Congratulations on downloading this ebook, Not only are you going to learn how to reverse most chronic illnesses but you will also be enrolled in my email course and get training that will include: ● The Healing practice ● Baduanjin standing and sitting forms ● Yijinjing (bone and sinew changing exercise) ● (standing stance health cultivation exercise)

Healing Qigong Protocol

For Healing Chronic Illnesses, Rejuvenation, Instilling Rigourous Vigour, Vitality and Radiant Wellbeing

Dear Fellow adventurer on the path of life: Congratulations for downloading this ebook, I have done my best to give you the keys to the kingdom, when you do the exercises contained in this report you will be blown away by the amazing benefits you will experience…

Because this system of healing has been around for thousands of years, although… it was mostly a closely guarded secret in ancient times… Because qigong was not openly practiced and it was kept secret by families and members of daoist disciples, medical practitioners and highly developed monks in the buddhist orders in China

If you have any of the following symptoms : ● If you are battling with low energy and vitality, your vigour seems to have disappeared with the rolling on of time and the struggle of life... ● If you struggle with high blood pressure, and it affects you by making you unable to control your temper sometimes, or you feel really irritated by stupid situations and people get to you... ● If you are experiencing a lot of anxiety or you feel stressed or the build up of tension because of ○ how difficult hanging onto your job, growing your career, or ○ having your relationships work out… ● if you are experiencing lack of focus, and you battle to concentrate and easily forget things… and even worse, ● if you feel stuck in life and battle to get things done…. ● If you are battling with type 2 diabetes, and insulin resistance… and you are feeling less well than you used to ● If you are battling to keep the weight off and stay a healthy weight…and are suffering because you can no longer participate in life with the confidence you once did… ● Insomnia

My friend if you are struggling with any of the above symptoms, or similar problems… I have good news for you… this report will show you how you can regain your health, your energy and your vigour… If you follow the instructions you will fully recover your health and vigour…

The Benefits of Practicing This Healing Qigong Protocol

You will rejuvenate and be full of energy and vitality - and experience radiant wellbeing..., you will be able to focus like a laser beam you will be able to reverse type 2 diabetes, reverse hypertension(high blood pressure) You will overcome anxiety and stress and in its place will be a feeling of rigorous self confidence…

How to Heal with Qigong, empower yourself, restore abundant energy, crush anxiety and reverse your aging, get healthy and fit and strong…

If you suffer from any of these ailments, I have news for you… Because, what I have to share with you today… is going to change your life forever… ● Obesity ● Anxiety ● Type 2 diabetes ● Inability to focus and concentrate ● Inability to take action and get things done ● Low self esteem ● High blood pressure ● Anger ● Fatigue ● Insomnia

Your no fluff “How To” Guide to Healing Qigong

“Quick Start” Protocol

I’m going to show you how you can reclaim your health and your vigour, just by taking the time to gently cultivate health and vital energies by focusing on you! - this is called yang shen (life nourishing)

Cultivate your own health by nurturing your inner self and spirit and and boost your vital force and vitality…

All by spending a little me time and cultivating your mind, your body and your energy…

This booklet you now have - will show you how… ​

It’s an easy and natural process, and you will likely get addicted to the feeling of the abundant energy you will have… I am not going to waste your time with “what is qi” as I’m sure you have read about it online (if you havent you can read about it here ) ​ ​

No in this guide, we are all about action and getting you healthy and buzzing and bouncing with energy and vitality… so let's begin…

About The Author:

EEk this is always a bit uncomfortable, especially the referring to myself in the 3rd person!, but apparently… this is how bios are SUPPOSED to be worded...

Brian has been practicing qigong for about 14 years and considers himself an eternal qigong student. He finds it important to stress he does not consider himself a master of qigong, but just another student on an eternal path of self cultivation and development, and wishes to impart what he has learned to help other people who need healing to take care of themselves and their loved ones to promote abundant life and vitality health

He has learned from many masters, (Thank you Sifu Jun Ping, thank you Sifu Andy Hu, Thank you Sifu Michael Rinaldini of dragon gate taoism, and the medical qigong teachers of Dublin Ireland )

He has devoted himself to learn about the healing aspects of qigong so that he can help empower people, so that they can have the ability to gain abundant health and vitality as a supplement or prevention to modern medicine.

“I noticed that there is not a lot of GOOD info on qigong, and in my opinion this is one of the best ways to promote abundant health, inner clarity, calm , confidence and improve one's ability to focus.

Oh did i mention longevity and the ability to turn back the clock on your aging, yes Qigong promises to make you stay younger longer.

There are even some fantastic tales of taoist adepts reaching ages well into the 200’s – and I don't know if this is true or not, but certainly I find it inspiring.

Your no fluff “How To” Guide to Healing Qigong 3

“Quick Start” Protocol 3

About The Author: 4 Who I Am And Why You Should Listen To My Story: 6

Benefits of Qigong (& Problems Solved) 7 Main chronic Ailments Treated by Qigong 8

Qigong Empowerment Protocol 8

Where the acupressure points are located (images) so you can heal yourself 8

Your Daily Healing Qigong Routine Plan/Protocol - for maximum Healing and Benefits 10 Creating a daily practice 11

Quiescent Qigong Protocols (calms stress and anxiety, nourishes the mind) 11 Deal with Stress, Anxiety, High Blood pressure, Adult ADHD, Mental strain and nervous exhaustion- inability to focus etc…with quiescent qigong (mental oriented qigong practices designed to quieten down the mind and mental chatter, eliminate anxiety or other extremes of emotion such as anger etc)such as the quiescent sitting, relaxation and lying down quiescent qigong, crane exercise and brain clearing exercise. 11 QUIESCENT SITTING HEALTH CULTIVATION EXERCISE 11 RELAXED AND QUIESCENT RECUMBENT EXERCISE 15 Rocking Exercise (good for sleep, insomnia, neurasthenia, adhd, anxiety and mental racing) 18 Relaxed and Tense Sleep-promoting Exercise 18

Relaxation Exercise 19 CRANE EXERCISE METHOD 21 Reclining Crane Qigong 21

Baduanjin 8 Section Brocade 21 Baduanjin: 23 baduanjin is particularly good for stimulating all the meridians for healing and its great for joint mobility... 23 Things to consider before beginning the form: 23 3 Intentful Corrections: 23 Useful tool and guide to using the 8 section brocade for Specific Ailments or Health benefits 24

18 Lohan/Arhat Hands Qigong 25

Standing Stance Qigong (Standing like a Stake) Zhan Zhuang - The million dollar qigong secret 25

Zhan Zhuang 25

The Complete Course in Serious BAD ASSERY…. 28 Who Is Zhan Zhuang For: 29

Benefits of Zhan Zhuang (Standing Stance Qigong) 31

WHAT is Zhan Zhuang? 34 What will happen to you: 34 How Long To Practice: 35 WARNING: 35

How to do The Zhan Zhuang Practice (Properly!) 39 Step 1 40

The Programme: How Long Should You Practice 43


General Advice on Nourishing Life(healthy lifestyle): 49

Unannounced Bonus : 50 2 Meditation Practices to boost your concentration and focus 50

Who I Am And Why You Should Listen To My Story: My name is Brian and I have been practicing Qigong since about 2004… I began when a friends of mine from work Ruth & Eunice, invited me to learn from an authentic chinese sifu, Master Jun Ping Liang - although he called himself Steven Young!

