OSME News Geoff Welch

OSME Summer Meeting, Saturday little developed and so most are very rich 16 July 2011 botanically and three of the selected sites are After last year’s Middle Eastern weather, important turtle nesting areas. Because of its things were ‘back to normal’ for this year’s location, northern Cyprus is very important Summer Meeting and AGM with overcast for migrating , especially in autumn, and skies and torrential downpours! However, the island has two endemic species, Cyprus the programme of talks took the audience of Warbler Sylvia melanothorax and Cyprus 44 members and guests to the four corners of Wheatear Oenanthe cypriaca, both of which the OSME region. The first speaker was Phil are relatively common and widespread. Phil’s Cannings (Plate 1) who gave an overview work is ongoing with the next stages being the of his work advising on the development recruitment and training of additional staff, of a protected areas network in northern implementation of management plans and Cyprus. This has involved everything from legislation and the integration of the plans identifying sites and developing the relevant into the wider planning process to ensure that legislation to preparing management plans Cyprus’s important species and habitats are and increasing local capacity through training protected for future generations to enjoy. staff and providing facilities and equipment. From the Mediterranean, the focus shifted Seven priority sites have been identified and to the north with a talk by Jeff Gordon on six are now officially protected. All bar one the Manych wetlands and Caucasus area of are coastal areas, the exception being the Russia. Technically speaking, the Manych Kyrenia mountains site which is important wetlands are just outside the OSME region for breeding raptors and is the only site in but the area is of outstanding importance as the EU where Egyptian Fruit Bats Rousettus a migration stopover site and wintering area aegyptiacus are found. Compared with most for many birds either breeding or passing other coastal areas in the Mediterranean, through the region. The wetlands are best the beaches of northern Cyprus are still known as an important stopover site for

Plate 1. Speakers at the 2011 OSME Summer Meeting, left to right: Geoff Welch, Phil Cannings, Guy Kirwan, Sal Cooke, Jeff Gordon and Andrew Lassey. © Ian Harrison/OSME

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Sandgrouse34-1-120306.indd 78 3/6/2012 12:50:05 PM Sociable Lapwings Vanellus gregarius, with Scops Otus socotranus, Socotra Golden- over 2000 birds recorded in 2009. However, winged Grosbeak Rhynchostruthus socotranus Jeff also gave the audience a taste of the and Abd al Kuri Sparrow Passer hemileucus many other species using the site. Wintering are all now confirmed as valid species. The wildfowl include 30 000 Greater White- precise of Socotra Cisticola Cisticola fronted Anser albifrons and 1000 Red-breasted haesitatus, and the subspecies (?) of Somali Geese Branta ruficollis, 4000 Scaup Aythya Starling Onychognathus blythii and Southern marila and up to 5000 White-headed Ducks Grey Shrike Lanius meridionalis on the island Oxyura leucocephala, while breeding species have still to be finalised. Many questions include 2000 pairs of Red-crested Pochards remain to be answered though. For instance Netta rufina, 200 pairs of Demoiselle Cranes what are the precise affinities of the scops Anthropoides virgo, Little Bustards Tetrax owl? It sounds very similar to Oriental Scops tetrax, Pallas’s Larus ichthyaetus, Slender-billed Owl Otus sunia from India but genetically is Chroicocephalus genei and Mediterranean Gulls close to Seychelles O. insularis. L. melanocephalus (20 000+) and over 100 000 The fourth speaker of the day was Geoff Rose-coloured Starlings Pastor roseus! Very Welch who stood in at very short notice large numbers of waders pass through in for Rob Sheldon who was unable to attend. spring and autumn and Black-winged Geoff gave a brief account of the work of Pratincoles Glareola nordmanni can be very the Society for the Protection of Nature in numerous with, on one occasion, a flock of 22 Lebanon (SPNL) in promoting the hima 000 birds. In contrast to the wetlands, Jeff also protected area concept as a viable alternative spoke briefly about the Caucasus region which to official protected areas. The hima approach includes the Elbruz mountains, the highest in is based around sustainable management Europe. Specialities of the region include of natural resources by local communities. Caucasian Grouse Lyrurus mlokosiewiczi, The approach dates back more than 1500 Caspian Tetraogallus caspius and Caucasian years and was widespread in the Arabian Snowcocks T. caucasicus, Guldenstadt’s peninsula and lands bordering the Red sea. Redstart Phoenicurus erythrogastrus and Red- SPNL is promoting the hima approach at fronted Serin Serinus pusillus. Four species of six Important Areas (IBAs) covering vulture and five of eagle breed and the area a range of habitats from mountain forests is important for raptor migration. For the to marine areas. An important element of visiting birdwatcher, accessing the high tops the approach is the direct involvement of is relatively straightforward thanks to a ski lift local community members throughout the which takes you to over 3000 m. process, from planning to implementation. The first speaker of the afternoon was Guy Because community members have a direct Kirwan who gave a fascinating presentation stake in the site and receive direct benefits on the taxonomy of Socotran birds. Because from successful management both protection of its extreme age, over 37 million years, and management should be sustainable. As Socotra has a very high level of endemism, the resources for the management of official with almost 50% of the island’s 825 species protected areas become scarcer, it is important of plant being unique, and its avifauna has a that conservationists develop alternative pronounced Afrotropical influence. Prior to means of financing and managing sites and the OSME expedition to the island in 1993, the hima approach has great potential for Socotra was little known and, of its birds, achieving this. 6 species and 12, possibly 13, subspecies The final presentation of the day was a were considered endemic with the status of double act by Sal Cooke and Andrew Lassey the Socotran Buzzard unclear. Nowadays, on ornithological research in Kazakhstan. thanks to a combination of studies looking at Andrew gave a resume of ornithology in morphology, vocalisations and genetics, it is the country and the important role played accepted that Socotra has at least 10 endemic by the Institute of Zoology in Almaty. Many species and 4 endemic sub-species. The major of the great names associated with species changes as the result of these studies are that found in the region worked there—Peter Socotra Buzzard Buteo socotraensis, Socotra Simon Pallas (gull, sandgrouse, warbler), EA

