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Wednesday, 18th July, 2012

1. The Senate met at 10:41 a.m. The Senate President read prayers.

2. Votesand Proceedings: The Senate President announced that he had examined the Vales and Proceedings of Tuesday, 17m July, 2012 and approved same.

By unanimous consent, the Votes and Proceedings were approved.

3. Privilegesof the Floor: (i) Motion made: That me Senate do invoke Rule 17(l)(e) to admit The Deputy Speaker, Principal Officers and Honourable Members of the House ofRepresentatives, Governor Jonah Jang of Plateau State, Former Presiding Officers of tJ.'1e Senate, Former Senators and Members of House of Representatives to the Floor to witness the Valedictory Session in honour of Late Senator Gyang Dalyop Dantong (20m February, 1959 - Sth July 2012) representing Plateau Norm Senatorial Disrrict iSenaie Leader).

Question put and agreed to.

Deputy Speaker, Principal Officers and Honourable Members of [he House of Representatives, Governor Jonah Jang of Plateau State, Former Presiding Officers of the Senate, Former Senators and Members of House of Representatives accordingly admitted.

(ii) Motion made: That the Senate do suspend Rule 17(1) to admit Mrs Gyang Dalyop Dantong and her Children, the Father of Late Senator Gyang Dalyop Dantong, Wives of the Senate President and Deputy Senate President, Wives of Senators and immediate family members of Late Senator Gyang Dalyop Dantcng to the Floor to witness the Valedictory Session in honour of Late Senator Gyang Dalyop Dantong (20th February, 1959 - 8th July 2012) representing Plateau Norm Senatorial District (Senate Leader).

Question put and agreed to.

Mrs Gyang Dalyop Dantong and her Children, the Father of Late Senator Gyang Dalyop Dantong, Wives Of the Senate President and Deputy Senate President, Wives of Senators and immediate family members of Late Senator Gyang Daiyop Daniong accordingly admitted.

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4. Valedictory Session: Motion made: That the Senate do pay tribute in honour of Late Senator Gyang Dalyop Dantong (20th February, 1959 - 8th July 2012) representing Plateau North Senatorial District; send a delegation to commiserate with the family, people and Government of Plateau Scate; and observe one minute silence for the deceased (Senate Leader).

Question put and agreed to.

The following Senators paid tribute: (i) Senator Ike Ekwerernadu (i/) Senator Thompson G. Sekibo (iii) Senator Ahmad I. Lawan (iv) Senator Abdul A. Ningi (v) Senator (vi) Senator Sefiu A. Kaka (vii) Senator Zaynab A. Kure (viii) Senator Abubakar A. Bagudu (ix) Senator Ifeanyi A. Okowa (x) Speaker, House of Representatives represented by the Deputy Speaker, House of Representatives, Han. Emeka Ihedioha

The Senate President also paid tribute as follows:

The President, Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria


The Passing ofthe People's Hero

"Everything that happens in this world happens at the time God chooses.

He sets the time for birth and the time for death. He sets the time for sorrow and the time for joy. There is time for silence and the time for Talk. The time for war and the time for peace. There is time for mourning and there is time for dancing. We must all die - wise and foolish alike."

Today we say goodbye to Senator Gyang DaJyop Dantong, Many of Dantong's friends and relatives are here. Even in death, he continues to be a uniting factor and a shining example of model leadership. He was a rr.an who had the capacity to make the best out of life, and he did just that. In the brief years that he acted on life'S mortal stage, he played his roles exceedingly well. As a husband, father, Senator. medical doctor and Chairman, Senate Committee on Health, he distinguished himself as a lover of peace, humanity, unity and progress. --"""'--- .. ,;

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Now he is gone. How do we say goodbye to a man who has been a vital part of our life for many years? How do we reconcile ourselves to the distressing reality that our beloved friend and brother is no longer physically with us?

For those of us who know Late Senator Dantong, he was calm and easy going, just as he was so passionate about how to improve the health situation in Nigeria. This passion for the health sector was demonstrated by his tireless efforts to broker an amicable resolution to the recent Lagos State Doctors strike Senator Dantong urged his colleagues and the Lagos State Government to do everything humanly possible to resolve the stalemate because life is sacred. He emphasized that as doctors whose solemn oath is the prevention of disease and the preservation of life, strike should be an instrument of last resort. Such was the belief and deep seated compassion ofDantong. There was nothing in his power he would not do for others. He never lost his natural compassion or the moral compass that informed his respect and love for humanity and primary calling of medicine.