I was going through my divorce, and I had lost a lot of my community and friends due to this, as I was in a church that forbade divorce.

I chose to go with Ruth and Eunice, and I got to experience qi (chi) firsthand in a combat context, (I will tell you more about that in one of my emails - it is an epic story, and comes as close as we can to “magic” in this world of physics - Sifu Steven flung me up in the air at a 45 degree angle - from a light “tap” on my forearm - I was 110kg, he is about 66kg)

As well as experience profound vitality and healing and because of these firsthand experiences fell instantly in love with the possibilities of qi and qigong.

One of the classes, I was experiencing a headache and Sifu Steven immediately picked it up, although I had not consciously given any obvious tells that I was suffering… he just walked behind me and told us all to practice standing qigong, and he put his hands in some shape and emitted qi and in a few seconds the headache was gone…

So I began a long path of learning qigong and practicing it, from a few different masters, and I have learned what works well to create abundant vitality, energy and healing.

You Will Learn How To Do: ● Quiescent qigong exercises to mitigate the hectic stress and anxiety we deal with ​ in our modern lives. - this qigong protocol can easily calm you down and nourish overstimulated nerves - so that once you begin practicing it you are much more centered and grounded in your life, your brain recovers from the incessant barrage of overstimulation and stress that normal modern life throws our way… and you find yourself able to think clearly and creatively, and focus and concentrate, and enjoy a greater quality of life. - these have a beneficial effect on high blood pressure and adult ADHD, distraction and nervous exhaustion. ● The baduanjin 8 section brocade this set of 8 exercises has a general tonic effect ​ on your entire system, every organ and system is benefitted by practicing this qigong exercise, it can improve flexibility, hypertension, energy and vitality, and it goes hand in hand with the most powerful qigong practice ever.. ● Zhan Zhuang (standing stance qigong/Standing like a stake) for profound healing ​ and abundant energy

Benefits of Qigong (& Problems Solved) ● Reversal of most chronic Illnesses ● Increased vitality abundant energy ● Lots of energy to do whats important. ● Better mental clarity ● Longevity and Increased lifespan and quality of life ● Improved focus, cognition, memory and concentration ● Increase your metabolism and burn fat ● Help you be calm in stressful situations, and overall lower your stress and anxiety. ● Regulated blood pressure ● Qigong helps detox your body ● Improved ability to relax ● Boost your fertility and your sex drive ● Sleep like a baby and restore your vitality.

Main chronic Ailments Treated by Qigong ● Obesity ● Blood pressure ● ADHD ● Cognition and Focus ● Diabetes Type 2 ● Heart Disease ● Anxiety ● Fatigue…

Qigong Empowerment Protocol

By doing this qigong practice daily you will progress at your own pace through the following stages, not in a linear fashion, sometimes you will experience the first 3 at once…

● Stage 1 removing disturbed energy (quiescent qigong) ● Stage 2 removing energy blocks & tonifying/tonic your system (Quiescent qigong & baduanjin & Zhan Zhuang) ● Stage 3 Healing (As above) ● Stage 4 nourishing and growing abundant in vitality..(mostly Zhan Zhuang)

Where the acupressure points are located (images) so you can heal yourself

These are some of the common acupressure points referred to in this booklet,,

Your Daily Healing Qigong Routine Plan/Protocol - for maximum Healing and Benefits

Most of us are messed up by either 1. sitting too much, and not enough exercise or movement, which creates qi stagnation and stiffness in our joints.. 2. Or too much anxiety and stress...from our jobs our relationships and just the hectic pace of modern life.

In our life we adapt to this by creating an unbalanced lifestyle that does nothing to nourish your life force... (Yang Shen - Nourishing Life...)

So here is the recommended qigong practices to reverse the effects of stress and anxiety and sedentary lifestyle…

1. Quiescent Exercises Like the Crane Exercise & Relaxation Exercise (to remove ​ stress and anxiety from your life and reinvigorate your life) 2. Baduanjin and /or the Healing Qigong practice (see attachment below) 3. Zhan Zhuang

Creating a daily practice ● My recommendation is to start slowly with what you can do, do some quiescent qigong like the crane or the sitting or lying down quiescent practices before going to bed or just before work in the morning… ● Then when you get home after work do quiescent qigong (whichever you find you enjoy the most) to de stress from your day… ● Then do baduanjin, ● And then do the zhan zhuang… It may be worth your while starting with baduanjin for about six months as I have noticed that students battle to keep the discipline of Zhan Zhuang, so rather develop the habit of qigong so you get the discipline then introduce Zhan zhuang for 5-10 mins a day… until you get to 40 minutes!

The Little Known Healing Qigong Exercise Practice

Click the embedded healing qigong booklet below to download your own copy of this little known healing practice… the instructions are inside

Quiescent Qigong Protocols (calms stress and anxiety, nourishes the mind)

Deal with Stress, Anxiety, High Blood pressure, Adult ADHD, Mental strain and nervous exhaustion- inability to focus etc…with quiescent qigong (mental oriented qigong practices designed to quieten down the mind and mental chatter, eliminate anxiety or other extremes of emotion such as anger etc)such as the quiescent sitting, relaxation and lying down quiescent qigong, crane exercise and brain clearing exercise.


Sitting quietly and calming ourselves is a great way to tone down the racing mind, calm anxiety or anger or harmful emotions. It is a way to cultivate health through sitting quiescently..

"Quiescence" is practised to relax and be at ease.

It can soothe the overworked brain, help you to have a stable temperament,and keep you in good humour, allowing your nerve and neural network a chance to rest and recuperate, and reorganise.

● Sitting quiescently a half hour will help to heal diseases of the nervous, circulatory and digestive systems. (great for anxiety, stress, high blood pressure, anger etc)

● This exercise will also produce great results for promoting the power of your mind and intelligence and slow down aging.

Method: 1. Sitting style: sit upright with eyes and mouth closed lightly. ​ 2. Let the head and neck be straight 3. hang the head slightly forward. 4. Pull the chest in a little. 5. Put the feet straight out or if you are sitting in a chair its fine to have your feet a bit more open than 90 degrees, (open the angle about another 10 to 15 degrees) 6. Keep them apart about the width of the shoulders. 7. Lower your shoulders, bend your elbows slightly, put your hands on your thighs naturally with the palms facing down, and relax the whole body.

