the Forward Observer T h e N a t i o n a l N e w s l e tt e r o f A m e r i c a n V e t e r a n s f o r E q u a l R i g h t s , I n c . V o l u m e 4 I s s u e 4 s e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 0 Historic Twentieth Anniversary Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery

President Danny Ingram Escorts WWII Veterans to Tomb Father McNeil, Mr. Strouss, Dr. Kameny and President Ingram Local Chapters Celebrate Pride Across Country

Seattle Albuquerque

Chicago Contents TheForward Observer is the official quarterly newsletter of Vets Applaud Ruling 4 Wreath Laying 5 American Veterans for Equal Senate Nearing Vote 4 Veterans Lobby Days 7 Rights, Inc. 501(c)(3) AVER Encourages LGBT Troops to Take News from National Committees 9 P. O. Box 94376 Survey 4 Gay Military Signal 9 Atlanta, GA 30377-0376 Congressman Quigley Calls for End to Chapter Reports 9  DADT 5 Taps 12 Forward Observer Committee Remarks by Dan Choi 5 General Contact [email protected] Chapter Directory Editor-in-Chief AVER President New York Managing Editor Palm Springs Chapter AVER New York Chapter President - Mel Tips President - Denny Meyer James Darby P.O. Box 5012 P.O. Box 150160 [email protected] Palm Springs, CA 92263-5012 Kew Gardens, NY 11415 Layout Editor 760 329 6560 718 849 5665 Sacramento Valley Veterans Chapter Web site: [email protected] Bill Beaman President - Raymond Allen North Carolina [email protected] Web site: AVER of North Carolina Chapter Staff Advisers San Diego Chapter President - Cecilio Orta Chief Julz Carey, Denny Meyer President - Ben Gomez 3812 Dry Brook Road, Unit J  4076 Oregon St. #2 Charlotte, NC 28269 San Diego, CA 92104 704 900 2905 AVER Executive Board 619 459 1019 Web site: President Danny Ingram Web site: Ohio [email protected] Florida NEOAVER Chapter AVER - Florida Gold Coast Chapter President - Marie Bohusch Vice President Julz Carey President - Mark LaFontaine Web site: [email protected] P.O. Box 11247 Tennessee Secretary James Apedaile Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339 AVER West Tennessee Chapter [email protected] 954 537 3582 President - Tim Smith Web site: Web site: [email protected] Treasurer Mark LaFontaine Georgia Texas [email protected] AVER Georgia Chapter Houston AVER Chapter Past-President James Donovan President - Alejandro (Alex) Lopez President - Barbara Howard [email protected] P.O. Box 2115 713 973 1986 Decatur, GA 30031 Volume 4, Issue 4, Forward Observer. AVER-San Antonio Chapter 404 429 1316 Published quarterly by American Web site: President - Robert O. Weeks 9915 Powhatan Drive, #6H Veterans for Equal Rights, Inc., a Hawaii San Antonio, TX 78212 501(c)(3) non-profit org. ©2010 AVER Hawaii Chapter 210 722 0873 President - Sean Smith Web site: AVER. All rights reserved, except 2092 Kuhio Ave., #1705 where otherwise credited. AVER Honolulu, HI 96815 Washington 808 497 0650 AVER Puget Sound Chapter national Web site is Web site: President - Nick Jackman The Forward Observer is available for 10115 Greenwood Ave N Illinois PMB Box 145 download via the AVER national Web Gay Veterans Chicago Chapter Seattle, WA 98133 site. AVER is not responsible for the President - James C. Darby 206 428 1975 claims of any sponsor advertisements P.O. Box 29317 Web Chicago, IL 60629 which may appear herein. 773 752 0058 For the latest information about forming chap- Change of Address: When notify- Web site: ters, refer to the AVER national Web site: ing a change of address, send former New Mexico Select Chapters under About AVER Bataan Chapter AVER. as well as new address, including zip Contact Steve Loomis code, to: AVER Membership, P.O. 6027 Black Ridge Drive, NE Box 97, Plainville, IL 62365. To up- Albuquerque, NM 87120-2181 505 301 1737 date either postal or email addresses Web site: via email, send both former and new addresses to: [email protected].

2 | The Forward Observer • September 2010 • From The President’s Corner

Members of American Veterans for Equal Rights are not lobbyists, researchers or politi- cians. We are not paid staffers, interns or pollsters. What we are is an all-volunteer group of United States military veterans who are proud of our service and dedicated to the success of the armed forces and the equal treatment of all those patriotic men and women coura- geous enough to answer the call to serve their nation in our military. Our military. When members of AVER talk about the lives of LGBT members of the military family, we are not relating someone else’s story. We are telling our story, a story that comes from the heart, genuine, unpolished by a speech writer or augmented by a strategist. And the people who hear our stories, especially other veterans and service members, know they are hearing the truth from one of their own. It is a truth that they can trust, because vets know each other and understand the common bond that we share as soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines. And that is the reason, fellow veterans, why AVER is unique among the many groups working to end the dishonor of the ban; and why your voice and your defense of our nation’s freedom are still vitally needed today. We are all experiencing the challenges of an economic downturn. I know that many of us are having to look hard at the organizations we support and make difficult decisions about where our limited resources will go. There are many excellent groups working to lift the ban. I hope you will consider your membership in AVER as a valuable part of your personal commit- ment to restore the honor of our military and end a policy that undermines the mission of our nation’s armed forces, jeopar- dizes our national defense, and directly endangers the lives of those young men and women who took up the torch of freedom (contined on page12)

