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Film, Media & Cultural Studies 3 Language, Literature & Linguistics 13 History 5 , Politics & Religion 20 Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies 8 Scottish Studies 23 Law 10 Ordering 26

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Edinburgh University Press proudly publishes 50 journals in a range of subject areas across the humanities and social sciences. All of our journals are rigorously edited and peer-reviewed by well- known scholars in their respective fields, and nearly half of our portfolio is published on behalf of influential learned societies from across the globe. This year we are delighted to welcome two new titles to our portfolio. Burns Chronicle (page 14), a dedicated platform for the rich, international research on Robert Burns (1759–96) and Legalities (page 11), which aims to publish critically engaged and interdisciplinary socio-legal scholarship. This catalogue is fully interactive. To find out more about a title, simply click on its cover to be taken to its page on our website, where you will be able to read sample content and find out more information. For ordering information, visit page 27, or alternatively visit our website euppublishing.com/journals, where you can also sign up for Table of Contents alerts, request free trials or discover free featured content and sample issues.

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2 euppublishing.com CULTURAL STUDIES FILM,MEDIA &

Journals 3 FILM, MEDIA & CULTURAL STUDIES Film-Philosophy A fully Open Access journal Editor-in-Chief: David Sorfa, University of Edinburgh Film-Philosophy is dedicated to the engagement between film studies and philosophy, exploring the ways in which films develop, and contribute to philosophical discussion. Find out more: euppublishing.com/ film Online ISSN: FILM-PHILOSOPHY 1466-4615

JOURNAL OF BRITISH CINEMA AND TELEVISION Journal of British Cinema and VOLUME 17 NUMBER 4 Television Principal Editors: Christine Geraghty, University of Glasgow, Julian Petley, Brunel University London, Duncan Petrie, University of York, Melanie Williams, University of East Anglia Find out more: This journal is for anyone seriously interested in euppublishing.com/ British cinema and television, covering topics such as jbctv production, criticism and theory, genre, and more. Print ISSN: 1743-4521 Online ISSN: EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY PRESS 1755-1714

VOLUME 38.2 WINTER 2020 Dance Research DANCE Published on behalf of the Society for Dance RESEARCH Research Editor: Richard Ralph This is an essential journal for those involved in the study of dance. It covers dance worldwide from Find out more: euppublishing.com/ historical and contemporary perspectives, engaging drs with current debates on dance and across cognate Print ISSN: Dance and Archives: Special Issue Archives of the Dance (26) disciplines with dance at the centre of inquiry. 0264-2875 Edinburgh University Press Online ISSN: 1750-0095

IJHAC A Journal of Digital Humanities Editor: Daniel Alves, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal This journal is one of the world’s premier multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed forums for research on all aspects of arts and humanities computing. Find out more: euppublishing.com/ ijhac Print ISSN: 1753-8548 Online ISSN: 1755-1706

4 euppublishing.com HISTORY

Journals 5 HISTORY

VOLUME 13 - ISSUE 2 - SEPTEMBER 2020 Britain and the World Britain and Published on behalf of the Britain and the World Society the World Editor-in-Cheif: John Mitcham, Duquense University This journal is dedicated to the study of ‘British world’ history, with contributions from historians of all ranks Find out more: euppublishing.com/ on the ways in which Britain has interacted with other brw societies since the seventeenth century. Print ISSN: 2043-8567 Online ISSN: 2043-8575

Moreana Published on behalf of Amici Thomae Mori Editor: Travis Curtright, Ave Maria University Moreana publishes academic research about the person, historical milieu, and writing of the English humanist MOREANA Thomas More. In addition, the journal promotes Find out more: euppublishing.com/ research in cultural, historical, religious, and political THOMAS MORE AND more RENAISSANCE STUDIES contexts of the sixteenth century. Print ISSN: 0047-8105 Online ISSN: VOLUME 57, ISSUE 2 (214), DECEMBER 2020, ISSN: 0047-8105 2398-4961

