Ancient sacred texts pdf

Continue Ancient Civilizations Sacred Texts Epic, Folklore and Mythology Texts that religious traditions consider central in their practice or beliefs The Sacred Texts redirects here. For the website, see the Greek Old Testament: A page from the Vatican's codes Religious texts are texts related to religious tradition. They differ from literary texts by compiling or discussing beliefs, mythologies, ritual practices, commandments or laws, ethical behavior, spiritual aspirations, and the creation or promotion of a religious community. The relative authority of religious texts evolves over time and stems from ratification, execution and its use from generation to generation. Some religious texts are accepted or classified as canonical, some non-canonical, and others non-canonical, semi-canonical, deuterocanic, docanonic or post-canonical. Scripture is a subset of religious texts considered particularly authoritative, revered, and holy scriptures, sacred, canonical or higher authority, special status for a religious community. The terms of the sacred text and are not necessarily interchangeable in the sense that some religious texts are considered sacred because of the belief in certain theistic religions, such as the Abrahamic religions, that the text is divinely or supernaturally revealed or divinely inspired, or in non-istical religions such as some Indian religions, they are considered to be the central principles of their eternal Dharma. Many religious texts, by contrast, are simply narratives or discussions pertaining to common themes, interpretations, practices, or important figures of a particular religion. In some religions () the writings of the highest power are well known (The Koran). In other (), canonical texts include a certain text (Bible), but this is an unresolved issue, according to Eugene Nida. Others (Hinduism, Buddhism) have never had a definitive canon. While the term sacred scripture comes from the Latin script, meaning letter, most of the sacred scriptures of the world's major religions were originally part of their oral tradition and passed through memorization from generation to generation until they were finally written, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. Religious texts also serve a ceremonial and liturgical role, especially in relation to the holy time, the liturgical year, divine efficiency, and subsequent holy service; More generally, its performance. Etymology and nomenclature According to Peter Pala, the term writing, derived from script (Latin), meant letters of manuscript in general before the medieval era, and then became reserved for the texts of the Old and New Testaments Christianity, according to the Oxford World Encyclopedia, refers to the text adopted to contain sacred scriptures of religion, while the Brief Oxford Dictionary of World Religions states that it refers to a text that has religious powers and is often assembled into an accepted canon. Nowadays, this equation of written word with religious texts is especially important for English, and is not preserved in most other languages, which usually add an adjective as sacred to refer to religious texts. Some religious texts are classified as canonical, some non-canonical, and others are non-canonical, semi-canonical, deutero-canonical, doccannian or post-canonical. The term canon comes from the Greek word kανών, a stick used as a measuring tool. It talks about the meaning of the measure, the standard, the norm, the rule. In modern use, the religious canon refers to a catalogue of sacred scriptures that is widely accepted to contain and accept the rule or canon of a certain faith, argues Juan Widow. Related terms such as non-canonical, non-canonical, deuterocanon and others suggest and are derived from the canon. These derivative terms distinguish the corpus of religious texts from canonical literature. It reflects the sects and conflicts that have evolved and evolved over time, the competitive acceptance of a common minimum over time and the rejection of interpretations, beliefs, rules or practices of one group of another