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Institute of Science and Technology, Kevin Street : Programme for Session 1957 -1958

City of Dublin Vocational Educational Committee

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Recommended Citation City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee,: Institute of Science and Technology, Kevin Street : Programme for Session 1957 -1958, Dublin, 1957

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* buneolA\1Re 1957-58 CALENDAR-SESSION 1957-58

1957-SEPT. 2 Monday Whole-time and Part-time Day Courses open for enrolment. Entrance Examinations for these Courses will be held during the week.

9 Monday Whole-time and Part-time Day Classes commence work. Evening Courses open for enrolment and Entrance Examinations for these will be held during week.

16 Monday Evening Classes commence work.

20 Friday Final Class Meetings of Day and Evening Courses before Christmas vacation.

1958-JAN. 7 Tuesday Day and Evening Classes resume work after Christmas vacation.

20 Monday Mid-session Examinations will be held for all Evening Classes during this week, except where otherwise arranged.

APR. 1 Tuesday Final Class Meetings of Day and Evening Courses before Easter vacation.

14 Monday Day and Evening Classes resume work after Easter vacation. Sessional Examinations will be held this week for all Evening Classes, except where otherwise arranged.

25 Friday Final Class Meetings of Evening Courses, except where otherwise arranged.

JUNE 14 Saturday ~ General Entrance Examination for Day Junior Courses.

27 Friday Summer Term closes, except where other­ wise arranged.

On Friday, November 1st, All Saints' Day; Thursday, May 15th, Ascension Day, and Thursday, June 5th, Feast of Corpus Christi, Whole­ time Day Classes, excepting Day Apprentice Schools and Special Classes, closed.

The Institute is closed on all Bank Holidays. 2 CITY OF DUBLIN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE

Very Rev. John Canon Fitzpatrick, M.A., D.D., P.P. (Chairman), St. Cronan's, Main Street, Bray, Co. Wicklow. Mr. William Whelan (Vice-Chairman), 61 Lr. Beechwood Ave., Dublin. Alderman John McCann, 68 Fortfield Road, Terenure, Dublin. CounCillor Bernard Butler, B.A., T.D., P.c., 16 HeaIthfield Road, Terenure, Dublin. CounCillor Joseph Barron, 10 South Circular Road, Portobello, Dublin. CounCillor Bhalter Breathnach, 58 Bannow Road, Cabra West, Dublin. CounCillor Mrs. Catherine Byme, 5 Seafort Terrace, , Dublin. Coundllor Michael Gerard Dempsey, 37 The Rise, , Dublin. Coundllor Gilbert Hughes, 24 Cill Eanna, Road, , Dublin. Diarmuid 0 h~Almhain, Tigh MhichiL Deilginis. Mr. Daniel Carroll, P.C., 25 Church Gardens, , Dublin. Mr. John Dunne, 125 Terenure Road West, Dublin. Mr. Sean O'Hanlon, 1 Turlough Gardens, Philipsburgh Ave., Dublin. Mr. Kevin McCarthy, 74 Castle Ave., Clontarf, Dublin.

Offices : -Town Hall, Merrion Road, , Dublin.

MARTIN M. GLEESON, M.A., B.Comm., H.Dip.Ed., Chief Executive Officer.


Very Rev. John Canon Fitzpatrick, M.A., D.D., P.P., V.G., "St. Cronan's," Parochial House, Bray, Co. Wicklow. Coundllor Joseph Barron, 10 South Circular Road, Portobello, Dublin. Mr. J. Andrews, B.Sc., F.R.I.C., F.I.C.I., "Roselea," Marlboro' Road, . Mr. John Swift, Four Provinces House, Harcourt Street, Dublin. Mr. W. J, Whelan, 61 Lr. Beechwood Ave., , Dublin. Mr. James Larkin, T.D., Sa College Street, Dublin. Mr. Philip Brady, M.P.S.I., T.D.. 14 Leicester Ave., , Dublin. Dr. Batterberry, 10 Peyton Terrace, Clanbrassil Street, Dublin.

Office: - Institute of Science and Technology, Lr. Kevin St. Phone 51801. 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEES

THE PRINCIPAL and STAFF TEACHERS acting in collaboration with:-


R. W. O'SULLIVAN and CAPT. J. P. SAUL, Department of Industry and Commerce, Civil Aviation Section. T. P. BYRNE and CAPT. T. P. McKEOWN, Aer Lingus, Dublin Airport. CAPT. J. C, DEVOY, Trans-World Airlines, Inc. CAPT. B. FLANAGAN, Chief Instructor, Air Navigation Courses. M. J. O'FLANAGAN, B.E.. and M. SHEEHY, A.R.C.SC.l., Department of Education.


Irish Bakers', Confectioners' and Allied Workers Union: J. SWIFT (Chair­ man), W. FRANEY, J. KANE, J. FARNON, J. SWEETMAN and R. WALSH. Dublin Master Bakers' Committee: J. V. DOWNEs, L. KENNEDY and G. RORKE. Guild of Irish Bakers: MICHAEL DEMPSEY and P. J. MACMAHON. Representative of the Confectionery Trade Branch, F.U.E.


Theatre and. Cinema Association (Ireland): J. BRENNAN, P. CI.ARKE, B. MARKEY, and F. R. ROBINSON. Cinema Branch, I.T.G.W.U.: F. ROBBINS, R. CRAWFORD, and F. O'TooLE.


R. C. CUFFE, B.E.. PH.D.. M.I.E.E. and L. CoLLINS, B.E., B.SC., .... M.I.E.E.. The Institution of Electrical Engineers (Irish Branch) A. HARKIN, M.E., M.I.E.E., M.I.MECH.E., M.I.C.E.I. (Chairman) and M. MAcloNNRAIC, B.E., Electricity Supply Board. A. J. LITTON, B.E., B.SC., A.M.!.C.E.I., M.I.E.E., Department of Posts and Telegraphs. R. A. H. JACKSON, B.E., B.SC.. A.R.C.SC.!., A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.C.E.I., Cumann na n-Innealtoiri. P. H. GREER, M.I.E.E.. Unldare Ltd. J. A. MCCoNNELL, M.I.E.E., Messrs. Roche and McConnell. M. J. O'FLANAG...N, B.E., Department of Education. 4 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION WORK

Representatives of the folIowing Bodies:-











A. J. LITTON, B.E., B.SC., A.M.I.C.E.I., M.I.E.E.; P. SULLIVAN and E. O'DUFFY, B.Eo, A.M.I.E.E., Department of Posts and Telegraphs.

T. GoGGI and K. O'HIGGINS, Irish Post Office Engineering Union.

M. J. O'FLANAGAN, B.E., Department of Education.






PROF. T. S. WHEELER, D.SC., F.R.I.C., F.I.C.I. (Chairman).



DR. A. G. G. LEONARD, F.R.I.C., F.I.C.I.



Principal: MARTIN J. CRANLEY, M.SC., F.I.C.I., F.R.I.C. Assistant Principal: HUGH DE LACY, B.E., B.SC., A.M.I.E.E.

DEPARTMENT OF PURE AND APPLIED SCIENCE Head of Department: Frands Nolan, M.Se., H.Dip.Ed. Lecturer~in~Charge, Chemistry and Biology: W. Broderick, M.Sc., H.Dip.Ed., D.P.A, M.I.C.I., M.R.I.P.H.H. Lecturer~in~Charge, Mathematics: John M. Forde, B.E.

DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Head of Department: Hugh de Lacy, B.E., B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E.

DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION WORK Head of Department: Liam Trundle, Tech. Dip., City and Guilds. Lecturer~in~Charge: J. J. Farrell.

