face possible arrest, RNS. A version was first broadcast on the PBS what was going on in their town,” Cotton said. Birmingham police commissioner Eugene program Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly.

June 2013 Feature | 35 &' :#"2 !+/0,/

A conversation with Suzii Paynter

GAINESVILLE, Ga. — In March, Susan (Suzii) Youngblood Paynter began her work as the third executive coordinator of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and hit the ground running. Included in her busy schedule was the 30-year celebra- tion dinner for Baptists Today, that assisted the Fellowship at its founding and collaborates in a variety of ways including the Nurturing Faith Bible Studies within the news journal.

uzii offered the closing prayer at the San Antonio where we were anchored, I’d say Then, of course, I’m a Texas girl. I grew April 25 celebration. She was inter- my life was equal parts of ranch, art and educa- up on a ranch. My mom still lives there. She Sviewed by Editor John Pierce the tion. Those things shaped me. raises exotic animals. following morning during a meeting of the My mother graduated from Parsons School My dad, after he retired from his business, Baptists Today Board of Directors. This conver- of Design in New York City. There were five was there full time. But we always had a ranch sation is adapted from that interview. kids in our family, and every third or fourth year life — which was place; it was land; it was you got to go with mom and dad to New York. nature. BT: Suzii, please tell us about the family A very important part of our childhood Education was always important. It environment in which you grew up and was this travel and sitting with my mom in a shaped me greatly. what you learned to think, value and do. museum or running around the museum while My dad was a very active layman and she sat there and drew. So art was an influence deacon in Trinity Baptist. Every Sunday morn- SP: Besides my family’s deep rootedness in the in my life for creativity, expansion and cultural ing was him in the den preparing his Sunday very beginning of Trinity Baptist Church in change. school lesson. And about every Tuesday night

36 | Feature June 2013 “Advocacy … is an extension of mission.”

BT: A few years ago I did a story about That’s energizing and gives me a passion your work in Texas. You graciously let me for the mission of what I am doing. I don’t spend a whole day with you. We met in want to do work I’m not passionate about, and Dallas that morning and I followed you I don’t want to do it with people I don’t like. I around and then rode with you to Austin want to be with people I love. to see your work with your fine staff and in the state capitol. BT: You mentioned advocacy, which was a What I remember most is how indus- primary role for you with the Texas Baptist trious you are and how well you worked Christian Life Commission. How would with a gifted staff. How do you describe you like to see advocacy grow or happen in your leadership style? new ways within CBF life?

SP: I love those words: industrious and works SP: Certainly advocacy, in my opinion, is an with a gifted staff. I think that’s still true — extension of mission. Let’s say you are working thinking about this new chapter with the in a food pantry in your church and you see Fellowship. the same families come back week after week I developed my leadership style through and then month after month. Sooner or later education: through being a teacher, then an that question comes into your mind: What administrator, and then an advocate on the could I be doing to help this family not have national scene on behalf of literacy programs to be here? around the United States. That was in my That’s where advocacy begins; it’s where secular life. your compassion is. So we have a great oppor- Then in my church life, my volunteer life, tunity for advocacy within CBF. We have eight was the creativity and the beginnings of CBF. I communities of missions that deal with pov- was on the original interim steering committee erty and transformation — both here in the that formed CBF — and gave myself to this U.S. and around the world. movement and to the Fellowship all through Disaster recovery, church starting, mis- my life as a pastor’s wife and as a leader in sions that have to do with refugees and Texas Baptist life. immigrants, missions that have to do with When I came to be a director of federal education, medical and health needs, economic programs, a director of advocacy, I was always development and opportunity. In all of those shaped by the idea that it is a learning environ- areas there is an element of advocacy that is was a theological discussion at our dinner ment. Change is essential, and we are always born out of compassion. And I’m very inter- table. listening to and learning from what’s next. And ested in developing those advocacy channels I remember when we were all teenagers, that’s the place we live into for our energetic that complement these mission communities there were five kids within a very short distance and analytical look at what’s coming up. within CBF. of each other. He would throw out a question Secondly, without creativity, without fun, The great thing is that we already have and say, “What do you think about that? Do without joy, without building a team that likes people exhibiting those passions and doing you agree with that? Well, the Bible contradicts each other and looks forward to going to work advocacy work although they may not be itself when it says this or that.” each day, you’re missing out on about half of as connected, supported or organized for a He’d throw out the question, and then the value of going to work. stronger impact. So I feel like that is one place we’d all debate it. I really learned this in the Baptist General where I can bring a lot of experience. My brother would say, “This is just too Convention of Texas: When you go to work in Another way in terms of bringing advo- much.” a non-profit organization, especially within our cacy to CBF is from the contacts I’ve made But my dad would come back and say, community of faith, you know your work is over the years with local, state, national and “Well, what do you believe? What’s left in the being funded by people’s sacrificial gifts. That international advocacy communities. Advocacy Bible? What do you count on?” should change what you do: the way you spend is one of the ways in which ecumenical and Then he would say: “Live that one; what- your money, your time; the way you treat your interfaith work is done. Ecumenical and inter- ever you believe.” staff; to always remember that it is the gifts faith efforts are often around areas of advocacy, Our family was full of learning and places of other people that are the foundation of the thankfully, rather than around doctrine or and friends — grounded in our church. work you are doing. worship styles. It allows us to cooperate.

