Pitchers Show Top Form Cleveland Indian Notebook: by Herschel Nissenson the Baltimore Orioles Over AP Sports Writer the Atlanta Braves, 10-3

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Pitchers Show Top Form Cleveland Indian Notebook: by Herschel Nissenson the Baltimore Orioles Over AP Sports Writer the Atlanta Braves, 10-3 Saturday, March 27,1976 News Journal, Mansfield, 0. 11 Pitchers Show Top Form Cleveland Indian Notebook: By Herschel Nissenson the Baltimore Orioles over AP Sports Writer the Atlanta Braves, 10-3. Tribe and Angels Play In spring training, it's Dick Allen Hits Homer Pittsburgh's Al Oliver really howyou play the game ed on the first time out," said Some other big-name pitch- drove in five runs with two PALM SPRINGS, Calif. - 20 more that just weren't ac- ball on opening day, April 10, and not whether you win or Boston Manager Darrell ers didn't have it so good. Jon homers, a double and a single Cleveland's Roric Harrison ceptable. as the Pirates nipped the Chi- at Cleveland Stadium when lose. Johnson. Matlack was removed during and Dave LaRoche face Cali- "At first the mail I re- the Indians meet Detroit. a four-run inning as the Los cago White Sox, 7-6, fora dou- fornia's Nolan Ryan, Dick Even though the Phila- However, the Phillies teed bleheader split. The Chisox ceived was two-to-one * Angeles Dodgers pounded the Drago, Mickey Scott and against me. But after I ap- Duane Kuiper is running delphia Phillies nipped the off on Jim Burton for two New York Mets, 10-6. Dr. took the seven-inning opener, Mike Overy in today's "A" Boston Red Sox £3 Friday, runs in the seventh and two James Parkes, the Mets' phy- 13-3. peared on television's Grand- and may see action Monday some important pitchers on more' in the bottom of the game at 4 p.m. stand show, that turned . Boog Powell, who report- sician, reported Matlack has Bob Sheldon's pinch single around in my favor. I even ed late with permission, both sides played the game ninth on Dick Allen's tre- "a mild case of tendonitis in Rookies Jim McCutchin, extremely well. mendous homer. The ball in the ninth inning lifted the Tom McGough and Bob made a good will tour to Ger- should see some action tomor- his elbow." Milwaukee Brewers past the cleared a 40-foot wall at the •*• CHANGES SPORTS — Tak- Grossman pitched this morn- many." row . Catcher Ray Fosse Rick Wise, the Boston 400-foot mark in dead center Oakland A's, 4-3. ing an afternoon off from his ing's "B" game for the In- * has a slight case of the flu starter, hurled three perfect field. And Tommy John of the football duties at Ohio State dians. Paddy Livingston, 96-year- . George Hendrick sat out innings and Luis Tiant fol- The Detroit Tigers edged" Dodgers, who underwent sur- the St. Louis Cardinals, 1-0, University, Coach Woody The Indians will remain old Lakewood (0.) resident yesterday's game from a lowed with three more score- Kaat said his performance gery on his elbow in Septem- Hayes sits among the fans at and the last living player sore hip after colliding less frames, yielding one hit. "wasn't as easy as it looked. on an llth-inning run when here overnight because of the ber 1974 and sat out all last Bob Molinaro walked, John St. John Arena yesterday, "computer error" that can- from the American League's against the wall in Thurs- For the Phillies, newly ac- I was happy that I seemed to season, was raked for four watching play in the high first season in 1901, will day's game with California, quired Jim Kaat worked six be throwing with pretty good Wockenfuss singled and Left- celed the club's 33 room res- runs on six hits and three fielder Wayne Nordhagen let school boys state basketball ervations at the Ramada Inn throw out the traditional first - Hank Kozloski innings, allowing one run and rhythm and I seemed to have walks in four innings. tournament. (AP Photo). four hits."* better than average com- the ball get past him. Jim in Yuma, Ariz., and rebooked mand of my pitches. But I Ellie Hendricks' three-run Barr. John D'Acquisto and them with other guests. League Bowling "Rick and Luis threw very went deeper in my counts double highlighted a seven- Mike Caldwell allowed five It. means an early bus ride well doing just what we Want- than I like." run third inning that powered hits as the San Francisco Gi- Baseball tomorrow morning, but the ants downed the San Diego EXHIBITION BASEBALL The Atscciated Press consensus of all was "Palm Padres, 5-3. Friday Results , Chicago (A) 13, Pittsburgh 3, 1st, 7 in- Springs is better than Satur- Indoor Track Notebook: nings day night in Yuma." Amen! Montreal Pitcher Steve Pittsburgh 7, Chicago (A) 6 Jacobs Builds Los