A. Personal

A.1. Name

Steven J. Skerlos, Ph.D. http://www.umich.edu/~skerlos

A.2. Degrees (schools, dates, title of doctoral thesis, and name of thesis advisor(s))

Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, January, 2000

Thesis: Microfiltration of Synthetic Metalworking Fluids Using Al2O3 Membranes Richard E. DeVor, College of Engineering Distinguished Professor of Manufacturing, NAE Shiv G. Kapoor, Grayce Wicall Gauthier Chair of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering with Highest Honors The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May, 1994 Thesis: Design for Environment in the Semiconductor Industry James J. Coleman, Franklin W. Woeltge Professor of Electrical Engineering

A.3. Positions at U of M (titles, dates)

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering January 2000 to Present

Director, Environmental and Sustainable (EAST) Laboratory (est. 2000) http://www.engin.umich.edu/labs/EAST

Faculty Advisor, BLUElab (formerly Engineers without Borders-UM, est. 2002) http://www.engin.umich.edu/soc/BLUElab/

A.4. Positions at other institutions or organizations (titles, dates)

Research Assistant The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Tool Agile Manufacturing Research Institute, May 1994 to Dec. 1999 - State of Illinois and Research Center, Sept. 1996 to Dec. 1999

Engineering Associate ITT Semiconductor: Intermetall - Freiburg, Germany, June 1993 to August 1993

Computer Programmer The University of Belgrano Information Center - Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 1992 to August 1992

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 1 College of Engineering A.5. Honors and Awards The University of Michigan at Ann Arbor 2000-2005 6. College of Engineering Education Excellence Award, 2006 An honor for demonstrating sustained excellence in curricular development, instruction and guidance at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, including graduate student supervision, and the development of new courses, teaching laboratories, teaching techniques, software packages for self teaching, etc..

5. College of Engineering 1938E Award, 2003 The 1938E Award is an honor presented to a younger member of the faculty to recognize an outstanding teacher in both elementary and advanced courses; an understanding counselor of students who seek guidance in their choice of career; a contributor to the educational growth of his or her College; and a teacher whose scholarly integrity pervades his or her service to the University and the profession of engineering.

4. College of Engineering Joe and Alice Spira Outstanding Teaching Award, 2002 An annual award presented to one faculty member in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and one in Mechanical Engineering to recognize excellence in teaching and inspiring students.

3. Robert M. Caddell Memorial Materials and Manufacturing Award (with Fu Zhao), 2002 A Department of Mechanical Engineering annual award presented to advisor and student for outstanding contributions to materials and manufacturing research.

2. Department of Mechanical Engineering Outstanding Teaching Award, 2001 1. National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Award, 2000

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1990-1999 5. General Motors Lever Foundation Fellowship Award, 1997-1999 4. Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Fellowship Award, 1994-1996 3. Henry O. Koehler Honors Award, 1994 2. Dow Chemical Scholarship Award, 1993 1. Elmendorf International Scholarship Award, 1992

Awards to students and student groups advised since 2000 are listed in Section B.9.

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 2 College of Engineering B. Professional Objectives Candidate’s statement of professional objectives and brief self-analysis of professional contributions during period in current rank (one page maximum).

My professional objective is to develop knowledge and technology systems that minimize the environmental consequences of engineering design and manufacturing decisions. This objective is being pursued within 3 programs: 1) Environmentally Sustainable Manufacturing Systems, 2) Sustainable Aqueous Technology Systems, and 3) Environmentally of Engineering Systems. The objectives of these programs, and their contributions since 2000, are briefly described below.

#1 Environmentally Sustainable Manufacturing Systems. The primary focus of this program has been the creation of metalworking fluid (MWF) systems that reduce environmental hazards and lower health risks associated with manufacturing operations. Outcomes have included the design of a miniaturized bio-sensor and a complementary molecular probe that together can rapidly detect hazardous microbial populations in MWF. We have also developed systems based on microfiltration to reduce environmental impact and protect worker health. These systems are becoming practical for industrial application due to our research which has revealed how MWFs can be re-formulated to increase recycling rates 8-fold without impacting manufacturing performance. Other research on modes of MWF deterioration, techniques for MWF performance evaluation, and on the design of vegetable based MWFs is also well-known in the U.S. and E.U. In addition to these efforts, we have proposed and validated a new type of MWF based on supercritical carbon dioxide. UM has filed a provisional patent and is exploring licensing opportunities for this technology, which can eliminate health and environmental risks while simultaneously extending tool life, increasing machining rates, and improving surface finish.

#2 Sustainable Aqueous Technology Systems. The core technologies developed for sustainable MWF systems can also be applied to other aqueous systems. For example, it will be possible to develop potable water systems with closed loop microbial control based on miniaturized flow cytometry sensors and membrane filtration actuators. Biologically sustainable aqueous systems such as this have been increasingly sought due to a number of high-profile water contamination events, and concerns of bioterrorism. UM has filed a patent on the design of our micro-flow cytometer (UM File #2135), and it is now being commercialized by Accuri Instruments, Inc. that I co-founded in Sept. 2004.

#3 Environmentally Sustainable Design of Engineering Systems. The objective of this program is to link environmental problems to their root-cause engineering decisions, and to understand how these decisions might change under the influence of progressive public policy. Toward this end, we have studied the environmental characteristics of laser-based manufacturing, cellular telephone remanufacturing, and MWF systems. We have also investigated relationships between public policy options and optimal engineering design decisions. This research has been recognized as important in the field of Science and Engineering, for example by an invited book chapter on Sustainable Design Science and Engineering, by an invitation to serve as co-editor for a special issue of Environmental Science & Technology, and by a 2005 seed grant award from the NSF MUSES program.

Future Goals. Through the coming decades, the design and use of technology will continue to increase its pressure on the environment. The Environmental and Sustainable Technologies (EAST) laboratory is well-positioned to contribute fundamental research leading to real-world solutions that will reduce the environmental impact of engineering decisions. While our mission to provide international leadership in this field is broad in scope, the EASTlab has developed program thrusts that are fundable and intellectually cohesive to students and the outside world. The lab has been awarded 6 grants from NSF since 2000. We plan to continue our mission by building on the strong publication and funding record that has already been established, and by exploiting the synergies that exist between research and the education of students, professionals, academics, and the general public.

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 3 College of Engineering III. TEACHING PORTFOLIO

Average Average Avg. Q1 Q2 Enrollment Q1 Q2 Enrollment

ME 599 (ME 589 starting F04) 132 4.85 4.92 22.00 F00 4.81 4.89 15 F01 4.95 5.00 14 F02 4.71 4.87 20 F03 5.00 5.00 19 (Off-Campus via CPD) F03 11 enrolled ME 589 F04 4.85 4.92 25 F05 4.81 4.86 28 ME 450 Section Instructor 148 4.32 4.34 25.20 W00 4.42 4.42 17 W01 4.73 4.85 33 W02 4.65 4.45 30 W03 4.14 4.20 25 W04 4.14 4.20 21 W05 3.86 3.92 22 ME 450 Lecture / Coordinator 510 4.13 4.13 127.50 W02 4.21 4.25 131 W03 4.00 3.93 156 W04 4.09 4.03 115 W05 4.22 4.29 108 W06 N/A N/A 120 ME 499 (CEE 260 in W05, F05) 10 4.25 4.5 W04 4.25 4.50 10 CEE 260 104 N/A N/A W05 N/A N/A 53 F05 N/A N/A 51

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 4 College of Engineering B. Candidate’s Teaching Portfolio

B.1 Candidate’s own statement of contributions to teaching (one page maximum)

In my view, the fundamental responsibility of a teacher is to inspire each student to live up to his or her fullest potential, regardless of his or her chosen field of study. It is my intention to reflect this responsibility in all of my student interactions and to also provide a broad systems education in mechanical engineering that is properly set within a technology, societal, economic, and environmental context. Toward this end, I have developed two new classes at UM and have been awarded from CoE the Joe and Ruth Spira Outstanding Teaching Award (2002), the 1938E Award (2003), and the Outstanding Student Group Advisor Award (2004) for my in-class and extracurricular impacts on student education. In addition, the student group that I founded with Andres Clarens, the BLUElab, received the 2005 CoE Elaine Harden Award for best exemplifying leadership and service. I have been a regular guest lecturer in 5 CoE / Business School courses: BA 742, BA 525, ENG 490, ME 581 and MFG 501 – as well as for the UROP program. Since 2000, I have presented over 20 industrial and academic seminars in the USA and EU, including the UM keynote address at the UM/Stanford/MIT symposium “Making the Business Case for Sustainability”. Against this backdrop, I view the following as my contributions to teaching:

Impact on Individual Students. All feedback from my courses has been non-selectively compiled and is available upon request. This includes student evaluations, letters, and emails that can be used to gauge my impact on students. The five Ph.D. students that I have co/advised have been individually challenged to work to their fullest potential through critical and professional feedback provided through direct dialogue. My first Ph.D. graduate, Julie Zimmerman (co-advised w/ Prof. Kim Hayes), was awarded the Horace H. Rackham Distinguished Dissertation Award from UM in 2004 and has joined the Environmental Engineering Faculty at U. Virginia. I have also advised four undergraduate students from the UROP Program, and each has an accepted journal paper associated with his or her work.

New Course: Ecologically Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (ME 589). This course is a science- based treatment of EcoDesign and Manufacturing that is firmly grounded in the pragmatism of engineering decision-making. ME 589 is comprised of 25 original lectures which are organized on CD, distributed to each student, and updated each semester. In F2003, course was rated with Q1/Q2 scores of 5.00/5.00. Over five semesters taught, the average Q1/Q2 for the course is 4.85/4.93 (77 respondents).

Revised Course: Environmental and Sustainable Engineering Principles (CEE 260). This course provides a general introduction to environmental and sustainable engineering by focusing on eco-system ramifications of fulfilling societal technology needs. Fundamental principles of interaction between pollutants and the environment are introduced. Co-taught with Prof. Kim Hayes, we intend for this course to serve as a cornerstone course for all CoE departments interested in developing undergraduate concentrations related to sustainability (e.g., ME Concentration in Environmental Sustainability).

ME 450 Course Coordinator 2002-2005. As coordinator and course leader for ME 450 since 2002, I have been directly engaged and responsible for the capstone experiences of over 500 students within the ME Department currently ranked 2nd in the Nation for UG education. I have organized the Winter Design Expo four times and acquired approximately $175,000 in industrial funding to support the class. Other contributions include the development of student feedback surveys, course quizzes, and multi- semester projects. I also played a role in developing the Design Portal, an Internet resource allowing students can collaborate on their engineering design projects. Having reached a healthy steady state for the class, in 2004 I began working with the ME UG Program Chair and colleagues to develop a plan that would bring ME 450 to the next level of quality and challenge for the students. This vision is currently being presented to the ME 450 instructors and is being prepared for discussion by the broader faculty.

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 5 College of Engineering B.2 New courses introduced at U of M

Title: ME 589: Ecologically Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (EcoDesign and Manufacturing)

Date introduced and taught: Fall 2000 (F00) [Taught as ME 599 for F00, F01, F02, F03]

Enrollment: 15 (F00); 14 (F01); 20 (F02); 19+11 (F03); 25 (F04); 33 (F05)

History. EcoDesign and Manufacturing began as a full-semester course entitled Scientific Foundations for Environmental Improvement in Manufacturing (SciFEIM) that was taught for the first time in F00. The course was modified and became a required component of the ConsEnSus program in 2001. The course was given permanent status in 2004 as ME 589.

Course Logic. ME 589 is organized into four interconnected sections. Section 1 establishes the urgency for a new approach to environmental protection based on prevention, and provides interactive forums (roundtables) for student engagement into a discussion of motivators, drivers, and inhibitors to environmental protection. This includes philosophical and technical discussions of society, technology, and economics based on selected readings compiled uniquely for this course. Section 2 covers life cycle assessment with a focus on manufacturing processes. Metals, , and electronics manufacturing technologies are covered along with environmentally conscious process alternatives and energy sources. Section 3 provides a quantitative introduction to the basic science of environmental impact assessment from the perspective of engineering design, covering the modeling of global warming, smog formation, ozone depletion, acid rain, eutrophication, and oxygen depletion. Section 4 covers design strategies, case studies, technologies, and metrics for making sustainable design decisions. In this section, students learn about EcoDesign and Manufacturing of products such as refrigerators, autos, televisions, and cellular telephones based on life cycle assessment case studies that have been developed for these products.

Course Evolution. ME 589 has evolved significantly over the four semesters it has been taught. In Y2000, Section 4 emphasized the basic science of technologies that can be applied in manufacturing, with less emphasis on product design. The student feedback from that semester suggested a decrease in the manufacturing technology emphasis, moving it into Section 2, and increasing the design content of Section 4. The course name was then changed to EcoDesign and Manufacturing and taught in F01. This turned out to be a “winning formula”, derived not by teaching material easily available, but by evolution driven by student-input and my research in the field. The course continues to evolve, constantly keeping up with new technology and ideas, rather than being tied to a textbook with the same notes used each semester. In 2003, the course was taught in the Center for Professional Development program to 11 off-campus students. The course was rated with Q1/Q2 of 4.8/4.8 by the 11 off-campus students.

Teaching Methods. A number of student teams have developed novel web-based resources that have been used as peer-to-peer teaching tools. For instance, students have produced educational resources related to bioplastics, air pollution, and automotive emissions that have been made available for future generations of students. These and all term projects require effective , and are graded against their suitability for release to a public forum, with the intent of creating real impact on environmental research and education. In 2002, artifact-based education was introduced to the class as a means to increase teaching effectiveness. For instance, instead of lecturing on metals manufacturing processes in isolation, metals manufacturing is discussed in the context of producing a refrigerator. Similarly, plastics and electronics manufacturing processes are described in the context of manufacturing a television. Dozens of such examples are used in the class. It is my view that this association of process concepts with artifacts has made ME589 more interesting and accessible for the students.

