DATE: Tuesday 20th November 2012 TIME: 19.30 hrs LOCATION: North Stainley Village Hall PRESENT: Councillors Glenys Bailey (Chair), Margaret Goddard (Vice-Chair), Ian Alston, David Bryant, James Stuart-Mills and Steve Tordoff. IN ATTENDANCE: Iona Taylor (Clerk) County Councillor Paul Richardson and District Councillor Margaret Atkinson P.C. Gareth Jones James Staveley

1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Bailey declared an interest in agenda items 7.4, as she is a Governor at Springhill School, and 11 as she is a member of North Stainley Sports & Recreation Trust. Councillor Alston declared an interest in agenda items 5 & 11 as he is a member of North Stainley Sports & Recreation Trust. Councillor Bryant declared an interest in agenda item 13.2 as he has a pecuniary interest in Potgate Quarry and in item 13.1 as he is a shareholder in Sleningford Watermill Caravan Site.

2. APOLOGIES Apologies due to illness have been received from Councillor Mahan.

3. MINUTES FROM THE LAST MEETINGS The minutes of the last meetings held on 18th September and 16th October 2012 were approved and signed.

4. ITEMS CARRIED FORWARD FROM THE LAST MEETINGS 4.1 Notification of new Lightwater Valley postcode. Lightwater Valley has advised that its new postcode will be HG4 3NB and will be used on its 2013 promotional literature.

4.2 Feedback on website – none.

4.3 Provision of new school. There was no progress to be reported as the Governors’ meeting with North County Council (to discuss the results of the feasibility study) had been cancelled.

4.4 Improvement of mini-recycling centre. The Clerk reported that she has made contact with Harrogate Borough Council’s Recycling Officer with a view to discussing improvements to the appearance of the mini-recycling centre behind the Staveley Arms. It was agreed, that if required, the parish caretaker could be used to help with improvements as there is some LEADER grant funding which needs to be used by the end of the year.

4.5 Questions for consultation meeting with Harrogate Borough Council (ref. item 7.1). It was agreed that the following question be submitted for consideration at the meeting on 3rd December, 6pm in Town Hall: Please could Parish Councils be provided with details of the proposed temporary Vehicle Activated Sign scheme, to be run through the area committees including cost, application/procurement process and frequency?

4.6 Signage at perimeter of Potgate Quarry near Fiveponds Wood. It was noted that signage and a temporary fence has now been installed at the new entrance near Fiveponds Wood, but that a review of the quarry’s entire perimeter is to be undertaken with a view to permanent measures being installed.

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5. REGISTRATION OF MINES AND MINERALS RIGHTS UNDER COMMUNAL AREAS IN NORTH STAINLEY Land Registry has advised that the Parish Council has not provided satisfactory grounds why the Church’s application to register the mines and mineral rights under the Recreation Ground, former public conveniences, under the village hall and Jubilee garden should not proceed. They have also provided evidence of the 1936 conveyance giving them these rights. Whilst it was agreed that there is no further action that the Parish Council can take in this matter it was noted that whilst these rights can be registered and are legally enforceable it is a far cry from them being practically enforceable and there being any prospect of minerals being extracted.

6. EMPLOYMENT ISSUES 6.1 Feedback from Clerk’s appraisal. Councillor Bailey reported that after a somewhat protracted process the Clerk’s appraisal has now been completed with some objectives having been set for the next twelve months.

6.2 Clerk’s enrolment on Certificate of Local Council Administration (CiLCA) course. It was noted that the Clerk has enrolled on the 2012/13 CiLCA course. The CiLCA is an accreditation scheme for local council clerks based upon submission of a portfolio of evidence. It will take approximately 50 hours to complete over 7 months. It was agreed that this Council will fund 25% of the total cost which is £125 after bursaries. The cost to this Council is therefore expected to be £25.

6.3 Terms of reference for review of employment documentation and policies. It was agreed that the Staffing Committee should carry out this review on behalf of the Council. Proposals will be made for consideration at the 2013 Annual Parish Council Meeting. It was further agreed to fund a representative from this Council attending the Employment Matters training session being provided by Yorkshire Local Councils Associations on 23rd March 2013. The cost of this will be £35.

