C656 b BBC Shakespeare plays : Henry VIII

C765 T

In Etudes sur le théatre de la Restauration

1945 P1/1945/I-II-III Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°60

1945 P1/1945/IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°60

1959 A523 Musique de Scène de la troupe de Shakespeare : The King' s Men Sous le règne de Jacques Ier

1960 B555 Shakespeare Survey N°13

1965 A729 Tragic in Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Shakespeare : An essay

1966 A189/2 Albion, Knight

In Early English Dramatists: Six Anonimous Plays(Second Series)

1966 A189/4 Appius and Virginia

In Early English Dramatists: Six Anonimous Plays(Fourth Series) 1966 A189/1 Calisto and Melebaea

In Early English Dramatists: Six Anonimous Plays(First Series)

1966 P1/1932/II Comment and Criticism: 1) Shakespeare, Hayward, and Essex Again;2)Reply to Ray Heffner's Shakespeare, Hayward, and Essex Again; 3)"A South Sea of Dicovery" (As You Like It, III, ii, In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°47

1966 A189/4 Common Condition

In Early English Dramatists: Six Anonimous Plays(Fourth Series)

1966 A189/1 Every Man

In Early English Dramatists: Six Anonimous Plays(First Series)

1966 A189/1 Four Elements

In Early English Dramatists: Six Anonimous Plays(First Series)

1966 A189/3 Gammer Gurton's Nedle

In Early English Dramatists: Six Anonimous Plays(Third Series)

1966 A189/2 Godly Queen Hester

In Early English Dramatists: Six Anonimous Plays(Second Series)

1966 A189/4 Grim the Collier of Croydon

In Early English Dramatists: Six Anonimous Plays(Fourth Series)

1966 A189/1 Hickscorner

In Early English Dramatists: Six Anonimous Plays(First Series) 1966 A463/1 International News

In Shakespeare Survey, 2: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

1966 A463/2 International News

In Shakespeare Survey, 3: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

1966 A189/3 Jack Jugler

In Early English Dramatists: Six Anonimous Plays(Third Series)

1966 A189/2 Jacob and Esau

In Early English Dramatists: Six Anonimous Plays(Second Series)

1966 A189/3 King Darius

In Early English Dramatists: Six Anonimous Plays(Third Series)

1966 A189/2 Misogonus

In Early English Dramatists: Six Anonimous Plays(Second Series)

1966 A189/3 New Custom

In Early English Dramatists: Six Anonimous Plays(Third Series)

1966 A463/2 Shakespeare's Deposition in the Belott-Mountjoy Suit

In Shakespeare Survey, 3: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

1966 A189/4 The Marriage of Wit and Science

In Early English Dramatists: Six Anonimous Plays(Fourth Series) 1966 A189/4 The Marriage of Wit and Wisdom

In Early English Dramatists: Six Anonimous Plays(Fourth Series)

1966 A463/1 The 'Shakespearian 'Additions in The Booke of Sir Thomas More

In Shakespeare Survey, 2: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

1966 A189/1

In Early English Dramatists: Six Anonimous Plays(First Series)

1966 A189/1 Thersites

In Early English Dramatists: Six Anonimous Plays(First Series)

1966 A189/2 Tom Tyler and his Wife

In Early English Dramatists: Six Anonimous Plays(Second Series)

1966 A189/3 Trial of Treasure

In Early English Dramatists: Six Anonimous Plays(Third Series)

1966 A189/2 Youth

In Early English Dramatists: Six Anonimous Plays(Second Series)

1971 B868 Julius Caesar : A Concordance to the text of the first Folio

1972 B948 Animadversions on Mr. Congreves's Late Answer to Mr. Collier 1977 P5/1 Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 12

1978 P5/2 Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 13

1978 P5/3 Cahiers Elisabéthains N° 14

1979 P5/4 Cahiers Elisabéthains n°15

1979 P5/5 Cahiers Elisabéthains N° 16

1979 C656a Shakespeare on Film Newsletter, volume 3, n°2

1979 C656b Shakespeare on Film Newsletter, volume 4, n°1

1980 P5/6 Cahiers Elisabéthains N° 17

1980 P5/7 Cahiers Elisabéthains N° 18 1980 C656c Shakespeare on Film Newsletter, volume 5, n°1

1981 P5/8 Cahiers Elisabéthains N° 19

1981 P5/9 Cahiers Elisabéthains N° 20

1981 C656d Shakespeare on Film Newsletter, volume 5, n°2

1982 P5/10 Cahiers Elisabéthains N° 21

1982 P5/11 Cahiers Elisabéthains N° 22

1982 C656e Shakespeare on Film Newsletter, volume 6, n°1

1983 P5/12 Cahiers Elisabéthains N° 23

1983 P5/13 Cahiers Elisabéthains N° 24 1984 P5/14 Cahiers Elisabéthains N° 25

1984 P5/15 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°26

1984 C606 Caliban N° XXI : aspects du théâtre anglais, hommage à Fernand Lagarde

1984 C656f Shakespeare on Film Newsletter, volume 8, n°2

1984 C656g Shakespeare on Film Newsletter, volume 9, n°1

1985 P5/16 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°27

1985 P5/17 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°28

1985 P5/18 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°29

1986 P5/19 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°30 1987 P5/20 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°31

1987 P5/21 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°32

1988 P5/23 ' Cahiers Elizabéthains n°34

1989 P5/24 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°35

1989 P5/25 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°36

1990 P5/26 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°37

1990 P5/27 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°38

1991 P5/28 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°39

1991 P5/29 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°40 1992 P5/29 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°41

1992 P5/31 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°42

1993 P5/32 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°43

1993 P5/33 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°44

1994 P5/34 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°45

1994 P5/35 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°46

1995 P5/36 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°47

1995 P5/37 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°48

1996 P5/38 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°49 1996 P5/39 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°50

1997 P5/40 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°51

1997 P5/41 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°52

1998 P5/42 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°53

1998 P5/44 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°54

1999 D235 An Act against Conjuration, Witchcraft, and Dealng with Evil and Wicked Spirits

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

1999 P5/45 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°55

1999 P5/45 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°55

1999 P5/46 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°56 1999 D235 From An Act against Fond and Fantastical Prophecies

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

1999 D235 From An Homily against Disobedience and Willful Rebellion

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

1999 D235 From Succession Act

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

1999 D235 From "The Story of Macbeth", in A Collection of Divers and Remarkable Stories

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

1999 D235 News from Scotland

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

Avril 1988 P5/22 ' Cahiers Elizabéthains' n°33

A.D. Nuttal 2000 D256 A Midsummer night's dream : Comedy as apotrope of myth

In Shakespeare survey 53

A. Luis PUJANTE 1998 D200 Double Falsehood and the Verbal Parallels with Shelton's Don Quixote

In Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century, Shakespeare Survey n°51

A WOOD, Anthony 1969 Z16/1 Athenae Oxonienses, vol I A WOOD, Anthony 1969 Z16/2 Athenae Oxonienses, vol II

A WOOD, Anthony 1969 Z16/3 Athenae Oxonienses, vol III

A WOOD, Anthony 1969 Z16/4 Athenae Oxonienses, vol IV

ABANIME, Emeka 1981 P5/8 Elizabeth I and Negroes

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 19

Abbé MARCEL Raymond 1956 A629 La fureur poétique et l'humanisme florentin

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

ABBOTT E.A. A764 A Shakespearian Grammar: An Attempt to Illustrate some of the Differences between Elizabethan and Modern English

ABDELNOUR ZIMBARDO Rose 1968 A599 Form and Disorder in The Tempest

Shakespeare : The Tempest

ABEL Douglas 1990 D013 Directing Doctor Faustus

In The Elizabethan Theatre XI

ABIRACHED, Robert 1994 D071 La Crise du personnage dans le théâtre moderne ABITEBOUL Maurice 1984 C606 Hamlet, marginal "par nature" ou "par accident"

In Caliban n° XXI

ABITEBOUL Maurice 1987 C694 La temporalité dans Macbeth

In Aspects du théâtre anglais

ABITEBOUL Maurice 1999 D225 Pour une définition du héros tragique dans Richard III de Shakespeare

In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef)

ABITEBOUL Maurice A. 1985 P5/17 Hamlet, Rosencrantz et Guildenstern ou la fin d'une amitié: un minidrame dans La Tragédie d'Hamlet In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°28

ABRAMS M.H. 1961 B568 Five Types of Lycidas

In Milton's Lycidas, The Tradition and the Poem. Patrides, C.A.

ABRAMS M.H. 1971 B788 Mechanical and Organic Psychologies of Literary Invention

In and British Philosophy

ADAM E. 1887 A126 Torrent of Portyngale

ADAM Michel C765 Études sur le Théâtre de la Restauration (1660-1707)

ADAM Michel 1981 D002 Lucius ou l'évolution de la revendication féministe dans l'oeuvre de Mary Manley

In Aspects du théâtre Anglo-saxon ADAM Michel 1987 C694 L'héroïne tragique dans le Téâtre de Catherine Trotter

In Aspects du théâtre anglais

ADAM Michel 1993 C932 Femmes-dramaturges et actrices en Angleterre 1660-1706

ADAMS, Béatrice 1991 MD01bis Marlowe et la Subversion des codes du Théâtre des moralités

ADAMS George 1974 C379/2 Shakespeare and , 1729

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

ADAMS H.M. 1952 A463/3 The Shakespeare Collection in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge

In Shakespeare Survey, 5: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

ADAMS Henry Hitch 1965 A751 English Domestic Or, Homiletic Tragedy (1575-1642)

ADAMS Joseph Quincy(editor) 1952 A459 Chief Pre-Shakespearean : A Selection of Plays Illustrating the History of the from its Origin down to Shakespeare

ADAMS, Maurianne S. 1964 P1/1964/III ""Ocular Proof" in Othello and Its Source

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°79

ADAMS Richard P. 1961 B568 The Archetypal Pattern of Death and Rebirth in Lycidas

In Milton's Lycidas, The Tradition and the Poem. Patrides, C.A. ADAMS, Richard P. 1970 P1/1949/I The Archetypal Pattern of Death and Rebirth in Milton's Lycidas

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°64

ADAMS Robert M. 1968 A644 Taste and Bad Taste in Metaphysical Poetry : Richard Crashaw and Dylan Thomas

In Seventeenth -Century English Poetry : Modern Essays in Criticism

ADAMS Robert M. 1971 B737 Contra Hartman: Possible and Impossible Structures of Miltonic Imagery

In Seventeenth Century Imagery: Essays on Uses of Figurative Language from Donne to Farquhar. Earl Miner (editor)

ADAMS, Robert M. 1972 C276 The Mood of the Church in A Tale of a Tub

In England in the Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century

ADAMSON, J.S.A. 1994 D226 Chivalry and Political Culture in Caroline England

In Culture and Politics in Early Stuart England. Sharpe, Kevin and Lake, Peter (editors)

ADAMSON Jane 1987 C860 Troilus and Cressida

ADDISON Joseph 1951 B558 Six Spectator Papers on Paradise Lost

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

ADDISON Joseph 1964 A264 Cato

In Eighteenth Century Plays, selected with an introduction by John Hampden

ADDISON Joseph 1974 C379/2 On Shakespeare, 1711-14

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733 ADDISON Joseph(1672-1719) 1966 A282 Cato

In Five Restauration , ed. with an Intro. by DOBREE Bonamy

ADELMAN Janet 1973 C393 The common liar : an essay on Antony and Cleopatra

ADELMAN Janet 1978 C494 "Anger's my meat" : feeding, dependency, and agression in Coriolanus

In Shakespeare : pattern of excelling nature

ADELMAN Janet 1987 C949 “Born of Woman”: Fantaisie of Maternal Power in Macbeth

In Cannibals, Witches, and Divorce

ADELMAN Janet 1992 C966 'Anger's my meat': Feeding, Dependency and Agression in Coriolanus


ADELMAN Janet 1992 D012 'Born of woman' : Fantaisies of Maternal Power in Macbeth

In Macbeth

ADELMAN Janet 1992 C913 Suffocating Mothers : Fantasies of Maternal Origin in Shakespeare’s Plays, Hamlet to The Tempest

ADELMAN Janet 1993 C927 Man and Wife Is One Flesh: Hamlet and the Confrontation with the material body

In Shakespeare’s Middle Tragedies

Adrian Poole 2000 D256 The shadow of Lear's "Houseless" in Dickens

In Shakespeare survey 53 AGATE, James 1970 C285 Marie Lloyd

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

AGATE, James 1970 C285 The Way of the World

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

AGATE James 1972 B872 The Amazing Theatre

In Jonson: Volpone, A Casebook. Barish Jonas A. (editor)

AGEL Henri 1953 T37 Activité ou passivité du spectateur

In L'univers filmique

AGEL Henri 1953 T37 Finalité poétique du cinéma

In L'univers filmique

AGNEW Jean-Christophe 1986 C950 Worlds Apart : the market and the theater in Anglo-American thought, 1550-1750

AIRS Malcolm 1989 C793 A Tudor House: Hardwick Hall

In The Cambridge Guide to the Arts in Britain Vol.3 : Renaissance and Reformation

AIRS Malcolm 1989 C793 Architecture

In The Cambridge Guide to the Arts in Britain Vol.3 : Renaissance and Reformation

AITKEN George A. 1964 A899/7 An English Garner: Later Stuart Tracts AKAKIA-VIALA 1965 B104 Le Théâtre français

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

AKENSIDE Mark 1975 C379/3 Shakespeare attacks Francopholia, 1749

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

AKENSIDE Mark 1975 C379/3 Shakespeare weighed and measured, december 1746

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

AKIMOV Nicolas 1967 A533 Eugène Schwarz

In Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale JACQUOT Jean (editeur)

AKRIGG, G.P.V. 1962 B542 Jacobean ¨Pageant

AKRIGG G.P.V. 1969 B471 Henry V : The Epic Hero as Dramatic Protagonist

In Manner and Meaning in Shakespeare. Jackson B.A.W. (editor)

ALAZARD Jean 1956 A629 Prébaroquisme chez Titien

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

ALBANESE, Denise. 2001 D280 The Shakespeare Film and the Americanization of Culture

In Marxist Shakespeares

ALBERT Edouard 1969 A528 Etude du Théâtre Populaire, Centre de l'Ensemble Culturel de la Défense

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs) ALBRIGHT Evelyn May 1966 P1/1927/I Shakespeare's Richard II and the Essex Conspiracy

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°42

ALBRIGHT Evelyn May 1966 P1/1931/II Shakespeare's Richard II, Hayward's History and Henry IV and the Essex Conspiracy

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°46

ALBRIGHT Evelyn May 1966 P1/1928/II The Folio Version of Henry V in Relation to Shakespeare's Times

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°43

ALCILIA J.C. 1964 A899/4 Philoparthen's Loving Folly, 1595

In An English Garner: Some Longer Elizabethan Poems

Alcuin Blamires 2001 D258 Woman defamed and woman defended : an anthology of medieval texts.

ALDEMAN JANET 1998 D197/1 Escaping the Matrix: The construction of Masculinity in Coriolanus

In Shakespeare's Tragedies

ALEXANDER H.G. 1968 B821 Religion in England

ALEXANDER Nigel 1967 A463/12 Critical Disagreement about OEdipus and Hamlet

In Shakespeare Survey, 20 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

ALEXANDER Nigel 1967 B017 Elizabethan Narrative Verse ALEXANDER Nigel 1968 B320/66 Shakespeare

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1966)

ALEXANDER Nigel 1968 A463/13 Thomas Rymer and 'Othello'

In Shakespeare Survey, 21 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

ALEXANDER Nigel 1969 B320/67 Shakespeare

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1967)

ALEXANDER, Nigel 1971 B686 Poison, Play, and Duel

ALEXANDER Nigel 1972 B886 Shakespeare's Life, Times, and Stage

In Shakespeare Survey n°25: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study and Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

ALEXANDER Nigel 1992 D011 Poison, Play, and Duel

In Hamlet

ALEXANDER Peter 1959 B375 'Under Which King, Bezonian?'

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies, presented to Frank Percy Wilson

ALEXANDER Peter 1969 A915 'Under which King, Bezonian?'

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies

ALEXANDER Peter 1970 B175 Hamlet Father and Son ALEXANDER Peter(b.1893) 1963 A292 Restoring Sakespeare

In Shakespeare Criticism

Alexandra Poulain 2000 D248 La réécriture des mythes dans le théâtre de Tom Murphy

In Colloques : Réécritures

ALI Florence 1974 C345 Opposing absolutes conviction and convention in John Ford's plays

ALLAN D.J. 1969 B818 Medieval Versions of , De Caelo, and of the Commentary of Simplicius

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond

ALLARDYCE Nicoll 1968 A973 Somewhat in a New Dimension

In Contemporary Theatre

ALLEN, Don Cameron 1954 B569 The Harmonious Vision

ALLEN Don Cameron 1959 B375 On Venus and Adonis

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies, presented to Frank Percy Wilson

ALLEN Don Cameron 1962 B450 Marlowe's Dido and the Traditon

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

ALLEN Don Cameron 1968 A644 Richard Lovelace : "The Grasse-Hopper"

In Seventeenth -Century English Poetry : Modern Essays in Criticism ALLEN Don Cameron 1969 A915 On Venus and Adonis

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies

ALLEN Don Cameron 1972 B891 Milton as a Poet

In Stuart and Georgian Moments. Miner Earl

ALLEN J.W. 1967 A209 A history of Political Thought in the Sixteenth Century

ALLEN John 1979 C531 The effects of subsidy on Western European theatre in the 1970s

In Drama and society

ALLEN Michael J.B. 1978 C472 Shakespeare's man descending a staircase : Sonnets 126 to 154

In Shakespeare Survey 31

ALLEN Ned.B. 1968 A463/13 The Two Parts of 'Othello'

In Shakespeare Survey, 21 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

ALLEN, Peter R. 1963 B764/5 Utopia and European Humanism: the Function of the Prefatory Letters and Verses

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume X. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

ALLIO René 1957 A696 Les scènes de plein air

In La Mise en Scène des Oeuvres du Passé

ALLIO René 1969 A528 Le Théâtre comme Instrument

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs) ALLISON A.F. 1972 B997 Thomas Dekker (c.1572-1632): A Bibliographical Catalogue of the Early Editions (to the end of the 17th century)

ALOIN, Janine 1966 M20 Shakespeare's Eligible Young Ladies

ALSOP, J.D. 1984 P5/14 The Six Eclogue of Baptista Mantuan and the Elizabethan Poet Barnabe Googe

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 25

ALTER Iska 1988 C956 “To Reform & Make Fitt”: Henry VIII and the Making of “Bad” Shakespeare

In Bad Shakespeare : Revaluations of the Shakespeare Canon

ALTER Jean V. 1970 B470 Les Origines de la Satire Antibourgeoise en France II: L'Esprit Antibourgeois sous l' Ancien Régime

ALTICK, Richard D. 1973 B980 Symphonic Imagery in Richard II

In Shakespeare, Richard II, a Casebook

ALTICK Richard D. 1973 B991 Symphonic Imagery in Richard II

In Shakespeare: Richard II, A Casebook. Brooke Nicholas (editor)

ALVAREZ A. 1969 A635 Marvell and the Poetry of Judgement

In Marvell (Modern Judgements). Wilding Michael (editor)

ALVAREZ A. 1970 B212 The School of Done AMELINE, Hélène 1998 M83 Poetics and Politics in Macbeth and Richard III

AMHURST Nicholas 1974 C379/2 On cardinal Wolsey, november 1727

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

AMIARD-CHEVREL Claudine 1972 B512/3 Le Dragon d'Eugène Schwartz

In Les Voies de la Création Théâtrale, volume III. Bablet Denis & Jacquot Jean (editeurs)

ANCEL Marc 1956 A629 Observation et création dans la science juridique comparative

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

ANDERSON George 1974 C306 The entertainment of the stage

In Mr Law's Unlawfulness of the Stage Entertainment Examin'd, The Entertainment of the Stage, and Some Few Hints, in Defence of Dramatical Entertainments

ANDERSON, J.J. 1971 B699 The Morality of Love's Labour's Lost

In Shakespeare Survey N°24

ANDERSON Linda 1997 D154 'Brush Up Your Shakespeare', or Learning to Dance with the Bard: Angela Carter's Wise Children

In Shakespearean Continuities

ANDERSON M.D. 1971 B745 Book Indexing

ANDREAS, James.R. 1999 D282 Signifyin' on The Tempest in Gloria Naylor's Mama Day

In Shakespeare and Appropriation ANDRESEN Martha 1974 C371 "Ripeness is all" : sententiae and commonplace in King Lear

In Some facets of King Lear : essays in prismatic criticism

Andrew GURR and Mariko ICHIKAWA 2000 D251 Staging in Shakespeare's theatres

In Oxford Shakespeare topics

ANDREW John 1968 A717 Edward Thomas

In Studies in the Arts: Proceedings of the St. Peter's College Literary Society. Warner Francis (editor)

Andrew McKeown 2000 D248 Arché-text & text : transposing the Gothic cathedral into the Gothic novel.

In Colloques : Réécriturres.

ANDRIEU, Philippe 1998 M86 Les Conversions de Nom à Verbe chez Shakespeare

ANGELL, Pauline K. 1967 P1/1937/II Light on the Dark Lady: A Study of Some Elizabethan Libels

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°52

ANGLO Sidney 1975 C415 L'arbre de chevalerie et le perron dans les tournois

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

ANGLO Sidney 1984 C583 Le déclin du spectacle chevaleresque

In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées

ANGLO Sydney 1960 A697/2 Le Camp ddu Drap d' Or et les entrevues d' Henri VIII et de Charles Quint

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint ANGLO Sydney 1969 B795 Spectacle Pageantry, and Early Tudor Policy

ANGLO Sydney 1972 B995 More Machiavellian than Machiavel

In John Donne: Essays in Celebration. Smith A.J. (editor)

Ania Loomba 2001 D259 Outsiders in Shakespeare's England

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare

ANNAN Noel 1964 B514 John Stuart Mill

In The English Mind. Davies Hugh Sykes and Watson George (editors)

Anne Barton 2001 D259 The London scene : city and court

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare

Anne Logeay 2000 D248 L'auteur en quête de personnages ? La réécriture d'Ulysse dans le théâtre d'Accius.

In colloques : Réécritures.

Anon. 1972 B872 Volpone at the Festival Theatre, Cambridge

In Jonson: Volpone, A Casebook. Barish Jonas A. (editor)

Anon. 1972 B872 Volpone at the Malvern Festival

In Jonson: Volpone, A Casebook. Barish Jonas A. (editor)

Anonymous 1780 C067 The Shipwreck Anonymous 1964 A899/6 Zepheria, 1594

In An English Garner: Elizabethan Sonnets(Vol II)

Anonymous 1965 A284 Edward the Third

In Elizabethan History Plays, ed.with an Introduction and Glossary by ARMSTRONG William A.

Anonymous 1965 A286 Edward The Third

In Elizabethan History Plays. Armstrong William A. (editor)

Anonymous 1965 A289 The Merry Devil of Edmonton

In Five Elizabethan Comedies, ed. with an Introduction by McILLWRAITH

Anonymous 1965 A284 Woodstock

In Elizabethan History Plays, ed.with an Introduction and Glossary by ARMSTRONG William A.

Anonymous 1965 A286 Woodstock

In Elizabethan History Plays. Armstrong William A. (editor)

Anonymous 1967 B017 The Fable of Obid treting of Narcissus(1560)

In Elizabethan Narrative Verse

Anonymous 1967 C221 Zepheria

In Zepheria, Love & Delites

Anonymous 1967 C039 Zepheria

In Zepheria, Love & Delites Anonymous 1969 A288 Arden of Feversham

In Five Elizabethan Tragedies, ed. with an Intoduction by McILWRAITH A.K. anonymous 1969 B721/1 The Dramatic Censor or, Critical Companion, volume I

Anonymous 1970 C054 Antony and Cleopatra

Anonymous 1970 C050 Bottom the Weaver

Anonymous 1971 C021 Henry the Second , an Historical Drama

In Vortigern, Henry the Second and An Authentic Account of the Shaksperian Manuscripts, & c.

Anonymous 1971 C021 Vortigern , an Historical Tragedy in Five Acts Represented at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane

In Vortigern, Henry the Second and An Authentic Account of the Shaksperian Manuscripts, & c.

Anonymous 1972 B944 The Stage Acquitted

Anonymous 1972 B970 Visits from the Shades

Anonymous 1972 B872 Volpone in Sir Tyrone's Best Style

In Jonson: Volpone, A Casebook. Barish Jonas A. (editor) Anonymous 1973 C263 Mr William Prynn : His Defence of Stage-Plays

In The English Stage. Attack and Defense 1577-1730

Anonymous 1973 C141 The Conduct of the Stage Considered

In Heydegger's Letter to the Bishop of London, A Seasonable Apology for Mr H-g-r and The Conduct of the Stage Considered

Anonymous 1974 C311 A letter to my lord on the present diversions of the town

In The Danger of Masquerades and Raree-Shows, The Dancing Devils, and A Letter to My Lord

Anonymous 1974 C317 A treatise of daunces

In A Treatise of Daunces and A Godly Exhortation

Anonymous 1974 C311 The dancing devils : or, the roaring dragon

In The Danger of Masquerades and Raree-Shows, The Dancing Devils, and A Letter to My Lord

Anonymous (BROME Richard?) 1968 B046 Praeludium for Thomas Goffe's The Careless Shepherdess (c. 1638)

In The Seventeenth-Century Stage: A Collection of Critical Essays. Bentley Gerald Eades (editor)

ANSON John 1969 A600 Caesar's Stoic Pride

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

ANSTRUTHER, William 1973 C140 Essays, Moral and Divine

Anthony Davies 2000 D250 The Shakespeare films of Laurence Olivier

In Shakespeare on film ANTOINE André-Paul 1967 A694 Le Naturalisme d' Antione : Une légende

In Réalisme et Poesie au Théâtre

ANTOINE Gérald 1965 A693 L'expression du tragique dans "Partage de Midi"

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

APPIAH Anthony 1986 C946 The Uncompleted Argument: Du Bois and the Illusion of Race

In Race, Writing and Difference

APTEKAR Jane 1969 A978 Icons of Justice: Iconography & Thematic Imagery in Book V of The Faerie Queene

ARAC Jonathan 1989 C922 The Struggle for the Cultural Heritage: Christina Stead Refuctions Charles Dickens and Mark Twain

In The New Historicism

ARASSE Daniel 1991 C789 Le nu couché dans la peinture de la Renaissance

In Shakespeare et le corp à la Renaissance

ARBUTHNOT John 1964 A899/7 An appendix to John Bull still in his Senses(1712)

In An English Garner: Later Stuart Tracts

ARBUTHNOT John 1964 A899/7 John Bull in his Senses(1712)

In An English Garner: Later Stuart Tracts

ARBUTHNOT John 1964 A899/7 John Bull still in his Senses(1712)

In An English Garner: Later Stuart Tracts ARBUTHNOT John 1964 A899/7 Law is a Bottomless Pit(1712)

In An English Garner: Later Stuart Tracts

ARBUTHNOT John 1964 A899/7 Lewis Baboon turned honest, and John Bull politician(1712)

In An English Garner: Later Stuart Tracts

ARCHER William B482 George Farquhar

ARCHER, William 1970 C285 Arms and the Man

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

ARDEN John 1984 C610 Three Plays

ARIOSTO Lodovico 1962 Z10 Sir Harington's translation of Orlando Furioso

ARMITAGE David A623 The Dismemberment of Orpheus : Mythic Elements in shakespeare' s Romances

In Shakespeare Survey No 39

ARMOUR Richard 1957 C850 Twisted Tales From Shakespeare

ARMSTRONG Edward A. 1963 A181 Shakespeare's Imagination ARMSTRONG Edward A. 1963 B162 Shakespeare's Imagination: A study of the psychology of association and inspiration

ARMSTRONG John 1969 A468 The Paradise Myth

ARMSTRONG John 1976 C379/4 Shakespearian jottings, 1758

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

ARMSTRONG John 1979 C537 Shakespeare and the Unities, 1770

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

ARMSTRONG Philip 1996 D206 Watching Hamlet Watching : Lacan, Shakespeare and the Mirror/Stage

In Alternative Shakespeares, Vol II

ARMSTRONG Philip 1996 D121 Watching Hamlet Watching : Lacan, Shakespeare and the Mirror/Stage

In Alternative Shakespeares, Vol II

ARMSTRONG PHILIP 1998 D197/3 Spheres of influences: Cartography and the Gaze in Shakespeare's Roman Plays

In Shakespeare's Tragedies

ARMSTRONG, Philip. 2001 D271 Shakespeare in Psychoanalysis

ARMSTRONG W. A. 1979 C531 Synge's communities and dissenters

In Drama and society ARMSTRONG William 1958 B386 The Elizabethan Private Theatres

ARMSTRONG William A. 1965 A463/10 Actors and Theatres

In Shakespeare Survey, 17 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

ARMSTRONG William A. 1965 A441 Ben Jonson and Jacobean Stagecraft

In Jacobean Theatre. Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies I

ARMSTRONG William A. 1965 A284 Elizabethan History Plays

ARMSTRONG William A. 1968 B048 Shakespeare and the Acting of Edward Alleyn

In Shakespeare Survey 7. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

ARMSTRONG William A. 1968 B046 The Audience of the Elizabethan Private Theaters (1959)

In The Seventeenth-Century Stage: A Collection of Critical Essays. Bentley Gerald Eades (editor)

ARMSTRONG William A. 1981 C551 Torch, cauldron and taper : light and darkness in Macbeth

In Poetry and drama 1570-1700

ARMSTRONG William A. (editor) 1965 A286 Elizabethan History Plays

ARNOLD Matthew 1951 B558 Milton

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed. ARNOLD, Morris Leroy 1965 C299 The Soliloquies of Shakespeare : a Study in Technic

ARNOTT J.F. 1971 B731 Theatre History

In Drama and the Theatre with Radio, Film and Television: an outline for the student. Brown John Russell (editor)

ARNOTT James Fullarton & ROBINSON John 1970 B474 English Theatrical Literature 1559-1900: A Bibliography

ARONSON, Alex 1972 B935 Psyche and Symbol in Shakespeare

ARROWSMITH William 1965 B025 A Greek Theatre of Ideas

In Ideas in the Drama: selected papers from the English Institute. Gassner John (editor)

ARTAUD Antonin 1967 B115 Oeuvres Complètes(Tome IV): le théâtre et son double; le théâtre de Séraphin; les Cenci

ARTHOS, John 1959 B764/3 Milton, Ficino and the Charmides

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VI. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

ARTHOS John 1968 A673 Milton and the Italian Cities

ARTHOS John 1968 B015 Milton, Andreini, and Galileo: Some Considerations on the Manner and Form of Paradise Lost

In Approaches to Paradise Lost ARTHOS John 1972 B890 Shakespeare: the Early Writings

ARTHOS John 1977 C431 Shakespeare's use of dream and vision

ARTZ Frederick B . 1962 B348 From the Renaissance to Romanticism: Trends and Style in Art, Literature, and Music, 1300-1830

ASA SMALL, Samuel 1966 P1/1933/I The Ending of TheTwo Gentlemen of Verona

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°48

ASCHAM Roger 1967 A256/1 'Of Imitation': The Schoolmaster(Book II).1570

In Elizabethan Critical Essays

ASCHAM Roger 1967 B033 The Scholemaster 1570

ASCHAM Roger 1970 B431 English Works:Toxophilus; Report of the Affaires and State of Germany; The Scholemaster

ASHCROFT Peggy 1990 C703 Playing Shakespeare

In Shakespeare Survey 40

ASHLEY Leonard R.N. 1968 A714 Authorship and Evidence: A Study of Attribution and the Renaissance Drama Illustrated by the Case of George Peele (1556-1596) ASHLEY, Maurice 1967 C159 Life in Stuart England

ASHLEY Maurice 1969 A772 The Golden Century: Europe 1598-1715

ASHLEY, Maurice 1971 B695 Charles II, the Man And The Statesman

ASHLEY Robert & MOSELEY Edwin M. 1966 A746 Elizabethan Fiction

ASHTON Robert 1961 A686 Charles I and the City

In Essays in the Economic and Social History of Tudor and Stuart England. Fisher F.J. (editor)

ASHTON Robert 1969 A680 James I by his contemporaries: An account of his carrer and character as seen by some of his contemporaries

ASLAN Odette 1970 B512/1 Etude sur Le Cimetière des Voitures, un spectacle de Victor Garcia, à partir de quatre pièces d'Arrabal In Les Voies De La Création Théâtrale, Volume I. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

ASLAN Odette 1972 B512/3 Les Paravents de Jean Genet

In Les Voies de la Création Théâtrale, volume III. Bablet Denis & Jacquot Jean (editeurs)

ASLAN Odette 1975 C416 Les Bonnes, de J. Genet : l'interprétation des Bonnes

In Les voies de la création théâtrale IV ASLAN Odette 1975 C416 Les pièces courtes et les pièces longues de S. Mrozek : Karol, Strip-Tease, En Pleine Mer, Tango In Les voies de la création théâtrale IV

ASLAN Odette et MEYER Marlyse 1970 B512/2 Mort et Vie Séverine, de Joao Cabral de Melo Neto

In Les Voies de la Création Théâtrale, volume II. Bablet Denis (editeur)

ASP, Caroline 1974 C259 A Study of Thomas Middleton's Tragicomedies

ASTINGTON John 1994 C984 Malvolio and the Eunuchs : Text and Revels in Twelfth Night

In Shakespeare Survey 46

ASTINGTON John H. 1980 C552 Inigo Jones and the whitehall cockpit

In The Elzabethan theatre VII

ASTINGTON John H. 1989 C740 Malvolio and the dark house

In Shakespeare survey 41

ASTINGTON John H. 1990 D013 The London Stage in the 1580s

In The Elizabethan Theatre XI

ASTINGTON John H. 1990 C795 The Origins of the Roxana and Messalina Illustrations

In Shakespeare Survey 43

ASTINGTON John H. 1999 D240 The Globe, the Court and Measure for Measure

In Shakespeare Survey n°52 ATKINS Beryl T., DUVAL Alain, MILNE Rosemary 1997 D207 Le Robert &Collins Senior: Dictionnaire Français-Anglais/ Anglais-Français

ATKINS J.W.H. 1966 A628 English Literary Criticism 17th and 18th Centuries

ATKINS J.W.H. 1968 A416 Englisn Literary Criticism: The Renascence

ATTAR,Samar 1981 D100 The Intruder in Modern Drama

ATTRIDGE Derek 1974 C369 Well-weighed syllables : Elizabethan verse in classical metres

ATTWATER A.L. 1966 A393 Shakespeare's Sources

In A Companion to Shakespeare Studies, edited by Harley Granville-Barker and G.B. Harrison

AUBAILLY J.C. 1977 P5/1 Elie Konigson, L'Espace théâtrale médiéval

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 12

AUBERT Christine et BOURBONNAUD Jean-Luc 1970 B512/1 Etude sur Kaspariana, mise en scène par Eugenio Barba

In Les Voies De La Création Théâtrale, Volume I. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

AUBOYER Jeannine 1965 B104 L'Inde

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy AUBRUN Charles 1968 A692 La fortune du théâtre de Garcia Lorqua en Espagne et en France

In Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

AUBRUN Charles-V 1965 A693 Le Déterminisme naturel et la causalité surnaturelle chez Calderon

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

AUBRUN Charles-V 1965 A693 "Régner après la mort" de Vélez de Guevara et la "Reine Morte" de Montherlant

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

AUBRUN Charles-V. 1967 A694 Abstractions morales et réferences au réel dans la tragédie lyrique

In Réalisme et Poesie au Théâtre

AUBRUN Charles-V. 1967 A694 La langue poétique de Calderon

In Réalisme et Poesie au Théâtre

AUBRUN Charles-V. 1967 A533 Le Théâtre espagnol engagé: Buero Vallejo et Sastre

In Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale JACQUOT Jean (editeur)

AUBRUN Charles-V 1968 A515/1 Nouveau public, nouvelle comédie à Madrid au XVIIe siècle

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

AUDEN, W.H. 1965 C266 Notes on the Comic

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

AUDEN W.H. 1967 A917 Brothers and Others

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism AUDEN W.H. 1967 A917 The Atmosphere ofTwelfth NIght

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

AUDEN W.H. 1968 A599 Caliban to the Audience

Shakespeare : The Tempest

AUDEN W.H. 1968 A929 Macbeth and Oedipus

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

AUDEN W.H. 1969 A597 Brothers and Others

In Shakespeare : The Merchant of Venice

AUDEN W.H. 1970 B057 The Prince's Dog

In Shakespeare: Henry IV (parts I & II)

AUDEN, W.H. 1973 B961 A Choice of Dryden's Verse

AUDEN W.H. 1993 C927 The Joker in The Park

In Shakespeare’s Middle Tragedies

AUDEN W.H.(b.1907) 1963 A292 Music in Shakespeare

In Shakespeare Criticism

AUDEN W.H., KALLMAN Chester, and 1968 A743 An Elizabethan Song Book : Lute Songs, Madrigals and Rounds AUDRY Colette 1965 A693 La situation de l'héritier dans le théâtre de Sartre

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

AUERBACH Erich 1968 B092 Mimésis

AUFFRET Jean 1968 A515/1 Etherege à l' école de Molière

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

AUFFRET Jean 1994 P5/35 Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice : from Tyre to London

In Cahiers Elisabethains N° 46 Octobre 1994

AUFFRET, Jean 1994 P5/35 Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice: From Tyre to London

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°46

AUGHTERSON, Kate. 1998 D286 The English Renaisance

AUGHTERSON Kate (editor) 1995 D198 Renaissance Woman, Construction of Feminity in England

AULOTTE R. 1976 C389 Les gueux dans la litérature française du XVIe siècle

In Misère et gueuserie au temps de la Renaissance

AUMONT Jacques 1980 C591 Griffith, le cadre, la figure

In Le cinéma américain . Tome I AUMONT Jacques 1980 C605 L'espace et la matière

In La théorie du film

AUMONT Jacques et LEUTRAT Jean-Louis 1980 C605 La théorie du film : colloque de Lyon

AUSTIN T. 1848 A012 Two Fifteenth Century Cookery Books

AUTY, James 1997 P5/41 Walking Upright: the Oak and The Hewel in Marvell's 'Upon Appleton House, to my Lord Fairfax'

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°52

AVERY Emmett L. 1968 A705 The London Stage 1700-1729: A Critical Heritage

AVERY Emmett L. and SCOUTEN Arthur H. 1968 A704 The London Stage 1660-1700: A Critical Heritage

AVNER Jane 1995 C999 Images of the wilderness in some Elizabethan gardens

In Shakespeare . Le monde vert : rites et renouveau

AWDELEY John 1898 A146 The Fraternitye of Vacabondes

AXELRAD A. José 1966 A463/9 Shakespeare' s Impact Today in France

In Shakespeare Survey, 16 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production AXTON Marie 1977 C432 The Tudor masque and Elizabethan court drama

In English drama : forms and development

AXTON Marie and WILLIAMS Raymond 1977 C432 English drama : forms and development . Essays in honour of Muriel Clara Bradbrook

AXTON Richard 1977 C432 Folk play in Tudor interludes

In English drama : forms and development

AXTON, Richard 1996 D068 Chaucer and the Idea of Theatrical Performance

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture

AXTON Richard & HAPPÉ Peter 1991 C843 The Plays of John Heywood

AYERS, Peter K. 1995 P5/36 Staging Modernity: Chapman, Jonson, and the Decline from the Golden Age

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°47

AYERS Robert W. 1958 P1/1958/V Medieval History, Moral Purpose, and the Structure of Lydgate's Siege of Thebes

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°73

AYLMER G.E. 1961 A686 The Officers of the Exchequer, 1625-42

In Essays in the Economic and Social History of Tudor and Stuart England. Fisher F.J. (editor)

AYLMER G.E. 1980 C632 The historical background

In The age of Milton B.J. SOKOL 1998 D200 Prejudice and Law in The Merchant of Venice

In Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century, Shakespeare Survey n°51

BABB Lawrence 1970 B805 The Moral Cosmos of Paradise Lost

BABCOCK Robert Witbeck 1964 A766 The Genesis of Shakespeare Idolatry 1766-1799: A Study in English Criticism of the Late Eighteenth Century

BABCOCK Weston 1951 P4/51 Fools, Fowls and Perttaunt-like in Love's Labour's Lost

In Shakespeare Quarterly vol 2

BABCOCK Weston 1967

BABINGTON Bruce 1997 D154 Shakespeare Meets the Warner Brothers : Reinhardt and Dieterle's A Midsummer Night's Dream

In Shakespearean Continuities

BABLET Denis 1957 A696 Documentation et travail du décorateur

In La Mise en Scène des Oeuvres du Passé

BABLET Denis 1965 A535 Esthétique générale du décor de théâtre de1870 à 1914

BABLET Denis 1969 A528 La Remise en Question du Lieu Théâtral au Vingtième Siècle

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs) BABLET Denis 1970 B512/2 L'Instruction , de P. Weiss

In Les Voies de la Création Théâtrale, volume II. Bablet Denis (editeur)

BABLET, Denis 1971 C548 L'Expressionisme à la Scène

In L'Expressionisme dans le Théâtre européen

BABLET Denis 1971 C548 L'expressionnisme à la scène

In L'expressionnisme dans le théâtre européen

BABLET Denis 1975 C416 Les Bonnes, de J. Genet : une scénographie pour Les Bonnes

In Les voies de la création théâtrale IV

BABLET, Denis 1977 C829 Le Théâtre de la Mort

BABLET Denis (editeur) 1970 B512/2 Les Voies de la Création Théâtrale, volume II

BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean 1971 C548 L'expressionnisme dans le théâtre européen

BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean 1975 C416 Les voies de la création théâtrale IV : Mort d'un Commis voyageur, Le Marchand de Glace est Passé, Les Bonnes, Le Retour, Karol, Strip-Tease, En Pleine Mer, Tango

BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean 1977 C436 Les voies de la création théâtrale V : Timon d'Athènes, 1793, L'Age d'Or, Le Dernier Adieu d'Armstrong, Vous Vivrez Comme des Porcs, Fin de Partie BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs) 1969 A528 Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne

BABLET Denis & JACQUOT Jean (editeurs) 1972 B512/3 Les Voies de la Création Théâtrale, volume III

BABULA William 1977 C433 Whatever happened to to prince Hal? : an essay on Henry V

In Shakespeare Survey 30

BABUT Daniel 1969 B189 Plutarque et le Stoïcisme

BACHRACH Bernard S. 1970 B816 Procopius and the Chronology of Clovis's Reign

In Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, volume I. White Lynn (editor)

BACON, Francis 1957 A419/1 From the Advancement of Learning

In Critical Essays of theSeventeenth Century, vol 1 by Spingarn, J.E.

BACON Francis 1957 A675 The Essayes or Counsels, Civill and Morall

In Seventeenth-Century : English Prose

BACON Francis 1999 D235 From Of Prophecies

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

BACQUET Paul 1964 A701 L'Imitation de Sénèque dans "Gorboduc" de Sackville et Norton

In Les tragédies de Sénèque et le théâtre de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean (editeur) BACQUET Paul 1978 C561 Les pièces historiques de Shakespeare 1 : La première tétralogie et Le Roi Jean

BACQUET Paul 1979 C562 Les pièces historiques de Shakespeare 2 : La deuxième tétralogie et Henri VIII

BACQUET Paul 1985 C602 Les apparences et l'ironie dans Le Marchand de Venise

In Le Marchand de Venise et Le Juif de Malte

BADAWI, M.M. 1973 B963 Coleridge: Critic of Shakespeare

BADCOCK Samuel 1981 C512 Shakespeare's originality, 1780

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

BADNER, Leicester 1957 B764/2 The Latin Drama of the Renaissance

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume IV. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

BADY, D. 1985 P4/85/1 The Sum of Something: Arithmetic in The Merchant of Venice

In Shakespeare Quarterly vol 36 Number 1

BADY Jean-Pierre 1978 C813 Monuments Historiques : Architecture du Spectacle

BAILLIE Hugh 1960 A697/2 Les musiciens de la chapelle royale d' Henri VIII au Camp du Drap d' Or

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint BAINES, Barbara Joan 1973 C133 The Lust Motif in the Plays of Thomas Middleton

BAINES Richard 1979 C779 From BM Harl. MS6848, 1593

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

BAKELESS John 1964 A503/1 The Tragicall History of , Vol I

BAKELESS John 1964 A503/2 The Tragicall History of Christopher Marlowe, Vol II

BAKELESS John 1970 C328/1 The tragicall history of Christopher Marlowe volume I

BAKELESS John 1970 C328/2 The tragicall history of Christopher Marlowe volume II

BAKER D.S. 1966 A463/9 Shakespeare in Ghana

In Shakespeare Survey, 16 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

BAKER David Erskine, REED Isaac, JONES 1966 A555/1 Biographica Dramatica, A Companion to the Playhouse, volume I

BAKER David Erskine, REED Isaac, JONES 1966 A555/2 Biographica Dramatica, A Companion to the Playhouse, volume II BAKER David Erskine, REED Isaac, JONES 1966 A555/3 Biographica Dramatica, A Companion to the Playhouse, volume III

BAKER, Donald C. 1959 B764/3 The "Angel" of English Renaissance Literature

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VI. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

BAKER H.T. 1932 P1 1932 I Hazlitt as a Shakespearean Critic


BAKER Harry T. 1966 P1/1932/I Hazlitt as a Shakespearean Critic

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°47

BAKER Herschel 1969 B580 The Wars of Truth: Studies in the Decay of Christian Humanism in the Earlier Seventeenth Century

BAKER Houston A. Jr 1986 C946 Caliban’s Triple Play

In Race, Writing, and Difference

BAKER Joseph E. 1967 A621 The Philosophy of Hamlet

In The Parrot Presentation Volume

BAKER, Richard 1973 C263 Theatrum Redivivum or the Theatre Vindicated

In The English Stage. Attack and Defense 1577-1730

BAKER Stewart A. 1971 B806 Milton's Uncouth Swain

In Milton Studies III. Simmonds James D. (editor) BAKER-SMITH Dominic 1972 B995 John Donne's Critique of True Religion

In John Donne: Essays in Celebration. Smith A.J. (editor)

BAKER-SMITH Dominic 1989 C793 Renaissance and Reformation

In The Cambridge Guide to the Arts in Britain Vol.3 : Renaissance and Reformation

BAKHTINE, Mikhail 1970 B866 La Poétique de Dostoievski

BALAZS Béla 1977 T46 L'esprit du cinéma

BALCHIN Nigel 1950 B730 The Anatomy of Villainy

BALD, R.C. 1941 P1 1941 I Shakespeare on the Stage in Restoration Dublin

BALD, R.C. 1952 P4/52 The Entrance to the Elizabethan Theatre

In Shakespeare Quartely , vol 3

BALD R.C. 1966 A463/1 The Booke of Sir Thomas More and its problem

In Shakespeare Survey, 2: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

BALDRY Harold C. 1979 C531 Theatre and society in Greek and Roman antiquity

In Drama and society BALDWIN SMITH Lacey 1966 B592 The Elizabethan Epic

BALDWIN, T.W. 1950 P4/50 Commentary on Dr Pope's "Shakespeare on Hell"

In Shakespeare Quarterly vol 1

BALDWIN, T.W. 1952 P 4/52 Nature's Moulds

In Shakespeare Quarterly, vol 3

BALDWIN T.W. 1959 B377 On the Literary Genetics of Shakespeare's Plays 1592-1594

BALDWIN T.W. 1962 B450 Three Homilies in The Comedy of Errors

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

BALDWIN T.W. 1967 A621 A Note upon ' s Use of Pliny

In The Parrot Presentation Volume

BALDWIN T.W. 1969 B224 Shakspere's Five-Act Structure: Shakspere's Early Plays on the Background of Reanissance Theories of Five-Act Structure from 1470

BALE John 1965 A286 King John

In Elizabethan History Plays. Armstrong William A. (editor)

BALE John(1495-1563) 1965 A284 King John

In Elizabethan History Plays, ed.with an Introduction and Glossary by ARMSTRONG William A. BALL Patricia M. 1969 A581 The Walking Dream : Coleridge and the Drama

In The Morality of Art

BALL, R.H. 1952 P4/52 the Shakespeare Film as a Record

In Shakespeare Quarterly vol 3

BALL Robert H. 1967 A621 Sir Giles Mompesson and Sir Giles Overreach

In The Parrot Presentation Volume

BALME Christopher 1988 C879 Grotesque farce in the Weimar Republic

In Farce

BAMBER Linda 1992 D009 History, Tragedy, Gender

In Shakespeare's History Plays : Richard II to Henry V

BAMBOROUGH J.B. 1970 B441 Ben Jonson

BAMBOROUGH J.B. 1975 C476 Jonson and Chapman

In English drama (excluding Shakespeare)

BAMBOROUGH J. B. 1980 C533 Burton and Cardan

In English Renaissance studies presented to Dame Helen Gardner in honour of her seventieth birthday

BANDRY Anne 1999 D225 Recréation du Sentimental Journey de Sterne: Une Suite récréative à but lucratif

In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef) BANHAM, Martin 1972 B922 Shakespeare in West Africa

In Shakespeare in the New World

BANHAM Martin 1984 C599a BBC Television's dull Shakespeare

In Shakespeare's Wide and Universal Stage (COX C.B. & PALMER D.J. Editors)

BANHAM Martin 1988 C716 BBC television's dull Shakespeares

In Shakespeare on television

BANHAM Martin 1988 C794 The Cambridge Guide to World Theatre

BANKS, T.H. 1940 P1 1940 II The Banquet Scene in 'Paradise Regained'

BANKS, Theodore H. 1967 P1/1940/II The Banquet Scene in Paradise Regained

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°55

BANN Stephen 1968 A717 A Context for Concrete Poetry

In Studies in the Arts: Proceedings of the St. Peter's College Literary Society. Warner Francis (editor)

BANN Stephen 1989 C922 The Sense of the Past: Image, Text, and Object in the Formation of Historical Consciousness in Nineteenth-Century Britain In The New Historicism

BANU George 1977 C436 Timon d'Athènes de Shakespeare et sa mise en scène de Peter Brooks : l'écriture spatiale et sa mise en scène In Les voies de la création théâtrale V BAQUERE, L. 1970 M3 The comic Vein in Ben Jonson's Comedy: a Study of Volpone and the Alchemist

BAQUERE, L. 1970 M03 The Comic Vein in Ben Jonson's Comedy: a Study of Volpone and The Alchemist

BARATTO Mario 1965 A693 Tyrannie et liberté dans les tragédies d'Alfieri

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

BARATTO Mario 1967 A694 Le Théâtre de Pirandello

In Réalisme et Poesie au Théâtre

Barbara A. Mowat 2001 D259 The reproduction of Shakespeare's texts

In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare

Barbara Everett 2000 D256 Inside Othello

In Shakespeare survey 53

Barbara Freedman 2000 D250 Critical junctures in Shakespeare screen history : the case of Richard III

In Shakespeare on film

BARBER C.L. 1957 A634 The Idea of Honour in the English Drama 1591-1700

BARBER, C.L. 1965 C028 A Mask Presented at Ludlow Castle : the Masque as a Masque

In The Lyric and Dramatic Milton BARBER, C.L. 1965 C028 A Mask Presented at Ludlow Castle: the Masque as a Masque.

In The Lyric and Dramatic Milton

BARBER, C. L. 1965 C266 The Saturnalian Pattern in Shakespeare's Comedy

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

BARBER C.L. 1967 A917 The Alliance of Seriousness and Levity in As you like it

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

BARBER C.L. 1968 B309 Shakespeare's Festive Comedy: a Study of Dramatic Form and its Relation to Social Custom

BARBER C.L. 1969 A597 The Merchants and the Jew of Venice

In Shakespeare : The Merchant of Venice

BARBER C.L. 1969 A463/14 'Thou that beget'st him that did thee beget' : Transformation in 'Pericles' and 'The Winter's Tale'

BARBER C.L. 1970 B885 From Ritual to Comedy: An Examination of Henry IV

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F.

BARBER C.L. 1970 B057 Rule and Misrule in Henry IV

In Shakespeare: Henry IV (parts I & II)

BARBER C.L. 1972 B873 Testing Courtesy and Humanity in Twelfth Night

In Shakespeare: Twelfth Night, A Casebook. Palmer D.J. (editor) BARBER, Cesar L. 1983 C580 "May games and metamorphoses on a midsummer night"

In Shakespeare: a Midsummer Night's Dream: a Casebook

BARBER Cesar Lombardi and WHEELER Richard 1986 C686 The whole journey : Shakespeare's power of development

BARBER Charles 1964 A759 The Winter's Tale and Jacobean Society

In Shakespeare in a Changing World

BARBER Charles 1969 A581 Prince Hal, HenryV, and the Tudor Monarchy

In The Morality of Art

BARCLAY, Alexander 1967 C246 Certayne Egloge

BARCLAY, Alexander 1967 C246 The Mirrour of Good Manners

BARCLAY Alexander 1968 A376 The Ship of Fools(1509)

In Anti-Puritan Satire(1572-1642)

BARCLAY James 1979 C537 Johnson defended, 1766

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

BARIL, Hubert 1979 M32 The Structure of the Merchant of Venice BARIL, Hubert 1979 M34 The Stucture of the Merchant of Venice

BARISH, J.A. 1966 A444 or the Pleasure and Perils of Rhetoric

In Elizabethan Theatre

BARISH, J.A. and WAINGROW 1958 P4/58 "Service " in King lear

In Shakespeare Quarterly vol 9

BARISH Jonas 1986 C819 Three Caroline "Defenses" of the Stage

In Comedy from Shakespeare to Sheridan

BARISH Jonas 1994 C934 Mixed verse and prose in

In English Comedy

BARISH Jonas A. 1958 P1/1958/III Baroque Prose in the Theatre: Ben Jonson

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°73

BARISH Jonas A. 1963 C470 Ben Jonson : a collection of critical essays

BARISH Jonas A. 1963 C470 The double plot in Volpone

In Ben Jonson : a collection of critical essays

BARISH Jonas A. 1965 A775 The Double Plot in "Volpone"

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.) BARISH Jonas A. 1967 A422 Ben Jonson and the Language of Prose Comedy

BARISH Jonas A. 1969 A793 The New Theatre and the Old: Reversions and Rejuvenations

In Reinterpretations of Elizabethan Drama. Rabkin Norman (editor)

BARISH Jonas A. 1972 C458 Feasting and judging in Jonsonian comedy

In Renaissance drama V

BARISH Jonas A. 1972 B872 Jonson: Volpone, A Casebook

BARISH Jonas A. 1972 B872 The Double Plot in Volpone

In Jonson: Volpone, A Casebook. Barish Jonas A. (editor)

BARISH Jonas A. 1981 C678 The antitheatrical prejudice

BARISH Jonas.A 2000 D262 The Double Plot in Volpone

In Ben Jonson's Plays and Masques

BARKAN, Leonard 1986 D052 The Gods Made Flesh

BARKER Clive 1971 B731 Theatre and Society

In Drama and the Theatre with Radio, Film and Television: an outline for the student. Brown John Russell (editor) BARKER F. & HULME P. 1992 C938 Nymphs and reapers heavily vanish : the discursive con-texts of The Tempest

In Alternative Shakespeares

BARKER Francis 1992 C924 Hamlet’s Unfullfilled Interiority

In New Historicism and Renaissance Drama

BARKER Francis 1993 C970 The Culture of Violence : Essays on tragedy and history

BARKER Kathleen 1986 C664 Charles Dillon : a provincial tragedian

In Shakespeare and the Victorian stage

BARKER, Richard Hindry 1958 B848 Thomas Middleton

BARKLEY, Alexander 1954 B501/1 The Introductory to Write and Pronounce French

In The Thought and ulture of the English Renaissance, an Anthology of Tudor Prose vol 1

BARNARD John 1975 C476 Etherege, Shadwell, Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar

In English drama (excluding Shakespeare)

BARNARD John 1987 C980 Drama from the Restoration till 1710

In The Penguin History of Literature : English Drama to 1710

BARNEFIELDE Rich. 1962 A615 The SheepheardsSonnet

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614) BARNEFIELDE RICH. 1962 A615 TheSheepheards Ode

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

BARNES Barnabe 1964 A899/5 Pathenophil and Parthenophe. Sonnets, Madrigals, Elegies, and Odes, 1593

In Sonnets and Poetical Translations, 1598

BARNES, Thomas 1970 C285 Kean as Richard the Third

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

BARNET Sylvan 1956 P1/1956/V Bernard Shaw on Tragedy

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°71

BARNET, Sylvan 1956 P4/56 Coleride and Shakespeare's Villains

In Shakespeare Quarterly vol 7

BARNET, Sylvan 1957 P4/57 Recognition and Reversal in Antony and Cleopatra

In Shakespeare Quarterly vol 8

BARNETT, John Egger 1950 P4/50 The Merchant of Venice at the University of Kansas City

In Shakespeare Quarterly vol 1

BARNFIELD Richard 1964 A899/4 Cynthia

In An English Garner: Some Longer Elizabethan Poems

BARNFIELD Richard 1964 A899/4 Poems: in Divers Humors, 1598

In An English Garner: Some Longer Elizabethan Poems BARNFIELD Richard 1964 A899/4 The Affectionate Shepheard

In An English Garner: Some Longer Elizabethan Poems

BARNFIELD Richard 1964 A899/4 The Combat, betweene Conscience and Covetousnesse in the minde of Man, 1598

In An English Garner: Some Longer Elizabethan Poems

BARNFIELD Richard 1964 A899/4 The Complaint of Poetry for the Death of Liberalitie, 1598

In An English Garner: Some Longer Elizabethan Poems

BARNFIELD Richard 1964 A899/4 The Encomion of Lady Pecunia: or the Praise of Money, 1598

In An English Garner: Some Longer Elizabethan Poems

BARRAULT Jean-Louis 1963 B043 Shakespeare and the French

In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor)

BARRET Gisèle 1990 C964 Une écriture de l'urgence.Hélène CIXOUS : de Sihanouk à l'indiade

In Écritures contemporaines et Théâtralité

BARROLL J. Leeds 1975 C375 The social and literary context

In The Revels history of drama in English volume III 1576-1613

BARROLL J. Leeds, LEGGATT Alexander, 1975 C375 The Revels history of drama in English volume III 1576-1613

BARROUGH Philip 1999 D235 From The Method of Physic

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William BARRY Jackson G. 1970 B524 Dramatic Structure: The Shaping of Experience

BARRY, P. 1985 P4/85/5 Let's Kill all the Critics

In Shakespeare Quarterly vol 36 number 5

BARTHES Roland 1965 B104 Le Théâtre grec

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

BARTHOLOMEUSZ Dennis 1969 A484 Macbeth and The Players

BARTHOLOMEUSZ Dennis 1982 C573 Shakespeare on the Melbourne stage, 1843-61

In Shakespeare Survey 35

BARTHOLOMEUSZ Dennis 1994 C974 ShakespeareImagines the Orient: The Orient Imagines Shakespeare

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

BARTLETT, A. M. 1967 A521 Copncordance to Shakespeare

BARTLETT Phyllis Brooks(editor) 1962 A461 The Poems of George Chapman

BARTLEY J.O. 1968 A516 Four Comedies by Charles Macklin BARTOLOVICH, Crystal. 2001 D280 Shakespeare's Globe?

In Marxist Shakespeares

BARTON Ann 2000 D262 (Names in Jonson's Comedies)

In Ben Jonson's Plays and Masques

BARTON, Anne 1971 B699 Shakespeare and the Limits of Language

In Shakespeare Survey N°24

BARTON Anne 1972 B883 As You Like It and Twelfth Night: Shakespeare's Sense of an Ending

In Shakespearian Comedy. Bradbury Malcolm and Palmer David (editors). Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies n°14

BARTON Anne 1977 C432 He that plays the king : Ford's Perkin Warbeck and the Stuart history play

In English drama : forms and development

BARTON Anne 1980 C500 Leontes and the spider : language and speaker in Shakespeare's Last Plays

In Shakespeare's styles

BARTON Anne 1984 C636 Ben Jonson, dramatist

BARTON Anne 1985 C953 Appendix: The Distinctive Voice of Massinger

In Philip Massinger : A Critical Reassessment

BARTON Anne 1985 C663 Livy, Machiavelli, and Shakespeare's Coriolanus

In Shakespeare survey 38 BARTON Anne 1987 C980 Shakespeare : His Tragedies

In The Penguin History of Literature : English Drama to 1710

BARTON Anne 1990 C775 The Names of Comedy

BARTON Anne 1994 C979 Essays, mainly Shakespearean

BARTON John 1984 C671 Playing Shakespeare

BARTON John and EVANS Gareth Lloyd 1972 B886 Directing Problem Plays: John Barton talks to Gareth Lloyd Evans

In Shakespeare Survey n°25: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study and Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

BARTON John and LLOYD EVANS Gareth 1982 C581 Directing problem plays

In Aspects of Shakespeare's 'problem plays'

BARUZZO Barbara 1994 P5/34 Ten Little Fabulae : Ovidian Tales of Love and Metamorphosis in A Midsummer Night’s Dream

In Cahiers Elisabéthains, no 45, April 1994

BARUZZO, Barbara 1994 P5/34 'Ten Little Fabulae': Ovidian Tales of Love and Metamorphosis in A Misummer Night's Dream

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°45

BAS, Georges 1979 P5/6 More about the Anonymous Tragedy of the Cruell Warre and James Shirley's The Triumph of Peace In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 17 BASSNETT Susan E. 1990 P5/26 Revising a Biography: A New Interpretation of the Life of Elizabeth Jane Weston (Westonia), based on her autobiographical poem on the occasion of the death of her mother In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°37

BASTARD, Thomas 1967 C252 Chrestoleros : Seuen Bookes of Epigrames

BATAILLE, Sylvaine 1998 M80 Twinship in The Comedy of Errors and Twelfth Night

BATAILLON Marcel 1959 A606 Charles-Quint, Las Casas et Vitoria

In Charles-Quint et son Temps. C.N.R.S

BATAILLON Marcel 1960 A697/2 Plus Outre : La Cour découvre le Nouveau Monde

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint

BATAILLON Marcel 1967 A694 La Célestine

In Réalisme et Poesie au Théâtre

BATAILLON Michel 1971 C548 "Die Wandlung" de Toller. Un exemple de "Stationen-Drama"

In L'expressionnisme dans le théâtre européen

BATARD Yvonne 1956 A629 Science et Poésie chez Dante

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

BATCHELOR J. , CAIN T. , LAMONT C. 1997 D154 Shakespearean Continuities BATCHELOR John 1997 D154 Ruskin and Shakespeare

In Shakespearean Continuities

BATE, A.J. 1984 P4/84/4 the Cobler's Awl: Julius Ceasar I, i, 21-24

In Shakespeare Quarterly vol 35 number 4

BATE Jonathan 1985 C663 Hal and the Regent

In Shakespeare survey 38

BATE Jonathan 1986 C670 Shakespeare and the English Romantic imagination

BATE Jonathan 1989 C740 Ovid and the mature tragedies: metamorphosis in Othello and King Lear

In Shakespeare survey 41

BATE Jonathan 1990 C758 Ovid and the Sonnets; or, did Shakespeare Feel the Anxiety of Influence

In Shakespeare Survey 42

BATE Jonathan 1992 C919/2 The Performance of Revenge: Titus Andronicus and The Spanish Tragedy

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

BATE, Jonathan 1993 D182 Shakespeare and Ovid

BATE Jonathan 1994 C934 Apeing romanticism

In English Comedy BATE, Jonathan 1996 D074 The Elizabethans in Italy

In Travel and Drama in Shakespeare's Time

BATE, Jonathan & JACKSON, Russell 1996 D064 Shakespeare - An Illustrated Stage History

BATE W.J. 1965 B603 The English Poet and the Burden of the Past, 1660-1820

In Aspects of the Eighteenth Century. Wasserman Earl R. (editor)

BATES Catherine 1994 C984 Weaving and Writing in Othello

In Shakespeare Survey 46

BATES, Catherine. 2002 D287 Love and Coutship

In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Comedy

BATES Jonathan 1994 C923 The Humanist Tempest

In Shakespeare - La Tempête : études critiques

BATES, Ronald 1955 P4/55 Shakespeare's "Phoenix and Turtle"

In Shakespeare Quarterly vol 6

BATESON, F.W. 1960 B567 Paradise Regained: A Dissident Appendix.

In The Living Milton

BATESON F.W. 1963 A458 English Comic Drama BATESON F.W . 1966 A340 L.C. Knights and Restoration Comedy

In Restoration Drama (Modern Essays in Criticism)

BATESON F.W. 1966 A176/4 The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature

BATESON F.W. 1966 A176/2 The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (1660-1800)

BATESON F.W. 1966 A176/3 The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (1800-1900)

BATESON F.W. 1966 A176/1 The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (600-1600)

BATESON F.W. 1966 A176/5 The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (600-1900)

BATESON F.W. 1971 B762 Addison, Steele and the periodical Essay

In History of Literature in the English Language, volume IV: Dryden to Jonson. Lonsdale Roger (editor)

BATESON F.W. 1972 B797 The Scholar-Critic: An Introduction to Literary Research

BATESON F.W. and LEAVIS F.R. 1969 A635 'A Dialogue between the Soul and Body': a debate

In Marvell (Modern Judgements). Wilding Michael (editor) BATESON Gregory 1987 C875 Steps to an Ecology of Mind

BATESON Mary 1899 A142 Geoge Ashby's Poems

BATHRICK Fina 1980 C592 Le futur antérieur : le cinéma et l'American Way of Life dans "Meet me in Saint Louis" . Le Chant du Missouri, Vincente Minnelli In Le cinéma américain . Tome II

BATTENHOUSE, R.W. 1946 P1 1946 II Measure for Measure and Christian Doctrine of the Atonement

BATTENHOUSE, R.W. 1951 P1 1951 VI Hamlet's Apostrophe on Man : Clue to the Tragedy

BATTENHOUSE Roy 1974 C409 The relation of Henry V to Tamburlaine

In Shakespeare Survey 27

BATTENHOUSE Roy 1980 C515 Theme and structure in The Winter's Tale

In Shakespeare Survey 33

BATTENHOUSE, Roy W. 1951 P1/1951/VI Hamlet's Apostrophe on Man: Clue to Tragedy

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°66

BATTENHOUSE Roy W. 1962 B450 Henry V as Heroic Comedy

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard BATTENHOUSE Roy W. 1966 A724 Marlowe's Tamburlaine : A Study in Renaissance Moral Philosophy

BATTENHOUSE, Roy W. 1968 A372 Chapman and the Nature of Man

In Elizabethan Drama, Kaufman ed.

BATTENHOUSE Roy W. 1969 B052 Shakespearean Tragedy: Its Art and Its Christian Premises

BATTENHOUSE Roy W. 1969 B467 Shakespearean Tragedy: Its Art and Its Christian Premises

BATTENHOUSE, Roy W. 1970 P1/1946/II Measure for Measure and Christian Doctrine of the Atonement

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°61

BATTENHOUSE Roy.W 1999 D260 Richard III and Aristotelian Catharsis

In Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Richard III

BAUDELAIRE, Charles 1965 C266 On the Essence of Laughter

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

BAUDRY Jean-Louis 1978 T45 L'effet cinéma

BAUDRY Pierre 1980 C592 Production de la réalité, réalité de la production : sur les films-catastrophes

In Le cinéma américain . Tome II BAUDRY Samuel 1999 D225 Acte de lecture et idéologie de la culture selon Joseph Addison

In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef)

BAUER Roger 1971 C548 La querelle Kraus-Werfel

In L'expressionnisme dans le théâtre européen

BAUM Paul F. 1956 P1/1956/1 Chaucer's Puns

BAUSCHATZ Paul C. 1983 C692 Chaucer's pardonner's beneficent lie

In Assays : critical approaches to Medieval and Renaissance texts

BAUTIER-RÉGNIER Anne-Marie 1961 A699 L' édition musicale italienne et les musiciens d' Outremonts au XVIè siècle (1501-1563)

In La Renaissance dans les Provinces du Nord

BAWCUTT N.W. 1970 B808 Machiavelli and Marlowe's Jew of Malta

In Renaissance Drama III: Essays principally on Drama in Its Intellectual Context. Schoenbaum S. (editor)

BAWCUTT N.W. 1978 C450 The Jew of Malta

BAWCUTT N.W. 1984 C639 'He who the sword of heaven will bear': the Duke versus Angelo in Measure for Measure

In Shakespeare survey 37

BAWCUTT, P. 1984 P4/84/1 A Note on Sonner 38

In Shakespeare Quarterly vol 35 number 1 BAX Clifford 1946 B393 All the World's a Stage: Theatrical Portraits

BAXTER Richard 1986 B715 Of National Churches

In Restoration and Revolution. Myers William (editor)

BAXTER Richard 1986 B715 The Poor Husbandman's Advocate to Rich Racking Landlords

In Restoration and Revolution. Myers William (editor)

BAYER Raymond 1956 A629 De l'art primitif à l'art classique

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

BAYLEY, John 1971 B511 Love and Identity: Othello

In Shakespeare: Othello, a Casebook

BAYLEY John 1981 C558 Shakespeare and tragedy

BAYLEY P.C. 1966 A964 Order, Grace and Courtesy in Spenser's World

In Patterns of Love and Courtesy

BAZIN, André 1981 T020 Qu'est-ce que le Cinéma?

BAZIRE Joyce 1964 B320/64 Middle English: Chaucer

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1964) BAZIRE Joyce 1965 B320/63 Middle English: Chaucer

In The Year's Work n English Studies(1963)

BAZIRE Joyce 1968 B320/66 Middle English: Chaucer

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1966)

BAZIRE Joyce 1969 B320/67 Middle English: Chaucer

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1967)

BAZIRE Joyce 1970 B320/68 Middle English: Chaucer

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1968)

BAZIRE Joyce 1971 B320/69 Middle English: Chaucer

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1969)

BEADLE, R & KING, P (eds.) 1995 D050 York Mystery Plays

BEADLE Richard 1994 C934 Crab’s pedigree

In English Comedy

BEADLE Richard 1994 C986 The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre

BEADLE Richard 1994 C986 The York cycle

In The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre BEALE Simon Russell 1989 C787 Acting in the Swan

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan

BEALE Simon Russell 1989 C787 The Restoration Season

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan

BEAME E.M. 1966 C354 The limits of toleration in sixteenth-century France

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XIII

BEAN John C. 1980 C575 Comic structure and the humanizing of Kate in The Taming of the Shrew

In The woman's part

BEAR, Andrew 1972 B852 Restoration Comedy and Provok'd Criticic

In Restoration Literature

BEARD Thomas 1979 C779 From 'The Theatre of Gods Judgements', 1597

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

BEARDSLEY Monroe 1967 B371 The Language of Literature (1958)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors)

BEATTIE James 1981 C512 Shakespearian tragedy, 1776

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

BEATTIE John M. 1967 A206 The English Court in the Reign of George I BEAUFORT, Margaret Countess of Richmond and 1954 B501/1 Statutes of Christ's College, Cambridge

In The Thought and Culture of the English Renaissance vol 1

BEAUMONT Agnes 1986 B715 The Narrative of the Persecution of Agnes Beaumont in 1674

In Restoration and Revolution. Myers William (editor)

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1906 B477/4 Monsieur Thomas

In The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher vol 4, Waller, A.R. ed.

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1906 B477/3 Rule a Wife and Have a Wife

In The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher vol 3, Waller, A.R. ed.

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1906 B477/4 The Bloody Brother

In The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher vol 4, Waller, A.R. ed.

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1906 B477/5 The Captain

In The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher vol 5, Waller, A.R. ed.

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1906 B477/4 The Chances

In The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher vol 4, Waller, A.R. ed.

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1906 B477/3 The false One

In The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher vol 3, Waller, A.R. ed.

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1906 B477/3 The Laws of Candy

In The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher vol 3, Waller, A.R. ed. BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1906 B477/3 The Little French Lawyer

In The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher vol 3, Waller, A.R. ed.

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1906 B477/5 The Lovers Progress

In The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher vol 5, Waller, A.R. ed.

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1906 B477/3 The Loyal Subject

In The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher vol 3, Waller, A.R. ed.

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1906 B477/3 The Mad Lover

In The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher vol 3, Waller, A.R. ed.

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1906 B477/5 The Pilgrim

In The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher vol 5, Waller, A.R. ed.

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1906 B477/5 The Prophetess

In The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher vol 5, Waller, A.R. ed.

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1906 B477/4 The Tragedy of Valentinian

In The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher vol 4, Waller, A.R. ed.

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1906 B477/4 The Wild-Goose Chase

In The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher vol 4, Waller, A.R. ed.

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1907 B477/5 A Wife for a Month

In The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1933 A174 Philaster

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

BEAUMONT(and FLETCHER?) 1933 A174 The Knight of the Burning Pestle

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1933 A174 The Maid's Tragedy

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1939 A639 The Knight of the Burning Pestle

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER 1964 B243 A King and No King

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1972 M07 Mock-Heroism and Burlesque in Beaumont and Fletcher's The Knight of the Burning Pestle

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1972 M07 The Knight of the Burning Pestle

In Mock-Heroism and Burlesque in Beaumont and Fletcher's the Knight of the Burning Pestle

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1996 D134 Rollo, Duke of Normandy

In The Dramatic Works

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1996 D134 The Dramatic Works (vol. 10) BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1996 D134 The Fair Maid of the Inn

In The Dramatic Works

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1996 D134 The Honest Man's Fortune

In The Dramatic Works

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1996 D134 The Laws of Candy

In The Dramatic Works

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1996 D134 The Lover's Progress

In The Dramatic Works

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER 1996 D134 The Spanish Curate

In The Dramatic Works

BEAUMONT and FLETCHER (ed. Norland Howard 1968 A469 The Maid's Tragedy

BEAUMONT & FLETCHER 1985 D104 The Dramatic Works (vol. IV)

BEAUMONT Francis 1963 B176 Salmacis and Hermaphroditus

In Elizabethan Minor Epics

BEAUMONT Francis 1967 B017 Salmacis and Hermaphroditus(1602)

In Elizabethan Narrative Verse BEAUMONT, Francis 1967 A173 The Masque of Flowers (1614)

In A Book of Masques

BEAUMONT Francis 1967 A173 The Masque of the Inner Temple and Gray's Inn (1613)

In A Book of Masques

BEAUMONT Francis 1969 A290 The Maid's Tragedy

In Five Stuart Tragedies, ed. with an Introduction by McILLWRAITH A.K.

BEAUMONT, Francis 1974 C335 The Knight of the Burning Pestle

In The Frame Structure in Tudor and Stuart Drama, Young, S.C.

BEAUMONT Francis and FLETCHER John 1939 A639 Philaster; or, Love Lies A-Bleeding

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

BEAUMONT Francis and FLETCHER John 1939 A639 The Maid's Tragedy

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

BEAUMONT Francis and FLETCHER John 1969 A798 Philaster or Love Lies a-Bleeding

BEAUMONT Francis & FLETCHER John 1887 A170/2 King and no King/ Bonduca/ The Spanish Curate/ The Faithful Shepherdess/ Valentinian

In The Best Plays of the Old Dramatists, Mermaid Series; Ed. by J.St. Loe Strachey

BEAUMONT Francis & FLETCHER John 1887 A170/1 The Maid's Tragedy/ Philaster/ The Wild-Goose Chase/ Thierry and Theodoret/ The Knight of the Burning Pestle In The Best Plays of the Old Dramatists, Mermaid Series; Ed. by J.St. Loe Strachey BEAURLINE L.A. 1970 B481 Love's Pilgrimage

In The Dramatic Works in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon

BEAURLINE L.A. 1976 C373 The Noble Gentleman

In The dramatic works in the Beaumont and Fletcher . Volume III

BEAURLINE L.A. (editor) 1966 A482 The Captain

In The Dramatic Work in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon, volume I

BEAZLEY C.Raymond 1964 A899/8 An English Garner: Voyages and Travels mainly during the 16th and 17th Centuries

BECHTOLD HEILMAN Robert 1967 B327 This Great Stage: Image and STructure in King Lear

BECK Ervin 1973 C453 Terence improved : the paradigm of the prodigal son in English Renaissance comedy

In Renaissance drama . New series VI

BECKER Marvin B. 1966 C354 Economic change and the emerging Florentine territorial state

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XIII

BECKERMAN, B. 1985 P4/85/5 The Old Business of Play Reviewing

In Shakespeare Quarterly vol 36 number 5

BECKERMAN Bernard 1967 B167 Shakespeare at the Globe 1599-1609 BECKERMAN, Bernard 1970 B500/2 a Shakespearean Experiment: the Dramaturgy of Measure for Measure

In The Elizabethan Theatre part II

BECKERMAN Bernard 1970 B500 A Shakespearean Experiment: The Drammaturgy of Measure for Measure

In The Elizabethan Theatre II. Galloway David (editor)

BECKET Andrew 1981 C512 Notes on Shakespeare's text, 1787

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

BEDFORD Arthur 1974 C314 A serious Remontrance

BEDFORD Arthur 1974 C313 Serious reflections on the scandalous abuse and effects of the stage, A second advertisement concerning the profaneness of the playhouse, and A sermon preached in the Paris-church of St.

BEDFORD Arthur 1974 C312 The evil and danger of stage-plays

BEECHER, D. 1985 P5/16 The Progress of Trickster in Ben Jonson's Volpone

In Cahiers Elisabéthains N°27

BEECHER Don 1977 P5/1 The Jew of Malta and The Ritual of the Inverted Moral Order

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 12

BEECHER, Don 1977 P5/1 The Jew of Malta and the Ritual of the Inverted Moral Order

In Cahiers Elisabéthains N°12 BEECHER, Don 1983 P5/12 The Courtier as Trickster in Massinger's The Duke of Milan

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 23

BEECHER, Don 1983 P5/12 The Courtier as Trickster in Massinger's The Duke of Milan

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 23

BEECHER Don 1985 P5/19 Spenser's Redcross Knight and his Encounter with Despair: Some Aspects of the 'Elizabethan Malady' In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°30

BEECHER Don 1985 P5/16 The Progress of Trickster in Ben Jonson's Volpone

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°27

BEECHER, Don 1993 P5/33 Determining Displacements in the Farewell to Military Profession of Barnabe Riche

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°44

BEECHER, Don 1993 P5/33 Farewell to military

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 44

BEECHER, Don 1997 P5/40 The Book of Wonders of Nicholas Monardes of Seville

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°51

BEECHER Donald 1992 C919/2 The Sense of an Ending : John Marston and the Art of Closure

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

BEECHER, Donald A. 1979 P5/4 The Tudor Translation of Colonna's Hypnerotomachia

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 15 BEER Gillian 1977 C432 'Coming Wonders' : uses of theatre in the Victorian novel

In English drama : forms and development

BEER Gillian 1994 C934 Rhyming as comedy: body, ghost, and banquet

In English Comedy

BEER John 1964 B514 Newman and the Romantic Sensibility

In The English Mind. Davies Hugh Sykes and Watson George (editors)

BEERBHOM, Max 1970 C285 Dan Leno

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

BEERLY Conrad André 1956 A697 Quelques Aspects des Jeux, Fêtes et Danses à Berne pendant la première moitié du XVIè siècle In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

BEHN Aphra 1957 A675 The Dutch Lover ; The Wandring Beauty

In Seventeenth-Century : English Prose

BEHN, Aphra 1963 A249 The Coquette

In Wayside Poems o the Seventeenth Century

BEHN Aphra 1967 A225 The Rover

BEHN, Aphra 1974 C211/3 The Lucky Chance

In Restoration Comedy (vol. III) BEHN, Aphra 1974 C211/2 The Rover

In Restoration Comedy (vol.II)

BEHRENDT Patricia F. 1990 C878 Images of women and the burden of myth: plagues on the houses of Gorky and O. Neill

In Drama and Philosophy

BEIJER Agne 1956 A697 Visions célestes et infernales dans le Théâtre du Moyen-Age et de la Renaissance

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

BELJAME Alexandre 1948 A208 Alexander Pope(1721-1744)

In Men of Letters and the English Public in the Eighteen Century

BELJAME Alexandre 1948 A208 John Dryden and Politics(1680-1688)

In Men of Letters and the English Public in the Eighteen Century

BELJAME Alexandre 1948 A208 John Dryden and the Theatre(1660-1680)

In Men of Letters and the English Public in the Eighteen Century

BELJAME Alexandre 1948 A208 Joseph Addison(1688-1721)

In Men of Letters and the English Public in the Eighteen Century

BELJAME Alexandre 1948 A208 Men of Letters and the English Public in the Eighteen Century

BELL H.E. & OLLARD R.L. 1963 B036 Historical Essays 1600-1750 presented to David Ogg BELL John 1969 A873/1 Bell's Edition of Shakespeare's Plays(1774) Vol I

BELL John 1969 A873/2 Bell's Edition of Shakespeare's Plays(1774) Vol II

BELL John 1969 A873/3 Bell's Edition of Shakespeare's Plays(1774) Vol III

BELL John 1969 A873/4 Bell's Edition of Shakespeare's Plays(1774) Vol IV

BELL John 1969 A873/5 Bell's Edition of Shakespeare's Plays(1774) Vol V

BELL John 1969 A873/6 Bell's Edition of Shakespeare's Plays(1774) Vol VI

BELL John 1969 A873/7 Bell's Edition of Shakespeare's Plays(1774) Vol VII

BELL John 1969 A873/8 Bell's Edition of Shakespeare's Plays(1774) Vol VIII

BELL, M. 1953 P1 1953 IV The Fallacy of the fall in Paradise Lost BELL Mary 1967 A463/12 Walter Whiter' s Notes on Shakespeare

In Shakespeare Survey, 20 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

BELL, Milicent 1953 P1/1953/IV The Fallacy of the Fall in Paradise Lost

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°67

Bell's Edition of Shakespeare's Plays 1969 A802 Dramatic Characters

BELLANY, Alastair 1994 D226 'Raylinge Rymes and Vaunting Verse': Libellous Politics in Early Stuart England, 1603-1628

In Culture and Politics in Early Stuart England. Sharpe, Kevin and Lake, Peter (editors)

BELLENGER Y. 1976 C389 Pauvreté et misère dans la poésie française de la Renaissance

In Misère et gueuserie au temps de la Renaissance

BELLETTE A.F. 1978 C472 Truth and utterance in The Winter's Tale

In Shakespeare Survey 31

BELLOUR Raymond 1980 C605 A bâtons rompus

In La théorie du film

BELLOUR Raymond 1980 C591 Alterner / Raconter : The Lonedale Operator, D.W. Griffith

In Le cinéma américain . Tome I

BELLOUR Raymond 1980 C592 L'instant du code : sur les publicités Eastman-Kodak du Film Daily

In Le cinéma américain . Tome II BELLOUR Raymond 1980 C591 Le cinéma américain : analyses de films . Tome I

BELLOUR Raymond 1980 C592 Le cinéma américain : analyses de films . Tome II

BELLOUR Raymond 1980 C591 Symboliques : The Mystery of the Wax Museum, Michael Curtiz; The Westerner, William Wyler

In Le cinéma américain . Tome I

BELSEY Catherine 1973 C453 Senecan vacillation and Elizabethan deliberation : influence or confluence?

In Renaissance drama . New series VI

BELSEY Catherine 1980 C910 Critical Practice

BELSEY Catherine 1985 C721 The subject of tragedy

BELSEY Catherine 1991 C876 A Future for Materialist Feminist Criticism?

In The Matter of Difference : Materialist Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare

BELSEY Catherine 1992 C924 Alice Arden’s Crime

In New Historicism and Renaissance Drama

BELSEY Catherine 1992 D039 Desire's Excess and the English Renaissance Theatre : Edward II, Troilus and Cressida, Othello

In Erotic Politics : Desire on the Renaissance Stage BELSEY Catherine 1992 C938 Disrupting Sexual Difference : Meaning and Gender in the Comedies

In Alternative Shakespeares

BELSEY Catherine 1992 C966 Finding a Place

In Shakespearean Tragedy

BELSEY Catherine 1992 C924 Literature, History, Politics

In New Historicism and Renaissance Drama

BELSEY Catherine 1992 D009 Making Histories

In Shakespeare's History Plays : Richard II to Henry V

BELSEY Catherine 1992 D011 Revenge in Hamlet

In Hamlet

BELSEY Catherine 1992 D012 Subjectivity and the Soliloquy

In Macbeth

BELSEY Catherine 1996 D206 Cleopatra' s Seduction

In Alternative Shakespeares, Vol II

BELSEY Catherine 1996 D121 Cleopatra' s Seduction

In Alternative Shakespeares, Vol II

BELSEY CATHERINE 1998 D197/2 The Name of the Rose in Romeo and juliet

In Shakespeare's Tragedies BELSKIE, A. 1958 P4/58 John Gregory's Shakespeare Bas-Reliefs

In Shakespeare Quarterly, vol 9

BEMENT Peter 1974 C336 George Chapman : action and contemplation in his tragedies

BENAYADA, Kamila M46 The First Part of Henry IV as a Study in Kingship

BENCHENEB Rachid 1965 B104 L'Islam

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

BENCHENEB Rachid 1965 B104 La Fête religieuse et populaire dans l'Islam

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

BENCHETTRIT Paul 1966 A463/5 Hamlet at The Comédie Française : 1769-1896

In Shakespeare Survey, 9 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

BENDER, John B. 1972 B965 Spencer and Literary Pictorialism

BENEDETTI-MICHELANGELI Flavio 1960 A698 Principe d'édition des ouevres de clavier anciennes

In La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean

BENHAMOU, Anne Françoise 1987 C173 Celui qui croyait aux nuages

In Autour d' Othello BENJAMIN, Edwin B. 1959 B764/3 Fame, Poetry and the Order of History in the Literature of the English Renaissance

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VI. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

BENNET Joan 1968 A644 The Love Poetry of John Donne : a Reply to Mr. C.S. Lewis

In Seventeenth -Century English Poetry : Modern Essays in Criticism

BENNET Josephine W. 1973 C353 John Morer's will : Thomas Linacre and prior Sellyng's Greek teaching

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XV

BENNET, Josephine Waters 1966 B859 Measure for Measure as Royal Entertainment

BENNETH J.A.W. 1966 A964 Gower's 'Honeste Love'

In Patterns of Love and Courtesy

BENNETT H.S. 1959 B375 A Select List of the Writings of F.P. Wilson

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies, presented to Frank Percy Wilson

BENNETT H.S. 1965 B256 English Books and Readers 1558 to 1603 (Being a Study in the History of the Book Trade in the Reign of Elizabeth I

BENNETT H.S. 1965 B281 English Books & Readers(1558-1603)

BENNETT H.S. 1969 A915 A Select List of the Writtings of F.P. Wilson

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies BENNETT, H. S. 1970 B545 English Books and Readers 1603-1640

BENNETT, J.A.W. 1972 B918 Langland, Piers Plowman

BENNETT, J.W. 1932 P1 1932 I Spencer's Garden of Adonis

In PMLA, ed: Brown, C.

BENNETT, Joan 1956 B764/2 A Note on Religio Medici and some of its Critics

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume III. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

BENNETT Joan 1966 B265 Five Metaphysical Poets

BENNETT, Josephine 1953 P4/53 Characterisation in Polonius's Advice to Laertes

In Shakespeare Quarterly Vol 4

BENNETT Josephine Waters 1966 P1/1932/I Spencer's Garden of Adonis

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°47

BENNETT Kenneth C. 1994 C984 Reconstructing The Winter's Tale

In Shakespeare Survey 46

BENNETT, Paul E. 1957 P4/57 The Statistical Measurement of a Stylistic Trait in Julius Caesar and As You Like It

In Shakespeare Quarterly, Vol 8 BENNETT Robert B. 1978 P5/2 Prince Hal's Crisis of Timing in the Tavern Scene of Henry IV, Part I

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°13

BENNETT, Robert B. 1978 P5/2 Prince Hal's Crisis of Timing in the Tavern Scene of Henry IV part I

In Cahiers Elisabéthains N°13

BENSIMON Paul, COUPAYE Didier et LECLERCQ C854/1 Palimpsestes N°1 : Textes de référence

BENSIMON Paul, COUPAYE Didier et LECLERCQ 1987 C854/2 Palimpsestes N° 1 : Traduire le Dialogue Traduire les textes de théâtre

BENSON Carl and LITTLETON Taylor 1966 B763 The Idea of Tragedy

BENTLEY, Eric 1965 C266 Farce

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

BENTLEY Eric 1966 B200 The Life of the Drama

BENTLEY Eric 1967 A613 The Playwright As Thinker : A Study of Drama in Modern Times

BENTLEY Eric 1968 A929 Shakespeare's Politics

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor) BENTLEY Eric 1993 C926

BENTLEY G.E. 1962 B450 Lenten Performances in the Jacobean and Caroline Theaters

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

BENTLEY Gerald Eades 1964 C420 Shakespeare and his theatre

BENTLEY Gerald Eades 1966 A298/1 The Jacobean and Caroline Stage: Dramatic Companies and Players, volume I

BENTLEY Gerald Eades 1966 A298/2 The Jacobean and Caroline Stage: Dramatic Companies and Players, volume II

BENTLEY Gerald Eades 1967 B231 Shakespeare: A Biographical Handbook

BENTLEY Gerald Eades 1967 A298/3 The Jacobean and Caroline Stage: Plays and Playwrights, volume II

BENTLEY Gerald Eades 1967 A298/4 The Jacobean and Caroline Stage: Plays and Playwrights, volume IV

BENTLEY Gerald Eades 1967 A298/5 The Jacobean and Caroline Stage: Plays and Playwrights, volume V BENTLEY Gerald Eades 1968 A298/7 The Jacobean and Caroline Stage: Appendix to Volume VI, General Index, volume VII

BENTLEY Gerald Eades 1968 A298/6 The Jacobean and Caroline Stage: Theatres, volume VI

BENTLEY Gerald Eades 1968 B403 The Seventeenth-Century Stage: a Collection of Critical Essays

BENTLEY Gerald Eades 1969 B822 Shakespeare and Jonson: Their Repuations in the Seventeenth Century Compared

BENTLEY, Gerald Eades 1971 B827 The Profession of the Dramatist in Shakespeare's Time

BENTLEY Gerald Eades (editor) 1968 B046 The Seventeenth-Century Stage: A Collection of Critical Essays

BERECK Peter 1988 C956 Text, Gender and Genre in The Taming of the Shrew

In Bad Shakespeare : Revaluations of the Shakespeare Canon

BEREK, P. 1984 P4/84/2 "The Upstart Crow", Aesop's Crow, and Shakespeare as a Reviser

In Shakespeare Quarterly vol 35 number 2

BERESFORD John 1968 A710 Gossip of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries BERESFORD Maurice 1961 A686 Habitation versus Improvement: The Debate on Enclosure by Agreement

In Essays in the Economic and Social History of Tudor and Stuart England. Fisher F.J. (editor)

BERGALA Alain T47 Initiation à la sémiologie du récit en images

BERGE André, CLANCIER Anne, RICOEUR Paul 1968 A536 Entretiens sur l'Art et la Psychanalyse

BERGEL Lienhard 1970 B808 The Horations and the Curiatians in the Dramatic and Political-Moralist Literature before Corneille

In Renaissance Drama III: Essays principally on Drama in Its Intellectual Context. Schoenbaum S. (editor)

BERGEN H. 1906 A029/1 Lydgate’sTroy Book

BERGEN H. 1908 A029/2 Lydgate’sTroy Book

BERGEN H. 1910 A029/3 Lydgate’sTroy Book

BERGER Gaston 1956 A629 Constitution de l'univers théâtral

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

BERGER, Harry Jr 1967 C027 A Secret Discipline : The Faerie Queene , book VI

In Form and Convention in the Poetry of Edmund Spenser BERGER Harry Jr 1985 C672 Psychoanalysing the Shakespeare text : the first three scenes of the Henriad

In Shakespeare and the question of theory

BERGER Harry Jr. 1991 D030 On the Continuity of the Henriad : a Critique of Some Literary and Theatrical Approaches

In Shakespeare Left and Right

BERGER Harry Jr 1994 C963 Hydra and Rhizome

In Shakespeare reread : The Texts in New Contexts

BERGERON, David M. 1971 B653 English Civic Pageantry, 1558-1642

BERGERON David M. 1978 C484 The restoration of Hermione in The Winter's Tale

In Shakespeare's romances reconsidered

BERGERON David M. 1980 C594 Come hell ro high water : Shakespearean romantic comedy

In Shakespearean Comedy

BERGGREN Paula S. 1980 C575 The Woman's Part : Female Sexuality as Power in Shakespeare's Plays

In The Woman's Part

BERGONZI, Bernard 1960 B567 Criticism and the Milton Controversy.

In The Living Milton

BERGSON, Henri 1965 C266 From Laughter

In Comedy : Meaning and Form BERKELMAN, Robert 1951 P4/51 Lincoln's Interest in Shakespeare

In Shakespeare Quarterly, vol 2

BERKENHOUT John 1976 C379/4 On Marsh's adaptation of The Winter's Tale, march 1756

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

BERKENHOUT John 1981 C512 Shakespeare defended from Voltaire, 1777

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

BERKOWITZ, G.M. 1984 P4/84/5 Teaching Shakespeare to Today's College Students-Some Heresies

In Shakespeare Quarterly vol 35 Number 5

BERLAND K.J.H. 1990 C878 Dialogue into drama: Socrates in eighteenth-century verse dramas

In Drama and Philosophy

BERLIN Isaiah 1965 B603 Herder and the Enlightenment

In Aspects of the Eighteenth Century. Wasserman Earl R. (editor)

BERMAN Ronald 1967 A463/12 Anarchy and Order in 'Richard III and 'King John'

In Shakespeare Survey, 20 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

BERMAN, Ruth 1983 P5/12 Blazoning in the Faerie Queene

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 23

BERMAN, Ruth 1983 P5/12 Blazonings in the Faerie Queene

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 23 BERNARD J.E. 1969 B361 The Prosody of the Tudor: Interlude

BERNARD-THIERRY Solange 1965 B104 Le Sud-Est asiatique

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

BERNBAUM Ernest 1958 A243 The Drama of Sensibility: A Sketch of the History of English Sentimental Comedy and Domestic Tragedy 1696-1780

BERNHEIMER, R. 1958 P4/58 Another Globe Theatre

In Shakespeare Quarterly vol 9

BERRY Cecil 1989 C787 Voice and the Swan

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan

BERRY Edward 1986 C711 Twentieth-century Shakespeare criticism : The histories

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare studies

BERRY Edward 1995 C999 "Very reverent sport" : hunting in Love's Labour's Lost

In Shakespeare . Le monde vert : rites et renouveau

BERRY, Edward. 2002 D287 Laughing at Others

In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Comedy

BERRY Edward and WOODBRIDGE Linda 1992 D045 True Rites and Maimed Rites : Ritual and Anti-Ritual in Shakespeare and his Age BERRY, Edward I. 1971 B690 History and Rhetoric in Bacon's Henry VII

In Seventeenth Century Prose, by FISH, Stanley E.

BERRY Francis 1965 C688 The Shakespeare Inset : word and picture

BERRY Francis 1966 A971 Word and Picture in the Final Plays

In Later Shakespeare

BERRY Francis 1969 A581 G. Wilson Knight : Stage and Study

In The Morality of Art

BERRY Herbert 1969 A688 The Playhouse in the Boar's Head Inn, Whitechapel

In The Elizabethan Theatre. GALLOWAY David (editor)

BERRY Herbert 1969 B500 The Playhouse in the Boar's Head Inn, Whitechapel

In The Elizabethan Theatre. Galloway David (editor)

BERRY, Herbert 1973 C121 The Boar's Head Again

In The Elizabethan Theatre III

BERRY Lloyd E. 1964 B196 The English Works of Giles Fletcher, the Elder

BERRY Lloyd E. (introduction) 1969 B870 The Geneva Bible: A facsimile of the 1560 edition BERRY, R. 1984 P4/84/4 Lear's System

In Shakespeare Quarterly vol 35 number 4

BERRY, R. 1985 P4/85/5 The Reviewer as Historian

In Shakespeare Quarterly vol 36 number 5

BERRY Ralph 1969 A463/14 The Words of Mercury

BERRY Ralph 1972 C304 Shakespeare's comedies : exploration in form

BERRY, Ralph 1972 B901 The Art of John Webster

BERRY Ralph 1975 C398 'To say one' : an essay on Hamlet

In Shakespeare Survey 28

BERRY Ralph 1977 C397 On directing Shakespeare : interviews with contemporary directors

BERRY Ralph 1978 C444 The Shakespearean metaphor : studies in language and form

BERRY Ralph 1980 C552 Masques and dumb shows in Webster's plays

In The Elzabethan theatre VII BERRY Ralph 1981 C557 Changing styles in Shakespeare

BERRY Ralph 1981 C539 Twelfth Night : the experience of the audience

In Shakespeare Survey 34

BERRY Ralph 1983 C584 Komisarjevsky at Stratford-upon-Avon

In Shakespeare Survey 36

BERRY Ralph 1985 C622 Shakespeare and the awareness of the audience

BERRY Ralph 1986 C664 The Imperial theme

In Shakespeare and the Victorian stage

BERRY Ralph 1989 C750 Hamlet and the audience: the dynamic of a relationship

In Shakespeare and the sense of performance

BERTAUX Pierre 1965 B104 Le Théâtre allemand

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

BERTOLDI, Andreas. 1998 D285 Shakespeare, Psychoanalysis and the Colonial Encounter: The Case of Wulf Sach's Black Hamlet

In Post-Colonial Shakespeares

BERTRAM, P. 1951 P4/51 The Date of the Two Noble Kinsmen

In Shakespeare Quarterly, vol 2 BESLEY Catherine 1997 D193 Love as Trompe-l' Oeil: Taxonomies of Desire inVenus and Adonis (1995)

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

BESNARD, Caroline 1997 M71 Pastoralism in As You Like It and The Winter's Tale

BESNAULT Marie-Hélène 1989 C822 Quelle dramaturgie pour le cinquième acte de La Duchesse de Malfi ?

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

BESNAULT Marie-Hélène 1989 C718 Quelle dramaturgie pour le cinquième acte de La Duchesse de Malfi ?

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

BESSES Pierre 1987 C696 Souillure et purification dans Macbeth

In Miroirs de L'Être : Macbeth, The Man of Mode

BETHEL Slingsby 1986 B715 Religio Laici, Written in a Letter to John Dryden Esq.

In Restoration and Revolution. Myers William (editor)

BETHELL S.L. 1952 A463/3 The Diabolic Images in Othello

In Shakespeare Survey, 5: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

BETHELL S.L. 1967 A917 Planes of Reality

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

BETHELL, S.L. 1970 C253 Shakespeare and the Popular Dramatic Tradition BETHURUM Dorothy 1959 P1/1959/V Chaucer's Point of View as Narrator in the Love Poems

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°74

BETHURUM LOOMIS Dorothy 1969 A578 Chaucer and Shakespeare

In Chaucer' s Mind and Art

BETTERTON Thomas 1969 A834 The Sequel of Henry IV(1721)

BEUMONT Francis 1967 B425 The Knight of the Burning Pestle

BEVERLEY, Peter 1970 C098 The Historie of Ariodanto and Ieneura

In The Sources of Much Ado About Nothing

BEVINGTON David 1968 A564 Tudor Drama and Politics: A Critical Approach to Topical Meaning

BEVINGTON David 1984 C649 Action is eloquence : Shakespeare's language of gesture

BEVINGTON David 1990 C758 'Jack hath not Jill': Failed Courtship in Lyly and Shakespeare

In Shakespeare Survey 42

BEVINGTON, David 1996 D068 The Limitations of Medecine in Shakespeare's Late Plays

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture BEVINGTON David and RASMUSSEN Eric 1993 C994 Doctor Faustus

BEVINGTON David M. and HALIO Jay L. 1978 C494 Shakespeare : pattern of excelling nature . Shakespeare criticism in honor of America's bicentennial from The International Shakespeare Association Congress Washington, D.C., april 1976

BHABHA Homi K. 1986 C946 Signs Taken for Wonders: Questions of Ambivalence and Authorithy under a Tree utside Delhi, May 1917 In Race, Writing, and Difference

BIENIECKI Zdislaw 1975 C415 Quelques remarques sur la composition architecturale des arcs de Triomphe à la Renaissance

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

BIGGS Murray 1972 B886 A Neurotic Portia

In Shakespeare Survey n°25: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study and Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

BIGGS Murray 1993 C925 “He’s Going to his Mother’s Closet’: Hamlet and Gertrude on Screen

In Shakespeare Survey 45

BIGOT, Marie-Claire 1978 M22 The Forest Theme in A Midsummer Night's Dream and As You Like It

BIGOT, Marie-Claire 1978 M025 The Forest-Theme in A Midsummer Night's Dream and As You Like It

BIGSBY C.W.E. 1983 C642 A Critical introduction to twentieth-century American Drama ; vol 1 ,1900-1940 BIGSBY C.W.E. 1983 C642 A Critical introduction to twentieth-century American drama : volume 1 . 1900-1940

BIGSBY C.W.E. 1985 C644 A Critical introduction to twentieth-century American Drama : volume 3 . Beyond Broadway

BIGSBY C.W.E. 1985 C855 A critical Introduction to Twentieth-Century American Drama . Vol. 3 . Beyond Broadway

BIGSBY C.W.E. 1989 C643 A Critical introduction to twentieth-century American Drama : volume 2 . Tennessee Williams - Arthur Miller - Edward Albee

BIGSBY C.W.E. 1989 DON A Critical Introduction to Twentieth-Century American Drama ; 1 1900-1940

BIGSBY C.W.E. 1990 DON A Critical Introduction to Twentieth-Century American Drama : Volume 3 Beyond Broadway

BILLINGTON Michael 1989 C787 The Critic's View

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan

BILLINGTON Michael 1990 D015 Directors Shakespeare Approaches to Twelfth Night

BILTON Peter 1983 C584 Graves and lovers, and Shakespeare at a lover's funeral

In Shakespeare Survey 36 BINGHAM DEnnis 1988 C716 Jane Howell's first tetralogy : Brechtian break out or just good television?

In Shakespeare on television

BINNIE Patricia 1980 C997 The Old Wives Tale

BINNS J.W. 1982 C573 Shakespeare's latin citations : the editorial problem

In Shakespeare Survey 35

BINNS, James W. 1996 P5/39 Printing and Paratext in Seventeenth-CenturyEngland: the Oxford and Cambridge Presses

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°50

BIRCH Thomas and WARBURTON William 1975 C379/3 On Shakespeare's life and works, 1739

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

BIRDSALL, Virginia Ogden 1970 B770 Wild Civility

BIRGE-PATIL, J. 1972 C363 The Irony of Allusion and the Vision of Apocalypse in Doctor Faustus

In Studies in Elizabethan Literature

BIRMINGHAM PUBLIC LIBRAIRIES 1971 B475/I,1 A Shakespeare Bibliography: the Catalogue of the Birmingham Shakespeare Library (Vol I)

BIRMINGHAM PUBLIC LIBRAIRIES 1971 B475/I,2 A Shakespeare Biblioraphy: the Catalogue of the Birmingham Shakespeare Library(Vol II) BIRMINGHAM PUBLIC LIBRAIRIES 1971 B475/I,3 A Shakespeare Biblioraphy: the Catalogue of the Birmingham Shakespeare Library(Vol III)

BIRMINGHAM PUBLIC LIBRAIRIES 1971 B475/II/4 A Shakespeare Biblioraphy: the Catalogue of the Birmingham Shakespeare Library(Vol IV)

BIRMINGHAM PUBLIC LIBRAIRIES 1971 B475/II/5 A Shakespeare Biblioraphy: the Catalogue of the Birmingham Shakespeare Library(Vol V)

BIRMINGHAM PUBLIC LIBRAIRIES 1971 B475/II/6 A Shakespeare Biblioraphy: the Catalogue of the Birmingham Shakespeare Library(Vol VI)

BIRMINGHAM PUBLIC LIBRAIRIES 1971 B475/II/7 A Shakespeare Biblioraphy: the Catalogue of the Birmingham Shakespeare Library(Vol VII)

BIRNEY, Alice Lotvin 1973 C192 Satiric Catharsis in Shakespeare : a Theory of Dramatic Structure

BISCOS Denise 1978 C549 Antoine Vitez à la rencontre du texte : Andromaque 1971, Phèdre 1975, deux approches de Racine In Les voies de la création théâtrale VI

BISHOP T.G. 1996 D202 Shakespeare and the Theatre of Wonder

BITOT Michel 1989 C822 Réflexions sur la représentation du temps dans A Midsummer Night's Dream

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi BITOT Michel 1989 C718 Réflexions sur la représentation du temps dans A Midsummer Night's Dream

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

BITOT, Michel 1995 P5/36 'Alteration in a Commonwealth': Disturbing Voices in Caroline Drama

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°47

BITOT, Michel (ed.) 1996 D068 'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture

BJORNSON Bjornstjerne 1963 B043 A Defense

In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor)

BLACK, J. Avril 1990 P5/26 "Anon, anon Sir": Discourse of Occasion in Henry IV

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°37

BLACK J.B. 1969 B205 The Reign of Elizabeth(1558-1603)

BLACK, James 1973 C171 The Unfolding of Measure for Measure

In Shakespeare Survey 26

BLACK James 1978 C494 Johnson, Shakespeare, and the Dyer's hand

In Shakespeare : pattern of excelling nature

BLACK James 1980 C515 King Lear : art upside-down

In Shakespeare Survey 33 BLACK James 1982 C581 The unfolding of Measure for Measure

In Aspects of Shakespeare's 'problem plays'

BLACK James 1990 C795 The Latter End Of Prospero's Commonwealth

In Shakespeare Survey 43

BLACK Matthew W. 1962 B450 Repeated Situations in Shakespeare's Plays

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

BLACKBURN, T.H. 1966 C354 Edmund Bolton's The Cabanet Royal ; A Belated Reply to Sydney's Apology for Poetry

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XIV

BLACKBURN Thomas H. 1971 B806 "Uncloister'd ": Adam and Eve in Milton's Paradise

In Milton Studies III. Simmonds James D. (editor)

BLACKMORE, Sir Richard 1968 A419/3 A Satire Against Wit

In Critical Essays of the Seventeenth Century vol 3

BLACKMORE, Sir Richard 1968 A419/3 Preface to Prince Arthur

In Critical Essays of the Seventeenth Century vol 3

BLACKMUR R.P. 1957 B506 Form and Value in Modern Poetry

BLAIR Hugh 1981 C512 Lectures on Shakespeare, 1783

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801 BLAIR, L. 1932 P1 1932 I The Plot of the Faerie Queene

In PMLA, ed: Brown, C.

BLAIR Lawrence 1966 P1/1932/I The Plot of The Faerie Queene

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°47

BLAKE N.F. 1970 B323 Late Medieval Prose

In The Middle Ages(Vol I)

BLAKE N.F. 1989 C796 The Language of Shakespeare

BLAKE, William 1951 B558 The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

BLAKEMORE EVANS G. (ed.) 1997 D145 The Riverside Shakespeare

BLAKEMORE Harold 1971 B507 Civilizations of Pre-Columbian America

In The Making of the Modern World: volume I, Europe Discovers the World. Johnson Douglas (editor)

BLAMIRES Harry 1971 B593 Milton's Creation: A Guide through Paradise Lost

BLANC Charles 1970 B190 Gazette des Beaux-Arts: cent-douzième année; sixième période-Tome soixante-quinze BLANCHARD, Claudette 1995 MD18 Elle lui dirait dans l'île

BLANCHOT Maurice 1949 A666 La part du Feu

BLAND D.S. 1966 A463/11 Shakespeare at Street Level

In Shakespeare Survey, 19 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

BLAND D.S. 1968 B476 Shakespeare and the 'Ordinary'

In Shakespeare Survey (Vol 4)

BLANE Sue 1989 C787 Designing for the Swan

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan

BLATHERWICK, Simon 1997 D171 The Archaeological Evaluation of the Globe Playhouse

In Shakespeare's Globe Rebuilt

BLAU Herbert 1969 A600 The Language of Casca

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

BLIGH John 1984 C639 Shakespearian characters study to 1800

In Shakespeare survey 37

BLISS Lee 1986 C819 Tragicomic Romance for the King's Men, 1609-1611: Shakespeare, Beaumont, and Fletcher

In Comedy from Shakespeare to Sheridan BLISS Lee 1990 C780 Pastiche, burlesque, tragicomedy

In The Cambridge Companion to English Drama

BLISSETT W.F. 1974 C371 Recognition in King Lear

In Some facets of King Lear : essays in prismatic criticism

BLISSETT, William 1959 P4/59 the Secret'st Man of Blood. A Study of Dramatic Irony in Macbeth

In Shakespeare Quarterly; vol 10

BLOCK, E.A. 1959 P4/59 King Lear: A Study of Balanced and Shifting Sympathies

In Shakespeare Quarterly; vol 10

BLOESTEIN David A. 1978 C454 Parasitaster, or the fawn

BLOMFIELD Reginald 1897 Z11/1 A History of Renaissance Architecture in England, 1500-1800 (volume I)

BLOMFIELD Reginald 1897 Z11/2 A History of Renaissance Architecture in England, 1500-1800 (volume II)

BLONDEL 1974 M21 Shakespeare et le Théâtre Elisabéthain: The Structure of Twelfth Night

BLONDEL, Gérard 1974 M022 The Structure of Twelfth Night BLONDEL, Jacques 1979 P5/6 Baroque et Maniérisme dans la poésie d' Andrew Marvell

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 17

BLONDEL, Jacques 1983 P5/13 Eve, once more

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 24

BLONDEL, Jacques 1983 P5/13 Eve, Once More

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 24

BLOOM Allan with JAFFA Harry V. 1964 A930 Shakespeare's Politics

BLOOM, Edward A. 1964 C204 Shakespeare 1564-1964 : a Collection of Modern Essays by Various Hands

BLOOMFIELD Morton W. 197? P1/1957/I Distance and Predestination in Troilus and Criseyde

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°72

BLOUNT Charles 1986 B715 Religio Laici, Written in a Letter to John Dryden Esq.

In Restoration and Revolution. Myers William (editor)

BLOUNT Charles 1986 B715 The Miscellaneous Works

In Restoration and Revolution. Myers William (editor)

BLUESTONE Max 1969 A793 Libido Speculandi : Doctrine and Dramaturgy in Contemporary Interpretations of Marlowe's Doctor Faustus In Reinterpretations of Elizabethan Drama. Rabkin Norman (editor) BLUESTONE Max and RABKIN Norman (editors), 1965 A775 Shakespeare's Contemporaries

BLUM, Irving D. 1961 B764/4 The Paradox of Money Imagery in English Renaissance Poetry

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VIII

BLUME Friedrich 1967 A672 Renaissance and Baroque Music : A Comprehensive Survey

BLUME Friedrich 1968 A671 Renaissance and Baroque Music : A Comprehensive Survey

BLUNDEN Edmund 1968 A717 The Other Coleridges

In Studies in the Arts: Proceedings of the St. Peter's College Literary Society. Warner Francis (editor)

BLUNDEN Edmund and MELLOR Bernard 1963 A249 Wayside Poems of the Seventeenth Century

BLUNDEN, Edward 1966 B546 Horace Walpole's Young Poet

In Renaissance and Modern Essays

BLUNT Edward 1979 C779 From 'Hero and Leander by Christopher Marloe', 1598

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

BLUNT J. H. 1898 A069 The Myroure of Oure Ladye BLY, Mary 1996 D135 Bawdy Puns and Lustful Virgins : The Legacy of Juliet's desire in Comedies of the early 1600s

In Shakespeare Survey 49

BLYTHE, D.E. 1984 P4/84/4 Mistress Quickly's Sea-Coal

In Shakespeare Quarterly vol 35 number 4

BOAS F.S. 1965 A775 The Tragedy of "The Jew of Malta"

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

BOAS, Frederick F. 1951 P4/51 in Shakespeare, Schiller, and Shaw

In Shakespeare Quarterly, vol 2, Smith R.M.

BOAS Frederick S. 1966 A508 Christopher Marlowe : A Biographical and Critical Study

BOAS Frederick S. 1966 A285 Five Pre-Shakespearean Comedies(Early Tudor Period)

BOAS Frederick S. 1969 C326 Shakspere and his predecessors

BOAS Frederick S.(editor) 1967 A494 The Works of Thomas Kyd

BOAS Freerick S. 1950 A750 Queen Elizabeth in Drama and Related Studies BOAS George 1965 B603 In Search of the Age of Reason

In Aspects of the Eighteenth Century. Wasserman Earl R. (editor)

BOAS Marie 1962 B035 The Scientific Renaissance 1450-1630

In The Rise of Modern Science. II

BODENHAM 1967 C233 Belvedere or the Garden of the Muses

BODKIN, Maud 1966 B763 Archetypal Patterns in Poetry

In The Idea of Tragedy, Benson and Littleton

BODKIN Maud 1968 A929 The Hero and the Devil

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

BODY, Jacques 1995 D058 An Explosive Transposition: The Image of the People in Coriolanus, Mark 1934

In Shakespeare and France (Volume 5)

BOEHMER Elleke 1993 D033 The Nation as Metaphor in Contemporary African Literature

In English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference

BOETHIUS 1970 B413 De Consolatione Philosophiae

In Literature and Art in the Middle Ages, Pickering, R.P.

BOETHIUS 1970 B396 De Consolatione Philosophiae

In Literature and Art in the Middle Ages, Pickering, R.P. BOGARD, T. 1955 P1 1955 I Shakespeare's Second Richard

In PMLA, Brown

BOGARD, Travis 1955 P1/1955/I Shakespeare's Second Richard

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°70

BOGARD Travis 1965 A775 "Courtly Reward and Punishment": An Interpretation of "The White Devil"

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

BOGARD Travis 1965 B326 The Tragic Satire of John Webster

BOGGS Joseph M. 1985 C650 The art of watching films . Second edition

BOGORAD, Samuel N. 1950 P4/50 I King Henry the Fourth; II, 4, 315

In Shakespeare Quarterly vol 1

BOHN, Henry G. 1972 C277 The Biography and Bibliography of Shakespeare

BOIREAU, Jean-Louis 1996 D068 Les deux corps du roi et la montagne de chair

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture

Boireau, Nicole (ed.) 1996 D070 Coup de Théâtre - Regards sur The Caretaker de Harold Pinter BOITANI Piero and CLARK Robert 1993 D033 English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference

BOLGAN, Anne C. 1971 B788 The Philosophy of F.H. Bradleyand the Mind and Art of T.S. Eliot: An Introduction ( 1971)

In English Literature and British Philosophy

BOLTON, Edmund 1957 A419/1 Hypercritica (1618?)

In Critical Essays of theSeventeenth Century, vol 1 by Spingarn, J.E.

BOLTON Edmund 1962 A615 A Canzon Pastorall in Honour of Her Majestie

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

BOLTON Joseph S.G. 1966 P1/1929/II The Authentic Text of Titus Andronicus

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°44

BOLTON W.F. 1970 B323 Chaucer's Life

In The Middle Ages(Vol I)

BOLTON W.F. 1970 B323 Introduction: Literary Composition in Medieval England

In The Middle Ages(Vol I)

BOLTON W.F. 1970 B323 The Middle Ages(Vol I)

BOLTON, W.F. and GARDNER, Jane F. 1973 B924 Ben Jonson: Catiline BONAVENTURA John 1875 A070 Meditations

BOND Donald F. 1971 B726 A Reference Guide to English Studies

BOND Edward 1977 C615 Plays : one

BOND Edward 1978 C624 Plays : two

BOND Warwick R. 1967 B 064/1 The Complete Works of John Lyly(Vol I)

BOND Warwick R. 1967 B 064/2 The Complete Works of John Lyly(Vol II)

BOND Warwick R. 1967 B 064/3 The Complete Works of John Lyly(Vol III)

BONEBAKKER S.A. 1970 B816 Aspects of the History of Literary Rhetoric and Poetics in Arabic Literature

In Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, volume I. White Lynn (editor)

BONITZER Pascal et al. 1980 C591 Morocco de Josef von Sternberg

In Le cinéma américain . Tome I BONJOUR, Adrien 1964 C204 Shakespeare and the Toil of Grace

In Shakespeare 1564-1964

BONJOUR Adrien 1970 B181 The structure of Julius Caesar

BONNEAU Danielle 1987 C694 Art et artifice dans Samson Agonistes ou Milton contre Dalila

In Aspects du théâtre anglais

BONNECASSE Denis 1992 C825 Edward II : la "diabolie" marlowienne

In Edward II

BONY Alain 1999 D225 Addison & Steele et l'essai périodique: Bibliographie critique

In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef)

BONY Alain 1999 D209 Cosmologia Utopiana : L'Utopie de More comme logos

In Thomas Moore, Utopia: Nouvelles Perspectives Critiques

BONY Alain 1999 D225 Le Magasin des nouveautés: "News", "novel" et "novelty" dans l'essai périodique d'Addison and Steele. In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef)

BOOSE, L. E. & BURT, R. 1997 D142 Totally Clueless ? Shakespeare Goes Hollywood in the 1990s

In Shakespeare, the Movie Popularizing the Plays on Film, TV,and Video

BOOSE, Lynda 1987 C173 "Let it be hid" : Renaissance Pornography, Iago, and Audience Response

In Autour d' Othello BOOSE Lynda E. 1993 C927 The Father and The Bride

In Shakespeare’s Middle Tragedies

BOOSE Lynda. E. 1994 C963 The Taming of the Shrew, Good Husbandry, and Enclosure

In Shakespeare reread : The Texts in New Contexts

BOOSE, Lynda E. 1997 D142 Grossly Gaping Viewers and Jonathan Miller's Othello

In Shakespeare, the Movie Popularizing the Plays on Film, TV,and Video

BOOSE, Lynda E. & BURT, Richard (eds.) 1997 D142 Shakespeare, the Movie Popularizing the Plays on Film, TV,and Video

BOOTH Michael 1988 C879 Feydeau and the farcical imperative

In Farce

BOOTH Michael R. 1975 C476 Nineteenth-century drama

In English drama (excluding Shakespeare)

BOOTH Michael R. 1979 C531 The social value of nineteenth-century English drama

In Drama and society

BOOTH Michael R. 1982 C573 The Meininger company and English Shakespeare

In Shakespeare Survey 35

BOOTH Michael R. 1986 C664 Pictorial acting and Ellen Terry

In Shakespeare and the Victorian stage BOOTH Michael, SPEAIGHT George and 1976 C456 Theatre notebook : a quarterly journal of the history and technique of the British theatre . Volume XXX . 1976 . Numbers 2 &3

BOOTH Michael, SPEAIGHT George and 1976 C455 Theatre notebook : a quarterly journal of the history and technique of the British theatre . Volume XXX . 1976 . Number 1

BOOTH Stephen 1969 A489 An Essay on Shakespeare's Sonnets

BOOTH Stephen 1969 A793 On the Value of Hamlet

In Reinterpretations of Elizabethan Drama. Rabkin Norman (editor)

BOOTH Stephen 1977 C451 Shakespeare's Sonnets

BOOTH Stephen 1983 C645 King Lear, Macbeth, indefinition, and tragedy

BOOTH Stephen 1992 D011 On the Value of Hamlet

In Hamlet

BOOTH Stephen 1994 C963 Close Reading without Readings

In Shakespeare reread : The Texts in New Contexts

BOOTH Wayne 1968 A929 Shakespeare's Tragic Villain

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor) BOQUET Guy 1990 C773 La Guerre de Troie en scène

In Shakespeare : Troilus and Cressida

BOQUET Guy 1990 C770 Mises en scène récentes de Henry IV

In Henry the Fourth . Milton, gay . Pouvoir et musique

BOQUET Guy 1992 C824 Mise en scène de Much Ado About Nothing

In Much Ado about Nothing

BOQUET Guy 1992 C825 Mises en scène d'Edward II

In Edward II

BOQUET Guy 1993 C897 Roméo et Juliette sur les scènes françaises

In Roméo et Juliette : Nouvelles perspectives critiques

BOQUET Guy 1994 C923 Mises en scène: La Tempête en France (1955-1990)

In Shakespeare - La Tempête : études critiques

BOQUET, Guy 1996 D057 La Nuit des Rois à Paris

In Twelfth Night : Le Language en Fête

BOQUET Guy 1998 D168/12 Comme il vous plaira à Paris

In As You Like It Essais critiques

BORDE Raymond et CHAUMETON Étienne 1955 C590 Panorama du film noir américain (1941-1953) BORGMANN Albert 1974 C851 The Philosophy of Language : Historical Foundations and Contemporary Issues

BORIAS Georges 1985 P5/18 Randolph's Praeludium: An Edited Transcription, Comprising a Short Introductory Note

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°29

BORINSKI Ludwig 1968 B049 Shakespeare's Comic Prose

In Shakespeare Survey 8. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

BOROT Luc 1987 P5/21 Hobbes, Harrington, and the Concept of Liberty

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°32

BOROT Luc 1993 C918 Le langage de la valeur dans Richard II . Lexique, rhétorique et légitimité

In Shakespeare et l’Argent

BOROT Luc 1998 D208 Form is the Life of the Commonwealth

In James Harrongton and the Notion of Commonwealth

BOROT Luc 1999 D209 Irony, Ideology and 'Reason of State' in More's Utopia

In Thomas Moore, Utopia: Nouvelles Perspectives Critiques

BOROT Luc 1999 D209 L'angleterre et ses utopies dans la période moderne: l'inscription de l'histoire nationale dans la fiction utopique In Thomas Moore, Utopia: Nouvelles Perspectives Critiques

BOROT, Luc Avril 1988 P5/22 Machiavellian Diplomacy and Dramatic Developments in Marlowe's Jew of Malta

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°33 BOROT Luc (editor) 1998 D208 James Harrongton and the Notion of Commonwealth

BORRELI Guy 1967 A533 Samuel Beckett et le sentiment de la déréliction

In Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale JACQUOT Jean (editeur)

BORSELLINO Nino 1968 A515/1 Rozzi et Intronati.Pour une histoire de la comédie à Sienne au XVIe siècle

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

BOSWELL Eleanore 1960 A763 The Restoration Court Stage (1660-1702), with a particular account of the production of Calisto

BOSWELL James 1981 C512 Johnson on Shakespeare, 1791

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

BOTTING, Fred 1996 D123 Gothic

BOTTRALL Margaret 1958 A682 Every Man a Phoenix: Studies in seventeenth-century autobiography

BOTTRALL Margaret 1968 A644 Herbert' s Craftsmanship

In Seventeenth -Century English Poetry : Modern Essays in Criticism

BOUCHER Thierry 1978 C813 Les théâtres des palais royaux

In Monuments Historiques : Architecture du Spectacle BOUCHERY H. F. 1956 A697 Des Arcs triomphaux aux Frontispices de livres

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

BOUCHOT-SAUPIQUE Jacqueline 1956 A629 Le sens de l'humain chez Daumier

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

BOUGHNER Daniel 1966 P1/1932/I The Psychology of Memory in Spenser's Faerie Queene

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°47

BOUGHNER Daniel C. 1970 C380 The braggart in Renaissance comedy : a study in comparative drama from Aristophanes to Shakespeare

BOUHOURS Dominique 1974 C347 La manière de bien penser dans les ouvrages d'esprit

BOULARD Claire 1999 D225 La Jilt, ou les Masques de l'écriture: Réflexions sur l'essai n°187 duSpectator

In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef)

BOULESTEIX, François 1971 M08 The Colour Problem in Othello

BOULTON, James T. 1966 B546 Edmund Burke's "Letter to a Noble Lord": Apologia and Manifesto

In Renaissance and Modern Essays

BOULTON, James T. 1971 B652 Johnson, The Critical Heritage BOULTON Marjorie 1960 B584 The Anatomy of Drama

BOUR Isabelle 1999 D225 Epistemological Ambiguities: Reason, Sensibility and Association of Ideas in Mary Wollstonecraft's Vindication of the Rights of Woman In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef)

BOUR Isabelle 1999 D225 Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman

In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef)

BOURCHIER John 1882 A005/1 THe Boke of Duke Huon of Burdeux : Part one

BOURCHIER John 1883 A005/3 The Boke of Duke Huon of Burdeux : part three

BOURCHIER John 1883 A005/2 The Boke of Duke Huon of Burdeux : part two

BOURGUIGNON, Claire 1976 M18 Appearance and Reality in Much Ado About Nothing and Twelfth Night

BOURGY V. 1969 B122 Le Bouffon sur la Scène Anglaise au XVIe Siècle(c.1495-1594)

BOURGY Victor 1992 C919/1 (About)The Inset Spectacle in Shakespeare (Stance, Distance, Substance)

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642) BOURGY, Victor 1993 P5/32 On Caliban's Nature

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°43

BOURILLY Jean 1965 A693 Le Tragique dans le théâtre romantique polonais

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

BOUTCHER Warren 1997 D201 Vernacular humanism in the sixteenth century

In The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism

BOUVIER Michel et LETRAT Jean-Louis 1980 C605 Soupçons

In La théorie du film

BOUYSSOU Roland 1984 C606 Murder in the cathedral, liturgie de la Croix

In Caliban n° XXI

BOWDEN Muriel 1967 B491 A Reader's Guide to Geoffrey Chaucer

BOWE John 1985 C640 Orlando in As You Like It

In Players of Shakespeare

BOWEN, Barbara.E. 2001 D280 The Rape of Jesus: Aemilia Lanyer's Lucrece

In Marxist Shakespeares

BOWERS, Fredson 1955 P1/1955/IV Hamlet as Minister and Scourge

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°70 BOWERS Fredson 1962 B450 Hamlet's Fifth Soliloquy

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

BOWERS, Fredson 1964 C204 The Moment of Final Suspense in Hamlet " We Defy Augury"

In Shakespeare 1564-1964

BOWERS Fredson 1966 A463/5 Hamlet' s 'Sullied' or 'Solid' Flesh : a Bibliographical Case- History

In Shakespeare Survey, 9 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

BOWERS Fredson 1966 B173 On Editing Shakespeare

BOWERS Fredson 1966 B221 Textual & Literary Criticism

BOWERS, Fredson 1966 B837 The Dramatic Works in The Beaumont and Fletcher Canon

BOWERS Fredson 1970 B481 Cupid's Revenge

In The Dramatic Works in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon

BOWERS Fredson 1970 B481 The Dramatic Works in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon

BOWERS Fredson 1976 C373 Beggar's Bush

In The dramatic works in the Beaumont and Fletcher . Volume III BOWERS Fredson 1976 C373 The dramatic works in the Beaumont and Fletcher canon . Volume III

BOWERS Fredson 1979 C461 The dramatic works in the Beaumont and Fletcher canon . Volume IV

BOWERS Fredson 1979 C461 The Woman's Prize

In The Dramatic Works in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon

BOWERS Fredson 1980 C533 Shakespeare at work : the foul paper of All's Well That Ends Wells

In English Renaissance studies presented to Dame Helen Gardner in honour of her seventieth birthday

BOWERS Fredson 1982 C545 The dramatic works in the Beaumont and Fletcher canon . Volume V

BOWERS Fredson 1982 C545 The Loyal Subject

In The dramatic works in the Beaumont and Fletcher canon . Vol. V

BOWERS Fredson (editor) 1966 A482 The Dramatic Work in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon, volume I

BOWERS Fredson (editor) 1966 A482 The Mask of the Inner Temple and Gray's Inn

In The Dramatic Work in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon, volume I

BOWERS Fredson (editor) 1970 B469 A King and No King

In The Dramatic Works in The Beaumont and Fletcher Canon, volume II. BOWERS Fredson (editor) 1970 B469 Cupid's Revenge

In The Dramatic Works in The Beaumont and Fletcher Canon, volume II.

BOWERS Fredson (editor) 1970 B469 Love's Pilgrimage

In The Dramatic Works in The Beaumont and Fletcher Canon, volume II.

BOWERS Fredson (editor) 1970 B469 The Dramatic Works in The Beaumont and Fletcher Canon, volume II

BOWERS Fredson (editor) 1970 B469 The Maid's Tragedy

In The Dramatic Works in The Beaumont and Fletcher Canon, volume II.

BOWERS Fredson (editor) 1970 B469 The Scornful Lady

In The Dramatic Works in The Beaumont and Fletcher Canon, volume II.

BOWERS Fredson T. 1965 A775 Elizabethan Revenge Tragedy and "The Cardinal"

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

BOWERS, Rick 1991 P5/29 The Death, Power, and Representation in Tamburlaine the Great

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°40

BOWLE John 1969 B063 Hobbes and his Critics: a Study in Seventeenth Century constitutionalism

BOWLING, Lawrence Edward 1970 P1/1949/I The Thematic Framework of Romeo and Juliet

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°64 BOYCE, Benjamin 1967 C030 The Theophrastan Character in England to 1642

BOYCE, Benjamin 1970 P1/1949/I The Stoic Consolatio and Shakespeare

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°64

BOYER Clarence Valentine 1964 A659 The Villain as a Hero in Elizabethan Tragedy

BOYLE Roger, First Earl of Orrery 1960 A281 The Tragedy of Mustapha

In Five Heroic Plays, ed. with an Intro. by DOBREE Bonamy

BRACHIN P. 1977 C411 La fermentation religieuse à Anvers sous le règne de Charles-Quint

In Les cités au temps de la Renaissance 2

BRACHIN Pierre 1960 A697/2 La "Fête de Rhétorique" de Gand (1539)

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint

BRACHIN Pierre 1968 A692 L'expressionnisme dans le théâtre de Herman Teirlinck

In Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

BRADBROOK C. 1968 B476 The Sources of Macbeth

In Shakespeare Survey (Vol 4)

BRADBROOK, M.C. 1964 C119 The Rise of the Common Player : a Study of Actor and Society in Shakespeare's England BRADBROOK M.C. 1965 B127 The School of Night: a study in the literary relatioships of sir Walter Ralegh

BRADBROOK M.C. 1968 A395 Elizabethan Stage Conditions: A study of Their Place in The Interpretation of Shakespeare' s Plays

BRADBROOK M.C. 1968 B048 Fifty Years of the Criticism of Shakespeare's Style: A Retrospect

In Shakespeare Survey 7. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

BRADBROOK M.C. 1969 A247 A Discussion of Tamburlaine

In Critics on Marlowe, ed. by Judith O'Neill

BRADBROOK M.C. 1969 A597 Moral Theme and Romantic Story

In Shakespeare : The Merchant of Venice

BRADBROOK M.C. 1969 A653 Shakespeare the Craftsman ( the Clark Lectures)

BRADBROOK M.C. 1969 B458 Shakespeare the Craftsman (The Clark Lectures 1968)

BRADBROOK, M.C. 1969 B560 Themes and Conventions of Elizabethan Tragedy

BRADBROOK M.C. 1970 B885 Much Ado About Nothing

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F. BRADBROOK M.C. 1972 B873 Robert Armin and Twelfth Night

In Shakespeare: Twelfth Night, A Casebook. Palmer D.J. (editor)

BRADBROOK, M.C. 1973 C126 The Growth and Structure of Elizabethan Comedy

BRADBROOK, M.C. 1973 B980 Tragical-Historical: Richard II

In Shakespeare, Richard II, a Casebook

BRADBROOK M.C. 1973 B991 Tragical-Historical: Richard II

In Shakespeare: Richard II, A Casebook. Brooke Nicholas (editor)

BRADBROOK M.C. 1976 C400 The living monument : Shakespeare and the theatre of his time

BRADBROOK M.C. 1980 C500 Shakespeare's recollections of Marlowe

In Shakespeare's styles

BRADBROOK M.C. 1981 C551 The politic of pageantry : social implications in Jacobean London

In Poetry and drama 1570-1700

BRADBROOK M.C. 1983 C597 Thomas Heywood, Shakespeare's shadow, "a description is only a shadow, received by the Ear" (An apology for actors) In Du texte à la scène : langages du théâtre

BRADBROOK M.C. 1985 C625 Shakespeare's primitive art

In Interpretation of Shakespeare BRADBROOK M.C. 1989 C766 Shakespeare in his context : the constellated Globe. (The collected papers of Muriel Bradbrook, V. 4)

BRADBROOK M.C.(b.1909) 1963 A292 The Fashioning of a Courtier

In Shakespeare Criticism

BRADBROOK M.C. & LLOYD THOMAS M.G. 1961 B493 Andrew Marvell

BRADBROOK Muriel 1979 C534 Marvell our contemporary

In Andrew Marvell : essays on the tercentenary of his death

BRADBROOK Muriel C. 1962 B450 Marlowe's Doctor Faustus and the Eldritch Tradition

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

BRADBROOK Muriel C. 1965 A775 Fate and Chance in "The Duchess of Malfi"

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

BRADBROOK Muriel C. 1968 B046 The Status Seekers: Society and the Common Player in the Reign of Elizabeth I (1961)

In The Seventeenth-Century Stage: A Collection of Critical Essays. Bentley Gerald Eades (editor)

BRADBROOK Muriel C. 1969 B471 King Henry IV

In Manner and Meaning in Shakespeare. Jackson B.A.W. (editor)

BRADBROOK Muriel Clara 1978 C502 Shakespeare : the poet in his world BRADBURY Malcolm 1970 B454 Introduction: The State of Criticism Today

In Contemporary Criticism. Bradbury Malcolm & Palmer David (editors)

BRADBURY, Malcolm 1970 B855/2 Introduction: the State of Criticism Today

In Contemporary Criticism

BRADBURY, Malcolm and PALMER, David 1970 B855/2 Contemporary Criticism

BRADBURY, Malcolm and PALMER, David 1970 B855/1 Metaphysical Poetry

BRADBURY Malcolm and PALMER David (editors) 1972 B883 Shakespearian Comedy

In Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies n°14

BRADBURY Malcolm & PALMER David (editors) 1970 B454 Contemporary Criticism

BRADFORD, Richard 1997 D124 Stylistics

BRADLEY, A.C. 1965 B789 The Substance of Shakespearean Tragedy (1904)

In Shakespeare : The Tragedies

BRADLEY A.C. 1967 A539 Shakespearean Tragedy: Lectures on Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth BRADLEY A.C. 1968 A929 Iago

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

BRADLEY A.C. 1968 A790 Macbeth

In Shakespeare Macbeth: A Casebook.Wain John (editor)

BRADLEY A.C. 1968 A598 Shakespeare' s Antony and Cleopatra

In Shakespeare : Antony and Cleopatra

BRADLEY A.C. 1968 A929 The Atmosphere of Macbeth

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

BRADLEY A.C. 1969 A600 Brutus and Hamlet

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

BRADLEY A.C. 1969 A601 King Lear

In Shakespeare King Lear

BRADLEY A.C. 1969 A788 King Lear

In Shakespeare King Lear : A Casebook.Kermode Frank (editor)

BRADLEY A.C. 1969 A600 The Quarrel Scene

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

BRADLEY A.C. 1969 A600 The Style

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar BRADLEY A.C. 1970 B057 An Essay on the Dramatic Character of Sir John Falstaff

In Shakespeare: Henry IV (parts I & II)

BRADLEY A.C. 1972 B873 Feste the Jester

In Shakespeare: Twelfth Night, A Casebook. Palmer D.J. (editor)

BRADLEY A.C. 1979 C779 From 'The English Poets, Selection', 1880

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

BRADLEY David 1992 C874 From Text to Performance in the Elizabethan Theatre : preparing the play for the stage

BRADLEY Henry 1967 A431 A Middle-English Dictionary(containing words used by English writers from the twelfth to the fifteenth century)

BRADNER, Leicester 1956 B764/2 The Rise of Secular Drama in the Renaissance

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume III. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

BRADNER, Leicester 1956 B764/2 The Rise of Secular Drama in the Renaissance

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume III. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

BRADSHAW Graham 1987 C728 Shakespeare's scepticism

BRAFFETT J.M. 1962 B450 A Bibliography of the Writings of Hardin Craig from 1940 to 1961

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard BRAHMER Mieczyslaw 1968 A515/1 Les comédiens étrangers en Pologne aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles et la "Comédie des Ribauds"

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

BRAHMER Mieczyslaw 1975 C415 La cour et la campagne dans les fêtes nuptiales en Pologne au XVIe siècle

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

BRAILSFORD, H. N. 1961 B541 The Levellers and the English Revolution

BRANDEIS Arthur A896 Jacob's Well, an English Treatise on the Cleansing of Man's Conscience(Part I)

BRANDT G.W. 1968 A973 Realism and Parables: from Brecht to Arden

In Contemporary Theatre

BRANDT George 1971 B731 Radio, film and Television

In Drama and the Theatre with Radio, Film and Television: an outline for the student. Brown John Russell (editor)

BRANTLINGER Patrick 1986 C946 Victorians and Africans: The Genealogy of the Myths of the Dark Continent

In Race, Writing, and Difference

BRASSEL Tim 1985 C635 Tom Stoppard and assessment

BRATTON J.S. 1986 C664 The Lear of private life : interpretations of King Lear in the nineteenth century

In Shakespeare and the Victorian stage BRATTON J.S. 1987 C713 King Lear

BRAUDEL Fernand 1959 A606 Les emprunts de Charles-Quint sur la place d'Anvers

In Charles-Quint et son Temps. C.N.R.S

BRAUDEL Fernand 1967 A946 Civilisation Matérielle et Capitalisme (XVè-XVIIIè siècles), Tome I

BRAUNMULLER A.R. 1989 C750 Editing the staging / Staging the editing

In Shakespeare and the sense of performance

BRAUNMULLER A.R. 1990 D013 "Second means": Agent and Accessory in Elizabethan Drama

In The Elizabethan Theatre XI

BRAUNMULLER A.R. 1990 C780 The arts of the dramatist

In The Cambridge Companion to English Drama

BRAUNMULLER A.R. and BULMAN J.C. 1986 C819 Comedy from Shakespeare to Sheridan

BRAUNMULLER A.R. AND HATTAWAY M. 1990 C780 The Cambridge Companion to English Renaissance Drama

BREASTED Barbara 1971 B806 Comus and the Castlehaven Scandal

In Milton Studies III. Simmonds James D. (editor) BRECHT, Bertolt. 2000 D283 The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui

In Adaptations of Shakespeare

BREDVOLD Louis I. 1956 A631 The intellectual milieu of John Dryden: Studies in some aspects of seventeenth-century thought

BREDVOLD Louis I. 1969 A591 The Invention of the Ethical Calculus

In The Seventeenth Century : Studies in the History of English Thought and Literature from Bacon to Pope

BREEN, John 1998 P5/42 Edmund Spencer's Exile and the Politics and Poetics of Pastoral

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°53

BREEN John M. 1994 P5/34 The Carnival Body in Arden of Faversham

In Cahiers Elisabéthains, no 45, April 1994

BREEN, John M. 1994 P5/34 The Carnival Body in Arden of Faversham

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°45

BREEN, Quirinus 1954 B764/1 The Observationes in M.T. Ciceronem of Marius Nizolius

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume I. Pery William (editor)

BREEN, Quirinus 1958 B764/3 The Antiparadoxon of Marcantonius Majoragius, or, A Humanist Becomes a Critic of Cicero as a Philosopher In Studies in the Renaissance, volume V. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

BREEN Quirinus 1964 C356 Francesco Zambeccari : his translations and fabricated translations of Libanian letters

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XI BREITHOLTZ Lennart 1968 A515/1 Le théâtre français à Stockholm aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

BRENECKE Ernest 1968 A752 The entertainment at Elvetham, 1591

In Music in English Renaissance Drama

BRENNAN Anthony 1986 C731 Shakespeare's dramatic structures

BRENNAN Anthony 1989 C887 Onstage and Offstage Worlds in Shakespeare’s Plays

BRENNAN Anthony 1992 C892 Henry V

BRENNECKE Ernest 1964 B577 Shakespeare in Germany 1590-1700

BRENNECKE, Ernest Jr. 1967 P1/1939/I Shakespeare's Collaboration with Morley

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°54

BRENNECKE, Ernest Jr. 1967 P1/1939/I Shakespeare's Musical Collaboration with Morley

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°54

BRENNECKE Wilfried 1960 A698 Musique instrumentale d'après un manuscrit allemand (Ratisbonne, ms. A.R. 940/41)

In La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean BRERETON Geoffrey 1968 A624 Principles of Tragedy

BRETEAU J.-L 1998 D208 La république d'Océana est-elle une république platonicienne ?

In James Harrongton and the Notion of Commonwealth

BRETEAU Jean-Louis 1999 D209 La bonne santé des Utopiens

In Thomas Moore, Utopia: Nouvelles Perspectives Critiques

BRETON N. 1962 A615 A Pastorall of Philis and Coridon

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

BRETON N. 1962 A615 A Report Song in a Dreame, Betweene a Sheepheard and his Nimph

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

BRETON N. 1962 A615 A Sheepheards Dreame

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

BRETON N. 1962 A615 A Sweete Pastorall

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

BRETON N. 1962 A615 Astrophell His Song of Phillida and Corridon

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

BRETON N. 1962 A615 Coridons Supplication to phillis

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614) BRETON N. 1962 A615 Phillida and Coridon

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

BRETON Nicholas 1957 A675 Fantasticks : Serving for a Perpetuall Prognostication(The Twelve Months)

In Seventeenth-Century : English Prose

BRETT, R.L. 1960 B554 Reason and Imagination

BRETT R.L. 1964 B514 Thomas Hobbes

In The English Mind. Davies Hugh Sykes and Watson George (editors)

BRETT, R.L. 1971 B788 Thomas Hobbes (1964)

In English Literature and British Philosophy

BRETT Raymond Laurence 1979 C534 Andrew Marvell : essays on the tercentenary of his death

BRETT, S. Reed 1966 C162 The Tudor Century 1485-1603

BRETT, S. Reed 1969 C163 The Stuart Century 1603-1714

BRETT-SMITH H.F.B. 1966 A340 Sir George Etherege

In Restoration Drama (Modern Essays in Criticism) BREWER D.S. 1966 A964 Courtesy and the Gawain-Poet

In Patterns of Love and Courtesy

BREWER D.S. 1969 A578 The Criticism of Chaucer in the Twentieth Century

In Chaucer' s Mind and Art

BREWER D.S. 1970 B323 Troilus and Criseyde

In The Middle Ages(Vol I)

BRIDENBAUGH, Carl 1968 C156 Vexed and Troubled Englishmen 1590-1642

BRIDGAM Nanie 1954 A700 La frottola et la transition de la frottola au madrigal

In Musique et Poésie au XVIè siècle. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

BRIDGMAN Nanie 1960 A697/2 La Participation musicale à l' entrée de Charles Quint à Cambrai, le 20 janvier 1540

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint

BRIDGMAN Nanie 1961 A699 Les échanges musicaux entre l' Espagne et les Pays-Bas au temps de Phlippe le Beau et de Charles-Quint In La Renaissance dans les Provinces du Nord

BRIDGMAN Nanie 1984 C583 La vie régionale française dans un manuscrit danois du début du XVIème siècle

In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées

BRIDGMAN, T. 1820 C090 King Richard III BRIGGS K.M. 1959 A637 The Anatomy of Puck: An Examination of Fairy Beliefs among Shakespeare's Contemporaries and Successors

BRIGGS K. M. 1962 A674 Pale Hecate' s Team

BRIGGS Katharine M. 1965 A463/10 The Folds of Folklore

In Shakespeare Survey, 17 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

BRIK O. 1965 A702 Rythme et syntaxe

In Théorie de la littérature (textes des formalistes russes réunis et traduits par Todorov Tzvetan )

BRIK O. 1965 B086 Rythme et syntaxe

In Théorie de la Littérature

BRILEY John 1968 B049 Of Stake and Stage

In Shakespeare Survey 8. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

BRINKER, Ludger 1992 P5/31 The Art of Marlowe's Prologues: Subtle Innovations Within Traditional Patterns

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°42

BRINKWORTH, E.R.C. 1972 B966 Shakespeare and the Bawdy Court of Stratforf

BRION Marcel 1956 A629 Abstraction et vie intérieure

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts. BRION-GUERRY Liliane 1956 A629 Reflexion sur la signification de l'objet dans la création Cezannienne

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

BRISSENDEN, Alan 1972 B922 Shakespeare and Dance

In Shakespeare in the New World

BRISSENDEN Alan 1978 P5/2 The Dance in As You Like It and Twelfth Night

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°13

BRISSENDEN, Alan 1978 P5/2 The Dance in As You Like It and Twelfth Night

In Cahiers Elisabéthains N°13

BRISSENDEN Alan 1994 C974 Shakespeare's Australian Travels

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

BRISTOL Michael D. 1987 C733 Lenten butchery: legitimation crisis in Coriolanus

In Shakespeare reproduced : the text in history and ideology

BRISTOL, Michael D. 1989 D113 Carnival and Theater - Plebeian Culture and the Structure of Authority in Renaissance England

BRISTOL Michael D. 1991 D030 Where Does Ideology Hang Out?

In Shakespeare Left and Right

BRISTOL Michael D. 1992 D045 Charivari and the Comedy of Abjection in Othello

In True Rites and Maimed Rites : Ritual and Anti-Ritual in Shakespeare and his Age BRISTOL, Michael D. 1996 D120 Big Time Shakespeare

BRISTOL, Michael D. 1996 D120 Race and the Comedy of Abjection in Othello

In Big Time Shakespeare

BRISTOL, Michael D. 1996 D120 Social time in The Winter's tale

In Big Time Shakespeare

BRISTOL, Michael.D. 2000 D281 How Many Children Did She Have?

In Philosophical Shakespeares

BRISTOL, Michael. McLUSKIE, Kathleen. 2001 D277 Introduction

In Shakespeare and Modern Theatre

BRISTOL, Michael. McLUSKIE, Kathleen. 2001 D277 Shakespeare and Modern Theatre

BRISTOW, Joseph 1997 D125 Sexuality

British Museum 1964 X1 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 1

British Museum 1964 X2 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 2 British Museum 1964-65 X3 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 3

British Museum 1965 X4 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 4

British Museum 1965 X5 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 5

British Museum 1967 X10 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 10

British Museum 1967 X11 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 11

British Museum 1967 X12 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 12

British Museum 1967 X13 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 13

British Museum 1967 X14 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 14

British Museum 1967 X15 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 15 British Museum 1967 X16 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 16

British Museum 1967 X17 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 17

British Museum 1967 X18 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 18

British Museum 1967 X19 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 19

British Museum 1967 X20 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 20

British Museum 1967 X21 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 21

British Museum 1967 X22 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 22

British Museum 1967 X23 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 23

British Museum 1967 X24 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 24 British Museum 1967 X25 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 25

British Museum 1967 X26 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 26

British Museum 1967 X27 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 27

British Museum 1967 X6 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 6

British Museum 1967 X7 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 7

British Museum 1967 X8 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 8

British Museum 1967 X9 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 9

British Museum 1969 Xsupp 1 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 1

British Museum 1969 Xsupp 2 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 2 British Museum 1969 Xsupp 3 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 3

British Museum 1969 Xsupp 4 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 4

British Museum 1969 Xsupp 5 General Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol 5

BRITTIN Norman A. 1956 P1/1956/IV Coriolanus, Alceste, and Dramatic Genres

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°71

BRITTON G.C. 1968 B320/66 Middle English, excluding Chaucer

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1966)

BRITTON G.C. 1969 B320/67 Middle English, excluding Chaucer

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1967)

BRITTON G.C. 1970 B320/68 Middle English, excluding Chaucer

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1968)

BRITTON G.C. 1971 B320/69 Middle English, Excluding Chaucer

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1969)

BRITTON S. 1979 C779 From 'Progress: A Monthly Magazine of Advanced Thought', 1886-7

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896 BROADBENT, Alison 1996 M70 Representations of War in Shakespeare's First Tetralogy

BROADBENT, J.B. 1960 B567 The Nativity Ode

In The Living Milton

BROADBENT J.B. 1964 B514 Shafesbury's Horses of Instruction

In The English Mind. Davies Hugh Sykes and Watson George (editors)

BROADBENT J.B. 1965 A955 Milton: Comus and Samson Agonistes

BROADBENT J.B. 1968 B015 Milton's Moral Voice' and his 'Omnific Word'

In Approaches to Paradise Lost

BROCKBANCK Philip 1968 B015 'Whithin the Visible Diurnal Spheare': The Moving World of Paradise Lost

In Approaches to Paradise Lost

BROCKBANK J.P. 1958 A463/6 History and Histrionics in Cymbeline

In Shakespeare Survey, 11 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

BROCKBANK J.P 1965 A350 MARLOWE: DR. Faustus

BROCKBANK J.P. 1966 A463/9 Shakespeare and the Fashion of these Times

In Shakespeare Survey, 16 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production BROCKBANK J.P. 1969 A603 Damned Perpetually

In Marlowe, Doctor Faustus. Jump John (editor)

BROCKBANK, J.P. 1971 B699 Pericles and the Dream of Immortality

In Shakespeare Survey N°24

BROCKBANK Philip 1966 A971 The Tempest: Conventions of Art and Empire

In Later Shakespeare

BROCKBANK Philip 1972 B872 From Introduction to Volpone (1968)

In Jonson: Volpone, A Casebook. Barish Jonas A. (editor)

BROCKBANK Philip 1976 C443 Coriolanus

BROCKBANK Philip 1976 C367 Coriolanus

BROCKBANK Philip 1977 C433 Hamlet the bonesetter

In Shakespeare Survey 30

BROCKBANK Philip 1983 C584 Blood and wine : tragic ritual from Aeschilus to Soyinka

In Shakespeare Survey 36

BROCKBANK Philip 1985 C640 Introduction : abstracts and brief chronicles

In Players of Shakespeare BROCKBANK Philip 1985 C640 Players of Shakespeare : essays in Shakespearean performance by twelve players with the Royal Shakespeare Company

BROCKBANK Philip 1987 C980 Shakespeare : His Histories,English and Roman

In The Penguin History of Literature : English Drama to 1710

BROCKETT, Oscar G. 1995 D047 History of the Theatre

BRODWIN Leonora Leet 1972 B896 Elizabethan Love Tragedy 1587-1625

BRODY Alan 1970 B587 The English Mummers and their Plays: traces of ancient mystery

BRODY Jules 1968 A515/1 Esthétique et société chez Molière

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

BROMBERT Victor 1965 B025 Sartre and the Drama of Ensnarement

In Ideas in the Drama: selected papers from the English Institute. Gassner John (editor)

BROME Richard 1966 A721/1 The Dramatic Works of Richard Brome Containing Fifteen Comedies now First Collected in Three Volumes (VOL I)

BROME Richard 1966 A721/2 The Dramatic Works of Richard Brome Containing Fifteen Comedies now First Collected in Three Volumes (VOL II) BROME Richard 1966 A721/3 The Dramatic Works of Richard Brome Containing Fifteen Comedies now First Collected in Three Volumes (VOL III)

BROME Richard 1967 A220 The Antipodes

BROME Richard 1968 A400 A Jovial Crew

BROME Richard(c.1590-1652 or 1653) 1962 A283 A mad Couple Well Matched and The Antipodes

In Six Caroline Plays,ed. with an Introduction by KNOWLAND A.S.