DEPARTMENT OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING Head of Department: Harold Hodgens, Assoc.I.E.E. Staff Teachers: T. Ambrose, B.Sc.; S. Anthony, City and Guilds, F.T.C.; J. Blennerhassett; L. Breen, B.Sc., Dip.Chem.Tech.; D. T. Carey, City and Guilds, F.T.C.; P. Connell; B. Conway, B.A; T. Cronin, B.E.; Miss Frances Doherty, B.Sc.; T. A G. Dowling, B.A, B.Comm., HDip.Ed.; M. Farrell; J. D. Fitzpatrick; P. Gallagher, B.Sc., HDip.Ed.; D. F. Gilvary, Grad.Brit.LR.E.; N. F. Goulding; W. S. E. Hickson, M.A, M.Sc., Hons.Dip.Ed.; J. V. Honan, AM.Brit.LR.E.; R. Kelly; F. Day~Lewis, AM.Brit.I.R.E.; D. McManus; E. J. McNamara; D. Naessens; T. P. O'Brien, Grad.Brit.I.R.E.; B. J. O'Connor, Grad.Brit.I.R.E.; M. J. O'Rorke; M. J. Rice; E. J. Rothery, B.Sc., M.I.C.I.; B. Scaife. B.Sc. (Eng.), Ph.D.; M. J. Sheehy, B.Sc., A.Inst.P.; T. Short, Grad.I.E.E., Grad.Brit.I.R.E.; 1. Tighe. Part-time Teachers: W. G. Brady; B. Brennan; J. Broe; E. V. Cleary, B.E., AM.I.E.E., H.Dip.Ed.; J. F. Colbert, AM.LE.E.; Miss V. Corcoran, Dip.Opt.; K. P. Culliton, Dip.?pt.; R. A D', B.Sc., ~.I.C.I., AR.I.C.; W. ~e Lacy; J. W. Devon, B. Doyle, M.A., D. Doyle, E. D. Doyle, Grad.Bnt.I.R.E.; P. Finn; Capt. B. Flanagan; P. J. Flanagan; E. C. Hanly, B.E.; T. P. Hardiman, B.E., B.Sc.; P. Harrington, AM.I.E.E.; P. Haughey, Grad.Brit. IRE.; P. Herr; R. Kearns, B.A; T. J. Kelly; J. M. Kennedy, AM.LE.E.; J. P. Kenny, B.E.; J. J. McCowen; P. McNamara, B.E.; T. P. Mahon; T. S. Mason. F.B.O.A; M. A O'Brien, B.A; C. 0 Cearbhaill, B.Sc., AR.C.Sc.L; J. O'Connor; 1. O'Reilly, AM.I.E.E.; A W. Patterson; G. K. Ring, B.E., AR.C.Sc.L; V. Roddy; H. N. Wroc, Ph.D., B.Sc., AM.LE.E. Spiritual Director: Rev. L. M. Kearns, S.J. Stocktaker: Frands Nolan, M.Sc., H.Dip.Ed. Clerical Staff: Robert J. Day, Senior Clerk; Joseph Flynn. 6 REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE ADMISSION OF STUDENTS TO CLASSES AND COURSES The attention of all students is directed to the General Regulations for Schools and Classes operating under the authority of the City of Dublin Vocational Education Com­ mittee. These Regulations are displayed on the Notice Board in the Hall and they govern Admission and Enrolment, Fees, Transfers, Formation and Continuance of Classes, Discipline, etc. ENROLMENT In general. applicants for admission to all Day Courses, other than the Junior Course in Engineering Science, must not be under sixteen years of age. Intending students are required to show evidence of ability to profit by the instruction before being approved for admission to any tage of a particular Course. Acceptance for admission to any Course of Study mUilt be certified on the standard enrolment form by the responsible Teacher-in-charge or by the Head of Department, Assistant Principal or Principal. The requisite Course Fees, together with the completed form of enrolment, must be lodged in the office or the Institute; the sole certification of enrolment in a Course is the official receipt for the Course Fees paid. Registration on Class Rolls and entry on the Course of Study provided by any Class may be made only on presentation to the Lecturer or Instructor in control of the Class of the appropriate official Course receipt and Class Ticket. SESSIONAL EXAMINATIONS AND CLASS PROMOTION REGULATIONS Examinations are held at end of Session in respect of each class-subject; no student shall be admitted to the Examinations who has not made at least three-fourths of the possible attend­ ance, except in very special circumstances and at the discretion of the Principal. Promotion to a Higher Stage of instruction in any subject is contingent on passing the Sessional Examina­ tions in the Lower Stage. An Experimental Record Book is required to be maintained by each student of a Laboratory Class; an assessment shall be made at end of Session of each student's progress in laboratory technique and experimental ability. TRADE CLASSES These classes are provided for the sole purpose of supplementing the practical trade training of persons actually employed at and engaged in the various operations of the trade. For admission to Trade CIa es proof of actual employment in the several proce es and operations of the trade will be certified to that effect from the :\Iaster ' Asociation and/or the official Trade Unions of the trade concerned. Enrolment subsequent to Monday, 30th September, 1957, may be m'lde onl) on the authority of the Principal. 7 WHOLE~TIME COURSES JUNIOR DAY SCHOOL ID. Junior Course-Engineering Science Teacher-in-Charge: J. M. FOR DE, B.E. Course Fee: £2 per Session. Students' Union Subscription, 2/6. The Course provides a pre-apprenticeship training particularly suitable for those who intend to enter Electrical Trades or the Offices of Consultant Engineers or Electrical Contractors. The Cour e extends over two Sessions. Intending students should not be over sixteen years of age. They should have attained a minimum standard (If general education equivalent to that of the Second Year of the Intermediate Course in Secondary Schools and are required to pass an entrance examination in Mathematics. The subjects and alloca­ tion of hours per week to each are: FIRST YEAR: lVlathematics, 41; General Science, 11; Magnetism and Electricity, 51; Metalwork, 6; Drawing, 41; Irish, 3; English, 3; Religious Knowledge, 2. SEeo 0 YEAR: Mathematics, Si; Mechanics and Heat, 3; Applied Magnetism and Electricity, 6; Metalwork, 5 ~; Drawing, 2; Irish, 3; English, 2; Religious Knowledge, 2. 2D. Junior Preparatory Course-Engineering Science Teacher-in-Charge: J. M. FORDE, B.E. Course Fee: £4 per Session. Students' Union Subscription, 2/6. The Course is intended for students who intend to enter Electrical Trades but who are over the age limit for the two-year Junior Course (ID). The requisite Entrance Standard of general education is equivalent to that of the Third Year of the Intermediate Certificate (Secondary Schools) and prospective students are required to pass an entrance examination in Mathematics. The subj.ects and allocation of hours per week to each subject are: Mathematics, 6; :\lagnetism and Electricity, 6; Mechanics and Heat, 4~; Radio Theory, 1~; Workshop Practice,SL Drawing, 3; Irish, 1L English, 3; Religious Knowledge, 2. SENIOR DAY SCHOOL 3D. Radio Service Work Teacher-in-Charge: J. V. Ho A~, A.l\1.BRlT.I.R.E. Course Fee: £8 (£4-Sept. to January) (£4-February to June). Senior Students' Union Subscription, 5/-. The Course, covering a period of two Sessions, is designed to meet the needs of students desiring full training and certification in Radio Service Work. Applicants should not be less than sixteen year of 8 age and .hould hold the Primary School Leaving Certificate, and, in addition, have at least one year's satisfactory whole-time attendance at a technical or secondary school. Not more than fifteen students will be enrolled in anyone year of the Course. The subjects of the Course and the allocation of hours to each subject are: FIRST YEAR: Magnetism and Electricity, 6; Radio Theorx, 6; Practical Radio Service, 91; Mathematics, 3; English, 3; Drawing, 1i; Religious Knowledge, 1. ShC0:-10 YEAR: Alternating Current and Electrical Calculations, 3; Radio Theory, 6; Practical Radio Service, 12~; Electronics and Tutorial, 3; Business Methods, 11; Religious Know­ ledge, 1. Students sit for the examinations in Radio Service Work ot the Department of Education and the City and Guilds of London Institute, held during the Summer Term each year. iD. Radio Officers' Certificate Course (Mercantile Marine) Teacher-in-Charge: H. HOOCE S, ASSOC.I.E.E. Course Fee: £5 per term. Senior Students' Union Subscription, 5/-. This Course prepares students for the Examinations of Proficien(.y in Radio elegraphy and Radiotelephony. The instruction includes Lectures and Practical Work in Electricity, Radiotelegraphy, Radio­ telephony, Direction Finding, training in sending and receiving in the ~1orse Code, in operating procedure and the handling of traffic, and in the International Regulations. The Institute is equipped with the late. t types of Radio Apparatus as required by the Merchant Shipping (Radio) Rules, 1953. Enrolments will be accepted during the firs week in the Autumn, Spring and Summer Terms in each Session provided accommodation is available. The duration of the period of training requisite for the acquirement of a First Class State Certificate of Proficiency is approximately two Sessions. The State Certifi ate Examinations are conducted in the School during December, March and June in each session by the Department of Posts and Telegraphs. The syllabuses of examination subjects are those defined by the Department of Posts and Telegraphs in con­ formity with the International Radio Regulations (Telecommunica­ tions) Convention, Atlantic City, 1947. State Certificates confer eligibility for employment a Radio Officer in the International Iercantile ::\Iarine ervices. Prospective students should have at least the Intermediate Certi­ ficate of the Department of Education or equivalent and will be required to pass an entrance examination of this standard in English and ~lathematics. The ubjects of the Course and the allocation of hours are as follow. :- FIRST YEAR: 1ST A'\n 2:-10 TERMS: l\Iagnetism and Electricity, 6; Morse, 17; International Regulations, 1 ~ ; Mathematics, 1 ~ ; English, 9 1i; Typewriting, 11; Social Science, i. 3RD TERM: Alt mating Current and Machine, 3; Radio Theory, 4i; Practical Radio, 6; Morse, 13t; International Regulations, 1i; Physical Geography and avigation, 1; Social Science, 1- SECOND YEAR: Electrotechnology, 3; Radio Theory, 4i; Practical Radio, 6; Morse, 13 L International Regulations, 1~; Tutorial, 1; Social Science, 1- 5D. Marine Radar Maintenance Certificate Course Teacher-in-Charge: M. J. RICE. Course Fee: £8 per tenn. Senior Students' Union Subscription, 5/-. This Course is of twelve weeks' duration and enrolments are accepted during the first week of the Autumn, Spring and Summer Terms. The Course is open to those who have obtained a Certificate of Proficiency in Radiotelegraphy. Examinations for the Radar Maintenance Certificate conducted by the Department of Posts and Telegraphs are held in the Institute at the end of each Course. The Classes are held each weekday, except Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. 