Archives Archives of Natural History of natural history Published on behalf of The Society for the volume 45 part 1 2018 History of Natural History Associate Editors: Isabelle Charmantier, Linnean Society of London, E. Charles Nelson, and Elaine Shaughnessy This journal provides an avenue for the publication Find out more: euppublishing.com/ of research on the history and bibliography of natural ARCHIVES anh OF NATURAL history in its broadest sense. Published since 1943, Print ISSN: HISTORY articles cover topics such as botany, general biology, 0260-9541 VOLUME 47 • PART 1 • APRIL 2020 geology, palaeontology, and many more. Online ISSN: 1755-6260 Anh45_1Covers.indd 1-3 01/30/2018 06:01:27 PM

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6 euppublishing.com HISTORY

Volume 36 Number 3 December 2020 Library & Information History Published on behalf of the Chartered Institute of Library Library & Information Professionals & Editor: Peter Reid, Robert Gordon University and Jill Dye, Information St Hilda's College History Established in 1967, Library & Information History is the Find out more: euppublishing.com/ only British periodical devoted exclusively to the history lih of libraries and librarianship and to the burgeoning field Print ISSN: of information history. 1758-3489

Edinburgh University Press Online ISSN: 1758-3497

Psychoanalysis and History Editors: Matt ffytche, University of Essex and Dagmar Herzog, City University of New York This journal is devoted both to the study of the history of psychoanalysis and the application of psychoanalytic ideas to historiography, forming a bridge between the Find out more: academic study of history and psychoanalysis. euppublishing.com/ pah Print ISSN: 1460-8235 Online ISSN: 1755-201x

Cultural History Published on behalf of the International Society

CULTURAL HISTORY for Cultural History Journal of the International Society for Cultural History Editor-in-Chief: Christopher E. Forth, University of Kansas Volume 9, Number 2 This is the only journal in the world that takes cultural history in general as its chief concern, bringing Find out more: euppublishing.com/ contemporary cultural theories and methodologies to cult bear on the study of the past, within a broad historical Print ISSN: and geographical remit. 2045-290X Online ISSN: EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY PRESS 2045-2918

VOLUME 54 • NUMBER 2 • SEPTEMBER 2020 Costume Published on behalf of The Costume Society of COSTUME Great Britain Editors: Alexandra Kim, City of Toronto, Christine Stevens, The Journal of the Costume Society Newcastle upon Tyne Costume presents current research into historic and Find out more: euppublishing.com/ contemporary dress, publishing articles from a broad cost chronological period and with a worldwide remit, and Print ISSN: maintaining a balance between practice and theory with 0590-8876 a focus on the social significance of dress. Online ISSN: 1749-6306


8 euppublishing.com ISLAMIC & MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES Afghanistan Published on behalf of the American Institute of Afghanistan Studies Editor-in-Chief: Robert Crews, Stanford University Afghanistan is dedicated to the cross-cultural study of Afghanistan and its surrounding regions, delving Find out more: euppublishing.com/ into its rich history from a wide variety of humanities- afg focused angles. The journal covers all subjects in Print ISSN: the humanities, including but not limited to: art, 2399-357X archaeology, contemporary issues, history, literature, Online ISSN: and more. 2399-3588

Journal of Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Holy Land Studies and Editor: Nur Masalha, SOAS, University of London Palestine Studies This journal is fully international and multidisciplinary, covering the history, politics, culture, religion, Find out more: anthropology, sociology, and economics of the Holy euppublishing.com/ Land and Palestine, dealing with a wide range of topics hlps both historic and contemporary. Print ISSN:

VOLUME 19, NUMBER 2 2054-1988 NOVEMBER 2020



Journal of Qur’anic Studies Editors: M.A.S. Abdel Haleem, Helen Blatherwick, Hugh Kennedy, Abdul Hakim al-Matroudi, Mustafa Shah, S. Speri, all at SOAS, University of London This journal aims to encourage and promote the study of the Qur’an from a wide range of scholarly perspectives. Find out more: Written in both English and Arabic, it bridges the euppublishing.com/ gap between two traditions of Muslim and Western jqs Print ISSN: scholarship. 1465-3591 Online ISSN: 1755-1730

Journals 9 LAW

10 euppublishing.com LAW

NEW IN 2021!

