The Temporal and Spatial Changeability of the Runoff of Rain Floods in the Basin of Tisza River (On the Territory of Ukraine)

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The Temporal and Spatial Changeability of the Runoff of Rain Floods in the Basin of Tisza River (On the Territory of Ukraine) THE TEMPORAL AND SPATIAL CHANGEABILITY OF THE RUNOFF OF RAIN FLOODS IN THE BASIN OF TISZA RIVER (ON THE TERRITORY OF UKRAINE) Dutko Veronika Ukraіnіan Hydrometeorologіcal Research Institute Pr. Nauky 37, Kyіv 03028 Ukraіne [email protected] Abstract Determination of regularity and knowing of features of changeability of the river’s runoff in the temporal and spatial regarding one or another river’s basin could bring a big help not only for rational use of water resources but also for predicting a threat of the beginning of the water calamity. It is necessary to underline a particular importance to analysis of changeability of runoff of Carpathians rivers where rain floods in a warm period of year quite often have catastrophic character. In this work was investigated condition of long-term changeability and features of spatial distribution of depths in the rain flowing floods in the basin of Tisza on the territory of Ukraine. For this reason data with the period of observations more than 50 years from the 26 hydrological water stations were used. Thus statistical row (or sequence) depths of runoff of rain floods amounts to 120-180 values. Keywords: catchment, runoff, flood, water content, temporal changeability, spatial changeability, variation. As is well known in Tisza’s basin floods are formed in a warm period of year (by rain) and also in cold period (by snow and rain). Basically floods happen in cold period of year and amounts to 60-70% from their general quantity. On a warm period of year accounts accordingly 30-40%. The climatic and orographic features further to this because territory of that region is protected from cold arctic air masses and accessible for entrance of moist and warm enough air which moves from Atlantic and Mediterranean during the whole year. That is why Tisza’s basin differs in the condition of moistening. 1000-1400 mm of precipitation falls on average during the year in Carpathians and 1800-2200 mm in some years with abundance of water. Rain floods arises here as a result of intensive rainstorms fallen on mountain slopes with the tilts more than 200-400‰. It caused forming of powerful surface runoff at catchment area of the mountain rivers where the processes of formation of flow happens intensively enough. The amount of precipitation for 24 hours could reach 150-200 mm, that amount to 1,5-2 of monthly standard. Prominent rain floods are caused by rains lasting mainly 2-3 days and in the main areas of runoff forming 200- 250 mm and even to 300-350 mm precipitation falls during this time. On the mountain Tisza’s confluent duration of rain floods are 1-2 days, in low place of confluent and on the river itself which runs in lowland are 3-5 days. Territory of floods in Carpathians is quite sizeable and often to 15000-30000 km2, but sometimes can carry local character (Lukyanets, Sosyedko, 2000). On the basis of correlation and spectral analyses of long-term sequences of yearly runoff were ascertained steady cyclic vibrations and their duration (Lukyanets, for water content floods (1-10 % by frequency) were formed in periods of high water Rainfall floods make the contribution to the corresponding water content. The largest Figure 1. Depthsofrunoff forrainfloodsindifferentwatercontentperiods in thealternationofgroupsyearshighandlowwatercontent(fig.1). general regularity of many year fluctuations of annual runoff. This fluctuation appears possible to see that passage1912-1927, 1940-1955, 1965-1981, 1993-2006 years. Using the selected periods it is of large for volumes water rain content floods were corresponded observed in with the Tisza’s basin 4 or 6-8 years of and high water content floods was adjacent kept. In 20-th century periods catchment of high area in character of variation of runoff issaved. Within the year’s group cyclic with periods 3- water content is 16-17 years and low is 9-13 Sosedko, years. 