CURRICULUM VITAE Risto Alapuro December, 2006

Department of Sociology Huvilakatu 9 B 25 PB 18 (Unioninkatu 35) 00150 00014 Finland Tel. +358-9-19123913 Tel. +358-9-2784409 Fax +358-9-19123967 E-mail: [email protected]


Master of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, 1967 (eximia cum laude approbatur)

Licentiate of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, 1969 (cum laude approbatur)

Ph.D., University of Helsinki, 1973 (eximia cum laude approbatur)


Research assistant, Department of Sociology, University of Helsinki, 1968-1973.

Acting associate professor in sociology, University of Helsinki, 1974-1975.

Senior research fellow, Academy of Finland, 1976-1980.

Acting chief assistant in sociology, University of Helsinki, 1983-1984.

Professor of sociology, University of Jyväskylä, 1986-1991.

Professor of sociology, University of Helsinki, 1991-.

Academy Professor, Academy of Finland, 2005-2009

Visiting Fulbright Scholar, Center for Research on Social Organization, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1973-1974. Faculty advisor: Professor Charles Tilly.

Visiting Scholar, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, 1980-1981. Faculty advisor: M. François Furet.

Visiting Professor (Finnish history and culture), Université Paris III - La Sorbonne Nouvelle, 1985-1987, 1999-2000.

Visiting Scholar, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, 1990- 1991. Visiting Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Fall 1996.

Research funding, 2001-2005

Senior scientist, Academy of Finland, from 1 August 2003 to 31 July 2004.

In charge of the project "Self-Governing Associations in Northwestern Russia", funded by Academy of Finland, 2004-2007.

In charge of the project “Spaces of Democracy: Associations and Civil Society in Finland in a Comparative Perspective”, 2005-2009 (post of Academy Professor, 2005-2009).

Scholarly activities

Chairman of the working group in sociology in the Committee for Technological-Scientific Cooperation between Finland and the Soviet Union, 1978-1982.

Editor-in-chief of Sosiologia (the Finnish sociological journal), 1979-1980.

Invited member of the Historical Society of Finland (Suomen Historiallinen Seura) 1980.

Member of the Finnish Academy of Sciences (Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia) 1993.

Member of the Academia Europaea 1998.

Member of the editorial board of Acta Sociologica 1997-2000, consulting editor 2003-.

Consulting editor of International Labor and Working-Class History 2000-.

Member of the international board (Comité international) of Genèses. Sciences sociales et histoire 2000-.

Member of the Comité de lecture of Boréales. Revue du Centre de Recherches Inter-Nordiques 2001-.

Member of the Conseil scientifique of Revue d’historique Nordique, Nordic Historical Review, 2006-.

Expert tasks

Expert tasks in nominating the candidate for the post of Professor: University of Tampere (sociology), University of Uppsala (sociology), University of Copenhagen (sociology), University of Helsinki (political history), University of Tampere (Finnish history)., University of Tampere (social sciences)

Statement of the scholarly competence of the candidate for the post of Professor in political science at the University of Tartu. (twice)

Doctoral thesis examiner (opponent) in sociology: University of Jyväskylä (1), University of Tampere (2), University of Lund (1), University of Helsinki (2). Doctoral thesis examiner in history: University of Helsinki (2). Doctoral thesis examiner (opponent) in comparative politics: University of Bergen (December 2003). Supervisor of eight doctoral theses defended in the University of Jyväskylä and the University of Helsinki.

Member of the Scientific Council of the University of Helsinki, 2004-2005.

Member of the EURYI (European Young Investigator Award) Review Panel “Humanities and Social Sciences”, 2006

Member of the board of the Kone foundation, 1997-


1 Articles in international scholarly journals with referee practice

“The Construction of the Voter in Finland, c. 1860-1907”. Redescriptions: Yearbook of Political Thought and Conceptual History 10 (2006), 41-64.

“La Guerra Civile finlandese del 1918 e il suo ricordo in prospettiva locale”. Memoria e ricerca. Rivista di storia contemporanea 21 (gennaio-aprile 2006), 21-34.

: Fruitful Contradictions”. Acta Sociologica 49:2, 2006, 139-147.

