1988 Olympic Trials Results

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1988 Olympic Trials Results -- u.s. Olympic Trials . PHILLIPS 66/USS LONG COURSE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS ANO U.S. OLYMPIC TEAM SELECTION MEET Univ. of Texas Swim Center Austin, Texas Aug. 8-13, 1988 (50 M) .World Record n Not"nel Record WOMEN 50 Free Aug 13 Ciomp".slllp Rolls 2540n AngelMyers. A6T 2550 lelghann Fnt1erLonghorn 2557 JIll SlerkolLonghorn 2580 JennyThompson. Seacoasl 2563 DoraTorres. HOLM 2567 AnnaPet1ls--. WoodWld 2604 SandyN';lson-BeIl. SP 2609 JeanneDoolan, AI Pnli..s 255911 AngelMyers, A6T 2575 LelghannFot1er, Longhorn 2578 JIll 81erkel.longhorn 2584 OaraTorres HOLM 2594 JennyThompson, Seacoast 2606 AnnaPet1is.Scott, - 2606 SandyNellson-8etI, SP 2611 JeanneDoolan,AI 2613 AllIsonBock. LAPS 26 15 COlWtneyM- longhom 2615 MaryWayle.HOLM 2627 JulIeCooper, RockWOOd 2639 Carrie81"nselter. WVAT 2647 Oana~cher. Gamecock 2648 Lisa ~an CPH 2650 KathyCOffin. A6 2652 GraceCOrnelius, Suburban 2653 PalgeZemina. HOLM 2656 HeatherHageman. COho 2656 LisaODelI Vale 2658 SybIlSmith. UnaC 2660 JennaJohnson, CARO 2665 LeslIeSeward Wllton 2669 DebbieKtnsley. SA 2676 NicoleHats~ff. 81 Pete 2677 SaraLink., CPH 2677 Kim Beat1le.TrinIty 2681 AnlyTldball. G6SC 2661 Anly Brookover,CSU 2684 SusanMIller .KCO 2687 81aceyPor1er,VfiIton 2687 KtrstenWengler, Gopher 2687 NancyDuncan, LRRC 2689 JennllerBrannon. S8SC 2689 MichelleThompson. So 2690 AnlyCaulkins. CPH 2690 NancyOSborne. So 2690 Aim.. Berzins,CARD 2691 DonlelleStrader .Madison 5670 GraceCornelIus. Suburban 5803 leslle Seward.Wi~on 5662 HollyGreen. HOLM 5807 AmyCaulkins. CPH 5669 JennaJohnson, CARO 5809 AJIlson8ock. lAPS 5692 WIIllneyHedgepeth. VACS 5810 SandyNeilson.8eIl. SP 5696 NicoleHalslett, SI Pete 5811 SusanHabermas. RM 5714 MichelleThompson. SO 5816 Jeanne~an.AI 5716 OebbleOanlels, HOLM 5821 Kim 8ryson.S8SC 5719 Vvet1e~bllng, Anderson 5825. NancySchermer. -ne 5722 CarmenCowan. HOLM 5828 MaryPe1ry. 8ulldog 5726 CourtneyM~-. looghoo1 5829 !Hanne8ravis. 81f 5730 LelghannFetter. longhorn 5833JennySus..r.fullerton 5732 OanaDutcher, Gamecock 58J6 Usa 0.0e1l.Yale 5743 AJmeeBerzlns. CARD 5860 VJckiStemper .Schroeder 5747 OebbleIfjnsley, SA 5860 ElizabethMac"'nald So 5749 SusleRab~h, Wolverine 5864 laura Atteberry.Gc Tampa 5750 AnnaPettls-Soott, Wood~nd 58JO Ellzaboth"'Ian. lSU 5754 TracyIgnatosky, ~Iot 58J2 AshleyTappin 88W 5756 KathySmith, SCSC 58J3 CalhyRilch. 8GSC 5756 Suzy8uckovlch. CARD 588J Ka"a Mosdell.SA 5759 Jane!Jorgensen. ~lIon 5884 MissyAJIlnglon. SO 5759 MelanieMorgan, ~t1s 5886 SusanMIller. KCO 5760 KathyCoIf In. A8 5887Karlalifiesler.P\lol 5775 JeanneGibbons. FOX 5904 Karen8urgess. VACS 5782 NancyOsborne. SO 5919 JulIe Coopar.Rockwood 5786 Ifjm Beat1ie.TrinIty 5923 MeianleVal"kl. lak. E". 5787 JanaEllis. HOLM 5930 MissyAll.rt. COPS 5789 PamHayden, M8M 5933 Amy8rookov" .CSU 5789 Usa OonmanCPH 5941 SybilSmith Unat Trina Radke (above) displays the exhilaration of an outsider mak- ing the Olympic team. Radke, mainlya freestyler before this year, had never finished higher than seventh in the 200 fly at a nationals. Yet she took second. A forlorn Origlione (in the lane above Radke) placed third toJust miss out on her final chance. 