BRONSON Bertrand H. 1966 A340 The Beggar's Opera

In Restoration Drama (Modern Essays in Criticism)

BRONSON Bertrand H. 1972 B891 Some Aspects of Music and Literature in the Eighteenth Century

In Stuart and Georgian Moments. Miner Earl

BRONSON, Bertrand H. 1972 C276 The Through of the Wave

In England in the Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century

BROOK Nicholas 1977 C433 All's Well that Ends Well

In Shakespeare Survey 30

BROOK Peter 1969 A361 The Empty Space BROOK Thomas 1989 C922 The New Historicism and Other Old-fashioned Topics

In The New Historicism

BROOKE C.F. and PARADISE Nathaniel 1933 A174 ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

BROOKE C.F. Tucker 1967 A255/1 Edward III

In The Shakespeare Apocrypha(being a collection of fourteen plays which have been ascribed to Sakespeare)

BROOKE C.F. Tucker 1967 A255 The Shakespeare Apocrypha(being a collection of fourteen plays which have been ascribed to Sakespeare)

BROOKE, C.F. Tucker 1969 C127 The Works of Christopher Marlowe

BROOKE Frances 1976 C379/4 On King Lear, march 1756

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

BROOKE, Henry 1778 C077 Antony and Cleopatra

BROOKE Henry 1981 C512 Adaptation of Antony and Cleopatra, 1778

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

BROOKE, Nicholas 1964 C204 The Ending of King Lear

In Shakespeare 1564-1964 BROOKE, Nicholas 1965 B789 The Tragic Spectacle in Titus Andronicus and Romeo and Juliet (1965)

In Shakespeare : The Tragedies

BROOKE Nicholas 1966 A463/7 Marlowe as Provocative Agent in Shakespeare' s Early Plays

In Shakespeare Survey, 14 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

BROOKE Nicholas 1968 A397 Hamlet

In Shakespeare' s Early Tragedies

BROOKE Nicholas 1968 A397 Julius Caesar

In Shakespeare' s Early Tragedies

BROOKE Nicholas 1968 A397 Richard II

In Shakespeare' s Early Tragedies

BROOKE Nicholas 1968 A397 Richard III

In Shakespeare' s Early Tragedies

BROOKE Nicholas 1968 A397 Romeo and Juliet

In Shakespeare' s Early Tragedies

BROOKE Nicholas 1968 A397 Shakespeare' s Early Tragedies

BROOKE Nicholas 1968 B417 Shakespeare's Earlly Tragedies BROOKE Nicholas 1968 A397 Titus Andronicus

In Shakespeare' s Early Tragedies

BROOKE Nicholas 1969 A603 The Moral Tragedy of Doctor Faustus

In Marlowe, Doctor Faustus. Jump John (editor)

BROOKE Nicholas 1969 A247 The Moral Tragedy of Dr. Faustus

In Critics on Marlowe, ed. by Judith O'Neill

BROOKE, Nicholas 1973 B980 Divine Substitutes and Streams of Blood

In Shakespeare, Richard II, a Casebook

BROOKE Nicholas 1973 B991 Divine Substitutes and Streams of Blood

In Shakespeare: Richard II, A Casebook. Brooke Nicholas (editor)

BROOKE, Nicholas 1973 B980 Shakespeare, Richard II

BROOKE Nicholas 1978 C494 Myth and naturalism : Merchant to Macbeth

In Shakespeare : pattern of excelling nature

BROOKE Nicholas 1980 C500 Language most shows a man ... ? Language and speaker in Macbeth

In Shakespeare's styles

BROOKE Nicholas 1982 C581 All's Well That Ends Well

In Aspects of Shakespeare's 'problem plays' BROOKE Nicholas 1987 C696 What kind of play is Macbeth ?

In Miroirs de L'Être : Macbeth, The Man of Mode

BROOKE, Nicholas 1996 D068 Structural Experiments in English Classic Drama

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture

BROOKE Nicholas 1999 D260 Linguistic Contrasts in Richard III

In Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Richard III

BROOKE Nicholas (editor) 1973 B991 Shakespeare: Richard II, A Casebook

BROOKE Rupert 1967 A389 John Webster & the Elizabethan Drama

BROOKE Tucker & SHAABER Matthias 1967 A335 A Literary History of England, volume II: The Renaissance (1500-1660)

BROOKE-ROSE Christine 1967 B371 From A Grammar of Metaphor (1958)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors)

BROOKES Christopher 1962 A615 An Epithalamium ; or a Nuptiall Song, Applied to the Ceremonies of Marriage

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

BROOKS, Cleanth 1951 P1/1951/VI Milton and Critical Re-Estimates

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°66 BROOKS Cleanth 1968 A644 A Note on the Limits of "History" and the Limits of "Criticism

In Seventeenth -Century English Poetry : Modern Essays in Criticism

BROOKS Cleanth 1968 A790 'The Naked Babe' and the Cloak of Manliness

In Shakespeare Macbeth: A Casebook.Wain John (editor)

BROOKS Cleanth 1969 A635 Marvell's 'Horatian Ode'

In Marvell (Modern Judgements). Wilding Michael (editor)

BROOKS Cleanth 1969 A603 The Unity of Marlowe's Doctor Faustus

In Marlowe, Doctor Faustus. Jump John (editor)

BROOKS Cleanth and HARDY John Edward 1961 B568 Essays in Analysis: Lycidas

In Milton's Lycidas, The Tradition and the Poem. Patrides, C.A.

BROOKS Cleanth(b.1906) 1963 A292 The Naked Babe and the Cloack of Manliness

In Shakespeare Criticism

BROOKS Harold F. 1968 A248 Marlowe and Early Shakespeare

In Christopher Marlowe (Mermaid Critical Commentaries)

BROOKS Harold F. 1968 A576 Marlowe and Early Shakespeare

In Christopher Marlowe

BROOKS, Harold F. 1972 B852 The Poetry of John Oldham

In Restoration Literature BROOKS Harold F. 1979 C481 A Midsummer Night's Dream

BROOKS Harold F. 1979 C481 A Midsummer Night's Dream

BROOKS Harold F. 1979 C498 Richard III : antecedents of Clarence's dream

In Shakespeare Survey 32

BROOKSCleanth & HEILMAN Robert B. 1948 B391 Understanding Drama: Twelve Plays

BROSSARD-DECONINCK Françoise 1997 D195 Tempéraments baroques du mal

In Le Mal et ses masques

BROTTON, Jerry. 1998 D285 'This Tunis, sir, was Carthage': Contesting Colonialism in The Tempest

In Post-Colonial Shakespeares

BROUGHTON James 1979 C779 From the 'Gentleman's Magazine', 1830

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

BROWER Reuben 1970 B885 The Tempest

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F.

BROWER Reuben A. 1968 A644 An Allusion to Europe : Dryden and Tradition

In Seventeenth -Century English Poetry : Modern Essays in Criticism BROWER Reuben A. 1968 A599 The Miror of Analogy

Shakespeare : The Tempest

BROWER, Reuben A. 1971 B834 Hero and Saint, Shakespeare and the Graeco-roman Heroic tradition

BROWN Arthur 1962 B450 Thomas Heywood's Dramatic Art

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

BROWN Arthur 1964 A977 Shakespeare's Treatment f Comedy

In Shakespeare's World

BROWN Arthur 1965 A441 Citizen Comedy and Domestic Drama

In Jacobean Theatre. Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies I

BROWN Arthur 1965 B320/63 Later Elizabethan and Early Stuart Drama

In The Year's Work n English Studies(1963)

BROWN Arthur 1965 A463/10 The Printing of Books

In Shakespeare Survey, 17 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

BROWN Arthur 1966 A463/7 Studies in Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama since 1900

In Shakespeare Survey, 14 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

BROWN, Beatrice Daw 1966 P1/1935/II Exemplum Material Underlying Macbeth

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°50 BROWN Carleton (editor) 1966 P1/1925/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°40

BROWN Carleton (editor) 1966 P1/1925/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°40

BROWN Carleton (editor) 1966 P1/1926/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°41

BROWN Carleton (editor) 1966 P1/1926/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°41

BROWN Carleton (editor) 1966 P1/1927/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°42

BROWN Carleton (editor) 1966 P1/1927/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°42

BROWN Carleton (editor) 1966 P1/1928/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°43

BROWN Carleton (editor) 1966 P1/1928/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°43

BROWN Carleton (editor) 1966 P1/1929/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°44 BROWN Carleton (editor) 1966 P1/1929/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°44

BROWN Carleton (editor) 1966 P1/1930/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°45

BROWN Carleton (editor) 1966 P1/1930/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°45

BROWN Carleton (editor) 1966 P1/1931/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°46

BROWN Carleton (editor) 1966 P1/1932/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°47

BROWN Carleton (editor) 1966 P1/1932/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°47

BROWN Carleton (editor) 1966 P1/1931/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°46

BROWN, Harcourt. 1960 B764/4 Three Interpretations of the French Renaissance

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VII

BROWN, Howard Mayer 1972 B938 Musicians in Mystères and Miracles

In Medieval English Drama BROWN Ivor 1963 B351 How Shakespeare Spent the Day

BROWN Ivor 1967 B378 Shakespeare and His World

BROWN, Ivor 1970 C285 Biblical (Tobias and the Angel )

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

BROWN J.RUSSELL 1966 A463/9 Acting Shakespeare Today .A review of performances at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, August 1962 In Shakespeare Survey, 16 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

BROWN John R. 1965 A972 The Setting for Hamlet

In Hamlet

BROWN John Russel 1964 A485 Shakespeare and his comedies

BROWN John Russel 1968 A598 Shakespeare : Antony and Cleopatra

BROWN John Russel. 1969 A597 Love' s Wealth and the Judgement of The Merchant of Venice

In Shakespeare : The Merchant of Venice

BROWN John Russel 1969 A247 The Quality of Marlowe's verse

In Critics on Marlowe, ed. by Judith O'Neill BROWN, John Russel 1971 B699 Free Shakespeare

In Shakespeare Survey N°24

BROWN John Russel 1974 C419 Free Shakespeare

BROWN John Russel 1989 C750 The nature of speech in Shakespeare's plays

In Shakespeare and the sense of performance

BROWN John Russell 1966 A971 Laughter in the Last plays

In Later Shakespeare

BROWN John Russell 1966 A970 Shakespeare's Plays in Performance

BROWN John RUSSELL 1966 A463/11 The Royal Shakespeare Company 1965

In Shakespeare Survey, 19 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

BROWN John Russell 1967 A917 Directions forTwelfth NIght, or What You Will

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

BROWN John Russell 1967 A917 The Merchant of Venice in the Theatre, II

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

BROWN John Russell 1968 B046 On the Acting of Shakespeare's Plays (1953)

In The Seventeenth-Century Stage: A Collection of Critical Essays. Bentley Gerald Eades (editor) BROWN John Russell 1968 B049 The Interpretation of Shakespeare's Comedies: 1900-1953

In Shakespeare Survey 8. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

BROWN John Russell 1969 B471 Shakespeare ProductionToday

In Manner and Meaning in Shakespeare. Jackson B.A.W. (editor)

BROWN John Russell 1969 B471 Shakespeare Study Today

In Manner and Meaning in Shakespeare. Jackson B.A.W. (editor)

BROWN John Russell 1969 A793 The Theatrical Element of Shakespeare Criticism

In Reinterpretations of Elizabethan Drama. Rabkin Norman (editor)

BROWN John Russell 1970 C412 Shakespeare's dramatic style

BROWN John Russell 1972 B873 Directions for Twelfth Night

In Shakespeare: Twelfth Night, A Casebook. Palmer D.J. (editor)

BROWN John Russell 1972 B883 The Presentation of Comedy: the First Ten Plays

In Shakespearian Comedy. Bradbury Malcolm and Palmer David (editors). Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies n°14

BROWN, John Russell 1973 B980 Narrative and Focus: Richard II

In Shakespeare, Richard II, a Casebook

BROWN John Russell 1973 B991 Narrative and Focus: Richard II

In Shakespeare: Richard II, A Casebook. Brooke Nicholas (editor) BROWN John Russell 1974 C487 Free Shakespeare

BROWN John Russell 1975 C476 English drama since 1945

In English drama (excluding Shakespeare)

BROWN, John Russell 1995 D094 Shakespeare, Theatre Production, and Cultural Politics

In Shakespeare Survey 48

BROWN John Russell and HARRIS Bernard 1970 A943 Metaphysical Poetry

In Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies 11

BROWN John Russell (editor) 1971 B731 Drama and the Theatre with Radio, Film and Television: an outline for the student

BROWN, Keith 1973 C171 'Form and Cause Conjoin'd' : Hamlet and Shakespeare's Workshop

In Shakespeare Survey 26

BROWN, Keith 1981 P5/9 Chimeras Dires? An Analysis of the 'Conflated' Lear Text

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 20

BROWN Paul 1985 C715 'This thing of darkness I acknowledge mine' : The Tempest and the discourse of colonialism

In Political Shakespeare

BROWN, Sarah. 2000 D268 Arachne's Web: Intertextual Mythography and the Renaissance Actaeon

In The Renaissance Computer BROWN Stephen J. 1978 C494 The uses of Shakespeare i America : a study in class domination

In Shakespeare : pattern of excelling nature

BROWN Terence 1991 C810 Let's go to Graceland : the drama of Stewart Parker

In The Contemporary Irish Theatre

BROWN Terence 1993 D033 Who Dares to Speak? Ireland and the Great War

In English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference

BROWN William 1967 A173 The Masque of the Inner Temple(Ullyses and Circe) (1615)

In A Book of Masques

BROWNE J. 1768 B350 Secret History of Macbeth(Vol I)

BROWNE Martin 1966 A463/5 English Hamlets of the Twentieth Century

In Shakespeare Survey, 9 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

BROWNE Nick 1980 C591 Relire Young Mister Lincoln de John Ford : place du spectateur et formes symboliques

In Le cinéma américain . Tome I

BROWNE Thomas 1955 B484 Religio Medici

BROWNE Thomas 1957 A675 Religio Medici (extracts) & hydriotaphia, Urne-Burial

In Seventeenth-Century : English Prose BROWNE Thomas 1967 B483 Urne Buriall and the Garden of Cyrus

BROWNE W. 1962 A615 Thirsis Praise of his Mistesse

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

BROWNING D.C. 1961 B254 's Dictionary of Shakespeare Quotations

BROWNRIGG, Ronald 1971 B783 Who'who in the New Testament

BRUCE Brenda 1985 C640 Nurse in Romeo and Juliet

In Players of Shakespeare

BRUCE Douglas 1903 A001 Le Morte Arthur

BRUCE John 1968 B270 Letters of Queen Elizabeth and King James VI. of Scotland

BRUCKER, Gene A. 1963 B764/5 Sorcery in Early Renaissance Florence

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume X. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

BRUNET, LAB & ROSSIGNOL (ed.) 1995 D067 La nouvelle thèse en question: bilan et perspectives BRUSTEIN, Robert 1966 B546 The Monstrous regiment of Women

In Renaissance and Modern Essays

BRUSTER Douglas 1992 C907 Drama and the market in the age of Shakespeare

BRUSTER, Douglas. 2001 D279 Shakespeare and the End of History: Period as Brand Name

In Shakespeare and Modernity

BRUZZI, Zara 1995 P5/37 'I find myself un paradis'd': The Integrity of Daniel's Dalia

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°48

BRUZZI Zara and BROMHAM A.A. 1993 C995 'The soil alters; Y'are in another country' : multiple perspectives and political resonances in Middletons In Shakespeare's Italy

BRY André 1968 A515/2 Middleton et le public des "City comedies"

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

BRYANT, Arthur 1968 C155 Restoration England

BRYANT J.A. 1973 B991 The Linked Analogies of Richard II

In Shakespeare: Richard II, A Casebook. Brooke Nicholas (editor)

BRYANT, J.A. Jr. 1973 B980 The Linked Analogies of Richard II

In Shakespeare, Richard II, a Casebook BRYANT J.A. Jr 1986 C817 Shakespeare and the Uses of Comedy

BRYANT, Joseph Allen 1954 P1/1954/I-III Catiline and the Nature of Jonson's Tragic Fable

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°69

BRYANT Joseph Allen, Jr 1963 C470 Catiline and the nature of Jonson's tragic fable

In Ben Jonson : a collection of critical essays

BRYDEN Ronald 1972 B872 View-halloo Volpone

In Jonson: Volpone, A Casebook. Barish Jonas A. (editor)

BRYER Anthony 1971 B507 Europe and th Wider World to the Fifteenth Century

In The Making of the Modern World: volume I, Europe Discovers the World. Johnson Douglas (editor)

BRYNKLEY Roberta Florence 1967 A647 Arthurian Legend in the Seventeenth Century

BUCHANAN George 1999 D235 From A History of Scotland

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

BUCHANAN George 1999 D235 From The Powers of the Crown in Scotland

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

BUCHMAN Lorne M. A623 Orson' s Welles' s Othello : A Study of Time in Shakespeare' s Tragedy

In Shakespeare Survey No 39 BUCKINGHAM Elizabeth Lee 1966 P1/1928/II Campion's Art of English Poesie and Middleton's Chaste Maid in Cheapside

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°43

BUCKNILL John Charles 1969 B080 The Mad Folk

BUEGESS Anthony 1970 B433 Shakespeare

BUFFUM Imbrie 1964 B021 Studies in the Baroque from Montaigne to Rotrou

BÜHLER, Curt F. 1954 B764/1 The Earliest Editions of Juvenal

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume II. Shaaber M. A.(editor)

BÜHLER, Curt F. 1959 B764/3 "At thy golg first eut of the hous Ulysse the saynge thus"

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VI. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

BUHLER, Stephen M. 1995 P5/36 'By The Mass, our Hearts are in the Trim' : Catholicism and British Identity in Oliver's Henry V

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°47

BÜLDRING Karl D. 1891 A140 The Earliest Complete English Prose Psalter . Part I

BULLEN A.H. 1962 A747 Elizabethans BULLEN A.H. 1964 A899/3 An English Garner: Shorter Elizabethan Poems

BULLEN A.H. 1964 A899/4 An English Garner: Some Longer Elizabethan Poems

BULLEN A.H. 1964 C324/8 The works of Thomas Middleton volume the eighth

BULLEN A.H. 1964 C324/5 The works of Thomas Middleton volume the fifth

BULLEN A.H. 1964 C324/1 The works of Thomas Middleton volume the first

BULLEN A.H. 1964 C324/4 The works of Thomas Middleton volume the fourth

BULLEN A.H. 1964 C324/2 The works of Thomas Middleton volume the second

BULLEN A.H. 1964 C324/7 The works of Thomas Middleton volume the seventh

BULLEN A.H. 1964 C324/6 The works of Thomas Middleton volume the sixth BULLEN A.H. 1964 C324/3 The works of Thomas Middleton volume the third

BULLEN A.H. 1979 C779 From 'The Works of Christopher Marlowe', 1885

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

BULLEN A.H. (editor) 1964 B604/1 A Collection of Old English Plays, volume I

BULLEN A.H. (editor) 1964 B604/2 A Collection of Old English Plays, volume III

BULLEN A.H. (editor) 1964 B604/4 The Works of Robert Davenport, volume III

BULLEN A.H. (editor) 1964 B604/3 The Works of Thomas Nabbes, volume I

BULLEN, Arthur Henry 1970 C257/1 The Works of John Marston (vol.I)

BULLEN, Arthur Henry 1970 C257/2 The Works of John Marston ( vol.II)

BULLEN, Arthur Henry 1970 C257/3 The Works of John Marston (vol.III) BULLEN J.B. 1993 D033 Coleridge and Early Italian Art

In English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference

BULLEN Mark W. and A.H. 1888 A112 Adialogue against the Feuer Pestilence

BULLOCK Christopher 1969 A857 The Cobler of Preston(1723)

BULLOCK Helene B. 1966 P1/1927/II Thomas Middleton and the Fashion in Playmaking

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°42

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1964 A295/1 A Midsummer Night' s Dream

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare(Vol I:Early Comedies, Poems, Romeo and Juliet)

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1964 A295/5 antony and Cleopatra

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1964 A295/5 Coronialus

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1964 A295/5 Julius Caesar

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1964 A295/1 Love' s Labour Lost

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare(Vol I:Early Comedies, Poems, Romeo and Juliet) BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1964 A295/5 Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1964 A295/1 Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare(Vol I:Early Comedies, Poems, Romeo and Juliet)

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1964 A295/1 Romeo and Juliet

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare(Vol I:Early Comedies, Poems, Romeo and Juliet)

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1964 A701 Sénèque, Geville et le jeune Shakespeare

In Les tragédies de Sénèque et le théâtre de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1964 A295/1 The Comedy of Errors

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare(Vol I:Early Comedies, Poems, Romeo and Juliet)

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1964 A295/1 The Merchant of Venice

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare(Vol I:Early Comedies, Poems, Romeo and Juliet)

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1964 A295/1 The Rape of Lucrece

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare(Vol I:Early Comedies, Poems, Romeo and Juliet)

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1964 A295/1 The Taming of the Shrew

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare(Vol I:Early Comedies, Poems, Romeo and Juliet)

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1964 A295/1 The Two Gentlemen of Verona

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare(Vol I:Early Comedies, Poems, Romeo and Juliet) BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1964 A977 The Uses of History

In Shakespeare's World

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1964 A295/1 Venus and Adonis

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare(Vol I:Early Comedies, Poems, Romeo and Juliet)

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1966 A295/4 Henry IV

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1966 A295/4 Henry V

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1966 A295/4 Henry VIII

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1966 A295/3 HenryVI

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1966 A295/4 King John

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1966 A295/3 Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1966 A295/4 Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1966 A295/6 Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1966 A295/6 Pericles, Prince of Tyre

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH, Geoffrey 1966 B546 Polygamy among the Reformers

In Renaissance and Modern Essays

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1966 A295/3 Richard Ii

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1966 A295/3 Richard III

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1966 A295/6 Timon of Athens

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1966 A295/6 Titus Andronicus

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1966 A295/6 Troilus and Cressida

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1968 A295/2 All's Well That Ends Well

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1968 A295/2 As you Like It

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1968 A295/2 Measure for Measure

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1968 A295/2 Much Ado About Nothing

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1968 A295/2 Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare: The Comedies, volume 2

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1968 A295/2 The Merry Wives of Windsor

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1968 A295/2 Twelffh Night

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1969 A600 Attitudes to Caesar before Shakespeare

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1970 B320/68 Shakespeare

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1968)

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1973 A295/7 Hamlet

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1973 A295/7 king Lear

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1973 A295/7 Macbeth

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1973 A295/7 Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1973 A295/7 Othello

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1975 A295/8 Cymbeline

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1975 A295/8 Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1975 A295/8 The Tempest

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1975 A295/8 the Winter's Tale

In Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare

BULLOUGH Geoffrey 1999 D260 The Literary Background of Richard III

In Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Richard III BULLOUGH Jeoffrey 1980 C500 The defence of paradox

In Shakespeare's styles

BULMAN J.C. 1988 C716 "AsYou Like It" and the perils of pastoral

In Shakespeare on television

BULMAN J.C. 1988 C716 The BBC Shakespeare and "House Style"

In Shakespeare on television

BULMAN J.C. & COURSEN H.R. 1988 C716 Reviewing Shakespeare : An introduction

In Shakespeare on television

BULMAN James 1990 C780 Caroline drama

In The Cambridge Companion to English Drama

BULMAN James C. 1974 C409 The date and production of Timon reconsidered

In Shakespeare Survey 27

BULMAN James C. 1976 C399 Shakespeare's use of the Timon comedy

In Shakespeare Survey 29

BULMAN James C. 1985 C663 Shakespeare's georgic histories

In Shakespeare survey 38

BULMAN James C. 1985 C689 The heroïc idiom of Shakespearean tragedy BULMAN James C. 1991 C800 Shakespeare in Performance :The Merchant of Venice

BULMAN James C. & COURSEN Herbert R. 1988 C716 Shakespeare on television : An anthology of essays and reviews

BUNYAN John 1957 A675 The Pilgrims Progress : in the Similitude of a Dream

In Seventeenth-Century : English Prose

BURCH Noel 1980 C591 Porter ou l'ambivalence

In Le cinéma américain . Tome I

BURCKHARDT Sigurd 1967 A917 The Merchant of Venice: The Gentle Bond

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

BURCKHARDT Sigurd 1969 A597 The Merchant of Venice : The Gentle Bond

In Shakespeare : The Merchant of Venice

BURCKHART Sigurd 1968 B418 Shakespearean Meanings

BURDEN Dennis H. 1985 C663 Shakespeare History plays : 1952-1983

In Shakespeare survey 38

BURGESS, Anthony 1972 B922 Hamlet: World Première

In Shakespeare in the New World BURGESS Anthony 1978 C494 Will and testament

In Shakespeare : pattern of excelling nature

BURGESS C.F. 1966 A404 The Letters of John Gay

BURKE James F. 1970 B816 The Libro del Cavallero Zifar and the Medieval Sermon

In Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, volume I. White Lynn (editor)

BURKE Kenneth 1970 B582 Coriolanus -and the Delights of Faction

In Twentieth Century Interpretations of Coriolanus. Phillips James E. (editor)

BURKE Peter 1969 A886 The Renaissance of the Past

BURKHAM, Katherine 1986 D098 The Arrival of Godot

BURN Michael 1969 B471 Why no Henry VII ? (with a postscript on Malvolio's Revenge)

In Manner and Meaning in Shakespeare. Jackson B.A.W. (editor)

BURNETT, Mark Thornton 1996 D135 Shakespeare's Life, Times, and Stage

In Shakespeare Survey 49

BURNS, Edward 1996 D068 The Human and the Mortal in A Midsummer Night's Dream

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture BURNS, Edward octobre 1988 P5/23 Seeing is Believing: The Chester Play of the Nativity at Chester Cathedral, Summer 1987

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 34

BURSHATIN Israel 1986 C946 The Moor in the Text: Metaphor, Emblem, and Silence

In Race, Writing, and Difference

BURT, Richard 1993 D161 Licensed by Authority. Ben Jonson and the Discourses of Censorship.

BURT, Richard 1997 D142 The Love That Dare Not Speak Shakespeare's Name : New Shakesqueer Cinema

In Shakespeare, the Movie Popularizing the Plays on Film, TV,and Video

BURTON, Elizabeth 1958 C180 The Elizabethans at Home

BURTON, Jonathan. 1998 D285 'A most wily bird': Leo Africanus, Othello and the Trafficking in Difference

In Post-Colonial Shakespeares

BURTON K. M. P. 1965 A339 Restoration Literature

BURTON Robert 1957 A675 The Anatomy of Melancholy (extracts)

In Seventeenth-Century : English Prose

BURTON Robert 1964 A268/2 The Anatomy of Melancholy, volume II BURTON Robert 1964 A268/3 The Anatomy of Melancholy, volume III

BURTON Robert 1968 A268/1 The Anatomy of Melancholy, volume I

BUSH Douglas 1951 B558 Milton

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

BUSH Douglas 1959 B375 Classical Myth in Shakespeare's Plays

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies, presented to Frank Percy Wilson

BUSH Douglas 1966 P1/1929/II Notes on Marlowe's Hero and Leander

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°44

BUSH Douglas 1969 A915 Classical Myth in Shakespeare's Plays

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies

BUSH Douglas 1969 A635 Marvell's 'Horatian Ode'

In Marvell (Modern Judgements). Wilding Michael (editor)

BUSH Douglas 1969 B174 Mythology and the Romantic Tradition in English Poetry

BUSH Douglas 1997 D193 Venus and Adonis and Mythology(1932)

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays BUSHNELL Nelson S. 1966 P1/1932/II Natural Supernaturalism in The Tempest

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°47

BUTLER, Christophe & FOWLER, Alaister 1964 C204 Time Beguiling Sport : Number Symbolism in Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis

In Shakespeare 1564-1964

BUTLER, Christopher 1984 D190 Interpretation, Deconstruction, and Ideolody

BUTLER Christopher and FOWLER Alastair 1997 D193 Time-Beguiling Sport: Number Symbolism in Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis (1964)

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

BUTLER John 1994 P5/34 The Mirror of a King : the Earl of Orrery and Shakespeare on King Henry V

In Cahiers Elisabéthains, no 45, April 1994

BUTLER, John 1994 P5/34 The Mirror of a King: The Earl of Orrery and Shakespeare on King Henry V

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°45

BUTLER Martin 1984 C737 Theatre and crisis, 1632-1642

BUTLER Martin 1985 C953 Romans in Britain: The Roman Actor and the Early Stuart Classical Play

In Philip Massinger : A Critical Reassessment

BUTLER Martin 1988 C724 Love's Sacrifice : Ford's Metatheatrical Tragedy

In John Ford : Critical Re-Visions BUTLER Martin 1989 C862 The Selected Plays of Ben Jonson . Volume 2

BUTLER Martin 1990 C780 Private and occasional drama

In The Cambridge Companion to English Drama

BUTLER Martin 1992 C933 Late Jonson

In The Politics of Tragicomedy

BUTLER Martin 1994 C934 A New Way To Pay Old Debts : Massinger’s grim comedy

In English Comedy

BUTLER, Martin 1994 D226 Ben Jonson and the Limits of Courtly Panegyric

In Culture and Politics in Early Stuart England. Sharpe, Kevin and Lake, Peter (editors)

BUTLER Samuel 1957 A675 A Modern Politician

In Seventeenth-Century : English Prose

BUTTERFIELD Herbert 1964 B514 Basil Willey: A Tribute

In The English Mind. Davies Hugh Sykes and Watson George (editors)

BUXTON John 1966 A986 Sir Philip Sydney and the English Renaissance

BUXTON John 1980 C533 Two dead birds : a note on The Phoenix and Turtle

In English Renaissance studies presented to Dame Helen Gardner in honour of her seventieth birthday BYLEBYL, Jerome J. 1972 C184/2 Cesalpino and Harvey on the Portal Circulation

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol. II)

BYRNE Clare (editor) 1949 A610 The Elizabethan Home Dicovered in Two Dialogues by Claudius Hollyband and Peter Erondell

C.E.R.A.N. 1990 C773 Shakespeare : Troilus and Cressida

C.E.R.R.A. Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier III 1999 P5/46 Cahiers Elizabéthains n°56

C.E.S.R. 1984 C583 Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées

C.N.R.S. 1959 A606 Charles-Quint et son Temps

C. R. 1974 C311 The danger of masquerades and raree-shows

In The Danger of Masquerades and Raree-Shows, The Dancing Devils, and A Letter to My Lord

C.W.W. 1977 P5/1 Agnes Latham, ed., As You Like It (Arden Shakespeare)

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 12

CADBURY H.J. 1969 B818 Spinoza and a Quaker Document of 1657

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond CAESWELL John and DRALLE Lewis Arnold 1965 A333 The Political Journal of George Bubb Dodington

CAILLOIS Roland 1965 A693 La Tragédie et le principe de la personnalité

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

CAIN Tom 1997 D154 'Comparisons and wounding flouts' : Love's Labour s Lost and the Tradition of Personal Satire

In Shakespearean Continuities

CAIRD John 1989 C787 The Director in the Swan

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan

CAKEBREAD, Caroline. 1999 D282 Remembering King Lear in Jane Smiley's A Thousand Acres

In Shakespeare and Appropriation

CALDERWOOD, James L. 1971 B646 Shakespearean Metadrama

CALDERWOOD James L. 1979 C516 Metadrama in Shakespeare's Henriad : Richard II to Henry V

CALDERWOOD James L. 1983 C576 To be and not to be : negation and metadrama in Hamlet

CALDERWOOD James L 1992 C893 A Midsummer Night’s Dream CALDERWOOD James L. 1992 D009 Richard II : Metadrama and the Fall of Speech

In Shakespeare's History Plays : Richard II to Henry V

CALDERWOOD James L. 1992 D011 Verbal Presence : Conceptual Absence

In Hamlet

CALDERWOOD James L. 1993 C927 Signs, Speech, and Self

In Shakespeare’s Middle Tragedies

CALLAGHAN Dympna 1989 C872 Woman and Gender in Renaissance Tragedy

CALLAGHAN Dympna 1996 D206 'Othello Was A White Man' : Properties of Race on Shakespeare' s Stage

In Alternative Shakespeares, Vol II

CALLAGHAN Dympna 1996 D121 'Othello Was A White Man' : Properties of Race on Shakespeare' s Stage

In Alternative Shakespeares, Vol II

CALLAGHAN, Dympna. 2001 D280 Looking Well to Linens: Women and Cultural Production in Othello and Shakespeare's England

In Marxist Shakespeares

CALLUS D.A. 1969 B818 Philip the Chancellor and the De Anima Ascribed to Robert Grosseteste

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond

CAMDEN William B814 The History of the Most Renowned and Victorious Princess Elizabeth, Late Queen of England CAMÉ J.F. 1977 P5/1 A Note on Shakespeare's Cleopatra and Milton's Dalila

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 12

CAME, Jean-François 1978 P5/3 The World Picture in Milton's Samson Agonistes

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 14

CAME, Jean-François 1979 P5/6 Marvell's Platonism in The Garden

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 17

CAME, Jean-François 1980 P5/7 Imagery in Browne's Religio Medici

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 18

CAME, Jean-François 1982 P5/11 Les Eléments du merveilleux dans Comus et Paradise Lost

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 22

CAMERON Kenneth Walter 1966 P1/1932/II Othello, Quarter I, Reconsidered

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°47

CAMERON, Kenneth Walter 1966 P1/1934/II The Text of Othello: an Analysis

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°49

CAMERON W.J. 1981 C551 The future of Dryden bibliography

In Poetry and drama 1570-1700

CAMERON, William J. 1972 B852 John Dryden's Jacobinism

In Restoration Literature CAMPBELL Jackson J. 1958 P1/1958/IV A New Troilus Fragment

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°73

CAMPBELL, Lily B. 1952 P1/1952/II Doctor Faustus: A Case of Conscience

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°67

CAMPBELL Lily B. 1961 A407 Divine Poetry and Drama in Sixteenth-Century England

CAMPBELL Lily B. 1962 A602 Shakespeare's Tragic Heroes

CAMPBELL Lily B. 1968 A413 Shakespeare' s "Histories": Mirrors of Elizabethan Policy

CAMPBELL Lily B. 1970 B521 The Mirror for Magistrates

CAMPBELL Oscar and QUINN Edward 1966 A502 A Shakespeare Encyclopaedia

CAMPBELL Oscar James 1970 C513 Comicall satyre and Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida

CAMPBELL Oscar James 1970 B885 Coriolanus

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F. CAMPBELL Oscar James 1970 B582 Shakespeare's Satire: Coriolanus

In Twentieth Century Interpretations of Coriolanus. Phillips James E. (editor)

CAMPBELL, Oscar James 1971 C136 Shakespeare's Satire

CAMPION Jasper 1964 A899/8 The English Trade to Scio, 1539-70

In An English Garner: Voyages and Travels mainly during the 16th and 17th Centuries

CAMPION Thomas 1967 A256/2 Observations in the Art of English Poesie.1602

In Elizabethan Critical Essays, volume II

CAMPION Thomas 1967 A173 The Lords' Masque (1613)

In A Book of Masques

CANAC François 1956 A629 Adaptation des théâtres antiques aux problèmes d'acoustique intéressant l'acteur et le spectateur

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

CANAC François 1969 A528 Acoustique des Théâtres

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs)

CANDIDO, Joseph 1983 P5/12 Fashioning Henry VIII: what Shakespeare saw in When You See Me, You Know Me

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 23

CANFIELD, D. & PAYNE, D. 1995 D062 Cultural Readings of Restoration and Eighteenth-Century English Theater CANNON Charles Dale 1975 C821 A Warning for Fair Women : A Critical Edition

CaNNY N. and PAGDEN A. 1987 C952 Afterword: From Identity to Independence

In Colonial Identity in the Atlantic World, 1500-1800

CANNY Nicholas 1987 C952 Identity Formation in Ireland: The Emergence of the Anglo-Irish

In Colonial Identity in the Atlantic World, 1500-1800

CANNY Nicholas & PAGDEN Anthony 1987 C952 Colonial Identity in the Atlantic World, 1500-1800

CANTIMORI Delio 1959 A606 L'influence du manifeste de Charles-Quint contre Clément VII (1526) et de quelques documents similaires de la littérature philoprotestante et anticuriale d'Italie In Charles-Quint et son Temps. C.N.R.S

CANTOR Paul Arthur 1989 C736 Shakespeare, Hamlet

CAPE Safford 1960 A698 A propos d'enregistrements de danses du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance

In La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean

CAPELL Edward 1979 C537 Introduction to Shakespeare, 1768

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

CAPELL Edward 1979 C537 Notes on Shakespeare, 1774

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774 CAPELL Edward 1981 C512 Notes on Shakespeare, 1780

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

CAPELLE, Alex 1983 P5/13 The Misadventures of Julius Caesar

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 24

CAPLAN Betty 1997 D193 Almeida: Venus and Lucrece (1988)

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

CAPP, Al 1965 C266 "It's hideously true"

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

CAPP, Al 1965 C266 The Comedy of Charlie Chaplin

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

CAPP, B.S. 1972 B905 The Fifth Monarchy Men

CARANDE Ramòn 1959 A606 Carlos V: viajes, cartas y deudas

In Charles-Quint et son Temps. C.N.R.S

CARBY Hazel V. 1986 C946 “On the Threshold of Woman’s Era”: Lynching, Empire, and Sexuality in Black Feminist Theory

In Race, Writing, and Difference

CARDOZO Jacob LOPES 1925 A998 The Contemporary Jew in the Elizabethan Drama CARDUCCI Jane S. 1987 P5/20 Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus : An Experiment in Expression

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°31

CAREW Richard 1967 A256/2 The Excellency of the English Tongue. ? 1595-6

In Elizabethan Critical Essays, volume II

CAREY, John 1969 B930 Milton

CAREY John 1970 B260 Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Prose

In English Poetry and Prose(1540-1674)

CAREY John 1980 C533 Donne and coins

In English Renaissance studies presented to Dame Helen Gardner in honour of her seventieth birthday

CAREY John 1980 C533 English Renaissance studies presented to Dame Helen Gardner in honour of her seventieth birthday

CARLISLE Carol J. C456 Two notes on Helen Faucit

In Theatre notebook . Volume XXX . Numbers 2 &3

CARLISLE Carol Jones 1969 A948 Shakespeare from the Greenroom

CARLISLE John 1989 C787 Acting in the Swan

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan Carol Chillington Rutter 2000 D250 Looking at Shakespeare's women on film

In Shakespeare on film

CAROLL William C. 1993 C927 “The Base Shall Top Th’Legitimate”: The Beldam Beggar and The Role of Edgar in King Lear

In Shakespeare’s Middle Tragedies

CAROLY, Marie-Antoinette 1972 M07 Mock-Heroic and Burlesque in Beaumont and Fletcher's The Knight of the Burning Pestle

CARPENTER Nan Cooke 1968 A752 Music in the English Mystery Plays

In Music in English Renaissance Drama

CARPENTER, Nan Cooke 1972 B938 Music in the Secunda Pastorum

In Medieval English Drama

CARRASCO URGOÏTI Soledad 1975 C415 Les fêtes équestres dans Les Guerres Civiles de Grenade de Pérez de Hita

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

CARRÈRE Félix 1951 A433 Le Théatre de Thomas KYD: Contribution à l' Étude du Drame Élizabethain

CARROLL Claire 1997 D201 Humanism and English literature in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries

In The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism

CARROLL Daniel Allen 1994 C983 Greene's groatsworth of wit : bought with a million of repentance(1592) / attributed to Henry Chettle and Robert Greene CARROLL William C. 1980 C594 The ending of Twelfth Night and the tradition of metamorphosis

In Shakespearean Comedy

CARROLL William C. 1992 D045 "The Form of Law" : Ritual and Succession in Richard III

In True Rites and Maimed Rites : Ritual and Anti-Ritual in Shakespeare and his Age

CARROLL William C. 1994 C984 The Virgin Not : Language and Sexuality in Shakespeare

In Shakespeare Survey 46

CARSLILE Carol J. 1986 C664 Macready's production of Cymbeline

In Shakespeare and the Victorian stage

CARSON Neil C455 The Elizabethan soliloquy - Direct address or monologue

In Theatre notebook . Volume XXX . Number 1

CARSON Neil 1976 C399 The staircases of the frame : new light on the structure of the globe

In Shakespeare Survey 29

CARSON R.A.G. 1969 A600 The Ides of March

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

CARTELLI Thomas 1987 C733 Prospero in Africa: The Tempest as colonialist text and pretext

In Shakespeare reproduced : the text in history and ideology

CARTELLI, Thomas. 1999 D284 Repositioning Shakespeare CARTMELL Deborah 2000 D250 Franco Zefirelli and Shakespeare

In Shakespeare on film

CARTWRIGHT Kent 1991 C991 Shakespearean tragedy and its double : the rythms of audience response

CASETTI Francesco 1980 C605 Le texte du film

In La théorie du film

CASSON, L.F. 1963 B764/5 A Manuscript of Landino's Xandra in South Africa

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume X. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

CASTAY Marie Thérèse 1984 C606 Du Cat Goddeu à Birnam Wood

In Caliban n° XXI

CASTEIN Hanne 1979 C531 German social drama in the 1960s

In Drama and society

CASTELLANI, Carlo 1972 C184/2 The Problem of Generation in Bonnet and in Buffon : a Critical Comparison

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol. II)

CASTELLANI Victor 1988 C879 Plautus versus Komoidia : popular farce at Rome

In Farce

CASTELLANI Victor 1990 C878 Drama and Aristotle

In Drama and Philosophy Catherine M.S. ALEXANDER 1998 D200 Shakespeare and the Eighteenth Century: Criticism and Research

In Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century, Shakespeare Survey n°51

CAUDROIT SACHSE, Claudine 1971 M05 Foolery and Wisdom in As You Like It and Twelfth Night

CAUTHEN Irby B. (editor) 1966 A482 The Coxcomb

In The Dramatic Work in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon, volume I

CAVELL Stanley 1985 C672 "Who does the wolf love?" : Coriolanus and the interpretations of politics

In Shakespeare and the question of theory

CAVELL Stanley 1987 C723 Disowning knowledge : in six plays of Shakespeare

CAVELL Stanley 1993 C927 The Avoidance of Love: A Reading of King Lear

In Shakespeare’s Middle Tragedies

CAVENDISH Margaret 1974 C379/1 On Shakespeare's wit, 1662

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

CAWLEY A.C. 1968 A373 The Wakefield Pageants in the Towneley Cycle

CAWLEY A.C. 1969 A581 A Yorkshire Tragedy and Two Most Vnnaturall and Bloody Murthers

In The Morality of Art CAWLEY A.C. 1969 A578 Chaucer' s Mind and Art

CAWLEY A.C. 1969 A578 Chaucer' s Valentine : The Parlement of Foules

In Chaucer' s Mind and Art

CAWLEY A.C. 1974 C469 Everyman and medieval miracle plays

CAWLEY Robert Ralston 1966 P1/1926/II Shakspere's Use of the Voyagers in The Tempest

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°41

CAWLEY Robert Ralston 1967 A579 Unpathed Waters : Studies in the Influence of the Voyagers on Elizabethan Literature

CAWTE E.C., HELM Alex & PEACOCK N. 1967 A725 English Ritual Drama

CAXTON W. 1900 A014 Dialogues in French and English

CAXTON William 1885 A004 The Right Pleasaunt and Goodly Historie of the Foure Sonnes of Aymon

CAXTON William 1913 A038 The History of Jason CAYGILL, Howard. 2000 D281 Shakespeare's Monster of Nothing

In Philosophical Shakespeares

CECIL David 1968 B303 Poets and Story-Tellers

CENTERWALL, Brandon S. Avril 1999 P5/45 Identifying 'GlareanusVadianus' as John Sanford

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 55

CENTLIVRE Susanna 1969 A992 A Bold Stroke for a Wife

Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la 1998 P5/44 Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 54

Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la 1999 P5/45 Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 55

Centre de recherches sur la Renaissance 1976 C389 Misère et gueuserie au temps de la Renaissance

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 1971 P3 Bulletin signalétique 523: Histoire et science de la littérature (table des auteurs) volume XXV

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 1971 P3/1 Bulletin signalétique 523: Histoire et science de la littérature, volume XXV, n°1 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 1971 P3/2 Bulletin signalétique 523: Histoire et science de la littérature, volume XXV, n°2

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 1971 P3/3 Bulletin signalétique 523: Histoire et science de la littérature, volume XXV, n°3

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 1971 P3/4 Bulletin signalétique 523: Histoire et science de la littérature, volume XXV, n°4

CERASANO S.P. 1994 C985 Tamburlaine and Edward Alleyn's Ring

In Shakespeare Survey 47

CERASANO & WYNNE-DAVIES (eds) 1996 D077 Renaissance Drama by Women - Texts & Documents

CERRETA, Florindo V. 1957 B764/2 Alessandro Piccolomini's Commentary on the Poetics of Aristotle

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume IV. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

CETAS 1981 D002 Aspects du théatre Anglo-saxon

CHACRAVORTY SPIVAK Gayatri 1986 C946 Three Women’s Texts and a Critique of Imperialism

In Race, Writing, and Difference

CHADWICK Charles 1971 C662 Symbolism CHADWICK, Charles 1971 B776 The Critical Idiom vol 14 : Symbolism

CHAILLEY Jacques 1954 A700 Esprit et technique du chromatisme de la Renaissance

In Musique et Poésie au XVIè siècle. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

CHAILLEY Jacques 1956 A629 La notion d'échelle d'observation appliquée à l'analyse musicale

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

CHAILLON Paule 1961 A699 Les musiciens du Nord à la Cour de Louis XII

In La Renaissance dans les Provinces du Nord

CHALKER John 1964 B320/64 The Eighteenth Century

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1964)

CHALMERS, George 1971 C026 A Supplemental Apology for the Believers in the Shakespeare-papers Being a Reply to Mr. Malone's Answer

CHALMERS, George 1971 C025 An Apology for the Believers in the Shakespeare-Papers which were Exhibited in Norfolk Street

CHAMBERLAYNE Edward 1986 B715 Angliae Notitia, or, The Present State of England

In Restoration and Revolution. Myers William (editor)

CHAMBERS, A.B. 1961 B764/4 'I was but an inverted tree': Notes Toward the History of an Idea

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VIII CHAMBERS A.B. & FROST William 1974 C348 The works of John Dryden volume IV Poems 1693-1696

CHAMBERS E.K. 1925 A756 shakespeare : A Survey

CHAMBERS E.K. 1966 A495/1 William Shakespeare: AStudy of Facts and Problems, volume I

CHAMBERS E.K. 1966 A495/2 William Shakespeare: AStudy of Facts and Problems, volume II

CHAMBERS E. K. 1967 A296/1 The Elizabethan Stage, volume I

CHAMBERS E. K. 1967 A296/2 The Elizabethan Stage, volume II

CHAMBERS E. K. 1967 A296/3 The Elizabethan Stage, volume III

CHAMBERS E. K. 1967 A296/4 The Elizabethan Stage, volume IV

CHAMBERS E. K. 1967 A297/1 TheMedieval Stage, volume I CHAMBERS E. K. 1967 A297/2 TheMedieval Stage, volume II

CHAMBERS R.W.(1874-1942) 1963 A292 Measure for Measure

In Shakespeare Criticism

CHAMPETIER Georges 1956 A629 Esthétique et chimie

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

CHAMPION Larry S. 1967 A913 Ben Jonson' s 'Dotages': a Reconsideration of the Late Plays

CHAMPION Larry S. 1967 B438 Ben Jonson's 'Dotages': a Reconsideratioon of the Late Plays

CHAMPION Larry S. 1976 C449 Shakespeare's tragic perspective : the development of his dramatic technique

CHAMPION Larry S. 1986 C805 The Essential Shakespeare : An annotated bibliography of major modern studies

CHAPMAN George 1933 A174 Bussy d'Ambois

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

CHAPMAN George 1939 A639 Bussy D'Ambois

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor) CHAPMAN George 1961 A261/1 All Fools

In The Comedies Volume I. The Plays of George Chapman, edited with introductions and notes by Thomas Marc Parrot

CHAPMAN George 1961 A261/1 An Humourous Day's Mirth

In The Comedies Volume I. The Plays of George Chapman, edited with introductions and notes by Thomas Marc Parrot

CHAPMAN George 1961 A260/1 Bussy D'Ambois

In The Tragedies Volume I. The Plays of George Chapman, edited with introductions and notes by Thomas Marc Parrot.

CHAPMAN George 1961 A261/2 Eastward Ho

In The Comedies Volume II. The Plays of George Chapman, edited with introductions and notes by Thomas Marc Parrot

CHAPMAN George 1961 A261/1 May Day

In The Comedies Volume I. The Plays of George Chapman, edited with introductions and notes by Thomas Marc Parrot

CHAPMAN George 1961 A261/1 Monsieur D'Olive

In The Comedies Volume I. The Plays of George Chapman, edited with introductions and notes by Thomas Marc Parrot

CHAPMAN George 1961 A260/2 Revenge for Honour

In The Tragedies Volume II. The Plays of George Chapman, edited with introductions and notes by Thomas Marc Parrot.

CHAPMAN George 1961 A261/2 Sir Giles Goosecap

In The Comedies Volume II. The Plays of George Chapman, edited with introductions and notes by Thomas Marc Parrot

CHAPMAN George 1961 A261/2 The Ball

In The Comedies Volume II. The Plays of George Chapman, edited with introductions and notes by Thomas Marc Parrot CHAPMAN George 1961 A261/1 The Blind Beggar of Alexandria

In The Comedies Volume I. The Plays of George Chapman, edited with introductions and notes by Thomas Marc Parrot

CHAPMAN George 1961 A261/1 The Comedies Volume I

In The Plays of George Chapman, edited with introductions and notes by Thomas Marc Parrot

CHAPMAN George 1961 A261/2 The Comedies Volume II

In The Plays of George Chapman, edited with introductions and notes by Thomas Marc Parrot

CHAPMAN George 1961 A260/1 The Cospiracy and Tragedy of Charles Duke of Byron

In The Tragedies Volume I. The Plays of George Chapman, edited with introductions and notes by Thomas Marc Parrot.

CHAPMAN George 1961 A261/1 The Gentleman Usher

In The Comedies Volume I. The Plays of George Chapman, edited with introductions and notes by Thomas Marc Parrot

CHAPMAN George 1961 A261/2 The Masque of the Middle Temple and Lincoln's Inn

In The Comedies Volume II. The Plays of George Chapman, edited with introductions and notes by Thomas Marc Parrot

CHAPMAN George 1961 A260/1 The Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois

In The Tragedies Volume I. The Plays of George Chapman, edited with introductions and notes by Thomas Marc Parrot.

CHAPMAN George 1961 A260/1 The Tragedies Volume I

In The Plays of George Chapman, edited with introductions and notes by Thomas Marc Parrot

CHAPMAN George 1961 A260/2 The Tragedies Volume II

In The Plays of George Chapman, edited with introductions and notes by Thomas Marc Parrot CHAPMAN George 1961 A260/2 The Tragedy of Alphonsus Emperor of Germany

In The Tragedies Volume II. The Plays of George Chapman, edited with introductions and notes by Thomas Marc Parrot.

CHAPMAN George 1961 A260/2 The Tragedy of Caesar and Pompey

In The Tragedies Volume II. The Plays of George Chapman, edited with introductions and notes by Thomas Marc Parrot.

CHAPMAN George 1961 A260/1 The Tragedy of Chabot Admiral of France

In The Tragedies Volume I. The Plays of George Chapman, edited with introductions and notes by Thomas Marc Parrot.

CHAPMAN George 1961 A261/1 The Widow's Tears

In The Comedies Volume I. The Plays of George Chapman, edited with introductions and notes by Thomas Marc Parrot

CHAPMAN George 1963 B176 Ovids Banquet of Sense

In Elizabethan Minor Epics

CHAPMAN George 1963 B176 The Divine Poem of Musoeus: Hero and Leander

In Elizabethan Minor Epics

CHAPMAN George 1964 A231 Bussy D'Ambois

CHAPMAN George 1964 A462 Bussy D'Ambois

CHAPMAN George 1967 B017 Hero and Leander(1598)

In Elizabethan Narrative Verse CHAPMAN George 1967 A256/2 I. Preface to Seavev Bookes of the Iliades of Homere. 1598/ II. Dedication, &c. of Achilles Shield. 1598 In Elizabethan Critical Essays, volume II

CHAPMAN George 1967 B017 Ovids Banquet of Sence(1595)

In Elizabethan Narrative Verse

CHAPMAN George 1967 B435 The Widow' s Tears

CHAPMAN George 1968 A229 All Fools

CHAPMAN George 1969 A290 Bussy D' Ambois

In Five Stuart Tragedies, ed. with an Introduction by McILLWRAITH A.K.

CHAPMAN George 1970 B496 All Fools

In The Plays: The Comedies (ed. Holaday Allan)

CHAPMAN George 1970 B496 An Humourous Day's Mirth

In The Plays: The Comedies (ed. Holaday Allan)

CHAPMAN George 1970 B496 May Day

In The Plays: The Comedies (ed. Holaday Allan)

CHAPMAN George 1970 B496 Monsieur D'Olive

In The Plays: The Comedies (ed. Holaday Allan) CHAPMAN George 1970 B496 The Blind Beggar of Alexandria

In The Plays: The Comedies (ed. Holaday Allan)

CHAPMAN George 1970 A463 The Gentleman Usher

CHAPMAN George 1970 B496 The Gentleman Usher

In The Plays: The Comedies (ed. Holaday Allan)

CHAPMAN George 1970 B496 The Memorable Masque

In The Plays: The Comedies (ed. Holaday Allan)

CHAPMAN George 1970 B496 The Plays: The Comedies (ed. Holaday Allan)

CHAPMAN George 1970 B496 The Window's Tears

In The Plays: The Comedies (ed. Holaday Allan)

CHAPMAN George 1979 C779 From 'Hero and Leander', theThird Sestyad

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

CHAPMAN George 1979 C779 From the dedication to 'Hero and Leander' : Begun by Christopher Marlowe; and finished by George Chapman, 1598 In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

CHAPMAN, JONSON, MARSTON 1933 A174 Eastward Ho!

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642 CHAPMAN, Raymond 1973 B962 Linguistics and Literature

CHAPPAZ Frédéric 1978 C813 Le cirque dépisté

In Monuments Historiques : Architecture du Spectacle

CHARDIN, Jean-jacques (ed.) 1996 D057 Twelfth Night : Le Language en Fête

CHARLIER Gustave 1961 A699 Note sur Adrien du Hecquet et son oeuvre poétique

In La Renaissance dans les Provinces du Nord

CHARLTON H.B. 1966 A537 Shakespearian Comedy

CHARLTON H.B. 1967 A917 Shakespearian Comedy: the Consummation

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

CHARLTON H.B. 1970 B057 Shakespeare, Politics, and Politicians

In Shakespeare: Henry IV (parts I & II)

CHARLTON, H.B. 1971 B663 Shakespearian Tragedy

CHARLTON H.B. 1972 B873 Shakespeare's Heroines and the Art of Happiness

In Shakespeare: Twelfth Night, A Casebook. Palmer D.J. (editor) CHARLTON Kenneth 1980 C632 The educationnal background

In The age of Milton

CHARNAY Jean-Paul 1990 C742 Hamlet ou ledésir de stratégie

In Shakespeare et la guerre

CHARNES Linda 1999 D260 The Monstrous Body in King Richard III

In Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Richard III

CHARNES, Linda. 2000 D281 We Were Never Early Modern

In Philosophical Shakespeares

CHARNES, Linda. 2001 D279 The Hamlet Formely Known as Prince

In Shakespeare and Modernity

CHARNEY Maurice 1968 A457 Shakespeare's Roman Plays: The Function of Imagery in the Drama

CHARNEY Maurice 1968 A598 The Imagery of Antony and Cleopatra

In Shakespeare : Antony and Cleopatra

CHARNEY Maurice 1969 A989 Style in Hamlet

CHARNEY Maurice 1970 B808 Elizabethan Theatre, ed. David Galloway

In Renaissance Drama III: Essays principally on Drama in Its Intellectual Context. Schoenbaum S. (editor) CHARNEY Maurice 1970 B582 The Dramatic Use of Imagery in Shakespeare's Coriolanus

In Twentieth Century Interpretations of Coriolanus. Phillips James E. (editor)

CHARNEY, Maurice 1973 C203 Coriolanus and Timon of Athens

In Shakespeare : Select Bibliographical Guides

CHARNEY Maurice 1974 C371 "Weput fresh garments on him" : nakedness and clothes in King Lear

In Some facets of King Lear : essays in prismatic criticism

CHARNEY Maurice 1979 C598a TV and Film : Shakespearean Anglophilia : The BBC-TV series and American audiences

In Shakespeare Quaterly . Volume 31 . N°2 . Summer 1980

CHARNEY Maurice 1980 C594 Comic villainy in Shakespeare and Middleton

In Shakespearean Comedy

CHARNEY Maurice 1980 C594 Shakespearean comedy

CHARNEY Maurice 1988 C956 “Bad” Shakespeare : Revaluations of the Shakespeare Canon

CHARNEY Maurice 1988 C732 Hamlet's fictions

CHARNEY Maurice 1989 C750 Asides, soliloquies, and offstage speech in Hamlet : implication for staging

In Shakespeare and the sense of performance CHARNEY, Maurice 1996 D068 "Be that you are / That is a woman" : The 'Prenzie' Angelo and the 'Enskied' Isabella

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture

CHARNEY, Maurice 1996 D106 Brutus's Dog-Eared Book in Julius Caesar

In Variations sur la lettre, le mètre et la mesure - Shakespeare

CHARRETIER ALAIN 1888 A003 The Curial

CHASTEL André 1956 A697 Le Lieu de la Fête( résumé de Communication)

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

CHASTEL André 1960 A697/2 Les Entrées de Charles Quint en Italie

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint

CHÂTEAU Dominique 1980 C605 Le rôle de l'analyse textuelle dans la théorie

In La théorie du film

CHATELET Albert 1956 A629 La leçon des nombres

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

CHATMAN Seymour 1967 B371 Comparing Metrical Styles (1960)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors)

CHATMAN Seymour and LEVIN Samuel R. 1967 B371 Essays on the Language of Literature CHATTERJEE, Sudipto. SINGH, Jyotsna.G. 1999 D282 Moor or Less? The Surveillance of Othello, Calcutta 1848

In Shakesperae and Appropriation

CHAUDHURI Suzanta 1981 C647 Infirm glory

CHAUDHURY Sukanta 1994 C974 Shakespeare and the Ethnic Question

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

CHAUVIN Serge 1998 D211 Le Labyrinthe et les Nuées: les espaces aberrants de Kurosawa

In Shakespeare et le Cinéma

CHAUVIRÉ Roger 1960 A944 Le Temps d'Elizabeth

CHEADLE Brian 1990 C878 ‘His legs bestrid the ocean’ as a ‘form of life’

In Drama and Philosophy

CHENEY Donald 1966 A950 Spencer's Image of Nature: Wild Man and Shepherd in "The Faerie Queene"

CHERON, Delphine 1995 M67 The Construction of Kingship From Henry IV to Henry V

CHESTER, Allan G. 1954 B764/1 The " New Learning": A Semantic Note

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume II. Shaaber M. A.(editor) CHETTLE, Henry 1973 C100 Kind-Harts Dreame

In A Mirrour of Monsters, Preface to Robert Greene's Menaphon , Kin-Harts Dreame

CHETTLE Henry 1979 C779 From 'Kind-Harts Dreame', 1592

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

CHEVALIER, Isabelle 1995 M66 Deception and Self-Deception in Much Ado About Nothing

CHEVALLEY S. , BLANCHET L., LAPLACE R. 1978 C813 La Comédie-Française

In Monuments Historiques : Architecture du Spectacle

CHEVALLIER Raymond 1965 B104 Le Théâtre romain

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

CHEVALLIER Raymond 1965 B104 Les Jeux du cirque romain

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

CHEYFITZ Eric 1991 C917 The Poetics of Imperialism : Translation and Colonization from The Tempest to Tarzan

CHEYFITZ Eric 1991 C717 The Poetics of Imperialism: Translation and Colonization from The Tempest to Tarzan

CHÉZAUD Patrick 1999 D225 Mary Wollstonecraft, féministe néo-classique

In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef) CHIBNALL Jennifer 1984 C706 'To that secure fix'd state' : The function of the Caroline masque form

In The court masque

CHILD Harold 1966 A393 Shakespeare in the Theatre from the Restoration to the Present Time

In A Companion to Shakespeare Studies, edited by Harley Granville-Barker and G.B. Harrison

CHILTON John 1964 A899/8 Travels in Mexico, 1568-85

In An English Garner: Voyages and Travels mainly during the 16th and 17th Centuries

CHKLOVSKI V. 1965 A702 L'art comme procédé

In Théorie de la littérature (textes des formalistes russes réunis et traduits par Todorov Tzvetan )

CHKLOVSKI V. 1965 B086 L'art comme procédé

In Théorie de la Littérature

CHKLOVSKI V. 1965 A702 La construction de la nouvelle et du roman

In Théorie de la littérature (textes des formalistes russes réunis et traduits par Todorov Tzvetan )

CHKLOVSKI V. 1965 B086 La construction de la nouvelle et du roman

In Théorie de la Littérature

CHONEZ, Jennifer 1998 M81 Much Ado About Nothing , From Page, to Stage, to Screen

CHRISTOUT Marie-Françoise 1956 A697 Les Feux d' Artifices en France de 1606à 1628. Esquisse historique et ethétique

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance CHURCH Tony 1985 C640 Polonius in Hamlet

In Players of Shakespeare

CHURCH Tony 1989 C787 Acting in the Swan

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan

CHURCHILL Charles 1976 C379/4 Shakespeare and Garrick supreme, 1761

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

CHURCHYARD, Thomas 1967 C236 The Worthines of Wales

CHUTE Marchette 1966 B314 Stories from Shakespeare

CIBBER C. 1969 A807 The Tragical History of King Richard III

CIBBER Colley 1967 A222 The Careless Husband

CIBBER Colley 1969 A888 British Theatre Vol II(1696-1702): Eighteenth-Centuty English Drama

CIBBER Colley 1969 A889 British Theatre Vol III(1707-1721): Eighteenth-Centuty English Drama CIBBER Colley 1969 A890 British Theatre Vol IV(1761-1801): Eighteenth-Centuty English Drama

CIBBER Colley 1969 A891 British Theatre Vol V(1789-1798): Eighteenth-Centuty English Drama

CIBBER Colley 1969 A892 British Theatre Vol X(1701-1722): Eighteenth-Centuty English Drama

CIBBER Colley 1969 A833 Papal Tyranny in The Reign Of King John(1745)

CIBBER Colley 1969 A855 The Tragical History of King Richard III(1718)

CIBBER, Colley 1974 C211/3 Love's Last Shift

In Restoration Comedy (vol. III)

CIBBER, Colley 1974 C211/4 The Careless Husband

In Restoration Comedy (vol. IV)

CIBBER Colley 1975 C379/3 Adaptation of King John, 1745

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

CIBBER Colley 1975 C379/3 Shakespeare in thetheatre, 1740

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752 CIBBER Teophile 1979 C779 From 'The Lives of the Poets', 1753

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

CIBBER Theophilus 1969 A822 King Henry VI

CIBBER Theophilus 1969 A865 Romeo and Juliet A Tragedy(1748)

CIBBER Theophilus 1976 C379/4 Garrick's Shakespeare, 1756

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

CICERI, Leo 1972 B922 'My crown, Mine own ambition and my Queen' (on playing Claudius)

In Shakespeare in the New World

CICERI, Leo 1972 B922 Notes on Acting Mercutio

In Shakespeare in the New World

CIMENT Michel 1980 C604 Kubrick

CIRILLO Albert R. 1971 B806 Tasso's Il Mondo Creato : Providence and the Created Universe

In Milton Studies III. Simmonds James D. (editor)

CIRPA 1990 C770 Henry the Fourth . Milton, gay . Pouvoir et musique CLAIRBONE PARK Clara 1980 C575 As We Like It : how a girl can be smart and still popular

In The woman's part

CLARCK George 1965 B206 The Later Stuarts(1660-1714)

Clarendon Press 1966 A418/1 Shakeapeare' s England(Vol. I)

Clarendon Press 1966 A418/2 Shakeapeare' s England(Vol. II)

CLARET, Jean-Louis and SAHEL, Pierre 1999 P5/46 Bruegel and King Lear

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°56

CLARET, Jean-Louis, SAHEL, Pierre 1999 P5/46 Bruegel et King Lear

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°56. C.E.R.R.A. Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier III

CLARK Andrew 1905 A103 The English Register of Godstow Nunnery . Part I & II

CLARK Arthur Melville 1967 A566 Thomas Heywood: Playwright and Miscellanist

CLARK, David Lee 1967 P1/1939/I Shelley and Shakespeare

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°54 CLARK Eleanor Grace 1965 B132 Ralegh and Marlowe: a study in Elizabethan Fustian

CLARK George 1966 B056 The Sevententh Century

CLARK Sandra 1994 C957 The Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher : Sexual Themes and Dramatic Representation

CLARKE Charles and Mary COWDEN A730 The Shakespeare Key : A Comprehensive guide to all Features of Shakespeare's Style, Dramatic Construction, and Expression

CLARKE David Waldo 1976 C388 William Shakespeare

CLARKE R.F. 1965 B515 The Growth and Nature of Drama

CLAY Charlotte N. 1974 C322 The role of anxiety in English tragedy : 1580-1642

CLAYTON Thomas 1989 C750 "Balancing at work": (R)evoking the script in performance and criticism

In Shakespeare and the sense of performance

CLAYTON Thomas 1994 C984 'That's She that was Myself' : Not so Famous Last Words and Some Ends of Othello

In Shakespeare Survey 46 CLEMEN W.H. 1970 B885 The Imagery of Hamlet

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F.

CLEMEN, Wofgang H. 1965 B789 The Development of Imagery in Shakespeare's Great Tragedies (1951)

In Shakespeare : The Tragedies

CLEMEN Wolfang 1965 A775 The Uses of Rhetoric

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

CLEMEN Wolfgang 1957 A354 A Complaint to His Lady

In Chaucer' s Early Poetry

CLEMEN Wolfgang 1957 A354 An ABC

In Chaucer' s Early Poetry

CLEMEN Wolfgang 1957 A354 Anelida and Arcite

In Chaucer' s Early Poetry

CLEMEN Wolfgang 1957 A354 Chaucer' s Early Poetry

CLEMEN Wolfgang 1957 A354 The Book of the Duchess

In Chaucer' s Early Poetry

CLEMEN Wolfgang 1957 A354 The Complaint of Mars

In Chaucer' s Early Poetry CLEMEN Wolfgang 1957 A354 The Complaint unto Pity

In Chaucer' s Early Poetry

CLEMEN Wolfgang 1957 A354 The House of Fame

In Chaucer' s Early Poetry

CLEMEN Wolfgang 1957 A354 The Parliament of Fowls

In Chaucer' s Early Poetry

CLEMEN Wolfgang 1964 B180 Shakespeare's Soliloquies

CLEMEN Wolfgang 1966 A383 English Tragedy Before Shakespeare: The Development of Dramatic Speech

CLEMEN Wolfgang 1966 A383 Gordobuc

In English Tragedy Before Shakespeare: The Development of Dramatic Speech

CLEMEN Wolfgang 1966 A383 Locrine

In English Tragedy Before Shakespeare: The Development of Dramatic Speech

CLEMEN Wolfgang 1966 A383 Selimus and The Wounds of Civil War

In English Tragedy Before Shakespeare: The Development of Dramatic Speech

CLEMEN Wolfgang 1966 A463/9 Shakespeare an the Modern World

In Shakespeare Survey, 16 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production CLEMEN Wolfgang 1966 A383 Tamburlaine

In English Tragedy Before Shakespeare: The Development of Dramatic Speech

CLEMEN Wolfgang 1968 B234 A Commentary on Shakespeare's Richard III

CLEMEN, Wolfgang 1972 B838 Shakespeare's Dramatic Art

CLEMEN Wolfgang 1977 C427 The development of Shakespeare's imagery

CLEMEN Wolfgang 1980 C500 Some aspects of style in the Henry VI plays

In Shakespeare's styles

CLEMEN Wolfgang H. 1967 A336 The Development of Shakespeare's Imagery

CLEMEN Wolfgang H. 1968 A789 The Imagery of Hamlet

In Shakespeare Hamlet: A Casebook.Jump John (editor)

CLEMEN Wolfgang.H 1999 D260 Richard III: Act I, Scene one

In Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Richard III

CLEMENTS A.L. 1969 A947 The Mystical Poetry of Thomas Traherne CLEMOES Peter 1970 B513 Rythm and Cosmic Order in Old English Christian Literature

CLEPOINT, Véronique 1977 M19 Shakespeare et le Théâtre Elisabéthain: Hal's Progress in Henry IV (1 and 2) and Henry V

CLERCX Suzanne 1954 A700 L'Espagne du XVIè siècle, source d'inspiration du génie héroïque de Monteverdi

In Musique et Poésie au XVIè siècle. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

CLERCX Suzanne 1960 A698 La toccata, principe du style symphonique

In La musique instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean

CLERMONT René 1957 A696 La mise en scène du théâtre médiéval

In La Mise en Scène des Oeuvres du Passé

CLIFFE J.T. 1969 A556 The Yorkshire Gentry from the Reformation to the Civil War

CLIFTON, Robin 1973 C186 Fear of Popery

In The Origins of the English Civil War

CLINTON Elizabeth 1999 D235 FromThe Countess of Lincoln's Nursery

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

CLOUDMAN DUNN Esther 1925 B894 Ben Jonson's Art: Elizabethan Life and Literature as Reflected Therein CLOUSTON W.A. 1886 A162 Supplements to the Wright's Chaste Wife

CLOWES William 1999 D235 From A Right Fruitful and Approved Treatise

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

CLUBB Louise George 1980 C594 Shakespeare's comedy and late cinquecento mixed genres

In Shakespearean Comedy

CLUBB, Louise George. 2002 D287 Italaian Stories on the Stage

In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Comedy

CNDP 1998 D246 Théâtre aujourd'hui n°6 : Shakespeare, la scène et ses miroirs.

COATES John 1978 C472 'The choice of Hercules' in Antony and Cleopatra

In Shakespeare Survey 31

COBB Samuel 1974 C379/2 Shakespeare's artless tragedies, 1700

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

COBBAN Alfred 1965 B603 The Enlightenment and the French Revolution

In Aspects of the Eighteenth Century. Wasserman Earl R. (editor)

COCHRANE, Rexmond C. 1958 B764/3 Francis Bacon and the Architect of Fortune

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume V. Shaaber, M.a. (editor) COCK Ernst A. 1904 A138 Merlin, a Metrical Version . Part I

COCKAÏNE Oswald 1872 A015 St Juliana

COCKAYNE Oswald 1866 A072 Seinte Marherete The Meiden ant Martyr

COCKAYNE Oswald 1896 A028 Hali Meidenhad

CODIGNOLA Luciano 1967 A533 Le théâtre italien en mouvement

In Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale JACQUOT Jean (editeur)

CODY Richard 1969 A246 The Landscape of the Mind: Pastoralism and Platonic Theory in Tasso's Aminta and Shakespeare's Early Comedies

COE, Charles Norton 1972 C300 Shakespeare's Villains

COFFIN Charles Monroe 1958 A916 John Donne and the New Philosophy

COGHILL N.K. 1966 A964 Love and 'Foul Delight': some contrasted attitudes

In Patterns of Love and Courtesy COGHILL Nevill 1958 A463/6 Six Points of Stage-Craft in The Winter' s Tale

In Shakespeare Survey, 11 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

COGHILL Nevill 1959 B375 Shakespeare's Reading in Chaucer

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies, presented to Frank Percy Wilson

COGHILL, Nevill 1965 B857 Shakespeare's Professional Skills

COGHILL Nevill 1968 B049 Comic Form in Measure for Measure

In Shakespeare Survey 8. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

COGHILL Nevill 1969 A915 Shakespeare's Reading in Chaucer

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies

COGHILL Nevill(b.1899) 1963 A292 The Basis of Shakespearian Comedy

In Shakespeare Criticism

COHEN Derek 1985 C663 The rite of violence in 1Henry IV

In Shakespeare survey 38

COHEN Derek 1992 D009 Henry IV part I : Rituals of Violence

In Shakespeare's History Plays : Richard II to Henry V

COHEN, I. Bernard 1972 C184/2 Newton and Keplerian Inertia : an Echo of Newton's Controversy with Leibniz

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol. II) COHEN Jean 1966 A665 Structure du Langage poétique

COHEN Kitty 1971 B806 Milton's God in Council and War

In Milton Studies III. Simmonds James D. (editor)

COHEN, Stephen. 2001 D279 (Post)Modern Elizabeth: Gender, Politics and the Emergence of Modern Subjectivity

In Shakespeare and Modernity

COHEN Walter 1987 C733 Political criticism of Shakespeare

In Shakespeare reproduced : the text in history and ideology

COHEN Walter 1992 C966 Aristocratic Failure

In Shakespearean Tragedy

COHEN Walter 1992 C933 Prerevolutionary Drama

In The Politics of Tragicomedy

COHEN, Walter. 2001 The Undiscovered Country: Shakespeare and Mercantile Geography

In Marxist Shakespeares

COHEN, Walter. 2001 D280 The Undiscovered country: Shakespeare and Mercantile Geography

In Marxist Shakespeares

COHN, Ruby 1965 C266 A Comic Complex and a Complex Comic

In Comedy : Meaning and Form COHN, Ruby 1991 D089 Retreats from Realism in Recent English Drama

COHN, Ruby (Ed.) 1987 D188 Beckett : Waiting for Godot (Casebook)

COLBY SPRAGUE Arthur 1966 B305 The Doubling of Parts in Shakespeare's Plays

COLDEWEY John C. 1994 C986 The non-cycle plays and the East Anglian tradition

In The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre

COLE, Douglas 1972 B820 Suffering and Evil in the Plays of Christopher Marlowe

COLE Elizabeth 1960 A698 L'anthologie de madrigaux et de musique instrumentale pour ensembles de Francis Tregian

In La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean

COLEMAN Antony 1981 C551 A list of the published writings and the recordings of Harold F. Brooks

In Poetry and drama 1570-1700

COLEMAN, Antony 1982 D001 The Provoked Wife

COLEMAN Antony and HAMMOND Antony 1981 C551 Poetry and drama 1570-1700 : essays in honour of Harold F. Brooks COLEMAN D.C. 1961 A686 Sir John Banks, Financier: an Essay on Government Borrowing under the Later Stuarts

In Essays in the Economic and Social History of Tudor and Stuart England. Fisher F.J. (editor)

COLEMAN Janet 1981 C577 English literature in history 1350-1400 : medieval Readers and writers

COLERIDGE,S.T. 1965 B789 Hamlet

In Shakespeare : The Tragedies

Coleridge S.T. 1968 A599 An Analysis of Act I

Shakespeare : The Tempest

COLERIDGE S.T. 1968 A790 Marginalia on Macbeth

In Shakespeare Macbeth: A Casebook.Wain John (editor)

Coleridge S.T. 1968 A599 'The moved and sympathetic imagination&

Shakespeare : The Tempest

COLERIDGE Samuel Taylor 1951 B558 Milton

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

COLIE Rosalie L. 1974 C371 Reason and need : King Lear and the "crisis" of the aristocracy

In Some facets of King Lear : essays in prismatic criticism

COLIE Rosalie L. 1974 C371 The energies of endurance : biblical echo in King Lear

In Some facets of King Lear : essays in prismatic criticism COLIE Rosalie L. and FLAHIFF F.T. 1974 C371 Some facets of King Lear : essays in prismatic criticism

COLIE Rosalie Littell 1974 C370 Shakespeare's living art

COLIN Michel 1980 C605 La dislocation

In La théorie du film

COLIN Michel 1985 T49 Langue, film, discurs: prolégomènes à une sémiologie générative du film

COLLET Jean 1980 T44 Auteur

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al

COLLET Jean 1980 T44 Caméra

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al

COLLET Jean, MARIE Michel, PERCHERON 1980 T44 Lectures du film

COLLEY, John Scott 1974 C260 John Marton's Theatrical Drama

COLLEY Scott 1999 D260 Colley Cibber's Richard III

In Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Richard III COLLIER J.P. 1966 B395 Shakespeare Society of London;Publications-Vol. 8(No 1 & 18): Henslowe & Alleyn

COLLIER J.P. 1979 C779 From the 'Edinburgh Review', 1820

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

COLLIER Jeremy 1969 A609 A Short View of the Profaneness and Immorality of the English Stage (1730)

COLLIER, Jeremy 1972 B973 A Defence of the Short View of the Profaneness and Immorality of the English Stage

COLLIER, Jeremy 1972 B975 A Second Defence of the Short View of the Profanenessand Immoralityof the English Stage

COLLIER, Jeremy 1972 B974 A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage

COLLIER Jeremy 1974 C379/2 From A Short View of the Immorality, and Profaneness of the English Stage, 1698

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

COLLIER Payne J. 1862 B347/1 The Works of Edmund Spenser(Vol I)

COLLIER Payne J. 1862 B347/2 The Works of Edmund Spenser(Vol II) COLLIER Payne J. 1862 B347/3 The Works of Edmund Spenser(Vol III)

COLLIER Payne J. 1862 B347/4 The Works of Edmund Spenser(Vol IV)

COLLIER Payne J. 1862 B347/5 The Works of Edmund Spenser(Vol V)

COLLINS Churton 1964 A899/1 An English Garner: Critical Essays and Literary Fragments

COLLINS William 1975 C379/3 A panegyric to Shakespeare, 1743

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

COLLISON Patrick 1967 B199 The Elizabethan Puritan Movement

COLMAN, E.A.M. 1974 C209 The Dramatic Use of Bawdy in Shakespeare

COLMAN George 1976 C379/4 On Shakespeare and the Elizabethan dramatists, 1761

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

COLMAN George 1976 C379/4 Shakespeare's self criticism, 1753

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765 COLMAN George 1979 C537 Farmer criticized, 1768

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

COLMAN George 1979 C537 Johnson's edition reviewed, 1765

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

COLMAN George 1979 C537 King Lear partly restored, 1768

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

COLMAN George and GARRICK David 1964 A264 The Clandestine Marriage

In Eighteenth Century Plays, selected with an introduction by John Hampden

COLMAN THE YOUNGER George 1965 A280 The Iron Chest

In Eighteenth Century Tragedy, ed. with an intro by Michael R. BOOTH

COMAY, Joan 1971 B782 Who'who in the Old Testament

COMENSOLI Viviana 1993 C995 Merchants and madcaps : Dekker's Honest Whore plays and the commedia dell'arte

In Shakespeare's Italy

COMPTE Carmen 1975 C416 Les Bonnes, de J. Genet : Les Bonnes dans la réalisation espagnole de Victor Garcia

In Les voies de la création théâtrale IV

CONANT, Isabel Pope 1958 B764/3 Vicente Espinel as a Musician

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume V. Shaaber, M.a. (editor) CONDEE Ralph W. 1973 C353 'Mansus' and the panegyric tradition

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XV

CONDEE William F. 1990 C878 Theatre as temple in the ‘New Movement’ in American theatre

In Drama and Philosophy

CONE Edward T. 1963 A712 Words into music: The composer's approach to the text

In Sound and Poetry. Frye Northrop (editor)

CONEJERO M.A. 1982 C596 Shakespeare aesthetic scheme (extrait)

In Théâtre et idéologies : Marlowe, Shakespeare

CONGREVE William A168 The Old Bachelor/ The Double-Dealer/ Love for Love/ The Way of the World/ The Mourning Bride In The Best Plays of Old Dramatists, Mermaid Series; Ed. by A.C. Ewald

CONGREVE William 1961 A263 Love for Love

In The Complete Plays, ed. by Alexander Charles Ewald

CONGREVE William 1961 A263 The Complete Plays, ed. by Alexander Charles Ewald

CONGREVE William 1961 A263 The Double-Dealer

In The Complete Plays, ed. by Alexander Charles Ewald

CONGREVE William 1961 A263 The Mourning Bride

In The Complete Plays, ed. by Alexander Charles Ewald CONGREVE William 1961 A263 The Old Bachelor

In The Complete Plays, ed. by Alexander Charles Ewald

CONGREVE William 1961 A263 The Way of the World

In The Complete Plays, ed. by Alexander Charles Ewald

CONGREVE William 1965 A227 The Way of the World

CONGREVE William 1967 A226 Love for Love

CONGREVE William 1969 A652 Love for Love

CONGREVE, William 1972 B946 Amendments of Mr. Collier's False and Imperfect Citations

CONGREVE, William 1974 C211/3 Love for Love

In Restoration Comedy (vol. III)

CONGREVE, William 1974 C211/4 The Way of the World

In Restoration Comedy (vol. IV)

CONKLIN Paul S. 1957 B367 A History of Hamlet criticism CONLEY C.H. 1967 B030 The First English Translators of the Classics

CONOVER James H. 1969 A785 Thomas Dekker: An Analysis of Dramatic Structure

CONRAD Bernard R. 1966 P1/1926/II Hamlet's Delay- A Restatement of the Problem

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°41

CONSTABLE Henry 1964 A899/6 Diana, or, The excellent conceitful Sonnets of H.C. Augmented with divers Quatorzains of honourable and learned personages In An English Garner: Elizabethan Sonnets(Vol II)

CONSTABLE Henry 1999 D235 From A Discovery of a Conterfeit Conference

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

CONTAMINE Philippe 1990 C742 Henry VI, première partie, la guerre de Cent ans, Jeanne d'Arc

In Shakespeare et la guerre

COOK Ann Jennalie 1981 C529 The privileged playgoers of Shakespeare's London, 1576-1642

COOK Ann Jennalie 1989 C750 Bernard Beckerman, 1921-1985: a memorial tribute

In Shakespeare and the sense of performance

COOK Ann Jennalie 1990 D013 The Transformation of Stage Courtship

In The Elizabethan Theatre XI COOK Carol 1991 D030 Straw Women and Whipping Girls : the (Sexual) Politics of Critical Self-Fashioning

In Shakespeare Left and Right

COOK David 1966 A463/9 Timon of Athens

In Shakespeare Survey, 16 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

COOK David 1981 C551 'The very temple of delight' : the twin plots of Much Ado About Nothing

In Poetry and drama 1570-1700

COOK, Dutton 1970 C285 Ellen Terry

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

COOK, Dutton 1970 C285 Irving in Shakespeare

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

COOK Elizabeth 1984 C706 'Death proves them all but toyes' : Nashe's unidealising show

In The court masque

COOK Hardy M. 1988 C716 Two Lears for television : An exploration of televisual strategies

In Shakespeare on television

COOK I.R.W. 1968 A463/13 William Hervey and Shakespeare' s Sonnets

In Shakespeare Survey, 21 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

COOK Judith 1980 C776 Women in Shakespeare COOKE Alistair 1978 C494 Shakespeare in America

In Shakespeare : pattern of excelling nature

COOKE Katharine 1972 B882 A.C. Bradley and his influence in Twentieth-Century Shakespeare Criticism

COOKE Thomas 1974 C379/2 On the morality of Tate's King Lear, 1731

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

COOKE Thomas 1975 C379/3 A panegyric to Shakespeare, 1743

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

COOKE William 1981 C512 Shakespeare's language, 1775

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

COOPER Helen 1977 C510 Pastoral : Mediaeval into Renaissance

COOPER Helen 1984 C706 Location and meaning in masque, morality, and royal entertainment

In The court masque

COOPER John Gilbert 1976 C379/4 The tomb of Shakespeare. A poetical vision, 1755

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

COOPRE Lane 1972 C385 The poetics of Aristotle : its meaning and its influence COPFERMANN Émile 1969 B090 Roger Planchon

COPLEY, Anthonie 1967 C244 A Fig for Fortune

In Fig for Fortune and Respublica Anglicana

CORBALLIS, R.P. 1984 P5/14 The Name Antonio in English Renaissance Drama

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 25

CORBALLIS Richard 1984 P5/15 Some Variations on a Theme in Chapman's Homer

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°26

CORBET A. 1960 A697/2 L' entrée du Prince Philippe à Anvers en 1549

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint

CORBIN Peter 1971 B320/69 Shakespeare

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1969)

CORDNER M. & HOLLAND P. & KERRIGAN J. 1994 C934 English comedy

CORDNER Michael 1994 C934 Etherege’s She Would if She Could : comedy, complaisance and anti-climax

In English Comedy

CORDONNIER, Carole 1991 MD02 Les Femmes Dramaturges et les Actrices en Angleterre de 1700 à 1760 CORFIELD, Penelope 1973 C186 Economic Issues and Ideologies

In The Origins of the English Civil War

Cormarket 1969 A848 Love Betray' D ; or the Agreable Difapointment(1703)

Cormarket 1969 A847 The Comic Masque of Pyramus and Thisbe(1716)

CORNELIA Marie 1978 C567 The function of the masque in jacobean tragedy and tragicomedy

Cornmarket Press 1969 A837 The Fairy Queen, an Opera(1692)

Cornmarket Press 1969 A844 The Half-Play Officers(1720)

CORNS, Thomas.N. 2000 D268 The Early Modern Search Engine: Indices, Title Pages, Marginalia and Contents

In The Renaissance Computer

Coronation Production 1821 C084 Henry IV Part 2

CORRIGAN Beatrice 1972 C458 Italian renaissance comedy and its critics : a survey of recent studies

In Renaissance drama V CORRIGAN, Beatrice M. 1958 B764/3 Il Capriccio: an Unpublished Italian Renaissance Comedy and its Analogues

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume V. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

CORRIGAN, Robert W. 1965 C266 Aristophanic Comedy : the Conscience of a Conservative

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

CORRIGAN, Robert W. 1965 C266 Comedy and the Comic Spirit

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

CORRIGAN, Robert W. 1965 C266 Comedy : Meaning and Form

COSTA DE BEAUREGARD Raphaëlle 1984 C606 La dame de coeur : étude de quatre portraits d'Elizabeth I

In Caliban n° XXI

Costa de Beauregard Raphaëlle 1987 C696 L'ombre de Banquo dans Juno and the Paycock

In Miroirs de L'Être : Macbeth, The Man of Mode

COSTA DE BEAUREGARD Raphaëlle 1989 C741 Sacralisation du temps et du lieu : étude du "Rainbow Portrait" de Hatfield House

In Lieu et temps

COSTA DE BEAUREGARD Raphaëlle 1990 C742 Ombres de la guerre et guerre des ombres : remarques à propos de Jules César

In Shakespeare et la guerre

COSTA DE BEAUREGARD Raphaëlle 1990 C773 Remarques à propos de l'utilisation de l'art de la miniature dans Troilus et Cressida

In Shakespeare : Troilus and Cressida COSTA DE BEAUREGARD Raphaëlle 1991 P5/28 Interpreting The Merchant of Venice

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°39

COSTA DE BEAUREGARD Raphaëlle 1992 C824 "Knotting" et "Je ne sais quoi" Two readings of "Nothing" in Much Ado About Nothing

In Much Ado about Nothing

COSTA de BEAUREGARD Raphaëlle 1992 C823 Rhétorique du rouge et de la lumière dans 1Henry IV

In Shakespeare : Rhétoriques du texte et du spectacle

COSTA DE BEAUREGARD Raphaëlle 1992 C898 Three burlesque birds of a feather flocking together for a single caricature

In CERCLES : Le Grotesque au Théatre

COSTA DE BEAUREGARD Raphaëlle 1993 C897 Métamorphoses et anamorphoses de la mort

In Roméo et Juliette : Nouvelles perspectives critiques

COSTA DE BEAUREGARD Raphaëlle 1994 C923 Les figures de la Providence dans La Tempête

In Shakespeare - La Tempête : études critiques

COSTA DE BEAUREGARD Raphaëlle 1998 D168/9 The semiotics of Elizabethan "changelings" or the status of the sign in As You Like It

In As You Like It Essais critiques

COSTA DE BEAUREGARD Raphaëlle 1998 D211 Twelfth Night ou les noces de la nuit et de la fête: du théatre à l'écran

In Shakespeare et le Cinéma

Costa de Beauregard Raphaëlle 2000 D 247 Silent Elizabethans

In The Language of Colour in the Miniatures of Nicholas Hilliard and Isaac Oliver Costa de Beauregard Raphaëlle 2000 D 247 SILENT ELIZABETHANS : The Language of Colour in the miniatures of Nicholas Hilliard and Isaac Oliver

Costa de Beauregard Raphaëlle 2000 D247 The language of colour in the miniatures of Nicholas Hilliard and Isaac Oliver

In Silent elizabethans

COSTANTINI-CORNÈDE Anne-Marie 1998 D211 De La Tempète à Prospero's Books: vertige des sens et fragmentatin du sens

In Shakespeare et le Cinéma

COTTEGNIES Line 1997 D195 Machiavel et Antéchrist. Quelques réflexions sur les représentations du mal pendant la guerre civile anglaise et le Commonwealth(1642-1660) In Le Mal et ses masques

COTTLE Basil 1969 A475 The Triumph of English 1350-1400

COUCHMAN Gordon W. 1961 P1/1961/IV Antony and Cleopatra and the Subjective Convention

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°76

COULTHARD Malcolm 1977, 1985 C844 An Introduction To Discourse Analysis

COUNCIL, Norman 1973 C113 When Honour's at the Stake : Ideas of Honour in Shakespeare's Plays

COUPE, Laurence 1997 D131 Myth COURAGE BLONDEL, Marie-Aude 1980 M35 Foolery and Wisdom in As You Like It and Twelfth Night

COUREAU, Marc 1997 M74 Hamlet and Othello, Tragedies of Errors

COURSEN H.R. C656 d The Shakespeare plays on TV : Hamlet

COURSEN H.R. 1988 C716 Anachronism and papp's "Much Ado"

In Shakespeare on television

COURSEN H.R 1988 C716 The Bard and the Tube

In Shakespeare on television

COURSEN H.R. 1988 C716 Three televised Hamlets

In Shakespeare on television

COURSEN H.R. 1988 C716 Why "Measure for Measure"?

In Shakespeare on television

COURSEN, H.R. 1991 P5/29 Lear and Cordelia

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°40

COURSEN, H.R. 1996 D114 Shakespeare in Production - Whose History ? COURSEN Herbert 1993 C936 Watching Shakespeare on television

COURSEN Herbert R. 1992 C987 Shakespearean performances as interpretation

COURTHOPE W.J. 1979 C779 From 'A History of English Poetry', 1895

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

COUSSEMENT Laeticia 1998 D211 Richard III de Raoul Ruiz: entre difformité et déformations

In Shakespeare et le Cinéma

COUTON Georges 1951 B068 Corneilles et la Fronde: Théâtre et Politique il y a trois siecles

COUTON Marie 1990 P5/26 The Anatomy of Absurditie, Portrait of the Artist as a Compiler

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°37

COVATTA, Anthony 1973 C267 Thomas Middleton's Comedies

COWLEY Abraham 1957 A675 Several Discources by Way of Essays, in Verse and Prose

In Seventeenth-Century : English Prose

COWPER 1871 A046 The Times’ Whistle COWPER 1905 A044 The Select Works of Robert Crowlen

COX Brian 1989 C787 Acting in the Swan

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan

COX J.F. 1979 C498 The stage representation of the 'kill Claudio' sequence in Much Ado About Nothing

In Shakespeare Survey 32

COX John D. 1989 C757 Shakespeare and the dramaturgy of power

COX, John.D. 2000 D275 The Devil and the Sacred in English Drama, 1350-1642

COX, John F. (Ed.) 1997 D169 Much Ado About Nothing

COX, Lee Sheridan 1973 C270 Figurative Design in Hamlet : the Significance of the Dumb Show

COYLE Martin 1992 D011 Hamlet

COYLE Martin and PECK John 1985 C655 How to study a Shakespeare play CRAIG David 1964 A759 Love and Society: Measure for Measure and our own time

In Shakespeare in a Changing World

CRAIG Edward Gordon 1950 B112 De l'Art du Théâtre

CRAIG Hardin 1902 A135 Two Coventry Corpus Christi Plays

CRAIG, Hardin 1952 P1/1952/I 'Shakespeare and the Here and Now'

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°67

CRAIG, Hardin 1955 B937 English Religious Drama of the Middle Ages

CRAIG Hardin 1961 B384 A New Look at Shakespeare's Quartos

CRAIG, Hardin 1964 C204 Shakespeare and the Trivium

In Shakespeare 1564-1964

CRAIG Hardin 1965 A775 Renaissance Psychology in "A Woman Killed with Kindness'

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

CRAIG Hardin 1966 A338 The Enchanted Glass: The Elizabethan Mind in Literature CRAIG Hardin 1966 A463/1 Trend of Shakespeare Scholarship

In Shakespeare Survey, 2: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

CRAIG Hardin 1967 A621 Ethics in the Jacobean Drama : The Case of Chapman

In The Parrot Presentation Volume

CRAIG Hardin 1967 A621 The Parrot Presentation Volume

CRAIG Hardin 1968 B476 Motivation in Shakespeare's Choice

In Shakespeare Survey (Vol 4)

CRAIG Hardin 1970 B346 Shakespeare's Bad Poetry

In Shakespeare Survey(1)

CRAIG Harding(b.1875) 1963 A292 Motivation in Shakespeare's Choice of Materials

In Shakespeare Criticism

CRAIG Joanne 1994 P5/34 Mirrours More Then One : Marriage and the Body Politic in The Faerie Queene

In Cahiers Elisabéthains, no 45, April 1994

CRAIG, Joanne 1994 P5/34 Mirrours More then One: Marriage and the Body Politic in The Faerie Queene

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°45

CRAIK, T.W. 1967 B934 The Tudor Interlude CRAIK T.W. 1975 C476 Tudor and early Elizabethan drama

In English drama (excluding Shakespeare)

CRAIK T.W. 1980 C651 The companies and the repertory

In The Revels history of drama in English volume II 1500-1576

CRAIK T.W. 1980 C651 The Revels history of drama in English volume II 1500-1576

CRAIK T.W. 1981 C551 Congreve as a Shakespearean

In Poetry and drama 1570-1700

CRAIK T.W. 1997 D154 The Further Forunes of Falstaff

In Shakespearean Continuities

CRAMPTON, Esmé 1973 C168 A Handbook of the Theatre

CRANE Milton 1968 B523 Shakespeare's Prose

CRANE, Milton 1973 C169 Shakespeare's Art : Seven Essays

CRANE R.S. 1968 A929 Tragic Structure

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor) CRANEFIELD, Paul F. 1972 C184/2 On the Stupidity of the Boeotians and the Batavians

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol. II)

CRAWFORD Charles 1929 Z12/3 The Marlowe Concordance: fifth part, Lake to Paul

CRAWFORD Charles 1929 Z12/6 The Marlowe Concordance: sixth part, Paul to Stabbed

CRAWFORD Lawrence 1980 C592 La soeur volée : ouverture du Faucon Maltais, John Huston

In Le cinéma américain . Tome II

CRAWLEY Derek 1974 C341 Character in relation to action in the tragedies of George Chapman

CRAWSHAW Eluned 1972 B995 Hermetic Elements in Donne's Poetic Vision

In John Donne: Essays in Celebration. Smith A.J. (editor)

CREASER John 1984 C706 'The present aid of this occasion' : The setting of Comus

In The court masque

CREASER John 1994 C934 Enigmatic Ben Jonson

In English Comedy

CREASER, John. 2002 D287 Forms of Confusion

In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Comedy CRESSON André 1956 B070 Francis Bacon: sa Vie, son Oeuvre,sa philosophie

CRIBB T.J. 1981 C539 The unity of Romeo and Juliet

In Shakespeare Survey 34

CRICK Bernard 1979 C531 The political in Britain's two national theatres

In Drama and society

CROCE Benedetto 1963 B043 from Ariosto, Shakespeare and Corneille: Tragedy of the Will; Justice and Indulgence

In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor)

CROCE Benedetto 1966 A737 Ariosto, Shakespeare and Corneille

CROCKER, Lester G. 1954 P1/1954/I-III Hamlet, Don Quijote, La Vida es Sueno: The Quest for Values

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°69

CROFT-MURRAY Edward and ROSENFELD Sybil C457 Checklist of scene painters working in Great Britain and Ireland in the 18th century

In Theatre notebook . Volume XIX 1964-1965

CROLL BAUGH, Albert 1966 P1/1933/I Thomas Chaucer, One man or Two?

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°48

CROLL Morris 1967 B371 The Baroque Style in Prose (1929)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors) CROOK, Nonna. RHODES, Neil. 2000 D268 The Daughters of Memory: Thomas Heywood's Gunaikeion and the Female Computer

In The Renaissance Computer

CROOKE Helkiah 1999 D235 From Microcosmographia: A Description of the Body of Man

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

CROSS Claire 1969 A742 The Royal Supremacy in the Elizabethan Church

CROSS J.E. 1970 B323 The Old English Period

In The Middle Ages(Vol I)

CROW John 1959 B375 Some Jacobean Catch-Phrases and some light on Thomas Bretnor

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies, presented to Frank Percy Wilson

CROW John 1969 A915 Some Jacobean Catch-Phrases and some Light on Thomas Bretnor

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies

CROWL Samuel C656 c The Shakespeare plays on TV : Henry IV, part one

CROWL Samuel 1989 C740 'Hid indeed within the centre': The hall / Finney Hamlet

In Shakespeare survey 41

CROWL Samuel 1994 C958 A world elsewhere: the Roman plays on film and television

In Shakespeare and the Moving Image CROWLEY Bob 1989 C787 Designing for the Swan

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan

CROWN John 1969 A823 Henry The Sixth, The First Part

CROWN John 1969 A836 The Misery of Civil War(1680)

CROWNE John 1960 A281 The Destruction of Jerusalem, part II

In Five Heroic Plays, ed. with an Intro. by DOBREE Bonamy

CROWNE John 1967 A214 City Politiques

CROWNE John 1967 A572/1 The Dramatic Works of John Crowne( Vol I)

CROWNE John 1967 A572/2 The Dramatic Works of John Crowne( Vol II)

CROWNE John 1967 A572/3 The Dramatic Works of John Crowne( Vol III)

CROWNE John 1967 A572/4 The Dramatic Works of John Crowne( Vol IV) CROWNE, John 1974 C211/2 Sir Courtly Nice

In Restoration Comedy (vol.II)

CROYDON F.E. 1969 B818 Abbot Laurence of Westminster and Hugh of St Victor

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond

CRUCIANI Fabrizio 1975 C415 Vision et organisation de l'espace dans les fêtes romaines

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

CRUMP Jeremy 1986 C664 The popular audience for Shakespeare in nineteenth century Leicester

In Shakespeare and the Victorian stage

CRUNELLE, Anny 1979 P5/4 Myth and Imagination in Milton's Images of Water

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 15

CRUNELLE-VANRIGH, Anny 1993 P5/32 Macbeth: Oedipus Transposed

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°43

CRUNELLE-VANRIGH Anny 1993 C897 “Too hot, too hot” La foudre et le sablier: Poétique de l’instant

In Roméo et Juliette : Nouvelles perspectives critiques

CRUNELLE-VANRIGH Anny 1994 C923 “Unmixed with baser ‘mater’”: Le monstre et la matrice

In Shakespeare - La Tempête : études critiques

CRUNELLE-VANRIGH, Anny 1995 D058 An Account of Terry Hands' Production of Hamlet

In Shakespeare and France (Volume 5) CRUNELLE-VANRIGH, Anny 1996 P5/38 'O trespass sweetly urged': The Sexe of Space in Romeo and Juliet

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°49

CRUPI Charles 1998 P5/43 Subduing Bess Bridges: Ideological Shift in the Two Parts of The Fair Maid of the West

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 54. Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Renaissance Anglaise, Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier III

CRUPÏ, Charles 1998 P5/44 Subduing Bess Bridges: Ideological Shift in the Two Parts of The Fair Maid Of the West

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°54

CRUTTWELL Parick 1968 A789 The Morality of Hamlet -'Sweet Prince' or 'Arrant Knave'?

In Shakespeare Hamlet: A Casebook.Jump John (editor)

CRUTTWELL Patrick 1960 A348 The Shakespearean Moment and its place in the poetry of the 17th century

CRUTTWELL Patrick 1965 A972 The Morality of Hamlet -' Sweet Prince' or 'Arrant Knave' ,

In Hamlet

CRUTTWELL Patrick 1966 B760 The English Sonnet

CRUTTWELL Patrick 1970 A943 The Love Poetry of John Donne: Pedantique Weedes or Fresh Invention?

In Metaphysical Poetry. Brown John Russell and Harris Bernard (general editors). Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies 11

CRUTTWELL, Patrick 1970 B855/1 The Love Poetry of John Donne: Pedantique Weedes or Fresh Inventions?

In Metaphysical Poetry CUBETA Paul M. C656 c The Shakespeare plays on TV : Henry V

CUDWORTH Ralph 1969 B016 'A Sermon preached before the House of Commons'

In The Cambridge Platonists

CUDWORTH Ralph 1969 B016 'The Digression cocerning the Plasrick Life of Nature, or an Artificial, Orderly and Methodical Nature'

In The Cambridge Platonists

CUISINIER Jeanne 1965 B104 L'Indonésie

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

CULLEN, Patrick 1970 B864 Spencer, Marvell and Renaissance Pastoral

CULLEY 1890 A066 Caxton’s Eneydos

CUMBERLAND (Ed.) 1970 C060 Kingn Lear

CUMBERLAND Richard 1964 A264 The West Indian

In Eighteenth Century Plays, selected with an introduction by John Hampden

CUMBERLAND Richard 1979 C537 Adaptation of Timon of Athens, 1771

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774 CUMBERLAND Richard 1981 C512 Essays on Shakespeare, 1786

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

CUMMINGS Hubertis 1967 A621 For Shakespeare' s Hamlet

In The Parrot Presentation Volume

CUNLIFFE, JOHN W. 1970 C199 Early English Classical Tragedies

CUNNINGHAM Dolora 1963 C470 The Jonsonian masque as a literary form

In Ben Jonson : a collection of critical essays

CUNNINGHAM Dolora 1988 C956 Conflicting Images of the Comic Heroine

In Bad Shakespeare : Revaluations of the Shakespeare Canon

CUNNINGHAM J.S. and WARREN Roger 1978 C472 Tamburlaine the Great re-discovered

In Shakespeare Survey 31

CUNNINGHAM J.V. 1969 A635 Logic and Lyric: 'To his Coy Mistress'

In Marvell (Modern Judgements). Wilding Michael (editor)

CUNNINGHAM J.V. 1969 B169 Woe or Wonder: The Emotional Effect of Shakespearean Tragedy

CUNNINGHAM John E. 1966 A342 Literature in Perspective: Restoration Drama CUNNINGHAM John E. 1970 B215 Elizabethan and Early Stuart Drama

CURJEL Hans 1971 C548 Le théâtre lyrique expressionniste et sa mise en scène. Aspects et problèmes

In L'expressionnisme dans le théâtre européen

CURRY Walter Clyde 1968 A918 Shakespeare's Philosophical Patterns

CURTIS Jean-Louis 1987 C771 Traduction et sous-titrage

In Shakespeare à la télévision

CURTIS Julia C455 A theatrical contract of 1773-1774

In Theatre notebook . Volume XXX . Number 1

CURTIS M.H. 1965 A463/10 Education and Apprenticeship

In Shakespeare Survey, 17 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

CURTIS, Mark H. 1958 B764/3 Library Catalogues and Tudor Oxford and Cambridge

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume V. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

CURTIS, Mark H. 1965 C105 Oxford and Cambridge in Transition 1558-1642 : an Essay on Changing Relations Between the English Universities and English Society

CURTIUS Ersnt Robert 1953 A480 European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages (translated by Willard R. Trask) CURWEN C.A. 1971 B507 China

In The Making of the Modern World: volume I, Europe Discovers the World. Johnson Douglas (editor)

CUSACK Bridget 1970 B456 Shakespeare and the Tune of the Time

In Shakespeare Survey 23: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

CUSACK Sinead 1985 C640 Portia in The Merchant of Venice

In Players of Shakespeare

CUSHMAN, L.W. 1970 B977 The Devil and The in the English Dramatic Literature Before Shakespeare

CUTLER-SHERSHOW, Scott. 2001 D280 Shakespeare beyond Shakespeare

In Marxist Shakespeares

CUTTS John P. 1956 A697 Le Role de la Musique dans les Masques de Ben Jonson

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

CUTTS, John P. 1958 B764/3 Peele's Hunting of Cupid

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume V. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

CUTTS, John P. 1961 B764/4 Music and the Mad Lover

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VIII

CUTTS John P. 1966 A463/11 New Findings with regard to the 1964 Protection List

In Shakespeare Survey, 19 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production CUTTS John P. 1968 A599 Music and the Supernatural inThe Tempest

Shakespeare : The Tempest

CUTTS John P. 1971 C857 La Musique de Scène de la Troupe de Shakespeare : The King's Men sous le Règne de Jacques Ier

CUTTS John P. 1971 C547 La musique de scène de la troupe de Shakespeare : The King's Men sous le règne de Jacques 1er

CUVELIER E. 1976 C389 Réalisme et mythe de la confrèrie des filous dans Martin Marshall de S[amuel] R[id]

In Misère et gueuserie au temps de la Renaissance

CUVELIER, Eliane 1981 P5/8 Horror and Cruelty in the Works of Three Elizabethan Novelists

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 19

CUVELIER, Eliane 1983 P5/12 "Perspective" in The Winter's Tale

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 23

CUVELIER Eliane 1990 C773 Troilus and Cressida : Stratégies de manipulation

In Shakespeare : Troilus and Cressida

CYBBER, Colley 1970 C285 Thomas Betterton

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

CYBBER Colley 1974 C379/2 From his adaptation of Richard III, 1700

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733 Cynthia Marshall 2000 D256 Shakespeare, crossing the Rubicon

In Shakespeare survey 53

D.BRISTOL MICHAEL 1998 D197/11 'Funeral bak'd meats': Carnival and the Carnivalesque in Hamlet

In Shakespeare's Tragedies

D.H. Lawrence 1973 B964 Introduction to these Paintings

In Lawrence on Hardy and Painting

D.H. Lawrence 1973 B964 Study of Thomas Hardy

In Lawrence on Hardy and Painting

D.KHOURY Marielle 1997 D195 De l'éthique en représentation à une esthétique du divertissemnt. Les figures du mal et de la peur dans les opérats de Purcell In Le Mal et ses masques

D'ACCONE Frank A. 1970 B816 Some Neglected Composers in the Florentine Chapels, ca. 1475-1525

In Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, volume I. White Lynn (editor)

D'AMICO Sandro 1965 B104 Le Théâtre italien

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

D'ARRAS Jean 1895 A101 Melusine . Part I

D'AVENANT Sir William 1974 C379/1 From his adaptation of Macbeth, november 1664

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692 D'AVENANT Sir William 1974 C379/1 From his adaptation of Measure for Measure with Much Ado, february 1662

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

D'AVENANT Sir William and DRYDEN John 1974 C379/1 From their adaptation of The Tempest, november 1667

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

D'HAEN Theo 1993 D033 Bruges Group or Common Market? Realism, Postmodernism and Postwar British Fiction

In English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference d'HELFT Brigitte et VERLIEFDEN Michel 1978 C813 Les rotondes de l'illusion

In Monuments Historiques : Architecture du Spectacle

D'URFEY, Thomas 1970 C047 The Injured Princess

D'URFEY Thomas 1974 C379/1 From his adaptation of Cymbeline, spring 1682

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

DAHLBAECK Bengt 1956 A697 Survivance de la Tradition Médiévale dans les Fêtes françaises de la Renaissance. A propos de quelques costumes déssinés par Francesco Primaticcio In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

DAICHES, David 1960 B567 The Opening of Paradise Lost

In The Living Milton

DAICHES David 1961 B568 from A Study of Literature

In Milton's Lycidas, The Tradition and the Poem. Patrides, C.A. DAICHES, David 1966 B791 Literary Essays

DAICHES David 1968 A929 Guilt and Innocence in Julius Caesa

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

DAICHES, David 1968 B790 More Literary Essays

DALEY, Arthur Stuart octobre 1988 P5/23 The Tyrant Duke of As You like It: Envious Malice Confronts Honor, Pity, Friendship.

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 34

DALLEZ Gérard 1992 C898 Le Cadavre dans le placard,réflexion sur le fonctionnement du grotesque dans Loot de Joe Orton

In CERCLES : Le Grotesque au Théatre

DAM Julie 1997 D193 Undermain's Venus and Shines Brightly(1991)

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

DAMASE Jacques 1965 B104 Le Music-hall

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

DAMOIS, Christine 1984 M39 Distance and Identification in Macbeth and King Richard III

DAMON S.Foster 1966 P1/1927/II Milton and Marston

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°42 DANBY John F. 1949 A327 Shakespeare's Doctrine of Nature: A Study of King Lear

DANBY John F. 1965 A341 Elizabethan and Jacobean Poets: Studies in Sidney, Shakespeare, Beaumont & Fletcher

DANBY John F. 1970 B885 The Fool and Handy-Dandy

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F.

DANCHIN Pierre 1968 A515/2 Le public des théâtres londoniens à l' époque de la Restauration d' après les prologues et les épilogues In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

DANCHIN Pierre 1978 C438 The prologues and epilogues of the Restoration : a tentative check-list

DANCHIN Pierre 1981 C587 The prologues and epilogues of the Restoration 1660-1700 . Part one : 1660-1676 .The Second Volume

DANCHIN Pierre 1981 C586 The prologues and epilogues of the Restoration 1660-1700 . Part one : 1660-1676 .The First Volume

DANCHIN, Pierre 1982 P5/11 A Late Seventeenth-Century Miscellany- a Facsimile Edition of a Manuscript Collection of Poems, Largely by John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 22

DANCHIN Pierre 1984 C583 Prologues et épilogues du Théâtre anglais de la Restaurtion ( 1660-1700 ) : A propos d'une édition In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées DANCHIN Pierre 1984 C589 The prologues and epilogues of the Restoration 1660-1700 . Part two : 1677-1690 .The Fourth Volume

DANCHIN Pierre 1984 C588 The prologues and epilogues of the Restoration 1660-1700 . Part two : 1677-1690 .The Third Volume

DANCHIN Pierre 1985 C701 II The prologues and epilogues of the Restoration 1660-1700. Part three: 1691-1700. The sixth volume

DANCHIN Pierre 1985 C701 I The prologues and epilogues of the Restoration 1660-1700. Part three: 1691-1700. The fifth volume

DANCHIN Pierre 1989 C822 Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été sur la scène anglaise, entre 1660 et 1800

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

DANCHIN Pierre 1989 C718 Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été sur la scène anglaise, entre 1660 et 1800

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

DANIEL Samuel 1964 A899/6 Delia, 1594

In An English Garner: Elizabethan Sonnets(Vol II)

DANIEL Samuel 1967 A256/2 A Defence of Ryme. ?1603

In Elizabethan Critical Essays, volume II

DANIEL Samuel 1967 B017 The Complaint of Rosamond(1592)

In Elizabethan Narrative Verse DANIEL Samuel 1967 A173 The Vision of the Twelves Goddess (1604)

In A Book of Masques

DANIEL Samuel 1970 B502 The Tragedy of Philotas

DANIELL David 1979 C531 Opening up the text: Shakespeare's Henry VI plays in performance

In Drama and society

DANIELL David 1984 C639 The good marriage of Katherine and Petruchio

In Shakespeare survey 37

DANIELL David 1986 C711 Shakespeare and the traditions of comedy

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare studies

Danielle Wargny 2000 D248 Réécriture chez John McGahern : les dettes à régler avec le(s) père(s).

In Colloques : Réécritures.

DANIELS, Maurice 1991 P5/29 Words read-words said. "so, so." The Winter's Tale II.3. 129

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°40

DANIELSON Dennis 1989 C767 The Cambridge Companion to Milton

DANNENFELDT, Karl H. 1954 B764/1 The Renaissance Humanists and the Knowledge of Arabic

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume II. Shaaber M. A.(editor) DANNENFELDT, Karl H. 1957 B764/2 The Pseudo- Zoroastrian Oracles in the Renaissance

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume IV. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

DANNENFELDT, Karl H. 1959 B764/3 Egypt and Egyptian Antiquities in the Renaissance

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VI. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

DANSON Lawrence 1974 C448 Tragic alphabet : Shakespeare's drama of language

DANSON Lawrence 1986 C711 Twentieth-century Shakespeare criticism : The comedies

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare studies

DANSON Lawrence 1991 D030 Commentary : "In the Destructive Element Immersed"

In Shakespeare Left and Right

DANSON Lawrence 1993 C925 Gazing at Hamlet or the Danish Cabaret

In Shakespeare Survey 45

DANSON Lawrence 1994 C984 'The Catastrophe isq a Nuptial' : The Space of Masculine Desire in Othello, Cymbeline, and The Winter's Tale In Shakespeare Survey 46

DARBORD M. 1976 C389 Présentation du Lazarillo de Tormes : le gueux hors de la cité

In Misère et gueuserie au temps de la Renaissance

DARBORD M. 1977 C411 Reflets de Tolède dans la littérature espagnole du siècle d'or (XVIe - XVIIe siècles)

In Les cités au temps de la Renaissance 2 DARGENT Georgette 1978 C813 Gaspard André et le théâtre des Célestins à Lyon

In Monuments Historiques : Architecture du Spectacle

DARLINGTON, W.A. 1970 C285 The Tragic Actress ( Sybil Thorndike)

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

DARRAGI Rafik 1989 C822 The Woman's Part in Question : The Duchess of Malfi

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

DARRAGI Rafik 1989 C718 The Woman's Part in Question : The Duchess of Malfi

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

DARRAGI Rafik 1990 C770 La violence d'État chez Shakespeare

In Henry the Fourth . Milton, gay . Pouvoir et musique

DARRAGI Rafik 1990 C772 Violence, théâtre et politique dans Richard III

In Le tyran : Shakespeare contre Richard III

DARRAGI Rafik 1994 C923 The Ivy and the Princely Trunk: Violence and Patriarchy in The Tempest

In Shakespeare - La Tempête : études critiques

DARRAS, Jacques 1987 C173 Othello , une tragédie?

In Autour d' Othello

DARRAS Jacques 1994 D003 William Shakespeare s'endormant dans le sommeil d'Arthur

In Shakespeare : cosmopolitisme et insularité DART Thurston 1954 A700 Rôle de la danse dans l'"ayre" anglais

In Musique et Poésie au XVIè siècle. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

DART Thurston 1960 A698 Le manuscrit pour le virginal de Trinity College, Dublin

In La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean

DART Thurston 1960 A698 Origines et sources de la musique de chambre en Angleterre (1500-1530)

In La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean

DAS GUPTA R.K. 1966 A463/7 Milton on Shakespeare

In Shakespeare Survey, 14 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

DASH Irene G. 1980 C575 A penchant for Perdita on the eighteenth- cebtury stage

In The woman's part

DASHWOOD Julie R. 1979 C531 The Italian futurist theatre

In Drama and society

DAUBER Antoinette B. 1990 C703 Allegory and irony in Othello

In Shakespeare Survey 40

DAVENANT, Sir William 1673 C064 The Law Against Lovers

DAVENANT, William 1668 C076 The Rivals DAVENPORT Arnold 1969 A912 The poems of Joseph Hall(bishop;of Exeter and Norwich

DAVENPORT Arnold (editor) 1961 B164 The Poems of John Marston

DAVENPORT Robert 1965 A286 King John and Matilda

In Elizabethan History Plays. Armstrong William A. (editor)

DAVENPORT Robert(fl.1624-40) 1965 A284 King John and Matilda

In Elizabethan History Plays, ed.with an Introduction and Glossary by ARMSTRONG William A.

David Bevington 2000 D255 The major cmedies

In The Cambridge Companion to Ben Jonson

David George 2000 D256 Plutarch, insurrection and death

In Shakespeare survey 53

David Glover and Cora Kaplan 2000 GENDERS

David Glover and Cora Kaplan 2000 D245 Genders

DAVID Richard 1966 A463/5 The Tragic Curve : A Review of two Productions of Macbeth

In Shakespeare Survey, 9 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production DAVID Richard 1968 B049 Plays Pleasant and Plays Unpleasant

In Shakespeare Survey 8. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

DAVID Richard 1968 B476 Shakespeare's Comedies and the Modern Stage

In Shakespeare Survey (Vol 4)

DAVID Richard 1969 B455 Actors and Scholars: A View of Shakespeare in the Modern Theatre

In Shakespeare Survey 12: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

DAVID Richard 1969 B050 Drams of Eale, A Review of Recent Productions

In Shakespeare Survey 10. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

DAVID Richard 1971 B605 Measure for Measure on the Modern Stage

In Shakespeare Measure for Measure, A Casebook. Stead C.K. (editor)

DAVID Richard 1972 B886 Of An Age and for All Time: Shakespeare at Stratford

In Shakespeare Survey n°25: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study and Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

DAVID Richard 1978 C485 Shakespeare in the theatre

DAVID Richard 1982 C581 All's Well That Ends Well (1953)

In Aspects of Shakespeare's 'problem plays'

DAVID Richard 1982 C581 Measure for Measure (1950)

In Aspects of Shakespeare's 'problem plays' DAVID Richard 1982 C581 Troilus and Cressida (1956)

In Aspects of Shakespeare's 'problem plays'

DAVID Richard 1988 C716 Shakespeare in minature : The BBC "Antony and Cleopatra"

In Shakespeare on television

David Scott Kastan 2001 D259 Shakespeare and English history

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare

DAVIDSON Clifford 1985 P5/16 Renaissance Dramatic Forms, Comic Perspective, and Alienation

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°27

DAVIDSON Donald 1987 C882 Meaning,’Seeing’, Printing

In Shakespeare, Meaning & Metaphore

DAVIDSON Frank 1968 A599 The Tempest : An Interpretation

Shakespeare : The Tempest

DAVIE, Donald 1960 B567 Syntax and Music in Paradise Lost

In The Living Milton

DAVIE Donald 1964 B514 Berkeley and the Style of Dialogue

In The English Mind. Davies Hugh Sykes and Watson George (editors)

DAVIE, Donald 1971 B788 Yeats, Berkeley, and Romanticism (1955)

In English Literature and British Philosophy DAVIES Anthony A623 Shakespeare and the Media of Film, Radio and Television : A Retrospect

In Shakespeare Survey No 39

DAVIES Anthony 1988 C762 Filming Shakespeare's plays : the adaptations of Laurence Olivier, Orson Welles, Peter Brook and Akira Kurosawa

DAVIES Anthony 1994 C958 Filming Othello

In Shakespeare and the Moving Image

DAVIES Anthony 1994 C958 Shakespeare on Film and Television: a retrospect

In Shakespeare and the Moving Image

DAVIES, Anthony 1996 D135 The Film Versions of Romeo and Julet

In Shakespeare Survey 49

DAVIES Anthony and WELLS Stanley 1994 C958 Shakespeare and the Moving Image : the plays on film and television

DAVIES Godfrey 1959 B375 Hume's History of the Reign of James I

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies, presented to Frank Percy Wilson

DAVIES Godfrey 1967 B047 The Early Stuarts 1603-1660

DAVIES Godfrey 1967 B207 The Early Stuarts(1603-1660) DAVIES Godfrey 1969 A915 Hume's History of the Reign of james I

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies

DAVIES H. Neville 1975 C476 Davenant, Dryden, Lee, and Otway

In English drama (excluding Shakespeare)

DAVIES, H. Neville 1981 P5/9 Spenser's Shepheardes Calender: the Importance of November

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 20

DAVIES H.Neville 1989 P5/25 All for Love: Text and Contexts

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°36

DAVIES, Horton 1970 B710 Worship and Theology in England

DAVIES Hugh Sykes 1964 B514 Wordsworth and the Empirical

In The English Mind. Davies Hugh Sykes and Watson George (editors)

DAVIES Hugh Sykes and WATSON George 1964 B514 The English Mind

DAVIES John 1964 A899/4 Hymns of Aestrae, in acrostic Verse, 1599

In An English Garner: Some Longer Elizabethan Poems

DAVIES John 1964 A899/4 Nosce Teipsum

In An English Garner: Some Longer Elizabethan Poems DAVIES John 1964 A899/4 Orchestra, or a Poem of Dancing, 1596A

In An English Garner: Some Longer Elizabethan Poems

DAVIES Martin 1997 D201 Humanism in script and print in the fifteenth century

In The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism

DAVIES, Neville 1978 P5/3 Lycidas: Poem and Pattern

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 14

DAVIES R.T. 1966 A964 The Worshipful Way in Malory

In Patterns of Love and Courtesy

DAVIES, R.T. 1972 B907 The Corpus Christi Play of the English Middle Ages

DAVIES R. Walter & LANHMAN Richard A. 1965 B195 Sidney's Arcadia

DAVIES, Robertson 1972 B922 Ben Jonson and Alchemy

In Shakespeare in the New World

DAVIES Stevie 1978 C475 Renaissance views of man

DAVIES Stevie 1986 C719 The Idea of Woman in Renaissance Literature : the Feminine Reclaimed DAVIES, Thomas 1970 C285 Garrick's First Performance in London

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

DAVIES, Thomas 1972 C038/1 Memoirs of the Life of David Garrick (1780) (Vol. I)

DAVIES, Thomas 1972 C038/2 Memoirs of the Life of David Garrick (1780) (Vol. II)

DAVIES Thomas 1981 C512 Shakespeare in the theatre, 1784

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

DAVIES, Tony 1997 D126 Humanism

DAVIS, Audrey B. 1972 C184/2 The Circulation of the Blood and Chemical Anatomy

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol. II)

DAVIS B.E.C. 1964 B320/64 The Renaissance

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1964)

DAVIS B.E.C. 1965 B320/63 The Renaissance

In The Year's Work n English Studies(1963)

DAVIS B.E.C. 1968 B320/66 The Renaissance

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1966) DAVIS B.E.C. 1969 B320/67 The Renaissance

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1967)

DAVIS B.E.C. 1970 B320/68 The Renaissance

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1968)

DAVIS B.E.C. 1971 B320/69 The Earlier Sixteenth Century

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1969)

DAVIS Herbert 1969 A591 The Conversation of the Augustans

In The Seventeenth Century : Studies in the History of English Thought and Literature from Bacon to Pope

DAVIS Herbert 1972 B891 Swift's Use of Irony

In Stuart and Georgian Moments. Miner Earl

DAVIS J.C. 1998 D208 Equality in an Equal Commonwealth: James Harrington's Republicanism and the Meaning of Equality In James Harrongton and the Notion of Commonwealth

DAVIS J.Colin 1999 D209 New World/Old World : The Theatre of Interests and sir Thomas More's Utopia

In Thomas Moore, Utopia: Nouvelles Perspectives Critiques

DAVIS, J.V. (editor) 1973 B964 Lawrence on Hardy and Painting

DAVIS Jim 1988 C879 His own triumphantly comi self: self and self consciousness in nineteenth-century English farce

In Farce DAVIS, Lloyd 1996 D135 'Death-marked love" : Desire and Presence in Romeo and Juliet In Shakespeare Survey 49

DAVIS, Natalie Zemon 1956 B764/2 Holbein's Pictures of Death and the Reformation at Lyons

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume III. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

DAVIS Natalie Zemon 1964 C356 Peletier and Beza part company

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XI

DAVIS, Philip 1996 D135 Nineteenth-Century Juliet

In Shakespeare Survey 49

DAVIS Ralph 1961 A686 England and the Mediterranean, 1570-1670

In Essays in the Economic and Social History of Tudor and Stuart England. Fisher F.J. (editor)

DAVIS, Walter A. 1971 B690 The Imagery of Bacon's Late Work

In Seventeenth Century Prose by FISH, Stanley

DAVIS Walter R. 1969 B428 Idea and Act in Elizabethan Fiction

DAVISON Peter 1968 A515/2 La dramaturgie en Angleterre à la veille de la Guerre Civile : John Ford et la comédie

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

DAVISON Peter 1970 B500 Marry, Sweet Wag

In The Elizabethan Theatre II. Galloway David (editor) DAVISON Peter 1992 D011 The Comedy of Hamlet

In Hamlet

DAVRIL Robert 1954 A548 Le Drame de John Ford

DAVY Marie-Madeleine 1965 B104 Evoution de la liturgie chrétienne

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

DAW BROWN, Beatrice 1967 P1/1939/I Marlowe, Faustus and Simon Magus

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°54

DAWES, James 1995 P5/36 Truth and Decay in Shakespeare's Sonnets

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°47

DAWSON Anthony B. 1988 C956 Tempest in a Teapot: Critics, Evaluation, Ideology

In Bad Shakespeare : Revaluations of the Shakespeare Canon

DAWSON Anthony B. 1999 D240 The Arithmetic of Memory: Shakespeare's Theatre and the National Past

In Shakespeare Survey n°52

DAWSON Giles E. and KENNEDY-SKIPTON 1966 A425 Elizabethan Handwritting(1500-1650): A Guide to the Reading of Docoments and Manuscripts

DAWSON Gilles E. 1990 C758 Shakespeare's Handwriting

In Shakespeare Survey 42 DAWSON, S.W. 1970 B775 The Critical Idiom vol11: Drama and the Dramatic

DAWSON Terence & DUPREE Robert S. 1994 C937 Seventeenth-century english poetry

DAY, Aydan 1996 D127 Romanticism

de ALMEIDA Barbara Heliodora C. 1967 A463/12 Shakespeare in Brazil

In Shakespeare Survey, 20 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

De BOISDEFFRE Pierre 1956 A629 Solitude et communion chez Kierkegaard et chez Kafka

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

DE CHATEAUBRIAND François René 1963 B043 from Sketches of English Literature: Striking Beauties of Shakespeare; Shakespeare's Female Characters In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor) de DAINVILLE François 1968 A515/2 Allégorie et actualité sur les travaux des Jésuites

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

DE GRAZIA Margreta 1991 D005 Shakespeare Verbatim : the Reproduction of Authenticity and the 1790 Apparatus

DE GRAZIA Margreta 1994 C984 The Scandal of Shakespeare's Sonnets

In Shakespeare Survey 46 DE GRAZIA Margreta 1996 D121 Imprints : Shakespeare, Gutenburg and Descartes

In Alternative Shakespeares, Vol II

DE GRAZIA Margreta 1996 D206 Imprints : Shakespeare, Gutenburg Descartes

In Alternative Shakespeares, Vol II de GRAZIA MARGRETA 1998 D197/12 The Ideology of Superfluous Things: King Lear as Period Piece

In Shakespeare's Tragedies

DE GROOT, John Henry 1968 C28 The Shakespeares and "The Old Faith"

De GRUYTER and HAYWARD Wayne 1952 A463/3 Shakespeare on the Flemish Stage of Belgium, 1876-1951

In Shakespeare Survey, 5: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

DE KISCH Marie-Anne 1975 C415 Fêtes et représentations au collège anglais de Rome 1612-1614

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

DE LA RUELLE Marc 1993 D033 The Ideological Roots of Cultural Studies in England

In English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference de LANNOY Stéphan 1978 C549 Le Roi Lear de Shakespeare, dans une mise en scène de Giorgio Strehler

In Les voies de la création théâtrale VI de Luna B.N. 1967 A514 Jonson' s Romish plot : A Study of Catiline and its Historical Context DE LUNA B.N. 1970 A959 The Queen Declined: An Interpretation of Willobie His Avisa

de MADARIAGA Salvador 1953 A463/4 On Translating Hamlet

In Shakespeare Survey, 6 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

DE MADARIAGA Salvador 1963 B043 from On Hamlet: Introduction

In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor)

DE MADARIAGA Salvador 1964 B294 On Hamlet

De MATOS Luis 1959 A606 Un aspect de la question vespuccienne: l'auteur du Mundus Novus

In Charles-Quint et son Temps. C.N.R.S de MENDONCA Barbara H.C. 1968 A463/13 'Othello' : a Tragedy Built on a Comic Structure

In Shakespeare Survey, 21 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

De MONTAIGNE Michel 1999 D235 From Prognostications

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William de MORCOURT R. 1960 A698 Le livre de tablature de luth de Domenico Bianchini (1546)

In La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean de MOURGUES, Odette 1953 B979 Metaphysical Baroque and Précieux Poetry De OBALDIA René 1956 A630 Conformisme de la jeune poésie

In Visages et perspectives de l'art moderne: peinture, poésie, musique. Etudes du C.N.R.S. réunies par JACQUOT Jean

DE PHILIPPIS, Michele 1967 P1/1936/II Milto and Manso: Cups or Books?

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°51

DE QUINCEY Thomas 1968 A790 On the Knocking on the Gate in Macbeth

In Shakespeare Macbeth: A Casebook.Wain John (editor) de ROMILLY Jacqueline 1965 A693 Ombres sacrées dans le théâtre d'Eschylle

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

De SCHLOEZER Boris 1956 A630 Remise en question

In Visages et perspectives de l'art moderne: peinture, poésie, musique. Etudes du C.N.R.S. réunies par JACQUOT Jean

DE SMET Robert (translated by Sir Barry Jackson) 1966 A463/2 Othello in Paris and Brussels

In Shakespeare Survey, 3: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

DE SOLA PINTO Vivian 1962 B032 Enthusiast in Wit: A Portrait of John Wilmot Earl of Rochester 1647-1680

DE SPONDE Jean 1954 B085 MÉditations sur les Psaumes

DEAN, John 1978 P5/2 Shakespeare's Influence on Moby Dick or, Where There's a Will, There's a Whale

In Cahiers Elisabéthains N°13 DEAN John 1978 P5/2 Shakespeare's Influence on Moby-Dick or, Where There's a Will, There's a Whale

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°13

DEAN, Leonard F. 1952 P1/1952/II Richard II : the State and The Image of The Theatre

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°67

DEAN Leonard F. 1970 B885 From Richard II to Henry V: A Closer View

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F.

DEAN Leonard F. 1970 B885 Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism

DEAN Paul 1989 P5/25 Shakespeare's Causes

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°36

DEAN R.J. 1969 B818 Unnoticed Commentaries on the Dissuasio Valerii of Walter Map

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond

DEAN Winton 1968 A463/13 Verdi' s 'Othello' : a Shakespearian Masterpiece

In Shakespeare Survey, 21 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

DEANE Cecil V. 1967 A337 Dramatic Theory and the Rhymed Heroic Play

DEBAX J-P et PEYRE Yves 1998 D168 As You Like It Essais critiques DEBAX Jean-Paul C801/1 Thèmes et formes du théâtre de moralités et d'interlude en Angleterre, des origines à la fin du 16e siècle

DEBAX Jean-Paul C801/2 Thèmes et formes du théâtre de moralités et d'interlude en Angleterre, des origines à la fin du 16e siècle

DEBAX Jean-Paul C801/3 Thèmes et formes du théâtre de moralités et d'interlude en Angleterre, des origines à la fin du 16e siècle

DEBAX Jean-Paul C801/4 Thèmes et formes du théâtre de moralités et d'interlude en Angleterre, des origines à la fin du 16e siècle

DEBAX Jean-Paul C801/5 Thèmes et formes du théâtre de moralités et d'interlude en Angleterre, des origines à la fin du 16e siècle

DEBAX Jean-Paul C801/6 Thèmes et formes du théâtre de moralités et d'interlude en Angleterre, des origines à la fin du 16e siècle

DEBAX Jean-Paul C801/7 Thèmes et formes du théâtre de moralités et d'interlude en Angleterre, des origines à la fin du 16e siècle

DEBAX Jean-Paul C801/8 Thèmes et formes du théâtre de moralités et d'interlude en Angleterre, des origines à la fin du 16e siècle

DEBAX Jean-Paul 1984 C606 Coriolan ou la parole en question

In Caliban n° XXI DEBAX Jean-Paul 1985 P5/17 The Diversity of Morality Plays

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°28

DEBAX Jean-Paul 1989 C741 "God Give You Tyme and Space" : essai de définition de l'espace des interludes

In Lieu et temps

DEBAX Jean-Paul 1992 C898 Les Interludes anglais de la Renaissance et la tradition de la satire Ménippée

In CERCLES : Le Grotesque au Théatre

DEBAX Jean-Paul 1992 C919/1 Vices and Doubledeckers. Birth and Survival of the Vice Drama Pattern

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

DEBAX Jean-Paul 1994 D003 Moralité anglaise et moralité européenne

In Shakespeare : cosmopolitisme et insularité

DEBAX, Jean-PAul 1995 D055 "God Gyve You Tyme and Space": Towards a Definition of Theatrical Space in the Tudor Interludes In French Essays on Shakespeare and His Contemporaries

DEBAX, Jean-Paul 1996 D068 Les voyages du vice

''Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture

DEBAX Jean-Paul 1998 D168/11 As You Like It, Acte 1, scène 2, 183-204: pastorale ou anti-pastorale?

In As You Like It Essais critiques

DEBAX Jean-Paul et PEYRÉ Yves 1987 C696 Miroirs de l'Être : Macbeth, The Man of Mode DEBUS, Allen G. 1972 C184/1 Guintherius, Libavius, and Sennert : the Chemical Compromise in Early Modern Medicine

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol I)

DEBUS, Allen G. 1972 C184/2 Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance : Essays to Honor Walter Pagel (vol. II)

DECROISETTE Françoise 1975 C415 Les fêtes du mariage de Cosme III avec Marguerite Louise d' Orléans à Florence, 1661

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

DECROISETTE Françoise 1980 C550 Aspects et significations de la "Scena regia" dans le drame en musique italien de la deuxième moitié du XVIIe siècle In Les voies de la création théâtrale VIII

DECROISETTE Françoise 1984 C583 Un exemple d'administration des théâtres au XVIIème siècle : Le Théâtre de la Pergola à Florence ( 1652-1662 ) In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées

DEDECK-HERY, V.L. 1967 P1/1937/II Jean de Meun et Chaucer, traducteurs de la Consolation de Boèce

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°52

DÉDÉYAN Charles 1961 B003/1 Dante en Angleterre(Moyen-Age - Renaissance)

DÉDÉYAN Charles 1966 B003/2 Dante en Angleterre(Classicisme)

DEFAYE, Claudine 1979 P5/4 Annabella's Unborn Baby: The Heart in the Womb in 'Tis Pity she's a Whore

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 15 DEFAYE Claudine 1985 C602 Antonio ou le Marchand malgré lui

In Le Marchand de Venise et Le Juif de Malte

DEFOE Daniel 1964 A899/7 A Hymn to the Pillory(1703)

In An English Garner: Later Stuart Tracts

DEFOE Daniel 1964 A899/7 An Appeal to Honour and Justice(1715)

In An English Garner: Later Stuart Tracts

DEFOE Daniel 1964 A899/7 Legion's Memorial(1701)

In An English Garner: Later Stuart Tracts

DEFOE Daniel 1964 A899/7 Papers from the Review(1704)

In An English Garner: Later Stuart Tracts

DEFOE Daniel 1964 A899/7 The Education of Women(1697)

In An English Garner: Later Stuart Tracts

DEFOE Daniel 1964 A899/7 The History of the Kentish Petition(1701)

In An English Garner: Later Stuart Tracts

DEFOE Daniel 1964 A899/7 The Review(1704-12)

In An English Garner: Later Stuart Tracts

DEFOE Daniel 1964 A899/7 The Revolution of 1688(1710)

In An English Garner: Later Stuart Tracts DEFOE Daniel 1964 A899/7 The Shortest Way with the Dissenters(1702)

In An English Garner: Later Stuart Tracts

DEFOE Daniel 1964 A899/7 The True-Born Englishman(1701)

In An English Garner: Later Stuart Tracts

DEFONTAINE, N. 1987 M44 Disguise in The Two Gentlemen of Verona and Twelfth Night

DEIMLING Hermann 1892 A123 The Chester Plays . Part I

DEKKER Thomas 1933 A174 The Shoemaker's Holiday

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

DEKKER Thomas 1939 A639 The Honest Whore, part one

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

DEKKER Thomas 1939 A639 The Honest Whore, part two

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

DEKKER Thomas 1939 A639 The Shoemakers' Holiday

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

DEKKER Thomas 1961 A262/4 Britannia's Honour

In The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers, Volume IV DEKKER Thomas 1961 A262/4 London's Tempe

In The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers, Volume IV

DEKKER Thomas 1961 A262/4 Lust's Dominion

In The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers, Volume IV

DEKKER Thomas 1961 A262/4 The Dramatic Works, Volume IV

In The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers

DEKKER Thomas 1961 A262/4 The Noble Spanish Soldier

In The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers, Volume IV

DEKKER Thomas 1961 A262/4 The Sun's Darling

In The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers, Volume IV

DEKKER Thomas 1961 A262/4 The Welsh Embassador

In The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers, Volume IV

DEKKER Thomas 1962 A262/1 Old Fortunate

The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers, Volume I.

DEKKER Thomas 1962 A262/1 Patient Grissil (with Chettle and Haughton)

The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers, Volume I.

DEKKER Thomas 1962 A262/1 Satiromastix

The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers, Volume I. DEKKER Thomas 1962 A262/1 Sir John Wyatt (with John Webster)

The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers, Volume I.

DEKKER Thomas 1962 A262/1 The Dramatic Works, Volume I

In The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers

DEKKER Thomas 1962 A262/1 The Shoemaker's Holiday

The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers, Volume I.

DEKKER Thomas 1964 A262/2 Northward Ho (with John Webster)

In The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers, Volume II

DEKKER Thomas 1964 A262/2 The Dramatic Works, Volume II

In The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers

DEKKER Thomas 1964 A262/2 The Honest Whore, Parts I & II

In The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers, Volume II

DEKKER Thomas 1964 A262/2 The Magnificent Entertainment given to King James

In The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers, Volume II

DEKKER Thomas 1964 A262/2 The Whore of Babylon

In The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers, Volume II

DEKKER Thomas 1964 A262/2 Westward Ho (with John Webster)

In The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers, Volume II DEKKER Thomas 1965 A289 The Shoemakers' Holiday

In Five Elizabethan Comedies, ed. with an Introduction by McILLWRAITH

DEKKER Thomas 1966 A262/3 If This be not a Good Play, the Devil is in it

In The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers, Volume III

DEKKER Thomas 1966 A262/3 Match me in London

In The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers, Volume III

DEKKER Thomas 1966 A262/3 The Dramatic Works, Volume III

In The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers

DEKKER Thomas 1966 A262/3 The Roaring Girl

In The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers, Volume III

DEKKER Thomas 1966 A262/3 The Virgin Martyr

In The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers, Volume III

DEKKER Thomas 1966 A262/3 The Witch of Edmonton

In The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers, Volume III

DEKKER Thomas 1966 A262/3 The Wonder of a Kingdom

In The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers, Volume III

DEKKER Thomas 1966 A262/3 Troia-Nova Triumphans

In The Dramatics Work of Thomas Dekker, edited by Fredson Bowers, Volume III DEKKER Thomas 1968 B046 The Gull's Hornbook (1609)

In The Seventeenth-Century Stage: A Collection of Critical Essays. Bentley Gerald Eades (editor)

DEKKER Thomas (edited by E.D. Pendry) 1967 B054 The Wonderful Year/ The Gull's Horn-BooK/ Penny-Wise/ Pound-Foolish/ English Villainies Discovered by Lantern and Candlelight and Selected Writings

DELANY Paul 1969 A577 British Autobiography in the Seventeenth Century

DELATRE F. & CHEMIN C. 1948 B005 Les Chansons Elizabéthaines

DELCOURT-CURVERS Marie 1962 B098 Tragiques Grecs: Euripide

DELEBECQUE Edouard 1965 A693 Euripide et l'actualité de son temps

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

DELEUZE Gilles 1968 B091 Différence et répétition

DELLA TERZA, Dante 1963 B764/5 Tasso's Experience of Petrarch

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume X. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

DELORME Suzanne 1956 A629 Des éloges de Fontenelle et de la psychologie des savants

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts. DELUMEAU Jean 1967 B105 La Civilisation de la Renaissance

DEMADRE Antoine 1968 A515/2 Un témoin : Thomas Nashe

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

DEMANGE Camille 1965 A693 La Crise du dialogue dramatique chez Kleist et Büchner

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

DEMANGE Camille 1967 A533 Le Théâtre allemand et la deuxième guerre mondiale

In Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale JACQUOT Jean (editeur)

DEMANGE Camille 1968 A692 L'expressionnisme allemand et le mouvement révolutionnaire

In Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

DEMANGE Camille 1971 C548 La jeune génération et les pièces-programmes de l'expressionnisme allemand

In L'expressionnisme dans le théâtre européen

DEMANGE Camille 1971 C548 La situation de Georg Kaiser par rapport à la génération expressionniste

In L'expressionnisme dans le théâtre européen

DEMOLEN, Richard L. 1973 C187 Erasmus

DENIS Y. 1978 P5/2 Adieu à l' amour by John Donne

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°13 DENIS, Y. 1978 P5/2 Adieu à l'amour by John Donne

In Cahiers Elisabéthains N°13

DENNIS John 1951 B558 The Passion of Byblis, the Grounds of Criticism in Poetry, Letters on Milton and Wycherley

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

DENNIS John 1969 A838 The Comical Gallant(1702)

DENNIS John 1969 A863 The Invader of His Coutry or the Fatal Resentment(1720)

DENNIS, John 1972 B949 The Usefulness of the Stage

DENNIS, John 1973 C144 The Impartial Critick

In The Impartial Critick and Miscellaneous Letters and Essays

DENNIS, John 1973 C139 The Stage Defended

In The Absolute Unlawfulness of the Stage-Entertainment Fully Demonstrated , The Stage Defended and Law Outlaw'd

DENNIS John 1974 C379/2 From his adaptation of Coriolanus, 1719

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

DENNIS John 1974 C379/2 From his adaptation of The Merry Wives of Windsor, 1702

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733 DENNIS John 1974 C379/2 Letters on Shakespeare, 1719

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

DENNIS John 1974 C379/2 On Rymer, 1693

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

DENNIS John 1974 C379/2 On Shakespeare's genius and morality, 1711

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

DENNIS John 1974 C379/2 On Shakespeare's morals, 1701

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

DENNIS John 1974 C379/2 Shakespeare and the Rules, 1720

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

DENNIS John 1974 C379/2 Shakespeare defended, 1698

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

Dennis Kennedy 2001 D259 Shakespeare worldwide

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare

DENONAIN Jean-Jacques 1959 B373 La Personnalité de Sir Thomas Browne

DENT, Alan 1970 C285 As You Like It at the Old Vic

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries DENT, Alan 1971 B649 World of Shakespeare: Plants

DENT, Alan 1973 C207 World of Shakespeare : Sports and Pastimes

DENT Edward J. 1966 A393 Shakespeare and Music

In A Companion to Shakespeare Studies, edited by Harley Granville-Barker and G.B. Harrison

DENT R. W. 1960 A477 John Webster's Borrowing

DENT Robert William 1981 C802 Shakespeare's proverbial language : an index

DENUS, Allen G. 1972 C184/1 Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance : Essays to Honor Walter Pagel (vol. I)

DEPRAT, Jean-Michel 1995 D055 Word and Action

In French Essays on Shakespeare and His Contemporaries

DEPRATS J.M. 1983 C597 Le mot et le geste

In Du texte à la scène : langages du théâtre

DÉPRATS J.-M. 1994 D003 Rencontre avec Jorge Lavelli, metteur en scène de Macbeth d' E. Ionesco

In Shakespeare : cosmopolitisme et insularité DÉPRATS J.-M. 1994 D003 Rencontre avec Serge Noyelle, metteur en scène de Macbeth (Théâtre de Chatillon sous Bagneux) In Shakespeare : cosmopolitisme et insularité

DEPRATS J-M. 1987 C854/2 Traduire Shakespeare pour le théâtre ?

In Palimpsestes N° 1 : Traduire le Dialogue Traduire les Textes de Théatre

DEPRATS J-M. 1992 C896 Traduire pour le théâtre

In Roméo et Juliette

DEPRATS, Jean Michel 1987 C173 Traduire Othello

In Autour d'Othello

DÉPRATS Jean-Michel 1991 C789 Rencontre autour de Comme il vous plaira, avec Lluis Pasqual, metteur en scène à la Comédie Française In Shakespeare et le corp à la Renaissance

DÉPRATS Jean-Michel 1991 C789 Rencontre avec Daniel Mesguich, traducteur et metteur en scène de Titus Andronicus

In Shakespeare et le corp à la Renaissance

DÉPRATS Jean-Michel 1998 D211 Cacodémon cinéaste(à propos de )

In Shakespeare et le Cinéma

DEPRATS, Jean-Michel. 2001 D277 Translation at the Intersections of history

In Shakespeare and Modern Theatre

DEPRATS Jean-Michel et DESARTHE Gérard 1990 C742 Entretien autour de Hamlet

In Shakespeare et la guerre DERMODY Thomas 1979 C779 From 'Poems; Moral and Descriptive', 1800

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

DERRIDA Jacques 1986 C946 Racism’s Last Word

In Race, Writing, and Difference

DESCARGUES Madeleine 1999 D225 Les Sermons de Sterne, ou l'Ecriture recréée

In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef)

DESMET, Christy. 1999 D282 Introduction

In Shakespeare and Appropriation

DESMET, Christy. SAWYER, Robert. 1999 D282 Shakespeare and Appropriation

Desmond SHAWE-TAYLOR 1998 D200 Eighteenth-Century Performances of Shakespeare Recorded in the Theatrical Portraits of the Garrick Club In Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century, Shakespeare Survey n°51

DESSEN Alan C. 1973 C453 Renaissance drama . New series VI : essays on dramatic antecedents

DESSEN Alan C. 1983 C584 Shakespeare's scripts and the modern director

In Shakespeare Survey 36

DESSEN Alan C. 1984 C693 Elizabethan stage conventions and modern interpreters DESSEN Alan C. 1986 C711 Shakespeare and the theatrical conventions of his time

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare studies

DESSEN Alan C. 1989 C750 Much virtue in As : Elizabethan stage locales and modern interpretation

In Shakespeare and the sense of performance

DESSEN Alan C. and SCHOENBAUM S. 1972 C458 Renaissance drama . New series V : essays principally on comedy

DESSEN, Alan C.and THOMPSON, Leslie 1999 D229 A Dictionary of Stage Directions in English Drama, 1580-1642

DESURMONT Christopher 1990 C770 Analyse de modaux significatifs dans Henry IV

In Henry the Fourth . Milton, gay . Pouvoir et musique

DEVÈSE Michel & MARX Roland 1967 B307 Textes et Documents d'Histoire Moderne

DEVOTO Daniel 1960 A697/2 Folklore et politique au ChâteauTénébreux

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint

DEWITT C. Croissant 1967 A621 Early Sentimental Comedy

In The Parrot Presentation Volume

Di BIASE Carmine 1994 P5/35 Ovid, Pettie, and the Mythic Foundation of Cymbeline

In Cahiers Elisabethains N° 46 Octobre 1994 Di BIASE, Carmine 1994 P5/35 Ovid, Pettie, and The Mythic Foundation of Cymbeline

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°46

DI MICELI, Caroline 1992 C919/1 The Taming of the Shrew : Frame and Mirror

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

DI MICELLI Caroline 1991 C789 Le corps éclayé : Antoine etCléopâtre, Corolian et Othello

In Shakespeare et le corp à la Renaissance

DI MICELLI Caroline 1993 C897 Poison and counterpoison in Romeo and Juliet

In Roméo et Juliette : Nouvelles perspectives critiques

DI TREVIS 1989 C787 The Director in the Swan

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan

DIAMOND, Elin 1985 D090 Pinter's Comic Play

Diana of Montmaior 1962 A615 Sireno a Sheepheard, Having a Lock of his Faire Nimphs Haire, Wrapt About with Greene Silke, Mournes thus in a Love-Dittie In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

DIAS Walter C333 Shakespeare : his tragic world . Psychological explorations

DICKENS, A.G. 1968 C195 The English Reformation DICKENS, A.G. & CARR, Dorothy 1969 C164 The Reformation in England to the Accession of Elizabeth I

DICKEY Franklin M. 1968 A598 The Elizabethans' s Antony and Cleopatra

In Shakespeare : Antony and Cleopatra

DIEKHOFF, John S. 1967 P1/1940/II Critical Activity of the Poetic Mind: John Milton

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°55

Dieter Mehl 2001 D259 Shakespeare reference books

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare

DIETRICH Margret 1968 A515/1 Le livret d' opéra et ses aspects sociaux à la cour de Léopold Ier

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

DIGANGI Mario 1997 D204 The Homoerotics of Early Modern Drama

DIGGES Leonard 1974 C379/1 Commendatory verses, 1640

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

DIJK Van, Maarten. 2001 D277 Lice in Fur: the Aesthetics of Cheek and Shakespearean Production Strategy

In Shakespeare and Modern Theatre

DILLER, Hans-jürgen 1972 B938 The Craftsmanship of the Wakefield Master

In Medieval English Drama DILLON, Janet. 2002 D287 Elizabethan Comedy

In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Comedy

DIPPLE, Elizabeth 1970 B781 The Critical Idiom vol 12 : Plot

DIRCKS P.T. C456 Thomas Arne to David Garrick : an unrecorded letter

In Theatre notebook . Volume XXX . Numbers 2 &3

DOBB Clifford 1965 A463/10 London' s Prisons

In Shakespeare Survey, 17 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

DOBRÉE Bonamy 1964 A421 English Literature in the Early Eighteenth Century(1700-1740)

DOBREE Bonamy 1966 A340 Congreve

In Restoration Drama (Modern Essays in Criticism)

DOBRÉE Bonamy 1966 A734 Restoration Tragedy (1660-1720)

DOBREE Bonamy 1966 A393 Shakespeare and the Drama of his Time

In A Companion to Shakespeare Studies, edited by Harley Granville-Barker and G.B. Harrison

DOBRÉE Bonamy 1969 A581 How to Edit Shakespeare

In The Morality of Art DOBREE Bonamy and WEBB Geoffrey (editors) 1967 A435/1 The Complete works of Sir John Vanbrugh, volume I

DOBREE Bonamy and WEBB Geoffrey (editors) 1967 A435/2 The Complete works of Sir John Vanbrugh, volume II

DOBREE Bonamy and WEBB Geoffrey (editors) 1967 A435/3 The Complete works of Sir John Vanbrugh, volume III

DOBREE Bonamy and WEBB Geoffrey (editors) 1967 A435/4 The Complete works of Sir John Vanbrugh, volume IV

DOBREE Bonamy (Ed. and Intro.) ) 1966 A282 Five Restauration Tragedies

DOBROV Gregory 1988 C879 The dawn of farce: Aristophanes

In Farce

DOBSON Michael 1990 C795 'Remember/First to Possess his Books'The Appropriation of The Tempest 1700-1800

In Shakespeare Survey 43

DOBSON Michael 1992 C908 The Making of the National Poet : Shakespeare, Adaptation and Autorship, 1660-1769

DOBSON Michael 1994 C984 Bowdler and Britannia : Shakespeare and the National Libido

In Shakespeare Survey 46 DODD William 1971 B712 The Beauties of Shakespear regularly selected from each play with a general index, volume I

DODD William 1971 B713 The Beauties of Shakespear regularly selected from each play with a general index, volume II

DODD, William 1971 C009/2 The Beauties of Shakespear Regurlaly Selected from Each Play (volume II)

DODD, William 1971 C009/1 The Beauties of Shakespear Regurlaly Selected from Each Play (volume I)

DODD William 1975 C379/3 On Shakespeare, 1752

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

DODD William 1993 D033 'So Full of Shapes is Fancy' : Gender and Point of View in Twelfth Night

In English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference

DOEBLER John 1973 C171 Orlando : Athlete of Virtue

In Shakespeare Survey 26

DOLEMAN R. 1999 D235 From A Conference about the Next Succession to the Crown of England

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

DOLLIMORE J. & SINFIELD A. 1992 C938 History and ideology : the instance of Henry V

In Alternative Shakespeares DOLLIMORE Jonathan 1985 C715 Introduction : Shakespeare, cultural materialism and the new historicism

In Political Shakespeare

DOLLIMORE Jonathan 1985 C715 Transgression and surveillance in Measure for Measure

In Political Shakespeare

DOLLIMORE, Jonathan 1989 D095 King Lear and Essential Humanism

In Radical Tragedy

DOLLIMORE, Jonathan 1989 D095 Radical Tragedy

DOLLIMORE Jonathan 1992 C966 King Lear (c. 1605-6) and Essentialist Humanism

In Shakespearean Tragedy

DOLLIMORE Jonathan 1992 C924 Shakespeare, Cultural Materialism and the New Historicism

In New Historicism and Renaissance Drama

DOLLIMORE Jonathan 1992 C924 The White Devil : Transgression Without Virtue

In New Historicism and Renaissance Drama

DOLLIMORE Jonathan 1992 D012 Tragedy and Literature

In Macbeth

DOLLIMORE, Jonathan 1996 D095 Antony and Cleopatra : Virtus under Erasure

In Radical Tragedy DOLLIMORE, Jonathan 1996 D095 Coriolanus : The Charriot Wheel and its Dust

In Radical Tragedy

DOLLIMORE, Jonathan. 1998 D285 Shakespeare and Theory

In Post-Colonial Shakespeares

DOLLIMORE Jonathan and SINFIELD Alan 1992 D009 History and Ideology : Henry V

In Shakespeare's History Plays : Richard II to Henry V

DOLLIMORE Jonathan & SINFIELD Alan 1985 C715 Political Shakespeare : new essays in cultural materialism

DOMMERGUES Pierre 1967 A533 Le nouveau théâtre américain entre deux aliénations

In Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale JACQUOT Jean (editeur)

Don ALLEN Cameron 1966 A988 The Star-Crossed Renaissance

Don ALLEN Cameron 1966 B023 The Star-Crossed Renaissance: the Quarrel about Astrology and Its Influence in England

DONAGAN, Alan 1971 B788 Victorian Philosophical Prose: J.S. Mill and F.H. Bradley (1968)

In English Literature and British Philosophy

DONALDSON David and PANTON Geo A. 1874 A114/2 The Destruction of Troy . Part II DONALDSON David and PANTON Geo A. 1879 A114/1 The Destruction of Troy . Part I

DONALDSON Ian 1970 B588 The World Upside-Down: Comedy from Jonson to Fielding

DONALDSON Ian 1971 B762 Drama from 1710 to 1780

In History of Literature in the English Language, volume IV: Dryden to Jonson. Lonsdale Roger (editor)

DONALDSON Ian 1971 B737 Language, Noise, and Nonsense: The Alchemist

In Seventeenth Century Imagery: Essays on Uses of Figurative Language from Donne to Farquhar. Earl Miner (editor)

DONALDSON Ian 1972 B872 Jonson's Tortoise

In Jonson: Volpone, A Casebook. Barish Jonas A. (editor)

DONALDSON Ian 1985 C679 The Oxford authors : Ben Jonson

DONALDSON Ian 1987 C980 Ben Jonson

In The Penguin History of Literature : English Drama to 1710

DONALDSON, Ian 1997 D223 Jonson's Magic Houses

DONALDSON Ian 2000 D262 (Jonson's Magic House)

In Ben Jonson's Plays and Masques DONALDSON Peter 1999 D240 'All which it inherit': Shakespeare, Globes and Global Media

In Shakespeare Survey n°52

DONALDSON, Peter S. 1997 D142 Shakespeare in the Age of Post-Mechanical Reproduction : Sexual and Electronic Magic in Prospero's Book In Shakespeare, the Movie Popularizing the Plays on Film, TV,and Video

DONDONI Lucia 1964 A701 L'influence de Sénèque sur les tragédies de Giambattista Giraldi

In Les tragédies de Sénèque et le théâtre de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

DONNE John 1957 A675 Devotions upon Emergent Occasions, and Severall Steps in My Sicknes

In Seventeenth-Century : English Prose

DONNE John 1967 A658 Complete Poetry and Selected Prose

DONNE John 1967 A657 Essays in Divinity

DONNE, John. 1993 D267 Poésie

DONNE John (ed. by Helen Gardner) 1966 B210 The Elegies and The Songs and Sonnets

DONNE John (ed. by Helen Gardner) 1969 B211 The Divine Poems DONNE John (ed. Theodore Redpath) 1967 B213 The Songs and Sonets

DONNELLY Ignatius 1899 B349 The Cypher: in the Plays and on the Tombstone;

DONNO Elizabeth Story 1963 B176 Elizabethan Minor Epics

DONNO Elizabeth Story (editor) 1967 et 1968 P2 Renaissance Quaterly, volume XX et XXI, n°1

DONOW Herbert S. 1969 B503 A Concordance to the Sonnet Sequences of Daniel, Drayton, Shakespeare, Sidney, and Spencer

DOR Juliette 1993 D033 Dialogical Reading and the Biblical-Creed Narrative Prayers in Chaucer's 'Man of Law's Tale'

In English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference

DORAN Madeleine 1962 B450 Pyramus and Thisbee Once More

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

DORAN Madeleine 1964 A186 Endeavors of Art: A Study of form in Elizabethan drama

DORAN, Madeleine 1973 C169 Command, Question, and Assertion in King Lear

In Shakespeare's Art : Seven Essays DORAN Madeleine 1976 C418 Shakespeare's dramatic language

DOREN Mark Van 1967 A917 The Taming of the Shrew

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

DOREN Mark Van 1968 A644 John Dryden : The Lyric Poet

In Seventeenth -Century English Poetry : Modern Essays in Criticism

DORSCH T.S. 1964 B320/64 Literary History and Criticism: General Works

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1964)

DORSCH T.S. 1964 B320/64 Shakespeare

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1964)

DORSCH T.S. 1965 B320/63 Literary History and Criticism: General Works

In The Year's Work n English Studies(1963)

DORSCH T.S. 1965 B320/63 Shakespeare

In The Year's Work n English Studies(1963)

DORSCH T.S. 1968 B320/66 Literary History and Criticism: General Works

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1966)

DORSCH T.S. 1969 B320/67 Literary History and Criticism: General Works

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1967) DORSCH T.S. 1970 B320/68 Literary History and Criticism: General Works

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1968)

DORSCH T.S. 1971 B320/69 Literary History and Criticism: General Works

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1969)

DORSCH T.S. & HARLOW C.G. 1964 B320/64 The Year's Work in English Studies(1964)

DORSCH T.S. & HARLOW C.G. 1968 B320/66 The Year's Work in English Studies(1966)

DORT Bernard 1967 A533 Jean Genet ou le combat avec le théâtre

In Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale JACQUOT Jean (editeur)

DORT Bernard 1967 A694 Le Réalisme épique de Brecht

In Réalisme et Poesie au Théâtre

DORT Bernard 1969 A528 Le Théâtre, un Art de Masse?

