The Weather On the Inside ~ Atomic NU111iD9 Course hIr uuI 1II'anoer loday. .•• Pa~ 3 Thancla,. _&I,. fall' uti Ycmka. Broo. WIn warm. II16b loda" 75 .. • • • Paqa • It; 10"', st w 55. Hleb ROTC Aw~ Medals Tuesda7, It: 10"', 5L ... Paqe 5 al owan Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire. AP Wirephoto. UP Leased Wire - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa. Wednesday, May 23.1951 - Vol. 85. No. 194 Chinese Rip Through Lines Mob Protests · Interference MacArthur Inquiry May Incite ast Korean M. ountalns In Oil Disputes (1)aUy War. r.lap Paqa 2.) TEHRAN, IRAN !\PI - A Mos­ To TOKYO (WEDN~SDA Y) Russia War: Gen. Bradley I'" - lem throng estimated at between Chinese Com m u n 1st s ripped 80,000 and 150,000 demonstrated through Allied lines in east Korea In ParlJament square Tuesday * * * I· Tuesday and sluu:ed their way against "unwarranted American I'Hints Korean southward today Ln a series of interference" in Iran's oil dispute Peate Feelers ~valle battles in mile high moun­ with Britain. talns. Pollce lIaid the mass sJemonstra­ Peace if Red The f:I,hlb army sald the Sok. lion, although orderly, was the Rumored Again .. area on the ~lern rront wal largest In the history of this cap­ UUered wltb company to bat"l­ ital. Every Inch of the big square len .lIed baUI~ aa tbe enemy was jammed with cheering Iran­ Within UN trlell w exploit lib hreakthrou,b Drive Smashed ians who heard the United States l1l'i­ and crush fI~edy reala&in, UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. accused of "sUcking a dagger In The United Nations 500n may re­ American and Souib Korean ; Iran's back." trOOPl· peat its offer for a Korean cease­ WASHINGTON - Gen. Omar Officla.. had feared atltl· Cire wllh B 20-mlle buffer zone sides attacked and coun­ American violence, bUl police Bradley warned senators Tuesday Both running north from the 38th par­ terattacked in the swirling battles, aid there were no Ineldenla reo allel, Informed sourccs revealed the Inquiry Into Gen. Dougla, and although communications )lOr ted. Amerlcalll moved (red MacArthur's ouster may incite were disrupted an Eighth army throa,b TehraD .treets and were Tuesday night. spokesman said the enemy stiU bot molesled. These sources aid Gcn. Omar Russia to war but he also hinled was pressing southward to gain Moslem speakers denounced the Bradley's te timony at Tuesday's peace may come to Korea If the control ot the rqad network lead­ U.S. move In caUlng for "negotLa­ senate hearings on the dismissal Allies sinash the big Red offensive Ing into southeast Korea. tion" of the oil dispute as "dis­ or Gen. Dou.!llas McArthur re­ now underway. Islands of United Nations troops gusting." The British were describ­ flected two key facts of American The Ove-.tar nneral conced­ battled the Red hordes in a shift­ ed as "plunderers" and one speak· pollcy. ed the PO IbIUl,. lhe war mlrh\ Ing war of maneUVer which saw er charged that the Anglo-Iranian I. The ceue-tlre bllleprlDt ot Jlllt peter out without a ne,o­ last Dl'cember still represenL, ~e Communists try to slip past OJ! company is usina: "criminal tlale4 peaee or &hat lhe ChJnese the Allied defenders before they agents" in an effort to block na­ terms nn which UN forces would mi,M arree to peaee te..- with could plug the gap. It appeared tionalization ot the $585-million be wlliing to settle the military or without Buula'. approval the Communlsta would throw tho) Industry, which has been approved phase of ~he Korean conflict. Bradley sharply told a senator full fury of their offensive into by parliament. 2. The projected 15'Datlon UN that the joint chiefs of staff and Ule area, Gis Prepare Reception for Reds In London, Great Britain has armistice offer - the otfer admin­ all of their top advisers agree that Rl\cb Stili Retreatln, promlled not to use mllltilry istration officials say MacArthur "we should filht this (Korean) force to proteot lu oil Interesu upset by his own premature of­ The enemy stiU on the retreat PREPARING TO TOS a party for the Reds, a UN bazooka crew war the way we are fighting It" In western Korea and UN forces sl&'hts lu weapon from atop a newly con trocted machine Pin em­ in Irati without eoDlulllu the fer in March - still is on Ice and Bradley said the stralegy is to U .• hl advance, weU Inrormed soon my be put forward. It prob­ roaming toward Korangpo on the placement near Chuncbon on Korea's central rront, ready io med kill so many Chinese Reds - loarces ,aid Tae da,.. ably would contain the cease-fire north bank of the 1mjin river expected Chinese Communist attack. HOldlnr the rocket launcher north or south at the 38th paral­ The promise, It Is understood, plan, plus a re-stalement of UN drove within five miles of the Is Pfc. William J. Bolich, Austin, TelC. Loadlnr the weaPon I Ptc. lel - that "they wl11 be willing applies to the usc at troops on a political alms to unify all Koroa. 38th. parallel without meeting op­ Elmer A. Bel" Dllyion, Ohio. to negotiate a peace with the position. A UN tank, and infantry large scale. Such use might aflord Bradley said the timing at major United Nation •. " force captured Changgong, l!:i Russia the opportunity to march Korean policies - doubtless in­ He IIld &bat If these tactics 1 Into Iran under its 1921 treaty mll~ northeast of Seoul. eludin, any new peace oHer - wron, - u GeD. Do."u which gives It the right to inter­ are U wae not ~ble io evalu· Book Exchange would depend on outcome at the Father, Son Reunited with Pet MacArUlur bu charred - "'ben aft> the enemY'1l wlthdrawal on Waler Fight vene in case Iran Is threatened by current Communist offeolive. atl of our mlU'-r, people, aU IT 8 third power. The cea5e-fire plan was first WA A HAPPY REUNION Tue!iday nl,M when ri. LaVerne or our wp people who are reo ..... front in \be U,hl of bls In· Herdlleka and hJ. ,hru-fear·old lOn, CharI • found their pet., Ty­ tillle dfort In tbe eae*, but Iront 10 Arrested After Riot To Open Sept. 14 The cabinet discullsed the. lat­ unveiled last Deecmber by Amer­ IpoDlllble for worldwide .&rate­ est developments and it was be­ phooll. The dllr, 10 named beeau e he wu born 'wo yean .,0 du­ ILne offlcera ~IJeved It mirht Ican Dclegate Ernest A. Gross and If ... are aU wronr." TentaUve plans for the fall book lieved that means of applying eco­ Inr a ,,.,boon on GllIm. WIll 10 t. Monday afler beln .. b, a car at lie a move to aJrekh UN lines On Ohio Campus Lt. Gen. Wlllis D. Cri tenberger In his fourth day Of testimony exchange to begin SePt. 14 were nomic pressure on tho Iranlan in talks with the ten-newly­ RllJ'lInl1On anel South Clinton Itreele. Frirbtel\ed, the dor ran aWaY· '.d, pr~Vlen' the Allies from COLUMBUS, Ohio 1m - Disor­ David alld Dennl, Gordon, on. of Mn.... P. Gorelon. 284 North before senatore Investigating Mac­ ,llIItfD, the ,apin, bole In the approved Tuesday by a student government were considered. formed UN cen -fire committee. derly conduct cases against 10 council committee. Dubuque strut., reeol'D.l&ed the canine rrom an article In', Arthur's dismissal, the chairman 80kaa area. It provided for: at the joint chiefs of staff reveal­ Ohio State university students, Carl Zimml'rman, At, Waterloo, I. A halt b, UN forces at tbe Iowan teUin&' (II lhe aerreant'. 10 • The, noMed Herdllclta that Nlght-fIYin~ B-29s dropped at who were arrested alter a friendly they were boldina' T:rpboon. Herdllcka. a 12-,-ur veteran of I':\e ed that "present" U.S. pollcy does leaSt ~iOOO guarter-ton fragmenta­ chairman of the book eltchanse 38th parallel. water fight among sorority girls U.S. Cracks Down atrforce, with hi, wife anc! \wo sons. Gary, 1. and Charle , is spend4 not cali lor driving all Communist tion bombs on the enemy· during commi~ e laid books will be ac­ 'Z. >II&abllllblilent of a zt·.. 11e force. out of North Korea. turned into a riot. were continued cepted Sept. 14 throUllh 19. demLlltarlrod zone with iu south­ III&' ~ of a at.da, rurlourh with Mra. Herdllck.'s parents, Mr. the night In an eliort to bait the Tuesday. and Mn. Osear 1Ian en. 320 E. Benion street. He termed it a "walt and see lOuthward ~Iurtge of the Commu­ The sale will be held Sept. i7 On German Fti'ms ern cnd ot the parallel. proposition" which may hinge on nists who have driven more than At the height or the disorder to 22. Remaining books will be 3. An exebanl"e or oblerve" to how the current Communist of­ 25 miles below the 38th parallel. near the main gates or the campus )'ch'rn d th following week. Trading with Reds mako ~ure neither side took ad­ lensive turns out. SheH U.B. Ships Monday night, more than 2,000 The committee I working to van tag of the military lull follow­ Under q.eaUonlnr, Bridie, students were in the milling inlf an armistice to play new $9-Million Iowa Highway The Eighth army estimated en­ find larger quarters in w11ich to WASHlNGTON (JP) -The Uni­ a eOIl ede41lha' U. . milltar' lead· etJIy casualties belw~n May 16 crowd. University officials said hold thc sale. The til'st sale held ted States cracked down Tuesday offenslvc. era "u n d ere I tim at. 41" the and 22 between 50,000 to 60.000. they doubted that any more than in the Old Dental buUding, was on west. German firms illegally 4. A ban on any buUd·ap In ma­ ,lrenrtb. equipment ud fl,M­ but these did not inc~ude casual­ 200 actUally