How To Breathe: 1. Inhale, pause, exhale 2. At each of those stages of the breath, recite in your so: 3. Inhale - “I am” 4. Pause- “ sitting” 5. Exhale- “and relaxing” Recitation Method ​ 1. Close the mouth, touch the upper palate with the tip of your tongue. From the inhalation and pause until... 2. When you exhale and say “and relaxing” drop your tongue Conclusion: ● Do this practice for 30 mins

Where to Focus The Mind

● You can focus on either the upper dantien (the middle of the head) or at the heart or middle dantien or the lower dantien(the one below your navel) ● Keep your mind at one of these focal points throughout the exercise and do not allow your mind to wander ● Breathing should be natural do not force or violently breathe. ● Be gentle and patient with yourself and this exercise. ○ concentrate your attention on the exercise. ○ If you keep getting distracting thoughts you can open the eyes and massage your head with both hands, then massage Shenmen and neiguan.

Please Note: You may experience sensations of warmth, aching or tingling, even quivering of muscles in parts of the body - these are normal so dont stop the practice.

However: If you experience, dizziness, fluttering or any other severe reaction, change to a exercise like baduanjin

Keep yourself in a cheerful disposition while doing the exercise, it will bring enhanced benefits

Relaxation Exercise

The idea of this exercise is to lead qi down from your head. ● Repeat this 10 times. ● This exercise relaxes your body sequentially, part by part. Practise this 4 to 6 times a day, 20 to 30 minutes each time.

Either Sit or lie down, or you can do this standing up. Breathe naturally and use your mind to relax your body from the top to the bottom 1. head 2. Neck 3. shoulders 4. Arms 5. hands 6. chest 7. stomach 8. thighs 9. legs 10. feet 11. soles 12. Now concentrate the mind on Yongquan point 13. As you complete the exercise, return your qi to the lower Dantian.

Yonguan Point(K1)



The red-crowned crane is a symbol of longevity and immortality. In art and literature, immortals are often depicted riding on cranes.

Something interesting and a bit of backstory on the crane and why it should be practiced to lower high blood pressure..

These qigong exercises and protocols were developed by ancient scholar, mystics, the taoists these are the same people who give us acupuncture and chinese herbal medicine and traditional chinese medicine, and we still benefit from their research and observation today…

The taoist mystics noticed there is a species of crane native to china and japan, which is associated with immortality and longevity.. It is about 5 foot tall, it mates for life so displays ​ virtues of loyalty and flies high for miles without tiring endurance and strength. It’s average ​ lifespan is 30 -70 years which makes it one of the longest living bird species in existence.

The crane eats a poisonous diet of poisonous amphibians and vegetables, poisons that would kill a man easily, yet the crane is unharmed.

Originally they thought the crane has a special digestive tract that allows it to eat poisons and survive, but when examined, it was discovered their digestive system is the same as similar birds who are NOT immune to the toxic poisonous frogs, insects and amphibians…

So they were forced to observe the crane more closely - just imagine an ancient taoist scholar, out in the fields, looking at cranes... While asking is this bird able to live such a long life even though it eats poison?

It was then that the scholars realised due to their understanding of acupuncture meridians and internal alchemy... that it was due to the “” the cranes practice…. (standing on one leg while pressing the other into the belly)

This pressing of the leg into the abdomen, exerts pressure on abdominal muscles and internal organs, in a way that stimulates and strengthens 1. digestive, 2. respiratory and 3. circulatory systems

Thus the crane qigong exercise was developed… eg: normally when we breathe our lungs expand into the chest, but the crane exercise forces the lungs downward and the intestines get pressed against the abdominal muscles, which breaks up constipation, encourages absorption of nutrients and elimination of toxins.

It strengthens the entire digestive tract, increases circulation to the abdominal organs and muscles while stimulating the lungs and circulatory system. It can reduce cholesterol and fat accumulation,

Slow diaphragmatic breathing allows for full expansion of lungs and full absorption of energy from air intake, it has the effect of improving circulation and lowering the heart rate, by the crane exercise you affect the autonomic or involuntary nervous system, balancing your energy and promote more calm and less stress.. Which lowers blood pressure.

Benefits ● helps asthma through its benefits on the lungs ● and the skin through its relationship with the lungs in chinese medicine, helps eliminate rashes and sores. ● Improves vitality and energy due to deeper breathing and more nourishing absorbtion of vital qi from the air.. ● Good for headache ● Indigestion ● Dizziness ● Poor blood circulation ● aging

You can do this standing, sitting or lying down. This practice comes from Dr Stephen Changs excellent book the complete system of self healing, (grab yourself a copy you wont be dissapointed…)

Reclining Crane Qigong 1. Rub your palms together vigorously, feel the heat in your hands. 2. Place your hands on your lower abdomen so that they are either side of the belly button. 3. Inhale through your nostrils and keep the mouth closed. 4. Exhale slowly, and press your hands down gently so that the tummy forms a hollow cavity. a. This forces the air out of the lower lungs, and your hands are taking the function of the leg of the crane… b. Imagine as you exhale that every drop of air is leaving and every bad thing is leaving as well. 5. When you have exhaled completely, slowly breathe in, a you breathe in, expand your tummy outward like a balloon, try to avoid expanding the chest… Instead use the muscles of your lower abdomen. 6. One slow full breath out followed by one slow breath in is one round of the beginning you may only be able to do 3 rounds, but you will be able to increase it to 12 rounds as you progress. You don't need to force any inhalation or exhalation, basically you are learning to breathe very slowly, fully with skill, but the whole point is to stay natural ie not force the breath. The hands are just a guide for the beginning, once you have mastered this, your abdomen muscles will do it all for you and you don't need to use hands any longer. - Stay present with what you are doing in this exercise, and concentrate.. Ie don't let your mind wander or be distracted. ● Do the crane exercise in the morning, in the sun(facing it if possible), and late at night before retiring to sleep. ● Inhale and feel the vibrant energy of the sun entering you, and as you exhale imagine toxins and wastes leaving your body. Do Not Perform When Pregnant

Baduanjin 8 Section Brocade

Baduanjin: baduanjin is particularly good for stimulating all the meridians for healing and its great for joint mobility...

Note: The baduanjin is a shortened selection of the original teachings of Damo the patriarch... (the 18 lohan hands qigong set) basically the baduanjin is a short condensed first 8 "moves" in the 18 Lohan set... ​ ​

The 18 lohan hands (A very loose translation would be 18 Saints Movements)the very ​ stuff he taught the monks who were sitting and getting ill and weak from too much ​ meditation and sedentary life...(they are brilliant for reversing the very kinds of chronic illnesses we get today from living sedentary lifestyles)

Anyone practicing the 18 hands testifies that its very rejuvenating and turns back the clock, slows aging.. from what I can see (im relatively new to them myself - not going to BS you!) they would give you a potent rejuvenating workout... see the 18 hands section below

Things to consider before beginning the form: It is not strictly necessary to start with meditation but I find it helps to relax and breathe deeply for about 3 minutes, and use the time to calm the mind, bring it into reign and calm down, regulating the breath and taking the time to get a calm relaxed yet strong posture, if you want to read more about this please look at my website at the section dealing with the 3 intentful corrections, as they are the foundation and base of all qigong practice.

3 Intentful Corrections: 1. Adopt the correct posture 2. Slow your breathing, especially the out breath to slow and help you... 3. Calm the mind.

