Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, September 13, 1956

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. Lester L. Bennett, . Ronald J. Lutz and , all or Portland, here visiting Electric Plans . Bennett ana Mrs. Companies' Comprehensive here as nnetne , daughters 01 nnle Jefferson, and is fciia s aaugnxer, that Jeff, who Is now for 5 Dams in , Is In the nospitai Big Canyon along line since leg removed. Jr. spent tne weeic- - here from La Grande. Will Mean New Kilowatts Mrs. Willard Gilman 1 n-- 2,415,000 1 Fern. of Alanck has been on his ranch on Power-Huiigr-y . It Is known as the for Pacific Northwest ranch. Mrs. Gerald Slocum from The Dal- - spent the weeK. Morrow, Penny Ka- - Scott of Long Saturday visiting at place. was down most of the 3k there was no logging time, but it was run- - . . t Monaay morning. Mrs. Bob Kingman Friday for sale. They had a to sell. took a truck to Hermiston to the af ir r fr"ini"ifii"'iTr ivmirTiHfT"nr Mrs. Joe Mellor and sunaay visitors in at the Ivan En- - River will be to Mrs. Elmer Matteson This is the way 147 miles of Snake put work: afternoon with the and Ward families at Between Weiser, and the Mountain Sheep dam site the Snake River The was In town for drops 1134 feet in its plunge through a spectacular canyon. five from the Harold dams diagrammed here will put to work ever foot of this fall. They will harness now-wast- ed to 10 bil- . M. club held their energy produce of the year at the lion kilowatt-hour- s of electricity annually to alter- - Thursday 1 1 7 ft. serve Pacific Northwest were 12 present. BROWNLEE progress. flew In to the 340,000 KW Hudspeth q i. mi. T 208 ft. Batty ranches to check HlsMr dam 393 II. OXBOW j cutting for silage. J27.000 KW Httqhl ol dam J0J It. Last Week) . Verne Mccarty re- - 408.000 KW Monday night from Httghl f dam 330 It, they had gone for his mother. Farrens and After thorough investigation, the Federal Power Commission ha 161 ft. to Salem Friday PLEASANT VALLEY .holidays. licensed Company to construct the first three dams in the 864,000 KW H!ghl of dom 934 It. Mrs. Charles Griffin river Construction crews have been working MOUNTAIN SHEEP Fri- - huge development. eight KW , Wash., came In 376,000 I . i - nis parents duck iu mouths on the big Brownlee project. It will produce over half a million H.IgM ol dam 2 It. with tnem. mey II - - . U .. . , kilowatts and provide one million acre feet of useful storage for power a smaii piaut: uuuui Now Olympia where and flood control. Next will come the Oxbow and Hells Canyon develop- waiting approval by the Federal Power Commission is the start strawberries. raise ments, to add over 600,000 kilowatts. Peak capability of the three dams of construction on the Mountain Sheep and Pleasant Valley projects, drove to Hepp- - for some of tne will be 1,300,000 kilowatts. Idaho Power will spend $133,000,000 on next in the power development stairway. Full capability of these two school checkups. Ray the dams and $21,000,000 on new transmission lines. dams will be 1,446,000 kilowatts. They will be built by Pacific North.- - niea mem. Mrs. Clayton Sweek west Power Company, organized by four neighbor utilities to develop i I - in irom spring- large new power sources for the area. Sponsor companies are Pacific the weekend holt- - her. sister, Mrs. Verne Power & Light, Portland General Electric, Washington Water Power family, his sister and Montana Power. Cost of the two dams and transmission lines will and family be all to be . the Jack hweeKs, J $217,000,000, supplied by taxpaying private capital. . Gerald Slocum their trailer house for a while. 1 ) , Mr. and Mrs and son of Long Sunday and Monday the Matteson home Mrs. Bob Kingman This tremendous Snake River development program ilson Is employed In the time helng. is of vital importance totthe entire Pacific Northwest. are eettlng nippy ure down to so ".'s4" Nowhere else in the region can such huge new blocks of lne. rrosi nus m- - e Johnson's melon 4 Tmma , low-co- st be into in time to meet 1 ' power brought production family returned the growth requirements of the critical period beginning evening from Mil 3 in 1960. These are dams that can be new wnere tney went pouring weekend with her kilowatts into the Northwest Power Pool family, the Victor right at the time when needed. , M. club gathered at Griffen home wea Your electric are this rnoon for a surprise companies pressing program for her. iweive in a vigorous effort to fulfill completely their public and she was pre- - th a bed jacket and a On job ol Brownlee dam sit are 800 construction workers. River soon will be service responsibilities. sups. diverted through a tunnel and the dam will rite 395 feet above foundation level. morn- - left Thursday Project will be completed late in 1958. Every of the Pacific Northwest's future power d Alene, icano to study demands shows plainly that more and more power is Williams and - needed twice in 1965 . Barbara McDon- almost as much as we Creek returned home now have available. a. week visiting v " i . v . k fifjp"yr Only by going ahead NOW with large-scal- e developments such as these on the Snake River can we have ' rom, Garland Swan- - POWER FOR PROGRESS. ' Dennis, Noel Dobyns " i - Vi'l j cMnncv went on a ry last week near Bend. This is a time for ACTION not words! Construction 1 rickens of Salem Is nt workers on the power-developme- the home of her job today have the a iamuv. Mr. ana satisfaction of knowjng that the results of their labor will be new kilowatts to support many new jobs in a --- V ) future of makket k opportunity for all. r ;V TITM DAT 13 Noon No. a g. Hlway 30 QRE&ON PACIFIC POWER LIVESTOCK Nv CO. &LIGHT COMPANY t arch-typ- e dom in U. S. will be 534-foo- t Pleasant which Iwmlstoa Highest Valley structure, V Oi9a will half a million acre feet of useful for end flood control. & SOU. OWDOTl provide storage power Your Partner in Since 1910 Heavy-dut- y transmission lines from Snake River will to load Progress Wink. Mgr. project! carry power JO centers throughout repjon. , ,