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 6 College of Engineering Title: Environmental & Sustainable Engineering Principles Date introduced and taught: Winter 2004, with Professor Kim Hayes (CEE) Enrollment: 10 (W04), 53 (W05); 51 (F05)

Number: ME 499 (W04), CEE 260 (W05, F05) Credits: 3 Credits (W04), 4 Credits (W05, F05)

History. Environmental and Sustainable Engineering Principles began as an experimental course (ME 499) called Engineering, Economics, and the Environment that was taught primarily to senior Mechanical Engineering students. It was designed to be an introductory undergraduate engineering course to teach fundamental environmental and sustainable engineering principles that: 1) can help to satisfy ABET environmental education outcomes required of engineering undergraduates, and 2) serves as a core course for CEE, ME and any other College of Engineering (CoE) department desiring to develop an undergraduate concentration in environmental sustainability (e.g., the proposed ME Concentration in Environmental Sustainability). Originally, Professor Hayes and I intended to develop a new course with a new course number. However, numerous synergies were identified between the course as originally taught to seniors (ME 499) and the existing introductory course CEE 260: Environmental Principles. We therefore decided to take the content of ME 499 not taught in CEE 260 and include it in CEE 260. Consequently in W05, Professor Hayes and I made major revisions to the content CEE 260 to reflect broader issues of global pollution and sustainability, and to discuss the relationship between pollution and free market systems. We intend that CEE 260 will fulfill the goal of serving as a cornerstone course in environmental sustainability principles for CoE, and anticipate cross-listing the course with ME in 2006.

Motivation. Designing for the environment has become a popular concept and an essential one for today’s engineers, who must not only consider product reliability and performance in design, but who must also incorporate environmental impact and life cycle thinking into product/process development. While these concepts are beginning to trickle down into the CoE undergraduate curriculum within the context of specialized 500-level courses that serve as a base for specialized graduate programs (e.g., ConsEnSus and SNRE Industrial Ecology Certificates Program), sustainable systems engineering principles have not been integrated in a comprehensive and systematic way within any single department. It is critical for this to occur at the undergraduate level, since the majority of UM graduates enter practice without taking graduate level courses and therefore miss any deep introduction to sustainable engineering principles. This course intends to bring sustainable engineering principles to undergraduates as an innovative and exciting introductory course that is suitable for all engineers. Environmental and Sustainable Engineering Principles aims to allow CoE undergraduates to understand the impact of engineering practices on the environment, and to give them the analytical and scientific tools to evaluate design performance while simultaneously minimizing burden on the environment.

Course Description. This course describes the principles of environmental and sustainable engineering, focusing on pollution prevention and environmental remediation. Topics include an introduction to environmental pollutants and resource limits, as well as environmental risk topics such as water pollution, ozone depletion, and climate change. Quantitative environmental assessment methodologies include chemical hazard and risk evaluation, reactor theory, environmental systems modeling, pollutant and fate, and the calculation of global warming potentials. Economic concepts useful in environmental and sustainable engineering design are covered including discount rates and time-value of money, cost- benefit analysis, and imperfect market structures. Environmental sustainability principles are tied together in a life cycle context through case studies and in-depth examples.

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 7 College of Engineering B.3 Courses taught at U of M

• Course Number: ME 589 [Taught as ME 599 for F00, F01, F02, F03] • Title: EcoDesign and Manufacturing • Semester and Year: F00; F01; F02; F03; F04; F05 • Enrollment: 15 (F00); 14 (F01); 20 (F02); 19 + 11CPD (F03); 25 (F04); 33 (F05)

• Course Number: ME 450 • Title: Design and Manufacturing III • Semester and Year: W00; W01; W02; W03; W04; W05 • Enrollment in Lecture: 131 (W02); 156 (W03); 115 (W04); 108 (W05) • Enrollment in Section: 17 (W00); 33 (W01); 30 (W02); 25 (W03); 21 (W04); 22 (W05)

• Course Number: ME 499 • Title: Engineering, Economics, and the Environment • Semester and Year: W04 • Enrollment: 10

• Course Number: CEE 260 • Title: Environmental and Sustainable Engineering Principles • Semester and Year: W05; F05 • Enrollment: 53 (W05); 51 (F05)

B.4 Ph.D. committees chaired

(PhD 1) Dr. Julie Zimmerman, Ph.D., Graduated June 2003 Co-Chair of Ph.D. Committee (with Kim Hayes CEE, Jonathan Bulkley SNRE/CEE)

Title: Formulation and Evaluation of Emulsifier Systems for Petroleum- and Bio-based Semi-synthetic Metalworking Fluids

Horace H. Rackham Distinguished Dissertation Award

Positions since Graduation: Assistant Prof. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Virginia Program Manager, US EPA Office of Research and Development

(PhD 2) Dr. Fu Zhao, Ph.D., Graduated, December 2004 Chair of Ph.D. Committee

Title: Microfiltration Recycling of Semi-Synthetic Metalworking Fluids: Models, Formulation, and System Design

Positions since Graduation: Postdoctoral Researcher in EASTlab Senior Research Scientist: General Electric Water Systems (expected Nov. 2005)

(PhD 3) Mr. Kuei-Yuan Chan, Graduated, December 2005 Co-Chair of Ph.D. Committee (with Panos Papalambros, ME)

Title: Monotonicity and Active Set Strategies for Design Optimization Under Uncertainty

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 8 College of Engineering (PhD 4) Mr. Andres Clarens Co-Chair of Ph.D. Committee (candidate, with Kim Hayes, CEE) Expected Graduation, 2007 Topic: Formulation and Performance of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Metalworking Fluids

(PhD 5) Mr. William Ross Morrow Chair of Ph.D. Committee, (pre-candidate) Expected Graduation, 2007 Topic: An Optimal Control Analysis Framework for Technology Policymaking to Promote Sustainable Design

B.5 M.S. committees chaired

(MS 1) Mr. Aaron Hula, M.S., Graduated April 2003 Co-Chair of Master of Science Committee (with Kazu Saitou, ME) Title: Methodology for a Multi-Objective Situational Based Disassembly Manual Current Position: Process Engineer, Environmental Quality Office, Ford Motor Co.

B.6 Undergraduate major projects directed Include project title and brief summary of the work and results. (Do not include independent study courses.)

(UG1) Mechanistic Model of Microfiltration for a Semi-Synthetic Metalworking Fluid UROP Student: Ms. Marcy Urbance (2001 – 2003) Supervised by: Steven J. Skerlos and Fu Zhao (Ph.D. Graduate)

Publication. Zhao, F., Urbance, M.*, Skerlos, S.J., 2004, “Mechanistic Model of Coaxial Microfiltration for a Semi-Synthetic Metalworking Fluid Microemulsion”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of ASME, Vol. 126, pp. 435-444.

Summary. This research led to the development of a mechanistic model to quantify the compatibility of semi-synthetic metalworking fluids (MWFs) with the coaxial microfiltration process. Microfiltration is a membrane-based technology that is currently gaining interest in the machine-tool industry as a means to achieve sustainable metalworking fluid systems and to increase the compatibility of MWFs with reconfigurable manufacturing systems. Coaxial microfiltration experiments were performed to measure the transport rate of a representative semi-synthetic microemulsion through polycarbonate membranes with pore diameters ranging from 0.2 to 5.0 micrometers. Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM) and Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy (CSLM) were used to identify three interdependent mechanisms of transport retardation: internal pore restriction, external pore blocking and membrane surface film formation. These mechanisms were modeled mathematically as a three- stage, four-parameter equation describing the time-based transport of MWF through microfiltration membranes. It was found that the mechanistic model fit experimental data with low error relative to existing models in the literature, and that the magnitudes, trends, and correlations between the model parameters closely fit their expected physical interpretations.

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 9 College of Engineering

(UG2) Statistical Analysis of Tapping Torque Tests for Metalworking Fluid Evaluation UROP Student: Ms. Satsuki Takahashi (2001 – 2002) Supervised by: Steven J. Skerlos and Julie Zimmerman (Ph.D. Graduate)

Publication. Zimmerman, J., Takahashi, S.*, Hayes, K., Skerlos, S.J., 2003, “Experimental and Statistical Design Considerations For Economical Evaluation Of Metalworking Fluids Using The Tapping Torque Test”, Lubrication Engineering, Vol. 3, pp. 17-24.

Summary. Recently, multiple evaluation systems (MES) that allow for a large number of tapping torque tests (T3) to be performed on a single workpiece have been gaining in popularity for the evaluation of metalworking fluids (MWFs). However, MWF formulators have had difficulty obtaining statistically significant results or results consistent with experience in the field, raising questions about the efficacy of MES. This research developed statistical and experimental design considerations for MWF evaluation by MES that aim to maximize the sensitivity of T3 to MWF performance and to improve the correlation between laboratory and field performance. Toward this end, a metric of resolving power was developed that quantifies the ability of a T3 operating condition (speed, material, tool size, etc.) to discriminate between MWFs. It was shown that as resolving power increases, the correlation of T3 response to expected field performance increases, demonstrating the utility of the metric.

(UG3) Expeditious Identification and Quantification of Mycobacteria In Metalworking Fluids UROP Student: Mr. Carlos Aguilar (2002) Supervised by: Steven J. Skerlos, Fu Zhao (Ph.D. Graduate)

Publication. Skerlos, S.J., Skerlos, L.A., Aguilar, C.A.*, Zhao, F., 2003. “Expeditious Identification and Quantification of Mycobacteria Species in Metalworking Fluids using Peptide Nucleic Acids”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 137-147.

Summary. Microbial contamination of metalworking fluids (MWFs), particularly by Mycobacteria species, poses a potential health risk for machine tool workers. This hazard can be magnified by undiagnosed or long-term exposure arising from the extensive time requirement for detecting Mycobacteria contamination (10 to 26 days) via conventional means. This research investigated the use of molecular fluorescence detection technologies, specifically epi- fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry (FCM), for the rapid detection and identification of mycobacteria in situ. Novel fluorescent peptide nucleic acid (PNA) probes, designed to target the specific 16S rRNA of M. parafortuitum, were developed as a means to demonstrate the efficacy of the approach within a MWF matrix. Epi-fluorescence microscopy and FCM detection methods were developed and described, and the efficacy of two PNA probe classes (traditional and beacon) was compared. It was found that both epi-fluoresence microscopy and FCM can specifically identify M. parafortuitum among a mixed microbial community, and that the methods developed were insensitive to the synthetic, semi-synthetic, and soluble oil MWF chemistries investigated. The use of FCM for quantification of M. parafortuitum was also demonstrated, and important considerations for applying FCM under actual field conditions were elucidated. The outcome was a method for detecting mycobacteria in less than 6 hours, reducing the detection time from 2 weeks as needed for conventional detection approaches.

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 10 College of Engineering

(UG4) Pore Scale Model of Permeability for Isotropic and Anisotropic Porous Filters using 3D Stochastic Reconstruction Method UROP Student: Ms. Heather R. Landis (2003) Supervised by: Steven J. Skerlos, Fu Zhao (Ph.D. Graduate)

Publication. Zhao, F., Landis, H.R.*, Skerlos, S.J., 2005, “Pore Scale Model of Permeability for Isotropic and Anisotropic Porous Filters using 3-Dimensional Stochastic Reconstruction”, Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 239-247.

Summary. In this research, a methodology combining a stochastic reconstruction method with a pore scale network model and image analysis was developed to predict the permeability of isotropic, 2D isotropic, and 1D anisotropic porous filters widely used in environmental engineering applications. The model was validated with respect to an isotropic ceramic membrane filter used in industrial fluid recycling, and with a type of anisotropic sand filter widely used in water and wastewater treatment. Experimental data indicated that the proposed stochastic reconstruction methodology offers better predictions for clean-filter permeability than currently available empirical models.

(UG5) AWARE@home: Technological Design to Promote Environmental Conservation Leadership Undergraduate Students: Antonio Vittorini, Brad Lamiman, Konstantinos Boukouris, John Pariseau, Prashanth Pandian Supervised by: Steven J. Skerlos, Andres Clarens (Ph.D. Pre-Candidate)

Submitted Publication: Clarens, A.F., Vittorini, A.*, Lamiman, B.*, Bourkouris, K.*, Pariseau. J.*, Pandian, P.*, Skerlos, S.J., 2005, "AWARE@home: A Case Study in Technological Design to Promote Environmental Conservation in the American Home", under review for the Journal of Engineering for : Energy, Environment Health.

AWARE@home was designed to provide households information regarding their natural gas, electric, and water consumption patterns through “at-home” wireless networks. If a consumer is likely to spend more than his or her target expenditure for utilities that month, AWARE@home simply sends an email message so that the consumer can take action to reduce consumption and meet his or her utility cost targets for the month. This saves the consumer money and protects the environment. The software also provides the consumer the ability to track expenditures and costs over time. The prototype includes both hardware and software components for “Wi-Fi” monitoring and alerting of home water, gas, and electricity consumption. A wireless electricity meter for individual appliances was also developed.

For more: http://www.engin.umich.edu/labs/EAST/@home/home.htm EPA: http://es.epa.gov/ncer/p3/ UM Record: http://www.umich.edu/%7Eurecord/0405/Jun13_05/23.shtml

B.7 Short courses and workshops taught (Indicate course, location or institution, date, enrollment, nature of participation.)

Short Course / Educational Session (http://www.greenbydesign.biz/) Sustainable Product Design: Traps, Trade-offs, and Triumphs Green By Design 2: Grand Rapids, Michigan. September 28-29, 2005 Education Sessions Delivered to 100 Students.