related social-religious group. The earliest reference to the term canon in the context of the collection of scripture can be seen in the 4th century AD. Early references, such as the Synod of Laodicei, refer to both the terms canonical and non-canonical in the context of religious texts. History of Religious Texts See also: History of Religions, The chronology of religion and the history of writing one of the oldest known religious texts - the Kesha Temple Hymn of Ancient Schumer, a set of inscribed clay tablets, which scientists usually date around 2600 BC Epopei Gilgamesh from Schumer, although considered only by some scholars as a religious text, dates back to 2150 BC and is one of the earliest literary works. that includes various mythological figures and themes of interaction with the divine. The Rig Veda - the sacred scripture of Hinduism - dates from the period between 1500- 1200 BC. It is one of the oldest known full religious texts, which has survived in the modern era. There are many possible dates of the first scriptures that may be related to Talmudic and Biblical traditions, the earliest of which are in the 8th century scribial documentation before and then administrative documentation from the temples of the 5th and 6th B.C., with another common date is the 2nd century BC Although a significant text in the history of the religious text due to its widespread use among religious denominations and its continued use throughout history, the texts of Abrahamic traditions are a good example of the lack of certainty surrounding the dates and definition of religious texts. The high rate of mass production and distribution of religious texts did not begin until the invention of the printing press in 1440, before that all religious texts were handwritten copies, of which there was a relatively limited number in circulation. The sacred texts of different religions were asked to divide this section into another article. (Discuss) (May 2019) Below is a non-exhaustive list of references to specific religious texts that can be used for further, more in-depth study. Texts of the Bronze Age pyramid from the pyramid of Auntie I. Ancient Egyptian Religion Pyramid Texts Coffin Texts Book of the Dead Book of Caves Book Gates Amduat Book Of Heavenly Cow Litany Re Atenism: Great Anthem Aten Schumer Religion Anthem Enleel Kesh Temple Anthem Song of the Hoe Inn Ana Descent into the Underground The epic Gilgamesh Epic Enmerkar Enmerkar and Lord Aratta Enmerkar and En-suhgir-ana Epic Lugalbanda Lugalbanda in the mountain cave Lugalbanda and Anzud Bird Classic Antiquity Cippus Perugi , 3rd or 2nd century BC Etruscan religion Liber Linteus Pyrgi Tablets of the ancient Greek religion Arethology Argonautica Library Derveni papyrus Ehoiai Homeric Hymns Iliad Odyssey Telegonia Golden poems Pete Delphic Maxims Theogony works and days of epic cycle Theban cycle hermetism Hermetisms Kybalion Emerald Tablets Mandaeanism Ginza Rb zolust Book of John Baptist Epiphany Hibil ziva Haran Gavita Manichaeism Gospel Mani. Also known as the Living Gospel Treasure of Life Pragmateia (Greek: πραγματεία) The Book of Giants Basic Messages manichaean Psalmist Shabuhragan Arang Kefalaya (Greek: Κεφάλαια), Discourses, found in Coptic translation. Orfism Orphic Poems of East Asian Religions Confucianism Five Classics Four Books Thirteen Books Thirteen Classics Three Comments Taoism Tao Te Jing Chuangji (book) Daozang Shinto Koji Riccokusi, which includes Nihon Shoki and Shoku Nihongi Fudoki Jinno Shotyoki Iranian Religions 28.1 (Bodleian MS J2) Primary religious texts, that is, the collection of : Yasna, the main liturgical collection, includes . Visporad, a collection of additives to Yasna. , hymns in honor of the deities. , describes different forms of evil spirits and ways to confuse them. short texts and prayers, Yasht five Nyaishes (worship, Syrozeh and The Afringans (blessings). There are about 60 secondary religious texts, none of which is considered the Holy Scriptures. The most important of these are: Denkard (, 'Acts of Religion'), , (Middle Persian, 'Primary Creation') Menog-e-Hrad, (middle