(Illunration bl! Marchion') In his right paw he held the whip, and I felt it descend, in one cruel stinging aweep,. acro" my straining legs. WHY HAVE A MARATHON? WE HAVE NO MONEY TO OPERATE.

When t he founder of KRAB, Lorenzo Mi lam, left Seattle he asked for and received a note for fifty thousand do ~ la from KRAB. This was backed up ~X oa~~ ortgage on all our assets. At that time stood t hat this was merely a ~e1l-ge against the outside (continued page 19,) ~ 1 " A

~ J?ilhographers _

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6: 3 .. ruE BIJO \ E RE ~ LAYS BY RICHARD SUN DAY', APRIL 23 2: DRUMMOND ' () We'l,J{ Play.,, "East Lynn'" ..J "' . ( .+-=- - -9, . ' ...J U ~ .. ~ Fm led Agai . o. r S ave-d By Fate; In the .., - N' k f I .." S ...." . / 10:00 A CHILD'S GARDEN On VEGETABLES - Dic~ ~ .. <%) lC 0 T:rm arl" 0 ethlng's Gone Wrong Pal1\ er as the tricky pickle \ 'V'" t; ; At the CrO~i' - . &adS; 1'h"e~ 6"p_e~en~ '1\ • ~ ~? 1.; ()-fJ J ~)- "" 11: 30 THE SUNDAY COHICS - r e ad by Frank / 7.:06 THE MARATHO PORT - with! ary Marga- < , , v ~ I I Krasnowsky c: ~ - son. the 7 S, ar~ ager

0: 12 :00 JEAN SHEPHERD mara,'thon special from 7:3~ '; _ LIVE AT ~THE STATION~ e in and see WOR ~:.. (or is I. "il' Listen?) ~ ,'" V')

12:45 GARY SNYDER - a ~ recentOrecording i ~,~ -g'i'3o 2. ~ING ___ ~~IM~E - Bob West with the Tacoma, including such new poems as-I':: Pdce If:rtres "The Call of thr Wild",- "No ~1aS t-er, g~~ -/ ? I .. ?? I'l. ... ! Never Mind", and

_._ ? 4 ""d rob' __ :.. 2:00 JAZZ FOR A ,SUNDM AFTERNOON - "B gb ".',~~,~ [~ sOT'eO'TAT~Lx ~_o_~ ill ~ Gwynne ~ -1-:,00 ~ROSWELL-' S RU t..~ - J a-z FL ASE~MAKE PAYMN ROM THIS INVO C~- 5:00 THE DRAGGN LADY'S REVENGE: THE SAN .., j..li~ , r FRANCISCO MIME TROUPE - Th--e=' adio ! / ' ONDAY • •AI( RIL 24 version is written by JasI .H-krris ~ I .j \ C fJ ro, -- and radio product ion by stanl John- ;' 7 :O @- t: E 1-.iORNING SHOW - a musical biography ston and Gerard Van der Leunl (t p A Q r I af the life and times of Jean Philippe / J in Berke ley. T,uck No, _ '0,;,,, ~ Rameau '~:'i1~: 11 :00 R.D. LAING : VIOLENCE AND LOVE - a lec­ 12: 15 SONGS OF RHODESIA - explained and per­ ture by the British psychoanalyst , formed on the M'bira and Hosh o by Ab­ author most recently of KNOTS. He de­ raham and Arthur Maraire of the Uni­ fends the behavior of most so-called ve rsi t y of Washington. (KRAB Archives) "ins ane" peop Ie. 1:10 PHILIP WHALEN - a reading of poems, 11:45 MUSIC FROM THE CODEX OF LAS HUELGAS - from December of 196 8, by the author Conductus : Casta Catholica; Ave Maria of ON BEAR'S HEAD. (by Johannes Roderici). Sanctus y Agnus: CIeri Caetus ; Chris ti miseratio, 2 : 00 LIVE AT TH E STATION - improvis at i ons, performed by the Coro de Mon j as de 1 con tradictions , and iconoclasts Monestario cisterciense de Santa Maria la Real de las Huelgas and the Atrium 5 : 00 THE THIRTEEN CLOCKS, PART ONE: James Musicae. (Hispavox-Erato) Thurber's classic tale as presented by Michael Tiger and Dave Elster . A 12:00 FRE NCH MUSIC FOR THREE RECORDERS :­ children's t ale to be heard in four Joseph Bodin DeBoismortier: Son ata in parts, at this time. D minor; performed by Frans Bruggen. Kees Boeke, and Walter van Hauwe. (Das Al te Werk) 5:30 INTERVIEW WITH YOKO ONO - Liza Cowan and Jan Albert of WBAI talk about the evolution of her art in the early 1960' s • Amon g the topi cs Ms. Lennon dis cusses are: concept art, match piece, acting out madness in order not to go mad, Yoko as building super­ intendent, the early loft concerts, the pea-throwing ritual, and discri­ mination against her as a female artist.

