F 新‘ 刮c f( 第 2 0 卷 第 6 期 Ⅷ 20 N o 6 1998 年 l2 月 Jo雌lh 二焉盖 0falol姆札Ji珊llIlu 矗 。 旧咖咖 /,一/ 一, D ∞ .1998

· 特 约 专稿 ·

V ertical S eism ic A ction on M egastructure S ystem s of T all B u ild ings

Sh aolian g B ai Z h en Eliang L i Z h en gqian g Y u an

( 哼0f d ∞ ,Q删8 l 5 Ji~ hu U Ⅲ 哼,4o00 45 )

A b s T o m eet the needs 0fthe m ulti— fun m i~ and the m ul6 一use 0f the m odem m n h 矗I ,the m 曙暗 -chI肿罩,哦曲 II been l 叫l酬 and used in m 1]b ldiI inm any eem ~ 'ies.In this pa- per,the 如al删 m ode] and ve aⅡal sm ethod due tO ves tal seismic actiom 0ftllem %B卸皿t岫 a冲 睁鼬 .ind udin8 the s~ectnun and tim e — history analysis.Th e re~ube 0f the ca lculation 0f an pk

show that the vertical 暑ei邮 c ad on nn~ turc is m 出 址 .It 功in山 u自that the ve~ ieal seism ~ action On 眦 伊啦IIc|lⅡ啊锄 ’tk 出cted inthe c~this kind el"su-umm ~ .Fu 科 .itis ed out that the ”story m odel”is rsot suitable tO ll~ tUtCs 由m c analysis.

K ey w o n ~ n se~m m c ,m 曙呻岫 hl坤,e| I柚ke — r菖i5 I-t,m 印㈣ spectrum ,6 m e — his~ y . aⅡal B

T all su uctural 町B毛即陷 c印 乜 have IⅡ1derg0ne a dram atic evolution in the tater part of the 20tb cenuny .A s a I唧 kind of the sUuetund 町B ,the m e皂芦 m 咖 r鹤 have been ad0pted in fecent years.The Ⅱ g日s system is m ainly s。d of 80∽ m ega — d em ents (i|lcIuding the m ega — c~lum ns and m ega — b e蛐 ) SO a8 to re8 the vertical and lateral fme es .Each m ega 一 岫】 tund fl m ay sI p0rt several thin c0nw f】舯rB w hich cⅢl be referred to as the seo0Ildafy

m les .This kind of the sn llcI1Ⅱal systera have m any advantages,such as the big structural d , bi曲 structural performance and od ecancm y etc.Besides,it c日|1 J al~tut l1ew 嘶 and flew 黜 叩 t for arch itectural dEsi .N o w the research of the e日Itl Ilake — m sistan t an a lysis m e thod tow ards this kind of stm cimre as as the details m m uIe tow ards the joints the m ega — slltlc~ has been an 咖 t pI哇 m which 咖 ly engir~ and rmm at~hers in structural Igi ,eIi】唱dom ain have fo- cu..m~d ∞ . 1h e ear吐‘qI工ake nla~t-o— pl1日柏menB have deoxm atm ted tlIat the iDfk a 1oes of the vertical Seism ic m ~ Jon i8 obvious in high intensity m .Such as the 目m Iquake record of the G azli in 1976 and the Im p erial V a tl~ , in 19 7 9 the vertical acceI ∞ of the DIm d is g reater than the horizontal acceler- , 肚i∞ of the ∞Ind in these tw o rec ds .The rom ~ lof Kob e e日m lake in in 1995 has disclosed ∞ .衄p ort日咀t d~sco very ,w h ich the role of the ve rtical seism ic actieax W 舾 m ore 栅 t than the l