Legalities Managing Editors: Carwyn Jones, Victoria University of Wellington, Trish Luker, University of Technology Sydney, John Page, Southern Cross University Legalities is the official journal of the Law and Society Association of Australia and New Zealand (LSAANZ), and the premier journal for socio-legal studies in the region of Aotearoa, Australasia and the Global South. An international journal with a strong regional base, Legalities publishes contextually sensitive, theoretically informed, critically engaged and interdisciplinary socio-legal scholarship on topics such as: • animal law • law and education • criminology • law and literature • critical legal theory • law and politics • critical race studies • law and psychoanalysis Draft Cover Image • environmental law • law and social activism • feminist legal theory • law and society • law and colonialism/ • legal geography imperialism • legal history • law and culture • queer and transgender legal • law and economy theory.

Find out more: euppublishing.com/legal Print ISSN: 2634-3770 Online ISSN: 2634-3789

Journals 11 LAW Global Energy Law and Sustainability

EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY PRESS Editor-in-Chief: Raphael J. Heffron, Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy (CEPMLP), University GL BAL of Dundee Find out more: ENERG Global Energy Law and Sustainability is an international euppublishing.com/ LAW AND journal dedicated to research in energy law and policy, gels SUSTAINABILITY with an interdisciplinary focus comprising themes from Print ISSN: a range of disciplines involved in energy research. 2632-4512 Volume 1 / Number 1 / 2020 Online ISSN: 2632-4520

ISSN 0954-8890 African Journal of International and Comparative Law African Journal of International Revue Africaine de Droit International et Comparé

Special Issue: The Judicial Power of Africa’s Supranational Courts

Articles The Judicial Power of Africa’s Supranational Courts: Introduction Johannes Hendrik Fahner 1 and Comparative Law La juridictionnalisation du droit dans les espaces sous-régionaux en Afrique Séverine Menétrey 10

Le champ opératoire de l’activisme judiciaire supranational en Afrique. Une tentative de systematisation General Editors: Rachel Murray, University of Bristol, Kofi Apollin Koagne Zouapet 23

The Makings of Remedies: The (R)evolution of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Remedies Regime in Fair Trial Cases Misha Ariana Plagis 45 Oteng Kufuor, University of East London La condamnation du Mali par la Cour africaine des droits de l’homme, vers une ultime relecture du code des personnes et de la famille Mamadou Bakaye Dembele 72

The Puzzling Paradox Presented within the African Supranational Judicial Institutions: The ECOWAS Court of Justice This journal provides invaluable scholarly material Kehinde Ibrahim 86 Find out more:

Volume 28 Supplement continued on back cover Tome 28 Supplément suite 2è page de couverture on law from a pan-African point of view, with articles euppublishing.com/ on both public and private international law, either in ajicl

Published by Edinburgh University Press English or French, as well as on recent developments Print ISSN:

Publiée par 0954-8890 Edinburgh University Press relevant to the continent of Africa. Online ISSN: 1755-1609

Edinburgh Law Review THE EDINBURGH Editor: Laura Macgregor, University of Edinburgh LAW REVIEW This journal is an international forum for the discussion VOLUME 24 ISSUE 3 SEPTEMBER 2020 of law, covering contemporary substantive law, legal theory and history, with a particular focus on Scots law and the Scottish legal system, setting the law of Scotland Find out more: in an international and comparative context. euppublishing.com/ elr Print ISSN: 1364-9809 EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY PRESS Online ISSN: 1755-1692



NEW IN 2021! Burns Chronicle Published on behalf of the Robert Burns World Federation Editors: Gerard Carruthers, University of Glasgow, Bill Dawson, Robert Burns World Federation The Burns Chronicle is a dedicated platform for the rich, international research on Robert Burns (1759-96) which is BURNS happening in the 21st century. Scotland’s national ‘bard’ is a major poet and songwriter of the CHRONICLE late eighteenth-century. His output is the site of long and intense VOLUME 130 – ISSUE 1 interest from the perspectives of literary criticism, musicology and also historical and cultural studies. Questions of Scottish and Romantic identity and of the political culture of the late 18th century western world surround his EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY PRESS output. This scrutiny includes attention to his status as a public figure in his lifetime and as an icon posthumously. Debates around the significance of Burns abound in a rich commemorative ‘afterlife’ with the phenomena of the public celebration of the writer’s legacy, the worldwide reception and also performance of songs, poetry and other commemorative acts over the past 225 years. The ‘ownership’ of Burns including a popular movement, the ‘Burns Movement’ with many Burns Clubs across five different continents is an area that makes Burns one of the most mobile of historical figures, as well as one whose significance has been continuously contested.