June 2013 Feature | 37 “Change is essential, and we are always listening to and learning from what’s next.”

BT: Diversity is something we struggle Texan. Can you explain Texas Baptists to I think that has a lesson for us today. We with organizationally in moderate Baptist us and how, in CBF life, we bridge that big feel the burden when the church has to carry life. It brings us two challenges. One muddy river better? everything on its own. is the danger of ignoring diversity and It’s really not meant to be that way. Just the need to have persons with different SP: One thing I’d remind us of is that being as Christians are to be a community within a perspectives and gifts and from differ- a Baptist wherever you are a Baptist, east or congregation, so are congregations meant to ent demographics. The other danger in west of the Mississippi or around the world, is be together to create structures that hold us up that diversity can be so heavily empha- kind of like being a cowboy. You just say you and lift us up. sized that it becomes an end rather than are one. So all of these partner organizations that a means. We can then take a wonderful It’s up to someone else to prove you’re not. group photo and say we have diversity we have in CBF, and Baptists Today is a fabu- You can be all hat and no boots, or you can be even if we are not accomplishing our mis- lous example, without which our network the real thing. Our identity is formed by the sion. What is your perspective, and how do would not be knitted together. We would not you envision CBF approaching its future in communities within which our Baptist heritage have an identity were it not for the other pieces that regard? has grown. that come together underneath churches. So a couple of things to know about Texas That’s one thing to understand about SP: To live out diversity is to put power and Baptists, first of all about who they are today: Texas Baptist life. I think it is one of the things diversity together. When you get just the photo There are 5,600 congregations in [Baptist we aspire to in the greater Fellowship across op, that’s because you’ve got people represent- General Convention of Texas] life. the nation in our 14 states and four regions. ing different groups and they don’t have any Twelve hundred of those congregations How do we create the modern-day institutions power. speak Spanish on Sunday morning, and 416 and modern-day partnerships that are going to Real diversity is about people with differ- congregations speak a language other than support our churches and our ministry toward ent strengths and different gifts and different Spanish or English on Sunday morning. So the this uplifted identity? looks coming together and everybody has equal Texas Baptist convention today is a picture of The last thing I’d say: A pastor said to me power. They’ve got power to do something ethnic diversity. We have some lessons to learn the other day, “Suzii, why don’t you consider creatively. They’ve got budget power and from them. a Fellowship home-away — where a pastor decision-making power. The other thing to know about Texas from one church in one state trades houses and One of the most important aspects of our Baptists is kind of interesting. Randel Everett pulpits with another pastor in another state for diversity, and I say this to our churches and did this study when he came to be the new two Sundays in a row? You preach in somebody to myself at CBF: We have to hire diversity. executive director [of the BGCT]. else’s church and you live in their house.” So step one is to make your staff look like In about the 1840s there was this com- He said we have so much to gain from you want it to be. Until we hire diversity and plete infusion where the Baptist presence was each other. We are so much more alike as allow people to be in leadership, and give them being developed. He compared what happened Fellowship Baptists. authority and power, it’s very hard to make a in the northwestern United States — which In Texas Baptist life, it’s a big tent. But statement that you’re living out a true heart of had about the same number of Baptists mov- the Fellowship is a big tent. I believe we need diversity rather than just a picture of diversity. ing to the Northwest as the Baptists who to better understand the ways in which we Most of us start from a picture place. As moved to Texas. are similar — a lot more than the ways we are we grow, we grow to a place that understands One of the things he said that was a sig- different. power and decision making. When people with nificant difference in Texas, and I think this diverse attributes are at the table, then their is replicated in other states as well, was that BT: As you mentioned, you did not come constituencies respond. Then diversity within Baptists took education seriously and they took to this position from the outside. You have the Fellowship and within the leadership of the health care seriously and they began not only been a part of CBF since the beginning. But Fellowship begins to have the impact we hoped to invest in the institution of the church but in I imagine the intensity of the recent weeks representational diversity might have. educational and health institutions. has been something you’ve never experi- These were followed by, and in some enced before. What have you learned from this incredibly fast start? BT: There are many of us who have the cases preceded by, compassion ministries like Fellowship as our primary or sole denomi- children’s homes and family support systems. national identity. That is not the case in That’s really the difference in what happened SP: We have so many terrific hidden assets. Texas due to the state convention there. in Texas: the institutional support system that They are there and are ready. One of those is You have confessed to being a ranch-raised was built up around the church. the terrific young clergy coming out of our