收祷 日期 :l螂 一咐 30 自绍 良 .男,1932 午生 .教授 国家 白播科学基盘资助项 目,批准号 :59378351 2 重庆 建筑 大 学学 报 第 20卷

iZODtal seismiciZODtal action to theof failure the buildi~ due the to e~terthis i13 di8oster zone of this

e卵 .TheVerticalseismic oftheacceleration 伽耐 inthecenter删 ofthis 1e ea埘lqIlakew鹊 up

to 5OOGa1.to Comparedtothe pre~entlmildir~—resistant des des of0IiTla(GRI11—89),the ,=ode pre~entlmildir~earthquake—resistant Comparedtothe vertical seismic action 013the 81111clure8is砌 not emphasized eD0tlgbinthis code.Onthe otherhand, eD0tlgbinthis emphasized 81111clure8is砌 not 013the action seismic vertical the dynaⅡIthe c hujldhanaJytlc~m~lel tall se~of vertical the to”story actio~arefor limited ie model” inthecodeandmanyi'leferences.Butthism&lel c日II’tseismic actioa'lm1thetransfer vertical reflectthe

girder ofmegastruetnre.itgirder actio~mlthereflectsthe only columm .Sothismodelis suitabletothe not

megaslalaetllre.In this paper.themegaslalaetllre.In this model且s analytical method analysis respective vertical 8s the to well seismic actioa'l ofthemegaslalactmleis seismic actioa'l presented,includiI】gthe spectrum andtime—history analysis.


Frarnthe~1fdes,many scholars(E.R∞∞一bluth,Qi∞Frarnthe~1fdes,many of alot fen.Liuetc.)haveItlade Ji achievementsinthe research ofthe veaieal seismic ofaction

the slllaetllres.But etI1 slalJelure~wh|ch they studied aIe only referred to as the high—risethe as to slllletur~ referred only fu~Jalythe ehlmeys),singIe—story ldin挚andbuild- ordin~ tall iⅡgs.Sofar,thereis noreport讲1the oftheresearch vertical seismleofthe action megastmct1.!res worldthein aeco.xting to author’s investigation.Inmany aI_e references tall m~leled∞ shearlmildir~,thatis”storymodel”.wh the anaJ~ng the rewonse 0f the hujldi due to the vertical hujldi anaJ~ng the vertical rewonse 0f the to due seismic exeitat~oaa.Infew buildi~ references tall il1.1-aIe eled 8s“1311~ermodel”and aconcentratednmssisacted ml the midspan of every of tall ldin伊. In the story model,the ml 埘the change only reflect c8Il i讲lal results ofthe axialforcesofthe eolunms dueto seismic日 vertical tion,butitch岬 retleetthe Calrl,t due ofthe internalforees Fig·1 and 6 to vertieal seismic actic~a.Beel~luse the axial force rati~offorce designoftall colun~ the axial actic~a.Beel~luseseismic i13 vertieal limited to strietly aIe bI1ildill铲in Br∞.So high intensity will bring about conceptualit o0n siml here which the vertical seismic actioa'l Oil 8[111C[111~c日II be n~gteetea ifthe model8[111C[111~c日II adootedstory Oil is in anal seismic actioa'l ng the sll'uctural ’ response dueseismic excitation.In to Yertieal the m 妇 mode1.~ hough a concentrated 11rlafl$is acted013themidspan ofevery beam,the duetoseismicexcitationare vertical slalactmle sonot 013 etteets dramatic日s i13 the ecmdition of the hor ntal seismic excitatic~a because of the CIEluse of the ea】咀l皿lake of dramatic日s horthe oftheecmdition becauseCIEluse the of i13 seismic excitatic~a ntal input.Inthe caseofthemegastruet1 .Lre.theta'ansferveryimportantforthewholeaIe girders stnJeturein resisdngthe verticallo~Isandt~fizentalloads dueto excitation,andmanyseismic colum/~can’t be eon6nuousbuilding.Besides,many hei the t}le in 0f t the Oil acted huge concentratedna,~sses ders 第 6期 白绍良等:高层建筑巨型结构体系的竖向地震作用 3 andthesem鼬s罄-,viiibethe”鼬urce,’ofthev明tical e~c.hquake如Ices.Soitisn既e蹬嘲【yto estsblish a memberl1ew model sei~ieamlyzeto aetiQ~a∞ vel'tieal the me,gasl~eture.In model,80nthis e~_entratedmassesact∞ Id∞ .Suchasin Fig.1.