From The Managing Editor

As you can see from the many articles in this newsletter, this spring and summer have been extremely busy times for AVER. From veterans lobby days to Operation Golden Eagle and the Arlington National Cemetery wreath laying, to the Washington, D.C. , to the Pentagon survey and AVER’s response, to the widespread participation of AVER chap- ters in pride parades across the country—and to the continuous press coverage of the “don't ask, don't tell” policy there has been no time to rest. We all should be so thankful that AVER has an excellent national board of officers and has been able to respond in a timely fashion to this whirlwind of activity and publicity. September is dues time. Our dues are $35.00 a year and payable every September. AVER has no paid staff. We are all vol- unteers. We depend upon your dues and donations to keep the organization going. Let me take this opportunity to thank you in advance for your continued support. “Don’t ask, don’t tell” will not disappear on its own. Your continued support is what will eventually topple it. Please send your dues to your local chapter. Thank you for continuing to serve your country. Respectfully, Jim Darby, Managing Editor [email protected]

The Forward Observer • September 2010 • | 3 Gay Vets Applaud by removing mission critical skills from Vets Group the battlefield.” Ruling Against Ban The case now faces a potential Encourages Gay American Veterans for Equal Rights appeal by the Obama administration and Troops (AVER), the lesbian, gay, bisexual and before the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of to Take Pentagon transgender national veterans service Appeals. While President Obama has organization, applauds the recent ruling repeatedly promised to end the "don't Survey by a California judge that the military’s ask, don't tell" ban, he has continued Danny Ingram, president of “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy violates the to have the Justice Department defend American Veterans for Equal Rights, U.S. Constitution. On September 9, the rule of law. “President Obama may commenting on the recent release 2010 U.S. Federal District Court Judge be caught between a rock and a hard of a long-anticipated Department of Virginia A. Phillips ruled that the policy place,” said Ingram. “We hope that the Defense survey regarding attitudes of violates the 1st and 5th Amendment Commander-in-Chief will take the high active-duty and reserve service members rights of gay and lesbian service mem- road and allow the law to expire, but if toward serving with openly gay person- bers in a case brought by the Log Cabin he doesn’t, he can at least place a halt to nel in America’s armed forces, said “the Republicans, a national organization discharges until the Court has had an survey may very well reveal that today’s of LGBT members of the Republican opportunity to hear the case.” patriotic young volunteers, honorably Party. serving around the world today, are “We were particularly pleased with Senate Nearing Vote likely to show that they overwhelming the grounds on which Judge Phillips on Repealing "Don't believe in the equality they have sworn reached her decision,” said Danny to defend and have not the slightest Ingram, national president of AVER. Ask, Don't Tell" concern about serving alongside fellow “The judge noted in her decision that As Senate Armed Services Commit- soldiers who happen to be gay.” ‘it defies logic that the purposes of the tee Chairman Senator Carl Levin said Ingram noted that other recent sci- Act could be served by suspending on July 22, the full Senate is scheduled entific surveys such as the 2006 Zogby the investigation [of suspected LGBT to consider the repeal of “don’t ask, poll of active duty combat veterans service members] during overseas de- don’t tell” this month after lawmakers demonstrated that nearly 75% had no ployments, only to discharge a service return from their August recess. issues with serving alongside lesbian and member upon his or her return to a Advocates have been anticipating a gay personnel. “The current Pentagon non-combat station’. AVER has been vote on the fiscal year 2011 Defense Au- survey [2010 DOD Comprehensive saying all along that the best proof that thorization Bill after the Senate Armed Review Survey of Uniformed Active Duty “don't ask, don't tell” hurts the military Services Committee attached the repeal and Reserve Service Members] should is offered by the military itself, which provision to the bill on May 27 and reveal a similar result,” said Ingram, regularly ignores the policy and retains reported out the legislation to the floor. who, along with other gay and lesbian known LGBT soldiers in combat situa- Aubrey Sarvis, from Servicemem- veterans, met with the Department tions, to discharge them only when the bers Legal Defense Network, said that of Defense’s Comprehensive Review unit rotates home again. If the military scheduling the defense bill for a vote in Working Group at the Pentagon in really believed that openly gay personnel early September is “absolutely essential May where the survey was discussed. “damaged unit cohesion and morale” to move forward with repeal to finish “Secretary of Defense William Gates has they would get them out of the unit legislative action before Congress goes ordered the Working Group to carry out immediately, but they don’t, because into ‘lame-duck.’” this research,” continued Ingram, “and commanders on the ground know that [Editor's note: As this newslet- DOD General Counsel Charles Johnson the real damage to a modern mili- ter went to press, senators fell short of and General Carter Ham, who head up tary unit comes from losing a critical earning the 60 votes necessary to start the Working Group, were committed to member of the team. “don't ask, don't debate on the 2011 Defense Authoriza- performing their duty as instructed. The tell” jeopardizes the mission. As proud tion Bill by a vote of 56 to 43. Although questions are very extensive, and some veterans of the U.S. military, AVER of them have been viewed as biased, but this may be a near-fatal blow to efforts strongly supports the repeal of “don't AVER believes that a majority of today’s to repeal the military's “don't ask, don't ask, don't tell,” not only because repeal service members will reflect an increas- ” is the right thing to do, but because the tell provision in the near term, we ingly nondiscriminatory attitude toward policy damages the military and places continue to persevere in our efforts for gay service.” the lives of service members in jeopardy repeal.]