Find out more: euppublishing.com/burns Print ISSN: 1365-7518 Online ISSN: 2634-7059

14 euppublishing.com LANGUAGE, LITERATURE & LINGUISTICS Crime Fiction Studies Published on behalf of the International Crime Fiction Association Editor: Fiona Peters, Bath Spa University EDINBURGR H UNIVV EERSIS TY P RESS Crime Fiction Studies is an innovative journal that provides a much-needed, academically rigorous publication within the area of crime fiction that is focused, interdisciplinary and CRIME international. It draws scholars together through a series of themed and general issues, which explore the status of the genre FICTION today, its history, social and cultural influences and current STUDIES popularity.

VOO LUU MME 1 N UMM BEB R 2 220220

Find out more: euppublishing.com/cfs Print ISSN: 2517-7982 Online ISSN: 2517-7990

Gothic Studies Published on behalf of the International Gothic Association Editor: Emily Alder, Edinburgh Napier University Gothic Studies is the official journal of the International Gothic Association, and focuses on the field of Gothic studies from the eighteenth century to the present day. This journal opens a forum for dialogue and cultural criticism in the sphere of Gothic gothic from within every period and media form. studies VOLUME 22 ISSUE 3 2020


Find out more: euppublishing.com/gothic Print ISSN: 1362-7937 Online ISSN: 2050-456X

Journals 15 LANGUAGE, LITERATURE & LINGUISTICS The Ben Jonson Journal Senior Editor: Robert C. Evans, Auburn University This journal is devoted to the study of Ben Jonson and the culture in which his manifold literary efforts thrived, offering a view into the life and culture of the Renaissance period. Find out more: euppublishing.com/ bjj Print ISSN: 1079-3453 Volume 27 Online ISSN: Number 2 1755-165x

Victoriographies VICTORIOGRAPHIES A JOURNAL OF NINETEENTH-CENTURY WRITING, 1790–1914 A Journal of Nineteenth-Century Writing, VOLUME 10, NUMBER 3, 2020 1790–1914 Editors: Diane Piccitto, Mount Saint University, Patricia Pulham, University of Surrey This journal focuses on the writing of the long Find out more: euppublishing.com/ nineteenth century, as well as writing about the vic nineteenth century. All forms are explored, including Print ISSN: literary texts, poetry, prose fiction, and non-fiction. 2044-2416 Online ISSN: EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY PRESS 2044-2424

Volume 10 Issue 2 Journal of Inklings Studies

Journal of Published on behalf of the Oxford C.S. Lewis INKLINGS Society STUDIES General Editor: Judith Wolfe, University of St Andrews This journal is dedicated to the work and legacies of the Oxford Inklings, the literary circle centred on C.S. Lewis, Find out more: euppublishing.com/ J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, and Owen Barfield, ink publishing some of the best scholarship in the field. C.S. Lewis Print ISSN: J.R.R. Tolkien Charles Williams 2045-8797 Owen Barfield & their circle Online ISSN: 2045-8800

Romanticism ROMANTICISM Editor: Nicholas Roe, University of St Andrews Volume 26.3 2020 Romanticism offers a forum for the best critical and

Fungi scholarly work in Romantic studies today. The journal publishes research on critical, historical, textual and bibliographical aspects, representing a full range of Find out more: current debates. euppublishing.com/ rom Print ISSN: 1354-991x Online ISSN: EEDINBURGHDINBURGH U UNIVERSITYNIVERSITY P PRESSRESS 1750-0192

16 euppublishing.com LANGUAGE, LITERATURE & LINGUISTICS Comparative Critical Studies Volume 17 Number 3 2020 Published on behalf of the British Comparative Literature Association Editors: Richard Hibbitt, University of Leeds, Will McMorran, Queen Mary University of London, Francesca Orsini, SOAS University of London Find out more: Comparative euppublishing.com/ This journal focuses on innovative perspectives on Critical Studies ccs the theory and practice of the study of comparative Print ISSN: Rethinking Literariness: Genres, Traditions and Paradigms in Comparative literature in all its aspects. and World Literature 1744-1854