6D. Pre-University Course in Science Teacher-in-Charge: W. BRODERICK, M.SC., H.DIP.ED.. M.I.C.I. Course Fee: £15 per session or £5 per term. Fee per single subject: £5 per session. Senior Students' Union Subscription, 5/-. This one-year Course provides instruction in the basic 'ciences for tuJents who propose to pursue University Courses in Science, Engineering, Medicine, etc., or who wish to prepare for examinations such as College of Surgeons Entrance, the Preliminary examinations of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, Association of Ophthalmic Opticians, Ireland, etc. The syllabuses are those prescribed for thp Matriculation examination of the National University of Ireland. The subjects of the Course and the allocation of hours to each subject per week are: Physics, 9; Chemistry, 6; Biology, 6; Social cience, 1. 7D. Senior Science Course Ttacher-in-Charge: M. SHEEHY, B.SC., A.INST.P. Course Fee: £10 per se.sion. Senior Students' Union Subscription, 5/-. This one-year Course provides education in the ba ic sciences for students who intend to pursue sub equent courses in Science or Electrical Engineering in the Institute. The subjects of the Course and number of hours allocated to each subject during the ession are: Mathematics, 6; Applied Mathematic, 6; Physics, 6; Chemi try, 6; 10 Engli h, 8; Social Science, 1. Prospective students should be approxi­ mately 16 years of age and should have already obtained as a minimum the Day Vocatioml Certificate (Manual Training Group) of the Department of Education with passes in Irish, English, Mathematics, :\lechanical Drawing, Mechanics and Heat or Magnetism and Electricity, and Metalwork or Woodwork or the Intermediate Certi­ ficate of the Department of Education. Only exceptionally good day junior technical school tudents or Intermediate Certificate secondary school students can enter on the Course with prospects of success. At the end of the ses ion, students sit the General Certificate of Educa­ tion (Ordinary Level) of the University of London in the subjects Engli h, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. The Institute is a recognised centre for this examination. Successful students who intend to follow a career in Science should continue to Caul' e 8D below and those who intend to follow a career in Elec­ trical Engineering should continue to Course 9D. Courses in Civil and Mechanical Engineering are provided in the Technical Institute, Bolton Street. SCHOLARSHIPS: The City of Dublin Vocational Education Com­ mittee offers scholarships to this Course. For details, sec page 36 o· thi. Prospectus. BD. Intermediate B.Sc. Degree Course Teacher-in-Charge: E. ]. ROTHERY,, ;"r.r.e.r. Course Fee: £15 per Session. Senior Students' Union Subscription, 5/-. This om··year Course provides education in Mathematics, Applied :\lathematic , Phy ics and Chemi try for the General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) of the University of London. Passes in three of these subjects at Advanced Level, together with a pass in English at Ordinary Level, exempt from the Intermediate Examin;J.­ tion in Science of the University of London (Inter.B.Sc.). Pros­ pe'tive students must have already obtained the General Certificate of Education at Ordinary Level in English, Mathematic, Applied :\1athematics, Ph)'_ ics, and Chemistry or attained an approved equivalent standard. The subjects of the Course and the number of hour per week allocated to each subject arc: Mathematics, 7t; Applied Mathe­ matics, 8; Physics, 9; Chemistry, 8; Biology (Ordinary Level), 6; Industrial Organisation, 1i; Social Science, 1. Each student has the choice of taking either Applied Mathematics or Chemistry-the two ubjects cannot be taken together. The Institute is a recognised centre for the above Advanced Level Examinations. It is anticipated that succe sful students of the Course will obtain employment in industries which utilise scientific processes, and by subsequent attend­ :l11ce at appropriate evening classes in the Institute may proceed to th· RSc. (External) Degree of the University of London. 11 9D. Electrical Engineering Course College-based Sandwich Course Teacher-in-Charge: H. DE LACY, B.E., B.SC., A.M.LE.E. This Course conducted over four sessions prepares students for the examinations for Graduateship of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (Grad.l.E.E.). At the end of each of the first three sessions, students will be placed with engineering firms and organisa­ tions to acquire approved practical engineering training. Approxi­ mately 50 weeks will be spent in this manner and in nearly every case the firm will give a weekly allowance to the student. Attend­ ance, conduct and progress while undergoing practical training are subject to the same disciplinary regulations as attendance at the course. Prospective students must have passed the General Certificate of Education at Ordinary Level in the subjects English, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry or have attained an equivalent standard in each of these subjects (see Course 7D). The duration and subjects of each session of the Course are :- FIRST YEAR: Beginning of September to end of June. Mathematics Oi hours), Applied Mathematics (8 hours), Physics (9 hours), Work­ shop Practice and Drawing (6 hours), Industrial Organisation (1_ hours), Social Science (l hour). Students are required to pass the General Certificate of Edu,ation at Advanced Level in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Physics at the end of the session. Practical Engineering training: 1st July-30th September. SEcm,m YEAR: 1st October-15th April. Mathematics (4~ hours), Applied Mechanics (4~ hours), Heat, Light and Sound (6 hours), Principles of Electricity (4~ hours), Engineering Drawing (3 hours), Electrical Engineering (4{ hours), Electronics (3 hours), Industrial Organisation (1 i hours), Social Science (l hour). Students are required to pass the Part I examination of the Institution of Elec­ trical Engineers at the end of the session. Practical Engineering training: 1st May-1st September. THIRD YEAR: Beginning of September-15th April. Mathematics (4~ hours), Engineering Physics (6 hours), Electrical Engineering: Machines (6 hours), Measurements (6 hours), Electronics (6 hours), Industrial Organisation (li hours), Social Science (1 hour). Students are required to pass the Part II examination of the Institution of Electrical Engineers at the end of the session. Practical Engineering training: 1st May-30th September. FOURTH YEAR: 1st October-30th June. Mathematics, Advanced Electrical Engineering, Electrical Measurements, Electronic Engineering, Utilisation of Electrical Plant, Industrial Organisation, Social Science. Students will sit the Part III examination of the Institution of Electrical Engineers in the following October. 12 The Course IS not at present recognised by the Institution of Electrical Engineers for its Part III examination, but it is hoped that this recognition will be forthcoming in the near future. COURSE FEE: £15 per session. (Fee may be paid in two instalments of £7 lOs. Od., one at time of enrolment, the second not later than January 31st.) Classes as described on page 23 of the 1956-57 Prospectus will be provided for those students who were enrolled in the Electrical Engineering Course that year. COURSE FEES: 2nd and 3rd Years: 15th October-1st March: Fee, £7 10s. Od.; 1st March-15th October: Fee, £7 10s. Od. Senior Students' Union Subscription, 5/-. SCHOLARSHIPS: The City of Dublin Vocational Education Com­ mittee offers scholarships to various years of this Course. For details, see page 36 of this Prospectus. Health Inspectors' Diploma Course ot offered 1957-58. Information may be obtained on application' to the Principal. SANDWICH COURSES lOD. Post Office Engineering Teacher-in-Charge: T. P. O'BRIE , GRAD.BRIT.I.R.E. Course Fee: £3 per stage. This Course is conducted under a pecial scheme by arrangement with the Department of Posts and Telegraphs and provides technical instruction for all Post Office Youths-in-Training. The scheme has the co-operation of the Irish Post Office Engineering Union. Each stage of whole-time instruction occupies a period of thirteen weeks and the whole course consists of three such stages. Each stage is asso­ -iated with a further course of instruction by correspondence carried on over an additional period of approximately 30 weeks. The subjects of the Course and the allocation of hours to each subject are: FIRST YEAR: :\.lagnetism and Electricity, 12; Physics, 4L Mathe­ matics, 6; English, 21; Irish, 1; Civics, 1; Drawing, 3; Tutorial, 3. SECO TI) YEAR: Alternating Current and Machines, 3; Physics, 3; Electronic., 71; Telephony, 71; l\Iathematics, 6; English, 3; Irish, 1; Civics, 1; Tutorial, 1. THIRD YEAR: Alternating Current and Machin~'s, ·H; Physics, 3; Electronics, 41; Telephony, 71; Mathe­ matics, 6; English, 3; Irish, 1; Civics, 1; Tutorial, 21. EXTER AL AREAS: Youths-in-Training from external areas are admitted under special fee by arrangeme~t with the Vocational Education Com­ mittees concern d. The Department of Posts ancl Telegraphs and the Irish Post Office Engineering Union both offer prizes for students in each year of the cou r. e. See page 37 for details. 13 110. Electrical Installation Work Teacher-in-Charge: L. TRUNDLE, TECH.DIP.CITY AND GL'lLDS Course Fee: £3 per stage. This Course provides for the full technical training of Apprentice Electricians and has the co-operation of the Trade Unions and the Electricity Supply Board. Apprentices receive thirteen weeks' instruc­ tion (33 hours per week) during each of the first four years of apprenticeship. Each stage of whole-time instruction is associated with a correspondence course carried on ove. an additional period of approximately 35 weeks. The syllabu es of instruction are based on those of the Department of Education for Electrical Installation Work (Written and Practical) and Electrical Engineering Practice. Students are required to sit Department of Education Examinations at the end of the second, third and fourth years. The subjects of the Course and the allocation of hour are as follows for each year of the Course: Practical Installation and Cable Jointing, 9; Electrical Installation Technology, 6; Engineering Science, 3; Drawing, 3; Mathematics, 3; Workshop Practice and Technology, 61; English, 1{; Religious Knowledge, l EXTERNAL AREAS: Student Appren­ tices from External Areas are admitted under special fees by arrange­ ment with the Vocational Education Committee concerned. The Electricity Supply Board offer prizes for students of the Course. See page 37 for details.

