Chapter 3 Female Sexual Anatomy: Anthropology Goddesses: Honoring the Sacred Feminine Creative Aspect

Venus of Willendorf Fertility figure Isis and Horus Aphrodite c. 24,000 BCE Prehistoric Ancient Egypt Ancient Greece Early “pagan” or “nature religions” featured many Goddesses Modern Wicca is the fastest-growing religion in the U.S. today THE VULVA AS THE SACRED SOURCE OF LIFE SHEELA-NA-GIG

The Celtic Great Mother Goddess, Giver of Life SHEELA-NA-GIG CARVINGS, ENGLAND

The pagan Goddess remains on Christian churches Hawaii PELE Volcano Goddess Hinduism in India

Goddesses and Women’s Status Ammavaru Mother HISTORY OF SEX

Marilyn Monroe

First Playboy playmate of the month

Circa 1950

By today’s standards, most say she is too fat and her are too small Chapter 3 Female Sexual Anatomy and Physiology The Vulva = All external female genitalia • Mons veneris, “mons” • Labia majora • Labia minora • Clitoris • Vestibule (inside the labia minora) – Urethral opening – Vaginal introitus (opening) • Hymen • Perineum

Grey’s Anatomy coined a slang term for this area plus vagina = va jay jay and it caught on. Other vulva slang terms

Pussy hair pie Beaver Box love cave vajizzle Camel toe kitty Bearded clam Cooch nookie poon “C” word muff vertical smile Fur burger poontang Cha cha Fur pie promised land Buju “T” word snatch Birth cannon “V” tunnel of love whisker biscuit

And, about 10,000 more The Vulva = All external female genitalia

• Mons veneris – “Mound of Venus” (Roman Goddess of love and beauty) – Mound of fatty tissue between pubic bone and skin – Nerve endings which can aid in sexual arousal – Covered in hair after puberty • Forest • Trimmed • Shaved • Mons veneris – Covered in hair after puberty • Forest

• Trimmed – Bikini – Landing strip

• Shaved – Brazilian The Vulva = All external female genitalia

• Labia majora – outer lips – contain some hair and nerves • Labia minora – inner lips – Hairless – Joined superiorly at the prepuce aka, clitoral hood – Lots of nerves – Blood vessels – Sweat glands – Oil glands – Wide variation in shapes • Labia majora – outer lips – contain some hair and nerves • Labia minora – inner lips – Hairless – Joined superiorly at the prepuce aka, clitoral hood – Lots of nerves – Blood vessels – Sweat glands – Oil glands

– Wide variation in shapes Some are decorated, some say it improves sexual response. But, there are risks, infections, abscess, allergies, tearing, scarring, injury to sex partners…. LABIAPLASTY GENITAL ENHANCEMENT

Plastic surgery to improve the appearance of normal genitals

Slang: “Toronto Trim” A surgeon is surgically removing portions of the labia minora in a cosmetic labiaplasty. Facts and figures – labiaplasty • Why? • To look more like a porn star • Often resemble pre-pubescent vulvas • Due to personal preference • After a negative comment from a partner • Advertising by plastic surgeons • Third fastest growing cosmetic surgery Jessica Jaymes • Negative effects of dissatisfaction with labia appearance • Lowered sexual satisfaction • Less frequent masturbation • Less frequent self/medical exams

• Risks • Removes erotically sensitive tissue • Damages nerves • Infection, scarring The Vulva = All external female genitalia • Clitoris, slang, “clit”, “bean”, “boatman” – Only function is sexual arousal – Homologous to the penis – Clitoral stimulation most common way to achieve orgasm • Slang, “rub one out”, “rubbing off”, “Jill off”, “flick the bean”, “diddle the skittle” • Clitoris – Only function is sexual arousal – Homologous to the penis – Clitoral stimulation most common way to achieve orgasm » AKA – “coming”, “came”, “cum” Female genital mutilation AKA, Female genital cutting, FGC

A baby girl is about to undergo female genital cutting in Ethiopia, where both Muslims and Christians continue this practice despite a constitutional ban. Facts and figures – Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting • Incidence • Annual rates = 2 million/yr undergo some form • Current numbers = >140 million women have had this • Where? More than 40 countries • Africa, Middle East and Asia • Methods • Razor blades or glass shards • no anesthesia, disinfectants or sterile instruments • Negative Effects • Bleeding • Infection after and increased risk of UTI’s • Urinary/menstrual obstruction • Infertility • Delivery complications (50% increase in death mom/baby) Facts and figures – Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting • Reasons • Ensure pre-marital virginity • Social stigma: curse: “Son of an uncircumcised mother” • Belief: Contact with clitoris is dangerous for man or baby • Belief: Genitals are now more appealing • Similar to Western world labiaplasty • Belief: decrease androgyny

