June 2018 Apache Tribe Volume III.18, Issue 06

Apache Scout

Community Health Representatives (CHR) Recent News

Inside this issue:

Boys & Girls Club 8 Hello to all from CHR! installations and chil- later this year so look Fish Hatchery 9 On May 2, 2018 the dren got to visit with for the SNAP flyers. “Dr. Cleo” while their Tribal Court 14 CHR Program held its Thank you to all those first SNAP Car Seat car seats were being parents & grandpar- Mescalero installed. 15 Check in the Empow- ents who brought Elementary erment parking lot. It This event was spon- their children. Elderly Center 21 was a success and we sored by Mescalero GREAT JOB!! replaced one (1) old CHR Program, Molina, Youth Development 24 seat with a new one Ruidoso Ford and Al- and gave 14 children buquerque Area Indian BIA—Mescalero 29 new car seats. Par- Health Board. Agency ents/Grandparents Another SNAP event is Miss Mescalero 32 were shown correct being planned for

Religion 34

AUGUST DEADLINE: 07/16/18 BY NOON Page 2 Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06

Tularosa Elementary Career Day Fair Conservation lero as well as our neighboring communi- ties. The children were able to come up and view numerous game pelts ranging from a Badger to an Oryx and Conservation Officers cers explained to the see different skulls Samuel Klinekole, Of- children what their from Bobcats to Black ficer Ryan Martinez job duties are on the Bears. and Officer Hoyt Sago Reservation, they also participated in the Tu- talked larosa Elementary Ca- about the reer Day on May 4th, different 2018. Officers spoke types of with 1st and 2nd wildlife we grade students from have here 9am to 2:15pm. Offi- in Mesca-

Drug Take Back Day Conservation DEA aims for record events over the past 7 5,600 collection sites removal of unused years, the Drug En- manned by almost pills through its Na- forcement Administra- 4,500 partner law en- tional Prescription tion and its national, forcement agencies Drug Take Back Day tribal, and community opened form 10 a.m. Initiative partners held the 15th to 2 p.m. local time. WASHINGTON – After National Prescription For future questions, collecting more than 9 Drug Take-Back Day the public can find a million pounds (4,500 across the country nearby collection site tons) of expired, un- back in April of this at www.DEATakeBack. used and unwanted year. The service was com or by calling 800- prescription medica- free and anonymous. 882-9539. (DEA cannot tions at 14 previous This year, more than accept liquids, nee- dles or sharps.) Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06 Page 3

dresses a vital (912,000 pounds) of public safety and prescription drugs at public health is- more than 5,300 sites sue. Medicines operated by the DEA that languish in and more than 4,200 home cabinets are of its local and tribal highly susceptible partners. to diversion, mis- Conservation Officers “Take Back Day helps use and abuse. Rates S. Klinekole, Officer H. to keep drugs out of of prescription drug Sago, BIA OJS Officers the hands of abusers abuse in the U.S. are Pilcher and Green par- and potentially save alarmingly high, as are ticipated in this year’s lives by removing un- the number of acci- event by setting up a used painkillers and dental poisonings and booth at the Mescalero controlled drugs from overdoses due to these Tribal Store. homes,” said DEA Act- drugs. DEA launched Conservation Officers ing Administrator its prescription drug also distributed Free Robert W. Patterson. take back program Gun Locks as part of “The more unused when both the Envi- the National “Project painkillers or con- ronmental Protection Childsafe” program trolled drugs we can Agency and the Food that helps ensure safe help to remove from and Drug Administra- and responsible fire- homes, the more po- tion advised the public arm ownership and tential lives will be that flushing these storage. saved. The home drugs down the toilet The Mescalero Conser- medicine cabinet is a or throwing them in vation Department has frequent target of pre- the trash posed poten- free gunlocks at our scription drug abusers tial safety and health Department and Con- and often provides ac- hazards. servation Officers have cess to prescription The public has em- them out in the field. medication. We need braced this opportu- Visit with a Conserva- the help of the public nity of Take Back Day. tion Officer and ask for to dispose of this un- These kinds of events a free Gun Lock!!! wanted source of prevent pill abuse and abuse. Take Back Day theft by ridding homes is an effective tool for of potentially danger- addressing the opioid ous prescription drugs. crisis in America.” Last fall the public This initiative ad- turned in 456 tons Page 4 Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06 Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06 Page 5

Work-Life Balance Healthbreak Courtesy Tribal Finance Dept. “Work-life balance” financial considera- friends can you turn to means achieving and tions, etc. What means for support? Who keeping a “balance” the most to you? What brings you happiness? between your work would you most hate Who cares for you? and personal life. to lose? What do you Give yourself permis- When these two areas consider your priori- sion to ask for help if are out of balance, the ties? The essential you need it. result is stress! If your things in life cannot be 4. Think about self- work dominates most balanced until they care. Are you eating of your time and at- have first been identi- healthy? Are you get- tention, your personal fied. ting plenty of rest, ex- life will most likely ex- 2. Think about your ercise, and fun time? perience problems. time. Make some deci- Taking care of yourself Likewise, if most of sions about your time. provides the energy your concentration is Once you know what you need to balance on issues in your per- you value most, time work and personal life. sonal life, you are must be adjusted to These ideas aren’t in- Contact a health coach more likely to experi- create balance. tended to solve all of at 1-877-806-9380 or ence problems at Beginning with what is your work-life balance visit WellonTarget.com work. most important to you, problems. They are for more information In a world that de- create a “time just a starting point. If about lifestyle changes you can make to im- mands more and more budget” and assign your work and personal prove your health. of your time and at- time to your priorities life seem to be affect- tention – at work and at home and at work. ing your overall well- at home – it’s easy to Protect your personal being, consider talking Sources: “Work-Life lose that balance. time and use work to a professional. Balance Defined.” Work-Life Balance - Here are some sugges- time as effectively as Some brief counseling Life and Work Balance tions to help you as possible. can help you develop Education. Accessed you consider your own 3. Think about your your own personal February 26, 2018. work-life balance support system. With “roadmap” to a more http://www. worklife- situation. the many demands of well-balanced life with balance.com/work-life- 1. Think about your life, it is nearly impos- less stress and better balance-defined.html values. Carefully con- sible to meet all of overall health. sider every factor your responsibilities by about your life: work, yourself. Who in your family, future goals, circle of family and Page 6 Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06