4 | The Forward Observer • September 2010 • AVER encourages LGBT person- I applaud the Department of planned in conjunction with Capital nel to respond to the survey as part of Defense for initiating a plan, but I Pride in Washington, D.C., the city where remain deeply disappointed that in- the 400,000 active and reserve service stead of moving forward immediately, AVER was founded in 1990. members invited to participate. Some we’re on hold. A main event of Operation Golden LGBT groups have warned gay and We’re spending millions on a Eagle was the wreath-placing ceremony at lesbian service members not to take the thirty-two page survey, asking ser- Arlington National Cemetery on Friday, survey when invited, but participants vice members how they feel about June 11th. The wreath-placing complement the repeal when polls show that this are not asked about their own sexual is unnecessary. included AVER National President Danny orientation. LGBT personnel should What’s worse, as a country Ingram, and three prominent gay World refrain from indicating their orienta- founded on liberty and equality, we’re War II veterans: Father John J. McNeill, tion anywhere in the survey to protect denying basic human rights to some Dr. Frank Kameny, and Mr. Jack Strouss. of our brave men and women who themselves from discharge under the are defending those very principles. Jack Strouss is 87 years old. He was current “don’t ask, don’t tell” law which Unlike twenty-five of our allies, born in Atlanta, Georgia, where he still prohibits truthful and honest service by including every original NATO signa- lives today. Following are Jack’s own words gay personnel. “There is nothing in the tory other than the U.S. and Turkey, describing the Arlington Cemetery event. survey which even gets close to asking we have not ended discrimination. He wrote this for his family, but has al- Experts say what is needed is about whether you’re gay,” said Rear Ad- not a study, but rather a quick and lowed us to share it with AVER: miral Al Steinman, an AVER member authoritative, top-down repeal. Our The veterans organization to which and one of the nation’s leading experts military leaders must act now before I belong, American Veterans For Equal on the issue of gays in the military. “To our pace destroys our mission. Rights—AVER—through the diligence Thank you and I yield back. deny the Pentagon the power of our of our national president, Mr. Danny voices on this critical issue is unwise,” Ingram, requested that our veterans or- continued the admiral. “If we fail to let Remarks by Dan ganization be allowed to place a wreath the Pentagon understand what life un- Choi at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arling- der "don't ask, don't tell" is like for gay ton National Cemetery in honor of our First Lieutenant Dan Choi, one of and lesbian service members by not giv- WWII veterans from our organization, the most outspoken gay critics of the ing honest answers to these questions, living and dead. This honor was granted military’s “don't ask, don't tell” policy we only hurt ourselves by allowing and the date of June 11, 2010 was given was honorably discharged from the the opinions of those who oppose our and to be held at 1:35 p.m. that date. Army on July 23, 2010. He was arrested service to have undue weight. Repeal- We gathered at the main gate of in March 2010 for handcuffing himself ing “don't ask, don't tell” simply means the cemetery well ahead of our schedule to the White House fence in protest of that all men and women who don the time as special permission had to be the policy. His comments about "don't uniform in defense of their nation can given for our vehicles to drive to the ask, don't tell" follow: serve under the same rules and regula- amphitheater area as our WWII veter- tions—that is not a difficult concept to This is both an infuriating and ans could not walk that distance up the painful announcement, but my understand.” service continues. Remaining silent long hill. With handicap tags for each when our family and community vehicle (three) for our party of seven, we Illinois members are fired or punished for were given special tags that allowed our who they truly are would be an un- vehicles in the parking area nearest the Congressman equivocal moral dereliction that tar- nishes the honor of the uniform and Tomb of the Unknowns. Quigley Calls for insults the meaning of America. Once there it was a short walk to End to "don't ask, a receiving room under the amphithe- Wreath Laying at ater where we were to be inspected for don't tell" proper dress at this hallowed site. We all On July 21, 2010 Democratic Con- Arlington National had military uniforms or proper civilian gressman Mike Quigley from Illinois Cemetery, June or clerical dress. Two of our party were once again called for an immediate end 2010 clerics. to “don't ask, don't tell.” The complete At the time for our ceremony to text of his remarks follows: Last June AVER celebrated 20 years begin, the sergeant at arms, who would of working for LGBT equality in the U.S. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to reaf- lead us down the stairs and throughout firm my commitment to an immedi- Armed Forces. The celebration was called the ceremony, came and explained in ate repeal of “don't ask, don't tell.” Operation Golden Eagle, a series of events detail what we would be doing as we