• Legality • Illegal in many countries • WHO called for a ban

• Current status • Declining in some countries • Increase in educational levels correlates to decrease Facts and figures – Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting • Methods • Razor blades or glass shards • no anesthesia, disinfectants or sterile instruments Facts and figures – Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting • Negative Effects • Bleeding • Infection after and increased risk of UTI’s • Urinary/menstrual obstruction • Infertility • Delivery complications (50% increase in death mom/baby) Pharaonic Sunna Circumcision Excision Circumcision Remove clitoral hood Clitoridectomy Infibulation FEMALE GENITAL CUTTING: INFIBULATION

Remove clitoris and labia, scrape sides, insert a stick to retain a small hole, stitch up, bind legs for healing ~ 1 wk. Insures virginity. Opened by husband’s penis or cut after marriage. Facts and figures – Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting • Reasons • Ensure pre-marital virginity • Social stigma: curse: “Son of an uncircumcised mother” • Belief: Contact with clitoris is dangerous for man or baby • Belief: Genitals are now more appealing • Similar to Western world labiaplasty • Belief: Decrease androgyny FEMALE ANATOMY AND CONCEPTS OF HONOR Women are expected to remain virginal before marriage, and faithful afterwards

VICTORIAN MORALITY: “The Outcast”, Richard Redgrave, 1851 Death or mutilation by knife, by fire, or by acid.

HONOR KILLINGS Forty years ago, Kamel Hader killed his unmarried sister when she came home pregnant. Today, he vows he would do it again. “Otherwise, we live in shame.”


Somalia 2008 The Ariaal of Kenya Girls are uncircumcised; women are circumcised Circumcision is required before marriage

Women going to a wedding

Circumcision also assures faithfulness by removing a woman’s sexual pleasure

Newly circumcised bride Dogon of Mali Circumcision at Songo Every child is androgynous, and as such, they wouldn’t procreate Circumcision is necessary to remove the contra-sexual element from both girls and boys Clitoris is a male trait Foreskin is a female trait This is a religious ritual In Dogon thought, males and females are thought to be born with both sexual components. The clitoris is considered male, while the foreskin is considered to be female. Rites of circumcision thus allow each sex to assume its proper physical identity. All boys between 9 and 12 years old are circumcised. This marks the end of their youth, and they are now initiated. The blacksmith performs the circumcision. Afterwards, they stay for a few days in a hut separated from the rest of the village people, until the wound has healed. The circumcision is a reason for celebration and the initiated boys go around and receive presents. The newly circumcised men must walk around naked for a month after the procedure so that their achievement in age can be admired by the citizens of the tribe. This practice has been passed down for generations and is always followed, even during winter. They are one of several African ethnic groups that practices female genital mutilation. The majority of the Dogon women practice a class 2 circumcision, meaning that both the clitoris and the labia minora are removed. Girls are circumcised around the age of 7 or 8 years, sometimes younger. Circumcision for both male and female is seen as necessary for the individual to gain gender. Before circumcision they are seen as 'neuter'. Facts and figures – Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting • Legality • Illegal in many countries • WHO called for a ban Facts and figures – Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting • Current status • Declining in some countries • Increase in educational levels correlates to decrease

• Egypt • 97% of married women had FGC • 62% girls in rural schools • 46% in government urban schools • 9% in private urban schools Cultural changes are coming from within The Vulva = All external female genitalia

• Vestibule (inside the labia minora) – Urethral opening – Vaginal introitus (opening)

• Hymen

• Perineum – Slang, “taint” – Episiotomy • A cut to the perineum to increase the size of the birth canal • Vestibule (inside the labia minora) – Urethral opening – Vaginal introitus (opening) Routine self-examination • Hymen is an aspect of preventive health care – Present at birth – Perforated – Broken with sex • Aka cherry

• Perineum – Slang, “taint” – Episiotomy IMPERFORATE HYMENS

Today it’s an easy fix, simply incise the hymen in a doctor’s office. Internal Structures: Vagina • 3 layers: mucous, muscle, fibrous • Arousal and vaginal lubrication – Lubrication changes vaginal pH and increases pleasure

Typically closed, not a space but a potential space. If filled with air and expelled = slang, “Queef” Internal Structures: Vagina • Grafenberg (G) spot – Theoretical area of increased sensation, stimulation of which leads to a more rapid/intense orgasm • Secretions & Chemical balance – Within 30 sec. of arousal vasocongestion will cause the vaginal walls to secrete a slippery fluid, “lubrication” has occurred. – Facilitates intercourse, possesses a characteristic odor/taste – Normal pH = 4.5, with lubrication = 6.5 • Sperm do better in alkaline pH • Inadequate lubrication may require exogenous assistance This Lysol ad from 1948 misled women about their vaginal health. the Lysol actually eliminated the healthy vaginal chemical and bacterial balance, allowing problematic organisms to multiply. Zonite Ad c. 1950 Internal Structures

