
Chaos in the Field Theory S-matrix

Vladimir Rosenhaus School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study, Einstein Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540 & Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY 10016

A number of studies have shown that chaos occurs in : the outgoing deflection angle is seen to be an erratic function of the impact parameter. We propose to extend this to quantum field theory, and to use erratic behavior of the many-particle S-matrix as a probe of chaos.


How can we characterize chaos in quantum field the- ory? Based on intuition from studies of chaotic scattering in classical and quantum , we will propose that chaos is visible in the quantum field theory S-matrix. (a) Chaos in classical is characterized by stretching and folding: a region of experiences stretch- ing along unstable directions, with an average rate given by the Lyapunov exponents, along with folding, in or- der to remain confined to a finite region of phase space. An initially localized patch of phase space evolves into a highly complex structure which is spread throughout the available phase space, while still maintaining the same volume as the initial patch, as required by Liouville’s theorem. (b) In quantum systems, the state space is not phase space, FIG. 1: (a) A particle scattering off of three disks. (b) but rather that of the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of A plot from [16] of the outgoing deflection angle as a the Hamiltonian. Quantum systems which are classically function of the impact parameter. The left plot includes chaotic are known to exhibit universal features, such as the full range of impact parameters, while the right plot Wigner-Dyson statistics for energy eigenvalues [1]. Semi- zooms in on a subset. The plot clearly demonstrates classical theory based on the Gutzwiller trace formula chaos: the deflection angle undergoes wild fluctuation [2], a kind of generalization of Bohr-Sommerfeld quanti- under variation of the impact parameter. zation, provides a bridge between the spectral data of the quantum Hamiltonian and the dynamics of the classical system. Chaos in many-body systems and field theories is far the continuum limit of a lattice system, either classical more challenging to study, yet is of essential importance, or quantum. Instead, we will immediately go to the nat- arXiv:2003.07381v2 [hep-th] 28 May 2021 as it provides the microscopic underpinning of thermo- ural of quantum field theory: the S-matrix. dynamics [3–6]. A recent insight has been to extend the In a scattering experiment, one starts with far-separated application of the out-of-time-order correlator [7] - which wavepackets at early times, which interact at intermedi- gives a quantum mechanical analog of a Lyapunov expo- ate times, leading to far-separated wavepackets at late nent - to quantum field theories with a large number of times. The S-matrix is the overlap of the in state with fields [8, 9], such as the SYK model [10–14]. However, the out state. The vast majority of the infinite number a deeper understanding of chaos in quantum field theory of degrees of freedom that a field theory possesses, and will require knowing much more. Certainly within classi- which make it so challenging to study chaos, are never cal mechanics, knowing that there are positive Lyapunov excited in a scattering experiment. exponents does not, by itself, tell one of the full richness The phenomenon of chaos in scattering, while less fa- of chaotic dynamics. miliar than chaos in systems with bounded phase space, In looking for a characterization of chaos in quantum is well-established. We will recall a few canonical exam- field theory, we will neither seek a quantum generaliza- ples in classical and , and then we tion of chaos in classical field theory, nor shall we seek will propose this be extended to the S-matrix in quan- Figure 3: Plot of Snm(E)asafunctionofE, that Smilansky has QMS { }


x (a) (b) (c)

2 2 Figure 4: (a) Hyperbolic space with sides identified, metric is ds2 = dx +dy (b) torus with a cusp y2 (c) plot of the Horn { }

~ 0) are determined by Dyson’s theory for the orthogonal ensemble of random unitary matrices”. ! remove quotes? For most chaotic systems, the S-matrix must be found numerically. A remarkable analytic example is that of a hyperbolic torus with a horn [15] add mathematicians: one cuts out a piece of hyperbolic space and identifies the sides, as shown in Fig. 4. The result is a torus, of negative curvature, that has a “horn” extending to infinfity. One can send ingoing waves from infinity through the horn, and observe the phase shift of the outgoing waves. Integrating over the y direction, the resulting wavefunction is, (2.1)

The S-matrix (equivalently, the phase shift) is expressed in terms of the Riemann zeta-function: an function that, while analytic, is seemingly unpredictable, see Fig. 4 (c). 1

cite Gutzwiller paper and book together; merge the citations 2 3. Chaos in the quantum field theory S-matrix Sec3 { } dx2 + dy2 tum field theory. A special case, which has recently been ds2 = (3.1) y2 discussed, is chaos in the black hole S-matrix [15].We would like to generalize the discussion of chaos in nonrelativistic scattering to relativistic y quantum mechanics. This requires the language of quantum field theory. In quantum field theory,

one computes the n to mS-matrix, p0 ,...,p0 p ,...,p .Inthein state in the asymptotic outh 1 m| 1 niin CHAOS IN SCATTERING 1It is not necessary to use a torus. One could also use a sphere, or a higher genus torus.

