18 THE WINNIPEG Moru Sept Bombers Regain Defeat Regina Football Jacobs Fires Grid Scores Eskimos Chill RACING And Standings Final day of fall at 3 Touchdowns mr In 4 By CORDE HUNTER pu W I. F A a t MS 14 II REGINA Scoring a touch farly In the quarter t 4 III J a mui 4 Chambers then the Issue be-- Blue a two-gam- e Jim put never looking Winnipeg mapped Luxton Royala at Park t II U i obscure Montreal Intermediate doubt early In fourth Saturday afternoon at Taylor by the p.m. Winnipeg led the jit scored two before Edmonton Calgary a on end Regina a monton Eskimos to majors the first the Blue and Cold moved Into a tie with Junior Final mo rot n over Calgary Saturday 33 yards out and the second Through their All-Sta- rs All-Sta- rs B.C. Manitoba w A In Western union irom me con the for second Both have three and four r night a t at Olympic rink Hamilton 4 lt tt a game a one of them to give Eski- with the Regina crew hav- - Manitoba leads best-of-thr- ee series Ottawa t S SI 4 mos a Toronto 1 I It II I of their last four straight fleet-foote- Ing dropped 1 I II It 1 a d Negro Roughing penalties against Ed flying Ottawa Hamilton skirted the end for two monton set up Calgary's second Tom the brilliant Montreal Toronto I. spectacular touchdown runs to pave quarterback Stan Heath Bomber who hid Armstrong Coif the way for Eskimos' vic finally hitting Shaw with a touch- been kept off the W r A tory in seven league The win down pass from the Eskimo Conference up until I 1 1 II t their lead to six Shaw converted with two S 1 IS 4 points g tt broke the goose-eg- 11 at the half-wa- y mark oi league remaining to ena scoring In convincing at t 0 0 he two Texan Oil Edmonton accepted Toronto t. In perfect Es forward from Jack kimos concentrated strictly on a Jacobi for Jacobi Spring a to nan- - alio fired touchdown pan U.S. Football loose in a a Ell and end Armstrong anand put theme issue W. ed one Joe Amateur II A. i a. North Carolina State for three Kentucky Tennessee Tech Mike King and Half- - with the safety touch rounding Florida Wyoming O. backi Roland and Bomber Officials Paul Virginia Tech Marshall out the Hill Kwong H. Clen Dobbs was responsible for and head monton Coach Stu- - Stout St Olat Ed- - - George kus four of the most of the Regina romp- Cordon e. converted Ile monton touchdowns and King t 22 yards for the first Wayne Dave the other T Billy m. ed Stamps' West for rider touchdown and firing a 17 rust quarter Eskimo e. H. Kaius- - - yard forward to end Jack Russell convert college boy from Teacher O. Import end Dob was ura- Red kicked t chopped down giant-kille- r Joe M Adolphus La Cross biz cun In the Calgary He for the with a state i i ii i irn Cliff Rose- - Bob routed on Jocoba relentless streak Concordia North Dakota scored one one while Sandberg roused on of golf and became to - par Saturday twice and kicked a placement May Ted quick kicked 87 yards for the iou-n- Agricultural O. Sandberg's the youngest player since the grett 13I Davit account lor nine Calgary nead lii other point down t. Bobby Jones to win the United 1 H I south Dakota state lowa state P K J Mc vert in Teachers Anderson went oer for VyV Jacobs opened the scoring v. States amateur Hal touchdown im AMI FAR WEST In I mid-wa- Bombers the y for the early The imperturbable red San Francisco Stats Lewis and drew tint blood first quarter when his boom Third Quarter deadly with his de the 53 Clark through opening quarter on X Ing punt from the Winnipeg Fourth Quarter U. the Utah Montana State iu a. was on the touchdown barrister 4 and 3 their Denver Colorado college O. h convert to Washington Classer attempted convert finals over the water- - a from 30 yardsj second Quarter touch- lateral to but the soaked Saucon down Anderson convert Valley a Edmonton ball bounded Into the end Jones 22 when he Harry Bunting on It for was won the Football lateral fullback Bob convert where fell first of his five amateur titles at by placement the two Football Statistics on Edmonton ran the It the Merlon In But the youngest ball to the 30 and first Following man to this Calgary Third Quarter Just