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• • BOMBAY PRESIDENCY~ • , • • , • , • • • , , • • , FOR THE YEAR • • • •

• - • • • , .:D .. 23/-<' • C4- - to,...... _ ,,~_ ... , .s~04~ ADMINISTRATION. . REPORT "OF THE PUBLIO WORI{S DEPART)IENT, , -' BOMBAY PRESIDENCY, FOR THE YEAR .1893-94.

MILITARY WORKS. GENERAL REMARKS. 1. The following stations remained under the control of the Bombay Public 'Vo,rks Department during the year :- Poona District. \ Ahmednagar. I. Purandhar. Sirur. Khandala.

, ~ata.ra. Bombay Di8trir.t. M~.1egaon. Baroda. Bhuj. Surat. Thana. :Deesa District. Ahmedabad.. Rajkot. 2. The expenditure during the year on Military Works (in­ cluding contributions) amounted to Rs. 1,95,538,. of which Ra. 47,710 was for original works, Rs. 90,9~6 for repairs, Rs. 32,887 for establishment, Rs. 2,066 for tools and plant, and Rs. 21,929 for Barrack Department. 3. Th~ Military Works Revenue for the year amounted to &2~~ . 4. The works carried out during the sear under each head were as follows :- , .



'~e old Persian BaITack, No. XX, in the British Infantry A.hmedabad. ~ll:as 'Put into thorough Tepair" at a. cost. of . .,- "" -----~ Q .. - A·,685. ~." ...... 2 elevation ~nd ~tyle of r06fipg. The toundati~s :and plinth have been :compl~ted, apd the ~\lP~ratru~tur~ ll,early,SO: 'Jlie esti~ated cost IS J~s.; la,734, and tnJ:t Qut!ay d,urmg ~~e year'lYa1!.Rs.6,70J,. 7. The floors of the' Jnarried. men's ~quarters, in the British Infantry Jines, and. also, of 4 detached staiI quarters, have been paved with stone, I1t,3 cost of Rs. 3.754,

BUILDINGS Foa EWtOPEAN J1aoops IN Tn~ )I~LLS:-'PE~ANEXT. , - . , Khandala. 8. The work of constructing a Regimental IDstit~te, in­ cluding canteen and cook-house,.des9ribed in 'the last report, has 'been cot;nJ?leted a.t a total cost of Rat 18,694; of which Be. 220 was spent dunng the year. . <,' PUl'l\udhar. _9. The provision of iron, gutters' to the eaves of the b~ack8 at llurandhar, d~scribedJ~ the-last bporP,:was oompleted during, .the year at a total cost or Rs~ 3,301, ol which 118. 554 wero ex- 'pended during the ye~. ' Satara. 10. ~ew flooring to the upper .s,tory o~ ~he Barrack i~ the ~i¥ Fort was completed at a to~a~ o~tJa1. of Rs. 3,344, ~gain8t the estImate of- Rs. 8,472. . Thtr work COI}Eustad ()f replaolDg the old earthen fioor by teak boardlng.:li~ thicki ·ou.teak JOists, 3"x41", ~l1pported on th~,old beams. ' 11. The work of providing' '8 'Ma~galore tlled' :roof, in lieu 'of' the ,exist.ing' th~tched ..one, tb the Statioll; Hospital, was in progress, Rs. 2!~Ol ,ha,:ing been e~'pend~' B;urjng the year. against the sanctlone.d estImate of Ra. 6,S38. '

V .. ~STUD.

Ahmednagar. 12.. In Yo. 1 stable; ~ount, ~p6t, thrEle-fourths of the Q,ld ,m.a.'lJO!.n:y TpiUa,l'a-sapporting th&-l'ool, have ,bee~ replaced by' ~ron-pipe pm~rs, a~ a cost of Rs. t,834: Th~ wprk is .in progress, .and the cost Includes a b¥!1nce of ,200 Iron-pIpes requIred for the other stables. vn.-GEN.ERAL OANTONMENT WORKS.

, WATU·SUfP.(.T. . Satira. 18.. The work in connection with. the Satara Camp water­ supply. wqfch has been fully describe~ jn previous reports, was in progress, ~nd the expenditure o~ ~he year was RI. 12,015. ~nd the toM.! from the commencement of the 'Wor~,Rs. 52,848, aga.lnst the re~ised estimate of Rs. 70,465~ ,It,Is expected: tha.t the work will be finished in. t~& next, year~ YI~Ir-FORTiFJCA'rfQNa;

Purandhar. , .14. The"-w~rk of carryi~g out cerlain defenSive wor~8. described in. ·the report for 189l.. 92, has b~n' co~pleted durl~~ the'year at a total cost of Rs. 4,360; ~f" which '.Rs. ?58 were ape, '

-d.uring thg lear. " ,', " < "15; 'tlie odJlV'ersiop.~ of t~~~J;i~~~~~~~'" :~-w.a! com-eleted during t~,$~ , ""~ " .... ,. ~ ""~~ ...... ~~""'.. ~ .... 'lt .. \..--~ ~ .. ... ,,~ ~~_~~\~~~'J" '



GENERAL REMARKS. In the year under report the expenditure on irrigation works throughout the Presidency AmQunted to Rs. 321 Jakhsas compared. with 241 lakhs in the previous year. This outlay was divided between Sind and the Presidency proper in thE proportion of 23 to 9 respectively. . 2, Of toe total outlay of Ra. 24,50.730 on works and repairs, Rs. 12,65,95~ were expended on repairs. The expenditure on .repairs to works in ~ind wa~ Rs. 10,70,823 and to those in DecCan and Quj.it Rs. 1,95,1:-30. DECCAN AND GUJARAT. . 3. The principal works in progtess during the year were the Nira Cana' from the Protective-grant and certain works in connection with the improve ments of the Poona water-supply from the grant under Minor Works anc Navigation. At Bhatghar, as reported last year, the" masonry in the dam was aI' 'ColPpleted with the exception of the wall and top corbelling over the arches ir the up-stream side of the two weirs. A portion of this was done during the yeal under revie\v and the coping was completed over ~he first 15 openings of thE north waste weir. The pitche~ 43mbankments ~n ~ontinuation of the flank wall! at both the south and north weirs were ~;tended In order to protect the lane between them and the Yelwandi. River•. The fixing of the hand railing on th_E coping at the top of the dam was proceeded with, and the" only _pOl'iionsstili remainin~ to be done are the up-stream side of the river portion and of the soutlJ waste weIr and both sides on the north waste weir. The lifting gear for the largE Under-sluices has all been permanently fixed and the screw rods are reported tc work satisfactorily. The automatic gates for the Borth waste weir were supplie~ by the contractors befoz:e the end of the yeir. Fifteen gates were erected and hung with counter-weights before water was stored in August, and their working was tested when the water rose over the weir cr~t. The gates worked very well under the small head of 3 feet. Next year the full numoor of 45 gates on the nortJi·waste weir will be tested in the same manner under heads varying from o to 5 feet. They cannot be subjected to a fun head until the south weir gate~ have been erected or until after the mon~oon of 1895, when it is expected thE whole of the wo~k will be completed. The only work earned out on the weir at Vir was the completion of the new needle gap near the scouring sluices and the convers~n of the falling gatE -',opening into a needle gap as being more workable. An ol"erbridge in the 7Jsi and a supper-passage in the 97th miles of the canal and distributaries Nos. :>9 and a5A were practicalIt completed and some sman works such as outlets, masonl1 works for eross draInage and road ~ommunications, &0., were earried out. 4. The new settling tanks for the Poona Water-supplywere nearly completed jmd all the other W'Qrks in counection with that project made good progress. 5. ~ The portion Qf the Mhasvad Tank dam where leak. OCCUlTed was excavated and pitcl:ting from the front elope was removed and better material for re-making th.e .dam was co~lected, B 428-1 6. The works in connection with improvements to the, Ekruk Tank peren­ nial Canal have been completed and t\l~ .caw¥ has been brought to its original section and the embankment raised throughout for a length of 24 miles. 7. The proposal for extension of berm with an under·pinning of muram to prevent movement in the Ashti Dam ,where no berm is now provided is under consideration. . r 8. Report on the Chankapur Tank is under the consideratiotl oC Govern­ ment. 9. The two works in the Southern Division on which expenditure on Capital account was incurred during the year were the Krishna Canal, and the reconstruction of the slipped portion {>f the Nebr Dam in connection with the Yerla River system. -rhe former, on which onlya few sub.. works now remain to be carred out, will be entirely finished, as sanctioned, during nextlear. Con­ siderable progress was made with the lat~er work, which is desc~ibe further on. 10. Pursuant to the liberal policy of Government as regards'the treatment of irrigation tanks, large and small, in the Southern Maratha Country and Gujarat, the repair and improvement of as many as 137 tanks in the Dharwar District and 5 tanks in the District were either in progress or completed during the year., the outlay a~ounting to Rs. 38,569 an_d Rs. 16,694 'respectively.' In the Ahmedabad and Surat and Broach Districts the repair and improvement of 51 tanks were undertaken, the total expenditure in each district bemg Rs. 9,265 and Rs. 23,021 respectively. 'The reports of the ComIQittees appointed by Government for the col'lsiderati~ of the systema.tic up-keep of these tanks ill future and other cognate ~uestjon8 have some time since been submitted, and orders of Government will lie issued as early as practicable. 1]. The total area irrigated from all works during the year \Vas 78,187 acres and eompares with the previous five years as follows :-

Area Years. inipted..

1888-89 ... 77,315- 19·68 1889.. 90 .'0 83,S41 25'75 18'9<)·91 ...... 73,141 22'49 1891 .. 92 ...... 94,312 17'31 1892-93 ... 63,771 33'59 )893·94 ' .Sf ~ .~, 7~,187 2}'62

12. The following table>shows the area irrigated and water rate assess- ments for each work during the year ;- '

Area No. IrrIptecL. I-~~·'--""' ____ I_o..-U-"--"'--;-' 1--...... ' -l--':'---';~-.--1----1---- Acres. ,. , *Be. 1 Itoithmatt Canal... ..' l,701 iO,i6S Brought forward ... 01,949 2 Kh4ri Cut ... ,.'. ... 1,7135 l],645 3 Banala Tank ... .,. 11B 266 20 Koregaon Tank ••• •.. 852 1,007 4 Mul..ti Tank ••• ... 1,238 4,309 !1 Ekr.k Tank ... •• 2,889 4.,lIM D Mbasva Tjmk .• , , ,.. ,229 550 22 Ashti Tank ••• .., •• t 1,ltS 13,!!GO 6 Joimda ell-nal. ... ••• 1.5SS 6,630 23 Mhasvad Tank ••• ••• 6,281 21.412 7 Panul Tank .t..., 35t 1,418 24 RewAri Canal ... ••• 1,S4.S 6.260 8 P.l.Iked Cana.l •.. ~,1040 '1,245 25 Yarla Eiver Works ••• l,t5S 6,il'S 9 WadAli Canal ...... allo 1,306 26 Upper Man River WorD. 1,4to 7,011 10 Ojha.r TJ.mbat Canal ... &38 ],92' 27 Mainl Tank. •••• ... },369 .,53! :Jl 'OJhar Canal ,.. ••• 2,243 &,o:m 28 Chikhli Canal ••• __ 870 2,03S 1a Ukh Cana.l .. ' ... 343 1,018 2g KnskDa CaDst ••• ~., 4,ft! ",()t!. ]3 Bha.todi Tank ... ••• .., 1,613 5,J72 aQ Mllchkundi Taak _. w 60 H Mutha Canals ... ..• 8,259 1,38,962 11 Cana.l ••• •.. 4,231" , 11,62' 15 K~rdi :rank '0.. r.' 124 ,339 It Madag Tank, ... ,... 4~ 1,tlt2 16, 'Matoba Tank ... ' ,~.. '~142 ]0,790 33 Dt\robal Tank ... ••• 127 87' 17 Shirsuphal·Tank '~.... ~13 3,436 S4: Medleri Taak ;~'. ••• , 8' -, ,'0 2U 18 Bh4dalvAdi Tank ,... 764. 4,141 J5 Ae11Bdi Tank ...., , •• 85 i' , 1 i Nir. Can&l ;'.a • 1 •• ' .:: 24,003 .,g3,'7~3 , , .•• 'C&rii~d lorward '.~.~9{~ '2,9',41' Total' '.:. 78,187 ',26,070 ~,-d "#,.! • 8 i3. - The total assessments amount to Rs. 4,26,070 'and thus show an in· crease of Rs. ,1,09,720, or more than 84 per cent., due to increaSe in ~rea. irrigateq. 14. Statement showing the results of run-off from the catchment areas of tan1cs in the, Deccan for 1893 in appended. The comparative statement of dimen­ sions and cost of storage works constructed, under construction, and proposed in the Deccan was'revised during the year and is also appended to this report. SIND. 15. A change in the Public 'forks administration of the Province of Sind, the necessity for which had for Some time been manifest, was made during the year. The work had outgrown the power of a single Superintend­ ing Engineer to cope with, and the Sind Irrigation Committee, which met in 1892, recommended that an additional Superintending E~gineer be appointed. The change was sanctioned by the Secretary of State and came into force on 31st October 1893, when t~e office of Superintending Engineer in Sind was abolished and two new circles were established, one entitled the Indus Left Bauk Division, the other the Indus Right Bank Division. In the Indus Left Bank Division are included at present the following ,executive districts :- N~ra Supply Channel (temporary). Eastern N~ra. Hyderabad Canals. FuleH Canals. Hyderabad Buildings. The formation of a new district to deal with all matters connected with the Indus is contemplated, and several special districts will be required to carry out the Jamrao Canal and the important extensions and improvements of old can'3.1s in the Hyderabad Collectorate, projects for which are before Government. In the Right Bank Division are in.cluded the following districts ;- Beg~ri Canals. Shikarpur Canals. Gh~r Canals. Western N~ra. Karachi Canals. 16. The inundation of 1893 was remarkable for the abnormal rise at the end of May when the Bukkur gauge read 12 feet 9 inches, a reading for that date which has only once been exceeded, namely, in 1878. The river, however, quickly fell and on ·June 13th the reading was only 7 feet 4 inches. It then rose normally and attained its maximum height, 15 feet 10 i~ches, on 80th July. The fall afterwards was rapid. Judged by thtt standard laid down by the late Superintending Engineer in Sind in h~~ Annual Irrigation report for 1892-98, the inundation was an unfavourable one, as Bukkur gauge read over 13 feet for only 44 days, and Kotri gauge over 17 feet for 5Q days. Its great fault was the rapid fall in August which caused some of the' canals to run dry before the crops were fully matured. A point to be 'noted is tbat, whatever the causes may be that have in recent years delayed the escape of the waters of the Indus to the sea, they were still in action in 18~3 as the following figures show:--!' ' , Bukkur Kom Gauge Gauge Yeare, over 17 over feet, 13 feet.