Recognizing Depression Healthbreak Courtesy Tribal Finance Dept. Do you ever have days • Changes in appetite able to “snap out of when—for no real rea- — weight loss or gain it” on their own. son—you feel sad, • Trouble sleeping or Depression is a serious sluggish, cranky, or sleeping too much medical condition. just “out of sorts?” • Low energy or tired The longer you wait, Don’t worry! It’s nor- feeling the harder it is to mal to have “those” • Increase in un- treat. And remember: days. Then, in a day Depression can only needed movement or two, you’re back to (e.g., hand-wringing be diagnosed by an your old self. That’s or pacing) or slowed expert. If you think not depression. movements and you might be experi- So, how is depression speech encing depression, see different from a sim- your doctor right • Feeling worthless or ple case of “the away. Once the diag- guilty blues?” The National nosis is made, treat- Institute of Mental • Difficulty thinking, ment can begin. Then, Health says that de- concentrating or mak- you can be on your pression is a common ing decisions way to feeling good mood disorder that • Thoughts of death or again. can be serious. That’s suicide Sources: National In- because it affects how Much like high blood stitute of Mental you feel, think, and pressure or diabetes, Health. Depression handle daily activi- depression is very Overview. https:// ties. This can include treatable. Prescription www.nimh.nih.gov/ sleeping, eating, or medicine works well health/topics/ working. It also lasts for most people, espe- depression/ Contact a health longer. Rather than cially when combined in- coach at 1-877-806- going away in a day or with counseling. But dex.shtml#part_14539 9380 or visit Wellon- two, the symptoms sadly, many people 8. Accessed 1/3/2018. Target.com for more last for at least two continue to suffer American Psychiatric information about weeks. Some of these needlessly because Association. What Is lifestyle changes you can include: they are too embar- Depression? https:// can make to improve • Feeling sad or hav- rassed or uncomfort- your health. www. psychiatry.org/ ing a depressed mood able to discuss their patients-families/ • Loss of interest or symptoms. They may depression/what-is- pleasure in activities consider themselves depression. Accessed you once enjoyed to be weak, being un- 1/3/2018. Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06 Page 7

Mescalero Dental Clinic Emergency / Walk-In Schedule SIGN IN @ 745 AM MON-FRI (575)-464-3832

June 15, 2018 8 am – Emergencies June 01, 2018 8 am – Emergencies June 18, 2018 8 am – Emergencies June 04, 2018 8 am – Emergencies June 19, 2018 8 am – Emergencies June 05, 2018 8 am – Emergencies June 20, 2018 1 pm – Emergencies June 06, 2018 1 pm – Emergencies June 21, 2018 8 am – Emergencies June 07, 2018 8 am – Emergencies June 22, 2018 NO EMERGENCIES June 08, 2018 NO EMERGENCIES June 25, 2018 8 am – Emergencies June 11, 2018 8 am – Emergencies June 26, 2018 8 am – Emergencies June 12, 2018 8 am – Emergencies June 27, 2018 1 pm – Emergencies June 13, 2018 1 pm – Emergencies June 28, 2018 8 am – Emergencies June 14, 2018 8 am – Emergencies June 29, 2018 8 am – Emergencies

Emergency/Walk-in time is first-come, first-served, so we highly rec- ommend signing-in at 7:45 AM on whatever day you come on.

Congratulations! Level II of the Mescalero Apache Language and Culture Licensure Birdena Evans Page 8 Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06

Mescalero Boys & Girls Club Recent News We are kicking into triple play, T.R.A.I.L, Youth of gear with yet another and some STEM. We exciting summer pro- have learned so much the gram of 2018. Our about our club mem- summer awaits with a bers and what works Month busy schedule of Boys best to implement and Girls club pro- these programs to our for May gramming, field trips, members. We would and swimming. Which like to send a huge ap- Acacia we can’t wait to get preciation to all club started. We enjoyed staff for their hard our 2017-2018 After- work and all the fun Kaden school program, with they created for our our amazing club Boys and Girls Club. members and staff. We We look forward to an- implemented Boys and other productive Girls club programs school year in the fall! such as power-hour, Important Dates  June 1, 2018 Club Closed Elias Cillian  June 4, 2018 Josie Chavo Summer Program begins Kaylyn nne  Swimming on Fri- Nevin Eliza days! Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06 Page 9

Catch and Release News Mescalero Tribal Fish Hatchery Greetings…We, the (at 7 to 21 days Team Members at the old). They devel- Mescalero Tribal Fish oped a small tail Hatchery (MTFH) have and mainly stayed started the year, 2018, at the bottom of with great and positive the tank and they aspirations in the fed from a yolk growing and delivering sac attached to their ess involves the sepa- of Rainbow Trout to underside. Mid Sac- rating of large trout (5 many Native Tribes of Fry (at 21 to 28 days inches or greater), the Southwest. old) have lost their which are moved to Below is a brief de- yolk sac and start to the outside raceways, scription of the life swim to the tank sur- while the smaller trout cycle of Rainbow Trout face water. (5 inches or less) re- here at MTFH. At the late Sac-Fry main in the fish tank On December 7, 2017, stage (at 42 to 56 days house. Once the lar- we received 220,000 old), the Rainbow ger trout are grown to Rainbow Trout fish Trout absorbed their a catchable size of at eggs from Erwin Na- yolk sac and began to least 10 inches (which is about one year of tional Fish Hatchery, swim to the top sur- in Erwin, Tennessee. face water. They feeding and growing), They were shipped to started out receiving they are taken and us overnight in a box feed every half hour sold to Native Tribes packed with ice. with a powder-like of the Southwest. These little critters starter feed. The MTFH is fortunate to (eggs) were in the in- amount of time in be- have a vehicle to cubation period for 14 tween feedings will transport a max 2,100 days. increase as they get pounds of fish. Rear- ing Rainbow Trout is We are proud to in- bigger. also form you that they Once they reach the a have hatched and are Smolt stage (150 days con- growing well. The lit- old) they will be about tle critters were 4-5 inches long. They moved to the indoor will then go through a fish house tanks and process called Grad- became early Sac-Fry ing. The Grading proc- Page 10 Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06