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 11 College of Engineering B.8 Teaching portfolio summary (one page maximum)

My professional goal to minimize the impact of engineering decisions on the environment is inherently a design activity, which is why my teaching interests since arriving to UM have been focused in the design area. In my view, design as taught in ME 450 is a creative decision-making process that aims to find an optimal balance of trade-offs in the conception of a product or process that best satisfies customer and other stakeholder preferences. By extension, “eco-design” as taught in ME 589 is an application of design, with particular attention paid to life-cycle trade-offs between functional performance, economic success, and the establishment of healthy social and environmental systems. These definitions of design capture the need to resolve trade-offs between technology options through the application of fundamental engineering, science, and economic principles. These principles cannot be confined to a single engineering department, or even to engineering. While rooted in academic principles, design is also creative, situational, and rapidly evolving in nature. These characteristics generally make design difficult to teach out of a classic textbook – and almost impossible to teach exactly the same way twice. In fact, sustainable design, as a new field, has yet to yield a textbook suitable for use in a graduate engineering setting. For this reason, I have had to create a large body of academic material for use in both ME 450 and ME 589. This material has been developed as instructional modules that can be selected for use as appropriate to support design projects, and that can be used by other instructors in their classes. These modules are available upon request as PowerPoint slides and are listed below:

ME 589 and CEE 260 (environmental): 1) introduction to environmental pollutants and laws, 2) incentives and inhibitors to sustainable design, 3) imperfect market structures and the environment, 4) time-value of money and cost-benefit analysis, 5) environmental valuation, 6) life cycle assessment, 7) introduction to environmental systems analysis and optimization, 8) metals mining and production, 9) metal cutting and forming, 10) metal finishing, 11) electronics manufacturing, 12) plastics manufacturing, 13) electrical power generation and environmental pollution, 14) sources, 15) automobiles and environmental pollution, 16) alternative fuel and powertrain , 17) transport of atmospheric pollutants, 18) smog and ozone, 19) ozone depletion, 20) global warming; 21) design for environment (overview); 22) material selection and the environment; 23) design for recyclability; 24) design for remanufacturing; 25) principles and technologies for air pollution treatment; 26) principles and technologies for water pollution treatment; 27) total quality management and the environment.

ME 450 (design and manufacturing): 1) introduction to engineering design processes; 2) development of engineering specifications; 3) concept generation and selection, 4) risk and safety analysis, 5) engineering ethics and the environment, 6) principles of designing experiments (a review), 7) statistical process control (overview).

Contributions to CoE/Business School Courses: These materials have been compiled into various forms for regular contribution to 5 CoE /Business School courses: BA 742, BA 525, ENG 490, ME 581 and MFG 501.

According to David Ullman (1992), the only way to learn design is to do design. He also claims that the design process should be taught simultaneously in an academic environment and in an environment that simulates industrial realities. The instructional modules that have been listed above contribute to the academic aspect of resolving design trade-offs. To round out Ullman’s view on teaching design, I have been active in developing student design projects intending to simulate the “real-world” in both ME 589 and ME 450. Since becoming coordinator of ME 450 in W02, I have overseen the creation of 128 design projects conducted by seniors in mechanical engineering. I have served directly as advisor to 35 of these projects in my role as a section instructor in ME 450 since Y2000. In ME 589, I have advised 28 projects since Y2000. The final reports from these student efforts can be made available upon request.

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 12 College of Engineering B.9 Other

Awards to Students Advised 12. Best Graduate Student Presentation in Design and Manufacturing Awarded to Ross Morrow. ME Department Grad Student Symposium, 2005. 11. Second Place Poster Award to Andres Clarens (#2 out of ~30 entries). Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors Biennial Meeting, Potsdam, NY, 2005. 10. First Place Poster Award to Andres Clarens (#1 out of 37 entries). International Society for Industrial Ecology Biennial Meeting, Stockholm, 2005. 9. Best Graduate Student Presentation in Design and Manufacturing Awarded to Andres Clarens. ME Department Grad Student Symposium, 2004. 8. Best Technical Paper Award to Andres Clarens, 2005, Awarded by the Society of Professional Hispanic Engineers (best of 80 papers submitted) 7. EPA STAR Fellowship to Andres Clarens. Metal Working Fluid Delivery Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (7% acceptance rate) 6. Horace H. Rackham Distinguished Dissertation Award to Julie Zimmerman, 2004. 5. Distinguished 1st Year Research Performance, Awarded to Andres Clarens from the Environmental Chemistry division of the American Chemical Society, 2003 4. Best Graduate Student Presentation in Design and Manufacturing, Awarded to Ross Morrow. ME Department Grad Student Symposium, 2003. 3. Best Graduate Student Research Paper, from the Environmental Chemistry division of the American Chemical Society to Julie Zimmerman, 2003. 2. Future Research in Tribology Award for Distinguished Graduate Student Performance Award, Awarded to Julie Zimmerman by the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, 2003 1. Robert M. Caddell Memorial Materials and Manufacturing Award, Fu Zhao, 2002

Awards to Student Groups Advised 2. Winner of Inaugural EPA P3 National Competition on Sustainable Design, 2005. Faculty Advisor to AWARE@home project (http://www.engin.umich.edu/labs/EAST/@home/home.htm).

1. Elaine Harden Award to BLUElab, 2005. The award recognizes the CoE student society that best exemplifies leadership and service.

Ph.D. Committees Served as Member or Cognate (non-co/chair) - Shu-Chi Chang (Environmental Engineering) - Nikhil Joshi (Mechanical Engineering) - Kyoung-Hee Kim (Architecture) - Jeremy Michalek (Mechanical Engineering) - Huan Qi (Mechanical Engineering) - Shingo Takeuchi (Mechanical Engineering) - Yi-Chung Tung (Mechanical Engineering)

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 13 College of Engineering B. Candidate’s Research Portfolio

B.1 Candidate’s own statement of contributions to research (one page maximum)

This statement contains only significant and completed research contributions initiated at UM and accepted to conference or journal since my arrival to UM in 2000. #1 Microfiltration Models for Metalworking Fluid Recycling. This research has resulted in the development of a mathematical model that describes the modes of physical-chemical interaction between MWF microemulsions and microfiltration membranes during recycling. The model parameters have been proven to have their expected physical interpretations, with excellent quantitative agreement to direct microscopic observations. The model, originally developed for membranes with a simple capillary pore structure, was extended to complex filtration media through the development of a 3D stochastic reconstruction method that demonstrated broad significance to the filtration community. #2 Optimization of MWF Surfactant Concentrations for Maximum Microfiltration Flux. We have derived equations that determine the optimal surfactant concentration and anionic:nonionic surfactant ratio that maximizes emulsion stability and recycling rate. Although the problem is highly non-linear, we validated the optimal solutions experimentally and have shown that minimal adjustments in surfactant concentrations can lead to improvements in recycling rate of over 8x. #3 Revision of Standard Method for Tapping Torque Test. While evaluating re-formulated MWFs for machining performance using the standard tapping torque test (ASTM D 5619), we found that the method has inherent and significant sensitivity limitations. Consequently, we developed an improved protocol that demonstrates high correlation between laboratory tapping torque tests and known field results. The evaluation method is now widely used by metalworking fluid formulators. #4 Molecular Technology for Mycobacteria detection in MWFs. Microbial contamination of MWFs, particularly by Mycobacteria species, poses a significant health and safety risk for exposed workers. Our research successfully designed and validated a fluorescent peptide nucleic acid (PNA) probe useful for reducing the time required to detect Mycobacteria in MWF from 2 weeks to within 1 day. #5 Micro Integrated Flow Cytometer (MIFC). Widespread use of flow cytometry (FCM), in applications ranging from the detection of Mycobacteria in MWFs to bioterrorism, is inhibited by the size and cost of existing FCM instruments. The MIFC is novel with respect to 1) the application of fiberoptics within a disposable microfluidic system, and 2) the successful implementation of low cost diode lasers and PIN photodetectors for detecting weakly fluorescing microbes. These developments have opened the door to a 10x reduction in the size and cost of FCM, which has led to the launch of a start-up company. #6 Vegetable-Based MWFs. We have developed 100% bio-based MWFs that exhibit improved machining performance and emulsion stability relative to petroleum-based MWFs, while simultaneously offering reductions in life cycle environmental impact and lower health risks to workers.

#7 CO2-Based MWFs. We have designed and validated a system to utilize supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) as a MWF. The approach, the first of its kind, solves a host of problems, most notably bio- degradation, worker infection, and water pollution. While solving these problems, our cutting tests with scCO2 showed significantly improved manufacturing performance relative to existing MWFs. #8 Life Cycle Evaluation of Design and Manufacturing Decisions. In this collection of research activities, we have investigated the life cycle environmental aspects of: 1) laser-based manufacturing, 2) cellular telephone remanufacturing, 3) consumer appliance recycling, and 4) MWF production and use. While these investigations are individually important, they are also collectively important, as we are using the broad knowledge to develop new approaches to integrate quantitative environmental impact models within decision-making processes, with the aim of finding the optimal level of environmental protection to include in engineering design, corporate, and public policy decisions.

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 14 College of Engineering B.2 List research programs underway Include information regarding involvement of graduate students, research staff, and other faculty, both inside and outside the UM.


Objectives: This research program has two objectives: 1) to quantify environmental, societal, and economic trade-offs that are unique to manufacturing, so as to identify critical need-areas for innovation, and 2) to perform fundamental research that leads directly to the development of environmentally sustainable manufacturing technologies.

Faculty Collaborators: Peter Adriaens (CEE), Kim Hayes (CEE).

Graduate Students: Shu-Chi Chang (CEE), Andres Clarens (CEE), W. Ross Morrow (ME), Fu Zhao (ME), Julie Zimmerman (CEE/SNRE).

Undergrad. Students: Carlos Aguilar (ME), Aaron Kurjan (ME), Heather Landis (ME), Ashley Murphree (ME/CEE), Chuck Sayao (CEE), Dorian Simmons (ME), Satsuki Takahashi (ME), Marcy Urbance (ME).

Projects Completed to Date:

(P1.1) Microfiltration Recycling of Metalworking Fluids [Also UG3 above]. In this project, a model has been developed to describe the mechanisms of flux decline for the microfiltration of semi-synthetic MWFs based on laboratory scale microfiltration experiments and environmental scanning electron microscopy. With the knowledge gained from these investigations, novel MWF formulations are being designed to have inherently improved productivity during the microfiltration recycling process.

(P1.2) Rapid Identification of Mycobacteria in Metalworking Fluids via Molecular Techniques [Also UG3 above]. The use of fluorescent peptide nucleic acid (PNA) probes designed to target the cellular 16S rRNA in M. parafortuitum was demonstrated as a novel means for identifying Mycobacteria contamination in metalworking fluids. It was also shown that 1) flow cytometry can be used to quantify Mycobacteria concentrations, and 2) that flow cytometry can be used to determine the relative growth phase of microbial populations.

(P1.3) Vegetable-Based Metalworking Fluid Microemulsions This investigation has focused on the design of mixed anionionc/nonionic emulsifier systems for bio-based MWFs that improve fluid lifetime by providing emulsion stability under hard water conditions. Experimental research is being performed to evaluate the impact of emulsifier chemical characteristics on vegetable oil microemulsion stability. Outcomes have included the study of a twin-headed anionic surfactant which can provide improved hard water stability for both mineral oil- and vegetable oil-based formulations. The newly developed formulations with improved hard water stability are equivalent or better than commercially available MWFs with respect to tramp oil rejection, contact angle, and manufacturing performance.

This project has been featured in the Fall/Winter 2003 issue of Michigan Engineer. http://www.engin.umich.edu/alumni/engineer/03FW/research/vegetable/

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 15 College of Engineering (P1.4) Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Metalworking Fluids Recently, we have developed supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) MWFs to deliver oil, boundary, and extreme pressure lubricants in metalworking applications. The use of CO2 as a delivery system eliminates almost all problems associated with traditional metalworking fluids, including their potential for microbial contamination. The approach also eliminates the occupational hazards associated with worker exposure to biocides. By eliminating water from the formulation, the application of scCO2 based fluids will no longer require auxiliary MWF additives such as corrosion inhibitors and chelating agents, both of which can cause hazardous waste disposal problems. scCO2 based fluids have the potential to be added to a cutting region in very precise quantities, improving their efficiency and recovery, and reducing the amount of raw materials needed to make them. Thus, scCO2 can be thought of as a new class of microlubrication technology that would be compatible with all metal cutting and forming operations. The use of scCO2 also has inherent cooling advantages relative to water since the expansion of scCO2 at the exit of a nozzle leads to the formation and delivery of dry ice near to the cutting zone. We have shown that the approach is viable and exhibits better manufacturing performance than aqueous and straight oil MWFs.

UM has filed a patent based on this technological development (UM File #3024). Praxair, Inc. has expressed interest in developing and licensing the technology

This project was featured in the July 27, 2005 Edition of the Lube Report: http://www.imakenews.com/lng/e_article000432685.cfm?x=b11,0,w

(P1.5) Understanding Ion-Induced Mechanisms of Metalworking Fluid Destabilization This research has demonstrated that MWF emulsion destabilization can arise from changes in field conditions such as decreasing pH and increasing dissolved ion concentration. It has been shown that ion-induced destabilization is created by the disruption of electrostatic stabilizing forces that exist in MWFs when they are first formulated. Moreover, it has been shown that chelating agents such as EDTA, which are added to MWFs to maintain microemulsion stability over time, may not be available as conventionally assumed to counteract the destabilizing impact of hard water cations. This has major implications for MWF formulation, and demonstrates the need for the design of unconventional MWF systems that are inherently more resistant to destabilization than traditional chemical formulations.

(P1.6) Statistical Analysis of Tapping Torque Tests for Metalworking Fluid Evaluation [Also UG2 above]. This research resulted in a metric of resolving power that successfully quantifies the ability of a tapping torque test (T3) operating condition (speed, material, tool size, etc.) to discriminate between MWFs. It was shown that as resolving power increases, the correlation of T3 response to expected field performance increases, demonstrating the utility of the metric.