PART~TIME OAY RELEASE COURSES 120. Electrical Installation Work Course Fee: £3 per session. This Course, conducted on one full day and two or three evening per week, provides technical training for Electrical Apprentices. Day Classes provide instruction in Mathematics, Physics and Electrical Installation Technology. Evening Classes are held in Practical Installation, Engineering Science and Electrical Engineering. FIRST YEAR Teacher-in-Charge: M. FARRELL

Subject Day I Time I Room I Teacher

Physics Thursday 9.30 11.00 4 L. Breen and Mathematics Thursday 11.00 12.30 4 { J. Fitzpatrick Electrical Installation Technology - Thursday 2.00- 4.00 6 L. Trundle and D. McManus Engli h Thursday 4.00- 5.00 6 H. Conway Practical Installation I Friday 7.30 10.00 33 1. TiR"hc Magnetism and Electricity Wednesday 7.30 10.00 12, Bb M. Farrell Engineering Science - Monday 7.30 10.00 Ba R. Kc1ly

14 SEcm."'D YEAR Teacher-in-Charge: J. FARRELL

Subject Day Time Teacher _I I 1 Room I

Mathematics Wednesday 9.30-11.00 5 J. Farrell Physics Wednesday 11.00-12.30 5 J. Farrell Electrical Installation Technology . Wednesday 2.00- 5.00 6 L. Trundle Electrical Installation Technology . Monday 7.30-10.00 6 M. Farrell Practical Installation Wednesday 7.30-10.00 33 I. Tighe English Tuesday 8.00-10.00 17 B. Doyle

At the end of the second year students are required to sit the Electrical Installation Work Junior Written and Practical and Electrical Engineering Practice D.e. Elementary examinations of the Department of Education. Students who successfully complete the second year of the Course and pass with honours in the day class examinations will be permitted to enrol in the Part-time Day Electrical Engineering Course (Appren­ tices)-see Course No. 13D. Students who do not reach this standard, but who are otherwise suitable, will be enrolled in the third year course hereunder.


Subject Day Time Teacher IRoom I

English Tuesday 9.30-10.30 5 M. A. O'Brien Electrical Installation Technology • Tuesday 10.30-12.30 5 L. Trundle Electrical Installation Technology . Tuesday 2.00- 5.00 5 M. Fnrrell Practical Installation III Tuesday 7.30-10.00 33 E. McNamara Engineering Science III Friday 7.30-10.00 4 E. Hanly Mathematics (3) Thursday 7.30- 9.30 25 P. Molumby

At the end of this year students are required to sit the Electrical Installation Work Senior Written and Practical and the Electrical Engineering Practice D.e. Intermediate and A.C. Elementary examinations of the Department of Education and are expected to sit the Electrical Installation Work Course B examination of the City and Guilds of London Institute.

130. Electrical Engineering (Apprentices)

Teacher-in-Charge: L. TRUNDLE. Course Fee: £3 per session This Course, conducted on two whole days and two or three evenings per week, is provided for electrical apprentices who have attained an honours standard at the end of the second year of 15 Course 12D or who have attained an equivalent standard, to proceed further with the study of Electrical Engineering. The first year of the Course prepares students for the General Certificate of Education in English, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Physics. Passes in these subjects at Ordinary Level are the educational qualification for registration as a student of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. Students should obtain a copy of the Examination Regulations from the Institution of Electrical Engineers, Savoy Place, Victoria Embankment, London, W.C.2. The second and third years of the course prepare students for the Joint Part I examination of the Institution of Electrical Engineers.


Subject Day Teacher

Physics Mon., Thu. 9.30-12.30 15 W. Broderick Mathematics Mon., Thu. 2.00- 3.30 16,19 P. Gallagher Applied Mathematics . Mon., Thu. 3.30- 5.00 16,19 T. Cronin Mathematics (10) Thursday 7.00--10.00 14 P. Gallagher English Monday 7.00--10.00 14 B. Doyle

SECOND YEAR: On Mondays and Tuesdays Classes will be held as follows: Mathematics, 3 hours; Physics, 3 hours; Principles of Electricity, I! hours; Mechanics, I! hours; Practical and Tutorial, 3 hours. Students are also required to attend selected classes, includ­ ing Drawing and Practical in Course o. 35 as directed. THIRD YEAR: On Wednesdays and Fridays Classes will be held as follows: Mathematics, I! hours; Physics, I! hours; Principles of Electricity, 3 hours; Mechanics, 3 hours; Practical and Tutorial, 3 hours. Students are also required to attend selected classes, includ­ ing Drawing and Practical in Course No. 36 as directed.

140. Projection Science for Cinema Apprentices (Session: October to May).

Teacher-in-Charge: ]. V. HONA J A.M.BRIT.I.R.E. Cour e Fee: £2 per session. The Course provides techni al training for Cinema Apprentices employed in the Dublin Area, and is organised in co-operation with the Irish Transport and General Workers' Union (Cinema Branch), and the Theatre and Cinema Association (Ireland). The Cour e extends over three Sessions and provides a minimum of five hour of instruction per week in English, Mathematics, General S ience, Elec­ tricity, Light and Sound Equipment. 16 FIRST YEAR: English, Mathematics, and General Science: l\!Ionday, 2.00-4.00; Wednesday and Saturday, 10.30-12.30.

SECOND YEAR: Electricity and Light: Tuesday and Friday, 10-12.30.

THIRD YEAR: Electricity and Sound Equipment: Tuesday and Friday, 10-12.30.

The Theatre and Cinema Association (Ireland) and the Irish Transport and General Workers' Union offer prizes for students of the Course. See page 37 for details.

150. Bakery Practice


Course Fee: £2 per session.

The Courses provide instruction in Breadmaking and Flour Con­ fectionery for Bakery Apprentices.

