June 2006 June 2006

PARISH MAGAZINE EDITOR TTTHTHHHEEEE PPPAPAAARRRRIIIISSSSHHHHEEEESSSS ooofofff BBBEBEEERRRREEEE Alison Debenham RRREREEEGGGGIIIISSSS aaanannndddd AAAFAFFFFFPPPPUUUUDDDDDDLLLLEEEE ‘’Culver Dell“, , , with TURNERSPUDDLE Wareham, . BH20 7HU Telephone: 01929 471780 Fax: 01929 472580 The Reverend Ian Woodward E-mail: [email protected] The Vicarage, Bere Regis, BH20 7HQ Producing this magazine each month is a voluntary activity. As I work full time, Tel: (01929) 471262 please do not expect an immediate response to phone messages or e-mails. I usually work on the magazine at weekends, so will try to acknowledge e-mails by the Sunday after they have been sent. JUNE 2006 Please submit all announcements, copy or advertisements to Alison, no later than the 15th of each month. ************************************************* THOUGHTS FROM THE VICARAGEICARAGE Contributors from and may submit copy, no later than the 13th of each month, to: Una Russell This may not be the most popular of personal admissions - given that we are about to be overwhelmed by two weeks of non stop football coverage from the 1 Dairy Cottages, Briantspuddle, Dorchester, DT2 7HT World Cup championships in Germany -– but I’ve never really had a favourite 01929 471814. Please note – no advertisements to Una. football team though I do expect to be caught up in the fervour and the fever depending of course on how progresses. Cricket is an altogether ************************************************ different matter – human chess as test matches were once described, but thank God, we have the freedom to choose our sporting preferences. I say this because We regret that late submissions will not be included. I watched with some interest the public reaction to the closure of the Arsenal football club ground at Highbury in north early last month. People of every

************************************************ age and gender and background were mourning the end of an era lasting more than 80 years. Highbury Copy can be accepted handwritten, but preferably via e-mail as a Microsoft was a place of highs and lows; of endeavour and Word attachment. Alternatively, a MS Word file on floppy disk is acceptable. spirit, of triumphs and disasters, of modern history but Please ensure your virus software is fully up to date before e-mailing or always memories, good or not so good. supplying on disk. Please do not use underlining , UPPER CASE formatting, or When it opened in, I think, the 1920’s Highbury was include any tables or graphics. described as a cathedral of football. Last week I For more advice on computer based copy, please ring Alison. spent some time with a few colleagues led by the Bishop Huntingdon in our 13 th century cathedral at ********************************************** Salisbury, which even today 700 years on is still an astonishing marvel of design and holiness. In our Distribution enquiries contact: Sally and Gordon Cheeseman, 4 Elder Road, thoughts in the Trinity Chapel under that wonderfully Bere Regis, BH20 7LY. Telephone 01929 471022

84 Church website: www.bereregiswith1 affpuddle.org.uk June 2006 June 2006 demanding Prisoner of Conscience window, we were considering ‘holy places, sacred spaces’ and discussing what effect worship buildings can have not only on our worship but on our day to day faith too. There’s no doubt that a stadium like DATES FOR Highbury can have a unique atmosphere when it is full of perhaps 40,000 enthusiastic fans, but was it a cathedral and will the new Emirates stadium that replaces it also be a cathedral to football too? It perhaps all too easily leads us to YOUR DIARY believe that football is indeed the new religion. Yet much popular Christian wisdom today has it that The Church is not so much a building but is essentially The gathered people of God, after all Jesus didn’t go around designing buildings to worship in. I think this is true, but we have our September buildings and they can point us to God too and draw us to him and to each other. The Churches in our parishes are gifts to us from much earlier generations, it’s 9th Dorset Historic Churches Trust Sponsored Cycle Ride where the walls are soaked in prayer over the millennium and where God has 13th Autumn Leaves - 35th birthday lunch, Drax Hall 1.00 p.m. been continuously worshipped and lives and communities changed. Our churches are your churches, you belong to them and they to you, even if you don’t visit 16th Pop in Place Community Celebration Day 2.00 p.m. - 11.00 p.m. them very often or perhaps not at all, but most importantly, everyone is very welcome any time. October So whether our faith is in the new Highbury, the new Wembley or perhaps with 7th Auction of Promises in aid of Church funds, Drax Hall 7.30 p.m. England in Berlin on the 9 th July, or in our churches and people, it is both places and people that together for us can be life enhancing, and with our faith, life 11th Autumn Leaves - Dorset Curiosities, Drax Hall 2.30 p.m. changing too. 18th Purbeck Film Festival, Drax Hall 7.00 p.m. 21st Pop in Place Jumble Sale and Mini Auction 2.00 p.m.

November 8th Autumn Leaves - Talk by Kate Greenaway 2.30 p.m. 100 WATT CLUB 11th Table Top Sale - Drax Hall 10.00 a.m. 17th Pop in Place Children in Need event 10.00 a.m. - 12.00 25th Pop in Place Performer of the Year 7.00 p.m.

1st prize - £25 3rd prize - £10 Mrs N Pole - No 122 Mrs P Sharman - No 53 December 2nd prize - £10 4th prize - £5 2nd The Yetties, Drax Hall 7.30 p.m. Mrs O Curtis - No 78 Mrs J Herridge - No 239 4th Christmas Bingo, Drax Hall 7.30 p.m.

13th Autumn Leaves Christmas afternoon, Drax Hall 2.30 p.m.

New members are 5th prize - £5 always welcome Mr G Phillips - No 77

Please contact Gordon Phillips for details – 471525



June 4th Briantspuddle Open Gardens event 5th Pop in Place Village Quiz 7.30 p.m. 6th Gardening club - visit to be announced 14th Autumn Leaves - coach tour to Sidmouth 10.00 a.m. 17th Affpuddle Church fete 2.00 p.m. - 4.30 p.m. 24th Bere Regis Church fete ([email protected])

July 9th Pop in Place Open Gardens event 10.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. 12th Autumn Leaves - Rose competition and Exhibition 2.30 p.m. of embroidered tablecloths, Drax Hall 25-27th New Forest and Hampshire County Show 30th BBQ in the Peace Garden, St Laurence’s Affpuddle 12.30 p.m. 31sr Closing date for applications to Thomas Williams Trust

471751 August 6th Open Garden and Rural Crafts, Shitterton Farmhouse 11.00-6.00 8th/9th/10th/13th Holiday Club, Congregational Chapel 9th Autumn Leaves - Humorous talk on camping 2.30 p.m. 11th/18th/25th Pop in Place Children’s activities 10.00 a.m. - 11.45 p.m.

82 3 June 2006 Associati Contact Tel AddressJune 2006 E-mail Meetings/Info BEREBERE REGISREGIS CHURCHCHURCH ROTASROTAS on

Bere Regis Liz Teather 471216 The Old Mill, Fridays 10:30 a.m., including Toddler Music Doddings BH20 school holidays, Age 0 - 4, Bere Regis Sidesmen group 7NJ Scout Hut, Elder Road Bere Regis Coffee Stop Jean Thorn 471646 20 Cyril Wood Monthly Cyril Wood Court Evensong 4th 9.15 am Mr Bates/Mr House Court, BH20 7HH 1st Saturday 10am - 12 Readers Chalice Mr House/Mr Smith noon 6.00pm Mrs Jutting Drax Hall Sally 471022 4 Elder Road

4th Mrs Jutting Cheeseman BH20 7LY 11th 11.00am Family service Bookings 25th Miss Miller Mrs England with children Secretary

18th 9.15am Mr Wharf/Mr Smith Kingsbere Miss G Miller 471745 3 Boswell’s Close Monthly Drax Hall Quilters BH20 7JE 1st Wednesday @ 9.45 am Chalice Mr Croom/Mr Wharf

6.00 pm Miss Frampton Kingsbere Music Tim Colquhoun 471360 Heatherdown, kmt@tacmusi Charitable trust supporting Trust Brock Hill c.com devotees of real music

25th 11.00 am Miss Miller Lenny’s - Bere Terry Vine 471693 The Bungalow, terry.vine@tis Weekly. RBL Club Regis Youth club Lane End, Bere cali.co.uk 1st Wednesday and Heath, BH20 7NP following Tuesday evenings Cleaning and Dusting Juniors (8-11) 7.15-9.00 Seniors (12-17) 7.15-10.00

Cleaning Dusting Mothers’ Union Monthly. Turberville Court 1st Wednesday. 7.30 p.m. Mr R Robinson and Mrs A Miss S Frampton and Mrs J 3rd and 10th June Robinson Spicer Mobile Library Dorset County 01305 dorchestermo Alternate fortnights Car Council 224440 bilelibrary@d park orsetcc.gov.uk Mondays 9.20- 9.50 17th and 24th June Mrs C Clarke and Mrs Mr Mrs N Scott Fridays 10.50 - 12.15 Comben Pop in Place Angela Jones 472261 7 Boswells Close Weekly. Drax Hall Mrs H Day and Mrs K Mrs E Jutting 1st and 8th July BH20 7JE Monday and Friday Abbott mornings 10.00 - 12.00 Sanctuary Flower Guild Peter Wharf 472246 The Old Vicarage peterwharf@h Monthly surgery. Turberville Councillor West Street otmail.com Court, Communal Lounge 4th June Mrs J Herring and Mrs J Kinahan 1st Saturday @ 9.30—10.00          11th &18th June Mrs H Loxton Mrs J Clifford Royal British Mrs Glo Curtis 472620 32 Old Barn Road Glo.curtis@do Monthly at the club Legion Club rset.probation 3rd Monday @ 7.30 p.m.          .gsx.gov.uk 25th June & 1st July Foresters RBL Gardening Mrs Megan 471627 2 Manor House Monthly. RBL Club Stone 1st Tuesday. 8.00 p.m. First Sunday Coffee RBL Women's Mrs Eileen 471616 9 Elder Road Monthly. RBL Section Maidment 3rd Wednesday. 2.00 p.m. June 4th - Sarah Welton & Gwen Whittle St John’s Choral Tim Colquhoun 471360 Heatherdown, tac@tacmusic Set rehearsal dates for each singers Brock Hill .com performance 4 81 Twinning Mrs Ann 472424 3 Southbarn, southbarn@ti Meetings and events Association Robinson Sitterton, BH20 scali.co.uk arranged as and when. 7HU June 2006 June 2006 CHURCH AND VILLAGE ACTIVITIES, SOCIETIES, CLUBS, ASSOCIATIONS and CONTACTS and other useful information