“Associations and Contention in France and Finland: Constructing the Society and Describing the Society”. Scandinavian Political Studies 28 (December 2005), 377-399.

"Intellectuels et médias en Finlande". Questions de Communication, 2004, 63-71.

"What Is Western and What Is Eastern in Finland?". Thesis Eleven 77 (May 2004), 85-101.

"Citoyennetés nationales et citoyenneté européenne: Finlande". Cahiers Européens d’Houjarray online (, No. 6, 2003, 31-39.

“Estonian Views of Collective Action and Democracy”. Journal of Baltic Studies 34, 2003, 4, 457-469.

"La langue comme champ de lutte sociale". Études Finno-Ougriennes 32, 2001, 117-124.

"Kieli sosiaalisena taistelukenttänä" [Language as a Social Battlefield]. Franco-British Studies, No. 30 (Autumn 2000), 13-18.

"Networks, Identity, and (In)action: A Comparison between Russian and Finnish Teachers". European Societies 2, 2000, 65-90 (with Markku Lonkila). "Structure and Culture: Finnish Sociology, 1990-1994". Acta Sociologica 38, 1995, 167-180.

"Classi sociali e nazionalismo in Finlandia: uno studio comparativo". Quaderni storici 84, 1993, 745-773.

"Finland, Thrown out into the World Alone". Scandinavian Studies 64, 1992, 699-708.

"Réflexions sur 'le consensus' en Finlande: une perspective historique". Études Finno- Ougriennes 20, 1988, 95-105.

"Forestry-Based Regional Variations in the Structure of the Agrarian Population in Finland". Le développement agro-forestier au Quebec et en Finlande. Les Cahiers de l'ACFAS, No. 39, 1985, 33-68.

"Nineteenth-Century Nationalism in Finland". Scandinavian Political Studies, n.s. 2, 1979, 19- 29.

"Internal Colonialism and the Regional Party System in Eastern Finland". Ethnic and Racial Studies 2, 1979, 341-359.

"Peasants, States, and the Capitalist World System". Acta Sociologica 20, 1977, 181-193 (review article).

"On the Political Mobilization of the Agrarian Population in Finland: Problems and Hypotheses". Scandinavian Political Studies 11, 1976, 51-76.

"Regional Variations in Political Mobilisation: On the Incorporation of the Agrarian Population into the State in Finland, 1907-1932". Scandinavian Journal of History 1, 1976, 215-242.

"Students and National Politics: A Comparative Study of the Finnish Student Movement in the Interwar Period". Scandinavian Political Studies 8, 1973, 113-140.

2 Articles in international collections of articles

“Russian and Estonian Civil Society Discourses Compared”. Stephen White (ed.), Media, Culture and Society in Putin’s Russia, ed. by Stephen White (Houndmills: Palgrave, forthcoming 2007).

“Voluntary Associations and the State”. People, Citizen, Nation, ed. by Lars-Folke Landgrén & Pirkko Hautamäki (Helsinki: Renvall Institute, 2005), 12-26.

"Russians' and Estonians' Social Networks in a Tallinn Factory". Beyond Post-Soviet Transition: Micro Perspectives on Challenge and Survival in Russia and Estonia, ed. by Risto Alapuro, Ilkka Liikanen & Markku Lonkila (Helsinki: Kikimora, 2004) (with Markku Lonkila), 101-125.

“Introduction: Studying Post-Soviet Transition”. Beyond Post-Soviet Transition: Micro Perspectives on Challenge and Survival in Russia and Estonia, ed. by Risto Alapuro, Ilkka Liikanen & Markku Lonkila (Helsinki: Kikimora, 2004) (with Ilkka Liikanen and Markku Lonkila), 11-17. "The Finnish Civil War, Politics, and Microhistory". Between Sociology and History: Essays on Microhistory, Collective Action, and Nation-Building, ed. by Anna-Maija Castrén, Markku Lonkila & Matti Peltonen (Helsinki: SKS, 2004), 130-147.

"Les réseaux sociaux en Finlande et en Russie". Réseaux et société, ed. by Pierre Musso (Paris: PUF, 2003), 315-323.

