
Edited by John U. Wolff

Author’s Foreword

The data assembled here represent the results of "labor-on-the-side" carried on over the nine years, 1969-78, during which I resided in the Wayapo valley. How much knowledge would have been obtained and how great its scientific value would have been had those nine years been devoted to continuous academic study! It may well be that my residence in the lowlands of the Wayapo valley was a blessing in disguise. Along with tens of thousands of other souls, I came to live as a new inhabitant of that valley, not to carry out any theoretical, scientific en­ deavor, but rather to carry on practical, useful labor. Not for brain-work, but for brawn-work. Our task was to change the face of Buru--with its swamps, its jungles, and its scrub savannahs--by turning it into a region of ordered kampung surrounded by hectare upon hectare of sawah and ladang. Naturally enough, not a single one among those tens of thousands of new arriv­ als came with the equipment necessary for a scientist. Not one of us had even a sheet of paper or a pencil, let alone a single reference book. Thus my data on the Wayapo language were collected with the sum of presenting them to the forum of lin­ guistic science without the support of any academic literature. The one and prime support I had--which proved, however, strong enough to give birth to this text-- was the will and determination to undertake the task and bring it to a conclusion. That was my point of departure, and subsequently that too animated the one ulti­ mate resource on which I had to depend--the human memory, with all its limitations. It was fortunate that in our tens of thousands we "represented" various social strata, various levels of intelligence and education, and originated from various corners of the motherland. Thus my companions formed a reference library for testing my memory and my interpretations. And it was they who functioned as dic­ tionaries of regional languages that I had frequently to open and read for compara­ tive material. There were, of course, references to this in the printed linguis­ tics lecture notes that I read many years ago. But they were passing references that did not even fill one page, as though the language was completely insignificant from a linguistic point of view; and I myself was never in the slightest bit "en­ thralled" by the vocabulary of Buru. But then history wrote its own pages and "enthralled" millions of people in the world with this one word: Buru. And dragged o ff tens of thousands of people to take up residence for many years on that island. There I discovered linguistic phenomena that indeed should not be passed over. After making comparisons with other regional languages, I noticed various things that seemed to require further investigation. The Wayapo language clearly formed a link in the evolutionary chain of languages in . For that reason

131 132 it is not impossible that languages like those of Buru can be used to test various existing hypotheses, and particularly to test linguistic theories about the Indone­ . Attracted initially by the way of life of the Wayapo society in the kampung of Kamihalahin, I began to collect data about it, and in particular about its adat- istiadat. For I believed that this adat-istiadat formed the background for the lin­ guistic problems that I proposed to treat. I took advantage of every opportunity to meet and talk with its members, from various different kampung; day by day, and year by year; from the time when they barely understood one or two words of bahasa Indonesia (1969) to the time when they had mastered it reasonably and could use it fluently as a communications bridge with the thousands of newcomers dropped down in the valley bequeathed them by their ancestors. The adherents of the language of the plain of the Wayapo valley form part of the Alfuru suku, who inhabit the interior of Buru. They are scattered about in hamlets all over the valley floor and also in the foothills by the river's headwaters. It is for this reason that I call their language, as I have recorded it, the Wayapo language. They themselves call the language they use Lien Lialc, which literally means "speaking language" with the connotation "local language." The Wayapo river has formed a heart and arteries giving life to the inhabitants for who knows how many ages past. Down it came cajeput oil and sago starch/flour which, via the harbor of Ambon, flowed out to the wider world and made the island of Buru known to mankind. Thus I adopt the name "Wayapo language" for good so­ cial and historical reasons. In fact the Wayapo language only forms a dialect, albeit a dominant one, in the area along and around the river valley. Other dialects can be found in the hilly zones that form the valley's walls; in the south of the island; along the north coast; and in the Sula region. Specifically with regard to the two last-mentioned dialects, they form a fusion between the Wayapo language and other languages from outside the island. The area in which Wayapo speakers live covers about 250 square kilometers, and about 4,000 souls. Up to the end of the 1960s the region was still essentially "closed." Contact with the "outside world" was virtually unknown. The native speakers of Wayapo still held firmly to an animism that they call "pamali." Islam and Christianity, let alone Hindu-Buddhism, etc., were still far too weak to be termed at all influential there. In view of its isolation, I am persuaded that the Wayapo language is still rela­ tively uncontaminated by the influence of other languages. And this "purity" makes it easier to trace its genetic path. For certain, the Wayapo language of the valley of the Wayapo is still quite "pure" by comparison with the coastal dialects, which have been influenced both by other languages in the Indonesian family, and by languages accompanying social, economic, and political developments.

* * *

Aside from Kamihalahin, I also visited the kampung of Koramaslahin, Baman, Utaramalahin, Itilahin, Fumiei, Kalamolahin, Waisukan, Waigaba, Wailo Besar, Wailo Kecil, Wailonangan, Waigrenengan, Waigeren, Simlo, Wailata, Parabulu, Waidi, Wai- dilele, Wailodaka, Manakota, Waimiten, Kisitoho, Waibloi, Kubalahin, and Walgan: some of them small kampung consisting of two houses, some much larger with ten or more houses. Among them were kampung which have now disappeared and become jungle once more; others vanished when flooded by the changing course of the Wayapo river; still others made way for the sawah and ladang of the newcomers, who outnumbered them by four to one. As examples I can give; the kampung of 133

Kamilalahin, abandoned in November 1969 because of inter-kampung fighting; Simlo and Manakota, which were turned into sawah in 1971 and 1972; Kalamolahin which was swept away by floods in 1969; and Wailonangan of which only three houses re­ mained in 1978--the rest had been washed away by the Walapo river in full spate. Meetings with the local people also resulted from the need to exchange articles of consumption--either in the jungle or in places previously agreed on for berbaku pele (barter). They also occurred on playing fields and in the yards of the art centers of our Units, if we were playing sports and/or presenting shows. And when the rice harvest was ready, they would come into our rice fields from all directions to glean the rice seeds scattered about in the fields. It was through encounters of these kinds that I carried on my linguistic "re­ search." Without any intention of using their language actively, I studied it and now "record" it in this text before it becomes extinct. If Sanskrit and Old Java­ nese, with their large vocabularies and elaborate grammar, could die; if New Java­ nese, which is scarcely less rich, can be marginalized by the development of socie­ ty, then it is impossible that the Wayapo language, which from the linguistic point of view is still very simple, will be able to survive. Only, perhaps, if the area remained "closed," as it was before the 1970s (the years when the political prison­ ers arrived and took up residence), would Wayapo be able to live on for another few generations. And in the meantime, if this closedness were accompanied by an appropriate execution of provincial government policy in accordance with the 1945 Constitution both in letter and in spirit (see The Preamble, Articles 18, 32, and 36 with their official explications), there would be no reason to fear that regional lan­ guages and orthographies would disappear; and indeed there is no good reason why this should happen. For, naturally, it is inhuman, and not in keeping with Panea- sila and the Constitution, if, for the sake of preserving regional cultures, they are treated as "living museums," i.e ., maintained in continuing isolation from develop­ ment. The essence of the national ideal is sufficiently clearly expressed in the formula bhinneka tunggal ika. The beauty of a composition depends precisely on the per­ fected development of each element contained with it. The ethnic and cultural unity ( persatuan) of the nation must be achieved, but the unification ( kesatuan) of the nation is a political and administrative strategy. The fate that the Wayapo language has experienced has perhaps already been, is being, or will be experienced by other regional languages. Huge, unceasing waves of the most modern civilization and culture inundate the young shoots of local civilizations and cultures, directly via new residents whose numbers frequent­ ly are far greater than those of the original inhabitants, and indirectly via the products of technological development. This has happened too in the Wayapo val­ ley. The old full monopoly of the Wayapo language over the entire population--as the laws of Raja Kayeli ordained--has lost its power. Social structure and way of life too have been changing rapidly and fundamentally, leaping over decades of evolutionary development in a process of Umwertung aller Werten--and for good. The "life" of their language will not be able to escape this process. I see the likelihood, within the framework of these sikon [situations and conditions], that the Wayapo language will become extinct, slowly or rapidly, as a result of all these ten­ dencies. The present text has been prepared for this reason. If the language's death is unavoidable, at least let some memorial be left behind, like a link in the beautifully variegated necklace of a single national linguistic history. What a pity that one or two pearls have had to drop off this necklace and be buried in the dust of our motherland's history. May what dies at least contribute to the fertility of the nation. . . . 134