Angeles 10, New York (N) 6 Rogers issued two bases- Philadelphia 4, Boston 3 Tomorrow game with the loaded walks as the Min- Memphis (IDS, Houston 4 Texas 11, Kansas City 10 San Diego Padres in Yuma nesota Twins scored four Cincinnati 5, New York (A) 4 will also be aired on 3WE. times in the third inning and Milwaukee 4, Oakland 3 Series of 706 Crestview Star Shines San Francisco 5, San Diego 3 beat the Expos, 5-3. And the Cleveland 6, California 3 ASHLAND — The most im- dles, the 50-yard dash and the A serious injury held up the Baltimore 10, Atlanta 3 Gaylen Jacobs was 178 pins over his average in leading Kansas City Royals out- Minnesota 5, Montreal 3 Umpire Larry Barnett, the men's bowling leagues in Mansfield yesterday with a 706 at pressive performance by an high jump. meet for about 30 minutes. slugged the Texas Rangers, Detroit 1, St. Louis 0 Chicago (N) 4, Milwaukee 1 Prospect, 0. (near Marion), Village Lanes. athlete at the ninth annual Hillsdale pole vaulter Gary 11-10. winning on Rookie Saturday Gamts 'native who became instantly Coach Forest Pruner was Milwaukee vs. Chicago (N) at Mesa, Jacobs fashioned games of 234, 235 and 237 in the Village 16 Crestview Indoor Invitational one of the few persons at the Gorton, 17, came straight Wayne Pinkerton's bases- Ariz. famous with his con- track and field meet at Ash- down on the cross bar and loaded single in the 10th in- Montreal vs. Los Angeles at Vero League, where he averages 176. meet who wasn't surprised beach, Fla. troversial home plate call rul- land College Friday night with Nabors' fine high jump- landed in front of the mats. ning. Chicago (A) vs Boston at Winter ing Cincinnati Reds hitter Ed Bill Buchanan earned high VILLAGE MERCHANTS LEAGUE was turned in by Crestview Haven, Fla. INDIVIDUAL — Elmer Myers, 219- ing. He had used him as his He was taken to Mansfield New York (N) vs. Detroit at Lakeland, Armbrister did not interfere game honors and a Century 248-181-648; Bill Potts, 246-632; Bill Senior Tony Nabors. Fla. Myers, 256—598; Dan Boyce, 224- third high jumper last year General Hospital where he New York (A) vs. Kansas City at Fort with Boston Red Sox Catcher Patch from the American 205—598; Paul Sheeks, 212—583; Gene Myers, Fla. Simpson, 581; Don Crone, 220—578; Ray Everyone knew he was an when he went six feet. Then, was admitted to surgical in- Minnesota vs. Houston at Orlando, Fla. Carlton Fisk's throw to sec- Bowling Congress with a 288 Campbell, 215—578; Mac McFarland, outstanding hurdler. He had earlier this year, he cleared tensive care, where he was Redlegs Cincinnati vs. Philadelphia at Clear- ond base says the notoriety — 673 in the A League at Park 212-578; Rem Radclirfe, 216-571; water, Fla. Dick Burggraf, Jr., 206—570; Terry won the highs last year here 6-4. listed last night in "poor" Baltimore vs Atlanta at West Palm turned out to be the "biggest Lanes. Buchanan averages Miller, 210—570; Ralph Bond, 561. Beach, Fla. TEAMS - Rainbow, 801-940- and ran the hurdles at the condition with a brain stem Atlanta vs. Texas at Pompano Beach, break" of his career. 173. 981—2722; Bill's Arco, 2706; Carter, Nabors said he would like Slip by 2642. state meet last spring. contusion (bruises to the Fla. VILLAGE 16 LEAGUE to go to state in four events Pittsburgh vs. St. Louis at St. Pe- "It was worth between LEADERS - Carter, 87'/i-32'/i; INDIVIDUAL — Gaylen Jacobs, 234- Stroh's, 74—46; Inter-Urban, 71—49. However, he really blos- this May — the high jump, brain). tersburgh, Fla. §10,000 and $15,000 in speak- 235-237 - 706; Bill Warren, 254-221 - San Francisco vs. San Diego at Yuma, 643; Bill Payton, 228-230 — 640; Cla- somed last night in the hur- long jump and both hurdles. Yankees Ariz. ing free alone," he said, "and rence Wisenbarger, 236-206 — 620; Jan Milwaukee vs. Chicago (N) at Scotts- my agent (which became a Evans, 214-227 — 611; Bob Wood, 233-202 Victorious Coach Forest dale, Ariz. - 608; BUI Potts, 202-205-201 - 608; FORT LAUDERDALE, Cleveland vs. California at Palm necessity) turned down about Dale Wolt, 254 — 604; Ollle Morgan, 200- Jones Hits Pruner said It was too early Springs, Calif. 212 — 595; Jim Wisenbarger, 222 — 581; Fla. (AP) — Sparky Lyle's Gary Miller, 214-212 — 578; Ron Noll, to make any predictions on left arm passed its first 225 - 573; Paul Jacobs, 221 —573; Rick Missed Shots the outcome of this season Newhart, 202 - 572; Harlen Webb, 208 582 Set spring training test Friday, — 569; Jerry Miller, 202 —569. with only one major meet but Thurman Munson's right Track Summaries . TEAMS - Stan's Clark, 907-918-965 - 2790; Hi-Lo Trailer, 2706.
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