Days. Days. 1889 ••• ... , .. 76 66 1890 •.• ,-. 37 37 1891.:. , .. SO 45 1892.,...... 38 41 1893.:. ,. 44 50 . 17. Owing to the l~rge are~ under rabi?n 1892, t~e river, when.it first rose tn'lIay, found the people busily engaged III harvestu;tg theIr rabl c~ops ~d_ consequently not ready. Again, owing to the early perIod of th~ year m WhlC~ the river wa~ . at its highest, the land that was flooded for rabl' had lost the greater part of its'moisture ~hen the. sea.son'for.sowi~g the ~ arri"~d: hence both t11'6 kharif and rabi area IS; generally $pea.king, likely to be le8$, than the revious year but will still probably be abofe the average. So far as the Hyder­ ~bad Ca.nals District is concerned, it is ~ieved that th.e: figures of ~tivation and, revenue will show an increase over those of the prevwus year, which was the highest 'on record. ' 18. . In the Begari Canals District several dangerous leaks appeared in the Kashmor Bu~d, but were fortunately st~p~d before any bre~h ~c~rred. When the river fell in August, the dhandJeeding the Desert Capal got hopelessly blocked with sand, the result being a total faHure' of all cultivation. ID the Shikarpur Canals District portions ()f the SukkuJ:-Begari Bund ;lIla. of the Kasimpur Bund were ~roded by the rive~, b.ut ~s the water level fell soon after, . no serious flood escaped. In the Rohrl DIStrict ,the usual loeal floods ~sed over the country and may be classed as moderate, while the Bh:1valpur 1100d barely reached British territory. In the Ghar CanaIs District, owing to the inopportune way in which the river rosa and feD, serious loss would baveresnlted to the cultivation had not the supply in the ~e of the Sukkur Canal been supplemented by a.dmitting water through the old head~ -and in that of the Ghar by the supply received from the Fordwab. l,n the W~"tern Nara District, owing to the low river in the latter part of the. season, th~ rice crop ~suttered hea~ill in the upper reaches of the Nara, .but with. the asslstance C?f the ne~ feeder the lower portions were amply supplIed. Owmg to the set of the river on the bunde along the river bank, the water'topped and breached them ~n .several places, the result Leing serious flooding of the country between. them and the Nth'a, and also several breaches iq the lipe of railway. No hill floods· oCcurred. In, the Karachi District the flood level rose to within a few inches of tbat of J89.2. and had not the rivet eroded the bund line at Bahadipur, there would have been no floods except that from one breach in th~ bund liqe ~orth o~ J erruck. 19. The spill over the left bank of the Indus in the- Robri District was very large and c~used a heavy flood down the Ea~tern Nara. which is stated to have been the -highest since 1878. The protective works. in, thO' N.tra Valley as a whole worked well, and comparatively ltitle dama,ge "Was done. The sluices, at. heads of the J amrao Sa,ng and Rata Sang, which were of very. light construction, were carried away, and some minor embankments were breached. The loss of kharif cultivation was more than covered by the- ,increase ip rabi. This 11000 was fully reported on at the time and is referred to· in Government Rrso)utioD No. 51 W~ 1.--588 of, 31st March 1891. The supply to- the cana.ls Qf, the Eastern Nara system is to a great extent independent of the . nature of the .inun­ dation, and in the year 'under review the kharif supply was throughout the leason ample, and the a.rea cultivated larger than usual. There was however Jl. falling off of rabi consequent_ on the closure of t.he N ara Supply, Channel to enable the deepening to L~: carrie~ o~t. / The only. riv~r emban~ents of any importance in the Indus Left Bank Division are those iD the Fwe1i Canal£J District. No breaches oC9urred in·them. Numerous small breaches ocourred in the can~ banks j they were all cl0Se4 without any par!.icular difficulty. _ nese breaches usually occur -during rains at lUlr~gulated kanah heads ,when wate\" is not required ...for cultivation, and it .. is impqssible to avoid them., 'the -construc­ tion of regulators on- the }"llIeli-and. escapes ,from.its tail. branches haS done a. great deal towards lessen~g t~eir' number. 20. One of tlie principal Qperations of the year was the commencement-of the deepening of the Na.ra Supplt Channel, with.which good progress was made and which will be describeq later o~. . - The improvements to .the U nharwah intended to increase the supply of that canal and ~xtend the area commande~ by it. commenced duripg the previous year, made conSIderable progress. Preparations were made for clearmg.and extending the original month of tbtt Desert Canal whi~h was in' u~ up'to 1 ~86( and &00 to clear the. mo~th used from 1~8? to 1891. The suggestIons of t~e InSpectOr ·General of ~rrlgat:ton for streng~henmg the ltashmot nund were partially carrIed out-where. ever urgently _reQu4'ed.. The improvement of th~ Sind Canal 'Was commenced, llu;t:o,wing to tlia ~ having, fnr advanced· work was Confined 'to ,the excavation pI two n~w 1?rapcb~.an9 ~~ imprQv~mep~of, .~~ Mi~~wab_J . OwinS ~o the erosion caused by the set-of the river against·thll Sukkur-Begari Fund in the 22nd mile, a new loop was commellced and nearly'completed. A loop in the Kasimpur Bund also became necessary and was undertakell. In the Western N araDistrict the ex­ penditure was principally on the Pritchar4' :Can~I~ new. feeder Wesfern N ara, Dhamrao Canal and Nara.' Bunds .. pn the Pritchard Canal it was decided to construct .a new regulator. Wark on the Dhamrao Canal was 'pushed on ,·jgorously under great difficulties as· regards labour and water. The main canal, together with five miles of the Gangrout branch were expected- to be ready by the end of the first week in June. The repairs to the N ara Bunds commenced in the previous year. were. completed In the Karachi Canals District the Baragaza Kp, Bund, which had been commenced late in the previous year, was being constructed with vigour during April and l\1:~y, bu.t it had to be abandoned on account of .a. sudden and unexpected rise of the river which flooded the works Lefore completion. Th~ restoration of old embankments of the Daghar Canal was continued in the year under. report. In the Eastern N am District the J atri sluice and escape channel were com­ plet~d an? the regulator in the Makbi weir commenced. The J atri-Kheti clearance in the Nara channel was also .completed. In the FldeIi Canals District the reguiator at the 60th mile (Alipur) lV-as practically completed,-and four of the five proposed escapes for the surplus water at the tail were completed. ' In the Hyderabad Canals District no new works of importance were under- taken. . 21.' The survey-in connection with the revision of the. plans and estimate of the Jamrao Canal, referred to in para.graph 18 of last year's 'report, was coi'h­ pl~~ed and the project submitted for s~nction. . SurveysJor the improvement of the large'canals in the north of the Hyder­ abad Canals District were 'also completed, and proj.ects prepared. The work done by the Rohri Survey party was iRspected by the Superintend­ ing Engineer,. and proposals were framed fOl" diverting, the Bhavalpur flood and for a new canal. 22. The usual .statement of entire expenditure with a detailed state- 'ment showing the various items of works ~Ii which th~ canal clearance grant for the year has been expended and t~e establi~h,ment. debitable: t.o jt, is appended (Apl!endices A. and B). ..ll. gen~ra1 summary of thls expenditure for the whole provmce is given below:-:- _ , . J 1'.'" WOln.s., RBI>.IIlllll. Establish. Too\e Toial t'ot"l under "lass ot Works. 1 Canal meat and Ordmary . Come,.. debitable pl'QpIlr. iPIlU1 t. Bll bea4s. Capital. Revenue. AgrlCUlo Total. workS,' vaney toCI_ ~uml. • EstabhBb- a.noo _ mellt. Grant. ~ ~ ---I- !:ta. U.. Re. a... - RSJ :.Ra_ - Re. R.. b Rs. Major Works •• .. , ". i,03:862 i,46O ... ,4..Q8.323 1.".130 89,823 1,83,46t 1.13.521 ',495 1,OO.'9() )1lnol" Works, Capital 29.829 _. 2,65,038 1.8j;sT7 4,n.498 ~ S1,~48 ~.87'1 2.25,4~. 89,65 3~6

-1)0. Reveaue II ... , - l!.4!'l,218 ." 2,?,.218 3.79,398 "16.1169 4.55,667 1,62,04i S-.408 8.30,337 Ordinal)' Agricultural .. - '7,179 '1.179 1.33.379 27.882 1,60.761 70.992 9.986 2,88,918 • ------TotN ... ••il,410 2,43,007 "',liO' 7,31,696 8.82.890 1,82.52'3 ---10,640.1118 4.li3,934 20,005 --23.70,MJ* DepoeitB Cootributioll Onb- oal)' ...... , .. '- ..,. 651> . 655 l,llta M' 1,518 ~ ... 2.toO /

N. B.-The difle~en(le betW8I>O the flgul'8ll showll in the Fmaoce accounts Bnd the abo,.. IltAtemeu, agaiDst each clas8 of works ia dUe to .dj"B~m811tA per Go,... mment BesolutJon lIo. m, of 13th A.prlll893. • Eubluv, oj Retu.nds of Revenue BI!. .,38'1, ' . GENERAL. .23. -The x:eye:Que r~ceipts during the year amounted to Rs. 7,~7,~58, of which Rs. 5,.69,861 were on account of works in the Deccan and GUJarat, and Rs. 1,97,197 were on account of works in Sind. These receipts repr~sent direct revenue accounted for in the Pubijc Works ·Department,.and dO,not lDclude the receipts credited under Land ~venue. The fig~re~ for the~year nnder report compare with those for the, preVIOUS two years as follows :..- lS '28-2 f

189).92. ,1&9-2·93. ,. l893-94, Its. :as, Major Work8- , '". Protective Works .,. ••• ."~ dJ,585 1,11,742 1,02,419 Productive Works ... t •• .... 8,6b,412 4,09,30~ 4,12,162 Total • ..: 4,4~,99~ . 6,21,046 .. 5,14,581 l1IinOl' Works­ Imperial- Works lor which Capital ana -'­ Revenue Accounts are kept .:. '1,34,i63 1.16,073 1,,42,a:u Works for which only Revenue - Accounts are kept -'" ' •. ," .64,226 61,.095 ' 77,667 Agricultural Works ••• • ..... '1,132. 1,584 1,833. :P~ovinoial- Works for which Capita.l and Revenne Accounts are kep~... 16.,S97' "1'1,475 30,6~

" sci . Total ... 2.17,018. 1,96,227 2,52,477 Q • Grand Total ... 6,61,015 · 7,11,2!,3 7.~7,058. "

24. The expenditure or the yetlr was distributed under different heads a8 under :-

Capital.- Major W orks:.­ Protective Works .... (a) t,!1,402 Pl'O(]llctive do. •••.' . • •• (b) o,13,39~ \0 6,34,79. Minor Wo:rks and ~avigation- Works for which ,C~pital and Revenue Accounts are kept ••• ••• (c) 1,99,94.8

Revenue- 8,34~742 Major Works:- Protectiv. WOrks ...... , . 74,218 ·rrod'active do. ... 3;81.916 Minor Work. and Navigation­ 4,06,134 ... Works for, 1Vhich Ca.pital and Revenue . Accounts are kept ,i. •.• 3,2'2,706 Works fot which -Qnly Rev

- • t ~ . . {a) Include.. /•••. • ... (b) nV~,< ••• ~.;. , . lcr 1>0. .o, ._ (d) Dr. ••• ....j. y

25". The total expenditure is classi~e4 ~ lollOW$ :-

Deecan an4 Gujan.t. Bind. rota!. , I . Re. Rs. Rs.

Works ••• ". ... t,52,526 7.32,251 11,84,777 Repairs •• , .,. *1,95,130 t1O,70,823 12,65,953 Establishment••• ... 2,74,514 4,53,961 - 7.28,475 Tools and Plant .,. 12,420 20,095 32,515 SUSpeWlO Account .... -1,806 -15,449 13,643

Total ••• 9,32,784 22,92,579 32,25,363

• Ineludea I'8f.andl of n.. 1,521. t Do. n .,SS7. 26. The cost of ,vorks establishment for certain districts in the Central and Southern Divisions ~ shown i:n ApPendix C. The information as .regards Sind works has been olIlltted from the statement, as under the peculiar con­ ditions obtaining in Sind no useful cO!llparison can be made as regards per­ centage which work establishment bears to ex:~nditure on works. The orders -in Government Resolution No. 487 E.-2130, dated 2~nd December 1891, were moreover by paragraph 2 specially Dot made applicable to Sind. 27. Yaps showin~ the position of the principal irrigation works in the Gujanit and Deccan ana in the :Province of Sind a_re attached. GUJARA"t AND THE DECCAN~ GUJARA'T..


The season. was a. very !avour4J,ble one. for both kharii and rabi as timely Hathmati Canal. ram fell for ~wmgs and t~e C&'la:! was full. through­ ()ut the "season~ The rotal· ralDfall registered dt Parantij was 51'23 inches as against 441"88 for the preceding year and against an average of 30'55 for the JO years ending 31st December 1893. 2. The total area irrigated was 3,701 00I'e8-(1,259 kharif and 2,442 rabi) as against 2,727 .acres '(386 kharif and 2,341 rabi) for last year, and the revenue amounted to Rs. 10,868 against Ra. 15,944. -

3, The causes of the increase were due to the facts stated above. The cost of maintenance and repairs amounted to Re. 4,051 as against Rs. 4,Ot4 for last year. One he,avy . flood occurred on 15th September 1893 when the .water rose at the weir to a bead 8'40, the 'rainfall :being 3'7.0 inches~ , , 4, On the Kbari Cut during the' season 1,786 acres were irrigated, i. e•• , . . 1,760 kliariCand 26 rabi, and the income amounted Kharl Cut.. to R~: 11,545, out 'pE which free -gra~ts and remissions to the extent of Rs. 1,629 wer~ given, leaving It net revenue of Bs• .9,91& as ~gainst a net J'eve~ue for lAst year of Rs.. 4,374. .' The increase was due to a fayourable season.

fj. The following new-wO'rks were carried out :­ A Ctol)sing at Bag Fardose costing Ra. 1,614.

" at Bandia. costing I' 1,6U. A skew culvert across Ghodbar channel...... , Rs. 1,263,

6. The cost of maintenance and repairs amounted to Rs. 2,812, this includcl'1 expe~diture on special repairs' necessitated by abnormally heavy :floods.

1. The work of improvement to the N aika channel was in pr?gr~sB and a Khl. . I . l' SI' sum of Rs. 4,576 was expended. The extensIOn wus very an rp;g~ ton UlCes. much damaged by floods from the Sd.barmuti IUver, and it will probably nofbe advisable to carry it as far as w~s orl~na111 intended. and, moreover, if it is to be preserved at all, the dam at Adana wluch was de. stroye4 last year must be renewed.

8,. ''Fhe cost of mainten~qce amounted to Rs. 899 as against Rs, 847 for last yeav. .

9. On the 7th July 1893 q, very heavy "flood occurred and dId 3u'immense ~Hnount of damage wh~ch has been repaired during the working season. The eost ~of)hese repairs amounted to Rs. ~62, besides special r~pairs amounting to Rs. ~~7," Vil'a,ingau~ Dra.Jnage Ohan,.. 10. The Vir,a.mgaum Drainage Qhann~l was much Jlel. " damaO"ed.by heavy floods an

Sindra~ (Channel) •••...... 244 ... Completed. Sindral ('rank) ••• -...... '110 ... Not completed. Rupal ••• ...... 171 Completed. Wathera , ...... 36 332 Do. Degamra ••• ... .. - ... 458 Do. Jnda ••• ...... 50 263 Do: 'Vasna Dedhal ...... '" ! *679 t 1,248 *Do. t Not completed. JboJaput ...... SiS 311 Completed. Adroda ...... 711- 1,404 Do. Changodar...... - ... 378 ... Not cDmpleted. Salejda ...... 400 ... Do. Ranissar ...... 250 Completed. ltfatuda ...... 2 . 763 Do. - 4,065 5,200 \.. I Y 9,265 KAIRA :DISTRICT. 1.2. The Karams:ld drain project is delayed for want of information as to the s land compensation which would have to be paid. The urveys. Charotar Drainage has .continued to claim attention. The high ,death rate in the Matar TaJ.uka, noticed in the Revised Settlement Report, has led to an investigation being commenced with the object of ascer­ taining precisely the probable effect of -drainage in the different villages. It is thougbt that while some villages would greatly benefit if the surplus flood waters could ~e more rapidly carried off, others, on the other hand, would find their rice cultivation seriously injured: and the present enquiry is directed to the more detailed investigation of this question. Also the general spread of the fl()(\ds~ their levels and their out-falls are being sUTveyed with the object of collecting sufficient data for a preliminary report on the whole question which is undoubtedly a most important one. So far as enquiry has gone, it is quite clear that SOllie of t.he lines of drainage, at all events, can be greatly improved without doing any injury. This enquiry extends to Oamba.y territory: and the survey extends to lands injuriously affected by the river floods of the Shedi, Watruk, Khari and Sabarmati. The Baroda authorities are also working in their own territory and partly in British lands at ·the survey for a drainage channel,. which is likely to benefit both Baroda ano British territory, if carried out. 13. There will be great difficulties in preparing a satisfaetory scheme for the Charotar Drainage, but it is necessary to attempt to solve the problems. SURAT AND BROACH DISTRICT.- 14. The drainage works in Ankleshwar Taluka of the Broach CoUectomte described in last year's report have been completed at Drainage Works in An- a total cost of Rs. 12,290, of which Ra. 3,144. were ex­ klesbwar TaIuka. . pended during the year. The sanctioned estimate amounted to Rs. 12,811. 15. The Pakhajan-Ambhel Channel of the Broach Collectorate w.as in P kha' A bbel progress. The total length or-the main channel is 12 c~e el • a.w"~ T&ln':a iniles and of the branches, of which there are three, ann _~ -s • 11 miles. These cbanDels are intended to draIn the low-

lying lklds of PakMjan, Nadarkha., Ambhel, Limdi, Keshivan, .AIadharl Goladra and Trankal villages of the W ~gra T8J.u~ The fa.ll of the main channel is 9 inches per mile and its b~d width at the Commencement is 6 feet and at end 78 feet. 'l'he branches have falls from l100t to 21 feet per mile and their bed >widths vary from 4. feet to 7 feet. N early four miles of the main ebannel were completed, and a sum of Rs. ?,3 71 was ~xpended during the year. The s~ctioned estimate amounts to Rs. 29,219• • ~S-3 . '10

16. Repairs a.nd improvements to_ 38 tanks were sanctioned during the year. • Old W k Rs. 12;701 were expended on repairs and Rs. 10,320 or s. on improvements. Total Rs. 23,021. O.wing to the very short working season. which in a year of good rainfall is practically only 2} months, it was impossible to ex.pend the whole -of the budget provision. 17. The breaches and e~oded por~ions of the embankment 1:lave "been • . k repaired by filling in earth at a cost of Rso 1,219 plus WagreJl!rotecttve Wor s. Ra. 867, the usual annual grant for maintaining the embankment, or a total of Rs. 2,086. ' THE DECCAN. KHA.'NDESlI IRRIGATION DISTRICT.

Expenditure on Major and 18. During the- year nnde\' report, Imperial :Minor works for which Capi­ funds were spent as detailed' in the follo\ving table on <:.a1 a.nd Revenue Accounts existing Major and Minor works for which Capital s.re kept. and Revenue Accounts are kept:-

Works. Capital R."enue Ou'lay. Outlay.