Persian, 'Spirit of Wisdom') Arda Viraf Namak (middle Persian, 'The ') Garden-dar (modern Persian, 'One Hundred Doors', or 'Hundred Heads') Rivayats, 15-18th century correspondence on religious issues: Jordeh Avesta, a for laymen from Avesta. Yarsanism Kalam y Saranjam Yazidi True basic texts of the Yazidi religion that exist today are hymns known as qawls. False examples of so-called Yazidi religious texts include a black Yazidi book and a book of Yazidi revelations, which were forged in the early 20th century Druze Rasail al-Hikma (Messages of Wisdom) indian religions Buddhism Ancient style of scripture used for Pali Canon See also: Buddhist texts Theravada Buddhism Tipitak , long discourses Majjhima Nikaya, medium-length discourses Samyutta Nikaya, related discourses of Anguttar Nikaya , numerical discourses of Huddak Nikaya, a minor collection of Abhidhamma Pitaka East Asian Mahayana Chinese Diamond Sutra, the oldest known dated printed book in the world, printed in the 9th year xiantong era of the Tang Dynasty, or 868. British Library. Chinese Buddhist Mahayana Sutra, including Diamond Sutra and heart sutra Shurangama Sutra and his Shurangama Mantra Mantra Great Compassion Mantra Pure Land Buddhism Infinite Life Sutra Amitabh Sutra Contemplation sutra other Pure Land Of Sutras Tiantai, Tendai, and Nichiren Lotus Sutra Singon Mahavairocana Sutra Vajrasekhara Sutra Tibetan Buddhism Tibetan Kangyur and Tengyur Hinduism Main Article: Hindu texts zruti Four Veda Veda Veda Veda Veda Vedava vedav vedav vedah Veda Samhitas (Mantra) , Prayers) Brahmanas (Comments, Instructions) Aranikas (Meditation, Rituals) Of Upanishad (Essence, Wisdom) Bhagavad Gita is the advice of Lord Krishna Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Smriti Ithihas Mahabharata (including Bhagavad Gita) Bhagavad Gitayan Puranas (Leaf) Bhagavat Purana Tantras Sutras (Liszt) Stotras Ashtawakra Geita Geran Hadhita Gatha Yoga Pradika Yoga Vasista in Purva-1 Mimamsa Anta (Uttar Mimmsa) Brahma Soutras in Yoga Sutra Patanjali In Samhya Samhya Sutras Kapila In Nyaya Satras Gautama Vaishesika Vaishesika Sotras from Canada Vaishnavas Vayhanas Samitas Pankatas In Kashmir Saivism 64 Bhairavagamas 28 Shaiva Agamas Shiva Sutras of Vasugupta Vijnana Bhairava Tantra In Pashupata Shaivism Pashupata Sutras of Lakulish Panchartha-bhashya of Kaundinya (a commentary on the Pashupata Sutras) Ganakarika Ratnatika of Bhasarvajna In Shaiva Siddhanta 28 Saiva Agamas Tirumurai (canon of 12 works) Meykandar Shastras (canon of 14 works) In Gaudiya Vaishnavism Brahma Samhita Jayadeva's Gita Govinda Krishna-karnamrita Chaitanya Bhagavata Chaitanya Charitamrita Prema-bhakti-candrika Hari-bhakti-vilasa In Lingayatism Siddhanta Shikhamani Vachana sahitya Mantra Gopya Shoonya Sampadane 28 Agamas Karana Hasuge Basava purana In Kabir Panth poems of Kabir In Dadu Panth poems of Dadu Jainism Main article: Jain Agamas Svetambara 11 Angas Secondary 12 Upangas, 4 Mula-sutras, 6 Cheda-sutras, 2 Culika-sutras, 10 Prakirnakas Digambara Samaysara Pravachanasara Niyamsara Pancastikayasara Karmaprabhrita, also called Satkhandagama Kashayaprabhrita Nonsectarian/Nonspecific Jina Vijaya Tattvartha Sutra GandhaHasti Mahabhashya (authoritative and oldest commentary on the Tattvartha Sutra) Four Anuyogas (they call them , four Vedas of Jainism) Sikhism Illuminated by Guru Grant Folio with Mul Mantar (the main religion mantra) with the signature of Guru Gobind Singh. Main article: Sikh Scriptures Guru Grant Sahib Secondary Controversial Writing dasam Grant Satpanth Main Articles: Satpanant and Gilance Ginance (Sacred Scriptures, which contain the inner knowledge of the Koran and Atarva Veda, which lost in the original form of two scriptures that were corrupt too) Dua (prayers) Abrahamic religions Of Bach'a literature Of Dua and Siyarat Other religions Scripture of Christianity Christian Bible, 1407 handwritten copy of the Bible Additional information: Biblical canon Content of Christian Bibles differ by denomination. The Canon of Trent defines the canonical list of books of the Catholic Bible, which includes the entire canon