(P1.7) Optimization of Surfactant Concentrations for Improved Microfiltration Recycling This research developed and validated a mathematical model of microfiltration that establishes governing relationships between MWF formulation and microfiltration recycling performance. The model, which is based mechanistically on surfactant adsorption/desorption kinetics, queueing theory, and coalescence kinetics of emulsion droplets, is verified experimentally. An analysis of the model indicates that the selection of surfactant packages which 1) weakly adsorb to membranes and 2) lead to a high activation energy of coalescence result in a higher flux through microfiltration

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 16 College of Engineering membranes. The model also yields mathematical equations that express the optimal concentrations of anionic and nonionic surfactant to include in a MWF microemulsion to maximize microfiltration flux for a given combination of oil chemistry, oil concentration, and surfactant types. Optimal MWF formulations have been demonstrated for petroleum- based and vegetable-based MWFs, where increases in flux from 3-8 times have been achieved without sacrificing manufacturing performance. This reduces recycling costs by roughly the same amount.

On-Going Projects Related to Environmentally Sustainable Manufacturing Systems:

• Relationships of Surfactant Structures and Combinations to Vegetable Oil Microemulsion Stability • Impact of Extreme Pressure Additives on Metalworking Fluid Microemulsion Stability and Manufacturing Performance • Development and Validation of Laboratory-Scale Methods for Evaluating Extreme Pressure Additives in Manufacturing Operations • Validation of Microfiltration-Based Method for Estimating Free Energy of Microemulsion Droplet Coalescence

• Development of scCO2 MWFs with Extreme Pressure Additives

• Field Testing and Economic Evaluation of scCO2 Metalworking Fluids

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 17 College of Engineering PROGRAM #2: SUSTAINABLE AQUEOUS SYSTEMS

Objectives: Aqueous systems of societal importance such as drinking water, manufacturing fluids, and irrigation systems are subject to market forces that negatively impact ecosystems, human health, national security, and the economy. These forces have led to a reconsideration of commonplace interactions between economic development and aqueous resources in an effort to minimize their depletion and contamination. A sustainable aqueous system by definition aims to maximize the utility of aqueous resources for society without 1) reducing supply, quality, or distribution of water for future generations, and 2) without negatively impacting ecosystems or human health over the life cycle of the system. This research intends to develop requisite technologies necessary to support the development of sustainable aqueous systems.

Faculty Collaborators: Peter Adriaens (CEE), Katsuo Kurabayashi (ME), Shuichi Takayama (BME)

Graduate Students: Shu-Chi Chang (CEE), Dongeun Huh (BME), C.-T. Linh (EECS), Yi- Chung Tung (ME), Min Zhang (ME), Fu Zhao (ME)

Accuri, Inc. Partners: Jennifer A. Baird (MBA), David Olson (Ph.D.), Collin A. Rich (Ph.D.)

(P2.1) Closed-Loop Microbial Control System for Aqueous Systems The technologies currently under development for metalworking fluid recycling and microbial control can be readily extended to achieve closed-loop utilization of drinking water, reclaimed water, and other industrial fluids such as aqueous cleaners and process acids. Metalworking fluids are consequently serving as a testbed for demonstrating a generalized control system applicable to numerous aqueous systems of industrial and societal interest. Technology and science-based research is currently being performed that integrates the following: 1) fundamental system characterization, 2) sensor development, and 3) actuator development. This project is integrating these separate research projects into a single unified control system.

(P2.2) Micro Integrated Flow Cytometer (MIFC) The goal of this research is to develop a miniaturized, on-line, and low-cost sensing instrument to detect, quantify, and determine basic cell functions of bacteria, fungus, protozoa, and other eukaryotic cells. To achieve these goals, we have developed a prototype instrument called the Micro Integrated Flow Cytometer (MIFC). Distinct from previous efforts toward miniaturizing flow cytometers, the approach integrates automation, microfluidics, laser-excitation, and fluorescence detection in a low-power instrument capable of being fabricated at the hand-held level. The prototype MIFC has so-far shown robust performance down to 6 micron particle detection, including bacteria and fungus cells. U.S. Patent Application #20030054558 (Flow Cytometers and Detection Systems of Lesser Size) was filed by UM based on this project

Featured in Michigan Engineer and in Biophotonics International magazine. http://www.engin.umich.edu/news/flowcytometer/index.html

Accuri Instruments, launched in Sept. 2004 based on this project, won the Runner- Up Emerging Company Prize at the 2005 Great Lakes Entrepreneurship Quest.


Objectives: The long-term objective of this program is to identify the best design, public policy, and technology options available that can minimize the environmental impact of engineering systems. The near-term objectives of the program are to develop quantitative tools and case studies that will help engineers and policymakers minimize the life-cycle environmental impact of technology decisions across geographic, cultural, and temporal manifestations.

Faculty Collaborators: Dennis Assanis (ME), Zoran Filipi (ME), Kim Hayes (CEE), Jack Hu (ME), Greg Keoleian (SNRE), Noboru Kikuchi (ME), Michael Kokkolaras (ME), Jyoti Mazumder (ME), Panos Papalambros (ME), Kazu Saitou (ME), Guenther Seliger (Technical University Berlin)

Graduate Students: Bahadir Basdere (Technical University Berlin), Kuei-Yuan Chan (ME), Andres Clarens (CEE/SNRE), Aaron Hula (ME), Kiumars Jailai (RTWH University Aachen, Germany), Inki Kim (ME), Jeonghan Ko (ME), Jeremy Michalek (ME), Yanbin Mo (ME), W. Ross Morrow (ME), Aviroot Prasitnarit (Technical University Berlin), Huan Qi (ME), Marco Zettl (Technical University Berlin), Julie Zimmerman (CEE/SNRE)

Completed Projects:

(P3.1) Life Cycle Assessment of Direct Metal Deposition vs. Traditional Manufacturing for Mold and Die Tooling Solid Freeform Fabrication (SFF) technologies such as Direct Metal Deposition (DMD) have made it possible to eliminate environmentally polluting supply chain activities in the tooling industry and to repair and remanufacture valuable tools and dies. In this research, we investigated three case studies to reveal the extent to which DMD-based manufacturing of molds and dies can currently achieve reduced environmental emissions and energy consumption over the life cycle relative to conventional manufacturing pathways. It is shown that DMD’s greatest opportunity to reduce the environmental impact of tool and die manufacturing will come from its ability enable remanufacturing. Laser-based remanufacturing of tooling was shown to reduce cost and environmental impact simultaneously, especially as the scale of the tool increases.

(P3.2) Profit / Environmental Characteristics Cellular Phone Remanufacturing This research investigated the state-of-the art in remanufacturing of cellular telephones and compared economic issues and environmental impacts to primary manufacturing. Characteristics of developed countries versus lesser developed countries were explicitly considered in the remanufacturing enterprise, and the corresponding impacts of introducing remanufactured cellular telephones to such markets were described. It was shown that while remanufacturing as a process carries a much lower environmental burden than primary manufacturing, the remanufacturing enterprise will increase the net environmental burden of the cellular telephone industry. The extent of this impact depends on situational issues such as transportation and energy grid technology, and how remanufactured cellular phones are discarded after their second life.

(P3.3) Decision Making for Product End of Life Decisions under Multiple Situations This research has described a methodology to analyze how product designs and situational variables impact the Pareto set of optimal end-of-life (EOL) strategies with the greatest environmental benefit for a given economic cost. Since the determination of this Pareto set via enumeration of all disassembly sequences and EOL fates is prohibitively time-consuming even

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 19 College of Engineering for relatively simple products, multi-objective genetic algorithms (GA) were utilized to rapidly approximate the Pareto set of optimal EOL trade-offs between cost and environmentally conscious actions. To illustrate the methodology, a case study involving the EOL treatment of a coffee maker was described. Impacts of situational variables on trade-offs between recovered energy and cost in Aachen, Germany and in Ann Arbor, USA were elucidated, and a means of presenting the results in the form of a multi-situational EOL strategy graph was presented.

(P3.4) Life Cycle Comparison of Vegetable, Non-Aqueous, and Petroleum Based MWF Systems In this project, we compared the life cycle emissions of petroleum, soybean, and canola oils formulated as aqueous semi-synthetic metalworking fluids with soybean oil-in-scCO2 MWFs. It was shown that the implementation of scCO2 as a MWF will have significantly lower Global Warming Potential than traditional aqueous MWFs. The scCO2 system is also superior with respect to all other categories of environmental emissions.

This project won the 2005 Poster Competitions at the Biennial ISIE Conference in Stockholm(1st place) and at the Biennial AEESP Conference in Potsdam, NY (2nd place).

(P3.5) Propagation of Uncertainty in Automotive Ring/Liner Investigation Part of Dual Use Science and Technology Program (TACOM/GM): Concurrent Design of Next-Generation Powertrains, Manufacturing Processes, and Materials: A Simulation Based Approach This research resulted in an approach for performing design optimization for multilevel engineering systems under uncertainty. The reliability of satisfying the probabilistic constraints was computed by means of the most probable point method using the hybrid mean value algorithm, and a linearization technique was employed for estimating the propagation of uncertainties through the problem hierarchy. The proposed methodology was then applied to a piston-ring/cylinder-liner engine subassembly design problem. Specifically, the impact of variations in manufacturing-related properties such as surface roughness on engine attributes such as brake-specific fuel consumption was assessed. Results were compared with Monte Carlo simulation, and similar results were achieved in significantly less computational time.

(P3.6) Impacts of Fuel Efficiency and Emissions Policies on Optimal Design Decisions Part of The Antilium Project: The Rationalization of Human Artifacts This research presented a methodology for studying the effects of automobile fuel efficiency and emission policies on the long-term design decisions of profit-seeking automobile producers competing in an oligopoly market. Mathematical models of engineering performance, consumer demand, and manufacturing costs were developed for a specific market segment, and game theory was utilized to simulate competition among firms to predict design choices of producers at market equilibrium. Several policy scenarios were evaluated for the small car market, including corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions taxes, and diesel technology quotas. The research demonstrated the feasibility of developing an optimization based approach for incorporating engineering design and performance considerations into policy analysis, and showed that the approach can yield predictive insight into the impact of government regulations on industry, consumers, and the environment.

(P3.7) Analytical Approach to Design Optimization with Probabilistic Constraints Very little research has been performed that aims to understand the relationship between engineering decisions and environmental impact from the perspective of design optimization. The problem is particularly challenging for product design due to the large sources of uncertainty that exist with respect to the final manufacturing output, the use of the product by consumers, and the relationship between the product and the environment after the product has reached the use phase. As a first step in this direction, this effort contributed to the on-going activities of the ME

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 20 College of Engineering Optimal Design laboratory to develop analytical optimization approaches for the family of Reliability-Based Design Optimization (RBDO) problems. The outcome of the project was a new strategy utilizing an adaptive sequential linear programming (SLP) algorithm which is an advancement on current techniques that gives a good balance of accuracy and computational efficiency, while also having guaranteed convergence properties. The methodology is currently being applied to sustainable design and policymaking problems.

On-Going Projects Related to the Environmentally Sustainable Design of Engineering Systems:

• Extension of RBDO Solution Approaches (P3.7) to Problems with Non-Gaussian Parameters, Discrete Variables, and Joint Constraint Probability. - Case Study: Optimization of Vehicle Emissions Regulations to Protect Human Health with Explicit Consideration of Uncertainty arising from Behavioral and Environmental Sources

• Development of an Optimal Control Analysis Framework for Technology Policymaking to Encourage Sustainable Design

• Determining the Implications of Automotive Greenhouse Gas Policies on Vehicle Design and Materials Flows

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 21 College of Engineering B.3 List grants and contracts (Include title, sponsor, dates, amount, names of principal investigators and/or co-principal investigators, and number of GSRAs supported by grant or contract. Grants and contracts must be sequentially numbered.

Include the total dollar amount for each team-based project grant and the candidate’s share of the total.

B.3.1 The following grants were ones for which I had principal or joint responsibility for writing the winning proposal.

1. Minimization of Health Risks due to Metalworking Fluid Microbes and Biocides Sponsor: National Science Foundation Dates: September 2000 - December 2003 Amount: $125,000 (100%) PI: Steven J. Skerlos Students: 1 Ph.D. (Dr. Fu Zhao)

2. CAREER: Optimization of Metalworking Fluids in Environmentally Benign Manufacturing Systems Sponsor: National Science Foundation Dates: January 2001- December 2005 Amount: $450,000 (100%) PI: Steven J. Skerlos Students: 2-Ph.D. (Dr. Fu Zhao; Dr. Julie Zimmerman)

3. Removal of Microorganisms and Other Process Contaminants from Cutting Fluids Using Membrane Filtration Sponsor: Ford Motor Company Dates: January 2001 – Open Amount: $30,000 (100%) PI: Steven J. Skerlos Students: 2-Undergraduate (Heather Landis; Marcy Urbance)

4. A Prototype MEMS Device for Low-Cost and Realtime Detection of Microorganisms Based on Flow Cytometry Sponsor: The University of Michigan Rackham School of Graduate Studies Dates: January 2001- December 2003 Amount: $15,000 (50%) Lead PI: Steven J. Skerlos Co PI: Katsuo Kurabayashi (ME)

5. Optimal Design for Product Component Recovery and Re-Use Via Embedded Disassembly Using Reverse Integral Attachments Sponsor: CoE Institute for Environmental Science, Engineering, and Technology Dates: January 2001- July 2003 Amount: $75,000 (50%) Lead PI: Kazuhiro Saitou (ME) Co PIs: Steven J. Skerlos, Panos Papalambros (ME), Noboru Kikuchi (ME) Students: 1-Ph.D. (Ying Li); 1-M.S. (Aaron Hula)

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 22 College of Engineering 6. An Optimal Microbial Control System to Enable Environmental Improvement of Aqueous Fluidic Systems (Seed Funding) Sponsor: CoE Institute for Environmental Science, Engineering, and Technology Dates: January 2001- July 2003 Amount: $90,000 (50%) Lead PI: Steven J. Skerlos Co PIs: Peter Adriaens (CEE), Kim Hayes (CEE), Katsuo Kurabayashi (ME) Students: 1-Ph.D. (Dr. Yi-Chung Tung)

7. Design for Product-Embedded Disassembly Using Reversible Integral Attachments Sponsor: National Science Foundation and Environmental Protection Agency Dates: January 2002 – December 2004 Amount: $375,000 (50%) Lead PI: Kazuhiro Saitou (ME) Co PIs: Steven J. Skerlos, Panos Papalambros (ME), Noboru Kikuchi (ME) Students: 1-Ph.D. (Ying Li); 1-M.S. (Aaron Hula), 1-Ph.D. (W. Ross Morrow)

8. PREMISE: Energy, Cost, and Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing of Mold Tooling via Direct Metal Deposition Sponsor: National Science Foundation Dates: October 2002 – September 2003 Amount: $100,000 (50%) Co PIs: Jyoti Mazumder (ME), Steven J. Skerlos, Deba Dutta (ME) Students: 1-Ph.D. (W. Ross Morrow); 1-Ph.D. (Dr. Huan Qi)

9. Design of Alternative Vehicle Subsystems for Reduced Air Emissions: Proposal for Funding Undergraduate Student ME 450 Projects Sponsor: Environmental Protection Agency Dates: February 1, 2003 – August 30, 2004 Amount: $26,800 (ME 450: 100%) PI: Steven J. Skerlos Students: Approximately 20 undergraduate capstone design student projects.