Day Time Subject Room Teacher

Monday 9.30-12.30 Bakery Practice II .1 20 S. Anthony and 2.00- 5.00 D. Carey Tuesday 9.30-12.30 Bakery Practice IVA 20 . Anthony and 2.00 5.00 D. Carey 7.00- 8.00 English 11 and III . 20,21 B. Dayle and M. A. O'Brien 8.00-10.00 Bakery eience II an,l III 20,21 D. Carey and R. A. D'Arcy Wednesday 9.30-12.30 Bakery Practice IVB 20 S. Anthony and 2.00- 5.00 D. Carey 7.00- 8.00 English I 21 M. A. O'Brien 8.00-10.00 Bakery Science I 21 D. Carey Thursday 9.30-12.30 Bakery Practice III 20 S. Anthony and 2.00- 5.00 D. Carey 7.00- 8.00 Enl{lish IV 21 B. Doyle 8.00-10.00 Bakery cience IV . 21 R. A. D'Arcy Friday 9.30-12.30 Bakery Practice I 20 S. Anthony and 2.00- 5.00 D. Carey

Students sit the Intermediate Examination in Breadmaking and Flour Confectionery of the City and Guilds of London Institute at the end of the second year and the Final Examination at the end of the fourth year of the cour e. 17 16D. Laboratory Technicians' Work Teacher-in-Charge: L. BREEN, B.SC., DIP.CHEM.TECH. Course Fee: £2 per session. This Course provides training for laboratory attendants and assist­ ants who work in universities, research institutes, industrial firms and schools and is primarily intended for those working in chemical laboratories. Students sit the Intermediate examination of the City and Guilds of London Institute in Laboratory Technicians' Work at the end of the course. Classes are conducted on two half-days and two evenings per week over a period of three sessions of approximately 34 weeks each. Prospective students should be at least 16 years of age and have the Primary School Leaving Certificate. They should, in addition, have had at least one year subsequent whole-time educa­ tion either in a technical school or secondary school and be able to furnish a Certificate of satisfactory progress in same. Applicants who do not possess these educational requirements will be required to attend satisfactorily at a Pre-Specialisation Science Course before they are admitted to this Course. This Course is approved by the Institute of Chemistry of Ireland, and successful students of the Course will be eligible for enrolment as recognised Laboratory Technicians by the Institute of Chemistry of Ireland. The Institute of Chemistry of Ireland also offers a prize to students in each year of the Course. (See page 38 for details). The subjects of the Course are: FIRST YEAR: English, Physics, Metalwork (2 terms); Glassblowing (1 term); Mathematics, Draw­ ing, Chemistry. SECOND YEAR: Chemistry (1 term); Biology (2 terms); Mathematics and Drawing (1 term); Electricity (2 terms); English, Physics, Metalwork (2 terms); Glassblowing (1 term). THIRD YEAR: Electricity (2 terms); Physics (Photography) (1 term); Physics (Light) (1 term); Specialised Laboratory Techniques (1 term); Laboratory Organisation (1 te~m); Specialised Laboratory Techniques (3 telms); Workshop PractIce: Glassblowing (1 term); Woodwork and Plastics (1 term).



The attention of prospective students who have not attained the appropriate educational entrance standard for admission to courses in this Institute is directed to the following courses offered in other Institutes ;-


2. PREPARATORY COURSE AT THE TECHNICAL INSTITUTE, MOUNT STREET, for entry to General Certificate of Education Courses ( os. 14 and 34). At the end of the above courses a qualifying examination will be held in this Institute for admission to the appropriate courses in this Institute next se. ion.




Teacher-in-Charge: J. M. FORDE, B.E.

FEES: Courses Nos. 1~lO-20/~ each per session. Courses Nos. 11~13-30/~ each per session.


No. of Subject Day T~ Room Teacher Course I 1 1 Pra tical Mathematics I Friday 7.30-9.30 19 T. P. IIayes 2 Do. Il Wed. 7.30-9.3:> 19 T. P. lIayes 3 Do. III Thursday 7.30-9.30 25 P. Gallagher 4 Do. IV Monday 7.30-9.30 14

Students are required to sit the Department of Education Examinations in 'Mathe· matics, Elementary, at the end of Stage 11 and Mathematics, Intermediate, at the end of Stage IV. 19 MATHEMATICS FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS (INCLUDING RADIO SERVICE WORK AND POST OFFICE ENGINEERING)

No. of Subject Day Time Room Teacher Course I I I l\Iathematics for Tele- communications (Ele- mentary) Wed. 7.30-9.30 I. O'Reilly 6 Mathematics for Tele- communications lA Wed. 7.30-9.30 11 E. D. Doyle 7 Do. IB Tuesday 7.30-9.30 5 E. D. Doyle 8 Do. llA Thursday 7.30-9.30 8a P.G.McNamara 9 Do. lIB Friday 7.30-9·30 13 P.G.McNamara

Students are require,l to sit the City and Guilds of London Institute Examinations in Mathematics for Telecommunications I and 11 at the end of Staj(es J aml n, respectively.


No. of Subject Day Time Room Teacher Course 10 IMathematics for E~gin: eering I. I Tuesnay 7.00--10.00 I 14 1- P. Gallagher

tudents are required to sit the General Certificate of Education Examination in Mathematics (Ordinary Le-rel) at the end of the course. Other classes in Mathematics for Engineering are provided in tbe courses No. 35·38 for Gradua ship of the Institu­ tion of Electrical Engineers.


No. of Subject Day Time Room Teacher Course 11 Mathematics I - . Friday 7.00--10.00 5 C. 0 Cearbhaill 12 Do. II - Thursday 7.00--10.00 5 C. 0 Cearbhaill 13 Do. III - . Tuesday 7.00--10.00 27 C. 0 Cearbhaill

Students are required to sit the General Certificate of Education Examination in Mathematics, Ordinary Level, at tbe end of the first stage and the Advanced Level at the end of the second stage. (Advanced Level is equivalent to the Intermediate Examination for the B.Sc. Degree of the University of London.) At the end of Stage III students sit the Part I examinati n in Mathematics of the University of London External RSc. De!\"ree.

PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY B.Sc. DEGREE COURSE (UNIVERSITY OF LONDON) This Course is provided for students who wish to sit for the University of London external B.Sc. Degree (General). Prospective 20 students must hC,7h·. as a minImUm, a Matriculation standard 0/ education or its equivalent. Students should arrange to comply with the regulations for registration as external students of the University of London as soon as possible and should obtain copies of the regula­ tions relating to Oniversity Entrance Requirements from the Secr~­ tary to the University Entrance and School Examinations Council. University of London, Senate House, London, W.C.I. The Course extends over at least five sessions. At the end of the first year students are required to sit the General Certificate of Educa­ tion Examination in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry at Ordinary Level and at the end of the second year the General Certificate of Education in the same subjects at Advanced Level. Passes in these three subjects at Advanced Level, together with a pass in English at Ordinary Level, exempt from the Intermediate Examination for the B.Sc. Degree.

September-June--Fee, £2 per Course.


~o. of Subject Day Itoom Teacher Course I _11':1

14 Physics I Thursday 7.00---10.00 12-10 ~1. Sheehy Olemistry I and lA :I Tue., \Ve,1. 7.00---10.00 25·24 W. nroderick & L. Breen Mathematics (11) Friday 7.00---10.00 C. 0 Cearbhaill English (optional) Thursday 7.00---10.00 14 T. A. G. Dowling

SECO~J) YEAR: Il\"TERl\IEDIATE B.SC. COURSE Tl'f1cher-in-Charge: E. j. ROTHERY, B.SC., M.I.C.I.

No. of Subject Day Time Room Teacher Course I 15 IPhysics II We<1. 7.00---10.00 16 W. S. E. -I Hickson IChemistry II • i\lon., Fn. 7.00 10.00 25·24 E. J. Rothery l\lathematics (12) :I Thursday 7.00-10.00 5 C. 0 Cearbhaill

THIRD YEAR: PART I B.SC. COURSE Prospective students must have satisfied the mInimum entrance requirements of the University of London for the B.Sc. degree and have passed in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry at Advanced I evel. In certain circumstances, two passes at Advanced Level and 21 a pass at Ordinary Level at an Advanced Level examination may be accepted.

Teacher-in-Charge: E. J. ROTHERY, B.SC., l\f.r.C.r.

No. of . ubject Time I Room I Teacher Course

16 Physics III .\londay 7.00-10.00 16 -- Chemistry III Thursday 7.00-10.00 2l E. J. Rothery Mathematics (13) Tuesday 7.00-10.00 27 C. 0 CearhhaiJl Chemistry III (Autumn Term) Friday 7.00-10.00 2l -- Physics III (Spring Term) - Friday 7.00-10.00 3 --

Details of the Part II (Final) B.Sc. Degree Course will be pub­ lished in the Prospectus for the Session 1958-59. The Course will prepare students for the B.Sc. Degree in Chemistry and Mathematics and will extend over at least two sessions. For details of the Foy Scholarship in Applied Chemistry, see page 36.


Diploma Course in Optometry

Tf'GclJn-in-Clzarge: T. S. MAsoK, F.B.O.A.

Fee: £10 per session. Single Subject: £5 per session.

The Course is organised in co-operation with the A ociation ot Ophthalmic Opticians,' Ireland. Applicants for admission to the Course must have Matriculation or Leaving Certificate or a certificate of general education of equivalent standard. Intending students are advised to apply to the Association of Ophthalmic Opticians, Ireland, 11 Harrington Street, Dublin, for full particulars relating to syllabuses, registration and conditions of admission to the prafe ional examinations for the Diploma in Optometry. The Diploma Examina­ tions are conducted in three parts and the Course is divided into three corresponding parts or years. Students must have completed all the examination requirements for each year of the Course before they are eligible for enrolment in the succeeding year of the Course. Since it is probable that this Course will be replaced bv a whole­ time course, commencing September, 1958, prospective t~dents are 22

• warned that it is likely that no applications for enrolment in the first year of this Cour"e will be accepted after September, 1957.