of 73 books recognized by the Catholic Church, including deuterokanonic books. (In the latin versions of Vulgate, 3 Esdras, 4 Esdras, and Prayer Manasseh are included in the app, but is considered non-canonical). Most Protestant Bibles include 24 Hebrew Bible books (proto-canonical books), divided in different ways (by 39 books) and a 27-book New Testament with a total of 66 books. Some denominations (such as Anglicanism) also include 15 books of biblical apocryphs between the Old Testament and the New Testament, a total of 81 books. Greek and Eastern Orthodox Bibles include anagignoskomena, which consist of Catholic deuterocanon, plus 3 Maccabees, Psalm 151, Prayer of Manassas, and 3 Esdras; The Georgian Orthodox Church considers the Fourth Book of Maccabees canonical. The septuagint, the Greek translation of the Old Testament, is authoritative. Church includes most old-time Old Testament deuterokonic books that are in Peshitta (Syrian version of the Bible). The New Testament in modern versions contains 5 controversial books (2 Peter, 2 John, 3 John, Judas and Revelations) that were originally deleted. In Eastern Orthodoxy, the biblical canon differs in every Patriarchate. The Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church at various times included in the New Testament many books that are not included in the canons of other traditions. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church Tevachedo (and its daughter, the Eritrean Orthodox Church) accept various books according to either narrow or broader canons, but always include the entire Catholic Deuterokanone, Prayer of Manasseh, 3 Ezra, 4 Ezra, and the Book of Josippon. They may also include the Book of Anniversaries, the Book of Enoch, 1 Baruch, 4 Baruch, and 1, 2 and 3 Mekabian (not related to the Books of the Maccabees). The New Testament contains the synod, the Book of Covenant, Clement and Didaskalia. Some Syrian churches, whether East Catholic, Nestorian, Eastern or Orthodox, accept the Baruch Letter as a holy scripture. Some early quakers also included the Message of the Laodians. The Latter-day Saint Movement of 1841 Is the First European (London) edition of the Book of Mormon at the Springs Museum in Las Vegas, Nevada. Additional information: The Biblical canon and canons of Latter-day Saints, and the Standard runs the Bible The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) uses the LDS edition of the King James Bible for English-speaking members; other versions are used in non-English speaking countries. The Community of Christ (RLDS) uses a translation by Joseph Smith, which he calls the Inspired Version, as well as updated modern translations. The Book of Mormon Doctrine and Covenant. There are significant differences in the content and number of sections between the Doctrine and the Covenants used by the Community of Christ (RLDS) and the LDS Church. The Pearl of great Value is an authoritative LDS Church rejected by the Community of Christ. Other, smaller branches of Latter-day Saints include other scriptures, such as the Book of the Law of the Lord, used by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Stransit), the Word of the Lord and the Word of the Lord brought to humanity by an angel used by the (Fettingite) branches. Additional and alternative scriptures Some Christian denominations have additional or alternative scriptures, some with an authority similar to the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Unification Church incorporates the Divine Principle into its scriptures. Gnostic Christianity rejected the narrative in Pauline's Christianity that the arrival of Jesus was due to the forgiveness of sins, and instead were concerned about illusion and enlightenment. Gnostic include Gnostic gospels about the life of Jesus, books attributed to various apostles, apocalyptic works, and philosophical works. Although some coincided with some new Testament works, the rest were eventually considered heretic Christian orthodoxy. Gnosts do not usually include the Old Testament as a canon. They believed in two gods, one of whom was Yahweh (usually