Ba. R •. Lower P'njhra River Works ... 1,127 1,458 J amda Ca.n8ls ••• • •• 1,127 4,484 Hartfilli 'rank ••• ... 74 Mha.sva. do. ••• 1,536 9g0 Parsul do. ." 4;012 316

19. The Capital outlay on the Lower Panjhra. River Works was almos, Lower Panl"lll.a R' wholly confined to improvements to the Dhulia cbanncl. Works. Iver In the last year's reportt it will be' observed, tbc80 improvements were reported as practically complete. But after carrying out the last year's improvements, it was found desirable to pr,?pose the diversion.of t~e channe} in two places, :md_ the construction of two limng 'wall~. The dlverslOn.s a!"8.lntended to ~tralghten the cha.nnel, and thus tD tmproV'8 Its bed-fall, and tbe hnmg wa.Ils are mtended to prevent cattle and men getting into the channel near MogIai, and constantly damaging its Bide banks. Both these works were in progress during the year, and will be com. pleted during the next officia1.year. 20. The revenue outlay has been on the works of annual maintenance of the Mukti Tank and of the plantations, and on completing the Betavad bandha.ra repairs ~d the repairs of ~asonry. works on ~he Dhulia ~nel. The portion of the Mandai bandharaJ the foundations of whIch leaked serIously. was exa.mined and a large hole likely to result in the tumbling down of the structure was dis­ coveted. Proposals to strengthen this portion have been drawn up, and will be carried out next year. 'f 21. The survey of the- Nanaiod channel is complete, and the Bcheme for its improvements and repairs has to be d~wn up. This will be done during the next year. _ _ 22. The Capital outlay on the Jamda Canals has been on plantation opera­ tions, on completing the fixing of boundary stones on J~a Canals. the Left Bank Canal, and OD the construction of a road bridge for the cart track from Bambmd going over the Right Bank Canal to the Railway Station at Kajgaon., The last work is still in progress. There are several cross-drainage works required for t.he Right Bank Canal, which are however left in abeya.nce, until the question of a storage tank for the~ canals is (leoided upon. " , . 23. The revenue charges ha.ve been incurred on canal clearances, repairs to masonry, works~maintenano~ of. buildings and p~an~ti~ns, and other items :connected, with the general up-keep of ca.na.ls and the )mgatlon under them., 11 24. Plans and estimates of the lIanad Tank drawn up some years 80$0, and oE tho Ohankapur Tank sanctioned by the Government of , a.re with th~ local Government with a view to consider the suitability of these 'project~ as storage for the Jamda Oanals. ' 25. The prospects of the Chankapur Tank, as regards its utility in con­ nection with the Jamda Ca.na.ls and the extension of ChaIlkapur Tank. irrigation under the bandharas on the Girna Riv~r from Gosrana to Chandanpuri ne~r MaJegaon, have been reported uf!on, and the decision of Government on the report is awaited. 'rhe Ohank~pur Tank works were maintained during the year under report at an expenditure of Rs. 254. 2ll. The revenue outlay on the Hartala Tank during the lear amounted to Rs. t4. Rs. 22~of this Bum were on a.cCOlJnt of repair$ Hartala Tank. to the feed channt'l of the tank. The total estimated cost of these repairs is Rs. 313. They are intended to remove the obstl'uction which o~curs to the easy flow of water from the feed channel into the tank owing to the channel bed-being high in plaoes. 27. Tile works debitable to Capital Account of the Mhaswa Tank are complete. Mh T k A swn of Ra. 1,536 has been realized during the year by aswa an • the sale of the Mhaswa bungalow to the District Local Board, Khandesh. The sale was made with the sanction of Government, in order to minimize the working expenses of the tank. The revenue charges of the year were for annual maintenance of works and for the conestruction of a. new buildin~ at Utrud to keep stores in, and to give shelter to the karkdn and other canal establishment employed.on the tank. 28. The Capital expenditure on the Parsul Tank has been for the completion P rs 1 Tank of the bandhara and channel for the villag~ of Umrana, ,. au· for excavating the wa$te weir channel of the tank, and for extension of the Soundana channel to deliver water to the N andga.on la.nds in the neighbourhood. The Umrana channel has begun to flow, j1nd to deliver water from the commencement of the rabi season of the year under report. The waste weir channel has been dug to full depth and width, as originally sanction­ ed. The Soundana channel extension was only begun at the close of the year. 'rhe revenue outlay was on works of ordinary maintenance of the tank. 29. Funds from the assignment for second class irrilJ'a,tion works were al­ lotted for the improvements of the Soondana b~dhara. ~utlay from this grant during the year amounts to Rs. 391. 30. The second class or old irrigation works have continued to receive Old' . t' ks attention as usual. During the year under report, the

amga Ion WOl'. outlay on them amounted to _Bs. 19,557J distribQ.ted as under:- Ra. Original works and extensions and jmprQvements 10,845 Repairs •.• ... 3,712 Total 19,!i57

Tbis was from Imperial funds. Outlay from the Patfalla fund, a voluntary contribution levied from the irrigators, was also incurred to the extent of Rs. 1,518. 32 channels were under repairs or improvement during the lear. Works on half of the~e channels are completed, and those on the other half remain to be-finished. 31. Although the year's o~tlay shows a great improvement upon the pre­ vious year's report, the pr~gress of the works w:as not satisfactory. Many of the works, considering the sums allotted for expendIture on them, should not remain in hand for more than one year, bllt their complection .could not be accomplished owing to the difficulty in obtaining lab~u1", and the inclemency of the ?li~a~e in which. the greater number of them are sltuated. The allotments for IndiVIdual works are small, and do not admit of labour being imported from outside. The expense of importing ~ould be prohi?itive, and muc~ of the available local ~bour is engaged by the cultlvators on agrIcultural operations, at rates much hIgher than can be o(fered on Government works. Again, in the year under report, 12i cholera broke. out inthe western part of the district, which brought some of the works'practicallY to a standstill for so~e-time. There was not much- difficulty during the ye~ 1l;nder repor~,. ~s regards ~hannel closures. These Yl~r~ arranged for in consultatIon with the IrrIgators concerned. __ . 32. Out of the projects m,entioned in the last year's report, ,the Kasara channel project still remains incomplete. It will be wQrked up during 'next year~ The Dabhadi.Patna project has been, matured and approved of by the- Collector; The ShaMda scheme is still pending. and the Aklad.Morana project has been declared unremuI;1erative, .and has therefore been permanenUy shelved. . 33. In accord,ance with the 'Kh6ndesh Collector's request, ,the"Navapur l'etha wa,s prospected during the year'wit4 a view to the restoration of the old irrigation channe.ls. Proposals for improvemeI,lts ~nd repairs to the Sarai channel have peen submitted to the 9pllect9r for o{>inion, arid the prOspects of revenue from the N avapur channel restoration are beIng ascertained from the local Revenue authorities. '.' " I , ~ , 34. The following channels were surveyed, and proposals for their iOlprove. ments and repairs were drawn up during the year :- ' 1. Wahvada. channel.· 2. Nikwel channel. 3. Antlipur channel. 4. Warsas channel. , 5. Khakrirdi channel. O. Pimpalner channel. The first five are awaitiIJg approval and sanction to put them in hand. The sixth has met with the Collector's approval, and.will be submitted for sanction. River Ga.uges. 3 9. ~e following river gauges were maintained , during the year:- The An~r gauge at Ganpur. ,., Fanjhra gauge at Pankbeda. " Kan gauge at Dahiwel. ,. N aUa gauge at MandaL " Musam gauge atM~lher. with a view to collect' statistics tor- storage tank projects. 36. Rainfall was gauged oD.,each of the, 'five new works mentioned in the Rain Gauges. tab~~ i~ para; 18 above, an~ speci~l rain ga.uges were . mamtamed at each of the rIver gauge stations men· tioned in the foregoing paragraph. 37. The irrigation office--at Malegaon was provided with accommodation by Accommodation fo1." Irriga.- the transfer of a provincial buildiDg formel"ly con~ tion Office at Malegaon and structed for a telegraph office at Male~aon Camp, to Irrigation Sub-divisional the list of Imperial Buildings of the, Irrigation Branch Office at Saleri. . .of the PuOlic 'Yorks Department. The building was vaQant fot a long time. This arrangement has saved Government in the Public Warks Department the anDual.charge of Rs. 360 incurred for uffice rent. A sum of Rs.256 was spent to' make the building suitable for the purposes of the irriga­ tion office. and_stores. Accom.modation was also provided for the irrigation sub-­ divisional office 'at Sakri by detaching.. for the purpose a. part of the Publio Works Department General ~raneh store building there. An expenditure of Rs. 223 -was' incurred in making the detached portion suitable for the irrigatio~ ~ub.divisional office. 38. A powder lllagazine to store blasting powder was built at Sakri at a cost p d M . t S 'k . of Rs. 309. In this pa.rt of the district .blasting powder ow e1' aga.Zlne a. a. n. 'required for works is not obtainable in local markets, and has to b~' kept in stock. The cost i$ met from the grant for 2nd c~ass irriga- tion works. . " - . 89., An overbridge on the Mudhi·channel.was co.nstr~cted dur~g the year, ' 1 F d k . the local lunds havmg paId the cost. which amounts L oca. un W01' s. . . ",:to Us•. ,489 for works. 13 , 40. The Mukti Tank was first replenlshed on the 13th June 1893, and the . ' highest water level reached was on 2nd' September, PJe~h:n~:t ::::~s.a.nd re- 1893, w~eD it. stood at 1-.80 feet below waste weir. Tp6 heavIest ramfall, 1-70 lDches, was gauged on 3rd August. Analysis of rainy periods gives from }I>th to 22nd June a run-off of 10'7 per cent., and from 17th to 21st November of 8'82 per ent. of the rainfall. 41. The Mhaswa. Tank eommenced filling on 28th May 1893, and the water level reached the crest of the waste weir on 11th August 1893. The greatest rainfall occurred on 28th May, and was 2'46 inches. The .run-off from 13th to 20th June was 32'2 per cent. oftbe rainfall, and from 18th November to 20th November 5'35 per cent. of the rainfall. 42. The Par~ul Tank commenced filling on 30th May 1893, and filled to ()verflowing on 25th June 1893. The princip31 rainy periods and their runs-ott ~ere as given below·:- , . Rainfall in Per cent. Periods. Inches. run-01r.

29th May to 31st May 14'51 13th June to 26th June 19·64

The maximum rainfall 'registered was 1-99 inches on 29th May 1898 at Umrana, close to the catchment of the-tank. 43. The Hartala Tank commf':ooed filling on 30th May ] 893, and over­ flowed on 28th August 1893. '11he maximu~ rainfall gauged on the dam was 2·62 inches on 28th August. The principal rons..off' were 2:~'87 per cent. from 14th to 22nd June and 53'29 per cent. from 21st to 28th August.

Floods. 44.# There were no extraordinary floods during the year under :report. 45. The percentage cbarge on account of works Establishment has been 15 Works Establishment. per cent•. Thi~ is ~~e to the peculiar nature of the works, as explalDed lD the last year's report. NASIK DI8TRICT. 46. A temporary earthern bund waS' made in October 1893 across the . .' waste weir channel, which raised the water level 3'66 X'dwa. Rlversystem: W'-, feet 'Over channel bed~ or to R. L. 113-66 against ghad Tank. ] 1439 at the end of tbe rains of 1892. The available storage was 256} millions of cubic'feet against 2731 in 1892.93. The cause of sbort storage was tne small rainfall after the embankment was made. The dates of closing the waste weir cbannel in 1891, 1892 and 1893 were 5th. October, 29tb September and 20tb September respectively. A revised cesign was submitted for the permanent masonry waste weir, and it is still under discussion. The insp~cti~n bungalow at Chachadgaon ~nd the overse~r'EJ quarters were rep~ired. GauglDg of leakage and other observatlOns were earned 'Out. 47. A masonrY aqueduct baving 2 arcbes of 8 feet span was built over a . nala at 3i miles of (,be· Ojhar Tambat distributary, P8J.khed Ca.nal. and tbe alignment o( canal has been much improved at this place, tbe new length of 700 feet replacing a length of 1;300 feet of old canal. The aqueduct replaces a small safety weir which was too shorf to dis­ .charge tbe floods coming down tbe naJa. The cost of these improvements charged against Capital Account was Rs. 1,506. The main calla} WltS' cleared of weeds and its regime maintained for its entire length of 17 miles. (of tbese 17 miles the last 6 bave px:eviously been treated as a branch but they are a continuation of the main canal). Its branches, 9 miles long,·have also received due attention. The al~ fencing along each side of the canal and its branches has been e;xtended (Juring the year: 10Q-...new mango trees were planted and ~ 9,759 have been watered and attended to. .- » 428-4 l4 48. The canal Was closed five. times during the feat: for weed' clearance; 01' for -25 days. ~The expenditure was:. Its. Special silt clearance .".. - . ...• ••• 669 For ordinary repairs . ,...... 1,22i '.~..". For planting and preserving trees ..... 127 For weed clearance ...... , ...... :•. 223'

Total ~ .. 2,245

The cnarges for establishment and'tools and' plant,- excluding direction and! collection, were Ra. 1~537. The cost of repairs per mile was Rs.. 86.:04 and the cost of establishment was Rs. 59'11. Wadali Canal. 49. There was no expenditure on Capital Account. The regime of the canal was maintained' . for its entire length of 8f miles- and the expenditure was as follows :-:- . Us.

General: maintenance ••• ... ~ ••• 429 Protecting trees ". ... ; •.• 60 Weed c1ea.ra.nce , .. " ...... 40

'total ...- 529

this giv-es a cost"per mile 0f canal ol Rs., ~·38. - 50~ The total' number of trees on the canal was 2~032',

I 51. 'The canal was closed three tirpes during the year for weed clearance, or for 16 days i1) an, . . . 52, The esta:b~is1iment cliarges, ~x~luding direction and, collection, were Rs. 383. This gives a rate per mile of cati,al of Rs .. 43'7T. 53. Mile and £uriong and bench mark.ston~s were, fixed along the canal . '}j Canal 'at a cost of Rs. 78.. 13-2 and the expenditure charged Olhal' Tam at • to Capital; Account. . 54. All necessary.. ~ppairs. along. the 41- miles of canal were carried ou~ at. the following cost- ~ . , ~ • .. < , • Rs • Geheral repairs- ._ ...... • !. 2S.'Z W'atering and pt:otectini treet; ... -.~. 31 Weed clearance '.u 25- Tot.al ...- 34.3 The .canal Was 'closed. fOUD times for weed. clearance or for '17 days during the' Jl ~ ~ '" ~ year. . 55. The eStablishment chal"g~ for: measuring fields- and distributing w:\tet was Its. 373~, " 56. 'lhe cos~ ofr~pai.rs.per.mi1e of.c!Jon~(w:a~ Rs... 76·22"!ln~ ot:estab1ishmeut, Ra. ,82'88. .' ~ '*- "\ 57., There aJ:e,.l9I old bandharas in.this district qId' Ba~dhal1t.. producinK~ revenue of Bs: 80,804. f!O ",1...... - .... o,...~lhl"A on orI&inat works (extensions and iinpro~ements) - . ~ 15

No. Name of Work.. Expenditure daring )he year" Remarkit. ------...... ------1------IMPERIAL. Its. IL. p. WORKS rOR WHICH ONLY RZVIlNUE ACCOUNTS ARE KEPT. Wo,.h. 1 Improvements to Iliravadi Bandhara at N asik, Taluka. N asik - •.. •.. . .. 14 ~ 4- 3 Co mpleted. 2 Improvements to Bhagur Road DandMra at Ad. gaon, TAluia Nasik •.. n. .._ 410 8 2 Do. S Improvements to Khandeka.r's Bandhara at Ad. gaon ...... 454 5 7 Do. .( ~andha.ra Extension and Improvement Surveys in the Godavari Basin, Nasik Collectorate ••. 89 10 6 Do. 5 ImErovements to 'Vadacha Bandh~ra. and Chan- nel at AdgaoD, TAJukll NasiJc ••• ... 44'7 6 9 D

Tota.}. ••. 5,().76 4 7

Witli the exception of bandhal'a No.8 shown above, the repairs and improve­ ment were to works already on Canal Beturn No. VIII. The bandhara at Qulkbandi, when completed, is to be brought on the canal return. , . 59. The area,.actuaUy cultivated, under 8 bandharas was ascertained and was found to be 235 acres (or 20 per cent.} in excess of the land assessed- tor water rate, which is ] ,172 acres. The average water'share per acre on t.hese 8 bandharas is Rs. 3'80. The additi6nal area would appear liable to be charged a water rate, but as it is less favourably situated than the fields entitled to water, the assesE;ment should be less than Rs. 3'80 per acre. ~epairs to 6 bandharas were carried out during the year at a cost of Rs. 60'4. AHMEDNAGAR DIS'!'RICT. . 60.. The canal was op.ened for 19 miles only. On the Capital Account .~ there was a net credit of Rs. 41 on the construction ~ravara River Works: of five masonry outlets during the year on acao~nt of OJb." Canal. transfer of matel'ials. The exp~Ilditure on maintenance and repairs was Rs.- 8,427. _ )]. The canal was in operation for 23 ~ miles. On -the Capital Account . · there was a net credit of Bs. 252 on the irrigation Lak~ Canal. _ outlets (modules) during' the year on account of transfer of materials. ~ 62. No expe:mditure~ was ineurred from, CapjtaJ Bliatodi Tank. Account, which is closed. 63. The expenaiture OD maiI~tenance and repairs was Rs. 1,947. 64. On the 1st Apri11898 the lev~l of water in the tanK was 21'87 above' the sill of the sluices. The first small replenishment occurred on the 28th May 1893 and water overHowed the waste weir 6u,7th September 189a. The Rr L. of surface of water in the tank on 31st~March 1893 was 88'15, i.e., 18'15 feet above­ aill. G>f sluice. No flood observations-- were takeu .. \6 POONA IRRIGATION DISTRICT.