"Les réseaux sociaux: une approche 'anti-structurale'". Science politique et interdisciplinarité, ed. by Lucien Sfez (Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2002), 79-87.

"Coping with the Civil War of 1918 in Twenty-First Century Finland". Historical Injustice and Democratic Transition in Eastern Asia and Northern Europe: Ghosts at the Table of Democracy, ed. by Kenneth Christie & Robert Cribb (London and New York: RoutledgeCurzon, 2002), 169-183.

"Reflections on Social Networks and Collective Action in Russia". Education and Civic Culture in Post-Communist Countries, ed. by Stephen Webber & Ilkka Liikanen (New York: Palgrave, 2001), 13-27.

"Social Classes and Nationalism: The North-East Baltic". National History and Identity: Approaches to the Writing of National History in the North-East Baltic Region Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, ed. by Michael Branch (Helsinki: SKS, 1999), 111-121.

"On the Repertoire of Collective Action in France and the Nordic Countries: A Perspective". Comparing Social Welfare Systems in Nordic Europe and France, vol. 4, ed. by Denis Bouget & Bruno Palier (Paris: MIRE-DREES, 1999), 93-112.

"Artisans and Revolution in a Finnish Country Town". Challenging Authority: The Historical Study of Contentious Politics, ed. by Michael P. Hanagan, Leslie Page Moch & Wayne te Brake (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1998), 73-88.

"Continuités et discontinuités des réseaux d'enseignants à Helsinki et Paris". Espaces, temporalités, stratifications. Exercices sur les réseaux sociaux, ed. by Maurizio Gribaudi (Paris: Éditions de l'EHESS, 1998), 121-142.

"Structural Tradition and Cultural Studies in Finnish Sociology". From the Doll's House to the Welfare States: Reflections on Nordic Sociology, ed. by Margareta Bertilsson & Göran Therborn (ISA 1998), 33-38.

"Categories, Networks, and Civil Society: Teachers' Social Ties in St. Petersburg". Civil Society in the European North: Concept and Context, ed. by Kaija Heikkinen & Elena Zdravomyslova (St. Petersburg: Centre for Independent Social Research, 1996), 109-116.

"Nineteenth-Century Nationalism in Finland: Comparative Remarks". Nordic Paths to National Identity in the Nineteenth Century, ed. by Øystein Sørensen (Oslo: The Research Council of Norway, 1994), 65-74.

"Civil Society in Russia?". The Future of the Nation-State in Europe, ed. by Jyrki Iivonen (Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1993), 194-218. "Peasants in the Consolidation of the Finnish State: The Rise of a Non-dominant Ethnic Group". Roots of Rural Ethnic Mobilisation, ed. by David Howell (New York: New York University Press, 1993), 145-168.

"Finland as a Latecomer State in an Eastern European Perspective". Finnland-Studien, ed. by Edgar Hösch (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1990), 58-73.

"The Intelligentsia, the State and the Nation". Finland: People, Nation, State, ed. by & David Kirby (London: Hurst, 1989), 147-165.

"Interstate Relationships and Political Mobilization in the Nordic Countries: A Perspective". Small States in Comparative Perspective: Essays for Erik Allardt, ed. by Risto Alapuro, Matti Alestalo, Elina Haavio-Mannila & Raimo Väyrynen (Oslo: Norwegian University Press, 1985), 93-107.

"Tidsproblemet i de historiskt inriktade samhällsvetenskaperna". [Problem of Time in the Historically Oriented Social Sciences]. Tidsoppfattelse og historiebevidsthed [Conception of Time and the Consciousness of History]. Studier i historisk metode 18 (Århus: Antikva, 1985), 188-197.

"Finland: An Interface Periphery". The Politics of Territorial Identity, ed. by Stein Rokkan & Derek W. Urwin (Beverly Hills: Sage, 1982), 113-164.

"Origins of Agrarian Socialism in Finland". Mobilization, Center-Periphery Structures and Nation-Building, ed. by Per Torsvik (Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1981), 274-295. "Mass Support for Fascism in Finland". Who Were the Fascists: Social Roots of European Fascism, ed. by Stein Ugelvik Larsen, Bernt Hagtvet & Jan Petter Myklebust (Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1980), 678-686.