I, • PAGE TWO - THE DAILY IOWAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1951 .- -"'- -- Rockets Help Stem Red Tide Interpreting the News - Reds Thrust, Group, Withdraw ,J H TheDaily10Wan lio da)' Symington Hits JIOIIS' WEDNESDAY. MAY 23. 1951 ""Is) .t UtI PLlbl' hed obU)' ' ...cept Mond.y by SubscrJptlon ra~by carrfu in Iowa 'Bureaucracy'· IlJffI Stud~nt PublicatioM. I nc.. 116 JOWD Clty. 20 cents weekly or .., per yur In AVf!.. (owa City. Iowa. En~red al .d\' ''n~: Ill< months. $3.85: three tI\'e I """ond clllss man mailer ot the post­ monw. $>. By "",II In low:a • .., . ~ ornce 31 Iowa Clly. IOW4. under the per year; six months, 13.10; t.hree By J .M. ROBERTS JR. )lr aCl of conjfN'U of Maffb 2. l81t. month•. $200; All other moll .ubscrlp­ Associated Press News Analyst bOIlS« lions ~ J,Wl yrar; IJX months. 14.25": lhr~e month.. $2..15. Ii\le Ml:1IlBER W. Stuart Symington's sense oC .1 th AtmlT BUREAV ------OF the ethical seems to be considerably ,ear. CIRCVLA TIONS D II.\' IOWAN EDITOUAI. STAFF stricter than the public is accus­ A~ EdllOr ...... J V. Brown ttl. I Two I~ ..ed wlro service.. IAPI and (VP ) tomed to among the bureaucrats. ManaKlnll Editor ., Glenn C. Vrben lIlelJll News Editor ...... Mart Baney "Improper" Deal t MEMBER Of' THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A .. ·t. No". Editor .. Richard Jackm.n. Iden AlIsI.tanl New. EdJ\or •. Don Sterf.n The new boss of the reconstruc­ ",ere Th~ Auoclated Press Is entitled ~­ City Editor ...... Reynold Her~1 [II ~Iu.j"ely 10 the use lor republication A ..lstanl City EdItor . Bill 1I1111er tion finance corporation, who re­ at all the I""al new. prlnled In this Sparta 1:"'lor ... lIobert Dunean Jr. cently replaced a five-man board Heide n("wsp.aper at weoll n aU AP" n~W8 dls­ ""Ioly Edit...... Nancy Fisk of directors during a congressional ri p,at(: h~~ . Chief Phololfl'''ph.r .. . Corl Turk IOro \V frephoto Tech"I"Ja n . Jim Forney furor over revelations of political AS, C Editorial A ..lalant . . Bob Roso CA LL 8-21 SI It yo. d. ".1 ru,l.e influence In loan-making, has tired Sylvll ,. •• r Oally lOWI" by i :oo a.m. Make· one of his sub-executives for an )!ebl o n.1' IOWAN AOVEItTI~INa TA'F ,oad "f'rylfe II .h'lm on all tryttc "improper" business deal. Lois 1 .. rror tf',orttd by 8 :!tO • . m. Tbe B".lnes. Manneer .. Marshall B. Nolson 0.11,. lo~' ." CIA'evlation Department, Au't. Bu ~ln~!J5 Mnnncer Rex WeitzeH As described by ymlne1on. Shell! In Ih,. r,ar or Old J.uru.U m ,BuUd ... Clunifjed Crela Gros!mnn the deal Involved use of "In­ 'n,. Dubufluf' and '.¥I'. sh,.et., t .. opf'n NDn. Ad\'. MDlla~er . Emil Vohnska rrom ":!,,. ..m. to I~ noen and from side" government information In DAILY 10WAS L-,TION STAFF J :Utt ,1 .m . to I'd:') p.m . dally f::I~ept c.RC tbe formaUon of II private cor­ fOhn,da,. Sunday hOUri! " :38 '.m. to Clrculution Manaler .. ("horles Dorroh lU :OO •.tII . A. '1. Circulation lIIer. Robert He I poration to rent federal ware· COMMUNISTS SWEPT SOUTHEA T (open arrllw) Tuesd;r.y past (A'" Wlrepholo) house property and SUb-lease it Soksa, causlo&, Allied reinforcement (blac at W, ri,ht) to be AN ALLIED SOLDIER STOOD CLEAR as a rocket launcher loosed It deadlY missiles Into Red-occu­ to another government depart­ rushed Into the area to head orf the thrust. Anestlmaled 130,'" pied hills louth o( Chunchon, Korea, last week. AU ;lcking Chillese were forced \0 withdraw after 5Ut­ ment. Reds, grouped for nllw strikes along the critical east-central front, ferinr stanerln, losses In their attempt to pierce UN liDes. SYmington tired E.M. Rowlands, were reported as embling from Chllnchon e~,,~ to Inje. Alonf editorials head of the RFC branch at Minne­ the rest of Ute front from the Pukhan valley wes ward to l\lunun apolis. the Communists slowly pulled back for the sepond straight day. SUI School Spirit? Rowlands claims a mere inac­ I ----- LETTERS Unhappy French Communists tive interest in the renting com­ We would imagine that the new student council is getting more pany. But the details are Jess Im­ Retail Services Must Post Price ICeilings portant than Symington's attitude. advice and requests these days than it's getting help. We don't want A new ceiling price regulation affecting tho.bsands of IQwa to add any more to this condition than is necessary, but there is one TO THE EDITOR At the same time he announced the Rowlands dismissal, which re­ business places engaged in p rsonal serviclU'.; requil'(,s these bu· . little suggestion we 1V0uld like to make as this semester dro ws to an (R .... u. are 'nYlted t. ~xprl" 0.- Launch Anli-Moscow Party Inion In Lollo ... I. tho Edlt.r. All 101- sulted from a voluntary and inter­ inesses to post their ceiling prices b ' June 15. end. lUI m.s. It.and wrlUe. .1,­ nal RFC investigation, Symingtol\ College papers all over the country are beginning to chastise stu­ ".'.rt and ... drelS-t,pewrIUen Ilr­ VALE CIE IE5, FRANCE (AP) - A "Titoist" party is try­ A. J. Loveland, director of the De ~Ioines district OP office nat ani not leeep•• blt. Lett",. also revealed that the corporation dcnt bodies, faculties and administrations tor one thing or another now the ,r.,ert, 0' The DaH, Iowan: we ing to gct tarted in this grimy oal.mining section of north >rJ1 slood to lose heavily on an $8- said Tuesday the new order will rnerve the riC .. t to or withhold. SUb s tantl~l changes from cur· as edit.orial staffs reach the tinal days of their reigns. lltUen. We .... rest I~tlen be limited Prance which produced Communist boss ~lallric e Thol'ez. million loan to a New York Insur­ benefit the pll blic by making The most recent case we've noticed was the Daily Northwestern's t. lot word ••r le • Oplnlonl exprelsed ance company. rent freeze.., ceilings, either up or do not neee •• rfl1 represent lbo", of Jt is seeking backing from the 5-million-odd Frenchmen who prices clearly visible in every re­ down, are nO ~1 C-l'pected as a re­ opening tire on the students there for a lack of friendliness among Th. 0111, I.wan.) Contrasting Frankness votc Communist - especially I tail service place. Sll It oC the ne.." regulation becallJe themselves. This sudden voluntary frankncss from those who would fight a elared: BUSinesses affected by the new it retains the fundamental gen­ . As tar as we have observed, that particul:lr charge certainly can't is in sharp contrast to the usual regulation, CPR-34, Include I>ar­ eral ceiling regulation fea­ Marshall's Logic , . , Russian invasion of po.CEl be made against SUI students. France. No- "The Communist party, our hope bureaucratic preo'ccupation with bel' and beauty shops; auto, ra­ tures incluping tj'Je base period 01 body knows how many there are. of yesterday. has been delivered But there is one condition which has always baffled us-although TO THE EDITOR: covering up failures. dio and household appliance re­ Dec. 19, 19'50, ~o Jan. 25, 1951. "Betrayal" uncondl'ionally to Mo~cow by a The fact that the senate bank­ pair shops; Jaundries, dry clean­ Besides the requirement that we admit that we may be wrong in making the indictment. With the senate committee's in- The French Communist movc- dcspotic beaueracy. In its eycs Where is the school spirit at SUl? Ing committee Is Just start'ing ing and tailor shops; shoe repair retail sertlce prices be posted, vestigalion going on now in Wash- ment FCM W::lS launched oCticial- thc deep interest of the French hearings on the entire fate of stores, parking lots, filling sta­ Perhaps there IS a school spirit here-perhaps we don't even CPR-34 re~uT res that a statement inglon many vicws are being IIY on the gr~at labor festival oC people comes after the interest or the RFC, amid charres th;r.t i'l tions; bowling aJleys ~ skating of ceiling prices pc filed with the recognize spirit when we see it. brought forth by both Generals May day. A formal manifesto de- the Soviet Union." has outlived its usefulness and rinks and golf c.urses, and Des Moim:s QP on or beCore But we've watched too many events come ond go which, on other MacArthur and Marshall. In one ------American officers say that lost its good name, may have amusement parks. Jpne IS. ., '. campuses, draw big crowds-and which on this cnmpus draw whnt of his appearances beCore the com­ in a war with Russia one of had something to do with ym· could hardly be coiled more than groups. their cllief worries would be a ington's timing. But the warn· mittee, Marshall stated that there Minneapolis Blond Football teams suffering losing streaks draw pitifully small num­ Red uprising In France. Many Ing to scar-tisslled political con­ bers or students to pep rallies, and all-campus dances and parties is no definite policy toward Com- French Commnnists got effect­ sciences is sharp, even thollrh WSUI PROGRAM CALENDAR m'e almost ignored. munist containment. To support Leaves Washington; Ive guerr11la training in thc un­ this case involves storm coats this policy Marshall mentioned derground war against the Ger· rather than fur coats. Wed". day, ~I.y ~:1. III~I 2: 15 1>.n1 . Mu ~", 01. Mnnhnttnn This is wh(;!re we feci the student council has an oPPo'ctunity to 8:00 • . m. Mornlnl/ Chopel 2:30 p.m . Rcc(\lIt & C(mt('mpornry Muf. past incidents· that have been pre­ mans. In another war they could It will be in teresting to watch 8;15 n.m . News te ' do a worthwhile job next year. Prefers 'Gophers' " ::10 • . m. C,rm,ny In Modern Times 3:20 p .m . NeW! ' sented by the Communists and make life hard for any army the reaction of othcr bureaucrats. To create a school spirit? Absolutely not. But simply to Investigate 9:20 u.m. News 3:30 p.m . CpnCPft linn or lh. Air have been squelched by not having WASHINGTON UPl-Blonde and ' fighting RU$sia. There is the agriculture depal't­ 9:30 ".10. Bnkef's Dozen 4:00 p .m. Con1l'/I Colle,e this condition and determine what accounts tor it. a strict poliCY. These incidents aTe The regulnr French Communist ment tipster, whose name MI'. 10:00 • . m . The Book. helr 4:30 p ,m. Ten Tim. M.lodlea pretty Elenore Nelson, 23, wcnt lO :15 n.m. Here's An Idrn 5:ilO 11.m. Children's H our We would prefer that the council did NOT take on the job with very irrelevant to the situlltion par1.y already has prepared the Symington was a little coy about. 10 :30 n.m . Buker's DO,"" 5:30 p ,m. New. :In .y pl:.m to bring about :I spirit where none exists. now in Korea and China and can­ home to Minneapolis Tuesda 10 :46 '.m. Nov.Um 5'45 11 .111. $Q!)I'" Tlrnf' way by pushing the slognn: "We There is the army which rented 11 :00 •. m. N ew. 11:011 i).m . OV\ner JI ur Jf SUI students are satisCied with the status quo, we wOlild be not be used for comparison as he without ihe husband will never make war against the out property nceded by another Il :15'.m . The 1\1u Ie Box A:55 p.m. 1'1,...... Is using them. His comparisons fo r government department. There is 11:30 n.m. WesleYAn CIUtcnshlp Jiour 7:00 pm. Unlve.. lty Studenl Forum the last to want to (orce a fake spirit on them. "guaranteed" when .she took a j Soviet Union." 