38 | Feature June 2013 seminaries and divinity schools, and young laypeople. Remember the early days when we wor- ried about how we could possibly support one seminary? We have relationships with more than 13 seminaries and divinity schools. That puts young talent in our network. Among the most interesting congratula- tions phone calls I got was from a Lutheran guy I had traveled with to Africa. He said something nobody else had said. He said: “I’m jealous of you … You all have all of these young clergy.” All of that talent is there. Our challenge is to be good stewards of it — to make room on our church staffs, to make room in our minis- tries, to make room in leadership. I think God has given us that gift — by deciding to be a Fellowship and not a denomination. Or maybe it’s a key chain your kids get One of my most important early com- when they get their driver’s license. But things mitments or habits has been to institute a BT: What are three things you would like that say I’m a part of that community. So iden- monthly conference call with all of our state to see happen in CBF life over the next few tity is one thing. and regional leaders. We talk to each other, and years? I think one of our greatest challenges — we hear each other. That’s how we are going and we are at such a fabulous time for it — is to begin to create the structure that supports SP: I’m going to take my cues straight from the global missions. And by global missions I congregations. [CBF] 2012 Task Force. First of all, identity. mean all of our greater mission enterprise: We have got to lift our identity in who we are. things that happen in this country and things BT: How can we, as individuals and as an We need to show the world who we are. that happen around the world. independent news journal that really val- Speak our voice, be our image and be ourselves. We are in an evolving paradigm of ues our collaboration with CBF, be of help? It’s not very far into conversations with mission, and we need to analyze that and pastors that they say, “I want a healthy church.” understand it. I was surprised to learn we have SP: You already are, let me just say that. The Not the richest church or the biggest church. more than seven ways to send people out in strength of putting a face on our larger com- What they mean by that is a place where missions capacities around the world. And we munity — there’s no words for that. This is an people feel like they can live out their call — incarnational work. That is how God started it and those as leaders feel like they can live their have more than 11 ways of funding them. out, and that is how it is today. call in tandem and in partnership. Again, it’s these assets that have already So the way in which Baptists Today brings Our nation needs this picture of the grown up. We’ve developed a diverse way of the face of faith and an active commitment church — and the church at work. doing missions. Now we need to analyze, and shares it throughout our whole commu- We also need some soft elements of our capture, expand it, resource it evenly and then identity. One of the things we were brain- empower that to be a good platform. nity is a valuable, valuable gift to our greater storming the other day, and I’m very interested The third area is ministry, which in Fellowship. in your thoughts on ways we can exhibit our my opinion is the support of the local con- But also the digest aspect of what you identity together. Of course, the 2012 Task gregation. Is there any church that is not do is so important, to be able to say, “Here’s Force asked for [identity] letters from churches experiencing transition into a new era? what’s going on. Here’s the greater picture and we’re getting those. We have to think and structure ourselves beyond us.” But we were also talking about things like and join together to support our congrega- I think insightful and thoughtful editori- at every baby dedication, that there would be tional health and life toward the future. It als, I’m always grateful for that myself. Then a satin ribbon with a little descending dove means a paradigm of understanding how the publishing aspect of what you are doing made by Delta Jewels, our ministry program in churches are alike even though they may be now. It made me happy to see all of those Helena, Ark., with Together for Hope. miles apart and how churches are similar even authors last night [at the 30-year celebration Or at baptism, the same thing with an though they may be east coast and west coast. of Baptists Today] and all of these books coming ichthus to put around the neck of the person How do we pull that together? Part of it is out. who is baptized, knowing it had been made by strengthening our state and regional networks. Thank you for the courage to take on that the young women in Delta Jewels. Things that We have such talented people who are doing venture and to be that partner for so many would connect our missions and our congrega- our state and regional work. They should not folks. I said in my prayer last night that words tions that just say, “This is who we are. I’m in be under-resourced or left alone; this needs to matter — and they do. So keep doing what a CBF church.” be a team. you’re doing. BT