considered evil), the author of the Hebrew Bible and the god of the Jews, separate from the Supreme God who sent Jesus. Marchionne's canon included only the Gospel of Marcion and a set of Pauline's messages that intersect with the canon of Pauline's orthodoxy of Christianity. His gospel was a version of luke's gospel that contained no reference to the Old Testament. The Cainetes appear to have used the Gospel of Judas. Liturgical books are used to guide or worship the script, and many of them are specific to the denomination. Католические литургические книги Книги духовенства Римская Миссал (Папа Римский, архиепископы, епископы, священники и дьяконы издания) Книга Евангелий (евангелическая / евангелическая) Lectionary Сакраментарий (для епископов и священников) Папский (для епископов) C'remoniale Episcoporum (для епископов) Breviary (Часы / Божественное управление) антифонические, cantatory) Liber Usualis (Книга общего пользования / Григорианский песнопения) Римский ритуал (крещение, благословения, благословения, захоронения, экзорцизмы и т.д.) Римская мученичество (святые / Благословенные) Книги церковных обслуживающего персонала: Missal (пью циклические издания) Missalette (пью сезонные издания) Гимнал (pew hymnbook издания) Протестантские литургические книги Лютеранство Евангелическо-лютеранская гимн-книга (ELHB) 1912 Лютеранская гимназия (TLH) 1941 Лютеранская книга молитвы (LBP) 1941 Лютеранская книга служения и гимн (SBH) 1958 Лютеранская книга поклонения (LBW) 1978 лютеранское поклонение (L W) 1982 Евангелическо-лютеранское поклонение (ELW) 2006 Лютеранская книга обслуживания (LSB) 2006 Многочисленные гимн, служение и путеводители (в зависимости от церкви) Методизм Воскресная служба методистской книги поклонения для церкви и Главная (1965) Книга гимнов Объединенной методистской гимназии (Объединенная методистская церковь) Объединенная методистская книга поклонения (1992) (Объединенная методистская церковь) Книга дисциплины (Объединенный методист) (Джон Уэсли-1784 , United Methodist Church-2016) Numerous hymns, service and guidebooks (depending on the church) Southern Baptist Baptists Baptist Anthem Numerous hymns, ministry and guidebooks (depending on the church) Doctrines and Laws Additional information: Christian and biblical law in Christianity Bible (left) and Science and Health with Key to The Scriptures (right) Different Christian denominations have texts group doctrines or setting laws that are considered binding. Groups believe that they range in permanence from the undeniable interpretations of divine revelations to the for convenience or clarification that are subject to review. Doctrines such as the Trinity, Virgin Aseret ha'Dibrot), also known in Christianity as Decalogue, are a set of biblical principles relating to ethics and worship. The Christian Science Textbook of Science and Health with the key to Mary Baker Eddy's Scripture, along with the Bible, serves as a permanent impersonal pastor of the Church of , ֲע ֶ ׂש ֶרת ַה ִ ּד ְ ּברוֹת :Birth and The Redemption of the Ten Commandments (Hebrew Christ, a scholar. Seventh-day Adventists believe that Ellen White's writings are elevated, though not equal to the Bible, as she is considered an inspired prophetess. The 1896 Gospel is defined by the biblical interpretations of Emanuel Swedenborg, beginning with arcana of X. Emily Cadi's 1896 Lessons of Truth, the course of Twelve Lessons of Practical Christianity is considered the main text of the Church of Unity. In Catholicism, the concept of Magisterium leaves questions of religious interpretation in the church, with different levels of infallibility expressed in various documents. The infallibility of the Church applies to: In the Catholic Church, the papal infallibility is a very small number of papal decrees. Most of the documents prepared by the Pope, including the catechism of the Catholic Church, are considered to be subject to revision. To the decisions of ecumenical cathedrals in Catholic, some Orthodox, and some Protestant denominations, although non-Catholic denominations take only certain advice, as truly ecumenical. The