6:30 BIJOU THEATRE - THE OWL WHO WAS GOD AND MOTH AND STAR by James Thurber. FPAFM by Frances Warfield. DISINTERESTED AR­ BITER, REVENGE, OFFICER AND THUG, and CAT AND KING by Ambrose Bierce. FERRY­ TAIL FROM KEENG MIDAS FOR NIZE BABY by Milt Gross. Piano Rags by Scott Joplin as performed by Joshua Rifkin. 7 :00 THE MARATHON REPORT - with Gary Marga­ son, the station manager

7:30 SOMETHING SPECIAL - an extenuation

8:00 THE OLD WAXWORKS - Earl Smith

9:00 LIEDER WITH RAYMOND JARVI - A Schu­ mann~Eichendorff evening: Liederkreis, Opus 39, Regine Crespin. In der Fremde, Intermezzo, Waldesgesprach, Die Stille, Mondnacht, Schone Fremde, Auf einer Burg, In der Fremde, Wehmut, Zwielicht, 1m Walde, Fruhlingsnacht. Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau: Der frohe Wandersmann, Opus 77, No.1; Der Schatzgraber, Opus 45, No.1; Fruhlingsfahrt, Opus 45, No. 2; Der Einsiedler, Opus 83, No.3. 10 :00 JEAN SHEPHERD - from WOR

10 :45 HOME MOVIES - David Meltzer, from Bo­ linas


7:00 THE MORNING SHOW - programmatic music of the rococo and gallant eras

9:00 THE MORNING SHOW - the sound of one hand clapping finally heard over the air

11:00 HAMZA EL-DIN AT KRAB - Hoi to Irkil Fa Giu (the message bearer): an interview with the Nubian musician Hamza El-Din by Robert Garfias. Recorded on July 17th, 1970. (KRAB Archives)

12:00 MUSIC OF ISRAEL - this is a fair attempt to bring onto one disc many of the diverse types of music represented by Jews who have emigrated to Israel from many parts of Asi a and Africa: Shema Israel - a ritual prayer in na­ t ive Hebrew: Meguilat Esther - Hebrew reci t ation sung and reci ted by Moshe Stern : Simona midimona - Israeli popu­ lar song sung by the Tel Aviv police band: GossipSng People - old Spanish Jewish song: The silken hair - old Spanish song: Doira - drum music play­ ed by two emigres from Bukhara, USSR: Jhdal elehim hai - Hebrew song of prai se from Yemen: Love song "- irlAra­ bic, from Yemen: Group singing - again Arabic-Yemeni: Khalil - played on two yemeni flutes; Scene from a Moroccan we dding; Mor9ccan romance. (Argo)

1:00 SASQUATCH - Grover Krantz of Washing­ ton State University's Anthropology department (he s eems to be a physical o. K. anthropologist:) speaks on the evidence he has gathered towards the possible proof of the existence of the Sasquatch, that oft seen but never brought in, RA11L£ over sized, man-like, hairy creature of the mountains of the west coast. Re­ corded in Seattle in January of 1972. 6:00 THE MUSIC OF TURKEY - Ali San