~5. During the ye9.r under review the eipenditure under Capital amounted to Rs. 97,231, of ,which the greater portion was on Mutha Canals. the alterationR and improvements to the Poona \V.ater Supply works, the total estimated cost of which is as. 1,64,973. The works consist of (I) constructing:> new settling tanks, each capable of storing a little over 1 million gallons, (2) converting the existing settling tanks into filter beds, (3) converting the existing filter beds into pure water tanks and roofing them in with concrete, (4) re-arran~ement of the pumping machinery_ 66. The new settling tanks were nearly completed by the end of the year and all the other works had made good progress. The pipes and valves ordered from England were received in March, later thl\n expected, but in time to ensure a portion of the works being ready before the monsoon. 67. The new Worthington steam and water-power pumps have been erected and put in proper working order, and the latter have been in constant use since June 1893. There was no necessity to use steam-pow~r as the discharge in the canal was sufficient to work the water wheel at all times. The other works undert.aken were the construction of two regulators on the Right Bahk Canal, one in the 18th and one in the 30th mile, and raising the parapets of the skew overbridge in the Sholapur bazar. All the works reported as in progress in last year's report were completed duxjng the year. " 68. On the 1st April 1893 the water at Lake Fife was 19"63 feet above the sills of the canal sluices, tlie minimum level was reached on the 7th June when the depth \\as 10"42 feet~ The water hagan to rise on the 18th June and the lake filled to overflowing on the 20th of that month when the highest flood of the seaRon occurred. This flood rose to a. height of 3'75 feet above the finished crest of the weir or 1'05 feet lower than the maximum recorded ftood (1882). The standards and planks were fixed on the weir by the.end of September, and on the 15th October the" water stood at 3 feet above the finished crest -of the weir. A storm occurred early in October which necessitated some of the planks being removed and the water r~uced so as to avoid a flow over the planks and putting a greater head against them than was neoessary. After this 3torm the flow ioto the lake was only sufficient to raise the water to 3 feet above the, credt or about 9 inc~s less than the previous year. The How into, the lake aecreasoo much more rapidly thaIJ. w~s e~pected· owjng to the October rain being e;tceptionalIy light; and this lattetr was the pauae of the full 4 feet above wf3ir crest not being sto~. ~he qua.llti~y was sufficient for irrigation, am} by f'trict economy in the distribu­ tion of w~ter a greater area of perelJnial irrigation t.hatt in the previous year has been secured. 'J'lie dr~w oil from storage commenced from the 16th Oc­ tober, i.e., nearly' q weelts ~ar1~r than the. previous year, On' the 31st March 1894 the' Jevel of the wa~er wa,s 18 feet above sills of the sluices, i.e!, on111' ~ lower thaQ Qn tht' ~ame nate in 1893, 69. '.I.'he Right Bank Oana~ was closed for 23 days and the Left Bank ClUlal for 1; days d~ring the year for silt, , and wee

, , < • -S3.' ~he ptinoipal works done 'along 'the can1.1 have been the completion of CaD~l. -the overbridge in the 71~t mile, and of the superpassage in the 97th mile. Among the smaner worlts are the im'ProlTernent of the temporary" Chowki at. rimpra, the extension of t~ W ~dgaon bungalc)'w out-houses, lLnd the oonstrachon -of ,3 :number of chowkuIars shed$ along the canal. The old famine banks are still -being ;raised in some places, 'and_ .this with the removal of certain gaps left for roadways 'form.s the-p~~ )Vo~k l'emainiIig to be done in the last five miles of the canal. - , 19

84. Distributary No. 59 with its five branches has been practically com- Di t 'bnta 'as pleted. The length of the main channel ia nearly 16i 8 rl rl, miles. Two new distributary-outlets ("i.e., 10 and 25A) with short channels have been made, and distributary No. SSA, mentioned last year, is now practically completed, but not yet in operation. The growth of irrigation has also necessitated the enlargement of the regulators for distribu­ taries Nos. ItA, 28 and 29, all of which are .co~pleted and in working order. New masonry works for cross-drainage and road .communication have been built on various other distributari~s, as occasion demanded, and permanent field outlets with wooden shutter~ are being built on most of these channels. 85. The total capital expenditure on the project during the year has been Rs. 9.,761; the_sanctioned estimate amounts to Rs. 43?54,655. 86.. Special repairs costing Rs. 2,790 were done to certain high banks by Maintenance and repairs. pudd~~ on the inside, cove!ing the ~lopes with muram, and raIsmg and strengthenrng them where necessary. 87. Two large breaches occurred during the year, one in the 5th and the other in the 65th mile. showing the necessity of making the above repairs. These breaches take place without any warning and are very difficult to forestall Stop­ gates and efficient escapes are essential to minimize the damage done in such cases, and it is necessary to construct a new stop-gate at Sansar just before the heavy banks in that section. 88. Ordinary repairs, such as silt clearance in the canal and under-drainage works, pitching the banks. near aqueducts, and in places where the soil is very friable. have been done as minal. both on the canal and distributaries. Two dry­ stone wing walls of the Sagobachi aqueduct, which ,showed signs of bulging, were pulled down and rebuilt, and are now perfectly safe. The masonry wing walls of Culvert No.3 have been extended so as to give a safe outer Slope (2 to 1) to the bank, and the protective pitching to the up-stream bank between Culvert No. 12 and Snperpassage. No, 5, where the lIoods are 'Often very high, ,has been nearly completed. - _

89. A pulsometer was recejved from England in July 18930 but owing to the rabi demands and the increase in sugarcane irrig~tion it was not possible to clear the superpassages this year. One superpassage was, however, .cleared, and the pulsometer worked very efficiently. The remainder win he done dlJring the l:oming monsoon. 90. The charges for maintenance and repairs amounted to Rs. '26,333 ~nclusive of Rs. 2,790 for special repairs; and Rs. 1,267 for the pulsometer. SHOLAPUR DISTRICT. 91. A small storage tank at Tisangi has been constructed as sanctioned. J4.basvad Ta.nk Thi~ tank is formed by throwing a bund 10'86 feet ~ . in height in low ground just behind the bifurcation of the Kasegaon and Wakri branch canals of the Mhasvad Tank at the end of canal No. II; it is intended to conserve the water which has bitherto run ,to waste during the night, by running it into this subsidiary tank, and distributing it durirlg the day, and thereby reducing the supply from the head-works to the IBame extent. The dam with sluices and regulators have all been completed. 92. The excav&tioD of _the portion of the Mhasvad Tank, dam, -where leaks occurred, has been made to reduced level 933, and ~he pitching lrom the front 'Slope removed to R. L. 926. Some muram an4 J'1JQQI~ have been collected ~or Te-making the dam with better materj'al. . 93. A road from Katphal to Rajevadi has been ~oII).pleted. There was no ' road, and it was of absolute necessity to hAye constant communication with the head-works of the tank. at all seasons, a.nd therefore 8. portion ~ 'track from Rajevadi to Kaiphal has been made pass,ble as sanctioned. , 94.' The annual and urgent repairs to the dam and canals we. .,euted, and the wmks maintained in good or

Mucbkundi Tank. 112. The tank was maintained dwiJ:ig the year at a cost of Rs. 280. 113. The rainfall gauged at the tank during the year under report was 25'72 inches against 37'79 inches in 1892-93, or 21'56 from June to December 1893. 114. The water level. in the tank rose higher than it has hitherto done. The highest levt>l of water in the tank was 17'55 feet above, the sill of sluice as compared with 17'30 feet in 1892. The tank bed is now becoming staunch. 115. The work of completing preliminary survey of this tank, which was . SanO'ogi Tank. begun last year, has been finished at a cost of Rs. 1,492 ~ against the estimate of Rs. ) ,549. The survey shows tbat the site is favourable for a tank to store 2,845 millions cubic feet of water which represents a run-off of 2'388 inches from the catchment area of 515 sq!lare \!liles. 116. _ The outlay incurred during the year on repairs to tanks for which only Revenue Accounts are kept was Rs. 1,442. ' SA'TAfRA DISTRICT. 117. The rainfall during the monsoon was normal and seasonable and the R L.~ C al discharge of the river during the year was sufficient to eWAC~ an • meet t h e d eman d S 0 f'lrrlga . t ors. 118. No expenditure bas -been incurred during the year on this canal cl1argeable to Capital Account. 119. The canal was maintained and kept in working ord@r during the year under review at a cost of'Rs. 955, including Rs. 48 on plantation, 'against Rs. 1,104-4-0 of the previous year. 120. The most important work carried on was the reconstruction of the ' 1 R' W k slipped portion of the N ebr dam, described in the last Yer a. IVer or B. b .. f h . year's report. At'the egIDmng 0 t e year the state of the work was :- (1) The 10l\"erdry stone" revetment (or toe) wall'" had been completed. (2} The upper dry stone" revetment waIf' was not caJ:ried out, being considered umiecessary, and the trench excavated for it was refilled. (3) A "safety bank'· had been constructed on the stable up-strt'am slope of the dam to M .. S. L.- ~671'OO (i.e.5 feet above sanctioned F. S. L .. or 15- feet above restricted F. S. L. and 8 feet below the top of the main dam),. (4) A: Hood embankment had been made across the old river bed ~bout 350 feet bel.ow to shut out the waste wf\ir floods from the main dam. A sluice was provided" through this to pass off the dam leakage. J3 *28-6 - " (5) mte.aratriage 'eb~iinels at'\?tight'

then refilled. These ~ :worked we~l. > • (6) A channel 10 feet wide a~d :2,400 !feet long nad been excavated ill the bed of ,the Yerla to assi$t in carrying the drainage away from the dam. 121. The ~econstruction of ,the down-streatn ',slope ot the da~ was'then begun on ~4th Jun? 189~ aud. 'went Db satisfaet~rily till Angu.st l~t'b, when after contlDuous ram a slIght crack appeared. TUDUlDg ale.ng "the' JunctIon -df the top of the new work with that of the original s~un~ D;lain dam; the crack appeared to be merely on the ~rface, but 'as it gr~dually bec~me more' evident, this reconstrnct!on was stopped on .A~gust 14th. r 122. A revised esti~ate was then ;drawn up :;:nclnding a. toe load 'on foot. of the down·stream slope to prevent the latter from further sinkin~~, which it was tllOught would probably bEr sufficient 'witbopt ~oing to the great expense of removing all the slipped earth, and work was re-staned on January 10th, 189.... The downolS,trearn Slope and ,the too load w~re ~both raised satisfactorily at the­ same time until January 29th, when ,II B~l1 ~crack again appeared [onowing the old course, and work was stopped on the followit;lg day_ . 123. It was then decided 'to ,dig out the old ori~nal .crack, a course which the above works were 'hoped to'rt::tides- unnecessary, ann anotber revised estimate was prepar~d. Th~s wo~k was started on the 2nd, February and has been pro:' ceeding satlstac:torlly. TheOdolite ana level observations of the-motion of the dam and gauging$' of the leaKage from it were made. . 124. Other 'minor works'in ootmection 'with the Mrik -were : (f) A service road -about'S Di,ile$" long ·from the Satara.. PandharpUT road to the dam. {2} A hut 'f()r ·the 1l1antation chaukidar.~ The expenditure on all these Capital Acount works -was Rs. 12,649. 125. The Nehr Tank Right ·Bank Canal and the two Yerla canals were maintained in good order, the ordinary maintenance charges amounting to Rs. a,627 against Rs-. 4,247" of last year. Specjal repairs to Khatgun bungalow were ,coInIJ1eQ.ced, and the expenditure incurr,ed on them was 'Rs. 418. _' ,/ . , 126,. No works chargeable to, Oapital Account ~-;;- ;xecuted iiuring the 'IU'J._ Ri W ,._' year under reriort in connection with this svstetI1 of U pper.1lLiIoU Ver or..., :.c '" " . calla.'1 S.'• 127. The Pingli Tank arid canals nnder this system were' tnaintained in working order'durin.g the year' at ·a' total --cost -.of~Rs. 3,028. including ,Rs. 171 o.n plantation and Rs. 132 Qn rspe¢iatrepair~ ,to ·:Upper"Ma.n Canals. The Didal feed cha.nnel was cleared of silt: Special repairs 'to Gondowli bungalow were commenced~ , . 128!. ''fhere was no ~xpenditure on tbe Capital Maini Oanal. Account of. this 'canal. 129. The maintenance charges amou~ted to -Rs. 1,676,. inel,uding ,Rs. 19Q on plantation. , 130. Rs. 3,550 have 'been spent on Revenue Account works' as under:- , Rs. (1) linproving'~ood channel ' ••• ... 1,071 (2) Constructing chaltkis for Patkaris ••• h. ' ••• 292 (8} Diversion of road in connection with MMni'Tank \ ••• 2,187

'Total... ::ns. c 3,550 131. No WOrks,' tne expimditlire' on which 'is 'Qhargeable tO'the Capital Chikhli 'Qe,ual. I ~codunt 'of this' canal, have 'been carried out duriDg' the year unc1er review. ' 132.

. Re • Ra. Re. 1 Dhodkeri ...... Ambadgatti ...... 3~894 1,101 4,995 7 Hil'ekeri . '0 • ... Bechinkel'i .,. , .. 4~O86 390 ',476 11 HQskeii ...... Devarsigiba.lli "0 ... - 1,4079 868 2,347 13 Dadunkeri ...... Do...... 1,634 1,143 2,777 10 Romarkeri • n ... Basarkod ••• ...... 2,099 ••• 2,099

-- .- ~ ., ~ Total ... 19.)9~. 16,694 I 1 ~.~92. The repairs and improvements to the above works described in the last report were completed during the year. 155. The survey of the tanks "in the Sampgaon T;1lnka was completed sufficientlv.to serve as a guide for the Committee which assembled by order of Government. - / . 156. The river gauge at Gurlhosur on the MalpraLha river baa been maintained. DHA'RWA'R; DISTRICT. is? ~ere was no expenditure OD Capital Capital Expenditure. Account dm;mg the year. 158. Of these there are 4 :-Madag and Medlen Tanks, which are Practi4 1 t OZ B Wi L cally entirely Dew; and IJambal and A8sundi Tank8. sass eve1l'U6 or .8. which are old 'works enlarged. Under the former, two, the land irrigated is assessed at crop rates, and under the latter two, in respect to old irrigation, at consolidated rates, and in respect to new at crop rates. The cost of maintenance of these 4_ during the year was Rs. 285 less than during 1892-93, and as the special repair and land compensation charges are not likely to recur, the maintenance, &c., charges will be less. 159. The total s,um expended during the- year for the repair-' and improve .. 1M Cl B W; Ie lnent of 46 tanks~ irrigating more than 50 acres was as. 611enu~_ or s. , Rs. ~0,50t and that for: those of 91 tanks irrigating less j:,han. 50 acresa Bs., 8,p68. Tlius ;the r~pair and imp~ovement of 137 tanks was in' progress, a. very much larger n1l!Uber : tha.ri bas. been undertaken during any previous year. . 160.. The maintenance a~~ repair and the management of'\\"at~r distribu~ tion on the Dharma. Canal was undertaken at a cost of 'Rs. 993, much to the-satis­ faction of the irrigators. 161.' The Assundi Tank was dry from the 4th December 1892' unti~ the . . . 19th April 1893, when replenishment commenced. RepleDlshment. All other tanks had .a. fair supply of water at the com- mencement of the year, and the replenishment commencing. in April and May a. good supply was maintained throughout the year, and at the end of March 1894 the water level of all the tanks )Vas about half way between sill level and full supply level. . .., . 162. All the' possible sites for storage reservoirs .on the Kalhalla. have . . been inspected. 'fwo'sites are possibly feasible, vie., ha~~ altA) on the Kat. one at l{avanur and .the otlier opposite the village of • Kordikop formerly -called the Vll'apur site. The site appears to be ·the more· favourable 'Of the. two, principally for the reason tha.t it is mor~ fayo~rably situated in respect to the land to be irrigated. 163. The usual rain gauges were maintained. The rainfall gauged was generally satisfactory throughout the district; the Gauges. very heavy late rain in November was most useful in repleriishing the tanks and furnishing 1ft good supply of water' for rabi a.I!d garden crops. The Kumadwati river, which is fed by the waste water of the MadHg ~rank, was gauged-as usual. RATNA:GIRI DISTRICT. 164. ~Uring the year under re~~w only ~1;l.rrent repairs to the Varad and Pa.t tanks were 'executed.

