, AND BISHOPS GREEN PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of meeting held at Ecchinswell Village Hall Wednesday 13 July 2016, commencing at 19.30 hours Present: Councillors Bayliss, Hall, Johnson, Keyse, Tanner In attendance: 3 members of the public, Doreen Gascoine (Parish Clerk)

Item Action Apologies Cllr Dain. 2 Declarations of interests Cllr Bayliss declared an interest in the correspondence item regarding Ratts End House, Cllr Johnson may need to declare an interest in agenda item 12b, depending on what course the discussion takes. 3 Minutes of previous meeting and actions arising 08/16 Resolved To receive and confirm the minutes of the AGM held on 11 May 2016 and the Annual Assembly held on the same date. Both were signed by the Chairman (Cllr Hall) as a true record. Actions arising: The Clerk advised that there was one item arising from the Assembly. A resident had raised the question of whether residents could “build up” the verges outside their homes, to prevent erosion. The Clerk raised this with Highways and was told that they would have no objection to residents doing this, provided they did not impinge on the road surface. The Clerk will DG advise the resident of the reply. 4 Public participation The applicant for planning permission for Burnbrae House (see agenda item 7a below. gave an overview of the application. They wish to remodel the house, replace the roof tiles and windows, change the internal layout, and build an extension over the garage. They have consulted with neighbours, most of whom were quite positive about the proposal. The Chairman (Cllr Hall) thanked the resident and explained that Cllrs would consider the application shortly and would raise any questions then.

Bill Fry was present from Ecchinswell Village Hall. The Committee want to bring cricket back to the village and, since the current cricket square was no longer useable, they wish to replace it with a synthetic all-weather surface. This would be low maintenance and could be lifted and replaced if the area was needed for other activities. It would also be useable straight after rain, and they hope the school would be able to use it too. They have obtained a quote of some £10K and are hoping to get a grant to cover the cost. They have spoken to BDBC and are waiting to hear if they need planning permission. And they were seeking guidance from the Parish Council as to whether they needed planning permission. The Chairman (Cllr Hall) advised that Parish Cllrs were not planning officers and such advice could only come from BDBC. Cllrs went on to discuss the proposal and advised that they would support it if it came before them as a planning matter. The Chairman also advised that the Parish Council would, if necessary, try to help them with obtaining funding and suggested they apply for LIF funding. Her suggested EVH bring the matter back to the Parish Council with further details, if they need more help. 5 Borough Councillor’s Report No report, as Borough Cllr John Izett not present. 6 County Councillor's Report No report, as County Cllr Tom Thacker not present. 7 Planning 09/16 Resolved a) New applications 16/02245 Cottage Day Nursery, North Sydmonton. Change of use from B1 nursery to C3 residential. No objection. 1

16/02354 Burnbrae House. Erection of first floor side extension, single storey rear/side extension, front and side porches and front bay window. Alterations to the roof and external and internal refurbishment. No objection. b) Decisions 16/00730 Swaits Farm, Hyde Lane, Ecchinswell. Erection of single storey outbuilding following demolition of existing kennels. Granted with conditions. 16/01328 Swaits Farm, Hyde Lane, Ecchinswell. Notification of proposed change of use from agricultural barn to use class C3 dwelling house and associated alterations. Granted with conditions. 8 Finance a) Financial Report and Payments 10/16 Resolved Payments for May Cheque payments: HMRC PAYE - DG, RW, DM £134.00 J Murray Internal audit £180.00

Electronic payments: D Gascoine Clerk’s salary (May) £436.64 D Gascoine Clerk’s expenses (May) £ 82.01 R Wherry Litter warden – (May) £ 92.20 D McClelland Litter warden – May £142.00 HALC Training – P Johnson £108.00 P Johnson Assembly expenses £ 26.70 S Water Allotment water £ 1.81 T Hall Pop up banners £216.00 HSBC Cancellation charge £ 10.00 Premier Grounds Maint Maintenance – May £528.00

Payments for June: Cheque payments: HMRC PAYE - DG, RW, DM £147.20 Information Commissioner Data Protection entry £ 35.00

Electronic payment: D Gascoine Clerk’s salary (June) £436.44 D Gascoine Clerk’s expenses (June) £ 30.22 R Wherry Litter warden – (June) £115.20 D McClelland Litter warden – June £170.80 Premier Grounds Maint Maintenance – June £528.00 Whitchurch TC Planning training £ 54.00

The Clerk explained that, owing to an oversight, she hadn’t transferred money between accounts in time and one cheque was therefore unable to be paid due to insufficient funds. This incurred a bank charge of £15. Funds were immediately transferred and the account didn’t go into debit. It was noted that Conservation Volunteers have still not paid in their replacement cheque from May. Cllr Bayliss will chase this up with them. JBa

b) End of year accounts. The Clerk circulated figures for actual expenditure against the budget for the year end. She also read out the report from the Internal Auditor and advised that the issues mentioned in the letter have been actioned.