Editorial Note

The manuscript which Hersri compiled contains grammatical notes, historical comments, Indonesian-Buru and Buru-Indonesian word lists, and sample sentences. It is possible to publish only the Buru-Indonesian word list, but all of the forms which are given in the word lists are presented here. There are said to be four closely related dialects on Buru, of which one, the dialect of Masarete (Southwest­ ern Buru), has been described in some detail.1 The material here shows similari­ ties with the Masarete dialect, but only a minority of the forms in this list coincide with or resemble forms published in the Masarete materials. The language is Austronesian and shows resemblances to other spoken in the neighborhood. We print the forms exactly as they were written in the manuscript, except that breaks between word boundaries are marked, and the listing is strictly in alpha­ betical order. Many of the entries clearly contain prefixes or are phrases. We list these both under the root and again with the prefix or the words which precede it. It is not certain how accurately the vowels are transcribed. The dia­ lect of Masarete is described as having ten vowels; our manuscript is written with only five vowels, and there is internal evidence that at least the symbol "e" refers to a (pepet) in some forms and a in others. Further, there is inconsistency in that the same forms are transcribed with "u" in one place and with "o" elsewhere, and there is a similar alternation between "i" and " e ." Whether these alternations represent variations in pronunciation or are due to varying perceptions on the part of the compiler is difficult to determine. In any case, we print all the various transcriptions that are given in the manuscript. Similarly, glottal stops are marked with an apostrophe, but not consistently so. There are probably many more glottal stops than appear in this manuscript, and possible some of the forms written with final "-k" have glottal stop not "k ." Again we give all variations which appear in the material. Other variations of forms which appear in the materials reflect for the most part morphological processes. In a few cases we had reason to believe that a variant transcription arose from mis­ takes in copying. In these instances we listed all variants, marking the forms found outside of the Buru-Indonesian list with a preceding question mark. The Buru (Wayapo) word is underlined and appears first in the list, followed by the Indonesian and then the English equivalents.

1. H. Hendriks, Het Burusch van Masarete, Koninklijk Instituut voor de Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indie (The Hague: Nijhoff, 1897). 135


abat atap: roof, thatched roof of awan pinggang: waist palm leaves baban pinggir: edge, border adik adik: younger sibling bablaba (? baplaba) ketimun: aga hasil: yield, crop, product c u c u m b e r aho bawah: beneath, belcw, bottom bado mana: where, of what kind ajar belajar: to study, to learn bage membagi: to divide, to share aki ke, di: to? in, within bagut U) besar: large aki lale dalam kamar: in the room b a g u t (2) (wai bagut) rawa, danau: aki lalen dalam hatis in the heart swamp, marsh? lake akibas ah, wah, aduh: exclamation bahai biarlah: never mind of surprise, pain or annoyance bahan alat: tool, instrument akiopo ah, wah, aduh: exclamation baho buruk: bad, rotten? worn out of surprise, pain or annoyance baho (dabaho) (? daboho) berbau, akul kapur: lime, calcium basi: to smell of? rotten, spoiled alu alu: rice-stamper bajinga gagah, bagus: strong and alus halus: refined handsome, good-looking ama ayah: father baka pecah membuka: to break? ama bau paman: uncle broken, shattered? to open ama kete mertua laki-laki: father- bakungain abu: ash i n - l a w bala' dosa, sial, bahaya: sin? an (? au) dahi: forehead misfortune? calamity? danger anak anak: child, son/daughter balaba mentimun: cucumber a n a n (1) kurang, kecil, sedikit: bali kiri: left, left-hand lacking, less, small, little, few baman nama suku 'bama': name of a n a n (2) (feta anan) adik the 'Bama' ethnic group perempuan: younger sister bana (1) di sini: here, in this anat anak: child, son/daughter p l a c e anatim lumun lahir: to be b o m b a n a (2) baru: new, recent anga sudah: already, over, done bana (20 api: fire angina sebentar: a moment, for a bana elen abu api: ashes of a fire moment, in a moment, soon bana fene asap api: smoke of a anginana nanti, sebentar: in a fire moment, soon banar-banar benar-benar: truly, anin angin: wind really, seriously arus arus: a current bangit keringat: sweat asi pura-pura: to pretend, bangkali barangkali: perhaps, d e c e p t i v e m a y b e asin asin: salty, salted bango bangun: to wake, to get up asu anjing: dog bani di sini: here, in this place ate kain, sarung, tikar: cloth, bantu bantu: to help sarong? mat ? baplaba mentimun: cucumber atu kirim: to send bara jangan: negative imperative atur mengatur: to send — d o n ' t au dagu: chin barani berani: dare, daring, brave 136

bargili (dabargili) miring: at an biya (1_) harus: to have to, must angle, aslant, askew; to slant b i y a (2) randu: kapok bar midi1 (? bar midi) gelap: bobo berak: to defecate dark, obscure bodi tumbang: to crash down, to basa (1_)(dabasa) basah: wet, damp tumble down b a s a (2)(dabasa) pedas: spicy-hot boho (daboho) bohong: lie, b a s e (1) kipas: fan falsehood; to lie b a s e (2) kapas: cotton wool boho1 (raman boho1) buta: blind basi lolos: to slip off, to boko bongkok: humped, crooked, escape, to ccme free bent over, stooping b a s o (1) kalau: if, when boko (daboko) membongkok: to b a s o (2) dari: from, of, out of stoop, to bow down bata (1) tempel: to stick to, to bole boleh: to be permitted; may a d h e r e t o bolo1 (mana bolo1, geba bolo') bata (2)(dabata) raeletakkan: to buj ang: unmarried, bachelor put, to place, to lay s.t. down bolok bujang: unmarried, bachelor bau (ama bau) paman: uncle boti (uta boti) jamur meranti: beben (raman beben) alis: eyebrow type of edible fungus beha (dabeha) beban, berat, kuat: boti-boti semua: all, every burden; heavy; strong broko mencari: to seek, to look behat berat: heavy for bela (menyao bela) bertanggung bruah pripean (javanese): in-laws jawab: to be responsible; to buaya buaya: crocodile account to/for bubu kakek: grandfather; old man bendera bendera: flag buete peti: case, chest, crate bera buka: open buhut jahat: wicked, evil berang merah: red bui tiraang: to cradle, to lull beta kena: to be struck; to be bui-bui ayunan anak timang: subject to; to undergo cradle; rocking of a cradle betahe lenjap: gone, vanished bukakabot tanah: land; soil beto(l) betul: correct, true bukbilah gambar: picture, drawing, b e t o (2) malam hari: night, night­ illustration t i m e bukit bukit: hill, mountain beto-beto malam-malam: late at bukut jahat: wicked, evil n i g h t bunga bunga: flower, blossom beya rindu, (? randu): longing, bunin bubungan: ridgepole, rooftop homesickness; to yearn for; (? burung burung: bird kapok) busafa maaf: forgiveness, pardon biak sagu: sago butun-butun kadang-kadang: biasa biasa: usual, customary; sometimes, occasionally ordinary, common, to be used to s.t. cami berpakaian, memakai: to wear biglifut belahan: split, splinter, (clothes), to be dressed, to dress c r a c k i n bija pohon randu: kapok-tree cangkir cangkir: cup bilis iblis: devil, Satan cara bicara: to speak, to talk bina bilang, omong: to speak, to cara terang terus terang: frank, say, to talk open, direct binatang binatang: animal cele hampir: almost, nearly binci benci: to hate cia sembilan: nine birik buang: to threw, to throw coba mencoba: to try, to attempt ; a w a y t o t e s t biru biru: blue cohi memburu: to hunt bisi belah: to split, to splinter, coko mencari, memburu: to seek; to t o h a l v e c h ase 137