before the quarter of the Mine capture championship Lions Prevail to Ted Tully who car- touchdown 10 Ken Charlton was forced Homber was KObert who did It ried to After convert to Hal Mauthe on the Football at 19 In SAN Led by Calgary to kick Ray Enright picked up 11 yards Fourth Quarter game of Doak Walker and touchdown Regina battle Lions and a Calgary piling penalty touchdown a pass to Number f 10 10 turned Into a terrific of Detroit Saturday night Jacobs completed battle scored a over Chicago put ball on King convert the ball being fumbled length of punta- - When the first victory went over for touchdown Cal mi Cardinals In a National convert and then recovered by Armstrong doMna j. Texan to take the closed TOM CASEY mild-manner- Football exhibition for a seven yard Jacobs to larda 44 out the ed lawyer on league gained SS XI two to break Into statistics Ag- - was good for 11 to the Attempted forward tie was even par for scores majors scoring Early In the Calgary Yardsticks a 18 JJ quick-kicke- d to Edmonton Regina Jacobs then rifled Completed the day over the ler the la the to Bud Korchak on the gained on forward 15 10 where Miles fumbled and Sugar- - Following by e 1 which played long and heavy from torr of the four and the Bomber Intercepted foot Anderson scooped up the loose torrential football - wine carnea to we loat on 10 IS played the finals Football pigskin and romped over for Cal union game eai- Sokol was held for no Fumble S S first Shaw con Andy t 1 loaded with medicine to alleviate gary's but on second Jacobs lobbed O the of a Di Attempted placement pain stabbing - Number of unit II a pais to the uncovered Casey in 0 0 He had three abscesses In his Minutes Quarterback Fran- length orf DOpunt IS I 3 X Miles of punta I IS ISO the end rone for the Aguirre Touchdown mouth lanced and Still kle passed to from 10 3 1 Thursday Hamilton down 17 an Edmonton It 1 another cut open the Calgary for Yard at 1 Friday night convert gainedforward xo Bombers added another point 1 O His again Attempted It Safety 0 O doctor said the pain was Completed forward t 9 at the beginning of the second so severe the Westchester Yard gained on 41 IS Ken Charlton from line of Win A brilliant bun by West after Intercepted by I t with County hadn't eaten a Gain lawyer First 8 4 Alouettes the Edmonton kickoff brought the fumble setting up the meal In three n - front wall all the 45 to Ottawa's Yard on 15 IS on square days ang Hamilton's power-lade- Tiger- up the Ottawa dashing yards ball back to the Edmonton 36 and penalties Charlton dropped the ball got little sleep to Waggoner went s where Joe Friday Cats brushed off another threat after two running plays failed Shaw Own recovered O 1 the Regina He was He over In three plays and Tip X on It for given their Big Four football mastery completed eight of 16 for booted a placement to make It Attempted placement s pounced gulped down aspirins before the turned in lone Logan placements O 1 Biff Flits was held Time beating threatening ward gains at half Touchdown a the Out off u-- o ban-carryi- ng t teeing Ottawa at his and to no while Casey made with Then Waggoner fumbled On the last play of the S The undefeated Tiger-- and climaxed his work with snatched the loose ball went off 1 0 Jacobs stepped back and JEFF KEATE Simpson Kwong O By with four touchdown on a five-yar- d 10 a Kin tie 0 kicked to Charlton In the end straight winning and went yards for from the Calgary 10 a O 0 tour-poi- nt over Charlton to now hold a jeaa dash around the end in the fourth down which tackle Bob Gain from line of but a. swarm of Baseball the second-plac- e Bomber hauled him The luckless Montreal The Negro Import from Syracuse Joe teamed with of R-W-- off to a bad start after call down back the B- Bantam being University had solid support from to set the stage for the winning their ed the team to beat this Satur Hal The fleet end high Football Regma scrimmaged from switched their usual offensive leaped own Sandberg picked up two day and Canadian products liar to snatch forward the Bombers tactics to edge Toronto Argonauts Dick Brown and