Useful tool and guide to using the 8 section brocade for Specific Ailments or Health benefits ​

Also throughout this form various pieces of the brocade deal with cleansing and stimulating the various meridians, I decided to include this chart to refresh your memory and see the benefits more clearly, the outside text in rounded squares deals with associated symptoms of aggravation, so doing the appropriate Qigong will help alleviate those symptoms over time. Eg. San Jiao- is stimulated by the first move in the 8 section brocade form, and thus if you have tinnitus – practicing the 8 section brocade will help

Note: I found an excellent video on the baduanjin, and embedded it on my website here: ​ So if you need to see a video to get a feeling for how to do the movements check it out...


This qigong exercise protocol is easily performed by both old and young people, and it is very flexible, you can make it vigorous or gentle as required, and it has been practiced for thousands of years with amazing benefits, each section of the qigong protocol has specific effects and when practiced you get benefits throughout your entire system...

Bare in mind when practising this exercise: ● Try to be relaxed and gentle but also bring a bit of firmness into the movements (without excessive exertion or strain - no stiff force) ● Concentrate the mind on lower dantien ● Even natural respiration is required.

1. Standing Ba Duan Jin

1) Supporting the heaven with two hands and regulate the three visceral cavities.

Benefits: balances clears and makes ​ the the triple warmer/heater meridian (sanjiao) flow properly in balance which is primarily associated with endocrine system and our fight or flight response, an unhealthy triple heater can result in issues such as ADD, Chronic fatigue, Anxiety and panic attacks as well as insomnia and tinnitus, practicing this qigong will benefit all these conditions.

1. Stand with feet a shoulder width apart. 2. Slightly bend both knees, relax your shoulders and elbows, and hang the hands naturally by the sides. 3. Pull in the chest, contract the belly, relax the waist and back bone. Keep the head upright, with the eyes looking forward. 4. Soothe the mind and regulate breathing. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. 5. Sink the qi down to Dantian and let the tongue touch the upper palate lightly. These are all preparatory movements. 6. Then lift both hands from the lower belly slowly to the front of face with the palms facing the body and the fingers pointing upward. 7. Then turn the palms toward the sky and slowly lift both hands above the head, with the palms up and the eyes looking at the backs of the hands. 8. After a while turn the hands again with palms toward the face and bring down the hands slowly to the front of the lower belly again.

One raising and one lowering is considered as one sequence. Exercise 6 times. Inhale during raising and exhale while lowering the hands.

2) Shooting first to one side, then to the other as though hunting vultures.

Balances and replenishes the kidney energy (which is the main gate of life ​ force!)and meridian, strengthens your ​ root through the low horse stance, strengthens lower body.. Strengthens waist

Known as the 'Minister of Power', the kidney is regarded as the body's most important reservoir of essential energy.

metabolism, excretion, immunity, sexual potency and fertility.

the kidneys control sexual and reproductive functions and provide the body's prime source of sexual vitality, which the Chinese regard as a major indicator of health and immunity.

The Chinese view the spinal cord and the brain as forms of marrow, and therefore poor memory, inability to think clearly, and backache are all regarded as indicators of impaired kidney function and deficient kidney energy.

Kidney vitality is reflected externally by the condition of head and body hair and is associated with the aperture of the ears. Tinnitus (ringing ears) is thus a sign of kidney dysfunction.

The kidneys are the seat of courage and willpower, and therefore any impairment in kidney energy results in feelings of fear and paranoia. Intense fear can cause involuntary urination, a phenomenon also known to Western medicine.

1. Stand with the previous posture. 2. Move the left foot a step horizontally to the left to form a horse-riding stance with the knees turning a little inward, the feet firmly on the ground and thighs almost level. 3. Cross the hands in front of the chest, with the left hand outside, right hand inside and the palms facing the shoulders. 4. Hold the fingers like the form of a sword and rotate the arms outwards.

Sword Form

5. Push the left hand to the left side with its palm facing outside and the tiger's mouth (between the thumb and the index finger) up. 6. Stretch the left arm as in the posture of shooting while turning the head to the left, with the eyes looking at the left fingers. 7. At the same time, hold the right hand as if pulling a bowstring to the right side. 8. Stop a while and then cross the hands again in front of the chest with the right hand outside and left hand inside. 9. This is the left posture. The right posture is the opposite, i.e., do the same movements with the opposite hands.

One left and one right movement is considered as one sequence.

Exercise 6 times. Finally drop both hands at the sides of the body, inhaling as you turn the head to the left and exhaling while turning it to the right

3) Regulate the function of the spleen and stomach with one arm lifting.

Benefits Stomach, Spleen and Liver Meridians

1. Stand with the beginning posture as above. 2. Turn the left hand slowly with its palm facing your face, then lift it up to the level of the head and turn the palm upward as you turn the head and the fingers to the right side horizontally. 3. At the same time press down the right hand with its palm facing downward and the fingers pointing to the front. 4. Both lifting up and pressing down of hands are done with equal strength. This is how to do the left side. 5. The right side is performed in reverse.

The completion of one left and one right side is one sequence. ● Exercise 6 times.

Finally, turn the palm of the raised right hand and lower it slowly to the side of the body. Inhale during lifting and exhale during lowering.

4) Looking backward by a person suffering from five kinds of consumptive diseases and seven kinds of impairments.

Benefits: Cures energy depletion and ​ consumptive illnesses, as it works the entire spine much like a wringed out cloth, it gets rid of nagging stiff muscles and pinched nerves, this exercise really improves your vitality, focus and energy levels, it also wards off aging and is very beneficial for back pain all along the spine.

1. Stand with the beginning posture. 2. First place the hands on lower Dantian, left hand inside and right hand outside for males and vice-versa for females, (covering the external Laogong point of the one hand with the internal Laogong of the other.)

3. Then, turn the head toward the back of the left shoulder with the eyes looking at the heel of the right foot. 4. After pausing, turn the head back and stare in front of you. This is the exercise for the left side. 5. In the right side exercise the movements are reversed. 6. To complete both sides is 1 set 7. Exercise 6 times. 8. Finally, relax and return the hands to your sides. Inhale when turning to the left and exhale when turning to the right.

5) Expel the fire of the heart by shaking the head and wagging the tail.

This exercise directly increases your life force and energy, affecting longevity personal power and health.

1. Stand with the posture as above. 2. Bend the knees to form the horse riding stance. 3. Press the hands on the thighs, with the fingers of both hands facing each other. 4. Slant the upper part of the body forward and rotate it along an arc from the left to the right side. 5. At the same time swing the head from left to right. 6. This is the left side exercise. 7. In the right side exercise, just reverse the movements

● Complete both left and right side exercises for 1 sequence ● Do at least 6 sequences ● Return both hands to the sides of the body. ● Inhale when swinging from left to right and exhale when swinging from right to left.

6) Reinforce the kidney and loins through grasping the feet with the hands.