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs)

DORT Bernard 1972 B512/3 Lecture de Galilée, Etude comparée de trois états d'un texte dramatique de Brecht

In Les Voies de la Création Théâtrale, volume III. Bablet Denis & Jacquot Jean (editeurs)

DORT Bernard 1979 C827 Théâtre en jeu : essais de critique 1970-1978 DORT Bernard 1984 C965 La représentation théâtrale moderne(1880-1980) : Essai de bibliographie

DORVAL P. et MAGUIN J-M. 1992 C823 Rhétorique et représentation

In Shakespeare : Rhétoriques du texte et du spectacle

DORVAL, Patricia 1997 P5/40 Gazing through the Peephole of Rhetoric: Shakespearean Trompe-l'oeil Then and Now

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°51

DORVAL Patricia 1998 D168/10 As You Like It: Phénoménologie du pli

In As You Like It Essais critiques

DORVAL Patricia 1998 D211 Othello: "a pageant to keep us in false gaze" ou la part de l'invisible aperçu occultement

In Shakespeare et le Cinéma

DORVAL Patricia 1998 D211 Shakespeare et le Cinéma

DORVAL, Patricia 1998 P5/42 Shakespeare on Video

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°53

DORVAL, Patricia and MAGUIN, Jean-Marie 1992 P5/31 Playing on Things as well as Words: Antanaclasis on Screen and Stage

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°42

DOUCHET Jean 1980 C591 Dix-sept plans : Fury, Fritz Lang

In Le cinéma américain . Tome I DOVER WILSON J. 1963 B143/1 The Manuscript of Shakespeare's Hamlet and the problems of its transmission(Vol I): an essay in critical bibiography

DOVER WILSON J. 1963 B143/2 The Manuscript of Shakespeare's Hamlet and the problems of its transmission(Vol II): an essay in critical bibiography

DOWDEN Edward 1967 A761 Shakespeare, A Critical Study of His Mind and Art

DOWDEN Edward 1968 A599 The Serenity of The Tempest

Shakespeare : The Tempest

DOWDEN Edward 1979 C779 From the 'Fornightly Review', 1870

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

DOWNER Alan S. 1959 B304 King Richard III

DOWNER Alan S. 1966 A340 Nature to Advantage Dressed: Eighteenth-Century Acting

In Restoration Drama (Modern Essays in Criticism)

DOWNER Alan S. 1968 A929 The Language of Props' in Macbeth

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

DOWNER Alan S. 1970 B885 The Life of Our Design: The Function of Imagery in the Poetic Drama

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F. DOWNES JOHN 1974 C338 Roscius anglicanus : or an historical review of the stage

In Historia Anglicanus and Roscius Anglicanus

DOWNES John 1974 C379/2 Shakespeare on the Restoration stage, 1708

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

DRAGOVITCH V. 1983 C597 Deux mises en scène de Richard II

In Du texte à la scène : langages du théâtre

DRAITON, Michaell C250 Poems (part I)

DRAITON, Michaell 1967 C251 Poems (part II)

DRAKAKIS John 1992 C938 Alternative Shakespeares

DRAKAKIS John 1992 C966 Shakespearean Tragedy

DRAKAKIS John 1996 D206 Afterword : the Next Generation

In Alternative Shakespeares, Vol II

DRAKAKIS John 1996 D121 Afterword : the Next Generation

In Alternative Shakespeares, Vol II DRAKAKIS JOHN 1998 D197/6 "Fashion it thus": Julius Caesar and the politics of Theatrical Reprentation

In Shakespeare's Tragedies

DRAKAKIS, John. 2001 D279 Jew. Shylock is my name: Speech Prefixes in The Merchant of Venice as Symptoms of the Early Modern In Shakespeare and Modernity

DRAKAKIS, John (Ed.) 1994 D187 Antony and Cleopatra (Casebook)

DRAKE, James 1972 B947 The Antient and Modern Stages Survey'd

DRAKE James 1974 C379/2 Shakespeare defended, 1699

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

DRAKE Nathan 1981 C512 Shakespeare and Elizabethan poetry, 1798

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

DRAKE Nathan 1999 D260 Shakespeare's Richard III and Milton's Satan

In Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Richard III

DRAPER, John W. 1957 C286 The Tempo-Patterns of Shakespeare's Plays

DRAPER John W. 1966 P1/1932/I Classical Coinage in The Faerie Queene

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°47 DRAPER John W. 1966 P1/1931/II "Honest Iago"

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°46

DRAPER, John W. 1966 C208 The Hamlet of Shakespeare's Audience

DRAPER John W. 1966 A949 The Hamlet of Shakespeare's Audience

DRAPER John W. 1970 C332 SQtratford to Dogberry : studies in Shakespeare's earlier plays

DRAPER John W. 1970 C301 The humors & Shakespeare's characters

DRAPER John W. 1975 C362 The Twelfth Night of Shakespeare's audience

DRAPER, R.P. (Ed.) 1980 D189 Tragedy : Developments in Criticism

DRAUDT Manfred 1990 C703 The rationale of current bibliographical methods : printing house-studies, computer-aided compositor studies, and the use of statistical methods In Shakespeare Survey 40

DRAUDT Manfred 1992 C919/2 Metadrama in Ben Jonson’s Volpone

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642) DRAUDT Manfred 1994 P5/35 Venus and Mars: The Relationship of Love and War in Shakespeare

In Cahiers Elisabethains N° 46 Octobre 1994

DRAUDT, Manfred 1994 P5/35 Venus and Mars: the Relationship of Love and War in Shakespeare

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°46

DRAYTON M. 1962 A615 Rowlands Song in Praise of the Fairest Beta

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

DRAYTON Michael 1963 B176 Endimion and Phoebe: Ideas Latmus

In Elizabethan Minor Epics

DRAYTON Michael 1964 A899/4 Odes

In An English Garner: Some Longer Elizabethan PoemsAn English Garner: Some Longer Elizabethan Poems

DRAYTON Michael 1967 B017 Rosamond to Henry / Henry to Rosamond: Englands Heroicall Epistles(1597)

In Elizabethan Narrative Verse

DRAYTON, Michael 1970 C220 The Muses Elizium

DRAYTON, Michael 1970 C215 The Poly-Olbion : a Chorographicall Description of Great Britain (parts I, II & III)

DRAYTON Michael 1979 C779 From To my Most Dearely-Loved Friend Henry Reynolds, Esquire, of Poets and Poesie, 1627

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896 DRAYTON Michaell 1962 A615 A Roundelay Between Two Sheepheards

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

DRAYTON Michaell 1962 A615 Rowlands Madrigall

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

DRAYTON Michaell 1962 A615 The Sheepheards Antheme

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

DRAYTON Michaell 1962 A615 The Sheepheards Daffadill

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

DRAYTON, Michaell 1967 C219 Poemes Lyrick and Pastorall

DRAYTON Michel 1964 A899/6 Idea, in sixty-three Sonnets, 1594-1619

In An English Garner: Elizabethan Sonnets(Vol II)

DRAYTON W.B.H. 1967 A621 Shakespeare' s "Troilus and Cressida", Yet Deeper in ItsTradition

In The Parrot Presentation Volume

DREANO M. 1964 A701 Un commentaire des tragédies de Sénèque par Martin-Antoine Del Rio

In Les tragédies de Sénèque et le théâtre de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

DREW-BEAR, Annette 1973 C043 Rhetoric in Ben Jonson's Middle Plays : a Study of Ethos, Character Portrayal, and Persuasion DREYFUS Raphaël 1967 B097 Tragiques Grecs: Eschyle Sophocle

DRIVER Tom F. 1967 B024 The Sense of History in Greek and Shakespearean Drama

DRYDEN & DAVENANT 1968 A599 Two Scenes from The Tempest

Shakespeare : The Tempest

DRYDEN John 1951 B558 Epigram on Milton and Essay on Satire

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

DRYDEN John 1956 A552 The Works, volume I: Poems 1649-1680

DRYDEN John 1957 A675 The State of Innocence : The Author' s Apology for Heroick Poetry, and Poetick Licence

In Seventeenth-Century : English Prose

DRYDEN John 1960 A281 Aureng-Zebe

In Five Heroic Plays, ed. with an Intro. by DOBREE Bonamy

DRYDEN John 1962 A553 The Works, volume VIII: Plays (The Wild Gallant, The Rival Ladies, The Indian Queen)

DRYDEN, John 1965 B789 Preface Containing the Grounds of Criticism in Tragedy

In Shakespeare : The Tragedies DRYDEN John 1966 A282 All for Love

In Five Restauration Tragedies, ed. with an Intro. by DOBREE Bonamy

DRYDEN, John 1966 B696 Secret Love or the Maiden Queen

In The Works of John Dryden

DRYDEN, John 1966 B696 Sir Martin Mar-all, or the Feign'd Innocence

In The Works of John Dryden

DRYDEN, John 1966 B696 The Indian Emperour, or the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards

In The Works of John Dryden

DRYDEN John 1967 A999 Four Comedies

DRYDEN john 1968 A599 The Character of Caliban

Shakespeare : The Tempest

DRYDEN John 1969 A810 Troilus and Cressida or, Truth Found Too Late

DRYDEN, John 1970 B697 An Evening's Love, or the Mock-Astrologer

In The Works of John Dryden

DRYDEN, John 1970 B697 The Tempest , or the Enchanted Island

In The Works of John Dryden DRYDEN, John 1970 B697 Tyrannick Love, or the Royal Martyr

In The Works of John Dryden

DRYDEN John 1971 B802 The Works: Prose 1668-1691: An Essay of Dramatic Poesie and Shorter Works

DRYDEN, John 1972 C033 All for Love

DRYDEN John 1974 C379/1 From All For Love, december 1677

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

DRYDEN John 1974 C379/1 From An Essay of Dramatick Poesie, 1668

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

DRYDEN John 1974 C379/1 From his adaptation of Troilus and Cressida, pre-april 1679

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

DRYDEN John 1974 C379/1 Heads of an answer to Rymer, 1677

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

DRYDEN John 1974 C379/2 On Rymer, 1693

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

DRYDEN John 1974 C379/2 On Rymer, march 1694

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733 DRYDEN John 1974 C379/1 On the Jacobean dramatists, 1672

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

DRYDEN John ? 1974 C379/1 Prologue to Julius Caesar, 1672

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

DRYDEN, John 1974 C211/1 Sir Martin Mar-All

In Restoration Comedy (vol.1)

DRYDEN, John 1974 C211/2 The Kind Keeper

In Restoration Comedy (vol.II)

DRYDEN, John 1978 D054 The Works of John Dryden ( Volume XI )

DRYDEN John 1986 B715 The History of the League... The Postscriptof the Translator

In Restoration and Revolution. Myers William (editor)

DRYDEN John 2000 D262 Examen of The Silent Woman

In Ben Jonson's Plays and Masques

DU COLOMBIER Pierre 1960 A697/2 Les Triomphes en images de l' empereur Maximilien Ier

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint

Du PLESSIS MORNAY Philippe 1999 D235 From A Defense of Liberty against Tyrants

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William DUARTE João Ferreira 1993 D033 Auden's Icarus and His Fall : Vision, Supervision and Revision

In English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference

DUBOIS C.G. 1995 C999 Pâques lyriques : retour, renouveau, renaissance, resurrection dans la poésie lyrique française contemporaine de Shakespeare In Shakespeare . Le monde vert : rites et renouveau

DUBOIS Pierre 1999 D225 Les Cantates profanes de William Boyce, ou La (Con-)fusion des genres

In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef)

DUBROW Heather 1997 D193 "Upon Misprision Growing": Venus and Adonis (1987)

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

DUBU Jean 1983 C597 De Leir à Lear : mise en texte et mise en scène d'une légende et d'une politique

In Du texte à la scène : langages du théâtre

DUBU Jean 1987 C696 L'épisode anglais de Macbeth : légende, histoire et politique

In Miroirs de L'Être : Macbeth, The Man of Mode

DUBU, Jean 1987 C173 Shakespeare, Ambroise Paré et "la mumie"

In Autour d' Othello

DUBU Jean 1989 C822 La lyre du Songe

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

DUBU Jean 1989 C718 La lyre du Songe

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi DUBU Jean 1990 C772 Stanley, comte de Derby

In Le tyran : Shakespeare contre Richard III

DUBU Jean 1990 C773 Troilus and Cressida Comedia seria, comedia buffa?

In Shakespeare : Troilus and Cressida

DUBU Jean 1992 C824 Lyrisme et comédie dans Much Ado About Nothing

In Much Ado about Nothing

DUBU Jean 1992 C823 Rhétoriques de la déchéance royale chez Marlowe et Shakespeare

In Shakespeare : Rhétoriques du texte et du spectacle

DUBU Jean 1993 C897 De Petrarque à Shakespeare: Le sonnet dans Roméo et Juliette

In Roméo et Juliette : Nouvelles perspectives critiques

DUBU Jean 1994 D003 Anthroponymie shakespearienne

In Shakespeare : cosmopolitisme et insularité

DUBU Jean 1994 C923 ARIEL, des métamorphoses de l’Esprit à l’esprit de la métamorphose

In Shakespeare - La Tempête : études critiques

DUBU, Jean 1996 D057 Topaz/Parson, dédoublement de la satire dans La Nuit des Rois

In Twelfth Night : Le Language en Fête

DUCASSÉ Pierre 1956 A629 Magie technique et civilisation technicienne dans le style de notre temps

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts. DUCHÉ Jean 1963 B075 Histoire du Monde(3): l'Age de Raison

DUCHEMIN Jacqueline 1965 A693 Euripide et la religion traditionnelle

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

DUCKLES Vincent 1968 A752 The Music for the Lyrics in Early Seventeenth-Century English Drama: A Bibliography of the Primary Sources In Music in English Renaissance Drama

DUCKWORH George E. 1967 B318/1 The Complete Roman Drama: All the Comedies of Plautus and Terence, and the Tragedies of Seneca, in a Variety of Translations(Vol I)

DUCKWORH George E. 1967 B318/2 The Complete Roman Drama: All the Comedies of Plautus and Terence, and the Tragedies of Seneca, in a Variety of Translations(Vol II)

DUDRAP Claude 1968 A515/2 La tragédie espagnole face à la critique élizabéthaine et jacobéenne

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

DUFF William 1979 C537 Shakespeare's genius, 1770

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

DUFFET Thomas 1999 D235 Epilogue to The Empress of Morocco

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

DUFOURCQ Norbert 1960 A698 Remarques sur le clavier (clavecin et orgue) dans la première moitié du XVIIè siècle

In La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean DUFRENNE Mikel 1967 T17 Phénoménologie de l'expérience esthétique: I) L'objet esthétique

DUHET Paule-Marie 1999 D225 Présence de Wollstonecraft

In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef)

DUKORE Bernard 1972 B998/2 McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of World Drama: volume 2, E-K

DUKORE Bernard 1972 B998/3 McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of World Drama: volume 3, L-R

DUKORE Bernard 1972 B998/4 McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of World Drama: volume 4, S-Z

DUKORE Bernard 1972 B998/1 McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of World Drama: volume I, A-D

DULLIN Charles 1969 B106 Ce sont les dieux qu'il nous faut

DUMUR Guy 1965 B104 Echecs et réussites du théâtre contemporrain

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

DUMUR Guy 1965 B104 Histoire des Spectacles DUNCAN-JONES E. E. 1980 C533 Milton's admirer, Du Moulin of Nîmes

In English Renaissance studies presented to Dame Helen Gardner in honour of her seventieth birthday

DUNCAN-JONES Katherine 1980 C533 Sidney and Titian

In English Renaissance studies presented to Dame Helen Gardner in honour of her seventieth birthday

DUNCAN-JONES, Katherine. 2001 D269 Ungentle Shakespeare

DUNCAN-JONES Katherine (Ed.) 1997 D174 Shakespeare's Sonnets

DUNDAS Judith 1964 C356 Allegory as a form of wit

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XI

DUNKEL Wilbur D. 1966 P1/1931/II The Authorship of The Revenger's Tragedy

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°46

DUNLAP, Rhodes 1967 P1/1967/I The Allegorical Interpretation of Renaissance Literature

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°82

DUNLAP Rhodes (editor) 1964 A540 The Poems of Thomas Carew with his Masque

DUNN, E. Catherine 1956 B764/2 Lipius and the Art of Letter-Writing

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume III. Shaaber, M.a. (editor) DUNN, E. Catherine 1960 B764/4 The Medieval 'Cycle' as History Play: an Approach to the Wakefield Plays

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VII

DUNN, E. Catherine 1972 B938 Voice Structure in the Liturgical Drama: Sepet Reconsidered

In Medieval English Drama

DUPAVILLON Christian 1978 C813 Les monuments ? Pour y faire du théâtre, oui. Pour en faire des théâtres, non

In Monuments Historiques : Architecture du Spectacle

DUPREY, Richard 1965 C266 Whatever Happened to Comedy?

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

DURAND, Catherine 1973 M17 Imagery and Symbolism in King Lear

DURAND Gilbert 1995 C999 Le printemps sacrifié

In Shakespeare . Le monde vert : rites et renouveau

DURFEY, Tom 1974 C211/2 Madam Fickle

In Restoration Comedy (vol.II)

DURON Jacques 1956 A629 Pour une philosophie de la littérature

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

DURRANT, Geoffrey 1972 B922 Measure for Measure: A Comedy

In Shakespeare in the New World DüRRENMATT Friedrich 1970 B089 Ecrits sur le Théâtre

DUSINBERRE Juliet 1983 C584 Troilus and Cressida and the definition of beauty

In Shakespeare Survey 36

DUSINBERRE Juliet 1990 C758 King John and Embarrassing Women

In Shakespeare Survey 42

DUSINBERRE Juliet 1994 C984 As Who Liked It

In Shakespeare Survey 46

DUSINBERRE Juliet 1996 D155 Shakespeare and the Nature of Women

DUSINBERRE Juliet 1998 D168/1 Women and Boys Playing Shakespeare

In As You Like It Essais critiques

DUTHIE G.I. 1965 A775 The Dramatic Structure of Marlowe's "Tamburlaine the Great," Part I

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

DUTHIE G.I. 1966 A463/11 Antithesis in 'Macbeth'

In Shakespeare Survey, 19 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

DUTHIE George Ian 1966 B276 Shakespeare DUTTON Richard A623 Shakespeare' s Life, Time, and Stage

In Shakespeare Survey No 39

DUTTON Richard 1989 C740 Hamlet, An Apology for Actors, and the sign of the globe

In Shakespeare survey 41

DUTTON, Richard 1996 D159 Ben Jonson : Authority : Criticism

DUTTON, Richard (Ed.) 1996 D186 A Midsummer Night's Dream (Casebook)

DUTU Alexandru 1967 A463/12 Recent Shakespeare Performances in Romania

In Shakespeare Survey, 20 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

DUVAL Gilles 1999 D225 Harris, John R. Industrial Espionage and Techology Transfer: Britain and France in the Eighteenth Century In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef)

DUVIGNAUD Jean 1965 B108 L'Acteur: esquisse d'une sociologie du comédien

DUVIGNAUD Jean 1965 B104 La Fête civique

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

DUVIGNAUD Jean 1967 A694 La Révolution, theâtre tragique

In Réalisme et Poesie au Théâtre DUVIGNAUD Jean 1967 B071 Sociologie de l'Art

DUVIGNAUD Jean 1969 A528 Expérience du Drame, Expériences Sociales

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs)

DWYER, William W.G. 1973 C042 A Study of Webster's Use of Renaissance Natural and Moral Philosophy

DYCE Alexander 1979 C779 From 'The Works of Christopher Marlowe', 1850

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

DYER, Alan D. 1973 C191 The City of Worcester in the Sixteenth Century

DYER S.E. 1962 A615 Coricon to his Phillis

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

DYMKOWSKI Christine 1986 C815 Harley Granville Barker : A Preface to Modern Shakespeare

E.A.J. Honigmann 2000 D256 Shakespeare's self repetitions and King John

In Shakespeare survey 53

E.B. 1962 A615 A Pastorall to an Honourable Friend

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614) E.B. 1962 A615 The Sheepheards Song : A Carol or Himne for Christmas

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

'E.K.' 1967 A256/1 Epistle Dedicatory to The Shepherds Calender 1579

In Elizabethan Critical Essays

EADES BENTLEY Gerald 1970 B346 Shakespeare and the Blackfriars

In Shakespeare Survey(1)

EAGLETON Terence 1967 A360 Antony and Cleopatra

In Shakespeare and Society: Critical Studies in Shakespearean Drama

EAGLETON Terence 1967 A360 Corionalus

In Shakespeare and Society: Critical Studies in Shakespearean Drama

EAGLETON Terence 1967 A360 Hamlet

In Shakespeare and Society: Critical Studies in Shakespearean Drama

EAGLETON Terence 1967 A360 Macbeth

In Shakespeare and Society: Critical Studies in Shakespearean Drama

EAGLETON Terence 1967 A360 Measure for Measure

In Shakespeare and Society: Critical Studies in Shakespearean Drama

EAGLETON Terence 1967 A360 Shakespeare and Society: Critical Studies in Shakespearean Drama EAGLETON Terence 1967 A360 The Tempest

In Shakespeare and Society: Critical Studies in Shakespearean Drama

EAGLETON Terence 1967 A360 The Winter' s Tale

In Shakespeare and Society: Critical Studies in Shakespearean Drama

EAGLETON Terence 1967 A360 Troilus and Cressida

In Shakespeare and Society: Critical Studies in Shakespearean Drama

EAGLETON Terry 1992 D012 'The witches are the heroines of the piece...'

In Macbeth

EAGLETON Terry 1992 C966 Value: King Lear, Timon of Athens, Antony and Cleopatra

In Shakespearean Tragedy

EAGLETON Terry 1993 D010 Language and Value in King Lear

In King Lear

Earl MINER 1971 B737 Dryden's Eikon Basilike: To Sir Godfrey Kneller

In Seventeenth Century Imagery: Essays on Uses of Figurative Language from Donne to Farquhar. Earl Miner (editor)

Earl MINER (editor) 1971 B737 Seventeenth Century Imagery: Essays on Uses of Figurative Language from Donne to Farquhar

EARL OF ORRERY 1976 C379/4 Shkespeare's irregularities defended, 1759

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765 Earl WASSERMAN R. 1964 B499 Shakespeare and the English Romantic Movement

In The Persistence of Shakespeare Idolatry: Essyas in honor of Robert W. Babcock. Schueller Herbert M. (editor)

EARLE John 1957 A675 Micro-cosmographie or, a Peece of the World Discovered in Essayes and Characters

In Seventeenth-Century : English Prose

EARLE of OXENFORD 1962 A615 The Sheepheards Commendation of his Nimph

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

EARLE Peter 1972 B887 The Life and Times of Henry V

EASTMAN, Arthur M. 1950 P1/1950/VI Johnson's Shakespeare and the Laity: a Textual Study

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°65

EATON Sara 1991 C876 Defacing the Feminine in Renaissance Tragedy

In The matter of Difference : Materialist Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare

EBISCH Walther and SHUCKING Levin L. 1968 B724 A Shakespeare Bibliography

EBISCH Walther and SHUCKING Levin L. 1968 B725 Supplement for the Years 1930-1935 to A Shakespeare Bibliography

ECCLES Mark 1963 B810 Shakespeare in Warwickshire ECHERUO Michael Joseph Chukwudalu 1978 C483 The conditioned imagination from Shakespeare to Conrad : studies in the exo-cultural stereotype

ECKSCHER ELi F. 1962 B125 Mercantilism (Vol I)

ECKSCHER ELi F. 1962 B125/2 Mercantilism (Vol II)

ECO Umberto 1965 C831 L'Oeuvre Ouverte

ECO Umberto 1972 C832 La Structure Absente : Introduction à la Recherche Sémiotique

ECO Umberto 1979 T24 A Theory of Semiotics

Ed. by George WATSON 1965 A230 The Concise Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature 600-1950

Ed. by Judith O'Neill 1969 A247 Critics on Marlowe (Reading in Literary Criticism)

Ed. by MORRIS Brian 1968 A248 Christopher Marlowe (Mermaid Critical Commentaries) Ed. with an Intro. by DOBREE Bonamy 1960 A281 Five Heroic Plays

Ed. with an Intro. by Michael R. BOOTH 1965 A280 Eighteenth Century Tragedy

Ed. with an Intro. by TAYLOR W.D. 1966 A279 Eighteenth Century Comedy

EDELEN, Georges 1963 B764/5 William Harrison (1535-1593)

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume IX. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

EDELMAN Charles 1990 C758 Shakespeare's 'Brawl Ridiculous'

In Shakespeare Survey 42

EDELMAN Charles 1999 D240 Which is the Jew that Shakespeare Knew? Shylock on the Elizabethan Stage

In Shakespeare Survey n°52

EDEN W.A. 1969 B818 St Thomas Aquinas and Vitruvius

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond

EDGAR, Irving I. 1971 B705 Shakespeare, Medicine and Psychiatry

EDINBOROUGH Arnold 1966 A463/9 Canada' s Achievement

In Shakespeare Survey, 16 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production EDINBOROUGH Arnold 1969 B471 Julius Caesar

In Manner and Meaning in Shakespeare. Jackson B.A.W. (editor)

Edited by.Stanley Wells 1998 D200 Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century, Shakespeare Survey n°51

EDMOND Mary 1987 C993 Rare Sir William Davenant : poet laureate, playwright, Civil War general, Restoration theatre manager

EDMOND Mary 1993 C925 Peter street 1553-1609 : builder of playhouses

In Shakespeare Survey 45

Edward L. Rocklin 2000 D256 Measured endings : how productions from 1720 to 1929 close Shakespeare's open silences on Measure for measure In Shakespeare survey 53

EDWARDES Michael 1973 B507 China and Japan

In The Making of the Modern World: volume II. Johnson Douglas (editor)

EDWARDES Michael 1973 B507 India and Burma

In The Making of the Modern World: volume II. Johnson Douglas (editor)

EDWARDS, Murray D. 1972 B922 Shakespeare in the New World

In Shakespeare in the New World

EDWARDS Philip 1952 A463/3 An Approach to the Problem of Pericles

In Shakespeare Survey, 5: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production EDWARDS Philip 1962 B450 Massinger the Censor

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

EDWARDS Philip 1965 A441 The Danger not the Death: the art of John Fletcher

In Jacobean Theatre. Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies I

EDWARDS Philip 1965 A775 The Theme and Structure of "The Spanish Tragedy"

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

EDWARDS Philip 1966 A463/9 Critical Studies reviewed

In Shakespeare Survey, 16 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

EDWARDS Philip 1966 A938 Thomas Kyd and Early Elizabethan Tragedy

EDWARDS Philip 1968 A423/2 Hamlet

In Shakespeare and the Confines of Art

EDWARDS Philip 1968 A423/2 Love' s Labour' s Lost

In Shakespeare and the Confines of Art

EDWARDS Philip 1968 A423/2 Romeo and Juliet

In Shakespeare and the Confines of Art

EDWARDS Philip 1968 A423/2 Shakespeare and the Confines of Art EDWARDS, Philip 1973 C203 The Late Comedies

In Shakespeare : Select Bibliographical Guides

EDWARDS Philip 1978 C472 Shakespeare and the healing power of deceit

In Shakespeare Survey 31

EDWARDS Philip 1980 C500 The declaration of love

In Shakespeare's styles

EDWARDS Philip 1983 C584 Tragic balance in Hamlet

In Shakespeare Survey 36

EDWARDS Philip 1985 C953 Massinger’s Men and Women

In Philip Massinger : A Critical Reassessment

EDWARDS Philip 1985 C625 Person and office in Shakespeare plays

In Interpretation of Shakespeare

EDWARDS Philip 1986 C819 Philip Massinger : Comedy and Comical History

In Comedy from Shakespeare to Sheridan

EDWARDS Philip 1986 C669 Shakespeare : a writer's progress

EDWARDS Philip 1988 C905 LAST VOYAGES : Cavendish, Hudson, Ralegh EDWARDS Philip 1990 D013 Thrusting Elysium into Hell: the Originality of The Spanish Tragedy

In The Elizabethan Theatre XI

EDWARDS Philip 1992 D011 Tragic Balance in Hamlet

In Hamlet

EDWARDS, Philip 1996 D074 Tragic Form and the Voyager

In Travel and Drama in Shakespeare's Time

EDWARDS, Philip 1997 D151 Sea-Mark. The Metaphorical Voyage, Spenser to Milton

EDWARDS Philip 1997 D154 The Rapture of the Sea

In Shakespearean Continuities

EDWARDS Philip and GIBSON Colin 1976 C383/1 The plays and poems of Philip Massinger volume I

EDWARDS Philip and GIBSON Colin 1976 C383/2 The plays and poems of Philip Massinger volume II

EDWARDS Philip and GIBSON Colin 1976 C383/3 The plays and poems of Philip Massinger volume III

EDWARDS Philip and GIBSON Colin 1976 C383/4 The plays and poems of Philip Massinger volume IV EDWARDS Philip and GIBSON Colin 1976 C383/5 The plays and poems of Philip Massinger volume V

EDWARDS Philip, EWBANK Inga-Stina & HUNTER 1980 C500 Shakespeare's styles : essays in honour of Kenneth Muir

EDWARDS Thomas 1963 B176 Cephalus and Procris

In Elizabethan Minor Epics

EDWARDS, Thomas 1970 C007 The Canon of Criticism and Glossary being a Supplement to Mr. Warburton's Edition of Shakespear

EDWARDS Thomas 1975 C379/3 Warburton exposed, 1750

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

EDWARDS Thomas 1976 C379/4 On Warburton's Shakespeare, 1758

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

EGAN, Gabriel 1998 P5/42 The Use of Booths in the Original Staging of Jonson's Bartholomew Fair

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°53

EGAN Gabriel 1999 D240 Reconstructions of the Globe: A Retrospective

In Shakespeare Survey n°52

EGAN Robert 1975 C524 Drama within drama : Shakespeare's sense of his art in King Lear, The Winter's Tale and The Tempest EGAN Robert 1975 C422 Drama within drama : Shakespeare's sense of his art in King Lear, The Winter's Tale, and The Tempest

EGGERT, Katherine 1997 D142 Age Cannot Wither Him : Warren Beaty's Bugsy as Hollywood Cleopatra

In Shakespeare, the Movie Popularizing the Plays on Film, TV,and Video

EHRENPREIS Irvin 1972 B891 Letters of Advice to Young Spinsters

In Stuart and Georgian Moments. Miner Earl

EHRMANN Jean 1956 A697 Les Tapisseries des Valois du Musée des Offices à Florence

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

EIGNER Edwin 1979 C531 British television drama and society in the 1970s

In Drama and society

EIKHENBAUM B. 1965 A702 Comment est fait "le Manteau" de Gogol

In Théorie de la littérature (textes des formalistes russes réunis et traduits par Todorov Tzvetan )

EIKHENBAUM B. 1965 B086 Comment est fait le "manteau" de Gogol

In Théorie de la Littérature

EIKHENBAUM B. 1965 A702 La théorie de la "méthode formelle"

In Théorie de la littérature (textes des formalistes russes réunis et traduits par Todorov Tzvetan )

EIKHENBAUM B. 1965 B086 La théorie de la "méthode formelle"

In Théorie de la Littérature EIKHENBAUM B. 1965 A702 Sur la théorie de la prose

In Théorie de la littérature (textes des formalistes russes réunis et traduits par Todorov Tzvetan )

EIKHENBAUM B. 1965 B086 Sur la théorie de la prose

In Théorie de la Littérature

EIKHENBAUM B. 1965 B086 Sur la théorie de la prose

In Théorie de la Littérature

EINENKEL Eugen 1884 A157 The Life of Saint Katherine

EINSENSCHITZ Bernard 1980 C592 Six films produits par Val Lewton : Cat People, I Walk with a Zombie, The Leopard Man, The Seventh Victim, The Ghost Ship, The Curse of the Cat People In Le cinéma américain . Tome II

EINSTEIN Lewis B121 The Italian Renaissance in England: Studies

EISNER Lotte H. 1971 C548 Le cinéma expressionniste. De l'aube à minuit

In L'expressionnisme dans le théâtre européen

ELAM Keir 1980 C565 The semiotics of theatre and drama

ELAM Keir 1984 C738 Shakespeare's universe of discourse ELAM Keir 1992 C823 Inelocutio, Shakespeare and the rethoric of the passions

In Shakespeare : Rhétoriques du texte et du spectacle

ELAM Keir 1996 D206 'In What Chapter of his Bosom?' : Reading Shakespeare' s Bodies

In Alternative Shakespeares, Vol II

ELAM Keir 1996 D121 'In What Chapter of his Bosom?' : Reading Shakespeare' s Bodies

In Alternative Shakespeares, Vol II

ELDRIDGE Michael 1990 C878 Drama and philosophy: Professional Foul breaks the rules

In Drama and Philosophy

ELIOT T.S. A374 Elizabethan Dramatists

ELIOT T.S. 1951 B558 Milton

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

ELIOT T.S. 1963 C470 Ben Jonson

In Ben Jonson : a collection of critical essays

ELIOT T.S. 1968 A929 Shakespeare and the Stoicism of Seneca

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

ELIOT T.S. 1968 A644 The Metaphysical Poets

In Seventeenth -Century English Poetry : Modern Essays in Criticism ELIOT T.S. 1968 A789 The Opening Scene of Hamlet

In Shakespeare Hamlet: A Casebook.Jump John (editor)

ELIOT T.S. 1969 A635 Andrew Marvell I

In Marvell (Modern Judgements). Wilding Michael (editor)

ELIOT T.S. 1969 A635 Andrew Marvell II

In Marvell (Modern Judgements). Wilding Michael (editor)

ELIOT T.S. 1970 B582 Coriolanus II: Difficulties of a Statesman

In Twentieth Century Interpretations of Coriolanus. Phillips James E. (editor)

ELIOT T.S. and ISAACS J. 1966 A393 Shakespearian Criticism

In A Companion to Shakespeare Studies, edited by Harley Granville-Barker and G.B. Harrison

ELLIOT G.R. 1967 A917 Weirdness in the Comedy of Errors

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

ELLIOT R.W.V. 1969 A578 Chaucer ' s Reading

In Chaucer' s Mind and Art

ELLIOTT G.R. 1965 B893 Flaming Minister: A Study of Othello As Tragedy of Love and Hate

ELLIOTT G.R. 1965 B330 Source and Minister: a Study of Hamlet ELLIOTT, J.H. 1973 C186 England and Europe : a Common Malady?

In The Origins of the English Civil War

ELLIOTT John H. 1987 C952 Introduction: Colonial Identity in The Atlantic World

In Colonial Identity in the Atlantic World, 1500-1800

ELLIOTT, John R. Jr 1972 B938 The Sacrifice of Isaac as Comedy and Tragedy

In Medieval English Drama

ELLIOTT, R.C. 1965 C266 The Satirist and Society

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

ELLIS Alexander J. 1867 A099/1 Early English Pronunciation . Part I

ELLIS Alexander J. 1869 A099/2 Early English Pronunciation . Part II

ELLIS Alexander J. 1871 A099/3 Early English Pronunciation . Part III

ELLIS Alexander J. 1874 A099/4 Early English Pronunciation . Part IV

ELLIS Alexander J. 1889 A099/5 Early English Pronunciation . Part V ELLIS Havelock 1979 C779 From 'Christopher Marlowe', Mermaids Series,1887

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

ELLIS-FERMOR U. 1985 C625 Shakespeare the dramatist

In Interpretation of Shakespeare

ELLIS-FERMOR U.M. 1967 A493 Christopher Marlowe

ELLIS-FERMOR Una 1961 B334 The Jacobean Drama: An Interpretation

ELLIS-FERMOR Una 1965 A775 Thomas Dekker

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

ELLIS-FERMOR Una 1966 A463/1 Critical Studies (reviewed)

In Shakespeare Survey, 2: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

ELLIS-FERMOR Una 1966 A463/2 Critical Studies (reviewed)

In Shakespeare Survey, 3: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

ELLIS-FERMOR Una 1969 A787 Shakespeare's Portrait of the Statesman-King

In Shakespeare Henry V : A Casebook. Quinn Michael (editor)

ELLIS-FERMOR Una 1970 B346 Critical Studies

In Shakespeare Survey(1) ELLIS-FERMOR Una 1973 B992 Shakespeare the Dramatist and Other Papers

ELLIS-FERMOR Una 1980 C668 Shakespeare's drama

ELLIS-FERMOR Una Mary 1975 C361 Some recent research in Shakespeare's imagery

ELLISTON, R.W. 1820 C063 King Lear

ELLROD Robert 1970 B260 George Herbert and the Religious Lyric

In English Poetry and Prose(1540-1674)

ELLRODT Robert 1975 C398 Self-consciousness in Montaigne and Shakespeare

In Shakespeare Survey 28

ELLRODT Robert 1980 C533 Angels and the poetic imagination from Donne to Traherne

In English Renaissance studies presented to Dame Helen Gardner in honour of her seventieth birthday

ELLRODT Robert 1986 C711 Shakespeare the non-dramatic poet

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare studies

ELLRODT Robert 1994 C974 The Inversion of Culrural Traditions in Shakespeare's Sonnets

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions ELSOM John 1989 C748 Is Shakespeare still our contemporary ?

ELTON G.R. 1966 A562 The Tudor Revolution in Government: Administrative Changes in the Reign of Henry VIII

ELTON G.R. 1968 A593 The New Cambridge Modern History( Vol II) : The Reformation : 1520-1559

ELTON G.R. 1968 A561 The Tudor Constitution: Documents and Commentaries

ELTON G.R. 1969 A636 England 1200-1640

ELTON G.R. 1969 A664 England : 1200-1640

ELTON, Oliver 1970 C223 Introduction to Michael Drayton

ELTON W.R. 1969 A601 Double Plot in King Lear

In Shakespeare King Lear

ELTON W.R. 1969 A788 Double Plot in King Lear

In Shakespeare King Lear : A Casebook.Kermode Frank (editor) ELTON W. R. 1986 C711 Shakespeare and the thought of his age

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare studies

ELTON William R. 1979 C542 Shakespeare's world : Renaissance intellectual contexts . A selective, annotated guide, 1966-1971

ELZE Karl 1874 B 360 Essays on Shakespeare

EMDEN, Cecil S. 1973 C171 Shakespeare and the Eye

In Shakespeare Survey 26

EMERSON Ralph Waldo 1951 B558 Milton

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

EMMA Ronald David and SHAWCROSS John T. 1967 B581 Language and Style in Milton: A Symposium in Honor of the Tercentenary of Paradise Lost

EMPSON William 1963 A922 Seven Types of Ambiguity

EMPSON William 1965 A775 The Function of the Double Plot

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

EMPSON William 1967 A917 'Tell me where is Fancy bred'

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism EMPSON William 1968 A929 Honest in Othello

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

EMPSON William 1969 A635 Marvell's 'Garden'

In Marvell (Modern Judgements). Wilding Michael (editor)

EMPSON William 1969 A247 Two Proper Crimes

In Critics on Marlowe, ed. by Judith O'Neill

EMPSON William 1970 B057 Falstaff and Mr Dover Wilson

In Shakespeare: Henry IV (parts I & II)

EMPSON William 1971 B605 Sense in Measure for Measure

In Shakespeare Measure for Measure, A Casebook. Stead C.K. (editor)

EMPSON William 1979 C534 Natural magic and populism in Marvell's poetry

In Andrew Marvell : essays on the tercentenary of his death

EMPSON William 1986 C666 Essays on Shakespeare

EMSLIE MacDonald 1968 A752 Milton and Lawes : the Trinity MS Revisions

In Music in English Renaissance Drama

ENCK John J. 1966 B379 Jonson and the comic truth ENCK John J. 1972 B872 From Jonson and the Comic Truth

In Jonson: Volpone, A Casebook. Barish Jonas A. (editor)

ENGEL Edwin A. 1965 B025 Ideas in the Plays of Eugene O'Neill

In Ideas in the Drama: selected papers from the English Institute. Gassner John (editor)

ENGLAND Martha Winburn 1964 C330 Garrick's Jubilee

ENGLE, Lars. 2001 D279 Measure for Measure and Modernity: the Problem of the Sceptic's Authority

In Shakespeare and Modernity

ENGLER, Balz 1993 P5/33 'Else My Project Fails': Applause and the Autority of Shakespeare's Texts

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°44

ENRIGHT D.J. 1970 B044 Shakespeare and the Students

EÖRSI Istvan 1979 C531 Illusion and conflict : drama in Eastern European societies

In Drama and society

Eric C. BROWN 1998 D200 'Many a Civil Monster': Shakespeare's Idea of the Centaur

In Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century, Shakespeare Survey n°51

ERICKSEN Roy 1992 C919/2 Masque Elements in Doctor Faustus and The Tempest

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642) ERICKSON Peter 1987 C733 The Order of the Garter, the cult of Elizabeth, and class-gender tension inThe Merry Wives of Windsor In Shakespeare reproduced : the text in history and ideology

ERIKSEN, R.T. 1981 P5/9 Mnemonics and Giordano Bruno's Magical Art of Composition

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 20

ERIKSEN Roy T. 1985 P5/18 Marlowe's Petrarch: In Morte di Madonna Laura

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°29

ERIKSEN Roy T. 1989 P5/25 George Gascoigne's and Mary Sidney's Versions of Psalm 130

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°36

ERLICH Bruce 1978 C472 Structure, inversion, and game in Shakespeare's classical world

In Shakespeare Survey 31

ERLICH Bruce 1982 C573 Queenly shadows : on mediation in two comedies

In Shakespeare Survey 35

Ernst Honigmann 2001 D259 Shakespeare's life

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare

ERSKINE-HILL Howard 1971 B762 John Dryden

In History of Literature in the English Language, volume IV: Dryden to Jonson. Lonsdale Roger (editor)

ERSKINE-HILL Howard 1972 B995 Courtiers out of Horace

In John Donne: Essays in Celebration. Smith A.J. (editor) ERSKINE-HILL Howard 1977 C432 The significance of Gay's drama

In English drama : forms and development

ERSKINE-HILL, Howard 1996 D176 Poetry of Opposition and Revolution Dryden to Wordsworth

ERTLE Antoine 1997 D195 L'ambiguïté de l' enfer dans Doctor Faustus

In Le Mal et ses masques

ERTLÉ Antoine 2000 D228/1 A Game at Chess de Thomas Middleton (1624): édition critique avec introduction, traduction et notes

ERTLÉ Antoine 2000 D228/2 A Game at Chess de Thomas Middleton (1624): édition critique avec introduction, traduction et notes

ERVIN, St John 1970 C285 A Bill of Divorcement

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

ESCAT Gérard 1968 B074 Bacon

ESCH Arno 1955 A645 Englsche Religiöse Lyrik des 17. Jahrhunderts : Studien zu Donne, Herbert, Crashaw, Vaughan

ESSLIN, Martin 1971 B825 Théâtre de l'Absurde ESSLIN, Martin 1971 B826 Théâtre de l'Absurde

ESSLIN Martin 1976 C402 An anatomy of drama

ESTRIN Barbara L. 1977 P5/1 Finding the Poet in the Narrator's Tale: The Lost Child in Book I of The Faerie Queene

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 12

ESTRIN, Barbara L. 1977 P5/1 Finding the Poet in the Narrator's Tale: The Lost Child in Book I of the Faerie Queene

In Cahiers Elisabéthains N°12

ESTRIN, Barbara L. 1979 P5/5 Death as the Mother of Beauty in Book VI of the Faerie Queene

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 16

ETHEREGE, George 1973 B955 The Man of Mode

ETHEREGE, George 1974 C211/1 She Would if She Could

In Restoration Comedy (vol.1)

ETHEREGE, George 1974 C211/1 The Man of Mode

In Restoration Comedy (vol.1)

Etudes du C.N.R.S. 1956 A629 Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts. Etudes du C.N.R.S. réunies par JACQUOT Jean 1956 A630 Visages et perspectives de l'art moderne: peinture, poésie, musique

EVANS, Bertrand 1950 P1/1950/V The Brevity of Friar Laurence

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°65

EVANS Bertrand 1960 A491 Shakespeare's Comedies

EVANS Bertrand 1967 A917 Awareness and Unawareness Much Ado About Nothing

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

EVANS Bertrand 1967 A917 Much Ado About Nothing in the Theatre

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

EVANS Bertrand 1972 B873 The Fruits of the Sport

In Shakespeare: Twelfth Night, A Casebook. Palmer D.J. (editor)

EVANS Bertrand 1979 C503 Shakespeare's tragic practice

EVANS G. Blakemore 1984 C884 Romeo and Juliet

EVANS G. Blakemore 1984 C680 Romeo and Juliet EVANS Gareth LLOYD 1967 A463/12 Shakespeare, the Twentieth Century and 'Behaviourism'

In Shakespeare Survey, 20 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

EVANS Gareth LLOYD 1968 A463/13 Shakespeare and the Actors : Notes towards Interpretations

In Shakespeare Survey, 21 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

EVANS, Gareth Lloyd 1969 B664 Shakespeare I, 1564-1592

EVANS, Gareth Lloyd 1969 B665 Shakespeare II, 1587-1598

EVANS Gareth LLOYD 1969 A463/14 The Reason Why : The Royal Shakespeare Season 1968

EVANS Gareth LLoyd 1970 B456 Interpretation or Experience? Shakespeare at Stratford

In Shakespeare Survey 23: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

EVANS, Gareth Lloyd 1971 B706 Shakespeare III, 1599-1604

EVANS, Gareth Lloyd 1972 B863 Shakespeare IV 1601-1605

EVANS Gareth Lloyd 1972 B883 Shakespeare's Fools: The Shadow and the Substance of Drama

In Shakespearian Comedy. Bradbury Malcolm and Palmer David (editors). Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies n°14 EVANS Gareth Lloyd 1973 B990 Shakespeare V, 1606-1616

EVANS, Gareth Lloyd 1981 P5/9 Forms to His Conceit- Shakespearian Acting Today

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 20

EVANS Ifor 1966 B230 The Language of Shakespeare's Plays

EVANS Ivor 1964 A977 Shakespeare's World

In Shakespeare's World

EVANS J. Martin 1980 C533 Lycidas, Daphnis, and Gallus

In English Renaissance studies presented to Dame Helen Gardner in honour of her seventieth birthday

EVANS Joan 1949 A575 English Art : 1307-1461

EVANS Malcolm 1986 C735 Signifying nothing : truth's true contents in Shakespeare's text

EVANS Malcolm 1992 C966 Albion's Confusion

In Shakespearean Tragedy

Evans Malcolm 1992 C938 Deconstructing Shalespeare’s comedies

In Alternative Shakespeares EVANS Malcolm 1992 D012 Imperfect Speakers : the Tale Thickens

In Macbeth

EVANS Maurice 1967 B280 English Poetry in the Sixteenth Century

EVANS Maurice 1970 B486 Spencer's Anatomy of Heroism: a Commentary on The Faerie Queene

EVANS Maurice 1977 C465 Elizabethan sonnets

EVANS Robert.C 2000 D262 Thomas Sutton: Jonson's Volpone?

In Ben jonson's Plays and Masques

EVANS, Robert O. 1966 C268 The Osier Cage : Rhetorical Devices in Romeo & Juliet

EVANS Stuart A623 Shakespeare on Radio

In Shakespeare Survey No 39

EVANS Willa McClung 1968 A752 Cartwright'sDebt to Lawes

In Music in English Renaissance Drama

EVANTHIUS 1968 A929 The Elizabethan View of Tragedy

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor) EVELYN John 1957 A675 A Character of England , as It Was Lately Presented in a Letter, to a Nobleman of France

In Seventeenth-Century : English Prose

EVENAT, Maryvonne 1979 M29 Shakespeare et le Théâtre Elisabéthain: Fate and Human Responsibility in Macbeth

EVENHUIS, Francis D. 1973 C149 Massinger's Imagery

EVERETT Barbara 1969 A601 The New King Lear

In Shakespeare King Lear

EVERETT Barbara 1969 A788 The New King Lear

In Shakespeare King Lear : A Casebook.Kermode Frank (editor)

EVERETT Barbara 1977 C433 Hamlet : a time to die

In Shakespeare Survey 30

EVERETT Barbara 1979 C534 The shooting of the bears : poetry and politics in Andrew Marvell

In Andrew Marvell : essays on the tercentenary of his death

EVERETT Barbara 1980 C533 The end of the big names : Milton's epic catalogues

In English Renaissance studies presented to Dame Helen Gardner in honour of her seventieth birthday

EVERETT Barbara 1982 C573 'Spanish' Othello : the making of Shakespeare's moor

In Shakespeare Survey 35 EVERETT Barbara 1989 C885 Young Hamlet : Essays on Shakespeare’s Tragedies

EVERETT, Barbara 1994 C934 Much Ado About Nothing : The Unsociable Comedy

In English Comedy

EVERETT Dorothy 1969 A578 Some Reflexions on Chaucer' s "Art Poetical"

In Chaucer' s Mind and Art

EWBANK I.S. 1997 D154 Shakespeare and Strindberg : Influence as Insemination

In Shakespearean Continuities

EWBANK, Inga-Stigna 1971 B699 'More Pregnantly than Words': Some Uses and Limitation of Visual Symbolism

In Shakespeare Survey N°24

EWBANK Inga-Stina 1966 A463/11 The Fiend- Like Queen : A Note on 'Macbeth' and Seneca' s 'Medea'

In Shakespeare Survey, 19 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

EWBANK Inga-Stina 1967 A173 "These pretty devises": AStudy of Masques in Plays

In A Book of Masques

EWBANK Inga-Stina 1968 A596 The Triumph of Time

In Shakespeare : The Winter' s Tale

EWBANK Inga-Stina 1968 A596 The Triumph of Time

In Shakespeare : The Winter' s Tale EWBANK Inga-Stina 1972 B883 'Were man but constant, he were perfect': Constancy and Consistency in The Two Gentleman of Verona In Shakespearian Comedy. Bradbury Malcolm and Palmer David (editors). Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies n°14

EWBANK Inga-Stina 1975 C476 Webster, Tourneur, and Ford

In English drama (excluding Shakespeare)

EWBANK Inga-Stina 1977 C433 Hamlet and the power of words

In Shakespeare Survey 30

EWBANK Inga-Stina 1978 C494 Shakespeare's portrayal of women : a 1970's view

In Shakespeare : pattern of excelling nature

EWBANK Inga-Stina 1979 C531 Drama and society in Ibsen's Pillars of the Community

In Drama and society

EWBANK Inga-Stina 1980 C500 'My name is Marina' : the language of recognition

In Shakespeare's styles

EWBANK Inga-Stina 1986 C711 Shakespeare and the arts of language

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare studies

EWBANK Inga-Stina 1989 C750 From narrative to dramatic language: The Winter's Tale and its source

In Shakespeare and the sense of performance

EWBANK Inga-Stina 1990 C795 The Tempest and After

In Shakespeare Survey 43 EWBANK Inga-Stina 1993 C960 Shakespeare's Liars

In British Academy Shakespeare Lectures

EWBANK Inga-Stina 1994 C974 Shakespeare, Isben, and Rome: A Study in cultural Transmission

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

EWBANK, Inga-Stina 1995 D094 Shakespeare Translation as Cultural Exchange

In Shakespeare Survey 48

EWBANK Inga-Stina 1995 C999 Transmutations of the Green World

In Shakespeare . Le monde vert : rites et renouveau

EWOUNDA, Denis 1993 MD14 Création du héros chez Soyinka dans The Strong Breed et dans A Dance of the Forests.

EYRE Richard 1990 C772 On Directing Richard III

In Le tyran : Shakespeare contre Richard III

F.L. 1977 P5/1 Damini Salgado, The Elizabethan Underworld

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 12

FAAS Ekbert 1986 C676 Shakespeare's poetics

FABRE Claude 1990 C770 Shakespeare et l'Opéra

In Henry the Fourth . Milton, gay . Pouvoir et musique FALCONER Alexander Frederick 1964 B163 Shakespeare and the Sea

FANTA, Christopher G. 1970 B683 Marlowe's "Agonists"

Farida Majdoub 2000 D248 Réécriture de l'Histoire : la trace de l'intertexte dans les romans de Nadine Gordimer, écrivaine sud-africaine. In Colloques : Réécritures.

FARLEY-HILLS, David 1996 D135 The "Bad" Quarto of Romeo and Juliet

In Shakespeare Survey 49

FARMER, D.L. 1971 C153 Britain and the Stuarts

FARMER John S. 1966 A196/2 A Ballad against Slander and Detraction

In The Proverbs, Epigrams, and Miscellanies of John Heywood

FARMER John S. 1966 A196/2 A Ballad of the Green Willow

In The Proverbs, Epigrams, and Miscellanies of John Heywood

FARMER John S. 1966 A196/2 A Ballad of the Marriage between our Sovereign Lord and our Sovereign Lady

In The Proverbs, Epigrams, and Miscellanies of John Heywood

FARMER John S. 1966 A196/2 A Brief Ballet touching the Traitorous taking of Scarborough Castle

In The Proverbs, Epigrams, and Miscellanies of John Heywood FARMER John S. 1966 A192 A Comedy Concerning The Three Laws of Nature, Moses and The Christ

In Early English Dramatists: the Dramatic Writing of John Bale, Bishop of Ossory

FARMER John S. 1966 A192 A Comedy or Interlude concerning The Temptation of Our Lord

In Early English Dramatists: the Dramatic Writing of John Bale, Bishop of Ossory

FARMER John S. 1966 A192 A Comedy or Interlude of John Baptist's Preaching in the Wilderness

In Early English Dramatists: the Dramatic Writing of John Bale, Bishop of Ossory

FARMER John S. 1966 A196/2 A Description of a Most Noble Lady

In The Proverbs, Epigrams, and Miscellanies of John Heywood

FARMER John S. 1966 A196/3 A Dialogue concerning Witty and Witless

In The Dramatic Writings of John Heywood

FARMER John S. 1966 A196/2 A Dialogue of the Effectual Proverbs in the English Tongue concerning Marriages

In The Proverbs, Epigrams, and Miscellanies of John Heywood

FARMER John S. 1966 A196/3 A Merry Play between John John The Husband, Tyb his Wife, and Sir John the Priest

In The Dramatic Writings of John Heywood

FARMER John S. 1966 A196/3 A Merry Play between the Pardoner and the Friar, the Curate and Neighbour Pratt

In The Dramatic Writings of John Heywood

FARMER John S. 1966 A196/2 A Sixth Hundred Epigrams

In The Proverbs, Epigrams, and Miscellanies of John Heywood FARMER John S. 1966 A192 A Tragedy of John, King of England

In Early English Dramatists: the Dramatic Writing of John Bale, Bishop of Ossory

FARMER John S. 1966 A192 A Tragedy or Interlude ManifestingThe Chief Promises of God unto Man

In Early English Dramatists: the Dramatic Writing of John Bale, Bishop of Ossory

FARMER John S. 1966 A195 An Interlude of Impatient Poverty

In Early English Dramatists: "Lost" Tudor Plays with Some Others

FARMER John S. 1966 A195 An Interlude of Wealth and Health

In Early English Dramatists: "Lost" Tudor Plays with Some Others

FARMER John S. 1966 A194 Disobedient Child

In Early English Dramatists: The Dramatic Writing of R. Wever and Thomas Ingelend

FARMER John S. 1966 A195 Early English Dramatists: "Lost" Tudor Plays with Some Others

FARMER John S. 1966 A189/2 Early English Dramatists: Six Anonimous Plays(Second Series)

FARMER John S. 1966 A189/3 Early English Dramatists: Six Anonimous Plays(Third Series)

FARMER John S. 1966 A189/1 Early English Dramatists: Six Anonymous Plays(First Series) FARMER John S. 1966 A193 Early English Dramatists: The Dramatic and Miscellaneous Writing of Ulpian Fulwell

FARMER John S. 1966 A192 Early English Dramatists: the Dramatic Writing of John Bale, Bishop of Ossory

FARMER John S. 1966 A194 Early English Dramatists: The Dramatic Writing of R. Wever and Thomas Ingelend

FARMER John S. 1966 A196/1 Early English Dramatists: The Writings of John Heywood

FARMER John S. 1966 A196/1 Gentleness and Nobility

In Early English Dramatists: The Writings of John Heywood

FARMER John S. 1966 A193 Like Will to Like

In Early English Dramatists: The Dramatic and Miscellaneous Writing of Ulpian Fulwell

FARMER John S. 1966 A194 Lusty Juventus

In Early English Dramatists: The Dramatic Writing of R. Wever and Thomas Ingelend

FARMER John S. 1966 A195

In Early English Dramatists: "Lost" Tudor Plays with Some Others

FARMER John S. 1966 A195 Nature by Henry Medwall

In Early English Dramatists: "Lost" Tudor Plays with Some Others FARMER John S. 1966 A194 Nice Wanton

In Early English Dramatists: The Dramatic Writing of R. Wever and Thomas Ingelend

FARMER John S. 1966 A195 Respublica

In Early English Dramatists: "Lost" Tudor Plays with Some Others

FARMER John S. 1966 A196/3 The Dramatic Writings of John Heywood

FARMER John S. 1966 A196/2 The Fifth Hundred Epigrams

In The Proverbs, Epigrams, and Miscellanies of John Heywood

FARMER John S. 1966 A196/2 The First Hundred Epigrams

In The Proverbs, Epigrams, and Miscellanies of John Heywood

FARMER John S. 1966 A196/3 The Four P.P.

In The Dramatic Writings of John Heywood

FARMER John S. 1966 A195 The Interlude o f John The Evangelist

In Early English Dramatists: "Lost" Tudor Plays with Some Others

FARMER John S. 1966 A196/3 The Play of Love

In The Dramatic Writings of John Heywood

FARMER John S. 1966 A196/3

In The Dramatic Writings of John Heywood FARMER John S. 1966 A195 The Play of Wit and Science by Jonh Redford

In Early English Dramatists: "Lost" Tudor Plays with Some Others

FARMER John S. 1966 A196/2 The Proverbs, Epigrams, and Miscellanies of John Heywood

FARMER John S. 1966 A196/1 The Spider and The Fly

In Early English Dramatists: The Writings of John Heywood

FARMER John S. 1966 A196/2 Three Hundred Epigrams upon Three Hundred Proverbs

In The Proverbs, Epigrams, and Miscellanies of John Heywood

FARMER Richard 1979 C537 Shakespeare's lack of classical learning, 1767

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

FARMER S. 1966 A191 Damon and Pithias

In Early English Dramatists: The Dramatic Writings of Edwards, Norton and Sackeville

FARMER S. 1966 A189/4 Early English Dramatists: Six Anonymous Plays(Fourth Series)

FARMER S. 1966 A190 Early English Dramatists: The Dramatic Writing of Nicholas Udall

FARMER S. 1966 A191 Early English Dramatists: The Dramatic Writings of Edwards, Norton and Sackeville FARMER S. 1966 A191 The Tragedy of Ferrex and Porrex

In Early English Dramatists: The Dramatic Writings of Edwards, Norton and Sackeville

FARNHAM Willard 1963 A332 The Medieval Heritage of Elizabethan Tragedy

FARNHAM Willard 1965 A775 "Cambises"

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

FARNHAM, Willard 1965 B789 Timon of Athens (1950)

In Shakespeare : The Tragedies

FARNHAM Willard 1969 A600 High-minded Heroes

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

FARNHAM Willard 1970 B582 Shakespeare's Tragic Frontier: Coriolanus

In Twentieth Century Interpretations of Coriolanus. Phillips James E. (editor)

FARNHAM Willard 1971 B594 The Shakespearean Grotesque: Its Genesis and Transformations

FARNHAM Williard 1970 B885 Troilus in Shapes of Infinite Desire

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F.

FAROULT, Vanessa 1994 M64 Two Shrews For Two Medias: A Comparative Study of Zefirrelli's Film and the BBC Production FARQUHAR George 1966 A279 The Beaux Stratagem

In Eighteenth Century Comedy,ed. with an Intro. by TAYLOR W.D.

FARQUHAR George 1966 A224 The Recruiting Officer

FARQUHAR George 1974 C379/2 On the Three Unities, 1702

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

FARQUHAR, George 1974 C211/4 The Beaux Stratagem

In Restoration Comedy (vol. IV)

FARQUHAR, George 1974 C211/4 The Constant Couple

In Restoration Comedy (vol. IV)

FARQUHAR, George 1974 C211/4 The Recruiting Officer

In Restoration Comedy (vol. IV)

FARR, Dorothy M. 1973 C031 Thomas Middleton and the Drama of Realism : a Study of Some Representative Plays

FAUCIT Helena and MARTIN Lady 1904 B352 On Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters

FEEMAN, Arthur (Ed.) 1973 C145 Collier Tracts 1703-1708 FEERY Anne Davidson 1968 A582 Milton and the Miltonic Dryden

FEHL Philipp P. 1980 C632 Poetry and the entry of the fine arts into England : ut pictura poesis

In The age of Milton

FEHRENBACH R.J., BOONE L.A. and DI CESARE 1982 C790 A concordance to the Plays, Poems, and Translations of Christopher Marlowe

FEILING Keith 1924 A203 A History of the Tory Party(1640-1714)

FEILING, Keith 1963 C158 England under the Tudors and Stuarts 1485-1688

FEINBERG Anat 1989 P5/24 Like Demie Gods the Apes Began to Move : The Ape in the English Theatrical Tradition

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°35

FEINSTEIN, Elaine and The Women's Theatre 2000 D283 Lear's Daughters

In Adaptations of Shakespeare

FEIS Jacob 1970 B449 Shakespeare and Montaigne: an Endeavour to explain the Tendency of Hamlet from Allusions in Contemporary Works

FEIS Jacob 1970 B525 Shakespere and Montaigne: an endeavour to explain the tendency of 'Hamlet' from allusions in contemporary works FELMAN, Shoshama (ed.) 1993 D096 Literature and Psychoanalysis

FELPERIN Howard 1972 C378 Shakespearean Romance

FELPERIN Howard 1978 C484 Romance and romanticism : some reflections on The Tempest and The Heart of Darkness, or, when is romance no longer romance? In Shakespeare's romances reconsidered

FELPERIN Howard 1985 C672 "Tongue-tied our queen?": the deconstruction of presence in The Winter's Tale

In Shakespeare and the question of theory

FELPERIN Howard 1993 D010 Plays Within Plays

In King Lear

FELTON Henry 1974 C379/2 On Shakespeare's genius, 1709

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

FELTON Samuel 1981 C512 Shakespeare and the artist, 1787

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

FENDER Stephen 1968 A576 Marlowe and the 'Comic Distance'

In Christopher Marlowe

FENNELL James 1981 C512 Shakespeare in the theatre, 1789

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801 FENTON Elijah 1974 C379/2 On Shakespeare, january 1711

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

FENWICK Henry 1999 D260 The BBC Production of Richard III

In Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Richard III

FERBER, Michael. 1999 D274 A Dictionary of Literary Symbols

FERGUSON, Arthur B. 1954 B764/1 The Problem of Counsel in Mum and the Sothsegger

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume II. Shaaber M. A.(editor)

FERGUSON, Arthur B. 1959 B764/3 Fortscue and the Renaissance: a Study in Transition

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VI. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

FERGUSON Arthur B. 1966 C354 Reginald Pecock and the Renaissance sense of history

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XIII

FERGUSON Francis 1967 A917 Two Comedies(the Comedy of Errors andMuch Ado )

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

FERGUSON Margaret W. 1985 C672 Hamlet : letters and spirits

In Shakespeare and the question of theory

FERGUSON Moira 1995 D042 Seventeenth-Century Quaker Women : Displacement, Colonialism, and Anti-Slavery Discourse

In Culture and Society in the Stuart Restoration FERGUSON, Wallace K. 1960 B764/4 Recent Trends in the Economic Historiography of the Renaissance

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VII

FERNALD John C446 The play produced : an introduction to the technique of producing plays

FERNALD John 1971 B731 Acting

In Drama and the Theatre with Radio, Film and Television: an outline for the student. Brown John Russell (editor)

FEUILLERAT Albert 1970 C331 The composition of Shakespeare's plays : authorship chronology

FICHTER Andrew 1980 C515 Antony and Cleopatra : 'the time of universal peace'

In Shakespeare Survey 33

FIDO Franco 1973 C453 An introduction to the theater of Angelo Beolco

In Renaissance drama . New series VI

FIEDLER, Leslie A. 1972 B931 The Stranger in Shakespeare

FIELD John 1974 C317 A godly exhortation

In A Treatise of Daunces and A Godly Exhortation

FIELDING Henry 1964 A264 The Tragedy of Tragedies, or Tom Thumb the Great

In Eighteenth Century Plays, selected with an introduction by John Hampden FIELDING Henry 1966 A279 The Tragedy of Tragedies; or the Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great

In Eighteenth Century Comedy,ed. with an Intro. by TAYLOR W.D.

FIELDING Henry 1967 A217 The Author's Farce

FIELDING Henry 1968 A211 The historical Register For the Year 1736 and Eurydice Hissed

FIELDING Henry 1969 A993 The Grub-Street Opera

FIELDING, Henry 1970 C285 Mr Partridge Sees Garrick

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

FIELDS, Albert W. 1968 P1/1968/II Milton and Self-Knowledge

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°83

FIENBERG Nona 1997 D193 Thematics of Value in Venus and Adonis (1989)

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

FILIPOWICZ Halina 1990 C878 The puzzle of Tadeusz Rozewicz’s White Marriage

In Drama and Philosophy

FILMER, Edward 1972 B971 A Defence of Plays FINEMAN Joel 1985 C672 The turn of the Shrew

In Shakespeare and the question of theory

FINEMAN, Joel 1989 C922 The History of the Anecdote: Fiction and Fiction

In The New Historicism

FINKELPEARL Philip J. 1969 A565 John Marston of the Middle Temple: An Elizabethan Dramatist in His Social Setting

FINKELSTEIN, Richard. 1999 D282 Disney Cites Shakespeare: The Limits Of Appropriation

In Shakespeare and Appropriation

FINLAYSON John 1967 B338 Morte Arthure

FINNEY, Gretchen Ludke 1959 B764/3 Music: a Book of Knowledge in Renaissance England

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VI. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

Fisch Harold 1969 A581 Shakespeare and "The Theatre of the World"

In The Morality of Art

FISCH Harold 1974 C409 Shakespeare and the puritan dynamic

In Shakespeare Survey 27

FISCHLIN, Daniel. FORTIER, Mark. 2000 D283 Adaptations of Shakespeare FISH Harold 1970 B456 'Antony and Cleopatra': the Limits of Mythology

In Shakespeare Survey 23: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

FISH, Staley 1971 B788 Georgics of the Mind: Bacon's Philosophy and the Experience of his Essays (1971)

In English Literature and British Philosophy

FISH Stanley 1971 B737 Reasons That Imply Themselves: Imagery, Argument, and the Reader in Milton's Reason of Church Government In Seventeenth Century Imagery: Essays on Uses of Figurative Language from Donne to Farquhar. Earl Miner (editor)

FISH Stanley 1989 C922 Commentary: The Young and the Restless

In The New Historicism

FISH, Stanley E. 1971 B690 Seventeenth-Century Prose

FISH Stanley Eugene 1969 B453 Discovery as Form in Paradise Lost

In New Essays on Paradise Lost. Kranidas Thomas (editor)

FISHER F.J. 1961 A686 Tawney's Century

In Essays in the Economic and Social History of Tudor and Stuart England. Fisher F.J. (editor)

FISHER F.J. (editor) 1961 A686 Essays in the Economic and Social History of Tudor and Stuart England

FISHER John 1973 B507 Colonial Latin America

In The Making of the Modern World: volume II. Johnson Douglas (editor) FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1964 P1/1964/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°79

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1964 P1/1964/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°79

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1964 P1/1964/III Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°79

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1964 P1/1964/IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°79

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1964 P1/1964/IVbis Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°79

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1964 P1/1964/V Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°79

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1965 P1/1965/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°80

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1965 P1/1965/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°80

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1965 P1/1965/III Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°80 FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1965 P1/1965/IVbis Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°80

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1965 P1/1965/IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°80

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1965 P1/1965/V Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°80

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1966 P1/1966/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°81

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1966 P1/1966/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°81

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1966 P1/1966/III Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°81

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1966 P1/1966/IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°81

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1966 P1/1966/V Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°81

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1966 P1/1966/VI Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°81 FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1966 P1/1966/VII Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°81

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1967 P1/1967/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°82

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1967 P1/1967/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°82

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1967 P1/1967/III Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°82

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1967 P1/1967/IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°82

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1967 P1/1967/V Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°82

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1967 P1/1967/VI Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°82

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1967 P1/1967/VII Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°82

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1968 P1/1968/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°83 FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1968 P1/1968/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°83

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1968 P1/1968/III Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°83

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1968 P1/1968/IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°83

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1968 P1/1968/IVbis Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°83

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1968 P1/1968/V Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°83

FISHER John Hurt (editor) 1968 P1/1968/VI Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°83

FISHMAN, Burton J. 1973 C294 Defoe, Herman Moll, and the Geography of South America

In The Huntington Library Quaterly (vol. XXXVI, No 3)

FITTER Chris 1991 D030 A Tale of Two Branaghs : Henry V, Ideology, and the Mekong Agincourt

In Shakespeare Left and Right

FITZPATRICK, Joan 1998 P5/42 Spencer's Nationalistic Images of Beauty: the Ideal and the Other in Relation to Protestant England and Catholic Ireland in The Faerie Queene Book 1 In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°53 FITZPATRICK Thady 1976 C379/4 Garrick's speaking of Shakespeare, 1760

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

FITZROY Pyle 1969 A662 The winter' s Tale : A Commentary on the Structure

FIXLER Michael 1969 B453 The Apocalypse within Paradise Lost

In New Essays on Paradise Lost. Kranidas Thomas (editor)

FLACELIÈRE Robert 1965 B104 Les Jeux grecs

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

FLAHIFF F.T. 1974 C371 Edgar : once and future king

In Some facets of King Lear : essays in prismatic criticism

FLAHIFF Fredrick T. 1985 P5/19 Lear's Map

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°30

FLATTER, Richard 1949 B824 Hamlet's Father

FLEAY Frederick Gard A668/1 A Bibliographical Chronicle of the English Drama(1559-1642) Vol. I

FLEAY Frederick Gard A668/2 A Bibliographical Chronicle of the English Drama(1559-1642) Vol. II FLECHNIAKOSKA Jean-Louis 1965 A693 Les Conflits tragiques dans l'auto religieux précaldéronien

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

FLECKNOE, Richard 1973 C143 Love's Kingdom : a Pastoral Trage-Comedy

FLECKNOE Richard 1974 C379/1 From A Short Discourse of the English Stage, 1664

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

FLECNIAKOSKA J.L. 1964 A701 L'horreur morale et l'horreur matérielle dans quelques tragédies espagnoles du XVIè siècle

In Les tragédies de Sénèque et le théâtre de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

FLECNIAKOSKA JEAN-LOUIS 1968 A515/1 Comedias, autos sacramentales et entremeses dans les miscellanées

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

FLECNIAKOSKA JEAN-LOUIS 1968 A515/1 La "LOA" comme source pour la connaissance des rapports troupe-public

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

FLECNIAKOSKA JEAN-LOUIS 1968 A515/1 Le Bâtard don juan d' autriche personnage de théâtre

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

FLECNIAKOSKA Jean-Louis 1975 C415 Fêtes solennelles du transfert de la stature de la Vierge de la Fuencisla

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

FLECNIAKOSKA Jean-Louis 1984 C583 Par monts et par vaux avec la troupe de Pedro de la Rosa ( 1636-1637 )

In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées FLEISCHHACKER Robert 1894 A105 Lanfrank's Science of Cirurgie . Part I

FLEISSNER Robert F. 1974 C409 Love's Labour's Won and the occasion of Much Ado

In Shakespeare Survey 27

FLEMING William 1980 C626 Arts & ideas : 6th edition

FLETCHER Alan J. 1994 C986 The N-Town plays

In The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre

FLETCHER and MASSINGER 1933 A174 Beggars' bush

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

FLETCHER Angus 1971 B723 The Prophetic Moment: an Essay on Spenser

FLETCHER Angus 1971 B877 The Transcendental Masque: An Esay on Milton's Comus

FLETCHER Giles 1964 A899/6 Licia, orPoems of Love in Honour of the admiral and singular of his Lady. To the imitation of the best Latin Poets, and others, 1593 In An English Garner: Elizabethan Sonnets(Vol II)

FLETCHER Giles 1967 B017 Christs Victorie and Triumph(1610)

In Elizabethan Narrative Verse FLETCHER, Ian 1967 B678 Beaumont and Fletcher

FLETCHER Ifan Kyrle and ROSENFELD Sybil 1964-65 C457 Theatre notebook : a quarterly journal of the history and technique of the British theatre . Volume XIX . 1964-1965

FLETCHER John 1933 A174 The Island Princess

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

FLETCHER John 1939 A639 The Faithful Shepherdess

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

FLETCHER John 1939 A639 The Wild-Goose Chase

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

FLETCHER John 1969 A290 The Maid's Tragedy

In Five Stuart Tragedies, ed. with an Introduction by McILLWRAITH A.K.

FLETCHER John 1970 B454 The Criticism of Comparison: The Approach through Comparative Literature and Intellectual History

In Contemporary Criticism. Bradbury Malcolm & Palmer David (editors)

FLETCHER, John 1970 B855/2 The Criticism of Comparison: the Approach through Comparative Literature and Intellectual History

In Contemporary Criticism

FLETCHER, John. 2000 D283 The Woman's Prize; or The Tamer Tamed

In Adaptations of Shakespeare FLETCHER Phineas 1963 B176 Venus and Anchises: Brittain's Ida

In Elizabethan Minor Epics

FLEURDORGE C., et al 1977 P5/1 Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 12

FLICHERE Henri 1966 A463/1 Shakespeare in France: 1900-1948

In Shakespeare Survey, 2: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

FLINT, Lorna 1993 P5/32 The Significance of Rime in Shakespeare's Plays: the Example of Macbeth

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°43

FLUCHÈRE Henri 1965 B104 Le Théâtre anglais

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

FOAKES R.A. 1952 A463/3 Suggestions for a New Approach to Shakespeare's Imagery

In Shakespeare Survey, 5: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

FOAKES, R.A. 1964 C204 Shakespeare's Later Tragedies

In Shakespeare 1564-1964

FOAKES R.A. 1965 A972 Character and Speech in Hamlet

In Hamlet

FOAKES R.A. 1966 A463/5 Hamlet and the Court of Elsinore

In Shakespeare Survey, 9 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production FOAKES R.A. 1968 A717 Character and Dramatic Technique in Cymbeline and The Winter's Tale

In Studies in the Arts: Proceedings of the St. Peter's College Literary Society. Warner Francis (editor)

FOAKES R.A. 1969 B455 Shakespeare's Life, Times and Stage

In Shakespeare Survey 12: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

FOAKES R.A. 1969 B050 Shakespeare's Life, Times and Stage reviewed

In Shakespeare Survey 10. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

FOAKES R.A. 1970 B456 The Text of Coleridge's 1811-12 Shakespeare Lectures

In Shakespeare Survey 23: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

FOAKES R.A. 1970 B500 Tragedy of the Children's Theatres after 1600: A Challenge to the Adult Stage

In The Elizabethan Theatre II. Galloway David (editor)

FOAKES, R.A. 1971 B651 Coleridge on Shakespeare

FOAKES R.A. 1971 B586 Shakespeare: the dark comedies to the last plays: from satire to celebration

FOAKES R.A. 1972 B883 The Owl and the Cuckoo: Voices of Maturity in Shakespeare's Comedies

In Shakespearian Comedy. Bradbury Malcolm and Palmer David (editors). Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies n°14

FOAKES, R.A. 1973 C203 Macbeth

In Shakespeare : Select Bibliographical Guides FOAKES, R.A. 1973 C171 The art of Cruelty : Hamlet and Vindice

In Shakespeare Survey 26

FOAKES R.A. 1980 C500 Poetic language and dramatic significance in Shakespeare

In Shakespeare's styles

FOAKES R.A. 1986 C819 Tragicomedy and Comic Form

In Comedy from Shakespeare to Sheridan

FOAKES R.A. 1989 C750 Stage images in Troilus and cressida

In Shakespeare and the sense of performance

FOAKES R.A. 1990 C780 Playhouses and players

In The Cambridge Companion to English Drama

FOAKES R.A. 1990 C795 The Discovery of Rose Theatre: Some Implications

In Shakespeare Survey 43

FOAKES R.A. 1993 C960 'Forms to his Conceit': Shakespeare and the Uses of Stage Illusion

In British Academy ShakespeareLectures

FOAKES R.A. 1993 C967 Hamlet versus Lear : Cultural Politics and Shakespeare's Art

FOAKES R.A. 1993 C925 The Reception of Hamlet

In Shakespeare Survey 45 FOAKES, R.A. 1996 D135 French Leave, or Lear and the King of France

In Shakespeare Survey 49

FOAKES R.A. 1997 D154 On Finshing a Commentary on King Lear

In Shakespearean Continuities

FOAKES R.A. and RICKERT R.T.(editors) 1961 A479 Henslowe's Diary

FOAKES R.A. and RICKERT T. 1960 B555 An Elizabethan Stage Drawing?

In Shakespeare Survey N°13

FOLCHER, Thierry 1995 D231 Les Comédies romanesques de Shakespeare.; du mécanique au vivant.

FOLEY Stephen 1991 C876 Nostalgia and the ‘Rise of English’: Rhetorical Questions

In The matter of Difference : Materialist Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare

Folger Shakespeare library 1972 C255/1 Catalog of the Shakespeare Collection (vol. 1) : Works, Works in Translation, Selections, Separate Plays

Folger Shakespeare library 1972 C255/2 Catalog of the Shakespeare Collection (vol. 2 ) : Shakespeare as Subject

FOLLOPE, Chantal 1971 M12bis Macbeth 'Made Fitt': a Comparative Study of the Original and of Davenant's Adaptation FOORD Archibald S. 1964 A207 His Majesty's Opposition(1714-1830)

FOOTE Samuel 1975 C379/3 On the unities, 1747

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

FOOTE Samuel 1975 C379/3 Shakespeare and the actors, 1747

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

FORD Boris 1989 C793 The Cambridge Guide to the Arts in Britain Vol.3 : Renaissance and Reformation

FORD John 1933 A174 The Broken Heart

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

FORD John 1939 A639 The Broken Heart

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

FORD John 1965 A286 Perkin Warbeck

In Elizabethan History Plays. Armstrong William A. (editor)

FORD John 1965 A271 The Broken Heart

FORD John 1965 B241 The Broken Heart FORD John 1966 B436 Perkin Warbeck

FORD John 1966 A212 'Tis Pity She's a Whore

FORD John 1968 A242 The Chronicle History of Perkin Warbeck: A strange Truth

FORD John 1968 A723 The Chronicle History of Perkin Warbeck : A Strange Truth

FORD John 1969 A290 'Tis Pity She's a Whore

In Five Stuart Tragedies, ed. with an Introduction by McILLWRAITH A.K.

FORD, John 1986 D084 Selected Plays (Gibson,ed.)

FORD John(1586-c.1639) 1965 A284 Perkin Warbeck

In Elizabethan History Plays, ed.with an Introduction and Glossary by ARMSTRONG William A.

FOREMAN Walter C. 1978 C593 The music of the close : the final scenes of Shakespeare's tragedies

FORKER Charles R. 1978 C484 Immediacy and remoteness in The Taming of the Shrew and The Winter's Tale

In Shakespeare's romances reconsidered FORMAN Simon 1999 D235 From Book of Plays

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

FORSTER E.M. 1969 A600 Julius Caesar

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

FORSYTH Neil 1998 D211 Shakespeare illusonniste

In Shakespeare et le Cinéma

FOSTER Verna 1988 C724 'Tis Pity she's a Whore as City Tragedy

In John Ford : Critical Re-Visions

FOSTER, Verna A. 1993 P5/32 The 'Death' of Hermione: Tragicomic Dramaturgy in The Winter's Tale

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°43

FOULKES Richard 1986 C664 Charles Kean's King Richard III : a pre-Raphaelite drama

In Shakespeare and the Victorian stage

FOULKES Richard 1986 C664 Shakespeare and the Victorian stage

FOULKES Richard 1989 C740 Charles Calvert's Henry V

In Shakespeare survey 41

FOULKES Richard 1994 C985 'A Fairly Average Sort of Place' : Shakespeare in Northampton, 1927-1987

In Shakespeare Survey 47 FOURNIER Edouard 187? B368 Le Théâtre français avant la Renaissance 1450-1550: mystères, moralités et farces

FOURQUIN Guy 1970 B073 Seigneurie et Féodalité au Moyen-Age

FOWLER Alastair 1970 B402 Triumphal forms: Structural patterns in Elizabethan Poetry

FOWLER James 1986 C664 David Scott's Queen Elizabeth vVewing the Performance of 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' in the Globe Theatre (1840) In Shakespeare and the Victorian stage

FOWLER, James 1996 D135 Picturing Romeo and Juliet

In Shakespeare Survey 49

FOWLER, John 1972 B852 Dryden and Literary Good Breeding

In Restoration Literature

FOWLER Roger 1967 B371 Structural Metrics (1966)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors)

FOWLER Roger 1970 B454 The Structure of Criticism and The Language of Poetry: An Approach through Language

In Contemporary Criticism. Bradbury Malcolm & Palmer David (editors)

FOWLER, Roger 1970 B855/2 The Structure of Criticism and the Languages of Poetry: An Approach through Language

In Contemporary Criticism FOWLER Roger 1971 B575 The languages of literature: some linguistic contributions to criticism

FOX Levi 1968 B476 An Early Copy of Shakespeare's Will

In Shakespeare Survey (Vol 4)

FOX-GENOVESE Elizabeth 1989 C922 Literary Criticism and the Politics of the New Historicism

In The New Historicism

FRANCASTEL Pierre 1956 A697 La Conception du Spectacle dans les Tapisseries des Valois au Musée des Offices à Florence

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

FRANCASTEL Pierre 1969 A528 Le Théâtre est-il un Art Visuel?

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs)

FRANCÈS Robert 1956 A630 La musique moderne et l'auditeur

In Visages et perspectives de l'art moderne: peinture, poésie, musique. Etudes du C.N.R.S. réunies par JACQUOT Jean

FRANCIS Basil C457 St Vincent Troubridge, soldier and scholar, 1895-1964

In Theatre notebook . Volume XIX 1964-1965

FRANCIS F.C. 1966 A463/2 The Shakespeare Collection in the British Museum

In Shakespeare Survey, 3: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

FRANCIS Nelson W. 1967 B371 Syntax and Literary Interpretation (1962)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors) FRANCISCI, Annie 1995 MD19 Vania en Représentation, Essai d'analyse sémiotique.

FRANCKLIN Thomas 1976 C379/4 Shakespeare's tragedies supreme, 1760

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

FRANCO Jean 1989 C922 The Nation as Imagined Community

In The New Historicism

FRANçOIS Jean-Claude 1970 B512/2 Mère Courage de Bertolt Brecht

In Les Voies de la Création Théâtrale, volume II. Bablet Denis (editeur)

FRANCOIS Michel 1959 A606 L'idée d'Empire en France à l'époque de Charles Quint

In Charles-Quint et son Temps. C.N.R.S

Françoise Clary 2000 D248 La réécriture du mythe biblique dans Cane de Toomer.

In Colloques : Réécritures.

FRANK Donald K. 1970 B816 Abelard as Imitator of the Christ

In Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, volume I. White Lynn (editor)

FRANK Joseph 1961 B037 The Beginnings of the English Newspapers 1620-1660

FRANKIS John 1997 D154 Magic and the Recluse in Arden : Shakespeare's Precursors in the Forest'

In Shakespearean Continuities FRASER, G.S. 1960 B567 Approaches to Lycidas

In The Living Milton

FRASER, G.S. 1970 B780 The Critical Idiom vol 8: Metre, Rhyme and Free Verse

FRASER Russell A. 1967 B526 Shakespeare's Poetics in relation to King Lear

FRAUNCE Abraham 1967 A256/1 From The Arcadian Rhetorike. 1588

In Elizabethan Critical Essays

FRÉCHET René 1968 A692 Sean O'Casey: Un épisode de la vie du théâtre irlandais

In Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

Fredson Thayer BOWERS 1959 A276 Elizabethan Revenge Tragedy 1587-1642

FREEDMAN Barbara 1980 C594 Errors in comedy : a psychoanalytic theory of farce

In Shakespearean Comedy

FREEMAN Arthur 1968 A367 Thomas Kyd: Facts and Problems

FREEMAN, Arthur 1973 C100 A Mirrour of Monsters, Preface to Robert Greene's Menaphon, Kin-Harts Dreame FREEMAN Arthur 1974 C317 A Treatise of Daunces andA Godly Exhortation

FREEMAN Arthur 1974 C316 Antitheatrical tracts, 1702-1704

FREEMAN Arthur 1974 C319 Collier tracts, 1698

FREEMAN Arthur 1974 C338 Historia Histrionica and Roscius Anglicanus

FREEMAN Arthur 1974 C306 Mr Law's Unlawfulness of the Stage Entertainment Examin'd, The Entertainment of the Stage, and Some Few Hints, in Defence of Dramatical Entertainments

FREEMAN Arthur 1974 C311 The Danger of Masquerades and Raree-Shows, The Dancing Devils, and A Letter to My Lord

FREEMAN, Arthur (Ed.) 1973 C138 A Reply to Gosson's Schoole of Abuse

In The Schoole of Abuse and A Reply to Gosson's Schoole of Abuse

FREEMAN, Arthur (Ed.) 1973 C147 An Apology for Actors and A Refutation of the Apology for Actors

FREEMAN, Arthur (Ed.) 1973 C141 Heydegger's Letter to the Bishop of London, A Seasonable Apology for Mr H-g-r and The Conduct of the Stage Considered FREEMAN, Arthur (Ed.) 1973 C139 The Absolute Unlawfulness of the Stage-Entertainment Fully Demonstrated, The Stage Defended and Law Outlaw'd

FREEMAN, Arthur (Ed.) 1973 C263 The English Stage. Attack and Defense 1577-1730

FREEMAN, Arthur (Ed.) 1973 C144 The Impartial Critick and Miscellaneous Letters and Essays

FREEMAN, Arthur (Ed.) 1973 C138 The Schoole of Abuse and A Reply to Gosson's Schoole of Abuse

FREEMAN, Arthur (Ed.) 1974 C262 Commonwealth Tracts 1625-1650

FREEMAN, Rosemary 1962 B680 Edmund Spenser

FREEMAN Rosemary 1967 A273 English Emblem Books

FREINKEL, Lisa. 2001 D279 The Merchant of Venice: Modern Anti-Semitism and the Veil of Allegory

In Shakespeare and Modernity

FRENCH, A.L. 1972 B846 Shakespeare and the Critics FRENCH, J. Milton 1966 P1/1934/II Othello among the Anthropophagi

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°49

FRENCH Marilyn 1992 D011 Chaste Constancy in Hamlet

In Hamlet

FRENCH Marilyn 1992 D012 Macbeth and Masculine Values

In Macbeth

FRENCH Marilyn 1992 C966 The Late Tragedies

In Shakespearean Tragedy

FREUD, Sigmund 1965 C266 Jokes and the Comic

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

FREUD Sigmund 1967 A917 Portia's Verbal Slip

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

FREUD Sigmund 1968 A790 From 'Some Character-types met with in Psycho-analytical Work'

In Shakespeare Macbeth: A Casebook.Wain John (editor)

FREUD Sigmund 1969 A597 The Theme of the Three Caskets

In Shakespeare : The Merchant of Venice

FREUD Sigmund 1992 D012 The Character of Lady Macbeth

In Macbeth FREUND Elizabeth 1980 C594 Strategies of inconclusiveness in Henry IV, Part I

In Shakespearean Comedy

FREUND Elizabeth 1985 C672 "Ariachne's broken woof" : the rhetoric of citation in Troilus and Cressida

In Shakespeare and the question of theory

FREY Charles 1978 C484 Tragic structure in The Winter's Tale : the affective dimension

In Shakespeare's romances reconsidered

FREY Charles 1980 C575 "O sacred, shadowy, cold, and constant queen" : Shakespeare's imperiled and chastening daughters of romance In The woman's part

FRICKER, Franz 1972 B847 Ben Jonson's Plays in Performance and the Jacobean Theatre

FRIDÉN Ann 1983 C584 'He shall live a man forbid' : Ingmar Bergman's Macbeth

In Shakespeare Survey 36

FRIEDMAN Donald M. 1970 B027 Marvell's Pastoral Art

FRIEDMAN Donald M. 1971 B806 Lycidas : The Swain's Paideia

In Milton Studies III. Simmonds James D. (editor)

FRIEDRICH Carl J. 1952 A417 The Age of the Baroque(1610-1660) FRIEND, Albert C. 1967 P1/1936/II Chaucer's Prioress' Tale: An Early Analogue

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°51

FRIGOUT Arlette 1965 B104 La Fête populaire

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

FRIPP Edgar I. 1964 B277/1 Shakespeare: Man and Artist(Vol I)

FRIPP Edgar I. 1964 B277/2 Shakespeare: Man and Artist(Vol II)

FRISON-PRUDHOMME Danièle 1985 C602 Marlowe et le puritanisme dans The Jew of Malta

In Le Marchand de Venise et Le Juif de Malte

FROES Joao 1997 D193 Shakespeare's Venus and the Venus of Classical Mythology

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

FROIDEBISE Pierre 1960 A698 Sur quelques éditions de musique d'orgue ancienne

In La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean

FROMM Harold 1986 C946 The Hegemonic Form of Othering; or, The Academic’s Burden

In Race, Writing, and Difference

FRONTAIN Raymond-Jean 1987 P5/20 The Curious Frame of Chapman's Ovids Banquet of Sence: 2 Samuel 11

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°31 FRONTAIN Raymond-Jean 1989 P5/25 Ruddy and goodly to look at withal : Drayton, Cowley, and the Biblical Model for Renaissance Hom(m)osexuality In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°36

FROST David L. 1968 A379 The School of Shakespeare: The Influence of Shakespeare on English Drama(1600-42)

FROST David L. 1968 A380 The School of Shakespeare: The Influence of Shakespeare on English Drama(1600-42)

FROST David L. 1978 C441 The selected plays of Thomas Middleton : A Mad World, My Masters, A Chaste Maid in Cheapside, Women Beware Women, The Changeling (with William Rowley)

FROST, William 1965 B789 Shakespeare's Rituals and the Opening of King Lear (1957-8)

In Shakespeare : The Tragedies

FROST William 1968 A929 Shakespeare's Rituals and the Opening Scene of King Lear

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

FROST William 1971 B762 Religious and Philosophical Themes in Eighteenth-Century Literature

In History of Literature in the English Language, volume IV: Dryden to Jonson. Lonsdale Roger (editor)

FROUDE, James Anthony 1968 B940 Bunyan

FRY Christopher 1952 A463/3 Letters to an Actor playing Hamlet

In Shakespeare Survey, 5: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production FRY, Christopher 1965 C266 Comedy

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

FRYE Mushat roland 1963 A961 Shakespeare and Christian Doctrine

FRYE Northrop 1961 B568 Literature as Context: Milton's Lycidas

In Milton's Lycidas, The Tradition and the Poem. Patrides, C.A.

FRYE Northrop 1962 B450 Recognition in The Winter's Tale

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

FRYE, Northrop 1965 C266 The Mythos of Spring : Comedy

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

FRYE Northrop 1967 A770 A Natural Perspective: The Development of Shakespearean Comedy and Romance

FRYE Northrop 1967 A681 Fools of Time: Studies in Shakespearean Tragedy

FRYE Northrop 1967 A917 The Argument of Comedy

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

FRYE Northrop 1967 B794 The Well -Tempered Critic FRYE Northrop 1969 B119 Anatomie de la Critique

FRYE Northrop 1969 A601 King Lear: the tragedy of isolation

In Shakespeare King Lear

FRYE Northrop 1969 A788 King Lear : the tragedy of isolation

In Shakespeare King Lear : A Casebook.Kermode Frank (editor)

FRYE Northrop 1969 A463/14 Old and New Comedy

FRYE Northrop 1970 B885 The Argument of Comedy

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F.

FRYE, Northrop 1971 B788 Blake's Case against Locke (1947)

In English Literature and British Philosophy

FRYE Northrop 1978 C484 Romance as masque

In Shakespeare's romances reconsidered

FRYE Northrop 1983 C578 The myth of delivrance : reflections on Shakespeare's problem comedies

FRYE Northrop 1986 C806 On Shakespeare FRYE Northrop (editor) 1963 A712 Sound and Poetry

FRYE R.M. 1969 A600 'The Fault, dear Brutus...'

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

FRYE, Roland Mushat 1954 B764/1 The Teachings of Classical Puritanism on Conjugal Love

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume II. Shaaber M. A.(editor)

FRYE Roland Mushat 1967 Z7 Shakespeare's Life and Times: a Pictorial Record

FRYE Roland Mushat 1982 C559 Shakespeare : The art of the dramatist

FUCILLA, Joseph G. 1956 B764/2 A Rhetorical Pattern in Renaissance and Baroque Poetry

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume III. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

FUJIMURA Thomas H. 1965 C423 The Country Wife

FUJIMURA, Thomas H. 1966 P1/1966/VII Mode and Structure in the Merchant of Venice

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°81

FULLER Roy 1968 A929 The Ides of March

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor) FULLER Thomas 1957 A675 The Holy State, The Profane State, The Appeal of Iniured Innocence, The History of the Worthies of England In Seventeenth-Century : English Prose

FULTON John F. 1969 A591 Some Aspects of Medicine Reflected in Seventeenth-Century Literature with Special Reference to the Plague of 1665 In The Seventeenth Century : Studies in the History of English Thought and Literature from Bacon to Pope

FUMAROLI Marc 1975 C415 Le Crispus et la Flavia du P. Bernardino Stefonio S.J. : contribution à l'histoire du théâtre au Collegio Romano (1597-1628) In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

FUNKENSTEIN Amos 1970 B816 Gesetz und Geschichte: Zur historisierenden Hermeneutik bei Moses Maimonides und Thomas Von Aquin In Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, volume I. White Lynn (editor)

FUNSTON, Jay Louis 1973 C148 A Critical Edition of Love's Hospital by George Wilde

FURBANK P.N. 1970 B459 Reflections on the Word 'Image'

FURNISS W. Todd 1969 B147 Ben Jonson's Masques

In Three Studies in the Renaissance: Sidney, Jonson, Milton

FURNIVALL Frederick J. 1864 A158 Arthur

FURNIVALL Frederick J. 1866 A061/1 Political, Religious, and Love Poems. FURNIVALL Frederick J. 1866 A061/2 Political, Religious, and Love Poems.

FURNIVALL Frederick J. 1866 A013 The Book of Quinte Essence

FURNIVALL Frederick J. 1866 A002 Wright’s Chaste Wife

FURNIVALL Frederick J. 1867 A115 Education in Early England

FURNIVALL Frederick J. 1867 A082 Hymns to the Virgin and Christ, the Parliaments of Devils, and Others Religious Poems

FURNIVALL Frederick J. 1867 A096 The Stacions of Rome . The Pilgrims Sea-Voyage . Elene Maydenhod

FURNIVALL Frederick J. 1868 A087 The Babees Book

FURNIVALL Frederick J. 1869 A127 A Booke of Precedence

FURNIVALL Frederick J. 1870 A144 Introduction of Knowledge . A Dietary of Helth . Barnes in the Defence of the Berde FURNIVALL Frederick J. 1874 A107/1 The Holy Grail . Parts I & II

FURNIVALL Frederick J. 1877 A107/2 The Holy Grail . Parts III & IV

FURNIVALL Frederick J. 1878 A130 Adam Davy's Dreams about Edward II

FURNIVALL Frederick J. 1882 A071 Fifty Earliest English Wills

FURNIVALL Frederick J. 1892 A042 Hoccleve’s Works. The Minor Poems

FURNIVALL Frederick J. 1893 A026 Caxton’s Book of Curtesye

FURNIVALL Frederick J. 1895 A058 The Three Kings’ Sons Part I

FURNIVALL Frederick J. 1896 A154 The Digby Plays

FURNIVALL Frederick J. 1896 A119 The English Conquest of Ireland FURNIVALL Frederick J. 1897 A077 Child Marriages, Divorces, and Ratifications in the Diocese of Chester

FURNIVALL Frederick J. 1897 A043 Hoccleve’s Works. The Regement of Princes

FURNIVALL Frederick J. 1899 A132/1 The Pilgrimage of the Life of Man . Part I

FURNIVALL Frederick J. 1901 A149 Robert of Brune's "Handlyng synne"

FURNIVALL Frederick J. 1901 A132/2 The Pilgrimage of the Life of Man . Part II

FURNIVALL Frederick.J. and POLLARD Alfred W. 1904 A129 The Macro Plays

FUSSNER, F. Smith 1970 C157 Tudor History and the Historians

FUZELLIER Etienne 1964 T18 Cinéma et littérature

FUZIER J. 1978 P5/2 Antony and Cleopatra's Three-Stage Tragic Structure: A Study in Development

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°13 FUZIER Jean 1968 A515/2 Carrière et popularité de la Tragédie espagnole en Angleterre

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

FUZIER Jean 1981 C595 Le déni de justice dans The Spanish Tragedy : Hiéronimo, juge et justicier

In Justice, juges, prisons dans le théâtre de Shakespeare et dans les oeuvres de ses contemporains

FUZIER Jean 1984 C606 Shakespeare et la jalousie : le cas de Léontès dans The Winter's Tale

In Caliban n° XXI

FUZIER Jean 1989 C741 Lieu et temps

FUZIER Jean 1992 C896 La mise en scène élisabethaine de Roméo et Juliette

In Roméo et Juliette

FUZIER Jean 1992 C896 Le théâtre et les conditions de la scène au temps d’Elisabeth

In Roméo et Juliette

FUZIER Jean 1992 C896 Roméo et Juliette dans l’oeuvre de Shakespeare

In Roméo et Juliette

FUZIER Jean 1992 C896 Shakespeare et ses sources

In Roméo et Juliette

FUZIER, Jean and MAGUIN, Jean-Marie 1981 P5/8 Archetypal Patterns of Horror and Cruelty in Elizabethan Revenge Tragedy

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 19 FUZIER Jean et LAROQUE François 1986 C653 All's Well That Ends Well : nouvelles perspectives critiques

G.G. Gervinus 1997 D193 Venus and Adonis(1849)

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

GABLER Hans Walter 1979 C461 Monsieur Thomas

In The dramatic works in the Beaumont and Fletcher canon

GABLER Hans Walter 1982 C545 Women Pleased

In The dramatic works in the Beaumont and Fletcher canon . Vol. V

GAERTNER Johannes A. C656 a Costume and Design in BBC-TV : Julius Caesar / As You Like It / Romeo and Juliet

GAERTNER Johannes A. C656 c Notes on costume design : BBC plays Henry IV, part one and Henry the Fifth

GAIGNEBET Claude 1975 C415 Le cycle annuel des fêtes à Rouen au milieu du XVe siècle

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

Gail Kern Paster 2000 D257 The Body embarrassed : Drama and disciplines of shame in early modern England

GAILLARD, Antony 1998 M82 Foolery in Shakespeare's Richard III and Hamlet GAIR Reavley 1980 C552 Second Paul's: its theatre and personnel: its later repertoire and audience ( 1602-6 )

In The Elzabethan theatre VII

GAIR W.R. 1968 A515/2 La Compagnie des Enfants de St. Paul, Londres(1599-1606)

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

GAIR, W.R. 1973 C121 The Politics of Scholarship : a Dramatic Comment on the Autocracy of Charles I

In The Elizabethan Theatre III

GAIR W. Reavley 1978 C437 Antonio's Revenge

GALAND, Sylvie 1983 M40 Rational and Irrational in Othello

GALBRAITH, David. 2002 D287 Theories of Comedy

In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Comedy

GALBRAITH V.H. 1969 B818 John Seward and His Circle

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond

GALLAGHER, Catherine 1989 C922 Marxism and the New Historicism

In The New Historicism

GALLENCA, Christiane 1984 P5/14 Baroque Sensibility in The Changeling

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 25 GALLENCA Christiane 1985 P5/16 Ritual and Folk Custom in The Merry Wives of Windsor

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°27

GALLET Liliane 1990 C770 Falstaff's rhetoric and imagery

In Henry the Fourth . Milton, gay . Pouvoir et musique

GALLOWAY, David 1973 C121 The Elizabethan Theatre III

GALLOWAY David 1980 C552 Records of early English drama in the provinces and what they may tell us about the Elizabethan theatre In The Elzabethan theatre VII

GALLOWAY, David (ed) 1970 B500/2 The Elizabethan Theatre, part II

GALLOWAY David (editor) 1969 A688 The Elizabethan Theatre

GALLOWAY David (editor) 1969 B500 The Elizabethan Theatre (Ist part)

GALLOWAY David (editor) 1970 B500 The Elizabethan Theatre II

GALM, John A. 1973 C107 Sidney's Arcadian Poems GAMAURY, Martine 1996 D068 Pearl, Lear, regards de pères

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture

GAMBERINI Spartago 1959 A731 Poeti Metafisici e Cavalieri in Ingihlterra

GARA Ladislas 1965 B104 Hongrie

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

GARAPON Robert 1968 A515/1 Les monologues, les acteurs et le public en France au XVIIe siècle

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

GARBER Marjorie 1980 C594 "Wild laughter in the throat of death" : Darker purposes in Shakespearean comedy

In Shakespearean Comedy

GARBER Marjorie 1986 C819 The Education of Orlando

In Comedy from Shakespeare to Sheridan

GARBER Marjorie 1987 C949 Cannibals, Witches, and Divorce

GARBER Marjorie 1987 C949 Shakespeare’s Ghost Writers

In Cannibals, Witches, and Divorce

GARBER Marjorie 1987 C730 Shakespeare's ghost writers : literature as uncanny causality GARBER, Marjorie B. 1974 C274 Dream in Shakespeare : from Metaphor to Metamorphosis

GARBER Marjorie B. 1981 C568 Coming of age in Shakespeare

GARBER Marjorie.B 1999 D260 Dream and Plot in Richard III

In Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Richard III

GARCÌA LORCA, Federico. 2000 D283 The Public (El pùblico)

In Adaptations of Shakespeare

GARDETTE R. 1976 C389 Satire et gueuserie : Summers Last Will and Testament de Thomas Nashe

In Misère et gueuserie au temps de la Renaissance

GARDETTE R. 1977 C411 Shakespeare et la cité de Troie

In Les cités au temps de la Renaissance 2

GARDETTE Raymond 1985 C602 Les amants de Venise, ou le second retour des Argonautes : du mythe à sa représentation

In Le Marchand de Venise et Le Juif de Malte

GARDETTE Raymond 1986 C653 All's Well that Ends Well et la tradition courtoise

In All's Well That Ends Well : nouvelles perspectives critiques

GARDETTE, Raymond 1987 C173 L'univers onirique d'Othello

In Autour d' Othello GARDETTE Raymond 1989 C822 Le décors mythique du Songe

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

GARDETTE Raymond 1989 C718 Le décors mythique du Songe

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

GARDETTE Raymond 1990 C773 Images d'espace dans Troilus and Cressida

In Shakespeare : Troilus and Cressida

GARDETTE Raymond 1990 C772 Richard III , tyran

In Le tyran : Shakespeare contre Richard III

GARDETTE Raymond 1991 C789 Corps de tyran, corps de roi : la dialectique de Body et de Cor(p)se dans le téâtre shakespearien

In Shakespeare et le corp à la Renaissance

GARDETTE Raymond 1992 C824 Un travail digne d'Hercule : le mariage des opposés

In Much Ado about Nothing

GARDETTE Raymond 1993 C897 “A thing like death”: Le masque d’amour et de mort

In Roméo et Juliette : Nouvelles perspectives critiques

GARDETTE Raymond 1994 C923 “Some vanity of mine art”: l’espace magique dans La Tempête

In Shakespeare - La Tempête : études critiques

GARDETTE Raymond 1994 C923 The Tempest : A Select Bibliography

In Shakespeare - La Tempête : études critiques GARDETTE Raymond 1994 D003 Une fable humaniste : la conquête de l'île de nulle part, de More à Shakespeare

In Shakespeare : cosmopolitisme et insularité

GARDETTE, Raymond 1995 D055 The Lovers of Venice, or the Argonauts' Second Return : From Myth to Dramatic Reresentation

In French Essays on Shakespeare and His Contemporaries

GARDETTE, Raymond 1996 D057 Carnaval en Illyrie

In Twelfth Night : Le Language en Fête

GARDETTE Raymond 1998 D168/3 O knowledge ill-inhabited! : le fou et le philosophe dans la forêt d'Ardennes.

In As You Like It Essais critiques

GARDINER, David M. 1999 P5/45 'These are not the things men live by nowadays': Sir John Harington's Visit to the O' Neill, in 1599

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°55

GARDINER, David M. Avril 1999 P5/45 'These are not the things men live by nowadays': Sir John Harrington's visit to the O'Neill, in 1599.

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 55

GARDINER Harlod C. 1967 B272 Mysteries' End: an Investigation of the Last days of the Medieval Religious Stage

GARDISON Samuel Rawson 1968 C161 The Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution 1625-1660

GARDNER Helen 1959 B375 The Argument about 'The Ectasy'

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies, presented to Frank Percy Wilson GARDNER Helen 1965 A775 The second part of "Tamburlaine the Great"

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

GARDNER Helen 1967 A917 As you like it

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

GARDNER Helen 1967 B268 The Metaphysical Poets

GARDNER Helen 1968 A790 From The Business of Criticism

In Shakespeare Macbeth: A Casebook.Wain John (editor)

GARDNER Helen 1968 A463/13 'Othello' : A Retrospect, 1900-67

In Shakespeare Survey, 21 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

GARDNER Helen 1968 A789 The Historical Approach to Hamlet

In Shakespeare Hamlet: A Casebook.Jump John (editor)

GARDNER Helen 1968 A644 The Metaphysical Poets

In Seventeenth -Century English Poetry : Modern Essays in Criticism

GARDNER Helen 1969 A915 The Argument about 'The Ecstasy'

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies

GARDNER Helen 1969 A247 The Second Part of Tamburlaine the Great

In Critics on Marlowe, ed. by Judith O'Neill GARDNER Helen 1969 A603 TheTheme of Damnation in Doctor Faustus

In Marlowe, Doctor Faustus. Jump John (editor)

GARDNER Helen 1970 B885 Hamlet and the Tragedy of Revenge

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F.

GARDNER, Helen 1971 B666 Religion and Literature

GARDNER Helen 1978 C494 Tragic mysteries

In Shakespeare : pattern of excelling nature

GARDNER Helen 1982 C541 In defence of the imagination : the Charles Eliot Norton lectures 1979-1980

GARDNER Helen 1985 C625 The noble Moor

In Interpretation of Shakespeare

GARDNER Helen(b.1908) 1963 A292 The Noble Moor

In Shakespeare Criticism

GARIN Eugenio 1968 B103 L'Éducation de l'homme moderne(1400-1600)

GARLICK Kenneth 1984 C639 Illustrations to A Midsummer Night's Dream before 1920

In Shakespeare survey 37 GARNER Shirley Nelson 1988 C956 The Taming of the Shrew : Inside or Outside of the Joke?

In Bad Shakespeare : Revaluations of the Shakespeare Canon

GARNER Stanton B. 1979 C498 The Tempest : language and society

In Shakespeare Survey 32

GARNET Henry 1999 D235 From A Treatise of Equivocation

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

GARNIER Marie-Dominique 1985 P5/17 The Mythematics of Infinity in the Poems and Centuries of T.Traherne: A Study of its Thematic Archetypes In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°28

GARNIER Marie-Dominique 1994 C923 Splitting Heirs: Shakespeare’s Tempest and Leibnizian Folds

In Shakespeare - La Tempête : études critiques

GARRETT, Christina 1966 C182 The Marian Exiles : a Study in the Origins of Elizabethan Puritanism

GARRICK David 1969 A840 A Midsummer Nght's Dream(1763)

GARRICK David 1969 A811 Florizel and Perdita

GARRICK David 1969 B719/1 The Dramatic Works GARRICK David 1969 B719/2 The Dramatic Works

GARRICK David 1969 B719/3 The Dramatic Works

GARRICK David 1969 A845 The Fairies, An Opera(1755)

GARRICK, David 1970 C059 King Henry VIII

GARRICK David 1975 C379/3 Adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, 1748

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

GARRICK David 1975 C379/3 From his presentation of Macbeth, 1744

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

GARRICK David 1975 C379/3 From his presentation of Othello, 1745

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

GARRICK David 1975 C379/3 How not to act Macbeth, 1744

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

GARRICK David 1975 C379/3 On Shakespeare's temple, september 1750

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752 GARRICK David 1976 C379/4 From his adaptation of The Winter's Tale, 1756

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

GARRICK David 1976 C379/4 From his musical adaptation of The Winter's Tale

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

GARRICK David 1976 C379/4 In defence of Shakespeare musicals, 1755

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

GARRICK David 1976 C379/4 In defence of Shakespeare musicals, 1756

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

GARRICK David 1976 C379/4 The coronation procession in Henry VIII, 1762

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

GARRICK David 1979 C537 Adaptation of Hamlet, 1772

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

GARRICK David 1979 C537 Jubilee Ode to Shakespeare, 1769

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

GARRICK David, ed. by LITTLE and KAHRL 1963 A200/1 The Letters , volume I

GARRICK David, ed. by LITTLE and KAHRL 1963 A200/2 The Letters , volume II GARRICK David, ed. by LITTLE and KAHRL 1963 A200/3 The Letters , volume III

GARTEN Hugo F. 1965 B104 Le Théâtre en Allemagne et en Autriche

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

GARVIN Paul L. 1964 B271 A Prague School Reader: on Esthetics, Literary Structure, and Style

GASCOIGNE Bamber 1969 B471 Will They Ridicule Our Shakespeare?

In Manner and Meaning in Shakespeare. Jackson B.A.W. (editor)

GASCOIGNE George 1966 A285 Supposes

In Five Pre-Shakespearean Comedies(Early Tudor Period), ed. with an Introduction by BOAS Frederick S.

GASCOIGNE George 1967 A256/1 Certayne Notes of Instruction.1575

In Elizabethan Critical Essays

GASPER Julia 1990 C799 The Dragon and the Dove : The Plays of Thomas Dekker

GASSNER John 1965 B025 Shaw on Ibsen and the Drama of Ideas

In Ideas in the Drama: selected papers from the English Institute. Gassner John (editor)

GASSNER John (editor) 1965 B025 Ideas in the Drama: selected papers from the English Institute GASSNER John & QUINN Edward 1970 B406 The Reader's Encyclopedia of World Drama

GATES Henry Louis 1986 C946 “Race, "Writing, and Difference

Gates Henry Louis Jr 1986 C946 Talkin’ That Talk

In Race, Writing, and Difference

GAUER Denis 1987 P5/20 Heart and Blood: Nature and Culture in 'Tis Pity She's a Whore

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°31

GAUNTLETT, Mark 1992 P5/31 'Had the estate been fellow to his mind': Ironic Strategies in The Revenger's Tragedy

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°42

GAUNTLETT Mark 1994 C985 The Perishable Body of the Unpoetic : A.C. Bradley Performs Othello

In Shakespeare Survey 47

GAUTHIER David P. 1969 A632 The logic of Leviathan: the moral and political theory of Thomas Hobbes

GAUVIN Claude 1973 C435 Un cycle du théâtre religieux Anglais du moyen âge : le jeu de la ville de "N"

GAUVIN Claude 1975 C415 La Fête-Dieu et le théâtre en Angleterre au XVe siècle

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III GAUVIN Claude 1984 C583 Sur quelques problèmes du théâtre médiéval anglais

In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées

GAW Allison 1966 P1/1925/II Actors' Names in Basic Shakespearean Texts, with Special References to Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°40

GAW, Allison 1966 P1/1935/II Is Shakespeare's Much Ado a Revised Earlier Play?

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°50

GAW Allison 1966 P1/1926/II The Evolution of The Comedy of Errors

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°41

GAY John 1966 A279 The Beggar's Opera

In Eighteenth Century Comedy,ed. with an Intro. by TAYLOR W.D.

GAY John 1969 B031 The Beggar's Opera (edited by Edgar V. Roberts, music edited by Edward Smith)

GAYJohn 1964 A264 The Beggar's Opera

In Eighteenth Century Plays, selected with an introduction by John Hampden

GEARY Keith 1984 C639 The nature of Portia's victory: turning to men in The Merchant of Venice

In Shakespeare survey 37

GECKLE George L. 1980 C560 John Marston's drama GEDULD Harry M. 1969 B811 Prince of Publishers: A Study of the Work and Career of Jacob Tonson

GEENE Robert 1964 B437 Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay

GELLERT, James 1979 P5/5 Sir William Davenant's the Law Against Lovers : Shakespeare's Problem Comedy and the Restoration Heroic Tradition In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 16

GENEST John 1832 B145/1 Some Account on the English Stage from the Restoration in 1660 to 1830; Vol I

GENEST John 1832 B145/2 Some Account on the English Stage from the Restoration in 1660 to 1830; Vol II

GENEST John 1832 B145/3 Some Account on the English Stage from the Restoration in 1660 to 1830; Vol III

GENEST John 1832 B145/4 Some Account on the English Stage from the Restoration in 1660 to 1830; Vol IV

GENEST John 1832 B145/5 Some Account on the English Stage from the Restoration in 1660 to 1830; Vol V

GENEST John 1832 B145/6 Some Account on the English Stage from the Restoration in 1660 to 1830; Vol VI GENEST John 1832 B145/7 Some Account on the English Stage from the Restoration in 1660 to 1830; Vol VII

GENEST John 1832 B145/8 Some Account on the English Stage from the Restoration in 1660 to 1830; Vol VIII

GENEST John 1832 B145/9 Some Account on the English Stage from the Restoration in 1660 to 1830; Vol IX

GENEST John 1832 B145/10 Some Account on the English Stage from the Restoration in 1660 to 1830; Vol X

GENET Jacqueline, HELLEGOUARC'H Elisabeth 1991 C810 The Contemporary Irish Theatre

GENETTE Gérard 1966 B084/1 Figures

GENETTE Gérard 1969 B084/2 Figures II

GENTILI, Vanna octobre 1988 P5/23 'Madmen and Fools are a Staple Commodity': On Madness as a System in Elizabethan and Jacobean Plays. In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 34

GENTLEMAN, Francis 1969 B721/2 The Dramatic Censor or, Critical Companion, volume II GENTLEMAN, Francis 1970 C285 The Beggar's Opera : 18th century

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

GENTLEMAN Francis 1979 C537 Shakespeare the dramatist, 1770

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

GENTLEMAN Francis 1981 C512 Commentary on Shakespeare, 1774

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

GEOFFRIN C., AUDUBERT M., BUGNET N., 1968 A515/1 Quatre adaptations de Molière sur la scène anglaise, à l' époque de la Restauration

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

GEORGE Dorothy M. 1965 A997 London Life in the Eighteenth Century

GERARD Albert 1969 B050 'Egregiously an Ass': The Dark Side of the Moor. A View of Othello's Mind

In Shakespeare Survey 10. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

GERARD Albert S. 1993 C928 Baroque Tragedies

GERARD Alexander 1976 C379/4 Shakespeare and enlightened taste, 1759

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

GERARD Alexander 1981 C512 On Shakespeare's genius, 1774

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801 Gérard Dallez 2000 D248 De "Three players of a summer game" à "Cat on a hot tin roof" de Tennessee Williams

In Colloques : Réécritures

GERENDAY de Lynn Antonia 1987 P5/21 The Word as Actor: Chapman's Lemot

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°32

GERMAIN Jean 1953 T37 La musique et le film

In L'univers filmique

GERSTNER-HIRZEL, Arthur 1972 C282 The Economy of Action and Word in Shakespeare's Plays

GHEERAERT-GRAFFEUILLE Claire 1997 D195 Les agents du diable. Sorcellerie et dissidence pendant la Révolution anglaise (1640-1660)

In Le Mal et ses masques

GHISI Federico 1954 A700 L'"aria di maggio" et le travestissement spirituel de la poésie profane en Italie

In Musique et Poésie au XVIè siècle. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

GHISI Federico 1956 A697 Un aspect inédit des Intermèdes de1589 à la Cour médicéenne

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

GHOSE Zulfikar 1978 C463 Hamlet, Prufrock and language

GHOSE Zulfikar 1993 C968 Shakespeare's Mortal Knowledge : A Reading of theTragedies GHOSH J.C. (editor) 1968 A711/1 The Works of Thomas Otway, volume I

GHOSH J.C. (editor) 1968 A711/2 The Works of Thomas Otway, volume II

GIBBONS Brian A623 Critical Studies

In Shakespeare Survey No 39

GIBBONS Brian 1968 A476 Jacobean City Comedy: A Study of Satiric Plays by Jonson, Marston and Middleton

GIBBONS Brian 1968 A248 'Unstable Proteus': The Tragedy of Dido Queen of Carthage

In Christopher Marlowe (Mermaid Critical Commentaries)

GIBBONS Brian 1968 A576 'Unstable Proteus' : The Tragedy of Dido Queen of Carthage

In Christopher Marlowe

GIBBONS Brian 1980 C571 Jacobean City Comedy . (Second edition)

GIBBONS, Brian 1980 C488 Romeo and Juliet

GIBBONS Brian 1990 C780 Romance and the Heroic Play

In The Cambridge Companion to English Drama GIBBONS, Brian 1993 D166 Shakespeare and Multiplicity

GIBBONS Brian 1993 C897 The Interplay of the Verbal and the Visual; or “O that deceit should dwell / In such a gorgeous palace” In Roméo et Juliette : Nouvelles perspectives critiques

GIBBONS Brian 1994 P5/34 The Tempest and Interruptions

In Cahiers Elisabéthains, no 45, April 1994

GIBBONS, Brian 1994 P5/34 The Tempest and Interruptions

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°45

GIBBONS,Brian 1996 P5/39 The Question of Place

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°50

GIBBONS, Brian 1996 D074 The Wrong End of the Telescope

In Travel and Drama in Shakespeare's Time

GIBBS A.C. 1966 B339 Middle English Romances

GIBBS Henryn H. 1898 A039 The Romance of the Cheuelere Assigne

GIBBS James A623 The Living Dramatist and Shakespeare : A Study of Shakespeare' s Influence on Wole Soyinka

In Shakespeare Survey No 39 GIBIAN, George 1951 P1/1951/IV Measure for Measure and Pushkin's Angelo

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°66

GIBSON Colin 1978 C442 The selected plays of Philip Massinger : The Duke of Milan, The Roman Actor, A New Way to Pay Old Debts, The City Madam

GIBSON Colin 1985 C953 Massinger’s Theatrical Language

In Philip Massinger : A Critical Reassessment

GIBSON Colin 1988 C724 'The Stage of My Mortality': Ford's Poetry of Death

In John Ford : Critical Re-Visions

GIBSON, H.N. 1962 B942 The Shakespeare Claimants

GIBSON, Rex 1996 D135 "O, what learning is !" Pedagogy and the Afterlife of Romeo and Juliet

In Shakespeare Survey 49

GIELGUD John 1968 B476 Tradition, Style and the Theatre To-day

In Shakespeare Survey (Vol 4)

GIELGUD, John 1973 B980 King Richard The Second

In Shakespeare, Richard II, a Casebook

GIELGUD John 1973 B991 King Richard the Second

In Shakespeare: Richard II, A Casebook. Brooke Nicholas (editor) GIERKE Otto 1968 A587 Political Theories of the Middle age

GIFFORD George 1999 D235 From A Dialogue Concernig Witches and Witchcrafts

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

GIFFORD, W. 1966 B986/1 Plays of Philip Massinger, volume The First

GIFFORD, W. 1966 B986/4 Plays of Philip Massinger, volume The Fourth

GIFFORD, W. 1966 B986/2 Plays of Philip Massinger, volume The Second

GIFFORD, W. 1966 B986/3 Plays of Philip Massinger, volume The Third

GILBERT, Allan 1954 B764/1 Fr. Lodovico Melzo's Rules for Cavalry

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume I. Pery William (editor)

GILBERT, Allan 1972 C297 The Principles and Practice of Criticism : Othello, The Merry Wives, Hamlet

GILBERT Allan H. 1969 B343 The Symbolic Persons in th Masques of Ben Jonson GILBERT, Felix 1954 B764/1 The Concept of Nationalism in Machiavelli's Prince

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume I. Pery William (editor)

GILBERT Neal W. 1963 B019 Renaissance Concept of Method

GILDER Robert 1965 B104 Etats Unis

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

GILDON, Charles 1970 C004 The Life of Mr. Thomas Betterton, the Late Eminent Tragedian

GILDON, Charles 1973 C137 A Comparison Between the Two Stages

GILDON, Charles 1973 C144 Miscellaneous Letters and Essays

In The Impartial Critick and Miscellaneous Letters and Essays

GILDON Charles 1974 C379/2 From his adaptation of Measure for Measure, 1700

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

GILDON Charles 1974 C379/2 On Rymer, 1694

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

GILDON Charles 1974 C379/2 On Shakespeare's fault, 1721

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733 GILDON Charles 1974 C337 Remarks on Mr Rowe's tragedy of the Lady Jane Gray, and all his other plays

GILDON Charles 1974 C379/2 Shakespeare the Rules, 1718

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

GILDON Charles 1974 C379/2 Shakespeare's life and works, 1710

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

GILL R. 1982 C596 The christian ideology of Doctor Faustus

In Théâtre et idéologies : Marlowe, Shakespeare

GILL Roma 1968 A248 'Snakes Leape by Verse'

In Christopher Marlowe (Mermaid Critical Commentaries)

GILL Roma 1968 A576 'Snakes Leape by Verse'

In Christopher Marlowe

GILL Roma 1972 B995 Musa Iocosa Mea: Thoughts on the Elegies

In John Donne: Essays in Celebration. Smith A.J. (editor)

GILLET Bernard 1965 B104 Le Spectacle sportif contemporain

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

GILLET Louis 1965 A775 "Arden of Feversham"

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.) GILLIBERT Jean 1957 A696 A propos de quelques problèmes généraux sur la mise en scène de la Tragédie grecque

In La Mise en Scène des Oeuvres du Passé

GILLIBERT Jean 1968 A692 Les tragiques grecs au goût du jour: II.-L'Oedipodie

In Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

GILLIES John 1994 C935 Shakespeare and the geography of difference

GILMAN Sander L. 1986 C946 Black Bodies, White Bodies: Toward an Iconography of Female Sexuality in Late Nineteenth-Century Art, Medicine, and Literature In Race, Writing, and Difference

GILMORE, Myron P. 1956 B764/2 Freedom and Determinism in Renaissance Historians

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume III. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

Gilmore, Myron P. 1956 B764/2 Freedom and Determinism in Renaissance Historians

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume III. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

GIRARD René 1985 C672 The politics of desire in Troilus and Cressida

In Shakespeare and the question of theory

GIRARD René 1991 C959 A Theater of Envy : William Shakespeare

GIRODON, S. 1992 M55 The Supernatural and its Functions in A Midsummer Night's Dream and in The Tempest GITTINGS Robert 1960 B315 Shakespeare's Rival: a Study in Three Parts

GLANVILLE Philippa 1989 C793 The Crafts and Decorative Arts

In The Cambridge Guide to the Arts in Britain Vol.3 : Renaissance and Reformation

GLAUNING Otto 1900 A041 Lydgate’s Minor Poems. The Two Nightingale Poems

GLAZOV-CORRIGAN Elena 1990 C795 The New Function of Language in Shakespeare's Pericles : Oath Versus 'Holy Word'

In Shakespeare Survey 43

GLESS Darryl J. 1991 D030 Julius Caesar, Allan Bloom, and Value of Pedagogical Pluralism

In Shakespeare Left and Right

GLOTON Jean-Jacques 1978 C813 L'Opéra d'Aix-en-Provence

In Monuments Historiques : Architecture du Spectacle

GOARZIN-BONAFOUS-MURAT Hélène 1997 D195 L'héritage pamphlétaire: Les Diables de lithographie d' Eugène Le Poitevin. Aspect de la parodie sous Louis -Philippe In Le Mal et ses masques

GODDARD Harold C. 1968 A598 Cleopatra' s Artifice

In Shakespeare : Antony and Cleopatra

GODDARD Harold C. 1969 A597 The Three Caskets

In Shakespeare : The Merchant of Venice GODDARD Harold C. 1990 B228/1 The Meaning of Shakespeare, volume I

GODDARD Harold C. 1993 B228/2 The Meaning of Shakespeare, volume I

GODEBERT Georges 1957 A696 Sur une mise en ondes de "Bérénice"

In La Mise en Scène des Oeuvres du Passé

GODSHALK, W.L. 1979 P5/6 Henry V's Politics of Non-Responsibility

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 17

GOFFMAN Erving 1967 C859 Interaction Ritual : Essays on Face to Face Behaviour

GOFFMAN Erving 1986 C889 Frame Analysis : An Essay on the Organization of Experience

GOHLKE Madelon 1980 C575 "I wooed thee with my sword" : Shakespeare's tragic paradigms

In The woman's part

GOIMARD Jacques 1980 C605 Splendeurs et misères des classifications au cinéma

In La théorie du film

GOLDAMMER, Kurt 1972 C184/1 Paracelsus, Osiander and Theological Paracelsism in the Middle of the 16th Century

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol I) GOLDBERG Jonathan 1985 C672 Shakespearean inscriptions : the voicing of power

In Shakespeare and the question of theory

GOLDBERG Jonathan 1987 C733 Speculations: Macbeth and source

In Shakespeare reproduced : the text in history and ideology

GOLDBERG Jonathan 1992 D012 Speculations : Macbeth and Source

In Macbeth

GOLDBERG Jonathan 1993 D010 Perspectives : Dover Cliff and the Conditions of Representation

In King Lear

GOLDBERG JONATHAN 1998 D197/7 Perspectives: Dover Cliff and the Conditions of Representation

In Shakespeare's Tragedies

GOLDBERG S.L. 1972 B872 Folly into Crime: The Catastrophee of Volpone

In Jonson: Volpone, A Casebook. Barish Jonas A. (editor)

GOLDBERG S.L. 1974 C497 An essay on King Lear

GOLDEN Bruce 1970 B808 Calderon's Tragedies of Honor: Topoi, Emblem, and Action in the Popular Theater of the Siglo de Oro In Renaissance Drama III: Essays principally on Drama in Its Intellectual Context. Schoenbaum S. (editor)

GOLDER, J.D. 1971 B699 Hamlet in France 200 Years ago

In Shakespeare Survey N°24 GOLDMAN Michael 1972 C387 Shakespeare and the energies of drama

GOLDMAN, Michael 1972 B936 Shakespeare and the Energies of Drama

GOLDMAN Michael 1978 C494 Acting values and Shakespearean meaning : some suggestions

In Shakespeare : pattern of excelling nature

GOLDMAN Michael 1981 C539 Characterizing Coriolanus

In Shakespeare Survey 34

GOLDMAN Michael 1989 C750 Performer and role in Marlowe and Shakespeare

In Shakespeare and the sense of performance

GOLDSMITH Oliver 1966 A279 She Stoops to Conquer

In Eighteenth Century Comedy,ed. with an Intro. by TAYLOR W.D.

GOLDSMITH Oliver 1976 C379/4 Shakespeare's absurdities and theatrical revivals, 1759

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

GOLDSTEIN Leonard 1977 P5/1 Some Suggestions on the Social Aspects of Changes in Dramatic Blank Verse in the Elizabethan and Post-Elizabethan Theatre In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 12

GOLL August (translated by Weekes Charles) 1966 A769 Criminal Types in Shakespeare GOLLANCZ Israel 1895 A159 The Exeter Book . Part I . Poems I-VIII

GOLLANCZ Israel 1967 B362 The Sources of Hamlet with an essay on the legend

GOLSTEIN, Leonard 1977 P5/1 Some Suggestions on the Social Aspects of Changes in Dramatic Blank Verse in the Elizabethan and Post-Elizabethan Theatre. In Cahiers Elisabéthains N°12

GOMBOSI Otto 1960 A698 A la recherche de la forme dans la musique de la Renaissance: Francesco da Milano

In La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean

GOOCH G.P. 1967 A640 English Democratic Ideas in the Seventeenth Century

GOODALL Jane 1990 C878 The Devils and its sources: modern perspectives on the Loudun

In Drama and Philosophy

GOODHALL James 1969 A872 King Richard II(1772)

GOODMAN Paul 1963 C470 Comic plots : The Alchemist

In Ben Jonson : a collection of critical essays

GORDON D.J. 1956 A697 Le "Masque Mémorable" de Chapman

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance GORDON D.J. 1966 A463/1 Shakespeare's Life and Time (reviewed)

In Shakespeare Survey, 2: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

GORDON D.J. 1975 C410 The Renaissance imagination

GORDON, D.J. 1980 D053 Name and Fame: Shakespeare's Coriolanus

In The Renaissance Imagination

GORDON, D.J. 1980 D053 The Renaissance Imagination

GORDON D.J 2000 D262 (The Imagery of The Masque of Blackness)

In Ben Jonson's Plays and Masques

GORDON George 1965 A735 Shakesperian Comedy and Other Studies

GORDON Ida L. 1970 A924 The Double Sorrow of Troilus: A Study of Ambiguities in Troilus and Criseyde

GOREAU, Eloise K. 1974 C172 Integrity of Life : Allegorical Imagery in the Plays of John Webster

GORFAIN Phyllis 1976 C399 Puzzle and artifice : the riddle as a metapoetry in Pericles

In Shakespeare Survey 29 GORFAIN Phyllis 1992 D045 Riddling as Ritual Remedy in Measure for Measure

In True Rites and Maimed Rites : Ritual and Anti-Ritual in Shakespeare and his Age

GÖRLACH Manfred 1991 D040 Introduction to Early Modern English

GOSSON, Stephen B972 Plays Confuted in Five Actions

GOSSON, Stephen 1972 B972 Playes Confuted in Five Actions

GOSSON, Stephen 1973 C138 The Schoole of Abuse

In The Schoole of Abuse and A Reply to Gosson's Schoole of Abuse

GOSSON Stephen 1974 C310 The ephemerides of Phialo

GOTCH J.Alfred B365 Early Renaissance Architecture in England: A historical & descriptive account of the Tudor, Elizabethan & Jacobean periods 1500-1625

GOTTFRIED, Rudolf B. 1956 B764/2 Samuel Daniel's Method of Writing History

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume III. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

GOTTFRIED, Rudolf B. 1967 P1/1937/II Spencer's View and Essex

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°52 GOTTLIEB, Sidney 1980 P5/7 George Herbert Today: A Survey of Contemporary Research

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 18

GOUHIER Henri 1956 A629 Intrigue et action

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

GOUHIER Henri 1965 A693 Tragique et transcendance: Introduction à un débat général

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

GOULD Gerard 1969 A787 Irony and Satire in Henry V

In Shakespeare Henry V : A Casebook. Quinn Michael (editor)

GOULD Robert 1974 C379/1 From The Play-House. A Satyr, 1685

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

GOULD Thomas 1990 C878 The ancient quarrel between poetry and philosophy

In Drama and Philosophy

GOURDON Anne-Marie 1975 C416 Les Bonnes, de J. Genet : la perception du spectateur

In Les voies de la création théâtrale IV

GOURDON Anne-Marie 1984 C583 La redondance au théâtre

In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées

GOURFINKEL Nina 1955 B117 Constantin Stanislaski GOURFINKEL Nina 1957 A696 Stanisvlaski et la mise enscène du " Mariage de Figaro"

In La Mise en Scène des Oeuvres du Passé

GOURFINKEL Nina 1965 B104 Le Théâtre russe

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

GOURFINKEL Nina 1965 A693 Les Eléments d'une tragédie moderne dans les romans de Dostoïevski

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

GOURFINKEL Nina 1967 A694 Les Interprétations russes de Tchékhov

In Réalisme et Poesie au Théâtre

GOURFINKEL Nina 1967 A533 Les voies du théâtre soviétique russe: I. La Dramaturgie/ II. La mise en scène

In Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale JACQUOT Jean (editeur)

GOURFINKEL Nina 1968 A692 La politique théâtrale russe et le réalisme

In Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

GOURFINKEL Nina 1971 C548 Les théâtres hébraïques et yiddish à Moscou

In L'expressionnisme dans le théâtre européen

GOY-BLANQUET D. 1982 C596 De Hall à Shakespeare : quelques glissements idéologiques opérés par la dramatisation dans Henry IV In Théâtre et idéologies : Marlowe, Shakespeare

GOY-BLANQUET, D. & MARIENSTRAS, R. 1987 C173 Autour d' Othello GOY-BLANQUET Dominique 1980 C550 Images de la monarchie dans le théâtre historique de Shakespeare

In Les voies de la création théâtrale VIII

GOY-BLANQUET Dominique 1983 A334 Le Roi mis à nu: L'Histoire d'Henri VI de Hall à Shakespeare

GOY-BLANQUET, Dominique 1987 C173 Mariage à l'Italienne

In Autour d' Othello

GOY-BLANQUET Dominique 1989 C822 Cadavre exquis

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

GOY-BLANQUET Dominique 1989 C718 Cadavre exquis

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

GOY-BLANQUET Dominique 1990 P5/27 'Death or Liberty': The Fashion in Shrouds

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°38

GOY-BLANQUET Dominique 1990 C772 L'enfant du siècle

In Le tyran : Shakespeare contre Richard III

GOY-BLANQUET Dominique 1994 D003 Ion Omesco et sa mise en scène d'Othello

In Shakespeare : cosmopolitisme et insularité

GOY-BLANQUET, Dominique 1995 D055 Sad Stories

In French Essays on Shakespeare and His Contemporaries Goy-Blanquet, Dominique 1996 D106 Variations sur la lettre, le mètre et la mesure - Shakespeare

GOY-BLANQUET Dominique et MARIENSTRAS 1990 C772 Le tyran : Shakespeare contre Richard III

GRABES Herbert 1993 D033 Space, Time and the Theory of Transformations

In English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference

GRACE William J. 1968 B999 Ideas in Milton

GRADY, Hugh 1995 D111 The Modernist Shakespeare - Critical Texts in a Material World.

GRADY, Hugh. 2000 D281 On the Need for a Differentiated Theory of (Early) Modern Subjects

In Philosophical Shakespeares

GRADY, Hugh. 2001 D279 Introduction: Shakespeare and Modernity

In Shakespeare and Modernity

GRADY, Hugh. 2001 D277 Modernity, Modernism and Postmodernism in the Twentieth Century's Shakespeare

In Shakespeare and Modern Theatre

GRADY, Hugh.(editor) 2001 D279 Shakespeare and Modernity GRAF Claude 1977 P5/1 Virginia Mason Carr ,The Drama of Propaganda: A Study of the Troublesome Reign of King John In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 12

GRAFF Gerald 1989 C922 Co-optaion

In The New Historicism

GRAFF Gerald 1991 D030 Ordinary People and Academic Critics : a Response to Richard Levin

In Shakespeare Left and Right

GRAFTON Anthony 1997 D201 The new science and the traditions of humanism

In The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism

GRAHAM, Catherine. 2001 D277 The Problem of Professionalism in Twentieth Century Stagings of Hamlet

In Shakespeare and Modern Theatre

GRANSDEN K.W. 1970 B457 Tudor Verse Satire

GRANT Douglas 1969 A581 Byron : The Pilgrim and Don Juan

In The Morality of Art

GRANT, W. Leonard 1954 B764/1 European Vernacular Works in Latin Translation

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume I. Pery William (editor)

GRANT, W. Leonard 1957 B764/2 New Forms of Neo-Latin Pastoral

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume IV. Shaaber, M.a. (editor) GRANT, W. Leonard 1958 B764/3 An Eclogue of Giovanni Quatrario

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume V. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

GRANTLEY Darryll 1994 C986 Saint's plays

In The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre

Grantley & Roberts (eds) 1996 D103 Christopher Marlowe and English Renaissance Culture

GRANVILLE BARKER Harley 1974 C406 Prefaces to Shakespeare volume VI

GRANVILLE George 1974 C379/2 From his adaptation of The Merchant of Venice, 1701

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

GRANVILLE-BARKER Harley 1964 A415/1 Antony and Cleopatra

In Prefaces to Shakespeare(Vol I)

GRANVILLE-BARKER Harley 1964 A415/1 Cymbeline

In Prefaces to Shakespeare(Vol I)

GRANVILLE-BARKER Harley 1964 A415/1 Hamlet

In Prefaces to Shakespeare(Vol I)

GRANVILLE-BARKER Harley 1964 A415/1 King Lear

In Prefaces to Shakespeare(Vol I) GRANVILLE-BARKER Harley 1964 A415/1 Prefaces to Shakespeare(Vol I)

GRANVILLE-BARKER Harley 1964 A415/1 The Merchant of Venice

In Prefaces to Shakespeare(Vol I)

GRANVILLE-BARKER Harley 1965 A415/2 Corionalus

In Prefaces to Shakespeare(Vol II)

GRANVILLE-BARKER Harley 1965 A415/2 Julius Caesar

In Prefaces to Shakespeare(Vol II)

GRANVILLE-BARKER Harley 1965 A415/2 Love' s Labour's Lost

In Prefaces to Shakespeare(Vol II)

GRANVILLE-BARKER Harley 1965 A415/2 Othello

In Prefaces to Shakespeare(Vol II)

GRANVILLE-BARKER Harley 1965 A415/2 Prefaces to Shakespeare(Vol II)

GRANVILLE-BARKER Harley 1965 A415/2 Romeo and Juliet

In Prefaces to Shakespeare(Vol II)

GRANVILLE-BARKER Harley 1966 A393 Shakespeare's Dramatic Art

In A Companion to Shakespeare Studies, edited by Harley Granville-Barker and G.B. Harrison GRANVILLE-BARKER Harley 1967 B876 On Dramatic Method

GRANVILLE-BARKER Harley 1967 A917 Producing Love's Labour's Lost

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

GRANVILLE-BARKER Harley 1968 A929 The Construction of Antony and Cleopatra

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

GRANVILLE-BARKER Harley 1968 A598 The Play' s Construction

In Shakespeare : Antony and Cleopatra

GRANVILLE-BARKER Harley 1969 A600 Mark Antony

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

GRANVILLE-BARKER Harley 1969 A597 Portia

In Shakespeare : The Merchant of Venice

GRANVILLE-BARKER Harley 1969 A597 Shakespeare' s Venice

In Shakespeare : The Merchant of Venice

GRANVILLE-BARKER Harley 1970 B582 Coriolanus : Introduction

In Twentieth Century Interpretations of Coriolanus. Phillips James E. (editor)

GRANVILLE-BARKER Harley 1970 B885 The Merchant of Venice

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F. GRANVILLE-BARKER Harley and HARRISON G.B. 1966 A393 A Companion to Shakespeare Studies

GRAPPIN Pierre 1965 A693 Liberté et nécessité dans les tragédies de Schiller

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

GRAVES Thornton Shirley 1967 A744 The Court and the London Theatres during the Reign of Elizabeth

GRAVIER Maurice 1957 A696 Mises en scène de Strindberg

In La Mise en Scène des Oeuvres du Passé

GRAVIER Maurice 1957 A696 Mises en scène récentes de " Peer Gynt"

In La Mise en Scène des Oeuvres du Passé

GRAVIER Maurice 1965 A693 Le Théâtre des Jesuites et la tragédie du salut

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

GRAVIER Maurice 1965 B104 Le Théâtre scandinave

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

GRAVIER Maurice 1965 A693 Le Thème de l'angoisse dans le théâtre suédois d'aujourd'hui

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

GRAVIER Maurice 1965 A693 Le Tragique dans les drames modernes d'Ibsen et de Strindberg

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur) GRAVIER Maurice 1967 A694 Le Théâtre naturaliste de Strinberg

In Réalisme et Poesie au Théâtre

GRAVIER Maurice 1967 A533 Le théâtre suédois depuis 1945

In Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale JACQUOT Jean (editeur)

GRAVIER Maurice 1968 A692 Le théâtre danois aujourd'hui

In Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

GRAVIER Maurice 1968 A515/1 Les dialogues en langues étrangères dans les comédies de Ludwig Holberg

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

GRAVIER Maurice 1968 A692 Les héros du drame expressionniste

In Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

GRAVIER maurice 1971 C548 L'expressionnisme dramatique en France entre les deux guerres

In L'expressionnisme dans le théâtre européen

GRAY Austin K. 1966 P1/1928/II Some Observations on Christopher Marlowe, Government Agent

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°43

GRAY Douglas 1970 B323 Later Poetry: The Courtly Tradition

In The Middle Ages(Vol I)

GRAY Henry David 1966 P1/1925/II Heywood's Pericles revised by Shakespeare

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°40 GRAY Henry David 1966 P1/1927/I Thomas Kyd and the First Quarto of Hamlet

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°42

GRAY Thomas 1975 C379/3 Shakespeare's language, april 1742

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

GRAY Thomas 1975 C379/3 The chorus rejected, december 1751

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

Great Assises 1967 C247 Palaemon's Prophetick Prayer

GREAVES Richard L. 1969 B898 John Bunyan

GREBENICKOVA Ruzena 1971 C548 L'expressionnisme tchèque et les structures du dialogue dramatique

In L'expressionnisme dans le théâtre européen

GREEN André 1992 C966 Othello : A Tragedy of Conversion : Black Magic and White Magic

In Shakespearean Tragedy

GREEN André 1994 D003 La scène, une île déserte

In Shakespeare : cosmopolitisme et insularité

GREEN Gayle 1980 C575 Shakespeare's Cressida : "A kind of self"

In The woman's part GREEN, Otis H. 1957 B764/2 On the Attitude toward the Vulgo in the Spanish Siglo de Oro

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume IV. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

GREEN, V.H.H. 1971 B648 Medieval Civilization in Western Europe

GREEN William 1962 B152 Shakespeare's Merry Wives of Windsor

GREENBLAT STEPHEN 1998 D197/5 Shakespeare Bewitched

In Shakespeare's Tragedies

GREENBLATT D116 The Norton Shakespeare

GREENBLATT Stephen 1984 C942 Renaissance Self-fashioning

GREENBLATT Stephen 1985 C715 Invisible bullets : Renaissance authority and its subversioon, Henry IV and Henry V

In Political Shakespeare

GREENBLATT Stephen 1985 C672 Shakespeare and the exorcists

In Shakespeare and the question of theory

GREENBLATT Stephen 1988 C791 Shakespearean Negotiations : the Circulation of Social Energy in Renaissance England GREENBLATT, Stephen 1989 C922 Towards a Poetics of Culture

In The New Historicism

GREENBLATT Stephen 1992 C924 Invisible Bullets: Renaissance Authority and its Subversion, Henry IV and Henry V

In New Historicism and Renaissance Drama

GREENBLATT Stephen 1992 C924 Marlowe and the Will to Absolute Play

In New Historicism and Renaissance Drama

GREENBLATT Stephen 1992 C947 Marvelous Possessions

GREENBLATT Stephen 1992 C966 The Improvisation of Power

In Shakespearean Tragedy

GREENBLATT Stephen 1993 D010 The Cultivation of Anxiety : King Lear and His Heirs

In King Lear

GREENBLATT Stephen 1994 C974 Shakespeare Bewitched

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

GREENBLATT Stephen (ed.) 1997 D146 The Norton Shakespeare

GREENBLATT, Stephen J. 1973 C114 Sir Walter Ralegh : the Renaissance Man and His Roles GREENBLATT Stephen Jay 1990 C899 Learning To Curse : Essays in Early Modern Culture

GREENE, David M. 1963 B764/5 The Identity of the Emblematic Nemesis

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume X. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

GREENE Edward Burnaby 1979 C537 Rhetoric in Shakespeare, 1770

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

GREENE Gayle 1991 D030 The Myth of Neutrality, Again?