11 :45 n.m. Advf'l\lut'~s In Reseorch 7:30 p .nt. Wayne. J< IJ'lIt ~erenndt" BlI' a thorough analysis o[ the situation might reveal shorlcom­ backing the non-policy way are the commodity credit department 12 :00 noon Rhythm Rnmbles ";00 O.nI. M.r.!c 1{6~r . weak since different actions have here six months ago. Edou3rd Pesin, for the' moment 12 :30 p.m. News 9:00 p.m. }(sm SIGN OFF ' jngs OJ) the part of planning groups. It might reveal that an entirely leader o[ the FCM is a Commun­ hiring from private individuals 12 :45 p.l)1 . Rellilious News Repo"ler 9:00 p.m. Compus Shop been taken now by the Reds. She went to work for a l~a~ new approach is needed. And it might reveal that SUI students take ist who rejects that slogan. At 54, space which was government own- 1:00 p.m. ~1t1'lcnl Ch"ts 9:55 p.m. Sport. II ll hll~ht. MarshaiJ mentioned the Berlin, haberdashery store last October d, at a rate nearly 20 times what 2:00 p.m . KSUl SIGN ON lA :OO p .m . N~w. a certain pride in their "So what?" and "Oh, let's don't get excited" he has seen I,\vo invasions of lUs 2:00 p .m . Nr-wfl 10 :15 p .m . SIGN,OI'\8 Greece and Yugoslavia crises ami on the baSis of its promise, In a the government received. ---,--:'-[-, - f~ame or mind. how they were abated by a bold oountry, H maintain tha. Franc, it invaded again, must fight back. Students of government have R , And a more laudable concll1slon of a councll Investi~atJng group but ",on-provocative course ot ac­ newspaper advertisement, to pro­ Financial Problem slde-oI-the-mouth name for it. !t might be that SUI students are in no mood to be hip-hlp-hooraying tion. In these situ a tions, if'we 10,01\: vide "cockdails daily at five 0' clock and a husband within "We're just getting organized," is bureaucracy. while men are dying in Korea-and while great numbers of the sLI.I­ back, we shall find a completelv official daily' months." Pes!n explained. "A lot depends dentR thcmselves {ace milltary service In ;In unpredictable world. di fferen t course of action by the Russians. Miss Nelson said her employ­ on whe'her we can get the money But it would be !l greut service to aU the student planning groups first, upon looking at Berlin ers came through with the cock­ together for a campaign-leatJets, Spring Corn Borer on campus if the council could Simply tihd the anSWer. and Greece as oompared to Ko­ tails and that she also met "Iots 1 posters, meetings, ballots, all that rea, there was no ail-out attack ot men who were cllte and costs a lot." BULLETIN i Count Reported Low I as was created in the Far Eastern Jew who were dlstinluished, Believed sympath('tic to the WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1951 VOL. XXVII, NO. 19t peninsula. Instead, the Communisl. too." nut not the rigltt man. FCM, though keeping officially AMES (A")-An annual spring used a "big brother" approach and The shapely secretary said she's apart trom it, is Charles Lemoine, survey shows fewer corn borers relied upon a bullying attitude for "not. R bit sour on Washington or a barrel-chested coal miner who in Iowa fields this spring than a UU~I~~R~I~ySC~IE~DAR i;m~ ~ls~e?ul!. R PRevie~s .... success. Hence atter two complete its eJ!gible bachelors," but added left the Communists when Ger­ in the President's office, Old Capitol year ago, Harold Gundt!rson, ex­ failures, such as Berlin lind many and Russia signed their 1939 that "they just aren't soUd enough tenSion entomologist at Iowa State Greece, Russia's new course of ac­ Wednesday, }\lay ~3 Michigan here, lowa diamond. lor marriage." pact. The party expelled him a college, reported Tuesday night. tion by all-out attack Is apparent month before he returned from Monday, May 28 "It will be swell to be home 8:00 p.m. - Concert: university ana fOl' any success. captivity in Germany, but the He warned, however, that a 8:00 p.m. - Lecture, Prot. Harry Postscripts symphony Archestra, Iowa Union. again," she mused, "and go out small overwintering borer popu­ By JACK LARSEN ' Second, If we compare the Yu­ 1,000 miners of the Schneider pit Levin, Harvard university, senate goslav crisis with that of China with some of our handsome la tion does not necessarily mean a Thursday, May 24 chamber, Ole{ '93,pito1. • Minnesota guys." at Lourches have enthusiastically Tht'rc are times wh ' Il lIsing superlatives is wholly justified, or we have an absurd example. Yu- elected and reelected him as their small first brood Worm popula­ 7:00 p.m. - Associated Stu­ Tue lIliy, May 29 , , "I don't expect them Lo be as tion. One corn borer moth can lay I . . . f' gosIavia has a much higher stand- delegate in the Communist-led dents of Journalism coflee hour, 3:00 p.m •. - Uhiversity club, se cntlcs would expIre alit a litter frustratIon. i~g economically and civilly than smooth as some of the Washing­ union. 600 eggs and under favorable con­ River room, Iowa Union. Kensington, t~a .J,d general bust. "5 \'en Days to Nooll" is one of those times, and if toclay's re- China. 'l'he civilization of the two ton fellows, but you always know ditions can produce many strong, 8:00 p.m. - Lecture, Dr Ralph ness meeti ~g, elb'ction of oUicers,' where you stand with a good Lemoine wants to let Pesin healthy borers. E. Grim, University of Illinois, view does justi e to a gn'at film , it will indicate W)1Y those super" countries cannot be co~(lared at do the talking at this stage. but Iowa Union. . all Technologically China cannot "Gopher." With favorable conditions, he "Clay Minerology" geology lec­ 7:30 p.m. - Meeting of Society latJves are deserved. come close to falling in the same he clearly makes a much more ture room. 101' Experimental Biology and effective brand oI .political said, there is enough seed stock Wherever it ha been shown oI-fact. When all early attemptR class as Yugoslavia. With the~e Friday, May 25 Medicine, r06m 179, medleal lal>- medicine. At 43 he is ;r. former to pr~d lice a serIous infesta lion in . . ." ' to apprehend the scientist have far superior physi~a:l characterist- June. 3:30 p.m. - Baseball: Western oratory. ' cntlcs h,~ve .pralsed .se~~n Days come to nothing, preparations for ies, the Yugosl~vs were able to Planting Progresses, member of the Communist Michigan, here, Iowa diamond. Wednesday: May 30 The state average count of live to Noon chleO;.: for Its unbea~- an orderly evacuation of the city throw back the :Red forces at their, Youth organization's central aturday, May 26 . - Memorial day, classes sus-· committee. He has made a trip borers this spring was 4,944 an ab~e. susp~nse. ~uspense thiS arc made. The execution of these own game. The Chinese nation be­ But Behind Schedule 2:00 p.m. - Baseball: We~tern pended. Brlhsh th.rll~er has m good quan- plans makes one or the most rous- ing as weak as it is, in spite of the to Moscow. At least half a dozen acre, the slirvey indicated. This tlty, but lt lS not suspense which ing climaxes in recent times - size of its population, was an easy DES MOINES M-Iowa farm­ union delegates from mines in compares with a state 'average of (For Inform;r.Uon reg-ardln: d;r.tes beyotW, this schedule, ul1ergcs a~ its primary fascination and all without a Single gunblast victim of the Communists because' ers ll}ade rapid progress with their the region are ready to follow 10,971 live borers an acre a year see reservations ill the office of the President. Old CapitoI.) - as cr tertalnment. or mob brawl. of China's incompetent state in field work during the last week, his lead. ago and about the same number as rt ~natel:y a ~are. plot out- What adds power to tbe physical and technical develOD- but the Iowa crop and weather LemOlt;le and Pesin' have had was prE'sent the spring of 1949. Ilne .IS mIsleading .s lllce ~t conveys screenplay by Roy BoulUn, and ment. . bulleti!'l said Tuesday they still talks looking toward a union with Highest in testation appeared in GENERAL NOTICES nothing of the pamstakmg atten- Frank Harvey It the cbarader These bold and nonprovocativc were behind average. Darius Le Corre, another Com­ northwest Iowa with counts of munist who couldn't stomach the GENERAL NOTICES should be deposited with tbe' city editor .f tion to detail in the production or the selentilt hi_If _ no actions may have been successful The bulletin said 33 percent of 14,5io live borers an acre in Nazi-Soviet pact. Le Corre was a The Daily Iowan in the newsroom ill East hall.' oUces must ' be which makes it fascinating. depraved arCh-villaIn, no d;yed- ' in the crises 01 Berlin, Greece and the 1951 corn croa was in the Osceola county and 15,488 in member of the chamber of depu­ submitted by 2 p.m. the day preceding first , public~tlon; they will The story appears. In 8um- in-Ute-wool Comnumltt, bat a ' Yugoslavia, but now appear to be ground by last Saturday, compared Cherokee county. mary, deceptively simple. It British citizen wbose lon, re- outmoded IQ bogging down the ties when he quit the party ib NOT be accepted by phone, and must be TYPED OR LEGIBLY to 41 percent at the same time 1940. Recently he has been head­ WRI'l'TEN and SIGNED by a resPolIsll>le person. follows the e(forts of the Brltlab search on a~mlc ener., haa sources of "Communist expansion." last year and 86 percent in 1949. South Dakota Gets rovernment, throuCh Scotland contrIbuted to mental delerlcJra- The non-policy way ot treating ing a Tiloist splinter movement SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS GERMAN Ph.D. READING Soybean plan!ing began last with headquarte1's in Paris. Yard, to forestall a threat of the &Ion to tbe extent tbat he bas the Communists mily also have Journalism Building for 1951-52 school year must be EXAMINA'lIO 't'ill be given on week, although farmers were The FCM may not elect allY destruction of London. A letter acquired doubts as to the rirht- been successful before, but the on file by June 1 ill tre office of Wf'dnesday, Ma,y,.