SIND. BEGA'BI CANALS. 165. :E.'iFaIpaymentS, amountipg to Rs. 163, were made for the inverted 1 ea' "tal' sypholl under the Ahmed R3jwah completed in the Desert Cana ( pI). previous year and described in that year's report. The total expenditure has beeI,l Rs. 2,153 against an estimated amount of Rs. 2,150. 166. A full description of the improvements proposed to this canal were UnharwOl. 'giv~ in last year's repo~t... The. widening Of. the mam canal up .to the pomt where the- Nasuwah takes off has been nearly completed and silt clearance below that point has teeq partially effected. . The widening and deepening of the Nasir and the extension o-f its tail into the Sonwall have been in progress, the latter being nearly completed. All the masonry works except a road bridge over the cc Nasir" and the masonry heads to kariahs have been practically completed. . The ~al will be ready to ,~e' opened, by the coming inundation $eason. The expenditure during thtt y~e;u: has. been Rs. 1,05,257. .. 167. As the spill of the ~l?-dus over its right !>~ for a distance of 3 miles . '. ::'.north of the 1891 mouth of the canal, when combined Desert Can&J.: EdendlDg with the hill floods, reached the canal and caused heavy Dorth bank. . ,silt deposits, a small bund was constructed to stop this overflow; this has been completed at a cost of ~ 2,289, aga.in.§t aIJ es#mated amoont of Rs,;2,818. , , 168. In the inundation of 1892, owing to erosion of the river banK -seme .. 4 to 5 'miles north of the 1891 mouth ·of the canal, ... . ~pee~ ~pall'S.-. a large ~~4 bank was formed opposite the mouth, but having ~ open d1.~d l?etw~en it ~d t]le canal This channel in the inundation of 1893, owmg to-still further er.~s~~ ~as blocked up and by the 28th August the B 428-1 . 26 canal 'ceased flowing, a conSidera.ble depth of pne s~nd being also deposited in the 5 miles of this mouth. - . As it was considered 'hopeless to obtain a proper supply from tbis mouth in the next inundation, preparations were made to clear and extend the original mouth which was in use up to 1,886, and also to clear the mouth used froIr\ 1887 to 1891. The latter of these will be ready by the beginning of the inundation, and the other soon, after. The expenditure has been Ra. 17,826 against an estimated amount of Rs, 86,278, " ~ 169, The ordinary maintenance and repairs necessary were carried out Maintenance and fepai$, and the usual Abkalani establishment employed. Tbe Desert Canal. expenditure under this head is as follows :- . 11s, Rs, Works .. , ...... 45,228 I .;j {Abk&lo1ni ...... ,., 2,299 ;a ~ Revenue ... -... 1,568 ~ a Works ." ... ••• 1~341 ~ Gardens .-. .-. ... 88 5,~96 Total ••• 50,524.

170. The ordinary maintenance and repairs on this canal \Vere executed Maintenance ud repairs, and the usual Abkalani establishment' entertained, the U nharwih. details being as follows :_ Ra. Rs. WorkE$ ... ,-, ... 2,993 j;. JAbk&lo1ni --- .. - .. , 1,196 ~ ~ Revenue ... '140 ~ a I Works ... ,.. ... 554 fil l Gardens • oo ...... 76 2,56&, Total ... .. 0,559

171. The canal worked ;e11 but the usual complaints of deficiency of water . . at the tail were received; this will be partially remedied

!48.l~tenance and repaIrs, wl}en the U nharwlth c is completed $lld the water :JJe~~n Cana.l. formerly given to the Sonwah (whic~ wiU then be ~ branch of the Unharwah) is available. The ordinary maintenance and repairs were effected and the usual Abkala.ni establishment maintained, the eXJ?endi~ure being as follows ;- ' Its. Rs. Works ", ...... 17,731 .~ ~ {Abkalani .,. ••• 2,710 ~ ~ Revenue ...... 2,150 ~ Works ,.. .. , 1,476 .. Gar(len ••• , ... 82 ... 6,418 ':rota! ,.. 24,149 172, The loop in the 7th xnile which :was begun last year was completed K h' B d at a total cost of Rs. 8,363 against an estimated as mor un, amount of Rs. 8,700. , ' , ~ 73., 'T~~ ,o~iginal mouth of "thiS canal havmg silted up, a new one haa been excavated at a cost of Rs. 3,855, the estimated ;Kha.i wah, amQunt being Rs. 4,000. ' 21 174. Colonel Home, R. E., Inspector General of Irrigation, inspected the ~ . l' bund in, the end of th~'pre:vious year ~d J?J.ade certain '" peel& repa.1l'8. suggestIOns for strengthemng the bund; these are be- ing carried out wherever urgently required, and consist of filling in barrow pits in front and rear and constructing a berm in rear of the burid where water collects. 17:>, The first 41 miles of the bund, owing to the treacherous nature of the soil, has always given much anxiety; in this portion an inner line of lmnd at a slightly lower level ana divided into compartments is being made;- the water will be admitted freely under contra] into each compartment, and should a leak occur in any portion of the main bund, the water entering the compartment opposite to it will be shut off, until it is made good. The expenditure on both these heads has been Rs. 8,'100, the estimated cost being Rs. 50,469•. 176. Ordinary repairs were carried out and the usual .AbkaIani establish .. ment entertained, the expenditure being as follows :- .RB, Rs • • 'Yorks ... 'u ... 14,631 ]I..; { A.bkalani '" ••• 11)933 .c g Revenue ... 380 ~ a Works 1,083 r.l Ga.rdens '" ". 388 13,784 Total ... 28,415

Nine small gardens at canal chaukis and one at Badani on the Plantations. Kashmar Bund were maintained at a cost of Rs. 634. , 177. The following Js a summary of the entire_ expenditure during the year in this district:- - Ra. New Works, Major- Capital... ••• ··f 1,05,419 - - 'Repairs.• Jdajor- ~ Clearance and Repe.ir~ 83,778 .~.,. {Abk&Iani •• , 6,205 ~ ~ Revenue 4,458 ~ S Works .. . 3,371 ~ Gardens ...... 246 14,280

Total, Major WOl"k~ ~3,477

l1ino~ Works, Kashmar Bund- Rs. Rs. 7,218 NewW,orks '" • Repairs '0' 23,SSJ ~ ..; {AbkaIani ... 11,933 :0 ~ Revenue 380 ~ ~ Works 1,083 ~ Ge.rdens ... 388 13,184

Tot&J, Minor Works ... 44,333

Total, Major and Minor Works ... 2,47,810 Add-Regular Establishment. 47,678 Total ••• 2,95,488

178. Total cost of work establishment is Ra. 28,064, and the ~ercenta€!e of it 011 total outlay of Rs. 2,19,746, is Rs. 12'7. If regular establishment IS included, the percentage is Rs. 34'~, JB SlIIKA'RPUR CANALS; 179. In lBS·., this canal was impro'ved, 11s bed :width in the fusi six miles , ~ being increased from 35 ,to 45 feet,'and iu the next 6 n1!:~Si~ds c::~. ~prov~- .miles.to 40:~eet •.. The ave:~ge cultivated .~ea for the ~ 3 years preVIous to these Improvements bemg carried out waS 48,187.acres as .compa,r~d w!th ~6,1.91 ,acres, duripg ~he' last ~hret' ,.,ears. The canal is bclng 'still' further improved. the bed ·width being increased to 60 feet 'At its bead and-to 20 feet at, the' 30th mile, while two new branches are to be excavated for the irr,i~ation; of lands on the left bank, one in the 11 th roUe, which will pave a bo!tom WJ"th of,6 feet at its hea~ and 3 feet at its tail, the length being I 0 n;t~les~ The other bra~ch will, be in the 80th mile with a Led width o~ 7 fCet ~d length of ~bout)O ~I1e~. The, existing brane¥~, :~iz., th~ Mir~wa.lt, t4e Chota Begari. Ra,is ~d lIan· girwah, are also to be wldelH~d and Im'proved~1 , Sanction to begin work was received too late in the year to utilize fully the allotment of 1 liUcli., Wark was confined to t.he excavation. of the two new branches and the 'improvement of the Mirzawah; the expe~diture being Rs. 50,058. ,.... 180. Owing to erosion 'cattS~d by the'set of the river against the bund in the , , ' ~~1l<) 'tuile, a new loop w'MJ rendered fiecessary ; this is S~~lal repaIrs, Sukknr- f> miles in length, the top width being 8 feet, and the Begarl Bund. f t d 1 b . r:. d n . , .. ron .an rear s opes elDg u an ~ to 1 respec- tively. The estimated cost is Rs.74,033 and the expenditure to end of year Rs.50,000 . .Compensation to t.he exten.t 9~ Rs. 2,593,:Was ,paid ill ~his year for land taken up ~n 189~ for a new !oop to this bund in Its 10th mile. 181. Owing to a portioJj of t~e bund in the 2nd -mil~ ~,aving b~en tut away , by the rIver, a new: loop was nece-ssary; Its length 18 KasIlllpur Buu4· _ neary 31 miles, tQe top widtl! being 6 feet and front and rear slopes 3 and 2 to 1 respectively. The~ estimated cost is Rs. 37,398, while the expenditure'was Rs. 14,999. . 182, The ordinary clearance and repairs to all C8J.lals 8D4 bunds, were carried M ' te dR' Qut where necessary. The dhand'or'channel from the ... am nance an epalrs, lnaus Which supplied the principal canals in the Robri District baving formed an ;escape'into the river in Del"ajat'territory through an old kariah called tbe J\!uradgah,.· 'ft was found necesSary -to close it in order to ensure the suppl! during the next inundation. The expenditure during the year wasR~~_9,500. Th,e' usn31-Abkalani -establishwEmt was maintained. The ol:Ltla.y on maintenanoe and r~pairs was, as fa1lQw~ ,- ,Ra-.> , - Be. WOl'ktt- ••• 36,643 04UJ.s." ,...... 't ... Bi.v~ bunds .,., 6 ...... '~4' 19,145 Ot~wo~~ ..~ .... tH ~Ii. 1,478 "\ . i 1,17,266 . " n • Abkalani ... ..~ '.~.' ,9,650 .,. Establishment. { Revefl:ll:e ... 1·1t •• ",,".... ,1,555 W~J$." .I ~ ,J~ •• ' ~ ,.. ... - ·4,551 15,756 Total •• , 1,33,022·

'The average- ~~p!indj.t.ure duriI!~ the i4ree·~rev10118 ..~~~on work establish.. ment was Rs. l~s,ol~cow:pat'~<1 WItli Rs. 15;756 otirlris: the present year. 183. There.JJ,te. no 'nurseriJs in this district but some useful work was carried llut bv ,sowing the seeds of tamarisk along the toe of tbe front slope of ri!er '.:~i~piatiorl~· ;:~lln~i tIm ~~lt 'being ~ ~hic~._mo~~ ~.1nng~. ." ~lch .. -. - -'" ) - , ,." .protects{ th~' b1}n.Q, from .wash. _ ) RSj> _6~,6.:was "l"~:Z¢ during th~ year from the sale of timber•. 29

184•. The work done by the Sut\"ey party during the previous )rear, alluded . S to in paragraph 21, page 3 of last year's teport, "as ~Y'- inspected by the Superint~ndii1g Engineer and some slight alterations in the alignment of embankment for diverting the Bhawalpur flood and also of the proposed new canal were proposed by him. A nexpenditure of Rs. 237 was inourred on this head. 18S. The following is a summary of the entire expenditure in the district :­ New 'Works- Rs. ExtensioDs and Improvements ... 50,058 Repairs- Ra. Canal clearance ••• ... ,., M,1)U Bunds••• ~... 1,478 38... 121 . {AbkaJaDi 4,318 Establishment. Re\"enue ],'197 Work! 3,537 9,112 Ordinary Agricultural Work­ Extensions and Improvements 2,503 . &p&irs- Ordinary 14,146 Special .... 64.1999 -_I ~9,145 Abkalani &,2'72 &ta.blishment. { Reveuue .>. 358 ,. Works I.. 1,014 .6,644 , Total ... 1,85,58; Adct-Strneya 237

T"6tal ... I,85,820 Add-Regular Establishment 22,.g4~

T9tial ... • 2,08,665

186. The total cost of work establishment was Rs. is,756 and the percentage of it on a. total outlay ot Its. 1,70,064 comes to Rs, 9'2, and·if the oost of regular establishment is inclu~ed the percentage is Its. 22-69. GHA'R CANALS. 187. The three bridges alluded to in last year's report as having been _ ' commenced were mpleted Bt ~ total 'cost of Rs. 5,148 Exten810ns and, Improve- against an estima.ted amount of Rs 53():!1 the expendi- menta, Gb.&r Cana,'ls. • • ", ture ilunng the year bemg Rs. 3,148. 188. A new regulalor of three spans of S feet each in width with springing . at 12 feet and fitted with cross iron rails Qnd ttal{ needles Regulator, Ilear lbrwa.'h was constructed over the Mirwah No. 1 in place of the , No. 1. old sluice which was washed away during the inunda- tion. The estimated cost is Re. 2,774, while the expettditure -dnrittg the year was Re. 1,929. 189. A small sluioe was completed on the Nekarwah over tt katlah called the Sobdarwah ~t a cost of ns. 122. 190. A sum oiRs. 1,061 was paid during the year Extensions UJd. Improve- as oompensation for land taken up for strengthening the JDen~ Gbar-BaatJa. SaidaJ?ad bund, a work carried out in 1890.91. 191. All clearance is fiO'W' ea1"tied ·out according to bed levels, and owing to Mai l . dR· the thorough clearance carried out the previous year the D enance a.n . epaU"8, quantity of silt to be removed this year is considerably reduced; as for instance'M the Ghar 74 Ia.khs had to be removed in 1892-93, against 158 Ia.khs in 1890-91. Rate~ are still high, but these are being gradu~y - lowered owing to the 10

Agricultura.l works n. ..1 ...... 4,8i6 AbkaIani ...... 2,659 Revenue ... 325 Works ...... 9941 3,978


, Total •.• &8,893

193. The expenditure 'onestablishmeIlt chargea to works was Rs. 19,241 as compared with Rs. 20,729 ~n the previous year. 194. 'On the Sukkur, Ghar, and Fordwah canals arid on the Gliar bunds 305 tali trees and 30 mango' trees were transplanted from the different nurseries. The heavy storms of 27th May and 15th July did a lot ~f ,damag~ to the trees along canals and bunda. The receipts from t1;1e .sale o~ tImber dunng the year amounted to Rs. 4,579. 195. The sale of fishing rights on the Sukkur and Fisheries. Ghar canals realized ;Rs. 2,743 as compared with Rs. 2,146 of the year before. 196. The following is' a summary of the entire expenditure in the district :­ !:Vew Works. , lis. 'Bs'. Capital and ReveliuQ ... 5,199 Ord~nary Agricultural ...... 1,061 6,260

Repairs., Clearance-Capital 'and Revenue And other works ••• • •• ... .A.bkalani •• , ...... ' ,,5,531 Reven11e , •• .".. 2,177 Works ••• • •• .... ~ '6,699 Gardens...... ••• 859

Agricultural #ork8.

:Repairs to bunds .. ~ ... 4,356 .A.bkala1ni , .. , II" .u , ,2,659' Revenue ...... 325 Wor.k~ •.• ...... 994 3,978 ,

95,158 :Regular Establiahment " H' ~,,484t

-1,29,637 'Oontribution '. h' I 246 ' t {' " -':':""...... l...,. ~ ~ ~ , )~otal ',_ :.. •• ~' J,29,883 31 197. The total cost of 'work -eS~lishment came to R~. 19,244, which on a total outlay of Rs. 75,909 gives a percentage of Rs.",2S·3, and if the regular establishn:ient is included, the.percentage ~es to Rs. 70'7. ' WESTERN N..mA CANALs. 'Extension. and Improve- ,- 19 8. Under this head Rs. 1,00,985 were expended, mente. the details being as follows. 199. The remaining works, on the l7itchard :Qanal, viz. karla heads and Pritchard Can&!. strengthening of. the canal banks in pIa.ees, were com· pleted at a cost of Rs. 2,631. • 200. The canal chailki at head of this canal was carried away early in this N tor to head f season by the erosion of the river, and this continuing Pri~~:C 0 to ~ch an extent as to seriously endanger the safety , of the regulator at head, it was decided to construct a new oDe about one mile further .back. This will consist of 4 spans of 11 feet each and one of 14 feet, for passage of boats; height to springing will be 15 feet, rise of arch S feet and width of roadway 12 feet. The foundations were partly excavated and materials collected, the expenditure being Rs. 5,004. 201. The only expenditure on this work during the year was Rs. 10,160 for New feeder to Western lan~ compensation, but the actual cost taken here into Nara. account of this work is B.s. 6,910, as" materials of the value of Rs. 3,250 were transferred and charged against Dhamrao ,Canal works reported in para. 203 following. The work is still incomplete and is kept in abey­ ance {lCndirig the completion of the' Dhamrao Canal which takes uff from the N&ra.lust beloW" the Junction with it of the, feeder. 202. Work commenced on this canal in the end of the previous 'year was during the year under rview pushed on vigorously, but Dhamrao Canal. under great difficulties bolli as regards labour and water. These, however, by careful and well planned arrangements of the officers in charge have been surmounted with the result that the main canal together with five Jirlles of the Gangrout Branch will be ready to be opened by the end of the first week in June. 203. All the masonry works will also be completed except two regulators on the Gangrout Branch,.one at its head and the other where the Mehar and Nasir- abad road crosses it._ , The grant for this year was 76,090, but this was subsequently increased t{) Its. 84,590, the year's expendit~ being Rs. 84,539. . • 204. This has been rendered-necesSarY- owing. to the increased 'supply of water which has of Ia.te yeats entered the canal, and • ~tor at head of lbr- which overflowing its banks flooded tbe country and 'YlW • endangered the.. line of railw~y.. ;l'he regulator will consist of 2 spans each of 8 feet, height to springing 12 feet, rise of arch 2 feet, and width of roadway-tO feet. MateriaIs were collected and the foundations got in, the expenditure being Rs.5oo. - 205. A masonrY 'slUice -was constructed at the head of the Sobhnarl karla .. for the purpose of irrigating lands in the Sobrani Karia alUl\le.. dband from the Western' Nara. The work was com- pleted at a cost of Rs.. ] ,299, which amoUnt was met from the' Superintending Engineer's discretionary grant. 206. The nursery at Bhawalpur was completed, . Plantations. the expenditure being Its. 102. - Rs. 7,132 were realized by the sale of timber and Rs. 1,461 from produce of trees on canal banks.. Several thousands of trees were planted out during the year on the Pritchard Canal and Western N lira. '. 207. The old embankments of the _Western .. Main~enancee.nd repaus. Nara in ~es 105, were thrown back. The- h3nk:s of ~ canals where breached or damaged by Hood water were repaired and slreng­ thened. and the' usual clearance and repairs to all canals were carried out. 2O~ Th•. outlay bJll"evenue worka W!der f,his hN.d was:a.s follo1VS::- tf'o,7c,. .n.. lb. Canal ol~al'ance ••• ... "'. 43,8!1 Other works _H m. . __ _ 19,854 63.~75 Abka.lani ...... J ••• 8,570 Work •• , ••• ... ~ ... ~,989 ~evenue ... .,~ ... 3,129 Garden ... .. ', -.. 586 ". - 18~74

trow e •• 81,'149 .. • ~09. 'The repairs to these bands (called h1 the last year's report Nara bnnds) E:ttoD&ions and lm}roi'e.. ~lhited~h ~"'tete C~tm~eRtl~e~3th4e29pre'Vious year Were com .. ~6fl.ta, River Bunds. pea a. coS OL S. ~, •

210. The line of ·bunds from A'bad to Sita., which was badly damaged daring . .. . the previous ye,ar, was ,repaired and strengthened, as Malntena.n~ and Repa1rs. well as repairs t<~ the rest o~ the bund, at a cost of Rs. 9.130.