Benefits: stimulates the yin meridians ​ and the governing vessel so most of the lower meridians and all the solid organs of the body, check the wheel diagram for the illustration/corresponding benefits

1. Stand with the same beginning posture as above. 2. Put the hands on your waist with your fingers towards the back and thumbs forward. 3. Bend the upper part of the body slightly backward at first, 4. then forward and downward. 5. As you bend over slide the fingers along the Pang guang meridian, Press with some strength (back of the legs) 6. Grab the heels with both hands. 7. Place the hands on the tips of your feet and slide them upwards along the inner front of the legs. 8. Return the standing posture. 9. Inhale when pressing down with the hands and exhale while pulling them up. 10. This is one sequence 11. Do this sequence at least 6 times.

7) Increase strength by clenching hands and opening eyes wide.

Benefits: strengthens and revitalizes ​ the liver. Engenders courage and fortitude

1. Stand in the beginning posture. 2. Step out one step to the left, bend the knees and squat to form the horse riding stance. 3. Clench both hands and lift them to the sides of the waist with the fists at the same level and palms facing up. (this should be familiar from watching kung fu movies) 4. Punch to the front with your left fist, with a feeling of power, and intensity, but slowly, this is kind of like a karate style punch, but you relax the fist at the end by opening the fingers a bit. (there are variations where you punch to the right while swiveling your waist… 5. I almost forgot… you need to glare with your eyes (far) in the direction of your punch 6. This is the left side. 7. In the right side we reverse the movements.. 8. Completing both sides is considered one sequence 9. Do 6 sequences 10. Return to standing posture with hands at your sides 11. Inhale during punching and exhale during its drawing

8) All kinds of diseases are eliminated by jolting the back seven times.

Benefits: Bouncing on your toes, aside ​ from a good calf workout is said to help rid the body of many diseases and stimulate healing and immune system.

It would also help eliminate toxic build up by pumping lymph and allowing it to drain toxins.

1. Stand in the same beginning posture. 2. Straighten the knees, put the feet side by side, stretch slightly the elbows against your sides. 3. relax 4. Stand on tippy toes, and bounce the body up and down. (calf raises!) 5. Up and down is one sequence 6. Exercise at least 7 times. 7. Inhale quickly when jolting up and exhale quickly when jolting down, 8. bounce with rhythm.

I hope you enjoy this baduanjin section it really gives you a whole body energetic workout and you will feel the energy after doing this exercise…

NOTE: The baduanjin provides profound benefits but it seems to be a cut down version of the 18 hand lohan qigong exercise: Now, baduanjin is complete in itself and has become immensely popular in china and well known all round the world…

In shaolin the baduanjin is the first qigong they teach their students, and then later comes the 18 lohan hands,

However I would like to invite you - if you are keen on learning the full 18 hands to get a mate of mines course… he is Marcus Santer, and unless you have a sifu to teach you (which is always best) - you can get his course here:

Qigong Secrets Home Study Course

Marcus’s full 18 Lohan Hands promises these benefits:

● Naturally feel more energised, fresh and alert – without drinking ​ ​ vast quantities of coffee or caffeine-laden fizzy drinks (and avoid that horrible ‘slump’ when the effects wear off). ● Improve, maintain and develop your health – without ​ having to sweat in the gym three or four times a week. You’ll avoid those expensive monthly gym fees, Ouch! And let’s be honest, how often do you fancy travelling to the gym after a hard day’s work? There is a better way. ● Feel more confident – without reading a mountain of ​ self-improvement books. Just imagine the wonderful changes you can make when you stop holding yourself back. ● Get more done each day towards building the life of your dreams – without sacrificing time with friends, family and loved ​ ones? ● Wake up your body’s NATURAL healing power – without ​ having to learn for decades from some ‘Guru’ or ‘Master’.

I will include sitting baduanjin in my email course later on!

Bibliography & further Reading: You can get a lot of these medical qigong exercises from an excellent book called practical chinese qigong for home health care… grab yourself a copy!

18 Lohan/Arhat Hands Qigong

● is a selection of the original teachings of Damo the Zen patriarch... (and founder of shaolin kungfu) ● basically the baduanjin is a short condensed first 8 "moves" in the 18 Lohan set... ​ ​

The 18 lohan hands (A very loose translation would be 18 Saints Movements)the very stuff ​ he taught the monks who were sitting and getting ill and weak from too much meditation and sedentary life...(they are brilliant)

Anyone practicing the 18 hands testifies that it’s very rejuvenating and turns back the clock, slows aging.. from what I can see (I’m relatively new to them myself - not going to BS you!) they would give you a potent rejuvenating workout...

Above in the end of the baduanjin section I went into the fact that the 8 section brocade is basically the first 8 moves of the 18 lohan hands form - in that sense the 18 lohan hands is superior to baduanjin as it is more complete.. it provides more benefits , historically a lot of people say the 8 section brocade was invented by the great General Yue Fei (born 1122) (which may or may not be the case, we do know he invented a 12 section brocade) but then why are the 18 lohan hands have their first 8 moves identical to the 8 section brocade, and the 18 Lohan hands was invented by Bodhidharma in the 5th century - a full 500 years before the great general... you can check out the 18 Lohan hands here... for yourself ​ ​ ​

I know, there's not a lot to go on here but it does give you a feel for what the moves are... there are not even many videos on the full 18 hands lohan - if you google or youtube it you will find the KUNG FU 18 lohan set which evolved from this health creating qigong form...

PS: Hands down the best place to learn the 18 Lohan Hands is in person from a shaolin teacher... But if you don't have access to a shaolin centre or qigong teacher that knows this form then the next best would be to learn from Marcus Santer, who is one of the best teachers of this qigong - and doing it online in a video, pdf and podcast loaded qigong course. ​ you can check it out here

5 18 Lohan Hands Qigong Form

One of the greatest qigong forms (yeah I know, it seems every form I show you is great, BUT, there are THOUSANDS of qigong forms.

I chose the BEST forms I know.) All with over a 1000 Years of documented history... These forms are not going to cause problems or dangers to you. now with this one I don't have a lot of experience myself, I am basically on the same level as you on this one other than KNOWING about it..

I decided to put together an information sheet on it to help you decide how freaking awesome this form would be for you... all by yourself...

I have a book on it and Marcus Santers course, I am new to it, but I have the advantage of years of qigong practicing other forms, which can help learning but also to making wrong assumptions!

List of Benefits (click on the image below and download)

I hope you can see the benefit of this beautiful form

NB: I almost forgot - I am busy producing an in depth course on qigong - and I am going ​ to charge a fair price for it, (I haven't settled on a price yet!) as a lot of passion and work is going into it!