In Shakespeare Left and Right

GREENE Jack P. 1987 C952 Changing Identity in the British Caribbean: Barbados as a Case Study

In Colonial Identity in the Atlantic World, 1500-1800

GREENE Ro. 1962 A615 Dorons Description of his Faire Sheepheardesse Samela

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

GREENE Ro. 1962 A615 Melicertus Madrigale

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

GREENE Ro. 1962 A615 Menaphon to Pesana

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

GREENE Ro. 1962 A615 Menaphons Roundelay

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614) GREENE Ro. 1962 A615 Montanus his Madrigall

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

GREENE Ro. 1962 A615 The Sheepheard Dorons Jigge

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

GREENE Ro. 1962 A615 The Sheepheard Eurymachus to his Faire Sheepheardesse Mirimida

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

GREENE Robert 1933 A174 Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

GREENE Robert 1939 A639 The Honourable History of Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

GREENE Robert 1965 A289 Friar Bacon and Friar bungay

In Five Elizabethan Comedies, ed. with an Introduction by McILLWRAITH

GREENE Robert 1967 A270 The Scottish History of James the Fourth

GREENE Robert 1970 B262 The Scottish History of James the Fourth

GREENE Robert 1979 C779 From 'A Groatsworth of Wit', 1592

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896 GREENE Robert 1979 C779 From 'Perimedes the Blacksmith', 1588

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

GREENE Theodore MEYER 1965 A464 The Arts and the Art of Criticism

GREENE Theodore Meyer 1965 B131 The Arts and the Art of Criticism

GREENE Thomas 1986 C941 The Vulnerable Text : essays on Renaissance literature

GREENE Thomas M. 1985 C672 Pitiful thrivers : failed husbandry in the Sonnets

In Shakespeare and the question of theory

GREENFIELD, Jon 1997 D171 Design as Reconstruction / Reconstruction as Design

In Shakespeare's Globe Rebuilt

GREENFIELD, Jon 1997 D171 Timber Framing, the Two Bays and After

In Shakespeare's Globe Rebuilt

GREENLEAF W.H 1964 A205 Order, Empirism and Politics

GREENSLADE B.D. 1964 B320/64 The Restoration Period

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1964) GREENSLADE B.D. 1965 B320/63 The Restoration Period

In The Year's Work n English Studies(1963)

GREENSLADE B.D. 1968 B320/66 The Restoration Period

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1966)

GREER, C.A. 1967 P1/1938/II The Place of Henry VI in The York-Lancaster Tetralogy

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°53

GREER Germaine 1986 C944 Shakespeare

GREER Germaine 1994 C974 The Offstage Mob: Shakespeare's Proletariat

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

GREG W.W. 1959 B375 Two Notes: (i) When was Twelfth Night? (ii) Copyright in Unauthorised Texts

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies, presented to Frank Percy Wilson

GREG W.W. 1965 A775 The Damnation of Faustus

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

GREG W.W. 1967 B232 The editorial Problem in Shakespeare: A Survey of the Foundations of the Text

GREG W.W. 1969 A560 Dramatic Documents from the Elizabethan Playhouses: Stage Plots, Actors' Parts, Prompt Books GREG W.W. 1969 Z2 Dramatic Documents from the Elizabethan Playhouses: Stage Plots; Actors Parts; Prompt Books

GREG W.W. 1969 A603 The Damnation of Faustus

In Marlowe, Doctor Faustus. Jump John (editor)

GREG W.W. 1970 Z13/1 A Bibliography of the English Printed Drama to the Restoration (vol. I)

GREG W.W. (editor) 1968 B172 Marlowe's Doctor Faustus 1604-1616: parallel texts

GREGOR Ian 1970 B454 Criticism as an Individual Activity: The Approach through Reading

In Contemporary Criticism. Bradbury Malcolm & Palmer David (editors)

GREGOR, Ian 1970 B855/2 Criticism as an Individual Activity: The Approach through Reading

In Contemporary Criticism

GREGSON J.M. 1983 C641 Public and private man in Shakespeare

GREIF Karen 1981 C539 Plays and playing in Twelfth Night

In Shakespeare Survey 34

GREIMAS A.J. 1970 C833 Du Sens : Essais Sémiotiques GREIMAS A.J. et COURTÉS J. 1979 C834 Sémiotique : Dictionnaire Raisonné de la Théorie du Langage . Tome 1

GREIMAS A.J. et COURTÉS J. 1986 C835 Sémiotique : Dictionnaire Raisonné de la Théorie du Langage . Tome 2

GREIN, J.T. 1970 C285 'Trelawny of the"Wells"'

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

GREMOND, M.O.L.J. 1969 M01 Eastward Ho by Marston, Chapman and Jonson

GRENDLER Paul F. 1966 C354 The rejection of learning in Mid-Cinquecento Italy

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XIII

GRENE Nicholas 1980 C505 Shakespeare, Jonson, Molière : the comic contract

GRENE Nicholas 1991 C810 Truth and indeterminacy in Brian Friel

In The Contemporary Irish Theatre

GRENE Nicholas 1992 C988 Shakespeare's tragic imagination

GRENIER Albert 1956 A629 Les incertitudes de l'archéologie

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts. GRESSET Michel 1967 A533 Orphée sous les tropiques, ou les thèmes dans le théâtre récent de Tennesse Williams

In Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale JACQUOT Jean (editeur)

GRESSET Michel 1987 C854/2 La traduction du dialogue dans deux nouvelles de Hemingway

In Palimpsestes N° 1 : Traduire le Dialogue Traduire les Textes de Théatre

GREY Earle 1969 B050 Shakespeare Festival, Toronto, Canada

In Shakespeare Survey 10. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

GREY Zachary and others 1976 C379/4 Notes on Shakespeare, 1754

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

GRIERSON H.J.C. 1968 A644 Metaphysical Poetry

In Seventeenth -Century English Poetry : Modern Essays in Criticism

GRIERSON Herbert J.C. 1963 A648 Milton & Wordsworth : Poets and Prophets (a study of their reactions to political events)

GRIERSON Herbert J.C. 1965 A408 Cross Currents in English Literature of the XVIIth Century (or the world, the flesh and the spirit, their actions and reactions

GRIERSON, Herbert J.C. 1968 C131/1 The Poems of John Donne (vol. I)

GRIERSON, Herbert J.C. 1968 C131/2 The Poems of John Donne (vol. II) GRIERSON Herbert J.C. (editor) 1966 B209 Metaphysical Poems of the Seventeenth Century (Donne to Butler)

GRIFFIN Bartholomew 1964 A899/6 fidessa, more chaste than kind, 1596

In An English Garner: Elizabethan Sonnets(Vol II)

GRIFFITH, Elizabeth 1971 C014 The Morality of Shakespeare's Drama Illustrated

GRIFFITH Elizabeth 1981 C512 Shakespeare and domestic morality, 1775

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

GRIFFITH, Hubert 1970 C285 Hamlet in Modern Dress

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

GRIFFITHS Eric 1994 C934 Ludwig Wittgenstein and The Comedy of Errors

In English Comedy

GRIFFITHS Trevor C456 Tradition and innovation in Harley Granville Barker's "A Midsummer Night's Dream "

In Theatre notebook . Volume XXX . Numbers 2 &3

GRILLPARZER Franz 1963 B043 from Studies in English Literature : 1821; Measure for Measure, 1849; Othello, 1849

In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor)

GRIMAL Pierre 1964 A701 Les Tragédies de Sénèque

In Les tragédies de Sénèque et le théâtre de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean (editeur) GRIMBERG Martine 1975 C415 Carnaval et société urbaine à la fin du XVe siècle

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

GRIVELET M., MARTINET M-M. et 1988 C828 Shakespeare de A à Z ... ou presque

GRIVELET Michel 1957 A650 Thomas Heywood et le Drame Domestique Élizabéthain

GRIVELET Michel 1966 A463/9 Shakespeare as 'Corrupter of Words'

In Shakespeare Survey, 16 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

GRIVELET Michel 1966 A463/7 The Simplicity of Thomas Heywood

In Shakespeare Survey, 14 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

GRIVELET MIchel 1967 A694 Heywood et le réalisme du drame domestique élizabethein

In Réalisme et Poesie au Théâtre

GRIVELET Michel 1969 A463/14 Shakespeare, Molière, and the Comedy of Ambiguity

GRIVELET Michel 1970 B456 Shakespeare's 'War with Time': the Sonnets and 'Richard II'

In Shakespeare Survey 23: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

GRIVELET Michel 1985 C625 A portrait of the artist as Proteus

In Interpretation of Shakespeare GRODECKI Louis 1971 C548 L'expressionnisme allemand et son art graphique. A propos d'une exposition

In L'expressionnisme dans le théâtre européen

GROSE Christopher 1971 B737 Milton on Ramist Similitude

In Seventeenth Century Imagery: Essays on Uses of Figurative Language from Donne to Farquhar. Earl Miner (editor)

GROSE Kenneth H. and OXLEY B.T. 1969 B993 Literature in Perspective: Shakespeare

GROSS John 1992 D041 Shylock : Four Hundred Years in the life of a Legend

GROTJAHN, Martin 1965 C266 Beyond Laughter : a Summing Up

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

GRUDIN Robert 1979 C518 Mighty opposites : Shakespeare and Renaissance contrariety

GRUND, Gary R. 1981 P5/9 The Queene's Two Bodies: Britomart and Spencer's Faerie Queene, book III

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 20

GU-SUN Lu 1983 C584 Hamlet across space and time

In Shakespeare Survey 36

GUASTALLA Pierre 1956 A629 L'oeuvre et la réalité dans l'art plastique contemporrain

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts. GUERLAC Henry 1965 B603 Where the Statue Stood: Divergent Loyalties to Newton in the Eighteenth Century

In Aspects of the Eighteenth Century. Wasserman Earl R. (editor)

GUERLAC, Henry 1972 C184/1 Guy de La Brosse and the French Paracelsians

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol I)

GUETET, Pascale 1977 M23 Appearance and Reality in Measure for Measure and All's Well that Ends Well

GUIETTE Robert 1956 A630 Paul Claudel et la langue poétique

In Visages et perspectives de l'art moderne: peinture, poésie, musique. Etudes du C.N.R.S. réunies par JACQUOT Jean

GUILFOYLE Cherrell 1990 D044 Shakespeare's Play Within play : Medieval Imagery and Scenic Form in Hamlet , Othello , and King Lear

GUILLÉN Claudio 1971 B728 Literature as System: Essays toward the Theory of Literary History

GUILLIMEAU James 1999 D235 FromChildbirth, Or the Happy Delivery of Women

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

GUILLOT de RODE François 1953 T37 La dimension sonore

In L'univers filmique

GUINLE F. 1989 C741 Rythme et temps musical dans le théâtre Tudor

In Lieu et temps GUINLE, Francis 1982 P5/10 The Songs in A Sixteenth Century Manuscript Play: The Bugbears, by John Jeffere

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 21

GUINLE Francis 1983 C597 Du texte à l'interprétation des chansons sur la scène Elisabethaine

In Du texte à la scène : langages du théâtre

GUINLE, Francis 1987 C173 Chant du saule, chant du cygne

In Autour d' Othello

GUINLE Francis 1989 C822 Ordre et désordres

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

GUINLE Francis 1989 C718 Ordre et désordres

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

GUINLE Francis 1990 C770 Gay's The Beggar's Opera : Paroles et Musiques

In Henry the Fourth . Milton, gay . Pouvoir et musique

GUINLE Francis 1990 C772 Les tyrans du théâtre pré-shakespearien : Crimes et châtiments

In Le tyran : Shakespeare contre Richard III

GUINLE Francis 1990 C773 Troilus and Cressida : "Broken music", division et détournement

In Shakespeare : Troilus and Cressida

GUINLE Francis 1992 C919/2 Rude Ditties to aPipe and Sonnets to a Lute

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642) GUINLE Francis 1992 C825 "The Queen is overstrong" la sexualité en question dans Edward II

In Edward II

GUINLE Francis 1994 C923 “Noises, / Sounds and sweet airs”-Les chansons de La Tempête

In Shakespeare - La Tempête : études critiques

GUINLE, Francis 1995 D055 From Text to Stage : The Interpetation of Songs on the Elizabethan Stage

In French Essays on Shakespeare and His Contemporaries

GUINLE, Francis 1996 D068 Youth : les limites de la parodie et de la satire

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture

GUINLE Francis 1997 D195 Mal musique et dramaturgie dans le théatre pré-shakespearien

In Le Mal et ses masques

GUINTLE Françis 1998 D168/7 "Discord in the spheres": les chansons dans As You Like It

In As You Like It Essais critiques

GUIOMAR Paule 1975 C415 La musique dans trois fêtes à la cour ducale de Wurtemberg en 1609, 1616, 1617

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

GUIRAUD Pierre 1969 B465 Essais de Stylistique

GUIRAUD Pierre 1970 B466 La Stylistique: Lectures GUNBY, D.C. 1971 B681 Webster:The White Devil

GUNDERSON Keith 1975 C852 Language, Mind, and Knowledge

GURR A.J. 1966 A463/9 Who Strutted and Bellowed?

In Shakespeare Survey, 16 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

GURR Andrew 1970 B489 The Shakespearian Stage: 1574-1642

GURR Andrew 1975 C398 Coriolanus and the body politic

In Shakespeare Survey 28

GURR Andrew 1977 C433 Henry V and the bees' Commonwealth

In Shakespeare Survey 30

GURR Andrew 1980 C777 The Shakespearean Stage 1574-1642

GURR Andrew 1987 C714 Playgoing in Shakespeare's London

GURR Andrew 1988 C724 Singing Through the Chatter : Ford and the Contemporary Theatrical Fashion

In John Ford : Critical Re-Visions GURR Andrew 1989 C740 The Shakesperian stages, forty years on

In Shakespeare survey 41

GURR Andrew 1989 C750 The "State" of Shakespeare's audiences

In Shakespeare and the sense of performance

GURR Andrew 1989 C740 The Tempest 's tempest at Blackfriars

In Shakespeare survey 41

GURR Andrew 1994 C985 The Bare Island

In Shakespeare Survey 47

GURR, Andrew 1996 D074 Industrious Ariel and Idle Caliban

In Travel and Drama in Shakespeare's Time

GURR, Andrew 1996 D135 The Date and the Expected Venue of Romeo and Juliet

In Shakespeare Survey 49

GURR, Andrew 1996 D140 The Shakespearian Playing Companies

GURR, Andrew 1997 D171 Shakespeare's Globe : A History of Reconstruction and Some Reasons for Trying

In Shakespeare's Globe Rebuilt

GURR, Andrew 1997 D171 Staging at the Globe

In Shakespeare's Globe Rebuilt GURR Andrew 1999 D240 Maximal and Minimal Texts: Shakespeare v. the Globe

In Shakespeare Survey n°52

GUSSMANN Hans 1969 A528 Le Théâtre Réaliste et la Construction Théâtrale

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs)

GUTHRIE Tyrone 1968 B049 Shakespeare at Statford, Ontario

In Shakespeare Survey 8. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

GUTHRIE, William 1971 C006 An Essay upon English Tragedy

In An Essay upon English Tragedy and An Attempte

GUTHRIE William 1975 C379/3 On Shakespearian tragedy, 1747

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

GUTHRIE William 1979 C537 Farmer reviewed, 1767

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

GUTHRIE William 1979 C537 Johnson reviewed, 1765-6

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

GUTTMAN, Selma 1968 C273 The Foreign Sources of Shakespeare's Works

GUYON-LECOQ CAMILLE 1997 D195 Les Enfers dans la tragédie lyrique française(1673-1733)

In Le Mal et ses masques H.C. 1962 A615 A Pastorall Song Betweene Phillis and Amarillis, Two Nimphes, Each Aunswering Other Line for Line In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

H.C. 1962 A615 Damelus Song to his Diaphenia

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

H.C. 1962 A615 The Sheepheards Song of Venus and Adonis

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

H.R. Coursen 2000 D250 Filming Shakespeare's history : three films of Richard III

In Shakespeare on film

HABART Michel 1965 B104 Grande-Bretagne

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

HABART Michel 1965 B104 Irlande

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

HABER, Judith 1994 D167 Pastoral and the Poetics of Self-Contradiction

HABERER Adolphe 1993 D033 The Poet and the Death Drive : a Reading of Dylan Thomas' "The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower" In English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference

HABICHT Werner 1964 A701 Sénèque et le théâtre pré-shakespearien

In Les tragédies de Sénèque et le théâtre de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean (editeur) HABICHT Werner 1984 C639 How German is Shakespeare in Germany? Recent trends in criticism and performance in West Germany In Shakespeare survey 37

HABICHT Werner 1992 C919/2 Traps of Illusion in Massinger’s The Roman Acto

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

HABICHT Werner 1994 D003 National Insularity and the the Reception of Shakespeare

In Shakespeare : cosmopolitisme et insularité

HABICHT Werner 1994 C974 Romanticism, Antiromanticism, and the German Shakespeare Tradition

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

HABICHT Werner & GABLER Hans Walter 1970 B456 Shakespeare Studies in German: 1959-68

In Shakespeare Survey 23: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

HADDAD, Ferrougja 1993 M62 Hero and Villain in Richard III and Tamburlaine the Great

HADFIELD, Andrew 1996 D074 'The naked and the dead' : Elizabethan Perceptions of Ireland

In Travel and Drama in Shakespeare's Time

HADFIELD, Andrew. 2000 D268 National and International Knowledge: The Limits of the Histories of Nations

In The Renaissance Computer

HADFIELD Andrew and McVEAGH John 1994 D036 Strangers to that Land : British Perceptions of Ireland from the Reformation to the Famine HAEFFNER Paul 1966 B229 Critical Commentary on Shakespeare's 'Richard III'

HAGSTRUM, Jean H. 1972 C276 Verbal and Visual Caricature in the Age of Dryden, Swift, and Pope

In England in the Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century

HAILE H.G. 1965 B380 The History of Doctor Johann Faustus

HAINAUX René 1965 B104 Belgique

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

HAINAUX René 1965 B104 Pays-Bas

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

HAINES C.M. (editor) 1925 B358 Shakespeare in France: Criticism, Voltaire to Victor Hugo

HALE J.R. 1954 A179 England and the Italian Renaissance

HALEWOOD, William H. 1970 B550 The Poetry of grace

HALL F. 1868 A121 William Meldrum HALL H.T. 1970 B498 Shakesperean Fly-Leaves and Jottings, a new and aenlarged edition

HALL Joseph 1979 C779 From 'Virgidemiarum', 1597-8

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

HALL, Kim.F. 1998 D285 'These bastard signs of fair': Literary Whiteness in Shakespeare's Sonnets

In Post-Colonial Shakespeares

HALL, Louis Brewer 1960 B764/4 An Aspect of the Renaissance in Gavin Douglas' Eneados

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VII

HALL Marie Boas 1965 A463/10 Scientific Thought

In Shakespeare Survey, 17 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

HALL Rupert 1967 A893 The Scientific Revolution(1500-1800): The Formation of the Modern Scientific Attitude

HALLER William 1965 A199 The Rise of Puritanism

HALLER William 1966 P1/1927/II Before Aeropagitica

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°42

HALLER William 1967 B316 Liberty and Reformation in the Puritan Revolution HALLER William 1969 A591 John Foxe and the Puritan Revolution

In The Seventeenth Century : Studies in the History of English Thought and Literature from Bacon to Pope

HALLETT Charles A. and Elaine S. 1980 C566 The revenger's madness

HALLETT Robin 1971 B507 Africa in 1500

In The Making of the Modern World: volume I, Europe Discovers the World. Johnson Douglas (editor)

HALLEUX Pierre 1971 C548 Le domaine scandinave

In L'expressionnisme dans le théâtre européen

HALLIDAY F.E. 1957 A925 The Cult of Shakespeare

HALLIDAY F.E. 1962 B392 Unfamiliar Shakespeare

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 A Lover' s Complaint

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 A Midsummer Night' s Dream

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 A Yorkshire Tragedy

In Shakespeare and his Critics HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 All' s Well that Ends Well

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Antony and Cleopatra

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Arden of favershame, ect.

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 As You Like It

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Cardenio

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Coriolanus

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Cymbeline

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Edward III

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Hamlet

In Shakespeare and his Critics HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Henry IV

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Henry V

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Henry VI

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Henry VIII

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Julius Caesar

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 King John

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 King Lear

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Locrine

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Love' s Labour' s lost

In Shakespeare and his Critics HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Macbeth

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Measure for Measure

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Much Ado About Nothing

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Othello

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Pericles

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Richard II

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Richard III

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Romeo and Juliet

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Shakespeare and his Critics HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Sir John Oldcastle

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Sir Thomas More

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 The Birth of Merlin

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 The Comedy of Errors

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 The London Prodigal

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 The Merchant of Venice

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 The Merry Wives of Windsor

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 The Passionate Pilgrim

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 The Phoenix and Turtle

In Shakespeare and his Critics HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 The Puritan Widow

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 The Rape of Lucrece

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 The Sonnets

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 The Taming of the Shrew

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 The Tempest

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 The Troublesome Reign of King John

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 The Two Gentlemen of Verona

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 The Two Noble Kinsmen

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 The Winter' s Tale

In Shakespeare and his Critics HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Thomas Lord Cromwell

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Timon of Athens

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Titus Andronicus

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Troilus and Cressida

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Twelfth Night

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1963 A355 Venus and Adonis

In Shakespeare and his Critics

HALLIDAY F.E. 1964 A388 Shakespeare in His Age

HALLIDAY F.E. 1964 B151 The Poetry of Shakespeare's Plays

HALLIDAY F.E. 1968 A481 A Shakespeare Companion HALLIDAY F.E. 1969 A426 Shakespeare: a pictorial biography

HALLIDAY F.E. 1969 B150 Shakespeare: A Pictorial Biography

HALLIDAY Michael A.K. 1967 B371 The Linguistic Study of Literary Texts (1964)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors)

HALLINAN Tim 1979 C598b Interview : Jonathan Miller on the Shakespeare plays

In Shakespeare Quaterly . Volume 32 . N°2 . Summer 1981

HALLOWELL, Robert E. 1963 B764/5 Ronsard and the Gallic Hercules Myth

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume IX. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

HALPERN, Richard 1991 D065 The Poetics of Primitive Accumulation

HALPERN Richard 1997 D193 "Pining Their Maws": Female Readers and the Erotic Ontology of the Text in Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

HALPERN, Richard. 2001 D280 An Impure History of Ghosts: Derrida, Marx, Shakespeare

In Marxist Shakespeares

HALSBAND Robert 1972 B891 Ladies of Letters in the Eighteenth Century

In Stuart and Georgian Moments. Miner Earl HAMBURGER Maik 1990 C703 New concepts of staging A Midsummer Night's Dream

In Shakespeare Survey 40

HAMBURGER Maik 1994 C974 Hamlet at World's End: Heiner Müller's Production in East Berlin

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

HAMBURGER, Michael 1960 B567 The Sublime Art: Notes on Milton and Hölderlin

In The Living Milton

HAMEL Guy 1990 C703 Time in Richard III

In Shakespeare Survey 40

HAMILTON, A.C. 1967 C027 The Visions of Piers Plowman and The Faerie Queene

In Form and Convention in the Poetry of Edmund Spenser

HAMILTON A.C. 1977 C496 Sir Philip Sidney : a study of his life and works

HAMILTON A.C. 1997 D193 Venus and Adonis (1961)

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

HAMILTON Alastair 1997 D201 Humanists and the Bible

In The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism

HAMILTON Donna B. 1972 C458 Language as theme in The Dutch Courtesan

In Renaissance drama V HAMILTON Donna B. 1990 C954 Virgil and The Tempest

HAMILTON, K.G. 1972 B852 Two Restoration Prose Writers: Burnet and Halifax

In Restoration Literature

HAMILTON, Paul 1996 D128 Historicism

HAMMOND Antony 1981 C525 King Richard III

HAMMOND Antony 1981 C551 The 'Greatest Action' : Lee's Lucius Junius Brutus

In Poetry and drama 1570-1700

HAMMOND N.G.L. & SCULLARD H.H. 1970 B414 The Oxford Classical Dictionary

HAMMOND Paul 1984 C706 Dryden's Albion and Albanus : the apotheosis of Charles II

In The court masque

HAMON, Patrice 1992 MD07 Salacrou ou le dysfonctionnement des normes du Théâtre bourgeois

HAMPDEN John (selection and introduction) 1964 A264 Eighteenth Century Plays HANDS Terry 1989 C787 Towards the Future

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan

HANFORD James H. 1961 B568 The Pastoral Elegy and Milton's Lycidas

In Milton's Lycidas, The Tradition and the Poem. Patrides, C.A.

HANFORD James Holly 1950 B871 John Milton, Englishman

HANFORD James Holly 1951 B558 Milton and the Return to Humanism

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

HANKEY Julie 1981 C585 Richard III

HANKEY Julie 1987 C710 Othello

HANKINS James 1997 D201 Humanism and the origins of modern political thought

In The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism

HANKINS John E. 1956 P1/1956/III The Pains of the Afterworld: Fire, Wind, and Ice in Milton and Shakespeare

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°71

HANKINS John Erskine 1978 C528 Backgrounds of Shakespeare's thought HANMER Sir Thomas 1975 C379/3 Preface to Shakespeare, 1744

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

HANNA A.J. 1973 B507 Africa south of the Sahara

In The Making of the Modern World: volume II. Johnson Douglas (editor)

HANNAY David 1964 A748 The Later Renaissance

HANSKINS, John Erskine 1971 B851 Source and Meaning in Spencer's Allegory

HANSON L.W. 1968 B476 The Shakespeare Collection in the Bodleian Library

In Shakespeare Survey (Vol 4)

HANSON Laurence 1967 A519 Government and the Press (1695-1763)

HANTSCH Hugo 1959 A606 Le problème de la lutte contre l'invasion turque dans l'idée plitique de Charles Quint

In Charles-Quint et son Temps. C.N.R.S

HAPGOOD Robert A623 Chimes at Midnight from Stage to Screen : The Art of Adaptation

In Shakespeare Survey No 39

HAPGOOD Robert 1967 A463/12 Shakepeare' s Thematic Modes of Speech : 'Richard II' to 'HenryV'

In Shakespeare Survey, 20 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production HAPGOOD Robert 1969 A793 Shakespeare and the Included Spectator

In Reinterpretations of Elizabethan Drama. Rabkin Norman (editor)

HAPGOOD, Robert 1971 B699 Hearing Shakespeare: Sound and Meaning in Antony and Cleopatra

In Shakespeare Survey N°24

HAPGOOD, Robert 1973 C203 Othello

In Shakespeare : Select Bibliographical Guides

HAPGOOD Robert 1986 C711 Shakespeare on film and television

In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare Studies

HAPGOOD, Robert 1988 D112 Shakespeare the Theatre-Poet

HAPGOOD Robert 1994 C958 Kurosawa's Shakespeare films: Throne of Blood, The Bad Sleep Well, and Ran

In Shakespeare and the Moving Image

HAPGOOD, Robert 1997 D142 Popularizing Shakepeare : The Artistry of Franco Zeffirelli

In Shakespeare, the Movie Popularizing the Plays on Film, TV,and Video

HAPPÉ Peter 1981 C551 'The Vice' and the popular theatre 1547-80

In Poetry and drama 1570-1700

HAPPÉ Peter 1994 C986 A guide to criticism of medieval english theatre

In The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre HAPPÉ Peter 1994 C989 The devil is an ass

HAPPE, Peter 1996 D068 The Devil in the Morality Play: the Case of Wisdom

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture

HAPPE, Peter 1998 P5/42 Theatricality in Devils, Sinnekins, and the Vice

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°53

HARASZTI Emile 1960 A698 Les musiciens de Mathias Corvin et de Béatrice d'Aragon

In La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean

HARASZTI Emile 1960 A698 Les musiciens de Mathias Corvin et de Béatrice d'Aragon

In La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean

HARBAGE Alfred 1961 A727 As they Liked It : A Study of Shakespeare' s Moral Artistry

HARBAGE Alfred 1962 B450 Intrigue in Elizabethan Tragedy

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

HARBAGE Alfred 1964 B166 Annals of English Drama 975-1700: An analytical record of all plays, extant or lost, chronologically arranged and indexed by authors, titles, dramatic companies, &c.

HARBAGE Alfred 1964 A996 cavalier Drama: a Historical and Critical supplemeny to the Study of the Elizabethan and Restoration Stage HARBAGE Alfred 1966 A403 Conceptions of Shakespeare

HARBAGE, Alfred 1966 P1/1935/I Elizabethan and Seventeenth-Century Play Manuscripts

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°50

HARBAGE, Alfred 1967 P1/1939/II Elizabethan Acting

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°54

HARBAGE Alfred 1968 A932 Shakespeare and the Rival Traditions

HARBAGE Alfred 1970 B885 Shakespeare's Audience: Modern Appraisals

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F.

HARBAGE, Alfred 1972 B914 Shakespeare Without Words

HARBAGE, Alfred 1973 C169 Shakespeare and the Professions

In Shakespeare's Art : Seven Essays

HARBAGE, Alfred 1974 C271 William Shakespeare : a Reader's Guide

HARBAGE Alfred(revised by SCHOENBAUM) 1964 A175 Annals of English Drama(975-1700) HARDEE A. Maynor 1973 C353 Toward a definition of the French Renaissance novel

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XV

HARDIE Colin 1966 A964 Dante and the Tradition of Courtly Love

In Patterns of Love and Courtesy

HARDIN Richard F. 1990 C758 Chronicles and mythmaking in Shakespeare's Joan of Arc

In Shakespeare Survey 42

HARDING D.W. 1972 B995 The Devotions Now

In John Donne: Essays in Celebration. Smith A.J. (editor)

HARDING, Davis P. 1973 C280 Shakespeare the Elizabethan

In Shakespeare : of an Age and for all the Time

HARDINGE George 1971 C023 Chalmeriana : or a Collection of Papers, Literary and Political

In Chalmeriana and Mr. Ireland's Vindication of his Conduct

HARDOUIN Pierre 1960 A698 La composition des orgues que pouvaient toucher les musiciens parisiens aux alentours de 1600

In La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean

HARDY Barbara 1972 B995 Thinking and Feeling in the Songs and Sonnets

In John Donne: Essays in Celebration. Smith A.J. (editor)

HARDY J.P. 1971 B741 Reinterpretations: Essays on Poems by Milton, Pope and Johnson HARDY John 1971 B762 Samuel Johnson

In History of Literature in the English Language, volume IV: Dryden to Jonson. Lonsdale Roger (editor)

HARDY John E. 1969 A635 Andrew Marvell's 'The Coronet': the frame of curiosity

In Marvell (Modern Judgements). Wilding Michael (editor)

HARE Arnold 1986 C664 Shakespeare in a victorian provincial stock company

In Shakespeare and the Victorian stage

HARINGTON John 1968 A352/1 Nugae Antiquae(Vol.I)

HARINGTON John 1968 A352/2 Nugae Antiquae(Vol.II)

HARINGTON John 1968 A352/3 Nugae Antiquae(Vol.III)

HARLOW Geoffrey & REDMOND James 1969 B320/67 The Year's Work in English Studies(1967)

HARLOWE G., BRENNAN E. & REDMOND J. 1971 B320/69 The Year's Work in English Studies(1969)

HARLOWE Geoffrey & REDMOND James 1970 B320/68 The Year's Work in English Studies(1968) HARP Richard 2000 D262 Ben Jonson's Comic Apocalypse

In Ben Jonson's Plays and Masques

HARP Richard (edited by) 2000 D262 Ben Jonson's Plays and Masques

HARRIER Richard 1973 C353 Studies in the Renaissance volume XV

HARRIS Anthony 1980 C532 Night's black agents : witchcraft and magic in seventeenth-century English drama

HARRIS Bernard 1964 B320/64 Later Elizabethan and Early Stuart Drama

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1964)

HARRIS Bernard 1965 A463/10 Dissent and Satire

In Shakespeare Survey, 17 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

HARRIS Bernard 1966 A463/7 Critical Studies reviewed

In Shakespeare Survey, 14 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

HARRIS Bernard 1966 A971 'What's Past is Prologue': Cymbelyne and Henry VIII

In Later Shakespeare

HARRIS Bernard 1968 B320/66 Later Elizabethan and Early Stuart Drama

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1966) HARRIS Bernard 1968 B015 'That Soft educer, Love': Dryden's The State of Innocence and Fall of Man

In Approaches to Paradise Lost

HARRIS Bernard 1969 B320/67 Later Elizabethan and Early Stuart Drama

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1967)

HARRIS Bernard 1970 B320/68 English Drama 1580-1660, Excluding Shakespeare

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1968)

HARRIS Bernard 1971 B320/69 English Drama 1550-1660, Excluding Shakespeare

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1969)

HARRIS James 1981 C512 Shakespeare and the rules of criticism, 1781

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

HARRIS John Wesley 1992 C911 in Context

HARRIS Richard L. 1970 B816 The Lion-Knight Legend in Iceland

In Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, volume I. White Lynn (editor)

HARRISON G.B. 1946 A478 A Jacobean Journal, being a record of those things most talked of during the years 1603-1606

HARRISON G.B. 1958 A424 A Second Jacobean Journal: Being a Record of Those Things Most Talked of during the Years 1607 to 1610 HARRISON G.B. 1963 A638 Shakespeare at work 1592-1603

HARRISON G.B. 1965 A384/1 The Elizabethan Journals(vol I): Being a Record of Those Things Most Talked of During the Years 1591-1597

HARRISON G.B. 1965 A384/2 The Elizabethan Journals(vol II): Being a Record of Those Things Most Talked of During the Years 1598-1603

HARRISON G.B. 1966 A500 Shakespeare's Tragedies

HARRISON G.B. 1966 A393 The National Background

In A Companion to Shakespeare Studies, edited by Harley Granville-Barker and G.B. Harrison

HARRISON G. et COCHRANE B. 1968 A515/2 Les comédiens et leur public en Angleterre de 1520 à 1640

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

HARRISON O.B.Jr. 1965 B185 Christian Rite and Christian Drama in the Middle Ages: essays in the Orrigin and Early History of Modern Drama

HARRISON, T.P. 1926 P1 1926 I A Probabla Source of Beaumont and Fletcher's Philaster

HARRISON Thomas Perrin (editor) & LEON Harry 1968 B578 The Pastoral Elegy: An Anthology HARRISON William 1999 D235 From The Description of Scotland

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

Harry Keyishian 2000 D250 Shakespeare and movie genre : the case of Hamlet

In Shakespeare on film

HARSLEY Fred 1899 A145 Eadwines Canterbury Psalter

HART Jonathan 1989 P5/25 Till forging Nature be condemned of treason : Representational Strife in Venus and Adonis

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°36

HART, Jonathan 1992 P5/31 Shakespeare's Henry V: Towards the Problem Play

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°42

HART, Jonathan 1996 P5/38 Redeeming The Tempest : Romance and Politics

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°49

HART, Roger 1972 Z17 English Life in Tudor Times

HART. S John 1997 D193 Shakespeare's Minor Poems(1850)

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

HARTMAN Geoffrey H. 1985 C672 Shakespeare's poetical character in Twelfth Night

In Shakespeare and the question of theory HARTMAN Geoffrey H. and PARKER Patricia 1985 C672 Shakespeare and the question of theory

HARTMAN Herbert 1966 P1/1931/II Prince Hal's "Shew of Zeale"

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°46

HARTMAN Janine 1994 P5/35 Dangerous American Substances in Jacobean England

In Cahiers Elisabethains N° 46 Octobre 1994

HARTMAN, Janine 1994 P5/35 Dangerous American Substances in Jacobean England

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°46

HARTNOLL Phyllis 1967 A465 The Oxford Companion to the Theatre

HARTSOCK, Mildred E. 1966 P1/1966/I The Complexity of Julius Caesar

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°81

HARTWIG, Joan 1972 C130 Shakespeare's Tragicomic Vision

HARTWIG Joan 1978 C484 Cloten, Autolycus, and Caliban : bearers of parodic burdens

In Shakespeare's romances reconsidered

HARTY, Kevin J. 1982 P5/10 Adam's Dream and the Three Chester Plays

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 21 HARVEY Gabriel 1967 A256/2 From Foure Letters. 1592

In Elizabethan Critical Essays, volume II

HARVEY Gabriel 1967 A256/2 I. From Pierce's Supererogation. 1593/ II. From A New Letter of Notable Contents. 1593

In Elizabethan Critical Essays, volume II

HARVEY Gabriel 1979 C779 From 'A New Letter of Notable Contents', 1593

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

HARVEY Ralph 1896 A152 The Fire of Love and the Rule of Living

HASSEL, Chris Jr. 1993 P5/32 Malvolio's Dark Concupiscence

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°43

HASTINGS, William T. 1964 C204 Is Hamlet a Hoax?

In Shakespeare 1564-1964

HASWELL, Jock 1972 B912 James II

HATCHER Orie Latham 1970 C302 A book for Shakespeare plays and pageants

Hatchuel Sarah 2000 D249 1/2 Shakespeare au cinéma : esthétique et interprétation

In Henry V et Hamlet de Kenneth Branagh HATCHUEL Sarah & BERTHOMIEU Pierre 1998 D211 "I could a tale unfold", Icould a tale enlighten: Kenneth Branagh ou l'art de la clarté

In Shakespeare et le Cinéma

HATHORN Richmond Y. 1966 B813 Tragedy, Myth, and Mystery

HATTAWAY Michael 1968 A248 Marlowe and Brecht

In Christopher Marlowe (Mermaid Critical Commentaries)

HATTAWAY Michael 1968 A576 Marlowe and Brecht

In Christopher Marlowe

HATTAWAY Michael 1970 B808 The Theology of Marlowe's Doctor Faustus

In Renaissance Drama III: Essays principally on Drama in Its Intellectual Context. Schoenbaum S. (editor)

HATTAWAY Michael 1982 C637 Elizabethan popular theatre

HATTAWAY Michael 1984 C781 The New Inn

HATTAWAY Michael 1990 C780 Drama and society

In The Cambridge Companion to English Drama

HATTAWAY Michael 1992 C919/2 The Storyof Gloucester in King Lear , or, How Not to do It

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642) HATTAWAY Michael 1994 C984 Fleshing his Will in the Spoil of her Honour : Desire, Misoginy, and the Perils of Chivalry

In Shakespeare Survey 46

HATTAWAY, Michael 1996 D074 'Seeing Things' : Amazons and Canibals

In Travel and Drama in Shakespeare's Time

HATTAWAY, Michael Avril 1988 P5/22 Rebellion, Class Consciousness, and Shakespeare's 2 Henry VI

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°33

HATTAWAY Michel 1990 C770 Shakespeare and Ceremony

In Henry the Fourth . Milton, gay . Pouvoir et musique

HATTON Ragnhild 1969 A796 Europe in the Age of Louis XIV

HAUDRY C. 1983 C597 La traduction de l'intraduisible (Résumé de la communication)

In Du texte à la scène : langages du théâtre

HAUDRY Christiane 1990 C772 Richard III , démythification du pouvoir royal

In Le tyran : Shakespeare contre Richard III

HAUSKNECHT 1880 A052 English Charlemagne Romances Part III The End of The Noble And Ernsten Prynce Charles The Grete

HAUSKNECHT 1891 A024 The English Charlemagne Romance Part V The Romance of The Sowdone of Babylone HAVENS P.S. 1967 A621 Dryden' s "Tagged" Version of "Paradise Lost"

In The Parrot Presentation Volume

HAWARD L.T. 1962 A615 Harpalus Complaynt on Phillidaes Love Bestowed on Corin, Who Loved Her Not, and Denyed Him that Loved Her In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

HAWKES, David 1996 D060 Ideology

HAWKES Terence 1968 A358 Hamlet

In Shakespeare and the Reason: a Study of the Tragedies and the Problem Plays

HAWKES Terence 1968 A358 King Lear

In Shakespeare and the Reason: a Study of the Tragedies and the Problem Plays

HAWKES Terence 1968 A358 Macbeth

In Shakespeare and the Reason: a Study of the Tragedies and the Problem Plays

HAWKES Terence 1968 A358 Othello

In Shakespeare and the Reason: a Study of the Tragedies and the Problem Plays

HAWKES Terence 1968 A358 Shakespeare and the Reason: a Study of the Tragedies and the Problem Plays

HAWKES Terence 1969 A601 'Love' in King Lear

In Shakespeare King Lear HAWKES Terence 1969 A788 'Love' in King Lear

In Shakespeare King Lear : A Casebook.Kermode Frank (editor)

HAWKES Terence 1969 A688 Postcript: Theatre Against Shakespeare?

In The Elizabethan Theatre. GALLOWAY David (editor)

HAWKES Terence 1969 B500 Postscript: Theatre against Shakespeare?

In The Elizabethan Theatre. Galloway David (editor)

HAWKES, Terence 1971 B699 Shakespeare's Talking Animals

In Shakespeare Survey N°24

HAWKES Terence 1977 C845 Structuralism and Semiotics

HAWKES Terence 1980 C594 Comedy, orality, and duplicity : A Midsummer Night's Dream and Twelfth Night

In Shakespearean Comedy

HAWKES Terence 1985 C672 Telmah

In Shakespeare and the question of theory

HAWKES Terence 1986 C711 Shakespeare and new critical approaches

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare studies

HAWKES Terence 1986 C673 That Shakespeherian rag : essays on a critical process HAWKES Terence 1988 C956 Wittgenstein ‘s Shakespeare

In Bad Shakespeare : Revluations of the Shakespeare Canon

HAWKES Terence 1990 C703 Take me to your Leda

In Shakespeare Survey 40

HAWKES Terence 1992 C966 A Sea Shell

In Shakespearean Tragedy

HAWKES Terence 1992 C915 Meaning by Shakespeare

HAWKES Terence 1992 C938 Swisser-Swatter : making a man of english letters

In Alternative Shakespeares

HAWKES Terence 1993 C918 Shakespeare and the general strike

In Shakespeare et l’Argent

HAWKES Terence 1996 D206 Alternative Shakespeares, Vol II

HAWKES, Terence. 1998 D285 Bryn Glas

In Post-Colonial Shakespeares

HAWKES, Terence. 1999 D282 Entry on Q

In Shakespeare and Appropriation HAWKES, Terence (ed) 1996 D121 Alternative Shakespeare (vol. 2)

HAWKINS, Harriett 1972 B902 Likeness of Truth in Elizabethan and Restoration Drama

HAWKINS Harriett 1976 C401 Poetic freedom and poetic truth : chaucer, Shakespeare, Marlowe, Milton

HAWKINS Harriett 1978 C472 'The devils party' : virtues and vices in Measure for Measure

In Shakespeare Survey 31

HAWKINS Harriett 1980 C533 The morality of Elizabethan drama : some footnotes to Plato

In English Renaissance studies presented to Dame Helen Gardner in honour of her seventieth birthday

HAWKINS Harriett 1980 C594 What neoclassical criticism tells us about what Shakespeare does not do

In Shakespearean Comedy

HAWKINS Harriett 1982 C581 'The Devil's Party' : virtues and vices in Measure for Measure

In Aspects of Shakespeare's 'problem plays'

HAWKINS Harriett 1988 C956 From King Lear to King Kong and Back: Shakespeare and Popular Modern Genre

In Bad Shakespeare : Revaluations of the Shakespeare Canon

HAWKINS Harriett 1988 C724 Mortality, Morality, and Modernity in The Broken Heart : Some Dramatic and Critical Counter-Arguments In John Ford : Critical Re-Visions HAWKINS Michael 1973 C186 The Government : its Role and its Aims

In The Origins of the English Civil War

HAWKINS, Sherman 1967 C027 Mutabilitie and the Cycle of the Months

In Form and Convention in the Poetry of Edmund Spenser

HAWKINS Thomas 1979 C537 English drama before Shakespeare, 1773

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

HAWKINS William 1976 C379/4 From his adaptation of Cymbeline, 1759

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

HAWLEY Judith 1997 D154 Shakespearean Sensibilities : Women Writers Reading Shakespeare, 1753-1808

In Shakespearean Continuities

HAY Denys 1961 A685 The Italian Renaissance in its Historical Background

HAYLES Nancy K. 1979 C498 Sexual disguise in As You Like It and Twelfth Night

In Shakespeare Survey 32

HAYLEY Barbara 1991 C810 Self-denial and self-assertion in some plays of Thomas Kilroy : The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre In The Contemporary Irish Theatre

HAYNES Jonathan 1992 C909 The Social Relations of Jonson’s Theater HAYNES Jonathan 1992 C976 The social relations of Jonson's theater

HAYS Janice 1980 C575 Those "soft and delicate desires" : Much Ado and the distrust of women

In The woman's part

HAYWOOD Elizah 1975 C379/3 On the adaptations of Romeo and Juliet, 1745

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

HAZARD Mary E. 1987 P5/20 A Magnificent Lord : Leceister, Kenilworth, and Transformations in the Idea of Magnificence

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°31

HAZLITT Carew W. 1964 A741/1 Old English Plays : Vol I & II

HAZLITT Carew W. 1964 A741/2 Old English Plays : Vol III- IV

HAZLITT Carew W. 1964 A741/3 Old English Plays : Vol VI & VII

HAZLITT Carew W. 1964 A741/4 Old English Plays : Vol VIII & IX

HAZLITT Carew W. 1964 A741/5 Old English Plays : Vol X & XI HAZLITT Carew W. 1964 A741/6 Old English Plays : Vol XII & XIII

HAZLITT Carew W. 1964 A741/7 Old English Plays : Vol XIV & XV

HAZLITT William 1951 B558 On Shakespeare and Milton

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

HAZLITT William 1968 A599 Unity and Variety in Shakespeare' s Design

Shakespeare : The Tempest

HAZLITT, William 1970 C285 On Actors and Acting

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

HAZLITT, William 1970 C285 The Beggar's Opera : 19th century

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

HAZLITT William 1979 C779 From Lectures ... on the Dramatic Literature of the Age Of Elizabeth, 1820

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

HAZLITT William 1999 D260 The Character of Richard III

In Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Richard III

HEAD Richard 1957 A675 The English Rogue Described, in the Life of Meriton Latroon, a Witty Extravagant: Comprehending the Most Eminent Cheats of Both Sexes In Seventeenth-Century : English Prose HEALE Elizabeth 1987 C690 The Faerie Queene : a reader's guide

HEALY T.S. 1969 A897 John Donne Ignatius His Conclave

HEALY Thomas 1992 C901 New Latittudes : Theory and English Renaissance Literature

HEALY Thomas 1994 D019 Christopher Marlowe

HEARTZ Daniel 1960 A698 Les styles instrumentaux dans la musique de la Renaissance

In La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean

HEARTZ Daniel 1960 A697/2 Un Divertissement de palais pour Charles Quint à Binche

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint

HEARTZ Daniel 1984 C583 Goldoni, the "Drama giocoso" and "Don Giovanni"

In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées

HEATH Benjamin 1976 C379/4 On restoring Shakespeare's text, march 1765

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

HEATH Stephen 1980 C592 Droit de regard : Suspicion, Alfred Hitchcock

In Le cinéma américain . Tome II HEATH Stephen 1980 C592 Système-récit : The Touch of Evil (La Soif du Mal ), Orson Welles

In Le cinéma américain . Tome II

HEBEL J. William (editor) 1961 A547/4 Poly-Olbion. The Works of Michael Drayton, volume IV

HEBEL J. William (editor) 1961 A547 The Works of Michael Drayton, volume I

HEBEL J. William (editor) 1961 A547/2 The Works of Michael Drayton, volume II

HEBEL J. William (editor) 1961 A547/3 The Works of Michael Drayton, volume III

HEBEL J. William (editor) 1961 A547/5 The Works of Michael Drayton, volume V

HECKMANN Harald 1960 A698 Influence de la musique instrumentale du XVIè siècle sur la rythmique moderne du XVIIè

In La musique instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean

HEDLEY Percy W. 1968 Z9 Northumberland Families (volume I)

HEDRICK Donald K. C656 e The Shakespeare plays on TV : The Winter's Tale HEDRICK, Donald K. 1997 D142 War is Mud : Branagh's Dirty Harry and the Types of Political Ambiguity

In Shakespeare, the Movie Popularizing the Plays on Film, TV,and Video

HEFFNER Ray L. 1965 A775 Unifying Symbols in the Comedy of Ben Jonson

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

HEFFNER Ray L., Jr 1963 C470 Unifying symbols in the comedy of Ben Jondon

In Ben Jonson : a collection of critical essays

HEGEL 1970 B505 Esthétique: textes choisis par Claude Khodoss

HEGEL Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 1963 B043 from The Philosophy of Fine Art

In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor)

HEIDDEGER, John James 1973 C141 Heydegger's Letter to the Bishop of London

In Heydegger's Letter to the Bishop of London, A Seasonable Apology for Mr H-g-r and The Conduct of the Stage Considered

HEILMAN R.B. 1966 A463/11 The Criminal as Tragic Hero : Dramatic Methods

In Shakespeare Survey, 19 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

HEILMAN R.B. 1968 A929 Modes of Irony in Othello

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

HEILMAN, Robert B. 1956 C196 Magic in the Web : Action and Language in Othello HEILMAN, Robert B. 1964 C204 Manliness in the Tragedies Dramatic Variations

In Shakespeare 1564-1964

HEILMAN Robert B. 1969 A601 The Unity of King Lear

In Shakespeare King Lear

HEILMAN Robert B. 1969 A788 The Unity of King Lear

In Shakespeare King Lear : A Casebook.Kermode Frank (editor)

HEILMAN Robert B. 1970 B885 Wit and Witchcraft: An Approach toOthello

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F.

HEILMAN Robert Bechtold 1968 A776 Tragedy and Melodrama: Versions of Experience

HEINE Heinrich 1963 B043 from Shakespeare's Maidens and Women: excerpt from Inroduction; Desdemona (Othello), Virgilia (Coriolanus) In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor)

HEINEMANN Margot 1980 C499 Puritanism and theatre : Thomas Middleton and opposition drama under the Early Stuarts

HEINEMANN Margot 1985 C715 How Brecht read Shakespeare

In Political Shakespeare

HEINEMANN Margot 1990 C780 Political drama

In The Cambridge Companion to English Drama HEINEMANN Margot 1992 C933 ‘God Help The Poor: The Rich Can Shift’: The World Upside-Down and The Popular Tradition in the Theatre In The Politics of Tragicomedy

HELARD-COSNIER C. 1980 C550 Cérémonies funèbres organisées par les Jésuites recevant le coeur d'Henri IV au collège de La Flèche (4 juin 1610 et 4 juin 1611) In Les voies de la création théâtrale VIII

HELIODORA, Barbara and de MENDONÇA, 1960 B555 The Influence of Gorboduc on King Lear

In Shakespeare Survey N°13

HELM Alex 1980 C555 The English mummers' play

HELM, James L. 1993 P5/33 Bathsua Makin's An Essay to Revive the Ancient Education of Gentlewomen in the Canon of the Seventeenth-Century Educational Reform Tracts In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°44

HELM L. James 1991 P5/28 Thomas Middleton's Cleanthes and Renaisance Gerontology

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°39

HELM, P.J. 1972 C165 England under the Yorkists and Tudors 1471-1603

Helmut Bonheim 2000 D256 Shakespeare's narremes

In Shakespeare Survey 53

HENDERSON, Diana E. 1997 D142 A Shrew for the Times

In Shakespeare, the Movie Popularizing the Plays on Film, TV,and Video HENDERSON Lynda 1991 C810 Tom Murphy : the artist as informer

In The Contemporary Irish Theatre

HENDERSON Philip 1966 B759 Christopher Marlowe

HENDRICKS, Margo. 1998 D285 'Tis not the fashion to confess': 'Shakespeare-Post-Coloniality-Johannesburg, 1996'

In Post-Colonial Shakespeares

HENINGER, S.K. jr 1961 B764/4 Some Renaissance Versions of the Pythagorean Tetrad

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VIII

HENINGER, S.K. jr 1963 B764/5 The Implications of Form for The Shepheardes Calender.

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume IX. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

HENKE James T. 1974 C358 Renaissance dramatic bawdy (exclusive of Shakespeare) : an annotated glossary and critical essays volume 2

HENKE James T. 1974 C343 Renaissance dramatic bawdy (exclusive of Shakespeare) : an annotated glossary and critical essays volume 1

HENN, T.R. 1966 C117 The Harvest of Tragedy

HENN T.R. 1968 A717 Yeats and the Theatre

In Studies in the Arts: Proceedings of the St. Peter's College Literary Society. Warner Francis (editor) HENN, T.R. 1972 B850 The Living Image

HENNEQUIN Jacques 1968 A515/2 Théâtre et société dans les pièces de collège au XVIIe siècle(1641-1671) d' après vingt)dept programmes de la Province de Champagne des pères Jésuites In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

HENRIQUES Alf 1966 A463/2 Shakespeare and Denmark: 1900-1949

In Shakespeare Survey, 3: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

HENRY, Franck 1993 M61 Love and War in Antony and Cleopatra

HENSMAN Bertha 1974 C323 The shares of Fletcher, Field and Massinger in twelve plays of the Beaumont and Fletcher canon volume II

HENSMAN, Bertha 1974 C258 The Shares of Fletcher, Field and Massinger in Twelve Plays of the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon (vol. I)

HEPWORTH Philip 1969 B591 How to find out in history

Herbert Berry 2000 D256 The view of London from the north and the playhouses in Holywell

In Shakespeare survey 53

HERDING Otto 1966 C354 Ambiguity in writings on humanistic education : text criticism and the concept of man : supplementary remarks In Studies in the Renaissance volume XIII HERFORD C.H. 1963 C470 Introduction to Every Man Out of His Humour

In Ben Jonson : a collection of critical essays

HERFORD C.H. 1969 A600 Julius Caesar and Ben Jonson' s Sejanus

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

HERFORD C.H. 1972 B872 Introduction to Volpone

In Jonson: Volpone, A Casebook. Barish Jonas A. (editor)

HERFORD C.H. and SIMPSON Percy 1965 A775 "The Alchemist"

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

HERLAND Lucien 1965 A693 L'imprévisible et l'inexplicable dans la conduite du héros comme ressort tragique chez Corneille

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

HERRICK Marvin T. 1962 B311 Tragicomedy

HERRICK Marvin T. 1962 B450 Trissino's Art of Poetry

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

HERRTAGE S. J. 1880 A022 The English Charlemagne Romance Part II The Sage of Melayne and The Romance of Duke Rowland and Sir Otuell of Spagne

HERRTAGE S.J. 1903 A023 The English Charlemagne Romance Part I Sir Ferumbas HERRTAGE Sidney J.H. 1881 A031 Catholicon Anglicum

HERRTAGE Sidney J.H. 1892 A036 The Taill of Rauf Coilyear

HERRTAGE Sidney J.H. 1898 A076 The Early English Versions of the Gesta Romanorum

HERRTRAGE Sidney J. 1878 A094 England in the Reign of King Henry the Eighth . Part I & II . Starkey's Life and Letters

HERZFELD G. 1900 A064 An Old English Matyrology

HEUER Hermann 1969 B050 From Plutarch to Shakespeare: A Study of Coriolanus

In Shakespeare Survey 10. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

HEUMANN, Mark 1993 P5/33 Prophesy, Casuistry, and Epideictic in Marvell's 'Upon Appleton House'

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°44

HEUSCH Hermann 1960 A697/2 Le Sacre de Charles Quint à la Aix-la-Chapelle

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint

HEXTER, J.H. 1956 B764/2 Seyssel, Machiavelli, and Polybius VI: the Mystery of the Missing Translation

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume III. Shaaber, M.a. (editor) HEXTER, J.H. 1957 B764/2 Il Principe and Lo Stato

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume IV. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

HEYWOOD Jasper 1969 A288 Thyestes, by L. Annaeus Seneca

In Five Elizabethan Tragedies, ed. with an Intoduction by McILWRAITH A.K.

HEYWOOD John 1966 A285 The Four PP.

In Five Pre-Shakespearean Comedies(Early Tudor Period), ed. with an Introduction by BOAS Frederick S.

HEYWOOD, John 1967 C213 Proverbs and Epigrams

HEYWOOD, John 1967 C222 The Spider and the Flie

HEYWOOD Thomas 1933 A174 A Woman Killed with Kindness

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

HEYWOOD Thomas 1939 A639 A Woman Killed with Kindness

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

HEYWOOD Thomas 1961 A239 A Woman Killed with Kindness

HEYWOOD Thomas 1963 B176 Oenone and Paris

In Elizabethan Minor Epics HEYWOOD Thomas 1968 B046 An Apology for Actors (1612)

In The Seventeenth-Century Stage: A Collection of Critical Essays. Bentley Gerald Eades (editor)

HEYWOOD Thomas 1968 A219 The Fair Maid of the West, Parts I and II

HEYWOOD Thomas 1969 A288 A Woman Killed with Kindness

In Five Elizabethan Tragedies, ed. with an Intoduction by McILWRAITH A.K.

HEYWOOD Thomas 1970 B442 A Woman Killed with Kindness

HEYWOOD, Thomas 1972 C202 Troia Britanica : or, Great Britaines Troy

HEYWOOD, Thomas 1973 C147 An Apology for Actors

In An Apology for Actors and A Refutation of the Apology for Actors

HEYWOOD Thomas 1979 C779 From 'The FamousTragedy of the Rich Jew of Malta', 1633

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

HIAO-TSIUN Ma 1965 B104 La Chine

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

HIBBARD G.R. 1962 B161 Thomas Nashe: A Critical Introduction HIBBARD, G.R. 1966 B546 Crabbe and Shakespeare

In Renaissance and Modern Essays

HIBBARD, G.R. 1966 B546 Renaissance and Modern essays

HIBBARD G.R. 1967 A463/12 George Chapman : Tragedy and the Provincial View of History

In Shakespeare Survey, 20 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

HIBBARD G.R. 1968 A463/13 Critical Studies

In Shakespeare Survey, 21 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

HIBBARD G.R. 1968 A463/13 'Othello' and the Pattern of Shakespearian Tragedy

In Shakespeare Survey, 21 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

HIBBARD G.R. 1969 A463/14 Critical Studies

HIBBARD G.R. 1970 B456 Critical Studies

In Shakespeare Survey 23: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

HIBBARD G.R. 1970 B456 Words, Action, and Artistic Economy

In Shakespeare Survey 23: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

HIBBARD, G.R. 1973 C203 Titus Andronicus and Romeo and Juliet

In Shakespeare : Select Bibliographical Guides HIBBARD G.R. 1977 C433 Henry IV and Hamlet

In Shakespeare Survey 30

HIBBARD G.R. 1978 C472 Adumbrations of The Tempest in A Midsummer Night's Dream

In Shakespeare Survey 31

HIBBARD G.R. 1980 C500 Feliciter audax : Antony and Cleopatra, I, i, 1-24

In Shakespeare's styles

HIBBARD G. R. 1980 C515 King Lear : a retrospect, 1939-79

In Shakespeare Survey 33

HIBBARD G.R. 1980 C552 The Elizabethan theatre VII

HIBBARD G.R. 1982 C582 King Lear : A retrospect, 1939-79

In Aspects of King Lear

HIBBARD G.R. 1990 D013 From "iygging vaines of riming mother wits" to "the spacious volubilitie of a drumming decasillabon"

In The Elizabethan Theatre XI

HICKS, David L. 1961 B764/4 The Education of a Prince: Lodovico il Moro and the Rise of Pandolfo Petrucci

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VIII

HIDALGO Pilar 1993 D033 The Female Body Politic : from Victimization to Empowerment

In English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference HIEATT, A. Kent 1967 C027 The Daughters of Horus : Order in the Stanzas of Epithalamion

In Form and Convention in the Poetry of Edmund Spenser

HIEAUX Marie-Lise 1970 M09 Man and God in Tamburlaine and Doctor Faustus

HIFFERNAN Paul 1979 C537 Idolizing Shakespeare, 1770

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

HIGHET, Gilbert 1962 B952 The Anatomy of Satire

HILDESHEIM John of 1886 A006 The Three Kings of Cologne

HILDY Franklin J. 1994 C985 Playing Places for Shakespeare : The Maddermarket Theatre, Norwich

In Shakespeare Survey 47

HILL Aaron 1969 A821 King Henry The Fifth

HILL Aaron 1974 C379/2 From his adaptation of Henry V, 1723

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

HILL Aaron 1975 C379/3 On King Lear and Hamlet, october 1735

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752 HILL Archibald A. 1967 B371 Poetry and Stylistics (1956)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors)

HILL Bridget 1995 D042 Reinterpreting the "Glorious Revolution" : Catharine Macaulay and Radical Response

In Culture and Society in the Stuart Restoration

HILL, C.P. 1965 C181 Who's Who in History (vol. III) . England 1603 to 1714

HILL Christopher 1961 A686 and the Rise of Capitalism

In Essays in the Economic and Social History of Tudor and Stuart England. Fisher F.J. (editor)

HILL Christopher 1966 A429 Intellectual Origins of the English Revolution

HILL Christopher 1966 B034 Society and Puritanism in Pre-Revolutionary England

HILL, Christopher 1967 B832 Reformation to Industrial Revolution

HILL Christopher 1967 A987 The Century of Revolution: 1603-1714

HILL Christopher 1969 A635 Society and Andrew Marvell

In Marvell (Modern Judgements). Wilding Michael (editor) Hill Christopher 1970 B440 God's Englishman: Oliver Cromwell and the English Revolution

HILL, Christopher 1971 B688 Antichrist in Seventeen-century England

HILL Christopher 1972 B878 The World Turned Upside Down: Radical Ideas during the English Revolution

HILL Christopher 1980 C533 George Wither and John Milton

In English Renaissance studies presented to Dame Helen Gardner in honour of her seventieth birthday

HILL Christopher 1984 C634 The experience of defeat

HILL Christopher 1986 C720 The collected essays of Christopher Hill . Vol. 2 : Religion and politics in 17th century England

HILL DUNCAN, Edgar 1970 P1/1946/II Jonson's Alchemist and The Literature of Alchemy

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°61

HILL Geoffrey 1965 A441 The World's Proportion: Jonson's dramatic poetry in Sejanus and Catiline

In Jacobean Theatre. Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies I

HILL Geoffrey 1969 A581 'The True Conduct of Human judgement : Some observations on Cymbelyne

In The Morality of Art HILL, J. & CHURCH GIBSON, P. (Eds.) 1998 D177 The Oxford Guide to Film studies

HILL, L.M. 1973 C186 County Government in Caroline England 1625-1640

In The Origins of the English Civil War

HILL R.F. 1969 B050 The Composition of Titus Andronicus

In Shakespeare Survey 10. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

HILL R.F. 1975 C398 The Merchant of Venice and the pattern of romantic comedy

In Shakespeare Survey 28

HILL Sir John 1975 C379/3 Shakespeare and the actors, 1750

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

HILL Sir John 1976 C379/4 On a revival of Antony and Cleopatra, 1759

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

HILLER Geoffrey G. 1977 C563 Poems of the Elizabethan age

HILLER, Geoffrey G. 1991 P5/29 'Where thou doost live, there let grace be': Images of the Renaissance Woman Patron in her House and Rural Domain In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°40

HILLER, Geoffrey G. Avril 1988 P5/22 Now let us Make Exchange of Mindes: Techniques of Verse Letter Characterisation in Drayton's Englands Heroicall Epistles In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°33 HILLIS GOLDSMITH, Robert 1953 P1/1953/IV Touchstone: Critic in Motley

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°67

HILLMAN Richard 1990 C795 Shakespeare's Romantic Innocents and the Misappropriation of the Romance Past:The Case of The Two Noble Kinsmen In Shakespeare Survey 43

HILY-MANE Geneviève 1987 C854/2 Le message second et ses termes révélateurs dans Hills like White Elephants et A clean, Well-Lighted Place : qu'en passe-t-il dans la traduction ? In Palimpsestes N° 1 : Traduire le Dialogue Traduire les Textes de Théatre

HIMY, Armand 1984 P5/14 Silex Scintillans: La Pétrification et le mort-vivant

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 25

HINCHLIFFE, Arnold P. (Ed.) 1979 D185 Drama Criticism : Developments since Ibsen

HINMAN Charlton 1963 B153/1 The Printing and Proof-reading of the First Folio of Shakespeare, volume I

HINMAN Charlton 1963 B153/2 The Printing and Proof-reading of the First Folio of Shakespeare, volume II

HINMAN Charlton 1968 Z3 The First Folio of Shakespeare

HINMAN Robert B. 1970 A943 The Apotheosis of Faust: Poetry and New Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century

In Metaphysical Poetry. Brown John Russell and Harris Bernard (general editors). Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies 11 HINMAN, Robert B. 1970 B855/1 The Apotheosis of Faust: Poetry and New Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century

In Metaphysical Poetry

HIRSCH, Rudolf 1959 B764/3 The Decoration of a 1486 Book Wrapper and its Reappearance in 1531

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VI. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

HIRST David L. C652 Edward Bond

HIRST David Lawrence 1984 C700 Tragicomedy

HIRST Derek 1986 C782 Authority and Conflict : England 1603-1658

HISCOCK, Andrew 1997 P5/41 Sovereignty: Crises of Desire and Faith in The Winter's Tale and Henry VIII

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°52

HIVET Christine 1999 D225 Mary Wollstonecraft, la révolution française et A Vindication of the Rights of Woman

In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef)

HOBBES Thomas 1969 B060 Behemoth or the Long Parliament

Hobbes Thomas 1969 B390 The Elements of Law: Natural and Politic HOBBY Elaine 1995 D042 A woman's Best Setting Out is Silence : the Writings of Hannah Wolley

In Culture and Society in the Stuart Restoration

HOBDAY C.H. 1968 A463/13 Imagery and Irony in 'Henry V'

In Shakespeare Survey, 21 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

HOBDAY, C.H. 1973 C171 Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis Sonnets

In Shakespeare Survey 26

HOBSBAUM, Philip 1996 D129 Metre, Rythm, and Verse Form

HOBSON Alan 1972 B815 Full Circle: Shakespeare and Moral Development

HOBSON Harold 1969 A603 All This and Helen, Too

In Marlowe, Doctor Faustus. Jump John (editor)

HOBSON Harold 1971 B605 Recent Productions of Measure for Measure

In Shakespeare Measure for Measure, A Casebook. Stead C.K. (editor)

HOCHARD, Anne-Sophie 1992 M56 Julius Caesar: A Structural Approach

HOCKE Gustave René 1959 A453 Manierismus in der Literatur: Sprach-Alchimie und esoterische Kombinationskunst HODGART Matthew 1964 B514 Radical Pose in the late Eighteenth century

In The English Mind. Davies Hugh Sykes and Watson George (editors)

HODGDON Barbara 1994 C963 The Critic, the Poor Player, Prince Hamlet, and the Lady in the Dark

In Shakespeare reread : The Texts in New Contexts

HODGDON, Barbara 1997 D142 Race-ing in Othello , Re-Engendering White-Out

In Shakespeare, the Movie Popularizing the Plays on Film, TV,and Video

HODGDON, Barbara. 2002 D287 Sexual Disguise and the Theatre of Gender

In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Comedy

HODGES C. Walter 1966 B249 Shakespeare's Theatre

HODGES C. Walter 1966 A463/2 Unworthy Scaffolds: A Theory for the Reconstruction of Elizabethan Playhouses

In Shakespeare Survey, 3: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

HODGES C. Walter 1968 A518 The Globe Restored : A Study of the Elizabethan Theatre

HODGES, C. Walter 1973 C212 Shakespeare's Second Globe : the Missing Monument

HODGES John C. 1964 A619 William Congreve : Letters & Documents HODGES Walter 1969 B455 The Lantern of Taste

In Shakespeare Survey 12: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

HODGON Barbara 1999 D240 William Shakespeare's Romeo+ Juliet : Everything's Nice in America ?

In Shakespeare Survey n°52

HODGSON, John 1972 B769 The Uses of Drama

HOENIGER F.D. 1974 C371 The artist exploring the primitive : King Lear

In Some facets of King Lear : essays in prismatic criticism

HOENIGER F. David 1976 C399 Shakespeare's romances since 1958 : a retrospect

In Shakespeare Survey 29

HOENSELAARS A.J. 1993 C995 Italy staged in English Renaissance drama

In Shakespeare's Italy

HOENSELAARS A.J. 1993 C995 'Under the dent of the English pen' : the language of Italy in English Renaissance drama

In Shakespeare's Italy

HOENSELAARS, A.J. 1995 P5/36 The Elizabethans and the Turks at Constantinople

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°47

HOENSELAARS Ton 1994 D003 World Citizens in Henry V and The Merry Wives of Windsor

In Shakespeare : cosmopolitisme et insularité HOENSELAARS, Ton 1996 D057 Renaissance Identities in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night

In Twelfth Night : Le Language en Fête

HOFFMAN Calvin 1955 B353 The man who was Shakespeare

HOFLING Charles K. 1970 B582 An Interpretation of Shakespeare's Coriolanus

In Twentieth Century Interpretations of Coriolanus. Phillips James E. (editor)

HOGAN C.B. C456 The Kemble family : a genealogical record, 1704-1925

In Theatre notebook . Volume XXX . Numbers 2 &3

HOGAN Charles Beecher 1952 A767 Shakespeare in the Theatre 1701-1800

HOGAN Charles Beecher 1968 A708 The London Stage 1776-1800: A Critical Heritage

HOGAN Robert 1986 C819 Plot, Character, and Comic Language in Sheridan

In Comedy from Shakespeare to Sheridan

HOGGART Richard 1970 B454 Contemporary Cultural Studies: An Approach to the Study of Literature and Society

In Contemporary Criticism. Bradbury Malcolm & Palmer David (editors)

HOGGART, Richard 1970 B855/2 Contemporary Cultural Studies: An Approach to the Study of Literature and Society

In Contemporary Criticism HOLDEN William P. 1968 A376 Anti-Puritan Satire(1572-1642)

HOLDERNESS G. & McCULLOUGH C. A623 Shakespeare on the Screen : A Selected Filmography

In Shakespeare Survey No 39

HOLDERNESS Graham 1985 C715 Radical potentiality and institutional closure: Shakespeare in film and television

In Political Shakespeare

HOLDERNESS Graham 1988 C716 Boxig the Bard : Shakespeare and television (extract)

In Shakespeare on television

HOLDERNESS Graham 1988 C716 Radical potentiality and institutional closure : Shakespeare in film and television (extract)

In Shakespeare on television

HOLDERNESS Graham 1991 D030 "A Woman's War" : a Feminist Reading of Richard II

In Shakespeare Left and Right

HOLDERNESS Graham 1992 D009 Henry IV : Carnival and History

In Shakespeare's History Plays : Richard II to Henry V

HOLDERNESS Graham 1992 D012 Radical Potential : Macbeth on Film

In Macbeth

HOLDERNESS Graham 1992 D009 Shakespeare's History Plays : Richard II to Henry V HOLDERNESS Graham 1993 C925 Shakespeare Rewound

In Shakespeare Survey 45

HOLDERNESS Graham & LOUGHREY Bryan 1992 C883 The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet Prince of Denmarke

HOLDERNESSG. AND McCULLOUGH C. 1994 C958 Shakespeare on the Screen: a selective filmography

In Shakespeare and the Moving Image

HOLDING Edith 1979 C498 As You Like It adapted : Charles Johnson's Love In A Forest

In Shakespeare Survey 32

HOLDSWORTH Roger Victor 1978 C464 Jonson : Every man in his Humour and The Alchemist

HOLDT Marvin 1984 C606 A propos de trois vers d'Othello

In Caliban n° XXI

HOLE Richard 1981 C512 An ironical (?) defence of Iago, 1796

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

HOLINSHED Raphael 1999 D235 From The Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

HOLLAND Norman 1970 B454 The 'Unconscious' of Literature: The Psychoanalytic Approach

In Contemporary Criticism. Bradbury Malcolm & Palmer David (editors) HOLLAND, Norman 1970 B855/2 The'Unconscious' of Literature: the Psychoanalytic Approach

In Contemporary Criticism

HOLLAND Norman N. 1960 P1/1960/III Freud on Shakespeare

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°75

HOLLAND Norman N. 1964 B812 The Shakespearean Imagination

HOLLAND Norman N. 1966 A340 The Country Wife

In Restoration Drama (Modern Essays in Criticism)

HOLLAND Norman N. 1967 A625 The First Modern Comedies: the significance of Etherege, Wycherley and Congreve

HOLLAND Peter 1988 C879 Nahum Tate’s defence of farce

In Farce

HOLLAND Peter 1989 C822 Dreaming the Dream

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

HOLLAND Peter 1989 C718 Dreaming the Dream

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

HOLLAND Peter 1989 C740 The resources of characterization in Othello

In Shakespeare survey 41 HOLLAND Peter 1993 C925 Shakespeare performances in England 1990-1

In Shakespeare Survey 45

HOLLAND Peter 1994 C934 Noël Coward and comic geometry

In English Comedy

HOLLAND Peter 1994 C984 Shakespeare Performances in England, 1992

In Shakespeare Survey 46

HOLLAND Peter 1994 C985 Shakespeare Performances in England, 1992-1993

In Shakespeare Survey 47

HOLLAND Peter 1994 C985 Stratford Stages : Interviews with Michael Reardon and Tim Furby, and Sam Mendes

In Shakespeare Survey 47

HOLLAND Peter 1994 C985 Theseus' Shadows in A Midsummer Night's Dream

In Shakespeare Survey 47

HOLLAND Peter 1994 C958 Two-dimensional Shakespeare: King Lear on film

In Shakespeare and the Moving Image

HOLLAND, Peter 1995 D094 Shakespeare Performances in England, 1993-4

In Shakespeare Survey 48

HOLLAND, Peter 1996 D135 Shakespeare Performance in England, 1994-1995

In Shakespeare Survey 49 HOLLAND, Peter 1996 D074 'Travelling Hopefully' : The Dramatic Form of Journeys in English Renaissance drama

In Travel and Drama in Shakespeare's Time

HOLLAND, Peter 1997 D173 English Shakespeares

HOLLAND Peter 1997 D244 English Shakespeares: Shakespeare on the English Stage in the 1990s

HOLLANDER John 1963 A712 Musica Mundana and Twelfth Night

In Sound and Poetry. Frye Northrop (editor)

HOLLANDER John 1967 B371 The Metrical Emblem (1959)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors)

HOLLANDER John 1972 B995 Donne and the Limits of Lyric

In John Donne: Essays in Celebration. Smith A.J. (editor)

HOLLANDER John 1972 B873 The Role of Music in Twelfth Night

In Shakespeare: Twelfth Night, A Casebook. Palmer D.J. (editor)

HOLLANDER John 1987 C949 Spenser’s Undersong

In Cannibals, Witches, and Divorce

HOLLANDER, John & KERMODE, Frank 1973 C035 The Oxford Anthology of English Literature : the Literature of Renaissance England HOLLOWAY John 1964 B514 English and some Christian Traditions

In The English Mind. Davies Hugh Sykes and Watson George (editors)

HOLLOWAY John 1965 A357 Antony and Cleopatra

In The Story of the Night

HOLLOWAY John 1965 A357 Corionalus

In The Story of the Night

HOLLOWAY John 1965 A357 Hamlet

In The Story of the Night

HOLLOWAY John 1965 A357 King Lear

In The Story of the Night

HOLLOWAY John 1965 A357 Macbeth

In The Story of the Night

HOLLOWAY John 1965 A357 Othello

In The Story of the Night

HOLLOWAY John 1965 A357 The Story of the Night

HOLLOWAY John 1965 A357 Timon of Athens

In The Story of the Night HOLLOWAY John 1968 A789 Hamlet

In Shakespeare Hamlet: A Casebook.Jump John (editor)

HOLLOWAY John 1968 A598 The Action of Antony and Cleopatra

In Shakespeare : Antony and Cleopatra

HOLLOWAY John 1969 A601 King Lear

In Shakespeare King Lear

HOLLOWAY John 1969 A788 King Lear

In Shakespeare King Lear : A Casebook.Kermode Frank (editor)

HOLM Ingvar 1971 C548 Strindberg et l'expressionnisme. Notes sur l'art dramatique du naturalisme et de l'expressionnisme

In L'expressionnisme dans le théâtre européen

HOLMER, Joan Ozark 1996 D135 The Poetics of Paradox : Shakespeare's versus Zeffirelli's Cultures of Violence

In Shakespeare Survey 49

HOLMES, David M. 1970 B539 The art of Thomas Middleton

HOLMES Elizabeth 1966 A732 Aspects of Elizabethan Imagery

HOLMES Geoffrey 1967 A204 British Politics in the Age of Anne HOLMES Martin 1964 A739 Shakespeare' s Public : the touchstone of his Genius

HOLMES, Martin 1972 B908 Shakespeare and His Players

HOLMES Martin 1978 C468 Shakespeare and burbage : the sound of Shakespeare as devised to suit the voice and talents of his principal player

HOLT, John 1971 C006 An Attempte to Rescue that Auciente English Poet and Play-Wrighte Maister Williaume Shakespere In An Essay upon English Tragedy and An Attempte

HOLT John 1975 C379/3 Remarks on The Tempest, 1749

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

HOLT MONK Samuel 1964 B499 Dryden and the Beginnings of Shakespeare Criticism in the Augustan Age.

In The Persistence of Shakespeare Idolatry: Essyas in honor of Robert W. Babcock. Schueller Herbert M. (editor)

HOLTHAUSEN Ferd. 1888 A155 Vices and Virtues . Part I

HOLZKNECHT Karl J. 1963 A604 Outlines of Tudor and Stuart Plays 1497-1642

HOLZKNECHT Karl L. 1965 A775 The Dramatic Structure of "The Changeling"

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.) HOMAN Richard L. 1988 C879 Farce after Existentialism: Pirandello’s It Is So ! (If You Think So)

In Farce

HOME John 1965 A280 Douglas

In Eighteenth Century Tragedy, ed. with an intro by Michael R. BOOTH

HONAN Park 1997 D154 Shakespeare the Man

In Shakespearean Continuities

HONIGMANN E.A.J. 1966 A463/5 The Date of Hamlet

In Shakespeare Survey, 9 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

HONIGMANN E.A.J. 1968 A463/13 Shakespeare' s Life, Times and Stage

In Shakespeare Survey, 21 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

HONIGMANN E.A.J. 1976 C399 Re-enter the stage direction : shakespeare and some contemporaries

In Shakespeare Survey 29

HONIGMANN E.A.J. 1976 C460 Shakespeare : seven tragedies . The dramatist's manipulation of response

HONIGMANN E.A.J. 1980 C500 Shakespeare's 'bombast'

In Shakespeare's styles

HONIGMANN E.A.J. 1987 C972 John Weever : A Biography of a Literary Associate of Shakespeare and Jonson, Together with a Photographic Facsimile of Weever's Epigrammes (1599) HONIGMANN E. A. J. 1990 C758 The Play of Sir Thomas More and Some Contemporary Events

In Shakespeare Survey 42

HONIGMANN E.A.J. 1993 C960 British Academy Shakespeare Lectures 1980-89

HONIGMANN E.A.J. 1993 C960 Shakespeare's Mingled Yarn and Measure for Measure

In British Academy Shakespeare Lectures

HONIGMANN E.A.J. 1994 C974 Shakespeare's Will and Testamentary Traditions

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

HONINGMANN E.A.J. 1965 A972 The Politics in Hamlet and 'The World of the Play'

In Hamlet

HONINGMANN E.A.J. 1965 A974 The Stability of Shakespeare's Text

HOOKER Edward Niles 1939 A201/1 The Critical Works of John Dennis(1692-1711)

HOOKER Edward Niles 1943 A201/2 The Critical Works of John Dennis(1711-1729)

HOOKER Edward Niles 1969 A591 Pope on Wit : The "Essay on Criticism"

In The Seventeenth Century : Studies in the History of English Thought and Literature from Bacon to Pope HOOKER Richard 1968 A983/2 Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity(VOL II)

HOOKER Richard 1969 A983/1 Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity

HOPE Charles and MCGRATH Elizabeth 1997 D201 Artists and humanists

In The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism

HOPES Jeffrey 1987 C696 "A genteel Comedy" . Réactions critiques à The Man of Mode au début du XVIIIe siècle

In Miroirs de L'Être : Macbeth, The Man of Mode

HOPKINS Gerard Manley 1951 B558 Letters

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

HOPKINS, Lisa 1995 P5/37 Acting the Self: John Ford's Perkin Warbeck and the Politics of Imposture

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°48

HOPKINS Lisa 1999 P5/46 Ladies' Trial: Women and the Law in Three Plays of John Ford

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°56. C.E.R.R.A. Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier III

HOPKINS, Lisa 1999 P5/46 Ladies' Trials: Women and the Law in Three Plays of John Ford

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°56

HOPPE HANS 1990 C964 Pratiques et écritures théâtrales dans le cadre de la pédagogie du jeu

In Écritures contemporaines et Théâtralité HORDEN John and MISENHEIMER James B. 1969 B381/67 Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature, volume 42, 1967

HORDEN John and MISENHEIMER James B. 1970 B381/68 Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature, volume 43, 1968

HORDEN John and MISENHEIMER James B. 1971 B381/69 Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature, volume 44, 1969

HORDEN John and MISENHEIMER James B. 1972 B381/70 Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature, volume 45, 1970

HORDEN John and MISENHEIMER James B. 1973 B381/71 Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature, volume 46, 1971

HORN-MONVAL M. 1963 C856 Les Traductions Françaises de Shakespeare

HORN-MONVAL M. 1963 A526 Les Traductions Francaises de Shakespeare, à l'occasion du quatrième centenaire de sa naissance 1564-1964

HORN-MONVAL M. 1963 A527 Répertoire Bibliographique des Traductions et Adaptations Françaises du Théâtre étranger du XVéme siècle à nos jours, Tome V: 1. Théâtre Anglais, 2. Théâtre Américain

HORNBY Richard 1977 T26 Script into Performance: a Structuralist View of Play Production HORNE Herbert P. 1888 A166 Nero and Other Plays

HORNIK, Henry. 1960 B764/4 Three Interpretations of the French Renaissance

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VII

HOROWICZ Bronislaw 1965 B104 La Mise en scène d'opéra et le ballet

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

HOROWICZ Bronislaw 1965 B104 Le Théâtre lyrique et le ballet au XXè siècle

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

HOROWICZ Bronislaw 1965 B104 Naissance et évolution de l'opéra

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

HOROWICZ Bronislaw 1969 A528 Architecture et Théâtre Lyrique

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs)

HOROWITZ David 1965 A768 Shakespeare, An Existential View

HORSTMANN 1886 A025 The Lives of Women Saints of our Contrie of England

HORSTMANN Carl 1887 A111 The Early South-English Legendary or Lives of Saints HORSTMANN Carl 1887 A156 The Life of Saint Werburge of Chester

HORSTMANN Carl 1893 A109 Life of St. Katharine of Alexandria

HORTSMANN C. 1892 A021 The Minor Poems of The Vernon MS

HOSKINS W.G. 1965 A463/10 Provincial Life

In Shakespeare Survey, 17 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

HOSLEY, Richard 1960 B555 Was there a Music-room in Shakespeare's Globe?

In Shakespeare Survey N°13

HOSLEY Richard 1962 B450 Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama

HOSLEY Richard 1962 B450 Hardin Craig

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

HOSLEY Richard 1968 B046 The Discovery-Space in Shakespeare's Globe

In The Seventeenth-Century Stage: A Collection of Critical Essays. Bentley Gerald Eades (editor)

HOSLEY Richard 1969 A688 A Reconstruction of the Second Blackfriars

In The Elizabethan Theatre. GALLOWAY David (editor) HOSLEY Richard 1969 B500 A reconstruction of the second Blackfriars

In The Elizabethan Theatre. Galloway David (editor)

HOSLEY Richard 1969 B050 Shakespeare's Use of a Gallery over the Stage

In Shakespeare Survey 10. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

HOSLEY Richard 1969 B455 The Discovery-space in Shakespeare's Globe

In Shakespeare Survey 12: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

HOSLEY Richard 1975 C375 The playhouses

In The Revels history of drama in English volume III 1576-1613

HOSLEY Richard 1980 C552 A reconstruction of the fortune playhouse: part II

In The Elzabethan theatre VII

HOTSON Leslie 1960 B165 Shakespeare's Wooden O

HOTSON Leslie 1962 A386 The Commonwealth and Restoration Stage

HOTSON Leslie 1964 B295 Mr W. H.

HOTSON Leslie 1966 A463/1 The Projected Amphitheatre

In Shakespeare Survey, 2: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor) HOTSON Leslie 1971 C366 Shakespeare's motley

HOTSON Leslie 1972 B873 The Real Duke Orsino

In Shakespeare: Twelfth Night, A Casebook. Palmer D.J. (editor)

HOTZ-DAVIES Ingrid 1991 P5/28 A Chaste Maid in Cheapside and Women Beware Women: Feminism, Anti-Feminism and the Limitations of Satire In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°39

HOUGH Graham 1964 B514 Coleridge and the Victorians

In The English Mind. Davies Hugh Sykes and Watson George (editors)

HOUGH Graham 1968 A717 Edgar Allan Poe

In Studies in the Arts: Proceedings of the St. Peter's College Literary Society. Warner Francis (editor)

HOUGH Graham 1969 B585 Style and Stylistics

HOUGH Graham 1970 B454 Criticism as a Humanist Discipline

In Contemporary Criticism. Bradbury Malcolm & Palmer David (editors)

HOUGH, Graham 1970 B855/2 Criticism as a Humanist Discipline

In Contemporary Criticism

HOUSEMAN John 1969 A600 Filming Julius Caesar

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar HOWARD Donald R. 1969 A578 Chaucer the Man

In Chaucer' s Mind and Art

HOWARD Douglas 1985 C953 Massinger’s Political Tragedies

In Philip Massinger : A Critical Reassessment

HOWARD Douglas 1985 C953 Philip Massinger : A Critical Reassessment

HOWARD Henry 1999 D235 From A Defensative against the Poison of Supposed Prophecies

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

HOWARD, Jean 1988 C724 'Effeminately Dolent' : Gender and Legitimacy in Ford's Perkin Warbeck

In John Ford : Critical Re-Visions

HOWARD Jean E. 1986 C819 The Difficulties of Closure: An Approach to the Problematic in Shakespearian Comedy

In Comedy from Shakespeare to Sheridan

HOWARD Jean E. 1987 C733 Renaissance Antitheatricality and the Politics of Gender and Rank in Much Ado About Nothing

In Shakespeare Reproduced : the Text in History and Ideology

HOWARD Jean E. 1991 C876 Scripts and versus Playhouses: Ideological Production and the Renaissance Public Stage

In The matter of Difference : Materialist Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare

HOWARD Jean E. 1992 D039 Sex and Social Conflict : the Erotics of The Roaring Girl

In Erotic Politics : Desire on the Renaissance Stage HOWARD Jean E. 1992 C924 The New Historicism in Renaissance Studies

In New Historicism and Renaissance Drama

HOWARD Jean E. 1994 C920 The Stage and Social Struggle in Early Modern England

HOWARD, Jean E. et RACKIN, Phyllis 1997 D122 Engendering a Nation

HOWARD, Jean E. et RACKIN, Phyllis 1997 D122 Henry V

In Engendering a Nation

HOWARD, Jean E. et RACKIN, Phyllis 1997 D122 Henry VI, part I, part II, part III

In Engendering a Nation

HOWARD, Jean E. et RACKIN, Phyllis 1997 D122 King John

In Engendering a Nation

HOWARD, Jean E. et RACKIN, Phyllis 1997 D122 Richard III

In Engendering a Nation

HOWARD, Jean E. et RACKIN, Phyllis 1997 D122 The Henry IV Plays

In Engendering a Nation

HOWARD, Jean E. & RACKIN, Phyllis 1997 D122 Richard II

In Engendering a Nation HOWARD Jean.E & RACKIN Phyllis 1999 D260 A feminist Account of Richard III

In Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Richard III

HOWARD, Jean.E. SHERSHOW, Scott. 2001 D280 Introduction: Marxism Now, Shakespeare Now

In Marxist Shakespeares

HOWARD, Jean.E. SHERSHOW, Scott. 2001 D280 Marxist Shakespeares

HOWARD Jean Elizabeth and O'CONNOR Marion F. 1987 C733 Shakespeare reproduced : the text in history and ideology

HOWARD L.T. 1962 A615 The Complaint of Thestlis the Forsaken Sheepheard

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

HOWARD Leon 1972 B891 The Puritans in Old New England

In Stuart and Georgian Moments. Miner Earl

HOWARD M. AND LLEWELLYN N. 1989 C793 Painting and Imagery

In The Cambridge Guide to the Arts in Britain Vol.3 : Renaissance and Reformation

HOWARD, Tony 1997 D142 When Peter Met Orson : The 1953 CBS King Lear

In Shakespeare, the Movie Popularizing the Plays on Film, TV,and Video

HOWARD-HILL T.H. 1971 B711 Shakespearian Bibliography and Textual Criticism: A Bibliography HOWARTH Herbert 1966 A463/7 Shakespeare' s Gentleness

In Shakespeare Survey, 14 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

HOWARTH Herbert 1970 A979 The Tiger's Heart: Eight Essays on Shakespeare

HOWARTH W.D. 1988 C879 From Arlequin to Ubu : farce as anti-theatre

In Farce

HOWATSON M.C. 1989 C961 The Oxford Companion To Classical Literature

HOWELL Roger 1968 B407 Sir Philip Sidney.The Shepherd Knight

HOWELL Samuel Wilbur 1956 B126 Logic and Rhetoric in England,1500-1700

HOWSON John 1999 D235 From A Sermon Preached at St. Mary's in Oxford, the 17. Day of November, 1602

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

HOY Cyrus 1964 A941 The Hyacinth Room: An Investigation Into the Nature of Comedy, Tragedy, & Tragicomedy

HOY Cyrus 1967 A917 Navarre and His Bookmen

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism HOY Cyrus 1970 B481 The Scornful Lady

In The Dramatic Works in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon

HOY, Cyrus 1973 C171 Jacobean Tragedy and the Mannerist Style

In Shakespeare Survey 26

HOY Cyrus 1976 C373 The Faithful Shepherdess

In The dramatic works in the Beaumont and Fletcher . Volume III

HOY Cyrus 1978 C484 Fathers and daughters in Shakespeare's romances

In Shakespeare's romances reconsidered

HOY Cyrus 1979 C461 Bonduca

In The dramatic works in the Beaumont and Fletcher canon

HOY Cyrus 1980 C552 Masques and the artifice of tragedy

In The Elzabethan theatre VII

HOY Cyrus 1982 C545 The Humorous Lieutenant

In The dramatic works in the Beaumont and Fletcher canon . Vol. V

HOY Cyrus 1985 C953 Massinger as Collaborator: The Plays with Fletcher and Others

In Philip Massinger : A Critical Reassessment

HOY Cyrus (editor) 1966 A482 The Knight of the Burning Prestle

In The Dramatic Work in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon, volume I HUBBELL, Lindley Williams 1972 C281 Lectures on Shakespeare

HUBICKI, Wlodzimierz 1972 C184/1 Paracelsits in Poland

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol I)

HUBLER Edward 1962 B410 The Sense of Shakespeare's Sonnets

HUBLER Edward 1967 A621 The Verse Lining of the First Quarto of "King Lear"

In The Parrot Presentation Volume

HUBLER Edward 1970 B885 The Economy of the Closed Heart

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F.

HUDDLESTONE Linden 1969 A581 Notes on a Production of Wilson Knight' s 'Ideal Macbeth '

In The Morality of Art

HUDSON H.N. 1979 C779 From 'Shakespeare: His Life, Art, and Characters', 1872

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

HUDSON Kenneth 1970 B456 Shakespeare's Use of Colloquial Language

In Shakespeare Survey 23: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

HUEBERT Ronald 1986 C761 The lady of pleasure Hugh Grady 2001 D259 Shakespeare criticism

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare

HUGHES John 1974 C379/2 On Othello, april 1713

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

HUGHES Leo 1956 A365 A Century of English Farce

HUGHES, Leo 1971 B771 The Drama's Patrons

HUGHES Merrit Y. 1968 B015 Beyond Desobedience

In Approaches to Paradise Lost

HUGHES Merritt Y. 1960 P1/1960/V Some of Donne's 'Ectasies'

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°75

HUGHES Merritt Y. 1969 A591 Milton' s Treatment of Reformation History in "The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates"

In The Seventeenth Century : Studies in the History of English Thought and Literature from Bacon to Pope

HUGHES Paul L. & LARKIN James F. 1969 A641 Tudor Royal Proclamations (Vol. II) : The Later Tudors( 1553-1587)

HUGHES Paul L. & LARKIN James F. 1969 A642 Tudor Royal Proclamations (Vol. III) : The Later Tudors( 1588-1603) HUGHES Philip 1963 A460 The Reformation in England

HUGHES Philip 1963 A460 Volume one: "The King's Proceedings"

In The Reformation in England

HUGHES Philip 1963 A460 Volume three:"True Religion now Established"

In The Reformation in England

HUGHES Philip 1963 A460 Volume two: Religio Depopulata

In The Reformation in England

HUGO Victor Marie 1963 B043 from William Shakespeare: excerpt from Part II, Book II, Chapter 5-Shakespeare's Work; excerpt from Part II, Book IV, Chapter 1-Criticism In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor)

HUIZINGA J. 1951 B100 Homo Ludens: essai sur la fonction social du jeu

HULL, Thomas 1793 C079 The Comedy of Errors

HULME Hilda 1964 A977 Shakespeare's Language

In Shakespeare's World

HULME Hilda M. 1965 B225 Explorations in Shakespeare's Language: Some Problems of Lexical Meaning in the Dramatic Text HULSE S.Clark 1978 C472 'A piece of skilful painting' in Shakespeare's Lucrece

In Shakespeare Survey 31

HULSE S.Clark 1997 D193 Shakespeare's Myth of Venus and Adonis (1978)

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

HUME David 1976 C379/4 Shakespeare and Jacobean taste, 1754

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

HUME Robert D. 1970 B751 Dryden's Criticism

HUME Robert D. 1976 C404 The development of English drama in the late seventeenth century

HUME Robert D. 1981 C551 Securing a repertory : plays on the London stage 1660-5

In Poetry and drama 1570-1700

HUMPHREYS, A.R. 1973 C203 The English History Plays

In Shakespeare : Select Bibliographical Guides

HUMPHREYS, Arthur R. 1973 C169 Style and Expression in Hamlet

In Shakespeare's Art : Seven Essays

HUMPHREYS Arthur Raleigh 1981 C527 Much Ado About Nothing HUNT, Hugh 1973 C291 Old Vic Prefaces : Shakespeare and the Producer

HUNT John 1992 D011 A Thing of Nothing : the Catastrophic Body inHamlet

In Hamlet

HUNT John Dixon 1972 B883 Grace, Art and theNeglect of Time in Love's Labour's Lost

In Shakespearian Comedy. Bradbury Malcolm and Palmer David (editors). Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies n°14

HUNT John Dixon 1978 C494 The visual arts of Shakespeare's day

In Shakespeare : pattern of excelling nature

HUNT, Leigh 1970 C285 Mrs Siddons

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

HUNT Leigh 1979 C779 From 'Imagination and Fancy', 1844

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

HUNT Mary Leland 1964 A720 Thomas Dekker: A Study

HUNT R.W. 1969 B818 Alberic of Monte Cassino and Reginald of Canterbury

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond

HUNT R.W. 1969 B818 Hugutio and Petrus Helias

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond HUNT R.W. 1969 B818 Stephen of Antioch

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond

HUNT R.W. 1969 B818 Studies on Priscian in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond

HUNT R.W. 1969 B818 Studies on Priscian in ther Twelfth Century-II: The School of Ralph Beauvais

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond

HUNT, Richard, KLIBANSKY, Raymond 1969 B818 Medieval and Renaissance Studies

HUNT Theodore B. 1967 A621 The Scenes as Shakespeare Saw Them

In The Parrot Presentation Volume

HUNTER G.K. 1962 A437 John Lyly: The Humanist as Courtier

HUNTER G.K. 1965 A463/10 Elizabethans and Foreigners

In Shakespeare Survey, 17 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

HUNTER G. K. 1965 A441 English Folly and Italian Vice: the moral landscape of John Marston

In Jacobean Theatre. Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies I

HUNTER G.K. 1965 A972 The Heroism of Hamlet

In Hamlet HUNTER G.K. 1966 A463/11 'Macbeth' in the Twentieth Century

In Shakespeare Survey, 19 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

HUNTER G.K. 1966 A971 The Last Tragic Heroes

In Later Shakespeare

HUNTER G.K. 1967 A463/12 Seneca and the Elizabethans : A Case-study in 'Influence'

In Shakespeare Survey, 20 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

HUNTER, G.K. 1968 B677 Lyly and Peele

HUNTER G.K. 1970 B885 A Midsummer Night's Dream

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F.

HUNTER G.K. 1970 B057 Shakespeare: Henry IV (parts I & II)

HUNTER G.K. 1973 C453 Italian tragicomedy on the English stage

In Renaissance drama . New series VI

HUNTER G.K. 1974 C409 Shakespeare's earliest tragedies : Titus Andronicus and Romeo and Juliet

In Shakespeare Survey 27

HUNTER G. K. 1978 C943 Dramatic Identities and Cultural Tradition HUNTER G.K. 1978 C494 Shakespeare's tragic sense as it strikes us today

In Shakespeare : pattern of excelling nature

HUNTER G.K. 1980 C500 Poem and context in Love's labour's lost

In Shakespeare's styles

HUNTER G. K. 1985 C625 Othelo and colour prejudice

In Interpretation of Shakespeare

HUNTER G.K. 1986 C819 Comedy, Farce, Romance

In Comedy from Shakespeare to Sheridan

HUNTER G. K. 1986 C711 Shakespeare and the traditions of tragedy

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare studies

HUNTER G.K. 1988 C716 The BBC "All's Well that Ends Well"

In Shakespeare on television

HUNTER G. K. 1990 C758 Truth and Art in History Plays

In Shakespeare Survey 42

HUNTER G.K. 1995 C999 Northrop Frye's 'Green World' : escapisme and transcendence

In Shakespeare . Le monde vert : rites et renouveau

HUNTER, G.K. 1997 D117 English Drama 1586-1642 The Age of Shakespeare HUNTER G.K. 1997 D154 The Making of a Popular Repertory : Hollywood and the Elizabethans

In Shakespearean Continuities

HUNTER George K. 1975 C413 The Malcontent

HUNTER, Jim 1965 B928 The Metaphysical Poets

HUNTER Mark 1969 A600 Brutus and the Political Context

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

HUNTER Robert G. 1978 C494 Shakespeare's comic sense as it strikes us today : Falstaff and the protestant ethic

In Shakespeare : pattern of excelling nature

HUNTER Robert Grams 1966 A538 Shakespeare and the Comedy of Forgiveness

HUNTLEY Franck L. 1968 B015 Before and After the Fall: Some Miltonic Patterns of Systasis

In Approaches to Paradise Lost

HUNTLEY, Frank L. 1964 P1/1964/IV Macbeth and the Background of Jesuitical Equivocation

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°79

HUON Antoinette 1956 A697 Le Thème du Prince dans les Entrées parisiennes au XVIè siècle

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance HURD Richard 1975 C379/3 On Shakespeare, 1751

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

HURD Richard 1975 C379/3 On Shakespeare and ordinary life, 1749

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

HURD Richard 1976 C379/4 On Shakespeare's language and learning, 1757

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

HURD Richard 1976 C379/4 Shakespeare and gothic romance, 1765

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

HURD Richard 1979 C537 Shakespeare's pastorals, 1766

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

HURSTFIELD Joel 1964 A977 The Elizabethan People in th e Age of Shakespeare

In Shakespeare's World

HURSTFIELD Joel 1975 C398 The politics of corruption in Shakespeare's England

In Shakespeare Survey 28

HURSTFIELD Joel 1978 C494 The search for the good society in Shakespeare's day and our own

In Shakespeare : pattern of excelling nature

HURSTFIELD Joel and SMITH Alan G.R. 1972 B884 Elizabethan People: State and Society HURWORTH, Angela 1996 D057 Twelfth Night , or Shakespeare's Anatomy of Melancholy ?

In Twelfth Night : Le Language en Fête

HURWORTH Angela 1999 D240 Gulls, Cony-Catchers and Cozeners: Twelfth Night and the Elizabethan Underworld

In Shakespeare Survey n°52

HUSE William 1967 A621 The Shipwreck

In The Parrot Presentation Volume

HUSSEY Maurice 1967 B480 Chaucer's World: a Pictoral Companion

HUSSEY Maurice 1971 B744 The World of Shakespeare and his Contemporaries: A Visual Approach

HUSSEY S.S. 1970 B323 The Minor Poems and the Prose

In The Middle Ages(Vol I)

HUSTON J. Dennis 1981 C570 Shakespeare's comedies of play

HUTCHINGS Geoffrey 1985 C640 Lavatch in All's Well That Ends Well

In Players of Shakespeare

HUTCHINGS William 1988 C879 Joe Orton’s Jacobean assimilations in What the Butler Saw

In Farce HUTCHINSON F.E. (editor) 1967 A543 The Works of George Herbert

HUTTON, James 1961 B764/4 Erasmus and France: the Propaganda for Peace

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VIII

HYLAND Peter 1996 D158 An Introduction to Shakespeare

HYMAN Lawrence W. 1958 P1/1958/V Politics and Poetry in Andrew Marvell

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°73

HYMAN, Stanley Edgar 1970 B684 Iago

HYMES Dell 1967 B371 Phonological Aspects of Style: Some English Sonnets (1960)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors)

I.G. 1962 A615 Faire Phillis and her Sheepheard

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

I. G. (GREEN John?) 1973 C147 A Refutation of the Apology for Actors

In An Apology for Actors and A Refutation of the Apology for Actors

Ian Donaldson 2000 D255 Jonson's poetry

In The Cambridge Companion to Ben Jonson IDE Richard S. 1980 C514 Possessed with greatness : the heroic tragedies of Chapman and Shakespeare

Ignoto 1962 A615 A Defiance to Disdainefull Love

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

Ignoto 1962 A615 A Nimphs Disdaine of Love

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

Ignoto 1962 A615 An Heroical Poeme

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

Ignoto 1962 A615 Dispraise of Love, and Lovers Follies

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

Ignoto 1962 A615 Love the Only Price of Love

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

Ignoto 1962 A615 Olde Melibeus Song, Courting his Nimph

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

Ignoto 1962 A615 Phillidaes Love-Call to her Coridon, and his Replying

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

Ignoto 1962 A615 The lovers Absence Kils Me, her Presence Kils Me

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614) Ignoto 1962 A615 The Nimphs Reply to the Shepheard

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

Ignoto 1962 A615 The Sheepheard to the Flowers

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

Ignoto 1962 A615 The Sheepheards Description of Love

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

Ignoto 1962 A615 The Sheepheards Slumber

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

Ignoto 1962 A615 The Sheepheards Sorrow for his Phaebes Disdaine

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

Ignoto 1962 A615 The Unknowne Sheepheards Complaint

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

Ignoto 1962 A615 Thirsis the Sheepheard, to his Pipe

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

ILARDI, Vincent 1959 B764/3 The Italian League, Francesco Sforza, and Charles VII(1454-1461)

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VI. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

ILARDI, Vincent 1963 B764/5 Fifteenth-Century Diplomatic Documents in Western European Archives and Libraries

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume IX. Shaaber, M.a. (editor) ILDER Rosamond (reviewed) 1966 A463/1 Shakespeare in New York: 1947-1948

In Shakespeare Survey, 2: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

ILIFFE Robert 1995 D042 "Is he like other men?" The Meaning of the Principia Mathematica, and the Author as Idol

In Culture and Society in the Stuart Restoration

IMBERT Anne-Marie 1987 C694 Les jeux de l'échange (attitudes "marchandes" dans la comédie de 1660 à 1730)

In Aspects du théâtre anglais

IMMOUNE, Olivier 1993 MD13 Le Rêve américain à travers All my Sons, Death of a Salesman, The Crucible, After the Fall, The Price, the American Clock, and the Last Yankee d'Arthur Miller

ING Catherine 1968 A755 Elizabethan Lyrics : A Study in the Development of English Metres and their Relation to Poetic Effect

INGLIS, Fred 1969 B929 The Elizabethan Poets

INGRAM 1893 A065 De Imitatione Christi

INGRAM R.W. 1968 A752 Patterns of Music and Action in Fletcherian Drama

In Music in English Renaissance Drama

INGRAM W.G. 1976 C480 The Shakespearean quality

In New essays on Shakepeare's Sonnets INGRAMS, Rosalind 1970 B190 Bachaumont: a Parisian Connoisseur of the Eighteen th Century

In La Gazette des Beaux Arts

Introduction to Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis 1997 D193 The Poems of Shakespeare

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

IRELAND, Samuel 1970 C024 An Investigation of Mr. Malone's Claim to the Character of Scholar, or Critic, Being an Examination of his Enqiry into the Authenticity of the Shakspeare Manuscripts

IRELAND, W.H. 1971 C021 An Authentic Account of the Shaksperian Manuscripts, & c.

In Vortigern, Henry the Second and An Authentic Account of the Shaksperian Manuscripts, & c.

Irena CHOLIJ 1998 D200 'A thousand Twangling Instruments': Music and The Tempest on the Eighteenth-Century London Stage In Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century, Shakespeare Survey n°51

IRONS Jeremy 1989 C787 Acting in the Swan

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan

IRVIN Eric C457 More drawing for Winston's Theatric Tourist

In Theatre notebook . Volume XIX 1964-1965

IRVIN Eric C455 Nineteenth century English dramatist in Australia

In Theatre notebook . Volume XXX . Number 1

IRVIN Eric 1969 A463/14 Shakespeare in the Early Sydney Theatre ISAACS J. 1966 A393 Shakespearian Scholarship

In A Companion to Shakespeare Studies, edited by Harley Granville-Barker and G.B. Harrison

ISAR Herbert E. 1964 A701 La question du prétendu "sénéquisme" espagnol

In Les tragédies de Sénèque et le théâtre de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

ISELIN Pierre 1986 C653 Virginité et ironie dans All's Well That Ends Well

In All's Well That Ends Well : nouvelles perspectives critiques

ISELIN, Pierre 1987 C173 Les musiques d'Othello

In Autour d' Othello

ISELIN Pierre 1990 C773 "Hark what discord follows" : Musique, médiatisation et disconvenance dans Troilus and Cressida

In Shakespeare : Troilus and Cressida

ISELIN Pierre 1991 C789 De l'analogie à l'anamorphose : visios du corps musical dans le drame Shakespearien

In Shakespeare et le corp à la Renaissance

ISELIN Pierre 1992 C919/2 Music and Difference: Elizabethean Stage Music and Its Reception

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

ISELIN Pierre 1992 C898 Thou hast damnable iteration! Anatomie de la citation dans Henry IV, part 1

In CERCLES : Le Grotesque au Théatre

ISELIN Pierre 1993 C897 “What shall I swear by?”Langue et idolâtrie

In Roméo et Juliette : Nouvelles perspectives critiques ISELIN Pierre 1994 C923 “My music for nothing”: La Tempête comme comédie de l’air

In Shakespeare - La Tempête : études critiques

ISELIN, Pierre 1995 D055 Music and Difference : Elizabethan Stage Music and Its Reception

In French Essays on Shakespeare and His Contemporaries

ISELIN, Pierre 1995 D094 'My music for nothing' : Musical Negotiations in The Tempest

In Shakespeare Survey 48

ISELIN, Pierre 1996 D057 Echo, ou la répétition dans Twelfth Night

In Twelfth Night : Le Language en Fête

ISELIN, Pierre 1996 D068 Rhetoric and Attitudes to Language in Romeo and Juliet

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture

ISELIN Pierre 1998 D168/6 "So quiet and so sweet a style"(2.1.20): le style de l'égloge et l'éloge du style"

In As You Like It Essais critiques

ISELIN Pierre et MOREAU Jean-Pierre 1989 C822 Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

ISELIN Pierre et MOREAU Jean-Pierre 1989 C718 Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

ISRAEL F. 1989 C741 De Ducis à Copeau : le rôle du lieu et du temps dans le malentendu Shakespearien en France

In Lieu et temps ISRAEL Fortunato 1990 C772 Richard III sur la scène française

In Le tyran : Shakespeare contre Richard III

ISSERT Patrick 1990 C772 Langage musical et langage verbal dans Richardus Tertius de Thomas Legge

In Le tyran : Shakespeare contre Richard III

ITRAT-HUSAIN, M.A., PH.D. 1966 A607 The Mystical Element in the Metaphysical Poets of the Seventeenth Century

IVERNEL Philippe 1967 A533 Friedrich Dürrenmatt ou les embarras de la comédie noire

In Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale JACQUOT Jean (editeur)

IVERNEL Philippe 1968 A692 Pédagogie et politique chez Berthold Brecht

In Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

IVERNEL Philippe 1971 C548 L'abstraction et l'inflation tragiques dans le théâtre expressionniste allemand

In L'expressionnisme dans le théâtre européen

IVERNEL Phillippe 1970 B512/2 Quatre mises en scène d'Arturo Ui

In Les Voies de la Création Théâtrale, volume II. Bablet Denis (editeur)

IVES, E.W. 1960 B555 Tom Skelton- A Seventeenth-Century Jester

In Shakespeare Survey N°13

IVES E.W. 1965 A463/10 The Law and the Lawyers

In Shakespeare Survey, 17 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production IVES E.W. 1985 C663 Shakespeare and History : divergencies and agreements

In Shakespeare survey 38

J.D. 1962 A615 Titurus to his Faire Phillis

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

J.F. 1977 P5/1 J. van Dorsten, ed., Ten Studies in Anglo-Dutch Relations

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 12

J.F. 1977 P5/1 M.T. Jones-Davies, Les Cités au temps de la Renaissance

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 12

J.F. 1977 P5/1 S. Schoenbaum, William Shakespeare: A Compact Documentary Life

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 12

J.F.C. 1977 P5/1 Elizabeth Bourcier, Les Journaux Privés en Angleterre de 1600 à 1660

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 12

J. Lawrence Guntner 2000 D250 Hamlet, Macbeth and King Lear on film

In Shakespeare on film

J.M. 1962 A615 Sheepheard

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

J.M.M. 1977 P5/1 Dale B.J., Jonson's Gypsies Unmasked: Background and Theme of "The Gypsies Metamorphos'd" In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 12 J.M.M. 1977 P5/1 P.J. Aldus, Mousetrap: Meaning and Structure in Hamlet

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 12

J.M.M. 1977 P5/1 R.L. Smallwood, ed., King John (New Penguin Shakespeare)

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 12

JACK Ian 1968 A644 Mock Heroic : MacFlecnoe

In Seventeenth -Century English Poetry : Modern Essays in Criticism

JACK Ian 1971 B762 Laurence Sterne

In History of Literature in the English Language, volume IV: Dryden to Jonson. Lonsdale Roger (editor)

JACKOBSON Roman & JONES Lawrence G. 1970 B485 Shakespeare's Verbal Art in Th' Experience of Spirit

JACKSON Allan S. C457 The frontispiece to Eccle's Theatre Musick 1699

In Theatre notebook . Volume XIX 1964-1965

JACKSON B.A.W. (editor) 1969 B471 Manner and Meaning in Shakespeare

JACKSON, B.A.W. (editor) 1972 B922 Shakespeare in the New World

JACKSON Barry 1953 A463/4 On Producing Henry VI

In Shakespeare Survey, 6 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production JACKSON Bernhard 1968 B424 Vision and Judgment in Ben Jonson's Drama

JACKSON Gabriel Bernhard 1968 A387 Vision and Judgement in Ben Jonson's Drama

JACKSON J.R. de J. 1969 A585 Method and Imagination in Coleridge' s Criticism

JACKSON MacD. P. 1986 C711 The transmission of Shakespeare's text

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare studies

JACKSON MacDonald P. A623 Shakespeare' s Life, Time, and Stage

In Shakespeare Survey No 39

JACKSON R. and SMALLWOOD R. 1993 C978 Players of Shakespeare 3 : further essays in Shakespearian performance / by players with the Royal Shakespeare Company

JACKSON Rusel 1998 D211 Shakespeare and the silver screen: Reinhardt's Dream, Branagh's Hamlet, and some persistent problems In Shakespeare et le Cinéma

JACKSON Russel 1982 C573 Before the Shakespeare revolution : developments in the study of nineteenth-century Shakespearian production In Shakespeare Survey 35

JACKSON Russel 1990 C742 Shakespeare production in the British theatre : too much of a good thing ?

In Shakespeare et la guerre JACKSON Russel 1992 C919/1 Two Films of “Henry V : Frames and Stories”

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

JACKSON Russel 1994 D003 Two Radio Shakespeares : Staging and Text

In Shakespeare : cosmopolitisme et insularité

JACKSON Russel and SMALLWOOD Robert 1988 C727 Players of Shakespeare 2 : further essays in Shakespearean performance by players with the Royal Shakespeare Company

JACKSON Russell 1979 C498 'Perfect Types of Womanhood' : Rosalind, Beatrice and Viola in Victorian Criticism and Performance

In Shakespeare Survey 32

JACKSON Russell 1985 C663 Shakespeare in the theatrical criticism of Henry Morley

In Shakespeare survey 38

JACKSON Russell 1986 C711 Shakespeare on the stage from 1660 to 1900

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare studies

JACKSON Russell 1994 C958 Shakespeare's comedies on film

In Shakespeare and the Moving Image

JACKSON William 1981 C512 Shakespeare and Jonson, 1783

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

JACKSON William A. 1957 A522 Records of the Court of the Stationers' Company(1602-1640) JACOB 1969 B720/1 The Poetical Register or the Lives and Characters of All the English Poets with an Account of their Writings. Volume I

JACOB 1969 B720/2 The Poetical Register or the Lives and Characters of All the English Poets with an Account of their Writings. Volume II

JACOBS Arthur 1986 C664 Sullivan and Shakespeare

In Shakespeare and the Victorian stage

JACOBS Henry E. & KAY Carol McGinnis 1978 C484 Shakespeare's romances reconsidered

JACOBSON Daniel Jonathan 1974 C342 The language of The Revenger's Tragedy

JACOBUS Lee A. 1971 B806 Self-Knowledge in Paradise Lost : Conscience and Contemplation

In Milton Studies III. Simmonds James D. (editor)

JACQUOT 1956 A629 L'esthétique de Joyce

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

JACQUOT J. 1982 C596 Marlowe, de quelques problèmes d'interprétation

In Théâtre et idéologies : Marlowe, Shakespeare

JACQUOT Jean 1954 A700 Musique et sentiment tragique dans les madrigaux d'Orlondo Gibbons

In Musique et Poésie au XVIè siècle. Jacquot Jean (editeur) JACQUOT Jean 1956 A630 Joyce ou l'exil de l'artiste

In Visages et perspectives de l'art moderne: peinture, poésie, musique. Etudes du C.N.R.S. réunies par JACQUOT Jean

JACQUOT Jean 1956 A697 Joyeuse et Triomphante Entrée

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

JACQUOT Jean 1956 A697 Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

JACQUOT Jean 1957 A696 Les études Shakespeariennes. Problèmes et méthodes : l' exemple de "Macbeth"

In La Mise en Scène des Oeuvres du Passé

JACQUOT Jean 1960 A698 La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance

JACQUOT Jean 1960 A697/2 Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint

JACQUOT Jean 1960 A697/2 Panorama des fêtes et cérémonies du règne

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint

JACQUOT Jean 1960 A698 Sur quelques formes de la musique de clavier élizabéthaine (d'après des oeuvres inédites de John Bull) In La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean

JACQUOT Jean 1961 A699 Les lettres françaises en Angleterre à la fin du XVè siècle. Le rôle de Caxton et l' influence de la Cour de Bourgogne In La Renaissance dans les Provinces du Nord JACQUOT Jean 1964 A701 Sénèque, la Renaissance et nous

In Les tragédies de Sénèque et le théâtre de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

JACQUOT Jean 1965 A693 Histoire et Tragédie dans "Henri VI"

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

JACQUOT Jean 1965 B104 La Fête princière

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

JACQUOT Jean 1965 A693 La Tragédie et l'espoir

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

JACQUOT Jean 1965 A693 Théâtre médiéval et tragédie élizabéthaine: Des "Corpus Christi Plays" au "Faust" de Marlowe

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

JACQUOT Jean 1967 A533 La médiation la plus efficace

In Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale JACQUOT Jean (editeur)

JACQUOT Jean 1967 A533 Présentation de John Arden

In Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale JACQUOT Jean (editeur)

JACQUOT Jean 1967 A694 Réalisme et Poesie au Théâtre

JACQUOT Jean 1967 A694 Réflexions sur un débat qui reste ouvert

In Réalisme et Poesie au Théâtre JACQUOT Jean 1968 A515/2 Le répertoire des compagnies d' enfants à Londres(1600-1610) : Essai d' interprétation socio-dramatique In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

JACQUOT Jean 1968 A692 Les tragiques grecs au goût du jour: I.-L'Orestie

In Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

JACQUOT Jean 1969 A528 Le Lieu Théâtral et la Culture

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs)

JACQUOT Jean 1970 B512/1 Etude sur The Living Theatre

In Les Voies De La Création Théâtrale, Volume I. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

JACQUOT Jean 1970 B512/1 Etude sur The Serpent, création par l'Open Theatre Ensemble en collaboration avec Jean-Claude van Itallie, sous la direction de Joseph Chaikin In Les Voies De La Création Théâtrale, Volume I. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

JACQUOT Jean 1971 C548 Les musiciens et l'expressionnisme. 1. Schoenberg et le "Blaue Reiter". 2."Lulu" : de Wedekind et Kraus à Alban Berg In L'expressionnisme dans le théâtre européen

JACQUOT Jean 1972 B512/3 Le Crime de Galilée

In Les Voies de la Création Théâtrale, volume III. Bablet Denis & Jacquot Jean (editeurs)

JACQUOT Jean 1977 C436 Deux pièces de John Arden : Le Dernier Adieu d' Armstrong, mise en scène de Jacques Rosner; Vous Vivrez Comme des Porcs, mise en scène de Guy Rétoré In Les voies de la création théâtrale V

JACQUOT Jean 1978 C549 La genèse du texte et la représentation de 1918

In Les voies de la création théâtrale VI JACQUOT Jean 1978 C549 Le Roi Lear . Lecture d'une mise en scène et relecture de l'oeuvre

In Les voies de la création théâtrale VI

JACQUOT Jean 1978 C549 Les voies de la création théâtrale VI : Théâtre et musique . Mises en scène d'oeuvres anciennes

JACQUOT Jean (editeur) 1954 A700 Musique et Poésie au XVIè siècle

JACQUOT Jean (editeur) 1964 A701 Les tragédies de Sénèque et le théâtre de la Renaissance

JACQUOT Jean (editeur) 1965 A693 Le Théâtre Tragique

JACQUOT Jean (editeur) 1967 A533 Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale

JACQUOT Jean (editeur) 1968 A692 Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances

JACQUOT Jean (editeur) 1970 B512/1 Les Voies de la Création Théâtrale, volume I

JACQUOT Jean et KONIGSON Elie 1975 C415 Les fêtes de la Renaissance III JACQUOT Jean et MOUNIER Catherine 1975 C416 Mort d'un Commis Voyageur, d'Arthur Miller, et ses réalisations à Broadway et au Théâtre de la Commune d'Aubervilliers In Les voies de la création théâtrale IV

JACQUOT Jean et SCHONE Günter 1975 C415 Notes sur quelques dessins du Louvre et un tournoi de Münich (1658)

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

JACQUOT Jean et VIGOUROUX Nicole 1978 C549 Le Juif de Malte de Marlowe et la mise en scène de Bernard Sobel, Ensemble Théâtral de Genneviliers In Les voies de la création théâtrale VI

JACQUOT Jean, KONIGSON Elie et ODDON 1968 A515/1 Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

JACQUOT Jean, KONIGSON Elie et ODDON 1968 A515/2 Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

JACQUOT Jean, KONIGSON Elie et ODDON 1968 A524 Le Lieu Théâtral à la Renaissance

JACQUOT Jean & VEINSTEIN André 1957 A696 La Mise en Scène des Oeuvres du Passé

JAHN Janheinz 1968 A786 A History of Neo-African Literature

JAKOBSON R. 1965 A702 Du réalisme artistique

In Théorie de la littérature (textes des formalistes russes réunis et traduits par Todorov Tzvetan ) JAKOBSON R. 1965 B086 Du réalisme artitique

In Théorie de la Littérature

JAKOBSON R. & TYNIANOV J. 1965 B086 Les problèmes des études littéraires et linguistiques

In Théorie de la Littérature

JAKOBSON Roman 1967 B371 Linguistics and Poetics

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors)

JAKOBSON Roman 1973 B988 Questions de Poétiques

James A. Riddell 2000 D255 Ben Jonson's Folio of 1616

In The Cambridge Companion to Ben Jonson

JAMES, D.G. 1960 B555 Keats and King Lear

In Shakespeare Survey N°13

JAMES D.G. 1965 B286 The Dream of Learning: an Essay on The Advancement of Learning Hamlet and King Lear

JAMES, D.G. 1965 B789 The New Doubt (1951)

In Shakespeare : The Tragedies

JAMES D.G. 1968 A789 Moral and Metaphysical Uncertainty in Hamlet

In Shakespeare Hamlet: A Casebook.Jump John (editor) JAMES Henry 1968 A599 Introduction toThe Tempest

Shakespeare : The Tempest

JAMIESON Michael 1968 B046 Shakespeare's Celibate Stage (1964)

In The Seventeenth-Century Stage: A Collection of Critical Essays. Bentley Gerald Eades (editor)

JAMIESON Michael 1972 B886 The Problem Plays, 1920-1970: A Retrospect

In Shakespeare Survey n°25: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study and Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

JAMIESON, Michael 1973 C203 Shakespeare in the Theatre

In Shakespeare : Select Bibliographical Guides

JAMIESON Michael 1982 C581 The problem plays, 1920-1970 : a retrospect

In Aspects of Shakespeare's 'problem plays'

JANDO Dominique 1978 C813 Les music-halls

In Monuments Historiques : Architecture du Spectacle

JANMOHAMMED Abdul R. 1986 C946 The economy of Manichean Allegory: The Function of Racial Difference in Colonialist Literature

In Race, Writing, and Difference

JANSOHN, Christa 1995 P5/37 Ludwig Tieck as the Champion of Shakespeare's Apocrypha in Germany

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°48

JANTON Pierre 1967 B010 John knox(ca.1513-1572): L'Homme et l'Oeuvre JANTON Pierre 1989 P5/24 Sonship and Fatherhood in Macbeth

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°35

JARCHO, Saul 1972 C184/1 Roderigo de Fonseca and his Consultation on Dropsy of the Lung

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol I)

JARDINE Lisa 1983 C778 Still Harping on Daughters : Women and Drama in the Age of Shakespeare

JARDINE Lisa 1992 D039 Twins and Travesties : Gender, Dependency and Sexual Availability in Twelfth Night

In Erotic Politics : Desire on the Renaissance Stage

JAYNE Sears 1959 P1/1959/V The Subjcet of Milton's Ludlow Mask

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°74

Jean I. MARSDEN 1998 D200 Daddy's Girls: Shakespearian Daughters and Eighteenth-Century Ideology

In Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century, Shakespeare Survey n°51

Jean-Marie Winckler 2000 D248 Le bourgeois misanthrope et son âne. L'âne de Timon par Carl Meisl (1820)

In Colloques : Réécritures.

Jean-Pierre MAQUERLOT 2000 D 248 REECRITURES / Colloques du 15 mai 1997 et 6-7 novembre 1998

Jean-Pierre Maquerlot et al. 2000 D248 Réécritures

In Colloques du 15 mai 1997 et 6-7 novembre 1998 JEFFARES A. Norman 1969 A581 In One Person Many People : King Richard the Second

In The Morality of Art

JEFFARES, A. Norman (Ed.) 1974 C211/1 Restoration Comedy (vol.I)

JEFFARES, A. Norman (Ed.) 1974 C211/2 Restoration Comedy (vol. II)

JEFFARES, A. Norman (Ed.) 1974 C211/3 Restoration Comedy (vol.III)

JEFFARES, A. Norman (Ed.) 1974 C211/4 Restoration Comedy (vol. IV)

JEFFERSON D.W. 1966 A340 The Significance of Dryden's Heroic Plays

In Restoration Drama (Modern Essays in Criticism)

JEFFERSON D.W. 1969 A581 Milton' s Austerity and Moral Disdain

In The Morality of Art

JEFFERY Brian 1969 A911 French Renaissance Comedy(1552-1630)

JEFFESON D.W. 1969 A581 The Morality of Art JEKELS, Ludwig 1965 C266 On the Psychology of Comedy

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

JENKINS Anthony 1989 C861 The Theatre of Tom Stoppard

JENKINS Harold 1965 A775 Peele's "Old Wive's Tale"

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

JENKINS Harold 1966 A463/7 The Tragedy of Revenge in Shakespeare and Webster

In Shakespeare Survey, 14 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

JENKINS Harold 1968 B049 As You Like It

In Shakespeare Survey 8. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

JENKINS Harold 1968 B048 Shakespeare's Life, Times and Stage reviewed

In Shakespeare Survey 7. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

JENKINS Harold 1970 B885 As You Like It

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F.

JENKINS Harold 1970 B057 The Structural poem in Shakespeare's Henry IV

In Shakespeare: Henry IV (parts I & II)

JENKINS Harold 1982 C530 Hamlet JENKINS Harold 1985 C625 Hamlet and Ophelia

In Interpretation of Shakespeare

JENKINS Raymond 1966 P1/1932/I Spenser and the Clerkship in Munster

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°47

JENKINS, Raymond 1967 P1/1938/I Spenser, The Uncertain Years1584-1589

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°53

JENNENS Charles 1979 C537 On editing King Lear, 1770

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

JENSEN Kristian 1997 D201 The humanist reform of Latin and Latin teaching

In The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism

JEPSEN, Laura 1971 C298 Ethical Aspects of Tragedy : a Comparison of Certain Tragedies by Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Seneca and Shakespeare

JESPERSEN Otto 1967 B371 Notes on Meter (1900)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors)

Jill L. Levenson 2000 D256 Echoes inhabit a garden : the narratives of Romeo and Juliet

In Shakespeare Survey 53

JIN KO Yu 1999 D240 A Little Touch of Harry in the Light: Henry V at the New Globe

In Shakespeare Survey n°52 JODOGNE Omer 1961 A699 Le caractère de Jean Molinet

In La Renaissance dans les Provinces du Nord

John A. Wagner 2000 D252 Historical Dictionary of the Elizabethan World

.John Fletcher & William Shakespeare 1970 B203 TheTwo Noble Kinsmen

John H. Astington 2001 D259 PLayhouses, players, and playgoers in Shakespeare 's time

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare

John Kerrigan 2001 D259 Shakespeare's poems

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare

JOHN, Lisle C. 1961 B764/4 Rowland Whyte, Elizabethan Letter-writer

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VIII

John Lyon 2000 D256 Shakespearian margins in George Eliot's "working-day world"

In Shakespeare survey 53

John Mulryan 2000 D255 Jonson's classicism

In The Cambridge Companion to Ben Jonson

John Russel BROWN 1998 D200 Shakespeare's Intertional Currency

In Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century, Shakespeare Survey n°51 JOHNSON Barbara 1986 C946 Thresholds of Difference: Structures of Adress in Zora Neale Hurston

In Race, Writing, and Difference

JOHNSON C. 1969 A867 Love in a Forest(1723)

JOHNSON Charles 1969 A874 The Cobler of Preston(1716)

JOHNSON, David. 1998 D285 From the Colonial to thePost-Colonial: Shakespeare and Education in Africa

In Post-Colonial Shakespeares

JOHNSON, David. 2000 D281 Violence and Philosophy: Nathaniel Merriman, A.W. Schlegel and Jack Cade

In Philosophical Shakespeares

JOHNSON Douglas (editor) 1971 B507 The Making of the Modern World: volume I, Europe Discovers the World.

JOHNSON Douglas (editor) 1973 B507 The Making of the Modern World: volume II

JOHNSON Francis R. 1959 B375 The Complaint of Thomas Digges

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies, presented to Frank Percy Wilson

JOHNSON Francis R. 1969 A915 The complaint of Thomas Digges

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies JOHNSON, James William 1972 C276 The Classics and John Bull, 1660-1714

In England in the Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century

JOHNSON Marilyn L. 1974 C344 Images of women in the works of Thomas Heywood

JOHNSON S.F. 1962 B450 The Spanish Tragedy, or Babylon revisited

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

JOHNSON Samuel 1951 B558 Milton

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

JOHNSON Samuel 1961 B568 From The Life of Milton

In Milton's Lycidas, The Tradition and the Poem. Patrides, C.A.

JOHNSON Samuel 1964 A264 Prologue

In Eighteenth Century Plays, selected with an introduction by John Hampden

JOHNSON Samuel 1965 A280 Irene

In Eighteenth Century Tragedy, ed. with an intro by Michael R. BOOTH

JOHNSON Samuel 1968 A599 Caliban' s Language

Shakespeare : The Tempest

JOHNSON Samuel 1968 A790 Comments on Macbeth

In Shakespeare Macbeth: A Casebook.Wain John (editor) JOHNSON Samuel 1970 B057 A Note on Henry IV

In Shakespeare: Henry IV (parts I & II)

JOHNSON Samuel 1975 C379/3 On Macbeth, 1745

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

JOHNSON Samuel 1975 C379/3 On Shakespeare, november 1750; september, october 1751

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

JOHNSON Samuel 1976 C379/4 Proposals for an edition of Shakespeare, 1756

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

JOHNSON Samuel 1979 C537 Edition of Shakespeare, 1765

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

JOHNSON Samuel 1981 C512 On Shakespeare and his critics, 1781

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

JOHNSTON Arthur 1971 B762 Poetry and Criticism after 1740

In History of Literature in the English Language, volume IV: Dryden to Jonson. Lonsdale Roger (editor)

JOHNSTON Arthur 1981 C551 Harold F. Brooks

In Poetry and drama 1570-1700

JOLY Jacques 1980 C550 La Turandot de Carlo Gozzi. Récit, fantasmes, allégorie

In Les voies de la création théâtrale VIII JOLY Jacques 1984 C583 Théâtre et sentiments dans "Les amants timides" de Goldoni

In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées

JONDORF Gillian 1969 A473 Robert Garnier and the Themes of Political Tragedy in the Sixteenth Century

JONES A.R. 1968 A973 George Bernard Shaw

In Contemporary Theatre

JONES Edward 1991 P5/28 The Confined World of The Changeling

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°39

JONES, Eldred 1965 B862 Othello's Countrymen

JONES Emrys 1968 A463/13 'Othello', 'Lepanto' and the Cyprus Wars

In Shakespeare Survey, 21 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

JONES, Emrys 1971 B819 Scenic Form in Shakespeare

JONES Emrys 1977 C535 The origins of Shakespeare

JONES Emrys 1980 C533 Dryden's Sigismonda

In English Renaissance studies presented to Dame Helen Gardner in honour of her seventieth birthday JONES Emrys 1993 C960 The First West End Comedy

In British Academy Shakespeare Lectures

JONES Emrys 1999 D260 Richard III and Queen Elizabeth

In Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Richard III

JONES Ernest 1968 A789 Hamlet and Oedipus

In Shakespeare Hamlet: A Casebook.Jump John (editor)

JONES Ernest 1968 A929 Hamlet Psychoanalysed

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

JONES Fred L. 1966 P1/1930/II Echoes of Shakespeare in Later Elizabeth Drama

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°45

JONES Frederick L. 1966 P1/1932/II An Experiment with Massingre's Verse

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°47

JONES G.P. 1978 C472 Henry V : the chorus and the audience

In Shakespeare Survey 31

JONES, G.P. 1981 P5/8 You, Thou, He or She? The Master-Mistress in Shakespearian and Elizabethan and ElizabethanSonnet Sequences In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 19

JONES Gemma 1985 C640 Hermione in The Winter's Tale

In Players of Shakespeare JONES Gordon P. 1988 C716 Nahum Tate is alive and well : Elijah Moshinsky's BBC Shakespeare productions

In Shakespeare on television

JONES H.A. 1979 C779 From the 'Nineteenth Century', 1885

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

JONES H.W. 1984 C583 Thomas Hobbes and the Bible : A preliminary enquiry

In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées

JONES Inigo and DAVENANT William 1967 A173 Salmacida Spolia (1640)

In A Book of Masques

JONES John 1969 A581 Keats and 'The Feel of not to Fel it'

In The Morality of Art

JONES Marion 1986 C664 Stage costume : historical verisimilitude and stage convention

In Shakespeare and the Victorian stage

JONES Peter 1977 C430 Shakespeare : The Sonnets

JONES Putnam Fennell 1966 P1/1927/II Milton and the Epic Subject from British History

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°42

JONES R.O. 1971 B736 A Literary History of Spain: the Golden Age, Prose and Poetry. The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries JONES Richard Foster 1969 A591 The Seventeenth Century : Studies in the History of English Thought and Literature from Bacon to Pope

JONES Robert C. 1973 C453 Dangerous sport : the audience's engagement with vice in moral interludes

In Renaissance drama . New series VI

JONES Thora Burnley and NICOL Bernard de Bear 1976 C405 Neo-classical dramatic criticism 1560-1770

JONES Whitney R.D. 1970 B461 The Tudor Commonwealth 1529-1559

JONES-DAVIES M.T. 1958 A432/1 Un Peintre de la Vie Londonienne: Thomas DEKKER(Vol. I)

JONES-DAVIES M.T. 1958 A432/2 Un Peintre de la Vie Londonienne: Thomas DEKKEr(Vol.II)

JONES-DAVIES M.T. 1967 A694 Thomas Decker, dramaturge populaire et peintre réaliste de Londres

In Réalisme et Poesie au Théâtre

JONES-DAVIES M.T. 1976 C389 L'écrivain élizabethain, juge ou porte parole des gueux ?

In Misère et gueuserie au temps de la Renaissance

JONES-DAVIES M.T. 1977 C411 La glorification de Londres, ou les triomphes de Troia-Nova

In Les cités au temps de la Renaissance 2 JONES-DAVIES M.T. 1977 C411 Les cités au temps de la renaissance 2

JONES-DAVIES M.T. 1981 C595 Justice, juges, prisons dans le théâtre de Shakespeare et de ses contemporains

JONES-DAVIES M.T. 1981 C595 Thomas Dekker et la prison pour dettes

In Justice, juges, prisons dans le théâtre de Shakespeare et dans les oeuvres de ses contemporains

JONES-DAVIES M.T. 1982 C596 Le monde du "si" : idéologies incertaines dans Comme Il Vous Plaira

In Théâtre et idéologies : Marlowe, Shakespeare

JONES-DAVIES M.T. 1982 C596 Théâtre et idéologies : Marlowe, Shakespeare

JONES-DAVIES M.T. 1983 C597 Du texte à la scène : langages du théâtre

JONES-DAVIES M.T. 1991 C789 Shakespeare et le corps à la Renaissance

JONES-DAVIES M.T. 1992 C823 Shakespeare : Rhétoriques du texte et du spectacle

JONES-DAVIES M.T. 1993 C918 Shakespeare et l’Argent JONES-DAVIES M.T. 1994 C974 Shakespeare in the Humanist Tradition: Skeptical Doubts and Their Expression in Paradoxes

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

JONES-DAVIES, M.T. 1995 D083 L'Histoire au temps de la Renaissance

JONES-DAVIES, M.T. 1995 D055 Monsters in the Literature and the Spectacles of the English Renaissance : An Expression of Insecurity In French Essays on Shakespeare and His ContemporariesFrench Essays on Shakespeare and His Contemporaries

JONES-DAVIES M.T. 1995 C999 Shakespeare . Le monde vert : rites et renouveau

JONES-DAVIES Margaret 1986 C653 Paroles intertextuelles : lecture intertextuelle de Parolles

In All's Well That Ends Well : nouvelles perspectives critiques

JONES-DAVIES Margaret 1990 C742 "The word of war" : vers une rhétorique de la guerre

In Shakespeare et la guerre

JONES-DAVIES Margaret 1993 C897 The End of Motion - The Ethics of Romeo and Juliet : An intertextual Reading

In Roméo et Juliette : Nouvelles perspectives critiques

JONES-DAVIES Marie-Thérèse 1990 C742 Shakespeare et la guerre

JONES-DAVIES Marie-Thérèse 1992 C898 L’Antimasque et le grotesque

In CERCLES : Le Grotesque au Théatre JONES-DAVIES Marie-Thérèse 1994 D003 Shakespeare : cosmopolitisme et insularité

JONSON Ben 1925 A202/3 A tale of a Tub

In Volume III

JONSON Ben 1925 A202/3 Every Man in His Humour

In Volume III

JONSON Ben 1925 A202/3 Every Man out of His Humour

In volume III

JONSON Ben 1925 A202/3 The Case is Altered

In Volume III

JONSON Ben 1925 A202/1 The Man and his Work

JONSON Ben 1925 A202/2 The Man and his Work

JONSON Ben 1927 A202/3 Volume lll

JONSON Ben 1932 A202/4 Volume IV JONSON Ben 1933 A174 Epicoene, or The Silent Woman

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

JONSON Ben 1933 A174 Every Man in his Humour

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

JONSON Ben 1933 A174 The Alchemist

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

JONSON Ben 1933 A174 The Gipsies Metamorphosed

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

JONSON Ben 1933 A174 Volpone, or The Fox

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

JONSON Ben 1938 A202/6 Bartholmew Fayre

In Volume VI

JONSON Ben 1938 A202/6 The Devil is an Ass

In Volume VI

JONSON Ben 1938 A202/6 The Magnetic Lady

In Volume VI

JONSON Ben 1938 A202/6 The New Inn

In Volume VI JONSON Ben 1938 A202/6 The Staple of News

In Volume VI

JONSON Ben 1938 A202/6 Volume VI

JONSON Ben 1939 A639 Every Man in his Humour

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

JONSON Ben 1939 A639 Sejanus, His Fall

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

JONSON Ben 1939 A639 The Alchemist

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

JONSON Ben 1939 A639 Volpone; or, The Fox

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

JONSON Ben 1941 A202/7 Masques and Entertainements

In Volume VII

JONSON Ben 1941 A202/7 The Fall of Mortimer

In Volume VII

JONSON Ben 1941 A202/7 The sad Shepherd

In Volume VII JONSON Ben 1941 A202/7 Volume VII

JONSON, Ben 1946 D085 The Best Plays of the Old Dramatists - Vol. 1

JONSON, Ben 1946 D086 The Best Plays of the Old Dramatists - Vol.2

JONSON, Ben 1946 D087 The Best Plays of the Old Dramatists - Vol.3

JONSON Ben 1947 A202/8 The Poems

In Volume VIII

JONSON Ben 1947 A202/8 The Prose Works

In Volume VIII

JONSON Ben 1947 A202/8 Volume VIII

JONSON Ben 1950 A202/9 Volume IX

JONSON Ben 1952 A202/11 Volume XI JONSON, Ben 1962 C097 Volpone

JONSON, Ben 1963 B983 Volpone, or the Fox

JONSON Ben 1964 A464 Bartholomew Fair

JONSON Ben 1965 A237 Bartholomew Fair

JONSON Ben 1965 A202/5 Catiline

In Volume V

JONSON Ben 1965 A202/5 Epicoene or the Silent Woman

In Volume V

JONSON Ben 1965 A202/5 The Alchemist

In Volume V

JONSON Ben 1965 A202/5 Volpone or the Fox

In Volume V

JONSON Ben 1965 A202/5 Volume V JONSON Ben 1967 A917 An Elizabethan View of Comedy

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

JONSON Ben 1967 B445 Epicoene or the Silent Woman

JONSON Ben 1967 A173 Love Freed from Ignorance and Folly (1613)

In A Book of Masques

JONSON Ben 1967 A173 Lovers Made Men (1617)

In A Book of Masques

JONSON Ben 1967 A173 Oberon, the Fairy Prince (1611)

In A Book of Masques

JONSON Ben 1967 A173 Pleasure Reconciled to Virtue (1618)

In A Book of Masques

JONSON Ben 1967 A238 The Alchemist

JONSON Ben 1967 A202/10 Volume X

JONSON Ben 1968 B046 Induction to Bartholomew Fair (1614)

In The Seventeenth-Century Stage: A Collection of Critical Essays. Bentley Gerald Eades (editor) JONSON Ben 1974 C379/1 On Shakespeare, 1623

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

JONSON Ben 1979 C779 From 'Timber', 1640

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

JONSON, Ben 1985 D143 A Critical Edition of the Major Works

JONSON, Ben 1985 D143 Conversations with William Drummond of Hawthornden


JONSON, Ben 1985 D143 Poems

In Ben Jonson

JONSON, Ben 1985 D143 The Alchemist


JONSON, Ben 1985 D143 Timber , or , Discoveries


JONSON, Ben 1985 D143 Volpone


JONSTON Arthur 1965 B014 Francis Bacon JORDAN John 1968 A973 The Irish Theater-Retrospect and Premonition

In Contemporary Theatre

JORDAN, John E. 1970 P1/1949/II The Reporter of Henry VI part II

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°64

JORDAN Robert 1970 B808 Myth and Psychology in The Changeling

In Renaissance Drama III: Essays principally on Drama in Its Intellectual Context. Schoenbaum S. (editor)

JORDAN, Robert 1972 B852 The Extravagant Rake in Restoration Comedy

In Restoration Literature

JORDAN W.K. 1965 B079/4 The Development of Religious Toleration in England(Attainment of the Theory and Accomodations in Thought and Institutions(1640-1660)

JORDAN W.K. 1965 B079/1 The Development of Religious Toleration in England(from the Beginning of the English Reformation to the Death of Queen Elizabeth)

JORDAN W.K. 1965 B079/2 The Development of Religious Toleration in England(from the Accession of James I to the Convention of the Long Parliament(1603-1640)

JORDAN W.K. 1965 B079/3 The Development of Religious Toleration in England(from the Convention of the Long Parliament to the Restoration,1640-1660)

JORDEN Edward 1999 D235 From A Brief Discourse of a Disease Called the Suffocation of the Mother

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William JORGENS Jack 1979 C599b TV and film : The BBC-TV Shakespeare series

In Shakespeare Quaterly . Volume 30 . N°3 . Summer 1979

JORGENS Jack J. 1977 C421 Shakespeare on film

JORGENSEN, Paul A. 1955 P1/1955/IV Divided Command in Shakespeare

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°70

JORGENSEN Paul A. 1967 B740 Lear's Self-Discovery

JORGENSEN Paul A. 1970 B816 Foreign Sources for the Elizabethan Notion of the Spaniard

In Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, volume I. White Lynn (editor)

JORGENSEN Paul A. 1970 B057 'Redeeming Time' in Shakespeare's Henry IV

In Shakespeare: Henry IV (parts I & II)

JORGENSEN Paul A. 1970 B582 Shakespeare's Coriolanus: Elizabethan Soldier

In Twentieth Century Interpretations of Coriolanus. Phillips James E. (editor)

JORGENSEN, Paul A. 1970 P1/1949/I Shakespeare's Coriolanus: Elizabethan Soldier

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°64

JORGENSEN Paul A. 1971 B743 Our Naked Frailties: Sensational Art and Meaning in Macbeth JOSEPH B. L. 1964 A259 Elizabethan Acting

JOSEPH B.L. 1967 B124 Elizabeth Acting

JOSEPH B.L. 1971 B735 Shakespeare's Eden: the Commonwealth of England 1558-1629

JOSEPH, Bertram 1959 B547 The Tragic Actor

JOSEPH Bertram 1969 B328 Acting Shakespeare

JOST François 1980 C605 Discours cinématographique, narration : deux façons d'envisager le problème de l'énonciation

In La théorie du film

JOTTERAND Franck 1965 B104 Suisse

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

JOUGHIN, John.J. 2000 D281 Philosophical Shakespeares: an Introduction

In Philosophical Shakespeares

JOUGHIN, John.J. 2001 D279 Shakespeare, Modernity ant the Aesthetics: Art, Truth and judgement in The Winter's Tale

In Shakespeare and Modernity JOUGHIN, John.J. (editor) 2000 D281 Philosophical Shakespeares

JOWETT Jill 1989 C787 Designing for the Swan

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan

JOWETT John 1983 C584 New created creatures : Ralph Crane and the stage directions in The Tempest

In Shakespeare Survey 36

JOWETT, John 1996 D135 Editions and Textual studies

In Shakespeare Survey 49

JOWETT John 1997 D154 Credulous to False Prints : Shakespeare , Chettle , Harvey , Wolfe

In Shakespearean Continuities

JUDGES, A. V. 1965 B532 The Elizabethan Underworld

JUDSON Alexander Corbin 1966 P1/1932/I Spenser 's Theory of Courtesy

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°47

JUILLAND A.G. 1967 B371 From Review of Bruneau's L'époque réaliste (1954)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors)

Julia Griffin 2000 D256 The magician in love

In Shakespeare survey 53 JULIARD Pierre 1970 B520 Philosophies of Language in Eighteenth-Century France

JULIEN A.M. 1967 A694 La mise en scène de "La Vie est un songe"

In Réalisme et Poesie au Théâtre

JUMP, John 1973 C203 Hamlet

In Shakespeare : Select Bibliographical Guides

JUMP, John D. 1972 B773 The Critical Idiom, vol 22: Burlesque

JUMP John (editor) 1968 A789 Shakespeare Hamlet: A Casebook.

JUMP John (editor) 1969 A603 Marlowe, Doctor Faustus

JUSSERAND J.J. 1899 B357 Shakespeare in France under the Ancien Régime

K.L. 1976 C379/4 Shakespeare and Milton compared, july 1763

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

KADIC, Ante 1959 B764/3 Croatian Renaissance

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VI. Shaaber, M.a. (editor) KAHAN Jeffrey 1994 C923 Silence and Sleep in The Tempest

In Shakespeare - La Tempête : études critiques

KAHANE Éric 1987 C854/2 Le point de vue d'un traducteur: réponses à des questions sur la traduction des textes dramatiques

In Palimpsestes N° 1 : Traduire le Dialogue Traduire les Textes de Théatre

KAHN Coppélia 1980 C575 Coming of age in Verona

In The woman's part

KAHN Coppélia 1992 D009 The Shadow of the Male

In Shakespeare's History Plays : Richard II to Henry V

KAHN Coppélia 1993 D010 The Absent Mother in King Lear

In King Lear

KAHN, Coppélia 1997 D119 Antony 's Wound

In Roman Shakespeare

KAHN, Coppélia 1997 D119 Cymbeline : Paying Tribute To Rome

In Roman Shakespeare

KAHN, Coppélia 1997 D119 Mettle and Melting Spirits in Julius Caesar

In Roman Shakespeare

KAHN, Coppélia 1997 D119 Mother of Battles : Volumnia and her Son in Coriolanus

In Roman Shakespeare KAHN, Coppélia 1997 D119 Roman Shakespeare

KAHN, Coppélia 1997 D119 The Daughter's Seduction in Titus Andronicus , or, Writing is the Best Revenge In Roman Shakespeare

KAHN, Coppélia 1997 D119 The Sexual Politics of Subjectivity in Lucrece

In Roman Shakespeare

KAHN Victoria 1991 D030 MLA Response to Levin, Greene, and Bristol

In Shakespeare Left and Right

KAHRL Stanley J. 1966 C354 The medieval origins of the sixteenth-century English Jest-books

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XIII

KAHRL Stanley J. 1973 C453 The civic religious drama of medieval England : a review of recent scholarship

In Renaissance drama . New series VI

KAIL J. 1904 A059 Twenty-Six Political and Other Poems

KAISER Walter 1964 A331 Praisers of Folly: Erasmus, Rabelais, Shakespeare

KALSON Albert E. 1988 C879 On stage, off stage, and backstage with Alan Ayckbourn

In Farce KALSTON David 1965 B156 Sidney's Poetry: Contexts and Interpretations

KALSTONE David 1970 B260 Sir Philip Sidney

In English Poetry and Prose(1540-1674)

KAMERBEEK J.C. 1965 A693 Individu et norme dans Sophocle

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

KAMES 1967 B753/1 Elements of Criticism, volume I

KAMES 1967 B753/2 Elements of Criticism, volume II

KAMES 1967 B753/3 Elements of Criticism, volume III

KAMES Lord 1976 C379/4 Shakespeare's beauties and faults, 1762

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

KAMPF, Louis 1971 B788 Gibbon and Hume (1967)

In English Literature and British Philosophy

KAMPS Ivo 1991 D030 Introduction : Ideology and its Discontents

In Shakespeare Left and Right KAMPS, Ivo. 1999 D282 Alas, Poor Shakespeare! I Knew Him Well

In Shakespeare and Appropriation

KAMPS Ivo (ed) 1991 D030 Shakespeare Left and Right

KANTAK V.Y. 1966 A463/9 An Approach to Shakespearian Tragedy : The 'Actor' Image in Macbeth

In Shakespeare Survey, 16 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

KANTAK V.Y. 1969 A463/14 An Approach to Shakespearian Comedy

KANTOR Tadeusz 1977 C829 Le Théâtre de la Mort

KANTOROWICZ E. 1969 B818 An 'Autobiography' of Guido Faba

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond

KANTOROWICZ, E.H. 1973 B980 Fom The King's Two Bodies

In Shakespeare, Richard II, a Casebook

KANTOROWICZ E.H. 1973 B991 From The King's Two Bodies

In Shakespeare: Richard II, A Casebook. Brooke Nicholas (editor)

KANTOROWICZ H. et SMALLEY B. 1969 B818 An English Theologian's View of Roman Law: Pepo, Irnerius, Ralph Niger

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond KAPLAN Joel H. 1970 B808 Dramatic and Moral Energy in Ben Jonson's Bartholomew Fair

In Renaissance Drama III: Essays principally on Drama in Its Intellectual Context. Schoenbaum S. (editor)

KAPLAN Joel H. 1972 C458 The medieval origins of Elizabethan comedy

In Renaissance drama V

KARLEY DONALD Alexander (editor) 1902 A160 The Poems of Alexander Scott

KAST Paul 1960 A697/2 Remarques sur la musique et les musiciens de la chapelle de François Ier au Camp du Drap d' Or

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint

KASTAN David Scott 1991 D030 "The King Hath Many Marching in Coats", or, What Did You Do During the War, Daddy?