Associati Contact Tel Address E-mail Meetings/Info on Pets’ Service

Ancient Order of Phyl Harris 472445 Monthly RBL Club Foresters Court 1st Monday - 7.30 pm Prospect 6575 11th June 2006 Autumn Leaves Margaret Dann 472734 4 Bitchams Mead Monthly Drax Hall Kath Jeeves 471175 “Larkspur” Snow 2nd Wednesday @ 2.30 Hill pm

Bere Regis Tim Colquhoun 471360 Heatherdown, choir@tacmus Rehearsals weekly. 7.00 Church Choir Brock Hill ic.com p.m. every Friday in BR church

Bere Regis Bob Holman 01305 Camelot, bob.holman@ 5.30 p.m.—7.00 p.m. at the Swimming club 848262 Affpuddle affpuddle.fsne Blandford Leisure Centre DT2 7HH t.co.uk

Bere Regis Lynda Crisford 471180 11 Bitchams Mead Michael.CRISF Every Tuesday 10.30 a.m. Health Walks BH20 7ND ORD@ukgate Bere Regis Car Park way.net

Bere Regis Bell Tower Captain - 471469 10, South Mead Normal practice night - Ringers John England Wednesdays 6.30 p.m. to Steeple Keeper 7.30 p.m. - Adrian 471774 Standfield Tower 472161 Correspondent - Jenny Kinahan

Bere Regis First Steven Battishill 471334 Rye Hill office@berere First School for pupils aged School - Headteacher BH20 7LP gis.dorset.sch. 4+ to 9 years uk

Bere Regis Scout Kim Benjafield 471170 kimbenjy@ya Wednesdays 6 - 7 pm Group (Beavers) Beaver Leader hoo.co.uk 5¾ - 8 years Scout Hut, Elder Road

Bere Regis Scout Christine 472159 Thursdays 6.30 - 8 pm Group (Cubs) Whitfield 8– 10 ½ or 11 years 80 Cub Leader Scout Hut, Elder Road 5

Bere Regis Scout Chris Gall 01305 chrisgall60@y Mondays 7.30 - 9 pm June 2006 June 2006 AFFPUDDLE CHURCH ROTAS Sidesmen, Readers, Readings, Intercessors and Chalice Bed and Bed and

Date Time Sidesman Readers Readings Breakfast Breakfast ♦ 4 Jun 8.00 R Killer R Killer BCP as set En-suite facilities  Ground Floor ♦ 11.00 K Wharton K Wharton Acts 2:1-21 Ground floor HOLIDAYS HOLIDAYS  Secure Parking A Armitage A Armitage John 15: 26-27;16:4b-15 ♦ Colour television  Quiet Country Setting

Chamberlaynes, West Acres, West Street 11 June 9.15 E Whatley E Whatley Rom. 8:12 - 17 Bere Regis D Payne J Cropper John 3: 1 - 17 Winterbourne Kingston DT11 9AT 6.00pm A Grindrod A Grindrod Ezek.1: 4 – 10, 20 – 28a 01929 471504 D Bentley Rev. 4: 1 - 11 01929 471293

18 June 8.00 P Badcock P Badcock BCP as set 11.00 TBA 2 Cor.5: 6 – 10 Typing and Mark 4: 26 - 34 Word OFFICE Processing 25 June 9.15 D Payne R Killer 2 Cor.6: 1 - 13 R Killer M Menzies Mark 4: 35 – to end All aspects of typing AND undertaken quickly and professionally. Letters, cv’s, 2 July 8.00 R Killer R Killer BCP as set reports, thesis, novels, SERVICES mailing/address lists, posters, 11.00 A Grindrod R Prideaux 2 Cor. 12: 2- 10 brochures, leaflets

R Prideauz A Grindrod Mark 6: 1 - 13 Debbie Robinson 01929 471225 Intercessions: 11 June M Menzies; 25 June, J Cropper, Fax: 01929 472584 Chalice: 11 June, M Menzies; 25 June, J Haigh

Flowers and Cleaning and Churchyard Grass Cutting Sugaring

Effective removal of Flowers Cleaning Chiropodist body/facial hair. HEALTH 4 June Marion Perris Marion Perris 11 June Jenny Silavs Sue Taylor Holistic Gillian Tottle 18 June Taisie Russell Taisie Russell AND massage MSSCh. MBChA 25 June Audrey Grindrod Audrey Grindrod relaxing, excellent for Registered member of BEAUTY stress and Health Professions Council

Mowing Period Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 related problems. 22 May – 4 June Ivor Bryant George Sherwood George Silavs 01929 462636 5 – 18 June Terry Lane Robin Gainsford Henry Hogger Jackie Macintosh ITEC - 19 June – 2 July John Mileham Paul Badcock Campbell de Burgh 01929 471068 Surgery only

6 79 June 2006 June 2006

Plumbing Chris’s The Good Food Co. Homemade meals CHURCHCHURCH SERVICESSERVICES ---- JUNEJUNE Services Window delivered to your door Cleaning Saturday 3 rd June Tim A Maunder Choice of main 2.30pm Holy Matrimony Bere Regis Service meals/cold suppers 15 North Street Buffets Bere Regis Telephone Delivery 6 days a week th Sunday 4 June Pentecost – Whit Sunday 01929 471342 01929 Tel Donna Hart on 8am Holy Communion Affpuddle 01202 389500 or 9.15am Parish Communion Bere Regis [email protected] 471075 07811 461491 11am Mattins & Communion Affpuddle 6pm Evensong Bere Regis

Carpet Fitter Planning a new th P J Bushby Kitchen or Sunday 11 June Trinity Sunday All aspects of carpet and 8am Holy Communion Bere Regis vinyl fitting undertaken. HOME Bathroom? 9.15am Parish Communion Affpuddle Domestic or commercial. Call your local specialist. 11am Family Service – Pets Service Bere Regis Your own materials fitted or AND Let me provide a complete home selection if preferred. 6pm Evensong Affpuddle one-stop service and help Helpful advice always you with everything from available. The complete BUILDING planning and design to th carpet and flooring service. supply and fitting. Sunday 18 June First Sunday after Trinity

8am Holy Communion Affpuddle 01202 624684 Martin Debenham or freephone 0800 0688982 9.15am Parish Communion Bere Regis 01929 472580 11am Family Communion Affpuddle 6pm Evensong Bere Regis

Chartered J R Ruskin Sunday 25 th June Second Sunday after Trinity Painter and Architect Conservatory 8am Holy Communion Bere Regis Decorator Robert Beedle 9.15am Parish Communion Affpuddle R.I.B.A. Base Layer Interior and 11am Mattins & Communion Bere Regis Patios Exterior Work For professional advice, design and supervision for Shed bases st Gordon Tucker, complete works or Re-pointing of brickwork Saturday 1 July 10 Elder Road, extensions on new, 2pm Holy Matrimony Bere Regis existing, listed houses and Any job large or small Bere Regis commercial buildings. 01929 472511 01929 471882 Tel: 01929 471002

78 7 June 2006 June 2006

Hardy Tree nd Surgeons Sunday 2 July Third Sunday after Trinity Winter Logs 8am Holy Communion Affpuddle PLANT All aspects of tree work professionally undertaken. 9.15 am Parish Communion Bere Regis At summer Stump removal, tree 11am Mattins & Communion Affpuddle AND surgery, pruning, felling, prices. reshaping. Wood 6pm Evensong Bere Regis GARDEN chippings and logs. Free delivery. For free estimates and advice

01929 471286 01300 341471 , mobile 07774 477435 FROM THE REGISTERS

Baptisms Martin Day Andy Hawkins Carpentry Ltd At St John the Baptist Bere Regis: Motor Engineer Pergolas, decking and on 28 th April; Assunta Maria Louisa de Priore, fencing. Servicing, repairs, MOT Kitchens and th on 30 April; Hamish Genaro Draycott, preparation and tests bedrooms. on 13 th May; Joshua James Critchell arranged. All makes of Loft conversions and car and LCV. cut roofs. Competitive prices. Door hanging. 5 Southmead. Holy Matrimony For all your home and garden carpentry

01929 471140 01929 552888 At St Laurence Affpuddle;

On 20 th May, Helen Payne and Daniel Bernasconi

At St John the Baptist, Bere Regis Advertise here On 27 th May, Sarah Whittaker and Nicholas HOME AND for only £6.00 Gardiner per month, or BUILDING only £45 for a full year - what Funerals better way to keep your At St John the Baptist Bere Regis: number handy On 19 th May, Gill Norman, followed by cremation at Weymouth

8 77 June 2006 June 2006

ADVERTISING RATES for the year 2006

(Cheques to be made payable to Bere Regis PCC)

Full page, full year £16£16£160£16 000 Full page, one month £25£25£25

Half page, full year £95£95£95 Half page, one month £11£11£11

Third page, full year £75£75£75 Third page, one month £9£9£9 Quarter page, full year £65£65£65 Quarter page, one month £7£7£7

SmallSmall----ads,ads, full year £45£45£45 SmallSmall----ads,ads, one month £6£6£6

Rates for charitable, community or nonnon----profitprofit organisations are charged at 50% of above.

Full year advertising is based on complete calendar years. Adverts inserted for part years are charged at a propro----ratarata rate of the full year cost.