June 2013 Feature | 39

&' .)10/2 7)09#/, Religion News Service Repository of Memories Holocaust Museum turns 20 as survivors dwindle

ASHINGTON — The even when survivors aren’t part of adult survivors of the them anymore. W Holocaust are mostly gone Norman Frajman, 83, thinks now, and those who survived as chil- of that day. He was 10 years old dren — and were old enough at the when World War II began, and has time to remember their ordeals — are sharp memories of life in the Warsaw now in their 70s and 80s. It won’t be Ghetto and of the Majdanek death long before no eyewitnesses remain. camp in eastern Poland, where his When the U.S. Holocaust mother and younger sister died. All Memorial Museum marked its 20th told, he lost 126 members of his anniversary on April 29, with more immediate and extended family. than 750 survivors, museum officials “I probably wouldn’t remem- called it one of the last large gather- ber what I had for breakfast, but I ings of those who managed to escape remember all that happened to me Hitler’s death machine. because the Nazis deemed them, like the Jews, during the carnage,” said Frajman, For those who have dedicated themselves unworthy of life. who now lives in Boynton Beach, Fla., and has to teaching future generations about the That’s the mission of the U.S. Holocaust been sharing his testimony with schoolchildren Holocaust and its victims, the demise of the Memorial Museum, said Saltzman, which has for more than 30 years. survivors means looking backward in a dif- hosted some 35 million visitors since it opened But not with young children. “The atroci- ferent way — a way that no longer includes just off the National Mall in 1993. The insti- ties are indescribable. I can’t address anyone at people looking others straight in the face and tution is full of audio and video testimony the elementary school level,” he said. “It’s too recounting what they saw and what they lived. from survivors, artifacts from their lives before graphic.” You can read all the documentation and after they were sent to concentration For all the graphic details available from of the Holocaust in the world, said Diane camps, and films and diaries that document survivors, and primary and secondary texts Saltzman, director of survivor affairs at the the genocide. and film, Holocaust denial still thrives on the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, “but hear- “The museum stands as that eyewitness Internet and in many parts of the world where ing somebody’s voice, sitting across the table going forward,” Saltzman said. “We are the anti-Semitism has strong roots. or across the room from a human being, there’s repository of all that evidence, and all of those Even in the presence of Holocaust survi- no true substitute.” memories.” vors, there are people who insist the genocide Jonathan Sarna, professor of American From the Washington museum to never happened, Sarna said. The hope, Jewish history at Brandeis University, wants his ’s Yad Vashem to smaller museums when there are no more survivors, is that the classes to understand this. around the world, these institutions preserve museums and the video archives will make it “I tell my students annually that they have history that will soon no longer be passed on “impossible for most people to accept the word a special responsibility,” he said. “They are the firsthand. So, too, does Holocaust literature, of the deniers.” last generation that will be able to say that they from Anne Frank’s famous diary to Night, by In the meantime, as long as he is able, personally knew survivors of the Holocaust. It survivor and Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel, who Frajman will tell his story and teach about the is a big change, just like it was when the last gave the keynote speech at the Washington Holocaust in hopes of preventing another one. Civil War veteran passed from the scene.” museum’s anniversary, alongside former “Yesterday it was directed against the Jews. The Holocaust, now “perceived history,” President Bill Clinton. Tomorrow it could be against Christians, the will become “received” history, Sarna said. The The Shoah Foundation, based at the next day against Muslims — unless people challenge is that it doesn’t recede from memory. University of Southern California, has heed and listen,” he said. Holocaust educators take heart in the videotaped testimony from more than 51,000 But he is optimistic that his words and many institutions and younger people com- survivors since film director Steven Spielberg those of other survivors will resonate long after mitted to ensuring that future generations started the project in 1994, when there were he is gone. will know about the 6 million Jews who died; about 350,000 Holocaust survivors living “Judging by today’s young people that I of the concentration camps, gas chambers worldwide. encounter when I go to schools to speak, we and crematoria set up to carry out Hitler’s Curriculum programs in schools intro- are in for a better tomorrow,” Frajman said. “Final Solution”; and of the 5 million Roma duce children in the U.S. and elsewhere to the “They listen. They are very perceptive. They (Gypsies), gay people and others murdered Holocaust, and these programs will continue, take it to heart.” BT