Salvation Army Doctrine Handbook and Marian's teachings in Roman Catholic theology. The Department of the Roman Curia, which deals with doctrine issues, is called the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The distinctive Calvinist doctrine of double predestination by the Methodist Church of Great Britain refers to doctrines, promised by the Preachers of the Methodist Church as doctrinal standards as doctrinal standards (also referred to as the Koran, the 11th- century North African Koran in the main article of the British Museum: The Islamic Holy Books of the Koran (also referred to as The Kuran, Koran, Koran, Koran or Al Koran) - Four books that are considered to be revealed and mentioned by name in the Koran , are the Koran (revealed by Muhammadu) , Taurat (showed Musa), zabur (showed Dawood) and Injil (revealed Isa) Sunni Islam Hadi books (Kutub al-Sitta): Sahih al-Bukhari Sahih Muslim 'at-Tirmidhi Sunan Abu Dawood al-Sunan al-Sugra (Sunan-Nasa)Atta Imam Malik Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal Sunan al-Kubra Meadows righteous (Riyadh al-Salihin) Bulug al-Maram Musannaf Abd al-Razzaq Sunan al-Daraqutni Sahih ibn Hibban Sunan al-Darimi Musnad al-Shafii Musna Musnad Abi Yala Musnad Rahwayh Musnad ibn Humaid Musnad al-Firdus Tahdib al- al-Mujam al-Ausat al-Mujam al-Sagir Majma al-Sawaid Kanz al-Ummal Shuab ul-Iman Sharah Maapir AtharL Sahiha Mishkat al-Masab al-Adab al-Mufraz Sahrich Hadis Shamail Shamail Muhammadiyah Al-Targib Wat-Tarhib Shihib Shihib Islam Hadith Books (Four Books): Kitab al-Kafi, Man La Yahduruhu al- Fahdib al-Akqib al-Ahqam, Al-Istibsar. Other books of hadiths (discourses of the Prophet Muhammad and his family), such as Bihar al-Anwar, Awalim al-Uloom; and Tafsirs, such as the books of Tafsir al-Burhan Prayer and Ziyarat, such as Mafatech al-Jinan and Kamel al-Siyarat. Books on the biography of the Prophet Muhammad. There are thousands of biographies written, although unlike hadith collections, they are generally not accepted as canonical religious texts. Some of the most authentic and famous of them are: Al-Sira al-Nabawiya. The making of the last prophet Ibn Ishak is the life of the Prophet Muhammad Ibn Ishak Sir Mandzum. al-Mwahib al-Ladunnia. Al-Tsurqani Ala al-Mwahib. Sirah al-Halabiya. I'm Lam al-Nubuwwa. Madaridge al- Nubuwwa. Shawahidh al-Nubuwwa. Noor al-Safir. Sharh al-Mwahib al-Laduniya. Al-Durar fi ichtisar al-Magazi was a siyar. Ashraf al-Wasa'il il Faham al-Shamail. Gayat al-Sul fi Hasais al-Rasool. Itbat al-Nubuwwa. Nihaya al-Sul fi Hasais al-Rasool. Al-Khasais-ul-Kubra, Al-Khasais al-Sugra and Shamail al-Sharif. al-Durra al-Mubyya. The Alawites of the Koran Kitab al-Majmu Other 114 canonical Scriptures such as (Kitab ul-Asus the ancient prophet) and other 113 scriptures were sponsored by Imam Ali, Imam Jafar al-Sadiq, 11th Bab ibn Nusayra and medieval wise men of sects such as Al-Hasibi. Mevlevi Order of the Koran Masnawi Divan y Shams-i Tabrizi Alevism Koran Nahj al-Balaga Buiruks Malath vilalatnam Akhiratama Judaism Sefer Torah is open for liturgical use in the synagogue service of rabbi Judaism Additional information: Rabbin literature Tana Jewish Bible Torah (teachings) Neviim (prophets) Ketuwim (letters) Talmud Mishna Jemara Midrash Hasidic Judaism Early texts: Noam Elimelech (Elimelech Lizhensky) Kedusat Levy (Levi Yitzhok From Berdichev) Fundamental texts of various Hasidic sects : Likutay Moharan (Breslow) Meer Einayim (Chernobyl) Mei Hashiloah (Izhbitza - Radzin) Tanya (Chabad) Wayoel Moshe (Satmar) Hymanot Tanah with several Jewish apocryphs Kabbalism Kabbalah: Initial texts of the Nebibi Judaism Science Tanah Jewish Science: Divine Healing in Judaism Samaritan Samaritan Torah Pre-Columbian America Aztec Religion Borgia Group Of Mayan Religion Codex Popol Vuh Dresden Code code of the Paris Code Ethnic Religion Bon (Tibetan Folk Religion) Bon Kangyur and Tengyur Old Scandinavian Religion Edda Kiratism Mundham Limb Shabakism Buyruk Group (Shabak) sisilbash Buyruks of zizilbash Fetevatnameh Yorabe Oda Ifa Yaap Verduijn's Odu Ifa Collection New Religious Movements Additional information: