
Advance Mobile& development using and Native Script


As the popularity of Node.js continues to grow each day, it is highly likely that you will use it when you are building your next web application. Coders are using it in order to create real time web APIs as it is the best that you can use for the creation of server-side applications. It is a highly customizable server engine that you can set up the way you like for it to work better for you. It is always ready to accept and to respond to its users requests. For someone who is looking for a system that is exceptionally easy to use, Node,js is it, and will transform the way you start to build networks or other event driven applications.

Participants in this eight days class will learn how to build applications using reactive web applications using advance methodologies using Angular and React JS. After developing those applications how to convert those in mobile Apps using Phone Gap (Cordova). As well as how to develop advance mobile applications using Native Script.


Basic understanding of HTML5 and JavaScript.


8 Days

Node JS 0.5 Day

Understanding the Need of JavaScript

JavaScript has been around a long time.…Only in recent years has the industry really started…to take JavaScript seriously…and started to apply patterns, practices,…and development standards when working in the browser.…A few videos ago, I pointed out the problem that is…still chief among the issues that lingers today:…putting all of your code in the global namespace.…Putting all your code in the global namespace encourages you…to create all sorts of dependencies between components…simply because you can.…

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JavaScript Libraries and why it is required

Learning general JavaScript is an essential part of a front-end development career, but it takes more than that to completely master the language. Approximately 70% of websites use one of JavaScript’s many libraries — sets of pre-written JavaScript code can call on to allow easier development of JavaScript-based applications. These libraries are valuable skills in and of themselves (and remember they are different than frameworks).

JavaScript Server-Side components

Server-side JavaScript (SSJS) refers to JavaScript that runs on server-side and is therefore not downloaded to the browser. This term is used to differentiate it from regular JavaScript, which is predominantly used on the client-side (also referred to as client-side JavaScript or CSJS for short). The first implementation of SSJS was Netscape's LiveWire, which was included in their Enterprise Server 2.0 back in 1996. Since then, a number of other companies have followed suit in offering an alternative to the usual server-side technologies.

Introduction to Node JS Installation of Node JS

Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data- intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.”

Introduction to V8 Engine

V8 is 's open source high-performance JavaScript engine, written in C++ and used in , the open source browser from Google. V8 compiles and executes JavaScript , handles memory allocation for objects, and garbage collects objects it no longer

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needs. V8's stop-the-world, generational, accurate garbage collector is one of the keys to V8's performance.

Node Js Architecture Node Js First Application

Node JS Platform uses “Single Threaded Event Loop” architecture to handle multiple concurrent clients. Then how it really handles concurrent client requests without using multiple threads. What is Event Loop model? We will discuss these concepts one by one. Any Web Application developed without Node JS, typically follows “Multi- Threaded Request-Response” model….

Package Management

REPL The repl module provides a Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL) implementation that is available both as a standalone program or includible in other applications.

Modules Exports require Console Express JS Express.js, or simply Express, is a web application framework for Node.js, released as free and open-source software under the MIT License. It is designed for building web applications and APIs.[1] It is the de facto standard server framework for Node.js.

REST API REST Server simply provides access to resources and REST client accesses and modifies the resources using HTTP protocol. Here each resource is identified by URIs/ global IDs. REST uses various representations to represent a resource like text, JSON, XML but JSON is the most popular one.

Jade / Pug Jade - Node Template Engine .... It is recommended that you pre-compile your jade templates to JavaScript and then just use the runtime.js library on the client. Pug is a high performance template engine heavily influenced by Haml and implemented with JavaScript for Node.js and browsers.

Node connection with Mongo DB

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LABS: Application Scenario NodeJs ü How to start an Web-application development and project file-structure ü How to install dependencies ü How to build and start the Node Server ü How to access REST APIs and DB connectivity

Angular JS 1.6 - Duration 1.5 Days

HTML is great for declaring static documents, but it falters when we try to use it for declaring dynamic views in web-applications. AngularJS lets you extend HTML vocabulary for your application. The resulting environment is extraordinarily expressive, readable, and quick to develop.

v Introduction to AngularJS v Directives and custom Directives v first AngularJS application v Filters v Angular-Bootstrap(Manual and v Scopes Automation) v Services, Factories and Providers v Controllers v Routes v Models v Angular Testing (Karma and v Views Jasmine) v Expressions v Angular-CRUD If you didn’t know CRUD (create, read, update, delete) are the four basic functions for persistent storage in your web systems. There is also a 5th SCRUD where the S stands for Search and can be used to describe the in terms of searching, storing and managing your database records. CRUD apps can also be associated with RESTful services as they provide similar services to you but the later can differ in terms of providing you with identified end point urls on resources.

LAB: Application Scenario – Angular JS 1.6 ü How to develop Single Page web-application ü How to integrate with social – websites like Facebook ü How to write CURD application using Angular JS (DB- - cloud dB integration) ü How to access REST APIs. ü How to do unit testing and E2E testing of your web-application

Typescript 1.5 Days

TypeScript starts from the same syntax and semantics that millions of JavaScript developers know today. Use existing JavaScript code, incorporate popular JavaScript libraries, and call TypeScript code from JavaScript. TypeScript compiles to clean, simple

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JavaScript code which runs on any browser, in Node.js, or in any JavaScript engine that supports ECMAScript 6 (or newer).