10. The Gilbert Whitaker Fund for the Improvement of Teaching Sponsor: The University of Michigan at Ann Arbor Dates: May 1, 2003 – April 31, 2004 Amount: $10,000 (50%) Co PIs: Kim F. Hayes, Steven J. Skerlos

11. Design of Novel Petroleum-Free Metalworking Fluids Sponsor: National Science Foundation / Environmental Protection Agency Budget: $325,000 (50%) Co PIs: Kim F. Hayes, Steven J. Skerlos Students: 1-Ph.D. (Mr. Andres Clarens)

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 23 College of Engineering 12. SGER: Design and Manufacturing of Precision Products directly from CAD by Combined Laser Aided Metal Addition and Subtraction Sponsor: National Science Foundation Dates: October 2002 – September 2003 Amount: $75,000 (50%) Co PIs: Steven J. Skerlos, Jyotirmoy Mazumder Students: 2-Ph.D. (W. Ross Morrow, Dr. Huan Qi)

13. Michigan Universities Commercialization Incentive Challenge Fund Sponsor: State of Michigan Dates: February 2004 – September 2004 Amount: $92,000 (25%) Co PIs: David Olson, Steven J. Skerlos

14. Design of Next Generation Vehicle Systems: Senior Design Projects Sponsor: Environmental Protection Agency Dates: January 2005 – September 2009 Amount: $70,000 (ME 450: 100%) Lead PI: Steven J. Skerlos Co-PI: Albert Shih Students: Approximately 35 undergraduate student projects.

15. AWARE: An Easy-to-Use Tool to Facilitate Informed Consumer Purchasing Based on Environmental Attributes Sponsor: Environmental Protection Agency Dates: September 2004 – August 2005 Amount: $10,000 (100%) PI: Steven J. Skerlos, Jeremy Michalek Students: 5 undergraduate student projects, 1 graduate student project (25 students).

16. AWARE@home: An Easy-to-Use Tool to Facilitate Utility Usage Reduction in the American Home Sponsor: Environmental Protection Agency Dates: September 2004 – August 2005 Amount: $10,000 (100%) PI: Steven J. Skerlos, Andres Clarens Students: 5 undergraduate student projects, 1 graduate student project (20 students).

Winner of Inaugural EPA P3 Sustainable Design Competition

17. Material Selection for Fuel Cell Bipolar Plates: Life Cycle Energy and Recycling Analysis Sponsor: General Motors Dates: February 2004 – August 2005 Amount: $5,000 (100%) PI: Steven J. Skerlos Students: 1 M.S. student project (3 students).

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 24 College of Engineering 18. ME 450: Industrial Sponsored Projects Sponsors: Associated Spring, DePuy, DTE Energy, General Motors, Quaker Chemical, International Truck, Shell, Steelcase, TAC Manufacturing, TACOM, Whirlpool Amount: Approximately $100,000 (ME 450: 100%) Students: Approximately 30 capstone design projects

19. Implications of Automotive Fuel Economy and Emissions Policies on Materials Flows: A Life Cycle Approach Integrating Engineering, Public Policy, and Market Decisions Sponsor: National Science Foundation Biocomplexity Program (MUSES) Dates: September 1, 2005 – August 31, 2006 Amount: $100,000 (75%) Lead PI: Steven J. Skerlos Co-PI: James Winebrake (Chair, Public Policy Department at RIT)

B.3.2. The following grants were ones for which I have contributed to the execution of research supported by the project award.

20. Enabling Technology for a Sustainable Energy Future through Interdisciplinary Research and Training Sponsor: Alcoa Foundation Conservation and Sustainability Fellowship Program Dates: September, 2005 – December 31, 2010 Amount: $844,000 (Percentage to be determined since it is new project – Estimate 5%) Lead PIs: Greg Keoleian (SNRE) and Tom Lyon (SNRE/Business) Co PIs: Daniel G. Brown (SNRE), Jonathan W. Bulkley (CEE/SNRE), William S. Currie (SNRE), Thomas N. Gladwin (SNRE/Business), Andrew Hoffman (SNRE/Business), Michael R. Moore (SNRE), Barry G. Rabe (SNRE/Public Policy), Steven J. Skerlos (ME), Julia M. Wondolleck (SNRE)

21. Technological Innovations in an Industrially Designed and Manufactured Modular Housing Concept for Low Energy, Prefabricated, Low-Rise Low Income Housing Units Sponsor: National Science Foundation / Housing and Urban Development (PATH) Dates: September 1, 2005 – August 31, 2006 Amount: $280,000 (Percentage to be determined since it is new project – Estimate 5%) Lead PI: Harry Giles (Architecture) Co-PIs: Eric Dueweke, Fernando Lara, Thomas Buresh, Steven J. Skerlos

22. Future Combat Systems: Production Planning Study for the Manned Ground Vehicle Sponsor: US DOD Army/Boeing Dates: January 1, 2005 – December 31, 2005 Amount: $800,000 (5%) Lead PIs: Jack Hu (ME) and John Cristiano (IOE) Co PIs: Jan Shi (IOE), Albert Shih (ME), Steven J. Skerlos (ME), Galip Ulsoy (ME)

23. Lasers and Plasma for Advanced Manufacturing Sponsor: National Science Foundation Dates: September 2004 – August 2009 Amount: $275,000 (to date, in-kind contribution estimated at 2% of project value) Lead PI: Jyotirmoy Mazumder CoPIs: Arvind Atreya, Steven J. Skerlos

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 25 College of Engineering

24. Concurrent Design of Next-Generation Powertrains, Manufacturing Processes, and Materials: A Simulation Based Approach Sponsor: US DOD Army/TACOM Dates: March 1, 2000 – December 31, 2003 Amount: $3,000,000 (2%) Lead PI: Panos Y. Papalambros Co PIs: Dennis Assanis (ME) and Jack Hu (ME)

25. The Antilium Project: The Rationalization of Human Artifacts Sponsor: Rackham Interdisciplinary Collaborative Project Dates: September 1, 2002 – August 30, 2005 Amount: $200,000 (in-kind contribution to project estimated at 5% of project value) Lead PI: Panos Y. Papalambros Co PIs: Jan-Henrik Andersen (Art and Design), Mattias Jonsson (Mathematics), Fred Feinberg (Business), Richard Gonzalez.(Psychology)

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 26 College of Engineering B.4 New research directions Describe any new research directions, include those involved and scale activity. (one page maximum)

Proposed: Implications of Automotive Fuel Economy and Emissions Policies on Materials Flows: A Life Cycle Approach Integrating Engineering, Public Policy, and Market Decisions Sponsor: National Science Foundation Biocomplexity Program (MUSES) Dates: September 2006 – December 2010 Amount: Phase 1 Seed Grant = $100,000 awarded Phase 2 Proposal ~$2M (due Feb. 2006) Role: Lead PI (Co-PI is James Winebrake: Chair, Dept. Public Policy, RIT)

Demand for automobiles is the source of materials flows that are among the largest known to modern society. This demand also accounts for a significant portion of US greenhouse gas, criteria pollutant, and hazardous air emissions. As new public policies are considered to address these issues, science is currently unable to predict unintended consequences of proposed public policies on materials flows and life cycle environmental emissions. Consequently, the overarching goal of this program is to establish quantitative relationships between materials flows and public policy options. With this planning grant award, we will form a team of expert investigators that will develop an integrated proposal for research that will accomplish the following: 1) establish a rigorous scientific methodology for predicting engineering design responses to a set of policy options based on an understanding of corporate incentives, technology design, and production costs; 2) evaluate market penetration of these responses through model-based understanding of consumer preferences; and, 3) quantitatively model the impact of these responses on life-cycle materials flows and environmental emissions. The outcomes will inform the automotive policy development process through objective and quantitative modeling approaches. The scientific impact of the research will include a clearer understanding of relationships between technology options, policy decisions and life cycle materials flows and emissions. The broader impact will include the development of decision modeling tools through an integrated, systems-based modeling package that will allow decision makers to evaluate and optimize technology and policy decisions with respect to costs, market acceptance, and environmental impacts.

Other Proposals in Progress / Under Review:

Proposed IGERT: Design Science (Second Submission Expected F05) Sponsor: National Science Foundation Amount: $1.0M Lead PIs: Panos Papalambros, Richard Gonzalez, Jan-Henrik Andersen, Fred Feinberg Role: Participant

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 27 College of Engineering B.5 Publications NOTES: Publications in each category below must be sequentially numbered in reverse chronological order (newest items first). Casebooks without numbered publications will not be accepted for review. Publication format may vary by discipline but should be consistent in casebook. Underline the names of current graduate student(s) in your research group among the authors; double underline the names of graduate students in your research group among the authors; joint students should be indicated by italic and single underline; undergraduate students should be single underlined and noted by an asterisk * after their name. The preferred format in the Provost’s office is for journal names to be spelled out (i.e. not abbreviated). If this is not possible, then the abbreviations must be included, along with the full journal names, in the qualitative ranking list of journals.

1. List of qualitative ranking of the journals and proceedings appearing in the list of publications (candidate’s assessment)

Qualitative Ranking of Journal Publications: Category 1 Peer-Reviewed Journals – Among Top 3 Highest Impact in Respective Fields 1. Environmental Science and Technology (4 + 1 submitted) 2. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) (4) 3. Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of ASME, (3) 4. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (1) 5. Journal of Manufacturing Systems (2) 6. Journal of Manufacturing Processes (1 submitted) 7. Biomedical Microdevices (1) 8. Lubrication Engineering (1) 9. Journal of Cleaner Production (1) Category 2 Peer-Reviewed Journals – Well-Read with Lower Impact than Category 1 10. Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institute (NAMRI) (3) 11. Transactions of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) (1) 12. Biotechnology Advances (1) 13. Federation of European Microbiology Societies: FEMS Microbiology Ecology (1) 14. Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Development (1 submitted) 15. International Bioremediation and Biodeterioration Journal (1) 16. Plating & Surface Finishing (1)

Qualitative Ranking of Conference Proceedings (papers accepted to journal not counted): Category 1 Peer-Reviewed Papers – High Impact with Strict Acceptance Standards 1. International Symposium on Micro Total Analysis Systems (2) 2. Proceedings of the ASME: Design Engineering Technical Conference (1) 3. Proceedings of the ASME: Manufacturing Science and Engineering Division (2) Category 2 Peer-Reviewed Papers – Well-Read with Less Strict Acceptance Standards 4. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids (1) 5. The Japan/USA Symposium on Flexible Manufacturing (1) 6. Proceedings of EcoDesign and Inverse Manufacturing (3) 7. Proc. of the Global Conference on Sustainable Product Design and Life Cycle Engineering (2) 8. Proceedings of the 9th Annual World Filtration Congress (1) 9. Proceedings of the World Engineering Conference (1) 10. Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Symposium on Electronics and the Environment (1) 11. Late Breaking Papers at the Genetic Programming 1997 Conference (1)

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 28 College of Engineering 2. Full articles in refereed publications (Full articles in refereed publications are journals, transactions, or archives that have appeared or have been accepted only)

(J25) Chan, K.Y., Skerlos, S.J., Papalambros, P.Y., 2005. “An Adaptive Sequential Linear Programming Algorithm for Optimal Design Problems with Probabilistic Constraints”, to appear in the Journal of Mechanical Design.

(J24) Chan, K.Y., Skerlos, S.J., Papalambros, P.Y., 2005. “An Adaptive Sequential Linear Programming Algorithm for Optimal Design Problems with Probabilistic Constraints”, to appear in the Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of ASME.

Also in SME 2005 Design Engineering Technical Conference (DETEC2005), Long Beach, California, September 24-28, 2005.

(J23) Morrow, W.M., Qi. H., Kim, I., Mazumder, J., Skerlos, S.J., 2005,"Environmental Aspects of Laser Based Tool and Die Manufacturing", Journal of Cleaner Production (in press).

(J22) Zhao, F., Landis, H.R.*, Skerlos, S.J., 2005, “Pore Scale Model of Permeability for Isotropic and Anisotropic Porous Filters using 3-Dimensional Stochastic Reconstruction”, Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 239-247.

(J21) Chan, K.Y., Kokkolaras, M., Papalambros, P.Y., Skerlos, S.J., Mourelatos, Z., 2004. “Propagation of Uncertainty in Optimal Design of Multilevel Systems: Piston-Ring/Cylinder-Liner Case Study”, Selected for publication in SAE 2004 Transactions (in press). Also appeared in Proceedings of the SAE World Congress, March 8-11, 2004, Detroit, Michigan. Paper no. 2004-01-1559.

(J20) Chang, S.-C., Rihana, A., Bahrman, S., Gruden, C., Khijniak, A., Skerlos, S.J., Adriaens, P., 2004. “Flow Cytometric Detection and Quantification of Mycobacteria in Metalworking Fluids”, International Bioremediation and Biodeterioration Journal, Vol. 54, No. 2-3, pp. 105-112.