However: If you are keen to learn the 18 Lohan Hands and you choose to do it with Marcus Santer, (you can check it out here….at the Qigong Secrets Home Study Course... )well worth it... ​ ​ oh yeah, dont forget to email me if you buy it, I will allow you free entrance into my ​ ​ upcoming in depth qigong training course with videos and audio etc, this is still in ​ development - so Im afraid I can't give it to you until I am finished working on it... ​

Standing Stance Qigong (Standing like a Stake) Zhan Zhuang - The million dollar qigong secret Zhan Zhuang

The first and best place to start a qigong program to rejuvenate you and reverse ​ chronic illness, strengthen the body and give you back abundant health. – If you do it…

Other names:Standing pole, standing like a stake.. ​

Forgive me, I’m about to get all passionate and emotional about this amazing practice, I’m going to gush like a teenage girl at a rock concert… when her favorite band member winks at her… I can’t help it, you see I have practiced Zhan Zhuang, since I did chen style taijiquan so many years ago…

I thought all my health benefits I experienced were as a result of taijiquan and qigong alone… And yes Zhan Zhuang is a form of qigong , but it’s also a form of very demanding


But because I decided to do SERIOUS kick ass research into Zhan Zhang.

I had my mind completely blown… I now know MOST of the benefits I ​ ​ ​ experienced were about 80% from this amazing practice…

This is so much more than I realised…

■ It’s a complete exercise regimen on its own.. That is Dramatically Superior to traditional western style exercise programs (see the benefits and why below) ■ Its even is developed into its own martial art called Yiquan/Da Cheng Chuan (Ill have to do more on this later) ■ Its already the basis for most martial arts, as in tai chi, all other internal arts and shaolin and derivative styles… originally if you did any of these MA styles you would be put on a 3 year course of Zhan Zhuang (this was how it was done when martial arts mattered and were a matter of life or ​ ​ death ie if your kungfu was no good you died… and your family died…(I know I know, it still matters, and good self defence is critically important in todays world, thats why Im telliing you to DO THIS PRACTICE – It could save your life in more ways than one…) ■ Because you can hit SO much harder and Kick SO much harder and faster you become a serious badass… ■ It reverses most chronic diseases, see below ■ Makes your body strong and supple, your mind powerful and calm your breathing balanced

Having researched this marvellous and difficult art I am now convinced that it should be called:

The Complete Course in Serious BAD ASSERY…. Oh yeah… it will also reverse all chronic illnesses and evaporate weakness and the effects of old age out of your body

That’s the good news..

Here’s the bad news…

BUT: it will be EXCEEDINGLY difficult to DO IT

Why? We are used to living in a state of constant stimulation with tablets, touch screen phones , laptops, tv, youtube and are bombarded almost 24/7 with stimulation…

Zhan Zhuang will force you to get rid of the addiction (this is a good thing)

But what happens when you quit an addiction? Oh my gosh you will fight it…

Your mind will make all sorts of excuses up to fight it and you will be bored…

Zhan Zhuang will only truly give up its gifts at about the 6 week mark… and most losers people quit before then…

There is a lot of suffering you go through and its all a good sign that weakness is leaving your body… your muscles will shake and burn, you will feel pain… you will feel itching and tingling all over your body (this is new capilliaries opening up and forming and you becoming fitter – even though you arent moving)

Who Is Zhan Zhuang For:

■ If you are getting older and need to rejuvenate your health, feel vital and strong again then this is perfect for you. ■ If you’ve had cardiac problems or suffer from CPD this is perfect for you (of course consult and do it under supervision of your doctor) as it does not ■ If you want a strong healthy body that can execute explosive powerful movements in a fraction of the time it takes you now (it makes you STRONGER and FASTER) ■ If you are a martial artist this is perfect for you, you should have had some grounding in it… but take it another level… you will be so blown away by the health benefits. ■ If you are suffering from any of the following chronic illnesses ZZ can really benefit you. ■ Arthritis ■ High blood pressure ■ Obesity ■ Insulin resistance ■ Type 2 diabetes ■ Fatty liver disease ■ Heart problems especially cardiac issues such as CPD ■ Circulation problems ■ Neurasthenia ■ Metabolic disorders ■ Endocrine disorders

*This baby is possibly one of the most unappreciated, misunderstood hidden ​ ​ ​ ​ gems… to profound vibrant health there is..

This could almost be called a secret – except its not secret its just so misunderstood because of its very nature.. In the far east, the culture used to be one of unquestioning obedience and loyalty to your teacher or master, and I have a story of just how this affects the level of students of the martial arts in china even today…

A master will not waste his precious time and dedication with lazy students who cant be dedicated or put in the necessary effort and time to master martial arts, and indeed their own health and body… this qigong form (if you can call it that) is one of the most used methods to weed out the lazy bastards who dont have what it takes…

This should be a hint that its not an easy thing to do…simple yes… deceptively simple when I describe what you have to do…

My master Steven Liang told me what he had to endure in order to become his masters student or disciple… Steven was trying to learn chen style taijiquan and it was at age 14 (if my memory serves) that he started trying to learn this internal martial art.

He was asking to be accepted by his sifu(master) as a student because – primarily- he was weak and sickly and the rest of his siblings were stronger and healthier, and his family traditionally used to do shaolin hard style kung fu, this was too difficult for Steven because of his ill health… so someone suggested he learn internal arts…

This turned out to be one of the best choices he ever made, BUT it was only after some hectic testing that his master even allowed him to learn martial arts…

His master told him to meet him at 4am in the hall tomorrow, and gave him the keys to open up… this was in the middle of winter in snowy icy cold dark… a 14 year old teenage boy…

He dutifully went to the hall and opened up and waited.. For an hour, two hours three – finally his master appeared and looked at Steven.. And without apology or explanation.. Said…

You need to learn to sit and stand…

Steven “?” Shows him to go into a horse riding like stance…

Steven does it… and then the master says good now stay like that… do this every morning…until I get here…

Poor Steven gets taught nothing else for a year… he has to come to the hall hours early and just keep practicing “ma pu” and other Zhan Zhuang stances…

Was it a waste of Stevens time?

Absolutely NOT…

This exercise has so many health benefits as well as martial benefits! Its absolutely incredible…`

Benefits of Zhan Zhuang (Standing Stance Qigong) (Some of these are taken directly from Dr Yu Yong Nians book Searching For Wu, a brilliant book – get it if you can…)