tinued cycle of em- staff members were Salazar, Ian Murphy ployment and life for fortunate to be able to and Houston Fatty; all Team Members observe the process and Fishery Tech/CDL here at the hatchery. and ask questions. Driver James Running- We are grateful to ful- MTFH was closed for water. fill our task of raising all fish deliveries for a Contact Us trout. period of 30 days, Mescalero Tribal Fish We started January off awaiting the return of Hatchery the test results. Dur- with fish deliveries to Shelley Battiest ing this time, the Fish 3 Native Tribes/ (Hatchery Manager) . Delivery truck under- 274 Trout Loop There has been a tre- went maintenance in P.O. Box 190 mendous amount of preparation for spring renovation work at the and summer stockings. Mescalero, NM 88340 Mescalero Tribal Fish We received our test- Phone: (575) 464-8768 ing results back and Hatchery, looking Fax: (575) 464-3469 sharp. are happy to announce that our fish were Email: mescalerotri- In February, a team found free of diseases. balfishhatchery@gmail from the Southwest .com Native Aquatic Re- We give tours to many schools in the nearby FOLLOW US ON FACE- source and Recovery BOOK: Center, out of Dexter, area; ranging from MESCALERO TRIBAL NM, set up a small lab preschool kids to col- FISH HATCHERY at MTFH to retrieve lege level adults. Our fish samples for dis- Team Members, con- ease testing. MTFH sist of the Mescalero Conservation Director and MTFH Director Mr. Tyner Cervantes; MTFH Manager Shelley Batti- est; Assistant Manager Tori Marden; Ad- ministrative Assistant Jessica Rod- MTFH STAFF riguez; Fishery Techs-John Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06 Page 11

Tips for Survivors: Coping with grief after a dis- aster or traumatic events Courtesy Native Connections, FDTRC Grief is the normal grief, you may feel loved ones response of sorrow, empty and numb, or  Feeling grateful for heartache, and confu- unable to feel joy or the presence of sion that comes from sadness. You may also those in your com- losing someone or feel angry. You may munity who are something important experience physical loving and caring to you. Grief can also reactions, including  Experiencing en- be a common human the following: hanced spiritual response after a disas-  Trembling or shaki- connection ter or other traumatic ness  Becoming more so- event.  Muscle weakness cially active This tip sheet contains  Nausea and trouble  Getting involved in information about eating advocacy to help grief, the grieving  Trouble sleeping or people who have process, and what difficulty breathing experienced simi- happens when the lar losses process is interrupted  Dry mouth and complicated or While grieving, you How Long Does Grief traumatic grief oc- may have nightmares, Usually Last? curs. It also offers tips withdraw socially, and Grief is different for and resources for cop- not want to partici- every person and ing with both types of pate in your usual ac- every loss. The man- grief. tivities. ner of the death or What Is Grief? Eventually, you may loss and your personal circumstances can af- Grief is a part of life. also notice positive fect how long you ex- It is a strong, some- changes in yourself perience grief. times overwhelming from your experience reaction to death, di- of loss, such as the If you are experienc- vorce, job loss, a following: ing grief now, it may move, or loss of  Becoming more un- be difficult to imagine health due to illness. derstanding and an end to the pain you It can also occur after tolerant disasters or other  Having increased traumatic events. If appreciation for you are experiencing relationships and Page 12 Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06

are feeling. Even about loved ones who loved one at all though your life may have died. You may  Having nightmares not be the same as it still feel deeply con- or intrusive was before, the grief nected to the person thoughts will eventually ease, you have lost, but you  Feeling deep loneli- and the grieving proc- will also be able to ness and longing for ess will allow you to imagine a life without the person you lost accept the loss and him or her. You will  Feeling distrustful move forward with start to be reengaged of others your life. in daily life and recon-  Feeling unable to Coping With Grief nected to others. maintain regular You can take steps to When moving out of grief, you may start to activities or fulfill help yourself cope responsibilities with grief. Talking to experience the follow-  Feeling bitterness others who understand ing: about life and en- and respect how you  Feeling the pain of vying others not feel—family members, your loss without affected by grief faith leaders, people resisting or avoid- you trust—is a helpful ing it  Being unable to en- way to cope with your  Adjusting to a new joy life or remem- grief. Recognize that reality in which ber happy times although you might your loved one is with your loved one still have these feel- no longer present If you are experiencing ings over a long pe-  Forming new rela- any of these symp- riod, they will likely be tionships toms, you may need to seek help in order to less intense over time. These are some of the move forward and be- Try to take care of symptoms of compli- gin the healing proc- yourself physically by cated or traumatic ess. You can find help exercising, eating grief: healthy meals, and by using the resources  Feeling deeply an- getting enough sleep. listed on this page, gry about the death Allow yourself to feel talking to your doctor, or loss joy and sadness, and or seeing another to cry when you need  Being unable to health care profes- to. think about any- sional. thing but your Going through the Helpful Resources loved one grieving process and SAMHSA Disaster Tech- healing from loss does  Not wanting any nical Assistance Center reminders of your not mean forgetting Toll-free: 1-800-308- Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06

3515 800-950-NAMI (1-800- information and re- Website: https:// 950-6264) sources on mental www.samhsa.gov/dtac Website: https:// health. SAMHSA Behavioral www.nami.org Helplines Health Disaster Re- Treatment Locators SAMHSA Disaster Dis- sponse Mobile App Behavioral Health tress Helpline Website: https:// Treatment Facility Lo- Website: https:// store.samhsa.gov/ cator www.samhsa.gov/find- product/PEP13- DKAPP Toll-free: 1-800-662- help/disaster-distress- -1 HELP (1-800-662-4357) helpline Administration for (24/7 English and Call 1-800-985-5990 or Children and Families español) text “TalkWithUs” to Website: https:// TDD: 1-800-487-4889 66746 to get help and www.acf.hhs.gov Website: https:// support 24/7. Mental Health Amer- www.findtreatment.sa National Suicide Pre- ica* mhsa.gov vention Lifeline Website: http:// MentalHealth.gov Toll-free: 1-800-273- www.mentalhealtham Website: https:// TALK (1-800-273-8255) erica.net www.mentalhealth.go TTY: 1-800-799-4TTY National Alliance on v (1-800-799-4889) Mental Illness (NAMI)* MentalHealth.gov pro- Website: https:// Toll-free helpline: 1- vides U.S. government www.samhsa.gov

Native Connections Cohort 2

Substance Abuse and Sui- cide Prevention Program

Four Directions Treatment & Recovery Center

Juvenile & Adults 12-24 yrs.