(J19) Zimmerman, J.,, Hayes, K., Skerlos, S.J., 2003, “Influence of Ion Type and Concentration on the Emulsion Stability and Machining Performance of Two Semi-Synthetic Metalworking Fluids”, Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 38, pp. 2482-2490.

(J18) Adriaens, P., Goovarts, P., Skerlos, S.J., Edwards, E., Egli, T., 2003, “Intelligent for Sustainable Potable Water: A Roundtable For Emerging Transnational Research And Technology Development Needs”, Biotechnology Advances, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 119-134.

(J17) Michalek, J., Papalambros, P.Y., Skerlos, S.J., 2005, “A Methodology for Studying the Effects of Emissions Policies on Optimal Vehicle Design Decisions”, Journal of Mechanical Design: Transactions of ASME, Vol. 126, pp. 1062-1070. Also in ASME 2003 Design Engineering Technical Conference (paper #DAC-48767), Chicago, Illinois, September 2-6, 2003.

(J16) Zhao, F., Urbance, M.*, Skerlos, S.J., 2004, “Mechanistic Model of Coaxial Microfiltration for a Semi-Synthetic Metalworking Fluid Microemulsion”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering: Transactions of ASME, Vol. 126, pp. 435-444. Also in the Proceedings of the Japan/USA Symposium on Flexible Manufacturing, Hiroshima, Japan, July 15-18, 2002. pp. 1355- 1362.

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 29 College of Engineering (J15) Tung, Y-C., Lin, C-T, Zhang, M., Kurabayashi, K., Skerlos, S.J., 2003, “PDMS-Based Opto-fluidic Microsystem for Flow Cytometry”, Sensors and Actuators B, Vol 98, No. 2-3, pp 356-367.

(J14) Sutherland, J.W., Skerlos, S.J., Olson, W.W., Gunter, K.L., Haapala, Khadke, K., Sadasivuni, and Zimmerman, J., 2003. “Environmentally Benign Manufacturing: Status and Vision for the Future”, Transactions of North American Manufacturing Research Institute / Society of Manufacturing Engineers (NAMRI/SME), Volume XXXI, Hamilton, Canada, May 20-23, 2003. pp. 345-352.

(J13) Skerlos, S.J. and Zhao, F., 2003, “Economic Considerations in the Implementation of Microfiltration for Metalworking Fluid Biological Control”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 202-219.

(J12) Skerlos, S.J., Skerlos, L.A., Aguilar, C.A.*, Zhao, F., 2003. “Expeditious Identification and Quantification of Mycobacteria Species in Metalworking Fluids using Peptide Nucleic Acids”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 137-147.

(J11) Gruden, C., Skerlos, S.J., Adriaens, P., 2003, “Flow Cytometry for Microbial Sensing in Environmental Sustainability Applications: Current Status and Future Prospects”, Federation of European Microbiology Societies: FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Vol. 49, pp. 37-49.

(J10) Zimmerman, J., Clarens, A., Hayes, K., Skerlos, S.J., 2003, “Design of Hardwater Stable Emulsifier Systems for Petroleum- and Bio-Based Semi-Synthetic Metalworking Fluids”, Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 37, No. 23, pp. 5278-5288.

(J9) Hula A.., Jalali, K.*, Hazma, K., Skerlos, S.J., Saitou, K. 2003, “Multi-Criteria Decision Making for Optimization of Product Disassembly Under Multiple Situations”, Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 37, No. 23, pp. 5303-5313.

(J8) Huh, D., Tung, Y-C., Wei, H-H., Grotberg, J.B., Skerlos, S.J., Kurabayashi, K., Takayama, S. 2002, “Use of Air-Liquid Two-Phase Flow in Hydrophobic Microfluidic Channels for Disposable Flow Cytometers”, Biomedical Microdevices, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 141-149.

(J7) Zimmerman, J., Takahashi, S.*, Hayes, K., Skerlos, S.J., 2003, “Experimental and Statistical Design Considerations For Economical Evaluation Of Metalworking Fluids Using The Tapping Torque Test”, Lubrication Engineering, April, 2003, pp. 17-24.

(J6) Rajagopalan, N., Lindsey, T., and Skerlos, S.J., 2001. "Engineering of Ultrafiltration Equipment in Alkaline Cleaner Applications", Plating & Surface Finishing, Vol. 88, No. 12, pp. 56-60.

(J5) Skerlos, S.J., Rajagopalan, N., DeVor, R.E., Kapoor, S.G., Angspatt, V.D., 2001. “Microfiltration of Polyoxyalkylene Metalworking Fluid Additives using Aluminum Oxide Membranes.” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering: Transactions of ASME, Vol. 123, No. 4, pp. 692-699.

(J4) Skerlos, S.J., Rajagopalan, N., DeVor, R.E., Kapoor, S.G., Sanford, R.A., 2001. “Model of Biomass Concentration in a Metalworking Fluid Reservoir Subject to Continuous Biofilm Contamination during the Use of Membrane Filtration to Control Microorganism Growth.” Transactions of North American Manufacturing Research Institute / Society of Manufacturing Engineers (NAMRI/SME), Volume XXIX, May 2001, pp. 229-234.

(J3) Skerlos, S.J., Rajagopalan, N., DeVor, R.E., Kapoor, S.G., Angspatt, V.D., 2000. “Ingredient-Wise Study of Flux Characteristics in the Ceramic Membrane Filtration of Uncontaminated Synthetic

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 30 College of Engineering Metalworking Fluids: Part 1: Experimental Investigation of Flux Decline.” Transactions of ASME: Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 122, No. 4, pp. 739-745.

(J2) Skerlos, S.J., Rajagopalan, N., DeVor, R.E., Kapoor, S.G., Angspatt, V.D., 2000. “Ingredient-Wise Study of Flux Characteristics in the Ceramic Membrane Filtration of Uncontaminated Synthetic Metalworking Fluids: Part 2: Analysis of Underlying Mechanisms.” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering: Transactions of ASME, Vol. 122, No. 4, pp. 746-752.

(J1) Sutherland, J. W., Cao, T., Daniel, C., Yue, Y., Zheng, Y., Sheng, P., Bauer, D., Srinivasan, M., DeVor, R.E., Kapoor, S.G., Skerlos, S.J., 1997, “CFEST: An Internet-Based Cutting Fluid Evaluation Software Testbed.” Transactions of North American Manufacturing Research Institute / Society of Manufacturing Engineers (NAMRI/SME), Volume XXV, May, 1997, pp. 243-248.

3. Shorter , letters or notes or briefs in refereed publications


4. Refereed conference or symposium proceedings

(NOTE: The P/T committee should indicate, with justification, which (if any) of these proceedings are being treated by the committee as equivalent to full articles in archival journals)

(C20) Chan, K.Y., Skerlos, S.J., Papalambros, P.Y., 2005. “An Active Set Strategy for Probabilistic Design Optimization”, accepted to the ASME IMECE Design Symposium, Orlando, Florida, November 5-11, 2005.

(C19) Clarens, A.F., Hayes, K. F., Skerlos, S.J., 2005, “Development and Performance Testing of Metalworking Fluids using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, 2005, Orlando, May 1-4, 2004.

(C18) Skerlos, S.J., Adriaens, P., Hayes, K., Zimmerman, J., Zhao, F., 2004, (invited paper) “Ecological Material and Green Manufacturing: Design and Technology for Metalworking Fluid Systems”, Proceedings of the World Engineering Congress, 2004, Shanghai, November 2-6, 2004. pp. 124-131.

(C17) Morrow, W.M., Qi. H., Kim, I., Mazumder, J., Skerlos, S.J., 2004,"Laser-Based and Conventional Tool and Die Manufacturing: Comparison of Environmental Aspects", Proceedings of the Global Conference on Sustainable Product Design and Life Cycle Engineering, September 29 – October 1, Berlin 2004. pp. 103-110.

(C16) Seliger, G., Skerlos, S.J., Basdere, B., Zettl, M., 2004, "Collaborative Development of Sustainable Strategies for the of Mobile Phones in a Global Educational Environment ", Proceedings of the Global Conference on Sustainable Product Design and Life Cycle Engineering, September 29 – October 1, Berlin 2004. pp. 337-346.

(C15) Clarens, A.F., Zimmerman, J.B., Landis, H.R.*, Hayes, K.F., Skerlos, S.J., 2004, “Experimental Comparison of Vegetable and Petroleum Base Oils in Metalworking Fluids using the Tapping Torque Test”, Proceedings of the Japan/USA Symposium on Flexible Manufacturing, Denver, Colorado, July 19-21, 2004.

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 31 College of Engineering (C14) Chan, K.Y., Kokkolaras, M., Papalambros, P.Y., Skerlos, S.J., Mourelatos, Z., 2004. “Propagation of Uncertainty in Optimal Design of Multilevel Systems: Piston-Ring/Cylinder- Liner Case Study”, Proceedings of the SAE World Congress, March 8-11, 2004, Detroit, Michigan, paper no. 2004-01-1559. (also see J21 above)

(C13) Zhao, F., Landis, H.R.*, Skerlos, S.J., 2004. “Prediction of Microfiltration Flux Decline Due to Electroviscous Retardation and Adsorption using Pore Scale Stochastic Reconstruction Model”, Proceedings of the 9th Annual World Filtration Congress, Paper No. 322-1, April 18-24, New Orleans, LA, 2004.

(C12) Seliger, G., Skerlos, S.J., Basdere, B., Zettl, M., 2003, "Universal Cell Phone Housing for Profitable Remanufacturing", Proceedings of EcoDesign 2003: 3rd International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, Tokyo, Japan, December 8-11.

(C11) Michalek, J., Papalambros, P.Y., Skerlos, S.J., 2003, “A Methodology for Studying the Effects of Emissions Policies on Optimal Vehicle Design Decisions”, ASME 2003 Design Engineering Technical Conference (DETEC2003), Chicago, Illinois, September 2-6, 2003. (Also J17 above)

(C10) Skerlos, S.J., Hayes, K.F., Morrow, W.R., Zimmerman, J.B., 2003, “Diffusion of Sustainable Systems through Interdisciplinary Graduate and Undergraduate Education”, Proceedings of the ASME: Manufacturing Science and Engineering Division, Vol. 14, pp. 599-606.. Washington, D.C., Nov., 2003.

(C9) Skerlos, S.J., Morrow, W.R., Chan, K-Y, Hula, A., Seliger, G., Basdere, B., Prasitnarit, A., 2003. “Evaluating the Profit and Environmental Characteristics Of Global Cellular Telephone Remanufacturing.” Proceedings of the Electronics Goes Green 2003 International Congress and Exhibition: Life-Cycle Environmental Stewardship for Electronic Products, Boston, MA, May 19-22, 2003. Proceedings of the Colloquium on e-ecological Manufacturing, Technical University Berlin, March 27, 2003, pp. 143-147.

(C8) Zhao, F., Urbance, M.*, Skerlos, S.J., 2002, “Mechanistic Model of Coaxial Microfiltration for Semi-Synthetic Metalworking Fluid Microemulsions”, Proceedings of the Japan/USA Symposium on Flexible Manufacturing, Hiroshima, Japan, July 15-18, 2002. pp. 1355-1362. (also J16 above)

(C7) Tung, Y-C., Lin, C.-T., Kurabayashi, K., Skerlos, S.J., 2002, “High Fidelity Detection of Multi- Color Fluorescence Signals from Biological Cells using Silicon-Based Photodetectors in a Disposable Flow Cytometer Channel”, Sixth International Symposium on Micro Total Analysis Systems (µTAS), Nara, Japan, November 3-7, 2002.

(C6) Li, Y., Saitou, K., Kikuchi, N., Skerlos, S.J., and Papalambros, P., 2001, "Design of Heat- Activated Reversible Integral Attachments for Product-Embedded Disassembly", Proceedings of EcoDesign 2001: 2nd International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, Tokyo, Japan, December 12-16, pp. 360-365.

(C5) Skerlos, S.J., Adriaens, P., Hayes, K., Rihana, A., Kurabayashi, K., Takayama, S., Zimmerman, J., Zhao, F., 2001, “Challenges to Achieving Sustainable Aqueous Systems: A Case Study in Metalworking Fluids”, Proceedings of EcoDesign 2001: 2nd International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, Tokyo, December 13-16, 2001, pp. 146-153.

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 32 College of Engineering (C4) Huh, D., Tung, Y-C., Grotberg, J.B., Skerlos, S.J., Kurabayashi, K., Takayama, S. 2001, “Air- Liquid Two-Phase Microfluidic System for Low-Cost, Low-Volume, and Low-Power Micro Flow Cytometer”, Fifth International Symposium on Micro Total Analysis Systems (µTAS), Monterey, California, October 21-25, 2001. pp. 468-470.

(C3) Skerlos, S.J., Rajagopalan, N., DeVor, R.E., Kapoor, S.G., Sanford, R.A., 2000. “Model of Biomass Concentration in Membrane Filtration Recycling Systems Subject to Single Substrate Limited Growth Kinetics.” Proceedings of the ASME: Manufacturing Science and Engineering Division. Orlando, FL Volume 10, November, 2000, pp. 813-820.

(C2) Skerlos, S.J., DeVor, R.E., Kapoor, S.G., 1998, “Environmentally Conscious Disposal Considerations in Cutting Fluid Selection.” ASME International Mechancial Engineering Congress and Exposition. In Lee, J. (editor) Proceedings of the ASME: Manufacturing Science and Engineering Division. Anaheim, CA, Volume 8, Nov., 1998, pp. 397-403.

(C1) Zhu, R., Skerlos, S.J., DeVor, R.E., Kapoor, S.G., 1997, "Application of Genetic Algorithm to Machining Process Diagnostics with a DOE-Based GA Validation Scheme." In Koza, J. R. (editor), Late Breaking Papers at the Genetic Programming 1997 Conference. Stanford University, CA, July, 1997, pp. 273-279.

5. Refereed conference summaries or abstracts

(A25) Zhao, F., Clarens, A.F., Skerlos, S.J., 2005. “Optimization of Metalworking Fluid Formulations for Microfiltration Recycling" 2005 AEESP Research and Education Conference. Clarkson University, July 23 - July 27, 2005.