211: 'the usual AbkaU.ni esta.blishment '\tas ma.inta.ined but \VaS fottnd b\a.de­ quate to cope with the high lev-el of 'Water a~inst the bund, a.nd several bteaches occurred, Next season the estimate 1riJl be ~eteased. 212. The outlay On works under the abo'Ve t\Vo heads was as follows :- Ra, Ra. Repairs q' .... • •• ... 26,165 AbbUni ..'. .... i,643 Establishment Revenue .,. .., 211 { Work ...... 510 " 8,364 .. . , Total .. ~. ,!9,~~ .

213. The following is a $ener~l'summary of, the entire expenditure in thla aiatrict during the yeat:~ / . l1s. If k 1Western Na~ ... ••• 1,00,985 ew wor S River bunda •••. .o. '3,429 It. { Clearance t~ canals ••• 63,4.75 epa.us DO'. to bunds , .. Ra. 26,165 Abkalani ' .,. .,. 11,213 Revenue ...... ,. .. , 3,340 Works , .• ... 6~499 'Gardens ... ••• 1U, '586 21,638

f - ; ~ $ Tot~ ••• ' 2,4.5,692 l1egular Establishment 37,157 flo' b - Total ... 2,82,841

t ;

) 214. The 1:.otal' cost bfwork.~sta.bnshmentcomes to Rs. 21,638 which gives , 8ipercentage 'on' the total outlay, t1i~. Rs. ~t24tl)G4rJ of Ra. S·6. and if re~ estab • . lishment be ineluded, of. Re. ~6·~. 1 • 83

EASTERN NA!RA. CANALS. 215. This survey was ordered in Government Resolution No. 146W. 1.-1672 Jamrao Canal Survey of 22nd October 1892, and had for its object the revision . of a project got up in 1873 by Major F. J. Smith, R.E., for the irrigation of a large area of land in the east of the Hyderabad Collec­ torate and west of the Thar and Parkar District. The Survey party consisted of an Executive Engineer, an Assistant Engineer, one upper and one lower subordinat.e, and the n~cessary clerical and menial establishment. The field work oC the Executive Engineer was completed in 1892-93, but the Assistant Engmeel" and subordinates were surveying in the neighbourhood of J a.mrao till May 1893. The plans and estimates prepared by Majol" Smith were aU revised and the canal practically re-designed in the light of modern experience. The project was submitted to the Superintending Engineer early in October 1893, ILDd the sp~cial Survey district closed, most of the establishlIlent being tl"ansfer.. red to the Nara Supply Chan~el wOl"ks. . The total expenditure on the Survey was Ra. 23,355, of which Rs.7,766 were expendend in 1892-93 and Ra.· 15,590 in 1993-94. The estimate was exceeded by Rs. 1,918 owing to the work having taken slightly longer than was expected. • . 216. ,This work was sanctioned in. Governm~nt Re" Deepening Nara. Supply 'solution No. 114 W. 1.-1577 of 11th October 1893 Ohannel. and a special district formed to carry it out. The Nltra Supply Channel haa its head in the left bank of the Indns just above the town of Rohri. It was constructed in 185S to afford a certain supply of water to the Eastern Nltra Valley. The supply in the cold weather being found insufficient, the channel was deepened 2~ feet in 1884-85. The present deepening is being carried aut partly to. ensure an ample supply in very low inundations for the existing canals of the Eastern N Itra system, and partly to provide an additional supply for the proposed Jamrao Canal. 217. The work may be divided into two parts-{a) the deepening, (b) the necessary alteration to the regulator. . The channel is being deepened 3i feet below the bed of 1884-85, or to 6 feet below the original level. The reduced level of the new bed at the regulator is 176·32, or 71 feet below ~he zero of Bukkur gauge. The deepening is estimated to cost for 'works Rs. 2,10,372, the grea,ter part of the expenditure being on rock excavation. - ' 218. The regulator had been strengthened in 1884-85 by extending and raising the cut waters on the up-stream side, and this new work was fo.unded at a sufficiently low level for the additional deepening now being carried out. The old. portion of the regulator was founded on rock somewhat below the original bed of the channel, and in 1884-85 the rock between the piers was simply cut away. As it was not considered safe to trust to these natural rock piers for the addi­ tional deepening now being carried out, the estimate provides for demolishing the whole of the old work and rebuilding it on foundations set at the proper level, It also provides for lengthening the cut waters 71 feet to afford sufficient strength to resist the increased pressure of water. ,

New regulating apparatus also is provided for, the low~r 8 feet being closed by wrought iron gates in two leaves, each" rolling in a cast-iron groove of its own, while the upper part is to be clos~d with !erticle needles in the' o.~dinary way. As much trouble had been experIenced from b~s}lwood becommg en­ tangled in the old regUlating apparatus, a " Brushwod catcher't is provided for, consisting of steel wire ropes placed vertically at 9 .. inch intervals, and held at top and bottom by books fixed in wrought ~on straining beams. 219. The canal was.closed with~ut much diffioulty on 16th Novembel' 1893, and the person to whom the contract 'had, been given,m.ight hav.e commenoe4 'f9rk B 428-9 at .once. He, however found it more 'difficult than.he had expected, and relused to go on. After some' delay the con'traets were given. to Ta.bU and Oompany of ~ukkur" wbo ~de a. 'Vigourous s~t1' ~.D"22nd December 1893, &nd, during the year under report ,made very good progress. As. the water .did not flow off so freely below the 4th mile (above which all the roc~ excavation is situated) as :was expected, they hired ~ portable ,engine and 'Pump aDd by their means were able to get out the rock in the 4th, Q1ife, without allY great difficulty_ For the work in 1st, ~nd, and 3rd miles~ th~y relied on han~ labour Jor removing tbe water, and this ,1,1as answ,ered f~\lrly we14 ;' , . The demolition of t~e old ,regulafol"' was found yery troublesome' BS the artificial hydraulic lime mortar made by Mr. Price in 1858 had 'Set nearly as bard as the stone itself. The'wor;-k however wa.s carried out, the rock ex-cava: tion under the bridge cQmpl~~ed,. ,and ,the.Jnew work '8t~rted. By the 'end of the year unde~ report everlthu~g" except nght ab.utmel!t and two o! the piers, was up to sprmgmg. The masonry throughout IS of hmestone set '!D Portland. cement mortar, 1 to 2 lor the face 'work and 1 to 4' for the' interior. The wrought iron gates, br)1sh,!ood catcher 'and' cast-iron grooving have been manufactured in Karachi. . . 220. The total es'timl:j.ted' cost for: worK is Bs. 3.22~770. of which Rs.1,62,154 were expended mthe year 'under report. Executive esta.blishment cost Rs. 13,712 and tools and pla~t Rs. 1,833.' . . 221. The expenditure on work establishment was ,ns. 186.. Under this bead three maistl'i('s wel'e (ID:ployed on fhe deep~.njng work and one on the n~~~ , 222. The lmprovements of the channel of ,the Nara. between Jatri antI Capital, Eas~rn Nara. Kheti, referred ~o in 1asb. yearts report, were com- , ' 'pleted ~t a total cost o( R~. 67~790 against an estimate of R~. 71,8'i3,. ,r,he eJl>enditure of the yeat' was Rs. 21,280. The Jatri sluice ,was completed with its flank embankments, ana the,work of 8trengthening tho bunds betw.eet£ J atri ,and. Kheti pract~cal1y completed., l.'fhe total expenditure on the sluice was Ra. 58,032, showing a saving of Rs. 1,096. on the estimate. It was, .se verely tried during the !pu1;ldation by being called 011 to pass & heavy flood while the masonry was still green, and a large hole was $CQured in toe down... stream dry brick pavement. The foundations however were not damaged. . A .siuice. with'escape channel, in the-:P~b~ai bund 'a~d a sl~ice ~ the- Ghag bund were commenced, the expenditure ~n them being'Rs. 6, 19!hmd' Rs! 8,501 against estimate of 17,760 l\nd Rs. 1~,453 i-espectively. ' The bund between Bakhora and Bukkur, across the bead of the 'Unprotected area was completed: the expenditure ,of the year was, Rs. 5,296, and total ex­ _pen4iture Rs. 1~'.560, estimate being Rs. 19,920, T~e.const~ctio? of an e~bank. -Plent on the right ,bank ot th'e Nara from llukkur to Su-envarl. and the ralsmg of the banks between Khi:pra and the Thar Ca.nal, -were commenced during the year. rr4e expe~ditur~ (j!l !be first work waS nO'minal;' o~ the second Rs, :;~016 wer~. Elpentl,a~alDst an' eshin,ate of RS:"52,534 :. bo~~ we~e In {lrogress. r _: • ,223. ,The,usualAbk~lani, reveD,1.le,and. WQr1$:a establishments'were maintain­ Eastern WAra, Rev~nue:', 'ed and ordinary, repairs carried out ·~t a cost 01 , , ' ': ' 'Rs. l5.949. ~~ the followi~g special repairs .effec~d: Repairs to Yara, bunds Rs.; 6.31 i:. ,Cleara.nce ot bed o~ .Nara between. Chun~wahl and Puran Rs. 5,057, being a ~iabilitYi of the previous year. Repairs to Jatri slriiqe Rs. 7,830. Extension pf Rata band Rs. 1,454. The total expenditure on tn3.\htenanee \Vas ~s. ,36,60.4 • . '~2,~:4.· : Tpe a.~teratlon to ~Ot~ .mi~, r~guI~t~r, to, ~i16w' of bqafs pa~siI}g: waa , ," , ; . oolllpleted, at a cost Of,' Rs. ~,576t partly debIted \0 . ,~:ht~~ ~~~l, C~p~tal •• ' - Capital. and. partly to Revenue. ',lfasonry and iron )lr~~; ltq, f~p~aGe o~d;: \t~~st~e ~ridge&: in the l'4th,'JOth, Sard, ~ 7th and 4()tp miles were, comi>l~ed a.l).d '.$lmihtr, work~ lQ the 52nd, 51th, ,65th, 72nd, 'S3rd, ,and ~9tp: roitee} we!~ In progress. ~~ 'most, imporl'~ht w:or~' of '~eYe~.in c?nnec~on ""itlr .the' 'tanal, was! tbe-eommencementr 01 ;the ,regula.tor 1n toe Makhl·· Weir, whICh. -irith its 'sllbsidiat1:'work~! (emb~nkmerit. and.clearance);is: intended to $eCtfre'a better sUP~; as yciLr by year the difficUlty of keeping the'cha.nneIs. 'through the )[akbj D d . haS increased. The 'comoined works are estitna.ted to- cost Rs. 52,156, of which Rs. 15,163 'were expended during the year. It was found impossible to carry .out the foundation as designed owing to the subSoil water. Shallow well foundations. have been used for the piers.. A revised plan and estima.te will shortly be ~ubmitted for iianctione- -These shoW' no excess. 225. Under this hc3d the expenditure was Rs. 31,937, of which Rs. 1,637

< lfithrao Canal -Reftnne. . were !or works of improveme~t to the. ~5th mile • chauki, and the bala.nce on 'ordinary repaus and the usual garden and mainten~~ esta.b~~~t. _ Minor ca.na.la, Revenne. 226. These canals were maintained at a" total . expenditure of Rs. 16,898, the 'Works being ordinary. 227. Gardens were maintained a.t Sindri and Samara at a total cost of Pia tation Rs. 935, the receipts of the year being Rs. 94.0. In _n. cQn;nection ~th the Si,Qdri gard~, an excess expen.. diture of Rs. 91 over thaf sanc.tioned in Government Resolution No. 10 W. 1.-43 of 9th January 1892, was incurred, which the Executive Eng41eer explains is due to the extra cost of fitting up a Taylor's Patent lift which bOO heen purcbased for the Sam~ garden, but could not ~ used there. 228. The following is asummary :of expenditure ill this district:­ Ra. NelV works- Capital expenditure ••• ... •.• 2,98,167 Revenue do. ••• 1,637 Ordinary agricultural works ••• 1,885 Rs. 3.JOl,63~ Re~a­ Clearance 15,562 Other works ... _. ~,60i 59,166 .Maintenance of gardens' .... 935 Rs. Establishment- 'Yorks ••• 8).384. AbkaIani ••• ••• 12,877 Revenue- •.. .•• 4,027 25,288 85,389 3,87,028 .Add-Regular Establis~ent charges ...... ••• - 61,224 . Total charges under all heads ...... •.. 4,48,252

229. The average e~penditure. qf three previous y~ars on establishment cbarged to the maintenance.grant was Ra. 23,069. . HYDERABAD CANALS DISTRI

kept. The expenditure was as follows :_ o' ~ Ra. Works ... 81,7:'] .Ests.blishment.­ Abkal&ni ...... ~ 2,531 Revenne - 1,013 - Works •• 0 3,5U 7,058


281. A sluice was-constructed at the- he~d of the Worn for which only Reo Dhora-Begam on Dambrowab, with a head to<"regulate ,.enne Accounts ~ .kept. ihe supply and prevent waste at a cost of ~. ,1,4$2. ~ a6. , A new' feeder to' the Bhortiwab, which runs' for a cOnsiderable part of its length through a forest, had many bad bends and was often choked up by fallen trees, &c., was commenced and will be . completed before. the inundation. The new cut is 192 chains long, and is estimated to cost He. 4,000. The expenditure of the year was Rs. 579. . The 'cost of the surveys of the N autak~ Dad, and N asrat is aebited io this head. They were completed duIjng th~ year as also a survey of the Gh'ro l\{ahmuda. Projects for the improvement of these canals are now l>efore Govern­ ment. The total cost during the year of ~he survey" inclusive of permanent establishment, was Rs. 17,103, of which Rs. 676 were debited to the maintenance grant. 232. The expenditure on maintenance was for ordinary clearance, &0., and establishment, and was divided as follows :- RI. Works ••• ••• ••• ••• 97,874. Maintenance of gardena .,. ... 891 Establishment- Rs. Abkalani ,., ... ,.. 6,913 Revenue ••• ... ,., 3,256 Works ". ... •.. 9,83S :0,004.