Assessments, Counseling and other services to Estab- lish a Good Quality of Life

575-464-4432-4433 Page 14 Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06

Tribal Court Recent News

Dear Community Mem- Law School and has  Requesting Dis- bers. passed the Bar. She missal of a Charge; The court now has a also has certificates of  Requesting Alterna- general email box for specialty in Indian Law tive Sentencing; any questions you may and Environmental and Law. have. That email is:  All other requests. tribal- We would also like to General Affidavits court@mescaleroapach take this time to share have a processing time etribe.com. a few time-frames that of 3-5 days. Once an Another addition to are a part of the court Affidavit is filed with the court is a Public process. the court, it will be Defender. The Public Motions/Affidavits reviewed by the Front Defender is Dayna filed in Criminal Cases Desk Clerk for contact Jones who joins us may take up to 10 days information, signatures from Oregon. She has a for a response. The and case number (if, wealth of knowledge in Motion/Affidavit must for a case already in law and is quickly be reviewed by the Of- the system). The Affi- learning the Mescalero fice of Public De- davit will be stamped Apache Tribal Code. fender, the Office of and given to the Court She also has experi- Prosecutor and also Clerk for processing. ence in Indian Country the Judge before an After processing, the by helping to launch answer may be pro- clerk will hand the the Chemawa Indian vided. If, for some rea- case file to the Judge School’s Peer Court son, an agreement is for review and answer. Program and also not reached, a hearing If the matter at hand served as a volunteer may be set within 10 needs to be heard, a judge during the pro- days. hearing will be sched- gram’s first year. She Short list of general uled and you will re- has also participated examples of requests: ceive a Notice of Hear- in the National Native  Request for Tempo- ing through the Proc- American Law Student rary Release of an ess Server of the Association Moot Court Inmate; Court. competition taking 4th  Requesting Half- Request for Records place with her part- Time or Probation/ may take up to 5 days ner. She is a graduate Parole; to process. The Re- from the Lewis & Clark quest for Records is Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06 Page 15

reviewed by the Judge for yourself and the Office Hours for approval then the person with whom you Monday – Friday 8:00 Court Clerk will re- are filing against. If am – 4:30 pm quest the file from the the court is unable to We have limited staff filing room and make locate the individual, available during the copies as requested. If hearings will be re- lunch hour the request is for scheduled. Office Phone: 575-464- Video/Audio, the Ex-Parte Communica- 0414 Judge will review for tion – Color Code Line: 575- approval then the “Any communication b 464-9375 Court Clerk will review etween a judge or ju- all court hearings for ror and a party to a Office Fax: 575-464- the day and retrieve legal proceeding or 4863 the correct informa- any other person about General Email: tribal- tion requested. Court the case, outside of court@mescaleroapach personnel will call to the presence of the etribe.com let you know when opposing party or the your request is com- opposing party's attor- pleted and ready to be ney.” This means that picked up. any communication It is very important with a Judge must be Hearing and Vision that you, as a filer, in writing and avail- Impaired devices avail- provide all available able to all parties in able for assistance contact information the case.

2nd Semester Mescalero Elementary Awards January 8, 2018—May 15, 2018 Superintendent Award Caydance Botella Partick Yuzos Madison Blake Rockii Choneska Maximus Poncho Isabel Salas Teresa Bigmouth-Hill Nijah Enjady Faithlynn Torres Xynazia Cook Ezmerelda Grado Taylynn Ahidley Kelvin Rocha Louis Venego Randie Chimal Richard Salas Caleb Geronimo Genevieve Evans Lindin Skin Leland Johnson Kole Hicks Amaylia Smith Ryan Morgan Christina Venego Carmelo Yuzos Lilliana Martinez DeShaun Caje Page 16 Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06

Daniel Yuzos Seaven Martinez Gillian Morgan Cheyann Fangman Colelani Geronimo Cody Rice Lairah Comanche Felix Poncho Matthew Poncho Ellie Gallerito Hendrick Aldava Kaylyn Chino Lamuel Ahidley- Shanna Christian Little Castillo 2nd Semester Mescalero Elementary Awards January 8, 2018—May 15, 2018 Principal Award Skyler Mathcer Leda Bob Tommia Trujillo Tanna Morgan Eustin Chino Jade Chavez Dominick Yazza Lexi Flores Tamree Marden Camden Shanta Travien Comanche Kaiden Ramirez Nyah Alonzo Audrianna Valdez Miley Cojo Aubree Chee Kylena Chino Ferron Big Hunter Ivelle Hopson Isiah Comanche Alexander Fangman Jacoby Rocha Colton Choneska Jaelyn Baca Keira Apachito Erikai Skin Chenoah Vigil Kyler Valdez Madisen Fangman Lucinda Flores Taylor Smith Esham Bigmouth-Hill Anaiah-Rae Trujillo Zander LaPaz Nora Espinoza Anthony Yuzos Railey Blake 2nd Semester Mescalero Elementary Awards January 8, 2018—May 15, 2018 Honor Roll Sanoe Whitewater Scarlett Duffy Gallardo Anstacia Kanseah Kalee Littles Diandra McFadden Zoey Klinekole Jade Chavez Angel Kazhe Keri Sago Jaylynn Ahidley Makayla Apacito Jade Steward Bridgette Blake Kelsey Dictson Juniper Bighunter Marlee Chino Kody Pena Dionna Bob Melanie Comanche Laurdis Sundayman Abagail Botella Chanden Pena- Jesiah Enjady Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06 Page 17