ü Introduction to Typescript ü ECMA6

The language we usually call "JavaScript" is formally known as "EcmaScript". The new version of JavaScript, known as "ES6", offers a number of new features that extend the power of the language. ES6 is not widely supported in today's browsers, so it needs to be transpiled to ES5. You can choose between several transpilers, but we'll be using TypeScript, which is what the Angular team uses to write Angular 2. Angular 2 makes use of a number of features of ES6 and TypeScript.

LAB: Application Scenario – Typescript ü How to compile and interpret JavaScript application ü How to create generic applications using ES6 Features ü How to do unit testing and E2E testing of your web-application

ü Why TypeScript ü Abstract classes ü Setup and first application ü Static declaration ü Future JavaScript ü Setter-getter ü Data Types ü Interfaces ü Statement ü Enum ü Object Destructing ü Modules ü Functions and Types ü Generics ü Classes ü Ambient types ü Constructor ü Introduction to collection ü Inheritance ü TypeScript 2.x Features TypeScript 2.1 brings the capability to ES3 and ES5 run-times, meaning you'll be free to take advantage of it no matter what environment you're using.

Angular JS 2.0 2 Days

There are many front-end JavaScript frameworks to choose from today, each with its own set of trade-offs. Many people were happy with the functionality that Angular 1.x afforded them. Angular 2 improved on that functionality and made it faster, more scalable and more modern. Organizations that found value in Angular 1.x will find more value in Angular 2.

The first release of Angular provided programmers with the tools to develop and architect large scale JavaScript applications, but its age has revealed a number of flaws and sharp edges. Angular 2 was built on five years of community feedback.

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Ø JavaScript Pattern – MVC Ø Built-in Directives Ø Introduction to Angular 2 Ø Application Navigation Ø Benefits of Angular 2 vs Angular 1 Ø Routing Ø Single Page Application Ø Service and DI Ø and API Ø Binding Views with our Model Ø Hello World in Angular 2 Ø Communicating between Ø Angular 2 with TypeScript and components Modules Ø Components and View Ø Components Encapsulation Ø Bootstrapping Ø Pipes Ø Bindings Ø Using Pipes Ø Event Bindings Ø Creating Pipes Ø Two-way Binding Ø Angular2-CRUD introduction Ø Class and Style Bindings

LAB: Application Scenario – Angular 2 o How to compile and interpret angular applications o How to develop a full E2E web application using Angular2 o How to up an application in production mode using AWS i.e. Amazon Web Services o How to do unit testing and E2E testing of your web-application

ReactJS 1 Day

Angular and React, both are fabulous JavaScript UI frameworks that have made developing quality applications with intended interface designs a breeze. While Angular.js is an app development framework that is available around for some time now, React.js is just an interface development framework, which is not that old. Although Angular.js offers excellent features, React.js with amazing rendering performance has proved to be a much sought after choice for many projects. In this training we will compare these two blissful frameworks and analyze the compelling factors that suggest React is a preferable choice rather than Angular for developing an incredible application interface.

ü React Introduction ü Components ü JSX React uses JSX for templating instead of regular JavaScript. It is not necessary to use it, but there are some pros that comes with it. • JSX is faster because it performs optimization while compiling code to JavaScript.

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• It is also type-safe and most of the errors can be caught during compilation. • JSX makes it easier and faster to write templates if you are familiar with HTML. ü Events ü Keys ü Forms ü Router ü Life Cycle ü Working with Data ü Refs ü Flux ü Animation

LAB: Application Scenario - ReactJS ü How to compile and interpret JSX application using few familiar like babble JS ü How to build an reactive UI using ReactJS

Native Script 1.5 Day

Native Script is an open source framework for building truly native mobile apps with JavaScript. Use web skills, like Angular, Flex Box and CSS, and get native UI and performance on iOS and Android

NativeScript is a framework for building native iOS and Android apps using JavaScript and CSS. Native Script renders UIs with the native platform’s rendering engine, no WebViews, resulting in native-like performance and UX.

Native Script provides a best-of-both-worlds development experience. Our cross-platform JavaScript modules give you the convenience of writing iOS and Android apps from a single JavaScript codebase, while our runtimes give you the power of accessing native APIs, SDKs, and frameworks when you need them—all without needing to open Xcode or . v Getting started with Native Script v v Building the UI v Properties v Application Logic v Events v Native script Modules v Accessing native APIs with JavaScript v Plugin and modules v Multithreading model v Accessing Native APIs v Hardware access v Application Architectures v Unit testing v Application Life cycle v Android emulation LAB: Application Scenario – Native Script ü How to build native mobile apps using Scripts ü How to build native components and look and feel using script. ü

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Lab Environment:-


Ø Android Emulator and Android SDK (After 4.x any version) Ø Google Chrome updated browser ( minimum version 50) Ø Bracket.io (1.8 version) Ø Node JS (6.x version)

Hardware and Network:-

Ø Courses need fulltime internet connectivity for Developers. Trainer shall use Data Card or Company given WIFI connectivity. Ø If you have firewall setup, you should enabled npm registry, github website or provide a proxy settings with username/password for installing software modules Ø All the systems must have Administrator privileges for developers attending training.

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