The Forward Observer • September 2010 • | 5 followed him down to the Tomb. We then said, hand realizing I could not use ribbon that was woven in between the assumed that he was one of the military hands as he had instructed. So Danny flowers: “American Veterans For Equal who is assigned as a perpetual guard for and I put our hand and hands on the Rights Honors Our WWII Veterans.” the Tomb. He was quite tall, perfectly wreath. Then the sergeant at arms told This was not just for the three of us dressed in his uniform, and very careful us to follow him. He walked backwards present, of course, but AVER members with his specific spoken instructions over the black pad to the side quite near who have gone on before us as well. that we were to follow. the face of the Tomb with us holding Then the sergeant at arms softly With us that day were three the wreath until he stopped and set it told us to turn about. (Fortunately he members of AVER who are WWII down. did not call “about face!” since both veterans—one from Florida, one from It was only then that I could take Danny and I were in full uniform. He Georgia, and one from the District of a moment to look up and realize where realized that with my walking stick such Columbia. They all served in the Eu- we were, and we were so close to the a move would be impossible, and for ropean theater of operations in WWII. Tomb that it seemed to loom over us. that I was grateful.) Then he simply told They are: Father John J. McNeill, Dr. I had no idea it was so large or tall and us to return to the steps for the return Frank Kameny and me, Mr. Jack W. seen from a distance, as everyone usually to the upper terrace where others of our Strouss. does see it, one has no feel for how large party were waiting. We followed the sergeant at arms or small the Tomb is. I had been there Again Danny’s right arm, this time, outside to the top of the steps that before as a tourist and suddenly real- allowed me to steady myself on the lead down to the Tomb. There we were ized where I was standing. Then I could slow climb back up those many steps. placed two by two with Danny Ingram read the simple inscription on the side We did not try to move fast and finally and myself as the two leads behind the of the Tomb facing us: “Here Rests In reached the top. Then we went back sergeant at arms. Directly behind us Honored Glory An American Soldier into the reception room (a memorial were Dr. Kameny and Father McNeill Known But to God.” room in the amphitheater) to meet with side by side. The others in our party It is difficult to describe that -mo our party and a few invited well-wishers were allowed to follow down only to the ment now as I remember it, however I and photographers. Many flashes were last step. We four were only allowed on know that the names of several departed popping about and we three WWII vets the terrace level with the Tomb. friends, my WWII buddies, flashed were asked to step up on a small raised Hundreds of tourists visit the Tomb through my mind. There was total platform in front of a large flag display each day and watch the sentinels as they silence as the tourist area has clearly for more photos of us. march back and forth in 30-minute marked signs noting that “complete After perhaps 15 to 20 minutes, periods. Then the change of the guard silence and respect is required.” Then we were finally able to gather our party occurs. The tourist area is restricted and the sergeant at arms shouted his com- together and leave that room. At the is outside the stairs we used. mand: “Present arms!” We saluted and request of our AVER photographer, we Fortunately I was placed to the left taps began to sound from the bugler just went to a shaded lawn area for more of Danny Ingram on whose left arm I to our left. photographs in an entirely different steadied myself during the descent of I must admit that I had quite a few setting. the many steps to the Tomb Level. I had tears to shed during those moments. Our photographer, and others in my walking stick, as did the other two It was indeed a very emotional mo- our party, took photos all during the veterans, but having Danny kept me ment that only one who is in that exact formal ceremony. They had to do the from wobbling and even possibly miss- spot at that time in the ceremony can best they could because they were not ing a step on the descent. experience—a moment that is clearly allowed on the Tomb level, and had to Once on the Tomb level, we fol- etched in my memory. either take photos of our backs, or our lowed the sergeant at arms to the edge After taps faded away, the sergeant fronts using a telescopic lens on the of the black rubber pad upon which at arms shouted his “Order arms!” We camera. the sentinels march back and forth. broke our salutes and many tourists Fortunately it was not a very hot Our wreath had already been placed lowered their hands from over their and humid summer day as is often the near the Tomb and the sergeant at arms hearts—all of this in complete silence case in D.C. We were comfortable in 85 then crossed the black pad and brought except for the commands from the degrees with low humidity as we made the wreath up to our side of the pad. sergeant at arms and the sound of the our way back to the vehicles for our He told us to place our hands on the bugle. return to the city. wreath and to follow him. I indicated to I then looked at the wreath before I felt that, since my memory was him that I had a walking stick, and he us and the inscription on the large still sharp just a week after the ceremo-

6 | The Forward Observer • September 2010 • ny, I should make this written account I arrived in Washington, D.C. on hands and let them implement a policy for myself and anyone else, either now Sunday, May 9, and had the great honor of non-discrimination. All the military or in the future, who might wish to read of taking Dr. Frank Kameny to din- needs is a go-ahead. about this great event that AVER took ner that evening. Eric Cox of AVER’s One of the many luminaries who part in on Friday, June 11, 2010. National Capital Chapter joined Dr. participated in the event was the ever —Jack Strouss, WWII veteran and Kameny and me. The three of us had charming First Lieutenant Dan Choi. member of AVER dinner and talked for about two hours. I told him that I didn’t recognize him 2 Getting to meet the legendary Frank without his arm chained to the White Operation Golden Eagle was a Kameny, one of the original founders House fence. He was much more ener- tremendous experience for LGBT veter- of the modern LGBT movement and a getic and humorous than the last time ans of all ages from all eras. Most of all, WWII veteran, was a remarkable experi- I met him in Fort Lauderdale when he AVER is about honoring service and we ence for me. What a sweet, fascinat- spoke at the AVER national convention had the opportunity in June to say thank ing and courageous gentleman he is. in October 2009. you to all LGBT veterans for your service Dr. Kameny was one of three WWII On Tuesday morning, May 11, and your dedication to helping end the veterans to be honored at AVER’s 20th we heard from a number of speakers injustice of the ban. In Washington, D.C., anniversary event in Washington, D.C. including Joe Solmonese, who is the on the weekend of June 11–13 we had the in June. This event is becoming increas- president of the Human Rights Cam- privilege and opportunity to honor our ingly important as I will explain later. paign, and two polling data experts. Not WWII generation, and we celebrated the On Monday morning, May 10, surprisingly, data shows that straight camaraderie unique to those of us who I joined 40 other participants in an troops still don’t want to serve with have served in the armed forces. extremely rare opportunity to meet with LGBT people. Age appears to be an There is an organization for you as an the Comprehensive Review Working important factor in acceptance. LGBT veteran, and it is AVER. Come see Group of the Department of Defense in The more than 400 veterans attend- what we are about and consider member- the Pentagon. The Working Group has ing Lobby Days were divided into teams ship in the only LGBT veterans service been charged with developing an overall by states for pre-scheduled meetings organization recognized by the Depart- strategy of how to implement the repeal with their state’s congressional repre- ment of Veterans Affairs. of “don't ask, don't tell.” I emphasize sentatives. I was the only veteran from the word how because it indicates a very Georgia, so I had a busy schedule. The Veterans Lobby important distinction. The meeting was most important point I made was: “We hosted by Charles Johnson, General want to see ‘don't ask, don't tell’ re- Days 2010 Counsel of the Department of Defense pealed this year.” I also told my personal As president I represented American and General Carter Ham, Command- story in these meetings being one of Veterans for Equal Rights on Monday ing General, U.S. Army Europe, who the first to have been discharged under and Tuesday, May 10 and 11, 2010, at is in charge of the Working Group. All “don't ask, don't tell” in 1994. veterans lobby days on “don't ask, don't together there were 32 stars on various We all marched over to the capi- tell” in Washington, D.C. Service- shoulders in the room, certainly the tol building where we were greeted by members United and Human Rights most I have ever seen in one location. Senator Lieberman who is the sponsor Campaign sponsored the event, in General Ham asked that the discus- of the Military Readiness Enhancement partnership with over 70 other LGBT sion be off the record. I will simply say Act in the Senate. He gave us our com- organizations from around the nation, that the Working Group greatly valued mission to go lobby like crazy and off including AVER, Servicemembers Legal the opportunity to hear from a group we went along with Emily Sussman, an Defense Network, Transgender Ameri- of gay veterans, a voice they have not attorney from the Servicemembers Legal can Veterans Association, and many previously heard. The Group seemed Defense Network. other groups. Four hundred twenty-five genuinely committed to accomplishing I made our first visit to one of my LGBT veterans representing all branch- the mission they had been assigned. It local Georgia representatives, David es of the Armed Forces participated in was a very positive experience to hear Scott. I am the treasurer of the DeKalb the event which culminated in a mas- a four star general use the words gay County Democratic Party in Georgia. sive lobbying of Congress on Tuesday, and lesbian comfortably. General Ham DeKalb County touches the districts of May 10. The event has been labeled an also noted that he preferred the phrases three representatives, including that of “unprecedented phenomenal grass roots serving honestly and serving truthfully to David Scott. Of course we didn’t meet effort” by the president of Servicemem- serving openly. Most important message: with Congressman Scott, but rather bers United, Alex Nicholson. Congress needs to untie the military’s with a staffer. The strategy in the House