To us his COlleagues in the Senate, and in the House of Representatives where he started his legislative career, Dantong was a Parliamentarian Par Excellence. He was devoted, diligent and deft in the discharge of his responsibilities. He never shied away from any assignment no matter how difficult or unsavory. He was collegial as Chairman and effective as a member in other Committees. He was a member of the Senate Committees on Aviation, MDGs and Co-operation & Integration in Africa and NEPAD.

Nobody has borne the tragedies of los, particularly in the past three years, more than Daruong did. As Ike killings continued, he became a fixed feature at burials. For each casualty of this senseless crisis, Daruong was equally a victim. He never stayed in the comfort of his Abuja home. Rasher, every week he went to console the families of the dead or to attend the burial of one oj his constituents. Days before his death, he was at the funeral of his Ward Chairman in Sharubutu, Bachit District of Riyom Local Government Area.

Dantong had been a worried man in the last few years because of the mindless crisis that engulfed his beloved State. The people he buried every week in his last years were not strangers. They were people he knew so well. In his close-knit community where life revolved around agriculture and the church, he knew many of them. At the Yom Christian Hospital, where he was Medical Director, he attended to some who became victims of the wanton killings in los. Others were his patients or parents of patients. Indeed no one can truly know the pain he endured. In the end, he paid the ultimate sacrifice for freedom, human dignity and peaceful coexistence in Plateau Slate.

Having paid this supreme sacnjice, his death must not be in vain. Peace must now return to Plateau State. If peace does not return to Plateau State then his death would have been in vain. For the sake of late Senator Daniong and all those who have lost their lives in Plateau State, I urge all warring parties to sheath their swords and return to dialogue like brothers and sisters.

1v10s7people who knew Dantong were inspired by his love for his people. In one brief momeni. his mission in this finite world came to an end, and our own life without him has begun. Everything about him was centred on caring for others. He made us, his colleagues and friends, tc understand that the joys and sorrows of others were also our own. He was truly his brother's keeper. 86 Wednesday, 18th July, 2012 No. 10

The only way we can honour this distinguished gentleman of peace is IYy taking up the lessons of his life. (As eloquently expressed by his younger brother Timothy, Dantong's death is the supreme sacrifice required for the people of this great country to be united, and for peace to return to Plateau State). Daniong put in all he had trying to bridge the gap between Muslims and Christians. During one of the crises, he was nearly killed at a mosque when he tried to broker peace. His life was an emblem of humility, determination, courage, resourcefulness, self-sacrifice and devotion to his Creator. He sought to bring peace and unity to Plateau State in particular and Nigeria in general.

His sudden and unfortunate death has left many of us in shock. The pain and reality is here now. All along I had wished and thought that it was a dream, and that I would see Senator Gyang Dalyop Dantong walk in here and take his seat. But the reality is that we shall see him no more.

His parting has left a void in our hearts, which we must fill with memories of his good works. In his memory we shall find renewed hope and unwavering strength. May his death serve as a redemptive force that will bring lasting light to Plateau State, the beautiful centre of peace and tourism.

To all of us, his family andfriends, there is virtually nothing anyone can say now that will dispel the clouds of grief and disappointment plaguing our hearts. But I hope we find consolation in our faith that death is not the end. It is only a transition to eternal life.

We pray that the soul of Senator Gyang Dalyop Dantong and the souls of all those, who died in this tragedy would rest in perfect peace with the Lord. Amen.

Fare thee well my friend and brother Senator Dantong.

(Signed) Senator David A. B. ,Hark, GCON, fnim, PRESIDENT- OF THE SENATE

One minute silence accordingly observed in honour of the deceased.

Thereafter the Senate President led Distinguished Senators, the family of the deceased and other dignitaries on a procession to the National Assembly Fryer where the deceased was lying- in-state.

5. Senate Delegation to Plateau State: The Senate President named the following Senators as Senate Delegation to commiserate with Late Senator Gyang Dalyop Dantong's family, the people and Government of Plateau State: (I) Senator Ganiyu O. Solomon Leader of Delegation (ii) Senator Ifeanyi A. Okowa Member (iii) Senator Chris Ngige Member (iv) Senator Nenadi E. Usman Member (v) Senator Smarr Adeyemi Member (vI) Senator Clever lkisikpo Member (vii) Senator Member (viii) Senator Ahmad I. Lawan Member (a) Senator Mohammed S. Saleh Member No. 10 Wednesday, 18th July, 2012 87

6. Adjournment: Motion made: That the Senate do now adjourn till Thursday, 19th July, 2012 at 10.00 a.m. (Senate Leader).

Adjourned accordingly at 12:49p.m.

Dr. David A. B. Mark, GCON, fnim President, Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.