6.4 PAYE issues. The Clerk reported about ongoing issues with registering for PAYE. It was agreed that this should be outsourced for the 2012/13 tax year, with a view to systems being put in place for the Clerk to take over in 2013/14. The contract will cover:  Registering as an employer with HMRC.  Setting up a payroll system.  Bringing the payroll up to date from April 2012, and going forwards.  Completing end of year returns in April 2013.  Preparing for Real Time Information (RTI) requirements from April 2013. A first quote for this service has been received at a cost of £240 + VAT. The Council approved this as a maximum level of expenditure on this item, but it was noted that the Clerk is speaking to other service providers. It was agreed that the Clerk should proceed with the lowest satisfactory quotation.

7. HIGHWAYS 7.1 Implementation of Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) scheme (ref item 4.5). County Councillor Richardson advised that the protocol for the proposed temporary VAS scheme should now be available from the Area 6 Highways Office. The Clerk will request a copy.

7.2 Diversion of footpath No. 15.102/4 (Part). It was noted that the footpath diversion near Tanefelt Barn has now been confirmed. It was agreed that the signage in this area needs clarifying. This will be raised with County Council.

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7.3 Progress with previously identified faults. NS 1/12 Overhanging Vegetation on Watermill Lane 11/10/12 – Followed up as not yet done. NS 2/12 Potholes, end of Watermill Lane. 8/8/12 – to be filled within 2 months. Not yet filled. Followed up on 11/10/12. NS 3/12 Potholes, Golf Club to Old Palace Holes filled on w/c 29/10/12.

7.4 New faults to be raised with Highways North Yorkshire.  Give way signs / lines are required at the end of Watermill Lane in North Stainley.  Concerns about speeding in the 40mph zone near Springhill School were noted and raised with P.C. Jones who was asked to carry out enforcement action in this area. A letter will also be sent to Highways North Yorkshire asking that they erect school warning signs in this area and also consider extending the 30mph zone to the end of the built up area (where the 40mph currently extends to).

8. PARISH MAGAZINE Councillor Bryant reported that it is proposed that, as the current arrangements with Ripon are not felt to be working, North Stainley will join the Masham and Healey Church Benefice, initially for a trial period of 3 years. The current parish magazine will cease production at the end of the year. From then on news from North Stainley will be able to be submitted for inclusion in the Yoredale News (the publication which covers the Masham and Healey benefice). It was agreed that the Parish Council should make no provision for any financial contribution to parish magazines in the 2013/14 financial year, but should review the new arrangements during the course of the next eighteen months.

9. ANNUAL FINANCES 2012/13 Financial Year 9.1 Mid-year ‘Monitoring Against Budget’ and ‘Balance Analysis’ reports. The monitoring against budget showed that halfway through the financial year the Parish Council had incurred nearly two thirds of the predicted ordinary expenditure. This is because there has already been significant expenditure on the play area, because of seasonal bills such as grasscutting which has now finished and because the LEADER funding for the caretaker is claimed in arrears. Income is expected to finish the financial year as predicted as any remaining receipts are guaranteed. The mid-year balance analysis report showed that the Council has approximately £4,736.87 of reserves and is in a reasonably healthy financial position when reviewed against the 2012/13 budget.

2013/14 Financial Year 9.2 Budget proposals. Proposals prepared by the Clerk were considered. As per item 8 above it was agreed not to include a financial contribution to the parish magazine, but that provision be made for 8 hours of caretaker time per month and for increased grasscutting costs to cover the newly adopted areas.

9.3 Precept requirement. After being proposed by Councillor Alston and seconded by Councillor Goddard it was unanimously resolved to apply for an increased precept of £8950.

10. COMMUNAL AREAS 10.1 Progress with land transfers. It was noted that a response to the points raised by the Parish Council is awaited from North Stainley Estates’ solicitor.

10.2 Future management of informal fishing on ponds. After discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council should understand its legal obligations in relation to ownership of the ponds and allowing fishing to take place on them, and move forward sensibly from there. The Clerk will carry out research on this item and report to a future meeting.

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11. NORTH STAINLEY SPORT & RECREATION TRUST 11.1 Update on work of Trust. The Recreation Trust held its Annual General Meeting and a committee meeting on 8th November.  Howard Morgan, Emma Griffiths and Gill Hall (who did not stand for reappointment) were thanked for all their work during their time as Trustees.  Iona Taylor (Chair), Glenys Bailey (Secretary) and Ross I’Anson (Treasurer) were reappointed as Officers for the forthcoming year.  The Trust’s accounts and annual report to 31st March 2012 were approved by the committee.  Richard Plummer has been invited to the December Trust meeting to discuss proposals for a new school and how it might affect the Village Hall.  The Trust has reviewed its charging policy and is going to reduce the discount offered for regular bookings. The hall hire rate remains competitive.  The Trust will be addressing issues raised in a recent fire inspection as a matter of urgency.  Fencing and footpath works on the Recreation Ground are underway, but will be completed as soon as possible.  Discussions with the Jubilee Garden building contractor about cracks in the labyrinth are on-going.  New Trustees are still required and volunteers will be made welcome!