2 :00 THE VAST WESTLAND - Barry West with 7:00 THE MARATHON REPO RT - with Gary Marga­ jazz son, the station manager 7:30 CHINESE OPERA NIGHT Lim Chew-Pah

11 :00 URBAN BLUES - Dick Shurman 6 :30 BIJOU THEATRE: YORUBA STORIES: A. Wise Man Solves His Own Prob lems; The Unexpected Amen; Kindness won't kill you, but it can give you a lot WEDNESDAY , APRIL 26 of worries .

7: 00 AMERI CAN INDIAN STORIES, as t0ld by 7:00 THE MARATHON REPORT--wi til the station themsel ves manager

11 :00 THE APARICIO BROTHERS - Venezuela'1 7:30 THE EVENING SPECIAL--as it says harpist and cuatro player recorded in concert at A Contemporary TIleatre 8:30 THE AFRICA PROGRAM--Dr. Simon 29 May, 1971. Accompanied by Ottenberg Byong \lion Lees, maracas; and Howard Goodman , string bass. The Aparicios performed at the first Friends of KRAB concert, a financial disaster but musically sublime. (Celestial Sound)

12:30 I' M J UST A DIRTY OLD BLUES SINGER Cap 'n Bal t i c interviews Jimmy Wither­ spoon here in a talk on music, trying to make it as a folk singer, symbol for giant panda b lues singer and j az z singer. Some fine music helps to illustrate Jimmy's style. (Celestial Sound) 9:00 ETHNIC MUSIC--Dr. Robert Garfias

2 : 00 THE AFTERl\JOON SPECIAL- - for the mara­ 11 :00 COMING DOWN FROM THE SEVENTH-­ thon only Dr. Spider

5 :00 THE THIRTEEN CLOCKS, PART TWO THURSDAY, APRIL 27 5: 30 CARLOS CASTEt,EDA: TEACHING OF DON JUAN·-In the summer of 1960 , 7:00 EARLY KEYBOARD VIRTUOSO MUSIC a young graduate student of anth­ ropology at UCLA, llIet Don Juan, 11:00 MUSIC FROM HUNGARY -- a Yaqui Indian shaman. He became A new recording from Deben Bhatt­ his apprentice. Since then he has acharya, perhaps his finest to date. had a continuing relationship The twenty-one short recordings wi th Don Juan, and has wri tten are devoted mostly to short dance two books about it:the first is pieces (czardas) and love-songs. THE TEACHINGS OF DON JUAN and Half of the recordings are devoted the second is A SEPARATE REALITY. to village traditions and half This is an informal talk he gave are devoted to Gypsy traditions. at the Uni v. of Wash. (Argo) noon MUSIC OF MAURICIO KAGEL- Fantasy for Organ wi th obb Ii gato performed by Gerd Zacher, organ Match for three singers& percus­ sion N is for Natural 1:10 CHARLES OLSON--a reading of the or real or true MAXIMUS poem recorded at the San the you of yourself Francisco Poetry Center. the self of you 2:00 THE AFTERNOON SPECIAL