The Forward Observer • September 2010 • | 7 is to attach the Military Readiness increasingly important college education of the bill in Georgia. I thanked him Enhancement Act as an amendment to because “don't ask, don't tell” denies for his work as a representative and for the National Defense Authorization Act. them access to an ROTC scholarship if his cosponsorship of the bill. He said he The amendment will then be voted on. they are gay or lesbian. would be there for us. Either they keep it or they don’t. Scott Next we met with the chief staffer We were fortunate, also, to speak will likely vote for the amendment, but for New York Representative Nadler. with Maine Representative Chellie Pin- he is too cautious to sign on as a spon- This was when I learned all aboutwhip - gree. She is very supportive. Representa- sor. I’ll work on that. ping. Whipping is getting fellow repre- tive Pingree pulled Colorado Represen- Next we went to see Republican sentatives to sign on at the last minute tative Jared Polis out of the meeting so Senator Saxby Chambliss, who has to make sure they vote the way you we could speak with him. He, of course, already stated his opposition to the bill, want them to vote. Nadler will be doing is also very supportive. saying during a Senate Armed Services some whipping for the bill. A positive Bottom line: Inclusion of “don't Committee hearing that repealing the experience. We were energized. ask, don't tell” repeal language in the rule would pave the way for allowing Did you know that there are mini defense authorization has a 50/50 “alcohol use, adultery, fraternization, subways under the Capitol? We rode chance. The argument to“ wait to hear and body art” in the military. We met them a lot. We got lost a lot. We were from the military” is very compelling, with his aide. The strategy of the op- escorted out at one point. We went even if it is misleading. Many congress position was becoming clear. Those through many security scans and members may buy the argument. If who opposed the bill to repeal “don't changed badges. I wanted to see the they can stall until after the November ask, don't tell” wanted to wait until the inside of the Capitol dome. I saw it elections when Democrats may lose one Pentagon Working Group releases their briefly and rapidly. We passed through or more houses, the chance to lift the report in December, claiming that the the many hallways and many tunnels, ban may be lost for several years, even report was in fact a study to determine all at a rapid pace in an attempt to see though lifting it certainly seems inevi- whether or not to repeal “don't ask, don't everyone. We ate lunch in one of the table at this point. tell,” rather than how to repeal “don't underground cafeterias. If you’ve read What you can do: if you live in ask, don't tell.” As we went along, we Dan Brown’s latest book The Lost Sym- Florida, bombard Senator Bill Nelson began to see more and more signs that bol, which is set in D.C., let me tell you with letters, faxes and phone calls. We it was no coincidence that the Working a lot of those tunnels really are there! need his vote. Same for Jim Webb in Group's report deadline was after the Next was my representative, the Virginia. Your voice as a veteran counts November elections. legendary John Lewis, who has an office more. I have said that all along. Our Our next visit to Republican Sena- in the Capitol because he is the chair representatives need to hear the voices tor Johnny Isakson revealed the strategy of the Budget Committee. We met of LGBT veterans. They do not hear had already been circulated. Isakson’s with his chief staffer, Miguel Martinez, the voices of LGBT service members aide, however, seemed to be moved by whom I have talked with on the phone because those service members are dis- my personal story. There were other many times. Congressman Lewis’ office charged when they speak up. I have said arguments that appealed to him. My looks out dead center on the National repeatedly that we must be their voices. personal favorite is that a soldier who is Mall. Nancy Pelosi’s private balcony is In this case, it is literally true. wounded on the battlefield would rather directly below. I asked, but they don’t Regardless of what happens with have a gay medic save his life than die. open the window to pass notes down. the House and Senate bills, the pres- That argument could not be denied, Lewis is a cosponsor of the bill. His staff ence of three distinguished WWII and I used it all day. Another impor- members see all civil rights issues as ex- veterans lending their voices to the tant point is that “don't ask, don't tell” citing, and they were looking forward to battle was very important when AVER discriminates against women, who are the “don't ask, don't tell” battle. Lewis participated in D.C. Pride in early June discharged at twice the rate of men, in will be using his dignitas to influence as the final bills were working their addition to the fact that minorities are other members of the House. way through the process. We hope that also discharged at disproportional rates. Next to see Representative Hank Frank Kameny, John McNeill, and Jack Another fact that we brought up on Johnson, whose district also touches Strouss have had a profound influence our congressional travels regards ROTC DeKalb County, so my Democratic cap on the battle to beat the ban. scholarships: many thousands of young was on again. He is also a cosponsor. He —Danny Ingram, National President people are denied the opportunity of an and Lewis are the only two cosponsors