conto contoh: example, sample daiga minta: to ask, to request da dia: he, she daigu manja: spoiled (of a child) dabaho berbau: to smell of daiso bergerak: to move, to be in dabargili miring: aslant, askew, m o t i o n at an angle dakabi tebal: thick, dense dabasa basah: wet, damp dakasi datefa cukil: to dig out; dabasa pedas: spicy-hot to gouge out; to pick dabata meletakkan: to place, to dakeda tua: old put, to lay s.t. down dakene tuli: deaf dabeha beban, berat, kuat: burden; dakita datang: to come, to arrive heavy, onerous; powerful; strong dakita fulan datang bulan: dabgaoli hamil: pregnant m e n s t r u a t e daboho bohong: lie, falsehood daklekotuhun jalan belok: curving daboko membongkok: to stoop, to road, a curve in the road b c w d o w n dakoke merangkak:to crawlon daci tusuk: pin; skewer hands and knees; to grovel dadaleka lengkung, bengkok: curve, dakrei tak bisa: cannot, be unable arc; curved t o dadaleko bengkok: curved, crooked dakri takut: to be afraid dadao mentah: raw, uncooked dalahi sampai: to reach, to dade akar: root attain; up to, until dadeak berhenti: to cease, to stop daleawarot muat: to contain, to dademe lurus, kaku: straight; h o l d stiff; awkward daleka (dadaleka) lengkung, dadiso terbit: to arise; to bengkok: curved, bent; crooked appear; to emerge daleko bengkok: bent, crooked dadofu lebih: more, greater than dalibo keruh: turbid, muddy; dae darat: land, shore d i s t u r b e d daego mengambil, membawa: to take, daloli tergelincir: to slip to fetch; to bring, to carry dalu sirih: betel dafango bangun: to wake; to rise; dalubuk bermaksud: to intend, to t o g e t u p mean, to have the intention to dafato terbang: to fly damako jinak: tame; gentle dafila petir: thunderclap damao berteriak: to shout, yell, dafogi membasahi: to dampen s c r e a m dafru' menyala: to flame damata mati: dead dagala tersangkut: to get caught daxnedet hit am: black on; to get involved damei sesak, seret: sluggish, dagida mega, avan: cloud tight; blocked; suffocating dagiha telentang: to lie on one's damgea malu-malu: shy, bashful, b a c k c o y daglina jemih: clear; pure dairihama ringan: l i g h t i n w eight, dagogo halilintar: flash of e a s y lightning; thunderbolt daxnidi gelap: dark, obscure dagolo' petir: thunderclap damifi tipis: thin, scarce dagosa baik, cantik, kuat, gagah: damili sungguh-sungguh: good; beautiful, lovely; strong; earnest(ly), sincere(ly), brave, handsome wholehearted(ly) dahaka ikal, keriting: curly, daminat (1) teduh: calm, unruffled wavy; crinkly daminat (2^) terang: clear, bright dahoni masak: to cook damisa manis: sweet dahori condong: to tend to, to damiti bersih: clean incline; leaning, inclining damito kecut: sour; shrivelled, dai ke, di: to, towards; in s h r u n k e n 138

damkele tinggi: high; tall s l i p p e r y damkoani bagaimana: hew, by what dasmirat (2) kain: cloth; clothing m e a n s datamo sial: unlucky, doomed damolo tenggelam: to sink, to have datanggufa telungkup: face down, sunk; to drewn to lie face down daitpait pahit: bitter datare tebang: to fell trees damuti sakits sick, ill; sore, datefa (dakasi datefa) cukil: to p a i n f u l gouge out; to pick danewe hidup: alive, life datekel hinggap: to perch dangodon berkelahi, adu: to fight datifo terbang: to fly with fists; to quarrel; to pit s.o. datonga menaruh di atas: to place or s.t. against another on top of s.t. danika bertanya: to ask a question datote lemah, lunak: weak; soft, dao (dadao) mentah: raw, uncooked unresisting dacr-dao diam-diam: quietly; datura mematuk: to peck; to bite s e c r e t l y dau mambunuh: to kill daok kakek, neneks grandfather; dauna penuh: full (of s.t.) old man; grandmother; old woman daut lelah: tired, exhausted daoto ada: to be, to exist dawa siang: daytime; forenoon dapao taruh di bawah: to place dawa-dawa siang-siang: when it is underneath; to put dewn on the floor d a y t i m e dapara rendah: low; short; humble dawai basah: wet, damp dapaso pecah: to be broken to dawana hari ini: today, this day pieces; to be smashed dawangi kering: dry dapato panas: hot; heat dawao bergerak: to move, to be in dapedet busuks rotten, putrid m o t i o n dapei sakit: sick, ill; sore, deak (dadeak) berhenti: to cease, p a i n f u l to stop doing s.t.; to come to a dapepe menekan: to press s t o p dapesa menetaskan: to hatch defo duduk, tinggal: to sit; to (eggs); to produce, to cause to r e s i d e h a p p e n degen menumbuk: to pound, to dapodi kenyang: full (of crush; to strike; to crash into s.t. appetite), satiated dela putus: broken off, severed daptea berdiri:to stand, to exist demdemi tegak: erect, upright daptea dendemi berdiri tegak: to deme (dademe) lurus, kaku: stand up straight straight, direct; stiff; awkward daptuak mencuri: to steal dena pohon waru: k.o. tree daptuha ludah: spittle dere (1_) teduh: calm, unruffled daput tenggelam: to sink, to have d e r e (2) terang: clear, bright sunk; to drewn diak singgah, berhenti: to stop dara (wai dara) air pasang: by, to stop in for a visit; to incoming tide cease, to stop doing s.t. darakikotor: dirty dika lain: other; different; darekeng menganggap, menghitung: r e m a i n i n g to regard, to consider; to dikat lain: other; different; calculate, to count r e m a i n i n g dareru menelan: to swallow disi hilang: vanished, gone; to be dasafe membeli: to buy lost dasida panas: hot; heat diso (dadiso) terbit: to rise; to daskabi tebal: thick, dense e m e r g e daskena rindu: yearning, longing, do mana: which; where homesickness; to yearn for do (kafi do, fi do) dari mana: dasmirat U) licin: smooth; w h e r e f r e m 139 dodi ubi: k.o. yam faleke adik perempuan: younger dofu (dadofu) lebih: more, greater s i s t e r than; extra fango (dafango) bangun: to awake; doi bodoh, dungu: stupid, to rise; to get up unintelligent fangu bangun: to awake; to rise; dola maniting: to hold onto s.t. t o g e t u p dole katak: toad, frog faon bau: odor, smell dolingisin cmpong: toothless; gap- fargele tumpah: to spill t o o t h e d fasa terbang: to fly donot lolos; to slip off; to fastela memotong: to cut, to sever e s c a p e fatak tukar: to exchange duen rakit: raft fatan (1) tukar: to exchange dufa mendapat, jumpa, mencapai: to fatan (2) genuk: fat, stout; encounter; to attain; to achieve g r e a s e duhutniwe punggung: back (anat.) fatehe bersin: to sneeze dulan tumbuh: to grow; to develop fato (dafato) terbang: to fly dulen menggonggong: to bark fatu batu: stone, rock ega membara; to be aglow fatu nado batu asah: whetstone ego (daego) mengambil, membawa: to fau bau: odor, smell take, to fetch; to carry fe lagi, juga, lalu, atau: again; eha tuak; toddy, palm-wine as well as, further, also; or ehe ya: yes feda membuka: to open elen abu: ash fefan liibang: hole elen (bana elen) abu api: ashes of fehe mengayuh, dayung: to rcw, to a fire p a d d l e elet balai-balai: couch, bamboo fehut muda, baru: young; new c o t fei sakit: sick, ill; sore, elete tempat tidur; bed p a i n f u l emda saudara sepupu: cousin fena pantai: shore emsili (? msili) bersih: clean fene asap: smoke ere keriting: curly, wavy; crinkly fene (bana fene) asap api: smoke esa (1) menyeret: to drag along o f a fire esa (2^) menggoyang: to shake, to fenga lalat: fly (the insect) r o c k feni dulu: previous, former; eta jadi, biar, maka jadi: previously; beforehand finished, done; to be, to serve as; fenikul sikut: elbcw never mind; and so it happened fesan bahu: shoulder t h a t . .. feta kakak perempuan: elder sister etak beberapa: some, several feta anan adik perempuan: younger ewang hutan: jungle, forest s i s t e r fafa nyunggi: to carry on the head feten mendung: cloudy, overcast fafan bangku, papan: bench; board fido dari mana: where from fafu babi: pig, boar fifa (gegenan fifa) ketiak: armpit fage mencnibak: to stab with a fifin bibir, pipi: lip; cheek s p e a r fila (I) berapa: how much, how fahan tangan: hand m a n y fahanan fuan pantat: buttocks fila (2) (dafila) petir: faka (1) bangun: to awake; to thunderclap rise; to get up fili dari: frcm, of, than faka (2) tarik: to tug; to pull at filin tukar, jual: to exchange; to S.t. sell faki seberang: across; opposite fina wanita, betina: woman, female fako tembakao: tobacco fina (war fina) tunangan perempuan: fale angkat: to lift up f i a ncee 140