Edinburgh University Press Online ISSN: 1750-0109

EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY PRESS CounterText General Editors: Ivan Callus, University of Malta, James Corby, University of Malta CounterText focuses on contemporary literary and post- literary cultures, publishing articles, interviews and CounterText creative work centred on the study of literatures and its Find out more: twenty-first century extensions. euppublishing.com/ A Journal for the Study of the Post-Literary count Featuring Hotel Impossible, by John Kinsella Print ISSN: 2056-4406 Volume 6, Issue 2, August 2020 Online ISSN: 2056-4414

International Research in Volume 13 Number 2 December 2020 Children’s Literature Published on behalf of the International Research Society for Children’s Literature Senior Editor: Roxanne Harde, University of Alberta Find out more: Essential reading for scholars in the field of children’s euppublishing.com/

Special Issue: (Post-)Colonial Child Separation in ircl Children’s Literature literature and those interested in cultural and literary Guest edited by Mavis Reimer and Elisabeth Wesseling theories, comparative literatures, and the production Print ISSN: The Journal of the International Research Society for Children’s Literature and reception of children’s literature. 1755-6198 Edinburgh University Press Online ISSN: 1755-6201

Oxford Literary Review Managing Editor: Geoffrey Bennington, Emory University This journal devotes itself to outstanding writing in deconstruction, literary theory, psychoanalytic theory, political theory and related forms of exploratory thought. Find out more: euppublishing.com/ olr Print ISSN: 0305-1498 Online ISSN: 1757-1634


MODERNIST Modernist Cultures CULTURES Volume 15, Number 4 Winter 2020 Published on behalf of the British Association Edinburgh University Press for Modernist Studies Editors: Daniel Moore, University of Birmingham, Rex Ferguson, University of Birmingham, Cleo Hanaway-Oakley, University of Bristol, Chris Mourant, University of Birmingham Find out more: euppublishing.com/ This journal provides a forum that opens up modernism mod to new kinds of inquiry, examining the interdisciplinary Print ISSN: contexts of modernism and modernity. 2041-1022 Online ISSN: 1753-8629

Journal of Journal of Beckett Studies Beckett Studies Chief Editors: Mark Nixon, University of Reading, Dirk Van Volume 29 Number 2 Hulle, University of Oxford Founded by Beckett’s biographer James Knowlson and well-known Beckett critic John Pilling in 1976, this journal covers topics such as corporeality, disability, Find out more: politics, psychology, aethetics, gender, translations, euppublishing/com/ modernism and more. jobs Print ISSN: 0309-5207

Edinburgh University Press Online ISSN: 1759-7811

Paragraph Editorial Committee Liaison: Emma Wilson, University of Cambridge Paragraph is the leading journal in modern critical theory. It publishes essays and review articles which explore critical theory in general and its application to literature, Find out more: other arts, and society. euppublishing.com/ para Print ISSN: 0264-8334 Online ISSN: 1750-0176

Autumn/Winter 2020 Irish University Review IRISH UNIVERSITY Published on behalf of the International REVIEW Association for the Study of Irish Literatures Editor: Emilie Pine, University College Dublin Irish University Review is the leading journal in Irish literary criticism. It covers, on a global scale, all aspects Find out more: euppublishing.com/ of Irish literature in the English language. iur Print ISSN: 0021-1427 A Journal of Irish Studies Online ISSN: Edinburgh University Press 2047-2153

18 euppublishing.com LANGUAGE, LITERATURE & LINGUISTICS Nottingham French Studies General Editor: Katherine Shingler, University of Nottingham This journal is dedicated to the entire range of French and Francophile studies, covering all historical periods from medieval to twenty-first century, and covers topics such as: literature, film and visual studies, gender Find out more: studies, and more. euppublishing.com/ nfs Print ISSN: 0029-4586 Online ISSN: 2047-7236

Volume 29 Part 3 Translation and Literature TRANSLATION Editor: Stuart Gillespie, University of Glasgow AND This is an interdisciplinary journal focusing on English Literature and its foreign relations. Contributors LITERATURE come from many fields, including English literature, Back-Translation Autumn 2020 modern languages, literary theory, classical studies, and Find out more: translation studies. euppublishing.com/ tal Print ISSN: 0968-1361