1998).In this year’s group Accordinglythe certain to the study of these authors a period of time of high depth of runoff, mm depth of runoff, mm 1000,0 600,0 100,0 200,0 300,0 400,0 500,0 100,0 200,0 300,0 400,0 500,0 600,0 700,0 800,0 900,0 0,0 0,0 depth of runoff for rainfloods depth of runoff for rain floods 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 Latorica-Mukatschewo, F=1360км 1962 F=572км Teresva-Ust-Tshorna, 1963 average valuesdepth ofrunoff of rainfloods indifferent for contentperiods water average valuesdepth of runoff of rain floodsin different for watercontent periods 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 years 1973 1974 years 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 2 1982 2 1983 1984 1986 1985 1988 1987 1990 1989 1992 1991 1994 1993 1996 1995 1998 1997 2000 1999 2002 2001 2003 reach 60-65%fromannualvalue. rivers Borshava, Latorica, Ush) the part of during rain rain runofffloods could could bebe even 45-50% (basins ofmore riversTeresva, Tereblja, Rika, riverheadfrom and its to ofTisza)the depth runoffannual value. ofwater On the west averages 20-30% (basins(fig. 2). At some of rich of rain years on the The east of catchmentrain runoff area part range from0,2to1,0,forthedepthsofrunoffof ofwaterfloods-from1,35to2,24. the annual runoffof annual value ofwater depths of of runoffwater arevarieddepending on territoryin sizeable in the value of variation coefficient rivers makes from 0,49 of to 0,6. The asymmetry Tisza’scoefficients basin are basin from 0,21 to 0,32. Fluctuation The of rain variation flood coefficients flow C depths is bigger floods), 2000,2001years. and the 1967, 1968, 1970, 1974, 1978, 1980, and from 1993 observed to in 2006 1941, 1948, -1952, 1955, and from 1964 in to 1995, 1981 years 1998 -(few content from in 1940 1964, to 1965, 1955 years large in volumes (by water content content) floods 4-6 were times within the limits of one period. Thus, in the period of high water depth of runoff, mm 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 400 600 800 200 0 1947 1949 1951 1953 1955 1957 1959 v 1961 of annual value of water flow on the rivers of Tisza’s Teresva - Ust-Tshorna, F=572 км Teresva -Ust-Tshorna,F=572 1963 year depthof runoff 1965 1967 1969 1971 1973 years 1975 depth of runoff for rainfloods 1977 1979 1981 2 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 С s mm - 40-45%oftheTisza’sbasinwithinterritoryUkraine. mm and more, and envelop 8-10 % of territoryin andthe basin of with Tisza maximums were more observed than in 200 mountain of part. exceeding (as Here a map on they fig.reach values 3) 300 showed that the highest values of depthsThe analysis of the spatial of distribution runoff of depths of rain flood runoffwestern partofTisza’sbasinanannualrunoff of 1% alsodecreasesforthesamereason. probability is slightly understated as a other regions. In the riverhead of Tisza located beyond result a mountain bend water runoff of decrease of the basins of moistening Teresva, Tereblja are more frequently created of here in comparison with this territory. for intensificationofrains and formingofrunoffIn intheriverheadsofBorshava, Rika,in Romania. As a result of such location of mountain ranges most favorable conditions area of the greatest Tisza’s basin heights the Carpathian mountains ranges from are formed a the bend. It passes in area south-eastern with the high runoffto occupies bigger south areas. It takes a place direction because on the observed east in of towards Teresva’s basin (confluent of Tisza) - 1000-1250(basins of mm where Dniester catchment and Prut).of Carpathians The (basin of biggest Tisza) 100-250average annual mm higher depthsthan on repeats the distribution of north-eastern precipitation. Depthsslope of of river runoffrunoff on the south-western slope were Distribution of the river runoff over the entire Carpathians region territory generally Figure 2.Thelong-termsequenceofannualdepthsrunoffandforrainfloods depth of runoff, mm 1000 1200 1400 200 400 600 800 0 1947 1949 1951 1953 1955 1957 1959 1961 Latorica-Mukatschewo, F=1360км 1963 year depth of runoff 1965 1967 1969 1971 1973 years 1975 1977 depth of runoff for rain floods 1979 1981 1983 2 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 200 250 150 Schornawa 300 h s Pidpolosja U Simir Ushgorod Maidan Tschop Mukatschewo 300 250 200 Dovge Ust-Tshorna Borshava za Tis Jasinja a sv re 200 Te Rahiv 150 200 Figure 3. The spatial distributing of depths of water runoff during floods of 1% probability of exceeding (mm) in basin of Tisza References Lukyanets O., Sosedko M. (1998): Die Abflussbewertung auf nächste Jahre in den Karpaten unter Berücksichtigung der mehrjaehrigen Abflusschwankungen. - Sammelband der XIX. Konferenz der Donaulaender, Osijek, 393-401. Lukyanets O., Sosyedko M. (2000): Karpaten – die hochwassergefaehrlichste Region in der Ukraine. XX. Konferenz der Donaulaender. Bratislava, S.29..
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