8 | The Forward Observer • September 2010 • News from Chapter Reports AVER's National Veterans Affairs

Committees AVER Veterans Affairs provides Albuquerque information, referral, and liaison to in- dividuals and organizations. In the past At the April meeting of the New Public Affairs year we have had requests for advice, Mexico Bataan Chapter of AVER new information and referrals from dozens officers were elected. of LGBT veterans inquiring about There was a presentation called In the past year AVER Public Af- benefits, partner benefits, and report- “Duty to Honor for Our Country.” ing discrimination at VA facilities. In fairs has received dozens of interview This is a new online presentation that and information requests from news addition to inquires from civilian and includes photos of our chapter at the media and documentary productions, university helping organizations asking Equality Across America March in students, and organizations. We have for advice on treating LGBT veterans, Washington, and our color guard pre- been asked to speak about “don't ask, we have had over half a dozen inquires don't tell” issues, to provide veterans for from VA facilities and Vet Centers ask- sentations for the Veterans Day Parade local interviews, to provide speakers at ing for advice in treating LGBT veter- and Albuquerque Pride Parade. Our events, to give background to students ans. An example of the sort of inquiries color guard again lead the Albuquerque writing papers about “don't ask, don't we now receive from veterans is one Pride Parade on June 12th. tell,” to provide advice and liaison in from a retired master sergeant who This online presentation has been treating LGBT vets at VA facilities and recently married his partner. He sought given at a local young men’s group, at civilian helping agencies, and to provide advice on how DEERS would respond Prime Timers and PFLAG meetings, advice and testimony to governmental when he applies for benefits for his legal and at the Rainbow Vision retirement agencies and advocacy organizations. spouse. community in Santa Fe. News and documentary inquiries, —Denny Meyer, AVER Veterans On August 14th, the Bataan Chap- and requests for interviews have come Affairs ter celebrated with its annual end of from the following sources: PBS, CNN, summer pool party and barbecue. HBO, the New York Times, the Associat- We have made tentative plans to set Singapore ed Press, news media in Spain, Gay Military Signal up a GLBT booth at the state fair. Times, the Desert Sun, the Olympian, The dates for the Bataan chapter the San Diego Union Tribune, college meetings vary, but our meetings alter- newspapers, internet radio programs, Gay Military Signal is an indepen- local TV stations in Texas, Florida, and dent webzine edited by Denny Meyer, nate between board meetings and gen- Virginia, Wisconsin Public Radio, and featuring stories about patriotic LGBT eral meetings. Most meetings are held Time and Glamour magazines, among veterans (“Profiles in Patriotism”), on weekends at Steve Loomis’ home. others. interviews with members of Congress, The Bataan Chapter publishes a monthly bulletin, High Desert Signals. Dozens of graduate students have and commentary on “don't ask, don't Please contact President Steve Loomis asked for detailed information; and we tell” by historians and leaders in the have begun to receive requests from for information at: “don't ask, don't tell” repeal movement. high school students writing or mak- [email protected] Current articles include interviews with ing school presentations about “don't or at ask, don't tell.” We have also been First Lieutenant Dan Choi and First President Steve Loomis contacted for information or liaison by Lieutenant Robin Chaurasiya. Read Gay Bataan Chapter of AVER the Pentagon Comprehensive Work- Military Signal at www.gaymilitarysig- P.O. Box 30625 ing Group, Rand Corporation, Victory Albuquerque, NM 87190 Fund, and have given testimony on If you would like to tell your story 505 301 1737 “don't ask, don't tell” to the New York on Gay Military Signal, please contact [email protected] City Council. us at [email protected]. -President Steve Loomis, Bataan —Denny Meyer, AVER Public Chapter Affairs -Denny Meyer, Gay Military Signal