June 2013 Feature | 41 Media 0/*+/- )2( !"#$# &' :#"2 !+/0,/ More than a number Jackie Robinson movie 42 creates needed discomfort, hope

Whether the sinking of the Titanic or Engel Stadium, Chattanooga that telling God that he didn’t field his team against the Dodgers because of a black player Abraham Lincoln’s political maneu- “may not be sufficient enough of a reply” come verings to free slaves, great moments Judgment Day. The Christlikeness in Robinson’s mission in history gain wider awareness and is clear: He is the one called down a lonely and interest when made into feature films. trying road. Like Jesus, he questions the course Such is the case with 42. ahead. “So you want a player who doesn’t have ore than a baseball movie — though the guts to fight back?” he says to Rickey’s first perhaps more intriguing to those call to nonviolence. To which Rickey replies, Mfamiliar with names such as Pee Wee “No. I want a player with the guts not to fight Reese, Dixie Walker and Eddie Stanky or the highest level was rooted in something deeper back.” old ballparks in Macon, Birmingham and than his own goodness. Later Robinson, in a phone call to his wife Chattanooga where the filming occurred — Robinson is the chosen one, anointed for Rachel, says, “We’ve been tested, you and me.” it is a story of faith and courage amid social this mission because of his talent, tempera- When Rachel encourages Jackie not to change. ment and conviction. When a young associate let the ugly words and cowardly threats get to While news this spring included the plan- asks why Jackie Robinson is the right choice him, he replies: “God built me to last.” It is ning of a racially integrated prom in the rural to break baseball’s color barrier, Rickey barks: a phrase Rickey repeats later in the movie to South, moviegoers could witness Dodgers’ “He’s a Methodist. I’m a Methodist. God is a affirm Robinson’s perseverance of faith. general manager Branch Rickey’s daring move Methodist. You can’t go wrong.” In one scene, Robinson pushes Rickey on to integrate professional baseball 66 years ago. Donning the Dodgers’ uniform in 1947, why he made such an unpopular move. The Chadwick Boseman, as Robinson, and in which he won the rookie of the year award influential GM tells of being a player-coach Harrison Ford, as Rickey, give convincing per- despite constant taunts, threats and hostility, at Ohio Wesleyan University and not doing formances of two widely different but equally Robinson showed his Christian character again enough to help a black catcher who faced dis- effective agents of social change. And the spiri- and again. crimination. Haunted by that experience, he tual disciplines and commitments at play are as “Like our savior, you’ve got to have the was seeking to right a wrong. clear as the crack of the bat. guts to turn the other cheek,” Rickey tells “There was something unfair at the heart While some bemoaned that the movie the young infielder called to break new, hard of the game I loved and I knew it,” said Rickey. didn’t play up Robinson’s meetings with min- ground. He warns Robinson that his “enemies “You let me love baseball again.” isters or offer more verbal affirmations of the will be out in force,” and urges him not to Sounding like a reluctant savior, Robinson Christian faith, the portrayal of a quiet and meet them “on their low level.” confesses: “Now I’m living a sermon out consistent faith seemed more fitting with the Rickey, who later helped birth the there.” It is a much-needed sermon, Rickey disciplined young player’s approach to baseball Fellowship of Christian Athletes organization, reminds him — a mission only he can fulfill at and life. preaches in the film to coaches and players in this time and place. Rickey, however, referenced the Bible the Dodgers organization, as well as those with “You’re the one living the sermon,” said frequently and spoke sermonic warnings about other teams, who are resistant to the integra- Rickey, “in the wilderness, 40 days.” God’s expectations concerning justice and tion of baseball. Dodger shortstop Pee Wee Reese, who morality. Robinson, on the harder side of the “Eight times in the Bible we are told to embraced Robinson, literally, despite the opin- experiment, passed the tough tests of living out love our neighbors as ourselves,” said Rickey, ions of family and friends in Kentucky, says to the teachings of Jesus. adding that it is one of the most repeated his teammate: “Maybe tomorrow we’ll all wear Although he talked of all money being commandments in scripture. 42. That way they can’t tell us apart.” green, Rickey’s Christian faith played the When someone criticizes Robinson’s bold- Some Christians ask too much of movie- lead role in his decision to challenge the well- ness and intensity, Rickey replies: “If he were makers. The living out of Jesus’ calls to turn the entrenched codes of color. And Robinson’s white, you’d call it spirit.” other cheek and love your neighbor should be willingness to take undeserved abuse to bring Rickey asks the Phillies’ GM if he believes enough. It’s how things change for the good of about social change and to play baseball at the God likes baseball — and then warns him all of us. BT