In Shakespeare Left and Right

KASTNER Santiago 1960 A698 Le "clavecin parfait" de Bartolomeo Jobernadi

In La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean

KASTNER Santiago 1960 A698 Rapports entre Schlick et Cabezon

In La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean

Katherine WEST SCHEIL 1998 D200 Early Georgian Politics and Shakespeare: The Black Act and Charles Johnson's Love in a Forest(1723) In Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century, Shakespeare Survey n°51

KAUFMAN Anthony 1986 C819 The Shadow of the Burlador: Don Juan on the Continent and in England

In Comedy from Shakespeare to Sheridan KAUFMANN R.J. 1968 A372 Elizabethan Drama: Modern Essays in Criticism

KAUFMANN R.J. 1968 A372 The Revenger' s Tragedy

In Elizabethan Drama: Modern Essays in Criticism

KAUFMANN R.J. 1968 A372 The Spanish Tragedy

In Elizabethan Drama: Modern Essays in Criticism

KAUFMANN R.J. 1970 B808 Ford's "Waste Land": The Broken Heart

In Renaissance Drama III: Essays principally on Drama in Its Intellectual Context. Schoenbaum S. (editor)

KAULA, David 1971 B699 Hamlet and the 'Sparing Discoverie'

In Shakespeare Survey N°24

KAVANAGH James. H. 1992 C938 Shakespeare in ideology

In Alternative Shakespeares

KAWASAKI Toshihiko 1971 B737 Donne's Microcosm

In Seventeenth Century Imagery: Essays on Uses of Figurative Language from Donne to Farquhar. Earl Miner (editor)

KEAN, Charles 1856 C071 A Midsummer Night's Dream

KEAN, Charles 1857 C069 The Tempest KEAN, Charles 1858 C061 King Lear (1858)

KEAN, Charles 1858 C085 The Merchant of Venice

KEAN, Charles 1859 C086 Hamlet

KEAN, Charles 1859 C075 King Henry the Fifth

KEAN, Charles 1970 C055 King Henry VIII

KEAN, Charles 1970 C058 King Richard II

KEAN, Charles 1970 C046 The Winter's Tale

KEAN Edmund 1979 C779 Revival of 'The Jew of Malta ' in1818

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

KEARNY Hugh 1970 B479 Scholars and Gentlemen: Universities and Society in Pre-industrial Britain KEATS John 1951 B558 Letters

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

KEATS John 1968 A929 On Sitting Down to Read King Lear Once Again

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

KEATS, John. 2000 D283 King Stephen: A Dramatic Fragment

In Adaptations of Shakespeare

KEATS William R. 1968 A644 Seventeenth -Century English Poetry : Modern Essays in Criticism

KEEBLE N.H. 1995 D042 Obedient Subjects? The Loyal Self in Some Later Seventeenth-Century Royalist Women's Memoirs In Culture and Society in the Stuart Restoration

KEEFFE Barrie 1978 C628 Barbarians : a trilogy comprising Killing Time, Abide with Me and In the City

KEEFFE Barrie 1980 C627 A Mad World, My Masters

KEEFFE Barry 1977 C657 Gimme shelter

KEELER, Mary Frear 1970 C154 Bibliography of British History : Stuart Period, 1603-1714 KEEN, M.H. 1973 C037 England in the Middle Ages : a Political History

KEENAN, Siobhan & DAVIDSON, Peter 1997 D171 The Iconography of the Bankside Globe

In Shakespeare's Globe Rebuilt

KELLER, A.G. 1972 C184/1 Mathematical Technologies and the Growth of the Idea of Technical Progress in the Sixteenth Century In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol I)

KELLER, Abraham C. 1963 B764/5 Pace and Timing in Rabelais's Stories

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume X. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

KELLEY Donald R. 1966 C354 Legal humanism and the sense of history

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XIII

KELLEY, Maurice and ARKINS, Samuel D. 1955 P1/1955/V Milton's Annotations of Aratus

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°70

KELLNER Leon 1890 A079 Caxton's Blanchardyn and Eglantine

KELLOG, Alfred L. and HASELMAYER, Louis A. 1951 P1/1951/II Chaucer's Satire of the Pardoner

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°66

KELLY Douglas 1970 B816 The Source and Meaning of Conjointure in Chrétien's Erec 14

In Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, volume I. White Lynn (editor) KELLY Hugh 1976 C379/4 Garrick's Shakespeare, 1761-2

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

KEMBLE, J.P. 1789 C068 Coriolanus

KEMBLE, J.P. 1789 C078 Henry V

KEMBLE, J.P. 1789 C089 The Tempest

KEMBLE, J.P. 1794 C092 Macbeth

KEMBLE, J.P. 1800 C081 Hamlet

KEMBLE, J.P. 1810 C091 King Richard III

KEMBLE, J.P. 1811 C087 The Winter's Tale

KEMBLE, J.P. 1811 C072 Twelfth Night KEMBLE, J.P. 1814 C073 Julius Caesar

KEMBLE, J.P. 1970 C056 Coriolanus

KEMBLE, J.P. 1970 C049 Measure for Measure

KEMBLE J.P. 1981 C512 In defence of Macbeth, 1786

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

KEMBLE, John Philip 1970 C019 Macbeth and King Richard the Third : an Essay in Answer to Remarks on some of The Characters of Shakspeare

KEMP T.C. 1967 A917 The Taming of the Shrew in the Theatre

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

KENDALL Gillian Murray 1992 D045 Ritual and Identity : the Edgar-Edmund Combat in King Lear

In True Rites and Maimed Rites : Ritual and Anti-Ritual in Shakespeare and his Age

KENDALL Paul MURRAY 1968 B186 Richard the Third

KENDALL, Timothe 1967 C231 Flovvers of Epigrammes KENNEDY Charles W. 1967 A621 Political Theory in the Plays of George Chapman

In The Parrot Presentation Volume

KENNEDY Dennis 1993 C916 Looking at Shakespeare : A Visual History of Twentieth-Century Performance

KENNEDY Dennis 1994 C985 Shakespeare Played Small : Three Speculations about the Body

In Shakespeare Survey 47

KENNEDY, William H. 1960 B764/4 Some Unpublished Letters of the Italian Renaissance (from the collection of Harold C. Bodman)

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VII

KENNEDY William J. 1978 C508 Rhetorical norms in Renaissance literature

KENNY, P.D. 1970 C285 That Dreadful Play

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

KENRICK W. 1969 A809 Falstaff's Wedding

KENRICK William 1976 C379/4 On the adaptation of Cymbeline, may 1759

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

KENRICK William 1979 C537 Johnson attacked, 1765

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774 KENRICK William 1981 C512 Lectures on Shakespeare, 1774

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

KENT William 1967 Z1 Designs of Indigo Jones

KENYON J.P. 1966 A563 The Stuart Constitution 1603-1688: Documents and Commentaries

KENYON John 1979 C534 Andrew Marvell : life and times

In Andrew Marvell : essays on the tercentenary of his death

KER N.R. 1969 B818 Patrick Young's Catalogue of the Manuscripts of Lichfield Cathedral

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond

KER W.P. 1969 A589 Medieval English Literature

KERMAN, Joseph 1963 B764/5 The Elizabethan Motet: a Study of Texts for Music

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume IX. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

KERMODE, Franck 1960 B567 Adam Unparadised

In The Living Milton

KERMODE, Frank 1960 B567 The Living Milton KERMODE Frank 1968 A599 from his introduction to The Tempest

Shakespeare : The Tempest

KERMODE Frank 1968 A644 The Argument of Marvell' s "Garden"

In Seventeenth -Century English Poetry : Modern Essays in Criticism

KERMODE Frank 1969 A601 Shakespeare King Lear

KERMODE Frank 1969 A635 The Argument of Marvell's 'Garden'

In Marvell (Modern Judgements). Wilding Michael (editor)

KERMODE Frank 1971 B596 Shakespeare, Spencer, Donne

KERMODE Frank 1993 D033 The Future of the English Literary Canon

In English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference

KERMODE, Frank. 2000 D272 Shakespeare's Language

KERMODE Frank (editor) 1969 A788 Shakespeare King Lear : A Casebook.

KERNAN Alvin 1975 C375 The plays and the playwrights

In The Revels history of drama in English volume III 1576-1613 KERNAN Alvin B. 1972 B872 From Introduction to Volpone

In Jonson: Volpone, A Casebook. Barish Jonas A. (editor)

KERNAN Alvin B. 1978 C494 Shakespeare and the abstraction of history

In Shakespeare : pattern of excelling nature

KERNAN Alvin B. 1979 C504 The playwright as magician : Shakespeare's image of the poet in the English public theater

KERNAN Alvin B. 1986 C819 Shakespearian Comedy and Its Courtly Audience

In Comedy from Shakespeare to Sheridan

KERNODLE George R. 1956 A697 Des Arcs triomphaux aux Frontispices de livres

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

KERNODLE George R. 1964 Z4 From Art to Theatre: Form and Convention in the Renaissance

KERNODLE George R. 1969 B455 The Open Stage: Elizabethan or Existentialist?

In Shakespeare Survey 12: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

KERNODLE, George R. 1973 C121 The Mannerist Stage of Comic Detachment

In The Elizabethan Theatre III

KERR, Heather B. 1991 P5/30 Titus Andronicus: Models of Textuality and Authorship

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°41 KERRIDGE Eric 1969 A368 Agrarian Problems ion the Sixteenth Century and After

KERRIGAN John 1986 C751 The Sonnets and A Lover's Complaint

KERRIGAN John 1987 C980 Shakespeare as Reviser

In The Penguin History of Literature : English Drama to 1710

KERRIGAN John 1989 C740 Keats and Lucrece

In Shakespeare survey 41

KERRIGAN John 1994 C934 A complete history of comic noses

In English Comedy

KERRIGAN, John 1996 D073 Revenge Tragedy Aeschylus to Armageddon

KESTING Marianne 1967 A533 Le Théâtre allemand après 1945, les hommes et les tendances

In Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale JACQUOT Jean (editeur)

KETTLE Arnold 1964 A759 From Hamlet to Lear

In Shakespeare in a Changing World

KETTLE Arnold 1964 A759 Shakespeare in a Changing World KETTLE Arnold 1969 A581 What is Kim ?

In The Morality of Art

KETTLE Arnold 1993 D010 The Humanity of King Lear

In King Lear

KEYNES, Geoffrey 1973 B968 A Bibliography of Dr. John Donne

KHAN Coppélia 1981 C895 Man’s Estate : Masculine Identity in Shakespeare

KHAN Coppélia 1997 D193 Self and Eros in Venus and Adonis (1976)

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

KHARL George M. 1967 A621 The Influence of Shakespeare on Smollett

In The Parrot Presentation Volume

KIERNAN Pauline 1999 D210 'To grow unto himself was his desire'

In William Shakespeare, Venus and Adonis : Nouvelles Perspectives Critiques

KIERNAN V.G. 1964 A759 Human Relationships in Shakespeare

In Shakespeare in a Changing World

KILLIGREW, Thomas 1974 C211/1 The Parson's Wedding

In Restoration Comedy (vol.1) KILLIGREW Thomas(1611/12-1682/3) 1962 A283 The Parson's Wedding

In Six Caroline Plays,ed. with an Introduction by KNOWLAND A.S.

KILLIGREW Thomas the younger 1974 C379/2 Suggestions for adapting Julius Caesar, 1715

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

KIMBROUGH R. Alan C656 a The first season : As You Like It

KIMBROUGH R. Alan 1988 C716 Olivier's "Lear" and the limits of video

In Shakespeare on television

KIMBROUGH Robert 1962 P1/1962/II The Origins of Troilus and Cressida

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°77

KINDERMANN Heinz 1968 A515/1 Rapports entre le baroque de cour et le baroque populaire dans la vie théâtrale du XVIIe siècle en Autriche In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

KING Bruce 1977 C429 Marvell's allegorical poetry

KING, Francis 1972 B852 Thomas Traherne: Intellect and Felicity

In Restoration Literature

King James I 1999 D235 From A Speech to Parliament

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William King James I 1999 D235 From A Speech to the Lords and Commons of the Parliament at Whitehall

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

King James I 1999 D235 From Basilikon Doron

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

King James I 1999 D235 From Daemonology, In Form of a Dialogue

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

King James I 1999 D235 From The True Law of Free Monarchies

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

King JAMES VI 1967 A256/1 Ane Schort Treatise conteining some Reulis and Cautelis to be obseruit and eschewit in Scottis Poesie. 1584 In Elizabethan Critical Essays

KING, Lucille 1966 P1/1935/II 1 and 2 Henry VI - Which Holinshed?

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°50

KING, Lucille 1967 P1/1936/II Text Sources of the Folio and Quarto Henry VI

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°51

KING Pamela M. 1990 C878 Faith, reason and the Prophets’ dialogue in the coventry Pageant of the Shearmen and Taylors

In Drama and Philosophy

KING Pamela M. 1994 C986 Morality plays

In The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre KING Rosalind A623 'Then Murder' s out of tune' : The Music and Structure of Othello

In Shakespeare Survey No 39

KING Rosalind 1997 D154 The Case for the Earlier Canon

In Shakespearean Continuities

KING T.J. C457 Staging of plays at the Phoenix in Drury Lane, 1617-42

In Theatre notebook . Volume XIX 1964-1965

KING, T.J. 1971 B692 Shakespearean Staging, 1599-1642

KING, T.J. 1973 C121 Shakespearian Staging, 1599-1642

In The Elizabethan Theatre III

KING Thomas James 1992 C973 Casting Shakespeare's Plays : London actors and their roles, 1590-1642

KINGHORN, A.M. 1968 B927 Mediaeval Drama

KINHEAD-WEEKES Mark 1971 B762 Defoe and Richardson

In History of Literature in the English Language, volume IV: Dryden to Jonson. Lonsdale Roger (editor)

KINIRY Malcolm 1980 C594 Forum reviews : recent books on Shakespearean comedy

In Shakespearean Comedy KINNEY Arthur F. 1974 C305 Market of Bawdrie : the dramatic criticism of Stephen Gosson

Kinney Arthur F. 1980 C515 Some conjonctures on the composition of King Lear

In Shakespeare Survey 33

KINNEY Arthur F. 1993 C918 Textual Signs and Economic Signals in The Merry Wives of Windsor

In Shakespeare et l’Argent

KINSER Samuel 1964 C356 Agrippa d'Aubigné and the apostasy of Henry IV

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XI

KIRBY Ian J. 1989 C740 The passing of King Lear

In Shakespeare survey 41

KIRK, Elizabeth D. 1972 B904 The Dream Thought of Piers Plowman

KIRK Rudolph 1967 A621 Jane Bell : Printer at the East End of Christ-Church

In The Parrot Presentation Volume

KIRSCH Arthur C. 1966 A340 The Significance of Dryden's Aureng-Zebe

In Restoration Drama (Modern Essays in Criticism)

KIRSCH Arthur C. 1975 C398 The integrity of Measure for Measure

In Shakespeare Survey 28 KIRSCHBAUM, Leo 1952 P1/1952/V The Authorship of 1 Henry VI

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°67

KIRSCHBAUM, Leo 1960 B555 Albany

In Shakespeare Survey N°13

KIRSCHBAUM Leo 1969 A247 Dr. Faustus: A Reconsideration

In Critics on Marlowe, ed. by Judith O'Neill

KIRSCHBAUM Leo 1969 A600 Shakespeare's Stage Blood

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

KIRSCHBAUM, Leo 1970 P1/1949/I Shakespeare's Stage Blood and its Critical Significance

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°64

KISCH, Guido 1961 B764/4 Humanistic Jurisprudence

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VIII

KISHI Tetsuo 1994 C974 "I Know Not What You Mean by That": Shakespeare in Different Cultural Contexts

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

KISHI Tetsuo, PRINGLE Roger and WELLS 1994 C974 Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions : The Selected Proceedings of the International Shakespeare Association World Congress, Tokyo, 1991

KITTAY Eva & LEHRER Adrienne 1987 C882 Animal Metaphors in King Lear

In Shakespeare, Meaning & Metaphore KITTO H.D.F. 1965 A693 Le déclin de la tragédie à Athènes et en Angleterre

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

KITTO H.D.F. 1968 A936 Form and Meaning in Drama: A Study of Six Greek Plays and of Hamlet

KITTO H.D.F. 1968 A789 Hamlet as Religious Drama

In Shakespeare Hamlet: A Casebook.Jump John (editor)

KITTO H.D.F.(b.1897) 1963 A292 Hamlet

In Shakespeare Criticism

KITTREDGE, George Lyman 1970 B768 Shakespere, An Address

KLANCHER, Jon 1989 C922 English Romanticism and Cultural Production

In The New Historicism

KLEB William E. C456 E.W. Godwin and the Bancrofts

In Theatre notebook . Volume XXX . Numbers 2 &3

KLEIN David 1970 C325 The Elizabethan dramatist as critics

KLEIN Joan Larsen 1979 C498 'What is't to leave betimes?' Proverbs and logic in Hamlet

In Shakespeare Survey 32 KLEIN Marc 1990 C964 Écriture/Théâtralité : poru une poïétique du palimpseste

In Écritures contemporaines et Théâtralité

KLEIN Robert 1970 B087 La Forme et l'intelligible

KLEMPERER Victor 1998 D224 LTI la langue du IIIème Reich

KLIBANSKY R. 1969 B818 Leibniz's Unknown Correspondence with English Scholars and Men of Letters

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond

KLIBANSKY, R. 1969 B818 Plato's Parmenides in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond

KLIBANSKY, R. 1969 B818 The Rock of Parmenides

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond

KLIMAN Bernice W. 1988 C716 The setting in early television : Maurice Evans' Shakespeare productions

In Shakespeare on television

KLIMAN, Bernice W. 1995 D180 Shakespeare in Performance : Macbeth

KNAPP Peggy A. 1983 C692 Assays : critical approaches to Medieval and Renaissance texts KNAPP Robert S. 1983 C692 Penance, irony, and chaucer's retraction

In Assays : critical approaches to Medieval and Renaissance texts

KNAPP Robert S. 1992 D009 Shakespearean Authority

In Shakespeare's History Plays : Richard II to Henry V

KNECHT Robert 1971 B507 The Discoveries

In The Making of the Modern World: volume I, Europe Discovers the World. Johnson Douglas (editor)

KNIGHT G. Wilson 1965 A381 Cymbeline

In The Crown of Life: Essays and Interpretation of Shakespeare' s Final plays

KNIGHT G. Wilson 1965 A381 Henry VIII

In The Crown of Life: Essays and Interpretation of Shakespeare' s Final plays

KNIGHT G. WILSON 1965 A775 Lyly

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

KNIGHT, G. Wilson 1965 B789 Macbeth and Antony and Cleopatra

In Shakespeare : The Tragedies

KNIGHT G. Wilson 1965 A381 Pericles

In The Crown of Life: Essays and Interpretation of Shakespeare' s Final plays

KNIGHT G. Wilson 1965 A381 The Crown of Life: Essays and Interpretation of Shakespeare' s Final plays KNIGHT G. Wilson 1965 A381 The Tempest

In The Crown of Life: Essays and Interpretation of Shakespeare' s Final plays

KNIGHT G. Wilson 1965 A381 The winter' s Tale

In The Crown of Life: Essays and Interpretation of Shakespeare' s Final plays

KNIGHT G. Wilson 1966 A510 The Sovereign Flower : on Shakespeare as the Poet of Royalism Together with Related Essays and Indexes to Earlier volumes

KNIGHT G. Wilson 1967 A512 Shakespeare and Religion : Essays of Forty Years

KNIGHT G. Wilson 1968 A929 King Lear and the Comedy of the Grotesque

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

KNIGHT G.Wilson 1968 A784 The Imperial Theme

KNIGHT G. Wilson 1968 A790 The Milk of Concord: An Essay on Life-themes in Macbeth

In Shakespeare Macbeth: A Casebook.Wain John (editor)

KNIGHT G. Wilson 1968 A599 The Shakespearian Superman

Shakespeare : The Tempest

KNIGHT G. Wilson 1968 A511 The Shakespearian Tempest : with a Chart of Shakespeare' s Dramatic Universe KNIGHT G. Wilson 1969 A601 King Lear and the Comedy of the Grotesque

In Shakespeare King Lear

KNIGHT G.Wilson 1969 A788 King Lear and the Comedy of the Grotesque

In Shakespeare King Lear : A Casebook.Kermode Frank (editor)

KNIGHT G. Wilson 1969 A597 Tempest and Music

In Shakespeare : The Merchant of Venice

KNIGHT G. Wilson 1969 A600 The Death of Cassius

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

KNIGHT G.Wilson 1970 B885 "Great Creating Nature": An Essay on The Winter's Tale

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F.

KNIGHT G. Wilson 1970 B582 The Royal Occupation: An Essay on Coriolanus

In Twentieth Century Interpretations of Coriolanus. Phillips James E. (editor)

KNIGHT G. Wilson 1977 A382 King Lear

In The Wheel of Fire

KNIGHT G. Wilson 1977 A382 Macbeth

In The Wheel of Fire

KNIGHT G. Wilson 1977 A382 Measure for Measure

In The Wheel of Fire KNIGHT G. Wilson 1977 A382 Othello

In The Wheel of Fire

KNIGHT G. Wilson 1977 A382 The Wheel of Fire

KNIGHT G. Wilson 1977 A382 Timon of Athens

In The Wheel of Fire

KNIGHT G. Wilson 1977 A382 Troilus and Cressida

In The Wheel of Fire

KNIGHT G. Wilson 1979 C489 The imperial theme : further interpretations of Shakespeare's tragedies including the roman plays

KNIGHT G. Wilson 1980 C500 Caliban as a Red Man

In Shakespeare's styles

KNIGHT G. Wilson(B.1897) 1963 A292 The Shakespearian Integrity

In Shakespeare Criticism

KNIGHT, Joseph 1970 C285 Ellen Terry

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

KNIGHT L.C.(b.1906) 1963 A292 King Lear

In Shakespeare Criticism KNIGHT W. Nicholas 1974 C409 Equity, The Merchant of Venice and William Lambarde

In Shakespeare Survey 27

KNIGHT Wilson G. 1962 A254 The Christian Renaissance (with interpretations of Dante, Shakespeare and Goethe and new discussions of Oscar Wilde and the gospel of Thomas)

KNIGHT WILSON G. 1969 A600 The Eroticism of Julius Caesar

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

KNIGHT Wilson G. 1971 B605 Measure for Measure and the Gospels

In Shakespeare Measure for Measure, A Casebook. Stead C.K. (editor)

KNIGHTS L.C. 1963 A758 Explorations : Essays in Criticism Mainly on the Literature of the Seventeenth Century

KNIGHTS L.C. 1963 C470 Tradition and Ben Jonson

In Ben Jonson : a collection of critical essays

KNIGHTS, L.C. 1965 C266 Notes on Comedy

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

KNIGHTS, L.C. 1965 C266 Restoration Comedy : the Reality and the Myth

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

KNIGHTS L.C. 1965 A775 Social Morality in "A New Way to Pay Old Debts"

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.) KNIGHTS L. C. 1966 A340 Restoration Comedy: The Reality and the Myth

In Restoration Drama (Modern Essays in Criticism)

KNIGHTS, L.C. 1968 B830 Drama and Society in the Age of Jonson

KNIGHTS L.C. 1968 A789 Hamlet and Death

In Shakespeare Hamlet: A Casebook.Jump John (editor)

KNIGHTS L.C. 1968 A790 Some Contemporary Trends in Shakespeare Criticism

In Shakespeare Macbeth: A Casebook.Wain John (editor)

KNIGHTS L.C. 1968 A598 The Realism of Antony and Cleopatra

In Shakespeare : Antony and Cleopatra

KNIGHTS L. C. 1969 A600 Personality and Politics in Julius Caesar

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

KNIGHTS L.C. 1969 A787 Shakespeare's Politics

In Shakespeare Henry V : A Casebook. Quinn Michael (editor)

KNIGHTS L.C. 1969 A603 The Strange Case of Doctor Faustus

In Marlowe, Doctor Faustus. Jump John (editor)

KNIGHTS L.C. 1969 B471 The Teaching of Shakespeare

In Manner and Meaning in Shakespeare. Jackson B.A.W. (editor) KNIGHTS L.C. 1969 A581 Timon of Athens

In The Morality of Art

KNIGHTS, L.C. 1970 B984 Further Explorations

KNIGHTS L.C. 1970 B057 Time's Subjects:the second Part of Henry IV

In Shakespeare: Henry IV (parts I & II)

KNIGHTS L.C. 1971 B605 The Ambiguity of Measure for Measure

In Shakespeare Measure for Measure, A Casebook. Stead C.K. (editor)

KNIGHTS L.C. 1972 B872 From Drama and Society in the Age of Jonson

In Jonson: Volpone, A Casebook. Barish Jonas A. (editor)

KNIGHTS L.C. 1978 C494 Shakespeare : the man in the work - Reflections on a reflection

In Shakespeare : pattern of excelling nature

KNIGHTS L.C. 1979 C492 'Hamlet' and other Shakespearean essays

KNIGHTS L.C. 1980 C500 Rhetoric and insincerity

In Shakespeare's styles

KNIGHTS L.C. 1985 C625 Shakespeare's politics : with some reflections on the nature of traditions

In Interpretation of Shakespeare KNIGHTSL.C. 1968 A929 Macbeth as a Dramatic Poem

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

KNOLL Robert E. 1964 A649 Ben Jonson' s Plays : An Introduction

KNOTT, John R. Jr 1971 B650 Milton's pastoral Vision

KNOWLAND A.S. 1962 A283 Six Caroline Plays

KNOWLES, Edwin B. 1958 B764/3 Thomas Shelton, Translator of Don Quixote

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume V. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

KNOWLES Richard (ed.) 1977 D144 A New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare : As You Like it

KNOWLES, Ronald 1996 D135 Carnival and Death in Romeo and Juliet : A Bakhtinian Reading

In Shakespeare Survey 49

KNOWLTON, Edgar C. 1956 B764/2 The Scale of Man

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume III. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

KNOWLTON, Edgar C. 1967 P1/1936/II Nature and Shakespeare

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°51 KNUTSON Roslyn L. 1994 C974 A Caliban in St. Mildred Poultry

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

KOCHER Paul H. 1962 B450 Francis Bacon on the Drama

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

KOCHER Paul H. 1964 A501 Christopher Marlowe: A Study of his Thought, Learning, and Character

KOCHER Paul H. 1965 A775 Humour in "Tamburlaine"

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

KOCHER Paul H. 1969 B219 Science and Religion in Elizabethan England

KOCK Ernst A. 1902 A124 Three Middle-English Versions of the Rule of St. Benet

KOEHLER G. Stanley 1971 B806 Milton's Use of Color and Light

In Milton Studies III. Simmonds James D. (editor)

KOESTLER, Arthur 1965 C266 Comedy

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

KÖKERITZ Helge 1966 B263 Shakespeare's Names: a Pronouncing Dictionary KÖKERITZ, Helge 1973 C280 Shakespeare's Language

In Shakespeare : of an Age and for all the Time

KOLBE Alfred 1969 A528 Le Nouvel Eclairage Scénique et sa Signification pour le Théâtre d'aujoud'hui

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs)

KÖLBING Eugen 1894 A081 The Romance of Sir Beues of Hamtoun

KOLIN Philip. C 1997 D193 Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

KOLIN Philip. C 1997 D193 Venus and /or Adonis among the Critics

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

KOLVE, V.A. 1966 B856 The Play Called Corpus Christi

KOLVE, V.A. 1972 B938 Everyman and the Parable of the Talents

In Medieval English Drama

KONETZKE Richard 1959 A606 La legislacion sobre inmigracion de extranjeros en America durante el reinado de Carlos V

In Charles-Quint et son Temps. C.N.R.S

KONIGSON Elie 1969 Z6 La Représentation d'un Mystère de la Passion à Valenciennes en 1547 KONIGSON Elie 1975 C414 L'espace théâtral médiéval

KONIGSON Elie 1975 C415 La cité et le prince : premières entrées de Charles VIII (1484-1486)

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

KONIGSON Elie 1979 C531 Religious drama and urban society in France at the end of the Middle Ages

In Drama and society

KONIGSON Elie 1980 C550 La place du Weinmarkt à Lucerne : remarques sur l'organisation d'un espace dramatisé

In Les voies de la création théâtrale VIII

KONIGSON Elie 1980 C550 Les voies de la création théâtrale VIII : recherches sur les textes dramatiques et les spectacles du XV e au XVIIIe siècle

KONIGSON Elie 1984 C583 "La fille du roi de Hongrie" et le calendrier de "La Manekine"

In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées

KONRATH M. 1902 A125 The Poems of William of Shoreham . Part I

KORDA, Natasha. 2001 D280 Judicious Oeillades: Supervising Maritel Property in The Merry Wives of Windsor

In Marxist Shakespeares

KORSHIN, Paul J. 1973 C294 Robert Anderson's Life of Johnson

In The Huntington Library Quaterly (vol. XXXVI, No 3) KOSTIC, Veselin 1966 B546 Marlowe's "Hero and Leander" and Chapman's

In Renaissance and Modern Essays

KOSUSKO, Matt. 1999 D282 Further Reading

In Shakespeare and Appropriation

KOTT, Jan 1967 P1/1967/V Hamlet and Orestes

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°82

KOTT, Jan 1967 B987 Shakespeare our Contemporary

KOTT Jan 1968 A789 Hamlet of the Mid-Century

In Shakespeare Hamlet: A Casebook.Jump John (editor)

KOTT Jan 1968 A599 Prospero' s Staff

Shakespeare : The Tempest

KOTT Jan 1969 A601 King Lear, or Endgame

In Shakespeare King Lear

KOTT Jan 1969 A788 King Lear , or Endgame

In Shakespeare King Lear : A Casebook.Kermode Frank (editor)

KOURIL Miroslav 1969 A528 La Cinétique Scénique

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs) KOWZAN Tadeusz 1975 T19 Littérature et spectacle

KOWZAN Tadeusz 1978 C549 Le Tartuffe de Molière dans une mise en scène de Roger Planchon

In Les voies de la création théâtrale VI

KOZINTZEV Grigori 1977 C607 King Lear : the space of tragedy . The diary of a film director

KRABBE Henning 1976 C399 A danish actress and her conception of the part of Lady Macbeth

In Shakespeare Survey 29

KRAFFT Jacques G. 1956 A629 D'un art que l'esthétique ignore

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

Krailsheimer, A.J. (editor) 1971 B772 The Continental Renaissance 1500-1600

KRANIDAS Thomas (editor) 1969 B453 New Essays on Paradise Lost

KRAUS Karel 1967 A533 Le théâtre tchèque: L'oeuvre de Joseph Topol

In Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale JACQUOT Jean (editeur)

KRAYE Jill 1997 D201 Philologists and philosophers

In The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism KRAYE Jill (editor) 1997 D201 The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism

KREPS Barbara 1999 D240 When All is True: Law, History and Problems of Knowledge in Henry VIII

In Shakespeare Survey n°52

KREPS Joseph 1961 A699 Le mécénat de la Cour de Bruxelles (1430-1559)

In La Renaissance dans les Provinces du Nord

KRIEGER Elliot 1979 C498 Social relations and the social order in Much Ado About Nothing

In Shakespeare Survey 32

KRIEGER, Murray 1951 P1/1951/V Measure for Measure and Elizabethan Comedy

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°66

KRIEGER Murray 1964 B341 A Window to Criticism: Shakespeare's Sonnets and Modern Poetics

KRIEGER Murray 1999 D260 The Dark Generations of Richard III

In Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Richard III

KRISTELLER, Paul Oskar 1961 C135/2 Renaissance Thought : the Classic, Scholastic, and Humanist Strains

KRISTELLER, Paul Oskar 1963 B764/5 Studies on Renaissance Humanism during the Last Twenty Years

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume IX. Shaaber, M.a. (editor) KRISTELLER, Paul Oskar 1965 C135/1 Renaissance Thought II : Papers on Humanism and the Arts

KRISTEVA Julia 1969 B118 Recherche pour une Sémanalyse: Essais

KRISTEVA Julia 1992 C966 Romeo and Juliet : Love-hatred in the couple

In Shakespearean Tragedy

KROOK Dorothea 1969 A935 Elements of Tragedy

KUCZYNSKI Ingrid 1993 D033 The Image of the Other in Eighteenth-Century English European Travel Literature

In English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference

KUDLIEN, Fridolf 1972 C184/1 Some Interpretive Remarks on the Antisemitism of Paracelsus

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol I)

KUHL Ernest P. 1966 P1/1925/II The Authorship of The Taming of The Shrew

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°40

KUKOWSKI Stephan 1990 C795 The Hand of John Fletcher in Double Falsehood

In Shakespeare Survey 43

KUMBATOVIC Filip Kalan 1967 A533 Le répertoire étranger sur la scène slovène

In Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale JACQUOT Jean (editeur) KUMBATOVIC Filip Kalan 1968 A692 Trois précurseurs du théâtre contemporrain en Yougoslavie: Branislav Nusic, Ivan Cankar, Miroslav Krleza In Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

KUMBATOVIC Filip Kalan 1969 A528 Scène et Auditoire

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs)

KUNTZEL Thierry 1980 C591 Savoir, pouvoir, voir : The Most Dangerous Game (Les Chasses du comte Zaroff ), M. Cooper, R. Shoedsack In Le cinéma américain . Tome I

KURZ, Otto 1972 C184/1 A mexican Amulet Against Kidney Stones

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol I)

KUSTAS George L. 1970 B816 The Function and Evolution of Byzantine Rhetoric

In Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, volume I. White Lynn (editor)

KYD Thomas 1933 A174 The Spanish Tragedy

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

KYD Thomas 1939 A639 The Spanish Tragedy; or Hieronimo is mad again

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

KYD Thomas 1967 B426 (The Spanish Comedy, or)The First Part of Hieronimo andThe Spanish Tragedy(or Hieronimo is Mad Again)

KYD Thomas 1969 A288 The Spanish Tragedy

In Five Elizabethan Tragedies, ed. with an Intoduction by McILWRAITH A.K. KYD Thomas 1979 C779 From letters to the Lord Keeper (BM Harl. MS 6848, 6849), 1593

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

KYLE Barry 1989 C787 The Director in the Swan

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan

L'HÔTE Jean-Marie 1967 B076 Shakespeare dans les Tarots et Autres Lieux (où tentative de divagation cohérente, à la fois théorique et pratique, au travers du Songe d'Une Nuit D'Été)

LA DRIÈRE Craig 1963 A712 Structure, sound, and meaning

In Sound and Poetry. Frye Northrop (editor)

LABINGER Andrea G. 1988 C879 The cruciform farce in Latin America: two plays

In Farce

LABOWSKY L. 1969 B818 A New Version of Scotus Eriugena's Commentary on Martianus Capella

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond

LACAN, Jacques 1980 D096 Desire and the Interpretation of Desire in Hamlet

In Literature and Psychoanalysis

LACARRIÈRE Jacques 1965 B104 Les Cultes spectaculaires de l'Antiquité classique

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

LACASSAGNE, Claude 1983 P5/12 Mundus Alter et Idem de Joseph Hall: Expérience sur le discours fictionnel

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 23 LACEY J. 1969 A804 Sauny The Scott: or the Taming of the Shrew

LACEY Robert 1971 B598 Robert Earl of Essex, An Elizabethan Icarus

LACHERAY, Delphine 1997 M77 The Supernatural in Macbeth and The Winter's Tale

LACLAU, Annie 1976 M25 Shakespeare et le Théâtre Elisabéthain: the Structure of Macbeth

LACROIX, Jean 1996 D068 Entre Angleterre et Languedoc: La Narcissa de Tedaldi-Fores (1818). Le Miroir de narcisse

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture

LACY, T.H. 1970 C053 Troilus and Cressida

LAFFRANQUE Marie 1967 A694 Federico Garcia Lorca : Le théâtre et la vie

In Réalisme et Poesie au Théâtre

LAFOSSE, Yann 1997 M72 Knowledge and Self-Knowledge in King Lear

LAFRANQUE Marie 1968 A692 Frederico Garcia Lorqua: Expérience et conception de la condition du dramaturge

In Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances. Jacquot Jean (editeur) LAGARDE F. 1977 P5/1 Floyd Lowell Goodwyn, Jr., Image Pattern and Moral Vision in John Webster

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 12

LAGARDE Fernand 1968 A771/1 John Webster

LAGARDE Fernand 1968 A771/2 John Webster

LAGARDE, Fernand 1979 P5/6 Shakespearian Reminiscences in Serjeant Musgrave's Dance

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 17

LAGEIRSE Marcel 1960 A697/2 La Joyeuse entrée du Prince Philippe à Gand en 1549

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint

LAGNY Michel, ROPARS Marie-Claire et SORLIN 1980 C605 Analyse d'un ensemble filmique extensible : les films français des années 30

In La théorie du film

LAGUARDIA Eric 1966 A715 Nature redeemed: the imitation of order in three Renaissance poems

LAIRD David 1990 C878 ‘A curious way of torturing’: language and ideological transformation in A King and No King

In Drama and Philosophy

LAJCHA Ladislav 1965 B104 Le Théâtre slovaque

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy LAKE David J. 1975 C522 The canon of Thomas Middleton's plays : internal evidence for the major problems of autorship

LAKE, Peter 1994 D226 Deeds against Nature: Cheap Print, Protestantism and Murder in Early Seventeenth Century England In Culture and Politics in Early Stuart England. Sharpe, Kevin and Lake, Peter (editors)

LAKOFF George & JOHNSON Mark 1987 C882 Time Metaphors in Troilus and Cressida

In Shakespeare, Meaning & Metaphore

LAMB, Charles 1970 C285 On the Artificial Comedy of the Last Century

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

LAMB Charles 1979 C779 From 'Specimens of English Dramatic Poets', 1808

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

LAMB, Hon. George 1816 C088 Timon of Athens

LAMB M.E. 1980 C594 Ovid's metamorphose and Shakespeare's Twelfth Night

In Shakespearean Comedy

LAMB Mary Ellen 1985 C663 The nature of topicality in Love's Labour's Lost

In Shakespeare survey 38

LAMBERT, Dominique 1972 M14 Deceit and Self-Delusion in Shakespeare's Othello LAMBERT, Renaud 1995 M68 The Sense of Death in Hamlet, by William Shakespeare and Waiting for Godot , by Samuel Beckett

LAMOINE G. 1998 D208 Quelques réfléxions sur la notion de propriété dans l'oeuvre de James Harrington

In James Harrongton and the Notion of Commonwealth

LAMONT Claire 1997 D154 Shakespeare's Henry IV and 'the old song of Percy and Douglas'

In Shakespearean Continuities

LAMONT, William M. 1963 B540 Marginal Prynne 1600-1669

LAMONT William M. 1969 B793 Godly Rule: Politics and Religion 1603-60

LAMPORT Francis John 1990 D007 German Classical Drama : Theatre, Humanity and Nation 1750-1870

LANCASHIRE Anne 1978 C507 The Second Maiden's Tragedy

LANCASHIRE Ian 1980 C809 Two Tudor Interludes : Youth and Hick Scorner

LANCSHIRE Anne 1978 C459 The Second Maiden's Tragedy LANDOR Walter Savage 1951 B558 Southey and Landor

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

LANDRY Hilton 1976 C480 In defense of Shakespeare's Sonnets

In New essays on Shakepeare's Sonnets

LANDRY Hilton 1976 C480 New essays on Shakespeare's Sonnets

LANDSTONE Charles 1970 B346 Four Lears

In Shakespeare Survey(1)

LANGBAINE Gerard A719 An Account of the English Dramatick Poets

LANGBAINE, Gerard 1973 C104 An Account of the English Dramatick Poets

LANGBAINE, Gerard 1973 C264 Momus Triumphans or, the Plagiaries of the English Stage and The Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Poets

LANGBAINE Gerard 1974 C379/1 From An Account of the English Dramatick Poets, 1691

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

LANGBAINE Gerard 1979 C779 From 'An Account of the English Dramatics Poets', 1691

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896 LANGER, Susanne 1965 C266 The Comic Rhythm

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

LANGFORD, Larry 1984 P5/14 The Story Shall Be Changed: The Senecan Sources of A Misummer Night's Dream

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 25

LANGHANS Edward A. C457 A picture of the Salisbury court theatre

In Theatre notebook . Volume XIX 1964-1965

LANGLOIS, Annie 1991 MD05 Autobiographie et Catharsis dans les Comédies de Molière

LANGWORTHY Charles A. 1966 P1/1931/II A Verse-Sentence Analysis of Shakespeare's Plays

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°46

LANHAM Richard A. 1993 C927 Superposed plays: Hamlet

In Shakespeare’s Middle Tragedies

LANSON, Gustave 1965 C266 Molière and Farce

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

LAPEYRE M.H. 1959 L'art de la guerre au temps de Charles Quint

In Charles-Quint et son Temps. C.N.R.S

LAPOUJADE Robert 1956 A630 Le sens et le non-sens dans la peinture abstraite

In Visages et perspectives de l'art moderne: peinture, poésie, musique. Etudes du C.N.R.S. réunies par JACQUOT Jean LAPP John 1964 A701 Racine est-il sénéquien

In Les tragédies de Sénèque et le théâtre de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

LAPP, John C. 1971 B831 The Esthetics of Negligence: La Fontaine's Contes

LAPREVOTTE Guy 1999 D225 Leduc, Guyonne. L'éducation des Anglaises au XVIIIe siècle: La conception de Henry Fielding

In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef)

LAROQUE, François 1981 P5/8 Cannibalism in Shakespeare's Imagery

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 19

LAROQUE François 1982 C596 En marge de l'idéologie : antimasque et grotesque dans le Doctor Faustus et La Tempête

In Théâtre et idéologies : Marlowe, Shakespeare

LAROQUE, François 1982 P5/11 Pagan Ritual, Christian Liturgy, and Folk Customs in The Winter's Tale

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 22

LAROQUE, François 1984 P5/14 Ovidian Transformations and Forlk Festivities in A Midsummer Night's Dream, the Merry Wives of Windsor, and As You Like It In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 25

LAROQUE François 1985 C602 Fête, folklore et mythe dans Le Marchand de Venise

In Le Marchand de Venise et Le Juif de Malte

LAROQUE François 1986 C653 Les mots et les choses dans All's Well That Ends Well

In All's Well That Ends Well : nouvelles perspectives critiques LAROQUE François 1987 P5/21 An Archeology of the Dramatic Text: Othello and Popular Traditions

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°32

LAROQUE, François 1987 C173 Figures de la perversion dans Othello

In Autour d' Othello

LAROQUE François 1987 C771 Plaidoyer pour un Songe : aspects esthétiques et pédagogiques du Midsummer Night's Dream d'Elijah Moshinsky In Shakespeare à la télévision

LAROQUE François 1988 C702 Shakespeare et la fête : Essai d'archéologie du spectacle dans l'Angleterre élisabethaine

LAROQUE François 1989 P5/24 Magic in Macbeth

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°35

LAROQUE François 1989 C822 Masque et antimasque dans A Midsummer Night's Dream

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

LAROQUE François 1989 C718 Masque et antimasque dans A Midsummer Night's Dream

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

LAROQUE François 1990 C742 "Bellona's bridegroom" : la fête de la guerre dans le théâtre de Shakespeare

In Shakespeare et la guerre

LAROQUE François 1991 C789 Le corps dans Henry IV et dans The Merry Wives of Windsor : du carnavalesque au grotesque

In Shakespeare et le corp à la Renaissance LAROQUE François 1992 C898 Othello , The Tempest , and the Grotesque

In CERCLES : Le Grotesque au Théatre

LAROQUE François 1992 C919/1 The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

LAROQUE François 1992 C919/2 The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

LAROQUE François 1993 C897 ‘Heads and Maidenheads’: Blasons et contre-blasons du corps

In Roméo et Juliette : Nouvelles perspectives critiques

LAROQUE François 1994 C923 “Or night kept chained below”: La Tempête ou le désir enchaîné

In Shakespeare - La Tempête : études critiques

LAROQUE François 1994 C974 The Jack Cade Scenes Reconsidered: Popular Rebellion, Utopia, or Carnival?

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

LAROQUE François 1995 C999 La Tempête : monde vert ou monde à l'envers

In Shakespeare . Le monde vert : rites et renouveau

LAROQUE, François 1995 D055 Words and things in All's Well That Ends Well

In French Essays on Shakespeare and His Contemporaries

LAROQUE, François 1996 D068 Fête et pouvoir dans le théâtre de Shakespeare

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture LAROQUE François 1997 D195 Mythe, magie et représentation du mal: Macbeth

In Le Mal et ses masques

LAROQUE François 1998 D168/5 "Motley's the only wear": As you like It ou la bigarrure

In As You Like It Essais critiques

LAROQUE François 1999 D210 Figures de l'inquiétude dansVenus and Adonis

In William Shakespeare, Venus and Adonis : Nouvelles Perspectives Critiques

LAROQUE, François. 2002 D287 Popular Festivity

In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Comedy

LAROQUE, François & OWENS, Anne 1996 D057 Twelfth Night : comédie festive ou comédie des erreurs

In Twelfth Night : Le Language en Fête

LARSEN KLEIN Joan 1980 C575 Lady Macbeth : "Infirm of purpose"

In The woman's part

LASCELLES Mary 1953 B504 Shakespeare's Measure for Measure

LASCELLES Mary 1959 B375 The Rider on the Winged Horse

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies, presented to Frank Percy Wilson

LASCELLES Mary 1969 A915 The Rider on the Winged horse

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies LASCELLES, Mary 1973 C171 King Lear and Doomsday

In Shakespeare Survey 26

LASCELLES Mary 1982 C582 King Lear and Doomsday

In Aspects of King Lear

LASCOMBES A. 1989 C741 Temps et lieu dans le théâtre Tudor : deux traitements remarquables

In Lieu et temps

LASCOMBES André 1985 C602 L'actant réconciliation dans Le Marchand de Venise

In Le Marchand de Venise et Le Juif de Malte

LASCOMBES André 1990 C770 Le corps théâtralisé dans Henry IV

In Henry the Fourth . Milton, gay . Pouvoir et musique

LASCOMBES André 1992 C823 Formes théâtrales du trope de syllepse

In Shakespeare : Rhétoriques du texte et du spectacle

LASCOMBES André 1992 C919/1 Theatrical Stratégies for Dramatic Inclusions

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

LASCOMBES, André 1995 D055 Time and Place in Tudor Theater : Two Remarkable Achievements - and Gorboduc In French Essays on Shakespeare and His Contemporaries

LASLETT Peter 1971 B595 The World we have lost LATHAM Agnes 1975 C364 As You Like It

LATHAM Agnes M.C. 1959 B375 Sir Walter Ralegh's Instructions to his son

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies, presented to Frank Percy Wilson

LATHAM Agnes M.C. 1965 B320/63 The Earlier Stuart and the Commonwealth Period, excluding Drama

In The Year's Work n English Studies(1963)

LATHAM Agnes M.C. 1969 A915 Sir Walter Raleigh's Instructions to His Son

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies

LATHAM Agnes M.C. (editor) 1962 B028 ThePoems of Sir Walter Ralegh

LATHAM Jacqueline E.M. 1975 C398 The Tempest and King James's 'daemonologie'

In Shakespeare Survey 28

LATHAM M.C. 1964 B320/64 The Earlier Stuart and the Commonwealth Period, excluding Drama

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1964)

LATHAM M.C. 1968 B320/66 The Earlier Stuart and the Commonwealth Period, excluding Drama

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1966)

LATHAM M.C. 1969 B320/67 The Earlier Stuart and the Commonwealth Period, excluding Drama

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1967) LATTER D.A. 1975 C398 Sight-lines in a conjectural reconstruction of an Elizabethan playhouse

In Shakespeare Survey 28

LAUDE Jean 1956 A630 La peinture moderne et le public

In Visages et perspectives de l'art moderne: peinture, poésie, musique. Etudes du C.N.R.S. réunies par JACQUOT Jean

LAUDE Jean 1957 A696 L' histoire, la peinture et la mide en scène d'évènements passés

In La Mise en Scène des Oeuvres du Passé

LAUDER William 1870 A139 Minor Poems

LAUNAY Denise 1960 A698 La fantaisie en France jusqu'au milieu du XVIIè siècle

In La musique instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean

LAURENT Camille Pierre 1984 P5/15 Dog, Fiend and Christian, or Shylock's Conversion

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°26

LAURENT Camille-Pierre 1985 C602 Un discours sans âme : la tirade de Shylock (III, i, 47-66)

In Le Marchand de Venise et Le Juif de Malte

LAURENTCamille Pierre 1992 C824 Inference and experience in Much Ado About Nothing

In Much Ado about Nothing

LAVAUDANT Georges 1990 C772 Mettre en scène Richard III

In Le tyran : Shakespeare contre Richard III LAVILLE Pierre 1970 B512/2 Aimé Césaire et Jean-Marie Serreau. Un acte politique et poétique . La tragédie du roi Christophe et Une saison au Congo In Les Voies de la Création Théâtrale, volume II. Bablet Denis (editeur)

LAVIN J.A. 1970 B500 The Elizabethan Theatre and the Inductive Method

In The Elizabethan Theatre II. Galloway David (editor)

LAVIN, J.A. 1972 B922 Measure for Measure

In Shakespeare in the New World

LAVIN, J.A. 1973 C121 Shakespeare and the Second Blackfriars

In The Elizabethan Theatre III

LAW, William 1973 C139 The Absolute Unlawfulness of the Stage-Entertainment Fully Demonstrated

In The Absolute Unlawfulness of the Stage-Entertainment Fully Demonstrated , The Stage Defended and Law Outlaw'd

LAWLIS Merritt E. 1960 B383 Apology for the Middle Class: The Dramatic Novels of Thomas Deloney

LAWLIS Merritt E. (editor) 1961 B148 The Novels of Thomas Deloney

LAWLOR John. 1966 A964 On Romanticism in the Confessio Amantis

In Patterns of Love and Courtesy

LAWLOR John 1966 A964 Patterns of Love and Courtesy LAWLOR John 1969 B342 The Tragic Sense in Shakespeare

LAWLOR, John 1973 C121 Continuity and Innovation in Shakespeare

In The Elizabethan Theatre III

LAWRENCE Robert G. 1973 C511 Jacobean and Caroline comedies

LAWRENCE W.W. 1971 B605 Real Life and Artifice

In Shakespeare Measure for Measure, A Casebook. Stead C.K. (editor)

LAWRENCE, WILLIAM W. 1967 P1/1944/I Hamlet's Sea-Voyage

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°59

LAWRENCE, William W. 1970 P1/1946/II Hamlet and Fortinbras

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°61

LAWRENCE William Witherle 1960 A778 Shakespeare's Problem Comedies

LAWRENSON T.E. 1956 A697 Ville Imaginaire , Décors théâtral et Fête, autour d' un receuil de Geofroy Tory

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

LAWRY, Jon S. 1972 C120 Sidney's two Arcadias : Pattern and Proceeding LAWSON John Howard 1967 A347 Theory And Technique Of Playwriting(with a new introductory essay on the contemporary thetre

LE BOISSELIER, Hubert 1992 M58 Love in Love's Labour's Lost and Much Ado About Nothing

LE FRANÇOIS DES COURTIS, Laurence 1971 M04 A Study of Sir John Falstaff as A Stage Character and a Film Character in 'Chimes at Midnight', O. Welles

LE HURAY Peter 1980 C632 The fair musick that all creatures made

In The age of Milton

LE TARGA, Agnès 1987 M43 Le Country Squire dans la Comédie 1675-1775, Esquisse de Portrait-Robot.

LEA K.M. 1975 C476 The court masque

In English drama (excluding Shakespeare)

LEA Kathleen M. 1959 B375 Harington's Folly

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies, presented to Frank Percy Wilson

LEA Kathleen M. 1969 A915 Harington's Folly

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies

LEA Kathleen M. 1980 C533 Shakespeare's inner stage

In English Renaissance studies presented to Dame Helen Gardner in honour of her seventieth birthday LEACROFT Richard C455 Nineteenth century theatrical machinery in the theatre royal, bath

In Theatre notebook . Volume XXX . Number 1

Leah S. Marcus 2000 D255 Jonson and the court

In The Cambridge Companion to Ben Jonson

LEAVENWORTH Russell E. 1974 C349 Daniel's Cleopatra : a critical study

LEAVIS F.R. 1968 A644 The Line of Wit

In Seventeenth -Century English Poetry : Modern Essays in Criticism

LEAVIS F.R.(b.1895) 1963 A292 The Criticism of Shakespeare's Late Plays

In Shakespeare Criticism

LEAVIS F.R. (editor) 1968 A551/1 A Selection from Scrutiny, volume I

LEAVIS F.R. (editor) 1968 A551/2 A Selection from Scrutiny, volume II

LEBÈGUE Raymond 1954 A700 Ronsard et la Musique

In Musique et Poésie au XVIè siècle. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

LEBÈGUE Raymond 1956 A629 La poésie amoureuse de Ronsard et sa vie intérieure

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts. LEBÈGUE Raymond 1956 A697 Les Représentations Dramatiques à la Cour des Valois

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

LEBÈGUE Raymond 1959 A606 Contacts français avec la littérature espagnole pendant la première moitié du XVIè siècle

In Charles-Quint et son Temps. C.N.R.S

LEBÈGUE Raymond 1961 A699 L' évolution du théâtre dans les provinces du Nord

In La Renaissance dans les Provinces du Nord

LEBÈGUE Raymond 1964 A701 Christianisme et libertinage chez les imitateurs de Sénèque en France

In Les tragédies de Sénèque et le théâtre de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

LEBÈGUE Raymond 1965 A693 Grâce et liberté dans les tragédies du temps de Louis XIII

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

LEBÈGUE Raymond 1965 A693 Le problème du salut dans les mystères et dans les tragédies protestantes

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

LEBÈGUE Raymond 1965 A693 Tragique et dénouement heureux dans l'ancien théâtre français

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

LEBÈGUE Raymond 1965 A693 Tragique et dénouement heureux dans l'ancien théâtre français

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

LEBÈGUE Raymond 1968 A515/1 Persistance, altération, disparition des traditions dramatico- religieuses en France

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles LEBRUN François 1967 A908 Le XVIIeme siècle

LECERCLE Ann 1985 C602 Tubal : the resurection and fall of a/the Cipher

In Le Marchand de Venise et Le Juif de Malte

LECERCLE Ann 1986 C653 Anatomy of a Fistula, Anomaly of a drama

In All's Well That Ends Well : nouvelles perspectives critiques

LECERCLE Ann 1987 C696 Mannerist Macbeth : between Medusa and Maccabee

In Miroirs de L'Être : Macbeth, The Man of Mode

LECERCLE, Ann 1987 C173 The "Unlacing" of the Name in Othello

In Autour d' Othello

LECERCLE Ann 1989 C822 Of Mazes, Merry-go-rounds and Immaculate Conception : The Dream Logic of A Midsummer Night's Dream In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

LECERCLE Ann 1989 C718 Of Mazes, Merry-go-rounds and Immaculate Conception : The Dream Logic of A Midsummer Night's Dream In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

LECERCLE Ann 1990 C772 Corps, regard, parole : Basilisk and Antichrist in Richard III

In Le tyran : Shakespeare contre Richard III

LECERCLE Ann 1990 C770 Epics and Ethics in 1 Henry IV

In Henry the Fourth . Milton, gay . Pouvoir et musique LECERCLE Ann 1990 C742 "Strange images of death" : the primacy of the signifier in Shakespeare's tragic representation of war

In Shakespeare et la guerre

LECERCLE ANN 1990 C773 Words, Wards, Watches : Going between in Troilus and Cressida

In Shakespeare : Troilus and Cressida

LECERCLE Ann 1991 C789 Hommage à Laurence Olivier . L'art du funambule : le texte Shakespearien et le jeu d'Olivier

In Shakespeare et le corp à la Renaissance

LECERCLE Ann 1991 C789 The letter that killeth : the desacralizedand the diabolic body in Shakespeare

In Shakespeare et le corp à la Renaissance

LECERCLE Ann 1992 C919/1 Hamlet ’s Play Within The Play as Palimpsest

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

LECERCLE Ann 1992 C825 Inversion, perversion, subversion : l'économie marlowienne de la tyrannie

In Edward II

LECERCLE Ann 1993 C918 Démonétisation et Tyrannie dans Edward II

In Shakespeare et l’Argent

LECERCLE Ann 1993 C897 Winking in Romeo and Juliet

In Roméo et Juliette : Nouvelles perspectives critiques

LECERCLE Ann 1994 C923 “Trash” dans La Tempête

In Shakespeare - La Tempête : études critiques LECERCLE, Ann 1995 D055 Epics and Ethics in 1 Henry IV

In French Essays on Shakespeare and His Contemporaries

LECERCLE, ANN 1996 D068 Religion and the Decline of Magic, or Ropes and Tropes in Shakespeare's The Tempest

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture

LECERCLE Ann 1998 D168/8 Dissonance in As You Like It

In As You Like It Essais critiques

LECERCLE Anne 1999 D210 Ombres et Nombres : Venus and Adonis et le Parergon

In William Shakespeare, Venus and Adonis : Nouvelles Perspectives Critiques

LECERCLE Jean-Jacques 1993 D033 Diabolism and Angelism : Dialogue, Meaning and Nonsense

In English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference

LECERCLE-SWEET A. 1982 C596 Conscience et méconnaisance dans Edward the Second de Marlowe

In Théâtre et idéologies : Marlowe, Shakespeare

LECH Clifford(b.1909) 1963 A292 The Unity of 2 Henry IV

In Shakespeare Criticism

LECHALUPE, Patrice 1971 M10 Shakespeare's Tragic Hero: a Comparative study of Richard III and Macbeth

LECLERC Guy 1968 B107 Les Grandes Aventures du Théâtre LECLERC Hélène 1965 B104 La Scène d'illusion et l'hégémonie du théâtre à l'italienne

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

LECLERLE, Ann 1996 D057 Why Box? Or the (Horti)cultural (H)edgework of Twelfth Night

In Twelfth Night : Le Language en Fête

LECOCQ Louis 1968 A515/2 Le théâtre de Blackfriars de 1596 à 1606

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

LECOCQ Louis 1969 A549 La Satire en Angleterre de 1588 à 1603

LECOQ A.-M. 1975 C415 La salamandre royale dans les entrées de François Ier

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

LEDUC Guyonne 1999 D225 Boucé, Paul-Gabriel, dir. Guerres et paix: La Grande-Bretagne au XVIIIè siècle

In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef)

LEDUC Guyonne 1999 D225 Viviès, Jean. Le Récit de voyage en Angleterre au XVIIIe siècle. De l'inventaire à l'invention

In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef)

LEDUC Guyonne (rédactrice en chef) 1999 D225 Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles

LEE Brian 1970 B320/68 American Literature: the Twentieth Century

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1968) LEE Brian 1971 B320/69 American Literature: the Twentieth Century

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1969)

LEE Nathaniel 1960 A281 Sophonisha

In Five Heroic Plays, ed. with an Intro. by DOBREE Bonamy

LEE Nathaniel 1968 B041 Lucius Junius Brutus

LEE Nathaniel 1970 B734 The Rival Queens

LEE, Robin 1971 B687 Shakespeare: Antony and Cleopatra

LEE Sidney 1904 B800 Great Englishmen of the Sixteenth Century

LEE Sydney 1964 A899/5 An English Garner: Elizabethan Sonnets(Vol I)

LEE Sydney 1964 A899/6 An English Garner: Elizabethan Sonnets(Vol II)

LEECH Christopher 1966 B332 John Webster LEECH Clifford 1953 A463/4 The Unity of 2 Henry IV

In Shakespeare Survey, 6 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

LEECH Clifford 1962 B450 Marlowe's Humour

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

LEECH Clifford 1962 A611 The John Fletcher Plays

LEECH Clifford 1963 A351 WEBSTER: The Duchess of Malfi

LEECH Clifford 1965 A693 Le Dénouement par le suicide dans la tragédie élizabéthaine et jacobéenne

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

LEECH, Clifford 1965 B789 Shakespeare: the Tragedies

LEECH Clifford 1965 A326 Shakespeare's Tragedies and Other Studies in Seventeenth Century Drama

LEECH Clifford 1965 A775 The Last Jacobean Tragedy

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

LEECH Clifford 1966 A340 Congreve and the Century's End

In Restoration Drama (Modern Essays in Criticism) LEECH Clifford 1966 A340 Restoration Tragedy: A Reconsideration

In Restoration Drama (Modern Essays in Criticism)

LEECH Clifford 1966 A463/2 Shakespeare's Life and Time (reviewed)

In Shakespeare Survey, 3: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

LEECH Clifford 1966 A463/5 Studies in Hamlet, 1901-1955

In Shakespeare Survey, 9 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

LEECH Clifford 1966 A463/2 The 'Meaning' of Measure for Measure

In Shakespeare Survey, 3: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

LEECH Clifford 1968 B048 Critical Studies reviewed

In Shakespeare Survey 7. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

LEECH Clifford 1968 B049 Critical Studies reviewed

In Shakespeare Survey 8. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

LEECH Clifford 1968 B476 Shakespeare's Life, Times and Stage

In Shakespeare Survey (Vol 4)

LEECH Clifford 1968 A929 The Implications of Tragedy

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

LEECH Clifford 1968 A486 Twelfth Night and Shakespearian Comedy LEECH Clifford 1968 A973 Two Romantics: Arnold Wesker and Harold Pinter

In Contemporary Theatre

LEECH Clifford 1969 B455 Critical Studies

In Shakespeare Survey 12: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

LEECH Clifford 1969 A247 Edward II : Power and Suffering

In Critics on Marlowe, ed. by Judith O'Neill

LEECH Clifford 1969 A688 The Function of Locality in the Plays of Shakespeare and His Contemporaries

In The Elizabethan Theatre. GALLOWAY David (editor)

LEECH Clifford 1969 B500 The Function of Locality in the PLays of Shakespeare and his Contemporaries

In The Elizabethan Theatre. Galloway David (editor)

LEECH Clifford 1969 A581 The Hesitation of Pyrrhus

In The Morality of Art

LEECH Clifford 1969 C425 The Two Gentlemen of Verona

LEECH Clifford 1969 A791 Tragedy

LEECH Clifford 1970 B346 Shakespeare's Life and Times

In Shakespeare Survey(1) LEECH Clifford 1970 B394 The Dramatist's Experience

LEECH Clifford 1971 B605 The 'Meaning' of Measure for Measure

In Shakespeare Measure for Measure, A Casebook. Stead C.K. (editor)

LEECH, Clifford 1973 C171 Studies in Shakespearian and other Jacobean Tragedy, 1918-1972

In Shakespeare Survey 26

LEECH, Clifford 1973 C169 The Invulnerability of Evil

In Shakespeare's Art : Seven Essays

LEECH, Clifford 1973 C121 Three Times Ho and a Brace of Widows : Some Plays for the Private Theatre

In The Elizabethan Theatre III

LEECH Clifford 1978 C484 Masking and unmasking in the last plays

In Shakespeare's romances reconsidered

LEFEBVRE Henri 1956 A630 Essai sur les arts poétiques modernes

In Visages et perspectives de l'art moderne: peinture, poésie, musique. Etudes du C.N.R.S. réunies par JACQUOT Jean

LEFEBVRE Joë 1975 C415 Vie et mort du jeu de carnaval à Nüremberg, Neidhart et la violette, de Hans Sachs (1557)

LEFEBVRE Joël 1964 A701 Lohenstein et Sénèque

In Les tragédies de Sénèque et le théâtre de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean (editeur) LEFEBVRE Joël 1984 C583 Hans Sachs "L'entremetteuse et le Chanoine"

In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées

LEFKOWITZ Murray 1970 C434 Trois masques à la cour de Charles Ier d'Angleterre : The Triumph of Peace, The Triumphs of the Prince d'Amour, Britannia Triumphans

LEGATT Alexander 1983 C584 Arden of Faversham

In Shakespeare Survey 36

LEGATT Alexander 1985 C663 Henry VIII and the ideal England

In Shakespeare survey 38

LEGATT Alexander 1988 C863 King Lear

LEGATT Alexander 1988 C726 King Lear

LEGATT Alexander 1994 C974 Shakespeare and Bearbaiting

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

LEGATT, Alexander (editor) 2002 D287 The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Comedy

LEGENDRE, Frédérique 1995 M65 The Supernatural and its Function in A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare LEGER, Dominique 1991 MD03 L'Anti-fête dans les grandes cmédies de W. Shakespeare

LEGGATT, Alexander 1973 C275 Citizen Comedy in the Age of Shakespeare

LEGGATT Alexander 1973 C372 Shakespeare's comedy of love

LEGGATT Alexander 1975 C375 The companies and actors

In The Revels history of drama in English volume III 1576-1613

LEGGATT Alexander 1981 C572 Ben Jonson : his vision and his art

LEGGATT Alexander 1990 D013 Bohan and Oberon: the Internal Debate of Greene's James IV

In The Elizabethan Theatre XI

LEGGATT, Alexander. 2002 D287 Comedy and sex

In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Comedy

LEGOUIS Pierre 1971 B737 Some Remars on Seventeenth Century Imagery: Definitions and Caveats

In Seventeenth Century Imagery: Essays on Uses of Figurative Language from Donne to Farquhar. Earl Miner (editor)

LEGOUIS Pierre 1975 C398 Titus Andronicus, III, i, 298-9

In Shakespeare Survey 28 LEHMANN, Benjamin 1965 C266 Comedy and Laughter

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

LEHMBERG, Stanford E. 1956 B764/2 Sir Thomas More's Life of Pico Della Mirandola

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume III. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

LEIBOWITZ René 1971 C548 Théâtre lyrique et expressionnisme

In L'expressionnisme dans le théâtre européen

LEICHTENTRITT Hugo 1966 B130 Music, History, and Ideas

LEIGH, David J. 1972 B938 The Doomsday Mystery Play: An Eschatological Morality

In Medieval English Drama

LEININGER Lorie Jerrell 1980 C575 The Miranda trap : Sexism and racism in Shakespeare's Tempest

In The woman's part

LEISHMAN J.B. 1959 B375 Variations on a Theme in Shakespeare's Sonnets

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies, presented to Frank Percy Wilson

Leishman J.B. 1967 B388 The Monarch of Wit: an Analitical and Comparative Study of the Potry of John Donne

LEISHMAN J.B. 1968 A644 Donne and Seventeenth-Century Poetry

In Seventeenth -Century English Poetry : Modern Essays in Criticism LEISHMAN J.B. 1969 A635 Some Themes and Variations in the Poetry of Andrew Marvell

In Marvell (Modern Judgements). Wilding Michael (editor)

LEISHMAN J.B. 1969 A915 Variations on a Theme in Shakespeare's Sonnets

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies

LEKHAL Catherine 1989 P5/24 The Historical Background of Robert Greene's The Scottish History of James IV, or Cross the Foe Before he Have Betrayed You (III.3.29) In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°35

LELIÈVRE Pierre 1975 C415 Entrées royales à Nantes à l'époque de la Renaissance 1500-1551

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

LELIÈVRE Renée 1965 B104 L'Europe romantique et le théâtre

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

LEMAHIEU Daniel 1987 C854/2 Traduction et réplique (Macbeth )

In Palimpsestes N° 1 : Traduire le Dialogue Traduire les Textes de Théatre

LEMAHIEU Daniel 1990 C964 Pour une nouvelle comédie

In Écritures contemporaines et Théâtralité

LEMAITRE Henri 1953 T37 Fantastique et merveilleux

In L'univers filmique

LEMAITRE Henri 1953 T37 L'animation des tableaux et les problèmes du film sur l'art

In L'univers filmique LEMARE, Anne 1997 M79 The Treatment of Jealousy in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing and Othello

LEMLYJohn 1986 C819 "Make odde discoveries!" Disguises, Masques, and Romance

In Comedy from Shakespeare to Sheridan

LEMONNIER, Anne 1997 M78 Theatricality and Essays in Translation of Troilus and Cressida

LEMONNIER, Stéphanie 1986 M41 Loss and Recovery in The Tempest and the Winter's Tale

LENNAM Trevor 1970 B500 The Children of Paul's, 1551-1582

In The Elizabethan Theatre II. Galloway David (editor)

LENNOX Charlotte 1976 C379/4 Shakespeare's misuse of his sources, 1753-4

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

LENTRICCHIA Frank 1989 C922 Foucault's Legacy: A New Historicism?

In The New Historicism

LENZ Carolyn Ruth Swift, GREEN Gayle and 1980 C575 The Woman's Part : Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare

LENZ Carolyn Ruth Swift, GREEN Gayle and 1980 C575 Women and men in Shakespeare : a selective bibliography

In The woman's part LÉON-PORTILLA Miguel 1965 B104 L'Univers de la fête chez les précolombiens

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

Leonard Barkan 2001 D259 What did Shakespeare read ?

In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare

LEONARD Nancy S. 1985 C953 Overreach at bay: Masinger’s A New Way to Pay Old Debts

In Philip Massinger : A Critical Reassessment

LEPAPE Marie-claire 1968 B069 Machiavel le Politique

LEPILLER, Elisabeth 1986 M42 Romeo and Juliet, a Study in Genre

LERAY Josette 1990 C770 À cheval sur la honte et l'honneur : un spartiate, plus qu'un "corinthien", Hal dans 1 Henry IV

In Henry the Fourth . Milton, gay . Pouvoir et musique

LERAY Josette 1992 C824 La "merry war" dans Much Ado About Nothing : la séduction et ses dangers

In Much Ado about Nothing

LERMINIER Georges 1965 B104 Le Théâtre français

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

LERMINIER Georges 1968 A692 Engagement et disponibilité du critique dramatique

In Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances. Jacquot Jean (editeur) LERNER Laurence 1967 A917 Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

LERNER, Laurence 1995 D094 Wilhelm S and Shylock

In Shakespeare Survey 48

LERNER Laurence 1997 D154 Timon and Tragedy

In Shakespearean Continuities

LERNER Laurence (editor) 1968 A929 Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism

LESKY, Erna 1972 C184/2 Paul de Sorbait (1624-1691), Anti-Paracelsian and Harveian

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol. II)

LESSAY Franck 1985 P5/19 Naissance de la république hobbienne: les lieux de l'artifice

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°30

LESSAY Franck 1999 D209 Le Prince d'Utopie : remarques sur une absence

In Thomas Moore, Utopia: Nouvelles Perspectives Critiques

LESSER Simon O. 1967 A917 The Aesthetic Experience: Comedy

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

LESSING Gotthold Ephraim 1963 B043 From Hamburg Dramaturgy: Number 5, 11, 15, 73

In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor) LESTOCQUOY Jean 1961 A699 L' application du Concile de Trente à Aras, d' après l' épigraphie

In La Renaissance dans les Provinces du Nord

LESURE François 1954 A700 Elements populaires dans la chanson française au début du XVIè siècle

In Musique et Poésie au XVIè siècle. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

LESURE François 1961 A699 La Renaissance dans les Provinces du Nord

LESURE François 1984 C583 Propos sur la voix à la Renaissance

In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées

LEUTRAT Jean-Louis 1980 C591 La Danse des fantômes (neuf westerns muets, 1922-1929)

In Le cinéma américain . Tome I

LEVACO Ronald et GLASS Fred 1980 C591 Quia ego nominor Leo : sur les logotypes de firmes

In Le cinéma américain . Tome I

LÉVEILLÉ André 1956 A629 Un administrateur, un artiste

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

LEVEL, Eloise 1993 M59 The Artificial and the Genuine in Romeo and Juliet

LEVENSON Jill 1990 C780 Comedy

In The Cambridge Companion to English Drama LEVENSON Jill L. 1983 C584 Hamlet andante / Hamlet allegro : Tom Stoppard's two versions

In Shakespeare Survey 36

LEVENSON, Jill L. 1996 D135 Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet : The Places of invention

In Shakespeare Survey 49

LEVENTEN Carol 1991 C876 Patrimony and Patriarchy in The Merchant of Venice

In The matter of Difference : Materialist Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare

LEVER J.W. 1968 B291 The Elizabethan Love Sonnets

LEVER J.W. 1971 B576 The Tragedy of State

LEVER J.W. 1976 C399 Shakespeare and the ideas of his time

In Shakespeare Survey 29

LEVERENZ David 1992 D011 The Woman in Hamlet : an Interpersonal View

In Hamlet

LEVI Fox 1970 B346 The Heritage of Shakespeare's Birthplace

In Shakespeare Survey(1)

LEVIN Harry 1961 A509 Christopher Marlowe : The Overreacher LEVIN Harry 1963 C470 An introduction to Ben Jonson

In Ben Jonson : a collection of critical essays

LEVIN Harry 1965 A775 State Overturned

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

LEVIN Harry 1966 A612 Refractions : Essays in Comparative Literature

LEVIN Harry 1966 B296 The Question of Hamlet

LEVIN Harry 1968 A789 The Antic Disposition

In Shakespeare Hamlet: A Casebook.Jump John (editor)

LEVIN Harry 1969 A603 Science without Conscience

In Marlowe, Doctor Faustus. Jump John (editor)

LEVIN Harry 1969 A247 The Jew of Malta: Poor Old Rich Man

In Critics on Marlowe, ed. by Judith O'Neill

LEVIN Harry 1969 A463/14 Two Magian Comedies : 'The Tempest' and 'The Alchemist'

LEVIN Harry 1970 B490 The Myth of the Golden Age in the Renaissance LEVIN Harry 1972 B872 Jonson's Metempsychosis

In Jonson: Volpone, A Casebook. Barish Jonas A. (editor)

LEVIN, Harry 1973 C171 Shakespeare's Misanthrope

In Shakespeare Survey 26

LEVIN Harry 1986 C711 Critical approaches to Shakespeare from 1660 to 1904

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare studies

LEVIN Harry 1993 C995 Shakespeare's Italians

In Shakespeare's Italy

LEVIN Lawrence L. 1972 C458 Replication as dramatic strategy in the comedies of Ben Jonson

In Renaissance drama V

LEVIN, Richard 1965 P1/1965/III The Structure of Bartholomew Fair

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°80

LEVIN Richard 1971 B573 The Multiple Plot in English Renaissance Drama

LEVIN Richard 1972 C458 The multiple plot in English Renaissance drama (Alan C. Dessen)

In Renaissance drama V

LEVIN Richard 1978 C494 The delapsing of Shakespeare

In Shakespeare : pattern of excelling nature LEVIN Richard 1981 C539 The ironic reading of The Rape of Lucrece and the problem of external evidence

In Shakespeare Survey 34

LEVIN Richard 1988 C956 Shakespearean Defects & Shakespeareans’ Defenses

In Bad Shakespeare : Revaluations of the Shakespeare Canon

LEVIN Richard 1991 D030 Ideological Criticism and Pluralism

In Shakespeare Left and Right

LEVIN Richard 1991 D030 Reply to Michael Bristol and Gayle Greene

In Shakespeare Left and Right

LEVIN Richard Louis 1979 C544 New readings vs. old plays

LEVIN Samuel R. 1967 B371 Poetry and Grammaticalness (1964)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors)

LEVIN William 1974 C379/2 On the decline in theatrical taste, 1731

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

LEVINE George R. 1967 A583 Henry Fielding and the Dry Mock

LEVINE, Mortimer 1968 C185 Tudor England 1485-1603 LEVINS Peter 1867 A063 Manipulus Vocabulorum

LEVY K.J. 1954 A700 Vaudeville, vers mesurés et airs de Cour

In Musique et Poésie au XVIè siècle. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

LÉVY Maurice 1984 C606 Bond, ou la subversion

In Caliban n° XXI

LEWALSKI Barbara K. 1959 P1/1959/III Milton: Political Beliefs and Polemical Methods, 1659-1660

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°74

LEWALSKI Barbara K. 1971 B737 Donne's Poetry of Compliment: The Speaker's Stance and the Topoi of Praise

In Seventeenth Century Imagery: Essays on Uses of Figurative Language from Donne to Farquhar. Earl Miner (editor)

LEWALSKI Barbara Kiefer 1969 B453 Innocence and Experience in Milton's Eden

In New Essays on Paradise Lost. Kranidas Thomas (editor)

LEWANSKI Julian 1968 A515/1 Rapports de la dramaturgie avec le gôut et l' opinion du public d' après les pièces du théàtre populaire polonais du XVIe siècle et du XVIIe In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

LEWER Julius Walter 1987 C763 The tragedy of state : a study of Jacobean drama

LEWES G.H. 1979 C779 From 'The Life and Works of Goethe', 1864

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896 LEWES, George Henry 1970 C285 On Natural Acting

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

LEWINTER Oswald 1963 B043 Shakespeare in Europe

LEWIS, B. Roland 1969 Z18/1 The Shakespeare Documents, vol I

LEWIS, B. Roland 1969 Z18/2 The Shakespeare Documents, vol II

LEWIS Bernard 1986 C946 The Crows of the Arabs

In Race, Writing, and Difference

LEWIS, C.S. 1936 B562 The Allegory of Love

LEWIS C.S. 1951 B558 The Style of Secondary Epic and Defence of this Style

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

LEWIS C.S. 1966 B208 Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Litterature

LEWIS C.S. 1967 B432 Spenser's Images of Life LEWIS C.S. 1967 B398 Studies in Words

LEWIS C.S. 1967 A471 The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature

LEWIS C.S. 1967 B308 The Literary Impact of the Authorized Version

LEWIS C.S. 1968 A644 Donne and Love Poetry in the Seventeenth Century

In Seventeenth -Century English Poetry : Modern Essays in Criticism

LEWIS C.S. 1968 A558 English Literature in the Sixteenth Century excluding Drama

LEWIS C.S. 1968 B283 English Literature in the Sixteenth Century excluding Drama

LEWIS C.S. 1968 A929 Hamlet: The Prince or the Poem

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

LEWIS C.S. 1969 B427 An Experiment in Criticism

LEWIS C.S. 1969 A247 Hero and Leander

In Critics on Marlowe, ed. by Judith O'Neill LEWIS C.S. 1969 B399 Selected Literary Essays

LEWIS C.S. 1985 C625 Hamlet : the prince or the poem?

In Interpretation of Shakespeare

LEYERLE John 1975 C476 Medieval drama

In English drama (excluding Shakespeare)

LIEB Michael 1994 C962 Milton and the Culture of Violence

LIEBLEIN L. 1983 C597 Doubling as a langage of transformation : the case of The Old Wives Tale

In Du texte à la scène : langages du théâtre

LIEBLER Naomi C. 1994 P5/34 Hamlet’s Hobby-Horse

In Cahiers Elisabéthains, no 45, April 1994

LIEBLER Naomi Conn 1992 D045 The Mockery King of Snow : Richard II and the Sacrifice of Ritual

In True Rites and Maimed Rites : Ritual and Anti-Ritual in Shakespeare and his Age

LIEBLER, Naomi Conn 1994 P5/34 Hamlet's Hobby Horse

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°45

LIEVSAY John Leon 1962 B450 Italian Favole boscarecce and Jacobean Stage Pastoralism

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard LIFSON Maria Ronk 1990 C703 Learning by talking : conversation in As You Like It

In Shakespeare Survey 40

LIFSONMartha R. 1983 C692 The rethoric of consolation : Shakespeare's couplets

In Assays : critical approaches to Medieval and Renaissance texts

LIGOU Daniel 1968 B306 Le Protestantisme en France de 1598 à 1715

LILLO George 1964 A264 The London Merchant, or George Barnwell

In Eighteenth Century Plays, selected with an introduction by John Hampden

LILLO George 1965 A221 The Antipodes

LILLO George 1965 A280 The London Merchant

In Eighteenth Century Tragedy, ed. with an intro by Michael R. BOOTH

LILLO George 1967 A213 Fatal Curiosity

LILLO George 1969 A862 Marina(1738)

LIM, C. S. Avril 1988 P5/22 Emendation of Shakespeare in the Eighteen Century: the Case of Johnson

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°33 LIMON Jerzy 1979 C498 Pictorial evidence for a possible replica of the London fortune theatre in Gdanks

In Shakespeare Survey 32

LIMON Jerzy 1999 D240 From Liturgy to the Globe: the Changing Concept of Space

In Shakespeare Survey n°52

LINCHE Richard 1964 A899/6 Diella. Certain Sonnets, adjoined to the amorous poem of Dom Diego and Gyneura, 1596

In An English Garner: Elizabethan Sonnets(Vol II)

LINDBERG, D. C. & STENECK, N. H. 1972 C184/1 The Sense of Vision and the Origins of Modern Science

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol I)

LINDEKENS René 1965 B104 La Télévision

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

LINDHEIM Nancy R. 1974 C371 King Lear as pastoral tragedy

In Some facets of King Lear : essays in prismatic criticism

LINDLEY David 1984 C706 Music, masque and meaning in The Tempest

In The court masque

LINDLEY David 1984 C706 The court masque

LINDLEY David 1994 C923 “Sweet lord you play me false”: Shakespeare’s Disappointed Romance

In Shakespeare - La Tempête : études critiques LINDLEY, David 1996 D135 Critical Studies

In Shakespeare Survey 49

LINDSAY David 1869 A147 Ane Satyre of the Thrie Estaits

LINDSAY Jack 1969 B899 John Bunyan: Maker of Myths

LINDSAY Marshall 1976 C480 French translations of the Sonnets

In New essays on Shakepeare's Sonnets

LINDSAY, Sir David 1998 D213 The Three Estates

LIOURDE Michel 1963 A906 Le Drame

LIPKING, Lawrence 1970 C254 The Ordering of the Arts in Eighteenth-Century England

LIPPI, Marie-Françoise 1972 M15 The Conception of the Superman in Marlowe's Tamburlaine and Doctor Faustus

LISCA Peter 1965 A775 "The Revenger's Tragedy": A Study in Irony

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.) LISSA Zofia 1960 A698 La formation du style national dans la musique instrumentale polonaise de la Renaissance

In La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean

LISTA Giovanni 1989 C931 La Scène futuriste

LISTER Raymond 1968 A717 Francis Oliver Finch

In Studies in the Arts: Proceedings of the St. Peter's College Literary Society. Warner Francis (editor)

LITTLE William 1968 B497 The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary

LITTLEHALES H. 1895 A053 The Pymer or Lay Folks Prayer Book

LITTLEHALES Henry 1903 A136 English Fragments from Latin Medieval Service-Books

LITTLEHALES Henry 1904 A092 The Medieval Records of a London City Church

LLEUWE H.H.J. 1968 A515/1 Le Théâtre d' Amsterdam durant les saisons 1659 et 1660 : sa réaction à l' actualité politique et aux attaques calvinistes In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

LLOYD Michael 1969 B455 Cleopatra as Isis

In Shakespeare Survey 12: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Nicoll Allardyce (editor) LLOYD Robert 1976 C379/4 Shakespeare greater than the rules, 1760

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

LOCATELLI Angella 1993 C995 The fictionnal world of Romeo and Juliet : cultural connotations of an Italian setting

In Shakespeare's Italy

LOCKE John 1986 B715 An Essay Concerning the True Original, Extent, and End of Civil Government

In Restoration and Revolution. Myers William (editor)

LOCKE John 1986 B715 Some Thoughts Concerning Education

In Restoration and Revolution. Myers William (editor)

LOCKER Geoff 1989 C787 The Technical Scene

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan

LOCKERT Lacy 1967 A621 The Greatest of Elizabethan Melodramas

In The Parrot Presentation Volume

LOCKET CHERRY, Caroline 1973 C094 The Most Unvaluedst Purchase : Women in the Plays of Thomas Middleton

LOCOCK Katharine 1904 A143 The Pilgrimage of the Life of Man . Part III

LODGE Barton 1879 A055 Palladius on Husbondrie LODGE Edmund 1969 A898/1 Illustrations of British History, Biography, and Manners(Vol I)

LODGE Edmund 1969 A898/2 Illustrations of British History, Biography, and Manners(Vol II)

LODGE Edmund 1969 A898/3 Illustrations of British History, Biography, and Manners(Vol III)

LODGE Thomas 1962 A615 Coridons Song

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

LODGE Thomas 1962 A615 Montanus Praise of his Faire Phaebe

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

LODGE Thomas 1962 A615 Montanus Sonnet to his Faire Phaebe

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

LODGE Thomas 1962 A615 Olde Damons Pastorall

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

LODGE Thomas 1962 A615 Phaebe Sonnet, a Replie to Montanus Passion

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

LODGE Thomas 1962 A615 Rosalindes Madrigall

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614) LODGE Thomas 1962 A615 The Barginet of Antimachus

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

LODGE Thomas 1962 A615 The Sheepheard Damons Passion

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

LODGE Thomas 1962 A615 The Sheepheards Sorrow, Being Disdained in Love

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

LODGE Thomas 1962 A615 The Solitary Sheepheards Song

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

LODGE Thomas 1963 B176 Scillaes Metamorphosis

In Elizabethan Minor Epics

LODGE Thomas 1964 A899/6 Phillis Honoured with Pastorall Sonnets, Elegies, and amorous delights, 1593

In An English Garner: Elizabethan Sonnets(Vol II)

LODGE Thomas 1967 A256/1 A Defense of Poetry.1579

In Elizabethan Critical Essays

LODGE Thomas 1967 B017 Scillaes Metamorphosis(1589)

In Elizabethan Narrative Verse

LODGE Thomas 1970 B204 The Wound of Civil War LOEB Pierre 1956 A630 Remarques sur l'art moderne

In Visages et perspectives de l'art moderne: peinture, poésie, musique. Etudes du C.N.R.S. réunies par JACQUOT Jean

LOEHLIN, James N. 1997 D142 "Top of the World, Ma" : Richard lll and Cinematic Convention

In Shakespeare, the Movie Popularizing the Plays on Film, TV,and Video

LOEWENSTEIN Joseph 1997 D201 Humanism and seventeenth -century English literature

In The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism

LOFTIS John 1963 A428 The Politics of Drama in Augustan England

LOFTIS John 1966 A349 Comedy and Society from Congreve to Fielding

LOFTIS John 1966 A340 The Political Strain in Augustan Drama

In Restoration Drama (Modern Essays in Criticism)

LOFTIS, John 1972 C276 The Limits of Historical Veracity in Neoclassical Drama

In England in the Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century

LOFTIS John (editor) 1962 A440 Richard Steele's The Theatre 1720

LOFTIS John (editor) 1966 A340 Restoration Drama

In Modern Essays in Criticism LOGEMAN H. 1888 A078 The Rule of S. Benet

Lois Potter 2001 D259 Shakespeare in the theatre, 1660-1900

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare

LOISEAU Jean 1931 B004 Abraham Cowley: sa Vie, son Oeuvre

LOISEAU Jean 1931 B006 Abraham Cowley's Reputation in England

LOJKINE-MORELEC Monique 1997 D195 Genèse et Apocalypse. L'imagination et le mal dans la poésie de Coleridge

In Le Mal et ses masques

LOMAX Marion 1987 C699 Stage images and traditions : Shakespeare to Ford

LOMBARDO Agostino 1993 C995 The Veneto, metatheatre and Shakespeare

In Shakespeare's Italy

LOMBARDO Agostino 1993 D033 Translating Shakespeare for the Theatre

In English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference

LONDON William 1965 A895 A Catalogue of the Most Vendible Books in England(1657, 1658, 1660) LONG John H. 1968 A752 Music in English Renaissance Drama

LONG Michael 1976 C417 The unnatural scene : a study in Shakespearean tragedy

LONG Michael 1989 C864 Macbeth

LONG Michael 1998 P5/43 Transgression and Cultural Taboo: Constructing the Criminal in English Renaissance Rogue Literature In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 54. Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Renaissance Anglaise, Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier III

LONG, Michael 1998 P5/44 Transgression and Cultural Taboo: Constructing the Criminal in English Renaissance Rogue Literature In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°54

LONG Percy Waldron (editor) 1966 P1/1933/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°48

LONG Percy Waldron (editor) 1966 P1/1933/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°48

LONG Percy Waldron (editor) 1966 P1/1934/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°49

LONG Percy Waldron (editor) 1966 P1/1934/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°49 LONG Percy Waldron (editor) 1966 P1/1935/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°50

LONG Percy Waldron (editor) 1966 P1/1935/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°50

LONG Percy Waldron (editor) 1967 P1/1936/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°51

LONG Percy Waldron (editor) 1967 P1/1937/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°52

LONG Percy Waldron (editor) 1967 P1/1937/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°52

LONG Percy Waldron (editor) 1967 P1/1938/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°53

LONG Percy Waldron (editor) 1967 P1/1938/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°53

LONG Percy Waldron (editor) 1967 P1/1939/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°54

LONG Percy Waldron (editor) 1967 P1/1939/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°54 LONG Percy Waldron (editor) 1967 P1/1940/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°55

LONG Percy Waldron (editor) 1967 P1/1940/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°55

LONG Percy Waldron (editor) 1967 P1/1942/I-II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°57

LONG Percy Waldron (editor) 1967 P1/1941/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°56

LONG Percy Waldron (editor) 1967 P1/1942/III-IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°57

LONG Percy Waldron (editor) 1967 P1/1943/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°58

LONG Percy Waldron (editor) 1967 P1/1943/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°58

LONG Percy Waldron (editor) 1967 P1/1944/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°59

LONG Percy Waldron (editor) 1967 P1/1944/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°59 LONG Percy Waldron (editor) 1970 P1/1946/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°61

LONG Percy Waldron (editor) 1970 P1/1946/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°61

Longmans & Green 1965 B259 English Literature from the &16th Century to the present

LONGO, Joseph A. 1980 P5/7 Myth in A Midsummer Night's Dream

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 18

LONSDALE Roger 1971 B762 Alexander Pope

In History of Literature in the English Language, volume IV: Dryden to Jonson. Lonsdale Roger (editor)

LONSDALE Roger (editor) 1971 B762 History of Literature in the English Language, volume IV: Dryden to Jonson

LOOMBA Ania 1996 D206 Shakespeare and Cultural Difference

In Alternative Shakespeares, Vol II

LOOMBA Ania 1996 D121 Shakespeare and Cultural Difference

In Alternative Shakespeares, Vol II

LOOMBA, Ania. 1998 D285 'Local -manufacture made-in-India Othello fellows': Issues of Race, Hybridity and Location in Post-Colonial Shakespeares In Post-Colonial Shakespeares LOOMBA Ania 1999 D240 'Delicious traffick': Alterity and Exchange on Early Modern Stages

In Shakespeare Survey n°52

LOOMBA, Ania. ORKIN, Martin. 1998 D285 Introduction: Shakespeare and the Post-Colonial Question

In Post-Colonial Shakespeares

LOOMBA, Ania. ORKIN, Martin. (eds) 1998 D285 Post-Colonial Shakespeares

LOOMIS, Laura Hibbard 1972 B938 Secular Dramatics in the Royal Palace, Paris, 1378,1389, and Chaucer's 'Tregetoures'

In Medieval English Drama

LORANG Jeanne 1970 B512/2 Andorra, de M. Frisch

In Les Voies de la Création Théâtrale, volume II. Bablet Denis (editeur)

LORANT, Anne-Marie 1979 M31 The Structure of Richard III

LOREAU Jean-Claude 1987 C694 The art of affectation in The Man of Mode

In Aspects du théâtre anglais

LOTHIAN J.M. and CRAIK T.W. 1975 C394 Twelth Night

LOUGHREY Bryan and TAYLOR Neil 1982 C573 Ferdinand and Miranda at chess

In Shakespeare Survey 35 LOUNSBURY, Thomas R. 1965 B767 Shakespeare as a Dramatic Artist

LOUYS Madeleine 1967 B110 Le Costume: pourquoi et comment

LOUZOUN Myriam 1975 C416 Les Bonnes, de J. Genet : la voix, les signes paralinguistiques et les différents niveaux de réalité dans Les Bonnes In Les voies de la création théâtrale IV

LOUZOUN Myriam 1977 C436 Fin de Partie de Samuel Beckett : effacement du monde et dynamisme formel

In Les voies de la création théâtrale V

LOUZOUN Myriam 1978 C549 La voix et la gestuelle dans la création d'une forme théâtrale, projection d'une forme narrative complexe : l'Histoire du Soldat In Les voies de la création théâtrale VI

LOVE, Harold 1972 B852 Restoration Literature

LOVE, Harold 1972 B852 Rochester and the Traditions of Satire

In Restoration Literature

LOVE Harold 1981 C551 The art of adaptation : some Restoration treatments of Ovid

In Poetry and drama 1570-1700

LOVINESCO Monica 1965 B104 Roumanie

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy LOWBURY Edward, SALTER Timothy & YOUG 1970 B460 Thomas Campion: Poet, Composer, Physician

LOWE N.J. 1988 C879 Greek stagecraft and Aristophanes

In Farce

LOWELL J.R. 1979 C779 From 'The Old English Dramatists', 1887

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

LOWER Charles B. C656 a The first season : Romeo and Juliet

LOWINSKY Edward E. 1965 B603 Taste, Style, and Ideology in Eighteenth Century

In Aspects of the Eighteenth Century. Wasserman Earl R. (editor)

LUCAS, F.L. 1966 C118 Tragedy : Serious Drama in Relation to Aristotle's Poetics

LUCAS F.L. (editor) 1966 B226/1 The Complete Works of John Webster, volume I: The White Devil

LUCAS F.L. (editor) 1966 B226/2 The Complete Works of John Webster, volume II: The Duchess of Malfi/ The Devil's Law-Case

LUCAS F.L. (editor) 1966 B226/3 The Complete Works of John Webster, volume III: A Cure for a Cuckold/ Appius and Virginia/ Minor Works LUCAS F.L. (editor) 1966 B226/4 The Complete Works of John Webster, volume IV: Anything for a Quiet Life/ The Fair Maid of the Inn

LUCIGNANI Luciano 1968 A692 Engagement et disponibilité dans le théâtre italien contemporrain: Betti et de Filippo

In Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

LUCKETT Richard 1977 C432 Exotick but rational entertainments : the English dramatick operas

In English drama : forms and development

LUMBY J. Rawson 1866 A037 King Horn

LUMBY J. Rawson 1876 A016 Be Domes Daege

LUMBY Rawson J. 1870 A050 Bernardus de Cura Rei Famuliaris

LUMBY Rawson J. 1870 A049 Ratis Raving

LUMSDEN David 1960 A698 De quelques éléments étrangers dans la musique anglaise pour le luth

In La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean

LUNARI Gigi 1969 A528 Théâtre et Public

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs) LURBE, Eve 1996 P5/38 Political Power and Ecclasistical Power in Richard Hooker's Laws of Ecclasistical Polity

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°49

LURBE P. 1998 D208 Les avatars d'un concept : la notion de Commonwealth dans la pensée de John Toland

In James Harrongton and the Notion of Commonwealth

LURBE Pierre 1999 D225 Porset, Charles et Cécile Révauger, dir. Franc-maçonnerie et religions dans l'Europe des Lumières In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef)

LUSARDI James P. 1988 C716 Lear's Mock trial

In Shakespeare on television

LUTZ Cora E. 1970 B816 Letaldus, a Wit of the Tenth Century

In Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, volume I. White Lynn (editor)

LYDGATE J. 1896 A034 The Assemly of Gods

LYLY John 1933 A174 Endymion

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

LYLY John 1939 A639 Endymion, the Man in the Moon

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

LYLY John 1965 A289 Campaspe

In Five Elizabethan Comedies, ed. with an Introduction by McILLWRAITH LYNCH Kathleen M. 1967 A782 The Social Mode of Restoration Comedy

LYNDESAY David 1865 A091 Monarche

LYON John 1988 C873 The Merchant of Venice

LYONS, Bridget Gellert 1971 B693 Voices of Melancholy

LYONS Bridget Gellert 1974 C371 The subplot as simplification in King Lear

In Some facets of King Lear : essays in prismatic criticism

LYONS, Charles R. 1971 C205 Shakespeare and the Ambiguity of Love's Triumph

LYONS Clifford 1962 B450 Stage Imagery in Shakespeare's Plays

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

LYTTELTON Lord 1976 C379/4 An imaginery conversation on Shakespeare, 1760

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

MAC CAFFREY, Isabel G. 1965 C028 Lycidas : the Poet in a Landscape

In The Lyric and Dramatic Milton MACARDLE Dorothy 1961 B321 Shakespeare, Man and Boy

MACAULAY G.C. 1900 A100/1 The English Works of John Cower . Vol. I

MACAULAY G.C. 1901 A100/2 The English Works of John Gower . Vol. II

MACAULAY Thomas Babington 1951 B558 Essay on Milton

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

MACCAFFREY Isabel G. 1969 B453 The Theme of Paradise Lost, Book III

In New Essays on Paradise Lost. Kranidas Thomas (editor)

MACCAFFREY Wallace 1969 A795 The Shaping of the Elizabethan Regime

MACCANNEL Juliet Flower 1986 C658 Figuring Lacan : criticism and the cultural unconscious

MACCARTHY, Desmond 1970 C285 The Wild Duck

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

MacCARTHY Desmond 1972 B872 Volpone revived

In Jonson: Volpone, A Casebook. Barish Jonas A. (editor) MacCOLL Alan 1972 B995 The Circulation of Donne's Poems in Manuscript

In John Donne: Essays in Celebration. Smith A.J. (editor)

MacCURDY Raymond R. 1964 A701 La Tragédie néo-sénéquienne en Espagne au XVIIè siècle et le thème du tyran

In Les tragédies de Sénèque et le théâtre de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

MACDONALD Angus 1964 B320/64 Middle English, excluding Chaucer

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1964)

MACDONALD Angus 1965 B320/63 Middle English, excluding Chaucer

In The Year's Work n English Studies(1963)

MACDONALD Hugh 1962 A615 Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

MACDOWELL Douglas M. 1988 C879 Clowning and slapstick in Aristophanes

In Farce

MACFARLANE Alan 1970 B509 Witchcraft in Tudor and Stuart England: A regional and comparative study

MACHEREY Pierre 1970 B083 Pour une Théorie de la Production Littéraire

MACINTYRE Jean 1985 P5/18 Doctor Faustus and the later Shakespeare

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°29 MACINTYRE Jeanne 1991 P5/28 Shore's Wife and The Shoemaker's Holiday

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°39

MACK Maynard 1962 B450 Engagement and Detachment in Shakespeare's Plays

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

MACK Maynard 1965 B603 Secretum Iter: Some Uses of Retirement Literature in the Poetry of Pope

In Aspects of the Eighteenth Century. Wasserman Earl R. (editor)

MACK Maynard 1965 A441 The Jacobean Shakespeare: some observations on the construction of the Tragedies

In Jacobean Theatre. Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies I

MACK Maynard 1966 B202 King Lear in our Time

MACK Maynard 1968 A789 The World Of Hamlet

In Shakespeare Hamlet: A Casebook.Jump John (editor)

MACK Maynard 1969 A601 Actors and Redactors

In Shakespeare King Lear

MACK Maynard 1969 A788 Actors and Redactors

In Shakespeare King Lear : A Casebook.Kermode Frank (editor)

MACK Maynard 1970 B885 The World of Hamlet

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F. MACK, Maynard 1973 C169 Antony and Cleopatra : the Stillness and the Dance

In Shakespeare's Art : Seven Essays

MACK Maynard 1993 C927 Action and Word in King Lear

In Shakespeare’s Middle Tragedies

MACK, Maynard Jr. 1973 B960 Killing the King

MACK Peter 1997 D201 Humanist rhetoric and dialectic

In The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism

MACKAIL J.W. 1966 A393 The Life of Shakespeare

In A Companion to Shakespeare Studies, edited by Harley Granville-Barker and G.B. Harrison

MACKENZIE Elizabeth 1980 C533 The growth of plants : a seventeenth-century metaphor

In English Renaissance studies presented to Dame Helen Gardner in honour of her seventieth birthday

MACKENZIE Henry 1981 C512 On Falstaff, 1786

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

MACKENZIE Henry 1981 C512 On the character of Hamlet, 1780

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

MACKENZIE TAYLOR Aline 1966 A340 Venice Preserv'd

In Restoration Drama (Modern Essays in Criticism) MACLAREN WHITERSPOON Alexander 1968 B287 The Influence of Robert Gardner on Elizabethan Drama

MACLEAN, Gerald (ed.) 1995 D061 Culture and Society in the Stuart Restoration

MACLEAN Gerald M. 1995 D042 Culture and Society in the Stuart Restoration : Literature, Drama, History

MACLEAN Gerald M. 1995 D042 Literature, Culture, and Society in Restoration England

In Culture and Society in the Stuart Restoration

MACLEAN Ian 1991 C789 Avatars de la différence sexuelle à la fin de la Renaissance

In Shakespeare et le corp à la Renaissance

MACLEOD BANKS Mary 1904 A117 An Alphabets of Tales

MACLIAMMOIR Michael 1967 A917 The Merchant of Venice in the Theatre, I

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

MacLIAMMOIR Micheal 1970 B346 Three Shakespearian Productions: a Copnversation

In Shakespeare Survey(1)

MACLURE Millar 1966 A960 George Chapman: A Critical Study MacLURE Millar 1970 B260 Spenser

In English Poetry and Prose(1540-1674)

MACLURE Millar 1979 C779 Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

MACMULLAN Gordon (trad.COUSSEMENT 1997 D195 Sorcières et guérisseuses. Représentation et identification

In Le Mal et ses masques

MACNAMARA Morgan 1976 C379/4 Romeo and Juliet acted and adapted, 1753

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

MACNEICE Louis 1965 B492 Varieties of Parable

MACPHERSON C.B. 1969 A985 The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism: Hobbes to Locke

MACQUEEN, John 1970 B774 The Critical Idiom vol 14: Allegory

MACRAY, W. Dunn (Ed.) 1969 C151/6 Clarendon's History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England (vol. VI)

MACRAY, W. Dunn (Ed.) 1969 C151/5 Clarendon's History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England (vol. V) MACRAY, W. Dunn (Ed.) 1969 C151/3 Clarendon's History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England (vol. III)

MACRAY, W. Dunn (Ed.) 1969 C151/2 Clarendon's History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England (vol. II)

MACRAY, W. Dunn (Ed.) 1969 C151/1 Clarendon's History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England (vol. I)

MACRAY, W. Dunn (Ed.) 1969 C151/4 Clarendon's History of the rRebellion and Civil Wars in England (vol. IV)

MACREADY, W.C. 1821 C062 King Richard III

MADAULE Jacques 1965 A693 Le Tragique chez Claudel

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

MADDEN, D.H. 1969 B981 The Diary of Master Wiliam Silence

MADELAINE Richard 1988 C724 'Sensationalism' and 'Melodrama' in Ford's Plays

In John Ford : Critical Re-Visions

MADSEN William G. 1960 P1/1960/V Earth the Shadow of Heaven: Typological Symbolism in Paradise Lost

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°75 MADSEN, William G. 1965 C028 From Shadowy Types to Truth

In The Lyric and Dramatic Milton

MADSEN William G. 1969 B147 The Idea of Nature in Milton's Poetry

In Three Studies in the Renaissance: Sidney, Jonson, Milton

MAEZZO J.A. 1968 A644 A Critique of Some Modern Theories of Metaphysical Poetry

In Seventeenth -Century English Poetry : Modern Essays in Criticism

MAGNIEN Michel 1992 C823 D'Erasme à Montaigne, une querelle pour le siècle : autour de l'imitation de Cicéron

In Shakespeare : Rhétoriques du texte et du spectacle

MAGNUS Laury 1983 C692 The Hem of Philosophy : free and bound motifs in the Franklin's Tale

In Assays : critical approaches to Medieval and Renaissance texts

MAGNUS Leonard A. 1905 A097 Respublica

MAGNUSSON A.L. and McGEE C.E. 1990 D013 The Elizabethan Theatre XI : International Conference on Elizabethan Theatre (11th: 1985: University of Waterloo)

MAGNUSSON, Lynne. 2002 D287 Language and Comedy

In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Comedy

MAGUIN A. 1977 P5/1 Elizabeth Hamilton, Henrietta Maria

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 12 MAGUIN J.M. 1977 P5/1 Bell, Book, and Candle in Macbeth: a note on I.5.61-2; II.1.5, 31-2, 62

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 12

MAGUIN J.M. 1978 P5/2 A Note on Shakespeare's Handling of Time and Space Data in Antony and Cleopatra

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°13

MAGUIN J.M. 1983 C597 Cacher, dire, montrer, taire – Régime de l'imaginaire Shakespearien

In Du texte à la scène : langages du théâtre

MAGUIN J.-M 1998 D208 Commonweal et Commonwealth dans le trésor de la langue anglaise et l' oeuvre dramatique deShakespeare In James Harrongton and the Notion of Commonwealth

MAGUIN, J.M. (Ed.) 1998 P5/ 42 Cahiers Elisabethains No 53 : Avril 1998

MAGUIN, J-M 1995 D055 Rise and Fall of the King of Darkness

In French Essays on Shakespeare and His Contemporaries

MAGUIN, Jean-Marie 1979 P5/5 The Anagogy of Measure for Measure

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 16

MAGUIN Jean-Marie 1980 C600 La nuit dans le théâtre de Shakespeare et de ses prédecesseurs . Tome I

MAGUIN Jean-marie 1984 C606 Jeux d'intrigues et construction dramatique dans 'Tis Pity She's a Whore'

In Caliban n° XXI MAGUIN Jean-Marie 1985 C602 Christopher Marlowe, Le Juif de Malte : pour le théâtre

In Le Marchand de Venise et Le Juif de Malte

MAGUIN Jean-Marie 1985 P5/18 Strategies for the Page and Strategies for the Stage: Some Interludes of Image and Language Basic to the Production of Meaning In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°29

MAGUIN Jean-Marie 1985 P5/16 The Jew of Malta : Marlowe's Ideological Stance and the Play-World's Ethos

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°27

MAGUIN Jean-Marie 1987 C696 Le Roi des ténèbres

In Miroirs de L'Être : Macbeth, The Man of Mode

MAGUIN Jean-Marie 1992 C824 "Is't come to this ?" Genèse et métamorphoses dramatiques à travers Much Ado About Nothing

In Much Ado about Nothing

MAGUIN Jean-Marie 1992 C919/2 Shakespeare and the Idols of the Cave

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

MAGUIN Jean-Marie 1993 C897 The Four Night Visits of Roméo and Juliet : A Note on Shakespeare’s Uses of a Popular Tradition

In Roméo et Juliette : Nouvelles perspectives critiques

MAGUIN Jean-Marie 1994 P5/35 Cahiers Elisabethains : N°46 Octobre 1994

MAGUIN Jean-Marie 1994 P5/34 Cahiers Elisabéthains, no 45, April 1994 MAGUIN, Jean-Marie 1995 D094 The Tempest and Cultural Exchange

In Shakespeare Survey 48

MAGUIN, Jean-Marie 1996 D068 Shakespeare, Hypnos et Thanatos: Roméo et Juliette dans l'espace du mythe

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture

MAGUIN Jean-Marie 1999 D210 The Mythical Background ofVenus and Adonis : Intertexts and Invention

In William Shakespeare, Venus and Adonis : Nouvelles Perspectives Critiques

MAGUIN, Jean-Marie Avril 1988 P5/22 ' Once Upon a Time...' or How to Start the Play in Performance.

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°33

MAGUIN, Jean-Marie & Angela 1996 D069 Shakespeare, William

MAGUIN Jean-Marie & KLEIN Holger 1995 D058 Shakespeare and France (Volume 5)

MAGUIN Jean-Marie & WHITWORTH Charles 1993 C897 Roméo et Juliette : Nouvelles perspectives critiques

MAGUIN Jean-Marie & WHITWORTH Charles 1999 D209 Thomas Moore, Utopia: Nouvelles Perspectives Critiques

MAGUIN Jean-Marie & WHITWORTH Charles 1999 D210 William Shakespeare, Venus and Adonis : Nouvelles Perspectives Critiques MAGUIN Jena-Marie 1980 C601 La nuit dans le théâtre de Shakespeare et de ses prédecesseurs . Tome II

MAGUIN & WILLEMS (ed) 1995 D055 French Essays on Shakespeare and His Contemporaries

MAGUIRE Laurie E. 1990 P5/27 The Pragmatics of Politics: Casting in Henry IV and Henry V

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°38

MAGUIRE Nancy Klein 1995 D042 Factionary Politics : John Crowne's Henry VI

In Culture and Society in the Stuart Restoration

MAHANEY, William E. 1973 C132 Deception in the John Webster Plays : an Analytical Study

MAHANEY, William E. 1973 C041 John Webster : a Classified Bibliography

MAHAUT, 1970 M02 Womanhood in Othello

MAHER Mary Z. 1988 C716 Production design in the BBC's "Titus Andronicus"

In Shakespeare on television

MAHLER Andreas 1993 C995 Italian vices: cross-cultural constructions of temptation and desire in English Renaissance drama

In Shakespeare's Italy MAHOOD M.M. 1965 A775 The Tragedy of Renaissance Humanism

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

MAHOOD M.M. 1968 A790 From Shakespeare's Wordplay

In Shakespeare Macbeth: A Casebook.Wain John (editor)

MAHOOD M.M. 1968 A663 Shakespeare' s Wordplay

MAHOOD M.M. 1968 A929 Wordplay in Romeo and Juliet

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

MAHOOD M.M. 1969 A247 The Jew of Malta: A Contracted World

In Critics on Marlowe, ed. by Judith O'Neill

MAHOOD M.M. 1969 A600 Words and Names in Julius Caesar

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

MAHOOD M.M. 1970 A943 Something Understood: The Nature of Herbert's Wit

In Metaphysical Poetry. Brown John Russell and Harris Bernard (general editors). Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies 11

MAHOOD, M.M. 1970 B855/1 Something Understood: the Nature of Herbert's Wit

In Metaphysical Poetry

MAHOOD M.M. 1973 B991 Wordplay inRichard II

In Shakespeare: Richard II, A Casebook. Brooke Nicholas (editor) MAHOOD, M.M. 1973 B980 Worldplay in Richard II

In Shakespeare, Richard II, a Casebook

MAHOOD M.M. 1979 C498 Shakespeare's middle comedies : a generation of criticism

In Shakespeare Survey 32

MAHOOD M.M. 1985 C625 Unbottled lines : Shakespeare at work

In Interpretation of Shakespeare

MAHOOD M.M 1999 D260 Bit Parts in Richard III

In Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Richard III

MAHOOD Molly M. 1992 C906 Bit Parts in Shakespeare’s Plays

MAIER III David C457 The pantomime Olio and other pantomime variants

In Theatre notebook . Volume XIX 1964-1965

MAINSTONE Madeleine & Rowland 1991 C903 The Cambridge Introduction To Art : The Seventeeth Century

MAJOR, J. Russel 1963 B764/5 The French Renaissance Monarchy as Seen through the Estates General

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume IX. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

MAJOR John 1999 D235 From A History of Greater Britain

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William MAJOR, John M. 1958 B764/3 The Moralization of the Dance in Elyot's Governour

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume V. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

MAKARYK, Irena.R. 2001 D277 Heresies of Style: Some Paradoxes of Soviet Ukrainian Modernism

In Shakespeare and Modern Theatre

MALCOLMSON, Cristina 1991 C876 ‘What You Will’: Social Mobility and Gender in Twelfth Night

In The matter of Difference : Materialist Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare

MALEKIN P.. 1969 B320/67 The Restoration Period

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1967)

MALEKIN P. 1970 B320/68 The Later Sevententh Century

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1968)

MALEKIN P. 1971 B320/69 The Later Seventeenth Century

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1969)

MALGUY, C. 1981 M36 Images and Themes in Volpone

MALKIN Jeanette R. 1992 D148 Verbal Violence in Contemporary Drama

MALLET David 1975 C379/3 Textual criticism attacked, 1733

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752 MALLIN, Eric.S. 2001 D279 Jewish Invader and the Soul of State: The Merchant of Venice and Science Fiction Movies

In Shakespeare and Modernity

MALONE, Edmond 1970 C020 A Letter to Rev. Richard Farmer, D.D. Relative to the Edition of Shakspeare, Published in 1790

In Cursory Criticism on the Edition of Shakspeare and A Letter to the Rev. Richard Farmer, D.D.

MALONE, Edmond 1970 C022 An Inquiry into the Authenticity of Certain Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instruments, Published Dec. 24, 1795 and Attributed to Shakspeare, Queen Elizabeth, and Henry, Earl of Southampton

MALONE Edmond 1981 C512 Additional notes on shakespeare, 1783

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

MALONE Edmond 1981 C512 Supplements to Shakespeare, 1780

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

MALORY Thomas 1968 B336 The Morte Dathur

MALRAUX Clara 1956 A630 Travaux de dames

In Visages et perspectives de l'art moderne: peinture, poésie, musique. Etudes du C.N.R.S. réunies par JACQUOT Jean

MAMBOU, Elie 1993 MD10 Le pouvor et la corruption dans trois pièces de William Shakespeare: Macbeth, Hamlet et Coriolanus

MAMCZARZ Irène 1984 C583 L'image de la société dans les tragicomédies et dans les "Drammi giocosi" de Goldoni ( 1729-1748 ) In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées MAMCZARZ Irène 1992 C919/2 Masquerades and Interludes in English Renaissance Drama

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

MAMET David 1974 C786 Sexual Perversity in Chicago and The Duck Variations

MAMET David 1977 C745 A life in the theatre

MAMET David 1978 C743 American buffalo

MAMET David 1989 C755 The Shawl and Prairie du Chien

MANCZARZ Irène 1975 C415 Une fête equestre à Ferrare : il tempio d' Amore (1565)

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

MANDEL Arnold 1965 B104 Aspects spectaculaires du rituel juif

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

MANDEL Arnold 1965 B104 Les Théâtres juifs

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

MANDER Raymond and Mitchenson Joe 1958 A463/6 Hamlet Costumes : A Correction

In Shakespeare Survey, 11 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production MANDROU Robert 1969 A569 Les Fugger, propriétaires et fonçiers en Souabe(1560-1618) : étude de comportments socio-économiques à la fin du XVIe siècle.

MANHEIM Michael C656 b BBC Shakespeare plays : King Richard II

MANHEIM Michael C656 f The Shakespeare plays on TV : The Henry VI - Richard III tetralogy

MANHEIM Michael C656 d The Shakespeare plays on TV : The Merchant of Venice

MANHEIM Michael 1970 B808 David Bevington, Tudor Drama and Politics, Wilbur Sanders, The Dramatist and the Received Idea, and James Winny, The Player King In Renaissance Drama III: Essays principally on Drama in Its Intellectual Context. Schoenbaum S. (editor)

MANHEIM, Michael 1973 C283 The Weak King Dilemna in the Plays

MANHEIM Michael 1994 C958 The English history play on screen

In Shakespeare and the Moving Image

MANLEY, Mary C765

In Etudes sur le théatre de la Restauration

MANN Francis Oscar (editor) 1969 A542 The Works of Thomas Deloney MANN Nicholas 1997 D201 The Origins of Humanism

In The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism

MANNONI O. 1969 C836 Clefs pour l'Imaginaire ou l'Autre Scène

MANSFIELD Bruce E. 1973 C353 Erasmus in the nineteenth century : the liberal tradition

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XV

MANSION J.E. 1967 B495 Harrap's shorter French and English Dictionary

MANUSZAK, David 1983 P5/13 Beyond the Guidebooks: The Freeing of the Familiar Letter in James Howell's Epistolae Ho-Eianae In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 24

MANVELL Roger 1971 B738 Shakespeare and the Film

MANWELL Brian C457 Cartoons of theatrical interest appearing in Vanity Fair

In Theatre notebook . Volume XIX 1964-1965

MANZONI Alessandro 1963 B043 from Letter to M. Chauvet on the Unity of Time and Place in Tragedy

In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor)

MAQUERLOT and WILLEMS (ed) 1996 D074 Travel and Drama in Shakespeare's Time MAQUERLOT Jean-Pierre 1981 D002 Lecture idéologique d'un texte de théâtre : The Changeling

In Aspects du théâtre Anglo-saxon

MAQUERLOT Jean-Pierre 1981 C595 'Tis Pity She's a Whore' : la justice divine comme élément de l'esthétique baroque

In Justice, juges, prisons dans le théâtre de Shakespeare et dans les oeuvres de ses contemporains

MAQUERLOT Jean-Pierre 1983 C597 Pour une sémiologie du spectacle dramatique télévisuel : All's Well That Ends Well (BBC production) In Du texte à la scène : langages du théâtre

MAQUERLOT Jean-Pierre 1987 C771 Le téléfilm de théâtre

In Shakespeare à la télévision

MAQUERLOT Jean-Pierre 1989 C822 Le temps du tragique dansThe Duchess of Malfi

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

MAQUERLOT Jean-Pierre 1989 C718 Le temps du tragique dansThe Duchess of Malfi

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

MAQUERLOT Jean-pierre 1992 C898 CERCLES numéro spécial mai 1992 : Le Grotesque au Théatre

MAQUERLOT Jean-Pierre 1992 C898 Pandare, le Prince d’Amour et le Grotesque

In CERCLES : Le Grotesque au Théatre

MAQUERLOT Jean-Pierre 1992 C919/1 “Playing Within the Play: Towards Semiotic of Metadrama and Metatheatre”

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642) MAQUERLOT, Jean-Pierre 1995 D059 Hamlet : Optical Effects

In Shakespeare and the Mannerist Tradition

MAQUERLOT, Jean-Pierre 1995 D059 Julius Ceasar and 'Dramatic Coquetry'

In Shakespeare and the Mannerist Tradition

MAQUERLOT, Jean-Pierre 1995 D059 Mostrar l'arte: All's Well That Ends Well and Measure for Measure

In Shakespeare and the Mannerist Tradition

MAQUERLOT, Jean-Pierre 1995 D059 Shakespeare and the Mannerist Tradition - A Reading of Five Problem Plays

MAQUERLOT, Jean-Pierre 1995 D055 Time and Tragic Mode in The duchess of Malfi

In French Essays on Shakespeare and His Contemporaries

MAQUERLOT, Jean-Pierre 1995 D059 When Playing is Foiling: Troilus and Cressida

In Shakespeare and the Mannerist Tradition

Maquerlot, Jean-Pierre 1996 D106 Théâtraliser l'horreur dans Titus Andronicus

In Variations sur la lettre, le mètre et la mesure - Shakespeare

MAQUERLOT Jean-Pierre 1998 P5/43 'How to do Things with Words': Performative Rhetoric in Titus Andronicus

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 54. Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Renaissance Anglaise, Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier III

MAQUERLOT, Jean-Pierre 1998 P5/44 'How to Do Things with Words': Performative Rhetoric in Titus Andronicus

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°54 MAQUERLOT Jean-Pierre, WILLEMS Michèle et 1985 C602 Le Marchand de Venise et Le Juif de Malte

MARCEL-DUBOIS Claudie 1975 C415 Fêtes villageoises et vacarmes cérémoniels

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

MARCOUX Jean-Paul 1988 C879 Georges Feydeau and the ‘serious’ farce

In Farce

MARCUS Jane 1989 C922 The Asylums of Antaeus: Women, War, and Madness-Is there a Feminist Fetichism?

In The New Historicism

MARCUS Leah 1993 D010 Retrospective : King Lear on St Stephen's Night, 1606

In King Lear

MARCUS Leah S. 1988 C764 Puzzling Shakespeare : local reading and its discontents

MARCUS, Leah S. 1994 D226 Politics and Pastoral: Writing the Court on the Countryside

In Culture and Politics in Early Stuart England. Sharpe, Kevin and Lake, Peter (editors)

MARCUS, Leah S. 1996 D172 Unediting the Renaissance

MARCUS Leah.S 2000 D262 Pleasure and Virtue Reconciled

In Ben jonson's Plays and Masques MARCUS, Leah.S. 2000 D268 The Silence of the Archive and the Noise of Cyberspace

In The Renaissance Computer

MARCUS Leah.S, MUELLER Janel & ROSE Mary 2000 D264 Elizabeth I Collected Works

Marcus WALSH 1998 D200 Eighteenth-Century Editing, 'Appropriation', and Interpretation

In Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century, Shakespeare Survey n°51

MARDER Louis 1964 B293 His Exits and His Entrances: the Story of Shakespeare's Reputation

MARES F.H. 1969 B471 Viola and Other Transvestit Heroines in Shakespeare's Comedies

In Manner and Meaning in Shakespeare. Jackson B.A.W. (editor)

MARES F.H. (editor) 1972 B867 The Memoirs of Robert Carey

Margaret Tudeau - Clayton 2000 D256 Stepping out of narrative line : a bit of word, and horse, Play in Venus and Adonis

In Shakespeare Survey 53

MARGESON J.M.R. 1967 A448 The Origins of English Tragedy

MARGESON John 1988 C784 The Conspirancy and Tragedy of Charles Duke of Byron MARGOLIES David 1992 C990 Monsters of the deep : social dissolution in Shakespeare's tragedies

MARGOLIN Jean-Claude 1975 C415 Charivari et mariage ridicule au temps de la Renaissance

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

Margreta de Grazia 2001 D259 Shakespeare and the craft of language

In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare

Margreta de Grazia and Stanley Wells 2001 D259 The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare

MARGUERON Claude 1965 A693 La Tragédie italienne au XVIè siècle: Théorie et pratique

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

MARIE Michel 1980 T44 Analyse textuelle

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al

MARIE Michel 1980 T44 Comédie musicale

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al

MARIE Michel 1980 T44 Connotation

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al

MARIE Michel 1980 C605 De la première communion au mariage

In La théorie du film MARIE Michel 1980 T44 Découpage

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al

MARIE Michel 1980 T44 Direct

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al

MARIE Michel 1980 T44 Histoire du cinéma (problématique de l')

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al

MARIE Michel 1980 T44 Impression de réalité

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al

MARIE Michel 1980 C592 La séquence / Le film : Citizen Kane, Orson Welles

In Le cinéma américain . Tome II

MARIE Michel 1980 T44 Montage

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al

MARIE Michel 1980 T44 Muet

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al

MARIE Michel 1980 T44 Son

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al

MARIENSTRAS Richard 1977 C436 Timon d'Athènes de Shakespeare et sa mise en scène de Peter Brooks : la représentation et l'interprétation du texe In Les voies de la création théâtrale V MARIENSTRAS, Richard 1987 C173 Quelques aspects de la négation dans Othello

In Autour d' Othello

MARIENSTRAS Richard 1990 C772 D' un corps monstrueux

In Le tyran : Shakespeare contre Richard III

MARIENSTRAS Richard 1993 C918 Les prix des choses et des êtres dans quelques textes de Shakespeare

In Shakespeare et l’Argent

MARIENSTRAS, Richard 1995 D055 Of a Monstruous Body

In French Essays on Shakespeare and His Contemporaries

MARINELLI Peter V. 1971 B739 Pastoral

MARION Denis 1955 B298 Les Grands Dramaturges: Christopher Marlowe

Mark Sokolyansky 2000 D250 Grigory Kozintsev's Hamlet and King Lear

In Shakespeare on film

MARKELS Julian B062 The Pillars of the World: Anthony and Cleopatra in Shakespeare's Development

MARKER Lise-Lone 1970 B500 Nature and Decorum in the Theory of Elizabethan Acting

In The Elizabethan Theatre II. Galloway David (editor) MARLOWE 1992 C825 Edward II

MARLOWE Christopher 1887 A169 Tamburlaine the Great Part I&II/ The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus/ The Jew of Malta/ Edward the Second In The Best Plays Of Old Dramatists, Mermaid Series; Ed. by Ellis Havelock

MARLOWE Christopher 1933 A174 Doctor Faustus

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

MARLOWE Christopher 1933 A174 Edward II

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

MARLOWE Christopher 1933 A174 Tamburlaine,Part 1

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

MARLOWE Christopher 1933 A174 The Jew of Malta

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

MARLOWE Christopher 1939 A639 Tamburlaine part I

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

MARLOWE Christopher 1939 A639 The Jew of Malta

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

MARLOWE Christopher 1939 A639 The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor) MARLOWE Christopher 1939 A639 The Troublesome Reign and Lamentable Death of Edward the Second

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

MARLOWE Christopher 1962 A615 The Passionate Sheepheard to his Love

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

MARLOWE Christopher 1963 B176 Hero and Leander

In Elizabethan Minor Epics

MARLOWE Christopher 1966 A245 The Works, ed. by C. F. Tucker Brooke

MARLOWE Christopher 1967 B017 Hero and Leander(1598)

In Elizabethan Narrative Verse

MARLOWE Christopher 1967 B421 Tamburlaine the Great: Parts I & II

MARLOWE Christopher 1968 A234 Dido Queen of Carthage and The Massacre at Paris

MARLOWE Christopher 1968 A235 The Poems

MARLOWE Christopher 1968 A240 The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus MARLOWE Christopher 1968 A241 The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus

MARLOWE, Christopher 1973 B959/1 Dido, Queene of Carthage

In The Complete Works vol1

MARLOWE, Christopher 1973 B959/2 Doctor Faustus

In The Complete Works vol 2

MARLOWE, Christopher 1973 B959/2 Edward II

In The Complete Works vol 2

MARLOWE, Christopher 1973 B959/2 Hero and Leander

In The Complete Works vol 2

MARLOWE, Christopher 1973 B959/2 Miscellaneous Pieces

In The Complete Works vol 2

MARLOWE, Christopher 1973 B959/2 Ovid's Elegies

In The Complete Works vol 2

MARLOWE, Christopher 1973 B959/1 Tamburlaine part 1

In The Complete Works vol1

MARLOWE, Christopher 1973 B959/1 Tamburlaine part 2

In The Complete Works vol1 MARLOWE, Christopher 1973 B959/1 The Complete Works vol 1

MARLOWE, Christopher 1973 B959/2 The Complete Works vol 2

MARLOWE, Christopher 1973 B959/2 The First Book of LucanTranslated into English

In The Complete Works vol 2

MARLOWE, Christopher 1973 B959/1 The Jew of Malta

In The Complete Works vol1

MARLOWE, Christopher 1973 B959/1 The Massacre at Paris

In The Complete Works vol1

MARLOWE, Christopher 1995 D048 Doctor Faustus and Other Plays

MARLOWE Christopher (ed. Richard W. Van 1965 B223 The Jew of Malta

MARMION Shackerley 1967 B756 A Fine Companion

In The Dramatic Works

MARMION Shackerley 1967 B756 Holland's Leaguer

In The Dramatic Works MARMION Shackerley 1967 B756 The Antiquary

In The Dramatic Works

MARMION Shackerley 1967 B756 The Dramatic Works

MAROTTI Ferruccio 1975 C415 Structure de l'espace scénique dans les représentation théâtrales d'après les traités italiens du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

MAROWITZ Charles 1990 C703 Reconstructing Shakespeare, or Harlotry in Bardolatry

In Shakespeare Survey 40

MAROWITZ, Charles. 2000 D283 Measure for Measure

In Adaptations of Shakespeare

MARRAPODI Michele 1993 C995 'Of that fatal country' : Sicily and the rhetoric of topography in The Winter's Tale

In Shakespeare's Italy

MARRAPODI, Michele 1994 P5/34 Elizabethan Studies in Italy in 1991and 1992

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°45

MARRAPODI Michele 1998 P5/43 Elizabethan Studies in Italy from 1994-1996

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 54. Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Renaissance Anglaise, Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier III

MARRAPODI, Michele Avril 1999 P5/45 Elizabethan Studies in Italy from 1996-1997. Part 2

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 55 MARRAPODI Michele et al. 1993 C995 Shakespeare's Italy : functions of Italian locations in Renaissance drama

MARRAST Robert 1957 A696 L' esthétique théâtrale de Rafael Alberti

In La Mise en Scène des Oeuvres du Passé

MARRAST Robert 1965 B104 Espagne

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

MARRAST Robert 1965 B104 L'Amérique latine de langue espagnole

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

MARRAST Robert 1965 B104 Le Théâtre espagnol

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

MARRAST Robert 1967 A694 Le Théâtre de Henry Monnier

In Réalisme et Poesie au Théâtre

MARRAST Robert 1968 A692 Le théâtre à Madrid pendant la Guerre Civile: une expérience de théâtre politique

In Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

MARRE Claire 1997 D195 Parcours épistémologique du mot "bond". Le Marchand de Venise

In Le Mal et ses masques

MARRE Claire 1997 D195 Parcours épistémologique du mot "bond". Le Marchand de Venise

In Le Mal et ses masques MARREY Jean-Claude 1967 A533 Les dramaturges français contemporains devant l'histoire

In Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale JACQUOT Jean (editeur)

MARREY Jean-Claude 1969 A528 DesThéâtres pour le Peuple

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs)

MARROUCHI Mustapha 1990 P5/27 A Play of Textual Inscriptions and Proper Pronouns

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°38

MARSDEN C.A. 1960 A697/2 Entrées et fêtes espagnoles au XVIè siècle

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint

MARSH, Charles 1756 C066 The Winter's Tale

MARSH Charles 1969 A841 Cymbelyne, King of Britain(1759)

MARSH Charles 1976 C379/4 From his adaptation of The Winter's Tale, 1756

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

MARSH Charles 1976 C379/4 From his adaptations of Cymbeline, may 1759

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

MARSH D.R.C. 1962 B331 The Recurring Miracle: a Study of Cymbeline and the Last Plays MARsH Derick R.C. 1976 C474 Passion lends them power : a study of Shakespeare's love tragedies

MARSH Ngaio 1968 B049 A Note on a production of Twelfth Night

In Shakespeare Survey 8. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

MARSHALL John 1994 C986 Modern productions of medieval English plays

In The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre

MARSHALL, Mary H. 1972 B938 Aesthetic Values of the Liturgical Drama

In Medieval English Drama

MARSTON John 1933 A174 The Malcontent

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

MARSTON John 1963 B176 The Metamorphosis of Pigmalions Image

In Elizabethan Minor Epics

MARSTON John 1965 B236 Antonio and Mellida, The First Part

MARSTON John 1965 B239 The Dutch Courtesan

MARSTON John 1965 B238 The Fawn MARSTON John 1965 B235 The Malcontent

MARSTON John 1966 B237 Antonio's Revenge: The Second Part of Antonio and Mellida,

MARSTON John and WEBSTER John 1939 A639 The Malcontent

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

Martin Butler 2000 D255 Jonson's London and its theatres

In The Cambridge Companion to Ben Jonson

MARTIN L.C. (editor) 1966 A545 The Poems, English, Latin and Greek of Richard Crashaw

MARTIN L.C. (editor) 1968 A543 The Poetical Works of Robert Herrick

MARTIN L.C. (editor) 1968 A544 The Poetical Works of Robert Herrick

MARTIN, Philip 1972 B906 Shakespeare's Sonnets

Martin SCOFIELD 1998 D200 Shakespeare and Clarissa : 'General Nature', Genre and Sexuality

In Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century, Shakespeare Survey n°51 MARTIN William Cliff 1966 P1/1932/I The Date and Purpose of Spenser's Venue

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°47

MARTINDALE Charles and Michelle 1990 D031 Shakespeare and the Uses of Antiquity : an Introductory Essay

MARTINDALE Joanna 1985 C659 English humanism : Wyatt to Cowley

MARTINET M.M. 1976 C389 Le colporteur et le monde renversé

In Misère et gueuserie au temps de la Renaissance

MARTINET M.M. 1977 C411 Les jeux de marionnettes et le burlesque citadin dans l'Angleterre de la Renaissance

In Les cités au temps de la Renaissance 2

MARTINET Marie-Madeleine 1997 D195 Les motifs tourbillonnants. Images du mal dans la peinture anglaise(19-20eme siecles)

In Le Mal et ses masques

MARTZ Louis 1962 A251 The Poetry of Meditation: A Study in English Religious Literature of the Seventeenth Century by Louis L.Martz

MARTZ Louis 1969 B269 The Poetry of Meditation: a Study in English Religious Literature of the Seventeenth Century

MARTZ Louis 1980 C533 Shakespeare's humanist enterprise : The Winter's Tale

In English Renaissance studies presented to Dame Helen Gardner in honour of her seventieth birthday MARTZ, Louis L. 1965 C028 The Rising Poet, 1645

In The Lyric and Dramatic Milton

MARTZ, Louis L. 1967 C027 The Amoretti : "most goodly temperature"

In Form and Convention in the Poetry of Edmund Spenser

MARTZ Louis L. 1968 A644 John Donne in Meditation : the Anniversaries

In Seventeenth -Century English Poetry : Modern Essays in Criticism

MARTZ Louis L. 1970 A943 The Action of the Self: Devotional Poetry in the Seventeenth Century

In Metaphysical Poetry. Brown John Russell and Harris Bernard (general editors). Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies 11

MARTZ, Louis L. 1970 B855/1 The Action of the Self: Devotional Poetry in the Seventeenth Century

In Metaphysical Poetry

MARVELL Andrew 1951 B558 On Paradise Lost

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

MARVELL Andrew 1971 B718 An Account of the Growth of Popery and Arbitrary Government in England. Amsterdam 1677

MARVELL, Andrew 1971 B823/1 The Poems and Letters: voume I, Poems

MARVELL, Andrew 1971 B823/2 The Poems and Letters: voume II, Letters MARVELL Andrew 1971 B717 The Rehearsal Transpos'd, Parts I and II, London 1672 and 1673

MARVELL Andrew 1986 B715 The Rehearsal Transpos'd

In Restoration and Revolution. Myers William (editor)

MARX, Steven 1995 D094 Holy War in Henry V

In Shakespeare Survey 48

MASEFIELD John 1961 B292 William Shakespeare

MASEFIELD John 1968 A790 From A 'Macbeth' Production

In Shakespeare Macbeth: A Casebook.Wain John (editor)

MASELLO Steven J. 1985 P5/16 Thomas Hoby: A Protestant Traveler to Circe's Court

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°27

MASINTON, Charles G. 1972 B925 Christopher Marlowe's Tragic Vision

MASON H. A. 1959 B285 Humanism and Poetry in the Early Tudor Period

MASON H.A. 1968 A598 Antony and Cleopatra : Telling versus Showing

In Shakespeare : Antony and Cleopatra MASON H.A. 1970 B527 Shakespeare's Tragedies of Love: an examination of the possibility of common readings of Romeo and Juliet, Othello, King Lear, and Anthony and Cleopatra

MASON H.A. 1985 C681 The tragic plane

MASON Jeffrey D. 1988 C879 The fool and the clown: the ironic vision of George S. Kaufman

In Farce

MASON John Monck 1981 C512 On editingShakespeare, 1785

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

MASON, Shirley Carr 1997 P5/41 'Foul Wrinkled Witch': Superstition And Scepticism in Shaekespeare's

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°52

MASON William 1975 C379/3 A proposal to revive the chorus, 1751

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

MASSA J.-M. 1975 C415 Le monde luso-brésilien dans la joyeuse entrée de Rouen

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

MASSÉ Henri 1956 A629 La survie des héros iraniens

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

MASSIGNON Louis 1956 A629 Bi-centenaire de la naissance de Marie-Antoinette

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts. MASSINGER Philip 1933 A174 A New Way to Pay Old Debts

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

MASSINGER Philip 1939 A639 A New Way to Pay Old Debts

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

MASSINGER Philip 1956 B312 A New Way to Pay Old Debts

MASSINGER Philip 1964 B242 The City Madam

MASSINGER Philip 1969 A290 The Roman Actor

In Five Stuart Tragedies, ed. with an Introduction by McILLWRAITH A.K.

MASSINGHAM, H.W. 1970 C285 The Search for the Masterpiece ( Shall We Join the Ladies? )

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

MASSIP, Francesc 1996 D068 La fête du roi : les débuts du théâtre politique

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture

MASSON David I. 1967 B371 Thematic Analysis of Sounds in Poetry (1960)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors)

MASSON David I. 1967 B371 Vowel and Consonant Patterns in Poetry (1953)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors) MATCHETT William H. 1969 A463/14 Some DramaticTechniques in 'The Winter' s Tale'

MATHESON, Mark 1995 D094 Venitian Culture and the Politics of Othello

In Shakespeare Survey 48

Matheson, Tom 1995 D094 Hamlet 's Last Words

In Shakespeare Survey 48

MATHEW, David 1938 B766 The Jacobean Age

MATHEW David 1967 A274 The Social Stucture in Caroline England

MATHEW Gervase 1966 A964 Ideals of Friendship

In Patterns of Love and Courtesy

MATHIEU-ARTH Françoise 1968 A515/1 La Psyche de Thomas Shadwell d' après Molière

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

MATHIS, G. & SAHEL, P. (eds) 1997 D105 Hamlet ou le texte en question

MATHIS Gilles 1992 C825 Théâtralisé dans Edward II : la scène de la déposition, Marlowe et Aristote

In Edward II MATHIS Gilles 1993 C897 “L’obscure clarté” de Roméo et Juliette : les parades du langage

In Roméo et Juliette : Nouvelles perspectives critiques

MATHIS, Gilles 1996 D057 Le prix de l'amour dans Twelfth Night

In Twelfth Night : Le Language en Fête

MATHIS Gilles 1999 D225 Looking for Rhyme and Prosodic Patterning in Richard III

In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef)

MATKOVIC Marijan 1965 B104 Yougoslavie

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

MATTHEW F.D. 1880 A104 The English Works of Wyclif

MATTHEWS G.M. 1964 A759 Othello and the Dignity of Man

In Shakespeare in a Changing World

MATTHEWS G.M. 1969 A581 Shelley' s Lyrics

In The Morality of Art

MATTHEWS Honor 1969 A957 Character & Symbol in Shakespeare's Plays: a study of certain christian and pre-christian elements in their structure and imagery

MATTHEWS Honor 1969 A787 The Usurped Throne and the Ambiguous Hero

In Shakespeare Henry V : A Casebook. Quinn Michael (editor) MATTHEWS William 1970 B816 The Egyptians in Scotland: The Political History of a Myth

In Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, volume I. White Lynn (editor)

MATTHIESSEN F.O. 1965 A660 Translation : an Elizabethan Art

MATTINGLY, Garrett 1966 P1/1933/I The Date of Shakespeare's Sonnet CVII

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°48

MAURICE, Guillaume 1997 M73 Shakespeare's Mob in Julius Caesar and Coriolanus

MAUS Katharine Eisaman 1991 D030 Transfer of Title in Love's Labor's Lost : Language, Individualism, Gender

In Shakespeare Left and Right

MAXWELL Baldwin 1966 A392 Studies in Beaumont, Fletcher, and Massinger

MAXWELL, Baldwin 1969 C290 Studies in the Shakespeare Apocrypha

MAXWELL J.C. 1968 A929 Introduction to Timon of Athens

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

MAXWELL J.C. 1969 B050 Shakespeare's Roman Plays: 1900-1956

In Shakespeare Survey 10. Nicoll Allardyce (editor) MAXWELL J.C. 1969 A603 The Sin of Faustus

In Marlowe, Doctor Faustus. Jump John (editor)

MAXWELL J.C. 1974 C377 Elizabethan and Jacobean drama : critical essays

MAY Georges 1965 B603 The Influence of English Fiction on the French Mid-Eighteenth-Century Novel

In Aspects of the Eighteenth Century. Wasserman Earl R. (editor)

MAYER David C456 Nineteenth century theatre music

In Theatre notebook . Volume XXX . Numbers 2 &3

MAYER III David C457 Dandyism in the regency pantomime

In Theatre notebook . Volume XIX 1964-1965

MAYER Jean-Christophe 1994 C923 Images de la Souveraineté dans La Tempête

In Shakespeare - La Tempête : études critiques

MAYER Jean-Christophe 1995 C999 Évolution et résonance du motif du jardin dans HenryVI, Richard II et Henry V

In Shakespeare . Le monde vert : rites et renouveau

MAYER, Jean-Christophe 1997 P5/40 Pro Patria Mori - War and Power in the Henriad

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°51

MAYER Jean-Christophe 1999 D210 Le discours du pouvoir dansVenus and Adonis : entre héroisme et érotisme

In William Shakespeare, Venus and Adonis : Nouvelles Perspectives Critiques MAYERSON, Caroline W. 1970 P1/1949/I The Orpheus Image in Lycidas

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°64

MAYOR John E.B. 1876 A116 The English Works of John Fisher . Part I

MAYOUX Jean-Jacques 1966 B114 Shakespeare

MAYOUX Jean-Jacques 1967 A694 Le Dialogue tragique et l' identité du personnage dans le théâtre shakespearien

In Réalisme et Poesie au Théâtre

MAZER Cary M. 1986 C664 The criminal as actor : H.B. Irving as criminologist and Shakespearean

In Shakespeare and the Victorian stage

MAZZARO, Jerome 1970 B660 Transformations in the Renaissance English Lyric

MAZZEO, J. A. 1962 B538 Reason and the Imagination

MAZZEO Joseph Anthony 1969 A470 Renaissance and Revolution: The Making of European Thought

MAZZEO Joseph Antony 1964 B128 Renaissance and Seventeenth-Century Studies MC ELROY Bernard 1973 C386 Shakespeare's mature tragedies

McALIDON, T. 1973 C167 Shakespeare and Decorum

McALINDON, T. 1966 P1/1966/III Classical Mythology and Christian Tradition in Marlowe's Doctor Faustus

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°81

McALINDON, Thomas 1996 D092 Antony and Cleopatra

In Shakespeare's Tragic Cosmos

McALINDON, Thomas 1996 D092 Hamlet

In Shakespeare's Tragic Cosmos

McALINDON, Thomas 1996 D092 Julius Caesar

In Shakespeare's Tragic Cosmos

McALINDON, Thomas 1996 D092 King Lear

In Shakespeare's Tragic Cosmos

McALINDON, Thomas 1996 D092 Macbeth

In Shakespeare's Tragic Cosmos

McALINDON, Thomas 1996 D092 Othello

In Shakespeare's Tragic Cosmos McALINDON, Thomas 1996 D092 Romeo and Juliet

In Shakespeare's Tragic Cosmos

McALINDON, Thomas 1996 D092 Shakespeare's Tragic Cosmos

McALINDON, Tom 1995 D094 Pilgrims of Grace : Henry IV Historicized

In Shakespeare Survey 48

McALLISTER JOHNSON W. 1975 C415 Essai de critique interne des livres d'entrées français au XVIe siècle

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

MCCANLES Mchael 1966 C354 Paradox in donne

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XIII

McCANLES, Michael 1967 P1/1967/I The Dialectic of Transcendence in Shakespeare's Coriolanus

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°82

McCARTHY, Michael 1973 C294 The Rebuilding of Stowe House

In The Huntington Library Quaterly (vol. XXXVI, No 3)

McCLINTOCK Anne and NIXON Rob 1986 C946 No Name Apart: The Separation of Word and History in Derrida’s “Le Dernier Mot du Racisme”

In Race,Writing, and Difference

McCOLLEY, Grant 1967 P1/1937/II Milton's Dialogue on Astronomy: The Principal Immediate Sources

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°52 MCCOMBIE Frank 1974 C409 Hamlet and the Moriae Enconium

In Shakespeare Survey 27

McCOMBIE Frank 1980 C515 Medium and message in As You Like It and King Lear

In Shakespeare Survey 33

McCREARY W.Burgess 1970 B897 John Bunyan: The Immortal Dreamer

McDONAKD, Charles 1966 C197 The Rhetoric of Tragedy : Form in Stuart Drama

McDONALD Russ 1981 C539 Sceptical visions : Shakespeare's tragedies and Jonson's comedies

In Shakespeare Survey 34

McDONALD Russ 1985 C953 High Seriousness and Popular Form:The Case of the Maid of Honour

In Philip Massinger : A Critical Reassessment

MCDONALD Russ 1988 C956 Fear of Farce

In Bad Shakespeare : Revaluations of the Shakespeare Canon

McDonald Russ 1990 C795 Reading The Tempest

In Shakespeare Survey 43

McDONALD Russ 1994 C984 Late Shakespeare : Style and the Sexes

In Shakespeare Survey 46 McDONALD Russ 1994 C963 Shakespeare reread : The Texts in New Contexts

McDONALD Russ 1996 D156 A Bedford Companion to Shakespeare

MCDONALD Russ 2001 D265 Shakespeare and the Arts of Language

McDONALD, Russ. 2001 D270 The Bedford Companion to Shakespeare

McELDERRY Bruce Robert 1966 P1/1932/I Archaism and Innovation in Spenser's Poetic Diction

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°47

McEVOY S.T. 1992 C823 Rhétorique et compétence ordinaire : le cas de l'inventio

In Shakespeare : Rhétoriques du texte et du spectacle

McEVOY Sebastian T. 1993 C918 De l’usure à la chasteté: la métaphore requalifiante

In Shakespeare et l’Argent

McFARLAND, Thomas 1972 B954 Shakespeare's Pastoral Comedy

McGEE Arthur R. 1966 A463/11 'Macbeth' and the Furies

In Shakespeare Survey, 19 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production McGOWAN Margaret 1975 C415 Les jésuites à Avignon - Les fêtes religieuses au service de la propagande religieuse et politique

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

McGOWAN Margaret 1984 C583 Une affaire de famille : les fêtes parisiennes en l'honneur d'Henri, duc d'Anjou, roi de Pologne

In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées

McGOWAN Margaret M. 1963 A695 L' Art du Ballet de Cour en France (1581-1643)

McGOWAN Margaret M. 1972 B995 'As Through a Looking-glass'

In John Donne: Essays in Celebration. Smith A.J. (editor)

McGRATH Elizabeth 1975 C415 Le déclin d'Anvers et les décorations de Rubens pour l'entrée du prince Ferdinand en 1635

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

McGRATH Patrick 1967 A474 Papists and Puritans Under Elizabeth I

McGUINNESS Frank 1991 C810 An Irishman's Theatre

In The Contemporary Irish Theatre

McGUIRE Philip C. 1985 C687 Speechless dialect : Shakespeare's open silences

McGUIRE Philip C. 1989 C750 Egeus and the implication of silence

In Shakespeare and the sense of performance McILLWRAITH 1965 A289 Five Elizabethan Comedies

McILLWRAITH A.K. 1969 A290 Five Stuart Tragedies

McILWAIN Charles Howard 1965 A994 The Political Works of James I

McILWRAITH A.K. 1969 A288 Five Elizabethan Tragedies

McINTYRE Clara F. 1966 P1/1925/II The Later Career of the Elizabethan Villain-Hero

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°40

McKENDRICK Melveena 1989 D008 Theatre in Spain 1490-1700

McKENZIE D.F. 1970 B808 A Cambridge Playhouse of 1638

In Renaissance Drama III: Essays principally on Drama in Its Intellectual Context. Schoenbaum S. (editor)

McKENZIE D.F. and ALLUM M-P. 1966 B385 Leavis F.R.: A Check-List. 1924-1964

MCKERNAN, L. & TERRIS, O. (Eds.) 1994 D162 Walking Shadows Shakespeare in the National Film and Television Archive McKERROW Ronald B. 1969 B389 Prolegomena for the Oxford Shakespeare

McKEWIN Carole 1980 C575 Cousenls of Gall and Grace : intimitate conversations between women in Shakespeare's plays

In The woman's part

McLANE, Paul E. 1961 B950 Spencer's Shepheardes Calender

McLAUCHLAN, Juliet 1971 B659 Shakespeare: Othello

McLAUCHLAN Juliet 1974 C409 The Prince of Denmark and Claudius's court

In Shakespeare Survey 27

MCLAUGHLIN M.L. 1997 D201 Humanism and Italian literature

In The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism

McLAVERTY J. 1981 C539 No abuse : The Prince and Falstaff in the tavern scenes of Henry IV

In Shakespeare Survey 34

MCLOUGHLIN T.O. 1977 P5/1 John Dale Ebbs,The Principle of Poetic Justice Illustrated in Restoration Tragedy

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 12

MCLOUGHLIN T.O. 1977 P5/1 Michael M. Alssid, Dryden's Rhymed Heroic Tragedies: A Critical Study of the Plays and of their Place in Dryden's Poetry In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 12 MCLOUGHLIN T.O. 1977 P5/1 Richard Leslie Larson, Studies in Dryden's Dramatic Technique: The Use of Scenes Depicting Persuasion and Accusation In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 12

McLUSKIE Kate 1999 D240 Macbeth/ Umbatha : Global Shakespeare in a Post-Colonial Market

In Shakespeare Survey n°52

McLUSKIE Kathleen 1985 C715 The Patriarchal Bard : Feminist Criticism and Shakespeare:King Lear and Measure for Measure

In Political Shakespeare

McLUSKIE Kathleen 1988 C724 'Langage and Matter with a Fit of Mirth' : Dramatic Construction in the Plays of John Ford

In John Ford : Critical Re-Visions

McLUSKIE Kathleen 1989 C865 Renaissance Dramatist

McLUSKIE Kathleen 1992 C933 ‘A Maidenhead, Amintor, At My Yeares’: Chastity and Tragicomedy in the Fletcher Plays

In The Politics of Tragicomedy

McLUSKIE Kathleen 1992 D039 'Lawless Desires Well Tempered'

In Erotic Politics : Desire on the Renaissance Stage

McLUSKIE Kathleen 1993 D010 The Patriarchal Bard : Feminist Criticism and King Lear

In King Lear

McLUSKIE, Kathleen L. 1971 B699 Shakespeare's 'Earth-trading Stars': The Image of the Masque in Romeo and Juliet

In Shakespeare Survey N°24 McMANAWAY G. 1970 B346 Textual Studies

In Shakespeare Survey(1)

McMANAWAY G. 1970 B346 The Folger Shakespeare Library

In Shakespeare Survey(1)

McMANAWAY J.G. 1966 A463/9 Textual Studies reviewed

In Shakespeare Survey, 16 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

McMANAWAY James 1959 B375 Elizabeth, Esex, and James

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies, presented to Frank Percy Wilson

McMANAWAY James 1969 A915 Elizabeth, Essex, and James

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies

McMANAWAY, James 1973 C169 All's Well with Lafew

In Shakespeare's Art : Seven Essays

McMANAWAY James C. C457 Unrecorded performances in London about 1700

In Theatre notebook . Volume XIX 1964-1965

McMANAWAY James G. 1966 A463/2 Recent Studies in Shakespeare's Chronology

In Shakespeare Survey, 3: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

McMANAWAY James G. 1966 A463/7 Textual Studies

In Shakespeare Survey, 14 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production McMANAWAY James G. 1966 A463/1 Textual Studies (reviewed)

In Shakespeare Survey, 2: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

McMANAWAY James G. 1966 A463/2 Textual Studies (reviewed)

In Shakespeare Survey, 3: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

McManaway James G. 1968 B476 Textual Studies

In Shakespeare Survey (Vol 4)

MCMANAWAY James G. 1968 B048 Textual Studies reviewed

In Shakespeare Survey 7. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

MCMANAWAY James G. 1968 B049 Textual Studies reviewed

In Shakespeare Survey 8. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

McMANAWAY James G. 1969 B455 Textual Studies

In Shakespeare Survey 12: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

MCMANAWAY James G. 1969 B050 Textual Studies reviewed reviewed

In Shakespeare Survey 10. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

McMILLIN Scott 1988 C716 The moon in the morning and the sun at night : Perversity and the BBC Sakespeare

In Shakespeare on television

McMULLAN, Frank 1973 C280 Producing Shakespeare

In Shakespeare : of an Age and for all the Time McMULLAN Gordon & HOPE Johnathan 1992 C933 Introduction: The Politics of Tragicomedy 1610-50

In The Politics of Tragicomedy

McMULLAN Gordon & HOPE Johnathan 1992 C933 The Politics of Tragicomedy : Shakespeare and After

McNEELY, Trevor 1991 P5/30 The Integrated Design of Doctor Faustus: An Essay in Iconoclasm

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°41

McNEIR Waldo F. 1971 B746 Shakespeare's Julius Caesar: a tragedy without a hero

MEAD William Edward 1899 A148/3 Merlin III

MEADER, William G. 1971 C272 Courtship in Shakespeare : its Relation to the Tradition of Courtly Love

MEADOWCROFT J.W.R. 1980 C515 Playing King Lear : Donald Sinden talks to J.D.W. Meadowcroft

In Shakespeare Survey 33

MEADOWS Cowper 1905 A018 A Supplication For The Beggers And The Decaye of England

MEADOWS COWPER J. 1874 A161 Henry Brinklow's Complaynt of Roderyck Mors MEADOWS COWPER J. 1875 A158 Meditations

MEAGHER John C. 1966 A390 Method and Meaning in Jonson's Masques

MEAGHER John C. 1966 B510 Method and Meaning in Jonson's Masques

MEDWALL Henry 1966 A285 Fulgens and Lucrece

In Five Pre-Shakespearean Comedies(Early Tudor Period), ed. with an Introduction by BOAS Frederick S.