62 Swimming World/September 1988 ",""""-". '..-,""-"'" ""--",, lll~~~ ::: ::,::"""::, "i~i~ !i~ g&:~ ":~ ~i~ Swimming World/SeDtember 1988 fi u.s. Olympic Trials A T YOUR SERVICE 10021 OaraTorres HOLM 217n MichelleGrlglklne, AYFF 1:0031 MaryTMeagher,OOAC 21801 SummerSanders, CCA Some of the finest U.S. coaches 10041 JanelJorgensen, Wlnon 21837 MaryBlanchard, Dynamo 10062 JulIaGorman, HOLM 21860 ErikaHansen, M8M as well as 1987 Olympic team v0099 MichelleGriglione, AYFF 21868 TanyaWIllIams, M8M 10129 SusanMIller, KCO 21900 SusanHabermas, RM v0140 WhnneyHedgepeth, VACS 21902 WhltneyHedgepeth, VACS members to Instruct you v0144 LaOonnisLoury, NA 21933 Julia Gorman,HOlM v0149 JIll Sterkel,Longhom 21965 KatyArris, OOAC In their specialties 10156 KaraMcGrath, Una" 21gn AmyCavanagh, Dynamo 10159 GraceCornelIus, Suburban 22011 AmyShaw,MVN 10164 PaigeWIlson,AB 22012 Usa Summers,:Jynamo 10181 Lori Holmes,BGSC 220 14 SusanRapp, CARO Don Gambril's Gold Medal Series 10194 PamHayden, MBM 22036 Suzy8uckovich, CARO v0209 JennaJohnson, CARO 22042 GwenOeMaat, Wolverine Each tape in the GOLD MEDAL SERIES v0212AngieWester,Fremont 22063 JanelJorgensen, Wlllon 10218 KeneyOavies Longhorn 22064 NadineTakai, Rainbow provides Olympic highlights, winning 102 18 PamelaMinthorn Curl 22073 8rookeHanley, IVNA techniques, training and motivation by 10219 LauraWafker,CPH 22093 JennlterTripp, FlST 10220 HonyGreen: HOLM 22121 KarenKraemer, Woodside Coach Don Gambril and the top U.S. 10220 ShannonHaverstad\. MBM 22145 Julie Terrill, SA Olympic swimmers in each event. Us- 10227 MonicaWard, RAA 22147 AnneTweedy, SCSC 10233 MelanieBuddemeyec PIlls 22148 CatherineCaprlles, AlTOS ing underwater, slow-motion and freeze. 10237 AnneMartin. KCB 22157 BetsyO00nnell, F9X frame photography, they offer exten- 10240 NancyMarley, PIne Crest 221JO Ann. Patterson,S8SC 10250 SarahWels. SYL 221J3 lori Wer1hAI sive instruction to help the beginner, 10254 BarbPrangec Coho 22183 KarinLaBerge, FOX 102B5 KristenEnas Pltts 22194 Jan Kommer1lng,Clemson as well as the serious competitor, im- 10267 StacyPottec Oynamo 22206 SusanJohnson, M8M prove his performance. S72.45 each. 10269 CrissyAhmann, CTSC 22215 Jill Johnson CARO v0275 GinaBrown SValley 22217 CathyRltch 8GSC 10293 OarcyOrdemann, Una" 22219WendyMeyers,lVG 10300 Lori Rea,WSC 22230 MelissaSkinner , NOVA 10302 Lisa Pereira.Woodslde 22234 Kim Bryson SBSC BACKSTROKE-Coach Gambril and 10305 OarleneWatta. BO 22236 SheIlaTaormina, C'vllle 10306 ChristineCook, Una" 22240 LaurenCur1ls Wllton FREESTYLE-Rowdy Gaines gives in- Rowdy Gaines discuss everything from 10306 HeidiHannenlan. Seacoast 22245 TaraReynolds, COR sight into his "classic" freestyle form. getting started in the stroke to refine- 10314 KrlsllKlggans,Longhorn 22249 TracyIgnatosky, PIlot v03t8 AlIciaWalkec SRV 22252 LauraVitcenda, ACES Includes actual footage of Rowdy's ment of techniques at the Olympic v0326 SuzyBuckov;;h CARD 22252 lea Loveless,Badger level. Film clips of Dave Wilson, Rick 10330 SusanLeupold, AYFF 22258 StephanieBrinser, Una" 1984 gold medal win. Covers starts, 10337 LauraDeVore BSS 22278 PauletteRussell, CJAC turns and the importance of executing Carey and other Olympic backstroke 10362 AngieFarlss, RVAA 222J9 OorseyTierney, Lakeside 10374 Mary Petry,Bulldog 222J9 Cour1neySearcy RaleighY them correctly. swimmers and slow-motion analysis of 10382 KarenMclntyre. Saluki 22290 GarlandOKeette, S Creek the skills they utilize for backstroke 10385 Terri O'Loughlin.CCA 22292 JennyGralhwohl, CPM 10388 JulIeReid, Wilton 22313 Julie Cooper,RoCkwood BREASTSTROKE-Coach Gambril and sprint and distance events. 