Edinburgh University Press Online ISSN: 1750-0214

Corpora General Editor: Tony McEnery, Lancaster University Corpora is an international journal of corpus linguistics focusing on the many and varied uses of corpora both in linguistics and beyond. Recent volumes have covered topics such as: corpus linguistics and television, sentence Find out more: structure in translation, corpus linguistics online, and euppublishing.com/ more. cor Print ISSN: 1749-5032 Online ISSN: 1755-1676

VOLUME 13 NUMBER 2 2020 Word Structure WORD Editors: Mary Paster, Pomona College, Franz Rainer, STRUCTURE WU Vienna, Andrea Sims, Ohio State University, COMPOUNDS BETWEEN WORDS AND PHRASES Andrew Spencer, University of Essex THEMATIC ISSUE EDITED BY GIANINA IORDA˘ CHIOAIA & MARTINA WERNER Word Structure is an interdisciplinary journal of linguistic morphology and all related disciplines. Recent volumes Find out more: have covered topics such as: functional discourse euppublishing.com/ grammar, construction morphology, lexeme formation, word Print ISSN: and more. 1750-1245 Online ISSN: EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY PRESS 1755-2036


20 euppublishing.com PHILOSOPHY, POLITICS AND RELIGION Ancient DIALOGOI Editors: Anna Marmodoro, Durham University and University of Oxford, Erasmus Mayr, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Historical Journal of the British Scholar Society This journal provides a forum for the mutual engagement between ancient and contemporary Find out more: philosophy, connecting interpretive work in ancient euppublishing.com/ anph philosophy to current discussions in metaphysics, Print ISSN: epistemology and , and assesses the continuing 2516-1156 relevance of ancient theories to current philosophical Online ISSN: interests and debates. 2516-1164

Deleuze and Guattari Studies Editor: Ian Buchanan, University of Wollongong A bold and genuinely interdisciplinary journal, Deleuze and Guattari Studies does not limit itself to any one field: it is neither a philosophy journal, nor a literature journal, nor a cultural studies journal, but all three and more. Find out more: euppublishing.com/ dlgs Print ISSN: 2398-9777 Online ISSN: 2398-9785

Derrida Today Editor: Nicole Anderson, Macquarie University This journal focuses on what Derrida’s thought offers to contemporary debates about politics, society and global affairs. Articles cover research that deals with the

VOLUME 13 • NUMBER 2 • 2020 ongoing relevance of Derrida’s work and deconstruction Find out more: EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY PRESS in general to contemporary issues. euppublishing.com/ drt Print ISSN: 1754-8500 Online ISSN: 1754-8519

Journals 21 PHILOSOPHY, POLITICS AND RELIGION Somatechnics Journal of Bodies – Technologies – Power Editors: Holly Randell-Moon, Charles Sturt University, Iris van der Tuin, Utrecht University Somatechnics is a journal that provides a forum for research on all things relating to 'the body', critically engaging with the technological, ethical and political implications of a wide range of practices, techniques and academic | spaces. Articles present innovative debates in topics such as spatialization, race, reproduction, gender, sexuality, medicine, consumption, gaming, film, globalization, ecology, bioscience, family, education, health, visuality and more. SOMATECHNICS Journal of Bodies – Technologies – Power Volume 10 Number 2 August 2020

Edinburgh University Press

Find out more: euppublishing.com/soma Print ISSN: 2044-0138 Online ISSN: 2044-0146

Studies in World Christianity STUDIES IN WORLD Editors: Alexander Chow, Emma Wild-Wood, both at University CHRISTIANITY THE EDINBURGH REVIEW OF of Edinburgh THEOLOGY & RELIGION Volume 26 Number 3 Studies in World Christianity promotes creative thinking Editors: Alexander Chow and Emma Wild-Wood and lively scholarly interchange in the interpretation of all aspects of Christianity as a world religion. Articles range in scope from historical, theological, and social scientific perspectives, exploring the rich diversity of Christian life and thought primarily in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Oceania and Eastern Europe, as well as the majority world.