"Statemaking and Political Ecology in Finland". The Social Ecology of Change, ed. by Zdravko Mlinar & Henry Teune (Beverly Hills: Sage, 1978), 109-143.

"The Lapua Movement: The Threat of Rightist Takeover in Finland, 1930-1932". The Breakdown of Democratic Regimes II. Europe, ed. by Juan J. Linz & Alfred Stepan (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978), 122-141 (with Erik Allardt).

3 Articles in Finnish scholarly journals with referee practice

"Missä ovat toimijat?" [Where Are the Actors?]. Sosiologia 38, 2001, 51-57.

"Sosiologit, Suomi ja Itä-Eurooppa" [Sociologists, Finland, and Eastern Europe]. Sosiologia 27, 1990, 199-204.

"Suomalainen Bourdieu ja Musta leski" [The Finnish Bourdieu and Black Widow]. Sosiologia 25, 1988, 3-7.

"De intellektuella, staten och nationen" [The Intelligentsia, the State and the Nation]. Historisk Tidskrift för Finland 72, 1987, 456-479. "Kansalaissota vallankumouksena" [The Civil War as a Revolution]. Sosiologia 20, 1983, 13-22.

"Poliittisten murrosten historiallisia vertailuja" [Historical Comparisons of the Political Crises]. Sosiologia 17, 1980, 127-137.

"Luokkaristiriita maaseudulla ennen kansalaissotaa" [Class Conflict in the Countryside before the Civil War]. Sosiologia 15, 1978, 3-11.

"Marxilaisesta yhteiskuntatutkimuksesta Suomessa vuosisadan alkupuolella" [On the Marxist Social Research in Finland in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century]. Tiede ja Edistys 2, No. 2, 1977, 14-21.

"Studentrörelserna och sociologin i 60-talets Finland" [Student Movements and Sociology in Finland in the 1960s]. 199-200, 1976, 336-360.

"Euroopan menneisyys ja vertaileva sosiologia" [The European Past and Comparative Sociology], Sosiologia 11, 1974, 262-267.

"Historialliset läpimurrot ja rankiteoria" [Historical Crises and the Theory of Ranks], Sosiologia 7, 1970, 81-87 (with Hannu Uusitalo).

4 Articles in Finnish collections of articles

“Osallistuvatko suomalaiset?” [Do Finns Participate Politically?]. Studia Generalia 2006 – Eduskunta 100 vuotta – demokratian haasteet, ed. by Miia Pesonen & Harri Westermarck (Helsinki: Yliopistopaino, forthcoming 2006).

“Den ryska diskursen om medborgarsamhället” [Russian Discourse about Civil Society]. Medströns – motströms, ed. by Tom Gullberg & Kaj Sandberg (Helsingfors: Söderström, 2005).

“Vertailut yhteiskuntatutkimuksessa”. [Comparisons in the Social Science Research]. Vertailevan tutkimuksen ulottuvuuksia [Dimensions of Comparative Research], ed. by Risto Alapuro & Ilkka Arminen (Helsinki - Porvoo - Juva: WSOY, 2004), 7-22.

"Historiallisia vertailuja" [Historical Comparisons]. Vertailevan tutkimuksen ulottuvuuksia [Dimensions of Comparative Research], ed. by Risto Alapuro & Ilkka Arminen (Helsinki - Porvoo - Juva: WSOY, 2004), 53-66.

"Vallankumous" [Revolution]. Käsitteet liikkeessä. Suomen poliittisen kulttuurin käsitehistoria [Concepts in Motion: History of Concepts in the Finnish Political Culture], ed. by Matti Hyvärinen, Jussi Kurunmäki, Kari Palonen, Tuija Pulkkinen & Henrik Stenius (Tampere: Vastapaino, 2003), 519-568.

"Suomalaisen älymystön ominaislaatu - vertailua ranskalaiseen" [Specificity of the Finnish Intellectuels: A Comparison with the French Ones]. Yhteiskunnallinen muutos [Societal Change], ed. by Harri Melin & Jouko Nikula (Tampere: Vastapaino, 2003), 81-89.