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Sandgrouse34-1-120306.indd 79 3/6/2012 12:50:05 PM Eversmann (redstart, pale-backed pigeon), allowing the Society use of the facilities of The Nikolai Zarudny (numerous sub-species) and Nunnery for the day’s meeting. NA Severtzov (tit warbler) to name but a few. The social dinner after the meeting was In 1946 over 300 scientists were employed in a great success and OSME seemed to have the Zoological Section of the Institute, today taken over the Dolphin for the evening. It there are less than 10 many of whom are was good to see so many people there taking working in a voluntary capacity as there is no the opportunity of renewing old friendships money to pay them and facilities are either and making new ones. Nick Moran’s totally lacking or extremely basic. The skins bird walk on the following day, Sunday, collection is in a particularly poor condition was a new departure and again was very with no suitable storage facilities. Despite successful. Those who participated had good these hardships, research is continuing and views of Stone Curlew Burhinus oedicnemus the skins collection has played a key role in and Woodlark Lullula arborea, Breckland unravelling the Turkestan/ Daurian Shrike specialities, although the weather was a little Lanius isabellinus/phoenicuroides complex, too windy to get good views of Firecrest splitting Booted Warbler Iduna caligata/rama Regulus ignicapillus. into two species, separating Pale Martin from Sand Martin Riparia diluta/riparia and Further changes to Around the ongoing studies of the Lesser Whitethroat Region compilers Sylvia curruca and Asian Short-toed Lark Dawn Balmer has recently stood down as Calandrella cheleensis complexes. OSME has co-compiler of Around the Region, a role recently coordinated an international effort to she has carried out since 2001. OSME would provide the Institute with suitable specimen like to take this opportunity to thank Dawn boxes which were surplus to requirements for the tremendous amount of time and at the Natural History Museum, Tring; a effort that she has put into compiling this small but significant start to safeguarding important feature of each issue of Sandgrouse. this unique resource. Sal then took over and Andrew Grieve has taken over the A–K gave a characteristically enthusiastic and section. Luckily we will not be losing Dawn’s humorous account of the practicalities of knowledge and enthusiasm completely as participating in an ornithological expedition she has kindly agreed to continue to compile to Kazakhstan. The hardships—a bed, privacy, News & Information. ensuite facilities—dream on! The opportunity to see and compare Phylloscopus warblers News from the Bird Fair 2011 such as Greenish P. viridanus and Hume’s P. The 2011 Bird Fair was a great success for humei side by side. The stunning Himalayan OSME, giving us a chance to catch up with Rubythroat Luscinia pectoralis makes Siberian members, many of whom are resident outside L. calliope look dull! But most importantly, the of the UK, promote OSME’s work, give talks breathtaking landscapes, the sheer number of on recent bird research and take part in the birds at some sites and the camaraderie and annual Bird Brain of Britain quiz. This year the dedication of the other expedition members. OSME stand was situated next to Birdwatch During the AGM, held immediately after Turkey in Marquee 6, giving us a chance lunch, the following changes to the Society’s to talk more with our Turkish colleagues. Council were noted and approved. Richard Amongst new people visiting the stand was Prior and Chris Lamsdell ended their terms David Lindo, author of The Urban Birder, who of office and Richard Bonser resigned during decided to join (Plate 2). the year due to pressure of work. All were There were several important talks given thanked for their contributions to the running at the Bird Fair based on work carried out of OSME. After being co-opted in February, within the OSME region: the first by Dr Helen Demopoulos was elected on to Council. Azzam Alwash from Nature Iraq about the OSME would like to thank the British fantastic work to restore the marshes of Trust for Ornithology, and especially staff southern Iraq; the second on ‘Visiting the members Dawn Balmer and Nick Moran, for Celestial Mountains’, a talk on the birds and