Edinburgh University Press

Find out more: euppublishing.com/swc Print ISSN: 1354-9901 Online ISSN: 1750-0230

22 euppublishing.com SCOTTISH STUDIES

Journals 23 SCOTTISH STUDIES The Innes Review Published on behalf of the Scottish Catholic Historical Association Editor: John Reuben Davies, University of Glasgow THE The Innes Review promotes the study of the history of Catholic Scotland, covering all aspects of Scottish Find out more: INNES euppublishing.com/ history and culture, especially ones related to religious REVIEW inr The Journal of Scottish Catholic History history. Print ISSN: 0020-157x VOLUME 71 NO. 2 / AUTUMN 2020 Online ISSN: 1745-5219

Scottish Church History Published on behalf of the Scottish Church History Society Editor: Scott Spurlock, University of Glasgow SCOTTISH CHURCH This is the journal of the Scottish Church History Society, and was founded in 1922 to promote the study of the Find out more: HISTORY euppublishing.com/ Journal of the Scottish Church History Society history of Christianity in Scotland, covering all periods sch and branches of Scottish churches from the early to the Print ISSN: modern. 2516-6298

VOLUME 49 Online ISSN: ISSUE 2 • OCTOBER 2020 2516-6301

Journal of Scottish Historical Journal of SCOTTISH Studies HISTORICAL Published on behalf of the Economic & Social STUDIES Volume 40 • Issue 2 • 2020 History Society of Scotland Editors: Ewen Cameron, University of Edinburgh, Siobhan Find out more: Talbott, Keele University euppublishing.com/ This journal contains the best research in the rich social, jshs economic, and cultural history of Scotland, as well Print ISSN: as historical geography, anthropology, and historical 1748-538x Online ISSN: EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY PRESS theory, and is primarily engaged with the ways in which 1755-1749 Scottish people of the past lived, worked, and played.

Scottish Historical Review Editors: Emma Macleod, University of Stirling, David Ditchburn, Trinity College Dublin This is the premier journal in the field of Scottish The historical studies, covering all periods of Scottish history Scottish from early to the modern, encouraging a variety of Find out more: Historical historical approaches, with articles written by leading euppublishing.com/ scholars and Scottish historians. shr Review Print ISSN: Volume XCIX, Supplement: No. 251: December 2020 0036-9241 Edinburgh University Press for The Scottish Historical Review Trust Online ISSN: 1750-0222

24 euppublishing.com SCOTTISH STUDIES Scottish Archaeological Journal VOLUME 41 2019 Published on behalf of the Glasgow SCOTTISH ARCHAEOLOGICAL Archaeological Society JOURNAL Editor: Jim Mearns This journal provides a thoughtful, scholarly perspective on Scottish archaeology, as well as neighbouring regions, Find out more: euppublishing.com/ from the earliest prehistory to the present. Articles saj report on fieldwork, discuss museum collections, Print ISSN: consider the social and intellectual context of Scottish 1471-5767

Edinburgh University Press archaeology, and document new discoveries. Online ISSN: 1755-2028

Journal of Scottish Philosophy Journal of Scottish Editor: James J. S. Foster, University of Sioux Falls Philosophy Volume 18.3 The Journal of Scottish Philosophy publishes innovative work by and historians of ideas on all SPECIAL ISSUE: The Science of Human Nature in the Scottish aspects and every period of the Scottish philosophical Enlightenment

GUEST EDITOR: tradition. Find out more: Esther Engels Kroeker euppublishing.com/ jsp Print ISSN: 1479-6651 Online ISSN: Edinburgh University Press 1755-2001

Scottish Affairs Editor: Michael Rosie, University of Edinburgh Scottish Affairs is Scotland’s longest running journal on contemporary political and social issues and is widely considered the leading forum for debate on Scottish current affairs. Find out more: euppublishing.com/ scot Print ISSN: 0966-0356 Online ISSN: 2053-888X

Northern Scotland Editors: Katie McCullough, Jim MacPherson, University of the Highlands and Islands Northern Scotland is a cross-disciplinary publication which addresses historical, cultural, economic, political, and geographical themes relating to the Highlands and Find out more: Nort h e rn Islands and the north-east of Scotland. euppublishing.com/ nor Scotland Print ISSN: VOLUME 11 Issue 2 ( 2020) 0306-5278 Online ISSN: Edinburgh University Press 2042-2717

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VOO LUU MME 1 N UMM BEB R 2 220220


Journal of SCOTTISH HISTORICAL STUDIES Volume 40 • Issue 2 • 2020 Historical Journal of the British Scholar Society