"Taistolaisten puolustus" [A Defence of the "Stalinists"]. Entäs kun tulee se yhdestoista? Suomettumisen uusi historia [A New History of the Finlandization], ed. by Johan Bäckman (Helsinki - Porvoo - Juva: WSOY, 2001), 339-343. "Kuinka neuvoteltavia sosiaaliset suhteet ovat" [To What Extent Are Social Relations Amenable to Negotiation?]. 2000-luvun elämä. Sosiologisia teorioita vuosituhannen vaihteesta [Life in the Third Millennium: Sociological Theories at the Turn of the Millennium], ed. by Tommi Hoikkala & J.P. Roos (Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2000), 102-111.

"Kolme esimerkkiä vakuuttavuudesta sosiologiassa" [Three Examples of Persuasiveness in Sociology]. Otteita kulttuurista. Kirjoituksia nykyajasta, tutkimuksesta ja elämäkerrallisuudesta [Fragments of Culture: Texts about the Present, the Research and the Biographic Approach] (Nykykulttuurin tutkimusyksikön julkaisuja 65), ed. by Maaria Linko, Tuija Saresma & Erkki Vainikkala (Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän yliopisto, 2000), 71-79.

"Kertomus suomalaisista idän ja lännen välissä" [A Story of the Finns between East and West]. Suomi. Maa, kansa, kulttuurit [Finland: Country, People, Cultures], ed by Markku Löytönen & Laura Kolbe (Helsinki: SKS, 1999), 98-112.

"Suojeluskunnat, Suomi ja sosialismin aikakausi" [Civil Guards, Finland, and the Epoch of Socialism]. Raja railona. Näkökulmia suojeluskuntiin [Perspectives on the Civil Guards in the Interwar Period], ed. by Risto Alapuro (Helsinki - Porvoo - Juva: WSOY, 1998), 7-12.

"Suojeluskunta paikallisyhteisössä" [Civil Guard in a Local Community]. Raja railona. Näkökulmia suojeluskuntiin [Perspectives on the Civil Guards in the Interwar Period], ed. by Risto Alapuro (Helsinki - Porvoo - Juva: WSOY, 1998), 221-238.

"Sivistyneistön ambivalentti suomalaisuus" [Intellectuals' Ambivalence of Being a Finn]. Elävänä Euroopassa. Muuttuva suomalainen identiteetti [Alive in Europe: The Changing Finnish Identity], ed. by Pertti Alasuutari & Petri Ruuska (Tampere: Vastapaino, 1998), 177- 191.

"Sosiaaliset verkostot ja kollektiivinen toiminta" [Social Networks and Collective Action]. Uudet ja vanhat liikkeet [The New and the Old Movements], ed. by Kaj Ilmonen & Martti Siisiäinen (Tampere: Vastapaino, 1998), 333-347.

"Lapsuusympäristö ja aikuisiän sosiaalinen verkosto helsinkiläis- ja pariisilaisopettajien keskuudessa" [Childhood Milieu and the Social Network during the Adulthood among Teachers in Helsinki and Paris]. Minkä ikäinen olettekaan, rouva? [At What Age Are You, Madam?], ed. by Tapio Aittola, Leena Alanen & Paula Rantamaa (Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän yliopisto, SoPhi No. 5, 1996), 55-70.

"Ensimmäinen ja toinen aste" [First and Second Degree]. Boken om vårt land 1996. Festskrift till Professor . Juhlakirja Professori Matti Klingelle 31.VIII.1996 [Our Country 1996. Festschrift to Professor Matti Klinge 31 August 1996] (Helsingfors: Söderström & Co & Helsinki: Otava, 1996), 73-81.

"Kansalaisyhteiskunta ennen sosialismin romahdusta ja sen jälkeen" [Civil Society before and after the Collapse of Socialism]. Tutkimuksen etulinjassa [In the Vanguard of the Research], ed. by Jan Rydman (Porvoo - Helsinki - Juva: WSOY, 1995), 391-399.

"Erik Allardt ja suomalaisen sosiologian suuri linja" [Erik Allardt and the Master Trend of the Finnish Sociology]. Historia, sosiologia ja Suomi. Yhteiskuntatutkimus itseymmärryksen jäljillä [History, Sociology, and Finland: Social Research and Its Self-Understanding], toim. Pekka Ahtiainen, Teuvo Räty, John Strömberg & Jukka Tervonen (Helsinki: Hanki ja Jää, 1994), 169- 186.