(A24) Clarens, A.F., Hayes, K.F., Skerlos, S.J., 2005. “Vegetable oil-in-Supercritical Carbon Dioxide based Metalworking Fluids" 2005 AEESP Research and Education Conference . Clarkson University, July 23 - July 27, 2005.

(A23) Zhao, F., Clarens, A.F., Skerlos, S.J., 2005. “Design of Metalworking Fluids for Microfiltration Recycling" 3rd International Symposium of the International Society of Industrial Ecology. Stockholm, Sweden, June 12 - June 15, 2005.

(A22) Clarens, A.F., Hayes, K.F., Skerlos, S.J., 2005. “Life Cycle Assessment of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide vs. Water as a Carrier" 3rd International Symposium of the International Society of Industrial Ecology. Stockholm, Sweden, June 12 - June 15, 2005. Winner of Poster Competition (First Place / 37 entries).

(A21) Skerlos, S.J., and Morrow, W.R., 2002. “Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Direct Metal Deposition with Traditional Die and Mold Manufacturing Practices”, 2nd International Symposium of the International Society of Industrial Ecology. Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 29 - July 2, 2003.

(A20) Zhao, F., Landis, H.*, Skerlos, S.J., 2003. “Network Model of Porous Filter Filtration via Pore Scale Reproduction of Process Fouling Mechanisms”, World Filtration Congress, April 2004.

(A19) Morrow W.R.., Skerlos, S.J., Seliger, G., Basdere, B., vanDillen, A., 2003. “Use of an Optimization Framework and Life Cycle Assessment for Technological and Logistical Decision- Making in Global Cellular Telephone Remanufacturing”, SETAC LCA and ISIE 11th LCA Case Study Symposium, December 2003, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 33 College of Engineering (A18) Zimmerman, J., Clarens, A.F.., Hayes, K., Skerlos, S.J., 2002. “Development of Novel 100% Vegetable-Based Metalworking Fluids”, Abstract accepted for presentation at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Society of Tribology and Lubrication Engineers (STLE), April 2003, New York, NY.

(A17) Hula, A., Hazma, K., Jalali, K.*, Saitou, K., Skerlos, S.J., 2002. “Situational Analysis of End-of- Life Factors to Promote Robust Economic Strategies for Product Asset Recovery and ” 2nd International Symposium of the International Society of Industrial Ecology. Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 29 - July 2, 2003.

(A16) Zimmerman J., Keoliean, G., Hayes, K., Skerlos, S.J., 2002. “Comparative Life Cycle Analysis of Petroleum and Bio Based Metalworking Fluids”, 2nd International Symposium of the International Society of Industrial Ecology. Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 29 - July 2, 2003.

(A15) Chang, S-C, Bahrman, S.E., Khijniak, A., Gruden, C.L., Rihana, A., Skerlos, S.J., Adriaens, P., 2003. “Direct Detection of Pathogenic Bacteria in a Semisynthetic Metalworking Fluid for Sustainable Metalworking Processes”, 2nd International Symposium of the International Society of Industrial Ecology. Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 29 - July 2, 2003.

(A14) Chang, S-C, Bahrman, S.E., Khijniak, A., Gruden, C.L., Rihana, A., Skerlos, S.J., Adriaens, P., 2003. “Rapid Enumeration of Bacteria for Microbial Stabilization in Metalworking Fluids”, Abstract accepted for poster presentation at the 2nd International Symposium of the International Society of Industrial Ecology. Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 29 - July 2, 2003.

(A13) Skerlos, S.J. and Hayes, K.F., 2002, “Diffusion of Sustainable Systems through Interdisciplinary Graduate and Undergraduate Education”, American Society for Engineering Education: Annual Conference and Exhibition. Nashville, Tennessee, June 22-25, 2003.

(A12) Zimmerman, J.B., Hayes, K., Skerlos, S.J., 2003, “Influence of ion type and concentration on the emulsion stability and machining performance of two semi-synthetic metalworking fluids”, Annual American Chemical Society Meeting. New Orleans, LA, March 25, 2003.

(A11) Adriaens, P., Gruden, C., Skerlos, S.J., 2002. “(Micro)Flow Cytometry for Bioremediation and Water Quality Monitoring”, Keynote presentation by Professor Peter Adriaens to the 2002 International Symposium on Subsurface Microbiology. Copenhagen, Denmark, Sept. 8-13, 2002.

(A10) Skerlos, S.J., 2002. “Sustainable Systems Engineering Research and Education: A Case Study in Sustainable Aqueous Systems.” Invited presentation to the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors / American Academy of Environmental Engineers Education and Research Conference. Toronto, Canada, August 11-13, 2002.

(A9) Adriaens, P., Loeffler, F., Chang S-C, Rihana, A., Tiedje, J., and Skerlos, S.J., 2002. “Microbial Sensing and Control: From Bioremediation to Industrial Biofouling”, Keynote presentation by Professor Peter Adriaens to the 12th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium. Prague, Czech Republic, July 14-18, 2002.

(A8) Gruden, C., Chang, S-C, Bahrman, S., Rihana-Abdallah, A., Khijniak, A., Skerlos, S.J., Adriaens, P., 2002. “Rapid Microbial Sensing for Environmental Health Applications using Flow Cytometry”, Poster presentation by Dr. Cyndee Gruden National Institutes of Health BECON 2002: Sensors for Biological Research and Medicine. Bethesda, Maryland, June 24-25, 2002.

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 34 College of Engineering

(A7) Skerlos, S.J., 2002, “Distributed Microbial Detection and Quantification Networks”, Invited panel member and presentation to the Sixth Biennial International Society for Environmental Biotechnology (ISEB) Symposium, Veracruz, Mexico, June 9-12, 2002.

(A6) Skerlos, S.J., Skerlos, L.A., Aguilar, C.A.*, Zhao, F., 2002. “Expeditious Identification and Quanitifcation of Mycobacteria Species using Peptide Nucleic Acids.” 57th Annual Meeting of the Society of Tribology and Lubrication Engineers. Houston, Texas, May 20-24, 2002.

(A5) Zimmerman, J.B., Takahashi, S.*, Hayes, K., Skerlos, S.J., 2002, “Experimental And Statistical Design Considerations For Economical Evaluation Of Metalworking Fluids Using The Tapping Torque Test”, 57th Annual Meeting of the Society of Tribology and Lubrication Engineers. Houston, Texas, May 20-24, 2002.

(A4) Zimmerman, J.B., Hayes, K., Skerlos, S.J., 2002, “Investigation of High Performance Vegetable Oil-Based Metalworking Fluids for Hard Water Stability”, American Chemical Society and Conference, Washington, D.C., June 24-27, 2002.

(A3) Zimmerman, J.B., Hayes, K., Skerlos, S.J., 2001, “Green Metalworking Fluids”, 1st International Symposium of the International Society of Industrial Ecology. Leeuwenhorst, Netherlands. November 12-14, 2001.

(A2) Sutherland, J., and Skerlos, S.J., 2001. “Assessing the Role of Cutting Fluids in Machining”, Presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Society of Tribology and Lubrication Engineers. Orlando, Florida, May 20-24, 2001.

(A1) Sheng, P., Bauer, D., Sutherland, J.W., Cao, T., Gandhi, A., DeVor, R.E., Kapoor, S.G., and Skerlos, S.J., 1998. “Web Based Cutting Fluid Evaluation Software”, Presented at the 31st CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems. Berkeley, California, May 26-28, 1998.

6. Other submitted publications

Journal Submissions

(JS3) Clarens, A.F., Vittorini, A.*, Lamiman, B.*, Bourkouris, K.*, Pariseau. J.*, Pandian, P.*, Skerlos, S.J., 2005, "AWARE@home: A Case Study in Technological Design to Promote Environmental Conservation in the American Home", under review for the Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Development: Energy, Environment Health.

(JS2) Zhao, F., Landis, H.R.*, Skerlos, S.J., 2005, “Optimization of Metalworking Fluid Microemulsion Surfactant Concentrations for Microfiltration Recycling”, under review for Environmental Science and Technology.

(JS1) Clarens, A.F., Hayes, K.F., Skerlos, S.J., 2005. “Feasibility of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Metalworking Fluids" under review for Journal of Manufacturing Processes.

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 35 College of Engineering Conference Submissions

N/A (as of 10/1/2005)

7. Abstracts in non-refereed conference proceedings


8. Books


9. Chapters in books:

(BC2) Skerlos, S.J., Morrow, W.R., Michalek, J.J.,2005, “Sustainable Design Engineering and Science: Selected Challenges and Case Studies”, Sustainable Engineering and Science: Defining Principles (in press, Elsevier).

(BC1) Skerlos, S.J., 2005, “Prevention of Metalworking Fluid Pollution: Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing at the Machine Tool”, Handbook of Environmentally Conscious Mechanical Design - Volume 2: Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing (under peer review, John Wiley & Sons).

10. Book reviews


11. Government, university, or industrial reports (non-refereed)


12. Publications in popular press/magazines


Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 36 College of Engineering 13. INVITED Publications and Presentations (INVITED journal/conference articles, keynote conference or symposium presentations, and invited talks to prestigious colloquia or seminar series)

Keynote Presentations (I10) Skerlos, S.J., 2003, “Will Sustainable Product and Manufacturing Solutions Self-Assemble?”, UM Keynote to the Michigan/MIT/Stanford Symposium Making the Business Case for Sustainability. Simultaneous Web-Broadcast to Michigan, MIT, and Stanford Campuses. April 11, 2003.

(I9) Adriaens, P., Gruden, C., Skerlos, S.J., 2002. “Micro-Flow Cytometry for Bioremediation and Water Quality Monitoring” Keynote Presentation by Professor Peter Adriaens to The 2002 International Symposium on Subsurface Microbiology. Copenhagen, Denmark, September 8-13.

Symposium Presentations (I8) Skerlos, S.J., 2005, “Sustainable Product Design: Traps, Trade-Offs, Triumphs”, Invited Presentation to the Green by Design 2005 Symposium, Grand Rapids, MI, Sept. 28-29, 2005.

(I7) Skerlos, S.J., Adriaens, P., Hayes, K., Zimmerman, J., Zhao, F., 2004, “Ecological Material and Green Manufacturing: Design and Technology for Metalworking Fluid Systems”, Invited Presentation to the World Engineering Conference Symposium on Ecological Material and Green Manufacturing, Shanghai, China, November 4, 2004.

(I6) Skerlos, S.J., 2003. “Manufacturing, The Environment, and The Business Case: A Systems Perspective”, Invited presentation to the ERC on Environmentally Benign Semiconductor Manufacturing, Stanford, August 21-22, 2003.

(I5) Skerlos, S.J., 2003, “Net Shape Manufacturing and the Environment”. Invited presentation to the 2003 NSF Design, Service and Manufacturing Grantees and Research Conference, Birmingham, Alabama, January 8, 2003.

(I4) Skerlos, S.J., 2002. “Sustainable Systems Engineering Research and Education: A Case Study in Sustainable Aqueous Systems.” Invited presentation to the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors / American Academy of Environmental Engineers Education and Research Conference, Toronto, Canada, August 11-13, 2002.

(I3) Skerlos, S.J., 2002, “Distributed Microbial Detection and Quantification Networks”, Invited presentation to the Sixth Biennial ISEB Symposium, Veracruz, Mexico, June 9-12, 2002.

Industry Colloquium Presentations (I2) Skerlos, S.J., 2004. “Sustainable Design in the Semiconductor Industry”. Invited Presentation to the Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing Subgroup of AVS. AVS Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA. November 17, 2004.

(I1) Skerlos, S.J., 2002. “Manufacturing and the Environment: The Next Frontier.” Invited presentation to the Tauber Manufacturing Institute Industrial Advisory Board. Ann Arbor, Michigan, October 18, 2002.

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 37 College of Engineering B.6 Technology Transfer

1. Candidate’s own statement of contributions to technology transfer (1 page maximum)

During my research appointment at the Illinois Waste Management and Research Center from 1996-1999, I participated in numerous evaluations of manufactuing facilities with the goal of identifying technology transfer opportunities that would simultaneously reduce environmental impact and financial costs. This included pilot studies related to my own microfiltration research projects in large corporations such as Caterpillar, Inc. (Peoria, Illinois) and in small ones such as Cerion, Inc. (Champaign, IL). My interest and activity in technology transfer has been maintained since arriving at UM, as technology transfer is a central component of my long-term professional objective to diffuse environmentally sustainable technologies and decision-making practices into the real-world.

Since arriving to UM, I have been co-inventor of three UM invention disclosures (file nos. 2135, 2590, and 3120). File #2135 was supported by UM for patent application and has recently been licensed by a start up company (Accuri Instruments, Inc.) that I co-founded in Sept. 2004. File #3120 also has a significant patent and commercialization potential (related to P.1.4) and I have been actively working with Praxair, Inc. and Boeing on a business case to support the technology development. UM has filed a provisional patent on this technology, and several companies including Praxair have already expressed interest in licensing opportunities.

Elements of technology transfer have also been pervasive in my other research activities. A sample of research activities that have resulted in significant industrial interactions is provided below. Each listed activity is accompanied by a list of the companies that have contributed resources (financial, proprietary information, or material) in exchange for early research results:

• Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Based Metalworking Fluids [P1.7] − Blaser Swisslube, Boeing, Praxair, BP Castrol, Quaker, TechSolve. • Rapid Detection of Mycobacteria sp. in Metalworking Fluids [P1.2] − General Motors, D.A. Stuart • Microfiltration of Metalworking Fluids for Bacterial Control and Recycling [P1.1] − Ford Motor Company, Milacron Inc., U.S. Filter Corporation • Development of Bio-Based Metalworking Fluids [P1.3] − Cargill Industrial Oils and Lubricants, Luberos, Dow Chemical, Quaker Chemical, Degussa Chemical Inc., Lubrizol • Statistics-Based Evaluation of MWFs via Tapping Torque Performance [P1.6] − D.A. Stuart, Milacron Inc. • Ring/Piston Liner Design for Manufacturability and Robust Performance [P3.6] − General Motors, TACOM • Decision-Making for Remanufacturing and Recycling of Consumer Electronics [P3.2, 3.3] - Motorola, Jabil Circuit

I have also built strong technology-transfer relationships with industry through my role as Course Coordinator in ME 450. In this capacity, long-term relationships with companies such as International Truck, Visteon, Shell, DTE Energy Technologies, Whirlpool, EPA, and DePuy have been established.