-i!3, [rein" to 6 to the prime minister warns eousneS8 or hit work. Reds' change of action is clear hampered by soggy ground anc! deputies of its own this year. The BROOK1NO.s, S.D. (lPI - A new rainy weather. Six percent of the stu.ent affairs. This coverlr !lew p.m. in roolri ' H141 Schneffer hal1. that, unless an announcemellt III The paradox intensi~ the ex- now to most people. Marshall's new election law is so drafted as printing and rural journalism Dnd renewal applications for Carr, made to the world by noon of tl'eme plausibility: a family man comparisons of Europe just do not. intended acreage was in by Sat· to make that extremely hard Cor building will be dedicated at South urday, compared to 15 percent a Laverne Noyes, University Merit, NEWMAN OtlUB will hold. th~ followin, Sund;r.y that Enr· of strong- religious lalth, and at gOo with the situation In Asia since new parties. But it might gather Dakota State colJegt: here on Sept. Student Aid, and "I" club schol­ land Is haltinl produetion oC the change, and definitely do not year ago. enough votes- to turn the tide 15. banquet at' 6:80 p.m. Tuesday III the same time perhaps the most arships. Furtht!r information lit the Catholic student center. Nelli . slIper-bombS. one 01 the bombs dangerolis man in the world. And support his course. In the future Spring plowing also lagged be­ against the Communists in some Dcdication will be part of the student a!fairs. will be detonated In the heart it is evld"nt that General Mar- hing last year. The observers re­ close districts. annual newspaper day observance officers will be installed and ouf­ as portrayed by Barry Jone/l, he ,.. standing club membel's honored. 01 London. is given the right amount of tan- shall will do better to find ex- ported 72 percent was done by I! the FCM makes any kind of at the college. The departmen t of SIGMA DELTA PI, honornry , ' lt is apparent from this brief aUc dedication to make the role amples that are not. so wcak. last Saturday, while spring plo - a showing, anti-Communists journalism plans to move in the Spanish fraternity., will hold it. synopsis that thr;e is a lot ot top- altogether successful. John. D. Adams, A I iog was nearly complete by the think, it may win some bi'gger new building sometime after June annual picniC Crom 2 to 5 p.m. Sat­ REQUlRtD LECTURE for slU~ icnl cxcitement in "Seven Days Contributing to the 8ssembllwe 1032 'N. Dubuque street third week in Mny a year ago. leaders nnd gain streng'h. t. urday at Lake Macbride. Refresh­ denls in the ~epllrtment of. for' to Noon," capitalizing as It does of excellent performances aro ----'--~~------.------~------...,..-~~--- ment charge of 50 cents a person. eign studies w/lh e given at 7:30 on the rears nnd threats of an Olive Sloans, as a faded, jaded ~ . , Sign up in room 211 A Schaeffer p.m. Thusrdtl ~ In room 20l hall by Thursday. Schaeffer hall. ' Col. Walter .. atbl1'lic cra. [t is this closeness to showgirlwho$heltersthesclentlst. Sewell will dj,ep, k on "Fore!p :I horrific predicament which could unaware af tirst of his identity; Ame{l,,·can F',·n"-1a MOSCOW3COnC'erned w,·th 'Footba//' s Studies in ' W~ jlnd Peace." Stu' concelvablY}lappen that lifts the Andre Morelle, as a ScoUand Yard LUTHERAN GRADUATE slu­ 1 film out ot the realm of ordinary superintendent who follows the Edlt•• ·1 Qfle. Tbl. I. '." M ...... seems to be football. The 11'* no war scare here, or among the twin-engined transport plane. dents will meet at 122 E. Church dents must ll~tc.ilc'I or present I Ittk... tit. AP·. Ed., 011", ••• , bab valid excusc. ' . . .. science ClelTon. And wliafever cred- case through (and an actor with I. 110. 8 ..t.l Un'." afle" .1,...... 111. question a Russian taxi driver ask. I few Russians with whom I talked My first impression was how street at 5:15 p.m. Thursday for ibility it may appear to waht by Qne or the finest English speaklnR; In Ih Unlt.d 8.,•• ~n. Fr..... Gli· ••re lett 1I.. .,.w la.' Oet.ber f.r _ ed me as I returned to the Sovie.!- at Ihe Leningrad ai r port. the city had grown up in eight , a picnic supper followed by dis- the melodramatic thesis of Its voices one will find In pictures): vaeaU•• In '.e V.S. an. t.en wflnt te capital alter nearly eight monthk Vacation Planll months, for now a section 01 Mos- cussion at 6 p.m. Phone 8-0320 by GRADU:.CTION ANNOVNCI· story in mere outline is more than Hugh Scott, as a youn, researcher ....rk '" Ih P ••h b...... , III. AP in the U.S. and.. Paris was, HDt;! At the moment, people are mak- cow university is hoisting itself Wednesday noon for suppcr re- MENTS may be picked up at cam' compensilted fOI' by the uraency who assists In the hunt; and Joan ...11 ....111., , .. til••• ~ •• Ie ,rallt III. rei... ". '" ••••,... Tlo. yt.. you hear today's football score?' ing extensive plans for summer 32 stories into the sky above the servations. pus stores on presentation of re- • of Its documentary treatment. Hickson. in one of those priceless ...... u. nfl, \1111 III ••~. A ".Un There fleems to be more in- vacations. Lenin hllIs; a big office building ceipt. >:).., ( .1 ...... , A .... , On ••r. It •• been Ita· Disbelief is, in fact. made vlr- British bits as a chain-smoking II.... I. _ ..., ...1 ..... I .... Tltl. 1111- lerest In lootball (IGecer) Utan There Is keen Interest In next on Smolensk boulevard now is al­ FOREIGN LANGUAGE achieve­ ~ ---:+r- . I tually impossible by the earnest- landlady with a houseful of cats.. ... ~. w... ~.b~.j I. tit. ..•• 1 80.lel' ever before. Tbe season berina"' year', Olympic rames, in whIch mo t complete; a 20-odd story ment tests will be given Friday een•• ra ••• . LUTnER':'N ~RRIED studenlS ness the situation is dealt with. Not to be omitted from mention Ma)' % and eonSlnues to the lint the U.S.S.R. will be a bi,. eom- apartment building alone the Mos- from 4 to 6 p.m. Sign UP in the will ho1d a ,picnic Friday. Meet ,I "Seven Days" gains rather than is the city ot London itself and snows -01 auhllJUl. pe'U~r. (It i. the first time for cow river is going up. foreign language offices. See for­ B), EDDIE GILMORE the shelter,.. t\ll.\I~ , in upper Citt loses impact Crom one's being a few thousand of Its inhabitants. The cold war also is a top. the Soviet UnloD.) LIDden and lime trees which eign language bulletin boards for park at 5:30 p. .m/, 01' in the stu~ bowled over by the astounding Photography is sharp, realistic and MOSCOW (JP) Eisht months The conference of loreign min- Each time one returns to thn the authorities have been plaDt­ further details. dent hOUl\e il'\ case of rain. I. amount of advilnce planning and Ipersuasive. The screenplay Is not has m~de a difference in 800-year­ isters deputies in Paris, American Soviet Union, one cannot help be inr here since the war are In fulI tl'emendous cooperation involved without a leavenin, ot humor iD old Moscow. The skyl1l)e has shot rearmament, the Atlantic allian<.1l, impressed by the age-ol(i klnd- leaf, ASSOOIATED STUDENTS OF TIIESIS Lqlt,N , books .are due In its making. many Instances which reduees the Iup closer to the heavens, Tbe cit.y President Truman, Secretary ot. ness of the Russian people. Cus- Ot course there are many other JOURNALISM will meet at 7 p.m. May 31, andllFAAUr loans June L.• The consequences oC the scien- !11m's grimness without lessening is greener and the ']jghts on some State Acheson, the U.S. congress toms officials in Leningrad werc changes in the capItal. Prices are Tbursday in. the Iowa Union Rivr.r ~ " I "-"~ ' ",I" tlst's demand arc charted il) a its gtrenatl\. And John 'AddlSon a q.tre.ets definitely •. brig)\ter .• and the Korean war come in for considerate and quick. somewhat lower. There has been room for a coffee hour honoring I ALPIIA ~IU OMEGA wiJl m~ screcl'rplny both brilliantly specu- has composed a unique nnd suit· Toda),', Score? 'live!y comment. ' I 11ew' into Moscow under a Imuch pilinting and c1eanlrig df June graduates. Tickets lire avail- at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Iowa lative and unrelentingly matler- ably ominous musical score. The day's burning topic still But certainly there seems to be full moon, In a new silver-colored buildings. able in the journalism ol[Jcc. Union. All members should atteod.


Dubuque Professor Rho Chi Elects Officers pharmaceutical sodet,. Atomic Nursing Cour se ITo AddrESS Lutherans Other officers ehl ed were Housemother Honored at Tea William M. Byington, P3, Iowa William Stanford, P3, Cedar Ra­ Albert A. Jagnow, proCe:c:or at City. has been electNI president pids, vice-president, and Norma lionored at a farewell tea Sun­ Wartbur seminary, Dubuque, will of Rho Chi, national honorary J. Strunce, Creston, secretary. dlY was Mrs. Viola Heidenreich. housemother of Sigma Delta Tau To Study Bomb Problems peak at the Luthcran Stucicnt ------IOciII sorority. The tea was given Medic I prohlem ere ted by the atomic b(lmh will be studied association Ilt 6 pm. Sund .. y in .t the chapter house, 223 S. Dodge the Zion Lutheran church. nreet, {rom 2 to 5 p.m. by thc ac­ TIlUr 'ua b nur t" < ttellt.ling the atomic lIurillg COlli c being Author ot the book, "The CAN YOU COMPLETE THIS REB U 51 tive members of the sorority. held at nhersit)' ho~pitals for John on county nurse. Wo rd," he i a m mOOr of the The answer is an " often quoted" laying by a famOV\ Americon. Mrs. Heidenreich has been Jean Butler, in truetor in Ul" college of nue illg, will aoard of trustces of thcl founda­ housemother for 13 years. She will tion for SUI Lutheran 5tudcnts. I live with her family in Detroit tnl'(IiC. I problems created by ------~-- at the elld of the' c:urrept school the bomb. A film on m meaJ as- :rear. I Watches. Jewelry , students! pects of the atomic bomb will be I +®-ICE+~-KE+T+ About 175 guests attended the Gifts' tea. Special guests were faculty shown, followed by a lecture on 'Diamonds • . teachers! ----. Qltmbers and housemothcrs. Pres­ the care of burn patients, by Dr. : Guaranteed . ." Ident and Mrs. Virgil M. Hancher S. E. Zitcren, assistant professor Walch Rtpalrlu~: ,~ .. ~-ON + ~ -LL+O -NG were among the guests. of general surgery. in the college In the receiving line were Mrs ·j[W~U:R'~ . )f medicine. . , PASSAGE Heidenreich, and members of the The two-weck cour e slarted I sorority's council: Jeanne Strauss, + GHT + - IMBLE +AN + A3, Chicago, m., house president; Monday with a discu Jon of ~V. H. GORE = 3tomlc energy and atomic bomb to EUROPE sylvia MUsin, A2, Des Moines; WATCHMAK£,R Reba Lou BlUm , A2, Des Moines ; phenomena by Dr. T. C. Evans, Lois Wagner, A3, Eureka, Ill., and head of the radiation research $115 one ~- ENT+ I+~-COY+NT= la boratory, and Dr. C. D. Janney, Jib 1: . MAPI«(T 5T. way Sh~lI a Cohen , A2, Des Moines. staff member of the laboratory. All Johnson county nurses, OJ [I I I I I I OJ I I I I I I both workinll and inactive. have Sailing: From New York to Le Harv!', Southamp­ &iucation Seminar been urged to attend the pro­ ton and Lrem('rhaven, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I grams, which are under the aus­ STUDENTS June 8, June 25, July 6. Hears Prof. Keyser pices ot the state civilian defense jepartment and dlr~cted by Dr. From l ~ Han'l' and Walter L. Bierrlng, Des Moines, Southampton to New ATTENTION I York August 25, and Stress Remedies commissioner 01 the state depart­ Septcmb r 7. ment of health and director of lhe Leave Your Worrle Remedial reading teaching is health and medical services in For Full Information Wr te luch a highly individualizeQ mat­ (D.U, ...... PIt.I.) the civH defcnse program. Wllh KELLEYS U11i tcr that iL requires personnel train­ l\ms. V10LA BEINDENREICR, no El\10TlIER of IfDlll Delta Each two-hour program is ummer! OUNCIL 1\3.!