Agenda item 12e was dealt with at this point, out of agenda order. 9 Correspondence Safer North – newsletter, circulated by email. Chair, PC – re mobile shop.


BDBC – Re changes relating to S106 contributions. It was agreed that this be put on the agenda for the next meeting. Cllrs to consider possible S106 projects for Digweeds, the ALL Ecchinswell pond and the war memorial sites. BDBC – Re adoption of Local Plan. The Local Plan was adopted on 26 May 2016. Local Govt Boundary Commission – Electoral review of Hampshire; further limited consultation for Havant and New Forest. HALC – Update on future EU changes to Data Protection for Councils. The Clerk highlighted the proposed changes, which will result in increased record keeping, once implemented. HCC – Re “Flood Re” Insurance Scheme. Victim Care – Request for grant. James Cairns – Re overflowing charity collection bins at Bishops Green. A resident had reported that the charities concerned have not responded to his requests for the bins to be emptied; the contents are over-flowing and plastic bags are being left on the pavement. 11/16 Resolved That the Clerk will contact the charities concerned. Cllr Tanner will provide the contact DG/LT details set out on the relevant bins. Jill Privett – Re SheepWatch conference. A resident has highlighted the problems caused by dogs worrying livestock and the SheepWatch initiative. To be included in the parish magazine article. S Water – Re transfer of non-household customers to Business Stream. John Broxis – Re Recycling Centres. The Chairman (Cllr Hall) gave an overview of the issue. Because HCC have stopped the payment they made to W Berks to enable Hampshire residents to use the W Berks recycling facility, W Berks are saying they will no longer allow Hampshire residents to use the facility. Concerns have been raised about this leading to increased fly tipping, due to the long distance residents will have to travel to a recycling facility. This matter has been taken up by County Cllr Thacker and Borough Councillor Izett. 12/16 Resolved After discussion, to support the efforts of the County and Borough Cllrs and to provide them with assistance if requested. Also, with regard to the Ecchinswell Litter Warden, to make alternative provisions for him to dispose of the litter he collects. The Clerk will investigate DG with BDBC the possibility of having a “Parish Council” rubbish bin which he can use. This bin to be sited at a convenient place. Cllr Owen offered to “house” the additional bin. NO HALC – Re continuation of help desk for planning queries. BDBC – Tree work proposed at Ratts End House. 13/16 Resolved After discussion, that Cllrs have no objection to the proposed work. Came and Co – Re change of trading style from Parish Council Insurance Brokers Ltd to Stackhouse Poland Ltd. 10 Highways and Rights of Way a) Survey of paths and stiles Cllr Bayliss advised that the junction of public footpath 12b and 10b is so overgrown that it’s impossible to continue along the path. The Clerk will raise this with the landowner. DG 11 New business a) EVH Committee meeting report Cllr Bayliss gave a report on the meeting. Steve Fionda, who has been Caretaker for many years, has stood down and a replacement is being sought. The EVH Committee thanked the PC for their help regarding the work on the car park, which they are very pleased with. The hall lost revenue last winter due to most football matches being postponed because of the weather; this has resulted in some teams moving to alternative pitches, with loss of their business. Regarding dog fouling, BDBC have provided additional signage and a new bin is being provided; EVH will be responsible for emptying this regularly. The hall is in a good structural condition and the Committee are quite positive, moving forward. b) Retention of documents schedule The Clerk had circulated this by email, for Cllrs to consider and raise questions at this meeting. She explained that this schedule is based on the HALC template and is mainly based on legal requirements on the retention periods. She also explained that some historic documents have been passed to the Hampshire Records Office for storage; these include 3