Jack Stew He was tackled on the then caught napping and emerge with their first win on second down by kicking 87 Their brilliant running helped line but after one play for where Loop of the The game was the reel off 25 first downs took It over for an unconverted Three yards and the end ed In Straight to for Sleepy Knowles was rouged by new Jack sensation of the Bie turned The first half was Tom of Ottawa made as Are 26 and had Bombers struck quickly they Honored in a sparkling job of directing the Then Ottawa's Bob Simpson completed own nd pained on their oe-hi- fumbled after taking a forward one Intermediates to fast Hamilton attacK with Jacobs threading a needle Bay Bronze champions a strong line which chewed Brown grabbed the Teg on the Bomber The or and Ban The bolstered by and St. Vital Legion out for the Armstrong the White Blue dis- end straight-arme- d tam Baseball were feted a couple of new recorded victories In the usual Bulldogs out of at a pleasant social Sun regarded their passing Intermediate Rugby a The final touchdown was a bril turned to a power- g of the play and ran the remaining Baseball attack and league Sunday The pace-settin- play on the part M for the ful ground offensive by their made It three in a and Glen President Coop Williams present back-field- er converted to give the locals starry array of Canadian row When whitewashed Nor took an Elmwood kick at ed Do-mini- jackets to the Joey on they a to beat last year's wood Boniface and when apparently Fred Rl In a tense Legionnaires first touchdown Garth Jim champions while St. Vital hopped on the to Nightin- cellar-dwellin- ball recovered as a of a Bomber Harold Grant St. g Elmwood Bombers gale fumbled the but came result per Boniface as and raced down Sokol a pitch-o- ut Jack Brian The outcome left the Als and for a almost quickly dropped the sidelines for a from with Glasser Cliff Argos tied for third place with one A large crowd was on hand on Ken Automatic again convert recovering for the I hive to go out to dinner Albert victory and three to see the preserve their their a I'm in tra n lor ana mascot The Al's although tackle unbeaten and on In turn Frank Hatcher closed out the Becker went around hi you er Senior Herb Trawick was out with an They went to work on the last of the Champs cave a much-Improv- ed dis a touchdowns scoring play end for and over centre fielder's scoring pair own eight Boone to BUSS well the For-kir- n game when he kicked a travelled five more for presented Manager By JOHNNY Ken Little led the attack He was strengthened Dy In the first Al Dobbs Bob Addle Williams After a stretch of more than a a addition of Glenn from getting the first on a la- a first Soccer emblems to on three Blues hurlers with Al presented flag fleet-foote- Forest and The Was good for seven and Sandberg St. Boniface Native Sons feet The d out Wake College teral from Tiger up live to Winnipeg are possessors oi the fielder hit In all five times a veteran Norm Geller Baseball picked Sand- and Guest for hitter again proud safely Dobbs to Nix went for 10 and outstanding Baldy Northcott at Fred Dunsmore and Gor With the front wall making big Van cat im t Vi o On the and Archie Glover handed crests Rod Pan- - berg again crashed for to tic of the Greater Winnipeg Senior don Simpson both came through gaps in the Argo a fumble on Dobbs Pete recovering next appeared trapped and who Baseball league with a couple of Tommy the Combines 18 yard irom Norwood and behind the line of Guest Thodos and Bob plug- - far all-st- ar The Sons their to climaxed Cunningham where Russell tossed a bass to his way clear and took part In the league s proved right Yesterday's victory ana run only Wiggle the title by season for the Native gea s - to Harold Neufeld for the 22 a defeating great y- gallop yards lor M. 40 with import In the Ai converted to make the John Gordon of The defending Playing approximately The Als rolled r yaroa presented pictures to the players Sunday to cop the they only lost fw for t his second major oI the day Morse Place score Winnipeg Regina oi-sev- en the against and mascot