· ...::rll. ed in the diagnosis and planning Tau, oclal sorority, was honored at a farewell tea uuda ),. he III Dc h CI(HlS. chocolatv. presented twice, once at J p.m. 'Why cart tho heavy doth .. of programs for individual child­ shown here as she talked with Pre idcnt "Irell II nch 1', one 01 the and again at 7 p.m. Next week's Con STUDENT f.~\·;'71lM chewy. Top in quality . ren, M. L. Keyser told a seminar 175 guests attending the tea. programs include one Monday, • ome whell we complete TRAVEL in education of handicapped chll­ on the blologlca I cffects of radia­ Itorlnl' '.dlilles: ~n at SUI Tuesday. tion and the care ot wounds and Mlss Keyser, assistant professor Chvrch Group to Hear rractures, and onc Thursday on COMPLETE In education and director of SUI's Faunce to Address Salt Lake City Elder nursing probl ms In atomic war· -,.. rOWI Clll " Va hl On .,...... reading clinic, told graduate stu­ rare and civil defense organl1a­ • MOTH dtnts attending the seminar that Eldcr Clltrord E. Young, Salt tion. ehBdren whose achievement in U. High Graduates Lake City, will address thc annual • rmE reading faUs weil below their ca­ L. Dale ~ aunce, :SUI dean of conference of the Church of Jesu5 TUDEN'l' ENTERTAIN • THEFT Christ ot Latter-Day Saints at 7 pacity level are those who need students, will give the main ad­ INSURANCE remed1al reading. dress at the Univcrsity high school p.m. today ot the chapel. 918 E. Dorothy Kreblll, A4, Donnell­ at Swim and Sun ' on, and M s. Vi ctoria Sedlacek, ownER'S Diagnosis and treatment of the commencement at 8 p. m. June 1 Fairchild street. Approved Vaula reading problems of children with in the Macbride auditorium Waldo M. Andersen, Chicago. 1\4, Cedar Rapids, presented a 10 So. Vllnton Phone 9634 physical handicaps Is much the The Rev. Elmer E. Dierk , pas­ president of Northern States Mis­ program ot musical numbers at a tor of the First Baptist church, sion will accompany Young, who Kiwanis club meetin, at Hotel Cleaner lime as for other children, she I KELLEYS Launderers said. Their problems ar~ Similar, will deliver the sermon at the bac­ is an assistant to the council ot 12 Jeffcrson Tue day noon. They Beautifully with the possible exception tha t calaureate services at 4 p.m. in apostles. A4,were Reynolds, accompanied Ill. by Lois wait" ______Ince 1898 _ handicapped children usually Macbride auditorium. The Iowa City conference will have not attcnded school as regu- The 31 seniors will receive their be open to the public. in sun and swim clothes lerly as other children. • diplomas from Dean E. T. Peter­ Treatment programs for childrert son, sur college of education. with reading problems a e always li''!''I'I('e's topiC wilt be "Today';­ from TOWNER1S planned on an \ndi"id al basis, Student-Tomorrow's Citizens." Kiss Keyser added. To plan a Next Wednesday is Decor<;rtion Ooy- treatment program, the remedial W-oman's Club to Install resdlng teacher must determine And the start of lhe fun filled sun·filled the cause of the reading failure, New President Thursday glorious days of summer-We'd like .nd tbe type and severity of the Mrs. Glaqys Thompson will b to show you our colorful array of reading disability. installed as president of the Iowa Woman's club at the luncheon easy·going eye.filling casual wear her.. at meeting at 12:30 p.m. Thursday Towner's in the sportswear aection- SUI Cancer Exhibit in the Pine room of Rcich's cafe. ------=-~~ Why not slep in tomorrow? • Hoste ses will be Mr . F. John­ , , son, Mrs. E. E. Gugle, Mrs. E. E. Fresh Siraberrie Awarded First Prize Webster and Mrs. Margery Tracy. Mrs. Rosa Boss and Mrs. Tracy Rath's Fine t Black Hawk - ular Curt'd. moked An exhibit on concer of the will present a skit as part of the I pn)itrate, prepared" by the de­ program. Harold Webstcr wlll piny P!lrtm~nt of urology at the SUI vloll n selections. PICNIC HAMS ready to eat .. lb. 5c tOIiege of medicine, has been' lwirded first prize at the Amer­ lun Urological association meet­ SHORT RIBS OF BEEF _ Ib.47c Ing In Chicago. The exhibit demonstrates mo­ dern developments in understand­ Ing al)d treating cancer of the RIB STEAK v. S. Good lb. 71 c prostrate, and shows research work accomplisbed by the department toward that understandini! and treatment. The exhibit was prepared by (HEESE LARD I SUI Drs. R.H. Flocks, bead of uro­ JoIY, R.G. Bunge, William Harness C C and Louis Prendergast. 'rhey were 2 Ibs. 19 ~ lb. 21 IUisted by Paul Ver Va~s. medicaL Harr)' Uill5trator Large, Fresh, Country Mistletoe senate . Ver satile new Hoover AERO· DY E Modpl .51 ,dh t'xrlu iHI fulbright Applications "Liller Giller" nozzle eals up EGGS OLEO club, dirt (rom b~ eboard to ceiling. I busi· Available for 1952·53 Exclu ive Hoover Dirt Eje('(or c C empties it out-your hands swy ~oz. 45 lb. 33 Applications for Fulbright clean. 8 k95, complrle with IC:holarships for the 1952-53 school cleaning lools. Break 0' Morn Florida Seedless year are now available at room -Times III UniverSi ty hall, or at the of­ fice of the graduatq college, basc- COFFEE GRAPEFRUIT Above: Nyll'n -nit ~wim" 111 by ment of Old Capitol, Richard E. ataiina in B!'3t1liL: l C. -Ibbcan Sweitzer, Fulbright program ad­ c C inspired colors-Ru({\eJ t)-thc wilDr, said Tuesday. lb. 75 10 for 49 bra with tuilt·in "extras" that OHered under thc pro'Vlsions of being . brine out the extras in you . the Fulbright act, the scholarships provide opportunity for outstand­ $11.95 !nr·Amerlcan students <1l\ teachers .__ ... 10 Ib . 49c to do gradua te study, reiearch or , Satin Sh en Ca talin~ wilh excit­ teachlnll in 18 foreign countries. Fre h, Crisp ing floral designs COlorfully ar­ C1dslng date for filing appllca­ what , UOI)s ' is' Oct. 15, 1951, 'and Iowa HEAD LEnUCE 2 headll 25c rayed againsl a gleaming white . bac kground - Don't blame All applicants will be notified of the Homel'rown !!Sults of the nationai competition those whistles on the suit! It does abOut six months later. ASPARAGUS 1 lb. bch. lSc things tor you! they $14.95 , Chemistry Fraternity CUCUMBERS ...... 2 for 25c Elects Fall Officers Keith Bremer, G, Dunbar, Neb .. Strllll'less was elected president of Alpha GREEN BEANS lb. llc Chi 'Slgma, professional chemistry are here's a cheerful earful of fraternity, at a c,bapter meetinll PETER PAN PEANUT BUTTER ...... : ...... jar 29c konday, Isn~ it time you Other new officers are Delbert OLIVES ...... qt. 79c keyer, G, Iowa City, vice-pres­ Sunshine Stoppers ident; Lee Furrow, G, G,alesburJ.l. owned a DEL MONTE CORN, Cream Style ...... 2 ecms 35c nL. secretary; Wesley Wendlandt. G, LaCrosse, Wis . "master of cerc­ TUNA nSH, LIGHT MEAT ...... , can 25<; that say IIIOnles, and Jack Mills, G, Gales­ bUrl, Ill., librarian. GRAPEFRUIT You're terrific! New members of the executive KlOVer? Dusl, dOM huirs, grit all gi ve up Freah, Pasteurized committee are John Kozikowsld. Creamy JUICE G, Moline, Ill., and Thomas Hal'­ when this M.ooel 29 ·Ac· MARSH· tion Hoover beats, as il sweeps, 2 46 oz. 45c rlnlton, G, Iowa 'City. Kenneth Libelal Trade·in BUTTER cans keCuHoh, G, Iowa City, is the 8S it cleans. Keeps colors fresh, MALLOWS 95 lie.". member of the advisory com­ Allowance ! prolong rug life, save, your IIIlttee. lb. BLENDED Larre Pk,_ 2 and biqher Maximum Credit lime Ilnd energy. Inslant con· 8&c '. with this Terms ve r ion for clean ing 10018. JUICE Coupon 15c Col. Sewell to Speak $87.95. Oeaning lools, $19.95. 48 o&. cans 31 c On Foreign Studies or cleaning performance-for ease of handling­ Here are the T·Shira you'U live in aU summer Col. Walter E. Sewell, professor F for years of troul>l e· fr~ e service, th()usanos of long- whether you're resort bound or planaiDg 0( mUltary science arid tacUcs, happ~ owner!' say ther'e's nothing 10 beat a genuine a wonderful summer-long vacation at home ... "ill speak on "Foreign Studies in Hoover cleaner . Stop in or call for a home demon­ They're ever popular Garland T-5birta in fin ..t War and Peace," at 7:30 p.m. stration. There is no obligation. '1bunday In room 208, Schaeffer ECONOMY combed colton that doesn't stretch oul of shape lUlU, SUPER MARKETS washing after washing. Whites and stripes and Sponsored by the foreign studies solid colora galore! ProIJ'Im of the university, Sewell IOWA-ILLINOIS gAS ~ dlJeuA languAge training tor 215 S. Dubuque 101 S. Clinton n ~ ·i l' . m~.;, IlDltary and civilian needs. A~ ~ ELECiR ~ C CO. Iowa tttod· .;I' PAGE FOUR - THE DAILY IOWAN, WEDNE DAY, ]\!AY 2::, 195t t Vanks Win Again; Brooks Triumph, .cards Lose Repeal tit Sanity Code May _T e NEW YORK (JP) - The league­ PlTTSBUHGH ( P)-Gil Hodges smashed two circuit. clouts, Kill Re,newal of Bowl (ontrad leading New York Yankees backed one with the bases loaded, to take undisputed leadership in the up Allie Reynolds' four-hit pitch­ By ED SAINSBURY tion," a 'pu ue spokes"}an ,"Id, In l11I - in ing Tuesday with an extra base ational I aglie home race, as the Brooklvn, Dodcrersb downed CHICA.GO Repeal of the "but we'd like to keep .t tllt NCAA sanity code last Januarv regular season. College sports hne barra~ that included Yogi Ber­ the Tuesday night, 17-8. w L PCT 08 has Influenced Big Ten opinlo; gotten b~C;~ 1h bidding tor play"" ra's fifth homer for a 6-1 clean , ally Westlake of the Pi- Brookl," 19 I~ .MU lrad sweep over the SI. Louis Browns. * * * Cbl«'-a,o 17 II .llB I'i against renewal at the Rose Bowl and it's Hol!J 'to dog-cat-dog wilit rate got a solo homer to bring Bosox 6, Tigers 3 Bo.t • ., 1M 18 .