The Forward Observer • September 2010 • | 9 We mounted a full color guard, and also On Monday, May 31st, the Gold Chicago Chapter had 38 people who carried our giant Coast Chapter participated in the 50- foot flag. Marching with the flag is Memorial Day events, which were held always quite an adventure. at the Ninninger Veterans State Nursing We are extremely happy to report Home. Our color guard saluted three that both of our Illinois Senators, Sena- veterans who received the Purple Heart tor Roland Burris and Senator Dick from Representative Kendrick Meek. Durbin are on board in the Senate to On June 4th we held our annual end the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. dinner, founded by Karl Clark, Andy Greetings The Chicago Chapter meets the first Eddy and Dennis Delia. Members hon- So much news about the "don't ask, Thursday of every month at 7:00 p.m. ored Mary O’Connor’s life-long partner don't tell" policy this year has generated at the Center on Halsted. who presented Mary’s American flag to a great deal of interest in the Chicago President Jim Darby the chapter. chapter. We are not lacking for public- Chicago Chapter AVER On Sunday, June 20th the Florida ity. P.O. Box 29317 Gold Coast Chapter color guard led off In April members of the Chi- Chicago, IL 60629 the Pride of Greater Fort Lauderdale Pa- cago chapter took part in the Illinois 773 752 0058 rade, and participated in the Stonewall Warriors Summit at the University of [email protected] Street Festival. Illinois at Chicago. Chicago AVER On the 4th of July we held our an- was one of the more than 100 veterans —Jim Darby, President, Chicago nual cookout and fundraiser at the New groups that participated. Chapter Moon Saloon. In May, members of AVER held At the July 13th meeting, Ms. Sylvia a remembrance ceremony at the grave Florida Acevedo spoke about women in distress of Allen Schindler for the 17th year. In and the problem of human trafficking May we also participated in two Memo- in Broward County. rial Day events. Chicago AVER, along The Florida Gold Coast Chapter with the Lakeside Pride Freedom Band meets the second Tuesday of every marched in the City of Chicago’s huge month at 7:00 p.m. at the community Memorial Day Parade. We were pleased center—Pride Campus, 2040 N. Dixie to have Congressman Quigley come out Highway, Wilton Manors. Call 954 537 and support us at the parade. 3582 or: With the Lakeview Neighborhood On May 10th Dr. Phillip Greenberg, President Mark LaFontaine Association, we sponsored a Memorial medical director from the Sunrise VA P.O. Box 11247 Day Ceremony at Space Park. outpatient clinic, spoke to the Florida Fort Lauderdale, FL 33339 June began with the Chicago Gold Coast Chapter about the new Chapter’s annual Beer Bust and Barbe- outpatient clinic. —Andy Eddy, Secretary, Florida Gold cue at Buck’s Saloon. Also, in June three The Florida Gold Coast chapter also Coast Chapter Chicago members traveled to Washing- participated in a candlelight vigil for ton, D.C. for Operation Golden Eagle, th Courtney Bright who was strangled to Georgia Chapter AVER’s 20 Anniversary celebration. In death by her girlfriend’s father. The vigil June, AVER and HRC staffed a "don't was sponsored by the Gay American ask, don't tell" panel at the Center on Heroes Foundation (GAHF), a national Halsted. Chicago AVER’s two speak- organization whose goal is to build a ers were Marquell Smith, USMC, and national traveling rainbow memorial to Lee Reinhart, USN and USCG. Both honor those who have been murdered are Iraqi veterans who were removed because of their sexual orientation. from the military under the "don't ask, Our color guard presented the don't tell" policy. Both are extremely colors at the Sunshine Cathedral memo- well qualified in their fields, and both rial service for longtime member Betty The Georgia Chapter held its th6 are stellar examples of how wrong this Ann Priscak on Saturday, May 29. Andy annual Memorial Day Taps Ceremony policy really is. Eddy recited the poem "Life Is but a on Monday, May 31st at noon at the In June Chicago members marched Stopping Place," author unknown. Veterans Memorial in Piedmont Park. in the Chicago’s annual Pride Parade. 10 | The Forward Observer • September 2010 • It was quite an interesting ceremo- what a great job Cecilio is doing. He ny, with a large turnout. The Georgia New York already has a fantastic Web page on line. Chapter has succeeded after several years of fundraising in refurbishing the We are so impressed with the flagpole located at the site with a beauti- amount of work that he has already ful new gold eagle ornament and new done. The resources on his Web page hoisting hardware. include a number of major veterans ser- But how we might get all this vice organizations, nine North Carolina equipment on top of the flag pole was military bases and a documents and a question. The City of Atlanta Fire information section for helping veterans Department volunteered the use of their to take advantage of all the local services ladder truck to examine the flag pole. It that are available. There is also an extensive section on was found to be safe and serviceable and In May 2010 the New York Chap- civic engagement with quarterly service with the help of the fire department, we ter of AVER presented its highest pride installed the new hardware. projects. award to our life member First Lieuten- Cecilio can be contacted at: Members of the fire department at- ant Dan Choi, who received the AVER- tended the ceremony and were honored Cecilio Orta NY 2010 Freedom 6701 Fishers Farm Lane for their crucial assistance in renovat- Award For Speaking Out At Risk. ing the flag pole. Atlanta’s Police Chief, Unit D1, Lieutenant Choi spoke forcefully Charlotte, NC 28277 George N. Turner, also attended the about our right to serve and our duty to [email protected] ceremony. speak out. He got the audience to its 704 900 2905 The flag pole is now named after feet in a chant of self-respect and pride. the late Edward Goodwin Scruggs, an In the cold of winter, AVERNY Palm Springs AVER member who passed away on participated in a panel discussion about November 13, 2009. “don't ask, don't tell” following the Memorial Day at the Desert Veter- The retired colors were presented production of the off-broadway play ans Memorial was a memorable experi- to Fire Station #15. Fire Chief Hill ac- Yank! A WWII Love Story about two ence for all. It began with a wreath- cepted on the station’s behalf. soldiers who fall in love during their laying ceremony at the GLBVA/AVER There were two other flags posted training and combat in the South Pacific Obelisk. The mayors from Palm Springs, in memoriam for the police department during World War II. In one poignant Cathedral City, and Desert Hot Springs and the fire department. Police Chief scene, while discussing their future all attended the ceremony. The Palm Turner posted the police department together after the war, the soldiers real- Springs High School Band played and flag and Fire Chief Hill posted the fire ize that they could never live together in the Desert Hot Springs High School department flag. suburban New Jersey in 1945, as they Marine Junior ROTC performed. Many of our veterans are first had envisioned, because of how relatives After the ceremony Mel Tips and responders. Including our local law en- and neighbors would react. One says to Brigadier General Keith Kerr were both forcement personnel and first respond- the other, “Maybe not now, but times interviewed by local TV stations. ers in our memorial ceremony only are changing. Someday soon it won't On June 30, AVER members at- strengthens our community and helps matter. It might take a while but by tended the Tolerance Education Cen- to build a coalition with them. 1948 or 1950 things will be different...” ter event in Rancho Mirage. AVER “I fight for your freedom and I am It's enough to make you cry, isn’t it? member Melinda Tremaglio was the gay.” For more information about the AVERNY members marched moderator for a “don't ask, don't tell” Georgia Chapter, please contact: proudly in two of New York City’s four panel. Excellent reports were also given President Alex Lopez pride parades this summer. by Media Director Julianne Sohn of the P.O. Box 2115 —President Denny Meyer, AVERNY Service Women’s Action Network and Decatur, GA 30031 SLDN. 404 429 1316 North Carolina Mel hosted an old fashioned Fourth of July event at his palatial home in — President Alex Lopez, Georgia AVER NC is still in formation and the desert with one-quarter-pound hot Chapter is being spearheaded by Cecilio Orta, a dogs, burgers, potato salad and so forth. veteran of the . And The Palm Springs Pride Parade will