2nd Semester Mescalero Elementary Awards January 8, 2018—May 15, 2018 “Chief”Ment Award Rhyenne Caje Rain Valdez Darian Valdez Nicole Chee Cruz Mendez Leif Castellanos Nalene Cleveland Kayed Pebeashy Paisley Chee Tyler Kaydahzinne Abrina Chee Adrian Shosh-Chee Braiden Lutse Lorelie Comanche Carla Carrillo George Morgan Antanasia Cleveland Keri Ahidley Myron Naiche Miles Gallerito Embre Carrillo Aydan Burton Virginia Herman Chimal Valerie Dennis Kaydahzinne Alejando Starr Sunny Gallerito Ileana Rice Leroyana Peralta Acacia Garcia Daverian Shendo Nevah Valdez Ayla Ahildey Damien Valdez Keegan Bigmouth JayliAnn Venego Noreen Chee Hansht’aaye Evans Ladon Mendez Junior Mendez Larren Kayitah Koleton Shanta Emilo Atole Davanae Marden September Cojo Kansas Martinez Dolton McFadden Ian Valdez Gabriel Bigmouth Raycelia Mendez Lorda Valdez Starla Gerber Rueben Rocha

2nd Semester Mescalero Elementary Awards January 8, 2018—May 15, 2018 Arrow Award Issman Shanta Ishlow Magoosh Sammie Mendez William Robinson Violet Eppler Levi Wiley Page 18 Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06

Mescalero Elementary Perfect Attendance 2nd Semester January 8, 2018 – May 11, 2018 Leda Bob Mandy Chimal Tyler Morgan Ileana Rice Louis Venego

Perfect Attendance For the School Year 2017-2018 August 8, 2017—May 11, 2018 Leda Bob Jeneah Sanchez

Globe Conference in Colorado Mescalero High School vited to gather and discuss GLOBE student research projects at the third annual South- Kaelene Chino presenting west GLOBE Student her project Research Symposium Derald Begay and (SRS). This two-day Kaelene Chino: Service Cora Breuninger and event included presen- to Community Award, Shylo Klinekole Design tation of the student Project: How Climate Award, Project: Fish + research entries Change Effect Bodies of Food = Science of Aq- to reviewers, professio Water uaponics nal development for Teachers, students, US teachers this year GLOBE Stu- Partnerships, scientists and networking oppor- dent Symposium. and alumni from the tunities for partici- Both teams brought Southwest geographic pants. home awards! area (AZ, CO, KS, NM, Awards and Certificates Mescalero had two for a job well done! OK, TX, UT) were in- teams participate in Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06 Page 19

2018 VEX Robotics World Championship Over- view Mescalero Apache Schools of the VEX Robotics petition teams, leading World Championship in technology companies, Louisville, Kentucky! and volunteers to cele- Officially recognized brate these young stu- by the Guinness World dents’ achievement in Records as the largest STEM. (Science, Tech- robotics competition nology, Engineering on earth, this week- and Math) long competitive The students robot robotics event Mescalero Apache brought together School experience the more than 1,400 of excitement and energy the best VEX Com-

Opening Ceremony

Makayla Rocha and Valentino Hirner waiting to compete!

At the airport while waiting to catch the next plane our stu- dent met with the Tribal Presi- Representing the Mesca- dent Arthur “Butch” Blazer and lero Apache School: his wife. He gave words of en- couragement to these future Front Row: Shaidyn LaPaz, engineer's. Valentino Hirner, and Makayla Rocha. Back Row: Jeremy Begay - Coach/ Mentor From the office of Alma Morgan, Patient Benefits and Idella Starr, IHS Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06 Page 21

Elderly Center Recent News Birthday blessings to tion, ALTS Administra- music of the CRS band. all of our elders born tion, Mescalero Roy- Our classes on Senior in the month of May. alty were all invited. Bullying and Living There are a variety of We had a wonderful Smart-Healthy Aging, activities and events program planned with Hanta Virus prevention scheduled for May and traditional meal and were educational and June at the center. As social dancing. informative. always we begin each Other Activities and The center will host month with our Events Native American Legal Monthly Program Im- We have a few out of Aid this month as well provement Meeting. town day trips planned as the second of our The meeting is a great for the month, includ- four part class on Alz- opportunity to share ing a shopping trip to heimer’s disease. We ideas and suggestions Las Cruces, a trip to will also start working as to how to make the the Iris Farm in Hondo on our summer garden- program better. We for mother’s day, and ing. would like to hear your a trip to Roswell for a At the time of last suggestions and ideas, Health Day sponsored month’s Scout, our and if you are unable by Senior Easter pictures had not to make it to the Olympics. arrived. Here are a meeting, there are Calendars and sign-up few for you to enjoy! monthly surveys avail- sheets are posted and able for you to fill out available for those in- at the center. terested in participat- May is Older Ameri- ing the last week of cans Month the previous month. Once again, the center Come in and take a will host a special day look to see if there is to honor the elders in anything of interest. our community. This Classes and Education year’s theme is Every month we have “Engage at Every nutrition education, Age”. The program fitness classes, casino took place May 23rd days, bingo days, and from 9:00 am to 1:00 movie day. We have pm. Tribal Administra- enjoyed the lunchtime Page 22 Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06