No. , of Subject Day Time Teacher Course 17 Physical Optics - ITuesday 7.30-10.00 15 F. Nolan Anatomy & Physiology - IWed. 7.00- 8.00 28 - Optical Calculations IWed. 8.30- 9.30 25 K. P. Culliton


NO'jof Subject Day Time Teacher jRoom Course I

18 Yisual Optics - Mon., Thu. 7.30-9.30 15 K. P. Culliton and Miss V. Corcoran Anatomy and Recogni- tion of Abnormal Con- ditions Wed. 8.00-9.30 28


No. of Subject _I Day Time I Room \ Teacher Course

OPtical Dispensing 7.30-9.30 ~ ~p. Culliton 19 -I Monday IOptometry -- - Wed., Fri. 7.30-9.30 \ 15 I T. S. Mason


Fee I 30/~ per session.

No. of Subject Day Time I Room Teacher Course I I I 20 IG1assblowing - -I Wed. 7.00-10.00-1- Iw. G. Brady 23 MICROBIOLOGY

Teacher-in-Charge: MISS F. DORERTY, H.SC.

Fee I £2 per session.

SECOND YEAR: Prospective students must have passed the sessional examination held at the end of the first year course in previous sessions or have attained an approved equivalent standard.

No. of Subject Day Time Room Teacher Course I 21 IMicrobiology IIA Tuesday 7.00-10.00 I 23,28 IMiss F. Doherty 22 Microbiology lIB :I Thursday 7.00-10.00 23,28 Miss F. Doherty

No first year Course will be enrolled this session, pending reorgani­ sation of the Course which, it is hoped, will be completed in time to allow the 1st Year of the re-organised Course to be offered in 1958-59.


Teacher-in-Charge: F. NOLAN, M.SC., R.DIP.ED.

Fee I 30/; per session.


No.of I Subject Day Time Teacher Course

23 Flour Milling Tech- nology I Monday 7.00-9.30 16 W. de Lacy Flour Milling Tech- nology and Science I- Thursday 7.00-9.30 24 W. de Lacy


No.of I Subject Day Time Teacher Room I Course 1 1 24 I-lour Milling Te h- noJoll'Y 11 Monday 7.00-9.30 16 I W. de Lacy Flour Milling Tech- , nolollY and Science IT Thursday 7.00-9.30 24 I W. de Lacy

.\t the end of the second Jear students sit for the Intermediate Examination of the Department of Educati n an of the City and Guilds of London Institute. 24 THIRD YEAR

No. I o[ Subject Day Time I~oom Teacher' Course_ I

25 Flour Milling Tech- nology ill Wed. 7.00-9.30 21 W. de Lacy Flour Milling Tech- nology and Science ID Tuesday 7.00-9.30 28 R. A. D'"\rcy


No.of I Subject Day Time Teacher IRoom Course I

26 Flour Milling Tech- nology IV - Wed. 7.00-9.30 21 W. de Lacy Flour Milling Tech- nol gy and Science IV Tuesday 7.00-9.30 28 R. A. D'Arcy

At the end o[ the fourth year students sit [or the Final Examinations o[ the Department o[ Education and o[ the City and Guilds o[ London Institute. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION WORK Courses os. 27-31 are reserved to Trade Apprentices and Journeymen who pass the Entrance Examination. The attention of students who do not pass this examination is directed to the Courses de cribed on page 19. Electrical Installation Work Fee: 30/~ per Course. JUNIOR TRADE CERTIFICATE COURSE FIRST YEAR Teacher-in-Charge: M. FARRELL.

No.o[ I Subject Day Time Teacher Room Course I I

27 Practical Installation I Monday 7.30-10.00 33 I. Tighe Magnetism and Elec- tricity - Tuesday 7.30-10.00 12-811 J. Colbert Engineering Science I Thursday 7.30-10.00 4 T. 1'. ][arniman

28 Practical Installation I- Wed. 7.30-10.00 33 I. Tighe Magnetism and Elec- tricity Monday 7.30-10.00 12-10 J. Colbert Engineering Science I Tuesday 7.30-10.00 8a T. P. Har


Teacher-in-Charge: 1. TIGHE.

NO., of Subject Day Time Teacher Course I 1 IRooj 29 Practical Installation IT Thur. or 7.30-10.00 33 E. J. MeNamara Wed. Electrical InstaUafion Monday 7.30-10.00 6 tE. Hanly Technology I E. V. Cleary Engineering Science IIA Tuesday 7.30- 9.00 . Farrell Electrical Installation IT, Tuesday 9.00-10.00 J. Farrell Lecture

Students are required to sit the Junior Trade Certificate Examinations, Written and Practical, and the Electrical Engineering Practice D.C. Elementary Examination of the Department of Education.



Teacher-in-Charge: E. J. Mc AMARA.

No. I Subject Day Time of IRoom I Teacher Course 1 30 Practical Installation III Tuesday 7.30-10.00 33 E. J. McNamara Electrical Installation Thursday 7.30-10.00 6 J. Farrell Technology IT Engineering Science III Friday 7.30-10.00 E. IIanly

Students are required to sit the Senior Trade Certificate Examinations, Written and Practical, and the Electrical Engineering Practice D.C. Intermediate and A.C. Elementary Examinations of the Department of Education and are expected to sit the Course BB" examination of the City and Guilds of London Institute.


FOURTH YEAR Teacher-in-Charge: J. FARRELL. No. of I Subject Day Time Teacher IRoom I C ursel I 31 Electrical Installation Wcd. 7.30-10.00 14 n. Brennan Technology III Electrical Engineering Tuesday 7.30-10.00 6 G. K. Ring A.C.I Mathematics (3) Thursday 7.30- 9.30 25 P. Molumhy

This Course also prepares students for the Electrical Engineering Practice A.C. Intermediate examination of the Department of Education. 26 CABLE JOINTING (CONFINED TO JOURNEYMEN AND ELECTRICIANS)

Fee I £3 per Course. Teacher-in-Charge: D. McMANUS. Prospective students must possess the Senior Trade Certificate in Electrical Installation Work of the Department of Education or satisfy the school authority that they have an equivalent standard of Technical Education. FIRST YEAR

Xo. I J)a~ 01 ubject Time IRoom Teacher Course

32 I Cable Jointing I (Lee" ~~~~~(~:~ D. Md·Janus ture anel Practical) I I 7.30 10.00 , 34 I -----_._--_.....:-- :..._-_-:..._--"----- SECOND YEAR (commencing 1958-59)

I "able Jointing II .\ 'Two evenings to be arran~e(l.

33-ELECTRONICS FOR ELECTRICIANS Course Fee, £5. Teacher-in-Charge: L. TRUNDLE, TECH.DIP. CITY AND GUILDS. This Course is provided for electricians who wish to acquire a knowledge of electronics as applied to industrial control equipment. The Course is held on Wednesday evenings from 7.30 p.m. to 10 p.m. for a period of 24 weeks and a certificate will be issued to those who successfully complete the Course and pass an examination. The Course provides instruction in the elementary principles of electronics and their application to motor speed control, oil firing equipment, counter and control of lighting circuits. The Course is conducted by P. Harrington and L. Trundle in Room 6. Prospective students must be electricians who hold the Senior Trade Certificate in Electrical Installation Work of the Department of Education or who satisfy the School Authority that they have an equivalent standard of technical education.

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Graduateship of the Institution of Electrical Engineers The yllabi of this Course are de igned to meet the requirements of evening students who wi h to prepare for the professional examina­ tions of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. The preliminary 27 year of the Course prepares students for the General Certificate of Education In the subjects English, Mathematics, Applied Mathe­ matics and Physics. Passes in these subjects at Ordinary Level are the educational requirement for registration as a student of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, provided they comply with other regulations of the Institution. Students should obtain a copy of the Examination Regulations from the Institution of Electrical Engineers, Savoy Place, Victoria Embankment, London, W.C.2. Extract from the Bye-Laws of the Institution given under Appendix I In these Regulations indicate how a student may qualify for election to the class of Associate Member (AM.LE.E.). PRELIMINARY COURSE-Fee, 30/~, September-June. Teacher-in-Charge: P. GALLAGHER,, H.DlP.ED.

No. of Subject Day Time Room Teacher Course I I I I I

34 Mathematics (10) Tue.da) 7.00-10.00 14 P. Gallagher Physics (Eng.) I Wed. 7.00--10.00 8a-1O M. Sheehy English - Thursday 7.00-10.00 L4 T. A. G. Dowling Applied Mathematics l'riday 7.00--10.00 34 P. Gallagher

Prospective students must pass an entrance examination in English and Mathe­ matics. The attention of students who do not paos thi· examination is directed to the Preparatory Course described on page 19.