5:00 THE THIRTEEN CLOCKS,part three

5:30 ELECTRON IC BALLET MUSIC FROM 11 :00 AFRICAN URBAN MUSIC-- Dr . SWEDEN - George Russell - Othello Robert Kauffman of the Ethno­ Ballet-'Sui te; Ralph Lundsten - musicology Dept. at the UW discusses Ristningar (Carvings) Some his trip last summer to Rhodesia of the musical material was and quotes examples of Rhodesian& recorded on Norwegian folk \ South African music he encountered ins trumen ts there. (KRAB Archives) Ralph Lundsten - Wintermusic (I-Flying Dutchman,2&3-0deon) 12 :45 FOOL AND SOUP: THREE YEATS PLAYS: AT THE HAWKS WELL, THE CAT AND THE 6 :30 BIJOU THEATRE: YORUBA STORIES: MOON & DREAMING OF THE BONES, perfor 2 He Who Dumps in the Road med by Sarah Klein, David Huss, Will Meet Flies on his Return; John Finnegan, Dee Espasto, Fran Half a Truth is No Truth; When the Wood, Rob Wood , and Marcel Blais. Man Who Knows no Disaster Hears A KRAB original production. Weeping, he Thinks it is a Song. 7:00 THE MARATHON REPORT--the station manager

7:30 THE EVENING SPECIAL --full of why you should subscribe, most probably 9:00 LEFT PRESS REVIEW--Frank Krasnowsky 9: 30 CLAsSIC/VINTAGE', JAZZ --with Mike duffy & Hal Sherlock 11:00 THE WHITE NOISE SPECIAL-­ Steve Menasian


7:00- A MARATHON-TIME SURPRISE Diagram of light-breaking structure of ribs of butterfly scale Ronald Johnson Jolm Furniva!

2:00 THE AFTERNOON SPECIAL--live at the station

5:00 THE THIRTEEN CLOCKS, part four

5 : 30 MANCE LI PSCOMB - Bob \lIes t and Chris Strach\~i tz talk with blue­ man Mance Lipscomb at KRAB on this tape made in February, 1972. (KRAB Archives)

6:30 BIJOU THEATRE: YORUBA STORI ES #3 Everyday is for the Crook, but One Day is for the Decieved; Many Words Do Not fill a Basket; The Mouth that Commits An Offense, Must Talk Itself Out of Punishment.

KRAB's funky ensemble includes: Barbara Castlenian Lindsay ~lcDonald, Stoney Pink, Cubby, Nila File, ' Colleen, Emmett, Liza and a cast of thousands • G""7Iy

7:00 THE MARATHON REPORT--the station manager

7:30 ON THE LIFE- AND TIMES OF RADIO Ben Dawson, live at the station, probab ly answering your every question relating to radio, including why it should be free (which it is at KRAB)




1:00 MUSIC OF IRAN- Four compositions Mrs. Castleman and baby Bijou from the classical literature: Shur on Santour (Persian Zi ther) performed by Hossein Saba Shur on Tar C2S-fret lute) YORUBA STORIES ARE FRml THE BOOK "NOT EVEN GOD performed by Jabad Aliyana, IS RIPE ENOUGH" BY BAKARE GBADAMOSI AND accompanied by Sher Koda on ULLI BEIER: THE MUSIC IS APA.1A SONGS BY Zarb drums HARUNA ISOLA AND HIS GROUP. SUNG IN Shahnama - from the Persian book YORUBA. of Kings sung & drummed by Sher Koda Mahour on Setar (Persian long lute) performed by Eskandare Ebrahimi (Argo)

2:00 THE AFTERNOON SPECIAL--where we talk to and with you on the radio 5:00 CAPTIAN CRUNCH - - One of the 'Phone Phreakx' mentioned in a recent Esquire article, Captain Crunch is privy to most all the secrets 7:00 THE MARATHON REPORT--the station of the telephone company . In this manager interview with Lorenzo Milam, there are actually four calls (all which 7:30 THE FILM REVIEW-- Dick Jameson took place Sept. 13, 1971) routed through diffe rent trunks 8:15 LIVE AT THE STATION: YOU AND ME so that it would be hard to trace them. Captain Crunch is a pseudonym, 10:00 BLUEGRASS--Tiny Freeman of course , and in this interview he shows his deep concern that he will be found out, discovered, busted by the Telephone Co . He also describes the famous 2111 loop in Vancouver, son interesting calls he has made and phreakx he has known . (KTAO)