ArtArtArt-Art ---workwork for advertisements can be created, free of chachargerge for simple text, £10£10£10 --- £££3£33300 for complex text and graphics


Tessa ~ Catering Energise with Elaine

For all your catering Qualified OCR (Oxford & requirements Cambridge RSA) Instructor Drinks & Dinner Tel: 01929 462916 Parties

Functions & Exercise classes on Mon Gatherings and Wed at Bovington Lunches & Picnics Nursery School - 8.00 pm Thursdays at Wool CEVA 1st Call: Tessa Hole, School - 7.00 pm

01258 453208, Mon - Aerobic workout 07759 219190 Wed - Body Conditioning Thurs - Aerocircuits


JUNE Whist alternate We would like to thank all those who helped at our Coffee morning - it was very 17 Carpet Bowls 8.15pm Thursday much appreciated. 24 Pot Luck Mixed Pairs 7.45pm evenings 30 Inter Club - See Noticeboard in Club Also to all who gave so much, and all who supported it so well on Bingo every raising £300.00 towards our church funds Sunday evening Again many thanks JULY Gardening Club Gordon and Irene 7 Inter Club – See Noticeboard in Club first Tuesday 8 Quiz 8.15pm each month 14 Inter Club Finals Everyone 20 Crib Round Robin - Open To All welcome - 22 Prize Bingo 8.30pm contact Secretary 472620 BERE REGIS BELLRINGERS

Practices will continue on Wednesday evenings at 6.30pm for this month then there will be a break till September. All regular advertisers - please note We have been asked to ring for a wedding on Saturday 3rd June. Both our local parish websites - www.bereregis.org and www.briantspuddle.info , automatically ADVANCE NOTICE publish information on all full year advertisers in We have offered to open the Tower to visitors on Saturday 9th September from 2.00pm to 5.30pm as part of Dorset Architectural Heritage Week. this magazine at no extra charge. Advertisers who place a duplicate advert in the Village Calendar also benefit from a discounted

Church website: www.bereregiswith affpuddle.org.uk Bere Regis website: www.bereregis.org 10 75 June 2006 June 2006


We were all worried about Andrea and Allan’s safety and well being after seeing all the alarming news about Nepal on the television. I telephoned the London H.Q. of their organisation to find out more since no one had had an email. I learnt that they were safe and in fact had been on holiday over Easter in Ethiopia! I received a short email which assured everyone that they were well and safe and then on 6th May I had a more detailed email after they had returned to Butwal. My email connection is playing up and I have not been able to print out their letter part of which it was not possible to encode. However, from the remains I have cleaned the following information. Andrea and Allan say that for the first time in three years there is no curfew. They had not realised how much it had affected their lives until they went out for a meal at the weekend and everyone was sitting around chatting and there was no police or army presence.

Their visit to Ethiopia coincided with the worst of the troubles in Kathmandu and Butwal so they avoided some of the trouble. During their holiday the army barracks and government buildings at Butwal were attacked by terrorists. Their Ethiopian visit coincided with the build up to Easter. In Addis Abba they took part in a Palm Sunday service and were among a congregation of 15,000. The service started at 7.30 a.m. and lasted for about three hours and re-enacted Christ’s entry to Jerusalem.

They were staying with missionary friends they had made while attending the Methodist College in Birmingham. They took the opportunity to visit schools and workshops and also to visit the church at Lalibella which was cut out of the rock some eight hundred years ago. They talked with the priests and were shown eight hundred year old vellum bound books and crosses which are still being used today.

Everyone is asked to continue to pray for their work in Nepal especially now that the future seems more peaceful and also for their missionary friends working in other parts of the world. they mention Ethiopia, Sri Lanka and the Solomon Islands.

Affpuddle & Turnerspuddle website: www.briantspuddle.info

74 11 June 2006 June 2006


We had a very good day and we trust that the other 51 people did too. The weather was good and even The Sprit of the Sea managed to arrive especially for us, the largest passenger ship in the world at this time. After arriving at Cowes at 10am we went first to Whipping Church where we were met by the Church Warden, the Church was opened especially for us as they do not open on Saturdays because of weddings. The Warden gave a talk about the Church that was designed by Prince Albert and where He and Queen Victoria worshiped each Sunday. Then on to Osborne House arriving at 11am, We had three and a half hours free time there to look at the house and gardens.

We then went to Ryde for an hour to have a cup of tea and then back to catch our boat and on to Southampton. We arrived at Bere Regis at 7.30pm---a very good day.

John and Pat.


MOTH TRAP & WINE EVENING - Saturday 15th July from 9.15pm. TICKETS available from Briantspuddle Village Shop from 19 June. Tickets limited to 20 £2 to include wine and nibbles. Venue at the home of Graham Hopkins, End Cottage, Bladen Valley, Briantspuddle - (last house on the right) Weather permitting - a chance to see some of the moth species in the Parish at close quarters in this lovely garden specially created for wildlife.

12 73 June 2006 June 2006


Saturday 27th May - Sunday 11th June 2006


OPEN (THATCHED BARN) STUDIO at BRIANTSPUDDLE - DORSET The Barn, Bridge House, Briantspuddle, Dorchester, DT2 7HR





ANNE FORTY - OIL & PASTEL PAINTINGS, & SILK SCARVES ------OPEN - Every day 10 - 1pm & 2 - 5 pm Follow the signs to BRIANTSPUDDLE (3 miles west of Bere Regis) from A35 or B3390. The Barn is between the crossroads in the centre of the picturesque village and the bridge over the - Disabled Access good Anyone in Briantspuddle interested in art welcome to the Preview on Friday 26th May at 6.30pm

72 13 June 2006 June 2006

keep the hall going when the new buildings should have been built by now). A start has already been made. A preliminary meeting has been held with the architect and also Mrs. Lois Rose, the Dorset Community Action Village Hall’s advisor. We will need a multitalented group with expertise in all areas. If you can help please contact me, Philippa Thorniley, Bere Regis 471497. Philippa Thorniley

MOTHERS’ UNION LIVING WITH A LONG----TTTERM HEALTH CONDITION??? At our May meeting we had the pleasure of the company of Hazel who was staying in the village for a The Expert Patient Programme is a course for anyone who has a long-term health few days. She was able to tell us first hand of the items condition and who would like to find ways of managing their illness more posi- she bought with the gift voucher we gave her and they tively in order to improve their confidence and quality of life. It builds on the prin- included a Camelia, a Herb Pot and various seeds. cipal that people with long-term health problems know best how their condition affects the way they feel, their lifestyle and their ability to accomplish activities Our speaker was Mrs Alison Oakes from who important to them. spoke about the media. The Mothers’ Union is concerned with matters which influence family life and Alison asked if our values and relationships have The course is free and consists of 6 weekly sessions – each lasting two and a half changed because of TV. Statistics suggest that young people spend about 5 hours and providing information on specific topics such as managing symptoms, hours a day ‘working’ on Computers or watching TV. We could see how relaxation techniques, diet, exercise and how to communicate effectively with advertising, right across the media, attempts to influence us in almost every health care practitioners. sphere of life. We need to view with caution. There are between 6 and 16 participants on each course and the sessions are led Christina and Angela have offered to clean the caravan at Durdle Door on two by two volunteer tutors who themselves have long-term health problems and occasions. have previously attended an Expert Patient Course prior to training to become a tutor. All venues are checked to ensure they are accessible for wheelchair use. Members were reminded of the Church Crawl on 21st June. The next local Expert Patient Course is being held every Thursday from 22 June to Next month’s meeting will be in Church when the Vicar will celebrated at a 27 July 2006, 2 pm to 4.30 pm at Hospital, Queens Road, Swanage. Service of Holy Communion and the preacher will be the Reverend Stephen Treeby. If you would like to book a place on this course or register an interest for a future course, please do get in touch by telephoning Beryl Meyrick on 01929 552784 or Brenda Pitfield - 471391 email: [email protected]

14 71 June 2006 June 2006 to make an additional charge to cover the cost of the heating oil which this CHURCH CRAWL year has risen dramatically. The hire charges together with the Parish Council Grant must cover the basic running costs of heating, lighting, cleaning, administering and insuring the hall. It is not acceptable to use funds The date for this year’s event is Wednesday raised at fund raising events to subsidise hire charges. 21st June when we plan to meet at Frampton Church as soon after 7.00 p.m. as possible. This At the Annual General Meeting Jenny Lightfoot, Nigel Lord, Graham is due to having to reach the pub before the Hopkins and Sue Jeanes retired from the Committee. They were duly thanked catering staff leave!!! for the outstanding contribution they had all made to the work of the committee and the community in helping to manage the village hall. Peter Our second church will be at Frome st Quinton, Talbot took over as Chairman, Philippa Thorniley and Sheila Pierce continue followed by Wrexhall Church. respectively as Treasurer and Secretary. Our final stop will be the Fox and Hounds at Artsreach and Purbeck Film Festival and Other Fund Raising Events. Cattistock and the landlord has promised to On 31st May Philippa Thorniley Jenny Beedle, Angela Talbot and send me their menu so that I can photocopy Stephanie Klejdys will attend a promoters evening to choose Artsreach them for everyone who wants to come. Please contact me for a menu and productions for the 2006/07 Winter season. encourage others to join us. It’s open to all-comers not just MU Members. On 14th October the Hall Committee will Brenda Pitfield - 471391 be hosting a production of “The Last of the Mohicans” as part of the 2006 Purbeck Film Festival. This year a more masculine film was requested KAIROS OUTSIDE and two alternatives were given: “ Braveheart “ and “The Last of the Brenda Pitfield writes - Mohicans”. A straw poll at Thank you so much to those of you who supported Nursery the Rhyme and Fairy Tale the Village Quiz at the end of April competitions. You will remember that the proceedsere in aid w of Kairos Outside, the ministry chose”The Last of the Mohicans” to women who have menfolk in prison. Because confidential of the nature of the work, I As usual this event will be combined with a have never been able to give you more thaniew an of overv the Ministry, but I thought you buffet supper after the show and wine will may be interested to read this account of one's experience. woman be on sale. Plans are in hand to arrange a short series of slide shows with talks together with a meal as part of the Winter fund raising programme. IMAGINE THIS... You have been happily married for 13 years andhave you a 12 year old son and a The Repair Project 9 year olddaughter. Out of the blue, in the space of a fewnths, mo your husband is arrested, tried, convicted and sentrison. to p Whether your husband is During June the Village Hall Committee will be forming a project team to put guilty or innocent, you are determined to stickhim. by together a bid to present to funders. The Hall Committee are seeking expertise from all quarters. It is expected that as part It's bad enough that he's no longer with you,he but financial t problems start to of the bid it will be necessary for the Hall Committee to make a pile up - he lost his job when he was convicted.s case Hi was featured substantial contribution towards the project. (It is to that end that prominently in the local papers and some of youriends fr won't even speak to you. the Committee has been fund raising so diligently all these years and Your daughter is bullied at school, and your sons become ha angry and it is heartbreaking that funds that have been so carefully raised over uncooperative, stays out late and shouts at youn you whe protest. To make the years should have had to be wasted on emergency repairs just to matters worse, you can't just pick up the phone talk and to your husband when you need to. He is in a prison right the other of side the country and, because you