received an auto- final series four games At the conclusion of the along ground h j from G Tony Of the Als' 15 first 35 graphed baseball from Laurie to the championship trophy along and raced yards struck for an- 11 were made along the Norm G u A large crowd at with other awards were presented ine sucks other major In the early Curly on behalf of the to of team Argos ted and moments later booted Tie Park watched Pete Rettie hurl various members the using Midgets Split utes of the second After a Play presented league director great ball for the Native Joe Van handed ground a goal Jacobs to second down Leah with a while Neil Rettie struck out ten and did not over the Northcott Trophy to Man ed out the scoring on a rouge by Norwood Morse Place mid- nine to the t and The margin of difference was Pete the final gets their playoff Sun pass gained yards eT Dennis Danny pass a Although he weak- ager Doug Rod jn split Jacobs was aim I tu T A ened the last two frames had two single points kicked ty ln ln the best of at line of scrim- to a deadlock in the first Of a The score by Pantages In the third and fourth came to life Morse Place won the first best-of-three-ga- me to stave off champion Bulldogs a series for v enough a mage In attempting to gain - 7 m last particularly ln the and Norwood the night Dominion soccer title here Satur- 4 12 - first Bright feature of the Blues play St. Boniface The Argos lacked scoring punch fourth to turn back Elm- Morse Dobbs was Parsons with the absence of two top-flig- ht Ahead at the the to two two tie They hit for two and In brilliant the Tommy Hannesson's long - Placed am of and Ronnie nome ana Curtis and Ted loo- a of ln play again Tuesday at Norwood at one to Jack Russell who game was a see-sa- w match with and run with a man on in the and Kettle Mer Ulysses Bulldogs split pair points Bomber ninth sidelined with the third then came up 6 p.m. hU to the little to choose between the He drove the ball duel one and a Dobbs with 13 In the fourth quar- Tom won a mound Sandberg went for There was no score in an un points Marc ln the feu ter on a pair of converted touch- from first pass exciting first half downs and a to the Norwood Charlton then went back In punt Johnny Inside left of St Lacrosse Morse Both the kick and crowd of The Bulldogs opened the scoring but faked brought the After fanned and to Russell on the Winnipeg to its feet when he beat Ul early in the first passed the Bombers had run an attempted allowed two hits In winning the Dobbs came back Into the game ster's John Anderson with a hard second started and to Russell on the goal shot two minutes after the second placement by Bogden passed three-yar- d Morse Place but was replaced to make It in favor of half Halley slid past the out to the they line Wild e In in goal-lin- by at- Score fumbled behind the and convert Kids defence and taking a loose rolling Ian Winnipeg St. Ernie Evans fell on it tempt was blocked by balL beat the Ulster goalie started their final Ulster threatened twice but for a converted Takes from their own Bobby Vancouver and the clubs went to the dressing touchdown march with St. Vital ahead 22 after Casey had a Charl- was equal to the occasion until Eastern Title 33 Game off In Open Ron last halt was minutes Lacrosse Elmwood started ton Minto 15 and Jacobs n I CAU Cup In but The coast management fashion In the sec- Cary Mid far v for pitching his stick Into the head gashed the third period threatening to Nelll Armstrong was good for nicely from It in was mumbling about protesting to ond when a Joe Samp- of Memphis recovered officials' bench where on holes ther 13 to the Winnipeg broke past centre half Nick In one of the saddest off scorer Jim Goalie Morley Woods of the B.C. president Tom O son pass hit Gerry Woods on remarkably the last nine hen an incomplete Glover of Vancouver ana drove nf k The visitors team also was laid low in Honorary president H. T. Bird of the Bulldogs the Bombers to-- win in- - the Eastern open golf down completed ball from 30 out It went Into V off first to be tournament even pass and on second yards 1 showed