• Cervix • Uterus – 3 layers and fundus • Perimetrium • Myometrium • Endometrium • Fallopian tubes/Uterine tubes • Ovaries Menstruation – slang, there are a bunch of them Aunt Flow Miss Scarlet Sprung a Leak Aunt Rose Monthlies Surfing the Crimson Tide Aunt Ruby Moody Monthly T-Minus 9 mos and holding Bloody Mary Oil Change T.O.M Closed Shop On the Rag Technical Difficulties Code Red Out of Order Time Crimson Curse Pad Straddling Visitation Crimson Tide Painters are in Rebooting the Ovarian Op Sys Dark Week Periodical Red Headed Cousin from S. The Gift Ragtime Kitty has a Nosebleed Dishonorable Discharge from the Lady Days Red Light District Uterine Navy Leak Week Scarlet Letter Menstruation • Sloughing off of uterine lining if conception did not occur – Endometrium is lost • Myths and negative attitudes – Leviticus 15:19 “And if a woman have an….. issue in her flesh be blood, she shall be apart seven days: and whosoever toucheth her shall be unclean until the even.” Used to require sacrificing two pigeons, etc. to cleanse. – Some still adhere to this concept, no sex during menstruation, cleansing needed afterward. Orthodox Jews – Avoid physical activity – Go to a “Menstrual House” (Dogon) or – “Moon Lodge” (Native American) “Menstrual House” (Dogon)

“Moon Lodge” (Native American) Distinctive relief sculptures of stylized and oversized male and female genitals adorn the menstrual house of the Dogon tribe in present-day Mali, Africa. During menstruation, married women retreat to this house, completely separated from their families and relieved of their daily work of caring for children, cooking, carrying water, and going to market. the only contact they have is with older women who supply their daily needs. Menarche (initial onset of menstrual bleeding) • Age 11-15, getting earlier, 1920 – 1980 = - 1 year 1850 - 2003 = - 3.5 years • Dependent on – Heredity – Health • Fat cells produce leptin, 10 Cause • 16% of 6-11 year olds are overweight • 4% in 1970 • Environmental chemicals – BPA – pesticides – Altitude • Earlier in lower altitudes NEW WOMEN: KROBO, GHANA Severing ritual – “Dipo” 3 week seclusion Sexual instruction “Outdooring” ceremony Dance and display to attract a husband “PUBERTY PARTY” IN SRI LANKA

Saffron bath Thrown rice, Flowers First saree Wears mom’s gold Eat sweets Receive gifts PUBERTY CELEBRATIONS AND COMING OUT PARTIES

Japan, Sri Lanka, and Mexico Girl Woman GROWING UP AMONG THE HIMBA IN NAMIBIA Menarche is the sign that a girl is becoming a woman. She is considered a full woman after childbearing Menstrual Physiology

• Flow – shedding of the uterine lining – Lasts from 2 to 6 days • Volume – Varies from 6 to 8 ounces • Menstrual synchrony – Women align the timing of their periods – It’s a myth……. • Duration of a cycle – Varies from 24 to 42 days – Time from ovulation to menstruation = 14 +/- 2 days May involve some pain or pinch Internal Structures

• Fallopian tubes/Uterine tubes – Carry egg to uterus – Site of fertilization – Fimbriae draw ovulated egg into uterine tubes • Ovaries – Up to 1 million immature ova (follicles) at birth – 500K left at menarche – 400 mature in lifetime – Ovulation is the release of ovum

The Menstrual Cycle • Hypothalamus releases chemicals that stimulate pituitary

• Pituitary produces – Follicle stimulating hormone – Luteinizing hormone

• Negative feedback mechanisms control cycles

Studies show: • Just prior to ovulation • Greater response to erotic imagery • Greater desire for sex with partners • Increase in masturbation • Men show heightened interest

• Lap dancer tips • $70/hr during ovulation • $50/hr between • $35/hr during menses • If on the pill: $37/hr ave. • Not on the pill: $53/hr ave. Sex During The Menstrual Cycle AKA, period sex, bloody sex, red sex