70 15 June 2006 June 2006 can't afford to run a car any more, it takes yall by da train and bus to go and visit him. When you do talk to him, he's depressed andcommunicative, un certainly in VILLAGE HALL NEWS no state to give you the support you need. He's enough got problems of his own and he needs your support. His mother is devastated by what's happened and The Annual General Meeting she needs your help too. At the annual general meeting held on 3rd You get to the stage when you feel totally alone,ith no w one to talk to. That's May 2006 reports were presented on the where the Kairos Outside ministry can help. KairosOutside runs weekends which activities of the Committee during the previous are designed to provide a safe place for women a withrelative or friend in prison, year. The financial report was also presented. to talk and share what they are going through. they Once come to Kairos

Outside, they will never be alone again. Theya joinsupportive loving community, In her report the chairman touched on the with someone to call on at anytime. successful fund raising during the previous KQ'weekends have been running in Dorset andth the West Sou since 1998. The next year and reported that finally the Parish Council had been able to gain the one is in Gloucestershire in October, and nowinistry the mis getting up and running necessary planning permission to make progress with the overdue and much in the South East, with thefirst SE weekend in May 2007. We need fund-raisers, needed improvements to the lavatories, the kitchen and storage facilities at the team members for weekends, and people willingve to love gi and support to Village Hall and also to build a small meeting room which would be used by the women in need before and after their weekend. Above all, we need your Village organisations for their regular meetings. This room could also be utilised prayers. Is this a ministry you feel called to? Ifjoin you want more information, as a changing room for the Artsreach events and be used as a buffet area when phone Angela Sanderson on 01304 373760, or emailron he the hall was used for large functions such as celebratory parties, occasions when [email protected]: www.kairosoutside.org.uk food is served along with an event. (e.g. the supper after the Purbeck Film Festival show or to combine a meal with an Artsreach performance).

Last year the exterior of the Village Hall was painted and Jim Crane carried out some much needed improvements to the sink run in the village hall kitchen. The ridge to the thatch in the main hall was replaced and in January this year it was necessary to carry out urgent repairs to the thatched roof to part of the kitchen. Both the kitchen sink alterations and the kitchen roof repairs were

PYO and READY PICKED necessary because of the unacceptably long time it has taken to get the necessary planning permission to make progress with putting together a grant At Lewell Farm, West Stafford, Nr Dorchester application to obtain the necessary funds to build the extensions.

Large selection of many different fruits and vegetables During 2005 the cost of hirings together with the Parish Council grant covered the available throughout the season including raspberries, running costs of the hall (heat, light, cleaning, administration and insurance) with gooseberries, red/blackcurrants the fund raising being used for maintenance repairs and capital expenditure.

Easy Pick ‘Table Top’ Strawberries (no bending) It is greatly regretted that due to the rising costs of energy, labour and insurance Open daily mid-June until the end of September costs it has been necessary to raise the hourly hire charges with effect from 1st May 2006. All the regular users have been notified of the rise in charges. 10.30 - 5.30 (closed on Mondays) At the meeting complaints were received about the level of heat during the For details of availability phone: 01305 262778 (answerphone) Winter months. The normal procedure is for the heat to be turned on one hour Mobile - Ian 07774 892808 or Marion 07799 247268 before the start of the hiring and for the heat to be turned off one hour before the end of the hire period. If hirers require a warmer hall then it will be necessary

Affpuddle & Turnerspuddle website: www.briantspuddle.info

16 69 June 2006 June 2006


AFFPUDDLE AND TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH CHURCH SPECIAL CLEAN ––– SATURDAY 6 MAY COUNCIL Many thanks to the six who worked so hard and managed to get all the cleaning done. It was particularly appreciated, especially now that there are just three The PCC met on 6 April 2006 and discussion including the following: special cleans a year instead of four. The next special clean will be on Saturday 7 th October, a date to put in your diaries! If a particular Special Clean Saturday is The Treasurer provided a detailed report and a proposal with regard to the difficult for you, please consider giving some of your time to help during the percentage the PCC should pay towards the Benefice expenses was accepted. previous week. The annual accounts for 2005 were circulated and accepted. The money to enable an Induction Loop System to be installed in the church has now been raised. The Committee would like to express their thanks to Lady LIVING CHURCHYARDS PROJECT 2006 Coates’ family, Joan Herridge and other kind donors. The system will initially only be of assistance to those with hearing aids but it is hoped, eventually, to extend it After a lapse of a few years and in recognition of the good work undertaken by to include a public address system. our Church Wildlife Group, it was decided we should enter the Living Churchyards 2006 Competition in the Best Managed category, the other two The repair of the churchyard wall is to be progressed with the support of a grant categories being Best Urban and Best Newcomer. from the Crossways Environmental Group. The Committee also expressed sincere thanks to all those who help with the maintenance and care of the church and The best overall churchyard in Dorset last year was at St Martin, Broadmayne. churchyard. Judging will take place in June and points will be allotted for diversity of species, Dates for the diary include: Church Fete – 17 June; BBQ – 30 July. management, information displayed, community involvement and implementation of previous recommendations. In management, the judges will Next PCC meeting: 11 July at 7.30. be looking for grassland mown at different times and cut to different lengths, native shrubs and trees, bird and/or bat boxes, ferns and mosses, deadwood and compost piles and churchyard seats. Minus points are awarded for using weed killers, herbicides and cutting hedges between March and September (that being the bird nesting season). St Laurence’s has the great benefit of the Piddle defining the northern boundary, for the river is a haven to a huge range of species denied to most churches. AFFPUDDLE CHURCH FETE ––– SATURDAY 17THTHTH JUNE

Preparation is in hand for this year’s Church Fete. Marek and Janet Cropper have again kindly agreed to the Fete being held in their garden which provides a per- fect setting. In the event of wet weather, the Village Hall will be the venue but, of necessity, the Fete would be on a much reduced scale. The Fete will open at 2.00pm and finish at 4.30pm. The Weymouth Concert Brass Band has confirmed its booking and this year the Affpuddle & Turnerspuddle website: www.briantspuddle.info

68 17 June 2006 June 2006 band will be placed centrally so that the music can be heard more widely. The Bere Regis Sports Club-Cricket Report anticipated stalls and activities are: teas, cakes, ice cream, bric-a-brac, tombola, skittles, croquet, putting, coconut shy, trampoline, raffle, treasure hunt, archery, table tennis, ‘fishing’, roll-a-penny, archery and pony rides. Donations of cakes Saturday League Div 3 Results and bric-a-brac, and prizes for the raffle and tombola would be particularly wel- Bere Regis 147 a.o. K Brown 33, D Rogerson 39 come and the people to contact with gifts are: SuttonersII 148-2 Teas Liz Whatley or Erica Moriarty Bere Regis 197-8 K Brown 70, P Macklin 30 Cake Stall Sheila Newall or Frances Solly Wimborne II 140 a.o. I Hardy 3-22 G Davis 2-29 A Bric a brac Jenny Silavs or Jennifer Champion Green 2-23 Raffle John Solly or Lizzie Guinn Pimperne 168-9

Tombola Jonathan or Penny Haigh Bere Regis 145 a.o. The Fete will be advertised on local radio and in the local press and shops, but please invite your friends to what should be a most enjoyable afternoon in a lovely Sunday League Div 3 Results garden. Bere Regis 227-5 M Tatchell 88, D Scott 45 FOUND Abbotsbury 213 a.o. M Tatchell 3-36 C Holland 3-45 A child’s pink fleece (age 4 – 6) was left in the Church on Easter Day. Enquiries to Bere Regis 182-7 Sandy or Erica Moriarty (471747) Poole Town II 101 a.o. AFFPUDDLE WITH TURNERSPUDDLE PCC Evening League Div 2 Result The PCC met on 6 April 2006 and discussion including the following: Bere Regis 124-4 T Bennett 32, D Scott 47 The Treasurer provided a detailed report and a proposal with regard to the per- Abbotsbury 126-5 T Furlong 3-36 centage the PCC should pay towards the Benefice expenses was accepted.

The annual accounts for 2005 were circulated and accepted. Whilst interest has focused on the field, in which time the Sunday side has taken The money to enable an Induction Loop System to be installed in the church has the honours with an unbeaten start to the season, the off field focus has been on now been raised. The Committee would like to express their thanks to Lady the refurbishment of the changing rooms. Thanks to the efforts of John Ruskin and Coates’ family, Joan Herridge and other kind donors. The system will initially only Paul Moss the club now has much improved changing facilities and showers, for be of assistance to those with hearing aids but it is hoped, eventually, to extend it which the players and club express their grateful thanks. to include a public address system. The repair of the churchyard wall is to be progressed with the support of a grant from the Crossways Environmental Group. The Committee also expressed sincere thanks to all those who help with the maintenance and care of the church and churchyard. Dates for the diary include: Church Fete – 17 June; BBQ – 30 July. Next PCC meeting: 11 July at 7.30.