4 x A classic example of chaotic scattering, discussed in -1 0 1 [16], is that of elastic scattering of a particle against three (a) (b) fixed disks [17–22], as shown in Fig. 1 (a). The particle enters with some impact parameter, it scatters off of the � three disks, perhaps hitting several of the disks multiple � times, and it emerges at some outgoing scattering angle. � �� ) � � + ( � ζ �� A plot of the scattering angle versus the impact parame- � ) � � + ( � ζ �� -� -� ter is shown in Fig. 1 (b). Strikingly, the scattering angle ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� is a highly erratic function of the impact parameter: the � system is chaotic. (c) The result appears puzzling at first: for most impact FIG. 2: A piece of hyperbolic space is cut out and the parameters, the particle will undergo only a few collisions sides are identified, as indicated in (a). The result is a with the disks before emerging, and restricting to those torus with a cusp that extends to infinity (a “leaky initial conditions would surely not give an erratic scat- torus”), as shown in (b). One considers a quantum tering angle. Indeed, the fraction of impact parameters mechanics scattering problem on the leaky torus. A that lead to the particle spending longer than time T wave is sent into the torus from the end of the cusp, at −γT within the scattering region decays exponentially, e . infinity. The relative phase of the reflected wave However, crucially, there exist infinitely many impact pa- involves the Riemann zeta function: an analytic yet rameters that lead to the particle spending an arbitrarily erratic function, as shown in (c). long amount of time within the scattering region, bounc- ing around between the disks. It is this property which gives the erratic behavior shown in Fig. 1 (b): an ar- bitrarily small range of impact parameters will lead the of the outgoing waves. The solution to the Schr¨odinger particle to scatter into the full range of deflection angles. equation at large y, and after integrating over the x di- The quantum version of a particle scattering off of a rection, is a superposition of an incoming and outgoing 1 −ik 1 +ik potential is much richer. Semiclassically, one can form a wave, y 2 + S(k) y 2 , with the S-matrix, wavepacket of high momentum modes and, for instance, study possible interference effects of classical paths. More generally, quantum scattering is described by the S- Z(1 + 2ik) −x/ S(k) = where Z(x) = π 2Γ(x/2)ζ(x) , matrix, which, in the basis of plane waves, is the overlap Z(1 2ik) − of the in state and the out state, S(~p ~q) = out q p in, (1) where ~p and ~q are the ingoing and outgoing→ momenta,h | i where ζ(x) is the Riemann zeta function, see Fig. 2 (c). respectively. One can alternatively consider a discrete The phase is erratic: even though the Riemann zeta func- basis of states, n , so that the S-matrix is a matrix, tion is analytic, it is seemingly unpredictable. | i Snm(E) = out m n in, where E is the energy of the state. Extrapolatingh | i from examples, Bl¨umeland Smi- lansky [23–25] conjectured that, for systems whose clas- sical analog is chaotic, “the statistical properties of the S-matrix (for ~ 0) are determined by Dyson’s theory CHAOS IN THE → for the orthogonal ensemble of random unitary matrices” S-MATRIX [16]. For most chaotic systems, the S-matrix must be found numerically. A remarkable analytic example is that of a We would like to generalize the discussion of chaos leaky torus [26–29]: one cuts out a piece of hyperbolic in nonrelativistic scattering to relativistic quantum space and identifies the sides, as shown in Fig. 2. The mechanics. This requires the language of quantum field theory. In quantum field theory, one computes the n result is a torus, of negative curvature, that has a cusp 0 0 to m S-matrix, out p , . . . , p p , . . . , pn in, where the extending to infinity [30]. In terms of Fig. 2 (a), y = h 1 m| 1 i along with the three points at y = 0: x = 1, 0, 1, are∞ in state in the asymptotic past consists of n particles identified with infinity. One can send ingoing− waves from with d-dimensional momenta pi, and the out state in the asymptotic future consists of m particles with momenta infinity through the cusp, and observe the phase shift 0 pi. 3