fina-fina gadis: girl, unmarried fulun rambut: hair w o m a n fulun (raman fulun) idap, bulu finan sawan menantu perempuan: mata: eyelash daughter-in-law fusu bunga: flower, blossom fingit nyamuk: mosquito fut kentut: fart; to fart flahi memukul: to beat, to hit, to futu membakar: to burn s.t. s t r i k e gabus gabus: k.o. fish; cork flale mengancam: to threaten gae bintang: star flauwe laut: sea, ocean gagi bubu: basket-trap for fish flehe memukul, tendang, turribuk: to gagu gunung: mountain beat, to strike; to kick; to pound gala (dagala) tersangkut: to get fofo bubu: basket-trap for fish caught, snagged fogi (dafogi) membasahi: to wet gama sanak, sama: relative; same; foi mandi: to take a bath equal; alike fola memutus, memotong: to cut; to gamda mengapa, bagaimana: why; break off, to sever how, b y w h a t m e a n s foni sembunyi-sembunyi, diamr-diam: gamna begini: in this way; thus s e c r e t l y gamni begini (? begitu): in this foto (1_) dendams vengence, grudge way; thus; (? in that way) foto (2) mengiris, merajangs to gamutu aren, enau: sugar-palm slice, to cut in small pieces ganemo melinjo: k.o. tree foto (_3) (dafoto) bakar: to burn gayawas (? goyawas) jarribu klutuk: frani dekat, pendeks near, close g u a v a by; short in time, length, or height gea (damgea) malu-malu: shy, frema jauh, panjang: far, distant; bashful; coy long in time, length, or height geba orang: person, human being freng dengan: with; by means of geba bolo1 bujang: unmarried; frenge dengar: to hear b a c h e l o r frete ke sana: to there, yonder geba doi bodoh: stupid, fridi dingin: cold unintelligent fru* (dafru1) menyala: to flare gebanhekat pelarian: race; up, to flame racetrack; fugitive fua pinang: ar eca geda (1) tua: old fuan buah pinan: areca nut g e d a (2) terkejut: startled, taken fuan (fahanan fuan, gegenan fuan) a b a c k pantat: buttocks g e d a (2) (kageda) terkejut: fuanan bahu: shoulder startled, taken aback fuat pisang: banana gefina pererrtpuan, betina: woman, fuatlahin (? fuan lahin) batang female kayu: log, piece of wood gege ribut: stir, commotion; to fufan lalen wajah: face, visage make a fuss fuhanan perut: stomach gegenan fifa ketiak: armpit fuhenan tumit: heel gegenan fuan pantat: buttocks fuikun sikut: elbow geger gemetar, gigil: to shiver; fuk berak: to defecate t o t r e m b l e fuka membuka: to open geha jatuh: to fall, to drop fulan bulan: moon; rroith gela goreng: fried; to fry fulan (dakita fulan) datang bulan: gelabah rusak: damaged, ruined; m e n s t r u a t e d e s t r o y e d fulanan goa bulan terang: full gelan (niwaen gelan) minyak kayu m o o n putih: cajuput oil fulon lubang: hole gelas gelas: glass, tumbler fulon (hian fulon) lubang mayat: gelen biru: blue grave, burial place gema sama: same; equal; alike 141

gera goyang: to rock, to shake haga kira-kira: roughly, more or geren slsa, beda, lebih: left less; most likely over, remaining; remnant; different; haqi meminjam: to borrow more, extra haka (dahaka) ikal, keriting: qesu pat ah: to snap, to break; curly, wavy; crinkly snapped, broken hakan sisir: ccmb; to comb giban orang: person, human being hala padi, beras: rice gida (daqida) mega, awan: cloud halai ingat, pikir: to remember, gidan luar: outer; outside to bear in mind, to think, to gido tegang: stiff, tense; taut c o n s i d e r giha jatuh: to fall, to drop halat hari, matahari: day; sun qiha (dagiha) telentang: to lie on halat kere siang: daytime; o n e ' s b a c k f o r e n o o n gili miring: aslant, askew, at an halat pao sore: afternoon, early a n g l e e v e n i n g giwa sisi, tepi, seberang: edge, halat rete pagi: morning rim; across, opposite halcwi menyinrpan: to store, to lay giwan separo: one half by, to save up glina (daqlina) jemih: pure, halui membersihkan: to clean; to c l e a r p u r i f y goali (dabgoali) hamil: pregnant hama mencari: to seek, to look for gogo (daqogo) halilintar: flash of hama (danhama) ringan: light in lightening; thunderbolt weight; easy gol tak berarti: insignificant, hangat hari, matahari, surya: day; without meaning s u n qolo kurus: thin, skinny hangatori lampau, dulu: past; over qolo1 (dagolo1) petir: thunderclap with; previous; before gopi kertpes: deflated, flat hangina sekarang: new, at this gosa kuat, gagah: strong, sturdy; t i m e brave and handsome hanginana nanti: soon; later on gosa (dagosa) baik, cantik, kuat, hangon dahan: tree branch gagah: good; beautiful, lovely; hanyur hanyut: carried away with strong; brave and handsome current or tide gosa (fulanan gosa) bulan terang: hapu ikat: band; to tie full m o o n harap harap: to hope; to expect (? goyawas) gayawas jarribu biji: hau angkut: to carry, to transport g u a v a hawa ladang: unirrigatd cultivated grorchi sumpah: oath, to swear f i eld qufa gulung: a roll of something hedi masih: yet, still gufut kura-kura: turtle heka lari: to run; to escape guhu mengubah: to change, to hela tarik nafas: to breath, to alter; to transform i n h a l e guling berputar: to rotate helanantapot melamun: to daydream habana di sinihere, in this place hele ingat: to remember, to habani di situ: there, in that recall; to bear in mind p l a c e helu ikat: band; to tie habeto kemarin: yesterday heset dinding, gaba-gaba: wall; habu maki: to abuse with words garland made of coconut leaves hada menggigit: to bite hewang hutan: jungle, forest hadu aduk: to stir s.t. hia harus: to have to, must hae sudah: already, past, over hian mayat: corpse with finished hian fulon lubang mayat: grave, hafa sinpan: to store, to lay by; burial-place t o s a v e u p hiba dada: chest, breast 142

hidi untuk: for; to; in order to ine tidur: to sleep hidituba umum: general; camion; inpaet tikus: mouse, rat p u b l i c inpait pahit: bitter himlau berilah: give (imperative) inu minum: to drink himlese pesan: message; order, inuk (meten inuk) mendung: cloudy, instruction o v e r c a s t hiya harus: to have to, must ipi tindik: to pierce hobo cuci: to wash (clothes, irit pisau: blade, knife dishes, etc.) irosi (mester irosi) sangat honi (dahoni) memasak: to cook penting: very important hono susu: milk; udder, teat isa membungkus: to wrap up s.t.; hopi bersiul: to Whistle t o e n v e l o p hori (_1) menoleh, gerak-gerak: to isai menguliti: to skin; to peel turn, to look around; movements isi memetik: to pick (flowers); to h o r i (2) (dahori) condong: pluck (musical instrument) leaning, inclining isin gigi: tooth hosi jeruk: citrus fruit iso goyang, gerak: shaky; rocking; huda bongkar: to break into, force m o t i o n o p e n iso (daiso) bergerak: to move, to h u k a barribu: b a m b o o be in motion huka (uta huka) rebung: bamboo ita jadi, raaka: and so; thus; and s h o o t t h e n huke memberi: to give, to provide italeta jadi: and so; thus huluk semua: all, every itang hit am: black huma (lale huma) kamar: room ite lahin pohon pule: k.o. tree humanewen cicak: house lizard iye samo tak apa-apa: no matter, hunup tulang dada, tulang rusuk: it doesn't matter breastbone, rib iyen barang: things, goods, hunup tiap susu: milk; udder, teat ccrnmcdities husan daun pisang kering: dried iyor barang: things, goods, banana leaves commodities i1 karena: because, because of ka makan: to eat ibul pohon sudeng: k.o. tree ka1 nual sunduk ikan: skewer for iga (daiga) minta: to ask, to fish r e q u e s t kaba kabar, sebut: news, igu (daigu) manja: spoiled (of a information; mention child) kabahara akar bahar: medicinal ijina ijin: permission sea w e e d ikabul ikan gabus: k.o. fish kabi (dakabi, daskabi) tebal: ikalakat ikan betik: k.o. thick, dense freshwater fish kabih menyangkut: to involve ikang ikan: fish kabuki astaga, adiih: exclamation iko pergi, gerak: to go; to move, of annoyance or pain to be in motion kadakut belakang: back, rear; iko li pulang, balik: to return b e h i n d (home), to go back; to turn around kadan kaki: foot iko lili berkeliling: to go round, kadan lalen telapak kaki: sole of to circle round s.t. t h e foot iko polo ikut: to follow; to join kadan lipat bersila: to sit cross- in leg g e d ikun ekor: tail kadan tean betis: calf of leg ilang hilang: vanished, gone, lost kadefu pohon bakung: k.o. shrub ina ibu: mother kadremon katak: toad, frog inawet ular: snake kadu datang: to come, to arrive 143 kae kau: you up, to excavate kaena karena: because, because of kasi (2_) datefa (dakasi datefa) kafi dari: frcm, of; than cukil: to dig out, to gouge out, to kafi do dari mana: where frcm p i c k kafi pao dari bawah: frcm below, kastena lembok: red pepper frcm underneath kataji jarribu mete: k.o. fruit kageda terkejut: startled, taken katatehan celana: pants a b a c k kau kayu: wood, timber kahik debu: dust kau kunut kayu waru: k.o. wood kai (_1) kakak laki-laki: elder kawa luka: wound; wounded b r o t h e r kawatir kawatir: to feel k a i (2) kau; y o u apprehensive kait larangan, tabu: a taboo, ban kawil mengail: to fish with a hook kakahi nyiru; winnowing tray kawil ngisin mata kail: fish-hook kakai kakak laki-laki: elder kawil nihin tali kail: line for b r o t h e r f i s h - h o o k kakangisin kemaluan laki-laki: kawini mangga gadung: k.o. mango penis; male genitalia kaya (l) menggigit: to bite kakofak telungkup: face downward, k a y a (2) kaya: rich to lie face downward keba anak, menantu: child; son-in- kakong punggung: back (anat.) law; daughter-in-law kaku gunung: mountain kebo tas tempat sirih: bag for kalabasa (1_) buah maja: fruit of holding betel-chewing ingredients k.o. t r e e keda tua: old, ancient kalabasa (2) gila: crazy, insane keda (dakeda) tua: old, ancient kalah kai ah: to be worsted keha naik: to go up; to ascend; to kalakat ikan betik: k.o. c l i m b freshwater fish kelabur sembarangan: anything, kalanp kopi anjing: k.o. special anyone at random c o f f e e (?) kele U) paha: thigh kalebal pikulan: carrying-pole, k e l e (2) (damkele) tinggi: high, load tall kali gali: to dig, to excavate keleda sejenis burung: k.o. bird kali keranjang kecil: a small kelen paha: thigh b a s k e t kelet tinggi: high, tall kaloti cubit: to pinch kelinganan telinga: ear kaluken kuskus: k.o. marsupial kene fdakene) tuli: deaf kam kamu: you (familiar) kepeng uang: noiey kamin kenari, pohon kenari: k.o. kere (1) berdiri: to stand n u t t r e e k e r e (2) atas: above, top kaminan kau punya: your, yours k e r e (2) (halat kere, hangat kere) kanpung kampung: kampong, hamlet siang: daytime; forenoon kanasi nanas: pineapple keso patch, petik: to break; to kangulun bantal: pillow snap; to pick (flowers); to pluck karihilut sabuk: sash, waistband (musical instrument) kanital jembatan: bridge kete mert.ua: parent- in- law kare pintu: door; gate kete (ama kete) mertua laki-laki: karumun daun: leaf father-in-law kasahal sapu lidi: broom madeof keto bersetubuh: to have sexual palm leaf ribs intercourse kasahal newe lidi: palm leaf ribs kewero mendirikan: to build, to kasi (1) (wai kasi) mengalir: to e r e c t f l e w kimi kamu: you (familiar) k a s i (2) menggali: to dig, to dig kiminan kamu punya: your, yours 144