MEHL Dieter 1986 C711 Shakespeare reference books

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare studies

MEHL Dieter 1986 C866 Shakespeare’s Tragedies : an Introduction

MEHL Dieter 1994 C974 King Lear at the Opera House

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

MEIR Colin 1991 C810 Irish poetic drama : Seamus Heaney's The Cure at Troy

In The Contemporary Irish Theatre

MELCHIORI, Giorgio 1974 C284 The Tightrope Walkers : Studies of Mannerism in Modern English Literature MELCHIORI Giorgio 1976 C407 Shakespeare's dramatic meditations : an experiment in criticism

MELCHIORI Giorgio 1981 C539 The rhetoric of character construction : Othello

In Shakespeare Survey 34

MELCHIORI Giorgio 1984 C996 The insatiate countess . Marston and others

MELCHIORI Giorgio 1985 C663 Hand D in Sir Thomas More : an essay in misinterpretation

In Shakespeare survey 38

MELCHIORI Giorgio 1992 C919/1 Pivot Scenes as Dramatic Inclusions in Shakespeare’s Plays

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

MELCHIORI Giorgio 1993 C995 'In fair Verona' : commedia erudita into romantic comedy

In Shakespeare's Italy

MELCHIORI Giorgio 1993 C960 The Corridors of History: Shakespeare the Re-maker

In British Academy Shakespeare Lectures

MELIA Joe 1989 C787 Acting in the Swan

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan

MELLAMPHY Ninia 1988 C956 Wormwood in the Wood Outside Athens:Timon and the Problem for the Audience

In Bad Shakespeare : Revaluations of the Shakespeare Canon MELLAMPHY Ninian 1980 C594 Pantaloons and Zanies : Shakespeare's "apprenticeship" to Italian professional comedy troupes

In Shakespearean Comedy

MELLERS Wilfried 1954 A700 La mélancolie au début du XVIIIè siècle et le madrigal anglais

In Musique et Poésie au XVIè siècle. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

MENDL R.W.S. 1964 B248 Revelation in Shakespeare: A study of the Supernatural, religious and spiritual elements in his art

MENDLE, M.J. 1973 C186 Politics and Political Thought 1640-1642

In The Origins of the English Civil War

MENENDEZ PIDAL Ramòn 1959 A606 Formacion del fundamental pensiamento politico de Carlos V

In Charles-Quint et son Temps. C.N.R.S

MERCER Eric 1962 A574 English Art : 1553-1625

MERCER Eric 1989 C793 The Town of Shrewsbury

In The Cambridge Guide to the Arts in Britain Vol.3 : Renaissance and Reformation

MERCHANT Christina 1968 A463/13 Delacroix' s Tragedy of Desdemona

In Shakespeare Survey, 21 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

MERCHANT Moelvyn 1972 C661 Comedy MERCHANT Moelvyn W. 1986 C664 Artist and stage designers

In Shakespeare and the Victorian stage

MERCHANT, Paul 1971 B781bis The Critical Idiom vol 16: The Epic

MERCHANT W.M. 1969 B050 Classical Costume in Shakespearian Productions

In Shakespeare Survey 10. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

MERCHANT W. Moelwyn 1966 A463/11 'His Fiend- Like Queen'

In Shakespeare Survey, 19 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

MERCHANT W.Moelwyn 1966 A463/7 Shakespeare' s Life, Times and Stage

In Shakespeare Survey, 14 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

MERCHANT W. Moelwyn 1968 A248 Marlowe the Orthodox

In Christopher Marlowe (Mermaid Critical Commentaries)

MERCHANT W.Moelwyn 1968 A576 Marlowe the Orthodox

In Christopher MarloweChristopher Marlowe

MERCHANT W. Moelwyn 1972 B995 Donne's Sermon to the Virginia Company

In John Donne: Essays in Celebration. Smith A.J. (editor)

MERCHANT, W. Moelwyn 1972 B777 The Critical Idiom vol 21: Comedy MERCIER Vivian 1965 B025 From Myths to Ideas -and back

In Ideas in the Drama: selected papers from the English Institute. Gassner John (editor)

MERCIER-CAMPICHE Marianne 1968 A692 L'héroïne dans le théâtre de Giraudoux

In Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

MEREDITH, George 1965 C266 From An Essay on Comedy

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

MEREDITH George 1967 A917 An Essay on Comedy

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

MEREDITH Peter 1994 C986 The Towneley cycle

In The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre

MEREDITH, Peter 1996 D068 The Fifteenth-Century Audience of the York Corpus Christi Play : Records and Speculation

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture

MERES Francis 1967 A256/2 From Palladis Tamia.1598

In Elizabethan Critical Essays, volume II

MERES, Francis 1973 C099 Palladis Tamia ; Wits Treasury

MERES Francis 1979 C779 From 'Palladis Tamia, Wits Treasury', 1598

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896 MERIVALE, J.H. 1817 C082 Richard Duke of York

MERLIN Alfred 1956 A629 Le corpus international des vases antiques

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

MERRANT, Charline 1998 M85 Love and the Law in Shakespeare's Measure for Measure

MERRIX Robert P. 1997 D193 "Lo, in This Hollow Cradle Take Thy Rest": Sexual Conflict and Resolution in Venus and Adonis

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

MERSENNE Marin 1965 A532/1 Harmonie Universelle contenant la théorie et la pratique de la musique

MERSENNE Marin 1965 A532/2 Harmonie Universelle contenant la théorie et la pratique de la musique

MERSENNE Marin 1965 A532/3 Harmonie Universelle contenant la théorie et la pratique de la musique

MERTON Robert k. 1970 B329 Science, Technology & Society in Seventeenth Century England

MESCHONNIC Henri 1992 C823 La figure et le poème dans Shakespeare à travers La Tempête

In Shakespeare : Rhétoriques du texte et du spectacle MESNARD Pierre 1960 A697/2 L' Expérience politique de Charles Quint et les les enseignementsd' Erasme

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint

MESNARD Pierre 1966 C354 The pedagogy of Johann Sturm (1507-1589) and its evangelical inspiration

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XIII

METZ Christian 1977 T21 Essais sémiotiques

METZ Christian 1978 T22 Essais sur la signification au cinéma (tome I)

METZ Christian 1981 T23 Essais sur la signification au cinéma (tome II)

METZ Christian 1984 T50 Le signifiant imaginaire: Psychanalyse et cinéma

MEYER Ernst H. 1960 A698 L'élément populaire dans les danses instrumentales allemandes jusqu'à la guerre de Trente Ans

In La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean

MEYER Jean 1964 B066 Gilles Shakespeare ou Les Aventures de Jean Perrin

MEYERHOLD, Vsevolod 1965 C266 Farce

In Comedy : Meaning and Form MEYERHOLD Vsevolod 1973 C837 Écrits sur le théâtre . Tome I . 1891-1917

MEYERHOLD Vsevolod 1975 C838 Écrits sur le Théâtre . Tome II . 1917-1929

MEYERHOLD Vsevolod 1980 C839 Écrits sur le Théâtre . Tome III . 1930-1936

MEYEROVITCH Eva 1956 A629 Temps poétique et mystique en Islam

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

MEYERSON I. 1956 A629 Sur la spécificité de l'art et de ses objets

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

MEYLAN Henri 1959 A606 Sur un pasquin de Rome: Le Pasquillus novus de 1537

In Charles-Quint et son Temps. C.N.R.S

MEYNELL, Alice 1970 C285 Donkey Races

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

MICELI di Caroline 1984 P5/15 Sickness and Physic in Some Plays by Middleton and Webster

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°26

Michael CORDNER 1998 D200 Repeopling the Globe: The Opening Season at Shakespeare's Globe, London 1997

In Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century, Shakespeare Survey n°51 Michael D. Bristol 2000 D256 Vernacular criticism and the scenes Shakespeare never wrote

In Shakespeare survey 53

Michael Dobson 2001 D259 Shakespeare on the page and the stage

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare

Michael Hattaway 2000 D250 The comedies on film

In Shakespeare on film

MICHAUD Guy 1967 A533 Ionesco: de la dérision à l'anti-monde

In Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale JACQUOT Jean (editeur)

MICHEL A. 1977 C411 Rhétorique et poétique chez Campanella : la culture littéraire dans la Cité du Soleil

In Les cités au temps de la Renaissance 2

MICHEL, Laurence 1970 B551 The Thing contained

Michèle Willems 2000 D250 Video and its paradoxes

In Shakespeare on film

MICHELSON Annette 1968 A692 Le théâtre d'Eugène O'Neill

In Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

MICHON Jacques 1981 D002 Genèse d'un chef-d'oeuvre : The Beggar's Opera

In Aspects du théâtre Anglo-saxon MICKEL, Lesley 1999 D212 Ben Jonson's Antimasques

MIDDLEMAS Keith 1972 B888 The Life and Times of Edward VII

MIDDLETON and ROWLEY 1933 A174 The Challeging

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

MIDDLETON Murry J. 1967 A513 Shakespeare

MIDDLETON MURRY J. 1968 A599 Shakespeare' s Dream

Shakespeare : The Tempest

MIDDLETON MURRY John 1968 A598 Antony and Cleopatra

In Shakespeare : Antony and Cleopatra

MIDDLETON MURRYJohn 1967 B194 Shakespeare

MIDDLETON T. & ROWLEY W. 1967 B423 The Changeling

MIDDLETON Thomas 1933 A174 A Game at Chess

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642 MIDDLETON Thomas 1939 A639 A Trick to Catch the Old One

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

MIDDLETON Thomas 1965 A218 A Mad World, My Masters

MIDDLETON Thomas 1969 A722 A chaste Maid in Cheapside

MIDDLETON Thomas 1999 D235 From The Witch

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

MIDDLETON Thomas and ROWLEY William 1939 A639 The Changeling

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

MIDDLETON Thomas and ROWLEY William 1986 B451 The Changeling

MIDDLETON Thomas & ROWLEY William 1961 A236 The Changeling

MIDGLEY Graham 1969 A597 The Merchant of Venice : A Reconsideration

In Shakespeare : The Merchant of Venice

MIDLETON THomas 1967 B422 Michaelmas Term MIDLETONE Thomas 1967 A173 The Inner Temple Masque , or Masque of Heroes (1619)

In A Book of Masques

MIELZINER Jo 1969 A528 Influences Sociales et Economiques sur l'Architecture Théâtrale aux Etats-Unis

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs)

MILBURN Judson D. 1966 A187 The Age of Wit(1650-1750)

MILES Josephine 1961 B568 The Primary Language of Lycidas

In Milton's Lycidas, The Tradition and the Poem. Patrides, C.A.

MILES Josephine 1967 B371 Eras in English Poetry (1955)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors)

MILES Josephine 1967 B371 More Semantics of Poetry (1940)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors)

MILES Rosalind 1986 C704 Ben Jonson, his life and work

MILES Rosalind 1990 C797 Ben Jonson : His craft and art

MILIC Louis T. 1967 B371 Against the Typology of Styles (1967)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors) MILLER, Anthony. 2002 D287 Matters of State

In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Comedy

MILLER Arthur 1964 C747 After the fall : a play in two acts / Final stage version

MILLER Arthur 1984 C754 The Archbishop's Ceiling

MILLER Arthur 1984 C753 Two-way mirror : a double-bill of Elegy for a Lady and Some Kind of Love Story

MILLER Arthur 1986 C746 Danger: memory ! A double bill of Ican't remember anything and Clara

MILLER Arthur 1989 C744 The Golden Years and The Man Who Had all the Luck

MILLER Christopher L. 1986 C946 Theories of Africans: The Question of Literary Anthropology

In Race, Writing, and Difference

MILLER Edwin Haviland 1959 A258 The Professional Writer in Elizabethan England: A Study of Nondramatic Literature

MILLER, George 1979 P5/5 Milton's Topothesias: Some Rhetorical Aspects of Description in Paradise Lost

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 16 MILLER James 1969 A869 The Universal Passion(1737)

MILLER Thomas 1890 A019/1 The Old English Version of Bede’s Ecclesastical History of The English People Part.I

MILLER Thomas 1890 A019/2 The Old English Version of Bede’s Ecclesastical History of The English People Part. II

MILLER, William E. 1963 B764/5 Double Translation in English Humanistic Education

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume X. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

MILLS David 1994 C986 The Chester cycle

In The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre

MILLS, Sara 1997 D141 Discourse

MILSOM John 1989 C793 Music

In The Cambridge Guide to the Arts in Britain Vol.3 : Renaissance and Reformation

MILTON FRENCH, J. 1967 P1/1938/I Milton's Family Bible

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°53

MILTON John 1953 A557/1 The Complete Prose Works, volume I 1624-1642 MILTON John 1957 A675 Aeropagitica; a speech of Mr. John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicenc' d Printing , to the parlament of England In Seventeenth-Century : English Prose

MILTON John 1959 A557/2 The Complete Prose Works, volume II 1643-1648

MILTON John 1968 B572 Poems

MILWARD, Peter 1973 C029 Shakespeare's Religious Background

MINCOFF Marco 1966 A463/7 Shakespeare and Lyly

In Shakespeare Survey, 14 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

MINCOFF Marco 1966 A463/2 The Stuctural Pattern of Shakespeare's Tragedies

In Shakespeare Survey, 3: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

MINCOFF Marco 1967 A463/12 Shakespeare, Fletcher and Baroque Tragedy

In Shakespeare Survey, 20 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

MINER Earl 1969 A635 The Death of Innocence in Marvell's 'Nymph complaining for the death of her Faun'

In Marvell (Modern Judgements). Wilding Michael (editor)

MINER Earl 1972 B891 Stuart and Georgian Moments MINER Earl 1981 C551 The Restoration : age of faith, age of satire

In Poetry and drama 1570-1700

MINER Earl (editor) 1969 B026 The Works of John Dryden

MINER Madonne M. 1980 C575 "Neither mother, wife, nor England's queen": the roles of women in Richard III

In The woman's part

MINER Madonne.M 1999 D260 "Neither Mother, Wife, nor England's Queen" The Roles of Women in Richard III

MINEUR, Brigitte 1991 M52 History Dramatized in Marlowe's Edward II and Shakespeare's Richard II

MINIO-PALUELLO, L. 1969 B818 The Genuine Text of Boethius' Translation of Aristotle's Categories

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond

MINKOWSKI Eugène 1956 A629 Création. Expression. Psychologie formelle

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

MINTO William 1979 C779 From 'Characteristics of English Poets', 1874

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

MINTZ Samuel I. 1969 A177 The Hunting of Leviathan MINTZ Samuel I. 1969 A178 The Hunting of Leviathan

MINTZ Samuel I. 1980 C632 The motion of thought : intellectual and philosophical backgrounds

In The age of Milton

MIOLA Robert S. 1990 C703 Shakespeare and his sources : observations on the critical history of Julius Caesar

In Shakespeare Survey 40

MIOLA, Robert.S. 2002 D287 Roman Comedy

In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Comedy

MIRAMBEL André 1965 B104 Grèce

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

MITCHELL Adrian 1988 C768 The Pied Piper

MITCHELL Bonner 1975 C415 Les intermèdes au service de l'État

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

MIZENER Arthur 1965 A775 The Tragedy of Marlowe's "Doctor Faustus"

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

MIZENER Arthur 1969 A247 The Dualism in Dr. Faustus

In Critics on Marlowe, ed. by Judith O'Neill MOELVYN MERCHANT W. 1982 C582 Costume in King Lear

In Aspects of King Lear

MOELWYN MERCHANT, W. 1960 B555 Costume in King Lear

In Shakespeare Survey N°13

MOISAN Thomas 1987 C733 "Which is the merchant here? and which the Jew?": subversion and recuperation inThe Merchant of Venice In Shakespeare reproduced : the text in history and ideology

MOLIÈRE 1965 C266 Preface to Tartuffe

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

MOLIN Nicolo 1999 D235 Report to the Dodge and Senate

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

MONCK Nugent 1969 B455 The Maddermarket Theatre and the Playing of Shakespeare

In Shakespeare Survey 12: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

MONEY John 1953 A463/4 Othello' s "It is the cause..." : An Analysis

In Shakespeare Survey, 6 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

MONGLOND André 1956 A629 Le romantisme des rapins à Grenoble. Diodore Rahoult, illustrareur du "Grenoblo Malhérou"

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

MONNET Gabriel 1957 A696 Sur une mise en scène de "Hamlet"

In La Mise en Scène des Oeuvres du Passé MONNET Gabriel 1969 A528 Installation d'un Centre Dramatique

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs)

MONOD Richard 1990 C964 Écritures contemporaines et théâtralité

MONSARRAT, G.D. 1983 P5/12 Editing the Actor: Truth and Deception in The Alchemist

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 23

MONTAGU, Elizabeth 1970 C012 An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakespear, Compared with the Greek and French Dramatic Poets with some Remarks upon the Misrepresentations of Mons. de Voltaire

MONTAGU Elizabeth 1979 C537 Shakespeare's genius, 1769

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

MONTAGUE, C.E. 1970 C285 F.R. Benson's Richard II

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

MONTAIGNE, trad. John Florio 1965 A269/1 Essays, volume I

MONTAIGNE, trad. John Florio 1965 A269/2 Essays, volume II

MONTAIGNE, trad. John Florio 1965 A269/3 Essays, volume III MONTAÑO John Patrick 1995 D042 The Quest for Consensus : the Lord Mayor's Day Shows in the 1670s

In Culture and Society in the Stuart Restoration

MONTEL Paul 1956 A629 Esthétique et mathématique

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

MONTET Pierre 1956 A629 Présent et avenir de l'Egyptologie

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

MONTGOMERY Guy 1966 A340 The Challenge of Restoration Comedy

In Restoration Drama (Modern Essays in Criticism)

MONTGOMERY Robert 1969 B757 Symmetry and Sense: the Poetry of Sir Philip Sidney

MONTGOMERY William 1989 C740 The original staging of The First Part of the Contention (1594)

In Shakespeare survey 41

MONTIER, Laurence 1993 MD12 Eudora Welty, photographe du Sud américain

MONTROSE, Louis 1992 C924 A Midsummer Night's Dream and the Shaping Fantasies of Elizabethean Culture : Gender, Power, Form In New Historicism and Renaissance Drama

MONTROSE, Louis A. 1989 C922 Professing the Renaissance: The Poetics and Politics of Culture

In The New Historicism MOODY Jane 1994 C985 Writing for the Metropolis : Illegitimate Performances of Shakespeare in Early Nineteenth-Century London In Shakespeare Survey 47

MOONEY Michael E. 1985 C663 'Edgar I nothing am' : Figurenposition in King Lear

In Shakespeare survey 38

MOORE Edward 1965 A280 The Gamester

In Eighteenth Century Tragedy, ed. with an intro by Michael R. BOOTH

MOORE G.H. 1964 B320/64 American Literature

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1964)

MOORE G.H. 1965 B320/63 American Literature

In The Year's Work n English Studies(1963)

MOORE G.H. 1968 B320/66 American Literature

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1966)

MOORE G.H. 1969 B320/67 American Literature

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1967)

MOORE Sir John Robert 1966 P1/1928/I Contemporary Satire in Otway's Venice Preserved

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°43

MOORE Sir John Robert 1966 P1/1927/I The Songs in Lyly's Plays

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°42 MOORE SMITH G.C. 1923 B516 College Plays performed in the University of Cambridge

MORE Henry 1969 B016 An Antidote against Atheism, Books I-II

In The Cambridge Platonists

MORE Henry 1969 B016 'The Purification of a Christian Man's Soul'

In The Cambridge Platonists

MORE Paul Elmer 1961 B568 How to read Lycidas

In Milton's Lycidas, The Tradition and the Poem. Patrides, C.A.

MOREAU Jean-Pierre 1991 C789 Le corps politique au XVIe et XVIIe siècles : avatars d'une métaphore

In Shakespeare et le corp à la Renaissance

MOREAU Jean-Pierre 1994 D003 Le schisme anglais et l'essor du sentiment national

In Shakespeare : cosmopolitisme et insularité

MOREL Jacques 1964 A701 l'"Hercule sur l'oeta" de Sénèque et les dramaturges français de l'époque de Louis XIII

In Les tragédies de Sénèque et le théâtre de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

MOREL Jacques 1964 A905 La Tragédie

MOREL Jacques 1965 B104 Le Théâtre français

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy MOREL Jacques 1965 A693 Les Criminels de Rotrou en face de leurs actes

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

MORÈRE Pierre 1999 D225 La Marge et la norme dans The Tatler et dans The Spectator

In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef)

MORETTI Franco 1992 C966 The Great Eclipse: Tragic Form as the Deconsecration of Sovereignty

In Shakespearean Tragedy

MORGAN, Aaron Augustus 1860 C096 The Mind of Shakspeare as Exhibited in his Works

MORGAN Bayard Quincy (editor) 1966 P1/1968/VII Publications of the Modern Language Association of America: Indexn°79

MORGAN Margery M. 1975 C476 Shaw

In English drama (excluding Shakespeare)

MORGAN Paul 1966 A463/9 'Our Will Shakespeare' and Lope de Vega : An Unrecorded Contemporary Document

In Shakespeare Survey, 16 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

MORGANN Maurice 1970 B057 An Essay on the Dramatic Character of Sir John Falstaff

In Shakespeare: Henry IV (parts I & II)

MORGANN Maurice 1972 B869 Shakespeare Criticism: 1) An essay on the dramatic character of Falstaff.2) Extensive revisions of the essay.3) A commentary on the Tempest.4) Miscellaneous comments MORGANN, Maurice 1972 B853 Shakespearian Criticism

MORGANN Maurice 1981 C512 On Falstaff, 1777

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

MORIER Henri 1989 C929 Dictionnaire de poétique et de rhétorique

MORIN, C. 1982 M38 Madness in Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy and Shakespeare's Hamlet

MORLEY, Henry 1970 C285 Phelps at Sadler's Wells

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

MORLEY Malcolm C457 More on the minor theatre

In Theatre notebook . Volume XIX 1964-1965

MORO, Bernard 1979 M30 From Tragedy to Tragi-Comedy: Death and Rebirth in Macbeth and the Winter's Tale

MORO, Bernard and WILLEMS, Michèle 1982 P5/10 Death and Rebirth in Macbeth and the Winter's Tale

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 21

MOROZOV Mikhail M. 1966 A463/1 The Individualization of Shakespeare's Characters through Imagery

In Shakespeare Survey, 2: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor) MORRIL Georgina Lea 1898 A056 Speculum Gy De Warewyke

MORRIS Brian 1968 A576 Christopher Marlowe

MORRIS Brian 1968 A248 Comic Method in Hero and Leander

In Christopher Marlowe (Mermaid Critical Commentaries)

MORRIS Brian 1968 A576 Comic Method in Hero and Leander

In Christopher Marlowe

MORRIS Brian 1968 B015 'Not without Song': Milton and the Composers

In Approaches to Paradise Lost

MORRIS Brian 1970 A943 Satire from Donne to Marvell

In Metaphysical Poetry. Brown John Russell and Harris Bernard (general editors). Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies 11

MORRIS, Brian 1970 B855/1 Satire From Donne to Marvell

In Metaphysical Poetry

MORRIS Brian 1981 C526 The Taming of the Shrew

MORRIS Brian 1987 C980 Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama

In The Penguin History of Literature : English Drama to 1710 MORRIS Brian (editor) 1970 B038 John Webster

MORRIS Christopher 1965 A343 Political Thought in England: Tyndale to Hooker

MORRIS Corbyn 1975 C379/3 Falstaff's humour, 1744

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

MORRIS Helen 1985 C665 Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

MORRIS Ivor 1966 A463/7 The Tragic Vision of Fulke Greville

In Shakespeare Survey, 14 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

MORRIS, Ivor 1972 B858 Shakespeare's God

MORRIS James 1968 A669 Pax Britannica : The Climax of an Empire

MORRIS Richard A047 Early English Alliterative Poems

MORRIS Richard A133/1 The Blickling Homilies . Part I MORRIS Richard A133/2 The Blickling Homilies . Part II

MORRIS Richard 1865 A083 The Story of Genesis and Exodus, an Early English Song

MORRIS Richard 1866 A106 Dan Michel's Ayenbite of Inwyt or, Remorse of Conscience

MORRIS Richard 1868 A131/1 Old English Homilies and Homiletic Creatises . First Series

MORRIS Richard 1871 A141 Legends of the Holy Rood

MORRIS Richard 1872 A084 An old English Miscellany

MORRIS Richard 1873 A131/2 Old English Homilies of the Twelfth Tentury . Second Series

MORRIS Richard 1874 A057/1 Cursor Mundi I

MORRIS Richard 1874 A057/2 Cursor Mundi II MORRIS Richard 1874 A057/3 Cursor Mundi III

MORRIS Richard 1874 A057/4 Cursor Mundi IV

MORRIS Richard 1874 A057/5 Cursor Mundi V

MORRIS Richard 1874 A057/6 Cursor Mundi VI

MORRIS Richard 1874 A057/7 Cursor Mundi VII

MORRIS Richard 1874 A133/3 The Blickling Homilies

MORRIS Richard 1895 A008 Chaucer’s Boethius’s De Consolation Philosophie

MORRIS Richard 1897 A163 Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight

MORRISON, Stephen 1997 P5/41 in the Fifteenth Century- The Evidence from Some Orthodox Texts

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°52 MORRRIS Brian 1972 B995 Not, Siren-like, to tempt

In John Donne: Essays in Celebration. Smith A.J. (editor)

MORSBERGER Robert E. 1974 C320 Swordplay and the Elizabethan and Jacobean stage

MORSE, Ruth 1996 D057 Ben Jonson and Twelfth Night

In Twelfth Night : le Language en Fête

MORSE, Ruth 1996 D106 Taking the Measure of The Tempest

In Variations sur la lettre, le mètre et la mesure - Shakespeare

MORSE Ruth 1998 D168/4 As You Like It: Fools, Madness and Melancholy

In As You Like It Essais critiques

MORSE William R. 1990 C878 Shakespearian self-knowledge: the synthesizing imagination and the limits of reason

In Drama and Philosophy

MORTIMER Anthony R. 1985 P5/17 Hythlodaeus and Persona More: The Narrative Voices in Utopia

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°28

MORTIMER John 1978 C849 Will Shakespeare : The Untold Story

MORTON, A.L. 1970 B707 The World of the Ranters MORVAN Alain 1999 D225 L'Indépendance dans A Vindication of the Rights of Woman de Mary Wollstonecraft

In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef)

MORYSON Fynes 1999 D235 From An Itinerary

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

MOSLEY, Michael E. 1996 D230 Mannerism in the Works of Thomas Nashe

Mother PECHEUX Mary Christopher 1960 P1/1960/IV The Concept of the Second Eve in Paradise Lost

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°75

MOTTO Anna Lydia and CLARK John R. 1973 C453 Senecan tragedy : a critique of scholarly trends

In Renaissance drama . New series VI

MOUDOUÈS Rose-Marie 1968 A692 La décentralisation dramatique en France

In Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

MOULTON Richard G. 1966 A738 Shakespeare as a Dramatic Artist : a Popular Illustration of the Principles of Scientific Criticism

MOUNIC Anne 1997 D195 Le mythe comme parade au mal: Robert Graves

In Le Mal et ses masques

MOUNIER Catherine 1971 C548 Lexpressionnisme dans l'oeuvre d'Eugène O'Neill

In L'expressionnisme dans le théâtre européen MOUNIER Catherine 1975 C416 Le Marchand de Glace Est Passé, de E. O'Neill, et la mise en scène de G. Garran au Théâtre de la Commune d'Aubervilliers In Les voies de la création théâtrale IV

MOUNIER Catherine 1975 C416 Les Bonnes, de J. Genet : les costumes et les mouvements

In Les voies de la création théâtrale IV

MOUNIER Catherine 1977 C436 Deux créations collectives du Théâtre du Soleil : 1793, la cité révolutionnaire est de ce monde; L'Age d'Or, Première ébauche In Les voies de la création théâtrale V

MOUNIER Catherine 1984 C583 A propos du conte et du théâtre

In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées

MOURIER Jean 1969 A528 Intoduction au Congrès de l' A.I.T.T., Londres (1961): Les Salles à Destination Multiple

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs)

MOUSNIER R. 1977 C411 Les structures administratives, sociales, révolutionnaires de Paris au temps de la seconde Ligue (1584-1594) In Les cités au temps de la Renaissance 2

MOWAT Barbara 1994 C974 Nicholas Rowe and the Twentieth-Century Shakespeare Text

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

MOWAT Barbara A. 1976 C479 Thge dramaturgy of Shakespeare's romances

Mr. DENNIS (editor) 1971 B817 Letters upon several Occasions: Written by and Between Mr. Dryden, Mr. Congreve, Mr. Wycherly and Mr. Dennis, with a New Translation of Select Letters of Monsieur Voiture 'Mr.S. Mr. of Art' 1966 A285 Gammer Gurton's Needle

In Five Pre-Shakespearean Comedies(Early Tudor Period), ed. with an Introduction by BOAS Frederick S.

Mrs. CENTLIVRE 1872 A713/1 The Dramatic Works, with A New Account of Her Life, volume I

Mrs. CENTLIVRE 1872 A713/2 The Dramatic Works, with A New Account of Her Life, volume II

Mrs. CENTLIVRE 1872 A713/3 The Dramatic Works, with A New Account of Her Life, volume III

Mrs S. O. 1973 C139 Law Outlaw'd

In The Absolute Unlawfulness of the Stage-Entertainment Fully Demonstrated, The Stage Defended and Law Outlaw'd

MSOMI, Welcome. 2000 D283 uMabatha

In Adaptations of Shakespeare

MUCHENBLED Robert 1991 C789 Le corps magique à la Renaissance

In Shakespeare et le corp à la Renaissance

MUECKE, D.C. 1970 B778 The Critical Idiom vol 13: Irony

MUESCHKE, Paul and FLEISHER, Jeannette 1966 P1/1933/I Jonsonian Elements in the Comic Underplot of Twelfth Night

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°48 MUIR Edwin 1965 A775 "Royal Man": Notes on the Tragedies of George Chapman

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

MUIR Edwin 1966 B245 Essays on Literature and Society

MUIR Kenneth 1953 A463/4 A Reconsideration of Edward III

In Shakespeare Survey, 6 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

MUIR, Kenneth 1955 B561 John Milton

MUIR Kenneth 1958 A463/6 Shakespeare' s Hand in The Two Noble Kinsmen

In Shakespeare Survey, 11 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

MUIR Kenneth 1958 A463/6 Shakespeare' s Hand in The Two Noble Kinsmen

In Shakespeare Survey, 11 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

MUIR, Kenneth 1960 B555 Madness in King Lear

In Shakespeare Survey N°13

MUIR, Kenneth 1960 C287 Shakespeare as Collaborator

MUIR, Kenneth 1960 B676 Sir Philip Sydney MUIR Kenneth 1962 B450 Robert Greene as Dramatist

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

MUIR, Kenneth 1964 C204 "A Lover's Complaint" a Reconsideration

In Shakespeare 1564-1964

MUIR Kenneth 1964 A759 Shakespeare and Politics

In Shakespeare in a Changing World

MUIR Kenneth 1965 B278 Shakespeare's Sources: Comedies and Tragedies

MUIR Kenneth 1966 A463/11 Image and Symbol in 'Macbeth'

In Shakespeare Survey, 19 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

MUIR Kenneth 1966 A308 Macbeth

MUIR Kenneth 1968 B476 Fifty Years of Shakespearian Criticism: 1900-1950

In Shakespeare Survey (Vol 4)

MUIR Kenneth 1968 A596 Shakespeare : The Winter' s Tale

MUIR Kenneth 1968 B049 Troilus and Cressida

In Shakespeare Survey 8. Nicoll Allardyce (editor) MUIR Kenneth 1968 A973 Verse and Prose

In Contemporary Theatre

MUIR Kenneth 1969 B050 Critical Studies reviewed

In Shakespeare Survey 10. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

MUIR Kenneth 1969 A581 The Conclusion of The Winter' s Tale

In The Morality of Art

MUIR Kenneth 1970 B456 Shakespeare's Poets

In Shakespeare Survey 23: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

MUIR Kenneth 1971 B731 Plays

In Drama and the Theatre with Radio, Film and Television: an outline for the student. Brown John Russell (editor)

MUIR, Kenneth 1971 B699 Shakespeare Survey N°24

MUIR, Kenneth 1971 B699 Shakespeare the Professional

In Shakespeare Survey N°24

MUIR, Kenneth 1972 B923 Shakespeare's Tragic Sequence

MUIR, Kenneth 1973 C203 King Lear

In Shakespeare : Select Bibliographical Guides MUIR, Kenneth 1973 C171 Shakespeare Survey 26

MUIR, Kenneth 1973 B910 Shakespeare the Professional

MUIR, Kenneth 1973 C193 Shakespeare the Professional and Related Studies

MUIR Kenneth 1974 C409 Shakespeare Survey : an annual survey of Shakespearian study and production 27

MUIR Kenneth 1975 C398 Shakespeare Survey : an annual survey of Shakespearian study and production 28

MUIR Kenneth 1976 C399 Shakespeare Survey : an annual survey of Shakespearian study and production 29

MUIR Kenneth 1977 C433 Shakespeare Survey : an annual survey of Shakespearian study and production 30

MUIR Kenneth 1977 C473 The singularity of Shakespeare and other essays

MUIR Kenneth 1977 C426 The sources of Shakespeare's plays MUIR Kenneth 1978 C472 Shakespeare Survey : an annual survey of Shakespearian study and production 31

MUIR Kenneth 1978 C494 The singularity of Shakespeare

In Shakespeare : pattern of excelling nature

MUIR Kenneth 1979 C498 Shakespeare Survey : an annual survey of Shakespearian study and production 32

MUIR Kenneth 1980 C515 Shakespeare Survey : an annual survey of Shakespearian study and production 33

MUIR Kenneth 1981 C539 Shakespeare's open secret

In Shakespeare Survey 34

MUIR Kenneth 1981 C551 The role of Livia in Women Beware Women

In Poetry and drama 1570-1700

MUIR Kenneth 1982 C582 Madness in King Lear

In Aspects of King Lear

MUIR Kenneth 1982 C581 Troilus and Cressida

In Aspects of Shakespeare's 'problem plays'

MUIR Kenneth 1985 C625 Interpretations of Shakespeare : British Academy Shakespeare Lectures MUIR Kenneth 1986 C819 Comic Tradition and the European Context: The Testing of Love

In Comedy from Shakespeare to Sheridan

MUIR Kenneth 1986 C711 Twentieth-century Shakespeare criticism : The tragedies

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare studies

MUIR Kenneth 1987 D261 Shakespeare: Anthony and Cleopatra

MUIR Kenneth 1993 C925 Freud’s Hamlet

In Shakespeare Survey 45

MUIR, Kenneth 1996 D074 Lope de Vega and Shakespeare

In Travel and Drama in Shakespeare's Time

MUIR Kenneth 1997 D154 Base Uses

In Shakespearean Continuities

MUIR Kenneth and O'LOUGHLIN Sean 1970 B530 The Voyage to Illyria: A New Study of Shakespeare

MUIR, Kenneth and SCHOENBAUM, S. 1971 B557 A New Companion to Shakespeare Studies

MUIR, Kenneth and THOMSON, Patricia 1969 B833 Collected Poems of Sr Thomas Wyatt MUIR Kenneth and WELLS Stanley 1982 C582 Aspects of King Lear : articles reprinted from Shakespeare Survey

MUIR Kenneth and WELLS Stanley 1982 C581 Aspects of Shakespeare's 'problem plays' : articles reprinted from Shakespeare Survey

MUIR Kenneth(b.1907) 1963 A292 Pericles

In Shakespeare Criticism

MUIR Kenneth (editor) 1970 B456 Shakespeare Survey 23: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production

MUIR Kenneth (editor) 1972 B886 Shakespeare Survey n°25: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study and Production

MUIR Kenneth & THOMSON Patricia 1969 B284 Collected Poems of Sir Thomas Wyatt

MUIR Lynette R. 1995 D035 The Biblical Drama of Medieval Europe

MUKAROVSKY Jan 1967 B371 From Standard Language and poetic language (1932)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors)

MUKHERJI, Subha 1996 D135 "Lawful deed" : Consummation, Custom, and Law in All's Well That Ends Well

In Shakespeare Survey 49 MULHERN Francis 2000 D242 Culture/ metaculture

MULHOLLAND Paul 1987 C798 The Roaring Girl

MULLALLY Robert C456 The source of the "Fulgens" woodcut

In Theatre notebook . Volume XXX . Numbers 2 &3

MULLANEY Steven 1987 C949 Brothers and Others, or the Art of Alienation

In Cannibals, Witches, and Divorce

MULLANEY Steven 1992 D012 Lying Like Truth : Riddle, Representation, and Treason in Renaissance England

In Macbeth

MULLANEY Steven 1996 D206 After the New Historicism

In Alternative Shakespeares, Vol II

MULLANEY Steven 1996 D121 After the New Historicism

In Alternative Shakespeares, Vol II

MÛLLER, Heiner. 2000 D283 Hamletmachine

In Adaptations of Shakespeare

MULLIN Michael C656 g The BBC Macbeth MULLIN Michael 1988 C716 Stage and screen : The Trevor Nunn "Macbeth"

In Shakespeare on television

MULLINI Roberta 1993 C995 Streets, squares and courts : Venice as a stage in Shakespeare and Ben Jonson

In Shakespeare's Italy

MULLINI, Roberta 1996 D068 The Book of Sir Thomas More and its Performance

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture

MULRYAN John 2000 D262 Mythic Interpretations of Ideas in Jonson's Pleasure Reconciled to Virtue

In Ben jonson's Plays and Masques

MULRYNE J.R. 1965 A441 The White Devil and The Duchess of Malfi

In Jacobean Theatre. Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies I

MULRYNE J.R. 1975 C428 Women Beware Women

MULRYNE J.R. 1983 C597 Antony and Cleopatra : Penny Plain or Tuppence Coloured

In Du texte à la scène : langages du théâtre

MULRYNE J.R. 1993 C995 History and myth in The Merchant of Venice

In Shakespeare's Italy

MULRYNE J.R. 1994 C985 The Living Monument : Self and Stage in the Criticism and Scholarship of M.C. Bradbrook

In Shakespeare Survey 47 MULRYNE, J.R. 1996 D074 Nationality and Language in Thomas Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy

In Travel and Drama in Shakespeare's Time

MULRYNE J.R. & FENDER Stephen 1968 A248 Marlowe and the Comic Distance

In Christopher Marlowe (Mermaid Critical Commentaries)

MULRYNE, J.R. & SHEWRING, M. 1997 D171 The Once and Future Globe

In Shakespeare's Globe Rebuilt

MULRYNE, J.R. & SHEWRING, M. (Eds.) 1997 D171 Shakespeare's Globe Rebuilt

MULRYNE James Ronald 1991 C789 Speak hands for me : image and action in Julius Caesar

In Shakespeare et le corp à la Renaissance

MULRYNE R. AND SHEWRING M. 1989 C787 The Repertoire of Swan

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan

MULRYNE R. AND SHEWRING M. 1989 C787 This Golden Round : The Royal Shakespeare Company at the Swan

MULRYNE Ronnie 1993 C918 “What’s aught but as ‘tis valued?” : Pericles, Sexuality and Trade

In Shakespeare et l’Argent

MULRYNE, Ronnie 1996 D068 The Space of Theatre : Stage and Ideology in Shakespeare's The Tempest

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture MULRYNE, Ronnie (Ed.) 1997 D171 Selected Documents from the Elizabethan Playhouse

In Shakespeare's Globe Rebuilt

MULTHAUF, Robert P. 1972 C184/2 The Constitution of Saltpeter, According to Becher and Stahl

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol. II)

MUNDAY Anthony 1964 A899/8 Captivity of John Fox

In An English Garner: Voyages and Travels mainly during the 16th and 17th Centuries

MUNDAY, Anthony 1973 C103 A Second and Third Blast of Retrait from Plaies and Theaters

MUNOZ Marie-Christine 1999 D210 Souffrance du corps, souffrance de l'âme dansVenus and Adonis

In William Shakespeare, Venus and Adonis : Nouvelles Perspectives Critiques

MUNRO Thomas 1956 A467 Toward Science in Aesthetics : Selected Essays

MURCIA Juan Ignacio 1968 A692 Les aboutissements du Grand-Guignol dans le théâtre d'essai en Espagne

In Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

MURDOCH Brian O. 1994 C986 The cornish medieval drama

In The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre

MURPHY Arthur 1975 C379/3 On Romeo and Juliet, october 1750

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752 MURPHY Arthur 1975 C379/3 The chorus rejected, september 1752

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

MURPHY Arthur 1976 C379/4 Essays on Shakespeare, 1753-4

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

MURPHY Arthur 1976 C379/4 On Shakespeare's ghost-scenes, november 1754

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

MURPHY Arthur 1976 C379/4 Shakespeare in the London theatres, 1757

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

MURPHY Arthur 1976 C379/4 Shakespeare in the London theatres, 1758

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

MURPHY Arthur 1981 C512 Garrick's Shakespeare, 1801

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

MURPHY Patrick M. 1997 D193 Wriothesley's Resistance: Wardship Practices, and Ovidian Narratives in Shakespeare'sVenus and Adonis In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

MURPHY , Tom 1989 D137 A Crucial Week in the Lifeof a Grocer's Assistant

In Plays : Four

MURPHY , Tom 1989 D137 A Whistle in the Dark

In Plays : Four MURPHY , Tom 1989 D137 On the Inside

In Plays : Four

MURPHY , Tom 1989 D137 On the Outside

In Plays : Four

MURPHY , Tom 1989 D137 Plays : Four

MURPHY , Tom 1993 D133 A Thief of a Christmas

In Plays : Two

MURPHY , Tom 1993 D133 Bailegangaire

In Plays : Two

MURPHY , Tom 1993 D133 Conversations on a Homecoming

In Plays : Two

MURPHY , Tom 1993 D133 Plays : Two

MURPHY , Tom 1994 D138 Plays : Three

MURPHY, Tom 1994 D138 The Gigli Concert

In Plays : Three MURPHY, Tom 1994 D138 The Morning After Optimism

In Plays : Three

MURPHY, Tom 1994 D138 The Sanctuary Lamp

In Plays : Three

MURRAY Christopher 1986 C664 James Sheridan knowles : the Victorian Shakespeare

In Shakespeare and the Victorian stage

MURRAY Christopher 1991 C810 Some themes in recent Irish drama

In The Contemporary Irish Theatre

MURRAY, D.L. 1970 C285 Peer Gynt at the Old Vic

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

MURRAY Ian H. 1971 B755 The Puritan Hope: A Study in Revival and the Interpretation of Prophecy

MURRAY James A.H. 1871 A120 Sir David Lyndesay's works . Part V : the Minor Poems

MURRAY James A.H. 1872 A151 The Complaynt of Scotlande

MURRAY James A.H. 1875 A153 Thomas of Erceldoune MURRAY John Tucker 1963 B366/1 English Dramatic Companies 1558-1642, volume I: London Companies 1558-1642

MURRAY John Tucker 1963 B366/2 English Dramatic Companies 1558-1642, volume II: Provincial Companies 1558-1642, Appendices

MURRAY Patrick 1969 A394 King Lear

In The Shakespearian Scene: Some Twentieth-century perspectives

MURRAY Patrick 1969 A394 Measure for Measure

In The Shakespearian Scene: Some Twentieth-century perspectives

MURRAY Patrick 1969 A394 The Shakespearian Scene: Some Twentieth-century perspectives

MURRAY Peter 1964 B448 A Study of cyril Tourneur

MURRAY Peter 1969 B317 A Study of John Webster

MURRAY W.A. 1966 A463/11 Why was Duncan' s Blood Golden?

In Shakespeare Survey, 19 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

MURRAY W.A. 1968 A790 Why was Duncan's Blood Golden?

In Shakespeare Macbeth: A Casebook.Wain John (editor) MURRY J. Middleton 1967 A917 Amari Aliquid

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

MURRY J. Middleton 1968 A929 The Style of Antony and Cleopatra

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

MURRY John Middleton 1968 B253 Keats and Shakespeare: A Study of Keats' Poetic Life from 1816 to 1820

MURRY John Middleton 1970 B582 Coriolanus

In Twentieth Century Interpretations of Coriolanus. Phillips James E. (editor)

MUSGROVE S. 1969 A600 Portia, Calpurnia, and the Buffer Scenes

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

MUSGROVE S. 1972 B872 King Lear and Volpone

In Jonson: Volpone, A Casebook. Barish Jonas A. (editor)

MUTSCHMANN H. & WENTERSDORF K. 1969 C295 Shakespeare and Catholicism

MYERS, Joseph (Ed.) 1856 C065 Costumes in Shakespeare's Play of The winter's Tale

MYERS Nick 1999 D225 Figures of the Tyrant: The Context to Shakespeare's Richard III

In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef) MYERS, William 1973 C032 Dryden

MYERS William (editor) 1986 B715 Restoration and Revolution

MYRICK, Kenneth 1964 C204 Christian Pessimism in King Lear

In Shakespeare 1564-1964

N.W. 1981 C512 On Othello , 1791

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

NABBES Thomas 1967 A173 The Spring's Glory (1638)

In A Book of Masques

NAGLER A.M. 1968 A951 Shakespeare's Stage

NAIL Sylvie 1999 D225 En quête de l'authentique: La Restauration du Privy Garden à Hampton Court

In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef)

Nancy KLEIN MAGUIRE 1995 D061 Factionary Politics: John Crowne's Henry VI

In Culture and Society in the Stuart Restoration

NANDY Dipak 1964 A759 The realism of Antony and Cleopatra

In Shakespeare in a Changing World NAPIER Arthur S. 1894 A027 History of the Holy Rood-Tree

NASH Thomas 1967 A256/2 A Preface to Sidney's Apostrophel and Stella . 1591

In Elizabethan Critical Essays, volume II

NASH Thomas 1967 A256/2 From Stange Newes, Foure Letters Confuted. 1592

In Elizabethan Critical Essays, volume II

NASH Thomas 1967 A256/2 From Stange Newes, Foure Letters Confuted. 1592

In Elizabethan Critical Essays, volume II

NASH Thomas 1967 A256/1 I. Preface to Greene's Menaphon. 1589/ II. From The Anatomie of Absurditie. 1589

In Elizabethan Critical Essays

Nash W.D. 1865 A148/1 Merlin I

NASHE Thomas 1966 A171 The Works (five volumes) edited by Ronald B. McKerrow

NASHE Thomas 1966 A171/1 The Works, volume I; edited by Ronald B. McKerrow

NASHE Thomas 1966 A171/2 The Works, volume II; edited by Ronald B. McKerrow NASHE Thomas 1966 A171/3 The Works, volume III; edited by Ronald B. McKerrow

NASHE Thomas 1966 A171/4 The Works, volume IV; edited by Ronald B. McKerrow

NASHE Thomas 1966 A171/5 The Works, volume V; edited by Ronald B. McKerrow

NASHE, Thomas 1973 C100 Preface to Robert Greene's Menaphon

In A Mirrour of Monsters, Preface to Robert Greene's Menaphon , Kin-Harts Dreame

Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin 2000 D248 La réécriture de la "Mégère" dans le théâtre de Shakespeare

In Colloques : Réécritures.

Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin 2000 D248 La réécriture des codezs de duel dans l'injure shakespearienne

In Collques : Réécritures

NAUERT Charles G. 1996 D203 Humanism and the Culture of Renaissance Europe

NAUERT, Charles G. jr 1959 B764/3 Agrippa in Renaissance Italy: the Esoteric Tradition

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VI. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

NAYLOR Edward W. 1896 B369 Shakespeare and Music NEEDHAM, Joseph 1972 C184/2 A Chineze Puzzle : Eight or Eighteenth?

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol. II)

NEELY Carol Thomas 1980 C575 Women and Men in Othello : "What should such a fool / Do with so good a woman"

In The woman's part

NEELY Carole Thomas 1993 C927 Women and Men in Othello

In Shakespeare’s Middle Tragedies

Neil Forsyth 2000 D250 Shakespeare the illusionist : filming the supernatural

In Shakespeare on film

Neil Taylor 2000 D250 National and racial stereotypes in Shakespeare films

In Shakespeare on film

NEILL Miachael 1970 B808 "The Simetry, Which Gives a Poem Grace": Masque, Imagery, and the Fancy of The Maid's Tragedy In Renaissance Drama III: Essays principally on Drama in Its Intellectual Context. Schoenbaum S. (editor)

NEILL Michael 1984 C639 Changing places in Othello

In Shakespeare survey 37

NEILL Michael 1985 C953 ‘The Tongues of Angels’: Charity and the Social Order in The City Madam

In Philip Massinger : A Critical Reassessment

NEILL Michael 1988 C724 'What Strange Riddle's This?' : Deciphering 'Tis Pity She's a Whore

In John Ford : Critical Re-Visions NEILL Michael 1992 D045 "Feasts Put Down Funerals" : Death and Ritual in Renaissance Comedy

In True Rites and Maimed Rites : Ritual and Anti-Ritual in Shakespeare and his Age

NEILL Michael 1993 C927 Unproper Beds: Race, Adultery, and the Hideous in Othello

In Shakespeare’s Middle Tragedies

NEILL, michael 1995 D094 'Amphiters in the Body' : Playing with Hands on the Shakespearian Stage.

In Shakespeare Survey 48

NEILL Michael 1997 D266 Issues of Death, Mortality and Identity in English Renaissance Tragedy

NEILL, Michael. 1998 D285 Post-Colonial Shakespeare? Writing Away from the Centre

In Post-Colonial Shakespeares

NEILL, Michael (ed.) 1988 C724 John Ford : Critical Re-Visions

In John Ford : Critical Re-Visions

NEILSON Francis 1956 C329 Shakespeare and The Tempest

NEILSON William Allan 1939 A639 The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays

NEIMON, Delphine 2000 D227/1 Le Surnaturel dans le théâtre elisabéthain vol.1 NEIMON, Delphine 2000 D227/2 Le Surnaturel dans le théâtre elisabéthain Vol 2

NEIMON, Delphine 2000 D227/3 Le Surnaturel dans le théâtre elisabéthain Vol 3

NELSON, Alan H. 1972 B938 Some Configurations of Staging in Medieval English Drama

In Medieval English Drama

NELSON, Alan H. 1972 B938 The Temptation of Christ; or the Temptation of Satan

In Medieval English Drama

NELSON Alan H. 1974 C376 The Medieval English stage : corpus christi pageants and plays

NELSON Alan H. 1990 D013 Cambridge University Drama in the 1580s

In The Elizabethan Theatre XI

NELSON John CHARLES 1963 B018 Renaissance Theory of Love: the Context of Giordano Bruno's Eroici furori

NELSON Lowry 1963 A709 Baroque Lyric Poetry

NELSON Paul 1969 A528 Le Théâtre et les Loisirs

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs) NELSON William 1965 B155 The Poetry of Edmund Spenser: A Study

NELSON, William 1967 C027 Form and Convention in the Poetry of Edmund Spenser : Selected Papers from the English Institute

NETHERCOT Arthur H. 1967 A733 Sir William D' Avenant : Poet laureate and Playwright-Manager

NEUMANN, Joshua H. 1967 P1/1939/II Notes on Ben Jonson's English

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°54

NEUSS Paula 1980 C971 Magnificence

NEVO Ruth 1980 C521 Comic transformations in Shakespeare

NEVO Ruth 1980 C594 Shakespeare's comic remedies

In Shakespearean Comedy

NEVO Ruth 1987 C709 Shakespeare's other language

NEVO Ruth 1990 C703 Measure for Measure : Mirror for Mirror

In Shakespeare Survey 40 NEVO Ruth 1994 C974 Mousetrap and Rat Man: an Uncanny Resemblance

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

NEWDIGATE Bernard H. 1961 A546 Michael Drayton and his Circle

NEWELL, Alex 1965 P1/1965/I The Dramatic Context and Meaning of Hamlet's "To be or not to be" Soliloquy

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°80

NEWELL Alex 1988 C956 The Etiology of Horatio’s Inconsistencies

In Bad Shakespeare : Revaluations of the Shakespeare Canon

NEWMAN, J. 1994 D226 Inigo Jones and the Politics of Architecture

In Culture and Politics in Early Stuart England. Sharpe, Kevin and Lake, Peter (editors)

NEWMAN Karen 1985 C677 Shakespeare's rhetoric of comic character : dramatic convention in classical and Renaissance comedy

NEWMAN Karen 1987 C733 "And wash the Ethiop white": feminity and the monstrous in Othello

In Shakespeare reproduced : the text in history and ideology

NEWTON 1967 C249 Seneca : Tenne Tragedies Translated in English (parts I & II)

NEWTON Judith Lowder 1989 C922 History as usual? Feminism and the "New Historicism"

In The New Historicism NICHOLS J.G. 1969 A651 The Poetry of Ben Jonson

NICHOLS John (edited by Colin Clair) 1967 A779 Literary Anecdotes of the eighteenth Century

NICKLES Mary A. C456 Tony Aston's "Medleys"

In Theatre notebook . Volume XXX . Numbers 2 &3

Nicole Terrien 2000 D248 L'héroïne contemporaine, élément de réécriture de la littérature du dix-neuvième siècle

In Colloques : Réécritures

NICOLL Alardyce 1980 C540 The Garrick stage : theatres and audience in the eighteenth century

NICOLL Allardyce 1953 A463/4 Shakespeare Survey, 6 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

NICOLL Allardyce 1958 A463/6 Shakespeare Survey, 11 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

NICOLL Allardyce 1962 B450 The Revenger's Tragedy and the Virtue of Anonymity

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

NICOLL Allardyce 1963 Z5 Stuart Masques and the Renaisance Stage NICOLL Allardyce 1963 B002 The Works of Cyril Tourneur

NICOLL Allardyce 1963 A517 The World of Harlequin : A Critical Study of the Commedia dell' Arte

NICOLL Allardyce 1965 B133 A History of English Drama;1660-1900

NICOLL Allardyce 1965 A330/2 A History of English Drama 1660-1900, volume II: Early Eighteenth Century Drama

NICOLL Allardyce 1965 A330/3 A History of English Drama 1660-1900, volume VI: A Short -Title Alphabetical Catalogue Of Plays

NICOLL Allardyce 1965 A463/10 Shakespeare Survey, 17 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

NICOLL Allardyce 1966 A463/7 Shakespeare Survey, 14 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

NICOLL Allardyce 1966 A463/9 Shakespeare Survey, 16 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

NICOLL Allardyce 1966 A463/11 Shakespeare Survey, 19 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production NICOLL Allardyce 1966 A483 The Theory of Drama

NICOLL Allardyce 1967 A330/1 A History of English Drama 1660-1900, volume I: Restoration Drama 1660-1700

NICOLL Allardyce 1967 A463/12 Shakespeare Survey, 20 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

NICOLL Allardyce 1968 A586 English Drama : A Modern Viewpoint

NICOLL Allardyce 1968 A463/13 Shakespeare Survey, 21 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

NICOLL Allardyce 1968 B476 Shakespeare Survey (Vol 4)

NICOLL Allardyce 1969 B455 'Passing over the Stage'

In Shakespeare Survey 12: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

NICOLL Allardyce 1969 A463/14 Shakespeare Survey, 22 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

NICOLL Allardyce 1970 B346 Shakespeare Survey(1) NICOLL Allardyce 1970 B346 Studies in the Elizabethan Stage since 1900

In Shakespeare Survey(1)

NICOLL Allardyce 1975 C476 English drama 1900-1945

In English drama (excluding Shakespeare)

NICOLL Allardyce(colleagues and pupils) 1967 A173 A Book of Masques

NICOLL Allardyce (editor) 1952 A463/3 Shakespeare Survey, 5: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

NICOLL Allardyce (editor) 1966 A463/1 Shakespeare Survey, 2: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

NICOLL Allardyce (editor) 1966 A463/2 Shakespeare Survey, 3: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

NICOLL Allardyce (editor) 1968 B048 Shakespeare Survey 7

NICOLL Allardyce (editor) 1968 B049 Shakespeare Survey 8

NICOLL Allardyce (editor) 1969 B050 Shakespeare Survey 10 NICOLL Allardyce (editor) 1969 B455 Shakespeare Survey 12: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production

NICOLL Allardyce & Josephine 1965 A736 Holished' s Chronicle as used in Shakespeare's Plays

NICOLL Allaryce 1966 A463/5 Shakespeare Survey, 9 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

NICOLSON Marjorie 1969 A591 Richard Foster Jones

In The Seventeenth Century : Studies in the History of English Thought and Literature from Bacon to Pope

NICOLSON Marjorie Hope 1960 A472 The Breaking of the Circle: Studies in the Effect of the "New Science" upon Seventeenth-Century Poetry

NICOLSON, Marjorie Hope 1964 B565 John Milton

NIEBYL, Peter H. 1972 C184/2 Galen, Van Helmont, and Blood Letting

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol. II)

NIETZSCHE Friedrich 1968 A929 The Dionysiac Greek

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

NIEVA Francisco 1957 A696 Garcia Lorca, metteur en scène : les Intermèdes de Cervantès

In La Mise en Scène des Oeuvres du Passé NIEVA Francisco 1967 A694 Autour d' une crise de style

In Réalisme et Poesie au Théâtre

NIEVA Francisco 1968 A692 Vertus plastiques du théâtre de Valle-Inclan

In Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

NIEVA Fransisco 1956 A630 Vignette pour une nouvelle critique de la peinture

In Visages et perspectives de l'art moderne: peinture, poésie, musique. Etudes du C.N.R.S. réunies par JACQUOT Jean

Niky RATHBONE 1998 D200 Professional Shakespeare Production in yhe British Isles, January-December 1996

In Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century, Shakespeare Survey n°51

Niky Rathbone 2000 D256 Professional Shakespeare productions in the British isles, January-December 1998

In Shakespeare survey 53

NILAN Mary M. 1972 B886 'The Tempest' at the Turn of the Century: Croos-currents in Production

In Shakespeare Survey n°25: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study and Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

NILON Charles, MACDONALD Angus, WHITE 1968 B381/57 Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature, volume XXXII 1955-1956

NILON Charles, MACDONALD Angus, WHITE 1968 B381/58 Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature, volume XXXIII 1957-1958

NILON Charles, RIGBY Marjory (editors) 1962 B381/59 Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature, volume XXXIV 1959 NILON Charles, RIGBY Marjory (editors) 1963 B381/60 Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature, volume XXXV 1960

NILON Charles, RIGBY Marjory (editors) 1964 B381/61 Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature, volume XXXVI 1961

NILON Charles, RIGBY Marjory (editors) 1965 B381/62 Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature, volume XXXVII 1962

NILON Charles, RIGBY Marjory (editors) 1965 B381/63 Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature, volume XXXVIII 1963

NILON Charles, RIGBY Marjory (editors) 1966 B381/64 Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature, volume XXXIX 1964

NILON Charles, RIGBY Marjory (editors) 1967 B381/65 Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature, volume XL 1965

NILON Charles, RIGBY Marjory (editors) 1968 B381/66 Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature, volume XLI 1966

NOBLE Jeremy 1960 A698 Le répertoire instrumental anglais (1550-1585)

In La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean

NOBROOK David 1992 C933 ‘What Cares These Roarers for The Name of King? ’: Language and Utopia in The Tempest

In The Politics of Tragicomedy NOGUEZ Dominique 1980 C605 Fonction de l'analyse, analyse de fonction

In La théorie du film

NORBROOK David 1984 C706 The Reformation of the masque

In The court masque

NORBROOK, David 1994 D226 Lucan, Thomas May, and the Creation of a Replublican Literary Culture

In Culture and Politics in Early Stuart England. Sharpe, Kevin and Lake, Peter (editors)

NORLAND, Howard 1996 D068 Gager's Ulysses Redux :Tragoedia Nova

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture

NORLAND Howard B. 1995 D034 Drama in Early Tudor Britain 1485-1558

NORPOTH, Leo 1972 C184/1 Paracelsus - A Mannerist?

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol I)

NORRIS, Christopher 1991 D097 Deconstruction - Theory and Practice

NORRIS Christopher 1992 C938 Post-structuralist Shakespeare : text and ideology

In Alternative Shakespeares

NORRIS, Dorothy M. 1966 P1/1933/I Chaucer's Pardoner's Tale and Flanders

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°48 NORTHAM John 1977 C432 Waiting for Prospero

In English drama : forms and development

NORTHBROOKE JOHN 1974 C315 A treatise

NORTON Thomas and SACKVILLE Thomas 1969 A288 Gorboduc

In Five Elizabethan Tragedies, ed. with an Intoduction by McILWRAITH A.K.

NOSTBAKKEN, Faith M. 1995 P5/36 Rowley's When You See MeYou K now Me: Political Drama in Transition

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°47

NOSWORTHY J.M. 1965 A975 Shakespeare's Occasional Plays: Their Origin and Transmission

NOSWORTHY J.M. 1966 A463/2 Hamlet and the Player would could not Keep Counsel

In Shakespeare Survey, 3: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

NOSWORTHY J.M. 1968 B049 The Integrity of Shakespeare: Illustrated from Cymbeline

In Shakespeare Survey 8. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

NOSWORTHY, J.M. 1973 C203 The Sonnets and Other Poems

In Shakespeare : Select Bibliographical Guides

NOSWORTHY J.M. 1979 C498 The importance of being marcade

In Shakespeare Survey 32 NOVAK Maximillian E. 1972 B891 Defoe's Use of Irony

In Stuart and Georgian Moments. Miner Earl

NOVAK, Maximillian E. 1972 C276 Fiction and Society in the Early Eighteenth Century

In England in the Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century

NOVY Marianne 1980 C575 Shakespeare's female characters as actors and audience

In The woman's part

NOWELL M.H. 1962 A615 Of Disdainfull Daphne

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

NOWOTTNY M.T. 1969 B050 Lear's Questions

In Shakespeare Survey 10. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

NOWOTTNY Winifred 1964 A977 Shakespeare's Tragedies

In Shakespeare's World

NOWOTTNY Winifred 1976 C480 Some deatures of form and style in Sonnets 97-126

In New essays on Shakepeare's Sonnets

NOWOTTNY, Winifred M.T. 1960 B555 Some Aspects of the Style of King Lear

In Shakespeare Survey N°13

NOWOTTNY Winifred M.T. 1982 C582 Lear's questions

In Aspects of King Lear NOWOTTNY Winifred M.T. 1982 C582 Some aspects of the style of King Lear

In Aspects of King Lear

NOYES COLVIN Mary 1893 A108 Caxton's Godeffroy of Boloyne or The Siege and the Conqueste of Jerusalem

NUGENT Elizabeth M. 1969 B501/1 The Thought and Culture of the English Renaissance: An Antology of Tudor Prose 1481-1555 (volume I)

NUGENT Elizabeth M. 1969 B501/2 The Thought and Culture of the English Renaissance: An Antology of Tudor Prose 1481-1555 (volume II)

NUGENT S. Georgia 1980 C594 Ancient theories of comedy : the treatises of Evanthius and Donatus

In Shakespearean Comedy

NUNGEZER Edwin 1971 B748 A Dictionary of Actors and of Other Persons Associated with the Public Representation of Plays in England before 1642

NUNN Trevor 1989 C787 From conference Hall to Theatre

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan

NUNN Trevor 1989 C787 The Director in the Swan

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan

NUTALL A.D. 1981 C539 Realistic convention and conventional realism in Shakespeare

In Shakespeare Survey 34 NUTALL A.D. 1993 C960 Hamlet : Conversations with the Dead

In British Academy Shakespeare Lectures

NUTTAL A.D. 1997 D154 Freud and Shakespeare : Hamlet

In Shakespearean Continuities

NUTTAL Anthony David 1989 C752 Timon of Athens

NUTTALL A.D. 1972 B883 Two Unassimilable Men

In Shakespearian Comedy. Bradbury Malcolm and Palmer David (editors). Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies n°14

NUTTALL A.D. 1975 C398 Measure for Measure : the bed-trick

In Shakespeare Survey 28

NUTTALL A. D. 1989 C867 Timon of Athens

NUTTALL, A.D. 1996 D118 King Lear

In Why Does Tragedy Give Pleasure

NUTTALL, A.D. 1996 D118 Why Does Tragedy Give pleasure ?

NUTTALL Anthony David 1983 C674 Anew mimesis : Shakespeare and the representation of the reality NUYTS-GIORNAL, Josée 1998 P5/44 King Lear's Reflection in the Lirror of Nobody: An Iconographical Question

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°54

NUYTS-GIORNAL Josée 1998 P5/43 King Lear's Reflection in the Mirror of Nobody: An Iconographical Question

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 54. Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Renaissance Anglaise, Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier III

NYQUIST Mary 1987 C949 Gynesis, Genesis, Exegis, and the Formation of Milton’s Eve

In Cannibals, Witches, and Divorce

O’BRIAN E.J. 1993 C925 Revision by Excision: Rewriting Gertrude

In Shakespeare Survey 45

O'CONNELL, Michael. 2002 D287 The Experiment of Romance

In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Comedy

O'CONNOR Marion 1999 D240 'Useful in the Year 1999': William Poel and Shakespeare's 'Build of Stage'

In Shakespeare Survey n°52

O'CONNOR Marion F. 1987 C733 Theatre of the Empire: "Shakespeare's England" at Earl's Court, 1912

In Shakespeare reproduced : the text in history and ideology

O'CONNOR, Mark 1972 B852 John Dryden, Gavin Douglas, and Virgil

In Restoration Literature

O'DELL Sterg 1969 B322 A Chronological List of Prose Fiction in English Printed in England and Other Countries(1475-1640) O'DONNELL Norbert F. 197? P1/1957/III Shaw, Bunyan, and Puritanism

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°72

O'MALLEY, C.D. 1972 C184/1 Pedro Jimeno : Valencian Anatomist of the Mid-Sixteenth Century

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol I)

O'MALLEY, C.D. 1972 C276 The English Physician in the Earlier Eighteenth Century

In England in the Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century

O'MEARA John 1989 P5/24 Hamlet and the Fortunes of Sorrowful Imagination: A Re-Examination of the Genesis and Fate of the Ghost In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°35

O'NEILL Ynez Violé 1970 B816 Another Look at the Anatomia porci

In Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, volume I. White Lynn (editor)

O'SULLIVAN Mary Isabelle 1966 P1/1926/II Hamlet and Dr. Timothy Bright

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°41

O'TOOLE, Fintan 1994 D132 Tom Murphy : The Politics of Magic

ODDON Marcel 1975 C416 Les Bonnes, de J. Genet : Essay d'analyse de l'oeuvre dramatique

In Les voies de la création théâtrale IV

ODDON Marcel 1980 C550 Tragédies et tragi-comédies de Pierre Corneille. L'organisation formelle et sémantique de l'univers des personnages In Les voies de la création théâtrale VIII ODDON Marcel 1984 C583 L'univers des comédies de Corneille

In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées

ODELL George C. D. 1963 B198/1 Shakespeare from Betterton to Irving(Vol I)

ODELL George C. D. 1963 B198/2 Shakespeare from Betterton to Irving(Vol II)

ODIN Roger 1980 C605 L'entrée du spectateur dans la fiction

In La théorie du film

ODON Marcel 1967 A533 Les tragédies de la décolonisation: Aimé Césaire et Edouart Glissant

In Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale JACQUOT Jean (editeur)

OGBURN, Dorothy & Charlton 1972 C210 This Star of England : "William Shake-speare" Man of the Renaissance

OGG David 1966 B078/1 England in the Reign of Charles II(Vol I)

OGG David 1966 B078/2 England in the Reign of Charles II(Vol II)

OGG Li 1965 B104 La Corée

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy OHMANN Richard 1967 B371 Literature as Sentences (1966)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors)

OHMANN Richard 1967 B371 Prolegoma to the Analysis of Style (1958)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors)

OKERLUND, Gerda 1966 P1/1934/II The Quarto Version of Henry V as a Stage Adaptation

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°49

OLDMIXON, John 1972 B943 Reflections on the Stage

OLDMIXON John 1974 C379/2 On the mangling of Shakespeare's plays, 1700

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

OLIVER, H.J. 1955 B919 The Problem of John Ford

OLSON Elder 1966 A588 Tragedy and the Theory of Drama

OLSON, Elder 1968 C124 The Theory of Comedy

OLSON, Elder 1968 B792 The Theory of Comedy OLSON Paul A. 1967 A917 Marriage

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

OLSSEN Erik 1973 B507 South East Asia and the Pacific

In The Making of the Modern World: volume II. Johnson Douglas (editor)

ONG Walter J. 1973 C353 Tudor writings on rhetoric

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XV

ONG, Walter J. S.J. 1961 B764/4 Ramist Method and the Commercial Mind

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VIII

ONIONS C.T. 1966 A278 A Shakespeare Glossary

ONIONS C.T. 1986 C792 A Shakespeare Glossary

OPIE Brian 1988 C724 'Being All One': Ford's Analysis of Love and Friendship in Loves Sacrifice and The Ladies Triall

In John Ford : Critical Re-Visions

ORAS Ants 1963 A712 Spenser and Milton: some parallels and contrasts in the handling of sound

In Sound and Poetry. Frye Northrop (editor)

ORAS Ants 1967 B371 Spencer and Milton: Some Parallels and Contrasts in the Handling of Sounds (1956)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors) ORBISON Tucker 1974 C321 The tragic vision of John Ford

ORDISH, T. Fairman 1971 B861 Early London Theatres

OREGLIA Giacomo 1968 B257 The Comedia dell'Arte

ORELL John 1988 C739 The human stage: English theatre design, 1567-1640

ORGEL Stephen 1965 A410 The Jonsonian Masque

ORGEL Stephen 1975 C902 The Illusion of Power : Political Theater in the English Renaissance

ORGEL Stephen 1987 C949 Shakespeare and The Cannibals

In Cannibals, Witches, and Divorce

ORGEL Stephen 1987 C980 The Masque

In The Penguin History of Literature : English Drama to 1710

ORGEL Stephen 1987 C900 The Tempest ORGEL Stephen 1992 D039 The Subtext in The Roaring Girl

In Erotic Politics : Desire on the Renaissance Stage

ORGEL Stephen 1994 C934 The comedian as the character C

In English Comedy

ORGEL Stephen 1996 D164 Impersonations

ORGEL Stephen 1999 D240 Macbeth and the Antic Round

In Shakespeare Survey n°52

ORGEL, Stephen. 2000 D268 Textual Icons: Reading Early Modern Illustrations

In The Renaissance Computer

ORGEL Stephen 2000 D262 (The Masque of Blackness)

In Ben Jonson's Plays and Masques

ORGEL, Stephen, and STRONG, Roy 1973 Z15/1 Inigo Jones, the Theatre of the Stuart Court, vol I

ORGEL, Stephen, and STRONG, Roy 1973 Z15/2 Inigo Jones, the Theatre of the Stuart Court, vol II

ORKIN Martin 1990 C703 Cruelty, King Lear, and the South African Land Act 1913

In Shakespeare Survey 40 ORKIN, Martin. 1998 D285 Possessing the Book and Peopling the Text

In Post-Colonial Shakespeares

ORMEROD David 1972 B886 Faith and Fashion in 'Much Ado About Nothing'

In Shakespeare Survey n°25: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study and Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

ORMEROD, David 1993 P5/33 Love's Labour's Lost and Won: the Case for As You Like It

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°44

ORNSTEIN, Robert 1964 C204 Character and Reality in Shakespeare

In Shakespeare 1564-1964

ORNSTEIN, Robert 1965 B789 Shakespeare's Moral Vision: Othello and Macbeth (1960)

In Shakespeare : The Tragedies

ORNSTEIN Robert 1965 A411 The Moral Vision of Jacobean Tragedy

ORNSTEIN Robert 1966 A971 The Ethic of the Imagination: Love and Art in Antony and Cleopatra

In Later Shakespeare

ORNSTEIN, Robert 1968 P1/1968/V Marlowe and God: The Tragic Theology of Doctor Faustus

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°83

ORNSTEIN Robert 1969 A463/14 Shakespearian and Jonsonian Comedy ORNSTEIN Robert 1969 A603 The Comic Synthesis in Doctor Faustus

In Marlowe, Doctor Faustus. Jump John (editor)

ORNSTEIN Robert 1970 B885 The Ethic of Imagination: Love and Art in Antony and Cleopatra

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F.

ORNSTEIN, Robert 1972 C106 A Kingdom for a Stage : the Achievement of Shakespeare's History Plays

ORNSTEIN Robert 1992 D009 The Artist as Historian

In Shakespeare's History Plays : Richard II to Henry V

ORRELL John C456 Inigo Jones and Amerigo Salvetti : a note on the later masque designs

In Theatre notebook . Volume XXX . Numbers 2 &3

ORRELL John 1977 C433 Inigo Jones at the cockpit

In Shakespeare Survey 30

ORRELL John 1980 C515 Peter Street at the fortune and the globe

In Shakespeare Survey 33

ORRELL John 1982 C573 The theatre at Christ Church, Oxford, in 1605

In Shakespeare Survey 35

ORRELL John 1994 C985 The Architecture of the Fortune Playhouse

In Shakespeare Survey 47 ORRELL, John 1997 D171 Designing the Globe . Reading the Documents

In Shakespeare's Globe Rebuilt

ORSINI G.N.G. 1964 C356 Symonds and De Sanctis : a study in the historiography of the Renaissance

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XI

ORSTEIN Robert 1986 C818 Shakespeare's Comedies

ORTON Joe 1994 C939 The Complete plays

ORWELL George 1968 A929 The Moral of King Lear

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

ORWELL George 1969 A601 Lear, Tolstoy and the Fool

In Shakespeare King Lear

ORWELL George 1969 A788 Lear, Tolstoy and The Fool

In Shakespeare King Lear : A Casebook.Kermode Frank (editor)

OSBORN, James M. 1972 C276 Pope, the "Apollo of the Arts", and his Countess

In England in the Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century

OSBORN, James M. 1972 B835 Young Philip Sydney, 1572-1577 OSBORN Scott C. 1958 P1/1958/V Heroical Love in Dryden's Heroic Drama

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°73

OSBORNE, Laurie 1996 D110 The Trick of Singularity - Twelfth Night and the Performance Editions

OSBORNE Laurie E. 1996 D147 The Trick of Singularity : Twelfth Night and the Performance Editions

OSBORNE, Laurie E. 1997 D142 Poetry in Motion : Animating Shakespeare

In Shakespeare, the Movie Popularizing the Plays on Film, TV,and Video

OSBORNE, Laurie.E. 1999 D282 Romancing the Bard

In Shakespeare and Appropriation

OSMENT, Philip. 2000 D283 This Island's Mine

In Adaptations of Shakespeare

OSSELTON N.E. 1997 D154 Nicholas Rowe and the Glossing of Shakespeare

In Shakespearean Continuities

OSTRIKER Alicia 1970 B260 The Lyric

In English Poetry and Prose(1540-1674)

OTWAY Thomas 1966 A282 Venice Preserv'd

In Five Restauration Tragedies, ed. with an Intro. by DOBREE Bonamy OTWAY Thomas 1969 A806 The History and Fall of Caius Marius

OTWAY Thomas 1969 A794 Venice Preserved

OTWAY Thomas 1974 C379/1 From his adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, september/october 1679

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

OUAKNINE Serge 1970 B512/1 Etude sur Le Princce Constant, scénario et mise en scène par Jerzy Grotowsky

In Les Voies De La Création Théâtrale, Volume I. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

OULD Hermon 1948 A900 The Art of the Play

OVID 1986 D056 Metamorphoses

OWENS Anne 1993 C897 “This sight of death is a bell”: La mort de Roméo et Juliette comme memento mori

In Roméo et Juliette : Nouvelles perspectives critiques

OWST, G.R. 1966 B932 Literature and Pulpit in Medieval England

Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 1969 B447 Measure for Measure OXFORD SHAKESPEARE CONCORDANCES 1969 B412 The Comedy of Errors

OXFORD SHAKESPEARE CONCORDANCES 1969 B411 The Merry Wives of Windsor

Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 1969 B446 The Tempest

Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 1969 B434 The Two Gentlemen of Verona

Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 1970 B701 A Midsummer Night's Dream

Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 1970 B662 II Henry VI

Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 1970 B671 King John

Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 1970 B673 Love's Labour's Lost

Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 1970 B672 Much Ado About Nothing Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 1971 B669 Henry IV part I

Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 1971 B668 Henry IV part II

Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 1971 B702 Henry V

Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 1971 B703 Henry VIII

Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 1971 B661 III Henry VI

Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 1971 B841 King Lear

Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 1971 B842 Macbeth

Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 1971 B843 Othello

Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 1971 B670 Richard II Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 1971 B667 Richard III

Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 1971 B840 Timon of Athens

Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 1972 B786 Antony and Cleopatra

Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 1972 B845 Coriolanus

Oxford Shakespeare concordances 1972 C125 Cymbeline : a Concordance to the Text of the First Folio

Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 1972 B785 Pericles

Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 1972 B844 Romeo and Juliet

Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 1972 B787 Titus Andronicus

Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 1972 B839 Troilus and Cressida Oxford Shakespeare concordances 1973 C123 Hamlet : a Concordance to the Text of the Second Quarto of 1604-5

OZ Avraham 1980 C594 The doubling of parts in Shakespearean comedy : some questions of theory and practice

In Shakespearean Comedy

OZ Avraham 1988 C956 What’s in a Good name?: The Case of Romeo and Juliet as a Bad Tragedy

In Bad Shakespeare : Revaluations of the Shakespeare Canon

OZ Avraham 1993 C995 Dobbin and the Rialto : Venice and the division of identity

In Shakespeare's Italy

OZ Avraham 1994 C974 "Which Is the Merchant Here? And Which the Jew?": Riddles of identity in The Merchant of Venice In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

OZ, Avraham. 1998 D285 Nation and Place in Shakespeare: The case of Jerusalem as a national Desire in Early Modern English Drama In Post-Colonial Shakespeares

P. W. 1973 C141 A Seasonable Apology for Mr H-g-r

In Heydegger's Letter to the Bishop of London, A Seasonable Apology for Mr H-g-r and The Conduct of the Stage Considered

PAGDEN Anthony 1982 C948 The Fall of Natural Man

PAGE, Adrian 1992 D080 The Death of the Playwright PAILLETTE, Jérôme 1990 M49 The Masterminds in Measure for Measure and The Tempest

PAINTER, William 1968 C201/1 The Palace of Pleasure (vol. I)

PAINTER, William 1968 C201/2 The Palace of Pleasure (vol. II)

PAINTER, William 1968 C201/3 The Palace of Pleasure (vol. III)

PALLOTTI Donatella 1993 D033 Periculosa et pestilens quaestio : Interrogative Discourse in Donne's Holy Sonnets

In English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference

PALMER Alan & Veronica 2000 D263 Who's Who in Shakespeare's England

PALMER D.J. 1968 A576 Marlowe' s Naturalism

In Christopher Marlowe

PALMER D.J. 1968 A248 Marlowe's Naturalism

In Christopher Marlowe (Mermaid Critical Commentaries)

PALMER D.J. 1968 A599 Shakespeare : The Tempest PALMER D.J. 1969 A603 Magic and Poetry in Doctor Faustus

In Marlowe, Doctor Faustus. Jump John (editor)

PALMER D.J. 1970 A943 The Verse Epistle

In Metaphysical Poetry. Brown John Russell and Harris Bernard (general editors). Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies 11

PALMER, D.J. 1970 B855/1 The Verse Epistle

In Metaphysical Poetry

PALMER D.J. 1972 B873 Art and Nature in Twelfth Night

In Shakespeare: Twelfth Night, A Casebook. Palmer D.J. (editor)

PALMER D.J. 1972 B883 The Merchant of Venice, or the Importance of Being Earnest

In Shakespearian Comedy. Bradbury Malcolm and Palmer David (editors). Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies n°14

PALMER, D.J. 1973 C203 The Early Comedies

In Shakespeare : Select Bibliographical Guides

PALMER D.J. 1975 C476 Marlowe

In English drama (excluding Shakespeare)

PALMER D.J. 1979 C498 Twelfth Night and the myth of of Echo and Narcissus

In Shakespeare Survey 32

PALMER, D.J. (Ed.) 1984 D183 Comedy : Developments in Criticism (Casebook) PALMER D.J. (editor) 1972 B873 Shakespeare: Twelfth Night, A Casebook

PALMER, John 1962 C122 The Comedy of Manners

PALMER John 1962 A456 The Comedy of Manners

PALMER John 1965 B233 Political and Comic Characters of Shakespeare

PALMER John 1967 A362 Ben Jonson

PALMER John 1967 A917 Shylock

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

PALMER John 1968 A929 Coriolanus as Political Character

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

PALMER John 1969 A597 Shylock

In Shakespeare : The Merchant of Venice

PALMER John 1969 A600 The Character of Caesar

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar PALMER John 1970 B582 Political Characters of Shakespeare

In Twentieth Century Interpretations of Coriolanus. Phillips James E. (editor)

PALMER Kenneth 1982 C543 Troilus and Cressida

PALMIER Jean-Michel 1977 T46 Béla Balazs, théoricien marxiste du cinéma

In L'esprit du cinéma. Balazs Béla

Pamela Mason 2000 D250 Orson Welles and filmed Shakespeare

In Shakespeare on film

PAQUET G. et WALLOT J-P. 1987 C952 Nouvelle-France / Québec / Canada: A world of Limited Identities

In Colonial Identity in the Atlantic World, 1500-1800

PARFITT George 1976 C392 Ben Jonson : public poet and private man

PARFITT George 1978 C440 The plays of Cyril Tourneur : The Revenger's Tragedy, The Atheist's Tragedy

PARISET François-Georges 1956 A697 Le Mariage d' Henri de Lorraine et de Marguerite de Gonzague-Mantoue 1606. Les Fêtes et le témoignage de Jacques de Bellange In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

PARK Thomas 1971 B754/1 A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland, and Ireland; with lists of their works. Volume I PARK Thomas 1971 B754/2 A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland, and Ireland; with lists of their works. Volume II

PARK Thomas 1971 B754/3 A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland, and Ireland; with lists of their works. Volume III

PARK Thomas 1971 B754/4 A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland, and Ireland; with lists of their works. Volume IV

PARK Thomas 1971 B754/5 A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland, and Ireland; with lists of their works. Volume V

PARKER Alexander A. 1967 A622 Literature and the Delinquent : the Picaresque Novel in Spain and Europe(1599-1753)

PARKER Graham Frederick 1989 C749 Johnson's Shakespeare

PARKER Patricia 1985 C672 Shakespeare and rhetoric : "dilation" and "delation" in Othello

In Shakespeare and the question of theory

PARKER Patricia 1987 C949 Suspended Instruments: Lyric and Power in the Power of Bliss

In Cannibals, Witches, and Divorce

PARKER Patricia 1994 C963 Othello and Hamlet : Dilation, Spying, and the "Secret Place" of a Woman

In Shakespeare reread : The Texts in New Contexts PARKER PATRICIA 1998 D197/8 Fantasies of 'Race' and 'Gender': Africa, Othello and bringing to Light

In Shakespeare's Tragedies

PARKER R.B. 1965 A441 Middleton's Experiments with Comedy and Judgement

In Jacobean Theatre. Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies I

PARKER R.B. 1984 C639 War and sex in All's Well That Ends Well

In Shakespeare survey 37

PARKER William R. 1958 P1/1958/III The Dates of Milton's Sonnets on Blindness

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°73

PARKER William Riley (editor) P1/1951/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°66

PARKER William Riley (editor) 1950 P1/1950/VI Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°65

PARKER William Riley (editor) 1951 P1/1951/IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°66

PARKER William Riley (editor) 1951 P1/1951/V Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°66

PARKER William Riley (editor) 1951 P1/1951/V Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°66 PARKER William Riley (editor) 1952 P1/1952/VI Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°67

PARKER William Riley (editor) 1952 P1/1952/VII Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°67

PARKER William Riley (editor) 1953 P1/1953/IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°68

PARKER William Riley (editor) 1953 P1/1953/V Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°68

PARKER William Riley (editor) 1954 P1/1954/IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°69

PARKER William Riley (editor) 1954 P1/1954/IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°69

PARKER William Riley (editor) 1954 P1/1954/V Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°69

PARKER William Riley (editor) 1955 P1/1955/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°70

PARKER William Riley (editor) 1955 P1/1955/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°70 PARKER William Riley (editor) 1955 P1/1955/III Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°70

PARKER William Riley (editor) 1955 P1/1955/IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°70

PARKER William Riley (editor) 1955 P1/1955/IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°70

PARKER William Riley (editor) 1955 P1/1955/V Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°70

PARKER William Riley (editor) 1956 P1/1956/III Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°71

PARKER William Riley (editor) 1956 P1/1956/IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°71

PARKER William Riley (editor) 1956 P1/1956/IVbis Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°71

PARKER William Riley (editor) 1956 P1/1956/V Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°71

PARKER William Riley (editor) 1967 P1/1948/I-II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°63 PARKER William Riley (editor) 1967 P1/1948/III-IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°63

PARKER William Riley (editor) 1967 P1/1948/supp Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°63 l.

PARKER William Riley (editor) 197? P1/1951/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°66

PARKER William Riley (editor) 197? P1/1951/III Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°66

PARKER William Riley (editor) 197? P1/1952/1 Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°67

PARKER William Riley (editor) 197? P1/1952/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°67

PARKER William Riley (editor) 197? P1/1952/III Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°67

PARKER William Riley (editor) 197? P1/1952/IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°67

PARKER William Riley (editor) 197? P1/1952/V Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°67 PARKER William Riley (editor) 197? P1/1953/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°68

PARKER William Riley (editor) 197? P1/1953/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°68

PARKER William Riley (editor) 197? P1/1953/III Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°68

PARKER William Riley (editor) 197? P1/1953/IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°68

PARKER William Riley (editor) 197? P1/1954/I-III Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°69

PARKER William Riley (editor) 197? P1/1954/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°69

PARKER William Riley (editor) 197? P1/1956/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°71

PARKER William Riley (editor) 197? P1/1956/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°71

PARKER William Riley (editor) 1970 P1/1949/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°64 PARKER William Riley (editor) 1970 P1/1949/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°64

PARKER William Riley (editor) 1970 P1/1950/I-III Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°65

PARKER William Riley (editor) 1970 P1/1950/II-IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°65

PARKER William Riley (editor) 1970 P1/1950/V Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°65

PARKES, Henry Bamford 1970 B854 The Divine Order

PARKS, George B. 1961 B764/4 The First Italianate Englishmen

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VIII

PARKS, George B. 1962 P1/1962/V The Genesis of Tudor Interest in Italian

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°77

PARKS George B. 1969 A591 Travel as Education

In The Seventeenth Century : Studies in the History of English Thought and Literature from Bacon to Pope

PARNELL Paul E. 1966 A340 The sentimental Mask

In Restoration Drama (Modern Essays in Criticism) PARR Anthony 1988 C785 The Stapple of News

PARR, Anthony 1996 D074 Foreign Relations in Jacobean England : The Sherley Brothers and the 'Voyage to Persia'

In Travel and Drama in Shakespeare's Time

PARR, Johnston 1962 P1/1962/V Robert Greene and His Classmates at Cambridge

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°77

PARR, Johnstone 1967 P1/1944/II Tamburlaine's Malady

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°59

PARR, Wolstenholme 1981 C512 On Coriolanus and Othello , 1792

In Shakespeare : the Critical Heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

PARROTT Kenneth 1971 B731 Production

In Drama and the Theatre with Radio, Film and Television: an outline for the student. Brown John Russell (editor)

PARROTT, Thomas Marc 1962 C279 Shakespearean Comedy

PARRY Graham 1978 C472 A new view of bankside

In Shakespeare Survey 31

PARRY Graham 1984 C606 A theological reading of Macbeth

In Caliban n° XXI PARRY J.H. 1966 A981 The Age of Renaissance

PARRY P. H. 1990 C758 The Boyhood of Shakespeare's Heroines

In Shakespeare Survey 42

PARRY V.J. 1971 B507 The Middle East (1453-1574)

In The Making of the Modern World: volume I, Europe Discovers the World. Johnson Douglas (editor)

PARSONS Philip 1966 A463/9 Shakespeare and the Mask

In Shakespeare Survey, 16 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

PARSONS, Philip 1972 B852 Restoration Tragedy as Total Theatre

In Restoration Literature

PARSONS Robert 1999 D235 From A Treatise Tending to Mitigation towards Catholic Subjects in England

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

PARTEE Morriss Henry 1970 B816 Sir Thomas Elyot on Plato's Aesthetics

In Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, volume I. White Lynn (editor)

PARTRIDGE A.C. 1953 B325 Studies in the Syntax of Ben Jonson's Plays

PARTRIDGE A.C. 1964 A969 Orthography in shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama PARTRIDGE A.C. 1968 B048 Shakespeare's Orthography in Venus and Adonis and Some Early Quartos

In Shakespeare Survey 7. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

PARTRIDGE A.C. 1969 A797 Tudor to Augustan English: A Study in Syntax and Style from Caxton to Johnson

PARTRIDGE, A.C. Partridge 1971 B704 The Language of Renaissance Poetry

PARTRIDGE Edward B. 1963 C470 Epicene

In Ben Jonson : a collection of critical essays

PARTRIDGE Edward B. 1964 A412 Epicoene

In The Broken Compass: A Study of the Major Comedies of Ben Jonson

PARTRIDGE Edward B. 1964 A412 The Alchemist

In The Broken Compass: A Study of the Major Comedies of Ben Jonson

PARTRIDGE Edward B. 1964 A412 The Broken Compass: A Study of the Major Comedies of Ben Jonson

PARTRIDGE Edward B. 1964 A412 The magnetick Lady

In The Broken Compass: A Study of the Major Comedies of Ben Jonson

PARTRIDGE Edward B. 1964 A412 The New Inne

In The Broken Compass: A Study of the Major Comedies of Ben Jonson PARTRIDGE Edward B. 1964 A412 The Staple of Newes

In The Broken Compass: A Study of the Major Comedies of Ben Jonson

PARTRIDGE Edward B. 1964 A412 Volpone

In The Broken Compass: A Study of the Major Comedies of Ben Jonson

PARTRIDGE Edward B. 1972 B872 From The Broken Compass

In Jonson: Volpone, A Casebook. Barish Jonas A. (editor)

PARTRIDGE Edward.B 2000 D262 The Alchemist

In Ben Jonson's Plays and Masques

PARTRIDGE Eric 1968 A760 Shakespeare's Bawdy: A Literary & Psychological Essay and a Comprehensive Glossary

PASCAREL, Lydie 1982 M37 The Fortunes of the Merchant of Venice

PASCO Richard 1985 C640 Timon of Athens

In Players of Shakespeare

PASRORE-STOCCHI Manlio 1964 A701 Un Chapitre d'histoire littéraire aux XIVè et XVè siècles, "Seneca Poeta tragicus"

In Les tragédies de Sénèque et le théâtre de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

PASSMORE J.A. 1965 B603 The Malleability of Man in Eighteenth-Century Thought

In Aspects of the Eighteenth Century. Wasserman Earl R. (editor) PASTER Gail Kern 1973 C453 The city in Plautus and Middleton

In Renaissance drama . New series VI

PASTER Gail Kern 1986 C819 Quomodo, Sir Giles, and Triangular Desire: Social Aspiration in Middleton and Massinger

In Comedy from Shakespeare to Sheridan

PASTERNAK SLATER Ann 1982 C648 Shakespeare the director

PASTOUREAU Michel 1995 C999 La couleur verte au XVIe siècle : traditions et mutations

In Shakespeare . Le monde vert : rites et renouveau

Patricia Tatspaugh 2000 D250 The tragedies of love on film

In Shakespeare on film

PATRICK F.J. 1968 B048 The Birmingham Shakespeare Memorial Library

In Shakespeare Survey 7. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

PATRICK, J. Max 1961 B679 Francis Bacon

PATRIDES C.A. 1959 P1/1959/I Milton and the Protestant Theory of the Atonement

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°74

PATRIDES, C.A. 1961 B568 Milton's Lycidas, The Tradition and the Poem PATRIDES, C.A. 1963 B764/5 ' The Bloody and Cruell Turke': The Backgroud of a Renaissance Commonplace

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume X. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

PATRIDES C.A. 1968 B015 Approaches to Paradise Lost

PATRIDES C.A. 1969 B016 The Cambridge Platonists

PATRIDES.C.A. 1971 B320/69 The Earlier Seventeenth Century, Excluding Drama

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1969)

PATRIDES C.A. 1980 C632 The experience of Otherness : theology as a means of life

In The age of Milton

PATRIDES C.A. (editor) 1971 B750 The History of the World

PATRIDES Constantinos A. and WADDINGTON 1980 C632 The age of Milton

PATTERSON Annabel 1992 D009 Henry V : Text and History

In Shakespeare's History Plays : Richard II to Henry V

PATTERSON Annabel 1992 C940 Reading between the lines PATTERSON Annabel 1993 D010 The Popular Voice of King Lear

In King Lear

PATTERSON Annabel 1994 C974 Framing The Taming

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

PATTERSON Frank Allen (editor) 1958 B892 The Student's Milton

PATTISON Bruce 1971 B606 Music and Poetry of the English Renaissance

PAULIN Bernard 1987 C696 Macbeth ou le vertige

In Miroirs de L'Être : Macbeth, The Man of Mode

PAULIN Bernard 1987 C694 Théâtre et économie : quelques hommes d'affaires élisabéthains et jacobéens

In Aspects du théâtre anglais

PAULSON Ronald & LOCKWOOD Thomas 1969 A568 Henry Fielding : The Critical Heritage

PAVIS Patrice 1987 C842 Dictionnaire du Théâtre

PEACHAM Henry 1962 A683 The Complete Gentleman, The Truth of Our Times, and The Art of Living in London PEACOCK E. 1868 A051 Instructions for Parish Priests

PEACOCK John 1984 C706 The French element in Inigo Jones's masque designs

In The court masque

PEACOCK, John 1994 D226 The Politics of Portraiture

In Culture and Politics in Early Stuart England. Sharpe, Kevin and Lake, Peter (editors)

PEACOCK Ronald 1974 C381 The art of drama

PEAKE Charles 1971 B762 Poetry 1700-1740

In History of Literature in the English Language, volume IV: Dryden to Jonson. Lonsdale Roger (editor)

PEAKE Charles H. 1965 B320/63 The Eighteenth Century

In The Year's Work n English Studies(1963)

PEARL Sara 1984 C706 Souding to present occasions : Jonson's masques of 1620-5

In The court masque

PEARL, Valerie 1961 C200 London and the Outbreak of the Puritan Revolution : City Government and National Politics, 1625-43

PEARL, Valerie 1961 C178 London and the Outbreak of the Puritan Revolution : City Government and National Politics, 1625-43 PEARLMAN E. A623 Macbeth on Film : Politics

In Shakespeare Survey No 39

PEARLMAN E. 1994 C958 Macbeth on Film: politics

In Shakespeare and the Moving Image

PEARLMAN, E. 1997 P5/41 Shakespeare at Work: Attributed Dialogue

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°52

PEARS Steuart A. 1971 B722 The Correspondence of Sir Philip Sidney and Hubert Languet

PEARSALL D.A. 1970 B323 The Canterbury Tales

In The Middle Ages(Vol I)

PEARSALL Derek 1993 C930 The Canterbury Tales

PEARSON Jacqueline 1980 C553 Tragedy and tragicomedy in the plays of John Webster

PEARSON Lu Emily 1966 A633 Elizabethan Love Conventions

PEARSON Lu Emily 1997 D193 Shakespeare's Philosophy of Love(1933)

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays PEARSON, Norman Holmes 1973 C280 Antony and Cleopatra

In Shakespeare : of an Age and for all the Time

PEAT Derek 1980 C515 'And that's true too' : King Lear and the tension of uncertainty

In Shakespeare Survey 33

PEAT Derek 1982 C582 'And that's true too' : King Lear and the tension of uncertainty

In Aspects of King Lear

PEAT Derek 1989 C750 Looking back to front: the view from the Lords' room

In Shakespeare and the sense of performance

PECHEUX, Mother Mary Christopher, O.S.U. 1965 P1/1965/IV Abraham, Adam, and the Theme of Exile in Paradise Lost

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°80

PECHTER Edward 1991 D030 Against "Ideology"

In Shakespeare Left and Right

PECHTER, Edward 1996 D135 "Have you not read of some such things?" Sex and Sexual Stories in Othello

In Shakespeare Survey 49

PECORA Vincent P. 1989 C922 The Limits of Local Knowledge

In The New Historicism

PECQUERET, Veronique 1988 M45 Self-Knowledge in Hamlet PEELE Geo. 1962 A615 ColinThe Enamoured Sheepheard, Singeth this Passion of Love

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

PEELE Geo. 1962 A615 Coridon and Melampus Song

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

PEELE Geo. 1962 A615 Oenones Complaint in Blanke Verse

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

PEELE George 1933 A174 The Arrangement of Paris

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

PEELE George 1933 A174 The Old Wives Tale

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

PEELE George 1939 A639 The Old Wives

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

PEELE George 1965 A289 The Old Wives' Tale

In Five Elizabethan Comedies, ed. with an Introduction by McILLWRAITH

PEELE George 1979 C779 From 'The Honour of the Garter', 1593

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

PELLEGRINI G. 1965 A463/10 Symbols and Significances

In Shakespeare Survey, 17 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production PELTONEN, Markku 1996 D075 The Cambridge Companion to Bacon

PELTRAULT C. 1989 C741 De Wittenberg à Wittenberg : le thème du retour dans Doctor Faustus

In Lieu et temps

PELTRAULT Claude 1989 C822 Le double dans A Midsummer Night's Dream

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

PELTRAULT Claude 1989 C718 Le double dans A Midsummer Night's Dream

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

PELTRAULT Claude 1992 C824 Nothus et bouts cousus : des formes de la bâtardise dans Much Ado About Nothing

In Much Ado about Nothing

PELTRAULT Claude 1992 C919/1 (Para-) Dramatic Inclusions in 1Henry IV

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

PELTRAULT Claude 1994 C923 Shakespeare - La Tempête : études critiques

PEMBERTON Caroline 1899 A095 Queen Elizabeth's Englishing : Boethius, Plutarch & Horace

PENDLEBURY B.J. 1967 B747 Dryden's Heroic Plays: A Study of the Origins PENNINGTON D.H. 1961 A686 The Accounts of the Kingdom, 1642-49

In Essays in the Economic and Social History of Tudor and Stuart England. Fisher F.J. (editor)

PENNINGTON Michael 1985 C640 Hamlet

In Players of Shakespeare

PEPYS SAMUEL 1957 A675 Diary

In Seventeenth-Century : English Prose

PEPYS, Samuel 1970 C285 London Theatres in the 1660's

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

PEPYS Samuel 1974 C379/1 On Shakespeare in the theatre, 160-9

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

PEQUIGNEY Joseph 1985 C684 Such is my love : a study of Shakespeare's sonnets

PEQUIGNEY Joseph 1985 C708 Such is my love : Astudy of Shakespeare's Sonnets

PERCHERON Daniel 1980 T44 Diégèse

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al

PERCHERON Daniel 1980 T44 Focalisation (du récit cinématographique)

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al PERCHERON Daniel 1980 T44 Ponctuation

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al

PERCHERON Daniel 1980 T44 Séquence

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al

PERCHERON Daniel 1980 T44 Trucages

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al

PERCIVAL Vivian (editor) 1967 A541 Campion's Works

PERCY Thomas 1976 C379/4 Shakespeare and the history play, 1765

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

PERCY William 1964 A899/6 Sonnets to the Fairest Coelia, 1594

In An English Garner: Elizabethan Sonnets(Vol II)

PEREZ BUSTAMANTE Ciriaco 1959 A606 Actividad legislativa de Carlos V en orden a las Indias

In Charles-Quint et son Temps. C.N.R.S

PERKINS William 1999 D235 From A Discourse of the Damned Art of Witchcraft

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

PERNOUD Régine 1965 B104 Le Théâtre au Moyen âge

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy PERNOUD Régine 1965 B104 Tournois et jeux équestres

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

PERRET Marion D. 1988 C716 Shakespeare and anti-semitism : Two television versions of "The Merchant of Venice"

In Shakespeare on television

PERRIN, Jean 1987 C173 Othello ou les métamorphoses du monstre

In Autour d' Othello

PERRIN Jean 1989 C822 "The moon, methinks, looks with a watery eye", ou l'imaginaire du Songe d'une nuit d'été , une lecture anthropologique In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

PERRIN Jean 1989 C718 "The moon, methinks, looks with a watery eye", ou l'imaginaire du Songe d'une nuit d'été , une lecture anthropologique In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

PERRIN Jean 1990 P5/27 Macbeth, or the Symbolism of Ineluctability

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°38

PERRIN Jean 1992 C919/2 Human Spectacle, Cosmic Spectacle

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

PERRIN Jean 1993 C897 La poétique du regard

In Roméo et Juliette : Nouvelles perspectives critiques

PERRY George G. 1865 A080 Morte Arthure PERRY George G. 1867 A075 Religious Pieces in Prose and Verse

PERY, William, SHAABER, M.A. (editor) 1956 B764/2 Studies in the Renaissance, volume III and IV

PERY, William, SHAABER, M.A. (editorS) 1954 B764/1 Studies in the Renaissance, volume I and II

PETCHER Edward A623 Remembering Hamlet Or, How it Feels to Go Like a Crab Backwards

In Shakespeare Survey No 39

PETCHER Edward 1997 D154 Othello , The Infamous Ripley and SHAKSPER

In Shakespearean Continuities

Peter Holland 2000 D256 Shakespeare Survey 53 : Shakespeare and narrative

Peter Holland 2001 D259 Shakespeare in the twentieth-century theatre

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare

Peter J. Smith 2000 D256 The erotics of narration in Venus and Adonis

In Shakespeare Survey 53

PETER John 1956 B345 Complaint and Satire in Early English Literature Peter Reynolds 1988 D254 As you like it

PETERS Helen 1980 C533 A select list of the published writings of Dame Helen Gardner

In English Renaissance studies presented to Dame Helen Gardner in honour of her seventieth birthday

PETERSON Douglas L. 1973 C390 Time tide and Tempest : a study of Shakespeare's romances

PETERSON Douglas L. 1980 C594 The Tempest and ideal comedy

In Shakespearean Comedy

PETIT Jean-Pierre 1986 C653 Éléments de cohérence dans le dénouement d'All's Well That Ends Well

In All's Well That Ends Well : nouvelles perspectives critiques

PETIT Jean-Pierre 1987 C771 Deux King Lear mémorables

In Shakespeare à la télévision

PETIT Jean-Pierre 1987 C771 Note sur deux Othello

In Shakespeare à la télévision

PETOWE Henry 1967 B017 Hero and Leander(1598)

In Elizabethan Narrative Verse

PETRONE-FRESCO Gaby 1987 C854/2 The hidden text : problems of translation in As You Like It

In Palimpsestes N° 1 : Traduire le Dialogue Traduire les Textes de Théatre PETTER, C.G. 1973 B921 Eastward Ho!

PETTET E.C. 1949 A937 Shakespeare and the Romance Tradition

PETTET E.C. 1960 B494 Of Paradise and Light: a study of Vaughan's Silex Scintillans

PETTET E. C. 1966 A463/2 Coriolanus and the Midlands Insurrection of 1607

In Shakespeare Survey, 3: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

PETTET E.C. 1969 A597 The Merchant of Venice and the Problem of Usury

In Shakespeare : The Merchant of Venice

PETTIGREW John 1969 B471 The Mood of Henry IV, Part 2

In Manner and Meaning in Shakespeare. Jackson B.A.W. (editor)

PETTIT Henry, MACDONALD Angus, WHITE 1968 B381/55 Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature, volume XXX 1950-1952

PETTITT, Thomas 1996 D068 "Folk Allegory" in the Idiom of John Ball

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture

PETTY William 1964 A899/7 Political Arithmetic(1690)

In An English Garner: Later Stuart Tracts PEYRE, Frédéric 1995 P5/36 Lines, Circles, Letters, and Characters: the Conjuration of Tragedy

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°47

PEYRE Henri 1964 B499 Shakespeare and Modern French Criticism

In The Persistence of Shakespeare Idolatry: Essyas in honor of Robert W. Babcock. Schueller Herbert M. (editor)

PEYRE, Yves 1981 P5/8 Les "Masques" d'Ariel- Essai d'interprétation de leur symbolisme

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 19

PEYRÉ Yves 1984 C606 Le Conte d'Hiver : regards et miroirs

In Caliban n° XXI

PEYRÉ Yves 1992 C823 All's Well That Ends Well : la rhétorique, l'art et la vie

In Shakespeare : Rhétoriques du texte et du spectacle

PEYRE Yves 1992 C919/2 Massinger’s Plays-Within: Pygmalion or Medusa?

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

PEYRE, Yves 1995 D055 "Travels in the Clouds": Metamorphosis, Doubt, and Reason in the Renaissance

In French Essays on Shakespeare and His Contemporaries

PEYRÉ, Yves 1996 D063 Antony and Cleopatra et l'affirmation de l'humain

In La voix des mythes dans la tragédie élisabéthaine

PEYRÉ, Yves 1996 D063 Coriolanus et la négation de l'humain

In La voix des mythes dans la tragédie élisabéthaine PEYRÉ, Yves 1996 D063 De la mère blessé à l'engendrement pernicieux: Richard III

In La voix des mythes dans la tragédie élisabéthaine

PEYRÉ, Yves 1996 D063 La forge de Vulcain et la naissance des monstres: Troilus and Cressida

In La voix des mythes dans la tragédie élisabéthaine

PEYRÉ, Yves 1996 D063 La forge de Vulcain et la naissances des monstres: Hamlet

In La voix des mythes dans la tragédie élisabethaine

PEYRÉ, Yves 1996 D063 La voix des mythes dans la tragédie élisabethaine

PEYRÉ, Yves 1996 D063 Le texte tragique, Romeo and Juliet

In La voix des mythes dans la tragédie élisabéthaine

PEYRÉ, Yves 1996 D063 Le travail sur les mythes, Titus Andronicus

In La voix des mythes dans la tragédie élisabéthaine

PEYRE, Yves 1996 D074 Marlowe's Argonauts

In Travel and Drama in Shakespeare's Time

PEYRÉ, Yves 1996 D063 Mise en forme de l'histoire, Richard III

In La voix des mythes dans la tragédie

PEYRÉ, Yves 1996 D063 Ue monde stérile: Timon of Athens

In La voix des mythes dans la tragédie élisabéthaine PEYRÉ, Yves 1996 D063 Un monde écartelé: Hamlet

In La voix des mythes dans la tragédie élisabethaine

PEYRÉ, Yves 1996 D063 Un monde écartelé: Troilus and Cressida

In la voix des mythes dans la tragédie élisabéthaine

PEYRÉ, Yves 1996 D063 Un monde stérile: Troilus and Cressida

In La voix des mythes dans la tragédie élisabethaine

PEYRE, Yves 1997 P5/40 Deciphering Classical Mythology in Renaissance Drama: Questions of Methodology

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°51

PEYRÉ Yves 1999 D210 Venus and Adonis , ou les jeux e Narcisse et de Pygmalion

In William Shakespeare, Venus and Adonis : Nouvelles Perspectives Critiques

PEYTARD Jean 1968 B093 Linguistique et Littérature

PFISTER Manfred 1988 C788 The Theory and Analysis of Drama

PFISTER Manfred 1993 C995 Shakespeare and Italy, or, the law of diminishing returns

In Shakespeare's Italy

PFRIMMER Edouard 1965 A693 Brecht et l'anti-tragique

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur) PHIALAS Peter G. 1966 A926 Shakespeare's Romantic Comedies: The Development of Their Form and Meaning

Philip EDWARDS 1998 D200 Shakespeare Survey: Beginnings and Continuities

In Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century, Shakespeare Survey n°51

Philip Massinger 1966 B986/3 A New Way to Pay Old Debts

In Plays of Philip Massinger, volume The Third

Philip Massinger 1966 B986/4 A Very Woman or The Prince of Tarent

In Plays of Philip Massinger, volume The Fourth

Philip Massinger 1966 B986/4 The Bashful Lover

In Plays of Philip Massinger, volume The Fourth

Philip Massinger 1966 B986/2 The Bondman

In Plays of Philip Massinger, volume The Second

Philip Massinger 1966 B986/4 The City Madam

In Plays of Philip Massinger, volume The Fourth

Philip Massinger 1966 B986/1 The Duke of Milan

In Plays of Philip Massinger, volume The First

Philip Massinger 1966 B986/3 The Emperor of the East

In Plays of Philip Massinger, volume The Third Philip Massinger 1966 B986/3 The Fatal Dowry

In Plays of Philip Massinger, volume The Third

Philip Massinger 1966 B986/2 The Great Duke of Florence

In Plays of Philip Massinger, volume The Second

Philip Massinger 1966 B986/4 The Guardian

In Plays of Philip Massinger, volume The Fourth

Philip Massinger 1966 B986/3 The Maid of Honour

In Plays of Philip Massinger, volume The Third

Philip Massinger 1966 B986/4 The Old Law

In Plays of Philip Massinger, volume The Fourth

Philip Massinger 1966 B986/2 The Parliament of Love

In Plays of Philip Massinger, volume The Second

Philip Massinger 1966 B986/3 The Picture

In Plays of Philip Massinger, volume The Third

Philip Massinger 1966 B986/2 The Renegado

In Plays of Philip Massinger, volume The Second

Philip Massinger 1966 B986/2 The Roman Actor

In Plays of Philip Massinger, volume The Second Philip Massinger 1966 B986/1 The Unnatural Combat

In Plays of Philip Massinger, volume The First

Philip Massinger 1966 B986/1 The Virgin-Martyr

In Plays of Philip Massinger, volume The First

PHILIPPOT Michel 1956 A630 Electronique et technique compositionnelles

In Visages et perspectives de l'art moderne: peinture, poésie, musique. Etudes du C.N.R.S. réunies par JACQUOT Jean

PHILIPS Ambrose 1969 A835 Humfrey, Duke of Gloucester(1723)

PHILLIPS Edward 1979 C779 From 'Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanorum', 1675

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

PHILLIPS J.E. 1969 A600 Monarchic Principles

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

PHILLIPS James E. 1972 B891 Poetry and Music in the Seventeenth Century

In Stuart and Georgian Moments. Miner Earl

PHILLIPS James E. (editor) 1970 B582 Twentieth Century Interpretations of Coriolanus

PHILLIPS O. Hood 1972 B879 Shakespeare and the Lawyers PHILOMUSUS S. 1974 C306 Mr Law's unlawfulness of the stage entertainment examin'd

In Mr Law's Unlawfulness of the Stage Entertainment Examin'd, The Entertainment of the Stage, and Some Few Hints, in Defence of Dramatical Entertainments

PHOEBE Sheavyn 1967 A250 The Literary Profession in the Elizabethan Age

Phyllis McBride 2000 D256 In her father's library : Margaret Fuller and the making of the americam Miranda

In Shakespeare survey 53

PICKERING F.P. 1970 B396 Literature & Art in the Middle Ages

PICKERING F.P. 1970 B413 Literature & Art in the Middle Ages

PICOMBE Michael 1997 D154 Classical and Contemporary Sources of 'The Gloomy Woods' of Titus Andronicus

In Shakespearean Continuities

PICON-VALLIN Béatrice 1972 B512/3 Les Dix jours qui ébranlèrent le monde, au Théâtre de Taganka de Moscou

In Les Voies de la Création Théâtrale, volume III. Bablet Denis & Jacquot Jean (editeurs)

PIEHLER, Paul 1971 B655 The Visionary Landscape

PIERCE, Robert B. 1971 C293 Shakespeare's History Plays : the Family and the State PIERCE Robert B. 1985 C663 'Very like a whale' : scepticism and seeing in The Tempest

In Shakespeare survey 38

PIERCE Robert B. 1994 C984 Shakespeare and the Ten Modes of Scepticism

In Shakespeare Survey 46

PIERRON Agnès 1990 C964 Bada, capitaine, solaire, couronné tortureur

In Écritures contemporaines et Théâtralité

PIGNON Edouard 1956 A630 Déclaration

In Visages et perspectives de l'art moderne: peinture, poésie, musique. Etudes du C.N.R.S. réunies par JACQUOT Jean

PIKHOFER Anton M. 1976 C480 The beauty of truth : the dramatic character of Shakespeare's Sonnets

In New essays on Shakepeare's Sonnets

PILARD Philippe 2000 D241 Shakespeare au cinéma

PILKINGTON Ace G. 1994 C958 Zeffirelli's Shakespeare

In Shakespeare and the Moving Image

PILLEMENT Geoges 1968 A692 La condition de l'auteur d'avant-garde

In Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

PILON Frederick 1981 C512 On acting Hamlet, 1777

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801 PINCISS G.M. 1974 C409 Shakespeare, her Majesty's players, and Pembroke's men

In Shakespeare Survey 27

PINCISSG.M. 1978 C472 The old honor and the new courtesy : 1 Henry IV

In Shakespeare Survey 31

PINCUS Steven C.A. 1995 D042 Republicanism, Absolutism and Universal Monarchy : English Popular Sentiment During the Third Dutch War In Culture and Society in the Stuart Restoration

PINEAS, Rainer 1960 B764/4 Thomas More's Use of the Dialogue Form as a Weapon of Religious Controversy

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VII

PINEAS, Rainer 1963 B764/5 John Bale's Nondramatic Works of Religious Controversy

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume IX. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

PINI Richard 1967 A533 Bilan de la comédie musicale américaine

In Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale JACQUOT Jean (editeur)

PINKERTON John 1981 C512 Observations on Shakespeare, 1785

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

PINTER Harold 1976 C630 Plays : one

PINTER Harold 1978 C620 Plays : three PINTER Harold 1981 C631 Plays : four

PINTER Harold 1983 C619 Plays : two

PINTHUS Kurt 1971 C548 Souvenirs des débuts de l'expressionnisme

In L'expressionnisme dans le théâtre européen

PINTO Vivian de S. 1968 A644 John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, and the Right Veine of Satire

In Seventeenth -Century English Poetry : Modern Essays in Criticism

PIRONON, J. 1980 P5/7 The Images of Woman in the Sonnets and Some Minor Poems of John Milton

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 18

PIRONON Jean 1987 P5/21 "At Noon of Night": Intimism in Robert Herrick's Hesperides

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°32

PIRONON, Jean H. 1991 P5/29 The Baroque Image: A Close Analysis of the End of Milton's Comus

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°40

PIRROTA Nino 1954 A700 Tragédie et comédie dans la Camerata fiorentina

In Musique et Poésie au XVIè siècle. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

PISCATOR Erwin 1969 A528 La Technique: Néssecité Artistique du Théâtre Moderne

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs) PITCHER, George 1971 B788 Wittgenstein, Nonsense, and Lewis Carroll (1965)

In English Literature and British Philosophy

PITCHER John 1984 C706 'In those figures which they seeme' : Samuel Daniel's Tethys' Festival

In The court masque

PITTARD Joseph 1976 C379/4 Garrick's Lear, 1758

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

PITTOCK, Joan 1973 C188 The Ascendancy of Taste : the Achievement of Joseph and Thomas Warton

PLAISANCE Michel 1975 C415 La politique culturelle de Come Ier et les fêtes annuelles à Florence de 1541 à 1550

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

PLAISANCE Michel 1980 C550 L'Exaltation de la Croix . Comédie religieuse de Giovanmaria Cecchi

In Les voies de la création théâtrale VIII

PLAISANCE Michel 1984 C583 Les premières éditions de "L'exaltation de la Croix" de Giovan Maria Cecchi

In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées

PLANTEFOL Lucien 1956 A629 Propos sur la rédaction scientifique

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

PLARD Henri 1964 A701 Note sur Martin Opitz et les "Troyennes" de Sénèque

In Les tragédies de Sénèque et le théâtre de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean (editeur) PLARD Henri 1964 A701 Sénèque et la tragédie d'Andreas Gryphius

In Les tragédies de Sénèque et le théâtre de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

PLARD Henri 1968 A515/2 Adaptations de la tragédie espagnole dans les Pays-Bas et en Allemagne(1595-1640)

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

PLATTARD J. 1967 A904 La Renaissance des Lettres en France

PLOCHMANN, George Kimball 1963 B764/5 Wiliam Harvey and his Methods

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume X. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

PLOKKER J.H. 1962 A531 Artistic self-expression in mental disease: the shattered image of schizophrenics

PLOKKER J.H. 1962 A530 Le Créateur Schizophrène

Plouin R. 1976 C389 Les gueux et la maladie : hôpitaux dans la France de la Renaissance

In Misère et gueuserie au temps de la Renaissance

PLOUIN R. 1977 C411 Cités françaises au XVIe siècle : créations et réorganisations

In Les cités au temps de la Renaissance 2

PLOWMAN Max 1967 A917 Money and The Merchant

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism PLOWMAN Max 1969 A597 Money and The Merchant

In Shakespeare : The Merchant of Venice

PLUMB J.H. 1956 A197/1 Sir Robert Walpole: The Making of a Stateman

PLUMB J.H. 1960 A197/2 Sir Robert Walpole: The King's Minister

POIRIER Michel 1968 A492 Christopher Marlowe

POISSON Rodney 1976 C480 Unequal friendship : Shakespeare's Sonnets 18-126

In New essays on Shakepeare's Sonnets

POLIERI Jacques 1969 A528 L'Image à 360° et l'Espace Scénique Nouveau

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs)

POLIN Raymond 1952 B218 Politique et Philosophie chez Thomas Hobbes

POLITI Jina 1993 D033 'The Written and the Unspoken'

In English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference

POLITZER Heinz 1965 B603 The Three of Knowledge and the Sin of Science: Vegetation Symbols in Goethe's Faust

In Aspects of the Eighteenth Century. Wasserman Earl R. (editor) POLLARD 1897 A062 The Towneley Plays

POLLARD A.W. 1966 A393 Shakespeare'S Text

In A Companion to Shakespeare Studies, edited by Harley Granville-Barker and G.B. Harrison

POLLARD Alfred 1964 A899/2 An English Garner: Fifteenth Century Prose and Verse

POLLARD Alfred W. 1967 B796 Shakespeare's Fight with the Pirates and the Problems of the Transmission of the Text

POLLARD, Arthur 1970 B779 The Critical Idiom vol 7 : Satire

POLLARD, Carol W. 1984 P5/14 Immoral Morality: Combinations of Morality Type in All's Well That Ends Well and the Dutch Courtesan In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 25

POLLET Maurice 1962 B008 John Skelton (C.1460-1529): Contribution à l'histoire de la Prérenaissance Anglaise

POMMIER Jean 1956 A629 Michelet et la figure humaine

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

PONCET Marie-Thérèse 1953 T37 L'imagination filmique dans les rapports du décor et du costume

In L'univers filmique PONET John 1999 D235 From A Short Treatise of Politic Power

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

POOLE Adrian 1988 C868 Coriolanus

POOLE Adrian 1994 C934 Laughter, forgetting and Shakespeare

In English Comedy

POOLE, Eric 1979 P5/6 John and Mary Shakespeare and the Aston Cantlow Mortgage

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 17

POPE Alexander 1951 B558 Postscript to the Odyssey

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

POPE Alexander 1974 C379/2 Edition of Shakespeare, 1725

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

POPE Alexander 1975 C379/3 Conversations, 1736

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

POPE Elizabeth 1982 C581 The Renaissance background of Measure for Measure

In Aspects of Shakespeare's 'problem plays'

POPE Elizabeth M. 1966 A463/1 The Renaissance Background of Measure for Measure

In Shakespeare Survey, 2: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor) POPE Isabel 1954 A700 La musique espagnole à la Cour de Naples dans la seconde moitié du XVè siècle

In Musique et Poésie au XVIè siècle. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

POPE Maurice 1985 C663 Shakespeare's medical imagination

In Shakespeare survey 38

POPE-HENNESSY John 1966 C759 The portrait in the Renaissance

POPELIN Claude 1965 B104 La Tauromachie

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

POPKIN Henry 1972 B872 Black Comedy Still Has Too Much

In Jonson: Volpone, A Casebook. Barish Jonas A. (editor)

POPOVIC Vladeta 1968 B476 Shakespeare in Post-War Yugoslavia

In Shakespeare Survey (Vol 4)

POPPLE William 1975 C379/3 On Polonius, may 1735

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

PORTER, H. C. 1970 B535 Puritanism in Tudor England

PORTER Joseph A. 1979 C517 The drama of speech acts : Shakespeare's lancastrian tetralogy PORTER Joseph A. 1991 D030 Character and Ideology in Shakespeare

In Shakespeare Left and Right

PORTER Joseph Ashby 1988 C891 Shakespeare’s Mercutio .His History and Drama

POTTER G.R. 1967 A592 The New Cambridge Modern History( Vol I) : The Renaissance : 1493-1520

POTTER John 1979 C537 Shakespeare in the theatre, 1771-2

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

POTTER Lois 1971 B752 A Preface to Milton

POTTER Lois 1974 C409 The antic disposition of Richard II

In Shakespeare Survey 27

POTTER Lois 1980 C651 The plays and the playwrights

In The Revels history of drama in English volume II 1500-1576

POTTER Lois 1989 C787 The Restoration Season

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan

POTTER Lois 1990 C758 'Nobody's Perfect': Actors' Memories and Shakespeare's Plays of the 1590s

In Shakespeare Survey 42 POTTER Lois 1990 C795 Recycling the Early Histories: 'The War of the Roses' and 'The Plantagenets'

In Shakespeare Survey 43

POTTER Lois 1990 C742 "Scenes and acts of death" : Shakespeare and the theatrical image of war

In Shakespeare et la guerre

POTTER LOIS 1990 C772 The Actor as Regicide : Recent versions of Richard III on the English stage

In Le tyran : Shakespeare contre Richard III

POTTER Lois 1992 C919/2 The Two Noble Kinsmen : Spectacle and Narrative

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

POTTER Lois 1992 C933 Topicality or Politics? The Two Noble Kinsmen , 1613-34

In The Politics of Tragicomedy

POTTER Lois 1994 C974 Fire in the Theater: A Cross-cultural code

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

POTTER, Lois 1996 D074 Pirates and 'Turning Turk' in Renaissance Drama

In Travel and Drama in Shakespeare's Time

POTTER Lois 1998 D211 Emilia in Othello: the problem of the unfilmic Character

In Shakespeare et le Cinéma

POTTER Robert 1975 C477 The English morality play : origins, history and influence of a dramatic tradition POTTS, L.J. 1965 C266 The Subject Matter of Comedy

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

POUGNAUD Pierre 1978 C813 Les théâtres dans les châteaux et résidences privées

In Monuments Historiques : Architecture du Spectacle

POUJOL, Jacques 1958 B764/3 Jean Ferrault on the King's Privileges: A Study of the Medieval Sources of Renaissance Political Theory in France In Studies in the Renaissance, volume V. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

POULET Georges 1961 B067 Les Métamorphoses du Cercle

POVOLEDO Elena 1975 C415 Bouffons et commedia dell'arte dans la fête vénitienne au XVIe siècle

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

POWELL Brian 1979 C531 Communist kabuki : a contradiction in terms?

In Drama and society

POWELL Jocelyn 1972 B883 Theatrical Trompe l'oeil in Measure for Measure

In Shakespearian Comedy. Bradbury Malcolm and Palmer David (editors). Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies n°14

POYET Albert 1984 C606 Will nature prevail , Le théâtre dans Love Triumphant de John Dryden

In Caliban n° XXI

POYNTER F.N.L. 1965 A463/10 Medicine and Public Health

In Shakespeare Survey, 17 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production POYNTER, F.N.L. 1972 C184/1 Nicholas Culpeper and the Paracelsians

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol I)

PRALL Stuart E. 1969 A398 The Puritan Revolution: A Documentary History

PRATT Mary Louise 1986 C946 A Reply to Harold Fromm

In Race, Writing, and Difference

PRATT Mary Louise 1986 C946 Scratches on the Face of the Country; or, What Mr. Barrow Saw in the Land of the Bushmen

In Race, Writing, and Difference

PRAZ Mario 1964 A506 Studies in Seventeenth-Century Imagery

PRAZ Mario 1968 B048 Shakespeare's Italy

In Shakespeare Survey 7. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

PRAZ Mario 1970 B468 Mnemosyne: The Parallel between Literature and the Visual Arts

PREDALI ROSS, Dominique 1978 M27 The Romantic Element in All's Well that Ends Well and the Winter's Tale

PRELOT Marcel 1956 A629 Ampleur et limites de la création dans l'art et la science politique

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts. PRESCOTT Anne Lake 1973 C353 The reception of Du Bartas in England

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XV

PRESCOTT LAKE, Anne. 2000 D268 Pierre de la Primaudaye's French Academy: Growing Encyclopaedic

In The Renaissance Computer presented to Frank Percy WILSON 1959 B375 Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies

PREST Wilfrid R. 1972 B880 The Inns of Court under Elizabeth I and the Early Stuarts 1590-1640

PRESTON, Claire. 2000 D268 In the Wilderness of Forms: Ideas and Things in Thomas Browne's Cabinets of Curiosity

In The Renaissance Computer

PRÉVOST André 1969 B088 Thomas More(1477-1535) et la crise de la pensée européenne

PRICE Antony 1983 C580 A Midsummer Night's Dream : a selection of critical essays

PRICE Cecil 1973 C303/1 The dramatic works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan volume I

PRICE Cecil 1973 C303/2 The dramatic works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan volume II PRICE Cecil 1973 B989 Theatre in the Age of Garrick

PRICE Cecil 1975 C476 Gay, Goldsmith, Sheridan, and other Eighteenth-century dramatists

In English drama (excluding Shakespeare)

PRICE Hereward T. 1974 C603 Construction in Shakespeare

PRICE Hereward .T 1997 D193 Function of Imagery in Venus and Adonis(1945)

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

PRICE Joseph G. 1968 B149 The Unfortunate Comedy: A Study of All's Well That Ends Well and its Critics

PRICE, Martin 1973 C034 The Oxford Anthology of English Literature : the Restoration and the Eighteenth Century

PRIESTLEY Joseph 1981 C512 Lectures on Shakespeare, 1777

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

PRINCE F.T. 1961 B568 The Italian Element in Lycidas

In Milton's Lycidas, The Tradition and the Poem. Patrides, C.A.

PRINCE F.T. 1968 B015 Milton and the Theatrical Sublime

In Approaches to Paradise Lost PRIOR Moody E. 1966 A185 The Language of Tragedy

PRIOR Roger 1972 B886 The Life of George Wilkins

In Shakespeare Survey n°25: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study and Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

PRIOR Roger 1976 C399 George Wilkins and the young Heir

In Shakespeare Survey 29

PRIOR, Roger 1982 P5/11 Some Shakespearian Puns and their Implications

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 22

PROPP V. 1965 A702 Les transformations des contes fantastiques

In Théorie de la littérature (textes des formalistes russes réunis et traduits par Todorov Tzvetan )

PROPP. V 1965 B086 Les transformations des contes fantastiques

In Théorie de la Littérature

PROSER Matthew N. 1965 B874 The Heroic Image in Five Shakespearean Tragedies

PROSSER Eleanor 1971 B798 Hamlet and Revenge

PROUDFOOT, G.R. 1973 C203 Henry VIII, The Two Noble Kinsmen, and the Apocryphal Plays

In Shakespeare : Select Bibliographical Guides PROUDFOOT Richard 1966 A971 Shakespeare and the New Dramatists of the King's Men, 1606-1613

In Later Shakespeare

PROUDFOOT Richard 1969 A463/14 Textual Studies

PROUDFOOT Richard 1970 B456 Textual Studies

In Shakespeare Survey 23: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

PROUDFOOT Richard 1972 B886 Textual Studies

In Shakespeare Survey n°25: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study and Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

PROUDFOOT Richard 1976 C399 Verbal reminiscence and the two-part structure of The Winter's Tale

In Shakespeare Survey 29

PROUDFOOT Richard 1987 C980 Shakespeare : His career and Development

In The Penguin History of Literature : English Drama to 1710

PROUDFOOT Richard 1993 C918 Shakespeare‘s Coinage

In Shakespeare et l’Argent

PROUDFOOT Richard 1993 C960 The Reign Of King Edward the Third (1596) and Shakespeare

In British Academy Shakespeare Lectures

PROUDFOOT Richard 1999 D240 The 1998 Globe Season

In Shakespeare Survey n°52 PROUTY Charles T. 1961 A661 Studies in The Elizabethan Theatre

PROUTY, Charles T. 1970 C098 The Sources of Much Ado About Nothing

PROUTY, Charles T. 1970 C098 The Sources of Much Ado About Nothing

PROUTY, Charles T. 1970 C098 The Sources of Much Ado About Nothing

PROUTY Charles Tyler 1969 B471 Twelfth Night

In Manner and Meaning in Shakespeare. Jackson B.A.W. (editor)

PROUTY, Charles Tyler 1973 C280 The Yale Shakespeare Festival

In Shakespeare : of an Age and for all the Time

PROUTY, Charles Tyler (Ed.) 1973 C280 Shakespeare : of an Age and for all the Time . The Yale Shakespeare Festival Lectures

PRUDHOMME D. 1982 C596 L'idéologie du Juif de Malte et du Marchand de Venise

In Théâtre et idéologies : Marlowe, Shakespeare

PRUDHOMME Danièle 1984 P5/15 The Reformation and the Decline of Anti-Judaism

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°26 PRYNNE, William 1973 C263 The Vindication of William Prynne

In The English Stage. Attack and Defense 1577-1730

PRYNNE William 1974 C339 Histriomastix

PRYNNE William 1979 C779 From 'Histrio Mastix', 1633

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

PUJOL Emilio 1960 A698 Les ressources instrumentales et leur rôle dans la musique pour vihuela et pour guitare au XVIè siècle et au XVIIè In La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean

PULLINI Giorgio 1965 B104 Italie

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

PULMAN, Michael Barraclough 1971 B709 The Elizabethan Privy Council in the Fifteen- Seventies

PUPO TAVARES Marie Lucia de S.B. 1990 C964 Le texte théâtral au Brésil : l'enseignement artistique et la dramaturgiepour enfants

In Écritures contemporaines et Théâtralité

PURKIS Helen 1975 C415 La décoration de la salle et les rapports entre la scène et le public dans les mascarades et les intermèdes florentins, 1539-1608 In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

PURNEY Thomas 1974 C379/2 Shakespeare and francophilia, 1717

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733 PUSCHMANN-NALENZ, Barbara 1995 D058 Using Shakespeare? The Appropriation of Coriolanus and King Henry V in John Philip Kemble's 1789's Productions. In Shakespeare and France (Volume 5)

PUSHKIN Aleksandr Sergeyevich 1963 B043 from Shylock, Angelo and Falstaff

In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor)

PUTNEY Rufus 1970 B582 Coriolanus and His Mother

In Twentieth Century Interpretations of Coriolanus. Phillips James E. (editor)

PUTNEY Rufus 1997 D193 Venus Agonistes(1953)

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

PUTTENHAM 1967 A256/2 The Arte of English Poesie. 1589

In Elizabethan Critical Essays, volume II

PUTTENHAM GEorge 1970 B405 The Arte of English Poesie

QUENNELL, Peter & JOHNSON, Hamish 1973 C166 Who's who in Shakespeare

QUERE, Olivier 1980 M33 Man and Evil in Macbeth

QUERE, Olivier 1991 MD04 Présentation de l'Art poétique de Ben Jonson dans ses dernières comédies QUERE Olivier 1997 D195 Discours et corruption sociale: The Staples Of News de Ben Jonson

In Le Mal et ses masques

QUEROL-GAVALDA Miguel 1954 A700 Importance historique et nationale de romance

In Musique et Poésie au XVIè siècle. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

QUEROL-GAVALDA Miguel 1956 A697 Le Carnaval à Barcelone au début du XVIIè siècle

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

QUIDU, Emmanuelle 1991 M51 Regeneration in King Lear

QUINN D.B. 1965 A463/10 Sailors and the Sea

In Shakespeare Survey, 17 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

QUINN Michael (editor) 1969 A787 Shakespeare Henry V : A Casebook

QUIVY LUQUET, Mireille 1976 M26 Shakespeare et le Théâtre Elisabéthain: the Structure of Othello

R.J. 1979 C537 Ode to Shakespeare, 1771

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

R. S. White 2001 D259 Shakespeare criticism in the twentieth century

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare R.V. Young 2000 D255 Ben Jonson and learning

In The Cambridge Companion to Ben Jonson

RAAB Felix 1965 A980 The English Face of Machiavelli

RABB Theodore K. 1980 C632 Population, economy and society in Milton's England

In The age of Milton

RABKIN Norman 1967 C486 Shakespeare and the common understanding

RABKIN Norman 1969 A600 Structure, Convention, and Meaning in Julius Caesar

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

RABKIN Norman (editor) 1969 A793 Reinterpretations of Elizabethan Drama

RACIN John 1974 C340 Sir Walter Ralegh as historian : an analysis of The History of the World

RADCLIFF-UMSTEAD Douglas 1969 B574 The Birth of Modern Comedy in Renaissance Italy

RADZINOWICZ Mary Ann 1968 B015 'Man as a Probationer of Immortality':Paradise Lost (XI-XII)

In Approaches to Paradise Lost RADZINOWICZ Mary ANN 1977 C432 Medicinable tragedy : the structure of Samson Agonistes and seventeenth-century psychopathology In English drama : forms and development

RAECK Kurt 1966 A463/2 Shakespeare in the German Open-Air Theatre

In Shakespeare Survey, 3: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

RAECKELBOOM, Gérard 1991 MD06 L'Exposition dans les comédies et farces de Molière

RAINE Kathleen 1968 A717 David Gascoyne and the Prophetic Role

In Studies in the Arts: Proceedings of the St. Peter's College Literary Society. Warner Francis (editor)

RAINOLDES John, GAGER William and GENTILI 1974 C318 Th'otherthrow of stage-playes

RAJAONA, Sandrine. 2000 M87 Love and Marriage in The Comedy of Errors and The Taming of the Shrew

RALEGH Walter 1965 B142 Shakespeare

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 A Midsummer-Night's Dream

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 All's Well that Ends Well

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 Antony and Cleopatra

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 As You Like It

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 Coriolanus

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 Cymbeline

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 Hamlet

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 Henry III

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 Henry V

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 Henry VI (Part I)

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 Henry VI (Part II)

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 Henry VI (Part III)

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 HenryIV (Part I)

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 HenryIV (Part II)

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 Julius Caesar

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 King John

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 King Lear

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 Love's Labour's Lost

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 Macbeth

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 Measure for Measure

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 Much Ado About Nothing

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 Othello

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 Richard II

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 Richard III

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 Romeo and Juliet

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 The Comedy of Errors

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 The Merchant of Venice

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 The Merry Wives of Windsor

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 The Taming of the Shrew

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 The Tempest

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 The Two Gentlemen of Verona

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 The Winter's Tale

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 Timon of Athens

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 Titus Andronicus

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 Troilus and Cressida

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALEIGH Walter 1968 A293 Twelfth Night

In Johnson on Shakespeare: essays and notes selected and set forth with an introduction

RALLI Augustus 1965 A414/1 A History of Shakespearian Criticism(Vol I) RALLI Augustus 1965 A414/2 A History of Shakespearian Criticism(Vol II)

RALPH, James 1973 C146 The Touch-Stone

RAMEL J. 1989 C741 Lieu et temps dans les "inductions" de la Renaissance anglaise

In Lieu et temps

RAMEL Jacques 1990 C770 Henry IV et le théâtre dans le théâtre

In Henry the Fourth . Milton, gay . Pouvoir et musique

RAMETTE Odile 1978 C813 Architecture du spectacle et environnement urbain

In Monuments Historiques : Architecture du Spectacle

RAMSAY Allan 1974 C306 Some few hints, in defence of dramatical entertainments

In Mr Law's Unlawfulness of the Stage Entertainment Examin'd, The Entertainment of the Stage, and Some Few Hints, in Defence of Dramatical Entertainments

RAMSEY Paul 1976 C480 The syllables of Shakespeare's Sonnets

In New essays on Shakepeare's Sonnets

RANDALL Dale B.J. 1975 C478 Jonson's gypsies unmasked : background and theme of The Gypsies Metamorpos'd

RANKINS, William 1973 C100 A Mirrour of Monsters

In A Mirrour of Monsters, Preface to Robert Greene's Menaphon , Kin-Harts Dreame RANKINS William 1979 C779 From 'Seauen Satyres', 1598

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

RANSOM John Crowe 1951 B558 A Poem Nearly Anonymous (Lycidas)

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

RANSOM John Crowe 1961 B568 A Poem Nearly Anonymous

In Milton's Lycidas, The Tradition and the Poem. Patrides, C.A.

RANSOM, John Crowe 1968 B682 The World's Body

RANSOM JohnCrowe 1967 B371 From Wanted: An Ontological Critic (1941)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors)

RAPHAEL D.D. 1961 B994 The Paradox of Tragedy

RASCH Wolfdietrich 1971 C548 La critique sociale dans les drames de Frank Wedekind

In L'expressionnisme dans le théâtre européen

RASZEWSKI Zbigniew 1965 A693 Le Tragique dans le théâtre romantique polonais

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

RASZEWSKI Zbigniew 1965 B104 Pologne

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy RATHBONE E. 1969 B818 Master Alberic of London, Mythographus Tertius Vaticanus

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond

RATHBONE N. 1989 C740 Professional Shakespeare productions in the British isles, january-december 1986

In Shakespeare survey 41

RATHBONE N. 1990 C795 Professional Shakespeare Productions in the British Isles, January-December 1988

In Shakespeare Survey 43

RATHBONE N. 1990 C758 Professional Shakespeare Productions in the British Isles, January-December 1987

In Shakespeare Survey 42

RATHBONE Niky 1993 C925 Professional Shakespeare productions in the British Isles , January-December 1990

In Shakespeare Survey 45

RATHBONE Niky 1994 C984 Professional Shakespeare Productions in The British Isles, January-December 1991

In Shakespeare Survey 46

RATHBONE Niky 1994 C985 Professional Shakespeare Productions in The British Isles, January-December 1992

In Shakespeare Survey 47

RATHBONE, Niky 1996 D135 Professional Shakespeare Productions in the British Isles, January-December 1994

In Shakespeare Survey 49

RATHBONE Niky 1999 D240 Professional Shakespeare Productions in the British Isles, January-December 1997

In Shakespeare Survey n°52 RATHMELL J.C.A. 1963 B246 The Psalms of Sir Philip Sidney and the Countess of Pembroke

RATHMELL J.C.A. 1971 B320/69 The Later Sixteenth Century, Excluding Drama

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1969)

RATTANSI, P.M. 1972 C184/2 Newton's Alchemical Studies

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol. II)

RATTANSI P.M. 1980 C632 The scientific background

In The age of Milton

RAVENSCROFT Edward 1969 A849 Titus Andronicus(1687)

RAVENSCROFT Edward 1974 C379/1 From his adaptation of Titus Andronicus, autumn 1678

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

RAVENSCROFT, Edward 1974 C211/2 The London Cuckolds

In Restoration Comedy (vol.II)

RAVETZ, J.R. 1972 C184/2 Francis Bacon and the Reform of Philosophy

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol. II)

RAVICOVITCH Boris 1968 A515/1 Le dramaturge face à la société et au public dans le théâtre humaniste strasbourgeois(1538-1621)

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles RAWSON C.J. 1971 B762 Fielding and Smollett

In History of Literature in the English Language, volume IV: Dryden to Jonson. Lonsdale Roger (editor)

RAYFIELD Donald 1979 C531 Little tragedies : Russia's other drama

In Drama and society

RAYNER Colin and READING Jack C457 Tom Taylor : manuscript plays

In Theatre notebook . Volume XIX 1964-1965

RAYSOR Thomas M. 1966 P1/1927/II Some Marginalia on Shakespeare by T.S. Coleridge

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°42

READ, Conyers 1959 C152 Bibliography of British History : Tudor Period, 1485-1603

READY, W.B. 1972 B922 THe Still and the Smile

In Shakespeare in the New World

REARDON Michael 1989 C787 Designing the Swan Theatre

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan

REBHOLZ, Ronald A. 1971 B836 The Life of Fulke Greville

REBHORN Wayne A. 1985 P5/16 Circle, Sword, and the Futile Quest: The Nightmare World of Webster's Duchess of Malfi

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°27 RÉCANATI François 1979 C840 La transparence et l'énonciation pour introduire à la pragmatique

RECOING Alain 1965 B104 Les Marionnettes

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

RECOULES Henri 1968 A515/1 Les allusions au théâtre et à la vie théâtrale dans le roman espagnol de la première moitié du XVIIe siècle In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

REDDAWAY T.F. 1965 A463/10 London and the Court

In Shakespeare Survey, 17 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

REDMOND James 1971 B320/69 The Twentieth Century

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1969)

REDMOND James 1979 C531 Drama and society

REDMOND James 1988 C879 Farce

REDMOND James 1990 C878 Drama and Philosophy

REDPATH Theodore 1964 B514 John Locke and the Rhetoric of the Second Treatise

In The English Mind. Davies Hugh Sykes and Watson George (editors) REDPATH Theodore 1976 C480 The punctuation of Shakespeare's Sonnets

In New essays on Shakepeare's Sonnets

REED Isaac 1981 C512 Edition of Shakespeare, 1785

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

REED, Robert Rentoul Jr. 1970 B939 Bedlam on the Jacobean Stage

REES Ennis 1954 A420 The Tragedies of George Chapman

REES Joan 1953 A463/4 An Elizabethan Eyewitness of Antony and Cleopatra ?

In Shakespeare Survey, 6 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

REES Joan 1971 B583 Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke, 1554-1628: A Critical Biography

REES, Joan 1971 B699 Revenge, Retribution, and Reconciliation

In Shakespeare Survey N°24

REES Joan 1978 C495 Shakespeare and the story : aspect of creation

REES Roger 1985 C640 Posthumus in Cymbeline

In Players of Shakespeare REESE M.M. 1953 B356 Shakespeare: his world & his work

REESE M.M. 1961 A180 The Cease of Majesty

REESE M.M. 1968 B408 Elizabethan Verse Romances

REESE, M.M. 1971 C175 The Tudors and the Stuarts

REEVE Michael D. 1997 D201 Classical Scholarship

In The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism

REEVES Gareth 1993 D033 'The Dark Wood of the Larinx' : Heaney and Dante

In English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference

REEVES Geoffrey 1967 A533 John Arden et le théâtre populaire en Angleterre

In Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale JACQUOT Jean (editeur)

REEVES M.E. 1969 B818 The Liber Figurarum of Joachim of Fiore

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond

REGAL Martin S. 1995 D150 Harold PINTER : A Question of Timing REGAMEY P.R. 1956 A630 Sous tant de ruptures, quelle rupture de l'homme avec soi?

In Visages et perspectives de l'art moderne: peinture, poésie, musique. Etudes du C.N.R.S. réunies par JACQUOT Jean

REIBETANZ John 1972 C458 Hieronimo in decimosexto : a private-theater burlesque

In Renaissance drama V

REIBETANZ John 1974 C371 Theatrical emblems in King Lear

In Some facets of King Lear : essays in prismatic criticism

REIBETANZ John 1977 C467 The Lear world : a study of King Lear in its dramatic context

REISS Timothy J. 1997 D205 Knowledge, Discovery and Imagination in Early Modern Europe : The Rise of Aesthetic Rationalism

REISS, Timothy.J. 2000 D268 From Trivium to Quadrivrium: Ramus, Method and Mathematical Technology

In The Renaissance Computer

RELIHAN Constance 1990 P5/26 The Narrative Strategies of Robert Greene's Cony-catching Pamphlets

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°37

RÉMY Tristan 1965 B104 Le Mime

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

RENAUD, Emma 1995 P5/37 A Precursor of Nonsense: John Taylor, the Water Poet(c. 1580-1653)

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°48 RENUCCI P. 1976 C389 Un précédent italien du Liber vagatorum

In Misère et gueuserie au temps de la Renaissance

RENUCCI Paul 1965 A693 Une Tragédie de la "Raison de Dieu": La "Iudit" de Frederico della Valle

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

RENUCCI Paul 1968 A515/1 Sur La Feria de Michel- Ange Buonarroti le Jeune

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

REULOS Michel 1975 C415 La place de la justice dans les fêtes et cérémonies du XVIe siècle

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

REUTER O.B. 1986 C695 Proverbs, proverbial sentences and phrases in Thomas Deloney's works

Rev.THISELTON DYER T.F. 1966 A608 Folk-Lore of Shakespeare

Rex Gibson 2000 D256 Narrative approaches to Shakespeare : active storytelling in schools

In Shakespeare survey 53

REY-FLAUD Henri 1978 C813 L'espace théâtral urbain au Moyen-Age et à la Renaissance

In Monuments Historiques : Architecture du Spectacle

REYNOLDS, Beatrice R. 1954 B764/1 Latin Historiography: A Survey 1400-1600

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume II. Shaaber M. A.(editor) REYNOLDS, Frederick 1819 C083 The Comedy of Errors

REYNOLDS, Frederick 1970 C051 A Midsummer Night's Dream

REYNOLDS George 1966 A463/5 Hamlet at the Globe

In Shakespeare Survey, 9 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

REYNOLDS George F. 1962 B450 The Return of the Open Stage

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

REYNOLDS George F. 1968 B476 Was there 'Tarras' in Shakespeare's Globe?

In Shakespeare Survey (Vol 4)

RHEDER, Helmut 1970 P1/1948/I Novalis and Shakespeare

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°63

RHODES E.W. 1889 A113 Defensor's Liber Scintillarum

RHODES Neil 1980 C536 Elizabethan grotesque

RHODES, Neil. 2000 D268 Articulate Networks: the Self, the Book and the World

In The Renaissance Computer RHODES, Neil. SAWDAY, Jonathan. 2000 D268 Introduction Paperworlds: Imagining the Renaissance Computer

In The Renaissance Computer

RHODES, Neil. SAWDAY, Jonathan.(eds) 2000 D268 The Renaissance Computer

RHYS Howell Hedley(with TOULMIN, BUSH, 1961 B061 Seventeeth Century Science and the Arts

RIBEYROL Wendy 1993 C918 Les enfants de l’usure ou la procréation pervertie

In Shakespeare et l’Argent

RIBNER Irving 1962 B450 Marlowe's 'Tragicke Glasse'

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

RIBNER, Irving 1964 C204 Shakespeare Criticism 1900-1964

In Shakespeare 1564-1964

RIBNER Irving 1965 A775 Marlowe's "Edward II" and the Tudor History Play

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

RIBNER Irving 1965 A253 The English History Play in the age of Shakespeare

RIBNER Irving 1966 A328 Patterns in Shakespearian Tragedy RIBNER Irving 1999 D260 Richard III as an English History Play

In Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Richard III

RICARD Robert 1959 A606 Pour une monographie de l'infant D. Luis de Portugal

In Charles-Quint et son Temps. C.N.R.S

RICE, Eugene F. jr 1963 B764/5 The Humanist Idea of Christian Antiquity: Lefèvre d'Etaples and his Circle

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume IX. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

RICH E.E. 1967 A595 The Cambridge Economic History of Europe( Vol IV) : The Economy of Expanding Europe in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

Richard Dutton 2000 D255 Jonson's satiric styles

In The Cambridge Companion to Ben jonson

Richard Harp 2000 D255 Jonson's late plays

In The Cambridge Companion to Ben Jonson

Richard Harp and Stanley Stewart 2000 D255 The Cambridge Companion to Ben Jonson

RICHARD Joël 1997 D195 La musique du martyre. Theodora(1750)

In Le Mal et ses masques

Richard Rolle de Hampole 1866 A067 English Prose Creatises RICHARDS I.A. 1961 B529 How to Read A Page: A Course in Effective Reading with an Introduction to a Hundred Great Words

RICHARDS I.A. 1967 B371 Poetic Process and Literary Analysis (1960)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors)

RICHARDS, Irving T. 1966 P1/1933/I The Meaning of Hamlet's Soliloquy

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°48

RICHARDS, J.F.C. 1959 B764/3 The Poems of Galeatius Ponticus Facinus

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VI. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

RICHARDS, J.F.C. 1963 B764/5 The Elysium of Julius Caesar Bordonius

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume IX. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

RICHARDS J.F.C. 1966 C354 Some early poems of Antonio Geraldini

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XIII

RICHARDS Kenneth 1986 C664 Shakespeare and the Italian players in victorian London

In Shakespeare and the Victorian stage

RICHARDSON III, Arleigh D. 1973 C280 The Early Historical Plays

In Shakespeare : of an Age and for all the Time

RICHARDSON Janette 1969 A578 Hunter and Prey : Functional Imagery in "The Friar' s Tale"

In Chaucer' s Mind and Art RICHARDSON Jonathan 1951 B558 Explanatory Notes and Remarks on Milton's Paradise Lost

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

RICHARDSON R.C. 1972 B807 Puritanism in north-west England: A regional study of the diocese of Chester to 1642

RICHARDSON Samuel 1975 C379/3 On poetic justice, 1748

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

RICHARDSON, William 1965 B789 Additional Observations on Shakespeare's Dramatic Character of Hamlet in a letter to a friend (1784) In Shakespeare : The Tragedies

RICHARDSON William 1981 C512 Essays on Shakespeare's characters, 1783

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

RICHARDSON William 1981 C512 Further thoughts on Hamlet, 1798

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

RICHARDSON William 1981 C512 On Falstaff, 1788

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

RICHARDSON William 1981 C512 On Richard III's wooing, 1779

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

RICHARDSON William 1981 C512 On the morality of Macbeth and Hamlet, 1774

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801 RICHER J. 1982 C596 Les septs caractères et les quatres tempéraments dans Jules César de Shakespeare

In Théâtre et idéologies : Marlowe, Shakespeare

RICHER Jean 1991 C789 Le corps microcosme, comme système de marquage zodiacal

In Shakespeare et le corp à la Renaissance

RICHET Michèle 1965 B104 Le Cirque

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

RICHMOND Hugh M. 1989 C750 Peter Quince directs Romeo and Juliet

In Shakespeare and the sense of performance

RICHMOND Hugh Macrae 1999 D260 Postmodern Renderings of Richard III

In Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Richard III

RICHMOND Hugh Macrae (edited by) 1999 D260 Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Richard III

RICHTER, Bodo L.O. 1961 B764/4 The Thought of Louis Le Roy according to his Early Pamphlets

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VIII

RICKS Christopher 1970 B260 English Poetry and Prose(1540-1674)

RICKS Christopher 1970 B260 Paradise Recained and Samson Agonistes

In English Poetry and Prose(1540-1674) RICKS Christopher 1970 B260 Poems(1645)

In English Poetry and Prose(1540-1674)

RICKS Christopher 1971 B260/3 English Drama to 1710

RICKS Christopher 1987 C980 The Penguin History of Literature : English Drama to 1710

RICKS Christopher 1987 C980 The Tragedies of Webster, Tourneur and Middleton: Symbols, Imagery and Conventions

In The Penguin History of Literature : English Drama to 1710

RIDÉ J. 1977 C411 L'éloge de Nuremberg par Konrad Celtis

In Les cités au temps de la Renaissance 2

RIDGELY, Beverly S. 1957 B764/2 A Sixteenth-Century French Cosmic Voyage: Nouvelles des Régions de la Lune

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume IV. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

RIDGELY, Beverly S. 1963 B764/5 The Cosmic Voyage in French Sixtennth-Century Learned Poetry

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume X. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

RIDLER Anne 1963 A292 Shakespeare Criticism

RIDLER Anne 1965 A291 Shakespeare Criticism(1919-1935) RIDLEY M.R. 1965 B300 Second Thoughts

RIDPATH, George 1972 B969 The Stage Condemn'd

RIEGER, James Henry 1963 B764/5 Erasmus, Colet, and the Schoolboy Jesus

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume IX. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

RIESE, Walther 1972 C184/2 On Symbolic Thought in Cartesianism

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol. II)

RIFFATERRE Michael 1967 B371 Criteria for Style Analysis (1959)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors)

RIFFATERRE Michael 1967 B371 Stylistic Context (1960)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors)

RIFFATERRE Michael 1971 B799 Essais de Stylistique Structurale

RIGAUD, N.J. 1982 P5/11 Mental Cruely in Fletcher'sThe Little French Lawyer

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 22

RIGAUD Nadia 1987 C694 Aspects du théâtre anglais (1594-1730) RIGAUD Nadia 1987 C696 Contribution au débat sur le vocabulaire religieux dans The Man of Mode

In Miroirs de L'Être : Macbeth, The Man of Mode

RIGAUD Nadia 1987 C694 The Man of Mode . Portrait d'une société

In Aspects du théâtre anglais

RIGAUX Nadia 1989 C822 Astrologie et Manièrisme : le rôle de l'horoscope dans The Duchess of Malfi

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

RIGAUX Nadia 1989 C718 Astrologie et Manièrisme : le rôle de l'horoscope dans The Duchess of Malfi

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

RIGGS David 1971 B761 Shakespeare's Heroical Histories: Henry VI and Its Literary Tradition

RIGGS David 1973 C453 "Plot" and "episode" in early neoclassical criticism

In Renaissance drama . New series VI

RIGHTER Anne 1964 B514 Francis Bacon

In The English Mind. Davies Hugh Sykes and Watson George (editors)

RIGHTER Anne 1967 A917 Comic Deceit

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

RIGHTER Anne 1967 A917 Shadows, Dream and Plays

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism RIGHTER Anne 1969 A600 Acting and Play-acting

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

RIGNOLD Patricia 1977 C432 The books and essays of Muriel C. Bradbrook and a selection of her book reviews

In English drama : forms and development

RINGLER William A. 1962 B450 Hamlet's Defense of the Players

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

RINGLER William A. 1962 B154 The Poems of Sir Philip Sidney

RINGLER William A. 1968 B046 The Number of Actors in Shakespeare's Early Plays

In The Seventeenth-Century Stage: A Collection of Critical Essays. Bentley Gerald Eades (editor)

RINIÉRI Jean-Jacques 1953 T37 L'impression de réalité au cinéma: les phénomènes de croyance

In L'univers filmique

RINIÉRI Jean-Jacques 1953 T37 La réversion du temps filmique

In L'univers filmique

RIPLEY John 1980 C491 Julius Caesar on stage in England and America, 1599-1973

RIST, Thomas C.K. 1999 P5/45 Religious Politics in Ben Jonson's 'the Irish Masque'

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°55 RIST, Thomas C. K. Avril 1999 P5/45 Religeous politics in Ben Jonson's ' The Irish masque'.