18 67 June 2006 June 2006 could well be his last game now he has hit the big four ‘O’, spotted the near BERE REGIS NEWS post ball before Wayne had even thought of it. In true Gianfranco Zola PARISH COUNCIL style he stepped over the ball and back heeled it past a bemused keeper, to the amusement of all his team The May meeting every four years, which normally follows an election, is the ‘all mates. Form is temporary, class is change’ meeting. This years was no exception as we welcomed three new permanent…..and this boy has had Councillors and elected new officers to serve for the next twelve months. I am more class in his time than Mr. Chips! listing all of the Councillors together with contacts either by phone or e-mail. The Chairman, elected unanimously, is Mr J Parsons and the vice Chairman is Mr I As the final whistle went and the players Ventham. ambled off to the bar, the manager was left to mull over a season that saw Contact details are: Bere hit the heights in their Cup win over ; plumb the depths in defeat against Lytchett and Purbeck; and come within touching distance of that elusive  Mr R Duncanson 472141 [email protected] Cup final!! Whilst they couldn’t blame food poisoning, I wonder if alcohol  Mr L Fairhurst 471507 [email protected] poisoning could be used to get that semi final replayed…….  Mrs J George [email protected]

 Mrs J Macintosh 471068 Sundays  Mr C.Maunder 471342 [email protected] Bere Regis 3: Bryanston 1  Mr T..Maunder 471342 [email protected] Scorers: T Lumsden, W Cope, P Macklin  Mr M Munro [email protected]

 Mr J Parsons 471050 [email protected] Purbeck AFC 5: Bere Regis 0  Mr J Pitts 471322 [email protected] Rising Sun 15: Bere Regis 0 Mr I Ventham 471480 [email protected] Whoever arranged the last two games against the two teams vying for the  Championship must have had it in for Bere. Having wrapped up eighth spot  Mr P Wharf 472246 [email protected] against Bryanston in fine style there was little incentive for players to turn up and so the usual suspects didn’t, leaving Adam with just ten players against a Rising Sun team who had to score at least twelve goals to be in with a chance of the The Council discussed the progress with the league, the rest is history….. improvements of the ‘walking to school’ route. There Leaving these last two games aside, Adam can look back on a job well done this seem to be some tasks yet to be completed but when season. Despite being relegated last season, he has galvanised a team spirit these are complete and the scheme has been amongst the youngsters (probably gin!) and brought them together (at Clouds Hill approved, it is to be hoped that it will be used and that mostly) to produce a very capable little side. there will be a better feeling of security by all concerned. With a bit of dabbling in the transfer market (otherwise known as asking round in pubs and clubs) next season may be something to savour…… At the recent meeting of the North Purbeck Task Group, which is today’s title of the Crime Prevention Panel, it was stated that the Police Station desk officers at

66 19 June 2006 June 2006

Wareham would in future be calling people back to inform them of action being taken as a result of their call. The station desk number at Wareham was given as BERE REGIS SPORTS CLUBUBUB 01305 220400 if people preferred to use that number instead of the 01202 222222 number. Football reports The Council had a very interesting meeting during the month with the Synergy Saturdays Group concerning Affordable Homes and possible ways forward. These are early days and more meetings will be held as the Council is determined to find ways by Bere Regis 2: Broadmayne 4 which local people are going to be able to live in their village. Scorers: Gingealdinho, Darrenaldo CM Having already wrapped up fifth spot, Sven White decided to have a bit of fun with the line up and gave a chance to two unknowns in the Theo Walcott mould: BERE REGIS FLORAL GROUP Gingealdinho and Darrenaldo. Despite no previous league experience in the forward line (but plenty at the back!) this untried pairing were soon terrorising the Broadmayne defence. There is nothing that terrifies a defence more than pace and these boys were soon showing the kind of speed that Pete Doherty would be proud of. The first opportunity fell to Gingealdinho when head waiter Kev Cox outpaced the defence, drew the keeper and literally June 13th, Country Living, by hris Ridout, fom Shaftsbury. laid it on a plate. Whilst the ‘GingerPounder’ may have the pace of Michael Owen he showed us the finishing of Michael Mouse as, with the goal at his mercy, he skewed his shot wide. Thankfully, Darrenaldo was on the top of his game soon after as he crunched into a 60:30 challenge with the keeper and the ball fell to his striking (or so the girls say!) partner. Always the gentleman, he waited for the defenders to get back before chipping DRAX HALL the ball over their heads and into the goal to take the lead. But this game was not all about this legendary front line. At the back, the pairing of White and Vincent had some of us older players reminiscing about the defensive greats, The new kitchen is now complete and together with the Bobby Moore and ‘Big Ron’ Atkinson. I was certainly thinking Moore-Ron when I additional catering facilities in the main hall, the latest was watching them play. However, one of the turning points was the arrival of improvements programme is complete. Everybody speaks Dean Rogerson in goal to replace the Broadmayne player, who was doing an well of these changes and certainly our users are very excellent job. Dean seemed more concerned with saving his hands for cricket in pleased. Though a handsome grant was received we must the afternoon and was showing all the aggression of a French chicken! Before never forget the hard work of the fund raisers and their DRAX you knew it, a looping header just eluded him and it was 1-1. dedication towards improving the Hall. The Committee is very grateful. HALL The second turning point came when one half of the dynamic duo had to leave to be an usher in the afternoon (only in Dorset football!), to be replaced by a We are at that time in the year when we are invited to select Broadmayne forward whose heart was never really in it. Broadmayne were future visiting performances. Thus it is hoped to obtain puppet shows for young showing a bit more hunger than Bere, except for Kevin Cox who has more hunger children at half term time and some live theatre for the rest of us. Nearer to then, than the whole Ethiopian nation, and so it was no surprise when they opened up in fact on Saturday 10 th June from 9.30am to 12.30pm, there is to be a free taster a two goal lead. The Copes finally decided to leave the safe haven of the session of Tae Kwon Do for parents and children in the Hall. This is a session from touchline to come on for the last twenty minutes and Shaun Cope was soon the Purbeck Sports Centre ‘out in the community scheme’ and it is to be hoped terrorising the defence, his own that is as he slotted in at the back but continued that there will be some interest from Parishioners. his repertoire of flicks and tricks. When 3-1 became 4-1 you would have thought it CM was all over, but the best was yet to come. ‘Darrenaldo’ Spivey, playing in what

20 65 June 2006 June 2006 AUTUMN LEAVES OVER 50’’’’S CLUB

At the May meeting Mrs Rawlings and her friend representing the Sidmouth Donkey Sanctuary gave a very interesting talk illustrated with slides about the work at the Sanctuary and also at other centres in the UK and also in third world countries. Donkeys are used to help disadvantaged children and even go into nursing homes to give those separated from their pets some direct contact with animals. DORSET PRINT The competition for the biggest carrot caused some considerable mirth and one or two ADVERTISEMENT interesting comments. Instead of the June meeting there will be a coach trip to Sidmouth leaving the central car park at 10.30am and returning at about 6.30pm. There are still seats available as I write this at a cost of £6.50 and names and money must be sent to Kath Jeeves as soon as possible.

Countryside Tree Surgeons Ltd

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64 21 June 2006 June 2006 RECIPE OF THE MONTH Courtesy of Pat House Tuna Plait

nice for a summer lunch with a salad or to take on a picnic.  2 sticks celery, diced  a little butter  1 tablespoon plain flour  quarter pint of milk  1 14oz can tuna in oil, drained  4 spring onions  8oz cold cooked potatoes diced  1 tablespoon capers, rinsed and drained  2 tomatoes, skinned and chopped  1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley  salt and pepper  1 packet puff pastry, ready rolled  milk to glaze  1 teaspoon poppy seeds

Grease a large baking sheet. Melt the butter in a small saucepan and cook the celery until soft. Stir in the flour and cook for 1 minute. Gradually add the milk, bring to the boil, stirring all the time until thickened. Remove from the heat and add the lemon juice and set aside to cooler. Put the Tuna into a large bowl and flake with a fork, stir in the remaining filling ingredients add the cooked celery mix, season to taste. Put the pastry on a floured board and lightly mark lengthways into 3 equal strips, pile the tuna mixture along the centre strip of the pastry. Make diagonal cuts through the outer strips of the pastry at 2cm intervals. Plait the outer strips over the filling to enclose and finally fold under the short ends. Brush with milk and sprinkle with poppy seeds. Carefully lift the plait on to a greased and floured baking sheet and bake in a moderate oven for about 35 minuites, cover with foil if it browns to quickly before the base is done.

22 63 June 2006 June 2006 leading to a change of state); a call to BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ as the One who stood in their place and took the punishment; and a heart-felt cry to RECEIVE the Lord Jesus as their personal Saviour. The events of Pentecost will be overshadowed a week or so later this month in the eyes of many by the euphoria of the World Cup Football competition. All eyes will be on an England team that, with or without Wayne Rooney, will be cheered on to win the Cup that has eluded them for the last forty years. But Pentecost reminds us that there is a far more important trophy to hold in our hands – the joy of sins forgiven, the assurance that we have come ‘home’ to the Heavenly Father who has given everything for us. Now that’s something worth celebrating! (01305) 848568 (01305) 848126 (01305) 848523 Pastor Jim Morris The Manse Flat, Butt Lane Tel: 01929 471270 E-mail: [email protected]

Bere Regis Congregational Church, Butt Lane PURBECK DISTRICT COUNCIL Sunday Worship every week at 10am (Junior Church each week for youngsters) Elections ***** The results of the elections around the District on May 4 th are listed below: Mondays from 1.30 – 3.00pm Toddlers Group Bere Regis Mr. P.K.Wharf Independent (During term time) Creech Barrow Mr. N.A.H.Cake Conservative ***** Wednesdays from 10am- 12.30pm Langton Mr. M.W.J.Lovell Conservative Early Days Café for Young Mums Mr. M.J.Peacock Liberal Democrat (for details phone Lynda Essex on Swanage South Mr. G.M.Suttle Conservative ***** Fridays a from 6-7.30pm Swanage North Mrs G.A. Marsh Conservative Sonseekers Club for 7-12 yr olds Wareham Mr. D.A.Budd Liberal Democrat (During term time) West Purbeck Mr. T.J.Mills Conservative