q interacting with the N other particles, will exit with mo- mentum q. The setup is thus like that of a one-to-one S-matrix, p q, in the background of N particles with → momenta pi, see Fig. 3. Finding explicit examples in which the chaos effect in the S-matrix can be computed will be a challenge. Work- ing perturbatively to a few orders in the coupling is not sufficient. Moreover, replacing the background state of N particles pi with a thermal state is not appropriate; this would wash out the chaos [32] p p1 pN Of course, since relativistic quantum field theory sub- sumes non-relativistic quantum mechanics, with appro- FIG. 3: We expect a many-particle S-matrix in priate choices of initial state one can achieve, to arbitrar- quantum field theory to exhibit chaos. The interactions ily good accuracy, scattering in or in occur within the shaded region. In certain settings, one quantum mechanics. For instance, one could take an in may view the collection of particles pi, with state that gives a long-lived intermediate state that looks i = 1,...,N, as analogous to the three disks in Fig. 1. like three disks. It would be interesting to study scatter- ing of a relativistic particle in this background, thereby extending the non-relativistic analysis. One would hope, Proposal however, to also be able to see chaos in the S-matrix in regions of parameter space in which there is no interme- We propose that the N+1 to M+1 quantum field the- diate classical state. ory S-matrix, 0 0 out p1, . . . , pM ; q p1, . . . , pN ; p in , (2) h | i Chaos in the black hole S-matrix in the limit N + M 1, may exhibit chaos in some regions of phase space, in the sense of erratic behavior under variation of some of the individual momenta such There is one case in which chaos in a field theory S as p. -matrix has in a sense already been seen, in the context of a black hole, as discussed in [15], building on earlier work [8, 33–35]. By appropriately sending in a large The motivation for this proposal comes from the ex- number of particles, we can form a black hole as an ample of the three-disk scattering problem discussed in intermediate state, which decays into Hawking quanta the previous section. The quantum field theory S-matrix at late times. The question is what impact a change in is much richer than the one-to-one S-matrix in the me- chanics problem of a particle scattering off of a potential. To imitate the latter, we think of the N particles with momenta pi as playing the role of the potential (the three disks), and the additional particle with incoming momen- tum p and outgoing momentum q as playing the role of the particle scattering off of the potential. We must take N to be large, in order to have a state that is far from the vacuum. Note that in the three-disk problem, a sin- gle disk is already a state that is far from the vacuum; for quantum field theory, each particle is a fundamental excitation, so we need a state with many particles [31]. A possibly instructive setup to study, which models FIG. 4: A sector of the S-matrix which a static potential, is in a theory with two species of exhibits chaos [15]. Incoming particles collide to form a fields, one heavy and one light. The light field is taken black hole as an intermediate state. The green shaded to have an interaction with the heavy field, but no self- region is the interior of the black hole; the edge is the interaction. Taking the N particles with momentum p i horizon. An additional particle falls into the black hole in the in state to be excitations of the heavy field, and (blue line on the right). The dashed vertical line the in particle with momentum p to be an excitation of indicates where the horizon would have been had the the light field, the S-matrix will be concentrated around extra particle not been sent in. The outgoing Hawking N M and p0 p (since N is large, q can differ signif- i i quanta, one of which is shown, are closer to the new icantly≈ from p,≈ with the process still conserving momen- horizon than to the old horizon. tum). The incoming particle with momentum p, after 4 one of the in particles has on the S-matrix. The setup, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS shown in Fig. 4, is the following: we add an additional particle to the in state, so that the in state has N+1 particles, where the additional particle interacts with the I am grateful to U. Smilansky for discussions on others much later, at a time at which they have already chaotic scattering and the three-disk example, and to formed a black hole that is decaying into Hawking B. Shraiman for discussions on the leaky torus. I thank radiation. The effect of the additional particle is to shift C. Cordova, D. Gross, A. Kitaev, and M. Smolkin for the black hole horizon slightly outward. The subsequent helpful discussions. This work was supported by NSF outgoing Hawking quanta find themselves slightly closer grant PHY-1911298 and the Sivian Fund of the IAS.. to the horizon, which in turn causes them to take longer to escape. 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