accounting papers and minutes up to 2010. Documents that don’t need to be kept are regularly destroyed by the Clerk. 14/16 Resolved After discussion, to accept the proposed document retention schedule, which was duly signed by the Chairman (Cllr Hall). c) Code of Conduct The Clerk had circulated a briefing note and a proposed revised Code of Conduct, based on the HALC template, which had been produced by herself and the Chairman (Cllr Hall). 15/16 Resolved After discussion, to adopt the revised Code of Conduct, which was duly signed by the Chairman (Cllr Hall). d) Financial Regulations The Clerk explained that a revised template for Financial Regulations was available on the HALC website. She proposed that she and the Chairman (Cllr Hall) go through this over the summer, making what amendments they feel are necessary to meet the requirements of this Council. This working draft will then be circulated to all Cllrs for their consideration. Queries will be raised at the next meeting and the new Financial Regulations could then, hopefully, be signed. 16/16 Resolved To accept the proposal made by the Clerk. The Clerk will contact the Chairman (Cllr Hall) to DG/TH arrange a date for considering the template. e) Quarterly Risk Assessment The Clerk advised that Cllr Dain has carried out the assessment and sent in the report. There are no new outstanding issues. 12 Matters for discussion a) Parish Lengthsman The Chairman (Cllr Hall) reported on his meeting with the Lengthsman to discuss clearance of ditches. Some of the proposed areas will involve the use of additional equipment and some will require the closure of village roads. Cllr Owen raised the possibility of using Community Payback workers to carry out some of this work. The Clerk will look in to the workings of this DG scheme. 17/16 Resolved After discussion, to ask the Lengthsman to carry out work clearing the waterway behind the pub and cutting back overhanging branches; digging out the ditch opposite Malthouse Farm; and clearing the ditch opposite the churchyard, at the bottom of White Hill. The Clerk will DG check with the Lengthsman the time required for these tasks and the cost of any additional equipment needed, before authorising him to do the work. b) Digweeds The Chairman (Cllr Hall) explained that he and the Clerk have been in contact with the PCC regarding the fallen trees at Digweeds and the long term future of the site. The PCC are intending to register ownership of the area but say they do not want to retain ownership. It’s likely that they will first approach the PC to take it over Cllrs need to consider whether they would want to do agree to thus if approached. Cllr Johnson reported that inspections have been carried out following the recent fall of trees and it has been determined that the remaining trees aren’t in a good condition and it’s likely that further trees will come down. The Chairman (Cllr Hall) raised the point that the PC cannot afford to pay for the necessary remedial work and Cllrs might want to consider only agreeing to take over ownership if the ALL site has been put in a good condition first. 18/16 Resolved That Cllrs would prefer the site to remain as a resource for the public to use and will consider the implications of taking over ownership. In the meantime, the PC will await further contact from the PCC regarding the future of the site. c) LIF funding Cllrs had not come up with any proposals for using the LIF funding available, though some could possibly be used for the cricket square mentioned in agenda item 4 above. The


Chairman (Cllr Hall) reminded them that the money will ultimately be lost to the parish if it isn’t used. He will send Cllrs the list of typical projects for which this funding can be used. TH

d) Ditch clearance See agenda item 12a above. e) Vacancies on the PC This item was taken out of order, after agenda item 8 above. Nick Owen was present, interested in joining the PC. Details of his application had been circulated to Cllrs before the meeting. He gave a brief address to Cllrs, explaining his background and reasons for wanting to join the PC and answered Cllrs questions. It was proposed by Cllr Bayliss and seconded by Cllr Hall that Nick Owen be co-opted onto the PC. 19/16 Resolved Unanimously, after a vote, that Nick Owen be co-opted onto the PC. The necessary acceptance of office form was signed. f) Village maintenance The Clerk reminded Cllrs that they need to decide the exact position for planting the replacement oak tree, which will be planted in the autumn. Cllr Bayliss will liaise with EVH JBa on this. g) Allotments No new issues. h) Parish website The Chairman (Cllr Hall) reported that the website was virtually complete and up to date and it needed to go live as soon as possible, since it wasn’t feasible to maintain two websites. The Clerk also advised that she is no longer able to update the old website. The Chairman therefore proposed that the website go live straight away and Cllrs will then need to check the content to ensure it’s kept up to date and relevant. The Clerk no longer wishes to, or has time TH/PJ/NO to, do this. The Chairman (Cllr Hall), Cllr Johnson and Cllr Owen will liaise about the updating of the new site once it’s live. 20/16 Resolved After discussion that the new website should go live as soon as possible. DG i) Litter warden The Clerk advised that the Ecchinswell litter warden has asked if replacement, closed bins could be provided in the play parks at the village hall and in Oakfields Close. The existing ones are open topped and get wet, leading to leakage into his van when he is taking the litter for disposal. The Clerk reminded Cllrs that the play park in Oakfields Close is the responsibility of BDBC and not the PC; any replacement bin would need to be provided by them. 21/16 Resolved After discussion, not to replace the bins at present. The litter warden will be reminded that he DG should be using gloves when working and that the litter should be placed in black plastic sacks; using two sacks inside one another should prevent leakage. All these materials can be provided if the litter warden doesn’t have enough. j) Parish Magazine Items for inclusion in the parish magazine were agreed. 13 Date of next meeting Wednesday 14 September 2016 at Ecchinswell Village Hall, starting at 7.30 pm. There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.30 pm.