"Kansallisvaltiot eurooppalaisessa kehityksessä" [Nation-States in the Transformation of Europe]. Yhdentyvä Eurooppa ja kansallinen omaleimaisuus [Integration in Europe and National Peculiarity], ed. by Katariina Jalonen, Varpu Lindstedt & Harri Westermarck (Helsinki: Yliopistopaino, 1994), 12-19.

"Kansalaisyhteiskunnan mahdollisuudet Venäjällä" [Civil Society in Russia?]. Itä-Euroopan murros ja Suomi, ed. by Timo Piirainen (Helsinki:Gaudeamus, 1993), 121-141.

"Kansalaissota ja yhteiskuntatieteet" [Civil War and the Social Sciences]. Vaikea totuus. Vuosi 1918 ja kansallinen tiede [The Hard Truth: The Year 1918 and the National Science], ed. by Heikki Ylikangas (Helsinki: SKS, 1993), 78-92.

"Mihin kansa katosi?" [Where Did the People Disappear?]. Kalevalaseuran vuosikirja 72, 1993, 7-12.

"Suomi, sosiologia, Eurooppa" [Finland, Sociology, Europe]. Tiede muutosten maailmassa [Research in the Changing World], ed. by Touko Perko (Jyväskylä: Atena, 1990), 65-69.

"Vallankumousvuosi 1917-1918 vertailevalta kannalta" [The Revolutionary Year 1917-1918 in a Comparative Perspective]. Väki voimakas 4, ed. by Juha Hannikainen, Markku Hyrkkänen & Olli Vehviläinen (Hämeenlinna: Työväen historian ja perinteen tutkimuksen seura, 1990), 11-25.

"Valta ja valtio - miksi vallasta tuli ongelma 1900-luvun vaihteessa?" [Power and State: Why Did the Power Become a Problem in the Beginning of the Twentieth Century?]. Talous, valta ja valtio. Tutkimuksia 1800-luvun Suomesta [Economy, Power, State: Studies of Finland in the Nineteenth Century], ed. by Pertti Haapala (Tampere: Vastapaino, 1990), 237-254.

"Kansanliikkeet loivat kansakunnan" [Popular Movements and the Nation-Building in Finland]. Kansa liikkeessä [People in Motion], ed. by Risto Alapuro, Ilkka Liikanen, Kerstin Smeds & Henrik Stenius (Helsinki: Kirjayhtymä, 1987), 8-49 (with Henrik Stenius).

"Raittiusliike ja työväen järjestäytyminen" [The Temperance Movement and the Organization of the Working Class]. Kansa liikkeessä [People in Motion], ed. by Risto Alapuro, Ilkka Liikanen, Kerstin Smeds & Henrik Stenius (Helsinki: Kirjayhtymä, 1987), 142-152 (with Irma Sulkunen).

"Yhteiskuntaluokat ja sosiaaliset kerrostumat 1870-luvulta toiseen maailmansotaan" [Social Classes and Strata from the 1870s to World War II]. Tapani Valkonen, Risto Alapuro, Matti Alestalo, Riitta Jallinoja & Tom Sandlund, Suomalaiset. Yhteiskunnan rakenne teollistumisen aikana [The Finns: The Social Structure during the Epoch of Industrialization] (Porvoo and Helsinki: WSOY, 1980), 36-101, 276-280. (Fourth, revised edition, 1985, 36-100, 293-298.)

"Uskonto ja poliittinen mobilisoituminen maaseudulla" [Religion and the Political Mobilization in the Countryside]. Maailmankuvan muutos tutkimuskohteena [Transformations in Conception of the World], ed. by Matti Kuusi, Risto Alapuro & Matti Klinge (Helsinki: Otava, 1977), 121- 147.

"Konkreettinen sosiaalitutkimus" [The Concrete Social Research]. Suomalaisen sosiologian juuret [The Origins of Sociology in Finland], ed. by Risto Alapuro, Matti Alestalo & Elina Haavio-Mannila (Helsinki and Porvoo: WSOY, 1973), 84-147 (with Matti Alestalo).