(familiar) kulun bawah, kolong: under; space kimle (kolekimle) antar: take s.t. under a house or s.o. somewhere, deliver kunit kuning: yellow kintal batas: edge, limit kunut (kau kunut) kayu waru: k.o. kira kira: to guess; to estimate; w o o d to have an opinion kusu semak: bush, shrub kirarahi dahi: forehead la bila, kalau: if, When kiso mengkedip: to blink, to wink labun baju: clothing; shirt, kita (dakita) datang: to come, to b l o u s e a r r i v e lafut (uta lafut) bayam: spinach kita (dakita fulan) datang bulan: laga laga, adu: animal fight, to menstruation pit an animal against another kita (niwaen kita) minyak kelapa: lagamal (tiput lagamal) jago: coconut oil fighting cock kleko tuhun (dakleko tuhun) jalan lagan seperti: as, like belok: curve in a road, winding laha untuk, hampir, pada: for, to, r o a d in order to; almost; at klope memukul: to beat, to hit, to lahi U) (dalahi) sampai: to s trike reach, to attain; up to, until koani (damkoani) bagaimana: how, lahi (2) (flahi) memukul: tobeat, by what means to hit, to strike kogiha jatuh: to fall, to drop lahin pohon: tree koit larangan, setan: a taboo, lai untuk, bagian, pada: for, to, ban, devil, evil spirit in order to; a part; at koke (dakoke merangkak: to crawl laka galah: pole, punting-pole on all fours, to grovel lakah kupas:to peel; to string koko keranjang kecil: a small lakan tanda: sign, mark b a s k e t lakat duri: thorn kolekimle antar: to bring s.o. or laken kupu-kupu: butterfly, moth s.t. somewhere lale dalam: in; inside; deep kolihhisin tai lalat: birthmark, lale (aki lale) dalam kamar: m o l e inside the rocm komisi periksa: to inspect, to lale huma kamar: room investigate lalen hati: liver, heart konde gelung: coil; hairknot, bun lalen (aki lalen) dalam hati: in kopek walesan kail: fishing rod t he h e a r t koren pintu: door, gate lalen (fufan lalen) wajah: face, koto kutu: louse, flea v i s a g e kcwai rusak: damaged, ruined; lalen (kadan lalen) telapak kaki: d e s t r o y e d sole of the foot kreat burung betet: k.o. parrot lalen (pupan lalen) wajah: face, krei (dakrei) tak bisa: cannot, is v i s a g e u n a b l e t o lalen tuka cinta padamu: (I) love kri (dakri) takut: fear; to fear y o u kua mengapa: why lali (tuma lali) kutu busuk: kudu mengasah: to sharpen, to hone b e d b u g kufut kubur: grave, burial-place lane sampai: to reach; to attain; kuhili bebek: duck up to, until kukat sampak kali, sangkrah: langa (1_) antar a: between barrier of sticks langa (2) angkat: to lift, to lift kukili menggelitik: to tickle; to u p prod; to incite langgar lewat: to pass; through, kule biji: seed, kernel, stone v i a kulen isi: contents langit langit: sky 145

langsa langsat: fruit of the duku- limatan denda; a fine t r e e linga telinga; ear lapo1 basah: wet, damp lingak mengintip; to spy on, to larang melarang: to forbid; to ban p e e p a t lata maribafoat: to clear jungle lipat (kadan lipat) bersila; to lata (dalata) membunuh: to kill sit cross-legged lau memijat; to squeeze; to liptot tanda arah; sign-post m a s s a g e loa maribuat; to make, to do lauwe (_1) sampai: to reach, to lciban akar; root attain; up to, until lofa' usir; to evict l a u w e (2) (flauwe) laut: sea, logik menindas; to oppress, to o c e a n suppr e s s lea warot (dalea warot) muat; to lokni mulai, sejak: to begin; contain, to hold since, ever since leba msnikul; to shoulder; to loli (1_) gulung; a roll; to roll carry on the shoulders l o l i (2) (daloli) tergelincir; to lefa mengubur: to bury slip; to have slipped lehe (flehe) martukul, tumbuk, luasanumum daun pisang kering: hantam: to beat; to strike; to dried banana leaves p o u n d lubi cacing: worm leli balik, pulang, putar: to go lubuk (? lubu*) kumpul, semua: to back; to go heme; to turn gather, to assemble, to collect; leo depan; front; in front, ahead all, e v e r y leso lesung: rice mortar lubuk (dalubuk) bermaksud; to lestar destar; Javanese head­ intend, to mean; to have the c o v e r i n g intention to letewang paha: thigh lubuk (saha lubuk) sapu kumpulkan; leuk dulu: formerly, former; a brocm to gather things together beforehand; for a moment luken pucuk, ujung; top, tip, liak bicara, bahasa; to speak, to apex, point talk; language luputun panas; hot; heat liasit adu dorriba: to play s.o. off luru cari; to seek, to search for against another lutuk enthong; rice-ladle made of liba (1) memukul: to beat, to hit, wood or coconut-shell t o s t r i k e ma-an lidah: tongue l i b a (2) bawa: to bring, to carry ma'ai maribelai; to caress; to libo (dalibo) keruh: turbid, f l a t t e r muddy; disturbed madi pohon keluwih; the seeded lidak boleh: permitted, may breadfruit tree liemgian bicara malu-malu: to magege terburu-buru; hastily speak shyly; to speak coyly mahate memetik: to pick (flowers); lien bicara, suara; to speak, to to pluck (musical instrument) talk; voice mahet bemafas: to breathe liet bunyi; sound, resonance m a h i mari: cctnei l et us... liha pisah, pindah; to part; mahilang malas; lazy separated; to move one's place mahun ctoat: medicine likat lain; other; different mako (damako) jinak: tame, gentle liket lain; other; different mala kotor; dirty liku cur am, dalam: steep; deep mali tertawa; to laugh lili keliling, putar; around; to maloa bekerja: to work circle, to rotate; to go round mamaca tak mampu: not capable of lima lima; five man lidah; tongue limar kikir: stingy; a file, a mana orang laki-laki: man, a male r a s p mana bolo1 bujang; unmarried, 146