■ The muscles develop fast twitch response due to the isometric / static hold ■ This means that the nerves and muscles develop the memory to INSTANTLY accelerate to the contraction point. And the fast twitch muscle fibres are condition to MAXIMISE the speed in the muscle contraction= ■ As an example: when this is applied to your thigh flexor and extensor muscles, the result is an EXPLOSIVE increase in your RUNNING, and KICKING speed and power… ■ Increases leg and arm strength and power by stimulating fast twitch muscle fibres, generates explosive power… ■ Increases nerve power in the muscle contraction, greatly increasing strength ■ Just like you build a house from a strong foundation, this practice builds a strong base, making all the other movements of moving martial arts fluid strong and powerful. ■ Lowers blood pressure if you have hypertension ■ Stabilises blood pressure if you have low blood pressure. ■ Increases speed and power in strikes (martial art benefit) ■ Excellent for arthritis and helps prevent further degeneration ■ According to clinical experimentation and tests, it benefits many kinds of chronic diseases such as ■ chronic tracheitis, ■ chronic gastroenteritis, ■ chronic hepatitis, ■ cardiopathy, ■ high blood pressure, ■ neurasthenia, ■ chronic rheumatoid arthritis ■ rheumatoid arthritis, ■ adipoma, ■ goiter, ■ parkinsons, ■ All of these diseases may experience unbelievable beneficial effects after Zhang zhuang practice. ■ The most important characteristic of Zhan zhuang as healing method is that there is no side-effect ■ Zhan Zhuang improves all the physiological functions of the body primarily through improving your circulation, and nourishment of the cells, it causes the capillaries to dilate and carry more oxygen to your cells and remove more toxic buildup from the cells, keeping them in optimum health ■ It improves the CNS and PNS – basically your nerves get a tonic and a boost both in terms of relaxation and calming activities and the ability to focus with great concentration even to the physical level.. Like contracting muscles.. And coordination… ■ Zhan zhuang, your four limbs are maintaining a single posture i.e. angles between them are unchanging, but this requires a constant contracting/relaxing process between muscles and bones, accordingly this will mobilize larger and smaller blood vessels, promoting a better blood circulation in the whole body. ■ 3650 more white blood cells per cubic centimetre of blood..(above a normal person not practicing zhan zhuang – this means you will have a much stronger immune system. ■ Up to 3.2 grams additional haemoglobin per cubic centimetre of blood.. This means you will be much fitter and have greater endurance than a person not practicing zhan zhuang. ■ A little secret here…. Nose breathing(part of Zhan Zhuang) allows for an additional 10/20% more oxygen absorption… over mouth breathing… ■ All this additional oxygen, will allow you to have a much deeper state of relaxation over a person who doesn't practice this awesome jewel.. So this means your stress will be much lower, and the degeneration of yoru chromosomes due to stress will also be lower.. ■ Zhan Zhuang promotes a much better quality cerebral cortex connection and communication, promoting better levels of thought and cognition…(makes you a smart bunny!) ■ The tonic effect on the cerebral cortex and the nervous system make it so good for treating neurasthenia, arthritis, angina, cirrosis, cardiovascular diseases..and mental fatigue..and even diseases not curable by conventional medicine. ■ When you build up to 40 minute sessions you will enjoy a profound state of health, dont rush, build up slowly as it will take the muscles etc time to adjust. ■ Nervous system benefits:better signal excitation: signal transmitted with faster switching, larger amplitudes and lower level of noise. ■ Great for cardiovascular patients.. ■ Strengthens the digestive system, cures constipation, leads to rapidly gaining a strong rejuvenated body, while adjusting overweight or anemia to a more beneficial state.. ■ If you persist in Zhan Zhang, it will result in a slowing down of the aging process and you will get comments about looking younger than people of the same age.. ■ Much better breathing and oxygen absorbtion… ■ Body will be able to protect joints from injuries and ■ Avoid cirrhosis of the liver from fatty liver disease. ■ The body will be able to fix more calcium and reduce bone loss..

How it works to make you powerful and strong

Zhan Zhuang’s advantage over normal exercise is that it doesn’t create an oxygen deficit, and so cannot lead to suffocation from oxygen deprivation (which can lead to cardiac arrest in unfit individuals practicing extreme exercises.

It tonifies and stimulates the following systems

■ The circulatory system which means all the organs get more oxygen and nourishment , as well as detoxification… you can see this will lead to profound advantages when you practice consistently. ■ Respiratory system, which leads to better oxygen utilisation, greater endurance and fitness. ■ Endocrine system, which leads to overall better functioning hormones, more youthful disposition and appearance. ■ Perspiration system, allows the kidneys to have some relief because perspiration will detox excess waste from the blood… this is why it’s great to sweat, it it lowers the strain on the kidneys… ■ Excretory system, works more effectively efficiently eliminating digestive waste and detoxification. ■ Improves the digestive system.

WHAT is Zhan Zhuang?

It is a simple (on the surface) exercise of

1. standing with the knees slightly bent, 2. you’re spine erect (As if the top of your head is connected to a string pulling you upright) 3. legs shoulder width apart… 4. and arms at chest height.

It is called standing like a post/ or stake… with no movement, yet relaxed…

What will happen to you:

Tingling, swelling and aching

You may feel tingling, burning in the muscles, shaking and pain.. Perspiration etc.. heart rate will increase, and then go down as you persist with this practice a few weeks,

* When it gets too intense

Eg in the arms, just lower your chest position to have your arms in line with your belly button… decrease the angle of your sitting… ie go up a bit, then when you're comfortable again, go down… and try stay in the more difficult position. How Long To Practice:

Healthy Individuals:

Now you just stay in that position for 15 minutes (if you can) 3 x a day… (if you cant do 3 do 2 times a day at least…)

Ill Old or Weak if you are ill and very weak, you can start with 3-5 minutes 3 times a day(that’s already 15 minutes) and within a few weeks you’ll be up at 15 minutes per session..

When You Get Fitter and Stronger from the Practice

When you find you no longer are shaking or feeling pain you should do all of the following

1. Go down a bit further in your stance (ie lower yourself like 3cm) this will increase the strain on your thigh muscles considerably 2. Increase the time spent in doing the exercise,,,, say you're at 15 minutes… increase it to 30 and eventually 40 minutes 3 x a day… you will be supremely fit and strong..

WARNING: This is not going to be fun, it's going to HURT like hell, at least in the beginning, it will take 6 weeks for you to feel a sensation of pleasure and wellness from this practice…

Please you will want to give up long before the 6 weeks is up, But Stick to it, you ​ ​ will love yourself for it…reverse most chronic illnesses and feel healthy… Also don't feel bad if you quit, even the master of this discipline (who passed on recently, at 93 he quit a few times out of boredom but kept coming back to it until he had mastered it..(there's a lesson right there) ​

Dr Yong Nian Zhan Zhuang Searching For Wu: ​

“In 1944 I started to learn zhan zhuang with Mr. Wang Xiang Zhai, studying the various posts standing of Yiquan, but especially those which can be used specifically for medical treatment of patients suffering from chronic diseases: these ones are called “Healing posts” (Yangsheng zhuang).

In my case I learned only one posture during the first month, Honestly speaking, after this first month, I felt bored and I stopped the training. Then after some time, I started training again, hoping to learn a new posture…

But unfortunately, I had to hold the same previous posture… I quit again and came back again,

this happened several times.. Months and years even passed,

But progressively I realised the HUGE and almost unlimited potential of Zhan Zhuang.”

Please note the below table was reproduced from the book Zhan Zhuang and The Search of Wu by Dr Yu Yong Nian – do yourself a favor and get this brilliant book!

No copyright infringement intended.

Take note of all the stuff you go through until you get to the feeling of well-being!!! How to do The Zhan Zhuang Practice (Properly!)

Step 1

Assume the position above and take note, (you may need someone to help you with this) often when you put your arms up, the tendency is to lean back like this :

Don't Do It, no leaning back… use your stabilising muscles to keep yourself with a straight spine

When your arms are unbearably tired, you can assume the lowered arm position as above… just until you are able to put them up again..