11.2 Update on transfer of ownership of Village Square. The transfer documents have now been signed on behalf of the Parish Council and Recreation Trust and will be forwarded to Robert Staveley for signing and execution.

12. PLAY AREA – annual inspection report not yet received.

13. PLANNING APPLICATIONS 13.1 Consultation on application 6.12.80.BA.FULMAJ 12/03764/FULMAJ – Change of use of land for siting of 106 holiday units with reception unit, erection of building for housekeeping and supporting services and formation of outdoor courts at Lightwater Valley. Whilst it was agreed that the Parish Council has no objection to the principle of this development it was resolved that comments should be submitted about possible improvements to the entrance off the A6108 road, possible contributions to traffic calming in North Stainley and securing the tenure of the units as short-term holiday lets.

13.2 Extension at Potgate Quarry. It was noted that the planning officer dealing with this application has forwarded the Council’s comments (agreed at the October 2012 meeting) to the applicant who have responded in an e-mail circulated to Councillors. It was agreed that the Council does not wish to make any further comments / representation on this matter and will allow the planning officer to determine what weight, if any, to attach to the matters raised.

13.3 Decisions and updates on applications, appeals and enforcement investigations. Reference Proposal Decision 6.12.5.AK.FUL Erection of 2 sheds and car port to serve 1,2, & 3 Mews Passed 12/02790/FUL Court.

13.4 Issues re. construction of new homes on Watermill Lane by Yorvik. Councillor Stuart-Mills raised issues with the working practices of and disruption caused by Yorvik, including damage to the lane that runs to Low Green. It was noted that the situation has been improved by road sweeping and the laying of hardcore on the track. James Staveley encouraged anyone with any future issues to contact him directly.

14. CORRESPONDENCE The Clerk reported on items received, including: 14.1 Format of future consultations on planning applications. It was agreed that this Parish Council is not ready to move to an all ‘e’ format for future consultations.

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15. FINANCIALS 15.1 Bank balances as at 20th November 2012.  Santander Current a/c ...... £6252.27  Santander Savings a/c ...... £50.00  HSBC Current a/c (allotment project) ...... £100.00  HSBC Savings a/c (re-printing of walk leaflet) ...... £250.11

15.2 Payments made prior to, or at this meeting. It was resolved that the following payments be approved and recorded:  Farm & Land Services (Invoice 3783) ...... £70.80  Farm & Land Services (Invoice 3754) ...... £219.60  North Stainley Village Hall (Hall Hire for June, July & August 2012) ...... £19.20  Iona Taylor (Clerk, September & October 2012) ...... £497.69  Walled Garden Scheme (Caretaker – August 2012, Invoice 953) ...... £162.00  Walled Garden Scheme (Caretaker – September 2012, Invoice 1001) ...... £162.00  Walled Garden Scheme (Caretaker – October 2012, Invoice 1025) ...... £162.00

15.3 Monies received prior to, or at this meeting. The following receipts were recorded:  Harrogate Borough Council (Precept 2nd Part) ...... £3383.00  Harrogate Borough Council (Grounds Maintenance Grant) ...... £181.95  HM Revenue & Customs (VAT Reimbursement, 1/6/12 – 31/8/12) ...... £183.70  North Yorkshire County Council (LEADER grant)...... £185.73

15.4 Donation to Ripon CAB. It was agreed that a donation of £110 be made.

16. NEXT MEETINGS 16.1 Dates of next meetings. The next meetings were confirmed as being on 18th December 2012 (planning) and 22nd January 2013 (ordinary). Both will start at 7.30pm and be held in North Stainley Village Hall.

16.2 2013 meetings. The 2013 schedule was approved.


18. QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC  P.C. Gareth Jones advised that he is not planning an imminent retirement.

Meeting closed at 22.02 hrs. These minutes were recorded and prepared by Iona Taylor, Clerk to the Parish Council.

SIGNED: ...... (Chairman)

DATE: ......

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