COMING THIS SUMMER! – for all youngster 4-12 yrs old Winfrith Mr. K.M.Barnes Conservative HOLIDAY CLUB – “OUT OF THIS WORLD!” - 8TH, 9th, 10 th and 13 th August Only one seat changed parties which was the West Purbeck seat which saw the long standing Independent Liz Rudd retiring and a new member Timothy Mills elected. The Political Composition of the Council is now as follows: Conservative Group 14; Liberal Democrat Group 8; Independents 1 Vacancies 1. This means that the ruling group are even more in control and any portfolios I am given are entirely at their discretion. I am delighted to report that the ruling group have asked me to remain as Chair of Licensing to help pilot legislation through concerning the transfer of certain gambling licensing activities over to the District

62 23 June 2006 June 2006

Council over the next two years. I take as a compliment that I was referred to as a THE CONGREGATIONAL CHAPEL “safe pair of hands”. THE CONGREGATIONAL CHAPEL BUTT LANE, BERE REGISSS

Concessionary Travel From April the Government introduced a concessionary travel scheme which Pentecost allows free bus travel for the elderly and disabled, but only during off peak hours This month our churches will be celebrating the traditional ‘birth’ day of the and within a tightly defined “local” area. In Purbeck’s case this would not Christian Church on Pentecost Sunday – June the 4 th. Just over two thousand necessarily have included or Poole. PDC have introduced an years ago, as the early followers of Jesus waited in prayer, the Holy Spirit came to improved scheme which takes into account the particular transport problems renew their lives in love and power - literally transforming them inwardly and within the area allowing eligible people to travel at any time throughout Dorset propelling them outwardly to proclaim and share the good news of the Living including Bournemouth and Poole. PDC also offers a voucher for the purchase of Christ. Their lives were changed forever by the supernatural power of God as the a faresaver rail pass and transport tokens for use in taxis (see below for details) An prophecy given by Jesus was fulfilled – “but you will receive power when the application can be made at any time, but only one of the concessions (listed Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all below) can be claimed. Judea and Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth.” It has been said that the disciples experience at Pentecost was the catalyst for all that followed Dorset Bus Pass in the Acts of the Apostles and throughout history down to this very day. You will be eligible for a free travel Dorset Bus Pass if From this single event came the beginnings for a new society described by the you are: Rev John Stott as “God’s New Society” – The Church! I often read through the Aged 60 or over; or Bible’s account of those early days of the Church and then look today with great sadness at how the Church in general has largely abandoned it’s glorious Disabled; or and powerful legacy. One theologian who made an in-depth study of the differences between the Church of the first century and the Church of today, Not permitted to drive or likely to be refused a said “The more I study the Early Church, the more I am convinced that we are driving licence for medical reasons. desperately in need of a return to first principles and the ethos of the Acts of the You will be eligible for a free travel Dorset Bus Pass if you are registered blind or Apostles”. partially sighted irrespective of your age. The point is often made that perhaps the Church is out of date and irrelevant to The Dorset Bus Pass allows for concessionary bus travel within Dorset (including modern man. But my answer to that is that the reality is more likely to be that Bournemouth and Poole) and also journeys that start or finish within Dorset, man is out of date and out of step with the Creator God who made him. The provided the journey does not involve a change of bus outside of this area. God of the Bible is light years ahead of our so-called ‘enlightened’ society that looks only as far as its own head for guidance and direction. It is earth-bound in You are required to supply to the Council documentary evidence to prove your its wisdom; it worships at the shrine of the Finite Mind; and there is still an inbred age (or disability, etc), plus a recent passport size colour photograph of yourself arrogant pride that it can cope and a kind of blind faith that ‘everything will turn for the Bus Pass. out all right in the end’. When it comes to the Lord Jesus Christ and His death and resurrection we often find ourselves in a state of denial. Sure, we may give Him lip

service, but in our hearts do we really believe that we are sinners in need of National Transport Tokens salvation? It takes a brave person to answer that honestly! You will be eligible for an allocation of National Transport Tokens, for use in taxis, if The unchanging Gospel is still relevant to modern man. Basically the spiritual and you are: moral heart of man has not changed since Adam and Eve. And the message Aged 60 or over; or that was preached by an invigorated Peter on that first day of Pentecost is the same message lost men and women need to hear today – a challenge to Disabled, or REPENT of their sinful condition before God (that simply means a change of mind

24 61 June 2006 June 2006

Not permitted to drive or likely to be refused a driving licence for medical reasons, or Registered blind or partially sighted;

and You do not personally own a motor car; and Either you do not have a bus service within half a mile of your home, or you suffer from a medical condition which seriously restricts your mobility. The value of the National Transport Tokens is currently £50.00 for a full year allocation from 1st June, but reduced to £30.00 for applications received after 31 July and to £nil for applications received after 31 December. You may authorise someone else to collect your National Transport Tokens on your behalf. Each year the Council allocates a limited amount of money for the purchase of National Transport Tokens and applications are accepted strictly on a first come, first served basis.

Disabled People Disabled people who satisfy one of the qualifying conditions set out below are eligible for one of the travel

JOHN HOWARTH concessions (subject to any other eligibility conditions that may apply to individual concessions): Heating Services Ltd Over thirty years experience You are profoundly or severely deaf You are without speech Oil boiler and heating systems You have a disability, or an injury, which has a substantial and long term adverse Service - Repair - Installation affect on your ability to walk Aga, Rayburn and Stanley You do not have arms or suffer from long term loss of use of both arms cooker service You have a learning disability, that is, a state of arrested or incomplete All service development of mind which includes significant impairment of intelligence or social functioning engineers/ technicians are You would be refused a driving licence under Section 92 of The Road Traffic Act 1988. OFTEC registered Applicants must provide an original appropriate document or registration card 01305 which clearly shows they satisfy one of the qualifying conditions set out above. As

60 25 June 2006 June 2006 an alternative the Council may accept a supporting letter from Dorset Social Services or other relevant organisation or person. In considering an application the Council may require medical evidence to be supplied.

Train Discount Voucher You may choose to have a Train Discount Voucher as an alternative to a Dorset Bus Pass, provided you satisfy the eligibility conditions for the Dorset Bus Pass. A Train Discount Voucher can be exchanged for a rail faresaver pass at a local railway station. The rail operators will apply their own eligibility conditions for the issue of a rail faresaver pass. You should check at your local railway station to ensure you qualify before applying to the Council for a Train Discount Voucher. If you would like to print out an application form for one of the Travel Concessions please use the web site or contact the Council. You should send your completed form to the Benefits Office, Westport House, Road, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 4PP. Further information about the DorsetBus Pass and other Concessionary Travel schemes is available from the Council’s Benefits Office 01929 557240 or 557378; or via the web site at www.purbeck.gov.uk

Future of District Councils -The Local Governance Debate Government officials are suggesting that local government need reforming. They suggest that there is public confusion over responsibilities (in our case between the County Council; the District Councils and the various Town and Parish Councils). This, it is claimed, leads to fragmentation of community leadership and duplication of effort caused by multiple “back-office” functions. Government Ministers gave examples comparing Birmingham with Hertfordshire and Leeds with Devon. In both cases the populations are similar but the political arrangements vary widely. Birmingham is a unitary authority with one council leader, 10 cabinet members and 120 councillors (excluding parishes) whilst Hertfordshire has 11 council leaders, 71 cabinet members and 535 councillors (excluding parishes). In Leeds its 1, 11 and 99 compared with Devon’s 9, 47 and 391. The inference is that unitary local government produces less councillors and

26 59 June 2006 June 2006

Additional Help Required clearer leadership. If you are able to spare a few hours to help your community we would welcome So, where do we go from here? There is to be a government White paper on the you as a Volunteer onto our Project Team. Contact us at the Drax Hall on a future of local governance in June 2006 in which the government will state Monday or Friday morning or telephone Angela on 01929-472261. whether they are going to move forward with a proposal on two-tier areas (which means abolishing one of County District or Parish). It is understood that the new arrangements will be in place by April 2009. I will keep you informed. Dates for the Diary See back of magazine. Surgery Surgeries are held on the first Saturday of every month. These are held at the communal Lounge in Turbeville Court in Bere Regis from 09.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. and in the Village Club from 10.30 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. If you have any questions or queries related to the business of Purbeck District Council please come along. If anyone wants to contact me and cannot get to the surgery my email address is [email protected] . Peter Wharf, District Councillor


The May meeting speaker was Mr Hunter of Kingston Maurward who told the members about Wall Shrubs. In June there are to be two garden visits both leaving by cars from the Car Park at 6.30pm On Tuesday 6th June it is to the Priest's House Museum Garden, Wimborne; Cost BEES £5.50 (£5.00 concessions) Len Watts is an agent for Exomite Apis Dispensers On Tuesday 27th June it is to Knitson Old Farmhouse near Swanage; Cost £4 to and Thornes. He will take orders for bee equipment 5.00 depending on the supper chosen. and have it delivered to your door. Carriage must be Please let Susan Stone (471933) whether paid on all items. you will be coming to either or both, how Bee swarms collected. BS foundation shallows and many and whether you can offer brood in stock. Good clean wax bought. transport or need it. White fondant to feed bees supplied in 1 kg cartons. The July meeting is at 8.00pm on Tuesday 1lb and ½ lb honey jars in stock. 8 oz cut comb Phone for prices 4th at the RBL HQ and is about butterflies containers. 01929 471347 or by Lyn Pullen. Member of BIBBA and D&WBKA and BBKA 07817 557501

58 27 June 2006 June 2006

Planning a new kitchen or bathroom?