b a c h e l o r matei (? matai) panen: harvest mana (war mana) tunangan laki-laki: mawa menguap: to steam, to f i a n c e vaporize; to yawn manan sawan menantu laki-laki: son- medet hitam: black i n - l a w medet (damedet) hitam: black mandawas pembohong: liar, cheat medihe bawalah: take iti take it mangado mengganggu: to disturb, to w i t h you! bother; to interrupt mei (darnel) sesak, seret: manganei gampang: gampang congested, blocked, tight, sluggish mangat sangat: very mei-mei pelan-pelan: slowly mangin dangkal: shallow memaligues tertawa bersama-sama: mangit kering: dry to laugh together mangkau (mangkao) kasbi: cassava memang memang: indeed; of course; manika baru: new, recent; just n a t u r a l l y (now) mane panen: uncle manu (wai manu, ? wai manuk) surut: memek keponakan: nephew, niece to ebb; ebb tide mena lama: long in time; ancient manu tunit burung srigunting: k.o. menah terang, jelas: clear; b l a c k b i r d e v i d e n t manuk (1) turuns to go down, to menelak tengah: middle, center descend; to decrease mengege terburu-buru: hastily m a n u k (2) (wai manuk) surut: to meniket getah, pelikat: sap, gum; ebb; ebb tide g l u e manut burung: bird menima batuk-batuk: to have a mao mau, suka: to like, to enjoy; c o u g h to like to do s.t. mensa manusia: man, human being mao (damao) berteriak: to yell, to menyao menyahut: to answer, to shout, to scream r e p l y mapiri bersih: clean menyao bela bertanggung jawab: to mapuk memasak: to cook be responsible, to account for mara tunggu: to wait mester perlu: need, to have to mara-mara hati-hati: careful, mester irosi sangat penting: very c a u t i o u s important marafeni nanti: later on; in a meteba mengunyah: to chew m o m e n t meten awan: cloud marapo menjilat: to lick meten inuk mendung: cloudy, mareru tel an: to swallcw; to o v e r c a s t s w a l l o w u p meteri daerah: region, area marmale besar: big, large, great midi (l) mendukung: to support marsego kalong: flying fox midi (2^) (damidi, barmidi) gelap: marsego lahin pohon gernpol: k.o. dark, obscure t r e e midik mengajak: to invite masa matang: ripe, mature mifi (damifi) tipis: thin m a s a m (1) masak: ripe, cooked; to mihat merah: red c o o k mihat (wa mihat, ? wai mihat) darah: masam (2} tua: old, ancient b l o o d masi membelai: to flatter milhemo kumur: to rinse the mouth mata mati: dead milhemo (pamilhemo) kumur: to mata (damata) mati: dead rinse the mouth ? matai (matei) panen: harvest mili (damili) sungguh-sunggiih: mate (uta mate) sayur daun-daun: serious (ly), earnest (ly), leafy vegetables sincere (ly), wholehearted (ly) mate (uta mate) merambat: to minat panas: hot; heat spread, to creep minat (daminat) teduh: calm, 147

u n r u f f l e d muti (damuti) sakit: sick, ill; minat (daminat) terang: clear, sore painful b r i g h t mutum muda: young minhalen tempat tidur: bed mutun (niwe mutun) nyiur muda: misa (damisa) manis: sweet young coconut palm miti bersih: clean na terus: straight; direct; miti (damiti) bersih: clean continual (ly) mi to (damito) kecut: sour; na ini, di sini: this; here, in s h r i v e l l e d t h i s p l a c e mlapa lapar: hungry na (nake) punya: to cwn mlese pesan: message; order, na (namo) punyamu: your, yours instruction na (nao) punyaku: my, mine mlisi menarik: to tug at s.t.; to nabala itu dosa: that is a sin pull; to attract nado (fatu nado) batu asah: mlcko uling: k.o. eel of swamps vihetstone mo tidak, bukan: no, not nafan tingkat: level, grade moa hut an: jungle, forest naina kete ibu mertua: mother-in- modan sore: afternoon, early l a w e v e n i n g nak terang, jelas: clear, bright; mofu1 rambutan: raiributan, k.o. e v i d e n t f r u i t t r e e nakal nakal: naughty, mischievous mdhe-mdhe belum, tidak: not yet, nakan nangka: jackfruit n o t nakatalu tongkat: staff, cane, mohedi belum: not yet w a n d mcho jatuh: to fall, to drop nakatalu menyusu: to suckle an nvcho-mdho tak senang: i n f a n t discontented, not to like s.t. nake punya: to own molo (damolo) tenggelam: to sink, nala (uba nala) sagu bubur: sago to have sunk; to drcwn p o r r i g e momal besi: iron namo punyamu: your, yours ironol besi: iron nanaungan jari: finger, toe mopu1 buah rambutan: rambutan, nanqan badan: body k.o. f r u i t nangan namanya: his (her, its) morang pancung: cut off, n a m e d e c a p i t a t e nanggo menyeser: to fish with a mori suami: husband d r a g n e t moro gogo ikan: to catch fish with nanqun renang: to swim one's hands nani milik: property (?) msili bersih: clean, pure nao punyaku: my, mine mubat kayu gempol: k.o. tree naoture separoh: one half mudat kayu gempol: k.o. tree nasa saringan: sieve, strainer mudut kadal: lizard nawa ijuk, tali: palm fiber, cord, muehe ciun: kiss; to kiss, to s tring s n i f f ne enam: six muen mulut: mouth nehe cukup: enough, sufficient muqea malu: shame; be ashamed nei menaruh: to bet, to stake; to mumi ciun: kiss; to kiss, to sniff lay s.t. dcwn muram muda: young nekat bermaksud: to intend, to musi-musi sungguh-sunggiih: mean, to have the intention of serious(ly), sincere(ly), nelak tengah: middle, center wholehearted (ly) nelet tali: cord, string mutan sayur: vegetables nepi mimpi: dream; to dream muti sakit: sick, ill; sore, nero tombak: spear p a i n f u l neroe hidup: alive; life 148

newa sendiris oneself inf a n t newe hidup: alive; life nual sunduk: skewer newe (danewe) hidup: alive; life nuangan kuku: finger-(toe-) nail, newe (kasahal newe) lidi: palm- hoof, c l a w l e a f r i b nufu mengisap rokok: to smoke a ngaet arang: charcoal c i g a r e t t e ngafi mengupas: to peel; to string nyawan berjiwa, nyawa: to be ngama ayah: father alive; to be animated; spirit, life, ngan nama: name soul ngan (na-ngan) namanya: his (her, nyonta ingat, hati-hati: remember; its) n a m e b e c a r e f u l ngangan tutup: to close, to shut obit sejenis ubi, ketela rambat: ngehut sisi (jawa): to blew one's k.o. yam, sweet potato n o s e odal gelang: bracelet ngei (.1) ke, di: to; toward; in; odo sendiri: oneself a t odo-odo sendirian: alone, on one's n g e i (2) kau: y o u o w n ngen hidup: alive; life oge cakar, mengaruk: claw, paw; ngin hidung: nose s c r a t c h ngisin gigi: tooth ohe menyanyi: to sing ngisin (kawil ngisin) mata kail: oko amfoil: to take fis h h o o k oli pulang: to go hone ngisinan gigi: tooth omak lambat, lama, tua, usang: ngodon Tdangodon) berkelahi: to slow, late, long in time; old, q u a r r e l ancient; worn out ngonin mengamel: to grouse, to oplastala tuhan: God c o m p l a i n opo karena, nanti: because; later ni itu, di situ: that; there on; in a moment nihin pancing: to fish oso masuk: to enter, to be nihin (kawil nihin) tali kail: included in fishing line oto ada: to be; to exist nihit keponakan: nephew, niece oto (daoto) ada: to be; to exist nihu kerja: work oto (taoto) ada: to be; to exist nihu warot sibuk: busy pa empat: four nika tanya: question pabasatu, pabasotu tunjuk baik: be nika (danika) bertanya: to ask a a good cmen q u e s t i o n paca cinta: to love nini milik: property paca memaksa: to force; to carpel nipa piring: plate,dish paesan kaca: glass; mirror nipisian mengunyah: to chew pahi barangkali: perhaps, maybe nita buang: to throw away pahu antar, bawa: to lead; to nitatbubu kecil: a small basket- conduct; to bring (along) trap for fish pahu alu sagu: sago-pounder niwaen minyak tanah: petroleum pait (dampait) pahit: bitter niwaen gelan minyak kayu putih: pait (inpait)" pahit: bitter cajuput oil pake memakai: to use; to wear niwaen kita minyak kelapa: palm pakin tanduk: horn of an animal oil pakisan bersihkan: to clean; to niwe nyiur: coconut-palm p u r i f y niwe mutun nyiur muda: young pali menganyam: to plait, to weave coconut-palm pamali tabu: taboo; forbidden nonok U) mengetam, kepiting: to pamilhemo berkumur: to rinse the pierce with pincers; crab m o u t h n o n o k (2) menyusu: to suckle an pamori belakangan: later on, 149

