Tony should tell KLIA2 contractors, you're fired Aug 16, 2013

VOXPOP 'Tony Fernandes, like in your reality game show ‘The Apprentice ', we would like you to point your finger at the people responsible...'

KLIA2 completion 'world's biggest mystery' vox populi small thumbnailAbasir: Even with an Umno beneficiary and insider like Rafidah Aziz on board and armed with a double-barreled Datukship-Tan Sriship title, despite all the intimate links with the connected class and the 'efficiency-KPI gurus' at Pemandu and despite the fact that he has put on the world map like no other Malaysian ever has, poor has to lament like all other ordinary Malaysians about the black hole that is the government of Malaysia.

And the best part is that his wailing and lamentation took place at an event organised by the government's Performance and Management Delivery Unit (Pemandu). If Idris Jala had been Japanese, he would have commited 'sepukku'.

Onyourtoes: If an ‘insider' like AirAsia chief Tony Fernandes could feel so helpless, what about other ordinary Malaysians trying to earn an honest living either running a small business or working as an employee?

Ferdtan: Tony Fernandes, like in your reality game show ‘', we would like you to point your finger at the people responsible for the much-delayed KLIA2 project and say, "You're fired".

That is the problem with the BN government, in spite of assurances before elections; they still give out billion-dollar projects without open tenders.

We have heard of such inefficiency before and are not really surprised as we are numb to the core. However, we would be extremely surprised if any of the BN projects awarded to the cronies worked.

Anonymous 007: How do you expect the contractor to do a good job when he has to ‘grease' from top to bottom?

The price is adequate but ‘greasing' was not included in the price, so the contractor has to cut corners to survive. Now who is to blame? The authorities know the answer, but they are not willing to know the truth.

HY Chong: I'm sure the government would not want the project to complete too soon because when the project is completed, the government will have to think of other ways to feed the class-F contractors.

Argonist: My fear is that Tony Fernandes will be targeted by the extremists politicians in Malaysia, especially those in Parliament who can say anything and get away with it.

Quickly (if not already), go find your second home in or somewhere else, Tony. Time may be running out for you in Malaysia.

Lover Boy: Yes, I think Tony Fernandes' question on the completion date of KLIA2 is very seditious.

He is an Indian, how dare he question the completion date? You better keep your mouth shut or you will be charged for raising a sensitive issue. Look deeper and you will know that this is all Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim's fault.

Najib's 100 days: Duplicitous, dysfunctional and directionless

Cantabrigian: The country under Najib Abdul Razak's ‘new' government is like a headless chicken, operating on autopilot, going where the wind blows.

All the mainstream media have successfully sensationalised issues like students eating in a shower room, Hari Raya dog message, trigger-happy Malaysians shooting on a daily basis and now Buddhists meditating in a surau, just to cloud the rakyat's mind from Najib's failure in GE13.

Najib has been emasculated and is now counting the days before he is expunged from the Umno leadership.

Hajile Leumas: This article is very well written and expresses the pathetic current political scenery of Malaysia.

Najib must wake up to the naked reality as there are too many tell-tale signs that will spell disaster for Malaysia if he continues to hide under Rosmah Mansor's baju kurung and allow his deputies to ‘suka suka' make fools of themselves in the media and make the Umnoputra government leadership look stupid and disjointed.

We, the rakyat, are utterly disappointed with Najib's leadership and his government and are very, very concerned for the future of Malaysia and our future generation.

Rahman: Ong Kian Ming, you should be more worried about the ROS (Registrar of Societies) wrapping up DAP rather than Najib's performance in the last 100 days.

What about Lim Guan Eng illegally parking his car on a double-line while having a sip of coffee with his ‘kakis'? That also happened during his 100 days in Penang, right?

The Mask: Rahman, at least Lim Guan Eng and DAP had the courage and humility to apologise. Tell me, has any Umno minister apologised for their mistakes or racial statements they had made.

All they said is they had been misquoted. By the way, you and all the Umno goons seem to be looking out for the slightest mistake from Guan Eng. Look lah for Guan Eng's big mistakes. You can't, because he has none.

Kim Quek: What can you expect from a morally bankrupt government which has sneaked in to rule despite having been convincingly beaten in popular votes and despite having cheated to the hilt in a hopelessly flawed electoral system?

The chaotic scenes we have seen recently under a leaderless and rudderless political leadership are only the beginning of our nightmare. Expect storms and typhoons ahead.

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