GRADUATESHIP COURSE-Fee, 30/~ per session. Students entering this Course must have complied with all the educational requirement for legistration as a student of the Institu­ tion of Electrical Engineers.

FIRST YEAR PART I COURSE Teacher-in-Charge: T. SHORT, GRAD.I.E.E., GRAD.BRIT.LR.E. Xo. of Day Time Subject Teacher Course I I I _~I 35 Monday I 7.00-- 8.00 Mechanics I - T. Cranin 8.00-- 9.00 Principles of Electricity I - T. Short 9.00--10.00 Physics for Engineering II W. S. E. IIick.on

Tuesday 7.00-- 8.00 Mathematics for Engineering II J. M. Forde 8.00--10.00 Laboratory - -

Thursday 7.00-- 8.00 Principles of Electricity I T. Short 8.00-- 9.00 Physics for Engineering II W. -. E. IIickson 9.00-10.00 Mechanics I--- '1'. ronlo

Friday 7.00- 9.00 Drawing I - J. D. Fitzpatrick 9.00--10.00 Mathematics for Engineering II J. M. Forde

28 SECOND YEAR Teacher-in-Charge: T. CRO IN, B.E.

No. of Day Tinle Subject Teacher Course

36 Monday 7.00 8.00 Physics for Engineering III W. S. E. I1ickson 8.00- 9.00 Mechanics U T. Cronin 9.00-10.00 Principles of Electricity Il T. Short

Tues,lay 7.00 9.00 Drawing Il J. D. Fitzpatrick 9.00-10.00 Mathematics for Engineering III J. I. Forde

Thursday 7.00 8.00 Physics for En/{ineering III W. S. E. Hickson 8.00 9.00 Mechanics II T. Cronin 9.00-10.00 Principles of Electricity Il T. Short

Friday 7.00- 8.00 Mathematics for Engineering III J. 1. Forde 8.00 10.00 Laboratory

FIRST YEAR PART II COURSE Teacher-in-Charge: B. SCAIFE, H.SC. (ENG.), PH.D. NO., of Time Monday Tuesday IWednes. Thursday Friday Course

1 37 7.00- .30]\[ a t h s. f"rIEn". Physics 1 M a t h s. for Laboratory Bng. IV Eng. IV 8.3<}-IO.00 Elect. Eng. 1.\ El e c t. Eng. ,Electronic Lahoratory I IlA


No. of Till1e Monday Tuesday IWedn.s. I Thursday I Friday Cour!o

8.30-10.00 IM a t h s. for Eng. Physics Laboratory ~I a t h s. for Eng. V Il Eng. V

The subjects of the succeeding two years of the Course for the Part III Examination will be: FIFTH YEAR-Advanced Electrical Engineering, Electrical Machines and El ctronics (3 evenings). • SIXTH YEAR-Advanced Electrical Engineering, Electrical Machines and Electronics (3 evenings). and these Courses will be offered during the sessions 1958-'59 and 1959-'60, respectively. 29 DEPARTMENT OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING POST OFFICE ENGINEERING Teacher-in-Charge: T. P. O'BRIEK, GRAD.BRIT.I.R.E. These Courses are de igned to meet the requirements of employee~ of the Engineering Branch of the Department of Post and Tele­ graphs and of others in similar industrial employment. The Course. have recently been re-organised in co-operation with the Post Office Engineering Advisory Committee. Applicants for admission to Course No. 50 will be required to sit an entrance examination in Mathematics and English of the same standard as that of the Depart­ ment of Education (Technical Instruction Branch) Day Vocational Certificate. Applicants who fail to reach this standard will be required to attend a preliminary course to be held In another Technical Institute (see page 19). Course Fee: 30/- per session. FIRST YEAR ~o'l I of ubject Day I Time I Room I Teacher Course I 39 I :'.Iagnetism anr! Elec· Frirla.· 7.30-10.00 12,10 n. J. O'Conno- tricity .\Iathematics (6) .I \\'ed. 7.30- 9.30 11 E. D. Doyle General Phy,ics .\Ionday 7.00- 8.30 25 English . :\Ionday 8.30-JO.'J(j 25 .\1. ,-\.. n'Brien


Subject Day Timt:' Teacher J Room I

40 :'.Iathematics (~) 7.30- 9.30 Line Plant Practice 7.30- 9.30 TelecOlnmunications I 7.CO-IO.m

Pending the prvvision of the new 3rd and 4th year Cour e , the following Courses will be offered in the session 1957-58:- No., of ubject I Day I Time Teacher Course

41 Telephony lIA ' ·1 Tuesday 7.30--9.30 Mathematics. Magneti~m As arrange,1 and Electricity, 'I 42 Telephony lIB '. Friday 7.30-9.3(1 :'.fathematics. Magneti'm A. arrange.\ and Electricity, 'I


All applicants for admission to this Course hould hold the Primary School Leaving Certificate and have, in addition, at lea t one year's satisfactory whole-time attendance at a technical or secondary school. They will be required to pass an Entrance Examination in Mathe­ matics. Priority in enrolment is given to those apprenticed in the Radio Service Trade.

Teacher-in-Charge: F. DAY LEWIS, A.M.BRIT.I.R.E.

Fee I 30/~ per session.


~ -0. I of I Subject Day Time Room I Teacher Cnur e I

43 MagnetIsm and Elec- Monday 7.30-10.00 11 T. J. Kelly lricity I \!athemalics (5) Wed. 7.30- 9.30 5 I.O'Reilly English Friday 7.30- 9.30 17 B. Doy!e


No. I Subject of Day Time Room Teacher Cour,e I ---- J I 44 Radio Service I Tuesday 7.30-10.00 9 F. Day Lewis Alternating Current I Monday 7.30- 9.30 5 P. Haughey )1athematlcs (6) Wed. 7.30- 9.30 I 11 E. D. Doyle


No. of ubject Day Time • Teacher Room Cour.e I I

45 Radio Service II Wed. 7.30-10.00 9 F. Day Lewis Electronics Tuesday 7.30- 9.30 13 Mathematics (8) :I Thursday 7.30- 9.30 8a P. G. Mc~ ·amara I

At the end of this year of the Course, studcnts sit the examinations of the Depart­ ment of Education in Radio Service Work (Junior) and may sit the ity an,l Guilds of London In titut Intermediate Examination in Radio ervice Work. 31 FOURTH YEAR

~t Subject ay e Teacher Course I ---+--1D------cI:---Tim--7-I Room I

Radio Service III F. Day Lewis 46 I IMon., Thu·1 7.30-10.00 I 9 I

At the encl of this year, students are expect",! to sit the examinations of the J)epartment of Educallon in Radio Service Work (Senior) and may sit the ity and Guilds of London Institute Final Examination in Radio ervice Work ancl the RadIO ServicinK Certificate Examinati n of the Radi Trades Examination lloard. RADIO OFFICERS' CERTIFICATE COURSE (~ercantUe ~arine) Teacher-in-Charge: H. HODGE S, ASSOC.I.E.E.

Course Fee I £5 per session. The Course extends over three years for a 2nd Cia Certificate and an additional year is necessary for a 1st Class Certificate. Prospective students should have a general education equivalent to that of Inter­ mediate Certificate and will be required to pass an Entrance Examina­ tion in English and Mathematics. TIMETABLE (September to June). FIRST YEAR

NO., of Subject Day Time Room Teacher Course I I I 47 Ma~'11etiS;;:;- and -Friday 7 00 10 00 8a,8b IP. Harrington 1 . - . lricity :Elec: I I Morse Tue., Thu. 7.00-10.00 I J. J. McCowan SECOND YEAR

NO., of Subject Day Time Room Teacher Coure I I 48 Alternating Current Tuesday I 17.30- 9.30 I IP. Harrington Radio Theory :, Thursday 7.30- 9.30 T. J. Kelly Morse Mon.,Wed. 7.30 10.00 M. J. O'Rorke

The subjects of the succeeding two years of the Course will be :­ THIRD YEAR-Radio Theory, Practical Radio, Morse and Inter­ national Regulations (3 evenings). FOlJRTH YEAR-Radio Theory, Practical Radio, Tutorial, Morse and International Regulations (3 evenings). These Courses will be offered during the sessions 1958-'59 and 1959-'60, respectively.

Course No. I NOTE: Morse may be taken as a single subject for a course 49 ree of 30/· per Term. For additional information see pages 9 and 10 (Day Coutses). 32 Air Navigation-Civil Aviation

Teacher-in-Charge: CAPT. B. FLANAGA .

Courses in AIR NAVIGATION subjects in preparation for the State Examination for Pilot's and Navigator's Licences.