233. Two gardens are maintained in this district-one at Bhour, the other Plantation at Mithani. The expenditure on them was' Rs. 891 • and receipts Ra.274. The expenditure is somewhat less than in 1892.93 .and the revenue nearly doubled. 234. Under'" Work" establishment 'proper, as distinguished from that . portion of the canal maintenance establishment so 'Work Rstabhsbment. Called, the expendIture in this district was Rs.24.only, being the pay of a maistry employed for a short time on the sluice over Begum dhora referred to above. 235. The following is a summ~ry of expenditure under aU heads in this district :-

. 236. The .average expenditure bf three previous years on establishment charged ~o the maintenance grant in t~is district wa$ Ra. ~5,873~' 37 FULELI- CANALS DISTRICT. 231. The regulator at 60th mile, described in last year'B report, was com- F 1 li Canal C 'tal. 58,128 1 pleted at a cost of Rs. against an estimate of n.:;lllator J 6«ht mlle. Rs. '58,813. It was not however brought into use in the inundation of 1893 as the new head to the :Mul­ chand, which forms part of the scheme, had not been completed. When this is done, the supply can be regulated and the shortness of water in the Dero-Mohbat TaIuka, re~g which complaints are always made when the Fuleli Head Regulator IS closed, will be obviated and at the same time Hooding in the low- lying districts minimised. . . 238. This work is required in consequence of the construction of the new ~ regulator at 60th mile below which the old head takes' lilaw head to Mulchand. off, the supply in which would be unduly reduced when the water is shut oft. The whole work is estimated to cost Rs. 69,188, Rs. 50,401 for the new head and Rs. 18,787 for thorough clearance. The proper distribution of the charges against Capital and Revenue -respectively is under discussion. In the year under review about ]3 Ia.khs of cubic feet of excavation have been carried out and jungle cleared at a total cost of Rs. 10,385, of which Rs. 9,493 have been debited to Capital. 239. On the eight new buildings mentioned in last year's report, Rs.4i6 . . were expended in making final payment, bringinO' up Inspection chaokis. th~ toW "Cost to Rs. 19,6.53, showing a saving ~f Its. () on the eiltimate. 240. These works are intended to afford a free Enlarging and e:dending escape for surplus 'Water when not required for the tails of 5 branches of Fllleli. cultivation, especially during rain. They are as follows:- t. Escape to Sherwah, large. 2. Do. Aliwah, large. 3. Do. 8anhi Guni. 4. Do. Rajw.h Kadan, 5. Po. Aliwab, small The first two were practically completed before the inundation, and did good service. The third and fourth were completed after the inundation. It bas--, been proposed that the 5th escape be not constructed and the matter is under consideration. The estimate for the four amounts to Rs. 29,322, of which Rs. 22,493 have been expended, Rs.17,521 in 1893.. 94. 241." Under this head Ri. 19,248 were ex:­ Fuleli Canal. in as Revenue Accounts. pended 1893·94 on works follows :- Extensions and Improvements.. 242. This work, described in last report, was Band trom Jamshora. to completed at a total cost of Rs. 12,516 against an Gidu Bandar. estimate of Rs. 15,268. The expenditure of the year was Rs. 10,407. 243. This work consists in opening up a long disused portion of the canal . with a view to aitord a free escape to surplus water. Escape to Shadiwab, B~ 'The len~ improved is about two miles. Tne earth. work was ~ractically completed during the year. The scheme includes a sluice with two SIX-feet openings at head of esc~pe. Materi.aJs ~or this. were coll~ted and the whole will be ready for use lD the commg lDundation. EstlIDats Rs. 3,982, expenditure Rs. 3,720. 244 This is a similar work to that described in the preceding para. It is : th tail f Ra· completed and will be brought into use this inundation. wa~t~~ e 0 r Estima.te Rs. 8,972, expenditure Ra. 3,902. 245 The two !mrdens mentioned in last year's report were completed at a • 0 total cost of Rs.lt 540 a~st an estima.te of RS.l,541. Plantation. The expenditure. on thell' maintenance was Rs. 448 and 428-10 38 receipts Rs. 10. Much larger receipts m~~ be expected when ~he gardens are a little older. 246. The works were of the usual ehar~ter a.nd the ordinary maintenance . establishment' was employed. Considerable progress' Maintenance and repaIrs. was made in forming proper inspection paths along the canal banks. These were much required. 247. The total expenditure on the Fuleli during the year was as follows :- New W orks- Rs. Its.

Capital h. 41,579 Revenue ." 19,248 60 .. 827 Repairs- .. Works ...... 1,27,983 Maintenance of garden ...... 448 ( Abkalani ... 5,747 Estll.blishment . i Revenue 3,002 t Works ... .n 9,341 18,090

Total '0' 2,07,;H8

248. These consist of ~qe Ha,jipur and Budka Takar river embankments . and some minor canals which have their heads direct R Works for ;Vhich o:ly from the Indus. ~ No breaches occurred in the river evenue A Moun s are k ep., embankments. II these canals ceased to llow when th-e river fell in August, but fortun y the rise in September saved the crops from the loss which w01!ld.o . e have occurred. The total expenditure on maintenance was Ra. 17,278 (Rs. 5,,91'7 on embankment and Rs. 11,361 on canals). 249. In addition to the usual maintenance establishment under this bead . - . some maistries, &c., were employed on the new works Work Estabhshment pro- and special repairs. The total cost was Rs. 1.741 or por. _ Rs. 0'96 per cent. on the cost of the works concerned. rrhe percentage on the total irrigation expenditure was only-Rae 0'79. 250. The following is a summary of all irrigation expenditure in this district :- . Re. Re. Rs. New wOl'ks- Capital expenditure '0' 41,579 Revenue expenditure 19,248 60.,827

... Repairs- Clearance to canals •••j 1,05,814 Re~airs to Bu.nds ," .,. 1,757 Ot et' w(lrks ..• .., 35,117


Maintenance of gardens ...I, ... 448 , I' h {WOrkS 1.0,554 Est a b 18 • Abkalani .. 6,820 ment. Revenue ... 3,289 20,663 -- 1,63,';99

2,24,626 Add-Regular'Estab1ishment cha.rges . 47,097 ;

Total under all heads p.' 2,71,723 - . 'The,- avetag~ expenditure 1of 3 'pt'~vi9US years on establish~ent charged to the maintenance-grant was Rs. 16,983; 39

KARACHI CANAL~. .. 251. Under this head Rs. 55,442 were expended, of which Rs. 38,297 were E te' d I on river embankments and Rs. 16,620 on works con- men:s, nSlOns a.n mprove- nect~ with canals an,d Rs. 525 on plantations, The followmg paragraphs gIve the details :- 252. On the construction of t~is bund the safety of the cultivation in part Kh d' B d of the Mlrpur Taluka and nearly the whole of that in Ba.ragaza a 1 un. the Suj~wal Taluka depended. Work which had been commenced late in the prev~ous year was vigorQusly pushed on during April and 1.fay, but unfortunately a sudden and unexpected rise of the river flooded the works before completion and they had to be abandoned after an outlay of Rs. 31,983. All the available labour was then concentrated on an old zamindari bund some two miles farther to the ~outh situated on ground that could only be , flooded during the height of the inundation; this was hurriedly repaired at a cost of Rs. 3,885 and successfully kept out last year's floods from the Sujawal Td.luka. It has now been adopted as the' permanent bund line. 253. Rs. 2,730 was spent on the special repairs of two lengths of these .ra h' B d bund$ which the owners had allowed to fall into a g lr un S. dangerous state of disrepair. They have been taken over by Government and in future will be maintained as Government bunds. It is most desirable that the rest of the jaghir bunds in. the district, some 6& miles in length, which protect both Government and Jaghir lands, should be taken over by the Irrigation Department, and this is now under consideration. 254. This is a new bunQ.--eonstructed across a narrow but low bit of ground -Sonda Bund. --Othv~r which for tthhe l~st few years. floods have found elr way f rom e rIver, submergmg a considerable area of cultivation. This ov~r:flow has now been stopped at a cost of Rs. 2,856. 255. This is a small sluice of 4 feet width which is being built in the Shah ah 81 • Lanka Bund to eupply the forest immediately in rear Bagw Ulce. with water. Expenditure during the year was Rs. 500. 256. The restoration of the old embankments of the Baghar canal was continued ~n the year under review, the expenditure Baghar embankment. being Ra. 16,502. The usefulness of this work has been already fully established; for although not by any means complete, there was an increase in revenue this year in the Mirpur Sa:kro Taluka alone of over Rs. 10,000. 2;)7. The project for the drainage of the remaining low lands in the Sujawal S" 1 d ain ge TaIuka has now been thoroughly investigated, and uJawa r a • certain experimental cuts have been commenced, the expenditure during the year being Rs. 118; these will be completed before the next inundation and their action will be closely watched. When the result is known, a comprehensive scheme for the draiuage of all these low lands will be· drawn up and submitted to Government. .. - 258. The early part of the year uUder review was occupied in completing Maintenance a.nd repairs. the yearly repairs rendered necessary by the high inundation of 1892. Although the inundation of 1893' was within a few inches of the maximum only, two breaches occurred, one on the right bank and one on 'the left, the latter being due entirely to erosion. 259. The expenditure on work establishment during the year is Rs. 26,~71 compared with Rs. 23,385, the average of three previous years. This increase in cost is due to the extra establishment rendered necessary owing to the increase in height of the flood- level of the river in the Delta, and also to the fact that the length of the embankments has increased especially on those canals which have no regulators at head. 260. The two vegetable and nursery gardens, the one on the left bank' On ' PI t ti the Pinyari at Daro, the other on the right bank on the an a. on.' Bag h ar at P urlJan,~. wh' lC h were bItegun as year, were completed at a cost of Rs. 1,193 and Ra. 1.451'respectively. 4fi 261. The following is a general ~~dixb~ fof the entire expenditure in the ~~~~-' - lIs. New worKS .. ~...... 55,449 Rs. Repairs- .Clea.rance to canals e" ,.... 19,215 Other works ••• ••• ••• 43,668 Repairs to bunds ... ••• -99,345 ],6.2,228 lb. AbkaIant· ... 1.2,748 Establish - Revenue 5,853 { ment ... Work ..-" 8~270 . Gardens ... 950 27,821 Total •• , . 2,45,491 Regular Establishmeni ... . •.•• ,.. 45,358 Mathematical InstrD.ments and Establishment ... 7,112

Total '.i. 2,97,941 262. The total-cos{oIwork-esta1>llshment 'comes to'lts."27,821 on an outlay of .Its. 2,17,670, giving a percentage pf Rs. 12'7; Jf regular" establishment is added the percentage on outlay will be Rs. 33'6. 41

APPENDIX, . A. Statement 8'howing tke tntire ~xpenditure incurred during the financial !leaf' 1893.94 on Irrigation 'forks, Repairs and Bstilblishment, in the Province oj Sind. , -, " Service. Works. Bepaira.. Total• , . • PRODUCTIVE PUBLIC WORKS. Ra. Rs. Rs.

MAJOIR WORKS. '.49.-CapitaZ Account. Works ,...... •.. 4,03.862 ...... 4,03,862 Establishment ...... 82,309 Tools a.nd Plant ...... " .... 3,989 . - --- Total ••• 4,03,s~ "...... 4,90,160- ..f!l..-Reveft,fI,e .AOC()ttlct. - ---- , Extensions and Improvements~•• ...... 4y 4:60 .~ ... "' . 4,460 Maintenance and Repair. •...... 1,83,4,.I)! 1,83,452 Establishment ...... _..... 31,212 Tools a.n.d Plant ...... , 506 Refunds of Revenue ...... -...... , ...... 4-, 'l76 , I -- Total -, .. 4:,4:60 --1,83,4.52 2,240,006 43.-IRRl'GATIOlf llINOR WO'RKS AND Nl'VI(lATION. WORD FOR WHICH CAPITAL AND R&TKNUB ACCOUNTS ARB KEl'T. Capt'lal Accomtt. Works.•• ...... 37,548 ,..... 37,5!8 Establishment ...... , ...... 7,306 Tools and Plant ...... , .... 514 --- Total ... 37,54:8 --...... ,------I------~ Beve1lU6 ~ccount. - Extensions and Improvements ...... 29,329 -..... 29,32!i Maintenance and Bepa.irs ...... 2,65,038 2,65,038 Es.tablishment ..~. ' ...... ],00,071 Tools 1lD

WORJ[S I'OB WHIC1I ONLY BEVZNUB ~------I------I------ACCOUNTII ARB Kli: PT. Revenue. Extensions and Improvements %,09,218 .,, I.' 2,09,218 :Maintenance and,Repail'8 ••• ...... 4,55,667 4,5.;),667 Establishment... ••• ...... 1,62,OH Ta()le and Plant ...... , ...... 3,408 Refunds of Revenue ... ,...... 10 Total ••• '2,09,218 --4,55,661 8J3(}~47

WORKS Foa wruCK NEITHER CAPITAL NOR - - REVENUE ACCOUNTS ABE KEPT. Works aDd Surveys .... •.. 47,179 ...... 4:7,179 Maintenance a.nd Repa.irs... •...... 1,60,761 },60,?61 Establishment ••• ..• ..... , ...... 70,992 Tools and Plant .. ~ 9,986 ... too ...... Total ... ---4:7,179 1,60,761- 2,88,918

DEPOSITS. - Contribtltion'J Ordinary. Works ...... 655 ...... 655 Repairs ...... 1;518 1,518 Establishment ...... 21 ...... e ••••• Tools and Plant ...... ,. ou ...... Total ... 655 ~ 1------/------_·------Total under all Heads ; ...... • ...... 22-,17,130

pote_Expenditure exclusive of Establishment and Tools and l'1ant .... •.. Rs. 18,03,014: Cost of Eatablishme~t and T90lJ and Flant ' ...... n' 4,74.056 .. ~ , Fereezltage of Establishment and Tooll an4-l'Jant on Outlay ...... n 2G'2~ I B 428-lJ I' . APPENDIX Statemtnt s'howing in detail Bx.pend:tu~ ';,~iJul'}'ed on .Wor~ (1lepalrB)' and E.tablisl.


Names 01 Cannls.

------1 ----1------1-----_____ - 1 2 s 6 7' 8 , 10 ---I--~-.I ;--- . -1---1----1---- RB. ;RI. lb. Rs. .• lb. 11... :B.. :B_. 8,405,6;;5 53,318 879 4~ '" ... 4J8 S24,F06 J,Ii~! ... 406,9116 1,963 a]6' .~: ... f6 27,3PO 16.. . .. 1,R9~,890 9,190 1,~9 190 ,. ..•. 2,047 601,OH 1,877 ...... 141,677 1,267 1,270 ••• ... 849 12il.0tl1 616 'oo ... jCanals in Rohri .. . . '2,~2~03 ]2,902 IG8 935 1,84!),oi~ . 9,974 ... 465 93 t18,Sfl !E,' Bunds in Robri .. . C"~ ...... oo ." <:: Smd Canal and Duud 815,'773 'g:160 ... 2 "35'& ::: ,: i6~,12V fO) Ii j l"1l],kur·Beg.iri DUIIIl... 439 ... , :g .. ... ",. l5S· ... ,., J~ K.lslUlpur Bund ...... , .. 110 'N ... 130 ...... ,.: (Ollar Canal •• , ... 6,180,688 28,639 2,096 2,779 906 1,173 8,601 ,,,,~, kk ..• J2,302 lU ... I .:: :: 1 Hu 'n r Canal ••• 767,4HJ 4,740 • • 67] ']5 ...... 1,0811 3,113 !@tI ... I r::; r... tillAr Dund. . .. , ...... -42} ". B 208 , ...... (We~tel'll N..\rlI. 3,803,638 14,663 668 ],273 ...... ". ... 2,1;;0 lI14 8,04li,221' fliP I': IPrit (' hald Canal ... ),100,799 4,8~ 283 318 ...... 2:l0 ... -),)1',746 24 t!€ D.tdu Cansls .,. ... 1,596,869 5,i>8S !Ill 1 ]53 .... 1,736 6 1;0 ••• ]~"t!41 W 7.: "' -< Phittfl Canal •• 19I ,8S~ 713 56 43 ...... 18,133 1" ...., ~'7 ..... 1M_arV! 'WI 81 ... 14S,lSO .&51 100 .2'~ ... .U,aH ,... 'Yalll1t' Wah ... 125,120 6QO 17 ... I.. .., ... l N ..lfa BUll(h " '158 ...... SO ...... 86 3t,ot~ 20£ ...... ']jW9,993 91l lI,n~e 2~!I,C.10 914 .... ),428,707 ... 'oo ... 1.U7 6,631 8 Gli,186 ],'" Weed 1'. 360,057 ... a ... Weedll. ... (() 17G.1u2 431,951 '" ... W~!l. 131 ufO J,lOl. . 13(1.216 (:J'l~lrab,,:.&h .. , ... 1,497~5;; 5,33J 141 ]02 ... '36,m 63~ I !f118rat ,., ... 1,21J,jO~ t,f6? J~ 83] ::: L96 ... j,7~,nJ 2,418 ~ , ~aol"kbi ...... 2,602..,978 IV·91 656 ,q33' I •• 313,241 ],248 ... ~ 1Dambro...... 3P2f' 305 116 .f, 60,4'6 24:: r5. Dad .. . ~~821,085 4,7,,7 52~ 969 '1!~,OD3 2,8J5 ... 6,18J fH6 -910 " ]S/(1,04t1 780 ••• ~ ~ Renwlill ...... 1,496,17] '" ~ iH.! \1ibhar Kaelleri 53J,50~ J,934 ]32 481 ... ':-6 DV. lOIS '" ~ "oMarak '" ... 2,108,502 lO,10:: 351, 90- 6,391 "'~(J . 814;41>7 l,U1 ... hiro Mllbmuda. ... .0,748,014 ]9,-166 1530 Jt11~ ..... Jetl,6a: J,";;" 124 , Karl Shu1W\li •• ~ ... 2,~0'2, 18] 9,191 l,UD 2,11t...... • 4,a01! 15 J Nasirw"h ...... j,J82,349 6,1!1I , 30. ]16 ... 83,471 13J 84 Sarfr.tzwdh ...... :r,193,89~ 4,n: '197 1,JO: ...... ,.82,161 ),Um ... lOther C!&na18 ••• ... '2,812,385 9.11,jO • 3.1:1 HI! 4,140. . 15 42,066 100 ... ;;~~ {FUleli Cana.l.... , .... •• , 21,.'59,319 9?1i3;' 4,190 3,207 ... l,W; 1,13t. 2,U],3: c, 0,434 :;;!s Oth C 1 ... fro::-~ er ana :...... ],901,859 a.m il~~ 63~ ... , .. ... 496 ••• ... (14 Other Canais north of Rotri ••• "] ,220,308 4,155"" ]]G ... '1 ••• 24,n~ :-1ha1 ...... 206,534 672 ]0 ...... 3Sj 11 lUJ,G6" 2Sf .•. 0 tber Canalll-fa.ta, S04kro. , l,304 Ohorlib.\~ ...... , ... 505,302 ];824 35 !is 0,860 21 a •• 01 401,33( LUi...... ••• .... 900,439 2,416 1:> ~60 6t 610,6~ ]L91ii ..... 1 ... IB:t.ghar ...... ti05,5:l9 ],906 2::: J(S2 ••• 3-1,913 ' ]20 548 ••• ' ',UI6.16~ 4,:'60 .. , 'i Ocbita...... ,. 1~0,6:Jj 36U .. " 3 • .... 4,643 16 ...... ;; 46 ,., , iio,9Hl fat 1;,) Other Canall-Mirpur Batoro. j 88,86J 548 . lO~ .16~ .261,453 72S 13,658. '" Piny.\ri ...... __ l,o:>O,83j .3.,148 680 43 ••• .,240 12· 1,916 f,l33,40li 1:J,L7; 1 .... \.1116 ••• Other Call1ila-Sujawal ••• 2:!6,686 ~Q4 6(i 89 v. 33l ~74 S!,O,IlD6 Sl'3 ... »0. Jati ... ••• 9,&,UOO 9] ••• I ., . Satah ... '" .., ... 217,680 tm 63 ...... 9O,19f- 30· Other Canalll-SMbbandar... j6,OOO :14 !Iii ... 3ii~,S94 l,OH) ••• Kal1tab ...... 1,046,630 2,:i77 64 166,~ 91 1,]i1l < ]!l6.L8D ii2!: Kokawari '" ...... •~O~,OOO 500 48 ...... Bunds Right Dank ... • •• • ... 3ill 4,'I00t ••• 411 •• ... '" 3.£136 L Do, Left • ao...... , ... ·88:! '" ...