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 55

RITSON, Joseph 1970 C020 Cursory Criticisms on the Edition of Shakspeare Published by Edmond Malone

In Cursory Criticism on the Edition of Shakspeare and A Letter to the Rev. Richard Farmer, D.D.

RITSON Joseph 1979 C779 From 'Observation on ... the History of English Poetry', 1782

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

RITSON Joseph 1981 C512 Shakespeare's editors corrected, 1783

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

RIVERS Isabel 1979 C519 Classical and christian ideas in English Renaissance poetry : a students' guide

Robert C. Evans 2000 D255 Jonson's critical heritage

In The Cambridge Companion to Ben Jonson

ROBERT, David 1999 P5/46 Shakespeare's Fellows: Names and Collocations

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°56. C.E.R.R.A. Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier III

ROBERT Fernand 1965 A693 Exigences du public et ressorts de la tragédie chez les Grecs

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

ROBERT Fernand 1965 A693 Les Origines de la tragédie grecque

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur) ROBERT Jean 1968 A515/1 La clientèle aristocratique des comédiens et des musiciens dans le Midi méditerranéen(1610-1720) In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

Robert Shaughnessy 2000 D256 Shakespearian utopias

In Shakespeare survey 53

Robert SMALLWOOD 1998 D200 Shakespeare Performances in England, 1997

In Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century, Shakespeare Survey n°51

Robert Smallwood 2000 D256 Shakespeare's performances in England, 1999

In Shakespeare survey 53

ROBERTS Clayton 1966 A554 The Growth of Responsible Government in Stuart England

ROBERTS, David 1999 P5/46 Shakespeare's Fellows: Names and Collocations

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°56

ROBERTS Jeanne Addison 1972 B886 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' as a Hallowe'en Play

In Shakespeare Survey n°25: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study and Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

ROBERTS Jeanne Addison 1980 C594 Animals as agent of revelation : the horizontalizing of the chain of being in Shakespeare's comedies

In Shakespearean Comedy

ROBERTS Jeanne Addison 1992 D045 Shakespeare's Maimed Birth Rites

In True Rites and Maimed Rites : Ritual and Anti-Ritual in Shakespeare and his Age ROBERTSON Jean 1960 A697/2 L' entrée de Charles Quint à Londres, en 1522

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint

ROBERTSON Thomas 1981 C512 On Hamlet, 1788

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

ROBICHEZ Jacques 1967 A533 L'Esthétique du désordre dans le théâtre de Claudel

In Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale JACQUOT Jean (editeur)

ROBINS, Harry F. 1954 P1/1954/IV The Chrystalline Sphere and the "Waters Above" in Paradise Lost

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°69

ROBINSON 1899 A048 Mary Magdelen

ROBINSON, Clement 1967 C221 A Handefull of Pleasant Delites

In Zepheria, Love & Delites

ROBINSON, Clement 1967 C039 A Handefull of Pleasant Delites

In Zepheria, Love & Delites

ROBINSON, Forest G. 1972 C194 The Shape of Things Known : Sidney's Apology in its Philosophical Tradition

ROBINSON Gabrielle 1988 C879 The stereotype betrayed: Tom Stoppard’s farce

In Farce ROBINSON, J.W. 1972 B938 The Art of the York Realist

In Medieval English Drama

ROBINSON, James E. 1968 P1/1968/II The Ritual andRhetoric of A Midsummer Night's Dream

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°83

ROBINSON James E. 1990 C878 Bruno and Beckett : coincidence of contraries

In Drama and Philosophy

ROBSON, W.W. 1960 B567 The Better Fortitude

In The Living Milton

ROBSON W.W. 1971 B605 Shakespeare and his Modern Editors

In Shakespeare Measure for Measure, A Casebook. Stead C.K. (editor)

ROCHE Thomas P. 1970 B439 Essays by Rosemond Tuve

ROCHE Thomas P. 1970 B260 Shakespeare and the Sonnet Sequence

In English Poetry and Prose(1540-1674)

RODERICK Richard 1976 C379/4 Remarks on Shakespeare, 1758

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

RODGERS, Catherine 1973 C109 Time in the Narrative of the Faerie Queene RODIS-LEWIS G. 1970 B188 La Morale Stoïcienne

RODOWICK David 1980 C592 Le circuit du désir : The Pirate, Vincente Minnelli

In Le cinéma américain . Tome II

RODRIGUEZ-MONINO A. 1960 A697/2 Vasco Dias Tanco témoin et chroniqueur poétique du couronnement de Charles Quint

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint

RODWAY Allan 1970 B454 Generic Criticism: The Approach through Type, Mode and Kind

In Contemporary Criticism. Bradbury Malcolm & Palmer David (editors)

RODWAY, Allan 1970 B855/2 Generic Criticism: the Approach through Type, Mode and Kind

In Contemporary Criticism

ROGERS G.A.J. 1998 D208 Harrington, Locke and Aristotle: the Natural and the Unnatural in Commonwealth and Nature

In James Harrongton and the Notion of Commonwealth

ROGERS H.L. 1964 B302 'Double Profit' in Macbeth

ROHAN, Edgar 1995 M69 The Way to Damnation: A Comparartive Study Between Two Usurpers, Claudius in Hamlet and Richard III in Richard III

ROLLAND Romain 1963 B043 To My Best Friend-Shakespeare

In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor) ROLLIN Monique 1984 C583 Quelques échos des opéras de Lully dans la musique de luth

In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées

ROLLINS Hyder Edward (editor) 1966 A462/1 Tottel's Miscellany (1557-1587), volume I

ROLLINS Hyder Edward (editor) 1966 A462/2 Tottel's Miscellany (1557-1587), volume II

ROMAIN, Isabelle 1990 M48 The Structure ofVolpone

ROMBAUTS E. 1964 A701 Sénèque et le théâtre flammand

In Les tragédies de Sénèque et le théâtre de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

ROMUALDEZ Antonio V. 1964 C356 Towards a history of the Renaissance idea of wisdom

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XI

RONAYNE, John 1997 D171 The Interior Decoration Scheme of the Bankside Globe

In Shakespeare's Globe Rebuilt

ROOTS, Ivan 1972 C179 The Great Rebellion 1642-1660

ROPARS Maire-Claire 1980 C592 Narration et signification : Citizen Kane, Orson Welles

In Le cinéma américain . Tome II ROPER Alan 1971 B737 The Beaux 'Stratagem: Image and Action

In Seventeenth Century Imagery: Essays on Uses of Figurative Language from Donne to Farquhar. Earl Miner (editor)

ROSE Jacqueline 1992 C938 Sexuality in the reading of Shakespeare : Hamlet and Measure for Measure

In Alternative Shakespeares

ROSE Mark 1968 B472 Heroic Love: Studies in Sidney and Spenser

ROSE, Mark 1972 B956 Shakespearean Design

ROSE Mark 1992 D045 Conjuring Caesar : Ceremony, History, and Authority in 1599

In True Rites and Maimed Rites : Ritual and Anti-Ritual in Shakespeare and his Age

ROSE Mark 1993 C927 Hamlet and the shape Revenge

In Shakespeare’s Middle Tragedies

ROSE William 1963 B374 The Historie of the Damnable Life and Reserved Death of Doctor John Faustus 1592

ROSEN, Alan 1995 P5/37 King Lear and the Legacy of Dramatic Catastrophe

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°48

ROSEN, Alan 1995 P5/37 King Lear and the Legacy of Dramatic Catastrophe

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°48 ROSEN Barbara 1969 B055 Witchcraft

ROSEN, William 1965 B789 Antony and Cleopatra (1960)

In Shakespeare : The Tragedies

ROSEN William 1967 B250 Shakespeare and the Craft of Tragedy

ROSENBAUM Jonathan 1980 C591 Les trois textes de Greed : Les Rapaces, Eric von Stroheim

In Le cinéma américain . Tome I

ROSENBAUM, S.P. 1971 B788 The Philosophical Realism of Virginia Woolf ( 1971)

In English Literature and British Philosophy

ROSENBAUM, S.P. (editor) 1971 B788 English Literature and British Philosophy

ROSENBAUM, S.P. (editor) 1971 B788 English Literature and British Philosophy

ROSENBERG, Marvin 1954 P1/1954/IV Elizabethan Actors: Men or Marionettes?

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°69

ROSENBERG Marvin 1968 B046 Elizabethan Actors: Men or Marionettes? (1954)

In The Seventeenth-Century Stage: A Collection of Critical Essays. Bentley Gerald Eades (editor) ROSENBERG, Marvin 1971 B849 The masks of Othello

ROSENBERG Marvin 1988 C716 Shakespeare on TV : An optimistic survey

In Shakespeare on television

ROSENBERG Marvin 1989 C750 Subtext in Shakespeare

In Shakespeare and the sense of performance

ROSENBERG Marvin 1990 C703 Sign theory and Shakespeare

In Shakespeare Survey 40

ROSENBERG Marvin 1993 C927 Lear ’s Theatre Poetry

In Shakespeare’s Middle Tragedies

ROSENFELD Sybil C456 A Lupino collection of costume designs

In Theatre notebook . Volume XXX . Numbers 2 &3

ROSENFELD Sybil C457 A transparency by Thomas Greenwood The Elder

In Theatre notebook . Volume XIX 1964-1965

ROSENFELD Sybil 1960 A184 The Theatre of the London Fairs in the 18th Century

ROSENFELD Sybil 1967 A463/12 The Grieves Shakespearian Scene Designs

In Shakespeare Survey, 20 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production ROSENTHAL, Frank 1954 B764/1 The Study of the Hebrew Bible in Sixteenth-Century Italy

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume I. Pery William (editor)

ROSS J.F. 1987 C882 Making Sense in Sonnet 63

In Shakespeare, Meaning & Metaphore

ROSS, Lawrence J. 1960 B764/4 The Meaning of Strawberries in Shakespeare

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VII

ROSS, Lawrence J. 1972 B938 Symbol and Structure in the Secunda Pastorum

In Medieval English Drama

ROSS, Michael L. 1971 B788 The Mythology of Friendship: D.H. Lawrence, Bertrand Russel, and "the Blind Man" ( 1971)

In English Literature and British Philosophy

ROSSI Joan Warchol 1978 C484 Cymbeline 's debt to holinshed : the richness of III.i

In Shakespeare's romances reconsidered

ROSSI Paolo 1968 B809 Francis Bacon from Magic to Science

ROSSI, Paolo 1972 C184/2 Nobility of Man and Plurality of Worlds

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol. II)

ROSSI Sergio 1993 C995 Duelling in the Italian manner : the case of Romeo and Juliet

In Shakespeare's Italy ROSSINGTON Michael 1997 D154 Shakespeare in The Cenci :Tragedy and 'familiar imagery'

In Shakespearean Continuities

ROSSITER, A. P. 1961 B553 Angel with Horns

ROSSITER, A.P. 1965 B789 Coriolanus (1961)

In Shakespeare : The Tragedies

ROSSITER A.P. 1967 A917 Much Ado About Nothing

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

ROSSITER A.P. 1969 A910 English Drama from Early Times to the Elizabethans: its Background, origins and developments

ROSSITER A.P. 1970 B582 Coriolanus

In Twentieth Century Interpretations of Coriolanus. Phillips James E. (editor)

ROSSITER A.P. 1970 B885 The Problem Plays

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F.

ROSSITER, A.P. 1973 B980 Uncoformity in Richard II

In Shakespeare, Richard II, a Casebook

ROSSITER A.P. 1973 B991 Unconformity inRichard II

In Shakespeare: Richard II, A Casebook. Brooke Nicholas (editor) ROSSITER A.P 1999 D260 "Angels with Horns": The Unity of Richard III

In Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Richard III

ROSSKY, William 1958 B764/3 Imagination in the English Renaissance: Psychology and Poetic

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume V. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

ROSTENBERG Leona 1971 B895 The Minority Press and the English Crown: a Study in Repression, 1558-1625

ROSTON Murray 1987 C769 Renaissance Perspectives in Literature and the Visual Arts

ROSTON Murray 1990 C981 Changing perspectives in Literature and the Visual Arts, 1650-1820

ROSTVIG Maren-Sofie 1969 A635 'Upon Appleton House'

In Marvell (Modern Judgements). Wilding Michael (editor)

ROSTVIG Maren-Sofie 1970 B260 Andrew Marvell and the Caroline Poets

In English Poetry and Prose(1540-1674)

ROSTVIG Maren-Sofie 1971 B737 Images of Perfection

In Seventeenth Century Imagery: Essays on Uses of Figurative Language from Donne to Farquhar. Earl Miner (editor)

ROTHENBERG, Gunther E. 1963 B764/5 Aventinus and the Defense of theEmpire against the Turks

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume X. Shaaber, M.a. (editor) ROTHSCHUH, Karl E. 1972 C184/2 Cardiac Function, Blood Volume and the Circulation of Blood in Antiquity

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol. II)

ROTHWELL, K.S. & MELZER, A.H. 1990 D046 Shakespeare on Screen

ROTHWELL Kenneth S. A623 Representing King Lear on Screen : From Metatheatre to 'Meta-cinema'

In Shakespeare Survey No 39

ROTHWELL Kenneth S. 1994 C958 Representing King Lear on screen: from metatheatre to 'metacinema'

In Shakespeare and the Moving Image

ROTHWELL, Kenneth S. 1997 D142 In Search of Nothing : Mapping King Lear

In Shakespeare, the Movie Popularizing the Plays on Film, TV,and Video

ROTHWELL Kenneth S. 1999 D238 A History of Shakespeare on Screen: A Century of Film and Television

ROTHWELL W.F. 1969 B455 Was there a Typical Elizabethan Stage?

In Shakespeare Survey 12: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

ROUBAUD Sylvia 1975 C415 Les fêtes dans les romans de chevalerie hispaniques

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

ROUGET, Michèle 1991 M50 Paradox in King Lear ROUGET, Michèle 1994 MD16 Le Paradoxe dans les grandes tragédies de W. Shakespeare

ROUGET Michèle 1997 D195 Paradoxe et subversion dans Hamlet

In Le Mal et ses masques

ROUS, Francis 1967 C236 Thule or Vertues Historie

ROUSE Charles A. 1966 P1/1930/II Was Heywood a Servant of the Earl of Southampton?

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°45

ROUSSEAU M.C. 1981 C595 Du Richard III de More à celui de Shakespeare : deux regards sur Justice et pouvoir

In Justice, juges, prisons dans le théâtre de Shakespeare et dans les oeuvres de ses contemporains

ROUSSET Jean 1956 A697 L' Eau et les Tritons dans les Fêtes et Ballets de Cour (1580-1640)

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

ROUTLEY Erik 1960 A684 English Religious Dissent

ROUX Louis 1999 D225 Histoire et théâtre: Richard III, Thomas More , Shakespeare

In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef)

ROUX Lucette Elyane 1968 A515/2 Cent ans d' expérience théâtrale dans les collèges de la compagnie de Jésus en Espagne : Deuxième moitié du XVIe siècle-Première moitié du XVIIe siècle In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles ROUX Lucette Elyane 1975 C415 La fête du Saint Sacrement à Séville en 1594 : essai de définition d'une lecture des formes

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

ROUYER Marie-Claire 1987 C696 Le jeu des regards dans The Man of Mode

In Miroirs de L'Être : Macbeth, The Man of Mode

ROWAN D.F. 1969 A688 The Cockpit-in-Court

In The Elizabethan Theatre. GALLOWAY David (editor)

ROWAN D.F. 1969 B500 The Cockpit-in-Court

In The Elizabethan Theatre. Galloway David (editor)

ROWAN D.F. 1970 B456 A Neglected Jones/Webb Theatre Project: 'Barber-Surgeons' Hall Writ Large'

In Shakespeare Survey 23: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

ROWAN D.F. 1970 B500 A Neglected Jones/Webb Theatre Project, Part II: A Theatrical Missing Link

In The Elizabethan Theatre II. Galloway David (editor)

ROWAN D.F. 1980 C552 Inigon Jones and the teatro olimpico

In The Elzabethan theatre VII

ROWE, George 1973 C142 Tragi-Comoedia

ROWE Nicholas 1964 A264 Jane Shore

In Eighteenth Century Plays, selected with an introduction by John Hampden ROWE Nicholas 1966 A210 Tamberlaine, A Tragedy

ROWE Nicholas 1968 A599 Solemn and Poetical Magic

Shakespeare : The Tempest

ROWE Nicholas 1969 A984 The Fair Penitent

ROWE Nicholas 1974 C379/2 Shakespeare's life and works, 1709

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

ROWE Nicholas(1674-1718) 1966 A282 The Fair Penitent

In Five Restauration Tragedies, ed. with an Intro. by DOBREE Bonamy

ROWELL George 1986 C664 Mercutio as Romeo : William Terriss in Romeo and Juliet

In Shakespeare and the Victorian stage

ROWLAND Richard 1994 C934 ‘Thou teachest me humanitie’: Thomas Heywood’s The English Traveller

In English Comedy

ROWSE A.L. 1963 B193 William Shakespeare: a biography

ROWSE A.L. 1964 B252 Christopher Marlowe: A Biography ROWSE A.L. 1964 B192 Shakespeare's Sonnets

ROWSE A.L. 1964 A777 The England of Elizabeth: The Structure of Society

ROWSE A.L. 1971 B729 The Elizabethan Renaissance: the Life of the Society

ROWSE, A.L. 1971 C160 The Expansion of Elizabethan England

ROWSE, A.L. 1972 B933 The Elizabethan Renaissance

ROWSE, A.L. 1973 B958 Shakespeare the Man

ROWSE A.L. 1981 C554 Shakespeare's globe : His intellectual and moral outlook

ROWSE A.L. 1987 C722 Court and country : study in Tudor social history

ROY, Bruno 1996 D068 Le problème d'ars-metrike du Summoner's Tale

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture ROY Claude 1965 B109 L'Amour du Théâtre

ROY Donald H. 1968 A515/1 Acteurs et spectateurs à l' Hôtel de Bourgogne : vers une notation de la communication théâtrale

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

ROY Donald H. 1968 A515/1 Acteurs et spectateurs à l' Hôtel de Bourgogne : vers une notation de la communication théâtrale

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

ROZETT Martha Tuck 1984 C811 The Doctrine of Election and the Emergence of Elizabethean Tragedy

RUBINSTEIN, Frankie 1989 D160 A Dictionary of Shakespeare's Sexual Puns and their Significance (second edition)

RUDNYTSKY Peter L. 1990 C795 Henry VIII and the Deconstruction of History

In Shakespeare Survey 43

RUDRAUF Lucien 1956 A629 Imitation et invention dans l'art d'eugène Delacroix et Rubens

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

RUFF, Julius.R. 2001 D276 Violence in Early Modern Europe 1500-1800

RUFFINI Franco 1978 C877 Semiotica del Testo l’Esempio Teatro RUHNAU Werner 1969 A528 Libération du Jeu par des Architectures Immatérielles

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs)

RULFS, Donald J. 1970 P1/1948/II Beaumont and Fletcher on the London Stage 1776-1833

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°63

RUMEU DE ARMAS Antonio 1959 A606 Franceses y Espanoles en el Atlantico en tiempo del Emperador

In Charles-Quint et son Temps. C.N.R.S

RUPP E.G.and DREWERY Benjamin (editors) 1970 B714 Martin Luther

RUSKIN, John 1970 C285 At the Pantomine

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

Russ Macdonald 2000 D255 Jonson and Shakespeare and the rhythm of verse

In The Cambridge Companion to Ben Jonson

RUSSEL BROWN J. 1982 C596 The romantics' Shakespeare

In Théâtre et idéologies : Marlowe, Shakespeare

RUSSEL BROWN John 1981 C633 Discovering Shakespeare : a new guide to the plays

RUSSEL BROWN John 1982 C581 All's Well That Ends Well (1959)

In Aspects of Shakespeare's 'problem plays' RUSSEL BROWN John 1982 C581 Troilus and Cressida (1960)

In Aspects of Shakespeare's 'problem plays'

RUSSEL BROWN John 1988 C956 The Worst of Shakespeare in the Theater: Cuts in the Last Scene of King Lear

In Bad Shakespeare : Revaluations of the Shakespeare Canon

RUSSEL BROWN John 1991 C803 Shakespeare : Much Ado About Nothing and As You Like It

RUSSEL BROWN John 1994 C974 Shakespeare's Plays and Traditions of Playgoing

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

RUSSEL, Conrad 1973 C186 Parliament and the King's Finances

In The Origins of the English Civil War

RUSSEL, Conrad 1973 C186 The Origins of the English Civil War

RUSSELL BROWN John 1966 A463/7 Three Directors : a Review of Recent Productions

In Shakespeare Survey, 14 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

RUSSELL D.A. 1966 A463/5 Hamlet Costumes from Garrick to Gielgud

In Shakespeare Survey, 9 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

Russell Jackson 2000 D250 From play-script to screenplay

In Shakespeare on film Russell Jackson 2000 D250 Shakespeare, films and the marketplace

In Shakespeare on film

Russell Jackson 2001 D259 Shakespeare and the cinema

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare

RUSSELL, Jackson. (editor) 2000 D250 Shakespeare on film

Ruth Morse 2000 D256 Monsters, magicians, movies : the Tempest and the final frontier

In Shakespeare survey 53

RUTHVEN K.K. 1969 A792 The Conceit

RYAN Kiernan 1989 C734 Shakespeare

RYAN Kiernan 1993 D010 King Lear

RYAN Kiernan 1993 D010 King Lear : the Subversive Imagination

In King Lear

RYAN, Kiernan. 2001 D280 Measure for Measure: Marxism before Marx

In Marxist Shakespeares RYLANCE, Mark 1997 D171 Playing the Globe : Artistic Policy and Practice

In Shakespeare's Globe Rebuilt

RYLANDS George 1962 B197 The Ages of Man: Shakespeare's Image of Man and Nature

RYLANDS George 1966 A393 Shakespeare the Poet

In A Companion to Shakespeare Studies, edited by Harley Granville-Barker and G.B. Harrison

RYLANDS George 1968 B048 The Poet and the Player

In Shakespeare Survey 7. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

RYLANDS George & BENNETT H.S. 1970 B346 Startford Productions

In Shakespeare Survey(1)

RYLANDS George & ELLIS-FERMOR Una 1970 B346 London Productions

In Shakespeare Survey(1)

RYLE, Gilbert 1971 B788 Jane Austen and the Moralists (1966)

In English Literature and British Philosophy

RYMER, Thomas 1965 B789 Reflections on the Julius Caesar (1693)

In Shakespeare : The Tragedies

RYMER, Thomas 1971 C001 A Short View of Tragedy : its Original, Excellency, and Corruption RYMER Thomas 1974 C379/2 From A Short View of Tragedy, 1693

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

RYMER Thomas 1974 C379/1 From The Tragedies of the Last Age, 1677

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

RYMER Thomas 1974 C365 The tragedies of the last age consider'd and examined, and A short view of tragedy

RYNGAERT Jean-Pierre 1978 C549 Remarques sur la mise en scène de l'Histoire du Soldat

In Les voies de la création théâtrale VI

RYNGAERT Jean-Pierre 1980 C550 L'antre et le palais dans le décors simultané selon Mahelot. Etude du fonctionnement de deux espaces antagoniques In Les voies de la création théâtrale VIII

RYNGAERT Jean-Pierre 1984 C583 Pour une étude de l'objet théâtral dans le répertoire de l'Hôtel de Bourgogne vers 1630

In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées

RYNGAERT Jean-Pierre 1990 C964 Jouer le texte en éclats

In Écritures contemporaines et Théâtralité

S.C. SEN GUPTA 1967 B222 Shakespearian Comedy

S.CODDON KARIN 1998 D197/4 "Suche strange desygns": Madness, Subjectivity, and Treason in Hamlet and Elizabethan Culture

In Shakespeare's Tragedies S.E.D. 1962 A615 Montanus Sonnet

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

S.E.D.. 1962 A615 Montanus Sonnet in the Woods

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

S.E.D. 1962 A615 The Sheepheard Dumpe

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

S.E.D. 1962 A615 The Sheepheards Conceite of Prometheus

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

S.E.D. 1962 A615 To Phillis the Faire Sheepheardesse

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

S. SIDNEY Philip 1962 A615 Astrophels Love is Dead

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

S. SIDNEY Philip 1962 A615 Astrophels the sheep- Heard, his complaint to his flocke

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

S. SIDNEY Philip 1962 A615 The sheepheard to this Chosen Nimph

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

SABOL, Andrew J. 1958 B764/3 Two Songs with Accompaniment for an Elizabethan Choirboy Play

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume V. Shaaber, M.a. (editor) SACCIO Peter C656 e The Shakespeare plays on TV : Henry the Fourth, part two

SACCIO Peter 1969 B429 The Court of John Lyly: a Study in Allegorical Dramaturgy

SACCIO Peter 1984 C639 Shrewd and kindly farce

In Shakespeare survey 37

SACCIO Peter 1988 C716 The historicity of the BBC history plays

In Shakespeare on television

SACCIO Peter 1999 D260 Richard III: The Last Plantagenet

In Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Richard III

SACKTON Alexander H. 1967 A359 Rhetoric as a Dramatic Language in Ben Jonson

SACKVILLE Thomas & NORTON Thomas 1970 B420 Gorboduc or Ferrec and Porrex

SADDLEMEYER Ann 1975 C476 The Irish school

In English drama (excluding Shakespeare)

SADLER John 1999 D235 From The Sick Woman's Private Looking Glass

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William SADOUL Georges 1965 B104 Le Cinéma

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

SAEZ Richard 1985 C654 Theodicy in baroque literature

SAHEL P. 1981 C595 Les prisons politiques chez Marlowe et Shakespeare

In Justice, juges, prisons dans le théâtre de Shakespeare et dans les oeuvres de ses contemporains

SAHEL, Pierre 1978 P5/3 Machiavélisme Vulgaire et Machiavélisme authentique dans Macbeth

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 14

SAHEL Pierre 1985 C663 The strangeness of a dramatic style : rumour in Henry VIII

In Shakespeare survey 38

SAHEL Pierre 1993 C897 Les clans de Vérone

In Roméo et Juliette : Nouvelles perspectives critiques

SAID Edward W. 1986 C946 An Ideology of Difference

In Race, Writing, and Difference

SAINTSBURY George 1961 A605/1 A History of Criticism and Literary Taste in Europe from the earliest texts to the present day, vol. I: Classical and Medieval Criticism

SAINTSBURY George 1961 A605/2 A History of Criticism and Literary Taste in Europe, vol. II: From the Renaissance to the Decline of Eighteenth Century Orthodoxy SAINTSBURY George 1961 A605/3 A History of Criticism and Literary Taste in Europe, vol. III: Modern Criticism

SAINTSBURY George 1979 C779 From 'A History of Elizabethan Literature', 1887

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

SAISON Maryvonne 1984 C583 De la collaboration au décloisennement des arts et du spectacle

In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées

SAKELLARIDOU Elizabeth 1993 D033 Feminist Heterologies : Contemporary British Women Playwrights and the Rewrite of Myth and History In English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference

SALE Arthur 1963 C470 Introduction to Every Man In His Humour

In Ben Jonson : a collection of critical essays

SALEM Daniel 1969 B111 La révolution théâtrale actulle en Angleterre

SALEM Daniel 1975 C416 Le Retour, de H. Pinter : du texte à la mise en scène

In Les voies de la création théâtrale IV

SALES Roger 1991 D004 Christopher Marlowe

SALGADO Gamini 1972 B886 'Time's Deformed Hand': Sequence, Consequence, and Inconsequence in 'The Comedy of Errors'

In Shakespeare Survey n°25: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study and Production. Muir Kenneth (editor) SALGADO, Gamini 1973 C203 The Middle Comedies

In Shakespeare : Select Bibliographical Guides

SALGÀDO Gàmini 1977 C471 The Elizabethan underworld

SALGADO Gamini 1987 C980 Christopher Marlowe

In The Penguin History of Literature : English Drama to 1710

SALINGAR L.G. 1966 B129 Time and Art in Shakespeare's Romances

In Renaissance Drama IX

SALINGAR Leo 1974 C374 Shakespeare and the Traditions of Comedy

SALINGAR Leo 1977 C432 Comic form in Ben Jonson : Volpone and the philosopher's stone

In English drama : forms and development

SALINGAR Leo 1980 C594 Falstaff and the life of shadows

In Shakespearean Comedy

SALINGAR Leo 1981 C539 Shakespeare and the ventriloquists

In Shakespeare Survey 34

SALINGAR Leo 1984 C583 "Wit" in Jacobean Comedy

In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées SALINGAR Leo 1985 C602 Is The Merchant of Venice a problem play ?

In Le Marchand de Venise et Le Juif de Malte

SALINGAR Leo 1986 C675 Dramatic form in Shakespeare and the Jacobeans : essays

SALINGAR Leo 1993 C960 Jacobean Playwrights and 'Judicious' Spectators

In British Academy Shakespeare Lectures

SALINGAR Leo 1993 C995 The idea of Venice in Shakespeare and Ben Jonson

In Shakespeare's Italy

SALINGAR Leo 1994 P5/34 Memory in Shakespeare

In Cahiers Elisabéthains, no 45, April 1994

SALINGAR, Leo 1994 P5/34 Memory in Shakespeare

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°45

SALINGAR, Leo 1996 D074 The NewWorld in The Tempest

In Travel and Drama in Shakespeare's Time

SALINGAR, Leo G. 1999 P5/45 Use of Rhetoric: Antony and Cleopatra

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°55

SALINGAR, Leo G. Avril 1999 P5/45 Use of Rhetoric: Antony and Cleopatra.

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°55 SALKELD Duncan 1993 C998 Madness and drama in the age of Shakespeare

SALMON Vivian 1970 B456 Some Functions of Shakespearian Word-formation

In Shakespeare Survey 23: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

SALOMON Brownell 1972 C458 Visual and aural signs in the performed English Renaissance play

In Renaissance drama V

SALOMON Brownell 1974 C350 Thomas Heywood's The Fair Maid of the West part I : a critical edition

SALOMON Noël 1968 A515/1 Sur quelques problèmes de sociologie théâtrale psés par La Humildad y la Soberbia, "comedia" de Lope de vega In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

SALQUES M.F. 1977 C411 Filarete et la cité de Sforzinda

In Les cités au temps de la Renaissance 2

SALTER E. & PEARSALL D. 1967 B337 Piers Plowman

SALTER Elizabeth 1966 A964 Troilus and Criseyde: a Reconsideratin

In Patterns of Love and Courtesy

SALTER Elizabeth 1967 A956 Chaucer: The Knight's Tale and the Clerk's Tale SALTER K.W. 1964 A954 Thomas Traherne: Mystic and Poet

SAMARIN R.M. 1966 A463/9 Our Closeness to Shakespeare

In Shakespeare Survey, 16 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

SAMPLEY Arthur M. 1966 P1/1931/II The Text of Peele's David and Bethsabe

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°46

SAMPLEY, Arthur M. 1967 P1/1936/II Plot Structure in Peele's Plays as a Test of Authorship

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°51

Samuel Crowl 2000 D250 Flamboyant realist : Kenneth Branagh

In Shakespeare on film

SAMUEL Irene 1957 P1/1957/IV The Dialogue in Heaven: Reconsideration of Paradise Lost, III 1-417

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°72

SAMUEL Irene 1968 B015 Paradise Lost as Mimesis

In Approaches to Paradise Lost

SAMUEL, Irene 1970 P1/1949/I Milton on Learning and Wisdom

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°64

SANDBACH-DAHLSTRÖM Catherine 1993 D033 Virginia Woolf and the Appropriation of the Masculine

In English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference SANDERS N., SOUTHERN R., CRAIK T.W. & 1980 C808 The Revels History of Drama in English volume II 1500-1576

SANDERS Norman 1966 A463/11 Critical Studies reviewed

In Shakespeare Survey, 19 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

SANDERS Norman 1966 A463/9 Shakespeare' s Life, Times and Stage reviewed

In Shakespeare Survey, 16 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

SANDERS Norman 1966 A463/9 The Popularity of Shakespeare : An Examination of the Royal Shakespeare Theatre' s repertory

In Shakespeare Survey, 16 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

SANDERS Norman 1967 A463/12 Critical Studies reviewed

In Shakespeare Survey, 20 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

SANDERS Norman 1972 B886 Critical Studies

In Shakespeare Survey n°25: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study and Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

SANDERS, Norman 1973 C203 Shakespeare's Text

In Shakespeare : Select Bibliographical Guides

SANDERS Norman 1977 C433 The true prince and the false thief : Prince Hal and the shift of identity

In Shakespeare Survey 30

SANDERS Norman 1978 C484 An overview of critical approaches to the romances

In Shakespeare's romances reconsidered SANDERS Norman 1980 C651 The Social and historical context

In The Revels history of drama in English volume II 1500-1576

SANDERS Thomas 1964 A899/8 The Unfortunate voyage of the Jesus to Tripoli, in 1584

In An English Garner: Voyages and Travels mainly during the 16th and 17th Centuries

SANDERS Thomas 1964 A899/8 The Unfortunate voyage of the Jesus to Tripoli, in 1584

In An English Garner: Voyages and Travels mainly during the 16th and 17th Centuries

SANDERS, Wilbur 1968 B694 The Dramatist and the Received Idea

SANDERS Wilbur 1968 A790 The 'Strong Pessimism' of Macbeth

In Shakespeare Macbeth: A Casebook.Wain John (editor)

SANDERS, Wilbur 1971 B685 John Donne's Poetry

SANDERS Wilbur 1987 C869 The Winter’s Tale

SANDRE, Julie 1998 M84 Playing Within the Play in The Taming of the Shrew , A Midsummer Night's Dream and Love's Labour's Lost

SANDS Mollie C457 The rehearsal of an opera

In Theatre notebook . Volume XIX 1964-1965 SANJIAN Avedis K. 1970 B816 The Contemporary Armenian Elegies on the Fall of Constantinople, 1453

In Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, volume I. White Lynn (editor)

SANTAYANA, George 1965 C266 The Comic Mask and Carnival

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

SANTELLI Claude 1957 A696 "La Famille Arlequin"

In La Mise en Scène des Oeuvres du Passé

Sara van den Berg 2000 D255 True relation : the life and career of Ben Jonson

In The Cambridge Companion to Ben Jonson

Sarah Hatchuel 2000 D248 "Now I am alone" : la réécriture du soliloque shakespearien au cinéma

In Colloques : Réécritures.

SARGANT James 1989 C787 Co-ordinating the Project

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan

SARGENT, Ralph M. 1950 P1/1950/VI Sir Thomas Elyot and the Integrity of The Two Gentlemen of Verona

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°65

SARTORI Claude 1960 A698 Une pratique des musiciens lombards (1582-1639), l'hommage des chansons instrumentales aux familles d'une ville In La musique instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean

SASAYAMA Takashi 1994 C974 Tragedy and Emotion: Shakespeare and Chikamatsu

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions SASTRI P.S. 1972 C363 Studies in Elizabethan literature

SAULNIER V.L. 1954 A700 Maurice Scève et la Musique

In Musique et Poésie au XVIè siècle. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

SAULNIER V.L. 1956 A697 L' Entrée de Henry II à Paris et la Révolution Poétique de 1550

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

SAULNIER V.L. 1961 A699 Rabelais et les provinces du Nord

In La Renaissance dans les Provinces du Nord

SAUNDERS J.W. 1968 B046 Staging at the Globe, 1599-1613 (1960)

In The Seventeenth-Century Stage: A Collection of Critical Essays. Bentley Gerald Eades (editor)

SAUNDERS J.W. 1968 B048 Vaulting the Rails

In Shakespeare Survey 7. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

SAUNDERS J.W. 1970 A943 The Social Situation of Seventeenth-Century Poetry

In Metaphysical Poetry. Brown John Russell and Harris Bernard (general editors). Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies 11

SAUNDERS, J.W. 1970 B855/1 The Social Situation of Seventeenth-Century Poetry

In Metaphysical Poetry

SAUNDERS James 1965 C623 Next time i'll sing to you SAUNDERS Max 1993 D033 Ford Madox Ford and European Culture

In English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference

SAURAT Denis 1951 B558 Faith, Philosophy, and Poetry in Milton's Work

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

SAVAGE Richard 1974 C379/2 On The Rape of Lucrece, may 1725

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

SAVILE George 1957 A675 The Lady' s New-Year' s-Gift : or, Advice to a Daughter

In Seventeenth-Century : English Prose

SAWDAY, Jonathan 1995 D130 The Body Emblazoned Dissection and the Human Body in Renaissance Culture

SAWDAY, Jonathan. 2000 D268 Towards the Renaissance Computer

In The Renaissance Computer

SAWIN Lewis, MACDONALD Angus, WHITE 1968 B381/56 Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature, volume XXXI 1953-1954

SAWYER, Robert. 1999 D282 The Shakespeareanzination of Robert Browning

In Shakespeare and Appropriation

SAXON A.H. C456 Waxworks as a source of theatrical iconography : madame Tussaud's and the nineteenth-century British stage In Theatre notebook . Volume XXX . Numbers 2 &3 SCAGLIONE, Aldo 1961 B764/4 The Humanist as Scholar and Politian's Conception of the Grammaticus

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VIII

SCANLON, Paul .A 1977 P5/1 Pre-Elizabethan Prose Romances in English

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 12

SCANLON, Paul A. 1977 P5/1 Pre-Elizabethan Prose Romances in English

In Cahiers Elisabéthains N°12

SCANLON Paul A. 1978 P5/3 Whetstone's "Rinaldo and Giletta": The First Elizabethan Prose Romance

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°14

SCANLON, Paul A. 1978 P5/3 Whetstone's Rinaldo and Giletta: the First Elizabethan Prose Romance

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 14

SCANLON, Paul A. 1980 P5/7 Munday's Zelauto : Form and Function

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 18

SCANLON, Paul A. 1983 P5/13 The Later Prose Romances of Robert Greene

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 24

SCHAAR Claes 1960 B220 An Elizabethan Sonnet Problem: Shakespeare's Sonnets, Daniel's Delia, and their Literary Background

SCHAAR, Claes 1973 C206 Elizabethan Sonnet Themes and the Dating of Shakespeare's Sonnets SCHABERT Ina 1994 C974 Political Shakespeare: West Germany, 1970-1990

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

SCHAEFFER John D. 1989 C922 The Use and Misuse of Giambattista Vico: Rhetoric, Orality, and Theories of Discourse

In The New Historicism

SCHAEFFNER André 1965 B104 Rituel et pré-théâtre

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

SCHAEFFNER André 1984 C583 Correspondances baudelairiennes

In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées

SCHANZER, Ernest 1960 B555 The Marriage-Contracts in Measure for Measure

In Shakespeare Survey N°13

SCHANZER Ernest 1965 A952 The Problem Plays of Shakespeare: A Study of Julius Caesar, Measure for Measure, Antony and Cleopatra

SCHANZER Ernest 1968 A596 The Structural Pattern

In Shakespeare : The Winter' s Tale

SCHANZER Ernest 1969 A600 The Tragedy of Brutus

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

SCHANZER Ernest 1971 B605 Justice and King James in Measure for Measure

In Shakespeare Measure for Measure, A Casebook. Stead C.K. (editor) SCHANZER Ernest 1975 C398 Shakespeare and the doctrine of the unity time

In Shakespeare Survey 28

SCHELL, Edgar 1972 B938 On The Imitation of Life's Pilgrimage in the Castle of Perseverance

In Medieval English Drama

SCHELLENBERG Betty A. 1990 P5/26 Conflicting Paradigms and the Progress of Persuasion in Richard III

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°37

SCHELLING FELIX E. 1959 A726/1 Elizabethan Drama (1558-1642) Vol I: A History of the Drama in England from the Accession of Queen Elizabeth to the Closing of the Theaters, to which is prefixed a Résumé of the Earlier Drama

SCHELLING FELIX E. 1959 A726/2 Elizabethan Drama (1558-1642) Vol II: A History of the Drama in England from the Accession of Queen Elizabeth to the Closing of the Theaters, to which is prefixed a Résumé of the Earlier Drama

SCHELLING Felix E. 1959 B146/1 Elizabethan Drama 1558-1642, volume I

SCHELLING Felix E. 1959 B146/2 Elizabethan Drama 1558-1642, volume II

SCHÉRER Jacques 1957 A696 Aspects des mises en scènes de "Bajazet" et de "Tartuffe"

In La Mise en Scène des Oeuvres du Passé

SCHERER Jacques 1965 A693 La Liberté du personnage racinien

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur) SCHERER Jacques 1967 A533 Le théâtre en Afrique noire francophone

In Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale JACQUOT Jean (editeur)

SCHERER Jacques 1968 A515/1 Pour une sociologie des obstacles au mariage dans le théâtre français au XVIIe siècle

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

SCHIAVONE Giuseppe 1998 D208 La nouvelle science politique dans l'Angleterre du XVIIe siècle : James Harrrington

In James Harrongton and the Notion of Commonwealth

SCHICK J. 1891 A007 Lydgate’s Temple of Glas

SCHIFFER James 1997 D193 Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis: A Lacanian Tragicomedy of Desire

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

SCHIPPER Kristofer M. 1965 B104 Cérémonial religieux en Extrême-Orient

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

SCHLAUCH, Margaret 1952 P1/1952/VII Chaucer's Colloquial English: Its Structural Traits

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°67

SCHLAUCH Margaret 1965 B160 Antecedents of the English Novel 1400-1600 (from Chaucer to Deloney)

SCHLEGEL Augustus William 1999 D260 Richard III as Climax to Henry VI

In Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Richard III SCHLEIFER Ronald 1987 C691 A.J. Greimas and the nature of meaning : linguistics, semiotics and discourse theory

SCHLOCKER Georges 1971 C548 Le cas Ivan Goll

In L'expressionnisme dans le théâtre européen

SCHLUETER June 1988 C716 Trivial pursuit : The casket plot in the Miller/Olivier "Merchant"

In Shakespeare on television

SCHMIDT Albert-André 1953 B096 Poètes du XVIe siècle

SCHMIDT Albert-Marie 1956 A630 Les poètes retrouvent la parole perdue

In Visages et perspectives de l'art moderne: peinture, poésie, musique. Etudes du C.N.R.S. réunies par JACQUOT Jean

SCHMIDT Albert-Marie 1967 B082 Études sur le le XVIè Siècle

SCHMIDT Alexander 1962 B319/1 Shakespeare-Lexicon: a Complete Dictionary of All the English Words, Phrases and Constructions in the Works of the Poet(Vol I)

SCHMIDT Alexander 1962 B319/2 Shakespeare-Lexicon: a Complete Dictionary of All the English Words, Phrases and Constructions in the Works of the Poet(Vol II)

SCHMITT, C. B. & WEBSTER, C. 1972 C184/2 Marco Aurelio Serverino and his Relationship to William Harvey : Some Preliminary Considerations

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol. II) SCHMITT Charles B. 1964 C356 Who read Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola ?

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XI

SCHMITT, Natalie Crohn 1972 B938 Was There a Medieval Theater in the Round? A Re-examination of the Evidence

In Medieval English Drama

SCHNEEWIND, Jerome B. 1971 B788 Moral Problems and Moral Philosophy in the Victorian Period (1965)

In English Literature and British Philosophy

SCHNEIDER Karl Ludwig 1971 C548 La théorie du drame expressionniste et sa mise en oeuvre chez Paul Kornfeld

In L'expressionnisme dans le théâtre européen

SCHNEIDER, Wolfgang 1972 C184/1 Chemiatry and Iatrochemistry

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol I)

SCHOECK, R.J. 1958 B764/3 Early Anglo-Saxon Studies and Legal Scholarship in the renaissance

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume V. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

SCHOELL, Konrad 1996 D068 Le théâtre historique du XVème siècle

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture

SCHOENBAUM E. 1968 A515/2 Peut-on parler d' une "décadence" du théâtre au temps des premiers Stuarts?

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

SCHOENBAUM S. 1966 A399 Internal Evidence and Elizabethan Dramatic Authorship: An Essay in Literary History and Method SCHOENBAUM S. 1970 B522 Annals of English Drama 975-1700

SCHOENBAUM S. 1970 B500 Shakespeare and Jonson

In The Elizabethan Theatre II. Galloway David (editor)

SCHOENBAUM S. 1970 B488 Shakespeare's Lives

SCHOENBAUM S. 1975 C476 Marston, Middleton, and Massinger

In English drama (excluding Shakespeare)

SCHOENBAUM S. 1975 C398 Richard II and the realities of power

In Shakespeare Survey 28

SCHOENBAUM, S. 1975 Z19 William Shakespeare, A Documentary Life

SCHOENBAUM S. 1980 C500 Shakespeare's Dark Lady : a question of identity

In Shakespeare's styles

SCHOENBAUM S. 1986 C711 The life of Shakespeare

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare studies

SCHOENBAUM S. (editor) 1970 B808 Renaissance Drama III: Essays principally on Drama in Its Intellectual Context SCHOENBAUM, Samuel 1952 P1/1952/VII The Precarious Balance of John Marston

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°67

SCHOENBAUM Samuel 1970 C523 Middleton's tragedies : a critical study

SCHÖNFELD S.J. 1979 C498 A hebrew source for The Merchant of Venice

In Shakespeare Survey 32

SCHRADE Leo 1954 A700 L'"Edipo Tiranno" d'Andrea Gabrieli et la Renaissance de la tragédie grecque

In Musique et Poésie au XVIè siècle. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

SCHRADE Leo 1956 A697 Les Fêtes du Mariage de Francesco dei Medici et de Bianca Cappello

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

SCHRADE Leo 1960 A525 La Représentation D'Edipo Tiranno au Teatro Olimpico

SCHRICKE Gilbert 1987 C694 Olivia ou l'artifice féminin dans The Plain-Dealer de Wicherley

In Aspects du théâtre anglais

SCHRICKX, W. 1972 C093 Shakespeare's Early Contemporaries : the Background of the Harvey-Nashe Polemic and Love's Labour's Lost

SCHRICKX Willem 1976 C399 Pericles in a book-list of 1619 from the English jesuit mission and some of the play's special problems In Shakespeare Survey 29 SCHRICKX Willem 1980 C515 English actors at the court of Wolfenbüttel, Brussels and Graz during the life time of Shakespeare

In Shakespeare Survey 33

SCHÜCKING, Levin 1937 D088 The Meaning of Hamlet

SCHÜCKING, Levin L. 1965 B789 Character and Action: King Lear (1922)

In Shakespeare : The Tragedies

SCHUELLER Herbert M 1964 B499 The Persistence of Shakespeare Idolatry: Essyas in honor of Robert W. Babcock

SCHUHL Pierre-maxime 1949 B072 Pour Connaitre la Pensée de Bacon

SCHUHL Pierre-Maxime 1962 B099 Les Stoïciens

SCHUHL Pierre-Maxime 1969 B101 L' imagination et le merveilleux; la pensée et l' action

SCHWARTZ Delmore 1968 A929 Gold Morning, Sweet Prince

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

SCHWARTZ Murray M. 1983 C692 Anger, wounds, and the forms of theater in King Richard II: notes for a psychoanalytic interpretation

In Assays : critical approaches to Medieval and Renaissance texts SCHWARTZ Stuart B. 1987 C952 The Formation of a Colonial Identity in Brazil

In Colonial Identity in the Atlantic World, 1500-1800

SCHYRICKX Willem 1983 C584 'Pickleherring' and English actors in Germany

In Shakespeare Survey 36

SCOBIE Brian 1985 C969 A Woman Killed with Kindness

SCOENBAUM S. 1977 C466 William Shakespeare : a compact documentary life

SCOFIELD Martin 1990 C795 Poetry's Sea-Changes: Eliot and The Tempest

In Shakespeare Survey 43

SCOLNICOV H. 1989 C741 The undiscover'd country : theatrical space without in Hamlet

In Lieu et temps

SCOLNICOV Hanna 1985 P5/18 To Understand a Parable : The Mimetic Mode of The Marriage of Wit and Wisdom

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°29

SCOLNICOV Hanna 1992 C919/1 Here is the place appointed for the wrestling

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

SCOLNICOV, Hanna 1996 D068 Romeo and Juliet and the Scenic Convention of the Piazza

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture SCOLOKER Antony 1964 A899/4 Daiphantus, or the Passions of Love , by An. Sc. whereunto is added the Passionate Man's Pilgrimage, 1604 In An English Garner: Some Longer Elizabethan Poems

SCOT Reginald 1999 D235 From The Discovery of Witchcraft

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

SCOT Reginald 1999 D235 From The Discovery of Witchcraft

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

SCOT Reginald 1999 D235 From The Discovery of Witchcraft

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

SCOTT, Clement 1970 C285 Ghosts

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

SCOTT, Michael 1986 D078 Harold Pinter: The Birthday Party, The Caretaker & The Homecoming - a casebook

SCOTT, Michael 1993 D079 Shakespeare and the Modern Dramatist

SCOTT, Nathan A. 1965 C266 The Bias of Comedy and the Narrow Escape into Faith

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

SCOTT William O. 1990 C878 Self-undoing paradox, scepticism, and Lear’s abdication

In Drama and Philosophy SCOTT William O. 1990 C703 The speculative eye : problematic self-knowledge in Julius Caesar

In Shakespeare Survey 40

SCOTT-GILES C.W. 1950 C309 Shakespeare's heraldry

SCOUTEN Arthur H. 1968 A706 The London Stage 1729-1747: A Critical Heritage

SCRAGG Leah 1968 A463/13 Iago-Vice or Devil?

In Shakespeare Survey, 21 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

SCRAGG Leah 1969 A463/14 Shakespeare' s Life, Times and Stage

SCRAGG Leah 1970 B456 Shakespeare's Life, Times, and Stage

In Shakespeare Survey 23: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

SCRAGG, Leah 1973 C171 Macbeth on Horseback

In Shakespeare Survey 26

SCRAGG Leah 1977 C433 Shakespeare, Lyly, and Ovid : the influence of Gallathea on A Midsummer Night's Dream

In Shakespeare Survey 30

SCÛCKING Levin L. 1969 A990 The Puritan Family: a Social Study from the Literary Sources SEAMAN John E. 1971 B804 The Moral Paradox of Paradise Lost

SEARS, Djanet. 2000 D283 Harlem Duet

In Adaptations of Shakespeare

SEATON Ethel 1959 B375 Marlowe's Light Reading

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies, presented to Frank Percy Wilson

SEATON Ethel 1969 A915 Marlowe's Light Reading

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies

SEAVER Paul S. 1970 B473 The Puritan Lectureships: The Politics of Religious Dissent 1560-1662

SEDGE Douglas 1968 A515/2 La question de la monarchie au théâtre sous le reigne de Charles Ier : La cour, le dramaturge et le censeur In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

SEDGEWICK G.G. 1967 B301 Of Irony Especially in Drama

SEDLEY, Charles 1974 C211/1 The Mulberry Garden

In Restoration Comedy (vol.1)

SEGALL J.B. 1969 B077 Corneille and the Spanish Drama SEGRE Cesare 1973 C847 Semiotics and Literary Criticism

SEIDEN, Melvin 1973 C134 The Revenge Motive in Websterean Tragedy

SELBOURNE David 1982 C667 The making of A Midsummer Night's Dream : an eye-witness account of Peter Brook's production from first rehearsal to first night

SELDEN Raman 1981 C551 Oldham's versions of the classics

In Poetry and drama 1570-1700

SELESKOVITCH Danica 1987 C854/2 La traduction interprétative

In Palimpsestes N° 1 : Traduire le Dialogue Traduire les Textes de Théatre

SELTZER Daniel 1966 A971 The Staging of the Last Plays

In Later Shakespeare

SELTZER Daniel 1969 A793 Shakespeare's Texts and Modern Productions

In Reinterpretations of Elizabethan Drama. Rabkin Norman (editor)

SELTZER Daniel 1977 C433 Prince Hal and tragic style

In Shakespeare Survey 30

SEN GUPTA S.C. 1969 A920 Shakespeare's Historical Plays SEN GUPTA, S.C. 1972 C111 Aspects of Shakespearian Tragedy

SENSABAUGH George F. 1969 A591 Milton and the Attempted Whig Revolution

In The Seventeenth Century : Studies in the History of English Thought and Literature from Bacon to Pope

SENTAURENS Jean 1968 A515/1 Quelques remarques à propos des classes sociales urbaines de Séville dans la "comedia" lopesque In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

SERPIERI Alessandro 1992 C938 Reading the signs : towards a semiotics of shakespearean drama

In Alternative Shakespeares

SERPIERI Alessandro 1992 C966 The Breakdown of Medieval Hierarchy in King Lear

In Shakespearean Tragedy

SETTLE Elkanah 1960 A281 The Empress of Morocco

In Five Heroic Plays, ed. with an Intro. by DOBREE Bonamy

SETTLE, Elkanah 1972 B945 A Defence of Dramatick Poetry and A Farther Defence of Dramatick Poetry

SETTLE Elkanah ? 1974 C379/1 From the operatic adaptation of A Midsummer Night's Dream, may 1692

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

SEWALL Richard B. 1967 B020 The Vision of Tragedy SEWARD Thomas 1975 C379/3 On Shakespeare, 1750

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

SEWELL Arthur 1965 A266 Character and Society in Shakespeare

SEWELL, Arthur 1970 C115 Character and Society in Shakespeare

SEWELL Arthur 1970 B885 Tragedy and the "Kingdom of Ends,"

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F.

SEWELL George 1974 C379/2 On Shakespeare's poems, 1725

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

SEWELLGeorge 1974 C379/2 On the mangling of Shakespeare's plays, 1719

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

SEYMOUR-SMITH Martin 1976 C480 Shakespeare's Sonnets 1-42 : a psychological reading

In New essays on Shakepeare's Sonnets

SEZNEC Jean 1965 B603 Diderot and Historical Painting

In Aspects of the Eighteenth Century. Wasserman Earl R. (editor)

SHAABER M.A. 1957 A675 Seventeenth-Century : English Prose SHAABER M.A. 1964 C356 Studies in the Renaissance volume XI

SHAABER M.A. 1966 C354 Studies in the Renaissance volume XIII

SHAABER, M.A. (editor) 1958 B764/3 Studies in the Renaissance volumes V et VI

SHAABER, M.A. (editor) 1960-61 B764/4 Studies in the Renaissance volumes VII et VIII

SHAABER, M.A. (editor) 1963 B764/5 Studies in the Renaissance, volume IX and X

SHADWELL Thomas 1966 A216 The Virtuoso

SHADWELL Thomas 1969 A803 The History of Timon of Athens the Man-Hater

SHADWELL Thomas 1974 C379/1 From his adaptation of Timon of Athens, january 1678

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

SHADWELL Thomas ? 1974 C379/1 From the operatic version of The Tempest adaptation, april 1674

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692 SHADWELL, Thomas 1974 C211/3 The Squire of Alsatia

In Restoration Comedy (vol. III)

SHADY Raymond C. 1980 C552 Thomas Heywood's masque at court

In The Elzabethan theatre VII

SHAFFER Peter 1981 C616 Amadeus

SHAFFER Peter 1981 C617 Four plays : The Private Ear, The Public Eye, White Liars, Black Comedy

SHAFFER Peter 1983 C618 Three plays : Five Fingers Exercise, Shrivings, Equus

SHAHEEN Naseeb 1994 C985 Shakespeare's Knowledge of Italian

In Shakespeare Survey 47

SHAKESPEARE 1992 C824 Much Ado about Nothing

SHAKESPEARE 1992 C896 Roméo et Juliette

SHAKESPEARE, Wiliam 1997 D107 Othello SHAKESPEARE William 1961 A304 King Richard II, ed. by Peter Ure

In The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare

SHAKESPEARE William 1962 A299 The Comedy of Errors, ed. by R.A. Foakes

In The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare

SHAKESPEARE William 1962 A615 The Passionate Sheepheards Song

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

SHAKESPEARE William 1963 A307 Pericles, ed. by F.D. Hoeniger

In The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare

SHAKESPEARE William 1964 A318 King Henry V, ed. by J.H. Walter

In The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare

SHAKESPEARE, William 1964 B559 Richard III

SHAKESPEARE William 1965 A323 King John , ed. by E.A.J. Honigmann

In The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare

SHAKESPEARE William 1965 A316 The First Part of King Henry IV, ed. by A.R. Humphreys

In The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare

SHAKESPEARE William 1965 A319 The First Part of King Henry VI, ed. by Andrew S. Cairncross

In The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare SHAKESPEARE William 1965 A320 The Second Part of King Henry VI, ed. by Andrew S. Cairncross

In The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare

SHAKESPEARE William 1965 A321 The Third Part of King Henry VI, ed. by Andrew S. Cairncross

In The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare

SHAKESPEARE William 1965 A302 Timon of Athens, ed. by H.J. Oliver

In The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare

SHAKESPEARE William 1966 A312 All's Well That Ends Well

In The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare

SHAKESPEARE William 1966 A324 Cymbeline , ed. by J.M. Nosworthy

In The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare

SHAKESPEARE William 1966 A300 Julius Caesar, ed. by T.S. Dorsch

In The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare

SHAKESPEARE William 1966 A322 King Henry VIII, ed. by R.A. Foakes

In The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare

SHAKESPEARE William 1966 A314 King Lear, ed. by Kenneth Muir

In The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare

SHAKESPEARE William 1966 A315 Love's Labour's Lost, ed. by Richard David

In The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare SHAKESPEARE William 1966 A303 Measure for Measure, ed. by J.W. Lever

In The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare

SHAKESPEARE William 1966 A310 The Merchant of Venice, ed. John Russell Brown

In The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare

SHAKESPEARE William 1966 A317 The Second Part of King Henry IV, ed. by A.R. Humphreys

In The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare

SHAKESPEARE William 1966 A301 The Tempest, ed. by Frank Kermode

In The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare

SHAKESPEARE William 1966 A305 The Winter's Tale, ed. by J.H.P. Pafford

In The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare

SHAKESPEARE William 1967 A313 Anthony and Cleopatra, ed. by M.R. Ridley

In The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare

SHAKESPEARE William 1967 A309 Othello, ed. by M.R. Ridley

In The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare

SHAKESPEARE William 1967 B247 The Sonnets

SHAKESPEARE, William 1968 B640 A Midsummer-Night's Dream SHAKESPEARE, William 1968 B642 All's Well That End's Well

SHAKESPEARE William 1968 B615 Antony and Cleopatra

SHAKESPEARE William 1968 A272 As You Like It

SHAKESPEARE, William 1968 B638 As You Like It

SHAKESPEARE, William 1968 B632 Julius Caesar

SHAKESPEARE William 1968 B628 King Henry V

SHAKESPEARE William 1968 B614 King Henry VI, Second Part

SHAKESPEARE William 1968 B612 King Henry VI, Third Part

SHAKESPEARE William 1968 B624 King Richard II SHAKESPEARE William 1968 B630 Macbeth

SHAKESPEARE William 1968 A369 Much Ado About Nothing

SHAKESPEARE, William 1968 B556 Richard III

SHAKESPEARE William 1968 B571 Richard III

SHAKESPEARE William 1968 B616 The Comedy of Errors

SHAKESPEARE William 1968 A496 The Complete Works, edited by Alexander Peter

SHAKESPEARE, William 1968 B644 The First Part of King Henry VI

SHAKESPEARE William 1968 B626 The First Part of the History of Henry IV

SHAKESPEARE William 1968 A311 The Poems, ed. by F.T. Prince

In The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare SHAKESPEARE William 1968 B629 The Second Part of the History of Henry IV

SHAKESPEARE William 1968 A346 The Taming of the Shrew

SHAKESPEARE William 1968 B621 The Taming of the Shrew

SHAKESPEARE William 1968 B622 The Winter's Tale

SHAKESPEARE William 1968 B631 Titus Andronicus

SHAKESPEARE William 1968 A306 Titus Andronicus, ed. by J.C. Maxwell

In The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare

SHAKESPEARE William 1968 B623 Twelfth Night or What You Will

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A832 A Fairy Tale in Two Acts(1763)

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A856 Antony and Cleopatra(1758) SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A801 Catharine and Petruchio: A Comedy in Three Acts

SHAKESPEARE, William 1969 B645 Coriolanus

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A827 Coriolanus or the Roman Matron

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A828 Coriolanus or the Roman Matron

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A860 Cymbelyne(1762)

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A819 First Part of Henry IV

SHAKESPEARE, William 1969 B641 Hamlet

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A815 Hamlet Prince of Denmark

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A816 Hamlet Prince of Denmark SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A817 Hamlet Prince of Denmark

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A839 Julius Caesar(1680)

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A820 King Henry IV

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 B617 King Henry the Eighth

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A824 King Henry VIII

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 B624 King John

SHAKESPEARE, William 1969 B633 Love's Labour's Lost

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A812 Macbeth

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A846 Macbeth(1673) SHAKESPEARE, William 1969 B634 Measure for Measure

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A831 Measure for Measure, a Comedy(1722)

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A830 Measure for Measure, or Beauty the Beft Advocate

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A829 Measure For Measure Or, Beauty The Best Advocate

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 B611 Much Ado About Nothing

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A853 Othello The Moor of Venice(1681)

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A859 Othello, the Moor of Venice(1755)

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A805 Romeo and Juliet

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 B620 Romeo and Juliet SHAKESPEARE, William 1969 B900/1 The Comedies

SHAKESPEARE, William 1969 B636 The Gentlemen of Verona

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A829 The Historical Tragedy of Macbeth

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A876 The History of King Lear(1768)

SHAKESPEARE, William 1969 B639 The Merchant of Venice

SHAKESPEARE, William 1969 B635 The Merry Wives of Windsor

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A843 The Modern Receipt Or A Cure For Love(1739)

SHAKESPEARE, William 1969 B643 The Poems

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A868 The Sheep-Shearing(1762) SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A826 The Sheep-Shearing: A Dramatic Pastoral (taken from Shakespeare)

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A854 The Sheep-Shearing: or, Florizel and Perdita(1771)

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 B613 The Sonnets

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A875 The Students(1762)

SHAKESPEARE, William 1969 B637 The Tempest

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A864 The Tempest, An Opera(1756)

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A800 The Tempest or the Enchanted Island

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A852 The Tempest or the Enchanted Island(1674)

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A818 The Tragedy of Hamlet SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A825 The Tragedy of Macbeth

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A871 The Two gentlemen of Verona(1763)

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A850 Timon of Athen(1768)

SHAKESPEARE William 1969 A866 Timon ofAthens(1771)

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 A Lover's Complaint

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 A Midsummer Night's Dream

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 All's Well That Ends Well

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Antony and Cleopatra

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 As You Like It

In The Complete Works. SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Coriolanus

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Cymbeline

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Hamlet

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Henry IV part one

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Henry IV part two

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Henry V

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Henry VI part one

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Henry VI part three

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Henry VI part two

In The Complete Works. SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Henry VIII

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE, William 1970 B658 I Henry VI

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Julius Caesar

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 King John

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 King Lear

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Love'sLabour's Lost

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Macbeth

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Measure for Measure

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Much Ado About Nothing

In The Complete Works. SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Othello

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Pericles

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Richard II

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Richard III

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Romeo and Juliet

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 The Comedy of Errors

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 The Complete Works

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 The Merchant of Venice

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 The Merry Wives of Windsor

In The Complete Works. SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 The Passionate Pilgrim

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 The Phoenix and Turtle

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 The Rape of Lucrece

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 The Sonnets

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 The Taming of the Shrew

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 The Tempest

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 The Two Gentlemen of Verona

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 The Winter's Tale

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Timon of Athens

In The Complete Works. SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Titus Andronicus

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Troilus and Cressida

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Twelfth Night

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1970 B601 Venus and Adonis

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE, William 1971 B691 Antony and Cleopatra

SHAKESPEARE, William 1971 B656 The Merry Wives of Windsor

SHAKESPEARE, William 1971 B900/2 Tragedies

SHAKESPEARE William 1982 D165 Troilus and Cressida (edited by Kenneth MUIR)

SHAKESPEARE, William 1984 D016 A Midsummer Night's Dream (Foakes, ed.) SHAKESPEARE, William 1984 D027 Othello (Sanders, ed.)

SHAKESPEARE, William 1984 D028 The Taming of the Shrew (Thompson, ed.)

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 A Lover's Complaint

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 A Midsummer Night's Dream

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 All's Well That Ends Well

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE, William 1985 D023 All's Well That Ends Well (Fraser,ed.)

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Antony and Cleopatra

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 As You Like It

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Coriolanus

In The Complete Works. SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Cymbeline

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Hamlet

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE, William 1985 D024 Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (Edwards, ed.)

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Henry IV part one

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Henry IV part two

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Henry V

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Henry VI part one

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Henry VI part three

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Henry VI part two

In The Complete Works. SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Henry VIII

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Julius Caesar

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 King John

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 King Lear

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Love'sLabour's Lost

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Macbeth

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Measure for Measure

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Much Ado About Nothing

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Othello

In The Complete Works. SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Pericles

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Richard II

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Richard III

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Romeo and Juliet

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 The Comedy of Errors

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 The Complete Works

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 The Merchant of Venice

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 The Merry Wives of Windsor

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 The Passionate Pilgrim

In The Complete Works. SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 The Phoenix and Turtle

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 The Rape of Lucrece

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 The Sonnets

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 The Taming of the Shrew

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 The Tempest

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 The Two Gentlemen of Verona

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 The Winter's Tale

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Timon of Athens

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Titus Andronicus

In The Complete Works. SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Troilus and Cressida

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Twelfth Night

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE, William 1985 D029 Twelfth Night (Donno, ed.)

SHAKESPEARE William 1985 B600 Venus and Adonis

In The Complete Works.

SHAKESPEARE, William 1987 D026 The Merchant of Venice (Mahood, ed.)

SHAKESPEARE William 1987 D157 Troilus and Cressida

SHAKESPEARE William 1988 D217 Comme il vous plaira / As You Like It

SHAKESPEARE, William 1988 D022 Julius Caesar (Spevack, ed.)

SHAKESPEARE, William 1988 D021 Much Ado About Nothing (Mares, ed.) SHAKESPEARE, William 1988 D020 The Comedy of Errors ( Dorsch, ed.)

SHAKESPEARE, William 1990 D025 King Richard II (Gurr, ed.)

SHAKESPEARE, William 1990 D215 Le Songe d'une nuit d'été

SHAKESPEARE, William 1993 D219 Le roi Lear

SHAKESPEARE, William 1994 D237 Hamlet

SHAKESPEARE, William 1994 D136 The First Quarto of King Lear

SHAKESPEARE, William 1994 D049 Titus Andronicus ( ed. by Waith, E.M. )

SHAKESPEARE William 1995 D214/2 Antoine et Cléopâtre

In Oeuvres complètes, Tragédies II

SHAKESPEARE, William 1995 D032 Antony and Cleopatra (Wilders, ed.) SHAKESPEARE William 1995 D214/2 Coriolan

In Oeuvres complètes, Tragédies II

SHAKESPEARE William 1995 D214/1 Hamlet

In Shakespeare William. Oeuvres Complètes: Tragédies I

SHAKESPEARE William 1995 D214/1 Julius Caesar

In Shakespeare William. Oeuvres Complètes: Tragédies I

SHAKESPEARE, William 1995 D018 King Henry V (Craik, ed.)

SHAKESPEARE William 1995 D214/2 Le Roi Lear

In Oeuvres complètes, Tragédies II

SHAKESPEARE William 1995 D214/2 Macbeth

In Oeuvres complètes, Tragédies II

SHAKESPEARE, William 1995 D214/1 Oeuvres complètes, Tragédies I

SHAKESPEARE, William 1995 D214/2 Oeuvres complètes, Tragédies II

SHAKESPEARE William 1995 D214/2 Othello

In Oeuvres complètes, Tragédies II SHAKESPEARE William 1995 D214/1 Roméo et Juliette

In Shakespeare William. Oeuvres Complètes: Tragédies I

SHAKESPEARE William 1995 D214/2 Timon d'Athènes

In Oeuvres complètes, Tragédies II

SHAKESPEARE, William 1995 Titus Andronicus

In Oeuvres complètes, Tragédies I

SHAKESPEARE, William 1995 D214/1 Titus Andronicus

In Shakespeare William. Oeuvres complètes, Tragédies I

SHAKESPEARE, William 1995 D017 Titus Andronicus (Bate, ed.)

SHAKESPEARE, William 1996 D091 A Midsummer's Night Dream (Griffiths, ed.)

Shakespeare, William 1996 D115 Edward III (Sams, ed.)

SHAKESPEARE, William 1996 D066 Othello

SHAKESPEARE, William 1996 D216 Peines d'amour perdues SHAKESPEARE William 1996 D243 The First Quarto of King Lear ed. by Jay L. Halio

SHAKESPEARE, William 1996 D233 The Taming of the Shrew, Texts and Contexts

Shakespeare, William 1996 D072 The Winter's Tale

SHAKESPEARE, William 1996 D222 Tout est bien qui finit bien

SHAKESPEARE, William 1997 D218/1 Henri IV, deuxième partie

In Oeuvres complètes, Histoires I

SHAKESPEARE, William 1997 D218/1 Henri IV, première partie

In Oeuvres complètes, Histoires I

SHAKESPEARE, William 1997 D218/1 Henri V

In Oeuvres complètes, Histoires I

SHAKESPEARE, William 1997 D218/2 Henri VI, deuxième partie

In Oeuvres complètes, Histoires II

SHAKESPEARE, William 1997 D218/2 Henri VI, première partie

In Oeuvres complètes, Histoires II SHAKESPEARE, William 1997 D218/2 Henri VI, troisième partie

In Oeuvres complètes, Histoires II

SHAKESPEARE, William 1997 D218/2 Henri VIII

In Oeuvres complètes, Histoires II

SHAKESPEARE, William 1997 D218/1 Le Roi Jean

In Oeuvres complètes, Histoires I

SHAKESPEARE, William 1997 D218/1 Oeuvres complètes, Histoires I

SHAKESPEARE, William 1997 D218/2 Oeuvres complètes, Histoires II

SHAKESPEARE, William 1997 D218/1 Richard II

In Oeuvres complètes, Histoires I

SHAKESPEARE, William 1997 D218/2 Richard III

In Oeuvres complètes, Histoires II

SHAKESPEARE, William 1997 D218/2 Sir Thomas More

In Oeuvres complètes, Histoires II

SHAKESPEARE, William 1997 D108 The Two Noble Kinsmen SHAKESPEARE, William 1997 D236 ThFirst Part of King Henry IV , Texts and Contexts

SHAKESPEARE William 1998 D196 Cymbeline

SHAKESPEARE William 1998 D194 Henry IV Part Two

SHAKESPEARE, William 1998 D220 Richard II

SHAKESPEARE William 1998 D239 The First Quarto of Hamlet, ed. by Kathleen O. Irace

SHAKESPEARE, William 1999 D234 A Midsummer Night's Dream, Texts and Contexts

SHAKESPEARE, William 1999 D221 Henry V

SHAKESPEARE William 1999 D235 Henry V, Act I, Scene 2

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

SHAKESPEARE William 1999 D235 Macbeth

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William SHAKESPEARE William 1999 D235 Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll

SHAKESPEARE William, Ed. by Giorgio Melchiori 1998 D199 King Edward III

SHAKESPEARE William (ed. by OLIVER H.J.) 1971 B599 The Merry Wives of Windsor

SHAKESPEARE William, edited by Alice Walker 1969 B608 Troilus and Cressida

SHAKESPEARE William (edited by Alice Walker 1969 B618 Othello

SHAKESPEARE William (edited by George Ian 1969 B627 King Lear

SHAKESPEARE William, edited by J.C. Maxwell 1968 B610 Cymbeline

SHAKESPEARE William, edited by J.C. Maxwell 1968 B609 Timon of Athens

SHAKESPEARE William (edited by J.C. Maxwell) 1969 B619 Pericles SHAKESPEARE William, trad. CASTELAIN 1968 A344 Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Eté

SHAKESPEARE William, trad., intro., e notas de 1965 A267 A Tragedia de Hamlet

SHAND G.B. 1990 D013 Directing Doctor Faustus

In The Elizabethan Theatre XI

SHAPIRO I.A. 1966 A463/1 An Original Drawing of the Globe Theatre

In Shakespeare Survey, 2: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

SHAPIRO I.A. 1966 A463/7 Shakespeare and Mundy

In Shakespeare Survey, 14 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

SHAPIRO I.A. 1968 B049 Shakespeare's Life, Times and Stage reviewed

In Shakespeare Survey 8. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

SHAPIRO I.A. 1968 B049 The Significance of a Date

In Shakespeare Survey 8. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

SHAPIRO I.A. 1970 B346 The BanksideTheaters: Early Engravings

In Shakespeare Survey(1)

SHAPIRO I. A. 1980 C533 The date of a donne elegy, and its implications

In English Renaissance studies presented to Dame Helen Gardner in honour of her seventieth birthday SHAPIRO James 1991 D038 Rival Playwrights : Marlowe, Jonson, Shakespeare

SHAPIRO, James 1995 D094 "Shakespur and the Jewbill"

In Shakespeare Survey 48

SHAPIRO, James 1996 D081 Shakespeare and the Jews

SHAPIRO Michael 1977 C482 Children of the revels : the boy companies of Shakespeare's time and their plays

SHAPIRO Michael 1994 D014 Gender in Play on the Shakespearean Stage : Boy Heroines anf Female Pages

SHARPE, Kevin 1994 D226 The King's Writ: Royal Auhtors and Royal Authority in Early Modern England

In Culture and Politics in Early Stuart England. Sharpe, Kevin and Lake, Peter (editors)

SHARPE, Kevin and LAKE, Peter (editors) 1994 D226 Culture and Politics in Early Stuart England

SHARPE Robert Boies 1975 C382 Irony in the drama : an essay on impersonation, shock, and catharsis

SHARROCK Roger 1968 B297 John Bunyan SHARROCK Roger 1969 A578 Troilus and Criseyde : Poem of Contingency

In Chaucer' s Mind and Art

SHARROCK Roger 1970 B320/68 The Earlier Sevententh Century, Excluding Drama

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1968)

SHAUGHNESSY Robert 1994 C975 Representing Shakespeare : England, History and the RSC

SHAW Bernard 1968 A929 A Letter to John Barrymore

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

SHAW, Bernard 1970 C285 Forbes Robertson's Hamlet

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

SHAW Catherine M. 1980 C594 The conscious art of The Comedy of Errors

In Shakespearean Comedy

SHAW Catherine M. 1984 P5/15 The Tempest and Hymenaei

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°26

SHAW Catherine M. 1985 C663 The tragic sub structure of the Henry IV plays

In Shakespeare survey 38

SHAW Fiona 1989 C787 Acting in the Swan

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan SHAW G.B. 1979 C779 From the 'Saturday Review', 1896

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

SHAW George Bernard 1967 A917 Shakespeare's Imperfect realism

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

SHAW John 1967 A463/12 The Staging of Parody and Parallels in 'I Henry IV'

In Shakespeare Survey, 20 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

SHAW William 1981 C512 Shakespeare's faults, 1785

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

SHAWCROSS John T. 1961 P1/1961/IV The Chronology of Milton's Major Poems

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°76

SHAWCROSS John T. 1969 B453 The Style and Genre in Paradise Lost

In New Essays on Paradise Lost. Kranidas Thomas (editor)

SHEA Bernard 197? P1/1957/I Machiavelli and Fielding's Jonathan Wild

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°72

SHEARMAN John 1967 B217 Mannerism

In Collection "Style and Civilization"

SHEBBEARE Joseph 1976 C379/4 Othello and King Lear inthe theatre, 1755

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765 SHEEN Erica 1992 C933 ‘The Agent for His Master’: Political Dervice and Professional Liberty in Cymbeline

In The Politics of Tragicomedy

SHEFFIELD, John, Duke of Buckingham 1970 C044 The Tragedy of Julius Caesar

SHEFFIELD, John, Duke of Buckingham 1970 C044 The Tragedy of Marcus Brutus

SHELLARD, Dominic 1996 D135 The Actor as Artist : Harold Hobson's Shakespearian Theatre Criticism

In Shakespeare Survey 49

SHELLEY Percy Bysshe 1951 B558 A Defence of Poetry

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

SHEPHERD G.T. 1970 B323 Early Middle English Literature

In The Middle Ages(Vol I)

SHEPHERD Simon 1986 C729 Marlowe and the politics of Elizabethan theatre

SHEPPARD, H.J. 1972 C184/1 The Mythological Tradition and Seventeenth Century Alchemy

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol I)

SHER Anthony 1989 C787 Acting in the Swan

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan SHERBO Arthur 1986 C812 The Birth of Shakespeare Studies : Commentators from Rowe (1709) to Boswell-Malone (1821)

SHERBO Arthur (editor), BRONSON Bertrand H. 1968 A774/1 The Yale Edition of the Works of Samuel Johnson VII: Johnson on Shakespeare I.

SHERBO Arthur (editor), BRONSON Bertrand H. 1968 A774/2 The Yale Edition of the Works of Samuel Johnson VIII: Johnson on Shakespeare II

SHERBURN George 1969 A591 Pope and "The Great Shew of Nature"

In The Seventeenth Century : Studies in the History of English Thought and Literature from Bacon to Pope

SHERBURN George & BOND Donald F. 1967 A627 A Literary History of England: The Restoration and Eighteenth Century

SHERGOLD N.D. 1967 B359 A History Of The Spanish Stage from medieval times until the end of the seventeenth century

SHERGOLD N.D. 1968 A515/1 La Vida es sueno : ses acteurs, son théâtre et son public

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

SHERGOLD N.D. 1984 C583 Calderon and "Theatrum Mundi"

In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées

SHERGOLD Norman D. 1975 C415 Fête et théâtre en Espagne au XVIe siècle

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III SHERIDAN Thomas 1976 C379/4 Thomson's Coriolanus conflated with Shakespeare's, 1754

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

SHERLOCK Martin 1981 C512 In praise of Shakespeare, 1786

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

SHERRER, Grace B. 1958 B764/3 Philalgia in Warwickshire: F.M. Van Helmont's Anatomy of Pain Applied to Lady Anne Conway

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume V. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

SHIBATA Toshihiko 1994 C974 Voices and Silences in Shakespeare's Plays: A view from a Different Cultural Tradition

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

SHIPLEY, Joseph T. 1970 B828 Dictionary of World Literary Terms

SHIRE Helena M. & ELLIOTT Kenneth 1956 A697 La Fricassée en Ecosse et ses Rapports avec les Fêtes de la Renaissance

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

SHIRLEY F.J. 1949 B178 Richard Hooker and Contemporary Political Ideas

SHIRLEY James 1933 A174 The Cardinal

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642

SHIRLEY James 1939 A639 The Cardinal

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor) SHIRLEY James 1939 A639 The Lady of Pleasure

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

SHIRLEY James 1963 B176 Narcisus or The Self-Lover

In Elizabethan Minor Epics

SHIRLEY James 1965 B444 The Traitor

SHIRLEY James 1967 A173 Cupid and Death (1653)

In A Book of Masques

SHIRLEY James 1967 A173 The Triomph of Peace (1634)

In A Book of Masques

SHIRLEY James(1596-1666) 1962 A283 The Lady of Pleasure and The Wedding

In Six Caroline Plays,ed. with an Introduction by KNOWLAND A.S.

SHIRLEY Peggy Faye 1975 C360 Serious and tragic elements in the comedy of Thomas Dekker

SHIRLEY William 1976 C379/4 Garrick's sins as actor and adapter, 1758

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

SHORE, David R. 1999 P5/46 Fired or Just Too Tired? Grounds for Dismissal in Shakespeare's Sonnet 144

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°56. C.E.R.R.A. Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier III SHORE, David R. 1999 P5/46 Fired or Just Too Tired? Grounds for Dismissal in Shakespeare's Sonnet 144

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°56

SHORT, Charles 1829 C074 The Life and Humours of Falstaff

SHOWALTER Elaine 1985 C672 Representing Ophelia : Women, Madness, and the Responsabilities of Feminist Criticism

In Shakespeare and the Question of Theory

SHOWALTER Elaine 1992 C966 Representing Ophelia: Women, Madness and the Responsabilities of Feminist Criticism

In Shakespearean Tragedy

SHOWALTER Elaine 1992 D011 Representing Ophelia : Women, Madness, and the Responsabilities of Feminist Criticism

In Hamlet

SHOWALTER Elaine 1993 C927 Representing Ophelia: Women, Madness, and the Responsibilities of Feminist Criticism

In Shakespeare’s Middle Tragedies

SHRIMPTON Nicholas A623 Shakespeare's sPerformances in London and Stratford-uponAvon 1984-5

In Shakespeare Survey No 39

SHRIMPTON Nicholas 1983 C584 Shakespeare performances in Stratford-upon-Avon and London, 1981-2

In Shakespeare Survey 36

SHRIMPTON Nicholas 1984 C639 Shakespeare performances in Stratford-upon-Avon and London, 1982-3

In Shakespeare survey 37 SHRIMPTON Nicholas 1985 C663 Shakespeare performances in Stratford-upon-Avon and London, 1983-4

In Shakespeare survey 38

SHRIMPTON Nicholas 1990 C703 Shakespeare performances in London, Manchester, Stratford-upon-Avon 1985-86

In Shakespeare Survey 40

SHRIMPTON Nick 1976 C399 Directing The Tempest

In Shakespeare Survey 29

SHROYER Frederick B. and GARDEMAL Louis G. 1970 B742 Types of Drama

SHUMACKER, Wayne 1951 P1/1951/IV Flowerets and Sounding Seas; a Study in the Affective Stucture of Lycidas

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°66

SHUMAKER Wayne 1961 B568 Flowerets and Sounding Seas: A Study in the Affective Structure of Lycidas

In Milton's Lycidas, The Tradition and the Poem. Patrides, C.A.

SIBONY Daniel 1990 C742 La guerre et l'évitement de la loi dans Jules César et dans Macbeth

In Shakespeare et la guerre

SIDER John W. 1984 C639 Falstaff's broken voice

In Shakespeare survey 37

SIDNEY Philip 1950 B299 The Defence of Poesie SIDNEY Philip 1962 A615 An Excelent Sonnet of a Nimph

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

SIDNEY Philip 1962 A615 Another of Astrophell to his Stella

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

SIDNEY Philip 1962 A615 Astrophell to Stella, his Third Song

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

SIDNEY Philip 1962 A615 Dorus his comparisons

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

SIDNEY Philip 1962 A615 Espilus and Therion, their Contention in Song for the May-Ladie

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

SIDNEY Philip 1962 A615 In 'Wonted Walks'

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

SIDNEY Philip 1962 A615 The Sheepheard Musidorus his Complaint

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

SIDNEY Philip 1962 A615 The Sheepheards Braule, One Halfe Aunswering the Other

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

SIDNEY Philip 1962 A615 Two Pastorals, upon Three Friends Meeting

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614) SIDNEY Philip 1967 B179/4 The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia

In The Prose Works of Sir Philip SydneyIV

SIDNEY Philip 1968 B179/3 The Defence of Poesie Political Discourses Correspondence Translation

In The Prose Works of Sir Philip SydneyIII

SIDNEY Philip 1968 B179/2 The Last Part of The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia; The Lady of May

In The Prose Works of Sir Philip SydneyII

SIDNEY Philip 1969 B179/1 The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia

In The Prose Works of Sir Philip SydneyI

SIDNEY, Philip 1973 C189 The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia : the Old Arcadia

SIEFFERT René 1965 B104 Le Japon

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

SIEFFERT René 1967 A694 Réalisme poétique du théâtre classique japonais

In Réalisme et Poesie au Théâtre

SIEGEL P.N. 1993 C925 “ Hamlet, Revenge! ” The Uses and Abuses of Historical Criticism

In Shakespeare Survey 45

SIEGEL, Paul N. 1953 P1/1953/V The Damnation of Othello

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°67 SIEGEL Paul N. 1957 A921 Shakespearean Tragedy and the Elizabethan Compromise

SIEGEL Paul N. 1968 B367 Shakespeare in his Time and Ours

SIEGEL Paul N. 1980 C594 Malvolio : comic puritan automaton

In Shakespearean Comedy

SIEGEL Paul N. 1986 C814 Shakespeare's English and Roman History Plays : A Marxist Approach

SIEGEL, Rudolph E. 1972 C184/1 Galen's Concept of Bloodletting in Relation to his Ideas on Pulmonary and Peripheral Blood Flow and Blood Formation In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol I)

SIEMON James Edward 1976 C399 Noble virtue in Cymbeline

In Shakespeare Survey 29

SIEMON James R. 1985 C685 Shakespearean iconoclasm

SIEMON James R. 1994 C963 "Word Itself against the Word": Close Reading After Voloshinov

In Shakespeare reread : The Texts in New Contexts

SIEPER Ernst 1901 A011 Lydgate’s Reson and Sensuallyte SILVERMAN ALbert H. 1957 P1/1957/IV Bernard Shaw's Shakespeare Criticism

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°72

SILVERSTEIN Theodore 1971 B478 Medieval English Lyrics

SIMKO Jan 1968 B476 Shakespeare in Slovakia

In Shakespeare Survey (Vol 4)

SIMMONDS James D. (editor) 1971 B806 Milton Studies III

SIMMONS, J.L. 1973 C294 A Source for Shakespeare's Malvolio : the Elizabethan Controversy with the Puritans

In The Huntington Library Quaterly (vol. XXXVI, No 3)

SIMMONS, J.L. 1973 C171 Antony and Cleopatra and Coriolanus, Shakespeare's Heroic Tragedies : a Jacobean Adjustment

In Shakespeare Survey 26

SIMMONS, J.L. 1973 C198 Shakespeare's Pagan World : the Roman Tragedies

SIMMONS Richard 1973 B507 North America and the West Indies

In The Making of the Modern World: volume II. Johnson Douglas (editor)

SIMMONS Thomas Frederick and NOLLOTH Henry 1901 A093 The Lay Folks Catechism SIMMONSThomas Frederick Simmons 1879 A010 The Lay Folks Mass Book

SIMON André L. 1964 B354 Wine in Shakespeare's Days and Shakespeare's Plays

SIMON, Irène 1971 B689 Neo-Classical Criticism, 1660-1800

SIMON Jean Robert 1964 B009 Robert Burton(1557-1640) et l'Anatomie de la Mélancolie

SIMON Jean-Paul 1980 T44 Analogie

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel, Simon Jean- Paul, Vernet Marc

SIMON Jean-Paul 1980 T44 Institution cinématographique

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al

SIMON Jean-Paul et PERCHERON Daniel 1980 T44 Gag

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al

SIMON Michel 1965 B104 Le Brésil

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

Simon Peter Bugler 2000 D248 The British Census and the rewriting of ethnic identity

In Colloques : Réécritures. SIMONE Franco 1969 A909 The French Renaissance: Medieval Tradition and Italian Influence in Shaping the Renaisance in France

SIMONE R. Thomas 1974 C424 Shakespeare and Lucrece : a study of the poem and its relation to the plays

SIMPSON Alan 1963 A690 The Wealth of the Gentry

SIMPSON Evelyn M. 1963 B258 John Donne's Sermons on the Psalms and Gospels

SIMPSON Frank 1952 A463/3 New Place: The Only Representation of Shakespeare's House, from an Unpublished Manuscript

In Shakespeare Survey, 5: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

SINDEN Donald 1985 C640 Malvolio in Twelfth Night

In Players of Shakespeare

SINFIELD Alan 1980 C515 Hamlet's special providence

In Shakespeare Survey 33

SINFIELD Alan 1985 C715 Give an account of Shakespeare and Education, showing why you think they are effective and what you have appreciated about them. Support your comments with precise references In Political Shakespeare

SINFIELD Alan 1985 C715 Introduction : Reproductions, interventions

In Political Shakespeare SINFIELD Alan 1985 C715 Royal Shakespeare : theatre and the making of ideology

In Political Shakespeare

SINFIELD Alan 1992 D012 Macbeth

SINFIELD Alan 1992 C924 Macbeth : History, Ideologie and Intellectuals

In New Historicism and Renaissance Drama

SINFIELD Alan 1992 D012 Macbeth : History, Ideology and Intellectuals

In Macbeth

SINFIELD Alan 1993 D033 The Politics of Englit and Subcultures

In English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference

SINFIELD Alan 1996 D206 How to Read The Merchant of Venice Without Being Heterosexist

In Alternative Shakespeares, Vol II

SINFIELD Alan 1996 D121 How to Read The Merchant of Venice Without Being Heterosexist

In Alternative Shakespeares, Vol II

SINGER Samuel Weller and DOBRÉE Bonamy 1964 B045 Anecdotes, Observations and Characters of Books and Men Collected from the Conversations of Mr. Pope and Other Eminent Persons of His Time by the Reverend Joseph Spence

SINZ, William 1963 B764/5 The Elaboration of Vives's Treatises on the Arts

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume X. Shaaber, M.a. (editor) SIPE Dorothy L. 1968 A963 Shakespeare's Metrics

Sir BROWNE Thomas 1968 A676 Selected writings (edited by Geoffrey Keynes)

Sir CLARK George 1958 A958 War and Society in the Seventeenth Century

Sir COKE Edward 1999 D235 From Speech at the Trial of Father Henry Garnet

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

Sir CRAIG Thomas 1999 D235 From A Treatise on the Union of the British Realm

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

Sir D' AVENANT William 1964 A567/1 The Dramatic Works of William D' Avenant(with prefatory memoir and notes)

Sir D' AVENANT William 1964 A567/2 The Dramatic Works of William D' Avenant(with prefatory memoir and notes), Vol II

Sir D' AVENANT William 1964 A567/3 The Dramatic Works of William D' Avenant(with prefatory memoir and notes), Vol III

Sir D' AVENANT William 1964 A567/4 The Dramatic Works of William D' Avenant(with prefatory memoir and notes), Vol IV Sir D' AVENANT William 1964 A567/5 The Dramatic Works of William D' Avenant(with prefatory memoir and notes), Vol V

Sir DAVENANT William 1999 D235 From Macbeth, A Tragedy

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

Sir FILMER Robert 1999 D235 From Patriarcha: Or the Natural Power of Kings

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

Sir GRIERSON Herbert J.C. 1951 B558 Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

Sir HARINGTON John 1967 A256/2 A Preface or rather a Briefe Apologie of Poetrie, Prefixed to the Translation of Orlando Furioso. 1591 In Elizabethan Critical Essays, volume II

Sir HARVEY Paul 1967 A466 The Oxford Companion to English Literature

Sir HAYWARD John 1999 D235 From An Answer to the First Part of a Certain Conference

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

Sir JACKSON Barry 1968 B049 Producing the Comedies

In Shakespeare Survey 8. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

Sir James Ferguson of KILKERRAN 1969 A718 The Man Behind Macbeth and other studies Sir john Vanbrugh 1967 A435/3 A Journey to London

In The Complete works of Sir John Vanbrugh, volume III edited by Dobrée Bonamy and Webb Geoffrey

Sir john Vanbrugh 1967 A435/1 A Short vindication of The Relapse and The Provok'd Wife

In The Complete works of Sir John Vanbrugh, volume I edited by Dobrée Bonamy and Webb Geoffrey

Sir john Vanbrugh 1967 A435/3 The Confederacy

In The Complete works of Sir John Vanbrugh, volume III edited by Dobrée Bonamy and Webb Geoffrey

Sir john Vanbrugh 1967 A435/2 The Country House

In The Complete works of Sir John Vanbrugh, volume II edited by Dobrée Bonamy and Webb Geoffrey

Sir john Vanbrugh 1967 A435/2 The False Friend

In The Complete works of Sir John Vanbrugh, volume II edited by Dobrée Bonamy and Webb Geoffrey

Sir john Vanbrugh 1967 A435/4 The Letters

In The Complete works of Sir John Vanbrugh, volume IV edited by Dobrée Bonamy and Webb Geoffrey

Sir john Vanbrugh 1967 A435/3 The Mistake

In The Complete works of Sir John Vanbrugh, volume III edited by Dobrée Bonamy and Webb Geoffrey

Sir john Vanbrugh 1967 A435/2 The Pilgrim

In The Complete works of Sir John Vanbrugh, volume II edited by Dobrée Bonamy and Webb Geoffrey

Sir john Vanbrugh 1967 A435/3 The Provok'd Husband

In The Complete works of Sir John Vanbrugh, volume III edited by Dobrée Bonamy and Webb Geoffrey Sir john Vanbrugh 1967 A435/1 The Provok'd Wife

In The Complete works of Sir John Vanbrugh, volume I edited by Dobrée Bonamy and Webb Geoffrey

Sir john Vanbrugh 1967 A435/1 The Relapse

In The Complete works of Sir John Vanbrugh, volume I edited by Dobrée Bonamy and Webb Geoffrey

Sir LINDSAY David 1967 A454 A Satire of The Three Estates

Sir PETRIE Charles 1959 A182 The Jacobite Movement

Sir QUILLER-COUCH Arthur 1967 A917 The Making of A Midsummer Night's Dream

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

Sir QUILLER-COUCH Arthur 1968 A929 The Capital Difficulty of Macbeth

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

Sir RALEIGH Walter Alexander 1951 B558 The Style of Milton

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

Sir SEDLEY Charles 1969 A814 Antony and Cleopatra

Sir SIDNEY Philip 1967 B159 An Apology for Poetry or The Defence of Poesy Sir STEELE Richard 1966 A279 The Conscious Lovers

In Eighteenth Century Comedy,ed. with an Intro. by TAYLOR W.D.

Sir SYDNEY Philip 1967 A256/1 An Apology for Poetry. c.1583(printed 1595)

In Elizabethan Critical Essays

Sir TEMPLE William 1986 B715 An Essay upon the Original and Nature of Government

In Restoration and Revolution. Myers William (editor)

Sir Thomas Browne B484 Religio Medici

Sir VANBRUGH John 1970 B733 The Provoked Wife

Sir VANBRUGH John 1970 B732 The Relapse

Sir WELDON Anthony 1999 D235 From A Perfect Description of the People and Country of Scotland

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

SIROI, Christophe 1992 M57 Appearance and Reality in Twelfth Night and the Two Gentlemen of Verona

SISKIN Clifford 1977 C433 Freedom and loss in The Tempest

In Shakespeare Survey 30 SISSON C.J. 1961 A277/1 New Readings in Shakespeare, volume I (The Comedies, The Poems)

SISSON C.J. 1961 A277/2 New Readings in Shakespeare, volume II (The Histories, the Tragedies)

SISSON C.J. 1962 B450 Tudor Intelligence Tests: Malvolio and Real Life

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

SISSON C.J. 1965 A405 Hamlet

In Shakespeare' s Tragic Justice

SISSON C.J. 1965 A405 King Lear

In Shakespeare' s Tragic Justice

SISSON C.J. 1965 A405 Macbeth

In Shakespeare' s Tragic Justice

SISSON C.J. 1965 A405 Othello

In Shakespeare' s Tragic Justice

SISSON C.J. 1965 A405 Shakespeare' s Tragic Justice

SISSON C.J. 1966 A393 The Theatres and Companies

In A Companion to Shakespeare Studies, edited by Harley Granville-Barker and G.B. Harrison SISSON C.J. 1969 A601 Justice in King Lear

In Shakespeare King Lear

SISSON C.J. 1969 A788 Justice in King Lear

In Shakespeare King Lear : A Casebook.Kermode Frank (editor)

SISSON C.J. 1969 B455 Shakespeare's Friends: Hathaways and Burmans at Shottery

In Shakespeare Survey 12: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

SISSON C.J. 1970 B579 Lost Plays of Shakespeare's Age

SISSON Charles J. 1966 A463/2 Studies in the Life and Environment of Shakespeare since 1900

In Shakespeare Survey, 3: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

SISSON Charles J. 1968 B046 Stage Duelling in the Elizabethan Theater (1927)

In The Seventeenth-Century Stage: A Collection of Critical Essays. Bentley Gerald Eades (editor)

SISSON Charles J. 1968 B048 The Red Bull Company and the Importunate Widow

In Shakespeare Survey 7. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

Sister DURKIN Mary Brian 1971 B806 Iterative Figures and Images in Paradise Lost, XI-XII

In Milton Studies III. Simmonds James D. (editor)

Sister JOSEPH Miriam 1961 P1/1961/V Discerning the Ghost In Hamlet

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°76 Sister JOSEPH Miriam 1966 A447 Shakespeare's Use of the Arts of Language

Sister JOSEPH Miriam 1966 A677 Shakespeare's Use of the Arts of Language

SITWELL Edith 1962 A356 A Midsummer-Night' s Dream



SITWELL Edith 1962 A356 All' s Well that Ends Well


SITWELL Edith 1962 A356 Antony and Cleopatra


SITWELL Edith 1962 A356 As You Like It


SITWELL Edith 1962 A356 Cymbeline


SITWELL Edith 1962 A356 Hamlet

In A Notebook on WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE SITWELL Edith 1962 A356 Julius Caesar


SITWELL Edith 1962 A356 King Lear


SITWELL Edith 1962 A356 Macbeth


SITWELL Edith 1962 A356 Measure for Measure


SITWELL Edith 1962 A356 Othello


SITWELL Edith 1962 A356 Pericles


SITWELL Edith 1962 A356 Romeo and Juliet


SITWELL Edith 1962 A356 The Henriad


SITWELL Edith 1962 A356 The Merchant of Venice

In A Notebook on WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE SITWELL Edith 1962 A356 The Tempest


SITWELL Edith 1962 A356 The Winter' s Tale


SITWELL Edith 1962 A356 Timon of Athens


SITWELL Edith 1962 A356 Titus Andronicus


SITWELL Edith 1962 A356 Troilus and Cressida


SITWELL Edith 1962 A356 Twelfth Night


SIVERT Tadeusz 1967 A533 Le théâtre polonais depuis 1945

In Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale JACQUOT Jean (editeur)

SJÖGREN Gunnar 1969 A463/14 Thomas Bull and other 'English Instrumentalists' in Denmark in the 1580s

SKEAT 1871 A074 Joseph of Arimathie SKEAT W. 1866 A054 The Romans of Partenay

SKEAT Walter W. A128/3 Piers Plowman . Part III

SKEAT Walter W. 1865 A150 Lancelot of the Laik

SKEAT Walter W. 1867 A122 Pierce the Ploughmans Crede

SKEAT Walter W. 1867 A128/1 Piers Plowman . Part I

SKEAT Walter W. 1869 A128/2 Piers Plowman . Part II

SKEAT Walter W. 1874-1877 A137 The Bruce

SKEAT Walter W. 1877 A128/4I Piers Plowman . Part IV . Section I

SKEAT Walter W. 1878 A032 Alexander and Dindimus SKEAT Walter W. 1881 A110 Aelfric's Lives of Saints . Parts I & II

SKEAT Walter W. 1884 A128/4II Piers Plowman . Part IV . Section II

SKEAT Walter W. 1893 A017 Parallel Extracts From 45 Manuscripts of Piers Plowman

SKEAT Walter W. 1898 A090 The Romance of William of Palerne

SKEAT Walter W. 1900 A118 Aelfrics Homilies

SKEAT Walter W. 1903 A035 The Lay of Havelok The Dane

SKEAT Walter W. 1905 A033 A Creatise on The Astrolabe

SKEAT Walter W. 1968 A620 A Glossary ofTudor and Stuart Words

SKELTON Robin 1969 B051 Cavalier Poets SKRINE Peter N. 1978 C564 The Baroque literature and culture in seventeenth-century Europe

SLATER Ann Pasternak 1972 B886 Variations Within a Source: from Isaiah XXIX to 'The Tempest'

In Shakespeare Survey n°25: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study and Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

SLATER Maya 1988 C879 Racine’s Les Plaideurs - a tragedian’s farce

In Farce

SLAVIN Arthur J. 1970 B816 Profitable Studies: Humanists and Government in Early Tudor England

In Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, volume I. White Lynn (editor)

SLAVIN Arthur Joseph 1966 A689 Politics and Profit: A Study of Sir Ralph Sadler 1507-1547

SLIGHTS Camille Wells 1990 C795 The Politics of Conscience in All Is True (or Henry VIII )

In Shakespeare Survey 43

SLIGHTS William W.E. 1984 C639 Nature's originals: value in Shakepearian pastoral

In Shakespeare survey 37

SLOANE Thomas O. 1980 C632 Rhetoric, 'logic' and poetry : the formal cause

In The age of Milton

SMALLEY B. 1969 B818 Gregory IX and the Two Faces of the Soul

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond SMALLWOOD R.L. 1972 B886 The Design of 'All's Well That Ends Well'

In Shakespeare Survey n°25: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study and Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

SMALLWOOD, R.L. 1981 P5/9 'Tis Pity She's a Whore and Romeo and Juliet

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 20

SMALLWOOD R.L. 1982 C581 The design of All's Well That Ends Well

In Aspects of Shakespeare's 'problem plays'

SMALLWOOD R. L. 1986 C711 Shakespeare's use of history

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare studies

SMALLWOOD R.L. AND WELLS Stanley 1979 C992 The shoemaker's holiday

SMALLWOOD Robert 1994 D003 "We will nothing pay for wearing our own noses". Cosmopolitanism and Insularity in Cymbeline

In Shakespeare : cosmopolitisme et insularité

SMALLWOOD Robert 1998 D168/2 "To seek my uncle in the forest of Arden": Plot Manipulation and the Happy Ending of As You Like It In As You Like It Essais critiques

SMALLWOOD Robert 1999 D240 Shakespeare Performances in England, 1998

In Shakespeare Survey n°52

SMART Christopher 1976 C379/4 On Shakespeare's learning, january 1756

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765 SMART John S. 1966 B183 Shakespeare: Truth and Tradition

SMIDT Kristian 1989 C804 Uncomformities in Shakespeare's Tragedies

SMIDT, Kristian 1991 P5/30 By Any Other Word?

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°41

SMIDT, Kristian octobre 1988 P5/23 Repetition, Revision , and Editorial Greed in Shakespeare's Play Texts

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 34

SMIRNOV A.A. 1970 B582 Shakespeare: A Marxist Interpretation

In Twentieth Century Interpretations of Coriolanus. Phillips James E. (editor)

SMIT W.A.P. 1964 A701 Etat des recherches sur Sénèque et les dramaturges hollandais

In Les tragédies de Sénèque et le théâtre de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

SMIT W.A.P. 1965 A693 L'évolution des idées sur la tragédie dans le théâtre de Vondel

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

SMIT W.A.P. & BRACHIN P. 1964 B012 Vondel(1587-1679)

SMITH A.J. 1966 B267 John Donne: the Songs and Sonets SMITH A.J. 1970 A943 The Failure of Love: Love Lyrics after Donne

In Metaphysical Poetry. Brown John Russell and Harris Bernard (general editors). Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies 11

SMITH, A.J. 1970 B855/1 The Failure of Love: Love Lyrics after Donne

In Metaphysical Poetry

SMITH A.J. 1970 B260 The Poetry of John Donne

In English Poetry and Prose(1540-1674)

SMITH A.J. 1972 B995 Donne's Reputation

In John Donne: Essays in Celebration. Smith A.J. (editor)

SMITH A.J. 1972 B995 The Dismissal of Love

In John Donne: Essays in Celebration. Smith A.J. (editor)

SMITH, A.J. 1985 D051 The Matephysics of Love

SMITH A.J. (editor) 1972 B995 John Donne: Essays in Celebration

SMITH Bruce R. 1973 C453 Sir Amorous Knight and the indecorous romans; or, Plautus and Terence play court in the Renaissance In Renaissance drama . New series VI

SMITH Bruce R. 1992 D039 Making a Difference : Male/Male 'Desire' in Tragedy, Comedy, and Tragi-Comedy

In Erotic Politics : Desire on the Renaissance Stage SMITH Bruce R. 1996 D206 L(o)cating the Sexual Subject

In Alternative Shakespeares, Vol II

SMITH Bruce R. 1996 D121 L(o)cating the Sexual subject

In Alternative Shakespeares, Vol II

SMITH Charles G. 1963 B251 Shakespeare's Proverb Love

SMITH Christopher 1986 C664 Shakespeare on French stages in the nineteenth century

In Shakespeare and the Victorian stage

SMITH David Nichol 1968 A353 Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century

SMITH Gregory 1967 A256/1 Elizabethan Critical Essays

SMITH Gregory 1967 A256/2 Elizabethan Critical Essays, volume II

SMITH H.A. 1968 A973 Dipsychus Among the Shadows

In Contemporary Theatre

SMITH, Hallett 1967 C027 The Use of Conventions in Spenser's Minor Poems

In Form and Convention in the Poetry of Edmund Spenser SMITH Hallett 1970 B255 Elizabethan Poetry: A Study in Conventions, Meaning, and Expression

SMITH, Hallett 1972 C256 Shakespeare's Romances : a Study of Some Ways of the Imagination

SMITH, Hallett D. 1967 P1/1938/I A Woman Killed With Kindness

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°53

SMITH, J. Percy 1972 B922 Imaginary Forces and the Ways of Comedy

In Shakespeare in the New World

SMITH James 1969 A603 Marlowe's Doctor Faustus

In Marlowe, Doctor Faustus. Jump John (editor)

SMITH James 1974 C408 Shakespearian and others essays

SMITH James L. 1968 A248 The Jew of Malta in the Theatre

In Christopher Marlowe (Mermaid Critical Commentaries)

SMITH James L. 1968 A576 The Jew of Malta in the Theatre

In Christopher Marlowe

SMITH John 1969 B016 'The Excellency and Nobleness of True Religion'

In The Cambridge Platonists SMITH John Harrington 1966 A340 Shadwell, the Ladies, and the Change in Comedy

In Restoration Drama (Modern Essays in Criticism)

SMITH L.F. 1973 C353 A notice of the Epigrammata of Francesco Patrizi, bishop of Gaeta

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XV

SMITH, Lacey Baldwin 1960 B764/4 The 'Taste for Tudors' since 1940

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VII

SMITH Lacey Baldwin 1971 B716 Henry VIII: the Mask of Royalty

SMITH, Leslie F. 1963 B764/5 Lodrisio Crivelli of Milan and Aeneas Sylvius, 1457-1464

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume IX. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

SMITH Mary Elizabeth 1990 D013 "Hell strives with grace": Reflections on the Theme of Providence in Marlowe

In The Elizabethan Theatre XI

SMITH, Peter J. 1995 D093 Dreaming Drama and Dramatising Dreams : Towards a Reading of Sexuality in Cymbeline

In Social Shakespeare

SMITH, Peter J. 1995 D093 Re(-)fusing the Sign : Linguistic Ambiguity and the Subvertion of Patriarchy in Romeo and Juliet and The Two Gentlemen of Verona In Social Shakespeare

SMITH, Peter J. 1995 D093 Sexual Geography of the Renaissance : On the Imagery of Antony and Cleopatra

In Social Shakespeare SMITH, Peter J. 1995 D093 Social Shakespeare

SMITH, Peter J. 1995 D093 The Eternal Mushroom of Humanity : Racism and Jewishness in The Jew of Malta and The Merchant of Venice In Social Shakespeare

SMITH Peter S. 1994 P5/35 Meddlars and Meddlers: John Davies's The Scourge of Folly and Another Look at Rosaline's open et cetera In Cahiers Elisabethains N° 46 Octobre 1994

SMITH Ralph 1971 B507 Viet-Nam

In The Making of the Modern World: volume I, Europe Discovers the World. Johnson Douglas (editor)

SMITH Ralph 1973 B507 Vietnam

In The Making of the Modern World: volume II. Johnson Douglas (editor)

SMITH Rebecca 1980 C575 A heart cleft in Twain : the dilemna of Shakespeare's Gertrude

In The woman's part

SMITH Rebecca 1992 D011 A Heart Cleft in Twain : the Dilemna of Shakespeare's Gertrude

In Hamlet

SMITH William 1964 A899/6 Chloris, or The Complaint of the passionate despised shepherd, 1596

In An English Garner: Elizabethan Sonnets(Vol II)

SMITH William 1975 C379/3 Shakespeare and the sublime, 1739

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752 SMITHERS G.V. 1970 B456 Guide-lines for Interpreting the Uses of the Suffix '-ed' in Shakespeare's English

In Shakespeare Survey 23: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

SMOLDON, William L. 1972 B938 The Melodies of the Medieval ChurchDramas and their Significance

In Medieval English Drama

SMOLLETT Tobias 1976 C379/4 On Garrick's adaptation of The Winter's Tale, february 1762

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

SMOLLETT Tobias 1976 C379/4 On Shakespeare's imperfections, 1756

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

SMOLLETT Tobias 1976 C379/4 Shakespeare's faulty style, 1762

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

SMOLLETT Tobias and DERRICK Samuel 1976 C379/4 On the current adaptations of Shakespeare, march 1756

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

SMUTS, Malcom 1994 D226 Court-Centred Politics and the Uses of Roman Historians, c. 1590-1630

In Culture and Politics in Early Stuart England. Sharpe, Kevin and Lake, Peter (editors)

SNUGGS Henry L. 1965 A775 The Comic Humours: A New Interpretation

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

SNYDER Susan 1972 C458 Othello and the conventions of romantic comedy

In Renaissance drama V SNYDER Susan 1979 C509 The comic matrix of Shakespeare's tragedies : Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello and King Lear

SNYDER Susan 1980 C515 Patterns of motion in Antony and Cleopatra

In Shakespeare Survey 33

SNYDER Susan 1980 C594 Wise saws and modern instances : the relevance of Donatus

In Shakespearean Comedy

SNYDER Susan 1983 C584 Auden, Shakespeare, and the defence of poetry

In Shakespeare Survey 36

SNYDER, Susan 1996 D135 Ideology and the Feud in Romeo and Juliet

In Shakespeare Survey 49

SOELLNER, Rolf 1972 C292 Shakespeare's Patterns of Self-Knowledge

SOETENS, Astrid 1997 M76 From Shakespeare's Macbeth to Ionesco's Macbett: Visions of History

SOMERSET Alan 1994 C985 'How Chances it they travel?' : Provincial Touring, Playing Places, and the King's Men

In Shakespeare Survey 47

SOMERSET J.H.B. 1977 C433 Falstaff, the Prince, and the pattern of 2 Henry IV

In Shakespeare Survey 30 Sonia MASSAI 1998 D200 From Pericles to Marina: 'While Women are to be had for Money, Love, or Impunity'

In Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century, Shakespeare Survey n°51

SONNINO, Lee A 1968 B537 A Handbook to Sixteenth-Century Rhetoric

SONREL Pierre 1969 A528 L'Architecte de Théâtre et la Cité

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs)

SORELIUS, Gunnar 1966 B916 The Giant Race Before the Flood

SORELIUS Gunnar 1993 C982 Shakespeare's early comedies : myth, metamorphosis, mannerism

SORGE Thomas 1987 C733 The failure of orthodoxy in Coriolanus

In Shakespeare reproduced : the text in history and ideology

SORIA, Martin S. 1959 B764/3 Notes on Early Murals in Mexico

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VI. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

SORRE Max 1956 A629 Botanique et histoire littéraire

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

SOUILLARD, Alain 1973 M16 Comedy at the Service of Tragedy: a Study of the Comic Element in King Lear SOURIAU Anne 1953 T37 Fonctions filmiques des costumes et des décors

In L'univers filmique

SOURIAU Anne 1953 T37 Succession et simultanéité dans le film

In L'univers filmique

SOURIAU Etienne 1953 T37 Les grands caractères de l'Univers filmique

In L'univers filmique

SOURIAU Etienne 1953 T37 Rythme et unanimité

In L'univers filmique

SOURIAU Étienne 1956 A629 Les valeurs esthétiques et l'action

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

SOURIAU Etienne (éditeur) 1953 T37 L'Univers filmique

SOURIS André 1956 A630 Les sources sensibles de la musique sérielle

In Visages et perspectives de l'art moderne: peinture, poésie, musique. Etudes du C.N.R.S. réunies par JACQUOT Jean

SOURIS André 1960 A698 Problèmes d'analyse

In La musique instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean

SOURIS André 1961 Z8 Poèmes de Donne Herbert et Crashaw mis en musique par leurs contemporains G. Coperario, A. Ferrabosco, J. Wilson, W. Corkine, J. Hilton SOUTHALL Raymond 1964 A759 Troilus and Cressida and the Spirit of Capitalism

In Shakespeare in a Changing World

SOUTHERN R.W. 1969 B818 St. Anselm and His English Pupils

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond

SOUTHERN R.W. 1970 B273 Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages

SOUTHERN Richard 1962 B450 The Contribution of the Interludes to Elizabethan Staging

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

SOUTHERN Richard 1968 A678 The Seven Ages of the Theatre

SOUTHERN Richard 1969 B455 On Reconstructing a Practicable Elizabethan Public Playhouse

In Shakespeare Survey 12: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

SOUTHERN Richard 1969 A528 Scène Ouverte et Scène Fermée

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs)

SOUTHERN, Richard 1973 B978 The Staging of Plays before Shakespeare

SOUTHERN Richard 1980 C651 The technique of play presentation

In The Revels history of drama in English volume II 1500-1576 SOUTHERNE Thomas(1660-1746) 1966 A282 Oroonoko

In Five Restauration Tragedies, ed. with an Intro. by DOBREE Bonamy

SOUTHWORTH James G. 1969 A578 Chaucer' s Prosody : A Plea for a Reliable Text

In Chaucer' s Mind and Art

SOUTHWORTH James G. 1969 A578 Chaucer' s Prosody : A Plea for a Reliable Text

In Chaucer' s Mind and Art

SOWARDS, J.K. 1963 B764/5 The Two Lost Years of Erasmus

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume IX. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

SOYINKA Wole 1969 A581 The Fourth Stage

In The Morality of Art

SOYINKA Wole 1983 C584 Shakespeare and the living dramatist

In Shakespeare Survey 36

SPEAIGHT Robert 1968 A717 Music and Meaning in T.S. Eliot

In Studies in the Arts: Proceedings of the St. Peter's College Literary Society. Warner Francis (editor)

SPEAIGHT, Robert 1973 C174 Shakespeare on the Stage

SPEAIGHT Robert 1977 C520 Shakespeare : the man and his achievement SPEAIGHT Robert 1978 C494 Truth and relevance in Shakespeare production

In Shakespeare : pattern of excelling nature

SPEAR Percival 1971 B507 India

In The Making of the Modern World: volume I, Europe Discovers the World. Johnson Douglas (editor)

SPENCE Leslie 1966 P1/1927/I Tamburlaine and Marlowe

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°42

SPENCER Christopher (editor) 1965 B168 Five Restoration Adaptations of Shakespeare

SPENCER Edm. 1962 A615 Colin Cloutes Mournfull Dittie for the Death of Astrophell

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

SPENCER Edm. 1962 A615 Hobbinolls Dittie in Prayse of Eliza Queene of the Sheepheards

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

SPENCER Edm. 1962 A615 Perigot and Cudies Roundelay

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

SPENCER Edmund 1964 A899/6 Amoretti and Epithalamion, 1595

In An English Garner: Elizabethan Sonnets(Vol II)

SPENCER Hazelton 1966 P1/1925/II D'Avenant's Macbeth and Shakespeare's

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°40 SPENCER Hazelton 1966 P1/1926/II Improving Shakespeare. Bibliographical Notes on Restoration Adaptations

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°41

SPENCER, Jennys 1992 D149 Dramatic Strategies in the Plays of Edward BOND

SPENCER T.J.B. 1962 B450 'Greeks' and 'Merrygreeks': A Background to Timon of Athens and Troilus and Cressida

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

SPENCER, T.J.B. 1964 C204 The Great Rival : Shakespeare and the Classical Dramatists

In Shakespeare 1564-1964

SPENCER T.J.B. 1965 A972 A Reader's Guide to Hamlet

In Hamlet

SPENCER T.J.B. 1965 A972 The Decline of Hamlet

In Hamlet

SPENCER T.J.B. 1966 A463/7 Shakespeare v. The Rest : The Old Controversy

In Shakespeare Survey, 14 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

SPENCER T.J.B. 1968 A515/2 Le masque à la cour d' Angleterre à la veille de la Guerre Civile

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

SPENCER T.J.B. 1968 B015 Paradise Lost: The Anti-Epic

In Approaches to Paradise Lost SPENCER T.J.B. 1969 A688 Shakespeare: The Elizabethan Theatre-Poet

In The Elizabethan Theatre. GALLOWAY David (editor)

SPENCER T.J.B. 1969 B500 Shakespeare: The Elizabethan Theatre-Poet

In The Elizabethan Theatre. Galloway David (editor)

SPENCER, T.J.B. 1973 C203 Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra

In Shakespeare : Select Bibliographical Guides

SPENCER, T.J.B. 1973 C169 Shakespeare's Careless Art

In Shakespeare's Art : Seven Essays

SPENCER T.J.B. 1978 C494 When Homer nods : Shakespeare's artistic lapses

In Shakespeare : pattern of excelling nature

SPENCER T.J.B. (editor) 1968 A345 Elizabethan Love Stories

In Penguin Shakespeare Library

SPENCER Terence 1953 A463/4 Shakespeare Learns the value of Money : The Dramatist at Work on Timon of Athens

In Shakespeare Survey, 6 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

SPENCER Terence 1964 A977 The Course of Shakespeare's Criticism

In Shakespeare's World

SPENCER Terence 1969 B050 Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Romans

In Shakespeare Survey 10. Nicoll Allardyce (editor) SPENCER Theodore 1965 A775 Reason and Passion in Marston's "The Dutch Courtezan"

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

SPENCER Theodore 1967 A655 Shakespeare and the Nature of Man

SPENCER Theodore 1970 B885 Shakespeare and the Nature of Man: The Tempest

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F.

SPENGLER Oswald 1967 B102/1 Le Déclin de l'Occident: esquisse d' une morphologie de l'histoire universelle(Partie I); Forme et Réalité

SPENGLER Oswald 1967 B102/2 Le Déclin de l'Occident: esquisse d' une morphologie de l'histoire universelle(Partie II); Perspectives de l'histoire universelle

SPENLÉ J.E. 1967 A903 La Pendée Allemande de Luther à Nietzsche

SPENSER Edmund 1964 A966 An Essay on Renaissance Poetry

SPENSER, Edmund 1967 C214 The Shepheardes Calender

SPENSER Edmund & HARVEY Gabriel 1967 A256/1 Correspondence 1579-80

In Elizabethan Critical Essays SPETH-HOLTERHOFF S. 1960 A697/2 Le Palais des berghes à Bergen op Zoom

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint

SPEVACK Martin 1975 C391/2 A complete and systematic concordance to the works of Shakespeare volume VIII : concordances to "bad" quartos and The Taming of the Shrew and The Troublesome Reign of King John

SPEVACK Martin 1975 C391/1 A complete and systematic concordance to the works of Shakespeare volume VII : concordances to stage directions and speech-prefixes

SPEVACK Marvin 1968 B370/1 A Complete and Systematic Concordance to the Works of Shakespeare, volume I: Drama and Characters Concordances to the Folio Comedies

SPEVACK Marvin 1968 B370/2 A Complete and Systematic Concordance to the Works of Shakespeare, volume II: Drama and Characters Concordances to the Folio Histories. Concordances to the Non-dramatic Works

SPEVACK Marvin 1968 B370/3 A Complete and Systematic Concordance to the Works of Shakespeare, volume III: Drama and Characters Concordances to the Folio Tragedies and Pericles, The Two Noble Kinsmen, Sir

SPEVACK Marvin 1969 B370/4 A Complete and Systematic Concordance to the Works of Shakespeare, volume IV: A Concordance to the Complete Work

SPEVACK Marvin 1970 B370/5 A Complete and Systematic Concordance to the Works of Shakespeare, volume V: A Concordance to the Complete Works Hildings- Severing

SPEVACK Marvin 1970 B370/6 A Complete and Systematic Concordance to the Works of Shakespeare, volume VI: A Concordance to the Complete Works Severity - Zwagger'd and Appendices SPINGARN J.E. 1968 A419/1 Critical Essays of the Seventeenth Century(1605-1650)

SPINGARN J.E. 1968 A419/2 Critical Essays of the Seventeenth Century(1650-1685)

SPINGARN J.E. 1968 A419/3 Critical Essays of the Seventeenth Century(1685-1700)

SPINGARN Joel E. 1963 A749 Literary Criticism in the Renaissance

SPINK Ian 1968 A752 Campion's Entertainment at Brougham Castle,1617

In Music in English Renaissance Drama

SPINNEWEBER, Dominique 1971 M06 The Island Symbolism in The Tempest

SPINNEWEBER, Dominique 1994 MD17 Etude Comparative de Trois traductions françaises de Othello

SPINNEWEBER, Remy M24 Richard II a Study in Kingship

SPINRAD Phoebe S. 1987 C816 The Summons of Death on the Medieval and Renaissance English Stage SPIRE André 1956 A629 Rythme et personnalité

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

SPITZ, Lewis W. 1954 B764/1 The Philosophy of Conrad Celtis

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume I. Pery William (editor)

SPITZER, Leo 1954 B764/1 The Problem of Latin Renaissance Poetry

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume II. Shaaber M. A.(editor)

SPITZER Leo 1967 A590 Linguistics and Literary History : Essays in Stylistics

SPITZER Leo 1968 A644 Marvell' s "Nymph Complaining for the Death of Her Faun" : Sources versus Meaning

In Seventeenth -Century English Poetry : Modern Essays in Criticism

SPIVACK Bernard 1965 A775 The Hybrid Image in Farce

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.)

SPIVACK Bernard 1968 A965 Shakespeare and the allegory of Evil

SPIVACK Bernard 1999 D260 Richard III and The Vice Tradition

In Critical esays on Shakespeare's Richard III

SPIVACK, Charlotte 1992 P5/31 Mariage and Masque in Middleton's Women Beware Women

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°42 SPIVACK, Charlotte 1996 D068 Renaissance Dramatic Character: The Art of Self-Splitting

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture

SPIVAK Gayatri Chakravorty 1989 C922 The New Historicism: Political Commitment and the Postmodern Critic

In The New Historicism

SPOTTISWOODE Patrick 1990 C770 Purses for the Globe

In Henry the Fourth . Milton, gay . Pouvoir et musique

SPRAGUE A.C. 1969 A787 Shakespeare's Henry V : a play for the stage

In Shakespeare Henry V : A Casebook. Quinn Michael (editor)

SPRAGUE A.C. 1980 C500 'True, gallant Raleigh' : some off-stage conversations in Shakespeare's plays

In Shakespeare's styles

SPRAGUE Arthur Colby 1963 A927 Shakespeare and the Actors: The Stage Business in His Plays (1660-1905)

SPRAGUE Arthur COLBY 1967 A463/12 Shakespeare' s Unnecessary Characters

In Shakespeare Survey, 20 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

SPRAGUE Arthur Colby 1969 B471 Manner and Meaning in Shakespeare's Plays

In Manner and Meaning in Shakespeare. Jackson B.A.W. (editor)

SPRAGUE, Arthur Colby 1969 B549 Shakespearian Players and Performances SPRAT Thomas 1986 B715 The History of the Royal-Society of London

In Restoration and Revolution. Myers William (editor)

SPRIET P. 1981 C595 Justice et violence dans les dénouements tragiques de Shakespeare

In Justice, juges, prisons dans le théâtre de Shakespeare et dans les oeuvres de ses contemporains

SPRIET P. 1983 C597 Hamlet : fin de l'innocence du langage ou fin du spectacle?

In Du texte à la scène : langages du théâtre

SPRIET Pierre 1968 B 011 Samuel Daniel(1563-1619): sa Vie-son Oeuvre

SPRIET, Pierre 1979 P5/6 Antisocial Behaviour and the Code of Love in Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 17

SPRIET Pierre 1987 C696 Lectures du surnaturel dans Richard III et Macbeth

In Miroirs de L'Être : Macbeth, The Man of Mode

SPRIET Pierre 1992 C919/2 The Winter’s Tale or The Staging of an Absence

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

SPRIET, Pierre 1995 D055 Hamlet : The End of the Innocence of Language or the End of the Show ?

In French Essays on Shakespeare and His Contemporaries

SPRIET, Pierre octobre 1988 P5/23 The Merchant of Venice's Doom

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 34 SPRINKER Michael 1991 D030 Commentary : "You've Got a Lot of Nerve"

In Shakespeare Left and Right

SPRIOT Pierre 1984 C606 King Lear ou la vérité du fils

In Caliban n° XXI

SPURGEON Caroline 1968 A790 From Shakespeare's Imagery and What It Tells Us

In Shakespeare Macbeth: A Casebook.Wain John (editor)

SPURGEON Caroline F.E. 1968 A499 Keats's Shakespeare: A Descriptive Study

SPURGEON Caroline F.E. 1968 A931 Shakespeare's Imagery and what it tells us

SPURGEON Caroline F.E. 1970 B885 The Imagery of Romeo and Juliet

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F.

SREWART J.I.M. 1968 B476 Critical Studies Reviewed

In Shakespeare Survey (Vol 4)

ST CLARE BYRNE M. 1966 A463/1 Fifty Years of Shakespearian Production: 1898-1948

In Shakespeare Survey, 2: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

ST CLARE BYRNE M. 1966 A393 The Social Background

In A Companion to Shakespeare Studies, edited by Harley Granville-Barker and G.B. Harrison St CLARE BYRNE Muriel 1965 A463/10 The Foundations of Elizabethan Language

In Shakespeare Survey, 17 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

ST CLARE BYRNE Muriel 1966 A463/2 A Stratford Production: Henri VIII

In Shakespeare Survey, 3: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

STABLER, A.P. 1962 P1 1962 I King Hamlet's Ghost in Belleforest?

STABLER, A.P. 1966 P1/1966/III Melancholy, Ambition and Revenge in Belleforest's Hamlet

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°81

STABLER Arthur P. 1962 P1/1962/I King Hamlet's Ghost in Belleforest

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°77

STACK Richard 1981 C512 Morgann and Falstaff refuted, 1788

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

STAFFORD William T. 1958 P1/1958/I James Examines Shakespeare: Notes on the Nature of Genius

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°73

STALLYBRASS Peter 1991 C876 The World Turned Upside Down: Inversion, Gender and the State

In The Matter of Difference : Materialist Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare

STALLYBRASS Peter 1992 D012 Macbeth and Witchcraft

In Macbeth STALLYBRASS Peter 1992 D039 Transvestism and the 'Body Beneath' : Speculating on the Boy Actor

In Erotic Politics : Desire on the Renaissance Stage

STALLYBRASS PETER 1998 D197/9 Transvestism and the' body beneath': Speculating on the Boy Actor

In Shakespeare's Tragedies

STALLYBRASS, Peter. 2001 D280 Well Grubbed, Old Mole: Marx, Hamlet and the (Un)fixing of Representation

In Marxist Shakespeares

STALLYBRASS Peter & WHITE Allon 1992 C924 Smithfield and Authorship: Ben Jonson

In New Historicism and Renaissance Drama

STALS Jean 1969 B007 Joost van den Vondel(1587-1679): Cinq Tragédies

STAMM Rudolf 1966 A463/9 Modern 'Theatrical' Translations of Shakespeare

In Shakespeare Survey, 16 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

STAMM Rudolf 1969 B455 Elizabethan Stage-Practice and the Transmutation of Source Material by the Dramatists

In Shakespeare Survey 12: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

STAMPFER, J. 1960 B555 The Catharsis of King Lear

In Shakespeare Survey N°13

STAMPFER J. 1968 A929 The Catharsis of King Lear

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor) STAMPFER J. 1970 B885 The Catharsis of King Lear

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F.

STAMPFER J. 1982 C582 The carthasis of King Lear

In Aspects of King Lear

STANISLAVSKI Constantin 1990 C783 An Actor's Handbook

Stanley Stewart 2000 D255 Jonson's criticism

In The Cambridge Companion to Ben Jonson

STANLEY Wells 1966 A463/11 Shakespeare' s Life, Times and Stage reviewed

In Shakespeare Survey, 19 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

STANNARD, Jerry 1972 C184/1 Botanical Nomenclature in Gersdorff's Feldtbüch der Wundartzney

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol I)

STANSBURY Joan 1982 C573 Characterization of the four young lovers in A Midsummer Night's Dream

In Shakespeare Survey 35

STANTON & BANHAM (eds) 1996 D101 Cambridge Guide to Theatre

STANYHURST Richard 1967 A256/1 From the Dedication and Preface to the Translation of the Aeneid 1582

In Elizabethan Critical Essays STAPLETON M.L. 1997 D193 Venus as Praeceptor : The Ars Amatoria in Venus and Adonis

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

STAR Leonie C456 The middle of the yard, part II : the calculation of stage sizes for English Renaissance playhouses

In Theatre notebook . Volume XXX . Numbers 2 &3

STAR R.L. C455 The middle of the yard : a second inner stage?

In Theatre notebook . Volume XXX . Number 1

STARKS, Lisa.S. 1999 D282 The Displaced Body of Desire: Sexuality in Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet

In Shakespeare and Appropriation

STARNES D.T. 1964 C356 The figure genius in the Renaissance

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XI

STARNES, D.T. 1967 P1/1937/II Bilingual Dictionaries of Shakespeare's Day

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°52

STATES, Bert O. 1971 B708 Irony and Drama

STATES Bert O. 1992 C977 Hamlet and the concept of character

STATON, Walter F. jr 1959 B764/3 The Influence of Thomas Watson on Elizabethan Ovidian Poetry

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VI. Shaaber, M.a. (editor) STAUFFER, Donald A. 1949 B784 Shakespeare's World of Images

STAUFFER Donald A. 1967 A621 A Deep and Sad Passion

In The Parrot Presentation Volume

STAUFFER Donald A. 1968 A596 The Winter' s Tale

In Shakespeare : The Winter' s Tale

STAUFFER Donald A. 1970 B582 Roads to Freedom: Coriolanus

In Twentieth Century Interpretations of Coriolanus. Phillips James E. (editor)

STAUFFER Richard 1970 B187 La Réforme(Que sais-je?)

STAVIG Mark 1968 A188 Jophn Ford and the Traditional Moral Order

STEAD, C.K. 1971 B675 Shakespeare, Measure for Measure

STEAD C.K. (editor) 1971 B605 Shakespeare Measure for Measure, A Casebook

STEADMAN, John M. 1960 B764/4 Spencer's House of Care: a Reinterpretation

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VII STEADMAN John M. 1962 P1/1962/II Milton's Haemony: Etymology and Allegory

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°77

STEADMAN John M. 1970 B260 Paradise Lost

In English Poetry and Prose(1540-1674)

STEADMAN, John M. 1973 C294 The Huntington Library Quaterly : a Journal for the History and Interpretation of English and American Civilization (vol. XXXVI, No 3, may 1973)

STEANE J.B. 1965 A490 Marlowe A Critical Study

STEANE J.B. 1969 A603 The Instability of Faustus

In Marlowe, Doctor Faustus. Jump John (editor)

STEANE JOHN 1989 C793 Renaissance Gardens and Parks

In The Cambridge Guide to the Arts in Britain Vol.3 : Renaissance and Reformation

STEDMAN Jane C455 Enter a phonograph

In Theatre notebook . Volume XXX . Number 1

STEDMAN Jane W. 1986 C664 Victorian imitations of and variations on A Midsummer Night's Dream and The Tempest

In Shakespeare and the Victorian stage

STEDMAN John 1981 C512 Letters on Shakespeare, 1782

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801 STEELE Mary Susan 1968 A745 Plays & Masques at Court During the Reigns of Elizabeth, James and Charles

STEELE Richard 1967 A228 The Tender Husband

STEELE Richard 1968 A991 The Conscious Lovers

STEELE, Richard 1970 C285 Betterton's Benefit

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

STEELE, Richard 1974 C211/4 The Conscious Lovers

In Restoration Comedy (vol. IV)

STEELE Robert 1894 A040 Lydgares and Burgh’s Secrees of old Philisoffres

STEELE Robert 1898 A102 Three prose versions of the Secreta Secretorum . Part I

STEELE Sir Richard 1974 C379/2 From the Tatler, 1709-10

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

STEELE Sir Richard 1974 C379/2 On Shakespeare, 1711

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733 STEEVENS, George 1971 C023 Mr. Ireland's Vindication of his Conduct Respecting the Publication of the Supposed Shakespeare MSS In Chalmeriana and Mr. Ireland's Vindication of his Conduct

STEEVENS George 1976 C379/4 On restoring Shakespeare's text, 1765

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

STEEVENS George 1979 C537 Advice to Garrick on adaptating Hamlet, 1771

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

STEEVENS George 1979 C537 On Shakespearian scholarship, 1766

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

STEEVENS George 1979 C537 Proposals for a new edition of Shakespeare, 1766

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

STEEVENS George 1979 C537 Shakespeare in the theatre, 1771-2

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

STEEVENS George 1979 C537 Shakespeare in the theatre, 1772-3

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

STEEVENS George 1981 C512 Edition of Shakespeare, 1793

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

STEEVENS George 1981 C512 On Richard III and Macbeth, 1787

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801 STEEVENS George 1981 C512 On the alterations of Shakespeare, 1779-80

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

STEEVENS George and JOHNSON Samuel 1979 C537 Edition of Shakespeare, 1773

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

STEGGMAN André 1975 C415 La fête parisienne à la Place Royale en avril 1612

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

STEGMANN André 1964 A701 La "Médée" de Corneille

In Les tragédies de Sénèque et le théâtre de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

STEGMANN André 1965 A693 La Remise en cause des valeurs dans le "Lorenzaccio" de Musset

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

STEGMANN André 1968 A773/1 L'Héroïsme Cornélien, Génèse et Signification, tome I: Corneille et la vie littéraire de temps

STEGMANN André 1968 A773/2 L'Héroïsme Cornélien, Génèse et Signification, tome II: L'Europe intellectuelle et le théâtre 1580-1650. Signification de l'héroïsme cornélien

STEGMANN André 1968 A515/2 Le rôle des Jésuites dans la dramaturgie française du début du XVIIe siècle

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

STEIN Arnold 1962 B266 John Donne's lyrics: the Eloquence of Action STEINER George 1965 B081 La Mort de la Tragédie

STEINHAUER Harry 1956 P1/1956/I Faust's Pact with the Devil

STELLA Maria 1993 D033 Ted Hughes : Continuity and Transformations in the Act of Writing

In English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference

STENDHAL 1963 B043 from Racine and Shakespeare: excerpt from Chapter I-On the Construction of Interesting Tragedies; Excerpt from Chapter II-On Laughter In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor)

Stephen Orgel 2000 D255 Jonson and the arts

In The Cambrige Companion to Ben Jonson

STEPHENSON, Robert C. 1965 C266 Farce as Method

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

STERN Charlotte 1973 C453 The early spanish drama : from medieval ritual to Renaissance art

In Renaissance drama . New series VI

STERNE Richard L. 1968 B261 John Gielgud Directs Richard Burton in Hamlet

STERNFELD, F. W. 1963 B534 Music in Shakespearean Tragedy STERNFELD F.W. 1964 A701 La Musique dans les tragédies élizabéthaines inspirées de Sénèque

In Les tragédies de Sénèque et le théâtre de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

STERNFELD F.W. 1965 A463/10 Music and Ballads

In Shakespeare Survey, 17 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

STERNFELD F.W. 1975 C415 La technique du finale : des intermèdes à l'opéra

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

STERNFELD F.W. 1984 C583 The lament in Poliziano's "Orfeo" and some musical settings of the early 16th century

In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées

STERNFELD Frederick W. 1956 A697 Le Symbolisme Musical dans Quelques Pièces de Shakespeare présentées à la Cour d' Angleterre In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

STERNFELD Frederick W. 1959 B375 Shakespeare's Use of Popular Song

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies, presented to Frank Percy Wilson

STERNFELD Frederick W. 1963 A712 Poetry and music-Joyce's Ulysses

In Sound and Poetry. Frye Northrop (editor)

STERNFELD Frederick W. 1969 A915 Shakespeare's Use of Popular Song

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies

STERNFELD Frederick W. 1980 C533 Repetition and echo in Renaissance poetry and music

In English Renaissance studies presented to Dame Helen Gardner in honour of her seventieth birthday STEVENS Denis 1954 A700 La chanson anglaise avant l'école madrigaliste

In Musique et Poésie au XVIè siècle. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

STEVENS Denis 1956 A697 Pièces de Théâtre et" Pageants" à l' Epoque des Tudor

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

STEVENS Denis 1960 A698 Les sources de l' "in nomine"

In La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean

STEVENS George 1981 C512 Edition of Shakespeare, 1778

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

STEVENS John 1961 B376 Music and Poetry in the Early Tudor Court

STEVENS John 1966 A964 The granz biens of Marie de France

In Patterns of Love and Courtesy

STEVENS John 1968 A717 Music in Some Early Medieval Plays

In Studies in the Arts: Proceedings of the St. Peter's College Literary Society. Warner Francis (editor)

STEVENS, Linton C. 1954 B764/1 The Contribution of French Jurists to the Huamnism of the Renaisance

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume I. Pery William (editor)

STEVENS, Linton C. 1963 B764/5 Denis Lambin, Humanist, Courtier, Philologist, and Lecteur Royal

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume IX. Shaaber, M.a. (editor) STEVENSON David L. 1971 B605 Design and Structure in Measure for Measure

In Shakespeare Measure for Measure, A Casebook. Stead C.K. (editor)

STEVENSON, Kay 1996 D068 Medieval Rereading and Rewriting : The Context of Chaucer's 'ABC'

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture

STEVENSON Laura Caroline 1984 C951 Praise and Paradox

STEWART Benjamin 1997 D193 Strange Bedfellows-Venus, Adonis, and Me(1996)

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

STEWART George R.Jr 1967 A621 The Drama in a Frontier Theater

In The Parrot Presentation Volume

STEWART Helen Hinton 1973 C308 The supernatural in Shakespeare

STEWART, J.I.M. 1965 B789 "Steep Tragic Contrast": Macbeth (1949)

In Shakespeare : The Tragedies

STEWART J.I.M. 1969 A600 Character and Motive in Julius Caesar

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

STEWART J.I.M. 1970 B057 Yhe Birth and Death of Falstaff

In Shakespeare: Henry IV (parts I & II) STEWART J.I.M.(b.1906) 1963 A292 Shakespeare's Men and their Morals

In Shakespeare Criticism

STEWART P. 1982 C596 Shylock, Shakespeare's alien

In Théâtre et idéologies : Marlowe, Shakespeare

STEWART Patrick 1985 C640 Shylock inThe Merchant of Venice

In Players of Shakespeare

STEWART Stanley 1966 B123 The Enclosed Garden: the Tradition and the Image in Seventeenth-Century Poetry

STEWART Stanley 1971 B737 Marvell and the Ars Moriendi

In Seventeenth Century Imagery: Essays on Uses of Figurative Language from Donne to Farquhar. Earl Miner (editor)

STEWART William 1957 A696 La mise en scène d' "Athalie"

In La Mise en Scène des Oeuvres du Passé

STEWART William 1965 A693 Le Tragique et le sacré chez Racine

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

STILL, Colin 1972 B941 Shakespeare's Mystery Play, a Study of the Tempest

STIMPSON Catharine R. 1980 C575 Shakespeare and the soil of rape

In The woman's part STIRLING Brents 1960 P1/1960/IV A Shakespeare Sonnet Group

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°75

STIRLING Brents 1962 B450 More Shakespeare Sonnet Groups

In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama. Hosley Richard

STIRLING, Brents 1964 C204 Sonnets 127-154

In Shakespeare 1564-1964

STIRLING Brents 1966 B344 Unity in Shakespearian Tragedy: the Interplay of Theme and Characters

STIRLING Brents 1969 A600 Ritual in Julius Caesar

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

STIRLING Brents 1970 B885 "Or else were this a savage spectacle"

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F.

STIRLING Brents 1970 B582 The Populace in Shakespeare

In Twentieth Century Interpretations of Coriolanus. Phillips James E. (editor)

STIRLING, Brents 1973 B980 'Up, cousin,up; your heart is up, I know'

In Shakespeare, Richard II, a Casebook

STIRLING Brents 1973 B991 'Up, cousin, up; your heart is up, I know'

In Shakespeare: Richard II, A Casebook. Brooke Nicholas (editor) STOCHHOLM Johanne M. 1964 A584 Garrick' s Folly : The Shakespeare Jubille of 1769 at Stratford and Drury Lane

STODDER Joseph Henry 1974 C346 Moral perspective in Webster's major tragedies

STODDER, Joseph Henry `1974 C261 Satire in Jacobean Tragedy

STOLL E.E. 1969 A787 Shakespeare's Presentation of a Contemporary Hero

In Shakespeare Henry V : A Casebook. Quinn Michael (editor)

STOLL E.E. 1969 A597 Shylock

In Shakespeare : The Merchant of Venice

STOLL Elmer Edgar 1951 B558 From the Superhuman to the Human in Paradise Lost

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

STOLL, Elmer Edgar 1965 B789 The Dramatic Texture in Shakespeare (1935)

In Shakespeare : The Tragedies

STOLL Elmer Edgar 1966 P1/1932/II The Tempest

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°47

STOLL Elmer Edgar 1967 A375 Henry V

In Poets and Playwrights: Shakespeare, Jonson, Spenser, Milton STOLL Elmer Edgar 1967 A375 Poets and Playwrights: Shakespeare, Jonson, Spenser, Milton

STOLL Elmer Edgar 1970 B885 Source and Motive in Macbeth and Othello

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F.

STOLLMAN Samuel S. 1971 B806 Milton's Samson and the Jewish Tradition

In Milton Studies III. Simmonds James D. (editor)

STONE, George Winchester 1966 P1/1934/II Garrick's Long Lost Alteration of Hamlet

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°49

STONE George Winchester 1968 A790 Garrick's Handling of Macbeth

In Shakespeare Macbeth: A Casebook.Wain John (editor)

STONE George Winchester 1968 A707 The London Stage 1747-1776: A Critical Heritage

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1957 P1/1957/IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°72

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1957 P1/1957/V Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°72

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1958 P1/1958/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°73 STONE George Winchester (editor) 1958 P1/1958/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°73

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1958 P1/1958/III Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°73

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1958 P1/1958/IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°73

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1958 P1/1958/IVbis Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°73

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1958 P1/1958/V Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°73

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1958 P1/1958/Vbis Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°73

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1958 P1/1958/V Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°73

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1958 P1/1958/Vbis Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°73

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1959 P1/1959/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°74 STONE George Winchester (editor) 1959 P1/1959/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°74

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1959 P1/1959/III Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°74

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1959 P1/1959/IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°74

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1959 P1/1959/IVbis Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°74

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1959 P1/1959/V Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°74

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1959 P1/1959/V Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°74

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1960 P1/1960/1 Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°75

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1960 P1/1960/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°75

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1960 P1/1960/III Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°75 STONE George Winchester (editor) 1960 P1/1960/IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°75

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1960 P1/1960/V Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°75

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1961 P1/1961/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°76

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1961 P1/1961/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°76

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1961 P1/1961/III Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°76

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1961 P1/1961/IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°76

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1961 P1/1961/IVbis Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°76

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1961 P1/1961/V Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°76

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1962 P1/1962/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°77 STONE George Winchester (editor) 1962 P1/1962/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°77

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1962 P1/1962/III Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°77

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1962 P1/1962/IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°77

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1962 P1/1962/IVbis Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°77

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1962 P1/1962/V Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°77

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1963 P1/1963/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°78

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1963 P1/1963/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°78

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1963 P1/1963/III Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°78

STONE George Winchester (editor) 1963 P1/1963/IVbis Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°78 STONE George Winchester (editor) 1963 P1/1963/V Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°78

STONE George Winchester (editor) 197? P1/1957/I Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°72

STONE George Winchester (editor) 197? P1/1957/II Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°72

STONE George Winchester (editor) 197? P1/1957/III Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°72

STONE George Winchester (editor) 197? P1/1957/IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°72

STONE George Winchester (editor) 197? P1/1963/IV Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°78

STONE Lawrence 1961 A686 The Fruits of Office: The Case of Robert Cecil, First Earl of Salisbury, 1596-1612

In Essays in the Economic and Social History of Tudor and Stuart England. Fisher F.J. (editor)

STONE Lawrence 1966 A962 The Crisis of the Aristocracy(1558-1641)

STONE, Lawrence 1972 B909 The Causes of The English Revolution, 1529-1642 STONE Lawrence 1977 C506 The family, sex and marriage in England 1500-1800

STOREY David 1980 C629 Early Days, Sisters, and Life Class

STOREY David 1982 C609 In Celebration, The Contractor, The Restoration of Arnold Middleton, The Farm

STORRY Richard 1971 B507 The Japanese Scene in the Sixteenth Century

In The Making of the Modern World: volume I, Europe Discovers the World. Johnson Douglas (editor)

STORY DONNO Elizabeth 1970 B260 The Epyllion

In English Poetry and Prose(1540-1674)

STOTT Andrew 1998 P5/43 Faustus' Signature and the Signatures of Dr Faustus

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 54. Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Renaissance Anglaise, Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier III

STOTT, Andrew 1998 P5/44 Faustus' Signature and the Signatures of Dr Faustus

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°54

Stratford-upon Haven Studies 1965 A972 Hamlet

Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies I 1965 A441 Jacobean Theatre Stratford-upon-Haven Studies 1966 A971 Later Shakespeare

Stratford-upon-Haven Studies 1968 A973 Contemporary Theatre

STRATMAN Carl J. 1966 A716 Bibliography of English Printed Tragedy 1565-1900

STRAUMANN Heinrich 1964 B514 Matthew Arnold and the Continental Idea

In The English Mind. Davies Hugh Sykes and Watson George (editors)

STRAUSS, Felix F. 1961 B764/4 The Liberey ofDuke Ernst of Bavaria (1500-1560)

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VIII

STRAUSS, Gerald 1958 B764/3 Topographical-Historical Method in Sixteenth-Century German Scholarship

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume V. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

STRAUSS Leo 1966 B059 The Political Philosophy of Hobbes: Its Basis and Its Genesis

STREHLER Giorgio 1974 C841 Un théâtre pour la vie : Réflexions, entretiens et notes de travail

STREIBERGER W.R. 1997 D193 Ideal Conduct in Venus and Adonis (1975)

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays STRIBRNY Zdenek 1964 A759 Henry V and History

In Shakespeare in a Changing World

STRIBRNY Zdenek 1969 A787 Henry V and History

In Shakespeare Henry V : A Casebook. Quinn Michael (editor)

STRIBRNY Zdenek 1994 C974 Shakespeare as Liberator: Macbeth in Czechoslovakia

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

STRIETMAN, Elsa 1996 D068 Representations of The Temptation of Christ in the Desert in Medieval Dutch and English Drama

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture

STRINDGERG August 1964 B116 Théâtre cruel et théâtre mystique

STRONG L.A.G. 1967 A917 The Psychology of Twelfth NIght

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

STRONG, Roy C. 1959 B764/3 Queen Elizabeth I as Oriana

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VI. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

STRUNK, Volker 1989 D099 Harold Pinter : Towards a Poetics of His Plays

STUBBES GEORGE 1975 C379/3 On Hamlet, 1736

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752 STUBBES, Phillip 1973 C102 The Anatomie of Abuse

STUBBES, Phillip 1973 C101 The Second Part of the Anatomie of Abuses

STUBBS Imogen 1989 C787 Acting in the Swan

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan

STURGESS Keith 1987 C705 Jacobean private theatre

STYAN J.L. 1965 B430 The Dramatic Experience

STYAN, J.L. 1965 C266 Types of Comedy

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

STYAN J.L. 1967 B401 The Elements of Drama

STYAN J.L. 1968 A973 Television Drama

In Contemporary Theatre

STYAN J.L. 1968 C447 The dark comedy : the development of modern comic tragedy STYAN J.L. 1969 B455 The Actor at the Foot of Shakespeare's Platform

In Shakespeare Survey 12: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

STYAN J.L. 1977 C403 The Shakespeare revolution : criticism and performance in the twentieth century

STYAN J.L. 1978 C494 Sight and space : the perception of Shakespeare on stage and screen

In Shakespeare : pattern of excelling nature

STYAN J.L. 1986 C682 Restoration comedy in performance

STYAN J.L. 1989 C750 Stage space and the Shakespeare experience

In Shakespeare and the sense of performance

STYLES Philip 1965 A463/10 The Commonwealth

In Shakespeare Survey, 17 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

SUCHET David 1985 C640 Caliban in TheTempest

In Players of Shakespeare

SUEUR, Delphine 1992 M58bis Static and Dynamic in The Two Gentlemen of Verona and Twelfth Night.