If theⅫm If Fig.1.(2),then ad叩Ied in is a8 model goveming删 the ∞铲 i the of slalletural vertical vibrationcan be vertical writtenflS slalletural 【肘】{司+【c】 {jl+【 】,( l:一【肘】l;l (1) In In ch,【g卜——山e Ie ve cal eolun~vec四di即hc即,e|吐0f ve s~,acttu'e; the ( ( }.{ (‘)}isthe妇 vertical 0fthe 一historyCUI~e aeeelemd~; 【肘卜—1nass 灯slm~lll'e,; the 0f 【 】 —— cal 伍a8seⅡIb m曲_ix el删蛐is ess whieh the 0f condensed~tadeslly; and 【C】 ——dBl砷ingⅡla扛 verticaldlmtti~0f 0fthe st~cttkne.Here [C】 =[肘】【 】【 儿 】 【肘】 (2) al1d,( al1d,( 】isthedbr~ionmDdema ,fisthed唧 gemrallyf=0.O5;舢isthe油一moderatio1 hlg 唧 eD叮.~ sides /2~ 1 【 】=2#l 2 № 0 l (3) l l 0 2 mj the vib旺毗 the modema 壮dd1ei山一modefrequency byf0Ⅱ啦 obtained be can eIIua60ns: [肘】{;J+【 】。{i}.{0l (4)

. ([ 】‘一 【肘】)( l=(O} (5)


As暑ll0wI1 k,i As暑ll0wI1k,i .1(1),adism~ uniformly tedI棚d鹅 kN/Inis 帆 the吼c}I 0fthe sec0rldary sec0rldary 田n∞ 0f the mq 咖 cnlre,and fbnn】y a lIl 0I l0ad distributed N/1 rll 0ll h raega—beam.Tlle c 删 0ftheⅡl 一 are 1 . X 1.5In al1dⅡ 0f l呷 一 beams吕工e0.65mx3. n 山ecro鹊sec mlB coluⅡⅡ氇of3ec啊1d晰 the 田蛸 a弛0.5mxO.5m锄 that 0fthe that be胁 are0.3Inx0 . 5In南fthe 6—30 :the cI嘴B0fthe 8ecd0ll coluI硼 0f绷 nes are nes are 0.缸 X0. madt}Iat0fthebeams are0.4ⅡI×0. forthe l 5 Ⅱ黜 . ~mt vibr丑ti∞mode shape under di ∞ cal o0| sh aIe wnin Fig.2.

Fromtlle Fig.2it beallthe咖 seerII.Iat caI1 lp0呦0fmode ts aIe1 五ve,tllele丘-1日lf C~II- 蜘 ts of啪de 2 are negative al1dtheIigh士h日lfo呻删 蜘tsof啪de negative are aIs0 2 rnodes positive.Other are 2 0fInode 4 4 重庆建筑大学学报 第 ∞ 卷 haverespectivefe .But eachmega—beam8∞ well∞ the 8eo口 frames Bupported b them aIe interacted at anyinteracted c 0f each mode.The pe~oa 0f eachmode showninTable 1. From 出le c日ll1 it be drawn that the vertical vibl~on oer~as 0fmthe me:gastzuetttre very 10 anditis similartolli fi~qufmeyvibration.Fuaher- more,allolher.m 0It日llt d塘珀cI cevery that is 目胃胃胃圉冒国雷 period(∞freque.ey)is elsetoeachO.her except very the first p~ioa.Thisthe first is beB日lI8e that each曲 l既 gt,a~ (1ne 一beam)∞ Ⅱ∞the8eo0岫 fran~ mode1 mode2 mode3 modo4 ~.pr.,ned byitselfis~ pe,.1e.t and caⅡvibratein- depetldenfly(see depetldenfly(see .2),This 0fthe c}Laracteri mega~tzuetures is q.it~ditterem from 0 “nⅢv tall 1"ableIthe |t“ p芒童i0d0ftheme8 加∽ buildings.So the o馐nb 埔b锄 approneh 0f intemal ^■.q 口目■h薹 一胃 forces(axial forces,Bl】 be地 forces(axial and forces n mcQcmethod.Butfor adoptthe t8)should o I nienee~,the$RSSmethodis stil1日珥 inthispaper. The type 0f in the general啦 the in soil 0f The type lneg~s.Oposed∞ the is whel'e located tnre II (∞Ⅱc8p0Tldi嚏tob~tdi.gs曲rd 岫ke—re8is 【code0fChina,GRill一89)arid e.mhquake the int~msityis eight.tte~ethe int~msityis e日 vertical 呷mkespectrum cum shapeisllIe舢 鼬 hori- 0fcase the zomal∞dit’Bpeakvalueofaeeeleratic~isdecrea~dto65%(p ∞edbyGBIll一89),Ⅱdle axial force 0fmega—eokn.aa dueto vertical sei~ie aeti~∞ sei~ie 0fmega—eokn.aa force vertical dueto by^‘and well de~oted aIe st~ieloads resp~ivety.The ratio of觚resp~ivety.The ratio to by isdenoted ,thstis M /Ⅳ|.AcoordiIlgtothe spectrum analysis resdts,llIeanalysis valueof varies lllllIe changeofthe storymIInb既Bs幽倒吼 inF .3. F m Fig.3itis 0b m dl吐the0f Yttlue 7 is|~est aIthe b。‰ 0fthe 瞳uc缸Ⅱe aDd / graduallyincreasedWitllthe鼬啊yl1lJInberN up r to 20.then协 to be t0stable.rIl 加以 姗 /。 0f 0.117.Sothei~tluenee is 0fthe / e8~melatedb acdmseisnIIc ca1 一 to Ine Ine to 一∞lIⅡ珊8咖 beneglected dl两 ng·3 the’alIIe0fⅧ w油 oftheⅡ 母lstmchlreifthe a 81force iB ch8咿 the岫 出 嘲 1 ed strictly.The bending珊删 址0ftbe mi~pa.0fllIelne 一be岫l(LI,L2and【3)血eto Bei日mic vertical 0n鼬 well脑s叫cl 脯 denoted by旭 denoted a口d帆 respectively. h Table 2it is is h 2it Table 0fM./幄 val,e the a1日0~leets the 删 the clI caI 第 6期 白绍良等:高层建筑巨型结椅体系的竖向地震作用 5