Paintings and Sculpture Call your local specialist 01929 Buildings Landscapes Life studies Portraits Forged steel sculpture By Let me provide a Bere Regis artist Charles Tibbey complete one-stop service and help Visit my website to see Bere Regis scenes (originals, limited you with edition prints and greeting cards), everything from Or telephone for a no obligation private view. design and Marti drawings, to Greeting cards also available from the Bere Regis post office supply and fitting. Debenham Commissions welcome www.CharlesTibbey.co.uk 01929-471047

28 57 June 2006 June 2006

2.00pm Children’s Entertainer and Refreshments

3.30pm Durnovaria Silver Band and Cream Teas INVITATION 7.30pm Loose Connection Band and Supper To all over 60's within the Purbeck District Council The Loose Connection is a popular live band that plays and sings anything from area Robbie Williams to The Beatles. During the day there will be photographic exhibition in the Lower Room of all of A FALLS AWARENESS DAY the Project’s work and a Painting Exhibition on a Celebration theme by the children of Bere Regis School. In the Parish Hall, Wareham Quay, All of these events are free of charge and open to everyone on a first come basis. th Once there are 100 people through the door we will not be able to take any more on Monday, 26 June until some leave. Everyone is most welcome: people who have worked for the Project in the past, from 10am - 4pm those who attend the sessions or groups, or even those of you who have never been before but are interested in the Project. Stalls and information It will be a day to say thank you to all the Villagers who have supported us over the last Refreshments ten years.

Pop In Place Poppets – Baby and Bring Toddler Group your old The Poppets Parent/Carer Baby and Toddler slippers Group meet on a Thursday 1.30pm to 3pm. and (during term time). This group provides a useful exchange link for young families both as a social occasion and also for friendship. For more information them for a contact Trish on 01929-472418. new well- fitting The Pop In Place Performers pair FREE Performers of any age will be most welcome. We meet on a Thursday 6pm to 7.45pm at the Drax hall, apart from the second Thursday as its Parish Council. We work in our various workshop groups and focus on music, dance, arts and craft, Need help with transport for this event? and drama. You must register by filling in a registration form and paying £1.00 on your first visit then 50p per week thereafter. (No children under class 3 age please) Tel Help and Care 0845 4500 418

56 29 June 2006 June 2006

Advance notice

During the next couple of months I shall be starting to prepare the layout for next year’s Village Calendar. Would all Clubs, Societies and Associations start to think about the events they will be holding during 2007, so that when I make contact with you in August, you will have confirmed the dates you would like to have publicised .

Alison Debenham

30 55 June 2006 June 2006

We will be running a raffle draw on a gardens theme and any donations of prizes will be greatly appreciated. Please telephone our Team Leader, Angela, on 472261 with your offers. Legal Solutions If you can make or buy us some cakes to sell with the teas, during Divorce ♦ Home visits available the day, please bring your Employment donations to the hall early on the Sunday morning. Family Matters ♦ Dedicated private client service Personal Injury We look forward to seeing you and Wills & Probate pray for fine weather. ♦ Sympathetic and Inheritance Tax This year the profits will be used to fund a very exciting Community Celebration understanding legal staff Day that has been arranged for the 16 th September. Financial Advice Buying & Selling Property How can we help you…? Children’s Activities Wareham 01929 552141 www.humphrieskirk.co.uk This year we are running three Children’s Activity events:

11 th August Friday ‘Magic Drum’ drum workshop

18 th August Friday Multisports Activity workshop Pampered Pigs Pantry Farm Shop

25 th August Friday ‘Bug-in-a-box’ creative workshop Now open at Rye Hill Farm, Rye Hill, Bere Regis

We stock free range pork and beef from our own farm, together with other locally Pop In Place Celebration Year produced meats, fruit and veg, jams, cheeses and honey. A full range of organic and GM free groceries, together with local crafts and gift ideas This year is the 10 th birthday of the Pop In Place so we are organising events to Free home delivery within a 5 mile radius – please phone for details mark the occasion.

Opening times: Monday 10:00 to 4pm Celebration Brochure Tuesday to Friday 8:30 to 6pm The Pop In Place have produced a 10 th Anniversary Celebration brochure which is now available. The brochure outlines the achievements of the Project and its Saturday 9:00 to 5pm contribution to the local community.

Sunday 10:00 to 1pm

Community Celebration Day – Saturday 16 th September Food produced with care, for people who care The Pop In Place has planned a Community Day to provide something for everyone. The format will be: Kevin and Amanda Crocker Tel: (01929) 472327 Mobile: 07855 396073

54 31 June 2006 June 2006


Following the article in the May magazine you may be interested to know the results of two more promises. The Browsea Island visit by Hazel Green and her friend Pam was a great success despite a complete loss of electricity to the Island (and half of Poole that day). The cups of tea and coffee that were promised survived thanks to gas. The photo taken on the pier shows them with the boatman and a resident furry friend. The offer of a ride in a Tank was too much for me to resist and it was a great day for myself and friends looking round the museum and even more exciting, tearing round the arena in the tank shown in the photo. The weather turned rather unpleasant during this bit but wars don't stop for bad weather! John England

32 53 June 2006 June 2006


Annual General Meeting The Friends of Bere Regis School (FOBRS) have really done us proud again this year. Through the efforts of the dedicated Committee and the support of parents The Annual General Meeting took place on the 28 th April and the local community they have 2006. We heartily thank all of the people who have continued to give invaluable aid to supported the Pop In Place over the last year. An the school and give our children expression of thanks was given to all the Volunteers who opportunities that we would have given their time to run the project. otherwise be unable to provide.

Each year FOBRS gives between ‘Lets Celebrate’ Concert – Saturday 13 th May £2,000 and £3,000 to the school to support our needs (please This was a very special concert: a celebration of 10 years of shows featuring remember that Dorset children are song, dance, drama, poetry and instrumentals; all performed by local people. funded less than most other We would like to thank everyone who took part in this very special event, a cast children in the country!) of 45 playing to two packed houses, a fitting way to celebrate. The youngest participant being five and the oldest into their eighties demonstrates how the Pop We have purchased a great deal In Place embraces all ages. of new equipment with FOBRS funds. This has included a CD Special thanks go to: the Women’s Institute who have been taking part in our player for the hall and classrooms, DVD players for use with interactive shows for many years, to Kathleen Jeeves our accomplished pianist, to the young whiteboards and a range of art and play apparatus for the classrooms. adults who came back to take part, and to all in our wonderful performers group. Outside the "craze of the week" activities used by the children at lunch and The Concert was certainly a day to remember. Everyone involved had a playtimes were selected by the "Playground Friends" using FOBRS money. wonderful time and once again it demonstrated the wealth of talent that we are lucky enough to have in our Village. Funds are also used to subsidise educational visits to places like Bovington Tank Museum, Maiden Castle, Arne Toy Museum and Nature Reserve. There have also been visits to school by theatre groups and specialist teachers supporting school projects such as science and history. The Life Education Centre will visit again in th Village Quiz – Monday 5 June – 7.30pm July courtesy of FOBRS. The Pop In Place will be running the Village Quiz on Monday 5 th June. This event FOBRS organise many activities for the children including discos for Halloween, has proved to be a popular occasion for a fun filled evening. Please enter a Valentine's Day and the Leavers. At Christmas they arrange the food and team of four people at the cost of £ 1-00/person. We will also be running a raffle. presents for the children's Christmas Party. During Sports Day they provide drinks Everyone is most welcome. and ice creams for the participants. Many FOBRS activities as well as raising funds for the school are social events for th the whole village. The Christmas and Summer Fairs attract a range of stalls from Open Gardens 2006 - Sunday 9 July – 10.00am to 4.00pm village organisations. The Firework Display in November was a magnificent affair We are fast approaching our Open Gardens day and this year we have a with stunning pyrotechnics, warm bonfire and a good range of quality programme of twenty gardens that will certainly make for a delightful day. We refreshments available. hope you will be able to come along and support this event. Programmes will be Anyone who attended the FOBRS May Ball at Athelhampton recently would have on sale at the Drax Hall from 10.00am on the day; please remember if you want experienced the evidence of a strong committee at their best. No detail was to see all of the gardens you will need to make an early start. omitted in organising the event. The setting was superb, the food fantastic and

52 33 June 2006 June 2006 the entertainment excellent and, most of all, the event was greatly enjoyed by all who attended! The children and staff greatly benefit from the efforts of our "Friends" and we thank them from the bottom of our hearts for all the hard work they do on our behalf. If all schools could rely on parents such as those on our committee their children would be as lucky as ours! Steve Battishill, Headteacher

TERRY & CINDY COLLECTION By the end of June ‘Moving-on’ please

Many thanks FROM THE

34 51 June 2006 June 2006


Quality Tax and KingsBere Accounting

For professional advice, dealing with all Accountants aspects of accounts and tax

Day and evening appointments available

Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304 [email protected]

50 35 June 2006 June 2006

With over 30 years motor vehicle experience, 10 years of which has been spent with Honda and Toyota main dealers, we are delighted to offer competitive, high quality servicing and maintenance. Alington Avenue Simon Dobinson (Toyota and HONDA Honda Service Manager 1986 Dorchester - 1996) and Mike Hughes NISSAN (Honda trained and experienced) are also DAIHATSU delighted to inform both new and old clients of their newly MITSUBISHI increased workshop area. Main dealer service with TOYOTA collection and delivery, loan cars, and valet service MAZDA combined with cost SUZUKI effective, skilled 01305 261111 workmanship. SUBARU OLD BARN DENTAL PRACTICE

Mr John Woodward BDS. (Hons.) U. Lond. LDS RCS Manor Farm Road Bere Regis Wareham Dorset BH20 7HD Telephone: 01929 471023 Email: [email protected]

