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Articles and Statements By and About General Howard Oliver Otis Howard Collection


Magazine - The Congregationalist and Christian World Aug. 20, 1904

OOH Collection

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Recommended Citation Collection, OOH, "Magazine - The Congregationalist and Christian World Aug. 20, 1904" (1904). Articles and Statements By and About General Howard. 12.

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Volume LXXXIX Number 34

. ,

,V11,ior-Uem'rM, 1• . S. A /il·r·,·el llrii1aclier-C:r1wrol. I ·. s .t.

THREE LIVING VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR All close personal friends, and after the war prominent in the reconstructive work of the Freedmen's Bureau


Religious Notices Both Sides the Brooklyn Bridge Our Benevolent Societies Religi<>~s and eccksi~tical npticesl «ddresses of ministers, Progress on the New Tabernacle etc., ptd>l,shed under ,,.,. l1eadinu a ten cents a line. National AllIRRIOAN SEAMAN'S FRI.END SOOIIITY, No. 76 Wall Broadway Tabernacle is nearing completion. A)IERIOAN BOARD 01!' COMI!ISSIONRRS FOR 1'0 0REIGN St., New York. Incorporated April, 1833. Object: to I recently enjoyed looking over the building J\I1ss10Ns. coogregal1onat House, Boston. Frank H. Improve the moral and social condition of seamen. Sus­ Wiggin, 'rreasurer; John G. 'Hosmer, Publishing and tains chapl&1ns and missionaries; promotes temperance with the associate pastor, Dr. Seymour. The Purcb.asing Agent. Office In New York, Foul"tli Ave. homes and hoardlll,8' bouses ln leading seaports at home ancl Twenty-secon­ Contributions to sustain its work are solicited, and fifteen hundred people occupies most of the tlons ancl ail correspondence relating to estates and remittances or same are requested to be made direct to annuities slloultices u~r this headtn{I,_ not e:i;ceeding jive lines (ei(lht ancl in the West, among tbe Indians and Chiuese. Boston teords to the ltne), cost subscr,bers fifty cents each insertion. ments on the seventh floors. Thus the entire office, 615 <;ongregatloual House; Chicago. office, 153 La .Addttional lines ten cents each per tnsertion. building will be devoted to the church inter­ Salle St. Donations may be sent to eitlier of the above offices, or to H. W. Hubbard, Treasurer, Fourth Ave. and A F ,·ee l101ne on a farm for a bov twel ,·e years ests. Pilgrim Rall will be :a conspicuous and, Twenty-second St., Ne 1v YOrk City. old is deslrecl by the Children's Frlencl Society, Worces­ ter, Mass. I venture to assert, an influential feature of 'l'HE CoNGREGATIONAL CHURCH BUILDING SOCIETY. Aids In building churches and parsona1:,es. R_ev. <;harles Touui:- Men and Boye Wanted. Positions sup­ the church home. It is planned to have this H. Rlcharcls, D. D., Secretary : Rev. L. H. t;Obb, D. D._, J)!led In l!usiness houses. Breck's Bureau, 51 No. Mal"ket Secretary Emeritus: Charles E. Hope Treasurer, lOt> St.,Boston. See Mr. McGerlgle. large 'hall open seven days a week, and to have East 22nd St.~New York, N. Y. Rev. C.H. '1'aintor, 151 Wasllinfton ::,t., <;hicago, m . ; Rev. G. A. Hooct, Congre­ lectures from prominent men in the various gattona House Boston, Mass. · Rev. H. H. Wil(off, Wanted. A Mt. liolyoke graduate would like two walks of life and numerous discussions, after Y. M. c. A. Builc1111g, San Francisco, Cal., Field Secre­ llttle girls to boarerieuce ln work requiring executive ab111ty labor issue, as twenty-five men went on strike Jard Scott, D. D., PresI accommo . hart of North Church, is taking a vacation ary work. W. A. D,mcao, Pb. 0., is Field Secretary ana, elated a.tu T?e Pines,,, FramingballJ Center. Farm one Rev. F. J. Marsh, Is New Euglannalist and Ch1·i-•tian Worldi th& and the dedication of the new church building. Pllgrhn series of '.Lesson Helps and Sunday schoo pa­ For Sale In A mhe r • ti i.ra8••• a large aud at­ pers, books for Sunclay scllools aud bome reading. Rec­ tractive home, pleasantly ocated near tile college Rev. Bay Watson Smith of Parkville, is at orcls and Requisites for churches anct Sunday schools, cburches ancl e1ectrlcs. Unusually wide balls and very• home pursuing interesting lines of study. The and sells the books or all other publishers as well as tts • tact ltles, ' I sey City is almost ready to d e dicate its People's Hawes, D. D., Rarttorlt supplies tu Massachusetts an