~'!9 pact with the Pacific coast con- recruitlni\ and subsidization." Six the nine hits ~ploded off Leull 16 15 .~ 16 'el i ot Phil'. •. IS I; AU ference, it was learned Tuesday. IUlnol, t els that renewia(6I (IP) _ S'. ,ComJ Ned Garver, the Browns' ace, were his total lor the season to 12, one BOSTON Catcher Les N~,,' York .. 16 .9 . j~l ~, ~ behind Hodges' 13, II Five schools have expl'essed op- pad wltb the provision thlt II for ~xtra bases with First Base­ T Pllt.b .. rrh 18 AM ~ Iowa' Moss, acquired only a week ago, ClnclnnaU ... II IK . 1311 a position to renewal of the live team may go to the bOwl mort man Joe Collins blasting a triple I Carl Erskine, who entered the in Evan­ year old agreement. They believe than once In three years "will and . Bobby Brown con­ game in the second after broke the spell Southpaw Ted Gray TUE DAY'S RESULTS Big 'fen lrv Palica was pulled for a pinch- has cast on the Boston Red Sox no. ton 7. st. Loul. ~ generally that renewal might fur- not be harmful," 'acuity reprt­ Tbursd a: tributed a triple and two singles. I Brooklyn 17, PlttJbar,-b 8 ther inflame a growing trend to- sentative RObert B. Browne lilt The Yanks ripped into Garver hitter, was the winning pitcher. Tuesday with ~ grandslam humer ~"' Vork at po.tpontod . The tr PbUadelphla at ClntlnnaU pO.J tp.ned. ward over-emphasis of footbaU. "It wbuld not hit one schOOl in a four-run second inning that The Dodgers belted out a total that overcame the Detroit Tigers, Tbursda; started innocently enough wiij} a 'fODAV'S PI'fCICERS The final Big Ten d~cjsion will more often than that," he said. have beE of l8 hits to hang on to their slim 6-3. New York at Chlc.fa-Mallle (5·!) v • . be made Thursday or Friday at the "No athlete could go twice, and walk to Joe DiMaga!o. Then callle first place head. The loss dumped Mtnnu (:!-2) , 10 aJlO\\ Gray, unbeaten by the Sockers BOlton at Rt. Louls-Surko"t U.I) v • . annual spring rneetlng here. It there'd be no point in recruitin,c draft ex' Berra's drive ioto the right field the Bucs in to a tie tor bottom ((I.~). in Boston since Aug. 5, 1949, du ~ Pollet appears that only renewal on the athletes on the basis that thfr Coach seats. Browns' single, Collins' triple place in the league, and gave Bob his own grave in the seventh in­ Phll.dolphla at ClntlnDall-Tbompson and Gerry Coleman's run-scoring (I·'H or Cbureb (9·:., VI. fOll ( ~-t) old terms - including the provi- could go to a bowl game evt!fJ usual se' Friend one ot tour Buc pitchers, ning. Locked in a 2-2 tie, Gri\Y or R.rtensberrer (I··U. sion that no team may compete year." . crack at fly added two more runs. Phil his first loss against no wins. passed two batters and saw the Brooklyn at PUbbufrh (nlrbt)-New .. combe (!\.. ,!~ ..,a. Queen C3·~). more than once in three years - Another opponent of renewal, Bob Ricl Rizzuto's . two-out double was The game was heavy with bases jammed because ot an errol'. has a chance for approval. But it Northwestern, believes the ROIt Higley, v:asted. home runs-a total ot seven. B~­ Then with two out, Moss homercd Al\lERICAN LEAGUE The boxscore: I\' L PCT OB is understood that the Pacific coast Bowl extends the football seasoe , fletcher sides those by Westlake and over the left field screen. Now York '!i! 9 .ilO 1'. v. AU n 0 SI . .... I. 11.8 H 0 conference would reject this plan. too Jong and overemphasizes tht Hodges, Pittsburgh's Ralph KIner Chl.a,. IK 9 .6(11 ~ J • Souchock Ten,'s attitude. . DES, MOINES (IP) - Wich)u C' Cole'nn 2b 2 I 4 Garver p 2 0 I while the other two were firsts. Donr Ib . 3 1 2 Glnsbera c 3 0 6 New York Il , 8t. I.. oula l Re ynolds p 4 0 2 .. Berra 1 0 0 With two out in the til'st in­ Moss c ... 3 1 V aBerry • 0 0 Bolton O. Detroit S "The balloon is rising pretty squeezE'CI over II rtln in the nlntb Sueheckl p 0 0 0 Wermotl II 4 1 0 Upon II . 3 0 1 Cblc.,.o O. Waa.hln .. ton I ning, Kiner dropped a ball to let p .• 2 0 • high and we think that It may be inning to edge Des Moines 2·1 ~ Tol.I.-x:""S---"O""!-7 Tolal. SI t 21 Grap Cleveland 8, Pblladelphla !! Duke Snidcr reach first. Then a While p 0 0 0 a good thing to lei some air out a Western league baseball gafllt a ... Foulcd out (or Garver In 8th. bGrolh I 0 0 TODA1"S PITCUERS St. Loul. . .. 100 000 000-1 walk and three singles scored Dt'trolt Itt New York-llutchinian (I! .. l) of it now. It's not because of any Tuesday night. The winning rUli New York . .. 040 010 10,,-6 (II.P Wlrepbolo) three runs. 33 t I %1 Totals :.'! l'n VI. Byrne (0 ... 1) feeling about our relationships was scored by Jim King, willi E-G. ColemDn. Re yno ld •. UPlon . RBf­ a-Lined out lor Gln.beflt In 9.h. st, l..oul" at Bo~ton-Plliette (1 .. :1) va. BOSTON PITCHER Maury l\JcDermott was sate at Ihlrd base Tues­ l>arne ll (~·:U . R. Coleman. Berra 2i Collins 2, C . In the bottom of the inning, • b-Grounded oul lor While In 8th. with the Pacific coast or any re- singled to open the last innint Col~man 2. 2B ... LoIJar 2. Rlu .ulo. Collins, day in a game with the Delrolt Tigers after tripling orf the center­ 100 110--3 Cblear. a' PhUad.'.hla Inlrbl)-Oam­ Kiner's homer drove Glenn Nel­ Delrolt 000 pu' (1-0) ••• (M-I). aclion frorn our games in the Rose DIMal'!,:io. 3B ... Collins. Brown. HR-Berrn. field waiL Boston broke the Detroit jinx with a 6-3 victory. III the Boston . • .. 001.00 40,,_6 K.lln .. DP-McDourrald. C . Coleman and Collins. son in ahead or him. E-Souchock 2. Llpon. RBI-Eve.. 2. Cltvellnd a( Washlnelon Inlrhl) Bowl." Left-St. LouIs 4. New York 9. BB-Garv.r picture , Tigers' third baseman, is shown taking the nr-onklyn 1IIn 001 'l'or_17 1M • Priddy. Boudrenu. McDermotl, MollS 4: feller '''·1) v.. nudson (tO~O) or ~tarrHO (D .. O) . Wisconsin believes, he added, 8. Re ~'no ld t. SO-Garver 4. ucheckl 2, throw from Hoo~ Evers. The umllire was Cal Hubbard. 1'lUJ burl'b '!II OOfl Ultl- 8 'IS '1 2B-Prlddy. X.II. 3B-McDernlott. lUl­ I ' R~)'nold , 4. HO ... Garver 9 In 7 ; I 1'.lIea. E,,-.Ine ('l). Branea. UU . anti MoS!. DP-Boudre"u. ~rr Bnd Dropo. - ---- that, the "basic conferense rule Suchecki 0 In t. Winner-Re ynolds 13-31 . Campanella; Friend, Werle 0), Xellkt Loser.. Garvrr 1& ... 81. Lelt-Delrnlt 8. Boslon 10. DB-MeDer.- ' THREE J LEAG E against post-season games is a good OU . I)uaak (10 and ~JcCulieurh, F.h ... mott 4. Gray • . SO-McDermott Q. Grav I't"rald (I'U: Wr ... £rsklnt': LP·Frlt'nd. DR­ 5. HO-Gray 11 In 7 2-3 Inruns.: WhIte Evanwll'e '1. Terre Houle I one and tbat now is ihe time to Hodrtl (:!), Camoanella. B . Edward" p In 1-3. HSP -Gray I Mo " \vP Grav. WE TERN LEAGUE return to it." Ham Salad Kiner. WuUake. ~Ittk:ovleb . * * * Wlnner-McDermolt '2-'1. LOler-Gra y 11- \Vichitn 2. Des Moines 1 I W· Ii Chisox Keep Pace, Stanky Has New Nickname 31. Colorado Spl'lngs 9. Lincoln 6 ' e ke Intersec~ional competi- * * * . 'The Brat' is Now 'The Slugger' But He's Braves 7, Cards 2 ~~~~~--~- ~~~~ ,Cold Plate Hxer Down Senators, 9-8, ST. LOUTS (JP) - A four-run I First to Admit He Isn't Good Hitter rally 111 th fifth inning that Includ­ fliPS ... ". 1'";. thf boa"';I'" so",';"'. Oucdco Gets By STEVE SNIDER ed only one hit Tuesday night en­ NOW HEAR TH.lS. •• For 6th Win on Road EW YOHK ( P) - Eagle-eyed Eddie Stank), of the ew abled the Boston Braves to deleat -ildfr-... ..s.1y .quippod br the oldoo< aM ...... ca.ot ovlfiutn in 1M North eow-try York Giants, ta bbed with an assortment of nicknames ranging the St. Louis Cardinals, 7-2, be­ WASHINGTON (JP) - The Chi­ hind the left handed slants at ',. oi_ 1'19. G_-...... - cago White Sox won their sixth rJ'om "The Brat" to "Little Muggse),," rates one now he never Warren Spahn. Bob Elliott lashed If you have not pick€d up your copy of the _P.... OOIIJiotinc ' ••IiYI4 ... 1CI ••1ioo .. includes straight game of an unrlefeated thought he'd earn-"The Slugger." his ei!!hth homer of the season for ...... bOW 10,.. ,.-. Plrty • , • eastern trip Tucsday night, beating ,., dq. .10Ut cbol .. of Iood, The spllllky lillie second ------­ the Tribesmen in the sixth. Rain Potato Salad Washington, 9-8, with a 15-hi ~ delayed the game's start for al­ W. alto ....- ~r.t...... barrage against four pitchers. baseman belted rive home 'T uns a .300 batting average and an off­ most an hour. LUIWQOO LODat. r .. Tnt Tomatoes The Senators mauled Saul Rog­ in bis first 33 games this season, season award by the New York While totaling eight hits, the 1951 Lettuce Salad baseba 11 writers. ovin for six runs in a wild fifth exactly one third of his total out­ Braves drew a total of 12 bases American Ch .... inning to grab a 6-3 lead, but the put. for eight previous major There were no boos for the on balls. Five of the free passsages "It's White Sox bounced back with league seasons. And he's the tirst Brat this year while the Giants were given during the four-rurl pleas.. do so ot your earliest convenience. Bread & Butter and get two runs oft Joe Haynes in the .3 00 hitter in the business who were tullspinning to 1 L straight fifth, during whiCh Starter Red .. mes," sixth and added three more in the admits he cnn't hit. defeats at the outset. He played Munger was replaced by Cloyd p:lssing his heart out and when the strealc seventh when Nelson Fox hit a "I'm a ba~es 011 balls hitler." Boyer, Call at Daily Iowan to keeJl two-run homer. Sianky protests when you refer was shattered by a victory Slan­ nodGn , n~n Nt 68&-'7 8 • ky s~uted: Sl. Louis O'!O 000 OOO-'! 