June is Diabetic cise is important in available for $6. Bingo Awareness Month and maintenance and pre- sheets are $1 each and the elderly center vention. There will be there are 6 games per along with CHR and games and activities. sheet. Diabetic Prevention is The center will host The center will also planning a Diabetes two community Bingo’s host an elderly yard Awareness and Educa- in June. June 2nd and sale next to the tribal tion Day. Some of the 30th from 12 to 2 pm. store on June 16th. topics will be an un- Hot dogs, chips, soda, Bring a table, and your derstanding of what and desert will be goodies to sell. diabetes is, how exer- New Mexico Senior Olympics Elderly Center We have great news to Game Day Clinics gave The group is actively share! Mescalero is the opportunity to practicing for the now a sanctioned site learn a bit more about games. We play shuf- for the Senior Games. other competitive fleboard on Tuesdays This means we are our events. We now have and Thursdays at the own group for both Na- added discus, shotput, center, Pickle Ball and tional and State powerwalk, badmin- Badminton Wednes- games. We can now ton, and pickle ball to days at the gym. We host our own games, our events. Each of are in the process of workshops, and par- these events along constructing a horse- ticipate at the games with our regular ones, shoe pit at the center. as Mescalero Senior shuffleboard, archery, Washer boards are set Olympics. For the past bowling, shuffleboard, out every day after several years, we have track, and 5K run are lunch weather permit- been under the sanc- all national qualifying ting. High Desert tion of Tularosa. While events. Placing in Archery from Las Cru- our change is a wel- these events will earn come one, we will still an invitation to par- be partners with our ticipate in the national friends in Tularosa. games of 2019 in Albu- This year we have 28 querque. One of our registered to partici- goals is to have strong pate in the games in Native representation July. Participation in at the national games. this year’s Indian Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06 Page 23

ces came into the cen- They will bring their eran shooter, you are ter on April 18th and trailer for repairs, bow welcome to join in on presented a workshop checks, measurements the fun. The activity on Archery. Our and tips on shooting will be at our archery friends Jenna and Doug better. If you are in- range at Magnum will be back on May terested in getting Point. 25th for another class. started or are a vet-

Travel to Bosque Redondo Elderly Center Elders traveled to Ft. the area. Mescalero Sumner to the Bosque was honored to have Redondo for their singers and a dance yearly ceremony of group participate in healing. Elders were the program. warmly welcomed by the staff at Redondo and the day was spent dancing, socializing, and learning more about the history of Page 24 Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06

Youth Development Recent News Vision Statement yrs.) to be healthy strengthening the and knowledgeable physical and mental Program Staff Inspiring Mescalero contributing represen- abilities of the indi- Apache Youth through Members: tatives of the Mesca- vidual encompassing Education, Employ- lero Apache Tribe. mindful influence of ment, and Experi-  Shalene their Native American ences to Enhance Purpose Jaramillo, MS. traditions and envi- their Future! Ed., BS. Ed., Pro- Is to engage tribal ronmental impact mindset, therefore, gram Adminis- Mission Statement youth in meaningful (3-E’s: Educational, demonstrating posi- trator To cultivate empow- Employment, and Ex- tive change within erment (3-E’s: Educa- periences) opportuni- themselves and stew-  Nolan Garcia, tion, Employment, ties to build character ardship among the Youth Coordi- and Experiences) in and skill, while Apache Nation nator Native Youth (5-25  Anna Kanseah, Summer Youth Academy Office Manager Youth Development  Sophia Orosco, Program Specifics: available in the field are taught through col- Program Aide (May-July) The Sum- of natural sciences. In laboration efforts of: mer Youth Academy the class, the students Mescalero Department (16-18 yrs.): Is a 9- have hands-on field Resource Management week dual college work (science lab) and Protection (DRMP), credit (3 Science weekly topic specific Lincoln County Na- Credit) collaboration agenda pertaining to tional Forestry, Mesca- effort with Eastern the environment lero Historic Preserva- New Mexico University- (climate change/forest tion, Mescalero Parks Ruidoso (ENMU) and restoration/ & Recreation, Mesca- Youth Development, watersheds/etc.), on- lero Forestry service, paid internship for going environmental University of Califor- high school/entry level projects within the nia, and other commu- college students. The Mescalero Reservation, nity partnerships. The goal is to introduce the and distance/online Academy concludes skills, physical labor, format discussions with the students’ fi- specific nature pro- with reports for the nal presentation to jects, and educational education component. tribal council repre- opportunities that are Workshops and classes sentatives, community Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06 Page 25

members, parents, and Academy Goal: Youth. guardians sharing their Is to introduce the Who can participate? knowledge and experi- skills, physical labor, Mescalero Apache ence. The students are specific nature pro- Youth: Juniors/ then presented with a jects, and educational Seniors/and Transi- certificate of partici- opportunities that are tioning High School pation to add to their available in the field Graduates into Col- portfolio. Apache of natural sciences to lege. Tribe. Mescalero Apache

After-School Program Article By: Nolan Garcia, Youth Program Coordinator Program Specifics: cards. Our After-school their time playing and (August-May) The Af- program has continued fishing at Silver Lake. ter-School Program (5 striving towards in ex- We would like to thank -18 yrs.): An environ- cellence will all that the Mescalero Parks ment that supports we do for & with the and Recreation for the educational enrich- kids of the Mescalero coordinated event. As ment and physical Community. Our days the school year (2017- growth providing struc- continued with our 2018) comes to an ture where students regular activities that end, we are looking can attend to get as- we do throughout the forward to the summer sistance with home- month such as: outside activities. work and part take in activities, homework, scheduled activities. arts & crafts, movies, Students participate in and other projects the cultural, active play, kids enjoy. age appropriate culi- Our After-School Pro- nary classes, outdoor gram ended May 16th, events, and enjoy and we had a wonder- wholesome nourish- ful Cook Out that eve- ment for their growing ning at Silver Lake for minds throughout the the kids and their school year. families. Each student We finished off the received a certificate year completing our for participating in the leather craft project After-School Program. and Mother’s Day The children enjoyed Page 26 Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06

Summer Program Youth Development Program Specifics: food preparation, and tion form for Girl (May - August) The practice crafts of the Scout and 4-H to Summer Program (5- traditional customs participate in ac- 18 yrs.): Is a weekly (sewing, beading, story tivities. summer schedule of -telling, etc.).  Tuesday movies at active engagement for Our Summer Program Ruidoso Sierra Cin- students to participate will begin May 24th. ema are free. Chil- in daily activities that Starting off with Girl dren may bring include: outdoor rec- Scouts at 9:00 am. money for snacks. reation-horseback rid- Couple of reminders  All children must ing/mountain biking/ for the Summer Pro- sign a permission fishing, establishment gram: slip for field trips of positive friendships,  All children must on Fridays. introduction to basic fill out a registra- Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06 Page 27