New religious movements Ayawaja Akilatirattu Ammanai Arul Nool Movement ACIM Course in Miracles Adi Da Love-Ananda Samraj Aletheon Companions true Dawn Horse Dawn Horse Covenant Gnostic Heart Adi Dame Revelation Not-Two Worlds Pneumaton Transcendental Realism Ethereus Society Nine Freedom Satru Eddur Bahai Faith See: Literature by Baha'i Caodaism Kin Tien Đạo Wa Thế Đạo (Prayers of Heavenly and Earthly Way) Fap Shen Truyền (Religious Constitution of Kaodaism) Tan Luật (Canonical Codes) Thanh Ngon Hiệp Tuyển (Collection of Divine Messages) : Works of Ben Klassen of Nature Eternal Religion White Man: Principia Discordia Dudeism Dude dude de Ching Duderonomy Freemasonry Book of Constitutions All Scriptures Jediism Aionomica Rammahgon Concococio Oshirase-Goto Obobe-Cho Meher Baba God speaks discourses Maywazi Four veda Meivaji eti mei uta prana pranamwark Antal Munmiam Atypatou tiru meisanac coral Eman Patar atipato kotyatak kar Oahpe : New Bible Pastafarianism Gospel of Flying Spaghetti Monster Raelism: Proceedings of Rael aka Claude Vorilhon Intelligent Design: Message from Designers Sensual Meditation Yes for Human Cloning Rastafarian Movement Bible (Ethiopian Orthodox Canon) Saint Piby Kebra Nagast Speeches and writings by Haile Selassie I (including his autobiography My Life and the Progress of Ethiopia) Royal Parchment Scroll of Black Supremacy Ravidassia Amritbani Guru Ravidass Jis Religious Science Of Reason Ernest Holmes Scientology Dianetics : Modern Science of Mental Health List of Scientology Texts Spirity Spirit Book Book on The Environments of the Gospel According to spiritualism Of Heaven and Hell Genesis According to spiritualism Tenrikyo Ofudesaki Mikagura-uta Osasizzu Tellema Holy Books of Tellema, especially the book of law Unarius Academy of Sciences Pulse creating the series Infinite concept of the cosmic creation of Urantia Urantia Book Of Vikka Book of Shadows Charge of the Goddess Three-Time Law Wican Red Links - Charles Elster (2003). Power, performance and interpretation in religious reading: critical issues of intercultural communication and multiple literacy. Research Journal of Literacy. 35 (1): 667-670., quote: religious to perform two important regulatory functions: at the group level, they regulate liturgical rituals and legal systems; at the individual level, they (seek) to regulate ethical behavior and direct spiritual aspirations. - Eugene Nida (1994). Sociolinguistics of translation of canonical religious texts. TTR: TTR, Terminology, Editorial. Scholar: University of Montreal. 7 (1): 195-197., quote: The phrase of religious texts can be understood in two very different senses: (1) texts that discuss the historical or contemporary religious beliefs and practices of the faith community, and (2) texts that are crucial in the birth of a faith community. Ricker, Paul (1974). Philosophy and religious language. Religious magazine. University of Chicago Press. 54 (1): 71–85. doi:10.1086/486374. a b Lee Martin MacDonald; James Charlesworth (April 5, 2012). Non-canonical religious texts in early Judaism and early Christianity. BLACK. 1-5, 18-19, 24-25, 32-34. ISBN 978-0-567-12419-7. Charles Elster (2003). Power, performance and interpretation in religious reading: critical issues of intercultural communication and multiple literacy. Research Journal of Literacy. 35 (1): 669–670. John Goldingey (2004). Models for Scripture. Clements Publishing Group. page 183-190. ISBN 978-1-894667-41-8. a b Editors of the encyclopedia Britannica (2009). Scripture. Encyclopedia Britannica. Wilfred Kntwell Smith (1994). What is Scripture?: A comparative approach. Fortress Press. 12-14. ISBN 978-1- 4514-2015-9. William A. Graham (1993). Beyond the written word: The oral aspects of Scripture in the history of religion. Cambridge University Press. 44-46. ISBN 978-0-521-44820-8. Eugene Nida (1994). Sociolinguistics of translation of canonical religious texts. 7 (1): 194–195. Thomas B. Coburn (1984) Scripture in : to the typology of the word in Hindu life. In the journal of the American Academy of Religion. Oxford University Press. 