Subject: Art History Survey Code: 105 Credits: 3 Academic bimester: 8 weeks Prerequisite: none Bimester: Spring 2, 2006 Time: 16:35 – 17:55 (in the evening) Profesora: Dra. Summer Brooks CLASSROOM: F 14 Hours of homework: 96

1. COURSE DESCRIPTION An introductory survey of ancient art history from or to Middle Eastern art and similar-timed Pre-Colombian art to Egyptian wall murals, obelisks, stelae, portrait busts, , coffins, mummification, sarcophagi, faience , gold inlay and cloisonné, temples, pylons, and various sculptures,etc. I will present my own original research findings on the pottery designs of the Gram Chichimeccans of Mexico. Students will be required to search local collections of Pre-Colombian art to establish a common thread.

Goals: The student will become familiar with the vocabulary of art in history He or she will know common sites of certain popular works of art. The student will know the material and methods of the creation The student will know certain reasons why the art was created. The student observer may be able to state why these works are commonly accepted as fascinating. The student will be able to express his own feelings about the artworks. The student will be able to compare and contrast the qualities in the works of art. The student will know and appreciate his or her own art history or background.


Rules: This class is participative, and depends on student participation as as my lectures. Each student will be required to conduct one PowerPoint presentation and two other “acetate” presentations or In-focus presentations to the class and no excuse will permit you to receive a “make up” grade when your part is left to other students due to lateness or to unexplained absences. When presenting material which is written, the font size must be in 16 and in bold, like this! The overhead projector is of poor quality and must be compensated for.

Students will also write brief critiques on their favorite works of a similar group or will write comparisons or contrasts of artworks using provided vocabulary and comparative terms or criteria.

Please note that I think it is OK to copy what other experts say but that you need to put the source of your information and the source of any downloaded pictures on the theme’s pages. I prefer the CNN style of reporting, which includes a lot of information and a little commentary of your own. I will carefully explain this to you and I will show you examples. BUT IF YOU FORGET OR INSIST UPON USING THE WORDS OR THE IDEAS OR THE PICTURES OR PHOTOGRAPHS OF ANOTHER PERSON, I WILL

GLADLY SUFFER YOU TO FAIL IN THIS CLASS. This theme must be over 25 pages of phototgraphs and written description properly paraphrased or quoted with a bit of your own assessment.

Procedures: Otherwise, all artworks will be presented in the form of acetatos or other projections to make them seem real. Lecturer will lecture about their uniqueness and students will join in with any relevant art experiences. Please note that certain free and easily downloaded websites remain good sources for your individual study and those stay listed in the bibliography below.

Goals: The student will become familiar with the vocabulary of art in history He or she will know common sites of certain popular works of art. The student will know the material and methods of the creation The student will know certain reasons why the art was created. The student observer may be able to state why these works are commonly accepted as fascinating. The student will be able to express his own feelings about the artworks. The student will be able to compare and contrast the qualities in the works of art. The student will know and appreciate his or her own art background.

3. CLASS SCHEDULE AND WORKLOAD BREAKDOWN DATE CONTENT HOMEWORK (96 HRS.) EVALUATION Subject(s) to be Assignment & number of allotted hours-specify pages How assignment covered will be evaluated 6/28 Introduction, brief overview of syllabus, 16 hours per week rules and plagiarism. http://www.witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html Students must know a list of criteria concerning comparing and Acetatos 10-15. Students required to read about this topic on the contrasting art Witcombe site. http://witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html works. We will start Designed and Maintained by Dr. Christopher L. C. E. Witcombe with list one. In Professor, Department of Art History, Sweet Briar College, Virginia addition, we will Pop quizzes can be given at anytime. investigate E-Prime Students required to read LeRoy McDermott’s article on the 6/29 Translation for Witcombe site active verbs in http://cmsu2.cmsu.edu/~ldm4683/index.htm description. on Comparing Modern Bodies with Prehistoric Artifacts. Full article name is: Self-Representation in Upper Female 7/3& Figurines (by LeRoy McDermott, Central Missouri State Papers and acetates 7/4 University) Time: 1 hour. should show 2 images in color, Homework: Ss must submit a photocopy and an acetate or acetatos of should submit 2 Beginning lecture on two Venus figurines and select one as a favorite and explain why, paragraphs forms using active verbs, according to E-Prime translation. Examples exist explaining each and the Types of in the UEES website at http://[email protected] under the subtitle piece, and another Portable Art. “Valdivia Culture.” brief paragraph Handout on Due date is Sept. 12th. containing one or Interglacial Time Homework: Two hours and class time, 1:25 = 2:25 hrs. two sentences as to Intervals. “Ice Age why you prefer one Chart” and Some to another, using vocabulary. active verbs. No late Self-representation and foreshortening, for the Upper Paleolithic. papers. No passive 7/5 Venuses and Venus verbs. NO Rules of Form COPYING. Animals as Portable Art Engravings or Intaglio on Bone Small Reliefs