Bt'g.1ri Canal. Shi,kArpur Canal. ':"" 'Ghar Canals '" - ... Weste1'D Nlira ..... Eastern N ara •• .., .. Hyderabad Canals' ... I .. Fuleli Canalll '" '0, KarAchi Canal... '" , .. Grand Total 43 B. ment debitMZe·to tTle Canal Clearance OJ'Ctnt il~: 1899·94 in the Jl.rovince oj Sind.

IIIPRO"lIl1111' "0 ItaPA'" M Rrn. Loo,... &C •• R,n. tdlBAXItXL'i'f80 EltuJl...... If I .t G"i';.,; ~ .!!Bok of'S • !'l &0.... 1"'-ii.l • "C ~ )lj'" Ii Ii:: ~.: i ] 'I'; __--1- ....~-- ---1____~ ~ _~ ,' ___1 _____~ t-o~_I~"'_~~ ~ ------1------)----1 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 25 26;2728 29 30 ---1----1------~----I---I---I'------1-___ 1_ Rs, RI. lh. Bs. lts. Rs. 118. R.. Rs. Rs. Rs. 2,103 33S ],368 1,805 63,1-12 2,299 1,568 I 1,Sn 5.208 68,350 2~ HI S,(l6~ 1,196 74Q I 60:1: 2,119 5,659 6-10 f22 495's 11,i'13 2,110 2,150 I 1,4i6 6;J36 24,149 1,S]8 108 3,0-10 23,119 11,983 3~O 1,~3 lS~96 37,Uo ...... 302 U6 13 218 30,510 2,131 15R I' 2,301 5,799 36,369 ii6,J07 1,nS ••• ...... 1,f1S 316 is 84 443 1;921 2,&2 4S 61 6,013 J,32fo1 S96 1,U6 2,870 S,943 ]02,]!{ "'160 ll.iif,1l1 6O,5ll 44 f>4. 121 62,296 4, 7t'i7 210 165 5,842 68,091' ::01,U1 1,109 2,738,650 11,999 180 21 16 ,8:!: 9 605 88 2-19 flU 11,691 ... f,6H ]96 52,1~~ 3,408 1,361 .,08.4, S,lI03 61,019 2,u76 !Ill 13.9~u 2,123 1,615 5,504 19,5-10 3,2';5 :H7 ! 4,306 2.609 ~~j 99t SJ)78 8,334 ..... 193 1,607 109 6,009 39,8J7 5,35! lo,!)!6 55,163 fUG 19 3,82» 13,lI9S ... 2:.~4: ;13,~9~ ... ]67 11' 1,159 . 223 108 U6 641 7,106 lD() I "in 1,099 298 1p9 80s 715 l,tlH to! 6 107 1,_11 .179 46 51 279 1,150 ... 67 .43 617 '24 20 5r 201 SIS 2,200 292 S6 7,8{6 26,165 2.GU 211 51& 3,864 29,5211 126 ]02 46!1 43S 171 .509 1,118 ),5S7 1,68~.93(J ... S,149 26,300 6,31i 1,531 USf 10,!99 36,604 ... ],701 2',113 3;1)40 1,263 3.tH' 8,)57 30,300 ... 1,671 309 119 31$ 146 ';-123 18 7::' ... 2,933 !?OG 914: 3.901 i1>7 6,496 "l,6f6 1.615 3,5194 10,t90 , f2 32!2 1,~!! ~52 1!! f63 1,139 ~,3;;o 88 ..U~ ~.1~ 44;) 291 ~ 1,352 lO,l05 100 1,613 12,950 900 360 1,)92 2,152 16,f07 3,123 .f30 191 661 J,l:!80 .. ~ 22 • ••• i~ 5,~8 ...., .. .: .... S6 •••• 9U 10,56~ 904 305 936 2,145 12,/13 29~ - 20 8,103 roo ~10 1,028 2.008 10,.61 e .. 181 !,lI92 317 146 f9t 951 3,649 31l 13,8~6 9g2 fD5 ;',597 3,os4 .16,920 261 ~3,19f; 1,651 881 2,285 4,123 28,521 ... 160 13,495 1'55 463 1,450 2,768 16,263 .... S5l 6,126 .624 311 ~199 2,140 8,!?66 ]91 196 1,762 ,~O 288 960 1,928 9,690 ... J9l, lO,~9~ 463 161 :504 1,131 11,i2.3 8,002 9,311 21',8 ':61 287 .. ~ '" 1,213 127 4,482 '201 65 231 603 '.985 _ fO "100 ... 9 1,tJ61 110 6S 201 139 2.4:00

09- ~72 2!'3 4,59] .0_0 fl4 193 602 5,093 1 ~29 lll- 5,829 625 431 f51 ] ,1107 7,136 357 224 1,S!!9 1,658 613 914 3,215 ll,O·H .\. 6 39-1 e9~ ]23 160 2,619 367 91 "1OS 3,227 l30 •..• 3,011 ]S? 25,£037 2,fo16 2,331 7,333 33,1170 . 82 1::­ 1,'j9~ 120 !7 .241 ~,QJ.O n SO 1,031 1,03] 139 16 1,05~ 215 15 602 ),660 44 I,ll:!: ... 1,lH 74 3,699 281 111 398 ';90 (,489 ... JS9 ).69

\ r 'St(J,temtni~,~o'Wing tll,e, JI:npenditure incurred.on Worm BstalJU'shment/employed in tke Deccan Diilrict, during the gcar 181J3 ..!M, and the

r " percentage it bears to the Outlaf! on Works and Repairs p7·oper. . , I , , . J .. I CosT 01 W OBK EsTABL'l:SJIMKNT OmL.\v ON , , IIANCTloJfBD JlV , , By eo.tract, By DeX¥tnlental,AgenIlY, . . I , - r Total Original Original I Contract Per08ll1tage , ,'Yorks, Work .. and (column 12 including including Depart. Chief or bearato ' Ib:lIIAlutS• .No. Name of Snb·division 'OrIDistilct, mental 'Sup4li" Executive additions additions To~ column V). . Fd and ColumDlJ Intending ,Engineel'. alterations Bepa.ir.. ' Totat altera.tioDB Repaite. , Total. 5 andS. Engineer. and and hnprove- improve- , menta, ' ments, , , and, aIId , . I extensions. estenaione. , - , t $ ~ r - I '" . .~ - "3 4 6 I ·8 Q 10 11 12 13 14- 1 2 I I " , - Rs, Rs. Its, Bs. Its. Rs. Rs. Rs. Its. Ra. , 1.07,3~6 ·6 903. 1 Mutha Canat. ." t>8,381 .... I . ~8.387 28,034 10,415 38,949 2,.21V t 9>120 . ••• l 13 . 9,051 9,051 .. 9,051 611 %,,061 2,672 o- rOro r 2 Poona Water Supply " ••• • •• ••• . ... . , 1,09;271 2,574 '9,255 11,829 10'82 ~ NiraCanai .-. .. , ·66,089 .d 66,'58' -:?6,207 16,4-75 4~,682 4 Other Poona Irrigation 'Yorks .... 5,735 .., . 5,735 2,070 1,518 '3,588 ~,323 655 1,791 2,846 25'%6 .. 1,405 8'95 , ~I" 13,4'2 IJ,234 27,676 27,676 1,073 2,478 5 Sho:tap~r lrrigat~oVVorks ...... ,

~ 4,100 Mt .2,192 2,783 66'65 6 Ahmedn;.gar,Irrigation Warks .' ...... t. .11 293 4,393 . ',100 . , ,7' Na.,sik lnigatioo Works .... 1,456 ... 1,456 5,457 2,964 8,421 9;877 ".. 1,134 1,134 11'48 , :11,146 tl,14,6 1,,988 2,743 4,731 15'00 8' lthandesh Irrigation WprK:S .. . • •• '0 •• ,.... 21,999 9,147 .2,290 2-80 "9 HQbl~ Wa.ter Works •• _ ...... '.. 81,693 71 81,164 81.'164- 460 1~830 26,535 37,2,12 37,212 1,047 1,245 2,292 6')6 10 Dh'rw£r Irrigation 'Vorb * ••• - -- ••• 10,677 Total ... 1,42.167 ... 1,42,167 1,89,786 94,803 2,84,589 4,26,756 11,398 30,227 41,625 {}-'15 Extract paragt'aghs 2--4 oj leiler No. 171, dated !!3rd Janua'ry 1894, from the Ezecutit·o Engineer, Nira Oanal, furnishing in/ormation conCe1'ning tke Tun­ offfrom the catchment of tke Bkdtghar Tank. 2. The first important rise in the tank took place on the 18th June IH93, when 4 under-sluices were opened and remaining 11 sluices were opened. on the 19th. They were clo~ed again on the 12~h August when the water.leve: was only 6'60 feet over the sill. 3. The tank filled in 23 daysj and the water flowed over the weir on the 4th September. This flow continued until the- morning of the 3rd November. The volume of the run-off from the catchment area, viz., 128 square miles is therefore, given by the sum of the three items :- Cubic feet. (a) Volume passed through under-sluices during the monsoon from 18th June till 11th Aug- ust, both included ... .•• 28,181,493,776 (b) Volume of tank between 6'60 and 75 feet (crest of weir) (the deduction due_ to 6'6 feet at- the bottom is ne~ligeable) - ..• •.• 3,807,691,915 (0) Volume discharged from date of filling 4th September up to date of overflow ceasing 3rd November •.• •.• ..• 6,198,399,061 Total... 38,187,?84,752

This figure gives a total run-off of lOt feet on the catchment area, which is mostly subject to the heavy rainfall of the Ghats. 4. The only flood worth mentioning was a small one wbich on the 5th August attained its maximum height of 34:20 feet, while 14 under-sluices were open. There were no floods worth recording after the closure of the sluices.

B 736 Statement showing the Results of Bun-off from Oatchment Areas of Tanlk8 in th.e Deccan jor U~e ?jca: 1~93_

'It ;. • , --' , , ;proportion ~ - - of Run-off Eupply due to Actual Run-off, Areaor l iolWnfal1, ltainfall in Rainfall, millions: millions of RBMARXS. District. Name of Tank. Y~ir· Catchment~ Inches. Colrunli 7 f!"quare .Mlle •• of Cubic Feet. I Cilbio Feet. divided by \ ; ~ •Column 6. I I f , \ , . 5 6 7 S. 9 1 2 3 4 , . I - .....- l , : f : ': 0 -. , , \ , '119 Rainfall from 17th June 1893 when the tauk commene ed ',( Mllkti Tank •.• '-1893 34'2 8-88 7Db·54. 84·42 filling to 2nd Eeptember 1898, when it reached its highest -.. ~ . - water"level for the year. The tank did not till up to was to - ~el in the year.

f - ~ \ · · 146 Tank "as at its lowest water-level on 27th May 1893 an d .DQ. 13'4 18'88 587'75 85'82 tilled' up to waste weil' on 28th August 1893~ RaWall Khandesh ... ~ Mhasva Tank ' .,.' I. ~ j . taklln.between these dates. , ~ , . - 1 23'23: 366'98 89'24 '243 Tank.at its lowest capacity on 14th June 1893 and filled tip ~- 6-8 to overftowing on 28th August 1893. Rainfall taken l Ha.rtala Tank' ... Do., , , blltween these dates. , ~ . , 763',59 50'680 ()·Q66 ' Rainfall from 28th May when tllere was flrst repleni~~nt ,~ 7'47, Bhatodi Tank ... _. Do~ 44-00 - to l~. June when the tank tilled up to crest of waste weir. Abmednagar •• :{ " 11'19 461'4.3 73'09 '159 Tanl; .as at it. lowest level dn 29th May 1893 and fined up Parsul Tank •...... - Do: ' 17'75 to 4>vertiowing on 26th June 1893. Rainfall taken between these dates. . I . . , \ 3,822 3.675' : RaiDfall for 4 month. from Jnne to September. Tank Illed Nasik ...... Waghad Tank ... ,- Do.· 29'00 56'73 on 18th J nne 1893. • The waste discharge. from thie tank 'being throngh a 'I--- ~bannel of m:r.1ar section. no reliable figures of di8Cb~ ~ be obtain • The proportion of run-oft' to r&infallm the calculation of which the waste diacharge is in tW. case a prime factor cannot therefore be at all accurate. The . cpoTtion as calculated is 0"96. but this figure must be ell merely for pnrposet of comparison with recorded proporuoJU in other years which were based on llimila.r • ralculations. Shirsuphal Tank Do, 23'5 10'83 Poons. , __ 591'26 313'21 '529 ·.. { } Rai,l&lI.lrom Iot,J,,,1893 to "" 0,,,,,,,,. ,;... The Bhadalwadi Tank ... Do. ... 23'0 10'48 559'98 183-48 '327 tanks did not overflow this year.

Mhasvad Tank Do. ." 480'00 '16'77 18,700'83 1,445'99 0·077 BainfaJ.l from .Tune to October 1893. The tank Iilled on 24th July 1893, the run-off to that d&1:6 being 0'131.

Ekrak Tank ••• , Do. .. 159-00 29'22 10,793-54 2,121'02 o'lb6 RainfaU from June to October 1893. -The tank filled on ~ 12th October, the run-off to that date being 0'19. ShoJapur .'" . " Ashti Tank Do, , ... 92'00 22,35 4,776'96 842'13 0'176 Rainfall from June to October 1893. The cut iu the waste weir overflowed on 16th June, the run-oJr to that da.te being 0'19. Koregaon Tank Do. 4'40 18'50 18~HO 74'80 0'396 Rainfall from June to October 1893. Tho tank lilted on the 9th October. the run·off to that date being 0'458.

Belgaum ... .. ' Gokak Canal Storage Do. 1,080 21'46 53,844 98,617 Rainfall from 1st June to end of October 1893. The rain- Reservoir. fa.1l was gauged at the weir. The river has • ghAt catch- ment and the rainfall at ita source ill much heavier than at the weir. The actual run-off gauged at Sit inchea is ~aTly twice the rainfa.1l gauged at the weir. ~ Do. 23 19'42 1,037'680 91'966 0'089 Rainfall from 1st June to end of October 1893. Thet&nk did not fill. Dharwar .... Medleri Do_ II 12'50- • 319'440- 42'863 0'134 Do • do.

Dambal \. . 1)0. 43 17'88 1,788'16'9 160'008 0'09 Do • Tank overflowed from lOUr to 12th June 1893 and run-off is OO()()S. Bijapur ... .- Muchkundi Tank ... Do. 26 19'50 1,177'862 247'777 0'210 Rainfall from 1st June to end of October. The tank did not fill. 59'50 21'53 2,976'10 730'00 0'245 The run-off is calculated from 1st June to 6tlt October. Nehr Tank .. , The tank filled on the lat~r date. ro'Do. 59'50 25'69 3,551'14 860-00 The run'off is calculated: from 1st one to 31st OctObt>r SaMra ... 0-242 J ", 1 1393, Maini ... Do. 54'00 15'41 1,933'23 219'41' 0-113 Do, do. \ \, "',