10394 MaryJo Moavero.LESD 22314 JanaBlis, HOlM 10398 AndreaNiedermeyec COPS 22329 VirginiaMcGrath, Atomic Steve Lundquist discuss the history 104 19 MlssyMcCracken. Carmel 22332 Erk:aJude FoothIlls and evolution of this stroke. Demon- Don Gambril's Classic Series 10419 Lynda-BelhHughes. ~ 22352 CindyBradtord, M8M 10491 GanHuttenlochec Una" 22355 TricmJackson, MBM strations of proper body position, tim- Men's Swimming-Expert technical in- 10493 MonicaKoyama. SEMS 223J2 laura Gandrud,Edina ing and mechanics by the U.S. gold 10494 KandisPerry. MVN 22383 OarcieEcker1, NJW struction from top coaches for sprint 10505 Kristin Kuhlman,GBSC 22435 MindyGehrs Huntsville medalists. and distance freestyle, back, breast 10506 KristenPott, NBAC 22465 HeatherRayNBAC 10539 LeighMetcan. DWLS 2250B StephanieRosenthal, MBM and fly. S52.45 each. 10557 MindyGehrs Huntsvine 22534 KarenBurgess, VACS BUTTERFLY-Race footage of the top 10893 SharonBudney NJW 22542 Kris Neldhoefer,lC Swimming Techniques- Teaching and 22550 Terri O'loughlln CCA stars, World Record Holder Mary T. learning techniques for sprint and 200 Ay Aug 13 22561 LauraHallin lSU ChampionshipAnats 2:2563 SusannahMIller, IVNA Meagher and Pablo Morales, with an distance free, butterfly, breaststroke 209 13 MaryT MeaghecDDAC 225JO VanessaRichey AA analysis of their particular kick and and backstroke. S62.45 each. 21132 Trina Radke.FOX 225JO GinnyGritllth, Waynesboro 21157MlchelleGrigIIone,AYFF 22600 CarolFellon, MVN stroke techniques. Gambrll and Lurid- Coaches' Drills-Featuring tried and 21163 PamHayden, MBM 2260t SheIlaConway, CSP quist review their performances, give tested drills for freestyle, backstroke, 21231 KaraMcGrath Una" 22718 KristinKuhlman GBSC 21234 JulIa Gorman,HOlM 2n41 LaOonnisLoury, NA tlps on body position, water entry, breaststroke, butterfly, and starts and 21295 KeneyOavies Longhorn 22827 CatherineAckerman, Curl drills and dryland exercises. 21310 PamelaMlnthorn Curl 22832 PameiaFranklin, Una" turns. S62.45 each. PreHm. 22840 TricmTyner Carmel 21041 MaryT MeaghecODAC 231J8 Usa Meyers MVN 21187 PamHayden MBM 21247 KaraMcGralh, Una" 480 IM Aug 8 H252 TrinaRadke, FOX ChampionshipRnots 21288 PamelaMinthom, Curl 438580 JanetEvans Fuller1on Mail to: FOREIGN COUNTRIES NOTE: 21296 MichelleGriglione AYFF 110405, 21362, 335401 Cassettes are available in the NTC system only H367 TamiBruce HOLM 44237 ErIcaHansen, MBM Swimming World 21372 KelleyOavies.Longhorn 44521 M-e Gtigl"'"', AYFF P.O. Box 45497 Please check for compatability with your machine. 21385 Julia Gorman,HOLM 44840 MdreaHayes, GPAC 21394 TanyaWIlliams. MBM 449JO GattandO'Kse!te, S Creek Los Angeles, CA 90045 21459 ShannonHalverstad" MBM 45085 KatoWelch, S Creek 21489 JanelJorgensen winon 45"91 TanyaWHloms, M8M 21490 SarahWeis. SYL 45379 S\NfWTH!fSa00... CCA Gold Medal Series Classic Series 2"570 MichelleRichardson,
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