42 | Perspective June 2013 &' (#2 .)$$+2, Religion News Service

Former ‘Jesus freak’ traces evolution of Christian rock

Bob Gersztyn owned a fine collection his love of music and photography to publish bliss after drug-induced mystical experiences in an illustrated, two-volume work titled Jesus the 1960s and 1970s. Many of them found a of 300 rock ‘n’ roll albums in 1971, the Rocks the World — The Definitive History of home among the counterculture “Jesus move- year he accepted Jesus. Among them Contemporary Christian Music. ment,” also known as “the Jesus people.” The book traces the history of Jesus music Today, the music born out of that move- were some choice 1960s vinyl from from Negro spirituals, gospel, ment has grown into a huge Jimi Hendrix, the Beatles, and blues to its modern roots industry. Estimates of its and the Mothers of Invention. in Southern California in the annual revenue range from 1970s. It also tells the story $500 million to $2 billion — ut all of a sudden, this was the devil’s of rock and folk stars who depending on who does the music. “I destroyed some of them with had “born-again” conversions, calculating and what bands Ba hammer and took the rest to a used such as Bob Dylan, Noel Paul are included as “contemporary record store,” he recalled with a laugh. Stookey (of Peter, Paul, and Christian.” Gersztyn limited his listening to Christian Mary), and John Michael Gersztyn considers rock, a genre that was just getting going in the Talbot (of Mason Proffit). Christian country/rock musi- era of the hippie-inspired “Jesus freaks” and Gersztyn, who grew up in cian Larry Norman, who died the hit Broadway musical Jesus Christ Superstar. a Catholic family in suburban in 2008 at age 60, to be the He joined a Four Square Gospel Church Detroit, decided Jesus was single most important figure in Los Angeles, enrolled in Bible college, the answer when he heard a in the history of contemporary and became a Pentecostal preacher. He also radio account of how guitarist Christian music. He is remem- started emceeing and booking concerts for Jeremy Spencer had suddenly bered for his 1969 Capitol such Christian artists as Keith Green and 2nd quit Fleetwood Mac during a performance at Records album Upon this Rock, and his song Chapter of Acts. the Hollywood Bowl. “Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Today, at age 65, Gersztyn’s religious Gersztyn became part of an army of Music,” which features the verse, “Jesus is the fervor has mellowed. But he has put together young people who went off seeking spiritual rock and he rolled my blues away.” BT NEW FROM Faith BOOKS

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