The Forward Observer • September 2010 • | 11 be held the first week in November. a veteran who was returning "to the consider joining or renewing your mem- (The temperature in June is usually over sandbox." bership in AVER. We need your support 100 degrees.) On Memorial Day members at- and so do those young LGBT troops Monthly meetings are held at the tended a barbecue and potluck dinner at serving in silence around the world. Golden Rainbow Center on Tahquitz the Bolt Bar. Victory is not far away. Please Canyon Way on the second Friday of On Saturday, June 19th, the Sacra- continue to stand proudly with AVER. every month at 1:00 in the afternoon. mento Valley Veterans marched in the Please renew. Unlike most other chapters, the city’s annual Pride Parade. Respectfully, Palm Springs veterans have a potluck On Thursday, August th5 , members Danny Ingram, National President with the main course put together by gathered together at the Tower theater [email protected] Mel. for a screening of the filmRestrepo . Mel Tips On August 16th, at the general Taps P.O. Box 5012 meeting, members discussed participa- Palm springs, CA 92263-5012 tion in several upcoming festivals. Betty Ann Priscak th 760 329 6560 On Saturday, August 28 , the Last May the Florida Gold Coast [email protected] Sacramento Valley Verterans chapter Chapter sadly announced the passing of participated in the Chico Stonewall one of our most wonderful AVER As- Puget Sound Chapter Festival. sociates, Betty Ann Priscak, who sliped Stanislaus Pride was held on Sep- away silently after a prolonged illness. tember 18th in Modesto, California. She was the partner of long-time AVER The newly elected board is President Ty Redhouse, USAF member and director Jean V. Johnson, Vice-President Tina Stidman, USA Our thoughts, love, and prayers are Congratulations to the members for Secretary Ray Allen, USMC extended to our friend Jean Johnson at not only marching in Seattle’s parade, Treasurer Charlie Peer, USN this time. but also the parade in nearby Belling- The Sacramento Valley Veterans The ham in July. They received a warm chapter meets on the 3rd Monday of the Alan J. Rogue welcome in both parades, and had great month at the Last June former AVER president coverage from Seattle Gay News. Photos Lavender Library Alan J. Rogue, 51, died in Youngstown, from their Pride Parade are up on their 1414 21st Street Ohio. Web page. Sacramento, CA 95811 Alan was born in Mexico City Members usually meet every other Contact info: and had lived most recently in East rd month on the 3 Friday of the month at Ty Redhouse Palestine, Ohio, coming from Denver, 6:00 p.m. at the Jim Wiley Community 916 436 7676 Colorado. Center, 98 8th Ave, NW. Contact: He had been employed by AT&T Nick Jackman Wireless for three years. Prior to that, he 10115 Greenwood, Ave. N President's Corner operated his own construction com- PMB 145 (continued from page 3) Seattle, WA 98133 that each of us once had the honor of pany and served in the U.S. Navy as a 206 428 1975 protecting. medical corpsman. He was a member At this time of year when we ask of Grace Lutheran Church and was also that you renew your commitment to the chief steward for Communication Sacramento AVER, please know that I am work- Workers of America Local 4320. ing hard to make sure your voices are In addition to his mother and step Thanks to Ty Redhouse and Ray heard by the members of Congress, by father he is survived by two brothers Allen, the Sacramento Valley Veterans the military commanders, and by our and his husband, Jeff Rogue. Chapter is back up and flourishing. LGBT active duty service members Funeral services were held at the On May 20th they attended the who wonder if they will ever share the Grace Lutheran Church with burial at Harvey Milk ceremony on the steps of freedom they are fighting to defend. You Little Beaver Cemetery where the East must be their voices for a while longer. the State Capitol—all members were Palestine Honor Guard provided mili- Please continue to speak out for those in "military swag." They also attended tary honors. a fund-raising event at a local bar for who cannot speak for themselves. Please

12 | The Forward Observer • September 2010 •