"Marxilainen tutkimus" [Marxist Research]. Suomalaisen sosiologian juuret [The Origins of Sociology in Finland], ed. by Risto Alapuro, Matti Alestalo & Elina Haavio-Mannila (Helsinki and Porvoo: WSOY, 1973), 194-225 (with Antti Eskola, Seppo Toiviainen & Matti Alestalo).

5 Scholarly monographs

Suomen älymystö Venäjän varjossa [The Finnish Intellectuals in the Shadow of Russia] (Helsinki: Tammi, 1997). 229 pp.

Suomen synty paikallisena ilmiönä 1890-1933 [The Formation of Finland as a Local Phenomenon 1890-1933] (Helsinki: Hanki ja Jää, 1994). 386 pp. (2nd edition 1995, 3d edition 2001).

State and Revolution in Finland (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1988). 315 pp.

Akateeminen Karjala-Seura. Ylioppilasliike ja kansa 1920- ja 1930-luvulla [Academic Carelia Society: The Student Movement and the People in the 1920s and the 1930s] (Helsinki: WSOY, 1973). 270 pp.

6 Edited works

Vertailevan tutkimuksen ulottuvuuksia [Dimensions of Comparative Research], ed. by Risto Alapuro & Ilkka Arminen (Helsinki - Porvoo - Juva: WSOY), 2004.

Beyond Post-Soviet Transition: Micro Perspectives on Challenge and Survival in Russia and Estonia, ed. by Risto Alapuro, Ilkka Liikanen & Markku Lonkila (Helsinki: Kikimora, 2004). 253 pp.

Raja railona. Näkökulmia suojeluskuntiin [Perspectives on the Civil Guards in the Interwar Period], ed. by Risto Alapuro (Helsinki and Porvoo and Juva: WSOY, 1998). 344 pp.

Kohtaamisia Erik Allardtin kanssa, Möten med Erik Allardt, Encounters with Erik Allardt, ed. by Risto Alapuro, Matti Alestalo, Elina Haavio-Mannila & J.P. Roos (Helsinki: Yliopistopaino, 1995). 239 pp.

Kansa liikkeessä [People in Motion], ed. by Risto Alapuro, Ilkka Liikanen, Kerstin Smeds & Henrik Stenius, (Helsinki: Kirjayhtymä, 1987). 303 pp. (2nd edition 1989.)

Small States in Comparative Perspective: Essays for Erik Allardt, ed. by Risto Alapuro, Matti Alestalo, Elina Haavio-Mannila & Raimo Väyrynen (Oslo: Norwegian University Press, 1985). 297 pp.

Maailmankuvan muutos tutkimuskohteena [Transformations in Conception of the World], ed. by Matti Kuusi, Risto Alapuro & Matti Klinge, (Helsinki: Otava, 1977). 284 pp. Suomalaisen sosiologian juuret [The Origins of Sociology in Finland], ed. by Risto Alapuro, Matti Alestalo & Elina Haavio-Mannila (Helsinki and Porvoo: WSOY, 1973). 324 pp. Revised edition, Suomalaisen sosiologian historia [History of Sociology in Finland] (Helsinki and Porvoo: WSOY, 1992). 384 pp.

7 Other scholarly publications

"Oma ja vieras" [Familiar and Alien]. Historiaa nopeammin. Näkökulmia nykytaiteen tulevaisuuteen Baltian maissa, Suomessa ja Venäjällä. Nykytaiteen museon julkaisuja 90/2004, 23-27.

"Familiar and Alien". Faster than History. Contemporary Perspectives on the Future of Art in the Baltic Countries, Finland and and Russia. Nykytaiteen museon julkaisuja 90/2004, 28-32.

"Viipurilaiset Akatemisessa Karjala-Seurassa" [The Members of the Nation of Viipuri in the Academic Karelia Society]. Ylioppilaselämää - Wiipurilainen Osakunta 1653-2003 [Student Life - Nation of Viipuri 1653-2003]. Kaukomieli, vol. 17, 2003, 56-63.

"Kaksi aktivistipolvea" [Two Generations of Activists]. Aikalainen 3, 1998, no. 6, 4-5 & no. 7.