– No physiological reason to abstain – May be cultural reasons, shame, religious, etc. – May be uncomfortable – Certainly will be messy – Diaphragm or cervical cap can restrict flow – Orgasm may relieve symptoms of discomfort – There are other ways to play • Oral • Anal • Manual • Mutual masturbation Menstrual Cycle Problems Some physical, some psychological • Premenstrual syndrome, PMS – 80-95% = mild discomfort • Bloating, swelling, pain, cravings, negative thoughts, irritability, tension, depression, mood swings…. • Can interfere with relationships – 5% = Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) • Significant effect on normal functioning • Dysmenorrhea – Painful menses, cramping, aching – Nausea, vomiting, headache,,, – Endometriosis Menstrual Cycle Problems Some physical, some psychological • Amenorrhea – No menses – Primary – no menarche = hormonal, dietary, imperforate hymen – Secondary = pregnancy, dietary, athletic, menopause

• Self-help for menstrual symptoms – Diet – Exercise – Oral contraceptives Gynecological Health Concerns

• Urinary tract infections – Burning, urgency, frequency, pain, colored urine • Vaginal infections – Irritation, itching, odor, discharge • Both due to improper wiping, sexual contact

• Pap smear screens for cervical cancer • Hysterectomy or oophorectomy – Most frequently performed U.S. operation – More frequently performed on lower income, less educated women – Nonsurgical options CULTURAL ATTITUDES ABOUT THE VULVA



SEXY The Breasts: a Documentary Watch the 50 min. video, then discuss it in small discussion groups. Then complete the writing submission on Canvas by the due date.

Consider: What does all of this have to do with “being a woman” in the U.S.? : IN-CLASS ACTIVITY: BREASTS

QUIETLY move the desks into small groups of 5-6

Lift the desks and move them without scraping or whacking the floor or each other…..

Discuss the following questions in class So you can then finish the writing assignment on Canvas. 1. What reactions did the various women have when they developed breasts at puberty? 2. Why are there so many kinds of bras? 3. Why do some women undergo expensive and risky surgery to enlarge their breasts? 4. Why are some men so fascinated with women’s breasts? Why do some men prefer small breasts, while other men prefer larger? 5. Why would a woman undergo breast reduction surgery? 6. How can breasts be seen as “power tools”? 7. What is the proper function of breasts: objects of pleasure, baby bottles, or both? 8. How do some women relate to breast-feeding their babies? Does this affect their sex lives? 9. Why is losing a breast or breasts to cancer so traumatic for some women? Why was it a loss for both the wife and the husband? 10. What is the “Strong Breast Revolution”? How do you feel about it? Why can’t women legally show their breasts in public? (After all, men can go topless if they choose to!) In Class Activity: Breasts • Time’s up – QUIETLY reorganize the desks – Go to Canvas and do the appropriate writing assignment – Write it on Criterion – Achieve 5/6 or Proficient or better – Take a screen shot of your Score and post that as the first thing on this assignment – No screen shot = no points – Then, the word count – Paste or upload your written work after the screen shot of your Criterion score and the word count Criterion screen shot

Word count

Your submission The Breast • Secondary sex characteristics • Mammary glands produce milk • Areola is darker area • Nipple is in center of areola & has openings for milk • Size variation is mostly fatty tissues • Right:Left size variation is normal Figure 3-7 p78 BREAST ENLARGEMENT SURGERY: SILICONE IMPLANTS

Legal… Ethical?


These statues were religious figures in their own cultures PUBLIC REACTIONS TO AN EXPOSED FEMALE BREAST

Spirit of Justice Superbowl John Ashcroft Janet Jackson Attorney General 2004 2002 - 2005 The Breast • Manual or oral stimulation of the breast is often a part of foreplay or masturbation • Some women find it pleasurable, some unpleasant

Sometimes even with breastfeeding How long should a mother breast- feed her infant? AAP recommends minimum 6 months, 1 year is better

U.S. 6 months? Modern India Dani, New Guinea 2-3 years, but more 4+ years use of formula lately Breast Health • Breast lumps – Cysts (fluid-filled sacs) – Fibroadenomas (solid, round, benign tumors) – Malignant tumor • Benefits of early detection & treatment Breast self exam is a critical self care procedure. It is helpful to use a chart similar to this one to keep track of lumps in the breasts.

Chart any changes, lumps, dimples, skin changes… 1. Location 2. Size (BB, pea, raisin, grape,,,,) 3. Shape (round, rough, oval,,,) 4. Compare records from prior exams to ID changes 5. Any significant change should be reported to a health provider For a work up……

Most are B9. Breast Health • Breast cancer – Treatments • Radiation • Hormonal • Chemo • Lumpectomy • Mastectomy – Risk factors – Reconstructive breast surgery

The Breast Cancer Fund’s “Obsessed with Breasts” campaign used this attention- getting image to promote breast cancer education.


Sylvia Ellen Vicki

Women may select to have reconstructive surgery End.