Girl Scouts Youth Development Program Specifics: confidence, comrade- from taking a night- (Year Around) Girls ships, and positive ex- time hike under the Scouts (6-18yrs.): Is a periences of being a stars to accepting a newly re-added pro- “Girl Scout”. mission on the Interna- Mescalero Girl gram to Mescalero. “Girl Scouts offers the tional Space Station; Scouts at the Earth Day Event at the The target is to revi- best leadership devel- from lobbying the city Alameda Zoo. talize the program and opment experience for council with her troop urge girls that are in- girls in the world. Girl to holding a seat in terested in becoming a Scouts unleashes the Congress; from running girl scout. To contrib- G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, her own cookie busi- ute to citizenship and Innovator, Risk-taker, ness today to tackling leadership within the Leader)™ in every girl, cybersecurity tomor- community, while preparing her for a row.” gaining self- lifetime of leadership—

4-H Youth Development Girl Scouts partici- pating in Zumba. Program Specifics: Fair) exhibits. members and leaders (Year Around) 4-H We were able to set up attended a Youth Get- (Head, Hands, Heart, a booth at the 2nd An- away for 4-H’s all and Health) (5-18 nual Environmental around. This year it yrs.): A hands-on Fair. There some of was held in Glorieta, learning club for stu- our members were NM. dents interested in able to show off some raising animals, home- of our livestock pro- stead living, and edu- jects which seemed to cational-science re- be a big hit. lated events. Students Our monthly business participate in livestock meeting brought in a raising, nature-based full house, which we exploration, home were excited about. economic activities, We planned our com- sewing crafts with sub- munity service pro- mission of entries into jects out for the local fair contests month as well as other (Otero County & State business. Some of our Page 28 Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06

4-H Youth Get Away – Glorieta, New Mexico Open workshop space for the community Youth Development The Mescalero Youth Location: Empower- speak to staff mem- Development will be ment Bld. 148 Cotton- bers at: 575/464- opening the doors for wood Dr. Room # 305 0648 the Community to util- Please call or stop by **Also, please note: ize: meeting space, to reserve space for We can reserve space kitchen, sewing ma- large groups, and if for weekend hours, so chines, sewing mate- you have any ques- please call to make rial-scissors/thread/ tions feel free to con- arrangements. ** cutting mats. tact our office and Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06 Page 29 Page 30 Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06

BIA—Mescalero Agency Recent News Fire Danger Level - Carlsbad Fire Depart- You will be requested Extreme ment. The Cadre in- to provide the follow- Effective May 18, cluded: Ute Mountain ing information: Isaiah and Craig S271 2018, the Fire Danger Helitack, Fort Apache 1. Physical Address Class level on the Mescalero Helitack, US Forest (Red Number). The Apache Indian Reserva- Service, and the Mes- address you provide tion has increased to calero Helitack. With is where the wood Class V – EXTREME. the huge amount of must be hauled to. We request that each knowledge and experi- 2. Vehicle Informa- and every member of ence, the Cadre pro- tion: Year, Make, this community adhere vided the students Model, Color, and to the fire restrictions. with good instruction. License Plate #. Attached are a few With the upcoming 4th One Wood Permit per photos of the class. of July holiday, keep Household will be is- in mind that fireworks Mexican Spotted Owl sued. Wood permits of any kind are never Research are valid for 3 months. permitted. Dr. Serra Hoagland, Non-Tribal Members Mescalero Helitack PhD, Certified Wildlife are not allowed to use Sponsors a Fire Biologist, continues Free-Use Permits. Leander FTA S271 Class Course her research on the Must be accompanied In April 2018, the Mes- presence of the Mexi- by permit holder. calero Helitack spon- can Spotted Owls. Dr. sored two Fire courses: Hoagland presented S270 – Basic Air Opera- her research to partici- tions, and S271 – Heli- pating personnel from copter Crewmember. the Agency and DRMP. The class had multiple Personal Free-Use agency representation: Wood Cutting Permits Mescalero DRMP, US Wood permits continue Forest Services, Bu- to be issued Monday reau of Land Manage- through Friday from 8 ment, NM State, BIA a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Southwest Regional the BIA Forestry Office Office, of Isleta located at the Summit Fire Staff, National (210 Chatto Drive). Jayne S271 Class Bucket Park Service, and the Operations Rawley S271 Class Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06 Page 31 Hello everyone! Being a titleholder, we mean stares but it was It’s Miss Mescalero Au- are no strangers to an overall fun experi- tumn Pilcher giving powwows. You get to ence! It was also my you some updates on meet new people, es- first time meeting Miss some events I have re- pecially other title- Diné Bi Eastern Queen cently attended. My holders as well, and 2018, Miss LaniRae apologies for not giving you expand the knowl- Padilla, whom I have you monthly updates, edge of your culture to grown closer with as a but with me being other people. By far, friend same with the back for the summer I one of my favorite outgoing NMSU Prin- can be better focused powwows I have got- cess, Miss Rylee Marie. on more Miss Mesca- ten the privilege to Congratulations to Miss lero activities and attend was the Kari Vallo on her new keeping you guys more State University (ASU) title! Best wishes to informed! So with that powwow. The amount you and I look forward being said, I hope you of support and good to seeing you in the enjoy my article! blessings I received future. Starting off, I was from the people there Last but not least, one asked to give a few was amazing. of the most important encouraging words to I was asked on behalf and memorable events the students of Mesca- of the American Indian I have ever been a part lero High School whilst Week Committee at of; The Miss Indian in attendance at the NMSU to join them in World Pageant. As MHS Pageant where the crowning of the your newly elected new Miss Native Ameri- princess, Miss Gerald- can NMSU 2018-2019. ine Rice, was crowned. I’m not going to lie, it Once again, an im- was weird stepping on mense congratulations Aggie territory because to her. I know she’ll do I am a Lobo at heart great things with her and I did wear a UNM new title and she defi- shirt (by accident) and nitely has my support. I definitely got some most of you know, I things especially the MISS TAYLOR SUSAN was a contestant this young girls in our com- ON BEING CROWNED year representing Mes- munity. I want people, 2018-2019 MISS INDIAN calero Apache, Diné more so children, to WORLD. May we also and Oglala Lakota see that the sky is the congratulate her on tribes. Going into this limit and to never graduating from the competition I wasn’t doubt yourself. What I University of Arizona. thinking about win- didn’t know was that I She truly is an amazing ning, I wanted to was going to be walk- woman and I hope you prove to myself that I ing away with 29 guys get to see how could do it. I am a re- amazing sisters whom I deserving she is of the served person but created a strong sister- crown. I want to give a speaking in front of hood with; we created thank you to everyone thousands of people, an unbreakable bond who supported my scared me. Which is and needless to say, bake sale and my jour- the reason why I ran we became a family. ney to the Gatherings. and I wanted to con- Every single girl was so There aren’t enough quer any fears I had. I supportive and had the words to extend my wanted to hopefully biggest hearts imagin- warmest thank you to inspire people to try able. There was never everyone. new a day that wasn’t full To finish, I want to of laughter, tears and congratulate the Class love. So my advice to of 2018! You guys anyone who is thinking worked so hard and I about running for MIW cannot wait to see you or a title in general, I guys do great things in urge you to try it; your lives. Make us There is no better proud, not as Apache feeling than standing, people but as Native speaking and dancing Americans. in front of thousands All my relations, of people. I would like Miss Mescalero to CONGRATULATE Page 34 Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06