1 • Cass Michaels slamed a home to his .300 swat mark ... Ify job Spahn alld Cooper; Muncer, H.yer 'H. Renaldo's run orr Harry Dorish, the winner, 'Now I can get some sleep at Bratle (ll) and JUtl. LP· Munltr; Hft· Is getting on base and walking tllloll. BUSINESS OFFICE W-6 E.H. in the seventh to slicc Washing­ Is what I do best" last." I 121 Iowa Ave. ton's driicit to 8-7, but Paul Leh­ But the pitchers are making He tnkes his ball games home ner's double and Eddie Robinson'S him a hitter. In their desperation with him each night and the Irish IS Williams single gave Chicago a 9-7 margin to keep the Brat from drawing string of defeats kept him pacing in the eighth. wal~s, they'll l ilY in 1\ pilch that the tloor when he should have Signs with Bears . been sleepi ng. ... I Bob Kuzava, Washinj('on start­ loo](s too good to pass up. Stnnky L er, was lost to the club for at least smacks it. Stanky needs his rest, His brain, CHICAGO IlPI - The Chicagl) a week in a collislolil with Fox at IIis job is getting on base nnd if eyes and aging legs are his only Bears harvested their first p1\\m first base in the fourth inning. he can't get a walk, well, a hit is physical assets ort the playing of the 1950 college crop of foot­ Kuzava was spiked on the right okay, too. In everyone of his 33 field. ball stars Tuesday when they heel and required three stitches. games, Stanky has been on base But he has scmething signed Bob Williams, Notre Dame's Fox and Bob Dillinger each con­ at least once and he hopes to bet­ had too: he hates every ball play­ AU-American qU81·terback, to" :;1 , . tributed three hits to Chicago's ter his 1950 record of travelling er who doesn't wear the same uni­ three year contract. attack, while Mickey Vernon well into the month of June be­ form he does. Williams was drafted by the pared Washington'll l3-hit assault fore he was stopped lor the first Bears on Baltimore's first selec- with three hits. time. tion at tbe Na­ The defeat, charged to Haynes, His getting-an-base streak, in­ Eight Walker Cup tiona I I e a g u e droppert Washington Into the sec­ cidentally, was preserved by a meeting in Jan­ ond division for the tirst time this technicality. Against the Phil lies uary after the year. recently, Eddie bounced a base hit Players Move Ahead Colts, who later The linescore: off the legs of base-runner Artie dropped out of ~ Cb l.. ~o ' . , 200 102 RIII-D 15 S Wilson, making .Wilson the third the league, gave W"blnrleo ON 000 11~ 1:1 H out, but Stanky was credited with In British Amateur Chi c ago their "'r•• ln, norl,ll (~) and Nlarh.: K.­ first pick in a •• ' •• Ihynes f"'. Simil 11) . COAs.eer. a hit and technically was entitled PORTHCAWL, Wales UP) - The (9) .nd O• • rrl. WP·Dorl. b: LP-Ihy.e., pre-season deal. IIR-Fox. allebu',. to first base although he never got there. core of the mighty American chai- The Bears also For greater safety - (md convenience, too At 33, lanky is an estab- lcnge in the British amateur golf o bta i ned the first Indians* *6, A's* 2 lished synonym tor a major championship survived cloud­ choice of the 'Ne\1 PHILADELPHIA (.4") - The leaguer who tars without a bursts. chilling winds and rugaed York Yankees the WILLIAMS Cleveland Indi, "s bombed three great physical talent. competition Tuesday to drive same way. Philadelph ia pi tchers tor 14 hits, Through the years, he never through to the third round with Williams was Owner - Coach including Bobby Avila's fil'st home has been able to live down the tag only a single loss. Gcorge Halas' No. 1 objective for run, for a 6-2 victory over the line put on him by Branch Rickey Eight of nine invadini Walker the season and he hesitated hard­ Athletics Tuesday night. and echoed by Leo Durochcr: "He cup stars splashed to victory over ly a minute when Baltimore yield­ E,'r1:-r W,vnn hurled five-hit baH can't run, he can't hit and he can't the wn'erloggC'd Ro~'al Porthcawl ed the choice before he called out 101' his third victory of the sea­ throw but he's a whale of a ball course to only one team member, the name of the Irish signal call­ son against four setbacks. player." poker-raced Harold Paddock of er. Each Indian collected at least But he hustled his way into the Cleveland, bowed in the teeth of "He's going to be a valuable one hit off the offerings of Bob­ hearts Of New Yorkers a year the gale to Graham packer, a addition to our team," Halas said by Shantz, Bob Hooper and Sam ag~ after moving from the Boston playcr from South Africa, 3-2. Tuesday. Zoldak. Shantz, who gave up J 0 Breves t:l the Giants in a winter In addition to the eigM Cup hits in six and two-thil'ds Innings trade the fans greeted with ter- f' talwarts, nl'e other Americans AZARDOUS, lighted stairs and was charged with the defeat. rific boos. surviver1 thc watery day to con- B.fore you 'give up· on H ways are just one indication of inadeq Cleveland put together a single They booed him for da)'s wllile tinue in the struggle" hlch ends home wiring. Other symptoms are flit L your inieclor ralor ••• by Bob Kennedy, a safe bunt by the Giants werc losing but it. soon Saturday. Allhough heavily ou _ lights, frequent fuse trouble and convenience.....t: Harry Simpson and a fielder's became apparent that Stanky was numbered at this point, the U. S. YOU MUST TRY lets so far apart that lnuItiple sockets and ell'" choice for a run in the second. the only guy not broken by the contingent appeared certain to sion cords must be used. Philadelphia retaliated with a early tailspin and the boos turned place at least one man in the 36- pair of markers in the third. to cheers. Stanky wound up with ' hole final - perhaps even two. Often dangerous, inadequate wiring is aJwl, J The Indians forged in front once .aLHOLLOW source of annoyance and inconvenience. The more in the fourth when they way to end these troubles is to have adeq dented the scoring dish' twice on - - ' GROUND wiring installed. a walk to Kennedy, Simpson's rA Whether ,you plan to build or remodel, sate~y, Jim Hegan's double and Makes a Man Love a Pipe get an fly. INJEOOR full story on adequate ,wiring now. Remember, 810 2111 ! I ~' • is the key to modern, electrical living. l·bll . d t l.~ la 1102 000 ooo-t ~ I Wynn and Deran; Sbanh. HooJlle.r (n, Zol d.k (D) and Marray: LP-Sbanll. IIR_ and a JJtJman Love a Man Avila. in metal Pirates Buy LaPalme injector .. TO ' IE ADE4UArE From Indianapolis WIRING" INCLUDE PITTSBURGH lIP) - The Pitts­ shave you burgh Pirates Tuesday night an­ nounced the purchase of southpaw Twirler Paul La Palme from the better.,. * AN ADEQUATE ELECTRIC SERVICE ~ I E Indianapolis Indians in the Am- 10 brill' 11110 Ihe home ellon,h el~clrlclt" I• .n It\ T T erican Association. ' cost you qulremf'lIls. ' Pira:e officials said they pur­ chased the 26-year-old pitcher at * ENOUGH ELECTRIC CIRCUITS wllb WIt the beginning of the season, and less! wires to permit U(hls and appllancea. Ie properly. I that Pitcher Bill Pierro, who was taken ill just before the season * ENOUGH CONVENIENCE OUTLET8, opened, was going to Indianapolis NENT LIGHTS AND SWITCHES to Illn _ in part pannent tor La PRlme. lamps and appliances whtre needed, prtIId The New ' Buc hurler began his II,iIt alld prevent accldenl.ll, baseball career with Bristol in -.941- He was drafted later Irom the Hartford club by Indlanapolis In 1948. COLL£GI BASEBALL iOWA-ILLINOIS au Indiana 7. MJaml (Ohle) 4 Army 10. Williams 7 Purdue I. Not,." DaMe 5 DIe Tboroulbhred or Pipe Toba_ Oblo stale t. ClnclnnaU 4 J ,AND ELECTRIC Oklahoma e, ltan ... I Choice white Burley. Smooth and mild ct. Bu..knell 4. Petm State 3 Colorado Stat. 1, Co'ora4lo Collelle 1 Golf Team Will Compete ROTC to Award B.,,"TADS. Ten Meets Today, Thursday ~ ; ~,.",~~~~~~,roffi~!~~/~, SPARE ARTICLES CAl BE EXCHANGED FOR SPARE scholastic achievement. Lt. han L. Coulter, VI military depart­ lrack Team Starts * * * * * * ment • w, rd . and dt'corahon ofCicer. • id Tue. da~. Don Klotz Coaches - Thl' award .. re 1{i\' 11 for maintainin~ an A W de ill nOTC CASH WITH A DAILY IOWAN WANT AD - - Competition :;our e, an grade in ROTC • ------. Thursday Help W QJJ=ted~ ___ ,I c.l • • I' d h' I I TUm~I· . ~h'.in . WANT AD RATES A utos FOr'"'S-al-e--Used _I rowa's golf and ~I')nis teams are !SCIP ItlC an a Ii!; 1 grac e av· CIA J» lor '«Ond awar "n Hopklnl n . lirnr G . VII". Edmond' claims that the cow '" DODO. Coupe. Phon. ' ·35oIG LOANED on ,unl. "om",,", dla. mer, and Gene Slack. 4-5 from 1947 through 1950. ley on April 30. Th n came 10 Ich. Cl>arlO< Onk. a nd Rlclurd I. WII· mond • • Iolhln,. It. REl.IABJ..E LOhN The gollers with a record or Ham!. 1ow» CIt~:. wa ' ither pu hed or Cell into a It:It FORD. r.bulll motor. mdlo. h ..altT Co. I Ea I aurlln.lon. Rather t han to powerful Florida, owner ol (I Set'nnd l("h'l611·, ur 1W.°C'olld "toRr bo c . l1n~h . 717 Kirk. , . \'00 wins and live losses in dual 14-2 mark, several of the win$ Il15q Rleh",U A. Chrl l.n on. C""nr R • ,ully wher the deCendant, the wood '.27110. QUlCK LOANS on Je,...lrv, "Iolhln«. «Impelition have two players - worry about past being over Big Tcn chOOls. nlduotlon to Philo­ St"cQlld fIIom t~r f" Ifr 1 Vf'~r :11"'- tree limbs. the 1951 season thc first Iowa win over the W ild- Ol!:NP.:RAL typlnJl. mlm.olrrophln.. No­ sophy". R .. "",.rd D.I\:ld J~n~n 1-23'11_ \'lIInCf"d .Orlh • • 1'!\n Oon4')\'''" Lint nd lary publl.. Mary V. Bums. 601 Iowa 2' FOOT 11141 Spllrtan 'anor all .Iumln- drew near he had tats since 1926, a 1t r 16 consecu- LIke Mill . rwsp lor "('ond A \I.~rtt ; Ar· The plaintitc claims the com­ fixer Can't Pay fijne, SI"1 lI~nk Bulldlnl. Dial 2651. r ••ld n um hou trail r, Full)' equIPP(·d. • II LO T ' l , AOIP;~ ""hIt. lold C"m~ ~ thur A . M"'GI\'~rfn . C'f"dar RabId. till 0 what he believed tive gam . panies are rc ponsible tor the 27 !._II_'_d_a_I_ler e p:.:;.m~. ___ In ~('haet1("t h ... n \Ytdnf""day. .Rewerl!. (Ilt" ~COIHt ..