The Courses offer specialised instruction based on the Syllabuses for the various Licence examinations conducted by the Department of Industry and Commerce. Applicants for admission to the Course for the Senior Commercial Pilot's Licence must have attained pro­ ficiency in Plane Trigonometry up to the general solution of triangles and in the use of six-figure logarithms; applicants for admission to the Course for the Flight avigator's Licence must have acquired, in addition, an elementary knowledge of spherical trigonometry. The granting of Licences to successful examinees is contingent on submitting acceptable evidence of actual flying experience to the minimum extent laid down in Statutory Instrument o. 33 of Air avigation (Per onnd Licensing) Order, 1951. The Courses are conducted on three evenings per week during the session.


This Course, which is conducted on three evenings per week, is officially recognised by the Civil Aeronautics Administration, United States Department of Commerce. Students who successfully graduate from this Course are eligible to sit for the c.A.A. Aircraft Dispatcher's Licence.

Subject Teacher

Aircraft Dispatching, avigation, Aircraft Instruments, Civil Air Regulations Capt. B. Flanagan Telecommunications and Radio Aids to avigation D. Doyle Meteorology ]. O'Connor Air Traffic Control P. ]. Flanagan Aircraft (Airframes, Engine, etc.) P. Taylor, D. Tighe Link Trainer A. W. Patterson

33 No. Course Course Fee

50 Commercial Pilot's Licence £6 per Session 51 Senior Commercial Pilot's Licence £8 per Session 52 Flight _Tavigator's Licence £12 per Session 53 Aircraft Dispatcher's Licence ...... £ 10 per Session 54 Flight Operations and Meteorology for £3 for course of one Airline Transport Pilot's Licence ...... term 55 Technical Examination for Instru- £2 for course of one ment Rating term


The examination for Civil Airport Control Officers is similar in standard to the Senior Commercial Pilot's Licence examination.


Fee £5

The Course commences in November and provides a total of 75 hours instruction. It covers the theoretical portion of the syllabus of the Department of Industry and Commerce for the Private Pilot's Licence Examination as et out in Memorandum o. PELj2 revi I'd 1954. Classes are held on two nights each week from 7.30 to 10 p.m.

Subject Teacher

• Tavigation, Aeronautical Charts, Magnetic Compass, General l\1eteorology Capt. B. FLlI1agan Synoptic Meteorology ]. O'Connor Air Tavigation Regulations, Rules of the Air, Air Traffic Control Procedures . P. ]. Flanagan Theory of Flight, Aircraft Characteristics and Limitations . P. Taylor, D. Tighe

The number of students enrolled will be limited to a maximum of twenty. and applicants for enrolment mu:.! have alreaci} it minimum of twenty hour flying experience. 34 BAKERY PRACTICE AND CONFECTIONERY DECORATION



Course Fee: 30/; per Session.

_ '0

0 Subject Da)· Timr.: Room Teacher Course I 57 BaKery Practice -I \\'ednes. 7.00-10.00 I 20 Is. Anthon)'



Course Fe 30/; per Session,

'0. 0i Subject Day Time Room Teacher urse I

De-j n. Icing, Piping Tue~tlar 7.00-10.00 20 I D. Carey ,I I I


Course Fee: 30/; per Session.

• o. of Subject Day Time Room Teacher lur... e

59 Design, Icing, Piping Thursday 7.3010.00 20 Is. Anthony ,I I I


SCHOLARSHIPS TO THE SENIOR SCIENCE COURSE The City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee offers sixteen scholarships known as "Senior Science Scholarships" which entitle the holder to free admission to the Senior Science Course for one year find to either (a) the Intermediate B.Sc. Course for one year or (b) the first year of the Electrical Engineering Course. The scholar­ ships are offered to boys between the ages of 15 and 17 years on 1st January, 1957. Ten scholarships will be awarded to students who have obtained the Day Vocational (Manual Training Group) Certi­ ficate (Department of Education-Technical Instruction Branch) by attendance at a Technical Institute or School under the juri.diction of the Committee. Six scholarships will be awarded to students who have obtained the Intermediate Certificate (Department of EduC:l­ tion-Secondary Branch) and who have ordinarily resided in the City of Dublin for the past three years. Candidates who have entered for the cX'lmination for either the Day Vocational (Manual Training Group) Certificate or the Inter­ mediate Certificate in the current year will be permitted to sit for the scholarship examination; however, the award of a scholar. hip will be contingent on a candidate's success in the former examination.

SCHOLARSHIPS FOR THE ELECTRICAL ENGI TEERI TG COURSE (Whole-time Day) The City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee offer scholarships to the second and third years of the above course. The -scholarships are awarded on the results of the se sional examinations held at the end of the first and second years of the course and consist of free tuition for the succeeding year of the course. One such scholarship will be awarded for each of the second and third years of the course and where the numbers of students sitting for a ses ional examination is ten or more, two such scholarships may be awarded.

GAELTACHT SCHOLARSHIPS The City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee offers Gaeltacht S~holarships which entitle the holders to a Summer Course in the Gaeltacht, free of all expense. These Scholarships are open to competition amongst th· students of the Whole-time Day Courses.

THE FOY SCHOLARSHIP IN APPLIED CHE:.\II TRY A former tudent of the Institute, l\1r. W. P. Armstrong, has established a Scholarship in Chemistry to be called the "F0) cholar- 36 ship." The annual value of the Scholarship is about £14, being the proceeds of an investment of £500 in Dublin Corporation Stock. The Scholarship is awarded each Session on the result of the sessional examination in Chemistry held at the end of the 2nd Year B.Se. Degree Course. All students who have attended regularly during two Sessions in the Chemistry Department are eligible to com­ pete, and the student to whom the Scholarship is awarded must pursue his studies in the Chemistry Department during the following Session.

THE DUBLIN MECHANICS' INSTITUTE SCHOLARSHIPS The Residuary Fund of the Dublin Mechanics' Institute has been made available for Industrial Scholarships under the management of the Vocational Education Committee. One Scholarship will be awarded annually in the Electrical Engineering and Physics Group. The Scholarship is tenable for three years, and its value is about £3 per year. Candidates must be engaged in an Operative Trade as Apprentices or Learners. They must be between the ages of 16 and 19, and must have attended a Technical Course during the preceding School Session and made 80 per cent. of the possible attendances in two of the subjects of the Course in which they are entered.

POST OFFICE ENGINEERING The Department of Posts and Telegraphs offers the following prizes to students of the Post Office Engineering Sandwich Course: 1st Year and 2nd Year-1st Prize £5, 2nd Prize £2; 3rd Year-1st Prize £7, 2nd Prize £3, 3rd Prize £1. The Irish Post Office Engineering Union offers a 1st Prize of £3 and a 2nd Prize of £2 in each of the three years of the Course.

ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION WORK The Electricity Supply Board offers prizes to a total value of £60 per annum for award to apprentices who secure 1st, 2nd or 3rd Place in the subjects Metalwork and Practical Installation in the Electrical Installation Work Sandwich Course.

PROJECTION SCIENCE The Theatre and Cinema Association (Ireland) and the Irish Transport and General Workers' Union (Cinema Branch) jointly offer the following Prizes to students attending the Projection Science Course for Cinema Apprentices: 1st Year-1st Prize £3, 2nd Prize £2, 3rd Prize £1; 2nd Year-1st Prize £5, 2nd Prize £3; 3rd 37 Year-1st Prize, Gold Medal and £5; 2nd Prize, Silver Medal and £3.

BREADl\IAKING AND FLOUR CONFECTIO ERY Annual awards arc made by the Irish Bakers', Confectioners' and Allied Workers' Union of Silver Cups to each of the classes of the Course for Bakery Apprentices in respect of 1st and 2nd Places in the Sessional EYaminations. In addition, a Silver Cup, presented by the Irish Bakers', Con­ fectioners' and Allied Workers' Amalgamated Union and the Dublin Master Bakers' Committee, is awarded annually to the best student of the Confectionery Decoration Courses. A Silver Cup, presented by Messrs. John F. Renshaw and Co. (Ireland) Ltd., is competed for each year by apprentices attending part-time day release courses. Prizes of £5 Ss., £3 3 . and £2 2s. are awarded to the students who obtain 1st, 2nd and 3rd Places.

LABORATORY TECHNICIA S' WORK The Institute of Chemistry of Ireland offers prizes of three guineas to students who obtain 1st Place at the 1st and 2nd Year Sessional Examinations, and a prize of four guineas to the student who obtains 1st Place at the 3rd Year Sessional Examinations, respectively, of the Laboratory Technicians' Course.

FLOUR MILLING TECH OLOGY The Irish Flour Millers' Association offers, annually, prizes to the value of £37 1Os. for award to students attending the Course~ who have attained successes in the Department of Education Examinations.

ELECTRONICS FOR ELECTRICIA S The Electrical Trades Union of Ireland offers prizes to a total value of £10 for award to members who secure 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place in the Certificate Examination set at the end of the Course.