Mescalero Reformed Church Start Close In Start close in, don’t ample, if you’re a mation to truly occur take the second step busy-body who fills the first step will be or the third, start their schedule to the close in and most with the first thing absolute brim you likely will involve the close in, the step you might try creating discomfort of repen- Mescalero don’t want to take. better work-home tance with the hope Reformed Church These are the opening boundaries, eliminat- of humbly submitting 336 Wardlaw Dr. words from David ing additional commit- yourself before God P.O. Box 188 Whyte’s poem “Start ments, or even cutting Almighty to be washed Mescalero, NM Close In.” Whether it out certain habits. But as white as snow and for personal transfor- made clean again. (575) 464-4471 was his intention or not, I read this poem mation to truly occur Start close in. If it’s

in light of disciple- the first step might be still not sinking in, Visit (and Like) ship. Specifically, close in and it might think of it this way; our Mescalero Re- rather than reading it involve asking yourself it’s like tilling the formed Church with the lens of disci- the question, “why do soil, watering the soil, Facebook page! pling others I read this I feel the need to be weeding the soil, ex- poem through the lens so busy?” with the pecting the soil to Email us at mesca- of Christ discipling hope of becoming bless you with a crop [email protected] us. Meaning, more more comfortable but never actually with rest and peace. often than not for planting a seed. For personal transforma- Another example growth to happen, you Sunday Services tion to occur, the first might be for those have to plant a seed 9:30 – Sunday step is always close, who struggle with a deep within. You can School for Chil- and it’s usually a step certain sin. Rather do all the external dren and Adults we don’t want to than starting close in, steps, but if you don’t 10:40 – Worship take. you’ll do all the exter- plant a seed you’ll It sounds obvious that nal steps; you’ll pick never reap a crop. transformation starts up a devotional to It’s our hope at Mes- close in, but it seems read, join the Bible calero Reformed to be human nature to study, or eliminate Church to help plant a try everything else be- certain temptations Gospel seed inside fore we start with the from your routine. But each of our hearts so internal step. For ex- for personal transfor- that personal transfor- Apache Scout Volume III.18, Issue 06 Page 35

mation can occur. Of Please know that you – first and third Tues- course, we see the are always welcome day of each month at value in the external to worship God and 6:00 pm. changes (reading the experience His mercy Women’s Gathering – devotion, joining the at Mescalero Re- every Wednesday at Bible study, and elimi- formed Church, as our 9:00 am in the church nating temptations), arms (and our doors) basement. but for long-term per- are open to you if you Youth Group for Mid- sonal transformation are looking for a dle and High School – to truly occur we have church home or just Wednesday at 6:00 pm to lean into the power want to come visit. in the church base- of the Holy Spirit and ment. start close in. Opportunities for Start close in, don’t Fellowship and En- take the second step couragement or the third, start Men’s Bible Study – with the first thing first and third Thurs- close in, the step you day of each month at don’t want to take. 6:00 pm. Grace & Peace, Women’s Bible Study Pastor Mark

Remember When? “1983” Apache Scout courtesy Allen Duffy Within the People and Dion Bigmouth, James Stone, George Torres, Places section of the Blaylock, Travis Miguel Torres, and La- Apache Scout, Mesca- Cochise, Horace Co- mas Victor. lero BIA Hot Shot Crew manche, Wade Coman- were awarded Certifi- che, Allen Duffy, cate of Excellence pre- Oliver Enjady, Arnold sented by then Albu- Escalanti, Doyle Esca- querque Area Office lanti, Curtis Johnson, Director Mr. Sidney Donnie Kaydahzinne, Mills. Firefighters that Leo LaPaz, Jr., Kerwin received Outstanding Lester, Greg Mendez, Recognition for their Maynard Mendez, Mar- efforts in 1986 lin Palmer, William throughout the nation Pellman, Melvin Rice, were: Gary Ahidley, Wallace Rice, Gary

The Sorrow we feel No words can explain The ache in our hearts will always remain There is a special Husband, Father Brother, Uncle and Papa Up there in Heaven above There will never be another with a heart so full of love wherever we go whatever we do Those we love don’t go away they walk beside us everyday Unseen, unheard but always near Stilled loved and missed and very dear

You shared a kind word, a hug, sent cards or flowers, and honored the memory of my dear Husband, Father, Brother, Uncle and Papa, the Family would like to thank you for your kind expressions of sympathy and thoughtfulness. It is deeply appreciated and will always be remembered. God Bless You Family of Eldon W. Enjady Jr. Mescalero Apache Tribe

Apache Scout P.O. Box 227 Bulk Rate 108 Central Avenue Non-Profit Organization Mescalero, NM 88340 Permit #1 Phone: 575-464-4494 Fax: 575-464-9220 Mescalero, NM E-mail: [email protected] 88340 Checkout the tribe’s official website! MescaleroApacheTribe.com