7/6 Venus figurines on campus viewed and

in class: Original photos encouraged and how to document them. 7/10 Venus acetatos viewed and OHP, 10 pages. 16 hours a week researching and studying the Discussed. witcombe website Types of Parietal or Ss required to read Signs of Consciousness: Speculations on the Graphic Art Psychology of Paleolithic Graphics, an essay by J. A. Cheyne Drawings, Paintings on Rules of Form. and Engravings http://watarts.uwaterloo.ca/%7Eacheyne/signcon.html Rules of Form for http://witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html Paleolithic Graphic Designed and Maintained by Dr. Christopher L. C. E. Cave Art. Witcombe Professor, Department of Art History, Sweet Briar College, Virginia Also, read and view: 7/11 http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/latest-bozeman.html Continued Rules of Published by the Bradshaw Foundation. Form Lecture as Please Read: Using the evaluation described by J. A. “Hand Paintings,” worldwide above, proceed. Cheyne. Four or more One hour. paragraphs needed this time and one final summary of opinion. NO LATE Lecture Time and HW Time Total: 2:25. PAPERS. No passive verbs.

Lecture Time Total: 1:25. Homework: Ss must compare four Graphic art examples and select any two favorites. Look up “Valdivia Culture” for examples. Due date is on May 9th. HW: 2.5 hours.

7/12 Papers & acetatos More or less 10 min.. viewed and 20-60 min. 17 pages of acetatos. discussed. Total: 1:25 min. Mesolithic Graphic http://www.witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html Art and the Bow and Culture

7/13 and African Rock Art in 10 acetatos and lecture. General and the 1:25 hours. Exciting Possibility http://www.culture.gouv.fr/culture/arcnat/chauvet/en/ of a “Trance Dance” David Lewis-Williams research and David Whitley’s Powerpoint Culture extending Observations about Chauvet cave in France (Please click the Evaluation is made backward in time. Ss title,”witnesses.”) based on large, must study about Also, look at the metis site for an article by David Lewis-Williams: clearly printed words , or big https://metis.uees.edu.ec with large, clear stones. color images and a 16 hours a week observing websites very clear and loud http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/latest-bozema.html voice. Black words Published by the Bradshaw Foundation. printed on a yellow Please Read: background shows “Hand Paintings,” worldwide up best. The speech “Save the Giraffe” from Niger, Africa must last at least 1-5 7/17 “Bolivian Rock Art Sites,” including Valle Grande, Orozas, minutes. Ancient Art in the Peña Colorado, Middle East during El Buey and Calacala. At Palacios, view the “winged serpent” the Iron and Bronze near the graveyard, as the images were near the buried. Age. The first cities. RARI or Rock Art Research Institute of Witwatersrand The advent of http://rockart.wits.ac.za royalty. Stamp seals

and cylinder seals. http://rockart.wits.ac.za/index.php?page=publications Elements and motifs discussed. At least 8 Ss must present a PowerPoint Presentation

about Megaliths and how they were made or their mystery. http://www.witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html

Time 10 minutes each student for 8 = 80 minutes. Time spent as homework 1-2 hours. Power Point Presentation due on Sept 22nd. 7/18 Lecture on Ancient Near East

Evaluation as above.


Ss must read about the Ziggurat at Ur and the general art of the Agean, The Caucasas, the Mesopotamian, etc. on the Witcombe site. Ss must consult with various categories, like jewelry, diadems, burial 7/19 Lecture on Seals and art, seals and sealing, furniture, standards, etc. Ss must know about Sealing and the the “lost wax” method of creating gold or other metal jewelry. homework due about them. Seals Time: One hour and a half. were created in Valdivia and other Homework: Ss also must select two of cylinder seals or stamp seals at th South American this time for comparison and contrast. Due on Sept 29 . cultures. Time: One hour and a half.