8eis 8eis i唧愧 嘲 T1岫ber witlItlle s 0f N - ,tlle 叫 e2 噱 0f vlilltle ofM,/l~'gformega一vlilltle arrived协 L3 JlaB 15% · 嘴 衄 B(kNm)


The time— elostie a.alysi~of history the me.gll~ a8 etllre shown in№ .1 is’c∞ied step—by—stepby 0Ilt i.teo'a~ me 口dfor叩 .(1).HeretheE1一eenlzo,Tafte~hquake andParldidd amadootea.The peak value oftI南acceleratiotlforthetI1ree'WS,VeSistak.mvalue as 143C,d.Aeeo~il1gtothetime—history an日ly吕jB

eBuhB.the maximu~ values of the bendingⅡ町Ⅱx and Table 3 k inE瑚 唧 b vertical d lacmmbformidspanvertical ofme,ga一 m s(Ll,L2 % be皿B(kNm) andL3)a∞listed Tabte3 theand Table4 in r~eetively. W ec蜘 3eeflcmtheTable 3thatthe 0fthedifference values of bendingmof values ofthe ls s mega—bemn dueto di di ea rettt quake'~'alces remis r~ le.In which, the 々-薹j ,■● .■,I 4 value ofmomentinduced by脚 isthebiggest. But Table4 ie日l di8p o即 ofnIs lI II-.II II there jB therea jB r~aulal tenancy that the value of the bending m昭 l黜∞ (m) momentofthemega—beamis relativetothe heightst0ry of ilUl~r N,just Bs the condition of the speetilma arIalysis. arIalysis. speetilma the of condition ilUl~r N,just the Bs The maximum value of the bending n'mlenls of the mega— bemn L3 indueed by Taft wave has reached up to 2 492 andkl~Im the relative value hasrelative reached upto 2 492/ 14 05O= 17.7% . 1he血 一 hi栅 amoftheb∞di】l1gm tformega— b锄 L3is slWw凸inF .4.