52 (3): 435–459. doi:10.1093/jaarel/52.3.435. JSTOR 1464202. William A. Graham (1993). Beyond the written word: The oral aspects of Scripture in the history of religion. Cambridge University Press. ix, 5-9. ISBN 978-0-521-44820-8. Carroll Stulmuller (1958). The influence of oral tradition on exegesis and the sense of Scripture. Catholic Biblical quarterly. 20 (3): 299–302. JSTOR 43710550. Peter Sal (2008). English Handwritten Terminology Dictionary: 1450-2000. Oxford University Press. page 367. ISBN 978-0-19-926544-2. Scripture. World Encyclopedia. Oxford University Press. 2004. ISBN 978-0-19-954609-1. John Bowker (2000). Scripture. A brief Oxford Dictionary of World Religions. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-280094-7. - Widow of Juan Carlos Ossandan (2018). Teh canon of the Bible in Hebrew. BRILL Academic. 22-27. ISBN 978-90-04-38161-2. Gerburn Augusta (2012). Lee Martin McDonald and James Charlesworth Non-canonical religious texts in early Judaism and early Christianity. BLACK. 18-23 with footnotes. ISBN 978-0-567-12419-7. Edmond L. Gallagher; John D. Mead (2017). Biblical canonical lists of early Christianity: texts and analysis. Oxford University Press. xii-xiii. ISBN 978-0-19-879249-9. Kramer, Samuel (1942). The oldest literary catalogue: Sumerian list of literary compositions, compiled around 2000 BC Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Studies. 88 (88): 10–19. doi:10.2307/1355474. JSTOR 1355474. Sanders, Seth (2002). The old light on the radiant side of Moses. Vetus Covenant. 52 (3): 400–406. doi:10.1163/156853302760197520. Enheduanna; Midor, Betty De Schong (2009-08-01). Princess, priestess, poet: Sumerian temple hymns encheduanna. University of Texas Press. ISBN 9780292719323. Stephanie Dalley (2000). Myths from Mesopotamia: Creation, Flood, Gilgamesh and others. Oxford University Press. 41-45. ISBN 978-0-19-953836-2. George, Andrew (2002-12-31). Gilgamesh Epic: Babylonian Epic Poem and Other Texts in Akkadian and Sumerian. Penguin. ISBN 9780140449198. Sagarika Dutt (2006). India in a globalized world. Press of the University of Manchester. page 36. ISBN 978-1-84779-607-3 - Yahvist. Contradictions in the Bible. 2012-12-23. Received 2016-12-06. a b Jaffee, Martin S. (2001-04-19). Torah in the mouth: Writing and oral traditions in Palestinian Judaism 200 BC -400 AD Press of Oxford University. ISBN 9780198032236. A guide to history. Received 2016-12-06. Orthodox also tend to divide Baruch and Jeremiah's Letter into two books instead of one. The listing of Ezra's Books differs in many Orthodox Bibles, as in all others: see the Wikipedia article on the titles of Esdra's books. Angell, Steven W (2015), Renegade Oxonian: The Importance of Samuel Fisher in the Formulationr's Understanding of Scripture, in Angell, Stephen W; Dandelion, Pink (eds.), Early quakers and their theological thought 1647- 1723, Cambridge University Press, page 137-154, doi:10.1017/cbo9781107279575.010, ISBN 9781107279575 - Salvation Army International Theological Council (2010). Doctrine Handbook. London: Books of Salvation. ISBN 978-0-85412-822-8. Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith (Roman Catholic Church) - British Internet Encyclopedia. Received 2013-03- 07. Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith. Received 2013-03-07. Methodist Church Doctrine, access to it May 25, 2018 - Kaodaism in a nutshell. Archive from the original on February 18, 2005. Holy Scripture (Kyoten) CONCOCOIO. External Wikiquote links has quotes related to: the religious text of Wikimedia Commons has media related to religious texts. British Library: Opening Sacred Texts Religious Full Text Online Library of Messiaic Bibles Ancient Texts Library Internet Sacred Text Archive Buddhist Scripture Compared to the Bible by Robert H. Kruger. Extracted from the ancient sacred texts pdf. lost forgotten books and ancient sacred texts. most ancient sacred texts. language of ancient indian sacred texts. ancient egyptian sacred texts. ancient indian sacred texts. ancient greek sacred texts. ancient roman sacred texts

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