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 38 College of Engineering

2. US and International Patents awarded (title, number, date issued)


3. Patents submitted (title, date submitted)

Flow Cytometers and Detection Systems of Lesser Size U.S. Pat. App. No. 20030054558 (UM File #2135)

Metalworking Fluid Formulations Based on Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Provisional Patent Application Submitted April 29, 2005 (UM File # 3024)

4. Other major technology transfer activities (provide whatever information you find appropriate)

Co-Founded Start-Up Company (UM File #2135) Accuri Instruments, Inc.

UM File #2590 Differential Refraction for Discriminating Emission Wavelengths from Fluorescent Particles

5. Industry interactions Interactions are defined here by at least one face-to-face meeting since January 2000 with useful information exchange leading to a significant contribution to my research at UM. .

− Aerospace Manufacturers ƒ Boeing, Rolls Royce Engine − Industrial Gas Supliers ƒ Praxair − Metalworking Fluid Formulators ƒ D.A. Stuart, Milacron, Lubrizol, Degussa Chemical, Quaker Chemical, Blaser Swisslube, Castrol, Chrysan. − Metalworking Fluid Base Component Suppliers ƒ Luberos, Cargill Industrial Oils and Lubricants, Holland Industries, Degussa Industrial Chemicals, Quaker Chemical Corporation − Metalworking Fluid End-Users ƒ Ford Motor Co., General Motors − Microfiltration Membrane Manufacturers ƒ U.S. Filter Corporation / Pall Corporation − MicroIntegrated Flow Cytometer ƒ Wescor, Regenesis, Beckman-Coulter − Electronics Recycling ƒ Motorola, HP, Jabil Circuit − ME 450: General Mechanical Engineering Projects ƒ International Truck, Visteon, Shell, Whirlpool, Detroit Edison, EPA, and DePuy

Significant industry interactions have also taken place through my involvement with the Tauber Manufacturing Institute (TMI), the Dual Use Science and Technology program, and the program on evaluating recycling and remanufacturing aspects of Future Combat Systems.

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 39 College of Engineering B.7 Other

1. Collaborative activities with other faculty and institutions

University of Michigan Peter Adriaens (CEE): • College of Engineering Council • Application of Flow Cytometry in Industrial Applications

Kim Hayes (CEE): • Development of Vegetable-Based and Non-Aqueous Metalworking Fluids • Identification of Deterioration Mechanisms for Metalworking Fluids • Development of Hardwater Stable Metalworking Fluids • Life Cycle Assessment of Metalworking Fluid Systems • Development of Undergrad Course in Sustainable Systems Engineering

S. Jack Hu (ME) • Future Combat Systems: Production Planning Study for the Manned Ground Vehicle (also with John Cristiano, Jan Shi, Albert Shih, Galip Ulsoy).

Greg Keoleian (SNRE): • Life Cycle Assessment of Metalworking Fluid Systems • Systems Analysis Modeling of Sustainable Energy Policymaking

Katsuo Kurabayashi (ME): • Fabrication of MicroIntegrated Flow Cytometer (also with Shu Takayama)

Jyotirmoy Mazumder (ME): • Environmental and Energy Analysis of Laser Based vs. Traditional Tool and Die Manufacturing

Panos Papalambros (ME): • Integration of Engineering, Policy, and Environmental Models within Optimization Frameworks • Application of Reliability Based Design Optimization to Automotive Powertrain Application (also with Dennis Assanis, Zoran Filipi, S. Jack Hu, Kaushik Iyer, Michael Kokkolaras).

Kazu Saitou (ME): • Implementation Strategies for Optimal Situation-Based Disassembly.

Technical University Berlin Guenther Seliger (Faculty of Production Management): • Development of Modular Housing Platform for Cellular Telephones; • Automated Assembly / Disassembly of Cellular Telephones for Remanufacturing; • Evaluation of the Sustainability of Cellular Telephone Remanufacturing.

Parsons School of Design (New York) Richard Yelle (Industrial Design): • Collaborative Student Projects in Industrial/Mechanical Product Design, ME 450.

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 40 College of Engineering

2. Seminars in other UM departments or other institutions (e.g., universities, government, or industrial laboratories, etc.)

(S24) Presentation to EPA Director of Sustainable Development, Alan Hecht, at the Center for Sustainable Systems, Jan. 13, 2006.

(S23) Presentation to the UM Faculty Forum on Climate Change, UM North Campus, Dec. 2, 2005.

(S22) Praxair: Next Generation Technology Research Group July 5, 2005: Burr Ridge, IL

(S21) Blaser Swisslube: Head of Research and Development June 9, 2005: Visit to UM Campus from Hasel-Rüegsau

(S20) Degussa Goldschmidt: Metalworking Fluid Research and Development Leadership Team May 10, 2005: Visit to UM Campus from Hopewell Virginia

(S19) Sustainable Design in the Semiconductor Industry November 17, 2004: AVS Conference

(S18) ENG 490: Engineering for Community – Special Seminar on Sustainable Design March 11, 2004: UM CoE

(S17) Technical University Berlin: Institute of Factory Management September 30, 2003: Berlin, Germany

(S16) Industrial Advisory Board: Planning Meeting for I/U CRC on Net Shape Manufacturing September 16, 2003: Ann Arbor, Michigan

(S15) Stanford University: ERC on Environmentally Benign Semiconductor Manufacturing August 21, 2003: Palo Alto, California

(S14) Carnegie Mellon University: Green Design Initiative/Dept. of Environmental Engineering April 25, 2003: Pittsburgh, PA

(S13) Michigan/MIT/Stanford Symposium Making the Business Case for Sustainability. April 11, 2003: UM Business School (live MIT/Stanford interactive broadcast)

(S12) ASME Southeast Michigan Branch Seminar April 3, 2003: UM Dearborn

(S11) Technical University Berlin: Institute of Factory Management December 11, 2002: Berlin, Germany

(S10) TMI Industrial Advisory Board (Tauber Manufacturing Institute) October 18, 2002: UM Business School

(S9) CEMP Seminar (Corporate Environmental Management Program) October 16, 2002: UM Business School

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 41 College of Engineering (S8) Technical University Berlin: Institute for Factory Management October 10, 2002: Berlin, Germany

(S7) Technical University Berlin: Department of Waste Minimization and Recycling October 9, 2002: Berlin, Germany (S6) Aachen University: Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering September 30, 2002: Aachen, Germany

(S5) Technical University Delft: Department of Industrial Design Engineering September 27, 2002: Delft, The Netherlands

(S4) Manufacturing Engineering Seminar September 12, 2002: UM Manufacturing Engineering Program

(S3) DA Stuart Company July 8, 2002: Naperville, IL

(S2) Ford Motor Company August 28, 2002: Livonia, MI

(S1) Milacron, Inc. December 14, 2000: Cincinnati, OH

3. Outreach activities

Faculty Advisor of the BLUElab: http://www.engin.umich.edu/soc/BLUElab/ BLUElab at the University of Michigan is a student run organization that works to find sustainable solutions to development problems at home and abroad. We recognize that engineering students have a great deal to offer in the development of appropriate technology and we work to harness this expertise and apply it to real world. Representative projects:

Developing World Project A Comparative Assessment of Point-of-Use Water Purification Systems for Reducing Infant Mortality in Developing Countries This project is an investigation of various water purification technologies available to rural households in developing countries. The lab portion of this study is complete and the field work will be carried out in 2005-06. BLUElab is working together with the community of Rancho al Medio in the Dominican Republic and the NGO Manos al Tiempo to conduct a study of 3 water purification systems for rural homes.

Developed World Project AWARE@home: A Means to Profitably Integrate Environmental Conservation into the American Home This project has developed information and hardware technologies that will allow households to both save money and reduce environmental impact. The core concept involves secure wireless communication between utility meters and personal computers on home networks. The utility meters send email or pop-up messages to home computers when target financial expenditures are likely to be exceeded for the month.


Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 42 College of Engineering

B. Candidate’s Service Portfolio

B.1 Candidate’s own statement of contributions to service In addition to my three years of service on the ME Graduate Committee, my service contributions include a number of informal activities such as 1) expanding environmental awareness among our students (e.g., ConsEnSus, BLUElab, regular guest lectures), and 2) my role as an industry liaison within the context of ME 450. I have also represented ME at a number of CoE events such as the faculty fellows program, and in the UM strategic review of CoE. My formal service activities to CoE, government, and professional organizations are listed below.

B.2 List major committee assignments in the Department, College, and/or University (committee, dates, member or chair status)

− Civil and Environmental Engineering Chair Search Committee (Winter 2006) − Member of ME Graduate Program Committee (September 2002-present)

B.3 List administrative duties at U of M


B.4 List service to government or professional organization (type of service, dates)

International Conference / Symposium Organization

- North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC) 2007 ƒ Led successful bid to host conference at UM in May 2007

National Committee Service

- ASME – Manufacturing Engineering Division ƒ Vice Chair of Life Cycle Engineering Technical Committee - International Society for Industrial Ecology ƒ Technical Committee Member for Biennial Toronto Conference in 2007

Service to Academic Journals

- Journal Co-Editor: Special Issue of ES&T on Green Engineering, Issue December 1, 2003 Environmental Science & Technology is #1 in total citations and #2 in impact out of 35 journals covering Engineering and the Environment. Out of 134 journals in the Environmental Sciences, ES&T is #1 in total citations and ranks #4 in impact factor.

- Manuscript Reviewer

• Environmental Engineering Science • Environmental Science and Technology • International Journal of Product Design • International Journal on Environment and Pollution

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 43 College of Engineering • Journal of Advanced Engineering Informatics • Journal of Cleaner Production • Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Development • Journal of Environmental Engineering • Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of ASME • Journal of Manufacturing Systems • Journal of Manufacturing Processes • Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of ASME • Proceedings of the Society of Automotive Engineering, World Congress • Sensors and Actuators B

Service to Government Review Panel

- National Science Foundation Proposal Reviewer: DMII Unsolicited Proposals related to Environmentally Benign Design and Mfg. December, 2005.

- National Science Foundation Proposal Reviewer: DMII Unsolicited Proposals related to Environmentally Benign Design and Mfg. March 14, 2004.

- National Science Foundation Proposal Reviewer: DMII Unsolicited Proposals related to Environmentally Benign Design and Mfg. December, 2001.

Service to Academic Conferences and Society Memberships

- Symposia Sessions Co/Chaired Session Chair: Japan USA Symposium on Flexible Manufacturing Session: Environmentally Responsible Design and Manufacturing Location: Denver, CO Date: July 19, 2004

Session Chair: Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Manufacturing Session: Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing Location: Hiroshima, Japan Date: July 27, 2002

Session Chair: Annual Meeting: Society of Toxicologists and Lubrication Engineers Session: Environmental Aspects of Metalworking Fluids Location: Houston, TX Date: May 21, 2002

Session Chair: Annual Meeting: Society of Toxicologists and Lubrication Engineers Session: Environmental Aspects of Metalworking Fluids Location: New York, NY Date: April 28, 2003

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 44 College of Engineering - Memberships to Professional Societies AEESP: American Environmental Engineering and Science Professors ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers ISIE: International Society of Industrial Ecology SME: Society of Manufacturing Engineers STLE: Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers

B.5 List consulting arrangements (and annual time spent consulting with industry and government agencies)

Butler Snow and Associates Expert Witness Related to Mycobacteria Infection in Metalworking Fluids: 6 days per year (2004). D.A. Stuart Inc. General Expert, Statistical Analysis of Cutting Fluid Performance; Avg. 4 days per year (2002-2003).

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 45 College of Engineering B.6 Candidate’s own statement of contributions to diversity and climate (one page maximum)

Anecdotal evidence suggests that my efforts to develop a research and education program in Environmentally Sustainable Engineering have the potential to increase the interest of under- represented groups, such as female students, in engineering. This is due to the systems-oriented and holistic nature of the environmental, development, and economic issues addressed by the sustainability umbrella. A recent presentation at the 2005 Biennial Meeting of the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors provided some preliminary data which supported this assertion [Zimmerman and Vanegas, 2005].

Consistent with this hypothesis, I have informally observed a disproportionate level of interest from female students in my course Ecologically Sustainable Design and Manufacturing. The BLUElab is also generating significant interest among female students. Currently, about 40% of the BLUElab’s members are female, and by casual observation, it appears that more than 50% of the active participants are female. The BLUElab also contains a large, but unverified population of students from under-represented ethnic groups.

My other hope is that introducing first and second year students to the BLUElab could help improve their abilities as engineers by creating another meaningful application domain for the concepts learned in their engineering curriculum. In a lager view, the BLUElab is intended to help create better global citizens. If we are successful in implementing well planned development projects in impoverished places abroad, it is possible that the BLUElab will contribute a small part to improving the global social climate and reducing growing animosity witnessed abroad toward the United States.

B.7 Other

List of Memberships to Ad Hoc UM Groups and Committees: − Exploratory Planning Committee for Mechanical Engineering Facilities Construction and Renovation (Winter 2006)

− Faculty Affiliate: ERB Institute (http://www.erb.umich.edu/) − Faculty Affiliate: Center for Sustainable Systems (http://css.snre.umich.edu/)

− Founding Member of CoE Engineering Teaching Academy (2003 – present) − Founding Member of CoE Environmental Technology Council (2001 – 2003) − Member: Faculty Sustainability Cabinet on Sustainable Energy Systems

− Member of IESET Curriculum Committee (2000 - 2001) − Mechanical Engineering Faculty Liaison to ConsEnSus Program

Steven J. Skerlos, February 2006 46 College of Engineering