behind times pese memegang: to hold on to s .t .; pandinqi sabuk: sash, waistband to clutch panyara biar: to permit, to let pesetkehan, (? pesekehan) cekik: go? even though to choke, to strangle pao bawah (di bawah): underneath, pesona menetas: to hatch eggs b e l o w p ili perbaiki: to improve pao (dapao) taruh di bawah: to pirimede gelap: dark, obscure place underneath, to place below piringtuta piring seng: zinc plate pao (halat pao, hanqat pao) sore: podi (dapodi) kenyang: satiated, afternoon, early evening full (of food) pao (kafi pao) dari bawah: frcm poin (ubak poin) sagu iris: sliced b e neath, f r c m b e l o w sago papai papaya: papaya p o li kembalikan: to return s .t. papan pipi: cheek polo peluk: to embrace para (dapara) rendah: lew; humble polo ikut: to follow; to join in paran pendek: short in time, poldh sepuluh: ten length, or height posanpoan jantung: heart (anat.) pare sama: same, equal, alike potih putih: white parkara perkara: matter, case prakat becek: muddy, slippery paso (dapaso) pecah: broken, preko kumur: to rinse one's mouth s h a t t e r e d p rigi sumur: a well patanik temat: tomato prusa is i peluru: gunpowder patar pikir: to think, to have an prusi kepala pemuda: head o f a o p i n i o n youth group patar gosa kira-kira baik: most ptuha ludah: s p ittle likely good pu kentut: fart; to fart pato (1) dapat: to get, to obtain? puda tirribul: to arise, to emerge to be capable of puha peras: to press, to squeeze pato (2) (dapato) panas: hot? heat pupan muka: face; front patut Tl) harus: to have to, must pupan lalen wajah: face, visage patut (2) taubul ulcer on the foot pusin pusat: center; navel paute supaya: in order to rabo cepat: rapid, quick pe lagi, lalu, juga: again; and raha layu: withered; weak, pale then; further; also rahan darah: blood pedet (dapedet) busuk: putrid; rahe tanah, buni: earth, land r o t t e n rahin tulang: bone pehe injak: to tranple on rahu bocor: to leak pei sakit: sick, ill; sore, rakat lengket: to stick, to adhere painful rake (.1) kotor: d irty, foul pei (dapei) sakit: sick, ill; rake (2) nanti: later; in a moment sore, painful raki (daraki) kotor: dirty, foul pei (ulun pei) sakit kepala: to ramal Tuta ramal) melinjo: k.o. have a headache tree pele tutup: to close, to shut raman mat a: eye pele jemput: to go to meet s.o. raman beben a lis : eyebrow pene dulu: formerly; beforehand; raman bcho' buta: blind for a moment raman fulun idap, bulu mata: penek ngeden (jawa): to squeeze, eyelash to press; to massage raman wain airmata: tears pepai papaya: papaya ramena lama-lama: in the long run pepe (dapepe) menekan: to press range minta, mau, tanya: to ask peren kawung: sugar-palm lea f for; to want; to ask a question pesa (dapesa) menetaskan: to hatch rani ( fran i) dekat, pendek: near, eggs; to cause; to produce close? short in time, length, or 150

h e i g h t to clean with rapat (1) hairpir: almost saha yasi sapu bersih: to sweep rapat 02) jejer: in a line c l e a n rarang ribu (seribu): one thousand saki dari: frcm, of; than rasa rasa: feeling, sense of sale terima: to receive, to accept fee l i n g salepe menerima: to receive, to raut kelelawar: k.o. small bat a c c e p t rea rumput, lurrrut: grass; moss sali membelok, toleh: to turn rekeng (darekeng) menganggap, aside; to look back menghitung: to regard, to consider, salulu tali: cord, string to estimate; to calculate, to count sama sama: same, equal, alike rema jauh, panjang: far, distant; samana sama dengan itu: the same long in length and in time as that, like that rema (frema) jauh, panjang: far, samaruka saringan besi: iron distant; long in length and in time sieve, iron strainer rema-rema setuju: agree with, be samo (iye samo) tak apa-apa: no of one accord matter, never mind remena muka (di muka): face; sane siapa: who front; in front of sanga menggigit: to bite reng (freng) dengan: with sangsara sengsara: suffering, renge (frenge) dengar: to hear m i s e r y repa depa: fathom sangues tertawa sama-sama: to reru (dareru) menelan: to swallow laugh together rese-rese benar-benar: truly, sangusa tertawa sama-sama: to r e a l l y laugh together rete di sana: there, yonder sansuba mengeluarkan: to take rete (frete) ke sana: tothere o u t s i d e rete (halat rete, hangat rete) sapan apa: what pagi: morning sapkoko cincin: a ring retemena di muka: in front of saro sama-sama: equally; together ridi (fridi) dingin: cold saru parut: rasp, file rini dia: he, she sasa menggosok: to rub; to rogo masuk: to enter; to be burnish, to polish included in sasat sesek: tight crowded, rohi cari, selidiki: to seek; to suffocating investigate sasi garam: salt r o h i n (1) tulang: bone sau menjahit: to sew r o h i n (2) pendek: short in time, sauk becek: muddy and slippery length, or height sawan menantu: son- (daughter-) rosi sangat: very i n - l a w rua dua: two sawen bunga: flower, blossom rupan rupa: shape, form, sayang sayang: pity; love appearance sebau menutup: to close, to shut; rusa rusa: deer to f i n i s h sa menjerat: to snare sebiri buang: to throw away sabakopcara sombong: arrogant sefe marah: anger; angry sabi sabut: husk segela (? sgela) goreng: fried; to sade menjawab: to answer fry sadi menjawab: to answer sehan parut: rasp, file safe membeli: to buy sehe mundur: to retreat, to safe (dasafe) membeli: to buy retire; to deteriorate saha sapu: a brocm to gather sei capai: tired; exhausted t o g e t h e r seka menanam: to plant s.t, saha lubuk sapu kumpulkan: a brocm sekabih terjepit: to be wedged, to 151

be caught in pincers, be in a bind sisin lebar: broad, wide sekalasaro (? skolasaro) merangkul: sisit semut: ant to hug, to embrace sislale lupa: to forget, to sekope pecut: whip o v e r l o o k sele berenang, rendam: to swim; to sisuk perut: stcmach s o a k siu suruh: to command, to order seleba selendang: shawl, stole siwat jerawat: pimple, blackhead selem lagi: again, in addition siyan satu: one semake sembayang, berdoa: to pray skabi (daskabi) tebal: thick, semolat pesta orang mati: funeral d e n s e celebration skena (daskena) rindu: yearning, semolot pesta orang mati: funeral hcmesickness; desire; to yearn for celebration (?) skolasaro merangkul: to hug, senang senang: pleased, happy; to t o e m b r a c e l i k e s.t. smirat (1) (dasmirat) licin: (?) seni berat (see teni): heavy s l i p p e r y i n w e i g h t s m i r a t (2) (dasmirat) kain: cloth, sensen kaca mata selam: goggles s k i r t f or d i v i n g soa kepala kanpung: village seo menutup: to close, to shut; to h e a d m a n f i n i s h soa-soa biawak: a reptile similar sepa sepak: kick to an iguana sepo habis: finished; used up sodi memukul: to beat, to hit, to sepsepo sama-sama: equally; s t r i k e t o g e t h e r sofi mengupas: to peel seroto mundur: to retire, to soga tali: cord, string deteriorate scihi besok, tunggu: tomorrow; seroto tubruk: to strike; collide later; wait w i t h soi (_1) membuka to open sesuk tenggelam: to sink; to drown soi (2) mendayung to rcw, to setia lepaskan: to let go, to p a d d l e r e l e a s e solasi kemangi: k.o. herb like setufa terantuk: to be bumped, b a s i l stubbed against soli dayung: oar, paddle seu meiribayar: to pay; to pay for sopaicua (? sopacua) pasti: sewu tutup: closed; to close certain, definite, exact sida (dasida) panas: hot; heat sopaya supaya: in order to sigi bakar: to bum s.t. suba keluar: outside, to go sihon panu: k.o. skin disease outside; to leave sika kucing: cat subun muda: young sila mudik: upstream; to go subut sunpah: oath, to swear u p s t r e a m subutkehat mata kaki: ankle sili (emsili) bersih: clean sugit ayakan: sieve siluik senduik:spoon suha tuang: to pour; to decant sina bentang: to spread out suka suka: to like; to be happy; sini sisir: comb; to comb to be content sipa menikam: to stab, to pierce sungit keranjang: basket sipat batas: limit, edge supa besok: tomorrow sipen kemaluan perempuan: female supa-supa besok pagi-pagi: early g e n i t a l i a tomorrow morning sisan kubur, kuburan, keranda: susah susah: trouble, grief, grave, burial-place; lath frame to sorrow; difficult; difficulty cover corpse chi way to burial susur mengantuk: to feel sleepy sisela saringan: sieve, strainer tabado mana: which; where 152

