Hubris, overarching vanity and how one man's ego brought banking to the brink


UPDATED: 11:41 GMT, 21 January 2009

The Daily Mail City editor looks back at a meeting with the disgraced former RBS boss that hinted at the hubris and delusion that lead to the biggest corporate loss in history ... and-how-one-mans-ego-brought-banking-to-the-brink.html

Shredded: Sir Fred Goodwin's reputation is in tatters The arrogance of the disgraced former boss of the Royal Bank of Sir Fred Goodwin always has been his most striking feature. He was a banker who always knew better than anyone else, was contemptuous of his competitors on the High Street and had convinced himself that when it came to takeovers - whether they were in Britain, the United States, China or, finally, Holland - there was no one to match his genius. Now, we all know differently. His bank has moved from being among the world's largest lenders to corporate dunce. The loss of £28bn we now know it ran up over the past year is the biggest ever made by a British company and consigns RBS to the fate of public ownership for years, if not decades, to come. Yet to the very end, when he was finally removed from office by the Treasury in November, Goodwin behaved as if he still walked on water. The former chief executive described the process under which the Government poured in new capital in November as 'more like a driveby shooting than a negotiation'. This despite the fact that his bank was in desperate trouble and almost certainly would have collapsed without the initial slug of £20bn of taxpayers' money injected by in October 2008. This, however, was typical Goodwin. When he was once asked at a press conference whether he had any interest in taking over any of the former building societies, he ruthlessly retorted that he was 'more likely to be involved in mercy killings'. Goodwin had begun to believe in his own myths. As a result of his success in turning around the ailing NatWest, he came to believe that no deal was beyond his capacity. It was this extraordinary overconfidence, fuelled by macho rivalry with , which led Goodwin into the merger with Dutch bank ABN Amro in October 2007 when the credit crunch - as exemplified by the run on - had already begun. Yet Goodwin, unchallenged by a board of Scottish panjandrums, looked to be blissfully ignorant of the fact that the world was changing dramatically. Even after RBS had turned to shareholders in June 2008, raising £12bn from the nation's pension fund and insurers amid the International Monetary Fund's warnings of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, his self-assurance was unshaken.


In late July last year, I was Goodwin's guest for lunch at the group's towering headquarters on Broadgate. Mistakenly, the taxi had dropped me next door at ABN Amro's former London headquarters, which had already been re-badged as the Royal . The bank, it seemed, had not just one City headquarters but two, not to mention its glittering corporate citadel north of the border. It had doubled up on office space in much the same as it would double up on balances sheet losses. Over his starter of pigeon salad, Goodwin openly mocked journalists and analysts like myself who had dared question the wisdom of a £50bn banking takeover at a time when the American had caused devastation to global finance. The RBS share of the deal, he explained, would be a mere £10bn after disposals. Profits, he boasted, would be boosted in 2008 by £600m as a result of the deal and eventually by an estimated £3bn a year. 'Fred the Shred,' as he was known after the management bloodbath he oversaw at Natwest, would be taking his meat cleaver to costs at ABN Amro - among the highest in global banking. When I questioned him about the potential liabilities that RBS and ABN Amro were exposed to on the wholesale money markets - where we know both banks suffered massively - he suggested that the scale of the losses was containable and that adequate provision had been made for them in the balance sheet. He even suggested that the money would come back. His self-belief was infectious. It is of course natural for businessmen, when talking to the financial press, to put the best gloss on matters. The hope is always that we will return to our offices and write nice things about the company concerned. But after a three-course meal accompanied by fine wine, a two hour teach-in on the brilliance of the ABN Amro deal and how it would help make RBS the top bank in India and the Far East - where it was well developed - the deal still seemed to me to be daft. If the bidding for ABN Amro had become too heady for Goodwin's rival John Varley, the chief executive of Barclays, then surely RBS should have had pause too? Looking back at that lunch, with the benefit of knowing what has happened since, there seem to me that there are only two possibilities. Either Goodwin was lying through his teeth, which I somewhat doubt, or he was actually delusional. Banks, like politicians, like to put the best complexion on events. This is particularly important for financial institutions where confidence is crucial. Clearly, I could not have expected the RBS chief to say he had made a dreadful mistake, that RBS shareholders and the taxpayers were in for record-breaking losses and the bank's independence was doomed. However, the scale of his naivety, in the light of all that was happening in the banking world and the collapse of the American housing market (to which RBS was exposed through its Citizens offshoot in the United States), was, in retrospect, breathtaking. The downward spiral since that meeting in July 2008 has been astonishing in its speed. A bank which can trace its origins back to 1727, when it was set up as a commercial rival to the 'Jacobite' Bank of Scotland, is now all but nationalised, with the Government owning 70%. Just days after my conversations with Goodwin, the bank revealed a loss of £691m, after writing down bad loans of £5.9bn, a loss which has now ballooned to an astonishing £28bn. What is really worrying is that despite putting a new team in charge, which has sought to clear out the mess, the skeletons keep tumbling out of the cupboard. In addition to

2 its exposure to toxic 'sub-prime' mortgages, the bank has bad loans outstanding to failed Russian oligarchs and property around the world, at a time when real estate values are in freefall. None of this, or the huge losses taken by investors including the Government, should affect Sir Fred's retirement. He may no longer have his suite at the Savoy Hotel in London or be able to enjoy fresh scallops from the kitchens of the bank's folie de grandeur HQ on the outskirts of Edinburgh. But any hardship should be cushioned by the £4.2m paycheck he collected in 2007, his last full year at the helm, and a pension pot worth £8.37m. Nor, according to highly placed sources, need he fear legal action from shareholders. Goodwin's strategy of rapid growth in the credit-fuelled years of the past decade led him confidently into a merger with ABN Amro which was doomed to failure because of its appalling timing. But he cannot take the blame alone. He was loyally supported by a board of directors which refused to put brakes on the person they regarded as financial maestro. Moreover, he was egged on by City adviser Merrill Lynch and others who earned a great payday from the takeover deal. Most significantly, however, it was his own ego which, ultimately, was his downfall. It made him delusional about the direction of the world economy and his ability to create value when everyone else was losing faith in the credit bubble. As a result of Goodwin's and the bank's hubris, the prosperity not only of the RBS but the whole nation has been betrayed.