● ● ● ● ● ●● - - 5 C0NCLUSl0NS m池 叫mbe-她 oft1.e m咖倒 l meg 猢m 1,3

A忧0rding协 ofthe~ resulls the andtime—hi劬0工ytnlmanalysis analysis,雠 ea~dm iem for V c 8e 0tImega暑tnIcmIe町8t茁IlB啪caction be dra~n: 1)the verdc~l vibration periods ofthe~ periods vibration 1)the verdc~l 8Il0 anditisvery aIe similar a'ucture bighfi'e- qu∞qV 0n.hm 恤 ,册0tIHjInP0rtam cham如d8ticistlIat ever~period(0rfi'equet~c3,)is very cl0Be船dl very 0tI 瓤ceptforthefirst pe becametlIat船dl雠哑如r .11Ii8is girder(1 一 )∞weⅡ∞the∞oondary vibratein call and d ny selfisindependent supportedbyit ne (seeFig.2)."Pni~cha工a.批0fthemeg~ 8tic q~itealge~t is etm'es n椰 乜n bIl . 2j The2j abaved佃【1日ct口is the舶eI珥8帅chⅡe啪 of c 丑l80pmvestecy the that n眦哪it日blle is el toⅡle舀蚋帅 ctu1 while c町 the 0Ilt B oftbe ve~eal seismic action.so the c佩岫 1a 0n 6 重庆 建筑大学学报 第 20卷 apprmeh ofintm-nalforces(axialforces,shearfomes and be~dmgmoraea~ts)should脚 and cQc ofintm-nalforces(axialforces,shearfomes apprmeh t}le method,∞ ∞rdingtothetheoryrandom of vi ∞ . 3)Acc0rdil1gtothe results ofthe spectrum a|lal B,Onlythefasta|lal spectrum ofthe vibrationmodemresults needed 3)Acc0rdil1gtothe 。 to beto coral&ratedin o n叫 ∞ ofthe combinedinteanalforces.1terethe^ isthe numt~ofthe tltl~er gi gi tltl~er . 4) a洄 is Dfthe action seismic dueto vertical oftheinternalforces effects thatthe : megastnlc0.Lresis relativetothe}le story of t N wh in theImI】berlocatedbasically.The hi hi rthe10cati肌ofthe埘即iberis,theⅡ町redramaticthe0fthe.岫把malforees effects Ⅱ be.And vicave眦 . 5)It possiblethattheinternalfortes oftheⅧ 5)It possiblethattheinternalfortes 一beaminthehigh~posit~ofthe ra~as- tmctu~duetoseismicaeti~awilla∞e臼dthe vertical valuesofthemember relative dueto staticloads. asI珈 asthe peakvalueoftheinput acceleratiori h upto abier value.Sot}lese~mic vertical effects mlmega—beaeffects can’t bedes nePolecteain 0fthe嗍 ㈣ .


1 1 CI.ellgN Y.Diacus~ononthe po栅搬 :ofthe retinalBejs ac岫 Tech~ ,,Hunan,1996.280-283{In Chinese) Buildi~s E自rIllq【I且ke—IeBis叫 Buildi~s D咖 Code China(CBJH一89),ChinaA~hitectugal&BIIi1di丑g№ ,Bei llg,1991(InChin~) n PF n 础 一m I Am s.Be i 础 ,1983(InChme~j uJ,LiGQ.Inuoflucl~on of Ear岫 b , 岫 Press,1992(InChme~) Liu J,Liu LM 0fSeismicResponse Analysis ofTallFrame BI】 underVertical oIII.d 帆 酬 . Im

conf.0nTallBuildings,1984 -

高层建筑巨型结构体 系的竖向地震作 用 f);.王 。 } 鱼丝垦圭垩 /袁政强 f一. — 两 鬲而 翟学院~o45)

摘 要 为满足现代高屉建筑的多功能和多用逢需要,巨型持构体系在国内外高层和超高层 建筑 中已连渐得到应用。本文建立 了巨型框架持构体系在 竖向地震作用下的分析模型爰_相应 的 分析方法,其中包括反应鬻分析置 时社分析。通过吴体算毒音和分析表明 ,莹向地震对此类培构.々 作 用是 十分显著的 ,在巨型持构体 系的分析和设计 中,莹向地震力是不可怠视 的。皋文进一步地 指 出:在分析此 类持构的地震作 用时 , 层模型”是不适用 的。 - 关键词 堡鱼生薹,三竺 苎,抗震,反应谱,时程分析,苎墨苎墨 。 中固法分类号 l一 匿鬈 此兔卟蹲