7/20 PowerPoint Presentations by Total time: 80 minutes. Eval stated above. Students on Megaliths. http://www.witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html

7/24 Homework on both Homework: Depending upon class size, Ss will present, PowerPoint; a Evaluation stated paper and acetato monument, temple or ancient city or the products of any above. comparing and/or Mesoamerican or South American culture. Ss will compare and contrasting stamp contrst them according to a list of criteria and reach a summary or seals individually conclusion of preference or preferences. presented and Due. HW: 2 hours. discussed. Lecture 1:25

7/25 General Introduction http://www.witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html to Ancient cities,

monuments and temples of a similar time as the Iron or Bronze Age in Mesoamerica or South America or Pre-Colombian Art. 7/26 PowerPoint Eval stated above. Presentations 1:25 hours. 16 hours a week observing websites and researching Pre- presented upon the Colombian artwork for comparison and contrast similar-timed cultures of Pre- http://www.witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html Colombian intent. http://www.civilizations.ca/civil/maya/mmj10eng.html http://incalink.com/CULTURApisac.htm http://library.thinkquest.org/C006206F/ http://www.fotos_mayas_i.htm http://www.geocities.com/culturaarchaic/preh.suramerica.html http://www.educarchile.cl/ntg/mediateca/1605/article_94335.html http://www.google.com/cultures http://www.members.aol.com/cabraken/aztec1.htm#osmonk http://www.vm_kemsu.ru/en/paleolith/plastic/willendorf.htm http://research.famsi.org/kermaya.html http://www.bauerart.com/PC_Olmec2.html http://www.ancientmexico.com/content/gods/index.html

7/27 Lecture about the http://www.witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html design elements and motifs of pottery designs or the Gran Chichimeccans of Mexico 1200-800 AD. Ss must know the difference between a design element and a motif. 7/31 Review on http://www.witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html Paleolithic artworks and Middle Eastern works and Pre- Colombian artworks. 8/1 Paper Exam, the Total time: 1:25 Any student caught mid-term. talking to another Mid-term papers http://www.witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html student during the handed back and mid-term exam will receive 5 points off discussed. his or her paper. If this happens twice, the student will be asked to leave the room and a grade of zero will be given to that student. Evaluations: Paper exam = 100 points. Attendance = 10% and Homework = 40%. 10 plus 40 =50. 50 points gets multiplied by 2 to get 100. Your paper total is added to your HW and attendance total to get an overall total. 2nd Parcial 8/2 Ancient Egypt 1:25 acetatos and 16 hours a week observing websites.

Ancient Egyptian http://www.witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html Art in general and the Timelines: Old Kingdom. Middle Kingdom and Late Period and the dates.

8/3 Ancient Egyptian 1:25 http://www.witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html and Sunk reliefs and Bas Ss will have to present to the class 4 of their favorite Egyptian works of Evaluation is the reliefs, including the art and to talk about them, their history, location and their mystery, if same as those other portrait bust of the any exists. May be PowerPoint. Time 2 hours. PowerPoint elegant Nefertiti and Due June 1st. Presentatons the Colossal Statues except for the criteria of Ramses II. If any Ss are left after the 16 PowerPoint Presentations, they may and the E-Prime choose to Present one on any part of the history of Egypt. 10 minutes verbs. minimum. 2 hours to complete.

Eval is the same as above.

8/3 Ancient Egyptian 1:25 http://www.witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html Faience Pottery and Painting: the significance of the color blue. 8/4 The Pyramids at 1:25 http://www.witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html Giza and the Reign of Three Fathers. Were they really tombs or were they great ceremonial testaments of greatness? 8/7 The Sphinx and the 1:25 in class observing acetates and 16 hours observing the mystery of its true website. http://www.witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html age. Zawi Hawas, Director of Antiquities in Egypt, versus others. 8/8 Ancient Egyptian 1:25 http://www.witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html Obelisks and The Question as to how they were raised.

8/9 Ancient Egyptian 1:25 http://www.witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html Stela and Self- agrandizement.

8/10 Ancient Egyptian 1:25 http://www.witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html Gods and Kings 8/14 Ancient Egyptian 1:25 in class observing acetates and 16 hours observing the Embalming and witcombe website. Mummification. The http://www.witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html

Opening of the Mouth Ceremony and the Ka, Ba and Akh souls.