SUHAMY Henri 1981 C595 Le Droit, l'Équité, la Charité : autour de quelques situations judiciaires dans l'oeuvre de Shakespeare

In Justice, juges, prisons dans le théâtre de Shakespeare et dans les oeuvres de ses contemporains SUHAMY Henri 1984 C606 Le psychologisme contre la psychologie. Quelques remarques sur la jalousie de Léontès et de quelques autres In Caliban n° XXI

SUHAMY Henri 1985 C602 Les causes et les effets : quelques remarques sur le statut moral de Shylock

In Le Marchand de Venise et Le Juif de Malte

SUHAMY Henri 1986 C653 De l' amour comme moyen de séduction ou propositions pour une lecture anthropologique d'All's Well That Ends Well In All's Well That Ends Well : nouvelles perspectives critiques

SUHAMY Henri 1987 C696 L'authenticité de la tirade d'Hécate : arguments et réponses

In Miroirs de L'Être : Macbeth, The Man of Mode

SUHAMY Henri 1989 C822 A Midsummer Night's Dream , ou quelques épisodes de la guerre des sexes

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

SUHAMY Henri 1989 C718 A Midsummer Night's Dream , ou quelques épisodes de la guerre des sexes

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

SUHAMY Henri 1992 C823 Rhétorique et drame, ou la dialectique du chaud et du froid

In Shakespeare : Rhétoriques du texte et du spectacle

SUHAMY Henri 1994 C923 La morale de Prospero

In Shakespeare - La Tempête : études critiques

SUHAMY, Henri 1995 D055 The Authenticity of the Hecate Scenes in Macbeth : Arguments and Counter- Arguments

In French Essays on Shakespeare and His Contemporaries SUHAMY, Henri 1996 D057 La rhétorique de l'amour dans Twelfth Night

In Twelfth Night : Le Language de la Fête

SUHAMY, Henry 1983 P5/13 The Metaphorical Fallacy- Some Remarks on the Sickness Imagery in Hamlet

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 24

SUHAMY Henry 1990 C770 Suave mari magno ou l'art d'apprécier l'art

In Henry the Fourth . Milton, gay . Pouvoir et musique

SUHAMY Henry 1998 D211 La Voix et le son

In Shakespeare et le Cinéma

SUKIC, Christine 1997 D232/1 Le Héros inachevé: éthique et esthétique dans les tragédies de George Chapman

SUKIC, Christine 1997 D232/2 Le Héros inachevé: éthique et esthétique dans les tragédies de George Chapman

SULZBERGER Suzanne 1956 A697 Les Réunons de Plein Air (résumé de Communication)

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

SUMMERS, Joseph H. 1954 P1/1954/I-III "Grateful Vicissitude " in Paradise Lost

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°69

SUMMERS, Joseph H. 1955 P1/1955/V The Voice of the Redeemer in Paradise Lost

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°70 SUMMERS, Joseph H. 1965 C028 The Lyric and Dramatic Milton : Selected Papers from the English Institute

SUMMERS, Joseph H. 1965 C028 The Movements of the Drama

In The Lyric and Dramatic Milton

SUMMERS Joseph H. 1968 B015 The Embarrassments of Paradise Lost

In Approaches to Paradise Lost

SUMMERS Joseph H. 1968 A644 The Poem as Hieroglyph

In Seventeenth -Century English Poetry : Modern Essays in Criticism

SUMMERS Joseph H. 1969 A635 Marvell's 'Nature'

In Marvell (Modern Judgements). Wilding Michael (editor)

SUMMERS Joseph H. 1970 A943 Andrew Marvell: Private Taste and Public Judgement

In Metaphysical Poetry. Brown John Russell and Harris Bernard (general editors). Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies 11

SUMMERS, Joseph H. 1970 B855/1 Andrew Marvell: Private Taste and Public Judgement

In Metaphysical Poetry

SUMMERS Joseph H. 1970 B333 The Heirs of Donne and Jonson

SUMMERS Joseph H. 1970 B885 The Masks of Twelth Night

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F. SUMMERS Joseph H. 1972 B873 The Masks of Twelfth Night

In Shakespeare: Twelfth Night, A Casebook. Palmer D.J. (editor)

SUMMERS Joseph H. 1980 C533 'Look there, look there!' the ending of King Lear

In English Renaissance studies presented to Dame Helen Gardner in honour of her seventieth birthday

SUMMERS Montague 1935 A385 The Playhouse of Pepys

SUMMERS Montague 1964 A783 The Restoration Theatre

SUMMERSON John 1969 A529 Architecture in Britain 1530 to 1830

Susan Snyder 2001 D259 The genres of Shakespeare's plays

In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare

SUTHERLAND James 1964 A977 How the Characters Talk

In Shakespeare's World

SUTHERLAND James 1967 B400 English Satire

SUTHERLAND James 1969 A559 English Literature of the Late Seventeenth Century SUTHERLAND James 1972 B891 Restoration Prose

In Stuart and Georgian Moments. Miner Earl

SUTHERLAND James & HURSTFIELD Joel 1964 A977 Shakespeare's World

SUTHERLAND Lucy S. 1962 A244 A London Merchant 1695-1774

SWAN John 1988 C879 Yvan Goll: profane and sacred farce

In Farce

SWANDER Homer 1989 C750 Shakespeare and Beckett: what the words know

In Shakespeare and the sense of performance

SWEDENBERG H.T. 1972 B891 Challenges to Dryden's Editor

In Stuart and Georgian Moments. Miner Earl

SWEDENBERG, H.T. 1972 C276 England in the Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century

SWEDENBERG, H.T. JR 1966 B696 The Works of John Dryden, vol. 9

SWEDENBERG, H.T. JR 1970 B697 The Works of John Dryden vol. 10 SWEDENBERG, H.T.Jr (general editor) 1972 B920 The Works of John Dryden Vol. II

SWEENEY J.G. 1985 C955 Jonson and the Psychology of Public Theater

SWEET 1885 A045 The Oldest English Texts

SWEET George Elliott 1963 B264 Shake-Speare: The Mystery

SWEET H. 1871 A068 Gregory’s Pastoral Care

SWEET Henry 1883 A098 King Alfred's Orosius

SWINBURNE A.C. 1979 C779 From 'The Age of Shakespeare', 1908

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

SWINBURNE A.C. 1979 C779 From the Prologue to 'Doctor Faustus ', 1896

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

SWINBURNE A.C. 1979 C779 From 'The Works of George Chapman', 1875

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896 SWINDEN, Patrick 1973 C170 An Introduction to Shakespeare's Comedies

SWITALSKI Jean-Luc 1990 C770 Falstaff est-il un menteur?

In Henry the Fourth . Milton, gay . Pouvoir et musique

Sydney Bolt 1990 D253 Hamlet

SYDNEY Philip 1962 A615 Another of Astrophell

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

SYDNEY Philip 1964 A899/5 Sonnets and Poetical Translations, 1598

SYKES H. Dugdale 1966 A614 Sidelights on Elizebethan Drama : A Series of Studies Dealing with the Authorship of Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Plays

SYLVESTER R.S. 1977 C411 Images of the city in Thomas More's Utopia

In Les cités au temps de la Renaissance 2

SYMONDS J.A. 1979 C779 From 'Shakespeare's Predecessors in the English Drama', 1884

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

SYMONDS John Addington 1969 C327 Shakespeare's predecessors in the English drama SYPHER, Wylie 1965 C266 The Meanings of Comedy

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

SYS Jacques 1990 C770 Comus ou la quête du commencement

In Henry the Fourth . Milton, gay . Pouvoir et musique

SZYFMAN, Ernest 1960 B555 King Lear on the Stage: A Producer's Reflections

In Shakespeare Survey N°13

T.B. 1962 A615 Coridons Hymne in Praise of Amarillis

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

TAILLEBOT L. et BOQUET G. 1989 C822 25 ans de mises en scène du Songe en france

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

TAILLEBOT L. et BOQUET G. 1989 C718 25 ans de mises en scène du Songe en france

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

TAINE H.A. 1979 C779 From 'A History of English Literature', 1872

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

TAINE Hippolyte 1963 B043 from A History of English Literature: excerpt from Book II, Chapter 4, Part 2; excerpt from Book II, Chapter 4, Part 4; excerpt from Book II, Chapter 4, Part 5; excerpt from Book II, Chapter 4, Part 8 In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor)

TAKAHASHI, Yasunari 1995 D094 Hamlet and the Anxiety of Modern Japan

In Shakespeare Survey 48 TALBERT Ernest William 1962 A923 The Problem of Order

TALBOT, A.J. 1939 C150 Craft in Playwriting

TANI Gino 1956 A697 Le Compte d' Aglié et le Ballet de Cour en Italie

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

TANNER J.R. 1966 A691 English Constitutional Conflicts of the Seventeenth Century 1603-1689

TANNER, J.R. 1971 C183 English Constitutional Conflicts of the Seventeenth Century 1603-1689

TANNIER B. 1981 C595 La justice dans The Faerie Queene de Spenser

In Justice, juges, prisons dans le théâtre de Shakespeare et dans les oeuvres de ses contemporains

TARNAUD, Armelle 1972 M12 Ambiguity in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

TATE N. 1969 A858 Macbeth A Tragedy(1731)

TATE N. 1969 A808 The History of King Lear TATE N. 1969 A851 The History of King Richard the Second(1681)

TATE N. 1969 A813 The Ingratitude of A Common-Wealth

TATE Nahum 1974 C379/1 From his adaptation of Coriolanus, january 1682

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

TATE Nahum 1974 C379/1 From his adaptation of King Lear, march 1681

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

TATE Nahum 1974 C379/1 From his adaptation of Richard II, december 1680

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

TATE Nahum 1974 C379/1 On Shakespeare's learning, 1680

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

TATE, Nahum. 2000 D283 The History of King Lear

In Adaptations of Shakespeare

TATHAM John 1967 A570 The Dramatic Works of John Tatham

TATON René 1956 A629 La perspective et la géométrie dans l'oeuvre de Desargues

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts. TAVENEAUX René 1965 A901 Jansénisme et Politique

TAYLER E.W. 1969 A635 Marvell's Garden of the Mind

In Marvell (Modern Judgements). Wilding Michael (editor)

TAYLOR Anthony Brian 1990 C758 Golding's Ovid, Shakespeare's 'Small Latin', and the real objectof Mockery in 'Pyramus and Thisbe'

In Shakespeare Survey 42

TAYLOR COLERIDGE Samuel 1967 B275/1 Shakespearean Criticism(Vol I)

TAYLOR COLERIDGE Samuel 1967 B275/2 Shakespearean Criticism(Vol II)

TAYLOR COLERIDGE Samuel 1997 D193 Shakspeare'sVenus and Adonis(1817)

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

TAYLOR Edward 1981 C512 Shakespeare's faulty tragedies, 1774

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

TAYLOR Gary 1980 C515 The war in King Lear

In Shakespeare Survey 33

TAYLOR Gary 1985 C663 The fortunes of Oldcastle

In Shakespeare survey 38 TAYLOR Gary 1989 C881 Reinventing Shakespeare : A Cultural History from the Restoration to the Present

TAYLOR Gary 1994 C974 Bardicide

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

TAYLOR, Gary. 1999 D282 Afterword: The Incredible Shrinking Bard

In Shakespeare and Appropriation

TAYLOR George C. 1966 P1/1930/II Shakespeare's Attitude Towards Love and Honour in Troilus and Cressida

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°45

TAYLOR Jeremy 1957 A675 The Rule and Exsercices of Holy Dying

In Seventeenth-Century : English Prose

TAYLOR, Jerome 1972 B938 Critics, Mutations, and Historians of Medieval English Drama: an Introduction to the Essays That Follow In Medieval English Drama

TAYLOR, Jerome 1972 B938 The Dramatic Structure of the Middle English Corpus Christi, or Cycle , Plays.

In Medieval English Drama

TAYLOR, Jerome and NELSON, Alan H. 1972 B938 Medieval English Drama

TAYLOR, John 1967 C224 Works (1st collection) TAYLOR, John 1967 C230 Works (2nd collection)

TAYLOR, John 1967 C235 Works (3rd collection)

TAYLOR, John 1967 C239 Works (4th & 5th collections)

TAYLOR, John 1967 C216 Works (part I)

TAYLOR, John 1967 C217 Works (part II)

TAYLOR, John 1967 C218 Works (part III)

TAYLOR John 1999 D235 From The Penniless Pilgrimage, Or the Moneyless Perambulation

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

TAYLOR, John Edward 1855 B982 The Moor of Venice

TAYLOR John RUSSELL 1967 B201 The Penguin Dictionary of the Theatre TAYLOR John Russell 1988 C716 Shakespeare in film, radio, and television (extract)

In Shakespeare on television

TAYLOR Michael 1975 C476 Beaumont and Fletcher, Heywood, and Dekker

In English drama (excluding Shakespeare)

TAYLOR Michael 1983 C584 The pastoral reckoning in Cymbeline

In Shakespeare Survey 36

TAYLOR Neil A623 Two Types of Television Shakespeare

In Shakespeare Survey No 39

TAYLOR Neil 1994 C958 The films of Hamlet

In Shakespeare and the Moving Image

TAYLOR Neil 1994 C958 Two types of television Shakespeare

In Shakespeare and the Moving Image

TAYLOR Neil and LOUGHREY Bryan 1990 C886 Shakespeare's Early Tragedies : Richard III , Titus Andronicus and Romeo and Juliet

TAYLOR, Rupert 1967 P1/1940/II John Shakespeare, Corviser, of Stratford-Upon-Avon and the Balsall Shakespeare

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°55

TAYLOR, Rupert 1967 P1/1936/II Tentative Chronology of Marlowe's and Some Other Elizabethan Plays

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°51 TEIRLINCK Herman 1968 A692 Primauté du jeu

In Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

TEISSEDOU Jean-Pierre 1989 C822 Platon, religion, science et folie dans The Duchess of Malfi à partir de la scène des fous, acte IV, scène 2 In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

TEISSEDOU Jean-Pierre 1989 C718 Platon, religion, science et folie dans The Duchess of Malfi à partir de la scène des fous, acte IV, scène 2 In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

TEMKIN, Owsei 1972 C184/1 Fernel, Joubert, and Erastus on the Specificity of Cathartic Drugs

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol I)

TEMKINE Raymonde 1970 B120 Grotowski

TEMPERA Mariangela 1993 C995 The rethoric of poison in John Webster's Italianate plays

In Shakespeare's Italy

TEMPLE William 1957 A675 Upon the Gardens of Epicurus ; or of Gardening in the Year 1685

In Seventeenth-Century : English Prose

TEN EYCK PERRY Henry 1962 A450 The Comic Spirit in Restoration Drama: Studies in the Comedy of Etherege, Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar

TENNENHOUSE Leonard 1985 C715 Strategies of State and political plays : A Midsummer Night's Dream, Henry IV, Henry V, Henry VIII In Political Shakespeare TENNENHOUSE Leonard 1986 C660 Power on display : the politics of Shakespeare's genres

TENNENHOUSE Leonard 1992 C924 Family Rites: City Comedy and the Strategies of Patriarchalism

In New Historicism and Renaissance Drama

TENNENHOUSE Leonard 1992 D011 Power in Hamlet

In Hamlet

TENNENHOUSE Leonard 1992 D009 Rituals of State / Strategies of Power

In Shakespeare's History Plays : Richard II to Henry V

TENNENHOUSE Leonard 1993 D010 The Theatre of Punishment

In King Lear

TENNYSON Alfred Lord 1951 B558 Milton

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

TERDIMAN Richard 1989 C922 Is there Class in this Class?

In The New Historicism

TERLINDEN 1960 A697/2 La Politique italienne de Charles Quint et le "triomphe" de de Bologne

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint

TERSAT, Michèle 1972 M13 The Supernatural Element in Julius Caesar TEYSSIER P. 1976 C389 Les pauvres dans le théâtre de Gil Vincente

In Misère et gueuserie au temps de la Renaissance

TEYSSIER P. 1977 C411 Lisbonne vue par un humaniste : l' Urbis Olisiponis Descriptio de Damiao de Gois (1554)

In Les cités au temps de la Renaissance 2

THALER Alwin 1966 P1/1927/II Shakespeare and the Unhappy Ending

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°42

THALER, Alwin 1966 P1/1934/II The Lost Scenes of Macbeth

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°49

THALER Alwin 1966 P1/1925/II The Shakespearian Element in Milton

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°40

THALER, Alwin 1967 C278 Shakespeare and Sir Philip Sidney : the Influence of The Defense of Poesy

THALER, Alwin 1967 P1/1938/II Shakespeare on Style, Imagination, and Poetry

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°53

THAYER C.G. 1966 A550 Ben Jonson: Studies in the Plays

The Daily Telegraph 1970 C285 The Pretenders

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries The Earl of Clarendon 1986 B715 The Continuation of the Life of Edward Earl of Clarendon

In Restoration and Revolution. Myers William (editor)

The Earl of ORRERY 1969 A934 The History of Henry the Fifth and the Tragedy of Mustapha

The Earl of Shaftesbury 1974 C379/2 On Shakespeare, 1710

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

The Irish Time 1970 C285 The Playboy of the Western World

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

The Late SISSON, C.J. 1972 B917 The Boar's Head Theatre

The Marquis Of Halifax 1986 B715 The Character of a Trimmer

In Restoration and Revolution. Myers William (editor)

The Marquis Of Halifax 1986 B715 The Lady's New-Years-Gift: or, Advice to a Daughter

In Restoration and Revolution. Myers William (editor)

The Morning Post 1970 C285 Granville Barker's Production of Twelfth Night

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

The Renaissance Society of America C355 Studies in the Renaissance : index to volumes I-X The Times 1970 C285 Caste

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

The Times 1970 C285 Murder in the Cathedral

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

The Times 1970 C285 The Beggar's Opera : 20th century

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

The Times 1970 C285 Trilby

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

The University of Oxford 1966 B279/1 Shakespeare's England: an Account of the Life & Manners of his Age(Vol I)

The University of Oxford 1966 B279/2 Shakespeare's England: an Account of the Life & Manners of his Age(Vol II)

THEOBALD Lewis 1969 A861 The Tragedy of King Richard II(1720)

THEOBALD, Lewis 1970 C057 Double Falsehood

THEOBALD, Lewis 1971 C005 Shakespeare Restored : or, a Specimen of the Many Errors, as Well Commited, as Unamended, by Mr. Pope in his Late Edition of this Poet THEOBALD Lewis 1974 C379/2 Edition of Shakespeare, 1733

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

THEOBALD Lewis 1974 C379/2 From his adaptation of Richard II, 1719

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

THEOBALD Lewis 1974 C379/2 From Shakespeare Restored, 1726

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

THEOBALD Lewis 1974 C379/2 On editing Shakespeare, 1729-30

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

THEOBALD Lewis 1974 C379/2 On King Lear, Othello and Julius Caesar, 1715-17

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

THEOBALD Lewis 1974 C379/2 On the text of Shakespeare's Poems, 1732

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

THERAULT Suzanne 1965 A534 La Commedia Dell'Arte vue à travers le Zilbadone de Pérouse

THIBAULT G. 1954 A700 Musique et poésie en France au XVIè siècle avant les Amours de Ronsard

In Musique et Poésie au XVIè siècle. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

THIBAULT G. 1960 A698 Le concert instrumental au XVème siècle

In La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean THIBAULT G. 1961 A699 Le concert instrumental dans l' art flamand au XVè siècle et au début du XVIè.

In La Renaissance dans les Provinces du Nord

Thierry Labica 2000 D248 Patrick Hamilton ou la réécriture d'un classique

In Colloques : Réécritures.

THIRIET, Catherine 1992 MD09 Le Statut des personnages féminins dans la tragédie domestique élisabéthaine

THIRSK Joan 1961 A686 Industries in the Countryside

In Essays in the Economic and Social History of Tudor and Stuart England. Fisher F.J. (editor)

THOMAS François 1998 D211 Orson Wells et le remodelage du texte shakespearien

In Shakespeare et le Cinéma

THOMAS George 1966 B340 Ten Miracle Plays

THOMAS, P.W. 1973 C186 Two Cultures? Court and Country under Charles I

In The Origins of the English Civil War

THOMAS Sidney 1972 B886 The Queen Mab Speech in 'Romeo and Juliet'

In Shakespeare Survey n°25: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study and Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

THOMAS Vivian 1987 C707 The moral universe of Shakespeare's problem plays THOMAS, Vivian 1999 P5/46 Between the Lines: Exploring the Interstices of the RSC's 1998/9 Autumn/Winter Season

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°56. C.E.R.R.A. Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier III

THOMPSON Ann 1978 C472 Philomel in Titus Andronicus and Cymbeline

In Shakespeare Survey 31

THOMPSON Ann 1990 C773 The Characters of Oblivion : Shakespeare De-constructs Troy

In Shakespeare : Troilus and Cressida

THOMPSON Ann 1991 C876 Are There Any Women in King Lear ?

In The matter of Difference : Materialist Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare

THOMPSON Ann 1992 C888 Which Shakespeare : A User's Guide to Editions

THOMPSON Ann 1994 C984 Shakespeare and Sexuality

In Shakespeare Survey 46

THOMPSON, Ann 1997 D142 Asta Nielsen and the Mystery of Hamlet

In Shakespeare, the Movie Popularizing the Plays on Film, TV,and Video

THOMPSON Ann & John O. 1987 C882 Shakespeare, Meaning & Metaphore

THOMPSON David 1970 B816 Dante and Bernard Silvestris

In Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, volume I. White Lynn (editor) THOMPSON J.A.K. 1966 A939 Shakespeare and the Classics

THOMPSON John 1966 B282 The Founding of english Metre

THOMPSON, Karl F. 1952 P1/1952/VII Shakespeare's Romantic Comedies

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°67

THOMPSON Ruth & Marvin 1989 C750 Perfor mance criticism: from Granville-Barker to Bernard Beckerman and beyond

In Shakespeare and the sense of performance

THOMPSON Ruth & Marvin 1989 C750 Shakespeare and the sense of performance : Essays in the tradition of performance criticism in honor of Bernard Beckerman

THOMSON Leslie 1989 C740 Antony and Cleopatra, act 4 scene16: 'A heavy sight'

In Shakespeare survey 41

THOMSON Leslie 1993 C925 “Pray you, undo this button”: Implication of “Un-” in King Lear

In Shakespeare Survey 45

THOMSON Patricia 1964 B320/64 The Later Tudor Period, excluding Drama

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1964)

THOMSON Patricia 1965 B320/63 The Later Tudor Period, excluding Drama

In The Year's Work n English Studies(1963) THOMSON Patricia 1968 B320/66 The Later Tudor Period, excluding Drama

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1966)

THOMSON Patricia 1970 B320/68 The Later Tudor Period, Excluding Drama

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1968)

THOMSON Patricia 1970 B260 Wyatt and Surrey

In English Poetry and Prose(1540-1674)

THOMSON Patricia 1972 B995 Donne and the Poetry of Patronage

In John Donne: Essays in Celebration. Smith A.J. (editor)

THOMSON, Peter 1971 B699 A Necessary Theatre: The Royal Shakespeare Season 1970 reviewed

In Shakespeare Survey N°24

THOMSON, Peter 1973 C171 No Rome of Safety : the Royal Shakespeare Season 1972

In Shakespeare Survey 26

THOMSON Peter 1974 C409 Shakespeae straight and crooked : a review of the 1973 season at Stratford

In Shakespeare Survey 27

THOMSON Peter 1975 C398 The smallest season : the Royal Shakespeare Company at Stratford in 1974

In Shakespeare Survey 28

THOMSON Peter 1975 C476 The study of drama

In English drama (excluding Shakespeare) THOMSON Peter 1976 C399 Towards a poor Shakespeare : The Royal Shakespeare Company at Stratford in 1975

In Shakespeare Survey 29

THOMSON Peter 1982 C581 Measure for Measure (1970)

In Aspects of Shakespeare's 'problem plays'

THOMSON Peter 1983 C638 Shakespeare's theatre

THOMSON Peter 1986 C711 Playhouses and players in the time of Shakespeare

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare studies

THOMSON Peter 1986 C664 'Weirdness that lifts and colours all' : the secret self of Henry Irving

In Shakespeare and the Victorian stage

THOMSON Peter 1992 C914 Shakespeare’s Theatre

THOMSON, Peter 1994 D102 Shakespeare's Professional Career

THORNTON Bonnel 1975 C379/3 On Shakespeare, february, march 1752

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

THORP Margaret Farrand 1966 P1/1931/II Shakespeare and the Fine Arts

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°46 THORP Willard 1967 A621 Henry Nevil Payne, Dramatist and Jacobite Conspirator

In The Parrot Presentation Volume

THORPE Clarence D. 1969 A591 Addison' s Contribution to Criticism

In The Seventeenth Century : Studies in the History of English Thought and Literature from Bacon to Pope

THORPE, James 1951 B558 Milton Criticism

THYNNE F. 1865 A009 Chaucer

THYNNE F. 1876 A073 Emblemes and Epigrames

TIECK Ludwig 1963 B043 from Observations Concerning Characters in Hamlet

In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor)

TIGERSTEDT E.N. 1973 C353 Observations on the reception of the Aristotelian

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XV

TILLARD E.M.W.(1889-1962) 1963 A292 The First Tetralogy

In Shakespeare Criticism

TILLOTSON Kathleen 1959 B375 Donne's Poetry in the Nineteenth Century

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies, presented to Frank Percy Wilson TILLOTSON Kathleen 1969 A915 Donne's Poetry in the Nineteenth Century

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies

TILLYARD E.M. 1959 B375 A Mirror for Magistrates revisited

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies, presented to Frank Percy Wilson

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1951 B558 Conscious and Unconscious Meanings

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

TILLYARD, E.M.W. 1952 B566 Comus and Some Shorter Poems

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1961 B568 From Milton

In Milton's Lycidas, The Tradition and the Poem. Patrides, C.A.

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1964 A371 All' s Well that Ends Well

In Shakespeare' s Problem Plays

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1964 A406 Cymbeline

In Shakespeare' s Last Plays

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1964 A371 Hamlet

In Shakespeare' s Problem Plays

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1964 A378 Henry IV

In Skakespeare' s History Plays TILLYARD E.M.W. 1964 A378 Henry V

In Skakespeare' s History Plays

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1964 A378 Henry VI

In Skakespeare' s History Plays

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1964 A378 King John

In Skakespeare' s History Plays

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1964 A378 Macbeth

In Skakespeare' s History Plays

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1964 A371 Measure for Measure

In Shakespeare' s Problem Plays

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1964 A378 Richard II

In Skakespeare' s History Plays

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1964 A378 Richard III

In Skakespeare' s History Plays

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1964 A406 Shakespeare' s Last Plays

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1964 A371 Shakespeare' s Problem Plays TILLYARD E.M.W. 1964 A378 Skakespeare' s History Plays

TILLYARD, E.M.W. 1964 B564 Studies in Milton

TILLYARD, E.M.W. 1964 C204 The Fairy-Tale Element in The Taming of the Srew

In Shakespeare 1564-1964

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1964 A406 The Tempest

In Shakespeare' s Last Plays

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1964 A406 The Winter' s Tale

In Shakespeare' s Last Plays

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1964 A371 Troilus and Cressida

In Shakespeare' s Problem Plays

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1966 A409 Love' s Labour' s Lost

In Shakespeare' s Early Comedies

TILLYARD, E.M.W. 1966 B564 Milton

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1966 A409 Shakespeare' s Early Comedies TILLYARD E.M.W. 1966 A409 The Comedy of Errors

In Shakespeare' s Early Comedies

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1966 B184 The English Epic and its Background

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1966 A409 The Merchant of Venice

In Shakespeare' s Early Comedies

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1966 A409 The Taming of The Shrew

In Shakespeare' s Early Comedies

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1966 A409 The Two Gentlemen of Verona

In Shakespeare' s Early Comedies

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1967 A370 The Elizabethan World Picture

TILLYARD E.M.W 1968 A172 The English Epic and its background

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1968 A596 The Tragic Pattern

In Shakespeare : The Winter' s Tale

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1968 A599 The Tragic Pattern

Shakespeare : The Tempest TILLYARD E.M.W. 1969 A591 A Note on Dryden' s Criticism

In The Seventeenth Century : Studies in the History of English Thought and Literature from Bacon to Pope

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1970 B885 Richard II

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F.

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1971 B605 Realism and Folk-lore

In Shakespeare Measure for Measure, A Casebook. Stead C.K. (editor)

TILLYARD, E.M.W. 1973 B980 Richard II in the Second Tetralogy

In Shakespeare, Richard II, a Casebook

TILLYARD E.M.W. 1973 B991 Richard II in the Second Tetralogy

In Shakespeare: Richard II, A Casebook. Brooke Nicholas (editor)

TILLYARD E.M.W 1999 D260 Richard III and the First Tretalogy

In Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Richard III

TIMBERLAKE P.W. 1967 A621 Milton and Euripides

In The Parrot Presentation Volume

TINDALL William York 1964 C307 John Bunyan mechanick preacher

TOBIN, J.J.M. 1982 P5/10 Othello and the Apologia of Apuleius

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 21 TOBIN John J.M. 1978 C472 Apuleius and the Bradleian tragedies

In Shakespeare Survey 31

TODOROV Tzvetan 1965 B086 Théorie de la Littérature

TODOROV Tzvetan 1969 B508 Grammaire du Décaméron

TODOROV, Tzvetan 1971 B865 Poétique de la Prose

TODOROV Tzvetan 1986 C946 “Race,” Writing, and Culture

In Race, Writing, and Difference

TODOROV Tzvetan (traducteur) 1965 A702 Théorie de la littérature (textes des formalistes russes réunis et traduits)

TOELLNER, Richard 1972 C184/2 The Controversy Between Descartes and Harvey Regarding the Nature of Cardiac Motions

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol. II)

TOFTE Robert 1964 A899/6 Laura, the toys of a Traveller: or The Feast of fancy,1597

In An English Garner: Elizabethan Sonnets(Vol II)

TOLAND John 1951 B558 The Life of John Milton

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed. TOLIVER Harold E. 1965 A967 Marvell' Ironic Vision

TOLIVER Harold E. 1969 B453 The Splinter Coalition

In New Essays on Paradise Lost. Kranidas Thomas (editor)

TOLSTOY Leo Nikolayevitch 1963 B043 Shakespeare and the Drama

In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor)

TOMACHEVSKI B. 1965 A702 Sur le vers

In Théorie de la littérature (textes des formalistes russes réunis et traduits par Todorov Tzvetan )

TOMACHEVSKI B. 1965 B086 Sur le vers

In Théorie de la Littérature

TOMACHEVSKI B. 1965 A702 Thématique

In Théorie de la littérature (textes des formalistes russes réunis et traduits par Todorov Tzvetan )

TOMACHEVSKI B. 1965 B086 Thématique

In Théorie de la Littérature

TOMLINSON Sophie 1992 C933 She That Plays The King : Henrietta Maria and The Threat of The Actress in Caroline Culture

In The Politics of Tragicomedy

TOMLINSON T.B. 1964 A498 A Study of Elizabethan and Jacobean Tragedy TOMPKINS Jane 1986 C946 “Indians”: Textalism, Morality, and the Problem of History

In Race, Writing, and Difference

TOMPKINS Julia 1969 B364 Stage Costumes and How to make them

Tonie (Shepherd) 1962 A615 An Excellent Pastorall Dittie

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

Tonie (Shepherd) 1962 A615 Montana the Sheepheard, his Love to Aminta

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

Tonie (shepherd) 1962 A615 The Countesse of Pembrookes Pastorall

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

Tonie (shepherd) 1962 A615 The Sheepheards Sunne

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

Tonie (shepherd) 1962 A615 The Wood-Mans Walke

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

TONKIN, Humphrey 1972 B829 Spencer's Courteous Pastoral

Tony Howard 2000 D250 Shakespeare's cinematic offshoots

In Shakespeare on film TOOKER William 1999 D235 From The Divine Power or Gift of Healing

In Macbeth: Texts and Contexts ed. William C. Carroll. Shakespeare William

TOOLE William B. 1966 B487 Shakespeare's Problem Plays

TOOLE William B. 1974 C409 The motif of psychic division in Richard III

In Shakespeare Survey 27

TORDJMAN Charles 1990 C964 Mettre en scène le tragique contemporain

In Écritures contemporaines et Théâtralité

TOUCHARD P.A. 1967 A694 Réalisme, poésie et réalité au théâtre

In Réalisme et Poesie au Théâtre

TOUCHARD Pierre-Aimé 1952 B065 Dionysos

TOUCHARD Pierre-Aimé 1952 B065 L'Amateur de Théâtre

TOUCHARD Pierre-Aimé 1965 B104 Le Théâtre français de 1918 à nos jours

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

TOURLET Christiane 1975 C416 Les Bonnes, de J. Genet : la préparation du spectacle français

In Les voies de la création théâtrale IV TOURNER Cyril 1964 A233 The Atheist's Tragedy, or, The Honest Man's Revenge

TOURNER Cyril 1966 A232 The Revenger's Tragedy

TOURNEUR Cyril 1963 A497 The Works, edited by Allardyce Nicoll

TOURNEUR Cyril 1964 B240 The Atheist's Tragedy, or, The Honest Man's Revenge

TOURNEUR Cyril 1967 B416 The Revenger's Tragedy

TOUZOUL Melly 1975 C416 Le Retour, de H. Pinter : la réalisation parisienne

In Les voies de la création théâtrale IV

TOUZOUL Melly 1975 C416 Les Bonnes, de J. Genet : l'éclairage

In Les voies de la création théâtrale IV

TOYNE, Derek 1991 P5/29 The Tempest on Tour

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°40

TRACI Philip J. 1970 B758 The Love Play of Antony and Cleopatra: A Critical Study of Shakespeare's Play TRÄGER Joseph 1965 B104 Le Théâtre tchèque

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

TRAPP J.B. 1968 B015 The Iconography of the Fall of Man

In Approaches to Paradise Lost

TRAPP, J.B. 1973 C036 Medieval English Literature

TRAPP Joseph 1974 C379/2 Shakespeare and English drama, 1712

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

TRAUB Valerie 1991 C876 Desire and the Difference it Makes

In The matter of Difference : Materialist Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare

TRAUB Valerie 1992 C912 Desire and Anxiety : Circulation of Sexuality in Shakespearean Drama

TRAUB Valerie 1992 D039 The (In)Significance of 'Lesbian' Desire in Early Modern England

In Erotic Politics : Desire on the Renaissance Stage

TRAVERSI, D.A. 1965 B789 Othello (1956)

In Shakespeare : The Tragedies

TRAVERSI Dereck 1968 A275/1 An Approach to Shakespeare, volume I: Henry VI to Twelfth Night TRAVERSI Dereck 1969 A275/2 An Approach to Shakespeare, volume II: Troilus and Cressida to the Tempest

TRAVERSI, Derek 1963 B985 Shakespeare: the Roman plays

TRAVERSI Derek 1965 A449 Shakespeare: The Last Phase

TRAVERSI Derek 1968 A377 Henry IV

In Shakespeare from Richard II to Henry V

TRAVERSI Derek 1968 A377 Henry V

In Shakespeare from Richard II to Henry V

TRAVERSI Derek 1968 A377 Richard II

In Shakespeare from Richard II to Henry V

TRAVERSI Derek 1968 A377 Shakespeare from Richard II to Henry V

TRAVERSI Derek 1970 B582 Coriolanus

In Twentieth Century Interpretations of Coriolanus. Phillips James E. (editor)

TRAVERSI Derek 1989 C793 Literature and Drama

In The Cambridge Guide to the Arts in Britain Vol.3 : Renaissance and Reformation TRAVERSI Derek A. 1969 A787 The Conflict of Passion and Control in Henry V

In Shakespeare Henry V : A Casebook. Quinn Michael (editor)

TREASURE Geoffrey 1969 B590 Who's Who in History: volume IV; England, 1714-1789

TREVELYAN George Macaulay 1965 B058 England under the Stuarts

TREVOR-ROPER H.R. A689 The Gentry 1540-1640 (in The Economic History Review Supplements)

TREVOR-ROPER H.R. 1965 B214 Archbishop Laud 1573-1645

TREVOR-ROPER H.R. 1967 A919 Religion, the Reformation and Social Change

TREVOR-ROPER, Hugh 1972 C184/2 The Sieur de la Rivière, Paracelsian Physician of Henry IV

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol. II)

TREWIN, J.C. 1964 B570 Shakespeare on the English Stage, 1900-1964

TREWIN J.C. 1964 B227 Shakespeare on the English Stage 1900-1964: A Survey of Productions TRICKETT Rachel 1970 B260 Samuel Butler and the Minor Restoration Poets

In English Poetry and Prose(1540-1674)

TRICOMI Albert H. 1974 C409 The aesthetics of mutilation in Titus Andronicus

In Shakespeare Survey 27

TRIMPI, Wesley B957

TRIMPI, Wesley 1962 B957 Ben Jonson's Poems

TRINKAUS, Charles 1954 B764/1 Renaissance Problems in Calvin's Theology

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume I. Pery William (editor)

TRINKAUS, Charles 1960 B764/4 A Humanist's Image of Humanism: The Inaugural Orations of Bartolommeo della Fonte

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VII

TRINKAUS Charles 1964 C356 Humanist treatises on the status of the religious : Petrarch, Salutati, Valla

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XI

TRINKAUS Charles 1966 C354 The unknown Quattrocento poetics of Bartolommeo della Fonte

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XIII

TRINTERUD, Leonard J. 1971 B700 Elizabethan Puritanism TRITSCHLER, Donald 1962 P1/1963/IV The Metamorphic Stop of Time in A Winter's Tale

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°78

TROALLIC, Catherine 1995 MD20 De La comédie des Erreurs à Beaucoup de bruit pour rien: La Guerre des Sexes dans six des premières comédies de Shakespeare.

TROUSDALE Marion 1980 C594 Semiotics and Shakespeare's comedies

In Shakespearean Comedy

TROUSDALE Marion 1992 C823 The common measure of place

In Shakespeare : Rhétoriques du texte et du spectacle

TRUCHET Jacques 1967 A533 "Huis-Clos" et "L'Etat de Siège", signes avant-coureues de l'anti-théâtre

In Le Théâtre Moderne II depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale JACQUOT Jean (editeur)

TRUCHET S. 1982 C596 The alchemy of beauty : aesthetic principles in I Tamburlaine and their relationship to the hermetic ideology In Théâtre et idéologies : Marlowe, Shakespeare

TRUCHET S. 1989 C741 From Malta to Venice : The mediterranean in the 16th century in The Jew of Malta and The Merchant of Venice In Lieu et temps

TRUCHET Sibyl 1978 P5/2 Tamburlaine on the Modern Stage

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°13

TRUCHET, Sibyl 1978 P5/2 Tamburlaine on the Modern Stage

In Cahiers Elisabéthains N°13 TRUCHET, Sibyl 1979 P5/4 Campaspe: a Brave New World?

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 15

TRUCHET, Sybil 1983 P5/13 The Art of Antiquity in Works by Lyly and Shakespeare

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 24

TRUCHET Sybil 1985 P5/17 The Utopians

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°28

TRUCHET Sybil 1987 C694 A sacramental reading of The Taming of the Shrew

In Aspects du théâtre anglais

TRUSSLER Simon 1976 D152 Edward Bond

TUCKER E.F.J. 1976 C399 The letter of the law in The Merchant of Venice

In Shakespeare Survey 29

TURABIAN Kate L. 1969 B727 A Manual for Writers of Terms Papers, Theses, and Dissertations

TURGENEV Ivan Sergeyevich 1963 B043 Hamlet and Don Quixote-The Two Eternal Human Types

In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor)

TURIM Maureen 1980 C592 Les consomment les blondes : Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Howard Hawks

In Le cinéma américain . Tome II TURNER FOREST, Louise C. 1967 P1/1946/II A Caveats for Critics against Invoking Elizabethan Psychology

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°61

TURNER James Grantham 1995 D042 Pepys and the Private Parts of Monarchy

In Culture and Society in the Stuart Restoration

TURNER Robert K. 1970 B481 The Maid's Tragedy

In The Dramatic Works in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon

TURNER Robert K. 1976 C373 The Tragedy of Thierry and Theodoret

In The dramatic works in the Beaumont and Fletcher . Volume III

TURNER Robert K. 1979 C461 The Tragedy of the Valentinian

In The dramatic works in the Beaumont and Fletcher canon

TURNER Robert K. (editor) 1966 A482 Philaster

In The Dramatic Work in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon, volume I

TURNER Robert Kean 1982 C545 The Mad Lover

In The dramatic works in the Beaumont and Fletcher canon . Vol. V

TURNER Robert Y. 1960 P1/1960/V Dramatic Conventions in All's Well That Ends Well

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°75

TURNER Robert Y. 1974 C368 Shakespeare's apprenticeship TUVE Rosemond 1952 B363 A Reading of George Herbert

TUVE, Rosemond. 1961 B764/4 Sacred "Parody" of Love Poetry, and Herbert

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VIII

TUVE Rosemond 1961 B568 Theme, Pattern and Imagery in Lycidas

In Milton's Lycidas, The Tradition and the Poem. Patrides, C.A.

TUVE Rosemond 1968 B177 Elizabethan & Metaphysical Imagery

TUVESON Ernest 1966 A340 The Importance of Shaftesbury

In Restoration Drama (Modern Essays in Criticism)

TUVESON, Ernest 1971 B788 Locke and Sterne(1962)

In English Literature and British Philosophy

TWINING Thomas 1981 C512 Shakespeare and Greek tragedy, 1789

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

TWYGROSS Meg 1994 C986 The theatricality of medieval English plays

In The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre

TYACKE, Nicholas 1973 C186 Puritanism, Arminianism and Counter-Revolution

In The Origins of the English Civil War TYDEMAN William 1994 C986 An Introduction to medieval English theatre

In The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre

TYDEMAN William and THOMAS Vivien 1989 D037 State of the Art : Christopher Marlowe

TYLEE Claire M. 1989 C740 The text of Cressida and every ticklish reader: Troilus and Cressida, the Greek camp scene

In Shakespeare survey 41

TYLLIARD E.M.W. 1969 A915 A Mirror for Magistrates Revisited

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies

TYLLIARD E.M.W. 1970 B057 Henry IV and the Tudor Epic

In Shakespeare: Henry IV (parts I & II)

TYNIANOV J. 1965 A702 De l'évolution littéraire

In Théorie de la littérature (textes des formalistes russes réunis et traduits par Todorov Tzvetan )

TYNIANOV J. 1965 B086 De l'évolution littéraire

In Théorie de la Littérature

TYNIANOV J. 1965 A702 La notion de construction

In Théorie de la littérature (textes des formalistes russes réunis et traduits par Todorov Tzvetan )

TYNIANOV J. 1965 B086 La notion de construction

In Théorie de la Littérature TYNIANOV J., JAKOBSON R. 1965 A702 Les problèmes des études littéraires et linguistiques

In Théorie de la littérature (textes des formalistes russes réunis et traduits par Todorov Tzvetan )

TYRWHITT Thomas 1979 C537 On editing Shakespeare, 1766

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

UBERSFELD Anne 1978 C549 Le Jeu des classiques, réécriture ou musée

In Les voies de la création théâtrale VI

UDALL Nicholas 1966 A285 Ralph Roister Doister

In Five Pre-Shakespearean Comedies(Early Tudor Period), ed. with an Introduction by BOAS Frederick S.

UHLIG Claus 1970 B808 "The Sobbing Deer": As You Like It, II.i.21-66, and the Historical Context

In Renaissance Drama III: Essays principally on Drama in Its Intellectual Context. Schoenbaum S. (editor)

UHLIG Claus 1993 D033 National Historiography and Cultural Identity : the Example of the English Renaissance

In English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference

UITMAM J.E. 1968 A515/1 Les fêtes baroques d' Amsterdam de 1638 à 1660 : L' intelligibilité de leurs motifs allégoriques et historiques pour le public contemporain In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

ULLMAN Stephen 1966 B409 Language and Style

UNDERDOWN, David 1971 C177 Pridge's Purge : Politics in the Puritan Revolution UNDERWOOD Dale 1966 A340 The Comic Values-The Man of Mode

In Restoration Drama (Modern Essays in Criticism)

UNGARETTI Giuseppe 1963 B043 Notes on Shakespeare's Art of Poetry

In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor)

UNGARETTI Giuseppe 1969 A667 Innocence et Mémoire

UNGER Leonard 1962 A646 Donne' s Poetry and Modern Criticism

UNGERER Gustav 1966 A463/7 An Unrecorded Elizabethan Performance of Titus Andronicus

In Shakespeare Survey, 14 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

UNGERER Gustav 1979 C498 'My lady's a catayan, we are politicians, Maluolios a peg-a-ramsie' (Twelfth Nigth II, iii, 77-8)

In Shakespeare Survey 32

UNRUH Walter 1969 A528 Le Théâtre Moderne a besoin d'espace et de technique

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs)

Unsigned 1974 C379/2 Shakespeare and the actors defended, 1729

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

Unsigned 1974 C379/2 Shakespeare defended from Collier, 1698

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733 Unsigned 1975 C379/3 Essay against Cibber's King John, 1745

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

Unsigned 1975 C379/3 Essay on Hamlet, 1752

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

Unsigned 1975 C379/3 Essay on jealousy in Othello, august 1747

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

Unsigned 1975 C379/3 Essay on jealousy in Othello, november 1751

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

Unsigned 1975 C379/3 On Shakespeare's morality compared with Otway's, november, december 1748

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

Unsigned 1975 C379/3 Shakespeare and the actors, december 1736; february, march 1737

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

Unsigned 1975 C379/3 Shakespeare and therules, 1750

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

Unsigned 1975 C379/3 Shakespeare the dramatist, 1747

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

Unsigned 1975 C379/3 Shakespeare's ghost, june 1750

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752 Unsigned 1976 C379/4 An account of the novel and play of Romeo and Juliet, 1764

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

Unsigned 1976 C379/4 An ode to Shakespeare, september 1760

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

Unsigned 1976 C379/4 Garrick's Shakespeare, 1762

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

Unsigned 1976 C379/4 On Garrick's Romeo, 1757

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

Unsigned 1976 C379/4 On the merits of Shakespeare and Corneille, june 1760

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

Unsigned 1976 C379/4 Shakespeare weighed and measured, january 1758

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

Unsigned 1979 C537 On the defeciencies of English drama, 1769

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

Unsigned 1981 C512 A rhapsody on Shakespeare, 1791

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

Unsigned 1981 C512 Hamlet defends himself, 1782

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801 Unsigned 1981 C512 In defence of Polonius, 1779

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

Unsigned 1981 C512 Notes on Shakespeare, 1785

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

Unsigned 1981 C512 On Boydell's Shakespeare Gallery, 1789

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

Unsigned 1981 C512 On Julius Caesar , 1789

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

Unsigned 1981 C512 On the cowardice of Falstaff, 1774

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

Unsigned 1981 C512 Shakespeare and modern tragedy, 1785

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

Unsigned oration 1979 C537 In honour of Shakespeare, 1769

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

UPHAUS Robert W. 1981 C646 Beyond tragedy : structure and experience in Shakespeare's romance

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In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°44

UPTON John 1975 C379/3 On Shakespeare, 1748

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

URE Peter 1965 A441 Chapman's Tragedies

In Jacobean Theatre. Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies I

URE Peter 1965 A972 Character and Role from Richard III to Hamlet

In Hamlet

URE Peter 1969 A600 Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

URKOWITZ Steven 1988 C956 Good News about "Bad" Quartos

In Bad Shakespeare : Revaluations of the Shakespeare Canon

URQUHART THOMAS 1957 A675 Or, the Discovery of a Most Exquisite Jewel

In Seventeenth-Century : English Prose

UTLEY Francis Lee 1969 A578 Chaucer and Patristic Exegesis

In Chaucer' s Mind and Art

VACCARO Jean-Michel 1978 C549 La musique dans l'Histoire du Soldat

In Les voies de la création théâtrale VI VACCARO Jean-Michel 1984 C583 Poésie et musique : le contrepoint des formes à la fin du XVIème siècle

In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées

VACHÉ Jean 1985 P5/19 "The Numbers of Poetry and Vocal Music" in King Arthur: The Internal Evidence

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°30

VAIL MOTTER T.H. 1967 A621 Byron' s "Werner" Re-Estimated : a Neglected Chapter in Nineteenth Century Stage History

In The Parrot Presentation Volume

VAISSE Pierre 1978 C813 Le décor peint des salles de spectacles

In Monuments Historiques : Architecture du Spectacle

VALADIER , Paul 1996 D139 Machiavel et la fragilité du politique

VALENTIN Jean-Marie 1968 A515/2 Sur quelques prologues de drames jésuites allemands aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

Valérie Francoite-Chabin 2000 D248 La réécriture bondienne de King Lear dans Lear : une exarcerbation des passions.

In Colloques : Réécritures.

Valérie Francoite-Chabin 2000 D248 La réécriture stoppardienne d'Hamlet dans Rosencrantz and Guilderstein are dead : un hommage subversif. In Colloques : Réécritures.

Valerie Traub 2001 D259 Gender and sexuality in Shakespeare

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare VALLINS Gordon 1971 B731 Drama and Theatre in Education

In Drama and the Theatre with Radio, Film and Television: an outline for the student. Brown John Russell (editor)

VALPY, Richard 1795 C080 The Roses

VALPY, Richard 1802 C070 The Merchant of Venice

VALPY, Richard 1970 C048 Henry IV Part 2

VALPY, Richard 1970 C045 King John

VAN DE WALLE Baudouin 1965 B104 Spectacle et religion dans l'Egypte ancienne

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

VAN DEN BORREN Charles 1961 A699 Musicologie et géographie

In La Renaissance dans les Provinces du Nord

VAN DEN ESCH José 1968 A692 Les oeuvres récentes d'Armand Salacrou

In Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

VAN DER LINDEN Albert 1961 A699 Comment désigner la nationalité des artistes des provinces du Nord à l' époque de la Renaissance In La Renaissance dans les Provinces du Nord VAN DER MERWE Pieter C455 The Stanfield brothers

In Theatre notebook . Volume XXX . Number 1

VAN DIJK Teun A. 1972 C848 Some Aspects of Text Grammars

Van DIJK Teun A. 1977 T25 Text and Context: Explorations in the semantics and pragmatics of discourse

VAN DOREN Mark 1969 A787 The Fragmentation of the Heroic Idea in Henry V

In Shakespeare Henry V : A Casebook. Quinn Michael (editor)

VAN DOREN Mark 1969 A597 The Merchant of Venice : An Interpretation

In Shakespeare : The Merchant of Venice

VAN DOREN Mark 1970 B885 Macbeth

In Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Dean Leonard F.

VAN DYKE Joyce 1977 C433 Making a scene : language and gesture in Coriolanus

In Shakespeare Survey 30

VAN ELSLANDER Antonin 1960 A697/2 Les Chambres de Rhétorique et les fêtes du règne de Charles Quint

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint

VAN KHÊ Trân 1965 B104 Le Viet-Nam

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy VAN LAAN Thomas F. 1970 B042 The Idiom of Drama

VAN LAAN Thomas F. 1974 C371 Acting as action in King Lear

In Some facets of King Lear : essays in prismatic criticism

VAN LAAN Thomas F. 1978 C538 Role-playing in Shakespeare

VAN MOE, Brigitte 1980 M34 The Christian Lesson Dramatised in Everyman, Doctor Faustus and Measure for Measure

VAN PUYVELDE Leo 1960 A697/2 Les Joyeuses entrées et la peintue flamande

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint

VANBRUGH, John 1972 B976 A Short Vindication of the Relapse and the Provok'd Wife

VANBRUGH, John 1974 C211/3 The Provoked Wife

In Restoration Comedy (vol. III)

VANBRUGH, John 1974 C211/3 The Relapse

In Restoration Comedy (vol. III)

VANDERSEE, Charles 1971 B699 The Hamlet in Henry Adams

In Shakespeare Survey N°24 VANHOUTTE, Jacqueline A. 1996 P5/38 Sacrifice, Violence and the Virgin Queen in Lyly's Gallathea

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°49

VANUXEM Jacques 1956 A697 Le Carroussel de 1612 sur la Place Royale et ses Devises

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

VANUXEM Jacques 1961 A699 Aspects de la sculpture dans le Nord de la France entre 1480 et 1540

In La Renaissance dans les Provinces du Nord

VAREY J.E. 1968 A515/1 L' auditoire du Salon Dorado de l' Alcazar de Madrid au XVIIe siècle

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

VAREY J.E. 1968 A515/1 La campagne dans le théâtre espagnol au XVIIe siècle

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

VAREY J.E. 1975 C415 Les spectacles pyrotechniques en Espagne (XVIe-XVIIe siècles)

In Les fêtes de la Renaissance III

VAREY J. E. 1979 C531 Kings and judges : Lope de Vega's El mejor alcade, el rey

In Drama and society

VAREY J.E. 1984 C583 A further note on the actor / audience relationship in Spanish Court plays of the seventeenth century

In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées

Various writers 1979 C537 Garrick's Hamlet reviewed, 1772-3

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774 VARMA R.S. 1972 C334 Imagery and thought in the metaphysical poets . With special reference to Andrew Marvell

VASARI Giorgio (trans. by A.B. Hinds, ed. by 1965 B216/2 The Lives of the Painters, Sculptors and Architects, vol. II

VASARI Giorgio (trans. by A.B. Hinds, ed. by 1966 B216/1 The Lives of the Painters, Sculptors and Architects, vol. I

VASARI Giorgio (trans. by A.B. Hinds, ed. by 1966 B216/3 The Lives of the Painters, Sculptors and Architects, vol. III

VASARI Giorgio (trans. by A.B. Hinds, ed. by 1966 B216/4 The Lives of the Painters, Sculptors and Architects, vol. IV

VASSEUR, Olivier 1994 M63 Shakespeare Performed: Three Filmed Versions of Hamlet

VAUGAN Alden T. & VAUGAN Virginia Mason 1993 C945 Shakespeare’s Caliban : A Cultural History

VAUGHAN William 1967 A256/2 From The Golden Grove. 1600

In Elizabethan Critical Essays, volume II

VAUGHAN William 1979 C779 From 'the Golden-Grove', 1600

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896 VAUTHERIN Béatrice 1987 C854/2 Les formes spécifiques du discours direct dans Hills like White Elephant

In Palimpsestes N° 1 : Traduire le Dialogue Traduire les Textes de Théatre

VEESER, H. Aram (ed.) 1989 C922 The New Historicism

VEILLON OLivier-René 1980 C605 La question du sens au cinéma

In La théorie du film

VEINSTEIN André 1956 A629 Créateurs sans créatures

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

VEINSTEIN André 1957 A696 Documentation et création

In La Mise en Scène des Oeuvres du Passé

VEINSTEIN André 1965 B104 LeThéâtre radiodiffusé et télévisé

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

VEINSTEIN André 1967 A694 Nouvelles perspectives de recherches à partir duréalisme

In Réalisme et Poesie au Théâtre

VEINSTEIN André et GOLDING Alfred S. 1984 C858bis Bibliothèques et Musées des Arts du Spectacle dans le Monde

VEINSTEIN André et GOLDING Alfred S. 1984 C858 Bibliothèques et Musées des Arts du Spectacle dans le Monde VEJOZ, Hélène 1997 M75 Power in Macbeth and Coriolanus

VELZ John 1978 P5/2 The York Cycle of Mystery Plays

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°13

VELZ, John 1978 P5/2 The York Cycle of Mystery Plays

In Cahiers Elisabéthains N°13

VELZ John W. 1968 B053 Shakespeare and the Classical Tradition: A Critical Guide to Commentary, 1660-1960

VELZ John W. 1969 A463/14 Clemency, Will, and Just Cause in 'Julius Caesar'

VELZ John W. 1978 C472 The ancient world in Shakespeare : authenticity or anachronism? A retrospect

In Shakespeare Survey 31

VELZ, John W. 1980 P5/7 Cosmic Irony in Medieval Tragicomedy and Renaissance Tragedy

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 18

VELZ Sarah C. 1972 B886 Man's Need and God's Plan in 'Measure for Measure' and Mark iv

In Shakespeare Survey n°25: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study and Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

VENAULT Philippe 1980 C592 Filmer le roman familial de l'histoire : Les Chevaliers de la Table Ronde, Richard Thorpe

In Le cinéma américain . Tome II VENDLER Helen 1994 C963 Reading, Stage by Stage: Shakespeare's Sonnets

In Shakespeare reread : The Texts in New Contexts

VENDLER, Helen 1997 D170 The Art of Shakespeare's Sonnets

VENET G. 1981 C595 Justice et structure tragique : Webster

In Justice, juges, prisons dans le théâtre de Shakespeare et dans les oeuvres de ses contemporains

VENET G. 1982 C596 Temps et idéologie : Marlowe, Shakespeare

In Théâtre et idéologies : Marlowe, Shakespeare

VENET G. 1989 C741 Temps et espace baroques dans la tragédie de Chapman The conspirancie and the tragedie of Charles Duke of Byron In Lieu et temps

VENET Gisèle 1985 C608 Temps et vision tragique : Shakespeare et ses contemporains

VENET, Gisèle 1987 C173 "Motiveless malignity", motif tragique d' Othello

In Autour d' Othello

VENET Gisèle 1992 C898 Grotesques et grotesque de Falstaff aux opéras de Purcell

In CERCLES : Le Grotesque au Théatre

VENET Gisèle 1993 C918 L’argent et la caution de l’ être

In Shakespeare et l’Argent VENET Gisèle 1995 C999 Le monde vert ou la pastorale noire ?

In Shakespeare . Le monde vert : rites et renouveau

VENET Gisèle 1997 D195 Le Mal et ses masques

VENET, Giselle 1995 D055 Baroque Space and time in Chapman's Tragedy : The conspiracy and Tragedy of Byron

In French Essays on Shakespeare and His Contemporaries

VENEZKI, Alice S. 1972 C296 Pageantry on the Shakespearean Stage

VERCHALY André 1954 A700 Poésie et air de Cour en France jusqu'en 1620

In Musique et Poésie au XVIè siècle. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

VERLINDEN Charles 1959 A606 Crises économiques et sociales en Belgique à l'époque de Charles-Quint

In Charles-Quint et son Temps. C.N.R.S

VERNANT J-P. et VIDAL-NACQUET P. 1972 C830 Mythe et Tragédie en Grèce Ancienne

VERNET Marc 1980 C605 Clignotements du noir-et-blanc

In La théorie du film

VERNET Marc 1980 T44 Codes non-spécifiques

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al VERNET Marc 1980 T44 Espace (Structure de l')

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al

VERNET Marc 1980 T44 Flash-Back

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al

VERNET Marc 1980 T44 Genre

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al

VERNET Marc 1980 C592 La transaction filmique : Le Faucon Maltais, Assurance sur la Mort, Le Grand Sommeil, La Dame de Shangaï, Pendez Moi Haut et Court, La Femme à Abattre In Le cinéma américain . Tome II

VERNET Marc 1980 T44 Personnage

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al

VERNET Marc 1980 T44 Policier

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al

VERNET Marc 1980 T44 Spectateur

In Lectures du film. Collet Jean, Marie Michel, Percheron Daniel et al

VIAL, Claire 1996 D068 Images of Kings and Kingship: Chaucer, Malory,and the Representation of Royal Entries

'Divers Toyes Mengled' - Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture

VICARY T. 1888 A020 The Anatomie of The Bodie of Man VICENS VIVES Jaime 1959 A606 Imperio y administracion en tiempo de Carlos V

In Charles-Quint et son Temps. C.N.R.S

VICKERS Brian 1968 B518 Francis Bacon and Renaissance Prose

VICKERS Brian 1968 B355 The Artistry of Shakespeare's Prose

VICKERS Brian 1972 B995 The 'Songs and Sonnets' and the Rhetoric of Hyperbole

In John Donne: Essays in Celebration. Smith A.J. (editor)

VICKERS Brian 1974 C379/1 Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

VICKERS Brian 1974 C379/2 Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

VICKERS Brian 1975 C379/3 Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume III 1733-1752

VICKERS Brian 1976 C379/4 Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume IV 1753-1765

VICKERS Brian 1979 C537 Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774 VICKERS Brian 1981 C512 Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

VICKERS Brian 1981 C539 The emergence of character criticism, 1774-1800

In Shakespeare Survey 34

VICKERS Brian 1987 C683 English Science, Bacon to Newton

VICKERS Brian 1997 D154 'Suppose you see' : The Chorus in Henry IV and The Mirror for Magistrates

In Shakespearean Continuities

VICKERS, Brian (ed.) 1996 D076 Francis Bacon

VICKERS Nancy 1985 C672 "The blazon of sweet beauty's best" : Shakespeare's Lucrece

In Shakespeare and the question of theory

VICTOR Benjamin 1976 C379/4 From his adaptation of The Two Gentlemen of Verona, 1762

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

VICTOR Benjamin 1976 C379/4 Shakespeare acted and adapted, 1761

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

VICTOR, Jean-Marc 1993 MD15 L'Autobiographie de Benjamin Franklin: Mythes américains et écriture de soi VIENNE-GUERRIN Nathalie 1998 D191 L'Injure et ses Contextes dans le Théâtre de Shakespeare Tome 1

VIENNE-GUERRIN Nathalie 1998 D192 L'Injure et ses Contextes dans le Théâtre de Shakespeare Tome 2

VIENNE-GUERRIN Nathalie 1999 D225 Des "mauvaises langues" dans Richard III

In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef)

VIERGE Gabriel Daniel 1957 A696 Utilité de la conservation des mises en scènes écrites

In La Mise en Scène des Oeuvres du Passé

VIERGE Gabriel-Daniel 1968 A692 L'art dramatique et l'évolution économique et sociale depuis 1914

In Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

VIGNAUX Michèle 1995 D153 L'Invention de la Responsabilité : La Deuxième Tétralogie de Shakespeare

VIGNAUX Michèle 1999 D209 L'Utopie de Thomas More : une oeuvre carrefour

In Thomas Moore, Utopia: Nouvelles Perspectives Critiques

VILAR Jean 1969 A528 Un Lieu Théâtral: Avignon

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs)

VILLAIN Dominique 1984 T48 L'oeil à la caméra VILLAJERO Oscar M. 1967 A463/12 Shakespeare' s Romeo and Juliet' : Its Spanish Source

In Shakespeare Survey, 20 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

VILLEMAINE Pierre-Antoine 1990 C964 Le temps d'une représentation

In Écritures contemporaines et Théâtralité

VILLENEUVE C. 1992 C896 La musique de scène

In Roméo et Juliette

VILLIERS André 1953 B113 Théâtre et Collectivité

VILLIERS André 1965 A693 Une Recherche du tragique chez Steinbeck: A propos de "Comme une flamme"

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

VILLIERS André 1967 A694 Le Réalisme scénique

In Réalisme et Poesie au Théâtre

VILLIERS André 1968 A692 Perspectives ouvertes et fermées de l'avant-garde

In Le Theâtre Moderne, Hommes et Tendances. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

VILLIERS André 1969 A528 Rapports de l'Acteur et du Spectateur comme Conditions d'une Architecture

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs)

VILLQUIN Jean-Pierre 1981 C595 Parodies de la justice dans le théâtre de John Day

In Justice, juges, prisons dans le théâtre de Shakespeare et dans les oeuvres de ses contemporains VILLQUIN Jean-Pierre 1985 C602 Trois portraits de Juifs de théâtre : Barabas, Shylock et Zariph

In Le Marchand de Venise et Le Juif de Malte

VILLQUIN Jean-Pierre 1987 C696 Regrets, remords et repentir dans Macbeth

In Miroirs de L'Être : Macbeth, The Man of Mode

VILLQUIN Jean-Pierre 1989 C741 Topographie du théâtre de John Day : dialectique du quotidien et de l'utopique

In Lieu et temps

VILLQUIN Jean-Pierre 1989 C822 Tragédie baroque

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

VILLQUIN Jean-Pierre 1989 C718 Tragédie baroque

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

VILLQUIN Jean-Pierre 1990 C770 Henry IV, dramatis personna : un homme, un roi

In Henry the Fourth . Milton, gay . Pouvoir et musique

VILLQUIN Jean-Pierre 1992 C919/2 John day and Jacobean Drama. A Mirror Held up to the Stage

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

VILLQUIN Jean-Pierre 1992 C898 Le Burlesque dans L’Île aux Dupes de John Day

In CERCLES : Le Grotesque au Théatre

VILLQUIN Jean-Pierre 1992 C825 Les jeux de l'ironie dans Edward II de Marlowe

In Edward II VILLQUIN Jean-Pierre 1992 C896 Roméo et Juliette , texte et traduction

In Roméo et Juliette

VILLQUIN Jean-Pierre 1992 C896 Splendeurs et misères de Roméo et Juliette au théâtre

In Roméo et Juliette

VILLQUIN Jean-Pierre 1992 C896 Traduire Roméo et Juliette . Dates et textes

In Roméo et Juliette

VILLQUIN Jean-Pierre 1993 C897 Représentation(s) de la passion

In Roméo et Juliette : Nouvelles perspectives critiques

VILLQUIN Jean-Pierre 1994 D003 Les ambiguïtés du Colonialisme dans The Tempest

In Shakespeare : cosmopolitisme et insularité

VILLQUIN Jean-Pierre 1994 C923 Les masques de la tragédie dans La Tempête

In Shakespeare - La Tempête : études critiques

VILLQUIN, Jean-Pierre 1995 D055 Topography in John Day's Plays : The dialectic of Topicality and Utopia

In French Essays on Shakespeare and His Contemporaries

VINAGROV V.V. 1965 B086 Des tâches de la stylistique

In Théorie de la Littérature

VINOGRADOV V.V. 1965 A702 Des tâches de la stylistique

In Théorie de la littérature (textes des formalistes russes réunis et traduits par Todorov Tzvetan ) Virginia MASON VAUGHAN 1998 D200 Race Mattered: Othello in Late Eighteenth-Century England

In Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century, Shakespeare Survey n°51

VIROLLEAUD Charles 1956 A629 Une ville d'Orient: Édesse

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

VISCONTI Laura 1992 C919/1 The ‘Play’ in Hamlet : The Primacy of Theatre

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

VISSER, Nicholas. 1998 D285 Shakespeare and Hanekom, King Lear and Land: A South African Perspective

In Post-Colonial Shakespeares

VITEZ Antoine 1965 B104 Le Théâtre en U.R.S.S. et dans les démocraties populaires

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

VITOUX Pierre 1969 A902 Histoire des Idées en Grande-Bretagne

VOGEL, Paula. 2000 D283 Desdemona: A Play About a Handkerchieh

In Adaptations of Shakespeare

VOISIN André 1969 A528 Expérience d'un Théâtre Populaire au Maroc

In Le Lieu Théâtral dans la Société Moderne. BABLET Denis et JACQUOT Jean (editeurs)

VOLTAIRE 1963 B043 Preface to Brutus: Discourse on Tragedy

In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor) VOLTZ Pierre 1964 A907 La Comédie

VON GOETHE Johann Wolfgang 1963 B043 Shakespeare ad Infinitum

In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor)

VON HOFMANNSTHAL Hugo 1963 B043 Shakespeare's Kings and Noblemen

In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor)

VON KOPPENFELS Werner 1994 C985 Dis-Covering the Female Body : Erotic Exploration in Elizabethean Poetry

In Shakespeare Survey 47

VON RANKE Leopold 1963 B043 from History of England: excerpt from volume IV, Chapter 6

In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor)

VON ROSADOR K. Tetzeli 1984 C639 Plotting the early comedies: The Comedy of Errors, Love's Labour's Lost,The Two Gentlemen of Verona In Shakespeare survey 37

VON ROSADOR Kurt Tetzeli 1990 C795 The Power of Magic: From Endimion to The Tempest

In Shakespeare Survey 43

VON SCHILLER Johann Friedrich 1963 B043 from On Simple and Sentimental Poetry

In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor)

VON SCHILLER Johann Friedrich 1963 B043 from The Stage as a Moral Institution

In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor) VORMUS Helga 1971 C548 Carl Sternheim. Scènes de la vie héroïque bourgeoise

In L'expressionnisme dans le théâtre européen

VOSPER Robert 1972 B891 L.C.P. and the Clark

In Stuart and Georgian Moments. Miner Earl

VYVYAN John 1968 B191 Shakespeare and the Rose of Love

VYVYAN John 1968 A940 The Shakespearean Ethic

VYVYAN John 1970 B144 Shakespeare and Platonic Beauty

W.H. 1962 A615 Wodenfrides song in Praise of Amargana

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

W.S. 1962 A615 Corins Dreame of his Faire Chloris

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

W.T. 1979 C537 On three Shakespearian tragedies, 1767

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

W.W. Greg 1970 Z13/2 A Bibliography of the English Printed Drama to the Restoration (vol. II) W.W. Greg 1970 Z13/3 A Bibliography of the English Printed Drama to the Restoration (vol. III)

W.W. Greg 1970 Z13/4 A Bibliography of the English Printed Drama to the Restoration (vol. IV)

WAAGE, Frederick O. 1973 C294 Burke's Short Account and its Answer

In The Huntington Library Quaterly (vol. XXXVI, No 3)

WADDINGTON, Raymond B. 1966 P1/1966/I Chapman 's Andromeda Liberata: Mythology and Meaning

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°81

WADDINGTON Raymond B. 1980 C632 Milton among the Carolines

In The age of Milton

WADE Andrew 1994 D003 "What?" Speaking the Language Out Aloud. With Reference to the Prologue in Romeo and Juliet

In Shakespeare : cosmopolitisme et insularité

WAGER W. 1968 B415 The Longer Thou Livest and Enough Is as Good as a Feast

WAGNER, Bernard M. 1967 P1/1938/I New Poems of Sir Philip Sydney

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°53

WAGNER Ève-Marie 1999 D225 Un Jardin en Avignon (1743-1746): Lady Mary Wortley Montagu et la création d'un domaine à soi

In Bulletin de la société d'études anglo-américaines des XVII et XVIII siècles. Leduc Guyonne (rédactrice en chef) WAIN, John 1960 B567 Strength and Isolation: Pessimistic Notes of a Miltonolater

In The Living Milton

WAIN John 1964 A505 The Living World of Shakespeare : A Playgoer' s Guide

WAIN, John 1971 B511 Shakespeare: Othello , a Casebook

WAIN John (editor) 1968 A790 Shakespeare Macbeth: A Casebook.

WAIT, R.J.C. 1972 B911 The Background of Shakespeare's Sonnets

WAITH Eugene M. 1962 A504 The Herculean Hero in Marlowe, Chapman, Shakespeare and Dryden

WAITH, Eugene M. 1962 B953 The Herculean Hero in Marlowe, Chapman, Shakespeare and Dryden

WAITH Eugene M. 1969 B050 The Metamorphosis of Violence in Titus Andronicus

In Shakespeare Survey 10. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

WAITH Eugene M. 1970 B582 The Herculean Hero

In Twentieth Century Interpretations of Coriolanus. Phillips James E. (editor) WAITH, Eugene M. 1971 C095 Ideas of Greatness : Heroic Drama in England

WAITH, Eugene M. 1973 C280 Macbeth : Interpretation Versus Adaptation

In Shakespeare : of an Age and for all the Time

WALCH Günter 1990 C703 Henry V as working-house of ideology

In Shakespeare Survey 40

WALCH, Günter 1996 D074 'What's past is prologue' : Metatheatrical Memory and Transculturation in The Tempest

In Travel and Drama in Shakespeare's Time

WALDO Tommy Ruth 1974 C359 Musical terms as rhetoric : the complexity of Shakespeare's dramatic style

WALDOCK A.J.A. 1968 A929 Hamlet : A Study in Critical Method

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

WALDRON R.A. 1970 B335 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

WALKER Alice 1952 A463/3 The 1622 Quarto and the First Folio Texts of Othello

In Shakespeare Survey, 5: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

WALKER D.P. 1954 A700 Le chant orphique de Marsile Ficin

In Musique et Poésie au XVIè siècle. Jacquot Jean (editeur) WALKER D.P. 1956 A697 La Musique des Intermèdes Florentins de 1589 et l' Humanisme

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

WALKER, D.P. 1972 C184/2 Francis Bacon and Spiritus

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol. II)

WALKER D.P. 1984 C583 Medical spirits in Philosophy and Theology from Ficino to Newton

In Arts du spectacle et histoire des idées

WALKER Keith 1968 B320/66 The Eighteenth Century

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1966)

WALKER Keith 1969 B320/67 The Eighteenth Century

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1967)

WALKER Keith 1970 B320/68 The Eighteenth Century

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1968)

WALKER Keith 1971 B320/69 The Eighteenth Century

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1969)

WALKER Ralph S. 1968 A644 Ben Jonson ' s Lyric Poetry

In Seventeenth -Century English Poetry : Modern Essays in Criticism

WALKER Roy 1948 B182 The Time is out of Joint: a study of Hamlet WALKER Roy 1968 B049 The Celestial Plane in Shakespeare

In Shakespeare Survey 8. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

WALKER Roy 1969 B324 The Time is Free: a Study of Macbeth

WALKER Roy 1969 B455 The Whirling of Time, A Review of Recent Productions

In Shakespeare Survey 12: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

WALKLEY, A.B. 1970 C285 The Voysey Inheritance

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

WALKLING Andrew R. 1995 D042 Politics and the Restoration Masque : the Case of Dido and Aeneas

In Culture and Society in the Stuart Restoration

WALL Stephen 1987 C980 Shakespeare : His Later Plays

In The Penguin History of Literature : English Drama to 1710

WALLACE Charles William 1912 A765 The Evolution of the English Drama up to Shakespeare, with a History of the First Blackfriars Theatre

WALLACE John M. 1968 B519 Destiny his Choice: The Loyalism of Andrew Marvell

WALLACE, Richard W. 1963 B764/5 The Later Version of Nicolas Poussin's Achilles in Scyros

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume IX. Shaaber, M.a. (editor) WALLER A.R. 1906 B477/3 The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher (VOL III)

WALLER A.R. 1906 B477/4 The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher (VOL IV)

WALLER A.R. 1907 B477/5 The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher (VOL V)

WALLER Garry F. 1988 C716 Decentering the Bard : The BBC-TV Shakespeare and some implications for criticism and teaching

In Shakespeare on television

WALLER Gary F. 1983 C692 Deconstruction and Renaissance literature

In Assays : critical approaches to Medieval and Renaissance texts

WALLERSTEIN Ruth 1968 A644 On the Death of Mrs. Killigrew : The Perfecting of a Genre

In Seventeenth -Century English Poetry : Modern Essays in Criticism

WALLERSTEIN Ruth C. 1962 A617 Richard Crashaw : A Study in Style and Poetic Development

WALLEY Harold B. 1967 A621 Shakespeare ' s Portrayal of Shylock

In The Parrot Presentation Volume

WALLEY Harold R. 1961 P1/1961/V The Rape of Lucrece and Shakespearean Tragedy

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°76 WALLEY, Harold R. 1966 P1/1933/I Shakespeare's Conception of Hamlet

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°48

WALLON Henri 1956 A629 La création chez l'enfant: jeux et jouets

In Mélanges, Georges Jamati: création et vie intérieure, recherches sur les sciences et les arts.

WALPOLE Horace 1976 C379/4 On Shakespeare and French rules, 1765

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

WALPOLE Horace 1981 C512 Shakespeare's natural genius, 1779-80

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

WALPOLE, Hugh 1970 C285 A Creator (Charles Laughton)

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

WALTER J.H. 1969 B050 Shakespeare in Schools

In Shakespeare Survey 10. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

WALTER J.H. 1969 A787 Shakespeare's Christian Epic Hero

In Shakespeare Henry V : A Casebook. Quinn Michael (editor)

WALTON Geoffrey 1968 A644 The Tone of Ben Jonson ' s Poetry

In Seventeenth -Century English Poetry : Modern Essays in Criticism

WALTON Izaak 1966 A287 DONNE John

In Lives WALTON Izaak 1966 A287 HERBERT George

In Lives

WALTON Izaak 1966 A287 HOOKER Richard

In Lives

WALTON Izaak 1966 A287 Lives

WALTON Izaak 1966 A287 SANDERSON Robert

In Lives

WALTON Izaak 1966 A287 Sir WOTTON Henry

In Lives

WALTON Izzack 1957 A675 The Life of Dr. John Donne & The compleat Angler or the Contemplative Man' s Recreation

In Seventeenth-Century : English Prose

WALTON, J.K. 1960 B555 Lear's Last Speech

In Shakespeare Survey N°13

WALTON J.K. 1964 A759 Macbeth

In Shakespeare in a Changing World

WALTON J.K. 1965 A972 The Structure of Hamlet

In Hamlet WALTON J.K. 1966 A463/11 Textual Studies reviewed

In Shakespeare Survey, 19 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

WALTON J.K. 1967 A463/12 Textual Studies reviewed

In Shakespeare Survey, 20 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

WALTON J.K. 1968 A463/13 Textual Studies

In Shakespeare Survey, 21 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

WALTON, J.K. 1971 B647 The Quarto Copy for the First Folio of Shakespeare

WALTON J.K. 1982 C582 Lear's last speech

In Aspects of King Lear

WALTON WILLIAMS George 1970 B481 A King and No King

In The Dramatic Works in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon

WALTON WILLIAMS, George 1996 P5/39 Five-act Structure and the Choruses in Henry V

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°50

WALTZER Michael 1966 B382 The Revolution of the Saints: A Study in the Origins of Radical Politics

WALWYL B. 1981 C512 Shakespearian comedy, 1782

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801 WARBURTON William 1974 C379/2 Notes on Shakespeare, 1733

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

WARBURTON William 1975 C379/3 Edition of Shakespeare, 1747

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

WARD, A.C. 1970 C285 Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

WARD A.W. 1979 C779 From 'A History of English Dramatic Literature', 1875

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

WARD Adolphus William 1966 A703/1 A History of English Dramatic Literature, volume I

WARD Adolphus William 1966 A703/2 A History of English Dramatic Literature, volume II

WARD Adolphus William 1966 A703/3 A History of English Dramatic Literature, volume III

WARD Charles E. 1972 B891 Challenges to Dryden's Biographer

In Stuart and Georgian Moments. Miner Earl

WARD John 1960 A698 Les sources de la musique pour le clavier en Angleterre

In La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance. Jacquot Jean WARD John Powell 1992 C894 As You Like It

WARDE FOWLER W. 1969 A600 Old and New Ideas about Tragedy

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

WARDROPER, John 1970 B533 Jest upon Jest

WARK, Robert R. 1972 C276 Hogarth's Narrative Method in Practice and Theory

In England in the Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century

WARNER Francis (editor) 1968 A717 Studies in the Arts: Proceedings of the St. Peter's College Literary Society

WARNER Richard 1979 C537 Shakespeare's language, 1768

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

WARNKE Frank J. 1970 A943 Metaphysical Poetry and the European Context

In Metaphysical Poetry. Brown John Russell and Harris Bernard (general editors). Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies 11

WARNKE, Frank J. 1970 B855/1 Metaphysical Poetry and the European Context

In Metaphysical Poetry

WARNKE, Roland J. 1954 B764/1 Marino and English Metaphysicals

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume II. Shaaber M. A.(editor) WARREN Michael J. 1978 C494 Quarto and folio King Lear and the interpretation of Albany and Edgar

In Shakespeare : pattern of excelling nature

WARREN Roger A623 Shakespeare at Stratford, Ontario : The John HirschYears

In Shakespeare Survey No 39

WARREN Roger 1969 A463/14 Why Does it End Well? Helena, Bertram, and The Sonnets

WARREN Roger 1976 C399 Theatrical virtuosity and poetic complexity in Cymbeline

In Shakespeare Survey 29

WARREN Roger 1977 C433 Theory and practice : Stratford 1976

In Shakespeare Survey 30

WARREN Roger 1978 C472 Comedies and histories at two Stratfords, 1977

In Shakespeare Survey 31

WARREN Roger 1979 C498 A year of comedies : Stratford 1978

In Shakespeare Survey 32

WARREN Roger 1979 C498 'Smiling at grief' : some techniques of comedy in Twelth Night and Così Fan Tutte

In Shakespeare Survey 32

WARREN Roger 1980 C515 Shakespeare at Stratford and the national theatre, 1979

In Shakespeare Survey 33 WARREN Roger 1981 C539 Shakespeare in performance, 1980

In Shakespeare Survey 34

WARREN Roger 1982 C573 Interpretations of Shakespearian comedy, 1981

In Shakespeare Survey 35

WARREN Roger 1982 C581 Measure for Measure (1978)

In Aspects of Shakespeare's 'problem plays'

WARREN Roger 1982 C581 Troilus and Cressida (1976)

In Aspects of Shakespeare's 'problem plays'

WARREN Roger 1982 C581 Why does it end well? Helena, Bertram, and the Sonnets

In Aspects of Shakespeare's 'problem plays'

WARREN Roger 1983 C579 A Midsummer Night's Dream

WARREN Roger 1984 C639 'Contrarieties agree': an aspect of dramatic technique in Henry VI

In Shakespeare survey 37

WARREN Roger 1986 C711 Shakespeare on the twentieth-century stage

In The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare studies

WARREN Roger 1988 C724 Ford in performance

In John Ford : Critical Re-Visions WARREN Roger 1990 C703 Shakespeare'slate plays at Stratford, Ontario

In Shakespeare Survey 40

WARTON Joseph 1968 A599 'Amazing wildnes of fancy' : Remarks on the Creation of Character

Shakespeare : The Tempest

WARTON Joseph 1975 C379/3 Shakespeare : nature's child, 1744

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

WARTON Joseph 1976 C379/4 On Shakespeare, 1756

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

WARTON Joseph 1976 C379/4 On The Tempest and King Lear, 1753-4

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

WARTON Thomas 1951 B558 Preface to Milton's Poems on Several Occasions

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

WARTON Thomas 1979 C779 From 'The History of English Poetry', 1781

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

WARTON Thomas 1981 C512 Shakespeare and the golden age of English poetry, 1781

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

WASSERMAN Earl R. (editor) 1965 B603 Aspects of the Eighteenth Century WATKINS, Renée 1957 B764/2 The Authorship of the Vita Anonyma of Leon Battista Alberti

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume IV. Shaaber, M.a. (editor)

WATKINS, Ronald 1964 C265 On Producing Shakespeare

WATKINS W.B.C. 1966 B158 Shakespeare and Spenser

WATKINSON Edward 1976 C379/4 On Shakespeare, 1764-5

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

WATSON Alexandra 1990 C772 Richard III et la fiction contemporaine

In Le tyran : Shakespeare contre Richard III

WATSON Curtis Brown 1960 A942 Shakespeare and the Renaissance Concept of Honor

WATSON Donald 1987 C854/2 Bon esprit, bon sens ou bons mots ? (Ionesco, Obaldia, Navarre)

In Palimpsestes N° 1 : Traduire le Dialogue Traduire les Textes de Théatre

WATSON, Elizabeth A.F. 1967 B926 Spencer

WATSON George 1964 B514 Joseph Butler

In The English Mind. Davies Hugh Sykes and Watson George (editors) WATSON Robert 2000 D262 Epicoene

In Ben Jonson's Plays and Masques

WATSON Robert N. 1984 A215 Shakespeare and the Hazardz of Ambition

WATSON Robert N. 1987 C853 Ben Jonson's Parodic Strategy

WATSON Robert N. 1990 C780 Tragedy

In The Cambridge Companion to English Drama

WATSON, Sarah Ruth 1967 P1/1938/I Sidney at Bartholomew Fair

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°53

WATSON Shawn 1990 C878 Shakespeare’s problem comedies: an Hegelian approach to genre

In Drama and Philosophy

WATSON Tho. 1962 A615 Amintas for his Phillis

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

WATSON Tho. 1962 A615 The Nymphes meeting their May Queene, Entertaine Her with this Dittie

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

WATSON Tho. 1962 A615 The Sheepheards Allusion of his Owne Amorous Infelicitie, to the Offence of Actaeon

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614) WATSON Tho. 1962 A615 The Sheepheards Resolution in Love

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

WATSON Thomas 1962 A615 The Sheepheards Solace

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

WATSON THomas 1964 A899/5 The Tears of Fancie, or, Loue Disdained, 1593

In Sonnets and Poetical Translations, 1598

WATSON, Thomas 1967 C221 Passionate Centurie of Love

In Zepheria, Love & Delites

WATSON, Thomas 1967 C039 Passionate Centurie of Love

In Zepheria, Love & Delites

WATT Ian 1964 B514 Joseph Conrad: Alienation and Commitment

In The English Mind. Davies Hugh Sykes and Watson George (editors)

WATT, Ian 1971 B788 Realism and the Novel

In English Literature and British Philosophy

WATT Ian 1972 B891 The Ironic Tradition in Augustan Prose from Swift to Johnson

In Stuart and Georgian Moments. Miner Earl

WATTS Cedric 1987 C980 Recent Developments in Shakespearean Studies

In The Penguin History of Literature : English Drama to 1710 WATTS Cedric 1988 C870 Hamlet

WATTS Cedric 1988 C725 Hamlet

WATTS Cedric 1991 C890 Romeo and Juliet

WATTS, Harold H. 1965 C266 The Sense of Regain : a Theory of Comedy

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

WAYNE Don E. 1987 C733 Power, politics, and the Shakespearean text: recent criticism in England and the United States

In Shakespeare reproduced : the text in history and ideology

WAYNE Valerie 1991 C876 Historical Differences: Misogyny and Othello

In The matter of Difference : Materialist Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare

WAYNE Valerie 1991 C876 The matter of Difference : Materialist Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare

WAYNE, Valerie 1997 D142 Shakespeare Wallah and Colonial Specularity

In Shakespeare, the Movie Popularizing the Plays on Film, TV,and Video

WEALES Gerald 1965 B025 Brecht and the Drama of Ideas

In Ideas in the Drama: selected papers from the English Institute. Gassner John (editor) WEALES Gerald 1967 B001 The Complete Plays of William Wycherley

WEBB C.C.J. 1969 B818 Ioannis Saresberiensis Metalogicon: Addenda et Corrigenda

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond

WEBB C.C.J. 1969 B818 Notes on Books Bequeathed by John of Salisbury to the Cathedral Library of Chartres

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond

WEBB C.C.J. 1969 B818 Some Notes on the Problem of Siger

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond

WEBB Daniel 1976 C379/4 Shakespeare's poetry, 1762

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

WEBBE William 1967 A256/1 A Discours of English Poetry. 1586

In Elizabethan Critical Essays

WEBBER Edwin J. 1972 C458 On the ancestry of the Gracioso

In Renaissance drama V

WEBBER Joan 1968 A580 The Eloquent "I" : Style and Self in Seventeenth-Century Prose

WEBSTER John 1933 A174 The Duchess of Malfi

In ENGLISH DRAMA 1580-1642 WEBSTER John 1939 A639 The Duchess of Malfi

In The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists excluding Shakespeare: Selected Plays. Neilson William Allan (editor)

WEBSTER John 1966 A396 The White Devil

WEBSTER John 1969 A290 The Duchess of Malfi

In Five Stuart Tragedies, ed. with an Introduction by McILLWRAITH A.K.

WEBSTER John 1970 B419 The White Devil

WEBSTER, John 1996 D082 The Duchess of Malfi and Other plays ed. by Weis

WEBSTER John (Ed.& Intr. by J.R. Brown) 1969 A198 The Duchess of Malfi

WEBSTER John, ed., intro., and notes by John 1965 A265 The White Devil

WECTOR Dixon 1966 P1/1928/II Shakespeare's Purpose in Timon of Athens

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°43

WEDGWOOD C.V. 1961 A656 Poetry and Politics under the Stuarts WEDGWOOD, C.V. 1961 B674 Thomas Wentworth, First Earl of Strafford, 1593-1641

WEDGWOOD C.V. 1963 A294 Seventeenth-Century English Literature

WEDGWOOD C.V. 1964 A977 The Close of an Epoch

In Shakespeare's World

WEDGWOOD C.V. 1970 B749 Oliver Cromwell and the Elizabethan Inheritance

WEEVER John 1963 B176 Faunus and Meliflora

In Elizabethan Minor Epics

WEIDHORN Manfred 1970 B803 Dreams in Seventeenth-Century English Literature

WEIGAND Hermann J. 1964 B499 Hamlet's Consistent Inconsistency

In The Persistence of Shakespeare Idolatry: Essyas in honor of Robert W. Babcock. Schueller Herbert M. (editor)

WEIGAND Hermann J. 1964 B499 Shakespeare in German Criticism

In The Persistence of Shakespeare Idolatry: Essyas in honor of Robert W. Babcock. Schueller Herbert M. (editor)

WEIL Herbert S. 1972 B886 The Options of the Audience: Theory and Practice in Peter Brook's 'Measure for Measure'

In Shakespeare Survey n°25: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study and Production. Muir Kenneth (editor) WEIL Herbert S. 1981 C539 On expectation and surprise : Shakespeare's construction of character

In Shakespeare Survey 34

WEIL,JR. Herbert S. 1969 A463/14 Comic Structure and Total Manipulation in Shakespeare and Some Modern Plays

WEIL Judith 1977 C439 Christopher Marlowe : Merlin's Prophet

WEILGART, Wolfgang J. 1952 C288 Shakespeare Psychognostic : Character Evolution and Transformation

WEIMANN Robert 1964 A759 The Soul of he Age : Towards a Historical Approach to Shakespeare

In Shakespeare in a Changing World

WEIMANN Robert 1967 A463/12 Shakespeare on the Modern Stage : Past Significance and Present Meaning

In Shakespeare Survey, 20 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

WEIMANN Robert 1968 A515/2 Le déclin de la scène "indivisible" élizabéthaine : Beaumont, Fletcher et Heywood

In Dramaturgie et Société : XVIe et XVIIe siècles

WEIMANN Robert 1969 A463/14 Laughing with the Audience : 'The Two Gentlemen of Verona' and the Popular Tradition of Comedy

WEIMANN Robert 1978 C452 Shakespeare and the popular tradition in the theater : studies in the social dimension of dramatic form and function . Revised English translation of Shakespeare und die Tradition des WEIMANN Robert 1981 C539 Society and the individual in Shakespeare's conception of character

In Shakespeare Survey 34

WEIMANN Robert 1985 C672 Mimesis in Hamlet

In Shakespeare and the question of theory

WEIMANN Robert 1987 C733 Towards a literary theory of ideology: mimesis, representation, authority

In Shakespeare reproduced : the text in history and ideology

WEIMANN Robert 1992 C966 Shakespeare's Theater: Tradition and Experiment

In Shakespearean Tragedy

WEIMANN, Robert 1996 D163 Authority and Representation in Early Modern Discourses

WEISER, David K. 1982 P5/11 Essays in Definition: Shakespeare's Sonnets 21,23, and 25

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 22

WEISINGER, Herbert 1954 B764/1 The Attack on the Renaissance in Theology Today

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume II. Shaaber M. A.(editor)

WEISMILLER, Edward 1965 C028 The "dry" and "rugged" Verse

In The Lyric and Dramatic Milton

WEISS Theodore 1971 B597 The Breath of Clowns and Kings: Shakespeare's Early Comedies and Histories WEITZ Morris 1964 B602 Hamlet and the Philosophy of Literary Criticism

WEITZ Morris 1975 C398 Literature without philosophy : Antony and Cleopatra

In Shakespeare Survey 28

WELD John 1975 C445 Meaning in comedy : studies in Elizabethan romantic comedy

WELL, R. Headlam 1983 P5/12 Elizabethan Epideictic Drama: Praise and Blame in The Plays of Peele and Lyly

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 23

WELLAND D.S.R. 1970 B320/68 American Literature to 1900

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1968)

WELLAND D.S.R. 1971 B320/69 American Literature to 1900

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1969)

WELLEK René 1965 B603 The Term and Concept of "Classicism" in Literary History

In Aspects of the Eighteenth Century. Wasserman Earl R. (editor)

WELLS, R. Headlam 1984 P5/14 Poetic Decorum in Spenser's Amoretti

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 25

WELLS Robin Headlam 1986 C807 Shakespeare, Politics and the State WELLS Robin Headlam 1994 C974 Locating Texts in History

In Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions

WELLS Rulon 1967 B371 Comments on Metrics (1960)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors)

WELLS Stanley A623 Shakespeare Survey No 39

WELLS Stanley D154 The Integration of Violent Action in

In Shakespearean Continuities

WELLS Stanley 1966 A971 Shakespeare and Romance

In Later Shakespeare

WELLS Stanley 1966 A463/9 Shakespeare in Planché' s Extravaganzas

In Shakespeare Survey, 16 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

WELLS Stanley 1967 A463/12 Shakespeare' s Life, Times and Stage reviewed

In Shakespeare Survey, 20 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

WELLS Stanley 1970 B528 Literature and Drama with special reference to Shakespeare and his contemporaries

WELLS Stanley 1972 B883 Shakespeare Without Sources

In Shakespearian Comedy. Bradbury Malcolm and Palmer David (editors). Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies n°14 WELLS, Stanley 1973 C203 Shakespeare : Select Bibliographical Guides

WELLS, Stanley 1973 C203 The Study of Shakespeare

In Shakespeare : Select Bibliographical Guides

WELLS Stanley 1975 C476 English drama (excluding Shakespeare) : select bibliographical guide

WELLS Stanley 1976 C399 Shakespeare in Max Beerbohm's theatre criticism

In Shakespeare Survey 29

WELLS Stanley 1977 C462 Royal Shakespeare : four major productions at Stratford-upon-Avon

WELLS Stanley 1980 C500 Juliet's nurse : the uses of inconsequentiality

In Shakespeare's styles

WELLS Stanley 1980 C515 The Taming the Shrew and King Lear : a structural comparaison

In Shakespeare Survey 33

WELLS Stanley 1981 C539 Shakespeare Survey : an annual survey of Shakespearian study and production 34

WELLS Stanley 1982 C573 Shakespeare in Hazlitt's theatre criticism

In Shakespeare Survey 35 WELLS Stanley 1982 C573 Shakespeare Survey : an annual survey of Shakespearian study and production 35

WELLS Stanley 1983 C584 Shakespeare Survey : an annual survey of Shakespearian study and production 36

WELLS Stanley 1984 C606 Experiencing Shakespeare

In Caliban n° XXI

WELLS Stanley 1984 C639 Shakespeare Survey : an annual survey of Shakespeare study and production 37

WELLS Stanley 1985 C663 Shakespeare Survey : an annual survey of Shakespearian study and production 38

WELLS Stanley 1986 C711 The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare studies

WELLS Stanley 1988 C716 Television Shakespeare (extract)

In Shakespeare on television

WELLS Stanley 1988 C716 Television Shakespeare : Jonathan Miller and "Director's theatre"

In Shakespeare on television

WELLS Stanley 1989 C740 Shakespeare performances in London and Stratford-upon-Avon 1986-87

In Shakespeare survey 41 WELLS Stanley 1989 C740 Shakespeare Survey : an annual survey of Shakespeare studies and production 41

WELLS Stanley 1990 C758 Shakespeare Performances in England, 1987-8

In Shakespeare Survey 42

WELLS Stanley 1990 C795 Shakespeare Production in England in1989

In Shakespeare Survey 43

WELLS Stanley 1990 C795 Shakespeare Survey : an annual survey of Shakespeare studies and production 43

WELLS Stanley 1990 C758 Shakespeare Survey : an annual survey of Shakespeare studies and production 42

WELLS Stanley 1990 C703 Shakespeare Survey : an annual survey of Shakespearian study and production 40

WELLS Stanley 1992 C919/1 Shakespeare’s Onstage Audiences

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

WELLS Stanley 1993 C918 Money in Shakespeare’s Comedies

In Shakespeare et l’Argent

WELLS Stanley 1993 C925 Shakespeare Survey : an annual survey of Shakespeare studies and production 45 WELLS Stanley 1993 C960 Tales from Shakespeare

In British Academy Shakespeare Lectures

WELLS Stanley 1994 C984 Shakespeare Survey : an annual survey of Shakespeare studies and production 46

WELLS Stanley 1994 C985 Shakespeare Survey : an annual survey of Shakespeare studies and production 47

WELLS, Stanley 1996 D135 Shakespeare Survey 49

WELLS, Stanley 1996 P5/39 Shakespeare's Biography and the Media

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°50

WELLS, Stanley 1996 D135 The Challenges of Romeo and Juliet

In Shakespeare Survey 49

WELLS Stanley 1997 D154 The Integration of Violent Action in Titus Andronicus

In Shakespearean Continuities

WELLS Stanley 1999 D240 Shakespeare Survey n°52: Shakespeare and the Globe

WELLS Stanley and TAYLOR Gary 1987 D006 William Shakespeare : a Textual Companion WELLS, Stanley (ed.) 1995 D094 Shakespeare Survey 48

WELLS, Stanley (Ed.) 1997 D175 Shakespeare in the Theatre

WELLWARTH, George E. 1986 D109 Modern Drama and the Death of God

WELSFORD Enid 1967 A917 The Masque Transmuted

In Shakespeare's Comedies: an Anthology of Modern Criticism

WELSFORD Enid 1969 A601 The Fool in King Lear

In Shakespeare King Lear

WELSFORD Enid 1969 A788 The Fool in King Lear

In Shakespeare King Lear : A Casebook.Kermode Frank (editor)

WELSFORD Enid 1978 A257 The Fool: His Social and Literary History

WELSH, Alexander. 2001 D273 Hamlet in His Modern Guises

WELSTED Leonard 1974 C379/2 Longinus illustrated from Shakespeare, 1712

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733 WENTERSDORF Karl P. 1979 C498 The mariage contracts in Measure for Measure : a reconsideration

In Shakespeare Survey 32

WENZEL, Siegfried 1961 B764/4 Petrarch's Accidia

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VIII

WERNER, Sarah. 2001 D278 Shakespeare and Feminist Performance

WERNER, Sarah. 2001 D277 Women's Work and the performance of Shakespeare at the Royal Shakespare Company

In Shakespeare and Modern Theatre

WERNHAM R.B. 1968 A594 The New Cambridge Modern History( Vol III) : The Counter-Reformation and Price Revolution : 1559-1610

WERTHEIM Albert 1986 C819 Romance and Finance: The Comedy of William Congreve

In Comedy from Shakespeare to Sheridan

WESKER Arnold 1980 C613 Chips With Everything, The Friends, The Old Ones, Love Letters on Blue Paper

WESKER Arnold 1980 C614 The Journalists, The Merchant, The Wedding Feast

WESKER Arnold 1981 C612 The Kitchen, The Four Seasons, Their Very Own and Golden City WESKER Arnold 1981 C611 The Wesker Trilogy : Chiken Soup With Barley, Roots, I'm Talking about Jerusalem

WEST Alick 1964 A759 Some Current Uses of "Shakespearian"

In Shakespeare in a Changing World

WEST Muriel 1974 C357 The devil and John Webster

WEST, Rebecca 1971 B765 The Court and The Castle

WEST, Robert H. 1955 P1/1955/V King Hamlet's Ambiguous Ghost

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°70

WEST, Robert H. 1964 C204 Ariel and the Outer Mystery

In Shakespeare 1564-1964

WEST, Robert H. 1968 C269 Shakespeare and the Outer Mystery

WESTFALL, Richard S. 1972 C184/2 Newton and the Hermetic Tradition

In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol. II)

WESTRUP J.A. 1954 A700 L'influence de la musique italienne sur le madrigal anglais

In Musique et Poésie au XVIè siècle. Jacquot Jean (editeur) WHALER James 1966 P1/1932/I Animal Simile in Paradise Lost

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°47

WHALEY Diana 1997 D154 Voices of the Past : A Note on Termagant and Herod

In Shakespearean Continuities

WHALLEY Peter 1975 C379/3 On Shakespeare's learning, 1748

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volumme III 1733-1752

WHARTON The Duke of 1974 C379/2 In praise of Hill's Henry V, december 1723

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume II 1693-1733

WHATELY 1981 C512 Richard III and Macbeth compared, 1785

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

WHATELY, Thomas 1970 C017 Remarks on some of the Characters of Shakespere

WHATELY Thomas 1999 D260 Macbeth and Richard III

In Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Richard III

WHEATLEY H.B. 1869 A148/2 Merlin II

WHEATLEY Henry B. 1865 A134 Orthographie and Congruitie of the Britan Tongue WHEELER Richard.P 1999 D260 History, Character and Conscience in Richard III

In Critical Essays on Shakespeare's Richard III

WHEELWRIGHT Philip 1967 B371 On the Semantics of Poetry (1940)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors)

WHETSTONE George 1967 A256/1 The Dedication to Promos and Cassandra.1578

In Elizabethan Critical Essays

WHICHCOTE Benjamin 1969 B016 'The Manifestation of Christ and the Deification of Man'

In The Cambridge Platonists

WHICHCOTE Benjamin 1969 B016 'The Unity of the Church maintained by sincere Christians'

In The Cambridge Platonists

WHICHCOTE Benjamin 1969 B016 'The Use of Reason in matters of Religion'

In The Cambridge Platonists

WHIITWORTH Charles 1993 C897 Bibliographie analytique sélective

In Roméo et Juliette : Nouvelles perspectives critiques

WHINNEY Margaret 1964 B372 Sculpture in Britain 1530 to 1830

WHINNEY Margaret & MILLAR Oliver 1957 A573 English Art : 1625-1714 WHITAKER Virgil 1969 A933 Shakespeare's Use of Learning: An Inquiry into the Growth of his Mind & Art

WHITAKER Virgil K. 1965 A928 The Mirror up to Nature: The Technique of Shakespeare's Tragedies

WHITAKER Virgil K. 1969 A600 Brutus and the Tragedy of Moral Choice

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

WHITAKER Virgil K. 1969 A591 Philosophy and Romance in Shakespeare' s "Problem" Comedies

In The Seventeenth Century : Studies in the History of English Thought and Literature from Bacon to Pope

WHITE, B.R. 1971 B654 The English Separatist Tradition

WHITE Beatrice & DORSCH T.S. 1965 B320/63 The Year's Work n English Studies(1963)

WHITE D. Jerry 1986 C820 Early English Drama, Everyman to 1580 : A reference guide

WHITE Hayden 1989 C922 New Historicism: A Comment

In The New Historicism

WHITE Helen C. 1965 B022 Social Criticism in Popular Religious Literature of the Sixteenth Century WHITE Helen C. 1966 A618 The Metaphysical Poets : A Study in Religious Experience

WHITE Helen C. 1969 A591 John Donne and the Psychology of Spiritual effort

In The Seventeenth Century : Studies in the History of English Thought and Literature from Bacon to Pope

WHITE Lynn (editor) 1970 B816 Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, volume I

WHITE R.S. 1982 C556 Innocent victims : poetic injustice in Shakespearean tragedy

WHITE R.S. 1984 C639 Criticism of the comedies up to The Merchant of Venice : 1953-82

In Shakespeare survey 37

WHITE R.S. 1985 P5/19 The Rise and Fall of an Elizabethan Fashion: Love letters in Romance and Shakespearean Comedy In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°30

WHITE R.S. 1993 C925 Marx and Shakespeare

In Shakespeare Survey 45

WHITE R.S. 1997 D154 Troilus and Cressida as Brechtian Theatre

In Shakespearean Continuities

WHITE, R.S. (Ed.) 1996 D184 Twelfth Night (Casebook) WHITEHALL Harold 1963 A712 From linguistics to poetry

In Sound and Poetry. Frye Northrop (editor)

WHITER Walter 1967 A762 A Specimen of a Commentary on Shakespeare

WHITER Walter 1968 A790 From Specimen of a Commentary on Shakespeare

In Shakespeare Macbeth: A Casebook.Wain John (editor)

WHITER Walter 1981 C512 Shakespeare's mental associations, 1794

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 6, 1774-1801

WHITING Bartlett Jere (WHITING Helen Wescott, 1968 A436 Proverbs, Sentences, and Proverbial Phrases From English Writings Mainly Before 1500

WHITING George W. 1966 P1/1931/I Volpone, Herr von Fuchs, and Les Heritiers Rabourdin

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°46

WHITMAN, Robert Freeman 1973 C040 Beyond Melancholy : John Webster and the Tragedy of Darkness

WHITNEY, Charles. 2001 D279 Ante-Aesthetics: Towards a Theory of Early Modern Audience Response

In Shakespeare and Modernity

WHITTAKER Herbert 1969 B471 Second Century Shakespeare

In Manner and Meaning in Shakespeare. Jackson B.A.W. (editor) WHITTAKER, Herbert 1972 B922 The Langham Regime

In Shakespeare in the New World

WHITTEMORE, Reed 1965 C266 Shaw's Abstract Clarity

In Comedy : Meaning and Form

WHITWORTH Charles 1992 C919/1 Love’s labour’s Lost : Aborted Plays Within, Unconsommated Play Without

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

WHITWORTH Charles 1999 D210 Conventional Shakespeare, 1593: Venus and Adonis and the Elizabethan Epyllion

In William Shakespeare, Venus and Adonis : Nouvelles Perspectives Critiques

WICHERLEY M. A520 La femme de Campagne

WICKHAM Glynne 1956 A697 Contribution de Ben Jonson et de Decker aux Fêtes du Couronnement de Jacques Ier

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

WICKHAM, Glynne 1962 B548 Drama in the World of Science

WICKHAM Glynne 1963 A434/2a Early English Stages (1300 to 1660)

WICKHAM Glynne 1966 A971 Coriolanus: Shakespeare's Tragedy in Rehearsal and Performance

In Later Shakespeare WICKHAM Glynne 1966 A434/1 Early English Stages (1300 to 1660)

WICKHAM Glynne 1966 A463/11 Hell-Castle and its Door-Keeper

In Shakespeare Survey, 19 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

WICKHAM Glynne 1969 A753 Shakespeare's Dramatic Heritage : Collected Studies in Medieval, Tudor and Shakespearean Drama

WICKHAM Glynne 1969 A754 Shakespeare's Dramatic Heritage : Collected Studies in Medieval, Tudor and Shakespearean Drama

WICKHAM Glynne 1969 A688 The Privy Council Order of 1597 for the Destruction of All London's Theatres

In The Elizabethan Theatre. GALLOWAY David (editor)

WICKHAM Glynne 1969 B500 The Privy Council Order of 1597 for the Destruction of All London's Theatres

In The Elizabethan Theatre. Galloway David (editor)

WICKHAM Glynne 1972 A434/2b Early English Stages (1300 to 1660)

WICKHAM Glynne 1973 C171 From Tragedy to Tragi-Comedy : King Lear as Prologue

In Shakespeare Survey 26

WICKHAM, Glynne 1973 C121 Romance and Emblem : a Study in the Dramatic Structure of The Winter's Tale

In The Elizabethan Theatre III WICKHAM Glynne 1974 C384 The medieval theatre

WICKHAM Glynne 1976 C826 English Moral Interludes

WICKHAM Glynne 1980 C533 Riddle and emblem : a study in the dramatic structure of Cymbeline

In English Renaissance studies presented to Dame Helen Gardner in honour of her seventieth birthday

WICKHAM Glynne 1980 C552 The Two Noble Kinsmen or A Midsummer Night's Dream, part II

In The Elzabethan theatre VII

WICKHAM Glynne 1981 C569 Early English stages 1300 to 1660 volume three : plays and their makers to 1576

WICKHAM Glynne 1987 C980 The beginnings of English drama: stage and drama till 1660

In The Penguin History of Literature : English Drama to 1710

WICKHAM Glynne 1987 C980 The Restoration Theatre

In The Penguin History of Literature : English Drama to 1710

WICKHAM Glynne 1989 C750 Reflections arising from recent productions of Love's Labour's Lost and As You Like It

In Shakespeare and the sense of performance

WICKHAM Glynne 1993 C960 The Dramatic Struture of Shakespeare's King Henry the Eighth : An Essay in Rehabilitation

In British Academy Shakespeare Lectures WIELER John William 1969 B244 George Chapman- The Effect of Stoicism upon his Tragedies

WIERUM Ann 1970 B808 "Actors" and "Play-Acting" in the Morality Tradition

In Renaissance Drama III: Essays principally on Drama in Its Intellectual Context. Schoenbaum S. (editor)

WIKANDER Matthew H. 1990 C795 The Duke My Father's Wrack': The Innocence of the Restoration Tempest

In Shakespeare Survey 43

WILCHER Robert 1982 C573 The art of the comic duologue in three plays by Shakespeare

In Shakespeare Survey 35

WILCHER, Robert 1997 P5/40 Double Endings and Autonomous Acts: A Feature of Shakespearian Design

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°51

WILCHER, Robert octobre 1988 P5/23 Timon of Athens: A Shakespearian Experiment

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n° 34

WILDERS John 1969 A597 Shakespeare : The Merchant of Venice

WILDERS, John 1973 C203 The Problem Comedies : Troilus and Cressida, All's Well that Ends Well, and Measure for Measure In Shakespeare : Select Bibliographical Guides

WILDERS John 1978 T10 The BBC TV Shakespeare: As You Like It WILDERS John 1978 T13 The BBC TV Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet

WILDERS John 1978 C501 The lost garden : a view of Shakespeare's English and Roman history plays

WILDERS John 1979 T14 The BBC TV Shakespeare: Henry IV Part I

WILDERS John 1979 T14 The BBC TV Shakespeare: Henry IV Part II

WILDERS John 1979 T32 The BBC TV Shakespeare: Henry V

WILDERS John 1979 T15 The BBC TV Shakespeare: Henry VIII

WILDERS John 1979 T12 The BBC TV Shakespeare: Julius Caesar

WILDERS John 1979 T16 The BBC TV Shakespeare: Measure for Measure

WILDERS John 1980 T9 The BBC TV Shakespeare: Hamlet WILDERS John 1980 T29 The BBC TV Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice

WILDERS John 1980 T11 The BBC TV Shakespeare: The Taming of the Shrew

WILDERS John 1980 T33 The BBC TV Shakespeare: The Tempest

WILDERS John 1980 T8 The BBC TV Shakespeare: Twelfth Night

WILDERS John 1981 T1 The BBC TV Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream

WILDERS John 1981 T6 The BBC TV Shakespeare: All's Well That Ends Well

WILDERS John 1981 T7 The BBC TV Shakespeare: Antony and Cleopatra

WILDERS John 1981 T2 The BBC TV Shakespeare: Othello

WILDERS John 1981 T5 The BBC TV Shakespeare: The Winter's Tale WILDERS John 1981 T3 The BBC TV Shakespeare: Timon of Athens

WILDERS John 1981 T4 The BBC TV Shakespeare: Troilus and Cressida

WILDERS John 1983 T42 The BBC TV Shakespeare: Cymbeline

WILDERS John 1983 T34 The BBC TV Shakespeare: Henry VI part I

WILDERS John 1983 T35 The BBC TV Shakespeare: Henry VI part II

WILDERS John 1983 T36 The BBC TV Shakespeare: Henry VI part III

WILDERS John 1983 T43 The BBC TV Shakespeare: King Lear

WILDERS John 1983 T30 The BBC TV Shakespeare: Macbeth

WILDERS John 1983 T28 The BBC TV Shakespeare: Richard III WILDERS John 1983 T31 The BBC TV Shakespeare: The Merry Wives of Windsor

WILDERS John 1984 T38 The BBC TV Shakespeare: Coriolanus

WILDERS John 1984 T41 The BBC TV Shakespeare: Pericles

WILDERS John 1984 T39 The BBC TV Shakespeare: The Comedy of Errors

WILDERS John 1984 T40 The BBC TV Shakespeare: The Two Gentleman of Verona

WILDERS John 1986 T52 The BBC TV Shakespeare: King John

WILDERS John 1986 T53 The BBC TV Shakespeare: Love's Labour's Lost

WILDERS John 1986 T54 The BBC TV Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing

WILDERS John 1986 T51 The BBC TV Shakespeare: Titus Andronicus WILDERS John 1987 C980 Shakespeare : His Comedies

In The Penguin History of Literature : English Drama to 1710

WILDING, Michael 1972 B852 The Last of the Epics: The Rejection of the Heroic in Paradise Lost and Hudibras

In Restoration Literature

WILDING Michael (editor) 1969 A635 Marvell (Modern Judgements)

WILES David 1987 C712 Shakespeare's clown : actor and text in the Elizbethan playhouse

WILES David 1988 C879 Taking farce seriously: recent critical approaches to Plautus

In Farce

WILES David 1990 P5/27 'That Day are You Free': The Shoemakers Holiday

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°38

WILES David 1992 C919/1 Shakespeare and the Medieval Idea of the Play

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

WILES David 1997 D195 Place et espace du mal dans Macbeth

In Le Mal et ses masques

WILEY Margaret L. 1968 B039 The Subtle Knot: Creative Scepticism in Seventeenth-Century England WILKES G. A. 1980 C533 'Full of doubt I stand' : the final implications of Paradise Lost

In English Renaissance studies presented to Dame Helen Gardner in honour of her seventieth birthday

WILKES Thomas 1976 C379/4 Shakespeare on the stage, 1759

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

WILKINS, Ernest H. 1954 B764/1 Recent Petrarch Publications

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume I. Pery William (editor)

WILKINS Ernest H., JACKSON William A. and 1964 C356 The earliest editions of the first Decennale of Machiavelli

In Studies in the Renaissance volume XI

WILKINSON D.R.M. 1964 A363 The Comedy of Habit: an Essay on the Use of Courtesy Literature in a study of Restoration Comic Drama

WILKINSON, Jean 1973 C294 Three Sets of Religious Poems

In The Huntington Library Quaterly (vol. XXXVI, No 3)

WILKINSON, Ronald Sterne 1972 C184/1 "Hermes Christianius": John Winthrop,Jr and Chemical Medicine in Seventeenth Century New England In Science, Medicine and Society in the Renaissance (vol I)

WILKINSON Tate 1979 C537 Adaptation of Hamlet, 1773

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume 5, 1765-1774

WILLBERN David 1994 C963 Pushing the Envelope: Supersonic Criticism

In Shakespeare reread : The Texts in New Contexts WILLCOCK G.D. 1966 A393 Shakespeare and Elizabethan English

In A Companion to Shakespeare Studies, edited by Harley Granville-Barker and G.B. Harrison

WILLCOCK Gladys D. 1968 B048 Shakespeare and Elizabethan English

In Shakespeare Survey 7. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

WILLEFORD William 1969 A976 the Fool and His Sceptre: a Study in Clowns and Jesters and Their Audience

WILLEKENS Emiel 1965 B104 Le Théâtre aux Pays-Bas

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

WILLEMS Michèle 1979 C490 La genèse du mythe Shakespearien, 1660-1780

WILLEMS Michèle 1981 D002 Double et déguisement dans Twelfth Night

In Aspects du théâtre Anglo-saxon

WILLEMS Michèle 1983 C597 Du texte Shakespearien à la scène de la Restauration et du XVIIIe siècle : les métamorphoses de Macbeth In Du texte à la scène : langages du théâtre

WILLEMS Michèle 1987 C771 Documentaire historique ou vision de l'Histoire ? Les deux tétralogies à la télévision

In Shakespeare à la télévision

WILLEMS Michèle 1987 C771 Shakespeare à la télévision WILLEMS Michèle 1987 C771 Shakespeare à la télévision

In Shakespeare à la télévision

WILLEMS Michèle 1989 C822 Jeu théâtral et catharsis

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

WILLEMS Michèle 1989 C718 Jeu théâtral et catharsis

In Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été et La Duchesse de Malfi

WILLEMS Michèle 1990 C742 Le culte de Mars de 1 Henry IV à Corolian

In Shakespeare et la guerre

WILLEMS Michèle 1990 C770 Le temps dans 1 Henry IV

In Henry the Fourth . Milton, gay . Pouvoir et musique

WILLEMS Michèle 1992 C898 Hamlet ou la vision grotesque de la mort

In CERCLES : Le Grotesque au Théatre

WILLEMS Michèle 1992 C919/1 “They do but jest’ or do they?Reflexions on the Ambiguities of the Space Within a Space”

In The Show Within: Dramatic and Other Insets. English Renaissance Drama (1550-1642)

WILLEMS Michèle 1994 C958 Verbal-visual, verbal-pictural or textual-televisual? Reflections on the BBC Shakespeare series

In Shakespeare and the Moving Image

WILLEMS, Michèle 1995 D055 "Women and horses and power and war": Worship of Mars from 1 Henry IV to Coriolanus

In French Essays on Shakespeare and His Contemporaries WILLEMS, Michèle 1996 D057 Le double dans Twelfth Night

In Twelfth Night : Le Language en Fête

WILLEMS Michèle 1997 D195 Le discours de la tentation dans Macbeth

In Le Mal et ses masques

WILLEMS Michèle 1998 D211 Ni cinéma, ni télévision: la radio et les paradoxes de la représentation

In Shakespeare et le Cinéma

WILLEMS, Michèle Avril 1990 P5/26 Misconstruction in 1 Henry IV

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°37

WILLEMS Michelle A623 Verbal-Visual, Verbal-Pictoral or Textual-Televisional ? Reflections on the BBC shakespeare' s Series In Shakespeare Survey No 39

WILLEMS Raymond 1981 D002 Ambiguité et identité dans Julius Caesar

In Aspects du théâtre Anglo-saxon

WILLEMS Raymond 1987 C771 L'Othello de Jonathan Miller

In Shakespeare à la télévision

WILLES Richard 1967 A256/1 From Poematum Liber.1573

In Elizabethan Critical Essays

WILLET John 1971 C548 Expressionnisme et politique : le cas Brecht

In L'expressionnisme dans le théâtre européen WILLEY Basil 1965 A439 The Eighteenth Century Background: Studies on the Idea of Nature in the Thought of the Period

WILLEY Basil 1967 A438 The Seventeenth Century Background: Study in the Thought of the Age in Relation to Poetry and Religion

WILLEY Basil 1969 A591 The Touch of Cold Philosophy

In The Seventeenth Century : Studies in the History of English Thought and Literature from Bacon to Pope

William Camden 1951 Z14 Brittania

WILLIAM David 1965 A972 Hamlet in the Theatre

In Hamlet

WILLIAM David 1965 A441 The Tempest on the Stage

In Jacobean Theatre. Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies I

William DODD 1998 D200 Destined Livery? Character and Person in Shakespeare

In Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century, Shakespeare Survey n°51

WILLIAM Hawkins 1969 A842 Cymbelyne(1759)

WILLIAMS A.M. (editor) 1970 B517 Conversations at Little Gidding 'On the Retirement of Charles V', 'On the Austere Life': Dialogues of Members of the Ferrar Family WILLIAMS Alan 1980 C591 Répétition, variation : matrices narratives dans Seuls les Anges ont des Ailes (Only Angels have Wings ), Howard Hawks In Le cinéma américain . Tome I

WILLIAMS Charles 1951 B558 An Introduction to Milton's Poem

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

WILLIAMS Charles 1951 B607 James I

WILLIAMS Charles 1965 B875 A Short Life of Shakespeare with The Sources

WILLIAMS Charles 1968 A929 Romeo and Juliet in the Cycle of Shakespeare

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

WILLIAMS Charles 1969 A787 The Honour of King Henry V

In Shakespeare Henry V : A Casebook. Quinn Michael (editor)

WILLIAMS D.J. 1970 B323 Alliterative Poetry in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries

In The Middle Ages(Vol I)

WILLIAMS George Walton 1976 C373 Love's Cure

In The dramatic works in the Beaumont and Fletcher . Volume III

WILLIAMS George Walton 1979 C461 The Chances

In The dramatic works in the Beaumont and Fletcher canon WILLIAMS George Walton 1982 C545 The Island Princess

In The dramatic works in the Beaumont and Fletcher canon . Vol. V

WILLIAMS George Walton 1994 C985 Time for Such a Word' : Verbal Echoing in Macbeth

In Shakespeare Survey 47

WILLIAMS George Walton (editor) 1966 A482 The Woman Hater

In The Dramatic Work in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon, volume I

WILLIAMS, Kathleen 1966 B543 Spencer's Faerie Queen, The World of Glass

WILLIAMS Kathleen 1971 B762 Jonathan Swift

In History of Literature in the English Language, volume IV: Dryden to Jonson. Lonsdale Roger (editor)

WILLIAMS, Neville 1971 B698 Henry VIII and His Court

WILLIAMS Neville 1972 B889 The Life and Times of Elizabeth I

WILLIAMS, Penry 1969 C176 Life in Tudor England

WILLIAMS Porter 1961 P1/1961/III Mistakes in Twelfth Night and Their Resolution: A Study in Some Relationships of Plot and Theme

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°76 WILLIAMS Porter 1972 B873 Mistakes in Twelfth Night and Their Resolution

In Shakespeare: Twelfth Night, A Casebook. Palmer D.J. (editor)

WILLIAMS Raymond 1964 B514 David Hume: Reasoning and Experience

In The English Mind. Davies Hugh Sykes and Watson George (editors)

WILLIAMS, Raymond 1972 C190 Drama in Performance

WILLIAMS Raymond 1977 C432 Social environment and theatrical environment : the case of English naturalism

In English drama : forms and development

WILLIAMS Sheila 1960 A697/2 Les Ommegangs d' Anvers et les cortèges du Lord-Maire de Londres

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint

WILLIAMS Sheila & JACQUOT Jean 1960 A697/2 Ommegangs anversois du temps de Bruegel et de Van Heemskerck

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint

WILLIAMS Simon 1982 C573 Shakespeare at the Burgtheater : from Heinrich Anschütz to Josef Kainz

In Shakespeare Survey 35

WILLIAMS Simon 1986 C664 The 'Shakespeare-stage' in nineteenth-century Germany

In Shakespeare and the Victorian stage

WILLIAMSON George 1958 A446 The Donne Tradition: A study in English Poetry from Donne to the Death of Cowley WILLIAMSON George 1963 A670 Seventeenth Century Contexts

WILLIAMSON George 1965 A643 Milton & Others

WILLIAMSON George 1966 B040 The Senecan Amble: A Study in Prose from Bacon to Collier

WILLIAMSON George 1968 A740 A Reader' s Guide to The Metaphysical Poets

WILLIAMSON George 1968 A644 The Convention of The Extasie

In Seventeenth -Century English Poetry : Modern Essays in Criticism

WILLIAMSON Marilyn L. 1991 D030 Violence and Gender Ideology in Coriolanus and Macbeth

In Shakespeare Left and Right

WILLIS Deborah 1992 D045 The Monarch and the Sacred : Shakespeare and the Ceremony for the Healing of the King's Evil

In True Rites and Maimed Rites : Ritual and Anti-Ritual in Shakespeare and his Age

WILLIS Suzan 1988 C716 The British Shakespeare series : A prolegomenon

In Shakespeare on television

WILLOBY 1967 C248 His Avisa WILLOBY Henry 1967 B017 Willobie His Avisa, The first triall of Avisa(1594)

In Elizabethan Narrative Verse

WILLS Garry 1995 D043 Witches and Jesuits : Shakespeare's Macbeth

WILLS Richard 1958 B313 De Re Poetica

WILLSON Robert F. 1985 P5/17 Hamlet: Man of the Theatre

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°28

WILLSON, Robert F. JR. 1979 P5/4 Fearful Punning: The Name Game in Macbeth

In Cahiers Elisabéthains n° 15

WILLY Margaret 1964 B320/64 The Twentieth Century

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1964)

WILLY Margaret 1965 B320/63 The Twentieth Century

In The Year's Work n English Studies(1963)

WILLY Margaret 1968 B320/66 The Twentieth Century

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1966)

WILLY Margaret 1969 B320/67 The Twentieth Century

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1967) WILLY Margaret 1970 B320/68 The Twentieth Century

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1968)

WILMART A. 1969 B818 Le Florilège mixte de Thomas Bekynton

In Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Hunt, Richard, Klibansky, Raymond

WILMETH Don B. & MILLER Tice L. 1993 C921 Cambridge Guide to AMERICAN THEATRE

WILSON Anita 1993 D033 Laikin, with Glossalalia : Tony Harrisson

In English Studies in Transition : Papers from the ESSE Inaugural Conference

WILSON Derek 1972 B881 A Tudor Tapestry: Men, Women and Society in Reformation England

WILSON Dover 1968 B476 Malone and the Upstart Crow

In Shakespeare Survey (Vol 4)

WILSON Dover 1970 B346 Titus Andronicus on the Stage in 1595

In Shakespeare Survey(1)

WILSON Dover J. 1964 A757 The Fortunes of Falstaff

WILSON Edmund 1963 C470 Morose Ben Jonson

In Ben Jonson : a collection of critical essays WILSON Edward M. 1970 B456 Shakespeare and Christian Doctrine: Some Qualifications

In Shakespeare Survey 23: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

WILSON, Edwin 1969 B913 Shaw on Shakespeare

WILSON Elkin Calhoun 1966 A968 England's Eliza

WILSON, Elkin Calhoun 1973 C116 Shakespeare, Santayana, and the Comic

WILSON, F.P. 1960 B555 Illustrations of Social Life III: Street Cries

In Shakespeare Survey N°13

WILSON F.P. 1960 B310 Seventeenth Century Prose

WILSON F.P. 1965 A402 Elizabethan and Jacobean

WILSON F.P. 1966 A463/2 Shakespeare's Reading

In Shakespeare Survey, 3: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

WILSON F.P. 1968 B046 Ralph Crane, Scrivener to the King's Players (1926)

In The Seventeenth-Century Stage: A Collection of Critical Essays. Bentley Gerald Eades (editor) WILSON F.P. 1969 A247 Edward II: Ironies of Kingship

In Critics on Marlowe, ed. by Judith O'Neill

WILSON F.P. 1969 B455 Illustrations of Social Life II: A Butcher and some Social Pests

In Shakespeare Survey 12: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

WILSON F.P. 1969 A728 Shakespearian and Other Studies

WILSON F.P. 1969 B404 Shakespearian and Other Studies

WILSON F.P. 1969 B387 The English Drama

WILSON, F. P. 1970 B536 Shakespeare and the new Bibliography

WILSON F.P.(b.1889) 1963 A292 Shakespeare and the Diction of Common Life

In Shakespeare Criticism

WILSON Franck Percy 1969 A915 Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies

WILSON Harold S. 1965 A775 "Philaster" and "Cymbeline"

In Shakespeare's Contemporaries. Bluestone Max and Rabkin Norman (editors), Harbage Alfred (intro.) WILSON Harold S. 1968 A427 Antony and Cleopatra

In On The Design of Shakespearian Tragedy

WILSON Harold S. 1968 A427 Coriolanus

In On The Design of Shakespearian Tragedy

WILSON Harold S. 1968 A427 Hamlet

In On The Design of Shakespearian Tragedy

WILSON Harold S. 1968 A427 King Lear

In On The Design of Shakespearian Tragedy

WILSON Harold S. 1968 A427 On The Design of Shakespearian Tragedy

WILSON Harold S. 1968 A427 Othello

In On The Design of Shakespearian Tragedy

WILSON Harold S. 1968 A427 Romeo and Juliet

In On The Design of Shakespearian Tragedy

WILSON Harold S. 1968 A427 Timon of Athens

In On The Design of Shakespearian Tragedy

WILSON Harold S. 1968 A427 Troilus and Cressida

In On The Design of Shakespearian Tragedy WILSON J.Dover 1959 B375 Memories of Harley Granville-Barker and Two of His Friends

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies, presented to Frank Percy Wilson

WILSON J.Dover 1966 A463/1 Ben Jonson and Julius Caesar

In Shakespeare Survey, 2: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production, Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

WILSON J. Dover 1967 A401 The Essential Shakespeare: A Biographical Adventure

WILSON J. Dover 1967 A366 What Happens in Hamlet

WILSON J.Dover 1968 B048 The New Way with Shakespeare's Texts: An Introduction for Lay Readers. I. The Foundations

In Shakespeare Survey 7. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

WILSON J. DOVER 1968 B049 The New Way with Shakespeare's Texts: II. Recent Work on the Text of Romeo and Juliet

In Shakespeare Survey 8. Nicoll Allardyce (editor)

WILSON J. Dover 1969 A600 Ben Jonson and Julius Caesar

In Shakespeare : Julius Caesar

WILSON J. Dover 1969 A915 Memories of Harley Granville-Barker and Two of his Friends

In Elizabethan and Jacobean Studies

WILSON J.Dover 1969 B050 Shakespeare's 'small latin'-how much?

In Shakespeare Survey 10. Nicoll Allardyce (editor) WILSON J. Dover(b.1881) 1963 A292 Riot and the Prodigal Prince

In Shakespeare Criticism

WILSON John 1967 A571 The Dramatic Works of John Wilson

WILSON John DOVER 1968 B013 Life in Shakespeare's England: a Book of Elizabethan Prose

WILSON John Dover 1969 A914 Shakespeare's happy Comedies

WILSON John DOVER 1970 B057 The Riot and the Prodigal Prince

In Shakespeare: Henry IV (parts I & II)

WILSON John Harold 1967 A781 The Court Wits of the Restoration, an introduction

WILSON John Harold 1968 A183 A Preface to Restoration Drama

WILSON John Harold 1968 A451 The Influence of Beaumont and Fletcher on Restoration Drama

WILSON KHIGHT G. 1962 B289 The Mutual Flame: on Shakespeare's Sonnets and The Phoenix and the Turtle WILSON KNIGHT G. 1964 B290 Shakesperian Production (with especial reference to the Tragedies)

WILSON KNIGHT G. 1968 B288 The Starlit Dome: Studies in the Poetry of Vision

WILSON R.M. 1964 B320/64 English Language

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1964)

WILSON R.M. 1964 B320/64 Old English Literature

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1964)

WILSON R.M. 1965 B320/63 English Language

In The Year's Work n English Studies(1963)

WILSON R.M. 1965 B320/63 Old English Literature

In The Year's Work n English Studies(1963)

WILSON R.M. 1968 B320/66 English Language

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1966)

WILSON R.M. 1968 B320/66 Old English Literature

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1966)

WILSON R.M. 1969 B320/67 English Language

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1967) WILSON R.M 1969 B320/67 Old English Literature

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1967)

WILSON R.M. 1970 B320/68 English Language

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1968)

WILSON R.M. 1970 B320/68 Old English Literature

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1968)

WILSON R.M. 1970 B589 The Lost Literature of Medieval England

WILSON R.M. 1971 B320/69 English Language

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1969)

WILSON R.M. 1971 B320/69 Old English Literature

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1969)

WILSON Richard 1992 C924 Shakespeare’s Roman Carnival

In New Historicism and Renaissance Drama

WILSON, Richard 1996 P5/39 A Brute Part: Julius Caesar and the Rites of Violence

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°50

WILSON Richard 1999 D210 A 'Bloody Question': The Politics ofVenus and Adonis

In William Shakespeare, Venus and Adonis : Nouvelles Perspectives Critiques WILSON, Richard. 2001 D280 The Management of Mirth: Shakespeare via Bourdieu

In Marxist Shakespeares

WILSON Richard & DUTTON Richard 1992 C924 New Historicism and Renaissance Drama

WILSON, Scott. 2000 D281 Reading Shakespeare with Intensity: a Commentary on some lines from Nietzsche's Ecce Homo

In Philosophical Shakespeares

WILTENBURG Robert A623 The 'Aeneid' ' in 'The Tempest'

In Shakespeare Survey No 39

WIMSATT W.K. 1967 B371 Style as Meaning (1939)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors)

WIMSATT W.K. 1968 A929 The Morality of Antony and Cleopatra

In Shakespeare's Tragedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Lerner Laurence (editor)

WIMSATT W.K. 1970 B454 Battering the Object: The Ontological Approach

In Contemporary Criticism. Bradbury Malcolm & Palmer David (editors)

WIMSATT, W.K. 1970 B855/2 Battering the Object: the Ontological Approach

In Contemporary Criticism

WIMSATT W.K. and BEARDSLEY Monroe 1967 B371 The Concept of Meter: An Exercise in Abstraction (1959)

In Essays on the Language of Literature. Chatman Seymour and Levin Samuel R. (editors) WIMSATT, W.K. Jr. 1954 B951 The Verbal Icon

WIMSATT William K. and BROOKS Cleanth 1970 B452/1 Classical Criticism: A Short History

WIMSATT William K. and BROOKS Cleanth 1970 B452/4 Modern Criticism: A Short History

WIMSATT William K. and BROOKS Cleanth 1970 B452/2 Neo Classical Criticism: A Short History

WIMSATT William K. and BROOKS Cleanth 1970 B452/3 Romantic Criticism: A Short History

WINCHESTER STONE, George Jr. 1950 P1/1950/II-IV David Garrick's Significance in the history of Shakespearean Criticism

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°65

WINE, M.L. 1973 C129 The Tragedy of Master Arden of Faversham

WINE, M.L. 1973 C128 The Tragedy of Master Arden of Faversham

WINE, M.L. 1973 C110 The Tragedy of Master Arden of Faversham WINNY James 1957 A616 The Descent of Euphues : three Elizabethan Stories(Euphues, Pandosto, Piers Plainness)

WINNY James 1968 A391 The Master-Mistress: A Study of Shakespeare's Sonnets

WINNY James 1968 A325 The Player King: A Theme of Shakespeare's Histories

WINSLOW, Ola Elizabeth 1926 C112 Low Comedy as a Structural Element in English Drama from the Beginnings to 1642

WINSTANLEY William 1979 C779 From 'The Lives of the most Dramatic Poets', 1687

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

WINTER Marian Hannah 1965 B104 Le Spectacle forain

In Histoire des Spectacles. Dumur Guy

WINTER William 1912 A995 Shakespeare on Stage

WINTERNITZ Emanuel 1956 A697 Instruments de Musique Etranges chez Filippino Lippi, Piero di Cosimo et Lorenzo Costa

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

WINTERS, Yvor 1962 B544 The Function of criticism WISEMAN, Susan 1997 D142 The Family Tree Motel : Subliming Shakespeare in My Own Private Idaho In Shakespeare, the Movie Popularizing the Plays on Film, TV,and Video

WISON F.P. 1967 A488 Marlowe and the Early Shakespeare

WISON KNIGHT G. 1969 A247 Marlowe's Limitations

In Critics on Marlowe, ed. by Judith O'Neill

WITHER, George C244 Respublica Anglicana or Historie of the Parliament

In Fig for Fortune and Respublica Anglicana

WITHER, George 1967 C245 A Preparation to the Psalter

WITHER, George 1967 C241 Britain's Remembrancer (parts I & II)

WITHER, George 1967 C240 Halelviah (parts I, II & III)

WITHER, George 1967 C229 Miscellaneous Works (2nd collection)

WITHER, George 1967 C232 Miscellaneous Works (3rd collection) WITHER, George 1967 C234 Miscellaneous Works (4th collection)

WITHER, George 1967 C237 Miscellaneous Works (5th collection)

WITHER, George 1967 C243 Paralellogrammaton and Exercises upon the First Psalme

WITHER, George 1967 C225 Poems : Juvenilia (part I)

WITHER, George 1967 C226 Poems : Juvenilia (part II)

WITHER, George 1967 C242 The Hymnes and Songs of the Church and The Psalms of David (parts I & II)

WITHER, George 1970 C227 Poems : Juvenilia (part III)

WITHERLE LAWRENCE, William 1967 P1/1939/II Hamlet and The Mouse-Trap

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°54

WITHINGTON, Robert 1966 P1/1934/II 'Vice and 'Parasite'. A Note on the Evolution of the Elizabethan Villain

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°49 WITNER, George 1967 C228 Miscellaneous Works (1st collection)

WITTE, Anne 1999 P5/46 Bottom's Tangled Web: Texts and Textiles in A Midsummer Night's Dream

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°56. C.E.R.R.A. Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier III

WITTE, Anne 1999 P5/46 Bottom's Tangled Web: Texts and Textiles in A Midsummer Night's Dream

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°56

WITTGENSTEIN Ludwig 1953, 1958 C846 Philosophical Investigations

WITTKOWER R. 1965 B603 Imitation, Eclectism, and Genius

In Aspects of the Eighteenth Century. Wasserman Earl R. (editor)

WITTKOWER Rudolph 1967 A430 Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism

WOFFORD Susanne L. 1994 C963 "To You I Give Myself, For I Am Yours" : Erotic Performance and Theatrical Performatives in As You Like It In Shakespeare reread : The Texts in New Contexts

WOLF Tatiana A. 1952 A463/3 Shakespeare's Influence on Pushkin's Dramatic Work

In Shakespeare Survey, 5: an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

WOLFE, Don M. 1963 B531 Milton and the Puritan Revolution WOLFGANG, Marvin E. 1960 B764/4 A Florentine Prison: Le Carceri delle Stinche

In Studies in the Renaissance, volume VII

WOLFRAM Herwig 1970 B816 The Shaping of the Early Medieval Kingdom

In Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, volume I. White Lynn (editor)

WOOD Anthony 1979 C779 From 'Athenae Oxonienses', 1691

In Marlowe : the Critical Heritage 1588-1896

WOOD D.N.C. 1978 P5/2 Gerusalemme Liberata- Englished by Richard Carew

In Cahiers Elizabéthains n°13

WOOD, D.N.C. 1978 P5/2 Gerusalemme Liberata - Englished by Richard Carew

In Cahiers Elisabéthains N°13

WOOD KRUTCH Joseph 1949 A507 Comedy and Conscience After the Restoration

WOOD Robert E. 1988 C716 Cooling the comedy : Television as a medium for Shakespeare's "Comedy of Errors"

In Shakespeare on television

WOODBRIDGE Linda 1992 D045 Palisading the Body Politic

In True Rites and Maimed Rites : Ritual and Anti-Ritual in Shakespeare and his Age

WOODBRIDGELinda 1991 D030 Afterword : Poetics from the Barrel of a Gun?

In Shakespeare Left and Right WOODHEAD R. 1979 C498 Deep plots and indiscretions in 'The Murder of Gonzago'

In Shakespeare Survey 32

WOODHOUSE, A.S.P. 1951 P1/1951/VI The Historical Criticism of Milton

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°66

WOODHOUSE A.S.P. and BUSH Douglas 1972 B801/1 A Variorum Commentary on the Poems of John Milton (part one)

WOODHOUSE A.S.P. and BUSH Douglas 1972 B801/3 A Variorum Commentary on the Poems of John Milton (part three)

WOODHOUSE A.S.P. and BUSH Douglas 1972 B801/2 A Variorum Commentary on the Poems of John Milton (part two)

WOODRUFF Graham 1971 B731 Design and Equipment

In Drama and the Theatre with Radio, Film and Television: an outline for the student. Brown John Russell (editor)

WOODY Kennerly M. 1970 B816 Sagena piscatoris : Peter Damiani and the Papal Election Decree of 1059

In Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, volume I. White Lynn (editor)

WOOLF Rosemary 1970 B323 Later Poetry: The Popular Tradition

In The Middle Ages(Vol I)

WOOLF Rosemary 1972 C493 The English mystery plays WOOLF, Rosemary 1972 B903 The English Mystery Plays

WOOLF Rosemary 1973 C453 The influence of the mystery plays upon the popular tragedies of the 1560's

In Renaissance drama . New series VI

WOOLF, Virginia 1970 C285 Twelfth Night at the Old Vic

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries

WOOLFENDEN Guy 1989 C787 The Music of the Swan

In The Golden Round : The RSC at the Swan

WOOLRYCH Austin 1980 C632 Political theory and political practice

In The age of Milton

WOOTON J. 1962 A615 Damaetas Madrigall in Praise of his Daphnis

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

WOOTON John 1962 A615 Damaetas Jigge in Praise of his Faire Love

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

WORCESTER, David 1960 B967 The Art of satire

WORDEN, Blair 1994 D226 Ben Jonson among the Historians

In Culture and Politics in Early Stuart England. Sharpe, Kevin and Lake, Peter (editors) WORDEN Blair 1995 D042 Milton, Samson Agonistes , and the Restoration

In Culture and Society in the Stuart Restoration

WORDSWORTH Jonathan 1994 C934 Wordsworthian comedy

In English Comedy

WORDWORTH William 1951 B558 London

In Milton Criticism, THORPE, James ed.

WORMHOUDT Arthur 1956 C352 Hamlet's mouse trap : a psychoanalytical study of the drama

WORRINGER Wilhelm 1963 A252 Abstraction and Empathy: A Contribution to the Psychology of Style

WORSDALE James 1969 A870 A Cure For A Scold(1735)

WORSLEY T.C. 1972 B872 The Fox

In Jonson: Volpone, A Casebook. Barish Jonas A. (editor)

WORTHEN W.B. 1999 D240 Reconstructing the Globe: Constructing ourselves

In Shakespeare Survey n°52

WORTHEN, W.B. 2001 D277 Shakespearean Performativity

In Shakespeare and modern Theatre WORTIS Joseph,M.D. 1997 D193 Venus and Adonis : An Early Account of Sexual Harrasment(1994)

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

WOTTON Henry 1969 A894 The Elements of Architecture

WRIGHT Abraham 1974 C379/1 On Othello and Hamlet, 1655

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage volume I 1623-1692

WRIGHT George T. 1994 C963 Troubles of a Professional Meter Reader

In Shakespeare reread : The Texts in New Contexts

WRIGHT George Thaddeus 1988 C756 Shakespeare's metrical art

WRIGHT Herbert G. 1957 B274 Boccaccio in England: from Chaucer to Tennyson

WRIGHT James 1974 C338 Historia histrionica : an historical account of the English stage

In Historia Anglicanus and Roscius Anglicanus

WRIGHT Louis B. 1965 A654 Middle Class Culture in Elizabethan England

WRIGHT Louis B. 1965 A953 The Elizabethan's America: A Collection of Early Reports by Englishmen on the New World WRIGHT LOUIS B. 1966 A463/9 An Obligation to Shakespeare and the Public

In Shakespeare Survey, 16 an annual study of Shakespearian study & production

WRIGHT Louis B. 1968 B046 Stage Duelling in the Elizabethan Theater (1927)

In The Seventeenth-Century Stage: A Collection of Critical Essays. Bentley Gerald Eades (editor)

WRIGHT Rosemary 1984 C639 Prospero's lime tree and the pursuit of Vanitas

In Shakespeare survey 37

WRIGHT Thomas 1868 A089 The Book of the Knight of La Tour-Landry

WRIGHT W. Aldis 1878 A030 Generydes

WROUGHTON, Richard 1970 C052 Richard lI

WUILLEUMIER Pierre 1965 A693 La philosophie dans le théâtre de Sénèque

In Le Théâtre Tragique. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

WÜLFING 1903 A060 The Laud Troy Book

WUTHER, George 1967 C238 Miscellaneous Works (6th collection) WYCHERLEY William 1888 A167 Love in aWood;or, St. James's Park/ The Gentleman Dancing Master/ The Country Wife/ The Plain Dealer In The Best Plays of the Old Dramatists, Mermaid Series; Ed. by W.C. Ward

WYCHERLEY William 1965 A223 The Country Wife

WYCHERLEY, William 1974 C211/1 The Country Wife

In Restoration Comedy (vol.1)

WYCHERLEY, William 1974 C211/2 The Plain Dealer

In Restoration Comedy (vol.II)

WYNDAM George 1997 D193 The Poems of Shakespeare

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

WYNNE-DAVIES Marion 1991 C876 ‘The Swallowing Womb’: Consumed and Consuming Women in Titus Andronicus

In The matter of Difference : Materialist Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare

WYNNE-DAVIES MARION 1998 D197/10 'the swallowing womb': Consumed and consuming Women in Titus Andronicus

In Shakespeare's Tragedies

Y GASSET Ortega 1963 B043 Shylock

In Shakespeare in Europe. Le Winter Oswald (editor)

Y.J. 1997 D193 Shakespear's Poems(1823)

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays YACHNIN, Paul. 2001 D277 To Kill a King: the Modern Politics of Bardicide

In Shakespeare and Modern Theatre

Yann Roblou 2000 D248 La réécriture du mythe du self-made man chez Franck Capra et les frères Coen

In Colloques : Réécritures.

YAPP Malcolm 1973 B507 The Middle East

In The Making of the Modern World: volume II. Johnson Douglas (editor)

YARKER P.M. 1964 B320/64 The Nineteenth Century

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1964)

YARKER P.M. 1965 B320/63 The Nineteenth Century

In The Year's Work n English Studies(1963)

YARKER P.M. 1968 B320/66 The Nineteenth Century

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1966)

YARKER P.M. 1969 B320/67 The Nineteenth Century

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1967)

YARKER P.M. 1970 B320/68 The Nineteenth Century

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1968)

YARKER P.M. 1971 B320/69 The Nineteenth Century

In The Year's Work in English Studies(1969) YATES Frances A. 1954 A700 Poésie et musique dans les "Magnificences" au mariage du duc de Joyeuse, Paris, 1581

In Musique et Poésie au XVIè siècle. Jacquot Jean (editeur)

YATES Frances A. 1956 A697 Poètes et Artistes dans les Entrées de Charles IX et de sa Reine à Paris en1571

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance

YATES Frances A. 1960 A697/2 Charles Quint et l' idée d' empire

In Les Fêtes de la Renaissance II : Fêtes et Cérémonies au Temps de Charles Quint

YATES Frances A. 1968 A679 John Florio: The Life of an Italian in Shakespeare's England

YATES Frances A. 1969 A626 Theatre of the World

YATES Frances A. 1975 C395 Astraea : the imperial theme in the sixteenth century

YATES Frances A. 1975 C396 Shakespeare's last plays : a new approach

YEARLING E.M. 1986 C760 The Cardinal

YEARLING Elizabeth M. 1982 C573 Language, theme, and character in Twelfth Night

In Shakespeare Survey 35 YODER Audrey Elizabeth 1947 C351 Animal analogy in Shakespeare's character portrayal as shown in His reflection of the aesopian tradition and The animal aspect of physiognomy

YODER R.A. 1972 B886 'Sons and Daughters of the Game': an Essay on Shakespeare's 'Troilus and Cressida'

In Shakespeare Survey n°25: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study and Production. Muir Kenneth (editor)

YODER R.A. 1982 C581 'Sons and daughters of the game' : An essay on Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida

In Aspects of Shakespeare's 'problem plays'

YONG 1962 A615 The Sheepheard Carillo his Song

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

YONG Bar. 1962 A615 A Dialogue Song Betweene Sylvanus and Arsilius

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

YONG Bar. 1962 A615 A Song Betweene Syrenus and Sylvanus

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

YONG Bar. 1962 A615 A Song Betweene Taurisius and Diana, Aunswering Verse for Verse

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

Yong Bar. 1962 A615 Alanius the Sheepheard, his Dolefull Song, Complayning of Ismeniaes Crueltie

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

YONG Bar. 1962 A615 Arsileus his Caroll, for Joy of the New Mariage, Betweene Syrenus and Diana

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614) YONG Bar. 1962 A615 Cardenia the Nimph, her False Sheepheard Faustus

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

YONG Bar. 1962 A615 Cinthia the Nymph, her Song to Faire Polydora

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

YONG Bar. 1962 A615 Faustus and Firmius Sing to their Nimph by Turnes

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

YONG Bar. 1962 A615 Her Present Aunswere to Him

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

YONG Bar. 1962 A615 His Last Replie

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

YONG Bar. 1962 A615 In Aunswere to the Nimphs Song

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

YONG Bar. 1962 A615 Melisea her Song, in Scorn of her False Sheepheard Narcissus

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

YONG Bar. 1962 A615 Selvagia ans sylvanus, their Song to Diana

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

YONG Bar. 1962 A615 Syrenus his Song to Dianaes Flocks

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614) YONG Bar. 1962 A615 Syrenus Song to Eugerius

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

YONG Bar. 1962 A615 The Nimph Dianaes Song

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

YONG Bar. 1962 A615 The Nymph Selvagia her Song

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

YONG Bar. 1962 A615 The Sheepheard Arsileus Replie to Syrenus Song

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

YONG Bar. 1962 A615 The Sheepheard Arsilius, his Song his Rebeck

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

YONG Bar. 1962 A615 The Sheepheard Faustus his Song

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

YONG Bar. 1962 A615 The Sheepheard Furmius his Song

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

YONG Bar. 1962 A615 The Sheepheard Sylvanus his Song

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614)

YONG Bra. 1962 A615 The Sheepheard Delicius his Dittie

In Englands Helicon (edited with the edition of 1600 with additional poems from the edition of 1614) YOUNG Alan R. 1990 D013 "In gallant course before ten thousand eyes": The Tournament in the 1580s

In The Elizabethan Theatre XI

YOUNG Bruce W. 1992 D045 Ritual as an Instrument of Grace : Parental Blessings in Richard III, All's Well That Ends Well , and The Winter's Tale In True Rites and Maimed Rites : Ritual and Anti-Ritual in Shakespeare and his Age

YOUNG, Carl 1967 P1/1938/I Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde as Romance

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°53

YOUNG, David 1972 B915 The Heart's Forest

YOUNG David 1978 C484 Where the bee sucks : a triazngular study of Doctor Faustus, The Alchemist, and The Tempest

In Shakespeare's romances reconsidered

YOUNG David 1990 C880 The Action to the Word : Structure and Style in Shakespearean Tragedy

YOUNG David 1993 C927 Shakespeare’s Middle Tragedies

YOUNG Edward 1976 C379/4 Shakespeare's genius, 1759

In Shakespeare : the critical heritage . Volume IV . 1753-1765

YOUNG, Julian Charles 1970 C285 Others- and Mrs Siddons

In Specimens of English Dramatic Criticism 17th - 20th Centuries YOUNG Richard B. 1969 B147 English Petrarke: A Study of Sidney's Astrophel and Stella

In Three Studies in the Renaissance: Sidney, Jonson, Milton

YOUNG Richard B., FURNISS W. Todd, MADSEN 1969 B147 Three Studies in the Renaissance: Sidney, Jonson, Milton

YOUNG Steven C. 1974 C335 The frame structure in Tudor and Stuart drama

ZAGORIN Perez 1969 A799 The Court and the Country: The Beginning of the English Revolution

ZAINU'DDIN Ailsa 1971 B507 The Trading Empires and Island Kingdoms of South East Asia

In The Making of the Modern World: volume I, Europe Discovers the World. Johnson Douglas (editor)

ZAKRZEWSKI, Anne-Gaëlle. 2001 M88 Hamlet on Screen: The Case of Branagh's Hamlet

ZARKA Y.C. 1998 D208 La Problématique politique de James Harrington

In James Harrongton and the Notion of Commonwealth

ZEEVELD, Gordon 1967 P1/1940/II A Tudor Defense of Richard III

In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America n°55

ZEEVELD Gordon 1969 B029 Foundations of Tudor Policy ZIEGLER Georgianna 1997 D193 Picturing Venus and Adonis: Shakespeare and the Artists

In Venus and Adonis. Critical Essays

ZIEGLER, Georgianna. 1999 D282 Accommodating the Virago: Nineteenth-Century Representations of Lady MacBeth

In Shakespeare and Appropriation

ZIMBARDO Rose 1986 C819 Understanding Shakespeare in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries

In Comedy from Shakespeare to Sheridan

ZIMBARDO Rose A. 1965 A364 Wincherley' s Drama: A Link in the Development of english satire

ZIMBARDO Rose A. 1969 A787 The Formalism of Henry V

In Shakespeare Henry V : A Casebook. Quinn Michael (editor)

ZIMMERMAN Susan 1992 D039 Disruptive Desire : Artifice and Indeterminacy in Jacobean Comedy

In Erotic Politics : Desire on the Renaissance Stage

ZIMMERMAN Susan 1992 D039 Erotic Politics : Desire on the Renaissance Stage

ZIMMERMAN Susan (ed.) 1998 D197 Shakespeare's Tragedies

ZITNER Sheldon P. 1974 C371 King Lear and its language

In Some facets of King Lear : essays in prismatic criticism ZITNER Sheldon P. 1988 C716 Wooden O's in plastic boxes : Shakespeare and television

In Shakespeare on television

ZITNER Sheldon P. 1989 C871 All’s Well That Ends Well

ZITNER Sheldon P. 1990 D013 The Spanish Tragedy and the Language of Performance

In The Elizabethan Theatre XI

ZUCKER, David Hard 1972 C108 Stage and Image in the Plays of Christopher Marlowe

ZUCKERMAN Michael 1987 C952 Identity in British America: Unease in Eden

In Colonial Identity in the Atlantic World, 1500-1800

ZUPITZA Julius 1875-76 A085 The Romance of Guy of Warwick Version I.

ZUPITZA Julius 1882 A088 Beowulf

ZUPITZA Julius 1883 A086 The Romance of Guy of Warwick . Part I, II & III

ZWICKER Steven N. 1995 D042 Milton, Dryden, and the Politics of Literary Controversy

In Culture and Society in the Stuart Restoration