6:00 THE SOUND OF DUSK- Recorded on a warm summer night at New Hope, Penn~ Turn the volume up or down depending on whether you want to be there or want to barely feel the country air. (Syntonic Research Inc. -Atlantic)

6 : 30 BIJOU THEATRE: YORUBA STORIES: ~4 Every Trickster Will Be Fooled 'Once,; Larg~ Eyes Produce Many Tears; The Pot that Boils Over Only Dirties Itself. SUNDAY, APRIL 30


12:45 LIVE BLUEGRASS-- featuring the TALL TIMBER STRING BAND, with Phil Wi lli ams, Mandolin; Vi vi an Wi lli ams, fiddle; Barney Munger, banjo; , Lou Harrington, bass and lead singer; and, Dick Marvin, guitar. And, hopefully, lots other live people.



11 :00 THE ROBOTNOR HOURS--Ray Serebrin

1:00 ROSWELL'S RUT--jazz, all night, to finish off the marathon

large, heavy. conspicuous, they are active and have good appetites. One captive Phidippus ate more than 40 fruit flies in succession. 7:00 THE MARATHON REPORT--the station manager you woman me man, ooga b ooga. the bartender s ai d she's disengaged. drag her off to my lair. that'll grow yer chest uh huh. /snip/snip/snip/ cut tape loops open spiral off the merry-go-round who's happy on it probably just motion sickness. i throw upon those breakfast roles. she's too weak to open the door, poor thing ~ but strong enough to beat up an egg. how do ya like my tits? aw yew got such big muscles. same damn thing over and over. gimme a scalpel i wanna cut invisible wires what control my moves. jailbreak outta this satin pose. hair on into anyway old


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III At 'PII!lrlm~s E Organically-grown food is food A grown without pesticides; grown p without artificial fertilizers; A grown in soil whose humUs content INVENTORY CLOSING R R is increased by the additions SALE I of organic matter; grown in soil E & whose mineral content is BARN DOOR increased with applications o MFG. CO: of natural mineral fertilizers; UNBELIEVABLE SAVINGS has not been treated with on the finest P preservatives, hormones, QUALITY NAME-BRAND E antibiotics, or other chemicals STEREO EQUIPMENT ,M s: JBL, Marantz, Klip$h, ADC, Dual, Kenwood, JVC, I BSR, Dyno, PE, Hitochi, Nikko, Sony, TEAC I R DOWNTOWN LAKE CITY 1323-3rd Avenue 12535 lake City Way N.£. U. VilLAGE U. DfSTlIICT 20% ·40% OFF 'N SHOPPING CENTER 4217 University Way N.E . ~ _ .. I"'9... loodi_ of Of>*(Ik.n, ••wr..n , ....d ....di • • q ... p .... nl. .• S T ..______FOO.D .STA.M.. PS.W.E .. lC.OM.E _____... 1 4203 Uni .... rsity Way N.E. chance that the Board of Trw: tees would be forced to se 11 KRAB, l ~aving Lorenzo Mi lam wi th nothing to show for . all his effort. We didn't - and he didn't - expect ever to redeem this note. Unfortunately, his financial reverse had reached the point where he feared being forced into trusteeship, an obvious threat to KRAB. There was ftothin for. us to do except buyout Lorenzo's note and we were able to discount it by f } f1 y(,p1r d::mt,'? ence a twenty-five thousand dollar note was recently negotiated by the Board 0f Trustees. And we have had to sell our offices (the house-across-the-street) in order to pay back a sub­ stantial amount of the note right away. We have been left with a nine thousaN'd dollar debt (plus interest at commercial rates). Furthermore, we'll have to rent someplace for office space which will be an additional burden. When we get this debt paid off we'll be entirely free of encumb~ rances; neither will we have any angels to lean on. Now we are truly dependent on loca ~ ' 1> ort. Unlike Slml­ lar listener-supported stations in other communities, our expectati ;~ ~? re very modest. Th9' e,)(i ect to make a hundred thousand dollars in a marathon; we do ~t. We .("have a cost- ef , t1veness unexcelled by any other station we know of. ~ ~ ~ ~ Ideally, we would love to be supported entirely by a thousand subscribers at twenty - £ive ~dollars a year. That thousand doesn't seem to exist in Seattle. We therefore a e 0, ~v~ if o I1 oe\d to beg from those who appreciate us and have a slight _surplus of income '/'-