8/15 Ancient Egyptian 1:25 http://www.witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html Sarcophagi or Stone Coffins or Wooden and plastered Cartonage like that of Lady Madja or Kawit’s sarcophagus. 8/16 Ancient Egyptian 1:25 Funerary Masks and Sites about Akenaten, father of King Tut: Funerary Art and the http://www.mfa.org/egypt/amarna/akh_worship_a/akh_a.html Ultra- beautiful http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN%3D801436583/akhetegyptology Mask of Tut; his A/103_7155433_0278216 “Akenaten and the Religion of the Light” by Eric early death, his Horning and David Lorton. possible murder and Read the review of “The Mysteries of the Copper Scroll of Qumran: The Essene Record of the Treasure of Akenaten,” by Robert Feather. who his parents

were. 8/17 Ancient Egyptian 1:25 http://www.witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html Jewelry, like the gold Diadem of Sat- Yunet-Hathor. Presentation of several themes. 8/17 Ancient Egyptian 1:25 http://www.witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html Furniture, like the throne of Tut and Temples, like the rock cut temple of Hapshetsut, a perfect balance between nature and artifice. Also presentation of several themes by students. 8/17 Egypt reviewed. http://www.witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html Presentation of several more themes. 8/21 Final paper exam of http://www.witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html Evaluations: Theme recognition, = 25% of final grade. identification and Final Paper = 75% of comparison/contrast the final, which is of two artworks. based on 100 points. Discussion of Final Homework is 40% of Paper on the 21st. your grade. Attendance is 10% of your grade. HW and Attendance = 50% X 2, which is 100%. This grade is added to your final percentages and is divided by 2 to get your total.

4. EVALUATION Midterm exam and final exam: 50% Other 50% of grade for each parcial: Quizzes, occassional at 10 points/Homework chats of varying points. First bimester there are four at 10 points each. Second half, there are two chats. At 20 points each.

Class Participation or attendance is 10%

6. CLASSROOM POLICIES A. BEING ON TIME: The class begins at the noted hour. Being late for class is rude and inconsiderate to your instructor and peers. If you are not present by five minutes after the scheduled starting time, you will be recorded or marked as being late. If you are more than 10 minutes late, you will be marked as “absent” in that class, and the rules are that your instructor has the right to deny you entrance into the classroom. If you get 2 late shows, you will be recorded as “absent.” Six absences, and you fail this class and no exceptions are allowed. Consider carefully before you plan to miss a class in cases other than an emergency, (refer to point B) B. ABSENCES: There is absolutely no way that you can be excused from class at any time. In other words, do not come to me asking if you can leave in the middle of a class. If you do this, you will be marked as absent. To be granted an extension on an assignment deadline and/or to make alternate arrangements for an exam in the event of an illness, you must provide a doctor’s note stating your medical condition and symptoms. Generic notes such as, “I request you to excuse student Z on the grounds of being indisposed,” WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY HOMEWORK/ASSIGNMENT GIVEN ON THE DAY OF YOUR ABSENCE. C. HOMEWORK AND ASSIGNMENTS: The submission date indicated by your instructor is binding. NO EXCEPTIONS. Other than under circumstances as outlined under valid reasons, late assignemnts will not be accepted and the student will receive a grade of zero for that submission. D. CLASSROOM CONDUCT: No personal electronic devices such as cell phones, laptops, pagers, etc, are allowed in my classroom. If you have such a device on you, turn it off and put it away and out of my sight. Your in-class behavior is expected to be polite and courteous towards your instructor and fellow classmates. If you behave in a disruptive manner or in a rude manner towards me or any other student, I will issue you a warning. If you disrupt my class again, I will remove you from it and you will be noted “absent” and receive a grade of zero for any assignment of that day. E. CHEATING: Cheating is a serious violation of academic policy and will be dealt with as such. Copying on an exam/assignment and/or passing off someone else’s work as your own can have serious repercussions for your future life. You will not only fail this class, but a letter will be placed in your file. This LETTER could seriously affect your ability to gain acceptance at universities abroad and/or get a job, so, THINK



Otherwise, resources include web-based lists or hotlists and sites, namely, artcyclopedia (http://www.artcyclopedia.com), The Essential Resources for Visual Resources Professionals (http://www.art- design.umich.edu/mother/vrref.html) and the Freeman Institute (http://www.freemaninstitute.com).

Art History Resources on the Web by Chris Witcombe, (http://www.witcombe.sbc.edu/ARTHLinks.html) which is a collection of many web links or sites is of tremendous expanse. This site alone will help build confidence in the acquaintence of tremendous variety of art forms and artists of the world. Since this course is online, there will be no expensive books to purchase.


EBSCO host research databases, specifically ERIC of Educational Resource Information Center. Address: http://search.epnet.com Logon s3238235. Password: password.


NAME: Dra. Summer Brooks HOME PHONE: 2880407 CELL Number : 092444249 EMAIL: [email protected]

DEGREES: BFA, MA, MAT (a TESOL Masters), Ed D (a doctorate in education in TESOL) UNIVERSTIES: New Mexico State University, located in Las Cruces, New Mexico and St. George University, International. London, England

Best Syllabus for Art History for Spring 2