Modern, cosmetic and restorative dentistry in a friendly atmosphere

36 49 June 2006 June 2006 work, they will spend five hours at an adventure park before heading home. Once the museum has confirmed the dates for the display in Dorchester, the BERE REGIS VILLAGE WEBSI TE members will no doubt be taking their friends and families along to have a look at the display. The Village website - www.bereregis.org is very keen to expand its online history section and is always looking for old photographs / post cards of the village that Parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts will be at the youth club on the 16 th May to aren't currently displayed in its online gallery. If you drop any that you might have accept a Carpet Bowls Challenge Match against the club members. It should in an envelope through the letterbox at Honeycombe Cottage in Shitterton, we prove to be an interesting night with the youngsters trying to put one over on the will check if we have them and if not we will scan them and then return all of grown ups. them to you. Rest assured, the scanning process will not affect them in anyway whatsoever! Any photographs displayed online will of course be credited to the May concludes with the Chinese Night on owner who provides them. the 23 rd and Jewellery Making on the 30 th. In June, it’s ‘Models from Junk’ on the 13 th, THE THOMAS WILLIAMS EDUCATIONAL Travellers Tails’ on the 20 th and a Chill Out THE THOMAS WILLIAMS EDUCATIONAL Night on the 27 th. FOUNDATION New members are always welcome just call In August the Trust will be considering applications from those that live in the Par- in on any club night or contact the leader ish, are under 25 years of age and may need assistance with Educational Ex- on the telephone number below. penses. Applications from Youth based organisations are also invited. Previous Membership Fees for the year 2006: Juniors beneficiaries are also eligible to re-apply. Applications should be received be- (8-11) £3 and Seniors (12-17) £5. fore 31st July 2006. For an application form please contact: The Secretary to the Trustees, Mrs Claire Gamble, 17 Boswells Close, Bere Regis (Tel: 471682. Terry Vine Youth Leader E.mail: [email protected] )


The Weatherbury singers are a local singing group that meets in on Tuesdays. We sing a variety of music, something for everyone. Our wonderful director Mr Tim Colquhoun who is the organist at Bere Regis church has been with us now for a year and our equally wonderful accompanist Mrs Jenny Hansford for just over a year. We £275K are of mixed ability but share a common love of singing. We always welcome new mem- bers so if you enjoy singing and fancy joining our group please feel free to come along any Tuesday evening 7.30pm at Pud- dletown church from May to September and Puddletown church room from Oc- tober to April. [email protected] Even if you don't like to sing yourself but like to listen we are having our first concert with Tim on June 3rd at St John's church at 8pm, we'd love to see lots of people so do come along there really is something for everyone within our concerts. 48 37 June 2006 June 2006


At the serious business of the AGM last years committee was The members enjoyed watching a Video, and chatting returned with the exception of Mrs Dann who after many to each other about the storyline, on the on the 25th years decided to step down. The resolutions were discussed April. With the lighter evenings, this will be the last such and passed. This was followed by a fun evening of card night until late autumn. bingo accompanied by cake, sherry and cheese. Club members involved in the Heritage Discovery June is our visit to My Fair Lady at the Tivoli Theatre. July is a Project organised by Dorset Youth Association and talk about the RNLI. NATIONAL sponsored by the Heritage Lottery Fund had another enjoyable trip out on the 29 th FEDERATION April. The group once again visited the Portland Sculpture and Quarry Trust Visitors are always welcome OF WOMEN’S workshops on Portland and collected the sculptures crafted on residential INSTITUTES weekends back in February and March. They were also able to see the finished we meet on the third Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm at the model maze, which Drax Hall, North Street. they had cast on their last visit, after its JN removal from the mould. The finished THANK YOU article is the group design for a life size stonework maze that Mrs Molly Carlyle would like to send grateful thanks to all her friends who sent such the Trust are planning beautiful cards and good wishes whilst in hospital and since returning home. She to erect in the is making progress and hopes to be out and about before too long. adjoining quarry in the years ahead. TOTAL HIP REPLACEMENTTT Therefore, it’s fingers crossed that their design will be the one Thank you all for the get well cards, but how do you begin to thank so many kind chosen to be built in people, and my sister who have proved that friendship is something to be valued. stone for future My lovely friends have been so kind and are willing to go on until I am able to generations to cope. I cannot list so many names but they know who they are and they have all admire. my love and thanks. Having loaded their individual sculptures onto the minibus the group travelled Margaraet Dann back to Dorset Youth Association Headquarters in Dorchester. The sculptures were unloaded, photographed, measured and then put into safe storage. The LOCAL MP photographs, together with a list of measurements, were passed to The Dorset LOCAL MP County Museum to enable their staff to assess the best method of display. The final hour of the trip being spent in the local play park where the youngsters Annette Brooke MP holds regular surgeries in the constituency each week. For enjoyed the swings and roundabouts. details of forthcoming surgeries and to make appointments individuals should phone 01202 693555. The group are due to undertake one last trip on the 20 th May, including a trip to Portland to see the display constructed for a big launch, held just the day before, Lin Hudswell, Constituency Organiser - Mid Dorset & North Poole including work and photographs of the group’s activities. The members will then 14 York Road, Broadstone, Dorset, BH18 8ET. T: 01202 658629 F: 01202 658420 move on to Seaton in Devon to look at the cliffs and beaches in the area. By way of a thank you to all the young people involved, for their commitment and hard

38 47 June 2006 June 2006

Historic Village of Tolpuddle Positive Solutions 300 year old Cottage Altogether Individual for Holiday Letting INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ADVICE Ground floor accommodation in part of the Old Post Cottage. Mortgages and Loans for any One bedroom - for a family of purpose up to five. Investment and Savings Walking distance to pub, museum, Retirement Planning fishing and approx 10 miles to Estate and Inheritance Tax the beach. Planning For brochure telephone: For your free consultation contact 01305 848219 Martin Inwood MLIA(dip)IFA www.thepostcottage.co.uk 01929 471853 07831635336

Scout Bingo Scout Hut for Hire Every other Friday £25 or by negotiation. 8.00 p.m. at the Scout Hut. Contact Kim Benjafield

6 Bitchams Mead

01929 471170

Queries to Kim Benjafield - 01929 471170 or Betty Moss - 01929 471186

46 39 June 2006 June 2006


Your County Show is coming up soon so put a note in your diaries. Whatever your age there is something for everyone. Enjoy an exciting packed programme of events, with country pursuits, woodland activities, livestock competitions and equestrian displays. The Dancing Diggers are back by popular request plus a few other surprise events Over 800 stands provide the opportunity to browse or buy many items that you will never see in the shops and there is all day entertainment for children in the Forest Fun Factory - whatever your interests you will be spoilt for choice so don’t miss it, Discounted advance tickets now available on line at www.newforestshow.co.uk or via the credit card hotline 01590 622409. A pay-as-you-go bus shuttle service from Brockenhurst station right into the showground operates every day all day so let the train take the strain.

40 45 June 2006 June 2006

The conditions proved tough for some, but a most enjoyable round was had by all, which concluded with some very respectable scores by the ROGS members. A most enjoyable meal was had by all followed by the presentation of the Jim Corbin Cup and the days other prizes.

The Results

Pairs Competition - Jim Corbin Cup 1st Graeme Price and Rob Parry - 50 points (slashed 1 shot)

2nd Dave Rushton and Mike Crisford - 41 points (on countback) 3rd Julian Flowers & John Pitts - 41 points

NEAREST THE PIN on 2nd Mike Crissford NEAREST THE PIN on 17th Tom Crabtree NEAREST THE PIN IN TWO on 13th Jamie Lake LONGEST DRIVE on 10th Julian Flowers ACUPUNCTURE

with Jill Booth BSc MBAcC Two’s Winners  Tom Crabtree 17th Par 3 Acupuncture is often described as a means of pain relief but it can also be  Graeme Price 17th Par 3 effective in the treatment of many diseases including depression, digestive  Julian Flowers 18th Par4 problems, stress, menstrual disorders, migraines and arthritis and much more.

The Paul Ebsworth Builders Winter Knockout Shield was won by Julian Flowers For more information on how beating Rob Parry. acupuncture could help you or for a free 15 minute consultation call Jill Booth Next month we are travelling to Axecliff in sunny Devon (I hope) a course where many ROGS members have not played before. Tel: 01929 472837 Captain French Mob: 07900 982127 Practising in Bere Regis, Weymouth and Swanage.

44 41 June 2006 June 2006 President - Graeme Price R O G S Captain - Russell French c/o Mr G R Storey, Secretary Secretary - Guy Storey 9 Boswells Close, Bere Regis, BH20 7JE Treasurer - Russell White Telephone:- 01929 471041 www.bereregis.com e-mail: [email protected]

AFFPUDDLE Golf Days held every month, usually the last Friday, from March through to October.

V E N U E S 2006 CHURCH FETE DATE TROPHY VENUE WINNER Friday 24th February JCabs Trophy East Dorset Graeme Price Friday 31st March GRS Trophy Long Sutton Russell White Friday 28th April Jim Corbin Cup Queens Park Graeme Price & Rob Parry

Friday 26th May Whitbread Shield Axe Cliff Saturday 17th June Friday 30th June Captain’s Cup Dunwood Manor Friday 28th July Landlord’s Cup Isle of Purbeck

Friday 25th August President’s Cup Meon Valley 2.00 p.m. - 4.30 p.m. Friday 29th September Rob Hall Trophy Canford Magna

Friday 27th October Zoom Trophy Lyme Regis

ROGS on tour - China Fleet Golf Club, 14th - 16th July Almeria - October AGM - Bere Regis Sports Club. 7.30 p.m. Wednesday 15th November THE GRANARY Christmas Cup of Good Cheer/Dinner Dance - Bulbury Woods - 9th December BRIANTSPUDDLE ROGS APRIL 2006 - AT QUEENS PARK GOLF CLUB - BOURNEMOUTH The ROGS April fixture took place at Queens Park Golf Club, where a fantastic turnout of nearly 30 members Anyone wishing to help at a stall or gathered to contest The Jim Corbin Cup on a glorious spring day. The Jim Corbin Cup took on a slightly different contribute in any way, please contact format than usual as the cup was contested in pairs rather than the traditional individual competitions. High and low handicap members were drawn together Sandy Moriarty - 471747 or Mike in some interesting pairs and strolled out to the first tee with high expectations of Menzies - 471263. All donations of the day. The talk on the first tee was the two`s money, not having been won in the last 2 matches had now rolled over to a massive £120.00, an amount surely enough to take a ROGS member out of amateur status.

42 43