their dis- final In the only true the faced the appeared though New riof parliament Is Canada's nation frequently will he drove out of on the last to Buddy the left hand beating the ball stand-u- p Cliff Hamilton of Second came of the series they made little on the next to al All-Sta- rs pleasure by throwing On third down and with three bold Winnipeg scored Into the seats and one lad can and Harold McLennan be played tonight at the Olympic two plays and Fred Isherwood to Sokol on the of the the Winnipeg on finished with a one-under-- par Jacobs passed Outstanding player game first victory In be with obscene ges- of B.C. drew majors In the second rink at o clock and a k booted a singleton third 36 another first was Anderson In for charged was the 71 for total Regina for goal the annals of the Minto cup and tures the It Jacobs faded back and to his The Toronto was loose me first time team nas of nine below par for the junior lacrosse cham Their coaches did not help any As as the was any Winnipeg St. Vital got that point back and threw a pass to throughout the fine goal far game defeated a coast since Ander-- Mount Pleasant right long 10 The kids by running all ever the pre- the kids squad moments when Brian who was standing five ing saved them In the last Columbia to Winnipeg play The winner wasn't decided until Tom Casey of Twice Toronto upset British mises engage the officials ed brilliant In Argonauts son hoofed one over the Bombers' back the end utes the u-- e. particular mish in the last by little Jerry Barber yards it was game of In argument and on ont occa- first half when goal make the robbed Vancouver for series for sion Bob Marsh of the they final of when lie failed wards of sure and three the the visitors Woods In the Coast net had th to tried goals by diving to meet In the Dominion and President Ernie The Coast squad squawked that putt for The the ball from their feet Be a busy time and his mates were it left him one behind to back into the ball but taking of the Greater Winnipeg la- the third ran two minutes way when Bulldogs hit get Bomb fore they could get their shots retreating through a heavy defensive work by the Thirty-nin- e penalties Infested the crosse association had to be re- of In the first u fleet Kay Smith taking a hand-ha- d Bombers i In siege penalties filed no official ers kept at which took three hours to strained from clashing an 30 Glen - off from quarterback Jim possession with but two on the the Elmwood Terrier La- and th ena ten tT IS TO PAY OP gained complete due to Injuries and con- argument penalty whipped five shots In the B.C. yards WATt minutes' to go and kept between - crosse a mi m middle so Giant tinual bickering the narti- On the the lads Jim Palmer netted a an Biff up the Catcher and the two Winnipeg who failed to put ln no chance of an inter- unhappy went off when Don Merrill had been as to have Draws ana Cliff Ja usually Lionel although they Yanks Add Player forward Suspension Coach Les was once Lome invited said cepted Wes guilty Merrick and Bill NEW New York ft--a three but were stopped Catcher oi bouncing off the bench to ha One of the redeeming features on their own 43 yard line as the of New York Giants Sunday On pain of being called a ana the of Saturday's debacle was the Yankees Sunday added outfielder pun sounded to end the was fined and suspended for the greater part of the Clark Hicks Dave with George crowd's The odd fan who Archie Wilson to their to a of his took three penalties three as result poor sportsmanship was and also delayed the contest m the Dale and wandered too close to penalty improve their Mm two clubs meet In Win altercation with Umpire Al by the Coast which final to come over tell Vera Anctil scored for B.C. box or players benches was The new play- W Cubs period and Buffalo of PORTAGE this coming Saturday after In a game against Chicago took 25 penalties including a referees were Woolley played an promptly chased away by the po er was with the here to getting Jeep International this penalty Harold Fox The fiery Hicks had his J game on defence the lice constables on league