-wI'rc1, Kt'l1b L. N'f'C1d"mn . death o[ the animal. P.:.t. 3102 to be one of the ,.. The Hawkeyes then proceeded ",,,tn,,, ("laMl) lor third Jl w"rd • • nd Rlloh 20 rOOT bun.alo.... · hou.e traill-t. Call Gets Jail Sentence be s t prospective to whip Wisconsin, Minnesota and \Y. Thomlt"'. Coul,..ll 81uit. cia p (or NOTICF 0 I CORrOn TIOS OF nrrnnle to leuve In prt' n\. locIUon if ~nd Awttr-d PLI' lIBIlRS' l ' I'I'I. Y co I P NY PUl'<'h. ltd by ludtrtl III ndln. l umm.r LOS ANGELES1IlI'l - Alfred R. tcams in the Marquette while tying previously '9,ultc mt'clnl a nd C'ln.D . liJ"!'lt """'f"att"t NotlC'C" I. ht·rf'b:v II\.t'n uf the Inf'orpor.. IChool. May Ix' ..... n al M3 RI,.rdale or Scroggins, who attempted "to fix" ;chool's history. undefeated Denver, 3-3. o( ."" ilrl'l w'ar bA_lr, ("II. )9~ : Thorntl'\ Funeral Held Today .lton 01 Plumbf· ...• Suppl~ CompanY. call a..()::::':.:..______~ ___ FREE Irnn porUlllon 10 III •. W.lhln,,· d A. Brnwn. J()w. Cttq Burtn" A. Cnr whlth tl"1r.n bu.lnr.. /In Ih. lIOth day of lOll or PnrU.nd. Orf-Ron. Drive late I crucia l USC-UCLA basketball Goo thing- K LOTZ The season ended a little dlf- I""k 1 ~wl"""'· n . Iii ; A'''''rt W. Cumpr. April. 1951 II • cnrptlr.Uon f r pee,,"I· MU T SELL: Alrracllve ludlO <­ J ohu.fOn Counb'. JOW8, Th .«ntral n - Chapman was stricken with polio. days. 'f"fn('1, "rr"'n t .. M("CI,.n""PlM. l$lour· r'uncral /.'1'\· :Cl'S for Jame F. lure 01 Ih, bu In .... 10 b<' Ir.n"cl~ I TV nllto-nna. Amph "Ill 2 !la,' All rhort. no Rt E rnom. m .. n Phone t14'~. SupcriOI' Judgc Philip H. Rich­ o""V ; John R. , ' ''r. O,.lwrlr, · Arthur manuru("tur~. buy•• ell Rnd d ;,1 In pqulp­ nrl $20 . Will In laU. Phon. '·2078. p;;jjDLE or llo'lr1rt'''. plurnbfnJ( .uppllf'l. mls ordered the 3j ·year-old jack­ Althou, h he responded to Ir('at-I ntf', hH~ln~ or profe lonal women. r.h8rl.~ Cit ... . Ilnd Jo ph WIlUrtm.. ~ .. w will b" held at 2 p.m. today at th mn['hinl'rv .nd ouy and nil "rt'('I~. ot NEW 'a)·we. Wa h m"chlnr wllh pump. P~on. 3341. ot·alHrades to scrve out the fine ment he W IIS 10 t to Kl o t~ for tb Jap Davis Cuppers P...,vldtoc~ . rom"'t'rct' o( ",hal.aM'\.>tr kind. t'n •••t' O. E. "frl... r or. Dnlh uerll nl


New Union Board Holds First 'Meeting ; . Yesterday In Washington Losl Glove ...... ~ ...... -- ._ . ..."'" [ ~ ~~ 'fIII"'!"~...... , __ -_ .,. ..".,.~ --...... _ - , Who says 'you can't Would Make Boy Happy ...... ~~ ~~!!_- ! -~ BEEF PRICE PROBE - The house agriculture committee re­ If Returned opened its investigation of the beef p~ice rollback to "get all the facts" and ordered top prke control of1icia]s to appear tor questining If there's anything a 10-year­ take it. with 'you today. old boy takes pride in, it's his • • • baseball glove, especially if he's Keep up with SUI life the year around PO TAL RATE IIlKE - A 60 percent increase in second class been saving up pcnnies for by taking mail rates was approved by the house postofCice committee. The months to buy one. administration had asked a 100 percent increase. That's why Bobby Carran, ~on Second class mail consh:ts mainly of newspapers anel other pub­ of Mr. and Mrs. Robert CaNan, lications. • • • 741 Dearborn stroet, has been The DaiLy Iowan feeling a bit low this week. ALARM OVER ATOI\I SECRET - An alarm system guarding He lost hi s clove Sunday with you this summer atomic secrets was set off accidentally, causing brief excitement. nlltht. Capitol police blocked anyone from leaving the senate wing for Bobby and his parents were five minutes - until they determined nothing was wrong. Take advon ~ oge of this visiting with friends, Mr. and Mrs. The alarm system protects secret files of the joint congressional committee on atomic energy. Hoyt Tague, Rochester road, when SPECIAL STUDENT OFFER • • • Bobby laid lJ1e glove on the back DRIVE FOR RECE - Senate Democratic leaders slarted a of a car parked in the Tague's Daily Iowan mailed to you drive for a summer recess of congress which would defer until au­ yard, thinking the car belonged anywhere in the United States tumn final action on a proposed huge increase in taxes. to Tague. , 15 weeks· June 9 to Sept. 15 $2.00 Sen. Ernest W. McFarland (D-Ariz.), chairman of the Democratic The car, h()wever, belonged to , ua'I,. le"'a .. Plt.&e) policy committee, said decision on such a move would be lett, how­ a e04ple Uving uP$tairs in the THE 1951·52 STUDENT UNION BOARD held its f1tst meeting Tuesday nlgM. Asslsled by lall ,ear'. chairman. Harold Knotts. L4, Iowa Cit ; I'rof. Earl Ilarpcr, director or the Iowa Union, and a8llistanl Stop in today or mail $2.00 ever, to the tax-writing senate finance committee. Tague horne and tho glove fell oU , when ~he couple drove away. director Frank Burge, the new board began d i scus ~i ons 011 projects rot this summer. Starting rrom the Daily Iowan· Corner Dubuque and Iowa • • Occupants in a car wit.h a 57 Inwf'r lert hand corner of the picture and proceedin g around the table clock wi e are Nathan Edwards, ELEVENTH HOUR TAY - Sccretary of Commerce Charles E. (Linn <)Ounty) Hcense plate picked G. Iowa CUy; John Honland. D3. l\larshalltown; Joe Ryan. L3. !~_iiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_. Iowa City, Iowa Cedar Rapids; EUie Glick. A2, Creston; Peg Jcn en, C3. Denison; I ___ ,______..! Sawyer and eight associates - all held fn contempt ot court - won tip the glove and inrormed 1he an eleventh hour stay in their Light to retain government conlrOl of Iowa. City couple that it fell off Knotts; Harper; Burge; Jack Miller, E3, Flossmoor, Ill.; Jean TODAY & their car. Roberts, P3. Cedar Falls; FranCi ne Appleman, A3, Elmhur t, Ill.; VARSiiY 1 $68-million steamship linc. to .. , (,,, ' .. Ii' I .) • TbUlldayl But since the couple knew R,-"",rly Fnwlanrl. 11/1. Greenboro, N.C.; Mirkie Mc ~\luJlcn , A2, They had been given until I p.m. Thursday to turn over effective Dubuque; Pete van Oostcrhaut. A2, Orange City; Dick Thompson, Come as control of the Ameri can President Lines Limited, to R. Stanley Dol­ nothlnc about the Irlove they Mldnlte told the Linn county people to UJ, Des Moines, and Tom Moffit, A3, Tipton. are Show la, and his associatqs. keep It. Saturda, If they failed to meet the deadline, the U.S. circuit court of ap­ , Someone in Linn county "could Air NIC'ht peals here said, they would go to jail for contempt. make Bobby feel pretty darn Cond tioned TODAY ------happy today," M:rs. Carran said By Tbru .'KIDA Y Alway •• Rerrl,eratlon place ill Iowa Citian Files First Jet 'Ace Gets~ _' Tuesday, "if they read this." park HELD FOR LOITERING ACADEMY AWARD ER $25,000 Car Accident Distingui,shed .Cross ~~~f~!d ~~~~to:;; ~~iceM~~~t _. , 't Here Tuesday on a charge 01 loitering. TOKYO (,4» - The world's Hamilton chose to serve !our days Judy Holliday Damage SUI first jet ace had a distinguished in county jail rather than pay the fine. Mrs. Pearl Skrlvel , Iowa City, service cross pinned on his chest -;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: "BEST ACTRESS OF THE YEAR" Tuesday filed a $25,000 auto accl- late Monday. !I COLUMBIA PICTURES presents " ,.-.lotf,J ",.en l:lG-JO:OO" - ..... JOHN dent damage suil in Johnson coun­ Capt. James J abara, 27 , stood -ENDS ==[Ii.:'':':~1IICI , , ~, FOR;O""~"~~ IIOW TlIlJRSDAY_ ..., .....n ....u lULU • kNM "" .. nUl ..un .... U ..ltlU SUU III" ...... U 'I(TIUS CtINb" ty district court. erect as Lt. Gen. Earl E. Pathridge. ft The suit arises from an accident acting Far East airforces comman­ .15ORN Thursday* * Night * at the intersection of Dodge street der, pinned on the DSC, which is BEST SHOW IS and Iowa avenue May 2, when second only to the medal of hon­ Snack cars driven by H. Wilkison, Iowa or. , -~P4y Cooled Ci ~y. and Mrs. Skriver col11ded. But he was sore all over, mighty IN TOWN­ JUDY WllLIlM Bar " By Mrs. Skriver claims lhat her sore. He still felt the effects 'ot {hat BAR NONEI ~ F.r her with car was almost completely lhrough big jet battle Sunday where he t Nature'. i HOlll~A' . H~lOfN delidous the intersec ion when the Wilki- bagged two migs, his fif~h and perflrmance son car slruck the right side of her sixth. This put him ooe over the in the screen's Own hot and BRODERICK auto ·causing $150 damages. total nellded to make him an ace. bast c••• dy! tAAWf~R~ Air She claims bruises and fractured Being an ace wall not .new ·tor At Regular Prices cold vertcbrae of thc neck which ne- Jabara. He got; ninc ' and a half anaclca fihn cesfiitaled hospitsUzation. The kills in Wo rld War II - (three of A that will linger plaintiff said she has jncurred h05- them on the ground). But he was­ pital, medical and surgical bills n't flying jets then. • and will require furthcr hospital Jet combat }luts such stresses and medical treatment. on a pilot that he gets aches all OVCf. MOELLER TO SPEAK "I teel llke I've been through a (ootb:.!1 game," the one-time FEAT RIlTTE Prof. Leslie G. Moeller, director "ACE Ot' CLUBS" Wichita, Kans., high school Quar­ of the SUI school of joumal~m. terback told correspondent:;. - l"ATE Nr.WS- will deliver the commencement , . address, "Gt'tting Ready for To­ .HOTOS TAUN ON CAMPUS LIKE THOUSANDS OF AMERICA'S STUDENTS­ morrow's World," al Anamosa MID·WEST PREMIERE ' high school today. MAKE THIS MILDNESS TEST YOURSELF AND GET NEXT SUNDAY "Doors Open 1:15-9:<15" "Gor, .... Cecile ...", ",.,. tt:f;fttfl tuous 19 YI.r I,. Fr.d fit•• II STARTS FRIDAY WHAT EVERY SMOKER WANTS the r••••• a•• rlc ••• In ""... , to tH darll', Fn.. "hi, ~ II...... ! .. STARTS TODAY "ENDS ~IOUI",AI FRIDAY" "MI,'e.H

t FIAH RUN HIT~ S Insplnd by the lamoua french DOTel •••• McmOG Lncau" by Abbe PrOTO" It'. Adult EDtertcdDJDeDt

pro In : }, ..:.: .'~~!mll.. lml111:c::~ rna, THE SUSPENSE IS co I sup SO TERRifiC liol NO ONE WILL MILDNESSI ' F "BE SEA '!'ED sail DURJNG THE NO UNPLEASANT AFTER-TASTE " dill LAST ~ Plus.., OVER 1500 PROMINENT TOBACCO GROWERS 4( SAY: "When I apply the Standard Tobacco G;owers' Be Test to cigarettes I find Chesterfield is the one that smells Milder and smokes Milder." ule cld .. A WELL-KNOWN INDUSTRIAL RESE·ARCH . ORGANIZATION REPORTS: "Of all brands tested, intt pal Che terfield is the only cigarette in which. ri,embers Stu ., ...... We. DORIS GENE of r taste ponel found !l2 \!Dp,leasant after-!9!!!." tim IriIIIt, ~.' Oal ur." nel!. , .... u.nllll1I, tlon DAY· NELSON f'ltE CIH 0N-f ..1iI1 •• fr ~ Su.,.lItr siSAKAu , BillY DE IYOlfE _ W , .NlWSW_ 6LADYS GEORGE BUTlEa A DAvin on FlA'tva. J ,"·1,;, TIiOa 1, ••" ••1 ,. to 1 Il d'·",''''.'';- boa