"Ylioppilasliike ja sosiologia 60-luvulla" [Student Movement and Sociology in the 1960s]. Tieteessä tapahtuu 15, 1997, no. 4, 7-10.

"Between East and West". Books from Finland 30, 1997, 203-209.

"Finnish Nationalism between East and West". The ASEN Bulletin No. 9, 1995, 3-7. "Kulttuurieroista suomalaisten ja venäläisten välillä" [On Cultural Differences between the Finns and the Russians]. Tieteessä tapahtuu 13, 1995, No. 5, 15-19.

"Kansalaisjärjestöt ja valtio" [Voluntary Organizations and the State]. Murroksia [Crises] (Historian ja yhteiskuntaopin opettajien vuosikirja XXIII), ed. by Mika Kantola, Juha-Pekka Lehtonen & Markku Liuskari (Pieksämäki, 1995), 99-110.

"50-luvun vapautuminen ja 60-luvun välttämättömyydet" [Liberation in the 1950s, Constraints in the 1960s]. 60-luku [The 1960s] (Helsinki: Kansan Sivistystyön Liitto, 1994), 2-7.

"Suomalaisuuden erityislaadusta" [On the Peculiarity of Finnishness]. Pertti Joenniemi, Risto Alapuro & Kyösti Pekonen, Suomesta Euro-Suomeen [From Finland to Euro-Finland] (Rauhan- ja konfliktintutkimuslaitos. Tutkimustiedote no. 53, 1993), 5-15.

"Grazhdanskie organizatsii i gosudarstvo" [Voluntary Organizations and the State]. Grazhdanskie dvizheniya Finlyandii [Popular Movements in Finland], ed. by Folke Sundman & Ilkka Taipale (Jyväskylä: Suomen Rauhanliitto, 1990), 10-19.

"Reflections on Demonstrations in Finland". Oulun yliopiston sosiologian laitoksen tutkimuksia 14 [University of Oulu, Department of Sociology, Research Reports, No. 14], 1988, 11-21.

"Historiallisten aiheiden tutkiminen sosiologiassa" [Historical Themes in Sociology]. Poliittinen historia ja yhteiskuntatieteet [Political History and Social Sciences], ed. by Juhani Mylly. Turun yliopisto, Poliittinen historia, Julkaisuja C:23 [University of Turku, Political History, Publications C:23], 1986, 35-41.

Konkreettinen sosiaalitutkimus Suomessa maailmansotien välisenä aikana [The Concrete Social Research in Finland in the Interwar Period]. Research Reports, Institute of Sociology, University of Helsinki, 1973, No. 199. 63 pp.

Sukupolvet ja arvot [Generations and Values]. Research Reports, Institute of Sociology, University of Helsinki, 1969, No. 118. 108 pp.

8 Book reviews from 2004 on

"Ambitsioonikas terviktölgendus Eesti suure murrangu kohta". Tuna 7, 1 (22), 2004, 133-134 (review of Rein Ruutsoo, Civil Society and Nation Building in Estonia and the Baltic States: Impact of Traditions on Mobilization and Transition 1986-2000 -- Historical and Sociological Study [University of Lapland, 2002]).

"Eliterna, de passiva och de utanförstående" (review of Kenneth Strömberg, Vi och dom i rörelsen. Skötsamhet som strategi och identitet bland föreningsaktivisterna i Hovmanstorps kommun 1884-1930). Nordisk alkohol- & narkotikatidskrift 23, 2006, 68-72.

"Eliitit, passiiviset ja ulkopuoliset työväenliikkeessä" (review of Kenneth Strömberg in Finnish). Historiallinen Aikakauskirja 104, 2, 2006, 219-222.

“Modernin projekti periferiassa”. Tieteessä tapahtuu 24, 2006, 7, 58-61 (review of Matti Klinge, Iisalmen ruhtinaskunta. Modernin projekti sukuverkostojen periferiassa. [Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2006]).

”Local heroes”. Books from Finland 40, 2006, no. 4, 300-304 (review of Matti Klinge, Iisalmen ruhtinaskunta. Modernin projekti sukuverkostojen periferiassa. [Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2006]).