■ Calm the mind down by breathing deeply for a few minutes. ■ Fix your eyes on one spot ahead or hang a beautiful landscape picture up… ■ Play some relaxing music ■ Shut down sensorial experience by focusing on one thing ■ Maintain the stance with your arms at chest height in line with the height of your heart ■ Bend the knees slightly ■ Relax the shoulders , back, and chest ■ Soon you will feel the burn in your thighs, this is necessary because the heart needs to be stimulated in order for all the physiological adaptations to occur. ■ Breathe through the nose ■ Hold it as long as you can…As I said above start with 3 – 5 minutes if you are unfit or suffer chronic illnesses. ■ Do up to 3 sessions a day. ■ Work up to 40 minutes for maximum healing benefit. ■ Bare with the discomfort and boredom but if you suffer too much pain You Can always ease off by making your stance easier and lowering your arms to the belly level then bring them back up once you are comfortable. The Programme: How Long Should You Practice To see the benefits you need to bare with training for at least six weeks. Then you will be healthy and feeling true well-being…

Once you get to this phase you will need no convincing to carry on the practice indefinitely.

In terms of the qigong course I would consider this an entire and complete system, unto itself and from the research it could be the best bang for your buck…And in my humble opinion the best place to start.(and keep practicing this discipline)

Also remember to also practice baduanjin or my healing qigong exercise to help develop more flexibility.This will balance the increased power strength and vitality you will gain from Zhan Zhuang.

What to do next Just Start practicing, don’t overdo it and just keep doing what you can each and every day for the next six weeks…

To help you keep track and keep discipline I’ve created a chart for you to print out and put up on the fridge…And tick off each day as you do this practice. Please download and print it…

You can download your chart here: ​

I hope you enjoyed all the info I put together for you.

It’s my earnest wish that this info, and you taking action leads to you getting rejuvenated, reversing any chronic illnesses and healing you until you are in vibrant health.

Kind regards

Brian Here's a quote from Ken Cohen’s book the way of Qigong:

Thus, Standing Meditation is “a million-dollar secret.” It is a secret because it is so obvious, so ordinary that we do not give it the attention it deserves.

It is hidden as the air is hidden, or as the water is hidden to a fish.

In the everyday qigong of Standing, we discover the deepest mystery and beauty. We turn Standing into a discipline in order to go more deeply into the quality of what is happening and to bring back to wholeness the confused, scattered, and lost parts of the body, mind, and soul.

Recommended Books:

■ Zhan Zhuang Dr. Yong Nian Yu ■ Zhan Zhuang and Searching for Wu Dr Yong Nian Yu ■ The Way Of Energy Master Lam Kam-Chuen

General Advice on Nourishing Life(healthy lifestyle):

If you want to heal yourself and or attain longevity, it would be a mistake to ONLY practice qigong... You need to look at several things that nourish life all together in order to do the right things to bring yourself back to vibrant health.. Things You Need To Modify To Bring Balance Harmony Peace and Vitality To Your Life... 1. firstly you need good QI, which is the universal energy called prana/ki /vril or mana in ​ ​ ​ other cultures and vital force in do you get good QI - from your breathing and your food... (well get into QI deeper later, but for now this is a simple and elegant modify your qi you need to practice QIGONG and Breathe deeply, relax we've got you covered by this very course... 2. Food: any discussion of health would be crazy without discussing the main source of ​ energy we feed ourselves every day... obviously good healthy food such as living foods and unprocessed foods are best for you, I'm not going to say you have to adhere to any particular creed like be a vegan or vegetarian, I would just tell you what works for me... I have found great information by reading a book called Eat To Live by Dr, Joel Fuhrman - he's reversed diabetes(type 2) advanced heart disease, arteriosclerosis etc even arthritic problems and some cancers with his nutrition approach - which I can summarise here as eat a LOT of Greens and coloured vegetables, practice intermittent fasting if you have any chronic illnesses... funny enough this is precisely what ancient taoists believed - both in fasting, staying mildly hungry and eating 5 colors on your plate... 3. the eating protocol is called GBOMBS you can read all about it HERE ​ ​ 4. Im going to go into way more detail later about food particularly how insulin can mess you up and age you before your time and how to fix this.. 5. Sleep we are crazy busy in the west and we dont sleep enough, mostly we get ​ exposed to working in front of screens late at night(I am saying this like a hypocrite, its 1:06 am as I write this) I know because ive struggled with insomnia for most of my life until I discovered that you can sleep easily if you slow your breath down and try make your exhalation longer than your inhalation, try sustain that for 5 minutes and you'll notice its much easier to fall asleep... also get rid of any irritating sources of light, and make sure your cell phone is switched off or across the room, you don't want to be bathing in microwaves all night or it will rob you of your vitality... another thing about sleep is if you eat too much you will not be able to produce enough growth hormone to slow down your aging and rejuvenate you.. this is one of the secrets to longevity so seriously... study intermittent fasting - and learn how to skip a few meals - it makes you much healthier... 6. Exercise another reason for lower growth hormone is not enough exercise - of the ​ kind that burns your musles...if you work out to the point that your muscles are full of lactic acid - the "burn" that night you will produce up to 1700% more growth hormone... 7. Lowering stress well go into this in a later lesson - I have some brilliant methods for ​ this..

Download my original 5 pillars of health report here:


I hope you thoroughly enjoyed this book, inside it are the tools to overcome and reverse high blood pressure, insomnia, anxiety, stress, obesity, type 2 diabetes and bolster your vitality and vigour

But they will only work if you take action and do the amazing exercises in this book. Be a doer, and enjoy the benefits… every action you take is a vote in your direction and progress in life, so take life affirming actions and choices and develop positive habits that fill you with vitality, power and the joy of life.

Advice on Practice In general it is good to begin practice with some form of quiescent qigong - basically this calms and nourishes the nervous system and we already know we are hyperstimulated in our modern world - so giving our nervous system a nourishing and welcome break is the perfect antidote to stress, emotion and anxiety related illnesses.

Then do baduanjin or healing qigong to loosen stiffness in your joints and any blockages or stagnation in your body.

Doing qigong does help immensely but if you are suffering chronic illnesses like type 2 diabetes or obesity - then its great if you can support your physical efforts with eating correctly and adopting an entirely new lifestyle… one centered on “nourishing your life”

Do this and you will feel great, you are supporting your health, your spiritual growth and becoming the best version of yourself - so that you can be the best person in all your relationships, in your family or in your career.. And you really deserve this…

Because your inner nature is consciousness itself. Don't ignore this, nurture and honour it.

Resources/ Downloads

Healing Qigong Ebook My book on the healing qigong waidan practice - aimed at healing all illnesses - you do each movement 6 times, it loosens all joints and unblocks qi flow. Qigong Daily Commitment Practice Chart I created this to help you print and put a chart on the fridge so you can start ticking off days.. This is a psychological commitment tool to help you begin “chaining” your ticks and develop a positive habit.

PS I would like to hear your feedback or suggestions and find out what you would like to see in a book like this, as I am working on creating a course based around a diagnostic quiz then sending people the exact qigong exercises for their ailments.