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Sandgrouse34-1-120306.indd 80 3/6/2012 12:50:05 PM OSME Raffle 2011 and 2012 The winners of the 2011 raffle to raise funds for the Conservation and Research Fund were: • 1st prize H Brown—Opticron Imagic BGA SE 8x42 binoculars (value £419) • 2nd prize D Marshall—Naturetrek voucher for £250 • 3rd prize John Warr—Country Innovations New Venture Waistcoat (value £65) • 4th prize Andy Musgrove—Birdguides Breeding Birds of the Western Palearctic (value £75) • 5th prize G Ridley—Birdguides BBi: British Birds interactive (value £75) Plate 2. Nick Moran (left) with David Lindo, new OSME member, at Bird Fair 2011. © John Warr • 6th prize A Cotton—Helm Reed and Bush Warblers (value £65) Congratulations to all of the winners, culture of Kazakhstan by Andrew Lassey thanks to the sponsors for generously and Sal Cooke (OSME members); and the donating the prizes and thanks to everyone third by Rob Sheldon from RSPB (and OSME who purchased tickets. Council member) on the migration journeys We are running the raffle again this of Sociable Lapwings Vanellus gregarius. All of year and the proceeds will go towards these talks were informative and inspirational, conservation work on White-headed Ducks showing the importance of this region for bird Oxyura leucocephala in Central Asia. Tickets conservation. are enclosed—so try your luck and support OSME came a very close second in the OSME! annual Bird Brain of Britain quiz, winning £500 thanks to Oscar Campbell, a long- OSME Summer Meeting and AGM standing member of OSME. His specialist 2012 subject was ‘Breeding Birds in the UAE’. Following the success of last year’s Summer There was also a game where members of Meeting, the 2012 meeting and AGM will the public could win an OSME wrist-band by again be held at the BTO Headquarters, The correctly matching a selection of the special Nunnery, Thetford, Norfolk IP24 2PU on birds of the OSME region with the countries Saturday 7 July. There is ample free parking. they breed in—a fun way of making people The bus station is about 10 minutes walk aware just how important the OSME region is away, and the railway station 15 minutes. for bird conservation. Road access is via the A11 London–Norwich If you would like to help at the OSME road, connecting with the A14 from the north stand at the 2012 Bird Fair, please contact and Midlands. Trains operate regular services [email protected]. (Contributed by Helen on the Birmingham–Norwich line, and also Demopoulos) to Cambridge and London Kings Cross. Full details of the day are given in the enclosed programme.

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