tado mana: which; where tehon pangkal: base, beginning t a g a (1) melawat: to call on the tehu kejar: to pursue family of a deceased person tei kencing: urine; to urinate t a g a (2) ikut: to follow, to join tekel (datekel) hinggap: to perch i n teko ceret: kettle tagal tentang, karena: about, in tekoang poci: bowl regard to; because, because of tela merobek: to tear, to tear in taha potong, tebang: to cut, to p i e c e s sever; to fell trees teltela mondar-mandir: to go back taji taji: metal spur for a n d fo r t h fighting-cock teneate pakai sarung: to wear a taki merebus: to boil s arong takiwaen merebus air: to boil teni (_1) (? seni) berat: heavy in w a t e r w e i g h t tako takut: fear; to fear t e n i (2) enak (rasa): agreeable talalu terlalu: excessive; too (feeling); tasty talu memanggil: to call, to summon tesi burung tengkek: k.o. small tamlago telanjang: naked, nude b i r d tamo (datamo) sial: unlucky, teta cuci: to wash; to clean unfortunate tetale balai-balai: bamboo cot tana ada: to be, to exist tete kakek, cucu: grandfather; tangada menghadap: to face; to g r a n d s o n present oneself before (to) tewa tahu, kenal, mengerti: to tanggufa (datanggufa) telungkup: know, to be acquainted with s.o., to to face downward u n d e r s t a n d tangi menangis: to weep tiam podi kenyang: satiated, full tanin bibit: seed, seedling (of food) taor teman: fr iend tiap (hunup tiap) susu: milk; taoto ada: to be, to exist udder, teat taplahi taplak: tablecloth tibak mancing, lempar: to fish; to tara mencabut: to pull out, to cast, to threw pull up, to extract tifa gendang: drum tare (datare) tebang: to fell tifi menyembelih: toslaughter t r e e s tifo (datifo) terbang: to fly tarpaca terpaksa: to be forced, to tifu tebu: sugar cane be ccmpelled tilun bertelur: to lay eggs tas tas: bag tine melihat: to see tasi tali: cord, string tiput ayam: chicken tate taruh, meletakkan: to lay tiput lagamal jago: fighting cock s.t. d o w n titohi keranjang segi ernpat: tau mengisi: to fill square basket taun penuh: full to untiik, karena: for, to, in te teh: tea order to; because, because of tea (daptea) berdiri: to stand tobeh mendorong: to push, to prod tea demdemi (daptea demdemi) todo parang:machete berdiri tegak: to stand erect tofa (? tufa) tuang, siram: to tean (kadan tean) betis: calf of pour, to decant; to pour water on leg p l a n t s teblekat katak: toad, frog tohar trisula: trident tebu tebu: sugar cane toho turun: to go down; to descend tefa cungkil: to dig out, to gouge tana kuat: strong, sturdy out, to pick tamo bermain: to play tefa (dakasi datefa) cungkil: to tomtono main-main: to do s.t, in dig out, to gouge out, to pick fun, not seriously 153 tonan kuah: sauce, gravy falsehood; to deceive, to cheat tonga (datonqa) menaruh di atas: tuteku menyambung: to continue; to to place upon, to lay s.t. dcwn upon connect, to join tongkaan tompang dagu: to be in a tutuk menjalarikan: to make to go, reverie; sad to make to work; to drive tonin lutut: knee uba buaya: crocodile topo pukul: tobeat, to hit, to ubak (? uba) sagu: sago s t r i k e ubak poin sagu iris: sliced sago toro tinggal: to stay, to live; to uba nala sagu bubur: sago porridge be left over, to remain uba sgela sagu goreng: fried sago t o r o m (1) tenang, diam-diam: calm, udu hanya, baru: only, merely; quiet, quietly, secretly just (new); new t o r a n {2) main: to play ula U) gila: crazy toso tanduk: horn of an animal, u l a (2) gelisah: anxious, a n t l e r apprehensive; nervous tota bohong: lie, falsehood ule (1) telat: late, overdue tote (datote) lemah, lunak: soft, u l e (2) ulat: caterpillar, worm sufcmissive, weak, gentle uli pulang, balik: to return trihi mencabut: to pull out, to ( h o m e ) , t o g o b a c k e x t r a c t ulun kepala: head triulun menjambak rambut: to pull ulun pei sakit kepala: to have a o u t h a i r h e a d a c h e truah delapan: eight ulut pohon laosan: k.o. tree tu (l) dengan: with umun daun: leaf t u (2) untuk, karena: for, to, in una (dauna) penuh: full, full of order to; because, because of untung untung: good fortune, luck; tua tua: old, ancient p r o f i t tuak mencuri: to steal untut untuk: for, to, in order to tuak (daptuak) mencuri: to steal upsodi berkelahi: to fight with tuat aren: sugar-palm fists, to quarrel tuba rnembunyikan: to sound, to upuataala tuhan: God cause to make a sound uran udang: shrimp tufa (tofa) tuang: to pour, to urus mengurus: to arrange affairs, d e c a n t to put in order tufe jengkal: span (of hand) uta boti jamur meranti: k.o. tuha (_1) dengan, pada: with; at, edible fungus t o uta huka rebung: bamboo shoot tuha (2) (daptuha) ludah: spittle uta lafut bayam: spinach tuhun jalan: road, path; method, uta mate (1) sayur daun-daun: w a y leafy vegetables tuka (lalen tuka) cinta padamu: u t a m a t e (2) merambat: to spread; (I) love you t o c r e e p tukar tukar: to exchange uta raroal melinjo: k.o. tree tuma lali kutu busuk: bedbug utan sayur: vegetables tunit tumang, tungku: support for ute sumbu: fuse, wick a brazier, brazier utun seratus: one hundred tupal beda: different; to differ utut lumpur: mud frcnt uwa rotan: rattan tura (1_) paruh: beak; half wa mihat (? wai mihat) darah: t u r a (2) (datura) mematuk: to b l o o d peck, to bite wadara, wadare terjun: to jump turen pendek: short in time, dewn, to dive length, or height wadun leher: neck tuta bohong, menipu: lie, waet basah: wet, damp 154

waga sampan: small boat, dugout wangi (dawangi) kering: dry waha menjemur: to dry s.t. in the wanuk menghembus: to blew, to sun b r e a t h e wahan bekas: trace, residue; wao (dawao) bergerak, tergelincir: form e r to move, to be in motion; to slip, waher-waher anong-cmong: talk, to have slipped conversation; to talk, to converse waplane mangga: mango wahet tali: cord, string war fina tunangan perenpuan: wahu memeluk: to hug, to embrace fiancee wai air, sungai: water; stream, war mana tunangan laki-laki: r i v e r fiance wai bagut rawa, danau: swamp, warahe kacang: bean, pea marsh; lake warian durian: durian wai dara air pasang: incoming tide w a r o t (1) banyak: many, much wai kasi mengalir: to flow w a r o t (1) (nihu warot) sibuk: busy wai manu surut: to ebb warot (2^) (dalea warot) muat: to (?) wai mihat darah: blood contain, to hold; to be loaded with wain (raman wain) airmata: tears wasi padang rumput: grassland (weeping) watiro kasihan: pity; what a pity! waito bersaudara: to be related; wela biawak: reptile similar to to be siblings i g uana waja korek api: match (es) weta jarum: needle wakan kemaluan laki-laki: penis; wili-wili menggeleng: to shake male genitalia (one's head) walea bohong: lie, falsehood; to yabau masak, matang: ripe, mature; lie c o o k e d wali ipar: brother-in-law, sister- yabet matang: ripe, mature i n - l a w yako aku: I walian foya-foya: to have a good yasi bersih: clean time spending time or money yasi (saha yasi) sapu bersih: a waling keliling, putar: around; to brocm for cleaning circle around; to rotate yobok kondor: scrotal hernia wana (1) sampiran: clothes-rack yoi bibi: aunt wana (2) (dawana) hari ini: today