• '0 ·-r \: ~ m : . ~:P.' ~U>-!Hj . Jtl . ~~ t:JJ ~'~;?' ' )J tt·~~ • C- t'-lC 0.....,. .,;.../.." ,,./> . . l ·z :' ~ (I\v-. $.. , " ¥ c: i...... ""~~~4iiI'f.0\t ., ..•.• , • • •• c I/l -0 "tJ' ]. rr1 '1'p.rno> _ .... o -~()O <~ '1:;01" rt' 7J -1 ~P{j) J' rn (/I (\ '() Vl THECONCEPTU ALGALLERY'rHECONCEPT . -1Vl ALGZIERYTHECONCEPTUALGALLERYTH 8 \/I =i~ .cONCEPTUALGALLERYTHECONCEPTUAL TJ ..( 0 GALLERYTHECONCEPTUALGALLERYTHE CONCEPTUALGALLERYTHECONCEPTUAL

l> r 1) I l> o o c m r m 1) r .~ \. C ----~# III

~~MBERS OF THE JACK STRAW MEMORIAL FOUNDATION'S BOARD OF TRUSTEES ARE: Byron Coney, Benjamin Dawson, Mike Duffy, Robert Friede, Nancy Keith, Gary Margason, Steve Menasian" Helen Norton, and Dave Rowland.


M.H. Bader Legal Relief By r on Coney Legal Relief Alis ter Conway Public Affairs Director Benj amin Da\~ son Engineering Director JSMF Ni la File Assistant Manager Robert Friede Music Director Liner a Rey Lucas Chauffeur Gary Margason Station Manager St eve Menasian Chief Engineer Daryl Moegling Main tenance Phil Mun ger News Director Mar c Orgel Production Director Jamie Smi th Outside Taping Director Mi chael Wiater Program Di rector


Tracy AIle, Norm Alquist, Captain Baltic, Phil Ban~on, Greg Brown, Steve Brown, John Burke, Cliff Butler, Barbara Castleman, Dan Cook, John Daily, Mike Duffy, Keith Dunn, Dave Foll­ man, Randy Francisco, Tiny Freeman, Robert Garfias, John Gerke, Tom Gibbons, Laura Glauber­ man, Bruce Gordon, George Green, Bob Gwynne, Marilyn Hamlin, Bill Hammond, Herb Hannum, Steve Hunt, Judi Hunter, Dick Jameson, Raymond Jarvi, Robert Kauffman, Stan Keen, Nancy Keith, Frank Krasnowsky, Steve Lawson, Randy McCarty, Chris McNerney, David Meltzer, Col­ ette Menasian, Don Mills, Jim Mish'alani, White Noise, Helen Norton, Byron O'Hashi, Simon Ottenberg, Lim Chew-Pah, Dick Parker, Stoney Pink, John Prothero, Gordon Rain, Chuck Reinch, Mike Roney, Roswell, Larry Rouch, Roger Sale, Ali San, Michael Scarborough, Raymond Sere­ brin, Al Sherlock, Dick Shurman, Earl Smith, Dean Smokoff, John Tillson, Bill Todd, Amy russ, David Utevsky, John Wasilunsky, Barry West, Joanne Wiater, Phil Williams, Tim Wire, Jan Woods, Bri an Zerr, Mark Wilkinson .. I


Answers to last lllOnth's match puzzles

-. .. KRAB 107.7 fm u. S. POSTA GE NON"'"''PA I DO'G'I 9029 roosevelt SEATILE, WASH. wy ne PERMIT #' 9566 · seattle • 98115 ·